2010 annual Report - Minnesota Ovarian Cancer Alliance


2010 annual Report - Minnesota Ovarian Cancer Alliance
annual Report
Our Mission
To create an awareness regarding early warning signs that may be indicative of ovarian cancer. To create and promote resources for support, networking and education for women diagnosed with ovarian cancer and their families. To unite and educate individuals, the medical community and organizations to achieve earlier diagnosis, better treatment and a cure for ovarian cancer.
To advance ovarian cancer research toward earlier diagnosis, better treatment, and a cure.
Since 1999, our mission has not changed and our determination remains
undaunted. This is the work of MOCA and what our board, staff and volunteers
strive to do on a daily basis.
This report provides an overview of MOCA’s activities in 2010. Through our
support groups, community meetings, medical and public education initiatives
and special events, we’ve reached tens of thousands of Minnesotans. We also
provided $250,000 to advance ovarian cancer research in Minnesota during 2010. A
tremendous success, and one we couldn’t accomplish without our supporters and
We are truly honored to work with such a committed group of board members,
staff and volunteers. They are a group of talented people with diverse backgrounds,
all bonded by a common purpose: changing the impact of this disease. Thanks
to the countless volunteer hours and generous donations, MOCA is here to serve
Minnesota women and family members facing ovarian cancer.
We thank you for your tremendous generosity and support in 2010.
Lisa McLaughlin President, MOCA Board of Directors
Kathleen Gavin
Executive Director
annual Report
Board of Directors
Officers President
Lisa Barnholdt
Executive Director
Kathleen Gavin
Vice President
Sarah Noonan
Secretary Tripp Snyder
Treasurer Kevin Cade
Janice Born
Joe Cade
Patty Dunn
Ellen Kleinbaum
Susan Kushner
Carol Luukkonen
Dona Maki
Susan McIntyre
Joy Wetzel
Chris Wick
Medical Education Program
Manager Kathy McGovern
Public Education Program Manager
Lindsay Kohn
Jodi Bean
Communications & Event Manager
Constance White
Finance Manager
Nila Ouska
Development & Event Coordinater
Courtney Barrette
Data Entry
Molly St. George
MOCA by the numbers
In 2010, MOCA:
• Provided $250,000 in funding to ovarian cancer
researchers • Educated an estimated 800 people at MOCA community meetings • Granted the dreams of 10 women through the MOCA Dream Awards • Educated more than 200 University of Minnesota medical residents and 35 Mayo Clinic family medicine residents and faculty • Raised more than $200,000 at MOCA’s Silent No More Walk/Run • Handed out more than 12,000 symptom cards at the Minnesota State Fair
Ovarian cancer research is – and always has
been – the cornerstone of MOCA’s mission.
MOCA funds ovarian cancer research through
an annual competitive grant program. Over
the past 11 years, $2.6 million dollars in
funding has gone to Minnesota researchers.
This funding is instrumental in allowing
researchers to develop the preliminary data
needed to compete and successfully win large,
multi-year National Institute of Health (NIH)
grants to further their work. It also encourages
nationally recognized researchers with expertise
in other cancers to apply their knowledge and
expertise to ovarian cancer research.
MOCA research funding directly supports
Minnesota ovarian cancer patients and
survivors by encouraging the best and
brightest to conduct research and practice
medicine here in our state.
In 2010, $250,000 was awarded to
three Minnesota physicians.
2010 Research Grant Funding
Generation of Clinically Relevant Ovarian Cancer Xenograft Models
Paul Haluska, Ph.D. Department of Oncology
Mayo Clinic
Maintenance Treatment with Metformin in an In Vivo Ovarian Cancer Model
Ramandeep Rattan, Ph.D.
Department of Experimental Pathology
Mayo Clinic
Activated Natural Killer Cells and Proteasome Inhibition in Ovarian Cancer
Melissa Geller
Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women’s Health
University of Minnesota
For full information on the MOCA-funded research projects, go to: http://mnovarian.org/promoting-research/past-moca-research-grants.
“The funding that MOCA provides for
ovarian cancer research is incredibly
important. It allows us to advance forward
in the battle against ovarian cancer.”
Melissa Geller, 2010 MOCA Research Grant Recipient
Physician and Researcher, University of Minnesota
Education and Outreach
to the Minnesota Medical Community
Educating the medical community
– including doctors, medical residents and students,
and nurses – to achieve earlier diagnosis and better
treatment for ovarian cancer is a critical component
of MOCA’s mission. MOCA’s education initiatives
help physicians, nurses and students understand
the signs and symptoms of an ovarian cancer
MOCA has several medical outreach programs,
Survivors Teaching Medical
This powerful MOCA initiative puts ovarian cancer
survivors in front of University of Minnesota medical
students who are starting their six-week obstetrics
and gynecology clerkship rotations. Ovarian cancer
survivors present their stories and take questions
from students. In 2010, we reached more than 200
University of Minnesota Medical Students.
Reaching Medical Residents
The Reaching Medical Residents program provides
current information about ovarian cancer to
medical residents, with a focus on primary care
residents. This program pairs a gynecologic or
medical oncologist with ovarian cancer survivors
who deliver prepared talks in residents’ educational
settings. In 2010, approximately 35 Mayo Clinic
family medicine residents and faculty listened
to a lecture about ovarian cancer presented by a
MOCA Medical Advisory Committee member and a
Reaching Practicing Physicians
The Reaching Practicing Physicians program
provides timely information about ovarian cancer to
practicing physicians, with a focus on primary care
doctors. This program pairs a gynecologic or medical
oncologist with ovarian cancer survivors who deliver
prepared talks in continuing medical education
settings, including conferences and updates.
Oncology Nursing
The Anita Lubov Memorial Fund provides
funding for nurses to attend conferences
that will help them improve their care of
women with ovarian cancer, increase their
knowledge of the disease and enable
them to educate others. In 2010, MOCA
awarded financial scholarships to two
oncology nurses to attend educational
Receiving the scholarship was not only an honor,
but also a way to further my knowledge about
ovarian cancer. What I learned at the semi-annual
Gynecologic Oncology Group meeting was information
I was able to share with my colleagues at Park
Nicollet and the Metro Minnesota ONS Chapter.
