PREPARED FOR_: - Emery Oleochemicals


PREPARED FOR_: - Emery Oleochemicals
Summary :
News & Opinions
17 Aug 2012
Emery Oleochemicals erweitert Standort in Loxstedt (Emery
Oleochemicals expands position in Loxstedt)
• Groundbreaking Ceremony: extension of its capacities as well as
for the new TDC in Loxstedt with an investment of 20 Mio. Euros
as a part of the globel corporate strategy
• This article equates to the official press release
Emery Oleochemicals feiert die Grundsteinlegung seiner
Kapazitäts-erweiterung sowie den Bau eines Technical
Development Centre (TDC) in Loxstedt. Diese mit 20 Mio.
€ bisher größte Einzelinvestition am Standort
kennzeichnet dessen Stärkung innerhalb der globalen
In die bis Ende 2013 abgeschlossenen Erweiterungsmaßnahmen fließen dabei mehr als 70 Jahre Kompetenzen in zukunftsweisenden
Technologien und umfassendes Know-how ein, um weitere Innovationen in der
Herstellung von Kunststoffprodukten voranzutreiben und so den steigenden
Kundenerwartungen in diesem Wachstumsmarkt zu begegnen. Dieser wird von der
Weiterentwicklung von den weltweit anerkannten Produkterfolgen der Polymeradditive
Loxiol und Edenol profitieren.
„Mit der Erweiterung der Kapazitäten in Loxstedt und der Fokussierung auf die
strategische Produktentwicklung wollen wir unseren bestehenden und potentiellen neuen
Kunden Mehrwert bieten. Wir gehen hierbei von einem weltweit kontinuierlich wachsenden
Bedarf von jährlich rund 4 bis 5 % aus. Der Ausbau von Loxstedt ist somit von großer
Bedeutung und kommt zum richtigen Zeitpunkt", erläuterte Dr. Intarajang Kongkrapan,
Vorstandsvorsitzender von Emery Oleochemicals. „Mit unseren Investitionen, unserer
weltweiten Präsenz sowie Innovationskraft und Marktkenntnis optimieren wir so die
Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Kunden, um den rasanten Geschäftsentwicklungen für
Grüne Polymeradditive nachhaltig zu begegnen."
Das TDC Loxstedt wird darüber hinaus die Rolle als globales Exzellenzzentrum für das
Geschäft mit Grünen Kunststoffadditiven von Emery Oleochemicals einnehmen. Der
Kundenservice wird durch die Bündelung der vorhandenen Kapazitäten und durch die
enge Verzahnung der Anwendungsentwicklung mit dem globalen Netzwerk deutlich
erhöht. Das Labor wird auf hohem Standard eingerichtet, in dem ein engagiertes Team
arbeiten wird. Die global bestehenden technischen Servicezentren des Unternehmens
werden dabei die globalen Aktivitäten ergänzen.
Hans Peter Eckardt, General Manager von Emery Oleochemicals Europa sagte: „Hier in
Deutschland, wo die meisten Pionierleistungen des Unternehmens im Bereich von
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Kunststoffadditiven erbracht worden sind, verstehen wir die Erweiterung des Standorts als
natürlichen und strategisch folgerichtigen Schritt für weiteres Wachstum.
Ich sehe darin sowohl eine Anerkennung der hervorragenden Arbeit unserer Mitarbeiter
verbunden mit der steigenden Bedeutung des Europa-Geschäfts für Emery
Im Rahmen der Veranstaltung, an der führende Vertreter von lokalen Behörden,
Projektpartner und Repräsentanten der Unternehmensführung von Emery Oleochemicals
teilgenommen haben, dankte Hans Peter Eckardt allen Beteiligten für die bereits
geleisteten Anstrengungen bei der Erweiterungsplanung. „Wir sind uns in jedem Bereich
unserer Arbeit der Verantwortung bewusst, die unser Unternehmen in Fragen des
Umweltschutzes, der Gesundheit und Sicherheit unserer Kollegen ebenso wie der
Öffentlichkeit in Loxstedt innehat. Unter dieser Prämisse freue ich mich darauf,
gemeinsam mit allen Beteiligten die anstehenden Projekte erfolgreich und nachhaltig
Emery Oleochemicals mit Hauptsitz in Malaysia ist in Europa mit den zwei deutschen
Produktionsstandorten Loxstedt und Düsseldorf vertreten. Die Anlage in Loxstedt
produziert Speziallösungen, während der Standort Düsseldorf sowohl Ausgangsstoffe als
auch vorverarbeitete Rohstoffe herstellt.
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Summary :
Landkreis Cuxhaven
18 Aug 2012
Loxstedt Chemical company will expand
• Big investment of 20 Mio. Euros for the new TDC and the
beading tower on the Loxstedt’s site
• The new TDC is a milestone for the development of the
• Major Wellbrock underlined the successful co-operation during
the years between Emery Oleochemicals and the city of
Loxstedt/the region
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Summary :
Region Loxstedt
18 Aug 2012
Chemiewerk wird erweitert (Chemical factory will expand)
• Big investment of 20 Mio. Euros for the new TDC and the
beading tower on the Loxstedt’s site
• The new TDC is a milestone for the development of the company
• Major Wellbrock underlined the successful co-operation during
the years between Emery Oleochemicals and the city of
Loxstedt/the region
Chemiewerk wird erweitert
Loxstedt. Der global agierende Chemiekonzern Emery Oleochemicals investiert in
Loxstedt 20 Millionen Euro in einen Turm zur Erweiterung der Produktion und ein
neues Forschungs- und Entwicklungszentrum. Seit 2009 ist das ehemalige
Neynaber-Werk in den malaysischen Konzern eingebunden. Nach dem Brand im
Loxstedter Chemiewerk im vergangenen Oktober gilt die
bisher größte Investition am Standort als gutes Zeichen
für dessen Zukunft.
Von Barbara Fixy
So soll der Turm aussehen, der die Produktion im Loxstedter
Werk erweitern soll. Darstellung Emery Durch die Investition
wird der Standort auch innerhalb der globalen
Unternehmensstrategie auf dem Weg zum führenden
Anbieter für Grüne Polymeradditive gestärkt. Diese chemischen Zusätze werden in
Loxstedt hergestellt, sind für die Verarbeitung von Kunststoffen unerlässlich und werden
sogar auf Basis nachwachsender Rohstoffe wie Raps- oder Kokosöl hergestellt.
Zum ersten Spatenstich hatte sich nicht nur die Belegschaft bis auf einen kleinen harten
Kern unter die Gäste vor dem Werkstor gemischt. Der Vorstandsvorsitzende des
Konzerns, Dr. Intarajang Kongkrapan aus Malaysia, ließ es sich auch nicht nehmen, beim
ersten Spatenstich zusammen mit dem Generalmanager des Konzerns in Europa, Hans
Peter Eckardt aus Düsseldorf, dem Loxstedter Werksleiter Wilhelm Reiners und
Bürgermeister Detlef Wellbrock (parteilos) beim ersten Spatenstich eine Schippe Sand in
die Hand zu nehmen.
Kongkrapan betonte, welch hohes Ansehen das Loxstedter Werk und seine engagierte
66-köpfige Mannschaft im weltweit agierenden Konzern genießen, der 1000 Beschäftigte
zählt und Niederlassungen in Asien, Europa und den USA hat. „Loxstedt ist das Herz der
Grünen Polymeradditive“, sagte der Emery-Vorstandsvorsitzende.
