partner dr.heimeier - IMD International Search Group
partner dr.heimeier - IMD International Search Group
DR.HEIMEIER PARTNER Praxisbrief Nr. 359 Transatlantische Geschäftsbeziehungen Unsere IMD-Partner in Amerika Interview mit Dr. Matthias Mohr I Daubenspeck & Associates USA I Seite 4 Seite 8 Alder Koten Mexiko und USA I Seite 5 SommerGroup Chile I Seite 6 Dasein Brasilien I Seite 7 Der internationale Beraterverbund IMD International Search Group Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, der Ihnen heute vorliegende Praxisbrief steht erneut im Zeichen des internationalen Beraterverbundes IMD International Search Group, dem wir seit der Gründung unserer Gesellschaft 1989 als Mitglied angehören. Mit einem Netzwerk von inhabergeführten Personalberatungsunternehmen rund um den Globus ist IMD mit über 150 Beratern an mehr als 40 Standorten in über 20 Ländern der Erde vertreten. Über dieses Netzwerk waren und sind wir in der Lage, unseren Kunden bei der Auswahl von Führungskräften im Ausland Lösungen anzubieten. Erfahrungsgemäß spielen sich die meisten Projekte, die auf unsere Empfehlung hin zwischen Kunden und Partnergesellschaften stattfinden, im europäischen Raum ab. So hat die enge Zusammenarbeit mit unseren IMD-Partnern in Schweden, Finnland, der Schweiz und Frankreich eine ganz besondere und fruchtbare Tradition. Selbstverständlich ist es uns ein großes Anliegen, die zunehmende Globalisierung unserer Kunden professionell mit zu begleiten. Die Führungsspitze des Verbundes ist deshalb seit Jahren mit Hochdruck dabei, neue Partnergesellschaften zu identifizieren und zu qualifizieren, sollten diese den hohen Ansprüchen der IMD-Standards genügen. Im Fokus stehen dabei Länder im Mittleren und Fernen Osten, in Zentralund Osteuropa sowie in Amerika. Derzeit wird ebenfalls geprüft, ob sich Gesellschaften auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent anbieten, da dort zumindest lokal in einigen Ländern ein großes Wirtschaftswachstum besteht. Das weitere Wachstum der IMD International Search Group ist also vorprogrammiert, allerdings mit Augenmaß und vor allem nicht um jeden Preis. Leider stellt es sich immer wieder heraus – gerade in Ländern wie China, Indien oder Russland –, dass dort ein komplett anderes Geschäftsgebaren herrscht und die notwendige Seriosität nicht gegeben ist. Wenn wir unseren Kunden einen IMD-Partner im Ausland empfehlen, möchten wir sichergehen, dass die Abläufe und die Zuverlässigkeit bzw. die Beurteilungssicherheit und der Service auf dem gleichen Niveau sind, wie es unsere Mandanten hier in Deutschland von uns gewöhnt sind. Es freut uns daher ganz besonders, Ihnen im Rahmen dieses Praxisbriefes Gesellschaften vorstellen zu können, die erst in den vergangenen zwei bis drei 2 Jahren im Verbund aufgenommen wurden und die schon bewiesen haben, dass sie Projekte aus anderen IMD-Ländern mit Bravour und hoher Professionalität abwickeln können. Richten wir unsere Aufmerksamkeit heute auf Nord-, Mittel- und Südamerika, indem sich unsere Partner, die seit vielen Jahren sehr erfolgreich in den USA, Mexiko, Chile und Brasilien agieren und die vor allem auch verschiedenste Industriezweige, öffentliche Einrichtungen und Serviceunternehmen bedienen, mit einem kurzen Beitrag präsentieren. Die Kernkompetenz aller ist, wie bei uns, die Rekrutierung von Führungskräften auf oberer und oberster Ebene. Erlauben Sie uns an dieser Stelle noch einen Hinweis in eigener Sache: Unser Engagement innerhalb der IMD International Search Group geht seit vielen Jahren über das übliche Maß an enger Kooperation mit Partnergesellschaften im Ausland hinaus. Neben den regelmäßigen Teilnahmen an Konferenzen in aller Welt, Know-how und regem Gedankenaustausch sind wir seit jeher auch im Vorstand des Beraterverbundes tätig gewesen. So war unser geschäftsführender Gesellschafter Dr. Matthias Mohr in den letzten Jahren als Vice President Operations and Finance im Board von IMD tätig. Im April dieses Jahres wurde er auf der Mitgliederkonferenz in Kopenhagen einstimmig zum neuen Präsidenten des Netzwerkes gewählt. Herr Dr. Mohr erhielt damit das Mandat, die IMD International Search Group als Verbund von Premium-Partnern für internationale Suchprojekte erfolgreich in die Zukunft zu führen. Dazu ein Interview mit ihm, durchgeführt von unserem brasilianischen Partner, am Ende dieses Praxisbriefes. Wir wünschen Ihnen eine interessante und aufschlussreiche Lektüre und stehen Ihnen selbst verständlich jederzeit zur Verfügung, sollten Sie mehr Informationen über unsere IMD-Partner in den jeweiligen Ländern wünschen. Herzlichst Ihr Team von DR. HEIMEIER & PARTNER 3 Daubenspeck and Associates, Ltd. is an international retained executive search firm. Based in Chicago and founded in 1982, Daubenspeck and Associates is led by our founder and president, Ken Daubenspeck, a partner in the IMD International Search Group. We are specialists in retained executive search, with expertise in international, cross- border assignments and culture fit. For over 35 years, culture has been the vital lens through which we view each search assignment, and as such, we are highly sensitive to both the organizational and regional culture of our clients. We partner with our clients to come to a true understanding of their business, industry, organizational and regional culture, and then provide indepth analysis and counsel as to how a high-level