von Wright`s Offprint Collection


von Wright`s Offprint Collection
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
AALTO, Pentti
"Suomalaiset itämaiden tutkijoina". Oma maa, WSOY, Porvoo, 1961.
"Nägra tankar om oskiftat dödsbo som juridisk person". Tidskrift, utgiven av Juridiska Föreningen i Finland,
"Juridisen tutkimuksen näköaloja". Tidskrift, utgiven av Juridiska Föreningen i Finland, 1969.
"Om rättvetenskapens satser". Tidskrift, utgiven at Juridiska Föreningen i Finland, 1969.
"Sananen 'lakipositivismista’". Lakimies, 1970.
"Kansanvallasta ja sen toteutumisesta lainkäytössä. 70-vuotiaan Urho Kaleva Kekkosen ajatuksia
ajankohtaisista kysymyksistä". Lakimies, 1970.
"Formal Incorrectness and the Invalidity of a Legal Transaction". Scandinavian Studies in Law, 1971.
"Ikuinen ja muuttuva oikeus". Juhlajulkaisu Urho Kaleva Kekkonen 1900 - S/9 - 1975. 1975.
"Oikeustiede muuttuvassa yhteiskunnassa". Hämäläis-osakunnan juristikerhon 40-vuotisjuhlajulkaisu, 1975.
"On the role played by social values in jurisprudence". Tidskrift utgiven av Juridiska Föreningen i Finland, 1975.
"Teoreettisen tutkimuksen merkityksestä oikeustieteelle". Lakimies, 1976.
"Om den finska rättsfilosofin under 1900-talet". Tidskrift, utgiven av Juridiska Föreningen i Finland, 1976.
"Oikeusteorian nk. hermeneuttisesta suuntauksesta". Lakimies, 1977.
"Tieteellisen edistyksen kysymyksiä oikeustieteessä". Suomen Akatemian julkaisuja 6/1979.
"Perhekäsityksen muuttuminen ja perhelainsäädännön uudistus". Lapsi-yhteiskunta-lainsäädäntö: Raportti
seminaarista Matinkylässä 18.-19.10.1979. Toimittanut Ritva Mitchell. Helsingin yliopiston Monistuspalvelu,
"Laki ja oikeudenmukaisuus". Katsaus, 3/1981.
"On Truth and the Acceptability of Interpretative Propositions in Legal Dogmatics". Rechtstheorie, Beiheft 2
"150 anni di filosofia del diritto in Finlandia". Rivista trimestrale di diritto e procedura civile, Settembre 1981.
"The Form and Content of Law: Aspects of Legal Positivism”. Archivum Iuridicum Cracoviensis, XII, 1980.
"Changing Concepts of the Family and the Reform of Family Law in Finland". Marriage and Cohabitation in
Contemporary Societies, ed. by J.M. Eekelaar and Sanford Katz. Butterworths, Toronto 1980.
"Lakeja vai lainomaisuuksia?". Oikeus 1981: 2.
"The Foundation of Legal Reasoning". Rechtstheorie, 12, 1981:4.
"On the Theory of Societal Change - General Remarks". Filosofia del derecho y filosofia economica y politica.
Coordinada por: José Luis Curiel. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Mexico 1982.
"Lingvistisk filosofi och rättsteori. Nägra problem inom den rättsliga argumenteringen". n.d.
"Oikeussäännösten pätevyydestä, tehokkuudesta ja hyväksyttävyydestä". "Oikeustieteellinen koulutus ja
lakimiesmoraali". Lakimies 7-8, 1982
"Paradigms in Legal Dogmatics". Theory of Legal Science, A. Peczenik et al. (eds). D. Reidel, Dordrecht 1984.
"Oikeusfilosofia valinkauhassa". Hämäläisosakunnan juristikerho 1935-1985. Hämeen Sanomat Oy, 1985.
"One hundred and fifty years of Finnish philosophy of law" . Legal Philosophical Library. Finland: A
Bibliography. A. Giuffré Editore, Milano 1985.
– tillsammans med Jyrki Uusitalo – "Paradigm i rättsdogmatiken, Mot en teori om förändring och framsteg
inom rättsvetenskapen". Tidskrift för rättssociologi vol. 1 (1983/84): nr . 4 .
"Persona jurídica, una ficcion?". Doxa 3, 1986.
"Oikeuden legitimaatio". Juridica Lapponiea. Lapin korkeakoulun oikeustieteiden osaston Juhlakirja. Helsinki,
"Pitäisikö filosofienkin vaieta?" Tieteen kirot ja siunaukset. Toim. Jaana Venkula. Edistyksellinen tiedeliitto ry:n
julkaisuja. Helsinki, 1988.
"Olemmeko kadottaneet valistuksen perinnön?". Itsenäisyyspäivän puhe Pirkkalassa 6.12.1993.
"Am Wanderstab des Zweifels". Rechtstheorie, 18, 1987.
"On Values. Universal or Relative?". Ratio Juris, 9, 1996.
"Zum Ehescheidungsproblem" – Esimerkki Otto Brusiinin tuotannon kypsästä keskivaiheesta. Lakimies 2/1997.
"A Note on Wittgenstein and Literary Criticism". ELH, A Journal of English Literary History. 41. 1974.
"Schumpeter - the Sociologist". Lectures on Schumpeterian Economics. Schumpeter Centenary Memorial
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
Lectures. Springer-Verlag. Berlin - New York 1984.
"Diltheys Beitrag zur Wissenschaftstheorie und Weltanschauungsanalyse". Manuskripte: Zeitschrift für
Literatur, Jahrg. 23, 1984.
"Über einige Rationalitätskonzeptionen in den Sozialwissenschaften". Rationalität: Philosophische Beiträge.
Hrsg. von Herbert Schnädelbach. Suhrkamp 1984.
"Diltheys Beitrag zur Theorie der Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften". Dilthey-Jahrbuch für Philosophie und
Geschichte der Geisteswissenschaften. Band 3/1985. Vandenhoek & Ruprecht in Göttingen 1985.
"Philosophie, Soziologie und Volkshochschule". Bildung für alle: Festschrift 35 Jahre Verband österreichischer
Volkshochschulen. Hrsg. von W. Filla, E. Leichtenmüller und A. Pfniß. Schriftenreihe des Verbandes
österreichischer Volkshochschulen, Band 5 1985.
"Ein System der typenfreien Logik I". Forschungen zur Logik und zur Grundlegung der exakten Wissenschaften.
Neue Folge. Heft 7. 1941.
ADDIS, Laird
"The Philosophy of Gustav Bergmann". Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Mijsbegeerte. 63, 1971.
"Ora grunderna till moralens förfall". Institutet för internationell samhällsfilosofi, Capri. 1980.
"Humanism och konsumism" . Kulturpolitisk debatt 4, 1981.
"Genkungens hyllningstal eller Varför våldet varit välståndsskapande". Harry Järv: Humanismen. n.d.
"A Monotheistic Theory of Power - II. or A Theory of Disintegration". The Capri Institute for International Social
Philosophy. Stockholm, 1994.
"Juristische Methode" & "Rechtswissenschaft". Handlexikon zur Rechtswissenschaft, Hrsg. von Axel Görlitz.
Ehrenvirth Verlag, München, 1972.
AGAZZI, Evandro
"A Systems-Theoretic Approach to the Problem of the Responsibility of Science". Zeitsschrift für allgemeine
Wissenschaftstheorie, XVIII (1987): 1–2.
"Saamisen käsitteen suhde pitämisen käsitteeseen". Filosofisen yhdistyksen Vuosikirja XI. 1942.
"Koomillisuuden tajusta inhimillisenä erikoispiirteenä". Kirjallisuudentutkijain Seuran VIII vuosikirja 1945.
"Kielen ja logiikan välimailta". Virittäjä. n:o 1-2, 1948.
"Normit kielen alalla". Filosofisen Yhdistyksen Vuosikirjat XV, 1948.
"Hans Kelsenin oikeusfilosofian pääkohtia". Filosofisen Yhdistyksen Vuosikirja, XVI, 1950.
"Kielellisen ilmauksen käsitteestä ja siihen liittyvistä kysymyksistä". Virittäjä 1951.
"A Hypothesis on the Pathogenesis of Rheumatoid and Other Non-specific Synovitides". Medical Hypotheses
13, 1984,
"Multifactorial Pathogenesis: Ought We to Classify Disease or Treat the Individual1s Causes of Disease?".
Medical Hypotheses 16, 1985.
"A Physiological Approach to the Pathogenesis of Rheumatoid and Other High-Protein Arthropathies".
Manuscript, dated March 3rd, 1987.
AHO, Kalevi
"Dostojevski". Synkooppi, Op. 8, 981.
"Logical Types and Ostensive Insight". The International Journal of Psychoanalysis. 72, 1991.
“What is a Clinical Fact? Psychoanalysis as Inductive Method". The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis. 75,
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"On Nonfoundationalistic Theories of Epistemic Justification". The Southern Journal of Philosophy, XIX (1981):
“Values in Mackie's Error Theory of Ethics". Inquiry 26 (1983),
"Normative Aspects of Some Stabilizing Social Systems". Cybernetics and Systems Research. 2. Ed. by R. Trappl.
North-Holland 1984.
"Social Time and Place". Man and world 18 (1985): 99-105.
"Normatiivinen muutos ja yhteiskunnallinen toiminta". Sosiaali-politiikka, 1985.
"Hegel on Poverty and Violence". Economic Justice: Private Rights and Public Responsibilities. Ed. by K. Kipnis &
D. Meyers. Rowman & Allenheld; Totowa, New Jersey 1985.
"Absolutely Certain Beliefs: Odegard, Rescher and Klein". Philosophy Research Archives* vol. XI, 1986.
"Games of Coercion and Power". Parts I - II. Europäische Zeitschrift für Politische Vkonomie 2, 1986.
"An Analysis of Coercion". Journal of Peace Research, 25, 1988: 3.
"Original Populations and Environmental Rights". Journal of Applied Philosophy, 5, 1988: 1.
AIRAS, Pentti
"’Järjen viekkaus’ Hegelin historianfilosofiassa ja sen vaikutuk¬set". Turun Historiallisen Yhdistyksen julkaisu
"’Historian punainen lanka’ J.V. Snellmanin historian¬filosofiassa". Turun Historiallinen Arkisto XVI.
"Historia ja arvot". Ajatus XXVII 1965.
"On the so-called 'Naive Interpretation' of Cogito, Ergo Sum".
Essays in Philosophical Analysis - Dedicated to Erik Stenius on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday. Acta
Philosophica Fennica, Vol. 32, 1981.
"Människa, medvetande och materia - tre grundbegrepp i Descartes’ filosofi". Ajatus 41, 1984.
- together with Simo Knuuttila - "The Foundations of Modality and Conceivability in Descartes and His
Predecessors". Modern Modalities, ed. by S. Knuuttila. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988.
"Descartes, Omnipotence, and Kinds of Modality", Doing Philosophy Historivally, ed. by Peter H. Hare.
Prometheus Books, Buffalo 1988.
"Thought-Talk: Descartes and Sellars on Intentionality". American Philosophical Quarterly 29, 1992
"Behöver filosofin sin historia?". Filosofisk Tidskrift 2/1999.
Hacia un tractatus deóntico-philosophicus’. Anuaria de Filosofia del Derecho. 1998.
"Philosophie und Einzelwissenschaften”. Greifswalder Universitätsreden, Neue Folge, Nr. 4, 1956.
"Vom Nutzen des Studiums der Griechischen Philosophie". Sitzungsberichte der Deutschen Akademie der
Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1966.
"Gedanken zur Einheit der Wissenschaft". Greifswalder Universitätsreden, Neue Folae, Nr. 18, 1965.
"Present Truth and Future Contingency". The Philosophical Review LXVI, 1957.
“Juristische Schllüsse a fortiori und a pari". Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, Beiheft 41, Vol. 1965.
"Logic of norms and Logic of normative propositions". Logique et Analyse, 12, 1969.
"The Intuitive Background of Normative Legal Discourse and Its Formalization". Journal of Philosophical Logic, l,
"Hay realmente un desacuerdo entre Strawson y Russell respecto de las descripciones definidas?" Dianoia,
"Sobre el concepto de orden juridico". [alla collaborazione di Eugenio Bulygin] Critica: Revista
Hispanoamerioana de filosofia. VIII, 1976.
"Un modello per la dinamica dei sistemi normativi". [alla colla¬borazione di Eugenio Bulygin]. Informatioa e
diritto, IV, 1978.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"On the logic of theory change". [together with David Makinson] Theoria, XLVIII (1982).
"Deontic Truth and Values". [in collaboration with Eugenio Bulygin].
Essays in Legal Theory in Yonor of Kaarle Makkonen. Oikeustiede -Jurisprudentia, 1983.
"Systematization and Change in the Science of Law". Manuscript, n.d.
- together with P. Gärdenfors and P. Makinson - "On the Logic of Theory Change: Partial Mett Contraction and
Revision Functions11. Journal of Symbolia Logic 50, 1985.
“Detachment and Defeasibility in Deontic Logic” . Studia Logica 57; 1996.
- together with A.A. Martino – ‘Logica senza verità’. See below.
‘l fondamenti filosofici della logica deontica e le sue applicazioni pratiche in contesti computazionali’. In A.A.
Martino (ed.): Logica, Informatica, Diritto. SEU, Pisa 1996.
"Chess Not Without the Queen". Proceedings and Addresses of The American Phil osophi, cal Association, XXXI,
ALFVÉN, Hannes
"The Plasma Universe". Physics Today, 1986
"Suggestiivisten ilmaisujen käyttö uskonnon kielessä". Teologinen Aikakauskirja 6 (1967).
"Historian ja sosiologian suhde". Historiallinen aikakauskirja, 1966.
"Historialliset murrokset ja läpimurrot politiikan sosiologiassa". Otava, Helsinki, 1967.
"Teoretiska konsekvenser av 'förstäende’ sociologi". Sociologisk Forskning III, 1966.
"Scandinavian Socioloqy". Social Science INFORMATION sur les Sciences Sociales, VI, 1967.
"Om samhällpolitiska mål - Yhteiskuntapoliittisista tavoitteista", Sosiaalinen aikakauskirja - Social Tidskrift 65
"Types of Political Concern in a Future Nation: the Case of Australian New Guinea". International Journal of
Comparative Sociology, IV
"Samhörighet och tvåspråkighet bland finlandssvenskarna".
Nordisk Tidskrift för vetenskap, konst och industri utgiven av letterstedtska föreningenf 54, 1978.
“Bibliography Jan.l, 1970 - Aug. 31, 1980". Research Group for Comparative Sociology Publications. 1980.
”Det goda samhället: Välfärd, livsstil och medborgardygder" . Tidsskrift for Velferdsforskning. Vol. 1, Nr. 3;
"Perspektiv och perspektiföskjutningar inom nordisk sociologi". Sosiologia 38 (2001) 2: 4-13.
"On What Cannot Have Spatial Location". Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. XXXIV, 1973.
"Belief and Possibility". Journal of Philosophy. LXXXII:7, 1985
ALVES, Elias
"Paraconsistent Logic and Model Theory". Pré-publicaoes do Centro de Iógicas epistemologia e história da
ciencia-clet 1981.
"Faustus". Häften för Kritiska Studien. n.d.
"Improved Decision Procedures for Lewis's Calculus S4 and von Wright's Calculus M". The Journal of Symbolic
Logic, 19, 1954.
"A Note of Subjunctive and Counterfactual Conditionals" Analysis
"The Logic of Norms". Logique et Analyse. Nouvelle Serie l, 1958.
"A Reduction of Deontic Logic to Alethic Modal Logic". Mind LXVII, No. 265, 1958.
"Mathematics and the 'Language-Game'". The Review of Metaphysics. XI, 1958.
"Some Nasty Problems in the Formal Loqic of Ethics". Nous. I, 1967.
"An Intensional Interpretation of Truth-Values". Logic3 Language and Probability. ed. by Radu J. Boadan and
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
Ilkka Niiniluoto. D. Reidel, Dordrecht-Holland/Boston-U.S.A.
"The Yellow Book Notes in Relation to The Blue Book". Critica IX, 1977.
"När vetenskapen ockuperade skolan". Finsk Tidskrift H 6, 1971,
"Åbo Akademi i Pedagogiska fakultetens perspektiv". Finsk Tidskrift 1978.
"[Jan Ling: Levin Christian Wiedes vissamlina] - recension" Svensk Tidskrift för Musikforskning 1965.
"Svante Dahlström". Årskrift XLIX Abo Akademi 1965.
"Götalagarnas lekarerätt och keltiska rättsregler" . Festskrift
tillägnad K. Rob. V. Vikman. .Abo 1966.
"Seal-Folk in East and West: Some comments on a Fascinating
Group of Folk Tales". The Folklore International in Honor of
Wayland Doks Hand.
"Upprepningsstrofen i levande balladtradition11. Meddelanden från Svenskt visarkiv 23. 1968.
"Huru Sveaborgs kanoner oskadliggjordes 1918". Svenska Litteratursällskapets i Finland Historiska och
litteraturhistoriska studier nr 44. Helsinafors 1969.
"Francis Galpin and the Triangular Harps". The Galpin Society Journal XIX.
"Musikalier ha sinä öden" . Musikaliska sällskapet i Åbo Festskrift tili 175 årsjubileet. Åbo 1965.
ANDRÉN, Gunnar
"The Soul of Society: Two Studies on the contents of culture (preliminary versions)". Department of
Philosophy, University of Stockholm. 1980.
"Kunskap i vår tid" . Filosofisk Tidskrift (forthcoming).
"Mr. Kneale on Probability and Induction". Mind LX, 1951,
"Aristotle and the Sea Battle". Mind LXV, 1956.
"Report on Analysis ‘Problem’ No. 10". Analysis 17, 1957.
"Intention". Meeting of the Aristotelian Society, 1957.
"Before and After". Philosophical Revue, LXXIII, 1964.
"Necessity and Truth". Times Literary Supplement, Jan. 14, 1965.
"Retraction". Analysis, 1965.
"The New Theory of Forms". The Monist 50, 1966.
"Parmenidesf Mystery and Contradiction". Meeting of the Aristotelian Society, 1969.
"The First Person". Mind and Language, ed. by Samuel Guttenplan, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1975.
"On the Source of the Authority of the State". Ratio XX, 1978.
"Names of Words: A Reply to Dr. Whiteley". Analysis 18, 1957
"Thought and Action in Aristotle". New Essays on Plato and Aristotle, ed. by Renford Bambrough. Routledge &
Kegan Paul, London.
"The Two Kinds of Error in Action". The Journal of Philosophy
“On Sensations of Position”. Analysis
"Causality and Extensionality" . The Journal of Philosophy "Substance" (together with J. Körner)
"On Brute Facts". Analysis
"Mr. Truman's Degree"
"Hume and Julius Caesar". Analysis, 34, 1973.
“’Whatever has a begrinning of existence must have a cause': Hume's arrgument exposed". Analysis, 34,
1974. "Times, Beginnings and Causes". Annual Philosophical Lecture. Proceedings of the British Academy, vol.
LX, 1974.
“Subjunctive conditionals". Ruch filozoficzny: Autoreferaty z "odczytów i wykladów. XXXIII, 1975.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Prolegomenon to a Pursuit of the Definition of Murder: The Illegal and the Unlawful". Dialectics and
Humanism, 4/1979.
"Eröffnungsrede". [des 6. internationalen Wittgenstein Symposiums 23. bis 30. August 1981,
Kirchberg/Wechsel, Österreich]. Language and Ontology. Hölder-Pchler-Tempsky, Wien 1982.
“On private Ostensive Definition”. Ibid.
"Wittgenstein: Whose Philosopher?". N. D.
'Ludwig Wittgenstein'. Philosophy 70, 1995
APEL, Karl-Otto
"Wittgenstein und das Problem des hermeneutischen Verstehens". Zeitschrift fur Theologie und Kirche, 63,
"Wittcrenstein und Heidegger: Die Frage nach dem Sinn von Sein und der Sinnlosigkeitsverdacht gegen alle
Metaphysik". Philosophisches Jahrbuch, 75, 1967.
"Szientismus oder transzendentale Hermeneutik?" Hermeneutik und Dialektik. Aufsätze I. Mohr (Siebeck)
Tübingen 1970.
11Szientistik, Hermeneutik, Ideologie-Kritik". Man and World, 1 (1968).
"Die erkenntnisanthropologische Funktion der Kommunikationsgemeinschaft und die Grundlagen der
Hermeneutik”. Information und Kommunikation. Hrsg. von Simon Moser, R. Oldenbura. München-Wien 1968.
"Die Kommunikationsgemeinschaft als transzendentale Voraussetzung der Sozialwissenschaften". Neue Hefte
für Philosophie, 1972.
"From Kant to Peirce". Proceedings of the Third International Kant Congress, ed. by L.W. Beck. D. Reidel,
Dordrecht, 1972.
"The Problem of (Philosophical) Ultimate Justification in the Light of a Transcendental Pragmatic of Language".
Ajatus 36, 1976
"The 'Erklären-Verstehen' -controversy in the Philosophy of the Natural and Human Sciences". 'Chronicle' fur
l'Institut Interna¬tional de Philosophie.
"The Common Presuppositions of Hermeneutics and Ethics: Types of Rationality beyond Science and
Technology". Perspectives on Metascience, ed. by Jan Bärmark . Göteborg, 1980.
"The Erklären-Verstehen controversy in the philosophy of the natural and human sciences". Contemporary
Philosophy. A new survey. Vol. 2. Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague/Boston/London, 1982.
"Ist die Ethik der idealen Kommunikationsgemeinschaft eine Utopie?" Utopieforschung, Band 1. Hrsg. von
Wilhelm Voßkamp. Metzlersche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, o.D.
"The Question of the Rationality of Social Interaction". Philosophy and Science in Phenomenological
Perspective, ed. by K.K. Cho, Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrecht-Boston-Lancaster 1984.
"Diltheys Unterscheidung von ’Erklären’ und ’Verstehen’ im Lichte der Problematik der modernen
Wissenschaftstheorie”. Dilthey und die Philosophie der Gegenwart, hrsg. von E.W. Orth. Karl Alber,
Freiburg/München, n.d.
”Transcendentalsemiotisk begrunnelse av pragmatisk språkfilosofi”. Norsk Filosofisk Tidskrift 22, 1987.
"Modalités Physiques et Techniques”. 15. Congrès International
de Philosophie - Bruxelles. North-Holland Publishing Co. Amsterdam,
"Leo Apostel on Dialectical Logic" by Diderik BATENS (see below)
"An Operational Demarcation of the Domain of Methodolooy versus Epistemology and Logic". Fourth
International Congress on Logic; Methodology and Philosophy of Science - Section 5. Bucharest, 1971.
ARNHOLM, Carl Jacob
"Fra rettens grunnproblemer". T.f.R. 1954.
"Sur certaines hierarchies de calculs propositonelles" . C.R. Acad. S c. Paris, t. 266 (8 janvier 1968).
"Sur certaines hierarchies de calculs de predicats". C.R. Acad. S c. Parisj t. 268 (24 mars 1969).
"Sur certaines algebres de classes non classiques". C.R. Acad. S c. Paris, t. 268 (31 mars 1969).
"Some Remarks on Griss’ Logic of Negationless Intuitionistic Mathematics". n.d.
"A Survey of Paraconsistent Logic". Relatorio interno No. 106. Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Campinas Sao Paulo n.d.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Para una teoria de la acción penal". Anvario de Derecho Penal, Madrid 1987.
AUDET, Jean-Paul
"Le mythe dans le double univers du langage et du sacré". Dialogue, Vol. VII, No. 4. 1969.
"Images du monde et images de 1'homme. Vers une décentration totale".
Van der AUWERA, Johan
”Zweistellige Modalität”. Sprache und Pragmatik 2. ed. by Inger Rosengren. Lund: Gleerup. 1980.
BACK, R. J. P.
"Proving Total Correctness of Nondeterministic Programs in Infinitary Logic". Acta Information 15 (1981).
"Belief as Relative Knowledge". The Logical Enterprise, ed. by Alan Ross Anderson, Ruth Barcan Marcus, and
Richard M. Martin.
BAHM, Archie J.
"Organicism: The Philosophy of Interdependence". International Philosophical Quarterly, VII, 1967.
BAIER, Annette
”A Naturalist View of Persons”.Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association. 1990.
[G.H. von Wright: Erklären und Verstehen] - Rezension, Grazer Philosophische Studien, 3, 1977.
[G.H. von Wright: The Varieties of Goodness] - Review, The Journal of Philosophy
”Action and Agent”. The Monist, 49, 1965.
"Semantiques pour des systèmes déontiques intégrant permission faible et permission forte". Logique et
Analyse, Nouvelle série, 20, 1977.
– together with P.M.S. Hacker – [Ludwig Wittgenstein: Philosophical Grammar] - Review. Mind, LXXXV, 1976.
– together with P.M. S. Hacker – ”The Grammar of Psychology: Wittgenstein’s Bemerkungen Uber die
Philosophie der Psychologie". Language and Communication Vol, 2 (1982): 3.
"Italics in Wittgenstein". Language & Communication 19 (1999)
BAR-HILLEL, Yehoshua
"Can Indexical Sentences Stand in Logical Relations?" Philosophical Studies, XIV, 1963.
"Remarks on Carnap's Logical Syntax of Languaae". The Philosophy of Rudolf Carnap, ed. by Paul A. Schilpp.
The Open Court Pub¬lishing Co. La Salle, 111. 1963.
"More on the Fallacy of Composition". Mind, LXXIII, 1964.
"Neorealism vs. Neopositivism, A Neo-Pseudo Issue". Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Sciences and
Humanities, vol. II, Jerusalem, 1964.
"Extensionality". Mind, LXIX, 1960.
"Essential Attribution". The Journal of Philosophy, LXVIII, 1971.
"Moral Dilemmas and Consistency". The Journal of Philosophy, LXXVII, 1980.
"Epsilonprocessen - del av ett mönster för en dynamisk marknadsmodell". Liiketaloudellinen Aikakauskirja, II,
"Jämnviktsmodell för ett promotionsduopol". Memorandum frän företagsekonomiska institutionen.
Handelshögskolan vid Åbo Akademi. Abo 1967.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Microekonomiska case- och metodövningar. Första samlingen".
Memorandum från företagsekonomiska institutionen. Handelshög-skolan vid Åbo Akademi. Åbo 1967.
tillsammans med Tryggwe Saxén - "En microökonometrisk model
til beskrivelse af sammenhaengen imellen indkomst og kreditköb
af varige konsumgoder" Markedsökonomi, 1968.
tillsammans med Tryggwe Saxén - "A Study of the Theory of
Hire Purchase Selling". Liiketaloudellinen Aikakauskirja, 1968.
BATENS, Diderik
"Some proposals for the solution of the Carnap-Popper discussion on ‘inductive logic’". Studia Philosophica
Gandensia, 1968.
"The Paradoxes of Confirmation". Revue Internationale de Philosophie, 25, 1971.
"Some Objections to Keith Lehrer's Rule IR". British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 22, 1971.
"Deduction and Contextual Information". Communication & Cognition, 8, 1975.
"Leo Apostel on Dialectical Logic". The Philosophy of Leo Apostel ed. by F. Vandamme H. Pinxten, Nijhoff, The
Hague 1985.
"Meaning, Acceptance and Dialectics". Change and Progress in Modern Science, ed. by J.C. Pitt. D. Reidel,
Dordrecht 1985.
"Paraconsistent Extensional Propositional Logic". Logique et Analyse, 23, 1980.
"Russell’s Set versus the Universal Set in Paraconsistent Set Theory". Logique et Analyse, 25, 1982.
BAUM, Wilhelm
"Die Weltanschauung Ludwig Wittgensteins".
Wittgenstein, the Vienna Circle and Critical Rationalism. Proceedings of the 3rd International Wittgenstein
Symposium 13th to 19th August 1978. Kirchberg am Wechsel. Austria.
”Ludwig Wittgenstein und die Religion”. Philosophisches Jahrbuch, 86, 1979.
BAUMAN, Zygmunt
"On Communitarians and Human Freedom. Or, How to Square the Circle?". Theory. Culture & Society. 13
BAUMER, William H.
"Discussion: von Wright's Paradoxes". Philosophy of Science, 30, 1963.
"Confirmation without Paradoxes". British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, XV, 1964.
"Evidence and Ideal Evidence". Philosophy & Phenomenological Research, XXIV, 1964.
"Kant on Cosmological Arcmments". The Monist, 51, 1967.
"The One Systematically Ambiguous Concept of Probability". Philosophy & Phenomenological Research, XXVIII,
"Indefensible Impersonal Egoism". Philosophical Studies, XVIII, 1967.
"Confirmation still without Paradoxes". British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, XIX, 1967.
"In Defense of a Principal Theorem". Synthese, 20, 1969.
"Kann Homo oeconomicus tugendhaft sein?". Homo oeconomicus (ACCEDO Verlagsgesellschaft, München
1996) Bd XIII(I).
"Solidarity as a Social Norm and as a Constitutional Norm". K. Bayertz (ed.), Solidarity, Dordrecht: Kluwer,
"Legal Authority as a Social Fact". Law and Philosophy, 19, 2000.
"Freiheit und Tugend. Moralische Bedarfsdeckung durch die unsichtbare Hand?". Manfred Prisching (Hg.),
Postmoderne Tugenden?, Wien: Passagen Verlag, 2001.
BAYART, Arnould
"Quelques suggestions en matiere de logique modale". Logique et Analyse, 1956.
BAYEN, Bruno
”Le project de roman de Lichtenberg suivi du projet de préface de Wittgenstein”. La Nouvelle Revue Francaise,
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von Wright’s Offprint Collection
BEALER, George
"Mind and Anti-Mind: Why Thinking Has No Functional Definition". Midwest Studies in Philosophy, IX (1984).
"Grundzüge der semantischen Entwicklungsgeschichte der hochdeutschen Modalverba". Det Kongelige Danske
Videnskabernes Selskab. Historisk-filologiske Meddelelser, 32, København, 1951.
"Einige Bemerkungen zur statistischen Kausalitätstheorie von P. Suppes". Zeitschrift für allgemeine
Wissenschaftstheorie, VI, 1975.
"Der funktionale Materialismus H. Putnams als Lösung des Problems der Vereinberkeit intentionaler und
mechanistischer Handlungser-klärungen". Logik. Ethik. Theorie der Geisteswissenschaften, Hrsa. von G. Patziq,
E. Scheibe.und W. Wieland. Felix Meiner Verlag, Hamburg, 1977.
BEHMANN, Heinrich
"Eine Bemerkung zu der Arbeit von F.W. Palm: ’Über die Verfahren zur graphischen Berechnung von rationalen
ganzen Funktionen’". Deutshce Mathematik, 4, 1939.
"Das Auflösungsproblem in der Klassenlogik". Archiv fur Mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung, 1,
”Zu den Prallelreihentransformationen in Schröders ’Algebra und Logik der Relative’". Archiv für
Mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung, l, 1951.
"Das Auflösungsproblem in der Klassenlogik". Philosophie 4.
"Die typenfreie Logik und die Modalität". 12. Congrès International de Philosophie - Bruxelles. North-Holland
Publishing Co. Amsterdam.
– together with Michael Perloff – "Seeing to it that: a canonical form for agentives”. Department of Philosophy,
University of Pittsburgh, n.d.
– together with Michael Perloff– "Declaratives are not enough". Department of Philosophy, University of
Pittsburgh, n.d.
"Backwards and Forwards in the Modal Logic of Agency", Preprint Sept. 20. 1989.
"Before refraining : concents för agency”, Preprint Sept. 21, 1989
– together with Michael Perloff – "In the realm of agents". Prepr.
BENDITT, Theodore
"Happiness". Philosophical Studies 25, 1974.
BENKTSON, Benkt-Erik
"Sartre och den existentialistiska etiken" . Filosofi och Kultur, Lund 1984.
van BENTHEM, J. F. A. K.
"What is Dialectical Logic?". Erkenntnis, 14, 1979.
"A Note on Deontic Logic". Mind, LXIX, 1960,
"Über den ontologischen Gottesbeweis". Kant-Studien, 62, 1971.
– mit Edgar Morscher zusammen – "Bolzano-Forschung 1987-1988". Universität Salzburg: Forschungsberichte
und Mitteilungen, Heft 16. Salzburg, 1980.
– together with Lewis Zerby – "The Formalism in Kelsen's Pure Theory of Law". Ethics, LV, 1945.
"Some Comments on Carnap’s Logic of Induction". Philosophy of Science, 13, 1946.
"Ineffability, Ontology, and Method". The Philosophical Review, LXIX, 1960.
“Strawson's Ontology". The Journal of Philosophy, LVII, 1960.
"The Ontology of Edmund Husserl". Rivista Methodos, XII, 1960.
"Dell'atto". Rivista di Filosofia, LI, 1960.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"The Philosophical Significance of Modal Loqic". Mind, LXIX, 1960.
"Generality and Existence". Theoria, XXVIII, 1962.
"Physics and Ontology". Philosophy of Science, 28, 1961.
"La Gloria e la Miseria di Ludvig Wittgenstein". Rivista di Filosofia, LII, 1961.
"Purpose, Function, Scientific Explanation". Acta Sooiologica, 5, 1962.
"Jöns Matthias Ljungberg. Matematiker, astronom, tekniker och industriman. I – II." Personhistorisk tidskrift.
Årg. 90 (1994), Häfte l o. häfte 3-4.
[R.M. Hare: Freedom and Reason] - Review. Theoria, XXX, 1964.
"Utilitarianism and Deontic Logic". Analysis, 29, 1968.
"Alternatives and Utilitarianism”. Theoria, 34 1968
"On the Coherence of Act-Utilitarianism". Analysis, 33, 1973.
"Explanation and interpretation of action”. International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. 4, 1990,
"Notes on the Value of Science". D. Prawitz et ai. (eds.): Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science IX ,
Elsevier, 1994.
– together with Patrizia Tabossi – "Dalia logica delle condizioni all'analisi del discorso induttivo". Saggi
suli'induzione. Cooperativa libraria universitaria edirice. Bologna.
"Mathematische Existenz und Widerspruchsfreiheit". Etudes de philosophie des sciences, publié en hommage
à F. Gonseth, à 1'occasion de son soixantième anniversaire. Éditions du Griffon. Neuchatel, 1950.
'Why Hegel Now?". The Review of Metaphysics, XXXI, 1977.
BETH, Evert W.
"Towards an Up-to-date Philosophy of the Natural Sciences". Methodos, 1949.
"Scientific philosophy: Its aims and means". Congreso internacional de filosofia. Madrid 1949.
"La existencia de los entes matematicos". De Notas y Estudios de Filosofia, II. 1951.
"Fundamental Features of Contemporary Theory of Science". The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science,
I, 1951.
"Critical Epochs in the Development of the Theory of Science". The British Journal for the Philosophy of
Science, I, 1951.
"Sur la description de certains modèles d'un système formel". Proceedings of the XIth International Congress
of Philosophy, Volume V: Logic, Philosonhical Analysis, Philosophy of Mathematics. North-Holland,
Amsterdam, 1953.
"Some Consequences of the Theorem of Löwenheim-Skolem-Gödel-Malcev". Proceedings, Koninkl. Nederl.
Akademie van Wetenschappen-Amsterdam, Series A, 56, 1953.
"On Padoa's Method in the Theory of Definition". Proceedings, Koninkl. Nederl. Akademie van Wetenschappen
– Amsterdam, Series A, 56, 1953.
"Le paradoxe du 'sorite' d'Eubulide de Mégare". La Vie, la Pensée. Actes du congrès des societés de
philosophie de langue francaise. Presses universitaires de France. 1954.
"Die Stellung der Logik im Gebäude der heutigen Wissenschaft". Studium Generale, 8, 1955.
"Herdenking van Hendrik Josephus Pos (1898-1955)". Jaarboek der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van
Wetenschappen, 1955-1956.
"Remarks on Natural Deduction". Koninkl. Nederl. Akademie van Wetenschappen – Amsterdam, Proceedings,
Series A, 58, 1955.
"Nieuwentyt's Significance for the Philosophy of Science". Synthese, IX, 1955.
"Über Lockes 'Allgemeines Dreieck'". Kant-Studien, 48, 1956/1957.
"Remarks on Elementary Predicate Logic". Nieuw Archief voor Uiskunde (3), 1957.
"’Cogito Ergo Sum’ - Raisonnement ou intuition?". Dialectica, 12, 1958.
"On the Completeness of the Classical Sentential Logic". Koninkl. Nederl. Akademie van Wetenschappen –
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
Amsterdam, Proceedings, Series A, 61, 1958.
"On Mannoury's Method". Synthese, Xa, 1958.
"Science and Classification". Synthese, XI, 1959.
"Considérations heuristiques sur les méthodes de déduction par séquences".
"Les relations de la dialectique a la logique". Dialectica vol.2.
“L'état actuel du problème logique des antinomies”. Colloque de logique
"De beteknis van het mathematisch grondslagrenonderzoek voor het elementaire onderwijs in de wiskunde".
Euclides: Tijdschrift voor de didactiek der exacte vakken onder leiding van J. H. Schogt en P. Vijdenes.
"La cosmologie, dite naturelle et les sciences mathematiques de la nature". Problems de philosophie des
"On Machines Which Prove Theorems". Wis- en Natuurkundig Tijdschrift, 32, 1958 ?
"Wijsbeaeerte der Wiskunde". Aspeeten van de tijd. Een bundel wijsgerige studies. Van Gorcum & Comn.
BIANCO, Franco
"Heidegger und die Fragestellung der heutigen Hermeneutik". Zur philosophischen Aktualität Heideggers. (Hg.
von D. Papenfuss und 0. Pöggeler). Vittorio Klostermann, Frankfurt aM. 1990.
BIEZAIS, Haralds
"Die Bedeutung der Varianten für das Verstandnis der Dainas". Donum Balticum. To Professor Christian S.
Stang on the occasion of his seventieth birthday 15 March 1970. Alipqvist & Wicksell, Stockholm.
"Gott der Götter". Acta Academiae Aboensis, Ser. A, Humaniora, Åbo 1971.
