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PO% a')" P.',O# +55# P 35 121eV (Consonants) bat cab pen mop (Alphabets) (Vowels) bat pen tin dog gun "#"$": &*&#T& (Alphabets) " 26 S 21 + S 5 5. POO#a& (O"#'!)',!)" S) c +)%P+& '($ S & %P + & 6. )"O S P a)*&O"(# O#PO""'" P"'" 35121eV . Elephant is big! (Elephant) /I2e2 S (wild animal) − a'( (big) "## (trunk) "# (tusks) − " 4 (legs) " (eyes) "'a'( (ears) /I2+2: − − − − − 121eV5 )# S O"a'( " 4 'a'( "%"( ## )# 5)% "# ()#"% !"("# 5-. 2 e42/2+2 /k*. +m4/ 4/-.1 /3-.e 4W- "OP'5. #O)#a'),$+) (O% P$(! a')P`"P (! $ −"T"'+#a& a %,#Pa')( 5. #"OP'!)+) −"'-'a).aO"` !)("T"'+#"5. #OP'!) +%) "+# Backward Design )a')"'- + "5) O%P S+ "'-#O% (!)( %)P a') 5"T.:+)!"(a(+(a')%"''"#%") OP'!) ($ .# Backward Design )# )a')(#')( % P'+ " '-# %& !)#(O% +'() b (#O#'-#(% S'-O"`a) S)")O" bP '+ !) S(# %$ a).+ "+(O#(#!"( S#+ S# O % %")a')+( ;,O#)#+O)#a')P+ "5) '(#%%")O( ! 5! %,#(!)($$ ,`,#T"'+## b%%5# '$#O S '-# %& ;,O#+#a')'(5. #"9OP'!) +) + 9Oa) " S9*a #"* (Rubrics) (#!"%% " '-'a).O c ( (+ '# "*& ,&)) 34 ) )!) e42/2+2 /k *.+m4/-.1 / 3 //(Y+/--.e4W/ '#%O!)P'5. #O)#a'),$+) P'* #+ . "5) ;,O# S '-O+#("5)"5. #O P'!)+) * # '"`,# #'%"OP'a') Oa')"% # /) $$ /g "-) OP'!) & P##% )# S#O)# %#a %P S '%#"(%"O%P#,$Oa)a ;,O#( # O S#O""'"((Meaningful Task) %$#+ %"% )#"O % )#% #/) $$ /g "-) O)#a'),$ $#$"O!)* #`)"O)#+) % )#,`,#.+ O#"O% a)+ "5)#;,O#"(""' * % )#a')'" "* #O 5) Contents Map Communication • • • • • • • • • • • • • Introduce oneself to a group Make suggestions Express preferences Talk about obligations Express future plans and activities Order food items and drinks Describe personalities Offer, refuse, and accept help Talk about school experiences Describe places and experiences Talk about a past incident Ask for and give additional information Talk about the value of extracurricular activities Vocabulary Teen activities Review of common activities: antonyms Household chores Sports and sports locations Food items and drinks Dance and exercises verbs Adjectives with negative prefixes Clothes and personal possessions Expressions related to school Adjectives of measurement Action verbs Types of TV shows Extracurricular activities Grammar • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Simple present contrasted with the present continuous Position of adverbs of frequency Simple past tense: regular and irregular verbs Postcards 3 Have to: simple present and simple past forms The present continuous to express future time Verb + infinitive Will and wont for decisions, promises, and future predictions The imperative Adjectives and adverbs If clauses to express future meaning The present perfect for the indefinite past Supplement The present perfect with for and since The present perfect with yet and already The present perfect contrasted with the simple past Adjective clauses with who, that, and where The comparative and superlative forms of regular and irregular adjectives Comparisons using as 8 as/not as 8 as The past continuous: statements and information questions The passive voice: present tense Reflexive pronouns Gerund as subject, as object of verb, as object of preposition Projects Zoom in on culture Fun with grammar Information gaps Evaluation forms Skills Reading: Scan an article for specific information; read for the main idea Listening: Listen for the main idea and specific details Writing: Write sentences using the present continuous and the simple present tense with adverbs of frequency Speaking: Introduce oneself to a group; talk about favorite activities Reading: Read for specific details Listening: Listen for information and specific details Writing: Write a dialogue in which speakers make suggestions, accept or reject suggestions, and express preferences Reading: Read for details Listening: Listen for details Writing: Write a paragraph about responsibilities at home Speaking: Talk about obligations Reading: Scan a reading to find specific facts Listening: Listen for specific details to complete an itinerary Writing: Write interview questions for a celebrity based on a reading Speaking: Express future plans and activities; role-play an interview with a celebrity Reading: Read for details; read a map Listening: Listen to understand a sequence of steps Writing: Write directions to a place; write a sequence of dance Steps Speaking: Give instructions, telling someone how to perform dance steps Reading: Read and answer a questionnaire on personalities; read descriptions of personalities; understand meaning from context Listening: Listen for details Writing: Write sentences with adverbs of manner, write Sentences with if clauses to express future meaning Speaking: Describe your own personality and the personality of others Pronunciation Reading: Read for (specific) information; read to make inferences Listening: Listen for details Writing: Write a paragraph about influences on teens when they buy clothes Speaking: Survey classmates about what influences them when they buy clothes Reading: Read for specific details Listening: Listen for specific details Writing: Write a paragraph expressing an opinion Speaking: Expressing opinions Reading: Read for details; read to make inferences Listening: Listen for specific details Writing: Write a paragraph describing the most exciting or the most unforgettable experience Speaking: describing the most exciting or the most unforgettable experience Reading: Read for (specific) information; read to make inferences Listening: Listen for specific details Writing: Create a poster of the different ways people can help others Speaking: Tell a story about someone who performs a small act of kindness Reading: Read for specific information and the main idea Listening: Listen for specific information; listen to make inferences Writing: Write sentences using the passive voice; write a dialogue asking for and giving additional information Speaking: asking for and giving additional information Reading: Read for specific details; read to make inferences Listening: Listen for specific details; listen to make inferences Writing: Make a list of the benefits of extracurricular activities; use research and interview methods Speaking: Interview people to gather information The sounds /st/, /sk/, and /sp/ Dropped vowels in middle syllables The reduced forms of have to and has to The sounds of /t/ and /d/ Word stress in adjectives The sounds /b/ and /v/ Words beginning with r- blends Learn to Learn Listening to native speakers of English to improve adjectives Reading maps in brochures and guides Learning English through movies and TV shows Developing your potential through afterschool activities # '")##$' "-)+ $ $ g (" )*&(# '# ) $-*&#T& Postcards 3 (#$O 3 $".",& gO 3 ")# + "-)(#$O 3 1O + "-/) ) $ $ g "-. 1.1 '( "-. 1.2 3 Let's get started. Unit 1 We usually meet at 4:00 Unit 3 Do I have to? Unit 4 Who's going to the game? Unit 6 If you need me, I'll be there. Unit 7 Have you seen the new jeans? Unit 8 He's the one who gave him a D. Unit 9 It's the scariest ride of all! Unit 10 I was running when I fell. Unit 11 The talk show is taped there. Unit 12 Learning English is cool! Unit 5 I'll have a sandwich? 4 1 2 3 "-. 1.3 2 Unit 2 It was quite an experience! 1 O 2 4 1 2 3 1 2 "-. 2.2 3 1 2 "-. 4.1 1 1 1 O 4 "-. 4.2 5 "-. 2.1 O 3 "-. 3.1 2 Let’s get started. Z-)Y+n4/25:52 / 2 .Z 2/ 1. %("O Julia + Nathan 10 b# a" ba) Simple present tense + P" 2. bP`" Yes/No Oa* S ( + OP`" + P(#$ 3. (" 20 P`" 4. #P OP'a')#a & !) Communication - Asking and answering Yes/No Questions Grammar - Simple present contrasted with the present continuous; Position of adverbs of frequency Vocabulary - Occupations - Physical descriptions - Personal possessions - Occupations Letzs get started. 0I( ( /2 1. "" 2. "a3) 3. "5 -2/2: 1. # 2. 3. ( 4. 5. 6. (" 7. P")! a)a %P : :: Let’s get started. 5-. 1 //(Y+/--.3d45*: 3+, • (#)" ( b& + )#$ c `)#"'( ( 1.1 ". 3/2) • + O O!"(a("# +(# c a')". b+ )"O #'( ( 1.1 ". 3/3) • + b))"O# O#(# c a) ` ( O#O (a" a%##" + O(#(O#+ '" " ( 1.2 ". 3/1) • + O+ a')) " . + +#"'OO#O#'( (#'" " ( 1.2 ". 3/4) • a)*& $P# + (#'" + b""#"+ 8."# %)#*& ( 2.1 ". 3/1) • )("/%%"#*&+ 8."""a% ( 2.1 ". 3/3) • + ."'"+ "+(# '(## b(# c + PP"b#)# b#*&(# + *&! ( 2.2 ". 3/1) • )) " + )"/)%%#OO)#(" )O%+'(#)+ P)/ ( 3.1 ". 3/1) • a)*&Oa`%#/`%P#O,$a')# `,& " + #" ( 4.1 ". 3/1) • a)*&(# a)/)) " + "/) )"(# c %O+ +'(# )(# c a,&(+ ( 4.2 ". 3/1) 5d-.-5 el1eV--. ed45d-.- - `)O`"(+"(# S '" 25d... a('!"( % O S *&#T&( 1. P#P"O S(# 2 % O (#! b!"(a)'" ed +( O ! - `))#O(O# %" P'($ ( irregular verb ( S (## + "5" % go went, buy bought O S *&#T&(#! 5-. eW+15d-.- -2/1l5-.2eW+1-. 2... - 21l... 1. P(# c !)+( 1. ) )a% + PO(# c (# c ( tourist, doctor, musician & + O##((# c !) S) 2. "` + `"-O P& ( happy, & !) unhappy, short, tall, young, old, thin, fat, brown eyes, black hair, medium build S ) O##((# c ( sunglasses, camera, hat, sneakers, papers, pencil, jacket S ) 2. b+ `"-O & ( He is a tourist. She is a doctor. They are both happy. Is Nathan 40 years old? Yes, he is. Do Nathan and Julia both have sunglasses? No, they dont. S) 5-. 2 2/2+2 /k*.+m4/-.1 /3-. e4W- 1. 2-. 3+|:3 - 34%("O Julia + Nathan 10 b#a" ba) Simple present tense + P" - 34 bP`" Yes/No Oa* S( + OP`" + P (#$ - 34(" 20 P`" - 34 #POP'a')#a &!) - 34P+%+5(P Lets Get Started Unit Test 2. .+ O#" "5) 2.1 . "5) 2.2 O#" "5) 1) (+ '# 1) +(+ '# 2) & )# ( 2) + "5& )# + ( + 3) "5#/%" S 3) + "5#/%" S ' S (" ' S (" 4) + "5)." 4) + "T"# %." + (" 5) + %P'( 5) + "5)")ba) 6) + "5## + 6) "5## 3. 1.-.0+2 3.1 ")a% 6 ) !)+( . $+%# + "+ " a) + # + P! a) """"#O'' a')"Pa"),#5)O + %) # 3.2 "` P !)+( ""`aO +) ' a)& + a)bb 3.3 & ,# # !)+( & ;O % " a3") ((## "(#"OaP# " S! "%. 5-. 3 +5%) O 1 Lets get started. 2 Ob"# - . 1 123+2-) ()*+,-. 3 Letzs get start. / 2 .Z 0+21Y 1. # ( + PO(# c & + O##((# c !) (K, P) 2. + `"-O& !) (K, P) 3. +#""+ %"#*&!) (K, A, P) /2+2 / (K) "# ( + PO(# c & + O## ((# c " + `"- O& %5#/%" S S( ' S(" 0I( ( /2 (A) "T"aP# Sa)"" "a3) "%O(*& #T& -2/2: (P) "T"aP# S+ S("a) O +) ' 4- Communication: Grammar: Vocabulary: Asking and answering Yes/No questions Simple present contrasted with the present continuous; Position of adverbs of frequency Occupations; Physical descriptions; Personal possessions 1. '# Postcards 3 ') 23 +` b P *(# c O"O# -:I *&! #",& "'"#PO(# c & + O##( (# c +#"" ) O(# c + `" S(#%)#*& 0I( ( /2 1. "" 2. "a3) 3. "5 -. 1: Describing people A a')+(#(" (" 3 + " & P'%, a')a("(#a)P" he, she + they %(#a'#') 2 a')(PO#+ (a% a)P ! (verb to be + verb to have) a')a("(+(# b& #a*"(# ("O+(# b !) 10 b+)a'),$ "O ( " +( # b % +) a') + ( ( " ( b# + ("O c O'(%"`)# + + +)!O")5 %(# bO+(# S b . (#( She isnt short. / Shes not short. ' a') ( + S ) a') 34%PP+ a) (a b OP S b . U/: Sample answers: 1. They are (both) happy. 2. She has brown eyes and black hair. 3. He has a medium build. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. He has a camera and a video camera. She is thin. She has papers and a pencil. He is 40 years old. She is 30 years old. He has sunglasses. He has a hat. B a')( b(#$#'"a) B #a) verb to do S(a)# bP`"# verb to have ( He has short hair. Does he have short hair? Yes, he does. ( #O"" ( Does Nathan have a scarf? Are Nathan and Julia the same weight? a')+(# bP`" 10 b +)%(O+ OP`"+ a') P `"O ! ) ( #$ c %$ ( # O a') %) #P `"%+ +) ! )5 a') ) ! P `"#O + '( # " O 5 ) ! P + O #'"' !"( ) "+ P +) ! + a') bP `"O ( + O 1 b U/: Sample answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Is Julia unhappy? No, she isnt. Is Nathan happy? Yes, he is. Does Julia have a CD player? No, she doesnt. Do Nathan and Julia both have jackets? No, they dont. Does Nathan have sneakers? Yes, he does. Do Nathan and Julia both have cameras? No, they dont. Does Julia have blonde hair? No, she doesnt. Does Nathan have short hair? Yes, he does. Do Julia and Nathan both have papers and a pencil? No, they dont. 10. Does Julia have papers and a pencil? Yes, she does. -. 2: Twenty Questions a')(PO#aa%%$`"( What are the rules of the game? a') a(" 20 P`" b)#"Oa%(% )#(`,# #$ "P')O 1 O'% S5`) " P`"Oa)% ( Yes. ' No. ($ 1 (" "``"P`"!) 20 P`" (!"(a( 20 P`") a')+(#("( (" 45 P'a') "a(" 1 S5) O`O aa% + P `" O S , O `O ) # %P P `" "O 20 P`"+)O#!"(!)a')`(+) ((%a')+(# '(#("!)) ! c ') #a '( #O +(# 'O # $ #P `"# (`)#'!"( "a')Oa("(+)!P`"O)#5 ('"O%P S a')#%PP`"Oa) + a')5)P -. 3: Puzzle a')( past tense # verb $# regular + irregular verb a')P &!) S' S(!) a')( U/: 1 ' * O " O #O ) % %P *( %P a$ (aO!"("*%% O##( &!)) *O'# b!"(a') '* .a')(`""a') SO"O#a*$ % )#" '( # S a) $ # P `" Yes/No questions " .: ` "P `"!) $# '"!"( 20 P `" (%P P `"O` "O +( ,$( %P a$ bO! a')`"!) 1 P`") %a')(# `))# ( A: Am I a woman? B: Yes, you are. A: Am I an athlete? C: No, youre not. a O ` "P `" 20 P `"+) + !"( "`'P !) a') O a) ( !) ( You are a famous tennis player. a')( (5)"O#a!)#(O :-*4/ 1. "P%a%) _________________________________________________________ +#8 ___________________________________________________________________ 2. '/ a%) _____________________________________________________ +#+)! _______________________________________________________________________ 3. O#O!"(!) "+5 _____________________________________________________________ '5 _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. #+5%) _______________________________________________________ #O __________________ 5) _________/ _________/ _________ Unit 1: We usually meet at 4:00. Z-)Y+n4/25:52 / 6 .Z 2/ 1. #+ # /st/, /sk/ + /sp/ "+`,#/+5(; +)#+#a+( ) 2. %5( `"+ P`"OP'a')" 3. * P`"O P'a')((" 4. * P`"O P'a') S ("( 5. P`"O #+ #a" Communication - Introduce oneself to a group Grammar - Simple present contrasted with the present continuous - Position of adverbs of frequency Vocabulary - Teen activities Pronunciation - st, sk, sp -2/2: We usually meet at 4:00. 0I( ( /2 1. "" 2. "a3) 3. "5 1. # 2. 3. ( 4. 5. 6. (" 7. P")! a)a %P : :: Unit 1: We usually meet at 4:00. 5-. 1 //(Y+/--.3d45*: 3+, (#)" ( b& + )#$ c `)#"'( ( 1.1 ". 3/2) + OO!"(a("# +(# c a')". b+ )"O #'( ( 1.1 ". 3/3) / ')O# a%"P + +#"'OO#O#+ (%O *(# c )"$#a')'5+ (# ( 1.1 ". 3/4) + b))"O# O#(# c a) ` ( O#O (a"a% ##" + O(#(O#+ '" " ( 1.2 ". 3/1) + O+ a')) " . + +#"'OO#O#'( (#'" " ( 1.2 ". 3/4) + O# (/'/O#/ (# c O(a"a% ##" ( 1.3 ". 3/1) + +#"'O%" + ' )"$#a')'5$ c ( 1.3 ". 3/3) a)*& $P # + (#'" + b""#"+ 8."# %)#*& ( 2.1 ". 3/1) )("/%%"#*&+ 8."""a% ( 2.1 ". 3/3) + ."'"+ "+(# '(## b(# c + PP"b#)# b#*&(# + *&! ( 2.2 ". 3/1) )) " + )"/)%%#OO)#(" )O%+'(#)+ P)/ ( 3.1 ". 3/1) a)*&Oa`%#/`%P#O,$a')# `,& " + #" ( 4.1 ". 3/1) a)*&(# a)/)) " + "/) )"(# c %O+ +'(# )(# c a,&(+ ( 4.2 ". 3/1) 5d-.-5 el1eV-.-ed45d-.- - ""! )(*&#T&T) 25d... 1. Simple present tense " b ) + !)Oa'"(a( % (+ P Subject + verb 1 + (object). . S% &O 3 (# 1 % " s/es a) Simple present tense 1. "O`,#'O S " %#O! (The moon shines at night. 2. P;,O#P S %P ' ' % %PO S %% (She gets up early.b +)% "P'("PO"`O #' (adverbs of frequency)(a bP'("P'("$ % #!)') ' +(% #'# verb to be ( I always have breakfast at seven oclock in the morning. 2. Present continuous (progressive) tense " b ) Subject + verb to be (is/am/are) + verb ing + (object).a) present continuous tense 1. P;,O#P#P ( O b$ ( Tipchok and Pongsak are jogging. 2. a)'OP( S %Pa O ( My daughter is studying hard this term. 3. "+(# '(# simple present tense present continuous tensea ) simple present tense O ( T" ' (#(# c bO ! a) Present continuous tense O.%";,O#P# ,$a O O!"(a)a Present continuous tense !)+( +#)+ * #%a% "), + +#".* "O)#( P#"($(a')a) Simple present tense ($ ( I dont see anything. (!"(a) I am not seeing anything.) P#($ #P%P"a)a present #O c S*&#T&(#!)# - `))#O## (b O# + #$#("" % S *&#T&(#! - start (#(#! - scary (#(#! - spot (#(#! continuous tense !) +(""'"5+ ! ( I am seeing the dentist tomorrow. 5-. eW+15d-.- 2... 1. P+ POP%"(# c #( ( play a musical instrument, chat on the Internet, watch TV, play video games, listen to music, talk on the phone, read magazines S) 2. bO+ P#(5)Oa (" ( My names Stacy. Im in 11th grade, and Im studying German. Im Justin, Justin Carlson. Im in 12th grade, and Im taking French. My names Stephen Liu. Steve for short. Im in 11th grade like Stacy. Im Thomas Bryant. You can call me Tom. Im taking Spanish with Nicole. 3. + a) Simple present + Present continuous O`)# 4. a)+ #P+'(#P& "`O (Adverb of frequency) O`)# 5. # "O,$))# /st/, /sk/, /sp/ O`)# -2/1l5-.2eW+1-. - 21l... 1. ) )a% + P+ PO P%"(# c #(!) 2. + P#(5)Oa("!) 3. + a) Simple present + Present continuous !)`)# 4. a)+ #P+'(#P&"`O (Adverbs of frequency) !)`)# 5. # "O ,$))# /st/, /sk/, /sp/ !)`)# 5-. 2 2/2+2 /k*.+m4/-.1 /3-. e4W- 1. 2-. 3+|:3 - 34#+ ("+`,#/+5(; '(# Stacy + Justin - 34O#O bOP'a')" - 34#+ # /st/, /sk/ + /sp/ "+`,#/+5(; +)#+#a+( ) - 34#+ ("+`,#/+5(; - 34# bOP'%+`,#/+5(; (#" + %("34+ P #"+`,#/+5(; - 34 b%"(# c O O"O#a*P# P - 34%(5`"+ P`"OP'a')" - 34("`,#O#%'"# Nicole + "P&"`O ' adverbs of frequency #aP+'(#O'" " - 34#%+`,#/+5(; + O#'" '))O`)# - 34"#a(#(#a')`)# - 34* P`"OP'a')((" - 34%(("'"#PO)a)a" + (+( ( a#a" - 34* P`"OP'a') S("( - 34P`"O#+ #a" - 34 bOP'a')"#aa')" + #+`,#/+5(; O %P - 34P+%+5(P Unit 1 Test 2. .+ O#" "5) 2.1 . "5) 2.2 O#" "5) 1) (+ '# 1) +(+ '# 2) & )# ( 2) + "5& )# + ( + 3) "5#/%" S 3) + "5#/%" S ' S (" ' S (" 4) + "5)." 4) + "T"# %." + (" 5) + %P'( 5) + "5)")ba) 6) + "5## + 6) "5## 3. 1.-.0+2 3.1 ")a% 6 ) !)+( . $+%# + "+ " a) + # + P! a) """"#O'' a')"Pa"),#5)O + %) # 3.2 "` P !)+( ""`aO +) ' a)& + a)bb 3.3 & ,# # !)+( & ;O % " a3") ((## "(#"OaP# " S! "%. 5-. 3 +5%) O 2 Unit 1 We usually meet at 4:00. 6 Ob"# - . 2 12 3+2-) ()*+,-. 3 Unit 1 We usually meet at 4:00. / 6 .Z 0+21Y 1. # ( + P+ POP%"(# c #(!) (K, P) 2. + P#(5)Oa("!) (K, P) 3. + a) Simple present tense + Present continuous tense !) (K, P) 4. a)+ #P+'(#P&"`O (Adverbs of frequency) !) (K, P) 5. # "O,$))# /st/, /sk/, /sp/ !) (K, P) 6. +#""+ %"#*&!) (K, A, P) /2+2 / (K) "# ( + P+ POP %"(# c #( "+ P#( 5)Oa(" " + a) Simple present tense + Present continuous tense "a)+ #P+'(# P&"`O (Adverbs of frequency) " # "O,$))# /st/, /sk/, /sp/ %5#/%" S S( ' S(" 0I( ( /2 (A) "T"aP# Sa)"" "a3) "%O(*& #T& -2/2: (P) "T"aP# S+ S("a) O +) ' 4- Communication: Grammar: Vocabulary: Pronunciation: Introduce oneself to a group Simple present contrasted with the present continuous; Position of adverbs of frequency Teen activities st, sk, sp 1. '# Postcards 3 ') 49 +34' Postcards Language Booster 3 ') 811 + Grammar Builder ') 6467 +5(; +` b P *O"O# (# c -:I *&! #",& "'"#P+ POP%"(# c #( +#"" ) %"(# c #(#%)#*& 0I( ( /2 1. "" 2. "a3) 3. "5 -. 1 Warm-Up a')#(#+ P#+ %"Oa% ba')#(#) c + % a')%(O 5+ P#)"%"'""O)(" a')%"'""OO S"b!"( OO #a &+5( c "O(O%"'"" a')((a S5)P%"$ Using the Large Photo a')*a'#') 45 + + POa* (Ms. Costa, Stacy, Steve, Justin, Tom + Nicole) `"P`" 23 ) (O% ($O#a ( What are Ms. Costa and the kids doing? (having a meeting) What do you think they might be talking about? (introducing themselves ' making plans) How are the kids dressed? (in casual clothes) -. 1: Dialogue Background notes Introducing oneself: + P##(a'"( O3#()# S# "% a)P( Hi "( Hello (+ P#( 5)a'(% $#O+ " Nicknames: O(%% "%(',O##O ( Liz "% Elizabeth ' SO(#$ c ( Tom % Thomas S) Senior/Junior: b#"." a'-"% " 4 $ g !)+( g 1 ( 9) ( Freshman g 2 ( 10) ( Sophomore g 3 ( 11) ( Junior g 4 ( 12) ( Senior P`" O S+#a %" #$ How can we tell that this is the first time Ms. Costa is meeting the kids? a')#%+5(; )"'#') 4 a')(P`" (They introduce themselves.) %$ '#+ # $# .)## (`)") : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 12 ') 8 U/: Workbook Exercises 1X2 4 8 1 1. 2. 3. 4. Youre in the eleventh grade Yes, I am. But you can call me Jay. Jen for short. 5. How often do you come here? 6. I always come here 7. I usually read or chat on the Internet with friends. 8. But I often play games on my computer. 9. I never play computer games. 10. What do you want to see? 11. I rarely go to the movies. 2 Answers will vary. -. 2: Comprehension a')34& (bO')" (scan) a')( b ) 1 + 'PP (keyword) a b (club adviser) %$! O c 'PP (keyword) $"OPO)# a')(+)"(#) c O')"O )# a')( bO' )+ 'PP (keyword) `,# 5 % )# O" (2. Italian 3. French 4. German 5. Nicoles classmate) a') 1 aP+34' %$%,#P)"$#')# U/: 1. Ms. Costa 2. Steve 3. Justin 4. Stacy 5. Tom -. 3: Pronunciation .O# $Pa*&#T&O",$))# / / ")# / / / / / / ' / / a') ##%+5(; P ba')#( # $P % )#!"("# '(# ( spot % )#!"(#( ' a')#( # / / "O('# / / % #) a*&! # / / "O('# / / % #) a*&! # / / "O('# / / % #) a*&! a')##%+5(;$# )"#" Audioscript 1. store 1. st 2. sky 3. sport 4. star 2. sk 3. sp 4. : st -. 4: Useful Phrases a')("+#"'(+( Pa)a`a ( See what I mean? (a)a$#)#) S) P")a%(aa)*&O* ( "O)#a')O##,$(a)P( Speak up! % SPO# a) b)#( Could you speak up, please? a')#$# )"#" )a')+P## O`)# 1 a')%(O+ P 1 P +))#%P$ a')34O()# ("#(O"+#')$ -. 5: Communication A a')+(# S("( ()"Oa')$# 3 )"a Exercise 5 A a'#') 5 )" (!))" !)# (O" O( $) " 1 a')()"+ba')a)O"+ O(# #+ (! ()"O#b Oa)O"+ O(## +)%,# 1 O$ B a')+(#(" (" 5 34+ P#Oa(" a')( (Oa"O()# O(!)"(#! ((+"('$#a')) a')((#O(a*&#T& )"("%O"( ! ( Rob, Robby "%O Robert, Pam "%O Pamela, Mike "%O Michael Grammar Focus: The simple present contrasted with the present continuous b(# The club usaully meets after school from 4.00 to 5.00. Because today is the first meeting, they are finishing early. a')( ""($## ba) tense Oa')"'"(#(#! (Simple present a))%%#'%OP S %P ( Present continuous a) 'OP#,$ O'P#,$a(#$ ( Im studying German this year. O%!"(!)P#(+(P#a g$'*$) a'),& b(# Simple present + Present continuous % Grammar Focus a'))! a'#') 4 + ' bO S Present continuous -. 6: Practice Background notes Leonardo DiCaprio: +#"O"5#+#*O# Whats Eating Gilbert Grape?, Romeo + Juliet + Titanic Elton John: )## + gb#T& O"5#"( 30 g %$# S5)($##('5) $ HIV ba)O#( Elton John AIDS Foundation (Luciano) Pavarotti: )#b "5#,#"( 110 $" + +#Ob( 1,200 $# Martina Hingis: ,O# ( ""$#+( 14 g + !) S+" # 16 g ($ Eldrick (Tiger) Woods: ""! #P+'(#5)(',O#O" )O ( 21 g a $) S5)($#". Tiger Woods ;,O# S#O%%"a')+( 5)!) a'),&PO#+ b(#a Exercise 6 a'#') 6 %")a% #()a%'!"( + % +(# bba)POP'a')(#! a')P+34' +)%POa(" U/: 1. a. Leonardo DiCaprio is singing. b. He usually acts in movies. 2. a. Elton John is playing the guitar. b. He usually plays the piano. 3. a. Pavarotti is playing soccer. b. He usually sings opera. 4. a. Martina Hingis is singing. b. She usually plays tennis. 5. a. Tiger Woods is playing tennis. b. He usually plays golf. -. 7: Your Turn a') ""(O#%P'(a %%"`+(# *!)(#!)# (O#O (computer magazines, fashion magazines, news magazines, automotive magazines S)) a')%(+ (#(#O% +#a') a')O 1 " S5) (P`") 1 P`" S(#( I usually read news magazines. "O 2 (P`") 2 `'#a" P(()"( Im reading (O) right now. a')+( (5`"P`") 14 ! c $ )a')" b + ('O!"(#P -. 2 Grammar Focus: Positions of adverbs of frequency $#P`" Do you go shopping very often? And how often do you go? 1 S5) (Yes, I do. I go every Sunday.) P)"(#O c a')(#P+'(## adverbs of frequency ( Somsak always goes shopping every Sunday. Pranee never goes shopping on Monday. Denchai sometimes goes shopping with friends. a')(#+ P.a Grammar Focus a'#') 7 +)( # adverbs of frequency (#!)'# verb to be ')O c '#!)) b ' S b .% #!)')() -. 8: Practice P`" Whats Nicoles problem? (She wants to go to a party she isnt sure her parents will let her.) +)a')("O Nicole (#'O#.O P`" `)!"(Pa ) a')"'"% a')P adverbs of frequency a#! "#aP+'(#O`)# ba)+5(a (' ) a')%! )"( )#O!) !)'!"( U/: 1. 2. 3. 4. Theyre always7 I can never stay7 I usually go7 I am rarely7 -. 9: Listening 5. My friends sometimes ask7 6. I can never do7 7. My parents rarely allow7 a') '#+ # '(# Ms. Costa + 5) #',O# ba') "'( Ms. Costa P##ba (Mr. Bryant) + O ! (Why is Ms. Costa calling the parent? She would like Tom to join the party.) `)#!"("`!) a')#;$P$# P `)## + (a')$#a%#(#O SP ('% ;$P (#$ c) a')P`"$# 5 )a+34' a')(P "`a')#;$P`))# U/: 1. Ms. Costa 2. Mrs. Bryant 3. a party 4. in Singapore 5. at 3:00 Audioscript Mr. Bryant: Hello? Ms. Costa: Hello. May I speak to Mrs. Bryant, please? Mr. Bryant: Im sorry. My wife isnt here right now. Shes traveling in Singapore this week. Would you like to leave a message? This is her husband. Ms. Costa: Hi, Mr. Bryant. This is Ms. Costa. Your son, Tom, is in my Foreign Language Club. Mr. Bryant: Oh, hi, Ms. Costa. How are you? Ms. Costa: Im fine, thanks. Im sorry to bother you, Mr. Bryant, but the Foreign Language Club is having a party at the school gym next Saturday afternoon, and Im calling some parents to ask if the kids can come. Its very informal, just so the kids can get to know each other better. Mr. Bryant: Thats a very nice idea. Tom talks a lot about you and the club. Hes really enjoying it. Of course he can come to the party. Ms. Costa: Thats great. Thank you very much. Mr. Bryant: Oh, its my pleasure. What time does the party start? Ms. Costa: It starts at four oclock. Mr. Bryant: Tom will be there! : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 3, 7 + 9 ') 911 + Grammar Builder Exercises 13 ') 6566 : Workbook Exercises 3, 7 + 9 ') 911 3 1. take 4. are watching 2. reads, goes 5. is chatting 3. is doing 6. hang out 7 1. likes 4. sings 7. dont have 10. is recording 2. 5. 8. 11. listens to am playing writes listen to 3. plays 6. dont usually listen to 9. is doing 9 1. are7doing 4. m waiting 7. plays 10. 2. m practicing 5. Do7practice 8. go Arewaiting 11. 3. are7doing 6. practice 9. do7arrive forgets U/: Workbook (Grammar Builder) Exercises 1X3 4 65X66 1 1. a 6. c 2. b 7. a 3. c 8. b 4. c 9. a 5. a 10. a 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Andreas helping her dad with the barbecue right now. Can I turn off the TV? Im trying to read my book. Do you have Pedros address? I dont know where he lives. You can have my cheese sandwich if you want. I dont like it. Clara is having a great time at her cousins house right now. What time do you usually arrive at school in the morning? It doesnt rain much here in the summer, but its raining now! Listen! My sisters singing. She has a great voice. 3 1. 4. 7. 10. m having m not reading m sitting m learning how 2. 5. 8. 11. m staying m not using m sipping fall down 3. 6. 9. 12. have m getting go play 13. dont hit 16. dont eat 19. Are you having 14. have 17. cooks 20. do you start 15. have 18. love 21. Do they give -. 10: Vocabulary +(# S("( (35 ) a')+( ("((#%"O(!"P '#'a(# +)a( & a') '#+ %("%"a)#O#Oa')!)a a Exercise 10 a '#') 7 a')P+34'+ %POa(" U/: 1. play 2. chat 3. watch 4. play 5. listen to 6. talk 7. read -. 11: Reading Background notes Maine: S-#* #'#"+ S',O#a-O"8 )O $O( 90% S ""## 50% ($O( a"# September 11: 'O5)()PO#(#, World Trade Center a"# New York '-" "OO 11 2544 Pa')"5) 3 Thanksgiving: %) S'# a"% #T'OO #T% (a+% #%O##" SO% ")"')O#("+ O+#" %)Oa')""a% $# g a') '# OO# The Family That Plays Together a')$#$(. (O#$$'O)# ! ((" ( ( *a) ba') '#') 8 + (OO)#* " $+ ba')!)Oa( ( violin, viola, cello, conductor (5)"#), ensemble (# ), concert (+#), arranger (5)#) P`" Why would the family move from a city to a rural area? `)!"("'"# a rural area () a')"% % (#`Oa%#' )"(O!' S city (urban) + O!' S rural area – a')(" +)%(O (P`" (Because they wanted their kids to be interested in other activities not the video games.) -. 12: Comprehension A a')34b$a')'(#P"'"(+)O#% SP ( concert #P SPO%") suffix ( arranger #P "'"%+)" ( to raise money for poor countries ('# (' %) # *% (a')"'"##P ( % ($ *% (a"'"# The familys musical ensemble (#) a')+(#("+ ("'"#O)a)a" The Family That Plays Together a'#') 8 a')%Pa dictionary U/: backwoods: ensemble: runs: arranger: agonizing: radical: headed out: surroundings: charity concert: raise: joy: wooded areas far from cities ( "#) a group of musicians who play together (#) manages, organizes a group (+, %) someone who makes changes to a piece of music to make it suitable for a particular instrument (5)#) painful ()a%, % ) extreme, complete change ( O$#'") went toward a certain direction ("(#')! ) environment (O#+)") concert to raise money for people in need (O) collect ('#) happiness (") B (+')" (scan) ba')'O"a $ a')+(#'("aaP')O !a#$ 5)OP%(a')" + O'(%P U/: 1. Whitney manages the family musical ensemble. 2. Shawn is the teacher, conductor, and arranger. 3. Noah plays the piano. / Noah is the star. 4. Nick plays the viola. 5. Zack plays the cello. 6. Bryanna plays the violin. -. 13: Your Turn a')+(#(" (" !"( 5 (" 1 OP')O,+ P5 * #(" a')a("(P`"$##)a'# Exercise 13 ') 8 + ("+# "'##+ S"'#(" +( ("P5* #("#a')Oa$ U/: The family moved to Maine because the parents wanted their children to be interested in more than playing video games. Life is better for them now because they are much closer than they used to be. -. 14: Writing a')+(# bO+#`,#O#OP S% + bO+#O#OP#P(a %% a')+ O bOO ba')"`)#)! P P O#'" + "'"# b %$%)#O+)!### -. 3 At the Party $#P`"O"")"+ (a')!)+#a# ( Where are the kids? (at a party) Who is the girl with the red skirt? (Nicole) Who is Ms. Costa? (the advisor of the Foreign Language Club) What is Ms. Costa giving to Nicole? (an envelope) What is in the envelope? (perhaps a letter) a'))"Oa')!)a+ P! "a At the Party a'# ') 9 a')(P) 1 S(# $a')#a) usually aP # Nicole + a')'( ba". bP# Nicole "O ( (1) I heard that you usually dont go to parties.) a')P(O' a')#%+5(;+ (a'#') 9 +5(;a')# $#O%P %P(#)"$#$ U/: 1. 2. 3. 4. I heard that you usually dont go to parties. Its OK, Justin. Im getting it right now, Ms. Costa. She never really trusts me. Audioscript Hi, Nicole. Im glad you could come. I heard that you usually dont go to parties. Nicole: No, I usually dont. Ms. Costa talked to my mom, so here I am. Tom: Ms. Costa is cool. 2. Justin: Hey, you lovebirds. Are you enjoying yourselves? Tom: Be quiet, Justin. You always say the wrong thing. Justin: Im just kidding. Sorry. Nicole: Its OK, Justin. 3. Ms. Costa: There you are, Justin. Wheres that envelope? Justin: Ah! The yellow envelope, right? Im getting it right now, Ms. Costa. Ms. Costa: Great. Thanks. 4. Ms. Costa: Nicole. Your mom called. She wanted to know more about the party tonight. Nicole: Im sorry. She never really trusts me. Ms. Costa: Youre wrong, Nicole. Shes just like all parents. Parents always worry about their children. 5. Justin: Here it is, Ms. Costa. Ms. Costa: Thanks, Justin. 6. Ms. Costa: Could you give this letter to your mom? Nicole: Sure. [I wonder whats in this letter.] : Individual work 1. Tom: a')P Workbook Exercises 46 + 8 ') 910 + Grammar Builder Exercises 47 ') 6667 U/: Workbook Exercises 4X6 /2 8 4 9X10 4 Larry, Yoshi, Leon, Lisa, Barbara 5 1. We usually work until 5 oclock. 2. Lisa never hangs out with her friends. 3. I frequently go out on Saturday nights. 4. We sometimes visit relatives on weekends. 5. Jason rarely goes to the movies. 6. He is often in school by 7:30 A.M. 6 1. I always like to be with people. 2. I never like to be alone. 3. I usually study with friends. 4. I sometimes study at the library. 5. I rarely study alone. 6. I often go out on Saturday night. 8 Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. I rarely go to the park after school. 2. We never sleep late on Saturday morning. 3. My friends sometimes visit me at night. 4. My parents usually go out on weekends. 5. Kate always does her homework in the afternoon. 6. You and I often chat on the Internet. U/: Workbook (Grammar Builder) Exercises 4X7 4 66X67 4 1. often 2. rarely 3. never 4. usually 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. On Saturday evenings I usually hang out with my friends. Our school bus is rarely late. We never watch baseball games in the park. Im always tired in the evening. Sometimes we play video games after school. We usually eat dinner at 6:00 P.M. Jack always forgets to make his bed. They rarely go on vacation during the school year. Our teacher never tells funny jokes. Sandra is usually late for school. 5. always 6. sometimes 6 1. How often does Gino eat out? He rarely eats out. 2. How often does Gino go jogging? He never goes jogging. 3. How often does Gino go dancing? He often goes dancing. 4. How often does Gino wear dark clothes? He always wears dark clothes. 5. How often does Gino call his mother at work? He sometimes calls his mother at work. 7 Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. I never go rock climbing. 2. I rarely exercise. 3. I sometimes dream in English. 4. I never listen to opera. 5. I often wash the dishes at home. 6. I always think about food. :-*4/ 1. "P%a%) _________________________________________________________ +#8 ___________________________________________________________________ 2. '/ a%) _____________________________________________________ +#+)! _______________________________________________________________________ 3. O#O!"(!) "+5 _____________________________________________________________ '5 _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. #+5%) _______________________________________________________ #O __________________ 5) _________/ _________/ _________ Unit 2: It was quite an experience! Z-)Y+n4/25:52 / 6 .Z 2/ 1. PO""'" #)"POP' 2. #+ ("+` ,#/+5(; +)+# "" 3. (O`OO(a% #"# San Antonio + * O #"#$ "$#`OO(a%)" $#$ 4. 34(')$ c O `O# a"# ## + .