Bibliography 503 - Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook
Bibliography 503 - Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook
Bibliography 25221. 25222. 25223. 25224. 25225. 25226. 503 — WOLF, HEINZ: Deutsch-judische Emigrationshistoriker in den USA und der Nationalsozialismus. Bern: Lang, 1988. 557 pp. (Geist und Werk der Zeiten, Nr. 74.) — YESHIVA UNIVERSITY MUSEUM, New York: The German Jews of Washington Heights. An oral history project produced by Junior High School students, under the auspices of the Yeshiva University Museum. New York, 1987. 60 pp., illus., ports., facsims., map. — ZUR MUHLEN, PATRIK von: Fluchtziel Lateinamerika: die deutsche Emigration 1933-1945; politische Aktivitdten und soziokulturelle Integration. Bonn: Verlag Neue Gesellschaft, 1988. 335 pp., bibl. (315-333). (Forschungsinstitut der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Reihe: Politik- und Gesellschaftsgeschichte, Bd. 21.) MODE, MARKUS: Von Chinas Grenzen bis zum Euphrat: Marc Aurel Stein (1862-1943): Orientalist, Archdologe, Forschungsreisender. [In]: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift Univ. Halle, Jg. 37, H. 5, Halle, 1988. Pp. 113-117, notes. [Sir M. A. Stein, Nov. 26, 1862 Pest, H u n g a r y - O c t . 26, 1943 Kabul, studied in Germany, lived in India from 1887, became British citizen in 1904.] SEITZ, REINHARD H.: Nathan Michael Ries/Michael Reese (1815-1878), ein amerikanischer Pionier aus Hainsfarth. [In]: Geschichte und Kultur der Juden in Bayern: Lebenslaufe [see No. 24974]. Munchen: Saur, 1988. Pp. 135-142, port., notes. [Same volume contains also the essays: Michael Hahn, 1830-1886: Gouverneur von Louisiana (Henry Marx, 153-156). Oscar Saloman Straus, 1850—1931, amerikanischer Diplomat und Politiker (Henry Marx, 183-188, illus.).] [A section (pp. 332-335) on Bavarian Jews in the USA is also included in the catalogue: 'Siehe, der Stein Schreit aus der Mauer', see No. 24976.] WERTHEIMER, JACK, ed.: The American synagogue: a sanctuary transformed. A centennial publication of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1988. 433 pp., illus., tabs., index (416-433). [Incl.: Ethnic-religious ambiguities in an immigrant synagogue: the case of New Hope Congregation (Benny Kraut, 231-273; Cincinnati German-Jewish Orthodox congregation). Choosing a synagogue: the social composition of two German congregations in nineteenth-century Baltimore (Marsha L. Rozenblit, 327-363). Further contributions refer also passim to German Jews.] II. RESEARCH AND BIBLIOGRAPHY A. Libraries and Institutes 25227. 25228. 25229. 25230. 25231. 25232. INSTITUT FUR DEUTSCHE GESCHICHTE, Universitat Tel-Aviv. Tel Aviver Jahrbuch fiir deutsche Geschichte. Hrsg. im Auftrag des Instituts fiir Deutsche Geschichte von Shulamit Volkov [und] Frank Stern. Gerlingen: Bleicher, 1988. XII, 431 pp., illus. [Articles referring to German-Jewish history are listed according to subject.] INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY JEWRY, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Studies in Contemporary Jewry. An annual. 