"Der kriminelle Messias: Zur Phänomenologie des Messianismus", Acta Academiae Aboensis, Ser. A, 55, Åbo,
'L'Ontogenese du Sourire". Acta Paediatrica, XXV, 1939.
"A Theory of Practical Reason". Philosophical Review, LXXIV, 1965.
[together with Romane Clark] "A Cancellation algorithm for elementary logic". Theoria, 33, 1967.
"Conventionalism in Geometry and the Interpretation of Necessary Statements". Philosophy of Science, 9,
"The Limitations of a Behavioristic Semiotic". The Philosophical Review, LVI, 1947.
"Reasonincr with loose Concepts", Dialogue, 2, 1963.
[Review on Wittgenstein's] Notebooks, 1914-1916. Mind, LXXIII, 1964.
"The Gap Between "Is" and "Should"". The Philosophical Review, LXXIII, 1964.
"Induction and Experience". Experience & Theory, ed. by L. Foster & J.W. Swanson. The University of
Massachusetts Press, 1970.
"Comment" [On Noam Chomsky's "Problems of Explanation in Linguistics"] Explanation in the Behavioural
Sciences, ed. by R. Boraer and F. Cioffi. C.U.P. 1970.
"The Elusiveness of Sets". The Review of Metaphysics, XXIV, 1971.
"The ‘Factual’ and the ‘Normative’". Human Sciences & the Problem of Values. International Institute of
Philosophy, Amsterdam, 1971.
Review Article: "The Structure of Symbol Systems". Linguistic Inquiry, 11, 1971.
"Reasonableness". Education and the Development of Reason, ed. by Dearden, Hirst and Peters, 1972.
"How Do Pictures Represent?". Art, Perception, and Reality, ed. by E.H. Gombrich, Julian Hochberg, and Max
Black. The Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore and London, 1972.
"Meaning and Intention: An Examination of Grice's Views". New Literary History, IV, 1972-1973.
"The Language of Thoughts". Times Literary Supplement, June 9, 1978,
"Austin on Performatives". Philosophy 38.
"Another Logical Paradox". L'age de la science, III.
"Making Intelligent Choices: How Useful Is Decision Theory?". The American Academy of Arts and Sciences,
Bulletin. XXXVIII, 1984.
"Relations Between Logical Positivism and the Cambridge Schoo1 of Analysis." Journal of Unified Science
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
(Erkenntnis). Vol. VIII (1939/1940).
"Les relations internropositionelles comportent-elles une quantification?". Revue philosophique, 1951.
"Logique 1900-1950". Revue philosophique, 1953.
"Sur l'opposition des concents". Theoria, 1953.
"Vues nouvelles sur 1'ancienne logique". Les etudes philosophiques, 2, 1956.
"Ten years of Logic and Epistemology in France". - Introduction to French Bibliographical Digest: Logic and the
Philosophy of Science. 1959.
"Sur l'interpretation du kyrieuon logos". Revue philosophique, 1965.
"Moralfilosofi". Vor Tids Filosofi.
BLOCK, Henry David
"Adaptive Neural Networks as Brain Models". Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics, XV, 1963.
"Learning in Some Simple Non-Biological Systems". American Scientist, 53, 1965.
"Simulation of Statistically Composite Systems". Prospects for Simulation and Simulators of Dynamic Systems.
Ed. by Georqe Shapiro and Milton Rogers. Spartan Books, New York/MacMillan, London, 1967.
"The Psychology of Robots". Psychology Today, 1968.
"Bionics and Robots". Engineering: Cornell Quarterly, 1968.
BLOCK, Irving
'Hart on the ‘Tractatus’". International Logic Review, 12, 1975
BLOM, Siri
"Concerning a controversy on the meaning of 'probability'". Theoria, XXI, 1955.
[together with S. Salovaara] "On the Algebraic Theory of Ordinary Linear Time-Invariant Differential Systems".
Suomen Teknillinen Korkeakoulu. Tieteellisiä tutkimuksia, 27. Helsinki, 1968.
[together with three others] "On Algebraic Methods in Systems Theory". Acta Polytechnica Scandinavia, Ma
19, Helsinki, 1969,
"Annual report for the academic year". Helsingin teknillinen korkeakoulu. Systeemiteorian laboratorio.
Otaniemi, 1969.
"Systemteorin, en flykt i det blå eller...". Forum, 12/1970.
"Psykoanalyysi, spekulaatio ja mytologia". Valvoja, 1968.
"James on Belief and Truth". Ajatus, XXXI, 1969.
"Kybernetiikka, informaatio ja tavoitteet". Aika, 1970.
"Positivismista". Aika, 1971.
"Säännöt ja säännönmukaisuudet käyttäytymisen selittämisessä". Sosiologia, VIII, 1971.
"Syysuhteet ja teot". Aika, 1971.
"Psychophysics, Sensation and Information". Ajatus, XXXIII, 1971,
BOANO, Attilio Giuseppe
"II Ciclope euripideo interpretato alla luce della logica deontica" Lingua e stile, XVIII, 1983.
"The Use of Logic in Leqal Reasoning". Mededelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van
Wetenschappen, Deel 29, Amsterdam 1966.
BOBBIO, Norberto
"La Logica Juridica de Eduardo Garcia Maynez". Seminario de Problemas Cientificos y Filosoficos, 5, 1956.
BOCARDO, Enrique
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Las dificuldades de la noción de acción." Cuadernos sobre Vico 4, 1994.
“El recurso a la Providencia.” Cuadernos sobre Vico 5/6, 1995-96
"Wstep do teorii analocrii". Rocznikow filozoficznych, 1948.
"Philosophie et sciences". Studia Philosophica XIII, 1953.
"Spitzfindigkeit". Festgabe an die Schweizerkatholiken. Universitätsverlag, Freiburcr Schweizf 1954.
“Une solution scolastique du ‘Menteur’”. 1954.
"On the Syntactical Categories". 1948 ?
"Logic and Ontology". Philosophy East & West, 24, 1974,
"Logical and Epistemological Problems in Legal Philosophy". The Australasian Journal of Philosophy, XXIX,
BONELLI, Maria Luisa
"Le abitazioni fiorentine di Galileo". L'Universo XXXVII, 1957.
"Un1 experienza di Vincenzo Viviani fatta dalla Torre di Pisa". Physis: Rivista di storia della scienza, I, 1959.
"Di alcune lettere e documenti inediti riauardanti Giovanni Luiai Pons". Physis, I, 1959.
"Divicrazioni su alcuni strumenti e documenti antichi". Physis, III, 1961.
"Unpublished Letters on Campani’s and Divini's Telescopes". Ithaca, 26 VIII - 2 IX 1962.
"Provando e riprovando / ‘Versuchen und immer wieder versuchen’". Die Basf, 13, 1963.
"L'Accademia del Cimento". Die Basf, 13, 1963.
"Gli strumenti oriainali di Galileo". Die Basf, 14, 1964.
"Gli strumenti oriainali di Galileo ai Museo di Storia della Scienza di Firenze". Homo Faber XV, 1964.
"Una lettera di evangelista Torricelli a Jean Francois Niceron".
von BONSDORFF, Göran
”Historiens vändepunkt”. Finsk Tidskrift 2/1998.
BOONE, William
"An Analysis of Turing's 'The Word Problem in Semi-Groups with Cancellation’”. Annals of Mathematics, 67,
"The Word Problem". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 44, 1958.
"The Word Problem". Annals of Mathematics, 70, 1959.
"Word Problems and recursively enumerable degrees of unsolvability, A first paper on Thue systems". Annals
of Mathematics, 83-84, 1966,
"Decision Problems about Alcrebraic and Logical Systems as a Whole and Recursively Enumerable Degrees of
Unsolvability". Contributions to Mathematical Logic, ed. by K. Schütte. North-Holland Publ. Co. Amsterdam,
BORSARI, Raffaele
"Relativity and Motion". Pubblicazioni a cura del centro superiore di logica e scienze comparate. Bologna,
BORUTTI, Silvana
"Wittgenstein e i giochi immaginari dell'analisi come pratica filosofica". Materiali filosofici, 2.
"Logique Opératoire. Esquisse d'une logique naturelle”. Revue Roumaine des sciences sociales. Serie de
philosophie et logique, 12, 1968.
"Logiques à implication probable et logiques à implication certaine". Revue Roumaine des sciences sociales.
Série de philosophie et logique, 14, 1970.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
[Yhdessä V.K. Finnin kanssa] "Nekotoryie dopolnenija k stat’jam o mnogoznatshnyih logikah". Issledovanija po
teorii mnozhestb i neklassitsheskim logikam. Akademija Nauk SSSR. Izdatelstvo "Nauka". Moskva 1976.
BOUDOT, Maurice
"Temps, nécessité et prédétermination". Les etudes philosophiques, 1973.
"L'espace selon Bergson". Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, 1980
BOYD, Richard
"Determinisin, Laws, and Predictability in Principle". Philosophy of Science, 39, 1972.
"Lewis Carroll as Logician". Mathematical Gazette, XVI, 1932.
"Moral Principles and Inductive Policies". Proceedings of the British Academy, XXXVI, 1950.
"Teleological Explanation". Papers read before the Aristotelian Society, November 4th, 1946.
"Characterisations of Finite Boolean Lattices and Related Algebras". Journal of the London Mathematical
Society, 17, 1942.
"George Edward Moore 1873-1958". Proceedings of the British Academy, XLVII.
"Why Is It Reasonable to Base A Bettina Rate upon an Estimate of Chance?". Proceedings of the 1964
International Congress for Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science Held in Jerusalem, August 26 September 2, 1964. North-Holland Publishing Co. Amsterdam.
"Half-Belief". Anst. Sec. Suff. (??), 1964.
BRANDT, Richard B.
“Moral Philosophy and the Analysis of Language”. The Lindlay Lecture, University of Kansas, 1963.
“Some Merits of one Form of Rule-Utilitarianism”. University od Colorado Studies, 1965.
“The Concept of Welfare”. The Structure of Economic Science: Essays on Methodology, ed. by Sherman Roy
Krupp. Prentice-Hall, Englewoof Cliffs, 1966.
“The Logic of the Identity Theory”. The Journal of Philosophy, LXIV, 1967.
Review on [Arthur C. Danto: Analytical Philosophy of History]. Philosophy of Science, 1967.
"Taking Liberties with the Concent of Rules". The Monist, 52, 1968.
"Refinements of Culture in Large-Scale History". History and Theory, 1969.
"The Logical Character of Verdicts: A Case Study". University of Toronto Law Journal, 22, 1972.
"Naturvetenskapliga sanningar, underverk och pragmatism". Finsk Tidskrift, 1979.
"The Manuscripts of Franz Brentano". Revue Internationale de philosophie, 78, 1966.
"Feelings and their Expression". Philosophy, XXXII, 1957.
"Utilitarianism: The Appeal to a First Principle". Meeting of the Aristotelian Society, 8th February, 1960.
"Normal Cognition, Clairvoyance, and Telepathy". Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, XLIII,
"Henry Sidgwick and Psychical Research". Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, XLV, 1938.
"Arguments for the Existence of God". The Journal of Theological Studies, XL, 1939. (In two parts).
"The Present Relations of Science and Religion". Philosophy, XIV, 1939.
"The New Philosophy: Bruno to Descartes". The Cambridge Historical Journal, VIII, 1944.
"Hr. von Wright on the Logic of Induction". Mind, LIU, 1944 (In three parts).
"What is Psychical Research?". The Society for Psychical Research, 1945.
"Spinoza's Doctrine of Human Immortality". Festskrift tili Anders Karitz. Almqvist & Wicksell, Uppsala 1946.
"Leibniz's last controversy with the Newtonians". Theoria, XII, 1946.
"Professor Marc-Wogau's Theorie der Sinnesdata". Mind, LVI, 1947.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Message read at a meeting held at the Royal Society Burlington House, London. November 27th 1947." The
Royal Institute of Philosophy
"Leibniz's Predicate-in-Notion Principle and some of its alleged consequences". Theoria, XV, 1949.
"Dr. S.G. Soal's forsknina i telenati och framtidsförnimmelse". Meddelande frän sällskapet för Parapsykologisk
forskning, 1950.
"Immanuel Kant and Psychical Research". Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, XLIX, 1950.
"Imperatives, Categorical and Hypothetical". The Philosopher, 2, 1950.
"Hägerström’s Account of Sense of Duty and Certain Allied Experiences" Philosophy, XXVI, 1951.
"Human Personality and the Possibility of its Survival". The Agnes E. and Constantine E.A. Foerster Lecture on
the Immortality of the Soul, Univ. of California Press, Berkeley and Los Anqeles, 1955.
"A Half-Century of Psychical Research". The Journal of Parapsychology, 20, 1956.
"The Local Historical Background of Contemporary Cambridge Philosophy" British Philosophy in the
Mid-Century: A Cambridge Symposium, ed. by C.A. Mace, Allen and Unwin, London 1957.
"Philosophy (I)". Inquiry, l, 1958.
"Personal Identity and Survival". The Thirteenth Frederic W.H. Myers Memorial Lecture. Society for Psychical
Research. 1958.
"Dreaming, and Some of its Implications". Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, 52, 1959.
"Thomas Bayes and the Bundle of Sticks". Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, 55, 1967.
"Bertrand Russell's First Forty-Two Years in Self-Portraiture". Philosophical Review, LXXVII, 1968.
"John McTaggart Ellis McTagaart 1866-1925". Proceedings of the British Academy.
"Sir Isaac Newton". Annual Lecture on a Master Mind. British Academy, 1927.
"Frederick Robert Tennant". Proceedings of the British Academy, XLIV.
"Bertrand Russell's 90th Birthday (May 18th, 1962)".
BROCK, Steen
"Livsform som syntese af det objektive og det subjektive. Om livsf ormbegrebets genese og status hos
Wittgeristein." Philosophia: tidsskrift för filosofi, 17 (1988) 1-2.
"Intuitionistische Betrachtunaen über den Formalismus". Sitzungsberichte der preussischen Akademie der
Wissenschaften. V, 1928.
"Mathematik, Wissenschaft und Sprache". Monatsheften für Mathematik und Physik, XXXVI, 1929.
[Synopsis of the signific movement in the Netherlands. Prospects of the signific movement.]: "General Part".
Synthese, 1946.
"Address delivered on September 16th 1946, at the University of Amsterdam, on the conferment upon
Professor G. Mannoury of the honorary degree of Doctor of Science". Synthese 1947.
"Richtlijnen der intuitionistische wiskunde". Indagationes Mathematicae, IX, 1947.
"Consciousness, Philosophy, and Mathematics". Library of the Xth International Congress of Philosophy,
North-Holland Publishing Co. Amsterdam 1948.
"Essentieel-negatieve eigenschappen". Indagationes Mathematicae, X, 1948.
"Opmerkinaen over het beainsel van het uitgesloten derde en over ndgative asserties". Indagationes
Mathematicae, X, 1948.
"De non-aequivalentie van de constructieve en de negatieve orderelatie in het continuum". Indagationes
Mathematicae, XI, 1949.
"Contradictoriteit der elementaire meetkunde". Indagationes Mathematicae, XI, 1949.
"On Order in the Continuum, and the Relation of Truth to Non-Contradictority". Indagationes Mathematicae,
XIII, 1951.
"An intuitionist correction of the fixed-point theorem on the sphere". Proceedings of the Royal Society, vol.
213, 1952.
[together with B. De Loor] "Intuitionistischer Beweis des Fundamentalsatzes der Algebra". Koninklijke
Akademie van Wetenschappen to Amsterdam. Proceedings XXVII
"Remarques sur la notion d'ordre". Comptes rendus des sèances de 1'Academie des Sciences, 1950.
"Sur la possibilite d'ordonner le continu". Comptes rendus des sèances de 1'Academie des Sciences, 1950.
BROWN, Stuart M., Jr.
"The Social Control of Genetic Engineering". Cornell Engineer, 45, 1979.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Skola i tiden, utbildning för livet". Kasvatus 3/1997
"The Letter of Belisarius". In Memoriam Panayotis A. Michelis, Athens, 1971.
"Suède". Revue d'Esthetique, 1972.
"Piirteitä Vilhelm Lundstedtin ajatusmaailmasta". Lakimies, 1952.
[Kelsen-Cossio: Problemas escogidos de la teoria pura del derecho] - Recension. Tidsskrift for rettsvitenskap,
[V. Aubert, T. Eckhoff, K. Sveri: En lov i sokelyset/V. Aubert: Om straffens sosiale funksjon] - Rezensionen.
Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, XLI, 1955.
[B.C. Carlson: Kätten. Ett rättsteoretisk försök] - Rezension. Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie XLI, 1955.
[Josef Esser: Grundsatz und Norm in der richterlichen Fortbildung des Privatrechts] - Rezension. Archiv für
Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, XLIII, 1957.
"Legal Theory - Some Considerations". Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, XLIII, 1957.
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"Zur Ideengeschichte der Rechtstheorie". Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht, 11, 1962.
"Professor Falander och månggftet". Nordisk Gjenklang: Festskrift til Carl Jacob Arnholm. Tanum, Oslo, 1969.
"Bilmark-Studien: Einführung in das Studium der Philosophie Johan Bilmarks". Turun Yliopiston julkaisuja, sarja
B. Turku 1971.
"Wexionius-Studien: Fasciculus Juridicus". Turun Yliopiston julkaisuja, sarja B. Turku 1971.
"Bilmark-Studien II: De Matrimonio Conscientiae". Turun Yliopiston julkaisuja, sarja B. Turku 1971.
BRUUN, Patrick
"On Exploring and Explaining the Disappearance of the Etruscans". Travaux du VI Congrès International
d'Etudes Classiques, Paris 1976
"Notes on the Transmission of Imperial Images in Late Antiquity". Studia romana in honorem Petri Krarup
"Antikhistorikern Johannes Sundvall". Historiens studium vid Åbo Akademi. (red. av Max Engman). Äbo
Akademis Förlag. 1991.
"The victorious signs of Constantine: a reappraisal" . The Numismatic Chronicle 157 (1997).
Über kritischen Rationalismus". Kant-Studien 60, 1969
"The Logic of Relative Modality and the Paradoxes of Deontic Logic". Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, XXI,
BUBNER, Rüdiger
"Die Einheit in Wittgensteins Wandlunaen". Philosophische Rundschau, 15, 1968.
"Norm und Geschichte". Neue Hefte für Philosophie, 17 (1977?)
BULYGIN, Eugenio
"Der Begriff der Wirksamkeit". Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, 41, 1965.
"Zwei Systembegriffe in der rechtsphilosophischen Problematik". Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, LII,
"Sentenza giudiziaria e creazione di diritto". Rivista internazionale di filosofia del diritto, XLIV, 1967.
"Die Ideale der Vollständigkeit und der Widerspruchsfreiheit im wissenschaftlichen Denken". Denken und
Umdenken: Zu Werk und Virkung von Werner Heisenberg. R. Piper & Co. Verlag, München, 1977.
"Lenguaje y Realidad: Ludwig Wittgenstein y su Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus".
"Gott, Freiheit und Determinismus".
"Omnipotencia, omnisciencia y libertad". Critica: Revista Hispanoamerioana de Filosofia, X. 1978.
– alla collaborazjone di Carlos Alchourrón – "Unvollständigkeit, Widerspriichlichkeit und Unbestimmtheit der
Normenordnungen". Deontisohe Logik und Semantik. Hrsg. von Amedeo Contef Risto Hiipinen & G.H. von
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
Wright. Athenaion, Wiesbaden 1977.
– alla collaborazione di Carlos Alchourrón – "Incompletezza, contraddittorietá e indeterminatezza degli
ordinamenti normativi". Logioa deontioa e semantica, a cura di Giuliano Di Bernardo. Societä editrice il Mulino
"Time and Validity". Deontic Logic, Computational Linguistics and Legal Information Systems. Voi II, Ed. by
Antonio Martino. North-Holland Publishing Co. Amsterdam - New York - Oxford. 1982.
"Norms, normative propositions, and legal statements". Contemporary philosophy. A New Survey, Vol. 3.
Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague -Boston-London. 1982.
"Norme, proposizioni normative ed asserti giuridici". Informatica e diritto, IX, 1983.
– together with Carlos Alchourron – "Pragmatic Foundations for a Logic of Norms”. Rechtstheorie 15, 1984.
"Zum Problem der Anwendbarkeit der Logik auf das Recht" . Festschrift für Ulrich Klug zum 70. Geburtstag.
Peter Deubner Verlag, Köln.
"Norms and Logic: Kelsen and Weinberger on the Ontology of Norms". Law and Philosophy 4 (1985).
BUNGE, Mario
"Strife about Complementarity (I)". The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, VI, 1955.
"The Place of Induction in Science". Philosophy of Science, 21, 1960
"Levels: A Semantical Preliminary". The Review of Metaphysics, XIII, 1960.
"Probabilidad e induccion". Ciencia y tecnica, 129, 1960.
"What are Physical Theories about?" American Philosophical Quarterly Monograph No. 3, Studies in the
Philosophy of Science. 1969.
"A New Look at Definite Descriptions". Philosophy of Science (Japan) 4, 1971.
"The Role of Forecast in Plannina". Theory and Decision 3, 1973.
"A Decision Theoretic Model of the American War in Vietnam". Theory and Decision, 3, 1973.
"Meaning in Science". Proceedings of the XVth World Congress of Philosophy. Sofia, 1973.
"What is a Quality of Life Indicator?" Social Indicators Research 2, 1975.
"Possibility and Probability". Foundations of Probability Theory, Statistical Inference, and Statistical Theories of
Science, ed. by Harper and Hooker. Vol. III. D. Reidel Publishincr Co. Dordrecht 1976,
"A Model for Processes Combining Competition with Cooperation". Applied Mathematical Modelling l, 1976.
– together with Máximo Garcia Sucre –"Differentiation, Participation and Cohesion". Quality and Quantity, 10,
"Levels and Reduction". American Journal of Physiology, 1977.
"Emergence and the Mind". Neuroscience 2, 1977.
"A Theory of Properties and Kinds". International Journal of General Systems 3, 1977.
"The Interpretation of Heisenberg's Inequalities". Denken und Umdenken: Zu Werk und Wirkung von Werner
Heisenberg. R. Piper & Co. Verlag. München 1977.
"A Systems Concept of Society: Beyond Individualism and Holism" Theory and Decision, 10, 1978.
BURGOS, Rafael
"Sobre el concepto de objecto en el 'Tractatus’”. Critica: Revista hispanoamerica de filosofia. II, 1968.
BURKS, Arthur W.
"The Logic of Causal Propositions". Mind, LX, 1951.
"Reichenbach's Theory of Probability and Induction". The Review of Metaphysics, IV, 1951.
"A Theory of Proper Names". Philosophical Studies, II, 1951.
[Rudolf Carnap: The Logical Foundations of Probability] - Review. The Journal of Philosophy, 1951 ?
"The Presupposition Theory of Induction". Philosophy of Science, 20, 1953.
– together with Jesse B. Wright – "Theory of Logical Nets". Proceedings of the I.R.E. 41, 1953.
– together with Don W. Warren and Jesse B. Wright – "An Analysis of a Logical Machine Using Parenthesis-Free
Notation". Mathe matical Tables and Other Aids to Computation, VIII, 1954.
"On the Significance of Carnap's System of Inductive Logic for the Philosophy of Induction". The Philosophy of
Rudolf Carnap ed. by Paul A. Schilpp. The Open Court Publishing Co. La Salle, 111. 1963.
"Peirce's Two Theories of Probability". Studies in the Philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce. Second Series, ed.
by Edward C. Moore and Richard S. Robin. The University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst, 1964.
"Cellular automata and natural systems". Cybernetics and Bionics, Proceedings of the 5th Congress of the
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kybernetik. R. Oldenbourg, München-Wien, 1974.
"Justification in Science".
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Dispositional Statements".
"Social Policy and Social Problems" . Meddelanden från statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Äbo Akademi. Ser. A:
134. Åbo 1979.
BÖHME, Gernot
– mit W. van den Daele und W. Krohn – "Alternativen in der Wissenschaft". Zeitschrift fur Soziologie, l, 1972.
– mit W. van den Daele und W. Krohn – "Die Finalisierung der Wissenschaft". Zeitschrift fur Soziologie, 2, 1973.
CABRERA, Carlos Alarcón.
"Valores y sentimientos: Un enfoque freudoemotivista". Anuario de filosofia del derecho, nueva época, tomo
XVII, 2001, 149-180.
CABRERA, Alarcón Carlos
"La paradoja de los ’imperativos contrarios-al-deber’: Una mustra de la evolucion de G.H. von Wright". Doxa 8
CAMMARATA, Angelo Ermanno
"Formalismo Giuridico". Enciclopedia del Diritto, Giuffrè Editore, Milano, 1968.
"On the Conflicts Between Biological and Social Evolution and Between Psychology and Moral Tradition".
American Psychologist, 1975.
CAPELLA, Juan Ramon
"Notas sobre la definicion legal". Anuario de filosofia del dereoho, X, 1963.
"Giltigheten". Tidskrift utgiven av Juridiska Föreningen i Finland, 1952.
"Lohduttava laulu m/s Estonian hirveästä tuhosta". 1994
CAPNAP, Rudolf
"On Inductive Logic". Philosophy of Science, 129, 1945.
"The Two Concepts of Probability". Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, V, 1945.
"Theory and Prediction in Science". Science, 104, 1946.
"Remarks on Induction and Truth". Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, VI, 1946.
"On the Application of Inductive Logic". Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, VIII, 1947.
"Probability as a Guide in Life". The Journal of Philosophy, XLIV, 1947.
"A Reply to Leonard Linsky". Philosophy of Science, 16, 1949.
"The Problem of Relations in Inductive Logic". Philosophical Studies, II, 1951.
"Meaning Postulates". Philosophical Studies, III, 1952.
– together with Yehoshua Bar-Hillel – "An Outline of a Theory of Semantic Information". Technical Report no.
247, Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts,
"What Is Probability?". Scientific American, 189, 1953.
"On Belief Sentences - Reply to Alonzo Church". Philosophy and Analysis ed. by Margaret Macdonald. Oxford,
"Meaning and Synonymy in Natural Languages". Philosophical Studies, VI, 1955.
"Statistical and Inductive Probability/Inductive Logic and Science". The Galois Institute of Mathematics and Art,
New York, 1955.
"La superación de la metafisica por medio del análisis lógico del lenguaje". Cuaderno 10, Centro de estudios
filosoficos. Universidad nacional autonoma de Mexico. 1961.
"On the Use of Hilberfs -operator in Scientific Theories". Essays on the Foundations of Mathematics dedicated
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
to Prof. A.H. Fraenkel on his 70th birthday. Magnes Press, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem 1961.
"The Aim of Inductive Logic" . Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science: Proceedings of the 1960
International Congress, ed. by E. Naael, P. Supoes and A. Tarski. Stanford University Press 1962.
"Discussion: Variety, Analogy, and Periodicity in Inductive Logic". Philosophy of Science, 30, 1963.
"Remarks on Probability". Philosophical Studies, XIV, 1963.
"Probability and Content Measure". Mind, Matter and Method: Essays in Philosophy and Science in Honor of
Herbert Feigl, ed. by Paul Feyerabend and Grover Maxwell. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1963 ?
"The Truth Doesn't Explain Much". American Philosophical Quarterly, 17, 1980.
"Do the Laws of Physics State the Facts?". Pacific Philosophical Quarterly. 1980.
"Renversement du temps et nouvelle theorie de l'electron". Pubblicazioni a cura del Centro superiore di logica
e scienze comparate. Bologna.
CASTANEDA, Héctor Neri
"The Logical Structure of Moral Reasoning". Dissertation Abstracts, XIV, 1954.
"The Logic of Change, Action, and Norms". The Journal of Philosophy, LXII, 1965.
"Actions, Imperatives, and Obligations". Meeting of the Aristotelian Society, 30th October, 1967.
"Acts, the Logic of Obligation, and Deontic Calculi". Philosophical Studies, XIX, 1968.
"The Semantics of Thinking, Dia-Philosophical Pluralism, and Guise-Theory". The First Metaphilosophy Address.
Metaphilosophy, 19, 1988.
"Technique Eschatologie et Casuistique". Atti del colloquio internazionale su "Tecnica e casistica". Istituto di
Studi Filosofici, Roma 1964.
"Taloustieteiden metodologiaa". Liiketaloudellinen Aikakauskirja, 1967.
"A Note on Modality and the Law of Addition". Indian Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. XIII, 1986.
"Philosophy of perception: eastern and western". Journal of Indian Counoil of Philosophical Research. Vol. III
(1986): 2.
“Wittgenstein and Strawson on the Ascription of Experiences”. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research,
41, 1981.
"Evans-Pritchard on persons and their cattle-clocks: a note on the anthropological account of man". Journal of
Indian Council of Philosophical research. vol. VI, 1989.
CHANG, Chen-Chung
"Some General Theorems on Direct Products and Their Applications in the Theory of Models". Koninkl. Nederl.
Akademie van Wetenschappen, Proceedings. Series A, 1954.
"Mass Oraanizations in Mainland China". The American Political Science Review, XLVIII, 1954.
CHAUVIRÉ, Christiane
"Comprendre la musique chez Wittgenstein". Critique, 1986.
"Modalities and Probability". Akten des XIV. International en Kongress für Philosophie. Wien 2.-9. September
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"A System of Dyaclic (Relative) Modalities and Its Relation to the Aristotelian Syllogistic and Some Modern
Logical Theories" Colloque "La modalité du jugement chez Aristote et dans la logique moderne". Brasov –
Roumanie, 26-31 Aout 1969.
CHENG, Chung-ying
"Peirce's Probabilistic Theory of Inductive Validity". Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society II, 1966.
"Logic and Language in Chinese Thought". Contemporary Philosophy: A Survey, ed. by Raymond Klibansky. La
Nuova Italia Editrice. Firenze 1969.
– together with Richard H. Swain – "Logic and Ontology in the Chih Wu Lun of Kung-sun Luncr Tzu" . Philosophy
East and West, 20, 1970.
"Referential Involvements of Number Words". Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, XI, 1970.
CHIAPPO, Leopoldo
"Environmental education and the Third World", Prospectst vol. VIII, 1978.
CHISHOLM, Roderick M.
"The Logic of Knowing". The Journal of Philosophy, LX, 1963.
"Supererogation and Offence. A Conceptual Scheme for Ethics". Ratio, V, 1963.
"Contrary-to-Duty Imperatives and Deontic Logic". Analysis, 24 1963,
"The Ethics of Requirement". American Philosophical Quarterly, l, 1964.
"J.L. Austin's Philosophical Papers". Mind, LXXIII, 1964.
"Notes on the Awareness of the Self". The Monist, 49, 1965.
"Leibniz"s Law in Belief Contexts". Contributions to Logic and Methodology in Honor of J.M. Bochenski, ed. by
Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka in collaboration with C. Parsons. North-Holland Publishing Co. Amsterdam, 1965.
– together with Ernest Sosa – "On the Logic of ‘Intrinsically Better’". American Philosophical Quarterly, 3, 1966.
– together with Ernest Sosa – "Intrinsic Preferability and the Problem of Supererogation". Synthese, 16, 1966.
"Brentano's Theory of Correct and Incorrect Emotion". Revue international e de philosophie, 78, 1966.
"Identity Through Possible Worlds: Some Questions". Nous, I, 1967.
[Philosophenbriefe: Aus der wissenschqjtlichen Korrespondenz von Alexius Meinong] - Review. The
Philosophical Review, LXXVII, 1968.
"The Defeat of Good and Evil". Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association, XLII,
"On the Observability of the Self". Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, XXX, 1969.
"On a Principle of Epistemic Preferability". Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, XXX, 1969.
– together with Robert G. Keiro – "A System of Epistemic Logic". Ratio, XIV, 1972.
"On the Nature of Empirical Evidence". Empirical Knowledge: Readings from Contemporary Sources, ed. by
R.M. Chisholm and R.J. Swartz. Prentice-Hall, Enalewood Cliffs, 1973.
"The Intrinsic Value in Disjunctive States of affairs". Nous, 9, 1975.
– together with Thomas D. Feehan – "The Intent to Deceive". The Journal of Philosophy, LXXIV, 1977.
"Beyond Being and Nonbeing". Jenseits von Sein und Nichtsein: Beiträge zur Meinong-Forschung, Akademische
Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, Graz/Austria.
"Filosofien og videnskaberne". Forelaesning ved tiltraedelsen af professoratet i filosofi ved Aarhus Universitet.
København, 1968
"Flertydighet og uoversaelighed". Nordiske studier: Festskrift til Chr. Westergård-Nielsen. Rosenkilde og
"A Non-Truth-Functional Interpretation of Mathematical Logic". Analysis, 25, 1965
"Is there a ‘Logic’ or Formal System Based on the Concept of a Truth Determinant?". Danish Yearbook of
Philosophy, 10, 1975.
CHURCH, Alonzo
"Alternatives to Zermelo's Assumption". Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 29, 1927.
"Schröder's Anticipation of the Simple Theory of Types". The Journal of Unified Science (Erkenntnis), IX, 1939.
"On the Concept of a Random Sequence". Bulletin of the Mathematical Society, 46, 1940.
"A Formulation of the Simple Theory of Types". Journal of Symbolic Logic, 5, 1940.
"Differentials". American Mathematical Monthly, XLIX, 1942.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Carnap's Introduction to Semantics". The Philosophical Review, 1943.
[W.V. Quine: Notes on existence and necessity - in: The Journal of Philosophy] - Review. Journal of Symbolic
Logic, 8, 1943.
[Rudolf Carnap: Formalization of Logic] - Review. The Philosophical Review, LIIIf 1944.
"A formulation of the logic of sense and denotation". Journal of Symbolic Logic, 11, 1946.
"On Carnap's Analysis of Statements of Assertion and Belief". Analysis, 10, 1950.
"The Need for Abstract Entities in Semantic Analysis". Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and
Sciences, 80, 1951.
"Special Cases of the Decision Problem". Revue Philosophique de Louvain, 49, 1951.
"A Formulation of the Logic of Sense and Denotation". Structure, Method, and Meaning: Essays in Honor of
Henry M. Scheffer, Liberal Arts Press, New York, 1951.
"Special Cases of the Decision Problem: A Correction". Revue Philosophique de Louvain, 1952.
"Intensional Isomorphism and Identity of Belief". Philosophical Studies, V, 1954.
[Patrick Suppes: Introduction to Logic] - Review. Science, 126, 1957.
"Symposium: Ontological Commitment". The Journal of Philosophy, LV, 1958.
"Mathematics and Logic". Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science: Proceedings of the 1960
International Congress, ed. by E. Naael, P. Suopes, and A. Tarski. Stanford University Press 1962.
"Preliminary report, presented to the American Mathematical Society, August 30, 1963".
"Logic and Analysis". Atti del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia, Volume IV.
"Tense logic and the logic of change". Logique et analyse, 9, 1966.
COBB, Charles K.
"Lecral Statements as Conditional Directives". Mind, LXXVI, 1967.
- together with Daniel P. Thomnson - "Law, Logic, and Rationality" Jurimetrics Journal, 1970.
"Some Remarks on Second Order Logic with Existence Attributes" Nous, II, 1968.
COGAN, Edward J.
"A Formalization of the Theory of Sets from the Point of View of Combinatory Logic". Zeitschrift für
mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik, l, 1955.
COLE, Richard
"Causes and Explanations". Nous, 11, 1977,
"Platon - unser zeitloser Cefährte". Annales Societatis Litterarum Humaniorum Regiae Upsaliensis, 1975-1976.
"On the Paradox Kripke Finds in Wittgenstein." Midwest Studies in Philosophy, XVII (1992).
CONTE, Amadeo
"Bibliografia di logica giuridica". Rivista internazionale di filosofia del diritto, XXXVIII, 1961.
"Recensioni - [Ulrich Klucr: Lógica juridica; Karl Engisch: El ámbito de lo no juridico; Gisbert Haejaeaer:
Einfuhrung in die Grundbegriffe und Probleme der modernen Logik]". Rivista internazionale di filosofia del
diritto, XXXIXf 1962.
”Incalificación e indiferencia". Dianoia, IX, 1963.
"Nomostatica e nomodinamica; Norina di chiusura; Norina fondamentale; Norna aenerale esclusiva; etc.".
Novissimo Digesto Italiano, XI, 1964.
"Un saggio filosofico sopra la logica deontica". Rivistä internazionale di filosofia del diritto, XLII, 1965.
"Tavola rotonda sul positivismo giuridico". Il politico, XXXI, 1966.
"Decision, Complétude, Cloture: A propos des lacunes en droit". Logique et analyse, 9, 1966.
"Rapporto (Teoria del diritto come)". Novissimo Digesto Italiano,1966.
"Recensioni". Il politico, XXXIIf 1967 [Etudes de logique juridique; Lateinamerikanisohe Studien zur
Rechtsphilosophie; etc.]
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"In margine all’ ultimo Kelsen". Studi giuridici, Studia Ghisleriana, Pavia, 1967.
"Rassegna di nuove ricerche sopra lacune e antinomie (1964-1966)". Annuario bibliografiko di filosofia del
diritto, 1968.
"Completezza e chiusura". Studi in memoria di W. Cesarini Sforza, A. Giuffre, Milano, 1968.
"Recensioni [L. Wittaenstein, Ricerche filosofiche; Nuovi sviluppi della sociologia del diritto 1; Max Weber:
Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Wissenschaftslehre; etc.]". Il politieo, XXXIV, 1969.
"Studio per una teoria della validitá". Rivista internazionale di filosofia del diritto, 47, 1970.
"Ricerca d'un paradosso deontico". Tipografia del Libro, Pavia .974.
"Validitá". Novissimo digesto italiano, XX, 1974.
"Experimente mit der Fachsprache der Deontik. Kritisches zur Sprache der Semantik der normativen Sprache".
Fachsprache – Umgangsrpache, hrsg. von J.S. Petöfi, A. Podlech & E. von Savigny. Scriptor Verlag,
Kronberg/Taunus, 1975.
"Codici deontici". Intorno ai "codice". Atti del III Conveano della Associazione Italiana di Studi Semiotici (AISS).
Firenze, 1975.
"Deux questions en réponse à une critique de Georges Kalinowski". Logique et Analyse, 21, 1978.