( 'a `O$%,# S`OO( (#O 5. b+ P# 3 b 6. "` OP' Communication - Make suggestion - Express preferences Grammar - The simple past tense: regular and irregular verbs - There is/There are with some and any Vocabulary - Review of common adjectives: antonyms Pronunciation - Dropped vowels in middle syllables -2/2: It was quite an experience! 0I( ( /2 1. "" 2. "a3) 3. "5 1. # 2. 3. ( 4. 5. 6. (" 7. P")! a)a %P : :: Unit 2: It was quite an experience! 5-. 1 //(Y+/--.3d45*: 3+, "P)# P+ P P$+%# + P.O #'( ( 1.1 ". 3/1) (#)" ( b& + )#$ c `)#"'( ( 1.1 ". 3/2) + OO!"(a("# +(# c a')". b+ )"O #'( ( 1.1 ". 3/3) / ')O# a%"P + +#"'OO#O#+ (%O *(# c )"$#a')'5+ (# ( 1.1 ". 3/4) + b))"O# O#(# c a) ` ( O #O (a"a% ##" + O(#(O#+ '" " ( 1.2 ". 3/1) a)P)# a')P+ P P$+%# + P.(#'" " ( 1.2 ". 3/2) + O+ a')) " . + +#"'OO#O#'( (#'" " ( 1.2 ". 3/4) + "), + "'##OO#(# c %" + (/' )"$#a')'5 (#'" " ( 1.2 ". 3/5) + O# (/'/O#/ (# c O(a"a% ##" ( 1.3 ". 3/1) + +#"'O%" + ' )"$#a')'5$ c ( 1.3 ". 3/3) a)*& $P # + (#'" + b""#"+ 8."# %)#*& ( 2.1 ". 3/1) )("/%%"#*&+ 8."""a% ( 2.1 ". 3/3) + ."'"+ "+(# '(## b(# c + PP"b#)# b#*&(# + *&! ( 2.2 ". 3/1) )) " + )"/)%%#OO)#(" )O%+'(#)+ P)/ ( 3.1 ". 3/1) a)*&Oa`%#/`%P#O,$a')# `,& " + #" ( 4.1 ". 3/1) a)*&(# a)/)) " + "/) )"(# c %O+ +'(# )(# c a,&(+ ( 4.2 ". 3/1) 5d-.-5 25d... 1. Simple past tense a)O+#'' P(#',#O O,$a + !)%$ #! +)a( b ) Subject + verb (#O 2 b % "PO +# past "() ( yesterday, in 1999, last year, ago in 2540 B.E., last week " ed O 1. (a'(" past tense )" ed ( walk walked, reach reached "#P " ed b" O+ # ")# 1.1 ;,O##)) e (+) #" d ( hope hoped, place placed 1.2 ;,O## )) y O y S i +)" ed ( cry cried, carry carried +(`)') y S (vowel) " ed !) b!"()# O+ # ( play played, enjoy enjoyed 1.3 # " )#O" ',O# (" ed ( beg begged, nod nodded plan planned, hop hopped P## #'O#) ;,O#" + )#O" (" ed ( concur concurred, transfer transferred ;,O# #)) l + " #) )#O" l (" ed ( travel traveled, control controlled 2. P#P"O S(# 2 % O b!"( a)'" ed +( O ! %" P '($ ( irregular verb ( go went el1eV-.-ed45d-.- - `))#O! *a ' % O S*&#T& (#! - `)O! .*9$P +( !"(% ! % (O )"( % .O S *&#T&(#! - ""!)! O+O (##" % ( a')O c # (#!)# - interesting (#(#! - favorite (#(#! 5-. eW+15d-.- -2/1l5-.2eW+1-. 2... - 21l... 1. POPO #)" ( 1. ) )a% + POP beautiful-ugly, interesting-boring, small-big/large, "O "'"#)"!)(#`)# pleasant-unpleasant, efficient-inefficient, rich2. ) )a% ' .P poor, clean-dirty, busy-slow S) + +#"'OO#O"( 2. b ' .P !)(#`)# + +#"'OO#O 3. ) )a% + a) regular verbs a Simple past "( ( tense !)(#`)# Why dont we together this weekend? 4. ) )a% + a) irregular verbs a Simple past I know. Theres a wildlife exhibit at the Witte tense !)(#`)# 5. ) )a% #P + !"(#$P'a# Museum. Wildlife? You mean snakes? No way. Id rather #P!)(#`)# watch TV. I hate snakes. Why dont we watch a show at the IMAX theatre? Nah, I dont feel like going to the theatre. Id rather be outside. How about going to the River Walk? We can just hang out there. Thats a great idea! 3. a) regular verbs a Simple past tense O `)# 4. a) irregular verbs a Simple past tense O `)# 5. #P+ !"(#$P'a# #PO!"(#O`)# 5-. 2 2/2+2 /k*.+m4/-.1 /3-. e4W- 1. 2-. 3+|:3 - 34(b %+"(# Tom T ') bO(`)#Ob + F ') bO(!"(`)#Ob - 34PO""'"#)"PO P' - 34#+`,#/+5(; #" + #" O#(a+( P 34 bP`" Yes/No O)"ab ba)POP'a') 34("P #POP'a') 34(')$ c O#! #b # Mrs. Bryant ba)P a') `)# - 34#+ ("+`,#/+5(; - 34(P`"+( P`" + #"PO`)# - 34#+ ("+`,#/+5(; +)+#"" - 34(O`O O (a%#"# San Antonio + * O #"#$ "$#`O O( a%)"$#$ - 34P`"O"O() ( - 34(')$ c O`O # a"### + .( 'a `O $%,# S `O O( (#O - 34"PO`)##a(#(#ba) Simple present tense ' Present continuous tense - 34 ba'"(ba) Simple present tense a')`)# - 34%(Pa')". - 34PO""'"#)"PO P'a') - 34 b+ P# 3 b - 34"`OP' - 34("O((" '(#5) #( + P`"#a" - 34# Teen Talk %+`,#/+5(; + #"PO`)# - 34# Teen Talk %+`,#/+5(; $# + * P`"O P'a') )"$#$ - 34P+%+5(P Unit 2 Test 2. .+ O#" "5) 2.1 . "5) 2.2 O#" "5) 1) (+ '# 1) +(+ '# 2) & )# ( 2) + "5& )# + ( + 3) "5#/%" S 3) + "5#/%" S ' S (" ' S (" 4) + "5)." 4) + "T"# %." + (" 5) + %P'( 5) + "5)")ba) 6) + "5## + 6) "5## 3. 1.-.0+2 3.1 ")a% 6 ) !)+( . $+%# + "+ " a) + # + P! a) """"#O'' a')"Pa"),#5)O + %) # 3.2 "` P !)+( ""`aO +) ' a)& + a)bb 3.3 & ,# # !)+( & ;O % " a3") ((## "(#"OaP# " S! "%. 5-. 3 +5%) O 3 Unit 2 It was quite an experience! 6 Ob"# - . 3 123+2-) Unit 2 It was quite an experience! ()*+,-. 3 / 6 .Z 0+21Y 1. # ( + POP"O "'"#)"!) (K, P) 2. ' .P + +#"'OO#O"(!) (K, P) 3. a) regular verbs a Simple past tense !) (K, P) 4. a) irregular verbs a Simple past tense !) (K, P) 5. #P+ !"(#$P'a##P!) (K, P) 6. +#""+ %"#*&!) (K, A, P) /2+2 / (K) 0I( ( /2 (A) "T"aP# "# ( + POPO" Sa)"" "a3) "'"#)" " ' "%O(*& #T& .P + +# "'OO#O "( "a) regular verbs a Simple past tense " a) irregular verbs a Simple past tense "#P!O "(# $P'#a##P %5#/%" S S( ' S(" -2/2: (P) "T"aP# S+ S("a) O +) ' 4- Communication: Grammar: Vocabulary: Pronunciation: Make suggestion; Express preferences The simple past tense: regular and irregular verbs; There is/There are with some and any Review of common adjectives: antonyms Dropped vowels in middle syllables 1. '# Postcards 3 ') 1017 '#+34' Postcards Language Booster, Workbook 3 ') 1215 + Grammar Builder ') 6871 +5(; +` b P * -:I *&! "'"#P"O "'"#)" +#"" 0I( ( /2 1. "" 2. "a3) 3. "5 -. 1 Warm-Up P(#! &%(# "+#a')a$ ("`b'!)% a')((! &O' S# a "%"'`OaO(a% + ) !O`O#()# a')( ""( `)% P! & %P%#'# % `O'%"a"a(a! & 'a Using the Pictures a')! &a'#') 10 + `"(`OO (a! & $# 2 +5(Oa)# $#P`"a')'"".# postcard $##a Who wrote the postcards? (Mrs. Emily Bryant) Which one did she write first? (The one dated July 8) Which one did she send from home? (The one dated July 15) -. 1: Reading Background notes Singapore: S a #a) $#( +'"" S ',O#a OOab ""# 2.5 ) (a'( S % "O# aO#" San Antonio: S"#a'($#(#a)#"-; )#,$b "O.. 1718 Oa) SO$##(' `O#'+'(#!)`)#,$a) c $ ',O#a%P$ b` Alamo ;,O#(" ;$#,$ ("b`!)` O S " O"O# a a(##" "; (the Mexican Revolution) #.%+ "%#"#$b)#$P#+"($P San Antonio O( River Walk ' Paseo del Rio S+'(#(#OO!)""%(#O "#(a'(# San Antonio (,O#"$ *& S*&Oa)(#+(' a')("Pa)#O!"()a% P"(b34 a)* P`" Is Singapore mostly an urban place or does it have a lot of vegetation? P( urban Oa Unit 1 a')(! &a'#') 10 (#',O#$#OP")a%+ P`" (Both. Its a modern city, but it also has many trees and gardens.) a')(P`"a Exercise 2 ') 11 +)(! &$##a$# * `,# 'O ( )a') ';,O#+ -. 2: Comprehension a')P Exercise 2 a'#') 11 %$%,#* Pa$ U/: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. F; The postcards are from Mrs. Bryant. T F; Lim Ang San is from Singapore. T F; Millie is a gorilla (at the Singapore zoo). 6. F; On July 15, she was back home in San Antonio. -. 3: Vocabulary a')( ""(`OO)#! O""& (#! ( 'P`O$ (beautiful, clean, quiet, etc.) +) S+`O',O# a')((`OO!"()#! "& (#! 'P `O$ (dirty, ugly, etc.) S+`O# %$)b#Pa+`O',O#O#)" Pa+`O# a')P Exercise 3 a'#') 11 bP#)" (antonyms) #a (#(# a')( U/: 1. 2. 3. 4. beautiful ugly interesting boring small big; large pleasant unpleasant 5. 6. 7. 8. efficient inefficient rich poor clean dirty busy slow : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 13 ') 12 U/: Workbook Exercises 1X3 4 12 2 1. small 5. rich 3 1. interesting 6. rich 2. uninteresting / boring 6. clean 2. busy 7. beautiful -. 4: Pronunciation 3. pleasant 8. dirty 3. beautiful 7. inefficient 4. unpleasant 8. slow 4. clean 9. slow 5. uninteresting 10. efficient P(! $ different, evening #a')# P / /, / / a')# %P#a+( P(!)O# (2) #aP+'(#aO!"(!) (#) .a')(a*&#T&PO"'#% ")#'O#a #',O# ( different % )#'O#+ #O!"(!))#' % `#%(# % '(#O(##% '! '% "#" O#%`## j a')POa')"$# 5 P a Exercise 4 a'#') 11 + a')##P+( P%+5(;+)#"#O!"(# a')##P $#)"#" a')+(# bba)P'($ %$(a')Oa("# $+ #( #!)`)#'!"( U/: 1. interesting 2. favorite 3. conference 4. family 5. preference Grammar Focus: The simple past tense: regular verbs a'),&!)$#)# bP`" (#( How many different past forms are there for regular verbs in affirmative statements? (Only one, the-(e)d ending) What verb do we always use to make past tense Yes / No and information questions? (did) a'),& b simple past tense (# c %#a Grammar Focus + P`" '($ a')#P`"+$ ( S bO#!"(") $+%#a')#( b +) b(($% a)a*&+(% !"(a)a*& (# b Emily arrived at the hotel late at night. ' " O b($ SP`"+ Yes / No questions + Wh- questions 1. Did Emily arrive at the hotel late at night? 2. When did Emily arrive at the hotel? '"P`"$##P`" $#+$+ +" b <= 1. Yes, she did. 2. Late at night. <>?@ 1. Yes, she arrived at the hotel late at night. 2. She arrived at the hotel late at night. a'),&#a Grammar Focus $# + ()# bP`" b . "$# b . $#+$+ +" b a')# O # verb "O"a) did "( $#a bP`"+ b . ((" O verb a') S " ((# 1) -. 5: Practice A a')P Exercise 5 A %P+34' S' S(!) '" (P`"#+ a')OP`"+$ 3el: 1. Did Mrs. Bryant pick up the postcard from a souvenir shop? 2. Did she arrive early yesterday morning? 3. Did she look out her hotel window? 4. Did she enjoy her stay in Singapore? 5. Did she (especially) love the orchid garden? : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 45 ') 13 + Grammar Builder Exercises 12 ') 69 U/: Workbook Exercises 4X5 4 13 4 1. visited 2. Did7listen 3. cooked 5. watched 6. arrived 7. Did7enjoy 5 1. I saw Timothy last night. 2. My parents didnt go to the movies last night. 3. Jenny didnt have breakfast at 10 A.M. 4. She didnt take her pet rabbit to school. 5. Yesterday I went to bed early. 6. They thought it was a good idea. 7. Mom didnt buy a new dress for the party. 8. I met Jeff at 9 P.M. U/: Workbook (Grammar Builder) Exercises 1X2 4 69 4. Did7play 8. tried 1 1. called 5. lived 9. cried 2. stopped 6. cooked 10. played 3. hurried 7. liked 11. rained 4. visited 8. enjoyed 12. jogged 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Harry didnt call Sharon at midnight last night. We didnt stop at the store on the way home. They didnt hurry home after the rock concert. I didnt visit my grandparents last week. When we were kids, we didnt live in Mexico. Mario didnt cook dinner for his family. I didnt like the new Harry Potter movie. She didnt enjoy her trip to Portugal. Tina didnt cry a lot when she watched the movie. He didnt play with his dog after school. It didnt rain all afternoon. Cristina didnt jog in her new sneakers. B a'))! Exercise 5 A $#O O bP`" Yes / No questions S Wh- questions ((#) 1 "Oa) where ,$) bP`"+)% )#)" O". where ) a')%(OP Exercise 5 B b)# bP`") question word OP'a') a')+( (5(P`"(# c a Exercise 5 A + 5 B +( ))"P`"O S 3el: 1. 2. 3. 4. Where did Mrs. Bryant pick up the postcard from? When did she arrive at her hotel? OR When did she arrive in Singapore? Why did she look out her hotel window? What did she enjoy? 5. What did she (especially) love in Singapore? Grammar Focus: The simple past tense: irregular verbs bP`" Oa')'P b,&%#a Grammar Focus #$ How are regular and irregular verbs different in the past tense? (Regular verbs " -e(d) O)P ( Irregular verbs % +(#! % "'# ") What form of do do we use in negative statements? (did) What ending do irregular verbs have in negative statements? (no ending) a')%P!)( b . past tense !"(" O P (#( She did not leave. (!"(a( She did not left.) S) a')OP`"+$% a) $+%#( PO(a(# P`"+$!"(!)(a bP`" ( % !"( b( Where did Mrs. Bryant have breakfast at? S) a')+(# S("( )"a! &$##a + PO S Past tense #a & a')+P'($ S Regular verb + Irregular verb "#Oa') OPa') S Past tense )a') S5).+ O S Past tense (" ed + 5""(#) a')((#PO c '%Oa$ (write wrote, swim swam, hide hid, understand understood S)) -. 6: Practice a') '#') 88 (PO#O(" : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 610 ') 1314 + Grammar Builder Exercise 37 ') 7071 U/: Workbook Exercises 6X10 4 13X14 6 1. was 5. became 9. didnt like 2. took 6. got 10. won 7 1. Where was Mel Gibson born? 2. Who took the family to Australia? 3. grew 7. had 11. gave 4. made 8. met 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What was the name of his first movie? When did Mel Gibson become famous? Why did he get the part of Mad Max? How many Oscars did he win for Braveheart? Who was Mels co-star in Conspiracy Theory? What did Mel give to his co-star? 8 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. He was born in New York State. His father took the family to Australia. His first movie was called Summer City. He became famous when he made Mad Max in 1979. He got the part because he looked just right for the role. He won two Oscars for Braveheart. Julia Roberts was his co-star in Conspiracy Theory. He gave his co-star a dead rat. 9 1. had 2. spoke 3. met 4. go 5. take 6. bought 10 1. Did you have a good time? 4. Did you go to the Statue of Liberty? 2. Did you speak English every day? 5. Did you take any pictures? 3. Did you meet any interesting people? 6. Did you buy some new clothes? U/: Workbook (Grammar Builder) Exercises 3X7 4 70X71 3 1. had 6. kept 2. took 7. fell 3. saw 8. left 4. ate 9. went 5. lost 10. grew 1. didnt make 6. didnt send 2. began 7. told 3. didnt take 8. gave 4. didnt fly 9. didnt buy 5. lost 10. hurt 4 5 1. When did you wake up today? 2. Why did Molly cry? 3. What did Mom and Dad see yesterday? 4. 5. 6. 7. What did the children do all afternoon? Where did Rico go cycling? When did Jose and Tran eat breakfast? How did Kevin get to the party? 6 1. lived 6. didnt like 11. had 2. got 7. decided 12. studied 3. moved 8. didnt do 13. started 4. went 9. stopped 14. got 5. found 10. bought 7 1. Did you live No, I didnt. I lived in Austria. 2. Did you get Yes, I did. I got As in all my school subjects. 3. Did you have Yes, I did. It was hard for me to make friends. -. 7: Writing a')(PO#)"(# bOa') +)($'O#! Singapore # Mrs. Bryant O!)! +)% Exercise 1 a'#') 10 )a') PO% P"a) '" (a Past tense ( flew, attended, bought, wrote, went, ate, visited, saw, thought, loved) a')34## Mrs. Bryant )#a$'P S )+)+%!) )a')+#"'(##O( ! (aO#!"()a% ")(# !)# + ")+ a+)!(#! U/: Sample paragraph Mrs. Bryant was in Singapore last week. She attended a conference there. In Singapore, Lim Ang San and his wife entertained Mrs. Bryant. Mrs. Bryant found Singapore very clean and efficient. She enjoyed her stay in Singapore. She especially loved the orchid garden there. She had breakfast with a gorilla at the zoo. -. 2 -. 8: Dialogue Background notes Witte Museum: .*9+ a"# San Antonio O)P%" ("# %(#.*9$ Science Treehouse S(# +#)O ba')5)"!)#)# """ + "#P',$)!") IMAX: )#*;,O#+Oa')5)"),( S(',O##* *O!)% """ S& b#*% "%a'(# 25 " )" ## )Pb# 50 River Walk: (.%+ +'(#(#O#3¢#+"($P San Antonio O!)""" S ##"# San Antonio a- Texas ;,O#"#$ )) )' b#+" "`,#(#" O )!")##" a')(O% !)# S#("($# 5 OP# #+5Oa') P`" Are the kids all planning to go out together or to go out separately and do different things? a')# + (a'#') 13 %$(P`" (They are planning to go out together except Nicole who doesnt want to go out at all.) a') '# +)#$# aO")# )a')('Pa')OO# ( .`)!"()a% -. 9: Comprehension a')+( P+34' b)! ((#( c $# #( a#!"()a% scan a').O"" (" '" (keyword) (P#' !%$%,#( c ! "$O# %(% keyword $ "Oa')( $O#$(#) c %(% !)PO)#) a')+( P Exercise 9 a'#') 13 + (+34' U/: 1. (b) Ms. Costa 2. (c) Nicole (a) the Witte Museum 3. (b) Stacy 4. (a) Steve 5. -. 10: Communication P+` b%" b!"()##P a')(#a') SO" %"$%a')$#$(P' +(# S("+)a')+(# 5) ("O#!)`)# S("+ a')(' b+ (Suggestion) (Why dont we7, How about7) + b +#")# / " (Preference) (Id rather7) a')#%+5(;+)#" + )a)`O+ %" a')%(+ '`O+ %"O c "+O b 7go to the movies + the Japanese Tea Garden a + +(### a')34 + +#""')$ ! c $ + a') "('"O%P S 1 %"$"`P! a)34"""a Exercise ",$ 'P'(# "`P%"$O"" 10 a')(P#% %#$#'! '(" % ! Oa ' ! `))#a')!)34 + (#+5( )a')a) b+ + b+#")# / " S*&#T& ( Why dont we try (sushi)? How about having (Italian) food? Id rather not (spend a lot of money). Lets find someplace we can (eat outdoors). What if we go to (that new taco place)? Id prefer to (have pizza). a')+(#("( (" 45 (+(# )"$#+#"" a')O c a$O'(+#"'(+##+( (" )a') $#)+ )+ a # : Individual work a') P Workbook Exercises 1113 ') 15 U/: Workbook Exercises 11X13 4 15 11 1. How about going bowling? / Why dont we go bowling? Id rather go to the movies. 2. How about going shopping? / Why dont we go shopping? Id rather see a baseball game. 3. How about watching TV? / Why dont we watch TV? Id rather go swimming. 4. How about having a barbecue? / Why dont we have a barbecue? Id rather have a party. 5. How about going horseback riding? / Why dont we go horseback riding? Id rather stay at home. 12 1. Hey, why dont we go to the park? 4. The mall is boring. 2. Id rather go to the movies. 5. Why dont we go to the beach? 3. How about hanging out at the mall? 6. Thats a great idea! 13 Answers will vary. -. 11: Reading O#$ SO#O"# San Antonio O)%)#+)%( c (#%P !O San Antonio !))# ( $#(a- Texas S('# "#(a'(*& O #%"$ $#P`"OO"b#*($O# ( Do these places look like historical places or modern ones? Why? Do they look like tourist sites or like places the local people go to? Why? .O(!"( ( settlement ($#`O-) mission ( 5)+) extend () territory ( +) fort ( " ) lush ((") cypress ()) willow ()' )') Hispanic (O'8." ) a')($O #"'%a')( S)!) -. 12: Comprehension a')(P`"$# 5 ) % Exercise 12 a'#') 14 + ! ($O#$# a') '# (P`" )a')( )a'))" a')"O U/: 1. Its in San Antonio, Texas. 2. The Alamo is the place where 189 Texas soldiers finally lost their battle against Mexican General Santa Annas army. 3. It set up missions in Concepcion, San Jose, San Juan, and Espada. 4. River Walk is in downtown San Antonio. 5. El Mercado is a marketplace in San Antonio. It is like an authentic Mexican market. It hosts Hispanic festivals, with food, mariachi music, and Mexican dances. -. 13: Writing a')((a)#`O#"b`(Oa)# + )# `Oa a')" 1 +'(# a')(# The Statue of Liberty a') (,&)"#(#Oa') 35: The Statue of Liberty The Statue of Liberty is a wonderful historical place to visit near New York City. The Statue is on Liberty Island, about 15 minutes by ferry from Manhattan. The people of France gave the Statue to the people of the United States in 1884. Today, it is a symbol of both the United States and freedom. a')b`O!) (%a')P S)!)) a')%(+ + O#O %##O )"+#"'( aO aO#!"()a% ")(# ! + ")+ a+)!(#! %$a')%)#Oa'"( : Individual work a')P Progress Check Units 12 a'#') 15 U/: Progress Check Units 1X2 4 15 Grammar A. 1. 2. 3. B. is raining; rains 4. is scratching; scratches is sleeping; sleeps 5. is ringing; rings are taking; take 6. is erasing; erases (Note that the time adverbial can often appear at the beginning of the sentence, especially if there are other elements after the verb.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. They traveled last summer. She worked last weekend. He cried at the doctors office this morning. / This morning he cried at the doctors office. We had company last Friday. / Last Friday we had company. They did their homework before dinner last night. / Last night they did their homework before dinner. Vocabulary C. 1. c 2. e 3. f 4. g 5. a (Note: Answer f is also possible here.) 6. b 7. d (Note: Answers c and f are also possible here.) D. 1. inefficient 5. slow 6. dirty 2. boring 7. poor 3. ugly 8. unpleasant 4. big Communication E. Answers will vary. Students write sentences to introduce themselves, giving their name, grade, age, and foreign language they are studying. F. Dialogues will vary. Check that students have used expressions for making a suggestion, such as, Why donJt we8? How about8? LetJs8, and What if we8? as well as expressions for rejecting a suggestion, such as, IJd rather8, IJd prefer to8, IJd prefer not to8, and IJd rather not8 -. 3 Wide Angle on the World: Parents and Teens: Living with Each Other Pictures a')*a'#') 1617 + ("* +( * )"$#a')'5 b`"P`" #$ *O 1 ("( Do these people look like teens? Explain why. (They look young and moody, and are wearing fashionable clothes.) *O 2 ( What kind of discussion do you think is taking place? (a serious discussion) Who is more likely to begin discussions on a serious topic a teen or a parent ? (P%'') *O 3 +"( What kind of discussion do you think is taking place here? Why? (A very serious discussion, because the mother looks angry and the girl looks sad. She is refusing to look at her mother.) -. 1: Reading A a')OO# Parents and Teens: Living with Each Other a"') 17 +) (O#O% ((! $O ! `"P`"a')( #$ What does the phrase Living with Each Other tell us to expect? (a discussion of problems and solutions) What point of view will the author probably have? (that of a teenager) P`" According to the article, do teens have the same concerns these days as their parents had in the past? a')($O#+ P`"(O#O(+"( #a%a O S( S O#O("$a%'!"( – a')($O#+ (P`" (5)O#$((+"(a%aO#O(#) a')+#"'(')5)'!"( 'a – B a')(P`") 1 + 2 Exercise 1 B a'#') 16 +)( P `)!"(!) $+ +#Oa')!)P a')P`") 34 )*&! "`34ba')(P`"+ )'P %$ '#+ P""")a%#!"(a(% (#%P a')( P U/: 1. Teens with wild friends will turn out the same way. The way teens look influences the way they behave. Parents understand the problems teens have because they were once teens themselves. 2. Parents make the assumptions because they love and worry about their children. 3. They shouldnt scold teens. They should be open, understanding, and accepting. 4. Teens shouldnzt be afraid to talk to their parents. -. 2: Listening Background notes Sophomore, junior, senior: +(# $#b#"." +(# S 4 ( 912) 12 (($ ".6) % ( seniors '"`,#($ g)#"." a O juniors 11 (($ ".5) + sophomores 10 (($ ".4) ( 9 % ( freshmen ' frosh) A a')(P#% !)#%# (Talk Show) O ( Teen Talk a') Exercise 2 A ) 16 a'#') 16 + 'P(a" ((O + O !)# (3 Sean, Katrina + Cathy) '")#aO#P .(#%+5(; a')#%+5(; 1 ( bO#!"()# '# a')+( P+34'+ %PO a')#$# + a')(%P U/: 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. c 5. b 6. c B a')(P`" Exercise 2 B a'#') 16 O S+#a#+ 'P )a')%,O#Ob( a')#%+5(; + %,Oa)a* a')(P Pa') U/: 1. Sean His parents want him to be more sociable. Katrina Her mom wants her to dress and act like a girl. Cathy Her dad doesnt want her to dress like Britney Spears. 2. Answers will vary. Audioscript Were back. Todays topic is Teens and Parents. So, lets get back to our panel. Why dont you introduce yourselves and your parents, kids? Cathy, would you like to start? Cathy: OK. My names Catherine, Cathy for short. Im 15, a sophomore at Madison High School. And this is my dad, Ryan. Ryan: Hello. Katrina: And Im Katrina. Im 16. Im in my junior year. This is my mom, Meg. Sean: My names Sean, as in Sean Connery. Im 16 and a junior, too. My moms name is Emily. Host: Great! Now lets get on with the discussion. During the break, Sean told me that his parents are forcing him to go out and to be more sociable. Emily: Well, thats because hes always in his bedroom, sleeping. Sean: Mom, you think Im sleeping. Im really not. Its true that I go straight to my room when I get home from school. But I dont just sleep. Most of the time, Im reading or listening to music. Emily: But, Sean, your father and I worry about you that youre not having fun like most teens. Sean: But I am enjoying myself, Mom. I love reading and listening to music. Besides, I think hanging out and not doing anything is a waste of time. Host: I agree with you, Sean. Listening to music and reading are really great activities for teenagers. Now, how about Katrina and her mom? Katrina: My mom wont let me be. Shes always checking what I wear and what I do. Meg: Thats not totally true. I simply remind you to wear girls clothes and to act like a girl. Youre always wearing shorts and sneakers. And youre always outside playing basketball with the neighborhood boys. Katrina: Yeah, Mom insists that I wear a dress. You know, with flowers and lace? Yuck! And she buys me those tops with spaghetti straps. She says I look Host: Host: Ryan: Cathy: Ryan: Host: cute in them. I dont want to look like Britney Spears. I want to be an athlete someday. An athlete! Thats wonderful, Katrina. Now, on to our final guests, Cathy and her dad. Ryan? I dont have much to complain about, really. Cathys a good kid. Shes smart and shes hardworking. But she dresses like Britney Spears. I worry a lot when she goes out, wearing those tiny tops and low jeans. Dad, thats what people are wearing these days. Besides, wearing these clothes doesnt make me a bad person. I know, but7 Believe me, Ryan, many of us understand how you feel. When we come back, some experts will give their opinions on the issues you just heard about. -. 3: Speaking a')+(#(" (" 45 (P`"+( ) a')%,"'##(P`"+( )#a & ("* +#"'##a(" %a')+( ("') * + a')5)+(""P#a') O#')$ :-*4/ 1. "P%a%) _________________________________________________________ +#8 ___________________________________________________________________ 2. '/ a%) _____________________________________________________ +#+)! _______________________________________________________________________ 3. O#O!"(!) "+5 _____________________________________________________________ '5 _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. #+5%) _______________________________________________________ #O __________________ 5) _________/ _________/ _________ Unit 3: Do I have to? Z-)Y+n4/25:52 / 6 .Z 2/ 1. (,+ b%"O Brad + Tracy Pa ' '#a" + P`" 2. 34%"#) O)#Pa' ' 3 %" + %( a')(## 3. (')O %"#)O# )#5ba)P`" OP' S( 4. %("O %"#)O# )#5a')O c # Communication - Talk about obligations Grammar - Have to: simple present and simple past forms Vocabulary - Household chores Pronunciation - Reduced forms of have to and has to -2/2: Do I have to? 0I( ( /2 1. "" 2. "a3) 3. "5 1. # 2. 3. ( 4. 5. 6. "( 7. P")! a)a %P : :: Unit 3: Do I have to? 5-. 1 //(Y+/--.3d45*: 3+, (#)" ( b& + )#$ c `)#"'( ( 1.1 ". 3/2) + OO!"(a("# +(# c a')". b+ )"O #'( ( 1.1 ". 3/3) / ')O# a%"P + +#"'OO#O#+ (%O *(# c )"$#a')'5+ (# ( 1.1 ". 3/4) + b))"O# O#(# c a) ` ( O#O (a"a% ##" + O(#(O#+ '" " ( 1.2 ". 3/1) + O+ a')) " . + +#"'OO#O#'( (#'" " ( 1.2 ". 3/4) + O# (/'/O#/ (# c O(a"a% ##" ( 1.3 ". 3/1) a)*& $P # + (#'" + b""#"+ 8."# %)#*& ( 2.1 ". 3/1) .O" S( ."" + #%)#*& ( 2.1 ". 3/2) )("/%%"#*&+ 8."""a% ( 2.1 ". 3/3) + ."'"+ "+(# '(## b(# c + PP"b#)# b#*&(# + *&! ( 2.2 ". 3/1) + ."'"+ "+(# '(#" S(+ 8."#%)# *&#! + P! a)(#'" " ( 2.2 ". 3/2) )) " + )"/)%%#O O)#(" )O%+'(#)+ P)/ ( 3.1 ". 3/1) a)*&Oa`%#/`%P#O,$a')# `,& " + #" ( 4.1 ". 3/1) a)*&(# a)/)) " + "/) )"(# c %O+ +'(# )(# c a,&(+ ( 4.2 ". 3/1) 5d-.-5 25d... 1. have to/has to + Simple present tense had to + Simple past tense a)OO"%P S+ ')OO )#Pa %%+ ( Pimchanok has to clean her room everyday. Pimchanok had to clean her room last night. 5-. eW+15d-.- 2... 1. PO#)(# c ( do the laundry, clean the table, cook lunch/dinner, do the grocery shopping, iron the clothes, wash/do the dishes, vacuum the floor, make the bed, clean the room S) 2. bO')OO)# 5*a) ( Every day after breakfast, I have to clear the table. On weekends, I have to clean the bathroom, and doing the dishes after dinner. My brother, Mark, doesnt have to do very much at home. Sometimes, he helps Dad wash the car and water the plants. Those are not difficult chores at all. 3. a) have to a Simple present tense + Simple past tense O`)# 4. #+ ##P have to + has to O`)# el1eV-.-ed45d-.- - `))#`"O(O"')O 5#) !)# % `" S *&#T&(#! - `))#O( "')O)# %'#% ')%a' % S *&#T&(#! - I have to go. (#(#! - He has to try harder. (#(#! -2/1l5-.2eW+1-. - 21l... 1. ) )a% + PO#)(# c !) 2. O')OO)#5*a)!) 3. a) have to a Simple present tense + Simple past tense !)`)# 4. #+ ##P have to + has to !) `)# 5-. 2 2/2+2 /k*.+m4/-.1 /3-. e4W- 1. 2-. 3+|:3 - 34 b%"Oa*P# P(ba)OP'a') - 34## have to + has to %+`,#/+5(; + #" - 34(,+ b%"O Brad + Tracy Pa' '# a" + P`"a')` )# - 34##b '(# Brad , Tracy + +"( +)P`"a') S bO " - 34%"#)O) #Pa' ' 3 %" + %(a')( ## - 34"P # have to #a(#(#a')`)# - 34`"P`" Yes/No S(ba)a+34' A 34 - 34+ bP`"O)#)"Oa+34' A ba) have to a')`)# - 34* P`"OP'a')a" (" + P%""OP'a')a +34'O 8 - 34(')O%"#)O#)#5ba)P`"OP' S( - 34%("O%"#)O#)#5a')O c # - 34#+ (%+`,#/+5(; +)* P`"OP' - 34P+%+5(P Unit 3 Test - 34P+%+5(P Units 1-3 Tests - 34P%" Project 1 - 34P%" Zoom in on culture 1 2. .+ O#" "5) 2.1 . "5) 2.2 O#" "5) 1) (+ '# 1) +(+ '# 2) & )# ( 2) + "5& )# + ( + 3) "5#/%" S 3) + "5#/%" S ' S (" ' S (" 4) + "5)." 4) + "T"# %." + (" 5) + %P'( 5) + "5)")ba) 6) + "5## + 6) "5## 3. 1.-.0+2 3.1 ")a% 6 ) !)+( . $+%# + "+ " a) + # + P! a) """"#O'' a')"Pa"),#5)O + %) # 3.2 "` P !)+( ""`aO +) ' a)& + a)bb 3.3 & ,# # !)+( & ;O % " a3") ((## "(#"OaP# " S! "%. 5-. 3 +5%) O 4 Unit 3 Do I have to? 6 Ob"# - . 4 123+2-) Unit 3 Do I have to? ()*+,-. 3 / 6 .Z 0+21Y 1. # ( + PO#)(# c !) (K, P) 2. O')OO)#5*a)!) (K, P) 3. a) have to a Simple present tense + Simple past tense !) (K, P) 4. #+ ##P have to + has to !) (K, P) 5. +#""+ %"#*&!) (K, A, P) /2+2 / (K) "# ( + PO#)(# c "O')OO )#5*a) "a) have to a Simple present tense + Simple past tense "#+ # #P have to + has to %5#/%" S S( ' S(" 0I( ( /2 (A) "T"aP# Sa)"" "a3) "%O(*& #T& -2/2: (P) "T"aP# S+ S("a) O +) ' 4- Talk about obligations Have to: simple present and simple past forms Household chores Reduced forms of have to and has to Communication: Grammar: Vocabulary: Pronunciation: 1. '# Postcards 3 ') 1823 '#+34' Postcards Language Booster, Workbook 3 ') 1619 + Grammar Builder ') 7275 +5(; +` b P * -:I *&! #",& "'"#PO#)(# c +#"" )')OO)#5#%)#*& 0I( ( /2 1. "" 2. "a3) 3. "5 -. 1 Warm-Up `"`,#"O()("a)# +) ( father, mother, uncle, aunt, sister, brother, grandfather, grandmother, domestic employee S) a')( "" +)#)O"a)(P (#( cooking, cleaning, laundry, gardening, paying bills, child care, caring for pets S) a') ( "+( a)"')O5#a)# + (* ( +(# ')O5a)#!'"'+(#%" Background note Housework in the United States: "(a'(!"("a) "a)# (P#) O"- ()#% %)#"P" )'') ( O"- "% "`%)#a) `" %P!) a5)'#"% ( ) P#)(# c + 5) % +"')+ ;("+;"O #a)OP +( %%5)'#)#! P#) 5)%,#)#"(("aP' P" ) ;$#a) )) + + c ) +(5)'###)#5#(a'(a)(" ( c % (#)#( c -. 1: Vocabulary a') '# .(% !)34PO#) (#P`"O )a') #$ When you want a hot meal at home in the evening, what do you have to do? (cook dinner) When you dont have any food in the house, what do you have to do? (go grocery shopping) a')PO(a Exercise 1 a'#') 18 `)!"( Pa a')a)*(a"'" $a')'(#(# c '($ a*&#T& ( Household chores (#)) a')%(*)"a %$%(OO%P b5 ('"#* + (P a')+(# bO* U/: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Shes making the bed. Shes doing the grocery shopping. Shes vacuuming the floor. Hes doing the laundry. Shes cleaning the room. 6. 7. 8. 9. Hes ironing the clothes. Shes cooking lunch (or dinner). Hes washing (or doing) the dishes. Hes clearing the table. : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 13 ') 16 U/: Workbook Exercises 1X3 4 16 1 1. b 2. e 3. a 2 1. ironed the clothes 4. wash the dishes 4. g5. d 6. c 7. f 2. cooks dinner 5. clean my room 3. make my bed 6. cleared the table 3 Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. Do you do the laundry? No, I dont. My father usually does it, but I sometimes help. 2. Do you do the grocery shopping? Yes, I do. I usually do it after school. 3. Do you make your bed every day? No, I dont. I am always in a hurry. 4. Do you iron your clothes? Yes, I do. I iron my clothes in the evening. 5. How often do you clean your room? I clean it once a week. 6. How often do you cook / make breakfast for your family? I make / cook breakfast for them every morning. 7. How often do you vacuum the floor? I vacuum the floor every other week. 8. How often do you wash / do the dishes? I wash / do the dishes every day after dinner. Grammar Focus: Have to: Simple present '" Simple present # have Oa)"(# c a Present tense (I have, he / she / it has, we / you / they have) (# b + a')( PO)a)'""((#! Susan will have an exam tomorrow. She has to study hard tonight. ()#) I have to stop at a grocery on the way home because I dont have any food left at home. ()#) a')#(PO"'# have to S " (base form) % !"(" O+ #" . a'),& Grammar Focus a'#') 19 %a')+(# S("( $#O )a%+)+ O#!"(()a% Oa')(.)##O ! c $ + ('"O%P S -. 2: Pronunciation .O##)'a*&#T&("#$ aP+ a b (O!))# (stress) % !)%((O!"(!))# (unstressed) PO"% "#)'a b noun, verb, adjective, adverb (PO!"(!))# article, preposition, pronoun (# b 12 b a'))a)PO!"(!)) #' #$ Sentences in English usually have a lot of unstressed words. (PO!"(#)' in, a + of) It is common to hear people say the unstressed words very quickly. (PO!"(# )' it, is, to + the) .( a*&#T& P( have to + has to "'O(! +)$% " #aP(# # % `'"a')$# Oa')#!) ,$ ( have to / / has to / / a')#+ ## have to, has to %+5(; 12 $# + 34 #" -. 3: Practice A a')(,O+"($# 2 a')P#) O+"()#! P#a' a'#') 19 a')(+( )#P#) !)# O% !)P"+(# b (#( +"(%P S)#P#a' + b Brads mother has to work this weekend. a')+( +(# bb(#% Exercise 3 a'#') 19 %$% PO c P ('+5(a) U/: Brad 1. Brad has to clear the table after breakfast. 2. He has to do the dishes. 3. He has to do the laundry. 4. And he has to vacuum the floor. Tracy 1. Tracy has to make the beds. 2. She has to clean the bedrooms. 3. She has to go to the supermarket with her dad. 4. And she has to make dinner. B )# b Yes / No questions %O+(#,$a) A b b(O "a) have to a')( O S bP`" )"$# P`"+' . ( Tracy has to make dinner. Does Tracy have to make dinner? Yes, she does. O S bP`"+ S . ( Does Brad have to make dinner? No, he doesnt. a')P+34') B +)%(OO%P a')(P U/: 1. Yes, they do. 4. No, she doesnt. 5. 2. Yes, he does. Yes, she does. 3. No, he doesnt. -. 4: Listening a') '# (# bP`"% Exercise 4 ) 1 a'# ') 20 What are Brad and Tracy complaining about? (Theyre complaining about their chores.) a')#%+5(; 1 + (P`" %$ '#O%P a')(P`") 26 #+ P`" a')(P %$ +5(;#Oa')%P $# U/: 1. Theyre complaining about their chores. 2. Tracy has to be at Annas birthday party this afternoon. 