Automation Marketplace 2012
Automation Marketplace 2012
AUTOMATION MARKETPLACE 2012 As d e v e l o p m e n t efforts near completion on a new increase the value of their broader offerings to add-cost prodslate of automation products, vendors are beginning to pull out ucts. The pervasive influence of social networking sets expecall the stops to monetize them. A new round of competition . tations for all patron-facing products and presents opportuis heating up to place these new products in libraries, replac- nities for products that directly engage these media, such as ing their own legacy products and aiming to displace those of SirsiDynix's Social Library, a native Facebook app that enables other companies. Ex Libris's Alma, OCLC's WorldShare Man- catalog search and patron services. agement Services, Innovative Interfaces' Sierra, and Serials Solutions' Intota, as well as the open source Kuali OLE project, The State of the industry are positioned to move toward more dominant market share In 2011, the library automation economy—the total revenues through a product cycle that will play out over the next de- (including international) of all companies with a significant cade. These new-generation products will compete with well- presence in the United States and Canada—was $750 milestablished proprietary and open source systems following an lion. This estimate does not necessarily compare directly to evolutionary path, such as Evergreen, Koha, Polaris ILS, The 2010's $630 million, as this year's estimate includes a higher Library Corporation's (TLC) Library. Solution, SirsiDynix's proportion of revenues from OCLC, EBSCO, and other Symphony, and Auto-Graphics' AGent VERSO. sources previously unidentified. (Using the same formula. AGENTS OF CHANGE Automation product vendors are poised for a major transition By Marshall Breeding The transition to new-generation products is a delicate business. Libraries don't respond well to enforced, abrupt transitions. But savvy and well-resourced vendors divide their energies between developing, maintaining, and supporting their existing products, even as they channel the bulk of their energies to developing and marketing new ones. Failings with legacy products can result in lost credibility, which can take a large toll on the prospects of new offerings. [Ed. note: A more detailed version of this decade-long overview, with information about the K-12 and international markets and more in-depth charts, can be found online at] As issues regarding ebook lending roil libraries, publishers, and service providers such as OverDrive, automation vendors are working to integrate ebook management and access effectively into their management platforms and discovery services. Mobile and social networking themes are driving other threads of development. The ever-increasing use of smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices are making it necessary for libraries to expand access to their collections and services to these users. Most vendors now offer some type of mobile product, and business models include free options that 2010 industry revenues would be estimated at $715 million.) As OCLC becomes ever more involved as competition in the library automation industry, we have performed a more detailed analysis of what proportion of its revenues derive from products and services comparable to other companies considered in this report. Of OCLC's FYll revenue of $205.6 million, we calculate that $57.7 million falls within that scope. A broader view of the global library automation industry that aggregates revenues of all companies offering library automation products and services across the globe totals $1.76 billion, including those involved with radio-frequency identification (RFID), automated handling equipment, and self-check, or $1.45 billion excluding them. Library automation revenues limited to the United States total around $450 million. The overall library economy continues to suffer major cutbacks that may never be fully restored, so library automation vendors are facing enormous challenges to find growth opportunities. Libraries may only be able to justify investments for tools that enable them to operate with fewer resources. Software-as-a-service (SaaS) deployments, for example, result in revenue gains through subscription fees commensurate with delivering a more complete package of services, includingfor hosting; libraries see overall savings as they eliminate local Marshall Breeding ([email protected]) is Director servers and their associated costs. Stronger companies can inInnovative Technology and Research, Vanderbilt university, Nashville. crease their slice by taking on competitors with weaker prodHe also runs the Library Technology Guides website 30 I LIBRARY JOURNAL | APRIL 1,2012 ucts, especially tbose in international regions. Tbe ongoing trend of open source integrated library systems (ILSs) cannot be discounted. Open source ILS implementations sbift revenues from one set of companies to anotber, often at lower contract values relative to proprietary software. Scenarios vary, so it's difficult to determine wbetber tbese implementations result in true savings in total ownersbip costs and to wbat extent costs sbift back to tbe libraries or tbeir consortial or regional support offices. U.S. Academic Library Sales 2011/ILS (by Number of Contracts) Infor Library and Infomation Solutions':5 V-smart VTLS'sVirtua 1 8\^ Ex Libris Group's Aleph y'¿. / / ^ H l^/x ^ ^ ^ ^""~">x. ^ B^^WJ^^ / \ ^ 1 I Business cycles 1 ?S •*; ' ^ \ Ex Libris's Voyager ^^^^ ^ s ^ ^ 1 Evergreen • (Equinox Software) L ^BBr^ l ^ ^ ^ ^ l ixuiia . (Equinox Software) 1 Koha . (ByWater Solutions) 13Koha Tbe first sentence oí LJ's 2002 Automation (PTFS-LibLime Academic) SIrsiDynix's — — « T J^ Marketplace remarkably still reflects tbe state of Symphony % J^ ^ ^ ^ \"^~~~~-^ Koha 4 ^ ^ ^ ^ \ ^ (PTFS-LibLime) tbe industry today: "A smaller group of larger firms dominate tbe library automation marketplace. Tbey are \ The Library Corporation's Polaris's ' \ Library.Solution largely international, diversified, and privately Polaris Integrated Library System Innovative Interfaces's 7 owned. Tbe mergers and consolidations tbat Millennium marked tbe recent bistory of tbe industry bave 4 16 absorbed tbe weaker products and companies." Tbe consolidation oftbat era, funded mostly by venture capital or individual investors, led to mucb more aggressive cbanges tbat bave played (by Number of Contracts) out since. VTLS's Virtua 1 Auto-Graphics' AGent VERSO But tbe library automation industry of 2002 1 InforLibrary and Information 1 was also strikingly different from tbat of today. -14 Solution's V-smart 1 Ex Libris Group's Aleph Among tbe major companies. Innovative Inter18 - ^ faces stood as tbe largest company in terms of 2 SirsiDynix's Symphony-...^ . ^ ^ ^ H ^ H revenue, personnel, and customers. In tbe big . ^^„--Biblionix's Apollo news oftbat year, Sirsi bad acquired DRA. Epixtecb, soon to be renamed Dynix, bad previously SirsiDynix's Horizon JBHH||H| 1 The Library Corporation's acquired NOTIS and earlier bad taken over a set 1 ( • jjl^ i CARLX of automation products cast off by OCLC. EnPolaris's Polaris ILS \ jd^B K O deavor Information Systems was operating under Evergreen (Equinox Software) 46 \ ^ ^ tbe ownersbip of publisbing giant Else vier SciInnovative Interfaces' 7 ^ ^ B •1 ence. Gaylord Information Systems operated as a ^\ 13 Millennium ^^ Library Koha \ ^ Infovision's Evolve subsidiary of Gaylord Bros. Geac was beginning (ByWater ^ Corporation's to see its Nortb American market sbare erode. \ Koha 15 Library.Solution Solutions) 2 O (Equinox Software) Largely fueled by private equity, tbe last de29 Koha £. (PTFS-LibLime) cade bas seen a series of business transactions tbat bave concentrated mucb of tbe industry's 17 economy into tbe bands of a small number of Data represents total contracts for ILSs, not total number of libraries. U.S. companies only. companies. Golden Gate Capital acquired Geac SOURCE: U AUTOMATION MARKETPLACE SURVEY 2012 and folded it into Infor, wbere its library division continues witb a focus on European libraries. Vista Equity Part- resources to replace tbem. Nonprofit OCLC made a series of ners assembled SirsiDynix from tbe already consolidated Sirsi business acquisitions, including PICA, Fretwell-Downing, and Dynix, executing a strategy of business integration tbat bas Sisis Informationssysteme, InfoVision Tecbnologies, BOND resulted in a streamlined company tbat manages a very large GmbH, Openly Informatics, Useful Utilities (EZ Proxy), and customer base witb a lean workforce. Francisco Partners bougbt DiMeMa (CONTENTdm). Along witb tbese large consoliEx Libris and Endeavor in separate transactions, forming a new dated entities, many mid-sized and small companies tbrive. company (Ex Libris Group) witb a researcb and development Tbe business cycles tbat bave sbaped tbe industry to tbis focus tbat bas driven tbe creation of new products tbat bave at- point will likely continue. At some point, current private eqtracted a growing customer base. Leeds Equity acquired own- uity owners will casb out tbeir investments. Tbese new transersbip in 2009, largely continuing existing business strategies. actions migbt simply involve new ownersbip, but tbe possibilFamily owned Follett Software Company acquired com- ity of additional consolidation cannot be ruled out. petitor Sagebrusb, including its acquired ILS products Winnebago Spectrum, InfoCentre, and Atbena. Once in wide- Large companies dominate spread use, eacb of tbese bas been dying a slow deatb, starved Ex Libris now ranks as tbe largest company in terms of perfrom development and used by libraries bard-pressed to find sonnel, 512 overall, witb 170 allocated to development, nearly 