Als Meilenstein in der Entwicklung des Konzerns bezeichnete der Direktor für Forschung
und Entwicklung, Dr. Alfred Westfechtel, den ersten Spatenstich für das
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Entwicklungszentrum, das eine Art Vorreiterrolle im Konzern einnimmt. Das Zentrum in
Loxstedt soll Teil eines globalen Netzwerks der Emery-Gruppe werden, in dessen
technischen Bereichen die Marktbedürfnisse in den wesentlichen Regionen ermittelt
werden sollen. Standorte im amerikanischen Cincinnati, Malaysia und seiner Hauptstadt
Kuala Lumpur befinden sich ebenfalls in der Entwicklung.
Bürgermeister Wellbrock erinnerte an die Anfänge des Chemiewerks Neynaber 1902 in
Loxstedt. Er hob die preisgekrönte Zusammenarbeit des Werks mit der Loxstedter
Feuerwehr und seine Bedeutung als Arbeitgeber hervor. Werksleiter Reiners zeigte sich
überglücklich über die Investition. Generalmanager Eckardt aus Düsseldorf bescheinigte
ihm, dass Loxstedt mit dem Entwicklungszentrum und dem Turm zur
Kapazitätserweiterung so gut aufgestellt sei wie kein anderer Standort im Konzern.
Vorstandsvorsitzender Kongkrapan aber machte ein besonders herzliches Kompliment:
„Willi, du und dein Team – ohne euch wären wir nicht da, wo wir heute sind.“
Symbolischer erster Spatenstich (von
links): Der Loxstedter Werksleiter Wilhelm
Intarajang Kongkrapan und EuropaGeneralmanager Hans Peter Eckardt. Das
Chemiewerk in Loxstedt im Hintergrund
Foto fix
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Summary :
Berita Harian
18 Aug 2012
Establishes US$25mil Technical Development Center (TDC) in
• Emery has broken ground on a project to expand production
capacity for plastic additives and build a technical development
center at the company's Loxstedt, Germany, site
Emery Oleochemicals continued to strengthen its position as the world's leading naturalbased chemicals producer when it set-up its Loxstedt manufacturing facility expansion and
construction of the Technical Development Center (TDC).
It is billed as the company's largest investment to-date in Loxstedt, as a 50:50 joint venture
company between Sime Darby Bhd, global largest plantation listed company and PTT
Chemical International Ltd, largest Thailand chemical productsmanufacturer.
This investmet also reinforces its significance to the company's global strategy of
becoming a key player in the Green Polymer Additives segment.
Dr. Kongkrapan Intarajang, Group Chief Executive Officer said, “Construction of the TDC
facility centre scheduled for completion by end of next year, brings together over 70 years
of pioneering technology and know-how to drive innovation in polymer product
development. With this expansion, we aim to support both existing and new customers by
increasing our Loxstedt capacity and in focusing on strategic product development works.
Increase in demand for plactics
Dr. Kongkrapan said, “We see a steady annual growth in plastic additives consumption of
4%-5% worldwide, making our Loxstedt expansion integral and timely.
The Loxstedt TDC, is designed to serve as the Global Centre of Excellence for Emery
Oleochemicals' Green Polymer Additives business.
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It will provide customers with value-add services by streamlining resources and
integrating the global network for application development.
To be fitted out with state-of-the-art lab equipment, it will be staffed by a dedicated team
and will also be supported by existing technical service centres located throughout the
company's global operations.
The TDC is believed to become Asia Pacific’s largest fully integrated green polymer
additives facility.
It is also expected to help develop and reach the other markets in Southeast Asia.
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Summary :
IHS Chemical Week
Regions: Western Europe
20 Aug 2012
Emery Oleochemicals Breaks Ground on Expansion Project in
• Emery has broken ground on a project to expand production
capacity for plastic additives and build a technical development
center at the company's Loxstedt, Germany, site
Link :
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Summary :
European Coatings
Markets & Companies, Raw
materials Market
20 Aug 2012
Emery Oleochemicals invests EUR 20 million to increase capacity
for green polymer additives
 The company expects a rapid product evolution in the Green
Polymer Additives segment
Emery Oleochemicals invests EUR 20 million to increase capacity
for green polymer additives
Monday, 20 August 2012
Emery Oleochemicals, a natural-based chemicals producer, celebrated the
groundbreaking of its Loxstedt manufacturing facility expansion and construction of the
Technical Development Centre (TDC) on 17 August 2012. Valued at an estimated EUR 20
million, it is billed as the company’s largest investment in Loxstedt to-date, reinforcing its
significance to the company’s global strategy.
These expansion projects are scheduled for completion by end 2013.
The company expects a rapid product evolution in the Green Polymer Additives segment:
"We see a steady annual growth in plastic additives consumption of 4%-5% worldwide
making our Loxstedt expansion integral and timely,” explained Dr. Kongkrapan Intarajang,
Group Chief Executive Officer, Emery Oleochemicals.
The Loxstedt manufacturing facility expansion will encompass substantial technological
enhancement of its current infrastructure, which will allow for the development of its
existing natural-based product portfolio that includes highly-specialised additives for the
plastics, coatings and lubricant industries.
Wilhelm Reiners, Plant Director, Emery Oleochemicals
Loxstedt, Mayor Detlef Wellbrock of Loxstedt,
Dr. Kongkrapan Intarajang, Group CEO, Emery
Oleochemicals and Hans Peter Eckardt, General Manager
of Emery Oleochemicals Europe officiating the
groundbreaking ceremony of the Loxstedt expansion
projects. Source: Emery Oleochemicals
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Summary :
The Sun
20 Aug 2012
Print – Page 15
Emery starts work on RM78m facility expansion in Germany
 Billed as its largest investment in Loxstedt to date, it reinforces
the group's global strategy of becoming a key player in the
green polymer additives segment.
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Summary :
The Sun
20 Aug 2012
Emery starts work on RM78m facility expansion in Germany
 Billed as its largest investment in Loxstedt to date, it reinforces
the group's global strategy of becoming a key player in the
green polymer additives segment.
Link :
Emery starts work on RM78m facility expansion in Germany
Posted on 20 August 2012 - 05:55pm
PETALING JAYA (Aug 20, 2012):
Malaysia-based Emery Oleochemicals
GmbH has begun work on its RM78
million Loxstedt manufacturing facility
expansion and construction of the
Technical Development Centre (TDC) in
Germany, which is slated for completion
by end-2013.
"With this expansion, we aim to support
both existing and new customers by
increasing our Loxstedt capacity and in
product From left: Emery Oleochemicals Loxstedt plant director Wilhelm
development works. We see a steady Reiners, Loxstedt mayor Detlef Wellbrock, Intarajang and Emery
general manager for Europe, Hans Peter Eckardt,
annual growth in plastic additives Oleochemicals
officiating at the groundbreaking ceremony of the Loxstedt
consumption of 4-5% worldwide, expansion project.
making our Loxstedt expansion integral
and timely," Emery Oleochemicals group CEO Dr Kongkrapan Intarajang said in a
Billed as its largest investment in Loxstedt to date, it reinforces the group's global strategy
of becoming a key player in the green polymer additives segment.
"The TDC is designed to serve as the global centre of excellence for Emery
Oleochemicals' green polymer additives business. It will streamline resources and
integrate the global network for application development," said Intarajang.
The Loxstedt manufacturing facility expansion, on the other hand, will encompass
substantial technological enhancement of its current infrastructure. This project comes on
the heels of the recent commissioning of Loxstedt's new sister manufacturing site in Telok
Panglima Garang, Selangor.
