First Year German Curriculum Minnesota State University, Mankato


First Year German Curriculum Minnesota State University, Mankato
First Year German Curriculum
Minnesota State University, Mankato
Evelyn Meyer
Required Texts:
Terrell, Tschirner, Nikolai Kontakte. A Communicative Approach 5th ed. McGraw Hill, 2004. Text and
workbook and online materials.
Hoptman. Stadt und Land. Text History, and Culture for the First Year. 2004. (course package at copy
Recommended Texts:
Langenscheidt’s Compact Dictionary: German. Langenscheidt.
Zorach and Melin, English Grammar for Students of German, 4th ed.
Ger 101 (4 50-minute contact hours each week for 15 weeks)
This course covers Einführung A & B and chapters 1 – 5 of the text and workbook.
There will be 5 exams, one at the end of the two introductory units A & B and one each at the
end of chapters 1 – 4.
There will be two formal essays, process written.
We will cover chapters 1 – 4 in the reader Stadt und Land and read the historical section.
There will be one skit (group project)
There will be one cultural project to satisfy MSU’s Category 8: Global Perspectives
The final exam is cumulative, covering the entire semester, but will have a strong component
testing chapter 5 materials.
Class instruction will be in German,
Preparation & Participation
Stadt & Land Fragen & 1 historical quiz
5 Tests (5 percent each)
2 Essays (5 percent each)
Cultural Project
Final Exam
Participation and preparation count as 28% of your grade and I may assess points for participation (in
German, on task, and producing results) and preparation unannounced on a daily basis. Research has
shown that languages are learned most rapidly when students prepare and practice language on a dayto-day basis, rather than once a week before an exam. When you come to class, have your homework
finished. Be ready to get to work! If your written and spoken work in class give evidence of solid
preparation, you receive participation/preparation credit for that class session. I may frequently ask you
to turn in homework and/or work produced in class, and may give occasional "pop" quizzes as well.
This helps me assess your participation-preparation grade and also gives me a chance to give you
feedback on your work. Please note that simply attending class will not earn you ParticipationPreparation credit. Participation means being actively INVOLVED in the classroom sessions.
Classroom activities related to your participation-preparation grade
The type of classroom environment fostered in this language program is student-centered rather than
teacher-centered. This means that I do not typically stand in front of class giving you a prepared
lecture. Instead, I come to class with a variety of prepared activities designed to give you the
opportunity to practice and build skills that will enable you to learn German. You can expect, for
example, to make your own vocabulary associations on chapter topics and share these lists with other
students. You will be asked to practice speaking with a partner and in small groups. You will answer
questions about things we read and view in class. During listening activities you may be asked to fillin missing dialogue, listen for specific words or phrases, or get the gist of a text. I try to make the
purpose of my activities explicit and we may spend some class time at the beginning of the semester
discussing strategies for doing the tasks required by the activities.
You will have a variety of tasks to complete in this course—each targets one or more language skills
area. Assignments listed on the syllabus are to be prepared for the next day. When pages are assigned
from Kontakte, you are to do all charts and answer all questions within those pages. (You must write
out the answers to all questions. Write them in a notebook or make photocopies if you don't want to
write in your textbook.). You will probably spend two hours work outside of class for each class
session. This includes preparing the Stadt & Land assignments.
Regular attendance is mandatory. Because of the pace and amount of information covered, it is
necessary that you be present and prepared for every single class meeting! Do not miss quizzes or
other assignments. Do not count on make-up quizzes. On rare occasions when absence is unavoidable
due to serious illness or family emergency, I may require proof of your reason of absence before we
discuss the possibility of make-up work. Do not expect to pass this course if you are frequently absent.
There will be five tests in German 101. These tests will be based on the thematic content of Kontakte.
Each 40-point test will contain a Listening, Reading, Structure, and Writing section. You will show
your knowledge of relevant vocabulary in all sections of the exam. Your actual points on the exam
will be converted into a percentage score.
The final exam will have a format identical to that of each test and is exactly twice the length of a
regular test. The final exam has 80 actual points and your actual points on the final exam will be
converted into a percentage score. The final exam is cumulative and covers the entire semester, with a
stronger focus on chapter 5 materials.
AUFSÄTZE (Typed, double-spaced, written in GERMAN)
You have two individual essays or "AUFSATZ" assignments. The topics of these essays will relate to
one of the content themes in Kontakte you have covered up to that particular week. Each Aufsatz
should be at least 150 words; please write the total number of words for your Aufsatz on the cover
Grading the Aufsatz
I will be looking for meaningful content and comprehensible German structures. Your goal is to write
an essay that can communicate at least 150 words of German to a fluent reader.
The two AUFSÄTZE are worth five points each: 1 point for peer editing work, 1 point for good
content, 1 point for good use of chapter vocabulary, 1 point presentation, and 1 point for grammar
Early in the semester I will put each of you into a working group. Each group will prepare the
questions from each chapter of Stadt & Land. You may earn up to 1.5 points for each of the four
chapters, and up to 2 points for the historical, cultural quiz. Another 3 points will involve a more
creative project: you will create one short 5-8 minute skit ("Kurzspiele") based on the Stadt & Land
Answering the questions in Stadt & Land will help you to summarize and be familiar with the
basic content of the reader at home. You will be given time in class to compare your answers with
your Arbeitsgruppe. I will then evaluate the group's performance, by asking you to answer the
questions orally in your own words.
I will begin the evaluation process by asking to see each member's written notes or pictures on the
assigned questions, then I will ask you the questions in sequence and each group member will then
answer at least one of the questions out loud. You receive a "group" score based on how each group
member performs. Note that you should be able to understand the question without your book and give
me an answer in German that you can understand and use with some accuracy (at least enough to be
understood). You need not respond with a complete sentence; simple replies are adequate if they
answer the question, but complete sentences are preferred.
Groups must complete reading assignments according to the syllabus. If all group members are not
ready to be evaluated on the day an assignment is to be completed, you lose the chance to be evaluated
on that assignment. Please note that ALL members of the group must demonstrate mastery on an
exercise before I will approve its completion. The key to this aspect of 101 is COOPERATIVE
LEARNING. The more group members support one another, the more you will benefit from these
German 101 qualifies under Category 8, Global Perspectives, in the general education curriculum.
You will have the chance to prove in the course, that you have satisfied the following competencies:
a) be able to describe, analyze, and evaluate political, economic, humanistic, artistic, social
and cultural elements which influence relations of nations and people in their historical and
contemporary dimensions; and
b) be able to demonstrate knowledge of cultural, social, religious and linguistic differences.
As part of the requirements for the course, under the general education guidelines, you will complete a
cultural research project which will count as 10 % of the course grade. Topic TBA during the
Every attempt will be made to accommodate qualified students with disabilities. If you are a student
with a documented disability, please see the instructor at the beginning of the semester to discuss the
necessary accommodations, and contact the Disabilities Services Office at (507)-389-2825 or 1-800627-3529.