31 VJ U.S. Public Library Sales 2011/ILS y 63 WWW.LIBRARYJ0URNAL.COM REVIEWS. NEWS. AND MORE " "'•• • - ' ^j^H APRIL 1,2012 I LIBRARY JOURNAL | 31 AUTOMATION MARKETPLACE 2012 THREE-YEAR SALES TRENDS AND SUMMARY* lEWC;usTonA ERS COMPANY SYSTEM NAME 2010 2011 TOTAL SALES 200» 2010 2011 •'im.' 2011 mm ' 12 LIBRARY SERVICES PLATFORMS Ex Libris Aima Innovative Interfaces, Inc. Sierra OCLC V\/orldShare Management Service 0 1 INTEGRATED LIBRARY SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC, ACADEMIC AND CONSOttTIA SORTIlA Auto-Graphics AGent VERSO 16 13 Biblionix Apollo 55 87 ByWater Solutions Koha 44 7 Equinox Software Evergreen 15 • 15 Equinox Software Ex Libris Koha Voyager Ex Libris Aieph Infor Vubis Smart Infor V-smart InfoVision Technology Evolve Innovative Interfaces Millennium The Library Corporation Library Solution The Library Corporation Carl.X/Carl.Solution OCLC AmIib LMS Polaris Library Systems Polaris ILS RTFS Liblime PTFSLiblime LibLime Academic Koha Koha SirsiOynix Symphony SirsiOynix Horizon VTLS Inc. Virtua . 1 . 38 6 6 34 30 0^ ,s • \ ?.;.. 1 30 1 12 5 37 43 0 0 23 21 ' '£8' S5 7.18 •2 4-7 12 ' . '5.33 18 • 44 126 20 22 • 45 . 30 • 0 • . 2 .• 12 13 87 44 15 5 39 1 21 73 39 43 3 12 23 • .12 9 32 48 0 0 53 7 27 : 41 44 47 • 0 l'R , 12 79 48 20 6 1 18 0 8 24 206 184 16 79 54 21 6 1 25 0 30 19 32 48 2 0 53 7 27 122 2 ; 13 ê4746 271 445 1164 4 1 100 20 • '• 4 5 :•• 1 6 , ; NON-U.S. TOTAL SALES INSTALLED 12 53 4 55 0 38 2 0 1 1 1 463 272 446 450 17 1255 2316 213 141 100 1425 773 20 24 197 0 12 3 4 1 V ..Si:- 2 ;.J ' .B5':' 11 71 1 12 . " . . * . . , • : ; . • . ) : , ; ; . 418 123 . 503 2377 1311 1798 "Numbers represented here are as reported by the vendors; blank spaces indicate that no data was provided, or companies gave only aggregate figures. Special libraries not included. SOURCE: U AUTOMATION MARKETPLACE SURVEY 2012 twice that of any competitor. Based on revenue estimates, SirsiDynix, Ex Libris, and Innovative Interfaces, respectively, rank largest in the industry. In terms of ILS installations supported in the academic and public library sector, SirsiDynix leads with 3,688 (Symphony: 2,377, Horizon: 1,311), followed by Ex Libris with 3,571 (Aleph: 2,316, Voyager: 1,255), then Innovative Interfaces (1,425). As a whole, OCLC looms larger than any of the other firms in the library automation industry by personnel employed, libraries served, and revenues. But when considering only the specific areas of involvement with the scope of the library automation industry, OCLC ranks about fifth. The library automation industry includes a number of midsized companies with very long histories. Some of these have remained relatively fiat, or have even downsized over time, but continue to operate profitably. Such companies include AutoGraphics, with its 45 personnel in 2002, down to 34 today; Book Systems (88 to 60); and EOS International (69 to 52). Others have seen growth, such as TLC (173 in 2002, up to 199 in 2011), VTLS (100 to 110), and Keystone Systems (12 to 17). Business transitions Relatively few mergers or acquisitions transpired in 2011. UKbased Talis, a company that had divided its business activities between traditional library automation products and services and semantic web technologies, split itself along those lines; Ample opportunity Capita, a large outsourcing services firm acquired the library While large companies dominate, many smaller enterprises automation side, including its Alto library management system thrive by exploiting niches that larger firms may not consider and related products. Talis will continue to exploit its semantic worthwhile and cultivating new library customers by provid- web services but largely outside the library arena. ing high-quality personalized services. SydneyPLUS, a company involved primarily with special Start-ups are not common in the library automation indus- libraries, acquired the brand and library automation assets of try, though some recently formed companies show great po- competitor Inmagic, but Inmagic will continue to operate as tential for growth. ByWater Solutions entered the scene most an independent wholly owned subsidiary. recently, in April 2009, and has seen dramatic growth in the OCLC continued its buying spree of European library aunumber of libraries contracting for its services to support the tomation companies with the acquisition of BOND, which open source Koha ILS. In itsfirstthree years, it garnered seven, supplies the Bibliotheca2000 and Bibliotheca.Net library 44, and 54 support contracts, respectively, serving a total of management system to around 4000 libraries in Germany, 446 libraries. Biblionix began offering its hosted Apollo ILS in Austria, and Switzerland. According to the 2011 OCLC An2006, with active marketing beginning in 2008, with 49, 55, nual Report, this transaction was valued at $5.9 million. This 87, and 79 respective