answer booklet_23_11_12.indd


answer booklet_23_11_12.indd
Question Mark Cards
Look for the number on your “Question Mark” card and find it in the list below. Next, find the category (blue = a,
green = b, orange = c) on the list and check your answer. When the card asks for a number of words you will find
examples in this answer booklet (e.g. = Beispiel). Your answer may be different, but still correct. Ask your teacher
for help, if necessary.
Card No. Answer
(1) a)
(2) a)
(3) a)
(4) a)
(5) a)
(6) a)
(7) a)
(8) a)
(9) a)
(10) a)
apple, banana, orange, lemon, pineapple, mango, strawberry, blueberry, etc.
tomato, onion, broccoli, corn, lettuce, cucumber, cauliflower, spinach etc.
arrive – arrived – arrived
I read a newspaper for breakfast every day.
chair, bed, table, wardrobe, cupboard, desk, couch, shelf, armchair, etc.
be – was/were – been
The sun rises in the East.
bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, living room, sitting room, garage, study, etc.
beat – beat – beaten
Mary lives in Berlin.
sun, sunflower, butter, cheese, corn, mailbox, chick, lemon, school bus, etc.
begin – began – begun
My favourite movie is “Titanic”.
tomato, blood, rose, fire truck, ketchup,
stop sign, lipstick, etc.
bet – bet – bet
What is your telephone number?
coal, ink, black board, coffee, space, shoe polish, shoes, etc.
break – broke – broken
John and Amy are best friends.
head, arm, leg, belly, back, hand, foot, knee, toe, finger, chest, bottom, etc
blow – blew – blown
Where are you from? / Where do you come from?
dog, cat, cow, sheep, butterfly, spider, guinea pig, rabbit, turtle, snake, etc.
become – became – become
I don’t have a sister but I have a brother.
Germany, France, England, Spain, Italy, Denmark, Poland, Ireland, etc.
bring – brought – brought
Is your father a journalist?
Barack Obama, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, etc.
(11) a)
(12) a)
(13) a)
(14) a)
(15) a)
(16) a)
(17) a)
(18) a)
(19) a)
(20) a)
build – built – built
What are you going to do tomorrow? / What will you do tomorrow?
I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they
buy – bought – bought
Paul is reading a book (at the moment).
my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their
catch – caught – caught
My mother’s name is Sandra and she is 45 years old.
spring, summer, autumn/fall, winter
choose – chose – chosen
How do you spell “beautiful”?
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
cost – cost – cost
What does “Sekretärin” mean in English?
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
cut – cut – cut
Tomorrow I am going to / I will go shopping.
mother, father, daughter, son, sister, brother, grandma, grandpa, cousin, etc.
do – did – done
Where does the Queen of England live?
knife, fork, spoon, teaspoon, butter knife, etc.
drink – drank – drunk / drunken
Jake is a good policeman.
T-shirt, shorts, skirt, bathing suit, bikini, sandals, flip flops, hat, etc.
dream – dreamed / dreamt – dreamed / dreamt
Is your name Amelia – No, it isn’t.
pullover / jumper, sweater, trousers, pants, scarf, gloves, hat, etc.
drive – drove – driven
I’m not married.
swimming, sunbathing, baseball, bird watching, water skiing, diving, etc.
eat – ate – eaten
I have two daughters, they are twins.
(21) a)
(22) a)
(23) a)
(24) a)
(25) a)
(26) a)
(27) a)
(28) a)
(29) a)
(30) a)
(31) a)
(32) a)
skiing, ice skating, sledding/sledging, hiking, building a snowman, etc.
fall – fell – fallen
How much is the yellow dress? / How much does the yellow dress cost?
bike, car, bus, train, tram, plane, feet, etc.
feel – felt – felt
That’s EUR 29.90, please!
chair, table, door, window, picture,
person, plant, cup, etc.
find – found – found
Do you have these trousers/pants in size M?
young, funny, creative, intelligent, lazy, stupid, crazy, etc.
fight – fought – fought
Allison is a scientist, she works in New York.
helpful, nice, direct, fair, clever, funny, kind, boring, unfriendly, etc.
fit – fit – fit
What does Bob do? / What is Bob’s job? He is a dentist.
sunny, warm, happy, funny, relaxed, active, etc.
fly – flew – flown
He works 12 hours per day non-stop / without a break.
cold, frosty, snowy, slow, boring, etc.
get – got – got/gotten
My best friend is writing a novel (at the moment).
loud, strong, fast, cool, funny, dirty, lazy, stupid, etc.
give – gave – given
Paul and Ines went / were swimming
quiet, pretty, clean, nice, cool, funny, dramatic, crazy, etc.
go – went – gone
What’s the time, please? / What time is it, please?
