Publikationsliste - Universität Augsburg


Publikationsliste - Universität Augsburg
Peter A. Kraus, September 2015
(A) Who are the people? Political integration in a new context
(B) Globalisation, Europeanisation and Linguistic Governance (volume co-edited with F. Grin, Amsterdam:
John Benjamins, forthcoming 2016)
Refereed Articles and Chapters in Books
(a) The Politics of Linguistic Identity in Europe: Between the Expression of Power and the Power of
Expressivity, in: C. Späti (ed.): Language and Identity Politics: A Cross-Atlantic Perspective, Oxford:
Berghahn Books, 38-57 (forthcoming 2015)
(b) Identitätspolitik, in: M. Dabag et al. (eds.): Lexikon nicht-staatlicher Gruppen und Gemeinschaften im
Mittelmeerraum, München: Fink (forthcoming 2015)
(c) From glossophagic hegemony to multilingual pluralism? Re-assessing the politics of linguistic identity in
Europe, chapter prepared for the edited volume ‘Globalisation, Europeanisation and Linguistic Governance’
(see forthcoming B)
(A) The Challenge of Minority Integration: Politics and Policies in the Nordic Nations, ed. (with P. Kivisto),
Warsaw/Berlin: De Gruyter Open
(A) The Diversities of Europe, ed. (with G. Sciortino), Ethnicities Special Issue 14 (4), August 2014
(A) A Union of Diversity: Language, Identity and Polity-Building in Europe, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press *
(A) Eine kleine Geschichte Kataloniens, Frankfurt a. M.: Suhrkamp (with W.L. Bernecker and T. Eßer)
(A) Europäische Öffentlichkeit und Sprachpolitik. Integration durch Anerkennung, Frankfurt a. M.: Campus
(‘Theorie und Gesellschaft’ series)
(A) Nationalismus und Demokratie. Politik im spanischen Staat der Autonomen Gemeinschaften, Wiesbaden:
Deutscher Universitäts Verlag
Diversity and the European Public Sphere. The Case of Finland (Eurosphere Online Country Report No. 6,
2010), ISSN (online) 1890-5986 (with K. Creutz-Kämppi and M. Weide)
(a) Democracy’s Challenge: Nordic Minority Politics in the European Context, in: P.A. Kraus and P. Kivisto
(eds.): The Challenge of Minority Integration: Politics and Policies in the Nordic Nations, Warsaw/Berlin: De
Gruyter Open, 38-51 *
(b) Language policy and independence, chapter for K.-J. Nagel and S. Rixen (eds.): Catalonia in Spain and
Europe: Is there a Way to Independence?, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 129-140 *
(c) Demokratisierung der Souveränität: Der katalanische „Prozess“, in: Europa Ethnica 72 (1/2), Schwerpunkt
„Katalonien“, 17-24
(d) Kollektives Entscheiden und kollektive Identität, in: Erwägen Wissen Ethik (EWE), 26 (1), 154-159
(e) Caught in the Minority Trap: Normative Limits of Territorial Autonomy, in: K. Basta, J. McGarry and R.
Simeon (eds.): Assessing Territorial Pluralism: Empirical and Normative Perspectives, Vancouver: University
of British Columbia Press, 74-96 *
(a) The Diversities of Europe: From European Modernity to the Making of the European Union (with G.
Sciortino), Ethnicities Special Issue ‘The Diversities of Europe’, Ethnicities 14 (4), 485-497 *
(b) Addressing Linguistic Diversity in the European Union: Strategies and Dilemmas, Ethnicities Special Issue
‘The Diversities of Europe’, Ethnicities 14 (4), 517-538 (with R. Kazlauskaitė-Gürbüz)
(c) The Politics of Complex Diversity: A European Perspective, in S. Vertovec (ed.): Migration and Diversity,
Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 738-760 (reprint of Kraus 2012 a)
(a) Europäisierung, sprachliche Identität und Demokratie, in V. Hinnenkamp and H.-W. Platzer (eds.):
Interkulturalität und europäische Integration, Stuttgart: Ibidem,195-216
(a) The politics of complex diversity: A European perspective, in: Ethnicities, Vol. 12, No. 1, 3-25 *
(b) Welche Sprache spricht Europa? Oder: Einfältige Vielfalt?, in: C. Schmidt-Hahn (ed.): Sprachen als
europäisches Kulturgut, Innsbruck: Studienverlag, 97-108
(a) The Multilingual City: the Cases of Helsinki and Barcelona, in: Nordic Journal of Migration Research, Vol.