sales in subsequent years, and a current acquisition is but the latest in a series that brings large numcustomer base of 272 libraries. Its focus on automating small bers of libraries operating legacy ILS products under OCLC's public libraries with a fully hosted web-based ILS has proven aegis. We can speculate that one thread of interest involves to be a successful strategy. providing these libraries with an attractive migration path 32 I LIBRARY JOURNAL | APRIL 1.2012 on the WorldShare Platform. OCLC has expanded the number of data centers supporting the WorldShare Platform to provide a more global infrastructure, growing from the original two in the United States, with one in the UK in 2011, with plans for more in continental Europe, Canada, and Australia in 2012. By the end of 2011, 38 libraries were in production with WMS and another 184 had committed to implement. WMS broke into the realm ofthe large academics with the University of Delaware committing to implement by 2013. In early 2012, OCLC announced the WorldShare License Manager to offer full functionality for managing electronic resources. Library services platforms Ex Libris continues to work toward the completion and reOne of the. major vectors ofthe industry involves the emergence of a new genre of automation products poised to begin lease of Alma, its new library services platform, implementing a new cycle of migrations. These products differ substantially its principles of unified resource management. Development from ILSs and cannot be considered as within the same prod- has been under way since 2009 with the engagement of deuct category. We term these new offerings library services plat-velopment partners Boston College; Princeton University, NJ; forms. Salient characteristics include management of print and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Flanders, Belgium; and Purdue electronic library materials, reliance on global knowledgebases University, West Lafayette, IN. Through 2011, the institutions instead of localized databases, deployment through multitenant worked with Ex Libris to provide input into the design, testing, SaaS based on a service-oriented architecture, and the provi- and evaluation of a series of Alma Partner Releases, culminating sion of a suite of application programming interfaces (APIs) with afinalversion delivered toward the end ofthe year. Genthat enable greater interoperability and extensibility. There are eral release of Alma is expected in early to mid-2012. Beyond significant differences within the product category, however, the initial set of development partners. Ex Libris has signed 24 with quite distinct conceptual, functional, and technical char- contracts for 55 institutions to become early adopters of Alma. acteristics. Implementation of a library services platform can In April 2011, Innovative Interfaces announced that it would potentially displace multiple existing products, including ILSs, develop a new generation automation platform called the Sielectronic resource management tools, OpenURL link resolv- erra Services Platform. Taking forward the functionality of its ers, and digital asset management systems. Millennium ILS, Sierra embraces a new technical architecture, OCLC wasfirstout ofthe blocks in this genre. For 2010, we a more open design exposing a service layer of APIs for mulreported five production deployments of what was then called tiple functions, and a new suite of applications. Unlike MillenWeb-scale Management Services. The product has since been nium, which offers separate modules for each functional area. rebranded as WorldShare Management Services (WMS), and Sierra follows a more unified approach, delivering all staff tasks OCLC has continued to develop the underlying infrastructure through a single client. Sierra will make use of open source and articulate its vision. The WorldShare Platform provides components such as PostgreSQL, for data storage and transacthe general infrastructure that underlies WMS, and it can also tions, and Apache Lucene, for search and retrieval. Millennium serve as the basis for applications created by OCLC members or had gained a reputation as a relatively closed system—a vulnerthird parties. OCLC intends to cultivate an active community ability at a time when many libraries strategically want more acof library programmers engaged with creating services based cess to data and functionality. Innovative Interfaces began initial testing of Sierra late in 2011 and plans to deliver an initial production version this year. PERSONNEL ANALYSIS* In June 2011, Serials Solutions announced 2011 CHANGE 2011,^ that it was jumping into the library automaH SINCE LIBNS.' COMPANY DEVELOP- SUPPORT SALES AOMIN OTHER. B S J I M 2010 ON STAFF tion arena with a web-scale management soluMENT tion, since named Intota. It would extend the Auto.