Elaine Bell, Park Nicollet
2010 Anita Lubov Scholarship Award Recipient
Education Program Spotlight
Making a difference in the community
Preventing Hereditary Cancer
At the end of 2009, MOCA was awarded a
$10,000 grant from the Mount Sinai Community
Foundation to partially fund the continued
development and deployment of this program
in 2010. This educational program, led by
MOCA, is a cooperative effort among several
organizations including:
•The Minneapolis Jewish Federation
•Facing Our Cancer Empowered (FORCE)
•Minnesota Genetic Counseling Association
•MOCA’s Medical Advisory Committee Members
•Twin Cities’ Jewish Community Centers and Twin
Cities’ and Rochester’s Synagogues
The goal of the Preventing
Hereditary Cancer (PHC)
program is to provide
educational information about
understanding, preventing, and
reducing the risks of hereditary
ovarian and breast cancers to
communities that are at high
risk for inheriting these cancers.
In 2010, more than 600 individuals from the
Twin Cities’ and Rochester’s Jewish communities
listened to presentations by physicians, genetic
counselors, and/or ovarian and breast cancer
survivors to learn about:
•the Jewish communities’ elevated risk of BRCA1 and
BRCA2 gene mutations and hereditary ovarian and
breast cancers,
•screening and prevention strategies to reduce risks,
•and the potential benefits of genetic counseling
and testing.
MOCA co-hosted educational panels of physicians,
genetic counselors, ovarian and breast cancer
survivors, social workers, and/or rabbis at the Sabes
Jewish Community Center, the Jewish Community
Center of the Greater St. Paul Area, and the B’nai
Israel Synagogue of Rochester, MN.
This presentation convinced
me how important family
history is. I will definitely
learn more about mine.
Meeting Attendee
Putting a face to the disease
Ellen Kleinbaum, a member
of Beth El Synagogue and a
former member of MOCA’s
Board of Directors,
shared her personal story
of living with hereditary
ovarian and breast cancers
at a presentation with
fellow congregants. Ellen
discussed the importance of
knowing family histories,
and encouraged attendees
to contact physicians and
genetic counselors as needed
for more information.
Ellen’s informative and
very personal message was
well received by the other
“As a carrier of BRCA 2,
learning from the experts
has been invaluable.
Many people have
thanked me for the
information they received
at our presentations. It has
prompted them to speak
with genetic counselors
and be tested. We have
reached so many people
with concerns about genetic
“This program has been a
great opportunity for me
to tell my story of living
with ovarian and breast
cancer caused by the genetic
mutation BRCA”.
As a carrier of the BRCA 2
genetic mutation, learning
from the experts has been
Ellen Kleinbaum, MOCA Board of Directors
Advisory Committee
Peter A. Argenta, M.D.
Gynecologic Oncologist
Masonic Cancer Clinic,
University of Minnesota
Thomas P. Flynn, M.D.
Medical Oncology and
Minnesota Oncology
Patricia L. Judson, M.D.
Gynecologic Oncologist
Masonic Cancer Clinic,
University of Minnesota
Cheryl L. Bailey, M.D.
Gynecologic Oncologist
Minnesota Oncology
Melissa A. Geller, M.D.
Gynecologic Oncologist
Masonic Cancer Clinic,
University of Minnesota
Harold N. Londer, M.D.
Hematology and Medical
North Memorial Humphrey
Cancer Center
Jamie N. Bakkum-Gamez,
Gynecologic Oncologist
Mayo Clinic
Matthew P. Boente, M.D.
Gynecologic Oncologist
Minnesota Oncology
Linda F. Carson, M.D.
Gynecologic Oncologist
Masonic Cancer Clinic,
University of Minnesota
A. Catherine Casey, M.D.
Gynecologic Oncologist
Minnesota Oncology
William A. Cliby, M.D.
Gynecologic Oncologist
Mayo Clinic
Roxana S. Dronca, M.D.
Medical Oncologist
Mayo Clinic
Rahel Ghebre, M.D.
Gynecologic Oncologist
Masonic Cancer Clinic,
University of Minnesota
Harry J. Long, M.D.
Medical Oncologist
Mayo Clinic
Bobbie S. Gostout, M.D.
Gynecologic Oncologist
Mayo Clinic
Andrea Mariani, M.D.
Gynecologic Oncologist
Mayo Clinic
Paul Haluska, Jr., M.D.,
Ph. D.
Medical Oncologist
Mayo Clinic
C. Robert Stanhope, M.D.
Gynecologic Oncologist
Mayo Clinic
Lynn C. Hartmann, M.D.
Medical Oncologist
Mayo Clinic
Amy Jonson, M.D.
Gynecologic Oncologist
Masonic Cancer Clinic,
University of Minnesota
Annie Tan, M.D., Ph.D.
Gynecologic Oncologist
Minnesota Oncology
Timothy O. Wilson, M.D.
Gynecologic Oncologist
Mayo Clinic
Medical Advisory Committee Spotlight
Jamie N. Bakkum-Gamez, M.D.
Division of Gynecologic Surgery/Oncology
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Dr. Jamie Bakkum-Gamez, a
member of MOCA’s Medical
Advisory Committee and a
gynecologic oncologist
practicing in the Division of
Gynecologic Surgery/
Oncology at the Mayo Clinic,
was a valuable contributor to
MOCA’s Preventing
Hereditary Cancer Program
in 2010.
In 2010, Dr. Bakkum-Gamez
presented information about
hereditary ovarian and breast
cancers along with other panelists
to members and guests of the B’nai
Israel Congregation in Rochester. She
discussed the signs and symptoms of
ovarian cancer and how women with
BRCA mutations can reduce their
risk of cancer.
Like many other Medical Advisory
Committee members, Dr. BakkumGamez has been a strong supporter of
MOCA through her involvement in
other events and activities, including
fundraising and running a 5K race!
I’m proud to be a member of the MOCA
Medical Advisory Committee. Through
continued awareness and education,
I hope we can help educate women
about the signs and symptoms of
ovarian cancer.
Jamie N. Bakkum-Gamez, M.D.
Education & advocacy
Educating the community
MOCA has a commitment to public education
and outreach about ovarian cancer – whether
it’s through community meetings, events or by
providing resources and support for survivors,
family and caregivers. In 2010, MOCA’s public
education program offered a variety of programs
for MOCA members.
