Thule Kaufhilfe 2014
Thule Kaufhilfe 2014
Thule Kaufhilfe 2014 Dachträger & Heckklappen-Fahrradträger Online Mobile fitguide with the latest recommendations Inhalt 3 Wie Sie den richtigen Träger auswählen 4 Dachträger 6 Fußsätze 7 Wie viel können Sie transportieren 8 Dachträger Kaufhilfe Professional Träger 54 Professional Kaufhilfe 64 • Wählen Sie Fahrzeugmodel und Baujahr aus • Wählen Sie den Dachtyp aus 1 Dachreling 2 Normales Dach 3 Fixpunkte 4 Integrierte Dachreling 5 Regenrinne Fahrradträger 52 Heckklappen-Fahrradträger 66 Heckklappen-Fahrradträger Kaufhilfe 75 Sicherheit & Gewährleistung • Überprüfen Sie die Auswahl in dieser Kaufhilfe, auf oder kontaktieren Sie Ihren Thule Händler Thule One Key System 544/588 Machen Sie es sich einfach, indem Sie alle Schließzylinder Ihrer Thule Produkte auswechseln. So können Sie ein und denselben Schlüssel für sämtliche Schlösser verwenden, sowohl für Lastenträger, Fahrradträger, Dachboxen und Skiträger als auch für anderes Zubehör. Fragen Sie einfach nach dem Thule One Key System. 2 Dachträger Wie Sie den richtigen Träger auswählen 3 Dachträger Thule Rapid System Dachträger Das sichere und universelle Dachträgersystem bietet verschiedene Lastenträger Optionen um genau Ihren Anforderungen zu genügen. Das Thule Rapid System ist passend für die große Mehrheit aller Fahrzeuge und bietet Lösungen für alle verschiedenen Dachtypen Thule WingBar Edge Thule SlideBar Thule WingBar Edge hat ein extra flaches Profil welches näher am Dach ist. Damit schaut Ihr Auto noch besser aus. Der Dachträger wurde so designt, dass er auch auf dem Dach bleiben kann wenn er nicht in Gebrauch ist. Dank angewandter Flugzeug-Technologie und Windkanal Tests sind Geräuschlevel und Aerodynamik auf dem besten Level - marktweit. Die innovative Thule SlideBar erleichtert das Aufladen von schweren Gegenständen. Da sie längsseitig zur Fahrzeugkarosserie ausziehbar ist, schützt sie Ihren Wagen vor Schäden, und Sie machen sich nicht schmutzig. BESCHREIBUNG EIGENSCHAFTEN • Beidseiting ausziehbar (60cm auf jeder Seite), für einfachste Be- und Entladung auf dem Fahrzeugdach. • Beidseitig ausziehbar, schützt Ihr Auto vor Kratzern und Sie machen sich nicht schmutzig. • Gummierte Griffflächen sorgen für besonders sicheren Griff bei Nutzung der Ausziehfunktion. • Maximale Sicherheit für Anwender durch Schnappschloss-Funktion & Farbanzeige für offene und geschlossene Position. • Ausgezeichnet mit dem Red Dot und dem If-Design Award. In drei Längen erhältlich: 127 cm (SlideBar 891), 144 cm (SlideBar 892) und 162 cm (SlideBar 893). Bei der Montage von Zubehör auf der Thule SlideBar wird ein T-Nut Adapter benötigt. Thule WingBar Edge 958X BESCHREIBUNG EIGENSCHAFTEN • Das flachaufliegende Profil sorgt für einen tollen Look. Zudem wird es sicherer unter niedrigen Passagen durchzufahren. • Leicht gebogen für eine tolle Optik. • Universell anpassbar dank Teleskop-Funktion (50 mm/ Seite). • Außerordentliche Sicherheit dank Drehmomentschlüssel. • Doppelt geformte Endkappen für beste Optik und leichte Montage. • Leichtes Handling dank vormontiertem System und integriertem Fußsatz (Komplettpackung). • Diebstahlsicherung und universelle Anpassung dank Stahlband Technologie • Thule WingBar in neuer Konfiguration. Beste aerodynamische Eigenschaften durch Anwendung von Flugzeug Technologie. 9581, 9582, 9583, 9584, 9585 In fünf Ausführungen erhältlich: Der starke und leise Typ. Die durch einen Flugzeugflügel inspirierte Thule WingBar ist sicher, elegant und aerodynamisch – und extrem leise. Im Vergleich zum Vorgänger wurden die Schallenergie um 90 % und der Luftwiderstand um 55 % reduziert. BESCHREIBUNG Fahrradträger Thule WingBar EIGENSCHAFTEN • WindDiffuser™. Extrem leise durch Flügelform in Kombination mit strukturierter Gummileiste. Die Thule WingBar ist 90% leiser als die Thule AeroBar. • SmartSlide™. Einfache Nutzung dank innovativer Leiste mit Längenskala. • TrailEdge™. Designt um Luftwiderstand zu verringern und um Benzin zu sparen. • WingPlug™. Einfache Montage von Zubehör dank T-Nut und innovativer Endkappe. • Dank exzellenter aerodynamischer Beschaffenheit wurde der Luftwiderstand im Vergleich zur Thule AeroBar um 55% verringert. In fünf Längen erhältlich: 108 cm (WingBar 960), 120 cm (WingBar 961) 127 cm (WingBar 969), 135 cm (WingBar 962), 150 cm (WingBar 963). Thule WingBar Edge 959X BESCHREIBUNG EIGENSCHAFTEN • Das flachaufliegende Profil sorgt für einen tollen Look. Zudem wird es sicherer unter niedrigen Passagen durchzufahren. • Leicht gebogen für eine tolle Optik. • Universell anpassbar dank Teleskop-Funktion (50 mm/Seite). • Doppelt geformte Endkappen für beste Optik und leichte Montage. • Einfaches Handling dank vormontiertem System und integriertem Fußsatz. Zu vervollständigen mit bestehendem 753-Kit (2er Pack Lösung). • Thule WingBar in neuer Konfiguration. Beste aerodynamische Eigenschaften durch Anwendung von Flugzeug Technologie. 9591, 9592, 9593, 9594, 9595 4 In fünf Ausführungen erhältlich: Thule SquareBar Wenn Sie den Lastenträger nur gelegentlich nutzen, könnte die Thule SquareBar aus Stahl mit einer haltbaren schwarzen Kunststoffbeschichtung für Sie das Richtige sein. BESCHREIBUNG In fünf Längen erhältlich: 108 cm (SquareBar 760), 120 cm (SquareBar 761) 127 cm (SquareBar769), 135 cm (SquareBar 762), 150 cm (SquareBar 763) 5 Wieviel können Sie transportieren Normales Dach Thule Traversen - Länge Fixpunkte/integrierte Reling WingBar 960 961 969 962 963 SquareBar 760 761 769 762 763 108 cm 120 cm 127 cm 135 cm 150 cm Maximale Breite der Ladung SlideBar Thule Rapid System 754 Der sicherste und exklusivste Fuß für Fahrzeuge ohne Reling oder Fixpunkte. Thule Wingbar Edge 959X Der sicherste und leiseste Fuß. Jetzt auch flachaufliegend. Maximale Breite der Ladung Thule Rapid System 753 Eleganter, abgesenkter UniversalFuß für Fahrzeuge mit eingebauten Fixpunkten oder integrierter Dachreling. Thule Rapid System 751 Praktischer und universeller Fuß für Fahrzeuge mit eingebauten Fixpunkten. 892 893 144 cm 162 cm Thule Traverse - Maximale Breite der Ladung Thule WingBar Edge - Maximale Breite der Ladung 390 391 392 393 394 395 120 cm 135 cm 150 cm 175 cm 200 cm 220 cm Thule WingBar Edge 9581 9582 9583 9584 9585 9591 9592 9593 9594 9595 Minimale Breite der Ladung 63 cm 71 cm 79 cm 63/71 cm 71/79 cm 69 cm 77 cm 85 cm 69/77 cm 77/85 cm Maximale Breite der Ladung 73 cm 81 cm 89 cm 73/81 cm 81/89 cm 79 cm 87 cm 95 cm 79/87 cm 87/95 cm Thule ProBar Maximale Breite der Ladung Regenrinne Dachreling 891 127 cm Dachträger Fußsätze Thule Produkte für das Fahrzeugdach - Breite Thule Wingbar Edge 958X Der sicherste und leiseste Fuß. Jetzt auch flachaufliegend. Thule Rapid System 757 Weltweit meistverkaufter Fuß für Fahrzeuge mit normaler Dachreling. Thule Rapid System 775 Universeller und eleganter Relingfuß, welcher für eine Vielzahl von Relingmaßen geeignet ist. Thule Smart Rack. mit SquareBar 784/785 oder mit AeroBar 794/795. Ein Universeller und benutzerfreundlicher Relingträger im Komplettpaket. Thule 951 Klassischer Dachträger für Fahrzeuge mit Regenrinne. Dachtyp Normales Dach Fixpunkte Name Thule Rapid System Thule Rapid System Thule Rapid System 754 753 Ladekapazität (kg)¹ 75 Fußhöhe (cm)² 9.6 33 Thule Xtender 739 78 Thule K-Guard 840 63 Thule Dynamic 800 84 Thule FreeRide 532 21 Thule Deluxe 740 48 Thule SUP Taxi 810 81 Thule Dynamic 900 94 Thule OutRide 561 22 Thule Deluxe 726 58 Thule Hull-a-Port Pro 837 48 Thule Motion 200 86 Thule Sprint 569 20 Thule Deluxe 727 78 Thule Hull-a-Port 835-1 46 Thule Motion 600 67 Thule SnowPro 745 49 Thule Multipurpose Carrier 855 12 Thule Motion 800 84 Thule SnowPro 746 59 Thule Sailboard Carrier 533 59 Thule Motion 900 94 Thule SnowPro Uplifted 748 58 Thule Sailboard Carrier 833 65 Thule Pacific 100 90 Thule Pacific 200 82 Thule Rapid System Thule Rapid System Thule Rapid System Thule SmartRack Thule WingBar Edge Thule 751 959X 753 757 775 784/785 794/795 958X 951/951-2 Thule Pacific 500 55 100 100 75 75 100 100 75 75 100 Thule Pacific 600 63 7.2 10.5 5,9 7.2 7.5 6.5 7.5 4,1 15 Thule Pacific 780 78 • Zubehör 527 Thule Pacific 700 70 • Geeignet für WingBar • • Geeignet für SlideBar • • Geeignet für AeroBar • Geeignet für SquareBar • • • (Beachte Verschiedenes) • • • • • • • • (951-2) Thule Ranger 90 80 • • • • • (951-2) Thule Ranger 500 50 • • • • • • (951-2) • • • • • • * Beachten Sie, dass die Gesamtbreite abhängig von Ihrer Ladung ist. • Montagekit benötigt • • • • • TÜV geprüft • • • • • • • • • Erfüllt die City Crash Norm • • • • • • • • • Passend für Relinggrößen zwischen 22 und 55 mm. Passend für Relinggrößen zwischen 20 und 68 mm. Passend für Relinggrößen zwischen 18 und 50 mm. Mit Spezialwerkzeug abschließbar. Komplett Paket Verschiedenes Breite* (in cm) Thule ProRide 591 Thule WingBar Edge • Breite* Water (in cm) 94 Dachreling • Breite* Winter (in cm) Thule Excellence XT Integrierte Reling Schloss Regenrinne Breite* Bike (in cm) Fahrradträger Lastenträgerfüße Dachboxen • Auch verfügbar für Fahrzeuge mit Hochdach, Fußpaket 952/952-2 und 953/953-1 Beispiele ¹ Die Maximalbelastung ist das maximal erlaubte Gewicht für jede Art von Dachträger. Die Maximalbelastung für Ihr Fahrzeug entnehmen Sie Ihrem Fahrzeughandbuch und der Thule Montageanleitung. ² Die Fußhöhe ist der Abstand von der Fußbasis bis zur Kontaktfläche der Schiene. Bitte beachten: • Für Abstände zur Oberseite der Schiene geben Sie 22 mm für Thule SquareBars, 27 mm für Thule AeroBars, 27 mm für Thule WingBars und 48 mm für Thule SlideBars hinzu. • Das fahrzeugspezifische Montagekit wurde bei der Höhenabmessung nicht berücksichtigt. 6 Thule WingBar 963 (150 cm) Thule Excellence XT + Thule ProRide 591 (x2) Thule WingBar 969 (127 cm) Thule ProRide 591 (x2) + Thule K-Guard 840 Thule WingBar 963 (150 cm) Thule ProRide 591 (x5) Thule WingBar 962 (135 cm) Thule Motion 800 + Thule Deluxe 726 7 1544 D C TSX 4-dr Sedan 09-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1492 C 1016 ALFA ROMEO Thule Dachträger Kaufhilfe 155 4-dr Sedan 93-97 Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 156 Crosswagon 5-dr Estate 04-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 891 784/794 Fuß + Kurzdachadapter 156 Sportwagon 5-dr Estate 00-05 Roof Rails 961 391 761 757 EL 4-dr Sedan 96-05 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 159 Sportwagon 4-dr Sedan 05-> Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1419 C MDX 5-dr SUV 01-06 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1548 C 159 Sportwagon 5-dr Estate 06-> Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1419 C MDX 5-dr SUV 07-> Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 1549 C 159 Sportwagon 5-dr Estate 06-> Roof Rails 961 391 761 757 RDX 5-dr SUV 07-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1550 C 166 4-dr Sedan 98-03, 04-07 Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 S/SL 5-dr Hatchback 88-02 762 951 Alfetta GT/GTV 2-dr Coupe 84-87 MiTo 3-dr Hatchback 08-> 1132 Raingutter TL 4-dr Sedan 09-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1519 D TL 4-dr Sedan 04-08 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1544 C TSX 4-dr Sedan 09-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1492 C 155 4-dr Sedan 93-97 Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1016 156 Crosswagon 5-dr Estate 04-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 156 Sportwagon 5-dr Estate 00-05 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 80 4-dr Sedan 87-94 Normal Roof 960 891 390 760 754 80 Avant 5-dr Estate 92-95 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 100 4-dr Sedan 91-93 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 100 Avant 5-dr Estate 83-91, 92-94 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 4000 4-dr Sedan 87-91 Normal Roof 960 891 390 760 754 1001 159 Sportwagon 4-dr Sedan 05-> Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1419 A1 3-dr Hatchback 10-> Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1615 C 159 Sportwagon 5-dr Estate 06-> Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1419 A1 5-dr Hatchback 12-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1686 D 159 Sportwagon 5-dr Estate 06-> Roof Rails 961 391 761 757 A2 5-dr MPV 00-05 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1195 166 4-dr Sedan 98-03, 04-07 Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 A3 3-dr Hatchback 96-02 Alfetta GT/GTV 2-dr Coupe 84-87 A3 Hersteller, dem Modell 5-dr Hatchback 96-06 (S. AMERICA) Normal Roof 961 Komponenten, die Sie benötigen, 754 MiTo 3-dr Hatchback 08-> Fixed Points A3 und dem Typen 5-dr Hatchback 99-03 754 A3 Sportback 5-dr Hatchback 04-12 A3 3-dr Hatchback 03-12 Normal Roof 969 A3 Auto Modelle: 5-dr Hatchback Dach Typ: 04-12 Normal Roof 969 A3 5-dr Hatchback 13-> Normal Roof 969 Ihren Lastenträger, rechts. 892 391 769 siehe 754 961 891 Suchen Sie nach dem Normal Roof der Info761 Spalte Die Nummern zeigen Ihnen die 961 Wenn Sie in391 891Buchstaben 391 761 einen finden, Normal Roof 961 vergewissern 891 391Sie sich 761was um Ihren Lastenträger zu vervollständigenFlush Rails 969 dieser 892 bedeutet. 769 969 A4 Allroad 5-dr Estate 08-12 961 A4 A4 Hatchback Schrägheck Coupé A4 Allroad Coupé 5-dr Hatchback 13-> 5-dr Estate 13-> Roof Rails Roof Rails 961 961 961 391 769 1002 784/794 754 1038 D In einigen Fällen bieten wir1038 Komplettpakete als D Alternative Lösung an. 1038 D 753 9595 754 892 391 Informationen 769 754 Wichtige für A 391 761 753 891Maximale 391 761 Last 754 30 891 754 B 892 C 891 891 D 891 391 761 391 769 391 -ıı- 761 -ıı- 391 -ıı391 761 9595 kg 40 kg 754 757 kg 50 757 5-dr Estate 96-01 Normal Roof 961 5-dr Estate 08-> Flush Rails 961 891 761 leer ist, 753 Wenn die Spalte 9592 A4 Avant FUß + KURZDACHADAPTER 5-dr Estate 96-01, 02-04, 05-07 Roof Rails Roof Railing 961 dann ist über 891 391die Dachlast 761 757 9584 A5 Sedan Stufenheck A6 A6 A6 A6 Estate Kombi A6 Allroad A6 Allroad A6 Avant A6 Avant MPV MPV A6 Avant A6 Avant A7 5-dr Estate 94-97 Normal Roof 5-dr Estate 98-04 Normal Roof 961 Flush Rails 961 5-dr Estate 05-10, 11-> SUV SUV Pickup Pickup Bus Bus Van Van 8 Fußsatz mit vierNormal Füßen.Roof Für 969 detaillierte Informationen, siehe 5-dr Hatchback 09-> Normal Roof 969 Seite 6. Der Kurzdachadapter ist 4-dr Sedan 94-97 Normal Roof ein Adapter für Fahrzeuge mit 961 4-dr Sedan 98-00, 01-03 kurzem Dach, um Normal Roof 961 den Abstand 4-dr Sedan 04-10 Normal Roof 969 zwischen den Traversen zu vergrößern. (Wird nur für 4-dr Sedan 11-> Normal Roof 962 Fixed points wenige Fahrzeugmodelle Fixpunkte 5-dr Estate 00-04 Roof Rails 961 und nur mit dem Fußsatz 754 5-dr Estate 06-> Roof Rails 969 benötigt). 60 kg. Bitte überprüfen Sie 391 769 die Anweisungen in der754 892 391 769 754 Montageanleitung. Reling07-> 2-dr CoupÈ Flush Railing 5-dr Estate 94-97, 98-04 5-drIntegrierte Hatchback 10-> Dachreling Raingutter Regenrinne Roof Rails MONTAGEKIT Normal Roof Die Verpackung beinhaltet vier fahrzeugspezifische Halteklammern und gegebenenfalls Gummiauflagen zur Befestigung am Fahrzeugdach. 961 961 962 H 891 1001 80 4-dr Sedan 87-94 Normal Roof 960 891 390 760 754 80 Avant 5-dr Estate 92-95 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 1708 D Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 891 390 760 754 N 100 4-dr Sedan 91-93 100 Avant 5-dr Estate 83-91, 92-94 4000 4-dr Sedan 87-91 Normal Roof 960 A1 3-dr Hatchback 10-> Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1615 C A1 5-dr Hatchback 12-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1686 D 891 391 761 754 1195 391 761 754 1038 D D A2 5-dr MPV 00-05 Normal Roof 961 784/794 3-dr Hatchback 96-02 Normal Roof 961 5-dr Hatchback 96-06 (S. AMERICA) Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1038 391 761 754 1038 D 769 753 4014 N 1019 D 4007 N A3 5-dr Hatchback 99-03 Normal Roof 961 891 A3 Sportback 5-dr Hatchback 04-12 Flush Rails 969 892 784/794 1571 C A3 3-dr Hatchback 03-12 Normal Roof 969 1571 C A3 5-dr Hatchback 04-12 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1417 C 769 754 1417 D A3 5-dr Hatchback 13-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1039 A3 Sportback 5-dr Hatchback 13-> Flush Rails 961 891 391 761 753 769 754 1591 sind notwendig. 891 391 761 391 761 9583 754 Türrahmen. 761 WingBar hat 391 Edge 761 N 891 9595 757 9582 4001 D D D, N D A4 4-dr Sedan 95-99, 00-00 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1019 A4 4-dr Sedan 01-04, 05-07 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1212 A4 4-dr Sedan 08-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 785/795 5-dr Estate 08-12 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9585 N 784/794 A4 Allroad 5-dr Estate 13-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9585 N 784/794 391 761 754 761 753 9592 9584 N N 1625 1708 4035 A4 Allroad 1039 753 ein attraktives Profil, 392 762 754 flachaufliegend über dem Fahrzeugdach. Daher muss bei der Anbringung von zusätzlichem Zubehör, z.B. bei Dachboxen, darauf geachtet werden, dass es zu keiner Beeinträchtigung mit Befestigungen des Fahrzeugs (z.B. Antennen) kommt. 892 N 9595 784/794 1002 Ohne Montagelöcher im 391 761 754 M 891 891 D 757 Montage 892 391 von nur 769 einer775 Traverse möglich. 891 1651 9595 391 1002 Bohrungen Fahrzeugdach 392 am 762 754 K 892 784/794 1001 A3 891 391 Abstand 761 Bei diesem ist754 es montieren. 391 1002 784/794 A3 N 784/794 1132 AUDI D N C N 3079 1417 D C 951 C SMART RACK 4035 D, N Ein komplettes 1019 in einer D System Verpackung. 1212 9582 753 nicht möglich eine Dachbox zu 891 391 761 754 892 L 761 960 N 9585 A4 Avant Raingutter 1417 9585 60 kg 754 891 4014 1462 A4 Avant A5 761 ALFA ROMEO 1001 784/794 A4 Avant 5-dr Estate 96-01 Normal Roof 961 891 A4 Avant 5-dr Estate 08-> Flush Rails 961 891 891 A4 Avant 5-dr Estate 96-01, 02-04, 05-07 Roof Rails 961 A5 2-dr CoupÈ 07-> Normal Roof 969 A5 5-dr Hatchback 09-> Normal Roof 969 A6 4-dr Sedan 94-97 Normal Roof 961 391 761 757 391 769 754 892 391 769 891 391 761 1462 Fahrradträger A4 TRAVERSE Flush Rails Die Verpackung beinhaltet 4-dr Sedan 95-99, 00-00 Normal Roof zwei Traversen. In Stahl oder 4-dr Sedan roof 01-04, 05-07 Normal Roof Normal Aluminium. Mehr Informationen 4-dr Sedan 08-> Normal Roof Normales Dach finden Sie auf den Seiten 4-5. A3 Sportback Kurzdachadapter Info AUDI Fuß + 3079 Kit Dach Typ 960 SlideBar Fixed Points WingBar Edge 891 SquareBar 951 753 784/794 ProBar 761 N 1068 WingBar Raingutter 9582 Smart Rack 891 784/794 Dach Typ ACURA Smart Rack 1519 754 Info 754 762 Kit 762 392 WingBar Edge 392 892 SquareBar 892 962 ProBar 962 SlideBar Normal Roof Normal Roof WingBar 4-dr Sedan 09-> 4-dr Sedan 04-08 Dachträger TL TL D 1019 D 4007 N N 1571 C 754 1571 C 754 1002 1039 A6 4-dr Sedan 98-00, 01-03 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 A6 4-dr Sedan 04-10 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1591 A6 4-dr Sedan 11-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1651 A6 Allroad 5-dr Estate 00-04 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 A6 Allroad 5-dr Estate 06-> Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 775 A6 Avant 5-dr Estate 94-97 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 391 761 754 761 753 9595 9582 A6 Avant 5-dr Estate 98-04 Normal Roof 961 891 A6 Avant 5-dr Estate 05-10, 11-> Flush Rails 961 891 A6 Avant 5-dr Estate 94-97, 98-04 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 A7 5-dr Hatchback 10-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 784/794 D 784/794 9583 N 785/795 1002 1039 4001 N N 1625 784/794 D 9 754 761 753 Q5 5-dr SUV 08-> Flush Rails 961 891 761 Q7 5-dr SUV 06-> Flush Rails 961 891 761 Excelle 5-dr Hatchback 04-08 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1338 B 9595 4027 N Excelle 4-dr Sedan 04-08 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1338 A 753 9593 4002 N Roadmaster 5-dr Estate 92-96 T-Profile 961 891 761 753 3057 753 9595 4002 N BLS 4-dr Sedan 06-10 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 BLS 5-dr Estate 07-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9582 N 784/794 SRX 5-dr SUV 05-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9582 N 784/794 1222 TT 2-dr Coupe 98-06 Normal Roof 962 392 762 754 1180 TT 3-dr Coupe 06-> Normal Roof 969 391 769 754 1459 CADILLAC C BMW 2-dr Coupe 07-11 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 1-series 3-dr Hatchback 07-11, 12-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9594 3028 N CHERY 1-series 5-dr Hatchback 04-11, 12-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9594 3028 N A3/J3 5-dr Hatchback 