Issue 11 Wed. Feb. 11, 2015 - The Collegian
Issue 11 Wed. Feb. 11, 2015 - The Collegian
THE COLLEGIAN WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2015 FRESNO STATE'S STUDENT VOICE SINCE 1922 FRESNOSTATE.EDU/COLLEGIAN #30DaysNoMakeup Student involvement campaign kicks off By Diana Giraldo @dianainspired Embracing natural beauty Photos by Darlene Wendels • The Collegian (From top left) Fresno State students Sara Remus, Caitlin Stone, Brittany Sosa, Armanda Gonzales, (bottom) Aldenae Williams, Becky Messer and Cynthia Atchoukeu. “It empowers women to want to step outside without their faces all done up and say ‘Hey world, this is me, this is what I really look like, and I don’t care what you think.’” — Brittany Sosa, mass communication and journalism senior By Diana Giraldo | @dianainspired Cynthia Atchoukeu has kept the same morning routine since she was a teenager. She wakes up, showers, picks an outfit, brushes her hair, does her makeup, eats breakfast and then faces her day. Atchoukeu, like many other women, has decided to break the routine. “On the days I don’t wear makeup, I feel good because I don’t need it,” she said. Atchoukeu, an audiology senior, has chosen to consciously understand her cosmetology choices. “I use makeup in a more personal aspect now,” she said. “My confidence doesn’t change if I wear makeup or not.” Started in November, the 30-day no makeup campaign encourages women to face themselves and grow in self-love. In five months, the campaign has received recognition in 27 countries. “30 Days No Makeup is about creating intentional space for internal change and taking the action to grow in intimacy with oneself,” said Sarah Jaggard, co-founder and director of communication for the campaign. “It’s just a tool and an opportunity that has nothing to do with makeup but everything to do with loving oneself and accepting oneself at a deeper level.” The objective of the campaign is for “On the days I don’t wear makeup, I feel good, because I don’t need it.” — Cynthia Atchoukeu, audiology senior See CAMPAIGN, Page 3 “I’m not afraid of going outside without makeup, but I used to be. It’s sad when women think their natural beauty is not ‘good enough.’” — Becky Messer, music senior See MAKEUP, Page 3 INSIDE TODAY’S COLLEGIAN END OF AN ERA TNS In A&E: ABC’s ‘Blackish’ is the new show to watch on Wednesdays. P4. In Opinion: Jon Stewart announced Tuesday he will leave ‘The Daily Show’ this year. It’s a sad day. P2. Fresno State Student Involvement kicked off the month of February by asking students what they love about Fresno State during this week’s “I Heart Fresno State” campaign. I Heart Fresno State hosts three days of events: Tuesday, the discovery involvement day; today, the spirit of diversity day; and Thursday, service with distinction. “Our main goal is to help students to feel connected to Fresno State and also to reflect upon their role within our campus community,” said Lauren Welch, graduate assistant of leadership programs. I Heart Fresno State was created in 2013 for students to show their Bulldog pride and enhance their Fresno State experience by getting involved on campus. Tuesday started with the idea of involvement. More than 30 clubs and organizations showed students what they are offering and different ways they can get involved. “In the evening, we are having a student involvement ice cream social here in the University Student Union on the lounge,” Welch said. “Students can come and talk to repre- NO LUCK IN VEGAS ›› Bulldogs men’s hoops team falls to UNLV on the road, 73-61. P8. ›› Women’s hoops team looks ahead following loss to San Jose State. P8. Campus hosts lineup of Black History Month events By Collegian Staff @TheCollegian Fresno State will celebrate National African American History Month with annual events throughout the month as part of the national observance proclaimed by President Obama and declared by every American president since 1976. A public debate on the efficiency of the #BlackLivesMatter campaign will be held Thursday at noon in the Free Speech Area. Presented by the Africana Studies Program, Black Students United and the Central Valley Cultural Heritage Institute, events set to debut this month include the Cineculture film feature, “The Pursuit of Happyness,” a talk March 2 by Rev. Jeremiah Wright and The Black Agitprop Art Exhibit. OPINION 2 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2015 Stewart leaves my ‘daily’ life JON STEWART QUOTES