4. The Jews and the European crisis, 1914-21. Ed. by Jonathan Frankel. New York; Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1988. XIII, 431 pp., notes. [Cont. the sections: Symposium: The Jews and the European crisis, 1914-21 (3—174). Essays (175294). Review essay & Books in review (295-423). Recently completed doctoral dissertations (424—427). Articles referring to German-Jewish history are listed according to subject.] LEO BAECK INSTITUTE. Bulletin des Leo Baeck Instituts. Nr. 79-81. Hrsg. von Joseph Walk, Sarah Fraiman und Itta Shedletzky, unter Mitarbeit von Tamar Laakmann. Frankfurt am Main: Judischer Verlag bei Athenaum, 1988. 95; 82; 102 pp., notes. [3 issues.] [No. 79 inch: Namensregister 1987 (pp. 89-95). Individual contributions are listed according to subject.] Selected reviews. Dreissig Jahre Bulletin des LBI (Joseph Walk) [in]: Mitteilungen des Verbandes ehemaliger Breslauer in Israel, No. 52, Tel-Aviv, 1988, p. 4. Nr. 76/1987: Bulletins des LBI im Dienste judischer Geschichtswissenschaft (R.G.) [in]: Isr. Wochenblatt, Nr. 21, Zurich, 27. Mai 1988, p. 45. Nr. 78/1987: Dreissig Jahre lang LBI-Bulletin (Simon Lauer) [in]: Isr. Wochenblatt, Nr. 28, Zurich, 15. Juli 1988, p. 38. — Leo Baeck Institute Year Book XXXIII. Emancipation and defence. Ed.: Arnold Paucker. London: Seeker & Warburg, 1988. XIII, 594 pp., illus., ports., facsims., tab., footnotes, bibl. (469-572). [Cont.: Preface (Arnold Paucker, IX-XIII; incl.: Commemoration of the November Pogrom 1938, p. IX, illus. Individual contributions are listed according to subject.] Selected reviews. LBI Year Book XXXIII: LBI veroffentlicht 33. Jahrbuch (hm) [in]: Aufbau, Vol. 54, No. 25, New York, Dec. 2, 1988, p. 16. LBI Year Book XXXII: Zur 504 25233. 25234. 25235. 25236. 25237. Bibliography Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland (Wilhelm Treue) [in]: Vierteljahrschrift fur Sozialund Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Bd. 75, H. 3, Wiesbaden, 1988, p. 364. — LBI Jerusalem. E. M. Lilien, 'Jugendstil', and cultural Zionism. International conference. [See No. 25697.] — LBI London. The History of German-speaking Jews in the United Kingdom. Seminar at Clare College, Cambridge. [See No. 24908.] Juden als Tra'ger burgerlicher Kultur in Deutschland. Internationaler Kongress. [See No. 24912.] — LBI NEW YORK. Library and Archives News. Ed.: Gabrielle Bamberger. Nos. 27-28. New York: Leo Baeck Institute, Winter & Summer/Fall 1988. 8; 8 pp. [2 issues.] LBI News. Ed.: Gabrielle Bamberger. Nos. 55-56. New York: Leo Baeck Institute, Winter & Summer/Fall, 1988. 16; 16 pp., front illus., illus., ports., facsims. [2 issues.] [No. 55 incl.: World War I and its aftermath (1-9, illus., a.o., of Leo Baeck as Jewish Army Chaplain). Transl. of the address delivered at the dedication ceremony of the new synagogue in Mannheim, Sept. 13, 1987, by its former rabbi and president of the Mannheim Jewish community appointed in 1933 (Max Gruenewald, p. 11). No. 56: A remembrance . . . : 'Kristallnacht' - November 9/10, 1938 (1-7, illus.). Obituary: Ernst Simon, 1899-1988, in memoriam (Max Gruenewald). Both issues incl. reports on LBI New York events and on its collections in library and archives.] GRUENEWALD, MAX: A custodian of our heritage: on Fred Grubel's eightieth birthday. [In]: AJR Information, Vol. 43, No. 11, London, Nov. 1988. P. 2. [F.G., Director of the New York LBI.] — RUBSAAT, HUBERT: Sie waren Deutsche und wollten es bleiben: Versuchejudischer Selbstbehauptung zwischen 1933 und 1938. Politisches Feature. Funkmanuskript zur Sendung am 12. Feb. 1986, 21.00-22.00 Uhr. Hamburg: Norddeutscher Rundfunk, 1986. 