"Parerga Leibnitiana". Logica, informatica, diritto, ed. by A.A. Martino, E. Maretti, C. Ciamni. Tomo primo. Le
Monnier, Firenze, 1978.
"IN margine all'ultimo Kelsen". Problemi di teoria del diritto. 1980.
"Variationen über Wittgensteins Regelbegriff". Sprache und Erkenntnis als soziale Tatsache. Beiträge des
Wittgenstein-Symposiums von Rom 1979. Hrsg. von Rudolf Haller. Verlag Holder-Pichler-Tempsky. Wien 1981.
"Konstitutive Regeln und Deontik". Ethik: Grundlagen, Probleme und Anwendungen. Akten des 5.
internationalen Wittgenstein-Symposiums 1980, Kirchberg/Wechsel. Hölder-Pichler-Terapsky. Wien 1981.
"Regole costitutive e Verstehen". Kongress: Wilhelm Deilthey. Rom, 18.-21. Mai 1983. (Auch auf deutsch).
"Phenomenologie du langage deontique". Mimeo, 14 juillet 1983.
"Regola costitutiva, condizione, antinomia". La teoria generale del diritto. Studi dedicati a Norberto Bobbio.
Comunità, Milano 1983.
"Paradigmi d'analisi della regola in Wittgenstein". Wittgenstein: Momenti di una critica del sapere. Ed. by
Rosaria Egidi. Napoli 1983.
"Premessa del curatore dell'edizione italiana". [Ludwig Wittgenstein: Libro blu e Libro marrone]. Einaudi,
Torino 1983.
"Idealtypen für eine Typologie der konstitutiven Regeln". 11. Weltkongress für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie,
Helsinki 1983.
"Semiotica delle regole costitutive”, Third Congress of the International Association for semiotic Studies.
Palermo June 25-29, 1984.
"Bibliografia 1974-1984".
“Fenomeni di fenomeni”, Rivista internazionale di filosofia del diritto. 63, 1986.
"Minima deontica", Rivists internazionale di filosofia del diritto. 65, 1988.
“Wittgenstein non postumo”, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus logioo-philosophicus. Einaudi, Torino 1989.
"Completezza". Digesto vol. III, 1988.
"Costitutivitä di regolen. Digesto vol. IV, 1989.
“Regole costitutive in deontica”. Filosofia del diritto e teoria politica. Giuffrè editore 1990.
CONTE, Maria-Elisaheth
"Vocativo ed imperativo secondo il modello performativo". Scritti e ricerche di grammatica italiana, Edizioni
Lint, Trieste, 1972.
"Momenti di teoria dell'enunciazione linguistica". Semiotica dell'enunciazione, Editoriale M.C.M. Pavia, 1983
"La pragmatica linguistica”. Intorno alla linguistica, ed. by Cesare Segre. Feltrinelli, Milano, 1983.
COPELAND, Arthur H. Sr.
"Statistical induction and the foundations of probability I-II". Theoria, XXVIII, 1962. (In two separate parts).
"Mathematical Proof and Experimental Proof". Philosophy of Science 33, 1966.
"The Genesis of Possible Worlds Semantics". Journal of Philosophical Logic, 31, 2002, 99-137.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Logik der Normen". Forschungen aus Staat und Recht, 32, 1975
– together with Boris J. Dirnbach – "Utilitarianism and the obligation to do exactly one act". Analysis, 34, 1973.
COSERIU, Eugenio
"Die Lage in der Linguistik". Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft, 9, 1973.
"Semantik und Grammatik". Sprache der Gegenwart, XX, 1973.
COSSIO, Carlos
"Egologische Theorie und Reine Rechtslehre". Österreichische Zeitschrift filr öffentliches Recht, V, 1952.
"Panorama der egologischen Rechtslehre". Archiv fur Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, XL, 1952.
"Intuition, Thought, and Knowledge in the Domain of Law". Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, XIVr
"Die anti-egologische Polemik" . Österreichische Zeitschrift fur öffentliches Recht, VIII, 1957.
"La logica juridica formal en la concepcion egologica" . La Ley, 93, 1959.
"Betrachtunaen über das Gesetz als Wissen und das Verhalten als interpretierter Gegenstand bei der
Urteilssprechung". Archiv fur Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, 1965.
da COSTA, Newton C.A.
– together with E.H. Alves – "A Semantical Analysis of the Calculi Cn". Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic,
XVIII: 4, 1977.
–together with J. Kotas – "On the Problem of Jaskowski and the Logics of Lukasiewicz". Mathematical Logic:
Proceedings of the First Brazilian Conference, ed. by A.I. Arruda, N.C.A. da Costa, & R. Chuaqui. Marcel Dekker,
Inc. New York and asel, 1978.
– together with J. Kotas – "Some Problems on Logical Matrices and Valorizations". Proceedings of the Third
Brazilian Conference on Mathematical Logic, ed. by A.I. Arruda, N.C.A. da Costa, & A.M. Sette. Sociedade
Brasileira de Lógica, 1980.
"A Model-Theoretic Approach to Variable Binding Term Operators". Mathematical Logic in Latin America, ed.
by A.I. Arruda, R. Chuaqui, & N.C.A. da Costa. North-Holland Publ. Co. 1980.
"The Philosophical Import of Paraconsistent Logic". The Journal of Non-Classical Logic, I:1 1982.
- together with Robert G. Wolf - "Studies in Paraconsistent Logic II: Quantifiers and the Unity of Opposites".
Pre-publicacóes do Centro de lógica, epistemologia e história da ciência-cle, Universida de estadual de
"Logic and Ontology". Pre-publicacóes do Centro de lógica, epistemologia e história da ciência-cle, Universida
de estadual de Campinas.
"On the Theory of Inconsistent Formal Systems". Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, XV, 1974.
– together with Robert G. Wolf – "Studies in Paraconsistent Logic I: The Dialectical Principle of the Unity of
Opposites". Philosophia, vol. 9, 1980.
– together with Walter A. Carnielli – "On Paraconsistent Deontic Logic". - manuscript, n.d.
"Outlines of a System of Inductive Logic". - manuscript, n.d.
"Pragmatic Probability". - manuscript, n.d.
"Pragmatic Truth and Approximation to Truth". Journal of Symbolic Logic 51, 1986.
"New Systems of Predicate Deontic Logic". Journal of Non-Classical Logic, 5, 1988.
– together with F.A. Doria – “Structures, Suppes Predicates and Boolean–Valued Models in Physics”,
Manuscript, n.d.
– together with F.A. Loria and J.A. de Barros – “A Formally undecidable Statement in Classical Electromagnetic
Theory”, Manuscript, n.d.
– with V.S. Subrahmanian & C. Vago – "Paraconsistent Logics", Estudos Avanvados, Documentos 01, 1989.
– with V.S. Subrahmanian – "Paraconsistent Logics as a Formalism for Reasoning about Inconsistent Knowledge
Bases", Ibid. 02, 1989.
"Novos Fundamentos Para a Lógica Deóntica", Bol, Soc, Paran. Mat. vol. 11, no, 1 (1990).
– together with F.A. Doria – “Continuous and Discrete: A Research Program.” 1991 Mathematical Subject
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
– with others – "Automatic Theorem Proving in Paraconsistent Logics: Theory and Implementation". J. Stockel
(ed.): Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. l0th International Conference on Automated Deduction
– together with others – "Aspects of Paraconsistent Logic". Bulletin of the IGPL. Vol. 3, No. 4, 1995
– together with F.A. Doria – "On Arnol’d’s Hilbert Symposium Problems". Lecture Notes in ComputerScience,
713, 1993.
– together with F.A. Doria – Undecidability, Incompleteness and Arnol’d’s Problems’. Studia Logica 55, 1995.
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Applications." Complexity vol. 1; no. 3; 1995.^
COX, R. T.
"Probability, Frequency, and Reasonable Expectation". American Journal of Physics, 14, 1946.
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CROCKETT, Campbell
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"The Lack of Historical Perspective in Aesthetics". The Journal of Aesthetics & Art Criticism, X, 1951.
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"Contemporary Interpretations of the Problem of Universals". The Philosophical Review, LXIII, 1954.
"The Naturalist Humanism of Corliss Lamont". The Personalist, 35, 1954.
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"The Inferential Theory of Negation". Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematiaians, Vol. II.
"La logique combinatoire et les antinomies". Rendiacnti di Matematica e delle sue applicazioni, X, 1951.
"La theorie des combinateurs". Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue applicazioni; X, 1951.
"The System LD". The Journal of Symbolia Logic, 17, 1952.
"On the Definition of Negation by a Fixed Proposition in Inferential Calculus". The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 17,
"The Elimination Theorem When Modality is Present". The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 17, 1952.
"The Permutability of Rules in the Classical Inferential Calculus". The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 17, 1952.
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philosophique de Louvain, 50, 1952.
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"The Interpretation of Formalized Implication". Theoria, XXV, 1959
"The Inferential Approach to Logical Calculus I~II". Logique et Analyse, 1960-1961. (In Two Parts).
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Mathematics, dedicated to Prof. A. H. Fraenkel on his 70th birthday. Magnes Press, The Hebrew University,
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"Logic as a Mathematical Science". Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science, 2, 1963.
"Remarks on Inferential Deduction".
CZEPITA, Stanislaw
“Conception of Law System Formulated by Czeslaw Znamierowski (in Comparison with H.L.A. Hart’s
Conception)". Studies in the Theory and Philosophy of Law Vol. 2, 1986.
"Zagadnienie Probabilistyczneao Uzasadnienia Indukcji Enumeracyjnej" Studia Logica, V, 1957.
"On the Relation of Statistical Inference to Traditional Induction and Deduction". Studia Logica, VII, 1958.
"O pojeciu przyczyny i kanonach milla". Studia Logica, IX, 1960.
"Enumerative Induction and the Theory of Games". Studia logica, X, 1960.
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"A General Approach to Non-Distributive Logics". Studia Logica, XXXV, 1976.
"Quantum Logic and Physical Modalities". Journal of Philosophical Logic, 6, 1977.
"Logical Self Reference, Set Theoretical Paradoxes and the Measurement Problem in Quantum Mechanics".
Journal of Philosophical Logic, 6, 1977.
"Un’interpretazione pragmatica della logica proposizionale intuizionistica." in G. Usberti (ed.) Problemi
fondezionali nelle Teorie del Significato, Leo S. Olschki, Firenze, 1991.
"Parlare di niente. Termini singolari non denotanti e atti illocutori." Idee VIII, 1993.
"A Pragmatic Interpretation of Intuitionistic Propositional Logic." Erkenntnis 43, 1995.
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"Theories of Meaning and Learnable Languages". Proceedlngs of the 1964 International Congress for Logic,
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"Truth and Meaning". Synthese, 17, 1967.
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"How Is Weakness of the Will Possible". Moral Concepts, ed. by J. Feinberg. Oxford 1969.
"Events as Particulars". Nous, IV, 1970.
"Emeroses by Other Names". The Journal of Philosophy, 63, 1966
"The Logical Form of Action Sentences". The Logic of Decision and Action, ed. by Nicholas Rescher. University
of Pittsburgh Press, 1967.
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DENNIS, Maurice
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"Ease and Difficulty: A modal logic with deontic applications" Theoria. vol. LVI (1990): PART 1-2.
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“The Metaphysical Basis of Science”, Epistemologia, XI, 1988.
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“Principles, Laws, Theories and the Metaphysics of Science”. Synthese, vol. 101, 1994.
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DREBEN, Burton
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DREZE, Jacques
"Fondements logiques de la probabilité subjective et de 1’utilité". La Decision. Colloques internationaux du
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DUMMET, Michael
"Truth". Meeting of the Aristotelian Society on 16th February, 1959,
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"Lichtenberg". Critique, 1967.
ECKHOFF, Torstein
"När foreligger kollisjon mellom rettsregler?". Nordisk Gjenklang. Fesskrift til Carl Jacob Arnholm. Tanum Oslo
– together with Nils Kristian Sundby – "The Notion of Basic Norm(s) in Jurisprudence". Scandinavian Studies in
Law, 1975.
”Sikkerhetspolitik og virkelighetsoppfatninger”. Internasjonal Politikk, nr. 4, 1985.
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"The Confrontation of Anthropology and Ethics". The Monist, 47, 1963.
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"'Ur Nathan Söderbloms arbetsverkstad". Religion ooh Bibel, XXV, 1966.
" ’Nutidstillvänd’ religionshistoria". Religion och Bibel, XXVIII, 1969.
"Kina i Uppsala". Upsala Nya Tidning, 1969.
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"In margine alle concezioni costruttivistiche della matematica: Wittgenstein e Kant". Per il secondo centenario
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"Bemerkungen über Wittgensteins nicht-reduktionistische Handlungstheorie". Ethics: Foundations, Problems,
and Applications. Proceedings of the 5th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky,
Wien 1981.
"Bemerkungen über Wittgensteins Grammatik der Hypothesen". Language and Ontology: Proceedings of the
6th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, Wien 1982.
"Teorie analitiche dell’argomentatione". Quaderni de II’Istituto Galvano della Volpe, (N. 3) aprile 1982.
"Anton Marty - Eine Sprachphilosophie in der Nachfolge Brentanos". Internationale Bibliographie zur
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"Meaning and Actions in Wittgensteins Late Perspective". Grazer Philosophische Studien 42, 1992.
"Religion and Magic – Frazer, Söderblom, and Hägerström". Ethnos, 1956.
– mit Werner Habermehl zusammen – "A Note on the Controversy between Rapp and Eichner". Zeitschrift für
allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie, IX, 1978.
EKELÖF, Per Olof
"Sanonnan subjektiivinen oikeus käyttämisestä oikeustieteessä". Lakimies, 1950.
"Är termen rättighet ett syntaktisk hjälpmedel utan mening?". Svensk Juristtidning, 1952.
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Nonsense, Essays dedicated to Sören Halldén, Lund, 1978.
EKMAN, Gösta
"Nägra tendenser i experimentell psykologi". Svensk Naturvetenskap, 1957-1958.
– together with Hannes Eisler – "A Mechanism of Subjective Similarity". Nordisk Psykologi, 11, 1959.
"Den nya psykofysiken". Filosofi- och psykologilärarnas förenings skriftserie, 2, 1960.
"Det sköna och det goda". Skånska Dagbladet, 16. nov. 1956.
"De otäta faten". Skånska Dagbladet, 8. aug. 1956.
"Platons estetik. En kort översikt". Studier utgivna av Hans Larsson Samfundet. Insikt och handling. Lund. 1958.
"Modern Aesthetics in Sweden". The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, XVII, 1958.
"A Few Notes on Socrates and his Aesthetics". Philosophical Essays. Dedicated to Gunnar Aspelin on the
Occasion of his Sixtyfifth Birthday the 23rd of September 1963. Gleerup Bokförlag, Lund 1963.
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"Den andra eros. En studie över erosattityden i Vilhelm Ekelunds författarskap". Ora och bild, 1953 (?).
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"Spelteori och samhällsmodeller". Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift, 1962.
"Beslut under ovisshet". Arkhimedes, 1963.
"Information och redundans". Societas Scientiarum Fennica. Årsbok, Helsingfors, 1968.
"Bayes Statistics I-II". Skandinavisk Aktuarietidskrift, 1968.
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"Research - Experiences and Views". Scientists at Work: Festschrift in honour of Herman Wold, ed. by T.
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"Capire Wittgenstein: nuovi studi e prospettive", Lingua e stile XXI (1986) : 4.
– reviews (in Italian) – [N. Malcolm: Nothing is Hidden], [H. Kannisto: Thoughts and their subject] n.d.
"Meaning and Projection". The Tasks of Contemporary Philosophy. Proceedings of the l0th International
Wittgenstein Symposium. Internatio Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, Wien 1986.
"The Order of Thought. Wittgenstein on Artificial Intelligence and Brain-Processes". Daimon – Revista de
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"Topelius’ dikt Kommuinismens vagga". Svenska Litteratursällskapets i Finland Historiska ooh
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"Anteckningar om Gustaf Mattson".
ENGEL, S. Morris
”Hobbes's ’Table of Absurdity’”. The Philosophical Review, LXX, 1961.
“Kant's Copernican Analogy: A Re-examination”. Kant-Studien, 54, 1963.
"Kant's ‘Refutation’ of the Ontological Argument". Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, XXIV, 1963.
"An Early Nietzsche Fragment on Language". Journal of the History of Ideas, XXIV, 1963.
"Thought and Language". Dialogue, 3, 1964.
"Reason, Morals and Philosophic Irony". The Personalist, 45, 1964.
"Analogy and Equivocation in Hobbes". Philosophy, 37, 1962.
ENGELS, Eve-Marie
"Teleologie – eine ‘Sache der Formulierung’ oder eine ‘Formulierung der Sache’? Zeitschrift für allgemeine
Wissenschaftstheorie, IX, 1978.
"Evolutionäre Erkenntnistheorie – ein biologischer Ausverkauf der Philosophie?". Zeitschrift für allgemeine
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“The Failure of Discourse Theory. Critical Remarks on Habermas’ Moral and Legal Cognitivism”. Associations:
Journal for Legal and Social Theory, Vol. 4 (2), 2000.
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ENQUIST, Fredrik
"Tidens och temperaturens betydelse". Gothia 8, 1958,
ENKVIST, Nils Erik
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industri, 1955.
"Walter Wahl 80 år". Finska kemists. medd. 68, 1959.
"Erik Hägglund in memoriam". Helsingfors 1959.
"Bertil Nybergh. Minnesteckning". Svenska tekniska vetenskapsakademien i Finland. Förhandlingar, 1955.
"Ossian Aschan 1860-1960". Finska Kemistsamfundets Meddelanden^ 1960.
"Svenska tekniska vetenskapsakademien i Finland 40 är". Svenska tekniska vetenskapsakademien i Finland.
Meddelande, 1963.
"Nägot om kemi och världsbild". Societas scientiarum Fennica, Årsbok, XLII, 1965.
"Alfons Hellström. Minnesteckning". Svenska tekniska vetenskapsakademien i Finland. Förhandlingar, 1966.
"Ernst Qvist och Edvard Hjelt, glimtar av tvä av samfundets stiftare". Finska Kemists. Medd. 80, 1971.
"Adolf Edward Arppe, pionjär för den organiska kemin i Finland". Finska Kemists. Medd. 81, 1972.
"Svavelföreningar och cellulosaindustrin". Nordenskiöld-samfundets tidskrift, XXXII, 1972.
"Preliminär analys av ett prov ’mull’ från multrum". Finska Kemistsamfundets Meddelanden, 1973.
"Piirteitä Helsingin yliopiston kemian laitoksen historiasta", Suomen Kemistilehti A 46, 1973.
"Om gråt". Finska Läkaresällskapets handlingar, LXXVII, 1935.
”Ragnar Granit (39 October 1900 - 12 March 1991)”. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, vol.
138, no. 2, 1994.
ERICSSON, Christoffer
"Senantikens lastdragare i ljuset av nytt forskningsmaterial". Unda Maris, 1971-1972.
"A Sunken Russian Frigate". Archaeology, 25, 1972.
"Gustaf af Klint i Finland". Festskrift i anledning av Sjöbjörnarnas 40-års jubileum 1973. Tryckteknik Ab,
Helsingfors 1974.
"W.Sidney Smith, observatör i Finska viken 1790". Historisk Tidskrift för Finland 1978.
"ABO and Rhesus Group Frequencies and their Distribution among Blood Donors in Finland". Acta genet. Basel,
12, 1962.
– together with three other authors – "Distribution of the Group-Specific Components (GC) in Finland". Ann.
Med. exp. Fenn. 41, 1963.
"Human Genetic Studies on an Isolated Population in Åland (Finland)". Proceedings of the XI International
Congress of Genetics, Volume 1. Pergamon Press, Oxford-London-New York 1963.
"Pituitary Gonadotrophin and Dizygotic Twinning". The Lancet, December 12, 1964.
– together with several others – "Population Genetic Studies on the Skolt Lapps”. The Scandinavian Journal of
Clinical & Laboratory Investigation, 19, 1967.
– together with J. Fellman – "Ethnological Differences in Twinning Trends". The Scandinavian Journal of Clinical
& Laboratory Investigation, 19, 1967.
– together with J. Fellman – "Twinning in Relation to the Marital Status of the Mother". Acta Genetica et
Statistica Medica, 17, 1967.
"Förarbetena till författarförordningen". Tidskrift, utgiven av Juridiska Föreningen in Finland, 1967.
"K-samhällets framtid – myt eller verklighet", Finsk Tidskrift H, 5. 1989.
"Semantiska och kulturella aspekter pä hälsobegreppet". Finska Läkaresällskapets Handlingar, Årg. 139, Band
123, 1979.
"Kritisk rättshistori såsom ideologikritik". Tidskrift utg. av Juridiska Föreningen i Finland, 1975.
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"Miten spektroanalyysi keksittiin". Arkhimedes, 1962.
"The principles of visual measurements". Acta Polytechnica Skandinaviaa, Helsinki, 1962.
"Miten vety, happi ja typpi saivat suomenkielisen nimensä". Suomen Kemistilehti A 35, 1962.
"Eräs 100 vuotta vanha kemian oppikirjan suomennosyritys". Suomen Kemistilehti A 37, 1964.
"Valon ja lämmön käsitteen muodostumisesta". Arkhimedes, 1965.
"Elämä ja geokemia". Kemistikillan vuosijuhlajulkaisu ANNAALIT, XL, 1966.
"Miten Gadolin löysi ytriumin". Suomen Kemistilehti A, 39, 1966
"Sven Rinmanin osuus mangaanin ja molybdeenin löydössä". Suomen Kemistilehti A, 40, 1967.
"L’oeuvre de Henrik Sjöbring". [H. Sjöbring:] La Personnalité. Paris (Doin). 1963.
"A Sjöbring bibliography". Nordisk Psykiatrisk Tidskrift, 31, 1977.
"The psychology and psychiatry of Henrik Sjöbring (1879-1956)" Psychological Medicine, 10, 1980.
"Science ou philosophie de l'action". Revue de Metaphysique et de Morale.
"Action et raison". Thèse présentée pour le Doctorat ès Lettres et Sciences Humaines. Résumé. Université de
"Ethological Evidence of Genetically Determined Behaviour Patterns, and Conflicts between these Patterns and
Changed Environmental Conditions". Society, Stress and Disease: Vol. I: The Psychological Environment and
Psychosomatic Diseases. Ed, by Lennart Levi, Oxford University Press, London 1971,
"Homo sapiens i rymåldern". Läkartidningen, vol. 69, 1972,
FARBER, Marvin
"The Philosophical Interest in Existence". Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical
Association, XXXVII, 1964.
FEHER, Márta
"Vom Prinzip des einfachsten Weges bis zum Prinzip der kleinsten Wirkung". Akten des II. Internationalen
Leibniz-Kongresses Hannover, 17-22. Juli 1972. Franz Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden 1974.
"Meaning Variance and Criteria of Logical Comparability", Problems of the Science of Science 1975-1976.
"Galileo and the Demonstrative Ideal of Science". Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 13, 1982.
FEHIGE, Christoph
"The Limit Assumption in Deontic (and Prohairetic) Logic". Analyomen 1. Proceedings of the 1st Conference
‘Perspectives in Analytical Philosophy’. Ed. by G. Meggle & U. Wessels. Valter de Gruyter, Berlin - New York,
"A Material Theory of Reference". Tulane Studies in Philosophy XVI, 1967.
FEIGL, Herbert
"Realistic versus Phenomenalistic Interpretations". Philosophy of Science, 17, 1950.
"The Wiener Kreis in America". Perspectives in American History, Vol. II. Harvard University. 1968.
FENGE, Hilmar
"Über normlogische Zweifel an der gegenseitigen Ersatzbarkeit von Gebots- und Verbotsregelungen sowie
einstelliger und zweistelliger Normen". Rechtstheorie, 5, 1974.
FENSTAD, Jens Erik
"Thoralf Albert Skolem in Memoriam". Nordisk matematisk tidskrift, 11, 1963.
FERBER, Rafael
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Das normative ‘ist’ und das konstative ‘soll’". Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie LXXIV, 1988.
"Wittgenstein und Spengler". Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 73, 1991.
"Moralische Urteile als Beschreibungen institutioneller Tatsachen." Archiv fur Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie.
79, 1993.
"Moral Judgments as Descriptions of Institutional Facts". Analyomen l: Proceedings of the Ist Conference
"Perspectives in Analytical Philosophy." Ed. by G. Meggle & U. Wessels. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin - New York
"On Practice". American Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 13, 1976.
"Fictions, Universals, and Abstract Entities". Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, XXXVII, 1977.
FERRAZ, Tercio Sampaio, Jr.
"Pragmatische Begründbarkeit von Rechtsnormen". Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, LXV, 1979
"Probabilistic Metaphysics". J. Petzer (ed.): Probability and Causality. D. Reidel, 1988.
"Physik und Ontologie". Wissenschaft und Weltbild, 7, 1954.
" Determinismus und Quantenmekanik". Wiener Zeitschrift für Philosophie / Psychologie / Pädagogik, V, 1954.
"Die analytische Philosophie und das Paradox der Analyse". Kant-Studien, 49, 1957/1958.
"Reichenbach's Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics". Philosophical Studies, IX, 1958.
"An Attempt at a Realistic Interpretation of Experience". Meeting of the Aristotelian Society, l0th February,
"Complementarity". Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 1958 (?)
FEYS, Robert
"Les systèmes formalisés des modalités aristotéliciennes". Revue philosophique de Louvain, 48, 1950.
"Le colloque international de logique". Revue philosophique de Louvain, 51, 1953.
"A Simplified Proof of the Reduction of ali Modalities to 42 in S3". Boletin de la sociedad matematica
Mexicana, X, 1953.
"Les traités récents de logique formalisée". Revue philosophique de Louvain, 53, 1955.
"Réponse à la note de M. Prior". Revue philosophique de Louvain, 1956.
"Rapport sur les activites du Centre National de recherches de logique de 1950 à 1955".
"Le concent de forme dans la logique moderne". Revista de la universidad de Madrid, VII.
"Expression modale du 'devoir-être'".
"Logik". Die Philosophie im XX. Jahrhundert, hrsa. von Fritz Heinemann. Ernst Klett Verlag, Stuttgart.
"Boole as a Logician". Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy.
von FIEANDT, Kai
" Syvyyspsykologian väittämien verifioitavuudesta". Valvoja, 1953.
"Vestibulaariärsykkeiden osuudesta näköhavaintoon". Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia. Esitelmät ja Pöytäkirjat,
"Ajan havaitsemisen ongelmasta". Kasvatusopillinen Aikakauskirja, 1955,
"Metodiska spörsmal inför inlevelsens, sympatiens och samförståndets psykologi".
"Toward a Unitary Theory of Perception" . Psychological Review, 65, 1958.
"Eino Kaila död". Nordisk psykologi, 10, 1958.
– together with James J. Gibson – "The Sensitivity of the Eye to Two Kinds of Continuous Transformation of a
Shadow-Pattern". Journal of Experimental Psychology, 57, 1959.
"Nuorhegeliläiset Snellmanin kirjeenvaihdossa". Psykologia 3/1981.
"Reductivist Isomorphism in Cognitive Research". Gestalt Theory, vol.5, 1983.
"Einige Snellman-Briefe zur junghegelianischen Publizistik". Philosophisches Jahrbuch, 90, 1. Halbband, 1983.
FIEDLER, Herbert
"Rechtsinformatik und juristische Tradition". Festschrift für Hans Welzel zum 70. Geburtstag, hrsg. von Günter
Stratenwerth, et al. W de G. 1974.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
FINCH, Henry Albert
"Validity Rules for Proportionally Quantified Syllogisms" . Philosophy of Science, 24, 1957.
"Confirming Power of Observations Metricized for Decisions Among Hypotheses". Philosophy of Science, 21,
"Category-Absurdities". Philosophy & Phenomenological Research, XXIV, 1963.
"Remarks on a Logical Theory of Belief Statements". The Philosophical Quartery, vol. 14, No.55, 1964 (?)
FITCH, Frederic
"Representations of Calculi". The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 9, 1944.
"Intuitionistic Modal Logic with Quantifiers". Portugaliae Mathematica, 7, 1948.
"An Extension of Basic Logic". The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 13, 1948.
"The Problem of the Morning Star and the Evening Star". Philosophy of Science, 16, 1949.
"The Heine–Borel Theorem in Extended Basic Logic". The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 14, 1949.
"A Demonstrably Consistent Mathematics - Part I". Journal of Symbolic Logic, 15, 1950.
"A Demonstrably Consistent Mathematics - Part II". The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 16, 1951.
"A Simplification of Basic Logic". The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 18, 1953.
"Self-Referential Relations". Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Philosophy, Bruxelles 1953,
North-Holland Publ. Co.
"A Definition of Negation in Extended Basic Logic". The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 19, 1954.
"The Reality of Propositions". The Review of Metaphysics, IX, 1955.
"Combinatory Logic and Whitehead’s Theory of Prehensions". Philosophy of Science, 24, 1957
"Justification in Science".
"Actuality, Possibility, and Being". The Review of Metaphysics, 1950 (?)
"Om en idé om samhällsvetenskap". Sooiologisk forskning, 7, 1970.
FLO, Olav
[H.-M. Sass: Heidegger - Bibliografi] Norsk filosofisk tidskrift, 1969.
"Bibliografiske notiser". Norsk filosofisk tidskrift, 1970: nr. l, 3/4.
"Bibliografiske notiser". Norks filosofisk tidskrift, 1971: nr. 1-3.
"Bibliografiske notiser". Norks filosofisk tidskrift, 1973:1
"Om ekstensiv litteraturforskning og Harald Beyers livsverk". Morgenbladet, 18.1.62.
"Erik Krag om Dostojevskij".
"Biblioarafiske notiser". Norks filosofisk tidskrift, 1975: 1.
FLOYD, Juliet
"On Saying What You Really Want to Say: Wittgenstein, Gödel, and the Trisection of the Angle". To Appear in J.
Hintikka (ed.), The Foundations of Mathematics in the Early Twentieth Century. (Boston Studies in the
Philosophy of Science).
"Power as a Rationality that Rationality does not Know". Summary of Flyvberg’s monograph, "Rationality and
Power". Copenhagen 1991.
"Velkominen til magten". Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift, 73, 1992
"Auktoritet och falsifikation, jämte bidrag till frågan om avgränsning av det auktoritativa i Bibeln". Svensk
teologisk kvartalskrift, 40, 1964.
"Universaliserbarhetsbegreppet hos Kant. En logiskt-kombinatorisk studie". Insikt ooh handling, 1973.
FORD, John
'How random is a coin toss?" Physics Today, April 1983.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Aktuella befolkningstrender sedda i globalt perspektiv". Societas Scientiarum Fenniaa. Årsbok LVIII. 1980.
"’And’". Minä, LXXXI, 1972.
"Synoptic and Syndetic ‘And’". International Logic Review, 1972.
"What Is Deduction?". International Logic Review, 1972.
"Logique et Vérité". Archives de philosophie, 36, 1973.
FOX, Warwick
"Deep Ecology: A New Philosophy of our Time?". The Ecologist, Vol. 14, 1984.
FPANKENA, William K.
"Some Arguments for Non-Naturalism about Intrinsic Value". Philosophical Studies, l, 1950.
"G.H. von Wright on the Theory of Morals, Legislation, and Value". Ethics, an International Journal of Social,
Political, and Legal Philosophy. LXXVI, 1966.
"Ischaemic Paralysis of a Uniform Nerve". Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, 18, 1949.
"Inpulses from a Cutaneous Receptor with Slow Adaptation and Low Mechanical Threshold". Acta Physiologica
Scandinavica, 18, 1949.
"Djurpsykoloqiska undersökningar ab beteendeförändringar vid elektrochockbehandling". Sammandrag av
"Effects of Gravitational Stress on Time Perception". Reports from the Laboratory of Aviation and Naval
Medicine. Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, 1957.
– tillsammans med Gösta Ekman – "Subjective Time Scales". Reports from the Psychological Laboratory, The
University of Stockholm, 1957.
"Effects of Prolonged Gravitational Stress on Performance". Nordisk Psykologi, 1958.
– together with V. Graff-Lonnevia and C.M. Hesser – "Psychomotor Performance in Man as Affected by High
Oxygen Pressure (3 Atmospheres)". Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, 50, 1960.
– together with Ralph Watson & R.W. Russell – "Effects of Chronic Reductions in Brain Cholinesterase Activity
on Acquisition and Extinction of a Conditioned Avoidance Response". Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 2,
– together with Magnus Beckman – "The Susceptibility of Intel lectual Functions to a Depressant Drug".
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 2, 1961.
– together with Gundula Järpe and G. Matell – "Effects of Intravenous Infusions of Adrenaline and
Noradrenaline on Certain Psychological and Physiological Functions". Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, 51, 1961.
– together with Anna-Lisa Myrsten and Gundla Järpe – "Effects of a Moderate Dose of Alcohol on Intellectual
Functions". Psychophrmacologia 3, 1962.
– together with Birgitta Post – "Cathecolamine Excretion during Mental Work as Modified by Centrally Acting
Drugrs". Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, 55, 1962.
– together with Gundla Järpe–- "Psychophysiological Reactions to Infusions of a Mixture of Adrenaline and
Noradrenaline". Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 3, 1962.
– together with Gundla Järpe – "Subjective Intoxication Induced by Nitrous Oxide in Various Concentrations".
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 3, 1962.
– together with Kerstin Sterky and Gundla Jaerpe - "Psychophysiological Relations in Habituation to
Gravitational Stress". Perceptual and Motor Skills. Southern Universities Press, 1962.
– together with several others – "Effects of Alcohol Intake on Subjective and Objective Variables over a
Five-Hour Period". Reports from the Psychological Laboratory. The University of Stockholm,, 1962.
"Effects of Prolonged Radial Acceleration on Performace". Reports from the Psychological Laboratory. The
University of Stockholm. 1957.
"Framtismänniskan och stressen – att levs i teknisierad miljö". Socialdemokratiska partiets vårdkonferens,
Stockholm 2 april 1968.
"Our Capacity to Receive Information". The Role of New Communications Systems. Published by Canadian
Broadcasting Corporation. Ottawa 1976.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Stress and Gender". European Review 4 (1996): 313-327
"Om behovet av en svensk författningsdomstol." En debattskrift, av ledamot av rättsfonden. Iustus Förlag,
Stockholm 1994.
FREDE, Dorothea
"Omne quod est quando est necesse est esse" . Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 54, 1972.
"The Dramatization of Determinism: Alexander of Aphrodisias’ De Fato". Phronesis, 1982.
"Comment on Hintikka's paper ‘On the Ingredients of an Aristotelian Science’". Synthese, 28, 1974.
"J. Hintikka: ‘Time and Necessity’ - Rezension". Philosophische Rundschau, 22, 1976.
"Über bedingte Gebote and das deontische Schlussprinzip". Rechtstheorie 13, 1982.
"Zur Begründung einer formalen Normenlogik". Theorie der Normen. Festgabe für Ota Weinberger zum 65.
Geburtstag. Hrsg. von W. Krawietz, H. Schelsky, G. Winkler, & A. Schramm. Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1984.
FREY, Gerhard
"Imperativ-Kalküle". The Foundations of Statements and Decisions, 1965.
"The Relevance of Deontic Logic for Ethics". Value and Valuation. Axiological Studies in Honor of Robert S.
Hartman, ed. by John William Davis.
– Deutsch – "Die Relevanz der deontischen Logik für die Ethik". Zeitschrift fur allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie,
IV, 1973.
"Value as a Gestalt Ouality". The Journal of Value Inquiry, VI, 1972.
"Om tolkning och förståelse", Annales Academiae Regiae Scientiarum Upsaliensis. 26/1985-1986,
"Om rättsordningens giltighet". Samfunn, Rett, Rettferdighet. Festskrift til Torstein Eckhoff. Tano, Oslo 1986.
"An Essay on the Systematics of Legal Concepts, A Study of Legal Concept Formation". Scandinavian Studies in
Law, 1987.
"The Varying Visual Sizes of the Moon". Astronomy and Space, 1972.
FURTH, Montgomery
"Monadology". Philosophical Review, LXXVI, 1967.
"Elements of Eleatic Ontology". Journal of the History of Philosophy, VI, 1968.
"Two Types of Denotation". Studies in Logical Theory, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1968.
[Platons dialog lon, (Norwegian)] – Review – Gnomon, 1959.
"Mates on Referential Opacity". Inquiry, l, 1958.
[A. Smullyan: Fundamentals of Logic] – Review – The Philosophical Review, LXXIII, 1964.
[Jan Berg: Bolzano’s Logic] – Review – Isis, 56, 1965.
"Logikk og matematikk". Den høgre skolen, 1965.
[Contributions to Logic and Methodology in Honor of J.M. Bochenski, ed. by Tymieniecka in collaboration with
Parsons] – Review – The Philosophical Review, LXXVI, 1967.
"Quantification into Causal Contexts". Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 2. ed. by Cohen &
Wartofsky, Humanities Press, New York 1965.
"A Model Theoretic Approach to Causal Logic". Det kgl Norske videnskabers selskabs skrifter, 1966.
[J.N. Mohanty: Edmund Husserl 's Theory of Meaning] – Review –ffoundations of Language3 2, 1966.
"Commnents on Stenius's 'Mood .and Language-Game'". Synthese, 11, 1967.
"Knowledge, Identity and Existence". Theoria, XXXIII, 1967.
"Quine on Modality". Synthese, 19, 1968–69.
"Husserl’s Notion of Noema". The Journal of Philosophy, 1969.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Handlinger, deres grunner og årsaker. En idé hos Aristoteles i ny belysning". Filosofihistorie, Mening og
Handling. Til Antim Stryer på femtiårsdagen 22 oktober 1973.
"Indeterminacy of Translation and Under-Determination of the Theory of Nature". Dialectica, 27, 1973.
"Hovedströmininger i vår tids filosofi". Nordisk tidskrift för vetenskap, konst ooh industri utgiven av
letterstedtska föreningen.
"Den moderne positivisme og dens kritikere". Livsåskådningsforskning. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Uppsala
"Desentralisert universitetsundervisning?". Syn og Segn, 1967.
"Some ethical aspects of recombinant DNA research". Social Science Information, 18, 1979.