candidate will help to influence, impact, and build upon the organizational culture in place. Through visits and intensive research, we immerse ourselves in the local culture of the regions we are recruiting to in order to acquire deep knowledge of the societal rituals, customs, communication dynamics, and laws that will influence a candidate’s experience and ability to adapt. For us, culture is not simply an industry buzz word; it is the most influential factor in determining whether a domestic or expatriate candidate is capable of integrating with our clients’ companies in diverse regions such as the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and Asia Pacific. Daubenspeck and Associates’ international reach, structured search process, and attention to culture fit differentiates us from other search firms and has benefited our clients in all practice areas, including energy, higher education, human resources, financial services, information technology, industrial, consumer, business and professional services, and non-profit. From the organizational development and recruitment for entirely new universities, to international searches for highly esoteric and difficult-to-find subject matter experts, to the C-suite level recruitment of chief information officers and the talent build-out of entire information technology departments and organizations, to the staffing of public and government relations, and protocol and diplomacy experts; our recruitment experience is diverse and we have executed hundreds of search assignments for our clients worldwide. While our 100% search completion rate, 83-day search average, and 98% two-year retention rate are all well above the industry standard, they are not the benchmarks by which we measure our success. We judge our performance based on the long-term impact that our placements have on our clients’ organizations; the candidates we place stay with our clients for an average of eight years. We consider it a privilege to help our clients with their most important asset – the people who collectively comprise the organization. We view each assignment as more than a simple business transaction; rather, we consider it an opportunity to positively influence the performance and trajectory of both organizations and individuals. When a project goes well, it is good for the employer and the employee. When it does not, it is difficult on the employer, but devastating for the employee. It is for this reason that we take our assignments and the consultation and advice we provide very seriously. We never forget this when we provide our service. It is not just about completing an assignment – it is about insuring that the individual we recruit for our client is successful, accomplishes that which was intended by the assignment, and remains well past any guarantee. ■ If you need any more information please see the contact on our website or write to: Ken Daubenspeck | Founder and President Daubenspeck & Associates 180 North Stetson, Suite 1935 Chicago, Illinois 60601 USA 4 Tel. + 1 312 297 4100 [email protected] From the foundation of Alder Koten, the team has focused on shaping organizations through a combination of research, executive search, cultural & leadership assessment, and other talent advisory services. The key to our client service is our seamless integration of industry and functional expertise with tools and capabilities to support execution on a global scale. The firm’s headquarters are located in Houston and it has offices in Guadalajara, Monterrey, Mexico City, and New York with a team of 26 consultants. Being part of IMD International Search Group, gives Alder Koten’s clients, global execution capability in their talent agenda. We have worked repetitively with IMD’s Partners, as we can trust they can deliver constantly, and build trust with our clients. Our approach to executive search is based on a thorough understanding of the strategic, cultural, financial and operational issues our clients face. Our executive search engagements are targeted and focused on the specific requirements of the position including industry and functional experience, skills, competencies, cultural fit, and leadership style. Our executive search process is rigorous. We take a disciplined and structured approach to identifying potential candidates that meet the position requirements including subject-matter, functional and regional expertise. We use our high level professional networks, industry knowledge, and internal research resources to achieve results in every executive search engagement. One example of our consultants, who brings a strong knowledge of the cultural impacts of European companies operating in Mexico and USA, is Jorge Davalos. Jorge was born in México and worked in the UK for almost ten years as a consultant, which gave him his British Citizenship. He also worked in Barcelona and Madrid. He lives in Houston and is the Managing Partner of the Houston office. Cross country executive searches are one of his strengths as well as the other team members which he works with. We have Just arrived from our latest IMD meeting in Madrid, which was filled with sharing best practices with our IMD Partners; this practice increases our operational excellence and customer-centric processes which again create trust. We look forward to meeting again in Belgium and Brazil in 2015. Alder