-Graphics, Inc. 7 8 8 3 6 8 H H1 2 approach that Serials Solutions has taken with ByWater Solutions 3 12 3 3 6 1 mi i l ^ the management of electronic resources to Cívica 19 14 371 6 21 H 10 4 Cuadra 7 2 3 4 0 print materials, including reliance on a knowl2 H3 EOS International 11 14 20 4 . 2 3 Km p edgebase collectively shared by libraries that U Equinox Software 6 5 2 3 5 WE m -1 use the product, management of individual liEx Libris 54 170 231 44 13 SEE m 8 brary holdings through profiles, and deployInfor Library Solutions 16 36 13 6 I 0 ment through multitenant SaaS. Serials SoInfoVision Technology 5 3 3 0 ' M 3 ..0 ^ Innovative Interfaces, Inc. 83 ' 158 24 43 lutions will release Intota in multiple phases, 3 wm • 4 "=_ÏÏ8=3- ---' Keystone Systems, Inc. 5 6 3 2 1 HI 1 ~o beginning in late 2012, with a more complete . 25" j^ The Library Corporation 39 91 13 28 28 H f l 1 0 product available by the end of 2013. into OCLC's WorldShare Management Services. In the RFID, self-service, and automated handling arena, a major consolidation took place through the acquisition of Switzerland-based Bibliotheca RFID Systems, UK-based Intellident, and Integrated Technology Group in the LJnited States by the private equity firm One Equity Partners to form a ne'w global firm. In February 2012, Bibliotheca Group also acquired the Swiss company Trion AG, which designs and manufactures automated materials handling equipment for libraries. m •S ÓCLC Polaris Library Systems PTFS 27 5 42 15 2 16 8 8 80 84 50 46 4 57 SirsiDynix Corporation 166 51 23 56 VTlS'lnc. 24 48 12 8 Serial!, Solutions 18 1 11 si 8 1 0 SIg S t u nm 29 5 Hî MUÍ "¡M 14 r?9.L 6o;7 ' Yf •Numbers represented here are as reported by the vendors; blank spaces indicate that no data was provided. SOURCE; U AUTOMATION MARKETPLACE SURVEY 2012 WWW.LIBRARYJ0URNAL.COM REVIEWS. NEWS, AND MORE Sales leaders There was a 2011 uptick in contracts for major library automation products. Innovative Interfaces led the industry with an impressive 206 contracts signed as early adopters of Sierra, representing 700 libraries and 1,616 APRIL 1,2012 I UBliJ\RYJOURNAL | 33 AUTOMATION MARKETPLACE 2012 facilities. The company inked an adSALES OF PRODUCTS BY CATEGORY* ditional 32 contracts for Millennium, totaling 238 contracts overall in 2011, NEW NAME EXISTING TOTAL COMPANY SYSTEM NAME INSTALLED CUSTOMERS CUSTOMERS CONTRACTS an unprecedented number for at least LIBRARY SERVICES PLATFORMS the last decade in the public and acaEx Libris Group Alma 2 24 24 55 demic sectors. Innovative Interfaces Sierra Services Platform 1 0 205 206 OCLC WorldShare Management Services . 184. 38 In this saturated market, where few libraries are automating for the DISCOVERY PRODUCTS AND SERVICES first time, winning contracts with Ex Libris . Primo • 1 4 • 90 914 Ill . new clients is essential to grow a Innovative Interfaces Encore 326 72 company's customer base. In 2011, Mandarin Library M3 Web OPAC 42 • 326 Automation Polaris led in new-name sales, more OCLC WorldCat Local 1578 than doubling its 2010 total with 53 Serials Solutions Summon 214 21 407 contracts, followed by TLC with 48 Serials Solutions Aqua8rowser 214 154 250 contracts for Library.Solution (down SirstDynix SirsiDynix Enterprise 12 251 100 from 43). Forty-one of the 122 conSirsiDynix SirsiDynix Social Library 37 0 37 tracts (covering 725 libraries) that The Library Corporation LS2 Kids 43 88 SirsiDynix signed for Symphony The Library Corporation LS2 PAC 88 236 were to libraries not previously using VTLS 1 Chamo 7 7 51 its products. And OCLC reported VTLS ChaVís 3 184 contracts for WMS in 2011. 1 VTLS Visualizer 1 3 In the open source arena both ByVTLS Vitation 2 Water Solutions and Equinox SoftFEDERATED SEARCH ware saw substantial gains. LibLimeAuto-Graphics AGent Portal 2 2 2 1307 PTFS saw a decline in new contracts Auto-Graphics AGent Search 2 2 2 1307 from 40 in 2010 to 22 in 2011. Ex Libris Group MetaLib 15 28 43 1746 Not surprisingly, companies offerInnovative Research Pro 2 314 Interfaces, Inc. ing new library sei'vices platforms saw Serials Solutions 360 Search 58 330 declines in their traditional ILS prodSerials Solutions WebFeat 0 40 ucts: Ex Libris reported 25 Aleph contracts in 2011, down from 39 in MOBILE PRODUCTS 2010; Innovative Interfaces made 39 The Library Corporation LS2 Mobile 27 33 sales of Millennium in 2010 but only SirsiDynix BookMyne 530 32 in 2011, tbough all were to newname customers. As the library automation industry becomes increasingly ing Dynix's (now SirsiDynix's) Horizon, Endeavor's (now Ex globalized, many companies based in the United States have Libris's) Voyager, VTLS's Virtua, and the Polaris ILS. Sirsi's significant international involvement. Innovative Interfaces Unicorn ILS evolved from the host-terminal era through gets 30 percent of its revenue from outside the United States.. the introduction of new clients, initially InfoVIEW and later Just under half of the contracts