08-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1670 C 1014 A3/J3 4-dr Sedan 08-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1670 C 9592 3065 N Cross 5-dr Estate 07-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 CHEVROLET Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 757 891 391 761 391 761 391 3-series 4-dr Sedan 91-97 Normal Roof 4-dr Sedan 98-01, 02-04 Fixed Points 961 960 891 391 761 3039 3065 1-series 3-series 754 891 390 760 753 391 3-series 4-dr Sedan 98-01, 02-04 Normal Roof 961 891 761 754 3-series 4-dr Sedan 05-11, 12-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9592 3028 N 3-series 5-dr Estate 05-11 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9592 3028 N 3-series 2-dr Coupe 92-98 Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 3-series 2-dr Coupe 99-00, 01-05 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 9592 3065 N 3-series 2-dr Coupe 06-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9592 3039 N 3-series Compact 3-dr Coupe 94-00 Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1014 D 3-series Compact 3-dr Coupe 01-04 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 9592 3065 N 3-series GT 5-dr Hatchback 13-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9592 3028 N 3-series Touring 5-dr Estate 88-95 Raingutter 3-series Touring 5-dr Estate 96-99 Normal Roof 961 891 5-dr Estate 96-99, 00-01, 02-05 5-dr Estate 00-01, 02-05 3-series Touring 3-series Touring 761 951 761 754 1095 1015 1014 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9581 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 9594 N 5-dr Estate 05-10 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9582 5-dr Estate 05-11 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9592 3028 N 3065 N 3-series Touring 5-dr Estate 10-11 Flush Rails 961 891 761 753 9592 4003 N 3-series Touring 5-dr Estate 12- Flush Rails 961 891 761 753 9592 4023 N Fixed Points 961 891 9592 3028 N 4-series 4-dr Coupe 14-> 5-series 4-dr Sedan 88-95 5-series 4-dr Sedan 96-00, 01-03 Fixed Points 961 891 5-series 4-dr Sedan 96-00, 01-03 Normal Roof 962 892 5-series 4-dr Sedan 04-09 Normal Roof 969 892 5-series 4-dr Sedan 10-> Fixed Points 961 891 962 892 Raingutter 5-series GT 4-dr Sedan 09-> Fixed Points 5-series Touring 5-dr Estate 91-96 Raingutter 5-series Touring 5-dr Estate 97-00, 01-03 Normal Roof 961 891 5-series Touring 5-dr Estate 97-00, 01-03 Fixed Points 961 891 391 761 753 391 761 369 761 753 392 762 754 391 769 754 761 753 9592 3065 784/794 N 784/794 N 1020 1325 9595 762 753 391 761 369 391 761 754 761 753 9591 3089 N 3039 1020 3065 N 5-series Touring 5-dr Estate 97-00 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9584 N 784/794 5-series Touring 5-dr Estate 01-03 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9582 N 784/794 9582 N 784/794 5-series Touring 5-dr Estate 04-09 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 5-series Touring 5-dr Estate 04-09 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 961 891 761 753 761 951 761 369 761 951 762 754 761 753 9595 769 757 9583 769 753 9595 5-series Touring 5-dr Estate 10-> Flush Rails 7-series 4-dr Sedan 87-93 Raingutter 7-series 4-dr Sedan 94-01 Raingutter M3 2-dr Coupe 87-92 Raingutter 391 X1 5-dr SUV 10-> Normal Roof 962 892 X1 5-dr SUV 10-> Flush Rails 961 891 X3 5-dr SUV 03-10 Roof Rails 969 892 X3 5-dr SUV 10-> Flush Rails 969 892 392 391 1325 9595 4022 N 1602 C 4013 N N 4023 785/795 N X5 5-dr SUV 00-03, 04-07 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 X5 5-dr SUV 00-03, 04-07 Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 757 9583 1206 N 785/795 X5 5-dr SUV 08-> Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 9583 N 785/795 X5 Individual 5-dr SUV 07-> Flush Rails 969 892 769 753 9593 X6 5-dr SUV 08-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 X6 5-dr SUV 08-> Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 775 9582 N 5-dr Estate 09-> Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 9581 N 4003 1526 N C BRILLIANCE BS4 10 Astra 4-dr Sedan 98->(S. AMERICA) Astro (Passenger) Van 85-05 Aveo 5-dr Hatchback 03-11 Normal Roof 961 Aveo 3-dr Hatchback 04-11 Normal Roof 961 Aveo 4-dr Sedan 06-11 Normal Roof 961 891 784/794 3081 C 754 1303 C 754 1303 B 761 754 1420 775 Blazer 3-dr SUV 95-05 (S. AMERICA) Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 Blazer 3-dr SUV 98-05 Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 757 Blazer 5-dr SUV 98-05 Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 757 Blazer Tahoe 4-dr SUV 83-97 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Captiva 5-dr SUV 06-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Cavalier 2-dr Coupe 82-94 762 951 Celta 3-dr Hatchback 00->(S. AMERICA) Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Celta 5-dr Hatchback 00->(S. AMERICA) Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Chevy Van 95-02 765 952 Colorado 4-dr Double Cab 04-11 Normal Roof 969 892 769 754 Combo 4-dr Van 12-> Fixed Points 969 892 769 753 775 Raingutter Raingutter 391 784/794 9582 9593 N 1461 D 3088 N Combo Tour 5-dr MPV 12-> Roof Rails 963 893 393 763 Corsa 5-dr Hatchback 93->(S. AMERICA) Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Corsa 3-dr Hatchback 93->(S. AMERICA) Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Corsa 5-dr Wagon 96->(S. AMERICA) Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 891 391 761 757 391 761 754 1166 C Corsa 5-dr Estate 97->(S. AMERICA) Roof Rails 961 Cruze 3-dr Hatchback 01-04 Normal Roof 961 Cruze 5-dr Hatchback 01-04 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1166 C Cruze 4-dr Sedan 08-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1569 C Cruze 5-dr Hatchback 01-04 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Cruze 5-dr Hatchback 11-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1569 C 784/794 Fahrradträger 3-series Touring 3-series Touring 391 Smart Rack SquareBar 762 Fuß + Kurzdachadapter Info ProBar 392 891 Dach Typ Kit SlideBar 892 961 BUICK WingBar Edge WingBar 962 Flush Rails Smart Rack SquareBar Normal Roof Fuß + Kurzdachadapter Info ProBar Kit SlideBar WingBar Edge WingBar 4-dr Sedan 95-00, 01-02 5-dr SUV 12-> Dach Typ Dachträger A8 Q3 AUDI 784/794 784/794 Cruze 5-dr Estate 12-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Epica 4-dr Sedan 06-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1429 D 784/794 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1318 D Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 775 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1531 C Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Evanda 4-dr Sedan 03-06 HHR 5-dr MPV 07-11 Impala 4-dr Sedan 06-> Ipanema 5-dr Estate 88-95 (S. AMERICA) Kadett 3-dr Hatchback 85-98 (S. AMERICA) Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Kadett 5-dr Hatchback 85-98 (S. AMERICA) Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Kalos 5-dr Hatchback 03-11 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1303 C Kalos 3-dr Hatchback 04-11 Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1303 B Lacetti 5-dr Hatchback 04-08 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1338 B Lacetti 5-dr Estate 04-08 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Lova 4-dr Sedan 06-11 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1420 Malibu 4-dr Sedan 08-12 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1540 D Malibu 4-dr Sedan 13-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1684 C Matiz (Mk. I) 5-dr Hatchback 98-05 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1105 Matiz (Mk. I) 5-dr Hatchback 98-05 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Matiz (Mk. II) 5-dr Hatchback 05-09 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Matiz (Mk. II) 5-dr Hatchback 05-09 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 784/794 1415 C 784/794 11 4-dr Sedan 86-88 Raingutter 762 951 Nubira III 4-dr Sedan 04-08 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 960 891 390 760 761 391 761 754 1706 969 892 391 Raingutter 1359 C Raingutter Town & Country 5-dr MPV 95-05 Normal Roof 962 892 Town & Country 5-dr MPV 95-05 T-Profile 961 891 392 C 754 1043 C 753 3057 761 754 763 951 762 761 Town & Country 5-dr MPV 95-05 Roof Rails 961 891 5-dr MPV 06-07 T-Profile 969 892 757 Voyager 5-dr MPV 88-95 Raingutter 763 951 951 Voyager 5-dr MPV 95-00 Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 Voyager 5-dr MPV 96-00 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 A 761 757 769 753 784/794 3040 Nubira III 5-dr Estate 04-08 Roof Rails Omega 4-dr Sedan 94-98 (S. AMERICA) Raingutter Onix 5-dr Hatchback 12-> Normal Roof 961 Optra 5-dr Hatchback 04-08 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1338 B Voyager 5-dr MPV 96-05 T-Profile 961 891 761 753 3057 Optra 4-dr Sedan 04-08 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1338 A Voyager 5-dr MPV 04-07 T-Profile 969 892 769 753 3040 769 753 3103 D, N Voyager 5-dr MPV 08-> Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 775 390 760 751 3081 C Voyager LX 5-dr MPV, Dual Sliding Door, 08-> Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 1470 391 761 754 1706 B Voyager/Grand Voyager 5-dr MPV 96-00, 01-05 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 3057 761 754 1184 769 751 3072 Orlando 5-dr MPV 11-> Fixed Points 969 892 Prisma 4-dr Sedan 07->(S. AMERICA) Fixed Points 960 891 Prisma 4-dr Sedan 13-> Normal Roof 961 Rezzo 5-dr Estate 00-04, 05-08 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 Rezzo 5-dr Estate 00-04, 05-08 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 S 10 4-dr Double Cab 12-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 9593 B 1207 9581 N 784/794 Smart Rack 1227 Kurzdachadapter Town & Country 1338 391 Info Nova Normal Roof 391 Normal Roof 5-dr MPV 90-95 Kit 5-dr Hatchback 86-88 891 4-dr Sedan 01-06 Town & Country Fuß + WingBar Edge 951 5-dr SUV 03-> Nova 961 Sebring SquareBar 754 762 D ProBar 769 1301 Niva Raingutter Dach Typ SlideBar 951 5-dr MPV 02->(S. AMERICA) 2-dr Sedan 80-90, 91-95 (Brazil) CHRYSLER CITROEN WingBar 754 762 Meriva Monza Smart Rack 762 Info 392 Kit 892 Fuß + Kurzdachadapter WingBar Edge SlideBar 962 SquareBar WingBar Normal Roof ProBar Dach Typ Dachträger CHEVROLET 9583 N 1043 785/795 C D CITROËN 1688 Berlingo 3-dr Van 97-02, 03-08 Normal Roof 961 891 4-dr Van 08-> Fixed Points 969 892 391 Silverado 4-dr Double Cab 99-07 Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 1522 C Berlingo Silverado 4-dr Double Cab 07-> Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 1532 C Berlingo 5-dr Van 08-> Fixed Points 969 892 769 751 4-dr Van 08-> Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 4-dr MPV 03-07 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 C 3072 Silverado 3-dr Extended Cab 99-07 Normal Roof 963 393 763 754 1522 C Berlingo 9583 Silverado 3-dr Extended Cab 07-> Normal Roof 963 393 763 754 1532 C Berlingo Family N Silverado 2-dr Single Cab 99-07 Normal Roof 963 393 763 754 1522 C Berlingo Family 4-dr MPV 08-> Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 775 Silverado 2-dr Single Cab 07-> Normal Roof 963 393 763 754 1532 C Berlingo Family 5-dr MPV 08-> Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 775 Spark 5-dr Hatchback 05-09 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1415 C Berlingo Top 5-dr MPV 01-07 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Spark 5-dr Hatchback 10-> Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 BX 5-dr Estate 89-94 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 5-dr Hatchback 05-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1444 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1605 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 775 785/795 784/794 Spark 5-dr Hatchback 10-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 775 C1 Suprema 5-dr Estate 86-98 (S. AMERICA) Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 C3 5-dr Hatchback 02-09 769 753 3057 C3 5-dr MPV 09-> 762 757 C3 Picasso 5-dr MPV 09-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9582 N 784/794 C3 X-TR 5-dr MPV 04-08 Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 9585 N 785/795 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 9594 3019 N 9594 3019 N 5-dr SUV 00-06 T-Profile 969 892 5-dr SUV 00-06 Roof Rails 962 892 392 Tigra 3-dr Coupe 94-00 (S. AMERICA) Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 Tracker 5-dr SUV 99-04 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1181 C4 3-dr Hatchback 05-10 Tracker 5-dr SUV 99-05 (S. AMERICA) Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1181 C4 5-dr Hatchback 05-10 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 Tracker 5-dr SUV 06->(S. AMERICA) Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 C4 5-dr Hatchback 10-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 761 753 391 761 757 TrailBlazer 5-dr SUV 02-> T-Profile 961 891 Trans Sport 4-dr MPV 97-> Roof Rails 961 891 Trans Sport 5-dr MPV 97-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Trax 5-dr SUV 13-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 775 Uplander 5-dr Van 05-09 Vectra 4-dr Sedan 89-05 (S. AMERICA) Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 C C4 Aircross 5-dr SUV 12-> Flush Rails 969 892 769 753 9595 4017 784/794 C4 Aircross 5-dr SUV 12-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9595 3093 N 784/794 C4 Grand Picasso 5-dr MPV 07-13 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9592 3056 H, N N C4 Grand Picasso 5-dr MPV 06-13 Roof Rails 962 892 762 757 9583 N C4 Picasso 5-dr MPV 07-13 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9592 3056 H, N D 3062 9581 9582 1003 B 392 C4 Picasso 5-dr MPV 07-13 Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 757 5-dr MPV 14-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1740 3041 5-dr Hatchback 07->(BRAZIL) Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 3025 Volt 4-dr Sedan 11-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1647 C C5 5-dr Estate 01-04, 05-07 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 Zafira 5-dr MPV 98-04 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C C5 4-dr Sedan 01-04, 05-07 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 Zafira 5-dr MPV 01->(BRAZIL) Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C C5 5-dr Estate 01-04, 05-07 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 775 Zafira 5-dr MPV 01->(BRAZIL) Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 C5 4-dr Sedan 08-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 CHRYSLER 4-dr Sedan 11-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 300C 5-dr Estate 04-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9582 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9583 T-Profile 961 891 761 753 Aspen 5-dr SUV 06-> Grand Caravan 5-dr MPV 04-07 (S. AMERICA) Grand Voyager 5-dr MPV 91-95 Raingutter Grand Voyager 5-dr MPV 96-00 Normal Roof 962 892 Grand Voyager 5-dr MPV 96-05 T-Profile 961 891 392 1604 763 951 762 754 1043 761 753 3057 Grand Voyager 5-dr MPV 96-05 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 5-dr MPV 01-07 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1260 3040 Grand Voyager 5-dr MPV 06-07 5-dr MPV 08-> T-Profile 969 892 769 753 Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 775 Neon 4-dr Sedan 00-04 Normal Roof 960 891 390 760 754 PT Cruiser 5-dr Estate 01-10 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 PT Cruiser 5-dr Estate 01-10 Fixed Points 961 891 761 12 784/794 N 784/794 3040 Grand Voyager Grand Voyager D N C 784/794 C5 5-dr Estate 08-> Roof Rails 961 891 C6 Liftback 5-dr Hatchback 05-> Fixed Points 961 891 C8 5-dr MPV 02-10 Normal Roof 962 892 C8 5-dr MPV 02-10 T-Profile 969 892 892 C-crosser 5-dr SUV 07-> Roof Rails 969 Chanson 3-dr Hatchback 96-03 Normal Roof 960 Chanson 5-dr Hatchback 96-03 Normal Roof 960 C-Zero 5-dr Hatchback 10-> Normal Roof 969 Dispatch 3-dr Van 95-03, 04-06 Fixed Points 969 892 391 392 N N C4 Picasso (MK II) Vectra GT 300 1626 3041 9581 N 3017 761 757 761 753 9582 N 762 754 1313 769 753 3035 784/794 3017 9583 D 391 769 757 390 760 754 1046 N C 891 390 760 754 1046 C 892 391 769 754 1682 B 769 753 3023 Dispatch 4-dr Van 95-03, 04-06 Fixed Points 969 892 769 753 3023 Dispatch 5-dr Van 95-03, 05-06 Fixed Points 969 892 769 753 3023 Dispatch 4-dr Van 07-> Fixed Points 962 892 762 753 3051 Dispatch 5-dr Van 07-> Fixed Points 962 892 762 753 3051 H 1192 DS4 5-dr Hatchback 11-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1666 D 754 1203 DS5 5-dr Hatchback 12-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1674 D 753 3084 Evasion 5-dr MPV 94-01 T-Profile 969 892 769 753 3035 785/795 13 Fahrradträger Tahoe Tahoe B 5-dr SUV 93-05 Kit Info Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1203 C C Kurzdachadapter 784/794 Jumpy 4-dr Van 95-03, 04-06 Fixed Points 969 892 769 753 3023 Nexia 4-dr Sedan 95-98 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 Jumpy 5-dr Van 95-03, 04-06 Fixed Points 969 892 769 753 3023 Nubira I 4-dr Sedan 97-99, 00-02 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1107 Jumpy 4-dr Van 07-> Fixed Points 962 892 762 753 3051 Nubira I 5-dr Estate 97-03 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Jumpy 5-dr Van 07-> Fixed Points 962 892 762 753 3051 Nubira II 4-dr Sedan 04-08 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Nemo 3-dr Van 08-> Fixed Points 969 892 769 751 3070 Nubira II 5-dr Estate 04-> Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 1338 A C Nemo 4-dr Van 08-> Fixed Points 969 892 769 751 3070 Racer II 4-dr Sedan 95-97 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 Nemo 5-dr Van 08-> Fixed Points 969 892 769 751 3070 Rezzo 5-dr Estate 00-04, 05-08 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1207 Nemo 3-dr Van 08-> Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 757 785/795 Rezzo 5-dr Estate 00-04, 05-08 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Nemo 4-dr Van 08-> Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 757 785/795 Tacuma 5-dr Estate 00-04, 05-08 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 Nemo 5-dr Van 08-> Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 757 785/795 Tacuma 5-dr Estate 00-04, 05-08 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Saxo 3-dr Hatchback 96-03 Normal Roof 960 390 760 754 1046 C Saxo 5-dr Hatchback 96-03 Normal Roof 960 891 390 760 754 1046 C DAIHATSU Xantia 5-dr Hatchback 93-01 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1003 B Altis 4-dr Sedan 01-06 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 Applause 4-dr Sedan 90-97 Raingutter 761 951 761 369 Xantia 5-dr Estate 96-01 T-Profile 960 891 390 760 753 3084 XM 5-dr Estate 90-00 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1003 XM XM 5-dr Hatchback 90-00 5-dr Estate 90-00 Normal Roof Roof Rails 961 961 891 891 Xsara 5-dr Estate 96-06 Fixed Points 960 Xsara 3-dr Hatchback 98-00, 01-06 Normal Roof 961 891 Xsara 5-dr Hatchback 98-00, 01-06 Normal Roof 961 891 Xsara Break 5-dr Estate 98-00, 01->(BRAZIL) T-Profile 969 892 391 391 761 761 754 1003 B Applause 4-dr Sedan 98-00 Raingutter B Atrai 5-dr MPV 05-> Raingutter Bego 5-dr MPV 05-> Normal Roof 961 891 Charade 5-dr Hatchback 03-07 Normal Roof 961 891 757 784/794 391 952 761 754 1395 B 391 761 754 1424 C 390 760 753 3084 391 761 754 1056 C Charade 3-dr Hatchback 83-86 Raingutter 761 951 391 761 754 1056 D Cuore 3-dr Hatchback 99-00, 01-02 Normal Roof 761 754 + 774 1162 C 769 753 3084 Cuore 5-dr Hatchback 99-00, 01-02 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1162 C Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1424 C 761 951 760 757 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1184 C Cuore (Mk II) 5-dr Hatchback 03-07 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1184 C Feroza 2-dr SUV 88-00 ZX 5-dr Hatchback 91-98 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1012 Feroza 3-dr SUV 88-00 Roof Rails 1012 Feroza 3-dr SUV 88-00 Raingutter 761 951 Hijet 5-dr MPV 05-> Raingutter 769 952 Materia 5-dr MPV 07-> Normal Roof Mira (Mk.V.) 3-dr Hatchback 98-02 Normal Roof Mira (Mk.V.) 5-dr Hatchback 99-02 Normal Roof 961 891 Sirion 5-dr Hatchback 06-> Normal Roof 962 892 ZX 5-dr Estate 92-98 Normal Roof Roof Rails 961 961 391 891 391 761 761 754 757 784/794 DACIA Dokker 5-dr MPV 12-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Dokker 3-dr Van 12-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9581 N 784/794 960 962 891 892 390 392 762 754 1394 B 761 754 + 