"Intentionality and Behaviorism". Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, North-Holland & PWN, 1982.
"The Status of Rationality Assumptions in Interpretation and in the Explanation of Action". Dialectica 36, 1982.
"Risk: Philosophical and Ethical Aspects". Risk and Reason: Risk Assessment in Relation to Environmenttal
Mutagens and Carcinogens. Ed. by P. Oftedal & A. Brøgger. Alan R. Liss Inc. 1986.
"Essentialism and Reference", The Philosophy of W.V. Quine, Ed. by E. Hahn & P.A. Schilpp, Open Court, La
Salle 1986.
"Indeterminacy and mental States". Logic, Words and Objects: Perspectives on the Philosophy of Willard
Quine. Ed. by R. Gibson & R. Barrett. Blackwell, Oxford 1989.
"Gödel and Husserl". In J. Hintikka (ed.): Essays on the Development of the Foundations of Mathematics;
Kluwer, 1995.
"Conceptual change and reference." In Chr . Hubig (Hg.): Cognitio humana Dynamik des Wissens und der
Werte. Akademie Verlag, 1996.
"Was ist analytische Philosophie". In G. Meggle (Hg.): Analyomen 2: Perspectives in Analytical Philosophy. W.
de Gruyter, 1997.
"Analytic Philosophy: What is it and why should one engage in it? Ratio (New Series), IX, 1996.
"Semantics and Semiotics". M.L. Dalia Chiara et al (eds.): Norms and Structures in Science. Kluwer, 1997.
"Hermeneutics and Natural Science". In M. Fehér, O. Kiss & L. Ropolyi (eds.), Hermeneutics and Science.
Kluwer, 1999.
GABRIEL, Gottfried
"Logik als Literatur?". Merkur: Deutsche Zeitschrift für europäisches Denken, 32, 1978.
GALE, Richard
"The Egocentric Particular and Token-Reflexive Analyses of Tense". Philosophical Review, LXXIII, 1964.
"The Generality of Predictions". The Journal of Philosophy, LXII, 1965.
[Morris Lazerowitz: Studies in Metaphilosophy] – Review – The Philosophical Quarterly, 15, 1965.
"Why a Cause Cannot Be Later than Its Effect". The Review of Metaphysics, XIX, 1965.
"Falsifying Retrodictions". Analysis, 26, 1965.
GARDIES, Jean-Louis
"Vingt années de recherches déontiques". Archives de philosophie du droit, XVIII, 1973.
"Logique déontique et théorie générale des fonctions complétives". Logique et analyse, nouvelle serie, 16,
"A propos de 1'article de G. Kalinowski sur un nouveau système de logique déontique". Logique et analyse,
Nouvelle serie, 18, 1975.
"Le problème logique et le problème philosophique du passage de 1'etre au devoir-être" . Archiv für Rechtsund Sozialphi losophie, LXVIII/3. 1982.
"La logique de l'interpretation du droit et la logique du droit lui-même". Archives de philosophie du droit, 27.
"Logique de 1'action (ou du changement) et logique deontique". Logique et Analyse, 26, 1983.
– avec G. Malinowski – "D'un certain usage de la trivalence en logique deontique". Logique et Analyse, 24,
"Science and Common Sense". Scientia, LXXII, 1978,
"Die gesetzliche Begrenzung des staatlichen Souveräns". Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, LXVIII/4,
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Hermann Heller und John Austin. Versuch eines Vergleichs". Der soziale Rechtsstaat. Gedächtnisschrift für
Hermann Yeller 1891-1933. Hrsg. von C.Müller/I.Staff. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. Baden-Baden 1984(?).
"Weitere Uberlegungen zur These von der Trennung von Politik und Moral" . Politik und Moral:
Entmoralisierung des Politischen, Hrsg. von W. Becker & W. Oelmüller. Ferdinand Schöningh, Paderborn München - Wien - Zürich.
"Kann Rechtspaternalismus ethisch gerechtigt werden? ". Rechtstheorie, 18, 1987.
– mit Eugenio Bulygin zusammen – "Einleitung : Ursprung und Entwicklung der analytischen Rechtsphilosophie
in Argentinien". Argentinische Rechtstheorie und Rechtsphilosophie heute. Schriften zur Rechtstheorie: Heft
"Allgemeine positive Pflichten und ihre Begründung". Ibid.
"Basic Needs, Legitimate Wants and Political Legitimacy in Mario Bunge’s Conception of Ethics". P. Wengratner
& G.J.W Dorn (eds.): Studies on Mario Bunge's Treatise, Rodopi, Amsterdam – Atlanta, 1990.
"Einführung: Recht, Ethik und Politik in Spanien". Spanische Studien zur Rechtstheorie und Rechtsphilosophie,
hrsg. von E. Garzon Valdes. Juncker & Humblot, Berlin 1990.
"’Nimm deine dreckigen Pfoten von meinem Mozart!’ Überlegungen zum Begriff der Toleranz". Facetten der
Wahrheit. Festschrift für Meinolf Wewel. Verlag Karl Alber, Freiburg / Munchen, o.J.
"Appunti sul carattere e la personalità di Eugenio Bulygin." Analisi e Diritto, 1997.
GEACH, Peter
"Subject and Predicate". Mind, LIX, 1950.
– Translation of [G. Frege: "On Concept and Ohjeet" (1892)] Mind, LX, 1951.
"A Note on the Reflexive Paradoxes". The Philosophical Review, LXII, 1953.
"Quine on Classes and Properties". The Philosophical Review, LXII, 1953.
"Class and Concept". The Philosophical Revia), LXIV, 1955.
"Form and Existence". Meeting of the Aristotelian Society, May 9th, 1955.
"The Doctrine of Distribution". Mind, LXV, 1956.
"History of a Fallacy". Journal of the Philosophical Association, V, 1958.
[D.F. Pears: Bertrand Russell and the British Tradition in Philosophy] - Review - Ratio, 1958?
"Ascriptivism". The Philosophical Review, LXTX, 1960.
"Distribution: A Last Word". The Philosophical Review, LXIX, 1960,
"Ouantification Theory and the Problem of Identifying Objects of Reference". Acta Philosophica Fennica, 16,
"Aristotle on Conjunctive Propositions". Ratio, V, 1963.
"On Complex Terms". The Journal of Philosophy, LXII, 1965.
"Assertion". The Philosophical Review, LXXIV, 1965.
"Some Problems about Time". Proceedings of the British Academy, LI, 1965.
– together with Robert H. Stoothoff – "What Actually Exists".
"Plato's Euthyphro: An Analysis and Commentary". The Monist, 50, 1966.
"Intentional Identity". The Journal of Philosophy, LXIV, 1967.
"Quine's Syntactical Insights". Synthese, 19, 1968-69.
"A History of the Corruptions of Logic". The University of Leeds Review, 12, 1969.
"The Perils of Pauline". The Review of Metaphysics, XXIII, 1969.
"Two Paradoxes of Russell's". The Journal of Philosophy, LXVII, 1970.
"Entailment Once Again". The Philosophical Review, LXXXTII, 1974.
"Back Reference". Philosophia, 5, 1975.
"Names and Identity". Mind and Language, ed. by Samuel Guttenplan, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1975.
"Distribution and Suppositio". Mind, LXXXV, 1976.
"Existential or Particular Quantifier?".
"Entailment III". The Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume XXXII.
"If’s and And’s". Analysis, 9(4), 1947.
"On Beliefs about Oneself". Analysis, 18 (1), 1957.
"On Insolubilia". Analysis, 15 (3), 1955.
"Russell's Theory of Descriptions". Analysis, 10 (4), 1950.
"Is It Right to Say ‘Or’ Is a Conjuction?". Analysis, 19(6), 1959.
"Imperative Inference". Analysis, 23(Suppl-1), 1963.
"Dr. Kenny on Practical Inference". Analysis, 26(3), 1966.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Contradictories and Contraries". Analysis, 29(6), 1969.
"Man’s Mortality". Analysis 28(3), 1968.
"Afoirder and Sodomy". Philosophy, 51, 1976.
"Again the Logic of 'Ought'". Philosophy, 52, 1977.
"Some Hobbesian Theses about Justice". Dialectics and Humanism, 4/1979.
"Some Problems about the Sense and Reference of Proper Names". Canadian Journal of Philosophy,
Supplementary Volume VI, 1980.
"On a Claim of Hare's". Analysis, Vol. 41, 1981.
– together with Stewart Sutherland – "Truth and God". The Aristotelian Society, Supplementary volume VI,
"Whatever Happened to Deontic Logic? " Philosophia, Vol. 11, 1982.
"Moral Autonomy Still Refuted". Philosophy, 57, 1982.
"The Religion of Thomas Hobbes". Religious Studies, 17, 1981.
[Buchbesprechung, D.F. Pears: Bertrand Russell and the British Tradition in Philosophy], Ratio.
"Comparatives". Philosophia, 13, 1983.
"Reference and Buridan’s Law". Philosophy, 62, 1987.
"Whatever Happened to Deontic Logic?". P. Geach (ed.): Logic and Ethics. Kluwer, Dordrecht 1991.
"McTaggart". Philosophy, 70, 1995.
GEFWERT, Christoffer
"F.W.A. Argelander in Finland (1823–1837)". Journal for the History of Astronomy, VI, 1975.
"Television: The New State Religion?". Et cetera, 1977.
"Communication and Social Environment". Scientific American, 1972.
GERVIN, Martin
"Causality and Agency: A Refutation of Hume". Dialogue, XXVI, 1987.
GESTRIN, Kristian
"Nordiskt ekonomiskt samarbete och nordiska investeringsbanken". Ekonomiska samfundets tidskrift, 1976.
"Moral Rationality". The Lindley Lecture. The University of Kansas, 1972.
"An Analysis of Manu on Man and Society". Journal of Indian Philosophy, 16, 1988.
"Identity, Equality, Similarity and the Law". Rechtstheorie, 1993 (?)
GILL; Jerry Y.
"Nittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations : An annotated Table of Contents". Internat. Quarterly, VII, 1967.
"Wittgenstein and Metaphor". Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 1979.
GILL, John G.
"Empiricism and Science". Main Currents in Modern Thought, 24, 1967.
"A Viable Definition of Purpose". Main Curvents in Modern Thought, 23, 1967.
"More Ahout 'Purpose'". Main Currents in Modern Thought, 24, 1968.
"An Abstract Definition of the Good". Ethics, 80, 1970.
"The Effect of Griss’ Criticism of the Intuitionistic Logic on Deductive Theories Formalized within the
Intuitionistic Logic", Dissertation, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 1953.
"Scientific Ethical Princioles". Nature, 153, 1944.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"The Development of Taxonomic Theory Since 1851". Nature, 168, 1951.
"Taxonomy and Philosophy".
"An Incoherence in the Tractatus". Canadian Journal of Philosophy, III, 1973.
"Tracking Truth and Solving Puzzles'. Inquiry, 40
"Abstract Entities in the Natural Science". Akten des XIV. Internationalen Kongresses für Philosophie. Wien,
"A Critique of Current Theories of Truth". Philosophical Inquiry, Vol. IV, 1982.
"A Review of the XVI World Congress of Philosophy". Philosophy Today, Vol. 26, 1982.
"L’Originalité de la sémantique de Montague". Les etudes philosophiques, 1982.
"Notice sur Philippe Devaux". Acadérnie Royale de Belgique Annuaire 1985. Bruxelles.
"Philosophical Thinking". An Inaugural Public Lecture, The University of New England. Armidale, New South
Wales, 1962.
"Towards a Biospheric Ethic", The Ecoloqist. 19, 1989.
GOMÉR, Anders
"Den totala lösningen. En undersökning av det rena förnuftet" Scandia: Tidskrift för historisk forskning. 44,
GONSETH, Ferdinand
"Les sciences et la philosophie". Perspectives, 1950.
"A Causal Calculus". The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, XI, 1961.
[P. Suppes: A Probabilistic Theory of Causality] - Review - Journal of the American Statistical Association, 61,
[S. Brush: The Kind of Motion We Call Heat. A History of the Kinetic Theory of Gases in the 19th Century] Review - . American Journal of Physics, 45, 1977.
"Wittgenstein et Peirce: Le jeu de langage". Semiotica, 73, 1989.
"Wittgenstein, Translation, and Semioties" . Target: International Journal of Translation Studies 1:1, 1989.
GOSWAMI, Chinmoy
"Causality and Action: Von Wright on ‘Cause’". Philosophica, 1979
"Time, Change and Causality: A Comparative Study Between von Wright and Buddhism" . Philosophica, 1980.
"In Quest of Objectivity: A Post-Colonial Defence." Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research. XII,
"On Understanding : Standing Under Wittgenstein. " Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, XIV,
"Continuity and Number." Goverment Printing Press, Israel, 1959
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
GRANGER, Gilles Gaston
"Sur la conception du langrage dans le Tractatus de Wittcrenstein" . Word, 23, 1967.
"Verification et justification comme auxiliaires de la démonstration" Demonstration, vérification, justification.
Entretiens de l’Institut International de philosophie. Liege, septembre 1967.
"Propositions pour un positivisme". Man and World, 2, 1969.
"Le problème de 1'espace logique dans le Tractatus de Wittgenstein".
"Vilket är Finlands äldsta kända namn?". Namn och Bygd: Tidskrift för nordisk ortnams forskning. 51, 1963.
"Versuch zur quantitativen Untersuchung der Vogelfauna einer Fjeldgegang in Nordfinnland". Ornis Fennica,
XV, 1938.
"Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Gehörsinns der Vögel". Ornis Fennica, XVIII, 1941.
GRANIT, Ragnar»
"The Electrophysiological Analysis of the Fundamental Problem of Colour Reception". Proceedings of the
Physical Society, LVII, 1945.
"Johan Gadolin". Minnesteckning föredragen pä Kungl. Vetenskaps-akademiens högtidsdag den 31 mars 1965.
Almqvist & Wiksells, Uppsala, 1966.
"Glimtar ur finlandssvensk miljö". Nordisk Tidskrift.
"Discovery and Understanding". Annual Review of Physiology, 41, 1972.
GRANÖ, Olavi
"Suomen luonnon maantieteelliset peruspiirteet". Oma maa, WSOY, Porvoo, 1962.
"Maantieteen asema tieteellisessä tutkimuksessa". Valvoja, 1963.
"Piirteitä J.G. Granöstä tutkimusmatkailijana ja maantieteilijänä". Terra, 1963.
"Valtion tieteelliset toimikunnat". Valvoja, 1964.
"Nykyisen tiedepoliittisen lainsäädäntömme vaikutuksiin liittyviä näkökohtia". Valtion tieteellisten
toimikuntien vuosikertomus, 1967,
"Tutkimussopimukset tiedepolitiikassa". Suomalainen Suomi/Valvoja, 1969.
"Ympäristöntutkimus ja maantiede". Terra, 81, 1969.
"Archipelago Research Institute". Brief Information. Turku 1969.
"Finlands vetenskap, dess uppkomst och utvecklina". Svensk Naturvetenskap, 1970.
"Maantiede ja tieteen kehityksen ongelma". Terra, 89, 1977.
"Vetenskapens utveckling och forskningspolitik som bakgrund för geografins roll". Svensk geografisk årsbok,
52, 1976.
"Mitä aluemaantieteelle on tapahtunut?". Terra, 90. 1978.
"Johannes Gabriel Granö 1882-1956". Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies, vol. 3. Mansell, London, 1979.
"Edgar Kant". Terra, 92. 1980.
"Forskningen i stöpsleven". Forskningsradsnämnden, rapport nr. 36-S, 1981.
"External Influence and Internal Change in the Development of Geography". Geography, Ideology & Social
Concern, ed. by D. R. Stoddardd. Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1981.
"The Zone Concept Applied to the Finnish Coast in the Light of Scientidic Traditions". Fennia, 159:1, 1981.
"Lounainen saaristo". Terra, 93, 1981.
"Maisematutkimus maantieteen traditiona." Terra, 94, 1982.
"The Relationship Between Intellectual Content and Institutionalization in Finnish Geography". Fennia, 162:1,
"Geografins utveckling och roll inom den moderna forskningen i Finland". Geografiska Notiser 1987:3.
"Vetenskapens institutionella struktur och geografins utveckling". Nordisk Samhällsgeografisk Tidskrift 1987: 5.
"J.G. Granön tutkijantie Oulusta Keski-Aasiaan". Nordia 2/1988.
"The Spread of the Peneplain Concept to Finland. An Example of a Paradigm’s Relation to an Institutional
Structure". Proof copy 1987.
"Eurooppalaisen maantieteen perinne". Terra 102 (1990).
"Geografins Ställning i det postindustriella samhället". NGF Bergen 1990.
"Johannes Gabriel Granö (1882-1956) och regionalgeografin". SGÅ 1992
"Tutkimuksen ja ylimmän opetuksen keskinäisen suhteen kehitys Suomessa". Keskusteluja professorin kanssa:
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
Veikko Litzen 60 vuotta 1.12. 1993. Turun Yliopiston: Historian laitoksen julkaisu nro 28.
"The Scientific Community and The Institutional Structure of Science". Academia Scientiarum Fennica, Year
Book 1994.
"Maantieteen uusi viitekehys." K. Mikkonen (toim.), Maantieteen perspektiivejä. Vaasan yliopiston julkaisuja,
Vaasa, 1996.
"Tieteellisen maisemakäsityksen muodostuminen ja tulo Suomeen." Turun yliopiston Maantieteen laitoksen
julkaisuja, 154. 1996.
"The Development of the Institutinal Structures of Science." Seminar on Research Management. Tartu, Estonia,
March 4th, 1997
"Unknovm Mathematical Treasures in the Institut Mittag-Leffler, Stockholm". RETE: Strukturgeschichte der
Naturwissenschaften, l, 1972.
"Achilles is Still Running". Transactions of Charles 5. Peirce Society, 1974.
"On Popper's Use of Tarski's Theory of Truth". Philosophia, 14, 1984,
"Notes on the Fate of Logicism from Principia Mathematica to Gödel's Incomplementary Theorem". History
and Philosophy of Logic 5, 1984.
"Bertrand Russell's Logical Manuscripts: An Apprehensive Brief". History and Philosophy of Logic. 6, 1985.
"From Weierstrass to Russell: A Peano Medley", Ric. Stor. Sci. 2, 1985.
"How Did Russell Write the Principles of Mathematics (1903)?" Russell: the Journal of the Bertrand Russell
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"An Application of Logic to Algebra". Mathematica Scandinavica, 2, 1954.
[R. Wilder: Introduction to the foundations of mathematics] – Review – Mathematica Scandinavica, 2,
"Notes on the Quantification Theory". Societas Scientiarum Fennica. Commentationes
Physico-Mathematicae XVII, 12, 1953.
"Two Papers on Symbolic Logic: Form and Content in Quantification Theory. Reductions in the Theory of
Types". Acta Philosophica Fennica, VIII, 1955.
"Loogisen kielentutkimuksen näköaloja". Ajatus, XIX, 1956.
"Identity, Variables and impredicative Definitions". The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 21, 1956.
"Arvokäsitteistä sosiaalitieteiden metodiopissa". Ajatus, XX, 1957.
"Modality as referential multiplicity". Ajatus, XX, 1957.
"Necessity, Universality, and Time in Aristotle". Ajatus, XX, 1957.
[P.T. Geach and G.H. von Wright: On an extended logic of relations] – Review – The Journal of Symbolic
Logic, 22, 1957.
[A.N. Prior: Time and Modality] – Review – The Philosophical Review, LXVII, 1958.
"Remarks on a Paradox". Avchiv fur Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, XLIV, 1958.
"Towards a Theory of Definite Descriptions". Analysis, 19, 1958-59.
"Existential Presuppositions and Existential Comrnitments" . The Journal of Philosophy, LVI, 1959.
"An Aristotelian Dilemma". Ajatus, XXII, 1959.
"Aristotle and the Ambiqruity of Anbiquity". Inquiry, 2, 1959.
"Aristotle’s Different Possibilities". Inquiry, 3, 1960.
"Käsitteilläkin on kohtalonsa". Suomalainen Suomi, 1961.
"Modality and Quantification". Theoria, XXVII, 1961.
"Cogito, Ergo Sum: Inference or Performance?". The Philosophical Review, LXXI, 1962.
"Cogito, Ergo Sum as an Inference and a Performance". The Philosophical Review, LXXII, 1963.
"The Modes of Modality". Acta Philosophioa Fennica, 16, 1963.
"Tieto on valtaa". Valvoja, 1964.
"Päämäärä, sattuma ja välttämättömyys". Ajatus, XXVI, 1964.
"Distributive Normal Forms and Decudtive Interpolation". Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und
Grundlagen der Mathematik, 10, 1964.
"Towards a Theory of Inductive Generalization". Proceedings of the 1964 International Congress for Logic,
Methodology and Philosophy of Science. North-Holland Publ. Co. Amsterdam,
"Analyyttisyyden käsitteen eri merkityksistä". Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia. Esitelmät ja pöytäkirjat. 1964.
"Aristotle and the 'Master Argument' of Diodorus". American Philosophical Quarterly, l, 1964.
"The Once and Future Sea Fight: Aristotle's Discussion of Future Contincrents in De Interpretatione IX".
Philosophical Review, LXXIII, 1964.
"Kant's 'new method of thought' and his theory of mathematics". Ajatus, XXVII, 1965.
"Tieto, taito ja päämäärä". Ajatus, XXVII, 1965.
"Are Logical Truths Analytic?". Philosophical Review, LXXIV, 1965,
"On a Combined System of Inductive Logic" . Acta Philosophioa Fennica, 18, 1965.
"An Analysis of Analycity". Deskription, Existenz und Analyzität, 3-4 Forschungsgespräch des
internationalen Forschungszentrum für Grundfragen der Wissenschaften, Salzburg, ed. by Paul
Weingartner, Pustet, Salzburg und München, 1966.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Are Logical Truths Tautologies?". Ibid.
"Kant Vindicated". Ibid.
"Kant and the Tradition of Analysis". Ibid.
"Kommunikaatiovälineet ja kultuurin kehitys". Parnasso, 1966.
"Parmenideen neruslause ja kreikkalaisten tiedonkäsitys". Valvoja, 1966.
"Semanttisen informaation teoriasta". Archimedes, 1966.
"Knowing oneself and other problems in epistemic logic". Theoria, XXXII, 1966.
"Studies in the Logic of Existence and Necessity". The Monist, 50, 1966.
"Aristotelian Infinity". Philosophical Review, LXXV, 1966.
– together with Juhani Pietarinen – "Semantic Information and Inductive Logic". Aspects of Inductive Logic,
North-Holland Publ. Comp. Amsterdam, 1966.
"Individuals, Possible Worlds, and Epistemic Logic". Nous, I, 1967.
"Kant on the Mathematical Method". The Monist, 51, 1967.
"Time, Truth, and Knowledge in Ancient Greek Philosophy". American Philosophical Quarterly, 4, 1967.
"Existence and identity in epistemic contexts: A comment on Føllesdal's paper". Theoria, 1967.
"New Essays on Old Philosophers". Inquiry, 10, 1967.
"Suomen filosofisen tutkimuksen tila ja tavoitteet". Ajatus, XXIX, 1967.^
"A.O. Lovejoy on Plenitude in Aristotle". Ajatus, XXIX, 1967.
"Filosofinen ja mietekirjallisuus". Suomen kirjallisuus VII, 1967.
"Induction by Enumeration and Induction by Elimination". The problem of Inductive Logic, North-Holland
Publ. Co. Amsterdam, 1968.
"Are Mathematical Truths Synthetic A Priori". The Journal of Philosophy, LXV, 1968.
"The Varieties of Information and Scientific Explanation". Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Sciences
III, ed. by van Rootselaar and Staal. North-Holland Pubi. Co. Amsterdam 1968.
"Epistemic Logic and the Methods of Philosophical Analysis". Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 46, 1968.
"Logic and Philosophy". Contemporary Philosophy: A Survey, ed. by Raymond Klibansky. La Nuova Italia
Editrice. Firenze. 1968.
"Behavioral Criteria of Radical Translation". Synthese, 19, 1968-69.
"Tieteen metodi analyyttisenä toimituksena". Societas Scientiarum Fennica - Vuosikirja. Helsinki 1969.
"Quantification and the Picture Theory of Language". The Monist, 53, 1969.
"Inductive Independence and the Paradoxes of Confirmation". Essays in Honor of Carl. G. Hempel, ed. by
Nicholas Rescher, D. Reidel Publishing Co. Dordrecht-Holland, 1969.
"On the Logic of the Ontological Argument: Some Elementary Remarks". The Logical Way of Doing Things,
ed. by Karel Lambert. Yale University Press. New Haven 1969.
"Leibniz, Plenitude, Relations, and ‘the Reign of Law’". Ajatus XXXI, 1969.
"On Kant’ s Backcrround". Ajatus, XXXI, 1969.
"Knowledge, Belief, and Logical Consequence". Ajatus, XXXII, 1970.
"Kontinuumongelma ja joukko-opin aksiomatisoinnin probleemat". Arkhimedes, 1970.
"On Attributions of ’Self-Knowledge’". The Journal of Philosophy, LXVII, 1970.
"Philosophy of Science (Wissenschaftstheorie) in Finland". Zeitschrift für allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie,
I, 1970.
"Kybernetiikka ja yhteiskuntatieteiden metodologia" . Sosiologia, VII, 1970.
"Knowledge, Acceptance, and Inductive Logic". - together with Risto Hilpinen - . Aspects of Inductive Logic,
ed. by Jaakko Hintikka and Patrick Suppes, North-Holland Publishing Co. Amsterdam, 1966.
"’Knowing that One Knows’ Reviewed". Synthese, 21, 1970.
"The Semantics of Modal Notions and the Indeterminacy of Ontology". Synthese, 21, 1970.
"Objects of Knowledge and Belief: Acquaintances and Public Figures". The Journal of Philosophy, LXVII,
"’Prima facie’ obligations and iterated modalities". Theoria, XXXVI, 1970.
"Information, Deduction, and the A Priori". Nous, IV, 1970.
"On Semantic Information". Information and Inference, ed. by Jaakko Hintikka and Patrick Suppes. D.
Reidel Pub. Co. Dordrecht-Holland, 19 70.
"On Defining Information". Ajatus, XXXIII, 1971.
"The ‘Lottery Paradox’ and the Concept of Shared Information". Ajatus, XXXIII, 1971.
"Knowledge and Its Objects in Plato". Ajatus, XXXIII, 1971.
"Different Kinds of Equivocation in Aristotle". Journal of the History of Philosophy, IX, 1971.
"Die enstige und zukünftige Seeschlacht. Aristoteles’ Erörterung über den Begriff des Möglichen in der
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Zukunft". Logik und Erkenntnislehre des Aristoteles, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. Darmstadt, 1972.
"’Conception et vision’: Todellisuuden esittämisen ongelmasta modernissa kuvataiteessa ja modernissa
filosofiassa". Aika, 1972.
"Different Constructions in Terms of the Basic Epistemological Terms: A Survey of Some Problems and
Proposals". Contemporary Philosophy in Scandinavia, ed. by R.E. Olson and A.M. Paul. The Johns Hopkins
Press. Baltimore and London. 1972.
"Transcendental Arguments: Genuine and Spurious". Nous, VI, 1972.
"Constituents and Finite Identifiability". Journal of Philosophical Logic, l, 1972.
"Transparent Knowledae Once Again". Philosophical Studies, 24, 1973.
"Carnap's Semantics in Retrospect". Synthese, 25, 1973.
"Knowledge and its Objects in Plato". Patterns in Plato’s Thought, ed. by J.M.E. Moravcsik, D. Reidel
Publishing Co. Dordrecht-Holland, 1973.
"Grammar and Logic: Some Borderline Probleins". Approaches to Natural Language, ed. by K.J.J. Hintikka et
al. D. Reidel Publishing Company. Dordrecht-Holland, 1973.
"On the Different Ingredients of an Empirical Theory". Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, IV,
ed. by P. Suppes et al. North-Holland Publishing Company, 1973.
"’Dinge an sich’ Revisited". Kant-Studien, 65, 1974.
"Quantifiers vs. Quantification Theory". Linguistic Inquiry, V, 1974.
"On the Proper Treatment of Quantifiers in Montague Semantics". Logical Theory and Semantic Analysis,
ed. by S. Stenlund. D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht-Holland, 1974.
– together with Esa Saarinen – "Semantical Games and the Bach -Peters Paradox". Theoretical Linguistics 3
2, 1975.
"Carnap and Essler versus Inductive Generalization". Erkenntnis, 9, 1975.
"Impossible Possible Worlds Vindicated". Journal of Philosophical Logic, 4, 1975.
"A Counterexample to Tarski-Type Truth-Definitions as Applied to Natural Languages" . Language in Focus
3 ed. by A. Kasher, D. Reidel Publishing Co. Dordrecht-Holland, 1976.
– together with Unto Remes – "Ancient Geometrical Analysis and Modern Logic". Essays in Memory of Imre
Lakatos, ed. by R. S. Cohen et ai. D. Reidel Publ. Co. Dordrecht-Holland, 1976.
"Information, Causality, and the Logic of Perception". Ajatus, 36, 1976.
"Knowledge by Acquaintance – Individuation by Acquaintance" . Jenseits von Sein und Nichtsein: Beiträge
zur Meinong-Forschung . Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, Graz.
"Quantifiers, Language-Games, and Transcendental Arauments".
– together with Veikko Rantala – "Systematizing Definability Theory"
"Surface Semantics: Definition and Its Motivation" .
– together with Merrill R. Provence – "Wittgenstein on Privacy and Publicity". Wittgenstein and His Irnpaot
on Contemporary Thought. Hölder-Pichler-Terpskky . Wien, 1978.
"’Is’, Semantical Games, and Semantical Relativity". Journal of Philosophical Logic, 8, 1979.
"Virginia Woolf and our Knowledge of the External World". The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism,
XXXVIII, 1979.
"C.S. Peirce's 'First Real Discovery' and its Contemporary Relevance". The Monist, 63, 1980.
"Game-Theoretical Semantics: Insights and Prospects". Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 23, 1982.
"Transsendentaalitiedon paradoksi". Ajatus, 40, 1983.
– together with Merrill. B. Hintikka – "Wittgenstein’s Annus Mirabilis 1929". The Tasks of Contemporary
Philosophy: Proceedings of the 10th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, Wien
"The Fallacy of Fallacies". Argumentation, 1, 1987.
– together with Gabriel Sandu – "Informational Independence as a Semantical Phenomenon". Logic,
Methodology and Philosophy of Science VIII. Ed. by J. Fenstad et al. Elsevier 1989"Rules, Games and Experiences: Wittgenstein’s Discussion of Rule-Following in the Light of His
Development". Revue Internationale de Philosophie, 43, 1989.
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"Obstacles to understanding", Times Literary Supplement, September 28 –October 4, 1990.
"An Impatient Man and His Papers". Synthese 87 (1991).
"The Original Sinn of Wittgenstein’s Philosophy of Mathematies ". Wittgensteins Philosophie der
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"Ludwig’s Apple Tree: On the Philosophical Relations between Wittgenstein and the Vienna Circle". F.
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"An Anatomy of Wittgenstein’s Picture Theory". C.C. Gould & R.S. Cohen (eds.): Artifacts, Representations
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"Ausgleichungsrechnung und der Wahrheitsbegriff". DK 528.1:165.413.023.
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HIZ, Henry
"Kotarbinski's Praxeology". Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, XV, 1954.
"Inferential Eguivalence and Natural Deduction". The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 22, 1957.
"A Warning about Translating Axioms". American Mathematical Monthly, LXV, 1958.
"Extendible Sentential Calculus". The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 24, 1959.
"Modalities and Extended Systems". The Journal of Philosophy, 1961.
"Grammar Logicism". The Monist, 51, 1967.
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HJORTSJÖ, Carl-Herman
"Erik XIV:s död". Sydsvenska Medicinhistoriska Sällskapets Årsskrift, 1977.
HOBSON, Marian
"La logique et ses confins. Le cas d'Oskar Becker." Le passage des frontiers. Autour de travail de Jacques
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"Reflections on Evil". The Lindley Lecture. The University of Kansas, 1973.
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H OLLER, Manfred
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HOLM, Søren
"Udkast til en eksakt cyklologi: Em priomaer sociologisk studie. " Kjøbenhavn, 1969.
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"Aloys Müllers Religionsfilosofi". Dansk teologisk tidsskrift, 1970.
"To lundensiske filosoffer". Nordisk Tidsskrift.
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"Frän fysikaliskt kabinett till storinstitution – fysikens ställning vid Kejserliga Alexanders Universitet i
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– med Öran Westerlund – "Ponderabilier och imponderabilier – om fysikundervisningen vid gamla Borgå
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"Selected Areas of Decision Making confronting the Marketing Oriented Executive". Memorandum från
företagsekonomiska institutionen. Handelshögskolan vid Åbo Akademi. Åbo 1969.
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"What is there that is not poison? A study of the Third Desense by Paracelsus". Archives of Toxicology, 58,
"Rights and Responsibilities". Rights: Proceedings of the 17th World Congress of the International
Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
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HONKO, Lauri
"Uskontojen opetus valinkauhassa". Suomalainen Suomi, 1967.
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HOOK, Sidney
"Dialectic and Nature". Marxist Quarterly, I, 1937.
"Folklore of Capitalism". The University of Chicago Law Review, 5, 1938.
HORGBY, Ingvar
"The Double Awareness in Heidegger and Wittgenstein" . Inquiry 2, 1959.
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"La ‘secondarité’, concept central de la metaphilosophie contemporaine". Les etudes philosophiques, 1978.
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Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie, 21, 1979.
HUBER, Gerhard
"Der Philosoph in seiner Zeit", Abschiedsvorlesung 20, Juni 1990. Kleine Schriften, Nr, 19, Eidgenössische
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"Mengele, Manhattan, Unesco ja Uppsala: Universaalia tutkimusetiikkaa teoriassa ja käytännössä". Sosiologia
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"Linguistics and Empiricalness: Answers to Criticisms". Department of General Linguistics, University of
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"Short-term and Long-term Teleology in Linguistic Change". Publications of the Linguistic Association of
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"Styles of Theoretical Reasoning and the Development of Science". Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of
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"The ‘Explanation-Understanding’ Logics". Abstracts of 8th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and
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"Hermostolliset tekijät pitkäikäisyyden määrääjinä". Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia. Esitelmät ja pöytäkirjat,
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Scientiarum Fennicae, Helsinki, 1964.
"Yrjö Reenpää 70 vuotta". Duodecim, 1964.
J ANIK, Allan
"Wittgenstein, estetikk og transcendentalfilosofi". Norsk Filosofisk Tidskrift, 18, 1983.
"Comments on Jost Halfmann's ‘Dethroning the Philosophy of Science: Ideological and Technical Functions of
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JANSSON, Jan-Magnus
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"Zum Begriff der Verfassung" . Österreichisohe Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht, VI, 1953.
"De politiska ideologierna som forskningsobject". Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, 1955.
"En inhemsk rättsteoretiker". Tidskrift, utgiven av Juridiska Föreningen i Finland, 1955.
"Frän Herakleitos tili Toynbee". Hufvudstadsbladet, 15.10.1955.
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"The Right and the Good." The Journal of Philosophy. June 1997
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JOHANSSON, Ingebrigt
"Der Minimalkalkül, ein reduzierter intuitionistischer Formalismus". Compositio Mathematica, 4, 1936.
"Present-Day Topology". Den 12. skandinaviske matematikerkongress, Trondheim, 22-25 august, 1949.
"Sur le concept de ‘le’ (ou ‘ce qui’) dans le calcul affirmatif et dans les calculs intuitionnistes". Colloques intern.
du CNPS XXXVI (Les methodes formelles en axiomatique, Paris 1950).
"On the Possibility to Use the Subtractive Calculus for the Fornralization of Constructive Theories". Proceedings
of the XIth International Congress of Philosophy, XIV, Bruxelles, 1953.
"En unødvendig pedagogisk vanskelighet ved limes-begreppet". Nordisk Matematisk Tidskrift, l, 1953.
"An Alternative Set of Rules for the Syllogism". Philosophy of Science, 21, 1954.
JOJA, Ath.
"Essai sur la nature de la deduction et de l'induction". Editions de 1'academie de la republique populaire
Roumaine, I, 1956
"About Tertium Non Datur". Analele Universitatii Bucuresti, Seria Acta Logica, 1958.
"The Origin of Logic in Greece". Acta Logica, III, 1960.
"Logique et metalogique du principe d'identite". Acta Logica, V, 1962.
"Prolegomenes a 1'histoire de la logique". Revue Roumaine des Sciences Sociales. Serie de Philosophie et
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"Über den doppelten Wert des Identitätsprinzips". Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 10.
"Formes logiques et formation sociale chez Aristote". The Rumanian Journal of Sociology, 1.
"Eléatisne et logique formelle". Etudes d’histoire et de philosophie des sciences.
JOJA, Crizantema
"Science et histoire de la philosophie chez Hegel". Analele Universitatii Bucuresti. Seria Acta Logica, 1963.
"La philosophie contemporaine et les sciences de la nature". L'Homme et la société contemporaine. Academie
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JONES, Andrew
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"A.F. Soldans amerikanska år". Hufvudstadsbladet, 1.9.1963.
"Välttämättömyydestä historiassa". Parnasso, 21, 1971.
"Erilaiset ’valtion’ käsitteet Hegelillä". Sosiologia, X, 1973.
"Popper ja nykyaika". [Esipuhe Popperin teokseen Avoin yhteiskunta ja sen viholliset, Otava, Helsinki, 1974].
"Dialektinen metodi ja sen ’järkevä ydin’". (I-II). Sosiologia, 1975.
"Hegelianismen i Finland pä 1800-talet". Lychnos, 1978.
"Bibliografia J.V. Snellman –kirjallisuudesta ja elämäkerrallinen luonnos". Helsingin yliopiston Filosofian
laitoksen julkaisuja, No. 6, 1980.
"Realismus des Geschichtsprozesses - Ein Hegelsches Erbe in Finnland". Realismus und Dialektik. Dialektik 8.
Pahl-Rugenstein Köln 1984.