I am … e.g.; I am a student in this class. I live in Berlin. I have a brother, he is
15 years old. In my free time I like listening to music. I want to be an astronaut.
grow – grew – grown
Phillip lives in Paris with his girlfriend Anne.
My best friend … e.g., My best friend’s name is Maria/Mario. He/she lives next door. He/She is very funny and a good friend. We go swimming and shopping together. etc.
have – had – had
When did you go to bed last night?
My teacher … e.g., My teacher’s name is Mrs Miller. She is 45 years old. I like my teacher, because she is always fair. My teacher has brown hair and wears glasses. She comes to school by car every day. etc.
hear – heard – heard
I don’t love you!
(33) a)
(34) a)
(35) a)
(36) a)
(37) a)
(38) a)
(39) a)
(40) a)
(41) a)
My parents … e.g., My parents’ names are Mike and Jane. My father is 48 and my mother is 43 years old. My dad is an accoun-
tant and my mum is a nurse. My dad works in the office and my mum works in the hospital. etc.
hide – hid – hidden
Mario doesn’t know the answer, again.
In my family … e.g., In my family there are 25 people. I have a big family. I have two brothers and one sister, I like them because we can play together. I have two cousins, they live far away. I only see my cousins on holidays. etc.
hit – hit – hit
What is your sister doing (right now / at the moment)?
My favourite movie … e.g., My favourite movie is “Forrest Gump”. It is about a man named Forrest who talks about adventures in his life … etc.
hold – held – held
Last April we were in Moscow. / We visited Moscow last April.
My favourite book … e.g., My favourite book is “Huckleberry Finn”. The book tells the story of Huck Finn and his friends and their adventures along the Mississippi River. etc.
hurt – hurt – hurt
Next year we are going to travel / go / fly to Egypt.
Last weekend … e.g., Last weekend I met my friends. We went to the cinema and watched a movie. After that we ate dinner at a restaurant. On Sunday I relaxed. etc.
keep – kept – kept
When are you coming home today? / When will you come home today?
In my last holiday … e.g., In my last holi-
day I travelled to Spain. I went to Barcelona and visited all the sights. I enjoyed the food and the warm weather. etc.
know – knew – known
Would you like some tea?
The perfect neighbour… e.g., The perfect neighbour is friendly and helpful. He says “Hello” when I meet him and he waters my plants when I’m on holiday. etc.
lay – laid – laid
How often do you go to the dentist?
The perfect holiday … e.g., The perfect holiday for me is on an island. I can lie at the beach and drink cocktails. I can relax for two weeks. etc.
leave – left – left
I don’t know you!
The perfect job … e.g., The perfect job for me is outside in the nature. I can be a biologist and watch animals in the forest. I don’t
have to sit at the computer every day. etc.
lend – lent – lent
What a beautiful day!
(42) a)
(43) a)
(44) a)
(45) a)
(46) a)
(47) a)
(48) a)
(49) a)
(50) a)
(51) a)
(52) a)
(53) a)
(54) a)
(55) a)
(56) a)
The person sitting next to me on my right e.g., is tall and has brown hair. He / She is my friend and his/her name is Mario / Maria. He / She is wearing jeans and a T-shirt today. etc.
let – let – let
This is on me!
The person sitting next to me on my left e.g., is tall and has brown hair. He / She is my friend and his/her name is Mario / Maria. He / She is wearing jeans and a T-shirt today. etc.
lie – lied – lied (lügen) / lie – lay – lain (liegen)
Vegetarians don’t eat meat.
e.g., I’m from Berlin in Germany.
make – made – made
I recommend the red wine from Italy.
e.g., It’s ten past three.
mean – meant – meant
Your bed is very comfortable!
e.g., Tomorrow I will / I’m going to visit my grandma in Munich.
meet – met – met
Yesterday I didn’t go to work.
e.g., I was born in Radebeul near Dresden.
pay – paid – paid
I have been sick / ill since last week.
