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BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Jon Luff Steve Roch Joseph Sheely John Wessels Dam Dwyer Jon Hume Kevin Herd Andrew Crook Rick Renfrow Allen Russell Keith Golding Jim Christoph Chris Bachman Andrew Dunn Thomas Donohoue Bob Mcanany Michael Wasson Bill Lawrence Steven Webb Mike Bonenberger Keith Lein Binesh Prasad Mike Cook Charles Lusman Doug Meade Jim Stage Dave Thurston Lance Denning William Wilbar John Desrosiers Paige Bodine John Ray Daryl Reichard John Enright David Paddock Javier Tapia Mark Voit Jay Kirksey Rex Karamitros Russ Dryer Michael Evans Kent Barringer Maurice Smith Tom Sanchez Chris Waythomas Geoffrey Cooper Greg Fiess Rick Mcdonald Jeffrey Croteau Finn Esbensen Ron Harmon Bruce Pulford Timothy Taylor Bret Rickard Gordon Way Doug Haas Richard Bishop Stuart Vincent Rick Seibert Graeme Paterson Craig Marshall Tom Charles Dennis Reeder Ralph Wheeler Robert Anderson Steve Cavalli Matt Langdon James Giveans John Swartz Andre Diven Randy Liljenberg Adrian Armold Wayne Strohman Thomas Santa Maria Phil Smith Gary Weston Patrick Walentosky Tom Schmiedel Rodolfo Reveles Karl Mimmack John Weatherley Kit Carpenter Peter Arcidiacona Patrick Worden Dean Wager Michael Sandrock Christopher Sommo Ted Macblanc Danny Meyer Luke Spencer Glen Combe Paul Fuller Brian Fawcett Kevin Schaefer Tim Diaz John Zimola Brian Jordan Dean Allemang Jim Dougherty Mike Sprung DIV ------M21 M25 M30 M26 M38 M21 M18 M30 M35 M28 M28 M35 M24 M22 M33 M32 M23 M34 M30 M22 M23 M25 M31 M35 M22 M36 M36 M27 M18 M26 M31 M27 M23 M24 M37 M28 M28 M33 M29 M21 M35 M32 M26 M28 M32 M34 M26 M27 M21 M38 M35 M34 M29 M22 M24 M33 M31 M31 M31 M38 M31 M36 M35 M34 M20 M28 M22 M19 M41 M26 M33 M15 M18 M25 M21 M33 M32 M34 M24 M25 M50 M38 M23 M17 M28 M31 M28 M25 M31 M17 M15 M37 M34 M19 M31 M37 M31 M29 M35 M29 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------32:04 32:05 32:08 32:33 32:41 32:59 33:02 33:04 33:08 33:15 33:19 33:25 33:28 33:28 33:30 33:34 33:40 33:41 33:41 33:45 33:48 33:49 33:50 33:51 33:52 33:53 33:57 33:59 34:00 34:01 34:02 34:03 34:04 34:05 34:08 34:09 34:14 34:17 34:19 34:19 34:21 34:23 34:24 34:25 34:26 34:27 34:29 34:35 34:36 34:37 34:37 34:38 34:40 34:40 34:41 34:41 34:42 34:44 34:46 34:46 34:49 34:50 34:51 34:51 34:55 34:55 34:57 34:59 35:00 35:02 35:02 35:02 35:06 35:08 35:09 35:10 35:11 35:14 35:14 35:15 35:15 35:15 35:16 35:18 35:18 35:19 35:19 35:19 35:21 35:21 35:22 35:22 35:24 35:24 35:25 35:26 35:27 35:27 35:27 35:30 1/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Fred Lian Daniel Green George Novak Bruce Connelly Joel Haake Keelyn Wu Francis Sherwood Rob Dyer Bryan Murchison Ken Davis Paul Eley Mark Muggleton Chris Byrne Paul Schultz Gerald White Chuck Dooley Michael Thenell Troy Hart Ross Adams Jim Faes Robert Daiss Pete Ybarra Dave Dooley Ted Nelson James Oberheide Thomas Lacy Scott Larson Troy Claar Richard Luck Melody Fairchild Sam Walker Kavin Scott Michael Kane Nicholas Delisa Patarick Lee Shabram Jack Wehr Mark Barbour Michael Zengel Keith Jacobus Jeffrey Duquette Douglas Haller Troy Pickett Steven Bonifer Bob Knaub Kurt Dallow Mark Gwillim Charles Nak Ted Barnes Patrick Carrigan Tim Cumings Glenn Dean Keith Gatti Stu Nieburg Kevin Priest John Rohrbaugh Christopher Mascitelli Micah Moore Darius Baer Mike Burks Larry Lucas Mark Bailey Dan Glynn Dave Dempsey Bill Rael Tim Williams Philip Loftus John Cossick Joe Hatton Rodney Kretzer Steve Krebs Tom Barnish Lyle Smith John Tope Chris Sorensen David Mathews Peter Urschel Joseph Cote Dom Lobeda John Schlieker Mike Dennison Steve Swenson Matt Peterson Brandon Hofsetz Theddore Quintana Ken Buckspan Russ Petrie Joe Hunter Kevin Sellers Ronald Searle Chris Mc Donald John Mccarthy Brett Larsen George Vadakin Dannis Coombs Joel Wright Aubrey Lavizzo Ralph Miller Bob Cooks Mallow Robert Fink Daniel Tomlin DIV ------M39 M25 M29 M25 M42 M21 M16 M27 M27 M24 M17 M32 M33 M29 M17 M33 M19 M21 M27 M38 M22 M49 M42 M22 M44 M31 M19 M20 M33 F15 M30 M32 M29 M18 M21 M30 M28 M29 M31 M32 M25 M26 M17 M35 M36 M33 M42 M32 M29 M38 M29 M31 M40 M20 M26 M37 M17 M37 M32 M38 M30 M23 M34 M34 M27 M26 M40 M19 M18 M26 M28 M31 M39 M27 M35 M18 M45 M24 M37 M31 M32 M19 M18 M38 M37 M32 M44 M25 M20 M20 M25 M17 M32 M37 M30 M45 M37 M40 M32 M26 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------35:32 35:33 35:34 35:34 35:34 35:35 35:35 35:36 35:36 35:39 35:39 35:40 35:41 35:43 35:44 35:45 35:45 35:47 35:51 35:52 35:52 35:53 35:54 35:54 35:58 36:01 36:01 36:01 36:02 36:02 36:02 36:03 36:05 36:07 36:10 36:10 36:10 36:11 36:11 36:12 36:12 36:14 36:16 36:17 36:18 36:19 36:20 36:20 36:23 36:24 36:24 36:25 36:25 36:28 36:28 36:29 36:29 36:31 36:34 36:36 36:37 36:39 36:39 36:40 36:41 36:42 36:43 36:44 36:44 36:45 36:46 36:46 36:48 36:49 36:49 36:50 36:50 36:52 36:52 36:52 36:52 36:52 36:53 36:53 36:54 36:55 36:55 36:56 36:57 36:58 36:58 36:59 36:59 36:59 37:00 37:00 37:00 37:01 37:01 37:02 2/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Bruce Dick Michael Ringo Ken Masarie Todo Loverin Antunio Reynold David Christle Ben A Chavez Andy Fox Greg Weich Fred Romkema Gruz Rodriguez James Rapkoch Steve Mandraccia Mark Stromberg Tim Edwards Juan Carrizales Zach Hancock Keith Nielsen Gary Lacy Mike Schuh Doug Gunderson Chris Cook James Lewis Kyle Heyen Michael Seeley Peter Scanniello David Peters Rocky Riviera Ray Lincks Dave Schurz John Lonsdale Gary Butson Chris Engebretson Kalani Scott John Dickinson James Phillips Darren Lazaruk Chuck Catterall Craig Kerrigan Natthew Carter Jay French Larry Dreyer Andrew Bulder Bill Rodgers Michael Davidson Granger Banks Jeffrey Gooner Pete Vordenberg Michael Melvin John Schlife Mark Houser Craig Cary Kirsten Kindt Mike Hogan Ron Kerschner Darren Leathers Don Bingham Dave Roeber Dave Burgess David Yedo Ric Rojas Jack Beattie Steve Houser Daniel Bisque Carl Mohr Tom Hammell Ken Applegate Thomas Russ Billy Wyckoff Robert O'Donnell Dan Thorp Steve Steele Dave Micheels Mark Johnson Ken Cook Harry B Doyle Scott Bennett Eric Lindblad Terrell Brown Travis Haines Mark Bruckie John O'Loughlin Marvin Speece Howard Johnson Gary Mueller Mark Kozik Daniel Elia Frank Martinez Steve Johnson James Robinson Steven Peterson Bruce Hach Olen Hedges James Gillen Micheal Yackel John Kankis Mark Newland Larry Kveter Dale Beucler Brendan Hemp DIV ------M33 M30 M30 M26 M22 M38 M45 M30 M18 M41 M19 M36 M43 M25 M24 M31 M15 M18 M33 M28 M33 M16 M36 M32 M38 M32 M42 M34 M33 M41 M41 M41 M20 M37 M28 M34 M28 M20 M35 M25 M24 M32 M21 M31 M16 M29 M24 M17 M41 M42 M33 M28 F24 M24 M38 M16 M26 M42 M32 M34 M37 M47 M35 M23 M38 M25 M40 M26 M24 M28 M33 M34 M38 M30 M40 M41 M21 M34 M35 M17 M32 M40 M29 M27 M35 M34 M25 M17 M44 M37 M27 M43 M38 M31 M16 M37 M33 M43 M34 M25 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------37:02 37:03 37:04 37:04 37:05 37:05 37:05 37:06 37:07 37:08 37:08 37:08 37:08 37:09 37:10 37:10 37:10 37:11 37:11 37:12 37:13 37:13 37:14 37:14 37:15 37:16 37:16 37:17 37:17 37:17 37:18 37:19 37:20 37:22 37:23 37:24 37:24 37:25 37:25 37:25 37:25 37:25 37:26 37:27 37:27 37:27 37:29 37:30 37:30 37:31 37:31 37:33 37:34 37:35 37:36 37:36 37:37 37:38 37:38 37:38 37:38 37:39 37:42 37:42 37:43 37:43 37:43 37:44 37:44 37:44 37:44 37:44 37:45 37:46 37:47 37:48 37:48 37:50 37:50 37:51 37:51 37:52 37:53 37:53 37:54 37:54 37:54 37:55 37:55 37:56 37:56 37:56 37:57 37:57 37:57 37:57 37:58 38:00 38:00 38:01 3/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Richard Barela Rick Willis Richard Kinney Stephen Ingam Gavin Slater Akeem Mobutu Perry Haney Thomas Carr Thomas Couts Amionio Gonzalez Donald Fishman John Cowles Bryan Thompson Martha Grinnell Scott Diaz Robert Wood Michael Sandlin Jimmy Archer Kevan Johnson Harold Cowans Charles Birgen Steve Roper Joel Faestel Jeffrey Cox Kent Holiday Tom Christian Randy Wojno Paul Dunn Brooke Chesnut Turner Stauffer Jeffrey Curran Ian Heffron Steve Dove Daneil Pierce Paul Heuermann Jeff Caird Scott Armstrong Rick Schmitz Joe Frankhauser Frederick Charles Andrew Bacon Joseph Labus Bradley Renehan John Rebchook Mike Phillips Dee Miller Zed Johnson Sarah Hanson Dave Watts Chris Borton Brendan White Marcel Newsome Scott Meyers Joseph Langer Laura Downey Paul Chatel Matt Mccabe Kit Smelser Ted Diaz Dave Kresl Thomas Wood-Young Mike Smith Peter Pritz Kathy Spear Steven Smith Paul Emery Patrick Witty Will Steinberg William Malec Ross Whitehead Jonathan Urbun Ben Mcmahon Tony Slavec Glenn Erickson Craig Caukin Bunsie Bunworth Gary Rosen Stephen Lewis Paul Elmont Christopher Avery Narco Zuniga Gilbert Martinez Larry Graff Gary Bredehoft Bill Mills Joe Sierz Steven Mendelson Julian Sanchez Don Guelde Michael Wrzos James Elsing Christopher Bavdlack Nelson Moore Larry Martinez Andrew Littman William Duffy Jerry Schneider Julian Wilson Jim Stutzman Jim Sokoloski DIV ------M39 M41 M38 M31 M32 M37 M38 M31 M32 M27 M40 M25 M28 F22 M16 M19 M34 M16 M42 M37 M30 M16 M17 M35 M19 M28 M29 M23 M31 M29 M32 M23 M32 M34 M33 M27 M28 M32 M36 M27 M33 M35 M26 M34 M26 M34 M33 F24 M42 M13 M33 M24 M32 M24 F32 M33 M29 M24 M28 M23 M27 M25 M30 F25 M31 M34 M32 M35 M38 M37 M21 M17 M38 M28 M34 M28 M34 M22 M40 M43 M17 M16 M33 M32 M32 M20 M26 M18 M16 M26 M43 M30 M28 M38 M33 M19 M30 M39 M34 M29 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------38:02 38:03 38:03 38:03 38:04 38:04 38:04 38:04 38:05 38:05 38:05 38:05 38:06 38:06 38:08 38:09 38:09 38:09 38:10 38:11 38:11 38:13 38:13 38:13 38:14 38:14 38:15 38:15 38:17 38:17 38:17 38:18 38:18 38:19 38:19 38:19 38:19 38:20 38:20 38:21 38:21 38:21 38:22 38:22 38:22 38:23 38:23 38:23 38:23 38:23 38:24 38:26 38:28 38:28 38:28 38:29 38:30 38:30 38:31 38:33 38:33 38:34 38:34 38:35 38:35 38:35 38:36 38:36 38:37 38:38 38:38 38:38 38:39 38:39 38:40 38:40 38:41 38:42 38:42 38:43 38:43 38:43 38:45 38:45 38:46 38:48 38:48 38:49 38:49 38:50 38:50 38:50 38:51 38:51 38:51 38:51 38:51 38:52 38:52 38:52 4/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Carlos Martinez Dave Carter Rick Beckwith Ralph Weber Greg Bonham Larry Hiraki Kevin Fitzpatrick Scott Johnson Dougals Sersun Douglas Fisgus Joseph Reinisch Timothy Mullen Bill Stahl Deanna Schiedler Rajit Saluja Michael Hestera Jon Criag Mike Lynch Danny Abshire Tom Parrott Morris Maag Daniel Greer Doug Balzer Andrew Williams Tom Tennessen Frank Sandford Warren Ohlrich Drew Clark Tim Catalano Glenn Terrell Eddie Olson Jim Heyl Larry Von Thun Thomas Salava Dave Smith David Bagley Stephen Rudolph Rob Lockey Russ Kennedy William Myrick Barbie Schmitt Jay Kenis Timothy Ervin Thomas Olson John Gutierrez Jerry Giachinto Bob Cooper Richard Barrows Philip Mann Gregg Leverentz Brian Johnson Andy Anderson Tim Elmont John Crompton Chris Archer Dan Spies Hari Iyer Dewayne Helfenbain Kieran Hughes Robert Jump Robert Lynde Jay Graham Peter Corsino Tom Siekmeier Daniel Peterson Tom O'Brien John Kennedy R.L. Dick Kellogg Woody Green Paul Faestel Paul Puhr Tom Kelecy Julie Wilson Rubin Silverstein Nate Miller Bert Covert Pater Bandurian Stuart Smith Marcus Canipe Craig Bean Cal Rice Juan Martinez Brian Aurich Scott Lowry Tim Laddy David Broadwell Jon Kofal Richard Beavers Frank Reiff Steve Faciszewski Dawes Wilson Pete Caspar Emil Rinaldi Douglas Tobler Sam Firenze Marcus Christopher Bill Chouinard Stuart Stout Baltazar Hernandez Joseph Rice DIV ------M15 M30 M26 M28 M30 M32 M26 M31 M19 M41 M16 M29 M30 F24 M26 M29 M37 M27 M31 M41 M28 M29 M27 M26 M30 M39 M50 M42 M17 M32 M30 M38 M46 M32 M33 M36 M29 M18 M30 M28 F23 M36 M39 M34 M14 M17 M41 M29 M51 M17 M31 M40 M32 M44 M18 M17 M39 M38 M19 M37 M25 M33 M42 M32 M40 M33 M40 M49 M34 M14 M31 M33 F17 M24 M19 M34 M39 M30 F34 M21 M44 M18 M18 M38 M44 M33 M23 M44 M41 M26 M35 M34 M38 M30 M32 M36 M46 M41 M27 M22 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------38:52 38:52 38:53 38:53 38:53 38:54 38:54 38:55 38:55 38:55 38:55 38:55 38:56 38:56 38:56 38:56 38:56 38:57 38:58 38:58 38:58 38:58 38:59 38:59 38:59 38:59 38:59 38:59 38:59 39:00 39:00 39:00 39:01 39:01 39:02 39:03 39:04 39:04 39:04 39:05 39:06 39:07 39:08 39:08 39:09 39:09 39:09 39:09 39:10 39:10 39:10 39:10 39:10 39:10 39:10 39:11 39:11 39:11 39:12 39:13 39:14 39:14 39:14 39:14 39:14 39:15 39:15 39:15 39:16 39:16 39:16 39:16 39:17 39:17 39:17 39:17 39:17 39:18 39:18 39:18 39:21 39:21 39:21 39:22 39:22 39:23 39:24 39:24 39:26 39:26 39:27 39:27 39:28 39:29 39:29 39:29 39:29 39:30 39:30 39:31 5/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Stephan Oneil Bill Glanz Kevin Chamberss James Jim Barker Jason Baker Jim Fuller Bob Grandpre JR Kenneth Jones Ray Hogler James M Falkman William Wright Robert Veges George Scott Alaw Turbyfill Kay Rehm Craig Marshall Mike Dotseth Mark Fryer Joseph Zepeda Jesus Delgado Charlene Lazaruk Michael Adler Greg Kurtzer Julian Keith Larry Holmes Daniel Fitzsimmons Ken Szeliga Rocky Garcia Ken Frankel Scott Noel Clark Edwards Mike Jester Robert Hauser Kurt Splears Irwin Ray Kenneth Maish Chip Morton David J Jones Bob Dandrea Jon Schroeder Eric Cheezum Dan Michaels Tim Downing Gary Seidel Dean Russell Claude Bench Chuck Stout Terry Kennedy John Huleatt Leonard Hardin John Snyder Dave Herrera Charles Cropley Travis Arciniega Charles Pendergrass Michael Papacek Jeff Nelson David Nelson Dale Jensen Dan Hudepete Matthew Olson Alene Nitzky Daneel Corrales Timothy Cornelius David Fanning Bill Roybal Anne Strauss Patrick Mcqueen Keith Hampton Crais Carlson Jason Wood Timothy Muirhead John Guyou Leo Palmer Kevin Martindale Scott Carter Mark Benson George Neserke Hamptun Islan Jeffrey Carcy Dennis Peffer David Maletic Dave Diaz Daniel Cowles Tony Belisle Andy Hooker Jock Wright Frank Kunkel Karen Frank Marc Weaver Alfie Pena Mark Long Randy Fitzgerald Dale Doughman Ronald Davis Ronald Vansyoc Alan Frease Bob Campbell Linda Wood Ron Bolton DIV ------M42 M30 M18 M38 M13 M36 M25 M27 M44 M27 M34 M37 M35 M42 F26 M28 M26 M15 M27 M16 F28 M30 M35 M29 M33 M31 M39 M39 M29 M28 M43 M15 M26 M28 M35 M30 M32 M40 M31 M46 M22 M36 M38 M28 M34 M41 M32 M34 M31 M35 M15 M34 M43 M18 M30 M34 M21 M28 M33 M26 M15 F25 M37 M29 M37 M46 F28 M25 M28 M36 M19 M25 M29 M44 M35 M26 M38 M30 M39 M28 M36 M35 M40 M27 M31 M16 M29 M40 F24 M37 M39 M26 M29 M31 M43 M28 M26 M26 F37 M31 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------39:31 39:31 39:31 39:31 39:31 39:32 39:32 39:33 39:33 39:33 39:34 39:34 39:34 39:35 39:35 39:35 39:35 39:37 39:37 39:37 39:37 39:37 39:37 39:38 39:38 39:38 39:39 39:39 39:40 39:40 39:40 39:40 39:40 39:41 39:41 39:41 39:42 39:42 39:42 39:42 39:42 39:43 39:43 39:44 39:44 39:45 39:45 39:45 39:45 39:45 39:46 39:46 39:46 39:46 39:47 39:47 39:47 39:47 39:47 39:47 39:48 39:48 39:48 39:48 39:49 39:49 39:50 39:50 39:50 39:50 39:51 39:51 39:51 39:52 39:52 39:52 39:52 39:53 39:53 39:53 39:53 39:54 39:54 39:54 39:54 39:55 39:56 39:56 39:57 39:58 39:59 39:59 39:59 39:59 39:59 40:00 40:00 40:00 40:01 40:02 6/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Jeff Weiner Joseph Levine John Baldridge Bill Ferguson John Born Daniel Moyer Stephen Angel James Shappell Douglas Allman Gary Romansky Alan Pike Greg Fickbohm Rick Lavoie William Jaffe Annette Craighead Jeff Shaw Hub Langstaff Bridger Falk Mark Douglas Arthur Coughlin Paul Von Der Gathen Nathan Litimer Scott Vierke Jeffrey Thomson Jerry Pauli Bob Moody Dan Ladd Scott Minor Marty Green Patrick Wester Brian Beck Matthew Smith Brent Smith Charles Samora Gil Gutierrez Ron Peterson Edward Sloup David Stevens Brian Nelson Michael Mcconnell Robert Wurtzebach Jim Steffeck Lon Spann Ed Roush Jerry Bayne Todd King Larry Velasquez Ramon Rodriguez Mara Halbert James Mantr John Gribben Will Lambert David Huerta Hal Kyles Geoff Ferguson James Pavelich Tom Lawrence John Rolando Neal Mclaughlin Jeff Davis Clifford West John Pearse Dana Howe Michael Carroll Keith Baker Anthony Antista Scott Papay Patrick Naylor Tim Miller David Peters Damon Clark Anne Mckendry Deborah Brown Steven Brehm Tom Bockes John Winsor Thomas Gorves Amy Giblin Dennis Kavanaugh Bruce Eckhart Thomas Padrnos Doug Yule Steve Wrenholt Ken Simboski Duane Russell Michael Ekdahl Tere Barnes Timothy Ramsey Gary Allen Jeff Wrout Rich Edrich Daniel Drolsum Shane Bolling Joel Hanson William Schultz Brian Morse David Skinner Chris Lepore Todd Hamina David Frostman DIV ------M29 M32 M37 F33 M25 M39 M34 M26 M13 M35 M39 M41 M27 M37 F27 M25 M30 M14 M34 M39 M47 M13 M37 M19 M44 M45 M40 M32 M32 M29 M29 M29 M25 M38 M38 M29 M40 M37 M23 M34 M42 M34 M42 M18 M41 M15 M42 M36 M19 M38 M29 M26 M18 M28 M38 M35 M35 M32 M29 M35 M34 M34 M35 M28 M34 M25 M18 M30 M18 M17 M28 F27 F31 M18 M29 M29 M40 F17 M49 M46 M28 M28 M16 M35 M32 M31 M42 M29 M21 M25 M28 M41 M21 M42 M40 M38 M32 M18 M22 M40 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------40:02 40:02 40:03 40:04 40:04 40:05 40:05 40:06 40:06 40:06 40:06 40:06 40:07 40:07 40:07 40:08 40:08 40:08 40:09 40:09 40:09 40:09 40:10 40:10 40:10 40:10 40:10 40:11 40:11 40:11 40:11 40:11 40:12 40:12 40:12 40:13 40:13 40:14 40:14 40:14 40:14 40:15 40:15 40:15 40:15 40:16 40:17 40:17 40:18 40:18 40:18 40:18 40:18 40:19 40:19 40:19 40:19 40:20 40:20 40:20 40:20 40:21 40:21 40:21 40:21 40:21 40:22 40:22 40:22 40:22 40:22 40:23 40:23 40:23 40:23 40:24 40:24 40:24 40:25 40:25 40:25 40:26 40:26 40:26 40:26 40:26 40:26 40:27 40:27 40:28 40:29 40:29 40:29 40:30 40:30 40:30 40:31 40:31 40:31 40:31 7/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Wendy Blakemore Bill Woolery Kevin Knight Greg Hofer Thomas Hart Jim Freim Christopher Larosa Jeff Castor Beth Farmer Adrian Adamson Phillip Lopez Jay Vosburgh Dave Rhyne Brady Rhodes Armando Renteria Steven Hart Ed Hazelwood Brad Hoben Andrew Heuek Robert Rhett Mark Nelsen Michael Tucker James Smith James Smith Amy Lease Robert Herd Chuck Downey Mathew Eastlack Thomas Scribner J. Confer James Rodriguez Bryan Bren Bradley Johnson Kelly Milligan Todd Cushman Gerry Dinardo Frank Ceserio Daniel Newell Joe Spurgeon Tony Blankenship John Tyler Kris Martinez Dave Lehaman John Kirchner James Frost Ray Blum Frank Narum Jeff Hilberandt Alan Goins Bill Aitken Robert Deconto John Dresser Larry Brooks Steven Tilliss Daniel Dobler David Askren Karen Anderson Raymond Ruiz Bobby Mitchell Michael Mcginnis Eric Williams Mark Roccabruna Craig Holiday Bob e Ekstrom Michael donohoe Timothy Auerbach Emunuel Vlastos Phillip Stevenson Steve Bush Marc Bergman Philip Salasky Mark Graham Ramon Figuerda Barrett Sherwood Al Nelson Jim Farver Jeff Moench Steven Bragg Bill Mercer Mark Bishop Alvaro Maldonado Robert Breuninger William Masisak Rick Lachnidt Stephen Herrera M.J. Collison Bob Long James Himmes Michael Crosby Jim Boselli Thomas Weston Gary Wall Chris Rauchnnot Jeff Nock John Nichols James Helgoth Dave Wilmarth Patrick Tipton Scott Robson Douglas Jowdy DIV ------F35 M15 M33 M33 M28 M43 M28 M27 F26 M17 M32 M33 M35 M20 M19 M38 M43 M27 M17 M30 M28 M23 M32 M24 F35 M44 M50 M21 M35 M27 M30 M25 M28 F28 M30 M36 M48 M32 M19 M16 M41 M19 M30 M20 M38 M32 M34 M24 M38 M39 M24 M37 M42 M38 M23 M34 F29 M45 M35 M32 M23 M28 M17 M38 M24 M30 M27 M47 M43 M37 M33 M35 M27 M27 M33 M37 M16 M28 M47 M31 M36 M16 M25 M45 M30 M38 M37 M45 M15 M27 M38 M41 M24 M25 M36 M 34 M24 M17 M17 M25 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------40:31 40:32 40:32 40:32 40:32 40:32 40:33 40:33 40:34 40:34 40:34 40:35 40:35 40:35 40:35 40:35 40:36 40:36 40:36 40:37 40:37 40:37 40:38 40:38 40:38 40:38 40:38 40:39 40:39 40:39 40:39 40:39 40:39 40:40 40:40 40:41 40:41 40:41 40:42 40:42 40:42 40:43 40:43 40:43 40:43 40:43 40:44 40:44 40:44 40:45 40:46 40:47 40:47 40:48 40:48 40:48 40:49 40:49 40:49 40:49 40:49 40:50 40:50 40:50 40:50 40:50 40:51 40:51 40:51 40:52 40:52 40:52 40:52 40:53 40:53 40:53 40:54 40:54 40:55 40:55 40:56 40:56 40:57 40:57 40:57 40:57 40:58 40:58 40:58 40:58 40:59 40:59 40:59 40:59 40:59 40:59 41:00 41:00 41:00 41:01 8/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Scott Hurlbert John Havekost Jim Grode Richard Weiland Steve Spencer Kevin Mcelroy Trevor Rendell Steve Moore Chris Bidwell Wade Schober Jason Archuleta Martin Waters Andy Shriver Bruce Plocher Michael Dipiero Juan Aivarado Mary Mondragon Marco Antonio Martinez Ray Strom Garry Grigel Casey Peterson Peter R. Fulong Christi Brasher Don Knoedel Ray Hernandez Dominic Gachupin John Rockett Matt Loyd Travis keeley Kent Lange Martin Mcgowan Bob Lapointe Eric Turnbyne Tom Rojas Geoff Muntz Ben Gardner Terrie Cooper Stephen Blouch Thomas Duran James Dougherty David Siegel Arthur Herrera Tom Tingle Vance Sarbaugh Edward Russell David Hill Bret Crock Mishka Wissoff Taylor Warwick Wayne Ehlert Joe Woolery David Rowell Glenn Mccarthy Art Ives Donald Alcott Rick Orona Larry Kahn Donald Johnson Dan Buckstein Rose Natividad Ron Schmidt Duane Reichard Todd Mason Robert Greene Scott Gentles Eric Larson Brian Hoyt David Dunaway Ronald Murta Bill Callanan Rob Jr. Ammon Steven Oliver Kristin Howard Joseph Gonzalez George Bator Bryan Rodriguez Kevin Rodgers Aaron Padilla Andy Vogel Don Krueger Gregory Johnson Julius Pasion Dallas Mogee Yvonne Joyce Gary Heerdt Odin Christensen William Vlases Jack Thames Matthew Kelsch Tom Wingerter Rex Keep Michael Fabozzi Alan Cook Hillary Becker Mark Mehos John Macdonald John Gerster Robert Drake Gerald Dahl Don Clark DIV ------F23 F46 M23 M27 M42 M21 M25 M36 M31 M26 M20 M35 M15 M36 M30 M28 F31 M38 M33 M32 M17 F43 F21 M40 M32 M19 M52 M20 M16 M25 M38 M39 M23 M36 M40 M33 F30 M44 M43 M32 M26 M43 M40 M32 M31 M32 M31 M12 M36 M28 M18 M32 M39 M34 M34 M23 M42 M34 F38 F32 M31 M20 M22 M54 M20 M31 M19 M24 M29 M34 M35 M36 F21 M24 M43 M17 M16 M14 M13 M32 M37 M17 M39 F28 M39 M41 M22 M36 M28 M36 M41 M34 M18 F28 M28 M40 M29 M37 M39 M30 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------41:01 41:01 41:01 41:01 41:01 41:01 41:02 41:02 41:02 41:02 41:02 41:03 41:03 41:03 41:03 41:03 41:04 41:04 41:04 41:04 41:04 41:05 41:05 41:05 41:05 41:05 41:06 41:06 41:06 41:07 41:07 41:07 41:08 41:08 41:08 41:08 41:09 41:09 41:09 41:09 41:09 41:09 41:10 41:10 41:10 41:10 41:10 41:11 41:11 41:11 41:12 41:12 41:12 41:12 41:12 41:13 41:13 41:13 41:13 41:14 41:14 41:14 41:15 41:15 41:15 41:16 41:16 41:16 41:16 41:16 41:16 41:17 41:18 41:18 41:18 41:18 41:18 41:18 41:18 41:18 41:18 41:19 41:19 41:19 41:19 41:19 41:20 41:20 41:20 41:20 41:20 41:21 41:21 41:21 41:22 41:22 41:22 41:22 41:22 41:22 9/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Warren Young Kelvin Akeson Richard Warner Mike Natvig Robert Krectchmer Drev Hunt Travis Brisendine Mike Royal Scott Dexter Nicholas Cumings Brad Williamson Wayne Ronhaar David Lowry Fred Kuhn Nathan Hakos John Gillespie James Eagan Dan Albritton Tim Hoffert Karen Gerken Warren Wilson Thomas J Galvin Jr Ruben Rivera Dave Olson Monte Lunacek Brent Kimball Michelle Sloan Daniel Hidalgo Ray Dow Phil Brewer Donald Bernhardt Michael Skibbe Joe Ontiveros Kristen Harteis Bill Rouse Kenneth Richey David Bonar Dale Sherman Peter Seitz-Mcintyre Mike Mercy Richard Barrett Randall Vagelos Herbert Thomas Terry Olsen Ken Macintyre John Eastlack Karl Beshore Chris Aleuras John Helm Jon La Plante Daniel Bergau Jeff Hicke Luke Boyer Cupp Blue Ray Rigsby Allen Davenport Colleen Curran Mark Zenger Bill Marriner Gilbert Lederhos Patrick Mckeon Gary Tipton Harold Park Russel Stark Don Larson Randy Burkhart Jerry Palmer Tom Tiedel Mick Ireland Susan Petronio William Elzi David Palnquist Dale Baker Bob Rodriguez Shawn Roberts Christopher Jahnson-Pa Todd Goodale Kevin Thomas Lynn Spier Scott Coburn Chip Wimar James Recob Mick Randall Ken Paxton Kevin Kiehl Keith Hannon Joe Schofield Richard Sandoval Dennis C Fee Andrew Barlow Paul Kaufmann Peter Gross John Hunt Ignacio Gomex Barrie Christensen Dan Bryan Tim Quinn Richard Waufle Mark Goodwin Chuck Wells DIV ------M23 M21 M45 M24 M39 M12 M15 M21 M27 M10 M38 M35 M17 M44 M18 M35 M37 M25 M35 F28 M26 M24 M29 M34 M15 M26 F17 M37 M28 M38 M37 M33 M29 F22 M45 M33 M37 M18 M27 M26 M44 M32 M41 M38 M36 M42 M17 M16 M43 M24 M27 M26 M13 M11 M32 M36 F25 M16 M36 M26 M27 M33 M42 M26 M48 M30 M42 M41 M39 F26 M24 M32 M37 M46 M21 M31 M16 M32 M43 M39 M34 M25 M40 M21 M35 M21 M47 M35 M34 M32 M22 M40 M35 M37 M52 M38 M42 M48 M17 M30 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------41:22 41:22 41:23 41:23 41:23 41:23 41:23 41:24 41:24 41:24 41:25 41:25 41:25 41:25 41:25 41:25 41:25 41:26 41:27 41:27 41:27 41:27 41:27 41:28 41:28 41:28 41:28 41:28 41:28 41:28 41:28 41:29 41:29 41:29 41:30 41:31 41:31 41:31 41:32 41:32 41:32 41:32 41:33 41:33 41:33 41:33 41:33 41:33 41:34 41:35 41:35 41:35 41:35 41:35 41:36 41:36 41:36 41:36 41:37 41:37 41:37 41:38 41:38 41:39 41:39 41:39 41:40 41:40 41:40 41:40 41:40 41:40 41:40 41:41 41:41 41:41 41:41 41:41 41:41 41:42 41:43 41:43 41:43 41:43 41:43 41:43 41:44 41:44 41:44 41:44 41:45 41:45 41:46 41:46 41:46 41:46 41:46 41:47 41:47 41:47 10/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Becky Arenson Frank Larosa Lisa Kirschner Louis Varone Brenda Schauer Mario Mata Tom Backs Thomas Peterson David Macdonald Darrew Sommers Kristi Kyles Jim Rankin Terry Gulliver John Fuscoe Will Cullum John Muntean Rick Hess Larrsy Weeks Michael Kos Joe Herzgnek Bill Rooks Michael Reeder Larry Gardiner John Moran Daniel Reagan Victor Myers Doug Fields Sephen Rex Thomas Courtney Brad Bearsheart James Andreas Dean Paschen Frank Lucero Dick Keepe Kathy Close Jason Webber David Standley Robert Heiberger Marcus Graham Rick Royer Strider Benston George Merriman Tom Wallace Cecil Townsend Max Skiomore Peter Russell Jim Keller Paul Brace Seymour Katz Aaron Dailey Mike Leahy Huward Streltzer James Railey Robert Nelson Kathleen Harris Joseph Tallman Katrina Mealey Ted Smith Jack Janney John Sisson Christy Grimsley Robert Rose Bruce Davis John Belcher Travis Rector Harold Miller Corky Keeffe Donald Griffiths John Foley Thomas Berg John Nothnagel Leif Hojam Lincoln Sherman Charles Stone Glenn Russell Jeffrey Riles Douglas Walgren Bryan Petersen Susan Hidalgo David Garrett David Dent George Donovan Arron Cole Kevin Carlson David Campbell Ron Beetham Ray La Mountain Casey Funk Robert Freck Glenn Mccleary Steve Fleming Sven Peterson David Mcintosh Daniel Cribby Mark Winn Wook Moon Howard Lewis Scott Buttermore Michael Blakley William Chanton DIV ------F99 M28 F29 M36 F29 M27 M33 M29 M27 M28 F25 M15 M41 M31 M33 M28 M31 M23 M22 M40 M43 M41 M41 M34 M33 M18 M30 M31 M34 M26 M31 M30 M49 M37 F29 M16 M34 M28 M32 M42 M44 M43 M28 M41 M38 M41 M21 M35 M49 M22 M40 M42 M44 M28 F35 M37 F26 M39 M36 M28 F20 M27 M32 M39 M18 M33 F46 M39 M27 M46 M27 M32 M26 M30 M27 M31 M23 M17 F30 M28 M42 M31 M18 M26 M27 M35 M53 M34 M38 M36 M27 M15 M35 M25 M42 M41 M45 M16 M39 M37 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------41:47 41:48 41:48 41:49 41:49 41:49 41:49 41:50 41:50 41:50 41:50 41:50 41:51 41:51 41:51 41:51 41:51 41:52 41:52 41:52 41:53 41:53 41:53 41:54 41:55 41:55 41:55 41:55 41:55 41:55 41:55 41:56 41:56 41:56 41:56 41:56 41:56 41:57 41:57 41:57 41:57 41:57 41:58 41:58 41:58 41:58 41:58 41:58 41:59 41:59 41:59 42:00 42:00 42:00 42:00 42:01 42:01 42:01 42:01 42:01 42:01 42:01 42:01 42:01 42:02 42:02 42:02 42:02 42:02 42:03 42:03 42:03 42:03 42:04 42:04 42:04 42:04 42:04 42:04 42:04 42:04 42:05 42:05 42:05 42:05 42:05 42:05 42:05 42:05 42:05 42:05 42:06 42:06 42:06 42:07 42:07 42:07 42:07 42:07 42:08 11/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Bryan Wunderlich Scott Williams Sam Nguyen Dave Jarrett Jim Collins Frank Moore Fd Skip Mccarley Robert Romero Frank Martinez Kate Hennessey David Olichney Charles Keck David Jekel Ken Snell Bob Mckenna Matt Salomon Nathan Rohlff John Velando Shannon Flynn Susan Sherry Marlin Buse Dennis Baumfalk Robin Steele Rob Schoeber Randy Monica Michael Martin Eric Jaquith Ken Francis Tim Conarrd Steven King Gary Kaufman Ken Wagers John Valvand Brett Robinson Steve Reynolds Ronald Pierce John Orr Gordon Jones Steven Maier William Swadener Dave Sprenkle Ken Simons Alan Brooker Tim Royston Elliott Evans Ricky Cron Donald Palm Mike Leman Douglas Bjornstad Will Bublitz Anthony Gene Barela Greg Young David Waldner Steve Smoot Edward Rowen Paul Packard Terry Jensen William Asbury Dave Eggert Tim Shea Michael Bailey Bruce Rahmig Doug Brandmier John Berneike Hal Wheatley Hal Macdonald Carl Weik Mark Lisle Nathan Craze Stephen Bodaness Rick Stever Charlie Mccormick Margaret Lynch John Hagin Bryce Born Greg Smith Jim Penny Ryan Lessman Chris Turner Steven Gonzales Alex Chappell Joe Tacoronte Kevin Prentice Chip Pancoast Donald Garratt Dan Gardner Timothy Clifford Dave Garrison Hal Hansen Bill Plummer Allan Marvel Jeffrey Mizner Peter May Andrew Bragg Motohiko Sato Dennis Maloney Vincent Lopez Kenton Clark Lawarence Covell Anthony Camacho DIV ------M30 M18 M30 M18 M39 M40 M51 M42 M35 F42 M22 M47 M27 M34 M39 M17 M15 M37 F19 F33 M31 M36 F29 M26 M34 M34 M21 M44 M28 M32 M39 M27 M32 M16 M36 M38 M38 M41 M46 M22 M35 M51 M42 M31 M42 M15 M32 M16 M27 M34 M25 M43 M32 M37 M38 M32 M46 M38 M31 M19 M27 M48 M38 M27 M35 M37 M45 M35 M24 M39 M31 M49 F27 M45 M38 M34 M31 M16 M27 M33 M37 M30 M28 M39 M37 M33 M33 M33 M29 M43 M40 M28 M28 M18 M24 M33 M45 M40 M45 M23 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------42:08 42:08 42:08 42:08 42:08 42:09 42:09 42:09 42:09 42:09 42:09 42:10 42:10 42:10 42:10 42:11 42:11 42:11 42:11 42:11 42:11 42:11 42:12 42:12 42:12 42:12 42:12 42:12 42:13 42:13 42:13 42:13 42:13 42:13 42:13 42:13 42:13 42:13 42:13 42:14 42:14 42:14 42:14 42:14 42:14 42:14 42:15 42:15 42:15 42:16 42:16 42:16 42:16 42:16 42:16 42:16 42:16 42:16 42:16 42:17 42:17 42:17 42:17 42:17 42:18 42:18 42:18 42:18 42:18 42:18 42:18 42:18 42:19 42:19 42:19 42:20 42:20 42:20 42:20 42:20 42:20 42:21 42:21 42:21 42:21 42:21 42:21 42:22 42:22 42:23 42:23 42:24 42:24 42:24 42:25 42:25 42:25 42:25 42:26 42:26 12/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------James Folkestad Patrick Brower Tom Bell Andrew Young Greg Tuccid Bill Neff Edmond H Lubbers Michael Coleman Randi Bromka George Antoine Jan Kiehl Ted Johnson Louis Harmon Micheal Buell Jeff Ruppert Brian Oliver Cheryl Moores David Willems Bert Menardi Donald Mcbryant William Dolan Wayne Wallace Bill Trine Ryan Padilla Nancy Lucero Gary Karre Mary Helen Irvine Ronald Howard Mary Dell Steve Ness Gane Herrington Marty Kolbet Jay Koelzer Patrick Keating Jim Smiley Steven Miller Marty Zemcik Jim Mcmenamin Gwen K Young Douglas Kendall Bruce Tugman Michael Delarosa Tom Colaiand Kristen Shern Robert Scherner Bruce Wilson Jay Lowry John D Strange Gary Koenig Sean Hehn Laurence Crabb Scott Barnett David Keene Russell Johnson Ron Douglas Blake Dieters Amy Demartini Cary Clark Steve Hird Tim Poole Todd Johnson Brandon Hodgson Brenda Powell Bill Cordes Terry Schwarz Don Rogers Robert Wornall Jeff Mitchem Deana Simpson Rooney Frye Kevin Frazini William Fitzmenry Gareth Roberts David Jones Jon Hans Gregury Graham Joe Gallegos Denise Billiot Claude Mcbroom Stella Heffron Joseph Scarbrough Lindsey Hansen- Sturm Michael Rynes Don Day Stan Kosiewicz Cyndy Hinkleman Chuck Gower Matt Carlson Randy Anderson Charles Jones Jon Westerlind Mark Murphy Franklin Munoz David Mccandless Steven Kohuth Philip Kahn Marty Wadel Paul Bremser Alex Neel Thomas Blesener DIV ------M22 M33 M29 M39 M30 M44 M29 F36 F37 M44 F35 M17 M42 M25 M29 M24 F25 M16 M33 M53 M37 M31 M54 M11 F38 M44 F29 M33 F22 M26 M33 M15 M35 M22 M40 M32 M31 M39 F20 M45 M32 M41 M31 F17 M24 M44 M22 M35 M42 M18 M35 M18 M40 M41 M31 M25 F16 M27 M24 M34 M28 M15 F26 M44 M46 M40 M49 M24 F25 M27 M29 M29 M36 M27 M26 M37 M50 F26 M21 F22 M26 F23 M37 M35 M44 F29 M43 M14 M48 M27 M30 M34 M30 M27 M23 M36 M28 M29 M35 M33 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------42:26 42:27 42:27 42:28 42:28 42:28 42:28 42:28 42:28 42:29 42:29 42:29 42:29 42:30 42:30 42:30 42:30 42:30 42:30 42:30 42:30 42:31 42:31 42:31 42:31 42:31 42:31 42:31 42:31 42:32 42:32 42:32 42:32 42:32 42:32 42:33 42:33 42:33 42:33 42:33 42:33 42:33 42:33 42:34 42:34 42:34 42:34 42:34 42:34 42:34 42:34 42:34 42:35 42:35 42:35 42:35 42:35 42:35 42:36 42:36 42:36 42:36 42:37 42:37 42:38 42:38 42:38 42:38 42:38 42:38 42:38 42:38 42:39 42:39 42:39 42:39 42:39 42:39 42:40 42:40 42:40 42:40 42:40 42:40 42:41 42:41 42:41 42:41 42:41 42:42 42:42 42:43 42:43 42:43 42:43 42:43 42:44 42:44 42:44 42:44 13/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Elizabeth Laster Staton Elzi Sarah Demartini Kurt Cummings Randy Wilson Patrick Chavez Bob Wettergren Rob Parks Eric Wilken Steve Huda Brad White Brian Frank Leo Rubio Michael Rabon Frank Mcnally Alvin Jaramillo Gary Gonzales Maggie Brown Chuck Smith Charles O'Brien Sally Brent Ray Minchew Jay Ableidinger Kristopher Lodwick Scott Dayberry Bob Zimmerschied Pater Vander Wall John Vincent Gary Scott Gerik Degner Bob Lansky Don Deblieux Jay Holloway James Ahrendt Clifford Hall Ken Lum Scott Ikenberry Douglas Pearl Darrel Hendricks Richard Mallon Jill Hanley Chad Christensen Jose Martinez Michael Degner Robert Wilkinson Pat Wiesnesre Hugh Trout Don Saint Steven Rhodes Ramesh Sundaresan Bevan Basham Roland Pitts Jeffrey Elliott Michael Blanchard Jim Sheffield Donald Phend Tim Hancock Thomas Smyth Scott Erickel Helen Davis Carl Brown Monty Lamirato Brett Clarke Charles Capek Philip Scheick Dan Montoya Carl Koval Brian Hamos Fred Apodaca Jeff Wendland Deborah Conley Travis Shew David Reitzel Richard Mattey Jim Romero Alex Osheroff Don Kirkpatrick David Gilbert Tony Kaleth Tom Gray Don Tebow Reynold Kalstrom Bill Unrein John Mager Ken Whitney Tony Pestinger Greg Panno Ira Levy Gregory Wolfe Matthew Petitt Ray Melvin Craig Dayberry Manuel Jr Maldonado Sean Daley Robert Hills Benjamim Ehrlich Dan Engle Sally Cuffin Bruce Chesley Stacy Biernacki DIV ------F21 M27 F16 M29 M31 M40 M43 M18 M35 M35 M19 M34 M36 M35 M43 M30 M30 F34 M36 M30 F37 M20 M30 M14 M31 M42 M40 M31 M31 M14 M44 M28 M34 M25 M47 M29 M39 M38 M27 M20 F30 M13 M37 M39 M38 M32 M23 M30 M22 M18 M29 M41 M31 M27 M26 M33 M33 M34 M24 F25 M24 M33 M29 M26 M32 M24 M36 M25 M40 M20 F23 M17 M35 M43 M49 M15 M39 M27 M42 M32 M45 M44 M31 M32 M59 M37 M26 M31 M30 M30 M50 M28 M27 M17 M30 M19 M41 F36 M25 F18 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------42:44 42:44 42:44 42:44 42:44 42:44 42:45 42:45 42:45 42:45 42:45 42:45 42:46 42:46 42:46 42:46 42:46 42:46 42:47 42:47 42:47 42:47 42:47 42:47 42:47 42:47 42:47 42:48 42:48 42:48 42:48 42:48 42:48 42:48 42:48 42:49 42:49 42:49 42:49 42:49 42:49 42:49 42:50 42:50 42:50 42:50 42:50 42:50 42:50 42:51 42:51 42:51 42:51 42:51 42:52 42:52 42:52 42:52 42:52 42:52 42:52 42:53 42:53 42:53 42:53 42:53 42:54 42:54 42:54 42:55 42:55 42:55 42:55 42:55 42:56 42:56 42:56 42:56 42:57 42:57 42:57 42:57 42:58 42:58 42:59 42:59 42:59 42:59 43:00 43:00 43:00 43:00 43:00 43:00 43:00 43:00 43:01 43:01 43:01 43:01 14/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Paul Randall Robert Pearson David K Johnson Kenneth Skelly Melody Ludwig Mark M Haynes Les Goss Pete Zoller Rick Ulibarri Roger Trudell Dennis Normoyle Matt Mccreedy Sean Cain Michael Babbitt David West Joe French Kevin Davis Joseph Forrester Ross Yeoman Mike Esposito Rich Pozzi Richard Byyny Alden Lavizzo Scot French Todd Evans Rick Davidson Robert Cyonarowicz David Kovallik Linda Hansen Fred Glover Wesley Stambaugh Lori Vandesteeg Greg Mahoney Rick Brennan Dunald Giovannette Donald Conley John Bullock Liam Bierney Pat Butler Jim Royce David Balsley Jeff Fisher Tom Ela Bill Trefts Jamie Rogers Bill Jaynes Cliff Wright Steve Jordan Mark Smith Gary James Terence Ridley Kirsten Brenkert Chris Juda Robert Babcock Vernon Schoep Patrick Papacek Joseph Wrede Walter Jackson Mark Ward Eldon Handrich Chris Ciccone Mark Boyer William Wittman Jerry O'Donnell Dave Joyce Cheryl Beckwith Robert Leyva David Krupa David Van Allen Patrick Hayes Gordon Rudebusch Sam Giamarvo Jason Wortman Kevin Whelan Mary Sheehan James Lazcano Rob Hanson Steven R Hamlet Rich Gorman Bobby Gould William Tecklenburg Stuart Smith John Jenkins Brian Russell Mitch Mcvey Carole Jansen Charles Sisler Jasse Spratford Mary Platts David Blesener Matt Simms Kaye Rains Daniel Pierce Trina Nation Greg Naber Robert Mcdonald Lynn Osborne Kent Nelson Wayne Montoya Joey Betts DIV ------M28 M21 M33 M35 F30 M33 M38 M18 M38 M32 M45 M25 M33 M18 M42 M53 M27 M32 M42 M43 M41 M50 M15 M25 M27 M31 M29 M30 F26 M52 M25 F30 M39 M37 M31 M15 M27 M28 M29 M39 M42 M29 M36 M36 F25 M48 M33 M37 M30 M28 M30 F15 M35 M39 M53 M33 M23 M53 M33 M42 M21 M15 M33 M43 M42 F40 M35 M29 M43 M50 M27 M44 M17 M34 M39 M30 M27 M15 M41 F15 M38 M29 M37 M15 M17 F33 M45 M13 F44 M29 M17 F22 M36 F15 M23 M26 F26 M45 M23 M34 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------43:01 43:01 43:01 43:02 43:02 43:02 43:02 43:02 43:02 43:02 43:03 43:03 43:03 43:03 43:04 43:04 43:04 43:05 43:05 43:05 43:05 43:05 43:05 43:06 43:06 43:06 43:06 43:06 43:06 43:06 43:06 43:07 43:07 43:07 43:08 43:08 43:08 43:08 43:09 43:09 43:09 43:09 43:09 43:10 43:10 43:10 43:11 43:11 43:11 43:11 43:11 43:11 43:11 43:11 43:12 43:12 43:12 43:12 43:12 43:12 43:12 43:12 43:13 43:13 43:13 43:13 43:14 43:14 43:14 43:14 43:14 43:14 43:15 43:15 43:15 43:15 43:15 43:15 43:15 43:16 43:16 43:16 43:16 43:17 43:17 43:17 43:17 43:18 43:18 43:18 43:19 43:19 43:19 43:19 43:19 43:19 43:20 43:20 43:20 43:20 15/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Stephen Smithers Arnold Willems Len Olson Brian Martinez Kevin Utley Rene Swanson Stephen Sager Bryan Loughry Christine Campbell Matthew West Jane Brock Kenneth Bekham Dennis Wilson Jeff Rose Brent Robbins Vicki Reynolds Zander Cannon Christina King Ken Kderber Roy Carlson Chris Ridole Kathy White Paul Ronnfeldt Michael Larsen Roy Johnson Chuck Huggins Kavin Hilton Landon Hilliard John Field Michael Ensbuy Dan Bowers John Self Marisa Quinones Al Petersen Sam Mckay Anthony Kelker Grace Bean Sue Hayes Dean Elichhdrst Angela Lippold John Carter Robert Lawconnell David Gustafson Melanie Mchugh Michael Lewis Terry Harts Bryant Hammig Bart Hammig Murray Ray Dennis Ortiz David Closser Peter Bryant Brad Young Kenneth Kurtz Bill Hastings Lorna Squayer Jeff Jayner Mark Buchanan Duane Boes Paul Staby Josh Marvel Rod Bagwell James Martin David M Haynes Douglas Hardee Bill Hertneky David Freyer Ruger Allbrandt William Heurlin Douglas Lobdell Jr Thomas Vela Chris Emerson David Showalter Steve Sheck Mike O'Shla Alan Myers Bryant Trost Tom Mills Paul Packard Rocky Kern Will Gadd Dale Frichtinger Bill Turley Richard Miller Jr Jason Lewis Ronald Lengerich Joseph Friedman Emiliand Gabaldon Sara Stokes Barbara Stefanski Gary Bilbery Janaka Ford Mike Clinger Chuck Webb Tilo Reber Steven Dugan Paul Austin Eric Keeler Paul Carrara Stuart Born DIV ------M33 M46 M60 M17 M33 M38 M42 M24 F20 M16 F30 M43 M33 M29 M29 F26 M16 F28 M36 M45 M18 F38 M31 M31 M39 M41 M17 M28 M19 M28 M43 M24 F40 M53 M34 M21 F31 F29 M41 F19 M17 M33 M47 F24 M19 M29 M28 M21 M26 M32 M32 M36 M31 M31 M33 F35 M25 M30 M54 M45 M28 M39 M30 M33 M18 M32 M26 M15 M41 M30 M39 M19 M31 M35 M20 M23 M15 M37 M31 M32 M22 M31 M59 M23 M14 M36 M36 M15 F30 F28 M37 M24 M28 M41 M40 M29 M32 M18 M41 M23 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------43:20 43:21 43:21 43:21 43:22 43:22 43:22 43:22 43:22 43:22 43:23 43:23 43:23 43:23 43:23 43:23 43:23 43:24 43:24 43:24 43:24 43:25 43:25 43:25 43:25 43:25 43:25 43:25 43:25 43:26 43:26 43:26 43:26 43:26 43:26 43:26 43:26 43:26 43:27 43:27 43:27 43:27 43:27 43:28 43:28 43:28 43:28 43:29 43:29 43:29 43:30 43:30 43:30 43:30 43:30 43:31 43:31 43:31 43:31 43:32 43:32 43:32 43:32 43:32 43:32 43:33 43:33 43:33 43:33 43:34 43:34 43:34 43:34 43:34 43:35 43:35 43:35 43:35 43:35 43:35 43:35 43:35 43:36 43:36 43:36 43:36 43:36 43:37 43:37 43:37 43:38 43:38 43:38 43:39 43:39 43:39 43:39 43:40 43:40 43:40 16/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Mandi Tribble Monte Race Eric Pederson Andy Mcpherson Josh Marks Aaron Gardner Loretta Ulibarri Chris Morrison David Thomson Clark Hanson Craig Ogawa Christian Gustafson Raymond Nessler Brian Clements Jack Varman Kevin Leander Robert Koehler Brian Triptow Mike Brockway Chris Norton Jonathan Auerbach Lisa Antonsen Allan Schmeling Eric Lewis Randy Grow Fredrick Gardner Greg Brendel Steve Scottile Tom Green Henrietta Yarbrough Michael Anstett Ederhard Walcher Warren Kesselring Wayne Apple Tom Wickham-Jones Julian Romero Rod Pierce Randy Jones Jonathan Greenwald Pablo Garcia Paul Slavec Nadia Noorzai Benjamin Nell Don Lorenzen Michael Evans Denvis Cameron Roger Arndt Ronald Watson Stephen Boone John Stromp Jean-Jaques Poucel Thomas Sterkel Elbert Schweitzer Phil Reddick David Strong Sharon Foster Brian Burke John Valentine Khamis Haramy Douglas Cameron Beatrice Zurcher Paul Sommer Joyce Johnson Mitch Gubser Kent Groninger Kenneth R Emerson John Donovan Michael Donahue Peter Scalia Larry Cruncleton Chris Harder Tyler Bohlender Leslie Brighton Tom Trost Wayne Zoerink Richard Vigil Ray Sirianne Gilbert Romero Tiffani Pakan Kevin Melsheimer Randy Reeves Craig Prine David Grifis Gary Erickson Sharon Dooley Rick Clancy Doug Burns Charles Bechtold James Baxter Bill Abell Williem J Ireland Jay Campbell Jim Brockway Glen Smith Marc Robinson Gayle Lippold Dean Johnson Dan Jenkins Larry Grecian Timothy Deherrera DIV ------F34 M26 M17 M30 M28 M17 F34 F20 M49 M39 M31 M25 M35 M17 M37 M27 M25 M35 M33 M35 M27 F26 M41 M26 M26 M26 M30 M34 M34 F38 M33 M36 M39 M50 M30 M20 M34 M16 M42 M16 M35 F19 M31 M38 M42 M23 M30 M53 M34 M33 M22 M36 M29 M40 M44 F26 M31 M37 M32 M28 F37 M28 F28 M31 M47 M47 M34 M34 M29 M30 M42 M26 M51 M41 M51 M16 M41 F36 F21 M17 M30 M42 M21 M38 F40 M36 M32 M56 M42 M42 M34 M27 M28 M32 M18 M40 M27 M28 M35 M30 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------43:41 43:41 43:41 43:41 43:41 43:41 43:42 43:42 43:42 43:42 43:42 43:42 43:42 43:42 43:42 43:43 43:43 43:43 43:43 43:43 43:43 43:43 43:44 43:44 43:44 43:44 43:44 43:45 43:45 43:45 43:45 43:45 43:46 43:46 43:46 43:46 43:46 43:47 43:47 43:47 43:47 43:48 43:48 43:48 43:48 43:48 43:48 43:49 43:49 43:50 43:50 43:50 43:50 43:50 43:51 43:51 43:51 43:52 43:52 43:52 43:52 43:53 43:53 43:53 43:53 43:53 43:54 43:54 43:54 43:54 43:54 43:54 43:55 43:55 43:56 43:56 43:56 43:56 43:56 43:56 43:57 43:57 43:57 43:57 43:57 43:57 43:57 43:57 43:57 43:58 43:58 43:58 43:58 43:58 43:58 43:58 43:58 43:58 43:59 43:59 17/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Thomas Wheeler John Luttropp Bill Iwata Art Steward Kenneth Leach Sandy Dunlap Dennis Cafaro Brian Ackerman Gregory Morris Tuby Derloshon Tony Wilson James Reynolds Cheryl Schneider Carl Noguchi Del Newman Andrew Mcwhorter Buddy Robbins David Krueger Tom Hovland Craig Walter Herb Camien Sally Wilcox Mark Suprenand Bryan Roecklein Diane Palmason CHarles Judd David Howard Tom Hobaw Dan Grant Bob Akright Scott Jefferson Kathleen Green John French Vince Ackerman Ray Boyd Geoff Barker Hudson Philips William Norkoli Angela Cote Erick Strobel Howard Pogoda Kevin Mccarthy Curt Becker Robert Heller Kevin Dunn Tony Begay Andres Zamdia Scott Wilson Warren Taylor Geno Rivera Wade Vogt Tony Stevens Rudy Melena Roger Hickman Michael Goodoll Jonathan Berens Jeff Urban Thomas Tooley Brendan Slevin Braden Olson Roger Mcgregor David Hoffman John Gilding Richard Director Doug Colton Steve J Wroblewski Joseph Klemp Gary Waterhouse Roger Perkins Tom Franco Jerry Minerich Joel Burk Harry Miller Charles Bailey Janell Linsacum Edward Williams Mike Whitmore Phillip fanshaw Gerry Dameron George Barker Jack Massie Judy Rindge Mark Nash Peggy Muhn Ken Theosald John Money Curt Lawson Brad Haskell Thomas Graves Steven Bailey Bobby Arellano Douglas Logue Bob Eaton Bill Clifford Jim III Carpenter James Whitaker Michael Ruger Jeff Rodrigeus John Oettli Pete Greenly DIV ------M23 M21 MF42 M40 M20 M42 M43 M19 M29 M31 M27 M40 F31 M32 M43 M16 M37 M26 M28 M38 M39 F29 M44 M30 F51 M42 M36 M40 M45 M26 M35 F25 M41 M22 M30 M17 M37 M42 F20 M16 M39 M26 M33 M44 M30 M32 M42 M19 M44 M24 M18 M31 M38 M18 M25 M34 M18 M32 M15 M19 M40 M31 M23 M32 M18 M25 M43 M29 M36 M29 M43 M32 M36 M31 F30 M36 M40 M49 M34 M27 M32 F26 M26 F37 M31 M16 M39 M15 F45 M13 M45 M31 M35 M27 M17 M52 M28 M 22 M30 M20 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------43:59 43:59 43:59 44:00 44:00 44:00 44:00 44:00 44:01 44:01 44:01 44:01 44:02 44:02 44:02 44:02 44:03 44:03 44:03 44:03 44:03 44:04 44:04 44:04 44:04 44:04 44:04 44:04 44:04 44:04 44:05 44:05 44:05 44:05 44:06 44:06 44:06 44:06 44:06 44:07 44:07 44:07 44:07 44:07 44:07 44:07 44:08 44:08 44:08 44:08 44:09 44:09 44:10 44:10 44:10 44:10 44:10 44:10 44:10 44:10 44:11 44:11 44:11 44:11 44:11 44:12 44:12 44:13 44:13 44:13 44:13 44:13 44:13 44:13 44:13 44:13 44:13 44:14 44:14 44:14 44:14 44:15 44:15 44:15 44:15 44:15 44:15 44:15 44:15 44:15 44:15 44:16 44:16 44:16 44:16 44:17 44:17 44:17 44:17 44:17 18/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Richard Fox Larry Davidson James Reuter Mark O'Conner Kaye Kriz Tesa Habteselassie Julie Ewing Elizabeth Mccarvill Richard Majack Joseph Schneller Jim Baird Vivian Poer David Warfield Robert Hunter Kathy Codega Burke Kaltenberger Michael Gallegos Michael Jezier Howie Danzik Jeff Bunker Nichollas Hoskin Lamont Shirk Don Hoelsken Ross Westley Kent Vauhghn Richard Linville Lisa Fischer Cheryl Bracht Michael Atchison Paul Lilly Greg Larson Walker Berkshire Raymond France George Craft Chris Cole Ed Fenner Mitsuhiro Takiwawa Chappy Faber Bob Casey Beverly Mannon Michael Kdechner Ken Shackles Russell Sarp Mark Monette Scott Harrill David Duran Dan Johnson Doug Ward Ron Henkel Roy Sinclir Tom Heathershaw Jeff Osterloh Glenn Aspholm Deanna Kaufman Mark Holland Barry Hendron Alan Sipes John Eller Marci Graves Daniel Tollin Shawn Smith Jeff Slattery Ian O'Dell Danny Dreyer Lee Lucero Geoffrey Anderson Jack Humphrey Susan Elia Darl Bien Ken Yankersley Kristy Anderson Craig Taylor Steve Ward Steve Park Kevin Maher Akbar Khalsa Craig Harada Jeffery Doran Lao Tizer Martin Shepperoson Terri Ward James Rasmussen Dale Vodehnal Clint Talbott Buck Norris Jose Moncivais Rick Medvec Paul Keyser Bill Hoover Eric Harding David Whiteing Tom Sandoral James Masterson Timothy Hansen Lara Giacomini Doug Ewald Don Aldrich Bob Stover Michael Koertje Glenn Jones DIV ------M31 M42 M24 M24 F40 M32 F27 F29 M38 M14 M25 F25 M31 M14 F30 M28 M22 M31 M24 M26 M27 M30 M31 M52 M39 F41 F27 F28 M38 M39 M34 M46 M26 M46 M24 M28 M25 M29 M32 F25 M35 M25 M42 M27 M17 M32 M42 M33 M25 M33 M38 M25 M35 M21 M24 M38 M33 M37 F25 M16 M26 M30 M17 M39 M44 M31 M31 F22 M48 M24 F34 M31 M25 M34 M36 M41 M22 M27 M10 M35 F30 M25 M45 M26 M37 M41 M30 M30 M37 M17 M39 M23 M39 M22 F19 M41 M28 M45 M22 M31 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------44:17 44:17 44:18 44:18 44:18 44:18 44:18 44:19 44:19 44:19 44:19 44:19 44:20 44:20 44:20 44:21 44:21 44:21 44:21 44:21 44:21 44:21 44:21 44:22 44:22 44:22 44:22 44:22 44:22 44:23 44:23 44:23 44:23 44:23 44:23 44:24 44:24 44:24 44:24 44:24 44:24 44:25 44:25 44:25 44:25 44:25 44:26 44:26 44:26 44:26 44:26 44:26 44:26 44:27 44:27 44:27 44:28 44:28 44:29 44:29 44:29 44:29 44:29 44:29 44:29 44:29 44:29 44:30 44:30 44:30 44:30 44:30 44:31 44:31 44:31 44:31 44:31 44:31 44:31 44:31 44:31 44:31 44:32 44:32 44:32 44:32 44:32 44:32 44:32 44:33 44:33 44:34 44:34 44:34 44:34 44:34 44:34 44:34 44:35 44:35 19/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Brian Johnson Max Elliott James Saunders Bill Eckstrom Jay Mc Elhenney Lisa Bullock Kathleen Lanterman Sean Sweeney Dan Sweeney Jim Holstine Michael Puariea William Eddington Thomas Mabry Diane Cunningham David Louis Dan Thorson Mark Mundt Kevin Lash Michael Will Milan Karspeck Rick Hamilton Alan Carothers Kimberly Carlson Steve Burge William Young Devon Park Marc Townsend Charles Lazansky Corban Spraker Lisa Kolb Don Smith Mick Jeffery Matt Gersib Jennifer Elsing Rick Herman Tommy Nettleton Dave Grugel Christian Hohensteiner Mitchael Flanagan Robert H Hill Jerry Buechler Brendin Bastable Alan Barr Cecilia Robinson Margie Loyd-Allison Fred King Jeffrey C Hayes Barbra Nevins Quentin Dahm Jonathan Bromberg Neal Bastable Evan Sullivan Steve Sivon Mark Nelson Ted Mitchell Leonard Martinez Lance Hooper Daniel Delgado Lydia Borges Christopher Dorato Robin Robinson Greg Reizian Michael Hubbard Don Walker Dan Sage William Porter Derek Hinz Jon Hill Andrew Black Robert E Weyand Doug Burke Douglas Reynolds Mike Myers Kevin Matter Amy Mueller Chris Winding Kenneth Furgala Kevin Edwards Troy Schuster Mark Biddle Stephen Johnson Clark Souers Danny Senn Michael Moroze Donald Steiner Coreen Baum Denise Pettinger Elbert Dawson Dave Rhodes Mark Gathier Michael Fithian Thomas Scott Mike Hawkins Lowell Stratton Todd Johnson David Conway Roy Moser John Jancik Roderic Johnson Richard Mueller DIV ------M31 M42 M44 M33 M26 F31 F32 M20 M35 M49 M25 M38 M31 F32 M13 M19 M34 M29 M32 M40 M28 M28 F33 M30 M25 M26 M16 M26 M15 F27 M35 M41 M16 F19 M26 M28 M35 M25 F35 M28 M29 M17 M30 F24 F39 M40 M34 F36 M47 M23 M48 M23 M39 M17 M42 M41 M31 M23 F47 M32 M36 M32 M35 M50 M34 M39 M18 M31 M40 M26 M35 M26 M34 M36 F26 M28 M44 M31 M27 M15 M40 M16 M35 M32 M29 F23 F24 M44 M42 M24 M42 M25 M32 M44 M42 M45 M56 M32 M32 M33 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------44:35 44:35 44:35 44:35 44:35 44:35 44:35 44:36 44:36 44:36 44:36 44:36 44:36 44:36 44:36 44:37 44:37 44:37 44:37 44:37 44:37 44:38 44:38 44:38 44:38 44:38 44:38 44:38 44:38 44:38 44:38 44:38 44:38 44:38 44:39 44:39 44:39 44:39 44:39 44:39 44:39 44:39 44:39 44:39 44:40 44:40 44:40 44:40 44:40 44:40 44:40 44:41 44:41 44:41 44:41 44:41 44:41 44:41 44:41 44:42 44:42 44:42 44:42 44:43 44:43 44:43 44:43 44:43 44:43 44:44 44:44 44:44 44:44 44:44 44:45 44:45 44:45 44:45 44:45 44:45 44:45 44:45 44:46 44:46 44:46 44:46 44:46 44:46 44:46 44:46 44:47 44:47 44:47 44:47 44:47 44:47 44:47 44:48 44:48 44:48 20/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Tom Dozier Gary Renick Doug Ficca Claire Bueno David Mitchell Mike Saucedo Matthew Clauseen Doyle Nehl Steve Simon Rick Jacquemard Mark Retchman Craig Large Ramon Vara Ron Jairell Martin Mchugh Peter Brickman Dan Temple Jay Bruton Neal Engel Nancy Alterman Terry Mcrae Christopher Elmer Sara Sussenguth Douglas Demos Mercedes Gil Patrick Mcdaniel Cathleen Chavez Valerie Schocklely Kevin Gregory Gretchen Tritschler Jim Burke Bryan Jarman Dan Burough David Jordan Cindy Prine Leif Houkom Robert Minner Paul Carlson Dave Lemmon Marty Rutledge Bejurin Cassady Janet Hermes Keith Minner Todd Fields Bill Stauffer Randall Musselman Mike O'Neill John Evans Pete Sherwood Rick Snow Harvey Hoodgstrate Bill Washburn Polly Zimmerman Barbara Johnson Peter Johnson Carol Scribner Robert Kammer Andres Muino Rick Waideler Wb Bickley Michael Reuss Joe Baker Mark Bell James Smith Elaine Strickland Gilbert Camargo Tom Wilson Larry Erbert Randy Watson Alex Ariniello Robert Sancetta Michele Stermel Paul Pietro Moy Salmon Ben Rencoret Jim Rose Mark Vallee Richard Nagler Jack Ellsworth James Vannice Larry Mccarter Daniel Borling George Slaughter Robert Mercil Dan Gallagher Patrick Goerig Bill Mangle Reuben Ybarra William Foos Timothy Kostenbauer James Hammond Wayne Ramsay Allan Hampson Rae Marie Smilanic Don Ball Mike Lewis David Tolley WM. Eitzen Loretta Meyers David Zirkelbach DIV ------M40 M48 M35 F24 M25 M38 M21 M39 M34 M33 M20 M24 M38 M43 M25 M32 M49 M21 M41 F34 M36 M26 F27 M29 F27 M26 F24 F23 M30 F27 M50 M26 M19 M30 F28 M33 M40 M39 M19 M29 M37 F28 M14 M27 M23 M30 M44 M25 M13 M43 M52 M43 F33 F22 M45 F32 M39 M13 M44 M42 M34 M27 M24 M30 F21 M21 M27 M29 M38 M38 M34 F31 M27 M34 M36 M41 F34 M56 M37 M34 M38 M30 M55 M48 M42 M48 M15 M32 F26 M25 M53 M39 M34 F36 M19 M36 M32 M43 F26 M35 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------44:48 44:48 44:48 44:49 44:49 44:49 44:49 44:49 44:49 44:49 44:49 44:49 44:50 44:50 44:50 44:50 44:50 44:50 44:51 44:51 44:51 44:51 44:51 44:52 44:52 44:52 44:52 44:52 44:53 44:53 44:53 44:53 44:53 44:53 44:53 44:54 44:54 44:54 44:54 44:54 44:54 44:54 44:54 44:55 44:55 44:55 44:55 44:55 44:55 44:56 44:56 44:56 44:56 44:56 44:57 44:57 44:57 44:57 44:57 44:57 44:57 44:58 44:58 44:58 44:58 44:59 44:59 45:00 45:00 45:01 45:01 45:01 45:01 45:01 45:02 45:02 45:02 45:02 45:03 45:03 45:03 45:03 45:03 45:04 45:04 45:04 45:04 45:05 45:05 45:05 45:06 45:06 45:06 45:06 45:06 45:06 45:06 45:06 45:06 45:06 21/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Mark Lachniet Ken Roth Malcolm Orton Paul Quintana Pennie Hobert Jason Rogers Karen Kowalski Cheryl Nitz Frank Baylin John Piatt Gary Bradenburg Jeffrey May Rinthea Carlson Michael Merlino John Mosher Gary Fox Paul Mccarroll James Nelson III Charlie Arbogast Ken Meyer John Oppenheim Donald Benson Gerald Jeffers Richie Roberts David Mastes Kerri Sallberg Andrew Mckean Scott Tuke Steve Ratcliff Patrick Westfeld Alan Pratt Don Richards Roger Flahive David Postle Mark Bonn Terry Clark Michael Hines Mark Adams Joyce Satchell Stan Crouse Stephen Tan Patrick Mcginnis Art Schneider Michael Shalhoub Paul Urtz Steven Longley Neil Bremner Doug Brode Hugh Wilson John Kadlecek Karl Wood Fred Maslanik Jr Peter Dann Ricardo Muino Maria Hegan Dennis Payne Mark Levine Roger Williams Mike Button Bruce Lichtenberger Scott Palmer Ken Garrett Ray Harris-Hobbs John Leroux Bob Kropfli Mark Williams Darren Calley Jim Stennes Joan Woodbury Richard Childers Mary Sullivan Bob Findlay Ralph Meurer Stanley Wichael Greg Burns David Wuertz Dean Hambleton Wayne Davis Steve Riegelman Gene Feeney Brad Throlson Gregury Garcia Eric Cheristiansen Michael Cromar David Albo Jeanne Mccray Samuel Carson David Petersen Dave Calley Kenneth Rowberg Phillip Andrews John Kalamen Steve Back Kelly Kirkpatrick Al Lucero Adin Hunt Christina Lujan Pam Baker Sandy Kesend Carl Skulski DIV ------M31 M38 M38 M39 F42 M18 F23 F26 M42 M33 M39 M28 F28 M40 M22 M35 M22 M33 M32 M26 M36 M28 M29 M43 M37 F17 M44 M27 M38 M45 M34 M45 F29 M42 M34 M33 M37 M32 F35 M39 M24 M30 M48 M47 M29 M42 M27 M32 M47 M31 M25 M24 M33 M34 F25 M31 M40 M47 M40 M41 M25 M36 M42 M35 M48 M34 M19 M36 F25 M14 F29 M41 M56 M25 M17 M27 M30 M28 M38 M19 M25 M27 M42 M43 M32 F25 M34 M36 M22 M39 M36 M40 M32 F19 M28 M11 F25 F24 M44 M36 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------45:07 45:07 45:07 45:07 45:07 45:07 45:08 45:08 45:08 45:08 45:08 45:08 45:08 45:08 45:09 45:09 45:09 45:09 45:09 45:09 45:09 45:09 45:10 45:10 45:10 45:10 45:10 45:10 45:10 45:11 45:11 45:11 45:11 45:12 45:12 45:12 45:12 45:13 45:13 45:13 45:13 45:13 45:14 45:14 45:14 45:14 45:15 45:15 45:15 45:15 45:15 45:15 45:16 45:16 45:16 45:16 45:16 45:16 45:16 45:16 45:17 45:17 45:17 45:17 45:18 45:18 45:18 45:18 45:18 45:18 45:18 45:18 45:19 45:19 45:19 45:19 45:19 45:20 45:20 45:20 45:20 45:20 45:21 45:21 45:21 45:21 45:21 45:21 45:22 45:22 45:22 45:22 45:22 45:22 45:22 45:23 45:23 45:23 45:23 45:23 22/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Thomas Geren Edie Stevenson Mark Grassman Paul Best Edward Oliver David Hill Aaron Romero David Houdestull Brad Schultz Bob Leben Mario Rodriguez Keith Stewart Brad Breland Robert Meckenstock Charles Schley Andrew Temple Tom Brook Larry Nessel Larry Seymour Kim Williams Michael Folwell Michael Robinson Kirk Kemp Jed Hayes George Purcelley Susanne Banker Gordon Mccurry Art Rencehavsin Pamela Grosvenor Pete Martinez Kathy Hruby Rick Rinehart Lorrile Spencer Theresa Ferlic George Hunter Alan Schmitz Rick Swain Jeff Gerolock Kristen Kinneavy David Hannegan Tyler Pike Jay Skarda Carlos Aguirre John Weston Virginia Hooper John Ring Robin Bailey Marc Surette Millard Foraker Steve Crider Edward Wolph Nathan Burgess Jim Hruby Raymond Miller James Choun Kent Mitchell Andy Drol Stephen Nelson Dave Cranor Kenurick Ellwanger Jennie Stevens Bryan Adams Kurt Froistad George Webb Larry Adams Pate Dame Patrick Mckelvey James Audett James C Harvey Dennis Meyer Peter Tobin Ken Lillie David Bonno Stuart Macmillan Tom Bennett James Shaw Chris Winter Kinloch Dunlap Justin Prochnow John C Taylor Jr John Allison Jeffrey Schatzberg Mark Tyson Steve Smith John Douglas Haffniete Cindy Valdez Phil Ogren Phil Sheridan Otto Hilbert Robert Rosenthal Mirelle Ryan Les Ogden Ken Unruh William Davenport Antonio Otero Philip Judge ED Mighell Paul Whitaker John Delue Alan Yap DIV ------M32 F39 M41 M26 M27 M38 M17 M18 M34 M30 M24 M33 M42 M32 M29 M25 M26 M45 M51 F20 M27 M26 M29 M34 M23 F27 M29 M27 F37 M34 F26 M35 F35 F26 M35 M23 M43 M28 F22 M34 M19 M34 M44 M40 F41 M35 F33 M25 M41 M31 M41 M17 M26 M46 M38 M47 M31 M28 M35 M42 F25 M41 M31 M32 M43 M34 M32 M31 M33 M31 M34 M36 M29 M37 M44 M35 M25 M31 M20 M45 M39 F33 M29 M37 M38 F35 M40 M39 M27 M32 F19 M44 M50 M28 M40 M29 M59 M30 M28 M46 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------45:23 45:23 45:23 45:24 45:24 45:24 45:24 45:24 45:24 45:24 45:25 45:25 45:25 45:25 45:25 45:25 45:25 45:25 45:25 45:25 45:25 45:25 45:25 45:26 45:26 45:26 45:27 45:27 45:27 45:27 45:28 45:28 45:28 45:28 45:28 45:28 45:28 45:28 45:28 45:28 45:28 45:28 45:28 45:29 45:29 45:29 45:29 45:29 45:29 45:30 45:30 45:30 45:30 45:30 45:30 45:30 45:31 45:31 45:31 45:31 45:31 45:31 45:31 45:31 45:31 45:31 45:31 45:31 45:32 45:32 45:32 45:32 45:32 45:32 45:33 45:33 45:33 45:33 45:33 45:33 45:33 45:33 45:33 45:34 45:34 45:34 45:34 45:34 45:35 45:35 45:35 45:35 45:35 45:35 45:35 45:36 45:36 45:36 45:36 45:36 23/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Steven A Koeneke Mark Mason Thomas Boxrud Kirk Bradford Greg Appling Ramon Krosley Ken Williams Laurel Brasher John Deutschbein Clint Nebeker Dan Allbritton Thomas Giordano David Valdez Jim Stowell Wess Hubka Kurt Bernhard Clifford King Jeff Zusman John Christoff Eric Patterson Mike Hafner John Colvin Michael Taggert Jay Grabow Jennifer Hall Charlotte Aycrigg Mike Rust John Mathius Brad Schol John Cline David Dezen Dan Stinchcomb Paul Cook Gregory Holley Robert Trautman Kent Davis Robert Price Craig Sandvold Elmer Deguzman Suzi Brehmer Newell Kitchen Doug Carl Susan Leesman Ronald Johnson Donald Coolidge David Martin Clive Speake Mike Coughlin Dave Reid Brian Hastings Douglas Small Tonya George John Pappas Gary Davis William Stone Jonnie Dizer Bob Willman Peter Frohe Brad Piehl Michelle Hurt Rick Stevens John Jackson Brian Urdiales Alan Bdatright Gary Liebowitz Bill Myers Patricia Collord Jay Lughes Tony Perez Jeff Deen Paul Morrison Harold Heuer Robert Lucas Debroah Sandrold Gus Cooke Scott Mcelroy Bill Lee Jay Pawlak Steve Allen Greg Long Kurt Ammon David Faurot George Weber Danelle Ballengee Bruce Portz David Conry Peter Reinelt Ty Davies Tom Thiele Paul Zetocha Dennis Beeby Barry Kuck John Mcpeek Buddy Senn Jim Coghlan Drew Livinson Daniel Osburn Wade Smith Wayne Ball Mike Contreraz DIV ------M37 M20 M21 M36 M40 M39 M38 F30 M29 M16 M30 M43 M32 M29 M35 M19 M40 M28 M25 M24 M27 M29 M35 M45 F21 F30 M30 M38 M34 M27 M36 M35 M15 M18 M21 M37 M46 M37 M43 F31 M29 M33 F35 M25 M28 M22 M32 M35 M40 M33 M32 F25 M41 M32 M42 M36 M32 M38 M31 M25 M35 M25 M14 M32 M24 M31 F31 M29 M40 M31 M14 M32 M30 F38 M35 M40 M40 M25 M27 M43 M30 M42 M40 F17 M36 M41 M28 M18 M26 M28 M25 M34 M28 M28 M38 M25 M40 M33 M34 M37 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------45:37 45:37 45:37 45:37 45:38 45:38 45:38 45:38 45:38 45:38 45:38 45:38 45:38 45:39 45:39 45:39 45:39 45:39 45:39 45:39 45:39 45:40 45:40 45:40 45:40 45:40 45:40 45:41 45:41 45:41 45:41 45:41 45:41 45:41 45:41 45:41 45:42 45:42 45:43 45:43 45:43 45:43 45:43 45:44 45:44 45:44 45:44 45:44 45:44 45:44 45:44 45:45 45:45 45:45 45:45 45:45 45:45 45:46 45:46 45:46 45:46 45:46 45:46 45:47 45:47 45:47 45:47 45:47 45:47 45:47 45:47 45:47 45:48 45:48 45:48 45:48 45:48 45:48 45:48 45:48 45:48 45:49 45:49 45:49 45:49 45:49 45:49 45:49 45:49 45:50 45:50 45:50 45:50 45:50 45:50 45:50 45:50 45:50 45:50 45:50 24/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------J. D Longwell Mark Walker Bob Dewitt Brian Mcelroy Craig Hickethier James Lynch Anthony Rittgers Laurie Alexander Dale Keller Susan Mattivi Joe Roche Sheila Berger Wade Leasure Brian Olson Andre Shappell Mary Berven Bill Overin John Inge Svendsen Guido Debest Ernic Salazar Maura Christoph Doug Farnham Mark Viklund Dane Coyer John Hedderich Joe Zuniga Granville Lloyd Joseph Rouette Manuel Bernal Stephen Evans Terry Boyd Randy Fischer Dale Plampin Brian Batt Ralph Cardinal Rick Hinman Chad Lueders Norman Weaver Jeremy Barraco David Hopkins Michael Nehring James Bissonnette Stan Nowakowski Chris Engles Steven Jones Muriel Sharp Jeff Ewing Brent Lang Lee Ziegleer James Fung-A-Fat Robert Luhr Scott Brown Steven Sullivan Jim Cursley Pamela James Elizabeth Traver Maureen Kirchhoff Tanya Vaughn David Ceranich Joseph Reyes Ronald Alm Michael Smith Bill Bowman Rosalia Gehling Philip Taylor Pete Campbell Mason Fein James Lewis Kevin Apodaca Jamy Libsack Dick Borchers Linda Helstad Geraldine Paxton Dominic Defrancesco Rod Coors Johnson Ben Higgins Christopher Rudkin Billy Cook frank Gabaldon Laura Johnson Nader Ghadimi Gregory Linden Russell Budd Kent Gregory Ellis Armistead Leon Lavington Kirk Stokes Dean Barr Danl Mata Joe Tkach Philip Cleary Mary Savage Brian Buckley Rick Frey Bill Burns Rodney Green Paul Cieslewicz Ed Peterson Peter Fahmy Doug Williams DIV ------M38 M36 M29 M26 M48 M38 M44 F33 M38 F32 M23 F24 M21 M28 M25 F25 M47 M33 M29 M53 F30 M27 M27 M31 M50 M39 M23 M30 M36 M37 M21 M38 M17 M29 M42 M34 M15 M37 M14 M47 M30 M34 M30 M36 M41 F36 M33 M31 M44 M29 M38 M37 M24 M25 F26 F28 F38 F18 M33 M31 M29 M36 M30 F44 F23 M26 M34 M46 M26 M32 M43 M32 F33 M25 M36 M15 M39 M39 M38 F37 M34 M33 M34 M42 M38 M46 M31 M34 M30 M30 M26 F41 M40 M40 M40 M25 M28 M31 M31 M51 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------45:50 45:50 45:50 45:50 45:51 45:51 45:51 45:51 45:51 45:51 45:51 45:51 45:51 45:51 45:51 45:51 45:51 45:51 45:52 45:52 45:52 45:52 45:52 45:52 45:52 45:52 45:52 45:53 45:53 45:53 45:53 45:53 45:53 45:53 45:53 45:54 45:54 45:54 45:54 45:54 45:54 45:54 45:54 45:54 45:54 45:54 45:55 45:55 45:55 45:55 45:55 45:55 45:55 45:55 45:55 45:55 45:56 45:56 45:56 45:56 45:56 45:56 45:56 45:56 45:56 45:56 45:57 45:57 45:57 45:57 45:57 45:57 45:57 45:57 45:57 45:58 45:58 45:58 45:58 45:58 45:58 45:58 45:58 45:59 45:59 45:59 45:59 45:59 45:59 45:59 45:59 45:59 46:00 46:00 46:00 46:00 46:00 46:00 46:00 46:00 25/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------William Warren Susan Honstein Will Rohde Randy Peterson David Smith Phillip Hardin Jon Helwick Tim Burroughs Paul Lackey Clifford Privetera Mike Myers Edmond Schell Doug Alford Craig Dobkin Randy Needs Peter Waller Dominic Armijo Rusa Hensel Calvin Okey Terry Autry Kevin Salsich Jason Weisgerber Jon Calley Larry Hudson Becky Hunter Michael Williamson Brian Kosiak Dick Marian Jamie Fitaner Martin Laydon Bert Mueller Robert Harland Jeffrey Longstaff Tyler Porter Philip Brown Terri Sommer Mike Curry Jeff March Lockett Wood Jim Appel Tood Forkner Anthony Pedrett Michael Benson Stephen Jordan Jeffrey Read Eric Short Jue Knopinski Grace Rome Thomas Williams-Cipria Mark Notz Phil Schalagel Scott Dooley Dean Palnquist Larry Sharkey Jack Gillum Steven Larouche Jeff Sweet Kim Luther Larry Swenson Ed Gillespie Dina Quaratino Jhonathan Hull Paul Grosvenor Stan Towns Bill Head Paul Mcdermott Mike Elms Steve Ruckman Terry Smith Bill Thomas Alan Gentz Richard Martin Paul Spacese Phillip Darlington Mark Holm James Nash Jo Stone Jim Edwards David Hoover John Owens Michael Kelly Tom Baran John Cooley Matthew French Michael O'Donnell Scott Griffith Mike Riter Paul Hewson Brett Berry Jeremy Konart Roy Venegas David Greathouse David Murray Jr Bob Rolston Kent Bartlo Ben Leonard Frank Newman Willam Dohe Rose Martinez Dean Grages DIV ------M38 F30 M31 M32 M14 M24 M42 M41 M23 M22 M33 M28 M25 M38 M32 M30 M15 M30 M29 M31 M28 M16 M16 M33 F31 M26 M34 M51 M28 M32 M51 M47 M30 M22 M36 F30 M48 M38 M49 M24 M22 M18 M27 M41 M25 M30 M39 F51 M31 M33 M17 M18 M23 M37 M35 M24 M34 F26 M36 M53 F17 M25 M32 M32 M33 M25 M39 M24 M40 M46 M34 M35 M33 