3. Brad has to go to a baseball game. 4. She has to be at the party at three. 5. Tracy has to make the beds and clean her bedroom before the party. 6. Brad doesnzt have to do his chores this Saturday. Audioscript Mom: Brad: Mom: Tracy: Mom: Brad: Mom: Tracy: Brad: Mom: Tracy: Mom: Tracy: Mom: Brad: Mom: Brad: Mom: Both: Hello? Hello, Mom? Hi, Brad. Im here, too, Mom. Were on the speakerphone. Hmm. This sounds serious. I think I know what this is about. Yeah, Mom. Its about your note. Do we really have to do all those chores this weekend? Yes, Brad. You do. But, Mom, today is Annas birthday party. I have to be at her party this afternoon. And I have a baseball game today, Mom. Remember? Hang on, guys. Tracy, what time do you have to be at the party? At three, Mom. The party ends before six. Let me think. OK. Tracy, heres what you can do. Make the beds right now and clean your bedroom. You can go to the supermarket with Dad after the party. Then help Dad make dinner. OK. And Brad, what time does the game start? It starts at eleven this morning. See, I really cant do my chores, Mom. I forgot about your baseball game. Brad. OK. You dont have to do your chores today. Yes! Hold it, Brad. Im not done yet. You have to do all of them tomorrow. Clear? I have to go. My phones ringing. Bye, Mom. -. 5: Your Turn a')(PO#+ #)O#)#5" 3 (# `)!"("#)O)#5 a') ""O("# !OP!))# ( + $# (take care of pets) ! ( (walk the dog) )#) (clean the fish tank) ( ))# (help with younger siblings homework) S) a')+(# b#)O)#5#a" #) + ("* O a')( #)OP'""O #)O"P)O #)O + O : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 4 + 8 ') 1718 + Grammar Builder Exercises 13 ') 7374 U/: Workbook Exercises 4 /2 8 4 17X18 4 1. A: have to 2. A: have to 3. A: have to B: have to B: has to B: has to 4. A: have to 5. A: have to B: has to B: has to 8 Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. Nurses have to look after people in hospitals. 2. A waiter doesnt have to train every day. 3. Administrative assistants have to answer the phone. 4. A hotel receptionist has to find rooms for hotel guests. 5. Professional athletes dont have to serve food in a restaurant. 6. Professional athletes have to train every day. 7. Nurses dont have to train every day. 8. A waiter has to serve food in a restaurant. 9. A hotel receptionist has to answer the phone. 10. A hotel receptionist doesnt have to look after people in hospitals. U/: Workbook (Grammar Builder) Exercises 1X3 4 73X74 1 1. has to, doesnt have to, has to 2. has to, has to, doesnt have to 3. dont have to, have to, dont have to 2 1. have to 6. dont have to 11. dont have to 2. dont have to 7. doesnt have to 12. have to 3 Answers will vary. 1. do you have to do 4. do you have to do 7. do you have to be 3. have to 8. have to 13. have to 2. Do you have to ask 5. do you have to clean 8. Do you have to wear 4. have to 9. have to 5. have to 10. have to 3. do you have to be 6. do you have to get up 9. do you have to study -. 2 Grammar Focus: Have to: simple past a') past tense # have (had) + have to (had to) b(# ( S bO"`P S .!)) We had to use the Internet for our project. a')O#O)#P"O$ +) " b(# 23 b `)")5 a')(+)!a')`)# a')( O b(# S . We didnt have to use the Internet for our project. $+ `)")5 a')+)!)#b,&% Grammar Focus a '#') 20 a')%((+(# bP`"$#+ Yes/No question + Wh- questions + P`"+$+$ +)5`" -. 6: Practice A a')%(O(P+34'"a')" ba) simple past # have to (had to) "O(a'(P+34'%+) a')( ('+5(a) a')34#(# U/: 1. had to 2. did7have to 3. had to 4. did7have to 5. had to 7. had to 8. Did7have to 9. had to 6. did7have to B a')(+(# bP`"+ Yes/No questions % )"P+$ %$ %,#5`" )a')a)")#a$#P`" U/: Sample questions and answers: Did Kevin have to work last weekend? (Yes, he did.) Did Kevin (or he) have to fill in for a co-worker? (Yes, he did.) Did Kevin (or he) have to put all of the fall costumes in a box? (No, he didnt. He had to unpack them.) Did Kevin (or he) have to stand outside the store holding a sign? (Yes, he did.) Did Kevin (or he) have to sing and dance when he was on the street? (No, he didnt. He had to wear a costume.) Did Kevin have to wear a chicken costume? (No, he didnt. He had to wear a pumpkin costume.) C a') 23 P+34'b)#P`"% Wh- questions OP'a') 3 b )"$#P+" b S a')+(#(" (" 23 (%P`"+ P#+( )"$# a'))+ a+)!`))5 a') ,&`)" '')# '"P`" + '"O% P`"$ a')(%P`"+ P$#)$'+ ! `)")5a').+)! : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 57 + 9 ') 1718 + Grammar Builder Exercises 47 ') 7475 U/: Workbook Exercises 5X7 /2 9 4 17X18 5 1. 3. 5. 6 1. 2. I had to see the dentist last year. I had to study last weekend. The waiter had to clear the table. Carmen has to stop. Yesterday the boys had to wash the dishes. 2. Elaine had to work until 6 P.M. 4. The reporter had to write a story every day. 6. Masa had to clean his room once a week. 3. 4. 5. 7 1. 4. Neil had to do the grocery shopping at 10 A.M. this morning. We have to clear the table every day. Esin and Rashida always have to do the laundry twice a week. didnt have to had to5. 2. had to didnt have to 3. Did7have to 6. Did7have to 9 1. did you have to get up 2. I had to get up 3. did you have to start 4. we had to work 5. we didnt have to work 6. did you have to do 7. I had to type 8. I had to answer 9. I didnt have to make U/: Workbook (Grammar Builder) Exercises 4X7 4 74X75 4 1. had to 5. had to 2. had to 6. didnt have to 3. didnt have to 7. had to 5 1. Why did Tom have to go to the hospital? 2. What time did you have to get up this morning? 3. How long did you have to wait for the bus? 4. Why did your father have to stay late at work yesterday? 5. How much did you have to pay for this ticket? 6. Where did you have to go? 7. What did your class have to organize? 6 Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Linda didnt have to cook the food. Hiro had to cook the food. Linda and Hiro didnt have to clean the floor. Linda and Hiro had to wear a uniform. Linda had to greet the customers. Hiro didnt have to wash the dishes. Linda and Hiro had to get to work on time. Linda had to clear the tables. 4. had to 7 Answers will vary. -. 7: Reading a')*+ ( ""'O*a'#') 22 ba)P`"O P! ($'#( ( What do you think is happening in the photo? (A mother is complaining to her teenage daughter about her messy room. +"(P#(O#')#) What does the girl have to do to clean up her room? (She has to fold her clothes and put them away; make her bed; put her sneakers in the cupboard. .)#$5)+ %a') S %# + P#)5)a))) a')(PO#+ ("* P`" Should children and teens help out with household chores? Why or why not? P( ( pain "; bother ; mess !"( S , ; nag , (; huff b.; stale )#, ( P`" Oa')'P ( Who does more work around the house, Amy or her brother? )a')((#O'P b#!"()#a% O c a!) a')",$ (Amy does more work than her brother.) -. 8: Comprehension a')(PO#) 1 +))! O$O# #)O Amy + Mark )# 5 ( Pa') a')%( (P) 23 a Exercise 8 a'#') 22 a')+( ("("O 1 ( (P Pa') U/: 1. Amys chores: clear the table, clean the bathroom, and do the dishes after dinner Marks chores: help his dad wash the car, water the plants, and help Amy do the laundry 2. Amys complaints about her mom: Her mom always complains about her messy bedroom and tells her to clean it. Her mom doesnt make her brother do difficult chores. 3. Amys moms complaints about Amy: Amy doesnt like to do housework. She always has to ask Amy to do a chore three or four times. Amy usually pretends not to hear her or goes off in a huff. Amys bedroom is a mess. -. 9: Writing a')(PO#+ P`") 13 a Exercise 9 a'#') 22 . )## a')Pb#(##O#O% +O%"`)# a')O#bb#(#+ 5% S+#a -. 10: Speaking (% !)#O#OO#)O5a# "O#+)a')($#P`"$#+ Yes/No questions + Wh- questions O#O#)O)#5a')# S(# '"$#P`" P`" a')"(! `" + P`" ($O! a')+(#(" (" 45 5(O### + P`"#O ! c $ + a')"('"O%P S : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 1012 ') 19 U/: Workbook Exercises 10X12 4 19 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I have to wash the dishes twice a week. Do you have to make your bed? No, I dont have to cook dinner. Do you have to clean your room? How often do you have to clean your room? No, I never have to do the laundry. 11 Amanda : Janet, do you have to wash the dishes at home? Janet: Yes, I do. I have to wash the dishes every day. Amanda: Janet: Amanda: Janet: Amanda: Janet: Amanda: Janet: Amanda: Janet: Do you have to make your bed? No, I dont have to make my bed. Do you have to cook dinner? Yes, I do. How often do you have to cook dinner? I have to cook dinner twice a week. Do you have to clean your room? No, I dont have to clean my room. Do you have to do the laundry? Yes, I have to do the laundry once a month. 12 Answers will vary. -. 3 Explaining to Tom a')*O 13 a'#') 23 +)((O#(')$ S (#! b`"P`"a')'P #$ Who are the two people talking? (Tom and Nicole) Do they seem to be having fun, talking pleasantly? (No, they look tense. They look like they are having a disagreement.) a')*O 4 + ( !,$ `"P`" #$ Who do you think Nicole is talking to? (a friend or family member) Do you think its an important phone call? Why? (Probably. She looks serious.) a')* 2 *)O' + P`" How do you think Tom feels? (confused and a little upset) a')(PO#+ P`"P'* a'#') 23 (P* a $ )a%`O,$ '(# Tom + Nicole )a') 'P '(#(+ # a')#%+5(; )"'# a')+(#(" (" 45 `,# '# Tom + )+ +)%,#+("O#)+ #(" %$a')++( ("P)+ ')$ (() + aOO Audioscript 1. Tom: Nicole: 2. Tom: Nicole: 3. Tom: Nicole: 4. Nicole: 5. Nicole: 6. Tom: Nicole: Hi, Nicole. Oh, hi, Tom. What are you doing here? Im waiting for you. Why? You dont have to do that. I know. Look, Nicole. I just want us to be friends. Why are you avoiding me? Umm7Excuse me. I have to get this call. Hello? Yes, Im on my way. Yes. Ill be there in half an hour. Bye. Look, Tom, I really have to go. Can we talk about this later? OK. Can I call you at home? Well7no, please dont. That call was from my dad, and I have to go home now. Bye. :-*4/ 1. "P%a%) _________________________________________________________ +#8 ___________________________________________________________________ 2. '/ a%) _____________________________________________________ +#+)! _______________________________________________________________________ 3. O#O!"(!) "+5 _____________________________________________________________ '5 _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. #+5%) _______________________________________________________ #O __________________ 5) _________/ _________/ _________ Unit 4: Whozs going to the game? Z-)Y+n4/25:52 / 6 .Z Communication - Express future plans Grammar - The present continuous to express future time - Verb + infinitive Vocabulary - Sports and sports location 2/ 1. P`""*& 5 P`"#a" +)+# "" 2. a')`)# 3. ##%+`,#/ +5(;+ "$ c -2/2: Whozs going to the game? 0I( ( /2 1. "" 2. "a3) 3. "5 1. # 2. 3. ( 4. 5. 6. (" 7. P")! a)a %P : :: Unit 4: Whozs going to the game? 5-. 1 //(Y+/--.3d45*: 3+, (#)" ( b& + )#$ c `)#"'( ( 1.1 ". 3/2) + OO!"(a("# +(# c a')". b+ )"O #'( ( 1.1 ". 3/3) / ')O# a%"P + +#"'OO#O#+ (%O *(# c )"$#a')'5+ (# ( 1.1 ". 3/4) + b))"O# O#(# c a) ` ( O#O (a"a% ##" + O(#(O#+ '" " ( 1.2 ". 3/1) + O+ a')) " . + +#"'OO#O#'( (#'" " ( 1.2 ". 3/4) + O# (/'/O#/ (# c O(a"a% ##" ( 1.3 ". 3/1) a)*& $P # + (#'" + b""#"+ 8."# %)#*& ( 2.1 ". 3/1) )("/%%"#*&+ 8."""a% ( 2.1 ". 3/3) + ."'"+ "+(# '(## b(# c + PP"b#)# b#*&(# + *&! ( 2.2 ". 3/1) )) " + )"/)%%#OO)#(" )O%+'(#)+ P)/ ( 3.1 ". 3/1) a)*&Oa`%#/`%P#O,$a')# `,& " + #" ( 4.1 ". 3/1) a)*&(# a)/)) " + "/) )"(# c %O+ +'(# )(# c a,&(+ ( 4.2 ". 3/1) 5d-.-5 el1eV-.-ed45d-.- - `))#`"O(% ! ( 25d... +")a)!'" % 1. Present continuous (progressive) tense " O S*&#T&(#! b ) Subject + verb to be - `)O`"($#a%% P !a' (is/am/are) + verb ing + (object).a) present continuous tense 1. P;,O#P#P ( O b$ 2. +#'a ;,#O (% S($+( 3. a) 'OP( S %Pa O ( 5-. eW+15d-.- 2... 1. P *(# c ( basketball, tennis, volleyball, soccer, swimming, running, baseball, golf S) + `OP'( ( field, course, track, court, pool S ) 2. b`"+ O ''+5O$#a%% Pa a) ( Whos coming with me to the soccer game on Friday night? Id love to go, but Im not spending $70 on a ticket. How about you, Tom? Are you going with Justin? I cant. I dont have any money either. What are you doing on Sunday? Im going shopping. Why? How about coming to the baseball game with us? Great! When and where are you meeting? Outside the mall at 3 P.M. 3. a) Present Continuous O ''+5O$#a%% Pa a)O`)# 4. a)("P(# c O ") Infinitive O`)# % O S *&#T&(#! - `))#O(#+5O % ! ($P a % S*&#T& (#! -2/1l5-.2eW+1-. - 21l... 1. ) )a% + PO * (# c + `OP'(!) 2. `"+ O''+5 O$#a%% Paa)!) 3. a) Present Continuous O'' +5O$#a%% Paa)!)`)# 4. a)("P(# c O") Infinitive !) `)# 5-. 2 2/2+2 /k*.+m4/-.1 /3-. e4W- 1. 2-. 3+|:3 - 34#+ (+`,#/+5(; + O#a(#(#a')`)# - 34#+ (+`,# b+ OP'a') - 34%(`"+ P`" 4 P`"O'# Sally + Tina ba), %POP' - 34#+`,#/+5(; OP' + "#a, %Pa')`)# - 34#+ ("+`,#/+5(;+ +#"" - 34" infinitives OP'"#a(#(#a')`)# - 34POOP'"#a(#(#a'))#* - 34%(POOP'a'))#PO`O( - 34("O+" g Tiger Woods #" infinitives + P`"a')`)# - 34P`""*& 5 P`"#a" +)+#"" - 34 Present continuous + infinitives #a(#(#a')`)# - 34PO`)##a(#(# - 34PO`O(#a(#(#a')`)# - 34a')`)# - 34##%+`,#/+5(;+ "$ c - 34(" Mystery Celebrity - 34P+ Unit 4 Test 2. .+ O#" "5) 2.1 . "5) 2.2 O#" "5) 1) (+ '# 1) +(+ '# 2) & )# ( 2) + "5& )# + ( + 3) "5#/%" S 3) + "5#/%" S ' S (" ' S (" 4) + "5)." 4) + "T"# %." + (" 5) + %P'( 5) + "5)")ba) 6) + "5## + 6) "5## 3. 1.-.0+2 3.1 ")a% 6 ) !)+( . $+%# + "+ " a) + # + P! a) """"#O'' a')"Pa"),#5)O + %) # 3.2 "` P !)+( ""`aO +) ' a)& + a)bb 3.3 & ,# # !)+( & ;O % " a3") ((## "(#"OaP# " S! "%. 5-. 3 +5%) O 5 Unit 4 Whos going to the game? 6 Ob"# - . 5 123+2-) Unit 4 Whozs going to the game? ()*+,-. 3 / 6 .Z 0+21Y 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. # ( + PO *(# c + `OP'(!)(K, P) `"+ O''+5O$#a%% Paa)!) (K, P) a) Present Continuous O''+5O$#a%% Paa)!) (K, P) a)("P(# c O") Infinitive !) (K, P) +#""+ %"#*&!) (K, A, P) /2+2 / (K) 0I( ( /2 (A) "T"aP# "# ( + Sa)"" PO * (# c + `OP'( "a3) "`"+ "%O(*& O''+5O$#a% #T& % Paa) "a) Present Continuous O''+5O $#a%% Paa) "a)("P(# c O ") Infinitive %5#/%" S S( ' S(" -2/2: (P) "T"aP# S+ S("a) O +) ' 4- Express future plans The present continuous to express future time; Verb + infinitive Sports and sports location Communication: Grammar: Vocabulary 1. '# Postcards 3 ') 2431 '#+34' Postcards Language Booster, Workbook 3 ') 2025 + Grammar Builder ') 7679 +5(; +` b P *O"O# -:I *&! #",& "'"#PO *(# c + `OP'( +#"" ) O *(# c + `OP'(#%)#*& 0I( ( /2 1. "" 2. "a3) 3. "5 -. 1 Warm-Up P%"a%#a)+ OO either/or ( ba)P`" *O"P( 1. Are you a spectator or a participant when it comes to sports? ("O"+(# S5)'5)() 2. Which type of organized sports do you like better amateur sports (like school or youth sports) or professional sports? ( *aO"( '(# +"( (') ) 3. Do parents who get very excited at their childrens sports events put too much pressure on kids, or are they simply being supportive? ((+"(OO) +(##% )#"' S) 4. Do you think professional athletes earn too much or too little money for what they do? (("!)"! ')! ) 5. Which is more demanding, being one athlete on a team or being a lone athlete in an individual sport? ( *a SO)#"( '(#O( S" '() 6. If someone called you a jock, would you consider it a compliment or an insult? (`)"( jock ( S(#' S` jock '"`,# ,&#O(#+ "O#a) +(%% '#!"((#) 7. When you have a friendly competition with someone, is it important to you to keepscore or do you like to play just for fun? (`)"+(#+ " ()#(+%#%#'(O"($) +##(P`"+( P`" + a')("* '5Oa') +( ) Using the Large Photo a')*a'#') 24 )"`"('!"( + `)!)! +(# % ! '!"( (If you were invited to a soccer match, would you go?) -. 1: Dialogue `"("a! "+(#a"%#)# +(#%b (#! + "a"+(#O c a"%#'!"( `)" ! a')# '(# Justin, Steve + Tom )OP##+5! "+(# a')("'"#P( ticket ("+(#) hero (&) P`" O S+#a# How much do the kids have to pay for their tickets? a')#%+5(; )"'# a')(P`")#) (nothing theyre free.) a') '# + #;$P "O")#' ' )a')a$(. `)%P S( .O"" -. 2: Comprehension a')(P`")O 1 a Exercise 2 a'#') 24 )"(!)P"% (a# a')P+34' "O%+)( ) PO`)# U/: 1. Justin3. Stacy 5. Justin, Steve and Tom 2. Steve, Stacy, and Tom 4. Nicole -. 3: Useful Phrases a')#((# c a Exercise 3 ') 24 %+5(; )+)#" Me neither. ( !"(...'") Consider me your hero. ( SO(!)) Count me out. (!"((")) Shes not into sports. (.!"() Grammar Focus: The present continuous for the future (# b Present continuous %a'#') 24 O+#'a Im not spending $70 on a ticket. (!"("## 70 O¤ a') %")a%#b`"( Does this sentence mean that Steve is not in the process of spending the money or that he isnt going to spend the money? (he isnt going to) .a')( Present continuous "`a)+#'O"#+5(#')' $#a%!) a')(# b% Grammar Focus a'#') 25 ( Stacy is staying home Friday night. (Stacy $#a%% ( )aOP) "a)P a (#%P( Friday night) '%"O c O+#`,# a)"Oa')" a'))! Ob) bO S Present continuous + #((aP a')()"$'"`,# ()#"a%"OO`,##+5'"$#a%O% P ! a) 1. Whos coming with me to the soccer game on Friday night? Justin a) b$O Oa')! +(# () S(`,#%" O% P("a 2. Im not spending $70 on a ticket. Steve (% !"("a)#`,# 70 ;$"+(# (`,#"$#a%(% !"(#;$(#+() 3. Are you going with Justin? Stacy `" Tom (% ! Justin '!"( (! "+(#) 4. When and where are we meeting? (% "O! O!' ;,O# S'"(#')) -. 4: Practice (`) S%"O"#+5!)(#')+(+) "`a) Present continuous +#!) a')(PO#+ P')# Sally + Tina ("%" !)#a+( a')%( (P+34' + '"+( ) U/: Responses will vary. Possible responses: 1. Q: What are they doing on Monday? A: On Monday, theyre touring Frankfurt, going to Mainz, taking a boat cruise along the Main River, and taking the night train to Berlin. 2. Q: When are they visiting the Berlin Wall and the Checkpoint Charlie Museum? A: Theyre visiting the Berlin Wall and the Checkpoint Charlie Museum on Tuesday. 3. Q: How are they going back to Frankfurt? A: Theyre taking the night train back to Frankfurt. 4. Q: What are they doing on Wednesday? A: On Wednesday, theyre flying to Paris and taking a walking tour. : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 1 + 36 ') 2021 + Grammar Builder Exercises 15 ') 7779 U/: Workbook Exercises 1 /2 3X6 4 20X21 1 1. Im seeing 6. Shes giving 2. 3. 4. 5. Hes playing They arent coming Were watching Are you going 7. 8. 9. 10. He isnt going Is she coming Theyre buying Shes flying 3 1. Is she washing her hair on Sunday? Yes, she is. 2. Is she going to Jims party on Saturday? No, she isnt. 3. Is she going to the movies with her friends on Monday? Yes, she is. 4. Is she meeting Jake for coffee on Wednesday? No, she isnt. 5. Is she going shopping with her sister on Thursday? Yes, she is. 6. Is she playing tennis with Mike on Tuesday? No, she isnt. 7. Is she buying a present for her mother on Saturday? Yes, she is. 4 1. What is she doing on Sunday? 2. Where is she going on Monday? 3. Who is she meeting on Tuesday? 4. When is she playing tennis? 5. What is she doing on Thursday? 6. Where is she going on Friday? 5 1. Shes washing her hair on Sunday. 2. Shes going to the movies with her friends on Monday. 3. Shes meeting Jake for coffee on Tuesday. 4. Shes playing tennis with Mike on Wednesday. 5. Shes going shopping with her sister on Thursday. 6. Shes going to Jims party on Friday. 6 Answers will vary. U/: Workbook (Grammar Builder) Exercises 1X5 4 77X79 1 1. 2. 3. 4. Im going she isnt staying were visiting they arent spending 5. 6. 7. 8. youre playing Im getting up he isnt leaving she isnt taking Friday7are watching is not watching is playing7Cathy are not going 5. is going7Anita 6. is not watching 7. are not playing Where are you going? Who are you going with? How long are you staying? Are you going skiing? 5. Where are you staying? 6. How are you getting there? 7. Are you driving? 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 4 1. Im going to the movies with Mario. 2. Im watching a basketball game. 3. Im meeting some friends for dinner. 4. Im going to the gym. 5. Im visiting my grandparents. 6. Im going to a rock concert with you! 5 Answers will vary. -. 5: Listening A a')(PO#+ )"Oa')a Exercise 5 a'#') 25 ;,O#% )# ! "#aP')# Sally + Tina (Exercise 4) .O# (itinerary P') a')#%+5(;+ P+34' a')$#')#( U/: Thursday: visit the Louvre, go up the Eiffel Tower, take the night train to London Friday: tour London, spend the night in London Saturday: leave for home from London Audioscript Tina: Sally: Tina: Sally: Tina: Sally: Tina: Sally: Tina: Sally: Tina: Sally: Hello? Hello. Is Tina there? This is Tina. Sally? Hi, Tina. Im reviewing the itinerary for our trip. Im not sure what were doing Wednesday evening and for the rest of the week Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Could you tell me? Sure. Heres the information: First, you know were flying from Frankfurt to Paris very early Wednesday morning, right? And in the afternoon were taking a walking tour of Paris. OK7 The next day, were visiting the Louvre and going up the Eiffel Tower. Were taking the night train to London. Were touring London all day Friday, spending the night there, and leaving for home from London on Saturday. Got it? Not quite. What are we doing on Thursday evening again? Were taking the night train to London. Gee. This is one crazy itinerary. Why did I say yes to all of this? Dont worry. Well have fun. See you at the airport on Sunday! Wait. What time on Sunday are we7? B a')P+34'+ )" -. 6: Communication a')#%+5(; 1 + ;$P$#b'O a') #" a')%( + (+(#"+O!)# '"')$ : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 1114 ') 23 U/: Workbook Exercises 11X14 4 23 11 3 62 5 1 4 12 1. A: Are you doing anything next week? 2. B: Yes, Im very busy. Im going out on Tuesday, and Im playing in a volleyball match on Thursday. 3. A: What are you doing on Saturday evening? 4. B: Saturday? Im not doing anything on Saturday. Why? 5. A: Because I have two tickets for a baseball game on Saturday. Do you want to come? 6. B: Yes. That would be great. Thanks. 13 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What are you doing on Saturday? Im visiting Grandma at the hospital in the afternoon. What are you doing in the morning? Im going to a basketball game. Is anyone else going? Yes, Martha is going, too. 14 Answers will vary. : Communicating with Your Friends a')OO#+ * a'#') 26 `"($'a quiz (% S+a SO#'O#"# a')%(5`" b""(P#PP%"'%# c "OOP`") a')5)"*& ++ ("'"# +a')5)` "*&# a')$#$( ( a$#"%P5)OOO(a9 # + #((! "Oa")#/ ' )a')Oa')#(. % S5)""O %P S 1 (a')#(a'-" 5)'#+ 5)% ""a%(# ( 5)'#"($P "(5) a O SOb #5) (O5)+ 5)'#( c ( + *( – a')$#')#("+#"'( a !aO5) aO5)'# + aO5)+ 5)'#( c -. 2 Grammar Focus: Verb + infinitive a')(* O# infinitive (to + (# 1) (# bO" infinitive I want to play soccer with my friends after school. a')' infinitive (to play) .a')(a*&#T& verb #("`") verb O c !)+() #(a infinitive (to P')) a')! (# verb '($+ verb % Grammar Focus a'#') 27 "+O verb a bOa') ( I decide forget need plan etc. to play soccer with my friends after school. Language note #"`a) infinitive ' gerund objects "!) ( I love to sail catamarans. % ""'" bO( I love sailing catamarans. ;,O#PO") infinitive + gerund $ (a'( +)"'"% a)#" -. 7: Practice a')(PO#)"(#P #"a%"" O"a'))"a%'"b)$# a')%(O +)(%P 'PO") infinitive '% a Grammar Focus + "#a# (P$ would love) U/: 1. to exchange 2. to practice 5. to correspond 6. to receive 7. to hear 3. to answer 4. to learn : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 2 + 7 ') 2021 + Grammar Builder Exercises 67 ') 79 U/: Workbook Exercises 2 /2 7 4 20X21 2 1. to learn2. to teach 3. to meet 4. to give up 5. 6. to practice 7. to listen to 8. to jump off 9. to buy to do 10. to go to 7 Answers will vary. U/: Workbook (Grammar Builder) Exercises 6X7 4 79 6 1. to rain2. to write 3. to lock 5. to help6. to go 7. to practice 9. to play 10. to sleep 11. 7 Answers will vary. Possible answers: 4. to spend 8. to buy to eat 12. to see 1. I decided to go to Hawaii. 6. I will try to relax and enjoy myself. 2. Im planning to spend a week there. 7. I want to try the native food. 3. I hope to have good weather. 8. I cant wait to leave for the trip. 4. I would like to visit several islands. 9. Im planning to travel with a friend. 5. I would prefer to stay in a cheaper hotel. U/: Workbook (Grammar Builder) Exercises 6X7 4 79 6 1. to rain2. to write 3. to lock 5. to help6. to go 7. to practice 9. to play 10. to sleep 11. 7 4. to spend 8. to buy to eat 12. to see Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. I decided to go to Hawaii. 2. Im planning to spend a week there. 3. I hope to have good weather. 4. I would like to visit several islands. 5. I would prefer to stay in a cheaper hotel. 6. I will try to relax and enjoy myself. 7. I want to try the native food. 8. I cant wait to leave for the trip. 9. Im planning to travel with a friend. -. 8: Vocabulary A a')#Oa Exercise 8 a'#') 27 " (P) #'O#+) +)!##O#5b#a')#;$P c +) a')" a')OO#*+)a')%PO U/: 1. tennis 2. soccer 3. golf 4. basketball 5. volleyball 6. swimming 7. running 8. baseball B a')+(#(" (" 3 %(+ `OOa)a($ +)a')( U/: 1. d 2. e 3. a 4. d 5. b 6. c 7. d 8. a : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 810 ') 22 U/: Workbook Exercises 8X10 4 22 8 9 1. running 5. swimming 2. basketball 6. golf 3. baseball 7. tennis 4. volleyball 8. soccer -. 9: Reading Background notes Vietnam: aO#'"`,# #"" '-"!)a')"('"a) O() "#"' "O #"' #"Pa')'- `P#'%"a g 1975 5##"Pa') ''- ( 5 '"O + "#" 23 ) Golf scores: +%%P$# (stroke) O% 18 '" a +(# % !) + " 6070 + `"(a( (`)") +O(! + a')OO )% a')*%'#') 28 O S+#a( ( a*a (! "O#(#! 'a!%P',O#%,#"5# #" $#P`" How old was Tiger when he first began to play golf seriously? (only two years old) a')((#O'P a')(%O#O(O Tiger Woods O#aO((a%O 'a `)")# )a')Oa$(. -. 10: Comprehension A a')(."'"# infinitive (to + the base form of a verb) a')' infinitive 7 O (a$O#') 28 U/: Infinitives used in the reading: Paragraph 3: to call; Paragraph 4: to watch, to imitate; Paragraph 8: to turn, to pay Paragraph 6: to appear; Paragraph 7: to get (word) out; B a')(b%) 17 # Exercise 10 B a'#') 28 )"(" 3 a($O#O'P(# P!"(%P S)##P "$O# "O'"a')`"(aP$# 7 ) 6 ) ' 5 )"P O(aOP' (3 ) % P!)O) %$a')( U/: 1. December 30, 1975 Nguyen Tiger Phong 2. Earl 6. ThatJs Incredible 3. army officer 7. Stanford 4. Thailand 5. -. 11: Writing and Speaking A a')(PO#+ (#Oa')!)a Exercise 11 A %("")a%a%" O)#P")#a ba')$#')# (''") .O#O)#P (P )"%$O#O("$#P`" 5 ) b""( SP`"O% a)a"*& Tiger Woods) .a')(a"*&+( $# 5)O(% $#P`"%)"O)+) +()# ,#! ( 5)O((O Tiger $#"O'"O( (# Tiger %)# ((!)(#! $'$#" ('!"( $(Oa S) B a')%(O""`"*& b',O#% S Tiger Woods S5)"*& "O"*&%a') `) S')#(# %a'))))"O Tiger Woods O"" a')" ''",$ : Individual work a')P Workbook (Skills Development 1) Exercises 14 ') 2425 U/: Workbook (Skills Development 1) Exercises 1X4 4 24X25 1 1. court2. rink 3. cage 4. wall 5. lanes 6. track 7. alley 2 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. F 7. T 3 4 Answers will vary. : Individual work a')P Progress Check Units 34 a'#') 29 U/: Progress Check Units 3X4 4 29 8. F Grammar A. 1. Are (you) coming 2. m / am visiting 3. re / are not traveling OR arent traveling 4. are arriving B. 1. to sit2. to see 3. to come 5. s / is meeting 6. Is (Ken) joining 7. s / is coming 4. to invite Vocabulary C. 1. clean (the bathroom) 2. vacuum (the floor) 3. do (the laundry) 4. make (the beds) D. 1. pool 2. court 5. to finish 5. iron (the clothes) 6. do (the dishes) 7. clear (the dining table) 3. course 4. track 5. field Communication E. Sample dialogue: A: What are you doing next weekend? B: Im seeing a Broadway show! My mother got some free tickets at work. How about you? A: Im going ice-skating with my sister and my brother. -. 3 SONG 1: I Need to Know Warm-Up a')O#+ O)# `"(O#O)#$#a ( "%!' ('-") )## *a (Latin pop) #OO)# (You Sang to Me) a')( # Marc Anthony P`" What was Marc Anthonys big break? a')(P`" (He won a Grammy award for Contra La Corriente [Against the Current].) (# Grammy S#Oa')+(5)"""` + "P%)) '""(O## Marc Anthony a'"( ba)*&! ( ( He comes from New York. He began writing songs when he was in high school.) `)" '')#a')(. ( Contra La Corriente SO$"O Marc Anthony !)# Grammy -. 1 a')## )"($)#" #;$P 1 a')(!) need to know $#'"O$# a')( need to know S(#!O#aO! (verb O") infinitive) P( want to + got to a')### +)( aP+( (!)',O#'#P #P want to (#( wanna) + got to (#( gotta) a')#+ #" #a')#$#+ a'))#" U/: I need to know appears seven times in the chorus of the song. -. 2 a')(P`") 2 a'#') 30 (P#P He wants her to tell him7 a')Pba)P##O( b a')" '" P# (' c P) a')("+# "'+ PO""'# (( 7that she likes him.) `"(a" +O)# + P(#!O+#"), # ")'')+ PO% a')O '($(#! `""'(P!"5)$`,#!"(5)'#O#+! # c +O% '#a') 5)'#( %`"( What has he done instead? (written a song) ' Is this a solution open to most people? What other ways could one person let another person know that he or she is interested in starting a relationship? -. 3 a')(PO#) 3 a'#') 30 .(% O# !!)!"( %P S)#'"a# ( e-mail % )#$+ !"( S# "`a(& +#"!) ( ')$" (smiley faces) OPa'))"(a%",$ '"( e-mail #')$ $a')'a) need to, want to + have to – a')%( e-mail b) S%"" GAME 1: Mystery Celebrity 53/ (Suggested Procedures) a')*5)O"O#$# 7 * a'#') 31 + Oa*O )% "Oa*O!"( (+`: Britney Spears, Brad Pitt +`#: Gwyneth Paltrow, Michael Jordan, Ricky Martin +`(#: J. K. Rowling, Venus Williams) a')(.(aa% %$a')(# ) %()a%'!"( a')"%("O.. $ #$ 1. "(" (" 6 ,$! 2. a')',O#a') 31 !)aa% 1 b!"() #a 3. a')&+#OO!) ( B O c a("% $#P`"+ Yes/No questions ( Does the celebritys last name begin with S? a') ( PO)# Yes ($ 4. 5)O`"+)!)P No `(+))#%" 5)(`! % S5)`"( 5. 5)(OO!)`)#( S5) + ".:a S5) a')O(! a')(!"(%P S)#a)O"*Oa') "`a)O" O#a Oa$)% '%P*O"O#a)#`O# " O";O %a') OO!)a &(O" (+( a')a')"Oa("% "b S5)O+ P`"#Oa(" :-*4/ 1. "P%a%) _________________________________________________________ +#8 ___________________________________________________________________ 2. '/ a%) _____________________________________________________ +#+)! _______________________________________________________________________ 3. O#O!"(!) "+5 _____________________________________________________________ '5 _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. #+5%) _______________________________________________________ #O __________________ 5) _________/ _________/ _________ Unit 5: Izll have a sandwich. Z-)Y+n4/25:52 / 2 .Z 2/ 1. bP`" Yes/No + PO'O % ,$a' '$ #a " 2. 34%(b&OP' + 5`" 3. #%+` ,#/+5(; + +# "" 4. %( * P`"O P'ba)Pa +34'O 12 Communication - Order food items and drinks Grammar - Will and wonJt for decisions, promises, and future predictions - The imperative Vocabulary - Food items and Drinks - Dance and exercise verbs Pronunciation - t, d I’ll have a sandwich. 0I( ( /2 1. "" 2. "a3) 3. "5 -2/2: 1. # 2. 3. ( 4. 5. 6. (" 7. P")! a)a %P : :: Unit 5: Izll have a sandwich. 5-. 1 //(Y+/--.3d45*: 3+, "P)# P+ P P$+%# + P.O #'( ( 1.1 ". 3/1) (#)" ( b& + )#$ c `)#"'( ( 1.1 ". 3/2) + OO!"(a("# +(# c a')". b+ )"O #'( ( 1.1 ". 3/3) / ')O# a%"P + +#"'OO#O#+ (%O *(# c )"$#a')'5+ (# ( 1.1 ". 3/4) + b))"O# O#(# c a) ` ( O#O (a"a% ##" + O(#(O#+ '" " ( 1.2 ". 3/1) a)P)# a')P+ P P$+%# + P.(#'" " ( 1.2 ". 3/2) + O+ a')) " . + +#"'OO#O#'( (#'" " ( 1.2 ". 3/4) + "), + "'##OO#(# c %" + (/' )"$#a')'5 (#'" " ( 1.2 ". 3/5) + O# (/'/O#/ (# c O(a"a% ##" ( 1.3 ". 3/1) + +#"'O%" + ' )"$#a')'5$ c ( 1.3 ". 3/3) a)*& $P # + (#'" + b""#"+ 8."# %)#*& ( 2.1 ". 3/1) )("/%%"#*&+ 8."""a% ( 2.1 ". 3/3) + ."'"+ "+(# '(## b(# c + PP"b#)# b#*&(# + *&! ( 2.2 ". 3/1) )) " + )"/)%%#OO )#(" )O%+'(#)+ P)/ ( 3.1 ". 3/1) a)*&Oa`%#/`%P#O,$a')# `,& " + #" ( 4.1 ". 3/1) a)*&(# a)/)) " + "/) )"(# c %O+ +'(# )(# c a,&(+ ( 4.2 ". 3/1) 5d-.-5 25d... 1. Simple Future Tensea*&#T& %+# 'a!) 2 . 1. ba) shall ' will ;,#O ( simple future 2. ba) b#)# going to (the ¥going to construction) b "% " adverb of time (! $+( a bO+#" S ( soon , tonight, tomorrow, next week, in a few minutes S) "% a) will/shall 'O% a ( +# 'O #!"(,$ ( I think the weather will be nice later. 5-. eW+15d-.- 2... 1. P(# c !)+( '+ O#O"(# c ( New York steak, grilled chicken, seafood platter, mixed green salad, onion soup, bottled water, soda, cheesecake, pudding )P+ () ( hop, turn, spin, shake, stomp, step up, kick, rock 2. bO#'+ O#O" ( Ill have the mixed green salad and the New York steak, umm, medium-rare. And a large soda, please. Oh wait. Will that take a long time. Dont worry, well have enough time. A small Greek salad for me, please. el1eV-.-ed45d-.- - "O! O)' + )#O#¦ $ + ;O+)a'( % S *&#T&(#! - `))#`"O( O% "# $#)Pa '')'!"( % `"O S*&#T&(#! - """"`"#! ')#) +) )#a')! #O+ % S*&#T&((#! - cheese (#(#! - juice (#(#! -2/1l5-.2eW+1-. - 21l... 1. ) )a% + PO' + O#O"(# c + )P+ () !) 2. O#'+ O #O"!) 3. a) will + wont a#a% + 'a!)`)# 4. a) bPO# (The imperative) !)`)# 5. "+(#+ #PO"# t, d !)`)# And Ill have a small green salad, the grilled chicken, and bottled water. 3. a) will + wont a#a% + 'aO `)# 4. a) bPO# (The imperative) O`)# 5. "+(#a#PO"# - t, d ` O )# 5-. 2 2/2+2 /k*.+m4/-.1 /3-. e4W- 1. 2-. 3+|:3 - 34PO'+ O#O"#a'OP' + %(" *#' + O#O"a')`)# - 34##O`)#%+`,#/+5(; + #" - 34##%+`,#/+5(; + &#O!)#a(#(#a')`)# - 34#+ ("+`,#/+5(; + O'+ O#O"O+( O# - 34#'PO S b%+`,#/+5(; + %( bO""'"'" - 34" will have ' won’t have #aa')`)# - 34 bP`" Yes/No + PO'O% ,$a' '$#a " - 34%(b&OP' + 5`" - 34#%+`,#/+5(; + +#"" - 34+5OOP' + #O`)#a! ! &+ )a') Nicole + Stacy ba)POP'a') - 34(" Simon Says O ((# c #(# - 34PO`)#a+( * - 34#)P#b%+`,#/+5(; + #P$a')`)# - 34%(* P`"OP'ba)Pa+34'O 12 - 34 bOP'a')"#a #+`,#/+5(;O%P + P`" - 34P+%+5(P Unit 5 Test 2. .