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Summary :
Farbe und Lacke
Markt & Unternehmen
20 Aug 2012
Emery Oleochemicals investiert 20 Mio. EUR in
Kapazitätserweiterung und neues Entwicklungszentrum für grüne
Polymeradditive (Emery Oleochemicals invests EUR 20 million to
increase capacity and a new TDC for green polymer additives)
 Groundbreaking ceremony for Emery Oleochemicals
 Investment of EUR 20 million to increase capacity and a new
TDC for green polymer additives
 Technological enhancement of its current infrastructure for the
development of its existing natural-based product portfolio that
includes highly-specialised additives for the plastics, coatings and
lubricant industries
Kapazitätserweiterung und neues Entwicklungszentrum für grüne
Montag, 20. August 2012
Emery Oleochemicals, Hersteller von oleochemischen Derivaten auf natürlicher Basis, hat
am 17. August 2012 die Grundsteinlegung seiner Kapazitätserweiterung sowie den Bau
eines Technical Development Centre (TDC) in Loxstedt gefeiert. Diese mit 20 Mio. EUR
bisher größte Einzelinvestition am Standort kennzeichnet dessen Stärkung innerhalb der
globalen Unternehmensstrategie. Die Erweiterungsmaß-nahmen werden voraussichtlich
bis Ende 2013 abgeschlossenen sein.
Das Unternehmen erwartet eine rasante Geschäftsentwicklung im Markt für grüne
Polymeradditive: "Wir gehen hierbei von einem weltweit kontinuierlich wachsenden
Bedarf von jährlich rund 4 bis 5 % aus. Der Ausbau von Loxstedt ist somit von großer
Bedeutung und kommt zum richtigen Zeitpunkt", erläuterte Dr. Intarajang Kongkrapan,
Vorstandsvorsitzender von Emery Oleochemicals.
Die Erweiterung des Produktionsstandorts Loxstedt ist mit einer
wesentlichen technologischen Verbesserung der heutigen
Infrastruktur verbunden, wodurch das aktuelle auf natürlichen
Ölen basierende Produkt-Portfolio erweitert werden kann.
Darunter fällt die Herstellung hochspezialisierter Additive für die
Kunststoff-, Coatings- und Schmierstoffindustrie.
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Summary :
20 Aug 2012
Emery Oleochemicals to Expand Production of Green Polymer
Additives Used in Coatings
 The Loxstedt manufacturing facility expansion will encompass
substantial technological enhancement of its current
infrastructure, which will allow for the development of its existing
natural-based product portfolio that includes highly-specialized
additives for the plastics, coatings and lubricant industries.
Emery Oleochemicals invests EUR 20 million to increase capacity
for green polymer additives
Monday, 20 August 2012
LOXSTEDT, Germany -- Emery Oleochemicals, the world's leading natural-based
chemicals producer, celebrated the groundbreaking of its Loxstedt manufacturing facility
expansion and construction of the Technical Development Center (TDC). Valued at an
estimated €20 million (US$25million), it is billed as the company's largest investment in
Loxstedt to-date, reinforcing its significance to the company's global strategy of becoming
a key player in the Green Polymer Additives segment.
Scheduled for completion by end 2013, these expansion projects bring together over 70
years of pioneering technology and know-how to drive innovation in polymer product
development intended to meet customers' evolving demands in this growing segment. The
marketplace will furthermore benefit from advancements in customizable higher-end
product development as the company looks to leverage the success of its globally
recognized high-performance plastic additives brands, LOXIOL® and EDENOL®.
"With this expansion, we aim to support both existing and new customers by increasing
our Loxstedt capacity and in focusing on strategic product development works. We see a
steady annual growth in plastic additives consumption of 4%-5% worldwide making our
Loxstedt expansion integral and timely," explained Dr. Kongkrapan Intarajang, Group
Chief Executive Officer, Emery Oleochemicals. "Our investments here combined with our
global reach, innovation and market insights will prove instrumental when partnering with
customers to find solutions necessary to meet the rapid product evolution seen in the
Green Polymer Additives segment."
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The Loxstedt manufacturing facility expansion will encompass substantial technological
enhancement of its current infrastructure, which will allow for the development of its
existing natural-based product portfolio that includes highly-specialized additives for the
plastics, coatings and lubricant industries.
The Loxstedt TDC on the other hand, is designed to serve as the Global Centre of
Excellence for Emery Oleochemicals' Green Polymer Additives business. It will provide
customers with value-add services by streamlining resources and integrating the global
network for application development. To be fitted out with state-of-the-art lab equipment, it
will be staffed by a dedicated team and will also be supported by existing technical service
centres located throughout the company's global operations.
Hans Peter Eckardt, General Manager, Emery Oleochemicals Europe said, "Home to
where most of the company's pioneering works in plastic additives has taken place, our
Loxstedt expansion projects are a natural and strategic extension of our local operations.
This is both an exciting opportunity and a testament to our outstanding workforce in
Loxstedt and the importance of our Europe operations to our global organization. It also
ensures that we continue to play an integral part in the local community, as we have for
many years."
The event was attended by senior officials from the local municipality, project partners and
members of senior management from Emery Oleochemicals. Eckardt also took the
opportunity to recognise the efforts of everyone in bringing the expansion plans to fruition.
"Being a responsible corporate citizen is evident in all that we do, from our commitment to
protecting the environment to the health and safety of our colleagues and the community
to establishing manufacturing best practises within the company. Guided by these
principles, I look forward to working together with all of our key stakeholders in
successfully implementing these projects."
Emery Oleochemicals is headquartered in Malaysia and its two production facilities in
Europe are both based in Germany. The existing Loxstedt facility produces specialty
solutions whilst the Düsseldorf site produces a combination of both commodity and semicommodity solutions. The company has an extensive distribution network covering over 50
countries and also supports the marketplace through its manufacturing and sales and
service offices located in Asia Pacific, Europe and North America.
About Emery Oleochemicals Group
Emery Oleochemicals is a leading producer of natural-based chemicals made
predominantly from natural oils and fats such as palm kernel oil and tallow. They offer an
extensive product portfolio, including renewable solutions for the Green Polymer Additives
and Home and Personal Wellness markets. Other high performance products include
plastic additives, ozone acids, oilfield chemicals, fatty acids, fatty alcohols, glycerin, and
With revenue of US$1.2billion (2011), the company is headquartered in Malaysia with
manufacturing plants spanning three continents - Asia Pacific, North America, and Europe.
Emery Oleochemicals' global operations are backed by a diverse workforce of more than
1,000 people and an extensive distribution network covering over 50 countries worldwide.
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The Star -Malaysia
21 Aug 2012
Emery Oleochemicals plans US$25mil factory expansion
Summary :
• With the addition of the Loxstedt TDC, Emery Oleochemicals
looks to increase its existing natural-based product portfolio that
includes highly-specialised additives for the plastics, coatings
and lubricant industries.
• TDC is designed to serve as the global centre of excellence for
Emery Oleochemicals’ green polymer additives business. It will
provide customers with value-added services by streamlining
resources and integrating the global network for application
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The Star -Malaysia
21 Aug 2012
Emery Oleochemicals plans US$25mil factory expansion
Summary :
• With the addition of the Loxstedt TDC, Emery Oleochemicals
looks to increase its existing natural-based product portfolio that
includes highly-specialised additives for the plastics, coatings
and lubricant industries.
• TDC is designed to serve as the global centre of excellence for
Emery Oleochemicals’ green polymer additives business. It will
provide customers with value-added services by streamlining
resources and integrating the global network for application
Link :
Emery Oleochemicals plans US$25mil factory expansion
PETALING JAYA: Emery Oleochemicals (M) Sdn Bhd is growing further with the 20 million
euro (US$25mil) expansion of its manufacturing facility and construction of a new technical
development centre (TDC) in Loxstedt, Germany.