M26 M31 M34 F26 M37 M25 M23 M32 M16 M31 M13 M37 M27 M14 M33 M22 M16 M31 M45 M33 M52 M36 M34 M37 M24 F38 M38 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------46:01 46:01 46:01 46:02 46:02 46:02 46:02 46:03 46:03 46:03 46:03 46:03 46:03 46:03 46:03 46:03 46:03 46:03 46:03 46:04 46:04 46:04 46:04 46:04 46:05 46:05 46:05 46:05 46:05 46:05 46:05 46:05 46:05 46:05 46:06 46:06 46:06 46:06 46:06 46:06 46:06 46:06 46:06 46:06 46:06 46:07 46:07 46:07 46:07 46:07 46:07 46:07 46:07 46:07 46:07 46:08 46:08 46:08 46:08 46:08 46:08 46:08 46:09 46:09 46:09 46:09 46:09 46:09 46:10 46:10 46:10 46:10 46:10 46:10 46:10 46:10 46:10 46:10 46:10 46:10 46:10 46:11 46:11 46:12 46:12 46:12 46:12 46:12 46:12 46:12 46:12 46:13 46:13 46:13 46:13 46:13 46:13 46:13 46:13 46:13 26/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Tim May Bob Lewis Chris Bartholomew Jr Thomas Strandt Cindy Bestinelos Richard Young Marc Jalbert Tom Brannan Bruce Piatt Lelan Dedios Robert Quinlan Marlin Golnitz Steve Sander Glenn Johnson Bob Russell Harry Morse Kathleen Stacy John Pursley Roger Barber Teresa Renken Clemente Alvarado Kiirsten Mccallister Bob Blank Jon Ruiz Todd Erwin Scooter Hood Steven Miller Ronald Plante James Alexander Danny Darr Michael Stewart Michael Dineen Dave Humphrey Cindy Peffer Clyde Wadsworth Roger Barbeau Ruth Factor Scott Leonhart Kim Peterson Roger Bigelow James Harper Tony Roberts Gary Davis David Hillila David Lock Snowden Smith Mark Leonida Rick Marchand Carol Bagner John Kinsfather Bill Sims Michael Bastine Charles Fuentes Jim Miller Mark Thomson Jerry Brown Kirsten Johnson David Walker Stephen Brown Jay Livran Peter Morton Gade Buchholtz John Mcwilliams Jeff Stonebraker James Blankenship Sherry Machado Ted Plank Nancy Driver Jim Thorstad Melvin Henson Shawn Maloy Douglas Alvarez Kevin Jacquot Wayne Moore Don Mosel Tom Guay Kevin Kinney Barbara Pforzheimer Larry L Earnshah Ridley Moorman Joseph Raffa David Eyrberger Fred Hornick Jerry Milbrath Libby James Jake O'Malley Brian Knowles Greg Pixley Stephen Koutavas Douglas Tollin Patricia Kendall Jim Parsons Brent Bell Richard Ulibarri John Dunbar David Bloomfield Karen Wilson Robb Danlk Pat Wise Roger Kampman DIV ------M23 M51 M33 M16 F29 M18 M80 M16 M29 M33 M36 M45 M35 M40 M36 M45 F28 M40 M38 F23 M31 F15 M45 M19 M13 M16 M33 M38 M34 M42 M38 M40 M42 F33 M47 M36 F33 M42 F21 M45 M46 M16 M32 M28 M28 M36 M34 M30 F41 M44 M36 M34 M35 M23 M14 M44 F21 M31 M45 M28 M31 M38 M44 M29 M36 F32 M30 F33 M33 M35 M23 M18 M18 M32 M49 M42 M29 F34 M41 M42 M36 M24 M41 M42 F52 M38 M44 M23 M36 M44 F42 M35 M28 M35 M47 M19 F26 M35 M30 M27 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------46:13 46:14 46:14 46:14 46:14 46:14 46:14 46:15 46:15 46:15 46:15 46:15 46:15 46:16 46:16 46:16 46:16 46:16 46:16 46:16 46:17 46:17 46:17 46:17 46:17 46:17 46:18 46:18 46:18 46:18 46:18 46:19 46:19 46:19 46:19 46:19 46:19 46:19 46:19 46:19 46:19 46:19 46:19 46:19 46:19 46:19 46:20 46:20 46:20 46:20 46:20 46:21 46:21 46:21 46:21 46:21 46:21 46:21 46:21 46:21 46:21 46:21 46:21 46:21 46:22 46:22 46:22 46:22 46:22 46:22 46:22 46:22 46:22 46:22 46:23 46:23 46:23 46:23 46:23 46:23 46:23 46:23 46:24 46:24 46:24 46:24 46:24 46:24 46:24 46:24 46:25 46:25 46:25 46:25 46:25 46:26 46:26 46:26 46:26 46:26 27/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Vance Ortiz Karen Arko John Lopez Tom Steshyr Edward Bayham Whitney Hite Bruce Koel Gerald York Jeff Borchardt Gabe Lopez Steve Buhr ED Juarez Jim Robinson Ame Barcley Lowell Hawkes Sah Kendall Alana Williams Annette Tommerdahl Dave Whittingham Bill Circone Jack Imig Roger Wiegand John Davis Brian W Johnson Don Helgoth Dan Kaiser Rusty Mc Coy Don Ondrecek Tom Houlihan Greg Walus Craig Drummond Joseph O'Hara Patrick Plampin Gary Cox M Herzl Melmed James Tuccid Severin Blenkush Randy Culver Jay Kuleher Al Peressinotto Michelle Wewel Michael Connors Al Dlouhy Ken Larsen Darrell Slocum Eileen Conway Gordon Heaton Terry Lindenberg Richard John Symes Bernie Karshmer Bill Moyle Brian Cox Dean Legere Robert Walsh Thomas Dixon Michael Medina Larry Walter Al Clough Ralph Hollingsworth Mic Mount Jillian Goldnberg Nathan Mchugh Amy Smith Steve Bailey James Harren Dominique Ruffigux James Thobum Brian Burnham Robert Ingram Dave Siple John Freyta Robert Keatley Eckart Lemberg Edward Rivera Steve Chervitz Kathy King Bob Loner David Thiessen Douglass Croot Richard Kochis Steve Maxwell Steve Williams Roxane Arithson Megan Donahue Dennis Pegram Craig Bert Greg Fox Bernard O'Lear Joe Weireck Dan Brecht Jon Egeland Dwight Rus Dave Ziolkowski Robert Datson Jill Elliott David Skiffich Gerald Nichols Bob Walter Bill Allen Pete Droubay DIV ------M34 F33 M56 M42 M42 M15 M33 M45 M31 M12 M35 M29 M34 F17 M46 M23 F14 F28 M51 M23 M43 M45 M38 M19 M46 M26 M30 M35 M37 M31 M36 M27 M29 M38 M52 M26 M20 M27 M29 M43 F22 M28 M29 M38 M31 F35 M45 M38 M23 M48 M50 M11 M46 M48 M38 M26 M33 M49 M42 M21 F23 M21 F21 M29 M26 M34 M32 M31 M37 M29 M22 M41 M60 M38 M24 F35 M41 M26 M37 M44 M37 M28 F20 F26 M28 M18 M27 M50 M52 M37 M30 M39 M29 M35 F28 M25 M21 M39 M44 M24 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------46:26 46:26 46:26 46:26 46:27 46:27 46:27 46:27 46:27 46:27 46:27 46:27 46:27 46:27 46:27 46:27 46:27 46:28 46:28 46:28 46:28 46:28 46:28 46:28 46:28 46:29 46:29 46:29 46:29 46:29 46:30 46:30 46:30 46:31 46:31 46:31 46:31 46:31 46:31 46:31 46:31 46:31 46:31 46:31 46:31 46:31 46:31 46:31 46:31 46:32 46:32 46:32 46:32 46:32 46:32 46:32 46:32 46:32 46:32 46:32 46:33 46:33 46:33 46:33 46:33 46:33 46:33 46:33 46:33 46:33 46:33 46:33 46:34 46:34 46:34 46:34 46:34 46:34 46:34 46:34 46:34 46:34 46:34 46:34 46:34 46:34 46:34 46:35 46:35 46:35 46:35 46:35 46:35 46:35 46:35 46:35 46:35 46:35 46:35 46:35 28/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Albert Balk Michael Schlauch Stephen Bayleff John Varone Betty Brownson Jerry Penttila Roger Mccafferty Darold Kern Tommie Farina Wendell Porterfield Salvador Archuletta William Johnson Michael Tomich David Braun Mike O'Donnell Amy Plummer Kurt Koch Mark Walters Joel Dahl Terri Martinez James Dow Kenneth Ryerson Ron Breaux Gary Scholton Ed Carlson Kendra Moyers Timothy Delass Vicki Schoeber Barry Jones paul Karlsson Sydney Sheerin -Ayers Jeff Anderson Bob Matthews Bill Ayelson Cherrelyn Myles Cynthia Hammig Tina Warren Steve Hoppe Lynn Brasher William M Hake Jim Pringle Jarrod Burnside Andy Hoen Theo Sager Joe Kobes Doug Steward Scott Caschler Shelly Lacy Daniel Vigil Stewart Guthrie Christopher West Thomas Bartel Frank J Hathorn Darrel Ruby Archie Byers Lyle Stout Jeff Lawson Federico Nienstadt Jeffrey Alexander Shannow Thomas Ernie Black Marc Lubine Kevin Eva Tonya Navratil Joseph Buencher Daniel Hawk Chris Richardson James Creel Charles Soper Gary Flynn David Kalahar Cary Zimmerman Chris Autterson Dennis Giannetti Alan Maecher Randy Mayer Dubbie Zuetell John Davis Matt Fortney Peter Packard Bill Hester Steve Swaboda Steve Cameron Marilyn Staplelton William Josey Gray Walters Robert Lewis Dorothy Watson John Molet Daniel Sweetser Brett Nickal Larry Swift Michael Coulter Martin Quintana Joe Welter Brian Harris Brad Skinner Gary Westphal Todd Bacon David Hudson DIV ------M25 M23 M21 M31 F39 M24 M43 M33 M77 M40 M51 M42 M24 M32 M33 F30 M23 M33 M31 F21 M34 M42 M36 M42 M41 F18 M25 F25 M35 M25 F25 M32 M37 M20 F21 F28 F41 M34 F28 M36 M26 M18 M26 M17 M44 M29 M18 F24 M37 M48 M26 M41 M55 M37 M26 M36 M25 M26 M26 M22 M58 M36 M33 F30 M27 M34 M16 M35 M42 M34 M30 M35 M33 M32 M20 M36 M17 M29 M15 M42 M24 M25 M25 F42 M24 M34 M44 F36 M46 M32 M23 M37 M33 M39 M24 M32 M32 M41 M37 M29 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------46:36 46:36 46:36 46:36 46:36 46:36 46:37 46:37 46:38 46:38 46:38 46:38 46:38 46:38 46:38 46:38 46:39 46:39 46:39 46:39 46:39 46:39 46:39 46:39 46:39 46:40 46:40 46:40 46:40 46:40 46:40 46:41 46:41 46:41 46:41 46:41 46:41 46:41 46:42 46:42 46:42 46:42 46:42 46:42 46:42 46:42 46:42 46:42 46:42 46:43 46:43 46:43 46:43 46:43 46:43 46:43 46:44 46:44 46:44 46:44 46:44 46:44 46:44 46:44 46:45 46:45 46:45 46:45 46:45 46:45 46:45 46:45 46:45 46:45 46:45 46:46 46:46 46:46 46:46 46:46 46:46 46:46 46:46 46:47 46:47 46:47 46:47 46:47 46:47 46:48 46:48 46:48 46:48 46:48 46:48 46:48 46:48 46:48 46:48 46:48 29/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Steve Howard Greg Mcmanus Bonnie Keefe Morris Smith Greg Andrews James Keil Ron Zugschwert Donald Croley Peter Mathias Mark Daniels Richard Fronczak Richard Ourlser Vicki Gates James Tangler Steven Emerson Tom Kennedy Putter Frebel Ed Naimon Chase Daker Mark Krystyniak Michael Desantis Cristy Lacy Clay Winnette Beverly Buchler Tom Goddard David Morrill Wayne Bailey Rory Carter Steve Hultgren Joe Perea Pam Basnar Karl Shuler Steve Hiraki Dave Krenik Chuck Bodie Joe Scarlett Scott Cazier Henry Snavely Robert E Jones Aseem Kumar Timothy Jones Dave Musole Linda Kuhn Donald Navrkal David Rogot Danny Calley Jim Shahan Matt Richardson Petek Steege William Roberts Ray Hodgund Daryl Periman Michael Benton Karl Kindgren Don Sims Hanry C Churbuck Grant Lopez Susan Davey Karl Niemann Dave Stevens Mike Chapin Dean Newcomb Melissa Uchitelle David Dascher Doug Reed Garvin Williams Rick Archer Nick Kripakov Frank Rutar Peter Lemke David Ciancio Hugh Hallmark Paul Weaverling Mark Collins Rob Lewis Dpm Dpwms Marlin Linder Rick Gregg Joe Sweetser Vic Chavez Jim Lacy Carl Sever Tami Cooper Casey Pike Roger Allison Todd Geske George Rohwer Cary Kleiman Robert Schneider Marti Stahlman Dale Kiyota Jonathan Thorne J Gutierrez Dana Polonsky Cory Sova Patrick Hayes Cynthia Gordon Tom Velez Ken Marchand Russell Mcmillan DIV ------M36 M35 F23 M49 M23 M36 M39 M53 M37 M35 M50 M33 F27 M49 M39 M32 M30 M45 M19 M34 M34 F26 M28 F41 M49 M34 M37 M23 M39 M40 F31 M36 M31 M28 F36 M51 M32 M42 M35 M28 M30 M25 F38 M58 M38 M13 M44 M16 M31 M32 M38 M19 M36 M36 M23 M21 M33 F30 M25 M31 M15 M21 F32 M29 M32 M42 M25 M46 M29 M29 M35 M32 M32 M30 M46 M57 M23 M16 M29 M27 M36 M42 F18 F37 M48 M19 M57 M20 M33 F33 M30 M30 M36 F29 M27 M13 F32 M29 M32 M18 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------46:49 46:49 46:49 46:49 46:49 46:49 46:49 46:49 46:49 46:50 46:50 46:50 46:50 46:50 46:50 46:50 46:50 46:50 46:51 46:51 46:51 46:51 46:51 46:51 46:51 46:51 46:51 46:51 46:51 46:51 46:51 46:52 46:52 46:52 46:52 46:52 46:52 46:53 46:53 46:53 46:53 46:53 46:53 46:53 46:54 46:54 46:54 46:54 46:54 46:54 46:55 46:55 46:55 46:55 46:55 46:55 46:55 46:55 46:55 46:56 46:56 46:56 46:56 46:56 46:56 46:56 46:56 46:56 46:56 46:56 46:57 46:57 46:57 46:57 46:57 46:57 46:57 46:57 46:57 46:58 46:58 46:58 46:58 46:58 46:58 46:58 46:58 46:58 46:58 46:59 46:59 46:59 46:59 46:59 46:59 46:59 47:00 47:00 47:00 47:00 30/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Ranae Willer Ron Bonial John Nelson James Fogelberg Justin Stennes Patricia Case Nicole Small Paul Culnan Wes Kemper Stephanie Stoluno James Duncanson Nancy Knutson David Brawner Kenetta Fitzgerald Bob Perletz Kenneth Pederson Dale Somers Dave Peregoy Michael Wood Melanie Baker Mel Reyes Patrick O'Brien Toni Disalvo John Morrison Gary Giese David Tyng Tarik Hopkins Noel Vicknair Chris Blackwood Mike Liemandt David Campbell Kevin Williams Reid Hislop Debbie Maass Anne Reese Margie Rudge Barb Wagers Michael Bappe Joan Young John Martin John S Griffin Robert Meurer Chris Jensen Glenn Rosett Jim Keenan Rod Rudel Ron Marko Laurie Rugnestein Debra Cunningham John Qualmann Steven Carlander Brian Davidson Dean Thedos Paul Cooper James Gance Jack Cm Wang Gregory Jaramillo Jack Wendleton James Harrington George Zervos Todd Apple Ryan Cook Hugh Reid Richard Benavidez Bradley Eckhoff John Troeltesch Joseph Grabowski Chris Wells George Cody Dana Christensen Joe Acten David Clodfelter Kim Prentice Eric Branlund Ted Springston Matt Lopez Carl Schwenk Steve Bartell Cwen Hunt Robert Malloy James Singletary Steve Beason Cory Merante Tom Walker Kevin Carroll Brendan Hyland Rolland Rounds Robert Engelsman Bob Mathes Dutch Ross Janice Schlieker Maryann Potocnik John Schuetze Mike Ballard Jim Robinson Jerry Bolinger Keith Mcvaney Scott Sessions B. J Wilson Jeremy Brown DIV ------F30 M37 M43 M39 M14 F41 F17 M37 M32 F27 M44 F35 M29 F28 M37 M40 M40 M32 M25 F25 M44 M27 M34 M32 M45 M33 M21 M36 M32 M46 M34 M31 M29 F18 F26 F24 F31 M26 F21 M25 M34 M18 M16 M22 M38 M27 M34 F41 F27 M24 M24 M37 M35 M47 M39 M40 M38 M48 M26 M44 M21 M16 M40 M24 M27 M28 M42 M26 M46 M31 M26 M35 M37 M17 M35 M28 M52 M28 F20 M30 M39 M34 M13 M33 M23 M22 M50 M24 M33 M20 F32 F52 M33 M36 M36 M40 M17 M23 F36 M19 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------47:00 47:00 47:00 47:00 47:00 47:01 47:01 47:01 47:01 47:01 47:01 47:01 47:01 47:01 47:01 47:02 47:02 47:02 47:02 47:02 47:02 47:02 47:03 47:03 47:03 47:03 47:03 47:03 47:03 47:03 47:04 47:04 47:04 47:04 47:04 47:05 47:05 47:05 47:05 47:05 47:06 47:06 47:06 47:06 47:06 47:06 47:06 47:06 47:07 47:07 47:07 47:07 47:07 47:07 47:07 47:07 47:07 47:07 47:08 47:08 47:08 47:08 47:08 47:08 47:08 47:08 47:08 47:08 47:08 47:09 47:09 47:09 47:09 47:09 47:09 47:10 47:10 47:10 47:10 47:10 47:10 47:10 47:10 47:10 47:10 47:10 47:10 47:10 47:11 47:11 47:11 47:11 47:11 47:11 47:11 47:12 47:12 47:12 47:12 47:12 31/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Sara Solomon Valerie Wilson Peter edmonds Fred Thomas William Haft Joseph Runyan Sven Tice Timothy Ehrhardt Lynn Pierce Chris Speer Eric Greenberg Michael Reynolds Jim Thomaidis Martha Shoup Colleen Wanty Bredt Eggleston Patricia Lane Joe Smith Richard Wright Justus Horstman Charles Otoupalik Tino Casarez Thomas E Karsell Jimmy Whittall William Lemaster Kevin Dougherty Joshua Lundberg John B Hay Mark Roach Bill Sather Pat Brewer Thomas Lopez Dave Thomson Burton Burnett Taki Meghjee C Gregory Tiemeier Richard Daugherty Dennis Jones Mark Mcdermott Ken Andrus Robert Keyser Andrew Rhea Lee Woodard Walter Augustin James Huntley Mike Kohuth John Schmip Scott Collins Anthony Johnson San Lucero Ric Scripps Katie Loecke Jim Typer Bob Lumley Laura Varone Alan Miyagishima Wayne Wicker Timothy Conroy Jerry Sell Steve Yackel William Hoffnhorst Eric Ashley Matt Johnson Dee Chirafisi Michael Reis Ed Christie Todd Allen Joel Borzic Jim Osgood Jay Kesinger John Smaine Barry Nelson Larry Weinstein Roger Corbman Matt Maxfield Robert Skold Bill Faulkner Tina Nielsen Mark Szymanowski Kim Hansen Lori Peterson Mort Wegman-French Alan Carter Jim Jewell Amy Franek ken Miller Wendy Chase Roger Heaton Robin Pyle Sean Coster Kenneth Hogan Howard Rather Joseph Donnohoe Eric Woodbridge Kevin Mcdowell Jim Cimino John Olson Glen Rothgery William Hines Jess Rodriguez DIV ------F20 F35 M27 M17 M24 M48 M27 M17 F35 M23 M24 M26 M17 F30 F25 M27 F30 M36 M45 M50 M45 M30 M15 M37 M32 M35 M17 M44 M20 M35 M33 M36 M52 M34 M50 M31 M29 M33 M33 M32 M46 M33 M33 M47 M23 M48 M32 M33 M30 M27 M40 F22 M35 M34 F25 M36 M32 M32 M58 M22 M39 M33 M31 F29 M28 M34 M28 M25 M23 M42 M38 M38 M43 M40 M18 M34 M47 F30 M31 M36 F26 M38 M39 M31 F20 M37 F25 M19 M33 M13 M36 M39 M32 M26 M34 M32 M39 M44 M54 M45 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------47:12 47:12 47:12 47:12 47:12 47:12 47:12 47:13 47:13 47:13 47:13 47:13 47:13 47:13 47:13 47:13 47:13 47:13 47:13 47:14 47:14 47:14 47:14 47:14 47:14 47:14 47:14 47:15 47:15 47:15 47:15 47:15 47:15 47:15 47:15 47:15 47:16 47:16 47:16 47:16 47:16 47:16 47:16 47:16 47:16 47:16 47:16 47:16 47:16 47:16 47:16 47:17 47:17 47:17 47:17 47:17 47:17 47:17 47:17 47:17 47:18 47:18 47:18 47:18 47:18 47:18 47:19 47:19 47:19 47:19 47:19 47:19 47:20 47:20 47:20 47:20 47:20 47:20 47:20 47:20 47:20 47:20 47:20 47:20 47:21 47:21 47:21 47:21 47:21 47:21 47:21 47:21 47:21 47:21 47:22 47:22 47:22 47:22 47:22 47:22 32/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Randy Warner Robert Martinez Karin Boes Leslie Ewy Dan Rundgren Michael Boland Kathleen Kennedy Steve Sandoval Dennis Dupuis Leroy Marquez James Seta Lynn Armstrong Amy Ehlert Deb Zeller Jennifer Abshire David Hlavac Jack Mullen Robert Alder Chris Logolvan Bruce Robinson Joseph Brady Thomas Mitchell Robert Wigington Jeff Gates Joe Garcia James Mccann Ryan Swanson Joe Allred Kristin Johnston Mike Messina Joel Vaad Barry Brinks Matt Lavingne Gilbert Montelland Eldon Condit Mike Prinzi Daniel Cordova Paul Encinias Sue Drake Mary Garcia Chris Dubois Robert Walsh Todd Anderson Steven Wells Lynn Netzer Susan Tiedel Timothy Butler Stuart Findley Larry Karl Dan O'Berry Paula Vaughan David Carey Luis Gonzalez William Kosel David Riden Robert Coe Mike Mcdanold Susan Temme Brett Cook Edward Haimes Bret Coburn Michael Davenport Joel Fanning Mike Calvin Nicholas Neilson Robin Mays Bill Safafin Jason Carroll Tom Mccaig William Crumpler Alan Kohlscheen Danny Rodriguez Mel Koshio Shirley David Steve Mylen Paul Grillo Kazuya Inoue Mark Olson Michael Faught Tom Wilmering Karl Buchholtz Paul Martinez Mitch Decker Steve Glover Robert Koopman Alex Trowbridge Tom Goss Joe Wunderlich Milton Duffield Shawn Gunter Randy Lukasiewicz Ronald Dunning Ed Harry Mark Shea John Connor R. Dennis Hall Carl Peterson Daniel Engert Chris Rockhold Dan Fogelberg DIV ------M44 M35 F20 F34 M30 M38 F31 M16 M35 M48 M37 F30 F26 F26 F25 M40 M53 M47 M35 M15 M31 M33 M38 M23 M38 M31 M12 M19 F21 M37 M18 M30 M18 M28 M33 M28 M27 M36 F32 M28 M30 M31 M17 M25 F31 F40 M32 M41 M28 M45 F37 M35 M47 M30 M15 M29 M19 F21 M19 M41 M30 M35 M40 M31 M13 F28 M31 M16 M42 M47 M32 M30 M39 F39 M37 M34 M28 M23 M30 M28 M25 M50 M34 M39 M43 M13 M33 M38 M32 M16 M38 M31 M17 M40 M47 M36 M23 M18 M41 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------47:22 47:22 47:23 47:23 47:23 47:23 47:23 47:23 47:23 47:23 47:23 47:23 47:23 47:24 47:24 47:24 47:24 47:24 47:24 47:24 47:24 47:24 47:24 47:24 47:25 47:25 47:25 47:25 47:25 47:25 47:25 47:25 47:25 47:25 47:25 47:25 47:26 47:26 47:26 47:26 47:26 47:26 47:26 47:26 47:27 47:27 47:27 47:27 47:27 47:27 47:27 47:27 47:27 47:27 47:27 47:27 47:27 47:27 47:27 47:27 47:28 47:28 47:28 47:28 47:28 47:29 47:29 47:29 47:29 47:29 47:29 47:29 47:30 47:30 47:30 47:30 47:30 47:31 47:31 47:31 47:31 47:31 47:31 47:32 47:32 47:32 47:32 47:32 47:32 47:32 47:32 47:32 47:32 47:32 47:33 47:33 47:33 47:33 47:33 47:33 33/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Robert Taplin Thomas Beyer Jerry Garcia Donald Jensen John Pacheco Jeffrey Broida Jack Lanning John Pellegrino James Cacari Abie Valdez Steve Foster Sandy Mcnary Bill Akin Henry Freeman Daniel Berman Jim Mcdowell Charles Cissentine Terri Dick Andrew Pedersen Rick Badner Hal Klley Kenneth Walker Jim Giusti Dennis Quinn Michael Rowlette Eugene Bruhwiler Judy Hogsett Ernie Smith Chris Dallager Paul Lewandowski Dick Rohwer Jon Williamson George Dancik Chriss Lloyd Ray Romero John Maynard Jim Reeder Lisa Bowman Daniel Skrabacz Mary Maass Jeff Naranjo Leslie Wilson Bill Marrow Frank Poltzer Joe Bishop Chuck Blaskovich Craig Chambers Heather Lingwood Vicki Copeland Diana Shannon Bill Barbour Damien R Flaherty Dennis Armentroot Christopher Miller Billy Bedell Kathleen O'Conner Scott Canby Tim Smiley Thomas Johnson Joe Smith Rosemary Gennari Kent Cattarello Ed Hounsom Sean Connell Angela Dawson Randy Davis Trevor Rhodes Alberto Garcia Harold Hawkins Don Vollmar Gary Gibson Robert Jacobsen David Beal William G Hathaway Seppo Kivioja David Stapp Michael Gardner Lara Price Jeremy Wockenfuss James Gibson Stephen Rickles Dale Zablocki Julie Christie Larry Olsen John Seiler David Croonquist Lorinda Graves John Mead Jonathan Webb Donald Johnson Chuck Reilley Archei Maes Corry Shields Paul Brayshaw Peter Tedstrom Jerry Klinzmann Agapita Laster Gerry Toomer Dan Gerace David Pieta DIV ------M28 M37 M29 M33 M24 M42 M41 M38 M26 M38 M39 F27 M28 M42 M36 M40 M34 F35 M16 M29 M33 M32 M32 M38 M32 M30 F46 M31 M28 M42 M51 M23 M37 M44 M36 M44 M41 F24 M35 F21 M16 F30 M53 M25 M39 M37 M43 F42 F40 F33 M32 F34 M46 M19 M22 F27 M40 M37 M29 M42 F28 M28 M19 M33 F26 M39 M13 M47 M40 M18 M38 M41 M40 M31 M33 M28 M35 F22 M12 M29 M39 M34 F31 M43 M15 M40 F24 M29 M26 M36 M47 M35 M41 M15 M30 M38 F39 M35 M16 M39 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------47:33 47:33 47:33 47:33 47:34 47:34 47:34 47:34 47:34 47:34 47:34 47:34 47:34 47:34 47:35 47:35 47:35 47:35 47:35 47:35 47:35 47:35 47:36 47:36 47:36 47:36 47:36 47:36 47:36 47:36 47:36 47:36 47:36 47:36 47:36 47:37 47:37 47:37 47:37 47:37 47:37 47:37 47:37 47:37 47:37 47:38 47:38 47:38 47:38 47:38 47:38 47:38 47:39 47:39 47:39 47:39 47:39 47:39 47:39 47:39 47:40 47:40 47:40 47:40 47:40 47:41 47:41 47:41 47:41 47:41 47:41 47:41 47:41 47:41 47:41 47:42 47:42 47:42 47:42 47:42 47:42 47:42 47:42 47:42 47:42 47:42 47:43 47:43 47:43 47:43 47:43 47:43 47:43 47:43 47:43 47:44 47:44 47:44 47:44 47:44 34/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Nick Kelly John Finn Ethan Moore Gabrielle Vanderheyden Julia Gleason Robert Staples Geroge Vierno Thomas Anderson Kenneth Lysek Kathy Stewart Ken Bell John Mcsweeny Kevin Kinneavy William Brayshaw Laurie Daniels James Finnick James Lynch Jude Campbell James Dugan Darren Gemoets Terry Mc Venes Roger Cohen Bill Ellis Caryn kenney Rick Adams Kerri Coulter Laurie Chrisman Mark Mcatee Lester Wall Scott Coston Dave Moore Troy Williamson Kimberly Hull Joyce Summers Jennifer Wortman Dean Anast Alan Swisher Tim Fattor Jennifer Roark Sharon Ensz Jim Harder Thomas Entwisle Mark Harry James Nestor Paul Briston Thomas Wiselogel Gordon H Dunn Richard Keefer Gary Wofford Michael Black Gary Gilbert Thomas Linzmeyer Anne Brannon Bradford Sebastian Thomas Davenport Martha Gothrie Tim Ficke Alice Ranney Michael Herrera William Schulze John Argo K Mark Wright Timothy Cashman Philip Pritchett Mark Gomez Maxine Harris Kerri Miller Jonathan Blatt Larry Gwin Ab Hunter Paul Pocock Joe Condotti Steve Mccauley Timothy Dooley Robert Harmon Joseph Mendozza Brett Atchley Bill Bowers Scott Magidson Terry Parker Charles Sheridan David Borreson Steve Hamann Ken Maydew Sylvia Wiegand Scott Jackson Herb Ostenberg Michael Rice Jim Antol Mark Bower Russ Krick Richard Page Wayne Sheldrake Jason Astle Alan Knepper Connie Oneill Susie Wheeler Russell Debolt Partick Pansihi Greg Frakgs DIV ------M44 M31 M16 F29 F2 M41 M49 M29 M40 F37 M38 M37 M27 M21 F35 M39 M48 M15 M38 M16 M34 M54 M39 F26 M22 F34 F34 M29 M42 M28 M21 M29 F27 F35 F16 M38 M20 M21 F24 F30 M41 M42 M30 M28 M35 M38 M56 M36 M34 M40 M47 M36 F33 M35 M25 F35 M25 F39 M15 M31 M48 M29 M34 M34 M27 F26 F30 M22 M48 F35 M43 M26 M30 M32 M39 M41 M28 M34 M24 M34 M27 M55 M24 M36 F44 M23 M39 M33 M43 M31 M38 M43 M28 M16 M27 F25 F36 M51 M36 M18 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------47:44 47:45 47:45 47:45 47:45 47:45 47:45 47:45 47:45 47:45 47:45 47:45 47:46 47:46 47:46 47:46 47:46 47:46 47:46 47:46 47:46 47:46 47:46 47:46 47:46 47:46 47:47 47:47 47:47 47:47 47:47 47:47 47:47 47:47 47:47 47:47 47:47 47:48 47:48 47:48 47:48 47:48 47:48 47:48 47:48 47:49 47:49 47:49 47:49 47:49 47:49 47:49 47:49 47:49 47:49 47:49 47:50 47:50 47:50 47:50 47:50 47:50 47:50 47:50 47:51 47:51 47:51 47:51 47:51 47:51 47:51 47:51 47:51 47:51 47:51 47:51 47:51 47:52 47:52 47:52 47:52 47:52 47:52 47:52 47:52 47:52 47:52 47:52 47:52 47:52 47:52 47:52 47:52 47:52 47:53 47:53 47:53 47:53 47:53 47:53 35/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Maureen Ralph Monica Anderson Phillip Fulton Jeffrey Lang Shannon Scott Gerald Bozarth Steven Massie Francine Lefebvre Bill Schwabb Cliff Anderson Steve Shellenbarger Steven Beveridge Brenda Major Michael Smith Todd Burgess Bill Taylor Chuck Berghoffer Richard Garcia Barbara Lester David Tobler Mary Damro Stacia Mc Cormack Israel Tzur David Driscoll Michelle Gehr Ed Mcnulty Daniel Workman David Evans Laura Goins Darryl Anderson Mark Mares James Nora Hardy Bramley Cindy Ridinger Mitchell Herzog Grant Swanson John Gillis Christopher Hoffman Melinda Smith Jeffrey Baldrinsson Mark Novy Jeff Smoot Paul Barbour Bob Graham Gary Oertli Matt Zeman Lenore Baum Frank Haarer Brian Shaffer Marsha Mc Galeb Richard Graham Robert Quintana Bill Culkin Tom Jones Betty Rounds Michael Fuller Phill Lorenzo Alan Sentel Greg Bosserman Laren Fusman Duane Evenson Dan O'Brien David Slack Monty Crawford Michael Knaup Rosanne Pappas Susan Troeger Jay Dallaman Patrick Miles Jim Rizzi Anne Driesbach Liz Norris Larry Brew Tim Kramer Dan Reilley Kevin Burke Gregory Lara Chuck Robinson Douglas Johnson Eddie Monas Jeffrery Woehrle Lewis Babcock Tim Johnston John Bockstahler Dan Grogan June Inez Pounder Jeff Bruce Terry Jones Ed Cecil Brett Lesco Paul Donadio Ernest Petrocine Ray Martinez Peter Watters Kim Cooper Tim Mcginnis Steven Lekowicz Mike Mcnelly Tood Marshall Judd Golden DIV ------F31 F25 M33 M28 F32 M28 M37 F36 M23 M25 M30 M32 F46 M25 M20 M31 M29 M25 F24 M32 F27 F23 M51 M34 F24 M37 M29 M36 F28 M27 M22 M20 M32 F35 M36 M17 M38 M23 F19 M30 M17 M12 M35 M33 M33 M20 F25 M25 M25 F35 M34 M46 M34 M32 F21 F37 F30 M30 M25 M39 M37 M35 M41 M30 M35 F46 F36 M30 M48 M32 F35 F36 M38 M33 M36 M35 M21 M34 M31 M25 M31 M46 M30 M28 M36 F28 M38 M33 M45 M17 M40 M38 M37 M29 M33 M26 M20 M37 M30 M39 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------47:53 47:53 47:53 47:53 47:53 47:53 47:54 47:54 47:54 47:54 47:54 47:54 47:54 47:54 47:54 47:55 47:55 47:55 47:55 47:55 47:55 47:55 47:55 47:55 47:55 47:55 47:55 47:55 47:55 47:56 47:56 47:56 47:56 47:56 47:56 47:56 47:57 47:57 47:57 47:57 47:57 47:57 47:57 47:57 47:57 47:57 47:57 47:57 47:57 47:58 47:58 47:58 47:58 47:58 47:58 47:58 47:58 47:58 47:58 47:58 47:59 47:59 47:59 47:59 47:59 47:59 47:59 47:59 47:59 47:59 47:59 47:59 48:00 48:00 48:00 48:00 48:00 48:00 48:00 48:00 48:00 48:00 48:00 48:01 48:01 48:01 48:01 48:01 48:01 48:01 48:01 48:02 48:02 48:02 48:02 48:02 48:02 48:02 48:02 48:03 36/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Michael Lakos Larry Dirks Julie Gust Rhonda O'Donnell Ingrid Dipaula Steve Duarte Wesley King Roberto Rodriguez Roger Flynn Roger Kort Michael Kazanjuan Emilio Alderete Richard Markley Brian Bartel David Polich Alden Harken Jeff Stemper David Bishop Tom Fowler Tom Mckean Paul Todd Chris Conroy Bill Harrison Gary Roesch Robert Zedaker Joseph Cordova Bill Kennedy David Smallwood Paul Ayers Thomas Laubert John Cowan Alex Komodore Kurt Sanford Chris Diaz John Lynch Jon Wilderman Mike Dietz Scott Mcgregor Chris Eggert Fred Navarro Nelson Perkins Luke Simonet Jason Reid Allen Reynolds Paul Segal Joan Seay Brian Kelly Kurt Nier Annick Cersonsky Paul Leach Gregory Piel Curtis Ghent Don Robinson Brad Keiser Joyce Lueder-Poswalk Mark Churchman Craig Hartley Sofie Trujillo Kay Armijo Christopher Davis Wayne Lauer Kent Bylsborrow Blayne Rickles Kim Castle Doug Dunham Bernard Russick Jay Johnson Paul Scokwell Eldon Haakinson Gary Maslanik Ted Sharpe Wally Cowan Shawn Nay Robert Shonkwiler Frank Cristiano Tom Houston Marla Press Douglas Yee Kelly Greene Roger Rybicka David Biddle Mike Lynn Vic Sunshine Eugene Milinowski Roger Tarum Joe Farrant Barry Pitstick Bradley Walgren Jeffery Froeschle Peter Grohmann Philip Lehner Joe Whaley Michael Juntunen Paul Lambrecht C. John Rossi Kenneth Surprenant Larry Desaules Patricia Warren John Miller Brad Weydert DIV ------M24 M28 F37 F29 F30 M36 M25 M51 M27 M44 M24 M33 M32 M28 M24 M47 M25 M34 M26 M34 M52 M27 M51 M33 M24 M27 M42 M18 M32 M41 M40 M30 M33 M36 M33 M46 M29 M36 M16 M34 M20 M16 M11 M44 M24 F37 M12 M31 F37 M34 M26 M35 M57 M31 F42 M26 M43 F27 M49 M15 M30 M39 F39 F28 M30 M37 M28 M42 M47 M38 M24 M47 M20 M41 M38 M41 F32 M21 M36 M41 M33 M36 M24 M41 M39 M38 M22 M28 M40 M46 M48 M39 M44 M19 M47 M44 M35 F35 M33 M31 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------48:03 48:03 48:03 48:03 48:03 48:03 48:03 48:03 48:03 48:03 48:04 48:04 48:04 48:04 48:04 48:04 48:05 48:05 48:05 48:05 48:05 48:05 48:05 48:05 48:05 48:05 48:05 48:05 48:05 48:05 48:06 48:06 48:06 48:06 48:06 48:06 48:06 48:06 48:06 48:06 48:07 48:07 48:07 48:07 48:07 48:08 48:08 48:08 48:08 48:08 48:08 48:08 48:08 48:08 48:08 48:09 48:09 48:09 48:09 48:09 48:09 48:09 48:09 48:09 48:09 48:09 48:10 48:10 48:10 48:10 48:10 48:10 48:10 48:10 48:10 48:10 48:10 48:10 48:10 48:11 48:11 48:11 48:11 48:11 48:11 48:11 48:11 48:11 48:11 48:12 48:12 48:12 48:12 48:12 48:13 48:13 48:13 48:13 48:13 48:13 37/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Paulo Castro Lisa Morse Nick Strelchuk Charles Wood Michael Chariton David Peterson Chuck Austin Eija Mikola Jean Wood John Dorsey Matthew Elmuccio Dave Myers Kevin Giammo Jeff Gowler Jeffrey Mayer Chris Treese Vic Jimenez Diane Witters Walter Barrett Robert Krivickas Mark Potter Glenn Bunch Ian Macfadyen Eric Temple Paul Chmielewski Peg Hanson Rick Meckenstock John Evans John Noto Richard Friesen Jay Holder John Schaak Bob Brokate John Giardino Laura Hunter Jeffrey Skates Bill Thompson Steve Carnes Les White Catherine Claxton Dan Noreen Jeffrey Herren Robin Soper Luke Littrell Harlan Heninger Rich Jones Don Wieland Matson Gary Calvin Shankster Bruce Wika Gary Gravante Richard Strojny Sally Wismer Tom Hyland Richard Roark Kathy Zaccagnini Stephen Armstrong Tom Montague Rose Panico Dan Scott Jeff Coe Doug Orr Doug Perry Anthony Shoemaker Steve Heim Steve Ostermiller Bruce Prommersberger Phillip Vigil Josh Powell David Corman Rick Powers Peter Cunningham Richard Thorpe Rick Cline Ken Kaiser Bob Mccallister Eric Dilz Pamela Leyba Tam Stubbs Jeff Johnston James Mayworm Bruce Wittich Jim Jones Jane Bowers Judy Moir Stephen Buck Paul Mork Victor Herring Dj Painter Greg Hey Shelly Cos-Robie Josh '' Bonehead'' Kah Kathleen Thomas Hal Tucker Tony Davi Brad Laughlin III Jame Trime Kate Wilson Lauretta Flack Sean O'Rourke DIV ------M30 F23 M44 M56 M38 M25 M47 F17 F41 M27 M10 M35 M20 M31 M37 M32 M29 F29 M31 M35 M42 M18 M43 M36 M27 F38 M34 M29 M27 M46 M32 M41 M41 M39 F20 M28 M26 M39 M47 F32 M44 M39 M39 M35 M53 M35 M41 M36 M31 M41 M27 M38 F27 M27 M48 F34 M30 M18 F35 M31 M29 M26 M28 M51 M36 M14 M37 M43 M11 M41 M35 M33 M20 M29 M38 M62 M37 F28 M57 M11 M41 M33 M42 F41 F47 M28 M29 M37 M14 M35 F28 M31 F34 M34 M32 M18 M43 F28 F28 M11 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------48:13 48:13 48:13 48:13 48:13 48:14 48:14 48:14 48:14 48:14 48:14 48:14 48:14 48:15 48:15 48:15 48:15 48:15 48:15 48:15 48:15 48:15 48:15 48:15 48:16 48:16 48:16 48:16 48:16 48:16 48:16 48:16 48:16 48:16 48:16 48:16 48:17 48:17 48:17 48:17 48:17 48:17 48:17 48:17 48:18 48:18 48:18 48:18 48:18 48:18 48:18 48:18 48:18 48:19 48:19 48:19 48:19 48:19 48:19 48:19 48:19 48:19 48:19 48:19 48:19 48:19 48:19 48:19 48:20 48:20 48:20 48:20 48:20 48:21 48:21 48:21 48:21 48:21 48:21 48:21 48:21 48:21 48:21 48:22 48:22 48:22 48:22 48:22 48:22 48:22 48:23 48:23 48:23 48:23 48:23 48:23 48:23 48:23 48:23 48:23 38/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Loretta Garcia Richard Stromer Jason Robbie Grant Barker Kirk Ferguson Julie House Michael Stockman Ellen Blockhus Bill Gust John Laferty Margie Williams Steven Cantrell John Herron William Maslanlle Art Zemach Jeff Adams-Waneka Mac Dahill Cindy Bennett Tom Mcginley Ed Crews Kelly Ray Mary Greer Garry Stanley Jay Urbanowicz Erich Eichinger James Robinson Don Anderson William Fowles Kelly Walker Steve Blair John Hicks James Wilczak Joel Boney William Johnson Cathy Miller Nick Spitzer Tony Crone Steven Trexler Randall Jones John Byrd Russell Reid Eric Hubbard Jerry Schumacher Gwendolyn Smith Ben Bashford Kathy Frebel Nic Brummell Julie Hudetz Chris Dierks Lisa Draper Gary Thor Richard Brenner John Erickson Chris Cerveny Beege Harding Michael Collins Jeff Kahn James Beauprez Larry Dunn Elaine Hill Leroy Cope Pat Lawler Stephen Mayka Ken Hahn David Solomon Carol Mendozza Bob Delong Jodi Martinez Kevin Schrandt Amie Durden James Walker Pete Foster Maria Martinez John Widder Robert Kilgore Craig Aasved Buck Hammond Hugh Pixler Laurie Anderson Jay Reed Richard Campbell Laurie Monteleone John Rossi Tim Eisenhauer William Pierson Gary Brickler James Lee Jan Ramirez Jim Garrett John Wiersma Stephen Herrera Randall Meyer Chris Hlavac Patrick Quinn Eugene Mares Donald Patton John Bridges Val Ranum Suzanne Hyman Robert Sawyer DIV ------F31 M38 M12 M15 M19 F16 M16 F39 M39 M31 F27 M30 M44 M26 M27 M27 M30 F26 M42 M22 F24 F45 M28 M30 M18 M35 M36 M16 F23 M33 M31 M35 M42 M44 F36 M14 M42 M39 M28 M25 M26 M31 M23 F45 M34 F32 M27 F20 M26 F27 M42 M34 M45 M27 F36 M52 M39 M14 M47 F32 M50 F35 M33 M38 M32 F38 M41 F28 M28 F33 M28 M35 F41 M27 M23 M27 M36 M35 F22 M22 M34 F25 M50 M20 M26 M40 M39 F38 M42 M20 M26 M39 F40 M25 M26 M46 M39 F48 F38 M32 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------48:23 48:23 48:24 48:24 48:24 48:24 48:24 48:24 48:24 48:24 48:24 48:24 48:24 48:24 48:24 48:24 48:24 48:25 48:25 48:25 48:25 48:25 48:25 48:25 48:26 48:26 48:26 48:26 48:26 48:26 48:26 48:26 48:26 48:27 48:27 48:27 48:27 48:27 48:28 48:28 48:28 48:28 48:28 48:28 48:29 48:29 48:29 48:29 48:29 48:29 48:30 48:30 48:30 48:30 48:30 48:30 48:30 48:30 48:30 48:31 48:31 48:31 48:31 48:31 48:31 48:32 48:32 48:32 48:32 48:32 48:32 48:32 48:32 48:32 48:32 48:33 48:33 48:33 48:33 48:33 48:33 48:33 48:33 48:33 48:33 48:34 48:34 48:34 48:34 48:34 48:34 48:34 48:34 48:34 48:35 48:35 48:35 48:35 48:35 48:35 39/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Michael Abbott Trent Maddex Steven Oggeri Lynn Tindall John Bis Karen Aasved Matt Petro Dale Conant David Lansdowne David Severson David Lovely John Sheehan Barbara Krosley Keith Stechmesser John Brackley Graham Morrison Steve Cederle Rub Rodriguez Kathryn Westman Bruce Kane Joe Schwabb Steven Brosius Ryan Vandurzer Charles Coxwell Robert Wold Drew Kachel Mark Zammuto Cash Brooks Joseph Stepan James Dallke Dwight Henry Bob Nihan Matt Jenkins Vince Purcell Tom Sundermann Robin Davis Jessica Macmillan Chris Stamets Dennis Velenchenko Carol Gregory Bob Markel Paul Strom Tamara Harbison Robert Pierce Jim Henderson Chris Zook Melissa Markel Mike Patten David Perry Robert Kuryvial Steve Schaff Gus Davis John Lindauer George Weiss Gretchen Beatty J.p Denning William Mcdonnell Tim Beyer Ted Drescher Gordon Quitmeyer John Yule Christopher Gross Tim Sather Jeff Johnson Robert Underwood Thomas Duckels James Little Julie Wheeler Anthony Trujillo Eric Baker David Wickham David Allen Michael Goyerson Patrick Zablocki John Aragon Bob Radocy John Koczman Douglas Tollin Gary Burkgren Lindsey Dillon Randy Gage Richard Meyers Jim Comestock Jerre Dixon Bruce Gresly Robert Stewart Mark Davis Greyson Drexel Wilson Hurst Wayne Bennett James Eisenhauer Kevin Hehn Russell Smith Thomas Ashworth David Lemon Richard Uhrlaub Meg Brown Kim Loe David Elmore Barbara Rossi DIV ------M29 M18 M34 M37 M36 F24 M16 M49 M42 M33 M41 M24 F39 M34 M37 M33 M42 M32 F22 M39 M35 M38 M10 M22 M33 M37 M30 M32 M34 M36 M36 M32 M17 M24 M32 F34 F37 M26 M42 F38 M32 M41 F21 M41 M44 M31 F28 M34 M27 M46 M18 M57 M24 M47 F42 M24 M37 M32 M45 M39 M54 M20 M30 M32 M45 M24 M41 F21 M33 M28 M39 M18 M31 M27 M34 M40 M36 M19 M47 F39 M15 M40 M45 M43 M44 M37 M16 M39 M38 M28 M20 M15 M38 M39 M37 M47 F24 M35 M41 F46 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------48:35 48:35 48:35 48:35 48:35 48:36 48:36 48:36 48:36 48:36 48:36 48:36 48:37 48:37 48:37 48:37 48:37 48:37 48:37 48:37 48:37 48:38 48:38 48:38 48:38 48:38 48:38 48:38 48:38 48:39 48:39 48:39 48:39 48:39 48:39 48:39 48:39 48:39 48:39 48:39 48:39 48:39 48:40 48:40 48:40 48:40 48:40 48:40 48:41 48:41 48:41 48:41 48:41 48:41 48:41 48:41 48:41 48:41 48:41 48:42 48:42 48:42 48:42 48:42 48:42 48:42 48:42 48:42 48:43 48:43 48:43 48:43 48:43 48:43 48:43 48:43 48:44 48:44 48:44 48:44 48:44 48:44 48:44 48:44 48:44 48:44 48:44 48:44 48:44 48:44 48:44 48:45 48:45 48:45 48:45 48:45 48:45 48:45 48:45 48:45 40/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Janet Connell Stephen Sanford Thomas Melcher Duane Wockenfuss Steven Barwin Kraig Necker Brian Zielinski Bill Beals Cherene Reihani Oliver Compton Dana Johnson Ronald Davis Daniel White Michael Anfinson Paul Diamond Rendall Ayers David Ebert Joy Anderson Mark Kooser John Resetarits Jake Earley James Lubken John Spurgeon Robert Brace Adam Giardino Robert Perry Curt Steward Jon Cram Megan Hunter Karen Peterson David Perin Jeff Wiepking Celeste Egan Gary Smedley Richard Engel Lucy Smith Kim Oliver Don Wheeler Karl Kanbergs Gerald Sack Scott Clark Jim Mandel John Case Gary Horton Jonathon Massey James Chanin Al Jones Will Reents Jason Hoesting Bruce Williams Mary Brennan Robert Sprengeler Chris Williams Sue Cooney Herbie Tetterson William Wiebesiek Don Cruise Heriberto Moreno Julif Tarnowski-Marks Carl Engvall Larry Mudron Michael Milam Thor Nelson Bonni Almand Austin Randall Kenny Work Richard Hoyt Tom Colburn Perry Ralph Bill Downey Noel Frakes Neil Pfeifer Joseph Trucco Rececca Kane Christopher Randall Michael Van Donselaar Marln Maerz Al Rodriguez Lynde Mccormick Kent Tobiska Gordon Hannaford Raul Martinez Byron Nielson Terry Truan Jim Davidson Jim Yehle Brian Laiho Craig Metheany Jeff Seldin Frank Vigil Terry Frymire Sharon Link Greg Smith Janice Webb Christopher Garcia Mark Martin Stephen Minnich Richard Stitt Dave Christenson Robin Wilson DIV ------F33 M32 M31 M35 M30 M27 M35 M40 F24 M39 M33 M31 M31 M40 M32 M51 M24 F25 M27 M37 M16 M40 M52 M38 M14 M38 M40 M39 F11 F37 M27 M35 F30 M50 M25 F35 F23 M42 M38 M24 M34 M40 M46 M39 M26 M24 M37 M43 M14 M34 F26 M36 M17 F31 M45 M40 M44 M42 F27 M25 M47 M38 M22 F31 M28 M13 M39 M24 M30 M60 M40 M14 M34 F25 M36 M23 F31 M57 M39 M39 M43 M13 M47 M42 M37 M29 M12 F30 M27 M22 M31 F33 M26 F35 M30 M31 M39 M43 M31 F25 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------48:46 48:46 48:46 48:46 48:46 48:46 48:46 48:46 48:46 48:47 48:47 48:47 48:47 48:47 48:47 48:47 48:47 48:47 48:48 48:48 48:48 48:48 48:48 48:48 48:48 48:48 48:48 48:48 48:48 48:48 48:49 48:49 48:49 48:49 48:49 48:49 48:49 48:49 48:50 48:50 48:50 48:50 48:50 48:50 48:50 48:50 48:50 48:50 48:51 48:51 48:51 48:51 48:51 48:51 48:51 48:51 48:52 48:52 48:52 48:52 48:52 48:52 48:52 48:52 48:52 48:53 48:53 48:53 48:53 48:53 48:53 48:54 48:54 48:54 48:54 48:54 48:54 48:54 48:54 48:54 48:55 48:55 48:55 48:55 48:55 48:55 48:55 48:55 48:55 48:55 48:55 48:55 48:55 48:55 48:55 48:55 48:55 48:55 48:55 48:55 41/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Steve Beselli Eric Fohrman Jay Lehtinen Tim Weitzman James Boucher Jane Gorman Yannick Lerolland Richard Burchfield Susan Grant Mary Demartini Jay Huey Michael Mcclain Richard Rendon Carl Sims Glenn Dukes Julius Vizzi Mike O'Shla Jo Wuebkar Mark Elder Jack Kriegh Valerie Wrenholt Robert Tully Alejandru Aparicio Kevin Kough Jeffrey Welsh Marvin Baker Clifton Miller Terry Hackney David Oelz Suzie Herschler Belinda Cianflone Kirt Horiuchi Michael Olson Curt Council Sam Lucero Dennis Dalton Lynne Mccoy Don Wallace Robert Baxt Julie Greenebaum Merv Morton Greg Cole David Grosenheider James Moore Michael Evans Lynn Guissinger Thomas Gargen Peyton Lester Sheila Spring Greg Gillespie Thomas Little II Randy Whorton Karen Nehl Jerry O'Loughlin Jim Archuleta Paul Lawson Steven Selden Michael Barndollar Larry Lynch Chris O'Conner Lee Whittemore Jennifer Heath Roxann Moore Dennis Ogden Daniel Jackson A Thomas Elliott Jr Dean Espinoza Bud Rockhill Todd Fenimore Mark Zunckel Jerry Cooke Elvia Marie Kremser Gwen Knobloch Scott Miller Sharon Lemke Ben Pero John Siegrist Kelly Mcgrew Edgar Samayoa Cole Mcmillan Gary Seller Ralph Waldo Debbie Guhl Patty Hoelsken Chris Bullotta Doug Thompson Judy Connally Carrie Mitchell Bill Veges Herb Brockman Richard Grant Russell Owens Connie Weiser Joel Folk Jeff Housden Ed Sarmast Marcus Gerstler Mark Keyworth Thomas Tschudy Manfred Heuser DIV ------M24 M24 M18 M19 M52 F35 M35 M24 F46 F17 M30 M31 M43 M34 M23 M37 M36 F29 M43 M41 F13 M36 M17 M32 M30 M49 M52 M43 M41 F33 F27 M17 M27 M37 M36 M23 F28 M48 M42 F29 M29 M40 M33 M34 M28 F32 M36 F27 F27 M30 M18 M28 F39 M44 M37 M43 M27 M39 M47 F25 M36 F26 F34 M30 M15 M44 M21 M31 M28 M30 M33 F35 F36 M31 F37 M51 M25 M32 M25 M29 M37 M49 F26 F24 M23 M26 F44 F34 M31 M37 M39 M41 F33 M42 M14 M45 M26 M27 M32 M39 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------48:56 48:56 48:56 48:56 48:56 48:56 48:56 48:56 48:56 48:56 48:56 48:56 48:57 48:57 48:57 48:57 48:57 48:57 48:58 48:58 48:58 48:59 48:59 48:59 48:59 48:59 48:59 48:59 48:59 48:59 49:00 49:00 49:00 49:00 49:00 49:00 49:00 49:00 49:00 49:00 49:00 49:01 49:01 49:01 49:01 49:01 49:01 49:01 49:01 49:01 49:01 49:01 49:02 49:02 49:02 49:02 49:02 49:02 49:02 49:02 49:02 49:02 49:02 49:02 49:02 49:03 49:03 49:03 49:03 49:03 49:03 49:03 49:04 49:04 49:04 49:04 49:04 49:04 49:04 49:04 49:04 49:05 49:05 49:05 49:05 49:05 49:05 49:06 49:06 49:06 49:06 49:06 49:06 49:06 49:06 49:06 49:06 49:06 49:06 49:07 42/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Patrick Sernyak Jean Krusemrk Erik Stor Nuel Vancamp Larry Carroll William Lackland Dan Thomas Emmy Wolfe Richard Carlson John Coldewey David Peacock Don Thompson Kj Brund Kenny Johnson Kyle Way Dan Bennett Joseph Burleski Marty Foot Blaine Olsen Paul Bognar Al Cunningham Ronald Howard Harry Starn Michael Borland Dudley Exstrom Randy Jensen Raymond Urban Duane Aanestad Martin Huisjen Greg Toler Linda Wesely Mark Anthony Day Chris Pautler Antonio Vargas Lyne Behrends Matthew Grainger Jack Sylman John Weber Jim Bittel Richard Hill Anthony Thorpe Pete Franks Cathy Marsh John Shouse Mark Holley Eram Martinez Joseph Wakefield Jason Blight Jeff Jennings Marijane Martinez Eileen Cram Kenda Knudsen Matthew Krieg Vickie Buckley Brad Chevakin Ted Alpert Robert Haines Ted Atencio Robert Curzio Sara Mckittrick David Stubbs Larry Cruse Frank Garcia Jim Peterson Sigurds Zverjniers Ralph Cumming Michael Guttman David Pinkley Bruce Maize Gary Rait Billy JO Heil Kenneth Mcrostie John Dietz Scott Herrmann William Plaus Ronald Fokehand Ron Hodges Joe Freeland Steve Jouard Bob Clarke Christine Ringdale Bill Betts Lynne Mcdaniels Tracy Simoneaux Chas Brecht Michael Mckee Michael Connelly Mark Murphy William Abbott Matt Kearney Steven Cattles Jim Lefebvre Stuart Cholfin Barbara Mcnichols Ralph Jannings Gary Buckley Roger Koltenberger Fred Damon Douglas Mckittrick Jessica Wald DIV ------M26 F38 M22 M31 M41 M41 M36 F37 M36 M44 M26 M41 M31 M39 M27 M41 M28 M40 M15 M39 M36 M33 M36 M27 M26 M28 M33 M42 M44 M36 F27 M24 M16 M24 M45 M33 M39 M24 M31 M37 M24 M14 F26 M42 M24 M28 M36 M15 M31 F36 F36 F36 M25 F28 M26 M45 M41 M42 M37 F28 M29 M35 M26 M50 M35 M47 M39 M33 M37 M32 F18 M20 M21 M20 M34 M44 M48 M20 M29 M58 F34 M28 F27 F27 M32 M24 M41 M25 M48 M14 M30 M25 M38 F25 921 M52 M53 M28 M33 F26 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------49:07 49:07 49:07 49:07 49:07 49:07 49:07 49:07 49:07 49:07 49:07 49:07 49:08 49:08 49:08 49:08 49:08 49:08 49:08 49:08 49:08 49:08 49:08 49:08 49:08 49:08 49:08 49:08 49:09 49:09 49:09 49:09 49:09 49:09 49:09 49:09 49:09 49:09 49:09 49:09 49:09 49:10 49:10 49:10 49:10 49:10 49:10 49:10 49:10 49:10 49:10 49:10 49:11 49:11 49:11 49:11 49:11 49:11 49:12 49:12 49:12 49:12 49:12 49:12 49:12 49:12 49:12 49:12 49:12 49:12 49:13 49:13 49:13 49:13 49:13 49:13 49:13 49:13 49:13 49:13 49:14 49:14 49:14 49:14 49:14 49:14 49:14 49:14 49:14 49:14 49:15 49:15 49:15 49:15 49:15 49:15 49:15 49:16 49:16 49:16 43/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Daryle Woodward Robert Campbell Don Griss Bob Penttila Glade Weiser Richard Kloss Mark W Thomas Manuel Almagure Ronn Macgegor Jerry Vesely Jon Wistranel Brian Bess Dennis Frank David Lewis Rub Squires Donald Keeley Rick Lowry Bruce Trout John Ball Pierre Keribin Paul Vero Gineal Davidson Bob Leeper Steven Martinez David Greene Steve Tidball Sally Hymes Michael Maybee Curt Townsend Jim Donatelli Keneen Mcniven Kathy Anderson Greg Veselaar Victor Mcguire Coors Rieb Lillian Rivera Robert Young Mark Katz Dan Schneider Brent Zimmerman Susan Bulman John Schultz Kenneth Cisek Jeff Kern Dennis Szabo Scott Hughes Tom Matheny Keith Gay Terry Ranten Jan Butts Howard Moore Eric Chin Rudy Pucel Berry Rosenberg Michael Tappan Brett Johnson Bob Enna Steven Keller Kelly Sheehan Ben Fransua Michael Petrella Eddie Storz Sheryl Gortheer Bill Huelle Craig Cooper Allison Luther Char Silla Michael Dixon Raghu Madhok Terry Fox Penny Peterson Randall Dunn Eric Love Kevin Sylvia Rachel Hall Blake Luther Mark Rapp Steve Wohlbrandt Marcey Johnson Barbara Monseu Richelle Sargent Lawrence Coulehan Pete Lillydahl John Phillips Brad Smith Joel Stahl Jack Greenlee Cheryl Moody Bob Steele Martin Harrison Rick Powers Gerard Beaudoin Tristam Johnson Clen Schuette Gary Dunlap Rockey Hagan Alfred Von Bachmayr John Crittenden Larry Nimz Walt Weinberg DIV ------M45 M43 F51 M51 M40 M42 M40 M37 M28 M49 M24 M28 M24 M36 M24 M40 M33 M27 M38 M35 M28 F23 M33 M26 M32 M26 F31 M37 M56 M99 M28 F26 M30 M33 M47 F42 M28 M32 M40 M26 F30 M18 M37 M23 M36 M39 M42 M30 M43 M40 M42 M32 M33 M44 M40 M24 M38 M37 M36 M46 M31 M13 F20 M40 M41 F28 F30 M41 M25 M33 F35 M34 M22 M34 F24 M33 M22 M30 F17 F40 F22 M42 M40 M36 M41 M26 M23 F43 M51 M41 M40 M41 M42 M50 M39 M38 M41 M42 M25 M45 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------49:16 49:16 49:16 49:16 49:16 49:16 49:16 49:16 49:16 49:16 49:16 49:16 49:17 49:17 49:17 49:17 49:17 49:17 49:17 49:17 49:17 49:17 49:17 49:17 49:18 49:18 49:18 49:18 49:18 49:18 49:18 49:19 49:19 49:19 49:19 49:19 49:20 49:20 49:20 49:20 49:20 49:20 49:20 49:20 49:20 49:20 49:20 49:21 49:21 49:21 49:21 49:21 49:21 49:22 49:22 49:22 49:22 49:22 49:22 49:22 49:22 49:22 49:22 49:23 49:23 49:23 49:23 49:23 49:23 49:23 49:23 49:24 49:24 49:24 49:24 49:24 49:24 49:24 49:24 49:24 49:24 49:24 49:24 49:24 49:24 49:25 49:25 49:25 49:25 49:25 49:25 49:25 49:25 49:25 49:25 49:26 49:26 49:26 49:26 49:26 44/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Michael Don Carlos Daniel Fox Shelda Triplett Donn Williamson Kimberly Bainbridge Larry Erfman Michael Gula Charles Turner John Worley Matt Bradford Carnig Izmirian David Bryan Greg keenan Randall Voehl Richard Audelo Audkay Cheadle William Nyquist Kurt Walters Gregory Berger Jo Ann Hubbard Alan Shall David Bowman Mark Sands Gene Archer Brian Hughes Haley Moya Robert Thames Diann Cumings Jim Johns Lisa Oetter Curt Guilliland Morri Lanphear Andrea Richtel Keith Anderson Tim Higgins Elizabeth O'Lear Shawn Duncan Connie Gardner Brett Painter Charles Fish Chris Hagan John Petsce Paul Blecha Mark Gaffney Daniel Jimenez Debra Tow Alison Deitz Paul Cambliss Phil Lingwood Jim Phillips Brett Henridcks Benny Mccoy Michael Prezekwas Paul Herzech Steven Mullins Marc Sapienza James Pfauruch Frank Toney Emily Deitz Kirk Norblom Lee Alpert Danny Gonzales John Perez Pete Bunzli Brad Lee Charlie Peterson Kent Martin Ian Stonington John Danaher Bruce Pilon Milan Uremovich Robert Liberatore Brett Siegrist Duane Vickerman Matt Slusher Allen Weaver Tom Cayo Michelle Manquen Allan Williams Ron Glickman Dan Larabee Thomas Rosen David Wolf Amie Held James Mckean Steve Tongish Rick Melville John Warner Leslie Kappel Pamela Rollins Steve Oleson Kevin Christensen Tim Jenkins Ted Moore Ron Schobert John Fischer Larry Jiminez Armond White Sean Fox Mark Lewis DIV ------M21 M35 F25 M28 F21 M30 M42 M24 M31 M17 M44 M35 M23 M28 M35 F28 M17 M38 M27 F29 M38 M24 M37 M44 M30 F42 M34 F34 M36 F26 M27 M18 F20 M26 M24 F49 M15 F25 M19 M28 M15 M33 M42 M31 M30 F34 F26 M35 M45 M29 M33 M39 M27 M40 M22 M25 F34 M27 F30 M24 M38 M44 M38 M44 M30 M52 M31 M13 M30 M41 M47 M28 M30 M46 M22 M32 M41 F31 M38 M46 M18 M29 M40 F16 M18 M27 M26 M38 F31 F26 M27 M28 M23 M41 M27 M38 M40 M37 M14 M24 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------49:26 49:26 49:26 49:26 49:26 49:26 49:26 49:26 49:26 49:26 49:27 49:27 49:27 49:27 49:27 49:27 49:27 49:27 49:27 49:27 49:27 49:27 49:28 49:28 49:28 49:28 49:28 49:28 49:28 49:28 49:28 49:28 49:28 49:28 49:28 49:29 49:29 49:29 49:29 49:29 49:29 49:29 49:29 49:29 49:29 49:29 49:29 49:30 49:30 49:30 49:30 49:30 49:30 49:30 49:30 49:30 49:30 49:30 49:31 49:31 49:31 49:31 49:31 49:31 49:31 49:31 49:31 49:32 49:32 49:32 49:32 49:32 49:32 49:32 49:32 49:32 49:32 49:32 49:33 49:33 49:33 49:33 49:33 49:33 49:33 49:33 49:33 49:33 49:33 49:33 49:34 49:34 49:34 49:34 49:34 49:34 49:34 49:34 49:34 49:34 45/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Jed Ziegenhagen Jake Barnes Holli Harper Ben Malmberg Karen Newmyer Jose Alvarado Kevin Thomas Alan Cohn Paul Gleditsch Sylvia Lopez Roger Ryan Fred Atchison Rick Wiggins Michael Cram Brandon Hatch Mike Mckibben Christy Benson Lawrence Hennessy Dick Mclaughlin Robert Selby Thomas Bolot Carol Dakin Catherine Lopez Dean Naas David Brennan Robert Mays Beth Nesis Curt Cameron Holly Portales Buck Allen Dennis Ervine Donna Miller Chad Rennicke Clark Berger Jeanne Jonney John Allaire Rose Darcy Mark Pothast Scott Allan Fred Ybarra Rich Belmonte Mark Liebendorfer Ken Collins Charles Myers Grant Taylor Charles Avatar Debbie Rice Gendreau C.j. Hescheles James O'Clock Gary Booth Gary Hoffman Mark Scheidies Greg Wiesner Bob Faust John Hager Martin Lewis Akihird Shinmori Steve Ackman John Ferris Henry Heppt Brian Mansur Kent Brosh Ken Kudrna Sharon Gillette Tom Mclagan Kevin Stockman Earl Goddwin Ted Petranoff Patty Zishka Justin Balog Carlos Guerrero Gail Richardson Mike Mcdermott Frank D'Ovidio Gareth Mynatt Jason Fought Bruce Sleper Don Johnson Tom Zeiner Steve Barth Ronadl Geraets Michael Novak Thom Van Boskirk Ray Boyle Jeff Gneiser Steve Stevens Steve Clippinger Chuck Knickrehm James Taylor Paul Dumond Abby Leslie Jan Horton Orval Seaman Todd Hudson Doug Shand Daniel Thompson Sally Casper Martin Miles Patrick Smith Neil Tillquist DIV ------M17 M39 F29 M46 F31 M37 M32 M34 M35 F33 M34 M29 M34 M30 M17 M33 F30 M29 M35 M40 M32 F36 F28 M32 M30 M42 F27 M28 F29 M40 M27 F29 M31 M29 F34 M29 F26 M28 M28 M27 M34 M40 M42 M36 M28 M39 F29 M28 M38 M30 M33 M34 M30 M30 M27 M34 M28 M32 M40 M36 M36 M47 M57 F36 M32 M21 M33 M38 F32 M14 M41 F16 M37 M39 M32 M21 M31 30 M38 M17 M43 M30 M44 M40 M23 M45 M35 M26 M35 M24 F29 F38 M51 M37 M48 M31 F21 M29 M26 M34 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------49:34 49:34 49:34 49:34 49:35 49:35 49:35 49:35 49:35 49:35 49:35 49:35 49:35 49:35 49:35 49:35 49:35 49:35 49:35 49:35 49:35 49:35 49:35 49:36 49:36 49:36 49:36 49:36 49:36 49:36 49:36 49:36 49:36 49:36 49:36 49:37 49:37 49:37 49:37 49:37 49:37 49:37 49:37 49:37 49:38 49:38 49:38 49:38 49:38 49:38 49:38 49:38 49:38 49:38 49:38 49:38 49:38 49:38 49:38 49:38 49:38 49:39 49:39 49:39 49:39 49:39 49:39 49:39 49:39 49:39 49:39 49:39 49:40 49:40 49:40 49:40 49:40 49:40 49:40 49:40 49:41 49:41 49:41 49:41 49:41 49:41 49:41 49:41 49:41 49:41 49:41 49:42 49:42 49:42 49:42 49:42 49:42 49:42 49:42 49:42 46/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Tina Gini William Overton Bob Brennan David Hartman Anthony Phifer David Bromberg Donald Johnson Daniel Lavender Jeff Rust Gerald Callejo Keith Johnstone Michael Mckenna Terri Eisenmenger-wilh David Kast Brock Merriam Karlton Culig Todd Dunning Mark Loewenstein Addison Johnston Mary Lou Martinez Anita Bennett Mary Kayser Mark Smith Glenn Taylor Jeanne Appling Kurt Leyendecker Debbie Reber Margie Young Laurel Bernstein Andy Mcclure John Rush Amy Johnson Charles Morales Bobbi Snyder Amy Kennedy Steve Webb Richard Chase Doug Gray Rick Salamanca Don R Winner Keith Davis Kevin D Kaiser William Sipfle Brian Bartlett Fran Flesner Stephen Manthey John Urbana Earl Beam Gene Mclean Larry Christine John Orme Roberta Ekstrom Irene Serda Carol Alwon Michelle Kulp Skip Stout Kenneth Lowe Brian Hooker Jean Lowe Simon Ramirez Kari Toney Patricia Bruchez Michael Howell Michael Lundberg Gary Scott Tim Ward Mike Fife Jeff Kraushaar Ray Miller Bob Youngblood Steven Lieberman Christie Northrop Tom Swanson A. Armstrong Gerald Bame Chris Edelman Harvey Kamionka Kip Beethe Ed Everding Steve Minerich Emily Carroll Jim Mullen Lisa Craig Anne Gini Alan Smith Mike Gilbert Judy Lengerich Rick Toray Scott Allen Debby Davidson Paul Godec Kevin Parker Kathy Callaghan Joe Hoffman Erin Sax Ramond Clopton Luis Garcia Howard Jacobsen Eliot Snyder Richard Clough DIV ------F21 M33 M41 M37 M26 M27 M34 M30 M28 M26 M47 M21 F34 M36 M24 M43 M39 M41 M47 F41 F24 F25 M33 M23 F34 M24 F29 F32 F31 M28 M30 F26 M36 F42 F30 M41 M34 M31 M42 M54 M65 M29 M47 M36 F27 M31 M24 M38 M50 M38 M40 F36 F23 F31 F23 M27 M30 M46 F39 M31 F25 F35 M43 M35 M35 M39 M36 M36 M33 M42 M27 F37 M37 M49 M32 M28 M16 M30 M55 M22 F18 M27 F19 F52 M28 M33 F35 M32 M40 F35 M28 M33 F27 M27 F21 M23 M26 M41 M25 M29 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------49:42 49:42 49:43 49:43 49:43 49:43 49:43 49:43 49:43 49:43 49:43 49:43 49:43 49:43 49:43 49:44 49:44 49:44 49:44 49:44 49:44 49:44 49:44 49:45 49:45 49:45 49:45 49:45 49:45 49:45 49:45 49:45 49:45 49:45 49:45 49:46 49:46 49:46 49:46 49:46 49:46 49:46 49:46 49:46 49:46 49:46 49:46 49:46 49:46 49:47 49:47 49:47 49:47 49:47 49:47 49:47 49:47 49:48 49:48 49:48 49:48 49:48 49:48 49:48 49:48 49:48 49:48 49:48 49:48 49:48 49:48 49:48 49:48 49:48 49:49 49:49 49:49 49:49 49:49 49:49 49:49 49:49 49:49 49:49 49:49 49:50 49:50 49:50 49:50 49:50 49:50 49:50 49:50 49:50 49:50 49:50 49:50 49:50 49:50 49:50 47/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Nick Kortekaas Clarence Osborn Todd Sliker Craig Garby Jim Mccaughey Heidi Parrish Chuck Wibby Dixon Hutchinson Dan Mccutchen Cindi Inman Scott Muller William Reid Dave Begnode C uen Howe III Thomas W Logan Rick Birney Jeremy Howie Chip Mccarthy Mitch Green James Whitelaw Laura Barcley Wendy Heinsterkamp Jack Knopinski Mark Belgard Harry Ellison Jana Mckee Jill Soukup John Arciniega Alan Cohen Martha Fulton Bill Miller Jeff Bennett Angela Jasmund Bill Rhode James Urbach Steve Buckner Craig Dodd Gregg Kinnes Jeff Shainholtz Steven Alley Ginger Vanselow Blake Cambey James O'Tremba John Ryan Keith Crooks William Lundquist Erick Frim Mark Lyon Darlene Pratt Ron Hoopes Neil Mulholland Richard Rotunno Nancy King Dan Madden John Weidemann John Campbell IV Kim Morris Harry Allen Chris Carpenter George Hernandez Michael Rose Bob Baca Rick Dutson Walter Koraziel Alex Sandoval Albert Bates Michael Gilligan Scott Olson Greg Hill Nancy Raddatz Melvin Bush Todd Filsinger Neddie Legg Steve Reuercomb Scott Cameron Peter Folger Kelly Mcgullivray Terry Wright Mark Emery Bill Fulgahm Ken Dreger Ray Murray Andre Willner John Becker Ron Elston Gordon Phair Bill Boulet Lisa Hunter Tim Shea Terry Clark Anita Jemenez Heidi Crimmon David Mcbride Kenneth Fischer Jayne Nekuda Thomas Rich Terrance Clark Aran Fridal Charles Pratt Brien Convery DIV ------M44 M71 M53 M27 M27 F16 M36 M32 M37 F22 M30 M41 M30 M37 M59 M41 M15 M36 M26 M59 F22 F20 M41 M34 F39 F31 F20 M44 M42 F35 M32 M26 F25 M45 M24 M47 M23 M28 M30 M27 F16 M25 M26 M25 M39 M30 M31 M39 F38 M37 M30 M39 F23 M41 M21 M33 F39 M53 M24 M29 M36 M53 M26 M32 M41 M45 M33 M30 M30 F30 M38 M27 F38 M43 M30 M29 M32 M36 M34 M44 M28 M29 M49 M51 M31 M28 M33 F21 M31 M16 F25 F27 M39 M36 F30 M42 M37 M27 M38 M19 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------49:51 49:51 49:51 49:51 49:51 49:51 49:51 49:51 49:51 49:51 49:51 49:51 49:51 49:52 49:52 49:52 49:52 49:52 49:52 49:52 49:52 49:52 49:52 49:52 49:53 49:53 49:53 49:53 49:53 49:53 49:53 49:53 49:53 49:53 49:53 49:53 49:53 49:53 49:53 49:53 49:53 49:53 49:54 49:54 49:54 49:54 49:54 49:54 49:54 49:54 49:54 49:54 49:54 49:55 49:55 49:55 49:55 49:55 49:55 49:55 49:55 49:55 49:55 49:55 49:55 49:55 49:55 49:56 49:56 49:56 49:56 49:56 49:56 49:56 49:56 49:56 49:56 49:56 49:56 49:56 49:57 49:57 49:57 49:57 49:57 49:57 49:57 49:57 49:57 49:57 49:57 49:58 49:58 49:58 49:58 49:58 49:58 49:58 49:58 49:58 48/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Pepper Helgeson Tony Garcia David Poss Roger Johnson Sylvie South Alan Kislowitz Leslie Wright Bob Falldon Bonnie Moeder Alfred Saenz Gloria Friedrich Gina Kastel Steve Orndoiff Alana Silvertooth B. G. Brooks Mark Gamble Janet Kuchenbrod Michael Posey Judy Westrick Mary Carlson Ken Hermann Steve Mcgivv Steve Sachs Kreston Barth Gary Zamis Sandra Carratt Richard Johnson David Hoss Jim Thompson Chet Anderson Dennis Burney John Maldonado Jane Barger Wayne Grant Todd Short Wayne Berg Paula Haugen Jon Stepleton Bub Haberkorn William Milhoan Scott Carter Joel Kashbaum Rick Shea Laura Christensen Fred Masarie Valerie Trapa Robert Mckinney Russell Tsukamoto Jesse Aweida Robert Distel Bob Krassa John Schnebly Carol Walker Sean Beyer Lowell Gabner Heidi Langston David Swanson Larry White Tony Chevalier William Hart Kenneth Martinez Ann Hennigh Gary Mcclelland Gary Swisher Robert Badovinac Marvin Bush Sharon Connolly Paul Kirkpatrick Ken Baker Colin Campbell Steve Engle Rand Lewis Gary Beals Ray Henderson Gary Patzer Suza Ault Alan Bright Michael Carst Roy Keener William Mcgaughey William Bersley Bryan Fry Jon Klitz Barb Smith Richard Armstrong Keith Braly Dick Gardner Sharon Brode Thomas Higgins Jr Jill Leary Dulaney Barcley Scott Bunker Mark Johnson Richard Klevans John Penna Joe Abeyta John Ventura Thomas E Kammer Nancy Williams Mark Enns DIV ------F15 M36 M39 M46 F40 M36 F29 M36 F26 M52 F38 F24 M37 F34 M42 M20 F26 M27 F26 F25 M30 M30 M31 M15 M35 F32 M38 M31 M39 M33 M26 M29 M26 M31 M21 M39 M38 M41 M43 M38 M24 M33 M33 F47 M62 F26 M37 M41 M58 M29 M45 M37 F38 M19 M35 F16 M38 M50 M37 M40 M34 F30 M41 M50 M32 M38 F50 M34 M57 M31 M36 M21 M33 M41 M26 F24 M30 M25 M25 M31 M46 M29 M47 F32 M47 M39 M61 F28 M57 F38 M25 M21 M31 M24 M34 M32 M38 M32 F30 M34 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------49:58 49:59 49:59 49:59 49:59 49:59 49:59 49:59 49:59 50:00 50:00 50:00 50:00 50:00 50:00 50:00 50:00 50:00 50:00 50:00 50:00 50:00 50:00 50:00 50:00 50:00 50:00 50:01 50:01 50:01 50:01 50:01 50:01 50:01 50:01 50:01 50:01 50:01 50:02 50:02 50:02 50:02 50:02 50:02 50:02 50:02 50:02 50:03 50:03 50:03 50:03 50:03 50:03 50:03 50:03 50:03 50:03 50:03 50:03 50:03 50:03 50:03 50:03 50:04 50:04 50:04 50:04 50:04 50:04 50:04 50:04 50:04 50:04 50:04 50:04 50:04 50:04 50:04 50:04 50:05 50:05 50:05 50:05 50:05 50:05 50:05 50:05 50:05 50:05 50:05 50:05 50:05 50:05 50:06 50:06 50:06 50:06 50:06 50:06 50:07 49/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Danny Souders Brian Adamo Clarke Chambellan Jon Freedman Donald Stover Terry Ciesielski David Pier Douglas Cox Kimberly Sikora Joseph Swedzweski Diana Buck John Kotsubka David Prosche Josh Been Donald Giddings Vincent Murphy Andrew Steward Kenneth Carbaugh Sue Herbert Ron Felix Shelly Kolbet Johanna Palasek Bill Ferris Ray Seela Sharon Childs Steven R Hall Braian Lebl Scot Smith Teena Christoffersen Dick Rosener Louis Weltzer Baley Donald Ferlic Bill Hobbs Jean-Daniel Saphores Sheldon Brown Paula Gerlach Richard Kraft Robert Cowan Jans Husted Caroline Luttroll Jamei King Les Mccarroll Douglas Eichenbergher Gregg Lage Carl Nienaber Rick Bozanich Franklin Freasquez Susan Lasek Colm Acuff James Kingen Huward Skinner Ben Mcpherson Robert Stewart Mike Dunn James Olsen Smokey Wilson Jennefer Hummel David Redus Richard Yribia Michael Mott Rebecca Tetlow Jason Repphun John Williams Chip Halbeisen Steve Russo Robert Luevano Larry Schumann Ron Prior Steve Jacobson Steve Timm Steve Gines John Lay Heinz Bareiss Maurice Habenicht Lisa Perry Peter Boomgaard Steven Higgins Diana Nottingham Dean Schilling David Kam Holly Porter Claire Sherburne Sherri Bishop Daniel Laurizio Brian Rice Gene Eggert Jeremy Miller Irnin Sandler David Knudston Jacqueline Valentine Rick Dakin Richard Onizuka Frencisco Velasquez Loma Feinberg David Schultz John Watson Henry Alvarado Mark Hunter Milt Thompson DIV ------M45 M15 M34 M29 M29 F35 M34 M28 F18 M40 F25 M57 M27 M17 M53 M46 M30 M28 F32 M37 F17 F12 M44 M32 F43 M31 M12 M34 F21 M32 M41 F29 M53 M40 M27 M29 F24 M47 M42 F38 F49 F28 M42 M44 M31 M25 M35 M37 F33 M13 M28 M58 M39 M30 M35 M38 M47 F25 M36 M35 M28 F19 M17 M44 M38 M35 M33 M41 M36 M45 M37 M46 M52 M47 M34 F35 M32 M22 F37 M31 M32 F36 F35 F32 M35 M25 M47 M12 M43 M43 F35 M37 M31 M18 F99 M36 M51 M22 M18 M59 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------50:07 50:07 50:07 50:07 50:07 50:07 50:07 50:07 50:07 50:07 50:07 50:08 50:08 50:08 50:08 50:08 50:08 50:08 50:08 50:08 50:08 50:08 50:08 50:09 50:09 50:09 50:09 50:09 50:09 50:09 50:09 50:09 50:09 50:09 50:09 50:09 50:09 50:09 50:10 50:10 50:10 50:10 50:10 50:10 50:10 50:10 50:10 50:10 50:10 50:11 50:11 50:11 50:11 50:11 50:11 50:11 50:11 50:11 50:11 50:11 50:12 50:12 50:12 50:12 50:12 50:12 50:12 50:12 50:13 50:13 50:13 50:13 50:13 50:13 50:13 50:13 50:13 50:13 50:14 50:14 50:14 50:14 50:14 50:14 50:14 50:14 50:14 50:14 50:14 50:15 50:15 50:15 50:15 50:15 50:15 50:15 50:15 50:15 50:15 50:15 50/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Clay Renick Greg Shewmaker Loye Gothrie Jean Pillard Vicki Chop William Pearlman Stacey Coulson Jim Eastman Gail Ploen Larry Bennett Barbara Kraus Daniel Hartsburg Rick Klingenmeier Arlen Stokes Jim Allen John Dunow Glen Law Ken Anderson Lori Gonacha Lester Heinze Daniel Lynn Buddy Blom Jeff Grohnke Harry Jacobson Thereas Olson James Abrams Gilbert Cruz Rick Negrean Jeff Williams Ronald Rakickas Dean Curd Kevin Kirchner Paul Timmons Diane Davies John Kirk Philip Von Hake Bruce Henderson Robert Hazen Mas Yoshimara Doug Anderson Tina Burghardt Marty Humphreys Michael Bolas Dennis Daivdson Don Marshall Paul Brehm Mathew Gildea Bryan Nellor Tari Marks Daniel Wade Stephen Gary Kevin Mowry Jennifer Yates Ann Andersen Robert Gildea Bob Shurte Karen Dick Barry Lakadosch Gary Sleap Rick Meetes Josh Plank Bob Harris Thomas Nankervis Clark Hine Stephen Nisbet Robert Bloomouist Julie Madden Trevor Phillip Russell Mccrimmon Jim Dornan Robert Hottsma Jewell Schweitzer Michael Buckner Lois Downing Ignalio Martinez De Le Jerry Comer Bill Gingrich Tony Maurer Nancy Hine Warren Sill Maureen Fujii Terrance Kemp Marcia Moore Paul Staley Steve Handler Jeffrey Koloskus Cole Shell Warren Astler Keith Jenkins Kent Kuwitzky Robbie Johnson Nancy Mollinhauer Todd Davis Robert Lessig Mike Maxfield Wayne Wuthen Travis Hallsted Lou Marold Jim Mccarthy Steve Anderson DIV ------M20 M37 M30 M25 F29 M48 F19 M39 F38 M40 F31 M36 M34 M42 M51 M24 M38 M33 F30 M34 M39 M46 M29 M34 F27 M42 M45 M33 M37 M42 M44 M34 M34 F32 M29 M25 M36 M35 M61 M33 F22 M25 M26 M33 M47 M21 M9 M45 F18 M25 M36 M31 F29 F27 M36 M60 F42 M41 M36 M31 M13 M42 M26 M37 M30 M26 F31 M42 M33 M17 M32 F30 M33 F34 M18 M37 M37 M27 F30 M37 F30 M28 F30 M36 M50 M38 M28 M27 M44 M31 M51 F25 M18 M36 M22 M47 M15 M44 M48 M31 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------50:16 50:16 50:16 50:16 50:17 50:17 50:17 50:17 50:17 50:17 50:17 50:18 50:18 50:18 50:18 50:18 50:18 50:18 50:18 50:18 50:18 50:18 50:18 50:18 50:18 50:18 50:18 50:19 50:19 50:19 50:19 50:19 50:19 50:19 50:19 50:19 50:19 50:20 50:20 50:20 50:20 50:20 50:20 50:20 50:20 50:20 50:20 50:20 50:21 50:21 50:21 50:21 50:21 50:21 50:21 50:21 50:21 50:21 50:21 50:22 50:22 50:22 50:22 50:22 50:22 50:22 50:22 50:22 50:23 50:23 50:23 50:23 50:23 50:23 50:23 50:23 50:23 50:23 50:23 50:24 50:24 50:24 50:24 50:24 50:24 50:24 50:24 50:24 50:24 50:24 50:24 50:24 50:25 50:25 50:25 50:25 50:25 50:25 50:25 50:25 51/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Ken Kenney Felipe Monreal Troy Armistead Ray Lalone Peter Walters Kathy Damiani Elizabeth Ward James Pierson Mike Aurand Gerri Walsh Collette Chambellan William Repphun Rick Garmany Clifford Nancarrow Bruce Smith Dave Beadle Reginald Gray Roy Peterson Gary Stovall Michael Chornack Laurie Kurtz Judy Demarest Michael Mcevers Tim Takeshita Jue Baird Bapt Eckelberg James Langsted Helm Wolfe Jim Bennett Eric Gilchrist Donald Silversmith Roberta Cobb David Stouder Melvin Arnold James Coon George Hinkle James Robinson Jeffrey Birn Don Bunnell Richard Larson Mark Schafer Chris Bradley Glader Nancy Manion Robert Allen Chris Hackman Ed Podrasky Anrew Bauer Pamela Webb Brian Breitenwischer Jewel Harmer Dumenio Penoglio David Steward William Bentley Bill Hemphill Tom Metz Jeff Reeser Peter Waas Jeff Faller Paul Keebler