e.g., I’m nineteen years old.
put – put – put
When I was little / When I was a child I wanted to be an astronaut.
e.g., A-N-N-A and M-E-I-S-N-E-R
quit – quit – quit
When I was reading the newspaper, the phone rang.
e.g., A-N-N-A and M-E-I-S-N-E-R
read – read [red] – read [red]
Are there any bananas left in the fridge?
e.g., A-N-N-A and M-E-I-S-N-E-R
ride – rode – ridden
Have you had /eaten breakfast yet?
e.g., Today is Monday the first of November
in 2013.
ring – rang – rung
Do you know where Julia is?
e.g., Yesterday was Monday the first of November in 2013.
rise – rose – risen
Are you going to go to the bank later?
e.g., Yesterday I was at a friend‘s house after school.
run – ran – run
Have you ever driven a tractor?
e.g., I speak German and English. I also speak a little French.
say – said – said
Have you ever been to Dubai?
e.g. I’m learning English, because it’s an international language and I need it for my job.
see – saw – seen
(57) a)
(58) a)
(59) a)
(60) a)
(61) a)
(62) a)
(63) a)
(64) a)
(65) a)
(66) a)
(67) a)
(68) a)
(69) a)
Maria has been learning / Maria has learnt English for two years.
e.g., My favourite season is summer, because it’s warm and I can meet friends at the beach.
sell – sold – sold
She bought a new bike yesterday.
e.g., Usually, I relax on Sundays, meet my friends at the cinema and we watch a movie.
send – sent – sent
Yesterday afternoon we were at the cinema.
e.g., On Mondays I usually get up at
6 o’clock and have breakfast with my family. Then I go to work and I finish work at 5 p.m. In the evening I spend time with my children and I go to bed at 11 p.m.
set – set – set
My parents enjoyed their vacation/holiday in Spain very much.
e.g., During the week I usually get up at 6 o’clock.
shake – shook – shaken
I always drink coffee for breakfast.
e.g., On the weekend I usually get up at 9 o’clock.
shoot – shot – shot
Do you like playing/to play cards?
e.g. Usually I eat/have toast with jam for breakfast. I also drink tea or milk.
show – showed – shown
I need (some) help with the homework.
e.g. Usually I eat/have potatoes, vegetables and some meat for lunch. I also drink water or juice.
shine – shone – shone
When does the train to London leave?
e.g. Usually I eat/have sandwiches for dinner. I also drink water or sometimes wine.
shut – shut – shut
Could you repeat the question please?
e.g., My birthday is on the first of April in 1979.
sing – sang – sung
Mandy is not going to dance in the musical.
e.g., Yes, thank you. I’ll have the steak with potatoes and corn.
sink – sank – sunk It rained the whole day yesterday.
e.g., I would like my steak rare/medium/
well done, please.
sit – sat – sat
I’m thirsty, could I get a glass of water, please?
e.g., I’m fine, thank you! / How do you do? / How are you?
sleep – slept – slept
Can / May / Could I help you?
e.g., In the kitchen.
speak – spoke – spoken
Would you like anything else?
(70) a)
(71) a)
(72) a)
(73) a)
(74) a)
(75) a)
e.g., In the kitchen.
spend – spent – spent
Can I take a message?
e.g., In the garage.
stand – stood – stood
The boss is in a meeting right now /
at the moment.
e.g., In the bedroom.
steal – stole - stolen
Please call again tomorrow.
e.g., In the bathroom.
swim – swam – swum
Where can I get batteries for my camera?
e.g., In the living room.
take – took – taken
Do you take / accept credit cards?
e.g., In the bathroom.
teach – taught – taught
(76) a)
(77) a)
(78) a)
(79) a)
(80) a)
I’m the manager/boss/CEO, nice to meet
In France.
tell – told – told
We have a lot of/many customers/clients from the UK.
In the USA.
think – thought – thought
I don’t have any money on me today.
e.g., In Cairo in Egypt.
throw – threw – thrown
George is going to visit (us) tomorrow.
In London, England.
wear – wore – worn
When will we meet again?
In Rome, Italy.
win – won – won
We’ll / Let’s meet at 7 o’clock at the cinema.
Look for the number on your “Teamwork” card and find it in the list below.
These are EXAMPLES to get you started with the memory game. Be creative and use your own ideas to finish the
sentences! You don’t have to use these examples!