Team Teal of the North, as
the Brainerd support group is known, is
spearheaded by survivor Teresa Faust. Team
Teal of the North ran the MOCA-sponsored
hole at the American Cancer Society’s 7th
Annual Pink Ribbon Golf Classic at Grand
View Lodge in Brainerd. The tournament
was an excellent opportunity to let women
know about the connection between breast
and ovarian cancers, especially for women
who may have an inherited risk. Throughout
their outreach efforts in 2010, Team Teal of
the North reached over 750 attendees at
various health fairs and expos.
Support Groups
Support groups are a key component of the
public education program, providing a safe,
supportive environment for survivors to share
their experiences with others on the cancer
An overview of 2010 MOCA support group
activity include:
•The MOCA Young Survivors Network is a support
group for women diagnosed before menopause.
The Young Survivor Network has been successful
in engaging its members, staying involved and
continuing to bring awareness to ovarian cancer
in the community.
•A new support group called R.I.S.E. (Recover,
Inform, Support, Empower) grew into a steady
support group in 2010. R.I.S.E. is for women who
are newly diagnosed, going through treatment or
are in remission.
•Groups are also located in Greater Minnesota,
including Rochester, St. Cloud and Brainerd.
Theresa Faust, MOCA member
Public Education Meetings and Outreach
Community education
is a key part of MOCA.
In 2010, meetings
covered topics such
as clinical trials and
legal issues. A Night
of Pampering was
provided to help
survivors unwind! MOCA
also raised awareness
about ovarian cancer by
having a presence at
several health fairs
throughout the metro.
Minnesota State Fair
A highlight of 2010 was
MOCA’s booth at the Minnesota
State Fair. This was a truly special
moment for MOCA, as a founding
member of MOCA first raised the
idea of having a booth at the State Fair.
Nearly 80 volunteers gave upwards of 360
hours of their time to make this event
a huge success. Fair-goers were able to
learn about ovarian cancer, information on
MOCA and we handed out almost 12,000
symptom cards!
The MOCA float was also on display at the
Fair and was featured in the Fair parade on
three separate days. With more than one
million attendees at the Minnesota State
Fair, this was an incredible opportunity to
raise awareness about MOCA and ovarian
The MOCA Dream Awards
Funded through a generous anonymous
donor, the MOCA Dream Awards fulfill the
dreams of several ovarian cancer survivors
each year. In 2010, MOCA had the
privilege to grant awards to 10 women
throughout Minnesota. Through the
MOCA Dream Awards, survivors have
been able to make dreams come true,
such as taking trips, coordinating a family
reunion or pursuing a personal passion.
Legislative Initiatives
In 2010, the Oral Chemotherapy Parity Act
passed by wide margins in both the Minnesota
House and Senate. MOCA’s advocacy efforts
played a major part in this victory. As a result of
this law, cancer patients in Minnesota will have
greater access to lifesaving oral chemotherapy
medicines because exorbitant out-of-pocket
costs will be reduced.
Marketing and Communications
In 2010, StoneArch Creative developed a
60-second public service announcement. With
a focus on ovarian cancer symptoms, this PSA
added additional awareness opportunities for
MOCA’s outreach and education initiative.
MOCA’s Community Education
Progams are valuable to
anyone affected by ovarian
cancer .
Kristen Larson, MOCA member
& Fundraising
The community in action
Events are a very special part of MOCA. Each year
thousands of participants join in the fight against
ovarian cancer by taking part in these events and
fundraisers. 2010 was a very successful year for
MOCA, with a wide range of fun and educational
Molly Cade Memorial Golf Tournament
2010 marked the 10th Anniversary of the Molly
Cade Memorial Golf Tournament. With morning and
afternoon tournament options available, golfers had
the opportunity to hit the links at Brackett’s Crossing
Country Club. The club’s scenic course paved the
way for players of all skill levels to have a great time
playing for a great cause.
Calling All Angels Calling All Angels is a grassroots event to raise
awareness of ovarian cancer. In 2010, participants
held events ranging from bowling parties to high
teas. The events are a great way for people to reach
out to their circle of friends, talk about ovarian
cancer and raise funds for MOCA’s programs.
Mid Summer Night’s Gala
Held each July, the Mid Summer Night’s Gala is an
opportunity to spend an evening with colleagues,
family members, and friends to support MOCA.
Hundreds of attendees enjoyed the Gala’s the sitdown dinner, entertainment and, of course, the
silent and live auctions.
Silent No More Walk/Run for
Ovarian Cancer
The Silent No More Walk/Run, held at Rosland
Park in Edina, is MOCA’s largest fundraising and
awareness event of the year. Survivors, family,
friends and supporters all laced up their shoes to
walk and run to support MOCA. Over 3,100 people
participated, including 175 survivors. More than
$200,000 was raised for ovarian cancer research,
support and education. The time and efforts put in
by the many MOCA volunteers made the Walk/Run
an event to remember.
It may seem like there’s little to
celebrate about cancer but MOCA’s
events are a way to shine a light on
those things that can be celebrated .
Laura Solarz, former MOCA board member
For a complete list of events including the Diva Dash, Rock the Cure. Glenwood Golf
Tournament and Northern Lights Holiday Plant Sale, please visit: http://mnovarian.org/
Statement of Financial Position
As of December 31, 2010
Statement of Activities
For the Year Ended December 31, 2010
Current Assets
Property and Equipment, net $341,616
Total Assets $1,447,519
Current Liabilities
Long -Term Liabilities
Total Liabilities
Net Assets
Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted Total Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets $603,928
Other Revenue
In - Kind
Prgram Service
For the fiscal year ending December 31, 2010,
MOCA’s revenue totaled $943,306 and expenses
Program expenses including research grants comprised $673,446 of expenses or about 83% percent
of our total revenue. Approximately 17% of revenue was used for management and fundraising
Management and
Program Services
MOCA was awarded the Charities Review Council “Meets All Standards” Seal
indicating that it meets all sixteen of its Accountability Standards
Donors $25,000 and above
The Cade Foundation
King Solutions, Inc.
Northern Lights League
Chorzempa Family Foundation
United Healthcare Services
Apothecary Products, Inc.
Blue Jeanne, Inc
Blue Ribbon Travel
Downtowner Car Wash
Eastlund, Solstad, Cade & Hutchinson, Ltd.