Stacy Springston David Gans Rob Keyser Bruce Pearson Bill Stephens Thomas Hays John Maske Jay Jacoby Milt Perry Art Unrein Carl Ruby Hobert L Williams Georgia Blum John Myers Jerry Rusnak Donald Dodge Harry Ott Will Smitham Jose Delgado Al Lucero Robert A Tempel James Mclaren Harlan Trupp Robert Herrmann Todo Plummer Gregg Campbell Pam Leamons John Sikora Jerry Fincken Al Miller Gary Woolridge Eric Jonsen Mike Parks Tammy Brown Jay Kerley Bill Patterson Diane Setzer John Augspurger Patti Carr Pat Mcginley DIV ------M39 M39 M26 M42 M31 F29 F40 M40 M30 F30 F35 M45 M15 M37 M42 M31 M38 M43 M39 M38 F32 F37 M44 M29 M42 M31 M36 M32 M48 M38 M35 F27 M23 M43 M42 M36 M59 M39 M44 M53 M27 M36 M39 F25 M39 F25 M40 M19 F25 M26 M35 M23 M30 M29 M32 M43 M22 M40 M24 M30 F34 M42 M20 M35 M37 M41 M35 M34 M40 M34 M18 M58 F45 M39 M48 M29 M41 M14 M32 M30 M25 M38 M39 M37 M36 M44 F33 M43 M23 M41 M44 M30 M34 F30 M31 M44 F26 M24 F35 M38 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------50:25 50:25 50:25 50:25 50:25 50:26 50:26 50:26 50:26 50:26 50:26 50:27 50:27 50:27 50:27 50:27 50:27 50:27 50:27 50:27 50:27 50:27 50:27 50:28 50:28 50:28 50:28 50:28 50:28 50:28 50:28 50:28 50:28 50:28 50:28 50:28 50:29 50:29 50:29 50:29 50:29 50:29 50:29 50:29 50:29 50:29 50:29 50:29 50:29 50:29 50:29 50:30 50:30 50:30 50:30 50:30 50:30 50:30 50:30 50:30 50:30 50:30 50:30 50:30 50:30 50:30 50:30 50:31 50:31 50:31 50:31 50:31 50:31 50:31 50:31 50:31 50:31 50:31 50:32 50:32 50:32 50:32 50:32 50:32 50:32 50:32 50:32 50:32 50:33 50:33 50:33 50:33 50:33 50:33 50:33 50:33 50:33 50:33 50:33 50:33 52/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Don Plum Grant Stevens Richard Barrett Kathy Gaines Harry Shriver Andrew Hird Jim Bartley Jerry Lay Robert Toll Hilda Brehm Roger Miller Laura Perrault Fran West Timothy Brooks Ernie Gallegos Connie Whitcomb Jim Cooper Kelvin Hunter Mark Smith Thomas Denny Frank Mata Rex Thornton Steve Baird Diane Draper Dennis Sykes David Dain Eric Miller Keith Rains Kevin Allon Marjorie Klemp John Scull Brown Jerry Kramer Valerie Drohman Beth Mackey Martin Jenkins Ron Weiszmann Murray Kershner Stanley Schwartz James Woods Jeffrey Friedman Kelly Klap Joe Vizyak Anthony Jaronek Jason Ross Susan Weeks Ernest Sink Sandy Fuller Bill Hay Rick Welsh Adrrian Gonzales Scott Schlapkohl Greg Wykle Lori Allen Barry Hay James Seeton Adele Angers Michael Murphy John Thompson Patrick Angermann Stephen Grunig Carl Schiele Jeff Baker Dan Madigan Wayne Shaw Dave Downey Matt Mcdougal Brian Sheridan John Andrews Melanie Smith Christina Willis Kent Jacobs Pete Niemann James Sroczynski Karl Ziegleer Michael Cavanagh Ron Justiss Donald Ostrander Lauann Tinklenberg Joe Creber Jim Lewis Bill Reeves Larry Mullen James Young Garry Colvin Marty Radovich Toby Trainer Brent Cummings Ed Smith Kenneth Tuten Linda Burke Patricia Fuller Wes Wilson Marren Clute William Hill Ernie Snyder Scott Leiker Peter Sheldon Brian Arcari Shirley Sheesley David Sucharski DIV ------M32 M43 M36 F35 M41 M20 M32 M30 M41 F33 M46 F26 F33 M40 M32 F34 M25 M26 M34 M44 M32 M41 M21 F31 M41 M31 M43 M34 M36 F44 M39 M31 F30 F32 M31 M48 M31 M31 M34 M36 M23 M41 M43 M16 F38 M23 F33 M15 M32 M56 M37 M28 F40 M20 M36 F28 M39 M39 M32 M35 M51 M29 M28 M40 M19 M15 M15 M39 F32 F27 M34 M32 M39 M26 M42 M43 M31 F39 M46 M47 M40 M37 M18 M37 M39 M14 M34 M45 M48 F35 F38 M50 M38 M26 M55 M25 M32 M46 F36 M30 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------50:33 50:33 50:33 50:34 50:34 50:34 50:34 50:34 50:34 50:34 50:34 50:35 50:35 50:35 50:35 50:35 50:35 50:35 50:35 50:35 50:35 50:35 50:35 50:35 50:36 50:36 50:36 50:37 50:37 50:37 50:37 50:37 50:37 50:37 50:38 50:38 50:38 50:38 50:38 50:38 50:38 50:38 50:38 50:38 50:38 50:39 50:39 50:39 50:39 50:39 50:39 50:39 50:39 50:39 50:39 50:39 50:40 50:40 50:40 50:40 50:40 50:40 50:40 50:40 50:40 50:40 50:40 50:40 50:41 50:41 50:41 50:41 50:41 50:41 50:41 50:41 50:41 50:41 50:41 50:41 50:41 50:41 50:42 50:42 50:42 50:42 50:42 50:42 50:42 50:42 50:42 50:42 50:42 50:42 50:42 50:43 50:43 50:43 50:43 50:43 53/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Marcia Cowley Michael Ward Tina Garcia Carolyn Ziegleer Jerry Hassemer James Pavlovich Jim Blackwell Scott Hornick Nate Reents Chris Fadness Jerry Mills Karen Romero Anna Gomez Daniel Vigil-Lovato Ted Kessler Laura Wathen Jean Berreckman Rodney Gallegos Josh Kutinsky Linda Wicker Neal Buckner Carol Gilbert Margaux Schneider Marty Wineland Nancy Crosby Robert Ward Francis Yisconti Timothy Doyle Kirk Lieurance Bob Parsons Phil Anderson Steve Foster George Lutito Levitica Tuckus Kirk Caufield Susan Gallegos Christopher Mueller Bill Haring Ronald Padget Dolly Wong Harry Cheung Barbara Carbaugh Robert Knowles Jun David Tsuda Jerry Clayton Gary Neuger Cricket Counce John Simonsen Derek Huisjen Jeffrey Strizich Bryar Biel Susan Harrison Don Shieferecke Kyle Cox John Livingston Douglas Ertz Phil Miller Gene Wilson Don Aspergren Mark Espinoz Brent Orme Bonnie Harvey R. C Preston James Carlson Ron Hoff Ellen De Money Butch Keadle John Schyetz Patty Gifford Steve Lavington Denny Stoner Warren Campbell Chris Tyson Sandra Ball Annette Laverty Dan Blanch Bruce Morgan Bill White Lisa Boberschmidt Dennis Olson Ray Zanko Lyn Falk Glenn Willis James Cickroy Joan Pierce Mary Louise Garcia Joseph Siegel Joe Westerdale Vic Johnson Darrell Stanley Norman Whitehead Sam Mouck David Wagner Joe Shively Rance Baker Patrick Vellone Thomas Horning Wayne Powledge Bruce King Mark Phillips DIV ------F20 M20 F28 F28 M54 M41 M31 M12 M14 M19 M39 F24 F23 M11 M33 F41 F31 M23 M14 F41 M43 F40 F26 M31 F43 M29 M27 M44 M32 M46 M43 M50 M54 F31 M42 F23 M45 M46 M37 F33 M25 F35 M45 F36 M41 M34 F38 M42 M15 M26 M32 M21 M22 M40 M41 M36 M48 M46 M31 M22 M16 F42 M22 M25 M45 F29 M35 M30 F27 M28 M41 M23 M16 F25 F32 M24 M33 M31 F26 M46 M40 F43 M24 M38 F37 F45 M32 M37 M29 M45 M32 M29 M37 M31 M33 M29 M38 M36 M42 M26 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------50:43 50:43 50:43 50:43 50:44 50:44 50:44 50:44 50:44 50:44 50:44 50:44 50:44 50:44 50:45 50:45 50:45 50:45 50:45 50:45 50:45 50:45 50:45 50:45 50:45 50:45 50:45 50:45 50:46 50:46 50:46 50:46 50:46 50:46 50:46 50:46 50:46 50:46 50:46 50:46 50:46 50:47 50:47 50:47 50:47 50:47 50:47 50:47 50:47 50:47 50:48 50:48 50:48 50:48 50:48 50:48 50:48 50:48 50:48 50:48 50:48 50:49 50:49 50:49 50:49 50:49 50:49 50:49 50:49 50:49 50:49 50:49 50:50 50:50 50:50 50:50 50:50 50:50 50:50 50:50 50:50 50:50 50:51 50:51 50:51 50:51 50:51 50:51 50:51 50:51 50:51 50:51 50:51 50:52 50:52 50:52 50:52 50:52 50:53 50:53 54/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Rosanne Koch Dale Syhre David Bruce Dawn Gray Robert Mullen Kelly Winslow John Fuller George Green K.C O'Riley Gary Bennett Heath Johnson Regina Schroeder Ed Larson Murry Unell Robert Bishop Brad Laughlin Michael Brenner Will Parker Andy Gray Sherry Odum Michael Hanley Jeff Schlarbaum Lynea Seal Scott Bertrand Edward Kalin Ron Schneider Leigh Wolfinger William Austin Jim Bradford Dennis Moyer Vicky Schnoll Eli Barlow Gregory Johnson Scott White James Dibois Debbie Lopez Sheila Valenziano Peggy Wians Stephen Harris James Reynolds Daniel Vigil Peter Hume Christopher Scott Alan White Gene Burrell Rod O'Conner Adam Felgemaker Michael Litwin Dan Tholson Luis Francisco Gregory Mcleod Ronald Wawrzynek Diane Blakeslee Vaun Grattet Kris Mcnichols Lane Bunker Louis Rubino Chuck Cooper Ed Howard Scott Mastro Don Stephens Deborah Gbbs-Tschudy George Hudson Laura Mayert Leslie Vaculik Pamela Hartman Mark Koch Liz Murphy Melanie Casper Richard Little Barron Farouhar Eric Lord Kurt Firnhaber Rick Rolph Jon Klein Daniel Taylor Ted Lanzano Michael Von Flatern Palu Reber Mitch Bollig William Salava Jeffrey Paffendorf Mike Stretz Ed Rocha Cary Bernhardson Jimmy Fuller Lisa Kirk Erik Sween Steve Clagg Stanley Hicks Elizabeth Mccadden Tom Volckhausen Copper Cowart Jon Morehead Dustin Whistler Frederick Baumann Don Crist Wade Johnson Greg Fisher Denny Meyer DIV ------F44 M38 M35 F16 M26 M31 M41 M43 M32 M27 M18 F27 M58 M45 M25 M49 M20 M43 F14 F20 M34 M22 F32 M29 M41 M46 F30 M37 M33 M39 F29 M16 M28 M20 M34 F28 F33 F28 M27 M15 M25 M35 M33 M33 M58 M40 M25 M18 M33 M39 M37 M25 F21 M27 M26 M31 M39 M23 M31 M32 M42 F29 M47 F30 F34 F30 M23 F25 F40 M39 M26 M29 M25 M40 M32 M31 M14 M34 M28 M20 M34 M21 M40 M34 M26 M35 F22 M30 M24 M54 F47 M32 M27 M17 M20 M34 M42 M38 M35 M39 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------50:53 50:53 50:53 50:53 50:53 50:53 50:53 50:53 50:53 50:54 50:54 50:54 50:54 50:54 50:54 50:54 50:54 50:54 50:55 50:55 50:55 50:55 50:55 50:55 50:55 50:55 50:55 50:55 50:55 50:55 50:55 50:55 50:56 50:56 50:56 50:56 50:56 50:56 50:56 50:56 50:56 50:56 50:56 50:56 50:56 50:57 50:57 50:57 50:57 50:57 50:57 50:57 50:57 50:57 50:57 50:57 50:58 50:58 50:58 50:58 50:58 50:58 50:58 50:58 50:58 50:58 50:58 50:58 50:58 50:58 50:59 50:59 50:59 50:59 50:59 50:59 50:59 50:59 51:00 51:00 51:00 51:00 51:00 51:01 51:01 51:01 51:01 51:01 51:01 51:01 51:01 51:01 51:01 51:01 51:01 51:01 51:01 51:01 51:02 51:02 55/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Paul Trost Glenn Gray Ron Ochsner Jay Rutter John Sempre Steve Jennings Andreas Meissner Susan Short Douglas Maxwell Brian Murphy Michael Simpson Antonio Desimone Bob Mclain Thomas Scarano Phil Stout Greg Green Arthur Segura Guy Harris David Polcyn Teresa Vila Paul Cathers Doug Hunter Tom Reiley Kirsten Wilken Richard Darrow Howard Knapp Milt Riley David Kohl Steve Simpson Rick Aragon Dan Cordova Malcolm Montgomery Rick Harwigsen Ann Shute Malvin Hoblely William Burke Kurt Keeley Ron Romero Shawn Collins Mary Firnhaber Michael Kotlen Michael Parise Joseph Schwarte Al Figuly Steve Gant Darrel Krejci Carla Steele Howard Garcia Martin Mcelwain David Reed Joanne Alderman Mike Wirsing Jonathon Firnhaber Dana Golightly Kelly O'Reilly Judy Boresky Martin Ottersberg David Uhlir Lane Earnest George Erbacher Brian Reitmair David Forst Ronnie Stollsteimer Gerpge Gray Simon Jonker Dennis Grimes Bradley Bakke David Hufnagel Lisa Knudsen Jeff Brooke Jim Jack Jr. David Wardell Terry Knight David Ruby Mike Brower Gregg Harvey Bob Stevenson Larry Dipasquale Kevin Jensen Steven Lyell James Tanner Brandon Dubois Michael Kaiser Hughes Moir Pete Ellsworth Gregory Rodriguez Steven Ehredt Tracey Lewis David Ryden Sara Garza Leslie Hutchinson Dan Mcmullen James Schmitz Ron Warren Michael Hafich Denise Kucirek Steve Monahan Keith Vasey Kaarla Delong Jeff Hill DIV ------M46 M38 M41 M19 M46 M34 M15 F40 M36 M23 M38 M50 M38 M46 M42 M39 M23 M31 M42 F26 M19 M47 M44 F18 M44 M45 M46 M46 M26 M27 M37 M38 M35 F41 M20 M39 M43 M32 M35 F35 M39 M36 M25 M38 M16 M23 F33 M60 M35 M14 F47 M39 M24 M35 F25 F46 M37 M28 M51 M37 M20 M14 M17 M32 M30 M49 M33 M32 F26 M26 M20 M48 F43 M34 M28 M28 M29 M35 M39 M24 M23 M24 M23 M49 M22 M44 M23 F30 M41 F26 F32 M40 M18 M46 M35 F27 M35 M30 F23 M34 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------51:02 51:02 51:02 51:02 51:02 51:03 51:03 51:03 51:03 51:03 51:03 51:03 51:03 51:03 51:03 51:03 51:03 51:04 51:04 51:04 51:04 51:04 51:04 51:04 51:04 51:04 51:04 51:04 51:04 51:04 51:05 51:05 51:05 51:05 51:05 51:05 51:05 51:06 51:06 51:06 51:06 51:06 51:06 51:06 51:06 51:06 51:06 51:06 51:06 51:06 51:06 51:06 51:06 51:06 51:06 51:07 51:07 51:07 51:07 51:07 51:07 51:07 51:07 51:08 51:08 51:08 51:08 51:08 51:08 51:08 51:08 51:08 51:09 51:09 51:09 51:09 51:09 51:09 51:09 51:09 51:09 51:09 51:09 51:09 51:09 51:10 51:10 51:10 51:10 51:10 51:10 51:10 51:10 51:10 51:10 51:10 51:10 51:10 51:10 51:10 56/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Gordon Lewis Murray Kula Lowell Piper Mary Jane Jones Michael Goldman Sue Johanning David Nichol Scott Crosby Jerry Kissinger Jerry Sisler S Ruy Dishman Kevin Grierson Randy Lagrone Henry Staub David Bizousky Scott Dollus David Groom Matt Malloy Julia Bruchez Oliver Wilken Mollie Dozier Elizabeth Kemp Carol Ann Salazar Larry Fisher David Lebesknight Thomas Montoya Robert Sayles James Bradburn Ronald Hahn Richrd Lightburn Pat Mount Sydney Swennes Russell Dewey Gary Ives Mark Mantz Alan Oulatt Ronald Ball Diane Runberg Larry Foest Kathy Jordan Rick Morrissey Keith Antonson Henry Shires Steve Brix Thomas Gettys Sondra Leidner Doug Novotny Dario Atallah Douglas Swartz Jenny Egge Deb Hauser Brian Lewis Shannon Ruiz Tim Boyden John Van Sciver Gary Fedler Michael Hodges Bob Shuler Margaret Agnew Alden Laird Geralo Romero Sandy Thurston Donny Anderson David O'Neill Thomas Rosen Greg Bausch Mary Pald Javier Saigado Tina Pittman Rick Barker Von Long Don Svitak Colleen Custy Bryan Lowe David Alford Berna Finley Laura Purdom Deborah Kerin Mathael Reynolds Kally Chambers Helen Hassemer Suresh Kumar Joe Shaffer Stephen Colby Jennifer Hertz Martin Miles Peter Altmann Lynne Finley Richard Ida Kirk Hartman Jim Kaufmann Fred Rice Roger Boatwright Linda Smith William Conboy Nancy Baker Jillian Flint John Beckwith Keith Mack Quinn Kane DIV ------M48 M39 M49 F31 M34 F27 M35 M33 M23 M55 M36 M29 M39 M44 M31 M27 M25 M33 F13 M20 F32 F25 F32 M42 M24 M36 M51 M44 M41 M36 M23 M50 M32 M23 M32 M32 M32 F35 M41 F17 M28 M33 M29 M30 M41 F13 M29 M26 M41 F14 F26 M48 M17 M30 M43 M29 M31 M38 F40 M40 M30 F32 M29 M31 M21 M33 F34 M18 F27 M35 M56 M36 F36 M35 M40 F57 F19 F35 M34 F28 F50 M33 M30 M36 F22 M55 M37 F32 M47 M54 M48 M35 F32 F29 M27 F31 F31 M31 M27 M41 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------51:10 51:11 51:11 51:11 51:12 51:12 51:12 51:12 51:12 51:12 51:12 51:12 51:12 51:12 51:12 51:12 51:12 51:12 51:12 51:13 51:13 51:13 51:13 51:13 51:13 51:13 51:13 51:13 51:13 51:13 51:13 51:13 51:13 51:13 51:13 51:13 51:13 51:14 51:14 51:14 51:14 51:14 51:14 51:14 51:14 51:14 51:14 51:14 51:14 51:14 51:14 51:14 51:14 51:14 51:14 51:14 51:14 51:15 51:15 51:15 51:15 51:15 51:15 51:15 51:15 51:15 51:15 51:15 51:15 51:16 51:16 51:16 51:16 51:16 51:16 51:16 51:16 51:16 51:16 51:17 51:17 51:17 51:17 51:17 51:17 51:17 51:17 51:17 51:17 51:17 51:17 51:17 51:18 51:18 51:18 51:18 51:18 51:18 51:18 51:19 57/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Thomas Peltz Andy Daly Pam Kazeck Herbert Phillips Janet Layne Karl Purdy John Marus John Gomran JR Karen Miyamoto Floyd Schmidt Louis Fisher Melvin Gurule Mike Moorhous Stephen Walker Paul Glahn Jeff Hook Tom O'Hara Craig Lund Don Rutherford Bruce Wares Jeffery J Eidsmoe Coors Jackson Dale Breidenbach Dale Lafferty Diane Ellison Dave Reyher Howard Fallik Doug Tittle Cynthia Lawson Linda Price John Bem Bob Walch Greg Digregario Olie Jacobson Diane Monahan Gerald Shrock Marty Clark Jon Gustafson Roger Kime Charles Tewksbury Kenneth Heideman Michael Kurth Tyler Moore Scott Vanderschel Chic Dehaven William Hodaplp Steve Gratton Jeff Zamarripa Robert Finch Eric Hermann Matthew Bergdahl Jeff Keller Milt Bolman David Graham Kevin Mccarthy Cathy Cox Chris Lines Terry Sharp Linda Anderson Phil Van Law Geoff Deweese Michael Moore John Wierzba Wally Hultin Scotty Pfaff Ana Maria Burke Robert Dudley Matt Stokes Jerry Amendola Barry Hall Beth Browning William Candee Stephen Olson Travis Broxton Thomas Dahl Robert Rudland Rob Allen David Tandberg Robert Fleuchur John Haried Ruger Ruark Mark Tandberg Ed Gibbs Barbara Keller Tracy Mulcahy Michael Anderson Roddy Shaul Bill Cox Ronalda ''Roni '' Good Dennis Kyson Cassandra Nikoles Kathryn Anderson-Nelso Robert Sommer Erik Dahl Tim Hackett Jerri-Ann Meyer Robert Ramos Terri Bocanegra Richard Severson Zach Ullevig DIV ------M30 M42 F27 M36 F33 M35 M40 M36 F39 M42 M39 M29 M33 M39 M34 M30 M32 M37 M39 M42 M31 M43 M36 M35 F36 M32 M36 M37 F26 F36 M43 M35 M29 M33 F42 M40 M27 M35 M22 M49 M30 M30 M29 M24 M44 M28 M38 M21 M41 M41 M29 M29 M49 M36 M25 F29 M27 M27 F37 M31 M17 M54 M34 M45 M47 F35 M35 M14 M42 M37 F50 M32 M38 M39 M44 M49 M15 M13 M61 M35 M34 M39 M57 F39 F25 M39 M33 M29 M30 M49 F23 F43 M39 M11 M27 F31 M37 F34 M43 M17 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------51:19 51:19 51:19 51:19 51:19 51:19 51:19 51:20 51:20 51:20 51:20 51:20 51:20 51:20 51:20 51:20 51:20 51:20 51:20 51:20 51:20 51:21 51:21 51:21 51:21 51:21 51:21 51:21 51:22 51:22 51:22 51:22 51:22 51:22 51:22 51:22 51:22 51:22 51:22 51:22 51:22 51:22 51:22 51:22 51:22 51:22 51:23 51:23 51:23 51:23 51:23 51:23 51:23 51:23 51:23 51:23 51:24 51:24 51:24 51:24 51:24 51:24 51:24 51:24 51:24 51:25 51:25 51:25 51:25 51:25 51:25 51:25 51:25 51:25 51:25 51:25 51:25 51:26 51:26 51:26 51:26 51:26 51:26 51:26 51:26 51:26 51:26 51:26 51:26 51:26 51:26 51:26 51:26 51:26 51:26 51:26 51:26 51:26 51:27 51:27 58/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Albert Jarmillo John Moore Katie Lee Ole Martin Nodenes Scott Severson James Cunningham Rosemary Grove Adam Mccambridge Charles Rook Robert Simpson Michael Davidson Michael Hursta Phil Moeller Paul Parungo Mike Clark Dennis Royal Jean Vanderpluym Ted Engelbert Michael Sanchez David Liberman Bob Stremick Jim Holder Ryan Dyer Kenneth Krzyzek David Scott Larry Griffin Glen Light Don Tubbs Dick Bevington David Hagard Quinn Mchenry Harold Dotson Barb Wilson Barbara Buckley Nathan Johnson David Swanson Michelle Wood Pamela Dirobio Harmina Mulder Robert Tuchman Doug Elliott Stacey Sahn Kim Watkinsonw Diane Bertram Dale Griffin Robert Medina Tom Richardson Linda Gabel Eugene Junk Renee Mullen Jake Thamm Mark Hintz Sandra Kuester Dennis O'Keefe Alvin Arlian Herb Wetzel Chuck Howell Kristina Lane Ken Paul Tom Benson David Sieh Fred Beam Lynn Leier Rich Thompson Dorothy Dearinger William Page Nancy Farese Peter Sanford Todd Heimel Helena Hostseung Douglas Kudrna John Barker Len Newton Sara Redman Robert Lopez Tracy Steinberg Scott Deitler Ed Johnson Gary Marison Michael Travers Paul Eklund Pete Klemp Nancy Mccarthy Joseph C Zimlich Page Gaines Stephen Remmert Martin Giandoni Brian Collins Michalyn Monson Allan Cunningham Barry Neese Dale Parrish Jim Blankenship Heather Louis Lisa Sisneros Michael Granberg Joseph Markham Laurie Sandall Greg Baldwin Tom Lagos DIV ------M28 M30 F26 M18 M10 M52 F45 M17 M44 M45 M20 F16 M52 M26 M20 M39 F32 M20 M42 M23 M32 M21 M14 M48 M27 M48 M16 M30 M49 M31 M20 M19 F46 F36 M32 M27 F24 F23 F41 M36 M32 F18 F32 F31 M43 M39 M27 F24 M50 F26 M35 M36 F21 M36 M39 M37 M39 F21 M30 M46 M28 M54 M48 M59 F33 M28 F28 M36 M19 F27 M27 M22 M30 F27 M39 F28 M32 M42 M39 M29 M46 M15 F34 M29 M52 M21 M37 M35 F24 M39 M37 M34 M33 F19 F29 M32 M40 F26 M29 M33 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------51:27 51:27 51:27 51:27 51:27 51:27 51:27 51:27 51:27 51:27 51:27 51:27 51:27 51:28 51:28 51:28 51:28 51:28 51:28 51:28 51:28 51:29 51:29 51:29 51:29 51:29 51:29 51:29 51:29 51:29 51:29 51:29 51:30 51:30 51:30 51:30 51:30 51:30 51:30 51:30 51:30 51:30 51:30 51:30 51:30 51:31 51:31 51:31 51:31 51:31 51:31 51:31 51:31 51:31 51:31 51:31 51:31 51:31 51:31 51:31 51:32 51:32 51:32 51:32 51:32 51:32 51:32 51:32 51:32 51:33 51:33 51:33 51:33 51:33 51:34 51:34 51:34 51:34 51:34 51:34 51:34 51:34 51:34 51:34 51:34 51:34 51:34 51:35 51:35 51:35 51:35 51:35 51:35 51:35 51:35 51:36 51:36 51:36 51:36 51:36 59/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Vicky Mathes Eric Sondeen John Cockrell Kelly Murphy Dave Spear Maria Dower R.Gary Rhodes Michelle Griffin Scott Masslich Mike Waggoner Brian Doak Shawn Harpin Craig Stevens Don Walford Rick Goodale David Knox John Studholme Peter Knudsen Lyle Vannier Chris Walther Martin Bell Noureddine Harche Steve Menth John Whitaker William Cooke Gordon Hayes Mary Ozimkowski Mark Fox Bart Kounovsky Anthony Goodrum Richard Lobato Mickey Palmer Scott Macnicholas Patsy Perea Fred Weber Mike Dropinski Geroge Mathes Michel Reimann Hilario Cavazos Tom Finley Keith Warner Cathy Covell Jim Grajek Russell Monson Linda Weaver James Dotter Mike Squire Mel Fores Tim Hughes Jeff Stanfield Michael Blackwell Don Scott Marable Paul Wnek Susan Brooks Pam Green Joseph Mata Robert Bruhn Paula Hackett George Mccuistion Linda Strian Chuck Dreyfus Debora Ferrel Damon Judd Bryan Froncek Bill Lienheiser Willard Schuler Larry Ehrlich Kathryn Garcia Susan Linze Lindasue Smollen Steven Bergin Katie Ewing Bodie Johnson Roy Kygar Cynthia Poole Jue Contreras Kevin Laux Joseph Ramey Wayne Allcott Steve Curl Robert Hampton Michael Maloney Steven Shade Ronald Baxter Douglas Garrett Eldon Hojam Bill Phillips Harry Willson Kaeth Brumbaugh John Gieger Joel Palmer Kim Goos David Pratt Paula Dascher Colin Larkin Harve Thompson James Ellman Ron LInsacum Elizabeth Garwood Gerald Cooper DIV ------F22 M34 M28 F28 M29 F25 M38 M39 M26 M32 M27 M15 M28 M42 M47 M29 M47 M20 M47 M44 M18 M28 M36 M35 M42 M41 F41 M31 M25 M22 M30 F42 M31 F39 M46 M34 M54 M38 M29 M21 M51 F42 M41 M34 F29 M33 M22 M28 M29 M32 M29 M29 M38 F34 F35 M37 M25 F27 M42 F20 M34 F32 M13 M30 M40 M41 M28 F31 F24 F35 M26 F20 M8 M29 F33 M35 M31 M57 M46 M40 M37 M36 M34 M41 F35 M33 M46 M36 M31 M31 M16 F25 M28 F27 M17 M43 F34 M30 F23 M40 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------51:36 51:36 51:36 51:36 51:36 51:36 51:36 51:37 51:37 51:37 51:37 51:37 51:37 51:37 51:37 51:37 51:37 51:37 51:37 51:37 51:37 51:38 51:38 51:38 51:38 51:38 51:38 51:38 51:38 51:38 51:38 51:38 51:39 51:39 51:39 51:39 51:39 51:39 51:39 51:39 51:39 51:39 51:39 51:39 51:39 51:39 51:40 51:40 51:40 51:40 51:40 51:40 51:40 51:40 51:40 51:40 51:40 51:40 51:41 51:41 51:41 51:41 51:41 51:41 51:41 51:41 51:41 51:41 51:41 51:41 51:41 51:41 51:41 51:42 51:42 51:42 51:42 51:42 51:42 51:42 51:42 51:42 51:42 51:42 51:42 51:42 51:42 51:42 51:42 51:42 51:43 51:43 51:43 51:43 51:43 51:43 51:43 51:43 51:43 51:44 60/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Darrell Herk Steve Thomas Scott Curry Chris Hill Betsy Egeland John Lawrence Curtis Andres John Austin Ron Evans Laurie Scott Larry Trevaskis Larry Barton Cheryl Fisher Chris Henning Cynthia Jacobi Craig Winterhof Duane Bradley Bill Gilbertson John Lindeberg William Breckenridge Brian Greefe Geoffrey Heron Thomas Segura Doug Andreen Rebecca Felts Rick Hand Reinhard Hohensee Mary Peet Tom Castle James Zeeb Robert Fries Sandra Hunter William Wrzos Douglas Lobb Kent Sump Carol Crowder Augusta Warden David Law Nancy Smalley Eric Steinkamp John Bartholomew Cynthia Mckay Christopher Viallpando Kim Dooley Ron Richards Neal Reining Hubert Greenwood Ed Stephenson Lawrence Gudger Charles Parke Warren Taranow Donna Hanenburg John Rakofski Brent Cielinski Gene Muse David Clark Tony Sanchez Michael Corcoran Roy a Hunter III Pat Sutton Rudy Deutschmann David Jones Betsy Wood Caris Clark Bradley Eigsti John Mc Elhenney Beth Worrall Debbie Hubbell Brad Ketai Chad Wuthrich Thomas Hynan Robert Marshman Mike Johnson Jonaven Moore Cindy Sue Gepfert Richard Jimenez Don Purves Melvyn Branch Elizabeth Fox Beryl Kammer Roseanne Thenell Brett Dolenc Michael Fryer Carlos Kintero George Basquez Jim Feehan Walt Gasson Joan Mayes Michael Bessler William Tryon Joe Grove Jim Linfield Carolanne Turtle Rex Horne Vincent Massey Robert Willson Enrique Arguedas Matthew Humphrey Tom Niebrugge Jed Jultak DIV ------M46 M42 M27 M35 F33 M44 M23 M51 M33 F28 M41 M44 F27 M29 F42 M33 M37 M38 M33 M34 M32 M44 M28 M39 F17 M26 M40 F36 M31 M43 M47 F39 M41 M20 M35 F27 F30 M35 F62 M29 M47 F31 M11 F31 M41 M28 M52 M36 MM24 M44 M26 F24 M33 M34 M53 M44 M36 M33 M32 M36 M44 M37 F28 M17 F28 M31 F16 F35 M31 M16 M44 M29 M36 M9 F31 M40 M34 M44 F18 F30 F27 M15 M20 M30 M53 M30 M34 F38 M51 M41 M46 M26 F15 M33 M26 M35 M51 M29 M38 M37 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------51:44 51:44 51:44 51:44 51:44 51:44 51:44 51:44 51:44 51:44 51:45 51:45 51:45 51:45 51:45 51:45 51:45 51:45 51:45 51:45 51:45 51:45 51:45 51:45 51:45 51:45 51:45 51:46 51:46 51:46 51:46 51:47 51:47 51:47 51:47 51:47 51:47 51:48 51:48 51:48 51:48 51:48 51:48 51:48 51:48 51:49 51:49 51:49 51:49 51:49 51:49 51:49 51:49 51:49 51:49 51:50 51:50 51:50 51:50 51:50 51:50 51:50 51:50 51:50 51:50 51:50 51:51 51:51 51:51 51:51 51:51 51:51 51:51 51:51 51:51 51:52 51:52 51:52 51:52 51:52 51:52 51:52 51:52 51:52 51:52 51:52 51:52 51:52 51:52 51:53 51:53 51:53 51:53 51:53 51:53 51:53 51:53 51:53 51:53 51:53 61/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Rhonda Woodard Kathy Fabrizio Peter Hauck David Peterzell David Baumgartner Pierre Fogal Scot Macinning Randy Sagara Robert Coscia Lambert Franklin Michael Martens Karen White Jim Deckelman Chald Gonzales Gary Meyer Aaron Schmidt Barry Vanaman Robert Balling Ernie Poggi Ian Siegrist Shirlely Vargo Richard Jessor Amelia Reighard Jeremy Siegrist Gene Wickes Stewart Mc Chesney Paul Thomas Bob Vickery David Berry Olaga Hnizdil Gary Loveless Lee Sorensen Janet Brown Michelle Holliday Peter Makuta David Taylor June Gannon Bikka Kuruvica Rose Nelson Patrick Loeber Pam Selle Steven Chie Don Mckenna Garth Spiller Richard Beall Burke Gilbertson Kelly Nicholas Michael Celderon Thomas Healy Don Celestino Jesse Lipschuetz Clayton Peterson Tracy Miller Julie Sharla Judy Bata Steve Wigotow Cynthia Elsey James Falgout Bownie Jouard David Van Buskirk Mark Foster Michael Lofing Marie White Mary Minion Jack Edwards John Hudetz Roger Preston William Cobb Steve Ortiz David Whitehead Ray Friedman Jerry Peterson Christine Young Ted Ridder Barry Anthony Stephanie Morton Matt Shaw Christine Poplaskie Philip Heller Doug Miller Lindsay Sweetser Thomas Payne Steven Tracy Jerry Egge Teoduro Inniro Rick Pease James White Clay Ellis Cesar Madlang Dean Pacello Cheryl Shaul Werner Dehrmann Nick W Gilida Gary Judd Ronald Williams William Gross David Kintzele Angelo Demarzo Francis Hannah Shawn Kssner DIV ------F35 F33 M33 M28 M47 M27 M30 M23 M37 M37 M37 F32 M32 M39 M26 M11 M21 M51 M34 M18 F39 M64 F22 M18 M36 M51 M44 M40 M29 F44 M37 M25 F35 F23 M34 M27 F23 M18 F21 M24 F31 M46 M35 M15 M35 M28 F16 M31 M36 M34 M47 M43 F25 F28 F45 M39 F49 M32 F28 M35 M27 M32 F32 M35 M51 M44 M42 M40 M31 M45 M52 M46 F39 M34 M51 F26 M13 F30 M33 M24 F26 M29 M42 M40 M21 M33 M49 M27 M40 M32 F27 M25 M22 M48 M45 M40 M39 M25 M29 M25 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------51:54 51:54 51:54 51:54 51:54 51:54 51:54 51:54 51:54 51:54 51:54 51:54 51:54 51:54 51:55 51:55 51:55 51:55 51:55 51:55 51:55 51:55 51:55 51:55 51:55 51:55 51:55 51:56 51:56 51:56 51:56 51:56 51:56 51:56 51:56 51:56 51:56 51:56 51:56 51:56 51:56 51:57 51:57 51:57 51:57 51:57 51:57 51:57 51:57 51:57 51:57 51:57 51:58 51:58 51:58 51:58 51:58 51:59 51:59 51:59 51:59 51:59 51:59 51:59 51:59 51:59 51:59 52:00 52:00 52:00 52:00 52:00 52:00 52:00 52:00 52:00 52:00 52:01 52:01 52:01 52:01 52:01 52:01 52:01 52:01 52:01 52:01 52:01 52:01 52:02 52:02 52:02 52:02 52:02 52:02 52:02 52:02 52:02 52:02 52:02 62/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Dan Pierce Bernard Fishman Dan Hester David Martinez Christopher Butler Mark Firnhaber Donna-Marie Martinez Theresa Casey Austin Weiss William Raisner Thomas Bogan Wesley Debaca Douglas Lundstrom Jim Tharp Michael Broach Heidi Dupre Bruce Schachterle Gregory Jacobs Travis Thompson Travis Noreen William Van Doorninck Bill Bayleff Jack Wismer Thomas Bigler Anthony Ridole Elizabeth Beckett James Krueger Tim Noreen James Tharp John Curran James Maloney John O'Brien Jane Waggener Frederick Deubler Gerald Olson Brett Kerin Robert Meyer Fred Berkelhammer Joan Emerson John Roderick Tom Craighead Gordon Gregg Landy Williams Susan Harrison Lyle Bareiss Connie Doster Christopher Phillips Barbara Bareiss Pam Ferguson Marilyn Pearson Dennis Carey Bob Given Susan Robinson Allan Horton Linda Watkins Jim Abbey Marie Deltoro Joy Lynn Meyer Adrian Rojas Mike Coco Louis Iantgrno John Rounds Marcus Medina Bob Robert Svenson Bob Dischner Howard Reddick Oralia Brown Chris Fuller Donald Baker Brennan Clayton Mark Michaud David Crosby Ken Parno John Briggs Gary Hammer Greg Smith Matthew Anctil Kim Carver Gordon Hercod Troy Zink Richard Braddy Larry Lagerberg Nancy Riordan Dean Myers Jesse Rivera James Urban Craig Christopher Lee Pederson Dennis Shepherd Richard Walters Tim Kramer Shawn Penland BOb Stehlir Greg Kurtz Dave Abeyta Steven Long Douglas Dent Tony Marinac Michael O'Brien Eric Garin DIV ------M32 M50 M34 M28 M32 M36 F37 F27 M25 M41 M29 M22 M32 M9 M41 M26 M42 M41 M14 M19 M48 M48 M42 M41 M48 F31 M24 M26 M41 M41 M28 M30 F43 M42 M30 M14 M40 M31 F28 M35 M37 M43 M45 F34 M43 F34 M47 F46 F30 F44 M48 M45 F32 M41 F34 M26 F32 F28 M39 M57 M34 M27 M13 M40 M39 M51 F25 M28 M39 M42 M40 M32 M99 M32 M33 M40 M33 M36 M53 M24 M33 M23 F37 M38 M31 M53 M38 M32 M48 M40 M37 M29 M41 M33 M44 M35 M34 M36 M33 M31 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------52:02 52:02 52:02 52:03 52:03 52:03 52:03 52:03 52:03 52:03 52:03 52:03 52:03 52:03 52:03 52:03 52:04 52:04 52:04 52:04 52:04 52:04 52:04 52:04 52:05 52:05 52:05 52:05 52:05 52:05 52:05 52:05 52:05 52:05 52:05 52:05 52:05 52:06 52:06 52:06 52:06 52:06 52:06 52:06 52:06 52:06 52:06 52:07 52:07 52:07 52:07 52:07 52:07 52:07 52:07 52:07 52:07 52:07 52:08 52:08 52:08 52:08 52:08 52:08 52:08 52:08 52:08 52:08 52:09 52:09 52:09 52:09 52:09 52:09 52:09 52:09 52:09 52:09 52:09 52:10 52:10 52:10 52:10 52:10 52:10 52:10 52:10 52:10 52:10 52:10 52:10 52:10 52:10 52:11 52:11 52:11 52:11 52:11 52:11 52:11 63/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Michael Mcquaid Judith Vanderkyn Tony Girodo Alesa Klein Susan Loveless Paul Atcheson Jue Hendrickson Raymond Ross Toni Drever Jan Ingam David Kosht Henry Stevens Steve Ford Ronald Joutras Thomas Larcher Kathleen Valyo Ed Shaw James Doyle Dianne Wittroff Jerry Fransua Mark Herhold Jim Zigarelli Todd Gerlings Craig Moore Amy Gray Juanie Vandembos Don Deckard Byron Sayers Todd Williams Amy Forrestal Richard Loche Jeo Schoedel Jay Holliday Jerry Oenning Willard Simms Earl Christian Donald Kronig Roger Prusse David Peterson Frank Van Rensselaer Janell Hahn Gerry Huttrer Mark Maxwell Greg Robinson Roy Burger Winston Hall Mark Jordan Gary Nowell Bill Ahlstrand Robert Savage Larry Campbell Rick Hallett James Loveless David Peters Pam Bollinger Melalnie Singer Raymond Gorves Barbara Hershelman Nick Zieser Scott Orrino Nancy Kirk Tim Simon Melanie Loveless Christopher Theiss Eric Gudim Brian Martson Jason Stuere Lee Cortelyou Sam Hammerschmidt Dean Muhle Don Vaughn Joanne Fulco Karen Jackson Joseph Schockman Michael Weber Jared Gorves Fran Sollo David Webster David Dumler Donna Lawson Jason Brenkert Stephen Dunham George Munoz Ray Christensen Bruce Jansen Kevin Potter William Karsell Debi Wingerter Ann B Steward Linda Case Henry Munoz Jeff Vigil Robert Hill Allan Prochazka Frank Wierzbicki Carol Rupkalvis Jeff Mork Justin Matott Lee Wilkinson Alex Beard DIV ------M17 F30 M42 M13 F27 M36 M41 M45 M45 F31 M26 M50 M19 M31 M35 F32 M46 M28 F40 M43 M22 M37 M33 M21 F18 F23 M31 M33 M18 F22 M37 M15 M36 M43 M34 M45 M38 M37 M49 M49 F24 M50 M31 M31 M33 M40 M23 M33 M44 M45 M39 M28 M29 M25 F25 F31 M42 F45 M31 M27 F33 M32 F30 M12 M23 M36 M18 M35 M42 M55 M44 F30 F32 M10 M36 M8 F31 M17 M15 F40 M12 M43 M30 M37 M39 M17 M39 F36 F38 F28 M27 M35 M43 M36 M46 F42 M25 M27 M27 M30 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------52:11 52:11 52:12 52:12 52:12 52:12 52:12 52:12 52:12 52:12 52:12 52:12 52:12 52:12 52:12 52:12 52:13 52:13 52:13 52:13 52:13 52:13 52:13 52:13 52:13 52:14 52:14 52:14 52:14 52:14 52:14 52:14 52:14 52:14 52:14 52:14 52:14 52:14 52:15 52:15 52:15 52:15 52:15 52:15 52:15 52:15 52:15 52:15 52:15 52:15 52:15 52:15 52:15 52:15 52:15 52:15 52:15 52:15 52:16 52:16 52:16 52:16 52:16 52:16 52:17 52:17 52:17 52:17 52:17 52:17 52:17 52:17 52:17 52:17 52:17 52:17 52:17 52:17 52:18 52:18 52:18 52:18 52:18 52:18 52:18 52:18 52:18 52:18 52:19 52:19 52:19 52:19 52:19 52:19 52:19 52:19 52:19 52:20 52:20 52:20 64/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Dun Burnham Jeff Hendry Russell Rippetoe Mike Woolf Randy Bonner Gary Case Bradley Krinhop Jay Robinson Rogers Coke Larry Kuehn James Arbuckle Ed Crean Tim Oberuc Bonnie Kelahan Joan Myers Malcolm Wilson Larry Kneeskern Jeff Nelson Roger Christenson Fred Manio Bob Fanch Randi Mitchem Steve Gombosi David King Peter Stonington Fritz Hoff Tom Kremer David Swinehart Eric Debrick Jan Howard Brent Whittingtom Darby Fuerst John Jares David Matthews Dan Zenkel Michael Kelahan Kathy Mcintosh Thomas R Wilson Theresa Costello Mark Lawrence Marr Oblinger Archer Witherell James Falkenstine Gerald Puls Mark Woltz Nancy Haggod John Lehaman David Stone Alfred Gary Fahlstedt David Pickett-Heaps Kurt Eggleston Richard Garrison Douglass Qualls Nick J Gilida Lori Roth Mag Facot Doug Mc Crimmon Colleen Cushing Susan Schechter Jeffrey Bowen David Jackman Philip Sullivan Robert Mercer Robert Volzer Maklin Brusberg Heidi Perkins James Woods Ann Bennett Colleen Cain Joe Mayes Amy Wolf Dwight Bailey Sandy Freed Paul Knauth Pete Young Jeffrey Holm John Kwiatkowski Craig Meade Terry Cassara Jeffrey Huff Daniel Luttrell Mike Pszanka Jim Fox Dennis Jones George Lochhead Nancy Madison Cliffrod Sogi Tom Kelley Mark Pigg Stephen Viallpando David Leistikow Christopher Plott Michael Laughlin James Clark Chip Logan Kevin Espindza Linda Sorensen Pam Thomas Wendy Holmes Greg Taylor DIV ------M47 M32 M13 M38 M44 M34 M22 M29 M44 M46 M42 M28 M32 F34 F37 M33 M27 M29 M36 M32 M42 F25 M33 M34 M38 M21 M32 M33 M30 F30 M33 M39 M23 M45 M31 M33 F38 M43 F31 M40 M34 M48 M42 M63 M31 F33 M22 M41 M39 M22 M30 M35 M31 M48 F25 F33 M57 F23 F26 M26 M32 M45 M46 M41 M49 F24 M25 F45 F26 M39 F27 M25 F30 M42 M51 M32 M38 M35 M34 M31 M39 M16 M42 M41 M26 F27 M36 M44 M23 M35 M45 M29 M29 M28 M25 M15 F29 F23 F33 M26 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------52:20 52:20 52:20 52:20 52:20 52:20 52:20 52:20 52:20 52:20 52:20 52:20 52:21 52:21 52:21 52:21 52:21 52:21 52:21 52:21 52:21 52:21 52:22 52:22 52:22 52:22 52:22 52:22 52:22 52:22 52:22 52:22 52:22 52:22 52:22 52:23 52:23 52:23 52:23 52:23 52:23 52:23 52:23 52:23 52:23 52:23 52:23 52:23 52:24 52:24 52:24 52:24 52:24 52:24 52:24 52:24 52:24 52:24 52:25 52:25 52:25 52:25 52:25 52:25 52:25 52:25 52:25 52:25 52:25 52:26 52:26 52:26 52:26 52:26 52:26 52:26 52:26 52:26 52:26 52:26 52:26 52:26 52:26 52:26 52:27 52:27 52:27 52:27 52:27 52:27 52:27 52:27 52:28 52:28 52:28 52:28 52:28 52:28 52:28 52:28 65/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Eileen Anderson Donald Kava Gail Osborne Pat Kirk James Rabbitt Joseph M Macupa Paul Whiteside Terry Hayens Steve Oakley Thomas Boston Tudd Ellingson Laura Pigg Sheryl Grockocki Luis Portillo Mary Beth Wilson Heidi Cary Charles Langan Dwayne Strasheim Louie Diamond Douglas Lennox Lynne Vincent John Habergerger Bruce Magnuson Kele Johnson Greg Martin Dana Stotsky James Kinkead Marc Reasoner Herschel Goodberg Steven Little Barbara Ruddy Martha Pomares Richard Harrison Curtis Rullestad Rod Lueders Kayleen Temple Deborah Andrew William Nuzzo Barbie Williams Gene Gornnert Barry Ebert John Stromheck Ann Burns Robert Nelson Donald Young Bill Cochran Michael Sherva Bob Dykes Dave Sommer Elizabeth Lee Mark Trujillo James Dowing Jose Morales Kathryn Firmin Frank Perez Thomas Burns John Holley Mike Roadifer David Gundersen Rod Card Stephen Ivey Howard Gorbach Brado Johnson Stan Nicholas Everharo Fischer Pete Montoya Bob Schmieder Jeff Bohl Joanne Fowler John Moore Teddd Stocker Arthur Bragg Carl Maneri Richard Nelson Garrett Talocco John Elmuccio Paul Orvis David Walbrecher Robert Greer Nadine Medina-Archulet Troy Trujillo Leonard Chacon Craig Hesmett Jeff Olson Mark Wellbrock Elizabeth Evans Elizabeth Logan Marilyn Thompson David Mchattie Kenneth Traut Andy Johnson Tracy Miller Jill Fattor Bud Laber Kathleen Hartwigsen Kent Laber Terry Hull Lynne Mavis Mo Bray Mary Raymond DIV ------F27 M56 F32 F35 M31 M39 M32 M49 M43 M40 M27 F24 M24 M21 F27 F26 M39 M49 M48 M39 F30 M43 M41 F21 M58 M30 M49 M31 M39 M27 F32 F31 M36 M31 M42 F28 F30 M42 F27 M47 M39 M44 F30 M38 M43 M42 M38 M43 M49 F30 M28 M38 M25 F24 M50 M31 M49 M21 M41 M45 M25 M41 M30 M46 M43 M57 M38 M13 F43 M25 M38 M34 M40 M31 M39 M39 M46 M30 M24 F31 M16 M15 M31 M36 M26 F25 F21 F58 M29 M36 M20 F22 F19 M45 F32 M22 M42 F35 M33 F29 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------52:28 52:29 52:29 52:29 52:29 52:29 52:29 52:29 52:29 52:30 52:30 52:30 52:30 52:30 52:30 52:30 52:30 52:30 52:30 52:30 52:30 52:31 52:31 52:31 52:31 52:31 52:31 52:31 52:31 52:31 52:31 52:32 52:32 52:32 52:32 52:32 52:32 52:32 52:32 52:32 52:33 52:33 52:33 52:33 52:33 52:33 52:33 52:33 52:33 52:34 52:34 52:34 52:34 52:34 52:34 52:34 52:34 52:34 52:35 52:35 52:35 52:35 52:35 52:35 52:36 52:36 52:36 52:36 52:36 52:36 52:36 52:36 52:36 52:36 52:36 52:36 52:36 52:36 52:37 52:37 52:37 52:37 52:37 52:37 52:37 52:37 52:37 52:37 52:37 52:37 52:38 52:38 52:38 52:38 52:38 52:38 52:38 52:38 52:38 52:39 66/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Neil Weiner Paula Brunger Alan Martin Chuck Stewart Peter Weir Douglas Broyles Dave Francis Robert Otte Dennis Swaney Rob Young Mark Hull Tim Rath Larry Lodi John Zack Kelly Cotter Dan Mccarthy Heather Schaiberger Biran E Johnson Ken Montoya Dr Michael Sharbel Michael Johnson Travis Wade James D Brooks Joe Mayer Kathleen Quinlan Raymond Vardeman Tom Chenault William Garrett Amy Muller Shelly Woodman Sue Alderman Eileen Doolan Dawlee Hayes William Shaffer Chardin Bersto Janelle Hayes Paul Strong Peggy Zemach Paul Brennan Nina Emerson Steve Mcdermett Karen Retsky Jerry Weier Holly Bender Robin Hofman Annelise Nelson Jason Schneider Roy Whitmore Jackie Clough Scott Janes Barry Steward Laura Gambrel Alex Konarnitsky Warren Paris Bruce Vires Thomas Granados Larry Metzger Gary Swain Bryan Baum Danny Lively Craig Temaat Ann Reber Lawrence Walsh Daniel Baer David Broberg Fred Sindt Jerry Zeamer Mary Barr Susan Hensey Les Berry Kim Hobert Carolyn Langford John Hoffman Thomas Pacheco Steve Tubbs Dennis Brown Glenn Hunter Shammon Rogers Steve Hagen Bob Julyan Donna Shumaker Rick Bode Lisa Ratterree Randy Coatney Andrew Rudoff Bret Hale Jeff Thompson Rick Bartz Kathleen Hanaoka David Warrender Sarah Sudbeck April Mangone David Trabold Marvin Champton Eric Olsen Cortland Weaver Gary Zuelke Curt Colby Sergio Rico Richard Wills DIV ------M33 M36 M28 M35 M36 M43 M64 M27 M50 M32 M14 M28 M38 M36 F26 M34 F17 M39 M35 M40 M46 M37 M35 M46 F30 M39 M37 M24 F20 F32 F20 F32 F16 M38 M36 F16 M28 F31 M46 F32 M44 F22 M43 F34 F24 F26 M18 M37 F52 M29 M43 F31 M25 M26 M39 M26 M42 M30 M30 M30 M24 F28 M33 M22 M49 M52 M29 F44 F28 M55 F15 F47 M34 M34 M11 M39 M38 F15 M41 M46 F38 F29 F28 M32 M26 M30 M25 M34 F34 M28 F26 F31 M31 M50 M27 M39 M47 M39 M22 M40 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------52:39 52:39 52:39 52:39 52:39 52:39 52:39 52:39 52:39 52:39 52:39 52:39 52:39 52:40 52:40 52:40 52:40 52:40 52:40 52:40 52:40 52:40 52:40 52:40 52:40 52:41 52:41 52:41 52:41 52:41 52:41 52:41 52:41 52:41 52:41 52:41 52:41 52:41 52:41 52:41 52:41 52:42 52:42 52:42 52:42 52:42 52:42 52:42 52:42 52:42 52:42 52:42 52:42 52:42 52:42 52:42 52:42 52:43 52:43 52:43 52:43 52:43 52:43 52:43 52:43 52:43 52:43 52:43 52:43 52:44 52:44 52:44 52:44 52:44 52:44 52:44 52:44 52:44 52:44 52:44 52:44 52:45 52:45 52:45 52:45 52:45 52:45 52:45 52:45 52:45 52:46 52:46 52:46 52:46 52:46 52:46 52:46 52:46 52:46 52:46 67/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Larry Fayer J L Levi Gary Pehrson Kevin Fosse Mickey Keenan Lauren Reidel Devin Galloway William Ketih Ed Mcvancy Rod Roehrich Melen Hatyes Joanne Keys Penelope O'Donnell Andrea Ziegleer Dennis Duff Debbie Hoover Larry Norby George King Paige Norton Patricia Kinkel Carl Mallery Rodge Rodgers Richard Long Richard Mcdougall Tom Winberry Margie Macaulay Leslie Carpenter Augie Trujillo Christine kelly Mark Nelson Cort Pierpont George Caulkins Joseph Wyatt James Ferrel Richard Luna Perry Nelson George Shoning Tou Courtney John C Fischer Bill Major Ryota Ono Lori Smith Gregory Feldman JR Robert Harland Dan Mallally Jim Stiehl Teresa Denzinger Bob Jarrett Mike Thulson Maureen Ellmure Kent Johnson Frank Toland Jeffrey Carleton Stanley Goldberg Michelle Moore Gary L Widemshek Nancy Czak Jessica Rabb Michael Ulrich Myra Barwin Gary Kelsic Marla Mosfley Dennis Schwab Dale White Jack Booker Beth Kelsoc Amy Norton Jeanne Smiley Suzanne Brannon Min-Min Ld Craig Petty James Moran Richard Phares Tracy Grindrod Michael Muskin Mona Smith Carol Johnson Damon Nickola Paul Sunde Karen Clancy-Cribby Steven Lazar Rich Coker Maryellen Marriner Mai-Linh Hutchinson Larry Marquis Greg Rood Richard Irvin Leonard Martinez Dang Sale Robert King John Thompson Jim Foley Greg Lundie Jue Naranjo Sharon Dillon W. Craig Heymann Clifford Sommer Jeremy Zeid Peter Allen Michael Ellis DIV ------M46 M41 M43 M37 M33 F30 M36 M26 M48 M33 F26 F28 F40 F20 M33 F33 M38 M54 F23 F39 M31 M67 M41 M24 M35 F26 M30 M28 F36 M17 M47 M24 M33 M34 M36 M26 M50 M21 M43 M46 M31 F22 M29 M24 M41 M42 F29 M50 M31 F29 M35 M34 M32 M61 F19 M40 F17 F18 M42 F35 M34 F41 M40 M35 M54 F35 F25 F34 F30 F20 M18 M36 M43 M29 M34 M32 F30 M24 M32 F24 M37 M41 F36 F18 M29 M19 M42 M27 F29 M31 M18 M47 M31 M32 F37 M34 M45 M12 M42 M26 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------52:46 52:47 52:47 52:47 52:47 52:47 52:47 52:47 52:47 52:47 52:47 52:47 52:47 52:47 52:47 52:47 52:48 52:48 52:48 52:48 52:48 52:48 52:48 52:48 52:48 52:48 52:49 52:49 52:49 52:49 52:49 52:49 52:49 52:49 52:49 52:49 52:49 52:49 52:49 52:49 52:49 52:49 52:49 52:49 52:49 52:50 52:50 52:50 52:50 52:50 52:50 52:50 52:50 52:50 52:50 52:50 52:50 52:51 52:51 52:51 52:51 52:51 52:51 52:51 52:51 52:51 52:51 52:51 52:51 52:51 52:51 52:51 52:52 52:52 52:52 52:52 52:52 52:52 52:52 52:52 52:52 52:52 52:52 52:53 52:53 52:53 52:53 52:53 52:53 52:53 52:53 52:53 52:53 52:53 52:54 52:54 52:54 52:54 52:54 52:54 68/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Robert Larson Richard Spaid Kay Zeman Richard Buerman Barbara Nyarady Fred Trentaz Susan Collins John Quade Thomas Walsh Randy Acevedo James B Brooks Bruce Hough Tom Ritzoorf Linda Carlson Scott Means Fidel Salazar Jim Casart Gloria Montoya Robert Hernandez Steve Nyarady Jim Hackworth Ron Sedlock Jeff Bray Roy Mccoy Matt Taylor Betty Geathart Lyle Miller Tom Gleason Louis Poniros George Williams Philip Boruch Bob Mueller Jay Arnold Eric Matheson Jason Orvis John Hay Amy Mcclintock Kenneth Klingenstein Ron Minard Mark Squires John Kole Kim Daniels Barb Lee Alfred Petrick Rich Taziri Joe Delich Missy Mcginnis Dan Waltz Ron Edwards Laura Melvin Susan Plotner Kavin Weber Kara Jump Terry Peterson Jerry Schott Linda Bonato John Respess Ann D Wilson Tom Butler Jason Wright Mark Drobeck Gary Sobol Jim Mcginnis Todo Soule Stan Lucke Charles Schlaufman ED Glottstein Steve Seltzer Stan Grant Tom Mccrmick Jim Wilson Cindy Baxt Bill Holts Roger Ogea John Young Tyler Erickson Ed Mclaughlin Karen Baldridge Steve Palaschek Alan Craig Gregory Martien Jason Post Robert Erickson Gary Mccoy Marge Scheffner Imchael Inman Lisa Coker Jim Walters Jeffrey Fowler Gregory Oakes Chris Harris Shannan Steele Hillari Kunz Jeff Straw Kathi Burns Donald Riley Linda Dunn Gregory Rusk Mary Anderson Bart Farmer DIV ------M41 M23 F34 M37 F39 M47 F32 M34 M38 M28 M43 M33 M42 F32 M46 M31 M37 F41 M28 M39 M39 M43 M23 M32 F19 F33 M35 M28 M44 M53 M30 M38 M21 M28 M17 M39 F27 M42 M20 M31 M35 F29 F20 M62 M41 M17 F18 M40 M39 F30 F37 M26 F17 M13 M30 F33 M38 F35 M43 M12 M37 M49 M45 M26 M39 M37 M30 M43 M49 M57 M52 F33 M42 M38 M49 M18 M33 F30 M30 M40 M26 M13 M47 M47 F32 M40 F32 M29 M42 M35 M33 F14 F28 M34 F35 M60 F36 M42 F52 M40 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------52:54 52:54 52:54 52:54 52:54 52:54 52:54 52:54 52:54 52:54 52:55 52:55 52:55 52:55 52:55 52:55 52:55 52:55 52:55 52:55 52:56 52:56 52:56 52:56 52:56 52:56 52:56 52:56 52:56 52:56 52:56 52:57 52:57 52:57 52:57 52:57 52:57 52:57 52:57 52:57 52:57 52:58 52:58 52:58 52:58 52:58 52:58 52:58 52:58 52:58 52:58 52:58 52:58 52:58 52:58 52:59 52:59 52:59 52:59 52:59 52:59 52:59 52:59 52:59 53:00 53:00 53:00 53:00 53:00 53:00 53:00 53:00 53:00 53:00 53:00 53:00 53:01 53:01 53:01 53:01 53:01 53:01 53:01 53:01 53:01 53:01 53:02 53:02 53:02 53:02 53:02 53:02 53:02 53:02 53:03 53:03 53:03 53:03 53:03 53:03 69/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Jane Jackson James Shaw Ken Bosch Johna Grunt Steve Oldham John Vukich Ron Kirby Jim Stennette Melinda Bell Michel Schick Jack Touseull Chris Wickham Charles Borda Gregory Jaeger Galen Smith Eddie Tubbs Jeffra Davey Tim Joseph Dan St. Clair Sherman Wenger Jerry Higgins Dale Colgan Kevin Weiss Douglas Banks John Collins Eileen Morrissey Terry Willis Patty Black Larry Foot Robert Ritthaler Kenneth Anderson Dale Butler Rita Lorang Louise Taylor Scot Anderson Tito Estrada Donald Seckinger Ryan Bentley David Bowman Julia Evon Martin Blaser Dana Boyle Ruth Herrera Dawnelle Aragon Dave Bosch Michael Enos Barb Neary Stuart Bedoll Lynn Haas Steve Urban Jeff Anderson Cathy Henderson Andrew Gaydash Kevin Johnson Allan Staker Clayton R Fell James Talley Frank Lamb Bill Ward Donald Chadbourne Richard Swenson Timothy Weiss Chuck Clare William Zimmerman Michael George Sally Tulk Paula Parrott Jan Yates Scott Schmidt David Clifton Hunter Smith Brian Hunsaker Willaim Saunders Robert Butler Dean Kjar Don Shaw Alan Desautels Melanie Mason Bo Ellis Preston Pierce Karen St Germaine Paula Kathol Krisanne Ryan Rick Bohlender Keith Haney Rudy Minjarez Steve Thogersen Marcia Brewer Richard Horinka Ray Wachter Dan Davis Roger Hughes Marcus Painter Karen Fiester Wayne Ogden Nancy Creigh Jerry Joyce Len Loudis Stephanie Outcalt Steve Cremer DIV ------F40 M40 M43 F47 M35 M32 M38 M37 F31 M24 M37 M42 M35 M30 M45 M45 F31 M22 M35 M41 M41 M28 M32 M41 M28 F32 M36 F43 M40 M37 M26 M37 F24 F45 M30 M27 M56 M16 M31 F27 M56 F33 F16 F17 M37 M27 F25 M31 M46 M35 M45 F36 M35 M30 M44 M29 M44 M39 M31 M38 M24 M28 M46 M34 M44 F38 F33 F29 M27 M44 M40 M26 M41 M26 M31 M37 M38 F32 M29 M39 F34 F26 F24 M41 M24 M13 M35 F36 M35 M47 M30 M27 M29 F38 M47 F35 M33 M48 F24 M29 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------53:03 53:03 53:03 53:03 53:03 53:03 53:04 53:04 53:04 53:04 53:04 53:04 53:04 53:04 53:04 53:04 53:04 53:04 53:04 53:04 53:04 53:05 53:05 53:05 53:05 53:05 53:05 53:05 53:05 53:05 53:05 53:05 53:05 53:05 53:05 53:06 53:06 53:06 53:06 53:06 53:06 53:06 53:06 53:06 53:06 53:06 53:06 53:06 53:07 53:07 53:07 53:07 53:07 53:07 53:07 53:08 53:08 53:08 53:08 53:08 53:08 53:08 53:08 53:09 53:09 53:09 53:09 53:09 53:09 53:09 53:09 53:10 53:10 53:10 53:10 53:10 53:10 53:10 53:10 53:10 53:10 53:11 53:11 53:11 53:11 53:11 53:11 53:11 53:11 53:11 53:11 53:11 53:11 53:11 53:12 53:12 53:12 53:12 53:12 53:12 70/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------John Miller Debra Trapp Nick Hewitt Kristi Mitchell William Campbell Brian Holland Pete Squires Ernest Johnson Paul Lewis Oat Whitney IV Dan Johnston Jeanne Moore Paul Lawrence Rick Morgan Warren Hughes Kent Hansey Daniel Mcclain Chris Joseph Malcolm Mccoy Joseph III Barach Steven Maxfield Roy Ogden Gary Block Dean Stull John Caldwell Marilyn Stephens Jim Bockstahler Tom Moser Mary Tatum Wayne Boyer Scott Pigg David Cain Jo Stromberg Patricia Emigh Eric Qalberg Doug Smith Tum Trjillo Leslie Magnus Roger Reisher Michael Stevens Greg Vickers Thomas Brophy Ernie Oetter Chuck Stober Ronald Dietz Jeffrey Parkhill Jay Sadler Randy Sterns Mark Driver Brian Long Jean Rachubinski John Stevens Lorri Ellis Jeff Monroe Brian Rindels John O'Brien Michael Scarbalis Rick Wagner Tom Carrow John Huntington Jeffery Quintana Bruderick Webb Caroline Beedy Ron Mullins Stephan Tinnes Stephen Brown Frank Riggle Tomm Lamm Lori Sorelle Mike Valentine Mark Meredith Ron Thorstensen David Reid Tim Tafoya Kieth Fliedner September Meade Warken Parsons David Rogers Coors Bennett Cliff Gonzales Roger Quintana Juan Sanchez Peter Canaday Ryan White Lani Jacques Jim Oswalt Gregory Ratterree Mag Strittmatter Elise Flesher Karen Macmurtrie Mardell Palmer Deanna Soulis Jared Carbone Dennis Johnson John Coon Shirley Marecak Linda Gillespie Kathy Scarbalis David Soister James Barrow DIV ------M45 F30 M35 F16 M44 M38 M35 M29 M41 M18 M29 F28 M21 M44 M34 M38 M29 M19 M33 M10 M10 M29 M28 M39 M44 F42 M24 M41 F24 M44 M22 M38 F37 F40 M30 M39 M53 F37 M60 M21 M27 M31 M39 M29 M35 M25 M43 M19 M29 M12 F34 M50 F27 M29 M33 M40 M2 M26 M45 M43 M11 M20 F47 M36 M39 M44 M40 M50 F33 M17 M55 M18 M39 M32 M60 F27 M37 M31 M45 M31 M38 M38 M38 M9 F20 M37 M28 F32 F35 F31 F40 F25 M14 M35 M23 F41 F40 F31 M30 M15 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------53:12 53:12 53:12 53:12 53:12 53:12 53:13 53:13 53:13 53:13 53:13 53:13 53:13 53:13 53:13 53:14 53:14 53:14 53:14 53:14 53:14 53:14 53:14 53:14 53:15 53:15 53:15 53:15 53:15 53:15 53:15 53:15 53:16 53:16 53:16 53:16 53:16 53:16 53:16 53:16 53:16 53:16 53:16 53:16 53:16 53:16 53:16 53:17 53:17 53:17 53:17 53:17 53:17 53:17 53:17 53:17 53:17 53:17 53:17 53:17 53:17 53:18 53:18 53:18 53:18 53:18 53:18 53:18 53:18 53:18 53:18 53:18 53:19 53:19 53:19 53:19 53:19 53:19 53:19 53:19 53:19 53:19 53:19 53:19 53:19 53:19 53:19 53:19 53:19 53:19 53:19 53:20 53:20 53:20 53:20 53:20 53:20 53:20 53:20 53:20 71/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Ron Graham David Schaal John Wolfe Chris Cordova Gordon Matheson Coors Sawyer Boyo Zwart Betty Allen Stan Dowdy Patrick Urban Trip Ballard Kirk Hale Scott Moss Millie Williams Karyn Baylon Billy Hettinger Jennifer Nellessen Jeremy Schriner Mark Bidwell Dave Diekman Coors Nakauchi Bela Geczy Dan Paulson Craig Walther Alan Anderson Don Bryant David Martinez Randy Ridlew Dean Anderson Dave Coneo Kenneth Matthews Amy Howard Greg Schlender Bill Lewis Lynng Varmerdam Jerry Mastenbrook Richard West Dennis Byron Knud Erek Neilsen Donna Cooper Jim Maurer Jordanna Doar Robert Medina Jo Ann Sullivan Trish Cardile Dan Kowal Craig Nikolas Ray Coffey Kenneth Laura Kate Sparks Russell Bowles Holly Worden Mark Fischer Rich Nicholls Stephen Siegel Guy Gilson Jr. Wayne Robinson Brian Van Duzee David Ryan Brooks Paul Jorgenson Pete Rogers John Wood Robert Espinosa Mike Lally Daniel Kapsak Stan South Glenn Frank John Morrison Eric Wagner Philip Hicks Richard Skowronski Herb White Brian Holiday Tom Brauch Ian Mac Murtrie Richard Neslund John Grace Todd Miklos Timothy Halley Sasha Milhous Fred Langille Ron Grace Susie Mckillop Scott Richards Richard Wonner Tom Evon Reid Hastie Mary Nynolm-Vidano Doug Smith J.Gregory Baron Bob Fahey Ron Mcduff David Ornes Wade Thomas Lynn Bush Teresa Gary Lynn Overton R Urias Sarah Dickinson Craig Mackey DIV ------M40 M52 M27 M12 M37 M49 M39 F41 M32 M25 M34 M42 M32 F51 F29 M55 F22 M14 M25 M58 M52 M36 M14 M34 M26 M37 M34 M35 M35 M38 M10 F34 M37 M33 F29 M44 M41 M34 M48 F38 M29 F26 M23 F32 F29 M26 M30 M40 M34 F38 M39 F15 M39 M44 M28 M39 M29 M41 M11 M31 M43 M42 M33 M41 M36 M43 M48 M47 M10 M26 M34 M29 M15 M25 M32 M41 M10 M25 M27 F21 M47 M42 F51 M39 M36 M28 M42 F36 M36 M45 M25 M40 M39 M42 F31 F34 F35 M39 F30 M35 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------53:20 53:20 53:21 53:21 53:21 53:21 53:21 53:21 53:21 53:21 53:21 53:21 53:21 53:21 53:21 53:21 53:21 53:22 53:22 53:22 53:22 53:22 53:22 53:22 53:22 53:22 53:22 53:22 53:22 53:22 53:22 53:23 53:23 53:23 53:23 53:23 53:23 53:23 53:23 53:24 53:24 53:24 53:24 53:24 53:24 53:24 53:24 53:24 53:24 53:24 53:24 53:25 53:25 53:25 53:25 53:25 53:25 53:25 53:25 53:25 53:25 53:25 53:25 53:25 53:26 53:26 53:26 53:26 53:26 53:26 53:26 53:26 53:26 53:27 53:27 53:27 53:27 53:27 53:27 53:27 53:27 53:28 53:28 53:28 53:28 53:28 53:28 53:28 53:28 53:28 53:28 53:28 53:28 53:28 53:28 53:28 53:28 53:28 53:28 53:29 72/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Robert Wheeler David Boyle Mark Porter Laurie Wichael John Andrea Dougls Cook Christine Rose Kurt Kempfer Barry Tuell Steve Rockwood Mel Zentner Maggie Segal Gary Chamer Charlie Szekely Brett Walker Kevin Gleason Janet Miller Geroge Horning John Sanclaria Carolyn Birchfield Deborah Jack William Schneider Brad Dupuis John Tracy David Small Valarie Eilert John Ortiz David Hanna Donna Perry Michael Knight Hal Mason Kathryn Walton Joyce Gallardo Mark a Johnson Tom Myers Daniel Warden Ken Butler Leon Gerstenkorn Ronald J Klump Frank Platkus Jeff Chang Tom Grehl Peter Sakas Bernie Closs Pamela Hinton Anthony Madrid Jim Ysebaert Keith Crouch Linda Fox Thomas Rump Christine Damiand Bruce Macmillan Janine Sanford James Cox Dave Randall John Udelhoten Donna Leilani Cronin Timothy Edman Tom Ruiz Tim Ebuna Joan Jennings Mike Quintana Julit Walton Jack Campbell Steven Goodheim Jose Medina Martha Horwitz Stephen Nevers Jim Rucker Greta Dellinger Logan Ivy Peg Newman Ethan Schonbrun Ted Hutchinson Vivian Vangaalen Ed Iwersen Andrew Berling Kaven Maleknia Brad Harriman Dan Rowland Hal Phan Richard Rivera Alan Criag M.G Wicker Thurston Jones Gloraia Seikmeier Bill Crossen Mark E Wilson Melissa Lawrence Anne Prince Reed Bernstein Mitchell Silver Michael Falkenstine Cheryl Neumann Norm Rimmer Mark Carara James Vaden Daniel Gregory Aimee Fitzgerald Tom Lesavage DIV ------M39 M31 M33 F26 M21 M41 F40 M44 M34 M26 M47 F35 M41 M45 M16 M29 F25 M54 M35 F23 F38 M56 F23 M54 M28 F23 M47 M42 F47 M40 M44 F35 F31 M34 M47 M33 M44 M37 M28 M31 M17 M37 M32 F31 F44 M31 M25 M42 F38 M34 F37 M42 F31 M13 M30 M30 F34 M24 M31 M37 F38 M21 F31 M43 M34 M26 F30 M34 M42 F29 M38 F42 M11 M35 F34 M42 M19 M30 M37 M32 M30 M45 M32 M42 F28 F56 M33 M30 F22 F29 M34 M26 M20 F20 M18 M31 M35 M37 F23 M40 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------53:29 53:29 53:29 53:29 53:29 53:29 53:29 53:29 53:29 53:30 53:30 53:30 53:30 53:30 53:30 53:31 53:31 53:31 53:31 53:31 53:31 53:31 53:31 53:31 53:32 53:32 53:32 53:32 53:32 53:32 53:32 53:33 53:33 53:33 53:33 53:33 53:33 53:33 53:33 53:33 53:33 53:33 53:33 53:33 53:33 53:33 53:34 53:34 53:34 53:34 53:34 53:34 53:34 53:34 53:34 53:34 53:34 53:34 53:34 53:35 53:35 53:35 53:35 53:35 53:35 53:35 53:35 53:35 53:35 53:35 53:35 53:35 53:35 53:36 53:36 53:36 53:36 53:36 53:36 53:36 53:37 53:37 53:37 53:37 53:37 53:37 53:37 53:37 53:37 53:37 53:37 53:37 53:37 53:37 53:37 53:37 53:37 53:37 53:38 53:38 73/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Arthur Starnes Paul Hohos John Pramenko Mike Homiack Ronald Ross Jerry White Richard Banach Clifford Edwards Dick Kreck Mike Sieler Ann Campbell William Kelker Rickey Broida Douglas Perry John Cuthbert Quinton Schock Lee Frahm Anne Wallace Juan Ayala N. Craig Poll Mike Schwander William Anderson Richard Beal Neal Griggsmiller Marianne Walter Barry Beck Wayne Lew Susie Ryan Micharl Webb Richard Anthes Stephen Cheffee Kelvin Moore Richard Schooley Joseph Arrigo Richard Coffman Dennis Mcavoy George Chadwick Ralph Lawson Tim Mcguire Ernie Vandermeer Michael Cook Tom Frangella Michelle Lippert Jan Sorfncy Robert Wais Thomas Dudley William Hemphill Gary Macander Danelle Thompson Lisa Browne George Wilson Warren Faure Dana Jensen Daniel Sullivan Scott Anderson Jill Clodfelter Phyllis Palmer Vincent Weis Bill Betz David Hughes Virginia Parks Mike Brady Matthew Lawson Susan Reilley Allen Brauns Pamela Mackey Kathleeen Sullivan Anthony Cianflone Jennifer Johnson Terry Rainey Ken Wright Devlin Frahm Chet Justice Andy Schierler Joanne Ballard Don Hoddad Daniel Kolbow Steven Skoog Duane Bollig Ethan Smith Joyce Benson Bill Miller Alan Wilwand Claude Berreckman Paul Schafer George Bannister Katheleen Ganz Brian Shea Bob Hay Sebastien Colom Neil Montague Michelle Shonbrun Robert Urias Jerry Induye John Pazour Brenda Taylor Randall Wiens Brant Backlund Curt Loomis Ambrosio Rodriguez DIV ------M42 M30 M22 M30 M32 M42 M35 M35 M47 M29 F26 M34 M35 M41 M46 M51 M26 F26 M39 M38 M35 M18 M26 M39 F29 M27 M24 F44 M37 M45 M24 M32 M62 M46 M27 M48 M27 M41 M32 M36 M31 M35 F34 F29 M34 M42 M42 M36 F23 F27 M51 M33 M30 M49 M16 F38 F32 M38 M34 M41 F35 M40 M11 F30 M28 F32 F37 M30 F14 M30 M60 M27 M48 M16 F35 M27 M33 M34 M51 M7 F29 M26 M57 M31 M26 M16 F33 M25 M28 M15 M53 F41 M33 M43 M48 F32 M35 M11 M32 M56 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------53:38 53:38 53:38 53:38 53:38 53:38 53:38 53:38 53:38 53:38 53:38 53:39 53:39 53:39 53:39 53:39 53:39 53:39 53:39 53:40 53:40 53:40 53:40 53:40 53:40 53:40 53:40 53:40 53:40 53:40 53:40 53:40 53:40 53:40 53:40 53:41 53:41 53:41 53:41 53:41 53:41 53:41 53:41 53:41 53:41 53:41 53:41 53:41 53:41 53:41 53:41 53:41 53:41 53:42 53:42 53:42 53:42 53:42 53:42 53:42 53:42 53:42 53:42 53:42 53:42 53:43 53:43 53:43 53:43 53:43 53:43 53:43 53:43 53:43 53:43 53:43 53:43 53:43 53:43 53:44 53:44 53:44 53:44 53:44 53:44 53:44 53:44 53:44 53:44 53:45 53:45 53:45 53:45 53:45 53:45 53:45 53:45 53:45 53:45 53:45 74/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Virginia Wilson Dave Mccluskey Christel Scanlan Dick Bird John Meeker Keith Walser Susan Burns Debbie Pfister Robin Zephier Gary Heber Paul Stockman Susan Marko Cheryl Wiens Paul Witherspoon Laurie Publow Robert Willsey Michael Scanlan Janell Wilson Stan Folker Lisa Sesler Robert Hill Jack Pfister Duane Wishmeyer David Fourcher Genie Miller Dan Platt Don Withers Larry Ansell Gregory Gott Jerry Napolitan Padraic Romfh Becky Clark Kethryn Hutchings Kathleen Stewart Louie Delaware Gerhard Koepf Bryce Harman David Miskell Brian Kelleghan Harold Smith Brenda Brenton Mica Smith Gary Disney Michael Maffoni Casey Blaine Jody Huntsinger Chris Richey Lori Eagelston James Leasure Jack Sheff Levi A Gray Pam Werner Faith Harvel David Paul Lois Storm Dick Carlson Hal Radloff Todd Thompson Jay Cunningham Leslie Thorpe Jack Layne Mark Same Kay Anderson Mike Mcalpine Robert Weiss Joe Cozzie John Mahoney Lauri Powers Pam Hays Grant Ross Kim Kawaluk Carol Mcquain Erik Shoopman Larry Cafaland Bruce Kelly Dale Mullen John Hinton Joel Penner Christopher Burton Jed Prendergast Tami Carlson Frank Martinez Michael Tartaglia Kelly Collins Steve Mcdanal Liz Eiseley Jeannette Moody Mike Werner Judy Cahoon Dave Nasiatka Gabrielle Coffman Jeffrey Elmer David Steele Kenneth Crouch Tim Gross Megan Thomann Susan Ariniello Debra Ispen Terry Otte Christine Mazone DIV ------F30 M40 F31 M53 M43 M32 F27 F31 M27 M35 M29 F28 F32 M27 F16 M53 M32 F15 M43 F30 M44 M33 M28 M28 F38 M33 M40 M29 M37 M43 M16 F33 F22 F32 M32 M46 M17 M33 M29 M50 F19 F22 M43 M24 M8 F21 F28 F33 M35 M50 M43 F26 F15 M33 F39 M31 M23 M26 M13 F33 M58 M33 F37 M30 M39 M52 M69 F21 F38 M34 F31 F45 M12 M36 M30 M46 M42 M40 M27 M18 F18 M25 M14 F20 M46 M34 F24 M28 F50 M33 F27 M28 M26 M13 M31 F12 F31 F28 M32 F26 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------53:45 53:45 53:45 53:46 53:46 53:46 53:46 53:46 53:46 53:46 53:46 53:46 53:47 53:47 53:47 53:47 53:47 53:47 53:47 53:47 53:47 53:48 53:48 53:48 53:48 53:48 53:48 53:48 53:48 53:48 53:48 53:48 53:48 53:48 53:48 53:48 53:49 53:49 53:49 53:49 53:49 53:49 53:49 53:49 53:50 53:50 53:50 53:50 53:50 53:50 53:50 53:50 53:50 53:50 53:51 53:51 53:51 53:51 53:51 53:51 53:51 53:51 53:51 53:51 53:52 53:52 53:52 53:52 53:52 53:52 53:52 53:52 53:52 53:52 53:52 53:52 53:53 53:53 53:53 53:53 53:53 53:53 53:53 53:53 53:53 53:54 53:54 53:54 53:54 53:54 53:54 53:54 53:54 53:54 53:54 53:54 53:54 53:55 53:55 53:55 75/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Lee Rohrer Bruce Asbjorn Chris Mcknight Christopher Ryan Ken Gardner Deren Harman Jane Mcnamara Curtis Werking Walter Gomez William Tumelty Suzette Ashmore John Inman Jon Schroeder Jay Mccarren Wendy Seskind Martin Walker Gary Finn Tim Murphy Gary Stebick Andrew Goetz Steve Ottersberg Barbara Udelhofen John Barr Rick Ferguson Kelly Willard Amy Boland Daniel Fillipi Sean Selitrennikoff Erin Wilsted Michael Connelly Zachary Hoh Eric Sigler Terry Aragon Jim Curfman Mark Lipien Robin Via Mike Cameron Randy Peterson Colin Faulkner Scott Nowlin Ken Pfeffer Diego Gonzales Burton Ortiz Grant Sampier Connie Brigham Michael Henry Donna Paolantonio Matt Ratterman Pamela Strange Alicia Bixby Molly Edgington Frank Romero Karolyn Tate Gregory Bunker Bob Gillice Denise Smith Micky Conway Susan Jones Mary Spindler Barry Shesol Gordon Grubbs Ryan Smith Barbara Kiratibutz Lloyd Vordenberg Lee Buffingon Seth Meyer William Schneider Jill Tretrev Mike Boggs Duane Doggan Richard Lawson Dan Spahr Paul Brabo Scot Donato John Miller William Stevens Peter Cosgliff Jessica Hanson Victor Pearn Carolyn Boggs Blake Larsen Emery Marsh Desiree Bell Gary Reid Edward Coffey Arminda Townsend Adam Ludwig Rob Wardell Ben Williams Raymond Buchanan John Gaviotis Joann Mcrice Allan Orlofsky Barbara Anderson John Wyatt David Corson Jerry Halpin Charles Mohseni Michael Penny Max Ankele DIV ------M38 M35 M18 M26 M43 M15 F40 M24 M46 M44 F25 M43 M33 M14 F33 M42 M31 M28 M36 M30 M20 F33 M26 M32 M25 F22 M26 M23 F18 M45 M21 M25 M50 M40 M25 F28 M48 M32 M13 M36 M57 M32 M33 M33 F40 M30 F36 M32 F38 F29 F33 M46 F42 M28 M45 F26 M22 F44 M28 M44 M48 M17 F34 M46 M36 M10 M48 F22 M35 M33 M36 M31 M34 M31 M40 M43 M58 F9 M39 F28 M11 M41 F34 M46 M47 F34 M19 M38 M12 M41 M26 F34 M41 F28 M24 M10 M27 M26 M23 M26 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------53:55 53:55 53:55 53:55 53:55 53:55 53:55 53:55 53:55 53:56 53:56 53:56 53:56 53:56 53:56 53:56 53:56 53:56 53:56 53:56 53:56 53:57 53:57 53:57 53:57 53:57 53:57 53:57 53:57 53:57 53:57 53:57 53:57 53:57 53:57 53:58 53:58 53:58 53:58 53:58 53:58 53:58 53:58 53:58 53:58 53:58 53:58 53:59 53:59 53:59 53:59 53:59 53:59 53:59 53:59 53:59 53:59 53:59 53:59 54:00 54:00 54:00 54:00 54:00 54:00 54:00 54:01 54:01 54:01 54:01 54:01 54:01 54:01 54:01 54:01 54:01 54:01 54:01 54:01 54:01 54:01 54:02 54:02 54:02 54:02 54:02 54:02 54:02 54:03 54:03 54:03 54:03 54:03 54:03 54:03 54:03 54:03 54:03 54:03 54:03 76/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Rick Felton Coors Lohaus Stefan Stein Douglas Flahive Chip Lumbard Della Carillot Brian Goncher Joe Thomas Timothy Donnegan Mary E Johnson Victor Thomas Jack Anderson Ronald French Gregory Neary Terri Wickstrom Jay Bauer Jean Taggart Mary Anthes Willie Daniels David Hooker Jessica Lovett Russell Udelhofen James Bowman Mike Digiosis Patrick Kuberry Bobby Myers Scott Waring Ed Colby Lizli Durbon Charles Leuth Jeff Winslow Debi Gorkin Vance Little Lynn Rice Timothy Bohlender Shelley Reinert Lewis Holtsclaw Donald Sabec Donald Johnson Joseph Lombardo Paul Ogden Kirk Sterling Doug Farley Barbara Ketchie Gordan Palmer Tom Washing Thomas Felt Paul Kukick Bruce Gebhart Michael Mcdermott Warren Parrott Ben Cobos Harold C Goldback Richard Curtis Gregg Owen Rick Daum Fred Aragon III Lynne Eynard Steven Yoder Joe Bova George Koch William Edwards Tristin Koch Kay Rice John Fellin Fidelis Kubissa Rachel Hardies David Lewardrowski Ray Schilird Cardls Inverno Rabin Ollirier Glen Weyaut Judy Lockwood Arnold Sorocki Phil Wondra Carol Barbour Larry Molnar Tom Davidson Aaron Nielsen Donna Taylor Daniel Ed Curtiss Sanders Mitch Vires George Sullivan Robert D Johnson Mike Adamson Matt Lawrence Megan Whalen Alan Arner Matthew Sato Alan Brund Jeffrey Esses Mona Herman Michael Fall Gust Martinez Jim Hake Andrew Peter Needham Creig Ciarlelli Robert Henson John Trewartha DIV ------M31 M47 M32 F48 M46 F37 M32 M34 M30 F33 M40 M58 M35 M23 F26 M22 F39 F24 M28 M33 F14 M35 M32 M12 M27 M40 M27 M18 F26 M42 M33 F29 M13 F26 M36 F24 M45 M49 M50 M50 M26 M30 M31 F41 M40 M48 M25 M19 M34 M42 M51 M31 M47 M44 M42 M28 M24 F25 M36 M37 M38 M43 F12 F34 M39 F39 F16 M26 M26 M33 M54 M37 F44 M51 M49 M35 M28 M32 M15 F24 M38 M23 M11 M52 M38 M48 M15 F30 M44 M30 M29 M28 F27 M15 M39 M42 M23 M34 M25 M23 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------54:03 54:03 54:03 54:03 54:03 54:04 54:04 54:04 54:04 54:04 54:04 54:04 54:04 54:04 54:04 54:04 54:04 54:05 54:05 54:05 54:05 54:05 54:05 54:05 54:05 54:05 54:05 54:05 54:05 54:05 54:05 54:05 54:05 54:05 54:06 54:06 54:06 54:06 54:06 54:06 54:07 54:07 54:07 54:07 54:07 54:07 54:07 54:07 54:07 54:07 54:07 54:07 54:07 54:08 54:08 54:08 54:08 54:08 54:08 54:08 54:08 54:09 54:09 54:09 54:09 54:09 54:09 54:09 54:09 54:09 54:09 54:09 54:10 54:10 54:10 54:10 54:10 54:10 54:10 54:10 54:10 54:10 54:10 54:11 54:11 54:11 54:11 54:11 54:11 54:11 54:11 54:12 