By Jesse Franz @JesseoftheNews Jon Stewart announced Tuesday that he’ll be stepping down from his faux anchor chair bringing his 16-year career at the helm of “The Daily Show” to an end. When he does, he’ll not only be remembered as a court jester in an increasingly bitter political arena, but as a voice of reason through which both the complexity and stupidity of government were made approachable. It’s hard to imagine American politics without Stewart’s voice. He held comedic court for charlatans and fear mongerers nightly. He put politicians’ feet to the fire and let them make fools of themselves as they danced and jumped through the hoops of their own flawed logic. Indeed, some of the most insightful and pointed interviews conducted after the Great Recession were on the set of “The Daily Show.” And his infamous appearance on CNN’s “Crossfire,” in which he pleads with the hosts to host an actual debate rather than debate theater, remains one of the best indictments of modern news media I have ever seen. For many Millennials, coming out of the Bush era with a feeling of powerlessness and distrust of government, Stewart became the voice of sanity. Despite him being a comedian, or possibly because of it, he knew how to throw the biggest punches and land them every time. To clearly and concisely report on complicated aspects of government and society takes a tremendous amount of intelligence. However, to be able to do so while turning it on its head and making an audience laugh four nights a week takes a certain genius. “If you don’t stick to your values when they’re being tested, they’re not values: they’re hobbies.” “Religion. It’s given people hope in a world torn apart by religion.” Kevin Fitzsimons • Ohio State University Jon Stewart. Indecision 2006“Battlefield Ohio: ‘The Daily Show’s Midwest Midterm Midtacular.” As a 15-year-old kid, kicking and screaming my way through high school, “The Daily Show” was the first approachable avenue I had to actually learn something on my own accord. Though the language and broader concepts he talked about confused me at the time, Stewart tutored and mentored me every night from 11 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. teaching me to critically evaluate and question everything. I shocked my parents with a newfound interest in reading nonfiction books on government, watching the news religiously and debating philosophy with anyone who would indulge me. I suddenly wanted to learn concepts and join the grand debate that is American government. I had a personal renaissance of sorts, all tracing back to one night when I turned on “The Daily Show.” I understand that it sounds incredibly silly. I’ve never met, or even seen, him. But, in a unique way, Stewart made everything digestible and kicked off a genuine hunger for knowledge that has lasted me through today. And it is that intrinsic drive that has carried me from being a high school student barely getting by to a soon-to-be college graduate in political science. In different ways, everyone who watched and continues to watch “The Daily Show” gains a new perspective on how to view the world, and that’s something that will outlast even Stewart himself. That being said, I’ll gladly volunteer my time pro bono on a Stewart ‘16 campaign for president. “If it turns out that President Barack Obama can make a deal with the most intransigent, hardline, unreasonable, totalitarian militants in the world, but not with Republicans, maybe he’s not the problem.” “But the thing is that this: You’re doing theater, when you should be doing debate, which would be great... It’s not honest. What you do is not honest. What you do is partisan hackery.” “I’m not going to censor myself to comfort your ignorance.” “If gays become accepted, then more people will decide to be gay. Yes, because after blacks gained rights, all the white people went out and decided to become black.” Paul Vieira • The Collegian THE COLLEGIAN The Collegian is a student-run publication that serves the Fresno State community on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Views expressed in The Collegian do not necessarily reflect the views of the staff or university. The Collegian California State University, Fresno 5201 N. Maple Ave., M/S SA42 Fresno, CA 93740-8027 News Line: (559) 278-2486 Business Line: (559) 278-5735 Letters to the Editor ([email protected]) All letters submitted to The Collegian must not exceed 250 words in length, must be type-written, and must be accompanied by a full name and phone number to verify content. The Collegian reserves the right to edit all material for length, content, spelling and grammar, as well as the right to refuse publication of any material submitted. All material submitted to The Collegian becomes property of The Collegian. Each member of the campus community is permitted one copy of The Collegian. Subscriptions are available for $25, on a semester basis. Staff positions at The Collegian are open to students of all majors. Contact the Editor in Chief for details. All content Copyright © 2015 The Collegian. Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor News Editor Assistant News Editor Arts and Entertainment Editor Sports Editor Assistant Sports Editor Photo Editor Staff Photographer Staff Reporter Staff Reporter Staff Reporter Multimedia Journalist Multimedia Journalist Jesse Franz Troy Pope Ricardo Cano Megan Ginise Yvette Mancilla Christopher Livingston Daniel Leon Darlene Wendels Paul Schlesinger Diana Giraldo Tomas Kassahun Conrad Kimball Jessann Stymens Fabiola Ramirez Design Editor General Sales Manager National Sales Manager Special Projects Special Projects Art Director Assistant Art Director Distribution Manager Accountancy Assistant General Manager Financial Manager Advertising Faculty Adviser Editorial Faculty Adviser MCJ Chair Khlarissa Agee Joe Manavazian Devin Harrison Elaine Kok Sean McHugh Diana Williams Martha Pinilla Conrad Kimball Cris Pineda Rich Marshall Toni A. Carmona Jan Edwards Ron Orozco Dr. Katherine Adams THE COLLEGIAN • NEWS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2015 PAGE 3 ‘It’s empowering to women to step outside without their faces all done up...’ MAKEUP from Page 1 women to get to the core of who they are. “I feel that this campaign is motivating and will push women to get to know themselves and love themselves in the skin they are in,” Atchoukeu said. “[It] motivates women to accept their flaws and learn that it is OK to be imperfect, because nobody is perfect.” The idea came to Jaggard on a particularly long, sleepless night. “What would it be like for women to choose to do a month with no makeup and what would happen for them?,” she said. “And that really scared me, and that’s why I wanted to do it.” Armanda Gonzales, a junior mass communication and journalism major, said she found the campaign insightful, because the people behind it want to empower young women to embrace both their inner and outer beauty. “But at the same time, they aren't against makeup. They just want us to feel good naturally, and that's always a good thing, because lots of young girl are insecure,” Gonzales said. “For me, the impact was that I should feel confident with the way I look, Now Accepting Applications First-come, first-served and if anyone didn't like the way I looked, it shouldn't matter to me. It honestly felt good to have a bare face.” Jessica Adams, coordinator for the Women's Resource Center, urges women and men alike to evaluate why they use makeup and what the meaning behind it is. “Although makeup is used as a tool of self-expression, it also has the potential to mask the unwanted truth,” Adams said. Makeup can be used as a cloaking device for many imperfections, like scars, bruises and acne. For example, Atchoukeu used to conceal her acne with foundation before she left her home. “I made it into a habit, and it grew out of caring about what so- ciety thinks,” Atchoukeu said. Quitting makeup for one day, or even a week, Jaggard said, may make a statement, but compared to really sitting with the feeling of vulnerability over an extended period of time would bring up a lot more internal matters. “Experiential learning is by far the most profound and the most memorable, because it’s not just delivering information to someone. It’s someone deciding to take that information and then embody it and experience it for themselves, and that’s where validity comes from,” Jaggard said. Britany Sosa, a mass communication and journalism senior, approves of this campaign, because it shows that there are other woman in the world trying to make a difference for each other. “It’s empowering to women to step outside without their faces all done up and say, ‘Hey world, this is me. This is what I really look like, and I don’t care what you think,” Sosa said. “That’s why I decided to participate in the 30 days no makeup challenge. I want my friends to know they can be beautiful without all