+ O#" "5) 2.1 . "5) 2.2 O#" "5) 1) (+ '# 1) +(+ '# 2) & )# ( 2) + "5& )# + ( + 3) "5#/%" S 3) + "5#/%" S ' S (" ' S (" 4) + "5)." 4) + "T"# %." + (" 5) + %P'( 5) + "5)")ba) 6) + "5## + 6) "5## 3. 1.-.0+2 3.1 ")a% 6 ) !)+( . $+%# + "+ " a) + # + P! a) """"#O'' a')"Pa"),#5)O + %) # 3.2 "` P !)+( ""`aO +) ' a)& + a)bb 3.3 & ,# # !)+( & ;O % " a3") ((## "(#"OaP# " S! "%. 5-. 3 +5%) O 6 Unit 5 Ill have a sandwich. 6 Ob"# - . 6 123+2-) Unit 5 Izll have a sandwich. ()*+,-. 3 / 6 .Z 0+21Y 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. # ( + PO'+ O#O"(# c + )P+ ()!) (K, P) O#'+ O#O"!) (K, P) a) will + wont a#a% + 'a!) (K, P) a) bPO# (The imperative) !) (K, P) "+(#+ #PO"# t, d !) (K, P) +#""+ %"#*&!) (K, A, P) /2+2 / (K) "# ( + PO' + O#O"(# c + )P + () "O#' + O#O" "a) will + wont a #a% + 'a "# ( + "a) bPO# (The imperative) " " +(#+ #PO"# t , d 0I( ( /2 (A) "T"aP# Sa)"" "a3) "%O(*& #T& -2/2: (P) "T"aP# S+ S("a) O +) ' %5#/%" S S( ' S(" 4- Communication: Order food items and drinks Grammar: Will and wonJt for decisions, promises, and future predictions; The imperative Vocabulary: Food items and Drinks; Dance and exercise verbs Pronunciation: t, d 1. '# Postcards 3 ') 3237 '#+34' Postcards Language Booster, Workbook 3 ') 2629 + Grammar Builder ') 8083 +5(; +` b P * -:I *&! "'"#PO'+ O#O"(# c + )P+ () +#"" 0I( ( /2 1. "" 2. "a3) 3. "5 -. 1 Warm-Up ;`"O%""(#O("P'%%"OPab# P# b+(#P S 2 +` +`+ S%"a) ( b ## +`O# S%") ( ! ')# ! ) a')((%"$##+`% *!)(#! (a) / )) O!)' %"+( +`( +`+ S AT HOME +`O# S IN THE COMMUNITY ;`"( O(() S(""% aO# !)# a') ("* ')#("(5)'# ("(5) + ("($#5)'# + 5)"% aO#O'"'O#O(# -. 1: Vocabulary a')POa')!)a% Exercise 1 a'#') 32 a') "'"#PO'% !) a')+( PPaa(a"" *'O%!)a') '""' * O'a$(%+ +)!`)")5 U/: Soups: chicken noodle soup, onion soup, vegetable soup, tomato soup Salads: Greek salad, mixed green salad Entrees (Main Courses): New York steak, seafood platter, grilled chicken, pasta special Drinks: orange juice, soda, milk, bottled water Desserts: pudding, chocolate cake, cheesecake, ice cream : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 13 + 5 ') 2627 U/: Workbook Exercises 1X3 /2 5 4 26X27 1 1. d 2. c 3. f 4. a 5. e 6. b 7. g 2 1. ice cream 5. pudding 3 1. vegetable soup 4. bottled water 2. milk 6. cheesecake 3. pasta special 7. vegetable soup 2. milk 5. pasta special 4. bottled water 3. cheesecake 6. ice cream 5 Answers will vary. -. 2: Pronunciation A ."+(### / / + / / (bP( chain ' Jane #a') # P a')#($###""+(#(#! (# / / aP( chain )# a*&! O / / )# % +(% " O #)#) &a') chain / / Jane / / a')#a)$+ c (## +)# chain % !"(),(" O %$a')P#'"#',O# c #5,$# (buzzing) a')(),`,# O #(##'!"( (a() a')#P( Jane b)#),`,# O #(##'"P#5,#$ a')34%(% #!)`)# )a')O#!)+) (OO##!"(!) a')##P$# 2 ("%+5(; +)'O a')34# " P B a') b$# 5 ) +))a)&O# / / + / / (cheese, sandwich, jelly, jam, juice, fudge, language, age, choose, lunch) a')##%+5(; b + & / / ' / / '&O) a)( S#a +5(;a') ##;$P!)"( 1 $# a')#;$P$# )"'O a')#" b U/: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. -. 3: Dialogue Background note Dinner times: a '-" OO)O! P#"% ' c ) 'O"+'$P)"($ P#% " '# 1 Ob"# ( %")($ $'#)# S'%( ;,O#%% S'+; "% !"( ''a"$O # #$%,#"'# ' Pa'))# "a"$ (a'(% ' O) 18.00 . ' 19.00 . )'+ *% a')%`,# 22.00 . a')##( 5 OP##O 'a)+'(#',O# P`" Who doesnt have a chance to order? +5(;Oa')#+ ("a'#" a')(P`"Oa')!) (Justin) a') '#+ #;$P$# `)")# )a')(.+ 'Pa')OO# -. 4: Comprehension a')%('+(#(" c ('a'#') 32 + (aO# ' !! )# '#+( #a# Exercise 4 a'#') 33 a')#;$P$# O%)"O+ O"(O#!"( a')(P a')#$#O%"`)# U/: Steve: mixed green salad, New York steak, large soda Nicole: small Greek salad, small soda Tom: pasta special, large soda Stacy: small green salad, grilled chicken, bottled water 1 a')+(#(" (" 45 O("+#"'(P`"(! $ P`" 1. Why do you think Nicole has to be home by seven? 2. What do you imagine is included in the pasta special? 3. Who do you think is most likely to order dessert later? 4. Why do you think the server forgot Justin? a!"("P#P`"'($ % )#34 'OPba) + '5 U/: 1. Her parents are strict; she has homework; she has to baby sit. 2. A main dish such as lasagna, spaghetti, or fettuccine, a salad, and garlic bread; may also include a dessert. 3. Nicole, maybe. She ordered a very small dinner. 4. She is very busy. She probably thought she had already taken his order. -. 5: Useful Phrases a')(P$# 4 % Exercise 5 a'#') 33 ",(a S5)P$ %$! %P)"`+)"% +5(;a')# + 'O Oa')#" a')P+34')# )" U/: 1. b 2. c 3. d 4. a -. 2 Grammar Focus: Will and wonzt for decisions and promises / for future predictions O5("(!)34a) Present continuous 'a O#+5!)(#')+) ( Were all meeting later at the new music store; do you want to come with us? .(a`O c ( (Predictions) P () (Promises) + a% (Decisions) % a) will O+#` #'($ (a Oa) Present continuous O +#+5a'"$#a%%O PO#aO#',O#a) a')(#% Grammar Focus a'#') 34 $#P`"POa') a) will ( a b(+ . P+'(## will (Oa ('# .) a bP`"+ Yes / No questions P+'(## will (Oa () b) a bP`"+ Wh- questions P+'(## will (Oa ( '(# question word + .) (# will + will not ! (ll + wont) a')#P`" Wh- questions +$ c ( 5)% a') P +") !"(a( b" +( S.O"a)a*& Language note a)P`" .a`" 5)`"'#a')5)')# #$PO)# Yes ( Wont that take long time? ("(% a)!"(a(') PO)# a( a) ( #O#P`" .O#%"& O(#! %*&! % P`")#) `) Yes '""(a) `) No '""(a)!"() -. 6: Practice a')(PO#+ ,& b(#)',O# a') (P)#)" (will have) a') '(`)a) I wont have the pudding. Stacy wont have ice cream. % `)#"'!'!"( (`)#"'! +(!"()#(! O# ice cream O)#) will have %,# SPO`)#P')$ a')P+34'a')) +)%((%P + .)## U/: 1. (I)ll have 5. will have 6. 2. will have (I)zll have 3. will have 7. 4. wont have wonzt have -. 7: Practice a')(PO#+ ,&(#$## + )#P`" Yes/No questions 5 ) P# a"+34' (%a')P S)) a')%(+%+34' a')P`"O(a%#O" 1 ) (# c +) U/: Answers will vary. : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 68 ') 2728 + Grammar Builder Exercises 15 ') 8182 U/: Workbook Exercises 6X8 4 27X28 6 6. wont be 1. ll have 2. wont be 3. ll do 4. ll go 5. ll be / ll get 7 1. Will he be in Rio de Janeiro on April 21? No, he wont. Hell be in London. 2. Will he be in Cairo on May 15? Yes, he will. 3. Will he be in London on May 6? No, he wont. Hell be in Cairo. 4. Will he be in Hong Kong on June 16? No, he wont. Hell be in Sydney. 5. Will he be in Sydney on July 1? No, he wont. Hell be in San Francisco. 6. Will he be in San Francisco on July 9? Yes, he will. 8 Answers to the questions will vary. 1. Where will you be tomorrow morning? Ill be in bed. 2. What will you do after school? 3. Where will you eat dinner tonight? 4. Who will you see this evening? 5. When will you be sixty years old? U/: Workbook (Grammar Builder) Exercises 1X5 4 81X82 1 1. ll have 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2. wont have 3. ll have Will you be at the NSync concert on Saturday night? Will your mom buy you that backpack? Will they try out for the school band? Will she sing at your party next Friday night? Will I play the piano at our next concert? Will we be home before 6 P.M.? Will he invite you to the dance on July 7? 3 1. Will you ride your bike after school? No, I wont. 2. Will she finish her report before next Monday? Yes, she will. 3. Will he wash his dads car after lunch? No, he wont. 4. Will they walk their dogs together tomorrow morning? Yes, they will. 5. Will we buy our lunches at school tomorrow? No, we wont. 4 1. Where will the party be? It will be at Marcos Bowling Alley. 2. When will the party be? It will be on Saturday, February 11. 4. wont have 5. ll have 3. What time will the party start? It will start at 1 P.M. 5 Answers will vary. -. 8: Information Gap +(# S 2 (" ("',O# S A + ("',O# S B (" A '# ') 91 + (" B '#') 92 a')%(P"PO# -. 9: Communication '" 1 ( O (# c a')(" '($,$Oa (a)') A Sa (#) B + C Sa ()O"') + ()#( S) *a (% S)+ ');;() a')# )"'# a')+(#(" 3 34O#' a') OO'+ O#O""O )# %$a')+( ("+#"""O+(#!)')$ 1 `"($(% a)' c + S# 'a*O S .# () c S#) a')O+ ()"aa S*&+!"( S# (Are you ready to order? Take your time. What will it be?) a')$#$((% O )"#(a') S#,$!)(#! (Can I take your order? + Are you ready to order? Of course. Ill be back in a few minutes + Sure. Take your time. + What would you like? + What will it be? a'))#a'"( ""(! O#'a*O)#a)*&+# )a')('OO#a* *$" !)# : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 1113 ') 29 U/: Workbook Exercises 11X13 4 29 11 1. Anything for dessert? 2. What are todays specials? 3. What would you like to drink? 4. Are you ready to order? 12 Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. Are you ready to order? 2. What are todays specials? 3. Anything for dessert? 4. What would you like to drink? 13 Answers will vary. Grammar Focus: The imperative a')! PO# Exercise 9 a'#') 35 (Listen. Then role-play the conversation.) +)()"$ S b *a (PO#) + "& +(#% bO! (#! (!"(" .) a')((# bPO# / )#ba) please a') Grammar Focus a'#') 35 +)( bPO#O S')" S(#! (" Dont ') " (base form) ) -. 10: Practice a')+5OOa')" '( post office + shopping mall (Oa a')( `) Nicole + Stacy % #% post office ! shopping mall a))#a a')POa)a#a `)")#a')`" (block (#%` ',O#! #` ( % First Avenue ! Second Avenue, make a left on $;)O`...) a'))#% post office ! shopping mall %$a') O% a')%(`O',O#+'(# S%'" # + 34.#% shopping mall ! #`OO!) 3e3:: Start at the post office. Turn left and walk up Fourth Avenue to Mound Street. Dont turn left on Park Street! Make a left on Mound Street. Walk three blocks to the shopping mall. -. 11: Practice a') '#') 88 O(" : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 910 ') 28 + Grammar Builder Exercises 67 ') 83 U/: Workbook Exercises 9X10 4 28 9 1. Dont call your friend at six oclock in the morning. 2. Dont eat chocolate cake for breakfast. 3. Stay in bed until 1 P.M. on Saturday. 4. Use a dictionary when you do your English homework. 5. Dont take your cell phone to the movies. 6. Join the volleyball team at school. 10 1. Dont walk 2. close 3. Take 4. dont cry 5. Hurry up U/: Workbook (Grammar Builder) Exercises 6X7 4 83 6 1. c 2. d 3. f 4. g 7 Show Dont eat 5. a 6. b Dont leave Stop 7. e Lock Dont take Dont wear Put Wear -. 12: Vocabulary a')PO(a a'#') 36 +)`"( PaO)%)# a')#(#P#PO)%+) (Rock) a')%(*a')"O(OP!) (O'a') ,&OOP!) a')a$(P a') ## $P)P slide, step, spin, stomp U/: 1. kick 6. slide 2. stomp 7. shake -. 13: Listening Background note 3. hop 8. step up 4. rock 9. turn 5. spin Hip-hop : +m/.W4-9(3-. 1 1243 (rap) 3 break dance (d)2/24/40W+: +2:3) /2-+ 15 (+ 11/:W+:0: ;<) /215YIY11141+m +3 3e ./00 e/2/00 11+d New York /293/ 20 +, +m-.:-.Z/ a')((O#O hip-hop )"(#O)#+$ `)"O "`)"+ hip-hop !) %a')".)')$ (% !)#+5(;.) hip-hop a')(PO#+ )" Oa')!) a')#%+5(; )"#P)"a')`)# .) $Oa')%P (`)"O)!) %a')".+) a')$#$+ "P)O a')# a')#;$P!)"(O )# U/: 1. 2. 3. 4. Clap your hands! Slide to the left. Walk back four times. Hop forward. 5. Stomp with your right foot. 6. Stomp with your left foot. 7. Do the box step on the spot. Audioscript Narrator: Would you like to dance better than NSync, Britney Spears, or Janet Jackson? Well, you can with our step-by-step dance videos! Your video dance instructor, Mr. Jay, The King of Slide himself, breaks down the steps for you. Heres The King of Slide! Mr. Jay! Instructor: OK, letzs start. Follow me and the music. One. Clap your hands! Two. Slide to the left! Three. Now walk back four times, 1, 2, 3, 4! Four. One forward hop this time. There. Thatzs great! Five. With your right foot, stomp! Wasnzt that fun? Six. Your left foot this time. Stomp! Seven. And do the box step on the spot. To the right, back, to the left, forward. Youzre doing great! Faster this time. Clap your hands! Slide to the left! Walk back! 1! 2! 3! 4! One forward hop. With your right foot, stomp! With your left foot, stomp! Now, do the box step. To the right, back, to the left, forward. Whew! That was fun! Great job, everybody. -. 14: Your Turn a')%(+#"'(P`"$##) )a')P% Exercise 13 "a)a* O')#+ ('"O%P S %a')P%""ba')+#"'O)O% "b a S)#O)(#+ )(#! : Learn to Learn a')(P+ PO#*&#T&Oa')!)a Learn to Learn a'# ') 36 + +#"'(')'!"( (#! #%)#*& *&#T& a%#O" ''!"(")#a `"(aa')"a%#Pa Exercise 13 S& # +5(; -. 3 All about Nicole A O"(O##O# a')*+)P`"(! $ Where are the kids? (at school in the foreign club room) What are they doing? (tutoring younger children) How does Tom seen to be feeling? (He looks sad) Which character seems to be joining other peoples conversations? (Justin) a')' &" )"a!) ')" %$a')()" '(# Tom Stacy + #()"OP""a)',O# S)" *a ()"# .) a')P(*O# a')%(+ ()"a""a )a') SO#$+ a)" a')#%+5(;O%P .`)")# U/: 1. Not that good, 2. Itll be OK. Youll see. 3. I have to go. 6. Audioscript 4. Her parents arent so bad. 5. would you like to come Ill have to check with my parents. 1. Stacy: These tutoring classes with the kids are fun. Hey, how are you and Nicole doing? Tom: Not that good, Stacy. She never wants to hang out with me. 2. Stacy: Dont worry, Tom. Itll be OK. Youll see. Tom: Thanks, Stacy... Oh, I have to go. My kids are waiting. 3. Justin: So, whats the matter with Tom? Stacy: Hes upset because Nicole always avoids him. Justin: I think shes afraid to tell her parents about him. But they arent so bad. Were neighbors, you know. 4. Stacy: Hi, Nicole. How are your kids? Nicole: Theyre great. Look at their drawings! Stacy: Theyre terrific. By the way, would you like to come to my house after this? Nicole: Im not sure, Ill have to check with my parents. 5. Justin: Why doesnt Stacy go with you to ask them? Your parents wont say no if they meet her. Stacy: Yeah! Id love to meet your parents, Nicole. Nicole: Oh, OK. B )a')(% !,$(! b$#P`" ( Will Nicoles parents let her go to Stacys house? Will Stacy like Nicoles parents? Will Nicole want to spend more time with Tom in the future? a')+(#("( (" 34 ((% !,$(! P!"%,# S ($ +( ("PO#O( )"'5 %$$#')#( ( O##("aO')"O :-*4/ 1. "P%a%) _________________________________________________________ +#8 ___________________________________________________________________ 2. '/ a%) _____________________________________________________ +#+)! _______________________________________________________________________ 3. O#O!"(!) "+5 _____________________________________________________________ '5 _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. #+5%) _______________________________________________________ #O __________________ 5) _________/ _________/ _________ Unit 6 If you need me, Izll be there. Z-)Y+n4/25:52 / 6 .Z 2/ 1. P+`"O *## 34+(#P& #POP' S " 2. %("`,#5# +`"O & ##( a)##(#! 3. b If clauses O `)#- 34%( Oa"#a " 4. #..) Bump %+`,#/+5( ; )"O!)#a (#(#a')`)# + %(+# ()"P.O!) 5. %( * O +b)"a'"(#')OP' +)5O +b)"$O(O Communication - Describe personalities Grammar - Adjectives and adverbs Vocabulary - Adjectives with negative prefixes Pronunciation - Word stress in adjectives -2/2: If you need me, I’ll be there. 0I( ( /2 1. "" 2. "a3) 3. "5 1. # 2. 3. ( 4. 5. 6. (" 7. P")! a)a %P : :: Unit 6 If you need me, Izll be there. 5-. 1 //(Y+/--.3d45*: 3 +, (#)" ( b& + )#$ c `)#"'( ( 1.1 ". 3/2) + OO!"(a("# +(# c a')". b+ )"O #'( ( 1.1 ". 3/3) / ')O# a%"P + +#"'OO#O#+ (%O *(# c )"$#a')'5+ (# ( 1.1 ". 3/4) + b))"O# O#(# c a) ` ( O#O (a"a% ##" + O(#(O#+ '" " ( 1.2 ". 3/1) + O+ a')) " . + +#"'OO#O#'( (#'" " ( 1.2 ". 3/4) + "), + "'##OO#(# c %" + (/' )"$#a')'5 (#'" " ( 1.2 ". 3/5) + O# (/'/O#/ (# c O(a"a% ##" ( 1.3 ". 3/1) + +#"'O%" + ' )"$#a')'5$ c ( 1.3 ". 3/3) a)*& $P # + (#'" + b""#"+ 8."# %)#*& ( 2.1 ". 3/1) )("/%%"#*&+ 8."""a% ( 2.1 ". 3/3) + ."'"+ "+(# '(## b(# c + PP"b#)# b#*&(# + *&! ( 2.2 ". 3/1) )) " + )"/)%%#OO)#(" )O%+'(#)+ P)/ ( 3.1 ". 3/1) a)*&Oa`%#/`%P#O,$a')# `,& " + #" ( 4.1 ". 3/1) a)*&(# a)/)) " + "/) )"(# c %O+ +'(# )(# c a,&(+ ( 4.2 ". 3/1) 5d-.-5 25d... 1. If-sentence (conditional sentence ' b #O!) bO")"+# #O!'+#""( `)"'(#',O# ,$ % "5(#',O#"" b" if S O" b b#O!%+(#!) S 2 ( !)+( (O S' ( if-clause ' conditional clause + (O S5 ( main clause#( `)#PO" (if) !)) b % )#" comma O b if !) +(`) # if !)# b!"()#" comma b #O!' b"" +(# S 3 1. #O!O S%#" (factual proposition) '""( `)"',$#(O )#+) % "5#(($" 2. #O!O S! !"(!) (impossible proposition) '"" ( !"("#O'($% ,$!) SO# ""($ 3. #O!;,O##)""%#O ,$+) (fact-contrary proposition) '"" (',$+) +("""a'"( #)" "%#O,$ 1. #O!O S %#" (factual proposition) b If + simple present tense, + simple present tense ' simple future tense ' simple present tense + if + simple present tense ' simple future tense b#O!;,O#(`,#'a ' %% +##O !O( % S ! !) a(O S 5+# P')%%# "`!) el1eV-.-ed45d-.- - `))#(# S;O +(!"( % S *&#T&(#! - `))#O( `)) ) % !"("O% P)a')% % S*&#T&(#! - comfortable + uncomfortable (# (#! 2. #O!O S ! !"(!) (impossible proposition) b If + simple past tense, + would + to infinitive ((#O 1) ' would + to infinitive ((#O 1) + if + simple past tense 3. #O!O#)""%# (Fact-contrary proposition) b If + past perfect tense, would have + past participle ((#O 3) ' would have + past participle ((#O 3) + if + past perfect tense 5-. eW+15d-.- 2... 1. POPO " . (Adjectives with negative prefixes) ( exciting-unexciting, loyal-disloyal, decisiveindecisive, practical-impractical 2. b& # ( So, what kind of a person are you according to the Personality quiz? You wont believe it! It says Im lively, amusing, and interesting. Do you agree? Well, youre lively, but Im not sure about amusing. Heres my rating. Im exciting and unpredictable. And listen to this! People arent always comfortable in my company. Is that true? 3. bOO#O %,$a ( If theres any way I can help, youll tell me, right? If I dont get home soon, I wont have enough time to study. -2/1l5-.2eW+1-. - 21l... 1. ) )a% + POPO" . (Adjectives with negative prefixes) !) 2. & #!) 3. OO#O%,$a!) 4. a)P+ P&& !) `)# 5. a) b If clauses OOO#O% ,$a!)`)# 6. #+ #$P'PaP!)`)# If the bus doesnt come in 10 minutes, well just go. 4. a)P+ P& & O`)# 5. a) b If clauses O OO#O %,$aO`)# 6. #+ #$P'PaPO `)# 5-. 2 2/2+2 /k*.+m4/-.1 /3-. e4W- 1. 2-. 3+|:3 - 34P+`"O*## - 34POP' #" %% (prefixes) . + P%P"# %%$#a" - 34##)'O`)#%+`,#/+5(; + #" - 34##)'O`)#%+`,#/+5(;$# + )a)#O)# ' - 34+(#P&#POP' S" - 34 ba'"(b OP SP& - 34#%+`,#/+5(; + +#"" - 34%("`,#5#+`"O& ##(a)##(#! - 34#+ ("+`,#/+5(; + * P`")"$#$ - 34(* + O#O Sam P##a" - 34P'P&#PO")#a(#(#a')`)# - 34 b If clauses O`)# - 34%(POP'a')".P%P" - 34%(Oa"#a" - 34("O 70 + P`" - 34#..) Bump %+`,#/+5(; )"O!)#a(#(#a') `)# + %(+#()"P.O!) - 34%(* O+b)"a'"(#')OP' +)5O+b)"$ O(O - 34P+%+5(P Unit 6 Test + Tests for Units 4-6 2. .+ O#" "5) 2.1 . "5) 2.2 O#" "5) 1) (+ '# 1) +(+ '# 2) & )# ( 2) + "5& )# + ( + 3) "5#/%" S 3) + "5#/%" S ' S (" ' S (" 4) + "5)." 4) + "T"# %." + (" 5) + %P'( 5) + "5)")ba) 6) + "5## + 6) "5## 3. 1.-.0+2 3.1 ")a% 6 ) !)+( . $+%# + "+ " a) + # + P! a) """"#O'' a')"Pa"),#5)O + %) # 3.2 "` P !)+( ""`aO +) ' a)& + a)bb 3.3 & ,# # !)+( & ;O % " a3") ((## "(#"OaP# " S! "%. 5-. 3 +5%) O 7 Unit 6 If you need me, Ill be there. 6 Ob"# -. 7 123+2-) Unit 6 If you need me, Izll be there. ()*+,-. 3 / 6 .Z 0+21Y 1. # ( + POPO" . (Adjectives with negative prefixes) !) (K, P) 2. & #!) (K, P) 3. OO#O%,$a (K, P) 4. a)P+ P&& !) (K, P) 5. a) b If clauses OOO#O%,$a!) (K, P) 6. #+ #$P'PaP!) (K, P) 7. +#""+ %"#*&!) (K, A, P) /2+2 / (K) "# ( + POPO" . (Adjectives with negative prefixes) !) " & # "OO#O% ,$a "a)P+ P&& "a) b If clauses OOO#O%,$a "#+ #$P' 0I( ( /2 (A) "T"aP# Sa)"" "a3) "%O(*& #T& -2/2: (P) "T"aP# S+ S("a) O +) ' PaP " %5#/%" S S( ' S(" 4- Communication: Describe personalities Grammar: Adjectives and adverbs Vocabulary: Adjectives with negative prefixes Pronunciation: Word stress in adjectives 1. '# Postcards 3 ') 3845 '#+34' Postcards Language Booster, Workbook 3 ') 3033 + Grammar Builder ') 8487 +5(; +` b P * -:I *&! "'"#POPO" . (Adjectives with negative prefixes +#"" 0I( ( /2 1. "" 2. "a3) 3. "5 -. 1 Warm-Up ($ a')"'PP#Oa(# c b)O & bO! a')P(O##"a +(# S("" O!"("Oa')(" S(" +( ("("+#"'(P& "$ c (""`)# + (O` a (" # ) ')") (!;O"`)! ))" PP ( <> S)) Using the Questionnaire a')O+`"b#!"()#$' )"`"( % +`" *$!)Oa)# ("(# c) +`"(a'(% O ! (& O ") + (a'(% S+a O# c 'O#%#%# (O# c) -. 1: Reading P( OUTGOING + RESERVED S') a')(P$# 2 P$ "Oa)& % '""((#! ( 5+ ) a')& # 5+ b%a)P`"P ( How does an outgoing (or reserved) person behave in public? What facial expressions does he or she use? How does he or she stand or sit? Is he or she willing to take risks? S) %(#`O" ( ( b# ')( + a') ( 5+ % P(#!a`$ c a')"a(+ +`"'P S) `)")#a O(+`" +) 'b.a')#'a')Oa$(.+ % +O!) a')+(#("" +O!) a')$#$( '( `)a')+(#("# b!"(a) + (% '"'(#! %$ -. 2: Vocabulary A a') '#') 11 Exercise 3 + P#)" a')#(P(a +(#%(O (efficient/inefficient) 'a ("P')) prefix ¥in- Pa')"'" S .) a') '#') 39 + (PO##+34') A `)!"()a% P`" a'). a')+( P+34'b#")" prefix %$a')'"'"# prefix +( P%%" (%P S("`)"%"!"(P') Language note % a( prefix in-, im-, il- ' ir- ,$( )# adjective a) im- PO ,$)) m, p + b (immature); il- P,$)) l (illogical); ir- P,$)) r (irresponsible); + a) in- PO c U/: 1. unexciting exciting = very interesting; unexciting = not very interesting 2. disloyal loyal = always supporting your friends; disloyal = doing or saying things that do not support your friends 3. impractical practical = sensible and realistic; impractical = not sensible or realistic 4. indecisive decisive = good at making decisions; indecisive = unable to make decisions B a')+(# S("( ((% a) prefix a adjective Oa')" %$%" `)#+ "'"%%" a')("'"# )a')((# P."'" U/: 1. uninteresting (not interesting, dull) 2. unhappy (not happy; worried, sad, annoyed) 3. impolite (rude, not socially correct) 4. uncomfortable (not physically satisfying or relaxing; not able to relax because of worry or embarrassment) 5. dishonest (not truthful) 6. insincere (not really meaning what one says) 7. impatient (not able to wait for a long time) : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 14 ') 30 U/: Workbook Exercises 1X4 4 30 1 1. d 2. c 3. e 4. b 5. f 6. a 2 1. disloyal 5. inconsiderate 2. dishonest 6. indecisive 3. impractical 7. unpredictable 4. impatient 8. unkind 3 Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. disloyal: not always a good friend 2. dishonest: telling lies 3. impractical: not good at doing useful things 4. impatient: not happy to wait 5. inconsiderate: doesnt think of others 6. indecisive: unable to make decisions 7. unpredictable: not happening in the expected way 8. unkind: not nice 4 1. inconsiderate 4. polite 5. 2. disrespectful sensible 6. 3. sincere shy -. 3: Pronunciation A P efficient, inefficient )"a')### )'aP ba)"+#a')'P+'(# stress aP #P + ",$#a#O stress (#O)a)) a')##%+5(; )"'#') 39 a')#;$P$# )"'O a')#" B a')##P%+5(; )"'#') 39 a')##P(# c ;$P$#+ )a)#O##)' a')( +)#+5(;$#O%P U/: Underscores show stressed syllables. 1. uninteresting 2. unhappy 3. polite 4. comfortable 5. honest 6. insincere 7. impatient Grammar Focus: Adjectives and adverbs of manner adjective #P% Exercise 2 a'#') 39 "+(# b a) adjective + adverb of manner ( Nicole always asks for permission in a polite way. Nicole always asks for permission politely. Steve looked at the menu in an indecisive way. Steve looked at the menu indecisively. $a')'($# 2 b$""'"'" a'),& Grammar Focus +)( O# adjective + adverb ba)P`" `"Pa')( ( 1. adverb " (#% adjective '!"( (adverb (a'(% #)) -ly +( adverb #" adjective) 2. (# adjective + adverb O" (fast, well, hard, early, late) 3. adjective "')O ! ( noun) 4. adverb "')O ! ( verb, adjective, adverb) -. 4: Practice a') '#') 89 O(" -. 5: Practice a')(PO#)"(# ba'"(ba) adverb a" "Oa% ()a%aO#O% P a')+( P+34')# %$a')%(O + (%P P `)")# )a')Oa')#(. %a')P%"" ba')+(# bO""'"#)" bO P +(')"a)P( ¥not ( she speaks softly. she laughs loudly. S) U/: 1. She speaks softly. 2. He works hard. 3. She writes neatly. 4. He swims well. 5. I drive carefully. 6. You speak/talk loudly/loud. : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 5 + 7 ') 31 + Grammar Builder Exercises 12 ') 85 U/: Workbook Exercises 5 /2 7 4 31 5 1. great 5. carefully 2. easily 6. patient 3. badly 7. loud 4. good 8. softly 7 1. She cooks terribly. 2. He runs fast. 3. She plays volleyball well. 4. They work hard. 5. My dog eats very noisily. 6. We won easily. U/: Workbook (Grammar Builder) Exercises 1X2 4 85 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Shes popular because she sings well. They like the park because they can play happily there. Shes a good English teacher because she speaks clearly. She isnt a good driver because she drives dangerously. Theyre always tired because they get up early. Hes a good student because he studies hard. Shes a good assistant because she types fast. I like her children because they behave politely. 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Paul and Molly are fast runners. She plays tennis energetically. Sally plays the guitar well. My dad drives safely. Some students are quick learners. 6. Jose speaks English fluently. 7. You are a skillful writer. 8. He listens patiently. 9. Our president is an effective speaker. -. 2 -. 6: Communication P You wont believe it! a')((P$O ! 5)# ( S()"O"" SO#"'" '#%#) `"( a'!)POO""'"'"P$ ((#( Are you sitting down? ' Get this! S)) a')#%+5(; 1 %$a')#$#b'O Oa') #" a')%(+ 34 `)"a')(34O"" : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 1011 ') 33 U/: Workbook Exercises 10X11 4 33 10 1. Really? Whats his name? 2. Is he handsome? 3. What about his personality? 4. Funny, huh? Thats important. 5. What will you do if he says no? 6. He sounds too good to be true! 11 Answers will vary. -. 7: Your Turn %"$% P5PP%+`""a) a')! (PP ##%') 39 $# a')+(#(" (" 3 O"bO',O#(PP& ## ' S Oa')a("("+#"'(PP P($%a(" b%POO'(#'!"(#PPOa')!)a'# -. 8: Dialogue a')O#"%( !,$ ( P!" Nicole `,#! )# O!"(!) `""'#O"( a')*%a'#') 41 `a*( S(#! P`" Who will wait for the bus with Nicole? (Tom and Stacy) a')'P # a')#%+5(; )"'#') 41 a')(P`" %$ '##;$P `)")# a')a')#( U/: 1. Shes avoiding Tom because shes afraid her parents wont let her see him. 2. She has to study for a French test. 3. Nicoles last test was difficult. She did not do well. 4. Stacy and Tom will wait with Nicole for 10 minutes. -. 9: Comprehension $+%#(+34'$% (#%OP O#%% !"("P# c )#"% a')+(#("+ ((b%$# 4 ) + ("+#"'a(" a')$#$( Ob%+( ) ('`)" ' O#'")a% Grammar Focus: If clauses to express future condition a')a) will + to be going to (# b#O! If it doesnt rain soon, the farmers will have problems. The roads will flood if it doesnt stop raining soon. If I drink any more coffee today, Im going to have trouble sleeping. If I keep getting headaches, Im definitely having my eyes checked soon. a'))a)Pa(O S' (if-clause) + (O S5 (result clause) .($# will + going to a)a b#O!." (#( If I drink any more coffee today, Im going to have trouble sleeping. (% S! !)!"("Oa) present progressive + P +#'a'" ( If I keep getting headaches, Im definitely having my eyes checked soon. S)) a')# a) Tense #$## clause (If clause [Present] Main clause [Future]) a')( Grammar Focus a'#') 42 `)")#a')`" Language notes 1. a""O#O S"%# '. a')a) Present tense $# 2 b ( If I skip a meal, I get a headache. Traffic is always worse if it rains. S) 2. a) Modal verbs ( could, may, might a b' (main clause) O#!"(( "Oa%a5$ ( If it doesnt rain soon, the crops may/might/could be damaged. S) -. 10: Practice a')*+ '" 3 O 1 +# S+"( O 2 +# S Sam (O 3 +# S"# Sam a')*O# ((% )# b If clause ba))"Oa')" a#!)(#! (If you keep asking me about it, Ill never call her.) a')P+34'O'%% P '" 5 "+#)#) OO+# S Kristi O')+# S" # Kristi +#"$O#$#+()%% U/: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. If Kristi says no, Ill feel awful. If you keep asking me about it, Ill never call her. If I call Kristi, Ill need privacy. If she goes out, Ill call Kristi. If its not Kristi, Ill be really disappointed. If I get the courage, Ill ask her to the prom. : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 6, 8 + 9 ') 3132 + Grammar Builder Exercises 37 ') 8687 U/: Workbook Exercises 6, 8 /2 9 4 31X32 6 1. work, will be 4. will give, is 8 2. will go, finishes 5. will go, asks 3. doesnt get, wont be 6. doesnt feel, wont play 1. dont leave ll watch 2. ll buy 6. doesnt visit 3. ll pass 7. find 4. wont be 5. 9 Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. Ill go out 7. you dont tell the truth 2. you break that glass dish 8. Ill buy a new bike 3. you invite her 9. hell be sad 4. you remember her birthday 10. Ill be upset 5. youll gain weight 11. it snows 6. well go for a bike ride 12. it rains U/: Workbook (Grammar Builder) Exercises 3X7 4 86X87 3 1. e 2. f 4 1. will make 6. dont get 3. a 2. are 7. wont stay 4. d 3. dont run 8. arent 5. b 4. m going to go 9. ll ride 5 1. 2. 3. 4. see7ll give ll be7are ll be7dont eat ll be7dont pass 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. If it stops snowing, well go for a walk. If you wash the dishes, Ill dry them. If she doesnt like the food, she wont finish the dinner. If the phone rings, Ill answer it. If you like scary movies, youll love Nightmare. If he doesnt study hard, he wont pass his exams. If I get a raise at work, Ill buy a new TV. If he goes to the gym more often, hell lose a lot of weight. 7 Answers will vary. Possible answers: 5. 6. 7. 8. have7ll lend doesnt arrive7ll go doesnt feel7ll call wont sleep7drink 6. c 5. ll clean 10. likes 1.If my teacher doesnt give me any homework tonight, Ill go to the movies with my friends. 2.If I break my leg, Ill have to use crutches. 3.If I dont get home before midnight tonight, my parents will be upset. 4.If I dont eat lunch, Ill be very hungry at dinnertime. 5.If I get tickets to see my favorite band, Ill invite you to join me. 6.If theres a thunderstorm on my way home, Ill run to the nearest store. : Individual work a')P Progress Check Units 5 + 6 a'#') 43 U/: Progress Check Units 5 /2 6 4 43 Grammar A. 1. a. quick 4. a. fluent b. quickly b. fluently 2. a. early b. early 5. a. heavily b. heavy 3. a. carefully b. careful B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. If Dad is not tired tonight, hell go to the gym. If she comes home early today, well go jogging. If Stanley is in a good mood, Lucy will ask him to go shopping with her. If you write him, hell write you back. If he calls tonight, I wont be upset with him. If Bruce comes to visit, well watch a video together. Vocabulary C. 1. indecisive 2. polite 3. practical 4. honest 5. loyal Communication D. Dialogues will vary. Check that students have used appropriate adjectives and adverbs. -. 3 6. impatient Wide Angle on the World: The z70s Pictures a')*a'#') 4445 )".(*O'$# 4 * S O#O!)""aO( 70s ( g 19701979) a')*O 1 a'#') 44 )"P`"(! $ Whose picture is this? (John Travolta) What 1977 movie is this picture from? (Saturday Night Fever) What is the movie about? (disco dancing) a')*O 2 a')$ (Pong) )"P`"(! $ What real-life game does this video game resemble? (Ping-Pong) Why do you think Pong was so successful? (It was fun, exciting, and easy to play.) a')*O 3 a'#') 45 ( Gemini 7 g 1965) +)P`" What do you think the spacecraft is doing? (orbiting Earth) a')*O 4 a') 45 (*5)'#) +)P`" What 1970s television program is this picture from? (Charlies Angels) What do you think it was about? (female private detectives) -. 1: Reading Background notes Hustle: Bump: )',O#O()% %") '"'a)+b"%#' disco )O()% a)(',O#(a#(#" "%#' # Bus stop: 3-. 34/+ml3d- a')(OO# `" What do you know about the 70s? +)a')P`" %+ "(# c !) ( +O ( 'a 70s S) b ¥Their boss, however, was still a man. a')(( b$ '"`,# ! +)($O#O'P a')(P`" (The fact that the agents were women but their boss was still a man.) a')(b%) 1 +)'P%$O# + (P `)" a#a')Oa$(. a')P) 24 a Exercise 1 a'#') 44 b!"(a')$O# +)%(O+ % %$%,#! $O#O%P a')((')O 6 + P`") 5 S*&! %$(P U/: 1. 2. 3. 4. Space travel (moon flight), synthesizers, video games Pants It was an electronic Ping-Pong game. Space food sticks 5. Women had jobs that only men used to have. -. 2: Listening A $+%#(% !)#)P ..) Bump a')()"Oa')"a + #")"O% "a+( (#(# (P (#(#(#% S#(#(# ( elbows, arms, knees #(#% S ( at the waist a') '# + #.) Bump %+5(; a')#;$P )"")"#a(#(# a')+'#O +5(;$#Oa')#+ %P U/: 1. your knees 5. slow down, stop 2. one foot, other foot 6. raise, over 3. arms, elbows 7. on the beat 4. bump,knees B a')%(+ 34) Bump "#a')#O" %`(b34)#!) +)P" Audioscript Dance Instructor: OK, Sheila, turn on the beat. OK, thats it, now lets learn how to do the Bump. Now everyone, bend your knees slightly yeah, thats right bend your knees slightly. Now move your weight from one foot to the other foot. One foot to the other foot. Thats it, youve got it. Now keep your arms bent at the elbows thats it, Tom bent at the elbow. OK, now, get ready to bump the person next to you. You can bump your partners elbows, even their knees or feet. Thats right, Tina, bump Toms elbow with your elbow. Try bumping your knees and feet, too oh yeah! Now lets get that bump motion just right to do the Bump right, you have to slow down and almost stop when you bump thats it slow down and almost stop. Yeah, you got it! And if you want, you can raise your hands over your head when you bump everyone try that raise your hands over your head! Oh, yeah! And remember folks, you have to always bump exactly on the beat. Yeah bump on the beat, bump on the beat! Yeah! 3: Writing and Speaking a')%(O (PO# + (O#O SO"a %%"')Oa')" %$a')"(O+ O)" a') $#$(+#"' bO"% 70s O!)( "a') (#" O+ #! (#! ") O+ #O(#5"`,# %% b!"