Academic misconduct will not be tolerated. I expect you to submit your own original work on all
assignments. The use of translation programs in writing essays is prohibited, as essays are designed to
show your work and give instructors an idea of your own level. Besides, many of them are appallingly
There will be opportunities for extra credit, 2 course points/percentage points maximum. Please
consult your instructor for suggestions of appropriate projects. The projects have to be done in
German. I will provide you with a list of suggested topics as well.
The German Club gets together once a week for German Conversation. If you attend and participate in
German Conversation 3 times during the semester, you will earn 1 extra credit point. If you attend and
participate at least 6 or more times, you will receive 2 extra credit points.
The German Club is also planning in socials and community service projects and other fun activities.
To be informed about Club activities email the German Club at [email protected] or check out
the German Club website at
Your course grade is figured according to the course-point (percentage) scale below.
Course Points
Course Grade
represents work of definitely superior quality
represent a better-than-average level of performance
represents an average-level of performance
represents below-average performance
represents an unacceptable level of performance (regular graded courses)
represents an unacceptable level of performance at the undergraduate level (P/N
graded courses)
represents a passing performance (P/N graded courses), i.e. a grade of C or higher
on the A-F scale
Incompletes: A grade of “Incomplete” is reserved for special cases and means that, because of
extenuating circumstances, the student failed to meet one assignment / important requirement of the
course, but has in other respects done passing work for the semester. The incomplete must be made
up in the next semester in which the student is enrolled.
Verben (& Tempus)
Verbs (& Tenses)
Die Subjekt-Verb-Konstruktion ist falsch.
The subject-verb agreement is wrong.
1. Stimmt die Verbform mit dem
Subjekt überein (Person, Zahl)?
2. Steht das (trennbare/nicht trennbare)
Präfix an der richtigen Stelle?
3. Ist das Hilfsverb (haben, sein,
werden, Modalverb) richtig konjugiert?
4. Ist das Partizip richtig?
1. Does the verb agree in person and
number with its subject?
2. Is the separable or inseparable prefix
in the correct position?
3. Is the helping verb (haben, sein, werden,
modal verb) conjugated correctly?
4. Is the participle correct?
Verb tense
Nomen (& Kasus)
Nouns (& Cases)
Zahl (Einzahl oder Mehrzahl)
Number (singular or plural)
Adjective ending
Lexical Matters
Word order
Wort (falsche Wortwahl)
Wrong word
Etwas fehlt
Something is missing
Incomprehensible; can you rephrase this?
101 Aufsatz 1 Deckblatt
Name: ____________________________
_____ Do all conjugated verbs agree with their subjects?
_____ Are the verbs spelled correctly?
_____ Are the verbs in the conjugated verbs in second position in main clauses?
_____ Did you capitalize nouns?
_____ Did you choose the correct article and case for nouns?
_____ Did you double check new or difficult words for spelling errors?
_____ In general, is the essay in a presentable format? (typed, double spaced)
_____ Did you proofread your paper and write in any missing Umlauts?
_____ Are you passing in all drafts together, along with this sheet (Cover sheet, Final draft, previous
drafts and rough draft/notes)?
_____ Did you spell-check your essay?
Word Count: ______
Your Signature: _______________________
For Instructor’s Use
Comments after Correction:
= ____/2
= ____/2
Presentation/Organizat.= ____/2
Peer editing
= ____/2
Grammar focus
= ____/2
Total points
= ____/10
Deutsch 101
Aufsatz I
Herbst 2005
Aufsatz 1 consists of a one rough in-class peer editing, and one final, expanded essay with an optional
second . Both grammatical accuracy AND the quality of content, which are integral elements in
writing, will be reflected in the grading. You should:
type your essay double-spaced
write about 150-200 words in German
write the total number of words on the cover sheet
pass in first draft and notes with essay final draft
fill out and staple cover sheet to final draft
Aufsatz I / Peer revision process: Through in-class process editing, you will check classmates' first
drafts carefully to see if the grammatical and content criteria have been met. After receiving this input,
you will revise your own essay based on peers' comments and create a first version of your essay,
which you will hand in to me. I will read your essay and comment on your content and code grammar
mistakes that you can fix. After I return the essay, you will have the choice to improve your grade by
revising your content and/or cleaning up your grammar and resubmit it as the final (optional) version
of the essay, submitting it with all the other drafts and cover sheets. You will receive a final cover
sheet from me with instructions on what to turn in and in what form. Filling out the cover sheet and
following the directions on it are part of the process for which you will be evaluated.
Peer Editing workshop
19. Oktober 2005
Bring a hard copy of your
first draft for peer editing and
email it to yourself as well, so
that you can spellcheck your
essay in the lab.
First draft to hand in to
20 Oktober 2005
Hand in stapled together in
this order:
• Signed cover sheet
• final version of essay
(with word count)
• First draft w/ corrections
revised essay due
27. Oktober 2005
Hand in stapled together in
this order:
• Signed cover sheet
• previous version of essay
(with word count)
• First draft w/ corrections
• Final version of essay
Grading the Aufsätze (10 points)
2 point for good use of vocabulary
2 point for content
2 point for organization of essay and presentation
2 point for consistent control of the grammar focus
2 point for full participation in the peer revision process (essay finished and ready for in-class
editing, contributing valuable and thoughtful feedback to your peers, and responding to their
feedback when revising your essay.)
I will look for meaningful content and comprehensible German sentences. Your goal is to write an
essay that can communicate to a fluent reader. You are expected to use much of the vocabulary from
Kontakte to write an essay that flows well and is clearly and logically organized. Concentrate on
spelling, verb placement, subject-verb agreement, and case.
Deutsch 101
Aufsatz I
Herbst 2005
course get assistance on items here and there, but please make sure that the essay you turn in is
produced by you. Remember that you should do your best, but no one expects perfection in 101.
Mögliche Aufsatzthemen zur Wahl
Thema 1: Beschreiben Sie eine berühmte oder wichtige Person. Wie sieht die Person aus? Welche
Kleidung trägt sie am liebsten? Warum? Wo wohnt sie? Was besitzt sie? Was macht sie in ihrer
Freizeit? Welche Talente hat sie?
Thema 2: Winter in Minnesota! Was machen Sie während der Winterferien? Welche Feiertage feiern
Sie im Winter? Beschreiben Sie einen typischen Wintertagesablauf. Was machen Sie am Morgen / am
Nachmittag / am Abend? Was sind Ihre Winteraktivitäten? Welche Talente brauchen Sie dazu?
Der Aufsatz soll 3 Teile haben:
Absatz 1: Einleitung und Kontext: Führen Sie Ihr Thema ein (introductory paragraph)
2-3 Weitere Absätze: Beschreiben Sie den Kontext und die Person / Aussehen / Aktivitäten / Talente
etc. !
Letzter Absatz: These/Meinung/Fazit
IMPORTANT: Save all documents in MAC/PC WORD format. Also email the Aufsatz to
yourself so that you can retrieve it in the computer lab in case you have difficulties opening your
document on disk. Bring a hardcopy to the lab as well.
For Macintosh
For "ß"
While holding down the "option" key, press the letter "s"
For any umlauted
character (Ä, ä, Ö,
ö, Ü, ü)
While holding down the "option" key, press the letter "u".