774 1162 C 391 761 754 1162 C 392 762 754 1141 D Duster 5-dr SUV 10-13 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 775 9582 N Terios 5-dr SUV 98-99, 00-05 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 3024 Duster 5-dr SUV 14-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 775 9581 N Terios 5-dr SUV 06-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1395 B Lodgy 5-dr MPV 12-> Flush Rails 961 891 761 753 9595 4028 N Terios 5-dr SUV 06-> Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 775 1378 C Logan 4-dr Sedan 04-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 Logan 5-dr MPV 07-> Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 775 Logan 5-dr MPV 07-> Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 784/794 Raingutter Trevis 5-dr Hatchback 06-09 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1433 D YRV 5-dr Estate 00-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1220 C 951 Logan MCV 3-dr Van 07-> Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 775 DODGE Logan MCV 3-dr Van 07-> Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 600 2-dr Coupe 83-88 Raingutter 762 775 600 2-dr Sedan 83-88 Raingutter 762 951 757 Caravan 5-dr MPV 96-00, 01-07 761 753 Caravan 5-dr MPV 96-05 (S. AMERICA) 761 757 Logan MCV Logan MCV 5-dr Estate 08-12 5-dr Estate 13-> Sandero 5-dr Hatchback 08-12,13-> Sandero Stepway 5-dr SUV 09-> Roof Rails Roof Rails 960 961 891 891 390 391 760 761 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9584 N 1378 9582 784/794 C N DAEWOO Cielo 4-dr Sedan 95-97 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C d’Artz 5-dr Hatchback 98-00, 01-05 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1105 Evanda 4-dr Sedan 03-06 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1318 D 784/794 T-Profile 961 891 Roof Rails 961 891 391 3057 Caravan/Grand Caravan 5-dr MPV 95-00, 01-05 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 3057 Caravan/Grand Caravan 5-dr MPV 06-07 Fixed Points 969 892 769 753 3040 Charger 4-dr Sedan 11-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1604 D Dakota 4-dr Double Cab 05-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1509 D Dakota 2-dr Single Cab 05-> Normal Roof 969 391 769 754 1509 D Grand Caravan 4-dr MPV 96-00, 01-07 T-Profile 961 761 753 3057 891 Kalos 5-dr Hatchback 03-11 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1303 C Grand Caravan 5-dr MPV 96-00, 01-07 T-Profile 961 891 761 753 Lacetti 5-dr Hatchback 04-08 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1338 B Journey 5-dr SUV 08-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 775 Lacetti 4-dr Sedan 04-08 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1338 A Journey 5-dr SUV 12-> Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 Lacetti Premiere 4-dr Sedan 09-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1569 C Journey 5-dr SUV 12-> Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 775 Lanos 5-dr Hatchback 97-03 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1107 Neon 4-dr Sedan 00-04 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 961 891 391 765 952 892 392 762 754 1528 D 392 762 754 1528 D 393 763 754 1520 B 393 763 754 1520 B 392 762 754 1528 D 761 754 1107 Ram SUV 79-94 760 754 + 774 1107 Ram 1500 4-dr Double Cab 02-08 Normal Roof 962 390 760 751 3081 C Ram 1500 2-dr Single Cab 02-08 Normal Roof 962 891 390 760 751 3081 C Ram 1500 4-dr Double Cab 09-> Normal Roof 963 961 891 391 761 754 1107 Ram 1500 2-dr Single Cab 09-> Normal Roof 963 961 891 391 761 754 1105 Ram 2500 4-dr Double Cab 02-09 Normal Roof 962 Lanos 4-dr Sedan 97-03 Normal Roof Lanos 3-dr Hatchback 98-03 Normal Roof Le mans 5-dr Hatchback 90-94 Fixed Points 960 891 Le mans 4-dr Sedan 90-94 Fixed Points 960 Leganza 4-dr Sedan 97-02 Normal Roof Matiz 5-dr Hatchback 98-00, 01-05 Normal Roof 14 Raingutter 893 892 Fahrradträger 5-dr MPV 01->(BRAZIL) 5-dr MPV 00-03, 04-06 3-dr Hatchback 93-98 1261 391 Xsara Picasso ZX 1207 769 Xsara Picasso Smart Rack 5-dr Hatchback 01-05 Musso Fuß + WingBar Edge Matiz 3023 SquareBar 3031 753 ProBar 751 769 SlideBar 763 892 Info 893 969 Kit 963 Fixed Points Dach Typ DAEWOO WingBar Smart Rack WingBar Edge SquareBar SlideBar Fixed Points 3-dr Van 95-03, 04-06 ProBar WingBar 4-dr Bus 06-> Jumpy Fuß + Kurzdachadapter Dachträger Jumper Dach Typ CITROËN 3057 9585 N 1658 784/794 B 785/795 1192 15 4-dr Sedan 00-06 Normal Roof 961 Van 5-dr MPV 88-03 891 Qubo 5-dr MPV 08-> Roof Rails D Ritmo 5-dr Hatchback 78-88 Raingutter 392 762 754 1528 D Scudo 3-dr Van 95-03, 04-06 Fixed Points 969 391 761 754 1227 C Scudo 4-dr Van 95-03, 04-06 Fixed Points 969 765 952 Raingutter FIAT 500 L 5-dr Hatchback 12-> Normal Roof 500 w/o glass roof 3-dr Hatchback 07-> Normal Roof 969 600 3-dr Hatchback 05-10 Normal Roof 960 Brava 5-dr Hatchback 96-02 Normal Roof 961 Bravissimo 3-dr Hatchback 96-02 Normal Roof Bravo 3-dr Hatchback 96-02 Normal Roof Bravo 5-dr Hatchback 07-> Normal Roof 969 Croma 4-dr Sedan 87-96 Normal Roof Croma 5-dr Estate 05-> Fixed Points 892 391 962 892 392 762 Kit D 1528 WingBar Edge Smart Rack 1528 754 WingBar Edge 754 762 951 892 769 753 3023 892 769 753 3023 3023 Scudo 5-dr Van 95-03, 04-06 Fixed Points 969 892 769 753 4-dr Van 07-> Fixed Points 962 892 762 753 3051 Scudo 5-dr Van 07-> Fixed Points 962 892 762 753 3051 Roof Rails 961 891 Normal Roof 960 754 1723 D Sedici 5-dr MPV 06-> 761 754 + 774 1611 C Seicento 3-dr Hatchback 98-00, 01-04 391 761 757 390 760 754 9585 1106 390 760 754 1106 D Stilo 3-dr Hatchback 02-07 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 3004 391 761 754 1059 D Stilo 5-dr Hatchback 02-07 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 3004 961 391 761 754 1059 D Stilo 5-dr Hatchback 02->(S. AMERICA) Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 961 391 761 754 1059 D Stilo Multiwagon 5-dr Estate 03-> Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 892 391 769 754 1451 D Stilo Uproad 5-dr SUV 05-> Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 775 961 891 391 761 754 1003 B 961 891 761 753 3053 891 Croma 5-dr Estate 05-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Doblo 4-dr Van 02->(S. AMERICA) Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 Doblo 4-dr Van 02->(S. AMERICA) Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 757 784/794 1099 Doblo 3-dr Van 00-03, 04-09 Fixed Points 969 892 769 753 3021 Doblo 4-dr Van 00-03, 04-09 Fixed Points 969 892 769 753 3021 Doblo 5-dr Van 00-03, 04-09 Fixed Points 969 892 769 753 Doblo 5-dr Van 10-> Fixed Points 969 892 769 753 Doblo 5-dr Van 10-> Roof Rails 963 893 393 763 775 391 C 3088 9583 784/794 Strada 2-dr Extended Cab 04-> Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Tempra 5-dr Estate 89-98 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 D 3004 9583 N Tempra 5-dr Estate 92-99 (S. AMERICA) Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Tipo 5-dr Hatchback 93-96 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1016 Ulysse 5-dr MPV 94-01, 02-10 T-Profile 969 892 769 753 3035 Ulysse 5-dr MPV 02-10 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1313 961 891 391 761 757 763 951 D N N 785/795 Aerostar 4-dr MPV 90-97 Roof Rails Bronco II 4-dr SUV 84-90 Raingutter C-Max (Mk I) 5-dr MPV 03-10 Fixed Points 961 891 C-Max (Mk II) 5-dr MPV 10-> Normal Roof 962 892 761 753 762 754 784/794 9595 3015 N Doblo Malibo 5-dr Van 00-> Roof Rails 969 892 769 757 Doblo Maxi 4-dr Van 08-09 Fixed Points 969 892 769 753 3021 Ducato 4-dr Bus 06-> Fixed Points 963 893 763 751 3031 Ecosport 5-dr SUV 10->(S. AMERICA) Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 775 Fiorino 3-dr Van 74-88 (BRAZIL) Raingutter 762 951 Edge 5-dr SUV 07-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1530 C Fiorino 3-dr Van 89->(BRAZIL) Raingutter 762 951 Escape 5-dr SUV 00-07 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1200 C 960 891 390 760 775 3-dr Van 08-> Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 775 Escape 5-dr SUV 08-> Roof Rails 4-dr Van 08-> Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 757 Escort 5-dr Hatchback 81-90 Raingutter Fiorino 5-dr Van 08-> Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 775 Escort 5-dr Hatchback 91-99 Normal Roof 961 891 Fiorino 3-dr Van 08-> Fixed Points 969 892 769 751 3070 Escort 4-dr Sedan 91-99 Normal Roof 960 Fiorino 4-dr Van 08-> Fixed Points 969 892 769 751 3070 Escort 5-dr Estate 91-99 Roof Rails 960 Fixed Points Roof Rails Fiorino 5-dr Van 08-> Fixed Points 969 892 5-dr SUV 12-> Normal Roof 963 893 392 1617 761 951 391 761 754 1299 C 891 390 760 754 1299 C 891 390 760 757 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C 961 891 391 761 775 769 751 3070 Escort Express 3-dr Van 91-01 393 763 754 1658 B Explorer 5-dr SUV 02-05 Explorer Sport 3-dr SUV 01-> Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 775 1598 C Explorer Sport Trac 5-dr SUV 01-> Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 775 C F-150 4-dr Double Cab 09-> Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 1521 F-250/350 4-dr Single Cab 99-> Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 1508 C F-250/350 4-dr Double Cab 99-> Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 1508 C Freemont 5-dr SUV 12-> Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 775 Grande Punto 5-dr Hatchback 05-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Grande Punto 3-dr Hatchback 05-> Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1598 Idea 5-dr MPV 03-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 3004 Idea 5-dr Hatchback 03-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Linea 4-dr Sedan 07-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1447 C F-250/350 4-dr Crew Cab 05-> Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 1508 C Marea 4-dr Sedan 96-02 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1059 D Fairmont 4-dr Sedan 99-02, 03-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1143 C Marea 5-dr Estate 96-03 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 N Falcon 4-dr Sedan 99-02, 03-08 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1143 C Multipla 5-dr MPV 99-01 Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 1130 D Falcon FG 4-dr Sedan 08-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1506 C Multipla 5-dr MPV 02-04, 05-> Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 1130 D Fiesta 5-dr Hatchback 78-89 761 951 Palio 5-dr Estate 97-00 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Panda 3-dr Hatchback 83-02 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Panda 5-dr Hatchback 03-11 Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 Panda 5-dr Hatchback 03-11 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Panda 5-dr Hatchback 12-> Flush Rails 961 891 761 753 Panda 4X4 5-dr Hatchback 04-11 Roof Rails 969 892 Panda 4X4 5-dr Hatchback 12-> Flush Rails 961 891 Punto 3-dr Hatchback 94-98 Normal Roof 961 Punto 5-dr Hatchback 94-98 Normal Roof 961 891 Punto 5-dr Hatchback 99-02, 03-> Fixed Points 961 891 Punto Evo 3-dr Hatchback 09-> Normal Roof 961 Punto Evo 5-dr Hatchback 09-> Normal Roof 961 891 Qubo 4-dr MPV 08-> Fixed Points 969 Qubo 5-dr MPV 08-> Fixed Points 969 16 391 784/794 9581 9583 9594 769 757 9583 761 753 9594 N Raingutter Fiesta 5-dr Hatchback 90-95, 96-02 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1025 C 784/794 Fiesta 5-dr Hatchback 90-95, 96-02 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C 785/795 Fiesta 3-dr Hatchback 90-95, 96-02 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C 761 754 + 774 1025 C 391 761 754 1278 1099 C Fiesta 3-dr Hatchback 96-02 Normal Roof 4026 N Fiesta 5-dr Hatchback 02-08 Normal Roof 961 Fiesta 3-dr Hatchback 03-08 Normal Roof 962 392 762 754 1322 C 4026 N Fiesta 5-dr Hatchback 04-07 (BRAZIL) Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1453 C 961 891 391 761 754 1503 B 761 754 + 774 1503 B N 785/795 391 761 754 1175 Fiesta 5-dr Hatchback 08-> Normal Roof 391 761 754 1175 Fiesta 3-dr Hatchback 08-> Normal Roof 761 753 391 761 391 891 3110 B, N Fiesta 4-dr Sedan 08-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1503 B 754 1598 C Fiesta 4-dr Sedan 10->(BRAZIL) Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1503 B 761 754 1598 C Fiesta 5-dr Hatchback 11->(BRAZIL) Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1503 B 892 769 751 3070 Figo 5-dr Hatchback 10-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1458 D 892 769 751 3070 Flex 5-dr SUV 08-> Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 1518 C 9594 Fahrradträger Fiorino Fiorino Freemont 785/795 FORD 3021 9593 N 775 761 Scudo 769 Smart Rack Stratus 762 392 Fuß + Kurzdachadapter Info 962 SquareBar Normal Roof ProBar 2-dr Single Cab 02-09 392 Dach Typ FIAT SlideBar Ram 3500 892 Fuß + Kurzdachadapter WingBar 962 Info 962 Normal Roof Kit Normal Roof 4-dr Double Cab 02-09 SquareBar 2-dr Single Cab 02-09 Ram 3500 ProBar WingBar Ram 2500 SlideBar Dach Typ Dachträger DODGE 17 761 754 390 760 757 Focus 3-dr Hatchback 98-04 761 754 + 774 Normal Roof 1129 C 4-dr Double Cab 98-02, 03-11 Normal Roof 961 2-dr Single Cab 03-11 Normal Roof 961 Ranger 4-dr Double Cab 12-> Normal Roof 962 891 391 761 754 1292 C 391 761 754 1292 C 892 392 762 754 1665 Focus 5-dr Hatchback 98-04 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1129 Ranger 4-dr Super Cab 12-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1665 Focus 4-dr Sedan 98-04 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1129 Scorpio 5-dr Hatchback 85-94 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1299 C Focus 3-dr Hatchback 00-08 (BRAZIL) Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1129 C Scorpio 5-dr Estate 85-94, 95-98 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Scorpio 4-dr Sedan 90-94, 95-98 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1299 C B Sierra 5-dr Estate 83-94 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 390 760 751 3081 C 762 753 3030 763 754 1472 B 762 951 1533 C Focus 5-dr Hatchback 00-08 (BRAZIL) Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1129 Focus 5-dr Hatchback 09->(BRAZIL) Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1476 391 Focus (Mk II) 5-dr Hatchback 06-10 Normal Roof 969 892 769 754 1476 B Sierra 4-dr Sedan 88-93 Fixed Points 960 891 Focus (Mk II) 3-dr Hatchback 05-07, 08-11 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9592 3015 N S-Max w/o glass roof 5-dr MPV 06-> Fixed Points 962 892 Focus (Mk II) 5-dr Hatchback 05-07, 08-11 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9592 3015 N S-Max with glass roof 5-dr MPV 06-> Normal Roof 963 893 Focus (Mk II) 4-dr Sedan 05-07, 08-11 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9592 3015 N Taurus 5-dr Estate 86-95 Raingutter Focus (Mk II) 5-dr Estate 05-07, 08-11 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9592 3015 N Taurus 4-dr Sedan 06-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 Focus (Mk II) 5-dr Estate 04-11 T-Profile 961 891 761 753 9592 3033 N Telstar 5-dr Estate 92-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Focus (Mk II) 5-dr Estate 04-07 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 9582 N Telstar 4-dr Sedan 98-02 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 391 761 757 9582 390 760 753 761 753 9594 761 753 761 757 5-dr Estate 08-11 Roof Rails 961 891 5-dr Estate 11-> Flush Rails 961 891 Focus (Mk III) 5-dr Estate 11-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 Focus (Mk III) 5-dr Hatchback 11-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 Focus (Mk III) 4-dr Sedan 11-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 Focus (MkIII) 5-dr Hatchback 11-> (N. AMERICA) Normal Roof 969 892 391 Focus (MkIII) 4-dr Sedan 11-> (N. AMERICA) Normal Roof 969 892 Fusion 5-dr Hatchback 02-05 Normal Roof 969 Fusion 5-dr Hatchback 06-> Normal Roof Fusion 4-dr Sedan 06-> Galaxy 5-dr MPV 96-00 Galaxy Galaxy Galaxy Territory 5-dr SUV 03-> Fixed Points 960 891 Tourneo Connect 5-dr Bus 03-> Fixed Points 961 891 1634 Tourneo Courier 5-dr Van 13-> Roof Rails 961 891 754 1634 Tourneo Transit 5-dr Bus 03-12 Raingutter 766 951 769 754 1634 Transit 2-dr Single Cab 00-05, 07-13 Raingutter 766 951 769 754 1627 C Transit 4-dr Double Cab 00-05, 06-13 Raingutter 766 951 391 769 754 1627 C Transit 4-dr Van 06-13 Raingutter 766 951 892 391 769 754 1124 C Transit Connect 4-dr Van 03-13 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 3021 969 892 391 769 754 1458 D Transit Custom 4-dr Van 13-> Fixed Points 963 893 763 753 3123 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1529 C Windstar 5-dr MPV 95-96 Roof Rails 960 891 760 757 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1040 5-dr MPV 96-00 Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 9583 N 785/795 GAZ 5-dr MPV 01-05 Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 9583 N 785/795 Gazelle 2705 5-dr Bus 90-> Raingutter 765 953 Gazelle 3221 5-dr Bus 90-02, 93-> Raingutter 765 953 Sobol 2217 5-dr Bus 96-02 Raingutter 765 952 Sobol 2752 5-dr Bus 96-02 Raingutter 765 953 5-dr MPV 06-09 T-Profile 961 891 761 Galaxy 5-dr MPV 10-> Flush Rails 969 892 Grand C-Max 5-dr MPV 10-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 Roof Rails 969 892 391 Grand C-Max 5-dr MPV 10-> Ka 3-dr Hatchback 97-08 Normal Roof Ka 3-dr Hatchback 97-07 (S. AMERICA) Normal Roof 960 Ka 3-dr Hatchback 08->(S. AMERICA) Normal Roof 960 Ka 3-dr Hatchback 09-> Normal Roof Kuga 5-dr SUV 08-12 Normal Roof 962 892 753 9592 N 4024 3033 769 753 4016 762 754 1635 784/794 784/794 1053 N N C 391 390 769 757 Volga 2410000 4-dr Sedan 85-92 Raingutter 761 951 760 754 + 774 1084 Volga 310221 5-dr Estate 97-04 Raingutter 761 951 390 760 754 1084 Volga 3110 4-dr Sedan 97-04 Raingutter 761 951 390 760 754 1084 761 754 + 774 1496 C 762 754 1671 D 4-dr Sedan 89-92 Raingutter 762 951 392 9585 N 785/795 Prizm Kuga 5-dr SUV 08-12 Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 9585 N 785/795 5-dr SUV 13-> Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 9583 N 785/795 Laser 4-dr Sedan 99-03 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1110 Maverick 3-dr SUV 93-99 Normal Roof 761 754 + 774 1109 D Maverick 5-dr SUV 93-99 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1109 D Maverick 3-dr SUV 93-07 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 Maverick 5-dr SUV 93-99, 01-07 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 Maverick 5-dr SUV 01-07 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 Mondeo (MKI/MKII) 5-dr Estate 93-00 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 390 C Mondeo (MKI/MKII) 5-dr Estate 96-00 (S. AMERICA) Roof Rails 960 891 760 757 Mondeo (Mk II) 5-dr Hatchback 01-07 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9592 3069 N Mondeo (Mk II) 4-dr Sedan 01-07 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9592 3069 N Mondeo (Mk III) 5-dr Hatchback 01-07 Normal Roof 961 891 761 754 1226 C 391 3077 3021 9585 N H N 784/794 H GEO Kuga 1200 9591 Fahrradträger Focus (Mk II) Focus (Mk III) 393 Smart Rack Ranger Ranger Fuß + Kurzdachadapter WingBar Edge Smart Rack Info Kit 1129 Info 391 891 Kit 891 960 SquareBar 961 Roof Rails ProBar Normal Roof Dach Typ FORD SlideBar 5-dr Estate 98-04 5-dr Estate 98-04 WingBar Focus Focus WingBar Edge SquareBar ProBar SlideBar WingBar Fuß + Kurzdachadapter Dachträger Dach Typ FORD GMC Canyon 4-dr Double Cab 04-12 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1461 D Sierra 4-dr Double Cab 99-07 Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 1522 C Sierra 3-dr Extended Cab 99-07 Normal Roof 963 393 763 754 1522 C Sierra 2-dr Single Cab 99-07 Normal Roof 963 393 763 754 1522 C Sierra 4-dr Double Cab 07-> Normal Roof 963 393 763 754 1532 C Sierra 3-dr Extended Cab 07-> Normal Roof 963 393 763 754 1532 C Sierra 2-dr Single Cab 07-> Normal Roof 963 393 763 754 1532 C Vandura 5-dr Van 80-96 765 952 893 Raingutter GREAT WALL Haval H5 5-dr SUV 11-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 3105 Hover 5 5-dr SUV 11-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 3105 1461 Mondeo (Mk III) 4-dr Sedan 01-07 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1226 C Steed 4-dr Double Cab 09-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Mondeo (Mk III) 5-dr Estate 01-07 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1226 C Ufo 3-dr SUV 08-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 Mondeo (Mk III) 5-dr Estate 01-07 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Ufo 5-dr SUV 08-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 