(a( +(O#+O(# ( O5)'#O"(###a 70s (#5 ( + +(#a %Pa( c " 1 "`b'.)( Bus stop % !)O <http://www.disco-disco. com/disco/steps.html> +%.)a')34 )" # 70s + a') #)"P. %+5(a.) :-*4/ 1. "P%a%) _________________________________________________________ +#8 ___________________________________________________________________ 2. '/ a%) _____________________________________________________ +#+)! _______________________________________________________________________ 3. O#O!"(!) "+5 _____________________________________________________________ '5 _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. #+5%) _______________________________________________________ #O __________________ 5) _________/ _________/ _________ Unit 7 Have you seen his new jeans? Z-)Y+n4/25:52 / 2 .Z 2/ 1. #+ (" +`,#/+5(; + +#"" 2. %("P`"OP' 3. +(#P(#O 1 + 3 O`)# 4. PP%b"*& )"%O 6 + )"#a# 5. 5#P% + P`" Communication - Offer, refuse, and accept help Grammar - The present perfect for the indefinite past - The present perfect with for and since Vocabulary - Clothes and personal possessions Pronunciation - /b/, /v/ -2/2: Have you seen his new jeans? 0I( ( /2 1. "" 2. "a3) 3. "5 1. # 2. 3. ( 4. 5. 6. (" 7. P")! a)a %P : :: Unit 7 Have you seen his new jeans? 5-. 1 //(Y+/--.3d45*: 3+, (#)" ( b& + )#$ c `)#"'( ( 1.1 ". 3/2) + OO!"(a("# +(# c a')". b+ )"O #'( ( 1.1 ". 3/3) / ')O# a%"P + +#"'OO#O#+ (%O *(# c )"$#a')'5+ (# ( 1.1 ". 3/4) + b))"O# O#(# c a) ` ( O#O (a"a% ##" + O(#(O#+ '" " ( 1.2 ". 3/1) + +#")# + a')"(' + .a')"('a `(# c (#'" " ( 1.2 ". 3/3) + O+ a')) " . + +#"'OO#O#'( (#'" " ( 1.2 ". 3/4) + "), + "'##OO#(# c %" + (/' )"$#a')'5 (#'" " ( 1.2 ". 3/5) + O# (/'/O#/ (# c O(a"a% ##" ( 1.3 ". 3/1) + +#"'O%" + ' )"$#a')'5$ c ( 1.3 ". 3/3) a)*& $P # + (#'" + b""#"+ 8."# %)#*& ( 2.1 ". 3/1) .O" S( ."" + #%)#*& ( 2.1 ". 3/2) )("/%%"#*&+ 8."""a% ( 2.1 ". 3/3) + ."'"+ "+(# '(## b(# c + PP"b#)# b#*&(# + *&! ( 2.2 ". 3/1) + ."'"+ "+(# '(#" S(+ 8."#%)# *&#! + P! a)(#'" " ( 2.2 ". 3/2) )) " + )"/)%%#OO)#(" )O%+'(#)+ P)/ ( 3.1 ". 3/1) a)*&Oa`%#/`%P#O,$a')# `,& " + #" ( 4.1 ". 3/1) a)*&(# a)/)) " + "/) )"(# c %O+ +'(# )(# c a,&(+ ( 4.2 ". 3/1) 5d-.-5 el1eV--. ed45d-.- - `)O`"( ;$## 25d... 1. Present Perfect Tense b ) +a % O S *&#T& (#! Subject + have/has + Verb (#O 3 a*&#T&" 3 (# (#O 1 - ""! ;$$5) + # `"(" !a')(!'" )# (#O 2 " ed/ O .+ (P# % S (#O 3 a)( have/has/had O" *&#T&(#! (O##'%OPO" - bought (#(#! ',O# - very (#(#! since + %O")# (#( Wittaya has worked here since 2003. for + %P%O") (#( Wittaya has worked here for five years. a) Present perfect tense "O 1. '$a +(PO "%`,# %% ( ) 2. 'OO#%# ('# "5(aa%#5)) "% " adverb (! $ already (+)), yet (#), just (O#% ) "() 3. a)+#'!"( "% "P( never, ever, once, twice7 "() 5-. eW+15d-.- -2/1l5-.2eW+1-. 2... - 21l... 1. PO$5)O#+(#+ #a) 1. ) )a% + PO$5)O#+(# ( ( jeans, top, jacket, coat, pants, wallet, + #a)(!) slippers, earrings, sneakers S ) 2. `"+ +#"'O$5) 2. b`"+ +#"' O#+(#!) O$5)O#+(# ( 3. a')"(' + Hey, Justin! Check these out. These tops are wild! .!) Wow! Cool! Stacy, have you seen Bens new 4. a) Present perfect tense O OO#O jeans? Well, theyre not really new! Straight out of ,$ab!"( !)`)# the 60s, I think. 5. a) Present perfect tense P+# for + since !)`)# What, like big bell bottoms? Uh-huh. And patches and stuff. 6. #PO"# /b/ + /v/ !)`)# Ive never actually bought vintage clothing. Its not my thing. 3. ba')"(' + . ( Do you need any help? No, thanks. Were just looking. Yes, please. Do you have this in red? Yes. The fitting is straight ahead to your right. 4. a) Present perfect tense OOO#O ,$ab!"( O`)# 5. a) Present perfect tense P+# for + since O` )# 6. #PO"# 8b8 + 8v8 O `)# 5-. 2 2/2+2 /k*.+m4/-.1 /3-. e4W- 1. 2-. 3+|:3 - 34#+ ("+`,#/+5(; + * P`"OP')"$#$ - 34##P%+`,#/+5(; + #" - 34#"PO!"() - 34#+ ("+`,#/+5(; + +#"" - 34%("P`"OP' - 34+(#P(#O 1 + 3 O`)# - 34#+ (# /b/ + /v/ "+`,#/+5(; + %(5(# c - 34 Present perfect tense O`)##a(#(# - 34%( bP`" Yes/No # ba+34'O 9 + P$ c #a" - 34 Present perfect tense O`)##a"O Jennifer Lopez + " for + since a')`)# - 34("OP' + P`" - 34PP%b"*&)"%O 6 + )"#a# - 34 5#P% + P`" - 34#%+`,#/+5(; bO'! "#aa')"% bOP'a') + #%+`,#/+5(;$#O%P - 34P+%+5(P Unit 7 Test - 34Pb## Project 2 "OP' - 34P%" Zoom in on Culture 2 "OP' 2. .+ O#" "5) 2.1 . "5) 2.2 O#" "5) 1) (+ '# 1) +(+ '# 2) & )# ( 2) + "5& )# + ( + 3) "5#/%" S 3) + "5#/%" S ' S (" ' S (" 4) + "5)." 4) + "T"# %." + (" 5) + %P'( 5) + "5)")ba) 6) + "5## + 6) "5## 3. 1.-.0+2 3.1 ")a% 6 ) !)+( . $+%# + "+ " a) + # + P! a) """"#O'' a')"Pa"),#5)O + %) # 3.2 "` P !)+( ""`aO +) ' a)& + a)bb 3.3 & ,# # !)+( & ;O % " a3") ((## "(#"OaP# " S! "%. 5 -. 3 +5%) O 8 Unit 7 Have you seen his new jeans? 6 Ob"# - . 8 123+2-) Unit 7 Have you seen his new jeans? ()*+,-. 3 / 6 .Z 0+21Y 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. # ( + PO$5)O#+(#+ #a)(!) (K, P) `"+ +#"'O$5)O#+(#!) (K, P) a')"(' + .!) (K, P) a) Present perfect tense OOO#O,$ab!"( !) (K, P) a) Present perfect tense P+# for + since !) (K, P) #PO"# /b/ + /v/ !) (K, P) +#""+ %"#*&!) (K, A, P) /2+2 / (K) "# ( + PO$5) O#+(#+ #a)( "`"+ +# "'O$5) O#+(# "a') "(' + . "a) Present perfect tense OOO#O,$ab !"( "a) Present perfect tense P+# for + since 0I( ( /2 (A) "T"aP# Sa)"" "a3) "%O(*& #T& -2/2: (P) "T"aP# S+ S("a) O +) ' " #PO"# /b/ + /v/ %5#/%" S S( ' S(" 4- Communication: Grammar: Vocabulary: Pronunciation: Offer, refuse, and accept help The present perfect for the indefinite past; The present perfect with for and since Clothes and personal possessions /b/, /v/ 1. '# Postcards 3 ') 4651 '#+34' Postcards Language Booster, Workbook 3 ') 3437 + Grammar Builder ') 8891 +5(; * %" -:I *&! "'"#PO$5)O#+(#+ #a)( +#"" 0I( ( /2 1. "" 2. "a3) 3. "5 -. 1 Warm-Up a')+#"'$ c O O+ ## ++(#+ #5" P * ( ("# The Beatles ;,O#(a '(# .. 19601970 a') +)`"O ++(#+ #5"a$ `"O' *#(+"(a'("'+#a*+ ) ( "+(#+ !)#5"(#! +(# S("( ba')+( ("* ',O#') 1. +#$5)+ O# a %%+(#%((#! "O#+(#+a O)""a %% (( ##OP ;,O#a*&#T& hip-hugger pants ' %%( low rise S)) 2. #5"O"a %% O+ #%((#! #5"(O)"! +)a %% ( # Afro #5"O"a %% ( # dreadlocks S) Using the Large Photo a') *a'#') 46 + P`"(! $ Where are Stacy and Justin? (in a clothing store) Do you think the clothes are on sale (marked down in price)? (Probably not. There arent any signs or posters advertising a sale.) What season would the clothing displayed be appropriate for in your country? (The answer will depend on the climate of the students country.) -. 1: Dialogue (a'#') 46 $ S '(# Justin Stacy OO# #$5)O')#) bP`" Do Justin and Stacy buy anything? a')#%+5(; + (a'#') 46 " a')P`" (We dont know.) %$ '#+ # .P(# c O!"()a% + )a')O)"'"+ )a% .a')O c # -. 2: Comprehension a')P`"a'#') 46 + a')a)*&##b!"()# )! %P `)!"("`P`"!) a')a'#') 46 U/: 1. They think theyre cool. 2. Theyre bell bottoms with patches and other stuff. 3. They sell vintage clothing. 4. No, she hasnt. She doesnt like vintage clothing. -. 3: Useful Phrases P(! $ Check these out. Straight out of the 60s. Its not my thing. I can relate to that! a')'P(# c Oa a')#%+5(; + 34" -. 4: Vocabulary a')(#) 1 a'#') 47 )"$#$ ba')#" )"O##O!"() + (".P "O)a%P%" a')P%"O 4 (PO) a')%('+(# S("( O%P "`a)%"('"'" #P!) U/: 1. top 2. jacket 3. belt 4. coat 5. sneakers 1 ' *O+(#+ O# OP#!)""a("" + '"P a')%('+(# S("( OO#+(#+ O# +#"'('!"(+(#& (# c '($ $+ a')"('aO#P : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 13 ') 34 U/: Workbook Exercises 1X3 4 34 1 1. shorts 6. skirt 2. sweater 7. earrings 3. dress 8. sneakers 2. skirt 3. wallet 4. top 9. jacket 5. pants 2 1. socks 4. dress 5. stockings + 3 1. briefcase 5. watch 2. belt 6. necklace 3. purse 7. socks 4. wallet -. 5: Communication a')#%+5(; + a')("a'#') 47 a') '# + )#%"%P `" ( What does the salesperson say to offer help? a')%( + OO# %$a') '# O%"`)# a')#%+5(; + 'O Oa')" %$a') %(+ -. 6: Your Turn +(# S(" (" 3 P`"a'#') 47 ) 12 a')" ('aO#P a')("* a')(# c ( Do the students in class feel more drawn to people who dress in the same way as they do? Is it fair to judge people by their choice of clothing? '""+#"' : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 46 ') 35 U/: Workbook Exercises 4X6 4 35 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Yes, please. Do you have this shirt in black? I wouldnt be caught dead wearing that. No, thanks. Were just looking. No, I havent. Yeah, right. 5 The order of sentences: 5, 9, 3, 1, 7, 4, 8, 6, 2 Clerk: Do you need any help? Judy: Clerk: Judy: Clerk: Judy: Clerk: Judy: Clerk: Yes, Im looking for a party dress. We have some dresses over here. Lets see. Do you have this one in red? Im sure we do. What size are you? Small, please. Here you go. May I try it on? Sure, the dressing room is behind you. 6 Answers will vary. -. 2 Grammar Focus: The present perfect for the indefinite past: Affirmative and negative statements b Stacy has visited the vintage clothing store twice. #")"P has + visited .( Present perfect a)'O,$ a a!O "(+(+ #PO"%`,# %% a')( b(a Grammar Focus .( S'O,$a `"()O+(a$!'" (no) .O""( Present perfect a) 'aO!"(a')"P +(% a')"P''%" "( .Oa) b(a Present perfect ( a couple of times, once or twice .!a Grammar Focus b.( never a) b . + ever a)a b Yes/No questions -. 7: Practice a') '#') 89 (PO#O(" : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 711 ') 3637 + Grammar Builder Exercises 16 ') 8991 U/: Workbook Exercises 7X11 4 36X37 7 1. f 8 2. h 3. a 4. c 5. j 6. b 7. i 8. g 9. e 10. d 1. has left 6. have called 2. Have7bought 7. have had 3. have7seen 8. Have7met 4. has stopped 9. have known 5. has worn 10. has lived 9 1. I have never played tennis. Have you heard about Sallys new car? 3. How long have you had that book? 4. You have not done your homework. 5. Have you ever been to his house? 6. I have worn that dress. 10 1. Have you ever been to Spain? Yes, I have. 2. Have you cooked our dinner? No, I havent. 3. Has your brother met my sister? Yes, he has. 4. Have you cleaned your room? Yes, I have. 5. Have they ever had an argument? No, they havent. 6. Have you shopped there many times? Yes, I have. 2. 11 Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. I have never eaten snails. My friend has eaten snails. 2. I have been in a bad car accident. My friend has never been in a car accident. 3. I have never worn a hat in my life. My friend has worn a hat. 4. I have never seen Marc Anthony. My friend has seen Marc Anthony. 5. I have never grown a garden. My father has grown a garden. 6. I have already gone bungee jumping. My friend has never gone bungee jumping. U/: Workbook (Grammar Builder) Exercises 1X6 4 89X91 1 July 10, Dear Carla, We are having a great vacation here in Paris. Weve seen lots of fantastic sights. Weve been to some great art galleries, and weve met some really nice people. Mom and Dad have left us on our own today, so we can do whatever we want. I think Ill climb up the Eiffel Tower I havent done that yet. Sara says she wants to go to the Cathedral of Notre Dame (shes seen the Disney movie about the hunchback, and shes curious about it). Ive decided not to go with her, but I havent told her yet. I hope she wont be upset! Have you heard about our grades yet? What about Juan? Has he written to you? Why dont you e-mail me with your news? There is a computer at the hotel that guests can use, but I havent tried it yet. Take care, Milo 2 1. s written 6. s taken 3 1. havent made 5. hasnt exercised 9. hasnt come 4 1. ve lived 5. hasnt left 2. ve seen 7. ve lost 3. ve eaten 8. s read 2. hasnt taken 6. havent worked 10. hasnt played 2. ve had 6. havent fought 4. s spoken 9. ve finished 3. havent seen 7. hasnt lost 11. hasnt been 3. ve traveled 7. havent had 5 1. Has Laura ever been a key pal before? Yes, she has. 2. Have you ever seen that movie? No, I havent. 3. Has he tried to fix that game? Yes, he has. 4. Have you ever played on a basketball team before? No, we havent. 5. Have they bought CDs at that music store before? Yes, they have. 6. Has Daniel gone to that beach? Yes, he has. 7. Has Paula ever been to your house? 5. s gone 4. havent worn 8. havent written 4. hasnt been 8. ve worked No, she hasnt. 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ve lived, for ve been, since has shopped, since has rollerskated, for ve taken, since 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. s liked, for has been, since have played, since ve had, since have taught, for -. 8: Pronunciation The sounds // and // A .a')#O`)#a# // O% # // + // ;,O#a)+ "3g (# a')#+5(; + 'O Oa')" ba')"3g $#( "!)( B a') b+ # // + // aPO(a b a') %( + (') 48 U/: 1. s bought / has bought 2. s never seen / has never seen 5. ve gone / have gone 6. hasnt called / has not called 3. ve shopped / have shopped 4. zs never met / has never met 7. ve never been / have never been 8. zs watched / has watched -. 9: Practice a')P%"O 9 b"P#a(#(#a # Present perfect tense a')`)# "`a)P(!) + PO P -. 10: Practice (PO#+ .(#a'#') 48 a')%( P`"a # Yes/No questions % ba%"O 9 + P +$ c '""`"+ ')$ .O""`) #!"()a% U/: 1. Has she bought a lot of things there? 5. Have they gone out a few times? Yes, she has. 2. Has he ever seen them before? No, he hasnt 3. Have you ever shopped there? Yes, we have. 4. Has Linda ever met Ken? No, she hasnt. Yes, they have. 6. Has she called her mother? No, she hasnt. 7. Have you ever been to Brazil? Yes, I have. 8. Has he watched that TV show before? Yes, he has. Grammar Focus: The present perfect with for and since b`" How long have you shopped there? Ive shopped there for the last two years. Ive shopped there since 2000. .( for + since a) Present perfect b for a)(# since a)% O")# a')((#a Grammar Focus $# -. 11: Practice a') *a'#') 49 + `"()%a*a)a (She has starred in movie and recorded hit music albums.) a')# Jennifer Lopez $#a #)*+ P`)!"( P`" Has J. Lo been satisfied with just being a movie star? a')(+ P`" (No. She was originally a dancer. She has become an actress, singer, and fashion designer since then.) a')"'"#PO!"()% (( biomovie) aO 4 a')"P#a(#(# a')%( a') + * P(" %$P U/: 1.has been 2. since since 7. has attracted : Individual work 3. Since 8. since a')P Workbook Exercise 12 ') 37 U/: Workbook Exercise 12 4 37 4. has appeared 9. have been 5. has sold 10. for 6. 12 1. for 2. since 3. for 4. since 5. for 6. since -. 12: Reading a')(OO#+ *a'#') 50 +)`"( What kinds of clothes and accessories are these teens wearing? (Theyre wearing sunglasses, rings, and trendy hairdos.) trendy hairdos #5"""" Do you think these teens look cool? cool (good) a')+#"'(+(# #5" + O# #(a* + a')+#"'O& +(# ## ( !) ++(#"%!' +(#O SO"a# S (#! PO SPP ( pierced (% ), trends ((a""), consulting firms (&O ,&), culture (8."), cutting-edge (("(a'"(), make a statement (aO$ '"`,# ,#"a%), influence (".) + singing sensations (' ("O"O# ( )#'(")#) !"(%P S)#PO!"()P a')"'"#P% ( spotters a(')O 2 ;,O#% "`"'"%!) (whose trend spotters travel all over the world, 7) a')(P`"O('#PO# %$a')($O# The Mystery of Teen Fashion * P%P`" a')`"P`"O c OO)#O#O( `)" 'OP'")a%a$O# .O"" -. 13: Comprehension * ba)P`" 4 ) a'#') 50 a')a))"%O#O(" * ) 2 b!"()! $O# + a') ) 4 3e3: 1. Trends mentioned are neon-colored hair, pierced tongued, bare midriffs, and the use of household items like safety pins and rubber bands. 2. Trend spotters travel around the world, read magazines, and watch movies and television. They also watch people at the parks and on the streets of U.S. cities and on the campuses of small-town colleges. 3. The biggest influence on teen fashions is pop culture. 4. They spend millions of research teen fashion trends because they want to share in the profits from a $100-billion market. -. 14: Speaking $+%#( Exercises 14 + 15 ""(O# )#")"P' P+P% (Exercise 14) + P5#)""( (Exercise 15) a')P+P%O c a$ 6 b#') 50 #a" +)P%b ( .O""P(a%a;$O#+(# `"O c #O c ! (.OP c 23 )) -. 15: Writing + Pa')Pb#(#(" 4 (') #$ (')+ SP$ c $'% SP#P`"(! $ What most influences females when they buy clothes? + What most influences males when they buy clothes? (')O# $' S P%("'# (')O" $' S P%(" (')) $' S O! O.(# c O""P(a% a;$O#+(##("'#("('"'+(# (#! a')+ O #( + a')* "'"+ "+(#a# ##+ O c -. 3 At the Pet Store O# At the Pet Store b`"( Why are Nicoles parents strict with her? (She needs to spend time studying in order to get better grades in school.) a')# b%Oa')" ba') + `"P`"P Oa') )a%$O#O! Why is Nicole standing behind the counter at the pet store? (It looks like she is working there.) Why is she giving dogs and cats to Tom to hold? (Maybe he is thinking of buying one.) a')# b! ") (1) #*'O (2) %$a')($O#+ P bOP'a')! "#a(#(#) (2) (5) a')#%+5(; + %P `)!"()a%a').O"" %$a')# Audioscript 1. Nicole: Tom: 2. Nicole: Tom: 3. Tom: Nicole: 4. Nicole: Tom: 5. Nicole: Tom: 6. Nicole: Hi, Tom. How did you find me? Justin told me about your new job. This is my uncles pet store. Hes had it for five years now. Im glad your parents let you take a job. So, has everything worked out OK between you and your parents? Yeah. My dad said that I overreacted to his rules. You know, my grades havent been that good this year. I know. But youre studying harder now, right? Oh, yeah. And my grades have started to get better. Thats great. Hey, this is a cute dog. But I like cats better. OK, heres a cat for you. Meet Agent. Have you ever had a pet? Tom: No, never, but maybe Agent should be my first! U/: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hes had it for five years now. So, has everything worked out OK between you and your parents? You know, my grades havent been that good this year. And my grades have started to get better. Have you ever had a pet? :-*4/ 1. "P%a%) _________________________________________________________ +#8 ___________________________________________________________________ 2. '/ a%) _____________________________________________________ +#+)! _______________________________________________________________________ 3. O#O!"(!) "+5 _____________________________________________________________ '5 _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. #+5%) _______________________________________________________ #O __________________ 5) _________/ _________/ _________ Unit 8 Hezs the one who gave him a D. Z-)Y+n4/25:52 / 6 .Z Communication - Talk about school experience Grammar - The present perfect with yet and already - The present perfect contrasted with the simple past Vocabulary - Expression related to school 2/ 1. bO+5# # Steve + Stacy " +5OP' 2. * "')O P' 3. * P`"OP' S("a'( 4. (')+#" '(P`"OP' -2/2: He’s the one who gave him a D. 0I( ( /2 1. "" 2. "a3) 3. "5 1. # 2. 3. ( 4. 5. 6. (" 7. P")! a)a %P : :: Unit 8 Hezs the one who gave him a D. 5-. 1 //(Y+/--.3d45*: 3+, (#)" ( b& + )#$ c `)#"'( ( 1.1 ". 3/2) + O O!"(a("# +(# c a')". b+ )"O #'( ( 1.1 ". 3/3) / ')O# a%"P + +#"'OO#O#+ (%O *(# c )"$#a')'5+ (# ( 1.1 ". 3/4) + b))"O# O#(# c a) ` ( O#O (a"a% ##" + O(#(O#+ '" " ( 1.2 ". 3/1) + O+ a')) " . + +#"'OO#O#'( (#'" " ( 1.2 ". 3/4) + O# (/'/O#/ (# c O(a"a% ##" ( 1.3 ". 3/1) + +#"'O%" + ' )"$#a')'5$ c ( 1.3 ". 3/3) a)*& $P # + (#'" + b""#"+ 8."# %)#*& ( 2.1 ". 3/1) )("/%%"#*&+ 8."""a% ( 2.1 ". 3/3) + ."'"+ "+(# '(## b(# c + PP"b#)# b#*&(# + *&! ( 2.2 ". 3/1) )) " + )"/)%%#OO)#(" )O%+'(#)+ P)/ ( 3.1 ". 3/1) a)*&Oa`%#/`%P#O,$a')# `,& " + #" ( 4.1 ". 3/1) a)*&(# a)/)) " + "/) )"(# c %O+ +'(# )(# c a,&(+ ( 4.2 ". 3/1) 5d-.-5 el1eV-.-ed45d-.- - "")#O( O 25d... 1. Adjective clause b(;,O#+3#(a )#a')" % S ba'((complex sentence) P')O "P (adjective) P"O( )#') (antecedent) a b$ b adjective clause P'))P relative ;,O#% S relative pronoun ' relative adverb 'P relative O ( who, whom, whose S) P relative P')O#(# a)+P" )#')+ )"$P ')OO" b) ( He looked at the girl who was singing. who S relative pronoun P')O+ the girl + O" b 2 b)) He looked at the girl. The girl was singing. "OO""))+) b('#P relative ("$#P relative) ( adjective clause P"O P relative + ( antecedent # relative $ >P: O#% adjective clause S clause ;,O#P'))P relative !)+( who, whom, whose, which, where, when + why %,#"5)" adjective clause (#',O#( relative clause 5-. eW+15d-.- 2... 1. POO)#b# ( Who do you have for English? I hope I get Ms. Barr next year. That teacher gave James a D. 2. bO ' 'O,$ab# ( I have to do a book report for English, and I havent read the book yet! Too bad. Who do you have for English? *&#T&(#! - "")#`"O( ) + +)'# % `"O S *&#T&(#! - `))#( +# P!)()# % S*&#T&(#! -2/1l5-.2eW+1-. - 21l... 1. ) )a% + POPOO )# b#!) 2. O ''O,$ ab#!) 3. a) Present perfect tense yet and already !) `)# 4. + a) Present perfect Simple past !)`)# 5. a) Adjective clauses O"PO" who, that + Mr. Arnold. Hes the one who gave James a D last where !)`)# year. Whats Mr. Arnold like? Hes really strict. Hes the toughest teacher Ive ever had. His class is really demanding. Oh yeah. Ive heard about Mr. Arnold. I hope I never get him. 3. a) Present perfect tense yet and already O`)# 4. + a) Present perfect Simple past O`)# 5. a) Adjective clauses "O PO" who, that + where O`)# 5-. 2 2/2+2 /k*.+m4/-.1 /3-. e4W- 1. 2-. 3+|:3 - 34#+ (%+`,#/+5(; + * P`")"$#$ - 34##P%+`,#/+5(; ba)PO P' + +#""" - 34%( ba" A ba" B a')". - 34 bO+5## Steve + Stacy "+5OP' - 34(PO Mr. Arnold b"Pba) Simple past + Present perfect #a" - 34#+ (%+`,#/+5(; %(#a" + +# "" - 34(a+34'O 1 $# + )a) adjective clauses - 34 ba'"(ba) who, that, where + b b "a')(a b adjective clauses - 34("Ob#( + P`" - 34* "')OP ' - 34* P`"OP' S ("a'( - 34(')+#"'(P`"OP' - 34 bba) Present perfect - 34 Simple past tense ' Present perfect tense #a(#(#a')`)# - 34#"PO O#+(#a &!) - 34%(OP'a')""`OP' - 34##%+`,#/+5(; PO'! #a# + P`" - 34(" Stomp, Spin, and Spell - 34P+ Unit 8 Test 2. .+ O#" "5) 2.1 . "5) 2.2 O#" "5) 1) (+ '# 1) +(+ '# 2) & )# ( 2) + "5& )# + ( + 3) "5#/%" S 3) + "5#/%" S ' S (" ' S (" 4) + "5)." 4) + "T"# %." + (" 5) + %P'( 5) + "5)")ba) 6) + "5## + 6) "5## 3. 1.-.0+2 3.1 ")a% 6 ) !)+( . $+%# + "+ " a) + # + P! a) """"#O'' a')"Pa"),#5)O + %) # 3.2 "` P !)+( ""`aO +) ' a)& + a)bb 3.3 & ,# # !)+( & ;O % " a3") ((## "(#"OaP# " S! "%. 5-. 3 +5%) O 9 Unit 8 Hes the one who gave him a D. 6 Ob"# - . 9 123+2-) Unit 8 Hezs the one who gave him a D. ()*+,-. 3 / 6 .Z 0+21Y 1. # ( + POPOO)#b#!) (K, P) 2. O ''O,$ab#!) (K, P) 3. a) Present perfect tense yet and already !)(K, P) 4. + a) Present perfect Simple past !) (K, P) 5. a) Adjective clauses O"PO" who, that + where !) (K, P) 6. +#""+ %"#*&!) (K, A, P) /2+2 / (K) "# ( + POPOO)# b# "O ''O,$ ab# "a) Present perfect tense yet and already " + a) Present perfect Simple past "a) Adjective clauses O "PO" who, that + where %5#/%" S S( ' S(" 0I( ( /2 (A) "T"aP# Sa)"" "a3) "%O( *& #T& -2/2: (P) "T"aP# S+ S("a) O +) ' 4- Communication: Talk about school experience Grammar: The present perfect with yet and already; The present perfect contrasted with the simple past Vocabulary: Expression related to school 1. '# Postcards 3 ') 60-65 '#+34' Postcards Language Booster 3 + Grammar Builder +5(; * %" -:I *&! "'"#POPOO)#b# +#"" 0I( ( /2 1. "" 2. "a3) 3. "5 -. 1 Warm-Up " 1015 O b Find (someone) who7 ( 7is an artsy type, 7is considered a jock, 7loves history, 7is part of a drama group, 7does tutoring (helps other students with a subject), 7wants to be a teacher, 7plays a musical instrument, 7is active in student government, 7hasnt missed any school this year, 7does community service, 7does math homework in ink, 7writes for the school paper S) bP`" Are you someone who7? + b$OO" %" a')! `"O c + P`"#O c a$+ OO#a b(# c O!)+ P!) "O%%" `"(5)aP%"(# c "O a') b 1 b b% O")")! a+( b (#( Marco is someone who does community service. He works at the animal shelter. S) Using the Large Photo a') *a'#') 52 + P`"(! $ What are Stacy, Tom, and Steve doing? (Theyre walking and talking.) Does Stacy seem happy? (Noshe seems upset or worried.) What do you think Steve and Tom are discussing with her? (Theyre discussing about Stacys problem and how to solve it.) -. 1: Dialogue Background notes Sea World: $#(O"# San Antonio a- Texas S`O(#Oba)$P',O# a"+'(## '-" 2 +'(#(O"# Orlando - Florida + O"# San Diego - California P' Sea World O"# San Antonio " 250 (acres) + `("a'(Oab;,O# Sea World +'(#$!) +(# S((# c 4 ( #$ a show park, a rides park, a water park + an animal park ;,O#"%"(# c O)a')5)"!)")+ "`"5 $P!)(#a) (#( (#O"`($P#b !) Grading system: b#+ "'(a'(a '-"" a') + (grade) b+(# S(# #$ Top grade A ' 4.0 a#b# + '(# 100% 93% A `,# A (4.0 3.5) + '(# 92% 83% B+ `,# B (3.4 2.6) + '(# 82% 73% C+ `,# C (2.5 1.6) + '(# 72% 63% D+ `,# D (1.5 0.6) D OP F !"(5( ($ S '(# Stacy, Tom + Steve O '(# c Ob# bP`" What subject is Stacy having trouble with? +5(;a')#+ a')("! ) a')P`" %$a') '#+ # .O#O!"()a% + )a')O)a%.a')O c # -. 2: Comprehension a')(+ P`"') 53 + a')a)*&##b!"()! a'# `)P`"!"(!) a')! (a'"(O')"+(!"()#P#! +)a') '# P`"ba)P*&## U/: 1. 2. 3. 4. She has to do a book report for English, and she hasnt read the book yet. They think hes a tough teacher. They dont want to have him as their English teacher. Steve is worried about economics because its hard. Toms home is very noisy, which keeps him from concentrating when he studies. -. 3: Useful Phrases A `"(P'($a)"O!'( Bummer! ("O!)O()#5)O) Too bad ("O)#+#"a%5)O) `"( Steve a)P !"O!)( Stacy !"(! Sea World (How come?) a')# + 'O Oa')" B a')%(O (O`O c a')+( (+ 34 a')"('a O %" a') 23 ( ".')$ O"`a)PO!)" -. 4: Vocabulary a')( O'PO""'"),# .a')#( a)a'"'"#P(# c a')P Exercise 4 b%( ba Column A + B a')". a')%(O a)%"('"'"#P %Pa$ U/: 1. d 2. c 3. b 4. a 1 a')+(# S("( ""Oa)PO+ O c "% a) ( Bummer!, How come? + Too bad. S) a')a)%")'P%P"#+( P + 34 bba)P '($ a')* O bOO + Pa')a)%"a)'Pa'"( c : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 12 ') 38 U/: Workbook Exercises 1X2 4 38 1 1. b 2. d 3. a 2 1. I did OK on my test. 2. Whos your history teacher? 4. c 3. She almost failed her class. 4. I hope I dont get Mr. Newman next year. Grammar Focus: The present perfect with yet and already a').Oa) Present perfect (a)'OO#%#! + ##P"%`,# %%) b(! $ Weve already studied for the test. ."'"#P& already ( before now `"O"'"# b (Before now, we studied for the test.) b(! $ They havent gone to the library yet. ."'"#P& yet ( perhaps `"O"'"# b (They have not gone to the library / They are not now at the library, but we think they will go.) .(P+'(## already ( '(#(+) a)a b( ( yet () b a)a b .+ bP`" bP`"+ b+$ Have you finished your report yet? Yes, I have. / No, I havent. a')"'"# bP`" (Before now, did you finish your report?) (#O c a Grammar Focus ') 54 +)a')"'"# b -. 5: Practice a') Steves To Do list + ("* O` ## To Do list ."'"#O#'" 3 O(')(# c O#OP)! +) `"( Has Steve bought the film yet? (Yes, he has.) %$a') Stacys To Do list `" ( Has she talked to Justin about the report yet? (Yes, she has.) a')P Exercise 5 bPOP'a')"+(# b"(# %$a')%(O P a')P`" `)!"()a%a').O"" U/: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Steve has already bought film. Steve hasnt looked up Sea World on the Internet yet. Steve hasnt found out about the best rides yet. Steve has already decided what time to leave. Stacy has already asked Mr. Arnold for more time. Stacy hasnt read the book yet. Stacy has already talked to Justin about the report. Stacy hasnt written the report yet. Grammar Focus: The present perfect contrasted with the simple past a')( Grammar Focus a'#') 54 )"$#$ "'"# b)" b`"( Do we know the time of the action? (No P' b Present perfect + Yes P' b Simple past) `""'"# bO c b + "'"# b )"$#$ -. 6: Practice a')(PO#+ b(#a'#') 55 a'))a% a')P Exercise 6 b( # Mr. Arnold +) bba) Past simple #a " '#%$ bba) Present perfect '" 6 "P %"`)# U/: When he first became a teacher 1. He was not demanding and strict. 2. Everyone passed his class. 3. No one worked hard. 4. His students didnt learn much. For the past few years 1. Hes been demanding and strict. 2. Some of his students have gotten bad grades. 3. Everyone has had to work hard. 4. His students have learned a lot. : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 5 + 7 ') 3940 + Grammar Builder Exercises 13 ') 9394 U/: Workbook Exercises 5 /2 7 4 39X40 5 1. liked 5. was 9. ve been 2. ve used 6. had 10. made 3. got 7. gave 11. havent seen 7 1. Did you see any movies this week? Yes, I saw two movies the Ben Affleck movie and an action movie. 2. Did you enjoy the action movie? No, it was boring. 3. Did you enjoy the Ben Affleck movie? Yes, it was great. 4. What sports have you played since Friday? Ive played tennis and basketball. 5. When did you play basketball? I played basketball on Saturday. 6. Did you win the game? 4. Have7seen 8. ve already listened No, we didnt. 7. Have you received the tickets for the Christina Aguilera concert yet? Yes, I have. 8. Did you go to the school band concert on Tuesday? Yes, I did. 9. Have you finished the mystery book yet? No, I havent. 10. Have you started the history project yet? Yes, I have. U/: Workbook (Grammar Builder) Exercises 1X3 4 93X94 1 1. Has Rita watched the news yet? Yes, she has. 2. Have Paulo and Sue watched the news yet? No, they havent. 3. Has Rita eaten breakfast yet? No, she hasnt. 4. Have Paulo and Sue read the newspaper yet? No, they havent. 5. Has Rita done her homework yet? No, she hasnt. 6. Have Paulo and Sue washed the dishes yet? Yes, they have. 7. Has Rita read the newspaper yet? No, she hasnt. 8. Have Paulo and Sue done their homework yet? Yes, they have. 9. Has Rita washed the dishes yet? Yes, she has. 10. Have Paulo and Sue eaten breakfast yet? Yes, they have. 2 Answers will vary. 3 1. Did you see 2. havent watched 4. Did she have 5. had 7. havent been 8. had 10. did Kylie do 11. went 13. Has Chris left 14. s already found 16. Has old Mrs. Moreton died 17. just came -. 7: Communication A 3. 6. 9. 12. 15. has happened Have they started died didnt want met a')#%+5(; + 'O Oa')" B a')%(+ (" ""O Ob# %$a') a')+( (34 1 ( "')$ ba')a')!)"O(O%P!) : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 810 ') 41 U/: Workbook Exercises 8X10 4 41 8 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Have you ever been to China? When did you go? What was it like? Which cities did you visit? Have you seen 9 1. A: B: 2. A: B: 3. A: B: 4. A: B: 5. A: B: 6. A: B: Have you ever been to Russia? Yes, I have. When did you go? I went last summer. Which places did you visit? I visited Moscow and St. Petersburg. What was St. Petersburg like? It was fantastic. Did you meet any Russian students? Yes, I did. Do you keep in touch with any of them? No, I dont. 10 Answers will vary. -. 2 Grammar Focus: Adjective clauses with who, that, and where who gave James a D .( S Adjective clause a)Oa') )"'P" +)`"( .+ # clause $ ! (who subject, gave verb) #")"P( who +)`"( What noun does this word refer to? (Mr. Arnold) + .( that a)+ who !) b The store where they shopped was closed. #")"P( where +)`"( What noun does this word refer to? (store) .( b$+ ) that !)`)" (preposition) The store that they shopped at was closed. Grammar Focus a')34a) Relative pronouns O" ( 7the teacher that gave7, 7who shes going out with7, 7that she goes to7 .( which a)a'O S# (#( 7the outfit which you wore7 -. 8: Practice a'))a) Adjective clauses $#'"a') 52 a')%(%P `"( How many total clauses were found? (3) U/: 7who gave James a D last year. (Stacys third line) 7that Im really worried about. (Steves second line) 7where its totally quiet and no one bothers you. (Stacys fifth line) -. 9: Practice a')(PO# + a')() 1 a'#') 55 )"# c a')P Exercise 9 b" bOP'a')ba) who, that ' where +) PO c %P U/: 1. 2. 3. 4. I have a neighbor who is/whos/that is/thats very quiet and shy. Thats the restaurant that I met him at/where I met him for the first time. We need another person that/who can help us finish this project. Brad Pitt was in the same hotel that we stayed at/where we stayed. 5. Do you like the car that your parents bought? : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 3, 4 + 6 ') 3839 + Grammar Builder Exercises 46 ') 9495 U/: Workbook Exercises 3, 4 /2 6 4 38X39 3 1. d 2. f 3. a 4. e 5. b 6. c 4 1. who/that 5. where 2. who/that 6. that 3. who/that 7. who/that 4. that 8. where 6 1. I have a friend who/that loves horseback riding. 2. I know a park where we can play volleyball. 3. Water polo is a sport that is played in a swimming pool. 4. Teenagers are people who/that are between the ages of thirteen and nineteen. 5. There is a store at the beach where you can buy goggles. 6. In-line skating is an activity that many people love. 7. My brother has some friends who/that are great basketball players. 8. There is the electronics store where we bought our computer. U/: Workbook (Grammar Builder) Exercises 4X6 4 94X95 4 1. that 6. where 2. where 7. who/that 3. that 8. who/that 4. who/that 9. where 5. that 10. that 5 1. a 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2. d 3. f 4. g 5. c A stadium is a place where people play sports. A nurse is a person who/that takes care of sick people. A dishwasher is a machine that cleans dishes. A dentist is a person who/that takes care of teeth. Socks are items of clothing that you wear on your feet. A library is a place where you can find many books. A mechanic is a person who/that fixes cars. 6. e 7. b 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Tom Cruise is an actor who/that stars in many movies. Sprint is a new shop that sells sports clothes for young people. The Picasso is a cafe where young people like to hang out. Chococrunch is a new chocolate bar that contains nuts. Passion is a new dance club where teenagers go dancing. LemKool is a healthy drink that gives you energy. Power is a new health club where people go to work out. Jennifer Lopez is a famous singer who/that acts in movies, too. -. 