1, No. 1, 25-36 *
(b) Komplexe Vielfalt und Identitätspolitik in Europa, in: G. Marinelli-König and A. Preisinger (eds.):
Zwischenräume der Migration. Über die Entgrenzung von Kulturen und Identitäten, Bielefeld: Transcript, 1936
(c) Kommunitarismus, in: M. Hartmann and C. Offe (eds.): Lexikon Politische Theorie und Politische
Philosophie, München: Beck, 30-33
(d) Nation (Nationalismus), in: M. Hartmann and C. Offe (eds.): Lexikon Politische Theorie und Politische
Philosophie, München: Beck, 266-270
(e) Sprache, in: M. Hartmann and C. Offe (eds.): Lexikon Politische Theorie und Politische Philosophie,
München: Beck, 311-312
(f) The language issue and political legitimation in the European Union: Neither unity nor diversity?, in: A. L.
Kjær and S. Adamo (eds.): Linguistic Diversity and European Democracy, Farnham: Ashgate, 17-33
(a) Reshaping Europe: Migration and Its Contexts in Austria and Finland, Introduction to Finnish Journal of
Ethnicity and Migration Special Issue, Finnish Journal of Ethnicity and Migration Vol. 4, No. 2, 2-3 (with P.
(a) A one-dimensional diversity? European integration and the challenge of language policy, in: X. Arzoz (ed.):
Respecting linguistic diversity in the European Union, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 85-104
(a) Intercultural Recognition and Linguistic Diversity in Europe, in: D. Castiglione and C. Longman (eds.):
The Language Question in Europe and Diverse Societies, Oxford: Hart, 61-80
(b) Katalonien im demokratischen Spanien, in: W.L. Bernecker, T. Eßer and P.A. Kraus: Eine kleine
Geschichte Kataloniens, Frankfurt a. M.: Suhrkamp, 149-247
(a) Legitimation, Democracy and Diversity in the European Union, in: International Journal on Multicultural
Societies, Vol. 8, No. 2, 203-224 *
(b) Multiculturalism in Germany: Rhetoric, Scattered Experiments and Future Chances, in: K. Banting and W.
Kymlicka (eds.): Multiculturalism and the Welfare State, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 202-221 (with K.
(a) Transnational Communication and the European Demos, in: R. Latham and S. Sassen (eds.): Digital
Formations: Information Technology and New Architectures in the Global Realm, Princeton University Press,
283-311 (with L.-E. Cederman) *
(a) Die Begründung demokratischer Politik in Europa. Zur Unterscheidung von Input- und OutputLegitimation bei Fritz W. Scharpf, in: Leviathan, 32 (4), 558-567
(b) In Vielfalt geeint? Europäische Identität in der Zwickmühle, in: Blätter für deutsche und internationale
Politik, 6/04, 722-732
(c) Betwen Mill and Hallstein. Some Challenges to Intercultural Solidarity in the EU, in: P. Van Parijs (ed.):
Cultural Diversity versus Economic Solidarity. Is there a tension? How must it be resolved?, Brussels:
Deboeck Université, ‘Francqui Scientific Library’, 299-314
(d) A union of peoples? Diversity and the predicaments of a multinational polity, in: L. Dobson and A.
Follesdal (eds.): Political Theory and the European Constitution, London: Routledge, 40-55
(e) Vielfalt als Herausforderung, Vielfalt als Chance. Die Bedeutung von Sprachpolitik im Prozess der
Gestaltung europäischer Öffentlichkeit, in: C. Franzius and U.K. Preuß (eds.): Europäische Öffentlichkeit,
Baden-Baden: Nomos, 105-121
(a) Cultural Pluralism and European Polity-Building: Neither Westphalia nor Cosmopolis, in: Journal of
Common Market Studies, Vol. 41, No. 4, 665-686 *
(b) ‘Transnationalism’ or ‘renationalization’ The politics of cultural identity in the European Union, in: A.-G.