Emma M. Anderson Estate
Final Stretch
Great Clips, Inc.
Jane Levin and Judith Reisman Charitable Fund
M&I Marshall & Ilsley Bank
Martin Luther High School
Minnesota Oncology
Tankenoff Families Foundation
The Burish Group of UBS Financial Services, Inc.
Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC
Management and General
AirTran Airways
Bridgewater Associates, LP
Bunker Hills Ladies Golf League
IBM Employee Services Center
IWCO Direct
KJ International Resources, Ltd.
Minnesota Chamber of Commerce
OptumHealth Care Solutions
Precision Therapeutics, Inc.
The Surrey
THS BlueJays/MLGHEC Knights
UnitedHealth Group Employee Giving Campaign
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Woody’s Rebar Company, Inc.
$999 and under
3M Company
Action Sales & Marketing, Inc.
Activar Inc
ADC Telecommunications
Alliant Tech Systems
Alliant Techsystems Inc.
Allyndayle Awareness Fabric
Ameriprise Financial Employee Gift Matching
Anoka-Hennepin Education Minnesota
Artesian Landscape & Irrigation, Inc.
Arthur Murray Dance Studio
Asics America Corporation
Bay & Bay
Beth Zemsky Family Foundation
Biynah Industrial Partners
Blue Cross/Shield
Brentwood Associates
Brick’s Boatworks, Inc.
Bumps Retaurant
Caribou Coffee
Castle Rock Bank
Club Rev
Community Health Charities of California
Cornerstone Alliance
Corporate Graphics Direct Marketing Solutions
Creative Packaging & Display LLC
Dairy Queen of Farmington
Dakota County United Educators
Deer Run Golf Club
Donors Dinkytown Optical
Double Lemoiusne
Duluth Federation of Teachers
Eagle Bank
Eastwood Bank
Education Minnesota
F & B Linens
Firestone Home Products, Inc.
Firestone Metal Products
First Bank & Trust
ForeCom Systems
Froehling, Anderson LTD
Gannett foundation
Gemini Incorporated
General Mills
Georgetown on the River
Give with Liberty Mutual Foundation Match
Golf USA
GolfTEC Minnesota
Good Search
H & C Kaufmann Special Account
Harvest Moon Photography, LLC
Henson & Efron, P.A.
Hiawatha Valley Teachers United
Hickory Tech
Holy Childhood Women’s Club
Honeywell Team
Innovative Power Systems
Jack and Bessie Fiterman Foundation
Jimmy’s Pizza
JP Morgan Chase Foundation
Kar Kraft, Inc.
Kraus-Anderson Construction Company
Lakeside, LLC.
Lakeville Educational Assistants Federation
Land O’Lakes, Inc.
Le Meridien
Leather Renditions, LTD.
Leonard, Street, and Deinard
LexisNexis Cares
Lili Salon
Macy’s Foundation
Marsha Ovitz Design
Marvin & Betty Borman Foundation
Master Electric Company
Mayo Department of Psychiatry & Psychology
Metro Athletic Supply, Inc.
Meuwissen, Flygare, Kadrlik & Associates
Midwest Educational Consultants
Midwest Machine Tools Supply
Minneapolis Federation of Teachers
Minneapolis Marriott City Center
Minnesota Valley Country Club
Nemer Fiege & Associates, Inc
Northland Oliver Collectors Association
Oaks Of Olivet
Optum Health
Ovarian Cancer National Alliance
Park Tavern
Peace Lutheran Church
Pfizer, Inc.
Pine Tree Orchards, Inc.
Power Generation
Prior Lake State Bank
Publishers Clearing House
Quality Bicycle Products
Randy’s Landscaping
RBC Wealth Management
Rochester Duplicate Bidge Club
Rock the Cure
Rolayne’s Hair Design
RP Active Sports
Select Sales
Senior Perspective
Shooting Star Childcare
Soroptimist International of Greater Minneapolis
St. Mary’s Institute of O’Fallon
St. Paul Fedeation of Teachers Local 28
St. Therese Men’s Golf
Stephen and Lusia Hornstein Family Fund
Strecker Agency, Inc.
The Carley Foundry Family
The Education Minnesota Professional Organization
The Kaplan Family Foundation
The Measurement Team
The Minneapolis Foundation
The Tamarack Ladies Book Club
The Wilderness at Fortune Bay
The Wireless Alliance
Thomson Reuters
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation
Travelers Foundation
Twin Cities Tennis Supply
U.S. Bancorp
US Bancorp Foundation Employee Matching Gift
Vermillion Club
VFW Auxiliary
Vill-Mar Inc. DBA Village Market
Wells Fargo Bank
Western Specialized, Inc.
Wonderwoman Construction
Woods Equipment Company
Xcel Energy Foundation Matching Program
Donors Anonymous
Roger & Kathryn Aagard
Dr. Lin Aanonsen
Donna Adams
Mary Adamski
Rik Ahlberg
Stamos Akrivos
Raymond & Kittie
Andrews Allen
David Allen
Eugene Allen
Genie Allen
Mary Allen
Erica Allenburg
Jon Alt
Evelyn Althouse
Steven & Cindy Althouse
Janet Altstein
Maura Alvord
Adam Anderson
Colleen Anderson
Deb Anderson
Margret Anderson
Michael & Aileen
Rachel Anderson
Shane Anderson
Shirley Anderson
Julie Andrich
Patricia Annis
Linda Arford
Mary Jo Argenta
Peter Argenta M.D.