Card No.Example Answer
… go to the park and enjoy the day …
… went to the police …
… a big dinosaur …
… take my camera …
… my folder and my pens …
… go home early …
… visit my best friend …
… went hiking in the mountains …
… buy ice cream and sweets for all my friends …
… I have to get up early …
(91) (92) (93) (94) (95) (96) (97) (98) (99) (100)
… the doorbell rang …
… was very exciting …
… water my plants when I’m on holiday
… it starts to rain and I forgot my
umbrella …
… the sun is shining and I can relax in the park …
… ride my bike to school every day …
… “How are you doing, Mr. President?”
… been to China …
… eat insects …
… ten pairs of jeans …
This is the charades game (Pantomime). To help you with the assignment you can find the translation here.
Card No. Translation
ein Eis essen
Geld zählen
Wandern / Klettern
einen Brief schreiben
Blumen pflücken
ein Feuer machen
den Tisch decken
auf den Bus warten
Gitarre spielen
Klavier spielen
ein Kellner sein
ein Geschenk öffnen
das Geschirr spülen
Fußball spielen
Zeitung lesen
Fenster putzen
Are you smart?
Look for the number on your “Are you smart” card and find it in the list below. Next, find the class (teacher and
colour) on the list and check your answer. The aspects are affirmative (positiver Aussagesatz), negative (negativer
Aussagsatz) and question (Fragesatz).
Overview of all the classes and the words on their board:
Mr. Bloomberg’s Class (black):
Mrs. Linley’s Class (blue): Mr. Sullivan’s Class (orange): Mrs. Campbell’s Class (violet):
Mrs. William’s Class (green):
Mrs. Robinson’s Class (yellow): Mrs. Parker’s Class (red):
Mrs. Garcia’s Class (white):
We – watch TV – Saturday
Our class – learn grammar – Tuesday
My brother – sell car – Monday
Parents – go shopping – weekend
John – play football – Sunday
Grandma – read paper – Wednesday
Phil and Kim – walk dog – Friday
His sister – buy a dress – Thursday
Card No. Sentences
(121)going-to-future, affirmative
(123)going-to-future, question
Mr. Bloomberg’s Class (black):
We are going to watch TV next Saturday.
Mrs. Linley’s Class (blue): Our class is going to learn grammar next Tuesday.
Mr. Sullivan’s Class (orange): My brother is going to sell his car next Monday.
Mrs. Campbell’s Class (violet):
My parents are going to go shopping next weekend.
Mrs. William’s Class (green):
John is going to play football next Sunday.
Mrs. Robinson’s Class (yellow): Grandma is going to read the paper next Wednesday.
Mrs. Parker’s Class (red): Phil and Kim are going to walk the dog next Friday.
Mrs. Garcia’s Class (white):
His sister is going to buy a dress next Thursday.
Mr. Bloomberg’s Class (black):
Are we going to watch TV next Saturday?
Mrs. Linley’s Class (blue): Is our class going to learn grammar next Tuesday?
Mr. Sullivan’s Class (orange): Is my brother going to sell his car next Monday?
Mrs. Campbell’s Class (violet):
Are my parents going to go shopping next weekend?
Mrs. William’s Class (green):
Is John going to play football next Sunday?
Mrs. Robinson’s Class (yellow): Is grandma going to read the paper next Wednesday?
Mrs. Parker’s Class (red): Are Phil and Kim going to walk the dog next Friday?
Mrs. Garcia’s Class (white):
Is his sister going to buy a dress next Thursday?
(122)going-to-future, negative
Mr. Bloomberg’s Class (black):
We aren’t going to watch TV next Saturday.
Mrs. Linley’s Class (blue): Our class isn’t going to learn grammar next Tuesday.
Mr. Sullivan’s Class (orange): My brother isn’t going to sell his car next Monday.
Mrs. Campbell’s Class (violet):
My parents aren’t going to go shopping next weekend.
Mrs. William’s Class (green):
John isn’t going to play football next Sunday.
Mrs. Robinson’s Class (yellow): Grandma isn’t going to read the paper next
Mrs. Parker’s Class (red): Phil and Kim aren’t going to walk the dog next Friday.
Mrs. Garcia’s Class (white):
His sister isn’t going to buy a dress next Thursday.