Koten is now focusing on the 2025 strategic plan ahead of us. This plan has IMD Partners at the center in order to keep delivering on global assignments, and achieve the success for our clients and the IMD Partnership. ■ If you wish to contact us, please write or call us at: Jorge Davalos | Managing Partner Alder Koten Houston Tel. +1(713)893-1630 ext 802 1790 Hughes Landing [email protected] Blvd. Suite 400 The Woodlands, Texas 77380 USA Alder Koten Mexico Río de la Plata 441, Interior 2C San Pedro Garza Garcia, N.L. Mexico CP 66220 5 In September this year we are celebrating 20 years in the market; it’s an important occasion that we want to share with all our friends from IMD. not only about fulfilling our clients’ requirements, but about tracking and following up on the placements, so the bond that unites us today is solid. Founded by Executive Director Rodolfo Sommer; SommerGroup has 3 other distinguished partners: General Manager-Sebastian Pedraza, Customer Service Manager- Ximena Rodriguez, and Admini stration and Development Manager-Tomas Guridi. Today we have a consolidated group of active clients from relevant and important industries, some which are companies with significant market share and that operate in highly competitive and changing industries, concentrating on: ■ Fuel / Energy ■Telecommunications ■ Consumer Products ■ Transportation / ■Mining Distribution ■Retail ■ Public Services ■ Financial services From our beginnings in 1995 until today we have been able to recognize the fierce competition that was emerging in this dynamic market and how this reality became a powerful challenge to differentiate ourselves. We were a group of young professionals, who tried to break into a fairly consolidated industry in Chile, where our entering the market had an edgy look. So we created an identity which distinguished us from the rest: starting with high quality work, and achieving the perfect fit between the candidate-position and culture, with a path marked by the experience. We started with customers who trusted us and time took charge to show the current position of our company. Along with Executive Search, we gradually incorporated new and innovative services such as, Executive Assessment, Senior Prospective Identification and the latest service, Onboarding Programs which we pioneered in Chile. Within our growth process, we look at the year 2011 with great pride, we became members of IMD; this has allowed us to have partners with a global presence and today Rodolfo Sommer is the Director of Onboarding & the South America Region. Today after 20 years, we are proud to show results that certify our experience and customer satisfaction: a)Closing Process: The total of the searches have done, 97% of the vacancies have been filled with success. b)Warranty: Of all the required searches, we had only 2% of the guarantees exercised. c)Satisfaction Survey: Overall Customer Satisfaction regarding the experience of working with SommerGroup: 97.2%. d)Tracking Survey: Customer rating regarding the suitability of the candidate job profile and organizational culture: 100%. e)Onboarding Satisfaction Survey: Onboarding processes satisfaction: 100%. 100 % 97 % 100 % 100 % Satisfaction Survey Tracking Survey Onboarding Satisfaction 60 % 40 % More than planning to be a successful business, Dasein Executive Search has always focused on being an organization that can add value to people. As we analyze Dasein’s timeline, it is clear that the construction of this solid firm did not happen by accident, but rather through many steps and decisions taken by the founder Adriana Prates. Throughout the last 20 years, together with her team, Adriana anticipated trends and offered solutions to the market by considering the following Dasein is committed to client’s success and excellence. The commitment of Dasein is to find and present the right people to client companies, contributing directly to reach results and improve the technical and behavioral pattern of their team. Our challenge has always been to meet the needs of our clients. Finding the key talent that fits the organizations culture and needs became a matter of life or death for many companies. For Dasein, the right person in the right place is a concept that no longer matches the expectations of such a competitive market. Instead we believe in the right moment in a person’s life matched with the right moment in the life of the company. It is in this aspect that Dasein understands people in their exact dimension of potentialities and possibilities, seeing both the present moment and the future aligned with the expectations of the company and the executive. All this would not have been possible without our excellent teamwork, partners and loyal customers. Thank you for being a fundamental part of our history: past, present and future. ■ Celebrating 20 years in business is for us an act of gratitude to all those who work with us, support us, and believe in our endless transformational capacity to face challenges, uncertainty and new rules that appear every day with the ability to perceive that the complexity of new times brings a new world full of opportunities! ■ If you need any more information please see the contact on our website or write to: If you need any more information please see the contact on our website or write to: Rodolfo Sommer | Executive Director Adriana