10: Reading a') *a'#') 56 %$`" What people do you see in the pictures? a')( subheadings `" What can you guess about the reading based on the headings? (It classifies teens into different groups.) P`" Which group has the largest percentages of teens? a')( Teen World ') 56 %P (Conformers) a')"('`)" 'a '(#( -. 11: Comprehension `"( What are three factors discussed for each group of students in the article? (attitude, appearance, and lifestyle) a')(PO# ba)*&##.POP' a') '#+ P%P"#P( Edge Teens (O% %P!) +)P. a) attitude, appearance + lifestyle a')* ')( Influencers + Conformers U/: Answers will vary. Possible answers: Edge Teens are on the cutting edge. They are anti-fashion and anti-style. They like dance, rave, techno, and punk music. Influencers are more mainstream cool than Edge Teens. They care about how they look and what they wear. They are popular and influential. Conformers conform to the latest behaviors, styles, and trends. Most teens are conformers. -. 12: Your Turn +(# S("( +)a')* ') Which teen group would you like to belong to? Why? a')"('`)" ''"O!"(P O""')* ba)P`" ( How do you think adults see each of the groups: as threatening? as typical? as models for others? as losers? Do students think people keep the same attitudes as they grow older? That is, does a rebellious teen grow up to be a rebellious adult? a') 23 +#"' : Individual work a') P Workbook (Skills Development 2) Exercises 14 ') 4243 U/: Workbook (Skills Development 2) Exercises 1X4 4 42X43 1 1. g 2 1. F 2. b 3. e 2. T 4. h 3. F 5. c 4. F 6. f 7. a 5. T 8. d 6. T 3 The order of sentences: 5, 2, 1, 4, 3 People made shoes from leaves, grass, animal skins, wood, or cloth. Different shoes were made to fit the left foot and the right foot. Women began to wear shoes with pointed toes. Rubber was used to make the soles of shoes. People started buying different kinds of sneakers for running, playing basketball, and playing golf. 4 Answers will vary. -. 13: Writing a')#a" What is your opinion about categorizing people? b b+ ""'# b`! O " ( O#%# + (# a')+ O#O c ba')'($'#!'a# #O"O #!'O!"()a%+ a')+)!)(#(# c a')+)!###+ (# #O"+#"'O' O+(#%O + a')O S%)#"(')$ U/: Progress Check Units 7 /2 8 4 57 Grammar A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. My brothers lost the house keys several times this week. Ive never been to a costume party. Weve never tried sushi. Theyve known each other for 50 years. Julies never gone camping. Shes always liked that TV show. B. 1. a. have / eaten 3. a. Have / seen b. ate b. have / seen 2. a. have / lived 4. a. Have / been b. have lived b. were Vocabulary C. Communication D. Answers will vary. Possible completions: A: Can I help you? / May I help you? B: Yes, please. Im looking for a dress for my prom. Do you have anything / something I can look at? A: Yes, we do. What color and size? B: Maybe pink / Anything but orange. I wear size 6, please. A: Here are a few. Would you like to try them on? B: Yes, please. Wheres the fitting room / Where do I go to try them on? A: The fitting room is straight ahead and to the right. : Individual work a')P Progress Check Units 7 + 8 a'#') 57 -. 3 SONG 2: Hanging by a Moment Warm-Up a')(O#+ % *## `"( O##$ '!"( (Lifehouse) Lifehouse ""a#O (4 ) "+#+a ( / ) + )%# O c ##$'!"( (( Spin) a')("a'#') 58 O O##$O" ",$ P`" Did Lifehouse make one or two albums before they had a hit? ("aa% + P`" (Just one. It was their first album.) )a')a)P*&##a P ( Sergio Andrade is from Guatemala. Jason Wade has been writing songs since he was 12. Lifehouse is a California band.) P`"`)")#a( `)#( Dreamworks Records ! .( S&,#+'(#',O#a'-" -. 1 a')(# `"(#POa)( c a#( S tense a (present continuous) ( Im chasing..., Im living... a')(PO#+ P 4 POP'a')a'#') 58 `"(a 4 P$Pa(#! % (Nothing it is a pronoun. The others are verb forms.) `"( nothing % P! "#a(#(#a+ (#(#O'"Pa +5(;a')# O a')"PO'! % #"( 1 $# %P # #;$P#$ +)a')34)#" U/: 1. falling 5. running 2. standing 6. nothing 3. falling 7. nothing 4. standing 8. running -. 2 a')(" ""OPOa)"(# c sad, hopeful, joyful, enthusiastic, excited S) O!)#%+5(; ( a')("(PO)#a)O"+ "),#$ ba + P!"`,#($ ( starving for truth, chasing after you, Im falling even more in love with you, hanging by a moment here with you, letting go of all Ive held onto, you take all of me, living for the only thing I know S) a')a)P'($ O"),#)# (( He is in love with her, longing to be with her, doesnt want to lose this moment of closeness with her S)) -. 3 a')P`"OP' There is nothing in the world that could change my mind. %# What happened? When did it happen? How did I feel? Why did I think I would never change my mind? Did I ever change my mind? a')%( +)("+#"' a')("P%%P`" How many of you thought you would never change your mind, but did? '"" GAME 2: Stomp, Spin, and Spell 53/ (Suggested Procedures) ((PO#a')#P stomp, spin, clap + hop %$a'),$ + +#(##+( P ) '" " + b P'(# +( (# ( & E a') $#'" ")" T a')$#'"'")" S) a#$#%% '(#(*&#T& E + I (#POP' '($ + .a')# a')(PO#aa% + (## c )" $O 1 +(# S("( (" 45 $O 2 1 a(" O"( S5)P'P b)#"Oa%(O`" % "` P!)(#`)# a')O' '# ) 5)P'P"` '#!) $O 3 a')+P 1 P %OP'a') (#PP$# c + OO 'a(" P b P# c + a) P+O& ( +("P( strict O+#(")# ) (%$ '" + & r (%$ b + & c (%$ '"$# 5)O P)#a) PaO% O`,#& s, t, e + i ")#( O("P#(" O'!"(## `)5)("` P )"+#(##P!)`)# % !) + $O 4 `)5)( P+ +#(#!"(`)# +(")# P+ +#(#++ PPO c (! a')5)(`! "(+ $O 5 "O%" a')" + ("O!) +"O% S5) ."'"#PO!"() POP'a')Oa)a(" "#$ :-*4/ 1. "P%a%) _________________________________________________________ +#8 ___________________________________________________________________ 2. '/ a%) _____________________________________________________ +#+)! _______________________________________________________________________ 3. O#O!"(!) "+5 _____________________________________________________________ '5 _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. #+5%) _______________________________________________________ #O __________________ 5) _________/ _________/ _________ Unit 9 Itzs the scariest ride of all! Z-)Y+n4/25:52 / 6 .Z 2/ 1. ()"a#OP' + b 3 bb a)POP'a') 2. b b a)P $ $ ( + $ 3. + b #a" 4. %("O O (O)OO!"(% "!)## 5. (')$ c O O(a')O c # )"$#+* Communication - Describe places and experiences Grammar - Comparative and superlative forms of regular and irregular adjectives - Comparisons with as7as/not as7as Vocabulary - Adjectives of measurement -2/2: It’s the scariest ride of all! 0I( ( /2 1. "" 2. "a3) 3. "5 1. # 2. 3. ( 4. 5. 6. (" 7. P")! a)a %P : :: Unit 9 Itzs the scariest ride of all! 5-. 1 //(Y+/--.3d45*: 3+, (#)" ( b& + )#$ c `)#"'( ( 1.1 ". 3/2) + OO!"(a("# +(# c a')". b+ )"O #'( ( 1.1 ". 3/3) / ')O# a%"P + +#"'OO#O#+ (%O *(# c )"$#a')'5+ (# ( 1.1 ". 3/4) + b))"O# O#(# c a) ` ( O#O (a"a% ##" + O(#(O#+ '" " ( 1.2 ". 3/1) + O+ a')) " . + +#"'OO#O#'( (#'" " ( 1.2 ". 3/4) + "), + "'##OO#(# c %" + (/' )"$#a')'5 (#'" " ( 1.2 ". 3/5) + O# (/'/O#/ (# c O(a"a% ##" ( 1.3 ". 3/1) + +#"'O%" + ' )"$#a')'5$ c ( 1.3 ". 3/3) a)*& $P # + (#'" + b""#"+ 8."# %)#*& ( 2.1 ". 3/1) )("/%%"#*&+ 8."""a% ( 2.1 ". 3/3) + ."'"+ "+(# '(## b(# c + PP"b#)# b#*&(# + *&! ( 2.2 ". 3/1) )) " + )"/)%%#OO)#(" )O%+'(#)+ P)/ ( 3.1 ". 3/1) a)*&Oa`%#/`%P#O,$a')# `,& " + #" ( 4.1 ". 3/1) a)*&(# a)/)) " + "/) )"(# c %O+ +'(# )(# c a,&(+ ( 4.2 ". 3/1) 5d-.-5 25d... 1. P adjective + adverb O (#& " + (# c % +#"")(!) ($ %+(#!) S 3 $ 1. $ O(" 2. $ O+#""/)( 3. $ O+#" SO 1. $ O(" (Comparison of equality) PaO ) !)+( as ... as, not so ... as, the same ... as S) as 7 as a)P adjective ' adverb a b ( ( Ladda is as tall as Anong. so 7 as a)a b . ( This box isnJt so big as that one. a*&O c ! "a) as 7 as a b .) ( You are not as tall as I am. the same 7 as a)P" ( '(# as 7 as S adj. ' adv. +( '(# the same ... as )# S noun) ( He has the same book as mine. P" '(# the same as % !)!) ( His book is the same as mine. (= His book is the same as my book.) 2. $ O+#""/)( (Comparative degree) $( (comparative) b " er ))#)P adjective 'P ( cold colder +(`) P$ S P$#+( 2 #,$! " more ) )#') ( selfish more selfish (P adverb O el1eV-.-ed45d-.- - `))#O( `!' # SO#(O( O$#+((" % S *&#T&(#! - `))#`"( ,$ '",&' #% `"O S*&#T&(#! - ""(`!' + O) (!# % S*&#T& (#! #)) -ly " more ))#')") P###P% " er '" more !) ( slender slenderer ' more slender a)P adjective O S $ ( (1) a) ')" ( More books are needed. (2) a) S(# ( It is easier to do that. (3) a) ##O# ;,O#)#a) than "'#" 3. $ +#" SO (Comparison of supremacy) "'a)#$ 1. " est ) adjective ' adverb + " the ')P the + est ( This is the shortest way to my house. `)a) S(# ('# verb to be) % "'!"(" the P')!) ( That way is the shortest. `)P"$"P+#%)# (possessive word) ()#')!"()#a) the ( That is my best pen. P+#$ superlative O S adverb !"()#a) the ( She did best of all. .P!)Oa#$ '" 2. " the most )#') adjective ' adverb ( Which one is the most important of all? a ##O# a) comparative form ($ (% a) superlative !"(!)) `) S O##$#+("O#,$! %,#% a) superlative ( Of the three boys, Daeng is the tallest. 5-. eW+15d-.- 2... 1. POP'((#c ( high, low, heavy, light, fast, slow, long short -2/1l5-.2eW+1-. - 21l... 1. ) )a% + POP '((#c !) S) 2. O`O+ # 2. bO`O+ #!) ## ( 3. a)P $ (+ $!) Wow! The Steel Eel! Thats the scariest ride Ive `)# ever ride in my life! 4. a) as7as/not as7as O#O(a How high is it, do you know? b(+ .!)`)# I think its over 150 feet high. Really? How fast does it go? About 65 miles an hour. Wow! Thats higher and faster than any rollercoaster Ive ever been on! Did you go on the Great White? Absolutely! It was really scary! Really? How long is it? Its 2,500 feet long. Cool! Ill try it later. 3. a)P $ (+ $ O`)# 4. a) as7as/not as7as O#O (a b(+ .O`)# 5-. 2 2/2+2 /k*. +m4/-.1 /3-. e4W- 1. 2-. 3+|:3 - 34#+ (%+`,#/+5(; + * P`")"$#$ - 34#P%+`,#/+5(; #" %(P 1 P S $ c + +#"""$ - 34PO#a(#(#a')`)#"+( *# - 34#%+`,#/+5(; + O`!' # Medusa a New Jersey a& ba))"OP'a')a+34'O 7 - 34P$ $( + $%POP'a') - 34()"a#OP' + b 3 bba)POP'a') - 34 b ba)P $ $( + $ - 34+ b #a" - 34#%+`,#/+5(; + T ') bO`)# + F ') bO!"(`)# - 34("O#+ "#O#( Superman The Escape + * P`")"$#$ - 34%("O O (O)OO!"(%"!)## - 34(')$ c O O(a')O c # )"$#+* - 34#+ ("+`,#/+5(; + P`" - 34P+%+5(P Unit 9 Test + Test for Units 7-9 2. .+ O#" "5) 2.1 . "5) 2.2 O#" "5) 1) (+ '# 1) +(+ '# 2) & )# ( 2) + "5& )# + ( + 3) "5#/%" S 3) + "5#/%" S ' S (" ' S (" 4) + "5)." 4) + "T"# %." + (" 5) + %P'( 5) + "5)")ba) 6) + "5## + 6) "5## 3. 1.-.0+2 3.1 ")a% 6 ) !)+( . $+%# + "+ " a) + # + P! a) """"#O'' a')"Pa"),#5)O + %) # 3.2 "` P !)+( ""`aO +) ' a)& + a)bb 3.3 & ,# # !)+( & ;O % " a3") ((## "(#"OaP# " S! "%. 5-. 3 +5%) O 10 Unit 9 Its the scariest ride of all! 6 Ob"# - . 10 123+2-) Unit 9 Itzs the scariest ride of all! ()*+,-. 3 / 6 .Z 0+21Y 1. # ( + POP'((#c !) (K, P) 2. O`O+ ##!) (K, P) 3. a)P $(+ $!) (K, P) 4. a) as7as/not as7as O#O(a b(+ .!) (K, P) 5. +#""+ %"#*&!) (K, A, P) /2+2 / (K) "# ( + POP '((#c "O `O+ ## "a)P $(+ $ "a) as7as/not as7as O#O(a b (+ . %5#/%" S S( ' S(" 0I( ( /2 (A) "T"aP# Sa)"" "a3) "%O(*& #T& -2/2: (P) "T"aP# S+ S("a) O +) ' 4- Communication: Describe places and experiences Grammar: Comparative and superlative forms of regular and irregular adjectives; Comparisons with as7as/not as7as Vocabulary: Adjectives of measurement 1. '# Postcards 3 ') 6065 '#+34' Postcards Language Booster, Workbook 3 ') 4447 + Grammar Builder ') 9699 +5(; * -:I *&! "'"#POP'((#c +#"" 0I( ( /2 1. "" 2. "a3) 3. "5 -. 1 Warm-Up +(# S("( (" 56 '"'"(%"(# c ( music, movies, sports, leisure activities, styles/fads, nightlife S) b(#%"O` Sa 23 '" a')a+( ("("* (#( an extreme sport free diving an extreme style body piercing '#* a')+ O"';,O#+ Using the Large Photo a') *a'#') 60 + P`"(! $ What kind of ride are the kids standing near? (a roller coaster) Do you think it is safe for the kids to ride it? (probably) Who should probably not ride it? (people too small to be safely held by the restraints, people with back injuries, people who have heart problems, and so on) Background notes Amusement park: A theme parks: ;,O#"O## ( `!' " #+#' +#b (a'(""`!' (#) 1 O# + "O#(O c ( a Ferris wheel, swings, bumper cars, a pendulum, a centrifuge, a monorail or aerial cable car, a carousel, virtual reality rides, a flume ride (`!' a$P) S) +'(#$`+(# S'$O b% %a')'" # $O$ c ( `!' $OO"++` % S! `!' "& S``('ab#'"#+( + #" +#b#O"#) Water parks: S$PO"! (water slides), O& (giant wave pools) ' S& slow-moving rivers ;,O#(#O"`#! (!) S) -. 1: Dialogue ($ S '(# Tom, Nicole + Steve O '`""'"#PP ( scary bP`" Which ride will Tom, Steve, and Nicole go on last? a')# + (a'#') 60 "! ) a')P`" (The Steel Eel) %$a') '#+ # `)" '!"()a% .O"" + )a')O)a%(. a')O c # -. 2: Comprehension a')P`") 13 a'#') 61 +)`"(!)P%(a# +(# S("(OOP`" %P# b+( (""a')'5 U/: 1. at an amusement park 2. Shes scared. 3. He thinks they should go on the Great White first because the line isnt as long as the line for the Steel Eel. -. 3: Useful Phrases A P'($ duh, save, way a')((#+O'(P(# c (#(a # `"( When we say duh, are we responding seriously or humorously to someone elses comments? (humorously; mockingly) When we say save the best for last, do we mean that we want to protect something or that we want to put it aside and use it later? (put it aside and use it later) Do we use by the way when we want to say something we just thought of or to explain the use of something? (something we just thought of) a')#+5(; + 'O Oa')34" B a')%( (ba)P(# c % Exercise 3 (#( The Steel Eel? Thats the highest roller coaster Ive ever seen! / Lets go on the others first and save that one for last. / Good idea! + a')"('`)" ' "" U/: Height: high, low Weight: heavy, light Duration: long, short Speed: fast, slow Length: long, short -. 4: Vocabulary a')')$# 5 ') (height, weight, length, duration, and speed) `"O'( #+( ') ( '("# ( metre, feet '($P' ( kilos, pounds S) a')(PO# + (#a'#') 61 +)PPOP'a')"#a') a')`)# %P# : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 13 ') 44 U/: Workbook Exercises 1X3 4 44 1 1. fast, slow 2. heavy, light 3. high, low 4. long, short 4. 5. 5. long, short 2 3 1. slow 2. short heavy 3. 8. high light fast long 6. low 7. -. 5: Communication A a') '# (! $ A: 7on the Great White? B: Absolutely! It was7 A: 7? B: Fifty miles an hour. A: Really? How7 B: Its 2,500 feet7 A: 7! Ill try it later. a')#"PO'! b a')#%+5(; O%(O"! `)#"O#'!"( a')# + a')(%'#" B a')#a Exercise 7 a'#') 62 + ()"# Medusa a')%(+ a') +) A ba))"# Medusa O( a# a')P#O" a') ba)POP'+# (How high..., How fast..., How long..., What..., When...) + )"%a##O c O' %$34 Grammar Focus: Comparative and superlative forms of regular adjectives `"(What does the grammatical term comparative mean? (The form of an adjective (or adverb) we use to compare two things.) What ending do we use to make some adjectives comparative? (The ending -er) And superlative? (The form we use to compare three or more things. We use the ending -est.) +# *O"`P',O## P;,O#a)P" ( old building, tall lamp %$a')+# *O"`+#a')'`,# (# c #P ( a floor lamp, a rather tall table lamp, a rather tall desk lamp a') * +#P$# 3 + $." $( + $ `"O 9a) Comparatives + Superlatives (Add -er + than or the + -est.) a)$$aP 2 #O#)) y + P'# ( ª 3 a heavy, heavier, heaviest ' ') 3 ')# '#("$ colorful, more colorful, the most colorful .9a) Comparatives + Superlatives O"" P 1 #O"& one vowel ( ) + a consonant ( ) a')" )O" 1 +)" -er ' -est (hot, hotter than, the hottest) !"(" )O" `)P" 2 (cool, cooler than, the coolest) PO"# a consonant - vowel - consonant (CVC) " ) +)" -er ' -est (big, bigger than, the biggest) !"(a')" ) `)P#) -w ' -y (slow, slower than, the slowest) PO#)) a consonant + -y a') O -y S -i +)" -er ' -est (happy, happier, happiest) PO" 3 #'"( 3 # a) more the most (famous, more famous than, the most famous) a') Grammar Focus .9a P"O OP$ S$(+ $ .O""`)")# Comparative and superlative forms of irregular adjectives .(" OP#a') S$(+ $O!"( S! " ( good, bad, far (+(# b ( (1) (A movie) is good. (A second movie) is better than (the first movie). (A third movie) is the best of the three. (2) (A song) is bad. (A second song) is worse than (the first song). (A third song) is the worst of the three songs. (3) (a) New York S%O") #$ Florida is far. Texas is farther than Florida. California is the farthest of the three states. a')a) Comparison ba) less...than + the least -. 6: Practice a') '#') 90 (PO#O(" -. 7: Practice a')a)(#O()(###a'#') 62 S)+ "#`!' ba)P long (#( Medusa is longer than Batman & Robin. Nitro is the longest of the three rides. S) a')P Exercise 7 +)"P "OP)+) a')34O"ba)PO""'"#)" ( low, short, slow, long #(#$ Batman & Robin is slower than Nitro, but Medusa is the slowest of the three rides. U/: 1. a. Medusa is high. b. Batman & Robin is higher than Medusa. c. Nitro is the highest of the three rides. 2. a. Batman & Robin is long. b. Medusa is longer than Batman & Robin. c. Nitro is the longest of the three rides. 3. a. Medusa is fast. b. Batman & Robin is faster than Medusa. c. Nitro is the fastest of the three rides. 4. a. Nitro is a short ride. b. Medusa is a shorter ride. c. Batman & Robin is the shortest of the three rides. -. 2 -. 8: Practice a') b %$a')%PO c U/: Answers will follow the patterns below: 1. A is a good show. B is (a) better (show) than A. C is the best of the three shows. 2. J is a bad movie. K is (a) worse (movie) than J. L is the worst of the three movies. 3. X is a good singer. Y is (a) better (singer) than X. Z is the best of the three singers. 4. P is far (away) from (students country). Q is farther (away from students country) than P. R is the farthest (away) of the three places. Grammar Focus: Making comparisons with / not b(! $ Mel Gibson is as popular as Tom Cruise. Marisa Tomei is not as popular as Julia Roberts. .( as7as a)"O)# 2 'O## 2 O#O"") a ( (a .a) not as7as .( not as7as ""'"'" less7than Grammar Focus a')34a) as7as + not as7as a')34a) not as7as + less7than -. 9: Practice a')P Exercise 9 ba)OP' b %"O SOO#5) O"(# b% "P( popular a b + %(%PO P 'a)+5(a U/: 1. Television is the most popular. 2. Beaches are the least popular. 3. Amusement parks are as popular as sports events. 4. Movies are not as popular as television. OR Sports events and amusement parks are not as popular as movies and television. OR Beaches are not as popular as movies, television, sports events, and amusement parks. 5. Movies are less popular than television. OR Sports events and amusement parks are less popular than movies and television. OR Beaches are less popular than movies, television, sports events, and amusement parks. : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 712 ') 4647 + Grammar Builder Exercises 16 ') 9799 U/: Workbook Exercises 7X12 4 46X47 7 Comparative Superlative 1. cleaner than the cleanest 2. fatter than the fattest 3. funnier than the funniest 4. more exciting than the most exciting 5. more interesting than the most interesting 8 1. better than 2. more interesting than 5. younger than 6. more expensive than 9 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10 Comparative 6. better than 7. worse than 8. more popular than 9. thinner than 10. easier than 3. shorter than 7. funnier than Superlative the best the worst the most popular the thinnest the easiest 4. more difficult than 8. more exciting than The first Harry Potter movie is not as good as the second. Math isnt as interesting as geography. OR Math is less interesting than geography. Im not as short as my sister. Riding a bike is not as difficult as horseback riding. OR Riding a bike is less difficult than horseback riding. My mom isnt as young as my dad. An apartment is not as expensive as a house. OR An apartment is less expensive than a house. Your joke wasnt as funny as Carlos joke. Sailing isnt as exciting as bungee jumping. OR Sailing is less exciting than bungee jumping. 1. Wanda is the oldest. Carlo is older than Tiffany, but not as old as Billy. 2. Wanda is the heaviest. Billy is not as heavy as Carlo, but heavier than Tiffany. 3. Tiffanys lunch was the most expensive. Wandas lunch was not as expensive as Billys, but more expensive than Carlos. Carlos lunch was the least expensive. 11 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Carlo is older than Tiffany. Wanda is the oldest. Carlo is heavier than Billy. Wanda is the heaviest. Billys lunch was more expensive than Wandas. Tiffanys lunch was the most expensive. 12 Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. Britney Spears is not as young as Christina Aguilera. Christina Aguilera is less popular than Britney Spears. Britney Spears is more famous than Christina Aguilera. 2. Books are not as entertaining as movies. Books are less popular than movies. Movies are more exciting than books. 3. Bicycles are not as big as buses. Bicycles are less heavy than buses. Buses are more expensive than bicycles. U/: Workbook (Grammar Builder) Exercises 1X6 4 97X99 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. bigger than, the biggest warmer than, the warmest funnier than, the funniest more interesting than, the most interesting fatter than, the fattest younger than, the youngest more comfortable than, the most comfortable heavier than, the heaviest 9. nicer than, the nicest 10. busier than, the busiest 2 1. the worst, worse than 2. better than, the best 3. farther than, the farthest 3 Answers will vary. 4 1. The Garage is more crowded than Secrets but less crowded than Dr. Franks. Dr. Franks is the most crowded of the clubs. Secrets is the least crowded of the clubs. 2. The Garage is less expensive than Secrets but more expensive than Dr. Franks. Dr. Franks is the least expensive of the clubs. Secrets is the most expensive of the clubs. 3. The Garage is more exciting than Secrets but less exciting than Dr. Franks. Secrets is the least exciting of the clubs. Dr. Franks is the most exciting of the clubs. 4. The Garage is more popular than Secrets but less popular than Dr. Franks. Dr. Franks is the most popular of the clubs. Secrets is the least popular of the clubs. 5. The Garage has more interesting music than Secrets but less interesting music than Dr. Franks. Dr. Franks has the most interesting music of the clubs. Secrets has the least interesting music of the clubs. 5 1. Turtles are not as fast as rabbits. 2. This book is not as good as that book. 3. Science is not as interesting as geography. 4. Julios house is not as big as Marcos. 5. This restaurant is not as busy as that restaurant. 6. Regular wrestlers are not as strong as Sumo wrestlers. 7. Ahmed is not as serious as Hamid. 8. Jills children are not as old as Ritas. 9. Marisa Tomei is not as famous as Julia Roberts. 6 1. Today is hotter than yesterday. 2. Giant pandas are not as endangered as Sumatran rhinos. OR Giant pandas are less endangered than Sumatran rhinos. 3. The gymnast is not as tall as the basketball player. 4. A Ferrari is more expensive than a Porsche. 5. Blue whales are heavier than elephants. 6. Cheetahs are faster than racehorses. 7. The turkey sandwiches are as expensive as the ham sandwiches. -. 10: Listening ( $ S#("( 5 O`!' O The Steel Eel P`" Why arent they going on The Steel Eel first? (Theyre saving the best for last.) a')#%+5(; + P%"b T ') bO(`)# + F ') bO(5 a')# 12 + T ' F #a+( ) %P %$ a'))"O`)#a)OP S F U/: 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. T Audioscript Tom: Nicole: Tom: Justin: Steve: Nicole: Justin: Steve: Tom: Too bad Stacy couldnt come. That was awesome! Right, Nicole? Well7 I thought The Steel Eel was really scary. I screamed the entire time! Oh, here come Justin and Steve. Oh, man! I just had the most embarrassing moment in my life. You wont believe what Justin just did! I have a feeling this isnt funny, Steve. What happened? I got really scared right when we were at the very top of The Steel Eel. He turned white, and before the cars started going down, he began screaming. Everyone was staring at him! Ha-ha-ha. Oops. Im sorry, Justin. Justin: Well, thats not as embarrassing as Steves adventure at the mall three weeks ago. He was talking to this pretty girl hed been looking at all day. Then all of a sudden7 Steve: Thats not funny, Justin. Stop it. Nicole: Come on. I want to hear it. Tom: Ill tell you later. -. 11: Reading a') *a'#') 64 + (`!' $P#(#! (It goes forward along a track and up a tower, and then returns, going backwards.) a')"'"'"'"#PO!"() ( stories, weightless, braking, kick in S) bP`" When do riders experience weightlessness? a')($O# SUPERMAN THE ESCAPE a') 64 +)P`" (when theyre riding backwards) `"( How many students would like to try this ride? What is the scariest / most exciting part of this ride? -. 12: Comprehension P`" What features and actions make Superman the Escape scarier and more thrilling than other roller coasters? a') '# )a')a)P*&## + a)"%P% O!)(("* P`" a O("* )"O(a%(# c a')" * ba))" )a')OO""a(O '! U/: Points that may be covered in the discussion : 40 stories high ; 900 feet long ; fastest and tallest roller coaster in the world ; 100 mph in seven seconds; height, speed, and power ; only a lap bar holds the riders down ; the riderzs body feels all the sensations from the ride; free fall backwards from a height of 40 stories -. 13: Your Turn a')(PO#+ P`") 15 a Exercise 13 ') 64 $+%#()"% 15 !"(%P S)# S! "P (#( When I was a little girl, my parents and I went7 ;,O#"P 2 3 1 ( ## "O(%+)`"(")" 15 '!"( +(# S("( a')5(O+ O #+( a')`"O c !) `)#!"()a% -. 14: Writing a')(PO#') 64 ## a')a) S(#a# a')( ## ;,O#%P S)!) +(# S("( + O# a')+( )' )+ P O ###O a')+)!#"P+ P#O % *'* P##O Oa')OO c !)( : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 46 ') 45 U/: Workbook Exercises 4X6 4 45 4 1. scarier 2. more exciting 3. bravest 4. high 5. fast 5 1. Yes, I did. 2. I went to EuroDisney. 3. It was unbelievable! 4. I went with my mom, dad, and little sister. 5. We did everything! There was so much to do. 6. I think the Pirates Beach was the most unforgettable. That was awesome! 6 Answers will vary. 6. dangerous : Learn to Learn +#*+5O#O!"()% (%b'% %+'(#O c) a')(P+ P%'# +)a')* O+5O '%'!) -. 3 The Day after Sea World Background note Carson Daly S.bO!)"""O Total Request Live # `b MTV !)"*&("+ O"O# (#( Madonna + Jim Carrey a b$ % a')5)""(("ba') +O5)"b # e-mail 'b Daly "P%a$ + ##".(5)" S(#" ;,O#% '%O' )#!))"+#ba# Daly + % Pa')"`"O#'Pa')$"## "O#,$"!) a') '#') 65 + (O O# +)`"($(% ,$"O!'( (the first day of school after their trip to the amusement park) a')*O 1 + 2 + a')( !,$b`" What do you think the kids are talking about? (their weekend) a') *O 3 + (" !,$ %$`" Where are the kids? (in the school hall) a')(PO#+ P`" a')#%+5(; + (%'#"! ) `""'#( Tom P(#! Audioscript 1. Nicole: That was the most fun Ive had in a long time! Do you go to Sea World a lot, Tom? Tom: No, but I sometimes go with my nieces. Stacy: Im definitely going next time! 2. Tom: You missed the most awesome rides, Stacy. Right, Nicole? Nicole: Awesome, but scary. The Steel Eel was the scariest. 3. Stacy: By the way, I just talked to Ms. Costa. Guess what our next project is. Tom: A debate? Nicole: A dance festival? Stacy: No, its more fun than that! 4. Stacy: Were going to visit a TV studio! Tom: Cool! Nicole: I hope we get to see someone famous there, like Carson Daly. 5. Tom: Hey, dont I look like Carson Daly? Stacy: Nicole: Stacy: 6. Tom: Nicole: In your dreams, Tom. Seriously, whose idea is this field trip? Steves. His uncle works for a TV network. Really? Id better be nicer to Steve from now on. You mean, youre not going to tell us about Steve and that pretty girl at the mall? Tom: Oh, yeah. Well, maybe I will after our trip. :-*4/ 1. "P%a%) _________________________________________________________ +#8 ___________________________________________________________________ 2. '/ a%) _____________________________________________________ +#+)! _______________________________________________________________________ 3. O#O!"(!) "+5 _____________________________________________________________ '5 _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. #+5%) _______________________________________________________ #O __________________ 5) _________/ _________/ _________ Unit 10 I was running when I fell. Z-)Y+n4/25:52 / 6 .Z 2/ 1. *+ +(# b %* 2. (`,#O)%;,O# S O+ O# O 3. %("* .(' O 4. 5#* .('O#a" + %Pb 5. # 3 #+ '# 3 (" S( ba)+%(# 6. O;" S(" + P`" 7. O# S*&#T& S( + P`" Communication - Talk about a past incident Grammar - The past continuous: statements and information questions Vocabulary - Action Verbs Pronunciation - Word beginning with r- blends -2/2: I was running when I fell. 0I( ( /2 1. "" 2. "a3) 3. "5 1. # 2. 3. ( 4. 5. 6. (" 7. P")! a)a %P : :: Unit 10 I was running when I fell. 5-. 1 //(Y+/--.3d45*: 3+, (#)" ( b& + )#$ c `)#"'( ( 1.1 ". 3/2) + OO!"(a("# +(# c a')". b+ )"O #'( ( 1.1 ". 3/3) / ')O# a%"P + +#"'OO#O#+ (%O *(# c )"$#a')'5+ (# ( 1.1 ". 3/4) + b))"O# O#(# c a) ` ( O#O (a"a% ##" + O(#(O#+ '" " ( 1.2 ". 3/1) + O+ a')) " . + +#"'OO#O#'( (#'" " ( 1.2 ". 3/4) + O# (/'/O#/ (# c O(a"a% ##" ( 1.3 ". 3/1) a)*& $P # + (#'" + b""#"+ 8."# %)#*& ( 2.1 ". 3/1) )("/%%"#*&+ 8."""a% ( 2.1 ". 3/3) + ."'"+ "+(# '(## b(# c + PP"b#)# b#*&(# + *&! ( 2.2 ". 3/1) )) " + )"/)%%#OO)#(" )O%+'(#)+ P)/ ( 3.1 ". 3/1) a)*&Oa`%#/`%P#O,$a')# `,& " + #" ( 4.1 ". 3/1) a)*&(# a)/)) " + "/) )"(# c %O+ +'(# )(# c a,&(+ ( 4.2 ". 3/1) 5d-.-5 el1eV-.-ed45d-.- - "" OP#(( +)P 25d... %')(#+ % ' 1. Past continuous tense ' past progressive tense a)+#'OP#,$ (# O,$ S*&#T&(#! - ""O("'`') ',O#a '"' 2 'P# ,$)" (#',O#a # past continuous was (were) + verb ing ( They were swimming in the sea. " 'a)#$ 1. +#'OP#,$ (#',O#a "% "PO ' (#(#% ( at this time yesterday, at this time last night, at ten oclock this morning (# b ( I was sitting at home reading at this time yesterday. 2. "' 2 ' P#,$)" (#',O#a a) past continuous tense $##' b" while O"'$## ( While he was reading, I was writing a letter. = I was writing a letter while he was reading. 3. "O'',O# P#P(+ "'',O#,$+ )" a) past continuous P''O P#P( + a) simple past 'O +)"*'# b" when, while, as O"'$## ( It rained when I was walking home. 5-. eW+15d-.- 2... 1. PO P(# c ( bounced, broke, burned, crashed, crossed S) 2. b`"-+ O 'O,$a ( What happened? I heard somebody cry for help. There was an accident over there. Was it bad? Two cars crashed, a biker broke his leg, and somebody else fainted. But no one seriously hurt. b#"O)$ +))#`"O( OP#P !(O' % S *&#T&(#! - "")#(a')O#( '` P#)"` % S*&#T& (#! - break (#(#! - The van crashed into a trash can. (# (#! -2/1l5-.2eW+1-. - 21l... 1. ) )a% + PO P(# c !) 2. `"-+ O 'O ,$a !) 3. a) Past continuous tense b(+ bP`"O`")"(# c !)`)# 4. # $P# /r/ !)`)# And all that because a duck and her babies were trying to cross the street. It was my fault. I was going really fast when I crashed into you. Its OK. I wasnt paying attention. You suddenly appeared while I was looking the other way. 3. a) Past continuous tense b( + bP`"O`")"(# c O `)# 4. # $P# /r/ O`)# 5-. 2 2/2+2 /k*.+m4/-.1 /3-. e4W- 1. 2-. 3+|:3 - 34*+ PO P'#a*a')`)# - 34##PO ,$)) r %+`,#/+5(; + #" - 34##PO ,$)) r %+`,#/+5(; + #"PO #$ - 34#O'a%+`,#/+5(; + +#"" - 34#+ ("+`,#/+5(; + ba+34'O 5 a') " - 34#+ (P "+`,#/+5(; + +#"" - 34 ba'"(ba) b Past continuous + Simple past #a" - 34*+ +(# b %* - 34%((`OP' P`"a')".` + +#"" - 34* P`"OP')"$#$((" (" P`" + * P`"a+34'O 11 - 34(`,#O)%;,O# SO+ O#O - 34%("* .('O - 34 5#* .('O#a" + %Pb - 34 bba)PO P'a')#a" - 34 Simple past + Past continuous O`)##a(#(# - 34 bP`"O)#)"O(')a+34' B ba) b Past continuous #a" - 34POP'"#a(#(#a')".')OP' - 34 # 3 #+ '# 3 (" S( ba)+% (# - 34("O;" )a)PO!"("'" )'P$ + #"PO`)# - 34O;" S (" + P`" - 34O# S*&#T& S( + P`" - 34P+%+5(P Unit 10 Test 2. .+ O#" "5) 2.1 . "5) 2.2 O#" "5) 1) (+ '# 1) +(+ '# 2) & )# ( 2) + "5& )# + ( + 3) "5#/%" S 3) + "5#/%" S ' S (" ' S (" 4) + "5)." 4) + "T"# %." + (" 5) + %P'( 5) + "5)")ba) 6) + "5## + 6) "5## 3. 1.-.0+2 3.1 ")a% 6 ) !)+( . $+%# + "+ " a) + # + P! a) """"#O'' a')"Pa"),#5)O + %) # 3.2 "` P !)+( ""`aO +) ' a)& + a)bb 3.3 & ,# # !)+( & ;O % " a3") ((## "(#"OaP# " S! "%. 5-. 3 +5%) O 11 Unit 10 I was running when I fell. 6 Ob"# - . 11 123+2-) Unit 10 I was running when I fell. ()*+,-. 3 / 6 .Z 0+21Y 1. # ( + PO P(# c !) (K, P) 2. `"-+ O'O,$a !) (K, P) 3. a) Past continuous tense b(+ bP`"O`")"(# c !) (K, P) 4. # $P# /r/ !) (K, P) 5. +#""+ %"#*&!) (K, A, P) /2+2 / (K) "# ( + PO P(# c "`"-+ O'O,$a "a) Past continuous tense b(+ b P`"O`")"(# c "# $P# /r/ !) %5#/%" S S( ' S(" 0I( ( /2 (A) "T"aP# Sa)"" "a3) "%O(*& #T& -2/2: (P) "T"aP# S+ S("a) O +) ' 4- Communication: Grammar: Talk about a past incident The past continuous: statements and information questions Vocabulary: Pronunciation: Action Verbs Word beginning with r- blends 1. '# Postcards 3 ') 6065 '#+34' Postcards Language Booster, Workbook 3 ') 4447 + Grammar Builder ') 9699 +5(; * -:I *&! "'"#PO P(# c +#"" 0I( ( /2 1. "" 2. "a3) 3. "5 -. 1 Warm-Up '(# c OPa')''!)% ( carelessness / inattention, showing off / taking risks, lack of experience / skill, lack of safety equipment, bad luck, poor judgement S) a')'O c " 10 ' OP"* (" ( 'Oa) PO""'"'" ( carelessness / inattention "O''!) 