the expensive products and show woman that they can be beautiful with natural beauty.” Each woman will get out of the experience what she puts in, Adams said. “It is promising that there will be things that come up for you that you get to choose to look at or not,” Laggard said “The results for every participant are vastly different, and it ranges from women saying ‘I’m glad I did that,’ to others who are saying, this changed me so profoundly.” $150 Deposit to reserve your space London Summer/Fall 2015 3-Week Summer Session July 27, 2015 - August 15, 2015 CAMPAIGN from Page 1 Orientation Sunday, Feb 22, 2015 2-4 p.m. ‘I Heart Fresno State’ promotes student interaction Educ 173 For more information contact Carla Millar, London Program Office, Music 186 or call (559) 278-5846 or email [email protected] sentatives from our four leadership boards, the campus involvement ambassadors, USU board of directors, USU Productions and Vintage Days.” During the event, Student Involvement also recruited for those four leadership boards. The deadline to apply for a position with Student Involvement is Wednes- day, March 4. Today is spirit day and Student Involvement will be participating in the Student Health Center’s “I Heart Me” event. It will also host a free pizza event for all Fresno State students starting at 6 p.m. before the women’s basketball game. “At the pizza party, we will be having games and activities for students as well as prizes like Fresno State swag, sweatshirts, tumblers and an iPad mini 2,” Welch said. Thursday is service day, when students can make Valentine’s Day cards for Valley Children’s Hospital that will later be delivered by student leaders, Welch said. Have you nominated YOUR advisor? The Outstanding Advisor Awards are awarded annually to faculty and staff advisors who have demonstrated qualities associated with outstanding academic advising of students. The recipients will be honored at the Campus Advisors Network Appreciation Reception on Wednesday, May 6, 2015, at 3:00 p.m. at the University Dining Hall. A minimum of three nominations, including one from a student, are needed to be considered eligible for nomination. Those receiving less than three will be sent a notification of nomination after the reception. Nomination Process Faculty, staff, administrators, and current students are eligible to nominate individuals for this award. The nomination process is easy! Complete the online nomination form located at At least one nomination must come from a current student. Eligibility Any employee at Fresno State who serves as a faculty or staff advisor, or anyone who provides advising to students as part of his or her job duties, is eligible for consideration. A&E 4 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2015 WHAT TO WATCH WEDNESDAY The top picks for tonight’s primetime television (yes, actual live TV) By Yvette Mancilla @yvette_mancilla “black-ish” (ABC ) 9 p.m. Executive producer and star Anthony Anderson’ s hit comedy provides the right amount of laughs and satirical moments with its take on what it’s like for a successful black man and his family life in white suburbia. Tonight’s episode is centered on Valentine’s Day. Dre (Anderson) attempts to make up to Rainbow (Tracee Ellis Ross) for past failed Valentine’s Days that ended with them fighting. Meanwhile, Diane (Marsai Martin) tries to learn how to accept a compliment and let go of her constant criticism with the help of her siblings. “The 100” (The CW) 9 p.m. Although it doesn’t have the same critical acclaim and fan base as the network’s show, “Jane the Virgin,” “The 100” still packs a good mixture of drama and action for an hour. The show was recently renewed for a third season and is good fix for those who are “The Hunger Games” fans. Its premise is set in a post-apocalyptic future where civilization has ceased to exist on Earth and humans have now resorted to living in space stations orbiting the planet. A group of 100 juvenile delinquents are sentenced to stay on Earth to see if it is habitable. Tonight’s episode showcases the growing tension abrupt between the group’s leader Clarke (Eliza Taylor) and her mother Abby (Paige Turco). “Man Seeking Woman” (FXX) 10:30 p.m. Audiences may only recognize Jay Baruchel from his work in “Knocked Up” and as the lead in the highly successful “How to Train Your Dragon” franchise, but his new comedy provides a combination of his goofy, big-child characteristics with some actual seriousness. The