"Relativität und Totalität des Wissens. Die Auseinandersetzung mit der Philosophie Hegels in Schweden". MS,
"Idealismi ja materialismi konsistorin vaakakupissa - välikohtaus autonomian ajan Suomen
yliopistohistoriasta". Tieteen historia ja tieteen edistyminen, toim. E. Kaukonen, J. Manninen ja V. Verronen.
Helsinki 1985.
"Ein Kant-Dialog. Feuerbach, Bolin und das ’Grundproblem der neueren Philosophie’". Manuskript,nd.
"J.V. Snellmanin tie Tübingeniin ja teokseen persoonallisuuden aatteen spekulatiivisesta kehittelystä". Scripta
Historica IX, 1985.
"Hegelin koulukunnan hajoamisen ensi vaiheet 1830-luvulla. Uskonnonfilosofinen kiista ja sen seuraamuksia".
Teologinen Aikakauskirja 6/1985.
– together with Martin Kusch – "Hegel on Modalities and Monadology". Modern Modalities. Ed. by S.
Knuuttila. Kluwer Academic Publishers Dordrecht, 1988.
"Hegelianismus". Europäische Enzyklopedie zu Philosophie und Wissenschaften. Bd. 2. Felix Meiner Verlag,
Hamburg 1990.
"Das Nationale und das Allgemeingeschichtliche. Zur Ideengeschichte eines nordeuropäischen Landes". Das
geistige Erbe Europas, hg. von M. Buhr. Vivarium, Napoli 1994.
"Praksiksesta poiesikseen: A.F. Soldan eli ’työn filosofian’ alkuja Suomessa". Antiikin asialla, Acta Societatis
Historicae Ouluensis, 1994.
"Kant und die Revolution aus nordischer Sicht". D. Losurdo (ed.): Rivoluzione francese e filosofia classica
tedesca. QuattroVenti, n.d.
"Ajatuksen laboratorio: Filosofisen yhdistyksen ensimmäinen puolivuosisata (1873-1924) dialogisen
tiedonetsinnän kouluna. Manuscript, n.d.
"Otto Neurath oder die Unmöglichkeit einer ’privaten Sprache’ und die Möglichkeit der Visualisierung".
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
Manuscript, n.d.
"A Misty Land of Wonders: Travel Experiences of the Finn Johan Arckenholtz in England in 1731". Manuscript.
"Introduzione". in ‘La formalizzazzione della dialettica’, Rosenberg & Sellier, Torino 1979.
"A Decision-Method for the Calculus C1". Proceedings of the Third Brazilian Conference on Mathematical Logic.
A.I. Arruda, N.C.A. da Costa, & A.M. Sette (eds.), Sociedade Brasileira de Lógica,1980.
"Types of Non-Scotian Logic". Logique et Analyse, 24, 1981.
"Wittgenstein on contradiction and the philosophy of paraconsistent logic". History of Philosophy Quarterly,
vol. 1, 1984.
"Hegel’s Definition of Idealism, Rorty, and Feyerabend". Epistemologia IX, 1986.
"Two Aspects of Lexical Competence". Lingua e stile XXII, 1987.
"Axel Hägerströms verklighetsteori". Tiden, 1940.
"Uppsalafilosofien och den logiska empirismen". Ord och bild, 1944.
"Känsla och värde enligt Axel Hägerström och Hans Larsson". Nordisk Tidskrift för vetenskap, konst ooh
"Aristoteles’ lära om den utjämnande rättvisan och vedergällningen". Kungl. Humanistiska
vetenskapssamfundet i Uppsala. Årsbok 1948.
"Uppsalafilosofisk religionskritik" [recensioner]. Nordisk Tidskrift.
"Die Theorie der Veränderung bei C.D. Broad". Theoria, 1943.
"Bemerkungen zum Begriff ’Sinnesdatum’ in der Diskussion der letzten Jahre". Theoria, XVI, 1950.
"Kants Lehre vom analytischen Urteil". Theoria, XVII, 1951.
"Der Zweifel Descartes’ und das ‘Cogito ergo sum’". Theoria, XX, 1954.
"Berkeley's Sensationalism and the Esse est percipi-Principle". Theoria, XXIII, 1957.
"The Argument from Illusion and Berkeley's Idealism". Theoria, XXIV, 1958.
"On Historical Explanation". Filosofi- och psykologilärarnas förenings skriftserie, 1961.
"Bemerkungen zu Kants Kritik des ontologischen Gottesbeweises". Philosophical Yearbook, I, 1964.
"Über kausale Erklärung in der Geschichtswissenschaft". 9. Deutsche Kongress für Philosophie, Dusseldorf
1969. Philosophie und Wissenschaft. Verlag Anton Hain. Meisenheim am Glan.
"Orsak och huvudorsak. Nägra reflexioner vid studiet av L. Bylunds bok Bevisbörda och Bevistema". Kungl.
Boktr. Stockholm, 1972.
"Teori och praktik i marxismen". Vetenskapens träd. Idéhistoriska studier tillägnade Sten Lindroth. Stockholm,
"Amoraliskt, moraliskt och omoralikst enligt Kants etik". Filosofi ooh Rättsvetenskap, red. B.Belfrage & L. Stille.
Bokförlaget Doxa, Liond.
MAREK, Johann Christian
"Beabsichtigen-Verursachen-Verhalten". Handlungstheorien interdisziplinär II, hrsg. von Hans Lenk. Wilhelm
Fink Verlag, München.
"Über Sinn- und Kausaladäquanz von Handlungen". Sozialphilosophie als Aufklärung. Festschrift für Ernst
Topitsch. J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Tübingen.
MARIN, Jesus Rodviguez
"Lógica deóntica. Deduccion natural y decisión mediante tablas semánticas". Teorema, III, 1973.
"Una nueva lógica de las normas". Teorema, IV, 1974.
"La teoria del contrato social rediviva". Teorema, V, 1975.
"Conducta moral: Análisis de la fundamentación utilitarista". Análisis y modificatión de conducta, 5, 1979.
MARION, Mathieu
"Wittgenstein and Finitism". Synthese 105, 1995.
"Kronecker’s ‘Safe Haven of Real Mathematics’". In M. Marion & R. S. Cohen (eds.), Quebec Studies in the
Philosophy of Science I, Kluwer, 1995.
"Wittgenstein and Ramsay on Identity". In Jaakko Hintikka (ed.), Essays on the Development of the
Foundations of Mathematics, Kluwer, 1995.
"Wittgenstein en transition". In Eisabeth Regal (ed.), Jaakko Hintikka: Questions de logique et de
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
phenomenologique. Paris: Vrin, 1998.
"Review" (on the logical works of F.P. Ramsey). Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 63, 1998,
"Tähtitieteen klassikko – Sata vuotta F.W.A. Argelanderin kuolemasta". Arkhimedes, 21, 1975.
"Abstract and Concrete Logic". Recueil de travaux de la Faculté de philosophie, IX-2, Beograd, 1966.
"Gramsci on the Unity of Philosophy and Politics". Praxis, 1967.
"The Problem of Truth". Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. V, ed. by R.S. Cohen & M.W.
Wartofsky. D. Reidel Publishing Co. Dordrecht-Holland 1966/1968.
"Les possibilités de dépassement de la bureaucratie dans la société post-capitaliste". L’homme et la société,
"Social Determinism and Freedom". Contemporary Philosophic Thought, Vol. 2, Mind, Science, and History.
State University of New York, Albany, New York, 1970.
"Die neue Linke und die Kulturrevolution". Praxis, 1971.
"Basic Characteristics of Marxist Humanism". Praxis. (Also as a manuscript).
"The Concept of Physical Necessity". Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science IV, ed. by P. Suppes et al.
North-Holland Publishing Company, 1973.
"Self-Determination in Theory and Practice". For Dirk Struik: Scientific, Historical and Political Essays, ed. by
R.S. Cohen, J.J. Stachel & M.W. Wartofsky. D. Reidel Publ. Co. Dordrecht 1974
"Marxist Philosophy in Yugoslavia: the Praxis Group". Marxism and Religion in Eastern Europe, ed. by R.T. de
George and J.P. Scanlan. D. Reidel Publ. Co. Dordrecht, 1976.
"Transfer of Concepts from Natural Sciences to Social Sciences". Scientia Yugoslavia 11, 1985.
"Praxis und Freiheit". Die Praxis und das Begreifen der Praxis, Vorträge einer interdisziplinären Arbeitstagung
20-23.7. 1984, Hrsg. von M. Grauer, G. Heinemann, & W. Schmied-Kowarzik. Kassel 1985.
"Critical Thought of György Lukács". Georg Lukács – Ersehnte Totalität. Band I, Hrsg. von G. Flego & W.
Schmied-Kowarzik. Germinal Verlag, Bochum 1986.
"Societal Development in Serbia after the Second World War". Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets
Akademiens Konferenser 21, n.d.
"Was ist konstruktive Logik?". Urania: Schriftenreihe für den Referenten, 1975.
"The Payoff-Relevant Description of States and Acts". Econometrica, 31, 1963.
"Actual Versus Consistent Decision Behavior". Behavioral Science, 9, 1964.
"Problems in Information Economics". Management Controls: New Directions in Basic Research. Mc Graw-Hill
Book Co. 1964.
"Economics of Language". Behavioral Science, 10, 1965.
"Decision Making: Economic Aspects". International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, (ed. by David Sills),
vol. 4. Crower Co11ier and MacMillan, 1968.
"Economics of Inquiring, Communicating, Deciding". American Economic Review, LVIII, 1968.
"On Econometric Tools". Synthese, 20, 1969.
"The Economic Man's Logic". Induction, Growth and Trade. Essays in Honour of Sir Roy Harrod, (Eltis, Scott,
Wolfe, eds.). Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1970.
"Economics of Information Systems". Journal of the American Statistical Association, 66, 1971.
"Intersubjektive Wahrscheinlichkeit". Heidelberger Jahrbucher, XVII, 1973.
"Information, Decision, and the Scientist". Pragmatic Aspects of Human Communication, ed. by C. Cherry. D.
Reidel Publ. Co. Dordrecht, 1974.
"Prior and Posterior Probabilities and Semantic Information". Information, Inference and Decision, ed. by
Günter Menges. D. Reidel Publ. Co. Dordrecht, 1974.
"Scholarly publishing in Finland".
MARTIN, Norman
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Some analogues of the sheffer stroke function in n-valued logic" Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van
Wetenschappen. Proceedings, LIII, 1950.
"The Explicandum of the Classical Concept of Probability". Philosophy of Science, 18, 1951.
"The Two Cities in Augustine's Political Philosophy". Journal of the History of Ideas, XXXIII, 1972.
– together with F. Allan Hanson - "The Problem of Other Cultures". Philosophy of Social Science, 3, 1973.
"Wolff's Defence of Philosophical Anarchism". The Philosophical Quarterly, 24, 1974.
– together with James W. Nickel – "A Bibliography on the Nature and Foundations of Rights, 1947-1977".
Political Theory, 6, 1978.
– together with James W. Nickel - "Recent Work on the Concept of Rights". American Philosophical Quarterly,
17, 1980.
"Human Rights and Civil Rights". Philosophical Studies, 37, 1980.
"Hobbes and the Doctrine of Natural Rights: The Place of Consent in His Political Philosophy". The Western
Political Quarterly, XXXIII, 1980.
"Collingwood’s Doctrine of Absolute Presuppositions and the Possibility of Historical Knowledge". Substance
and Form in History, ed. by Pompa & Dray. Edinburgh University Press, 1981.
"On the Theory of Legal Rights as Valid Claims". Midwest Studies in Philosophy, 7, 1982.
"Punishment and Rights". – manuscript, n.d.
"G.H. von Wright on Explanation and Understanding : An Appraisal". History and Theory XXIX, 1990.
"On G.H. von Wright's Theory of Practical Inference". ABSP-Beiheft 1993
"On Semantical Rules and Definable Predicates". Philosophical Studies, X, 1959.
"On Whitehead's Concept of Abstractive Hierarchies". Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, XX, 1960.
[Nelson Goodman: Fact, fiction & forecast] - Review. The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 25, 1960.
"Toward an Extensional Logic of Belief". The Journal of Philosophy, LIX, 1962.
"On Knowing, Believing, Thinking". The Journal of Philosophy, LIX, No.21, 1963.
"On Denotation and Ontic Commitment". Philosophical Studies, XIII,1962.
"Existential Quantification and the ‘Regimentation’ of Ordinary Language". Mind, LXXI, 1962.
"Does Modal Logic Rest upon a Mistake?". Philosophical Studies, XIV, 1963.
"The Principle of Nominalism". Philosophical Studies, XIV, 1963.
"On the Frege-Church Theory of Meaning". Philosophy and Phenomenologica\ Research, XXIII, 1963.
"Toward a Logic of Intensions". Synthese, 15, 1963.
"Performance, Purpose, and Permission". Philosophy of Science, 30, 1963,
"A Path from Logic to Metaphysics" . Atti del Congresso Nuovi problemi della logica e della filosofia della
scienza. Vol. II CLUEB, Bologna 1991.
MARTINO, Antonio Anselmo
"Giochi per l'apprendimento della logica formale". Data Report, 1977.
– together with several others – "Un modello automatico per l’analisi dei sistemi normativi: Una proposta
sperimentale". 3e Congresso Internazionale sul tema L'Informatica Giuridica e le Comunita Nazionali ed
Internazionali, Sess. III, n. 10, Roma, 9-14 Maggio 1983.
von MATERN, Åke
"Värt behov av myter i planeringen". Anförande vid sem. 15 maj 1995 på Regionsplane- och trafikkontoret,
MATRAI, Laszló
"Über eine strukturelle Definition der Kultur". Akten des XIV. Internationalen Kongresses für Philosophie, Wien
2.-9.1968. Herder, Wien.
"Die kulturhistorische Symptomatik des Verfalls der österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie". Historisches
Geschehen im Spiegel der Gegenwart. Österreich-Ungarn 1867-1967. Verlag Ferdinand Hirt. Wien, 1970.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Decision Procedure for Modal Sentential Calculus". Osaka Mathematieal Journal, 12, 1960.
"Rauhaan ideologiain sovittelulla". Ajanpaino OY, Helsinki 1983.
MATZ, Richard
"Varför historia? ". Historisk Tidskrift, 1970.
"Ja, varför historia? ". Historisk Tidskrift, 1971.
"Motivationer för historisk forskning och historiska studier". Foredrag og forhandlinger ved det Nordiske
Historikermøde i København 9-12 august, 1971.
"Teknik och vetenskap – vår fungerande religion". Gnosis, 1986.
MAULA, Erkka
"Se jauhaa sittenkin". Tilanne, 1965.
"Pahantiedon puu". Valvoja, 1967.
"Filosofian skitsofreniasta". Valvoja, 1968.
"On the Semantics of Time in Plato's Timaeus". Acta Academiae Aboensis, Ser. A, Humaniora. Åbo Akademi,
"Studies in Plato's Theory of Forms in the Timaeus". Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian Toimituksia, Sarja B.
Helsinki, 1970.
"Eudoxus Encircled". Ajatus, XXXIII, 1971.
"Ancient Shadows and Hours". Studia philosophica in honorem Sven Krohn. Turun Yliopiston Julkaisuja. Turku,
"The Origin of mathematical Analysis". Acta Societatis Historicae Ouluensis. Oulu, 1974.
"The Constants of Nature. A Study in the Early History of Natural Law". Philosophia, 1974.
"The Spider in the Sphere. Eudoxus’ Arachne". Philosophia, 1975-76.
"Man's Self-Orientation in Time and Space". Diotima, 7, 1979.
"From Time to Place: The Paradigm Case". Organon, 15, (1977?).
"An end of invention". Annals of Science, 38, 1981.
"Proof, History and Heuristics". Historia Scientiarum, 29 (1985).
"Fermat’s Legacy". Offset-Kolmio. Hämeenlinna 1987.
DE MAURO, Tullio
"Some Proposals Concerning a formalized Theory of Lexical Noeme and the Historical and Social Character of
Linguistic Phenomena". Linguaggi nella socieà e nella tecnica. Milano, 1970.
"Amintors Morgenandacht". Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte, 30,
MAYNEZ, Eduardo Garcia
"Principios supremos de la ontologia formal del derecho y de la logica juridica". Seminario de problemas
cientificos y filosoficos, 1955.
"Ein indogermanistischer Versuch Otto Weininger’s". Historische Sprachforschung, 104, 1991/1992.
– together with D.G. Printz – "A Relay Machine for the Demonstration of Symbolic Logic". Nature, 165, 1950.
"Negatione e abrogazione in deontica. (A proposito d'un saggio di C.E. Alchourrón ed E. Bulygin). Materiali per
una storia della cultura giuridica, XI, 1981.
"Metanorme e modalita’ deontiche iterate". Normative Structures of the Social World: Working paper 1.
Libera Università degli Studi di Trento; Dipartimento di Metodologia, Teoria e Storia Sociale. Trento, 1982.
"Alcune osservazioni su logica e norme". Materiali per una storia della cultuva giuridica. XVI, 1986: 2.
"Negazione e linguaggio giuridico. Contributo per una critica della logica deontica." Materiali per una storia
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
della cultura giuridica. XVIII, 1988: 1.
McARTHUR, Robert P.
"Factuality and Modality in the Future Tense". Nous, 8, 1974,
McCULLOCH, Warren S.
– in collaboration with C.W. Darrow et al. – "Parasympathetic Regulation of High Potential in the
Electroencephalogram". Journal of Neurophysiology, 1944.
– together with Walter Pitts – "How We Know Universals. The Perception of Auditory and Visual Forms".
Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics, 9, 1947.
– together with A.A.Ward & H.W. Magoun - "Production of an Alternating Tremor at Rest in Monkeys". Journal
of Neurophysiology, 11, 1948.
– together with several others - "Production of Postural Tremor". Journal of Neurophysiology, 12, 1949.
"Dans 1'antre du metaphysicien". Thales, l, 1951.
"What Is a Number that a Man May Know It, and a Man, that He May Know a Number?". General Semantics
Bulletin, 1960.
"Discussion [on L.A.M. Verbeek's paper]". Principles of Self Organization, Pergamon Press. New York, London
etc. 1961.
"Where Is Fancy Bred?". Lectures on Experimental Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1961.
"Abracadabra". Mental Patients in Transition, ed. by Greenblatt et al. Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Illinois.
"The Imitation of one Form of Life by Another - Biomimesis". Biological Prototypes and Synthetic Systems, Vol.
1. Plenum Press, New York. 1962.
– together with Walter H. Pitts – "A Logical Calculus of the Ideas Immanent in Nervous Activity". Information
Storage and Neural Control, ed. by W.S. Fields & VJ. Abbott. Charles C. Thomas. Springfield, Illinois. 1963.
[Originally published in: The Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics, 5, 1943].
"Anastomotic Nets Combating Noise". Information Storage and Neural Control, ed. by W.S. Fields & W. Abbott.
Charles C. Thomas, Publisher. Springfield, Illinois. 1963.
"Symbolic Representation of the Neuron as an Unreliable Function".
"Bertrand Russell and Ludwing Wittgenstein's ‘Notes on Logic’". Revue internationale de Philosophie, 26, 1972.
"The Grundgedanke of the Tractatus".
"Wittgenstein’s Earliest Philosophy". Ethics: Foundations, Problems, and Applications. Proceedings of the 5th
International Wittgenstein Symposium, August 1980, Kirchberg/Wechsel. Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, Wien 1981.
"Comments on Professor von Wright's 'Wittgenstein on Certainty'". Problems in the Theory of Knowledge, ed.
by G.H. von Wright. Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague.
"Bertrand Russell and Ludwig Wittgenstein's ‘Notes on Logic’". Revue internationale de Philosophie, 26. 1972.
"Wittgenstein and the Inexpressible: A Genetic Account". P. Kampits et al. (eds.): Ethik und Religion im Werk
Ludwig Wittgensteins. Verein ‘Freunde des Hauses Wittgenstein’. Wien 1999.
McKAY, Thomas J.
"Essentialism in Quantified Modal Logic". Journal of Philosophical Logic, 4, 1975.
– together with Patrick Suppes – "On the Notion of Invariance in Classical Mechanics". The British Journal for
the Philosophy of Science, V, 1955.
"Obligation and Ability". Dialogue, IV, 1965.
"Human Action". The Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
"Moral Commitments, Legal Validity and Duty under Law".
"Has Russell answered Hume?". The Journal of Philosophy, XLIX, 1952.
"Uses of Similarity of Structure in Contemporary Philosophy". Mind, LXIV, 1955.
"Has Russell Proved Naive Realism Self-Contradictory?". The Journal of Philosophy, LIII, 1956.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"The Discovery of Britain by the Finns". The Norseman, VIII, 1950.
"A New Stage in the Global Biosphere Project: the Simulation of Spatial Processes and of Structural Change".
Economie appliquée, XXXVII, 1984.
"Review" [On Anthony Kenny: Wittgenstein] Erkenntnis, 9, 1975.
– mit Maria Ulkan zusammen – "Kennst du das Land, wo die Zitronen blühn?". Papiere zur Linguistik, 1979.
"Wittgenstein – ein Instrumentalist?" . Sprachspiel und Methode. hrsg. von D. Birnbacher und A. Burkhardt, De
Gruyter, Berlin 1985.
"Pragmatische Semantik im Ausgang von Ludwig Wittgensteins Sprachspielkonzept". Pragmatik: Handbuch
pragmatischen Denkens. Hrsg. von H. Stachowiak, Band II. Felix Meiner, Hamburg 1987.
"Schiffer-Epistemologie". Grazer Philosophische Studien, 10, 1980.
"Das Universalisierbarkeitsproblem in der Moralphilosophie". ARSP-Beiheft 45, 1992
"Irre Täuscher". Grazer Philosophische Studien, vol. 54, 1998.
"Logik der Täuschung". Rationalität, Realismus, Revision, Hg. von J. Nida-Rlimelin. Perspektiven der
Analytischen Philosophie, Band 23. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin New York. 1999.
"Kommunikation und Rationalität". Sprache und Sprachen in den Wissenschaften. Hg. von H.E. Wiegand.
Walter de Gruyter. 1999.
"Terror & Gegen-Terror. Erste ethische Reflexionen". Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 50, 2002.
"Philosophie ‘lässt alles wie es ist’ oder die ‘Moderne Philosophie’ als Kritik der ‘Alten Philosophie’ und der
Alltagswelt". Reasoning on Legal Reasoning, ed. by A. Peczenik & J. Uusitalo. Vammala, 1979.
MEINANDER, Carl Fredrik
"Pyheensilta stenåldersboplats". Finskt Museum, 1939.
"Carl Olof Nordman". Finskt Museum, 1942.
"Vehmersalmen Roikanmäen kivikautinen asuinpaikka". Suomen Museo, 1947-1948.
"Om de förhistoriska dateringarnas vansklighet". Nordenskiöld-samfundets tidskrift, 1951.
"Var bodde urfinnarna?". Nordenskjöld-samfundets tidskrift, 1954.
"Novgorod i dag och för tusen år sedan". Nordenskiöld-samfundets tidskrift, 1956.
"Studia neolithica in honorem Aarne Äyräpää 21.10.1957. – Kolsvidja". Suomen muinaismuistoyhdistyksen
aikakauskirja, 1957.
"Paikat tehty ihmisen asua". Yleisradion julkaisusarja, 1967.
"Arkeologian tie". Kotiseutu, 1971.
"Radiokarbonclateringar till Finlands stenålder". Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Vuosikirja, 1971.
"Suomen kansan syntyperä tieto-opillisena ongelmana". Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia. Esitelmät ja pöytäkirjat.
"En unik stenåldersskulptur" . Nordenskiöld-samfundets tidskrift, 1948.
"Kustaa Vilkuna". Societas Scientiarum Fennica, LVIII. 1980.
"Vikinghjälmen". Bland böcker och människor. Bok- och personhistoriska studier till Wilhelm Odelberg den l
juli 1983.
"Die Ethnogenese der Finno-Ugrier aus der Sicht der Vor- und Frühgeschichte". Ethnogenese europäischer
Völker. Hrsg. von B. Kandler-Pálsson. Gustav Fischer Verlag. Stuttgart, 1986.
"Före Matts Dreijer". – offprint, n.d. –
"The concept of culture in European archaeological literature". – offprint, n.d. –
"Akozino, Achmylovo och mälaryxorna" . Finskt Museum, 1985.
"Reasons for Action and Matters of Fact". Proceedings and Addresses of The American Philosophical
Association, XXXV, 1962.
MELØE, Jakob
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Utsagn og utsiger". - Manuskript 1965.
"Notat nr. 2 om filosofikum". - Manuskript 1967.
"Aktøren og hans verden". Philosophia Arhusiensis, 2, 1970
"Om Øfstis bok "Språk og fornuft". Pluss endel notater om språk og praktiske virsomheter". NFT, 1978.
"Ordninger Nr. l.:l - Manuskript utan datering.
MENCHACA, Víctor Arevalo
"La sociología jurídica y su necesidad". Revista de Ciencias Sociales, No. 21, 1982.
"Notes on the Analysis of Structure and Structuralist Ideologies". Inquiry, 15, 1972.
"L'oggettività della scienza é trsponibile nell'arte e nella morale?". Filosofia, XXIII, 1972.
"Ferdinand Gonseth (1890-1975), les mathématiques et la réalité". Institut de physique théoretique et chaire
de logique et philosophie des sciences de l’université de Berne. 1976.
"On Time, Space-Time, and Other ‘Time’". Perspectives in Metascience, (dedicated to Håkan Tornebohm), ed.
by Jan Barmark. Göteborg, 1979.
"A Physicist's View on the Mind-Body Problem." Epistemologia, IV, 1981.
"Physicien et Métaphysicien". Philosophes critiques d'eux-memes, Vol. 2. Herbert Lang.
Bern-Frankfurt/M.-München 1976.
MERKEL, Reinhard
"’Geistige Landschaft mit vereinzelter Figur im Vordergrund’: Ludwig Wittgenstein". Merkur: Deutsche
Zeitschrift für europäisches Denken.
"Schnürbrüste überall! Zum Beispiel Georg Christoph Lichtenberg. Oder: Was Aufklärung ist". Die Zeit 8.
November 1991.
"Ludwig von Ficker. Ein Hinweis auf seine Geistesgegenwart". Jahresbericht des Bundesgymnasiums für das
Jahr 1968.
MEYER, Herman
"La négation et la logique". Congrés International de Philosophie des Sciences, Paris 1949. Herman & Cie, Paris,
"On the Heuristic Value of Scientific Models". Philosophy of Science, 18, 1951.
"Kausalität, phänomenale". "Kausalität, psychische". Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie, Band 4, hrsg.
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Koskien hakemustani teoreettisen filosofian/filosofian historian dosentuuriin esitän tieteellisen pätevyyteni
arvioimista varten julkaisemieni kirjojen lisäksi vielä seuraavat artikkelit:
1. 'Johdanto', teoksessa: Ludwig Feuerbach, Uskonnon olemuksesta, Helsinki 1980, ss. 5-25 (ansioluettelon n:o
2. 'Die sowjetische Philosophie erneuert sich', julkaisussa DIALEKTIK 18, Köln 1989, ss. 344 - 359 (n:o 25);
3. 'Mephisto und die List der Vernunft', Deutsche Zeitschift für Philosophie 8/ 1991, ss. 825 - 839 (n:o 30);
4. 'Johann Joachim Winckelmannin estetiikka', teoksessa: J.J.Winckelmann, Jalosta yksinkertaisuudesta,
Helsinki 1992, ss. 5 - 41 (n:o 37);
5. 'Ekokriisi ja moraalinen eliitti: piirteitä Pentti Linkolan ajattelun kehityksestä', julkaisussa: J. Jokisalo &
K.Väyrynen (toim.), Ympäristökysymysten yhteiskunnallisia ja eettisiä näkökulmia. Aate- ja oppihistorian
tutkimuksia n:o 25, Oulu 1993, ss. 171 - 191 (n:o 43);
6. 'Moderni Venäjä vai euraasialainen kehitystie? Venäläisen sivilisaatiokeskustelun rintamalinjoja', Venäjän ja
Itä-Euroopan Instituutti /Tiedonantoja ja katsauksia l /1994 (n:o 47);
7. 'Alexej Losev - rysk religionsfilosofi, nyplatonism och marxism', Nordisk Ostforum (Oslo), 1/1994, ss. 24 - 29
(n:o 48);
8. 'Suomentajan esipuhe', teoksessa: Spinoza, Etiikka, Helsinki 1994, ss. 7-39 (n:o 52);
9. 'Eurasismus - eine neue Sammelideologie für Rußland?', Blätter für deutsche und Internationale Politik
11/1994, ss. 1379 - 1387 (n:o 54);
10. 'Ewald Iljenkows Spinoza-Deutung', Studia Slavica Finlandensia t. XI, 1994, ss. 84-100 (n:o 55);
11. 'Mandsmi-leninismistä valtiopatriotismiin: Venäjän kommunistien aatteellinen kehitys', Venäjänja
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von Wright’s Offprint Collection
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Filosofia del Derecho y Filosofia social. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México. Mexico 1981.
"Non si fanno cose con parole. Gli atti negoziali secondo A. Hägerstram". Sociologia del diritto, 3, 1981.
"Postmodernism/Feminism/Law". Cornell Law Review 47, 1992
PATZIG, Günther
"Logic in the 'Euthyphro'". Islamic Philosophy and the Classical Tradition (Festschrift R. Waltzer), ed. by S.M.
Stern, A. Hourani, V. Brown. Oriental Studies, vol. 5. Oxford, 1972.
"Plädoyer für utilitaristische Grundsätze in der Ethik". Neue Sammlung: Göttinger Zeitschrift für Erziehung und
Gesellschaft, 13, 1973.
"Erklären und Verstehen. Bemerkungen zum Verhältnis von Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften". Neue
Rundschau, 1973.
"Aristoteles, Lukasiewicz and the Origins of Many-Valued Logic". Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science
IV, ed. by P. Suppes et al. North-Holland Publishing Company, 1973.
"Hegels Dialektik und Lukasiewiczs dreiwertige Logik". Das Vergangene und die Geschichte. Festschrift für
Reinhard Wittram zum 70. Geburtstag, hrsg. von R. von Thadden, G. von Pistohlkors und H. Weiss.
Vandenhoek & Ruprecht, Göttingen.
"Relation". Bandbuch philosophischer Grundbegriffe. Kösel.
"Die logischen Formen praktischer Sätze in Kants Ethik". Kant. Zur Deutung seiner Theorie von Erkennen und
Handeln. Hrsg. von G. Prauss. Neue Wissenschaftliche Bibliothek. Kiepenhauer & Witsch.
"Was kann die Philosophie zur Ausbildung in medizinischer Ethik beitragen?". Niedersächsisches Ärtzteblätt
PAULSON, Stanley
"Lässt sich die reine Rechtslehre transzendental begründen?". Rechtstheorie, 21 (1990).
"Nethodological Dualisra in Kelsen's Das Problem der Souverenität." Reisen e il problema della sovranita.
Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane. 1990.
"Zur Stufenbaulehre Merkls in ihrer Bedeutung für die Allgemeine Rechtslehre." Adolf J. Merkl - Werk und
Wirksamkeit. Ergebnisse eines Internationalen Symposions in Wien. (Schriftenreihe des Hans Kelsen-Instituts,
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PAVLOV, Sergey
"Logic of Falsehood F4". Institute for Logic, Cognitive Science and Development of Personality 93-04. Moscow
"Contradiction and Incompatibility in a System of Ethics". Studia Filozoficzne, 1964.
"Varieties of Ethical Relativism". Studia Filozoficzne, 1966.
"The moral philosophy of Gandhi". Gandhi Marg, 1966.
"Le probleme d'une approche scientifique a 1'ethique". Scientia, 63, 1969.
"Persuasive Definition and Persuasive Argumentation". The Polish Sociological Bulletin, 1968.
PAVCNIK, Marijan
"Die Rechtsnorm – Zusammenfassung." Zbornik znanstvenih zaprav LV, 1995.
"An den Grenzen der Reinen Rechtslehre." Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, 81, 1995.
"Abuse of a Right. A Contribution to Understanding a Right and its Nature." Challenges to Law at the End of the
20th Century, 1995
"Why Discuss Gaps in the Law?". Ratio Juris 9, 1996.
– together with Heinrich Wansing – "On the Methodology of Possible Worlds Semantics, I: Correspondence
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
Theory", Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic. 29, 1988.
– together with Heinrich Wansing – "On the Methodology of Possible Worlds Semantics, II: Nonnormal Worlds
and Prepositional Attitudes". Gruppe für Logik, Wissensahaftstheorie und Information an der Freien
Universitat Berlin, Bericht Nr, 2/1989.
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"Hypothetical". Analysis, 10, 1950,
Hilbertprogramm und Kritische Philosophie, Das Göttinger Modell interdisziplinärer Zusammenarbeit zwischen
Mathematik und Philosophie. Inaugural-Dissertation in der Philosophischen Fakultät I (Philosophie, Geschichte
und Sozialwissenschaften) der Friedrich-Alexa-der-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg , (Exzerpt), n.d.
"Kurt Grelling und der logische Empirismus". In R. Haller & Fr. Stadier (Hg.), Wien - Berlin - Prag: Der Aufstieg
der wissenschaftlichen Philosophie. Holder - Fehler - Tempsky, 1993.
"The Genesis of Grelling's Paradox". In I. Max & W. Stelzner (Hg. Logik und Mathematik: Frege Kolloquium Jena
1993. Berlin, 1995.
"Von Nelson zu Reichenbach: Kurt Grelling in Göttingen und Berlin". In L. Danneberg u.a. (Hg.), Hans
Reichebach und die Berliner Gruppe.
"The Way of Logic into Mathematics". Theoria - Secunda Epoca 1997.
PECZEHIK, Aleksander
"Doctrinal Study of Law and Science". Österr. Zeitschrift für Öffentliches Recht, XVII, 1967.
"Norms and Reality". Theoria, 1968.
"Juristic Definition of Law". Ethics, an International Journal of Social, Political, and Legal Philosophy, 78, 1968.
"Empirical Foundations of Legal Dogmatics". Logique et Analyse, 12, 1969.
"The Concept of Rights". Archivum Iuridicum Cracoviense, II, 1969.
"Leon Petrazycki and the Post-Realistic Jurisprudence". Sociology and Jurisprudence of Leon Petrazycki,
University of Illinois Press, Urbana-Chicago-London.
"Kansantaloudellinen yhdistys ja taloudellinen keskustelu Suomessa". 1984 (?)
– yhdessä Vartiaisen, Väisäsen ja Åkerholmin kanssa – "Suomalainen finanssipolitiikka ja kysynnän säätely".
1984 (?)
PEKLO, Bohuslav
"Einige Bemerkungen zu den Deontischen Systemen, welche Sanktionen und mehrere Funktoren enthalten".
Logique et Analyse, 5, 1962.
"Über Normeninferenzen". Logique et Analyse, 7, 1964.
"Eine Bemerkung zum Anderson's ’Sanktionensystem’ in der Modalen Logik". Logique et Analyse, 7, 1964.
"Quelques remarques sur la signification de la logique pour le droit". Archiv de philosophie du droit, XI, 1966.
"The Logical Inference from ‘It does not hold that X Ought to Be’, to ‘It holds that X Ought not to Be’". Analele
Universitatii Bucuresti, Seria Acta Logica, X, 1967.
"Deontic and Alethic Modalities". Analele Universitatii Bucuresti, Acta Logica, XI, 1968.
"Sind die deontischen Funktoren distributiv?" Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, XV, 1974.
"Analytical Sentences and Normative or Evaluating Logics". Analele Universitatii Bucuresti, Acta Logica, XIV,
"Recht und Logik". Analele Universitatii Bucuresti, Acta Logica, 1971.
"Observations on the Construction of Legal Logic". Materials for Postgraduale Studies, Faculty of Law,
University of Sydney, 1971.
"Observations on the Construction of Legal Logic". Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, LVIII, 1972.
"Pravnicka logika". Pravnik (=The Lawyer), 1972.
"Nektere zpusoby zjednoduseni jazyka pravni vedy". Pravnik (=The Lawyer), 1972.
"Mancherlei über rechtslogische Fragen (Juristisch-logisches Quodlibet)", Logique et Analyse, 15, 1972.
"Logical Image of Juridical Interpretation and Application". Rivista internazionale di filosofia del diritto, XLIX,
"A Note on Logical Values in Classical Logic and Logic of Preference". Teorie a metoda, V, 1973.
"Logical Inconsistencies". Rassegna Internazionale di Logica, 1973.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"How and when we meet Logical Elements in Jurisprudence?". Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia del Diritto, LI,
"Erweiterte deontische Logik (EDL)". Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, XVI, 1975.
"Nekolik uvah o funkci pravni logiky".
"Normativni kontradikce a inference".
PENA, Lorenzo
"Prenexation, Comparataives, and Non-Archimedean Infinite-Valued Fuzzy Logic." Proceedings of the eleventh
International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic. University of Oklahoma, Norman OK, 1981.
"Aporetic and Nonaporetic Paradoxes from the Viewpoint of an Axiomatized Contradictorial Fuzzy Set-Theory."
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic Paris 19
"(Quasi)transitive Algebras." Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium On Multiple-Valued Logic Kyoto
"Critical Study of Da Costa's Foundations of Logic." Logique et Analyse 25, 1982.
"Identity, Fuzziness And Noncontradiction." Nous 18, 1984.
"A Neo-Fregean (Onto)logical Fuzzy Framework" Frege Conference 1984, Mathematical Research, Band 20.
Review on Pena: Un ststeme paraconsistant infinivalent de logique deontique. Journal of Symbolic Logic 1985.
Review on books by Nicola Grana. Theoria (San Sebastian) 1985.
Review on Pena: El ente y su ser: en estudio logico-metafisico Revue Internationale de Philosophie 159 (1986).
"Notes on Bergmann's New Ontology and Account of Relations." Philosophy Research Archives Vol XII,
"Frege's Theory of Relations and the Search for a Workable Alternative." Critica XIX 1987.
"Dialectical Arguments, Matters of Degree, and Paraconsistent Logic." Argumentation: Perspectives and
Approaches. Ed. by Frans van Eemeren et al. Foris Publications, Dordrecht 1987.