(124)present simple, affirmative
Mr. Bloomberg’s Class (black):
We watch TV on Saturday.
Mrs. Linley’s Class (blue): Our class learns grammar on Tuesday.
Mr. Sullivan’s Class (orange): My brother sells his car on Monday.
Mrs. Campbell’s Class (violet):
My parents go shopping on the weekend.
Mrs. William’s Class (green):
John plays football on Sunday.
Mrs. Robinson’s Class (yellow): Grandma reads the paper on Wednesday.
Mrs. Parker’s Class (red): Phil and Kim walk the dog on Friday.
Mrs. Garcia’s Class (white):
His sister buys a dress on Thursday.
present simple, negative
Mr. Bloomberg’s Class (black):
We don’t watch TV on Saturday.
Mrs. Linley’s Class (blue): Our class doesn’t learn grammar on Tuesday.
Mr. Sullivan’s Class (orange): My brother doesn’t sell his car on Monday.
Mrs. Campbell’s Class (violet):
My parents don’t go shopping on the weekend.
Mrs. William’s Class (green):
John doesn’t play football on Sunday.
Mrs. Robinson’s Class (yellow): Grandma doesn’t read the paper on Wednesday.
Mrs. Parker’s Class (red): Phil and Kim don’t walk the dog on Friday.
Mrs. Garcia’s Class (white):
His sister doesn’t buy a dress on Thursday.
(126)present simple, question
Mr. Bloomberg’s Class (black):
Do we watch TV on Saturday?
Mrs. Linley’s Class (blue): Does our class learn grammar on Tuesday?
Mr. Sullivan’s Class (orange): Does my brother sell his car on Monday?
Mrs. Campbell’s Class (violet):
Do my parents go shopping on the weekend?
Mrs. William’s Class (green):
Does John play football on Sunday?
Mrs. Robinson’s Class (yellow): Does grandma read the paper on Wednesday?
Mrs. Parker’s Class (red): Do Phil and Kim walk the dog on Friday?
Mrs. Garcia’s Class (white):
Does his sister buy a dress on Thursday?
(127)present progressive/continuous,
You could use a time expression in this tense (e.g., at
the moment, right now) but you don’t have to!
Mr. Bloomberg’s Class (black):
We are watching TV.
Mrs. Linley’s Class (blue): Our class is learning grammar.
Mr. Sullivan’s Class (orange): My brother is selling his car.
Mrs. Campbell’s Class (violet):
My parents are going shopping.
Mrs. William’s Class (green):
John is playing football.
Mrs. Robinson’s Class (yellow): Grandma is reading the paper.
Mrs. Parker’s Class (red): Phil and Kim are walking the dog.
Mrs. Garcia’s Class (white):
His sister is buying a dress.
(128)present progressive/continuous,
You could use a time expression in this tense (e.g., at
the moment, right now) but you don’t have to!
Mr. Bloomberg’s Class (black):
We aren’t watching TV.
Mrs. Linley’s Class (blue): Our class isn’t learning grammar.
Mr. Sullivan’s Class (orange): My brother isn’t selling his car.
Mrs. Campbell’s Class (violet):
My parents aren’t going shopping.
Mrs. William’s Class (green):
John isn’t playing football.
Mrs. Robinson’s Class (yellow): Grandma isn’t reading the paper.
Mrs. Parker’s Class (red): Phil and Kim aren’t walking the dog.
Mrs. Garcia’s Class (white):
His sister isn’t buying a dress.
(129)present progressive/continuous,
You could use a time expression in this tense (e.g., at
the moment, right now) but you don’t have to!
Mr. Bloomberg’s Class (black):
Are we watching TV?
Mrs. Linley’s Class (blue): Is our class learning grammar?
Mr. Sullivan’s Class (orange): Is my brother selling his car?
Mrs. Campbell’s Class (violet):
Are my parents going shopping?
Mrs. William’s Class (green):
Is John playing football?
Mrs. Robinson’s Class (yellow): Is grandma reading the paper?
Mrs. Parker’s Class (red): Are Phil and Kim walking the dog?
Mrs. Garcia’s Class (white):
Is his sister buying a dress?
(130)past simple, affirmative
Mr. Bloomberg’s Class (black):
We watched TV last Saturday.
Mrs. Linley’s Class (blue): Our class learned/learnt grammar last Tuesday.
Mr. Sullivan’s Class (orange): My brother sold his car last Monday.