SirsiDynix signed in 2011 WorkFlows. Innovative Interfaces took a similar evolutionary were to international libraries, and OCLC is active in many route by developing a new set of Millennium modules to opregions of the globe, with 25 percent of revenues earned out- erate with the same server software as INNOPAC. Now, prevailing trends in technology favor products that side the United States. Ex Libris, based in Israel, earns about one-third of its revenue in the United States. Civica currently embrace service-oriented architectures and web-based inhas only a handful of sites in the United States or Canada, but terfaces, designed to be deployed though cloud technoloit is a dominant player in tbe UK, Australia, and Asia with its gies, though some concerns persist regarding security and Spydus LMS and otber products. Infor Library and Informa- reliability. That said, the trend away from local library hosting isn't tion Solutions, a small division within a very large IT services firm, stands as a significant player in the European library au- new. In 2002, we observed that more companies offer an ASP tomation market, with a small presence in the United States (Application Service Provider) model. That model of vendor hosting of client/server products and Canada. persists today, often labeled as managed services or SaaS. In its infancy a decade ago, this model has recently become a Technology q^cles A decade ago, the library automation industry was in the heavily promoted mainstream option. More than 750 librarthroes of a transition from ILSs based on host-terminal hard- ies use SirsiDynix's hosting services for Symphony or Horiware and text-based interfaces to new products based on then- zon. As local hardware fails or reaches the end of its useful life, in-vogue client/server architecture. Mainframes had become many libraries opt to shift to a vendor-hosted arrangement. prohibitively expensive to operate. Powerful personal com- Apart from hardware issues, some libraries move to bosting puters witb graphical interfaces and faster networks ushered in services to free their technical support staff to attend to other this new era in computing. A wave of development beginning priorities. in the early to late 1990s launched client/server ILSs, includThe newly developed library services platforms follow 34 I LIBRARY JOURNAL | APRIL 1,2012 not be available in the software. In the United States and Canada, companies offering services include EquiNEW NAME EXISTING TOTAL COMPANY SYSTEM NAME INSTALLED CUSTOMERS CUSTOMERS CONTRACTS nox Software, the dominant firm DIGITAL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM involved with Evergreen, though it AutorGraphics AGent Digital Collections 2 4 . 1 7 193 also supports a handful of libraries usEx Libris Group DigiTooi 1 5 " 15 Ex Libris Group Ex Libris Rosetta 0 ing Koha; ByWater Solutions, which CONTENTdm 924 OCLC supports Koha and is aligned with the SirsiOynix Portfolio 44 55 SirsiDynix 8 global develop1 VTLS VITAL Media ers; and PTFS-LibLime, which offers services for two ILS products, LibELECTRONIC RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SUPPORT Ex Libris Group Verde 2. 7 8 229 Lime Koha and LibLiine Academic 332 Innovative Interfaces Electronic Resource Management 18 Koha. Other organizations involved Seriáis Solutions 360 Core 76 456 621 in support for Evergreen include the 360 Counter 66 256 Serials Solutions 102 nonprofit LYRASIS member orga444 Serials Solutions 360 MARC Updates 53 310 nization; the PALS organization, as145 273 Serials Solutions 360 Resource Manager 33 sociated with the Minnesota State 167 Serials Solutions Ulrichs Serials Analysis System 21 ' 106 Colleges and Universities system; and 53 809 979 Serials Solutions Ulrichsweb HSLC, a nonprofit supporting libraries in Pennsylvania. INSTITUTIONAL REPOSITORY 1 1 31 VTLS VITAL In 2011, more libraries contracted for open source ILS products than in OPENURL LINKING APPLICATION 66 2306 Ex Libris Group SFX 93 the previous year. Equinox signed 21 Serials Solutions 224 . 593 974 360 Linl< support contracts for Evergreen rep9' . , ; 385 Innovative Interfaces WebBridge LR resenting 117 libraries and 415 facilities, compared to 15 contracts in RESOURCE SHARING SYSTEMS 2703 Auto-Graphics AGent Resource Sharing 2010, and another six for Koha. ByWater Solutions' 54 contracts repRFID SUPPORT 1 1 , . 