comedy is on the perfect network (FXX is aimed at 18 to 30-year-old males) with its focus on a 20-something man trying to find love while navigating adulthood. Adam Taylor • Courtesy of ABC ABC’s new family comedy, “black-ish,” takes a fun yet bold look at one man’s determination to establish a sense of cultural identity for his family. The series stars Anthony Anderson, Tracee Ellis Ross and special guest star Laurence Fishburne. In its fifth episode tonight, Josh (Baruchel) meets a beautiful woman played by Minka Kelly of “Friday Night Lights” fame. “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” (Comedy Central) 11 p.m. With Stewart’s recent news of his retirement from the show, it seems fitting to watch a new episode of the satirical late night show. His guest in tonight’s show is British actor Colin Firth to talk about his new film, “Kingsman: The Secret Service.” The Coleman Fellows Workshops are open to students, faculty, staff, and community members. Seating is limited. To register for a workshop, please go to PAGE 6 THE COLLEGIAN • NEWS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2015 FUN & GAMES SUDOKU: Fill the 9×9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 sub-grids that compose the grid contain all of the digits from 1 to 9. Across 1 Long-necked instrument 6 Spiced beverage 10 Parched 14 Annoy one’s co-star, perhaps 15 Suggestion 16 Recording medium 17 Archers’ protection 19 Say openly 20 Ungenerous sort 21 “__ how!” 22 Money-related suffix 24 L.A.-based comedy troupe 30 Hammers obliquely, as a nail 31 “Yikes!” 32 Bit of pillow talk 33 Dress protector 36 Fla. airport 37 Sign of summer 38 Classic 1958 Chinua Achebe novel ... and a hint what literally happens in 17-, 24-, 50- and 61-Across 43 MLB team whose home scoreboard is updated by hand 44 Prom rental 45 Full of recent info 46 “Wheel of Fortune” buy 47 See 4-Down 48 Regarding 50 Scoldings 55 Vermeer ’s “__ With a Pearl Earring” 56 GI entertainer 57 Sénat vote 59 Bear up there 61 Magi 65 Verb, for one 66 One-named supermodel 67 10 out of 10, scorewise 68 Canadian coin that’s no longer produced Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis / McClatchy-Tribune 69 Blog entry 70 Yankee manager before Girardi Down 1 Rogen of “Pineapple Express” 2 “Let’s get some air in here!” 3 Unyielding 4 With 47-Across, payment for cash? 5 Bull Run soldier 6 Casual pants 7 Believer in karma 8 “Life of Pi” director Lee 9 “You convinced me” 10 Early game console 11 One of Hogwarts’ four houses 12 Nov. 2013 Twitter milestone 13 Morning drops 18 Outback order 23 Variety 25 Prince Harry’s alma mater 26 Pagoda instrument 27 Singer Young 28 Attendees 29 In need of a sweep, perhaps 33 Plate appearance 34 Platter player 35 1992 Crichton novel involving a fictional Japanese company 36 Upper limit 39 Boot option 40 Gas, e.g. 41 Not pro 42 Drudge 47 Sable or mink 48 Thumbs-up 49 Vegas dealer’s device 51 2014 World Series winning team member 52 Vague qualities 53 Hopeless case 54 Cotton candy, mostly 58 Cruise destination 59 Chapel Hill sch. 60 School of tomorrow? 62 Med. care provider 63 Set to be assembled 64 Binding promise THE COLLEGIAN • SPORTS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2015 ‘Dogs need not dwell on defeat when they face UNLV BULLDOGS from Page 8 were poised, flexible and under control. Fresno State had 25 turnovers -- which turned into 18 points – and lost to San Jose State 56-51. “It was obviously not the turnout we wanted,” said Fresno State head coach Jaime White. “As a 5-point game, I felt like there were multiple times when we tied the score and could have gone ahead. But we turned the ball over too much and didn’t get the transition that we wanted. That’s pretty much the end of the story.” And this is not exactly the time for Fresno State to dwell on the loss. Coming up are UNLV, Boise State and Colorado State (again). If the ‘Dogs are planning to go into March’s Mountain West Tournament as the No. 1 seed, they will have to have short-term memory. It’s not all doom and gloom for the ‘Dogs. They are second in the conference in scoring defense, field-goal-percentage defense, 3-point-percentage defense, steals and lead the pack in blocks. A team like Colorado State, which entered the Jan. 31 matchup having beaten Boise State 83-82, only scored 49 points. The Spartans led the Mountain West in scoring at 80.6 points per game on Feb. 4. They only put up 56 points in their victory over the ‘Dogs. Turnovers may