Then, after letting up on both characters, press the letter
you want umlauted (capitalized or lower case).
For Word for Windows
Hold down the "alt" key and hit "i" (pulls down the "Insert" menu from the Toolbar). Hit "s" (selects
"Symbol" section under "Insert" menu). Use the arrows or the mouse to choose the desired character
from the menu provided.
101 Aufsatz 1 Peer Editing—Im Computerlabor
A. Machen Sie einen Kreis um alle Verben.
B. Machen Sie ein Rechteck um alle Subjekte (Nominativform).
C. Ist das Verb richtig korrigiert für das Subjekt?
zum Beispiel: ich geht nach Hause. Schreiben Sie S-V darüber, weil ich und
geht nicht passen. Tipp: Ich gehe ODER er/sie geht
2. Schauen Sie sich die Wortstellung an. Sind das Verb und das Subjekt in
richtiger Position?
A. Unterstreichen Sie alle direkten Objekte (= Akkusativform)
B. Sind alle direkten Objekte im Akkusativ? Wenn ein direktes Objekt im
Nominativ steht, schreiben Sie K darüber.
Zum Beispiel: Ich kaufe der Tisch. Der Tisch ist Nominativ und es muss das
direkte Objekt in Akkusativ sein, als ich kaufe den Tisch.
4. Spellcheck demonstrazion:
Kopieren Sie jetzt Ihre elektronische Version vorm Aufsatz und gehet Sie zu auf der riechten seite unter “Online Reference Materials” clicken Sie
auf “Online German Spellchecker” und verbesern Sie Ihuren Aufsatz. Machen Sie Korekturen und
speichern Sie den Aufsatz. Drucken Sie ihn aus. Nehmen Sie bitte beide Versionen mit nach Hause
und verbessern Sie ihren Aufsatz noch mehr bis morgen.
Kopieren Sie jetzt Ihre elektronische Version vom Aufsatz und gehen Sie zu auf der rechten Seite unter “Online Reference Materials” klicken Sie
auf “Online German Spellchecker” und verbessern Sie Ihren Aufsatz. Machen Sie Korrekturen und
speichern Sie den Aufsatz. Drucken Sie ihn aus. Nehmen Sie bitte beide Versionen mit nach Hause
und verbessern Sie ihren Aufsatz noch mehr bis morgen.
101 Aufsatz 2 Deckblatt
Name: ____________________________
_____ Do all conjugated verbs agree with their subjects?
_____ Are the verbs spelled correctly?
_____ Are the verbs in the conjugated verbs in second position in main clauses?
_____ Are your past participles correct and do they have the correct auxiliary verb?
_____ Did you capitalize nouns?
_____ Did you choose the correct article and case for nouns?
_____ Did you check that you have the correct gender of your nouns?
_____ Did you double check new or difficult words for spelling errors?
_____ In general, is the essay in a presentable format? (typed, double spaced)
_____ Did you proofread your paper and write in any missing Umlauts?
_____ Are you passing in all drafts together, along with this sheet (Cover sheet, Final draft, previous
drafts and rough draft/notes)?
_____ Did you spell-check your essay?
Word Count: ______
Your Signature: _______________________
For Instructor’s Use
= ____/2
Comments after Correction:
= ____/2
Presentation/Organizat.= ____/2
Peer editing
= ____/2
Grammar focus
= ____/2
Total points
= ____/10
Aufsatz 2 consists of a short, typed essay, a cover sheet, and drafts relating to process editing done in
class (all double-spaced and on standard-sized paper). I will be looking for content, sustained correct
spelling, and grammatical accuracy, particularly gender and subject-verb agreement and correct
By turning in the essay, you signify that it is a new and original work, representing your own skills and
abilities. On certain points of grammar and/or style, you may ask questions of instructors, colleagues,
friends, etc., but do not have anyone proofread your essay. Using a translation program is, of course,
not allowed. However, you may use the online spell check, which we will do in class during the peer
editing workshop.
Your essay should include:
1. A title.
2. An introductory paragraph.
3. A closing paragraph.
4. A word count (Wortzahl)
A title page is not necessary, though you may create one if you wish. Illustrations may also be
included, though, again, they are not necessary.
Evaluation: content, 1 point; grammatical accuracy, 1 point; process editing, 1 point; presentation
(i.e., the appearance of the essay), 1 point.
• Do not translate from your native language into German.
• Be concise, but try to avoid too much listing of information (though some is inevitable, of course).
Create sentences.
• Try to use words and phrases from recent chapters.
• If you look up a new word in an English-German dictionary, double check it in the German-English
section. The first word listed is not always the best or even correct choice.
THEMA. Beschreiben Sie ein Kindheits-/Jugenderlebnis (childhood/teenager event/experience)
Was haben Sie als Kind oder Jugendlicher gemacht? Welche Talente hatten Sie? Was ist in dem
Kindheits-/Jugenderlebnis passiert? Welchen Effekt hat das auf Sie gehabt? Warum erinnern Sie sich
so gut an dieses Ereignis?
Word for Macintosh: ü = option u + u, ö = option u + o, ä = option u + a,
ß = option s
For MSWord for Windows: Type "alt" + "i.” This pulls down the "Insert" menu
from the Toolbar. Then type "s" for the "symbols.” Then select the appropriate
Aufsatz 2 consists of a one in-class peer editing version of your essay, and one final, expanded essay
with an optional second . Both grammatical accuracy AND the quality of content, which are integral
elements in writing, will be reflected in the grading. You should:
type your essay double-spaced
write about 150-200 words in German
write the total number of words on the cover sheet
pass in first draft and notes with essay final draft
fill out and staple cover sheet to final draft
Aufsatz II / Peer revision process: Through in-class process editing, you will check classmates' first
drafts carefully to see if the grammatical and content criteria have been met. After receiving this input,
you will revise your own essay based on peers' comments and create a first version of your essay,
which you will hand in to me. I will read your essay and comment on your content and code grammar
mistakes that you can fix. After I return the essay, you will have the choice to improve your grade by
revising your content and/or cleaning up your grammar and resubmit it as the final (optional) version
of the essay, submitting it with all the other drafts and cover sheets. You will receive a final cover
sheet from me with instructions on what to turn in and in what form. Filling out the cover sheet and
following the directions on it are part of the process for which you will be evaluated.
Peer editing workshop
16. November 2005
Bring a hard copy of your
first draft for peer editing and
email it to yourself as well, so
that you can spellcheck your
essay in the lab.
Hand in first draft to instructor Hand in revised essay to
21. November 2005
28. November 2005
Hand in stapled together in Hand in stapled together in
this order:
this order:
• Signed cover sheet
• Signed cover sheet
• final version of essay
• previous version of essay
(with word count)
(with word count)
• First draft w/ corrections
• First draft w/ corrections
• Final version of essay
I will look for meaningful content and comprehensible German sentences. Your goal is to write an
essay that can communicate to a fluent reader. You are expected to use much of the vocabulary from
Kontakte to write an essay that flows well and is clearly and logically organized. Concentrate on
spelling, verb placement, subject-verb agreement, and case.
