WWW.DXPATROL.COM +351965626669


WWW.DXPATROL.COM +351965626669
EZ-wire it´s a antenna with 16 meters long. it does not need radials or ground
connections. Full coverage of all HF bands from 160m to 10m. Max Pwr 1KW, Max
SWR 1:3 EZwire works well on several configurations : Horizontal, Vertical, Sloper,
L and Zig-Zag. EZ-wire is a perfect antenna for limited spaced areas.
EZ-Wire für CT1FFU Antenne mit einer Gesamtlänge von 16m benötigt keine
Radials oder Erde. Empfang auf allen HF-Bändern, einfache Abstimmung, SWR
sehr niedrige Rate von Max Power 1kW CW
EZ- Wire antenna por CT1FFU Antena com comprimento total de 16m Não
necessita de radiais ou terra.
Cobre todas as bandas de HF Fácil sintonia taxa de SWR muito baixa Potencia
Max. 1kw CW
[email protected]
POBOX-38 2504-909 - Caldas da Rainha - Portugal