Ben Arkes
Deanna Armel
Gary & Julie Arnold
Josh & Janet Arnold
Michael & Susie Arnold
Marilyn Arth
Mary Bacon
Donna Bahls
Michael Bahr
Elizabeth Bailey
Ted & Sylvia Bailey
Miriam Baldwin
James & Laurie Ball
Ronald & Dawn Barakett
Deborah Barnes
Kimbeli Barnett
Angeline BarrettaHerman
Robert & Gail Barsness
Anthony & Kathy Bassett
Barb Bayerle
Chris Beam
Daniel Beam
Paul Beard
Lisa Bechtold
Gala Beckendorf
Nancy Beckes
Mary Beckman
David & Martha Beebe
Phyllis Beilke
Maxine Beissel
Andrea Bell
Karen Beltz
Lynn Bennett
Mindy Benowitz
Jerome & Carol Benson
Kristin Benson
Freddie Berberena
Howard Berg
Peter Berge & Debra Sit
Doug & Constance
John & Elaine Bergquist
Bob & Pam Berkwitz
Sharon Berry
Robert & Susan Biastock
Daniel & Jill Bickett
Kathi Bidlack
William & Marilyn Bierden
Cora Biernat
Gregory Bilek
Matt & Debi Billing
Philip Billings
Jerilyn Birnie
Philip Bither & Kathleen Gavin
Violet Bjorkstrand
Wallace Bjorkstrand
Audrey Black
Brian Blair
Cristy Blake
David & Donna Blakeley
Sandra Block
Jessica Boden
Dane Boeckermann
Gayle Boeke
Jacob Boerboon
Gerald & Diane Boldt
Dave & Margaret Bolles
Sandy Bolsta
William & Patricia Bomash
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bonnes
Penelope Borax
Lawrence Bordsen
Jamie Borell
Eve Borenstein
William & Deborah Borkon
Michelle Borkowski
Dennis Born
Janice Born & Marci Kelley
Eugene & Jane Borochoff
Cindy Bosse
Barbara Boswell
Robert Bouman
Donnell Bowen
Brian Brandvold
David Braslau
Lauren Braswell
Mary Bready
Arlene Breckenridge
Jack & Betty Breese
Wayne Bremer
Kari Brey
Travis Brick
Delana Brinkman
Laurie Broghammer
Amanda Brookhyser
Joline Brown
Matthew Brown
Michael Brown
Nicholas Brown
Rosemary Brown
Rick Bruce
Kristi Bruno
Michael Buchanan
Neil & Sandra Buelow
Susan Bunnell
Stephen Burch
Allynne Burg
James Burkhardt
Christopher Burns
Joseph Busch
William & Patricia Bush
Christena Buttress
Carolyn Byrd
Bernadine Cable-Prokop
Brian & Stephanie Cade
Joseph Cade
Kevin & Jilleen Cade
Megan Cade
Roy Cade
Carol Cady
W. Cahill
Jean Camerer
Teresa Campobasso
Donors Allyson Candee
Tyler Candee
Craig & Karen Canham
Margaret Cannaday
Ryan Cari
Brenda Carlson
Brian Carlson
Gail Carlson
Gordon & Elsie Carlson
Kristin Carlson
Lois Carlson
Mimi H Carlson
Robert & Barbara
Allen Caron
Daniel Carr
Linda Carson M.D.
Carolyn Case
Anne Casey
James Casper
Jennifer Cassidy
Curt & Elizabeth Cerf
Carol Chambers
John Chambers
Joseph Chambers
Cindy Chandler
Martin Chorzempa
Lisa Christensen
Daniel Christianson
Kimberly Christianson
Chris Christofolis
Doris Christopher
Todd & Nancy
Gene Chrz
Lyle Clay
William Cliby M.D.
John Clifford
Terry Cohen
Debbie Colbert
Scott & Alixandra
Fred & Jo Ann Coller
Joanne Collins
Duane & Julie Cologne
Ethan Cook & Molly Cook
Harold Cook
Jonathan Cosin
John & Jennifer Court
Trudy Cragg
Deborah Cran
Daniel Cripps
James Cripps
Jayne Cripps
Rene Cronquist
Leo & Ann Crowley
Patricia Cummings
Stephanie Cummings
Carol Cummins &
Suzanne Born
Judith Curnow
Christine Czarnecki
Jay & Kristin Dacey
Rolf Dahl
Chris Dalbec
Michael Dale
Ann Daly
Wayne & Kathryn
Mary Pat Danckwart
Wendy Dant
Jon Darling
Thomas Darling
Paul & Peggy Degance
Curt & Dawn DeLong
Mary Deluney
Carrie Deshaw
Ruth Dessel
John Devereaux
Robert Devereaux
Gary DeWitt
Tammy Dickinson
Curtis & Celeste
Edward & Deborah Dixon
Gayle Dodson
Mary Beth Dondelinger
Sara Donlin
Dawn Donovan
Frances Doring
Linda Dornbusch
Bryce Doty
Michele Doyle
Wayne & Sharon Doyle
Wayne Doyle
Ali Drake
Pauline Drake
Karen Dressel
Alexis Dubois
Christian Dubois
Colleen Duggan
Heather Duke
Jeremy Dummer
Nancy Duncan
Margaret Dunham
Patrick Dunham
Peggy Dunham
John & Patty Dunn
John Dunn
Barbara Eaton
Jill Eberlein
Arthur Kravitz & Anne Eby
Richard & Sara Eby
Saroja Edmund
John & Sherry Egan
Christopher Einerword
Isaac & Dora Einisman
Marjorie Eklund
Linda Elie
Van & Mary Elston
Lee & Patti Engler & Family
Kathy Enlund
Bette Erickson
Dick & Lisa Erickson
Karen Erickson
Henry & Betty Ernst
John Errigo
Marilyn Etcoff
John Eure
Robert & Mary Ann Evander
Kathy Evans
Kelly Fandel
Diane Farley
Nicholas Favilla
Ellen Fey
Marshall & Heidi Fields
Mary Fike
Michael & Susan Finley
Douglas & Janet Fiola
Douglas Fischer
Maureen Fischer
Hugh & Betty Fisher
Rebecca Fisher
Sally Fishman
Jennifer Fitzgerald
Marlys Flavin
William & Joan Fleet
Michael & Megan Flynn
Micki Flynn
Carolyn Forman
Jennifer Forsberg
Craig Fox
Walter Franczyk
Bill & Judy Franke
William Franke
Dorothy Rae French
Sharon French
Joseph Friberg
Angela Froistad
Gary Frost & Linda Fredin
Amy Frye
Cherie Frye
Roman & Julia Gadaskin
Eloy Garcia
Robert Garfinkle
Roger Gassett
Florence Gavin
Raymond Gavin
Linda Gawthrop
Ruth Gaylord
Barbara Gehlen
Janet Gendler
Karen Geronime
Jerrold & Ann Gershone
Rene Gesell
John Gibson
Kathy Gibson
Sally Gibson
Vicci Giese
Lori Gietzen
Robert Gihl
Mary Gilbert
Chris Gilbertson
Paul & Nancy Gilbride
Heather Gilchrist
JoAnn Ginkel
Kristine Gjerde
Mary Ann Glassman
Richard & Leslie Glaze
Meredith Glicksman
Melissa Golden
Nancy Goldstein
Marsha Golob
Judy Goodman
Marty & Mary Gores
Pamela Gosink
Loren & Connie Grage
Dawn Grandstrand
Tom & Ann Grandy
Rebecca Grant
Bruce Grausam
Margaret Gray
Robyn Gray
Susan Gray
Wendy Greenwalt
Joshua Grill
Rick & Nancy Grobovsky
Kevin Groebner
Ann Tracy Grogan Mooty
Julie Groonwald
Michael Grosso
John & Susan Grube
Jean Grussing
Katherine Grussing
Ronald Gunderson
Bruce & Susan Gunelson
Kelly Guthrie
Carolyn Guy
M. Elizabeth Gyllstrom
James Habiger
Ronald Haines
David & Donna Hamilton
Terry Hamm
Linda Hammar
Jon Hanke & Chris Wick
James & Michelle Hanley
Joyce Hansen
Katie Hansen
Kristi Hansen
Steve Hansen
Tom Hansen
Karen Hardy
John Harney
Gayle Harrington
Mark & Marie Harris
Lynn Hartmann M.D.