“With this expansion, we aim to support both existing and new customers by increasing
our Loxstedt capacity and focus on strategic product development works. We see a steady
annual growth in plastic additives consumption of 4% to 5% worldwide making our
Loxstedt expansion integral and timely,” said group chief executive officer Kongkrapan
Intarajang in a statement.
Emery Oleochemicals is a 50:50 joint venture between Sime Darby Plantation and PTT
Chemical International Pte Ltd.
Headquartered in Malaysia, the company generates US$1.2bil revenue in 2011 from
manufacturing plants spanning three continents – Asia Pacific, North America, and
With the addition of the Loxstedt TDC, Emery Oleochemicals looks to increase its existing
natural-based product portfolio that includes highly-specialised additives for the plastics,
coatings and lubricant industries.
“Emery Oleochemicals’ global expansion into green polymer additives is about driving new
levels of optimisation through the development of new and improved formulations and by
increasing capacity to meet customers’ demands.
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“By leveraging on our collective knowhow, we aspire to develop high-performance
solutions enabling customers to focus on their highest strategic priorities,” said
Kongkrapan after the company’s ground-breaking ceremony recently.
Scheduled for completion by end-2013, the company said the expansion project brought
together over 70 years of pioneering technology and knowhow to drive innovation in
polymer product development.
It said the marketplace would further benefit from advancements in customisable higherend product development as the company sought to leverage on the success of its
globally-recognised high-performance plastic additive brands, LOXIOL® and EDENOL®.
The company said the Loxstedt TDC is designed to serve as the global centre of
excellence for Emery Oleochemicals’ green polymer additives business. It will provide
customers with value-added services by streamlining resources and integrating the global
network for application development.
“To be fitted out with state-of-the-art lab equipment, it will be staffed by a dedicated team
and will also be supported by existing technical service centres located throughout the
company’s global operations,” it said.
The Loxstedt manufacturing facility expansion, on the other hand, will encompass
substantial technological enhancement of its current infrastructure. This project comes on
the heels of the recent commissioning of Loxstedt’s new sister manufacturing site in Telok
Panglima Garang, near Banting.
Touted to be Asia-Pacific’s first fully integrated and largest green polymer additives plant,
the Malaysian manufacturing operations will enable the company to extend its
geographical reach in the Asean region.
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Summary :
Borneo Post
21 Aug 2012
Emery Oleochemicals strengthens footprint in Germany via
• Emery Oleochemicals looks to increase its existing natural-based
product portfolio that includes highly-specialised additives for the
plastics, coatings and lubricant industries.
Emery Oleochemicals strengthens footprint in Germany via
Posted on August 21, 2012, Tuesday
KUCHING: Malaysian-based Emery Oleochemicals is investing 20 million euros (RM77.4
million) in its manufacturing facility expansion and construction of the Technical
Development Centre in Loxstedt, Germany.
Believed to be Asia Pcific’s first fully integrated and largest Green Polymer Additives plant,
the Malaysian manufacturing operations would enable the company to extend its
geographical reach in the Asean region.
“This project is also in line with the Malaysian Government’s efforts to further develop the
potential of the country’s palm oil industry in moving up the value-chain towards high-end
oleo derivatives,” it said.
Scheduled for completion by the end of 2013, the expansion projects would bring together
over 70 years of pioneering technology and know-how to drive innovation in polymer
product development intended to meet customers’ evolving demands in the growing
“We see a steady annual growth in plastic additives consumption of four per cent to five
per cent worldwide making our Loxstedt expansion integral and timely,” said its group chief
executive officer Dr Kongkrapan Intarajang.
“Our investments here combined with our global reach, innovation and market insights will
prove instrumental when partnering with customers to find solutions necessary to meet the
rapid product evolution seen in the Green Polymer Additives segment,” he added.
The Loxstedt manufacturing facility expansion, on the other hand, would also
encompassed substantial technological enhancement of its current infrastructure.
In 2011, Emery Oleochemicals committed to investing approximately RM416 million for the
implementation of its various Malaysian-based projects developed under the auspice of
the Palm Oil National Key Economic Area (NKEA) of the country’s Economic
Transformation Programme.
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Whilst both the German and Malaysian manufacturing sites employed unique technologies
to focus on region-specific market needs, now, with the addition of the Loxstedt TDC,
Emery Oleochemicals looked to increase its existing natural-based product portfolio that
includes highly-specialised additives for the plastics, coatings and lubricant industries.
“Emery Oleochemicals’ global expansion into Green Polymer Additives is about driving
new levels of optimization through the development of new and improved formulations and
by increasing capacity to meet customers’ demands,” concluded Intarajang.
Page 19 of 41
Summary :
21 Aug 2012
Malaysia's Emery expands with new German facility
 The total investment is valued at €20m
 Investing in Germany in view of 4-5% expected increase in
global plastics additives consumption.
Malaysia's Emery expands with new German facility
By Charlotte Eyre
Posted 21 August 2012
Malaysia chemicals producer Emery
Oleochemicals is expanding in Europe
with a new technical centre and expansion
of its manufacturing facilities in Loxstedt,
Germany. The total investment is valued at
CEO Dr Kongkrapan Intarajang says the
company is investing in Germany because
it expects a 4-5% increase in global
plastics additives consumption.
The company uses its German site to
produce the brands Loxiol and Edenol and
the new technical centre will be the focus
of the company’s Green Polymer Additives
The investment comes hot on the heels of the Emery’s commissioning of a new
manufacturing site in Selangor, Malaysia. Believed to be Asia Pacific’s first fully
integrated and largest Green Polymer Additives plant, the Malaysian manufacturing
operations will enable the company to extend its geographical reach in the ASEAN
region, says the company.
Page 20 of 41
Company Press Release
21 Aug 2012
Emery Oleochemicals invests $25m in German TDC
Summary :
 The manufacturing facility expansion is expected to upgrade
technology to the existing infrastructure, while the TDC will
serve as global centre for Emery Oleochemicals' green polymer
additives business
Emery Oleochemicals invests $25m in German TDC
21 August 2012
Natural-based chemicals producer Emery Oleochemicals is constructing a new technical
development centre (TDC) and expanding its manufacturing facility in Loxstedt, Germany,
as part of downstream expansion plan.
"The €20m ($25m) projects are expected to be completed by 2013 and mark the
company's largest Loxstedt investment."
Dr. Kongkrapan Intarajang, Emery Oleochemicals chief executive officer, said with the
expansion, the company aims to support both existing and new customers by increasing
the Loxstedt capacity and focusing on strategic product development works.
"We see a steady annual growth in plastic additives consumption of four to five percent
worldwide, making our Loxstedt expansion integral and timely," Intarajang added.
"Our investments here, combined with our global reach, innovation and market insights,
will prove instrumental when partnering with customers to find solutions necessary to meet
the rapid product evolution seen in the Green Polymer Additives segment."
The manufacturing facility expansion is expected to upgrade technology to the existing
infrastructure, while the TDC will serve as global centre for Emery Oleochemicals' green
polymer additives business.
The €20m ($25m) projects are expected to be completed by 2013 and mark the
company's largest Loxstedt investment to date, according to Emery.
The company has added plastic additives, such as Loxiol and Edenol, to its product
Page 21 of 41
21 Aug 2012
Additive supplier Emery expands with German facility
Summary :
The total investment is 20 million euros ($24.8 million)
Investing in Germany in view of 4-5% expected increase in
global plastics additives consumption.
Additive supplier Emery expands with German facility
Posted August 21, 2012
SHAH ALAM, MALAYSIA (Aug. 21, 11 a.m. ET) -- Malaysia chemicals producer Emery
Oleochemicals Sdn. Bhd. is expanding in Europe with a new technical center and larger
manufacturing facilities in Loxstedt, Germany. The total investment is 20 million euros
($24.8 million).