have been an issue for Fresno State, but the ‘Dogs knew how to defend off their mistakes. As White said, all they needed was at least four more points. MWC STANDINGS MEN’S BASKETBALL TEAM UNLV comes to town On Wednesday, Fresno State will host the UNLV Lady Rebels for the first time this season. They have the leading scorer in the Mountain West, senior Danielle Miller (18.4 points per game). “They’re a combination of athletic and long,” White said. “They have some long kids who are good outside shooters. Miller does a good job inside and out, and our work is cut out for us with that kid.” And since the ‘Dogs suffered a heartbreaker at San Jose State, they took advantage of Saturday’s day off to condition. “We watched film, and I thought we did a good job,” White said. “It wasn’t like we overdid it.” The Lady Rebels have the historic advantage over Fresno State (15-12), but the ‘Dogs have dominated over the past six years, winning eight of nine. UNLV also shares a distinction with Colorado State and San Jose State: it likes to score. The Lady Rebels post an average of 69.6 points per game, enough for third in the league. And their road record does not do them justice. They are 2-8, but the wins came against Air Force and San Jose State. This season, the ‘Dogs have rewritten history. This time, however, they will want to keep one thing constant: They have not lost to UNLV at home in nearly 23 years, since Feb. 15, 1992. PAGE 7 OVERALL CONFERENCE 19-5 8-3 WOMEN’S BASKETBALL TEAM OVERALL CONFERENCE 17-4 9-1 18-6 8-3 17-5 9-2 17-6 7-3 12-10 8-3 20-4 7-4 14-7 6-4 14-10 7-5 9-13 6-5 14-9 6-5 8-13 5-5 11-13 6-5 11-11 5-6 14-10 5-6 10-11 5-6 11-12 4-8 6-17 3-8 7-16 3-8 6-15 2-8 2-21 0-11 2-21 1-11 START leAding wiTh expeRience. START climbing higheR. START Above The ReST. Doctor of Physical Therapy START leAding wiTh compASSion. START Adding To youR RéSumé. Earn your Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree in just 31 months from Azusa Pacific University, and gain a solid, generalist START leAding The wAy. perspective of patient care in a supportive Christian environment. Program Benefits START STRong. Sm ■ Prepares you for entry-level positions in orthopedics, neurology, cardiopulmonology, clinical electrophysiology, pediatrics, geriatrics, and sports medicine. ■ Qualifies you for leadership positions in hospitals, private clinics, There’s strong. Then there’s Army Strong. By enrolling in Army ROTC as a nursing student at Fresno State, you will receive advanced training from experienced Army Nurses. You will also be eligible to receive a fulltuition, merit-based scholarship. After graduation, you will be an Army Nurse. And an Army Officer. To get started, visit sports clinics, rehabilitation centers, pain clinics, government agencies, home and community health care programs, and research projects. ■ Enables you to join one of the fastest-growing sectors in health care. Apply today! Visit, email [email protected], or call (626) 815-4570. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT MR. RACHAPOL LAMEE AT (559) 278-5460 OR EMAIL [email protected] 16599 ©2008. paid for by the United States Army. All rights reserved. SPORTS 8 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2015 The Bulldogs brought to a halt in Las Vegas Fresno State attempts comback, falls short to Rebels Bulldog Bulletin MEN’S BASKETBALL By Daniel Leon @DanLeon25 Darlene Wendels • The Collegian Fresno State guard Darnell Taylor drives to the basket in the Bulldogs Feb. 4 win over San Jose State. WOMEN’S BASKETBALL The UNLV Rebels fended off a nearsecond-half comeback from the Fresno State men’s basketball team Tuesday night at the Thomas and Mack Center in Las Vegas for the 73-61 conference win. Sophomore forward Christian Wood fueled the Rebels (14-10, 5-6 Mountain West) on both sides of the court with 27 points, 19 rebounds and seven blocks. Guard Rashad Vaughn added 18 in the victory. The Rebels built a 10-point halftime lead behind consistent 3-point shooting in the first period. UNLV continued to set the tone in the second period, going on a 13-5 run to lead by 18. The ‘Dogs (11-13, 6-5 MW) got within reach with just over eight minutes to go in the game, when junior guard Julien Lewis cut the Rebels’ lead to eight with a fastbreak layup as a result of a steal. Wood would continue to shine for the Rebels, scoring eight of his team’s next 10 points to get the UNLV back up to double digits with a few minutes left to help seal