10 '+) +(# S(" c a')+( ("%% & OPa')''%"O`,#)O a')* % %$a') 5%#+( (" Using the Large Picture a') * `"( What caused all of the confusion? (a family of ducks crossing the road) How many accidents can you find? (seven) How many people need first aid? (five) -. 1: Vocabulary `" What happens in a car accident? (One car hits another one; one car crashes into another one.) What happens in a bicycle or motorcycle accident? (The rider falls off; the bicycle /motorcycles slides off the road.) What happens when a ball goes through a window? (It breaks the window; it smashes the window.) a '(#OP`" action verbs a') (V.2) # action verbs a')(PO#+ P Exercise 1 %P# U/: 1. fell 6. sprained 2. crashed 7. bounced 3. burned 8. broke 9. cut 4. crossed 10. 5. kicked fainted 1 P'($ andhay, neekay, bowelay, ristway, ingerfay, kleanay $+%#(P S& #*&+ Pig Latin ;,O#"& S' a)(P'($((# c #(# a')%(O`'P S*&#T& (!'P%(a')(P*&#T& a')O c # (The words are hand, knee, elbow, wrist, finger, and ankle. To translate to English, cut off the -ay ending and move the last consonant, or vowel and consonant, to the front of the word.) : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 12 ') 48 U/: Workbook Exercises 1X2 4 48 1 1. fell 2. cut 3. fainted 4. burned 5. crashed 6. broke 7. bounced 8. kicked -. 2: Pronunciation A .OP$P'(# // S *#$") (Retroflex) b") $)! a b!"()#a')$ ''"'(# // a*&! .# + a')34P" a')#P+'(# retroflex a')'("3g a')" +)# uh ;,O#% Pa')P+'(# retroflex a(# a')# // // // // // + // +)a')5"'$P# // )# '($ a')##%+5(; + 34" B a') '# +5(;a')#+ 34" a') '# +)( b #")"P$P'(# // a') 34# '(#P%" a')#;$P %P# U/: 1. drop, bread 4. broke, promise, friend 2. grab, crayon 5. 3. crashed, trash Try, group -. 3: Communication "+5( &$ c OP# A + B b"+)+ S$ c )#P%P+5(a')#%Pa$ a')%( a')+5( b(# c # A ',O# + a')+5( b # B ',O# !"(a')+5( b#O+ !"(a') %'# a')O!) b# A bO")# + a')O!) b # B a')(%!) a')#%+5(; %$a') '#') 67 + 34#" a') '# +)(O%P!) : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 35 ') 49 U/: Workbook Exercises 3X5 4 49 3 1. Its not that bad. 2. Watch out! 4. It wasnt my fault. 5. Are you all right? 4 The order of the sentences: 3, 1, 7, 4, 6, 5, 2 A: Are you all right? B: I dont think so. A: What happened? B: I twisted my ankle. A: You should probably see a doctor. B: I dont need one. I think Ill just lie down for a while. A: Thats not such a good idea. Ill call the doctor. 5 Answers will vary. 3. It sounds like fun. -. 4: Dialogue Background notes 911 '"bO"('"a '-" ;,O#"` (#)#'"$!) + b(!"(( ('a'"("`a)b( $!) e40.5:lW34 a"-(a'(# '-" 16 g (#!" % !)aO (a drivers license) $ )#)`ab#` + )#+;,O# S)O%%#-a')5( % !)a (a learners permit ' a junior license) ;,O#% Pa')"`34`5) #'34$ "(a(# 15 g ;,O##OO")! `ab# "- (a'(% "O)"#(O!)a O ( ')"`# P'%P5)bO#(a(+ P' !)aOO(O % !)+ a')# '(# Stacy, Nicole, Justin, Tom + O',O# O '#' a') *+ * ( !,$ (Stacy has crashed into another person, and she seems to be injured.) a')"'"PP ( be at fault + pay attention (a%a() P`" Is Stacy going to go home now? a')#%+5(; + a')(a'#"! ) a')P`" (No. Shes going to go to the hospital.) %$a') '#+ # .`)!"()a% + )a')O)a%(.a')OO!"()a%# -. 5: Comprehension a') '# 7were both hurt in the rollerblade accident. 7wants to call 911. ...has a car. ...will drive the group to the hospital. call this number whenever theres an emergency. Oa') a') '#') 68 (P`"+ )'P a')%(+ ( b 2 b ( 7was going really fast. (Josh) 7wasnt looking. (Stacy) %$a')+( (+ O`"(O ( 1 () U/: 1. Josh and Stacy 2. Tom 3. Josh 4. Tom 5. 911 -. 6: Useful Phrases a')#%+5(; O#a')( a'#"! ) a O34"" ("#("')$ Grammar Focus: The past continuous: statements b( Simple present + Present continuous I study English. / Im studying English. `"(# b$+(#(#! (P " +(#!"(a(O# +((O) Present continuous )O%"OP# P'P#,$ a O Simple present )'$#'"' the event as a whole) a') b(#a Grammar Focus .( Simple past )'$#'" O"+)a a O Past continuous )O%"OP#,$ ' %,#"`!)$# Simple past + Past continuous ( My cousin lived with us last year. / My cousin was living with us last year. .( Past continuous a)'O!"("'#P( ;,O#a)" b (main clause) b (subordinate clause) a bOO") when ' while -. 7: Practice a')(PO#') 69 + b+ a')P# b(! a')P+34' "OP+34'%+) a')%P)"$#$ U/: Note: Reverse clause orders are also possible for all sentences; for example, Shakira walked by while I was waiting for the light to turn green. 1. While I was waiting for the light to turn green, Shakira walked by. 2. We were rollerblading at the park when the accident happened. / The accident happened when we were rollerblading at the park. 3. While the mayor was delivering his speech, several cell phones rang. / Several cell phones rang while the mayor was delivering his speech. 4. Uncle Bill was watching Friends when his TV broke. / When Uncle Bill was watching Friends, his TV broke. 5. I was admiring the view when I tripped and fell. / I tripped and fell when I was admiring the view. 6. While it was snowing, we made a snowman. / While we were making a snowman, it snowed. 7. Marcia was clearing the table while I was doing the dishes. / While Marcia was clearing the table, I was doing the dishes. : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 6 + 811 ') 5051 + Grammar Builder Exercises 14 ') 101103 U/: Workbook Exercises 6 /2 8X11 4 50X51 6 1. while 4. while 8 1. was staying, visited 2. got, was riding 3. was, stopped 2. while 5. while 3. when 6. when 5. were looking, met 6. were standing, were looking 7. decided, saw 4. saw, were walking 9 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. While Amy was running to catch the bus, she dropped her purse. Bobby was studying when his sister came into the room. The girls were shopping when they saw a famous movie star. While Alex was swimming, someone stole his wallet. Mrs. Shinsato was driving home when she saw an accident. While Frank and Andy were watching TV, the phone rang. Marcy arrived home while her parents were cooking dinner. 10 Answers will vary. 11 1. T 2. R 3. R 4. T U/: Workbook (Grammar Builder) Exercises 1X4 4 101X103 1 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. b 7. b 2 1. When the fire alarm sounded, I was working on my computer. The fire alarm sounded while I was working on my computer. I was working on my computer when the fire alarm sounded. 2. While Simon was driving home, he ran out of gas. Simon was driving home when he ran out of gas. 3. When I walked into the restaurant, everybody stopped talking. Everybody stopped talking when I walked into the restaurant. 4. While Nina was studying, her boyfriend called. Her boyfriend called while Nina was studying. When her boyfriend called, Nina was studying. When Nina was studying, her boyfriend called. 5. While Greg was flying to Brazil, he heard the good news on the radio. Greg heard the good news on the radio while he was flying to Brazil. When Greg heard the good news on the radio, he was flying to Brazil. Greg was flying to Brazil when he heard the good news on the radio. 8. b 9. a 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. While she was getting ready to dive, a little boy pushed her into the water. He was driving very fast when he hit the other car. The phone rang while we were watching a show about surfing. She was waiting to pay for her groceries when somebody stole her car. I wasnt going very fast when I fell off my bicycle. 6. Our CD player broke while we were listening to the music. 7. I was living in Spain when I met my girlfriend. 8. She was dancing when she slipped and hurt her wrist. 9. The dog took my hamburger while I wasnt looking. 10. I was opening the curtains when I saw my neighbor standing in the yard. 11. Sabrina was eating her sandwich when she bit into something very hard. 12. Stuart saw his teacher while he was shopping at the mall. 13. I felt the house shake as I was taking a shower. 14. The birds were singing, the sun was shining, and I was relaxing on the grass.Suddenly I heard people yelling loudly. I jumped up to see what was happening. 4 1. 5. 9. 13. 17. invited sat started was watching broke 2. 6. 10. 14. 18. were playing was writing were making thinking didnt have 3. 7. 11. 15. 19. decided sat down stopped skated by had -. 8: Practice a') '#') 90 (PO#O(" -. 2 Grammar Focus: The past continuous: information questions b(! $ I was dancing at 10 oclock last night. Grace and I were dancing when my brother came in. While Bruce was sleeping, we were dancing. 4. 8. 12. 16. found opened put skated a'))# bP`" + b'($ a') '#+ %Pba) ba Grammar Focus S(# .a')#( b%,$)) b+)%)" b!) When your brother came in, what were you and Grace doing? ( -. 9: Practice a')%( ba')',O# '#a(# large picture ') 6667 %"$ a')P%""PO# bP`"+ P +)%P U/: 1. What were you doing when the accident happened? / I was watching the ducks cross the street. 2. What was the man in the first car trying to do? / He was trying to avoid (hitting) the ducks. 3. Why was the woman yelling? / Because she blamed the man in the first car for the accident. OR Because she was very angry at the man in the first car. 4. Who was driving the second car? / The womans husband. OR I think the womans husband was driving the second car. 5. Where were you sitting when the accident happened? / I was sitting next to the cow / at the picnic table / on the grass. : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercise 7 ') 50 + Grammar Builder Exercises 56 ') 103 U/: Workbook Exercise 7 4 50 1. What were 2. Who was 3. Where were 4. Why were 5. When was 6. What were U/: Workbook (Grammar Builder) Exercises 5X6 4 103 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 What were her brothers friends doing when she decided to work in the park? Where was she sitting when she started to write her essay? Why were the birds making a lot of noise? Who was feeding the birds? Who skated by while she was thinking about her essay? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. They were playing a noisy game. She was sitting on a park bench. They were eating the bread on the ground. The woman was feeding the birds. A boy skated by while she was thinking about her essay. -. 10: Reading a')(PO#+ * OP`" %$a')(OO#') 70 + `" ($O#(% O ! a')Oa'))a%"'"# a small act of kindness ba)P`" ( Is it performed on the spur of the moment or is it planned? Does the recipient have to be aware that you are performing the act or can it be anonymous (for example, donating blood)? Does it require some sacrifice on the part of the person performing the act or not? a')($O# Teenager Transforms a Classmates Life .`)!"()a% + )a')O)a%$O#'"'"#P (.a')OO!"()a%# -. 11: Comprehension a')P`" ) 14 b!"()#)! ($O# %$a')%P ba')! ($O#a'# %P)" a').Pb ) 3, 4 + 5 ;,O# S"'" b;,O#)#" a')* ) 5 %O""%"b`""'"#P'($ Virtue is its own reward; What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are humanity; He who comforts another forgets his own sorrow; Kindness is the sunshine in which virtue grows. U/: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. to help others She made friends with a shy classmate. He was shy/lonely, etc. He has friends/isnt lonely, etc. free response -. 12: Speaking a')')'O""OPa')a# O+ # ;,#O )"%' !)%'#" 'O)% a')(#') (take notes) +)( O#a')O# %a'))')"O""% websites '($ +(# S 4 (" a')+( a("+ O)" ! # +) #O#O#a') -. 13: Your Turn a')O"" +(# S(" c a') ""O('5)O(% P!)(#! + Pa'))')"% websites '($ a')a+( ("+#"' -. 14: Writing a')+( ("O#O* a Exercise 13 a')+( ("Pb ;,O#%"'"a')P %b ')# ba')%)#O#"b %Pa) c Oa')P`"#O c O "" : Individual work a')P Progress Check Units 9 + 10 a'#') 71 U/: Progress Check Units 9 /2 10 4 71 Grammar A. 1. China has the biggest population in the world. 2. Rome is as beautiful as Paris. 3. This movie is the worst movie I have ever seen. 4. Superman the Escape is not as scary as The Steel Eel. 5. Brazil is bigger than Mexico. 6. The book is better than the movie. 7. That test was the easiest so far. 8. My neighbor is the most boring person I know. 9. Julia Roberts is more famous than Uma Thurman. 10. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is the most fascinating movie of all time. B. 1. took 9. was not / wasnt feeling 2. was working 10. were driving 3. did not / didnt go 11. saw 4. got up 12. were standing 5. were having 13. honked 6. fell off 14. stood 7. was raining 15. did not / didnt get 8. left C. 1. Who was working that weekend? 2. Who was having breakfast at 6:30 A.M.? 3. Why wasnt the mother feeling well? 4. What was standing in the middle of the road? 5. Where were they driving? Vocabulary D. 1. fast slow 2. long short 3. long short 4. heavy light 5. high low Communication E. Answers will vary. -. 3 Wide Angle on the world: Whatzs So Funny? Pictures a')("* b`"( Have you seen any of the three TV shows shown in these photos? How funny do you find the show(s)? What is your favorite episode (one story or program from the series)? (Answers will vary.) -. 1: Reading a')($O#+ + OO## ;")"* * ((#') 72) * Simpsons *+#5) 3 + 5)'# 1 (((# #') 72) Seinfeld * ;"O# Friends (') 73) a*O# The Simpsons )+#;,O##%;)! (+`(#) Lisa, Bart, Maggie; (+`) Homer + Marge ;"O# Seinfeld ) #%;)! (+`(#) Cosmo Kramer, Jerry Seinfeld; (+`) George Costanza + Elaine Benes ;"O# Friends ) #%;)! Phoebe, Monica, Chandler, Rachel P`"P What do the expressions a piece of cake and easy as peeling a banana have in common? a')(O #+ P`" (They both refer to something being very easy to do. In addition, they are English and Thai expressions with the same meaning.) `"a$( `)a*&!a)P( ! A a')! ($O#+ )a)PO!"()"'"'!"()a% a')("* P + ('"'"%''"'" %PO""'") ''"'"%PO" + )a') '"'"%%" B a')PP`"+b!"()! $' a')%( )"$#$ +)%P(# ! $'O%"`)# U/: 1. a 2. c 3. b -. 2: Speaking +(# S("( (" 34 Oa(" 1 %b¦( + ("* O ;"(),(#!"O!)" ;" a')+( ("`""a("("OO ;" P!"`,# + "OO!"( a')+#'5 a')O ;" OO## O + . #O#%P`" What is the situation? Who are their favorite characters? What is funny about the characters and situation? a')$#$("* ba')+( ("(#+"O ;"O"( %$ O#O$#$O"O 3 O# " )a')(O# '`#(O%P!) a')%( ((## ;"OO S*&! '#%$ "( S*&#T& `)!"(P*&#T& ( P+# O%!"("` + %*&',O#! #*&',O#!) %% )a')"'.O c a (a')O c # a')' b#O#O% (a')O c *&#T& a$(,PO% a) S 1 " 3 (OP'a') b"+Oa')"` S+5( c !) )#P &a')#%Pa$ (%( ;,O#+( ()#!) $# 3 () &O"!) S( c 5"$# 3 ()) + Pa(!)a;# %'" a')%( + "$ #$ There are three jokes mixed together here. Label the strips A, B, or C according to which joke the strips belong with. Then put the A strips in order to make a joke. Do the same with the B and C strips. Compare answer with some classmates. Which joke is the funniest? Why? :-*4/ 1. "P%a%) _________________________________________________________ +#8 ___________________________________________________________________ 2. '/ a%) _____________________________________________________ +#+)! _______________________________________________________________________ 3. O#O!"(!) "+5 _____________________________________________________________ '5 _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. #+5%) _______________________________________________________ #O __________________ 5) _________/ _________/ _________ Unit 11 The talk show is taped there. Z-)Y+n4/25:52 / 6 .Z 2/ 1. #PO *# b%+` ,#/+5(; # " P + (#b+( *#a" 2. `"O b S( 3. #+ (PO + a'))"O""" +`,#/+5(; %( a'"(a& + +#"" Communication - Ask for and give additional information Grammar - The passive voice: present tense Vocabulary - Types of TV shows -2/2: The talk show is taped there. 0I( ( /2 1. "" 2. "a3) 3. "5 1. # 2. 3. ( 4. 5. 6. (" 7. P")! a)a %P : :: Unit 11 The talk show is taped there. 5-. 1 //(Y+/--.3d45*: 3+, (#)" ( b& + )#$ c `)#"'( ( 1.1 ". 3/2) + OO!"(a("# +(# c a')". b+ )"O #'( ( 1.1 ". 3/3) / ')O# a%"P + +#"'OO#O#+ (%O *(# c )"$#a')'5+ (# ( 1.1 ". 3/4) + b))"O# O#(# c a) ` ( O#O (a"a% ##" + O(#(O#+ '" " ( 1.2 ". 3/1) + O+ a')) " . + +#"'OO#O#'( (#'" " ( 1.2 ". 3/4) + O# (/'/O#/ (# c O(a"a% ##" ( 1.3 ". 3/1) a)*& $P # + (#'" + b""#"+ 8."# %)#*& ( 2.1 ". 3/1) .O" S( ."" + #%)#*& ( 2.1 ". 3/2) )("/%%"#*&+ 8."""a% ( 2.1 ". 3/3) + ."'"+ "+(# '(## b(# c + PP"b#)# b#*&(# + *&! ( 2.2 ". 3/1) + ."'"+ "+(# '(#" S(+ 8."#%)# *&#! + P! a)(#'" " ( 2.2 ". 3/2) )) " + )"/)%%#OO)#(" )O%+'(#)+ P)/ ( 3.1 ". 3/1) a)*&Oa`%#/`%P#O,$a')# `,& " + #" ( 4.1 ". 3/1) a)*&(# a)/)) " + "/) )"(# c %O+ +'(# )(# c a,&(+ ( 4.2 ". 3/1) 5d-.-5 25d... 1. # active voice ) verb + object +( # passive voice ) verb to be + verb 3 (past participle) O b% active voice S passive voice % )#a') verb to be (a tense # b" P'(#O 3 $!"(" O+ # 'O! a O active S passive 1. OP+'(# subject + object 2. O" S(#O 3 (past participle) 3. a) verb to be P(#O 3 ba) tense " 4. object # b passive ('# preposition by b active voice O" shall, will, can, may, must, ought to "O O S passive voice a) verb to be !)P be >P: 1. Verb to be a passive voice )#" tense b active voice + )#a)" .a'"( ()#( . S% ''%) 2. P' shall + will a simple future a) be P($ (a) will be ' shall be) 3. O)#""($ %,#% + # S passive voice !) 5-. eW+15d-.- 2... 1. POb(# c ( el1eV-.-ed45d-.- - `)O`"( ;" ! % O S *&#T&(#!)# - `))#`"O( b !)# + a')(#a')# % `"O S*&#T&(#! -2/1l5-.2eW+1-. - 21l... 1. ) )a% + POb news, documentary, talk show, situation comedy, (# c !) home decoration show, game show S ) 2. ;`"+ a'))"O""O 2. b;`"+ a')) "O""O b!) b ( 3. a) Passive voice a present tense!)`)# Do you see that set over there? A talk show is taped there every morning. Its smaller than it looks on TV. Yes, know. By the way, the show is taped in front of a live audience. You mean, people like us can come and watch tapings? Yes. Written requests are usually accepted once a year. Check the bulletin board on your way out. Schedules of tapings are posted there. Whats a sitcom? Its short for situation comedy. But what does situation comedy mean? 3. a) Passive voice a present tense O `)# 5-. 2 2/2+2 /k*.+m4/-.1 /3-. e4W- 1. 2-. 3+|:3 - 34#+ ("+`,#/+5(; + * P`")"#$ $ - 34#P%+`,#/+5(; #" + %(P"), O +#a')". - 34" ba')"b Passive voice (Present) #a(#(#a')`)# - 34 ba'"(a')(a b Passive voice - 34#PO *#b%+`,#/+5(; #" P + (#b+( *#a" - 34`"Ob S ( - 34#+ (PO+ a'))"O"""+`,#/+5(; %( a'"(a& + +#"" - 34* P`"O"O# Movie and Computers ((" (" + #"PO`)# - 34#+ ("+`,#/+5(; + P`" - 34P+%+5(P Unit 11 Test - 34Pb## Project 3 "OP' - 34P%" Zoom in on Culture 3 "OP' 2. .+ O#" "5) 2.1 . "5) 2.2 O#" "5) 1) (+ '# 1) +(+ '# 2) & )# ( 2) + "5& )# + ( + 3) "5#/%" S 3) + "5#/%" S ' S (" ' S (" 4) + "5)." 4) + "T"# %." + (" 5) + %P'( 5) + "5)")ba) 6) + "5## + 6) "5## 3. 1.-.0+2 3.1 ")a% 6 ) !)+( . +$ %# + "+ " a) + # + P! a) """"#O'' a')"Pa"),#5)O + %) # 3.2 "` P !)+( ""`aO +) ' a)& + a)bb 3.3 & ,# # !)+( & ;O % " a3") ((## "(#"OaP# " S! "%. 5-. 3 +5%) O 12 Unit 11 The talk show is taped there. 6 Ob"# - . 12 123+2-) Unit 11 The talk show is taped there. ()*+,-. 3 / 6 .Z 0+21Y 1. # ( + POb(# c !) (K, P) 2. ;`"+ a'))"O""Ob!) (K, P) 3. a) Passive voice a present tense!) (K, P) 4. +#""+ %"#*&!) (K, A, P) /2+2 / (K) "# ( + PO b(# c ";`"+ a'))" O""Ob "a) Passive voice a present tense %5#/%" S S( ' S(" 0I( ( /2 (A) "T"aP# Sa)"" "a3) "%O(*& #T& 4- Communication: Grammar: Vocabulary: Ask for and give additional information The passive voice: present tense Types of TV shows -2/2: (P) "T"aP# S+ S("a) O +) ' 1. '# Postcards 3 ') 7479 '#+34' Postcards Language Booster, Workbook 3 ') 5255 + Grammar Builder ') 104107 +5(; * -:I *&! "'"#POb( # c +#"" 0I( ( /2 1. "" 2. "a3) 3. "5 -. 1 Warm-Up P( Chick Flick + Macho Movie %$`"(* 2 *$ " "+(#(#! (Films that appeal to female and male audiences, respectively Chick Flick *P'5)"5)'# + Macho Movie *P'5)"5)) a')O *a+( * %) 116 +5(a 'Pa') a') CF (Chick Flick) ' MM (Macho Movie) )& (# c a) 116 1. The main relationship is between a man and a woman. 2. The movie features at least one scene where the lead character interacts with her mother or best friend. 3. The bad guys worst act is something awful like promising to marry two different women. 4. The movie includes child actors so they can be kidnapped and add suspense to the story. 5. The bad guys are people you see everyday like cheating husbands and nasty bosses. 6. The climactic scene involves an explosion of a car, bridge, or other man-made structure. 7. The characters learn to respect each other by beating each other up. 8. There are lots of close-ups so you can see every emotion on the characters face. 9. The main relationship is between a man and his sworn enemy (or sometimes his gun or sports car). 10. The bad guys worst act is something awful like stealing a nuclear weapon. 11. The movie includes child actors so they can add humanity and warmth to the story. 12. The bad guys are people youll probably never meet, like heads of cocaine cartels and maneating aliens. 13. The movie features at least one scene where the lead character interacts with a digital readout counting down to zero. 14. A happy ending is when the lead character finds love. 15. There are at least 20 unemotional deaths. 16. A happy ending is when the lead character finds the bad guy and blows him to pieces. The list of characteristics above was adapted from Chick Flicks vs. Macho Movies: Can You Tell the Difference? By Kathy Shaskan, KShaskan/chickflick.html +(# S("( (" 34 (P) 116 %Pb("* Chick Flicks !)+() 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 13, 14 Macho Movies !)+() 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16 Using the Large Photo a') *a'#') 74 +)`")P`"P'($ Where are the teenagers? (at a television studio) How do you know its a TV studio and not a recording studio? (stage, lighting equipment, and cameras) Who are they talking to? (someone who works there) -. 1: Dialogue ($ S '(# Stacy, Nicole, Justin, Steve 5)a'))# `b PP ( talk show, taping (, ) P`"P What program does Justin think the woman will appear on? a')#%+5(; +)(a'#" a')P`" (talk show) %$a') '#+ #;$P `)"O#!"()a%O$' P ')#a +) 'b )a')O)a%(.a')Oa$# -. 2: Comprehension a')(P`")+ + )'P% +)P`" a') + (P`") 2 a')P`" S*&! a')#%+5(; + ""O!)P#) 2 +5(;a')#a(O S P$# a).($aa')P`") 3 a')%('+(#(" (" 3 ("* P`") 4 %P )"$#$ U/: 1. No. She says, Is this it? Its not much, is it? 2. He thinks it looks smaller than it seems on TV. 3. They can write to the station and request seats. 4. Justin ran into her and knocked her down. Maybe she hurt her ankle again. Justin says, Oops! Stacy! Are you all right? Oh, no, not again! -. 3: Useful Phrases P 4 P + a'))'P'($a `"(5)+( P""),(#! ( What was Stacy feeling when she said, Is this it? Its not much, is it? (She expected it to be more impressive; she is disappointed. Stacy ),5'#) a')#P(# c %+5(; b '#+ ("! ) a')+( P Exercise 3 b%(+ PO(#"),a')`)# a')%(O%P U/: 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b Grammar Focus: The passive voice: present tense V.3 # regular verb (O S! ") + irregular verb (O!"( S! ") (#P ( ask (asked), change (changed), choose (chosen), finish (finished), look (looked), make (made), put (put), show (shown), start (started), write (written) is / are !)') V.3 +)( S +# passive voice ("%) ( is / are made, is / are asked S) a')((#a Grammar Focus b active voice (%) #$ They tape the show here. They dont tape the show here. They tape the episodes in front of a live audience. The director doesnt tape the episodes. `"( They $# 3 b'"`,#a Pa!) ;,O#"')Oa`b #$%,#!"(a(O#P(a S5) P $a) passive voice ;,O#)5)` P $ O b active voice S passive voice )" (object) a b active voice " S .a b passive voice a) + is/are + V.3 .(a) passive voice O)#)5)` P a b passive voice "`a) by "'# is/are + V.3 !)aO)#(a S5) P a')a)(+O ' b passive voice a') 75 (A talk show is taped there every morning. Written requests are usually accepted once a year. Schedules of tapings are posted there.) `"OP+'(##P& (adverb) usually (between the two parts of the passive voice) + `"(5)` Pa' !a b Written requests are accepted. (requests) + b Schedules of tapings are posted there. (schedules) -. 4: Practice a')$#$ b(#) 1 `)!"()a%a').O"" a')P Exercise 4 b OPO(a# S passive voice +)"#a (#(#a')" %$%(OO P a')) 210 `)5a')+)!a')`)# U/: 1. am amazed 5. is respected 9. is spoken 2. is mesmerized 6. are7reprimanded 10. are stored 3. are awed 7. are done 4. are fascinated 8. are run -. 5: Practice a')(PO#+ ,&(#)O 1 a'#') 76 a')( O b) 2 S passive voice +(!"()#a') `) !"()a%a').O"" a')%( + P) 37 ("'" b passive voice ) 37 `)P5 .+ +)!a')`)# U/: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Literary agents are hired by many writers. Outlines are written by the writers. One script is studied by several writers. The first draft is revised by a main writer. The draft is read by the director and the actors. Script changes are made by the writers. The new script is approved by the directors and the actors. 7. : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 14 ') 5253 + Grammar Builder Exercises 14 ') 105106 U/: Workbook Exercises 1X4 4 52X53 1 1. 2. 3. 2 1. 5. 9. 3 Most houses are built of wood. Movies are shown in movie theaters. Football is played on a football field. are collected are placed is given 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. are put 6. are emptied 10. are delivered Many movies are made in Hollywood. Baseball is not played in this stadium. This movie is shown every day at 4:00 P.M. Some good plays are written by teenagers. Rice is not grown in France. 4. Coffee beans are grown in Brazil. 5. Talk shows are recorded in a studio. 6. Special effects are done on computers. 3. are taken 7. are sent 4. is sorted 8. are divided 6. That role is played by Gwyneth Paltrow. 7. Mail is not delivered on Sundays. 8. One hundred people are employed in this company. 9. Our room is cleaned every morning. 10.I am not surprised by her good grades. 4 1. The words and the music are written. 6. The script is written. 2. A recording studio is chosen. 7. The actors are chosen. 3. The songs are recorded. 8. The costumes are designed. 4. The CDs are advertised. 9. The scenes are filmed. 5. The songs are performed. 10. The movie is edited. U/: Workbook (Grammar Builder) Exercises 1X4 4 105X106 1 1. P, is collected 5. A 9. A 2. P, are sold out 6. A 10. P, arent found 3. A 7. P, are built 11. A 4. P, are imported 8.P, isnt delivered 2 1. are eaten 6. are taught 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 4 1. 2. 3. 2. are shown 7. are used 3. are kept 8. are displayed 4. are grown 9. is made The windows arent cleaned very often. This shampoo isnt tested on animals. This newspaper is read by two million people every day. Paper is made from trees. A lot of electronics goods are produced in Japan. The worlds finest chocolate is made in Belgium. The same stories are told all over the world. Spanish is spoken in many countries. Three hundred and eighty million tons of rice are produced a year. Warm, wet weather is needed to grow rice. Seventy percent of the worlds rice is grown and eaten in Asia. 5. are sold 10. are left 4. Most of the worlds rice is planted by hand. 5. In Japan and in the United States, machines are used to harvest the rice. 6. At weddings, rice is thrown at the newly married couple. -. 2 -. 6: Vocabulary A a')#+5(;O#)' (stress) + )a)#)'O#+( P +5(;a')# 1 (P news, documentary, talk, situation, decorating, game, cooking, cartoon + drama) B a')%(O +)P%" ba')Ob(# c a ! : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 57 ') 54 U/: Workbook Exercises 5X7 4 54 5 1. situation comedy 2. game show 3. documentary 4. cooking show 6 1. situation comedy 2. documentary 3. cooking show 4. game show 7 Answers will vary. 5. 6. 7. 8. news show home decorating show cartoon talk show 5. 6. 7. 8. talk show home decorating show cartoon news show -. 7: Information Gap +(# S 2 (" ("',O# S A + ("',O# S B (" A '# ') 91 + (" B '#') 92 a')%(P"PO# -. 8: Communication A a')#%+5(; + '#("! ) a') '# +5(; $# a')#+ #( %$a')* OO"# b'PO!"( +)a') '#O%P B a')%( ( (O!"((#a')a)%%" A S b#!) ba')+O)bO (O)a%+)O"" a')34 %$(" (") 23 ( "') $ : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 89 ') 55 U/: Workbook Exercises 8X9 4 55 8 1. 2. 3. 4. are filmed Go on. what happens is taped 9 1. 2. 3. 4. No, its recorded in California. No, some ideas are developed by the producers. No, most sitcoms are written by a team of writers. No, some actors are hired by the director. 5. 6. 7. 8. You mean Thats the very idea. Can you give me an example? You bet! -. 9: Reading a') *a'#') 78 +)`")P`"'($ Do you know what movie this scene is from? (Gladiator) What building does it show? (the Coliseum in Rome) How do you think they filmed so many people in such a large building so far from Hollywood? (various answers possible) a')(OO#+)`" How do you think they filmed the scene? (the process of computer animation) Language note: *a')"##%,#%(a * Eye candy a')* How do you think computers are used in film today? ( %%%"a)aP animation +)"#a)aP special effects (# c +)`"("*O#a)#Oa)"P special effects (( Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon the combat scenes, Mouse Trap the mouse is computer generated, Final Fantasy the virtual actress Aki Ross is computer generated, Simone also a virtual actress S)) >P: %a')O*!Oa)"P O# & b)#" ;"'% S) special effects ( a')($O# ((a')#' S)!)) .`)"P`"'# )a')O)a% S5).a')Oa $# -. 10: Comprehension a')P Exercise 10 b!"(a')$O# a')%(O P a')+( ( '#+ a)(+ a'P %P# `)#a'). )a')O)a%( .a')O# U/: 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. a : Learn to Learn `"(*(# O" subtitle S*&#T& ( subtitle '!"( + ('#a%'#*&)#'!"( %$a') ""O.a ( subtitle ("#%O+#(5)O#+ (" captions *(# "` #")a%a& (+ # "$#O"P O""%P + O"+#%#a%a ( `)(+5("O*(# (*&#T&) % "& #a" + " captions S*&#T& ( captions " O* -. 3 Back at the Hospital b`" Why is Stacy at the hospital? (Justin knocked her down while they were touring the television station.) a') *a'#') 79 + `"P`"P Does Stacy seem to be in a lot of pain? (No, she doesnt. She looks relaxed or bored.) Do you think she has broken her ankle? (probably not) a')#%+5(; + '#+)("! ) .O"" `)!"()a% %$ a')# U/: Josh invited Stacy and her friends to get together on Saturday. She wants to join themand see Josh. Audioscript 1. Receptionist: Hi. Werent you girls here last week? Ms. Costa: They were? 2. Stacy: Ms. Costa: Nicole: Yes. I had a minor accident last week while I was rollerblading. Really? How did that happen? Well, Stacy wasnt paying attention, and she and this guy named Josh skated right into each other. 3. Nicole: Stacy: By the way, did you ever hear from Josh again? Yes! He invited me, I mean us, to get together this Saturday. 4. Nicole: Stacy: Nicole: He asked you out? Us, Nicole. You, me, Justin, Tom, Steve. Oh, come on. I think he wants to go out with you! 7Oh, I think the doctor is ready for you. 5. Doctor: Well, Ive got good news for you. Your ankle isnt broken, but its sprained. So, I dont have to wear a cast? No. But youll have to be careful when you walk. Stacy: Doctor: 6. Stacy: Will I be able to walk around on Saturday? You see7 Doctor: Stacy: I know. You have a social life. Yes, you will. But youll have to go slowly. I will! Thanks! :-*4/ 1. "P%a%) _________________________________________________________ +#8 ___________________________________________________________________ 2. '/ a%) _____________________________________________________ +#+)! _______________________________________________________________________ 3. O#O!"(!) "+5 _____________________________________________________________ '5 _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. #+5%) _______________________________________________________ #O __________________ 5) _________/ _________/ _________ Unit 12 Learning English is cool! Z-)Y+n4/25:52 / 6 .Z 2/ 1. Pb" %Pb# S(" + * O b"O)("a 'g ) )"$#'5O)("b"$ 2. %("P)#) ("%"' bP % "*& + ")" "a')O c # 3. %'" bO O a%'#%"$# 4. (" True or False? S(" Communication - Talk about the value of extracurricular activities Grammar - Reflexive pronouns - Gerund as subject, as object of verb, and as object of preposition Vocabulary - Extracurricular activities -2/2: Learning English is cool! 0I( ( /2 1. "" 2. "a3) 3. "5 1. # 2. 3. ( 4. 5. 6. (" 7. P")! a)a %P : :: Unit 12 Learning English is cool! 5-. 1 //(Y+/--.3d45*: 3+, (#)" ( b& + )#$ c `)#"'( ( 1.1 ". 3/2) + OO!"(a("# +(# c a')". b+ )"O #'( ( 1.1 ". 3/3) / ')O# a%"P + +#"'OO#O#+ (%O *(# c )"$#a')'5+ (# ( 1.1 ". 3/4) + b))"O# O#(# c a) ` ( O#O (a"a% ##" + O(#(O#+ '" " ( 1.2 ". 3/1) + O + a')) " . + +#"'OO#O#'( (#'" " ( 1.2 ". 3/4) + O# (/'/O#/ (# c O(a"a% ##" ( 1.3 ". 3/1) + +#"'O%" + ' )"$#a')'5$ c ( 1.3 ". 3/3) a)*& $P # + (#'" + b""#"+ 8."# %)#*& ( 2.1 ". 3/1) )("/%%"#*&+ 8."""a% ( 2.1 ". 3/3) + ."'"+ "+(# '(## b(# c + PP"b#)# b#*&(# + *&! ( 2.2 ". 3/1) )) " + )"/)%%#OO)#(" )O%+'(#)+ P)/ ( 3.1 ". 3/1) a)*&Oa`%#/`%P#O,$a')# `,& " + #" ( 4.1 ". 3/1) a)*&(# a)/)) " + "/) )"(# c %O+ +'(# )(# c a,&(+ ( 4.2 ". 3/1) 5d-.-5 25d... el1eV-.-ed45d-.- - "")#O()(""" 1. Gerund ' ing form !)+( " ing *&(# (% O )"a')'5 S *&#T&(#!)# " ing %P')O!)(#P" ( Swimming is a good exercise. (subject) 2. " - "")#O( )(" ""*&(# Pa') ) ing %a)#)#')P noun ) c noun *&a'"(+ !) Oa'"( % $ S object #$!) ( S*&#T&(#! I like reading books. 5-. eW+15d-.- 2... 