Gagnon, M. Guibernau and F. Rocher (eds.): Conditions of Diversity in Multinational Democracies, Montreal:
IRPP, 243-266
(a) Grenzen der politischen Kommunikation und Sprachenfrage in der Europäischen Union, in: Berliner
Debatte Initial 5/2002, 5-14
(a) Vielfalt ohne Einheit? Autonomiestaat und multinationale Demokratie in Spanien, in: H. Behr and S.
Schmidt (eds.): Multikulturelle Demokratien im Vergleich, Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag, 221-244
(a) Political Unity and Linguistic Diversity in Europe, in: Archives Européennes de Sociologie/European
Journal of Sociology, Vol. XLI, No. 1, 138-163
(b) Von Westfalen nach Kosmopolis? Die Problematik kultureller Identität in der europäischen Politik, in:
Berliner Journal für Soziologie, 10, 2, 203-218
(c) Nationalismus und Zivilgesellschaft in Transformationsprozessen, in: W. Merkel (ed.): Systemwechsel 5.
Zivilgesellschaft und demokratische Transformation, Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 71-88
(a) Assoziationen und Interessenrepräsentation in neuen Demokratien, in: W. Merkel and E. Sandschneider
(eds.): Systemwechsel 4. Die Rolle von Verbänden im Transformationsprozeß, Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 2344
(a) Kultureller Pluralismus und politische Integration: Die Sprachenfrage in der Europäischen Union, in:
Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 4/1998, 443-458
(b) Die Konsolidierung der Demokratie nach Franco, in: W.L. Bernecker and K. Dirscherl (eds.): Spanien
heute. Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur, Frankfurt a. M.: Vervuert, 37-62 (with W. Merkel)
(c) Nationalitätenprobleme – Lösungsformen und Entwicklungstendenzen im spanischen Autonomiestaat, in:
Loccumer Protokolle 60/97 (Spanien – die Entdeckung einer europäischen Kultur), 99-118
(a) Minderheiten, in: D. Nohlen, P. Waldmann and K. Ziemer (eds.): Lexikon der Politik. Band 4. Die
östlichen und südlichen Länder, München: Beck, 369-379
(b) Die variable Geometrie der Subsidiarität: zur Problematik territorialer und funktionaler Integration in
Europa, in: T. König, E. Rieger and H. Schmitt (eds.): Europäische Institutionenpolitik, Frankfurt a. M.:
Campus, 335-357 (with B. Ebbinghaus)
(a) Problemas de democratización en los Estados plurinacionales, in: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política
(Madrid), No. 8, 1996, 59-80
(b) Südeuropa: Die erfolgreiche Institutionalisierung der Demokratie und ihre gesellschaftlichen
Voraussetzungen, in: W. Merkel, E. Sandschneider and D. Segert (eds.): Systemwechsel 2. Die
Institutionalisierung der Demokratie, Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 261-285
(a) Die Linksparteien, in: W.L. Bernecker u. C. Collado Seidel (eds.): Spanien nach Franco. Der Übergang von
der Diktatur zur Demokratie 1975-1982, München: Oldenbourg, 192-211 (with W. Merkel)
(a) Elemente einer Theorie postautoritärer Demokratisierungsprozesse im südeuropäischen Kontext, in:
Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 31, 191-213
(a) Identidades lingüísticas e política en Europa, in: Conselo da Cultura Galega (ed.): Seminario sobre lingua,
sociedade e política en Galicia. Modelos de oficialidade / linguas e ensino, Santiago de Compostela: Consello
da Cultura Galega, 175-196
(a) Procés de tall borrós però conegut, in: Ara (Barcelona), 11.09.12
(a) Europeanization and the new politics of language, in: European Cultural Foundation Network Finland
(ed.): Kirjoituksia Euroopasta ja kulttuurista – Essays on Europe and Culture, Helsinki: EKSO, 28-34
(a) Review of: Wojciech Sadurski (ed.): Political Rights under Stress in 21st Century Europe, Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2006, in: Perspectives on Politics, Vol. 7, No. 2, 436-437
(a) European language troubles, in: Soc&kom informerar (Helsinki), December 2008, 20-22
(a) Democracy, Communication and Language in Europe’s Transnational Political Space. Discussion Paper SP
IV 2005-204. Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB)
(a) Democracy and Minority Rights, in: C. Mahler, A. Mihr and R. Toivanen (eds.): Democracy, Minorities
and Human Rights Education in Europe, Potsdam: Menschenrechtszentrum der Universität Potsdam, 38-43
(b) ¿Una Europa unida en la diversidad?, in: La Vanguardia (Barcelona), 14.09.04
(a) Personalismo y bloques políticos, in: La Vanguardia (Barcelona), 28.09.02