Aufsatz 2 Peerediting workshop
Beschreibt der Autor die Kindheit?
Sagt der Autor, was er/sie als Kind gemacht hat?
Ist der Text interessant?
Spricht der Autor über seine/ihre Talente?
Schreibt der Autor in Perfekt (Vergangenheit)?
Haben Sie Fragen?
Gibt es einen kreativen Titel? If not, make a suggestion. I don’t want
to see “Mein Kindheitserlebnis” Make it unique for your essay
Mark the introductory paragraph/sentences.
Mark the closing paragraph/sentences.
Schreiben Sie “Korrekturgelesen von _____(ihr Name)_________”
auf den Aufsatz Ihres Partners und geben Sie den Aufsatz zurück.
Machen Sie den Online Spellcheck mit Ihrem Aufsatz. Ich zeige
Ihnen, wie sie das machen.
German 101 qualifies under Category 8, Global Perspectives, in the general education curriculum.
You will have the chance to prove in the course, that you have satisfied the following competencies:
c) be able to describe, analyze, and evaluate political, economic, humanistic, artistic, social
and cultural elements which influence relations of nations and people in their historical and
contemporary dimensions; and
d) be able to demonstrate knowledge of cultural, social, religious and linguistic differences.
As part of the requirements for the course, under the general education guidelines, you will complete a
cultural research project which will count as 10 % of the course grade.
You will be working in your Stadt und Land groups. You will be evaluated as a group, so please no
slackers, as it will hurt everyone in your group.
Several topics come to mind from the course materials, but you may choose a different topic if you
wish to work on a different topic. However, you will have to get my approval before you begin
working on the project.
Topic 1: The German educational system: Describe auf Deutsch the German high school and
university system and compare it to the US system. What is the same, what is different? How do
students prepare for university in either country?
Topic 2: A German Holiday: Describe auf Deutsch a German holiday and compare it to its
American counterpart. How do Germans celebrate this holiday? What are their traditions? What do
they do and eat on this holiday? And what do Americans do instead?
Topic 3: Leisure Time: Describe auf Deutsch what Germans do in their spare time (activities,
games etc.), where they travel, what kinds of sport they like and compare it to the US. What is
the same, what is different?
Topic 4: A topic of your own choosing with my approval
Keep in mind that you will be writing 50% of the project in German, so keep it simple and within the
range of what you can say. There are several texts and illustrations throughout the Kontakte textbook
and workbook that address these topics, so use that information as the basis to demonstrate the
competencies listed under Category 8, Global Perspectives. You need to consult at least three external
sources from the library and internet and list them in your project. When citing directly from a source,
use proper citation methods. It is your description, analysis and comparison that matter, not
someone elses.
Your project should be minimally 2 pages in length, typed, double spaced, with each team member
writing a different section. Please mark on your final copy who wrote which part.
Presentation of project
Minimum length
Overall grammatical accuracy
Team work
Deutsch 101: Kurzspiele (skits).
Your task: to write and perform a 4-5 minute skit for the class, incorporating the vocabulary and topics we
have learned in German 101.
Things to keep in mind:
1. All group members need to actively and equally participate in the preparation, writing and
performing of the skit. This means being present every day this week in class, and if necessary, meeting with
your group members outside of class.
2. The purpose of this activity is to give you an opportunity to use your knowledge of German
creatively, but it is also meant as a review of what we’ve done this semester. Remember who your audience is:
your fellow classmates. You should write and perform a skit that is comprehensible to them (i.e. don’t look up a
lot of unfamiliar words in the dictionary—use words that we’ve been using in class).
3. We are a diverse group in this class. Please do not include any material in your skits that might be
considered offensive by others (this includes any racist, sexist, or other discriminatory or insulting content).
1. Each group will be assigned one of the general topics from the chapters in Kontakte (Familie und
Freunde; Menschen beschreiben; Freizeit und Studium; Tagesablauf; Talente, Pläne und Pflichten; Urlaub und
Freizeit; Beruf und Arbeit; Wohnsituationen) and the Stadt und Land Reader. You may of course use additional
vocabulary and situations from the other chapters, but your skit should be mainly based on your chosen topic.
2. Brainstorm in your groups for ideas. What kinds of situations lend themselves to your topic? What
kinds of characters could appear in these situations? What might happen if. . .?
3. Something needs to happen in this skit. There needs to be some sort of conflict that presents itself, is
dealt with in some way by the characters, and is eventually resolved—all within five minutes.
4. Everyone in your group should have an equal speaking part and should contribute to the writing of
that part. You may want to spend some of your in-class time talking about your characters—what they would
say, how they would behave in a certain situation—then write down some dialogue at home. You can then get
together with your group members and edit things together.
5. Prepare a final script (I need a typed copy of this, too). Also, write three content-based questions for
the rest of the class to answer while they watch your skit.
Kurzspiel 101, Dezember 2005
Name___________________ Gruppe__________
*All group members participated in writing the skit
and wrote questions for class to answer
*Comprehensibility/volume/knowledge of script
*Grammatical accuracy (S-V agreement, word order,
case, etc.)
*Use of appropriate topics and vocabulary (Kontakte
Themen, Stadt und Land characters)
*Quality of Content of the skit
_____/ 2
_____/ 2
_____/ 2
_____ / 2
_____ / 2
_____ / 10
Stadt und Land Fragen Kapitel 1 Nachtrag:
1. How would you describe political power in Germany now?
2. Historically, how did Germans perceive of themselves and why?
3. What did the line from the German national anthem “Deutschland, Deutschland über alles”
(Germany, Germany above all) mean in the mid 19th century and how and why was the
meaning changed in the early 20th century and by whom?
4. How can you describe/characterize political power and governments in Europe in a historical
Stadt und Land Fragen Kapitel 2 Nachtrag:
1. Compare population issues in Europe and the US.
2. Describe German topography.
3. Name some differences between Switzerland, Austria and Germany.
4. Tell me all you know about Austrian history.
5. Tell me all you know about Swiss history.
6. Tell me all you know about Lichtenstein and Luxemburg.
7. Talk about the multi-cultural aspects of German society.
Stadt und Land Fragen Kapitel 3 Nachtrag:
1. Which languages make a linguistic distinction between formal and informal uses of language?
2. Who do you have to use formal speech with when talking German?
3. Which people, although they know each other reasonably well, often use formal speech for
years or decades?
4. Who uses informal language irrespective of how long they have know each other or even in
cases when they don’t know each other?
5. How is an inappropriate use of “du” considered?
6. Can you use formal language while insulting someone?
7. When talking to a judge in German, what language would you use?
8. When talking to your neighbor in German, what language would you use?
9. When talking to other students in German, what language would you use?
Stadt und Land Fragen Kapitel 4 Nachtrag:
1. Why do European students not pay high tuition fees like US students?
2. What are university students called in German (2 different terms)?
3. What are the German and Austrian/Swiss secondary school exit exams called (in German of
4. Does a student have to declare a major immediately upon enrolling at a German university?
5. Is there something like a Bachelor’s degree in German universities?
6. Name as many differences between the German and US university systems.
7. What can you say about student-professor interactions at German universities?
8. What’s the housing situation like for students in Germany?
9. Which one is the oldest German university?
Geschichte Quiz Stadt und Land S. 95-111
Deutsch 101
Grading: 30 – 23 correct answers: 2 points; 22 -18 correct answers: 1.5 points;
17 – 14 correct answers: 1 point; 13 – 9 points: 0.5 points; 9-0 correct answers: 0 points
Please circle the correct answer(s).