54:12 54:12 54:12 54:12 54:12 54:12 54:12 54:12 77/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Kristen Garcia Dick Knapp Gerald Mcconnell Jennifer Smith Julie Carr Nadine Heiss Lance Meyer Marsha Tedstrom Michael J Czyl Asmund Huser Krista Kreber Jeff Mitton Frank Brown Anne Marie Treguier Tom Farrell Korey Jacquist Kandy Learned Alice Reyes Mark Burns Bruce Alexander Jim Kundsen Jeff Nielsen Onar Cobos John Schultz Justin Fulton Mike Vigil Julie Christian Stephen Jones Ronald Bentall Eduardo Zuniga Scott Dorf Joel Lamoreaux Cesar Rojas Stephanie Blatsos Virginia Butler Hichael Ehlers Lance Matsumonji Julie Rus Priscilla Borlase Fred Chepney Tim Gelston Pat Mccormick Carol Sweeney Stephen Bunch Lynn Coleman Michael Raife Trevor Gates Cindy Horner Nick Snakenberg Lisa Allen James Gibson Dale Kamibayashi Alice Swanson Molly Briggs Gwendolyn Grover Sonya Paul Mike Thies Archie D Hale James Mangle John F Truhlar Linda Adam-Hall A.Carlton Gilbert Blaine Hemphill Ramona May Rubin Weidemann Audrey Berne Mark Gillespic Cooper Jager William Sullivan Zachary Gault Peter Gowen Gary Larsen John Knue Jenny Mountz Karen Thys Lisa Hann John Larson Jessie Marie Quintana Jill Villano Sarah Jacquemard Robert Mahler Greg Sterling John Wilson Stephen Brethauer Thomas Johnson Lee Tafoya Tom Yukman Tim Burton Molly Hackman John Kuttler Marvin Prahl Donavan Reeder David Dietz Robert Hofer Karen Lohr Rick Raessler Thomas Ruzicka Donna GOvan John Hyland Cal Nickal DIV ------F15 M43 M49 F24 F32 F29 M25 F29 M29 M26 F17 M42 M44 F29 M43 M16 F33 F41 M32 M30 M23 M41 M28 M26 M11 M35 F42 M37 M41 M32 M20 M24 M36 F40 F33 M45 M42 F31 F40 M42 M29 M22 F28 M24 F36 M42 M10 F20 M23 F25 M10 M38 F30 F26 F40 F22 M31 M39 M47 M48 F38 M36 M35 F25 F48 F35 M40 M80 M28 M10 M37 M40 M38 F21 F27 F24 M25 F45 F38 F31 M57 M34 M23 M45 M37 M36 M27 M20 F38 M36 M42 M29 M25 M37 F28 M34 M45 F33 M37 M43 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------54:13 54:13 54:13 54:13 54:13 54:13 54:13 54:13 54:13 54:13 54:13 54:13 54:13 54:13 54:13 54:13 54:13 54:13 54:13 54:14 54:14 54:14 54:14 54:14 54:14 54:14 54:15 54:15 54:15 54:15 54:15 54:15 54:15 54:15 54:15 54:15 54:15 54:15 54:15 54:15 54:15 54:15 54:15 54:15 54:16 54:16 54:16 54:16 54:16 54:16 54:16 54:16 54:16 54:16 54:16 54:16 54:16 54:17 54:17 54:17 54:17 54:17 54:17 54:17 54:17 54:17 54:17 54:17 54:17 54:17 54:17 54:17 54:18 54:18 54:18 54:18 54:18 54:18 54:18 54:18 54:18 54:18 54:18 54:18 54:18 54:18 54:18 54:18 54:19 54:19 54:19 54:19 54:19 54:19 54:19 54:19 54:19 54:19 54:19 54:19 78/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Mary Schocklely Dee Keller Jennifer O'Donnell Louise Bailey Carol Dipaula Kenneth Oldham Ronald Spies Steve Blair Beth Neuger Donna Seaman Paul Stark Gerhard Brown Tim Neville Quentin Smith Steven Tippin Dr.Robert Cooney Mary Sorfncy Dennis West Debbie Gengreau Stephen Parrish Mark Atwater Rick George Janice Poulsen Rene Breast Erik Hagevik David Smith Jerry Mitchell Rudolph Martinez Morris Susman Linda Davenport Peter Ewingq Mark Mclaren Darwin Davidson Dunalo Gabbert Bart Odell Simone Hochreb Raymond Park Don Champlin Deborah Dell Larry Nordquist Bill Roser David Baumann Stan Froseth Jacqueline Oldham Helen Wright Elizabeth Baldwin Debbie Butler Brad Greiner Terry Zaffire Michael Dille Donna Marrow Jeannie Roeber Kevin Barlow Diane Edwards Steve Franquement David Paul Bob Butler Elizabeth Duffield Jerry Harder Daniel Rickhoff Sheri Calson Doug Joy Bastiaan Van Leeuken Steve Chapra Kevin Ensley Robert Kilponen Tom Wilson Ian Bledsoe Kellie Currie Marvin Teplitz Larry Brassem Denise Hoelting Jim Schroeder Ed Jackson Marvin Schwarz Rebecca Tuccid Lisa Diehl Jill Lewis Lori Stone Karen Harwood Edmond Lubbers Anne Riordan David Brockway Russ Frasher Elizabeth Thompson Eric Clark George Hagevik Greg Morrison Jeffrey Truesdall Jack W Jr Eells Zachary Hatcher Joan Palen Dwayne Zobell Kathleen Albosta Mickey Fain Carissa Kappel Harold Park Barb Trujillo Tami Cavanaugh Nanette Latham DIV ------M40 F25 F32 M31 F32 M52 M42 M31 F32 F46 M40 M37 M33 M17 M39 M28 M30 M44 F29 M37 M35 M26 F29 F28 M17 M42 M25 M40 M49 F38 M46 M31 M46 M25 M14 F26 M11 M37 F28 M59 M41 M34 M36 F36 F47 F28 F38 M27 M27 M43 F30 F41 M37 F32 M30 M49 M39 F29 M34 M40 F25 M33 M21 M40 M27 M46 M34 M10 F27 M62 M45 F25 M41 M49 M50 F33 F24 F31 F31 F19 M59 F35 M40 M40 F53 M11 M51 M32 M40 M28 M12 F32 M33 F41 M33 F25 M12 F27 F31 F31 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------54:19 54:19 54:19 54:20 54:20 54:20 54:20 54:20 54:20 54:20 54:20 54:20 54:20 54:20 54:20 54:20 54:20 54:20 54:21 54:21 54:21 54:21 54:21 54:21 54:21 54:21 54:21 54:22 54:22 54:22 54:22 54:22 54:22 54:22 54:22 54:22 54:22 54:22 54:22 54:23 54:23 54:23 54:23 54:23 54:23 54:23 54:23 54:23 54:23 54:23 54:23 54:23 54:23 54:23 54:24 54:24 54:24 54:24 54:24 54:24 54:24 54:24 54:24 54:24 54:24 54:24 54:24 54:24 54:24 54:25 54:25 54:25 54:25 54:25 54:25 54:25 54:25 54:25 54:25 54:25 54:25 54:26 54:26 54:26 54:26 54:26 54:26 54:26 54:26 54:26 54:26 54:26 54:26 54:26 54:26 54:26 54:27 54:27 54:27 54:27 79/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Tom Schipper Susan Corliss Charles Jr Luce James Swinehart Thomas Wilkinson Joe Fergus A Houghton Cynthia Molk Bill Thompson Katherine Herzech Susan Jensen Lance Raymond Scott Word Doug Chaney Jim Linn Jay Gardner Ken Miller Salvador Rivas Brent Garrott Bev Moranetz Elijah Stuart Shawn Arstrin Jim Hudson Tim Schauereasant Cindy Cohen Robin Hanson John C Vande Walle Bruce Avery Michael Davies David Foster Sara Mairs Bill Bashaw Martin Dondelinger Christopher Gathman Cecil Matthews John Buck Marc Espinosa Randall Grunska Bernie Mayer Alison Van Doorninck Joe Deland David Moore Chris Williams John Brooks David Farrell Mike Reynolds Bob Connor Kathy Lockwood Jim Sweeney Greg Donohue Tom Helms Demetreus Ramirez Daniel Berkman Levi Gonzales William Keefe Cliff Spencer Marianne Bollman Brian Hanson Amy Livran Erika Anderson Clark Britton Randy Heller John Finnegan Jeffrey Linsky Lisa Wille Jim Gianvito James Power Delores Gomez Karen Schleiger Ron Carlson J.A Lanphear Cathleen Orr Cliff Canon Parick Gilll Gina Koch Damon Cochran Rea Ffalnigan Littian Herger Matthew Smart Casey Daker Beth Gangel Steve Hurder Joel Sobol John Arnsparger Nina Davis David Hartman Ginny Miller Doug Brown Barbara Hartung Alan Sirhal Michael Stantou Debby Hunter Monty Reed Allen Branco George King Diane Segura Chris Ward Chas Daker George Mineah Ken Foley DIV ------M36 F34 M33 M41 M30 M24 M44 F37 M53 F37 F26 M14 M15 M43 M56 M30 M39 M16 M28 F25 M41 M23 M31 M21 F40 M42 M33 M46 M43 M36 F23 M41 M45 M17 M53 M27 M42 M28 M43 F23 M41 M32 M31 M44 M31 M41 M44 F20 M30 M31 M38 M12 M34 M54 M47 M38 F21 M46 F23 F22 M39 M47 M29 M46 F27 M31 M53 F38 F31 M41 M18 F31 M40 M41 F25 M23 F47 F29 M12 M10 F23 M35 M 42 M43 F37 M32 F35 M32 F30 M99 M40 F38 M45 M35 M29 F28 M20 M38 M50 M26 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------54:27 54:27 54:27 54:27 54:27 54:27 54:27 54:27 54:27 54:27 54:27 54:28 54:28 54:28 54:28 54:28 54:28 54:28 54:28 54:28 54:28 54:28 54:28 54:29 54:29 54:29 54:29 54:29 54:29 54:29 54:29 54:29 54:29 54:29 54:29 54:29 54:29 54:29 54:30 54:30 54:30 54:30 54:30 54:30 54:30 54:30 54:30 54:30 54:30 54:31 54:31 54:31 54:31 54:31 54:31 54:31 54:31 54:31 54:31 54:31 54:31 54:31 54:32 54:32 54:32 54:32 54:32 54:32 54:32 54:32 54:32 54:33 54:33 54:33 54:33 54:34 54:34 54:34 54:34 54:34 54:34 54:34 54:34 54:34 54:34 54:34 54:34 54:34 54:34 54:34 54:34 54:35 54:35 54:35 54:35 54:35 54:35 54:35 54:35 54:35 80/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Timothy Quinn Julie Paddock Russell Crystal Margie Ripmaster Kimberly Gussie Jeffrey Rowe Bruce Christensen Jim Mccambridge William Voss Andrew Colom Kevin Cooper John Ziegleer Richard Abrams Renie Delponte Ed Apodaca David Mckelfresh John Conrad Robert Winter Rebecca Mccarthy Kenneth Simmons Robert Winter Monioue Hawn Mike Munn Carl Smith Timothy Compton Sharon Hendon Nancy Patch Mike Sweeney Edward Gussie Seyed Hosseini Susan schulte Dean Clinard Kristen Sverdrup Arlene Yusnukis Jim Gault Kirk Thoning Daniel Blinci Brenda Mcdowell James Weiss David Brooks Rhonda Smiley Wayne Osborne Richard Samuel Mark Haupt Susan Rhodes Joe Wood Dale Ary Dudley Jones Amy Rupp Mike Franson Stephern Mccormach Douglas Gibbs Julia Brownell Janet Mills Stepen Streeter William Ganter Lonna Randell Nancy Auerbach David Ghaemi Luke Brarly Susan Lancshire Mary Scheldt Bill Enright Richard Painter Daniel Scott Dusty Jackson Dana Perry Ben Sigmond David Crawford Everette Jones Christopher Underwood Edward Elsey Patricia Martin Darcy Peterson Traci Holmes Kenny Russell Edwin Braun David Mcallister Lee Travis Christopher Chandler Thomas Green Cynthia Podolski Andy Bessler Amy Martien Carrie Ann Jones Jim Lunan Vivian Montiel Masoud Kermani Thomas Wetzel Karlene Chunglo Debra Larson Don Marscellas John Franchini Kevin Lillehei Paul Navarro Todd Woodford Rob Brunner Andrea Elzi Mo Heshmati Dennis Rapisardi DIV ------M41 F31 M29 F42 F20 M35 M51 M44 M44 M11 M35 M51 M43 F27 M50 M37 M32 M41 F37 M38 M14 F22 M23 M51 M20 F35 F29 M31 M48 M22 F33 M36 F23 F26 M44 M31 M13 F46 M42 M27 F35 M39 M30 M29 F39 M37 M25 M31 F24 M34 M30 M26 F26 F29 M39 M50 F23 F27 M34 M13 F33 F33 M34 F57 M10 M44 F22 M32 M37 M36 M17 M50 F32 F28 F24 M32 M50 M48 M27 M43 M36 F23 M20 F26 F15 M41 F38 M29 M27 F27 F23 M42 M30 M35 M42 M17 M46 F30 M34 M45 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------54:35 54:36 54:36 54:36 54:36 54:36 54:36 54:36 54:36 54:36 54:37 54:37 54:37 54:37 54:37 54:37 54:37 54:37 54:38 54:38 54:38 54:38 54:38 54:38 54:38 54:38 54:38 54:38 54:38 54:38 54:38 54:39 54:39 54:39 54:39 54:39 54:39 54:39 54:39 54:39 54:39 54:40 54:40 54:40 54:40 54:40 54:40 54:40 54:40 54:40 54:40 54:40 54:41 54:41 54:41 54:41 54:41 54:41 54:41 54:41 54:41 54:41 54:42 54:42 54:42 54:42 54:42 54:42 54:42 54:42 54:42 54:42 54:42 54:42 54:43 54:43 54:43 54:43 54:43 54:43 54:43 54:43 54:43 54:44 54:44 54:44 54:44 54:44 54:44 54:44 54:44 54:44 54:44 54:44 54:45 54:45 54:45 54:45 54:45 54:45 81/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Peg Comestock Cynthia Kompus-Bradley Stacy Romero Paul Daker Michael Mulhern Tom Toohey James Anderl Gary Daniel Don Garber Tom Deland Bill Kratz Mary Urtz Pam Bertino Kelly Grogan James Morrison Rich Heideneelder Leslie Mounkes Michael Williams Jean Davis Brian Jackson Danni Nielsen Ronald Albo Dirk Klaassen Erik Smith Whitney Atkinson Alan Kolok Steve Bosley Tim Parker Cheryl Woodford Kenneth Fujii Tom Prior Bradley Smith Dennis Cohn Shannun Stone Karen Mitchell Rachella Seeley Chris Blankenship David Kuntz Terry Dewitt Brian Shaver Jack Kerner Ted Taylor Kevin Brown Bruce Smith Richard Hughes Richard Valenziano William Mccombie Tuan T Pham Heather Cratty Nanci Longo Suzie Schmittle Robert Medlock Jody Shulins Patricks Feldman Ann Reid Jane Wageley Elmer Barlock Moreno Giannasi Thersea Schiavone Liz Wigod Gary Williams Isaac Aluarado Kristy Mccarter Kathryn Browne Corin Wood Al Andres Doug Cuneo Lindsay Mundell Kristine Berntsen Mike Holmberg Denette Slack Andy Bonafede Gordon Lemon Randy Wisott Paul Hicks Todd Anderson Judy Palma Eileen Chevalier John Simonds Judith Conklin Elaine Ells Mick Vance Henry Ashida Chris Harerost Mike Wells Josie Betscher Betti Krapfl Robin Daigh Anthony Rubenstein John Moyer Don Scruggs Hugh Bowen Frank Parker Gary Jerman Dan Rector John Barberis Cherly Matthews Jacques Robertson Jeff German Bob Stone DIV ------F34 F27 F16 M44 M35 M28 M44 M40 M54 M33 M28 F27 F30 M32 M35 M25 F27 M41 F35 M13 F32 M26 M36 M17 F49 M32 M19 M34 F21 M41 M38 M35 M39 F29 F23 F37 M25 M40 F25 M21 M42 F15 M36 M35 M38 M37 M35 M26 F12 F27 F45 M45 F28 M20 F38 F21 M37 M39 F25 F22 M38 M40 F35 F37 F32 M50 M15 M46 F32 M22 F23 M30 M32 M26 M27 M34 F36 F29 M46 F27 F46 M47 M51 M28 M41 F25 F47 F31 M42 M29 M29 M63 M46 M35 M37 M38 F43 M68 M35 M45 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------54:45 54:45 54:45 54:45 54:45 54:45 54:45 54:45 54:45 54:46 54:46 54:46 54:46 54:46 54:46 54:46 54:46 54:46 54:46 54:46 54:46 54:47 54:47 54:47 54:47 54:47 54:47 54:47 54:47 54:47 54:47 54:48 54:48 54:48 54:48 54:48 54:48 54:49 54:49 54:49 54:49 54:49 54:50 54:50 54:50 54:50 54:50 54:50 54:51 54:51 54:51 54:51 54:51 54:51 54:51 54:51 54:51 54:51 54:51 54:51 54:52 54:52 54:52 54:53 54:53 54:53 54:53 54:53 54:53 54:53 54:53 54:53 54:53 54:53 54:54 54:54 54:54 54:54 54:54 54:54 54:55 54:55 54:55 54:55 54:55 54:55 54:55 54:55 54:55 54:56 54:56 54:56 54:56 54:56 54:56 54:56 54:56 54:56 54:57 54:57 82/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Bruce Fischer Glenn Hammond Anita Lacey Marit Bratti Arnold Strasser Nicholas Corona Jennie Fremont Elizabeth Isbell Javqueline Sparkman Ruth Clear John Sullivan Patricia Corona Susan Gallup Ron Johanning Mike St John Mimi Wesson Robert Erickson Michael Wilson Jim Dawson Vince Martinez Stan Dempsey John Stephens Casey Dodds Larry Wall Luann Furlow Ben Ray Stefon Varela John Brady Pickle Gillach Luke Roosma Mark Workman Leonard Dayer Giselle Neely Douglas Schiller Marybeth Emerson Steve Schmidt Heather Dixon Raymond Koel Fabio Guzman John Ludlow Charles Jones Brook Porter Tim Conway Sarah Ruether Rick Kalamaya Lynn Wise Bobbe Belmont Susan Hartley Scott Loe Donna Coombs Rick Jordanger Ernie Padilla Glenn Dody Kurt Renner Bud Fowler Sandi Yukmolv Eugene Hardy Andrew Maclauchlon Jack Anderson William Holbrook Todd Sukstorf Joy Evans Barbara Westbrook Renee Freim Geri Johnson Paul Myers Ed Corr Mark Hornecker Becky Mcdaniel Scott Stodghill Kevin Baldermann John Emery John Humphreys Donna Mcnellis Cary Basnar Karen Lang-Ferrell Lawrence Medina George Cassna.Jr Satcey Harada Dinae Leach Cris Beveridge Todd Grotenhuis William Schiebout Kimberly Wagner Janet Boffy Tim Moore Mike Weir John Brodbeck David Parkhill Lorraine Skulski Insa Bell Joe Drew John Phillips Mark Sullivan Robert Backer Marilyn Heustis James Mcfadden F.C. Bauer Ida- Marie Thayer Bethi Freier DIV ------M30 M28 F36 F25 M34 M27 F12 F21 F26 F26 M43 F28 F30 M46 M30 F40 M45 M25 M45 M36 M25 M41 M20 M47 F35 M40 M15 M23 M21 M41 M30 M22 F36 M51 F28 M33 F99 M55 M31 M55 M41 M11 M43 F13 M43 M47 F41 F38 M32 F28 M18 M31 M65 M31 F61 F26 M51 M26 M36 M44 M28 F29 F40 F22 F31 M49 M26 M37 F33 M28 M10 M63 M45 F46 M36 F34 M27 M52 F15 F23 M36 M19 M49 F28 F42 M19 M41 M42 M27 F38 F22 M41 M29 M37 M46 F40 M34 M45 F30 F30 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------54:57 54:57 54:57 54:57 54:57 54:57 54:57 54:57 54:57 54:57 54:57 54:57 54:57 54:57 54:57 54:57 54:57 54:58 54:58 54:58 54:58 54:58 54:58 54:58 54:59 54:59 54:59 54:59 54:59 54:59 54:59 54:59 54:59 54:59 54:59 54:59 55:00 55:00 55:00 55:00 55:00 55:00 55:00 55:00 55:01 55:01 55:01 55:01 55:01 55:01 55:01 55:01 55:01 55:01 55:01 55:02 55:02 55:02 55:02 55:02 55:02 55:02 55:02 55:02 55:02 55:03 55:03 55:03 55:03 55:03 55:03 55:03 55:03 55:03 55:03 55:03 55:03 55:03 55:03 55:03 55:04 55:04 55:04 55:04 55:04 55:04 55:04 55:04 55:04 55:04 55:04 55:04 55:04 55:04 55:05 55:05 55:05 55:05 55:05 55:05 83/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Terry Akins Clarice Hecht Roy Knoedler Robert Gibson Paul Slevin Lynne Tietjen Nick Drelles Jill Gochnour Curtis Sober Ephraim Folres John Strohm Joseph Barach Barbara Furman Julie Rohde Margaret Thierry Rita Behofcist Curtis Randall John Yang Scott Dunston Jack Simpson Judy Brooks Brad Smith Cecil Clark Amy Larsen Larry Walde Cherry Crandall Robert Morgan Grant Windholz Phil Emery Janet Keegan Kristi Peeples Mick Carney Randy Larsen Jeanne Reed David Chandler William Jackson Kris Mccaffery Steven Walsh Daniel Cordova Sonia Jantz Pamela Witter Helen Danielson Ben Johnson Stewart Frisch Darren Kurtz James Mccurry Simon Barnes Rob Hannon Toni Lapenna Albert Sandrock Gary Barnett Richard Harvey Rose Lukasik Paul Sobel David Cunningham Daniel Tulenko Peter Kleis Larry Watkins Steven Kwiecinski Dennis Withrow Irma Serda Jim Herstein Alan Vancil Tom Cirkal Matt Hovey Ryan Walters Prignure Daryl Ron Linville Paul Young Melody Eustrom Terry Castagnozzi Daniel Matthews Eileen Debello Carol Ann Newlin David Delzell Bob Penn Cathy Edwards Michael Guldan Maurice Serotta Jeffrey Wriston Fred Desmarais Glen Mcintosh Gay Wilkerson Ron Giggey Julie Rowles John Wishart Scott Schultz Rebecca Wolf Dodo Cox Walter Slack Joseph Mckeon Alan Solomon Kent Rieder Lawrence Beidle Kathleen Franco Trish Schwartz John Byrd Bub Ryerson Forrest Walker Robert Endyk DIV ------M37 F35 M44 M41 M42 F27 M39 F15 M33 M48 M32 M39 F29 F25 F29 F33 M24 M34 F36 M46 F45 M40 M53 F14 M48 F32 M14 M20 M27 F46 F32 M47 M41 M42 M40 M40 F38 M31 M28 F22 F31 F27 M10 M48 M19 M47 M31 M23 F27 M63 M43 M35 F32 M66 M28 M28 M46 M33 M25 M41 F23 M42 M39 M44 M12 M16 M40 M32 M26 F32 M31 M33 F26 F34 M50 M41 F39 M31 M65 M26 M38 M63 F50 M41 F22 M45 M35 F26 M25 M64 M51 M29 M27 M36 F33 F34 M58 M46 M29 M36 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------55:05 55:05 55:05 55:06 55:06 55:06 55:06 55:06 55:06 55:06 55:06 55:06 55:06 55:06 55:06 55:06 55:07 55:07 55:07 55:07 55:07 55:07 55:07 55:07 55:07 55:07 55:08 55:08 55:08 55:08 55:08 55:08 55:08 55:08 55:08 55:08 55:08 55:08 55:08 55:08 55:09 55:09 55:09 55:09 55:09 55:09 55:09 55:09 55:09 55:09 55:09 55:09 55:09 55:10 55:10 55:10 55:10 55:10 55:10 55:10 55:11 55:11 55:11 55:11 55:11 55:11 55:11 55:11 55:11 55:11 55:12 55:12 55:12 55:12 55:12 55:12 55:12 55:13 55:13 55:13 55:13 55:13 55:13 55:13 55:13 55:13 55:13 55:13 55:13 55:14 55:14 55:14 55:14 55:15 55:15 55:15 55:15 55:15 55:15 55:15 84/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Mike White Bryan Aguilar Barbara Flahive Robert Winefer Debra Neely Steven Romoff Kathy Adams Anita Marin Jack Nunn Morgan Rumler Dan Craig Cheri Mitchell Randy Petersen Ken Washington Paul D Kambler Donald Piel Brent Koel Darlene Mccormick Russ Watterson John Connell Brad Hendron Barbara Robbins Bud Withrow Susanne Cook Akey Idna Tommie Lou Robinson Nick Karabatsos Scott Sunday-Bottorf Rebecca Yule Keith Brockway Bev Curtin Bill Ransom Robert Carney Jenna Lear Ron Schenone Dave Curtiss Joe Moran Gary Graves Victor Nelson Phyllis Wagner Tim Hamihun Mike Stretchberry Scott Biniki Damaris Gross Patti Overton Mary Byrnes Kerry Holmquist John Cordasco Evan Metcalf Eric Reinhard Donna Curtis Craig Olson Marti Douglass David Kroepsch James Sites Jeffrey Busk Mike Forster Steve Clark Richard Gottschalk Bob Lehtd Phil Del Prince Travis Holmquist Richard Ratigan Daniel Long Ned Reese Debbie Williams Stephen Colby Jesse Rochell David Anderson Thomas Ellers Kathy Mcdonald Deborah Seymour Baker Rolland Fearen Molly Orkild-Larsow Bonnie Sheppard Ilsa Bohn Tim Zietse Dick Bowlin Stu Perlmeter Mark Henderson Peter Pfeiffle Carol Mohseni Lawrence Sorge Darrell Class Connie Miller Douglas Wamsley Bill Allen Bruce Compton Henry Guerrero Craig Nunn Richard Ayala Andrea Freidlander Stephen Hasken Michaele Roberts Sanjai Bhagat Susan Freke John Langedyk Kara Peterson Keith Worfolk DIV ------M25 M24 M46 M45 F24 M38 F32 F30 M43 F45 M24 F35 M35 M31 M14 M36 M11 F24 M44 M32 M16 F39 M39 F37 F43 F31 M58 M24 F25 M15 F38 M32 M38 F15 M58 M35 M35 M30 M51 F28 M28 M48 M30 F17 F31 F35 F30 M22 M43 M30 F48 M29 F26 M41 M45 M33 M48 M27 M36 M23 M39 M29 M39 M40 M43 F28 M42 M43 M31 M42 F18 F37 F46 M35 F29 F51 F33 M27 M50 M40 M25 M39 F30 M22 M46 F39 M48 M42 M35 M35 M42 M54 F32 M45 F20 M33 F23 M25 F20 M27 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------55:15 55:15 55:15 55:15 55:16 55:16 55:16 55:16 55:16 55:16 55:16 55:16 55:16 55:16 55:16 55:16 55:16 55:17 55:17 55:17 55:17 55:17 55:17 55:17 55:17 55:17 55:17 55:17 55:17 55:17 55:17 55:18 55:18 55:18 55:18 55:18 55:18 55:18 55:18 55:18 55:18 55:19 55:19 55:19 55:19 55:19 55:19 55:19 55:19 55:19 55:19 55:19 55:20 55:20 55:20 55:20 55:20 55:20 55:20 55:20 55:20 55:20 55:20 55:21 55:21 55:21 55:21 55:21 55:21 55:21 55:21 55:21 55:21 55:21 55:21 55:21 55:21 55:22 55:22 55:22 55:22 55:22 55:22 55:23 55:23 55:23 55:23 55:23 55:23 55:23 55:23 55:23 55:23 55:23 55:23 55:23 55:23 55:23 55:24 55:24 85/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Tina Romano Ellwood Chip Barrett Frances Cottingham Eric Tribble Katy Carpenter Lynn Osborne Roger Woodruff Brian Collins David Kopper Steven Washington Paul Kruger Ken Bowden Lw Graves Paul Orkild Bob Click Jack Kintzele Neil Rosenberger Valerie St Marie Michael Lyster Stephen Wheeler Greg Bruns Holly Ferris Steve Machlan Barbara Woodbridge Visda Carson Ken Frick Ray Pigg Jonelle Dwyer W Scott Jeffers Susan Rywalt Donald Meyer Stephanie Watt Debra Pentz Timothy Holeman Dixie Periman Donna Schumacher Wayne Tri John Kinsey Joseph Pepper Gary Simmons Jeff Leib Bob Revitte Marschall Smith Wendy Cates Kenneth Paris Kristen Rupprecht Adele Tooley Vicki Childers Kirk Wheeler David Fraker Mas Yoshimara Thom Cameron Rosemary Mossa Dick Chase Michael Stoffel Bill Griffith Lisa M Jones Jerry Payne Russell Henderson Russell Jones Jeffrey Wicks Dennis Archuleta Tiffini Jellinek Thomas Jung Christy Grant Rebecca Kopriva Dean Celada Shane Davis Barry Lewis Richard Cowles Kirsten Farson Willard Marquis Dennis Cyr Debie Gonzales Florence Moreman Carol Aldrich Lisa Kin Arlon Stevens Allen Rheem Jeff Weik Shelley Doggett Andrew Lattanzi Danny Richheimer Marilyn Weik Mary Downing Pamela Molinaro Michael Riess Cours Bob Nelson Anthony Satriano Michael Homs Kris Miller Robert Rosenberg Judy Edgerton Brian Maffett James Ritter Nancy Griffith Donald Martinez Chuck Johnson Kristopher Mattson Zachary Bergen DIV ------F27 M32 F28 M39 F36 F33 M29 M33 M41 M29 M31 M46 M44 F61 M26 M52 M36 F34 M40 M42 M26 F16 M33 F52 F24 M36 M41 F38 M26 F35 M35 F23 F22 M31 F47 F49 M38 M41 M43 M25 M41 M59 M27 F20 M42 F20 F32 F38 M26 M32 M50 M47 F38 M52 M27 M41 F34 M55 M43 M25 M42 M31 F18 M40 F25 F29 M21 M14 M45 M55 F18 M33 M42 F23 F23 F47 F15 M36 M39 M20 F30 M50 M18 F45 F34 F31 M50 M55 M33 M39 M40 M25 F41 M25 M27 F34 M20 M39 M19 M28 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------55:24 55:24 55:24 55:24 55:24 55:24 55:24 55:25 55:25 55:25 55:25 55:25 55:25 55:25 55:25 55:25 55:25 55:26 55:26 55:26 55:26 55:26 55:26 55:26 55:26 55:26 55:26 55:26 55:26 55:27 55:27 55:27 55:27 55:27 55:27 55:28 55:28 55:28 55:28 55:28 55:28 55:28 55:28 55:28 55:28 55:28 55:28 55:28 55:29 55:29 55:29 55:29 55:29 55:29 55:29 55:30 55:30 55:30 55:30 55:30 55:30 55:30 55:30 55:30 55:30 55:30 55:31 55:31 55:31 55:31 55:31 55:31 55:31 55:31 55:31 55:31 55:31 55:31 55:32 55:32 55:32 55:32 55:32 55:32 55:32 55:32 55:32 55:32 55:32 55:32 55:33 55:33 55:33 55:33 55:33 55:33 55:33 55:33 55:33 55:33 86/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------John Lichtenberger Thomas Mcaleer Becky Baylor Tac Mccleery Dan Fremont Joseph Michalski Timothy Jones Larry Swartz Gary Chambers Larry Wilhelm Mike Koshio Paul Oboliwicz Barry Spindler Carol Buckspan Ira Taylor Mark Cielinski Leslie Yakubowski Roxanne Lujan Victoria Ortiz Kris Sprouse Frank Canind Mike Wallace Chuck Foley Annette Mc Neill James Stevens Jeffrey Westcott Walter Johns Brian Murphy Milan Rewerts Jeanne Barden Karen Galchutt Anne Lucas Jim Gillen Sheri Marks John Holt Keith Paine Gary Cielinski Gary Klein Martha Taylor Cris Cavanaugh Ben Maxfield Amy Anderson Robert Dugan William Moniger Leigh Kalin Mark Bradfield Thorwald Lemke Randy Swanson Robert Corliss Rebecca Johnson Cheri Urda Rick Johnston Patrick Walsh Warren Brumley Jody Covell Janet Kennedy David Zeutzius Barry Burnett Jolie Hill Mary Tkach Ira Brown Fred Gowdy Tom Reynolds Lorraine Green Diane Sajbel Bill Williams Bruce Cairns Ellie Marrow Mike Steinle Jack Yates Corey Daker Scott Pocsik Federico Cruz-Uribe Mark Martin James Fetterman Patty Montoya Joan Gray Dennis Lisherness James English Patrick O'Brien Jody Fahey Dustin Rabun Norma Bledsoe Kay Herrell Bob Sees Jon Babbitt Charles Dinwiddie Michael Montgomery James Sinda Wes Berkshire Linda Gibb Jim Ryan David Auday Partick Martin Gary Serbousek Matthew Bilodeau Ann Neuburger Barry David Jerry Reidy Jim Dierker DIV ------M40 M25 F26 M36 M40 M41 M38 M44 M31 M27 M16 M38 M40 F39 M33 M10 F30 F20 F29 F44 M33 M16 M54 F41 M40 M28 M49 M31 M46 F42 F41 F21 M36 F23 M99 M43 M36 M39 F29 M30 M14 F33 M44 M45 M25 M30 M38 M17 M29 F36 F28 M34 M14 M35 M13 F39 M24 M39 F29 F31 M54 M38 M44 F37 F26 M36 M45 F41 M30 M38 M16 M25 M39 M29 M47 F42 F36 M27 M40 M29 F29 M13 M42 F30 M40 M54 M56 M49 M42 M11 F99 M45 M26 M47 M26 M38 F27 M48 M53 M43 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------55:33 55:34 55:34 55:34 55:34 55:34 55:34 55:35 55:35 55:35 55:35 55:35 55:35 55:35 55:35 55:35 55:35 55:35 55:35 55:35 55:35 55:35 55:35 55:35 55:35 55:35 55:35 55:35 55:35 55:35 55:36 55:36 55:36 55:36 55:36 55:36 55:36 55:36 55:36 55:37 55:37 55:37 55:37 55:37 55:37 55:37 55:37 55:38 55:38 55:38 55:38 55:38 55:38 55:38 55:38 55:38 55:38 55:38 55:38 55:39 55:39 55:39 55:39 55:39 55:39 55:39 55:39 55:39 55:39 55:39 55:39 55:39 55:40 55:40 55:40 55:40 55:40 55:40 55:41 55:41 55:41 55:41 55:41 55:41 55:41 55:41 55:41 55:41 55:41 55:41 55:42 55:42 55:42 55:42 55:42 55:42 55:42 55:42 55:42 55:43 87/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Robert Mann Zach Fields Linda Newman Timothy Vick Anne Bruton Parricia Graham-Lewis George Norris Bill Bailey Mike Connor James Harbaugh Frank Sandoval Mattie Corya Jerry Hoodgstraten Lori Dahm Debra Komodore John Scott Carrie Fell Steve Podgorski Donna Austin Pete Grogan Judy Quintana Spencer Johnson Chris Wolfe James Brod Stephen Kneipple Joseph Luger Dan Holcomb Steve Livran Nancy Torgerud Joe Bellipanni Bob Homer Erik Lohans Robert White Paul Blatter Mark Vavra Lila Koch Susan Shaw Craig Woodford Michael Adamo Libby Mcdermott Jane Spaulding LJ Yoder Larry Beck Don Parker Mary Stevens Michael Collins Bob Steiert Patrick Clowes Dave Greenwood Donnie Thompson Michael Crowley Dale Louis Brenda Eells Jerry Neely Eric Baumgartner Richard Crabtree Alan Friedberg Mary Ellen Schwenk Larry Forrest Sat Sunder Khalsa Kenneth Strzepek Tom Arrison Inge Frerichs Ellen Morton Wanda Willems Zachary Baer Eric Reinema Greg Hopkins Kendall Scudder Margaret Haggerty David Morgan Jan Tecklenburg Bill Hermanson Nel Posthumus Chris Webb Walt Roll Donald Campbell Terry Ryan Shawn Faurot Lloyd Liebetrau Herb Saperstone Susan Hunter Ronald Rider Gray Schmitz Donnie Ryan David Stevenson Robert Epper Mike Imes Maureen Dargen Tom Thomas Timothy Raup Stephen Tinkler Leslie Talmadise Richard Loveall Andrew Postosky Daniel Crespin Jerry Mclean Robert Tutag Todd Kuster Chris Campbell DIV ------M46 M15 F40 M36 F40 F30 M44 M47 M25 M43 M40 F33 M34 F19 F32 M39 F27 M37 F32 M40 F31 M38 M27 M45 M49 M36 M37 M26 F45 M40 M39 M14 M44 M17 M26 F45 F19 M41 M42 F36 F40 F27 M36 M41 F38 M32 M36 M35 M36 M36 M33 M47 F25 M27 M24 M45 M43 F50 M41 M38 M34 M38 F29 F21 F45 M10 M13 M35 M37 F37 M42 F34 M37 F50 M40 M51 M23 M13 M9 M36 M33 F26 M25 M35 F27 M48 M26 M33 F21 M34 M29 M40 M33 M31 M31 M49 M49 M47 M14 M43 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------55:43 55:43 55:43 55:43 55:43 55:43 55:43 55:43 55:43 55:43 55:43 55:44 55:44 55:44 55:44 55:44 55:44 55:44 55:44 55:44 55:44 55:45 55:45 55:45 55:45 55:45 55:45 55:45 55:45 55:45 55:45 55:45 55:45 55:45 55:46 55:46 55:46 55:46 55:46 55:46 55:46 55:46 55:46 55:46 55:46 55:46 55:47 55:47 55:47 55:47 55:47 55:47 55:47 55:47 55:47 55:48 55:48 55:48 55:48 55:48 55:48 55:48 55:48 55:48 55:48 55:48 55:48 55:49 55:49 55:49 55:49 55:49 55:49 55:49 55:49 55:49 55:49 55:50 55:50 55:50 55:50 55:50 55:50 55:50 55:50 55:50 55:50 55:50 55:51 55:51 55:51 55:51 55:51 55:52 55:52 55:52 55:52 55:52 55:52 55:52 88/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Wyatt Lawson Charles Collins Paul Sorensen Melinda Gross Kyle Nagai Donald Willson Ryan Hediger Danielle Neel Earl Cornelius Alex Mclean Steven Geiler Sarah Mead Elaine Miles Sidney Pollok Masau Maki Alicia Smoot Tom Mcmahon Marcia Christie Melinda Harrison James Loucks Molly Gouch Bob Hicks Mark Miller Kevin Kleinhenz Marty Bauer ED Hamilton Ron Lewis Michael Bello Jason Koczman Glyn Rodgers Jerry Calley Joshua Lara Kari Sickels Caleb Melamed Paul Stuber Mike Bauer Deb Ellingson Lane Miller Jefff Svoboda Scott Sutton Robert Doriss Mike Heber Preston Newell Gale Schrag Katie Branagan Pete Tyree Meredith Ebersole Gail Heinzman James Stein Kristen Erickson Terry Mcdonald Peg Prusa William Strampel Janet Dilz James Ficke Loren Miller Marc Rouse Tom Mccann Aaron Shipps John Carnich Debra Christopher Jack Hamill Pat Valenta Gaile Clark Robert Janda Anne Oakley Reed Bailey Mark Wcadika Michael Chaney Susan Danzig Jacob Koczman Ted Schaefer Ann Bigler Jay Chapman Duane Eason Mark Webber Angelu Cordova Mark Ronnie Lloyd Gronning Eric Napelbaum Rob Sarche John Hilton Donald Norland James Sherman Becky Callan John Mahoney Steve Pott paul Russ Tom Bradfield Russell Manette Jamie Wollrab Cindy Guthrie Natal Modica William Johnston Gary Rottman Alan Klein Terry Parker Christopher Bowman John Mcelderry Deirdre Varger DIV ------M36 M51 M26 F21 M28 M33 M14 F14 M32 M30 M28 F25 F19 M35 M37 F34 M30 F34 F31 M41 F35 M44 M33 M34 M23 M27 M48 M37 M10 M35 M47 M16 F24 M14 M31 M24 F34 M28 M25 M26 M42 M30 M46 M38 F29 M62 F29 F33 M32 F20 M45 F30 M41 F31 M57 M26 M18 M47 M13 M44 F35 M30 F27 F49 M32 F43 M47 M30 M33 F24 M10 M29 F36 M49 M53 M34 M13 M28 M37 M33 M17 M44 M64 M47 F26 M26 M39 M35 M32 M18 M12 F28 M12 M48 M44 M38 M24 M17 M25 F24 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------55:52 55:52 55:53 55:53 55:53 55:53 55:53 55:53 55:53 55:53 55:53 55:53 55:54 55:54 55:54 55:54 55:54 55:55 55:55 55:55 55:55 55:55 55:55 55:55 55:55 55:55 55:55 55:56 55:56 55:56 55:56 55:56 55:56 55:56 55:56 55:56 55:56 55:56 55:56 55:57 55:57 55:57 55:57 55:57 55:57 55:57 55:57 55:57 55:57 55:57 55:57 55:57 55:57 55:57 55:57 55:57 55:57 55:58 55:58 55:58 55:58 55:58 55:58 55:58 55:58 55:58 55:58 55:58 55:58 55:58 55:58 55:58 55:58 55:58 55:58 55:59 55:59 55:59 55:59 55:59 55:59 55:59 55:59 55:59 55:59 55:59 55:59 56:00 56:00 56:00 56:00 56:00 56:00 56:00 56:00 56:01 56:01 56:01 56:01 56:01 89/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Stephen Choun Frank Gaffney Rick Mitchell Kirk Anderson Lisa Duchon John Jones Vivian Otteman Jean Bormann Imos Lucero Eric Romero Boyd Martin Laura Sherman Jerome Gienger Salvador Martinez Sarah Thorne Steven Bernard Lara Juliusson Maureen Mccarvill Gina Wolfinbarger Stephen Fall Robert Hopper Jason Simons James Gibbs Ethan Jacobs Jeannette Petrica Steve Carruthers Peter Grampp Alan Jewby Tim Schilling Robin Carufel Jordan Hastings Marlyn Peet Stephen Shay Demetri Ganiaris Georgia Heoges Bob Snead Stan Chau Anna Edwards Peter Irvine Anderson Tomas Cooper Jack Gibbs Ed Knofelc Michael Archuleta John Devenney Robert Gross Dave Pineda Linda Bonar Michael Thomas Robin Guilford Jeffrey Sindt Don Culver Janet King Robert Sommers Betsy Dollar David Kirkpatrick Michael Spranger Patrick Neri Richard Croissant Nancy Kneipple Celisa Bryant Oscar Dillon Steve Nelson David Clabots Karen Grote Donald Porter Bill Hyde Marvin Storm Paula Dallabetta Margaret Koutavas David Scott Robert Bunch Marian Dunshee George Nieto Alec Sharp Jim Collins Jeff Hale Nina Roudebush Kimberly Kent Lou Schroeder Kathleen Unks Jim Gilbertz Dan Rock Keran Brown Robert Gowdy Manfred Schwoch Ben Fredreoill Dennis Joseph Victor Gelner Dan Michaels Frank Shelton Wally Armistead Wayne Killinger Dilipkumar Patel Ed Schriner Roger Fesmire Scott Langfield Jim Schultz Richard Henley Darryl Martinez DIV ------M36 M32 M42 M12 F26 M21 F55 F29 F32 M14 M22 F30 M33 M44 F27 M36 F21 F24 F21 M42 M39 M28 M40 M16 F41 M29 M29 M50 M39 M33 M43 M38 M49 M22 F38 M36 M27 F15 M14 F35 M42 M41 M46 M33 M58 M39 M31 F35 M29 M46 M33 M45 F30 M37 F32 M26 M22 M12 M50 F44 F30 M49 M43 M32 F34 M38 M41 M42 F30 F36 M26 M31 M46 M42 M35 M48 M14 F47 F23 M52 F37 M37 M15 M31 M45 M54 M24 M48 M51 M40 M57 M55 M26 M40 M43 M17 M25 M30 M39 M26 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------56:01 56:01 56:01 56:01 56:01 56:01 56:01 56:01 56:02 56:02 56:02 56:02 56:02 56:02 56:02 56:02 56:02 56:02 56:02 56:02 56:03 56:03 56:03 56:03 56:03 56:03 56:03 56:03 56:03 56:03 56:03 56:03 56:03 56:03 56:04 56:04 56:04 56:04 56:04 56:04 56:04 56:04 56:04 56:04 56:04 56:04 56:04 56:04 56:05 56:05 56:05 56:05 56:05 56:05 56:05 56:05 56:05 56:05 56:06 56:06 56:06 56:06 56:06 56:06 56:06 56:06 56:06 56:06 56:07 56:07 56:07 56:07 56:07 56:07 56:07 56:07 56:07 56:07 56:07 56:07 56:07 56:08 56:08 56:08 56:08 56:08 56:08 56:08 56:08 56:08 56:08 56:09 56:09 56:09 56:09 56:09 56:09 56:09 56:09 56:09 90/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Richard Johnston Karen Nowak Debra Rounds Alex Zmiewsky David Bolger Sarah Cratty Randy Kilgore Jesse Sommer Greg Braach Elizabeth Friedman Dan Lynch James Timmerwilke Michael Braddy Patrick Harrington Susan Rapson Wayne Welsh Denise Augustine Scott Cary Debi Moore Howard Aposhyan Deborah Schmidt Michael Kearney Steven Lawrence Shelly Nelson Tad Dobrowolski Gene Marsh Greg Nierengarten Brent Handler Melani Mccullough Chris Orme Michael Bielkiewicz Jill Hopper James Prall Nancy Burton Patrice Fusco Jessica Hendricks Bob Watts Mary Bridges Philip Davis Larry Garcia Scott Mcphail Ray Candelaria Tony Deluise Lee Harrison Joann Sonday Dean Cordova Katherine Heineck Elton Strittmater Melanie Daraio Andrea Wilson Jay Ellwein Kimberly Pruett Jim Zoellner David Allardice Dorie Gonzales Richard Pszanka Sam Maddox Dax Valdez Richard Barry Wendy Perkins Tammy Bartlett Greg Heming Lani Vidmar Frederick Erickson Susan Mead Joe Gorman Don Miller Jan Wilkins Susan Anthes Thomas Hanselmann Cliff Slaiding Kathy Soutar Tamara Attwooll Peter Dang Jim Minkey Paul Post Gene Timmermans Steve Bruger Gage Garby Gayle Resh Michelle Williams Kenneth Brusegaard Sam Greco Clark Myers Cindy Romero Claudia Cygnar Barbara Minard Terry Palmer David Haas Amy Laird Gerald Yung Taralee Jensen Marshall Crawford Linda Koldenhoven Panny Lasley Barb Mcloone Rubert Vannett John Dunker Alsoko Ohtake Nancy Yensick DIV ------M50 F22 F26 M41 M47 F29 M42 M31 M29 F22 M40 M41 M15 M26 F41 M29 F23 M24 F27 M29 F21 M29 M43 F19 M55 F44 M39 M20 F30 M19 M13 F31 M41 F42 F27 F13 M40 F28 M43 M41 M28 M36 M33 F24 F31 M32 F30 M41 F29 F20 M35 F19 M33 M44 F21 M49 M39 M14 M42 F39 F22 M42 F36 M45 F30 F37 M45 F28 F44 M44 M30 F30 F15 M23 M31 M34 M51 M37 F26 F28 F30 M36 M32 M34 F23 F37 F37 M44 M50 F18 M34 F15 M32 F33 F25 F26 M26 M47 F30 F33 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------56:09 56:09 56:10 56:10 56:10 56:10 56:10 56:10 56:10 56:10 56:10 56:10 56:10 56:10 56:10 56:10 56:10 56:10 56:11 56:11 56:11 56:11 56:12 56:12 56:12 56:12 56:12 56:12 56:12 56:12 56:12 56:12 56:12 56:12 56:13 56:13 56:13 56:13 56:13 56:13 56:13 56:13 56:13 56:13 56:13 56:13 56:13 56:13 56:13 56:14 56:14 56:14 56:14 56:14 56:14 56:14 56:14 56:14 56:14 56:14 56:15 56:15 56:15 56:15 56:15 56:15 56:15 56:15 56:15 56:15 56:15 56:16 56:16 56:16 56:16 56:16 56:16 56:16 56:16 56:16 56:16 56:16 56:16 56:16 56:16 56:16 56:16 56:16 56:17 56:17 56:17 56:17 56:17 56:17 56:18 56:18 56:18 56:18 56:18 56:18 91/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Jay Hamestadt Delbert Ragland Scott Clark Ron Hata Art Maston Steve Sivon Mark Douglas Ray Dondlinger Kevin James Roy Mcclendon Robert Prince Rodney Berry Marcelo Wood Andrew Hildner Robert Johnson Mike Saxe Brenda Howell-Carby Kara Keesling Roger Morelli Tara Baker Steven Swayze Lawerence Charny Franklin James Anthony Klenda Philip Norrish Linda Beal Marshall Warnick Kendra Head Donald Mcpeck Christopher Pine Stephanie Mertens Ronnie Watson Bob Collicott Lisa Hodgson Sherri Null Bret Hanson Randy Hunt Steve Orr Jay Korab Jennifer Pearson Gary Lyons Steven Snyder Antonino Wood John Brunn John Mchale Regan Turner Camille Armistead Aaron Farrar Richard Miller Brenda Williams Felecia Ashby Carol Herndon Chris Seitz Dennis Brendel Ken Kanemoto Joseph Padilla Wayne Winsett Bill Carmel Harriet Maneloveg Darby Piens Gail Beaton Gary Geramanis Clara Muino Gary Rabdorn April Branstetter Russell Jinary Holly Stevens Mid Martinez Rich Wuerker Wendy Brindle Claude Mott Renee Ertman Linda Campbell Steven Null Jennifer Craig Mark Curry Peggy Blake Bette Lu Gilford Doug Edgerton Bodo Schultz Katie Cole Jeni Marks B. J. Stone Justin Cumming Mark Morinaki Barbara Page Bill Doeschot David Hale Jeff Rath Dan Downs J. Rory Laiho Steve Schendel Paul Formisano Sammy Lee Gary Weissmann Greg Abrams Marche Mccubbin Doug Mitchell Debra Topping Stephen Cox DIV ------M37 M39 M13 M31 M39 M24 M22 M20 M32 M49 M30 M36 M17 M11 M42 M32 M29 F24 M35 F19 M27 M45 M42 M26 M27 F40 M53 F18 M49 M24 F15 M39 M43 F21 F33 M16 M38 M32 M37 F22 M42 M24 M41 M31 M40 M22 F21 M13 M46 F17 F24 F26 M17 M39 M44 M36 M34 M34 F23 M50 F35 M39 F35 M34 F34 M37 F21 F35 M27 F14 M47 F17 F33 M49 F19 M26 F37 F40 M41 M41 F30 F12 M11 M26 M27 F44 M42 M42 M11 M25 F39 M28 M12 M33 M29 M37 F29 M42 F17 M41 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------56:18 56:18 56:18 56:18 56:18 56:18 56:18 56:19 56:19 56:19 56:19 56:19 56:19 56:19 56:19 56:19 56:19 56:19 56:19 56:19 56:19 56:19 56:19 56:19 56:19 56:19 56:19 56:20 56:20 56:20 56:20 56:20 56:20 56:20 56:20 56:20 56:20 56:20 56:21 56:21 56:21 56:21 56:21 56:21 56:21 56:21 56:21 56:21 56:21 56:21 56:21 56:22 56:22 56:22 56:22 56:22 56:22 56:22 56:22 56:22 56:22 56:22 56:22 56:22 56:22 56:23 56:23 56:23 56:23 56:23 56:23 56:23 56:24 56:24 56:24 56:24 56:24 56:24 56:25 56:25 56:25 56:25 56:25 56:25 56:25 56:25 56:26 56:26 56:26 56:26 56:26 56:26 56:26 56:26 56:26 56:26 56:26 56:27 56:27 56:27 92/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Jason French Ed Oliveri Kou Yang Eileen Engette Leslie Hansen- Sturm Joe Pedersen Beth Miller Anny Roudel Robin Burns Betsy Heppner Laura Sauvagean Doug Van Riper Bruce Bouner Sandy Hipple Theresa Schotte Robert Fenerty Cynthia Malleck Joseph Shipp Paul Anderson Jr. Bob Hagerman John Rabun Royce Miller David Randel Leslie White Bob Collins David Milofsky Elyn Redman Lynn Allen Karen Deger Jim Parr Roger Rozeboom Doug Bakke Michael Martinez Natalie Stephand Del Blehm Mona Vanvelson James Kimley Francess Reda Kippy Born Robert King Judy Schmucker Kevin Dwyer Cheryl Swenson Karen Hellner Michael Markel Sean Vonroenn Chris Hanson David Kempfer Chuck Prins Joe Wilson Nick Emeric Ken Jasmund Chance Mccarty Laurie Singer John Ferraro Craig Mccully Jane Upton John Greil Lynn Johnson Albert Mendoza Steve Galchutt Martha Spaulding Roger Wiese Linda Gillan Michael Standish Kim Maltby Dan Toomes Rosalind Deihl Jacqueline Nelson Bruce White Gayle Vitarius David Diggs Gayle Jones Dawn Ortiz Michael Schulz Kent Egan Gary Klein Robert Smith Greg O Goodwin Peter Mcparlane Mike Otis Lonnie Timora Michael Bartha Russ Hunter John Mulford Sue Pearce Rene Mares Wayne Geddings Fred Yaekle Mark Hinga Paul Knighton Sheryl Bain Frank Primozic Larry Ziegleer Ann Hollingsworth Todd Kuhlmann Tim Berry Mike Reigan Dan Geisler Sharon Kava DIV ------M12 M35 M12 F25 F45 M19 F26 F30 F33 F42 F31 M26 M33 F30 F40 M28 F13 M24 M36 M45 M40 M26 M31 F38 M53 M42 F24 F35 F28 M25 M43 M25 M28 F18 M53 F22 M32 F30 F28 M38 F30 M31 F27 F32 M39 M12 M42 M23 M47 M32 M34 M27 M16 F38 M40 M46 F35 M34 F45 M26 M44 F32 M41 F41 M26 F25 M26 F36 F29 M36 F32 M31 F37 F33 M44 M60 M53 M37 M27 M36 M33 M39 M28 M57 M34 F25 F30 M41 M42 M21 M28 F46 M27 M27 F24 M20 M37 M39 M24 F31 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------56:27 56:27 56:27 56:27 56:27 56:27 56:27 56:27 56:27 56:28 56:28 56:28 56:28 56:28 56:28 56:28 56:28 56:28 56:28 56:28 56:28 56:29 56:29 56:29 56:29 56:29 56:29 56:29 56:29 56:29 56:29 56:29 56:29 56:29 56:29 56:30 56:30 56:30 56:30 56:30 56:30 56:30 56:30 56:30 56:30 56:31 56:31 56:31 56:31 56:31 56:31 56:31 56:31 56:31 56:31 56:31 56:31 56:31 56:31 56:31 56:32 56:32 56:32 56:32 56:32 56:32 56:32 56:32 56:32 56:32 56:33 56:33 56:33 56:33 56:33 56:33 56:33 56:33 56:33 56:33 56:33 56:33 56:33 56:33 56:33 56:33 56:34 56:34 56:34 56:34 56:34 56:34 56:34 56:34 56:34 56:34 56:34 56:34 56:34 56:34 93/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Janet Laskowski Glenn H Jr Mapes Rebecca Cohen Sumner Rule Larry Haider Dan Kealing Ben Long Tom Pyle Michael Vigil Kevin Byrne Carl Labadie Jim Roecker Jennifer Lowry Jerry Schloffman Bob Walker Gilbert Bowlby Jr. Kelly Haggerty Mami Morita Jill Shulsinger Bruce Brown Louis Hernandez Heather Ryan Mark Stover Diane Drolsum Stephanie Lacke Scott Tandberg John Harrington Mike Raymond Glen Smith Lois Huyett Geroge Reed Karen Splringsteen Mark Driscoll Greg Kern Micah Osborne Vince Varbel Anne Eversley Jim Ragsdale Jennifer Gardiner Gary Oliver Chrissy Stuehler Dave Back Rick Huddleston Lisa Oliver Kriste Sumpter Joann Belak Erik Johnson William Rich Andrew Daniels Lars Gronhagen Colleen Tingle Paul Deerimg Cindy Knudson Stuart Walker Kay Foelske Martha Martinez Susan Tornabene Sheri Downey Jeoffery Mcallister Neil Phippen David Barkey Gene Van Essen Michael Bittner John Frey Tim Nyquist Sandy Prouty Ron Baumgartner Thomas Caldwell Thomas Kopel Miles Ohlrich Colletta Shin Lynn Bittner Roy Christman Suann Martin Thomas Ashbaugh Judith Fisher Kirk Lupton Justine Hull Lawrence Schenbeck William Baker Robert Lange Kristin White June Carter Dan Rock Rick Thompson Terry Cruikshank William Schroeder Laura Warwick Peter Dempsey Mary Siefert Noel Kitchen James Clifton James Wagner Gary Culbertson Kelly Maes Wayne Ohlrich Lisa Weller Bruce Fisher Adam Margolin Jesse Rios DIV ------F44 M62 F34 M11 M41 M37 M38 M39 M12 M18 M61 M28 F27 M49 M43 M21 F27 F36 F23 M39 M32 F36 M10 F41 F16 M9 M30 M47 M30 F30 M49 F40 M28 M28 M17 M32 F27 M44 F38 M41 F11 M27 M33 F23 F27 F25 M17 M35 M25 M30 F33 M35 F35 M37 F40 F29 F35 F35 M17 M10 M32 F34 M34 M42 M33 F40 M33 M41 M33 M19 F34 F34 M32 F21 M33 F45 M44 F27 M41 M27 M22 F28 F38 M38 M30 M32 M43 F24 M28 F22 M39 M47 M43 M32 F25 M19 F23 M46 M33 M33 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------56:34 56:34 56:34 56:34 56:34 56:34 56:34 56:35 56:35 56:35 56:35 56:35 56:35 56:35 56:35 56:35 56:35 56:35 56:35 56:35 56:35 56:36 56:36 56:36 56:36 56:36 56:36 56:36 56:36 56:36 56:36 56:36 56:36 56:36 56:37 56:37 56:37 56:37 56:37 56:37 56:37 56:37 56:37 56:37 56:37 56:37 56:37 56:38 56:38 56:38 56:38 56:38 56:38 56:38 56:38 56:38 56:39 56:39 56:39 56:39 56:39 56:39 56:39 56:39 56:39 56:39 56:39 56:39 56:39 56:39 56:39 56:39 56:39 56:39 56:39 56:40 56:40 56:40 56:40 56:40 56:40 56:40 56:40 56:41 56:41 56:41 56:41 56:41 56:41 56:41 56:41 56:41 56:42 56:42 56:42 56:42 56:42 56:42 56:42 56:42 94/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Tom Bohl Larry George William Timpson Chris Carr James Harrell Natthew Cumberland Lori Redovian Laura Demratini Greg Rooe Steve Baucum Gunda Kube Bruce Simpson Brien Burch David C Ulmer Jr Rob Hook John Stevens Greta Yan Julia Collins Stephanie Paine Joe Swavely Alysun Yester Stephan Davis Kristin Starry Krista Van Lewen Lynn Delameter Sue Wardell David Lecroy Stewart Jones Michael Mathews Dennis Kennedy Mike Spaur Craig Beatley James Steward Patti Grantin Barry Ploog Marcelo Bergquist Debi Kelly Doug Luithly Dominic Trujillo Susan Crockenberg Dale Kinzler Mary Mynatt Julie Williams-Ciprian Lisa Heaton Michael O Connell Tom Hurt Danny Kyle Matthw Buchanan Theresa Spahn Bruce Osmun Dorotgy Stevens Russell Bernzen Denise Smarse Susan Maxwell Tracy Villano Tim Griffin Michele Rogers Bobbie Heit Jr. William Boles Tania Martin Rick Stonehouse Rick Case David Wrede Caley Johnson Suzanne Ridley Denise Allen David Kinney Bol Andrus Jon Lutz Danny Roohr John Gorves Deanna Parker Mark Fuernisw Madeline Inouye Julie Lathrop Mary Roosevelt Tom Campbell Matthew Hage Kirk Light Walter Thayer Chris England Sharon Hufendick Rose Kelly Gini Oldeburg Bonnie Forrester Mary Anne Hughes Charlutte Kindt Dave Rex Marsh Barnette Stephen Negler Bob Ritter Sharon Cruse Carlos Rivera Richard Altman Jennifer Lippert Jason Wickham Gregorly Ingalls Louis Spinozzi Timothy Beaschler Brian Jung DIV ------M34 M28 M42 F28 M56 M11 F30 F13 M31 M36 F23 M31 M29 M49 M27 M27 F21 F26 F25 M26 F15 M28 F24 F27 M41 F26 M41 M28 M36 M40 M34 M25 M52 F38 M29 M36 F36 M35 M25 F40 M38 F31 F28 F30 M31 F47 M8 M37 F30 M36 F46 M37 F25 F36 F13 M35 F24 F37 M37 F24 M29 M21 M51 M12 F28 F24 M25 M28 M30 M41 M14 F24 M42 F42 F22 F29 M34 M13 M14 M60 M17 F30 F31 F45 F32 F32 F52 M30 M37 M22 M40 F22 M34 M37 F24 M18 M34 M39 M32 M14 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------56:42 56:42 56:42 56:42 56:42 56:43 56:43 56:43 56:43 56:43 56:43 56:43 56:43 56:43 56:44 56:44 56:44 56:44 56:44 56:44 56:44 56:44 56:44 56:44 56:44 56:44 56:45 56:45 56:45 56:45 56:45 56:45 56:45 56:45 56:46 56:46 56:46 56:46 56:46 56:46 56:46 56:46 56:46 56:46 56:46 56:46 56:46 56:47 56:47 56:47 56:47 56:47 56:47 56:48 56:48 56:48 56:48 56:48 56:48 56:48 56:48 56:48 56:49 56:49 56:49 56:49 56:49 56:49 56:49 56:49 56:49 56:49 56:50 56:50 56:50 56:50 56:50 56:50 56:50 56:50 56:50 56:50 56:50 56:50 56:50 56:50 56:50 56:50 56:51 56:51 56:51 56:51 56:51 56:51 56:51 56:51 56:52 56:52 56:52 56:52 95/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Thoma Srsich Tamara Bennett Pat Muino Ellen Vallee David Crockenberg Chuck Howe Michael Schonbrun Kurt Wickham Tim Gerchar Wayne Price William Virene Paul Bleau Heather Lingwood Tom Rooney Kevin Mcvaney Stephen Schroeder Holly Williams David Eason Jeffrey Neary Karen Siefert Gina Hambleton Phil Nething Donald Wagner Gary Barrons Kenneth Huck Tum Bosma Irene Leornard Debbie Smith Corey Burk Mark May Jan Stricker Rebecca Barck Amy Grimes Niek Pena Claude Berreckman Tom Smyth Patrick Fort Bob Jr Whiddon Bret Laird Eric Negler Corey Johnson Ellen Potter Patrick Byrne Hank Klos Elizabeth Salkind John Garcilaso Susan Knickle Paul Sefcovic Daniel Ault Michael Headrick Dolores Herrera Richard Miller Beth Wangen Janet Brug Craig Hovick Melinda Mueller Cary Wolfson Sandy Butler Alesia Mccloud Bud O'Hara Jill Zajiak Donald Coberley Cathy Melbye Jim London Paul Turtle Megan Back Robert Corcoran John Genrich Anthony Nolasco Nancy Bartlett John Friedberg Peter Genrich Meg Tilton Dennis Brenkert Louie Gallardo Anna Grotljschn Marshall Tobin Patricia Cleary Bonnie Mack Lawrence Roehrig Terri Brown Kuni Bert Gasser Gregg Novotny Mary Solie Roger Arnold Cheristine Buchanan Ken Goohew Pat Rodriguez Rick Brent Pat Engstrom Fred Jackson Theresa Farrell Greg Curtiss Stefanie Henegen Jed Macarthur Devra Frank Suzanne Laclaire Mario Reveles Brent Brug David Furman DIV ------M29 F27 M11 F32 M41 M58 M41 M18 M36 M32 M52 M42 F20 M49 M20 M11 F39 F35 M23 F34 F26 M30 M48 M48 M48 M37 F31 F31 M12 M32 F40 F23 F24 M33 M56 M47 M35 M32 M12 M27 M19 F38 M19 M27 F25 M44 F37 M33 M38 M45 F49 M36 F19 F26 M36 F19 M41 F33 F27 M46 F21 M31 F26 M54 M12 F34 M50 M47 M11 F32 M13 M15 F18 M42 M38 F10 M46 F28 F38 M36 F29 M32 M13 F25 M36 F18 M33 F42 M38 M44 M13 F23 M34 F15 M12 F39 F41 M17 M31 F29 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------56:52 56:52 56:52 56:52 56:52 56:52 56:52 56:52 56:52 56:53 56:53 56:53 56:53 56:53 56:53 56:53 56:53 56:53 56:53 56:53 56:53 56:54 56:54 56:54 56:54 56:54 56:54 56:54 56:54 56:54 56:54 56:54 56:54 56:55 56:55 56:55 56:55 56:55 56:55 56:56 56:56 56:56 56:56 56:56 56:56 56:56 56:56 56:56 56:56 56:56 56:57 56:57 56:57 56:57 56:57 56:57 56:57 56:57 56:57 56:57 56:57 56:57 56:57 56:58 56:58 56:58 56:58 56:58 56:58 56:58 56:58 56:58 56:58 56:58 56:58 56:58 56:58 56:58 56:59 56:59 56:59 56:59 56:59 56:59 56:59 56:59 56:59 56:59 56:59 56:59 56:59 56:59 57:00 57:00 57:00 57:00 57:00 57:00 57:00 57:00 96/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Richard Crabb Bradford Hall Jamie Graham Murray Richtel Michael Turner Grant Jones Stephanie Robles Ken Koopman Sherie Smith Doug Arteman Marybeth Mitchell Diane Sturm Joe Jaquez Alva Wagner Margaret Baxter Nancy Kaiser David Bosshart Joan Smith Jane Glader John Ehrhardt Carol Spies Joyce Morgan Liz Ullman Guy Allmeyer Robert Peacher Carolyn Wardell Lynne Schelonka Duane Bloedow Genny Hale Nicole Serrand Ruth Baxter Georgia Cole Char Lindsey Jewel Shetler Scott Bell Lora Elia Jim Pellouchoud Mary Sharon Engelbart Susan Savarie Charleanea Arellano Juliane Honeywell Ilene Early Barbara Klos Scott Felker Jerry Miller Daniel Harmon Jess Montez Jackie Anganbright Sharron Williams Andrew Amalfitand Carolyn Cremer Howard Markman Terry Sweeney Jon Wilson James Barolak James Guild Paul Mason Tom Kaluza Ben Medger Degorah Wagner Karin Crawford Joy Little Susan Parkinson Trey Cook Paul Miyamoto Mary Saxton Michael Dommermuth Stephen Veith Fred Boettcher James Downing Bill Neese Mark Collins Deborah Hayes Estevan Salazar Bob Calhoun Ryan Jack Dave Shellenberger Lona Collins Samantha Towbin Randy Eisen William Johnston Melanie Van Amsterdam Terry Allen Rob Haimson Teresa Rodriguez Robert Collins Walter Meade Kenneth Patton John Buist Krista Mercer Gayle Perez Greg Calvert John Earley Bill Mueller Douglas Ryan Anthony Cendella Tom Mates Scott Nold David Baloun Laura Doty DIV ------M48 M35 F33 M48 M27 M42 F28 M37 F26 M20 F26 F42 M36 F37 F25 F25 M31 F31 F33 M52 F30 F28 F36 M36 M40 F48 F28 M43 F17 F22 F32 F39 F40 F22 M42 F35 M28 F46 F24 F24 F27 F40 F32 M26 M38 M26 M25 F34 F36 M34 F29 M38 M35 M15 M29 M15 M15 M32 M13 F38 F30 F15 F33 M26 M45 F45 M31 M37 M31 M9 M41 M48 F34 M37 M39 MM13 M33 F26 F20 M38 M34 F24 M45 M33 F27 M36 M36 M9 M33 F25 F24 M36 M44 M62 M33 M50 M46 M29 M50 F23 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------57:00 57:00 57:01 57:01 57:01 57:01 57:01 57:01 57:01 57:01 57:01 57:02 57:02 57:02 57:02 57:02 57:02 57:02 57:02 57:03 57:03 57:03 57:03 57:03 57:03 57:03 57:03 57:04 57:04 57:04 57:04 57:04 57:04 57:04 57:04 57:04 57:04 57:04 57:04 57:04 57:05 57:05 57:05 57:05 57:05 57:05 57:05 57:05 57:06 57:06 57:06 57:06 57:06 57:06 57:06 57:06 57:06 57:06 57:06 57:06 57:06 57:06 57:06 57:07 57:07 57:07 57:07 57:07 57:07 57:07 57:07 57:07 57:07 57:07 57:08 57:08 57:08 57:08 57:08 57:08 57:08 57:08 57:08 57:08 57:08 57:09 57:09 57:09 57:09 57:09 57:09 57:09 57:09 57:09 57:09 57:09 57:09 57:09 57:09 57:10 97/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Timothy Parino Joseph Hess Beverly Ruiz Douglas Maccoll Daryl Shuck Mark Brown Rick Martin Shirley Sulazar Susan Brooks Bill Humphrey William Rogers Alan Aluisi Ann Brady James Graham Steven Watt Thomas Cote Amy Hess Carolyn Macphail Ruth Berkshire Mariano Decola Malcolm Hill Ash Mansour Gary Bracken Greg Graham Randall Price Linda Eisen Jeff Zabel Steve Gaare Cathy Madigan Amy Adams Robert Kulikcwski Paul Marvel Gail Beatty Jean Lagrone James Stark Cynthia Douglas Ned Modica Laura Tidstrom Jack Farrar Dennis Lane Amy Ridge Richard Aho Paul Finger Susan Maximon Veronica Stahl Rossell Applehans Peter Gabel Stephanie Mercer Judy Ingam Olga Ryan Claudia Ford Del Laird Charlene Speir Byron Ballig Jess Fuentes Richard Lewis Richard Welch Earl Elia Philip Harris San Miller Terrence Davenport Rick Tidstrom Bob Albright Stuart Gold Juan Zalles Ralph Bachus Dan Griggs Bob Books Jeanne Prokop Dan Oberfeld David Wood Brian Beranek Kristin Kenney Ed Sasman Kathy Ehrman Kristin Koenig Lisa Wise Cup Jack Barry Rick Flaks Barbara Modica Bill Fyfe Zachary Pfeffer Geoge Ward Robert Garfein Luis Saucedo David Wortendyke Jo Lyn Lisle Jack Sterling Ted Mecum Sheila Sweeney Dan Austin Kim Fox Mary Murphy Dennis Wilson Bob Burdick Tammy Herbert Alex Wilson Kichard Echeverria Johnny Hyde Danny Evans DIV ------M32 M31 F26 M40 M23 M36 M44 F24 F42 M27 M39 M32 F27 M52 M30 M23 F32 F34 F43 M53 M32 M32 M49 M17 M32 F37 M10 M39 F33 F25 M10 M22 F24 F37 M20 F24 M42 F30 M41 M28 F43 M26 M45 F43 F29 M28 M59 F23 F31 F22 F25 M36 F43 M24 M39 M22 M36 M59 M21 F43 M48 M30 M48 M33 M29 M66 M32 M52 F31 M55 M45 M42 F22 M44 F44 F19 F27 M33 M35 F36 M40 M10 M41 M28 M34 M51 F34 M29 M44 F38 M37 F36 F33 M41 M61 F28 M11 M40 M24 M39 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------57:10 57:10 57:10 57:10 57:10 57:10 57:10 57:10 57:10 57:11 57:11 57:11 57:11 57:11 57:11 57:11 57:11 57:11 57:11 57:11 57:11 57:11 57:11 57:11 57:12 57:12 57:12 57:12 57:12 57:12 57:12 57:12 57:12 57:12 57:13 57:13 57:13 57:13 57:13 57:13 57:13 57:13 57:13 57:13 57:13 57:13 57:13 57:13 57:14 57:14 57:14 57:14 57:14 57:14 57:14 57:14 57:14 57:14 57:14 57:14 57:15 57:15 57:15 57:15 57:15 57:15 57:15 57:15 57:15 57:16 57:16 57:16 57:16 57:16 57:16 57:16 57:16 57:16 57:16 57:16 57:16 57:17 57:17 57:17 57:17 57:17 57:17 57:17 57:17 57:17 57:18 57:18 57:18 57:18 57:18 57:18 57:18 57:18 57:18 57:18 98/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Phyllis Loftsgaro Kevin Cavanaugh Thomas Manka Robin Smith Coors Driste Suki Rivera Charles Todesco Jerry Bell Mary Ann Lewis Carlos Schdellhorn Stephen Branch Kenneth Light Kenneth Wilson Mike Mazier Sandra Rhodes Brad Helms Scott Rubright Dennis Martinez Laura Cuomo Ron Roberts Michael Blair Donald Kinney Frank Scurlock George Carro Joseph Markin Tracy Tutag Diana Pfankuch John Daily Cathy Land Bill Smith Teri Borton Gary Delander Michael Muse Carolyn Coy Julie Forey Linda Roberts Seth Hunter Kevin Sessa Paul Arnold Bridget Walters Karen Gratz Patrick Olsen Ted Bice Sheryl Hudson Bart Raspotnik Ken Madsen Stephen Schaefer Phillip Buxton Joann Murray Spencer David Downie Jennifer Klingebiel Ronald Smith Sue Collard Shanon Garro Susan Lipson Timothy Gilmore Scoti Packer Mary Terpstra Mark Costner Jeffrey Hyman William Redding Joseph Casselberry Roger Schmitz Gail Davidson Wilfred Streeter David Justice Tucker Medger George Oswald Ronald Hill Shron Martin Al Shontze Sherilynn Montgomery Ken Bieshaar Marsha Kaplan Brent Muscutt David Grenat Pad Lee Morris Dressler Steven Paul Laura Wilhelmi Vanessa Stanford Buddy Berger Mary J Greenfield Ralph Wenger Mark Dillingham David Lovatd Roger Wiggins Dan Holiday Timothy Sens Ed Steinbrecher Robert Cave Tim Mckay Fred Carter Williams Evelyn Gonzalez Barry Molk Shirley Gilbertson Gene Talbott Cody Koopman Donald Mcmillin Myra Schiphorst DIV ------F34 M36 M35 F37 F50 F17 M43 M49 F28 M37 M33 M32 M42 M32 F50 M27 M29 M36 F15 M40 M39 M31 M26 M40 M34 F25 F35 M46 F32 M34 M33 M41 M37 F50 F29 F38 M8 M35 M53 F35 F39 M42 M45 F29 M23 M44 M38 M18 F32 M14 F15 M35 F45 F40 F19 M39 M32 F26 M28 M44 M35 M26 M36 F45 M37 M22 M14 M37 M38 F36 M42 F26 M49 F43 M23 M32 M12 M34 M30 F17 F19 M31 F40 M36 M37 M27 M35 M35 M41 M53 M42 M34 M31 F26 M42 F37 M50 M32 M23 F25 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------57:18 57:19 57:19 57:19 57:19 57:19 57:19 57:19 57:19 57:19 57:19 57:19 57:20 57:20 57:20 57:20 57:20 57:20 57:21 57:21 57:21 57:21 57:21 57:21 57:21 57:21 57:21 57:22 57:22 57:22 57:22 57:22 57:22 57:22 57:22 57:22 57:22 57:22 57:22 57:23 57:23 57:23 57:23 57:23 57:23 57:23 57:23 57:23 57:23 57:24 57:24 57:24 57:24 57:24 57:24 57:24 57:24 57:24 57:24 57:24 57:24 57:25 57:25 57:25 57:25 57:25 57:25 57:26 57:26 57:26 57:26 57:26 57:26 57:26 57:26 57:26 57:26 57:27 57:27 57:27 57:27 57:27 57:27 57:27 57:27 57:27 57:27 57:28 57:28 57:28 57:28 57:28 57:28 57:28 57:28 57:29 57:29 57:29 57:29 57:29 99/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Patti Farmar Gerald Mitchell Sandra Sonoda Rich Kelly Timothy Murray Jerry Seguin Nancy Lipson Jack Steckline Diane Formisano Cindy Lurie Ray Peterson Craig Gjerde Chessa Mccann Jennifer Ramp Deborah Lewis Jeramie Prine Patricia Hart Chad Warriner Anne Hinnendael Andrew Mcmichael Ben Giltinan Nicholas Hook John Pavelich Timothy Giltinan Tara Macarthur Charles Terry David Brodie John North Glenn Carriere Vince Gill Renee Ryman Tom Aerden Beth Cobb Jennifer La Fleur Susan Stein Pat Brackley Brian Edwards Georgette Vigil Toni Modig Joseph Waldon Mike Archuleta Jon Leader Shirley Simons John Willburn Paul Barela Jayne Macarthur Tim Tramutt Martin Wiseman Jennifer Kirsch Dick Maxwell Kate Larkin Gay Burrows Charlie Poysti Julie Gilbertson Yusuke Toyama Kyla Hanson Mary Watt David Thomas David Brooks Rick Lomme Kenneth Thompson Carol Council Frederica Manning Thomas Cullen Bill Rudge Shirley Thomas Richard Waters Eric Bernhardt Bonnie Maschka Larry Segura Tesa Urbonus R.Zach Hall Edward Meadows Mary Simms Michael Vollmar Susan Akerman Ron Ikamire Gail Meinert Joseph Teehan Ben Arnenta Benjamin Morvan Candace Todd Joann Jordan Jacqueline Suess Diane Wortman Sam Brown Ben Kabigting Jon Tamm James Holdaway Douglas Lampshire Bob Johnson Daniel O'Mahony Jon Ford Jim Horgan Mary Mock Rosella Segura Robert L Green Randulph Miller Larry Nitishin David Thulin DIV ------F33 M54 F30 M44 M24 M49 F19 M45 F39 F30 M50 M39 F14 F12 F36 M12 F27 M16 F34 M22 M14 M18 M37 M17 F14 M42 M29 M28 M39 M37 F38 M18 F24 F24 F35 F36 M12 F20 F30 M30 M28 M27 F52 M30 M34 F42 M14 M25 F17 M42 F36 F47 M28 F30 M21 F19 F29 M40 M46 M20 M26 F33 F25 M29 M48 F36 M35 M13 F56 M35 F21 M13 M58 F44 M35 F46 M45 F26 M31 M49 M13 F44 F30 F24 F41 M12 M45 M33 M49 M31 M29 M29 M26 M35 F33 F33 M50 M36 M28 M51 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------57:29 57:29 57:29 57:30 57:30 57:30 57:30 57:30 57:30 57:30 57:30 57:30 57:30 57:30 57:31 57:31 57:31 57:31 57:31 57:31 57:31 57:31 57:31 57:31 57:32 57:32 57:32 57:32 57:32 57:32 57:32 57:32 57:32 57:32 57:32 57:32 57:32 57:33 57:33 57:33 57:33 57:33 57:33 57:33 57:33 57:33 57:33 57:33 57:33 57:33 57:34 57:34 57:34 57:34 57:34 57:34 57:34 57:35 57:35 57:35 57:35 57:35 57:35 57:35 57:35 57:36 57:36 57:36 57:36 57:36 57:36 57:36 57:36 57:36 57:36 57:36 57:36 57:36 57:36 57:36 57:36 57:37 57:37 57:37 57:37 57:37 57:37 57:37 57:37 57:37 57:37 57:37 57:38 57:38 57:38 57:38 57:38 57:38 57:38 57:38 100/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Brenda Black Mary Hardin Duane Onodera Philip Vadeboncoeur Jim Escue Marc Hendron Cathy Sawin Karen Ortiz Debra Anderson Cheryl Ferguson Don Kaegi Traci Mc Coy Dennis Wager Don Arstein Minx Fuller Tammy Larson Donna Miers Paul Zeckser Jon Faurot Steve Hanson Jean Lawconnell William Jobe Robert Lopez Ted Briggs David Detro Nathan Hook Brian Post Rudy Chacon Fred Gorves Amy Johnson Andrew Raamot Richard Champany Jeff Knight Dale Reed Lane Anderson Dorri Davis Julie Hackard Jim Peck Fran Boruff Steffanie Engel Beverly Lyne Rick Young Teresa Clary Jerry Hamilton Jason Russell David Kaplan Crystal Soly Curtis Edwards Aaron Kluding Ted Williams Don Filarowicz J.D Murphy Lonnie Sodee Kim Groga Douglas Payne Andrew J Lutsch Gregory Price Karen Speickard Ray Falce Anthony Menkel Rex Smith Gary Leikeness Ann Gruidel Roger Roderick Ortiz David Hughes Richard Renk Aralla Karspeck Andrea Scaglia Bruce Adams Sharla Arend Jesse Gossett Lynne Scarlet Anna Kangus Michael Vodehnal Paul Conrad Jerry Lynch Sandra Dow Elliott Qhlenhopp Lisa Lewis Valerie Meyers Maggie Mutsch Paul Moberg Douglas Perkins Paul Touchette Doug Lindsey Steve Morganfield Harry Shulman Gayl Woodke David Feeny Katharyn Mcginness Brent Mutsch Sharon Soly Jenny Mender Troy Beranek Michele Wong Nancy Clinton Candace Krebs Ski Adamozyk Pate Clinton Stephanie Mclaughlin DIV ------F24 F26 M33 M46 M30 M13 F30 F25 F25 M34 M38 F27 M32 M50 F37 F29 F34 M12 M42 M36 F34 M49 M30 M34 M37 M14 M29 M48 M39 F27 M15 M39 M34 M28 M29 F37 F31 M40 M46 F20 F38 M32 F29 M46 M13 M43 F10 M31 M13 M27 M41 M41 M33 F23 M20 M27 M39 F39 M52 M40 M46 M16 F34 M28 M46 M30 F14 F12 M29 F37 M10 F32 F29 M16 M34 M51 F46 M46 F24 F44 F37 M27 M38 M52 M22 M42 M30 F45 M34 F25 M37 F33 F33 M8 F35 F43 F30 M51 M45 F33 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------57:38 57:38 57:38 57:38 57:38 57:38 57:38 57:39 57:39 57:39 57:39 57:39 57:39 57:39 57:39 57:39 57:39 57:39 57:39 57:39 57:39 57:39 57:39 57:40 57:40 57:40 57:40 57:40 57:40 57:40 57:40 57:40 57:40 57:40 57:40 57:40 57:40 57:40 57:41 57:41 57:41 57:41 57:41 57:41 57:41 57:41 57:41 57:41 57:41 57:41 57:42 57:42 57:42 57:42 57:42 57:42 57:42 57:42 57:42 57:42 57:42 57:43 57:43 57:43 57:43 57:43 57:43 57:43 57:43 57:44 57:44 57:44 57:44 57:44 57:44 57:44 57:44 57:44 57:45 57:45 57:45 57:45 57:45 57:45 57:45 57:45 57:45 57:45 57:45 57:45 57:45 57:45 57:46 57:46 57:46 57:46 57:46 57:46 57:47 57:47 101/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Ronald Ginley Joseph Urban Mary Arceneaux Michael Barrow Sally Goss Kathleen Arington James Bosshart Jaime Lupton Susan Blickstaff Tom Howard Howard Selbest John Matherly Kristin Wanderer Mark Craig John Mullin Robert Zimmerer Bill Austin Howard Formisano Hiroko Salazar Josh Timken Joseph Vargas Douglas Sadberry Brian Schlechten Mark Bailey Willi Hammond Joe Tempel H Kenneth Johnston II. Angela Miller Jack Acuff Daniel Mckenna Mike Riggins Mary Lisa Evans Mima Mcniff Paul Sasa Kimbberly Kelley Uwe Voigt Melanie Nix Dan Rosewater Rose Mary Duane Michaele Reider Melanie Smith Guy Johnson Keirn Roach Bruce Stahlman Deborah Raisner Will Stromberg Robert Gossett Maryjane Sheehan Barry Johnson Marcy Stretchberry Mary Martinez Nan Carter Rhonda Pallas Michelle Silvers Shirley Frank John Rowland Amy Zook Ken Billett Sharon Gibbs Marianne Shay Paul Boucher Vicki Kingry Dinah Lewis William Moellenhoff Gina Ekern Rodney Lockhart Stephen Wester Robert Helm John Marks Cal Williams Mark Baer Jean Judge Robert Clowney Mark Richards David Wester Aaron Elliott R.h. Dick Mc Grath William Schafer Robert Wester Doug Fleischman Phil Pankey Matt Thayer Carla Williams Tom Glasman Al Torrey Brooke Wineteer Ann Duncan Steve Kelley Jim Boespflug Karl Gustafson Robyn Clowney Steve Nichols Philip Price Jean Dinwiddie Ryan Benine Herb Fancher Steve Loveless Kay Wedenoja Tink Roberta Boyer Jim Jensen DIV ------M31 M37 F34 M32 F27 F27 M33 M14 F23 M41 M42 M43 F23 M39 M40 M27 M42 M42 F44 M14 M34 M35 M28 F49 F26 M39 M46 F23 M43 M32 M38 F29 F34 M43 F29 M48 F26 M16 F46 F34 F30 M26 M38 M32 F37 M33 M40 F60 M44 F41 F33 F25 F23 F26 F35 M55 F28 M52 F43 F28 M28 F39 F36 M45 F32 M48 M30 M29 M33 M64 M46 F33 M43 M33 M35 M11 M68 M37 M36 M32 M59 M23 F32 M16 M39 F30 F41 M26 M47 M54 F15 M43 M35 F47 M23 M40 M48 F32 F42 M27 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------57:47 57:47 57:47 57:47 57:47 57:47 57:47 57:47 57:48 57:48 57:48 57:48 57:48 57:48 57:48 57:48 57:48 57:48 57:48 57:49 57:49 57:49 57:49 57:49 57:50 57:50 57:50 57:50 57:50 57:50 57:50 57:50 57:50 57:50 57:51 57:51 57:51 57:51 57:51 57:51 57:51 57:51 57:51 57:51 57:52 57:52 57:52 57:52 57:52 57:52 57:52 57:53 57:53 57:53 57:53 57:53 57:53 57:53 57:53 57:53 57:53 57:53 57:54 57:54 57:54 57:54 57:54 57:54 57:54 57:54 57:54 57:54 57:54 57:55 57:55 57:55 57:55 57:55 57:55 57:55 57:55 57:55 57:55 57:55 57:55 57:55 57:55 57:55 57:56 57:56 57:56 57:56 57:56 57:56 57:57 57:57 57:57 57:57 57:57 57:57 102/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Lara Cours Nelson Susan Weeks Michael Caldwell Martha Watson Dianne Dugaw Keith Webber Theresa Lucero-Stieger Sharon Post Elmer Thomas Patrick Hoyt David Lyles Don Reed Jeanne Hyland David Martinez Jr Phyl Schechter Kathleen Clifton Aimee Oatman Gavin Slater Dominic Hernandez Jim Leistikow Joe Riddle Tonia Von Ohlen Janice Hall Nathalie Paul Kathy Tarullo Elizabeth Faddick Nari Hein Carol Peterson James Labelle Nicole Pieterse David Tighe Vincent Fransua Phillip Sidoff Eric Ebeling Peggy Stafford Steve Atkins Sue Edwards Victoria Burnett Sadananda Haag Nancy Chicola Scott Pro Shirley Anderson Stephen Decker Blair Joyce Lisa Ulfig Geraldine Bashford Brady Dobkins Edward Calmus Katie Flesia Richard Post Kathy Alvarado Carrie Davis kent Gilbert Mary Frances Bryne Brent Kaire Merlin Otteman Robert Castro Elliot Schoen Cathy Applehans Steve Chmelka Joshua Lacey Scott Tarbox Richard Becker Steven D Curtis Chris Mcmenamin Letitia Williams Eric Elliff Liz Schaeefer Gary Zupancic Allison Ayette Tom Smith John Bdak John Graham Rick Speaect Sid Edelman Inez Rottman Charles Stott Roger Heroux Brett Schaffter Bill Madura Edward Smith Renelle Wright Charles Anderson Gabriel Castro Barbara Peterson Patrizio Tomada Wayne Arnett Wendy Heabergin