(b) Peculiaridades y paradojas políticas de la República de Berlín, in: La Vanguardia (Barcelona), 15.09.02
(a) Der Autonomiestaat: Ein funktionsfähiges Dauerprovisorium?, in: Tranvía. Revue der Iberischen Halbinsel,
49, 24-27
(a) Govern local, polítiques socials i integració europea en el context alemany, in: Centre d'Investigació,
Formació i Assessorament (ed.): La nova Europa social i els municipis, Barcelona: Diputació de Barcelona,
(a) Estado y democratización en sociedades plurinacionales, Barcelona: Institut d'Estudis Socials Avançats,
Working Paper No. 95/10
(a) Review of: U. Liebert and M. Cotta (eds.): Parliaments and Democratic Consolidation in Southern Europe,
London: Pinter, 1992, in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 33, 353-354
(a) Els alemanys es divorcien dels partits tradicionals, in: El Món (Barcelona), 251, 18-20
(a) Editor of the Dossier: Ecología, política y desarrollo en América Latina y Colombia: enfoques y estrategias,
(a) ‘En Finlandia todos os estudantes teñen que aprender fines e sueco’ (Interview), A Nosa Terra (Vigo,
Spain), No 1.361, 28 May, 13
(a) Kohtin englannin Europpaa? (Interview), in: Yliopisto (Helsinki), 11/2008, 34-35
(b) Radio Interview, Arena, Svenska YLE (‘Can There Be a European Obama?’), 4 Dec
(a) Research Project on ‘Gesellschaftliche Konflikte und Konsolidierung der Demokratie im postautoritären
Spanien’ (Stiftung Volkswagenwerk, Az.: II/66 730), final report
(a) What is the impact of language on how we do political science?, Plenary Symposium "The Language of
Political Science", ECPR General Conference, Montreal, 27-29 Aug
(b) Multilingualism and the construction of new political identities, CES, 22nd International Conference of
Europeanists, Paris, Sciences Po, 8-10 Jul
(c) Vorbild Schottland? Regionaler Nationalismus als europäische Herausforderung im 21. Jahrhundert,
Conference " Entfremdet vereint? Das Vereinigte Königreich und Europa", Akademie für Politische Bildung
Tutzing, Fraueninsel, 29-30 Jun
(d) Democratizing Sovereignty: The Catalan ‘Process’ in a Theoretical Perspective, International Summer
Research Institute: Politics in Fragmented Polities, EURAC, Bozen, 25 Jun
(a) Europeanization as complex diversity: challenges and dilemmas, Workshop "Towards complex diversity?
Understanding new challenges for the accommodation of difference and diversity in Europe and the World",
CEMES, University of Copenhagen 4-5 December
(b) Complex diversity and the new politics of linguistic identity, RECODE Final Conference "From simple to
complex diversity: balance and perspectives", University of Augsburg, 24-25 October
(c) From glossophagic hegemony to multilingual pluralism? Re-assessing the politics of linguistic identity in
Europe, RECODE Workshop "The politics of multilingualism: linguistic governance, globalization and
Europeanisation", Université de Genève, 19-20 June
(d) Language policy and independence, Conference "Catalonia in Spain and Europe ‒ is there a way to
independence", Universität Bayreuth, 22-23 May
(e) Integration, Vielfalt und politische Identitäten in Europa, Albrecht Mendelssohn Bartholdy Forum,
Universität Hamburg, 6 Feb
(a) The New Politics of Multilingualism, European-Canadian Research Meeting "Responding to Complex
Diversity in Europe and Canada: future research directions", Université de Montréal, 12-13 Sep
(b) Diversity, identity, and the politics of Europeanization, Keynote Lecture, Young Scholars School on
European Identity, Universität Jena, 18-22 Mar
(a) Europeanization, complex diversity and the changing frame of migration politics, Conference "Implications
of the Eurozone crisis for perceptions, politics and policies of migration", Malmö Institute for Studies of
Migration, Diversity and Welfare (MIM), 29-30 Nov
(b) The European Public Sphere and Its Sub-Spaces, Eurosphere Final Conference, Brussels, 22 June
(c) Complex Diversity and European Politics, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty Seminar, University of
Jyväskylä, 18 Apr
(a) Die Sache mit dem Demos: Vielfalt, Identität und Europäisierung, Conference "Interkulturalität und
europäische Integration – interdisziplinäre Perspektiven", Centre for Intercultural and European Studies,
Hochschule Fulda, 2-3 Dec
(b) What about the Demos? Diversity, identity and the politics of Europeanization, Seminar "Currents of