9581 N 784/794 Mondeo (Mk IV) 5-dr Hatchback 07-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1445 Ufo 4-dr SUV 09-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Mondeo (Mk IV) 4-dr Sedan 07-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1445 V240 4-dr Double Cab 09-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Mondeo (Mk IV) 5-dr Estate 07-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 Wingle 4-dr Double Cab 06-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 Mondeo (Mk IV) 5-dr Estate 07-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9584 X240 5-dr SUV 11-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 Mondeo (Mk IV) 5-dr Estate 12-> Flush Rails 961 891 761 753 9594 Orion 4-dr Sedan 91-99 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 18 1449 N 4024 N 1299 C 784/794 D 784/794 1461 D 754 1461 D 753 3105 19 Kit Info WingBar SlideBar ProBar SquareBar Kit Info 891 390 760 751 3081 C Civic 4-dr Sedan 12->(NORTH AMERICA) Normal Roof 962 893 392 762 754 1718 C 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Civic Ferio 4-dr Sedan 96-99 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1068 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1243 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 962 892 392 762 754 Dach Typ Fuß + Kurzdachadapter Astra 5-dr Estate 92-97, 98-03 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Civic Ferio 4-dr Sedan 00-05 Astra 4-dr Sedan 92-97, 98-03 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Civic Shuttle 5-dr MPV 88-94, 95-02 Astra 3-dr Coupe 00-05 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Civic Shuttle 5-dr MPV 95-02 Normal Roof Astra 5-dr Hatchback 04-09 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 9594 3025 N Concerto 5-dr Hatchback 89-98 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Astra 5-dr Estate 07-10 Flush Rails 960 891 390 760 753 9591 4011 N CR-V 5-dr SUV 96-01 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Astra 5-dr Hatchback 10-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9594 3090 D, N CR-V 5-dr SUV 97-01 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 Astra GTC 3-dr Hatchback 05-09 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 9594 3025 N CR-V 5-dr SUV 02-03, 04-06 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9592 3050 N Barina 3-dr Hatchback 94-00, 01-05 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C CR-V 5-dr SUV 07-11 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9592 3042 N Barina 5-dr Hatchback 94-00, 01-05 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C CR-V 5-dr SUV 12-> Fixed Points 961 891 9595 Barina 4-dr Sedan 06-11 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1420 CR-V 5-dr SUV 12-> Normal Roof 962 893 Colorado 4-dr Double Cab 12-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1688 CR-Z 3-dr Hatchback 10-> Normal Roof 961 Commodore 4-dr Sedan 97-05 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1149 Edix 5-dr MPV 04-> Normal Roof 963 893 1061 9581 N 761 753 3118 N 754 1691 C 391 761 754 1624 B 393 763 754 1381 775 4-dr Sedan 06-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1432 Edix 5-dr MPV 04-> Roof Rails 963 893 393 763 5-dr Estate 08-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1432 Edix 5-dr MPV 04-> Roof Rails 963 893 393 763 757 Cruze 4-dr Sedan 09-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1569 C Elysion 5-dr MPV 04-> Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 Insignia 5-dr Estate 08-> Flush Rails 961 891 761 753 4012 N Fit 5-dr Hatchback 02-04, 05-07 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 9583 N 1312 C Insignia 4-dr Sedan 09-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1513 C Fit 5-dr Hatchback 03-08 (S. AMERICA) Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1312 C Insignia 5-dr Hatchback 09-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1513 C Fit 5-dr Hatchback 07-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1465 B Jackaroo 3-dr SUV 93-99 Normal Roof 762 754 + 774 1091 Fit 5-dr Hatchback 09->(S. AMERICA) Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1465 B Jackaroo 5-dr SUV 93-99 Normal Roof 392 762 754 1091 Fit Aria 4-dr Sedan 03-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1327 D C 962 892 Signum 5-dr Estate 03-08 Flush Rails 961 891 761 753 4010 Vectra 5-dr Hatchback 89-95, 96-01 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1003 391 B Fit Shuttle 5-dr MPV 11-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1662 FR-V 5-dr MPV 04-> Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 1381 775 4-dr Sedan 89-95, 96-01 Normal Roof 961 891 761 754 1003 B FR-V 5-dr MPV 04-> Roof Rails 963 893 393 763 4-dr Sedan 02-05, 06-08 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9595 3006 N FR-V 5-dr MPV 04-> Roof Rails 963 893 393 763 757 Vectra GTS 5-dr Hatchback 02-05, 06-08 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9595 3006 N HR-V 3-dr SUV 99-01, 02-05 Normal Roof 962 392 762 754 1150 Viva 5-dr Hatchback 04-08 Normal Roof 961 891 761 754 1338 B HR-V 5-dr SUV 00-01, 02-05 Normal Roof 962 392 762 754 1150 Viva 4-dr Sedan 04-08 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1338 A HR-V with roof spoiler 3-dr SUV 99-01, 02-05 Normal Roof 962 392 762 754 1151 C Zafira 5-dr MPV 05-11 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 3025 N HR-V with roof spoiler 5-dr SUV 00-01, 02-05 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1151 C Zafira 5-dr MPV 05-06 Flush Rails 961 891 761 753 Insight 5-dr Hatchback 09-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1562 C Zafira Family 5-dr MPV 07-13 Flush Rails 961 891 761 753 9595 4011 N Jazz 5-dr Hatchback 02-04, 05-08 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1312 C Zafira Tourer 5-dr MPV 12-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9595 3090 D, N Jazz 5-dr Hatchback 09-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1465 B Zafira Tourer 5-dr MPV 12-> Flush Rails 969 892 769 753 9595 4025 N Life 5-dr Estate 99-08 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Logo 3-dr Hatchback 96-01 761 754 + 774 1098 9593 4010 HONDA Accord 4-dr Sedan 93-98 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Accord 5-dr Estate 94-97 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Accord 5-dr Estate 98-02, 03-06 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 1018 9584 N 784/794 892 Normal Roof 784/794 Logo 5-dr Hatchback 96-01 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1098 Odyssey 5-dr MPV 95-99 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1075 Odyssey 5-dr MPV 95-99 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Odyssey 5-dr MPV 03-08 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 784/794 1335 B Accord 4-dr Sedan 99-02 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1134 Odyssey 5-dr MPV 03-08 Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 Accord 5-dr Hatchback 00-02 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1134 Odyssey 5-dr MPV 09-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1554 C Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 1510 C Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 757 Accord 4-dr Sedan 03-07 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1304 C Pilot 5-dr SUV 06-09 Accord 4-dr Sedan 03-05, 06->(S. AMERICA) Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1304 C Pilot 5-dr SUV 02-05, 06-09 Accord 4-dr Sedan 08-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1492 C Accord Aerodeck 5-dr Estate 98-03 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Accord Crosstour 5-dr Hatchback 10-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 Accord Tourer 5-dr Estate 04-07 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Accord Tourer 5-dr Estate 08-11, 11-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Airwave 5-dr Hatchback 05-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 City 4-dr Sedan 03-05 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 City 4-dr Sedan 09-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 Civic 5-dr Hatchback 95-00 Normal Roof 961 891 391 Civic 4-dr Sedan 96-00 Normal Roof 961 891 391 Civic 5-dr Estate 97-00 Roof Rails 960 891 Civic 5-dr Hatchback 01-05 Normal Roof 961 891 891 Civic 4-dr Sedan 01-05 Normal Roof 961 Civic 3-dr Hatchback 02-05 Normal Roof 961 Civic 5-dr Hatchback 06-11 Normal Roof 969 Civic 4-dr Sedan 05-11 Normal Roof 962 Civic 5-dr Hatchback 12-> Normal Roof 962 20 784/794 1588 C 1324 9585 N 784/794 Ridgeline 4-dr Quad Cab 06-> Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 1510 C 5-dr SUV 06-> Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 1510 C Stepwagon 5-dr MPV 96-00 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1066 Stepwagon 5-dr MPV 09-> Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 1583 Stream 5-dr MPV 00-06 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1228 C Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1455 C Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 960 891 390 C Stream 5-dr Estate 07-> 754 1327 D Z 3-dr Hatchback 99-02 754 1465 B 761 754 1045 D HYUNDAI 761 754 1068 Accent 4-dr Sedan 94-99 Normal Roof 390 760 757 N Accent 3-dr Hatchback 95-99 Normal Roof 391 761 754 1228 Accent 5-dr Hatchback 95-99 Normal Roof 9581 785/795 Ridgeline 1486 Accent 3-dr Hatchback 00-02, 03-05 Normal Roof Accent 5-dr Hatchback 00-02, 03-05 Normal Roof 785/795 Fahrradträger Vectra Vectra 391 784/794 1102 762 Commodore VE 9595 784/794 1075 392 Commodore VE Smart Rack SquareBar 960 Fixed Points HONDA WingBar Edge ProBar Smart Rack SlideBar Fixed Points 5-dr Hatchback 92-97, 98-03 Fuß + Kurzdachadapter WingBar Edge WingBar 3-dr Hatchback 92-97, 98-03 Astra Dach Typ Dachträger Astra HOLDEN C 784/794 760 754 1047 760 754 + 774 1047 1047 960 891 390 760 754 761 754 + 774 1186 961 891 391 761 754 1186 1186 C C 391 761 754 1243 391 761 754 1228 C 892 391 769 754 1416 C Accent 4-dr Sedan 00-02, 03-05 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 892 392 762 754 1425 C Accent 4-dr Sedan 06-10 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1412 C 892 392 762 754 1664 C Accent 4-dr Sedan 11-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1657 C 21 Info 4-dr Sedan 10-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1577 D Lantra 5-dr Estate 96-99 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1031 Avante 5-dr Estate 96-> Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Avante 5-dr Hatchback 00-02, 03-06 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Avante 4-dr Sedan 00-02, 03-06 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1221 C Lantra 5-dr Estate 96-99 Avante 4-dr Sedan 06-10 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1434 D Lantra 5-dr Hatchback 00-02, 03-06 Avante 4-dr Sedan 11-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1654 C Lantra 4-dr Sedan 00-02, 03-06 Azera 4-dr Sedan 06-10 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1414 Lavita 5-dr MPV 01-10 962 892 392 762 754 1655 Matrix 761 754 + 774 1060 Pony 1221 C C Dach Typ Fuß + Kurzdachadapter Lantra 5-dr Hatchback 96-99 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1031 Lantra 4-dr Sedan 96-99 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1031 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1221 C Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1221 C Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 5-dr MPV 01-> Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 5-dr Hatchback 74-85 Raingutter Azera 4-dr Sedan 11-> Normal Roof CoupÈ 2-dr Coupe 97-00 Normal Roof Elantra 5-dr Estate 96-99 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1031 Pony 4-dr Sedan 94-99 Normal Roof Elantra 5-dr Hatchback 96-99 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1031 Pony 3-dr Hatchback 95-99 Normal Roof Elantra 4-dr Sedan 96-99 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1031 Pony 5-dr Hatchback 95-99 Normal Roof 960 960 891 891 390 390 761 951 760 754 760 754 + 774 1047 760 754 1047 1047 C Elantra 5-dr Estate 96-99 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Elantra 5-dr Hatchback 00-02, 03-06 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Elantra 4-dr Sedan 00-02, 03-06 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Elantra 4-dr Sedan 06-10 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 Elantra 4-dr Sedan 11-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1654 FC 5-dr MPV 01-> Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Galloper 3-dr SUV 99-03 Raingutter 763 952 Santamo 5-dr MPV 96-03 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Galloper 5-dr SUV 99-03 Raingutter 763 952 Satellite, with dual sliding doors 5-dr Bus 08-> Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 Solaris 4-dr Sedan 11-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 Solaris 5-dr Hatchback 12-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 Sonata 4-dr Sedan 98-00 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 Sonata 4-dr Sedan 01-04 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1114 Sonata 4-dr Sedan 05-09 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1388 D Sonata i20 4-dr Sedan 10-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1577 D Sonata i40 4-dr Sedan 10-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1577 D Sonata i45 4-dr Sedan 10-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1577 D Sonata Y20 4-dr Sedan 10-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1577 D Sonica 4-dr Sedan 01-05 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1114 Genesis 4-dr Sedan 08-> Normal Roof Getz 3-dr Hatchback 02-04, 05-11 Normal Roof 969 892 Normal Roof 961 891 Roof Rails 960 891 391 Santa Fe 5-dr SUV 00-05 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 C Santa Fe 5-dr SUV 01->(S. AMERICA) Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 775 1221 C Santa Fe 5-dr SUV 06-12 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 1434 D Santa Fe 5-dr SUV 10-12 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 C Santa Fe 5-dr SUV 10-12 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9582 Santa Fe 5-dr SUV 13- Flush Rails 961 891 761 753 9595 1221 769 754 1488 B 761 754 + 774 1281 C 391 761 754 1281 390 760 757 5-dr Hatchback 02-04, 05-11 5-dr Hatchback 06-> Grandeur 4-dr Sedan 05-10 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1414 Grandeur 4-dr Sedan 11-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1655 C H-1 5-dr Van 97-07 Fixed Points 962 893 762 753 3121 K H-1 5-dr Bus 97-07 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 H-1 5-dr Van 08-> Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 775 H-1, with dual sliding doors 5-dr Van 08-> Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 HB20 5-dr Hatchback 12-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 HB20 5-dr Hatchback 12-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 HB20 S 4-dr Sedan 12-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1717 C i10 5-dr Hatchback 08-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1471 C i20 3-dr Hatchback 09-> Normal Roof 761 754 + 774 1514 C TB 5-dr Hatchback 06-11 i20 5-dr Hatchback 09-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1514 D Terracan 5-dr SUV 01-07 i25 4-dr Sedan 11-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1657 C Terracan i25 5-dr Hatchback 12-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9592 3068 N Terracan i30 5-dr Hatchback 07-11 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9594 3061 N Terracan 5-dr SUV 01->(S. AMERICA) i30 5-dr Hatchback 12-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9592 3119 N Tiburon 2-dr Coupe 97-00 Normal Roof i30 with glass roof 5-dr Hatchback 12-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1695 D Trajet 5-dr MPV 00-08 Normal Roof 962 892 i30 CW 5-dr Estate 07-11 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1478 C Trajet 5-dr MPV 00-> Roof Rails 961 i30 CW 5-dr Estate 07-11 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 N Tucson 5-dr SUV 04-> Normal Roof i30 SW 5-dr Estate 12-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9592 3120 N Tucson 5-dr SUV 04-> i40 5-dr Estate 11-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9595 3107 N Veloster 3-dr Hatchback 11-> i40 4-dr Sedan 12-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1694 D Veracruz 5-dr SUV 01->(S. AMERICA) Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 775 i45 4-dr Sedan 10-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1577 D Veracruz 5-dr SUV 08-> Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 775 Verna 3-dr Hatchback 00-02, 03-05 Normal Roof 761 1475 D Verna 5-dr Hatchback 00-02, 03-05 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 1475 1717 9582 D C N 9581 iLoad 5-dr Van 08-> Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 775 iLoad, with dual sliding doors 5-dr Van 08-> Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 iMax 5-dr Bus 08-> Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 775 iMax, with dual sliding doors 5-dr Bus 08-> Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 1475 D ix20 5-dr Hatchback 10-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1584 C ix35 5-dr SUV 10-> Flush Rails 961 891 761 753 4009 N ix35 5-dr SUV 10-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1601 C ix35 5-dr SUV 10-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 ix55 5-dr SUV 08-> Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 775 JM 5-dr SUV 04-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 JM 5-dr SUV 04-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 22 9592 784/794 Starex 4-dr MPV 97-07 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Starex 5-dr Van 08-> Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 775 Starex, with dual sliding doors 5-dr Van 08-> Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 T-Profile 969 892 769 753 5-dr SUV 01-07 Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 5-dr SUV 01->(S. AMERICA) Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 775 T-Profile 969 892 9581 9591 N 3024 1603 N 1475 D 9592 1657 C 3068 N 1114 1475 N 1060 392 762 754 1202 891 391 761 757 962 892 392 762 754 Roof Rails 961 891 Normal Roof 962 757 784/794 1361 784/794 1676 D 754 + 774 1186 C 754 1186 1186 Verna 4-dr Sedan 00-02, 03-05 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Verna 4-dr Sedan 06-10 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1412 Verna 4-dr Sedan 11-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1657 C Verna 5-dr Hatchback 12-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 3068 N XG 4-dr Sedan 99-01, 02-03 Normal Roof 962 892 762 754 392 785/795 785/795 3040 754 D 3040 9583 753 761 784/794 784/794 754 + 774 762 C 4029 761 391 N N 769 392 784/794 Fahrradträger Getz Getz Cross Smart Rack Kit Lacetti Premiere HYUNDAI WingBar Edge N SquareBar 3068 ProBar 9592 SlideBar 757 WingBar 760 Smart Rack 753 390 Info 761 891 Kit 891 960 WingBar Edge 961 Roof Rails SlideBar SquareBar 5-dr Hatchback 12-> 5-dr Hatchback 98-03 WingBar ProBar Accent Atos Fuß + Kurzdachadapter Dachträger Fixed Points Dach Typ HYUNDAI 9592 C 1122 784/794 785/795 1361 784/794 23 757 757 Landwind 5-dr SUV 05-> 960 891 390 760 757 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 763 952 9581 N KIA FX30d 5-dr SUV 11-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 FX35 5-dr SUV 04-> Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 775 Amanti 4-dr Sedan 03-09 G35 4-dr Sedan 07-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1551 C Besta 5-dr Van 94-> Raingutter G37 4-dr Sedan 09-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1551 C Cadenza 4-dr Sedan 11-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1638 C Carens (Mk I) 5-dr MPV 99-01 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1201 C Carens (Mk II) 5-dr MPV 02-06 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1291 C Carens (Mk II) 5-dr MPV 02-06 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 I30 4-dr Sedan 95-99 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1435 ISUZU Big Horn 3-dr SUV 93-98 Normal Roof Big Horn 5-dr SUV 93-98 Normal Roof 962 892 1321 D 762 754 + 774 1091 Carens (Mk III) 5-dr MPV 07-12 Flush Rails 960 891 390 760 753 9591 4004 C, N 392 762 754 1091 Carens (Mk IV) 5-dr MPV 13-> Flush Rails 969 892 391 769 753 9592 4036 C, N 769 753 761 757 769 753 Como 5-dr Van 13-> Fixed Points 962 892 762 