18 VTLS FASTRAC (RFID) resenting 231 libraries beat the 44 it signed in 2010. PTFS signed 22 deals ARCHIVES MANAGEMENT j' . f, VTLS ' • Virtua for Archives ' :• • , I '' for LibLime Koha representing 76 libraries, a decline from the 44 re•Numbers represented here are as reported by the vendors; blank spaces indicate that no data vïas supplied, or companies gave only aggregate figures. U.S. companies only. ported in 2010; PTFS also reported SOURCE: U AUTOMATION MARKETPLACE SURVEY 2012 an additional seven contracts fbr LibLime Academic Koha. more modern notions of cloud computing. Many offerings The efforts of the Kuali OLE project, meanwhile, will not will be offered in this model exclusively, including World- produce an open source ILS but a product consistent with the Sbare Management Services, Alma, and Intota. Others will characteristics of the library services platform. The Kuali OLE have options for local installations, but we can expect that partners are led by Indiana University, Bloomington, and incloud deployments will dominate over time. clude the University of Maryland, College Park; Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA; University of Chicago; University of The product q^cle Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; University of Michigan, Ann ArOver the next decade, we can expect at least the same level of bor; Duke University, Durham, NC; North Carolina State product turnover as in the previous one. The vast majority of University, Raleigh; and a consortium of university libraries automation systems installed today follow the client/server ap- in Florida. Partial funding is provided through the Andrew W. proach. Just as the last decade saw a complete turnover from Mellon Foundation; the Kuali Foundation manages its govhost-terminal products to ones based on client/server architec- ernance. The project anticipates completion of the initial vertures, we can anticipate a similar pattern. We can also expect sion of the Kuali OLE software in December 2012, with imsimilar themes of "capturing the migrating customer" or "the plementation in partner institutions beginning in 2013. The competition heats up" (titles of the Automation Marketplace Kuali OLE project has also engaged a commercial firm, Troy, in 2002 and 2003, respectively) in the next few years, as a new Ml-headquartered HTC Global Services, as a development wave of migrations from legacy ILS products to new library partner. We can anticipate commercial firms gathering around services platforms gains full steam. Kuali OLE as they have open source ILS products. SALES OF PRODUCTS BY CATEGORY'' (CONTD.) Open source opportunities Open APIs Many libraries continue to opt for open source ILSs rather than proprietary products. Evergreen and Koha.ILS products have become mainstream. Both offer features compairable to proprietary products and have commercial companies that offer migration, hosting, and support services. Libraries can also sponsor development for new features they require that may Libraries increasingly expect to be able to access the data and functionality of their key systems through APIs, and that expectation applies to both proprietary and open source software. The availability of an open and robust set of APIs is a key characteristic of the new genre of library services platforms, and many traditional ILS products also offer this capability. SirsiDynix Sym- WWW.LIBRARYJ0URNAL.COM REVIEWS. NEWS, AND MORE APRIL 1,2012 I LIBRARY JOURNAL | 35 AUTOMATION MARKETPLACE 2012 pbony, for example, bas included a proprietary set of APIs since 1995 (and in 2009 released its Web Services package delivering a more substantial subset of its APIs for development). In 2011, Polaris Library Systems initiated a program called tbe Polaris Developer Network, in wbicb it grants libraries using tbe Polaris ILS open access to its APIs, and provides a development environment and tools to belp customers create and sbare applications. Individuals or organizations tbat aren't Polaris customers can purcbase membersbip, including companies wanting to integrate tbeir products or services witb Polaris. Ex Libris bas a long-standing practice of creating APIs for its products and making tbem available to its customer libraries, and tbat will persist witb Alma. Ex Libris reports ongoing interest in its Open Platform Program, originally launcbed in 2008, wbicb provides tbe EL Commons CodeSbare for library programmers to deposit and sbare tbe applications, scripts, or otber code tbat tbey create using its products' APIs. A fundamental precept of OCLC's approacb witb its WorldSbare Platform involves providing access to its APIs and cultivating a community of library developers. Just as OCLC makes use of tbe WorldSbare Platforni APIs to develop largescale applications, libraries can build tbeir own applications. OCLC provides an App Gallery wbere completed applications can be certified by OCLC and made available for use by otber libraries. TLC successfully promoted AquaBrowser as a next-generation catalog for its customers, and many of tbose installations remain. Witb tbe acquisition oftbat tecbnology by Bowker (and now part of tbè Serials Solutions portfolio), tbe company developed its own LS2 PAC and bas transitioned some of tbose customers from AquaBrowser to LS2 PAC. Witb LS2 PAC available to tbese libraries free of cbarge, libraries operating AquaBrowser or TLC's legacy online