Review on Pena: El ente y su ser. By A. Reix. Revue Philosophique de la France et de 1'Etranger 1988.
"Naturalized Epistemology and Degrees of Knowledge." Paper delivered at the International Conference on
Epistemology, held in Tepoztlan (Mexico), August 1988.
"A Philosophical Justification of Many-Valued Extensions of Classical Logic." Philosophie et Culture, ed. par V.
Cauchy. Editions Montmorency, Montreal 1988.
Review on Graceful Reason by Lloyd Gerson. Philosophia 19, 1989.
"Flew on Entitlements and Justice." International Journal of Moral and Social Studies Vol. 4, 1989.
Review on Quine; Language, Experience and Reality by Christopher Hookway. Canadian Philosophical Review
X/ll (1990).
Review on Pena: Fundamnetos de ontologia dialectica. By A. Reix. Revue Philosophique de la France et de
1'Etranger 115/2 (1990).
"Partial Truth, Fringes, and Motion: Three Applications of a Contradictorial Logic." Studies in Soviet Thought 39
"Nuevos avances en la articulation y en las aplicaciones de logicas aleticas." Preprint, n.d.
"Indeterminacy of Translation as Hermenutic Doctrine." Hermeneutics and the Tradition. Proceedings of the
American Catholic Philosophical Association. Volume LXII.
"Contradictions and Paradigms: A Paraconsistent Approach." To appear in Cultural Relativism and Philosophy,
ed. by M. Dascal, Open Court.
"La dicotomia entre mostrar y decir y la nocion del sentido en el Tractatus"Estudios humanisticos filologia.
Universidad de león 1985.
"Relaciones, modos de combinacion y signos sincategorematicos en el Tractatus". Contextos 8, 1986.
"El analisis tractariano de los hechos relacionales: Exegesis, critica y alternativa". Analisis filosofico IX (1989).
Discussion Note: "Flew on Entitlements and Justice". International Journal of Moral and Social Studies 4, 1989.
"Current Views of World-Formation". Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, (Studies Presented to Tauno F.
Mustanoja on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday), LXXIII, 1972.
"Perinne- ja uskontoantropologisen syvätutkimuksen menetelmästä". Sananjalka 12, 1970.
"The Rational and the Reasonable". n.d,
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"Kristen tro och vetenskaplig forskning". Kristet Perspektiv, 2/1982,
"Moral Education and the Psychology of Character". Philosophy, 1962.
"Platon, hälsan och läkarna". n.d
PETEV, Valentin
"Wie moralisch ist das Recht?". Archiv für Rechts- und SozialPhilosophie. LXXIV (1988): 3.
"Philosophy and Socialism". Praxis, 1967.
"Bertrand Russell (1872-1970)". Praxis, 1970.
"Die Problematik der Doppelkreuzkirchen von Hamina". Sitzungsberichte der Finnischen Akademie der
Wissenschaften, 1959.
"Hieronymus' kommentar till Hesekiel i samvetsbegreppets historia". Svensk teologisk kvartalskrift, 1953.
"La syndérèse". Theoria, 1954.
"La responsabilité individuelle et la société. Trois aspects". Revue Internationale de philosophie, 39, 1957.
"Helhetsbegreppets framväxt inom historiefilosofi och estetik". Filosofi och kultur. Filosoficirkeln. Lund 1984.
"A General Theory of Measurement Applications to Utility". Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, 6, 1959.
"Subjective Probability Derived from the Morgenstern-von Neumann Utility Concept". Essays in Mathematical
Economics, In Honor of Oskar Morgenstem, ed. by Martin Shubik. Princeton University Press, 1967.
"A Short Vindication of Reichenbach's 'Event-Splitting'". Logique et Analyse 121-122, 1988.
"Logik deskriptiver normativer Begriffe". Philosophie und Logik: Frege-Kolloquien Jena 1989/1991. Hg. von W.
Stelzner. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin - New Yorka 1993.
"What Can We Expect from Ethics?", The Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume LXIII, 1989.
"Rechtliche Regelung und formale Logik". Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, L/3, 1964.
"Sinn und Struktur der Normlogik". Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, 52, 1966.
"Verhaltenslogik". Grundlagenstudien aus Kybernetik und Geisteswissenschaft, 9, 1968.
(avec A.L. Soubbotine) "Dequelques approches de la classification des systèmes logiques". Revue
internationale de Philosophie, 98, 1971.
(yhdessâ V.S. Meskovin kanssa) "O statuse logiki kvantovoj mekanikii". Théorie a metoda, 1972.
"Über die Semantik der Wahrscheinlichkeitslogik und der induktiven Logik".
"The Logics of Frege's contemporaries, or 'Der verderbliche Einbruch der Psychologie in die Logik'". Speculative
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
Grammar, Universal Grammar, and Philosophical Analysis of Language. Ed. by D. Buzzetti & M. Ferriani. John
Benjamins. Amsterdam/Philadelphia 1987 .
"Sigwart, Husserl and Frege on Truth and Logic, or Is Psychologism Still a Threat? ". European Journal of
Philosophy, vol. 8, 1997.
"Drei Thesen zu der Entstehung und Eigenart der Philosophischen Untersuchungen: Fragment, Album,
Polyphonie". Wittgenstein and the Future of Philosophy, ed. by R. Haller & K. Puhl. Öbv&hpt, Wien 2002,
"The Law of Categorical Judgment and the Measurement of Color Constancy". Scandinavian Journal of
Psychology, l, 1966.
(with Veijo Virsu together) "Geometrie Illusions. II. Features of the method of magnitude estimation of length
differences." Scandinavian Journal of Psyohology, 8, 1967.
"Informaatio sosiaalitieteiden teorianmuodostuksessa". Sosiologia, 1968.
"Askel harhoihin". Psykologia, 1968.
"Empiiristen hypoteesien valinta ja episteemiset utiliteetit". Ajatus, XXX, 1968.
"Sosiaalitieteellisten hypoteesien uutissisällöstä". Sosiologia, 1969.
"Yksilön valinnan vapaus ja marxilainen yhteiskuntafilosofia". Psykologia, 1970.
"Quantitative Tools for Evaluating Scientific Systematizations". Information and Inference, ed. by Jaakko
Hintikka and Patrick Suppes. D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht-Holland, 1970.
"Hume's Conception of Moral Action and Morality". Ajatus, 37, 1978,
(with Jaakko Hintikka together) "Semantic Information and Inductive Logic".
"Arvot ja toiminta". Suomi rakentaa, Kongressijulkaisu 1982.
"Tekniikkaa ilman etiikkaa?". Jaana Venkula (toim,): Tieteen kirot ja siunaukset, Edistyksen päivyt 87
-seminaariraportti, Helsinki 1988.
"Ulkoinen ja sisäinen vapaus". Ajatus 43, 1986,
"Benedictus Spinozan vapaa minä". n.d.
"Näkökulma laskentatoimen tutkimukseen". Liiketaloudellinen Aikakauskirja, 4,1982.
"Getting ontologically natural." International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. 10, 1996.
"A Solipsist in a Real World." Dialectica, 50, 1996.
"Kieli puhuu itsestään: Jaakko Hintikan tutkimukset haastavat vuosisatamme filosofian perusoletuksia."
Helsingin Sanomat, 9.8.1998.
PIIRAINEN, Ilpo Tapani
"Spätmittelalterliche Stadt- und Bergrechte in der Slowakei". Südostdeutsches Archiv, XXVIII/XXIX, 1985/1986.
"Computerunterstützte Untersuchung der Graphem- und Phonemebene". J.L. Mey (ed.), Language and
Discourse, Test and Protest, A Festsohrift for Prtr Sgall, John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia 1986.
"Das Bergrecht von Idria aus dem Jahre 1580". Neophilologica Fennica 100 ans. Helsinki 1987.
"The Invincible Ignorance of Science". Great Books Library N.d
"Edvard Westermarck på fotvandring i våra nordöstra gränstrakter". Lucifer, 1945.
"Finlandssvensk högskoleundervisning och finlandssvenska vetenskapliga samfund". Föredrag hållet vid de
svenska kulturdagarna den 22 mars 1947.
"Taloudellinen yhteisetu tutkimuksen kohteena". Kansantaloudellinen Aikakauskirja, 1953.
Tal på svenska dagen den 6 november 1958.
"Suomenruotsalaiset ja itsenäisyys". Suomalainen Suomi, 1960.
"J.V. Tallqvist 1862-1960, en minnesteckning". Ekonomiska Samfundets tidskrift, 1969.
"Efter krimkriget - några följdverkningar i Finland". Historisk Tidskrift för Finland, 57, 1972.
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"Mellankrigstidens språkstrid sedd på avstånd". En recension av Pekka Kalevi Hämäläinen: Kielitaistelu
Suomessa 1917-1939.
"Sociologi och statistik". Finsk Tidskrift, 8, 1959.
"Social and Technical Change in an Alandic Island Community". Acta Sociologica, 11, 1968.
"Mera om Finlands, Karelens och Novgorods vapen". Historisk Tidskrift för Finland, 1982:4.
"The First Finnish Sociologist: A Reappraisal of Edward Westermarck's Work". Acta Sociologica, 25, 1982.
"Osvuret är bäst?". Sosiologia 1980:3.
"Vikingamoral". Finsk Tidskrift, H. l, 1984.
"'Who reads Westermarck today?'". The British Journal of Sociology, XXXV, 1984.
"Några språkteoretiska frågor". Nyssvenska studier, 1944.
"Om några grundtankar i Ferdinand de Saussures föreläsningar över allmän språkvetenskap". Vetenskaps
sooieteten i Lund - Årsbok, 1946.
"Studentörbindelser mellan Finland och Sverige 1909-14".
"Wittgenstein, Nonsense, and Lewis Carroll". The Massachusetts Review, 6, 1965.
von PLATO, Jan
"Todennäköisyyden tulkinnoista statistisessa fysiikassa". Arkhimedes, 31, 1979.
"On Partial Exchangeability as a Generalization of Symmetry Principles". Erkenntnis, 36, 1981.
"Instability and the Accumulation of Small Effects: The Reconciliation of Probability with Determinism Prior to
1930". Probability and Conceptual Change in Scientific Thought, ed. by Michael Heidelberger & Lorenz Krüger,
Bielefeld 1982.
"The Generalization of de Finetti's Representation Theorem to Stationary Probabilities". PSA 1982.
"Probability and Determinism". Philosophy of Science, 49. 1982.
"Probabilistic Causality, Randomization and Mixtures". PSA 1986.
"Die Diskussion der Frage nach der Unsterblichkeit in einer Laipziger Handschrift des frühen 15. Jahrhunderts".
Die Philosophie im 14. und 15. Jahrhundert. In memoriam Konstanty Michalski (1879-1947). Verlag B.R.
Grüner. Amsterdam.
POPA, Cornel
"Semantic Definition of the Concept of Method". Revue Roumaine des sciences sociales: Serie de philosophie
et logique, 23, 1979.
PORK, Andrus
"A Note on Schemes of Historical Explanation: Problem of Status". Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 12, 1982.
"Assessing Relative Causal Importance in History". History and Theory, 1985.
""Konkurentshija" pritshin v istoritseskom ob'jasnenii". Eesti NSV teaduate akadeemia toimetised, 34, 1985.
"Industrial'noe obshtshestvo i natsionalizm". Eeati NSV teaduate akadeemia toimetised, 34, 1985.
[v.A. Kolevatov: Soataialnaja pamjat' i poznanie]. Filosofakie nauki, 5/1985.
"Some Aspects of Relative Causal Importance in History". Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR. Section of
Social. Sciences. Tallinn 1986.
"The Pole of Examples in Social Explanation: Some Problems of Marxist Interpretation". Philosophy of the
Social Sciences 19, 1989.
"Global Security and Soviet Nationalities", The Washington Quarterly, Spring 1990.
"Einleitende Überlegungen zum Verhältnis von Philosophie und Mythos". Philosophie und Mythos. Ein
Kolloquium. Hrsg. von Hans Poser. Walter de Gruyter. Berlin - New York. 1979.
"Erfahrung und Essenz: Zur Stellung der Kontingenten Wahrheiten in Leibniz' Ars Characteristica". Die
intensionale Logik bei Leibniz und in der Gegenwart, hrsg. von Albert Heinekamp und Franz Schupp. Franz
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
Steiner Verlag. Wiesbaden, 1979.
"Die Bedeutung des Begriffs ’Ähnlichkeit’ in der Metaphysik Christian Wolffs". Studia Leibnitiana, XI/I, 1979.
"Signum, notio und idea: Elemente der Leibnizschen Zeichentheorie". Zeitschrift für Semiotik, 1. 1979.
"Die Stufen der Modalität. Kants Syster der Logik, Ethik und Sprache. Festschrift für Rudolf Freundlich,
PHIEST, Graham
"The Logic of Paradox", n.d.
(together with E.J. Lemmon, C.A. Meredith, D. Meredith, and I. Thomas) "Calculi of Pure Strict Implication".
"Modality de dicto and modality de re". Theoria, XVIII, 1952.
"On Propositions neither Necessary nor Impossible". The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 18, 1953.
"The Interpretation of Two Systems of Modal Logic". The Journal of Computing Systems, I, 1954.
"Erotetic Logic". The Philosophical Review, LXIV, 1955.
"Diodoran Modalities". Philosophical Quarterly, 1955.
"Many-valued and Modal Systems: An Intuitive Approach". The Philosophical Review, LXIV, 1955.
"Modality and Quantification in S5". The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 21, 1956.
"On a Family of Paradoxes". Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, II, 1961.
"Some Axiom-pairs for Material and Strict Implication". Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen
der Mathematik, 7, 1961.
"Symmetry, Transitivity and Reflexivity". Journal of the Philosophical Association, VII, 1961.
"Tense-Logic and the Continuity of Time". Studia Logica, XIII, 1962.
"Postulate-Sets for Tense-Logic". Manuscript.
"Possible Worlds". Philosophical Quarterly, 1962.
"Changes in Events and Changes in Things". University of Kansas, 1962.
"The Theory of Implication". Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik, 9, 1963.
"Postulates for Tense-Logic". American Philosophical Quarterly, 3, 1966.
"Fugitive Truth". Analysis, 29, 1968.
"Egocentric Logic". Nous, II, 1968.
"Democritus on Politics and the Care of the Soul". Classical Quarterly 39 (ii) 1989.
"Democritus on Politics and the Care of the Soul: Appendix". Classical Quarterly 40 (i) 1990.
PÅHLSSON, Christer
"Humanism, Language and Thought: A Question of Social Praxis". Papers from the Seventh Scandinavian
Conference of Linguistics, II. Ed. by Fred Karlsson.
PÖRN, Ingmar
"Kierkegaard and the Study of the Self". Inquiry 27, 1984.
"An Equilibrium Model of Health". Health, Disease, and Causal Explanations in Medicine, ed. by L. Nordenfelt
and B.I.B. Lindahl. D. Reidel, Dordrecht 1984.
"Vård med helhetssyn". Finska Läkaresällskapets Handlingar. Årg 148 (1988), Band 132.
"Meaning as Use, Not Content: An Alternative View on the Proof-Theoretic Account of Meaning". October 21,
"A Proof-Theoretic Account of Programming and the Role of Reduction Rules". Dialectica 42, 1988.
"Meaning, Function, Purpose, Usefulness, Consequences – Interconnected Concepts". (Draft July 12, 1989)
"The Mathematical Language and Its Semantics: To Show the Consequences of a Proposition is to Give Its
Meaning", Draft, n.d.
– the following authored together with D.M. Gabbay – "Extending the Curry-Howard Interpretation to Linear
Relevant and Other Resource Logics". Draft, July 26. 1990.
"The Functional Interpretation of the Existential Quantifier". Draft, November 10, 1990.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"On Existence Conditions for Elements and Classes". The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 1, 1942.
"Notes on Existence and Necessity". The Journal of Philosophy, XL, 1943.
"On the Logic of Quantification". The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 10, 1945.
"On Ordered Pairs". The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 10, 1945.
"On Relations as Coextensive with Classes". The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 11, 1946.
"Concatenation as a Basis for Arthmetic". The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 11, 1946.
"The Problem of Interpreting Modal Logic". The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 12, 1947.
"On Universals". The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 12, 1947.
(together with Nelson Goodman) "Steps toward a Constructive Nominalism". The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 12,
[Review of Hans Reichenbach: Elements of Symbolic Logic.] The Journal of Philosophy, XLV, 1948.
"On what there Is". Review of Metaphysics, II, 1948.
"On Decidability and Completeness". Synthese, VII, 1948/49.
"Identity, Ostension/ and Hypostasis". The Journal of Philosophy, XLVII, 1950.
"Ontology and Ideology". Philosophical Studies, II, 1951.
"Two Dogmas of Empiricism". The Philosophical Review, LX, 1951.
"Semantics and Abstract Objects". Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 80, 1951.
"On the Consistency of 'New Foundations'". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 37, 1951.
"On an Application of Tarski's Theory of Truth". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 38, 1952.
(together with Alonzo Church) "Some Theorems on Definability and Decidability". The Journal of Symbolic
Logic, 17, 1952.
"The Problem of Simplifying Truth Functions". American Mathematical Monthly, LIX, 1952.
"Two Theorems about Truth Functions". Boletin de la sociedad matematica Mexicana, X, 1953.
"On a So-called Paradox". Mind, LXII, 1953.
"On -Inconsistency and So-called Axiom of Infinity". The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 18, 1953.
"Mr. Strawson on Logical Theory". Mind, LXII, 1953.
"Interpretations of Sets of Conditions". The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 19, 1954.
"Three Grades of Modal Involvement". 16. Congres International de Philosophic - Bruxelles.
Review of Everett J. Nelson: "Contradiction and the presupposition of existence".
RABOSSI, Eduardo
"Meaning, Force and Explicit Performatives". Philosophica, 19, 1977.
"Acerca de una prueba posible de los primeros principios eticos". Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia, IV,
"Metaethik in Lateinamerika heute". n.d.
PAGGIO, Andres R.
"Propositional Sequence-Calculi for Inconsistent Systems". Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, IX, 1968.
"Was heisst ’Bedingungen der Möglichkeit’?". Kant-Studien, Philosophische Zeitschrift der Kant-Gesellschaft,
60, 1969.
"Einige Betrachtungen zum Begriff des Spiels". Kant-Studien, 61, 1970.
"Eine Bemerkung zum Kantischen System der Modalitäten". Kant-Studien, 65, 1974.
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"Die Rolle der Analogie in Bernays' Philosophie der Mathematik". Dialectica, 32, 1978.
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RAINIO, Kullervo
"Stokastisesta käyttäytymisenteoriasta ja sen soveltamisesta sosiaalisen vuorovaikutuksen tutkimukseen".
Acta Psychologica Fennica, II, 1966.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Vieroksuuko valtiovalta koulutettua väkeä? ". Helsingin yliopiston rehtorin Avajaispuhe, 10.9.1999.
RAMEL, Claes
"Man as a Biological Species". AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 21, 1992.
RANTA, Aayne
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"Modernia kirjallisuuden tutkimusta". Kanava, 1973.
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RAPP, Friedrich
"Notwendige und zufällige Gesetzesbeziehungen". 9. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie. Düsseldorf 1969.
Philosophie und Wissenschaft.
"Die Technik in wissenschaftstheoretischer Sicht". H. Lenk (Hrsg.), Neue Aspekte der Wissenschaftstheorie.
Braunschweig: Vieweg, 1971.
"Leistung und Grenzen der kritischen Theorie der Gesellschaft". Schwizer Rundschau, 71, 1972.
"Über die soziale Verantwortung des Ingenieurs". Humanismus und Technik, 16, 1972.
"Technik und Naturwissenschaften – eine methodologische Untersuchung". H. Lenk und S. Moser (Jrsg.),
Techne - Technik - Technologie, Pullach bei München, 1973.
"Kybernetik und Erkenntnistheorie – Bemerkungen zur Konzeption von Georg Klaus". Zeitschrift für allgemeine
Wissenschaftstheorie, V, 1974.
Rezension über Nicholas Rescher: "The Coherence Theory of Truth". Zeitschrift für allgemeine
Wissenschaftstheorie, V, 1974.
"Die Entwicklungsländer und die Technik". Neue Rundschau, 86, 1975.
"The Methodological Symmetry between Verification and Falsification". Zeitschrift für allgemeine
Wissenschaftstheorie, VI, 1975.
"Technische Handlungen und ihre Realisierungsmöglichkeiten". Handlungstheorien interdisziplinär IV.
Sozialwissenschaftliche Handlungstheorien und spezielle systemwissenschaftliche Ansätze. Hans Lenk, (Hrsg.),
Wilhelm Fink Verlag, München, 1977.
"A Helpful Argument - Reply to K. Eichner". Zeitschrift für allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie VII, 1976.
"Disentangling Counter-Arguments". Zeitschrift für allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie, TX, 1978.
"The Physical and the Social Foundations of Technology". Theory and Decision, 10, 1979.
Rezension [über: P. Duhem: Ziel und Struktur der physikalischen Theorien]. Salzburger Jahrbuch für
Philosophie, 23/24. 1978/79.
"Technik als Mythos". Philosophie und Mythos. Ein Kolloquium. Hrsg. von Hans Poser. Walter de Gruyter.
Berlin-New York. 1979.
"Observational Data and Scientific Progress". Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science, 11, 1980.
Reviews: [Thomas S. Kühn: Die Struktur wissenschaftlicher Revolutionen / Die Entstehung des Neuen]".
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"Philosophy of technology". Contemporary philosophy. A new survey. Mattinus Nijhoff. The
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"Strukturmodelle in der Geschichtsschreibung – Die Determinanten der technischen Entwicklung während der
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"Der Kampf der Götter". Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 24.9.1995.
"Processer og udvikling". Udviklingaproblemer, Nordisk Sommeruniversitet, 1958.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Ultraproducts of m-valued Models and a Generalization of the Löwenheim-Skolem-Gödel-Malcev Theorem
for Theories Based on m-valued Logics". Bulletin de Llacademie Polonaise des Sciences, Mathematics, XVIII,
"Om erkendelsen som psykologisk faenomen og om psykologien som erkendelse". Nordisk Psykolog-i, 1953.
"Die Seinsfrage in der sog. neueren Psychosomatik". Turun yliopiston julkaisuja, B, 118, 1970.
"The Basic Views of C.G. Jung in the Light of Hermeneutic Metascience". The Human Context/Le Domaine
Humain, V, 1973.
"The Regulative Situational Circuit in Psychic Disturbance and Psychotherapy". Turun yliopiston julkaisuja, B,
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"Tieteenfilosofisista käsityksistä psykosomatiikassa". Psykosomatiikka: Monitieteellinen katsaus. Psykiatrian
tutkimussäätiö, 1981.
"Ihmisen olemassaolon rakenne ja analyysi: Martin Heidegger". Psykoterapia – teoria ja käytäntö 1.
Weilin+Göös, 1981.
"Merkityksen ongelma psykologiassa ja psykiatriassa". Helsingin yliopiston psykologian laitoksen soveltavan
psykologian osaston tutkimuksia, 8/1981.
"Analytical Psychology and Metascience". Journal of Analytical Psychology, 21 (1976): 1.
"Hermeneuttinen näkökulma merkityksen ongelmaan". Tiedepolitiikka 3/1989.
"Uralilaisen lauseen alkuperäisestä rakenteesta". Virittäjä, 1943.
"Lauseopin periaatekysymyksiä". Virittäjä, 1944.
"Vapaus ja yhteiskunnan suunnittelu". Puhe Helsingin Yliopiston avajaisissa 10.9.1955. WSOY, Porvoo, 1955.
"Kieli ja kommunikaatio". Societas Scientiarum Fennica, XXXVII, B, 1959.
"Mitä on ymmärrettävä struktuurilla?". Virittäjä, 1959.
"Adam Schaff kielifilosofina". Suomalais-ugrilaisen seuran aikakauskirja, 72, 1973.
"Outline of a Decision Procedure for Ethics". The Philosophical Review, LX, 1951.
"Two Concepts of Rules". The Philosophical Review, LXIV, 1955.
"Justice as Fairness". The Philosophical Review, LXVII, 1958.
"Über die Struktur des Wahrnehmungsfeldes". Sitzungsberichten der Finnischen Akademie der
Wissenschaften, 1940.
"Wahrnehmen und Denken". Theoria, XI, 1945.
"Die Dualität des Verstandes". Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1950.
"Über die Struktur der Sinnesmannigfaltigkeit und der Reizbegriffe". Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger
Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1950.
"Axiomatik der Anschauungsmannigfaltigkeit". Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian Toimituksia, Helsinki, 1953.
"Über Anschauliche Unabhängigkeit und begriffliche Orthogonalität". Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian
Toimituksia, Helsinki, 1953.
"Über den kantischen Grundsatz der Kausalität". Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian Toimituksia, Helsinki, 1953.
"Über die begriffliche Ausformung der empirischen Wissenschaften". Acta physiologica scandinavica, 31, 1954.
"Versuch über die Beobachtungsgrundlagen der exakten empirischen Wissenschaften". Dialectica, 10, 1956.
"Experimenter Erweis der euklidisch-pythagoreischen Eigenstruktur sowie des Geltens einer quadratischen
Metrik in der Gesichtsmannigfaltigkeit". Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, 38, 1957.
"Über den Begriff der Gesetzesartigkeit". Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung, 26, 1972.
"Die Stellung des Schmerzes im System der Seelevermögen". Schmerz: Grundlagen - Pharmakologie - Therapie,
hrsg. von Rudolf Janzen et al. Georg Thieme Verlag. Stuttgart, 1972.
"Die Kantsche Unterscheidung des begriffsbildenden, wahrnehmungsbegründeten 'Verstandes' von der
wertebildenden 'Vernunft'". Ibid.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Die begrifflichen Reiz- und Erregungsgrössen der verschiedenen Sinnsmodalitäten". Ibid.
"Ylioppilaiden kulttuuriharrastuksista".
"On Negation and Negative Facts". Theoria, XVII, 1951.
"Regularity and Space". Theoria, XXI, 1955.
"Om en diskussion kring begreppet psykisk energi". Skrifter utgivna av Föreningen för Filosofi och
Specialvetenskap, 1955.
"Frihetsvärdena i kollektivsammhället". Insikt och Handling, 1964.
"Om shälslivets fysiska betingelser konvergerande teorier hos Platon, Aristoteles och Epikuros". Insikt och
Handling, 1966.
"Världsregering behövs anser Danmarks statsminister". Världen och vi, 19, 1966.
"A New Approach to the 'Liar' and Some Other Paradoxes". Danish Year-Book of Philosophy, 5, 1968.
"Om 'vederläggningen' av metafysiken i analytisk filosofi". Insikt och Handling.
"Marxismens arv från Heraklöitos". Insikt och handling, 1978.
"Några synpunkter på Ferdinand de Saussures teori om språktecknet". Vetenskapssocieteten i Lund, Årsbok
"Hans Larsson –traditionen i svensk filosofi". n.d.
"The Challenge of Man's Future". The World Federalist, Vol. 5, 1958.
"On Global Social Justice". World Federalist News, 1994.
"On Some Basic Developmental Issues". n.d
"Eräistä nykyaikaisen historiantutkimuksen tavoitteista". Historiallinen Aikakauskirja, 1955.
"Historian arvosta ja arvoista historiassa". Historiallinen Aikakauskirja, 1964.
"Tieteellis-objektiivisen historiankirjoituksen synty ja kehitys". Historian kirjoitus / Kehityksen pääpiirteet.
"Maailmankatsomuksellis-ideologinen historiankirjoitus". Historian kirjoitus / Kehityksen pääpiirteet.
RESCHER, Nicholas
"A Theory of Evidence". Philosophy of Science, 25, 1958.
"An Axiom System for Deontic Logic". Philosophical Studies, IX, 1958.
"Attributes vs. Classes in Principia". Mind, LXVII, 1958.
"Cosmic Evolution in Anaximander". Studium Generale, 11, 1958.
"On Prediction and Explanation". The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, VIII, 1958.
"A Contribution to Modal Logic". The Review of Metaphysics, XII, 1958,
"A Reinterpretation of ‘Degrees of Truth’". Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, XIX, 1958.
"On the Logic of Existence and Denotation". Philosophical Review, LXVIII, 1959.
"The Ontological Proof Revisited". Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 37, 1959.
– together with Carey B. Joynt – "Evidence in History and in the Law". The Journal of Philosophy, LVI, 1959.
"The Distinction between Predicate Intension and Extension". Revue Philosophique de Louvain, 57, 1959.
"Choice without Preference". Kant-Studien, 51, 1959/1960.
"The Problem of a Logical Theory of Belief Statements". Philosophy of Science, 27, 1960.
"A Factual Analysis of Counterfactual Conditionals". Philosophical Studies, XI, 1960.
"A Ninth-Century Arabic Logician on: Is Existence a Predicate?". Journal of the History of Ideas, XXI, 1960.
"Identity, Substitution, and Modality". The Review of Metaphysics, XIV, 1960.
"On the formalization of two modal theses". Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, II, 1961.
"Semantic Paradoxes and the Prepositional Analysis of Indirect Discourse". Philosophy of Science, 28, 1961.
"Belief-Contravening Suppositions". The Philosophical Review, LXX, 1961,
"On the Logic of Presupposition". Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, XXI, 1961.
"Quasi-Truth-Fuctional Systems of Prepositional Logic". Journal of Symbolic Logic, 27, 1962.
"The Revolt against Process". The Journal of Philosophy, LIX, 1962.
"Discrete State Systems, Markov Chains, and Problems in the Theory of Scientific Explanation and Prediction".
Philosophy of Science, 30, 1963.
"Avicenna on the logic of ‘conditional’ propositions". Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, IV, 1963.
"A note on self-referential statements". Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, V, 1964.
"Predicate Logic without Predicates". Logique et Analyse, 7, 1964
"On the Logic of Chronological Propositions". Mind, LXXV, 1966.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Notes on Preference, Utility, and Cost". Synthese, 16, 1966.
– together with John Robinson – "Temporally Conditioned Descriptions". Ratio, VIII, 1966.
"Practical Reasoning and Values". The Philosophical Quarterly, 16, 1966.
"A New Look at the Problem of Innate Ideas". British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 17, 1966.
– together with John Robinson – "Can One Infer Commands from Commands?". Analysis 24, 1964.
"Shakespeare: Myt eller verklighet?". Societas Scientiarum Fennica. Årsbok - Vuosikirja, XXXVIII, B, 1960.
– together with several others – "Visual performance of the toad (Bufo bufo) at low light levels: retinal
ganglion cell responses and pre-catching accuracy." Journal of Comparative Physiology A 172, 1993.
– together with two others – "Dark Adaptation of Toad Rod Photoreceptors Following Small Bleaches". Vision
Research vol. 34, no. 21, 1994.
– together with two others – "What middle ear parameters tell about impedance matching and high frequency
hearing." Hearing Research 85, 1995.
"Hjarnans Sprakbehandling". Yliopisto 9/1998.
"Unanswerable Questions". Aristotelian Society Supplementary XL, 1966.
"Wittgenstein on Language and Ritual". Essays on Wittgenstein in Honour of G.H. von Wright. Acta
Philosophica Fennica, 28, 1976.
"Questions on Logical Inference".
"Pace e diritti umani nella recente riflessione di Bobbio". II giusto processo. (1988 ?).
"An Analysis of the Concept of Insight". The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, XXIII, 1954.
"On the Scientific Status of Psychoanalysis". The Scientific Monthly, 79, 1954.
"Über modale Aussagenlogiken und ihren Zusammenhang mit Strukturen". I-II. Koninkl. Nederl. Akademie van
Wetenschappen - Amsterdam: Proceedings, A, 55, 1952.
"Über modale Aussagenlogiken und ihren Zusammenhang mit Strukturen". III-IV. Koninkl. Nederl. Akademie
van Wetenschappen - Amsterdam: Proceedings, A, 56, 1953.
"Über modale Aussagenlogiken und ihren Zusammenhang mit Strukturen". V-VI. Kononkl. Nederl. Akademie
van Wetensahappen - Amsterdam: Proceedings, A, 57, 1954.
"Die gentzenschen Schluszverfahren in modalen Aussagenlogiken". I. Koninkl. Nederl. Akademie van
Wetenschappen - Amsterdam. Proceedings, A, 58, 1955.
RI G AL, Elisabeth
"Variations wittgensteiniennes sur le thème ’Sinn und Bedeutung’". Philosophie, 11, 1986.
"Wittgenstein: formes d'expression et pouvoir d'expressivité". KAIROS No. 1, 1990.
"Husserl et Wittgenstein: La re-ouverture des questions platoniciennes." Arête 1990.
"Y a-t-il une phénoménologie wittgensteinienne?". La Phénoménologie aux confins. (1992).
"Delà recherche esthétique comme la philosophie première". La Part de oeil, 1992.
"Wittgenstein on thé Style of Thinking".Culture and Value: Philosophical and Cultural Sciences. The Austrian
Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Kirchberg am Wechsel,1995.
RINGBOM, Lars-Ivav
"Zur Charakterkunde des Malers. I. Dekoration und Illusion". Acta Academiae Aboensis. Humaniora, XIV, 1942.
"Lars-Ivar Ringboms tryckta skrifter 1923-1970". Förtecknade av Rolf Nummelin. Taidehistoriallisia Tutkimuksia
– Konsthistoriska Studier, 1977.
Installationsföreläsning, den 12 mas 1971. Åbo Akademis Årsskrift, 1972.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Ronnebyallegörierna". Den iconographiske Post. Et Nordisk Blad om Billeder, 1972.
"Om försäkring av förväntad vins". Nordisk Försäkrings Tidskrif't,1963.
"On the Application of Symbolic Logic to Algebra". Proceedings of the International Congress of
Mathematicians, I, 1950.
"Les rapports entre le calcul déductif et I’interprétation semantique d'un systeme axiomatique". Colloque de
Paris, 1950.
"On Axiomatic Systems which Possess Finite Models". Methodos, 1951.
"L"application de la logique formelle aux mathe'matiques". Colloque de Paris, 1952.
"On Predicates in Algebraically Closed Fields". The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 19, 1954.
"Consumer Behavior in the American Marketplace". Memorandum från Företagsekonomiska Institutionen.
Handelshögskolan vid Åbo Akademi, 1967.
"II 'De Lumine' di Ruggero Boscovich". Actes du Symposium International R.J. Boskovic 1961.
"Dalle lenti al cannocchiale". Luce e Immagini, XV, 1961.
"L'arcobaleno nella storia e nell'arte". Luce e Immagini, XV, 1961.
"’Ciò che si vede’ coincide con 'ciò che c'è'?". Luce e Immagini, XVI, 1962.
"Venti comande imbarazzanti". Luce e Immagini, XVI, 1962.
"Forty years of 'gratings'". Atti della Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi, XVII, 1962.
"From Seventeenth-Century to Twentieth-Century Optics". ICSU Review, 4, 1962.
"L'infinito e l'infinitesimo nella fisica della radiazione". Atti della Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi, XVII, 1962.
"Il 'De Refractione' di G.B. Della Porta". Atti della Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi, XVII, 1962.
– yhdessä Maria Amalia Naldonin kanssa – "Introduzione:" (Giovan Battista Della Porta) De Telescopio, Firenze,
"Prepositional Calculus and Realizability". Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 75, 1953.
"Zweistellige Modalität". Sprache und Pragmatik 2, Ed. by I. Rosengren. Gleerup, Lund. 1980.
"Tal vid Åbo Akademis inskription den 10 sptember 1947". Årsskrift utgiven av Åbo Akademi, XXXI, 1947.
ROSLIN, Bertil
"Ekonomiska samfundet i mer än 100 år". Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift 1/1995.
"Teknik och produktivitet". Forum 7/1995.
"On the Logical Nature of Propositions of Value". Theoria, XI, 1945.
"Validity and the Conflict between Legal Positivism and Natural Law". Revista Juridica de Buenos Aires, IV,
"The Concept of Law". Yale Law Journal, 71, 1962.
"Naturret contra retspositivisme". Tidsskrift for rettsvitenskap, 76, 1963.
"On Moral Reasoning (In Criticism of R.M. Hare)". Philosophical yearbook, I, 1964.
"La notion de 'competence nationale' dans la pratique des Nations Unies". Melanges Offerts A Henri Rolin,
Editions A. Pedone. Paris, 1964.
"Kortlaegning af immaterialretten". Ugeskrift for Retsvaesen, 13. marts 1965.
– tillsammans med C.A. Arnholm – "Rattsordningen". Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap, 80, 1967.
"Retlige fiktioner". Banning Dikt Tro. Till Ingemar Hedenius den 5 april 1968.
"On Self-Reference and a Puzzle in Constitutional Law". Mind, LXXVIII, 1969.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Skyld, ansvar og straf". Nordisk Gjenklang. Festskrift til Carl Jacob Arnholm, Tanum. Oslo, 1969.
"Straffens formål". Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap, 82, 1969.
"Hensigt er ikke forsaet". Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskapt 83, 1970.
"Demokrati og universitetsstyre". Berlingske Aftenavis 8. januar 1971
"Dolus eventuais – et vildskud". Festskrift til Stephan Hurwitz. Juristforbundets forlag. Kjrfbenhavn, 1971.
"Om samvirke i forbrydelse". Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskapt 85, 1972.
"Om tilregnelighed". Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap, 86, 1973.
"Kampen mod straffen". Nordisk Tidsskrift for Kriminalvidenskab.
"Existence and Validity of a Norm. In Reply to Two Critics". The Philosophy Forum.
"List of the works of Alf Ross 1969-1979" [Compiled by Jens Søndergaard]. Ugeskrift for retsvaesen. 1979.
"Livets helligrhed contra individets autononi". Ugeskrift for Laeger, 1979.
"Intent in English Law". Scandinavian Studies in Law, 1979.
ROSSI, Lauri
"Notes on the Syntax and Semantics of Probability Logic". Kauppakorkeakoulun julkaisuja. Sarja C:II:9. 1971.
"Alcune osservazioni sulla prasseologia di Mises". Quaderni di storia dell' economia politica. IV (1986): 3.