Sheena Robertson Cyndi Weaver Eva Barkman Robert Power Shartlyn Giles Lynn Richardson Steven Hilbebrandt Michael Roth Charles Widick Robert Browning Bert Loudon Judy Stone DIV ------F19 F40 M30 F24 F40 M32 F29 F29 M61 M21 M29 M45 F35 M14 F37 F42 F16 F36 M25 M49 M46 F21 F36 F53 F30 F18 F21 F48 M35 F21 M36 M20 M44 M24 F24 M38 F38 F27 M38 F44 M39 F51 M38 M33 F26 F31 M14 M41 F37 M30 F34 F36 M22 F31 M30 M55 M31 M25 F43 M32 M16 M27 M28 M29 M14 F54 M27 F44 M32 F26 M44 M36 M34 M24 M45 F34 M55 M43 M18 M39 M43 F30 M55 M29 F39 M36 M41 F27 F18 F36 F30 M30 F32 F36 M26 M27 M44 M50 M53 F40 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------57:57 57:57 57:57 57:57 57:57 57:57 57:58 57:58 57:58 57:58 57:58 57:58 57:58 57:58 57:58 57:58 57:58 57:58 57:58 57:59 57:59 57:59 57:59 57:59 57:59 57:59 57:59 57:59 57:59 57:59 57:59 57:59 58:00 58:00 58:00 58:00 58:00 58:00 58:00 58:00 58:01 58:01 58:01 58:01 58:01 58:01 58:01 58:01 58:01 58:01 58:01 58:01 58:01 58:02 58:02 58:02 58:02 58:02 58:02 58:02 58:02 58:02 58:02 58:02 58:02 58:02 58:03 58:03 58:03 58:03 58:03 58:03 58:03 58:03 58:03 58:03 58:03 58:04 58:04 58:04 58:04 58:04 58:04 58:04 58:04 58:04 58:04 58:04 58:04 58:04 58:04 58:05 58:05 58:05 58:05 58:05 58:05 58:05 58:05 58:05 103/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Charlene Gallegos Steve Mcfaddin Marjorie Stephenson Sandra Adams Edmund Greerath Vicki Atkins Julie Irwin Bud Razey Tom Atkinson Abby Lapointe Jack Rieden Kenneth Acker Tom Fugate Terry Keszler Chuck Williams James Brouillard Joseph Koridek Bernnice Porter Tom Carrigan Tadd Leggate Thomas Ross Carol Fowler Daniel Lubben Paul Whittle Caren Camhi Bonnie Sayles Debra Wood Jody Donaldson Deanna Hill Gene Van Houten Eric Braden Rita Donham Bettina Milnichak Darrell Wiedman Barbara Browning Brian Hardy Jamie Rasmussen Julie Wilson Michael Henthorne Sandy Mccollom Kathleen Puralewski Mary Chesebro Rick Hurley Carol Mendenhall Paul Scheele B.A Brockmeyer Carolyn Collins Mark Kastler Calvin Noguchi Bob Turrill Barry Bronz Patricia Greer Rick Kleiner Judith Babcock Madeline Guerry Gregg Sutton Mike Cheristiansen Lora Larson Kera Trost Ann Crosby Jeff Maddox Darel Geer Tim Holland Skip Walker John Daniels Barry Jacoba Barbara Winberg Graydon Dotson Chad Mcgann Steve Cinocco Beth Herriott Richard Conti Stephen Reimer Janine Bender Francisco Figueroa Gus Sulzer Pam Conder Stacey Miller Bob Anderson Marlene Drew Donna Bender Susan Elliott Mark Dahlberg Cris Mabon Mike Mills John Terry Juli Davis Anthony Martinet James W Mitchell Patrick Williams Anita Antony Peggy Ives Patricia Pyle Kristi Celderon David Lemiesz Keith Mead Sherry Richards Bud Cook Gary Mast Ken Wonstolen DIV ------F35 M33 F45 F40 M32 F39 F26 M36 M50 F13 M32 M61 F28 M32 M42 M31 M26 F24 M36 M13 M21 F32 M37 M42 F22 F31 F32 F29 F39 M32 M47 F38 F31 M53 F38 M26 F18 F26 M28 F33 F28 F28 M30 F43 M60 M45 F44 M44 M35 M41 M32 F18 M49 F46 F24 M24 M37 F24 F12 F41 M33 M33 M31 M44 M52 M46 F30 M24 M34 M28 F28 M46 M37 F30 M44 M39 F26 F24 M57 F40 F20 F35 M28 M30 M33 M42 F28 M45 M37 M44 F27 F30 F38 F31 M46 M32 F40 M32 M38 M37 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------58:05 58:06 58:06 58:06 58:06 58:06 58:06 58:06 58:06 58:06 58:06 58:06 58:06 58:07 58:07 58:07 58:07 58:07 58:07 58:07 58:07 58:07 58:07 58:07 58:08 58:08 58:08 58:08 58:08 58:08 58:08 58:08 58:08 58:08 58:08 58:08 58:08 58:08 58:09 58:09 58:09 58:09 58:09 58:09 58:09 58:09 58:09 58:09 58:09 58:09 58:09 58:09 58:09 58:10 58:10 58:10 58:10 58:10 58:10 58:10 58:10 58:10 58:11 58:11 58:11 58:11 58:11 58:11 58:11 58:11 58:11 58:11 58:12 58:12 58:12 58:12 58:12 58:12 58:12 58:12 58:12 58:12 58:13 58:13 58:13 58:13 58:13 58:13 58:13 58:13 58:13 58:13 58:13 58:13 58:13 58:13 58:13 58:14 58:14 58:14 104/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Elisabeth Graham Adam Mclain Dave Nelson Pat Clifford Joan Setchfield Ernest Martinez Richard Shinton Marianne Hunt Mike Mccurdy Leslie Vaught Sean Fisher Bill Loper Jim Parsi Kim White Jess Garza Christina Ramirez Sarah Hoekelman Greg Gibson Carla Richardson Makie Hathaway J.p Weatherford Molly Yeager Cathy Broida Cristina Moscarillo Sue Alexander Steven Garcia Jorge Lomell Susan Brienza Portlund Harris Brian Mcgregor Mark Dayhoff Marla Roll Tatia Easton Frani Hufner Judy Weatherford Nancy Luse Dan Sullivan Elizabeth Gaudina Mel Mc Gee Bill Swanson Kim Girggs Bill Veach Jennifer Jones Anita Rentas Gill Bradfield Dan Hoefer Bobbi Sprehn Charles Carlsen Ric Taylor Mary Chokran Susan Pollack R. J Witterbrink Richard Bard Deborah Grant Eleonore Saenger Cheristine Conrardy Troy Holcombe Kimberly Rice Caroline Day Alan Richards Laurie Enderson James Maloney Jennifer Ryan John Fleming Tom Osborne Dean Garyet Frank Hoffman Randal Reddick Jon Cain Nate Klemp Mark Watson Brent Carmichael Tum Giancinti Pat Maynard Cathy Faestel Charlotte Hazzard Elizabeth Nora Peter Boyles Sarah Manchester Eli Robles Thomas Noble Marisela Ruiz Storm Koski Christine Perko Eric Scott Christine Haas Randy Kunkel Emilie Remmeroe Elizabeth Hatcher Jeanie Manchester Maryann Heard Debra Owens Brian Cox Bill Loeffler Kristine Spirek David Faestel David Lytle John Wingquist Gahlen Bell Julie Frank DIV ------F17 M11 M34 M39 F34 M40 M44 F37 M20 F31 M13 M36 M51 M31 M41 F26 F19 M42 F25 F29 M20 F20 F34 F22 F35 F27 M41 F24 F21 M53 M29 F23 F22 F36 F44 F28 M17 F21 F35 M37 F23 M55 F28 F42 M34 M12 F31 M40 M44 F31 F45 M53 M37 F26 F33 F21 M49 F34 F21 M33 F27 M32 F31 M40 M30 M34 M40 M42 M14 M9 M37 M28 M46 F44 F40 F36 F19 M45 F23 M25 M42 F40 M40 F39 M29 F26 M47 F20 F32 F25 F34 F34 M31 M59 F21 M44 M35 M43 M31 F18 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------58:14 58:14 58:14 58:14 58:14 58:15 58:15 58:15 58:15 58:15 58:15 58:15 58:15 58:15 58:15 58:15 58:15 58:16 58:16 58:16 58:16 58:16 58:16 58:16 58:17 58:17 58:17 58:17 58:17 58:17 58:17 58:17 58:17 58:17 58:17 58:18 58:18 58:18 58:18 58:18 58:18 58:18 58:18 58:18 58:19 58:19 58:19 58:19 58:19 58:19 58:19 58:19 58:19 58:19 58:19 58:20 58:20 58:20 58:20 58:20 58:20 58:20 58:20 58:20 58:20 58:21 58:21 58:21 58:21 58:21 58:21 58:21 58:21 58:21 58:21 58:21 58:21 58:21 58:22 58:22 58:22 58:22 58:22 58:22 58:22 58:22 58:22 58:22 58:22 58:23 58:23 58:23 58:23 58:23 58:23 58:23 58:23 58:23 58:23 58:23 105/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Brandt Cosgrove Paul Hume Ken Barr Jill Bennett Calla Palmer John N Wood Beth Dillon Mike Slaughter Richard Fisher Richard Mayo Joe Walker Mat Berg Andrea Magruder David Millis Deborah Wilson Brent Curry Brian Maxwell Megan Nugent Carma Lytle Scott Nugent Joseph Starr Ryan Bertran John Hdesterey Carol Anne Moorhead Jim Reimer John Westbrooks William Cavanaugh Jennifer Hudson Jim Morgan Tom Revitte Jue Winslow Stella Cleghorn Kristin Lee Greg Stuckey Nanci Averett Tamara Harland Larry Luke William Zdinak Breck Barr Brad Kittredge Craig Maxwell Forrest Cummings Matt Kittredge David Skaggs Andy Fierro Brook Turner Kathy Christy Robert Lee Suzanne Hetts Phillip Mattix Michael Brooks David Kraus Marin Robinson Eugene Buckner tripp Gordon Lew Larson Jean Warfield Steve Brandom Tim Hickey Chris Oldham Joon Yang John Compton Donna Kirchner Bob Shivlely Jeff Garmany Charles Simmons Philip Rosmarin Daniel Yap Glennie Lawyer Randall Ship David Meier Ronald Solis Kimberly Dexter Fred Woll Alaxa Holeman Diane Tucker Nathan Lee Ellodise Morse Dianna Anderson Ereshiel Maschka Crystal Peil Jenny Colwell Marriott Smart Mathew Goering Bill Moriarity Barbara Robertson Tom Tucker Jerry Calabrese Laurence Rovner Timothy Martin Elizabeth Priest Bruce Stott Kassie Mc Clintock Dale Rhodes Kathy Hamerstadt Nicole Mc Pherson John Scott Michael Armstrong Carol Kampert Marty Block DIV ------M28 M60 M59 F41 F22 M41 F32 M16 M27 M38 M23 M15 F25 M41 F26 M29 M16 F9 F37 M7 M19 M12 M38 F29 M40 M38 M36 F24 M45 M32 M42 F22 F13 M29 F23 F47 M43 M28 M30 M12 M19 M32 M20 M46 M19 M27 F34 M43 F38 M28 M40 M35 F38 M43 M27 M34 F29 M46 M39 M20 M35 M23 F36 M42 M8 M38 M41 M16 F42 M34 M39 M43 F24 M31 F13 F39 M27 F46 F28 M60 F32 F27 F53 M13 M67 F37 M40 M37 M28 M14 F25 M17 F25 M23 F31 F16 M44 M37 F46 M38 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------58:24 58:24 58:24 58:24 58:25 58:25 58:25 58:25 58:25 58:25 58:25 58:25 58:25 58:25 58:25 58:25 58:25 58:26 58:26 58:26 58:26 58:26 58:26 58:26 58:26 58:26 58:26 58:26 58:26 58:26 58:26 58:26 58:26 58:27 58:27 58:27 58:27 58:27 58:27 58:27 58:27 58:27 58:27 58:27 58:27 58:28 58:28 58:28 58:28 58:28 58:28 58:28 58:28 58:28 58:29 58:29 58:29 58:29 58:29 58:29 58:29 58:29 58:29 58:29 58:29 58:29 58:30 58:30 58:30 58:30 58:30 58:30 58:30 58:30 58:30 58:31 58:31 58:31 58:31 58:31 58:31 58:31 58:31 58:31 58:31 58:32 58:32 58:32 58:32 58:32 58:32 58:32 58:33 58:33 58:33 58:33 58:33 58:33 58:33 58:33 106/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Kathy Kuehn Martin Croissant Tracy Whisenand Mark Losasso Mary Sullivan Fred Marvel Chad Thompson Robert Brown Gail Rovner Sarah Herbert Swarnjit Singh Mark Sahlin Amie Davis Bruce Schultz Steve Dornseif Frank Wint Denny Gladwin Glenn Driffill Sandra Hoffman John Versteeg Carlos Hernandez Liz Oetter Ursula Wade Kathy Peterson Tanya White Susan Bruuch Bill Hodges John Stone Ken Kahn Edward Theiss David Paulson Mike Wagner Renee White Mary Roddy Donald Klopfer Nancy Wolfson Karina Bonham Peter Hovland Marti Kovener Kath Bulkey Craig Mcpeck Scott Cornwell Bill Kilzer Jim Noble Steve Barringer Barbara Frech Debbie Hupp Ashton Asensio Jeffrey Guyon Linda Jensen Harry Humphreys Robert Palmer Jim Franklin Jim Mccormick Brian Schulze Howle Wolf Art Burnham Pegin O Hamill Gary Shelmire Ken Davis Linda Hearn Erika Nelson Susan Sterling Loretta Duran Steve Lubell David Schmillen Richard Trevino Frank Chiaramonte Thomas May Lorene Wrapp Todd Michel John Bittle Jeff Digby John Oldham Thomas Burk Wayne Forman Greg Parnell Paul Meskimen Craig Wolffis Matharine Matthews Lynda Muller John Ryan James Brown Ron Wristen Kyle Helmink Mary Mcclure Alice Opila Jerri Warkenthien Barklay Clark Hamid Jourabchi Pat Meskimen Joan Rodriguez Vern Warkenthien Jerome Corbo Edward Mastro Tom Prener Joel Carmichael Bob Severson Carlds Gomez Amy Jordan DIV ------F42 M25 F26 M30 F25 M30 M12 M18 F26 F35 M62 M27 F24 M29 M40 M57 M41 F23 F22 M45 M32 F38 F30 F24 F19 F32 M41 M17 M39 M48 M42 M43 F17 M37 M47 F40 F24 M27 F24 F30 M32 M36 M45 M49 M32 F39 F37 M44 M36 F29 M50 M36 M52 M31 M28 M53 M56 F34 M35 M46 F32 F20 F39 F50 M47 M47 M35 M42 M58 F26 M19 M24 M26 M17 M33 M30 M24 M14 M30 F31 F35 M27 M58 M25 M32 F33 F31 F37 M45 M23 F43 M11 M39 M47 M57 M30 M29 M42 M30 F35 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------58:33 58:33 58:34 58:34 58:34 58:34 58:34 58:34 58:34 58:34 58:34 58:35 58:35 58:35 58:35 58:35 58:35 58:36 58:36 58:36 58:36 58:36 58:36 58:36 58:36 58:36 58:36 58:36 58:37 58:37 58:37 58:37 58:37 58:37 58:38 58:38 58:38 58:38 58:38 58:38 58:38 58:38 58:38 58:38 58:38 58:38 58:39 58:39 58:39 58:39 58:39 58:39 58:40 58:40 58:40 58:40 58:40 58:40 58:40 58:40 58:40 58:40 58:40 58:40 58:40 58:40 58:40 58:41 58:41 58:41 58:41 58:41 58:41 58:41 58:41 58:41 58:41 58:42 58:42 58:42 58:42 58:42 58:42 58:42 58:42 58:42 58:42 58:42 58:42 58:42 58:42 58:42 58:42 58:42 58:42 58:43 58:43 58:43 58:43 58:43 107/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Dave Welker Chris Angelovic Jean Hawley Kim Newman Don Antos Theresa Ellis Don Haney Mark Wrapp Desi Rhoden Patricia Brinks Julie Scott Josie Campbell George Smith Paula Redfield Sharon Cole John Sadwith Lisa Garland Brian Ladgerwood Barbara Booker David harrison James Prihoda Joel Demby Donald Monahan Dean Carlson Carter Hobert Sharon Cavanagh Arla Marchand Pam Culig Charlene Milanowski Noushin Hirjalih Janet Stonington Patsy Garcia Heidi Landry Logan Vandurzer Kathryn Doughty Scott Gilman Mike Marecak Myrna Grassmick Clifton Massey Amanda Gamboa Todd Kahler Pam Larsen Diane Casciano Clayton Fryer Bruce Kellison Nick Muller Tom Casey Jim Jack Jeffrey Robinson Kimberly Dalton Warren Jackson Kirk King Vincent Rossi Sharon Burton Georgine Farrell Maureen Mckenna Alison Burris Ann Lynch Deborah Mills John Devilbiss Donald Pangburn Dale Harvey Steven Mcconnell Glenda Reyes Bamram Jafari Larry Cheristiansen Lori Paul Don Wharton David Cloyd Greg Dixson John Saxe Breck Morrison Chuck Wennogle Bob Judson Brad Weber Martin Haider Curt Weerheim Kevin Bitz Sharon Holmquist Kathleen Kelly Steve Wood Frank Gladney Danny Jackson Mo Valenta Jamie Green Chris Montoya Harry Zeid Dave Danforth Gordon Nelson Kris Dix Anne Haskem Fernando Pena Annette Fear Karen Martinson Richard Virgin Robert Altmon Michael Haider Ron Carig Barbara Fisgus Nora Sirles DIV ------M47 M10 F38 F45 M27 F49 M51 M27 M42 F29 F25 F42 M12 F41 F46 M38 F24 M23 F53 M24 M32 M34 M43 M53 M13 F41 F31 F42 F23 F25 F35 F45 F24 M7 F33 M29 M40 F29 M27 F29 M29 F41 F29 M46 M25 M46 M30 M45 M40 F23 M41 M32 M22 F36 F30 F28 F27 F36 F25 M47 M46 M42 M41 F19 M49 M43 F30 M45 M39 M33 M36 M41 M44 M29 F23 M24 M34 M39 F41 F25 M27 M40 M41 F25 M28 M32 M39 M38 M50 F32 F45 M36 F39 F24 M34 M32 M22 M51 F41 F30 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------58:43 58:43 58:43 58:43 58:43 58:44 58:44 58:44 58:44 58:44 58:44 58:45 58:45 58:45 58:45 58:45 58:45 58:45 58:45 58:45 58:45 58:46 58:46 58:46 58:46 58:46 58:46 58:46 58:46 58:47 58:47 58:47 58:47 58:47 58:47 58:47 58:47 58:47 58:47 58:47 58:48 58:48 58:48 58:48 58:48 58:48 58:48 58:48 58:48 58:48 58:48 58:48 58:48 58:48 58:48 58:49 58:49 58:49 58:49 58:49 58:49 58:49 58:49 58:49 58:49 58:50 58:50 58:50 58:50 58:50 58:50 58:50 58:50 58:51 58:51 58:51 58:51 58:51 58:51 58:51 58:51 58:51 58:51 58:51 58:51 58:52 58:52 58:52 58:52 58:52 58:52 58:52 58:52 58:52 58:52 58:52 58:52 58:53 58:53 58:53 108/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Andrew Jr Lopez Steve Wallace Connie Marcy Christine Ross Jacqueline Waring Tiffani Brancisco Roger Moore Paula Conley Jane Murphy Mitch Rowe Hattis Goldberg Jason Rider Julie Wallace John Jackson Betty Martin Doris Ross Jose Gallegos William Miles Michelle Shellenbarger Kim Byrne Martha Gibson Michelle Johnson Kristin Peterson James Skaggs Anne Mack Derhammer Lisa Huffman Charlif Lloyd Raymond Randall Molly Dohm David Sieks Yvonne Gandara Stephen Henderson Adam Figuerda Nancy Meehan Jay Drury Judy Henderson John Ordway Michael Cherington Diawa Mckay Janna Reynick Elisabeth Cowen Robert Nelson Tracy Smith Craig Babb William Karp III Bob Schwartz John Wahlen Terry Cole Cheri Meyer Marge Scott Melissa Wiese Denis Duvall Sharon Quittner Joseph Slattery Carl Anderson Tom Isgar Eric Kramer Carla Pierce Mary Doyle Ann Good Robert Miller Gordon Gilmore Brandon Hill David Mortimore Nancy Gilmore Hans Kissner Joel Nugent Mark Bundy Linda Schaefer Christie Goering JIm Miller Roberta Young Leo Carrillo Mary Lou Hampton Lin Palmer Duane Ferchen Kenneth Holder Lisa Santry Alexander Macdonald Robert Brown Michael Stoner Brett Garretson Linda Allison Mary Glenn Megan Hickey Ginger Reynick Patrick Westrott Lenny Dasco Ann Macdonald Owen Schaefer Eric Barnett James Davis John Monnett Terry Struthers Michelle Bohl Daniel Niccoli Judy Temaat Adam Carmel Darin Gamba Ben Wyss DIV ------M40 M34 F31 F31 F17 F21 M40 F33 F27 M27 M14 M16 F26 M54 F51 F32 M58 M35 F32 F25 F26 F24 F30 M55 F28 F15 M56 M22 F24 M39 F28 M46 M16 F28 M38 F30 M39 M54 F35 F20 F28 M43 F29 M35 M18 M41 M28 F38 F41 F39 F18 M47 F38 M30 M28 M46 M29 F29 F40 F30 M29 M39 M15 M34 F34 M50 M33 M33 F37 F10 M37 F32 M47 F40 F42 M47 M44 F15 M44 M35 M21 M26 F44 F33 F11 F22 F35 M34 F15 M31 M14 M43 M45 M39 F37 M28 F50 M35 M12 M12 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------58:53 58:53 58:54 58:54 58:54 58:54 58:54 58:54 58:54 58:54 58:54 58:54 58:54 58:55 58:55 58:55 58:55 58:55 58:55 58:55 58:55 58:55 58:55 58:55 58:55 58:55 58:55 58:55 58:55 58:56 58:56 58:56 58:56 58:56 58:57 58:57 58:57 58:57 58:57 58:57 58:57 58:57 58:58 58:58 58:58 58:58 58:58 58:58 58:58 58:58 58:58 58:58 58:58 58:58 58:58 58:58 58:59 58:59 58:59 58:59 58:59 58:59 58:59 58:59 58:59 58:59 58:59 58:59 59:00 59:00 59:00 59:00 59:00 59:00 59:00 59:00 59:00 59:00 59:00 59:01 59:01 59:01 59:01 59:01 59:01 59:02 59:02 59:02 59:02 59:02 59:02 59:02 59:02 59:02 59:02 59:02 59:02 59:02 59:02 59:03 109/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Charles Campbell Diane Murata Kevin Aumiller Mary Crawford Marshall Shelton Scott Lowe Adam Winston Scott Moore Avelinda Barnhoft Robert Lytikainen Cynthia Walker Richard Affeld Ken Filcoff Anthony Mareno Lew White Jerry Barnett Steven Harris Ronald Moncrief David Longahecker Dale Moore Chuck Clark Carolyn Kokenge Kip White Sheri Lee Culp Betsy Newmann Tom White David Hoddon Jim Ryan Grant D Johnson Janet Weigand Vern Widger James S Gibson Carolyn Otte Frank Sassolino Christian Affeld Mark Graham Philip Roan Dianne Taylor Nancy Bauer Marynelle Greene John Etchison Darcy O'Tremba Michael Roggow Galen Shea David Wyss Sally Furgeson John Penna Al Vaske Robert Gage Beth Waterman Daniel Alley Anne Morrissey Sandy Rehfeldt John Weisbart Ryon Brame Loren Otte Jeanette Walters Gregory Grupp Colan Scheidenhelm A Yamamoto Pat Cheristiansen Alan Stark John Zook John Dugas Bob Mcdonnell Joyce Vannier Terri Golden Ed Montojo Rob Money Kimberly Tennison Jeannene Aksland peggy Espinoza Cheryl Hendricks Ronald Vallance Nick Gallegos Donald Jacques Bob Oswald Greig Veeder Canadace Babb Rebekah Gouyer Robert Johnson Cynthia Rogers Mike Ahlers Dianna Velando Tom Christensen Kerry Graf Robbie Willis Nancy Boyd Robin Hartman Lisa Stuckey Alan Marks Jody Vigil Lynda Shearer David Hayes Holly Babb David Hoffman Sandy Brennan Scott Huebl Gary Croteau Fred Jones DIV ------M42 F34 M15 F41 M31 M19 M14 M22 F30 M31 F49 M44 M33 M27 M48 M40 M26 M40 M43 M38 M49 F41 M40 F26 F38 M29 M30 M46 M40 F28 M52 M33 F31 M38 M17 M31 M28 F33 F23 F49 M38 F23 M14 F42 M13 F36 F30 M41 M51 F37 M28 F34 F22 M40 M23 M33 F35 M30 M11 F48 F38 M42 M46 M52 M44 F44 F35 M42 M17 F34 F34 M28 F41 M43 M37 M29 M46 M41 F14 F28 M49 F33 M24 F33 M36 F35 F37 F37 F38 F25 M46 F37 F39 M42 F16 M35 F37 M36 M42 M33 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------59:03 59:03 59:03 59:03 59:03 59:03 59:03 59:03 59:04 59:04 59:04 59:04 59:04 59:04 59:04 59:04 59:04 59:04 59:04 59:04 59:05 59:05 59:05 59:05 59:05 59:05 59:05 59:05 59:05 59:05 59:05 59:06 59:06 59:06 59:06 59:06 59:06 59:06 59:06 59:06 59:06 59:06 59:06 59:07 59:07 59:07 59:07 59:07 59:07 59:07 59:07 59:07 59:07 59:07 59:07 59:07 59:08 59:08 59:08 59:08 59:08 59:08 59:08 59:08 59:08 59:08 59:08 59:08 59:09 59:09 59:09 59:09 59:09 59:09 59:09 59:09 59:09 59:09 59:09 59:09 59:09 59:09 59:09 59:09 59:09 59:09 59:10 59:10 59:10 59:10 59:10 59:10 59:10 59:11 59:11 59:11 59:11 59:11 59:11 59:11 110/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Ivy Szajgin Michelle Murray James Rogers David Ruckman Mick Sample Bruce Lau Penny Mc Iver Tenley Ueda Eugene Bounds Karen Lopez Jim Neener Cristine Carpenter Ronna Prior Jared Davis Gale Mabe John Self Melissa Mcgarvin Lee Hager Thomas O'Berry Don Clay Kathy Robbins Cynthia Cortini Fred Hood Paul Greer Elaine Clark Karen Sauceda Valerie Hunt Damon Perez Mikell Bagby Margaret Rickhoff Terry Davis Linda Kelly Myra Perez James Byrd Joel Hall Scott Scheifele Carol Chappell Jim Henkel Richard Mason Al Williamson Dan Ahlers Kathleen Colby Chuck Johnson Karen Misko Jeff Breakey Karen Johnson Sarah Putnam Greg Yoder Elane Bustos Christy Ujvari Jean Carpenter Michael Lacey Kirk Webb Mara Hill Gilbert Perez Bonnie Webber Pater Bugbee Kenny Oats Zak Lapointe Ed Schroeder Betty Skipp Frank Anaya Bill Ellis Beth Marrow Chrissy Shepherd James Becker Joan Gomberg Neal Mize Spring Sinden Eple Benson Joseph Klimkowski Danny Brides Steve Losasso John Thompson Gary Collins Guy Mackay Whitley Zephier Philip Becker Adam Dembicki Pam Stayer Paul Bodin Nancy Goldsmith Jennifer Spencer Gary Colderon Mary Ann Nazaryk Andy Sengenberger Bonnie Dahl Michael O'Donohue Peggy Sherard Willean A Gillespie Nancy Pokorny John Slowsky Cheryl Bruce Cindi Nagai Connie Miles Robert Thames Gary Brund Randall Perkins Kim Stanley Denver Wood DIV ------F32 F28 M56 M42 M40 M43 F42 F33 M38 F29 M44 F36 F28 M9 M29 M25 F22 M36 M37 M38 F35 F39 M52 M42 F37 F25 F31 M14 M38 F25 M38 F42 F47 M24 M11 M30 F35 M36 M48 M53 M28 F34 M46 F42 M30 F40 F22 M36 F35 F20 F30 M37 M11 F28 M50 F31 M42 M15 M11 M13 F61 M16 M51 F48 F25 M30 F31 M50 F29 M50 M24 M14 M27 M39 M45 M28 F30 M55 M38 F28 M34 F30 F30 M38 F26 M31 F36 M33 F32 M11 F47 M36 F43 F26 F51 M42 M39 M32 F18 M56 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------59:11 59:12 59:12 59:12 59:12 59:13 59:13 59:13 59:13 59:13 59:13 59:13 59:13 59:13 59:13 59:13 59:14 59:14 59:14 59:14 59:14 59:14 59:14 59:14 59:15 59:15 59:15 59:15 59:15 59:15 59:16 59:16 59:16 59:16 59:16 59:16 59:16 59:16 59:16 59:16 59:16 59:16 59:16 59:16 59:16 59:17 59:17 59:17 59:17 59:17 59:17 59:17 59:17 59:17 59:17 59:17 59:17 59:18 59:18 59:18 59:18 59:18 59:18 59:18 59:18 59:18 59:18 59:18 59:18 59:18 59:18 59:19 59:19 59:19 59:19 59:19 59:19 59:19 59:19 59:19 59:19 59:19 59:20 59:20 59:20 59:20 59:20 59:20 59:20 59:20 59:20 59:20 59:20 59:20 59:21 59:21 59:21 59:21 59:21 59:21 111/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Stephanie Dembicki Herold Schulz Richard Stienmier Tom Wrenholt Cynthia Martellaro Elizabeth Sychla Frances Black Toni Schaefbauer Ray Carey Alan Lwasaki Aaron Craig Andrea Mann Diz Desautels Jennalyn Portz Ted Bosley Karen Snyder Kevin Arnold Mary Corbat Arpard Bality Dennis Ingrisano Kim Barnett Pamela Brasher Greg Drose Jeff Newell Gary Cook Andte Grothe Susan Richards Fil Bagwadia Art Denney Bill May Julie Steele Cliff Bosley Gwen Dick Kathy Withers Joann Conner Barbara James Cathy Weltzer Cece Bosley Gary Doolittle Norm Jumisko Sharon Wilde Kirk Butler Lauri Honca-Cline Nay Skiritsig Wade Cline Michael Tancig Michael Kostrzewa Jeanne Paprocki Mary Ann Kent Josephine Lee Leigh Rouse Matt Kilpatrick Mickey Mcvey Clark Smith Jim Gleason Donald O'Conner Robert Stuenkel Katie Gleason Sarah Leistikow Shelley Saragoussi Matthew Wolvington Joel Babcock Joe Healey Jeffrey Lynch Eric Sellstrom Roger Bander Lisa Joss Brooks Mcmillen Laurel Kuryvial Paul Rubel Benji Williams Ruberta Everson Tom Leary Nancy Martin Cindi Hause William Lehron Beth Stanley Karen Bradley Bubbles Jambor Harry R Gorham Richard Johnston Bill Marrow Judith Hansen Marshanne Jablowski John Wells Shawnie Mulligan Steve Armijo Woody Palasek Doug Fogg Colleen Wahlen Lola Robison Andy Hindes Don Schroeder Steven Hirschey Margaret Williams Shannon Davis John O'Reilly Nora Wineland John Goduto Gloria Calhoun DIV ------F34 M52 M32 M44 F29 F34 F11 F27 M45 M35 M21 F35 F30 F21 M16 F25 M27 F32 M27 M41 F31 F28 M25 M23 M34 M16 F35 M52 M40 M40 F35 M22 F35 F23 F39 F31 F40 F18 M39 M55 F27 M21 F27 M40 M26 M34 M27 F31 F23 F29 F22 M23 F46 M41 M53 M57 M51 F22 F9 F30 M9 M31 M31 M9 M28 M40 F35 M34 F19 M51 M9 M55 M40 F34 F99 M19 F48 F19 F32 M51 M27 M45 F45 F32 M38 F9 M24 M42 M47 F30 F36 M11 M43 M36 F40 F30 M28 F29 M26 F31 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------59:21 59:21 59:21 59:21 59:21 59:21 59:22 59:22 59:22 59:22 59:22 59:22 59:22 59:22 59:23 59:23 59:23 59:23 59:23 59:23 59:23 59:24 59:24 59:24 59:24 59:24 59:24 59:24 59:24 59:24 59:24 59:24 59:24 59:24 59:25 59:25 59:25 59:25 59:25 59:25 59:25 59:25 59:25 59:25 59:25 59:25 59:26 59:26 59:26 59:26 59:26 59:26 59:26 59:26 59:26 59:26 59:26 59:26 59:27 59:27 59:27 59:27 59:27 59:27 59:27 59:27 59:27 59:27 59:27 59:27 59:27 59:27 59:28 59:28 59:28 59:28 59:28 59:28 59:28 59:28 59:28 59:28 59:28 59:29 59:29 59:29 59:29 59:29 59:29 59:29 59:30 59:30 59:30 59:30 59:30 59:30 59:30 59:30 59:30 59:31 112/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Thomas Gaines George Mah Kristin Highland Antoinette Townley Suzie Kline Lynne Foley Lisa Logan Patricia Kramer Andrew Martin Robert Suydam Lynn Kripakov Liz Milan Diane Witmer Bob Reynolds Ethan Cohen Donna Lisle Carolyn Sanders Dan Debaker Bob Buxton Cindy Mac Isaac Kathy Orrino David Acquaotta Bonnie Davis Dan Wheeler Matt Barron Ronald Aal Frederick Patz Susan Walsh Doug Archer David Zupancic Judy Bateman Judy Travers Brad Kofded Matty Van Heuit Leon Hill Ben Mossman Robert Weiss Joan Lowery Sally Wenzel Tamara Monosoff Sharon Reed James Wickman George Garmany Jodie Morris Erin Simpson Michael Williams Audrey Klein Bonnie Stahlin Nathan Allen Kriste Klepper Diana Stevens Ellen Arnett Jarry Clampitt Michael Lynn Sharon Vanorman Clay Blankenship Cythia Collison Maura Mogee Ron Bovard James Riley Jay Mccann Jean Valdez Melanie Cavender Lucinda Moreno Chuenarun Hasadinratan Clifford Parks Shirley Anderson Jeanne Karsell Todd Lisle Gretchen Shutts Janet Bellis Jason Overgard Rene Wiesner Henry Baker David Caven Yancy Riggs Bill Bellis Peggy Clute Maggie Rockler Christine Mccoy Gary Davidson Lori Melena Mark Geiszler Rick Teller Janet Clampitt Larry Koliha Mahlon Vail Kathleen Berger Claudia Smiley Chuck Mccoy Carolyn Strom Joy Plummer Joann Zelasko Irv Buck Glenn Miller Michael Dixon Rosik Tutag Donna Gottschalk Glenn Vaad Maryann Keatley DIV ------M27 M51 F25 F29 F43 F40 F30 F27 M25 M51 F45 F38 F37 M43 M41 F26 F27 M22 M42 F33 F26 M35 F27 M39 M15 M34 M32 F27 M35 M32 F37 F51 M23 F54 M52 M10 M39 F24 F32 F23 F33 M32 M41 F36 F26 M24 F33 F38 M11 F34 F42 F37 M38 M33 F48 M29 F28 F20 M16 M36 M26 F41 F41 F27 F30 M30 F46 F14 M27 F33 F37 M15 F33 M59 M26 M11 M57 F39 F33 F47 M23 F38 M29 M39 F38 M36 M35 F38 F37 M30 F53 F46 F38 M54 M45 M41 F47 F25 M47 F40 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------59:31 59:31 59:31 59:31 59:31 59:31 59:31 59:32 59:32 59:32 59:32 59:32 59:32 59:32 59:32 59:32 59:32 59:33 59:33 59:33 59:33 59:33 59:33 59:33 59:33 59:34 59:34 59:34 59:34 59:34 59:34 59:34 59:34 59:34 59:35 59:35 59:35 59:35 59:35 59:35 59:35 59:35 59:35 59:35 59:35 59:35 59:36 59:36 59:36 59:36 59:36 59:36 59:36 59:36 59:36 59:36 59:36 59:36 59:36 59:37 59:37 59:37 59:37 59:37 59:37 59:37 59:37 59:37 59:38 59:38 59:38 59:38 59:38 59:38 59:38 59:38 59:38 59:38 59:38 59:39 59:39 59:39 59:39 59:39 59:39 59:39 59:39 59:40 59:40 59:40 59:40 59:40 59:40 59:41 59:41 59:41 59:41 59:41 59:41 59:41 113/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Alan Chapman Kathryn Stearns Jennika Wildau Susan Bernius Helen Johnson Gail Steward Brian Carlson Julie Killingsworth Steve Trujillo Ronnie Chaiken Ryan Lamb John Kalmes Deborah Reed P J Leonard Kent Simpson Todd Ball Lucia Mabon David Willey Cindy Grace Collin Morrissey Sarah Siegel Elizabeth Archer Shawn St. Sauveur Lisa Forrestal Debra Wicht William Risheill Neil Yeargin Christine Allis Brent Frakes William Miller Mary Apodaca John Haffeli Diane Reuter Robert Farinholt Kathy Laskye Jean Solot Bob Meyers Paul Aiello Doug Ginty Heidi Mountain Damian Rotolo John Eyolfson Jim Hautzinger David Paul Lori Shepherd Audrey Gilmer-Powell Bob King Bill Reader Wendy King Andy Rodriguez Fidella Brown Patricia Granziand Randy Lukas Peg Reinhart Chip Childers Kathy Hodgson Kim Mcgrew Shelley Rice Gary Crowe Karen Hyland Jane Davis George Kroeninger Jeff Owen Cindy King Charles Schmucker Cathy Wilson Mark Granziand Peggy Mott Linda Sherman Doug Hodgson James Swetnam David Bateman Angela Holmberg Nicholas Rehnberg E .j Washington Candice Curtiss Crystal Gray Lauren Martin Deanne Sears Jean Dorsett Dee Griggs Ralph Mccarty David Berg Peter Helburn Frederick Moore Douglas Simmons Ronda Campbell Kimbrae Evans Fred Jauch Bill Rawsky Dennie Dorrall Bruce Kremers Susie Miller Gerri Noel Suzanne Burton Bev Lambeth Pam Sellers Robyn Fogelberg Jerry Lauffenburger John Jackson DIV ------M36 F22 F16 F37 F15 F50 M12 F41 M35 M29 M17 M32 F30 M16 M13 M34 F28 M24 F29 M19 F15 F38 M10 F32 F32 M39 M31 F31 M18 M32 F47 M31 F23 M25 F27 F36 M36 M31 M17 F42 M44 M26 M53 M38 F27 F27 M45 M40 F22 M50 F34 F29 M34 F33 M18 F28 F28 F32 M43 F20 F38 M29 M31 F36 M42 F27 M29 F24 F31 M29 M38 M15 F20 M31 M43 F40 F44 M29 F39 F27 F25 M47 M20 M36 M36 M41 F26 F33 M40 M45 F27 M32 F46 F29 F42 F47 F22 F37 M43 M31 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------59:42 59:42 59:42 59:42 59:42 59:42 59:42 59:42 59:42 59:42 59:42 59:43 59:43 59:43 59:43 59:43 59:43 59:43 59:43 59:43 59:44 59:44 59:44 59:44 59:44 59:44 59:44 59:45 59:45 59:45 59:45 59:45 59:45 59:45 59:45 59:45 59:45 59:46 59:46 59:46 59:46 59:46 59:46 59:46 59:46 59:46 59:46 59:46 59:46 59:46 59:47 59:47 59:47 59:47 59:47 59:47 59:47 59:47 59:47 59:47 59:47 59:47 59:47 59:48 59:48 59:48 59:48 59:48 59:48 59:48 59:48 59:48 59:48 59:48 59:48 59:48 59:49 59:49 59:49 59:49 59:49 59:49 59:49 59:49 59:49 59:49 59:49 59:49 59:49 59:49 59:49 59:50 59:50 59:50 59:50 59:50 59:50 59:50 59:50 59:50 114/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Thomas Marsden-Hannah Avis Nelson Ron Blickenstaff Pam Jackson Teresa Shay Kevin Fehringer Cindy Porterfield James Fitzgerald Larry Barber J.Byron Giezentanner Denny Shay Edna Brooks Richard Elkins Sandra Pedeski Randal Whorton Kenneth Bay Lori Forkey Steven Zucker Joe Bunecke Gerorge Kennedy Jeffrey Rawley Nancy Cook Debra Lawrence John Voorhis Gary Davenport Tom Johnson John Ensign Wayne Franz Raymond Lundin Jr Fred Allen Dan irvin Jennifer Swanson Jim Pederson Michael A Stevens Frankie Bergman Raulette Witt Arleen Knaub Marg Sutter John Clark Tammy Mccall Chris Richburg Jason Wahlberg Tom Fincken Carol Mckinley John Ross Stephen Wahlberg Cindy Henne Tara Mckinney Rick Sterling Lee Murphy Geneal Watts Scott Autrey Cliff Hendrick Susan Nakand Cheryl Dodd William Karp II Carter Nyquist Robby Gunstream Mark Smith Kenual Johnson Juan Thompson Perry Bergman Kelly Jorgenson Joseph Waldron Adam Bacon Richard Burkely Lesley Radocy Robyn Bacon Anthony Goffredo Linda Knudsen Paul Verstag Dan Fosco Thomas Sadowski Ladren Golten Ginger Shaw Bryan Evans Carolina Gonzalez-Alle Cindy Smith Corney Mood Tom Carlough David Scarbalis Peggy Beverly Richard Greer Jim Swaeby David Botterill Noel Guardi David Williamson Aaron Bowen Linda Marrs Leah Williamson Merle Halter David Rodgers Gayle Young Sheila Kramer Barbara Thomson Tre Vertuca Barbara Beethe Helen Matthews Everett Stout Nancy Consolloy DIV ------M12 F47 M42 F36 F37 M25 F42 M41 M34 M39 M45 F28 M39 F33 M49 M38 F33 M38 M34 M46 M34 F34 F27 M34 M40 M41 M39 M38 M52 M57 M23 F14 M36 M54 F38 F31 F26 F40 M43 F24 M31 M9 M50 F30 M37 M34 F27 F16 M41 M45 F35 M17 M39 F37 F41 M42 M41 M37 M37 M49 M25 M38 F24 M30 M8 M47 F37 F29 M54 F49 M38 M35 M39 F16 F38 M12 F33 F39 M11 M42 M31 F45 M36 M44 M26 M36 M37 F11 F26 F21 M39 M39 F38 F13 F33 M13 F41 F46 M24 F38 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------59:50 59:50 59:50 59:51 59:51 59:51 59:51 59:51 59:51 59:51 59:51 59:51 59:52 59:52 59:52 59:52 59:52 59:52 59:52 59:52 59:52 59:52 59:52 59:52 59:53 59:53 59:53 59:53 59:53 59:53 59:53 59:53 59:54 59:54 59:54 59:54 59:54 59:54 59:54 59:54 59:54 59:54 59:54 59:54 59:54 59:54 59:54 59:55 59:55 59:55 59:55 59:55 59:55 59:55 59:55 59:55 59:55 59:55 59:56 59:56 59:56 59:56 59:56 59:56 59:56 59:56 59:56 59:56 59:56 59:57 59:57 59:57 59:57 59:57 59:57 59:57 59:57 59:57 59:58 59:58 59:58 59:58 59:58 59:58 59:58 59:58 59:58 59:59 59:59 59:59 59:59 59:59 59:59 59:59 59:59 59:59 1:00:00 1:00:00 1:00:00 1:00:00 115/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Ryan Franz Judy Mercer Mary Anne Tarr Thresa Franco Petra Gonsidrovska Dennis Privitera Diane Bachman Pam Herman Laura Robinson Mev Steele Herb Huber Larry Wahlberg Jill Reynolds Bryan Heckman Diane Sebastian Pat Nolan Blair Simpson Kim O'Donohue Don Tarkenton Kent Dobgett Sage Ann Scheer Kelly Ladyga Bill Drury Dave Prentice Michael Hoffman Curits Roberts Joann Miller Ann Sartori Byron Calhoun Thomas Myers Gary Pon Debbie Wyrick Keith Archer David Holz Kenneth Weisser Nona Chamberlin Jan Lichtenberger Buff Williams Rex Hickman Erin O'Brien Andrew Holleman Claire O'Berst Gary Waldon David Berreckman Paul Parker Wes House Gary Russell Glenn Neal Patti Townsend Lina Lughes Jane Strohm Rachel Greco Joseph Martinez Fred Young Robert Carruthers David Kleman Marilyn Mcneill Susan Kleman Mariam Noorzai Spephen Corner David Mann Cathy Mennick Steve Bryan Sandra Hagevik Aaron Marcus Rick Williamson Frank Chavez Anne Johnson Sue Chavez Scott Lancashire Barbi Mcmillan Paul Allmeyer Lloyd Golden Lydia Mcmillan John Robinson Susan Williams Paul Dickson Ed Korzeniowski Kevin Nauer Beth Sclar Richard Dillman Matt Noecker Jake Smith William Boswell Lori Woitazewski Dan Gollub Vicki Larson Jim Piekarski Ronald Thwantes Catherine Cooper Mark Harris Leslie Lacy Catherine Crimmins Alison Teliha Christine Graf Andrew White David Kennedy Dru Bloomfield Peter Brennan Nahalie Jacquat DIV ------M11 F40 F42 F27 F21 M42 F39 F27 F25 F36 M28 M28 F32 M19 F35 M21 M11 F32 M45 M37 F41 F25 M39 M31 M28 M41 F46 F33 M31 M43 M46 F28 M31 M38 M42 F57 F41 M27 M38 F17 M19 F32 M34 M29 M37 M32 M40 M31 F49 F24 F31 F14 M35 M39 M54 M26 F51 F22 F21 M27 M13 F30 M40 F47 M9 M42 M32 F24 F32 M36 F15 M41 M56 F19 M54 F36 M31 M41 M26 F32 M36 M8 M39 M44 F25 M45 F32 M38 M33 F30 M27 F31 F26 F26 F25 M24 M14 F33 M32 F23 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:00:00 1:00:00 1:00:00 1:00:00 1:00:00 1:00:00 1:00:00 1:00:00 1:00:00 1:00:01 1:00:01 1:00:01 1:00:01 1:00:01 1:00:01 1:00:02 1:00:02 1:00:02 1:00:02 1:00:02 1:00:02 1:00:02 1:00:03 1:00:03 1:00:03 1:00:03 1:00:03 1:00:03 1:00:03 1:00:03 1:00:04 1:00:04 1:00:04 1:00:04 1:00:04 1:00:04 1:00:04 1:00:04 1:00:04 1:00:04 1:00:04 1:00:05 1:00:05 1:00:05 1:00:05 1:00:05 1:00:05 1:00:05 1:00:05 1:00:06 1:00:06 1:00:06 1:00:06 1:00:06 1:00:06 1:00:06 1:00:06 1:00:06 1:00:06 1:00:06 1:00:07 1:00:07 1:00:07 1:00:07 1:00:07 1:00:07 1:00:07 1:00:07 1:00:07 1:00:07 1:00:07 1:00:07 1:00:07 1:00:08 1:00:08 1:00:08 1:00:08 1:00:08 1:00:08 1:00:08 1:00:08 1:00:08 1:00:08 1:00:08 1:00:08 1:00:08 1:00:08 1:00:08 1:00:08 1:00:08 1:00:08 1:00:09 1:00:09 1:00:09 1:00:09 1:00:09 1:00:09 1:00:09 1:00:10 1:00:10 116/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Fabion Schaerer Alicia Karspeck Jim Short Andy Pert Evan Bennett Ashley Clarke Mark Rosenkranz James Gregory Keith Reich Dick Compton Bruce Imfeld Gary Sebo Scott Mccollum Mary Sebo Cory Bennett George Geikas Robert Paige David Burger Helen Hill Burl Steward Edward Urbanic Tom Hood Els Van Woudenberg Greg Arfsten Wes Stallbohm Tom Adamson Nina Janes Barbara Downing Jonas Getje Bb Hill Kenneth Patridge Brian Farnom Tom Miers Sudook Kim Kay Miller James Alexander Eric Krieling Diane Olson Tammy Elans Jill Mickey Bill Martin Jennifer Stess Jennie Pierce Kathy Hartung Shine Richards Beth Landry Virginia Sandoval Greg Piper Wade Willis Dave Proietti Jan Young Mark Glenn Fred Medlock Cindy Shaw Bernard Hacques Mary Pacheco Jeffrey Westberg Joshua Hernandez Ray Morse Rebecca Rex Peter Underhill Eulus Dennis Chris Nicoletta Sgan Swalley Alan Burgess Jon Garner Darcy Orrok Melodye Torek Audrey Crowley Larry Lorg Michael Pipis Patricia Grantham Cindy Messer Micks Purnell Al Hendrickson Fran Nicoletta Debbie Ryan Robert Furuta Ray Kemble Craig Oleson Heather Wright Joyce Gordon Gary Mcfarlen Jean Beucler Bob Hartley JR Margarita Rodriguez Doris Candelarie Lori Lochrie Mark Tenney Steve Carter David Lopez Douglas Thorburn Brady Corriere Lara Lynn Wallace Mike Duncan Fredric Posner Emilie Young Barbara Andrews Thomas Frank Valerie Haworka DIV ------M18 F13 M40 M30 M13 F12 M25 M45 M11 M48 M48 M29 M16 F26 M11 M51 M48 M18 F12 M40 M31 M12 F40 M27 M12 M43 F34 F24 M18 F43 M27 M14 M35 M30 F34 M51 M25 F43 F23 F21 M52 F28 F27 F29 M47 F27 F40 M12 M15 M30 F34 M31 M32 F28 M57 F38 M34 M15 M43 F22 M48 M40 M14 M11 M38 M33 F16 F43 F29 M24 M39 F39 F30 M39 M45 M46 F34 M37 M44 M38 F32 F42 M47 F35 M39 F25 F29 F25 M23 M37 M39 M43 M27 F22 M32 M40 F27 F37 M41 F28 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:00:10 1:00:10 1:00:10 1:00:10 1:00:10 1:00:10 1:00:10 1:00:11 1:00:11 1:00:11 1:00:11 1:00:11 1:00:11 1:00:11 1:00:11 1:00:11 1:00:11 1:00:11 1:00:12 1:00:12 1:00:12 1:00:12 1:00:12 1:00:12 1:00:12 1:00:13 1:00:13 1:00:13 1:00:13 1:00:13 1:00:14 1:00:14 1:00:14 1:00:14 1:00:14 1:00:14 1:00:14 1:00:14 1:00:14 1:00:14 1:00:15 1:00:15 1:00:15 1:00:15 1:00:15 1:00:15 1:00:15 1:00:16 1:00:16 1:00:16 1:00:16 1:00:16 1:00:16 1:00:16 1:00:16 1:00:16 1:00:16 1:00:16 1:00:17 1:00:17 1:00:17 1:00:17 1:00:17 1:00:17 1:00:17 1:00:17 1:00:17 1:00:17 1:00:17 1:00:17 1:00:17 1:00:18 1:00:18 1:00:18 1:00:18 1:00:18 1:00:18 1:00:18 1:00:18 1:00:18 1:00:18 1:00:18 1:00:18 1:00:19 1:00:19 1:00:19 1:00:19 1:00:19 1:00:19 1:00:19 1:00:19 1:00:19 1:00:19 1:00:19 1:00:20 1:00:20 1:00:20 1:00:20 1:00:20 1:00:20 117/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Michele Tipple Dave Zeckser Robert Avenson Marvin Hart Bud Hooper Tim Van Meter Dawn Zeisler Darlene Braach Roberta Marchand Donna Wong Andrea Jackson Lester Ronick Kit Baker Jodie Jordanger John Simonet Tina Bays David Mccuistion Pete Stoffel Steve Fernalld Farhad Navid Joseph Pena David Barnes Lisa Miller Thomas Raabe Maureen Farrell Scott Miller Lynn Lochrie Dennis Murray Gregory Malsam Keith Burden Michael Howell Rick Cone Tennyson Mccarty Cotton Burden Steve Coy Arlene Ruark Todd Graves Joel Yates Anne Harwood Chris Mcquince Robert Bergfalk Brian Holleman Franci Peterson Ken Hammer Steven Kurtti Kathy Powell Karen Mcdougal Thomas Pretto Larry Heckley James Scott Lisa Aitken Susan Burg Nicole Leistikow Gary Young Kyle Bennett Linda Dunham Charles Meyer Laura Fournier Jennie Rayman Mary Lou Brown Rose Kallin Colleen Parr Ginny Ayers Kathy Duran Mike kelly Tommy Puzio Brian Bloomfield Elaine Gillaspie Wayne Rayman David Boss Chris Hewitt Andy Miranda Nancy Anderson Mark Braukhoff Holly Watkins Mike Brink Roger Lehtiner Iver Retrum Matthew Winston Ron Call Mark Robinson Nicholas Yosha Mark Carron Michelle Lueck Peggy Velasquez Richard Yosha Gary Blackburn Larry Kunkle Jennifer Oldham Delayne Tornowdki Sandy Crane Jane Ferguson Shelly Queneau Gary Hubartt Blake Roeber Jill Davis-Young Theresa Madeya Lauren Thomas David Wood Steve Eyrberger DIV ------F37 M50 M42 M43 M51 M33 F39 F29 F27 F30 F25 M46 F39 F24 M52 F38 M13 M23 M27 M29 M34 M15 F33 M35 F25 M33 F21 M30 M34 M9 M36 M28 M13 M36 M27 F57 M28 M13 F19 M12 M51 M28 F47 M39 M35 F28 F21 M39 M42 M28 F33 F36 F15 M33 M12 F29 M42 F16 F17 F34 F37 F38 F30 F32 M37 M11 M30 F51 M33 M10 F35 M27 F28 M33 F22 M50 M46 M11 M9 M57 M20 M8 M28 F16 F40 M34 M37 M49 F22 M38 F28 F36 F17 M38 M12 F26 F32 F22 M44 M12 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:00:20 1:00:20 1:00:20 1:00:20 1:00:20 1:00:20 1:00:20 1:00:20 1:00:20 1:00:20 1:00:21 1:00:21 1:00:21 1:00:21 1:00:21 1:00:21 1:00:21 1:00:21 1:00:21 1:00:21 1:00:22 1:00:22 1:00:22 1:00:22 1:00:22 1:00:22 1:00:22 1:00:22 1:00:22 1:00:23 1:00:23 1:00:23 1:00:23 1:00:23 1:00:23 1:00:23 1:00:23 1:00:23 1:00:24 1:00:24 1:00:24 1:00:24 1:00:24 1:00:24 1:00:24 1:00:24 1:00:24 1:00:24 1:00:25 1:00:25 1:00:25 1:00:25 1:00:25 1:00:25 1:00:25 1:00:25 1:00:25 1:00:25 1:00:25 1:00:25 1:00:26 1:00:26 1:00:26 1:00:26 1:00:26 1:00:26 1:00:26 1:00:26 1:00:26 1:00:26 1:00:26 1:00:26 1:00:26 1:00:26 1:00:27 1:00:27 1:00:27 1:00:27 1:00:27 1:00:27 1:00:27 1:00:27 1:00:27 1:00:27 1:00:27 1:00:27 1:00:27 1:00:27 1:00:27 1:00:28 1:00:28 1:00:28 1:00:28 1:00:28 1:00:28 1:00:28 1:00:28 1:00:28 1:00:28 1:00:28 118/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Kathryn Merz Mark Van Ark Bill Allan John Crowes Tom Liotta Mary Young Mary Bangs David Harris Kathleen Burgess Moly Hung Beverley Ornes Terrell Covington Michael Liotta Suzanne Jacques Dawnita Smith Jim Kepler Kathy Brodersen Eric Kinzler Patti Steininger Pat Holgate Chuck Miranda Susan Williams Dwight Johnson Dan O'Brien Hayner Brooks Stacey Johnston Judy Deinema Craig Kubias Linda Sakaguchi Julia Fagan Lisa Nielson Karen Michaud Jamie Yarwood Paul Suding David Thekan Gene Barnett Steve Thomas Maureen Cleary William Kelly Paul Nigro Jamie Lacy Debra Stoffer Ed Acost Douglas James Martha Mcmillen Jordi Yarwood Andre Borrello Sue Janes Derrick Mueller Jane Moeller Wayne Hopkins Larry Pokrywka James Teske Christy De Salvo Jimmy Martinez Kathleen Putthoff Gavin Tierney Hans Hansen Pat Martinez John Robinson Peter Tierney Martha Conrad Kelly Hopkins Judy Amahile Bo Howe Jeni Trine Betsy Burton Michael Jones Stuart Elliot Renee Osteen Georgane Higgins Terry Merrick Janis Borton Michael Crabtree Damon Kyle Marion Miyagishima Lauren Carpenter Daren Crosby Janice Martinez Connie Okerson Carley Berg Dennis Cone Larry Gettinger Larry Mc Cammon Carol Taussig Rex Berg Yvonne Conner Jon Hasbrouck Dolores Thompson Karen Lohman Patrick Tobin Judith Perrine Maureen Weston Kiyoto Futa Gloria Dietz Gerry Glancy Len Hauff Doris Encinias Albert Green Dave Powner DIV ------F35 M37 M58 M45 M44 F37 F27 M43 F37 M23 F39 M41 M11 F36 F27 M45 F29 M12 F26 F36 M28 F29 M30 M42 M36 F22 F30 M34 F32 F28 F30 F37 F22 M17 M42 M35 M44 F29 M29 M28 F25 F21 M33 M13 F31 F20 M23 F29 M32 F28 M35 M41 M34 M60 M33 F33 M13 M33 F30 M31 M43 F24 F18 F31 F29 F54 F30 M30 M26 F23 F31 F31 F30 M11 M7 F35 F9 M13 F27 F33 F13 M38 M50 M31 F28 M45 F34 M44 F52 F25 M35 F29 F24 M45 F30 M48 M39 F34 M39 M23 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:00:28 1:00:29 1:00:29 1:00:29 1:00:29 1:00:29 1:00:29 1:00:29 1:00:29 1:00:29 1:00:29 1:00:29 1:00:29 1:00:30 1:00:30 1:00:30 1:00:30 1:00:30 1:00:30 1:00:30 1:00:30 1:00:30 1:00:31 1:00:31 1:00:31 1:00:31 1:00:31 1:00:31 1:00:31 1:00:31 1:00:31 1:00:32 1:00:32 1:00:32 1:00:32 1:00:32 1:00:32 1:00:33 1:00:33 1:00:33 1:00:33 1:00:33 1:00:33 1:00:33 1:00:33 1:00:33 1:00:33 1:00:33 1:00:33 1:00:34 1:00:34 1:00:34 1:00:34 1:00:34 1:00:34 1:00:34 1:00:34 1:00:34 1:00:34 1:00:34 1:00:34 1:00:34 1:00:34 1:00:35 1:00:35 1:00:35 1:00:35 1:00:35 1:00:35 1:00:35 1:00:35 1:00:36 1:00:36 1:00:36 1:00:36 1:00:36 1:00:36 1:00:36 1:00:36 1:00:36 1:00:36 1:00:36 1:00:36 1:00:36 1:00:36 1:00:36 1:00:36 1:00:37 1:00:37 1:00:37 1:00:37 1:00:37 1:00:37 1:00:38 1:00:38 1:00:38 1:00:38 1:00:38 1:00:38 1:00:38 119/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Dennis Forbis Julie Thompson Jolina Brusha Joe Drim Linda Vantilborg Janet Droullard Bette Sue Wachholz Doug Greene Katie Smith Tim Lindquist Margaret Waters Will Gaebler Robert Roggow Mark Hannon John Wachholz Kelly Bumsted Jeff Kelley David Walker Tyler Hand Laurie Ross Susan Brink Kathy Foos Jesse Koss Karen Smith Robert Ariniello David Champ Willeam Gosmell Dan Ogden Donna Branum Charles Cormane Thomas L Hand Deborah Daivdson Chuck Wilke Robert Koppe Herm Schempp Lisa Ann Krasovich James Patrick Terrones Ronald Casados Karen Martinez Carmon Dillaed Charles Pike Joe Moyer Richie Digiosio Lisa Freeman Erwin Gelfand Tom Lightoffot Sharon Schoeffield John Daley Deburah Montoya Michael Elvey Alusine Fofanah Steve Rile Pat Claar Jim Hickman Mary Moore Roni Sherb Lisa Dierks Kate Lewis Debra Pelzer Carmel Smilanic Joe Bowers Rebecca Dixon Kay Porter Lila Wood Patricia Braun Cheryl Guzofsky Dick Mesec Amy Schmidt Monica Ochsner Wayne Smith Dana Jacobs Joe Pettit Jill Steoronsky Jim Prochnow John Moran Nick Saucier Kelley Crider Margie Skigen Sandy Yasumura John Gonzales Geoff Norman Shelley Soper Christine Ragsdale Rachel Turelli Paul Christensen Diane Jacobs Greg Raymer Antony Valentine Mark Digosio Lisa Marsh Lynn Scott Charles Wells Robert Campbell Art Rath Scott Wilson David Clark Kimberly Rearson Clifford Brett Wing Jacqueline Bloomer Lonnie Crosby DIV ------M32 F42 F32 M45 F39 F28 F35 M39 F31 M33 F25 M14 M45 M52 M49 F22 F31 M16 M16 F30 F22 M30 M15 F36 M34 M38 M15 M27 F42 M34 M43 F40 M46 M45 M54 F28 M23 M35 F45 M40 M46 M34 M10 F27 M48 M45 F30 M41 F35 M10 M35 M29 M32 M28 F28 F38 F31 F29 F30 F65 M54 F27 F48 F25 F27 F31 M43 F15 F35 M44 M17 M28 F27 M45 M23 M14 M34 F39 F29 M41 M17 F29 F22 F36 M47 F29 M28 M26 M41 F34 F34 M35 M53 M39 M12 M30 F25 M29 F54 M48 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:00:38 1:00:38 1:00:38 1:00:39 1:00:39 1:00:39 1:00:39 1:00:39 1:00:39 1:00:40 1:00:40 1:00:40 1:00:40 1:00:40 1:00:40 1:00:40 1:00:40 1:00:40 1:00:41 1:00:41 1:00:41 1:00:41 1:00:41 1:00:41 1:00:41 1:00:41 1:00:41 1:00:41 1:00:41 1:00:41 1:00:41 1:00:41 1:00:42 1:00:42 1:00:42 1:00:42 1:00:42 1:00:42 1:00:42 1:00:42 1:00:42 1:00:43 1:00:43 1:00:43 1:00:43 1:00:44 1:00:44 1:00:44 1:00:44 1:00:44 1:00:44 1:00:44 1:00:45 1:00:45 1:00:45 1:00:45 1:00:45 1:00:45 1:00:45 1:00:45 1:00:45 1:00:45 1:00:45 1:00:45 1:00:45 1:00:45 1:00:45 1:00:45 1:00:46 1:00:46 1:00:46 1:00:46 1:00:46 1:00:46 1:00:46 1:00:46 1:00:46 1:00:47 1:00:47 1:00:47 1:00:47 1:00:47 1:00:47 1:00:47 1:00:47 1:00:47 1:00:47 1:00:47 1:00:47 1:00:47 1:00:48 1:00:48 1:00:48 1:00:48 1:00:48 1:00:48 1:00:48 1:00:48 1:00:48 1:00:48 120/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Stephanie Saenger Chad Callaghan Joanne Lugen Mary Kaye Rios Karri Ham Craig Mansfield Woody Smith Kay Kessler Johnson Wynn Pfeiffer Eillen Joy Kara Grebing Keith Lenehan Fran Kohm Mary Mulligan Edwin Bentzen Bernard Hill John Mcintosh Rita Thieme Nelda Wotszhawwicz Mary Medicus Debra Thyne Elaine Carey Steve Washwell Gerald Keenan Paul Reynolds Victoria Williams Barbara Kaare John Mulvihill Deanna Fenton Joan Heim Jay Waddell D . Joy Urioste David Bailey Molly Chizzick Nancy Phares Yolanda Bennett Joseph Golding G. Joseph Bianchi Bill Lamon Paul Poplett Cheryl Burk Linda Laskey Sharon Osborne Mona Southway Betty Willis Tom Braun Kim Mader Judy Schmid Lee Wilson Susan Champany Al Simpson Harth Engelen Rebecca Mercer Keith Williams Deb Barry Joshua Gilmore William Reynolds Pad Kail Deanna Stever Esther Banks Barb Evans Carol Hayward Mike Theodorson Sharon Gaare Ray Heath Kerensa Minard Sharon Adamo Joan Cardone Jay Garamone Jennifer Hunt Gary Parkenson Karin Aldin Mike Dougherty Jannine Geist Donna Taub Dan Dehart Hal Prink Michael Dougherty Doug Hickman Jennifer Roney Kristi Branson Janet Gold Steve Lewis Robynn Rudel Mark Christensen Adelia Harrison Shane Murphy Robert Hendry Ed Roney Orew Liljestrom Gary Saliman Terry Muehe Doug Taub Beaty Cooper Dennis Morgan Sue Everett J .R Newman Clint Tyler John Fedak Don Sears DIV ------F14 M14 F30 F32 F30 M40 M46 F30 M13 F40 F14 M18 F39 F55 M44 M56 M21 F32 F28 F30 F34 F27 M24 M57 M23 F31 F37 M59 M34 F35 M34 F38 M51 F10 F40 F12 M40 M10 M36 M31 F32 F33 F37 F31 F61 M41 F32 F42 M44 F39 M52 F47 F33 M59 F33 F15 M53 M34 F44 F31 F49 F24 MF26 F28 M50 F17 F41 F35 M32 F23 M42 F35 M12 F25 F33 M34 M51 M40 M46 F29 F39 F42 M41 F23 M34 F18 M11 M32 M29 M34 M22 F23 M37 F36 M31 F32 M38 M23 M33 M67 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:00:48 1:00:48 1:00:48 1:00:49 1:00:49 1:00:49 1:00:49 1:00:49 1:00:49 1:00:49 1:00:49 1:00:49 1:00:50 1:00:50 1:00:50 1:00:50 1:00:51 1:00:51 1:00:51 1:00:51 1:00:51 1:00:51 1:00:51 1:00:51 1:00:51 1:00:51 1:00:52 1:00:52 1:00:52 1:00:52 1:00:52 1:00:53 1:00:53 1:00:53 1:00:53 1:00:53 1:00:53 1:00:53 1:00:53 1:00:53 1:00:53 1:00:53 1:00:54 1:00:54 1:00:55 1:00:55 1:00:55 1:00:55 1:00:55 1:00:55 1:00:55 1:00:55 1:00:55 1:00:55 1:00:55 1:00:55 1:00:55 1:00:56 1:00:56 1:00:56 1:00:56 1:00:56 1:00:56 1:00:56 1:00:56 1:00:56 1:00:56 1:00:56 1:00:56 1:00:56 1:00:56 1:00:56 1:00:56 1:00:56 1:00:57 1:00:57 1:00:57 1:00:57 1:00:57 1:00:57 1:00:57 1:00:57 1:00:57 1:00:57 1:00:57 1:00:57 1:00:57 1:00:58 1:00:58 1:00:58 1:00:58 1:00:58 1:00:58 1:00:59 1:00:59 1:00:59 1:00:59 1:00:59 1:00:59 1:00:59 121/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Karla Zimann Rebecca Ivans Kristina Beebe Stewart Hilliard Louise Bradley Barbie Kline Patricia Vaggalis Dawn Cameron John Mitchler Jeffrey Chestnut Ann Newman Jennifer Dickinson Gary Powell Cynthia Gibson Heather Hach Fred Alcon Tom Page Jodi Sorensen Dana Herbold Nancy Stec-Helstad John Burch Gilbert Dickinson Greg Huckabee Donna Yeiser Len Crane Joe Fergueson Nancy Mayer Stanislaw Damas Bob Heath John Garcia John Coates John Holmes Clyde Debello Linda Wickman Judy Baker Pual Destigter Marysue Wilcox Jean Pruett Betsey Swartling Scott Allen Alan Boss Matt Rawley Debbie Willis Savino Barela Liz Hoskins Mike Sidebottom Mark Benson Lori Klencke Luke Simon Diana Moose Jim Rawley Eddie Davis John Humphrey Al Pine Kathy Raybin Joan Divine Emily Jacobsen Kristen Ramp Peter Curtiss Bill Tolch Tim Engles Barbara Lacey Patricia Holman Michelle Chapman Denise Farrar Tom Fouch Eric Aytes Lowell Palnquist Mary Gilbert Barbara Powers Andrew Leyba Steve Everett Leslie Cancilla Jim Heaney Heather Woodworth Edward Claunch Susan High James Annunziata Chris Danforth Anne Boettcher Kathleen Decker Lydia Winkelmann Liz Feeney Dustin Weel Mary Harness Maureen Wright Debbie Bennett Alexander Pruett Denny Dumler Alan Wasserman Fred Mehring Connie Erickson David Johnson Damon Smerchek Charles Gaylord John Kaliszewski Rose Geary Patricia Kaltenberger Mary Audette Peter George DIV ------F32 F22 F24 M29 F56 F22 F26 F26 M33 M36 F27 F19 M46 F36 F18 M36 M32 F31 F26 F31 M37 M38 M31 F39 M32 M11 F33 M40 M51 M48 M35 M42 M58 F39 F37 M30 F33 F34 F38 M35 M18 M28 F35 M45 F31 M30 M36 F28 M14 F33 M58 M39 M14 M55 F46 F22 F13 F13 M25 M43 M31 F35 F40 F20 F36 M47 M14 M59 F39 F33 M38 M34 F31 M34 F38 M45 F41 M46 M17 F53 F21 F31 F29 M11 F32 F28 F39 M34 M47 M40 M36 F44 M46 M9 M46 M40 M30 F47 F33 M40 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:00:59 1:00:59 1:01:00 1:01:00 1:01:00 1:01:00 1:01:00 1:01:00 1:01:00 1:01:00 1:01:00 1:01:01 1:01:01 1:01:01 1:01:01 1:01:01 1:01:01 1:01:02 1:01:02 1:01:02 1:01:02 1:01:02 1:01:02 1:01:02 1:01:02 1:01:02 1:01:02 1:01:02 1:01:02 1:01:03 1:01:03 1:01:03 1:01:03 1:01:03 1:01:03 1:01:03 1:01:03 1:01:04 1:01:04 1:01:04 1:01:04 1:01:04 1:01:04 1:01:04 1:01:04 1:01:04 1:01:04 1:01:04 1:01:04 1:01:05 1:01:05 1:01:05 1:01:05 1:01:05 1:01:05 1:01:05 1:01:05 1:01:05 1:01:05 1:01:05 1:01:05 1:01:05 1:01:05 1:01:06 1:01:06 1:01:06 1:01:06 1:01:07 1:01:07 1:01:07 1:01:07 1:01:07 1:01:08 1:01:08 1:01:08 1:01:08 1:01:08 1:01:08 1:01:08 1:01:08 1:01:08 1:01:08 1:01:09 1:01:09 1:01:09 1:01:09 1:01:09 1:01:09 1:01:09 1:01:09 1:01:10 1:01:10 1:01:10 1:01:10 1:01:10 1:01:10 1:01:10 1:01:10 1:01:10 1:01:10 122/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Shawna Bennett Megan Melamed Peter Dussias Barbara Pirwitz David Harcrow Scott Scanavino Debra Jones Karen Scherger Mike Vaughn Judy Farr Dick Smith Toni Zablocki Laralee Lampson Jim Tharan Mark Vaessen Kyle Redford Ray Melmed Varda Tzur Pat Patrone Vince Vanacore Arrone Appel Daniel Ferguson Scott Sanders Sarah Vaasen Anne Loose Joe Valdez Margaret Mccolum Manuel Alvarez Paul Nicholas Jerry Cosgrove Paula Block Patty Smith Harry Harada Jr John W Stephens Todd Nelson Fram Berczynski Kim Rinehart Chuck Powell Linda Lowe Nancy Reid Jeanne Tramutt Jerome Darnell Charles Mogee Hal Kuczwara Bruce Glazer Deborah Springer Dayna Gorman Sean Linder Wade Staley Karen Dunn Frad Mcgehan Lindsay Emmr Alain Jouchoux Hugo Masilotti Don Warren Klaudia Brace Diana Falldon Michele Post Adele Willson John Crawford Brian Hopkins Kathryn Kosley-Hook Ed Smendzuik Charles Emmer Roger Johnson Gary Manley Steve Staley Lynda Ballard Rick Sonnenfeld Jesse White Shirley Ellis Jeff Bates Charles Joslin Renee Dalhoff Nancy Joslin Rodney Montoya Debbie Vincent Clem Braa Harv Nesbitt Susan West Terri Gary Deb Shand Kit Norland Jennifer Flynn Lisa Petrie Cindy Wills Anne Lawson Ted Radkiewicz Mark Nixon Gary Snyder Mary Cousins Barbara Crawford Randolph Pinto Geroge Hamilton Thomas Roll Bart Barnard David Hatch Marlowe Cassetti Andrew Markus Jean Lund DIV ------F23 F11 M23 F42 M27 M16 F23 F41 M36 F20 M52 M36 F42 M36 M27 F25 M50 F45 F33 M48 M42 M28 M31 F29 F35 M36 F32 M35 M11 M63 F40 F34 M47 M39 M12 F28 F35 M29 F37 F42 F44 M53 M42 M36 M30 F52 F28 M22 M11 F47 M47 F9 M43 M53 M30 F32 F36 F25 F28 M14 M47 F26 M36 M37 M44 M36 M41 F28 M11 M10 F29 M35 M54 F29 F25 M20 F26 M61 M42 F34 F40 F26 F30 F26 F25 F33 F36 M45 M27 M29 F28 F38 M30 M36 M41 M13 M41 M54 M46 F32 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:01:11 1:01:11 1:01:11 1:01:11 1:01:11 1:01:11 1:01:11 1:01:11 1:01:12 1:01:12 1:01:12 1:01:12 1:01:12 1:01:12 1:01:12 1:01:12 1:01:13 1:01:13 1:01:13 1:01:13 1:01:13 1:01:13 1:01:13 1:01:14 1:01:14 1:01:14 1:01:14 1:01:14 1:01:14 1:01:14 1:01:15 1:01:15 1:01:15 1:01:15 1:01:15 1:01:15 1:01:15 1:01:16 1:01:16 1:01:16 1:01:16 1:01:16 1:01:16 1:01:16 1:01:17 1:01:17 1:01:17 1:01:17 1:01:17 1:01:17 1:01:17 1:01:18 1:01:18 1:01:18 1:01:18 1:01:18 1:01:18 1:01:18 1:01:18 1:01:18 1:01:18 1:01:18 1:01:18 1:01:18 1:01:18 1:01:18 1:01:18 1:01:18 1:01:19 1:01:19 1:01:19 1:01:19 1:01:19 1:01:19 1:01:20 1:01:20 1:01:20 1:01:20 1:01:20 1:01:20 1:01:20 1:01:20 1:01:21 1:01:21 1:01:21 1:01:21 1:01:21 1:01:21 1:01:21 1:01:21 1:01:21 1:01:22 1:01:22 1:01:22 1:01:22 1:01:22 1:01:22 1:01:22 1:01:22 1:01:23 123/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Richard Thomas III Mary Marable Mark Edmondson Deborah Nelson Deana Biggs Lisa Frost Craig Neward Richard Lucero Bruce Sonnenfeld Tony Lucero Shawn Spencer Howard Boggs Kathleen Kadeu Tracy Rubesne Gena Zerlan Betty Diaz Becky Larson Dawn Shanahan Janis Folk Judith Goeke Cynthia Moran Carol Blaine Bill Mills Steve Moran Ronald Bruce Lillian Minor Juli Aderman Larry Gersh Robert Mora Damian Smith Kathy Humphrey Kurt Lindstrom Aaron Monteer Phil Sonnenfeld John Frahm Lenora Ivy Chuck Lohmiller Bill Moore Marcia Amne Gargano Pam Jennigs Susan Menne Tara Richardson Jeffrey Barter Duane Hollis Cindy Johnson Julie Lewis Bob Rhodes Scott Linker Tim Yost Cynthia Chevarria Maureen Lyles Troy Dillon Douglas Payne Marlee Domgard Michelle Pearson Kate Farber Meg Vellone Simon Cardenas Alzina Harris Judy Dettmer Jackie Joyce Ubaldo Sanchez Laura Bennett James Thomas Linda Frey Dick Hill Janice Lara Mary Lynn Schickich Beth Carmosino Todd Wuthrich Beth Gaffney Donald Jordan Darren Parochelli Kareen Smith Sean Constantine Bryan Griffin Robert Pecina Shawn Coyle Stein Stan Flint Brian Hill Tricia Moore Charles Springer Chris Morris Mark Munro John Mcbride John Myers Chuck Darling Luann Griese Patty Younce Dan Davis Josh Quesenberry Dale Blackburn Margaret Tezap Cynthia Brown Caryn Goldberg Chuck Veiza Kelly Ryan Carol Mathias Gary Sears Peter Alexander DIV ------M27 F32 M26 F37 F43 F27 M33 M47 M41 M23 M18 M57 F25 F27 F45 F41 F16 F28 F41 F32 F27 F40 M39 M41 M49 F30 F34 M41 M46 M13 M29 M28 M10 M9 M11 F31 M44 M50 F31 F29 F40 F17 M38 M44 F32 F26 M54 M13 M10 F32 F29 M13 M49 F40 F20 F33 F27 M46 F25 F22 F26 M41 F30 M40 F45 M41 F42 F31 F37 M20 F36 M53 M26 F14 M12 M26 M57 M14 M53 M10 F19 M53 M28 M39 M38 M41 M59 F38 F35 M27 M13 M30 F22 F30 F35 M25 F21 F53 M99 M32 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:01:23 1:01:23 1:01:23 1:01:23 1:01:23 1:01:23 1:01:23 1:01:24 1:01:24 1:01:24 1:01:24 1:01:24 1:01:24 1:01:24 1:01:24 1:01:24 1:01:24 1:01:24 1:01:24 1:01:25 1:01:25 1:01:25 1:01:25 1:01:25 1:01:25 1:01:25 1:01:25 1:01:25 1:01:25 1:01:26 1:01:26 1:01:26 1:01:26 1:01:26 1:01:26 1:01:26 1:01:26 1:01:26 1:01:26 1:01:26 1:01:26 1:01:26 1:01:26 1:01:26 1:01:26 1:01:27 1:01:27 1:01:27 1:01:27 1:01:27 1:01:27 1:01:27 1:01:28 1:01:28 1:01:28 1:01:28 1:01:28 1:01:28 1:01:28 1:01:28 1:01:29 1:01:29 1:01:29 1:01:29 1:01:29 1:01:29 1:01:29 1:01:29 1:01:29 1:01:29 1:01:29 1:01:29 1:01:29 1:01:29 1:01:29 1:01:29 1:01:29 1:01:29 1:01:29 1:01:29 1:01:30 1:01:30 1:01:30 1:01:30 1:01:30 1:01:30 1:01:31 1:01:31 1:01:31 1:01:31 1:01:31 1:01:31 1:01:31 1:01:31 1:01:31 1:01:31 1:01:32 1:01:32 1:01:32 1:01:32 124/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------John Vallejos Janet Hurley Jim Hurley Morris Jett Linda Loughrey Mark Shellenbarger Julie Fendrich Melanie Shellenbarger Don Giseburt Stanford Lee Donna Vail Nathan Balzer Bob Cowles George Good Sue Manley Linda Blair Susan Cowles Marti Holmes Amy Ganter David Lawson David Miller Margaret Chapman Laura Greipel Miles Branch Jerry Van Eeckhour Denise Bravdica Lawrence Wapensky Jim Gleason Richard Davis Paul Rosser Karen Wilken Dulcy Ladgerwood Therese Verrengia Charlie Webb Helga Meyer Sandy Webb Brett Pirie Vincent Eberhard Jack Menkran John Sieker Terry Brown Lori Miller Carole Zook Erika Burianek Bill Holmes Erin O'Leary Alfred Depatie Mary-Michelle Keyser Ann Rosser Tom Curtin Philip Haram Linda Lee Dondee Kelbel Ruth Mckinney Paula Zegob Diana Daddato Wayne Kocina Avi Mor Laura Backus Armando Guzman Jeffrey Larson Ruth Bernstein Juliet Sherwood Cheristine Clark Joe Duncanson Julia Bamonti Rob Johnson Bill Robison Robert Serotta Pamela Constantine Marty Gold Bill Younce Roger Emegh Jane Parker-Ambrose Katherine Flahive Greg Miller Barry Brown Richard Kluding Dave Parke Carla Wieland Mary Cilo Christine Gallas Michael Lechman Milton Rinehart Matt Cohn Larry Green Bobette Miller Marian Seder David Archuleta Daniel Ellis Donald Hassor Linda Gordon Karin Waters Jody Kasper Jim Willard Dawn Carrrone Gary Melinkovich Allan Eisenbaum Karen Spratten Anita Garfein DIV ------M27 M19 M29 M45 F39 M36 F26 F35 M58 M30 F20 M12 M35 M29 F35 F26 F34 F40 F15 M27 M20 F33 F25 M18 M48 F21 M20 M75 M32 M34 F51 F20 F26 M42 F37 F35 M8 M23 M71 M23 M42 F28 F45 F14 M41 F22 M40 F35 F34 M36 M50 F35 M29 F35 F24 F34 M41 M15 F41 M26 M18 F50 F53 F29 M44 F27 M24 M40 M30 F37 M29 M42 M47 F40 M29 M29 M44 M45 M17 F27 F35 F17 M32 M37 M35 M30 F36 F54 M26 M48 M25 F32 F32 F34 M49 F28 M34 M41 F33 F45 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:01:32 1:01:32 1:01:32 1:01:33 1:01:33 1:01:33 1:01:33 1:01:33 1:01:34 1:01:34 1:01:34 1:01:34 1:01:34 1:01:34 1:01:34 1:01:34 1:01:34 1:01:34 1:01:34 1:01:34 1:01:34 1:01:34 1:01:35 1:01:35 1:01:35 1:01:35 1:01:35 1:01:35 1:01:36 1:01:36 1:01:36 1:01:36 1:01:36 1:01:36 1:01:36 1:01:36 1:01:37 1:01:37 1:01:37 1:01:37 1:01:37 1:01:37 1:01:37 1:01:37 1:01:37 1:01:37 1:01:37 1:01:37 1:01:38 1:01:38 1:01:38 1:01:38 1:01:38 1:01:38 1:01:38 1:01:38 1:01:38 1:01:38 1:01:38 1:01:38 1:01:38 1:01:39 1:01:39 1:01:39 1:01:39 1:01:39 1:01:39 1:01:40 1:01:40 1:01:40 1:01:40 1:01:40 1:01:40 1:01:40 1:01:40 1:01:41 1:01:41 1:01:41 1:01:41 1:01:41 1:01:41 1:01:41 1:01:41 1:01:41 1:01:41 1:01:41 1:01:41 1:01:41 1:01:41 1:01:41 1:01:41 1:01:42 1:01:42 1:01:42 1:01:42 1:01:42 1:01:42 1:01:42 1:01:42 1:01:43 125/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Sean O'Neil Peter Mabrey John Ortega Scott Smith Deb Dingman Christopher Mcconnell David Rose Peter Blake Trent Eylens Franklin Medford Jill Smeltzer Clarice Melinkovich Lee Butler Russell Hettinger Maria Martinez Kyle Peltz Richard Carpenter Donald Klipka Tara Solie Linda Elliott Kathy Knafia Andy Mcghee Ron Whildin Jennifer Garfein Nicki Kravcisin Page Frick Michael Sheridan James Webster Richard Mark Krista Mcconnell Paul Thiese Peggy Messimer Geoffrey Waters Bo Millice Donald Morrissey Jr Tobi Archuleta Kathleen Walsh Marv Mazone Marcie Willard Rich Boylan Jill Olson Suzanne Stephens Yvonne Patton Pauline Tsukamoto Walter Bradley John Rack Gayle Croissant Thomas Skerjanec Robyn Kizler Donald Morrissey Patty Laine Don Schroeder Beverly Greene Mary Mackay Ricahard Skerjanec Cindy Carrannante Barry Haas Sharon Maes Lehman Edmby Chad Ross Mary Anna Cusick Tracy Lewis Donald Austin Chris Powell Lori Loudner Kristi Watson Bryce Matthews Barb Paulekas Mark Weitzman Marshall Johnson Tracy Mccune Paul Rost Debbie Krueger Pat Mijer Julie Walls Richard Schaefer Jan Hauer Chris Mcguire Bill Shiovitz Greg Krieger Nadine Nuncio Kristin Anderson Steven Lloyd Ernie O'Hara Victoria Elizadle Kris Matthews Ronald Schleisman Dina Brendlinger Carla Krueger Heidi Mccann Elaine Schnabel Chuck Thenell Patricia Hamilton Elizabeth Kuxhaus Debbie Mills Lisa Smith Nancy Baylor-Taylor Rebecca Tollin Paul Jacobi Carol Mann DIV ------M23 M11 M40 M40 F34 M29 M46 M52 M15 M51 F30 F35 M59 M29 F30 M25 M28 M28 F30 F30 F29 M10 M38 F17 F36 F40 M38 M39 M35 F30 M52 F33 M38 M13 M23 F36 F46 M48 F21 M28 F30 F24 F25 M36 M27 M28 F38 M22 F17 M43 F35 M29 F46 F37 M51 F30 M52 F23 M39 M15 F46 F31 M46 F17 F17 F35 M17 F33 M31 M39 F22 M32 F33 F30 F30 M30 F42 M10 M46 M23 F26 F26 M38 M49 F99 F39 M49 F20 F27 F23 F37 M26 F37 F13 F19 F19 F34 F14 M29 F42 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:01:43 1:01:43 1:01:43 1:01:43 1:01:43 1:01:43 1:01:43 1:01:43 1:01:43 1:01:43 1:01:43 1:01:44 1:01:44 1:01:44 1:01:44 1:01:44 1:01:44 1:01:44 1:01:44 1:01:44 1:01:44 1:01:44 1:01:44 1:01:44 1:01:44 1:01:45 1:01:45 1:01:45 1:01:45 1:01:45 1:01:45 1:01:45 1:01:45 1:01:46 1:01:46 1:01:46 1:01:46 1:01:46 1:01:46 1:01:47 1:01:47 1:01:47 1:01:47 1:01:47 1:01:47 1:01:47 1:01:47 1:01:47 1:01:48 1:01:48 1:01:48 1:01:48 1:01:48 1:01:48 1:01:48 1:01:48 1:01:48 1:01:48 1:01:48 1:01:49 1:01:49 1:01:49 1:01:49 1:01:49 1:01:50 1:01:50 1:01:50 1:01:50 1:01:50 1:01:50 1:01:50 1:01:50 1:01:50 1:01:50 1:01:50 1:01:51 1:01:51 1:01:51 1:01:51 1:01:51 1:01:51 1:01:51 1:01:51 1:01:51 1:01:51 1:01:52 1:01:52 1:01:52 1:01:52 1:01:52 1:01:52 1:01:52 1:01:52 1:01:52 1:01:52 1:01:52 1:01:52 1:01:52 1:01:52 1:01:52 126/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Milissa Nelson John Breed Hayes Yeeneman Mary Downton Joanne Lyman Tammy Norman Michelle Evenchik Carlos Muro-cacho Tom Smith Frank j Futtyma Meredith Nelson Kim Steece Nancy Ariniello Walt Grebing John Conway Jack Simpson David Baumgartner Ryan Keith Charles Butler David Schull Nathan Catalfomo Ellen Moses Jay Swartzwelter John Coffey Deborah Vukich Timothy Goss Teresa Weiman Susan Cohn Kelly Holdsworth Peter Stephenson Jim Fritts Deborah Prenger Kathy Szucs Daniel Gould Barbara Jean Slopey Greg Slopey Yvette Farrow Chip Pedersen Susan Zink Mary Halpin Ernie Perry Linda Lewis Brian Pilger Jim Elliott Dawn Yauk Rick Fink Jack Rotolz Thomas David Susan Graff Claude Selitrennikoff Jeff Arellanes Ben Davis Leslie Naylor Gregory Steinwand Tina Bell Joseph Nelson Allen Wooley Carley Birks Robert Bundy Stan Majorowski Tom Gordon William Nowell Alex Robertson Julie Hansen Jan Snyder Paul Hubble Todd Snyder Jo Martin Elise Podwill Jesse Stephenson Marlie Gillett Fred Armstrong Andrea Havenar Amy Reavey Kent Gross Paula Havenar Michael Hankinson Jill Meek Erik Hansen Mary Nichols LIsa Engelking Katy Janda Nancy Levitt Lori Ruiz Matt Floyd Lou Kuhnen Stephen Savicz Hank Freeland Lloyd Leabhard Charles Pratt Steve Snyder Anthony Accetta Kurt Garland Andrea Levitt Emily Rosenblum Lisa Takemoto Joseph Bueno Cheryl Finnegan Lorinda Foster Tom Progin DIV ------F19 M33 M41 F47 F37 F25 F28 M33 M57 M31 F26 F28 F36 M48 M15 M36 M25 M13 M41 M18 M11 F39 M50 F45 F35 M13 F28 F33 F14 M19 M31 F24 F26 M43 F33 M33 F38 M21 F38 F33 M42 F39 M18 M42 F18 M39 M45 M42 F37 M44 M27 M11 F22 M37 F40 M45 M23 M50 M45 M42 M35 M31 M15 F22 F42 M45 M10 F34 F33 F15 F36 M66 F40 F23 M43 M41 M32 F20 M27 F28 F27 F22 F51 F29 M16 M44 M14 M48 M48 M36 M41 M45 M29 F26 F13 F21 M29 F29 F33 M38 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:01:52 1:01:52 1:01:53 1:01:53 1:01:53 1:01:53 1:01:53 1:01:53 1:01:53 1:01:53 1:01:53 1:01:53 1:01:53 1:01:53 1:01:54 1:01:54 1:01:54 1:01:54 1:01:54 1:01:54 1:01:54 1:01:55 1:01:55 1:01:55 1:01:55 1:01:55 1:01:55 1:01:56 1:01:56 1:01:56 1:01:56 1:01:56 1:01:56 1:01:56 1:01:56 1:01:56 1:01:57 1:01:57 1:01:57 1:01:57 1:01:57 1:01:57 1:01:57 1:01:57 1:01:57 1:01:58 1:01:58 1:01:58 1:01:58 1:01:58 1:01:58 1:01:58 1:01:58 1:01:58 1:01:58 1:01:58 1:01:58 1:01:58 1:01:59 1:01:59 1:01:59 1:01:59 1:01:59 1:01:59 1:02:00 1:02:00 1:02:00 1:02:00 1:02:00 1:02:00 1:02:00 1:02:01 1:02:01 1:02:01 1:02:01 1:02:01 1:02:01 1:02:01 1:02:01 1:02:01 1:02:02 1:02:02 1:02:02 1:02:02 1:02:02 1:02:02 1:02:02 1:02:02 1:02:02 1:02:02 1:02:02 1:02:02 1:02:02 1:02:02 1:02:02 1:02:03 1:02:03 1:02:03 1:02:03 1:02:03 127/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Greg Usselman Sergio Castaneda Karen Hipple Lawrence Speir Greig Chesne Barbara Kell Debbie Stoetzel Dale Chinn Gail Forsyth Dana Post Phillp Cox Sally Heldman Joe Cunningham Mary Ann Romero Daniel Finnegan Sara Tortle Tom