Ken & Mary Pat Hauck
Patty Haugen
Claire Hayes
Donall & Joyce Healy
Mark & Donna Hedlund
Melanie Hehr
Elissa Heilicher
Joann Heitzman
Jon Helgeson
Douglas & Paula Hemer
Ray Henderson
Thomas Hennessey
Julie Henricksen
Alastair Hepburn
Ann Herbert
Phillip Herzog
Mary Hesch
Kathy Hesse
John Heuer
Greg & Sue Hierlinger
John Hierlinger
Margaret Higgins
Jane Hileman
Steve Hill
Mike Hillgamyer
Connie Hines
Jennifer Hjelle
Rebecca Hoelting Short
Sandra Hoff
Joshua & Sarah Hoffert
Susan Hoffert
Amy Hoffman
Jim Hoffman
John & Christine Hoffman
James & Carol Hollenbeck
Cheryl Holm
Marcia Honold
Patricia Hoogendoorn
Norm Hooper
Charles Hopper
Kevin Horne
Donna Horton
Kathy Horwath
Heidi Hough
Paula Howard
Jo Howe
Richard Howell Sr.
Bryce Huemoeller
Kathy Huemoeller
Thomas Huffman
Wayne Huls & Anne Sweet
Courtney Hunter
Laura Hurley
Thomas & Becky Hutchinson
Thomas & Marsha Hystead
Thomas & Candyce Ihnot
Anne Indrelie
Ron Ison
Rosemarie Ivey
Ann Jackson
Barry Jackson
Evan Jacobsen
Philip Jacobson
Marjorie Jambor
Christine James
Kathleen James
Frank Janezich
Rebecca Janisch
Aaron Jansson
Jon Jansson
Joan Jenc
Cel Jennewein
Debbie Jensen
Rebecca Jensen
Michael Jereczek
Jim & Mitzi Jiles
Stearns John
Barb Johnson
Barbara Johnson
Barry & Mary Johnson
Donors Darin Johnson
David Johnson
Jolene Johnson
Julie Johnson
Mary Kay Johnson
Peter & Colette Johnson
Valerie Johnson
Peter Joing
Shawn Jones
Sheila Jones
Joanne Josephson
Annemarie Julian
Bonnie Jung
Dawn Jurkovich
Julie Kaeder
Dale & Jill Kaiser
William & Marcille Kaiser
Ada Kalass
Martin & Carole Kaplan
Pat Kaplan
Noel Karl
Stanley Karon
Mary Lou Kasella
Bob Kaufman
Richard Kaung
David & Nancy Kaysen
Greg & Jill Keck
Mark Keefe
David Keeling
Kathleen Keeling
Robert Keene
Scott & Patricia Keller
Tom Keller & Courtney Barrette
Ann Kelley
Barbara Kelley
Don Kelly
Eric Kelly
Carol Kemp
Richard Kenney
Judy Kessel
Orrie Kessel
Kathleen Kiatta
Kevin Kienbaum
Jennifer Kieren
Judith Kim
Christine Kimber
Max Kirkeberg
Amy Kittelsland
Kimberly Kittilson
Ellen Kleinbaum
Carol Klingelhofer
Susan Klobuchar
Lawrence Klotz
Lorraine Klotz
Sheila Kluxdal
Marie Kmetz
Joan Knudtson
Beth Knutson
Julie Koch
Sandra Koch
Jeff & Wendy Kogl
Cathy Kokesh
Paul Kokesh
Karen Kokesh-O’Hara
Alan Koll
Kenneth Koll
Cathryn Konat
Jan-Michele Koomen
Jennifer Koomen
Jeff Koons
Cynthia Kraft
Laura Kraklow
Carol Kranz
David Kranz
Janice Kranz
Pat Kranz
Nancy Kranzow
Gerald Kreyer
Gina Kriesel
Audrey Kruse
Mindy Kurzer
Barry & Susan Kushner
Stephanie Kushner
William & Suzanne Kvas
Amy Lachinski
Phyllis Lacroix
Laurie Lafontaine
Karen Lahr
Ronell Laitinen
Barb LaMonica
David Lane
Aaron & Angela Lapensky
Madell Lark
Wendy Larsen
Carolyn Larson
Daniel Larson
Eric & Kathy Larson
Kristen Larson
Ruth Ann Larson
Louise Leatherdale
Kim LeBlanc
Annette Lee
Joseph Lee
Susan Lees
Mrs. Raymond Lehman
Carol Lehmann
Zvi Leibovich
Randall Lemke
Susan Lemke
Jim & Lisa Leone
Nancy Levine
Joel & Tzivia Leviton
Jeff Lewin
Tom Lewin
Amy Lewis
Elizabeth Lewis
Jess Lewis
Marshall Lewis
Nancy Libbey
Carol Lieb
Deon Lien
Sylvia Liggett
Doris Lin
Ellen Lind
Sharon Lindau
Michael Lindner
Ben Line
Martha Lipshitz
David Liss
Elaine Litke
Tom & Hinda Litman
Jennifer Littler
Laurie Lockner
Jeff & Colleen Loftsgaarden
Kim Loftsgaarden
Susan Looby
Stephen Lotz
John Louwers
Judy Lovaasen
Terry Lovaasen
Melissa Loven
Brenda Lowe
Colette Lubbers
Alexander & Margaret Lucas
Darra Luftman
Francis Luftman
Gene Lundberg
Lloyd & Elizabeth
Thomas & Carol Luukkonen
Charles & Tom Luukkonen
Deb Lynch
Joe Lynch
Brian & Jennifer Maass
Robert & Pamela MacDonald
Martha Macken
Nancy Madson
Brenda Mahannah
Chris & Angie Mahowald
Gene & Dona Maki
Dan Malecha
Cathy Malmon
Stanley Malmon
Fran Mankowski
Maxine Manquen
Donald & Jane Mark
Mary Ellen Marolt
Roderic Marschke
Phil & Lori Martin
Brenda Martini
Chet Masserano
Mathew Mathai
Mary Lou Mathiowetz
