summer school - Evangelische Hochschule Nürnberg


summer school - Evangelische Hochschule Nürnberg
Time and Place
2 weeks
17th to 30th of August 2014
at the Lutheran University of Applied Sciences
Nuremberg (Germany)
summer sc ho o l
Contents and Methods
• Diagnosing dementia and psychosocial
• Dwelling forms, small-scale living, and
assisted living
• Supportive measures for relatives and concepts of care in the acute setting
• Communication, management of aggressive
behaviour, and fall prevention
• Ethics in dementia care
• Death and dying in dementia
Tutorials provide opportunities for discussion and
self-directed learning. Role plays with simulated patients
support the development of communicative skills.
Case studies highlight national particularities of dementia
care and are examined in international student groups.
Visits to health care institutions provide examples of best
Please download the preliminary programme at
O r g a n i s i n g C o m m i tt e e
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Härlein
Dr. Christine Haberstumpf-Münchow
Evangelische Hochschule Nürnberg
Lutheran University of Applied Sciences
Bärenschanzstraße 4
90429 Nürnberg
Nürnberg:[email protected]
Maastricht:[email protected]
[email protected]
St. Gallen:[email protected]
[email protected]
This project has been funded with support from
the European Commission. This publication
[communication] reflects the views only of the
author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of
the information contained therein.
We are looking forward to your application.
Summer School
ERASMUS Intensive Programme
Artwork: · Photos: Christian Horn · Florian Hammerich · Steffen Oliver Riese · EVHN · Status: October 2013
Experts in the field who are teaching at the
participating Universities will give an overview
of their research findings:
International Summer School:
Advances in Dementia Care
•Evangelische Hochschule Nürnberg
Lutheran University of Applied Sciences
•Fachhochschule Salzburg University of
Applied Sciences
•FHS St. Gallen University of Applied
•Maastricht University
•Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Certificates of participation with 3 ECTS credits
• Travel costs: 10 percent own funds, 90 percent
• Accomodation will be subsidised.
Additional expenses will range from 40 to 60 €
according to chosen place (for two weeks).
• Social programme: approximately 100 to 120 €
ERASMUS I n t e r n a t i o n a l
S u m m e r S c h o o l : A d v a n c e s i n
D e m e n t i a C a r e
The number of people suffering for dementia is growing
each year. Therefore there is a demand for all health care
professionals to re-design existing interventions and also
to develop forward-looking strategies for better care of
older people with dementia.
The ERASMUS Intensive Programme offers 30 students
in the fields of nursing and health from five European
countries the opportunity to gain in-depth insight into
significant health problems and possible intervention
strategies in the field of dementia care.
Learning together in an international group enables
participants to reflect on how socio-cultural backgrounds
as well as differences in health care systems influence how
persons affected by dementia and their relatives can be
best supported.
Of course, there will also be opportunities to have fun
together and build new networks.
Participating Universities
and Lecturers
• Evangelische Hochschule Nürnberg Lutheran University
of Applied Sciences (DE): Prof. Dr. Christine Brendebach,
Prof. PD Dr. Barbara Städtler-Mach, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Härlein
• Fachhochschule Salzburg University of Applied Sciences
(AT): FH-Prof. Dr. Thomas Boggatz
• FHS St. Gallen University of Applied Sciences (CH):
Prof. Dr. Heidi Zeller, Dr. Thomas Beer
• Maastricht University (NL): Dr. Hilde Verbeek
• Tampere University of Applied Sciences (FI):
Prof. Dr. Sirpa Salin
C r i t e r i a f o r App l i c a t i o n
• Students (Nursing and related Health Care Sciences /
Bachelor-level) studying at faculties of participating
• Academic performance
• Ability to communicate in English
• Letter of intent describing the motivation to participate
in the Summer School (one page, in English)
App l i c a t i o n
Six students from each
participating University have
the chance to participate in
the ERASMUS Intensive
Programme. Applications
should be send to the contact
person of your own university.
App l i c a t i o n
D e a d l i n e
January 31, 2014
Summer School