I. Das erste und das zweite Deutsche Reich
1. During which century did the Holy Roman Empire come to an end?
a) 17th century b) 18th century c) 19th century
2. Under which international political circumstances did the Holy Roman Empire come to an end?
a) attack from Napoleon b) attack from Prussia
c) attack from Austria
3. Who defeated Napoleon?
a) Franz I of Austria b) England
c) England and Prussia
4. Which of these political events did NOT happen in German territories in the first half of the 19th
a) the map of Europe was redrawn
b) Europe was politically unstable
c) German states were united into the Deutsche Bund d) The King of Prussia didn’t accept the crown
from the democratic movement
5. Who was crowned the first Kaiser (emperor)?
a) Otto von Bismark
b) Clemens von Metternich
c) Napoleon
d) Wilhelm IV
II. Die Republik und die Hitlerzeit
6. What kind of political governance came into existence in Germany and Austria after 1918?
a) monarchy
b) social democratic government
c) dictatorship
7. What did England, France and the US impose on Germany in the aftermath of World War I?
a) peace b) imperialism c) reparations
d) a new map of Europe
8. Which two major crises affected Germany between World War One and World War Two?
a) inflation
b) a new currency
c) political unrest
d) communism
9. When did Hitler become Reichskanzler (chancellor of the German Reich)?
a) 1889
b) 1945
c) 1933
10. What was the book called in which Hitler outlined his beliefs and strategies for dealing with
communists and Jews?
a) Der Zauberberg
b) Mein Kampf
c) Zur Genealogie
der Moral
11. Did Germany’s economic situation improve in the 1930s under Hitler?
a) yes
b) no
12. Which of these events was Germany NOT involved in during World War II?
a) invasion of Poland b) the attack on Pearl Harbor
c) Blitzkrieg
13. Which group(s) did Hitler’s regime not intend to exterminate?
a) Jews b) Gypsies c) Aryans d) homosexuals e) mentally retarded
III. Eine geteilte Nation und die Mauer
f) Christians
14. The two German states were immediately founded at the end of World War Two.
a) true b) false
15. Who closed the borders of the Soviet zone in Germany thus causing the Luftbrücke (Air Lift) for
West Berlin?
a) Churchill
b) Stalin
16. What was the purpose of the Luftbrücke?
a) to fly troops into Western Berlin
b) to fly citizens into Berlin
c) to fly politicians to Western Berlin
d) to fly supplies and food into Western Berlin
17. After the division of Germany into two countries in 1949, which was the capital of the Federal
Republic of Germany (= West Germany)?
a) Berlin
b) Bonn
18. The Berlin Wall was built in ________?
a) 1949
b) 1961
19. The Berlin Wall became in a sense the center of
a) the Cold War
b) Anti-Fascism
c) Socialism
20. After successful resistance to the Soviet-backed socialist government in Poland, who became the
first president of Poland in 1990?
a) John Paul II
b) Karol Wojtyla
c) Lech Walesa
21. What collapsed in the late 1980s?
a) the USSR
b) the Soviet Bloc
c) Europe
22. Which East Bloc country first opened its borders to allow travel to the West?
a) Hungary
b) Poland
c) East Germany
23. On what date did German unification officially take place, ending the existence of the German
Democratic Republic (= East Germany)?
a) November 9, 1989
b) October 3, 1990
c) December 31, 1991
IV. Musik, Kunst, Literatur und Philosophie
24. Who is not a musician in the following list?
a) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
c) Friedrich Nietzsche
b) Georg Friedrich Händel
d) Richard Strauss
25. Who is famous for writing German Romantic operas?
a) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
b) Johann Strauss c) Richard Wagner
26. Which of the following painters is not an Expressionist?
a) Käthe Kollwitz b) Ernst Ludwig Kirchner c) Caspar David Friedrich
d) Kurt Weill
d) Paul Klee
27. The German national epic, Das Niebelungenlied, was written during which epoch?
a) The Middle Ages
b) Romanticism
c) Expressionism
d) Classicism
28. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is the author of which of these works?
a) Der Tod in Venedig b) Faust c) Der Steppenwolf d) Die Verwandlung
29. The Grimm Brothers are known for
a) their art
b) the fairy tales
c) music
30. Who is associated with the term Übermensch?
a) Karl Marx
b) Friedrich Nietzsche
c) Sigmund Freud
I. 1c 2 a 3c 4b
II. 6b 7c 8 a+c
III 14b 15b 16d
IV 24c 25c 26c
9c 10b 11a 12b 13c
17b 18b 19a 20c 21b 22a 23b
27a 28b 29b 30b
I.A. HÖREN: Die Familie von Manuela Beck. Listen to what Manuela says about her family and
fill in the missing information on Manuela’s family tree. There might be extra lines for which there are
not people in the family, so leave those blank. (5 Punkte)
Possible names in Manuela’s family:
Bea — Ute — Oliver — Lisa — Alexander — Luise
Petra — Uwe — Karin — Peter — Elke — Elvis
Claudia — Paul — Bert — Karl — Kurt
II. A. HÖREN: Wo wohnen Manuelas Freunde? Wie alt sind sie? Listen to the names, ages and
street addresses of the following people and write them below. You will hear the text twice. (5 Punkte)
1. Gabriella Mazella
2. Laura Fernandez
3. Helmut Junker
4. Florian Bachmann
5. Ayse Ondracek
II. LESEN: Woher kommen Manuelas Freunde? Und wie ist das Wetter dort? Alexander,
Manuela’s brother wants to know where all of Manuela’s friends are coming from, what languages
they speak and what the weather is like where her friends are from. Fill in the missing information in
the chart below. Leave the item blank, if Manuela does not provide any information (10 Punkte)
Alex, meine Freunde kommen aus der ganzen Welt. Florian kommt aus Deutschland, aus
dem Bundesland Thüringen. Er ist also Deutscher. Sein Vater kommt aus der Stadt Erfurt. Er
arbeitet jetzt hier in Frankfurt. In Thüringen ist es immer sehr windig. Florian spricht
Deutsch und lernt in der Schule Englisch.
Gabriella kommt aus Australien, aber sie ist Italienerin. Ihr Vater ist Italiener und ihre Mutter
Australierin. Gabriella spricht Englisch, Italienisch, Französisch und Deutsch. Im Sommer ist
es in Australien und in Italien sehr heiß und sehr trocken mit Temperaturen um 40 C.
Helmut kommt aus der Schweiz und er spricht mit dem lustigen schweizerdeutschen
Akzent. Er ist stolzer Schweizer! Im Winter schneit es in den Alpen immer sehr viel und es ist
kalt. Im Sommer ist es sehr sonnig aber nicht sehr heiß. Es ist immer etwas windig.
