Ökonomische Analyse des Rechts Themen WS 2012/2013


Ökonomische Analyse des Rechts Themen WS 2012/2013
Ökonomische Analyse des Rechts
Themen WS 2012/2013
Coase- Symposium: Markets, Firms, and Property Rights:
A Celebration of the Research of Ronald Coase
Journal of law and economics Vol. 54, No. 4, November 2011
Die Bedeutung von Ronald Coase
Elizabeth Hoffman and Matthew L. Spitzer, The Enduring Power of Coase, S63S76.
William M. Landes and Sonia Lahr-Pastor, Measuring Coase’s Influence, S383S401.
Die Vergabe von Nutzungsrechten für Frequenzen
Thomas W. Hazlett, David Porter, and Vernon Smith, Radio Spectrum and the
Disruptive Clarity of Ronald Coase, S125-S165.
Peter Cramton, Evan Kwerel, Gregory Rosston, and Andrzej Skrzypacz, Using
Spectrum Auctions to Enhance Competition in Wireless Services, S167-S188.
Coase und Marktversagen
Steven Shavell, Corrective Taxation versus Liability as a Solution to the
Problem of Harmful Externalities, S249-S266.
K. W. Chau and Lennon H. T. Choy, Let the Buyer or Seller Beware: Measuring
Lemons in the Housing Market under Different Doctrines of Law Governing
Transactions and Information, S347-S365.
Der Grund für Unternehmen
Michael E. Levine, Regulation and the Nature of the Firm: The Case of U.S.
Regional Airlines, S229-S248.
Redefreiheit für Werbung?
Geoffrey R. Stone, Ronald Coase’s First Amendment, S367-S382.
Die Langzeitentwicklung der Einkommensschere
Atkinson, Anthony B; Piketty, Thomas; Saez, Emmanuel, 2011, Top Incomes in
the Long Run of History, Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 49, 3-71.
Die ökonomische Analyse von Corporate Social Responsibility
Kitzmueller, Markus; Shimshack, Jay, 2012, Economic Perspectives on Corporate
Social Responsibility, Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 50, 51-84.
Der Einfluss des Einkommens der Eltern auf das Einkommen der Kinder
Lefgren, Lars; Lindquist, Matthew J.; Sims, David, 2012, Rich Dad, Smart Dad:
Decomposing the Intergenerational Transmission of Income, Journal of Political
Economy. Vol. 120 Issue 2, 268-303.
Der Einfluss von heuristischem Denken auf dem Gebrauchtwagenmarkt
Nicola Lacetera, Devin G. Pope, and Justin R., Sydnor2012, Heuristic thinking
and limited attention in the car market, American Economic Review, 2206-2236.
10. Ökonomische Integration in der Europäischen Union
Sapir, Andr, 2012, European Integration at the Crossroads: A Review Essay on
the 50th Anniversary of Bela Balassa's Theory of Economic Integration, Journal of
Economic Literature, Vol. 49, 1200-1229.
11. Job Design bei komplexen Berufen
Björn Bartling, Ernst Fehr and Klaus M. Schmidt, 2012, Screening, Competition
and Job Design: Economic Origins of Good Jobs, American Economic Review,
Vol. 102, 834-864.
12. Die ökonomische Analayse arabischer Revolutionen
Campante, Filipe R.; Chor, Davin, 2012, Why was the Arab World Poised for
Revolution? Schooling, Economic Opportunities, and the Arab Spring, Journal of
Economic Perspectives, Vol. 26, 167-88.
13. Happiness and Choice: Maximieren wir unser subjektives
Daniel J. Benjamin, Ori Heffetz, Miles S. Kimball and Alex Rees-Jones, 2012,
What Do you think would you make happier? What do you think you would
choose?, American Economic Review, Vol. 102, 2083-2110.
14. Fehlanreize bei Finanzberatung und Lösungsmöglichkeiten
Inderst, Roman; Ottaviani, Marco, 2012, Financial Advice, Journal of Economic
Literature, Vol. 50, 494-512.
15. Die Finanzkrise
Gorton, Gary; Metrick, Andrew, 2012, Getting up to speed on the financial crisis,
Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 50, 128-150.
Lo, Andrew W, 2012, Reading about the financial crisis, Journal of Economic
Literature, Vol. 50, 51-178.
16. Das Sonntagsverbot der Ladenöffnung: Religion vs. Konsum
Danny Cohen-Zada and William Sander, Religious Participation versus Shopping:
What Makes People Happier?, Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 54, No. 4, pp.