Mrs. Campbell’s Class (violet):
My parents went shopping last weekend.
Mrs. William’s Class (green):
John played football last Sunday.
Mrs. Robinson’s Class (yellow): Grandma read [red] the paper last Wednesday.
Mrs. Parker’s Class (red): Phil and Kim walked the dog last Friday.
Mrs. Garcia’s Class (white):
His sister bought a dress last Thursday.
Mrs. Parker’s Class (red): Phil and Kim were walking the dog all day last Friday.
Mrs. Garcia’s Class (white):
His sister was buying a dress all day last Thursday.
(134)past progressive/continuous, negative
When you use past progressive/continuous you need a
time word like “all day“ or “all of Monday“.
(131)past simple, negative
Mr. Bloomberg’s Class (black):
We didn’t watch TV last Saturday.
Mrs. Linley’s Class (blue): Our class didn’t learn grammar last Tuesday.
Mr. Sullivan’s Class (orange): My brother didn’t sell his car last Monday.
Mrs. Campbell’s Class (violet):
My parents didn’t go shopping last weekend.
Mrs. William’s Class (green):
John didn’t play football last Sunday.
Mrs. Robinson’s Class (yellow): Grandma didn’t read the paper last Wednesday.
Mrs. Parker’s Class (red): Phil and Kim didn’t walk the dog last Friday.
Mrs. Garcia’s Class (white):
His sister didn’t buy a dress last Thursday.
(132)past simple, question
Mr. Bloomberg’s Class (black):
Did we watch TV last Saturday?
Mrs. Linley’s Class (blue): Did our class learn grammar last Tuesday?
Mr. Sullivan’s Class (orange): Did my brother sell his car last Monday?
Mrs. Campbell’s Class (violet):
Did my parents go shopping last weekend?
Mrs. William’s Class (green):
Did John play football last Sunday?
Mrs. Robinson’s Class (yellow): Did grandma read the paper last Wednesday?
Mrs. Parker’s Class (red): Did Phil and Kim walk the dog last Friday?
Mrs. Garcia’s Class (white):
Did his sister buy a dress last Thursday?
(133)past progressive/continuous, affirmative
When you use past progressive/continuous you need a
time word like “all day“ or “all of Monday“.
Mr. Bloomberg’s Class (black):
We were watching TV all day last Saturday.
Mrs. Linley’s Class (blue): Our class was learning grammar all day last Tuesday.
Mr. Sullivan’s Class (orange): My brother was selling his car all day last Monday.
Mrs. Campbell’s Class (violet):
My parents were going shopping all of last weekend.
Mrs. William’s Class (green):
John was playing football all day last Sunday.
Mrs. Robinson’s Class (yellow): Grandma was reading the paper all day last Wednesday.
Mr. Bloomberg’s Class (black):
We weren’t watching TV all day last Saturday.
Mrs. Linley’s Class (blue): Our class wasn’t learning grammar all day last Tuesday.
Mr. Sullivan’s Class (orange): My brother wasn’t selling his car all day last Monday.
Mrs. Campbell’s Class (violet):
My parents weren’t going shopping all of last weekend.
Mrs. William’s Class (green):
John wasn’t playing football all day last Sunday.
Mrs. Robinson’s Class (yellow): Grandma wasn’t reading the paper all day last Wednesday.
Mrs. Parker’s Class (red): Phil and Kim weren’t walking the dog all day last Friday.
Mrs. Garcia’s Class (white):
His sister wasn’t buying a dress all day last Thursday.
(135)past progressive/continuous, question
When you use past progressive/continuous you need a
time word like “all day“ or “all of Monday“.
Mr. Bloomberg’s Class (black):
Were we watching TV all day last Saturday?
Mrs. Linley’s Class (blue): Was our class learning grammar all day last Tuesday?
Mr. Sullivan’s Class (orange): Was my brother selling his car all day last Monday?
Mrs. Campbell’s Class (violet):
Were my parents going shopping all of last weekend?
Mrs. William’s Class (green):
Was John playing football all day last Sunday?
Mrs. Robinson’s Class (yellow): Was grandma reading the paper all day last
Mrs. Parker’s Class (red): Were Phil and Kim walking the dog all day last Friday?
Mrs. Garcia’s Class (white):
Was his sister buying a dress all day last Thursday?