Marc & Jane Matsoff
Marjorie McAloon
James McCarvill
Douglas & Sharyn Mcchane
Casey & Erin McClure-
John & Linda McCormick
Barbara (Mehle) McDonell
Donna McEwen
Arthur McFarland
Dennis & Nancy McGill
Wilma McGowan
Erma McGuire
Mary McKeown
Marybeth McKibben
Connie Mckinney
Robert McKinney
Tripp & Bella McKinney
James & Diane McLaughlin
Lisa McLaughlin
Alison McLean
Tara & Chris McLeod
John & Margaret Mcmahon
Wendy McMahon
Pamela Meding
Cynthia Mellum
Pete & Joan Melrose
Rebecca Melrose
Thomas & Gail Meredith
Patricia Mersy
Craig Meyer
Kevin & Lisa Meyer
Mary Beth Meyer
Mildred Meyer
Greg Meyers
Ingrid Michael
Kim Midthun
Barb Miller
Barbara Miller
Jeff Miller
John Miller
Julie Miller
June Miller
Karen Miller
Kevin & Rhonda Miller
Mary Miller
Donald & Mintz
Peggy Moeller
Lynn Mondragon
Joan Monfre
Marcia Morgan
Patricia Morgan
Kevin Moriarty
Mary Morrison
Stanley Mros
Dave Mulbarger
Mary Ellen Mullaney
Lee Ann Muller
Robert Murphy
Carmen Myers
William Myers
Rona Nachemin
Craig & Claire Nagel
Tammy Nagel
Martha Nash
Amy Nelson
Chris & Julie Nelson
Dave & Sandy Nelson
Dorian Nelson
Edward Nelson
Gary & Claudia Nelson
Karen Nelson
Linda Nelson
Kazimieras Neniskis-
William & Pamela Neubauer
Denise Newman
Angela Nicholson
Susan Niznick
Terry & Bette Noble
John Nolde
James Noonan
Mike & Sarah Noonan
Dale & Marilyn Nordquist
Suzette Nordstrom
Dan Norem
Members of North United Methodist Church
Jan Novotny
Joseph & Kimberlee Nuszkowski
Kathy Nyhus
Howard O’Connell
Robert Odom
Alice O’Donnell
Dan Oehlerts
Curt & Amanda Ogdahl
William Ogdahl II
Stephen & Beverly Ogren
Carol O’Keefe
Jeff Olsen
Barbara Olson
Eric & Meghan Olson
Floyd Olson
Jeanette Olson
Joyce Olson
Pamela Olson
Mark & Karoline Orvick
Joelle Overton
James & Kelly Paddock
Mary Paine
Julie Palach
Vernon Palach
Karen Palm
Angie Palomo
Kathleen Parenteau
Elizabeth Parise
Paula Patineau
Mary Patten
Mike & Ninna Patterson
David Pauling
Susan Paxton
John & Carol Pearson
Aaron & Jennifer Pederson
Erik Pederson
Katy Perry
Renee Persson
Lynn Peteler
Randall & Janet Peterson
Ray Peterson
Jay Peyer
Nancy Peyton
Jeanine Pflager
John Phelps
Matt Phillips
Theresa Pietenpol
Christopher & Angela Pinkerton
Rebecca Planer
Katie Plunkett
Diana Podawiltz
Donors Lisa Pope
Scott & Mary Ann Portnoy
Dorothy Powell
Angela Powers
Barb Preiner
David Pries
Chris Priest
Carol Prinz
Margaret Privitera
Ronald Puhl
Aaron Pulver
Barry Purrington
Jo Quam
Peter Rafferty & Jill Ness
Robert & Jean Rafferty
Sheryl Rafferty
Brian & Gloria Rainer
Mary Rainey
Philip & Rebecca Rapport
Nicole Rasmussen
Debi Rattler
Christine Rebman
Catharine C. Reid
Susan Reisman
Christopher & Leola Replogle
Tom & Jeanette Rerah
Ellen Rest
John & Mary Rhoades
Marvin Richards
Marvin & Terry Richardson
Dan & Sharon Riehle
Jaime Riehle
John Riehle
Dennis & Lynn Ritchie
Bill & Barbara Ritzen
Julius & Jean Rivkin
Debbie Robin
Mark & Kathleen Roble
Vernon & Georgia Roble
Greg & Linda Rocheford
Linda Rock
William Roddy
Karen Rodning
Jill Roisum
Krista Rolland
Cindy Rooks
Alex & Linnea Roos
Bud & Dory Rose
Marian Rose
Jay & Sherry Rosenberg
Robert Rosenberg
Rochelle Rosenberg
Sherry Rosenberg
Vicki Rosenberg
Douglas Rossbach
Bill Roth
Stephen & Sharon Roth
Diana Roy
Al Rubinger
Bruce Rubinger & Joan Schwartz
Sherry Rudin
Michael Rulf
Janie Ruprecht
Melanie Ryan
Jodie Rychwalski
Michael & Barbara Rynne
Carla Ryti
Janet Saari
Mary Safar
Esther Saltzman
Jerald Sandahl
David & Jane Sanderson
David Sanderson & Sherri Cady
Barbara Sands
Bonnie Santarsiero
Patricia Sauro
Steven & Nancy Schachtman
Alan & Jodie Schafer
Margaret Scharmer
George Schell
Robert & Arlene Schindeldecker
Deborah Schlichting
Teresa Schlichting
Sara Schlumberger
Julie Schmid
Sharon Schmid
Stephen & Hildegarde Schmidt
Michael & Sally Schmitt
Catherine Schnapp
Alissa Schneider
Allan & Deborah Schneider
Amber Schneider
Mary Ellen Scholl
Cora Scholz