CEO Kongkrapan Intarajang says the Shah Alam-based company is investing in Germany
because it expects a 4-5 percent increase in global plastics additives consumption.
The company uses its German site to produce the brands Loxiol and Edenol and the new
technical center will be the focus of the company’s Green Polymer Additives Business.
The investment comes hot on the heels of the Emery’s commissioning of a new
manufacturing site in Selangor, Malaysia. Believed to be Asia Pacific’s first fully integrated
and largest Green Polymer Additives plant, the Malaysian manufacturing operations will
enable the company to extend its geographical reach in the ASEAN region, according to
the company.
Emery Oleochemicals is a joint venture owned by Sime Darby Plantation and PTT
Chemical International Pte. Ltd.
Page 22 of 41
21 Aug 2012
Emery expands bioadditive production in Germany, making palm
oil push
Summary :
Loxstedt manufacturing facility expansion represents a
technological enhancement of its current infrastructure and
comes on the heels of the recent commissioning of Loxstedt's
new sister manufacturing site in Telok Panglima Garang,
Selangor in Malaysia.
Projects reflect the Malaysian Government's efforts to further
develop the potential of the country's palm oil industry in
moving up the value-chain towards high-end oleo derivatives
Emery expands bioadditive production in Germany, making palm
oil push
By PlasticsToday Staff
Malaysian biochemical company Emery Oleochemicals is investing €20 million
(US$25million) in its Loxstedt, Germany site, expanding manufacturing and adding
Technical Development Centre (TDC) for its biobased additives, Loxiol and Edenol.
"Through our Loxstedt expansion projects, Emery Oleochemicals looks to extend its
existing technical know-how in developing high-performance plastic additives and
growing its portfolio in additives, including those for the coatings and lubricant industries,"
an Emery spokesperson told PlasticsToday. The company's current annual global
production capacity is 1 million tonnes.
Loxiol and Edenol are predominantly made from natural-based feedstocks such as tallow
and vegetable-based oils. Loxiol can be used as a release agent, or in anti-blocking and
anti-fogging functions, among others.
The spokesperson noted that within the industry it is widely used as both an internal and
external lubricant. Edenol is primarily a plasticizer used to soften rubber and PVC.
The expansion is scheduled for completion by the end of 2013 and is partially in response
to annual growth in plastic additives consumption of 4%-5% worldwide, according to
Kongkrapan Intarajang, group CEO, Emery Oleochemicals.
Page 23 of 41
The company noted in a release that the Loxstedt manufacturing facility expansion
represents a technological enhancement of its current infrastructure and comes on the
heels of the recent commissioning of Loxstedt's new sister manufacturing site in Telok
Panglima Garang, Selangor in Malaysia.
Emergy Oleochemicals broked ground on an expansion
of its Germany site on August 17.
Emery said these projects reflect the Malaysian Government's efforts to further develop
the potential of the country's palm oil industry in moving up the value-chain towards highend oleo derivatives.
In 2011, Emery Oleochemicals committed to investing approximately RM416 million
(US$46 million) for the implementation of its various Malaysian-based projects developed
under the auspice of the Palm Oil National Key Economic Area (NKEA) of the country's
Economic Transformation Program.
Emery Oleochemicals is a joint venture between Sime Darby Plantation and PTT
Chemical International Pte Ltd. with 2011 revenue of $1.2 billion. It has manufacturing in
Asia, North America (Cincinnati, OH), and Europe, employing more than 1000.
Page 24 of 41
21 Aug 2012
Emery Oleochemicals invests $25million in Loxstedt facilityThe company will expand the facility and construct a technical
development centre
Summary :
 The project bring together over 70 years of pioneering
technology and know-how to drive innovation in polymer
product development intended to meet customers’ evolving
demands in this growing segment.
Emery Oleochemicals invests $25million in Loxstedt facility
The company will expand the facility and construct a technical development centre.
SELANGOR, MALAYSIA: Emery Oleochemicals, the world’s leading natural-based
chemicals producer, celebrated the groundbreaking of its Loxstedt manufacturing facility
expansion and construction of the technical development centre (TDC). Valued at an
estimated €20 million ($25million), it is billed as the company’s largest investment in
Loxstedt to-date, reinforcing its significance to the company’s global strategy of becoming
a key player in the Green Polymer Additives segment.
Scheduled for completion by 2013 end, these expansion projects bring together over 70
years of pioneering technology and know-how to drive innovation in polymer product
development intended to meet customers’ evolving demands in this growing segment.
The marketplace will furthermore benefit from advancements in customisable higher-end
product development as the company looks to leverage the success of its globally
recognized high-performance plastic additives brands, LOXIOL and EDENOL.
“With this expansion, we aim to support both existing and new customers by increasing
our Loxstedt capacity and in focussing on strategic product development works. We see
a steady annual growth in plastic additives consumption of 4 - 5 per cent worldwide
making our Loxstedt expansion integral and timely.
Our investments here combined with our global reach, innovation and market insights will
prove instrumental when partnering with customers to find solutions necessary to meet
the rapid product evolution seen in the Green Polymer Additives segment,” explained Dr
Kongkrapan Intarajang, Group Chief Executive Officer, Emery Oleochemicals.
Page 25 of 41
Plastics Information
Company Press Release
21 Aug 2012
EMERY OLEOCHEMICALS, Raising green additives capacity in
Germany / New technical development centre
Summary :
EMERY OLEOCHEMICALS Raising green additives capacity in
Germany / New technical development centre
Underlining its commitment to becoming a leading green polymer additive player, Emery
Oleochemicals (Shah Alam, Selangor / Malaysia; has announced a
EUR 20m investment at its plant in Loxstedt / Germany. The money is to go towards
raising output at the site as well as building a technical development centre there, with
completion of both projects scheduled for late 2013.
The investment is set against the backdrop of a 4-5% global growth in plastic additives
consumption, said company CEO Kongkrapan Intarajang. Aside from raising output of its
natural-based “Loxiol” and “Edenol” high-performance additives, the plans also call for
technologically enhancing the site’s existing infrastructure to allow for the manufacture of
Emery’s existing natural-based product portfolio, including additives, coatings and
“This is both an exciting opportunity and a testament to the importance of our Europe
operations,” said Emery Oleochemicals’ general manager Europe, Hans Peter Eckardt.
Once completed, the technical development centre will serve as the group’s global hub for
green polymer additives and will include state-of-the-art equipment to provide customers
with value-added services.
Emery Oleochemicals operates two production plants in Germany. While the Loxstedt
facility mainly produces specialty solutions, its plant in Düsseldorf turns out both
commodity and semi-commodity products. Most of the group’s chemicals are sourced from
natural oils and fats, including palm kernel oil and tallow. With a distribution network
covering more than 50 countries, Emery Oleochemicals’ 1,000 employees posted
revenues of USD 1.2 bn in 2011.
22.08.2012 PIE [223173-0]
Page 26 of 41
Summary :
Breaking News
21 Aug 2012
Emery Oleochemicals to expand production of green polymer
additives used in coatings
 The information of this article equates to those of the official press
 Valued at an estimated €20 million (US$25million), it is billed as
the company's largest investment in Loxstedt to-date, reinforcing
its significance to the company's global strategy of becoming a
key player in the green polymer additives segment and is
scheduled for completion by the end of 2013.
Emery Oleochemicals celebrated the groundbreaking of its Loxstedt manufacturing facility
expansion and construction of the Technical Development Center (TDC). Valued at an
estimated €20 million (US$25million), it is billed as the company's largest investment in
Loxstedt to-date, reinforcing its significance to the company's global strategy of becoming
a key player in the green polymer additives segment and is scheduled for completion by
the end of 2013.