Prates | President 2 % Closing Process Exercised Warranties Sommer Group Hernando de Aguirre 268, of. 601 Providencia - Santiago de Chile Chile 6 Dr. Heimeier & Partner and Dasein have therefore had a chance to start co-operating and we at Dasein are grateful with the outlook to improve our participation on helping German companies in filling executive positions at their Brazilian subsidiaries. factors: people, technology and respect for the uniqueness of the client. This was only made possible through Dasein’s core values which translate everything into a way of being and acting with: responsibility, loyalty, discipline and perseverance. Efficiency, empathy and a results-oriented approach determine the success of finding executives who will make a difference in an organization. This is what generates trust, credibility, leadership and productive capacity. Thus choosing an Executive Search consulting firm is one of the most important steps to take in order to compose a team that is balanced, aligned and with the highest performance. 20 % 0 % Each of our valued customers is very important to us. With them we have experienced changes: in their industries and their internal structures, and ourseleves in our constant quest to adapt and anticipate the dynamics of the market and the Executive Search industry. We continuously care 97,2 % 80 % Dasein is a German word which means “being there” or “presence”. In German, Dasein is the vernacular term for “existence”. At Dasein Exe cutive Search we work to understand people and companies and their power as agents of change. Since 2014 Dasein has been a member of IMD International Search Group. The partnership with IMD in addition to bringing excellent perspectives for new business reinforces once again that we have taken the right path by having our work in line with the best executive search practices in the world over time. Currently besides being IMD partners and AESC members, we also participate in the AESC new associations committee representing Americas, an honor which has been granted to only two companies in Brazil. Tel. +56 2 2899 3900 [email protected] Dasein Av. Raja Gabáglia, 3117 116 São Bento, Belo Horizonte MG Brazil. Tel. +5531 3291-5100 [email protected] 7 Executive search in the global market Interview with Dr. Matthias Mohr, President, IMD International Search Group Interview by Adriana Prates, President, Dasein, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. “What really matters is: Are you the number one for your client? To become the number one for your client you have to excell in relationship management, long-term commitment, passion, professionalism, judgement and deep insight in the respective industrial markets. Most of all, you have to have the ability to listen, to ask the right questions and to understand what makes people successful.” Dr. Matthias Mohr ADRIANA PRATES: What is your assessment of the global market for executive search given the fact that the Internet has been taking an increas ingly stronger leading role in the recruitment process? DR. MATTHIAS MOHR: I strongly believe that the Executive Search market will continue to be robust and successful. Notwithstanding the countless technical advances throughout the last years, e.g. Internet Platforms and all kinds of social media, which make a lot of things easier in our daily routine, I am convinced that personal face-to-face interviews will remain to be the essence of the selection process our clients pay us for. How else and better can one evaluate and judge as to whether both sides fit together? Selecting the right Executive who is able to do the right job at the right time cannot be done via Social Media and other platforms, since business is always about people and how they turn their competences, leadership skills and personal strength into action. AP: Which qualities/features made you stand out and contribute to your being elected president of IMD in 2015? MM: I would not say that I am the epitome of a “typical” German, since I have spent many years abroad, having lived, studied and worked in New Zealand, South Africa and the UK. However, I believe that I am still very German when it comes to diligence, straight forwardness, reliability and the ability to simplify complexity. Those personal traits combined with cultural awarness, humor, modesty, open-mindedness and a successful track record as an Executive Search consultant of international scope, may have ultimately given the impetus for my election. AP: What is your main goal as a president of IMD? MM: I would like IMD to be the business partner of choice for our clients around the globe. So, I do not really care about the official rankings of Executive Search firms, where the biggest players are listed. To me this is a mere numeral account of size, i.e. numbers of offices, consultants and turnover. What really matters is: Are you the number one for your client? To become the number one for your client you have to excell in relationship management, long-term commitment, passion, professionalism, judgement and deep insight in the respective industrial markets. Most of all, you have to have the ability to listen, to ask the right questions and to understand what makes people successful. Then you are in a position to act as partner, mentor and enabler for both clients and candidates alike. I intend to enthuse all my fellow