753 3122 Carnival 5-dr MPV 98-05 T-Profile 969 892 D-Max 4-dr Crew Cab 12-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1688 Carnival 4-dr MPV 98-05 Roof Rails 961 891 D-Max 4-dr Space Cab 12-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1714 Carnival II 5-dr MPV 06-> T-Profile 969 892 D-Max 4-dr Extemded Cab 12-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1714 D-Max 2-dr Single Cab 12-> Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 391 391 3057 784/794 3057 Carnival II 5-dr MPV 06-> Roof Rails 961 891 761 757 9582 785/795 Cee’d 3-dr Hatchback 07-11 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9592 3061 N 785/795 Cee’d 5-dr Hatchback 07-11 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9592 3061 N Cee’d 3-dr Hatchback 12-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9594 3119 N 9594 3119 N D-Max 4-dr Double Cab 12- Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 4-dr Double Cab 02-11 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1461 D D-Max Rodeo 2-dr Single Cab 02-11 Normal Roof 969 391 769 754 1494 C Cee’d 5-dr Hatchback 12-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 D-Max Rodeo 2-dr Single Cab 12- Roof Rails 969 893 391 769 757 785/795 Cee’d with glass roof 5-dr Hatchback 12-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 D-Max Rodeo 4-dr Double Cab 12- Roof Rails 969 893 391 769 757 785/795 Cee’d 5-dr Estate 07-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 i-280/i-290 4-dr Double Cab 06-09 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 Cerato 4-dr Sedan 04-09 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1368 D i-350/i-370 4-dr Double Cab 06-09 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 Trooper 3-dr SUV 93-97 Normal Roof 762 Trooper 5-dr SUV 93-97 Normal Roof 762 754 892 392 Raingutter 765 D 754 1461 D Cerato 5-dr Hatchback 04-09 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1379 D 754 + 774 1091 Cerato (Mk II) 4-dr Sedan 09-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1579 C 1091 Cerato 5-dr Hatchback 13-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1693 C Cerato (Mk III) 4-dr Sedan 13-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1711 C Clarus 5-dr Estate 98-01 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Forte 4-dr Sedan 08-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1579 C 952 JAC Refine 5-dr MPV 07-> Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 9581 N Rien SRV 5-dr SUV 07-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9581 N 784/794 JAGUAR S-Type 4-dr Sedan 99-03, 04-08 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 XF 4-dr Sedan 08-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 XF Sportbrake 5-dr Estate 13-> Flush Rails 961 891 391 761 753 XJS 2-dr Coupe 84-96 Raingutter 761 951 1171 9593 1527 C 4034 N XJ-Serie 4-dr Sedan 02-08 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1263 X-Type 4-dr Sedan 01-09 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1229 X-Type 5-dr Estate 03-09 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9581 N 784/794 JEEP Cherokee 5-dr SUV 02-13 Roof Rails 961 891 391 391 761 757 9581 9581 Cherokee Renegade 5-dr SUV 05-> Roof Rails 961 891 761 775 Commander 5-dr SUV 06-> T-Profile 962 892 762 753 Compass 5-dr SUV 07-10 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 Compass Grand Cherokee 5-dr SUV 11-> 5-dr SUV 92-95, 96-98 Fixed Points Normal Roof 961 962 891 892 761 392 762 753 9592 9592 Grand Cherokee 5-dr SUV 92-95, 96-98 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 5-dr SUV 99-01 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 775 9582 Grand Cherokee 5-dr SUV 02-10 Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 775 5-dr SUV 11-> Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 Grand Cherokee 5-dr SUV 11-> Flush Rails 961 891 761 753 9592 Grand Cherokee Limited 5-dr SUV 05-> Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 775 9583 Grand Cherokee Renegade 5-dr SUV 05-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 775 Grand Cherokee Vision 5-dr SUV 05-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 775 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 775 3097 9582 961 891 391 761 757 960 891 390 760 757 K3 4-dr Sedan 13-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1711 C K5 4-dr Sedan 10-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1629 C K7 4-dr Sedan 11-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1638 C K9 4-dr Sedan 12-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1709 C Magentis 4-dr Sedan 06-10 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1610 C Opirius 4-dr Sedan 03-09 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1321 D Optima 4-dr Sedan 07-10 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1610 C Optima 4-dr Sedan 11-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1629 C Picanto 5-dr Hatchback 04-10, 11-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1653 D Pride 3-dr Hatchback 97-00 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 390 760 757 761 753 3061 N 761 754 1198 1198 Pride 5-dr Hatchback 97-00 Roof Rails 960 891 3-dr Hatchback 08-> Fixed Points 961 891 961 891 N 784/794 Rio (Mk I) 4-dr Sedan 00-05 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Rio (Mk I) 5-dr Estate 02-05 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 N Rio (Mk II) 5-dr Hatchback 05-11 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1396 D N Rio (Mk II) 4-dr Sedan 05-11 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1396 D Rio (Mk III) 5-dr Hatchback 12-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1659 C Rondo 5-dr MPV 07-12 Flush Rails 960 891 390 760 753 4004 C, N 761 753 392 762 757 N 784/794 Sedona 5-dr MPV 99-> 785/795 Sedona 5-dr MPV 99-05 T-Profile 961 891 Roof Rails 962 892 9591 D Sephia 5-dr Hatchback 98-01 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1190 4019 C, N Sephia 4-dr Sedan 98-01 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1190 N N N 784/794 3057 1656 Shuma 5-dr Hatchback 98-00, 01-04 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1190 Shuma 4-dr Sedan 98-00, 01-02, 03-04 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1190 784/794 Sorento 5-dr SUV 02-06, 07-09 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 775 9581 N 784/794 784/794 Sorento 5-dr SUV 10-> Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 9585 N 785/795 5-dr Hatchback 08-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 775 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Wagoner 5-dr SUV 80-90 Raingutter 763 951 Soul Wrangler 2-dr SUV 86-> Raingutter 763 951 Soul 5-dr Hatchback 08-> Spectra 4-dr Sedan 01-04 24 9595 N Normal Roof 784/794 391 9582 5-dr Hatchback 00-05 784/794 9582 Roof Rails Roof Rails Rio (Mk I) N 9583 5-dr MPV 06-> 5-dr MPV 00-02 784/794 1101 Grand Cherokee 5-dr SUV 06-> 3067 Grand Carnival Joice Pro cee’d 784/794 784/794 N 3040 754 Grand Cherokee Patriot D N 1524 9582 B N 1190 25 Fahrradträger 2-dr Single Cab 76-99 9582 1461 IVECO Daily 1693 784/794 N D-Max Rodeo 962 Smart Rack Roof Rails Info 784/794 Fuß + Kurzdachadapter Kit Kit N 784/794 9582 Dach Typ JMC WingBar Edge 761 761 SquareBar 391 391 ProBar 891 891 SlideBar 961 961 WingBar Roof Rails Roof Rails Smart Rack 5-dr SUV 10-> 5-dr SUV 08-> Info EX30d EX37 WingBar Edge SquareBar ProBar SlideBar WingBar Fuß + Kurzdachadapter Dachträger Dach Typ INFINITI Sportage 5-dr SUV 94-03, 04-09 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Sportage 5-dr SUV 96-03, 04-09 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Sportage 3-dr SUV 96-03 Normal Roof 761 754 + 774 Sportage 3-dr SUV 96-03 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Sportage 5-dr SUV 10-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 Sportage 5-dr SUV 10-> Flush Rails 961 891 761 753 Venga 5-dr Hatchback 10-> Normal Roof 969 892 769 754 391 1109 9582 4-dr Sedan 96-07 111 5-dr Estate 98-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1636 B Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1308 C GS250 4-dr Sedan 12-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1689 D 784/794 GS350 4-dr Sedan 12-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1689 D D 1640 D GS450 4-dr Sedan 12-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1689 D 4009 N IS (Mk II) 4-dr Sedan 05-12 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1426 D 1584 C IS 200 4-dr Sedan 02-05 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1152 IS250/300/350 4-dr Sedan 13-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1735 RX (Mk II) 5-dr SUV 03-09 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1298 RX (Mk II) 5-dr SUV 03-09 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 RX (Mk III) 5-dr SUV 09-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1298 3040 1170 C 5-dr Hatchback 00-08 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1170 C RX 300 5-dr SUV 98-03 T-Profile 962 892 762 753 5-dr Hatchback 05-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1359 C RX 350/450 (MK.III) 5-dr SUV 09-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 2108 Samara 3-dr Hatchback 84-> Raingutter 760 951 RX 350/450 (MK.III) 5-dr SUV 10-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 2109 Samara 5-dr Hatchback 87-> Raingutter 760 951 21099 Samara 4-dr Sedan 90-> Raingutter 760 951 LINCOLN 2115 Samara 4-dr Sedan 00-> Raingutter 760 951 MKX 5-dr SUV 07-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 2120 Nadezhda 5-dr MPV 98-06 Raingutter 762 951 2131 Niva 5-dr SUV 95-> Kalina 1119 5-dr Hatchback 05-> Bolero 2-dr Single Cab Raingutter 763 952 Goa 5-dr SUV 02-> Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 5-dr Bus 94-> Raingutter 762 951 Samara 961 891 391 762 951 761 754 9582 Raingutter 762 951 Delta 3-dr Hatchback 83-92 Raingutter 761 951 Delta 5-dr Hatchback 09-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1500 Kappa 4-dr Sedan 95-00 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1175 Lybra 5-dr Estate 99-06 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 C 1298 9582 Omni C D N 1530 C 9583 N 785/795 5-dr MPV 04-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 5-dr MPV 08-> Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 775 Phedra 5-dr MPV 02-10 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1313 Phedra 5-dr MPV 02-10 T-Profile 969 892 769 753 3035 Thema 4-dr Sedan 11-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1604 D Voyager 5-dr MPV 08-> Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 1470 C Ypsilon 3-dr Hatchback 03-11 Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1351 C Ypsilon 5-dr Hatchback 12- Normal Roof 969 892 769 754 1678 D Zeta 5-dr MPV 94-01 T-Profile 969 892 769 753 3035 391 3004 D LAND ROVER Defender 90/110/130 SUV 90/110/130 83->(S. AMERICA) Normal Roof Defender 90/110/130 SUV 90/110/130 83->(S. AMERICA) Raingutter 393 2 5-dr MPV 03-07 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1271 C 2 5-dr Hatchback 07-> Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 9594 3069 C,N 3 4-dr Sedan 04-08 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9592 3069 N 3 5-dr Hatchback 04-08 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1326 D 3 4-dr Sedan 04-08 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1334 C 3 5-dr Hatchback 04-08, 09-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9592 3069 N 5 5-dr MPV 04-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9594 3080 5 5-dr MPV 04-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9582 6 5-dr Estate 02-07 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 5-dr Hatchback 02-04, 05-07 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1302 D 4-dr Sedan 02-04, 05-07 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1302 D 6 5-dr Estate 02-07, 08-> 6 4-dr Sedan 13-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 420 953 6 5-dr Estate 13-> Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 5-dr Estate 13-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1736 C 761 754 + 774 1025 C 961 891 391 761 754 1025 C 761 951 5-dr SUV 96-01, 02-03 Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 757 Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 775 121 3-dr Hatchback 96-03 Normal Roof 5-dr Hatchback 96-03 Normal Roof Raingutter Discovery (Mk. III) 5-dr SUV 04-09 T-Profile 969 892 769 753 9593 3027 N 121 Discovery (Mk. IV) 5-dr SUV 09-> T-Profile 969 892 769 753 9593 3027 N 323 5-dr Hatchback 80-89 962 892 Normal Roof Normal Roof Range Rover Evoque 5-dr SUV 11-> Roof Rails Freelander 3-dr SUV 98-03 962 892 392 392 Normal Roof 9585 N 762 754 1663 C 323 5-dr Estate 85-96 Raingutter 761 951 762 754 + 774 1663 C 323 4-dr Sedan 90-94 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1006 762 775 323 4-dr Sedan 95-97 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1034 761 754 + 774 D 323 4-dr Sedan 98-00, 01-03 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1110 D 626 5-dr Estate 88-97 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 1191 Freelander 5-dr SUV 98-03 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Freelander 5-dr SUV 98-03 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 626 4-dr Sedan 92-97 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1008 757 626 5-dr Hatchback 92-97 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1024 757 626 5-dr Hatchback 98-02 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1053 D 626 4-dr Sedan 98-02 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1053 N 626 5-dr Estate 98-02 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 323 F 5-dr Hatchback 98-00, 01-03 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 5-dr SUV 04-06 5-dr SUV 04-06 Roof Rails Roof Rails 960 960 891 891 390 390 760 760 1191 Freelander II 5-dr SUV 07-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 Freelander II 5-dr SUV 07-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 1443 Range Rover 5-dr SUV 02-> Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 1274 Range Rover 5-dr SUV 95-01 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C 323 Familia 4-dr Sedan 98-00, 01-03 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1110 Range Rover Sport 5-dr SUV 04-> Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 1456 C 323 ProtegÈ 4-dr Sedan 98-00, 01-03 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1110 6 (MK I) 5-dr Hatchback 02-04, 05-07 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9591 3069 N 6 (MK I) 4-dr Sedan 02-04, 05-07 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9591 3069 N 6 (MK II) 5-dr Hatchback 08-12 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9591 3069 N 9582 LDV 4-dr Van 05-> Fixed Points 963 893 763 751 3052 784/794 D 763 5-dr SUV 04-> 5-dr SUV 11-> N 1715 763 Discovery 3-dr SUV 11-> 9582 784/794 D 6 Discovery Range Rover Evoque 1302 6 6 Range Rover Evoque N N 785/795 784/794 1110 27 Fahrradträger Musa w/o glass roof 26 784/794 D MAZDA 784/794 Musa MAXUS Smart Rack D N MARUTI LANCIA Freelander D MAHINDRA 1359 4-dr sedan 84-04 Freelander Info 5-dr Hatchback 11-> 4-dr Sedan 02-06 112 Raingutter Kit CT 200h ES 300 119 Normal Roof WingBar Edge SquareBar ProBar SlideBar Fuß + Kurzdachadapter 784/794 LADA 110 Dach Typ LEXUS WingBar Smart Rack D N 1109 9595 Info Kit WingBar Edge SquareBar ProBar SlideBar WingBar Fuß + Kurzdachadapter Dachträger Dach Typ KIA Kit Info 3069 N 9591 3069 N C-Klasse (W204) with glass roof 4-dr Sedan 07-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9592 3083 N Atenza 4-dr Sedan 02-07 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9591 3069 N C-Klasse (W204) with glass roof Atenza 5-dr Estate 02-> Roof Rails 961 891 761 757 2-dr CoupÈ 12-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9591 3083 N Atenza (MK.II.) 5-dr Hatchback 08-12 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9591 3069 N CLA 4-dr Sedan 13-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9592 3125 N CLC 2-dr Coupe 08-> Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1504 Atenza (MK.II.) 4-dr Sedan 08-12 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9592 3069 B N CLK (W208) 2-dr Coupe 97-02 Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1092 784/794 Dach Typ Fuß + Kurzdachadapter Atenza Sport Wagon 5-dr Estate 02-07 Normal Roof 961 891 761 754 1302 B CLS 4-dr CoupÈ 10-> Fixed Points 969 892 769 753 9593 3049 N Axela 5-dr Hatchback 04-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9592 3069 N CLS 5-dr Estate 13-> Fixed Points 969 892 769 753 9593 3049 N Axela 4-dr Sedan 04-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9592 3069 N Biante 5-dr MPV 08-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 E-Klasse (C207) w/o glass roof 2-dr Coupe 09-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9591 3049 N B-Series 2-dr Single Cab 98-06 Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1292 L, C Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9591 3083 N 4-dr Double Cab 99-06 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1292 C E-Klasse (C207) with glass roof 2-dr Coupe 09-> B-Series BT-50 4-dr Double Cab 07-11 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1292 C 892 1009 D BT-50 4-dr Extended Cab 07-11 Normal Roof 969 BT-50 2-dr Single Cab 07-11 Normal Roof 969 3080 391 769 754 1292 C 391 769 754 1292 C BT-50 4-dr Double Cab 12- Normal Roof 962 893 392 762 754 1665 BT-50 4-dr Extended Cab 12- Normal Roof 962 893 392 762 754 1665 1053 Capella 4-dr Sedan 98-02 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 Capella 5-dr Estate 98-02 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 CX-5 5-dr SUV 12-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9595 3069 N CX-7 5-dr SUV 06-12 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9595 3069 H, N CX-9 5-dr SUV 07-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 3069 H Demio 5-dr MPV 96-02 Roof Rails 961 891 761 757 Demio 5-dr MPV 02-07 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Demio 5-dr Hatchback 07-> Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 393 763 420 961 891 391 761 754 E2000 Van 88-95 Normal Roof Familia 4-dr Sedan 95-97 Normal Roof 391 784/794 784/794 9592 1271 C 3069 C, N 1034 4-dr Double Cab 03-06 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1292 4-dr Sedan 95-97 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1034 391 761 757 761 753 3080 MPV 5-dr MPV 97-99, 00-03 Roof Rails 961 891 MPV 5-dr MPV 05-> Fixed Points 961 891 New Familia VAN 5-dr Estate 07-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1407 Premacy 5-dr MPV 99-01, 02-04 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1159 Premacy 5-dr MPV 99-01, 02-04 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Premacy 5-dr MPV 04-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 Scrum 5-dr MPV 05-> Raingutter 769 951 Tribute 5-dr SUV 00-03, 04-07 762 754 Normal Roof 962 892 392 C 784/794 A 784/794 9594 3080 1200 N C MERCEDES BENZ 5-dr Estate 85-95 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 4-dr Sedan 95-01 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 391 761 757 9582 761 753 9595 E-Klasse (W210) 5-dr Estate 96-02 Roof Rails 961 891 E-Klasse (W211) 4-dr Sedan 02-09 Fixed Points 961 891 5-dr Estate 03-08 Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 9585 N 785/795 5-dr Estate 09-> Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 9585 N 785/795 E-Klasse (W212) w/o glass roof 4-dr Sedan 09-> Fixed Points 969 892 769 753 9595 3049 N E-Klasse (W212) with glass roof 4-dr Sedan 09-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9595 3083 N G-Klasse 5-dr SUV 79-> Raingutter 763 952 GL (X164) 5-dr SUV 06-12 Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 9585 N 785/795 GL (X166) 5-dr SUV 13-> Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 9583 N 785/795 9585 N 785/795 9585 N 785/795 GLK 5-dr SUV 08-> Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 M-Klasse (W163) 5-dr SUV 98-01, 02-05 Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 757 M-Klasse (W164) 5-dr SUV 05-11 Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 M-Klasse (W166) 5-dr SUV 12-> Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 757 R-Klasse (W251) 5-dr Estate 06-> Fixed Points 969 892 S-Klasse (W126) 4-dr Sedan 86-91 Raingutter Sprinter 4-dr Van 95-05 Raingutter Sprinter 4-dr Van 06-> Fixed Points 963 893 763 753 3032 Sprinter 4-dr Van 06-> T-Profile 963 893 763 753 3062 392 392 769 753 762 369 766 952 5-dr MPV 02-> Roof Rails 