Europeanization", University of Turku, 3 Oct
(c) The Politics of Linguistic Diversity at the European Level, RECODE Workshop "Linguistic Diversity and
the Changing Dynamics of Political Integration, University of Helsinki, 6-7 May
(d) Multilingualism and integration in European cities: the cases of Helsinki and Barcelona, Conference
"Compared Migration Policies: Migration Management in the Euro-Mediterranean Region", Barcelona, Institut
Europeu de la Mediterrània, 28 Apr
(e) The European Public Sphere and Language Policies, Conference "Languages as European Cultural Asset",
Herbert-Batliner-Europainstitut, Salzburg, 16-17 Mar
(a) Finland and Catalonia: Notes for a Comparative Agenda, Finnish-Catalan Workshop "Borders and Bonds:
Finland and Catalonia in Comparative Perspective", Barcelona, Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals
(IBEI), 17 Dec
(b) Diversity, diglossia and recognition: between the expression of power and the power of expressivity, Panel
"Language and Politics", Sociolinguistics Symposium 18, University of Southampton, 1-4 Sep
(c) Diversity and Political Integration in Europe: Towards a New Paradigm?, 17th Conference of Europeanists,
Council for European Studies, Montreal, 15-17 April
(a) The ‘who is who’ of modern politics and the challenge of minorities: the North in the European context,
International Seminar "The State of Power and Democracy in Europe: Comparative Perspectives", organized
by the Academy of Finland in cooperation with the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the
Arts, Brussels, 26 Nov
(b) Vint anys després de la caiguda del Mur: de la iŀlusió transeuropea a la desorientació democràtica? ("20
years after the fall of the Wall: from trans-European illusion to democratic disorientation?", Faculty of Social
Sciences, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Inauguration Lecture of Academic Year 2009/10, 9 Nov
(c) Diversity – its politics and meanings, EUROSPHERE International Project Conference "Towards a Diverse
European Public Sphere? Theoretical Puzzles and Empirical Evidences", University of Osnabrück, 13-14 Nov
(d) Komplexe Vielfalt und Identitätspolitik in Europa ("Complex Diversity and Identity Politics in Europe"),
Conference "„Zwischenräume“: Migration und die Entgrenzung von Kulturen und Identitäten", Zentrum
Kulturforschungen, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften 7-9 Oct
(e) Language and Identity Politics in Europe, International Colloquium "Language and Identity Politics in
Europe and North America", McGill University, Montréal, 12 June
(f) The language issue and political legitimation in the European Union: Neither unity nor diversity?,
Conference "Language, Rights and European Democracy", University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Law, 2-4
(g) The Political Challenges of Complex Diversity. A European Perspective, ASN World Convention,
Columbia University, New York City, 23-25 Apr
(a) Weder geeint noch vielfältig? Sprachenfrage und politische Legitimation in der EU ("Neither United nor
Diverse? The Language Issue and Political Legitimation in the European Union"), Conference "Sprachliche
Vielfalt in politischer Einheit? Mehrsprachigkeit in Europa als Bindeglied oder Zankapfel", Stiftung
Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin, 26-27 Nov
(b) Comment on Claus Offe, POLITU International Doctoral Course "Decision, Deliberation, Negotiation and
Contestation", Finnland-Institut, Berlin, 14 Nov
(c) Jacobinism and People-Making, Research Seminar with Pierre Rosanvallon, University of Helsinki,
Department of Sociology, 2 Oct
(d) Complex Diversity and Minority Politics in Europe, Keynote Lecture delivered at the Conference "The
State and Future of a Multiethnic Civic Society in Macedonia", Skopje, 17 Sep
(e) The Politics of Complex Diversity in Europe and in the Nordic Context, Austro-Finnish Seminar
"Reshaping Europe: Migration and Its Contexts", Academy of Finland, Helsinki, 4-5 Sep
(f) Book Launch: "A Union of Diversity: Language, Identity and Polity-Building in Europe" (with Fred
Halliday, Jacint Jordana and Joan Subirats), IBEI (Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals), Barcelona, 12
(g) Book Launch: "A Union of Diversity: Language, Identity and Polity-Building in Europe" (with Alain-G.