members to follow that train of thought (apart from following our official rules of conduct, of course). AP: How can Brazil more specifically benefit from having Dasein as an exclusive representative of IMD in Brazil? MM: Brazil will certainly continue to prosper and to grow, and will become an even bigger economic power to reckon with in the future. I am sure that, despite the occasional economic down-swings and political challenges on a domestic level, your country Belo Horizonte, Brazil 8 9 has all it takes to become one of the main players in the global economy. The saturation and increasing lack of competitiveness in other markets is Brazil´s chance to make the difference, with all the talents and the zest for economic prosperity your country has got. This is why we not only rely but also depend on Dasein as an exclusive Partner who will find and select the right talents and Executives for IMD clients from around the world in the Brazilian market. Dasein thus mirrors the energy and innovation level of a country that harbours millions of business opportunities. Exactly what we want and expect. AP: The IMD conference in the second semester of 2016 will be held in Brazil. What are your expectations for this event? Which countries can we expect to be represented by IMD members? MM: First of all, the conference is a great chance and a more than valuable platform for Dasein to introduce itself on its home-turf and to thus convey the message to all the other IMD members that there is a trustworthy and professional partner in Brazil. Secondly, as in all the other meetings, I would want the individual partners to not only elaborate on possible business opportunities but to also strengthen their personal relationship. There is no better sales argument but to tell your client that you know your IMD in person! Thirdly, I want the meeting to be a place of learning. We are all from different markets and cultures, we operate with the same vision, however, partly with different instruments. A best practise you can learn from Brazil or Chile may just make the cut in your own market. Ultimately, I want all the members to have a good time, enjoy their stay and have a lifetime experience they can bring home to their organisations. Since Brazil is such a wonderful country with lots of other things to do but business, I expect a solid attendance rate from members around the world. AP: How do you see the possibilities of strength ening trade relations between Brazil and Ger many? Daubenspeck & Associates [email protected] MM: Dasein has already done an excellent job for one of my Partners and her client from Germany. Brazil is a focal point of German Industrial Investments, all our global players are there, even our politicians meet on a regular basis (just recently our chancellor was visiting Brazil). So I trust that our partnership with Dasein will have a prosperous and rewarding future. We certainly count on it. AP: Based on your experience, what is the profile of the executive who can overcome cultural barriers and become a sought-after employee in important companies from around the world? Alder Koten [email protected] MM: Unfortunately, there are not too many Executives whom I have met who are able to do just that, because they are sometimes caught in their own little microcosmos. The main thing is to accept that other people are different. You should be in a position to embrace the cultural difference in your mind and in your heart. This will give you an openess for understanding – the ultimate key. Also, an Executive should not take him- or herself too serious. Acting bossy and aloof has never helped. Today´s real leaders are able to inspire and motivate others by example. They are enablers who have the gift to empower people around them and to tell a talent when they see one. Apart from their technical skills and relevant experience, it is their personality that counts. A personality that represents empathy, cultural awareness, wit , mental substance and intellect. To run a successful business a true leader should always be prepared to gather people who challenge him and who are always inquisitive. This keeps the Executive going and helps to delve into the depth of a foreign culture. And, very simply, if somebody likes what he does, others will follow suit. ■ SommerGroup [email protected] Dasein [email protected] “The main thing is to accept that other people are different. You should be in a position to embrace the cultural difference in your mind and in your heart. This will give you an openess for understanding - the ultimate key.” Dr. Matthias Mohr 10 11 DR.HEIMEIER PARTNER DR. HEIMEIER & PARTNER Management- und Personalberatung GmbH Member of IMD Stuttgart I Frankfurt I Düsseldorf Die Richtigen für Ihren Erfolg Mit jeweiligem Hauptsitz in Amsterdam Auckland Bogotá Boston Chicago Helsinki Houston Istanbul Kopenhagen Madrid Mailand Malmö Melbourne Monterrey New York Oslo Paris Santiago de Chile Stuttgart Warschau Zürich DR. HEIMEIER & PARTNER Management- und Personalberatung GmbH, Member of IMD Albstadtweg 4, 70567 Stuttgart, Telefon +49 (0) 711 780 76-0, Telefax +49 (0) 711 780 76-78 Feldbergstraße 21, 60323 Frankfurt am Main, Telefon +49 (0) 69 97 20 88-0, Telefax +49 (0) 69 97 20 88-70 Mörsenbroicher Weg 200, 40470 Düsseldorf, Telefon +49 (0) 211 559 22-0, Telefax +49 (0) 211 559 22-55 E-Mail [email protected]