Bates Kathy Graumann Nancy Turtle Kate Hilsenbeck Nou Ply Donna Simmons Elizabeth Howell Heather Turner David Graumann Gene Lawhead Ginny Hoyle Kathy Pakkebier Bob Zegarelli Neil Allaire Jean Reitze Brian Aratani Rebecca Major Philip Russell John Costin Robert Mandzi J.G Sabott Greg Hoyle Jeremy Markuson Michelle Simon Patricia Martinez Herman Ulibarri Diane Benz Shoni Hubatka Bart Muller Jill Dipasquale Barbara Kolden David Sabott Dennis Jouett John Kelly Laurel Harken James Markuson Ronny Butler Chris Hilberand Chris Winslow Terah Gondrezick Paul Brandom Richard Rahn Sonja Bundy Diana Herron Jana Thurston Robyn Fabrizio Adam Lopez Denise Hendrickson Jaw Nelsen Jim Barbee Dennis Quesinberry Elaine Connolly Michael Jones Robert Stafford Richard Deamarais Denise Lawrence Jan Steward Veronica Antonson Alan Feinstein Susan Pinson Edward Turrou Clarence Parkins Dan Abbott George Hanna Janelle Stover Liz Buckman Robert Hughes Dick Tumpes Kristian Froistad Emily Kingston Kevin Dowling Peter Kopff Mark Smith Allan Elder Lee Melvin Charles Hair Judy Olson Beth Borrus Lanette Smallwood Greg Deweese Joe Hsin Marie Adams Melissa Slusher William Buckman DIV ------M27 M27 F25 M46 M23 F27 F35 M31 F45 F22 M33 F22 M45 F30 M27 F12 M32 F25 F41 F44 F62 F56 F17 F27 M26 M51 F41 F27 M37 M37 F32 M29 F34 M42 M31 M34 M12 M41 M9 M21 F39 M29 F33 F39 M30 F30 F31 M41 M45 M39 F45 M43 M34 M14 F28 F16 M48 M37 F11 F31 F24 F31 M14 F32 F30 M42 M50 F29 M33 M36 M47 F38 F46 F31 M34 F33 M70 M53 M42 M39 F38 F21 M58 M52 F24 F27 M35 M41 M30 M31 M20 M43 F37 F28 F35 M14 M27 F18 F16 M57 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:02:03 1:02:03 1:02:03 1:02:03 1:02:03 1:02:03 1:02:03 1:02:03 1:02:03 1:02:03 1:02:04 1:02:04 1:02:04 1:02:04 1:02:04 1:02:04 1:02:04 1:02:04 1:02:05 1:02:05 1:02:05 1:02:05 1:02:05 1:02:05 1:02:05 1:02:05 1:02:06 1:02:06 1:02:06 1:02:06 1:02:06 1:02:06 1:02:06 1:02:06 1:02:06 1:02:06 1:02:06 1:02:07 1:02:07 1:02:07 1:02:07 1:02:07 1:02:07 1:02:07 1:02:07 1:02:07 1:02:07 1:02:07 1:02:08 1:02:08 1:02:08 1:02:08 1:02:08 1:02:08 1:02:08 1:02:08 1:02:09 1:02:09 1:02:09 1:02:09 1:02:09 1:02:09 1:02:09 1:02:09 1:02:09 1:02:10 1:02:10 1:02:10 1:02:10 1:02:10 1:02:10 1:02:10 1:02:10 1:02:10 1:02:10 1:02:10 1:02:10 1:02:11 1:02:11 1:02:11 1:02:11 1:02:11 1:02:11 1:02:11 1:02:11 1:02:11 1:02:12 1:02:12 1:02:12 1:02:12 1:02:12 1:02:12 1:02:12 1:02:12 1:02:12 1:02:13 1:02:13 1:02:13 1:02:13 1:02:13 128/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Todd Newcomer Heather Phillips Carl Cerveny Carol Nickal Laury Sisk Susan Luhrs Mary Ann O'Toole Jill Vahrenwald Karlie Mackenzie Sandy Pearson Moya Cleaver David Mundorff Peggy Becker Kevin Devoe Thomas Murphy Michael Bricker Susana Giles Tom Nickal Kenneth Bullard Eugene Keys Pat Mckim Steven Helms Thomas Rodgers Nancy Janes Debi Wirth Jeremy King David Cuevas Elaine Marie Peterson Joseph Mellon Gordon Speir Mary Mellon James Carpenter Jackie Minchew Donna Nicholas Dick Eason Susan Sage Peter Fox Charlotte Hildred Cyndi Mccune Myron Dunn Susan Hoover Heather Shand Peter Fox Wendell Johnson Mike Lowe Celeste Bounds Richard Ransom Claire Careaga Mike Fariss Lawrence Ross Pamela Cerveny Carol Giles Russell Thompson Paul Bakandwski Mary Beth Lewis Dawna Tryhorn Robert Beecher Robert Faircloth Lynn Sommers Jolene Bounds Jonathan Faust Paul Paray Larry Brown Kate Lincoln Gina Poppenga Scott Mccrea Marge Seabourn Charles Brund Joseph O'Neill Jose Pulido Andy Brame Mary Kay Loner Gerald Orita David Rodriguez Len Bammer Steven Burghart Patrick Lyford David C Wiegand Erika Florez Robert Milhous Robert Parnell Ann Wolman Kendra Black Michael Jacobs Marcelline Nava Andrea Behrens Gary Nichols Erik Beverly Rachel Flood Terry Schuyler Chris Kelly Jeff Squires Phil Ricketts Susan Fox Suzanne Zoda Anne-Marie Kriek Patricia Landy Charles Glasscock Ronald Sutherland Jennie Buckner DIV ------M13 F16 M59 F42 F42 F29 F31 F16 F30 F23 F34 M30 F42 M33 M34 M41 F46 M22 M40 M42 M21 M27 M34 F26 F35 M14 M34 F26 M41 M43 F39 M18 M39 F42 M60 F33 M35 F37 F20 M61 F20 F16 M42 M99 M36 F14 M45 F27 F45 M42 F38 F27 M18 M42 F31 F34 M37 M37 F28 F38 M32 M40 M44 F29 F16 M41 F41 M33 M30 M11 M22 F42 M42 M29 M40 M28 M41 M14 F10 M52 M36 F25 F15 M10 F38 F14 M35 M20 F24 M30 M10 M40 M44 F35 F42 F32 F21 M35 M55 F16 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:02:14 1:02:14 1:02:14 1:02:14 1:02:14 1:02:14 1:02:14 1:02:14 1:02:14 1:02:14 1:02:15 1:02:15 1:02:15 1:02:15 1:02:15 1:02:15 1:02:15 1:02:15 1:02:15 1:02:15 1:02:16 1:02:16 1:02:16 1:02:16 1:02:16 1:02:16 1:02:17 1:02:17 1:02:17 1:02:17 1:02:17 1:02:17 1:02:18 1:02:18 1:02:18 1:02:18 1:02:18 1:02:19 1:02:19 1:02:19 1:02:19 1:02:19 1:02:19 1:02:19 1:02:19 1:02:19 1:02:20 1:02:20 1:02:20 1:02:20 1:02:20 1:02:20 1:02:20 1:02:20 1:02:20 1:02:20 1:02:20 1:02:20 1:02:21 1:02:21 1:02:21 1:02:21 1:02:21 1:02:21 1:02:21 1:02:21 1:02:21 1:02:21 1:02:21 1:02:22 1:02:22 1:02:22 1:02:22 1:02:22 1:02:22 1:02:22 1:02:22 1:02:22 1:02:22 1:02:22 1:02:22 1:02:22 1:02:22 1:02:22 1:02:22 1:02:23 1:02:23 1:02:23 1:02:23 1:02:23 1:02:23 1:02:23 1:02:24 1:02:24 1:02:24 1:02:24 1:02:24 1:02:25 1:02:25 1:02:25 129/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Susan Cassidy Barbara Rose Robert Makkox Krystyna Strzelec Carolyn Brewer Audrey Mcaulay Patricia Carothers Tim Pimentel Shelly Long Caroline Saliman Bill Boothby Jan Gerard Charles Mccall Bernard Williams Joann Burkely Lara Gitschneider Bob Clark Aaron Leise Kathy Purcell Richard Bechitolt Kip Findley Douglas Mcaulay Tom Toll David Olson Mary Ordzywolski Barbara Kissack Jesse Avelino Trujillo Ian Lamb Locien Hardy Fran Tarchalski John Williams Judy Hindman Tom Foster Michelle Simon Carol Fredrek Russ Hodgson Bill Whaley Jacqueline Bay Rod Krutsinger Frank Case Michelle Graham Alice Rotunno Carolyn Backstrum Ed Emmons Ed Hagerman Clare Stauffer Melisse Bathcate David Mchrry Shannon Schoenfeld Wesley Beery Linda Manson Gary Jacques Peter Marschall Chris Manamara Lori Dishneau Clayton Taylor Myra L Hanson Rebecca Runkle Robb Trowbridge Steve Brown Bruce Hill David Schoenfeld Tom Watkins Pam Clark Joseph Jonikas Chris Spitzer Kent Karsterrer Austin Ripmaster Daniel Koch Charles Scoaain Dee Dee Lucas Buck Dellinger Lisa Dernbach Kelly Larson John Dollar Allison Witkin Jeffrey Jacot Tim Witkin William Browning Bradley Kolstoe Nancy Hill Laurie Maness Floyd Trujillo Gary Bowser Leslie Huff Molly Melamed Eric Walls Janet Braccio Eileen Jonikas Richard Rowe Randy Dick Kim Malville Scott Meyer Brittany Hoback Greg Norberg Ben Ingrahm Laura Pond Robert Smith Robert Carber Sally Lloyd DIV ------F30 F29 M51 F38 F25 F9 F26 M36 F25 F27 M46 F33 M41 M44 F48 F21 M38 M12 F34 M27 M10 M32 M49 M18 F33 F24 M46 M18 M13 F43 M40 F42 M31 F27 F30 M27 M39 F33 M40 M30 F17 F16 F25 M47 M42 F34 F34 M44 F19 M57 F37 M29 M27 M41 F30 M33 F29 F22 M44 M49 M39 M45 M46 F44 M32 M12 M42 M10 M22 M44 F37 M41 F25 M25 M41 F27 M17 M30 M45 M36 F32 F32 M22 M40 M43 F40 M33 F29 F27 M38 M41 F55 M27 F6 M25 M17 F28 M45 M32 F40 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:02:25 1:02:25 1:02:26 1:02:26 1:02:26 1:02:26 1:02:26 1:02:26 1:02:26 1:02:26 1:02:27 1:02:27 1:02:27 1:02:27 1:02:27 1:02:27 1:02:27 1:02:27 1:02:27 1:02:27 1:02:27 1:02:27 1:02:27 1:02:28 1:02:28 1:02:28 1:02:28 1:02:28 1:02:29 1:02:29 1:02:29 1:02:29 1:02:29 1:02:29 1:02:30 1:02:30 1:02:30 1:02:30 1:02:30 1:02:30 1:02:30 1:02:30 1:02:30 1:02:30 1:02:30 1:02:30 1:02:30 1:02:31 1:02:31 1:02:31 1:02:31 1:02:31 1:02:31 1:02:31 1:02:32 1:02:32 1:02:32 1:02:32 1:02:32 1:02:32 1:02:32 1:02:32 1:02:32 1:02:32 1:02:32 1:02:32 1:02:33 1:02:33 1:02:33 1:02:33 1:02:33 1:02:33 1:02:34 1:02:34 1:02:34 1:02:34 1:02:34 1:02:34 1:02:34 1:02:34 1:02:35 1:02:35 1:02:35 1:02:35 1:02:35 1:02:35 1:02:35 1:02:35 1:02:35 1:02:35 1:02:35 1:02:35 1:02:36 1:02:36 1:02:36 1:02:36 1:02:36 1:02:36 1:02:36 1:02:36 130/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Jinger Stuckey Marlyn Findley Michele Canney Pat Graham Dan Petro Ellen Olson Don Tennessen Jonathan Bridges Glenn Churchill Jr. Jeannie O'Rourke Mark Miller John Spitzer Pamela Ager Paul Hopkins Stephen Bovard Connie Kimball Bob Schultz Jim Feggestad Mallory Norway Susan Tennessen Kim Hewett Sharyn O'Toole Bill Havu Curtis Blatimore Rob Howard John Webb John Dilday Sally Phillips Jeff Ford Paul Silvers Ken Birgen Catherine Maes Michael Voss Ken Moran Frank Bolles Emily Nakamura Gregory Joder Janet Solis Beth Emanuel David M Thayer Kris A. Cambria William Gillett Toby White B207Icia B207Ina Sandy Carpenter Dave Hnida Angie Billett Deborah Crump Aspen Mcrae Janet Hauser Yvonne Morris James Adams Anita Kueppers Neecie Mullen Courtney Buck Janet Lockhart David Adams Guy Gunther Richard Mallinger Caroline Simpson Jeff Brady Linnea Law Mark Spray Cindy Klassen David Mathews Janice Twiss Bill Brady Nathan Koral Douglas Oliver Mark Kovach Jordan Baine Greg Lepetsos Peggy Seron Kitty West Susan Coward Pete Radliff Cheri Vanselus Vanda Good Peggy Robbins Stephen Gromack Steve Rusley Suzanne Vaughn Bernice Harris-Hobbs Nancy Muckerman Mark Whitman Tim Kridle Shamane Simons Julie Cummings Julieanne Light Anne Fishel Andy Medvec Denise Vosburgh Ruth Mc Donald Elaine Schmitt Frichard Espeland George Melvin Jeremy Baerns Gene Fukomoto Larry Baerns Michael Green DIV ------M48 F40 F27 M23 M39 F33 M33 M32 M28 F30 M36 M46 F27 M17 M14 F38 M43 M32 F41 F33 F21 F42 M42 M26 M19 M36 M35 F42 M26 M58 M33 F25 M14 M42 M51 F32 M25 F43 F25 M31 F18 M36 M28 F40 F48 M34 F42 F36 F12 F38 F34 M46 F27 F49 F23 F30 M11 M22 M33 F29 M36 F31 M40 F30 M38 F28 M37 M9 M39 M23 F31 M27 F38 F37 F26 M27 F30 F50 F49 M33 M33 F40 F43 F34 M22 M32 F17 F24 F33 F27 M37 F36 F44 F24 M60 M49 M12 M40 M49 M30 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:02:36 1:02:36 1:02:37 1:02:37 1:02:37 1:02:38 1:02:38 1:02:38 1:02:38 1:02:38 1:02:38 1:02:38 1:02:38 1:02:39 1:02:39 1:02:39 1:02:39 1:02:39 1:02:39 1:02:39 1:02:39 1:02:39 1:02:40 1:02:40 1:02:40 1:02:40 1:02:40 1:02:40 1:02:40 1:02:40 1:02:40 1:02:41 1:02:41 1:02:41 1:02:41 1:02:41 1:02:41 1:02:41 1:02:42 1:02:42 1:02:42 1:02:42 1:02:42 1:02:42 1:02:42 1:02:42 1:02:42 1:02:42 1:02:42 1:02:43 1:02:43 1:02:43 1:02:43 1:02:43 1:02:43 1:02:43 1:02:43 1:02:43 1:02:43 1:02:44 1:02:44 1:02:44 1:02:44 1:02:44 1:02:44 1:02:44 1:02:44 1:02:44 1:02:44 1:02:44 1:02:45 1:02:45 1:02:45 1:02:45 1:02:45 1:02:45 1:02:45 1:02:45 1:02:45 1:02:45 1:02:45 1:02:45 1:02:46 1:02:46 1:02:46 1:02:46 1:02:46 1:02:46 1:02:46 1:02:46 1:02:46 1:02:46 1:02:47 1:02:47 1:02:47 1:02:47 1:02:47 1:02:47 1:02:47 1:02:47 131/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Fred Bradley Shawn Lanphear Stamenka Baker Sara Navarro T Richard Greene Andrew Palmer Tamie Kauk Tom Rhodes Julianna Giudici Jeannie Robertson Jean Balcnmer Michele Hibl James Yost Judi Dollaghan Fiona Hill Mike Holland Mike Kostelecky Amy Sutherland Patricia Speck Jolene Wanke Mark Ivan Jo Sue Whisler Kathy Kendall Joe Sturniolo Robert Blahnik Diane Kramer Amy Thompson Joe Hill Tom Miller Becky Hunter Gary Johnson Judy Rupnow Michael Groosky Douglas Leyden Louise Allen Brad Ingram Michell Burchfield Floyd Jackson Jr. Eric Luse Maureen Collins Mark Johnson Beth Carpenter Matthew Grove Jay Nakagawa Heather Chacon Lisa Harrison Daniel Gilbert David Hovasse Julie Ryan Glenn Gilbert Marie Luevano Dale Whittemore Dan Navarro Thomas Dietsch Samantha Spear Elisa Hensen Evie Verderber Gloria Mestas John Hickok Deonicia Wagner Patricia Hutman Judith Geddes Charles Mckay Carolyn Seidel Roby Demanche Scott Leavenworth Julie Morita Betty Chacon Danna Richards Julie Rivera Debra Bain Edward Macias Anne Blake Peggy Miiller Tamara Marietta-Eastin Lindsey Valdez Keith Guastella Louis Hernandez Susan Knight Juel Rosenblum Cathy Murphy Phillip Gantry John Pirkopf Katherine Arnold Debbie Grande Bruce Richardson Deb Engdahl Chip Minard Paula Beck Anne Hooker Rubin Rabinovitz Kevin Burke Robert Horen William T Sturges Dawn-Marie Clampitt Joel Kaplan Jay Williams David A Street Debra Fine Kelley Swaim DIV ------M43 M29 F60 F28 M36 M12 F30 M42 F31 F27 F24 F22 M39 F23 F33 M43 M27 F23 F30 F25 M32 F48 M24 M40 M38 F49 F32 M42 M35 M30 M39 F30 M34 M31 F44 M21 F24 M66 M33 F26 M38 F28 M20 M30 F16 F27 M12 M29 F21 M41 F31 M35 M37 M27 F20 F22 F38 F35 M26 F25 F24 F36 M39 F32 M14 M37 F31 F48 F26 F27 F20 M23 F23 F35 F32 F10 M25 M38 F33 M30 F42 M34 M14 F33 F37 M49 F27 M42 F29 F46 M50 M14 M45 M31 F20 M35 M46 M33 F33 F21 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:02:47 1:02:48 1:02:48 1:02:48 1:02:48 1:02:48 1:02:48 1:02:48 1:02:49 1:02:49 1:02:49 1:02:49 1:02:49 1:02:49 1:02:49 1:02:49 1:02:50 1:02:50 1:02:50 1:02:50 1:02:50 1:02:50 1:02:50 1:02:50 1:02:51 1:02:51 1:02:51 1:02:51 1:02:51 1:02:51 1:02:51 1:02:51 1:02:52 1:02:52 1:02:52 1:02:52 1:02:52 1:02:52 1:02:52 1:02:52 1:02:52 1:02:53 1:02:53 1:02:53 1:02:53 1:02:53 1:02:53 1:02:53 1:02:53 1:02:53 1:02:53 1:02:53 1:02:54 1:02:54 1:02:54 1:02:54 1:02:54 1:02:54 1:02:55 1:02:55 1:02:55 1:02:55 1:02:55 1:02:56 1:02:56 1:02:56 1:02:56 1:02:57 1:02:57 1:02:57 1:02:57 1:02:57 1:02:57 1:02:57 1:02:58 1:02:58 1:02:58 1:02:58 1:02:59 1:02:59 1:02:59 1:02:59 1:02:59 1:02:59 1:02:59 1:02:59 1:02:59 1:03:00 1:03:00 1:03:00 1:03:00 1:03:00 1:03:00 1:03:00 1:03:00 1:03:00 1:03:00 1:03:01 1:03:01 1:03:01 132/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Edwin Howe Carol Mcgaughey Doris Vecqueray James Kin Joe Murphy Earl Yaffe Eric Nehls Ana Palmer Fred Ramirez Gene Popowczak Charles Swanlund Jake Puzio Carol Sams Bill Batton Mike Ebeling Joyce Morganfield Paul Spalding Carolyn Beach Eric Giesel Emily Hilberand Cheryl Nickolaus Lisa Spiegel Danielle Brent Edward Hansen Lee Leber Elias Pazmino Bill Deverell Amy Hargrave Mark Mathewason Susan Eide Lynne Wagner Tracy Armstrong Deborah Drissell John Beuchner Judi Robuck Tamily Fehringer Luke Mercier Ed Richamond John Mercier Edward Eberhard Colin Strong Joshua Holbrook Cheryl Hartman Debbie Thomas Leslie Whittemore Kathleen Allard Phillip Mann John Waring Andrea Morgan Linda Wigham Bruce Taylor Anne Callahan Sean Coughlin Carolyn Mann Laura Scoggan Krista Galchutt Lara Moore Bill Goldstein Shannon Ryan James Best Cheri Kinzler Mark Lewis Al Bernier Barbara Marquand Kim Brophy Don Mcgraw Sonya Lazich James Emblen Scott Thomas Shelley Dobyns Joni Fries Michael White Steven Dodd Joseph Hart Andy Mcentire Patrick Crane David Dodd Jeanne Hess Kathy Englund Victoria Oakley Danna Brand Joel Pyle Susan Carlson Vincent Havorka Susan Coupens Dan Muse Peter Craven Meg Porfido Sara Hall Debra Hyatt Sally Tejan Janie Peterson Alan Smith Sherry Bowlin Patti Harkreader Jane Schatzberg Dave Winfrey Laura Brinkman Lauren Harrison Linda Witte DIV ------M36 F28 F54 M45 M42 M65 M32 F54 M36 M44 M51 M42 F32 M53 M28 F37 M47 F40 M30 F15 F33 F28 F16 M43 M35 M11 M57 F17 M28 F23 F25 F18 F30 M28 F47 F24 M11 M39 M41 M49 M9 M9 F26 F29 M71 F29 M30 M50 F18 F34 M27 F40 M15 F28 F21 F15 F14 M23 F21 M43 F37 M37 M40 F27 F11 M41 F22 M27 M12 F32 F23 M20 M30 M32 M19 M42 M54 F38 M30 F19 F21 M11 F37 M66 F34 M34 M48 F31 F41 F23 F36 F34 M26 F41 F53 M32 M44 F27 F28 F39 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:03:01 1:03:01 1:03:01 1:03:01 1:03:01 1:03:01 1:03:02 1:03:02 1:03:02 1:03:02 1:03:02 1:03:02 1:03:03 1:03:03 1:03:03 1:03:03 1:03:03 1:03:03 1:03:03 1:03:03 1:03:03 1:03:03 1:03:03 1:03:03 1:03:03 1:03:03 1:03:03 1:03:03 1:03:03 1:03:04 1:03:04 1:03:04 1:03:05 1:03:05 1:03:06 1:03:06 1:03:06 1:03:06 1:03:07 1:03:07 1:03:07 1:03:07 1:03:08 1:03:08 1:03:08 1:03:08 1:03:09 1:03:09 1:03:09 1:03:09 1:03:09 1:03:09 1:03:10 1:03:10 1:03:10 1:03:10 1:03:10 1:03:10 1:03:10 1:03:10 1:03:10 1:03:11 1:03:11 1:03:11 1:03:11 1:03:11 1:03:11 1:03:12 1:03:12 1:03:12 1:03:12 1:03:12 1:03:12 1:03:12 1:03:12 1:03:12 1:03:13 1:03:13 1:03:13 1:03:13 1:03:13 1:03:13 1:03:13 1:03:13 1:03:14 1:03:14 1:03:14 1:03:14 1:03:14 1:03:14 1:03:14 1:03:15 1:03:15 1:03:15 1:03:15 1:03:15 1:03:15 1:03:15 1:03:15 1:03:15 133/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Laura Culberson Greg Pennock Mark Feuer Beth Skinner Leslie Brennan Pam Gehant Ellis Staker Scott Burrow Stuart Heller Lonna Wanner Debr Clayton Stanley Whetstone Beau Baker Don Eyolfson Jason Bellipanni Lindsay Fulton Eric Peterson Linda Burrow Tom Gamrath Bonnie Prebble Herman Jr. Caudillo Arthur Rice Samone Chilton Jeff Gunstream Christopher Somps Pennie Ganter Judy Kucinski Josh Van De Wetering Robert Doty John Holbrook Bob Martin Beronica Duran Colin Merritt Marc Fortney Tracee Hughes Timothy Trapp Debbie Janssen Brad Filkins Christina Jaramillo Dallas Blevins Robert Moul Karen Conklin Carol Hiatt Salvador Rivas Jer Fancher Cybele Plywaski Linda Smith Gerry Willis Ed Armijo Chris Kittredge Bruce Albin Keith Posey Cynthia O'Brien Nancy Cruise David Peterson Michelle Jung Mark Kilpatrick Kathleen Pekar Melissa Werner Michael Chicola Jolynn Robertson Rolly Furay Judi Roniger Carl Hartman Cathy Collins Jim Reed Richard Cotton Richard Werner Marlies Engel Carol Acuff Brent Lockhart Mary Reenan Verna Clifford Josh Sosa Debbie Lanning Maribeth Thomas Louis Abbott Chip Heinrich Carmela Aragon Ron Curtis Lisa Norby Lori Beckwith Howard Fredrickson Sara Blea Larry Graham Maureen Herrmann Brien Irvin Becky Mccarty Mary Kirby Sue Tallman John Freeman Ron Lalughery Nancy Dillon Lisa Mccanlies Pat Gustafson Liz Seymour Glassell Smalley Pat Hutson Stacy Siegrist Leonard Connell DIV ------F19 M34 M32 F20 F33 F37 M41 M9 M52 F37 F30 M60 M11 M58 M17 F13 M33 F40 M49 F35 M46 M49 F26 M15 M29 F44 F31 M25 M36 M37 M42 F33 M13 M12 F25 M42 F33 M31 F27 M40 M31 F47 F29 M38 M13 F24 F41 M39 M51 F44 M31 M19 F29 F39 M46 F21 M31 F27 F31 M45 F19 F11 F48 M47 F20 M31 M64 M29 F37 F42 M30 F39 F17 M12 F17 F23 F31 M18 F56 M45 F32 F26 M59 F14 M47 F33 M31 F26 F40 F38 M39 M35 F25 F27 M36 F22 F31 F35 F16 M35 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:03:15 1:03:15 1:03:15 1:03:16 1:03:16 1:03:16 1:03:16 1:03:16 1:03:16 1:03:16 1:03:16 1:03:16 1:03:16 1:03:16 1:03:17 1:03:17 1:03:17 1:03:17 1:03:17 1:03:17 1:03:17 1:03:17 1:03:17 1:03:17 1:03:17 1:03:18 1:03:18 1:03:18 1:03:18 1:03:18 1:03:18 1:03:18 1:03:18 1:03:18 1:03:18 1:03:18 1:03:19 1:03:19 1:03:19 1:03:19 1:03:19 1:03:19 1:03:19 1:03:19 1:03:19 1:03:20 1:03:20 1:03:20 1:03:21 1:03:21 1:03:21 1:03:21 1:03:22 1:03:22 1:03:22 1:03:22 1:03:22 1:03:23 1:03:23 1:03:23 1:03:23 1:03:23 1:03:23 1:03:24 1:03:24 1:03:24 1:03:24 1:03:24 1:03:24 1:03:25 1:03:25 1:03:25 1:03:25 1:03:25 1:03:25 1:03:25 1:03:26 1:03:26 1:03:26 1:03:26 1:03:26 1:03:26 1:03:26 1:03:26 1:03:26 1:03:27 1:03:27 1:03:27 1:03:27 1:03:27 1:03:27 1:03:27 1:03:28 1:03:28 1:03:28 1:03:28 1:03:28 1:03:28 1:03:28 1:03:28 134/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------John Lamb Jack Earl Marla Valdez Dale Peterson Cris Sorelle Heather Earl Beth Toll Paula Mestas Dana Wilbanks Steve Meyers Jeff Alleman Cheryl Hoffman Nancy Rowe Barry Cunningham Patrick Lehaman Terry Savage Thomas Dickman Diana Shelton Patti Ann Leikeness Deborah Smith Mary Bert-Hance David Bollig Jill Pfaelzer Mary Ann Torrez Bri Bishop Jim Fattor Ken Quintara Delia Blagaila Alan Lake Linda Kell Tonie Mattox Ron Rutherford Kenny Brown Kristi Kimball Gloria Maxwell Libby Stuber Dusty Dieters Jeffrey Lawrence Marlo Peiffer Robert Upham Joel Bollig Peter Enichen Arthur Levy Jim Alexander Michael Meenan Joseph Urban Jr Marne Deverell Jennifer Mitchell Dirk Dieters Ed Pomponi Mark Kirk Stephanie Suzanne John Lanham Nicky Teufel Nicole Contez Michele Scarpane Frank Dewitt Claudia Segura David Duncan Clay Dillingham Georgia Gomez Paul Bliese Barbara Haram Doug Leopard Chuck Stroh Melissa Brown Jisook Lee Dustin Clymer Becky Maddux Dorothy Haase Kate Klods Erin Lalughery John Aronson Susan Mochmer Joan Bleacher Cece Plunkett Yvette Gutierrez Glenn Sharpe Christie Kuhlmann Jordi Betts Lorraine Fransua Brett Tarbell Howard Brand Franklin Freeman Dunna Hopkins Elizabeth Easterly Jin Mateyka Joann Meyer Theresa Galiand Beth Mateyka Reba Clow Shari Molk Paul Diede Mary Beth Sladek Christian Kopff Holly Burgler Donald Lewis Jennifer Franzen Steve O'Neill Steven Feldberg DIV ------M43 M56 F28 M52 M10 F25 F31 F29 M49 M41 M24 F36 F46 M54 M9 M36 M52 F25 F18 F40 F23 M31 F55 F42 F10 M52 M34 F15 M32 F37 F44 M42 M35 F19 F30 F34 F6 M12 M35 M40 M9 M29 M43 M47 M32 M15 F56 F16 M37 M40 M30 F24 M37 F34 F25 F25 M23 F23 M23 M33 F27 M18 F39 M31 M54 F21 F19 M10 F33 F46 F31 F11 M40 F32 F33 F28 F21 M30 F22 M10 F43 M10 M49 M40 F39 F22 M39 F30 F31 F32 F56 F15 M14 F29 M42 F32 M26 F23 M32 M29 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:03:28 1:03:29 1:03:29 1:03:29 1:03:29 1:03:29 1:03:29 1:03:30 1:03:30 1:03:30 1:03:30 1:03:30 1:03:30 1:03:30 1:03:30 1:03:30 1:03:30 1:03:31 1:03:31 1:03:31 1:03:31 1:03:31 1:03:31 1:03:31 1:03:31 1:03:31 1:03:31 1:03:31 1:03:31 1:03:32 1:03:32 1:03:32 1:03:32 1:03:32 1:03:32 1:03:32 1:03:32 1:03:32 1:03:32 1:03:32 1:03:32 1:03:32 1:03:32 1:03:33 1:03:33 1:03:33 1:03:33 1:03:33 1:03:33 1:03:33 1:03:33 1:03:34 1:03:34 1:03:34 1:03:34 1:03:34 1:03:34 1:03:34 1:03:34 1:03:35 1:03:35 1:03:35 1:03:35 1:03:35 1:03:36 1:03:36 1:03:36 1:03:36 1:03:36 1:03:36 1:03:36 1:03:37 1:03:37 1:03:37 1:03:37 1:03:37 1:03:37 1:03:37 1:03:38 1:03:38 1:03:38 1:03:38 1:03:38 1:03:38 1:03:38 1:03:38 1:03:39 1:03:39 1:03:39 1:03:39 1:03:40 1:03:40 1:03:40 1:03:40 1:03:40 1:03:40 1:03:40 1:03:41 1:03:41 1:03:41 135/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Mai-Lin Hagel Shirley Lampshire Sara Dow Amy Nold Jan Duncan Deborah Smith Dennie Glen Haccock II Evan Morgan Autumn Van Kirk Alwen Bledsoe Bill Kilzer Kelly Nelson Charles Clow Wren Schauer David Garrett Keith Larson John Ley David Smith Trent Sanders Diane Henley Jeanine Kennedy Michael Simonavice Kristin Riser Lu Joecker Julie Mc Crady James T Morgan Bob Simmons Ann Travers Brooke Simmons Dawn Beck Greg Secora Susan Smith Katy Katzer Ann Steward Paul Bullion Keith Macphail Gedff Dolman Donald Medina Julie Whittingham Glenda Heath Phyllis Rounds John Best Steve Wygant Scott Botte George Jenkins Randi Price Vicky Gits Gayle Porterfield Barbara Archer Jean Bowman Mary Anne Hutchison Catherine Cole Bridgette O'Brien Martin O'Brien Stacy Hanson Mike Adamson Larae Howe William Buchanan Marcee Mclain Laura Clark Karin Dejamaer Trevor Saunders John Kolvek Valekie Siml Bill Bass Darren Lebl Jason Tilley Patricia Camell Jeff Lee Brian Wilson Brent Lebl Jerry Spinelli Tom Barbour Tom Fudge Jesse Juarez Kimberly Juarez Dana Takeuchi Sarah Davidson Ross Mizrahi Lee Vaughn Becky Freeman Bill Spalding Anne Youinou Maya Dorn Fred Carter Massoud Farshidnow C.j. Martindale Robert Case Lori Finch Joe Salerno Mariannl Cravens Alvin Hadley Judy Wolfe Bill Shaver Timothy Archuleta Summer Hurshmlin Mike Davidson Paul Lumbye Diane Merrill Joel Davie DIV ------F21 F53 F14 F25 F32 F30 M31 M35 F13 F12 M19 F32 M54 M26 M35 M49 M45 M37 M35 F38 F44 M35 F19 F30 F24 M60 M45 F27 F10 F29 M28 F27 F15 F26 M46 M29 M41 M40 F13 F36 F50 M56 M29 M25 M47 F28 F41 F28 F33 F26 F40 F41 F16 F45 F27 M12 F31 M41 F36 F41 F37 F26 M51 F39 M41 M10 M11 F30 M25 M11 M42 M41 M54 M30 M29 F21 M12 F13 M12 M39 F40 M36 F24 F18 M50 M30 F37 M50 F19 M41 F33 M25 F45 M19 M17 F15 M42 M35 F24 M24 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:03:41 1:03:41 1:03:41 1:03:41 1:03:41 1:03:42 1:03:42 1:03:42 1:03:42 1:03:42 1:03:42 1:03:42 1:03:42 1:03:42 1:03:42 1:03:42 1:03:43 1:03:43 1:03:43 1:03:43 1:03:43 1:03:43 1:03:44 1:03:44 1:03:44 1:03:44 1:03:45 1:03:45 1:03:45 1:03:45 1:03:45 1:03:45 1:03:46 1:03:46 1:03:46 1:03:46 1:03:46 1:03:46 1:03:46 1:03:46 1:03:46 1:03:47 1:03:47 1:03:47 1:03:47 1:03:47 1:03:48 1:03:48 1:03:48 1:03:48 1:03:48 1:03:48 1:03:48 1:03:49 1:03:49 1:03:49 1:03:49 1:03:49 1:03:49 1:03:49 1:03:50 1:03:50 1:03:50 1:03:50 1:03:50 1:03:50 1:03:50 1:03:50 1:03:50 1:03:50 1:03:51 1:03:51 1:03:51 1:03:51 1:03:52 1:03:52 1:03:52 1:03:52 1:03:52 1:03:52 1:03:52 1:03:52 1:03:52 1:03:53 1:03:53 1:03:53 1:03:53 1:03:53 1:03:53 1:03:53 1:03:53 1:03:53 1:03:53 1:03:54 1:03:54 1:03:54 1:03:54 1:03:54 1:03:54 1:03:54 136/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Carol Lyons Carol Riordan Pam Edrich David Perry Pamela Allison Susan Savage Sheila Gracey Robert Thompson Harry Kowal Marcia Ziegleer John Simmons Dan Walker Glenn Allison Charles Gehling K.c. Park Brian Anderson Chuck Graham Fran Levitt Kristen Ahlberg Chris Elliott Bob Schwartz Doug Brady Mitchell Gilbert Faye Wheaton Barbara Ceserio Pat Homelvig Elaine Lachuga Jarvis Seccombe Don Zelkind Diana Dugan Dave Hellen James Pollack Pam Walter Frlene Finch Lisa Ketelhut Susan Reilley Doug Wathen Patricia Hagerty Mary Alice Krill Barbara Schwartz Lisa Bair Diane Lowry Ann Stiewig Peg Minalek Robbie Vieyra Dana Bunker Thomas O'Brien Becky Fontana Ricki Pollack Helen Hanselmann Jean Tuttle Jan Love Roger Behler Michele Miller Jenny Teufel Cathy Cloutier Kay Peper Steve Cox Bud Pope Chuck Benson Jan Johnson Mark Zieg Emily Berkey Elizabeth Manzanares Karen Yokomizo Trudy Nickola Janice Rakickas Kara Mahoney John Witkowski Christine Davis Alex Mcclung Cori Erickson Gary Perko Tim Campbell Emily Houston Laura Houston Dan Danielson Kaye Jean Joseph Thompson William Eylens Michael Lowry Janice Vierke Carol Barbero Floyd Montigomery Kimberly Cole Susie Fukaye Thomas Shea Patricia Bianchi Krice Collins Lee Paulson Nathan Carr Erin Dowd Paul Salerno Susan Lloyd Kathy Spoerl Theresa Arbogast Kevin Collins Greg Paschke John M Gstalder John Tobisch DIV ------F38 F40 F29 M34 F32 F36 F32 M44 M38 F47 M49 M31 M29 M43 M47 M14 M35 F44 F17 M33 M44 M45 M33 F49 F48 M30 F29 M52 M37 F28 M36 M43 F35 F39 F27 F39 M25 F42 F65 F39 F22 F32 F26 F37 M8 F31 M50 M27 F18 FM56 F31 F53 M40 F34 F29 F39 F33 M25 M33 M25 F36 M23 F10 F24 F29 F47 F41 F16 M24 F39 M27 F26 M37 M18 F11 F41 M54 F66 M23 M46 M32 F35 F40 M54 F13 F35 M45 F40 M10 M43 M8 F14 M40 F32 F42 F29 M39 M24 M32 M38 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:03:54 1:03:54 1:03:54 1:03:55 1:03:55 1:03:55 1:03:55 1:03:55 1:03:55 1:03:55 1:03:56 1:03:56 1:03:56 1:03:56 1:03:57 1:03:57 1:03:57 1:03:58 1:03:58 1:03:58 1:03:58 1:03:58 1:03:58 1:03:58 1:03:58 1:03:58 1:03:59 1:03:59 1:03:59 1:03:59 1:03:59 1:03:59 1:03:59 1:03:59 1:03:59 1:03:59 1:03:59 1:03:59 1:03:59 1:03:59 1:03:59 1:04:00 1:04:00 1:04:00 1:04:00 1:04:00 1:04:00 1:04:00 1:04:00 1:04:01 1:04:01 1:04:01 1:04:01 1:04:01 1:04:01 1:04:02 1:04:02 1:04:02 1:04:02 1:04:02 1:04:02 1:04:02 1:04:02 1:04:03 1:04:03 1:04:03 1:04:03 1:04:03 1:04:03 1:04:04 1:04:04 1:04:04 1:04:04 1:04:04 1:04:04 1:04:04 1:04:05 1:04:05 1:04:05 1:04:05 1:04:05 1:04:05 1:04:05 1:04:05 1:04:05 1:04:05 1:04:05 1:04:06 1:04:06 1:04:06 1:04:06 1:04:06 1:04:06 1:04:06 1:04:06 1:04:06 1:04:06 1:04:06 1:04:07 1:04:07 137/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Hall Fogg Nancy Mallon Roxy Vendena Kathy Miller Dale Weyant Kimberly Schwers Scott Burkett Gwen Beacham Brandon Wilcox Diane Golden Rod Wilcox Rodney Baird Laurie Kershner William Dowd Mark Maruyama Lisa Manhart Tom Mccarthy Kathy Mansueto Janan Baird Jean Marchand David Wilson Andrea Hagan Bob Theroux Stan Hennish Ki Tibbet Cathy Martinez Drew Turrill Bruce Douglas Bill Pugh Kathy Dirks Judy Martinez Harry Sykes Barbara Buchman Paul Esch Steven Moore Carole Knope Jeanne Pettit Norma Coffell Donna Kovacich Mariah Sussman Mary Starkey Bruse Garlinghouse Michael Hessman Lois Adamson Michael Ruha Claire Davidson Judith Mc Cosby Greg Blackwell Marsha Harrington Cynthia Shaffer Mailyn Katzman Linda Swanson Louise Alderson Tammy Savaano Matthew Arnold Becky Weber Fred Barbero Andy D' Ambrosio Matt Aughinbaugh Terri Gruber Sharon Lahey Timothy Fahlstedt Carol Wasnok Jerry Arnold Stacey Farnom Carrie Romer Adrian Burch Cathy Wrafter Stephanie Burnett Cheryl Noble Jean East Lynda Osborn Terri Benjamin Kristin Kenny Anne Hodges Jerry Hodges Lloyd Burch Tracey Hopkins Lisa Fayer Saskia Van Woudenberg Maryann Krawchuk Luann Brown Carl Silvrants Laurie Anderson Debra Davis Kevin Vasconcellos Brent Bieshaar Sarah Gray Jr Richard Brasher Heidi Heacock Yvonne Bennett Bob Kittredge Lyn Cook Edward Steinberg Barbara Anderson Micah Gerarhart Sarah Valdez Jerry Waterman Lisa Dunckel Philip Whiting DIV ------M54 F42 M46 F31 M44 F22 M25 F22 M10 F39 M36 M29 F33 M44 M31 F27 M43 F35 F29 M59 M34 F25 M35 M33 F31 F29 M12 M55 M41 F39 F42 M49 F45 M34 M36 F33 F33 F37 F30 F11 M51 M34 M45 F32 M51 F48 F36 M12 F34 F38 F45 F40 F46 F22 M10 M23 M40 M42 M25 F36 F30 F29 F42 M41 F14 F13 F8 F25 F39 M37 F39 F31 F31 F21 F34 M43 M46 F27 F15 F14 F34 F9 M27 F32 F25 M14 M25 F13 M31 F21 F25 M47 M44 M52 F16 M16 F15 M27 F31 M31 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:04:07 1:04:07 1:04:07 1:04:07 1:04:07 1:04:07 1:04:07 1:04:08 1:04:08 1:04:08 1:04:08 1:04:08 1:04:08 1:04:09 1:04:09 1:04:09 1:04:09 1:04:09 1:04:09 1:04:09 1:04:10 1:04:10 1:04:10 1:04:10 1:04:10 1:04:10 1:04:10 1:04:10 1:04:10 1:04:11 1:04:11 1:04:11 1:04:11 1:04:11 1:04:11 1:04:11 1:04:11 1:04:11 1:04:11 1:04:11 1:04:12 1:04:12 1:04:12 1:04:12 1:04:12 1:04:12 1:04:13 1:04:13 1:04:13 1:04:13 1:04:13 1:04:13 1:04:14 1:04:14 1:04:14 1:04:14 1:04:14 1:04:14 1:04:15 1:04:15 1:04:15 1:04:15 1:04:15 1:04:15 1:04:15 1:04:16 1:04:16 1:04:16 1:04:16 1:04:16 1:04:16 1:04:16 1:04:16 1:04:16 1:04:17 1:04:17 1:04:17 1:04:17 1:04:17 1:04:17 1:04:18 1:04:18 1:04:18 1:04:18 1:04:18 1:04:18 1:04:18 1:04:18 1:04:18 1:04:19 1:04:19 1:04:19 1:04:19 1:04:19 1:04:19 1:04:19 1:04:19 1:04:20 1:04:20 1:04:20 138/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Julie Labsack Jim Powell Ruby Wildcat Heidi Mcinnes Tyler Powell Kevin Finn Arlene Perkett Shane Powell Jessica Callinicos Edna Seberberg Traci Carricato Marilyn Fleischauer Sean Palmer Brooke Harrison-Mccart Susan Klein Lisa White Sue Birney Matt Metzgar Michael Quigley Susan Tourjee Michael Welter Ingrid Aligaen Kelli Kraus-Bailey Britt Tyson Laurie Tomlinson Betty Dieter Curtis Jones Cynthia Basham Mark Dukes Bob Krebs Becky Brown Andrea Fleming Thomas Stewart Rob Bruce Stephanie Mckay Kim Sheets Rachel Basye Gary Miller Geoff Wainwright Jacqueline Cody Nancy Newson Steven Mccurdy Kristin Darr Becky Newson Mary Vickerman Wayne Burkamp Carol Darr Cline Dragoo Mark Kubik John Debella Michael Handley Keith Mason Deborah Dooley Laura Heitman Diana Shellhorn Joseph Bergen Bonnie Jones Julie Silver Laurel Harken Amy Hulstrom Randy Agazio Rick Harrison Chad Morgan Martha Cox Charles Herrick Jim Shamis Jackson Highoberg Larry Vaughn Amanda Beaudin Ian Harrison Eric Benson Howard Schwartz Sharon Vincent Sherwood Clay David Benson Kathryn Powell Cheristopher Buchman Todern Todd Gail Hook Mark Kasper Scott Williamson Brett Campbell Eileen Croissant Roxann Loughray Wendy Williams Jean Robinson Marissa Edens edens Judy Glass Tim Norris Ronald G Schaar Patricia Cencich Kathy Shelhamer Gary Roberts Richard Gomez Mary Anne Hill Art Barr Bill Kelver Robert Danielson Vincent Moore Sheri Guardi DIV ------F34 M33 F36 F26 M9 M32 F35 M7 F58 F43 F24 F48 M14 F9 F33 F39 F40 M18 M40 F41 M44 F24 F24 F20 M48 F42 M31 F29 M22 M38 F9 F36 M25 M22 F40 F32 F19 M34 M32 F27 F45 M10 F20 F15 F48 M41 F40 M20 M24 M48 F27 M25 F22 F27 F45 M12 F43 F32 F15 M22 M34 M56 M11 F36 M50 M48 M58 M51 F17 M25 M11 M30 F40 M43 M42 F39 M12 M14 F29 M39 M14 M30 F49 F35 F27 F40 F15 F41 M28 M40 F52 F36 M35 M44 F46 M69 M15 M41 M57 F36 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:04:20 1:04:20 1:04:20 1:04:20 1:04:20 1:04:21 1:04:21 1:04:21 1:04:21 1:04:21 1:04:22 1:04:22 1:04:22 1:04:23 1:04:23 1:04:23 1:04:24 1:04:24 1:04:24 1:04:24 1:04:25 1:04:25 1:04:25 1:04:25 1:04:26 1:04:26 1:04:26 1:04:26 1:04:26 1:04:26 1:04:26 1:04:26 1:04:26 1:04:26 1:04:27 1:04:27 1:04:27 1:04:27 1:04:27 1:04:27 1:04:27 1:04:27 1:04:28 1:04:28 1:04:28 1:04:28 1:04:29 1:04:29 1:04:29 1:04:29 1:04:29 1:04:29 1:04:29 1:04:29 1:04:29 1:04:29 1:04:29 1:04:29 1:04:30 1:04:30 1:04:30 1:04:30 1:04:30 1:04:30 1:04:30 1:04:30 1:04:30 1:04:30 1:04:31 1:04:31 1:04:31 1:04:31 1:04:31 1:04:31 1:04:32 1:04:32 1:04:32 1:04:32 1:04:32 1:04:32 1:04:32 1:04:33 1:04:33 1:04:33 1:04:33 1:04:34 1:04:34 1:04:34 1:04:34 1:04:35 1:04:35 1:04:35 1:04:35 1:04:36 1:04:36 1:04:36 1:04:36 1:04:36 1:04:36 1:04:37 139/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------June Martin Bob Fleming Missy Harland Laurie Mcnald Glenn Kindt Kathy Mestnik Rick Louie Susan Swenson Laura Aytes Marj Schumann Ann Callahan Courtney Klee Carl Caspar Lynn Lovell Scott Erickson Dean Oshiro Glurr Bruneau Joe Espinoza Jeff Bliven Claire Macdonald Paula Gamache Cheri Richards Linae Sanger Petek Gimeno Katie Williams Leslie Bartlett Laura Vandello Barbara Diller Coors Hart Becky Yahn Terry Jacot Michael Bennett Thad Makowski Barbara Muff Jim Sears Deborah Cole Linda Gibson Gordan Greene Cynthia Hildner Linda Mckeever Roseann Bernhardson Herb Elliott Michelle Sohr Amy Klinger Jacey Tramutt Brian Depaulette Ann Mcdonald Stepahanie Dodge Veronica Burke Margo Young Dennis Calegar Jennifer Burke Brian JR Depaulette James Reynolds Rene Komoda Jennifer Cooney Steven Krebsbach Terrie Scottile Sally Gilmore David Mohseni Dana Smerchek Ted Hutchinson Carol Brooki Bonnie Garmus Judy Cass John Hampstead Dennis Channer Tom Hoffman Wendy Frauenfelder Arthur P Ryan III Dave Russow Sharon Stump Bob Epperly Alicia Williamson David Hoffman Scott Wygant Virtus Banowetz Carol Mcbride Frank Cornelio Julie Koeppe Nina Frauenfelder Theresa Lubischer Mary Hallet Henry Mahlman Ronald Johnson Robyn Mcclung John Caldwell Therese Jones John Powell Robert Espeland David Lough Kent Searl Ryan Hurst Joanna Sambrook Lois Akahoshi Geraro Dine David Sheldon Richard Barron John Hamilton Rj Barron DIV ------F27 M41 F32 F33 M58 F26 M27 F46 F11 F33 F25 F20 M42 M31 M32 M21 F38 M49 M21 F22 F27 F33 F30 M10 F14 F26 F31 F39 M51 F26 M44 M39 M44 F35 M37 F32 F31 M57 F14 F42 F24 M51 F17 F21 F16 M31 F38 F29 F46 F59 M27 F21 M11 M33 F37 F27 M36 F34 F41 M32 M38 M36 F27 M32 F13 M27 M39 M39 F25 M46 M35 F39 M32 F27 M22 M34 M33 F28 M31 F27 F49 F18 F37 M58 M49 F23 M35 F34 M46 M34 M26 M48 M10 F26 F36 M39 M45 M37 M26 M10 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:04:37 1:04:37 1:04:37 1:04:37 1:04:37 1:04:37 1:04:37 1:04:37 1:04:38 1:04:38 1:04:39 1:04:39 1:04:39 1:04:39 1:04:39 1:04:39 1:04:39 1:04:39 1:04:40 1:04:40 1:04:40 1:04:40 1:04:40 1:04:40 1:04:40 1:04:41 1:04:41 1:04:41 1:04:41 1:04:41 1:04:41 1:04:42 1:04:42 1:04:42 1:04:42 1:04:43 1:04:43 1:04:43 1:04:43 1:04:44 1:04:44 1:04:44 1:04:44 1:04:44 1:04:44 1:04:44 1:04:44 1:04:44 1:04:45 1:04:45 1:04:45 1:04:45 1:04:45 1:04:46 1:04:46 1:04:46 1:04:46 1:04:46 1:04:46 1:04:46 1:04:46 1:04:46 1:04:47 1:04:47 1:04:47 1:04:47 1:04:47 1:04:47 1:04:47 1:04:47 1:04:48 1:04:48 1:04:48 1:04:48 1:04:48 1:04:48 1:04:49 1:04:49 1:04:49 1:04:49 1:04:49 1:04:49 1:04:49 1:04:49 1:04:50 1:04:50 1:04:50 1:04:50 1:04:50 1:04:50 1:04:50 1:04:50 1:04:50 1:04:51 1:04:51 1:04:51 1:04:51 1:04:51 1:04:51 1:04:51 140/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Carl Hurst Kirstie Nixon Tom Crompton Elizabeth James Ted Scambos Tom Beach Steve Wennerstorom Shelley Hensley Barbara Kelley Maureen Roll Jeff Cyronek Katy Garmany Caroline Lewis Ann Harness Jack Moore Christine Suess Hank Depetro Teo James Ted Myers Kam Burns Leroy Fox Laster Skaggs Terry Enright Orlando Prevot Cyntyy Kaufman Mary Romero Gary Stinson Irv Nelson David Rowland Dean Vanatta Linda Anderson Danelle Paxton Robert Dietz Sarah Rhoads Frank Slater Corey Graff Eldon Graham Sandy Ludwick George Haas Charles Powell James Doles Dee Larson Lucille Zimmerman Ashely Struck Kimberly Banks Barbara Zuppardo Marcia Goldin Petra Huda Mike Maccani Stephanie Taylor Maureen Fill Craig Monroe Chris White Dennis Doelle Linda Hachtel Rusty Rowland Grant M Farris Ali Harajli Larry Smith Debora Myers Don Caven Meari Prinster Eric Domroese Karl Byrer Kelly May Robert Davis Leann Mullineaux Henry Ehrenshaft John O'Shla Kathryn Billinghurst Ann Ewen Bob Robinson Pres Cordova Mollie Gilbert Rose Zeiler Bill Liskey Maren Middleton Patrick Purfield Dean Harison Gary Swain Terry Ault Barbara Kleavens Cddie Graff Paulette Middleton Brad Sorensen Therese Swope Paul Williamson Jayni Breaux Onalee Maifeld Sherry Ziegleer William Crissey Edward Schuster Richard Knoll Jim Sorensen Linda Swain Jeanne Fetterman Joanne Halls Chris Bateman Glenn Freelove Nathan Heim DIV ------M42 F28 M36 F31 M33 M24 M39 F21 F48 F28 M35 F43 F31 F37 M40 F40 M47 M31 M34 M27 M51 M55 M40 M28 F24 F35 M47 M36 M40 M49 F56 F19 M37 F9 M48 M30 M50 F32 M39 M60 M52 M46 F24 F14 F31 F39 F49 F34 M29 F31 F53 M15 M14 M41 F40 F55 M46 M27 M37 F31 M54 F21 M33 M43 F21 M38 F33 M38 M55 F27 F31 M44 M30 F11 F38 M44 F8 M28 M25 M45 M20 F26 M19 F42 M13 F23 M37 F37 F24 F41 M38 M49 M51 M38 F46 F46 F26 M12 M57 M12 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:04:51 1:04:51 1:04:51 1:04:52 1:04:52 1:04:52 1:04:52 1:04:52 1:04:53 1:04:53 1:04:53 1:04:53 1:04:53 1:04:53 1:04:53 1:04:53 1:04:53 1:04:53 1:04:53 1:04:53 1:04:53 1:04:54 1:04:54 1:04:54 1:04:54 1:04:54 1:04:54 1:04:54 1:04:54 1:04:54 1:04:54 1:04:54 1:04:55 1:04:55 1:04:55 1:04:56 1:04:56 1:04:56 1:04:56 1:04:56 1:04:56 1:04:56 1:04:56 1:04:57 1:04:57 1:04:57 1:04:57 1:04:57 1:04:58 1:04:58 1:04:58 1:04:58 1:04:58 1:04:58 1:04:58 1:04:58 1:04:58 1:04:58 1:04:58 1:04:59 1:04:59 1:04:59 1:04:59 1:04:59 1:04:59 1:05:00 1:05:00 1:05:00 1:05:00 1:05:00 1:05:00 1:05:00 1:05:00 1:05:01 1:05:01 1:05:01 1:05:01 1:05:01 1:05:02 1:05:02 1:05:02 1:05:02 1:05:02 1:05:02 1:05:02 1:05:03 1:05:03 1:05:04 1:05:04 1:05:04 1:05:04 1:05:04 1:05:04 1:05:04 1:05:04 1:05:05 1:05:05 1:05:05 1:05:05 1:05:05 141/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Terence Campbell Amy Madsen Mary Davidson Kris Ashton Steve Swain Joan Dawson Marilyn Hall Christopher Markuson Jacqueline Trowbridge Peter Dawson Jan Lloyd Michelle Williams Cheryl Austin John Garcia Colleen Skjefte Craig Wilson Greg Coffin Tim Hahn John Striait Clifford Littlejohn Robert Antol Alan Moore Jared Hassen Judy Russell Jeff Jensen Elmer Strombeger Denise Kleweno Michell Look Joson Spiers Ginny Epen Celeste Noble Carol Harvey Angleina Romero Bruce Siegrist Ellen Entwisle Jamie Spiers Nathan Klein John Penny George Todd Ward Andersen Laura Linkow Patricia Quintana Susan Wiater Mary Boyle Sandra Schuster Angelina Cordova Juan Maez Jr Kim Devigil Sharon Klipka Hans Watz Diane Hoerig Jeanette Miller Jim Spiers Marnie Ceazan Nancy Jianakoplos Ann Todd Lisa Norberg John Lynch Lisa Reasoner Sandy Bunzli Thomas Welsh Sheryl Davidson Joe Maynes Tina El-Beheri Scott Halstead Tony Romero Jenny Tyson Jim Dunne Paul Davis Colin O'Rourke Susan Davis William Blackburn Leslie Fell Virginia Nelson Elizabeth Peters Brian Costanza Ernie Diller Steven Markowitz Albert Thomas Carl Vickery Marshall Fenimore Daniel Newell Connie Giamarvo Jeff Pickett Charles Horn Patricia Clarke Mary Michael Collignon Judy Sutter Jean Badun Christine Driffill Nancy Balling Tyra Harris Javier Herrera Dan Laurin Carol Aasby Sandra Lott John Haerrell Barbara Levin Patty Potter Michael Wooten DIV ------M12 F21 F20 F36 M23 F53 F37 M14 F37 M50 F57 F26 F44 M39 F31 M34 M13 M12 M41 M33 M42 M40 M9 F42 M27 M62 F36 F40 M8 F45 F41 F27 F40 M42 F41 M11 M8 M38 M43 M24 F36 F32 F24 F34 F48 F37 M13 F29 F52 M11 F41 F48 M37 F42 F37 F16 F22 M30 F32 F41 M47 F38 M66 F24 M33 M43 F16 M48 M40 M9 F30 M43 F23 F25 F34 M36 M42 M42 M42 M25 M22 F32 F46 M24 M48 F20 F20 F31 F32 F21 F50 F42 M9 M40 F27 F15 M28 F42 F33 M42 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:05:05 1:05:05 1:05:05 1:05:06 1:05:06 1:05:06 1:05:06 1:05:06 1:05:07 1:05:07 1:05:07 1:05:07 1:05:07 1:05:07 1:05:07 1:05:07 1:05:07 1:05:07 1:05:07 1:05:07 1:05:08 1:05:08 1:05:08 1:05:08 1:05:08 1:05:08 1:05:08 1:05:09 1:05:09 1:05:09 1:05:09 1:05:09 1:05:09 1:05:09 1:05:09 1:05:10 1:05:10 1:05:10 1:05:10 1:05:10 1:05:10 1:05:10 1:05:10 1:05:10 1:05:10 1:05:10 1:05:10 1:05:11 1:05:11 1:05:11 1:05:11 1:05:11 1:05:11 1:05:11 1:05:11 1:05:11 1:05:12 1:05:12 1:05:12 1:05:12 1:05:12 1:05:12 1:05:12 1:05:12 1:05:13 1:05:13 1:05:13 1:05:13 1:05:14 1:05:14 1:05:14 1:05:14 1:05:14 1:05:15 1:05:15 1:05:15 1:05:15 1:05:16 1:05:16 1:05:16 1:05:16 1:05:16 1:05:16 1:05:16 1:05:17 1:05:17 1:05:17 1:05:17 1:05:17 1:05:17 1:05:17 1:05:18 1:05:18 1:05:18 1:05:18 1:05:18 1:05:19 1:05:19 1:05:19 1:05:19 142/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Rosemary Vangilder Baya Colom Michelle Russick Elizabeth Davidson Christopher Triplett Anne O'Conner Bernadino Pulido Amy Dressel Jodi Newman Maryann Yacyshyn Ann Beauprez Linda Giandinoto Carole Bieshaar Cynthia Long Marie Timm Gene Jacquez Ron Kothenbeutel Mike Vlaanderen George Davies Gary Skousted Brant Foote Kay Jackson David Webster Brenda Mcatee Arlus Passi Marilyn Allayla Lisa Rider Betsy Armstrong Kelly Hodge Barry Lamb Bill Hourigan Tammie Hourigan Scott Baggs Dean Hissett Rosemary Payne David Canfield Cynthia Krul Nancy Mccann James Perrigo Susan Harlow Donna Maestas Robert Mccann Berfnodette Simon Gerald E Hawkes Donna Mangum John Myers Peter Bender Wendy Quinn Vickie Brodersen Bob Gardner Dan Spellerberg Caurtis Dozier Trudi Knight Bob Edgerton Kevin Quinn Jane Manning Melody Wienbroeer Billy Cochran Melanie Jaspers Julie Pink John Cockrell Joni Kiesecker Jerry Pokorny Ray Brusha Phyllis hayden Melisa Leingang Angela Wallace Sylvia Cervantes June Gregg Ann Van Dyke Daniel Berkey Bill Parsons Gretchen Vanderwerf Andy Fisher Thomas Perrigo Hugh Whisler Susan Sherrard Chestorn Christopher Michael Gilbert Mary Ann Walsh Patty Cordova Herb Kothe Rudi Fisher John O'Neill Kitty Striait Maggie Willett Sara Pinczkowski Jean Berkey Peter Shatwell Laanna Carrasco Josh Lissy Pamela Krushansky Sierra Rose Winters Kenny Coates Kay Mclellan Brian Davies Kenneth Shatwell Cheryl Jawwy Jill Winkelmann Cathy Radziemski DIV ------F42 F42 F29 F21 M37 F48 M10 F20 F22 F36 F32 F42 F44 F22 F36 M37 M52 M29 M44 M39 M46 F42 M41 F27 M34 F43 F20 F45 F25 M52 M28 F28 M28 M42 F28 M34 F31 F35 M56 F27 F21 M43 F31 M56 F45 M19 M58 F28 F32 M48 M14 M11 F36 M25 M28 F47 F9 M11 F32 F21 M26 F37 M42 M38 F32 F21 F19 F27 F35 F28 M47 M53 F42 M10 M26 M54 F24 M16 M43 F25 F48 M61 M43 M50 F42 F32 F17 F14 M10 F12 M10 F34 F10 M32 F27 M57 M42 F33 F29 F50 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:05:19 1:05:20 1:05:20 1:05:20 1:05:20 1:05:20 1:05:20 1:05:21 1:05:21 1:05:21 1:05:21 1:05:21 1:05:21 1:05:21 1:05:22 1:05:22 1:05:22 1:05:22 1:05:22 1:05:22 1:05:22 1:05:23 1:05:23 1:05:23 1:05:23 1:05:23 1:05:23 1:05:24 1:05:24 1:05:24 1:05:25 1:05:25 1:05:26 1:05:26 1:05:26 1:05:26 1:05:26 1:05:26 1:05:26 1:05:26 1:05:26 1:05:26 1:05:26 1:05:26 1:05:26 1:05:26 1:05:27 1:05:27 1:05:27 1:05:27 1:05:27 1:05:27 1:05:27 1:05:27 1:05:27 1:05:28 1:05:28 1:05:28 1:05:28 1:05:28 1:05:28 1:05:28 1:05:28 1:05:28 1:05:28 1:05:28 1:05:28 1:05:28 1:05:29 1:05:29 1:05:29 1:05:29 1:05:29 1:05:29 1:05:29 1:05:29 1:05:29 1:05:30 1:05:30 1:05:30 1:05:30 1:05:30 1:05:30 1:05:30 1:05:30 1:05:31 1:05:31 1:05:31 1:05:31 1:05:31 1:05:31 1:05:32 1:05:32 1:05:32 1:05:32 1:05:32 1:05:32 1:05:32 1:05:32 1:05:33 143/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Nadmi Williams Rex Earley Julie Stallings Jannifer Cin Phillip Lorenzo Steve Waldron Dan Mclellan Bill Williams Larry Klassen Frank Byrd Juan Maez Sr Susan Horigan John Nelson Sherri Reese Megan Carnarius Andy Davis Samuel Moreno Brooke Alt Jaime Castro Robin Dotson Maureen Mozeliak Dave Berglund Ron Cortlll Laurie Gardner Jeremy Vaneseen Linda Burnham Katherine Leach Charles Johnson Anita Wolfe Robert Hahn Stephen Robison Michael Zenn Doris Hardies Cathy Rouse Marilyn Titlow Erik Dalgarn Richard Maloney Dick Thompson Bob Muller Jeffrey Wilmore paul Ehizuflen Kimberly Wilsey Laura Holmstead Rose Mary Salazar Ferny Vogel Vonnie Falce Joe Whitney Lynn Raseloot David Thompson Doug Davis Kimberly Porto Charles Klappeviol Gina Robledo Judy Brantz Nancy Johnson Richard Wells Florence Bowen Gabby Brozovitch Elizabeth Bradley Michelle Casper Karen Packard Sharon Bradshaw Rebecca Cooley John Nelson Steven Winston Jennifer Sadler Jerry Malberg Billy Walsh Lynne Mosbauch Jackie Walters Josie Rios Amy Headline Lisa Saro Mitzi Johnson Eric Smallwood Peggy Basler Clara Pettem Lynn A Dondvan Lynn Feltis Tom Raff William Brett Kandt Gary Burns Gary Palmer Peter Thorade Holly Hargorve Mary Peters Juanita Siegrist Gale Judy Susan Rixey Breck Saucier Tavin Dille Patricia Milan Terri Stewart Debbie Eilers Mary Pierce Randy Winter Kelly Wilson Martin Wo Anne Fox Nancy A Johnson DIV ------F28 M50 F30 F27 M33 M35 M26 M35 M43 F42 M41 F38 M49 F28 F27 M21 M38 F41 M34 F32 F21 M32 M21 F20 M10 F41 F29 M41 F28 M40 M42 M17 F39 F15 F40 M11 M39 M35 M29 M33 M31 F21 F20 F47 F28 F52 M15 F30 M28 M9 F32 M42 F20 F38 F36 M18 F59 F14 F45 F14 F32 F39 F30 M14 M33 F18 M41 M13 F41 F39 F32 F25 F30 F26 M21 F26 F12 F32 F30 M36 M22 M33 M48 M47 F32 F40 F26 F41 F39 M11 M12 F37 F39 F36 F29 M37 F15 M40 F22 F39 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:05:33 1:05:33 1:05:33 1:05:33 1:05:33 1:05:33 1:05:33 1:05:33 1:05:34 1:05:34 1:05:34 1:05:34 1:05:34 1:05:34 1:05:35 1:05:35 1:05:35 1:05:35 1:05:35 1:05:35 1:05:35 1:05:35 1:05:35 1:05:35 1:05:35 1:05:35 1:05:35 1:05:36 1:05:36 1:05:36 1:05:36 1:05:36 1:05:36 1:05:36 1:05:36 1:05:36 1:05:37 1:05:37 1:05:37 1:05:37 1:05:37 1:05:37 1:05:37 1:05:37 1:05:38 1:05:38 1:05:38 1:05:38 1:05:38 1:05:38 1:05:39 1:05:39 1:05:40 1:05:40 1:05:40 1:05:40 1:05:40 1:05:40 1:05:40 1:05:40 1:05:40 1:05:40 1:05:40 1:05:41 1:05:41 1:05:41 1:05:41 1:05:41 1:05:41 1:05:41 1:05:42 1:05:42 1:05:42 1:05:42 1:05:42 1:05:42 1:05:42 1:05:42 1:05:43 1:05:43 1:05:43 1:05:43 1:05:43 1:05:44 1:05:44 1:05:44 1:05:44 1:05:45 1:05:45 1:05:45 1:05:45 1:05:45 1:05:45 1:05:45 1:05:45 1:05:45 1:05:46 1:05:47 1:05:47 1:05:47 144/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Janice Moore Jana Lussier Stephen Wilson Jennifer Sameshima Deane Perry Margaret Riden Lanve Mcgaughey Shannon Chinatti Steph Hallen Tracy Reeves Tobie Lamothe Shannon Zitnik William Gripman Jeffrey Roush Ryan Hartman Kathleen Sears Jim Konzak Joseph Malberg Spencer Hanes JR Brett Walton Tanya Schilpp Alan Gillespie Tim Schulz Bill Holt Susan Bocim Tyson Leggate Jean Wegner Deborah Craft Kathy Mcdougal Peggy Wesley Ellie Heuer Alton Thogersen Pavel Brazda Marisa Parkes Brian Cowan Dave Pickett Terin Gottseger Elizabeth Warner Tom Livngston Gregg Wehmer Melissa Utter Shari Jordan Michelle Bauer David Manamara Jennifer Davis Ethan Stephan Kara Hahn Robert Dressel Gus Lester Diana Kinghorn Ben Teller Nicole Krug Kevin Johnson Brece Wenzel Lisa Quernheim John Tovado Carol Alers Brian Wegert Jane Rogers Alyssa Berg Kim Vanepps Sonnie Boniface Darell Wegert Jason Jones Sharon Miles Jeff Kozlowski Mark Pearson Brenda Longacre Bradford John Williams Mary Jane Mastes Daniel Ferrara Kurt Rogers Jill Harmon Donna Thomas Megan Hurst Roger Jr Williams Pam Liebert Terri Evans Bob Lawhead Liz Jacobs Dennis Polhill Ellen Kreigsman-Welley Robert Graham Sandy Severson Kimberly Johnson Larry Bryant Scott Quinn Donna Feighry Larry Schutzius James Homer Ronald Huddleston Angie Christensen Kelli Little Michael Smith Dick Brasher Shana Streltzer Reed Holder Linda Johl Pam Webber Nancy Schoonmarker DIV ------F52 F24 M35 F27 M34 F45 M32 F34 F22 F29 F44 F13 M60 M22 M12 F34 M34 M45 M12 M25 F24 M15 M34 M41 M45 M10 F43 F34 F41 F29 F36 M61 M35 F17 M10 M28 F29 F26 M31 M34 F19 F27 F21 M57 F20 M13 F13 M50 M37 F35 M12 F12 M33 M44 F31 M27 F32 M11 F43 F17 F24 F30 F39 M11 F35 M9 M36 F33 M10 F34 M20 M18 F18 F39 F12 M12 F22 F29 M37 F34 M42 F33 M48 F32 F15 M45 M38 F45 M39 M36 M50 F26 F27 M34 M99 F16 M46 F29 F29 F28 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:05:47 1:05:47 1:05:47 1:05:48 1:05:48 1:05:48 1:05:49 1:05:49 1:05:49 1:05:49 1:05:49 1:05:49 1:05:50 1:05:50 1:05:50 1:05:50 1:05:50 1:05:50 1:05:51 1:05:51 1:05:51 1:05:51 1:05:51 1:05:52 1:05:52 1:05:52 1:05:52 1:05:52 1:05:52 1:05:52 1:05:52 1:05:52 1:05:53 1:05:53 1:05:53 1:05:53 1:05:53 1:05:53 1:05:53 1:05:53 1:05:54 1:05:54 1:05:54 1:05:54 1:05:54 1:05:54 1:05:54 1:05:55 1:05:55 1:05:55 1:05:55 1:05:55 1:05:56 1:05:56 1:05:56 1:05:56 1:05:56 1:05:56 1:05:57 1:05:57 1:05:57 1:05:57 1:05:57 1:05:58 1:05:58 1:05:58 1:05:58 1:05:58 1:05:58 1:05:58 1:05:59 1:05:59 1:05:59 1:05:59 1:05:59 1:05:59 1:05:59 1:06:00 1:06:00 1:06:00 1:06:00 1:06:00 1:06:01 1:06:01 1:06:01 1:06:01 1:06:01 1:06:01 1:06:01 1:06:02 1:06:02 1:06:02 1:06:03 1:06:03 1:06:03 1:06:03 1:06:03 1:06:04 1:06:04 1:06:04 145/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Diane Gutierrez Allison Freeman Tara Payne Bill Allegar Barbara Slone Nancy Allen Stephen Tanner Gerry Dillard Becky Schumacher Janelle Nicholas Janes Schumacher Tara O'Brien Barbara Seeley Brian Goodwin John Pinar Teri Goodwin Linda Waring-Wilson Robert Humberson Teresa Berglund Vittoria Parkes Adam Arnold Aurian Swenson Mary Anne Dunlap Denice Walker Patricia Garibay Monica Joda Greg Tallis Sandy Ivan Chris Kohler Giesele Johnson Deborah Belote Charlene Nimmo B Cathy Pike Wesley Cook Maureen Harlan Roanld Pacheco Lori Thyng Darryl Hobson Judy Stowell Robert Tschudy Arnold Liscand John Yellich A. J Metzger Rocky Tanner Mary Mccrea Kathy Heuschkel Kathryn Riddle Emil Kokes Michael Manthey J. Richard Grear Steven Guzowski Dennis Swanson Shannon Hunter Tom Vanegren Charles Manthey Elizabeth Boeye Susan Spillers Becky Young Dave Chrisman Cathy Bird David Fetscher Jason Brooks Paul Shankman Ken Bartlett Tim Templeton Darlene Martin Roberta Walbert Wayne Peel John Wilson Carl Davis Kelly Lardie David Donaldson Bonnie Jackson Clait Braun Nicole Kautzman Tom Schrilla Richard Keller Sandra Clark Debbie Friedman Jon Maggard Jean Johnson Ida Stines Judith Katz Peggy Maday Jerry Becknan David Weiss Barbara Emery Cheri Failla Cindy Rudolph-Puwell Teresa Silver Barbara Pepp Caroline Tharp Matthew Gundersen Amy Wasson Jerry Melcher Eddie Wunsch Jeff Feldman Jody Hunnicutt Barry Miller Wally Smith DIV ------F35 F29 F20 M39 F35 F43 M29 M53 F30 F21 M32 F34 F28 M36 M37 F33 F41 M41 F28 F41 M10 M35 F39 F37 F15 F36 M28 F36 M18 F32 F37 F51 F44 M55 F33 M40 F22 M43 F38 M62 M40 M45 M35 M33 F33 F35 F12 M8 M10 M51 M34 M49 F13 M47 M43 F28 F25 F48 M34 F40 M38 M10 M45 M27 M32 F34 F26 M12 M44 M46 M18 M33 F32 M49 F19 M31 M26 F30 F37 M26 F29 F42 F33 F41 M50 M28 F41 F29 F26 F25 F39 F42 M11 F21 M57 M13 M32 F35 M43 M58 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:06:04 1:06:05 1:06:05 1:06:05 1:06:05 1:06:05 1:06:05 1:06:06 1:06:06 1:06:06 1:06:06 1:06:06 1:06:06 1:06:07 1:06:07 1:06:07 1:06:07 1:06:07 1:06:07 1:06:07 1:06:08 1:06:08 1:06:08 1:06:08 1:06:08 1:06:08 1:06:09 1:06:09 1:06:09 1:06:10 1:06:10 1:06:10 1:06:10 1:06:10 1:06:11 1:06:11 1:06:11 1:06:11 1:06:11 1:06:11 1:06:11 1:06:11 1:06:11 1:06:11 1:06:12 1:06:12 1:06:12 1:06:12 1:06:12 1:06:12 1:06:13 1:06:13 1:06:13 1:06:13 1:06:13 1:06:13 1:06:13 1:06:14 1:06:14 1:06:14 1:06:14 1:06:14 1:06:15 1:06:15 1:06:15 1:06:15 1:06:15 1:06:15 1:06:15 1:06:16 1:06:16 1:06:16 1:06:16 1:06:17 1:06:17 1:06:17 1:06:18 1:06:18 1:06:18 1:06:18 1:06:18 1:06:18 1:06:19 1:06:19 1:06:20 1:06:20 1:06:21 1:06:21 1:06:21 1:06:21 1:06:22 1:06:22 1:06:22 1:06:22 1:06:22 1:06:22 1:06:23 1:06:23 1:06:23 1:06:23 146/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Kenneth Poulsen Donna Snyden Linda Kinney Joni Emily Thomas Milbradt Terry Hoy Susan Slade Fred Jolley Karen Walker Susan Deherrera Leonard Tanis Sarah Williams Crystal Dunn Tami Wzientek Valerie Mcboth Linda Otero Jim Gruber Stephanie Gruber George Sanderson Mena Meola Gloria Simpson Renee Cowan Mary Bray-Gorham Trish Heimdal Laura Clemons Tom Nolan Fred Wunsch Doyle Estes Linda Ryan Chris Folkman Scott Walker Rececca Wadley Constance Reiss Jp Roberts Claire Gemme Edward Towbin Dawn Novick Judy Martin Dee David Carla King Joyce Frakes Lee La Fleur Susan Hartman Berr Lennon Andy Wyckoff Doug Rudig Rick Witt Eileen Hunnes Chance Scott Diane Wood Eugene Kotlarek Michael Thekan Mark Wunsch Daniel Laving Matthew Mcgehan Racquel Sample Kristie Berg Mike Novick Bruce Smith Sheryl Dahm Linda Quade Jason Wunsch Bert Dubois Charlene Dihel Dominic Medina Ann Flaherty Bill Nicholson Rachel Leistikow Katy Rady Scott Marshall Janine Adamo Phil Rotolz Grace Hinseth Janie Shappell Maureen Mcneill Bill Stevens Paul Rady Mike Baker David Haase Janie Pollock Toni Cella Amanda Hubble Janet Sams Jack Gervais Risa Marshall Jon Wiesinger Richard Parkinson Richard Yanaga Aaron Dietzen Ralph Warfel Kathy Bata Jay Harshman Willard Davidson Judith Judd Don Sather Melissa Kallett John Martinez Rick Sporio Paul Chan Randy Leander DIV ------M33 F47 F22 F32 M58 M44 F33 M52 F21 F31 M40 F38 F11 F28 F32 F37 M40 F39 M15 F16 F52 F19 F32 F27 F40 M22 M45 M39 F34 M9 M26 F27 F14 F42 F35 M52 F16 F39 F39 F24 F47 M52 F39 M13 F33 M44 M33 F42 M14 F36 M49 M11 M11 M37 M13 F11 F32 M15 M30 F46 F34 M11 M38 F32 M17 F32 M46 F11 F33 M30 F24 M21 F34 F27 F28 M30 M35 M27 M22 F30 F29 F13 F27 M8 F31 M22 M27 M37 M13 M41 F27 M13 M41 F47 M43 F31 M35 M37 M29 M29 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:06:23 1:06:23 1:06:24 1:06:24 1:06:24 1:06:24 1:06:24 1:06:24 1:06:24 1:06:25 1:06:25 1:06:25 1:06:25 1:06:25 1:06:25 1:06:26 1:06:26 1:06:26 1:06:26 1:06:26 1:06:26 1:06:26 1:06:27 1:06:27 1:06:27 1:06:27 1:06:27 1:06:27 1:06:27 1:06:27 1:06:27 1:06:28 1:06:28 1:06:28 1:06:28 1:06:28 1:06:28 1:06:29 1:06:29 1:06:29 1:06:29 1:06:29 1:06:29 1:06:29 1:06:30 1:06:30 1:06:30 1:06:30 1:06:30 1:06:30 1:06:30 1:06:30 1:06:30 1:06:30 1:06:31 1:06:31 1:06:31 1:06:31 1:06:31 1:06:31 1:06:31 1:06:31 1:06:31 1:06:32 1:06:32 1:06:32 1:06:32 1:06:32 1:06:32 1:06:32 1:06:33 1:06:33 1:06:33 1:06:33 1:06:33 1:06:33 1:06:33 1:06:34 1:06:34 1:06:34 1:06:34 1:06:34 1:06:34 1:06:34 1:06:34 1:06:34 1:06:34 1:06:34 1:06:35 1:06:35 1:06:35 1:06:35 1:06:35 1:06:35 1:06:35 1:06:36 1:06:36 1:06:36 1:06:36 1:06:36 147/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------John F Montoya Debbie Vetterlein Keith Dietzen Colleen Oslund-Miller Teresa Welch Jeanne Floerke Barbara Sorensen James Conlon Deborah Thomas Mary Gervais Roger Greenberg Gary Shoemaker Joe Cowan Melissa Taylor James Cusick Thomas Rendon Jeffrey Norman Debra Prendergast Angeline Maccambridge Tracy Mccann David Giannasi Jo Ellen Mazula Mindy Williams Merilyn Helmuth Gary O'Conner Susan Koneiczka Karen Robinson Gordon Koshio Mark Sand Diana Mcwilliams Jim Williams Jason Casey Brianne Scruggs Wendi Bainbridge Allen Crawford Steven Segal Ken Fray Becky Slater Patty Braly Jay Jenson Susan Shainholtz Wendy Cook Andrea Kutinsky Diane Popovich Charles Corder David Reed Laura Barnette Rich Fair Richard Wingquist Gene Casey Cathy Scruggs Alyce Acoba Boulder Stiltner Cristina Alcantar Louise Cass Bonnie Strickland Nicholas Perry Wayne Peterson Craig Daniels Ryan Fish Kristin Groth Wendy Delich Beth Reilley Scott Bean Lilly Erdenberger Robert Clark Isabel Richards Dennis Coughlin Atul Goel Sue Young Sharlene Reynolds Lisa Stegall Dan Burling Steven Hartley Mary Coughlin Diane Moore Sher Whatley Christopher Davis Pam Robinson Keith Wier Arthur Barela Particia Garlinghouse Kathleen Volk Chuck Barnes Miliissa Hunt Ron Watters Veronica Biniki Max Kilpatrick Julue Rivera Randy Collins Russ Larson Tracey Robinson Tari Collins Gena Perry Alex Kilpatrick Clair Volk Jennifer Lawson Howard White Daniel Alfredson Susan Orr DIV ------M35 F36 M38 F38 F26 F30 F30 M34 F35 F38 M45 M48 M34 M25 M43 M43 M35 F26 F26 F24 M11 F37 F35 F44 M47 F20 F25 M46 M12 F42 M40 M9 F10 F19 M35 M27 M23 F14 F30 M53 F26 F20 F39 F22 M45 F13 F37 M37 M12 M41 F30 F36 F47 F23 F44 F52 M11 M57 M29 M15 F19 F20 F26 M22 F25 M52 F47 M45 M32 F43 F32 F27 M30 M33 F17 F34 F33 M10 F26 M46 M49 F33 F36 M43 F21 M11 F33 M10 M28 M45 M61 F13 F41 M11 M41 M37 F10 M19 M29 F20 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:06:36 1:06:36 1:06:36 1:06:36 1:06:36 1:06:36 1:06:36 1:06:37 1:06:37 1:06:37 1:06:37 1:06:38 1:06:38 1:06:38 1:06:38 1:06:38 1:06:39 1:06:39 1:06:39 1:06:39 1:06:40 1:06:40 1:06:40 1:06:40 1:06:40 1:06:40 1:06:40 1:06:40 1:06:40 1:06:41 1:06:41 1:06:41 1:06:41 1:06:41 1:06:41 1:06:41 1:06:41 1:06:41 1:06:41 1:06:42 1:06:42 1:06:42 1:06:42 1:06:42 1:06:42 1:06:42 1:06:43 1:06:43 1:06:43 1:06:43 1:06:43 1:06:43 1:06:43 1:06:43 1:06:43 1:06:43 1:06:44 1:06:44 1:06:45 1:06:45 1:06:45 1:06:45 1:06:45 1:06:45 1:06:45 1:06:46 1:06:46 1:06:46 1:06:46 1:06:46 1:06:46 1:06:47 1:06:47 1:06:47 1:06:47 1:06:47 1:06:47 1:06:47 1:06:47 1:06:47 1:06:47 1:06:47 1:06:48 1:06:48 1:06:48 1:06:48 1:06:48 1:06:48 1:06:48 1:06:48 1:06:48 1:06:48 1:06:48 1:06:48 1:06:49 1:06:49 1:06:49 1:06:49 1:06:49 1:06:49 148/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Denise Rudel Marianne Bassett Jim Rezny Nick Talocco Michelle Fisher Kay Lorenz Erik Sanchez Kathy Hubele Gerrie Sanchez Reg Lawson Tim Meshginpoosh Charlie Brand Michael Lee Liza Ranftle Alice Franks Fran Middleton Robert Rodriguez Glenn Vigil John Toppenberg Eric Gegly Geroge Vigil Micheal Farruggia Carole Stratton Jill Fienhold Karen Matheson Cindy Becnel Paula Matsumoto Fred Gamble Jason Mcnulty Mike Schmid Loretta Molli Judy Cobb Linda Souplers Barbara Decet Merek Strand Liza Getches Robert Bird Robert Bremer Frank Molli David Brown Matt Moses David Flory Ryan Sander Beth Forbes Ryan Mcdowell Candy Fox Doctor Offerdahl Charles Macqueen Laurie Usken Kathy Makings Trinette Feyereiser Duane Prior Christine Turtura Susan Armijo Stephen Foster Kathy Robinson Carol Wier Jocelyn Aycrigg John Picchiottino Elaine Roush Ed Brown Pamela Polizzano Celeste Fiores Chris Schaefer Dave Hessman Debra Lu Cindy Clare Jay Mcavoy Bob Mispagel William Bolster Toni Porreco David Getches Bob Aidun Rosanne Richardson Thomas Reasoner Amy Burchell Joan Norman Nobula Hagiwara Pual Picchiottino Torrin Hultgren Susan Mayfield Clifford Thygesen Jack Keat Lisa Maloney Brent Swartz Brian Scott Ric Berkeley Fran Sloatman Paggy Chaffee Elsie Mackinnon Laurie White Sherman Lambert Andrea Thomas Sarah Barach Natalie Schultz Sheryl Hessman Michael Spath Nina Khosravi Neil Strong Jerry Coons DIV ------F18 F33 M52 M12 M13 F37 M12 F34 F37 M42 M22 M45 M42 F36 F25 F45 M37 M37 M44 M19 M37 M33 F46 F20 F37 F32 F32 M49 M13 M45 F34 F49 F44 F42 M11 F12 M44 M49 M36 M29 M27 M23 M11 F41 M16 F40 M36 M41 F33 F37 F23 M32 F33 F34 M36 F36 F44 F27 M52 F38 M70 F36 F30 F42 M37 F23 F20 M31 M22 M23 F45 M46 M30 F16 M11 F27 F31 F27 M50 M10 F43 M53 M42 F19 M8 M15 M34 F41 F13 F47 F30 M29 F21 F12 F29 F40 M19 F29 M25 M49 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:06:49 1:06:49 1:06:49 1:06:49 1:06:50 1:06:50 1:06:50 1:06:50 1:06:50 1:06:50 1:06:50 1:06:50 1:06:50 1:06:50 1:06:51 1:06:52 1:06:52 1:06:52 1:06:52 1:06:52 1:06:52 1:06:53 1:06:53 1:06:53 1:06:53 1:06:53 1:06:53 1:06:54 1:06:54 1:06:54 1:06:55 1:06:55 1:06:55 1:06:55 1:06:55 1:06:55 1:06:56 1:06:56 1:06:56 1:06:56 1:06:56 1:06:56 1:06:56 1:06:57 1:06:57 1:06:57 1:06:57 1:06:57 1:06:57 1:06:57 1:06:58 1:06:58 1:06:58 1:06:58 1:06:58 1:06:58 1:06:58 1:06:58 1:06:58 1:06:58 1:06:58 1:06:58 1:06:59 1:06:59 1:06:59 1:06:59 1:06:59 1:06:59 1:07:00 1:07:00 1:07:00 1:07:00 1:07:01 1:07:01 1:07:02 1:07:02 1:07:02 1:07:02 1:07:02 1:07:02 1:07:02 1:07:03 1:07:03 1:07:03 1:07:03 1:07:04 1:07:04 1:07:04 1:07:04 1:07:04 1:07:04 1:07:05 1:07:05 1:07:05 1:07:05 1:07:05 1:07:05 1:07:05 1:07:05 1:07:06 149/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Jim Nixon Mike Brewer Dave Greep Mark Wollenberg Kimberly Johnson George Langer Vivian Brackmen Rebecca Greben Tricia Blankley Mathew Crabtree Susan Nairn Christopher Ellis Dennis Rich Glen Behring Jeff Engelstad Ingrid Silvers Sally Laster Edwin Smith Sandy Peregoy John Yerds John Konrad James Ramsour Joan Larson Russ Strenk Laurie Wilson Marie Rivera Bob Creagar Joe Swartz Robert Mc Ginness Ray Mclean Sandi Wells Kristen Berkey Neil Petrie Christy Hoffman Paula Hubble Camron Azaden Jean Lippitt Jared Darlington Kathy Bridges Ceclea Little Carla Hale David Little Mercedes Tarley Paul Lippi Roger Voight Linda Krutz Elaine Schmidt Chris Wanner Timothy Hillmer Tammy Krutz Nancy Hillmer Dick Petchson Michael Jones Arno Serold Vicki Lynch Juliann Stengel Cindy Fish Michael Page Jennifer Taylor Mary Cameron Cynthia Mares James Perry Jo Hiebert Cathy Urbach Dallas Hilliar Debra Brown John Patterson Sandra Cross Faye Harison Jerold Peterson Emily Nelson Scott Torpen Wendy Beatty Rona Roberson Larrence Gibbons Dee Thoren Frank Hamilton Mark Lathrop Joan Egan Roxzna Heidenfelder Elizabeth Hunter Tom J Gilida Slade Williams Jeff Carmichael Tim Harvey Nancy Elia Debra Jones Tom Brophy Laura Torpen Sandra Cain Deanna Webb Marina Anderson Ken Skinner Wendy Westerberg Ian Backlund Lynne Swanson Renee Backlund Duane Hamilton Andrea Bradley Jamie Stalbergger DIV ------M49 M32 M35 M37 F31 M58 F52 F35 F29 M19 F32 M10 M44 M36 M27 F50 F41 M28 F32 M38 M48 M40 F37 M28 F37 F39 M28 M41 M54 M55 F38 F11 M48 F27 F20 M20 F38 M39 F29 F31 F42 M31 F36 M31 M44 F39 F49 M12 M31 F26 F34 M52 M32 M46 F30 F24 F26 M29 F19 F35 F31 M39 F54 F27 M43 F30 M31 F27 F34 M55 F16 M31 F39 F20 M25 F35 M48 M32 F55 F41 F25 M21 M13 M21 M25 F54 F24 M28 F26 F28 F31 F39 M28 M17 M12 F31 F43 M40 F12 F11 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:07:06 1:07:06 1:07:06 1:07:06 1:07:06 1:07:06 1:07:07 1:07:07 1:07:07 1:07:08 1:07:08 1:07:08 1:07:08 1:07:08 1:07:08 1:07:08 1:07:08 1:07:08 1:07:09 1:07:09 1:07:09 1:07:09 1:07:09 1:07:09 1:07:09 1:07:10 1:07:10 1:07:10 1:07:10 1:07:10 1:07:10 1:07:11 1:07:11 1:07:12 1:07:12 1:07:12 1:07:12 1:07:12 1:07:13 1:07:13 1:07:13 1:07:13 1:07:13 1:07:13 1:07:13 1:07:14 1:07:14 1:07:15 1:07:15 1:07:15 1:07:16 1:07:16 1:07:16 1:07:16 1:07:16 1:07:16 1:07:16 1:07:16 1:07:16 1:07:17 1:07:17 1:07:17 1:07:17 1:07:17 1:07:17 1:07:18 1:07:18 1:07:18 1:07:18 1:07:18 1:07:18 1:07:18 1:07:19 1:07:19 1:07:19 1:07:19 1:07:19 1:07:19 1:07:20 1:07:20 1:07:20 1:07:20 1:07:20 1:07:20 1:07:20 1:07:21 1:07:21 1:07:21 1:07:22 1:07:22 1:07:22 1:07:22 1:07:22 1:07:22 1:07:22 1:07:22 1:07:23 1:07:23 1:07:23 1:07:23 150/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Kira Brendlinger Esther Worker Marcia Chase Ashley Fallik Cindy Petersen Robert Buchanberger Mark Reaves Rory Hamilton David Pedff Leana Watson Lisa Bradley Robert Brock Kristy Maher William Capsalis Tom Petty Amy Jumisko Raj Samandari James Maher Ellen Martin David Slone Joe Hoberman Judy Morley Troy Morley Julie Leonard Libby Scott Richard Edwards Jenifer Schroeder Robert Bing William Cathers Jan Scripter Jessica Donovan Brain Reynolds Andy Jessen Andrew Bida Kristin Oleske Mark Carrico Sarah Peck Dean Delorenzo David Keeler Sandy Selleck Angelita Valdez Kathy Nowels Robin Vierow Tracey Green Paul Sanders John Hayes Cynthia Vagelos Liza Carlson Thomas Englert Ivan Miller Elton Teruya Sandra Fiedler Elaine Tygart Andrea Blanch Eloise Keeler Cheryl Ziegenhagen Steve Baker Robert Brown Ryan Kiernan Tom Englert Merle Schauland Rita Gordley David Morgan Lauren Morgan Gloria Robinson Desmond Duran Jerry Donahue Lynn Meyer Christina Williams Jessica Miller Ronald Vidano Leslie Lawson Keith Smith Chris Archuleta Daniel Himelspach David Fair David Pyle Liza Hogan Jenny Pyle Pamela Allen Lynn Lutri-Sullivan Vivan Wickam Alan Aspinall Paul Sattler Stephen Winder Trisha Heath Larry Leinweber James May Debbie Watts Thomas Kerschan Susan Dryovage Trina Lambert Ann Hutchinson Jane O'Keefe Liz Kamenoff Alexis Creissen Hully Remington Elizabeth Vance Mark Hartmeister Mark Schmidt DIV ------F15 F35 F27 F15 F28 M45 M28 M12 M51 F15 F20 M28 F25 M32 M39 F15 F25 M39 F25 M37 M63 F24 M24 F31 F17 M61 F13 M40 M47 F52 F27 M41 M23 M53 F23 M48 F27 M21 M45 F51 F33 F36 F28 F2 M18 M40 F30 F46 M37 M42 M33 F24 F37 F21 F46 F43 M29 M57 M12 M10 M36 F43 M45 F15 F34 M10 M51 F25 F41 F23 M40 F42 M17 F35 M40 M40 M41 F38 F11 F23 F35 M11 M44 M13 M55 M42 M40 M46 F36 M52 