"The Thrust against Language: A Critical Comment on Wittgenstein's Ethics". The Journal of Value Inquiry, II,
"On Ethical Relativism". The Journal of Value Inquiry, XI, 1977.
"Consciousness and Psychopathology". Consciousness and the Physical World, ed. by B.D. Josephenson and
V.S. Ramachandran. Pergamon Press. Oxford & New York. 1979.
"Reflections on the Reith Lectures 1980". The Cambridge Review, February 1981 (Part I), April 1981 (Part II).
"Zur Überwindung der 'klassischen' Modalbegriffe bei Leibniz". Akten des Internationalen Leibniz-Kongressest
Hannover, 14-19. November 1966. Band I. Metaphysik - Monadenlehre. Franz Steiner Verlag. Wiesbaden,
ROUT LEY , Richard
"Dialectical Logic, Semantics, and Metamathematics". Erkenntnis, 14, 1979.
– together with V. Plumwood – "Moral Dilemmas and the Logic of Deontic Notions". Discussion Papers in
environmental philosophy. The Australian National University. No. 6. 1984.
– together with William M. Berg – "On Wittgenstein and Ethics: A Reply to Levi". Telos, 40. 1979.
RUIN, Hans
"Leibniz and Heidegger on Sufficient Reason". Studia Leibnitiana XXX/1 (1998).
"Hägerström, Nietzsche och den svenska nihilismen". Tidskrift för politisk filosofi, l / 2000.
"Some Observations on Linguistic Patterns in a Bilingual Society". Societas Scientiarum Fennica.
Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum. Part I: XVII. 1951. Part II: XIX. 1953.
"Voionmaa ja Westermarck". Sosiologia, 6, 1969.
"Kohti kokoavaa maailmanfilosofiaa". Sosiaalivakuutus 7-8/1988.
"Pekka Kuusen maailmanfilosofia saa vastakaikua". Helsingin Sanomat 8.2.1989.
"Om den företagsekonomiska forskningen och optimeringens och satisfieringens roller däri".
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
Erhvervsøkonomisk Tidsskrift, 1967.
RUYTINX, Jacques
"Considerations sur le positivisme et la théorie de 1'argumentation". Logique et Analyse, 6, 1963.
"Critère du sens et vérité". La Vérité. Actes du XII. Congres des Socíétés de Philosophie de Langue Française.
Bruxelles-Louvain, 'Î964.
"The Unity of Science. Present State of the Problem". Revue Internationale de Philosophie, 1967.
"Ein neues formales System der deontischen Logik". Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae,
19, 1968.
"Random Models of Logical Systems". Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica, 4, 1969.
"Random Models of Some Quasi-Intuitionistic Logics". Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de
Rolando Eötvös Nominatae. Sectio Mathematica. Tomus XII. 1969.
"Logic and Probability". Studia Philosophica, 13, 1971.
"Prior-Type Modal Logic I". Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, 4, 1973.
"Prior-Type Modal Logic II". Periodioa Mathematioa Hungarica, 4, 1973.
"Remarks to Zinov'ev's Complex Logic". Studia Logica, XXXII, 1973.
"Two Variants of the System of Entailment". Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der
Mathematik 21, 1975.
"Semantics for von Wright's Latest Deontic Logic. To Professor Georg Henrik von Wright on the occasion of his
sixtieth birthday". Studia Logica, XXXV, 1976.
"Semantic Value Gaps". n.d.
RYDH, Hanna
"Seasonal Fertility Rites and the Death Cult in Scandinavia and China". The Bulletin of the Museum of Far
Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm, 1931.
"Hällristningar och hällmålningar i Jämtland och Härjedalen". Heimbygdas Tidskrift, 1937.
RYLE, Gilbert
"Philosophical Arguments". An Inaugural Lecture. Delivered before the University of Oxford 30 October 1945.
The Clarendon Press. Oxford. 1945.
"Kokemus raamatuntulkinnan avaikäsitteenä". Teologinen Aikakauskirja 5/1987.
"Det mänskliga. Om Dostojevski som kristen diktare". Forum Theologicum, 1955.
"Kieliopin testattavuus". Virittäjä, 1975.
– mit Aarni Pen lä zusammen – "Einige grundlegende Tatsachen der Wor heorie nebst Bemerkungen über die
sogenannten unvollständigen Symbole". Erkenntnis, IV, 1934. (In zwei Teilen).
SACHS, David
"In Fairness to Freud: A Critical Notice of The Foundations of Psychoanalysis, by Adolf Grünbaum". The
Philosophical Review, XCVIII, 1989.
SAHLIN, Nils-Eric
"Baconian Inductivism in Research on Human Decision-making". Theory & Psychology 1(4), 1991.
"Preference among Preferences as a Method for Obtaining a Higher- Ordered Metric Scale". British Journal of
Mathematical and Statis tical Psychology, Vol. 34, 1981.
– med Peter Gardenfors – "Unreliable Probabilities, Risk Taking, and Decision Making". Synthese 53, 1982.
– with P. G. – "Decision making with unreliable probabilities". British Journal of Mathematical and Statisitical
Psychology 36. 1983.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"On second order probabilities and the notion of epistemic risk". B.P. Stigum & F. Wenstøp (eds.): Foundations
of Utility and Risk Theory with Applications. D. Reidel, Dordrecht 1983.
– with R.W. Goldsmith – "The role of second-order probabilities in decision-making". P.C. Humphreys, O.
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"Ten Years of History of Science at the Polish Academy of Sciences (1952-1962)".
SLATTERY3 Michael P.
– together with Tadeusz Gierymski – "A propositions". The Modern Schoolman, XXXVI, 1959.
"Entailment and Deducibility". Meeting of the Aristotelian Society llth May, 1959.
SMITH, Gudmund
"Finländska stämningar". Svensk Tidskrift, XXXI, 1944.
"Bestämning av arvets och miljöns andelar i psykiska funktioner". Kungl. fysiografiska sällskapets i Lund
förhandlingar, 1945.
– Book review – [On: Y. Norinder: Twin Differences in Writing Performance]. Theoria, XII, 1946.
– together with D.P. Spence and G.S. Klein – "Subliminal Effects of Verbal Stimuli". Journal of Abnormal and
Social Psychology, 59, 1959.
"Motiverad perception: Synpunkter i anslutning till en ny metodik för analys av perceptuella förlopp". Nordisk
Psykologi, 12, 1960.
– together with Eberhard Nyman – "A Serial, Tachistoscopic Experiment and Its Clinical Application". Acta
Psychologica, XVIII, 1961.
– together with Gunnar Johnson – "The Influence of Psychiatric Treatment upon the Process of Reality
Construction: An Investigation Utilizing the Results of a Serial Tachistoscopic Experiment". Psychological
Research Bulletin, Lund University, 1961.
"Psykologiska prov med tvillingar". Studier i människokunskap tillägnade John Landquist, Gleerups.
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"Paraconsistency, Paracompleteness and Intentional Contradictions". n.d. - Erkenntnis- und
Wissenschaftstheorie. Akten des 7. Internationalen Wittgensteinn Symposiums. Hölder – Pichler - Tempsky,
Wien, 1983.
"Dialektitseskij sintez i netrivial'naja protiboretsivost'". Filosofskie nauki, 1/1984.
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"Exact models of dialectical synthesis". Logique et analyse 29, 1986.
"Paraconsistency, Paracompleteness and Intentional Contradictions". The Journal of Non-Classical Logic, 4,
'The Meaning and Test of Truth". Mind, XX, 1911,
"Models for logical entailment". Logique et Analyse, 9, 1966.
SOBEL, Jordan Howard
"Dummett on Fatalism". Philosophical Review, LXXV, 1966.
"'Everone', Consequences, and Generalization Arguments". Inquiry, 10, 1967.
"Utilitarianisms: Simple and General". Inquiry, 13, 1970.
"Generalization Arguments". Theoria.
"Kant's Compass." Erkenntnis 46, 1997.
"Note on a Modal System of Feys-von Wright". The Journal of Computing Systems, I, 1953.
SOLT, Kornel
"Some Philosophical Problems of the Logical Value 'Both True and False'". Preprint, Budapest 1986.
– Rezension – [Ludiwig Wittgenstein: Vermischte Bemerkungen Neubearbeitung Alois Pichler.] Mitteilungen
aus dem Brenner-Archiv Nr. 13/1994.
"Neiglick och Höffding". Finsk Tidskrift, CXLII, 1947,
SOSA, Ernest
"The Logic of Imperatives". Theoria, XXXII, 1966.
"On Practical Inference and the Logic of Imperatives". Theoria.
– together with Roderick M. Chisholm – "Intrinsic Preferability and the Problem of Superogation". Synthese,
16, 1966.
"Imperatives and Referential Opacity". Analysis.
"The Semantics of Imperatives". American Philosophical Quarterly, 4, 1967.
"Hypothetical Reasoning". The Journal of Philosophy, LXIV, 1967.
SOTIROV, Vladimir Hristov
"Modal'nyie teorii s intuitshionistskoj logikoj". Autoreferat dissertatshii ja soiskanie utsenoj stepeni kandidata
fizikomatematiteskih nauk. Izdatel'stvo Moskovsko'vo Universiteta. 1979.
"Nje finitno approksimirujemyie intuitshionistskie modal'nyie logiki". Matematitseskie zametki, 21, 1980.
SOULEZ, Antonia
"’Que reste-t-il’ de la philosophie après le dépassement de ‘toute la métaphysique’? Carnap et Heidegger".
"Hume's Law and Legal Positivism". Filosofia del derecho y filosofia de la cultura, Memoria del X congreso
mundial ordinario de filosofia del derecho y filosofia social. Coordinada por Jose Luis Curiel B. Mexico 1982.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Rèvészin kielensyntyteorian tarkastelua". Ajatus, XVII, 1952.
"Ihmiskieli tiedotusvälineenä". Helsingin yliopiston foneettisen laitoksen Julkaisuja, 10, 1955.
"Suomen yleiskielen foneemien luontaisista vastakohtapiirteistä". Helsingin yliopiston fonetiikan laitoksen
Julkaisuja. 20. 1965.
"In Defense of the Common in the Communities". Studies in the Soviet Thought, 21, 1984.
"Kausalität". Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie. Hrsg. von Joachim Ritter und Karlfried Gründer. Band 4.
Schwabe & Co. Verlag. Basel/Stuttgart.
SPECTOR, Clifford
"Recursive Well-Orderings". The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 20, 1955.
"On Degrees of Recursive Unsolvability". Annals of Mathematicst, 64, 1956.
"The Puzzle of Ludwig Wittgenstein's Phänomenologie (1929-?)". American Philosophical Quarterly, 5, 1968.
"Wittgenstein Calls His Philosophy 'Phenomenology': One More Supplement to 'the Puzzle of Wittgenstein's
'Phänomenelogie''". Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, vol. 13, 1982.
"Prima Facie Versus Critical Moral Principles". Ratio (New Series) II, 1989.
"Contraposition in Indian Logic". Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science: Proceedings of the 1960
International Congress.
"The Theory of Definition in Indian Logic". Journal of the American Oriental Society, 81, 1961.
"Context-Sensitive Rules in Pahini". Studies in Indian Linguistics
"Euclides en Panini". Rede uitgesproken aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam 4.2.1963.
"E.W. Beth (1908-1964)". Dialectica, 19, 1965.
"Sanskrit Philosophy of Language". Current Trends in Linguistics, S: Linguistics in South Asia. Ed. by Thomas A.
Sebeok. Mouton.
"Some Semantic Relations Between Sentoids". Foundations of Language, 1967.
"Recent Insights into the Nature of Language". Meanjin Quarterly, 1969.
"Triebrepräsentanz, Orientierungsreflex, Alarmreaktion. Eine Skizze zu Gegenstand und Forschungslogik der
Psychosomatik". Psyche: Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse und ihre Anwendungen, XXXVI, 1982.
STAHL, Gerold
"General Considerations about Modal Sentences". Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der
Mathematik, 5, 1959.
"Remarks on the Incompleteness Proof". Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik,
l, 1961.
"Une formalisation du 'Dominateur'". Revue Philosophique , 1962.
"A Paratheory of Type Theory". Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik, 9, 1963.
"Linguistic Structures Isomorphic to Object Structures". Philosophy & Phenomenological Research, XXIV, 1964.
"Modal Models Corresponding to Models". Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der
Mathematik, 20, 1974.
"Termes temporeis dans der systemes fonctionnels". Revue Philosophique, 1974.
"Quelques relations entre temporalite de re et temporalite de dicto et leur extension aux modalites". Revue
Philosophique, 1976.
"Une formalisation de quelques syllogismes modaux". Logique et Analyse, 19, 1976.
"Identite et descriptions un temporal et modal". Revue philosophique, 1978.
"Les syllogismes avec 'savoir' ehez Occam". Logique et Analyse, 21, 1978.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Intensional Universes". Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, XXX, 1969.
"Quelques relatios entre temporalite de re et temporalite de dicto et leur extension aux modalités". Revue
Philosophique, 1976.
"Identité et descriptions dans un Système temporel et modal". Revue philosophique, 1978.
"Logical Treatment of the Relations of Knowing and Believing". Philosophy and Phenomenological Research,
39, 1979.
"Les objects physques et leurs coupes temporelles". Revue philosophique, 1979.
"L'aspect dans le traitement logique de re". La notion d'aspect: Recherches linguistiques, publiés par Jean
David et Robert Martin, Centre d’Analyse syntaxique de l'Universite de Metz. Paris, 1980.
– Rezension – [P. Lorenzen: Einführung in die operative Logik und Mathematik]. Philosophische Rundschau, 6,
"Conditio Irrealis, Dispositionen, Naturgesetze, und Induktion". Kant-Studien, 50, 1958/1959.
"Das Problem der Kausalität". Probleme der Wissenschaftstheorie. Festschrift für Victor Kraft, Springer-Verlag,
Wien. 1960.
– Rezensionen – [Martin Davis: Computability and Unsolvability/Kurt Schütte: Beweistheorie]. Ratio, 1960.
"Einige Beiträge zum Problem der Teleologie und der Analyse von System mit zielgerichteter Organisation".
Synthese, XIII, 1961.
– Rezensionen – [I.M. Copi: Symbolic Logic/A. Church: Introduction to Mathematical Logic, Vol. I].
Philosophische Rundschau, 9, 1961.
"Die Äquivalenz des klassischen und intuitioistischen Ableitungsbegriffs im Gentzen-Quine-Kalkül und in
Kleene's Kalkül H". Archiv für mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung, 8, 1962.
"Neuere Publikationen zur logisch-mathematischen Grundlagenforschung". Kant-Studien, 54, 1963.
"Remarks on the completeness of logical Systems relative to the validity-concepts of P. Lorenzen and K.
Lorenz". Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, V, 1964.
"Eine modelltheoretische Präzisierung der Wittgensteinschen Bildtheorie". Notre Dame Journal of Formal
Logic, VII, 1966.
"Explanation, Prediction, Scientific Systemization and Non-Explanatory Information". Ratio, VIII, 1966.
"Towards a Rational Reconstruction of Kant's Metaphysics of Experience (I)". Ratio, IX, 1967.
"Einheit und Problematik der wissenschaftlichen Welterkenntnis". Münchener Universitätsreden, Neue Folge,
Heft 41. 1966.
"Homage to Rudolf Carnap". PSA 1970 in Memory of Rudolf Carnap. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of
Science, Vol. VIII. D. Reidel, Dordrecht-Holland. 1970.
"Nachruf auf Rudolf Carnap". Zeitschrift für allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie, II, 1971.
"Rudolf Carnap: Induktive Wahrscheinlichkeit". Grundprobleme der grossen Philosophen, hrsg. von Josef
Speck. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht in Göttingen.
"Das Problem der Induktion: Humes Herausforderung und moderne Antworten". Neue Aspekte der
Wissenschaftstheorie. Hrsg. von H. Lenk. Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1971.
"Der sogenannte Zirkel des Verstehens". Natur und Geschichte: X, Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie Kiel
8,-12. Oktober 1972. Hrsg. von K. Hübner und A. Miene. Felix Meiner Verlag, Hamburg, 1973.
"Carnap’s Normative Theory of Inductive Probability". Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science 17, ed. by
P. Suppes et al. North-Holland Publishing Company, 1973.
"Normale Wissenschaft und wissenschaftliche Revolutionen – kritische Betrachtungen zur Kontroverse
zwischen Karl Popper und Thomas S. Kühn". Wissenschaft und Weltbild, 29, 1976.
"Accidental ('Non-Substantial') Theory Change and Theory Dislodgement: to What Extent Logic Can Contribute
to a Better understanding of Certain Phenomena in the Dynamics of Theories". Erkenntnis, 10, 1976.
"On the Interrelations between Ethics and Other Fields of Philosophy and Science". Erkenntnis, 11, 1977.
"Yehoshua Bar-Hillel 8.9.1915-25.9.1975". Jahrbuch der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1977.
"Accidental (‘non-Substantial’) Theory Change and Theory Dislodgement". Historical and Philosophical
Dimensions of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, ed. by Butts and Hintikka, D. Reidel Publ. Co.
Dordrecht-Holland, 1977.
"A Combined Approach to the Dynamics of Theories". Theory and Decision, 9, 1978.
"Eine kombinierte Analyse der Theoriendynamik". Voraussetzungen und Grenzen der Wissenschaft, hrsg. von
G, Radnitzky und G. Andersson. J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Tübingen, 1981.
"Wolfgang Stegmüller in memoriam". Reden anlässlich der Trauerfeier für Professor Dr.Dr.Dr.h.c. Wolfgang
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
Stegmüller am 10 Juli 1991.
STEINBY, Torsten
"Il sogno dell'Italia". Il Veltro, Rivista Della Civiltà Italiana, XIX, 1975.
"Handlung, Sprache und Bewusstsein. Zum ‘Szientismus’ in Sprach- und Erkenntnistheorien". Dialectica 41(4),
– together with W.P. Mendonça – "Frege – ein Platonist?". Ratio 29(2), 1987..
"Three Problems in Induction". Synthese, 23, 1971.
"A Relative Notion of Natural Generalization". Philosophy of Science, 42, 1975.
"A Partial Solution to the Goodman Paradox". Philosophical Studies.
"Schrödinger och kvantumfysikens realitet". Arkhimedes, 31, 1979.
"Does a flying electron spin". Contemporary Physics, 43, 2002, 147-160.
"Tieteellisistä akatemioista". Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Årsbok-Vuosikirja, LII B.
"Arvoista ja arvonimistä". Academia Scientiarum Fennica, Vuosikirja – Yearbook, 1979.
"Modern logik".
"Verklighetens avbildning i spräket". Epos och Eris: Kulturessäer tillägnade Professor Rolf Lagerborg den 26
april 1944.
"Natüral Implication and Material Implication". Theoria, XIII, 1947.
"Kunskap, verklighet och - fantasi". Prisma, 1950.
"Filosofi och världsäskädning". Installationsföreläsning hållen den 29 Oktober 1954.
"Kunskap och visdom". Finsk Tidskrift, 1955.
"Definitions of the Concept 'Value-Judgement'". Theoria, XXI, 1955.
"Uppbuggnaden av Wittgensteins Tractatus logico-philosophicus". Ajatus, XIX, 1956.
"Über Relativitätstheorie als Funktionentheorie komplexer Zahlen indefiniter Art". Societas Scientiarum
Fennica, Commentationes Physico-Mathematicae, XXVI 3A. Helsinki, 1962.
"Wittgenstein's Picture-Theory: A Reply to Mr. H. R.G.Schwyzer". Inquiry, 6, 1963.
"Are True Numerical Statements Analytic or Sythetic?". Philosophical Review, LXXIV, 1965.
"Begreppen 'analytisk' och 'syntetisk'". Ajatus, XXVII, 1965.
"Miss Anscombe's Retractation". Analysis, 27, 1967.
"Satsen som funktion hos Frege och Wittgenstein". Norsk Filosofisk Tidskrift.
"Mood and Language-Game". Synthese, 17, 1967.
"Beginning with Ordinary Things". Synthese, 19, 1968-69.
"On the System of Leibniz". Ajatus, XXXV, 1973.
"The Problem of AKRASIA as a Subject of Philosophical Analysis". Dialeatica, 27, 1973.
"Syntax of Symbolic Logic and Transformational Grammar". Synthese, 26, 1973.
"Sets: Reflections Prompted by Max Black's paper 'The Elusiveness of Sets"'. Synthese, 27, 1974.
"The Problem of Color Incompatibility". The Ontological Turn, ed. by M.S. Gram & E.D. Klemke. University of
Iowa Press. 1974.
"Die Bildtheorie des Satzes". Erkenntnis, 9, 1975.
"All Men Are Mortal". Fact, Value, & Perception: Essays in Honor of Charles Baylis. Ed. by P. Welsh. Duke U.P.
Durhain, N.C. 1975.
"Comments on Jaakko Hintikka's paper "Quantifiers vs. Quantification Theory'". Dialectica, 30, 1976.
"The Sentence as a Function of its Constituents in Frege and in the Tractatus". Essays on Wittgenstein in
Honour of G.H. von Wright, 1976.
"Comments on Donald Davidson's Paper 'Radical Interpretation'". Dialectica, 30, 1976.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"The Picture Theory and Wittgenstein's Later Attitude to it". Perspectives on the Philosophy of Wittgenstein.
Ed. by I. Block, Oxford, 1981.
"Ross’ Paradox and well-formed Codices". Theoria, XLVIII, 1982.
STERN, David
– Review – [David Hilmy: The Later Wittgenstein.] The Philosophical Review, XCIX, 1990.
"The 'Middle Wittgenstein': From Logical Atomism to Practical Holism." Synthese, 87, 1991.
"New Evidence Concerning the Construction //the Troubled History// of Part I of the Investigations". N.d.
STIGEN, An finn
"The Importance of Being in Earnest". Inquiry, 9, 1966.
"Hva er et etisk problem?". Etikk, red. av Øyvind Dahl et al, Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, n.d.
STOCK, Wolf gang G,
"Zur Bestimmung der Negation in der Handlungslogik". Philosophia Naturalis, 17, 1978.
STOCKER, Michael
"Morally Good Intentions". The Monist, 54, 1970.
STONE, Julius
"’Non Liquet’ and the Function of Law in the International Community". The British Year Book of International
Law, 1959.
STONE, Richard
"The Theory of Games". The Economic Journal, 1948.
"The Compleat Wrangler". Minnesota Law Review, 50, 1966.
"Logic and Law: The Precedence of Precedents". Minnesota Law Review, 51, 1967.
– Book Reviews – [On books by Carnap, Bar-Hillel, Popper, and
Achinstein]. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 33, 1968.
STOUTLAND, Frederick
"Basic Actions and Causality". The Journal of Philosophy, LXV, 1968.
"Review" [On: Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures, Vol. I: The Human Agent]. Synthese, 20, 1969.
"The Logical Connection Argument". Studies in the Theory of Knowledge, American Philosophical Quarterly
Monographs No. 4. Oxford. 1970.
"Ontological Simplicity and the Identity Hypothesis". Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, XXXI, 1971.
"Realism and Anti-Realism in Davidson's Philosophy of Language". (in two parts). Critica, XIV, 1982.
"Philosophy of action: Davidson, von Wright, and the debate over causation". Contemporary philosophy: A
new survey, Vol. 3. Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague/Boston/London. 1982.
"Reasons, Causes, and Intentional Explanation". Analyse und Kritik Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaften 1/1986.
"On Not Being a Behaviourist". L. Hertzberg & J. Pietarinen (eds.) Perspectives on Human Conduct. E.J. Brill,
Leiden & New York 1988.
"On Not Being a Realist". Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 1988/89.
"Self and Society in the Claims of Individualism". Studies in Philosophy and Education 10, 1990.
The Belief-Desire Model of Reasons for Action. Uppsala Prints and Preprints in Philosophy 2002 Number 4.
"Three Conceptions of Action". H. Stachowiak (Hg.): Pragmatik: Handbuch des pragmatischen Denkens. Felix
Meiner, Hamburg, ca. 1990.
"Searle's Consciousness". Philosophical Books vol. 35; 1994.
"Davidson on Intentional Behavior". n.d.
"Hume, Probability, and Induction". Philosophical Review, LXXIV, 1965.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Om praktiska slutledningar inom juridiken". Tidskrift för Rettsvitenskap.
"Ein paradoxienfreies deontisches System". Forschungen aus Staat und Recht, 43, 1978.
"A Formal Analysis of the Concept of Justice". Rechtstheorie, Beiheft 3 (1981).
"On Natural Law and the Is-Ought Question: Philosophical Observations". Das Naturrechtsdenken heute und
morgen. Gedächtnisscrift für René Marcic. Hrsg. von Dorothea Mayer-Maly & Peter M. Simons. Duncker &
Humblot, Berlin, 1983.
"Gerechtigkeit als vollkommene Pflicht". Theorie der Normen, Festgabe für Ota Weinberger zum 65.
Geburtstag. Hrsg. von W. Krawietz, H. Schelsky, G. Winkler & A. Schramm. Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 1984.
"Anmerkungen zum praktischen Syllogismus". ARSP, Beiheft Nr. 20.
"Die Paradoxa der deontischen Logik". Grundzüge und Grundverfahren der Rechtslogik, Bd. 2, hrsg. von
Tammelo/Schreiner, Verlag Dokumentation, München 1977.
"Der Normbegriff bei Hans Kelsen". Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, LXIII, 1977.
"Sein-sollen-prinzip contra Effektivitätsprinzip". Rechtstheorie, 10, 1979.
"Basis, Basissatz". Stichwort in Handbuch Wissenschafstheoretischer Begriffe, hrsg. von J, Speck.
Vanddenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1980.
"Gegenformelmethode als Werkzeug juristischen Denkens". Rechtstheorie, 11, 1980.
"Recht und Moral: Ihre Unterschiede und Zusammenhänge". Ius Humanitatis. Festschrift zum 90 Geburtstag
von Alfred Verdross. Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 1980.
– zusammen mit Edgar Morscher – "Einführende Betrachtungen zur Ethik". Ethik: Grundlagen, Probleme und
Anwendungen. Akten des 5. Internationalen kittgenstein Symposiums, Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, Wien 1981.
"Gerecht Handeln, formale und materiale Bedingungen". Ibid. 1981.
"Wissenschaft und Rationalität, oder: Popper und Kuhn". Philosophie als Wissenschaft / Essays in Scienotific
Philosophy, Paul Veingartner gewidmet. Hrsg von Morscher/Neumainer/Zecha. Coroes Verlag, Bad Reichenhall
"Kants kategorische Imperativ: Ein Interpetationsversuch". Der Mensch und die Wissenschaften vom
Mensehen. Die Beiträge des XII. Deutschen Kongresses für Philosophie in Innsbruck. Solaris-Verlag, 1981.
"Moritz Schlick's Fundamental Propositions". Rationality and Science. A Memorial Volume for Moritz Schlick in
Celebration of the Centennial of his Birth. Ed. by E.T. Gadol. Springer-Verlag, Wien - New York 1982.
"A Rational Principle of Justice". Abstrasts of the 7th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and
Philosophy of Science, Salzburg, July 1983. Compiled by G. Zecha. J. Huttegger, Salzburg, 1983.
"Some Comments on Formal Justice". Mind, language and society, ed. by O. Weumaier, Wien 1984.
"Prolegomena zu einer Wertanalyse". Objektivierung des Rechtsdenkens. Gedächtnisschrift für Ilmar Tammelo,
Hrsg. von W. Krawietz, Th. Mayer-Maly, O. Weinberger. Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 1984.
"Le syllogisme pratique et son importance pour les sciences humaines". Revue Philosophique de Louvain, 81
(49), 1983.
STROLL., Avrum
"Primordial Knowledge and Rationality". Dialectica, 36, 1982.
STROUP, Timothy
"Westermarck’s Ethical Relativism". Ajatus, 38, 1980.
"Westermarck, Edvard (Edward) Alexander", Collier’s Encyclopedia, vol. 23, 1981.
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"A student of Society". Suomi – USA, January, 1981.
"In Defense of Westermarck". Journal of the History of Philosophy, XIX, 1981.
"Edward Westermarck: A Reappraisal". Man (N.S.) 19.
STROUT, Gushing
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STRÖKER, Elisabeth
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"Theorie und Erfahrung: Zur Frage des Anfangs der Naturwissenschaft". Weltaspekte der Philosophie. Rudolph
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STUDNICKI, Franciszek
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SUNDBY, Nils Kr.
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Rettsvitenskap, 83, 1970.
– tillsammans med O. R. Sandberg – "Språk og direktiver". Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap, 83, 1970.
– tillsammans med O. R. Sandberg – "Direktiver og logikk". Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap, 84, 1971.
"Benthams betydning for vår tids rettstenknina". Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap, 86, 1973.
– tillsammans med Torstein Eckhoff – "Om selvrefererende lover". Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap, 87, 1974.
SUNDMAN, Jacobus
"Helsingfors Frimärkssamlare Förening". BFF:s 75-års Jubileum.
"Angslupen Ellida". n.d.
"Ångslunen Thor". n.d.
"Introduktion till köteorin". Memo-stencil, Företagsekonomiska institutionen vid Handelshögskolan vid Åbo
Akademi. 10/10.5.1968.
"Användningen av officiella statistik inom några finländska företag med en inledande analys av Finlands
Statistiska Centralbyrås verksamhet". Memo-stencil, Företagsekonomiska Institutionen vid Handelshögskolan
vid Åbo Akademi. 15/27.5.1970.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Viinin käyttö keittiössä antiikin Roomassa". Alkoholipolitiikka, 1962.
"Cocktail och veritmt hos antikens romare". Alkoholpolitik, 1962.
"Roomalaisten tiilileimojen tutkimus". Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, Esitelmät ja pöytäkirjat, 1966. Helsinki,
"The Consul --- N.Carve --- in 458 B.C.". Arctos: Acta Philologica Fennica, III, 1962.
"Über die Differentialgleichung der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit der Metalle bei tiefen Temperaturen".
Max-Planck-Festschrift, 1958.
"Wirklichkeit und Freiheit im Lichte von Heisenbergs Revolution". Physikalische Blätter, 28, 1972.
SUPPES, Patrick
– together with J.C.C. McKinsey & A.C. Sugar – "Axiomatic Foundations of Classical Particle Mechanics". Journal
of Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 2, 1953.
– together with J.C.C. McKinsey – "Transformations of Systems of Classical Particle Mechanics". Journal of
Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 2, 1953.
"Descartes and the Problem of Action at a Distance". Journal of the History of Ideas, 15, 1954.
"Some Remarks on Problems and Methods in the Philosophy of Science". Philosophy of Science, 21, 1954.
– together with H. Rubin – "Transformations of Systems of Relativistic Particle Mechanics". Pacific Journal of
Mathematics, 4, 1954
– together with J.C.C. McKinsey – "On the Notion of Invariance in Classical Mechanics". British Journal for the
Philosophy of Science, V, 1955.
"The Role of Subjective Probability and Utility in Decision-Making". Proceedings of the Third Berkeley
Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, University of California, December 1954, and June and
July, 1955. University of California Press.
– Book Review – [R.M. Thrall et al. {eds.}: Decision Processes], Journal of the American Statistical Association,
50, 1955.
– together with Muriel West – "An Axiomatization of Utility Based on the Notion of Utility Differences".
Management Science, 1, 1955.
– together with Donald Davidson – "A Finitistic Axiomatization of Subjective Probability and Utility".
Econometrica, 24, 1956.
"Nelson Goodman on the Concept of Logical Simplicity". Philosophy of Science, 23, 1956.
– together with R.C. Atkinson – "An Analysis of Two-Person Game Situations in Terms of Statistical Learning
Theory". Journal of Experimental Psychology, 55, 1958.
– together with Dana Scott – "Foundational Aspects of Theories of Measurement". Journal of Symbolic Logic,
23, 1958.
"A Linear Model for a Continuum of Responses". Studies in Mathematical Learning Theory, ed. by R.Bush &
W.K. Estes. Stanford University Press, Stanford CA. 1959.
– together with John Lamperti – "Chains of Infinite Order and Their Application to Learning Theory". Pacific
Journal of Mathematics, 9, 1959.
"Stimulus-Sampling Theory for a Continuum of Responses". Mathematical Methods in the Social Sciences,
– together with H.L. Royden & K. Walsh – "A Model for the Experimental Measurement of the Utility of
Gambling". Behavioral Science, 4, 1959.
– together with K. Walsh – "A Non-Linear Model for the Experimental Measurement of Utility". Behavioral
Science, 4, 1959.
"Measurement, Empirical Meaningfulness, and Three-Valued Logic". Measurement: Definitions and Theories*
ed, by C. West Churchman & Philbura Ratoosh. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 1959.
"A Comparisons of the Meaning and Uses of Models in Mathematics and the Empirical Sciences". Synthese, XII,
– together with John Lamperti – "Some Asymptotic Properties of Luce's Beta learning Model". Psychometrika,
25, 1960.
"Probability Concepts in Quantum Mechanics" . Philosophy of Science, 28, 1961.
– together with Franklin Krasne – "Application of Stimulus Sampling Theory To Situations Involving Social
Pressure". Psychological Review, 68, 1961.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
– together with R.W. Frankmann – "Test of Stimulus Sampling Theory for a Continuum of Responses with
Unimodal Noncontingent Determinate Reinforcement". Journal of Experimental Psychology, 61, 1961.
"Behavioristlc Foundations of Utility". Econometrica, 29, 1961.
"The Philosophical Relevance of Decision Theory". The Journal of Philosophy, LVIII, 1961.
– together with J.L. Zinnes – "Stochastic Learning Theories for a Response Continuum with Non-Determinate
Reinforcement". Psychometrika, 26, 1961.
– together with Madeieine Schlag-Rey – "Test of Some Learning Models for Double Contingent
Reinforcement". Psychological Reports, 10, 1962.
– together with Rose Ginsberg – "Experimental Studies of Mathematical Concept Formation in Young
Children". Science Education, 46, 1962.
– together with Rose Ginsberg – "Application of a Stimulus Sampling Model to Children's Concept Formation
With and Without Overt Correction Responses". Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63, 1962.
"Models of Data". Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science: Proceedings of the 1960 International
Congress, ed. by P. Suppes. Stanford University Press, Stanford. 1962.
"Some Current Developments in Models of Learning for a Continuum of Responses". American Institute of
Electrical Engineers. The Discrete Adaptive Processes Symposium. 1962.
– together with Madeleine Schlag-Rey – "Analysis of Social Conformity in Terms of Generalized Conditioning
Models". Mathematical Methods in Small Group Processes, 1962.
– together with Rose Ginsberg – "A Fundamental Property of All-or-None Models, Binomial Distribution of
Responses Prior to Conditioning, with Application to Concept Formation in Children". Psychological Review, 70,
– together with J.L.Zinnes – "Basic Measurement Theory". Handbook of Mathematical Psychology, Vol. I. Ed. by
Luce, Bush, Galanter. John Wiley & Sons. 1963.
"On an Example of Unpredictability in Human Behavior". Philosophy of Science, 31, 1964.
– together with H. Rouanet – "A simple discrimination experiment with a continuum of responses". Studies in
Mathematical Psychology, ed. by R.C. Atkinson. Stanford University Press. 1964.
"The Kinematics and Dynamics of Concept Formation". Proceedings of the, 1964 International Congress for
Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, North-Holland Publ. Co. Amsterdam.
– together with E. Crothers & R. Weir – "Latency Phenomena in Prolonged Learning of Visual Representations
of Russian Sounds". IRAL, II, 1964.
– together with E.B. Karsh – "Probability learning of rats in continuous-time experiments". Psychonomic
Science, 1, 1964.
– together with M. Schlag-Rey & G. Groen – "Latencies on last error in paired-associate learning". Psychonomic
Science, 2, 1965.
"Logics Appropriate to Empirical Theories". The Theory of Models, Proceedings of the 1983 International
Symposium at Berkeley, Ed. by J.W. Addison, L. Henkin, A. Tarski. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1965.
– together with Duncan Hansen – "Accelerated Program in Elementary-School Mathematics – the First Year".
Psychology in the Schools, 2, 1965.
– together with F. Binford – "Experimental teaching of mathematical logic in the elementary school". The
Arithmetic Teacher, 1965.
– together with M. Schlag-Rey – "Observable Changes of Hypotheses under Positive Reinforcement". Science,
148, 1965.
"On the Behavioral Foundations of Mathematical Concepts". Child Development Monograph, 30, 1965.
"Towards a Behavioral Foundation of Mathematical Proofs". The Foundation of Statements and Decisions,
Pergamon Press. N.Y. 1965.
"Tommorow's Education? Computer-Based Instruction in the Elementary School". Education Age, 2, 1966.
"Mathematical Concept Formation in Children". American Psychologist, 21, 1966.
– together with J.L. Zinnes – "A Continuous-Response Task with Nondeterminate, Contingent Reinforcement".
Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 3, 1966.
– together with G. Groen & M. Schlag-Rey – "A Model for Response Latency in Paired-Associate Learning".
Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 3, 1966.
"The Probabilistic Argument for a Non-Classical Logic of Quantum Mechanics". Philosophy of Science, 33, 1966.
"The Uses of Computers in Education". Scientific American, 215, 1966.
"Accelerated Program in Elementary-School Mathematics – the Second Year". Psychology in the Schools, III,
"Concept Formation and Bayesian Decisions". Aspects of Inductive Logic, ed. by P. Suppes & J. Hintikka.
North-Holland, Amsterdam. 1966
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Probabilistic Inference and the Concept of Total Evidence". Ibid.
"A Bayesian Approach to the Paradoxes of Confirmation". Ibid.
"The Computer and Excellence". Saturday Review, January 14, 1967.
"The Teacher and Computer-Assisted Instruction". WEA Journal, 1967.
"Some Extensions of Randall's Interpretation of Kant's Philosophy of Science". Naturalism and Historical
Understanding. Essays on the Philosophy of John Herman Randall, Jr. State Univ. of N.Y. Press, New York. 1967.
"The Case for Information-oriented (Basic) Research in Mathematics Education". Research in Mathematics
Education, ed. by J.M. Scandura. Washington, D.C.: NCTM, 1967.
"Some Counting Models for First-Grade Performance Data on Simple Addition Facts". Ibid.
– together with F.S. Roberts – "Some Problems in the Geometry of Visual Perception". Synthese, 17, 1967.