Tom & Connie Schroepfer
Rose Schuette
Chris Schultz
Martha Schultz
Dan & Sarah Schumacher
Maggie Schumacher
Terry Schuveiller
Jane Schwanke
Patricia Schwob
David Scott
Nancy Scrabeck
Marc Seeger
Allyson Segar
Amy Segelbaum
Chuck Segelbaum
Thomas Seifert
Mary Jo Selg
Julie Sellner
Andrew Senn
John Seppanen
Roy Seppanen
Irene Serr
Thomas Sexton
David & Ann Shannon
Norma Shannon
Alan & Carol Shapiro
Eloyce Shaw
Mary Sheahen
Sheryl Sheeks
Mark Sheets
Michael Sherburne
Joshua Sherer
Stephen Sherer
Lew & Sue Sherman
Matt Sherman
Dan & Kay Shimek
Sarah Shoard
Jody Shragg
Gretchen Sickler
Pamela Signorelli
Alan & Janice Silver
Gretchen Sjoholm
Mary Skemp Brown
Dan Skogen
Cathleen Skrypek
Mickey Slind
David Smith
Marsha Smith
Michael & Dana Smith
Stephanie Smith
David Snyder
Robert & Pam Snyder
John & Lynne Soderlund
Greg & Laura Solarz
Lynn Solie
Laverne Soll
Wendy Sommer
Jill Sonnek
Karen Sorbo
Tony Sorensen
Wade Sorenson
Edna Spangler
Bubba Spann
Richard & Darlene Spannagel
Brigid Spicola
Joey Spicola
Timmy Spicola
Susan St John
Linda St. John
John Stafford
Stephanie Stahl
Greg Stang
Daniel Stark
Patricia Steele
Merlin & Gloria Steffen
Jo Steinberg
William & Nila Stevens
Thomas & Liba Stillman
Beverly Stockman
Barbara Stoffel
Adam & Marissa Stranik
Steven & Vicky Streit
Frank & Amy Strezo
Paul & Mary Strot
Paul Strot
Alan Stuelpner
Brian & Noelle Stuelpner
J.M. Stutzman
Elizabeth Sullivan
Megan Sullivan
Richard & Mary Jane Sullivan
Stephanie Sullivan
Bonnie Summer
Anna Sunderman
Lynn Sutherland
David & DiAnne Swanovich
Charles & Tom Swanson
Gary & Nancy Swanson
John Swanson
Diane Swedell
David Swenson
Stanley & Rhoda Tabor
Arthur Taub & Carol Gettleman
Auke Tellegen
David & Laura Telschow
Suzanne Templin
Michael Terpkosh
Nancy Terrett
Bonnie Teske
Carolyn Thaman
Robert Thaman
David Thekan
Daniel Thibault
Gary & Emogene Thibodeau
Diane Thier
Wendy Thomas
Mara Thompson
Stephen & Joanie Thompson
Stacey Thu
Joyce Tibbs
Louis Tilton
Natalie Timmers
Jeremy Tischer
Mary Lou Tkalcich
Valerie Tobeck
Douglas Tollefson
Wendell Topp
Stephanie Tovar
Joanne Tracy
Douglas Troiani
Steve Troje
April Uram
Michael Van Cleve
Ericka Van Hook
Judith Vankirksmith
Nancy Vaske
Jospeh Veneziano & Family
Kendra Verbeten
Robyn Vidor
Robert & Nancy Viking
Jon & Mollie Villella
Ron Villella
Daniel Vinup
John & Mary
Dolores Volk
Kathryn Vonderharr
Mary Vujovich
Richard Wachsmuth
Pamela Waggoner
Eric Wahlberg
Milton & Lauren Wakschlag
Barbara Walior
Lori Walker
Kenneth Wall
Marie Waller
Steve Wallin
Kristen Walseth
Jean Walstad
Andrew & Christa Wanger
Carla Warner
Erin Wathen
Jim & Jacqueline Weber
John & Jennifer Weeks
Ronald Weeks
Andrew Weibel
Patricia Weichselbaum
Ralph Weichselbaum
David Weinandt
Marilyn Weisberg
Pamela Weisdorf
Harvey Weiss
Robert & Jean Weiss
Howard & Gloria Weisskopf
Palmer & Susan Welcome
William Weller
Nancy Wells
Arlyn Welty
Amanda Wenisch
Timothy Wessel
Nancy Westby
Kimberly Westgaard
Jim Westrud
Jim Wetschka
John & Joy Wetzel
Thomas Wetzel
Chris Wetzell
Christy White
Jeanne White
Jerry & Constance White
Suzanne White
Frank Whitman III
Marla Wiebolt
Daniel Wiessner
Mark Wiessner
Carry Wilcox
Jay Wilcox
Lauren Wilkie
Darin Willette
Wilfred & Janet Williams
Beverly Williamson
Mary Wiltse
Jon Wind
Kevin Windschitl
Kurt Witte
Jennifer Wohlwend
Claus Wolf
Kim Wolf
David Wolfe
James Wolfe
Jill Wolfe
Laurie Wolhart
Helen Wolk
Donors Lance & Elizabeth Wolkow
Ruth Wong
Terri Wong
Mary Wright
Rich Wright
Lindsey Wuollet-
Brenda Wurst
Jeff Wurst
Susan Wurst
Rebecca Wyganowski
XCEL co-workers
Eric & Pauline Yousha
Michael & Jean Ysbrand
Michael Ysbrand
Rollie & Joan Ysbrand
Alfred Zdrazil
Holly Zick
Larry & Edie Zidel
Gerald Zierdt
David Ziff
John Zimmerman
Julie Zimmerman
Dody Zimmerschied
Theodore Zinner
Fay Ziton
Peter & Donna Zubert
Bruce & Gloria Zucker

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