Ayse kommt aus der Türkei. Seit sie 2 Jahre alt ist, lebt sie in Deutschland. Sie ist Türkin und
Deutsche. Im Winter regnet es oft in der Türkei.
Laura kommt aus Madrid und ist Spanierin. Sie studiert für ein Jahr hier an der Universität in
Frankfurt. Sie spricht perfekt Spanisch, Englisch und Deutsch. Sie ist eine lustige, glückliche Person.
Es ist immer ______________________
Im Sommer _______________________
Im Winter ________________________
Es ist _____________________________
Im Sommer ist es sehr heiß und
die Türkei
Im Winter ________________________
III.A. GRAMMATIK: Verben Manuela meets a new person at the university and they talk to each
other. Please conjugate the verbs in parenthesis, so that they match the person (ich, du, er, sie, es, wir,
ihr, sie, Sie) grammatically. (5 Punkte)
“Hallo, ich __________ (heißen) Manuela. Wie heißen Sie?”
Herr S. Müller: “Ich heiße Stephen Müller. ___________ (sein) Sie aus
“Ja, ich __________ (sein) aus Frankfurt. Sagen wir doch du, okay?”
Herr S. Müller: “Ja, okay.”
“Stephen, ____________ (haben) du einen Bruder oder eine Schwester?”
Stephen M.:
“Ja, mein Bruder heißt Jörg. Und deine Familie, woher ____________
(kommen) ihr?”
“Wir kommen direkt hier aus Frankfurt.”
III. B. Grammatik: Personalpronomen und Farben / Beschreibungen. Take a look at the picture
on the screen and describe the person accordingly. Please write the correct from of the “er / sie / es”
for singular or “sie” for plural and the correct color or description into the blanks. (5 Punkte)
Manuela: “Das ist mein cooler Bruder Alex. Er trägt eine
Jeans. _________ ist __________. Er trägt ein Tshirt.
_________ ist __________. Seine Haare sind auf seinem
Kopf. ________ sind ____________ und __________. Alex
hat einen Körper. _________ ist ____________ und
IV. SCHREIBEN: Write a short description of your family or a fictional family. Write at least 40
words. (8 points for comprehensible task completion and 2 points for sustained correct spelling for a
total of 10 points)
Who are the family members?
How old are they? (write out numbers--no numerals!)
Where do they come from?
What are their main characteristics?
What do they look like?
What kind of clothes do they typically wear?
What else do we need to know about them?
I.B. Read twice, slowly!
Hallo, ich heiße Manuela und komme aus einer großen Familie. Ich habe zwei Geschwister,
einen Bruder, Alexander, und eine Schwester, Karin. Meine Mutter Elke hat auch zwei
Geschwister. Ihre Schwester heißt Bea und ihr Bruder Uwe. Uwe und seine Frau Claudia
haben nur ein Kind—Oliver. Meine Tante Bea ist ein Single, aber sie hat zwei Kinder, Paul
und Lisa. Tante Bea und ich gehe oft zu ihren Eltern, meinen Großeltern, Karl und Luise.
Mein Vater, Harald, hat eine Schwester, die Petra heißt. Die Eltern meines Vaters sind tot.
I.B. Read twice, slowly!
1. Hallo. Ich heiße Gabriella Mazella. Meine Adresse ist Bauerstr. 84 Soll ich das buchstabieren? BA-U-E-R-S-T-R-A-ß-E 84. Ich bin 32 Jahre alt.
2. Guten Tag! Ich bin Laura Fernandez. Ich wohne in der Schiffgasse 10.
S-C-H-I-F-F-G-A-S-S-E 10. Ich bin 18 Jahre alt.
3. Grüß dich. Mein Name ist Helmut Junker. Ich bin 68 Jahre alt und wohne in der Lindenallee 4.
L-I-N-D-E-N-A-L-L-E-E 4. Ich bin Großvater von 3 Enkelkindern. Sie heißen Franz, Luisa und
4. Hallo. Ich bin Alexander Bachmann. Ich wohne bei meinen Eltern in der Hauptstraße 2. H-A-UP-T-S-T-R-A-ß-E 2. Ich bin 11 Jahre alt.
5. Ayse Ondracek hier. Heute habe ich Geburtstag; ich bin 21 Jahre alt.
Bahnhofsplatz 12. B-A-H-N-H-O-F-S-P-L-A-T-Z 12.
Ich wohne am
Ger 102 (4 50-minute contact hours each week for 15 weeks)
This course covers chapters 6 – 11 of the text and workbook.
There will be 5 exams, one at the end of each chapters 6 – 10.
There will be two formal essays, process written.
We will cover chapters 6 – 8 in the reader Stadt und Land.
The final exam is cumulative, covering the entire semester, but will have a strong component
testing chapter 11 materials.
Class instruction will be in German,
I am grading according to a combination of two systems: that of accumulated course points (CP) for all
assignments except for the tests and the final exam. Those will be entered by the actual percentage
grade you receive on the exam. Each course point is the equivalent of one percentage point toward you
final grade. Below is a summary of course components and course points.
Preparation & Participation
AH & LB home work checks
Stadt & Land Fragen
5 Tests (6 % each)
2 Essays (5 % each)
Final Exam
Percent of final grade
Policies re. homework, attendance, exams, essays, etc. are essentially the same as for Ger 101, with
some minor differences in percentages, as stated above.
Aufsatz 1 Deckblatt Deutsch 102
_____ Do all conjugated verbs agree with their subjects?
_____ Are the verbs spelled correctly?
_____ Are the conjugated verbs in second position in main clauses with infinitives or separable
prefixes at the end?
_____ Are the conjugated verbs in final position in dependent clauses preceded by infinitives or
separable prefixes?
_____ Are your past participles correct and do they have the correct auxiliary verb, when you use the
past tense?
_____ Did you capitalize nouns?
_____ Did you choose the correct article and case for nouns?
_____ Did you check that you have the correct gender of your nouns?
_____ Did you double check new or difficult words for spelling errors?
_____ Did you double check that nouns preceded by prepositions have the correct case?
_____ Did you write on the assigned topic and revise your essay according to suggestions you
received from your peer-reviewer?
_____ In general, is the essay in a presentable format? (typed, double spaced)
_____ Did you proofread your paper and write in any missing Umlauts?
_____ Are you passing in all drafts together, along with this sheet (Cover sheet, Final draft, previous
drafts and rough draft/notes)?
_____ Did you spell-check your essay?
Word Count: ______
Your Signature: _______________________
For Instructor’s Use
Comments after Correction:
Peer editing
= ____/1
= ____/1
Min. Word Count
= ____/1
Grammar focus
= ____/2
Total points
= ____/5
Aufsatz 1 Deutsch 102
THEMA: Beschreiben Sie Ihre Traumreise für die
Frühlingsferien im März 2005
Sie haben gerade viel Geld in der Lotterie gewonnen und können in den Frühlingsferien ihre
Traumreise machen. Wohin reisen Sie? Wie sieht die Geographie dort aus? Welche Aktivitäten
machen Sie dort? Wer geht mit Ihnen auf die Traumreise? Warum ist das Ihre Traumreise?