962 892 762 757 4-dr Bus 96-> T-Profile 963 893 763 753 3084 Viano 4-dr MPV 04-> Fixed Points 963 893 763 753 3029 Viano 5-dr MPV 04-> Roof Rails 963 893 763 757 393 Viano Marco Polo 4-dr Bus 96-> T-Profile 963 893 763 753 3084 Vito 4-dr Van 96-03, 04-> T-Profile 963 893 763 753 3084 Vito 5-dr Bus 97-03, 04-> Roof Rails 963 893 393 763 775 891 391 761 754 1009 D 190 (W201) 5-dr Estate 83-93 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1009 D Vito 4-dr Van 04-> Fixed Points 963 893 763 753 4-dr Bus 97-03 Roof Rails 963 893 393 763 775 5-dr Van 97-03 Roof Rails 963 893 393 763 775 200-500 (W124) 5-dr Estate 85-89, 90-95 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1009 D V-Klasse 200-500 (W124) 4-dr Sedan 85-89, 90-95 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1009 D V-Klasse 391 MERCURY Normal Roof 961 891 761 754 1072 C Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9595 3066 N A-Klasse (W169) 5-dr Hatchback 05-11 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9595 3066 N A-Klasse (W176) 5-dr Hatchback 12-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9595 3117 N B-Klasse (W245) 5-dr Hatchback 05-11 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9594 3066 N B-Klasse (W246) 5-dr Hatchback 11-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9595 3116 N Citan 4-dr Van 13-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9593 3021 H, N C-Klasse (W202) 5-dr Estate 93-99 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1009 D C-Klasse (W202) 4-dr Sedan 93-99 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1009 D C-Klasse (W202) 5-dr Estate 93-99, 00-03 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 4-dr Sedan 00-03, 04-06 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 C-Klasse (W203) 3-dr Coupe 01-07 Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 C-Klasse (W203) 5-dr Estate 01-03, 04-06 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9584 N 784/794 391 769 757 9585 N 785/795 761 753 9595 C-Klasse (W204) 5-dr Estate 07-> Roof Rails 969 892 4-dr Sedan 07-> Fixed Points 961 891 C-Klasse (W204) w/o glass roof 2-dr CoupÈ 12-> 28 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 N 784/794 1204 1233 9594 3049 3049 C N N Mountaineer 5-dr SUV 02-> Sable 4-dr Sedan 08-> Tracer 88-90 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 775 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 761 951 Raingutter N 3029 1533 C C MG C-Klasse (W203) C-Klasse (W204) w/o glass roof 9584 3038 Vaneo 961 5-dr Hatchback 98-00, 01-04 9595 Viano Normal Roof 3-dr Hatchback 05-11 784/794 N E-Klasse (W211) 4-dr Sedan 83-93 A-Klasse (W168) N 3026 E-Klasse (W212) 190 (W201) A-Klasse (W169) 784/794 Fahrradträger Freestyle Lantis E-Klasse (W124) E-Klasse (W210) Smart Rack WingBar Edge 9592 753 SquareBar 753 761 MERCEDES BENZ ProBar 761 891 391 SlideBar Info 891 961 391 WingBar Kit 961 Fixed Points Fuß + Kurzdachadapter Smart Rack WingBar Edge SquareBar SlideBar Fixed Points 5-dr Hatchback 02-07 ProBar WingBar 4-dr Sedan 08-12 Atenza Dach Typ ZR 3-dr Hatchback 02-05 Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1044 ZR 5-dr Hatchback 02-05 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1044 C ZS 5-dr Hatchback 02-05 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1045 D ZS 4-dr Sedan 02-05 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1045 D ZT 4-dr Sedan 01-05 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1154 ZT-T 5-dr Estate 02-05 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 960 891 390 760 754 1680 B 761 754 + 774 1366 C 761 753 9591 760 757 9581 784/794 MINI Clubman 4-dr Hatchback 08-> Normal Roof Cooper 3-dr Hatchback 02-06, 07-> Normal Roof Countryman 5-dr SUV 10-> Flush Rails 961 891 One Clubman 5-dr Estate 09-> Roof Rails 960 891 390 Dachträger 6 (MK II) MAZDA 4020 N N 29 Info WingBar SlideBar ProBar SquareBar Kit Info 891 391 761 775 Minica 84-88 761 951 891 761 753 9595 3093 N Mirage 5-dr Hatchback 12-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1696 B ASX 5-dr SUV 10-> Flush Rails 969 892 769 753 9595 4017 N Montero 5-dr SUV 99-06 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1182 1183 Raingutter Fuß + Kurzdachadapter Carisma 5-dr Hatchback 96-05 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1081 C Montero 3-dr SUV 99-06 Normal Roof 762 754 + 774 Carisma 4-dr Sedan 97-05 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Montero 3-dr SUV 99-06 Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 757 C Carisma 4-dr Sedan 97-05 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1081 Challenger 5-dr SUV 98-05 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1236 Challenger 5-dr SUV 99-> Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 9581 Montero 5-dr SUV 99-06 Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 757 Nimbus 5-dr MPV 98-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 N Outlander 5-dr SUV 03-05 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 775 784/794 Challenger 5-dr SUV 11-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1400 C Outlander (Mk II) 5-dr SUV 05-12 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 Challenger 4-dr Double Cab 11-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1400 C Outlander (Mk II) 5-dr SUV 05-12 Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 9583 Chariot 84-91 761 951 Outlander (Mk III) 5-dr SUV 13-> Flush Rails 969 892 769 753 9595 Raingutter Smart Rack Kit 961 961 Dach Typ MITSUBISHI WingBar Edge WingBar Edge Smart Rack ProBar SquareBar SlideBar Roof Rails Fixed Points WingBar 5-dr SUV 03->(S. AMERICA) 5-dr SUV 10-> Fuß + Kurzdachadapter Dachträger Airtrek ASX Dach Typ MITSUBISHI 1409 C N 4030 785/795 N Chariot 3-dr MPV 92-96 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 Pajero 3-dr SUV 91-00 (S. AMERICA) Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 757 Chariot Grandis 3-dr MPV 97-03 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 Pajero 5-dr SUV 91-00 (S. AMERICA) Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 757 Colt 3-dr Hatchback 96-03 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Pajero 5-dr SUV 91-98 Raingutter 763 952 Colt 3-dr Hatchback 96-04 Normal Roof 761 754 + 774 1078 C Pajero 3-dr SUV 91-98, 99-04 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 Colt 5-dr Hatchback 04-12 Normal Roof 769 754 1356 C Pajero 5-dr SUV 91-98, 99-04 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 Delica 5-dr Bus 79-86 Raingutter 763 952 Pajero 5-dr SUV 99-06 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1182 Delica 5-dr Bus 79-86 Raingutter 763 951 Pajero 3-dr SUV 99-06 Normal Roof 762 754 + 774 1183 Delica 5-dr MPV 07-> Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 Pajero 3-dr SUV 00->(S. AMERICA) Normal Roof 962 392 762 754 Dingo 5-dr MPV 99-01 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Pajero 5-dr SUV 05-06, 07-> Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 9583 N 785/795 Emeraude 4-dr Sedan 96-05 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Pajero 3-dr SUV 05-06, 07-> Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 9583 N 785/795 Endeavor 5-dr SUV 06-11 Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 775 9581 Eterna 4-dr Sedan 96-05 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Galant 5-dr Hatchback 88-92 761 951 Galant 5-dr Hatchback 88-92, 93-96 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 Galant 4-dr Sedan 88-92, 93-96 Fixed Points 960 891 390 Galant 5-dr Estate 97-02 Roof Rails 960 891 969 892 391 1485 C 784/794 1049 C N Pajero Dakar 5-dr SUV 09->(S. AMERICA) Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 775 1049 C Pajero Full 5-dr SUV 00->(S. AMERICA) Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 Pajero Full 5-dr SUV 06->(S. AMERICA) Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 775 751 3081 C Pajero IO 3-dr SUV 98-07 Normal Roof 762 754 + 774 1173 C 760 751 3081 C Pajero IO 5-dr SUV 98-07 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1173 C 390 760 775 Pajero IO 5-dr SUV 99->(S. AMERICA) Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Raingutter 9583 5-dr SUV 00-06 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 5-dr SUV 98-06 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 961 891 391 761 757 969 892 391 769 775 891 390 760 775 5-dr Estate 97-02 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 4-dr Sedan 97-05 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Galloper 3-dr SUV 99-03 Raingutter 763 952 Pajero Sport 5-dr SUV 98-06 Roof Rails Galloper 5-dr SUV 99-03 Raingutter 763 952 Pajero Sport 5-dr SUV 06-09 (S. AMERICA) Roof Rails Grandis 5-dr Van 03-11 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1333 D Pajero Sport 5-dr SUV 09-> Roof Rails 960 Grandis 5-dr Estate 03-11 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1333 D Grandis 5-dr Van 03-11 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 i-MIEV 5-dr Hatchback 10-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1682 L 200 2-dr Extended Cab 98-05 Normal Roof 962 392 762 754 1116 L 200 2-dr Single Cab 98-05 Normal Roof 962 392 762 754 1116 L 200 4-dr Double Cab 98-99 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1116 L 200 4-dr Double Cab 00-05 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1236 L 200 95-> 762 951 Raingutter L 200 (KB4T) 4-dr Double Cab 05-09, 10-> Normal Roof 969 2-dr Extended Cab 05-09, 10-> Normal Roof 969 L 300 5-dr Van 81-02 892 1049 784/794 B L, A 9582 N 784/794 1236 784/794 785/795 9581 N Pajero TR4 3-dr SUV 02-07 Normal Roof 962 392 762 754 1173 C Pajero TR4 5-dr SUV 02-07 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1173 C Pajero TR4 5-dr SUV 06-09 (S. AMERICA) Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 775 785/795 Pajero TR4 5-dr SUV 10->(S. AMERICA) Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 785/795 Pinin 3-dr SUV 98-07 Normal Roof 762 754 + 774 1173 C Pinin 5-dr SUV 98-07 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1173 C Pinin 3-dr SUV 99-05 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 RVR 5-dr MPV 92-97 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 391 769 754 1400 C Sigma 5-dr Estate 93-96 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 391 769 754 1401 C Space 5-dr Wagon 84->(S. AMERICA) Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 762 952 Space Runner 5-dr MPV 92-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 Raingutter Space Star 5-dr MPV 98-01, 02-05 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Space Star 5-dr MPV 98-01, 02-05 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 C Space Star 5-dr Hatchback 12-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1239 D Space Wagon 5-dr MPV 84-91 Raingutter 761 951 1239 D Space Wagon 3-dr MPV 84-98 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 754 1477 C Space Wagon 3-dr MPV 99-03 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 769 754 1477 C Space Wagon 3-dr MPV 99-03 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 775 769 754 1477 C Space Wagon 3-dr MPV 04-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 775 891 761 753 9594 3071 N Triton 4-dr Double Cab 98-99 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1116 891 761 753 9594 3071 N Triton 2-dr Extended Cab 98-05 Normal Roof 962 392 762 754 1116 392 762 754 1239 D Triton 2-dr Single Cab 98-05 Normal Roof 962 392 762 754 1116 L, A 892 392 762 754 1239 D Triton (KB4T) 4-dr Double Cab 05-09, 10-> Normal Roof 969 391 769 754 1400 C 969 892 391 769 754 1477 C Triton (KB4T) 2-dr Extended Cab 05-09, 10-> Normal Roof 969 391 769 754 1401 C Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 3071 N Lancer 5-dr Estate 93-96 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Lancer 4-dr Sedan 96-99 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1079 Lancer 4-dr Sedan 96-03 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 Lancer 5-dr Estate 00-03, 04-07 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 Lancer 4-dr Sedan 00-03, 04-07 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 Lancer 5-dr Hatchback 08-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 Lancer 4-dr Sedan 08-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 Lancer 4-dr Sedan 08-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 Lancer 5-dr Hatchback 08-> Fixed Points 961 Lancer 4-dr Sedan 08-> Fixed Points 961 Lancer Cedia 4-dr Sedan 00-03 Normal Roof 962 892 Lancer EVO VII 4-dr Sedan 00-03 Normal Roof 962 Lancer EVO X 4-dr Sedan 08-> Normal Roof Lancer EVO X 4-dr Sedan 08-> Legnum 5-dr Estate 97-05 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Libero 5-dr Estate 99-05 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 30 C N 1182 9594 892 1097 9581 N 1696 784/794 B 784/794 9581 N 784/794 784/794 31 Fahrradträger Pajero Pinin Pajero Sport Galant Galant L 200 (KB4T) 1183 Almera 3-dr Hatchback 95-99 Normal Roof 761 754 + 774 1030 C Navara 4-dr Double Cab 05-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1109 D 785/795 1430 Almera 5-dr Hatchback 95-99 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1030 C Navara 4-dr Double Cab 05-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 775 Almera 4-dr Sedan 95-99 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1030 C Note 5-dr Hatchback 05-11 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1399 Almera 5-dr Estate 99-03 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Note 5-dr MPV 05-11 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1399 B Almera 3-dr Hatchback 00-06 761 754 + 774 Note 5-dr MPV 12-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1690 C Normal Roof 784/794 1197 C 9581 N Almera 5-dr Hatchback 00-06 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1197 H, C NP300 2-dr Extended Cab 09-> Normal Roof 962 392 762 754 1086 Almera 4-dr Sedan 00-06 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1197 H, C NP300 2-dr Single Cab 09-> Normal Roof 962 392 762 754 1086 Almera Tino 5-dr MPV 99-01 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1031 NP300 4-dr Double Cab 09-> Normal Roof 962 392 762 754 1086 3085 Almera Tino 5-dr MPV 02-06 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1295 Bluebird 4-dr Sedan 96-01 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1023 Bluebird Sylphy 4-dr Sedan 00-06 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1197 1157 D C 892 5-dr Van 09-> Fixed Points 969 892 769 753 5-dr Van 13-> Fixed Points 962 892 762 753 3122 Pathfinder (WD21) 3-dr SUV 88-96 Normal Roof 762 754 + 774 1086 Pathfinder (WD21) 5-dr SUV 88-96 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1086 Pathfinder (WD21) 3-dr SUV 88-96 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 784/794 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 757 Cube 5-dr MPV 98-01 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1124 C Pathfinder (WD21) 5-dr SUV 88-96 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Cube 5-dr MPV 02-08 Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 1336 A Pathfinder 5-dr SUV 05-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 Cube 5-dr MPV 09-> Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 1570 B Pathfinder (R51) 5-dr SUV 05-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 775 Cube Cubic 5-dr MPV 03-> Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 1336 A Patrol 5-dr SUV 11-> Fixed Points 962 892 762 753 Dualis 5-dr SUV 07-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1454 C Patrol 160 5-dr SUV 81-87 Raingutter 763 952 Elgrand 5-dr MPV 02-09 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1282 Patrol GR 5-dr SUV 88-97 Raingutter 763 952 Elgrand 5-dr MPV 10-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1628 Patrol GR 5-dr SUV 98-04, 05-10 Roof Rails Grand Livina 5-dr MPV 09-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Patrol GR 5-dr SUV 98-04, 05-10 Raingutter Homy 5-dr Van 96-96 Raingutter Homy Elgrand 5-dr MPV 97-01 Normal Roof 962 892 392 Interstar (Mk II) 4-dr Van 02-10 Fixed Points 963 Interstar (Mk II) 5-dr Van 02-10 Fixed Points Interstar (Mk III) 4-dr Van 10-> Fixed Points 962 892 392 762 757 393 763 369 1430 9581 N 3106 H 1525 B 763 952 Pixo 5-dr Hatchback 09-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 762 754 1090 Presage 5-dr MPV 98-02, 03-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 893 763 753 3045 Primastar 4-dr Van 02-06, 07-> Fixed Points 963 893 763 753 963 893 763 753 3045 Primastar 5-dr Van 02-06, 07-> Fixed Points 963 893 763 753 3046 962 892 762 753 3096 Primastar with high roof 4-dr Van 02-06, 07-> Fixed Points 962 892 762 753 3046 3046 784/794 3046 Juke 5-dr SUV 10-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1619 Primastar with high roof 5-dr Van 02-06, 07-> Fixed Points 962 892 762 753 King Cab 4-dr Double Cab 89-97, 98-01, 02-05 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1086 Primera (P10) 5-dr Hatchback 91-96 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1010 King Cab 2-dr Extended Cab 86-97, 98-01, 02-05 Normal Roof 962 392 762 754 1086 Primera (P10) 4-dr Sedan 91-96 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1010 King Cab 2-dr Single Cab 86-97 Normal Roof 962 392 762 754 1086 L Primera (W10) 5-dr Estate 91-97 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 King Cab 2-dr Single Cab 98-01, 02-05 Normal Roof 962 392 762 754 1086 L Primera (P11) 5-dr Hatchback 97-01 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 King Cab 2-dr Single Cab 05-> Normal Roof 962 392 762 754 1408 Primera (P11) 4-dr Sedan 97-01 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 King Cab 4-dr Double Cab 05-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1430 Primera (W11) 5-dr Estate 98-01 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Kubistar 5-dr Van 04-> Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 3021 Primera (P12) 5-dr Hatchback 02-07 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 Lafesta 5-dr MPV 04-> 5-dr MPV 11-> Primera (P12) 4-dr Sedan 02-07 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1258 D 5-dr Estate 02-07 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1258 D 3014 N 1030 C 5-dr Hatchback 10-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1633 B Primera (W12) 5-dr Estate 02-07 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 5-dr MPV 07-13 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1399 B Primera (W12) 5-dr Estate 02-07 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Livina 5-dr SUV 08-> Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 775 Pulsar 3-dr Hatchback 95-00 761 754 + 774 891 5-dr MPV 09->(S. AMERICA) Roof Rails 961 3-dr Hatchback 95-00 Normal Roof 961 Lucino 5-dr Hatchback 95-00 Normal Roof 961 Lucino 4-dr Sedan 95-00 Normal Roof 961 Normal Roof 9591 784/794 Pulsar 5-dr Hatchback 95-00 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1030 C Pulsar 4-dr Sedan 95-00 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1030 C 761 754 + 774 1197 C Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1197 H, C 1454 C 1628 C D 391 761 757 391 761 754 1030 C 891 391 761 754 1030 C Pulsar 3-dr Hatchback 00-06 Normal Roof 891 391 761 754 1030 C Pulsar 5-dr Hatchback 00-06 March 3-dr Hatchback 93-02 Normal Roof 960 390 760 754 1108 Qashqai 5-dr SUV 07-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 March 5-dr Hatchback 93-02 Normal Roof 960 891 390 760 754 1108 Qashqai 5-dr SUV 07-> Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 March 3-dr Hatchback 03-07, 08-10 Normal Roof 761 754 + 774 1300 C Qashqai +2 5-dr SUV 08-> Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 March 5-dr Hatchback 03-07, 08-10 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1300 D Quest 5-dr Van 11-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 C 785/795 March (K13) 5-dr Hatchback 10-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1623 R’Nessa 5-dr Estate 98-> Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 757 Maxima 4-dr Sedan 00-03 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1157 Rasheen 5-dr SUV 99-> Roof Rails 963 893 393 763 757 891 969 892 391 769 754 1587 761 754 + 774 1030 C 761 754 1030 C C Maxima 4-dr Sedan 95-99 Normal Roof 961 Micra (K11) 3-dr Hatchback 93-99 Normal Roof 960 Micra (K11) 5-dr Hatchback 93-99, 00-02 Normal Roof 960 Micra (K11), Openable Rear Window 3-dr Hatchback 00-02 Normal Roof 960 Micra (K12) 3-dr Hatchback 03-07, 08-10 891 391 761 754 1435 Rogue 5-dr SUV 08-> Normal Roof 390 760 754 1108 Sentra 3-dr Hatchback 95-00 