the win. Lewis recorded a team-best 16 points for Fresno State including a making all three 3-point attempts. Karachi Edo earned his second double-double of the season, with 13 points and 10 rebounds. Marvelle Harris, the conference’s leading scorer with 17.3 points per game, recorded 12 and six rebounds. Harris’s double-digit performance also helped him move into the No. 20 spot on the school’s all-time scoring list with 1,190 career points. Fresno State will host the second-place Boise State Broncos (17-6, 7-3 MW) Saturday at 7 p.m. “The urgency right now in terms of every game is really important,” Bulldogs head coach Rodney Terry said. “We’re going to have to do whatever we can to protect home court … To have a crowd there and have some energy on Saturday would be very important to us.” Moving on from the loss By Christopher Livingston @senorlivingston Throughout the season, the Fresno State women’s basketball team has been able to avoid repeating history. Win 13 straight games? Check. Set the school record for best 20game start? Check. Beat Colorado State at home? Check. Darlene Wendels • The Collegian Fresno State guard Stephanie Rovetti (2) looks for a Bulldog to pass to during ‘Dogs’ home win over the San Jose State Spartans Jan. 14 at Save Mart Center. Next on the list was San Jose State. The ‘Dogs suffered heartbreak to the Spartans in 2014, when they lost 68-66 in San Jose. But this game was unlike last year. The ‘Dogs did not lose by two points to a team that was 2-7 in conference play. No, this time, the Spartans were better. They entered the game 3-6 in the Mountain West, and they See BULLDOGS, Page 7 "As a 5-point game, I felt like there were multiple times when we tied the score and could have gone ahead. " — Jaime White, Fresno State head coach Briefs and blurbs on the Fresno State Bulldogs Football: DeRuyter announces coaching changes Fresno State assistant football coaches Ron Antoine and Joe Wade will be switching positions for the 2015 season, head coach Tim DeRuyter announced Monday. Antoine, who has coached the wide receivers since 2012, will move over to head the running backs, a position that Wade has controlled since 2009. Also, Jordan Peterson, the ‘Dogs’ assistant defensive backs coach, will replace Marcus Woodson to head the outside linebackers. Woodson will stay on the Fresno State staff to run the secondary. Defensive coordinator Nick Toth will coach the inside linebackers. "I believe we have an excellent coaching staff, and I want to continually challenge and develop our coaches, just as we do our players," DeRuyter said. "These changes will bring some new energy and ideas to their respective position groups as we strive to compete for the Mountain West Championship." The ‘Dogs will return to the field on March 2 for spring football. Women’s Golf: ‘Dogs finish in second place For the whole tournament, the Fresno State women’s golf team was behind Long Beach State, and it kept its pace to finish second in The Gold Rush tournament in Seal Beach, California. The ‘Dogs finished with a 308 team score in the final round on Tuesday, their highest stroke total of the tournament. In the second round, Fresno State put up the best score in the frame (295). Junior Hannah Sodersten and freshman Mimi Ho finished the best on the Bulldogs at 223 apiece, enough to claim a fifth-place finish at the 54-hole tournament. “It was exciting to have a couple of top10 finishes,” said Fresno State coach Emily Milberger. “I’m really looking forward to those players capitalizing on some time off before we head to San Jose. The level of play is outstanding, and it’s looking to be a very exciting spring.” Softball: ‘Dogs to honor former pitcher Before the ‘Dogs’ matchup against UC Riverside on Friday, former softball pitcher Wende Ward will be honored and will throw out the first pitch. Her No. 19 jersey was retired on March 22, 1987, and she was the second Fresno State female athlete to receive such an honor. Ward played for the ‘Dogs from 198083. The right-hander posted the all-time record in hits, at-bats, runs, doubles, home runs, RBIs, wins, complete games, innings pitched and strikeouts. She was also a four-time Most Valuable Player and owns six of the 71 no-hitters tossed by Fresno State pitchers. “Having my number retired is the ultimate honor,” Ward said. “I’m so grateful for the life lessons I learned playing for the Fresno State softball team.”.
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