(136)present perfect simple, affirmative
When you use present perfect you need a time word
like “since“ for example.
Mr. Bloomberg’s Class (black):
We have watched TV twice since last Saturday.
Mrs. Linley’s Class (blue): Our class has learned/learnt grammar twice since last
Mr. Sullivan’s Class (orange): My brother has sold his car twice since last Monday.
Mrs. Campbell’s Class (violet):
My parents have gone shopping twice since last
Mrs. William’s Class (green):
John has played football twice since last Sunday.
Mrs. Robinson’s Class (yellow): Grandma has read [red] the paper twice since last
Mrs. Parker’s Class (red): Phil and Kim have walked the dog twice since last
Mrs. Garcia’s Class (white):
His sister has bought a dress twice since last Thursday.
present perfect simple, negative
When you use present perfect you need a time word
like “since“ for example.
Mr. Bloomberg’s Class (black):
We haven’t watched TV since last Saturday.
Mrs. Linley’s Class (blue): Our class hasn’t learned/learnt grammar since last
Mr. Sullivan’s Class (orange): My brother hasn’t sold his car since last Monday.
Mrs. Campbell’s Class (violet):
My parents haven’t gone shopping since last weekend.
Mrs. William’s Class (green):
John hasn’t played football since last Sunday.
Mrs. Robinson’s Class (yellow): Grandma hasn’t read [red] the paper since last
Mrs. Parker’s Class (red): Phil and Kim haven’t walked the dog since last Friday.
Mrs. Garcia’s Class (white):
His sister hasn’t bought a dress since last Thursday.
present perfect simple, question
When you use present perfect you need a time word
like “since“ for example.
Mrs. Garcia’s Class (white):
Has his sister bought a dress since last Thursday?
Mr. Bloomberg’s Class (black):
We will watch TV next Saturday.
Mrs. Linley’s Class (blue): Our class will learn grammar next Tuesday.
Mr. Sullivan’s Class (orange): My brother will sell his car next Monday.
Mrs. Campbell’s Class (violet):
My parents will go shopping next weekend.
Mrs. William’s Class (green):
John will play football next Sunday.
Mrs. Robinson’s Class (yellow): Grandma will read the paper next Wednesday.
Mrs. Parker’s Class (red): Phil and Kim will walk the dog next Friday.
Mrs. Garcia’s Class (white):
His sister will buy a dress next Thursday.
will-future, negative
Mr. Bloomberg’s Class (black):
We won’t watch TV next Saturday.
Mrs. Linley’s Class (blue): Our class won’t learn grammar next Tuesday.
Mr. Sullivan’s Class (orange): My brother won’t sell his car next Monday.
Mrs. Campbell’s Class (violet):
My parents won’t go shopping next weekend.
Mrs. William’s Class (green):
John won’t play football next Sunday.
Mrs. Robinson’s Class (yellow): Grandma won’t read the paper next Wednesday.
Mrs. Parker’s Class (red): Phil and Kim won’t walk the dog next Friday.
Mrs. Garcia’s Class (white):
His sister won’t buy a dress next Thursday.
Mr. Bloomberg’s Class (black):
Have we watched TV since last Saturday?
Mrs. Linley’s Class (blue): Has our class learned/learnt grammar since last
Mr. Sullivan’s Class (orange): Has my brother sold his car since last Monday?
Mrs. Campbell’s Class (violet):
Have my parents gone shopping since last weekend?
Mrs. William’s Class (green):
Has John played football since last Sunday?
Mrs. Robinson’s Class (yellow): Has grandma read [red] the paper since last
Mrs. Parker’s Class (red): Have Phil and Kim walked the dog since last Friday?
will-future, affirmative
will-future, question
Mr. Bloomberg’s Class (black):
Will we watch TV next Saturday?
Mrs. Linley’s Class (blue): Will our class learn grammar next Tuesday?
Mr. Sullivan’s Class (orange): Will my brother sell his car next Monday?
Mrs. Campbell’s Class (violet):
Will my parents go shopping next weekend?
Mrs. William’s Class (green):
Will John play football next Sunday?
Mrs. Robinson’s Class (yellow): Will grandma read the paper next Wednesday?
Mrs. Parker’s Class (red): Will Phil and Kim walk the dog next Friday?
Mrs. Garcia’s Class (white):
Will his sister buy a dress next Thursday?