"With this expansion, we aim to support both existing and new customers by increasing
our Loxstedt capacity and in focusing on strategic product development works. We see a
steady annual growth in plastic additives consumption of four to five percent worldwide
making our Loxstedt expansion integral and timely," said Kongkrapan Intarajang, group
chief executive officer, Emery Oleochemicals. "Our investments here combined with our
global reach, innovation and market insights will prove instrumental when partnering with
customers to find solutions necessary to meet the rapid product evolution seen in the
green polymer additives segment."
The Loxstedt manufacturing facility expansion will encompass substantial technological
enhancement of its current infrastructure, which will allow for the development of its
existing natural-based product portfolio that includes highly-specialized additives for the
plastics, coatings and lubricant industries.
The Loxstedt TDC on the other hand, is designed to serve as the Global Centre of
Excellence for Emery Oleochemicals' green polymer additives business.
Emery Oleochemicals is headquartered in Malaysia and its two production facilities in
Europe are both based in Germany. The existing Loxstedt facility produces specialty
solutions while the Düsseldorf site produces a combination of both commodity and semicommodity solutions. The company has an extensive distribution network covering over 50
countries and also supports the marketplace through its manufacturing and sales and
service offices located in Asia Pacific, Europe and North America.
Page 27 of 41
Summary :
21 Aug 2012
Emery Oleochemicals Strengthens Leadership with Facility
 The information of this article equates to those of the official press
 Valued at an estimated €20 million (US$25million), it is billed as
the company's largest investment in Loxstedt to-date, reinforcing
its significance to the company's global strategy of becoming a
key player in the green polymer additives segment and is
scheduled for completion by the end of 2013.
Emery Oleochemicals, the world’s leading natural-based chemicals producer, with its
headquarters in Malaysia, celebrated the groundbreaking of its Loxstedt manufacturing
facility expansion and construction of the Technical Development Centre (TDC). Valued at
an estimated €20 million (US$25million), it is billed as the company’s largest investment in
Loxstedt to-date, reinforcing its significance to the company’s global strategy of becoming
a key player in the Green Polymer Additives segment.
Scheduled for completion by end 2013, these expansion projects bring together over 70
years of pioneering technology and know-how to drive innovation in polymer product
development intended to meet customers’ evolving demands in this growing segment. The
marketplace will furthermore benefit from advancements in customisable higher-end
product development as the company looks to leverage the success of its globally
recognized high-performance plastic additives brands, LOXIOL® and EDENOL®.
“With this expansion, we aim to support both existing and new customers by increasing
our Loxstedt capacity and in focussing on strategic product development works. We see a
steady annual growth in plastic additives consumption of 4%-5% worldwide making our
Loxstedt expansion integral and timely,” explained Dr. Kongkrapan Intarajang, Group
Chief Executive Officer, Emery Oleochemicals. “Our investments here combined with our
global reach, innovation and market insights will prove instrumental when partnering with
customers to find solutions necessary to meet the rapid product evolution seen in the
Green Polymer Additives segment.”
The Loxstedt TDC is designed to serve as the Global Centre of Excellence for Emery
Oleochemicals’ Green Polymer Additives business. It will provide customers with valueadd services by streamlining resources and integrating the global network for application
development. To be fitted out with state-of-the-art lab equipment, it will be staffed by a
dedicated team and will also be supported by existing technical service centres located
throughout the company’s global operations.
The Loxstedt manufacturing facility expansion on the other hand, will encompass
substantial technological enhancement of its current infrastructure. This project marks
another key milestone for Emery Oleochemicals as it comes on the heels of the recent
commissioning of Loxstedt’s new sister manufacturing site in Telok Panglima Garang,
Selangor in Malaysia.
Page 28 of 41
Believed to be Asia Pacific’s first fully integrated and largest Green Polymer Additives
plant, the Malaysian manufacturing operations will enable the company to extend its
geographical reach in the ASEAN region. The project is also in line with the Malaysian
Government’s efforts to further develop the potential of the country’s palm oil industry in
moving up the value-chain towards high-end oleo derivatives.
In 2011, Emery Oleochemicals committed to investing approximately RM416 million
(US$46 million) for the implementation of its various Malaysian-based projects developed
under the auspice of the Palm Oil National Key Economic Area (NKEA) of the country’s
Economic Transformation Program.
Whilst both the German and Malaysian manufacturing sites employ unique technologies to
focus on region-specific market needs, now, with the addition of the Loxstedt TDC, Emery
Oleochemicals looks to increase its existing natural-based product portfolio that includes
highly-specialised additives for the plastics, coatings and lubricant industries.
“Emery Oleochemicals’ global expansion into Green Polymer Additives is about driving
new levels of optimization through the development of new and improved formulations and
by increasing capacity to meet customers’ demands. By leveraging on our collective knowhow, we aspire to develop high-performance solutions enabling customers then, to focus
on their highest strategic priorities. Our growth journey means that we remain committed
to playing our part in being the partner of choice for Green Polymer Additives solutions,”
concluded Intarajang.
The event was attended by senior officials from the local municipality, project partners and
members of senior management from Emery Oleochemicals.
For more information, visit
Page 29 of 41
Nanyang Siang Pau
22 Aug 2012
Emery Oleochemicals sets up technical development centre in
Germany valued at RM77.5million
Summary :
The information of this article equates to those of the official
press release
Quoted Dr.Kongkrapan as saying Emery Oleochemicals
aims to strengthen R&D to retain customers and expand
new customer base
Plant will be completed in 2013
Page 30 of 41
22 Aug 2012
EMERY OLEOCHEMICALS: Raising green additives capacity in
Germany / New technical development centre
Summary :
Underlining its commitment to becoming a leading green
polymer additive player, Emery Oleochemicals (Shah Alam,
Selangor / Malaysia; has announced a
EUR 20m investment at its plant in Loxstedt / Germany.
The money is to go towards raising output at the site as well as
building a technical development centre there, with completion
of both projects scheduled for late 2013.
Raising green additives capacity in Germany / New technical development centre
Underlining its commitment to becoming a leading green polymer additive player, Emery
Oleochemicals(Shah Alam, Selangor / Malaysia; has announced a
EUR 20m investment at its plant in Loxstedt / Germany. The money is to go towards
raising output at the site as well as building a technical development centre there, with
completion of both projects scheduled for late 2013.
The investment is set against the backdrop of a 4-5% global growth in plastic additives
consumption, said company CEO Kongkrapan Intarajang. Aside from raising output of its
natural-based “Loxiol” and “Edenol” high-performance additives, the plans also call for
technologically enhancing the site’s existing infrastructure to allow for the manufacture of
Emery’s existing natural-based product portfolio, including additives, coatings and
“This is both an exciting opportunity and a testament to the importance of our Europe
operations,” said Emery Oleochemicals’ general manager Europe, Hans Peter Eckardt.
Once completed, the technical development centre will serve as the group’s global hub
for green polymer additives and will include state-of-the-art equipment to provide
customers with value-added services.
Emery Oleochemicals operates two production plants in Germany. While the Loxstedt
facility mainly produces specialty solutions, its plant in Düsseldorf turns out both
commodity and semi-commodity products. Most of the group’s chemicals are sourced
from natural oils and fats, including palm kernel oil and tallow. With a distribution network
covering more than 50 countries, Emery Oleochemicals’ 1,000 employees posted
revenues of USD 1.2 bn in 2011.
Page 31 of 41
22 Aug 2012
Raising green additives capacity in Germany / New technical
development centre
Summary :
Underlining its commitment to becoming a leading green
polymer additive player, Emery Oleochemicals (Shah Alam,
Selangor / Malaysia; has announced a
EUR 20m investment at its plant in Loxstedt / Germany.
