Concept One


Concept One
Tuesday, 31 May 2016
Wir im Raum, Am Krögel 2, 10179 Berlin
Concept One-Pager
ICT4Refugees: The potentials of innovative technologies to address current challenges
There are currently 60 million people worldwide that are forcibly displaced. In light of the continuing
challenges refugees face in host countries, such as limited access to labour markets or educational opportunities, we need to consider new approaches. Information and communications technologies (ICT)
provide one such important way to develop innovative and empowering solutions for improved living
conditions for refugees.
This full-day conference organised by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
(BMZ), in cooperation with betterplace lab and Kiron Open Higher Education, focuses on the potentials of
ICT in the context of forced displacement. Within the broader themes of “ICT for stability”, “ICT to tackle
challenges in camps”, and “ICT for education”, the conference will present findings of field research carried out in Greece, Jordan and Turkey by betterplace lab and Kiron Open Higher Education.
The conference brings together a variety of stakeholders beyond the traditional development sphere, such
as from the technology community, start-ups, grassroots initiatives, and refugee communities. Together,
we will discuss concrete ways in which ICT can achieve sustainable responses to the current protracted
refugee situations.
Inspirational speakers will provide insights from different perspectives in order to enable a dialogue and
synthesis between decision-makers, policy experts, practitioners, designers and refugee innovators.
In cooperation with
Tuesday, 31 May 2016
Wir im Raum, Am Krögel 2, 10179 Berlin
Reception & accreditation
Welcome & opening words
Parliamentary State Secretary Thomas Silberhorn,
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and
ICT for stability
Presentation of field research
Job opportunities, entry to the labour market and
access to entrepreneurship are limited for refugees in most host countries. Nonetheless, innovative
approaches with the help of digital tools and new
technologies offer potential solutions to make use
of existing skills and thereby also contribute to
strengthening the local economy.
ICT to tackle challenges in camps
Presentation of field research
Interview session
Refugees, camp coordinators, and aid workers face
a number of particular challenges in refugee camps.
By coordinating and analysing current needs, digital tools can facilitate the exchange and distribution of information and make self-empowerment
possible. Ideas and innovation often evolve on the
ground with and by refugees as direct answers to
their needs.
Which digital tools are currently in use, and who
benefits from these? What are the challenges in
implementing effective digital approaches? What
is the support needed to successfully implement
evolving solutions?
How can refugees contribute their capabilities,
knowledge and experiences to the local economy?
How can digital tools support their integration into
the labour market? What conditions are necessary
in order to also support economic rehabilitation in
countries of origin in the medium and long term?
Interview participants
Andrew Lamb, Field Ready
Gökhan Erkutlu, Support to Life Turkey
Interviewer: Fadhumo Musa Afrah, motivational
speaker/former social worker at Dadaab refugee
Paula Schwarz, Startupboat & StartupAID
Asem Hasna, Refugee Open Ware (ROW)
Lucas von Zallinger, Capgemini
Followed by a live demo presentation
Followed by a Q&A
In cooperation with
Tuesday, 31 May 2016
Wir im Raum, Am Krögel 2, 10179 Berlin
Keynote speaker
Opportunities of ICT and innovation in the refugee
context: Recommendations for German development cooperation
How can digital tools help adapt educational offers to difficult contexts? How can ICT improve the
access to and quality of education? What are the
prerequisites for successful implementation?
Kilian Kleinschmidt, Innovation and Planning
Agency (IPA) and former UNHCR Zaatari camp
Becky Telford, UNICEF Global Innovation Centre
Muy-Cheng Peich, Libraries Without Borders
Markus Kreßler, Kiron Open Higher Education
Followed by a Q&A
Followed by a Q&A
Keynote speaker
Mobilising the tech community in response to
the refugee crisis
Coffee break
Keynote speaker
Mike Butcher, Techfugees
Sara Baddar, Endless Computers
Followed by a Q&A
Followed by a Q&A
ICT for education
Concluding remarks
Dr. Katrin Bornemann, Senior Policy Officer
“Digital World”, Federal Ministry for
Economic Cooperation and Development
Musical performance & get-together
Presentation of field research
Presentation of a new collaboration with
Kiron Open Higher Education in Jordan
Lack of perspectives and opportunities affects the
lives of many refugees in host countries. Education
not only provides an outlook and hope for better
living conditions but also enables refugees to build
up skills for the future. As access to education cannot be guaranteed by local schools and universities,
digital solutions can provide alternative channels
for education.
In cooperation with