Gagnon and Michel Seymour), UQAM (Université du Québec à Montréal), Montréal, 20 May
(h) Caught in the Minority Trap: Normative Limits of Territorial Autonomy, Conference "Assessing Territorial
Pluralism: Empirical and Normative Perspectives", Ethnicity and Democratic Governance Project, Queen’s
University, Kingston, Ontario, 16-17 May
(i) Neither Diverse nor United: European Identity and the Language Issue, Harvard University, Center for
European Studies (CES Special Event), 14 May
(j) Neither United nor Diverse? The Language Issue and Political Legitimation in the European Union,
Princeton University, European Union Program, 13 May
(k) The Political Challenges of Complex Diversity in Europe, Lecture delivered at the EUROSPHERE PhD
Course on Theory and Methods of Data Collection, Paris (28 Apr-2 May), 28 Apr
(l) The Political Challenges of Complex Diversity in Europe, Keynote Lecture delivered at the Joint
Conference of the Finnish Political Science and the Finnish Sociology Associations, Rovaniemi, 27-29 Mar
(a) Einfältige Vielfalt. Zum Zusammenhang von Sprachenfrage und politischer Legitimationsproblematik in
der EU ("Banal" diversity. The language issue and political legitimation in the EU), Berlin, Free University,
Research Colloquium of the Institute of Sociology, 3 Dec
(b) Research on Migration and Ethnic Relations: Challenges and Perspectives, NORFACE Clustering
Workshop on Research on Migration in Europe, Institute of Social Sciences a the University of Lisbon, 13-14
(c) Identity Politics in Europe, Turku, Friday University of the Kalevi Sorsa Foundation, 26 Oct
(d) How diverse will we be? Europeanization and the challenges of identity politics, Panel on "Complex
Diversity and the Politics of Integration in Europe", Pisa, 4th ECPR Conference, 6-8 Sep
(e) The Semantics of Democracy and the Challenge of Minorities, University of Jyväskylä, Finland,
Symposium on "The Rhetoric of Minorities", 11 May
(f) The Uses of Diversity in Europe – Politics and Rhetoric, University of Frankfurt, Conference "Negotiating
Diversity – Transatlantic Exchanges between Canada and Europe", 19-21 April
(g) Equal Opportunities and Complex Diversity, Opening Seminar to "The European Year of Equal
Opportunities for All 2007", Finnish Ministry of Labour, Helsinki, 8 Feb
(a) New Heterogeneity, Multilingualism and Political Integration in European Cities, 23rd Nordic Sociological
Conference, Turku, 18-20 Aug
(b) The Challenge of Integration. Cultural Heterogeneity and Democratic Politics in European Cities,
University of Bielefeld, Department of Sociology, Research Colloquium on "The Future of Development.
Research, Politics and Knowledge", 5 April
(a) In search of the European citizen. Strategies, methods and dilemmas in building a transnational civic
community, 4th Annual Conference of the Finnish Youth Research Society, "Young Citizens, Professional
Power and Responsibility of Youth Research", Tuusula, Finland, 2-4 Nov
(b) Legitimacy, Democracy, and Diversity in the European Union, APSA Annual Conference 2005,
Washington, DC, panel on "Sovereignty, Democracy, and European Political Integration", 31 Aug-4 Sep
(c) Linguistic Diversity and Language Policy: the European Dimension, International Conference "The
Integration of Immigrants", Social Science Research Centre (WZB), Berlin, 30 June-1 July
(d) Whose Union, Which Diversity? Potential and Limits of European Citizenship, Conference "Dual
Citizenship – Democracy, Rights and Identity in a Globalizing World", University of Toronto, 17-19 Mar
(e) Democracy and Minority Rights, Workshop "Democracy, Minorities and Human Rights Education in
Europe", Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 6 Mar

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