The money is to go towards raising output at the site as well as
building a technical development centre there, with completion
of both projects scheduled for late 2013.
Raising green additives capacity in Germany / New technical
development centre
Underlining its commitment to becoming a leading green polymer additive player, Emery
Oleochemicals(Shah Alam, Selangor / Malaysia; has announced
a EUR 20m investment at its plant in Loxstedt / Germany. The money is to go towards
raising output at the site as well as building a technical development centre there, with
completion of both projects scheduled for late 2013.
The investment is set against the backdrop of a 4-5% global growth in plastic additives
consumption, said company CEO Kongkrapan Intarajang. Aside from raising output of its
natural-based “Loxiol” and “Edenol” high-performance additives, the plans also call for
technologically enhancing the site’s existing infrastructure to allow for the manufacture of
Emery’s existing natural-based product portfolio, including additives, coatings and
“This is both an exciting opportunity and a testament to the importance of our Europe
operations,” said Emery Oleochemicals’ general manager Europe, Hans Peter Eckardt.
Once completed, the technical development centre will serve as the group’s global hub
for green polymer additives and will include state-of-the-art equipment to provide
customers with value-added services.
Emery Oleochemicals operates two production plants in Germany. While the Loxstedt
facility mainly produces specialty solutions, its plant in Düsseldorf turns out both
commodity and semi-commodity products. Most of the group’s chemicals are sourced
from natural oils and fats, including palm kernel oil and tallow. With a distribution network
covering more than 50 countries, Emery Oleochemicals’ 1,000 employees posted
revenues of USD 1.2 bn in 2011.
Page 32 of 41
Summary :
22 Aug 2012
Emery Oleochemicals erweitert Kapazitäten für Grüne
Polymeradditive (Emery Oleochemicals increases capacity for
green polymer additives)
 The information of this article equates to those of the official press
 Extension of capacities as well as a new TDC in Loxstedt with an
investment of 20 Mio. Euros as a part of the globel corporate
Emery Oleochemicals, Hersteller von oleochemischen Derivaten auf natürlicher Basis, hat
den Grundstein für seine Kapazitätserweiterung sowie den Bau eines Technical
Development Centre (TDC) in Loxstedt gelegt. Die mit 20 Mio. Euro bisher größte
Einzelinvestition am Standort soll dessen Stärkung innerhalb der globalen
Unternehmensstrategie für Grüne Polymeradditive bewirken.
Die Erweiterungsmaßnahmen soll bis Ende 2013
abgeschlossen sein. Die Polymeradditive Loxiol und
Edenol sollen dort weiterentwickelt werden. „Mit der
Erweiterung der Kapazitäten in Loxstedt und der
Fokussierung auf die strategische Produktentwicklung
wollen wir unseren bestehenden und potenziellen neuen
Kunden Mehrwert bieten. Wir gehen hierbei von einem
weltweit kontinuierlich wachsenden Bedarf von jährlich
rund vier bis fünf Prozent aus“, erläuterte Dr. Intarajang Kongkrapan,
Vorstandsvorsitzender von Emery Oleochemicals.
Die Erweiterung des Produktionsstandorts Loxstedt ist mit einer technologischen
Verbesserung der heutigen Infrastruktur verbunden, wodurch das aktuelle auf natürlichen
Ölen basierende Produktportfolio erweitert werden kann. Darunter fällt die Herstellung
hochspezialisierter Additive für die Kunststoff-, Coatings- und Schmierstoffindustrie.
Das TDC Loxstedt wird darüber hinaus die Rolle als globales Exzellenzzentrum für das
Geschäft mit Grünen Kunststoffadditiven von Emery Oleochemicals einnehmen. Der
Kundenservice wird durch die Bündelung der vorhandenen Kapazitäten und durch die enge
Verzahnung der Anwendungsentwicklung mit dem globalen Netzwerk erhöht.
Hans Peter Eckardt, General Manager von Emery Oleochemicals Europa sagte: „Hier in
Deutschland, wo die meisten Pionierleistungen des Unternehmens im Bereich von
Kunststoffadditiven erbracht worden sind, verstehen wir die Erweiterung des Standorts als
natürlichen und strategisch folgerichtigen Schritt für weiteres Wachstum.
Ich sehe darin sowohl eine Anerkennung der hervorragenden Arbeit unserer Mitarbeiter
verbunden mit der steigenden Bedeutung des Europa-Geschäfts für Emery
Emery Oleochemicals mit Hauptsitz in Malaysia ist in Europa mit den zwei deutschen
Produktionsstandorten Loxstedt und Düsseldorf vertreten. Die Anlage in Loxstedt
produziert Speziallösungen, während der Standort Düsseldorf sowohl Ausgangsstoffe als
auch vorverarbeitete Rohstoffe herstellt.
Page 33 of 41
Summary :
Kunststoff Information
23 Aug 2012
EMERY OLEOCHEMICALS Ausbau der Kapazitäten für
biobasierte Polymer-Additive in Loxstedt / Technisches
Entwicklungszentrum (EMERY OLEOCHEMICALS, Raising green
additives capacity in Germany / New technical development
 Raising green additives capacity in Germany
 No comment on the part of Emery regarding the concrete amount
of capacity or extension in Loxstedt
 enhancing the site’s existing infrastructure is the next step for
further growth
 a 4-5% global growth in plastic additives consumption
Am Standort Loxstedt bei Bremerhaven erweitert Emery Oleochemicals (Shah Alam /
Malaysia; die Kapazitäten für biobasierte Polymer-Additive. Zudem
errichtet der malaysische Hersteller von oleochemischen Grundstoffen und Derivaten, die
auf natürlichen Ölen und Fetten wie Palmkernöl und Talg basieren, in der
niedersächsischen Produktionseinheit ein Technisches Entwicklungszentrum. Die
Grundsteinlegung erfolgte am 17. August 2012, bis Ende 2013 sollen die
Erweiterungsmaßnahmen abgeschlossen sein. Das Investitionsvolumen beträgt 20 Mio
„Hier in Deutschland, wo die meisten Pionierleistungen des Unternehmens im Bereich von
Kunststoffadditiven erbracht worden sind, verstehen wir die Erweiterung des Standorts als
natürlichen und strategisch folgerichtigen Schritt für weiteres Wachstum“, sagt Hans Peter
Eckardt, General Manager von Emery Oleochemicals Europa. In Loxstedt stellt Emery
vor allem Trennmittel der Marke „Loxiol“ und Weichmacher der Marke „Edenol“ her. Das
Unternehmen geht davon aus, dass der Bedarf weltweit um vier bis fünf Prozent pro Jahr
wächst. Zur Höhe der Kapazitäten oder dem Umfang der Erweiterung in Loxstedt äußerte
sich Emery auf KI-Anfrage nicht.
In Europa ist Emery Oleochemicals mit den beiden deutschen Produktionsstandorten
Loxstedt und Düsseldorf vertreten. Die Anlage in Loxstedt produziert Speziallösungen,
während der Standort Düsseldorf sowohl Ausgangsstoffe als auch vorverarbeitete
Rohstoffe herstellt.
Mit mehr als 1.000 Mitarbeitern und einem weltweiten Vertriebsnetz in über 50 Ländern
beliefert das Unternehmen die Märkte im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum, in Europa und in
Nordamerika. In Europa generierte Emery 2011 einen Umsatz von 1,2 Mrd USD (863 Mio
22.08.2012 KI [223173-0]
Page 34 of 41
Summary :
Cross Border News
23 Aug 2012
Emery Oleochemicals expands ops in Germany
 With the addition of the Loxstedt TDC, Emery Oleochemicals
looks to increase its existing natural-based product portfolio that
includes highly-specialised additives for the plastics, coatings
and lubricant industries.