28 pp. [Mimeog., available in the LBI London.] [Radio feature on the LBI International Historical Conference in Berlin, Oct. 28-31,1985 (see Nos. 21839-21840/YB XXXI & the conference volume No. 22913/YB XXXII).] SALOMON LUDWIG STEINHEIM INSTITUT fur deutsch-judische Geschichte, Universitat Gesamthochschule Duisburg: Forschungsbericht 1986-1987. (Red.: Margret Heitmann, Marion Miiller.) Duisburg (Biirgerstr. 15): Salomon Ludwig Steinheim-Institut, 1988. 41 pp. — Juden als Tra'ger burgerlicher Kultur in Deutschland. Internationaler Kongress. [See No. 24912.] 25238. WIENER LIBRARY, London. The Wiener Library Newsletter. Ed.: A. J. Wells. Vol. 3, Nos. 1 & 2 (Winter 1987/88); No. 3 (Spring) - No. 4 (Autumn). London, 1988. 3 issues (4 pp. each), illus. [No. 3 incl.: Vienna, March 1938 (Martin Goldenberg, pp. 1-2). See also No. 25490]. [For Wiener Library exhibitions see Nos. 25252, 25489.] 25239. — ARONSFELD, C. C : AUS der Fruhzeit der Wiener Library: Erinnerungen an die Judische Informationszentrale in Amsterdam. [In]: Gedenkschrift fur Bernhard Brilling [see No. 25609]. Hamburg: Christians, 1988. Pp. 246-256. B. Bibliographies and Catalogues 25240. Biographisches Lexikon zur Weimarer Republik. Hrsg. von Wolfgang Benz und Hermann Graml. Miinchen: Beck, 1988. 392 pp., bibl. [Cont. about 500 biographical entries, also on German Jews prominent in Weimar Germany.] BRATKOWKSY, JOAN. G.: Yiddish linguistics: a multilingual bibliography. [See No. 24947.] 25241. EDELHEIT, ABRAHAM J./EDELHEIT, HERSHEL: The Jewish world in modern times: a selected, annotated bibliography. London: Mansell; Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1988. XIX, 569 pp., indexes of authors, titles, subjects. [Lists all English-language books of major importance on world Jewry and on individual Jewish communities from the midseventeenth century, and a select number of pamphlets and articles; refers to German Jewry in the chaps.: The emancipation and transformation of European Jewry; Antisemitism; The Jewish community; The Holocaust.] FUKS, LEO and RENATE: Bibliography of Yiddish books and periodicals, published and printed in Germany 1919-1929. Tentative list. [See in No. 24950.] Bibliography 25242. 25243. 25244. 25245. 25246. 25247. 25248. 505 GERMANIA JUDAICA, Kolner Bibliothek zur Geschichte des deutschen Judentums: Bestandskatalog I: Regional- und Lokalgeschichte. Bearb.: Christa Aretz, Ulrike Padberg. Red.: Holger Scheerer. Koln: Germania Judaica, 1988. IV, 187 pp. [Catalogue covers German, Austrian, Czechoslovakian, and Swiss Jewish history incl. the Nazi period, lists about 1500 titles of books, articles and manuscripts on regional (pp. 1-48; 177-179) and local history (pp. 49176; 180-187) published up to 1986/87.] HESSISCHES STAATSARGHIV, Darmstadt: Judaica im Staatsarchiv Darmstadt. Bd. 2: Judische Personenstandsregister (Judenmatrikel) fir die Provinzen Oberhessen und Starkenburg 1788-1875. Bearb. von Friedrich Boss. Darmstadt: Hessisches Staatsarchiv, 1988. 103 pp. (Repertorien des Hesischen Staatsarchivs Darmstadt, 13, Bd. 2.) [For vol. 1 see No. 18051 /YB XXVII.] HEUER, RENATE, ed.: Bibliographia Judaica: Verzeichnisjudischer Autoren deutscher Sprache. Bd. 3: S-Z. Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 1988. 