Normal Roof 390 760 754 1108 Sentra 4-dr Sedan 95-99 Normal Roof 390 760 754 1108 Normal Roof 761 754 + 774 1300 C Micra (K12) 5-dr Hatchback 03-07, 08-10 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1300 D Micra (K13) 5-dr Hatchback 10-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1623 C Mistral 3-dr Hatchback 93-02, 03-> Normal Roof 761 754 + 774 1109 D 32 961 891 391 784/794 D Primera (W12) Leaf Livina X-Gear N 1258 N Livina Lucino 1023 9581 3080 785/795 9594 784/794 1023 Sentra 5-dr Hatchback 95-00 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1030 Sentra 4-dr Sedan 07-12 (NORTH AMERICA) Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1538 B Sentra 4-dr Sedan 13->(NORTH AMERICA) Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1732 C Serena 5-dr MPV 05-09 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1390 C Serena 5-dr MPV 10-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1650 C 33 Fahrradträger 4-dr Sedan 99-03 5-dr Estate 97-03 Lafesta Highway Star L NV 200 Cefiro C B NV 350 Cefiro C Smart Rack 5-dr SUV 03-> Info 5-dr Hatchback 93-02, 03-> Murano Kit Mistral A Fuß + Kurzdachadapter WingBar Edge C 1407 SquareBar 1164 754 ProBar 754 769 SlideBar 760 391 Dach Typ NISSAN WingBar Smart Rack 390 892 Info SquareBar 891 969 Kit ProBar 960 Normal Roof Fuß + Kurzdachadapter WingBar Edge SlideBar Normal Roof 5-dr Estate 07-> WingBar 5-dr Van 00-06 AD Dach Typ Dachträger AD NISSAN Sunny (B11), (N13) 86-90 Sunny (N14) 3-dr Hatchback 91-94 Raingutter Normal Roof 961 961 891 761 753 9593 3006 N Fixed Points 969 892 769 753 9593 3088 N 390 760 369 Combo 5-dr Van 12-> Fixed Points 969 892 769 753 9593 3088 N 390 760 369 9593 3006 N 391 761 754 ProBar Fixed Points 4-dr Van 12-> SlideBar 5-dr Van 02-11 Combo WingBar Combo 757 Info 952 Kit 763 Dach Typ OPEL Fuß + Kurzdachadapter Combo Tour 5-dr MPV 02-12 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 1010 Combo Tour 5-dr MPV 12-> Roof Rails 963 893 393 763 775 Smart Rack SquareBar Smart Rack 763 WingBar Edge 393 Info Raingutter 893 Kit 85-89 963 WingBar Edge Stanza (U11) SquareBar Roof Rails ProBar Raingutter 5-dr Estate 97-01 SlideBar 96-> Stagea WingBar Serena Cargo Fuß + Kurzdachadapter Sunny (N14) 5-dr Hatchback 91-94 Normal Roof 960 891 390 760 754 1010 Corsa A 2-dr Sedan 80-92 761 951 Sunny (N14) 4-dr Sedan 91-94 Normal Roof 960 891 390 760 754 1010 Corsa B 3-dr Hatchback 93-00 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Sunny (Y10) 5-dr Estate 91-96 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Corsa B 5-dr Hatchback 93-00 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Sunny 4-dr Sedan 95-98 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1030 C Corsa C 3-dr Hatchback 01-03, 04-06 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Sunny 3-dr Hatchback 95-98 Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1030 C Corsa C 5-dr Hatchback 01-03, 04-06 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Sunny 5-dr Hatchback 95-98 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1030 C Corsa Combo 4-dr Van 94-01 762 951 Sunny 4-dr Sedan 99-07 Normal Roof 960 891 390 760 754 1023 Corsa D 3-dr Hatchback 06-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9594 3006 N Terrano (WD21) 3-dr SUV 86-96 Normal Roof 762 754 + 774 1086 Corsa D 5-dr Hatchback 06-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9594 3006 N Terrano (WD21) 5-dr SUV 86-96 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1086 Frontera 5-dr SUV 92-98, 99-04 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 Terrano (WD21) 3-dr SUV 86-96 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Frontera Sport 3-dr SUV 92-98, 99-04 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 Roof Rails 961 891 391 Terrano (WD21) 5-dr SUV 86-96 Terrano II (R20) 3-dr SUV 93-02, 03-06 Normal Roof Terrano II (R20) 5-dr SUV 93-02, 03-06 Normal Roof 961 891 391 784/794 784/794 Raingutter Raingutter 761 757 Insignia 4-dr Sedan 09-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1513 761 754 + 774 1109 D Insignia 5-dr Hatchback 09-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1513 C 761 754 1109 D Insignia 5-dr Estate 09-> Flush Rails 961 891 761 753 4012 N 9595 C Terrano II (R20) 3-dr SUV 93-02, 03-06 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 Kadett 5-dr Estate 85-91 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Terrano II (R20) 5-dr SUV 93-02, 03-06 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 Kadett 3-dr Hatchback 85-91 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Tiida 5-dr Hatchback 05-07, 08-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1376 B Kadett 5-dr Estate 85-91 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Tiida Latio 4-dr Sedan 04-07, 08-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1386 B Meriva 5-dr MPV 03-09 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1301 D Urvan 5-dr Van 81-96 765 952 Meriva 5-dr MPV 03-09 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9592 3006 N Raingutter Versa 4-dr Sedan 12-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1705 C Meriva 5-dr MPV 10-> Fixed Points 961 891 Wingroad 5-dr Estate 06-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1407 A Mokka 5-dr SUV 13-> Flush Rails 961 891 Xterra 5-dr SUV 04->(S. AMERICA) Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 775 Monterey 3-dr SUV 93-97 Normal Roof X-Trail 5-dr SUV 01-06 Fixed Points 969 892 769 753 9595 N Monterey 5-dr SUV 93-97 Normal Roof 962 892 X-Trail 5-dr SUV 04-06 Roof Rails 961 891 761 775 9582 N Monterey 3-dr SUV 93-97 Roof Rails 962 892 X-Trail 5-dr SUV 07-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9593 392 3063 3059 N OLDSMOBILE Brougham 4-dr Sedan Raingutter 762 951 OPEL Adam 3-dr Hatchback 13-> Fixed Points 961 891 Agila 5-dr MPV 00-07 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Agila 5-dr MPV 00-07 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Agila 5-dr Hatchback 08-> Antara 5-dr SUV 07-> Astra Astra Astra Astra 753 9594 3124 D, N 1167 C 784/794 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 1499 4-dr Sedan 92-97 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 5-dr Estate 92-97 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 5-dr Estate 92-97, 98-03 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C 3-dr Hatchback 92-97, 98-03 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Astra 5-dr Hatchback 92-97, 98-03 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Astra 4-dr Sedan 98-03 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 Astra 5-dr Estate 98-03 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Astra 3-dr Coupe 00-03 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 Astra 5-dr Estate 04-06 Flush Rails 960 891 390 760 753 4010 Astra 5-dr Estate 07-10 Flush Rails 960 891 390 760 753 9591 4011 N Astra 3-dr Hatchback 04-09 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 9594 3025 N Astra 5-dr Hatchback 04-09 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 9594 3025 N Astra 5-dr Hatchback 10-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9594 3090 D, N Astra 4-dr Sedan 13-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9594 3090 D, N C 9582 B N 3081 9581 C N 3081 9581 C N C Astra Delvan 3-dr Van 98-03 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 Astra GTC 3-dr Hatchback 05-09 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3025 Astra GTC 3-dr Hatchback 11-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9591 3090 D, N 9591 4025 N 3081 C Astra Sports Tourer 5-dr Estate 10-> Flush Rails 961 891 Calibra 3-dr Coupe 90-97 Fixed Points 960 891 Combo 3-dr Van 02-11 Fixed Points 961 Combo 4-dr Van 02-11 Fixed Points 961 34 761 753 760 751 891 761 753 9593 3006 N 891 761 753 9593 3006 N 390 784/794 753 9595 3090 D,N 753 9591 4032 N 762 754 + 774 1091 392 762 754 1091 392 762 757 Monterey 5-dr SUV 93-97 Roof Rails 962 892 762 757 Movano (Mk II) 4-dr Van 98-03 Fixed Points 963 893 763 753 3045 Movano (Mk II) 4-dr Van 04-10 Fixed Points 963 893 763 753 3045 Movano (Mk II) 5-dr Van 98-03, 04-10 Fixed Points 963 893 763 753 3045 Movano (Mk II) 4-dr Van 10-> Fixed Points 962 892 762 753 3096 Omega 5-dr Estate 86-93 Raingutter 761 951 Omega 4-dr Sedan 86-93 Raingutter 761 951 Omega 5-dr Estate 86-93, 94-03 Roof Rails 761 757 Omega 4-dr Sedan 94-03 Raingutter 761 951 Signum 5-dr Estate 03-08 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 Signum 5-dr Estate 03-08 Flush Rails 961 891 761 753 961 891 391 9581 9595 Fahrradträger 391 761 761 391 N 3006 784/794 N 4010 Sintra 4-dr MPV 96-99 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 Sintra 5-dr MPV 96-99 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 Tigra 3-dr Coupe 94-00 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 Vectra 5-dr Hatchback 89-95, 96-01 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1003 B Vectra 4-dr Sedan 89-95, 96-01 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1003 B Vectra 5-dr Estate 96-02 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 9581 Vectra 4-dr Sedan 02-08 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9595 3006 N Vectra 5-dr Estate 03-08 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9595 3006 N Vectra 5-dr Estate 03-08 Flush Rails 961 891 761 753 9592 4010 N Vectra GTS 5-dr Hatchback 02-08 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9595 3006 N Vita 5-dr Hatchback 93-00, 01-03 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Vita 3-dr Hatchback 93-00, 01-03, 04-06 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Vita 5-dr Hatchback 04-06 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Vivaro 4-dr Van 01-06, 07-> Fixed Points 963 893 763 753 3046 3046 C N Vivaro 5-dr Van 01-06, 07-> Fixed Points 963 893 763 753 Vivaro 2-dr Single Cab 01-06, 07-> Fixed Points 963 893 763 753 3047 Vivaro with high roof 5-dr Van 01-06, 07-> Fixed Points 962 892 762 753 3046 Zafira 5-dr MPV 98-02, 03-04 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 Zafira 5-dr MPV 98-02, 03-04 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Zafira 5-dr MPV 05-06 Flush Rails 961 891 761 753 3081 9584 Dachträger Dach Typ NISSAN C N 784/794 4010 35 Bipper 5-dr Van 08-> Fixed Points 969 892 N Bipper 3-dr Van 08-> Roof Rails 962 892 392 769 751 762 775 3070 Zafira Tourer 5-dr MPV 12-> Flush Rails 969 892 769 753 9595 4025 N Bipper 4-dr Van 08-> Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 775 Zafira Tourer 5-dr MPV 12-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9595 3090 D, N Bipper 5-dr Van 08-> Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 775 Boxer 4-dr Bus 06-> Fixed Points 963 893 763 751 3031 Expert 3-dr Van 95-03, 04-06 Fixed Points 969 892 769 753 3023 PERODUA Alza 5-dr MPV 09-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1609 C Expert 4-dr Van 95-03, 04-06 Fixed Points 969 892 769 753 3023 Kelisa 5-dr Hatchback 01-07 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1162 C Expert 5-dr Van 95-03, 04-06 Fixed Points 969 892 769 753 3023 MyVi 5-dr Hatchback 06-11 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1141 D PEUGEOT 106 3-dr Hatchback 91-04 Normal Roof 960 106 5-dr Hatchback 92-04 Normal Roof 960 891 390 760 754 1046 C 390 760 754 1046 C 107 5-dr Hatchback 05-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1444 206 5-dr Hatchback 98-08 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1586 206 3-dr Hatchback 98-08 Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1586 207 3-dr Hatchback 06-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9594 3017 N 207 5-dr Hatchback 06-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9594 3017 N 208 5-dr Hatchback 12-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1687 D 208 3-dr Hatchback 12-> Normal Roof 969 391 769 754 1687 D 306 3-dr Hatchback 93-00 Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1017 306 5-dr Hatchback 93-00 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1017 306 4-dr Sedan 95-00 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1073 306 5-dr Estate 97-01 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 307 3-dr Hatchback 01-04, 05-08 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9594 3013 307 5-dr Hatchback 01-04, 05-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9594 3013 Expert 4-dr Van 07-> Fixed Points 962 892 762 753 3051 Expert 5-dr Van 07-> Fixed Points 962 892 762 753 3051 J5 Van Van 84-93 765 952 Partner Van 97-02, 03-07 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1184 C Partner Van 97->(BRAZIL) Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1184 C Partner 4-dr Van 08-> Fixed Points 969 892 769 751 3072 Partner 5-dr Van 08-> Fixed Points 969 892 769 751 3072 Partner 4-dr Van 10->(S. AMERICA) Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Raingutter Partner Air 5-dr MPV 01-07 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Partner Tepee 5-dr MPV 09-> Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 775 Ranch 3-dr Van 97-02, 03-07 391 761 754 Tepee 4-dr Van 08-> 392 762 757 Normal Roof 961 Roof Rails 962 892 961 891 1184 Grand Voyager 5-dr MPV 95-00, 01-05 T-Profile Horizon 5-dr Hatchback 78-90 Raingutter N Neon 4-dr Sedan 00-01 N Voyager 5-dr MPV (USA) Normal Roof 960 891 390 Raingutter 761 753 762 951 760 754 765 951 3057 1192 3-dr Hatchback 07-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9595 3017 N Voyager 5-dr MPV 95-00, 01-05 (USA) T-Profile 961 891 761 753 3057 5-dr Hatchback 07-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9595 3017 N Voyager/Grand Voyager 5-dr MPV 95-00, 01-05 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 3057 309 3-dr Hatchback 86-93 Raingutter 761 951 Voyager/Grand Voyager 5-dr MPV 06-07 Fixed Points 969 892 769 753 3040 309 5-dr Hatchback 86-93 Raingutter 761 951 1420 PONTIAC 405 5-dr Estate 89-97 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 406 4-dr Sedan 96-04 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 406 5-dr Estate 97-04 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 407 4-dr Sedan 04-10 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 504 5-dr Estate Raingutter 761 951 504 4-dr Sedan Raingutter 761 951 508 4-dr Sedan 11-> 391 769 754 508 5-dr Estate 11-> 761 753 9595 607 4-dr Sedan 00-> 390 760 753 9591 892 Flush Rails 961 891 Fixed Points 960 891 806 5-dr MPV 94-01 T-Profile 969 892 807 5-dr MPV 02-10 Normal Roof 962 893 807 5-dr MPV 02-10 T-Profile 969 892 1007 3-dr Hatchback 05-09 Normal Roof 962 1007 5-dr Hatchback 05-09 Roof Rails 969 392 1299 9592 Roof Rails 961 891 Fixed Points 962 892 4007 5-dr SUV 07-12 Roof Rails 969 892 4008 5-dr SUV 12-> Fixed Points 961 4008 5-dr SUV 12-> Flush Rails 969 5008 5-dr MPV 09-> Fixed Points 962 5008 5-dr MPV 09-> Flush Rails 969 206 SW 5-dr Estate 02-08 Roof Rails 961 891 206+ 5-dr Hatchback 09-12 Normal Roof 961 891 206+ 3-dr Hatchback 09-12 Normal Roof 961 207 SW 5-dr Estate 07-> Roof Rails 961 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 Vibe 5-dr Hatchback 09-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 961 891 761 753 761 951 1512 C 9594 3100 N 3036 N Cayenne 5-dr SUV 02-10 T-Profile 960 891 390 760 753 9591 Cayenne 5-dr SUV 02-09 Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 9582 Cayenne 5-dr SUV 10-> Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 Cayenne 5-dr SUV 10-> Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 775 9583 Panamera 5-dr Hatchback 09-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9595 1428 D D N 775 753 769 757 9583 891 761 753 9595 3093 N 892 769 753 9595 4017 N 892 762 753 3017 892 769 753 3104 391 761 757 391 761 754 1586 391 761 754 1586 391 761 757 785/795 N N 9581 785/795 784/794 N 307 SW 5-dr Estate 02-04, 05-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9582 N 784/794 5-dr Estate 08-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9582 N 784/794 391 9584 N 784/794 407 SW 5-dr Estate 04-> Roof Rails 961 891 761 757 Bipper 3-dr Van 08-> Fixed Points 969 892 769 751 3070 Bipper 4-dr Van 08-> Fixed Points 969 892 769 751 3070 785/795 C N 3098 N Perdana 4-dr Sedan 93-10 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1049 C Wira 5-dr Hatchback 93-07 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1049 C Wira 4-dr Sedan 93-05 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1049 C Captur 5-dr SUV 13-> Normal Roof 969 891 391 Clio 3-dr Hatchback 91-97 Normal Roof Clio 5-dr Hatchback 91-97 Normal Roof 960 Clio 3-dr Hatchback 98-00, 01-03, 04-05 Normal Roof 961 Clio 5-dr Hatchback 98-00, 01-03, 04-05 Normal Roof 960 891 Clio 4-dr Sedan 98-00, 01-05 Normal Roof 960 891 Clio 3-dr Hatchback 99->(BRAZIL) Normal Roof 960 Clio 5-dr Hatchback 99->(BRAZIL) Normal Roof 960 891 Clio III 3-dr Hatchback 05-12 Fixed Points 960 891 RENAULT N 9584 N 1632 PROTON 3017 308 SW 36 Roof Rails Raingutter 761 891 5-dr MPV 98-> Fixed Points 762 391 784/794 Trans Sport 2-dr Coupe 84-89 3035 9584 5-dr SUV 13-> 5-dr SUV 09-> 757 2-dr Coupe 00-11 753 391 2008 754 761 911 Carrera 769 9583 761 391 900-Series 1313 757 391 891 N 3035 754 891 961 N 753 762 961 Roof Rails 3011 754 769 Normal Roof 4018 762 391 4-dr Sedan 06-11 (S. AMERICA) 4-dr MPV 98-> PORSCHE 769 392 N G3 Trans Sport D 1644 892 3008 3017 C 891 769 754 1734 D 760 754 + 774 1013 C 390 760 754 1013 C 391 761 754 1119 C 390 760 754 1119 C 390 760 754 1119 C 390 760 754 1119 C 390 760 754 1119 C 390 760 751 3091 37 Fahrradträger 308 969 C PLYMOUTH 308 Normal Roof Smart Rack N 4011 Info 3025 9595 Kit 9593 753 Fuß + Kurzdachadapter WingBar Edge 753 761 SquareBar 761 891 Dach Typ ProBar 891 961 PEUGEOT SlideBar Info 961 Flush Rails Fuß + Kurzdachadapter WingBar Kit Smart Rack WingBar Edge SquareBar SlideBar Fixed Points 5-dr MPV 07-13 ProBar WingBar 5-dr MPV 05-11 Zafira Family Dach Typ Dachträger Zafira OPEL 769 754 Clio IV Grand Tourer 5-dr Estate 13-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Duster 5-dr SUV 11-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 775 392 Espace 5-dr MPV 98-02 Normal Roof 962 892 Espace 5-dr MPV 03-> T-Profile 969 892 Fluence 4-dr Sedan 09-> Normal Roof 969 892 Grand Modus 5-dr Hatchback 07-> Fixed Points 961 891 Grand Scénic 5-dr MPV 08->(BRAZIL) Fixed Points 961 891 Grand Scénic 5-dr MPV 09-> Normal Roof 962 892 391 1716 9581 D N 784/794 Raingutter 4-dr Van 01-06 Fixed Points 963 893 763 753 3046 Trafic 5-dr Van 01-06, 07-> Fixed Points 963 893 763 753 3046 765 952 Trafic 2-dr Single Cab 01-06 Fixed Points 963 893 763 753 3047 Trafic 4-dr Van 07-> Fixed Points 963 893 763 753 3046 762 754 1104 Trafic with high roof 4-dr Van 01-06, 07-> Fixed Points 962 892 762 753 3046 769 753 3062 Trafic with high roof 5-dr Van 01-06, 07-> Fixed Points 962 892 762 753 3046 769 754 1593 Twingo (Mk II) 3-dr Hatchback 07-> Normal Roof 961 761 754 1467 761 751 3091 Vel Satis 4-dr Sedan 02-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 3065 Wira 4-dr Sedan 96-07 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 761 753 3078 392 762 754 1543 D 391 C C Grand Scénic II 5-dr MPV 03-08 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 3078 N ROVER Grand Scénic III 5-dr MPV 09-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1543 D 25 3-dr Hatchback 00-03, 04-05 Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1044 C Kangoo 5-dr Van 98-02, 03-07 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 3021 H 25 5-dr Hatchback 00-03, 04-05 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1044 C Kangoo 5-dr Van 00->(S. AMERICA) Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 3021 H 45 5-dr Hatchback 00-03, 04-05 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1045 D 757 45 4-dr Sedan 00-03, 04-05 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1045 D 760 757 75 4-dr Sedan 99-03, 04-05 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1154 761 753 960 891 390 Kangoo 4-dr Van 00->(S. AMERICA) Roof Rails 960 891 Kangoo 5-dr Van 03-> Roof Rails 960 891 Kangoo 5-dr Van 08-> Fixed Points 961 891 Kangoo 5-dr Van 08-> Koleos 5-dr SUV 08-> Laguna I 5-dr Hatchback 94-00 Laguna I 5-dr Estate 96-00 Roof Rails 961 891 390 390 391 760 761 9592 75 5-dr Estate 01-> Roof Rails 760 757 775 100-serie 3-dr Hatchback 94-99 Raingutter 762 951 100-serie 5-dr Hatchback 94-99 Raingutter 762 951 200-Serie 3-dr Hatchback 90-95 Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1061 200-Serie 5-dr Hatchback 90-95 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1061 891 391 761 754 1061 391 761 754 1044 C 391 761 754 1044 C 3021 Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 