1. PO%"' ( science club, drama club, yearbook, computer club, school band, art club S) 2. bO b# %"' ( This is great-another party! Ms. Costa, you are so cool! Thanks. I enjoy giving parties, and it is the end of the semester soon. What do you want us to do, Ms. Costa? Well,7 Id like to encourage more students to join the Foreign Language Club. And I thought maybe you could develop a campaign for the club. Thats a great idea. Yeah, I dont mind helping. Count me in, Ms. Costa. Joining the club has been one of the best things Ive done this semester. 3. a) Reflexive pronouns `O )# 4. a) Gerund P')O S .+ P ')O S "`O )# -2/1l5-.2eW+1-. - 21l... 1. ) )a% + PO%" '!) 2. O b#%" '!) 3. a) Reflexive pronouns !)`)# 4. a) Gerund P')O S .+ P')O S "!)`)# 5-. 2 2/2+2 /k*.+m4/-.1 /3-. e4W- 1. 2-. 3+|:3 - 34#+ ("+`,#/+5(; + * )"$#$ - 34" ba')"ba) Reflexive Pronouns - 34)a) Gerund a b + S `) Gerund $ P')O S .# b+ OV `) Gerund $ P')O S "# b - 34" ba')"ba) Gerund O`)##ab #b" *&(# - 34#`"+ #Pb #b"*&(# T ') bO S %# F ') b!O "( S %# + NI ') bO!"()" - 34(b + Ob"(# c b%Ob"OP'a') - 34Pb" %Pb# S (" + * Ob"O)("a g '))"$#'5O)("b"$ - 34%("P)#)("%"' bP% "*& + " )""a')O c # - 34 ba')"ba) Reflexive pronouns O`)# - 34 Gerund O` )#"#a ba')" - 34#+ b Gerund #aO(#a')" - 34POb#a(#(#a')`)#a+( * - 34"a')" S ( - 34($# Crash and Burn )'PO"5)#%# + ##%+`,#/ +5(;O%P - 34)'P'P+#"),)+ '#a$# Crash and Burn - 34%'" bOOa%'#%"$# - 34(" True or False? S (" - 34P+%+5(P Unit 12 Test + Tests for Units 10-12 2. .+ O#" "5) 2.1 . "5) 2.2 O#" "5) 1) (+ '# 1) +(+ '# 2) & )# ( 2) + "5& )# + ( + 3) "5#/%" S 3) + "5#/%" S ' S (" ' S (" 4) + "5)." 4) + "T"# %." + (" 5) + %P'( 5) + "5)")ba) 6) + "5## + 6) "5## 3. 1.-.0+2 3.1 ")a% 6 ) !)+( . $+%# + "+ " a) + # + P! a) """"#O'' a')"Pa"),#5)O + %) # 3.2 "` P !)+( ""`aO +) ' a)& + a)bb 3.3 & ,# # !)+( & ;O % " a3") ((## "(#"OaP# " S! "%. 5-. 3 +5%) O 13 Unit 12 Learning English is cool! 6 Ob"# - . 13 123+2-) Unit 12 Learning English is cool! ()*+,-. 3 / 6 .Z 0+21Y 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. # ( + PO%"'!) (K, P) O b#%"'!) (K, P) a) Reflexive pronouns !) (K, P) a) Gerund P')O S .+ P')O S"!) (K, P) +#""+ %"#*&!) (K, A, P) /2+2 / (K) 0I( ( /2 (A) "T"aP# "# ( + Sa)"" PO%" "a3) ' "%O(*& "O b#%" #T& ' "a) Reflexive pronouns "a) Gerund P')O S .+ P')O S" %5#/%" S S( ' S(" -2/2: (P) "T"aP# S+ S("a) O +) ' 4- Communication: Talk about the value of extracurricular activities Reflexive pronouns; Gerund as subject, as object of verb, and as object of preposition Extracurricular activities Grammar: Vocabulary: 1. '# Postcards 3 ') 80-87 '#+34' Postcards Language Booster, Workbook 3 ') 5255 + Grammar Builder ') 104107 +5(; * -:I *&! "'"#PO%"' +#"" 0I( ( /2 1. "" 2. "a3) 3. "5 -. 1 Warm-Up a')P%#(!) S5)"(("a%"(# c (joiners) '!"("(("(nonjoiners) `"( Do joiners vote in school elections? (yes) Do nonjoiners participate in organized sports? (no) %`"% Pa')")a%"'"#P( joiners nonjoiners P%("& +!' b$+%#(a')a) &+5( c A `) S""" ("" !!)) B `) S"O"a 1 "" C `) S"O"(#) 2 "" P)""+ ' Pa')+#"'`,#)#"(("a%"# b#'#" ba)P`"'($ (#( Why is it important for people to get involved in community or school organizations? (Schools and communities need its members to realize their objectives.) Is there value in being active in ones community or school? (Yes, there is. Usually, it is not just the school or community that is transformed by an active citizenry. The individuals themselves are changed by their involvement.) What would happen to a community or school if its members were all nonjoiners? (Basically, progress would be slow or difficult to achieve.) Using the Large Photo Where are the a') *a'#') 80 %$`")P`"P'($ teenagers? (in the Foreign Language Club room) Why do you think theres food on the table? (They are having a party because its the end of the year.) What do you see on the wall behind the table? (some decorations and a bulletin board) -. 1: Dialogue ( S# Justin, Nicole, Steve, Stacy + Ms. Costa O#$# P`"P Is the Foreign Language Club a requirement for language students or an extracurricular activity? a')#%+5(; a') '#+ "! ) a')P`" (an extracurricular activity) %$a') '#+ # .`)!"()a% )a')O)a%(.a')Oa$# -. 2: Comprehension a')(+#"'(P`")O 13 a'#') 80 a')P`"+ * )'(# c # U/: 1. Because she is having a party for the club. 2. He is playfully teasing Ms. Costa by implying that she is bribing them to participate, when in fact, she is simply demonstrating that she is fond of the club members. 3. She plans to develop a publicity campaign to encourage club membership. Grammar Focus: Reflexive pronouns a'),& Grammar Focus 12 bP`"(! $ 1. What ending do singular reflexive pronouns have? (-self) "+ reflexive %#)) -self 2. What ending do plural reflexive pronouns have? (-selves) "+ reflexive '%#)) -selves 3. Do the subjects in reflexive sentences perform the action on other people or things? (No. They perform the actions on themselves.) a)"+ reflexive S P(# a')("* a) Reflexive pronouns a Grammar Focus %O" b ( I cut myself when I was opening a can of tuna. Jamie and Luke bought themselves new basketball shoes. -. 3: Practice a')(# ba'#') 81 .`)!"()a% a')P Exercise 3 "OP%a')%(O PO %P# .O""`)!"()a% U/: 1. yourself/yourselves 4. yourselves 7. itself 10. themselves 11. 2. myself 5. ourselves 8. herself 3. themselves 6. themselves 9. yourself/yourselves yourself/yourselves 1 P + Reflexive pronouns (! $a &+5( c +5(a (`)a) Overhead projector) hurt myself buy ourselves ask yourself teach himself tell myself pinch herself saw itself help yourself '""',O## enjoy yourselves believe in herself treat himself introduce themselves dry ourselves cook themselves find itself imagine yourselves ("" 9 ("P +)P"%+ a tic-tac-toe grid b!) ( +(# S 2 (" ("',O#(" X ("',O#(" O a')+( ("5+(# bba) 1 ("P ( The kitten growled when it saw itself in the mirror. %P `)("!'P`)#bO!) X ' O #a+$# + '+# 3 ( % S5) %$("PO' 9 (" + a')%(P%" : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 1, 3 + 5 ') 5657 + Grammar Builder Exercises 12 ') 109 U/: Workbook Exercises 1, 3 /2 5 4 56X57 1 1. himself 5. herself 2. himself 6. ourselves 3. myself 7. themselves 3 1. enjoyed ourselves 5. introduced himself 2. cut herself 6. saw themselves 3. blame yourself 4. reward myself 7. scratching itself 4. yourself 5 1. did it myself 2. did/repaired it herself 3. carry them myself 4. did/cleaned it himself 5. paid for them themselves 6. Do/Make it yourself U/: Workbook (Grammar Builder) Exercises 1X2 4 109 1 1. c 5. a 2 1. myself, me 5. them, themselves 2. g 6. h 2. her, herself 6. him, himself 3. f 4. 7. d 8. 3. ourselves, us 7. itself, it e b 4. you, yourself 8. myself, me Grammar Focus: Gerunds as subjects and objects `"( Gerund " ++ "')O(#! ( ing "'#P P')O SP") (#( talking b Talking with friends on the phone is relaxing. )a) Gerund + #")"a(# b $+%#( .O)# %P" ing $ +)% )#(a #%" (+(`) .(a Gerund $#+( 2 P,$! +)% )# S'%) b(#a) Gerund S" (object) ( Teens love talking with friends on the phone. )a) Gerund + #")" `"(%P( love O(a b$+) #"Pa)#O"`+O!) (( like, hate, enjoy, avoid S)) .( Gerund P ')O S" (object) # a')(#a Grammar Focus .( Gerund P')O S" (object) # (preposition) (, Remerber + ("PO") Gerund a Grammar Focus $# $+%#(("PO") Gerund ' Infinitive ( begin, hate, like, love, prefer S) -. 4: Practice a')(PO#') 82 a')(#) 1 +)a')(P) 2 a')P Exercise 4 "OP%a')%(O%P 'a)+5(a (`)a) Overhead projector) U/: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Having, S spending, OV calling, OV Talking, S discussing, OV 6. 7. 8. 9. %$P Keeping, S Joining, S over-scheduling, OV Spending, S 10. having, OV -. 5: Practice a')(PO#a'#') 83 + a')+( "P#a(#(# (The Foreign Language Club Wants You! %P ba')""+# S Stacy + O c (% *# Stacy, Justin, Nicole, Tom + Steve a')a'(OP')a')"+( ") Oa')!)34",$ +(# S(" 34 a')$#P`" 34 P`" + P`"#(!)POa) Gerund ( What did Stacy say was the best thing she ever did for herself? (joining the Foreign Language Club) The FLC has made school life more fun for Stacy, in addition to what? (introducing her to new people) %$a')+( ("`";,O#+ U/: 1. Joining 2. introducing 3. joining 4. going 5. being 6. 7. 8. 9. Attending volunteering learning having 11. practicing 12. volunteering 13. going 10. meeting : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 2, 4 + 6 ') 5658 + Grammar Builder Exercises 37 ') 110 111 U/: Workbook Exercises 2, 4 /2 6 4 56X58 2 1. Taking 2. Exercising 3. Smoking 4. Playing 5. Learning 4 1. being 2. playing 3. jumping 4. training 6. being 7. playing 8. writing 9. seeing 6 1. Sleeping in my own bed again feels good. 2. Stealing things is wrong. 3. Living in New York is expensive. 4. Making Susan laugh is easy. 5. Chatting with friends on the Internet is fun. 6. Learning a foreign language takes years. 7. Driving too fast is dangerous. U/: Workbook (Grammar Builder) Exercises 3X7 4 110X111 3 1. Learning 5. Skateboarding 2. Watching 6. Earning 4 1. 2. 3. 4. Watching a good game of soccer is exciting. Worrying about unimportant things is silly. Playing games with my little brother is fun. Learning how to drive a car is easy. 3. Running 7. Answering, writing 6. Getting up 5. trying 10. listening 4. Listening 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Staying calm in an emergency is important. Sitting on the floor for too long is uncomfortable. Flying to Paris on the Concorde is expensive. Finding an after-school job in my town is easy. Playing in a band is exciting. Learning some foreign languages is difficult. 5 1. dancing 2. cooking 5. getting 6. leaving 6 Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 3. failing 7. drying 4. moving 8. giving My friends and I dislike playing video games. I dont mind getting up early in the morning. My dad doesnt mind cooking dinner for our family. My friends dislike waiting in line. My mom enjoys playing tennis. Our teacher enjoys telling stories in class. Avoid getting sunburned when you are at the beach today. My friends and I enjoy hanging out at the mall. Do you mind people talking during the movie? The doctor suggested exercising three times a week. I cant help laughing at your jokes. Jerry admitted breaking Anitas bicycle. Molly considered going to the park, but she decided to go to the library instead. All through dinner, they kept on arguing about how to decorate their new house. -. 2 -. 6: Listening (% !)#P`"+ )'O"(("a""*&(# a')() 16 ') 83 + (+( ) S True ' False ' No information a')#%+5(; 2 O# T ' F #a+( ) %P +) +5(;;$P `)"O#!"()a% )a')O)a%(.a')O#a$ Audioscript Tom: Stacy: Male Student: Justin: Male Student: Justin: Steve: Female Student: Nicole: Tom: Stacy: I guess thats it. Thanks for listening to our presentation. Before we go, do you have any questions? Im not joining into clubs. Besides, Im too tired to do anything after my classes. I used to think that way, too, but being with other students outside your regular classes is actually very relaxing and fun. Relaxing in what way? Well, talking is always relaxing and fun, isnt it? Our club meetings are not all about serious stuff. We also laugh a lot. Of course, we participate in projects and other activities, but even serious activities become fun when you do them as a group. But remember, carefully choosing a club is very important. Before you join a club, make sure you talk to club members. You might even want to attend one of the meetings yourself. I think school clubs are for students who are popular. Im not. Uh7 I didnt use to have any confidence in myself either. But then I realized, after joining FLC, that not all students who are members of a club are geniuses. Many are regular students like you and me. And think about this. How do you think those students became popular? By getting to know people through clubs, right? Listen. Were going to organize an Open House Week for all clubs offered in our school next year. Come and see us7 U/: 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. False 6. True -. 7: Vocabulary a')PO(a') 84 +)P! "#a +( +5(a')`)# %P(# a')+(# S("( c + a')+( ("""" 3 "" + ((a+( "" "%" !)# a')" 23 %" (#( the computer club might organize an electronic pen-pal activity, the yearbook might interview different seniors about their high school memories, the art club might do caricatures as a fund raising activity, and so on. ("a')#("%"O(!) U/: 1. school band 2. art club 3. yearbook 4. science club 5. drama club 6. computer club -. 8: Your Turn +(# S("( c a')O""(# c ab# + ("* ()# )("P%"""!' + 'a `)Ob##!"("%" '" "`)'% websites (! $ OP#("* + a')"('"O" ' : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 79 ') 5859 U/: Workbook Exercises 7X9 4 58X59 7 1. science club 4. computer club 8 1. computer club 4. yearbook 9 Answers will vary. 2. school band 5. art club 3. drama club 6. yearbook 2. science club 5. school band 3. drama club 6. art club -. 9: Writing and Speaking +(# S("( c a') 5 O+#"'O'5a)("%" #"" a')" +)+( ("a') 1 '5 `)"'5O'"a') %P(" '5#+( (" a')+#"'()"O!) '5(# c O'"+ ""`O"O S'5P('5(# c O""`O)('!"( : Individual work a')P Workbook Exercises 1011 ') 59 U/: Workbook Exercises 10X11 4 59 10 1. Are you joining any clubs this year? 2. are you considering joining 3. I enjoy acting 11 Answers will vary. 4. couldnt stand learning all those lines 5. Id like to keep on going to that 6. avoid working after school hours : Learn to Learn a')( Learn to Learn a'#') 84 %$a')("+#"'O 8)& O,$ ;,O#".)("P%"a""'""(# c ( & " S5)P " "(""a#" " " )" )%%"P('# O "(O` + )%#+5 : Individual work a')P Workbook (Skills Development 3) Exercises 14 ') 6061 U/: Workbook (Skills Development 3) Exercises 1X4 4 60X61 1 1. e 2. g 3. a 4. d 5. f 6. b 2 1. actors 4. retire 2. Insurance companies 5. travel 3. money 6. indoors 3 4 Answers will vary. : Individual work a')P Progress Check Units 11 + 12 a'#') 85 7. c U/: Progress Check Units 11 /2 12 4 85 Grammar A. 1. yourself 2. himself 3. ourselves 4. themselves 5. herself 6. ourselves B. 1. taking 2. inviting 3. Swimming 4. listening 5. Getting up 6. Dancing C. 1. Wendy and Keith hate reading. 2. Liza loves reading. 3. Emil likes reading. 4. Wendy and Liza like dancing. 5. Emil hates dancing. 6. Keith loves dancing. 7. Wendy and Emil love jogging. 8. Liza likes jogging. 9. Keith hates jogging. Vocabulary D. 1. news 4. home decorating show 2. documentary 5. sitcom 3. cooking show 6. game show Communication E. A: B: A: B: Hey, whats a documentary? A documentary is a factual and objective film presentation of a serious topic. Can you give me an example? Hmm. A good example is that show on the building of the pyramids in Egypt shown on the Discovery Channel. A: Oh, I get it. Thanks! B: Youre welcome. -. 3 SONG 3: Crash and Burn Warm-Up a')O# (Crash and Burn) + ("# (Savage Garden) `")P`" (! $ O()%("#$'!"( Where were they from? (Australia) How many members did it have? (two) When did the band split up? (in 2001) What are the other names of their songs? (for exanple, Truly, Madly, Deeply) (% !))"O# Savage Garden %('))a'#') 86 P`" At the time they broke up, were they popular? O")a%O! # a')( %$a')P`" (They were one of Australias most successful bands.) a') )"O!)%( ba)P*&## P (( They are from Brisbane. Daniel met Darren through an advertisement. S)) .O""`)!"()a%O#O( -. 1 a')($# a')(PO# %$a')#+(# S 3 (# (#+ floor (#O 2 mall + (# 3 say a')($#O'PO"#P$# 3 P a')# P)#+( a')##%+5(; ($#"O%P a')## + 34)#" U/: floor door anymore fall mall call say away day -. 2 a')('P'O+#"),)+ bOa$#(+ a')+( $#+)P+34'"PO# %$%P U/: Answers will vary. Possible answers: The world has turned its back on you; broken heart; crash and burn; you feel like you canzt face the day; heartache and pain -. 3 `"(""),(#! "O"".$# '( % ' O(#! `)O'%" %$a')+#" +%'"O`,#O;,O#"& !"( S# a')%'" ba')a)b#)# b If you7, Ill7 a')+ O%'"O + a')+)!`)")(# %'"## a')"(%'"##a')Oa$# %$a')+( +)! GAME 3: True or False? 53/ (Suggested Procedures) b'O'') `)' ( Its heads. `))( Its tails. P( heads tails a')("'"#P$# 2 P$ (Heads is the front side of a coin, often showing a portrait of an important person; tails is the other side of a coin.) a')(PO#aa% %$a')(""..(""$ #$ $O 1 +(# S(" (" 3 $O 2 +( b'!) 3 $# Ob')'"O% !)O"( ( $O 3 5)(O 1 +(# 1 b;,O#O")+ (') 87) bO b"& `)# (true) ' S b& )"!"(`)# (false) ( The most exciting place I ever visited was Paris, France. $O 4 5)(a(" 2 $#P`"`"5)(O 1 2 b O% % (5)(O 1 %#'% ( What did you do when you were in Paris? What did you think of the Louvre Cathedral? ( b'#"& # O! % )( Louvre .*9 (Museum) !"(a(b` (Cathedral) b`O" O#"Oa# Notre Dame) %$+( a%(5)(O 1 %# '% a')+( True or False & +)a')5)( O 1 :-*4/ 1. "P%a%) _________________________________________________________ +#8 ___________________________________________________________________ 2. '/ a%) _____________________________________________________ +#+)! _______________________________________________________________________ 3. O#O!"(!) "+5 _____________________________________________________________ '5 _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. #+5%) _______________________________________________________ #O __________________ 5) _________/ _________/ _________ PROJECT 1 A Snapshot of a Historical Place 5312 .a')#(% "%" project 13 O% !))O + "a%## ( a+( project % "* snapshots (snapshot `(" "( a casual photo taken with a handheld camera) a') *a project 1 b!"()#($O# `"( S *#a (George Washington) %$a')(`Oa*Oa %+(#+ %!"(a( PO`)#!) ( the White House, Washingtons house S) + ""( `O# )')( !)# (the name of the place, why it is famous, where it is located, what it looks like, and what there is to do and see there) %$a')('O#(a project 1 ( A B C D) a'#') 93 a')($O# .`)!"()a% )a')O)a%(. a')O c # a') project O#% S project + %a')#')( 1 ') (;,O#% P S)) %$a')(%+ a')P+ P a')%( ')(+ + O#O (%+ a')P+ PO ###O %a')+#"' ( a## O # ! '!"()a%#!' S) a')' *+ `(" a') ##+ * P# project 1 "+ OO c (a& S('(" c) '35# a$ +)a')""5# PROJECT 2 Snapshots of Interesting Experiences Background notes Rattlesnake: #'# O#;,O#a$O$#'"# '-" O"$ % P( rattle ;,O#+ (## #'# O#$% )b%"'O"% O ('#Pa')##+'" c $ c David Bowie: )##O"O#a 1970 % O# %% 1l-..-.1eV44*.d Walt Disney World complex ;/ +m1l-.1 d/I23 -))*-)13Y 9( /2+23)13Y Epcot Center: 5312 (% !)P project snapshot 2 O O(a%## (% !)O 3 'b%O+ P!)a'#') 94 a') ""()"'($a# ( what the experience was, when it happened, where it happened, how they felt about it, what made it special S) a') project 2 a'#') 94 a')%(($' notes !))# c +( O# / '(")" !)# a')')O#a%+ ,&O((#! (% ")" !)# a') +( (% ! b notes !)$ c a')"(' ( P + O c ("O`"'")#) a')a& first draft (%P S)!)) %$a')P"+ OO a') %#+ a')P+ PO ###O )a')+#" ' ( a##O# ! '!"()a%#!' S) + a')"(' ((")(##!' #!'" #!' a')%",$ #!'+)! # a') #### (%P S)!)) " `( *'O c " # +% &b + a')Pb )a'))#### P# project 2 "+ OO c (a& S('(" c) '35# #$ +)a')""5# PROJECT 3 A Snapshot of an Interesting Person 5312 a') '# .( project 3 SO#OOO" `) S ! !)a')b' *# Antonio Banderas a(#O S( +) a') a'(,$ "`'*#(% http: / / / novelties / youth2.html %$ (" 20 P`" (Twenty Questions) (`"!) Yes/No Questions '(#(a') "( Sa "O"`!)( S Banderas ('%() a') '# + a') *O c a') ""(% *(% !))"# Banderas where Banderas was born, where he grew up, his educational experiences, when he began performing, what movies he made, his present family life S) a')($O# `)!"()a%.+ %% )a')O)a%( .a')O# a')%(' S("( ""O')"#O% "'"#a')P S) (a')P))+ P S notes $ c ( %' *;,O#%b'% +(# S(" c ()"O% a) a')a& first draft (%P S)!)) %$a')P"+ OOa') %#+ a')P+ PO ###O )a')+#"' ( a##O# ! '!"()a%#!' S) + a')"(' ((")(##!' #!'" #!' a')%",$ #!'+)! # a') #### (%P S)!)) a')a) *a### – P# project 3 "+ OO c (a& S('("() '35##')# +)a')""5# Zoom in on Culture 1 Greetings from Around the World Warm-Up a')(OO#+ * a'#') 96 $#P`" What do you think the text is about? (cultural differences in gestures for greetings) Based on the pictures, do you think there are differences in greetings within culture? (yes) a')(%#!)!')O)%"# "%O' ('"'(#(#! $#P`"O%"Oa')!))8."#" ( Are you supposed to shake hands each time you greet someone? (Not necessarily) "% %"a$#+O!)'!))% b (#O#a#.%' a`O S# P'O)%+)'a`O!"( S# $" )"& '(#+) Do you shake hands only when you greet a person, or also when you say goodbye? (Usually only when greeting) "% %"($)`O S#% "% "() Is it OK to wave or nod instead of shaking hands? (Absolutely) b"' )"& SO+#"""(%";,O#a)a`O S# (O )% "% a)b" When you are introduced to many people at once, do you have to shake hands with all of them? (No) aO!)+ Pa'))%' c a !"(%P S)#%" #+( $" + OO+) How many times do you shake during a handshake? (Usually two or three times) Do you use only one hand or both? (Most of the time you use just one hand) (a'(a%"% a)#" `)a)$##"+#`,#)(#(+ %#a% Can you touch someones shoulder as you shake hands? (Only men do) aO!"( S# 5)"% + '!'( c %" (+(% !"(`) (5)'#% !"("!'( Do women shake hands? (Of course) 5)'#"% %"b (#O#a#.%+ a `O S# Do young people shake hands? (Only with adults) ('("+ c "% `a')%"5)a'("O!)+ P c %!"()#%"!)`)" a'"( (% !"(%"+(a).+O c ( high five b"" +)#,$ .$a)$#5)+ 5)'# -. 1: Comprehension a')($O#a') 96 '%a')(" S)!) .)## a')(.)##Oa$ "(O%P S A a')P`"b!"(a')! O$O# a')%( 5%P %"`(")"O'! a')O!) (#!"(a')'#) a')%P%'#)"+)!)O5 .)## (`)") U/: 1. Both are done in different styles, according to the status of the person being greeted. 2. They wave or shake hands. 3. They shake hands, hold one anothers shoulder, and touch foreheads and noses. B a')%( 34+(# c a')("O O + -. 2: Discussion +(# S("( a')("* `,#"),O" 34+(# c a ) B P%(a)#O""),'"aP`")O 1 a'#') 97 a')("+#"'( P`")O 2 (# b%a')("',O# " + ("O c +#"')'!"(')(+$ %a') " "a'))#,$( % +(#")#`O'!"(+(#(#! + "+(#$ O)#*"'##'.'!"( -. 3: Writing O#%a$O#`,#8."!')#!+) %a')`,#+ O ( a'"((! a')"P' ba')%(+)(' +#b,& %(+ P`"(! $ How do the paragraphs begin? (. + `OOa) $ c) What comes next? (..(P(#!) What variations are described? (O+(#"` `OO( `* + " S#) a')(a& first draft ((#O',O#) # +)!) "O$#(! a')P"( #+) S(#O# a')+( (P#a(#O#+O( +)(%# "('!"( ! !O!"()a% )"+ P)+)! # "O!)# $#((+)!#((# Zoom in on Culture 2 Dining around the World Warm-Up `"(! ')'!"( a')O)'O + a')(O()!'OO S)"P'* `"(!)+a! 'O) OP#+#" ' PPO"a("( ( waitperson () rude (!"(*) main course ('%') tipping (a') ) + leisurely (" !"()) a')+#"'a "* ( What is considered rude behavior from a restaurant customer? What is considered polite? What is polite behavior from a waitperson? What is rude behavior? '(#* %O" O!"("a( (`)a%) ( +(# %#b¦ (#') + O)a)a ' -. 1: Comprehension a')($O#a') 9899 '%a')(" S)!) .)## a')(.)##Oa')# "(O %P S ("`34a')%,()"Pb+#a') S(# ( American: water served automatically; talkative waitperson ("`,($!) OP+34' +(')"! $O# P%( aP,(O")"#+34'"O %$a') (P&(! a(#a(#(#a')`)# U/: 1. I 7. J 2. I 8. I 3. I 9. I 4. A 10. A 11. J, I 5. J 12. 6. A, I I -. 2: Discussion a+#"'a')* ) a')P+34'P`")O 1 %$'OO#)"a) a a')%( + O"' %+)'OO#)"a) b P(! ($% ) a')%(+ ("* P`")O 2 ba')%) * %+)a')"(" (" 4 + O)";,O#+ -. 3: Writing a')(PO#a'#') 99 + ()a%aO#O)#'!"( a')+(# S(" c ( ""')"O%P S( (a') S,$ c !"( S b a')a& first draft ((#O',O#) ## ba))"%,O%!) )"a')"('"O%P S a')#O(#!) 1 (O% "( #+) S(#O# a')+#O (% " + )+)!a(O(+)!"()a% "O!)# a')+)!#((# Zoom in on Culture 3 Singapore Warm-Up (O% a') '# P( Singapore a') O#O)O Singapore a')!)"O ( & (+5(a' &b ) %a)P`"Pa') ( Where is it located? What is the climate like? What kinds of plants/flowers probably grow there? Is it a modern city or an unspoiled paradise? '(#O+#"' PO"aO# ( island, orchid, jungle + urban )" + ()"'($ Sb+P c O$O+(' O! a Singapore: Singapore is a FINE city! `"( b+$P#!' `),!"( O"": Failure to flush a public toilet$150 fine; Smoking in public$500 fine; Skateboarding $500 fine; Littering$1,000 fine; Feeding pigeons$1,000 fine; Importing chewing gum$1,000 fine; Dancing in public$5,000 fine. `" $#( '#(P#!' ((P fine ;,O#"#"'" 1. 2. ( ) a')(" +#"'('"+$ % Pa'))"#((+ (O ",$'!"( -. 1: Comprehension a')($O#'%a')("(#') S)!) .)## a')(.)##Oa')# + (" (O%P S a')O list O`,# Singapore O%a')!) ( / +5(a / &b ) Warm-Up a') $O#O((`)#")#a (P`")+a'#') 101 a')# a')(b!"( ! $O# %$(b(P((a#$O# a')+( P`"O' %$( U/: 1. Singapore is in Southeast Asia, south of Malay. 2. Chinese, Malays, Indians, and Europeans 3. A large bird park, orchid gardens, Night Safari, Underwater World, Volcanoland, Snow City 4. It has very strict laws. -. 2: Discussion a')("+#"'(P`"') 101 ) a')+(# S(" c (* P`")O 1 b ( "#O '"'+(#% #b a)a)# +)% S note #(" a')(" )" ()")O""),#')")O+(# )"a""(+ a S O"P"(`,#"O +(# S 2 ("""'O"(P`")O 2 ("O',O#)#(a #b ("O#!"()# +( ("(''5"'#("# a')b) b+("" 1 a)#(a #b %$3)" 1 ab) O# 3)" 1 a'5#!"(((a #b + 3" 1 a b) (%"O" O ') `))#) "O%b)a')#"(3a S3 -. 3: Writing a')$#')#(PO##O% a"## )#(5)( !"()%+ !"("O"#$ a')+(#("( (" 6 ( ""(a+( O# (( location, size, climate) ")" !)# b!"(%P S)# S b ")a')% ,($ c + "O!))"+) a')%((a& # first draft (b#(#O 1) +)!)( a)$#(! a')P" % + #+)! S b#(#O 2 a')+( (+ O#b#(#O 2 +)(%# " + )+)!a( O(+)!"()a% "O!)# +( ( #+)!#((# %a')5+(##a +(# c ( "(" a') '* + %Pa')#" Fun with Grammar Unit 2 -. 6 4 12 Summary P irregular verb #$ 1. begin 6. cut 2. build 7. do 3. buy 8. eat 4. choose 9. feel 5. come 10. find 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. get hurt know leave read 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. sing speak take wear win a')$#'"# S#" (`)%P"a')P S 2 # OP%"! )" ) 34P irregular verb a') S past tense "O" c 1 P'(" + O"(bP PO 1 )" b! a')a',O#a#" O!)% )# past tense # POa')`)#+)%,#b! a')(! O!)% )#P PO 2 + b! a')(! O past tense #Pa')`)# ($ O! %$# 20 P 5)O!"(!)'5% )#%" Steps "PO#a'#') 88 e(:.31e4: P irregular verb past tense ) past tense + ) a') present tense ( ") %$P present tense (#( ( began % )#( begin P( begin aO 1 P(! ( built % )#( build build aO 2 P($O! ..("a') S(#( ba')" 1 "')$ b"a') $! OP( begin +)( began +)b ! $P( build a') a')(""'("%(% P (#!"O !)"b34%"O"& ($(a')"`%PP irregular verb !)(#,$a% U/: 1. 6. 11. 16. began cut got sang 2. 7. 12. 17. built did hurt spoke 3. 8. 13. 18. bought ate knew took 4. 9. 14. 19. chose felt left wore 5. 10. 15. 20. came found read won Unit 5 -. 11 4 35 Summary "$+ #"%" Simon Says +(+O% P"PO# "P)#O*($ 5)OP5% )#%" Simon says % )# Steps + .(a'#') 88 e(:.31e4: "+(# '(# bPO#+ b)# ) +(# c ( Please..., Would you... S) + ((# bPO#+ b)#(#*(O% O"(" bPO#+ b)#!)a+5( &O(" (#( Would you hop three times on one foot? Please take four steps backward. Spin around one time. Change places with the person next to you. Take one giant step forward. Please take three small steps to the left. Clap hands with the person next to you. Please look over your left shoulder. Unit 6 -. 4 4 40 Summary a"$a')+(# S"+(#O' adverb # adjective *aOP' Steps + .(a'#') 89 e(:.31e4: a') adverb (O"(" +(# S 2 " A + B +( "" 1 +% &O" adjective (#(#) a')+( " "# List A List B 1. slow 2. beautiful 3. good 4. safe 5. hard 6. fast 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. clear heavy easy early late quiet 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. late easy clear early slow fast b P# 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. quiet good safe hard heavy beautiful a') '#)" c "Oa') a"( adverb # adjective %#a & %$"$# adjective + adverb "O%(+ `)#$#'" S5) List A 1. slow = slowly 2. beautiful = beautifully 3. good = well 4. safe = safely 5. hard = hard 6. fast = fast 7. clear = clearly 8. heavy = heavily 9. easy = easily 10. early = early 11. late = late 12. quiet = quietly List B 1. late = late 2. easy = easily 3. clear = clearly 4. early = early 5. slow = slowly 6. fast = fast 7. quiet = quietly 8. good = well 9. safe = safely 10. hard = hard 11. heavy = heavily 12. beautiful = beautifully Unit 7 -. 7 4 48 Summary )#%P past participle ((# 3) #PO!"( S ! "a')!) bOa') past participial forms #POP'a')#a & %$a')%POO % (a% P +"!)O Steps + .(a'#') 89 e(:.31e4: Base form ((# 1) + Past participle ((# 3) a')#a" #$ Base form Past participle form 1. be been 2. bring brought 3. choose chosen 4. do done 5. eat eaten 6. feel 7. find 8. get 9. go 10. hit Base form 11. keep 12. know 13. leave 14. lose 15. put 16. read 17. stand 18. take 19. wear 20. write felt found got, gotten gone hit Past participle form kept known left lost put read stood taken worn written a') 5 O%%P (# 1 + (# 3 %$ Base form bP a') Past participle form a') O(O% P!) a')P 2 "O'"+) a')+ O &P ##O +)a')%PO`)# a')OO!)`)#"O S5) >P: %a') Base form + Past participle form + (#%PO (("%PO`)#)" Unit 9 -. 6 4 62 Summary "$ S"+(#% +(#P $(+ $%P 20 P a') 5 O!)"O S5) Steps + .(a'#') 90 e(:.31e4: (O% P 20 P "'"# Positive, Comparative + Superlative 9 O+ #P#P'($ (#P '%OP' ( old, big, happy, incredible, nice S) Pba)+5(a' &+5(a'(!)(#') P (adjectives) '($ 1. high 2. funny 3. good 4. thin 5. intelligent 6. small 7. soft 8. bad 9. pretty 10. smart 11. new 12. fat 13. difficult 14. wonderful 15. noisy 16. safe 17. lazy 18. far 19. young 20. sad a')#a+5( &+(# S 3 (# Positive, Comparative + Superlative %$ a')P #a(#O 1 (Positive) a') 5 Oa') P$(#a(#O 2 Comparative + P$#a(#O 3 Superlative O!)`"O S5) : Positive Comparative Superlative 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. high funny good thin intelligent small soft bad pretty smart new fat difficult wonderful noisy safe higher than funnier than better than thinner than more intelligent than smaller than softer than worse than prettier than smarter than newer than fatter than more difficult than more wonderful than noisier than safer than the highest the funniest the best the thinnest the most intelligent the smallest the softest the worst the prettiest the smartest the newest the fattest the most difficult the most wonderful the noisiest the safest 17. 18. 19. 20. lazy far young sad lazier than farther than younger than sadder than the laziest the farthest the youngest the saddest Unit 10 -. 8 4 69 Summary "$ S"+(#ba'),& % *+ b%"%P O * "O"` b!)`)#"O S5) Steps + .(a'#') 90 e(:.31e4: %*') 6667 P S+5(b a'( a')O a* O b ''# +# Simple past (V.2) + Past continuous (was/were + b b% Exercise 7 ') 69 ( I was admiring the view when I tripped and fell. S) %$" 2 " ba') S(# +(# S 2 " %$a')*a') 6667 a') 1 Oa*+ ,& * a') '# a')+( ";,O#"')O bO"a" a') 5 a')"a")# ba')!)"O ba) Simple past + Past continuous a')#+( " b#" b +( "% !) +`) bOa) Simple past + Past continuous !)`)# "O !) +"O S5) `)%P" %+(# S'"!) U/: Possible answers: There was an accident (this morning/this afternoon/yesterday). While (name of first man) was driving, the ducks were crossing the street. Another car was following (name of first man). When (name of first man) stopped, the second car smashed into his car. (Name of man on bike) fell off his motorcycle. While (name of second carJs driver) was checking the cars engine, he burned his hand. Two boys were playing soccer when the accident happened. The ball hit the food on the table. While (name of woman with cut) was showing the cut on her finger, (name of man with cap) fainted. (Name of man with cap) fainted when he saw the blood on her finger. The ducks were still crossing the street when the police arrived. Information Gaps Unit 5 -. 8 4 34 Grammar Focus: )#P`"Oa) will a Future tense + P`"+" b 5312 a')O# S( ',O# S A + ',O# S B a')+( ')OP'a') (`)O##)" %% )#'+ "''#" $## '(#$# 2 ) a')+( b&## .(b&a') 91 + 92 !"('" +( % )#()"## + ()"aO'! )a'))#P`" a')5`"Oa')!))"a(O'! Oa) will + a')+" b($ "`)#P`") will ba')O(#`" S(# 3ele3:: 3 A, B Student A: 1. Student A: When will the dance party be? Student B: Itll be on Saturday, February 14. 2. Student A: How long will the dance party last? (When will the dance party be over?) Student B: Itll last until midnight. Itll be over at midnight. 3. Student A: What will they serve? Student B: Theyll serve pizza and soda. Student B: 1. Student B: Student A: 2. Student B: Student A: 3. Student B: Student A: Where will the dance party be? Itll be at George Washington High School Gymnasium. At what time will it begin? Itll begin at 7.00 P.M. What kinds of music will they play? Theyll play hip-hop, rock, and world music. Unit 11 -. 7 4 77 Communication Focus: !(`"+ a'))"O"" 5312 a')O# S( ',O# S A + ',O# S B a')+( a'# ')OP'a') (`)O##)" %% )#'+ " ''#"$## '(#$# 2 ) a')"O,&)"%#b .Pa') )a%(P%" .a')#( +( % !))"OO!"(" %,#)#5`" - OP%"a')%! c $ P%" + a')"('`) )# 3el/2e3:: Student A: 1. A: B: A: B: 2. A: B: A: B: Whats on channel 2 at 7:30 tonight? Let me check the TV guide. Seven-thirty, channel 2, Hollywood Squares. What type of show is it? Its a game show. I dont really like game shows. Whats on channel 5 at 7:00 tonight? Newscast is on channel 5 at 7:00. What type of show is it? Its a news show. 3. A: B: A: B: 4. A: B: A: B: OK. Whats on channel 5 at 8:00? Let me check. Eight oclock, channel 5, That J70s Show. What kind of show is that? Thats a sitcom. OK. One last question. Whats on at 9:00 on channel 21? A show called Ireland is on at 9:00 on channel 21. What type of show is that? Its a documentary. Student B: 1. A: Whats on channel 2 at 9:00 tonight? B: Im not sure. I think its CSI. Let me check. Yes, its CSI. A: What type of show is it? B: Its a drama a detective drama. 2. A: Cool. Whats on channel 5 at 7:30? B: The Simpsons is on channel 5 at 7:30. A: What kind of show is that? B: Its a cartoon. Havent you seen it? 3. A: Oh, yes. I remember. So whats on channel 5 at 9:00? B: Thats another good show, Seinfeld. A: And what is Seinfeld? B: Thats a sitcom. 4. A: OK. Whats on channel 21 at 8:00? B: Hometime is on channel 21 at 8:00. A: What kind of show is that? B: Thats a home decorating show. U/ Units Tests