catalog module are more likely to make tbe sbift. SirsiDynix offers Enterprise as its new-generation discovery layer and Portfolio for access to digital collections using tbe same platform. In 2011, SirsiDynix delivered an updated version of botb products and reported 100 libraries contracting for Enterprise and 44 for Portfolio. Taking a social media approacb to discovery for public libraries, BiblioCommons continues to attract interest. Tbougb tbe company did not provide sales statistics, BiblioCommons boasted many new libraries in 2011, including tbe New York Public Library; Vancouver Public Library, BC; and tbe Obiobased CLEVNET consortium. Expectations are rising for libraries to deliver effective discovery of library materials, along witb interfaces tbat stimulate engagement. Combined witb tbe large number of libraries tbat remain on older-generation online catalogs, tbis means tbat discovery products sbould continue to represent a significant portion of tbe industry. Intense discovery competition Delivering through mobile devices Especially among academic libraries, tbe need for discovery tools broader tban an ILS's online catalog is well accepted. Libraries witb significant investments in electronic content— wbicb includes almost any academic library—are likely to be in tbe market for a discovery service if tbey do not already bave one. Products witb large indexes of scbolarly content vigorously compete in tbis arena, including Serials Solutions' Summon, Ex Libris's Primo Central, OCLC's WorldCat Local, and EBSCO Discovery Service, as well as Innovative Interfaces' Encore Synergy, wbicb uses web services to integrate articles into searcb results. Points of differentiation include tbe quantity of materials indexed, wbetber tbe materials are indexed by citation or full text, and tbe effectiveness in producing relevant results. Tbe providers of discovery services based on consolidated indexes compete intensely to gain access to scbolarly content aiming toward tbe most comprebensive representation possible. NISO launcbed tbe Open Discovery Initiative in 2011 to describe best practices or standards tbat apply to index-based discovery services witb stakebolders from libraries, content providers, and producers of discovery services. Public libraries seek discovery products tbat deliver a ricber end user experience and tbat stimulate engagement witb tbe library's programs and services. Many companies tbat offer ILS products to public libraries offer enbanced online catalog products tbat embody cbaracteristics of discovery products, boping to stem tbe tide of libraries seeking discovery products elsewbere. In a remarkable move, TLC launcbed "Solutions Tbat Deliver MORE," a program tbat provides all its current Library. Solution customers access witbout cost to its new patron and staff interface products, including LS2 PAC, LS2 Kids PAC, LS2 Mobile, and tbe LS2 Staff Web. Between 2004 and 2008, Interest in mobile options continues to intensify. Almost all providers of patron-facing library services offer mobile versions, but business models for access vary. SirsiDynix, for example, put out its basic BookMyne mobile app as a free download but also sells BookMyne+ to libraries if tbey want a customized mobile catalog. TLC, as noted, recently offered its LS2 Mobile to current customers witbout cost. Innovative Interfaces now provides Encore Mobile as a no-cost option for existing customers of its Encore and AirPAC. Auto-Grapbics released iLib2Go in 2011, its initial mobile offering, as a free iPbone download available to all AGent VERSO sites. 36 I LIBRARY JOURNAL | APRIL 1,2012 Looking forward Given tbe factors in play, we can anticipate moderate growtb in tbe overall library automation economy in tbe next few years, witb revenue enbancements associated witb increased proportions of SaaS outweigbing tbe deflationary impact of open source adoptions. Large companies witb international reacb, compelling products, and many customers poised to sbift from local deployments to SaaS stand to make gains at a faster pace. Tbe lackluster sales of tbe last few years sbould begin to tick upward as libraries make commitments to new library services platforms. Tbe turnover from legacy automation products will cburn in tbe United States and even more intensely internationally. Expect sales of discovery products to climb; tbey can now be considered essential products, especially for academic libraries. As tecb products become more compelling and reacb sufficient levels of maturity, libraries tbat bave deferred upgrading tbeir infrastructure will increasingly move forward. Despite depressed budgets, libraries will continue to invest in tecbnology products to maintain tbeir position witbin tbeir communities or parent institutions Copyright of Library Journal is the property of Media Source, Inc. and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use.