 TDC is designed to serve as the global centre of excellence for
Emery Oleochemicals’ green polymer additives business. It will
provide customers with value-added services by streamlining
resources and integrating the global network for application
Emery Oleochemicals Group, a global leader in the production of natural-based chemicals,
will invest some €20 million (US $25million) to expand its manufacturing facility and set up
a technical development centre (TDC) in Loxstedt, Germany.
Emery Oleochemicals is 50%-owned by Malaysia’s, Sime Darby Plantation and PTT
Chemical International Pte Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary and the international investment
arm of PTT Global Chemical.
The company on Friday held the ground-breaking ceremony for the project which is
expected to be ready by end-2013.
Emery Oleochemicals Group Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Kongkrapan Intarajang said in a
statement that the expansion would increase capacity at its Loxstedt facility as well as
focus on strategic product development works, noting a consistent global annual growth in
plastic additives consumption of 4%-5%.
The expanded Loxstedt manufacturing facility when completed will incorporate significant
technological upgrades of its current infrastructure, which will support the development of
its existing natural-based product range that includes highly-specialised additives for the
plastics, coatings and lubricant industries.
At the same time, the Loxstedt TDC is designed to serve as the Global Centre of
Excellence for Emery Oleochemicals’ Green Polymer Additives business.
The Loxstedt expansion came after the recent commissioning of a new plant in Malaysia
sited at Telok Panglima Garang, Selangor. The new Malaysian facility is said to be the first
fully integrated and largest green polymer additives plant in the Asia-Pacific.
With its headquarters in Malaysia, the group has built a presence in 3 continents- AsiaPacific, North America and Europe, with plants in USA, Germany and Malaysia.
Page 35 of 41
Summary :
PU Daily
23 Aug 2012
Emery Oleochemicals expands ops in Germany
 Malaysia chemicals producer Emery Oleochemicals Sdn. Bhd. is
expanding in Europe with a new technical center and larger
manufacturing facilities in Loxstedt, Germany
 Asia Pacific's first fully integrated and largest Green Polymer
Additives plant, the Malaysian manufacturing operations will
enable the company to extend its geographical reach in the
ASEAN region,
SHAH ALAM, MALAYSIA (Aug. 21, 11 a.m. ET) -- Malaysia chemicals producer Emery
Oleochemicals Sdn. Bhd. is expanding in Europe with a new technical center and larger
manufacturing facilities in Loxstedt, Germany. The total investment is 20 million euros
($24.8 million).
CEO Kongkrapan Intarajang says the Shah Alam-based company is investing in Germany
because it expects a 4-5 percent increase in global plastics additives consumption.
The company uses its German site to produce the brands Loxiol and Edenol and the new
technical center will be the focus of the company's Green Polymer Additives Business.
The investment comes hot on the heels of the Emery's commissioning of a new
manufacturing site in Selangor, Malaysia. Believed to be Asia Pacific's first fully integrated
and largest Green Polymer Additives plant, the Malaysian manufacturing operations will
enable the company to extend its geographical reach in the ASEAN region, according to
the company.
Emery Oleochemicals is a joint venture owned by Sime Darby Plantation and PTT
Chemical International Pte. Ltd.
Page 36 of 41
Summary :
The Star
25 Aug 2012
 n/a as it was published as a picture story
Page 37 of 41
Summary :
27 Aug 2012
Emery Oleochemicals enriches its natural plastics products range
by expanding Loxstedt Facility
 The information of this article equates to those of the official press
 Valued at an estimated €20 million (US$25million), it is billed as
the company's largest investment in Loxstedt to-date, reinforcing
its significance to the company's global strategy of becoming a
key player in the green polymer additives segment and is
scheduled for completion by the end of 2013.
Emery Oleochemicals Enriches its Natural Plastics Product Range by
Expanding Loxstedt Facility
SpecialChem - Aug 27, 2012
Emery Oleochemicals, one of the world's leading natural-based chemicals producers,
celebrated the groundbreaking of its Loxstedt manufacturing facility expansion and
construction of the Technical Development Center (TDC) recently. Valued at an estimated
€20 million (US $25million), it is billed as the company's largest investment in Loxstedt todate, reinforcing its significance to the company's global strategy of becoming a key player
in the Green Polymer Additives segment.
Scheduled for completion by end 2013, these expansion projects bring together over 70
years of pioneering technology and know-how to drive innovation in polymer product
development intended to meet customers' evolving demands in this growing segment. The
marketplace will furthermore benefit from advancements in customisable higher-end
product development as the company looks to leverage the success of its globally
recognized high-performance plastic additives brands, LOXIOL® and EDENOL®.
"With this expansion, we aim to support both existing and new customers by increasing
our Loxstedt capacity and in focussing on strategic product development works. We see a
steady annual growth in plastic additives consumption of 4%-5% worldwide making our
Loxstedt expansion integral and timely," explained Dr. Kongkrapan Intarajang, Group
Chief Executive Officer, Emery Oleochemicals. "Our investments here combined with our
global reach, innovation and market insights will prove instrumental when partnering with
customers to find solutions necessary to meet the rapid product evolution seen in the
Green Polymer Additives segment."
The Loxstedt manufacturing facility expansion will encompass substantial technological
enhancement of its current infrastructure, which will allow for the development of its
existing natural-based product portfolio that includes highly-specialised additives for the
plastics, coatings and lubricant industries.
The Loxstedt TDC on the other hand, is designed to serve as the Global center of
Excellence for Emery Oleochemicals' Green Polymer Additives business. It will provide
customers with value-add services by streamlining resources and integrating the global
network for application development.
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To be fitted out with state-of-the-art lab equipment, it will be staffed by a dedicated team
and will also be supported by existing technical service centers located throughout the
company's global operations. The event was attended by senior officials from the local
municipality, project partners and members of senior management from Emery
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27 Aug 2012
Summary :
 Headquartered in Malaysia, Emery Oleochemicals’ Loxstedt
operations begins work on its bio-based Polymer Additives
Technical Development Centre.
 Investments valued at 20 Mio EUR.
Emery: Ausbau bei biobasierten Polymer-Additiven
Emery: Ausbau bei biobasierten Polymer-Additiven
Am Standort Loxstedt bei Bremerhaven erweitert Emery Oleochemicals (Shah Alam /
Malaysia; die Kapazitäten für biobasierte Polymer-Additive. Zudem
errichtet der malaysische Hersteller von oleochemischen Grundstoffen und Derivaten, die
auf natürlichen Ölen und Fetten wie Palmkernöl und Talg basieren, in der
niedersächsischen Produktionseinheit ein Technisches Entwicklungszentrum.
Die Grundsteinlegung erfolgte am 17. August 2012, bis Ende 2013 sollen die
Erweiterungsmaßnahmen abgeschlossen sein. Das Investitionsvolumen beträgt 20 Mio
EUR. In Loxstedt stellt Emery vor allem Trennmittel der Marke "Loxiol" und Weichmacher
der Marke "Edenol" her. Zur Höhe der Kapazitäten oder dem Umfang der Erweiterung in
Loxstedt äußerte sich Emery nicht.
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Harian Metro
4 September 2012
Summary :
 Malaysia chemicals producer Emery Oleochemicals Sdn. Bhd. is
expanding in Europe with a new technical center and larger
manufacturing facilities in Loxstedt, Germany valued at
 Asia Pacific's first fully integrated and largest Green Polymer
Additives plant, the Malaysian manufacturing operations will
enable the company to extend its geographical reach in the
ASEAN region
Emery Oleochemicals expands facility in Loxstedt, Germany
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