252 pp. [For vols. 1-2 see Nos. 18979/YB XXVIII & 21022/YB XXX.] LOWENTHAL, ERNST G.: Juden in der Gegenwartsforschung: ein deutsches Projekt und eine amerikanische Studie. [In]: Gedenkschrift fur Bernhard Brilling [see No. 25609]. Hamburg: Christians, 1988. Pp. 257-265. Post-war publications on German Jewry; a selected bibliography of books and articles 1987. Compiled by Irmgard Foerg and Annette Pringle. [In]: LBI Year Book XXXIII, London, 1988. Pp. 469-572. Die Rothschild"sche Bibliothek in Frankfurt am Main. (Hrsg. von der Gesellschaft der Freunde der Stadt- und Universitats-Bibliothek Frankfurt am Main. Red.: Jochen Stollberg.) Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 1988. 188 pp., illus., bibl. (Frankfurter Bibliotheksschriften, Bd. 2.) WALK, JOSEPH, ed.: Kurzbiographien zur Geschichte der Juden 1918-1945. [See No. 24941.] WALL, RENATE: Verbrannt, verboten, vergessen: kleines Lexikon deutschsprachiger Schriftstellerinnen 1933-1945. [See No. 25733.] ZIMMERMANN, MOSHE: Jewish history and Jewish historiography in the new German historiography. [In Hebrew]. [In]: Studies in historiography; collected essays. Ed. by Moshe Zimmermann [et al.]. Jerusalem: Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History, 1987. Pp. 223-243. [On West German historiographers' attitudes towards Jewish history during the last quarter century.] III. THE NAZI PERIOD A. General 25249. 25250. 25251. 25252. Communal & regional histories referring to the Nazi period and already fully listed in section IB (Nos. 24956-25159) are not cross-referenced in section III; for the Nazi period see the numbers above. All publications, including communal & regional histories, dealing particularly with the NOVEMBER POGROM 1938 are combined under the heading (Nos. 25366-25493) without additional cross-reference in section III under the name of the places or regions. AHLEN. GUMMERSBACH, HANS-W.: Der Weg nach Auschwitz begann auch in Ahlen: vergessene Spuren der judischen Gemeinde einer westfalischen Stadt. Mit Beitragen von Diethard Aschoff, Christian Jahnke und einem Wort zum Geleit von Heiner Lichtenstein. Ahlen: B. Sommer, 1988. 313 pp., illus., ports., facsims. [Incl.: Liste der in der Deportation umgekommenen Ahlener Juden (290-297).] ANGRESS, WERNER T.: Between fear and hope: Jewishyouth in the Third Reich. Transl. by Werner T. Angress and Christine Granger. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1988. XIV, 187 pp., illus., documents, notes, bibl. (173-179). [Chronicles the political and social terror that faced a select group of teenagers in an agricultural training programme at Gross-Breesen on the eve of World War II; for orig. German edn. and contents see No. 22057/YB XXXI.] Aus Nachbam wurden Juden - Ausgrenzung und Selbstbehauptung 1933-1942. [Begleitbuch zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung.] Hrsg. von Hazel Rosenstrauch. Mit Fotos von Abraham Pisarek, Erinnerungen von Ruth Gross und Briefen der Familie Konigsberg. Berlin: Transit Buchverl., 1988. 166 pp., illus., ports., facsims. [A. Pisarek, 1901 Lodz - Apr. 24, 1983 Berlin, brought up in Berlin, photographer for the democratic press in Berlin and later for the Reichsvertretung der deutschen Juden, survived in Berlin with the help of his Gentile wife.] AUSTRIA. Anschluss, Marz 1938-1988. The Anschluss exhibition under the auspices of The