Aufsatz 1 consists of a short, typed essay, minimum: 200 words, a cover sheet, and drafts relating to
process editing done in class (all double-spaced and on standard-sized paper). I will be looking for
content, varied vocabulary appropriate to the topic, sustained correct spelling, and grammatical
accuracy, particularly gender and case of nouns, and subject-verb agreement and correct word
order of verbs.
By turning in the essay, you signify that it is a new and original work, representing your own skills and
abilities. On certain points of grammar and/or style, you may ask questions of instructors, colleagues,
friends, etc., but do not have anyone proofread your essay. Using a translation program is, of course,
not allowed. However, you may use the online spell check, which we will do in class during the peerediting workshop.
Due Dates:
Peer editing workshop: Wednesday, February 9, 2005
Submit polished essay to Evelyn Meyer: Thursday, February 9, 2005
Submit revised essay to Evelyn Meyer: Thursday, February 17, 2005
Your essay should include:
1. a title
2. an introductory paragraph
3. a closing paragraph
4. a word count
meaningful participation in peer-editing workshop, 1 point
content, 1 point
grammatical accuracy, 2 points
minimum word count, 1 point.
• Do not translate from your native language into German.
• Be concise, but try to avoid too many word lists (though some is inevitable, of course). Create
• Use words and phrases from recent chapters.
• If you look up a new word in an English-German dictionary, double check it in the German-English
section. The first word listed is not always the best or even correct choice.
Word for Macintosh: ü = option u + u, ö = option u + o, ä = option u + a,
ß = option s
For MSWord for Windows: Type "alt" + "i.” This pulls down the "Insert" menu from
the Toolbar. Then type "s" for the "symbols.” Then select the appropriate letter.
Aufsatz 1 Parternerarbeit – Workshop
1. Schreiben Sie “Korrekturgelesen von (insert your name)” auf den Aufsatz Ihres Partners.
2. Lesen Sie den Aufsatz ganz durch. Schreiben Sie einen positiven Kommentar zum Inhalt. Was
hat Ihr Partner besonders gut gemacht? Schreiben Sie nicht nur “Gut gemacht.” Oder
“Interessant.” Schreiben Sie 2 – 3 Sätze! Wenn Sie etwas am Inhalt nicht verstehen, markieren
Sie das auch.
CHECKLIST: Wenn etwas fehlt, schreiben Sie einen Kommentar für Ihren Partner.
3. Hat der Aufsatz einen Titel und zwar nicht “Meine Traumreise” oder “Meine Frühlingsferien.”
Der Aufsatz muss einen originellen und interessanten Titel haben.
4. Gibt es einen einführenden Absatz (introductory paragraph)? Markieren Sie die Einführung.
5. Gibt es einen abschließenden Absatz (closing paragraph)? Markieren Sie das Ende.
6. Steht die Wortzahl (word count) des Aufsatzes auf dem Dokument?
7. Gibt es genug Vokabular aus dem Kapitel 7 (Geographie, Reisen und Transportmittel)? Und
Vokabular zu Freizeitaktivitäten und Personen, die auf der Traumreise mit dabei sind?
8. Schauen Sie sich die Verben an. Stimmt das Verb mit dem Subjekt überein? Also kein “ich
geht” “er fahren” etc. Markieren Sie Fehler mit S-V. Nicht korrigieren.
9. Wortstellung: Sind die Verben in der richtigen Position in dem Haupt- und Nebensatz?
Markieren Sie Fehler mit WS. Nicht korrigieren.
10. Kasus und Genus: Stimmt der Kasus und Genus der Nomen? Markieren Sie Fehler mit G
(Genus) und K (Kasus). Nicht korrigieren.
Geben Sie den Aufsatz an den Autor zurück. Korrigieren Sie dann die Rechtschreibung in Ihrem
Aufsatz mit dem Online Programm. Sie finden den Link zum Online Programm auf unserer Webseite
Aufsatz 2 Deckblatt Deutsch 102
_____ Do all conjugated verbs agree with their subjects?
_____ Are the verbs spelled correctly?
_____ Are the conjugated verbs in second position in main clauses with infinitives or separable
prefixes at the end?
_____ Are the conjugated verbs in final position in dependent clauses preceded by infinitives or
separable prefixes?
_____ Are your verbs in the simple past tense from and NOT in the present perfect?
Nouns & Adjectives
_____ Did you capitalize nouns?
_____ Did you choose the correct article/endings and case for nouns and adjectives?
_____ Did you check that you have the correct gender of your nouns?
_____ Did you double check new or difficult words for spelling errors?
_____ Did you double check that nouns preceded by prepositions have the correct case?
_____ Did you write on the assigned topic and revise your essay according to suggestions you
received from your peer-reviewer?
_____ In general, is the essay in a presentable format? (typed, double spaced)
_____ Did you proofread your paper and write in any missing Umlauts?
_____ Are you passing in all drafts together, along with this sheet (Cover sheet, Final draft, previous
drafts and rough draft/notes)?
_____ Did you spell-check your essay?
Word Count: ______
Your Signature: _______________________
For Instructor’s Use
Comments after Correction:
Peer editing
= ____/1
= ____/2
Min. Word Count
= ____/0.5
Grammar focus
= ____/1.5
Total points
= ____/5
Mögliche Aufsatzthemen zur Wahl
1. Ich hatte einmal ein Abenteuer . . .
Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie machten als Kind eine wunderbare Reise, entweder mit Ihren Eltern,
einem ausgedachten Freund, Ihrem Haustier, oder mit Ihrem Lieblingskuscheltier. Während
dieser Reise erlebten Sie natürlich viele Abenteuer! Erzählen Sie: wo Sie waren, was Sie sahen,
wo Sie übernachteten, wie das Wetter war und welche wunderbaren Sachen Sie aßen. Trafen
Sie auch andere kleinen Reisenden? Beschreiben Sie alles bis ins Detail, um die Geschichte
spannend und interessant zu machen! Zum Schluss erzählen Sie, ob Ihnen die Reise gefiel und
ob Sie wieder so eine Reise machen möchten.
2. Meine höllische Reise nach . . .
Stellen Sie sich die schlimmste Reise vor, die Sie je machten! Während dieser Reise ging alles
schief! Erzählen Sie: wo Sie waren, welche schrecklichen Sachen Sie sahen, welche nervigen
Leute Sie kennenlernten, in welchen stinkigen Hotels Sie übernachteten, wie schlecht das Wetter
war und welche ekligen Sachen Sie aßen! Beschreiben Sie alles bis ins Detail, um die
Geschichte spannend und interessant zu machen! Seien Sie kreativ!
3. Ein altes Märchen neu geschrieben.
Wählen Sie ein Märchen, das Sie schon kennen, und schreiben Sie es um. Die Hauptfigur soll
eine interessante und originelle Reise machen. Erzählen Sie: wo die Hauptfigur war, was er/sie
sah, wo er/sie übernachtete, wie das Wetter war und welche wunderbaren/schrecklichen Sachen
die Hauptfigur aß. Beschreiben Sie alles bis ins Detail, um die Geschichte spannend und
interessant zu machen! Seien Sie kreativ!
