Leeds Metropolitan University - iba


Leeds Metropolitan University - iba
Leeds Metropolitan University
Basic Facts
Leeds Metropolitan University has almost 30,000 students, 3,000 staff and 300,000 associate students
through its network of 24 partner colleges. The University offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses across six faculties - the Faculty of Arts & Society, Faculty of Business & Law, Leslie Silver
International Faculty, Carnegie Faculty of Sport & Education, Innovation North, and the Faculty of Health.
Leeds Met has two main campuses, one in the city centre and one in Headingley, just outside it. Two faculties have recently moved into fantastic new homes in the city centre. Our Faculty of Business and Law
moved into the award-winning Rose Bowl, behind the Civic Hall. The University works with a wide range
of partners in the worlds of business, education, culture and sport.
Predecessor institutions of Leeds Met date back as far as 1824 when Leeds Mechanics Institute was founded. The Carnegie College of Physical Education, a well-known former college at Leeds Met‘s Headingley
Campus, was formed in 1933. In 1992, the institution became Leeds Metropolitan University and was given
degree awarding power.
Leeds University has a well equipped library with 24-h access.
City Facts
Leeds is a lively city, rich in culture and heritage with lots to explore. More than 750,000 people live within
our city boundaries and over 100,000 people come to work in the city centre every day. Many thousands
more tourists and visitors come to shop, eat out or enjoy the range of attractions Leeds has on offer.
Semester hours
Winter Semester: mid-September to mid-January
Summer term: mid January to late May
Studienort Freiburg der IBA - Internationale Berufsakademie
der F+U Unternehmensgruppe gGmbH Darmstadt
Kronenstraße 2 - 4 • 79100 Freiburg
Website: www.iba-freiburg.de
Tel.: +49(0)761 70329-94 • Fax +49(0)761 70329-95
Leeds Metropolitan University
Course Information
• MSc (Finance, Accounting & Finance, Contemporary Accounting, Management, Purchasing & Logistics, Corporate Governance, Marketing, Corporate Communications)
• MA (International Trade & Finance, International Business, Human Resource Management, Public Relations, International Communications)
• Postgraduate Diploma (Management Studies, Human Resource Management, Coaching Psychology)
• Postgraduate Certificate (Management, Executive & Business Coaching)
• Executive Masters of Business Administration (MBA)
• Masters of Business Administration (MBAI)
• Doctorate of Business Administration
• CIM Professional Certificate in Marketing
Studienort Freiburg der IBA - Internationale Berufsakademie
der F+U Unternehmensgruppe gGmbH Darmstadt
Kronenstraße 2 - 4 • 79100 Freiburg
Website: www.iba-freiburg.de
Tel.: +49(0)761 70329-94 • Fax +49(0)761 70329-95

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