– together with J. Donio – "Foundations of Stimulus-Sampling Theory for Continuous-Time Processes". Journal
of Mathematical Psychology, 4, 1967.
"Some Theoretical Models for Mathematics Learning". Journal of Research and Development in Education,
"Conclusion" [to:] "Les modeles et la formalisation du comportement". Colloques Internationaux du Centre
National de la Rechereche Scientifique. Paris, 1967.
"The Psychological Foundations of Mathematics". Ibid.
– together with I. Rosenthal-Hill – "Concept Formation by Kindergarten Children in a Card-Sorting Task".
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 6, 1968.
"Can There Be a Normative Philosophy of Education?". Philosophy of education 1968: Proceedings of the
twenty-fourth annual meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society. Southern Illinois University,
Edwardsville, Illinois. 1968.
"Information Processing and Choice Behavior". Problems in the Philosophy of Science, ed. by I. Lakatos & A.
Musgrave. Amsterdam, North-Holland Publishincr Co. 1968.
– together with Nancy Moler – "Quantifier-free axioms for constructive plane geometry". 1968.
– together with Mona Morningstar – "Computer-Assisted Instruction". Science, 166, 1969.
"Stimulus-Response Theory of Finite Automata". Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 6, 1969.
"Stimulus-Response Theory of Automata and Tote Hierarchies: x A Reply to Arbib". Psychological Review, 76,
"Probabilistic Grammars for Natural Languages". Synthese, 22, 1970.
"Some Open Problems in the Philosophy of Space and Time". Synthese, 24, 1972.
"Congruence Meaning". Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association, 40, 1972-73.
"New Foundations of Objective Probability: Axioms for Propensities". Logic, methodology and philosophy of
science IV: Proceedings of the fourth international congress, Bucharest 1971, Ed. by P. Suppes et al.
North-Holland, Amsterdam. 1973.
"The Concept of Obligation in the Context of Decision Theory". Science, Decision and Value. Ed. by Leach et al.
D. Reidel Publ. Co. Dordrecht-Holland, 1973.
"The Place of Theory in Educational Research". Educational Researcher, 1974.
"Cognition: A Survey". Psychology and the Handicapped Child, ed. by J.A. Swetts & L.L. Elliott. Washington D.C.
"The Semantics of Children's Language". American Psychologist, 29, 1974.
"The Promise of Universal Higher Education". The Idea of a Modern University, ed. by S. Hook et at.
Prometheus Books, Buffalo, N.Y. 1974.
"Popper's Analysis of Probability in Quantum Mechanics". The Philosophy of Karl Popper, vol. 2. Ed. by P. A.
Schilpp. Open Court, La Salle, Ill. 1974.
"The Structure of Theories and the Analysis of Data". The Structure of Scientific Theories, ed. by F. Suppe.
University of Illinois Press, Urbana, Ill. 1974.
"Problem Analysis and Ordinary Language". n.d.
"The Role of Probability in Quantum Mechanics". Manuscript, n.d.
"Axioms for Relativistic Kinematics with or without Parity". Symposium on the Axiomatic Method, n.d.
– together with L. Hyman & M. Jerman – "Linear Structural Models for Response and Latency Performance in
Arithmetic on Computer-Controlled Terminals". n.d.
"A note concerning the binary quantifiers". Theoria, XXVIII, 1962.
"Abolition of the Fregean Axiom". Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Warsaw,
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Saul Wittgenstein's Skeptical Paradox". Philosophy Research Archives XII (1986-87).
"War Reparations and Trade Policy". Kyklos. Internationale Zeitschrift für Sozialwissensahaften, V, 1953.
SWANTZ, Marja-Liisa
"Anthropology: Applied and Pure". Suomen Antropologi, 1/1986.
"A theory of translation and transformation of languages". Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, III, 1962.
"On the epistemology of the General Purpose Artificial Intelligence". Cybernetika, 1963.
"A new image of unified science". Logique et Analyse, 12, 1969.
"Neoclassical and Institutional Approaches to Environmental Economics". Journal of Economic Issues, XXIV,
"Varthän?". Landet som icke är? 1993
"Uusi logiikka ja tieteellinen filosofia". Valvoja-Aika, 1936.
"Eräitä Bolzano-tutkimuksen probleemeja". Ajatus, VIII, 1936.
"Logisk empirism". 1937.
SØRENSEN, Holger Steen
"An Analysis of 'To Be' and 'To Be True'". Analysis, 19, 1959.
"Om definisjon af implikasjon". Norsk filosofisk tidskrift (NFT), 17.
"Rum og geometri". NFT, 18, 1983.
"Eksistens". NFT, 19, 1984.
"Necessity, Identity and Universality". Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum,
78, 1985.
"Hvorfor er verden I rum og tid?". Norsk Filosofisk Tidskrift, 23, 1988.
"Frihed og kausalitet". NFT, 24, 1989.
"Om behov". Filosofisk Tidskrift, 10, 1989.
"Rorty og filosofien". Norsk Filosofisk Tidskrift, 26, 1991.
"Et dilemma i forholdet mellem evangleium og politik". Praestforeningens blad 1995/26.
"Det kategoriske imperativ og det etiske konsistenskrav". Norks Filosofisk Tidskrift, 33, 1998, (213-229).
TAKALA, Martti
"A Report on the Psychological Institute at Helsinki University". Acta Psychologica, VII, 1950.
"Tieteellisen julkaisutoiminnan nykyiset tavoitteet". Suomalainen Suomi, 1968.
"Suomen tiedepolitiikan lähiajan tavoitteita". Silva Fennica, 3, 1969.
"Synpunkter pa högskoleplaneringen i Norden".
"Filosofi ja sota-aika". [esittely Eino Kailan teoksesta Syvähenkinen
elämä] Psykologia 2/1987.
"Sketch for a Symbolic Juristic Logic". Journal of Legal Education, 1955.
"On the Logical Openness of Legal Orders". The American Journal of Comparative Law, 8, 1959.
"Book Commentary: The Postulate of Methodological Purity in Hans Kelsen's Pure Theory of Law". Duquesne
University Law Review, 7, 1968.
"The 'Nature of Things' and the Objective Import of Value Judgements". Archiv für Rechts- und
Sozialphilosophie, LV, 1969.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"’The Is’ and ‘the Ought’ in Logic and in Law". ARSP, Beiheft, Nr. 6 (1970?) .
"Logic as an Instrument of Legal Reasoning". Jurimetrias Journal, 10, 1970.
"Zum Aufbau einer Theorie der Gerechtigkeit". Osterreichische Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht, 20, 1970.
"Argumentation and Intransigence: Soliloquies in the Metaphysics of Justice". Hogaku Kenkyu: Journal of Law,
Politics and Sociology, 1971.
– together with Ron Klinger – "The Counter-Formula Method and Its Applications in Legal Logic". Miscellania
on Law, Justice, and Society, Sydney - Salzburg. 1971.
"Material Justice and Negative Being". Liber Amicorum in Honour of Professor Alf Ross. 1969.
"Vom Glück der inneren Stille", n.d,
TARELLO, Giovanni
"Osservazioni sulla individuazione dei precetti. La semantica del neustico". Rivista trimestrale di diritto e
procedura civile, 1965.
TARSKI, Alfred
"Some Notions and Methods on the Borderline of Algebra and Metamathematics". Proceedings of the
International Congress of Mathematicians, vol. I. 1950.
– together with Wanda Szmielew – "Mutual Interpretability of Some Essentially Undecidable Theories". Ibid.
– together with L.H. Chin – "Distributive and Modular Laws in the Arithmetic of Relation Algebras". University
of California Publications in Mathematics, New Series, 1. 1951.
"Contribution to the Theory of Models I". Koninkl. Nederl. Akademie van Wetenschappen – Amsterdam.
Proceedings, A 57. 1954.
"Equationally Complete Rings and Relation Algebras". Ibid. A 59. 1956.
– together with Leon Henkin – "Cylindric Algebras". Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, Vol. II.
Lattice Theory. 1961.
"Truth and Proof". Scientific American, 220, 1969.
TAUSCH, Walter
"Zur Gültigkeit der Normen bei Kelsen". Österreichische Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht, 24, 1973.
"Sibeliuksen innoituksen lähteistä". Valvoja, 81, 1961.
TAXELL3 Lars Erik
"Individens rättsskydd". Skriftserie utgiven av Handelshögskolan vid Åbo Akademi. 50 år i företagens och
samhällets tjänst, Åbo, 1977.
TAYLOR, Charles
"Interpretation and the Sciences of Man". The Review of Metaphysics, XXV, 1971-72.
TAYLOR, Sir Geoffrey
"George Boole, F.R.S.". Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, 12, 1956.
TAYLOR, Richard
"The Problem of Future Contingencies". The Philosophical Review, LXVI, 1957.
TEGEN, Einar
"De personliga värdena hos Meinong". Lunds Universitets Årsskrift, 31, 1935.
TELJO, Jussi
"Metafyysillinen valtiokäsitys". Valvoja-Aika, 1934.
"Om samskap och sekundärekonomi. Err svensk framtidsscenario 1981-1994". Rapporter från seminariet
"Industrisamhällets utvecklingsproblem". Göteborgs universitet, 1978.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Dogmiton uskonto". Teologinen Aikakauskirja, 1961.
"Luonnolliset ja luovuttamattomat ihmisoikeudet". Valvoja, 1962.
"Filosofia". Tiedon portaat 4. WSOY, Porvoo. 1967.
"Are Single Moral Rules Absolute in Kant's Ethics?". Jyväskylä Studies in Education, Psychology and Social
Research 14, Jyväskylä, 1967.
"Hyvinvointi ja ihmissuhteet moraaliselta kannalta". Turun yliopiston filosofian laitoksen julkaisuja, 1971.
"Hegelin dialektiikasta". Teologinen Aikakauskirja, 1971.
"Tahdon vapaus ja tekojen intentionaalisuus Augustinuksen ajattelussa". Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia.
Esitelmät ja pöytäkirjat 1975.
TERRAZAS, Manuel Manson
"Derecho, sistemas normativos y logica". Revista de ciencias sociales. Universidad de Chile, Valparaiso, 1975.
"On Dating Xenophanes". Societas Scientiarum Fennica. Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum, XXIII, 1957.
"Scientific and Technical Style in Early Greek Prose". Arctos. Acta Philologica Fennica, IV, 1966.
"Stimmungsmalerei oder Burleske?". Arctos, V, 1967.
"Hur upptäcktes jordens klotform?". Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Vuosikirja, 1972.
"Notes on Unio Mystica in Plotinus". ARCTOS: Acta Philologica Fennica, XIV, 1980.
"Platonic Chronology". Phronesis, XXXIV, 1989.
"Presocratlc Publicity". Greek and Latin Studies in Memory of Cajus Fabricius. Ed. by S.-T. Teodorsson.
Gothenburg 1990.
"Med ryggen åt paradiset. Reflexioner kring ett homeriskt/sokratiskt motiv." Platonsällskapets rapport.Lund
THOMAS, J. Heywood
"The Idea of Creation". The Hibbert Journal, L. 1952.
"Tillich on Philosophy and Theology". Union Seminar Quarterly Review. VIII, 1953.
"Kierkegaard on the Existence of God". The Review of Religion, XVIII, 1953.
THOMASON, Richmond
– together with Anil Gupta – "A Theory of Conditionals in the Context of Branching Time". The Philosophical
Review, LXXXIX, 1980.
"Toward a Fromalization of Dialectical Logic." Reports on Mathematical Logic, 23, 1989.
"Det dagsaktuella i Birger Sjöbergs 'Konferensman'". Studier tillägnade Anton Blanak den 29 December 1948.
"The Description of Delusional Ideas. With an Introduction to Teleology". Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 39,
TINTNER, Gerhard
"Strategische Spieltheorie und ihre Anwendung in den Sozialwissenschaften". Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv.
"Some Aspects of Stochastic Economics". Stoahastics, l, 1973.
"Control Theory: Balance and Perspective". n.d.
"Theories of Probability". Manuscript, n.d.
"Kemian osuus luonnontuntemuksemme kehityksessä. Järjestyksestä luonnossa". Suomalaisen
Tiedeakatemian Esitelmät ja Pöytäkirjat, 1952.
– Kirja-arvostelu – [Aulis Aarnio: Laki, teko Ja tavoite]. Lakimies, 1976.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Kuka on veden kemiallisen kokoomuksen keksijä?". Suomen Kemistilehti, A 25. 1952.
"Newton ja kemia". Suomen Kemistilehti, A 26, 1953.
"Kemian opetus ja tutkimus yliopistossamme sen Helsingissä olon ensimmäisinä vuosikymmeninä". Suomen
Kemistilehti, A 30, 1957.
"Johan Gadolin tutkijana". Suomen Kemistilehti, A 33, 1960.
"Kemian laboratorio-opetuksen varhaishistoriaa". Suomen Kemistilehti, A 33, 1960.
"Sata vuotta ensimmäisestä kansainvälisestä kemistikonoressista". Suomen Kemistilehti, A 33, 1960.
"Pietari Adrian Gadd, Suomen ensimmäinen kemian professori". Suomen Kemistilehti, A 34, 1961.
"Atomipainojen uusi perusta". Suomen Kemistilehti, A 34, 1961.
"Vuosisataisjuhlien merkitys". (Puhe Helsingin yliopiston lukuvuoden avajaisissa 11.9.1989.) Valtakunnallinen
yliopisto, Yliopistopaino, Helsinki 1989,
"Om rett og plikt". Syn og Segn, 1952.
"Humanistisk livssyn: Tro og begrunnelse". Samtiden, 1954.
"Filosofien i Norge". Syn og Segn, 1954.
"Tanke og Forkynning". Syn og Segn, 1955.
"Professor von Wright om 'praktiska slutledningar'". Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap, 1957.
– Review – [A. Pap: Analytiaahe Erkenntnistheorie]. The Philosophical Review, LXVI, 1957.
"An important aspect of humanism". Theoria, XXIII, 1957.
"Variasjon, forandring, utvikling og framsteg". Udviklingsproblemer. Nordisk Sommeruniversitet 1958.
"En hellig alminnelig saklighet". Dagbladet, 22. juni 1959.
"Ludwig Wittgenstein. En stor og interessant filosof". Farmand, 1960.
"Refleksjoner omkring tre forskjellige menneskesyn". Nordisk Sommeruniversitet 1960.
"Historical explanation: causes and conditions". Theoria, XXVII, 1962.
"A Note on Aristotle and Deontic Logic". Philosophical Essays. Dedicated to Gunnar Aspelin on the Occasion of
his Sixty-fifth Brithday, the 23rd of September 1963.
"Contemporary philosophy: The Analytic and the Continental". Ajatus, XXVI, 1964.
"Asymmetries in Ethics: On the Structure of a General Theory of Ethics". Inquiry, 10, 1967.
"Om mening, spesielt i dikt. (Utkast til en teori)". Sanning Dikt Tro. Till Ingemar Hedenius den 5 april 1968.
"Flesibilltet i utdanningen". Nordisk Forum, 1969.
– tillsammans med E. Molland och E. Skard – "Kristendom og kvinnesak". Norsk Teologisk Tidsskrift, 1969.
"Deontic logic and deontically perfect worlds". Theoria, XXXVI, 1970.
"Sannhetssøken og ansvar – en vitenskapsetisk perspektiv". Forskningsnytt fra Norges almenvitenskapelige
forskningsråd, 1971.
"Livets mening som politisk problem". Bedriftsøkonomisk Informasjon, 1971.
"Om velferdsbegrepet, dagen før dommesdag". Bedriftsøkonomen, 1972.
"The Ideology of Scientific and Scholarly Conduct". Contemporary Philosophy in Skandinavia, ed. by R.E. Olson
& A.M. Paul, with an Introduction by G.H. von Wright. The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore and London, 1972.
"Medisin og moral – noen teoretiske refleksjoner". Juder Midiacas, 1972.
"'Ought' Implies 'Can': A Bridge from Fact to Norm?". Ratio, XIV, 1972.
"Ethics as a Condition of the World". Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift, 1973.
"Mill’s Pig and the Quality of Pleasure". Studia philosophica in honorem Sven Krohn. Annales Universitatis
Turkuensis, B, 126, Turku, 1973.
"'Ought' Implies 'Can': A Bridge from Fact to Norm? II". Ratio, XVII, 1975.
"The Foundations of Cognitive Activity: An Historical and Systematic Sketch". Inquiry, 19, 1976.
"Norms of Inquiry: Methodologies as Normative Systems". Contemporary Aspects of Philosophy. Ed. by Gilbert
Ryle. Oriel Press. London/Henley on Thames/Boston, 1976/1977.
"Sundby om normer". Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift, 1977.
"Normative Foundations of Science". Synthese, 37, 1978.
"Jeg tror". Tidningsartikel, n.d.
"Thomas Aquinas". A Critical History of Western Philosophy, n.d.
"Norms of Inquiry: Rationality, Consistency Requirements and Normative Conflict". Rationality in Science, ed.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
by R. Hilpinen. D. Reidel, Dordrecht. 1980.
"Tutkimus ja eettinen vastuu". Sosiologia 21, 1984.
"Civil Disobedience: A Question of Law and/or Morality?". Rechtstheorie, Beiheft 8, 1985.
"Etikk, medisin og økonomi". Sosialøkonomen nr. 11, 1986.
"A Global Perspective on Radiation and Cancer Risk". Radiation and Cancer Risk. T. Benstad et al, (eds.),
Hemisphere Publ. Co, 1990.
"Wittgenstein – Ethics and the 'Wonderful Life'." Wittgenstein Eine Neubewertung. Akten des 14.
Internationalen Wittgenstein-Symposiums / Feier des 100. Geburtstages . Holder - Pchler - Tempsky, Wien
"Ethics, Genetics, and science policy". Bulletin of Medical Ethics, 77, 1992.
"Moralfilosofi i Norge i 40- og 50-årene". Inga Bostad (red): Filosofi på norsk I. Vår naere filosofihistorie. Pax,
Oslo 1995.
"Universitetets idé og den frie tankes betydning". P.G. Norseng (red.): Universitetet stengt.
Universitetsforlaget, Oslo.
"A Full Sentential Calculus". Papers in Logic, 1, 1973.
"Rules Automata and Mathematics". Meeting of the Aristotelian Society on 23rd February, 1970.
"Überlegeungen zur Methode der Philosophie aus analytischer Sicht." Zwischenbetrachtungen, Im Prozess der
Aufklärung. Jürgen Habermas zum 60. Geburtstag. Hg. von A. Honneth, T. McCarthy, C. Offe & A. Wellmer.
Suhrkamp, Frankfurt 1989. NB! First page only!
"On the Application of Mathematical Learning Theories". Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 7, 1966. (In two
"The Application Process of a Theory with Special Reference to Some Behavioral Theories". Suomalaisen
Tiedeakatemian Toimituksia, B, 154. Helsinki, 1968.
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"Causes and Deductive Explanation". PSA 1974, ed. by R.S. Cohen et at. D. Reidel Publ. Company,
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"Morgan on Deductive Explanation: A Rejoinder". Journal of Philosophical Logic, 5, 1976.
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"On the Structuralist Approach to the Dynamics of Theories". Synthese, 39, 1978.
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"Individualism and Concept Formation in the Social Sciences". Scientific Philosophy Today, ed. by J. Agassi and
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– yhdessä Eero Bycklingin kanssa – "Kvanttimekaniikka, Bellin epäyhtälöt ja tieteellinen realismi". Arkhimedes,
36, 1984.
"We-Intentions and Social Action". Analyse & Kritik: Zeitschrift für Sozialwissensehaften, 1/1985. (with Kaarlo
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"Truth and Best Explanation". Erkenntnis, 22, 1985.
"Social Action". Social Action, ed. by G. Seebaß & R. Tuomela. D. Reidel, Dordrecht 1985.
"Reply to Seebass and Miller". Ibid.
"Scientific Realism and Best Explanation". Logic, Philosophy of Science and Epistemology.
Hölder-Pichlo-Tempsky, Wien 1987.
"The Myth of the Given and Realism". Erkenntnis, 29, 1988.
– together with Kaarlo Miller – "We-Intentions". Philosophical Studies, 53, 1988.
"Methodological Solipsism and Explanation in Psychology". Philosophy of Science, 56, 1989.
"Actions by Collectives". Philosophical Perspectives 3: Philosophy of Mind and Action Theory, 1989.
"Collective Action, Free-Riders, and Interpersonal Control". Reports from the Department of Philosophy,
University of Helsinki, no 3/1989.
"Collective Action, Supervenience, and Constitution". Synthese, 80, 1989.
"Ruben and the Metaphysics of the Social World" . British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 40, 1989.
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"What Does Doing One's Part of a Joint Action Involve?". Analyse & Kritik, 11, 1989.
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"What are Goals and Joint-Goals?". Theory and Decision, 28, 1990.
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"Are Reason-Explanations Explanations by Means of Structuring Causes?". Philosophy and Phenomenological
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julkaisuja, No 1, 1992.
"Group Beliefs". Synthese 91, 1992.
– with Kaarlo Miller – "We-Intentions, Free-Riding, and Being in Reserve". Erkenntnis 36, 1992.
"On the Structural Aspects of Collective Action and Free-riding". Theory and Decision 32, 1992.
"What is Cooperation?". Erkenntnis 38, 1993.
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"Gemeinsame Absichten." Analyomen 2: Proceedings of the 2nd Conference 'Perspectives in Analytical
Philosophy'. Gruyter, 1997.
"Searle on Social Institutions." Philosophy and Phenomenological Research LVII, 1997.
– together with Maj Bonnevier-Tuomela – "From Social Imitation to Teamwork." in G. Holmström-Hintikka & R.
Tuomela (eds.): Contemporary Action Theory, vol. II. Kluwer 1997.
"Kommunikatives Handeln und kooperative Ziele". Analyse & Kritik, 19; 1997.
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"Simplified Axioms for Many Valued Quantification". Journal of Symbolic Logic, 23, 1958.
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"Independent Axioms for Infinite-Valued Logic". Journal of Symbolic Logic, 28, 1963.
"Peirce's Icons for Deductive Logic". Studies in the Philosophy of CHARLES SANDERS PEIRCE. Second Series. Ed.
by Edward C. Moore and Richard S. Robin. The University of Massachusetts Press. Amherst, 1964.
– together with Max Fisch – "Peirce's Triadic Logic". The Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, Vol. II.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Eidos, Idea and Participation. The Phenomenological Approach". Kant-Studien, 52, 1960/1961.
"Non-Violence as an Ethical Principle". Prajna: Hindu University journal, 1958.
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"Musikliv av i dag". Hufvudstadsbladet, 1964.
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"Comments on Professor Grünbaum’s ‘The Clock Paradox in the Special Theory of Relativity’". Philosophy of
Science, 22, 1955.
"On truth, implication, and three-valued logic". Theoria, XXII, 1956.
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"Epistemological Reflexions over the Special Theory of Relativity and Milne's Conception of Two Times".
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"Notes on modal operators". Theoria, XXIV, 1958.
"The Space-Time Theory within the Special Theory of Relativity. An Essay in Reconstructive Analysis". Rivista
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"A Study in Modal Logic". Theoria, XXVII, 1961.
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"Evidential Support". Acta Philosophica Fennica, 18, 1965.
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"Science of Science. Lectures upon invitation by the CCR Euratom Ispra Establishment". Institute for the Theory
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"A Foundational Study of Einstein's Special Space-Time Theory". Scientia, 63, 1969. [Sama myös
ranskankielisenä, ibid.].
"Kunskapsbildning inom realvetenskaoerna". Erhvervsøkonomisk Tidsskrift, 1, 1970.
"Two Studies Concernincr the Michelson-Morley Experiment". Foundations of Physics, l, 1970.
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"Eine Eigenschaft gewöhnlicher negationsloser Kalküle der Propositionen- und Prädikatenlogik". Mathematica.
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"On the Concept of Observational Truth". Atti del XII Congr. Int. di Filosofia, 1958, vol. 5.
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VENZI, Libero
"Logica definita e indefinita delle azioni produttive". Teoria 2/1987.
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"En homenaje a Hans Kelsen". La ley, XXXV, 1971.
"Norma jurídica y esquema referencial". Boletín Mexicano de Derecho Comparado, VII, 1977.
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"Validez y verdad en la Teoría general de las normas, de Hans Kelsen". Corrientes y problemas en filosofía del
derecho 1960-1985, Anales de la catedra Francisco Suarez No. 25/1985.
– together with Leila Fuga & Newton C.A. da Costa – "Derecho, Moral y preferencias valorati vas." Theoria
(Spanish), 1990.
– with Puga & Da Costa – "Lógicas normativas, moral y derech". Critica: Revista hispanoamericana de filosofía
XXIII, 1991.
"Tiedon kasvun konseptiosta: Näkökulmia". Tieto, tiede, yhteiskunta. Toimittaneet Yrjö Littunen - Pertti Rautio
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"Convocation du silence: Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, l'aphorisme". Above series, t. 26, 1982.
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"Om problem rörande historieforskningens objektivitet". Historisk Tidskrift för Finland, 1978.
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"Free Agency. A Non-Reductionist Causal Account". Grazer Philosophische Studien, 14, 1981.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Transzendentale Argumentation und transzendentale Argumente". Philosophisches Jahrbuch, 89. 1982.
– mit Eva Schaper zusammen – "Einleitung" zu Bedingungen der Möglichkeit: ’Transzendental Arguments’ und
transzendentales Denken, Hrsg. von Eva Schaper und Wilhelm Vossenkuhl. Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart 1984.
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von Wright’s Offprint Collection
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"Die Rolle des Konsenses in der Wissenschaft, im Recht und in der Politik". Rechtstheorie, Beiheft 2. 1981.
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"Zur Idee eines institutionalistischen Rechtspositivismus". Revue Internationale de Philosophie, 35. 1981.
"Analytisch-dialektische Gerechtigkeitstheorie". Rechtstheorie, Beiheft 3, 1981.
"Teleologie und Zeitablauf. Gleichzeitig eine Kritik an Wolfgang Stegmüllers Begriff der formalen Teleologie".
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"Kelsens These von der Unanwendbarkeit logischer Regeln auf Normen". Die Reine Rechtslehre in
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"Die Naturrechtskonzeption von Ronald Dworkin" . Das Naturrechtsdenken heute und morgen.
Gedächtnisschrift für René Marcic. Hrsg. von D. Mayer-Maly und P.M. Simons. Duncker&Humblot, Berlin 1983.
"Logische Analyse als Basis der juristischen Argumentation". Metatheorie juristischer Argumentation. Hrsg.
von W. Krawietz und R. Alexy. Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 1983.
"Die formal-finalistische Handlungstheorie und das Strafrecht". Festschrift für Ulrich Klug zum 70. Geburtstag.
Dr. Peter Deubner Verlag, Köln, 1983.
"Schichtenontologie und Nonkognitivismus". Rechtstheorie, 14, 1983.
"Eine Semantik für die Praktische Philosophie". Grazer Philosophische Studien, 20, 1983.
"Objectivity and Rationality in Lawyer's Reasoning". Theory of Legal Science, ed. by A. Peczenik et al. D. Reidel,
"On the Meaning of Norm Sentences, Normative Inconsistency, and Normative Entailment: A Reply to Carlos E.
Alchourron and Eugenio Bulygin". Rechtstheorie, 15, 1984.
"Logik, Wirklichkeit und Positivität in der reinen Rechtslehre". Rechtstheorie, Beiheft 5, 1984.
"'Is' and 'Ought' Reconsidered". Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, LXX, 1984.
"Das institutionelle Dasein des Rechts". Rechtstheorie, Beiheft 6, 1984.
"The Expressive Conception of Norms – an Impasse for the Logic of Norms". Law and Philosophy, 4, 1985.
"Freedom, Range for Action, and the Ontology of Norms". Synthese, 65, 1985.
"Soziologie und normative Institutionentheorie". Recht und Institution: Helmut Schelsky-Gedächtnissymposion
Münster 1985. Hrsg. von der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Münster, Duncker & Humblot,
Berlin, 1985.
"Der normenlogische Skeptizismus". Rechtstheorie, 17, 1986.
"Logic and the Pure Theory of Law". Essays on Kelsen, ed. by R. Tur & W. Twining. Clarendon Press, Oxford
– with Neu McCormick – "Introduction" [to the volume] An Institutional Theory of Law. D. Reidel, Dordrecht,
"Rechtstheorie jenseits von Idealismus, Realismus und Materialismus". Archiv für Rechts- und
Sozialphilosophie. Beiheft 31: Materialismus und Idealismus im Rechtsdenken, 1986.
"Praxis, Logik und praktische Vernunft". Rechtstheorie, 18, 1987.
"Die Präsumtion der Gleichverteilung". Formalismus und Phänomenologie im Rechtsdenken der Gegenwart.
Festgabe für Alois Troller zum 80. Geburtstag. Hrsg. von W. Krawietz und W. Ott. Duncker & Humblot, Berlin,
'Aus intellektuellem Gewissen. Ein Rückblick auf mein wissenschaftliches Leben'. In M. Fischer, P. Koller & W.
Krawietz (Hg.): Aus intellektuellem Gewissen. Aufsätze von Ota Weinberger über Rechtswissenschaft und
Demokratietheorie, Berlin: Duncker & Humbllot.
Philosophie als Wissenschaft: Paul Weingartner gewidmet. Hrsg. von Morscher/Neumaier/Zecha. Comes
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"Analysis and Real Definition". Philosophical Studies, I, 1950.
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WELDING, Steen Olaf
"Die Struktur der Begründung wissenschaftlicher Prognosen". Zeitschrift für allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie,
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von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Zur Hermeneutik logischer Principien: Das Prinzip vom nicht-Widerspruch und das Prinzip vom
ausgeschlossenen Dritten". Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung, 38, 1984.
"Ist die Zweck/Mittel-Relation präskriptiv?" Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie LXXVII, 1991.
WELLMER, Albreoht
"Georg Henrik von Wright über 'Erklären' und 'Verstehen'". Philosophische Rundschau, 26, 1979.
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von Wright’s Offprint Collection
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"Zeitliche Kausalstrukturen in der aristotelischen Logik". Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 54, 1972.
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Mathematics and Artifical Intelligence 7, 1993.
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"Från det politiska till det sociala århundradet". Finsk Tidskrift, CXXXII, 1942.
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"The Philosophy of Rudolf Carnap". Dialogue, IV, 1965.
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"Trying and Attempting". Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume, XLV, 1971.
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"Human Nature", n.d.
"Bishop Butler and Contemporary Ethics". The Church Quarterly Review, 1967.
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von Wright’s Offprint Collection
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"Ends and Means of Scientific Method". Aata Universitatis Upsaiensis, 17, 1968.
"O tzw. paradoksie Alfa Rossa w logice norm". Studio. Filozoficzne, 1966.
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"Context of Discovery, Context of Justification and Analysis of Judicial Decision-Makin". Reasoning on Legal
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"A Note on Free Choice Permissions". Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosphie, LXVI, 1980.
"Possible Worlds and the Nomological Necessity". Reports on Philosophy, 1982.
"Deontic Sentences, Possible Worlds and Norms". Reports on Philosophy, 1982.
"The Semantic Approach to Legal Dogmatics". Studies in the Theory and Philosophy of Law, vol. l, 1985.
– with K. Opalek – "On Weak and Strong Permissions Once More". Rechtstheorie, 17, 1986.
"Deontic Logic and Possible Worlds Semantics: A Historical Sketch." Studia Logica XLIX, 1990.
WOLGAST, Elizabeth
"Whether Certainty is a Form of Life". The Philosophical Quarterly 37, 1987.
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"Phenomenalism, Relativity and Atoms: Rehabilitating Ernst Mach’s Philosophy of Science". Logic,
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"Marx's Critical Anthropology: Three Recent Interpretations". The Review of Metaphysics, XXVI, 1972.
WREDE, Johan
"The Action Aspect of Art: On Explanation in Criticism". Contemporary Aesthetics in Scandinavia, 1980.
"Reading as experience: On the aesthetics of literary interpretation and criticism".
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"Bedingungsnormen – ein Prüfstein für die Nornenlogik". Theorie der Normen. Festgabe für Ota Weinberger
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
zum 65. Geburtstag. Hrsg. von W. Krawietz, H. Scheisky, G. Winkler, & A. Schramm. Duncker & Humblot, Berlin,
von WRIGHT, J.M.
"An Experimental Study of a Regularity in the Perception of Visual Brightness". Societas Scientiarum Fennica.
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"Muistintutkimuksesta". Kasvatus ja Koulu, 1956.
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"On the 'Correction' and 'Non-Correction' Methods of Learning'". Acta Psychologica, 12, 1956.
"A Note on the Role of 'Guidance' in Learning". British Journal of Psychology, 48, 1957.
– together with Pirkko Niemelä – "On the Ontogenetic Development of Moral Criteria". Scandinavian Journal
of Psychology, 7, 1966.
"Reflections on Reflection". Learning and Instruction , vol. 2, 1992.
von WRIGHT, Tor
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"La Regle de decision dans 1'application judiciaire du Droit". La regle de droit. Etudes publiées par Ch.
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"Systems of Norms arid Legal System". Rivista internazionale di filosofia del diritto. XLIX, 1972.
"Facts in Law". Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, LIX, 1973.
"Legal Syllogism and Rationality of Juridicial Decision". Rechtstheorie, 5, 1974.
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"Nature and Man: Dilemma of the Present and the Future". Theoria - Segunda Spoca II, 1986-87.
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der Cusanus-Gesellschaft 15. 1982.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Major Fluctuations in Crimes of Violence in Finland". Scandinavian Journal of History, 1, 1976.
"Kenen leipää syot, sen lauluja laulat. Kaksi aspektia kansanviisauteen". Parnasso.
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"Metodologie systémoveho vyzkumu a matematizace védeckéno poznani". Filozofický casopis, XXVII, 1979.
– together wlth Zbigniew Bialy – "Z zagadnien weryfikacji w terenowych badaniach etnograficznych". Zeszyty
naukowe Uniwersitetu Jagiellonskiego, LIII, 1963.
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ZEHE, Horst
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"Über die eingentlichen Grenzen der Physik nachzudenken...". Lichtenberg-Jahrbuch, 1992.
van ZEITEN, Frans
"Russell and Spinoza. Free Thoughts on the Love of God". Eburon Delft 1991.
ZIEMBA, Zdislaw
"Deontic Syllogistics". Studia Logica, XXVIII, 1971.
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"On Deontic Calculi with Contradictory Rules". Semantical Independence Proofs for Selected Formulae of
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"Le caractère sémantique des normes juridiques". Logique et Analyse, 5, 1962.
"La verification des faits dans un process judiciaire". Logique et Analyse, 6, 1963.
"Normy tetyczne a normy aksjologiczne w koncepcji Cz. Znamierowskiego". Studia Filozoficzne, 33, 1963.
– together with Zdislaw Zieaba – "Uwagi o wynikaniu norm prawnych". Studia Filozoficzne, 1964.
von Wright’s Offprint Collection
"Próba uporzadkowania podstawowego slownictwa prawniczego". Studia Logica, XV, 1964.
– together with Zdislaw Ziemba – "Sorne Remarks on the Consequence Relation between Legal Norms". Studia
Filozoficzne, 1966.
"'Analogia legis' et interprétation extensive". Annalee de la faculté de droit et des sciences économiques de
Toulouse, XV, 1967.
"L’enseignement et les recherches scientifiques concernant la logique juridique en Pologne et en
Tchécoslovaguie". Annales de la faculte de droit et des sciences économiques de Toulouse, XV, 1967.
"On the Methods of Analysing of a 'Legal Relation'". State and Law, 22, 1967.
"Some Remarks on the Concept of the Observance and the Concept of the Application of Law". State and Law,
23, 1968.
"On Difficulties of the Development of the Study of Theoretical Problems of Jurisprudence". State and Law, 23,
"O trudnosciach rozwoju teoretycznej problematyki prawoznawstwa". Panstwo i prawo, 1968.
"Kilka uwag o pojeciu przestrzegania i pojeciu stosowania prawa". Panstwo i prawo, 1968.
"O rodzajach niezgodno ci norm". Studia Filozoficzne, 1969.
"Types of Inconsistency of Norms". (English Summary). Studia Filozoficzne, 1969.
"Lawyers" reasonings based on the instrumental nexus of legal norms". Logique et Analyse, 12, 1969.
"Norms of Competence as Norms of Conduct". Archivum Iuridicum Cracoviense, III, 1970.
"Conditions preliminaires de l'application de la logigue déontique dans les raisonnements juridiques". Logique
et Analyse, 13, 1970.
"La place du raisonnement juridique par rapport au raisonnement theorique et pratique". Archiv für Rechtsund Sozialphilosophie, 1971.
"On So-Called 'Permissive Norms'". Archivum Iuridicum Cracoviense, IX, 1976.
– yhdessä muiden kirjoittajain kanssa – "Niin kutsuttuihin ’salliviin normeihin’ liittyvistä väärinkäsityksistä".
"Les relations des sources écrites et non écrites du droit dans le droit Polonais contemporain". n.d.
"Legal and Moral Problems associated with Death and Dying". Dialectics and Humanism, 1977.
"Le raisonnement par analogie dans le système du droit Polonais". Rapports polonais presentes au dizième
Congres International de Droit Comparé, Wroclaw-Warszawa, 1978.
"La notion de rationalité du législateur". Archives de philosophie du droit, 23, 1978.
"Future Forms of Steering Society by Means of Law". Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, Beiheft, neue
Folge Nr. 11. (1979?).
"Le contenu et la structure des normes concédant les compétences". Seminar on Normative Structures of the
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"Das methodologiscne Modeli der dogmatischen rechtswissenschaftlichen Disziplinen". Rechtstheorie, Beiheft
l (1979).
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"Les méthodes d'analyse du rapport juridique". Archivum Iuridicum Cracoviense, XIV/XV, 1981/1982.
"Theorie de la législation, politique législative, technique législative". Arahivum Iuridicum Cracoviense, XVI,
"Remarks on Structure of Legal Systems and Logic of Norms". Studies in the Theory and Philosophy of Law, vol.
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"Sprachtheorie und Poetik: Historische Voraussetzungen und aktuelle Probleme". Sprachtheorie, hrsg. von
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