***Grammatikschwerpunkt***: Präteritum, Adjektive/Komparative/Superlative!
Aufsatz 2 consists of a short, typed essay, minimum: 200 words, a cover sheet, and drafts relating to
process editing done in class (all double-spaced and on standard-sized paper). I will be looking for
content, varied vocabulary appropriate to the topic, sustained correct spelling, and grammatical
accuracy, particularly Verbs: subject-verb agreement, Präteritum and correct word order of verbs,
Adjectives: correct case endings and comparative/superlative forms.
By turning in the essay, you signify that it is a new and original work, representing your own skills and
abilities. On certain points of grammar and/or style, you may ask questions of instructors, colleagues,
friends, etc., but do not have anyone proofread your essay. Using a translation program is, of course,
not allowed. However, you may use the online spell check, which we will do in class during the peerediting workshop.
Due Dates:
Peer editing workshop: Wednesday, April 6, 2005
Submit polished essay to Evelyn Meyer: Thursday, April 7, 2005
Optional: Submit revised essay to Evelyn Meyer: Thursday, April 14, 2005
Your essay should include:
1. a title
3. a closing paragraph
2. an introductory paragraph
4. a word count
meaningful participation in peer-editing workshop, 1 point
content, 2 points
grammatical accuracy, 1.5 points
minimum word count, 0.5 point.
• Do not translate from your native language into German.
• Be concise, but try to avoid too many word lists (though some is inevitable, of course). Create
• Use words and phrases from recent chapters.
• If you look up a new word in an English-German dictionary, double check it in the German-English
section. The first word listed is not always the best or even correct choice.
Word for Macintosh: ü = option u + u, ö = option u + o, ä = option u + a,
ß = option s
For MSWord for Windows: Type "alt" + "i.” This pulls down the "Insert" menu from
the Toolbar. Then type "s" for the "symbols.” Then select the appropriate letter.
Aufsatz 2 Parternerarbeit – Workshop
11. Schreiben Sie “Korrekturgelesen von (insert your name)” auf den Aufsatz Ihres Partners.
12. Lesen Sie den Aufsatz ganz durch. Schreiben Sie einen positiven Kommentar zum Inhalt. Was
hat Ihr Partner besonders gut gemacht? Schreiben Sie nicht nur “Gut gemacht.” Oder
“Interessant.” Schreiben Sie 2 – 3 Sätze! Wenn Sie etwas am Inhalt nicht verstehen, markieren
Sie das auch.
CHECKLIST: Wenn etwas fehlt, schreiben Sie einen Kommentar für Ihren Partner.
13. Hat der Aufsatz einen Titel und zwar nicht “Ich hatte einmal eine Traumreise” oder “Meine
höllische Reise nach” oder “Ein altes Märchen neu geschrieben.” Der Aufsatz muss einen
originellen und interessanten Titel haben. Machen Sie einen Vorschlag.
14. Ist der Aufsatz in Präteritum geschrieben und nicht in Perfekt? Benutzen Sie Verbix (online)
um Verbformen zu überprüfen.
15. Gibt es viele gute Adjektive, die den Inhalt gut beschreiben und gibt es auch Komparative
und Superlative? Stimmen Die Formen?
16. Steht die Wortzahl (word count) des Aufsatzes auf dem Dokument?
17. Gibt es genug Vokabular aus dem Kapitel 8 & 9 (Märchen, Kindheit, Reisen)? Und Vokabular
zu Freizeitaktivitäten und Personen- und Ortsbeschreibungen mit viel Detail?
18. Schauen Sie sich die Verben an. Stimmt das Verb mit dem Subjekt überein? Also kein “ich
geht” “er fahren” etc. Markieren Sie Fehler mit S-V. Nicht korrigieren.
19. Wortstellung: Sind die Verben in der richtigen Position in dem Haupt- und Nebensatz?
Markieren Sie Fehler mit WS. Nicht korrigieren.
20. Kasus und Genus: Stimmt der Kasus und Genus der Nomen? Markieren Sie Fehler mit G
(Genus) und K (Kasus). Nicht korrigieren.
Geben Sie den Aufsatz an den Autor zurück. Korrigieren Sie dann die Rechtschreibung in Ihrem
Aufsatz mit dem Online Programm. Sie finden den Link zum Online Programm auf unserer Webseite
German 102 Extra Credit
You may earn up to 2 course points for extra credit this semester. Writing done for extra credit should
be at least 125 words in length, with a 1:20 error to word ration (S-V, K, G, T, WS). Several possible
projects appear below. Seek instructor approval for all projects. If you would like to propose a
different project, please check with your instructor. All extra credit projects must be approved by April
25 and completed by May 3. But please don’t put it off until the last moment so that the quality of
your extra credit project suffers.
Attending German Conversations 6 times during the semester and actively participating in
German will give you 2 Extra Credit points, attending three times will give you 1 Extra Eredit
View a German film and write a review (i.e. not just plot summary, but express your view of
the film and interpret the plot!) The library and local video stores have a selection of German
Read an article in a German newspaper or magazine and write a review of it (i.e. not just plot
summary, but express your view of the film and interpret the plot!). Materials are easily found
Write a poem, story or skit in German, relating to a topic we covered during this semester.
Come up with your own creative ideas for a project in consultation with your instructor.
The Extra credit project should be fun for you and also meaningful!!!
Stadt und Land Nachtrag Kapitel 5 – 8
Stadt und Land Kapitel 5 Nachtrag: Die deutsche Stadt
What kind of districts are common in German cities?
What is the part of a German city called that gives it its unique character?
What aids the preservation of the older parts of German cities?
Where are you most likely to find newer buildings in a German city?
Where are most of the industrial areas found?
A city that has several concentric ring streets as part of it’s roads, where would you most likely
find the highway?
7. Does Germany have lots of urban sprawl?
Nachtrag Kapitel 6 Stadt und Land
What mostly differentiates American dialects from each other?
What differences exist between German dialects?
How quickly (geographically) can German dialects change?
Can you name some German speaking dialects?
What is Hochdeutsch?
What is Low German also know as Plattdeutsch and where is it spoken?
Stadt und Land Kapitel 7 Nachtrag
1. When did the Reformation take place in Germany?
2. Who is the big player in the German reformation?
3. What was he most upset about with the Catholic Church?
4. Describe his conflict with the Catholic Church? How did they respond to each others actions?
5. What did he do during his incarceration?
6. What was his famous statement that he uttered at the council meeting in the city of Worms?
7. What was the Thirty Years’ War about?
8. Which parts of Europe was Lutheranism particularly successful?
Stadt und Land Nachtrag Kapitel 8
When and by whom was Prussia founded?
What is Prussia well known for?
What modern European countries are the former Prussia?
What was the capital of Prussia?
What are some stereotypes of Prussians?
What are some stereotypes of their comrades in the south, i.e. the Bavarians?