F33 F26 F53 F35 F14 F22 F37 F27 M44 M30 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:07:23 1:07:23 1:07:23 1:07:23 1:07:24 1:07:24 1:07:24 1:07:24 1:07:24 1:07:24 1:07:24 1:07:25 1:07:25 1:07:25 1:07:25 1:07:25 1:07:25 1:07:25 1:07:26 1:07:26 1:07:26 1:07:26 1:07:26 1:07:26 1:07:26 1:07:26 1:07:27 1:07:27 1:07:27 1:07:27 1:07:27 1:07:28 1:07:29 1:07:29 1:07:29 1:07:29 1:07:29 1:07:29 1:07:30 1:07:30 1:07:30 1:07:30 1:07:30 1:07:30 1:07:30 1:07:31 1:07:31 1:07:31 1:07:32 1:07:32 1:07:32 1:07:32 1:07:32 1:07:32 1:07:32 1:07:32 1:07:33 1:07:33 1:07:33 1:07:33 1:07:33 1:07:33 1:07:34 1:07:34 1:07:34 1:07:34 1:07:35 1:07:35 1:07:35 1:07:35 1:07:35 1:07:36 1:07:36 1:07:36 1:07:36 1:07:37 1:07:37 1:07:37 1:07:37 1:07:37 1:07:37 1:07:37 1:07:37 1:07:38 1:07:39 1:07:39 1:07:39 1:07:39 1:07:40 1:07:40 1:07:40 1:07:40 1:07:40 1:07:40 1:07:41 1:07:41 1:07:41 1:07:41 1:07:41 1:07:41 151/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Kathy Jakubowski Kristi Swisher Art Vincent Gerald Rappe Bryan Hyland Troy Vonroenn Steve Johnson Sarah Moscatel Kristi Franzenburg Bob Archambeault JB Ingram Paul Eagleston Micahelle Weiszmann Amber Beyer John Sylvestyer Cynthia Burciaga Leah Wasicka Jeanette Crossley Grace Wilwand Michaela Hasan Jo Dancik Harold Beyer Karen Kersch Wade Buchanan Nancy Rosenbaum Edward Bunetta Jim Wasicka Deburah Ryker Joe Stanley Vicki Wolfe John Martin Stephen Smith Michael Copp Priscilla Jimenez Nancy Shaefer Julie Van Dyke Judy Desmarais Sharon Johnson Deanne Smith Jay Mark Hardy Bob Lohmar Pat Hunter Kristi Vanlandschoot Kenneth Crowe Susan Stiller Kate Maiers Beth Lyons Roger Johns Pamela Norton Stan Kramer Dawn Rager William Dugban Suzanne Sharratt Karen Gorve Emma Blevins Jim Hargett Dennis Stowe Karen Cavender Carl Hollander Steve Vavra Martha Chavez-Simmons Lydia Custer Pat Mc Glothlin Jeanie Clifford Michelle C Schaefer Robin Mc Guire Jim Patterson Kevin Bunnell Donna Ramsey Annie Jeanne Hoffman Lisa Thulin Aric Becker Jenny Lampshire George Rotolo Steven Delich Carla Steward Jefff Thulin Michaelle Palmer Timonthy Gard Julie Strian Jacki Dimiceli Nelson Goldhammer Colleen Faddick Barbara Moreland Faith Reimnitz Mary Bate Megan Siegel Christina Cliff-Richar Nathaniel Swartz Judy Morris David Burns William Hauptfleisch Jamie Smith Beryl Knauth Rhonda Woods Kathy Carfrae Mitchell Magness Michael Fortney Debbie Harris Rosie Palm DIV ------F47 F20 M40 M49 M19 M10 M11 F30 F23 M62 M39 M19 F17 F17 M18 F28 F11 F31 F57 F26 F32 M47 F19 M28 F14 M47 M44 F35 M19 F48 M25 M37 M37 F35 F19 F30 F45 F44 F27 M21 M49 F38 F34 M52 F40 F38 F39 F22 F36 M36 F27 M39 F26 F29 F39 M42 M41 F37 M52 M29 F30 F34 F40 F28 F18 M43 M55 M63 F24 F39 F24 M24 F26 M38 M9 F26 M24 F38 M19 F25 F21 M43 F21 F47 F27 F22 F14 F35 M6 F37 M22 M29 F31 F43 F33 F28 M41 M42 F36 F24 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:07:41 1:07:42 1:07:42 1:07:43 1:07:43 1:07:43 1:07:43 1:07:43 1:07:44 1:07:44 1:07:44 1:07:44 1:07:44 1:07:45 1:07:45 1:07:45 1:07:45 1:07:45 1:07:45 1:07:45 1:07:46 1:07:46 1:07:46 1:07:46 1:07:46 1:07:46 1:07:46 1:07:47 1:07:47 1:07:47 1:07:48 1:07:48 1:07:48 1:07:48 1:07:48 1:07:48 1:07:48 1:07:48 1:07:48 1:07:48 1:07:48 1:07:48 1:07:49 1:07:49 1:07:49 1:07:50 1:07:51 1:07:51 1:07:51 1:07:51 1:07:51 1:07:51 1:07:51 1:07:51 1:07:52 1:07:52 1:07:52 1:07:52 1:07:52 1:07:52 1:07:52 1:07:52 1:07:52 1:07:53 1:07:53 1:07:53 1:07:53 1:07:53 1:07:53 1:07:54 1:07:54 1:07:54 1:07:54 1:07:54 1:07:54 1:07:54 1:07:55 1:07:56 1:07:56 1:07:56 1:07:56 1:07:56 1:07:56 1:07:57 1:07:57 1:07:57 1:07:57 1:07:57 1:07:57 1:07:58 1:07:58 1:07:58 1:07:58 1:07:58 1:07:58 1:07:58 1:07:58 1:07:58 1:07:59 1:07:59 152/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Stan Piper Rachael Teixeira Thomas Friedrich Lori Palisi Jon Woods Jim Hahn Malcolm Rogers Mike Devin Bobby Jones Sara Swain Daniel Fuler Channon Green Mark Omilanowicz Allene Mccall Mike Ennis Richard Mangus Tabatha Wheatley Darrel Gibbs Joshua Brant Robert Glenn William Mankin Tina Marie Detering Gene Laufer Karen Goedert Ron Rohan Heidi Hill Mark Atkinson Carol Midboe Eric Webb Ronnie Beemer Jerry Raybuck Elspeth Wilson Mark Noone Minor Vawter Jill Brink Vaughn Holssong Jerome Dieringer Shawn Holwadel Andrew Sebring Carolyn Freece Eric Langer Joseph Troy Don Haloin Helena Kokes Ned Rifkin Jamie Butler Kimberly Mccord Marian Savitsky Donna Anglesano Jason Carter Stu Hoebel Aaron Peterson Ida Welch Thomas Brown Thomas Donahue Stuart Kinkade Moses Rifkin Mary Buchanan Deborah Garcia Carla Steffen David Dibari Victor Vargas Debbie Salazar Mark Buchanan Christine Savino Mary Mulholland Paul Stever Steve Aaker Charlie Barnes Julie Boomgaard Nanette Stohlton Joseph Behm Keri Brooks Skip Patience Curtis Markel Helen Vickery Barry Bortnick Steven Pecosky Elaine Heiling Darryl Stadler Patricia Herring Trachelle Clark Dean Martinez Michelle Detman Shelly Moore Paul Ballager Anne Dietz Jon Thomas Christopher Benson Harold Kahler Susan Weber Nathan Forkner Sharon Naylor Sheri Frohmader Dianna Reimer Kent Hogan Liz Wald Debora Mastes Angela Jaramilco Nic Aaker DIV ------M39 F41 M27 F23 M38 M39 M19 M21 M12 F43 M22 M19 M27 F35 M18 M30 F19 M19 M8 M23 M48 F19 M41 F23 M20 F11 M21 F21 M20 M22 M17 F10 M29 M20 F19 M24 M59 M19 M20 F45 M10 M18 M39 F14 M39 F12 F33 F34 F39 M19 M44 M12 F19 M38 M39 M47 M9 F36 F32 F29 M15 M48 F34 M35 F27 F29 M43 M37 M16 F25 F24 M27 F12 M51 M34 F26 M29 M22 F42 M23 F46 F20 M24 F14 F25 M29 F36 M25 M35 M55 F99 M9 F28 F35 F36 M41 F32 F34 F30 M10 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:07:59 1:07:59 1:07:59 1:07:59 1:07:59 1:08:00 1:08:00 1:08:00 1:08:00 1:08:00 1:08:00 1:08:00 1:08:00 1:08:01 1:08:01 1:08:01 1:08:01 1:08:01 1:08:01 1:08:01 1:08:01 1:08:01 1:08:01 1:08:02 1:08:02 1:08:02 1:08:02 1:08:02 1:08:02 1:08:02 1:08:02 1:08:02 1:08:03 1:08:03 1:08:03 1:08:03 1:08:03 1:08:03 1:08:03 1:08:03 1:08:03 1:08:03 1:08:03 1:08:04 1:08:04 1:08:04 1:08:04 1:08:04 1:08:04 1:08:04 1:08:04 1:08:04 1:08:04 1:08:04 1:08:04 1:08:04 1:08:04 1:08:04 1:08:04 1:08:05 1:08:05 1:08:05 1:08:05 1:08:05 1:08:05 1:08:06 1:08:06 1:08:06 1:08:07 1:08:07 1:08:08 1:08:08 1:08:08 1:08:08 1:08:09 1:08:09 1:08:09 1:08:09 1:08:09 1:08:09 1:08:09 1:08:10 1:08:10 1:08:10 1:08:10 1:08:10 1:08:10 1:08:10 1:08:10 1:08:10 1:08:11 1:08:11 1:08:11 1:08:11 1:08:11 1:08:11 1:08:11 1:08:11 1:08:12 1:08:12 153/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Courtney Coughlin Pat Middleton Sheila Aaker John Everett Janet Schmidt Donald Forkner Myron Bird Cameron Mckinley Leonard Vogt Jon Aaker Jackie Mccarty Hal Elston Doug Rossi Patti Garrott Janckie Mathewason Paul Crouch Bob Monzingo Robert Brown Katry Schwab Christie Cantrell Lisa Depoy Patricia Maurer Susan Williamson Rebecca Charuat Ellen Vineski Buck Forbes Korryn Weise Dorothy Mc Chesney Kem Stralka Michael Longoria Cynthia Louis Saul Lissauer Marguerite Patience Andree Laflamboy Derek Louse Kathy Pasic James Gerarhart Hank Diaz James Mcneil Gail Gliner Stu Wahlstrom Don Mcginnis Whitney Wallace Richard Heyman Bruce Perman Tim Hipsher Coors Plummer Kati Huisjen Elva Blanchard John Lowe Kathy Weydert Karl Harman Bill Banks Mariann Miller Wendy Burns Heidi Eigsti Tim Cole Jennifer Fakdlt Patricia Rogers Patty Sue Coulson David Fakolt Boyd Barcley Matthew Kettlewell Alan Bergold Tohomas Dooherty Beth Mattern Dean Sawin Gary Lewis Ronald Medina Jerry Hingtgen Michael Harpin Roxann Huffman Steven Huffman Norman Hayward Brenda Larson Vicky Foster Bob Mcdermott Roy Savage Wendy Weamer Janel Siggard Dylan Conrad Patricia Sernyak Michael Laurita Ed Baldwin Craig Woods Sarah Baldwin Mike Gaviotis John Lundeen Chris Ahlstrand Cindy Matheny John Holman Clydette Matheny Cliff Hickman Deberah Ramsey Robert West Karyn Browne Coors Hollis Jamia Collom Sid Larsen Bob Hamner DIV ------F17 F36 F36 M34 F24 F43 M43 M9 M64 M9 F47 M68 M25 F27 F42 M26 M44 M45 F36 F31 F21 F37 F32 F28 F33 M45 F25 F50 M38 M26 F7 M71 F23 F22 M22 F28 M45 F37 M40 F45 M36 M51 F20 M43 M28 M37 F42 F12 F47 M29 F40 M38 M18 F24 F19 F25 M50 F20 F35 F41 M16 M55 M14 M40 M52 F32 M32 M33 M37 M20 M7 F37 M29 M20 F18 F40 M35 M58 F29 F18 M11 F52 M26 M44 M41 F16 M31 M33 M11 F19 M39 F41 M13 F45 M17 F39 F48 F28 M41 M51 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:08:12 1:08:12 1:08:12 1:08:12 1:08:12 1:08:12 1:08:13 1:08:13 1:08:13 1:08:13 1:08:14 1:08:14 1:08:14 1:08:14 1:08:14 1:08:15 1:08:15 1:08:15 1:08:15 1:08:15 1:08:16 1:08:16 1:08:16 1:08:17 1:08:17 1:08:17 1:08:17 1:08:17 1:08:17 1:08:18 1:08:18 1:08:18 1:08:18 1:08:19 1:08:19 1:08:19 1:08:19 1:08:20 1:08:20 1:08:20 1:08:20 1:08:20 1:08:20 1:08:21 1:08:21 1:08:21 1:08:21 1:08:21 1:08:21 1:08:21 1:08:21 1:08:22 1:08:22 1:08:22 1:08:22 1:08:22 1:08:23 1:08:23 1:08:23 1:08:23 1:08:23 1:08:23 1:08:23 1:08:23 1:08:23 1:08:23 1:08:24 1:08:24 1:08:24 1:08:25 1:08:25 1:08:25 1:08:25 1:08:25 1:08:25 1:08:26 1:08:26 1:08:26 1:08:26 1:08:27 1:08:27 1:08:27 1:08:28 1:08:28 1:08:28 1:08:28 1:08:28 1:08:29 1:08:29 1:08:29 1:08:29 1:08:29 1:08:30 1:08:30 1:08:30 1:08:30 1:08:30 1:08:30 1:08:30 1:08:30 154/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Carol Montgomery MIcahel Sherman Jeff Maxwell Susan Bicknell Susan Stanec Mary Foreman David Timken Molly Hardman Sharon Dixon Jeb Stone Phyllis Price Kristen Wilson Ronald Schneider Roxana Hjebscher Fred Sutton Carolyn Armstrong John Barrett Jr. Marjorie Leidig Bonnie Allison Pascale Pat Mialy Rod Harwood Joanne Needs Jan Barnett Sharon Kingston Jill Rockwood William Fischer Charles Hecht Matthew Heim Jeffrey Stapleton Lisa Burke Mary Leone Carlos Lucero Linda Davidson Blair Mauk Meg Davis Jeff Meade Greg Feasel Maureen Marrow Neil Mcgowan Dawn Bartz Jeffrey Martin Jan Model Bethany Davis Martha Rodriguez Joseph Kelter Laura Smith Gary Greene Pete Lund Tom Stockburger Cheryl Trader Sally Pane Gussie Summers Erick Hackathorn Eilleen Vance Peggy Munroe Liz Gilmore Kristina Koltko Carolyn Schwartz Brian Ludwig Joanne Spangler Neil Adams Larry Reynolds Becky Peterson Tracy Emdnds John Kouhia Laura Marks Claudia Clopton Art Bertanzetti Beth Hahler Colleen Krasovich Linda Elliott Karen O'Razun Joan Geiser Chuck Black Charles Hatchette Jerry Gietl Julie Wendler Jeff Carr Holly Eleiott Roxann Rudel Patti Hammond Colby Jardine Stephen Carr Ron Jardine Eloise Amundson J. Michael Ballew Marty Hunter Lowell Cin Linda Johnson Judy Cox Roxanne Koehler Becky Groom Charlie Oliver J Rae Russell Ashley Pfeffer Eleann Hubbard Nate Rietema Nancy Martinez Jl Robinson Ron Mufford DIV ------F53 M40 M10 F28 F49 F27 M48 FF34 F30 M8 F32 F20 M40 F42 M45 F34 M26 F49 F33 F23 M48 F29 F43 F46 F25 M57 M32 M9 M35 F33 F32 M48 F39 M37 F38 M12 M31 F39 M32 F27 M27 F33 F12 F35 M48 F12 M48 M63 M37 F30 F36 F27 M13 F26 F26 F35 F24 F28 M14 F36 M42 M40 F32 F20 M47 F30 F29 M40 F25 F53 F25 F34 F37 M30 M35 M42 F32 M12 F24 F24 F23 M12 M40 M40 F40 M41 M15 M30 F41 F34 F20 F37 M32 F21 F6 F49 M13 F34 M41 M41 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:08:30 1:08:30 1:08:31 1:08:31 1:08:31 1:08:31 1:08:31 1:08:31 1:08:32 1:08:32 1:08:32 1:08:32 1:08:32 1:08:33 1:08:33 1:08:33 1:08:33 1:08:34 1:08:34 1:08:34 1:08:34 1:08:34 1:08:35 1:08:35 1:08:35 1:08:36 1:08:36 1:08:36 1:08:36 1:08:37 1:08:37 1:08:37 1:08:37 1:08:37 1:08:37 1:08:37 1:08:38 1:08:38 1:08:38 1:08:39 1:08:39 1:08:39 1:08:39 1:08:39 1:08:39 1:08:39 1:08:40 1:08:40 1:08:40 1:08:40 1:08:41 1:08:41 1:08:41 1:08:41 1:08:41 1:08:42 1:08:42 1:08:42 1:08:42 1:08:42 1:08:42 1:08:42 1:08:43 1:08:43 1:08:43 1:08:43 1:08:43 1:08:44 1:08:44 1:08:45 1:08:45 1:08:45 1:08:45 1:08:45 1:08:45 1:08:46 1:08:46 1:08:46 1:08:46 1:08:47 1:08:47 1:08:47 1:08:47 1:08:47 1:08:48 1:08:48 1:08:48 1:08:49 1:08:49 1:08:49 1:08:49 1:08:49 1:08:49 1:08:49 1:08:50 1:08:50 1:08:50 1:08:50 1:08:50 1:08:50 155/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Kirk Pfeffer William Hackos Linda Mufford Pam Bowles Joleen Reefe Joanne Gipple Lawrence Griffing Theresa Zoellner Tom Brome Michael Carpenter Mai Edwards Tommy Brome Brodie Mcneil Elaine Boss Dom Lovely Claire Schultz Cythia Coleman Heidi Lynch Tamara Helms Daniel Mueller Max Kohuth Errin Frahm Steve Wetherbee Jeff Grotenhuis Bill Attwooll Karen Mueller Aaron Brinkman Sariah Vest Gus Herman Rebecca Davis Heather Gleinn Jill Skoog Susan Myers Kate Nay Darrel Schultz Kim Huelson Mitchele Flanagan Beth Steinbrecher Becky Chang Stephanie Gutierrez Dee Dee Sterling Susan Doolin Barbara Yates Randy Eliot Yvonne Dallas Doug Small James Jacobson Danielle Watz Amy Maxfield Carl Nissen Hallet Watz Robert Sagona Julie Golden Rita Hoesing Vickie Keller Rose Marie Mastenbrook Inge Chase Chrissy Smiley David King Christi Loper Max Stroback Robert Bordasch Karen Furry Kevin Morningstar Janeen Jahn Amy Forry Katie Kelly Allan R Hallock Rhonda Heth Teresa Border Nancy Klinger Andrea Wiegley Tim Sherratt Candy Wither Ann Starcenid Connie Brinkman Donald Vanmetre Judy Yordon Julie Mazurell Kevin Cutler Lori Perkins Ilene Kohler Gordie Russell Doug Andrus Shelly Scott Chris Cares Emily Cares Al Cabral Gordon Russell Megan Van Putten David Abell Harland Leeper Deborah Borgo Rusty Martz Gary L Guerrero Beth Robertson Geoffrey Cirullo Jim Sanford Patrick Embleton Kevin Brinkman DIV ------M32 M49 F40 F43 F30 F48 M35 F33 M36 M34 F47 M11 M12 F43 M10 F59 F29 F49 F27 M25 M32 M16 M38 M16 M48 F25 M13 F15 M56 F13 F16 F40 F30 F42 M59 F8 F29 F40 F17 F22 F36 F25 F44 F38 F33 M27 M27 F9 F23 M41 M37 M38 F38 F57 F35 F42 F34 F23 M41 F42 M34 M40 F39 M31 F34 F15 F41 M60 F19 F25 F42 F20 M13 F42 F28 F41 M26 F55 F27 M20 F30 F39 M10 M26 F25 M39 F7 M45 M35 F14 M48 M44 F40 M29 M37 F30 M25 M44 M25 M11 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:08:52 1:08:53 1:08:53 1:08:53 1:08:53 1:08:53 1:08:54 1:08:54 1:08:54 1:08:55 1:08:55 1:08:55 1:08:55 1:08:56 1:08:56 1:08:56 1:08:56 1:08:56 1:08:56 1:08:56 1:08:56 1:08:57 1:08:57 1:08:57 1:08:57 1:08:57 1:08:57 1:08:57 1:08:58 1:08:58 1:08:58 1:08:59 1:08:59 1:08:59 1:08:59 1:09:00 1:09:00 1:09:00 1:09:00 1:09:00 1:09:00 1:09:00 1:09:00 1:09:00 1:09:01 1:09:01 1:09:01 1:09:01 1:09:01 1:09:01 1:09:01 1:09:02 1:09:02 1:09:02 1:09:02 1:09:03 1:09:03 1:09:03 1:09:03 1:09:03 1:09:03 1:09:04 1:09:04 1:09:04 1:09:05 1:09:05 1:09:05 1:09:05 1:09:05 1:09:05 1:09:06 1:09:06 1:09:06 1:09:06 1:09:06 1:09:06 1:09:06 1:09:07 1:09:07 1:09:07 1:09:07 1:09:07 1:09:08 1:09:08 1:09:08 1:09:08 1:09:08 1:09:09 1:09:09 1:09:09 1:09:09 1:09:09 1:09:09 1:09:09 1:09:10 1:09:10 1:09:10 1:09:10 1:09:10 1:09:11 156/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Dian Quatrochi Ken Burger Christine Pekelsing Ron Brinkman Diane Salki Lynn Johnson Debby Selitrennikoff Karen Louis Carol Dyer Jeffrey Hubbs Wilma Cain John Clifford Chris O'Loughlin Leonard Grotenhuis Barb Wyatt Karen Johns Eunice Kuyper Toni Benjamin Julia Alvarado Sj Archuleta Dallas Tully Jan Hill Anne Hurst Lynn Green Catherine Steward Jill Haney Ellen Pollack Susan Steen Roselina Angel Bob Stavile Dan Robinson Kathly Sell Diana Eldridge Michael Morphew Shirley Orr Jennifer Ware T J Smith Kristen Cary Luke Lorenz Rory Moore Jody Sanclaria Terri Berger Jennifer Heightley Steve Ilg Gail Rogers Ann Carrico Bill Edwards Paula Smith Tom Haney Jill Barrett Kevin Noll Dianne Mcleod Brian Wetter Elizabeth Delorenzo Brian Nishi Sara Schaecher Arlys Hoekstra Todo Peyok Donna Schmalenberger Joan Blodgett Pam Marschner Tamura Priday Cathy Seible Mary Bath Cline Susan Typher Wyleen Kaspzyk John Vigil Nancy Katsma Ronald Reeder Ron Kaspzyk Terry Rowekamp Eric Eichel Dean Wishi Elaine Barrett Kyle Kish Jesse Maddex Cindy Wolfe Martin Asbury Larry Mcniff Gale Kozberg Patricia Metz Donna Maddex Daniel Croghan Jim Allbrandt Evelyn Dobgett Jacque Hemberger Carrie Simpson Heidi Von Gnechten Mary Lucas Karen Cutrell Cheryl Doyle Carrie Coughlin Frank Giddings Christine Kenny Helen Reyna John Coughlin Yolanda Solis Christy Giddings Rodney Meek Christine Warren DIV ------F46 M30 F24 M44 F19 M44 F38 F44 F48 M40 F51 M52 M12 M47 F50 M36 F37 F14 F43 M51 F36 F49 F42 F36 F21 F12 F32 F31 F30 M29 M34 F32 F40 M41 F33 F22 M49 F23 M48 F12 F40 F23 F25 M27 F37 F21 M44 F24 M41 F18 M38 F28 M16 F31 M7 F28 F27 M23 F23 F47 F9 F30 F38 F46 F23 F40 M20 F23 M35 M39 M45 M16 M44 F44 M15 M8 F32 M47 M42 F40 F43 F34 M21 M41 F30 F44 F30 F22 F29 F35 F29 F19 M50 F32 F34 M42 F39 F46 M50 F39 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:09:11 1:09:11 1:09:12 1:09:12 1:09:12 1:09:12 1:09:12 1:09:12 1:09:13 1:09:13 1:09:13 1:09:14 1:09:14 1:09:14 1:09:14 1:09:14 1:09:14 1:09:15 1:09:15 1:09:15 1:09:16 1:09:16 1:09:16 1:09:16 1:09:16 1:09:16 1:09:17 1:09:18 1:09:18 1:09:18 1:09:19 1:09:19 1:09:19 1:09:19 1:09:20 1:09:20 1:09:21 1:09:21 1:09:21 1:09:21 1:09:22 1:09:22 1:09:22 1:09:23 1:09:23 1:09:24 1:09:24 1:09:24 1:09:24 1:09:24 1:09:24 1:09:25 1:09:25 1:09:25 1:09:25 1:09:25 1:09:25 1:09:25 1:09:25 1:09:25 1:09:25 1:09:25 1:09:25 1:09:25 1:09:26 1:09:26 1:09:26 1:09:26 1:09:26 1:09:27 1:09:27 1:09:27 1:09:27 1:09:28 1:09:28 1:09:28 1:09:28 1:09:29 1:09:29 1:09:29 1:09:29 1:09:29 1:09:30 1:09:32 1:09:32 1:09:32 1:09:33 1:09:33 1:09:33 1:09:34 1:09:34 1:09:34 1:09:34 1:09:34 1:09:35 1:09:35 1:09:35 1:09:35 1:09:35 1:09:36 157/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------John Wallin Becky Williamson Jan Kislowitz Sylvia Schade Sharon Ticehurst John Cochrane Brandon Tetrick Selma Foley Laura O'Neill William Van Arsdale Deborah Griffith Milton Parker Gayle Kramer Jenie Pott Amy Carmichael Jeff Tetrick Tres Holloway Anne Stavig Mike Kish Timothy Barbour Jack Lawrence Patrick Denton Cathy Mclaughlin Heidi Russ Martha Townsend Alena Amundson Jonathan Polk Hal Sargent Jeanne Rucker Deborah Holloway Ann Peterson Mark Miller Ida Barraza Stephen Moore Brenda Fiala Sharon Schwabb Scott Healy Michael Sorensen Becky Kierein Jeannie Cooper Joyce Nelson Joe Healy Joyce Swanson Keith Hass Carol Henderson Chris Kennedy Sherry Gann Joan Day Linda Bell Jeremy Harlan Kathleen Beetem Melanie King Ray Remstedt Jon Bond Manuel Maestas Carson Tani Jennie Mcclow John Mcclow Erica Mosier Carol Hoekelman Marjorie Armstrong Janis Swieciak Katie Ann Cameron Meta Matthews Linda Miller Barbara Hoekelman Gail Martz Irene Muse Wendy Oliver Diane Kilzer Helga Bell Debbie Duncan Kris Scanavino Stephanie Weigum Melissa Beresford Barb Johnson Nancy Beresford Carol King Chris Swahn Joan Alexander Sharon Brooks Nandy Moran Kavin Weigum Lyda Hersloff Nancy Smith Melinda Goblirsch Valentina Hanson Rachael Gordon Leah Bieber James Bitter Robert Umbrett Donna Logsdon Molly Rankin Nancy Mcculley Audrey Swahn Donne Carbone Patrick Newell Willow Uhlir Jeanne Lelonez Tara Newton DIV ------M47 F55 F28 F29 F38 M24 M11 F51 F37 M42 F22 M22 F23 F36 F16 M38 M7 F29 M43 M44 M68 M20 F34 F13 F38 F8 M12 M30 F41 F34 F38 M12 F32 M42 F20 F27 M18 M32 F22 F39 F43 M48 F35 M39 F38 F38 F18 F53 F40 M11 F41 F14 M38 M49 M29 M29 F17 M43 F11 F43 F28 F33 F13 F39 F33 F45 F31 F47 F19 F44 F46 F28 F19 F28 F12 F31 F39 F38 M30 F29 F30 F61 M33 F43 F39 F31 F25 F24 F34 M51 M58 F33 F30 F34 F26 F47 M39 F12 F25 F15 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:09:36 1:09:36 1:09:37 1:09:37 1:09:37 1:09:37 1:09:38 1:09:38 1:09:38 1:09:38 1:09:38 1:09:38 1:09:38 1:09:38 1:09:38 1:09:39 1:09:39 1:09:39 1:09:40 1:09:40 1:09:40 1:09:40 1:09:40 1:09:40 1:09:41 1:09:41 1:09:41 1:09:41 1:09:42 1:09:42 1:09:42 1:09:43 1:09:43 1:09:43 1:09:43 1:09:43 1:09:43 1:09:43 1:09:44 1:09:44 1:09:44 1:09:44 1:09:44 1:09:45 1:09:45 1:09:45 1:09:45 1:09:46 1:09:46 1:09:47 1:09:47 1:09:47 1:09:47 1:09:47 1:09:48 1:09:48 1:09:48 1:09:48 1:09:48 1:09:49 1:09:49 1:09:49 1:09:49 1:09:50 1:09:50 1:09:50 1:09:50 1:09:51 1:09:51 1:09:51 1:09:52 1:09:52 1:09:52 1:09:52 1:09:52 1:09:52 1:09:52 1:09:52 1:09:52 1:09:52 1:09:52 1:09:52 1:09:52 1:09:53 1:09:53 1:09:53 1:09:53 1:09:54 1:09:54 1:09:54 1:09:55 1:09:55 1:09:55 1:09:55 1:09:55 1:09:55 1:09:55 1:09:55 1:09:55 1:09:55 158/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Sandy Rhone Ray Roybal Barb Conti Lud Jones Pearl Mehl Pam Kjar Bobbie Benson Stephen Kozloff Cindy Sweat John Erickson Melinda Lorenz Rubyn Balsley Noah Dille Mary Matthys Cara Stader Elizabeth Burke Melanie Squire Jackie Eversley Catie Getches Andrew Loose Morton Knopper Julyann Eldredge Angela Rendon Val Gagnon Joe Rotolz Zach Berry James Gaydnor Susan Carter Lynne Kemp Bob Merrill Timothy Aruidson Rafaela Lucena Mary Jo Kuchta Sree Mambakkam Deborah Bernardoni Beth Mayka Lynn Christensen Carol Oye Kimberly Evans Donna Cooley Denise Kundsen Terry Brown Harriet Braden Vironica Chacon Jill Tabak John Young Nancy Donoghue Sharon Eaves Toni Meator Niki Pierson Gislinde Compton Debby Elliott Kevin Lovett Martha Kuran Hadley Abernathy Angie Flachman Sandra Knapp Pamela Koczman Kristin Macpherson Geroge Vigil Jan Carroll Joseph Hirman Deb Macpherson Laura Lakin Roger Mcnamara Deburah Metzger Jocelyn Hart Anne Pszanka Mary Sanford John Davis Tisha Smith Tasha Abbott Sara Vandurzer Carla Boselli Bob Zimprich Kathryn Nock Tony Boselli Sandy Shoopman Maria Rich Jeanne Spotts David Shoopman Mark Biddison Catherine Comez-Valdez Nancy Stormer Elizabeth Baldwin Sheila Russell Terry Schlaac Lydia Kamstra Joe Kochevar Rachelle Kostel Marianne Rieux Lisa Gormley Chucr Wilson Stephanie Livngston Angela Chevarria Joann Ortega Raul Rodriguez Bonnie Simonds Sara Brown Bret Hooker DIV ------F28 M14 F34 M26 F75 F31 F44 M49 F23 M33 F46 F29 M8 F27 F20 F26 F19 F45 F12 M8 M56 F19 F18 F40 M31 M11 M41 F31 F34 M49 M27 F26 F29 M27 F39 F32 F17 F25 F9 F55 F21 M24 F47 F27 F25 M64 F34 F47 F27 F17 F46 F33 M40 F39 F14 F25 F39 F35 F11 M49 F42 M50 F32 F42 M32 F34 F11 F10 F35 M40 F21 F21 F12 F26 M45 F22 M40 F38 F35 F26 M40 M40 F21 F26 F28 F28 M32 F29 M12 F21 F45 F24 M43 F27 F19 F36 M50 F23 F32 M19 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:09:56 1:09:56 1:09:56 1:09:57 1:09:57 1:09:57 1:09:57 1:09:57 1:09:57 1:09:57 1:09:57 1:09:58 1:09:58 1:09:58 1:09:58 1:09:59 1:09:59 1:09:59 1:09:59 1:09:59 1:10:00 1:10:00 1:10:00 1:10:00 1:10:00 1:10:00 1:10:00 1:10:00 1:10:01 1:10:01 1:10:01 1:10:02 1:10:02 1:10:03 1:10:03 1:10:03 1:10:03 1:10:03 1:10:03 1:10:04 1:10:04 1:10:04 1:10:05 1:10:05 1:10:05 1:10:05 1:10:06 1:10:06 1:10:06 1:10:06 1:10:07 1:10:07 1:10:07 1:10:08 1:10:08 1:10:08 1:10:08 1:10:09 1:10:09 1:10:09 1:10:10 1:10:10 1:10:10 1:10:11 1:10:11 1:10:11 1:10:12 1:10:12 1:10:12 1:10:12 1:10:13 1:10:13 1:10:13 1:10:13 1:10:13 1:10:13 1:10:14 1:10:14 1:10:14 1:10:14 1:10:14 1:10:14 1:10:15 1:10:15 1:10:15 1:10:16 1:10:16 1:10:16 1:10:16 1:10:17 1:10:17 1:10:17 1:10:17 1:10:18 1:10:19 1:10:19 1:10:19 1:10:19 1:10:20 1:10:20 159/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Stephen Chnay Beverly Jones Marianne Vick Debbie Deverell Sydney Spaman Pamela Wolf Joyce Greenfield Heidi Tickauer Peter Ramos Yvonne Turner Rachel Solis Brad Gaylord Henriette Elferen Tesesa Heimes Getty Nuhn Kathleen Archuleta Karin Ceccre Susie Mccue Toni Warneke Gina Bihum Rick Frenger Barry Hill Connie Rhoads Amy Tucker Craig Smith Harry Klenda Michelle Van Speybroec John Schanck Jan Spruil Casey Masterson Danna Wiepking Phylis Ritscher Sarah Hortom Timothy Ingram Ben Dolenc Sharon Kuntz Karen Hess Lisa Vandenend Jane Haxby Kim Driese James Stark Marcy Jung Rudy Watson William Burns Michele Muse Virginia Schoenthaler Joy Stark Chad Whitaker Betty Fitzpatrick Barb La Rue Thomas Larkin Nathan Smith Phil Montoya Arlin Raedeke Kathleen Lanman Sarah Richardson Heather Reilley Michael Freece Ann Liedtke Brad Wanner Shawn Jones Vaheed sevvom Andrea Regoli Hagan Caldwell Larry Caldwell Lisa Duhl David Vorzimer Pamela Meinen James Brown III Joann Creasey Jeff Thelan Olae Cuntrock Jean-Pierre Oneal Wayne Fox Shawna Kelly Peg Bruckbauear Vicky Marschner Matthew Dalian Vern Bickel Sally Scott Barb Keefe Vanessa Adams Jason Rivera Gerg Hernandez Karen Sells Kara Hilborn Wayne Gillin Rick Judson Garnet Gordon Chris Noecker Janet Garrett Margie Wasson Leta Koel Kay Croghan Emily Pretto Daniel Frahm Bob Regoli Gene Sharp Marilyn Thelan Robin Weisbrod DIV ------M30 F45 F33 F31 F43 F41 F46 F13 M39 F35 F19 M32 F22 F10 F50 F24 F34 F35 F39 F13 M45 M42 F41 F22 M35 M10 F18 F34 M45 F35 F39 F31 F18 M27 M12 F35 F39 F18 M19 F27 M51 F30 M35 M49 F28 F31 F46 M11 F43 F43 M29 M13 M33 M49 F34 F28 F8 M45 F20 M9 F12 M10 F10 M8 M47 F11 M42 F22 M21 F31 M12 M29 M42 M41 F25 F32 F37 M12 M62 F33 F26 F19 M8 M34 F31 F30 M48 M37 F38 M10 M30 F26 F49 F31 F12 M33 M38 M28 F38 F27 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:10:21 1:10:21 1:10:21 1:10:23 1:10:23 1:10:23 1:10:23 1:10:23 1:10:23 1:10:23 1:10:23 1:10:24 1:10:25 1:10:25 1:10:25 1:10:25 1:10:26 1:10:26 1:10:26 1:10:26 1:10:27 1:10:27 1:10:27 1:10:27 1:10:28 1:10:29 1:10:30 1:10:31 1:10:32 1:10:32 1:10:32 1:10:32 1:10:33 1:10:33 1:10:33 1:10:33 1:10:33 1:10:33 1:10:34 1:10:35 1:10:35 1:10:35 1:10:35 1:10:35 1:10:35 1:10:35 1:10:36 1:10:36 1:10:36 1:10:36 1:10:37 1:10:37 1:10:37 1:10:37 1:10:37 1:10:37 1:10:38 1:10:38 1:10:38 1:10:39 1:10:39 1:10:39 1:10:40 1:10:40 1:10:40 1:10:40 1:10:41 1:10:41 1:10:41 1:10:41 1:10:41 1:10:41 1:10:42 1:10:43 1:10:43 1:10:43 1:10:43 1:10:43 1:10:44 1:10:44 1:10:44 1:10:44 1:10:44 1:10:45 1:10:45 1:10:45 1:10:45 1:10:45 1:10:45 1:10:45 1:10:46 1:10:46 1:10:46 1:10:46 1:10:46 1:10:46 1:10:46 1:10:47 1:10:47 1:10:47 160/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Tyson Baker Nancy Pennoyer Lew Morton Judy Ruha Debby Belasco Bev Slarks Ron Gerber Connie Cardamone Rosanne Roux Brooke Dolenc Danette Swisher Roger Venables Rod Barenberg Pat Morris Reed Smith Jayne Tribble Wendy Ward Jack Weeks Arlene Noguchi Roy Rahn David Maestas Eric Smith Don Vasicek Dawn Caving Julie Zink Joshua Fass Jody Peterson Kathy Scheel Terri Edwards Jenny Johnson Nick Adams Shannon Crane Lori Schmidtline Fil Butkovich Anthony Zamora Phyllis Hodges John Koon Julio Romero Carol H Grant Robert Backlund Jerry Kriesker Jack Brown Rick Waters Barbara Griss Richard Johnson Kaye Totham Jerome Fransa Rose Miller Cheryl Bodie James Raum Beth Duncan Elizabeth Johnson Walt Tejan Bob Falco Pam Kemprs Soni Flores Sandy Morgan Steve Noecker Grace Hooper Julie Steele Toby Herre Nicholas Steele Tim Clarey Lynn Kuykendall Shari Connor Randi Patel Courtney Herre Chris Smith Carol Kuykendall Kristen Walsh Priscilla Shand Jennifer Kepler William Rosewater Tom Joles Paula Berkel Stacie Tolzin Frederick Cron Suzi Edwards Grey Hubbard Hillary Dawson Meg Duncan John M Jr Prentiss Susan Hodge Celeste Tolzin Connie Martin Steve Clark Anne Mcgovern Sue Ellen Harrison Randy Rose Fred Pruett Connie Jones Lonnie Woods David Martin David Brents Tim Ord Brett Sherman Karol Kendall Marcia Sherburne Phil Herre Lori Katz DIV ------M12 F30 M61 F22 F35 F40 M46 F34 F30 F8 F24 M49 M29 F58 M9 F34 F18 M60 F38 M33 M10 M41 M49 F32 F21 M21 F34 F25 F21 F11 M31 F14 F32 M37 M59 F27 M35 M54 F45 M44 M28 M34 M33 M49 M49 F50 M12 F35 M29 M41 F25 F38 M37 M44 F30 F17 F24 M26 F47 F30 M9 M9 M32 M46 F26 F31 M10 M19 F43 F19 F43 F13 M44 M32 F35 F27 M47 F29 M33 F17 F15 M42 F34 F29 F31 M14 F23 F40 M31 M72 F22 F36 M12 M31 M40 M11 F43 F38 M44 F19 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:10:47 1:10:47 1:10:48 1:10:48 1:10:48 1:10:48 1:10:48 1:10:49 1:10:49 1:10:49 1:10:49 1:10:49 1:10:49 1:10:49 1:10:50 1:10:50 1:10:51 1:10:51 1:10:51 1:10:51 1:10:52 1:10:52 1:10:52 1:10:52 1:10:53 1:10:53 1:10:53 1:10:53 1:10:53 1:10:54 1:10:54 1:10:54 1:10:55 1:10:55 1:10:55 1:10:55 1:10:55 1:10:56 1:10:56 1:10:56 1:10:56 1:10:56 1:10:57 1:10:57 1:10:57 1:10:57 1:10:58 1:10:58 1:10:58 1:10:58 1:10:58 1:10:58 1:10:58 1:10:58 1:10:58 1:10:59 1:10:59 1:10:59 1:11:00 1:11:00 1:11:00 1:11:00 1:11:01 1:11:01 1:11:01 1:11:01 1:11:01 1:11:01 1:11:01 1:11:01 1:11:02 1:11:02 1:11:02 1:11:03 1:11:03 1:11:03 1:11:03 1:11:03 1:11:04 1:11:04 1:11:04 1:11:05 1:11:05 1:11:05 1:11:05 1:11:05 1:11:05 1:11:05 1:11:06 1:11:07 1:11:07 1:11:07 1:11:07 1:11:07 1:11:07 1:11:08 1:11:08 1:11:08 1:11:09 1:11:09 161/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Marlene Bishop Terri Gervais Jim Sherman Michele Bollig Jack Henderson Adam Krueger Denise Morrier Yvonne Scndovel Elizavbeth Farley Linda Vorzimer Jan Wening Lisa Rob Sarah Sutorick Pamela Cortez Betsy Mills Cherie Cumberland Gillian Segal Richard Combs Lori Smith Marion Koral Denis Thornton Randall Martin Deanna Kaskie Peggy Conway Robert Szarmach Patti Cummings Andrew Hall Barb Bush Rita Holland Jan Schremph T J Thompson Karen Tracy Amy Tumpes John Henderson Daniel Mcquillen Nika Tumpes Jeannie Diclementi Deb Matthews Donald Marcellos Jose Gutierrez Suzanne Stoller Grag Johnson Ryan Vertuca Pat Ballew Fran Jimenez Irma Romero Tom Crouch Jann Kloor Stephanie Freck Stacey Mekelburg Jean Haberkorn Jonathan Orr Jannette Sonder Lynne Chizzick Leah Cryer Sharlene Hoornstra Greg Chavez Joseph Bray Beth Waibel Todd Martin Robert Raedeke Tim Wickam Joseph Frank Joel Lyon Joseph Wickam Michelle Lape Mary Corbatt Robert Tan Holly Crocker Whizzy Heritage Barbara Caudillo Howard C Kellogg Martin Chizzick Evelyn Martin Maria Coloroso Matt Ressegieu Peter Divine Jacque Howard Vicki Yoelker Sonndra Johnson Suzan Evans Monica Vigla Cathleen Osborn Roxanna Brophy Lisa Stephenson Moira Will Dale Black Dan Decker John Martinez Joanna Kidd Mary Ann Roberts Marcy Campbell Nancy Ludden Christopher Schenk Judy Schenk Charlutte Stall Linda Black Noelle Larson Tracy Ehlers Jesus Flores DIV ------F30 F28 M41 F36 M32 M12 F26 F21 F36 F39 F42 F19 F29 F26 F39 F17 F27 M39 F29 F31 M11 M41 F31 F39 M28 F30 M22 F41 F33 F33 F31 F36 F23 M9 M30 F22 F38 F28 M38 M12 F16 M40 M8 F46 F26 F25 M34 F36 F33 F27 F28 M16 F21 F41 F29 F36 M26 M22 F27 M10 M19 M8 M26 M10 M13 F23 F27 M42 F26 F28 F42 M51 M41 F46 F12 M31 M37 F34 F22 F29 F36 F26 F36 F36 F21 F27 M23 M37 M10 F16 F40 F48 F40 M32 F37 F44 F39 F8 F43 M30 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:11:09 1:11:09 1:11:09 1:11:09 1:11:09 1:11:10 1:11:10 1:11:10 1:11:10 1:11:10 1:11:11 1:11:11 1:11:11 1:11:12 1:11:12 1:11:13 1:11:13 1:11:13 1:11:14 1:11:14 1:11:14 1:11:14 1:11:15 1:11:15 1:11:15 1:11:15 1:11:15 1:11:15 1:11:16 1:11:16 1:11:17 1:11:19 1:11:19 1:11:19 1:11:19 1:11:20 1:11:20 1:11:20 1:11:21 1:11:21 1:11:21 1:11:21 1:11:21 1:11:22 1:11:22 1:11:22 1:11:22 1:11:22 1:11:22 1:11:22 1:11:22 1:11:23 1:11:23 1:11:24 1:11:24 1:11:24 1:11:24 1:11:25 1:11:25 1:11:25 1:11:25 1:11:26 1:11:26 1:11:26 1:11:26 1:11:27 1:11:27 1:11:27 1:11:27 1:11:27 1:11:28 1:11:28 1:11:28 1:11:28 1:11:28 1:11:28 1:11:28 1:11:29 1:11:29 1:11:29 1:11:29 1:11:29 1:11:30 1:11:31 1:11:31 1:11:31 1:11:31 1:11:32 1:11:32 1:11:32 1:11:32 1:11:32 1:11:32 1:11:33 1:11:33 1:11:34 1:11:34 1:11:34 1:11:34 1:11:34 162/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Marvin Hopkins Jackie Decker Kim Beedle Dotty Kelly Emily Black Sharlee Lee Shirley Bobich Michael Finley Kimberly Jones Patrick Costello Stacy Wimmer Mary Oxley Dianne Primavera Kerri Tillquist Christine Kassube Rosalie Hill Beverly Christine Patti Lilliston Jennifer Demarco Michelle Glaze Richard Manning Martin Berkley Bruce H Cunningham Lynn Hermanson Paul Corcoran Vicki Cartmell Ed Ouellette Alan Phillips Judy Hixson Iris Lutz Jack Green Todd Barnes Andrea Crane Mitch Friedman Tracy Simons Tom Stalberger Randy Walker Mathew Reynolds Lesley Druper John Sullivan Brenda Bannister Bob Clark John Gibson Lgra Hettinger Jana Goff Jerry Armijo Ann Getches Cat Brant Jason Brant Pam Graves Rosanne Cole Diane Riechert Geneva Meadows Jerome Urbanic Monica Shaw Jan Wilson Jennifer Lucas Jim Morehead Monique Criag Jan Hackendy Michelle Campbell Donna Valliere Daniel Galligan Phylllis Sheffer Jim Symons Ralph Wienbroeer Marv Wong Sheila Saunders Jackie Ross Cassie Spencer Colleen Mcbride Kent Burleigh Joni Pfeffer Shane Frakes Judith Forkner Mary Arden Hauer Triana Eckles Terry Roberts Sandra Fitzgerald Olivia Steiner Donald Mestnik Iola Cates Timothy Steiner Kathlen Kavanaugh Cyndie Kramer Gretl Dupre Jason Keene Kirsten Meyer Vira Brock Leanne Kramer Paul Oerter Lillie Lee Rebecca Mason Lori Medlock Cari Macdonald Tom Mulholland Paula Baker Sean Robinson Scott Baker Dale Fentiman DIV ------M48 F11 F28 F42 F7 F40 F43 M46 F23 M31 M14 F16 F39 F33 F59 F29 F38 F40 F21 F24 M20 M42 M40 F37 M46 F30 M27 M54 F32 F23 M28 M24 F12 M37 F30 M40 M31 M15 F30 M50 F21 M44 M36 F48 F25 M28 F48 F31 M6 F21 F48 F38 F67 M37 F37 F42 F27 M51 F28 F42 F26 F35 M32 F45 M52 M50 M44 F42 F31 F36 F34 M47 F35 M14 M43 F49 F33 F37 F41 F10 M54 F54 M31 F40 F35 F25 M16 F24 F37 F23 M36 F44 F11 F99 F32 M31 F41 M13 M41 M44 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:11:34 1:11:35 1:11:35 1:11:35 1:11:35 1:11:35 1:11:35 1:11:36 1:11:36 1:11:36 1:11:37 1:11:37 1:11:37 1:11:37 1:11:37 1:11:38 1:11:38 1:11:38 1:11:38 1:11:38 1:11:38 1:11:39 1:11:39 1:11:39 1:11:40 1:11:40 1:11:41 1:11:41 1:11:41 1:11:41 1:11:42 1:11:42 1:11:43 1:11:43 1:11:44 1:11:44 1:11:44 1:11:44 1:11:45 1:11:46 1:11:46 1:11:46 1:11:47 1:11:47 1:11:48 1:11:48 1:11:49 1:11:49 1:11:49 1:11:49 1:11:49 1:11:49 1:11:50 1:11:50 1:11:51 1:11:51 1:11:51 1:11:51 1:11:52 1:11:52 1:11:52 1:11:52 1:11:53 1:11:53 1:11:53 1:11:54 1:11:54 1:11:54 1:11:55 1:11:55 1:11:55 1:11:55 1:11:55 1:11:55 1:11:56 1:11:56 1:11:56 1:11:56 1:11:56 1:11:56 1:11:57 1:11:57 1:11:57 1:11:57 1:11:57 1:11:58 1:11:58 1:11:58 1:11:58 1:11:59 1:12:00 1:12:00 1:12:00 1:12:00 1:12:01 1:12:01 1:12:02 1:12:03 1:12:03 1:12:03 163/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Bertie Holeman Ross Goores Des Payne Jennifer Downs Brian Hathaway Mindy Story Georgianna Allsopp Peggy Filarowicz Cindy Quinn Tom Lambelet Rexann Story Susan Powell Gentry Moellenhoff Tim Bessey Sue Bollman Bryan Gullette Sabrina Barela Marie Archambault Erica Marjoram Elaine Ernst Lys Tourjee Louise Foley Richard Stonich Jennifer Stauffer Margy Campobella Jack Kleinheksel Annette Barnard Sue K.T Jones Wade Mcdaniel George Betts Jean Kerr Judy Brooks Jessica Spensly Alexander Lemons Lysa Wegman-French Sujatha Sankaran Carolyn Gamba Leslie Overmyer KarenK Thompson Quince Carlson Vanitha Sankaran Chris Carlson Claire Martin Julie Dawn Hagan Chris Nevin Loretta Borne Allene Lemons Kari Young Chris Caputo Terry Lott Janet Carson Charles King Karen Martin Kirk Rodgers Dave Hector Mary Haskins Cathy Jean Jones Kaye Debella Robert Lenehan Patricia Hahn Rose Lubich Adrianz Cortez Mark Roberts Danny Hoey Laura Lewark Johanna Rivera Michelle Gartner Michael Mcghee Amy Taylor Bob Douthit Stephanie Moore Michael Jack Virginia Luttrell Barbara Mahler Marty Demoss Ron Luttrell Ione Norby Gail Royce Oat Whitney III Judith Murray Amy Kilcoyne Rick Mattoon Angel Stobaugh Linda Bissonnette Jeffrey Morter Marlea Thompson Cheryl Wisott Christina Kern Hank Arelland Jean Nicholson Aparna Huzurbazar Shirley Orvis Belinda Moench Allison Kimble Barbara Quarantillo Mary Gerber Sonia Watt Snehalata Huzurbazar Stephanie Horstman Megan Postlethwait DIV ------F44 M40 M49 F43 M10 F18 F28 F41 F40 M32 F27 F44 F43 M33 F47 M10 F21 F13 F46 F40 F13 F53 M39 F16 F27 M46 F40 F32 M12 M45 F39 F30 F13 M9 F37 F11 F44 F24 F36 M11 F16 M8 F31 F28 M19 F36 F32 F17 F29 M39 F29 M67 F18 M47 M47 F29 F44 F46 M43 F34 F24 F16 M29 M31 F19 F33 F18 M52 F18 M31 F23 M34 F50 F36 M26 M51 F58 F37 M43 F46 F14 M30 F24 F35 M12 F40 F25 F25 M26 F26 F22 F99 F40 F15 F37 F44 F25 F26 F21 F14 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:12:03 1:12:03 1:12:03 1:12:04 1:12:04 1:12:04 1:12:05 1:12:05 1:12:05 1:12:05 1:12:05 1:12:05 1:12:06 1:12:06 1:12:06 1:12:06 1:12:06 1:12:07 1:12:07 1:12:07 1:12:07 1:12:07 1:12:08 1:12:08 1:12:09 1:12:09 1:12:09 1:12:09 1:12:09 1:12:09 1:12:09 1:12:09 1:12:10 1:12:11 1:12:11 1:12:12 1:12:12 1:12:12 1:12:13 1:12:13 1:12:13 1:12:14 1:12:14 1:12:14 1:12:14 1:12:14 1:12:14 1:12:14 1:12:14 1:12:14 1:12:15 1:12:15 1:12:15 1:12:16 1:12:16 1:12:17 1:12:17 1:12:18 1:12:18 1:12:19 1:12:19 1:12:19 1:12:19 1:12:20 1:12:20 1:12:20 1:12:20 1:12:21 1:12:21 1:12:21 1:12:22 1:12:22 1:12:22 1:12:22 1:12:22 1:12:23 1:12:23 1:12:24 1:12:24 1:12:24 1:12:25 1:12:25 1:12:25 1:12:25 1:12:26 1:12:26 1:12:26 1:12:26 1:12:27 1:12:27 1:12:27 1:12:27 1:12:27 1:12:28 1:12:28 1:12:28 1:12:28 1:12:28 1:12:29 1:12:29 164/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Bridget Hopkins Max Kiefer John Van Orman Gina Marino Jennifer Postlethwait Donna Fain Ben Beezley George Lee Deaver Allam Beezley Kerry Stuteman Frank Leone Linda Lloyd Tara Harman Hayley Miller Elizabeth Bosley David Skudneski Kelly Crabtree Lori Flynt Judy Wellbrock Mb Bradley Skip Roberts Sarah Wilcox Heidi Loverud Linda Miller Tamara Robison Irene Bellis Kent Shown Jill Hafner Nancy Turner Hege Line Magnussen Stephen Bernstein Eric Schempp Peggy Harris Donna Clifford Vera Shoemaker Audra Decker Janna Adkinson Jason Elvey Cyndi Wical Mike Ahlbrandt Diane Lewis Kathryn Jordan Tyler Berkey Ray Peacoe Jennifer Henry Raymond Peacoe Jeremy Henry Douglas Berkey Mary Kay Scanavino Clinton Young Andy Schmucker Chad Garza Heidi Smith Barbara Vise Tony Marquez Larry Mcginn Linda Noblih Jeanne Jones Mary Mccarthy Chris Takeuchi Joyce Holte Cheryl Lebl Velma Jacobs Staci Lurie Paul Weidig Nancy Malville Tres Mascarenas Rebecca Smith Arleen Erland Lorraine Pennington Ruth Walsh Lara Jones Chloe Ruggles Mary Drey David Behrens Andrea Friedlander Lawrence Wapensky Pollard Berrier Carol Meyer Barbara Willis Joel Cleaver Brian Troccoli Dina Linzer Julie Hausman Shannon Kelley Marie Lansford Joanne Behrens Jill Carlson Tammy Lombardo Charity Gates David Lorber Gordon Gates Don Ruggles Mary Howe Bart Howe Ken Sterk Van Strickland Teddi Davis Scott Decker Ervin Reigles DIV ------F20 M18 M49 F13 F17 F32 M9 M60 M37 F23 M28 F41 F18 F11 F21 M29 F22 F21 F26 F45 M43 F99 F23 F28 F25 F18 M28 F27 F34 F26 M55 M12 F45 F20 F61 F10 F25 M12 F42 M30 F30 F35 M10 M47 F31 M22 M11 M40 F42 M10 M33 M15 F24 F46 M49 M43 F31 F32 F26 M9 F32 F40 F73 F23 M34 F51 M10 F14 F29 F60 F47 F10 F11 F36 M9 F32 M51 M10 F31 F41 M15 M10 F29 F29 F12 F27 F44 F16 F31 F12 M29 M39 M39 F45 M51 M47 M38 F29 M41 M61 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:12:29 1:12:29 1:12:29 1:12:29 1:12:29 1:12:29 1:12:30 1:12:30 1:12:31 1:12:31 1:12:31 1:12:31 1:12:32 1:12:32 1:12:32 1:12:32 1:12:32 1:12:33 1:12:33 1:12:33 1:12:34 1:12:34 1:12:34 1:12:35 1:12:35 1:12:35 1:12:35 1:12:35 1:12:35 1:12:36 1:12:36 1:12:36 1:12:36 1:12:37 1:12:37 1:12:37 1:12:37 1:12:37 1:12:37 1:12:37 1:12:37 1:12:38 1:12:38 1:12:38 1:12:38 1:12:38 1:12:38 1:12:38 1:12:39 1:12:39 1:12:39 1:12:39 1:12:39 1:12:40 1:12:40 1:12:40 1:12:40 1:12:41 1:12:41 1:12:41 1:12:41 1:12:41 1:12:41 1:12:41 1:12:42 1:12:42 1:12:42 1:12:42 1:12:42 1:12:42 1:12:42 1:12:42 1:12:42 1:12:43 1:12:43 1:12:43 1:12:43 1:12:43 1:12:43 1:12:43 1:12:43 1:12:43 1:12:44 1:12:44 1:12:44 1:12:44 1:12:44 1:12:45 1:12:45 1:12:45 1:12:45 1:12:45 1:12:45 1:12:46 1:12:47 1:12:47 1:12:47 1:12:48 1:12:48 1:12:48 165/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Wm Marlatt Kennon Roeber Theresa Rose Stephanie Schultz Laurel Bruns Fred Willis Al Bronstein Wendy Canavan Caroline Eldredge Susan Eldredge Dan Roeber Brianna Hultgren Holly Hultgren Kristin Ransom Matt Rollins Jean Tonoli Jana Larose Gail Rollins Jj Smith Liesl Tenbrook Susan Mae Smith Tanya Starman Thomas Arp Mary Sullivan Gillian Conte Mary Jane Fox Donna Leggate Steven Schneider Ari Opdahl Ruth Tollin Sue Phillips Charles Vavra Jerri Jason Julian Ang Gayle Rickhoff Bill Gillespie Sherri Streeter Xyta Lucas Bud Phillips Alex Fraser Diane Kolvek Jennifer Barnett Melanie Outcalt Janet Sacks Karen Terrell David Loven Kirk Walters Jodi Gane Lisa Quintana Gubbs Gulbranson Katherine Roben Robert Chaney Marge Schafer Micahel Shaw Virginia Shaw Joan Klinzmann Gaylord Killinger Ira Sacks Bonnie Cochran Phillip Hathaway Andrew Beck Jonathan Squires Hope Eiseman Ron Williams Kathy Madill Tracey Beck Todd Madsen Janice Dieringer Rebecca Wilkins Carolyn Kurtz Truman Jones Inez Andrews John Hubbard Linda Kilpatrick Martha Abernathy Rachael Nowak Zohreh Bewley Kay Knifer Robert Lund Larry Diede Bicki Harris Mitch Baker Cristina Stitt Greg Graham Donna Kagiyama Rebecca Miller Lucy Guercio Barbara Wright Sheryl Bedell Karen Diamond Charles Bewley Trompeter Anderson Risa Lyon Charlie Anderson-Tromp Elizabeth Thomas William Eck Jr Keiko Kawahara Kim Goscha Shelly Donegah Kathleen Neu DIV ------M57 F9 F21 F32 F31 M44 M39 F18 F15 F12 M34 F7 F37 F18 M10 F35 F24 F36 F13 F23 F29 F25 M24 F37 F41 F37 F42 M30 M10 F45 F40 M34 F39 F29 F30 M41 F374 F43 M42 M9 F45 F18 F26 F35 F29 M27 M26 F28 F12 M30 F35 M38 F40 M46 F46 F36 M47 M34 F39 M37 M10 M10 F30 M46 F35 F40 M26 F55 F30 F47 M43 F44 M36 F27 F43 F19 F39 F47 M28 M44 F13 M32 F23 M37 F28 F23 F38 F54 F22 F46 M39 M12 F19 M33 F32 M57 F29 F18 F34 F29 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:12:48 1:12:49 1:12:49 1:12:49 1:12:49 1:12:49 1:12:50 1:12:50 1:12:50 1:12:50 1:12:51 1:12:51 1:12:51 1:12:51 1:12:52 1:12:52 1:12:52 1:12:52 1:12:53 1:12:54 1:12:54 1:12:54 1:12:54 1:12:54 1:12:55 1:12:55 1:12:56 1:12:56 1:12:56 1:12:56 1:12:56 1:12:56 1:12:56 1:12:57 1:12:57 1:12:57 1:12:57 1:12:57 1:12:57 1:12:58 1:12:58 1:12:58 1:12:59 1:12:59 1:12:59 1:12:59 1:12:59 1:13:01 1:13:01 1:13:02 1:13:02 1:13:02 1:13:02 1:13:03 1:13:03 1:13:03 1:13:04 1:13:05 1:13:05 1:13:05 1:13:05 1:13:06 1:13:07 1:13:07 1:13:07 1:13:07 1:13:07 1:13:07 1:13:07 1:13:08 1:13:09 1:13:09 1:13:10 1:13:10 1:13:10 1:13:10 1:13:10 1:13:11 1:13:11 1:13:11 1:13:12 1:13:13 1:13:13 1:13:13 1:13:13 1:13:13 1:13:14 1:13:14 1:13:14 1:13:14 1:13:15 1:13:16 1:13:16 1:13:16 1:13:16 1:13:16 1:13:16 1:13:17 1:13:17 1:13:17 166/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Cynthia Plampin Amy Butowicz Will Snyder Krista Dickinson Tricia England Margie Robinson Roxanne Foster Cheri Middlebrook John Richardson Teresa Miller Korry Antos Mary Sleap Toni Venablos Jackie Blackwell Frank Whittaker Laura Patterson Kaya Stone Brian Clow Jennifer Terow Margarita Cavazos Marianne Dunckley Edie Reidel Wendy Berger Carol Crawford Anna Dhabolt Alden Clarke Deborah Mulkey Steve Clarke Veta Quintana Robert Ludwig Belva Duncan Donna Rogers April Stone Mary Kelly Beverly Keenan Philip Pendorf Ellen Berman Gaylen Weaver Carol Wobbekind Jim Dunckley Rich Wobbekind Robert Martin Leslie Steinwachs Mona Gray Michelle May Michael Angelo William Bell Allison Brecko Nate Abbott Kathy Brash Parke Covarrubias Kevin Turner Dianne Gervais Rick Abbott Jeffrey Mann David Brash Gregg Sommer Ginny Hones Debbie Steed Kelly Faulkner Chad Pentico Dan Forey Nena Restrepo Patti Abbott Matthew Bell John Madron Mary Gardner Sharun Joslin Chad Kendrick Larry Ballenger Joey Kendrick Kyra Galchutt Mary Ann Mcrae Lou Mcclelland Lindsey Nunn David Robinson Art Falco Jack Marks Abby Mcclelland Allen Kendrick Derek Pavlovic Frank Lewis John Mina Jan Shepherd James L Timmerwilke Joy Herrick Marianne Welander Jessica Hubbard Terri Hubbard Piper Pavlovic Nate Reeves Pamela Decker William Gowdy Ralph Oliver Anita Sena Daniel Booth Rosanne Nelson Kristi Dallmeyer Cindy Oliver Mary Twinem DIV ------F27 F14 M19 F36 F37 F30 F30 F28 M46 F23 F14 F33 F46 F30 M60 F28 F10 M26 F21 F30 F14 F57 F27 F26 F35 M12 F33 M42 F40 M38 F48 F33 F44 F35 F37 M36 F43 M48 F34 M44 M36 M57 F44 F21 F20 M23 M41 F42 M12 F28 F43 M23 F32 M41 M23 M29 M36 F65 F28 F13 M20 M39 F13 F15 M9 M12 F36 F23 M12 M39 M10 F12 F28 F41 F12 M30 M41 M60 F10 M43 M11 M64 M29 F39 M16 F27 F47 F13 F36 F11 M9 F34 M44 M48 F42 M50 F35 F25 F9 F48 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:13:17 1:13:17 1:13:17 1:13:17 1:13:18 1:13:18 1:13:18 1:13:18 1:13:18 1:13:19 1:13:19 1:13:19 1:13:19 1:13:19 1:13:19 1:13:20 1:13:20 1:13:21 1:13:21 1:13:21 1:13:22 1:13:22 1:13:22 1:13:23 1:13:23 1:13:23 1:13:23 1:13:23 1:13:23 1:13:24 1:13:24 1:13:24 1:13:24 1:13:24 1:13:26 1:13:26 1:13:26 1:13:27 1:13:27 1:13:28 1:13:28 1:13:28 1:13:28 1:13:29 1:13:29 1:13:29 1:13:29 1:13:30 1:13:30 1:13:30 1:13:32 1:13:32 1:13:32 1:13:32 1:13:32 1:13:32 1:13:32 1:13:33 1:13:33 1:13:33 1:13:33 1:13:33 1:13:33 1:13:34 1:13:34 1:13:34 1:13:35 1:13:35 1:13:36 1:13:36 1:13:36 1:13:36 1:13:36 1:13:37 1:13:37 1:13:37 1:13:38 1:13:38 1:13:39 1:13:39 1:13:39 1:13:39 1:13:40 1:13:40 1:13:40 1:13:40 1:13:40 1:13:41 1:13:41 1:13:42 1:13:42 1:13:42 1:13:43 1:13:43 1:13:43 1:13:43 1:13:44 1:13:45 1:13:45 1:13:45 167/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Janet Olson Ron Perrigo Jovan Barzlatto Patricia Timmerwilke Brett Barzlatto Cynthia Frith Tana Lamperes Gary Shaver Marilyn Berkey Cindy Kelly Debbie Finger Rene Mclellan Jake Florez Heidi Mork Dotti Lane Peter Leonard Joan Schempp Karen E. Campbell Thomas Mclellan Debra Krueger Ken Nakari Penny Jacobsen Mully Neuhauser Ryan Maneri Vince Beer Kristina Martinez Don Florez Lauren Masian Chris Karp Scott Fetter William Howard John Holloway James Bendickson Erika Gore Jarod Haas Lisa Kanaly Cindy La Nou Karen Bell Nortine Etschmaier Judy Scherschel Glenda Billett Paula Howell Ray Scherschel Roy Cornwell Jr. Susan Moline Everett Worfolk Pat Peterman Brett Angell Louis Etschmaier Calvin Angell Patty Kulton Pam Bergeland Matthew Whittle Ayleen Sheideler Doug Ramsey David Stiles Ann Hamilton Jane Evans Michelle Mitchell Kathleen Goeke Lee Goeke Kim Olson Carla Seebaum Abel Shaw Pater Angell Jeannette Labato Hans Bakker Joe Lobato Mike Bakker Warner Bluggemann Andrea Bianchi Gary Fentiman Lyn Turner Kay Bender Alice Beisser Amy Walther Rudolph Bianchi Matthew Gutshall Catherine Miller Jack Daniels Karen Bernson Chad Gunstream Jeremy Marak Geri Bigum Elisa Willis Sally Cammon Ralph Adamson Ann Marie Clark Conni Eldridge Patricia Ernest Dennis Batterman Adam Wickam Kerry Withers Joellen Domenico Cindy Hegstrom Heather Rose Don Szeszycki Janet Banks Vivan Wickam Lynn Easton DIV ------F33 M43 M35 F41 M10 F34 F19 M35 F44 F36 F38 F37 M8 F31 F52 M44 F48 F45 M35 F27 M51 F41 F16 M8 M29 F12 M42 F23 M10 M8 M36 M35 M32 M12 M10 F26 F32 F40 F9 F47 F49 F21 M47 M31 F29 M49 F32 M12 M49 M7 F35 F30 M12 F32 M17 M48 F39 F35 F23 F39 M41 F15 F16 M47 M49 F22 M12 M20 M14 M47 F9 F42 F44 F46 F19 F17 M47 M14 F32 M53 F32 M11 M14 F35 F22 F35 M54 F28 F37 F21 M37 M7 F29 F31 F36 F21 M49 F12 M37 M43 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:13:45 1:13:46 1:13:46 1:13:47 1:13:47 1:13:47 1:13:47 1:13:48 1:13:48 1:13:48 1:13:48 1:13:48 1:13:48 1:13:48 1:13:49 1:13:49 1:13:49 1:13:49 1:13:49 1:13:49 1:13:49 1:13:50 1:13:50 1:13:50 1:13:50 1:13:50 1:13:50 1:13:50 1:13:51 1:13:51 1:13:51 1:13:52 1:13:52 1:13:52 1:13:53 1:13:53 1:13:53 1:13:54 1:13:54 1:13:54 1:13:54 1:13:54 1:13:54 1:13:54 1:13:54 1:13:54 1:13:54 1:13:55 1:13:55 1:13:55 1:13:55 1:13:55 1:13:55 1:13:56 1:13:56 1:13:57 1:13:57 1:13:57 1:13:57 1:13:57 1:13:57 1:13:58 1:13:58 1:13:58 1:13:59 1:13:59 1:13:59 1:13:59 1:13:59 1:13:59 1:14:00 1:14:00 1:14:00 1:14:00 1:14:01 1:14:01 1:14:01 1:14:01 1:14:01 1:14:02 1:14:02 1:14:02 1:14:02 1:14:02 1:14:03 1:14:04 1:14:05 1:14:05 1:14:05 1:14:06 1:14:06 1:14:06 1:14:06 1:14:06 1:14:07 1:14:07 1:14:07 1:14:07 1:14:07 1:14:08 168/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Terri Van Speybroeck Ann Peckham Lauren Wilkins Diane Fairbanks James Clyatt Gayla Colbert Erica Rubin Marilyn Weaver Cindy Malley Charles Vielehr Heather Fels Shanti Stotler Arnold Rieder Marlene Diamond Barbara Fernandez Betty Graham Carrie Shortell Kira Zeigler Katrina Fernandez Nancy Ourlser Christie Forrest Ron Zeigler Jean Ocken Beverly Dittemore Cindi Howe Noelle Branch Shauna Perry Jane Haeker Karen Barenberg Mary Sanchez Gene Goodstat Liane Demar Holly Hamilton Christian Robbie Ethan Rayhorn Kennieth Robbie Cynthia Bowden Audrey Ambler Shauna Goodale Megan Johnston Tere Thomas Rick Vaughn Charles Rayhorn Coors Taylor Karen Levine Pat Schaefer Marietta Sisca Betty Halle Christopher Watson Melinda Klenda Anna Cameron Connie Werner Betty Jean De Camp Elizabeth White Marci Zink Colleen Huffman Barbara Megyeri Mary kay Rachwalski Don De Camp Jared Johnson Jenny Tolbert Robin Gibson Harrry Hatcher Susan Bosley Nicholas Lanser Stuart Mizrahi Joel Adamson Michael Schonebaum Stephenie Closter Mark Schonebown Betty Fischer David Lacklen Darryll Lombard Dorothy Tucker Dennis Yates Nan Fogel Judy Bodman Fernando Garcia Cary Lacklen Paul Villanova Diane Mattucci Michael Arthurs Kendra Schnurbusch Tara Cundell Bob Mattucci Kathy Middleton Nichole Utzinger John Guggenmos Mark Matthews Carrie Utesch Barbara Stokoe David Abeyta Jason Mulvihill-Knutz Janet Spraque Jan Perry Freddy Wegert Linda King Lee Kopper Susan Ron Sonnet Caldwell DIV ------F24 F51 F40 F42 M27 F34 F30 F35 F28 M46 F25 F11 M19 F39 F37 F45 F13 F11 F9 F61 F13 M43 F29 F44 F34 F43 F11 F53 F30 F37 M41 F29 F36 M7 M7 M43 F31 F50 F13 F31 F32 M30 M38 M48 F30 M34 F42 F46 M8 F25 F47 F36 F53 F24 F29 F29 F49 F56 M33 M10 F30 F41 M47 F20 M11 M11 M9 M24 F18 M22 F58 M7 M49 F36 M45 F57 F49 M32 M38 M29 F37 M31 F16 F16 M41 F23 F10 M25 M35 F21 F24 M36 M10 F39 F34 M14 F42 F54 F42 F11 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:14:08 1:14:09 1:14:09 1:14:10 1:14:10 1:14:11 1:14:11 1:14:13 1:14:13 1:14:14 1:14:14 1:14:14 1:14:15 1:14:15 1:14:15 1:14:15 1:14:16 1:14:16 1:14:17 1:14:17 1:14:17 1:14:17 1:14:17 1:14:18 1:14:18 1:14:19 1:14:19 1:14:20 1:14:20 1:14:20 1:14:20 1:14:22 1:14:22 1:14:22 1:14:23 1:14:23 1:14:23 1:14:24 1:14:24 1:14:25 1:14:26 1:14:26 1:14:26 1:14:26 1:14:27 1:14:27 1:14:27 1:14:27 1:14:27 1:14:28 1:14:29 1:14:29 1:14:30 1:14:30 1:14:30 1:14:31 1:14:31 1:14:31 1:14:31 1:14:32 1:14:32 1:14:32 1:14:32 1:14:32 1:14:33 1:14:33 1:14:33 1:14:33 1:14:33 1:14:33 1:14:34 1:14:34 1:14:35 1:14:35 1:14:35 1:14:35 1:14:36 1:14:36 1:14:36 1:14:36 1:14:37 1:14:37 1:14:37 1:14:37 1:14:37 1:14:38 1:14:38 1:14:39 1:14:39 1:14:39 1:14:40 1:14:40 1:14:40 1:14:40 1:14:41 1:14:41 1:14:42 1:14:42 1:14:42 1:14:42 169/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Marla Gormly Dione Rask Gary Cummings Sara Davies Andy Moody Courtland Spricer Kristin Baulsir Jason Oehlkers Joseph Starnes William Soderborg Jan Walker Jackie Sorter Thomas Lowe Mike Shaw James Barolak Clare Kelly Jennifer Farr Julie Jentzsch Kimberly Dickman Jalyne Kellstadt Stuart Takeuchi Patricia Harding Tim Watson Jean Abbott Sarah Binder Karen Rubom Matthew Harris Michael Williams Carol Youngren Jennifer Arnold Ellen Lindseth Rita Underwood Deborah West Linda Walken Cirrelda Mills Annah Scully Mary Kidd Jillian Durnell Jean Dugan Helga Burghardt Sarah Starr Bridget Dean Courtney Procohnow James Cruz Penny Everett Massoud Meshginpoosh Heather Procohnow Jill Farr Jeannine Roberts James Kenworthy Eilliam East Cindy Osmun Timothy Rose Jeanne Whetstone Jane Deyde Denise Jorgensen Jerrilyn Rooney Sarah Rienast Barbara Lujan Judy Nakari Sandra Singer Larry Mcdaniel Laura Stewart Tess Carney Carcia Cecilie Christy Etshmaier Melissa Averett Melissa Medina Patrick Christmas Audrey Schneider Richard Garrett Katie Wirth Jaime Melanson Martin Wirth Lana Phoenix Annie Bates Michelle Rooney John Sawyer Sue Fitzsimmons Eiec Faber Adam Schneider Martha Bowden Jack Faber Jana Smith Patricia Mulvihill Paula Schneider Diann Bowen Pat Wallace Linda Schneller Stacy Mckelvy Jamie Walford Jennifer Ridole Alisha Anderson Bonnie Parsons Debbie Walker Kay Green Jean Grosshart Alice Sawyer John Scahill Marna Grantham DIV ------F20 F24 M36 F12 M28 M51 F11 M14 M13 M46 F30 F34 M52 M11 F20 F23 F16 F32 F22 F32 M40 F37 M38 F40 F30 F52 M10 M56 F25 F35 F24 F38 F40 F35 F51 F37 F50 F25 F69 F53 F21 F35 F12 M29 F28 M50 F17 F22 F19 M49 M47 F37 M29 F60 F46 F28 F31 F18 F34 F48 F31 M42 F29 F13 F35 F12 F22 F31 M8 F40 M18 F11 F13 M39 F40 F36 F6 M10 F38 M12 M35 F46 M43 F38 F40 F33 F42 F50 F12 F21 F11 F11 F10 F35 F34 F30 F48 F34 M41 F31 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:14:43 1:14:43 1:14:43 1:14:43 1:14:44 1:14:44 1:14:45 1:14:45 1:14:45 1:14:45 1:14:45 1:14:45 1:14:46 1:14:46 1:14:46 1:14:47 1:14:47 1:14:47 1:14:48 1:14:49 1:14:49 1:14:49 1:14:49 1:14:50 1:14:50 1:14:50 1:14:51 1:14:51 1:14:51 1:14:51 1:14:52 1:14:52 1:14:52 1:14:53 1:14:54 1:14:54 1:14:55 1:14:55 1:14:57 1:14:57 1:14:57 1:14:57 1:14:58 1:14:58 1:14:58 1:14:59 1:14:59 1:14:59 1:14:59 1:14:59 1:15:01 1:15:01 1:15:01 1:15:02 1:15:02 1:15:03 1:15:03 1:15:04 1:15:04 1:15:05 1:15:05 1:15:05 1:15:05 1:15:06 1:15:06 1:15:06 1:15:06 1:15:06 1:15:07 1:15:07 1:15:08 1:15:08 1:15:08 1:15:08 1:15:08 1:15:08 1:15:08 1:15:09 1:15:09 1:15:10 1:15:10 1:15:11 1:15:11 1:15:11 1:15:12 1:15:12 1:15:12 1:15:13 1:15:13 1:15:13 1:15:13 1:15:13 1:15:14 1:15:15 1:15:15 1:15:15 1:15:15 1:15:16 1:15:16 1:15:16 170/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Tracy Langedyk Gregory Puljo Thomas Koenig Alexander Mccoll Alexa Shoning Ellen Creagar Traci Mcdowell David Schneller Ruth Mcghee Judy Delein Lucy Trujillo Deena Hornick Stephanie Alioto Nila Watterson J Michael Beaty Steven Macpherson Kathleen Beaty Shirley Yacovetta Warren Mccollum Toni Thomas Robert Barnett Cathy Shuback Dean Carpenter Nicholas Sol James Green Julie Ross Elizabeth Adrienne Van Virginia Mays Amelia Shelley Kathryn Martin Wilma Fox Karen Karl Pam Turner Chris Wachner-Larson Nancy Hooper Jeff Wachner-Larson Lola Merrill Paul Claton Ron Merrill Shelly Dawson Carissa Mills Betsy Willits Noel Blum Joe Marshall Jack Menard Mark Paulson Sarah Reed Jana Davis Terri Leary Robert Pelletien Kevin Schaff Carol Johnson Richard Rollins Jaime Lewis Brian D Young Maria Merten Anne Philpott Ron Merten Eric Bryant John Hansen Cartis Conard Jim Lincoln Philip Wilkinson Bill Bryant Nancy Shipps Beth Lincoln Garth Love Angela Merrick Kim Schmidt Marley Shipps Shelbia Moyers Jane Homer Brian Nichols John Stocke Nike Arelland Eve Echeverric Marianne Woulton Anne Edwards Beth Mohseni Robert Stewart Kristen Lebl Patrick Wherry Margery Acker Patsy Garcia Gerry Difford Vicki Ley Robert Domenico Carroll Lorenz Deborah fuller Dave Schaff Eric Barnhart Bill Zoellick Anita Barach Daniel Dolan Antia Penaflor Harry Evanoff Monica Favre Diana Schaiberger Colleen Boyle Lisa Johnson DIV ------F25 M31 M28 M54 F10 F24 F22 M45 F47 F45 F37 F24 F26 F42 M41 M9 F40 F53 M59 F30 M43 F30 M53 M32 M58 F21 F30 F56 F30 F40 F55 F38 F28 F38 F30 M34 F25 F45 M27 F24 F13 F29 M30 M37 M39 M47 F12 F37 F34 M62 M13 F39 M56 F30 M12 F50 F24 M52 M11 M55 M25 M34 M9 M41 F40 F25 M16 F14 F28 F14 F14 F39 M29 M43 M28 F14 F53 F23 F55 M40 F13 M37 F57 F29 M50 F44 M28 F18 F36 M16 M30 M39 F33 M37 F25 M65 F24 F36 F39 F44 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:15:16 1:15:17 1:15:17 1:15:17 1:15:18 1:15:18 1:15:18 1:15:18 1:15:19 1:15:19 1:15:19 1:15:19 1:15:20 1:15:20 1:15:22 1:15:22 1:15:23 1:15:23 1:15:23 1:15:23 1:15:23 1:15:24 1:15:24 1:15:24 1:15:24 1:15:24 1:15:25 1:15:25 1:15:25 1:15:26 1:15:26 1:15:26 1:15:27 1:15:27 1:15:27 1:15:27 1:15:27 1:15:28 1:15:28 1:15:28 1:15:28 1:15:28 1:15:28 1:15:28 1:15:29 1:15:29 1:15:29 1:15:29 1:15:30 1:15:30 1:15:30 1:15:31 1:15:31 1:15:31 1:15:31 1:15:31 1:15:31 1:15:32 1:15:32 1:15:32 1:15:33 1:15:33 1:15:33 1:15:33 1:15:34 1:15:34 1:15:35 1:15:35 1:15:36 1:15:36 1:15:36 1:15:37 1:15:37 1:15:37 1:15:37 1:15:38 1:15:38 1:15:38 1:15:38 1:15:38 1:15:39 1:15:39 1:15:40 1:15:40 1:15:40 1:15:40 1:15:40 1:15:40 1:15:40 1:15:40 1:15:41 1:15:41 1:15:42 1:15:42 1:15:42 1:15:43 1:15:43 1:15:43 1:15:43 1:15:44 171/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Kris Binard Chelsea Berry Catherine Carpenter Thomas Edgar Michael Gebhardt Carolyn Hoye Leigh Wells Kristin Edgar Shirley Tapia Jena Campbell Julie Uhlmann Jim Graves Mel Stuckey Christian Tofte Jan Aleskin Linda Hubley Rami Merheb Cathy Goldstein XI XI Margee Cowan Patty Martin Phillip Fuson Kenneth Thomas Kyle Goodman Bruce Summers David Morgan Robin Ely Ker Xiong Arthur Travers Mark Hubley Becky Brenton Mary Starkey Suzie Heintz Tim Swanson Jennie Johnson Kathy Logan Trudy Pueppke Pam Becker Shannon Hamer Dianne Morkin Amy Schultz Jeffrey Jung Robert Staples John Mcconnell Pam Swerer Wells Rod Miller Sheila Davis Ashley Jones Lindsay Porzak Michael Barker Geoff Barrett Hal Brink Tom Pyper Andy Antos Michelle Carpenter Jim Carppenter Yvonne Kelly-William Patti Adams Linda Dowdy Matthew Joiner Susan Meshginpoosh Juli Perry Marcia St Sauveur Judy Feasby Gary Joiner Vicki Sawyer Debra Urban Greg Reever Rose Reynolds Alastair Stone Gretchen Indue Diane Lillard Gayle Schloss Paul Smallwood Carol Fayer Leroy Garcia Sue Kirchner John Burton Michael Roche Susan Rafferty Betsy Rosetta Kevin Roche John Emanuel Sonja Klopf R.d Mccauley Ral Ann Meschko Philip Roan Maura Smallwood Tom Klopf Lucy Palavin Mary Baker Walter Antos Karen Vaughan Anne Williams Shelley Brown Tara Davis Julie Hollister Glenda Sinks Miki Coburn Michelle Lee DIV ------F21 F10 F37 M9 M29 F32 F17 F12 F30 F14 F54 M41 M50 M10 F34 F40 M29 F41 F12 F11 F38 M10 M9 F9 M18 M38 F18 F15 M52 M39 F34 F40 F26 M29 F24 F20 F42 F29 F20 F48 F23 M46 M22 M45 F37 M55 F41 F11 F11 M32 M13 M29 M47 M8 F11 M35 F41 F40 F28 M8 F35 F29 F37 F44 M39 F27 F34 M23 F39 M47 F26 F32 F7 M36 F46 M12 F34 M44 M42 F37 F27 M10 F55 F10 M43 F20 M58 F9 M44 F37 F28 M40 F34 F36 F21 F19 F40 F36 F42 F14 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:15:44 1:15:44 1:15:44 1:15:45 1:15:46 1:15:46 1:15:46 1:15:46 1:15:47 1:15:48 1:15:48 1:15:48 1:15:48 1:15:49 1:15:49 1:15:49 1:15:49 1:15:50 1:15:50 1:15:50 1:15:50 1:15:50 1:15:50 1:15:51 1:15:51 1:15:52 1:15:53 1:15:53 1:15:54 1:15:54 1:15:54 1:15:54 1:15:54 1:15:55 1:15:55 1:15:55 1:15:55 1:15:56 1:15:56 1:15:56 1:15:57 1:15:57 1:15:57 1:15:57 1:15:57 1:15:57 1:15:58 1:15:58 1:15:58 1:15:58 1:15:59 1:15:59 1:15:59 1:16:00 1:16:00 1:16:01 1:16:01 1:16:02 1:16:02 1:16:02 1:16:03 1:16:03 1:16:03 1:16:04 1:16:04 1:16:04 1:16:04 1:16:05 1:16:05 1:16:05 1:16:07 1:16:07 1:16:07 1:16:08 1:16:08 1:16:08 1:16:08 1:16:08 1:16:09 1:16:09 1:16:09 1:16:09 1:16:10 1:16:10 1:16:11 1:16:11 1:16:11 1:16:11 1:16:12 1:16:12 1:16:14 1:16:15 1:16:16 1:16:18 1:16:19 1:16:19 1:16:20 1:16:20 1:16:21 1:16:21 172/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------William Herring Dottie Tomasett Charlotte Greene Lori Wright Steve Karst Michael Mcnamara Jack Crawford Jenna Wood Thomas Lockerbie John Sneden Cari Moser Kari Faulkner Carolyn Walton Alison Baine Steve Faulkner Roger Brecko Matthew Keatley Susan Engelen Anthony Partney Eric Turnbull John W Lukes Pat O'Brien Barbara Stinson Paiman Ghafoori Joseph Heu Gregory Dennison Lee Anneberg Nicola Davies Douglas Klak Wendi Larsen Angie Page Nancy Jenkins Patricia Mcdonnell Leona Stone Suzy Danford David Dkipps Paul Kerby Lisa Weintraub Phillip Ecklund Cecelia Folr Ron Miller Robin Anderson Ann Cathcart Brian Mcgee Sue Roberts Nancy Hass Katie Williams Nancy Bodie Dawn Hayner Katy Dieters Kyle Dieters Karen Kulp Ken Swisher Jim Rosetto Jorge Vanegas Sarah Schroeder Claire Skiomore Rick Moreno Sandra Mahan Zack Moss Harold Cole Adam Michener Catherie Hill Jesse Moss Shane Moss Robyn Knox Jolie Nagai Lenna Kottke Darin Zephier Nick Cioffi Jason Pierce Chris White Ron Denning Ginny Meiers Rob Buchan Estelle Rapsardi Laurie Lucia Joseph Marchese Elaine Pease Jack Moss Charles IV Sawyer Arlene Nielsen Sarah Ripley Jim Sperry Henrietta Christmas Sandra Conway Cindy Baker Tieg Baker Tonia Turner Chip Wells Sally Fletemier Sharon Wojtkowiak Paul Bursiek Evi Nemeth Bendan Diorio Karla Clapp Matt Hohensee Earl Homer Jr. Teri Mcdonald Debbie Swanson DIV ------M39 F44 F54 F30 M16 M10 M53 F15 M34 M32 F16 F16 F32 F40 M37 M42 M9 F19 M12 M8 M41 M47 F41 M11 M12 M26 M40 F18 M41 F18 F25 F35 F37 F53 F37 M29 M50 F28 M50 F39 M41 F29 F34 M47 F63 F37 F32 M30 F16 F8 F13 F42 M45 M28 M31 F38 F38 M16 F39 M12 M55 M10 F13 M10 M8 F29 F30 F39 M24 M29 M15 F42 M40 F47 M47 F46 F27 M8 F31 M36 M12 F44 F33 M42 F29 F41 F41 M6 F14 F39 F36 F42 M49 F48 M26 F25 M10 M35 F24 F35 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:16:21 1:16:21 1:16:22 1:16:22 1:16:22 1:16:22 1:16:22 1:16:22 1:16:23 1:16:24 1:16:24 1:16:25 1:16:25 1:16:25 1:16:25 1:16:25 1:16:25 1:16:25 1:16:25 1:16:26 1:16:26 1:16:28 1:16:29 1:16:30 1:16:30 1:16:30 1:16:31 1:16:31 1:16:32 1:16:32 1:16:32 1:16:33 1:16:33 1:16:33 1:16:34 1:16:34 1:16:34 1:16:34 1:16:36 1:16:36 1:16:38 1:16:38 1:16:39 1:16:39 1:16:39 1:16:41 1:16:41 1:16:41 1:16:41 1:16:41 1:16:41 1:16:41 1:16:42 1:16:42 1:16:42 1:16:42 1:16:42 1:16:43 1:16:43 1:16:43 1:16:43 1:16:43 1:16:43 1:16:44 1:16:44 1:16:44 1:16:44 1:16:44 1:16:44 1:16:45 1:16:45 1:16:45 1:16:45 1:16:45 1:16:46 1:16:46 1:16:47 1:16:47 1:16:48 1:16:49 1:16:49 1:16:49 1:16:49 1:16:50 1:16:51 1:16:51 1:16:51 1:16:51 1:16:52 1:16:52 1:16:52 1:16:52 1:16:52 1:16:52 1:16:52 1:16:53 1:16:55 1:16:55 1:16:55 1:16:55 173/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Tracy Ramirez Tim Keeler Donna Heyl Dorothy Knopper Nancy Baxter Suzi Carlson Cody Douglas Ed Barr Rhonda Warhime Laurent Farley Joni Zandi James Harris Claudia Ventura-Abbott Burke Pemberton Michael Solis Robson Strange Michael Jacobs David Pemberton Tim Rands Adan Seymour Marsha Harbaugh Anne Holt Scott Mcgrath Elaine Aragon Ivy Books Lucy Nolan Karen Buckheit Bob Rands Lucy Zauala Cathy Mcdowell Kendall Kuykendall Dorothy Nadeau Tara Bays Amy Marsico Holly Shand Kathy Kohles Sheila Marvel Jan Beaman Bonnie Pachelli Connie Card Patricia Dawson Valerie Hills Peg Sharp Tamara Fisher Eldon Haines Merri Moody Deanna Stenson John Hiza Brigio Warnock Roser Falk Brad Hicks Nicole Karch Tom Wingquist Noah Brooks Ginnie Hansen Nancy Silla Marcia Cleverly Robert Stenson Judy Deweerd Londi Rossi-Peltz Channa Alles Kent Medger Jamie Walsh Kelly O'Brien Colleen Bishop Katie Tedger Diane Hohensee Angelique Velando Mary Foster Vicky Peterson Pam Adams Deming Jones Mary Parsi Tim Schenone Susan Deerman Kristi Difford Donald Kirson Carolyn Hebert Robert Raisch Charles White Bill Walsh Marcia Green Michelle Hohensee Desmond Yap Jill Jones Charles Gray Ellin Hayes Linda Taylor Scott Kieselbach Mark Sumner Thomas Peacock John Stevens Deborah Kilgore Molly Clarke Kristin Guarino Keith Goshian Carma Lovely Sharen Chie Christi Holeman Doris Degenova DIV ------F29 M20 F20 F53 F29 F15 F13 M46 F17 F29 F28 M7 F22 M11 M13 M27 M11 M40 M10 M9 F38 F35 M32 F39 F51 F28 F27 M42 F34 F40 F12 F42 F10 F10 F11 F34 F16 F24 F43 F43 F99 F19 F28 F30 M40 F36 F51 F44 F48 M47 M22 F18 M8 M8 F18 F41 F38 M39 F27 F28 F41 M40 M7 M13 F36 F9 F40 F13 F27 F40 F27 F29 F41 M23 F42 F37 M32 F23 M10 M31 M38 F42 F8 M12 F43 M47 F41 F40 M32 M32 M35 M32 F39 F10 F22 M26 F37 F45 F18 F30 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:16:55 1:16:56 1:16:57 1:16:57 1:16:58 1:16:58 1:16:58 1:16:58 1:16:58 1:16:59 1:17:00 1:17:00 1:17:00 1:17:01 1:17:01 1:17:01 1:17:02 1:17:02 1:17:04 1:17:04 1:17:04 1:17:05 1:17:05 1:17:05 1:17:06 1:17:06 1:17:07 1:17:07 1:17:08 1:17:08 1:17:08 1:17:08 1:17:08 1:17:08 1:17:08 1:17:08 1:17:08 1:17:09 1:17:09 1:17:09 1:17:09 1:17:10 1:17:10 1:17:10 1:17:10 1:17:11 1:17:11 1:17:12 1:17:13 1:17:13 1:17:13 1:17:15 1:17:15 1:17:16 1:17:16 1:17:16 1:17:17 1:17:17 1:17:17 1:17:17 1:17:17 1:17:18 1:17:18 1:17:18 1:17:18 1:17:18 1:17:18 1:17:18 1:17:19 1:17:19 1:17:20 1:17:20 1:17:20 1:17:20 1:17:21 1:17:21 1:17:21 1:17:22 1:17:22 1:17:22 1:17:23 1:17:26 1:17:26 1:17:27 1:17:27 1:17:28 1:17:28 1:17:28 1:17:29 1:17:29 1:17:29 1:17:29 1:17:30 1:17:30 1:17:30 1:17:31 1:17:31 1:17:32 1:17:32 1:17:32 174/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Mark Peterson Ray Schuller Mary Lynne Cameron Clem Wilson Susan Ahrenkiel Michael Small Jeannette Jacques Phoebe Poirot Dennis White Ed Barbera Daren Forrest Corey Mandel Galen Scheidenhelm Brooke White Roger Brockway Catherine Wightman Diane Gianakas Delane Kinshella Amanda North Mike North Dick Burrous Valerie Waldrop Jeff Kreiger Andrea Ringer Karen Stallings Kathy Cupp Betsy Noyes Dawn Gorey Trigg Noyes Kirsten Macfadyen Theresa Cantor Peggy Mcdonald Shirley A Davies Mathew Gorey James Clark Lynda Lissy Jeffrey Clark Madelyn Henetz Antonio Castro Whitney Martin Barbara Ray Patti Castro Taknya Crawford Betsy Rosenbaum Susan Mooney Peter Lehaman Marc Bursiek Cathy Olson Michael Sharratt Kathryn Crystal Amy Reed Kristi Denner Mary Mccallum Barb Ritchie Celeste Wood Ann Clarke Sharon Ramseyer Jeff Lehtiner Leeann Scherlong Gloria Cote Kay Darling Joel Gunstream Cameron Jordan Len Koch John Ross Matt Feasby Daniel Pietrowicz Jerry Gunstream Taylor Jordan Susan Sommer Jo Lukezic Karen Friedman Nancy Lacy Judy Napoli William Crist Gary Gibbens Linda Miller Frank Nessinger Ned Swaeby Elizabeth Gilkinson Rondi Overholser Jafar Tabaian John Berka Peggy Brackett Theresa Chaffee Sosie Cox Ellen Stark Sharon Blish Kate Radovich Linda Hoffman Sharon Miller John Tice Beverly Walton Julia Drose Sonja Frank Kristen Goodwin Courtney Quinn Jessica Brooks Darlene Dietzler Laura Penrod DIV ------M29 M48 F43 M55 F24 M31 F38 F11 M43 M34 M28 M10 M10 F17 M63 F20 F34 F40 F31 M58 M49 F20 M41 F24 F32 F28 F64 F22 M67 F17 F41 F46 F53 M33 M15 F38 M13 F47 M6 F23 F41 F36 F18 F12 F32 M14 M10 F35 MM F35 F23 F12 F47 F31 F19 F42 F33 M16 F24 F44 F58 M8 F8 M46 M30 M12 M31 M39 M10 F23 F48 F42 F43 F42 M43 M42 F41 M27 M51 F56 F30 M11 M37 F35 F40 F30 F43 F26 F38 F38 F40 M22 F29 F31 F22 F22 F12 F11 F48 F28 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:17:32 1:17:32 1:17:32 1:17:33 1:17:33 1:17:34 1:17:34 1:17:34 1:17:35 1:17:35 1:17:35 1:17:36 1:17:36 1:17:37 1:17:39 1:17:39 1:17:39 1:17:39 1:17:39 1:17:40 1:17:40 1:17:41 1:17:41 1:17:41 1:17:41 1:17:42 1:17:42 1:17:43 1:17:43 1:17:43 1:17:43 1:17:43 1:17:44 1:17:44 1:17:44 1:17:44 1:17:44 1:17:45 1:17:45 1:17:46 1:17:46 1:17:47 1:17:47 1:17:47 1:17:48 1:17:49 1:17:50 1:17:50 1:17:50 1:17:51 1:17:51 1:17:52 1:17:52 1:17:52 1:17:52 1:17:53 1:17:53 1:17:54 1:17:55 1:17:55 1:17:57 1:17:57 1:17:58 1:17:58 1:17:58 1:17:59 1:17:59 1:17:59 1:17:59 1:17:59 1:17:59 1:18:00 1:18:01 1:18:01 1:18:02 1:18:02 1:18:03 1:18:03 1:18:03 1:18:04 1:18:04 1:18:04 1:18:06 1:18:06 1:18:06 1:18:07 1:18:07 1:18:07 1:18:08 1:18:08 1:18:08 1:18:09 1:18:09 1:18:09 1:18:10 1:18:10 1:18:11 1:18:12 1:18:12 1:18:12 175/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Mark Jeske Patrick Quinn Rozzie Lewis Mathew Ogsburg Cindy Wanner Valerie Williams Kevin Maifeld Meg Valaer Brian Wick Julie Lepper Annette Maki Lisa Wheeler Marjorie Eddy Harry Hail Jim Habiger Art Price Stan Brooks Tammy Richardson Dave Griffith Whitten Stuckey Wick Stuckey Barbara Lamp Marie Rocha Ann-Marie Bandach Charry Stover Burmma Hardy Michele Hovey Sandy Krause Alexis Grant Laureen Seerveld Tonya Termaat Denny Coughlin Laura Quinn Anita Scott Rolf Funk Zita Weinshietik Ange Lin Jill Sackheim Matthew Davis Anthony Burch Gil Sackheim Max Carlson Debbie Barnicz Terri Williams Allison Aschermann Dan Davis Allen Dice Dana Ditlemoc Sue Hayes Dean Kleinkopf Lucy Warner Edward Griffin Gretchen Hanley Jeanne Mcevoy Kenneth Hance R. Blair Jensen Joe Johnston Ann Miller Karen Williams Dolores Bixler David Zybowski Melanie Solis Sophia Berrier Robert Love Mary Jane Clark Pat Shoffner Gloria Reyna Tiffanie Turner Anita Liscum Phillip Crouch Hugh Cunningham Sandra Lillie Hermalinda Ortiz Augusta Whitney Cee Dolenc Tara Griggsmiller Jeremiah Whitney Suzanne Losee Becky Culp Julie Pfannenstein Scott Dolenc Ardith Rietema Donald Warsavage Jill Beaudry Carolyn Capparelli Rory Wiedman John Mcnair Judy Pierce Jesse Thurman Sara Eates Yun Baird Diane Mangum Harold Thurman Laurie Bond Shannon Lee David Wilkinson Keller Choun-Mcinerney Eileen Mcinerney Charles Wilkinson Lisa Gilligan DIV ------M34 M35 F35 M12 F41 F36 M29 F32 M30 F30 F32 F30 F58 M40 M30 M46 M45 F13 M28 M11 M37 F39 F38 F18 F34 F39 F38 F42 F13 F11 F25 M14 F25 F42 M54 F56 F12 F10 M8 M40 M43 M39 F23 F30 F19 M39 M27 F23 F57 M63 F45 M60 F23 F41 M23 M50 M42 F19 F30 F55 M 17 F16 F45 M52 F54 F38 F36 F12 F29 M28 M41 F47 F47 F8 F40 F12 M48 F57 F29 F30 M41 F41 M54 F28 F29 M31 M66 F27 M8 F25 F25 F27 M32 F40 F18 M7 M8 F38 M47 F17 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:18:12 1:18:12 1:18:13 1:18:13 1:18:13 1:18:13 1:18:14 1:18:14 1:18:14 1:18:15 1:18:16 1:18:16 1:18:16 1:18:16 1:18:17 1:18:17 1:18:17 1:18:17 1:18:17 1:18:17 1:18:18 1:18:18 1:18:18 1:18:19 1:18:19 1:18:20 1:18:20 1:18:20 1:18:20 1:18:21 1:18:22 1:18:22 1:18:22 1:18:22 1:18:23 1:18:23 1:18:24 1:18:24 1:18:25 1:18:25 1:18:25 1:18:25 1:18:26 1:18:26 1:18:26 1:18:27 1:18:28 1:18:30 1:18:30 1:18:30 1:18:31 1:18:31 1:18:31 1:18:31 1:18:32 1:18:32 1:18:34 1:18:34 1:18:34 1:18:34 1:18:35 1:18:36 1:18:36 1:18:36 1:18:37 1:18:39 1:18:42 1:18:42 1:18:42 1:18:44 1:18:45 1:18:45 1:18:45 1:18:46 1:18:48 1:18:48 1:18:49 1:18:50 1:18:50 1:18:50 1:18:50 1:18:50 1:18:50 1:18:50 1:18:51 1:18:52 1:18:52 1:18:52 1:18:52 1:18:53 1:18:53 1:18:53 1:18:53 1:18:53 1:18:54 1:18:56 1:18:56 1:18:56 1:18:56 1:18:57 176/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Leslie O'Neill Cally Daker Jim Hamilton Kelly Taylor Lori Kepler Richard Marschner Thomas Marschner Andy Anderson Wendell Bond Beverly Potter Ben Hamilton Ginwie Vaughan Lindsay Kuykehndall Glenn Merrell Barbara Sederstrom Elizabeth Specht Jack Beringer Pah Stutheit Charles Folson Patrick Smith Danielle Carpenter Barbara Coloroso Elizabeth Schilling Barbara Kendall Lillian Bickel Janet Navarro Amber Hobert Nell Posey Betty Hoye Mike Kennedy Robin Reilley Julia Miller Keith Kurrus Laura Russette Paige Smith Jerry Pesman William Goodwin Carol Bailey Leigh Bessey James Schaffher Mark Harris David Sanders-Depue Sue Mciver Noel Myers Douglas Hurst Jim Ugarte Vicki Burns Senaida Haan Don Mandel Ken Love Karen Rose Mary Horton Mike Joyce Sara Lewis Phyllis Snyder Linda Helton Nicholas Olson Lorraine Cizzie Quinn Stevens Tamara Alles Gregory Molnar Jackie Kachel Gray Autrey Diane Winters Alicia J Zbehlik Ben Mandel Alfred Stephens Mary Fuller Georgann Gillpatrick Andrea Barbara April Okubo Mary Cumley Renne Freuthal Linda Keller Lee Bruhmett Kari Kelsey Mary Gomez Sherene Mabon Molnar Deborah Deats Virginia Holcombe Barbara Smith Paula Armstrong-Hill Julianne Labelle Anny Mc Dermott Larry Gibson Robbie Simonsen James Grasmick Martt Harris Matthew Mountjoy Melissa Frucci Laurie Rather Kenny Harris Melba Neel Steve Bassett Candy Hendrickson Grace Morlock Meredith Callahan Lisa Friedrich Mark Lavington Julie Stuenkel DIV ------F33 F8 M51 F15 F12 M6 M38 M26 M42 F37 M12 F50 F16 F36 F34 M60 F37 M37 M10 F19 F41 F27 F44 F49 F38 F11 F37 F43 M37 F33 F33 M28 F36 F15 M63 M53 F48 F33 F57 M10 M12 F54 F23 M7 M43 F41 M32 M42 M46 F29 F35 M32 F15 F55 F42 M9 F35 M9 F19 M37 F36 M47 F35 F24 M11 M38 F39 F40 F31 F28 F33 F32 F41 M41 F22 F39 F29 F28 F14 F41 F33 F34 F34 M49 M11 M44 F49 M12 F28 F15 M8 F51 M42 F35 F41 F38 F26 M11 F47 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:18:57 1:18:57 1:18:57 1:18:57 1:18:57 1:18:57 1:18:58 1:18:58 1:18:59 1:18:59 1:19:00 1:19:00 1:19:00 1:19:00 1:19:00 1:19:01 1:19:01 1:19:01 1:19:01 1:19:01 1:19:02 1:19:02 1:19:02 1:19:03 1:19:04 1:19:04 1:19:04 1:19:04 1:19:04 1:19:04 1:19:05 1:19:05 1:19:08 1:19:08 1:19:08 1:19:09 1:19:11 1:19:11 1:19:11 1:19:14 1:19:14 1:19:14 1:19:15 1:19:15 1:19:16 1:19:17 1:19:20 1:19:21 1:19:21 1:19:22 1:19:22 1:19:23 1:19:23 1:19:23 1:19:23 1:19:24 1:19:24 1:19:25 1:19:25 1:19:26 1:19:27 1:19:28 1:19:29 1:19:29 1:19:29 1:19:30 1:19:30 1:19:31 1:19:31 1:19:32 1:19:33 1:19:34 1:19:34 1:19:34 1:19:34 1:19:34 1:19:35 1:19:35 1:19:36 1:19:37 1:19:38 1:19:38 1:19:38 1:19:39 1:19:39 1:19:39 1:19:39 1:19:39 1:19:40 1:19:40 1:19:40 1:19:40 1:19:41 1:19:41 1:19:42 1:19:43 1:19:44 1:19:45 1:19:45 1:19:46 177/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Brendan Kelly Heike Walter Alan Wanderer Jesse Ketterman Graham Quandt Becky Raybin Staffy Adamson Lisah Brown Cheryl Bowers Susan Daley Pat Adamson Catherine Callahan Linda Armey Angela Simon Laurie Anderson Abby Lujan Steve Mountjoy Stephen Creal Randy Ketterman Ann Mygatt Steve Briggs Jo Kiesecker Paul Hocevar Scott Haskins Neelie Hocevar Chad Rawlings Douglas Reasoner Heidi Steinbach Laurin Clycke Virginia Calley Paula Blackburn M.N Frohling Susanna Winston Sean Merrell Dawn Smith Susan Massey Pat Rife Jeffrey Winston Barbara Homer Bobbi Barr Ted Limon Laurie Heath Gary Kuxhaus Tarra Enright Cindy Lyell Kathy Schneider-Siever Diane Merten Karen Priestley Eric Sievering Geoffrey Krieg Virginia Bihum Nicholas Osgood Barbara Rossner Jill Harding Raeann Cook Wendell Holt Aimee Miller Betty Cathers Kelly Symons Jo Ann Zender Ruth Licherman Angie Peterson Cynthia Scott Christine Shroba Barbara Hofmann Judith Luberda Carmel Rieger Gretchen Hofmann Nadine Finn Thomas Ray Peggy Kler Yvonne Duvall Karen Garyet Clarinda Himes Katie Mccarthy Nancy Mccarthy Barbara Pfeiffer Francie Bernier Billy Williams Joyce Bergmann Robert Finley Russ Jaenccke Kenneth Utzinger Carole Jaenecke Alfonso Tafoya Charles Tafoya Marilyn Chadwell Tom Whalen Cindy Distin Corinne Dohlman Charissa Fryberger Kristen Diede Judith Robertson Lizee Hoogheem Tim Hoogheem Cathie Standley Pat Allan Dewayne Neel Jackie Coburn Andy Muth DIV ------M13 F17 M53 M7 M8 F14 M8 F28 F34 F42 M45 F11 F42 F22 F29 F49 M39 M45 M35 F46 M42 F65 M42 M28 F14 M19 M8 F16 F19 F46 F20 F42 F12 M9 F19 F35 F48 M43 F28 F37 M48 F32 M42 F13 F25 F37 F16 F23 M11 M25 F38 M9 F30 F28 F28 M55 F39 F46 F25 F55 F31 F14 F40 F12 F49 F34 F25 F27 F31 M35 F38 F44 F34 F38 F13 F45 F48 F41 M11 F38 M52 M58 M39 F52 M40 M39 F39 M37 F40 F17 F27 F12 F49 F8 M35 F32 F52 M52 F25 M14 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:19:46 1:19:47 1:19:47 1:19:47 1:19:48 1:19:48 1:19:48 1:19:48 1:19:49 1:19:49 1:19:49 1:19:50 1:19:50 1:19:51 1:19:51 1:19:51 1:19:51 1:19:52 1:19:53 1:19:54 1:19:54 1:19:55 1:19:55 1:19:56 1:19:56 1:19:57 1:19:57 1:19:57 1:19:57 1:19:58 1:19:58 1:20:01 1:20:02 1:20:03 1:20:03 1:20:04 1:20:05 1:20:05 1:20:07 1:20:07 1:20:07 1:20:07 1:20:08 1:20:09 1:20:10 1:20:10 1:20:11 1:20:11 1:20:11 1:20:11 1:20:13 1:20:13 1:20:16 1:20:16 1:20:17 1:20:17 1:20:18 1:20:19 1:20:19 1:20:19 1:20:20 1:20:20 1:20:20 1:20:20 1:20:21 1:20:21 1:20:22 1:20:22 1:20:23 1:20:24 1:20:24 1:20:25 1:20:25 1:20:25 1:20:27 1:20:27 1:20:28 1:20:30 1:20:30 1:20:30 1:20:31 1:20:31 1:20:31 1:20:32 1:20:32 1:20:32 1:20:32 1:20:32 1:20:33 1:20:33 1:20:33 1:20:34 1:20:34 1:20:35 1:20:36 1:20:36 1:20:37 1:20:37 1:20:38 1:20:39 178/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Maria Lawlor Kathleen Philbrock Margo Sasse M Mary Coyle Jeanoine Eckles Sarah Coyle Stein Jamie Merritt Kevin Minner Brenda Quesenberry Jeffrey Wegert Dustin Quandt Athena Clevenger Cynthia Phillips Goldie Calkins Dan Smiley Tammie Mort Katherine Landauer Lea Campbell Michael Hardman Jody Basinger Kathy Wills Dick Basinger Charles Neal Julie Devries Willa Hamlin Chris Devries Rob Johnson Lana Young George Bayless Brenda Old James Hickman Colin Bunnell Bobbi Kostelecky William Blodgett Annette Meserve Dolores Garza Wendy Ranson Mark Hibl Jennifer Garza Lorien Nettleton Heather Mallory Bud Merrick Willy Goodwin Brad Crisp Elizabeth Kalli Jane Gilchrist Brady Siegrist Judy Gonzales Stacey Reed Robert Hardy Rosy Rubio Ann-Stmbt Keating Jodi Mundt Rhonda Lambert Billie Smith Judith Bovard Dorothy Neale Barbara Obrien Rachel Horstman Linda Selkirk Troy Bovard Charles Robinson Beth Rosenbaum Chris Barry Catherine Mcminn Rosemary Mclennan Susan Berge Marie Doyle Eric Skousted Marlene Skousted Sonia Prakash Ella Hirman Deth Radetsky Alberta Sena Theresa Fedak Greg Ewton Darlyne Dickinson Frank Carannante Dinah Fruth Jennifer Painter Pauline Denning Suzanne Gilbert Korrie Burrell Emily Kamla Cindy Jean Peter Klayman Chris Edwards Brian Burrell Amelia Ebaugh Suzanne Gammon Leslie Gerard Niel Hopkins Mary Fuentes Cari Brown Cindy Fudge Linda Gibson Tammy Cooley Crystel Chavez Carla Mcfarlan Toby Rottman DIV ------F35 F34 F46 F37 F35 F11 M13 M12 F44 M10 M6 F12 F27 F65 M49 F27 F20 F60 F33 F47 F18 M46 M32 F7 F39 F36 M17 F43 M57 F27 M50 F29 F25 M49 F24 F35 F35 M29 F11 M9 F25 M35 M14 M15 F22 F29 M14 F50 F30 M40 F29 F30 F11 F35 F42 F40 F48 F38 F19 F36 M14 M47 F13 F19 F38 F49 F35 F38 M9 F40 F18 F49 F40 F19 F31 M34 F99 M36 F38 F29 F39 F24 F13 F11 F32 M65 M8 M34 F28 F41 F33 M12 F37 F36 F35 F19 F19 F12 F18 M8 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:20:39 1:20:39 1:20:39 1:20:40 1:20:41 1:20:41 1:20:41 1:20:41 1:20:41 1:20:42 1:20:42 1:20:43 1:20:43 1:20:44 1:20:45 1:20:48 1:20:49 1:20:49 1:20:49 1:20:50 1:20:51 1:20:51 1:20:52 1:20:52 1:20:52 1:20:53 1:20:54 1:20:55 1:20:56 1:20:57 1:20:58 1:20:58 1:20:59 1:20:59 1:20:59 1:20:59 1:20:59 1:20:59 1:21:00 1:21:00 1:21:00 1:21:00 1:21:01 1:21:01 1:21:01 1:21:01 1:21:01 1:21:01 1:21:02 1:21:04 1:21:05 1:21:05 1:21:06 1:21:07 1:21:07 1:21:08 1:21:08 1:21:09 1:21:10 1:21:10 1:21:10 1:21:11 1:21:11 1:21:11 1:21:12 1:21:13 1:21:14 1:21:14 1:21:15 1:21:15 1:21:15 1:21:16 1:21:16 1:21:16 1:21:16 1:21:17 1:21:17 1:21:18 1:21:18 1:21:18 1:21:19 1:21:20 1:21:20 1:21:22 1:21:23 1:21:24 1:21:24 1:21:25 1:21:25 1:21:25 1:21:27 1:21:27 1:21:29 1:21:29 1:21:30 1:21:31 1:21:32 1:21:33 1:21:33 1:21:33 179/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Doris Runice Teresa Canno Laura Rottman Lynell Reed Cindy Kamigari Diane Rottman Scott Mcmillan Kathryn Rowley Thomas O'Keefe Lauren Bingham Barbara Dale David Stanford Dwight Cook Patricia Marian Dexter Miller Anita Montoya Joe Baumgardner Warren Bocim Debbie Seward Greg Chance Brian Mc Gee Gilles Carjuzaa Matt Ourlser Michael Rais Laura Dickinson Margaret Thorade Paulette Phillips Heather White Adam Lapointe Bill Lapointe Luellen Shewmaker Katie Furay Janet Swisher Cindy Gallegos Mary Ann Urbaniak Karen Kamla Neil Utz Kristine Neese Daniel Slate Joe Tennessen Barbara Banta Robert Fresques Alexandra Reich Cathie Schow Robert Anderson Kristin Angone Steve Muniz Darrell Frank John Wilson Patrick Flaherty Jane Garrett Young Marcus Fresques Marty Evans paula Dvorak Charles Bush Paula Emery Berti Ewertz Cortney Fisher Karen O Johnson Valerie Fisher Joan Fries Rachel Oerter Ed Stayer Roberta Williams Morio Matsuda Rachel Schloss Meredith Watson Rachel Kyser Shelly Luchetti Michael Barbour LIsa Esquibel Wita Gale Gregory Calhoun Pamela Novotny Koben Calhoun Laurence Neyraud Jennifer White Emma Smadeck Gene Wahler Katie Ann Brack Kathy Brack Stephanie Kresge Margaret Thomas Warren Smadeck Eric Sims Sue Wahler Ellen Judish Mary Rea Jill Klosterman Ted Millice Lynn Post Melinda Holtz George Liddy Lloyd Baker Rebecca Reed Melissa Katzer Tiffanie Pastore Rebekah Peterson Dreena Quint Tim Burgett DIV ------F26 F30 F10 F36 F29 F36 M26 F27 M53 F12 F49 M31 M38 F49 M40 F33 M10 M47 F30 M28 M47 M33 M32 M23 F42 F45 F40 F11 M8 M38 F34 F13 F44 F42 F35 F42 M45 F39 M36 M56 F40 M20 F14 F36 M46 F23 M39 M40 M21 M28 F26 M7 F38 F22 M60 F31 F36 F9 F46 F36 F41 F10 M32 F34 M36 F10 F10 F11 F19 M20 F39 F37 M37 F41 M8 F17 F20 F7 M41 F7 F46 F17 F60 M43 M53 F34 F30 F13 F22 M46 F44 F10 M39 M62 F21 F13 F13 F15 F38 M26 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:21:34 1:21:34 1:21:34 1:21:35 1:21:35 1:21:35 1:21:35 1:21:35 1:21:35 1:21:36 1:21:36 1:21:36 1:21:37 1:21:37 1:21:37 1:21:38 1:21:38 1:21:39 1:21:39 1:21:39 1:21:39 1:21:40 1:21:41 1:21:41 1:21:42 1:21:44 1:21:44 1:21:45 1:21:46 1:21:47 1:21:47 1:21:47 1:21:47 1:21:48 1:21:48 1:21:48 1:21:48 1:21:48 1:21:48 1:21:49 1:21:49 1:21:50 1:21:50 1:21:51 1:21:52 1:21:52 1:21:52 1:21:53 1:21:54 1:21:54 1:21:54 1:21:54 1:21:57 1:21:57 1:21:58 1:21:58 1:21:58 1:21:59 1:21:59 1:21:59 1:21:59 1:22:00 1:22:01 1:22:01 1:22:01 1:22:01 1:22:02 1:22:02 1:22:03 1:22:03 1:22:03 1:22:04 1:22:05 1:22:05 1:22:06 1:22:06 1:22:06 1:22:07 1:22:07 1:22:07 1:22:08 1:22:08 1:22:08 1:22:11 1:22:12 1:22:12 1:22:14 1:22:14 1:22:15 1:22:15 1:22:15 1:22:16 1:22:17 1:22:18 1:22:18 1:22:19 1:22:19 1:22:20 1:22:20 1:22:20 180/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Tummie Manerbino Michal Erin Scruggs Steven Stacy Melissa Suter Julie Altermatt Kimberly Grasmick Collette Hopkins Mari Gifford Jake Cooper Diane Rabson Fred Cooper Carol Linsley Dennis Scruggs Harry Postlethwait Andrea De Santo Ldis Liebherr Joe Liebherr Annie Torres Doug O'Brien Terry Ritter Shana Johnson Mehdi Ghaemi Chris Miller James Dimmick Zachary Gill Jared Cropley Gabriel Glinsky Molly Dimmick Jennifer Kraemer Juel Ripmaster Michael Shankman Sally Shankman Lisa Brown Nancy Sanders Sheri Suarez Trevor Oakes Susan Arkeketa Coleen Humphrey Elizabeth Poe M. Susan Brower Ryan Oakes Decima Tetrick Louise Bashaw Tim Knudston Jack Mcdonnell Ron Snow Jill Freel Daniel Horan Lulas Friedman Mark Culman Bequi Barela Dallis Kelbel Jean Markel Emma Romero Kate Fowler Jennifer Garcia Robin Sutherland Steve Fowler Michelle Garcia Gregory Cairns Donna Martin Suzanne Miller Kathy Dow Ronald Miller Marilyn Morgan Heather Schimke Adam Groom Jeff Groom Noelle Reid Mark Canto Sheryl Laird Craig Thormann William Groom Bruce Pinkard Patrick Haugse Anna Rahe Jerry Raisch Karen Giebler M J Dyer Michael Biand Margaret Broughtan Christine Band Denise Schimke Ashley Forey Ahaley Spier Thomas Lambert Deneyse Maestas Gayle Munson Tina Roberts Karessa Cain Rachel Ray Suzanne Wolf Sara Keane Charlene Lawrence Carla Coldwell Sally Butler Katie Lehaman Ann Quesinberry Leah Rahe Jake Dewell DIV ------F16 F12 M34 F12 F31 F20 F41 F19 M10 F41 M40 F46 M38 M48 F16 F32 M32 F22 M21 F24 F32 M27 F25 M44 M8 M11 M10 F11 F19 M43 M9 F46 F27 F43 F26 M7 F34 F40 F39 F40 M7 F16 F35 M11 M44 M37 F25 M29 M10 M27 F39 F25 F59 F32 F9 F11 F46 M38 F37 M36 F46 F8 F31 M37 F42 F17 M5 M7 F19 M43 F43 M40 M32 M31 M35 F11 M47 F48 F39 M8 F47 F27 F19 F11 F11 M40 F30 F35 F28 F11 F9 F23 F11 F50 F24 F36 F12 F44 F13 M53 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:22:21 1:22:21 1:22:23 1:22:23 1:22:23 1:22:24 1:22:24 1:22:25 1:22:26 1:22:26 1:22:27 1:22:27 1:22:27 1:22:28 1:22:29 1:22:29 1:22:30 1:22:30 1:22:30 1:22:30 1:22:30 1:22:31 1:22:31 1:22:32 1:22:32 1:22:33 1:22:34 1:22:36 1:22:36 1:22:36 1:22:37 1:22:38 1:22:39 1:22:39 1:22:40 1:22:41 1:22:41 1:22:41 1:22:42 1:22:42 1:22:42 1:22:43 1:22:43 1:22:43 1:22:43 1:22:44 1:22:45 1:22:47 1:22:47 1:22:48 1:22:50 1:22:51 1:22:51 1:22:51 1:22:52 1:22:52 1:22:52 1:22:53 1:22:53 1:22:53 1:22:54 1:22:54 1:22:54 1:22:55 1:22:55 1:22:56 1:22:59 1:23:00 1:23:00 1:23:00 1:23:01 1:23:01 1:23:01 1:23:02 1:23:03 1:23:03 1:23:03 1:23:03 1:23:04 1:23:04 1:23:04 1:23:04 1:23:05 1:23:05 1:23:05 1:23:05 1:23:05 1:23:06 1:23:06 1:23:07 1:23:07 1:23:07 1:23:07 1:23:07 1:23:08 1:23:08 1:23:09 1:23:09 1:23:09 1:23:11 181/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Michael Hay Brian Hatch Chris Thormann William Wager Lynne Hayden-ugarte Emily Rahe Karli Cain Jennifer Groninger Anna Penry Backy Cisneros Diane Law Charles Rahe Cindy Birgen Brittany Wright Kelly Lynette Plack Rose Dykes Ellie Caulkins Forest Peneton Kay Rubel Gina Dykes Nancy Theodorson Debra Plack Perry Fletcher Rachel Cordova Erin Moore Jerrod Stephan Brandyn Wollrab Neil Fitzgerald Greg Hale Randall Nishiyama Chuck Lehman Cathy Croissant Michaelle Lewis Elle Vermeire Tom Hoby Ron Carlson Reid Demanche Albert Vermeire Shaun Shanahan Cecile Evans Gloria Knudston Diana Turner Anne Marchand Phyllis Swartz Frank Bona Shea Brown David Dykes Donna Smerchek Cynthia Thekan Kendra Doepken Andrea Wiegand Eric Hunnes Michael Cameron Ann Howard Bob Hunnes Fran Lowry Christy Congdon Chris Maurer Tracey Leggate Maren Hollister Melina Powers Julie Lanphear Sue Wedel Donald Brown Cameron Powers Kate Garland Thai Her David Kantorowitz Holly Cassidy Vicki Osgood Carol Wampler Jessica White Pam Russell Colleen Shade Steve Strauss Susan Witherell Kim Cole Marti Sullivan Andy Clark Stacey Ballou Gall Regina Andy Ballou Koug Xee Xiong Kathy Falkenberg Bill Struck Katie Glowacki Dan Ryan Laura Scott Margaret Hoover Joyce Fogle Verda Mead Jill Conklin Robert Conklin Rodolfo Perez Fran Anderson Heather Karulf Cheriatie Buck Melissa Dozier Martin Huisjen Penny Ray DIV ------M11 M15 M10 M57 F30 F9 F10 F18 F18 F35 F15 M45 F33 F18 F8 F7 F52 M56 F48 F29 M26 F33 M30 F16 F17 M8 F15 M9 M9 M35 M53 F24 F28 F62 M33 M21 M10 M69 M10 F28 F43 F35 F60 F47 M43 F13 M46 F38 F40 F13 F8 M10 M48 F52 M42 F47 F21 M39 F11 F13 F8 F28 F62 M45 M45 F25 M16 M39 F39 F43 F31 F14 F38 F34 M36 F42 F26 F30 M11 F24 F26 M48 M10 F26 M46 F32 M31 F29 F36 F41 F32 F46 M48 M28 F56 F19 M20 F8 M70 F35 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:23:12 1:23:12 1:23:13 1:23:13 1:23:15 1:23:15 1:23:15 1:23:17 1:23:18 1:23:18 1:23:19 1:23:19 1:23:19 1:23:20 1:23:22 1:23:22 1:23:23 1:23:23 1:23:23 1:23:24 1:23:24 1:23:25 1:23:25 1:23:26 1:23:27 1:23:27 1:23:27 1:23:27 1:23:28 1:23:28 1:23:28 1:23:28 1:23:28 1:23:29 1:23:30 1:23:30 1:23:30 1:23:31 1:23:33 1:23:33 1:23:34 1:23:36 1:23:37 1:23:38 1:23:39 1:23:39 1:23:40 1:23:40 1:23:41 1:23:41 1:23:41 1:23:41 1:23:42 1:23:42 1:23:42 1:23:43 1:23:44 1:23:44 1:23:45 1:23:45 1:23:45 1:23:45 1:23:45 1:23:46 1:23:46 1:23:46 1:23:46 1:23:46 1:23:49 1:23:51 1:23:52 1:23:53 1:23:53 1:23:53 1:23:54 1:23:54 1:23:56 1:23:56 1:23:56 1:23:57 1:23:57 1:23:57 1:23:57 1:23:58 1:24:00 1:24:01 1:24:05 1:24:05 1:24:05 1:24:06 1:24:08 1:24:09 1:24:10 1:24:10 1:24:11 1:24:12 1:24:12 1:24:12 1:24:13 1:24:13 182/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Sandy Buckner Miguel Sosa Christine Mcadams Pat Helm Paisley Johnson Michele Rueckert Anita Oswald Carol Callaghan Allison Morse Dan Brown Sunny Beck Jason Palmer Becky Palmer Wallace Tufford Suzanne Etschmaier Andy Hasselbring Seferino Lucero Donna Dernbach Michelle Ramirez Sherry O'Conner Lance Fitzgerald Carol Dozier Ralph Oswald Bernadette Reynolds Charlotte Carlson Sarah Schmidt Jodi Schmidt Kate Price Michael Conn Donna Pierson Jude Zoeckler Todd Anberg Chandler Sibley Diane Danvers Lonnie Sibley John Spoden Kathrine Clark Kirsten Bailey Bernadette Martinez Nora Funk Emily Woodruff Carolyn Lutes Kira Saboe Noah Johnston Erin Saboe Debra Crabtree Alan Jensen Julie Martinez Ira Redner Brandon Roding Daniel Covey Nancy Mcclure Jeffrey Bellows Michael Covey Judith Missey David Amundson Loois Amundson Mark Hanson Eric Morrison Janice Desmarais Kari Parrott Peggy Morrison James Barnes Terry Parrott Don Steele Susan Tobiska Patricia Rafferty Karen Harris William Belich Jennefer Ricketts Nadine Hayes Joe Brack Jon Brack Sarah Nager Roberta Patton Ken Newman Mark Lacy Nancy Antos Judy Brucks Julie Johnson Kyla Berry Kim Cooper Heb 4:9 Cook Ajax Agnes Stupp Robert Stupp Catherine Murphy Karen Haig Patricia Mareno Zachary Witt John Yeager Dianna Povilus Kim Larabee Darcy Mordhorst Heather Reese Nancy Bruce Andrew Horton Wendy Rochman Ruth Shellnut Richard Gall Clara Ortiz DIV ------F48 M9 F42 F38 F12 F31 F40 F45 F11 M39 F43 M7 F40 M66 F7 M10 M27 F21 F35 F29 M8 F43 M41 F45 F45 F42 F10 F40 F35 F34 M13 M29 F10 F28 M39 F32 F11 F19 F26 F57 F11 F29 F24 M7 F20 F35 M50 F18 M45 M11 M8 F35 M47 M40 F42 M42 M6 M23 M18 F38 F16 F43 M56 M21 M35 F46 F45 F12 M25 F18 F50 M43 M11 F10 F39 M50 M31 F39 F30 F10 F13 F18 M38 F61 M65 F24 F33 F40 M10 M12 F37 F22 F27 F13 F27 M8 F37 F34 F39 F46 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:24:14 1:24:15 1:24:16 1:24:16 1:24:17 1:24:17 1:24:18 1:24:19 1:24:19 1:24:20 1:24:20 1:24:21 1:24:22 1:24:22 1:24:22 1:24:23 1:24:23 1:24:24 1:24:24 1:24:25 1:24:25 1:24:27 1:24:27 1:24:27 1:24:28 1:24:30 1:24:31 1:24:31 1:24:33 1:24:34 1:24:35 1:24:37 1:24:37 1:24:38 1:24:38 1:24:38 1:24:38 1:24:39 1:24:40 1:24:40 1:24:40 1:24:40 1:24:42 1:24:43 1:24:43 1:24:43 1:24:44 1:24:44 1:24:45 1:24:46 1:24:46 1:24:46 1:24:48 1:24:48 1:24:49 1:24:50 1:24:50 1:24:52 1:24:52 1:24:52 1:24:52 1:24:53 1:24:54 1:24:54 1:24:55 1:24:55 1:24:55 1:24:56 1:24:56 1:24:57 1:24:58 1:24:59 1:24:59 1:24:59 1:25:00 1:25:01 1:25:02 1:25:02 1:25:02 1:25:02 1:25:03 1:25:04 1:25:05 1:25:05 1:25:06 1:25:06 1:25:07 1:25:07 1:25:08 1:25:08 1:25:08 1:25:09 1:25:10 1:25:10 1:25:12 1:25:13 1:25:14 1:25:15 1:25:15 1:25:15 183/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Deborah Vallez Julie Jensen Troy Jensen Aleshia Pretto Aila Rendon Andy Shellnut James Guyer Edward Hones Mara Vanderslice Susan Sobol Amanda Hagin Pamela Rose Gary Scanavino Jared Pedersen Brian Ballenger Barry Bloom Carol Belcas Deborah Connelly Dan Lennon Thomas Lennon Mary Harris Maribeth Ray William Deese Valerey Wegert Margaret Mccarthy Lark Coffey Nancee Martin-Caffey Claire Lee Ruth Herre Bret Jensen Don Wall Cynthia Webster James Davidson Kimberly Henderson Susan Osborne Melinda Tharp Susan Grasmick Jason Kranker Diane Whigham Judy Knowles Laurie Margolin Lee Tadley-Mackie Rebera Carter Tim Francis Lena Gordon Jerry Thirstrup Judith Helen Dykes Austin Parimanath Carol Wiggins Brian Best Lynnda Best Lynn Callaway Jacalyn Johnson Steele Bennett Karen Watson Emma Gordon Carol Johnson Sybil Christine John Aycrigg Maryann Linn Jeri Atkins Lauren Bundy Arthur Leyba Sharon Bundy Candis Kamas Audrey Marciano Barbara Whitehead Nancy Anders Kerri Kelly Linda Garcia James Marciano Kay Bingham Lori Williams Diane Iwersen Fabionne Pera Pavlette Teirney Paul Diehl Marianne Kranker Jenny Gronning Marge Szoke Tommy Hromada Jolia Diehl Paul Katsampes Aisha Anders Fred Wanggard Kent Newman Sharon Hill Bonnie Idan Martin Mulhern Mark Nash Dane Wanggard Joe Vollmer Harry Klenda Rewen White Paul Diehl Tom Kerr Trevor Klenda Lizzy Balis Jan Elsing Amber Lucero DIV ------F30 F20 M23 F13 F30 M34 M34 M67 F13 F23 F31 F26 M43 M8 M8 M47 F47 F25 M10 M42 F39 F41 M45 F37 F11 F10 F37 F45 F41 M18 M53 F39 M8 F11 F45 F41 F39 M8 F40 F39 F46 F52 F11 M25 F42 M45 F22 M29 F35 M8 F37 F41 F37 M36 F45 F10 F42 F51 M62 F59 F26 F10 M27 F39 F12 F29 F40 F34 F27 F39 M36 F43 F32 F40 F23 F38 M8 F27 F12 F35 M14 F11 M53 F10 M46 M9 F40 F34 M43 M31 M10 M37 M34 F9 M36 M12 M8 F12 F43 F10 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:25:15 1:25:17 1:25:17 1:25:18 1:25:18 1:25:19 1:25:20 1:25:23 1:25:23 1:25:24 1:25:25 1:25:27 1:25:27 1:25:28 1:25:28 1:25:28 1:25:29 1:25:29 1:25:31 1:25:31 1:25:31 1:25:32 1:25:32 1:25:33 1:25:34 1:25:35 1:25:35 1:25:36 1:25:36 1:25:36 1:25:37 1:25:37 1:25:39 1:25:39 1:25:39 1:25:39 1:25:41 1:25:42 1:25:43 1:25:44 1:25:44 1:25:44 1:25:47 1:25:47 1:25:47 1:25:47 1:25:50 1:25:50 1:25:50 1:25:51 1:25:52 1:25:55 1:25:57 1:26:01 1:26:01 1:26:02 1:26:02 1:26:02 1:26:03 1:26:03 1:26:04 1:26:04 1:26:04 1:26:05 1:26:05 1:26:06 1:26:06 1:26:06 1:26:06 1:26:07 1:26:07 1:26:07 1:26:07 1:26:08 1:26:08 1:26:08 1:26:09 1:26:09 1:26:09 1:26:09 1:26:09 1:26:09 1:26:10 1:26:11 1:26:11 1:26:12 1:26:12 1:26:12 1:26:13 1:26:13 1:26:14 1:26:15 1:26:16 1:26:16 1:26:16 1:26:16 1:26:17 1:26:19 1:26:19 1:26:19 184/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Barion Balis Jason Green Gerry Rohde Emily Walker Charmaine Nicolau Mary Ballenger Gerri R Jackson Joanne Pedersen Rolf Hertenstein Cody Lillstrom Rohanna Berrier Stephanie Campbell Clara Haugaard Robin Crites Tatum Mattox Suzette Newman Jackie Snyder Stephanie Flynn Julie Louis Katie Henry Margi Morse Donna Leabhard Sandy Smith Thad Wong Michael Miller Larry Nelson Carrie Lian Deb Haefner Kimberley Ginsburg Judy Smiley Jessica Dick Donald Lees Jim Dick Cate Donald John Gronning Polly Donald Kae Harris Valekie Robson Sheri Pease Courtney Hopkins Sheri Gerdes Barbara Collins David Goddard Marcy Lockhart Ginny Hackney Debbie Haines Cheryl Micheli Sherri Nugget Sutter Monique Guiory Roseann Lees Carol Ann Wilson Susan Squire Andrea Davidson Lisa Norris Ellen Davidson Ken Turnipseed Cynthia Lund Colette Summer Reyna Martinez Jesse Furay Emily Hamilton Ruth Bittinger Josh Landers Pat Meyer Dave Radovich Michael Landers Mindy Makuta Lorraine Mateer Roger Micheli Anna Martin Ina Glandt Lawrence Mata Linda Moore Sharon Gill Rickey Ward Ashley Brubaker Kelly Kleinberg Robert Karp Susan Karp Joe Kleinberg Andy Jespersen Mary Catherine Mareno Noel Mareno Ryan Ingram Paul Parnitsopoun Sandy Brubaker Jose Sanchez Maria Carroll Deborah Devore Bill Brubaker Liddy Foss Susan Korzeniowski Zachary Collins Rechael Mervin Bill Cayer Valentine Roche Gerri Lynch Steven Loux Lee Adams Toni Howell-Loux DIV ------M43 M11 F38 F38 F26 F36 F38 F37 M32 M9 F16 F40 F53 F37 F12 F45 F15 F15 F10 F10 F42 F44 F31 M10 M48 M58 F10 F32 F38 F44 F12 M48 M42 F8 M14 F38 F43 F32 F22 F14 F45 F41 M33 F50 F46 F24 F40 F14 F25 F46 F52 F29 F9 F32 F41 M41 F33 F31 F10 F9 F9 F36 M10 F52 M40 M40 F33 F46 M39 F31 F49 M39 F39 F37 M11 F8 F40 M29 F26 M9 M21 F7 M40 M12 M36 F41 M68 F32 F37 M42 F18 F39 M15 F21 M45 F37 F29 M46 M26 F42 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:26:20 1:26:21 1:26:24 1:26:24 1:26:24 1:26:25 1:26:26 1:26:26 1:26:26 1:26:27 1:26:27 1:26:28 1:26:28 1:26:29 1:26:29 1:26:29 1:26:29 1:26:30 1:26:30 1:26:30 1:26:30 1:26:30 1:26:30 1:26:30 1:26:31 1:26:31 1:26:32 1:26:32 1:26:34 1:26:36 1:26:37 1:26:37 1:26:37 1:26:37 1:26:37 1:26:38 1:26:39 1:26:39 1:26:40 1:26:41 1:26:41 1:26:42 1:26:42 1:26:42 1:26:43 1:26:43 1:26:43 1:26:43 1:26:44 1:26:44 1:26:47 1:26:49 1:26:50 1:26:50 1:26:51 1:26:51 1:26:52 1:26:52 1:26:54 1:26:55 1:26:58 1:26:59 1:27:00 1:27:00 1:27:01 1:27:02 1:27:03 1:27:04 1:27:07 1:27:09 1:27:10 1:27:10 1:27:10 1:27:10 1:27:10 1:27:11 1:27:11 1:27:11 1:27:11 1:27:11 1:27:12 1:27:12 1:27:13 1:27:14 1:27:14 1:27:14 1:27:14 1:27:14 1:27:15 1:27:16 1:27:17 1:27:17 1:27:19 1:27:20 1:27:21 1:27:21 1:27:22 1:27:24 1:27:24 1:27:24 185/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Marla Lamb Rachel Graff Lisa Kramer Jeanie Kramer Jody Foog Diana Crabtree Janet Jacobs Tonya Williams Stan Eastin Ella Vaughn Robert Moreno Amanda Moreno Jay Ellis Shirley Reed Margareth Lablanc Robin Peterson Bradd Bieshaar Rene Fatherree Gail Meadows Sam Trujillo Paula Bieshaar John Cooley Jeanne Oliver Priscilla Rice Maryann Bursiek Tim Conrad Debby Sporio Jean Wingquist Suzanne Martinez Christopher Benesch Marissa Perry Neil Littmann Sarah Littmann Jane Arthurs Gail Garnier Diane Monteith Shirley Sartur Josie Beck Norma Trevino Robert Helm Becky Noecker Laura Davis Jeremy Beer Arturd Sous Jassica Ingersoll-Cope Mercedes Gonzalez-Alle Alison Ingersoll-Cope Maggie Arthur Jessica Wager Anitta Frant Nancy Bloch Barbara Massey Betty Schober Lucio Florez Carey Konrad Ann Reitz Desiree Nichols Spencer Turner Dave Coder Gary Jacobs Kenya Antonich Lisa Pool Stephen Skinner John Oneill Laura Fedak Janet Barnberg Karen Markel Rachel Grauberger Samantha Grauberger Sheryl Rohden Nolan Fulton Brian Stevens Andrea Marcus Merrie Vaclavik Catherine Huis jen Terri Dittmer Nancy Stout Lawrence Corney Bob Garrity Pam Nelson Michelle Conrardy Ginny Hurst Larry Flood Jolynn Rydzeski Justin Marcellos Suzanne Enman Summer Rosenoff Miriam Sparkman John Lanterman Madelyn Kimball Jane Acquaotta Richard Mizrahi Carrie Garron Joyce Mizrahi Mary Hill Jack Igoe Susan Soklin Janine Kirzek Jesse Soklin John Igoe DIV ------F30 F15 F9 F36 F27 F33 F41 F18 M34 F60 M45 F10 M23 F47 F45 F37 M11 M35 F30 M31 F24 M70 F37 F47 F45 M36 F34 F40 F34 M12 F7 M18 F12 F27 F40 F34 F25 F49 F38 M53 F37 F32 M11 M35 F12 F27 F36 F40 F11 F42 F25 F25 F48 M43 F18 F25 F8 M43 M30 M42 F28 F13 M11 M65 F10 F48 F31 F45 F9 F24 M35 M9 F11 F29 F65 F31 F35 M42 M10 F33 F21 F60 M34 F32 M8 F38 F18 F9 M34 F28 F35 M50 F16 F45 F40 M41 F39 F50 M14 M13 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:27:26 1:27:26 1:27:27 1:27:28 1:27:29 1:27:30 1:27:30 1:27:31 1:27:32 1:27:33 1:27:34 1:27:34 1:27:35 1:27:37 1:27:41 1:27:41 1:27:41 1:27:43 1:27:44 1:27:44 1:27:44 1:27:46 1:27:47 1:27:47 1:27:54 1:27:56 1:27:58 1:27:58 1:27:59 1:27:59 1:28:00 1:28:00 1:28:00 1:28:05 1:28:05 1:28:05 1:28:06 1:28:07 1:28:07 1:28:07 1:28:07 1:28:09 1:28:09 1:28:10 1:28:11 1:28:11 1:28:11 1:28:13 1:28:15 1:28:16 1:28:17 1:28:17 1:28:18 1:28:18 1:28:19 1:28:20 1:28:22 1:28:23 1:28:25 1:28:25 1:28:26 1:28:31 1:28:31 1:28:32 1:28:33 1:28:36 1:28:36 1:28:37 1:28:37 1:28:37 1:28:38 1:28:38 1:28:39 1:28:39 1:28:39 1:28:40 1:28:43 1:28:43 1:28:45 1:28:45 1:28:47 1:28:47 1:28:48 1:28:50 1:28:51 1:28:52 1:28:53 1:28:54 1:28:56 1:28:57 1:28:57 1:28:58 1:29:02 1:29:03 1:29:04 1:29:06 1:29:07 1:29:08 1:29:08 1:29:08 186/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Greg Johnson April Watts Kaen Kellog Tamar Rosenberg Elizabeth Mcclow Laura Mcclow John Watts Amanda Droutt Lee Fisher Joel Mize Shirley Planche Ann Marie Ladd Norreen Shlatmann Doreen Berger Elizabeth S Graves Beverly Rector Xela Ellis-Rechenmache Rebecca Rippetoe Cathy Strong Courtney Strong Aimee Atchison Annie Everson Liz Himeston Deana Mordhorst Janice Benesch Bridget Young Robert E Young James Himeston Sunny Graves Ahren Wilson Linda Crane James Longtain Ricky Giatrotis John Lamb Leah Lamb Katie Macreynolds Melissa Macreynolds Karen Shay Barbara Cheuvront Carrie Lewis Jennifer Jacobsen Linda Jacobsen Kathleen Lewis Kathy Longsdale Judy Meurer Keith Williamson Karen Stevison Leah Stangel Kathleen Stangel Robert Schultz Sandra Larimore Otto Verdoner Ann Kingswood Patricia Bliss Kate Hickman Caryl Carney Pam Connolly Lynn Ryles Vivian Diaz Karla Flory Patricia Burns Erica Diaz Elaine Blackwell Mary Griffin Stacey Schilousky Ellen Mitchell Cindy Blackwell Asher Cox Susan Orcutt Denece Deis Satya Patterson Erica Weiszmann Cheryl Christensen Anneliese Mize Harvey Berkey Marsha Hall Jan Konrad Paul Martin Christopher Steiner Margaret Miller Beat Steiner Nicolle Ware Ann Harris Buddy Rischel Ryan Stone Pam Krueger Robbie Schultz Richard Streeter Brenda Mcrae Larry Major Rose Giacinti Gary Hazelhurst Julie Knighton Sylvia Crocker Jodi Graves Michelle Graves Jan Bauer Pat Bray Joanne Vivian Jan Grantham DIV ------M23 F10 F35 F11 F10 F43 M41 F10 F34 M46 F55 F37 F31 F58 F39 F41 F10 F10 F34 F8 F20 F35 F30 F20 F35 F37 M40 M33 F13 M10 F41 M26 M99 M36 F8 F38 F35 F49 F35 F9 F10 F36 F48 F38 F38 M54 F48 F6 F39 M39 F21 M50 F54 F37 F9 F47 F33 F33 F35 F22 F40 F9 F42 F37 F20 F33 F15 M10 F32 F13 F38 F13 F35 F49 M75 F49 F45 M9 M8 F36 M38 F14 F41 M14 M12 F14 M12 M11 F35 M36 F39 M34 F26 F53 F14 F13 F31 M45 F44 F36 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:29:12 1:29:13 1:29:13 1:29:13 1:29:14 1:29:14 1:29:14 1:29:15 1:29:16 1:29:17 1:29:17 1:29:17 1:29:17 1:29:18 1:29:18 1:29:18 1:29:19 1:29:20 1:29:22 1:29:23 1:29:25 1:29:27 1:29:27 1:29:27 1:29:28 1:29:30 1:29:31 1:29:31 1:29:32 1:29:34 1:29:35 1:29:37 1:29:37 1:29:37 1:29:37 1:29:38 1:29:38 1:29:39 1:29:40 1:29:40 1:29:41 1:29:41 1:29:44 1:29:44 1:29:45 1:29:45 1:29:47 1:29:48 1:29:48 1:29:52 1:29:53 1:29:55 1:29:56 1:29:57 1:29:58 1:29:58 1:29:59 1:30:03 1:30:03 1:30:04 1:30:04 1:30:04 1:30:06 1:30:07 1:30:08 1:30:08 1:30:10 1:30:10 1:30:11 1:30:11 1:30:12 1:30:12 1:30:12 1:30:13 1:30:13 1:30:13 1:30:18 1:30:18 1:30:18 1:30:19 1:30:19 1:30:19 1:30:20 1:30:20 1:30:20 1:30:21 1:30:21 1:30:21 1:30:22 1:30:25 1:30:26 1:30:31 1:30:33 1:30:34 1:30:34 1:30:35 1:30:36 1:30:38 1:30:42 1:30:42 187/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Katie Hagerman Joe Clarke Mark Edgar Jennifer Savage Craig Stoffel Jane Hickman Deborah Whiddon Kate Guercio Mildred Haney Suson Edgar Joann Smith Riley Barker Terri Salve Ed Salve Chad Stoffel Sheryl Krajenski Austin O'Loughlin Sienna Trapp-Bowie Toni Marano Karen O'Loughlin Candace Bowie Ann Stoffel Russell Bowie Katherine Gordon Beverly Bateman John Fay Dick Coulombe Natasha Mccall Sandra Coyer John Hatem Dave Bateman Kim Moore Debbie Bintliff Mark Flowers David Larson Rose Romero Michael Buck Sharon Flowers Timm Holowatch David Laguna Emilie Buck Sarah Buck Bill Gullette Dan Eckles John Laboon Matt Fedak Kristen Laboon Elizabeth Buck Joan Flowers Terry Dougherty Frankie Hendron Christopher Moore Patricia Mcnall Tracye Williams Martin Mcfarland Kristin Larson Sheryl Kremer Kathy Applewhite Michael Denzel Kari Larson Robin Chapman Kent Denzel Cheryl Anderson Phyllis Howard Sarah Larson Deanna Buck Cheryl Schneider Claudia Hubiak Garyj Hubiak Amanda Champany Shirley Tanaka Janet Buck David Buck Dean Buck Lynn Hayes Walter Applewhite Elizabeth Richardson Karen Wichelmann Ty Larson Jameel Zubairi Jennifer Rushale Joy Wilson Laura Rogers Mary Streeter Kristen Poulson Donna Quintana Aggie Dolin Grace Zietz Mike Katsampes David Lindberg Mark Ross-Bryant Jessica Fedak Solomon Malick Jane Cambridge William Malling Sasha Wilson Cardlyn Hodges Tracy Nelson Rec Vertuca Brandon Reeves DIV ------F11 M39 M40 F27 M9 F44 F33 F15 F53 F40 F50 M44 F47 M48 M12 F21 M7 F7 F33 F41 F42 F39 M44 F28 F41 M63 M37 F10 F44 M39 M42 F37 F32 M56 M13 F48 F15 M28 M24 M35 F13 F11 M43 M45 M37 M11 F10 F9 F53 M37 F34 M38 F32 F15 M31 F17 F38 F40 M7 F15 F30 M37 F27 F55 F11 F4 F24 F8 M41 F10 F24 F39 M6 M41 F28 M40 F13 F46 M44 M34 F23 F36 F21 F33 F20 F37 F26 F51 M31 M9 M8 F14 M9 F43 M32 M8 F45 F19 M12 M13 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:30:43 1:30:44 1:30:45 1:30:45 1:30:45 1:30:46 1:30:46 1:30:47 1:30:47 1:30:48 1:30:48 1:30:49 1:30:50 1:30:52 1:30:52 1:30:52 1:30:52 1:30:53 1:30:54 1:30:54 1:30:54 1:30:54 1:30:56 1:30:56 1:30:57 1:30:57 1:30:58 1:30:59 1:31:01 1:31:01 1:31:01 1:31:01 1:31:03 1:31:04 1:31:04 1:31:04 1:31:05 1:31:05 1:31:05 1:31:05 1:31:06 1:31:07 1:31:07 1:31:07 1:31:07 1:31:07 1:31:07 1:31:07 1:31:07 1:31:09 1:31:10 1:31:10 1:31:11 1:31:11 1:31:11 1:31:12 1:31:12 1:31:14 1:31:14 1:31:15 1:31:15 1:31:15 1:31:15 1:31:15 1:31:16 1:31:16 1:31:16 1:31:16 1:31:16 1:31:17 1:31:17 1:31:17 1:31:18 1:31:18 1:31:18 1:31:18 1:31:19 1:31:19 1:31:19 1:31:25 1:31:25 1:31:26 1:31:28 1:31:28 1:31:28 1:31:28 1:31:29 1:31:30 1:31:33 1:31:34 1:31:34 1:31:34 1:31:37 1:31:38 1:31:39 1:31:40 1:31:40 1:31:40 1:31:40 1:31:41 188/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Caitlin Mcdonnell Annah Clark Susan Ogle-Conrardy Denise Hernor Debora Robinson Erin Fraser Cecilia Johnson Vera Matthews Katy Srock Laura Wold Chris Tromly Barb Lehner Steve Tromly Laurie Cooper Jan Cooper Jolene Oehlkers Patricia Tognoni Kenneth Oehlkers Anna Chappell Faye Comer Lynn Ross-Bryant Brett Gooman Bruce Goodman Michelle Ruthldege Joseph Trujillo Suzanne Roen Billie Ann Camp Tammy Sherman Mill Gervais Marty Gervais Linda Deland Kevin Johnson Pamela K Steward Barbara Mineah Timothy Hass Costen Aytes Heather Barraco Kristine Spero Nancy Furay Paula Aytes Richie Furay Mickie Archer Lori Griss Jerry Mattson Aaron Konetski Stew Smith Maryanna Wienbroeer Chet Braun Barbara Bellomo Daniel Richards Christopher Canipe Brad Denton Elizabeth Canipe Christie Randolph Dennis Richards Isabel Denton Katy Richards Steve Richards Megan Conway Rachel Konetski Kathy Conway Thomas Lainy James Stander Linda Gill Bern Konetski Patricia Hynan Torri Laing Mari Susan Featherston Jennifer Spaulding Faye Wienbroeer Patrick Williams Phyllis Clark Emily Brett Steve Brett Linda Shoemaker Matthew Brett Robin Steen Maryann Noble Stephanie King G Denton Annette Cuparo Hank Clark Evie Brame Jerry Wilson Katie Caufield Kathleen Pauly Sarah Caufield Susan Mcpeck Colleen Caufield Sherri Funk Rich Block Janet Gripton Diane Koch Lisa Benjamin Regan Sample Laurel Robinson Doug Kurtz Ted Kurtz Dan Hoppe Stacey Snyder DIV ------F19 F8 F42 F33 F33 M7 F24 F45 F18 F24 F25 F44 M25 F13 F42 F11 F35 M49 F48 F39 F45 M11 M42 F12 M99 F43 F61 F44 M6 M37 F32 M29 F30 F47 M44 M43 F12 F13 F42 F40 M45 F42 F25 M47 M10 M14 F10 M6 F49 M13 M12 M39 F9 F46 M13 F34 F20 M42 F4 F7 F30 M28 M57 F25 F35 F42 F3 F42 F49 F49 M40 F71 F3 M48 F41 M19 F37 F57 F16 M4 F28 M50 F53 M50 F12 F28 F9 F17 F36 F29 M47 F39 F46 F14 M12 F31 M33 M57 M13 F13 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:31:41 1:31:42 1:31:43 1:31:43 1:31:45 1:31:45 1:31:45 1:31:45 1:31:46 1:31:47 1:31:47 1:31:48 1:31:48 1:31:49 1:31:50 1:31:50 1:31:50 1:31:51 1:31:52 1:31:53 1:31:54 1:31:55 1:31:56 1:31:57 1:31:59 1:32:00 1:32:01 1:32:02 1:32:02 1:32:04 1:32:05 1:32:05 1:32:05 1:32:06 1:32:06 1:32:08 1:32:08 1:32:09 1:32:09 1:32:10 1:32:10 1:32:15 1:32:15 1:32:17 1:32:19 1:32:20 1:32:21 1:32:23 1:32:25 1:32:26 1:32:26 1:32:26 1:32:27 1:32:27 1:32:29 1:32:29 1:32:30 1:32:31 1:32:31 1:32:32 1:32:32 1:32:32 1:32:32 1:32:32 1:32:33 1:32:33 1:32:34 1:32:35 1:32:36 1:32:38 1:32:38 1:32:42 1:32:43 1:32:44 1:32:44 1:32:47 1:32:47 1:32:48 1:32:50 1:32:53 1:32:55 1:32:56 1:32:56 1:32:58 1:33:00 1:33:00 1:33:01 1:33:01 1:33:02 1:33:02 1:33:02 1:33:03 1:33:03 1:33:03 1:33:04 1:33:05 1:33:06 1:33:06 1:33:07 1:33:07 189/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Jill Rich Diane Hoppe Michael Rhoads Lois Walton Susan Witmer Kimberly Walton Leticia Guerrero Parthenia Jones Kay Ward Rodolfo Chavez Kathy Wilson Toni Moore Dede Mallard Mollye Marrow Cyndi Rice Carol Childs Barabara Ricker Robert Johnson John Graff Andria Meade Michael Johnson Ward Olin Ryan Graff Cory Olin Londa Bassman Emily Hanckel Ryan Lee Rita Rippetoe Maggie Lee Hitha Benjamin Conor Taniguchi Lori Sandstrom Christina Broome Lauren Desanto Laura Lewis Linda Petersen Sandy Noguchi Sherrie Laber Artamis Parsi Fredda Romero Kathleen Witowski Alice Brackett Nichole Downs Audrey Cornelius Wayne Bromley Martie Mcneil Mike Mcneil Charles Scrivner Brooke Barlow Paulette Barlow Cheryl Jensen Amy Lauterbach-Nihan Ashlley Sibley Melissa Ebner Josh Mountjoy Heinz Ebner Kai Sibley Leslie Wiener Andre Lobato Owen Bondurant Cyndy Bearosley Paula Vibber Janet Allen Marianne Latz Allyson Bailey Chris Hornbostel Alexis Martinez Gina Bowman Alfred Mcdonnell Hal Boyne Kelley Blaine Diane Zeigler Todd Burrow Maureen Nobles Grant Burrow Holly Moore Chris Jones Evelyn Callaway Donna Jones Deborah Pixler Charles Hickman Dawn Holiday Shirley Hickman Cynthia Little Lloyd Lewis Merle J.F Funk Edid Lewis Kelly Rivera Vern Bunch Kristin Bell Stefan Beck Tanya Nerenberg Dennis Beck Patricia Davenport Doug Haugen Linda Brelsford Donna Anderson Blake Holiday Mary Maurer Edgar R Johnson DIV ------F14 F41 M7 F41 F38 F12 F11 F37 F34 M10 F24 F24 F37 F49 F38 F41 F40 M38 M42 F14 M7 M44 M9 M10 F10 F9 M6 F45 F33 F13 M11 F35 F7 F18 F29 F40 F34 F33 F15 F37 F29 F16 F12 F39 M42 F40 M41 M27 F9 F35 F23 F26 F8 F9 M6 M38 F39 F24 M12 M11 F37 F33 F27 F26 F34 M11 F14 F18 M50 M60 F21 F41 M41 F32 M7 F37 M12 F68 F28 F32 M12 F13 F40 F38 M34 M29 F31 F27 M39 F14 M8 F14 M39 F60 M32 F35 F45 M13 F43 M47 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:33:07 1:33:08 1:33:08 1:33:08 1:33:09 1:33:09 1:33:11 1:33:11 1:33:11 1:33:12 1:33:13 1:33:15 1:33:15 1:33:17 1:33:17 1:33:18 1:33:19 1:33:20 1:33:20 1:33:20 1:33:20 1:33:21 1:33:21 1:33:22 1:33:24 1:33:24 1:33:26 1:33:26 1:33:28 1:33:31 1:33:31 1:33:34 1:33:34 1:33:35 1:33:35 1:33:35 1:33:37 1:33:38 1:33:38 1:33:38 1:33:39 1:33:40 1:33:43 1:33:47 1:33:48 1:33:48 1:33:49 1:33:51 1:33:52 1:33:52 1:33:54 1:33:59 1:34:00 1:34:01 1:34:01 1:34:02 1:34:02 1:34:03 1:34:06 1:34:07 1:34:07 1:34:08 1:34:08 1:34:08 1:34:12 1:34:14 1:34:14 1:34:15 1:34:16 1:34:17 1:34:21 1:34:26 1:34:27 1:34:27 1:34:27 1:34:28 1:34:29 1:34:30 1:34:31 1:34:32 1:34:35 1:34:35 1:34:38 1:34:41 1:34:41 1:34:43 1:34:46 1:34:47 1:34:54 1:34:57 1:34:58 1:34:58 1:34:59 1:35:06 1:35:06 1:35:06 1:35:14 1:35:15 1:35:16 1:35:18 190/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Jennifer Johnson Jean Pauff Charlotte Williams Robin Hackathorn Greg Mark Dick Hackathorn Wesley Hoffert Linda Hackathorn Mickey Klein Julie Williams Kevin Casper Karen Ewton Amy Meyer Richard Meyer Donita Burton Susan Klein Chris Dropinski James Bronstine Catherine Tornowski Judu Etschmaier Carol Curtiss Lisa Kulp Carrie Johnson Nancy Bruington Becki Harris Brian Harris Paul Lippitt Nina Hoffert Patrick Stowbridge Suzy Colgluzier Joseph Weyer Andrea Malleck Mark Ward Lanette Passarelli Steven Desmond Aaron Jenkinson John Jenkinson Pam Hull Jason Harris Rose Nickell Robert Harris Mark Brown Rochelle Denner Cindy Ayde Chrislyn Harlow Kelley Denner Sue Merrill Kristine Nelson John Wood Natalee Downs Erick Fee Alex Smith Julie Schaefer Roberta Deti Jason Drury Diana Beer Kim Mcmillen Sean Oneil Sue Sprague John Siddall Susan Odell Erin Maneri Marie Mccreery Renee Urbanowicz Jane Gardner Marsha Phare Valerie Luhman Ricahard Searlfs Sally Goedert Richelle Reilley Carolyn Cunningham David Norland Barbara Baker Daniel Belcher Rob Geller Jessica Geller Babbara Gregory Nicholas Odell Cindy Pendelton Brian Pendleton Lissa Robbie Chana Powell Corey Rosen Jessica Littmann Peter Rosen Gerald Horvath Marc Littmann Ron Littmann Autumn Sterkel Shawna Sterkel Nell Conley Jennifer Krowczyk Soma Glassman Susan Littmann Scott Watters Linda Cowan Matt Cowan Laura Sterkel Emily Gottschalk Lisa Beranek DIV ------F20 F47 F46 F7 M32 M44 M8 F44 F57 F19 M9 F32 F24 M57 F61 F20 F34 M47 F38 F45 F46 F34 F27 F46 F14 M9 M7 F33 M12 F22 M45 F11 F45 F31 M25 M9 M38 F42 M4 F52 M38 F8 F35 F27 F24 F10 F46 F39 M33 F10 M14 M8 F40 F44 M8 F48 F45 M11 F52 M38 F38 F12 F43 F11 F37 F38 F27 M51 F40 F26 F42 M52 F38 M71 M35 F8 F47 M13 F29 M29 F10 F9 F10 F6 M38 M34 M19 M47 F13 F15 F53 F8 F36 F45 M8 F34 M8 F36 F10 F5 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:35:18 1:35:18 1:35:19 1:35:23 1:35:28 1:35:28 1:35:28 1:35:29 1:35:29 1:35:29 1:35:30 1:35:31 1:35:31 1:35:33 1:35:34 1:35:34 1:35:38 1:35:39 1:35:40 1:35:41 1:35:41 1:35:43 1:35:44 1:35:48 1:35:51 1:35:51 1:35:51 1:35:52 1:35:52 1:36:00 1:36:03 1:36:05 1:36:08 1:36:08 1:36:11 1:36:12 1:36:13 1:36:19 1:36:24 1:36:27 1:36:27 1:36:28 1:36:28 1:36:31 1:36:31 1:36:36 1:36:38 1:36:39 1:36:41 1:36:41 1:36:41 1:36:45 1:36:46 1:36:46 1:36:46 1:36:47 1:36:47 1:36:49 1:36:52 1:36:55 1:36:57 1:36:58 1:36:59 1:36:59 1:37:00 1:37:00 1:37:02 1:37:03 1:37:05 1:37:06 1:37:08 1:37:09 1:37:11 1:37:11 1:37:13 1:37:16 1:37:17 1:37:18 1:37:19 1:37:20 1:37:22 1:37:22 1:37:23 1:37:24 1:37:25 1:37:29 1:37:35 1:37:35 1:37:39 1:37:39 1:37:43 1:37:44 1:37:45 1:37:45 1:37:47 1:37:48 1:37:49 1:37:50 1:37:51 1:37:51 191/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Sarah Graff Eric Sterkel Chris Beranek Kim Gottschalk Chris Graff Christine West Bernie Bernstein Carol Nixon Marilyn Conroy Valerie Eltzroth Mackenzie Mau Rebecca Roush Mark Pauly Sandra Barela Grady Lang Chelsea Russell Leah Taylor Elaine Zuiker Anna Leigh Mareno Chaney Hull Bette Haas Patricia Taylor Bridget Cameron Andrea Schacher Katy Williams Kara Taniguchi Naomi Clark Diana Clark Ken Taniguchi Roger Olson Judy Stohler Spencer Grange Virginia Stranahan Janis Fall Ryan Grange Donni Betts Dxie Grange Hannah Linder Susan Yopp Marta Valenzuela Moren Jenna Rosen Daniel Harter Susan Newhaus Paula Rosen Dave Welch Martin Macaulay Michael Anderson Keith Novy Eileen Saunders Charlotte Williams Allyson Wynne Mary Hoffner Drew Bearosley Rob Bearosley Erin Peterson Kay Peterson Michael Trerweiler Harry Kykstra Tom Buchman Sarah Buchman Jean Scarboro Catherine Scarboro James Scarboro Emily Gibson Daniel Devries Cathy Goodale Heather Devries Jenna Rice Stacey Hogsett Marcia Loranger Heather Nelson Donn Kinkle Nicholas Bollen Roni Ettleman Anjie Saunders Heather Stevenson Russell Lester Ben Smith Cody Griffith Lauren Hargett Matthew Ellis Peggy Griffith Ben Sterling Baine Kerr JR Janet Douthit Jan Karst Baine Kerr Kathenne Hargett Mike Pope Julie Masian Eric Gundersen James Masian Kirsten Calhoun Jake Ott Karen Ott Robert Linfield Tanya Cissell Jane Vertuca Cathy Zirkelbach Kevin Frey DIV ------F12 M10 F42 M42 F38 F23 M23 F25 F42 F32 M2 F25 M30 F41 M29 F12 F12 F48 F9 F9 F56 F45 F6 F19 F9 F8 F6 F99 M47 M69 F36 M8 F42 F41 M9 F40 F33 F13 F39 F30 F8 M12 F39 F41 M46 M37 M10 M32 F29 F30 F24 F57 M4 M39 F10 F36 M40 M39 M46 F6 F11 F17 M47 F7 M33 F48 F9 F10 F16 F16 F14 M39 M35 M18 F22 F18 M8 M10 F28 F9 M8 F25 M9 M8 F28 F44 M42 F42 M20 F11 M12 M26 F10 M8 F36 M38 F19 F39 F28 M29 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:37:51 1:37:51 1:37:51 1:37:52 1:37:53 1:37:58 1:38:02 1:38:03 1:38:05 1:38:05 1:38:06 1:38:07 1:38:09 1:38:18 1:38:23 1:38:24 1:38:25 1:38:25 1:38:26 1:38:27 1:38:32 1:38:33 1:38:36 1:38:37 1:38:38 1:38:42 1:38:44 1:38:46 1:38:47 1:39:03 1:39:03 1:39:04 1:39:04 1:39:05 1:39:05 1:39:06 1:39:07 1:39:07 1:39:11 1:39:11 1:39:12 1:39:12 1:39:12 1:39:13 1:39:20 1:39:20 1:39:21 1:39:22 1:39:22 1:39:24 1:39:26 1:39:27 1:39:27 1:39:28 1:39:28 1:39:29 1:39:29 1:39:29 1:39:30 1:39:31 1:39:31 1:39:32 1:39:33 1:39:34 1:39:38 1:39:38 1:39:39 1:39:39 1:39:43 1:39:43 1:39:45 1:39:47 1:39:49 1:39:49 1:39:51 1:39:59 1:40:00 1:40:01 1:40:03 1:40:04 1:40:05 1:40:05 1:40:05 1:40:06 1:40:08 1:40:08 1:40:08 1:40:09 1:40:09 1:40:11 1:40:12 1:40:12 1:40:13 1:40:20 1:40:21 1:40:23 1:40:29 1:40:30 1:40:30 1:40:31 192/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Darcey Vertuca Aimee Pitzgerald Michelle Bilodeau Jeff Burke Ann Chirikos Thomas Marsh Susie Harter Michael Auflick Judith Harter Alex Burnett Joseph Hise Karen Mayner Mary Kelver Katy Hackney Barbara Willis Kristen Collins Louis Mazzola William Perry Justin Falk Michael Schweitzer Luanda Daly Michele Blum Judy Safian David Foote Colin Lalughery Marybeth Lalughery Susan Macdonald Wendy Peterson Alexandra Perry Matthew Peterson Mikey Macdonald Aimee Hoogheem Nita Huelf Steve Ralston Sara Wickham Rich Harris Mikelle Wickham Louis Gagliand Jeanie Mentikov Herman Mitchell Bill Teubel Sally Kendrick Kaye Siemers Lisa Mogee George Russell Amy Kuxhaus Linusay Rose Russell Ted Martinez Janet Scott Edward Miller Jean Galka Heather Davis Mike Einerson Patricia Mckinney Julie Einerson Paul Einerson Barbara Honaker Patricia Kothe Maggie Gronning Robyn Gronning Gary Bellus Jennifer Krupp Melissa Rayhorn Alice Bagley Diana Richardson Patricia Mcmahoa Chara Oerter Linda Nga Heather Mitchell Ryan Stearns Jonathan Stearns Jane Stearns Herby Martin Sarah Tuneberg Kathryn Waideler Carol Blaine J.J Mountjoy Ryan Wilkman Carolyn Cassna Christy Johnson Alison Smith Kimberly Moore Thad Smith Yegan Barlow Kevin Barlow Katie Tofte Renee Vonroenn Julie Shaffer Nancy Hall Denise Lawrence Kellee Tarum Melinda Cushing Christine Sperry John Reilley Jose Garcia Monita Schimanski Victoria Cook Pat Graves Anilda Roehrig Kathy Brockmeter DIV ------F6 F16 F33 M26 F37 M10 F8 M32 F40 M11 M29 F38 F43 F16 M39 F15 M41 M38 M10 M7 F42 F40 F26 M32 M6 F35 F43 F12 F10 M8 M8 F10 F56 M17 F12 M14 F10 M29 F33 M57 M54 F39 F45 F18 M48 F15 F8 M18 F35 M46 34 F38 M37 F29 F25 M30 F54 M61 F9 F36 M35 F30 F32 F80 F46 F46 F12 F44 F14 M8 M6 F35 M41 F9 F19 F42 M10 M6 F51 F18 F8 F9 M40 F8 M37 F11 F34 F31 F30 F32 F10 F10 F33 M37 M41 F13 F30 F46 F37 F37 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:40:33 1:40:37 1:40:39 1:40:39 1:40:44 1:40:45 1:40:47 1:40:48 1:40:48 1:40:49 1:40:51 1:40:54 1:40:56 1:41:09 1:41:10 1:41:10 1:41:10 1:41:20 1:41:22 1:41:22 1:41:25 1:41:26 1:41:26 1:41:27 1:41:27 1:41:27 1:41:28 1:41:28 1:41:28 1:41:28 1:41:28 1:41:31 1:41:31 1:41:35 1:41:38 1:41:39 1:41:45 1:41:55 1:41:59 1:41:59 1:42:00 1:42:01 1:42:02 1:42:03 1:42:04 1:42:04 1:42:04 1:42:04 1:42:04 1:42:04 1:42:05 1:42:07 1:42:07 1:42:08 1:42:08 1:42:09 1:42:09 1:42:10 1:42:15 1:42:15 1:42:17 1:42:17 1:42:19 1:42:20 1:42:21 1:42:24 1:42:25 1:42:27 1:42:29 1:42:31 1:42:32 1:42:33 1:42:34 1:42:35 1:42:36 1:42:37 1:42:37 1:42:37 1:42:38 1:42:38 1:42:38 1:42:39 1:42:39 1:42:41 1:42:42 1:42:44 1:42:46 1:42:47 1:42:47 1:42:48 1:42:50 1:42:50 1:42:52 1:42:53 1:42:57 1:43:00 1:43:02 1:43:03 1:43:04 1:43:06 193/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Laurel Tofte Jean Gerlach David Williams Sally Thee-david Trish Hermanson Hillary Hermanson Nancy Wilkman Julie Stangel Donald Stangel Michelle Wagon Vince Montez Katherine Delapena Anne Crouse Susan Hartmeister Diana Smith Harold Morris Ralph Dalebout Ricky Decker Claudia Drury Melissa Richards Ian Drury Elizabeth Richards Marje Spillane Bonnie Custer Heather Berendt Lucu Hale Steven Durnal Tim Berendt Linda Reynolds Helen Stratton Lori Stratton Kevin Lee Patrick Lee Sharon Erickson Michael Wingert Donovan Mockett Joanne Casey Britt Kulakowske Abigail Sawyer Linda Kulakowske Charles III Sawyer Jennifer Potucek Diane Butler Delroy Miller Angie Wolchuk Kent Mcbride Kelly Mcbride Aileen Haggerty Tammy Minnock Ellien Mcnamara Christina Teller Midge Peterson Katy Goodwin Gene Kennedy Kathy Messner David Rose William Rose Besty Cropley Jenna Cropley Suzanne Nichols Diane Ebling Lisa Littmann Elizabeth Nichols Bill Linfield Joan Louder Krystle Schlichting Jacqeline Pittman Kimmie Decker Pamela Decker Jane Vohs Cheristopher Cairy Michelle Cairy Brett Nelson Carl Nelson Teresa Casey Scott Reed Carol Braun Dave Young Hannah Trierweiler Lisa Mccormick David Forbes Anne Barrett III Tom Metz Dennis Pabst Barry Schwartz Mary Wild Maghen Tierney Patricia Schuller Katherine Ranten Carol Tierney Ann Tharp Larisa Kimble Branot Nelson Kristin Hyatt Shelly Carlson Virginia Duff Roger Mason Robert Mcnearny Chris Fye Sally Wilson DIV ------F41 F49 M42 F42 F39 F8 F37 F8 M40 F27 M13 F27 F57 F44 F22 M53 M49 M6 F36 F21 M6 F40 F53 F46 F9 F42 M28 M37 F36 F54 F24 M39 M7 F30 M43 M9 F29 F8 F7 F37 M39 M16 F40 M45 F15 M36 F7 F12 F35 F6 F9 F36 F15 M44 F41 M8 M32 F40 F9 F12 F34 F21 F42 M35 F42 F38 F42 F8 F37 F43 M7 F12 M23 M52 F32 M31 F40 M37 F8 F31 M30 F13 M13 M42 M28 F25 F9 F49 F65 F43 F11 F9 M7 F37 F35 F39 M28 M16 F31 F48 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:43:06 1:43:11 1:43:12 1:43:14 1:43:15 1:43:16 1:43:17 1:43:19 1:43:20 1:43:22 1:43:23 1:43:25 1:43:26 1:43:28 1:43:29 1:43:36 1:43:40 1:43:40 1:43:43 1:43:43 1:43:43 1:43:43 1:43:54 1:43:58 1:43:59 1:44:02 1:44:05 1:44:07 1:44:07 1:44:08 1:44:08 1:44:09 1:44:09 1:44:10 1:44:10 1:44:11 1:44:12 1:44:16 1:44:17 1:44:17 1:44:18 1:44:20 1:44:22 1:44:23 1:44:24 1:44:24 1:44:26 1:44:28 1:44:29 1:44:30 1:44:34 1:44:35 1:44:36 1:44:36 1:44:36 1:44:40 1:44:41 1:44:43 1:44:43 1:44:46 1:44:47 1:44:48 1:44:51 1:44:53 1:44:54 1:45:05 1:45:14 1:45:30 1:45:31 1:45:33 1:45:33 1:45:34 1:45:43 1:45:45 1:45:48 1:45:49 1:45:50 1:45:50 1:45:51 1:45:57 1:45:57 1:45:58 1:45:58 1:46:00 1:46:00 1:46:03 1:46:09 1:46:10 1:46:13 1:46:19 1:46:19 1:46:20 1:46:20 1:46:25 1:46:26 1:46:26 1:46:29 1:46:30 1:46:32 1:46:32 194/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Janet Madden Sarah Madden Barbara Toland Candy Hyde Diane Miller Barbara Dey Dennis Lewis Cherrie Christner Katy Kinneavy Michael Rhodes K Jell Wanggard Deborah Baker David Clark Andrew Clark Sara Sherman Matt Walsh Alexis Schneider Melanie Gillette Sara Thompson Tabby Davies Rachel Daniels Marilyn Fogerty Derek Gassen Karen Audett Susie Taylor Dan Taylor Gina Rollins Mike Rollins Julie Duca David Lawrence Charlene Lawrence Janice Bova Anne Braun Carol Peterson Betty Duran Valerie Denboer Gary Teegarden Jane Bartlett Barbi Williams Julie Metheany Andrea Troeltzsch Michelle Nelson Kristin White Susan Kraemer Joanne Mathner Sean Callhoun Cynthia Shaffer Patricia Calhoun April Lewis Nicole Valencia Andrea Goodheim David Goodheim Janice Teegarden Sally Muller Karla Lewis Paul Metrala Jeremy Yeats David Yeats Sheri Thompson Gail Sloat Daniel Sloat Gerald Sloat Kristin Elder Laurie Mittler Kathy Fanning Linda Kennealy Paul Guimond Clare Mitchell Nelia Mann Matthew Goodwin Anne Gaffney-Horgan Laura Goodwin Marianne Canvel Julie Schloss Rebecca Oerter Winifred Barbas Anne Scott Stephanie Shain Jane Oerter Arthur Biddle Matthew Skinner Virginia Johnson Lydia Martinez Pam Miller Laurie Johnson Martha Morvan Christopher Cummings Elizabeth Moschetti Lois Engbretson Elizabeth Dreyfus Gary Moschetti Ayumi Hara Elizabeth Barker Andrea Dutton Kenji Hara Eileen O'Neill Tim Preston Barbara Cooley Patrick Fritze Michael Fritze DIV ------F41 F10 F65 F44 F32 F42 M31 F28 F11 M20 M20 F27 M44 M9 F15 M20 F12 F28 F25 F10 F12 F40 M27 F28 F40 M42 F7 M38 F20 M28 F53 F53 F11 F41 F46 F28 M51 F36 F34 F30 F28 F36 F28 F24 F26 M6 F38 F39 F10 F11 F39 M6 F47 F47 F38 M46 M6 M16 F32 F38 M6 M44 F21 F20 F44 F26 M25 F22 F9 M6 F34 F40 F21 F14 F5 F30 F32 F14 F39 M49 M6 F34 F32 F37 F5 F44 M14 F6 F37 F45 M38 F6 F10 F39 M33 F53 M41 F60 M8 M31 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:46:33 1:46:33 1:46:34 1:46:37 1:46:45 1:46:46 1:46:46 1:46:46 1:46:47 1:46:48 1:46:48 1:46:48 1:46:50 1:46:50 1:46:51 1:46:51 1:46:52 1:46:56 1:46:59 1:47:03 1:47:04 1:47:06 1:47:10 1:47:13 1:47:14 1:47:15 1:47:16 1:47:17 1:47:20 1:47:20 1:47:21 1:47:24 1:47:29 1:47:32 1:47:33 1:47:39 1:47:42 1:47:44 1:47:49 1:47:49 1:47:49 1:47:51 1:47:51 1:47:54 1:47:56 1:47:57 1:47:57 1:47:58 1:47:58 1:47:58 1:48:04 1:48:04 1:48:07 1:48:11 1:48:13 1:48:14 1:48:18 1:48:19 1:48:19 1:48:21 1:48:21 1:48:22 1:48:25 1:48:26 1:48:28 1:48:30 1:48:31 1:48:33 1:48:33 1:48:38 1:48:38 1:48:38 1:48:39 1:48:43 1:48:44 1:48:48 1:48:49 1:48:51 1:48:54 1:48:59 1:49:06 1:49:08 1:49:08 1:49:08 1:49:09 1:49:12 1:49:21 1:49:30 1:49:31 1:49:31 1:49:33 1:49:35 1:49:38 1:49:43 1:49:47 1:49:50 1:49:59 1:50:06 1:50:09 1:50:10 195/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Sandy Lorenzo Barbara Mccarthy Janis Goodheim Darlene Powell Clinton Suter Marilyn Hollman Matthew Clifton Richard Widdle Andrew Grantham David Allen Jan Grantham Donna Newmeyer Xandi Ainlay Beth Watson Susan Ainlay Mary Merz Sam Walter Claudia Willis-Bunch Robert Merz Trudy Walter Dana Woodward Sharon Baughman Eli Eckhardt Darlene Clifford James Lewis Molly Jenkins Joyce Jenkins Jen Feldman Mark Webb Julie Webb Marian Montoya Philip Hirsch June Keithly Pari Papantonakis Natalie French Ben Dunning Tom Kelly Michael Foster Mary Kelly Aaron Lapointe Patricia Ann Coco Philly Marrow Patricia Cordova Betty Lapointe Bradley Harkrader Ron Harkrader Karyn Harkrader Aubrey Harkrader Alysia Hayas Darlene Darien Gary Flauaus Douglas Sweeney Peter Firmin Ariel Rifkin Marsha Mcnally John Rifkin Melinda Kelly Dee Caputo Winnie Herburger Sonia Katzer Nick Johnson Dodi Klutznick Barb Williams Kendra Magraw Dainel Magraw Angie Kingston Rienne Hartman Hanne Joerstad Jennifer Solis Vanessa Hobson Kelly Moore Michael Moore Caroline Moore Sarah G Lamb Emily Steward Madelin Gordon Chad Foltz Adam Koeller Charlotte Henneman Lindalee Koeller Denise Dengel Carol Otipoby David Hale John Hale Chris Hale Linda Cain Abigail Cain Elizabeth Sena Steve Limfield Jodi Lewis Cory Splerrry Cedar Anderson Lancia Chadwick Lori Berkey Pattianna De Avanzar Michelle Curtin Anne Faulkenburg Brandon Faulkenburg Mary Slingo Peter Kleinberg DIV ------F17 F36 F37 F43 M8 F45 M13 M13 M7 M8 M9 F47 F15 F11 F50 F46 M10 F39 M51 F41 F34 F46 M11 F52 M30 F9 F41 F36 M37 F8 F30 M29 F28 F23 F26 M47 M53 M30 F7 M5 F45 F10 F39 F35 M3 M38 F35 F11 F40 F24 M37 M33 M65 F7 F43 M42 F45 F59 F60 F42 M42 F45 F41 F5 M42 F11 F26 F25 F11 F7 F4 M42 F42 F8 F11 F13 M17 M10 F38 F46 F24 F44 M4 M40 M6 F39 F7 F20 M29 F23 M34 F7 F34 F13 F9 F35 F34 M7 F8 M6 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:50:19 1:50:20 1:50:21 1:50:22 1:50:29 1:50:33 1:50:42 1:50:43 1:50:43 1:50:44 1:50:44 1:50:45 1:50:47 1:50:47 1:50:48 1:50:53 1:50:53 1:50:54 1:50:54 1:50:55 1:51:02 1:51:06 1:51:07 1:51:16 1:51:17 1:51:22 1:51:23 1:51:24 1:51:24 1:51:25 1:51:33 1:51:34 1:51:36 1:51:36 1:51:45 1:51:50 1:51:52 1:51:53 1:51:53 1:51:54 1:52:00 1:52:00 1:52:02 1:52:03 1:52:05 1:52:06 1:52:06 1:52:09 1:52:12 1:52:18 1:52:24 1:52:24 1:52:26 1:52:28 1:52:29 1:52:29 1:52:31 1:52:32 1:52:38 1:52:48 1:52:49 1:52:50 1:52:51 1:52:55 1:52:59 1:53:00 1:53:02 1:53:09 1:53:18 1:53:40 1:53:49 1:53:50 1:53:51 1:53:58 1:54:02 1:54:03 1:54:04 1:54:05 1:54:06 1:54:06 1:54:07 1:54:12 1:54:14 1:54:14 1:54:14 1:54:22 1:54:27 1:54:32 1:54:38 1:54:39 1:54:44 1:54:45 1:54:45 1:54:46 1:54:47 1:54:59 1:55:11 1:55:12 1:55:15 1:55:17 196/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Anne Judson-Yager Lucy Judson Marlene Neuechterlein Rachel Ferguson Dick Christopher Drew Faulkenburg Jerry Faulkenburg Maureen Christopher Patty Masunaga Dean Fogerty Carolyn Moore Kathy Hull Fiona Sloan Susie Guillory Emily Odell Carolyn Engelen Nancy Green Shannon Goodwine Sally Shawcross Barry Dykes Janice Hall Katy Blakemore Abe Denmark Larry Denmark Linda Frazee Judy Skulski Julie Trouchon Franki Avalos-Vigil Robert Bonacci Patty Stout Susan Buche Don Skulski Jonathan Stout Christina Falge Erick Ray Kelly Kendall Kelly Schumpert Kary Schumpert Dean E Fredrickson Tim Brown Marlilyn Franke Carolyb French Mary Canfield Amanda Solis Stanley Graffis Travis Cruikshank Sara Ball Chester Hendron Charles Demarest Susan Webster Aaron Pierce William Carroll Bill Gray Andrea Gray Tia Dirkl Christine Bandach Gina Neuhalfen Joshua Johnston Lori Kassmeier Bruce Jones Karen Jones Mary Farruggia Jorgeann Siegrist Barbara Walker April Antos Sierra Robinson Ardee Berntsen Emily Berntsen Frank Bustos Nancy Hilberand Darlene Nehls Tom Hoback Julie Gregory Harriet Dwyer Cassady Lillstrom Jeanne Lillstrom Amonda Chirikos Anthony Chirikos Amanda Keane Gail Keane Loring Pfeiffer Ann Lundeen Adam Chirikos Heather Demarest Tracy Van Ess Kim Davis Xochi Montoya Patti Kepple Sarah Bickman Jed Bickman Louise Bickman Martin Bickman Julie Melanson Emily Mankin Stephanie Romero Marcy Melanson Angela Schwartz Taryn Hamilton Deidre Hamilton Byron Edwards DIV ------F9 F38 F21 F21 M45 M6 M45 F37 F33 M43 F44 F32 F31 F23 F10 F55 F51 F22 F40 M40 F25 F7 M10 M43 F41 F13 F26 F30 M45 F34 F45 M44 M7 F26 M26 F5 F11 F13 M59 M38 F25 F51 F49 F11 M44 M5 F10 M70 M46 F43 M10 M34 M44 F10 F19 F21 F23 M9 F28 M37 F16 F33 F38 F50 F10 F9 F41 F7 M22 F41 F51 M36 F11 F50 M6 F45 F7 M9 F7 F41 F9 F37 M4 F8 F25 F22 F11 F27 F11 M4 F43 M43 F8 F11 F8 F36 F9 F14 F40 M8 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------1:55:23 1:55:25 1:55:26 1:55:27 1:55:35 1:55:44 1:55:45 1:55:47 1:55:47 1:55:55 1:56:05 1:56:07 1:56:09 1:56:12 1:56:19 1:56:21 1:56:24 1:56:33 1:56:35 1:56:47 1:56:52 1:57:02 1:57:19 1:57:20 1:57:30 1:57:36 1:57:36 1:57:37 1:57:38 1:57:39 1:57:40 1:57:40 1:57:42 1:57:43 1:57:45 1:57:46 1:57:51 1:57:51 1:57:59 1:58:04 1:58:17 1:58:29 1:58:36 1:58:42 1:58:42 1:58:43 1:58:50 1:58:53 1:59:23 1:59:29 1:59:47 1:59:54 1:59:55 1:59:58 2:00:13 2:00:16 2:00:16 2:00:21 2:00:24 2:00:57 2:00:58 2:01:21 2:01:32 2:01:49 2:01:59 2:02:01 2:02:06 2:02:07 2:02:23 2:02:23 2:02:25 2:02:29 2:02:35 2:02:38 2:02:45 2:02:55 2:03:30 2:03:30 2:03:32 2:03:33 2:03:34 2:03:35 2:03:36 2:03:45 2:03:59 2:04:00 2:04:10 2:04:24 2:04:30 2:04:31 2:04:31 2:04:32 2:04:33 2:04:34 2:04:35 2:04:35 2:04:38 2:05:06 2:05:07 2:05:09 197/198 BolderBOULDER 1989 - BolderBOULDER 10K - results NAME ---------------------Irene Edwards Bob Edwards Thomas Wanebo Dennis Wanebo Jan Phillips Neil Cochran Tracy Phillips Kristen Anderson Paul Burth John Hoppe Jonathan Muggii Christine Robie Nancy Harland Jennifer Trerweiler John Troerneiler John Fleagle Peter Bolhuis Sally Bolhuis Lori Lamm Josh Reinema Susan Young Brooke Turner Alissa Lewis Tess Cardetto Baltasar Sosa Tera Mclean Amy Soehnzer Victoria Soehnzer Robert Soehngen Victoria Soehnger Sarah Martin Sonja Hofrander Brad Steckline Win Nolin Anne Preston Michael Vallee John Konkol Tiffany Dalian Teresa Aragon Ton Bullock Patricia Dalian Kathy Apodaca Sally Linn Jeff Schlauder Heidi Kirmeier Patricia Camper Ruth anne Rahe Joan Matthews Ashley Hermanson Tim Maxwell Cheryl Murphy Chris Bruhmett Kent Eckhardt Harry Weinbrenner Barbara Weinbrenner Dick Kuchenrither Kristin Edwards Sherry Geer Pat Craig Julia Rahe Tony Chirikos K Scott Karp Lisa Ricketts Bruce Gilette DIV ------F39 M43 M8 M41 F51 M24 F23 F21 M14 M14 M14 F24 F28 F35 M6 M37 M49 F47 F32 M12 F29 F34 F12 F22 M11 F19 F3 F40 M39 F7 F10 F29 M19 M58 F25 M8 M25 F7 F41 M43 F37 F43 F30 M17 F2 F55 F45 F39 F6 M31 F41 M10 M40 M53 F49 M40 F42 F39 M36 F6 M39 M22 F13 M33 Generated October 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM TIME ----------2:05:10 2:05:11 2:05:18 2:05:20 2:05:43 2:05:44 2:05:45 2:06:09 2:06:43 2:06:44 2:06:45 2:07:05 2:07:06 2:07:11 2:07:12 2:07:42 2:07:45 2:08:11 2:08:41 2:08:41 2:08:42 2:08:42 2:08:44 2:09:06 2:09:31 2:10:09 2:10:16 2:10:17 2:10:24 2:10:27 2:10:30 2:10:50 2:11:09 2:11:40 2:12:20 2:12:27 2:12:49 2:13:02 2:13:15 2:13:22 2:13:37 2:13:50 2:14:09 2:14:50 2:15:30 2:18:35 2:19:48 2:19:56 2:20:40 2:22:21 2:22:23 2:22:34 2:25:16 2:25:52 2:25:54 2:26:50 2:28:49 2:31:05 2:32:47 2:33:37 2:40:39 2:45:19 3:04:58 3:16:42 198/198
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