9583 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9581 9581 H N 785/795 1007 N 784/794 N 784/794 Laguna II 5-dr Estate 01-04, 05-07 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 200-Serie 4-dr Sedan 90-95 Normal Roof 961 Laguna II 5-dr Estate 02-04, 05-07 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1311 D 200-Serie 3-dr Hatchback 96-99 Normal Roof 961 Laguna II 5-dr Hatchback 02-04, 05-07 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1311 D 200-Serie 5-dr Hatchback 96-99 Normal Roof 961 Laguna III 5-dr Estate 08-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9582 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1463 4-dr Sedan 11-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1646 4-dr Sedan 08->(S. AMERICA) Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 5-dr Hatchback 90-95 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1061 4-dr Sedan 90-95 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1061 C 400-Serie 5-dr Hatchback 96-99 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1045 D C 400-Serie 4-dr Sedan 96-99 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1045 1378 D 4-dr Sedan 93-99 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1018 784/794 Master (Mk II) 4-dr Van 98-03, 04-10 Fixed Points 963 893 763 753 3045 600-Serie Master (Mk II) 5-dr Van 98-03, 04-10 Fixed Points 963 893 763 753 3045 Acclaim 4-dr Sedan Raingutter 761 951 Master (Mk II) 4-dr Van 10-> Fixed Points 962 892 762 753 3096 Allegro 5-dr Hatchback Raingutter 761 951 Mégane 5-dr Estate 95-02 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Metro 3-dr Hatchback 90-94 Raingutter 761 951 Mégane 3-dr Hatchback 96-05 (S. AMERICA) Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1297 C Metro 5-dr Hatchback 90-94 Raingutter 761 951 Mégane 5-dr Hatchback 96-02 Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1297 C Mini 3-dr Hatchback 91-00 Raingutter 761 951 C Morris Marina 4-dr Raingutter 761 951 3-dr Hatchback 04-> Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 5-dr Hatchback 04-> Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 891 391 761 754 1003 391 761 754 1028 Mégane 5-dr Hatchback 96-05 (S. AMERICA) Normal Roof Mégane 3-dr Hatchback 97-02 Normal Roof Mégane Classic 4-dr Sedan 97-02 Normal Roof 961 961 891 891 391 891 391 391 761 754 1297 761 754 + 774 1297 C Streetwise 761 754 1297 C Streetwise SAAB Mégane Grand Tour 5-dr Estate 06-> Roof Rails 961 891 761 757 Mégane II 3-dr Hatchback 03-08 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9592 3078 N Mégane II 5-dr Hatchback 03-08 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9592 3078 N 761 753 9592 3078 N 760 753 Mégane II 4-dr Sedan 03-08 Fixed Points 961 891 Mégane II 4-dr Sedan 06->(S. America) Fixed Points 960 891 390 3078 Mégane II 5-dr Estate 03-08 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Mégane III 5-dr Hatchback 09-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1593 Mégane III 5-dr Estate 09-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1593 391 761 757 761 751 3091 769 754 1378 Mégane III 5-dr Estate 09-> Roof Rails 961 891 Modus 5-dr Hatchback 04-> Fixed Points 961 891 Sandero 5-dr Hatchback 08->(S. AMERICA) Normal Roof 969 892 391 9582 N 9584 N Sandero Stepway 5-dr Hatchback 08->(S. AMERICA) Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 5-dr MPV 97-02 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1036 Scénic 5-dr MPV 97-02 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Scénic II 5-dr MPV 03-08 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 3078 N Scénic III 5-dr MPV 09-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1543 D Scénic III 5-dr MPV 12-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Scénic RX4 5-dr MPV 00-02 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 961 891 391 761 757 761 951 760 754 Scénic X Mod 5-dr MPV 12-> Roof Rails Super 5 3-dr Hatchback 85-90 Raingutter Thalia 4-dr Sedan 01-> 38 Normal Roof 960 891 390 9582 784/794 C Scénic 9592 784/794 N 784/794 1036 9582 N 1119 C 784/794 900 5-dr Hatchback 94-97 Normal Roof 961 900 3-dr Hatchback 94-97 Normal Roof 961 B 9000 5-dr Hatchback 85-98 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1003 B 9000 4-dr Sedan 85-98 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1003 B 9-2X 5-dr Estate 05-06 (N. AMERICA) Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1210 9-3 5-dr Hatchback 98-03 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1003 9-3 3-dr Hatchback 98-03 Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1028 9-3 SportCombi 5-dr Estate 05-12 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9594 9-3 SportCombi 5-dr Estate 05-12 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9584 9-3 SportSedan 4-dr Sedan 03-12 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9593 775 3065 B N N 3065 9-3X 5-dr Estate 09-12 Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 9-4X 5-dr SUV 11-12 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9-5 5-dr Estate 05-12 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1048 1048 9582 Fahrradträger 5-dr Hatchback 07-> Latitude Logan 400-Serie 400-Serie N Laguna III Liftback 891 Smart Rack 391 5-dr Van 81-00 Trafic Info 892 Trafic Fuß + Kurzdachadapter Kit 969 784/794 WingBar Edge Normal Roof N 3091 9582 SquareBar 757 Dach Typ RENAULT ProBar 751 761 SlideBar 760 391 WingBar 390 891 Smart Rack 891 961 Info 960 Roof Rails Kit Fixed Points Fuß + Kurzdachadapter WingBar Edge SquareBar 5-dr Hatchback 13-> ProBar Clio IV SlideBar 5-dr Hatchback 05-12 5-dr Estate 07-12 WingBar Clio III Clio III Dach Typ 784/794 N N 9-5 4-dr Sedan 98-04, 05-09 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 9-5 4-dr Sedan 10-12 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 9-5 5-dr Estate 99-01 Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 9583 N 785/795 9-5 5-dr Estate 02-04 Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 9583 N 785/795 9582 N 9-5 5-dr Estate 05-12 Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 775 9-7X 5-dr SUV 04-12 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 775 Dachträger RENAULT 1575 785/795 39 Info Smart Rack WingBar Edge SquareBar Octavia II 5-dr Estate 04-12 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 952 Octavia III 5-dr Hatchback 13-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 PS 10 5-dr SUV 07-> Raingutter 763 953 Octavia III 5-dr Sedan 13-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 Octavia III 5-dr Estate 13-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9582 N 784/794 Octavia Scout 5-dr Estate 07-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9582 N 784/794 SATURN Vue 5-dr SUV 08-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1561 C SEAT Alhambra 5-dr MPV 96-00 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 Alhambra 5-dr MPV 96-00 Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 1040 785/795 Alhambra 5-dr MPV 01-09 Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 775 9583 N Alhambra (Mk II) 5-dr MPV 10-> Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 775 9583 N Altea 5-dr Hatchback 04-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1354 Altea Freetrack 5-dr MPV 07-> Flush Rails 961 891 761 753 4015 Altea XL 5-dr MPV 06-> Flush Rails 961 891 761 753 4015 Arosa 3-dr Hatchback 98-00, 01-05 Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1052 Cordoba 4-dr Sedan 03-> Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1266 891 785/795 D Dach Typ SKODA Praktik 5-dr Estate 07-> Rapid 5-dr Hatchback 13-> Kurzdachadapter Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 Kit 952 763 Info 763 Raingutter Kit ProBar 784/794 SlideBar WingBar Smart Rack WingBar Edge SquareBar N Raingutter 5-dr SUV 07-> ProBar SlideBar WingBar 9582 2-dr Extended Cab 07-> Carpat Fuß + Kurzdachadapter 1726 1726 D D 784/794 1713 9581 D Roomster 5-dr Estate 06-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Roomster Scout 5-dr MPV 09-> Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 775 N Superb 4-dr Sedan 02-04, 05-07 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Superb 4-dr Sedan 08-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 Superb 5-dr Estate 09-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9582 N Yeti 5-dr SUV 09-> Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 775 9583 N 5-dr Hatchback 04-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1347 C 785/795 1495 D 784/794 SMART Forfour D SSANGYONG Exeo 4-dr Sedan 09-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 5-dr Estate 09-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Actyon 5-dr SUV 05-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1448 D Ibiza 3-dr Hatchback 91-92 Raingutter 390 760 369 Actyon 4-dr Double Cab 06-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1448 D Ibiza 5-dr Hatchback 91-92 Raingutter 390 760 369 Actyon Sports 5-dr SUV 06->(S. AMERICA) Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1448 D Ibiza (6L) 3-dr Hatchback 02-07 Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1266 D Korando 3-dr SUV 97-05 Normal Roof 763 754 + 774 1349 C Ibiza (6L) 5-dr Hatchback 02-07 Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1266 D Korando 3-dr SUV 97-05 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Ibiza 3-dr Hatchback 08-> Normal Roof 969 391 769 754 1493 C Korando 5-dr SUV 11-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 891 784/794 1257 Exeo 1212 9584 N 784/794 784/794 9582 N 784/794 Ibiza 5-dr Hatchback 08-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1493 D Korando Sport 4-dr Double Cab 12-> Normal Roof 962 893 392 762 754 1712 Ibiza ST 5-dr Estate 10-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1608 D Korando Sport 5-dr SUV 12-> Normal Roof 962 893 392 762 754 1712 Ibiza ST 5-dr Estate 10-> Flush Rails 960 891 390 760 753 9591 4015 N Kyron 5-dr SUV 05-> Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 Inca 3-dr Estate 96-03 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 9591 3007 N Musso 5-dr SUV 93-05 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 Inca 3-dr Van 96-03 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 9591 3007 N Musso 5-dr SUV 96-05 Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 757 Léon I 3-dr Hatchback 99-05 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 3020 Rexton 5-dr SUV 01-06 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Léon I 5-dr Hatchback 99-05 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 3020 Rexton II 5-dr SUV 07-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Léon II 5-dr Hatchback 05-12 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1398 D Rodius 5-dr SUV 04-12 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9582 N 784/794 Léon III 5-dr Hatchback 13-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1707 D Rodius 5-dr SUV 13-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9585 N 784/794 892 5-dr Hatchback 12-> Normal Roof 969 3-dr Hatchback 12-> Normal Roof 969 Toledo 4-dr Sedan 98-04 Fixed Points 960 891 754 1672 D 1672 D SUBARU 390 760 753 3020 Exiga 5-dr MPV 08-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1545 C Forester 5-dr SUV 03-07 Flush Rails 960 891 390 760 753 9591 4005 C, N 3079 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1354 D 969 892 391 769 754 1713 D SKODA Normal Roof 969 Normal Roof 969 892 N 754 Normal Roof 5-dr Hatchback 12-> 784/794 9582 769 5-dr Hatchback 05-12 Forester 5-dr SUV 08-12 Fixed Points 969 892 769 753 9592 5-dr SUV 08-12 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9582 N 784/794 Forester 5-dr SUV 13-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9582 N 784/794 9592 769 754 1672 D Forester 5-dr SUV 13-> Fixed Points 961 891 391 761 753 391 769 754 1672 D Impreza 4-dr Sedan 93-00 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 3082 N N 1122 Fabia (Mk I) 5-dr Hatchback 00-07 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 3003 Impreza 5-dr Estate 93-00, 01-04 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Fabia (Mk I) 4-dr Sedan 01-07 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 3003 Impreza 5-dr Estate 01-07 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 Fabia (Mk I) 5-dr Estate 00-07 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Impreza 4-dr Sedan 01-02, 03-05, 06-07 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 Fabia (Mk II) 5-dr Hatchback 07-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1599 Impreza 5-dr Estate 05-10 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 9581 Fabia (Mk II) 5-dr Estate 08-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1642 Impreza (Mk.III.) 5-dr Hatchback 07-11 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9594 3068 N Fabia (Mk II) 5-dr Estate 08-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9582 N 784/794 Impreza (Mk.III.) 4-dr Sedan 07-11 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9595 3068 N Fabia Scout 5-dr Estate 09-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9582 N 784/794 Impreza (Mk.IV.) 5-dr Hatchback 12-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9594 3068 N Favorit 5-dr Hatchback 90-94 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Impreza (Mk.IV.) 4-dr Sedan 12-> Normal Roof 962 892 762 754 1649 C Favorit 5-dr Estate 93-94 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Justy 3-dr Hatchback 85-95 761 951 1355 B N B 1055 392 Raingutter Felicia 5-dr Hatchback 95-01 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1055 Justy 5-dr Hatchback 85-95 761 951 Felicia 5-dr Estate 96-01 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1055 Justy 5-dr MPV 03-07 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 Felicia 5-dr Estate 96-01 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Justy 5-dr MPV 03-07 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Felicia 2-dr Single Cab 97-01 Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 Legacy 5-dr Estate 89-93 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 1055 Forman 5-dr Estate 94-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Octavia I 4-dr Sedan 97-99, 00-04 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 Octavia I 5-dr Estate 98-00, 01-04 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Octavia II 5-dr Hatchback 04-08, 09-12 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1594 Octavia II 4-dr Sedan 04-08, 09-12 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1594 40 L 784/794 9581 Raingutter 1210 1210 N 784/794 Legacy (II) 5-dr Estate 94-02 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Legacy (III) 4-dr Sedan 99-03 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 Legacy (III) 5-dr Estate 98-03 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 C Legacy (IV) 5-dr Estate 03-09 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 3018 C Legacy (IV) 4-dr Sedan 04-09 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1340 3003 N 784/794 784/794 Forester 391 9581 785/795 C 769 5-dr Hatchback 13-> 3-dr Hatchback 12-> 1203 391 Toledo Citigo C N 391 Toledo Citigo 9583 C 1060 784/794 C 41 Fahrradträger Mii Mii Dachträger Fuß + Aro Dach Typ SANTANA 892 960 891 Outback 5-dr Estate 03-07 Flush Rails 960 891 392 762 754 1574 390 760 757 390 760 753 390 760 769 762 952 961 Normal Roof 961 SX4 5-dr Hatchback 06-> Fixed Points 960 SX4 5-dr MPV 06-> Roof Rails 961 Wagon R 3-dr MPV 99-03 Normal Roof 961 Wagon R 5-dr MPV 99-03 Normal Roof 961 754 1343 Wagon R 5-dr MPV 08-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1573 B Wagon R+ 5-dr MPV 99-03, 04-05 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1167 C 963 893 393 763 754 1431 Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 775 Tribeca 5-dr SUV 08-> Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 757 9583 XV 5-dr SUV 12-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9595 XV 5-dr SUV 12-> Roof Rails 961 891 761 757 C N 3068 N Wagon R+ 5-dr MPV 97-05 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 Vitara 5-dr SUV 98-05 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 XL-7 5-dr SUV 01-02, 03-10 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 TATA SUZUKI Indigo 5-dr SUV 04-> Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Xenon 4-dr Double Cab 09-> Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 775 4-dr Sedan Raingutter 761 951 391 761 754 761 754 + 774 1085 891 391 761 754 1085 Aerio 5-dr Estate 01-03, 04-07 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1235 C TAVRIA Aerio 4-dr Sedan 02-03, 04-07 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1235 C Tavria/XL Alto 3-dr Hatchback 94-01 Normal Roof 761 754 + 774 1168 C Alto 5-dr Hatchback 94-98 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1168 C THINK Alto 5-dr Hatchback 94-01, 02-06 Normal Roof 960 891 390 760 754 1168 C City TOYOTA Alto 3-dr Hatchback 99-04 Normal Roof 760 754 + 774 1168 C Alto 5-dr Hatchback 99-08 Normal Roof 960 891 390 760 754 1168 C Alto 5-dr Hatchback 09-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1525 B 3-dr Hatchback 99-04 Normal Roof 760 754 + 774 1168 C 5-dr Hatchback 99-04 Normal Roof 960 891 390 760 754 1168 C Baleno 5-dr Estate 96-02 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Escudo 5-dr SUV 98-05 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Escudo 5-dr SUV 05-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 960 891 390 760 757 769 951 784/794 1402 B Forenza 5-dr Estate 04-> Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 775 Forenza 5-dr Estate 04-> Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Grand Vitara 5-dr SUV 98-04 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 Grand Vitara 3-dr SUV 98-04 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9582 N 784/794 Grand Vitara 5-dr SUV 98-04 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9582 N 784/794 Grand Vitara 3-dr SUV 05-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9594 3024 N Grand Vitara 5-dr SUV 05-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9594 3024 N Grand Vitara 5-dr SUV 05-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1402 B 761 754 + 774 1166 C 961 891 391 761 754 1166 C 1181 Ignis 5-dr Hatchback 01-05 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 Ignis 5-dr SUV 04-07 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 Jimny 3-dr SUV 98-03, 04-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 Jimny Sierra 3-dr SUV 98-03, 04-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 960 891 390 760 757 761 754 + 774 761 754 761 753 961 891 891 391 Landy 5-dr MPV 07-09 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 Liana 5-dr Hatchback 01-03, 04-07 Normal Roof 961 891 391 Normal Roof 961 891 391 Liana 4-dr Sedan 02-03, 04-07 Samurai 5-dr SUV 82-98 Raingutter SJ 410 3-dr SUV 82-92 Roof Rails 961 891 391 Normal Roof 961 891 391 Splash 5-dr Hatchback 08-> Super Carry 5-dr Van 86-98 Swift 5-dr Hatchback 05-09 Normal Roof 961 891 Swift 5-dr Hatchback 10-> Fixed Points 960 891 Swift SE-Z 3-dr Estate 99-> Normal Roof 961 42 C 1166 C 3094 N 754 1390 C 761 754 1235 C 761 754 1235 C 761 951 761 757 761 754 765 952 391 761 754 390 760 753 391 761 754 Raingutter 1166 9595 784/794 1499 9591 B 1622 B 3095 B,N 1166 C 3-dr Hatchback 08-> Normal Roof 961 4 Runner 3-dr SUV 90-95 Normal Roof 4 Runner 5-dr SUV 90-95 Normal Roof 961 1479 B 4 Runner 5-dr SUV 90-95 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 4 Runner 5-dr SUV 96-03 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Allex 5-dr Hatchback 01-04, 05-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1205 Allion 4-dr Sedan 01-07 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1290 C Alphard 5-dr MPV 02-08 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1267 D Alphard 5-dr MPV 08-> Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 1491 B Altezza 5-dr Estate 98-04 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1230 D 1064 Altezza 4-dr Sedan 99-05 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1152 Aurion 4-dr Sedan 06-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1438 C Auris 5-dr Hatchback 06-12 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1440 C Auris 3-dr Hatchback 06-12 Normal Roof 769 754 + 774 1473 B Auris 5-dr Hatchback 13-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1725 D 4037 N Auris 5-dr Estate 13-> Flush Rails 960 890 390 760 753 Avanza 5-dr MPV 04-11 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 9591 1371 C Avensis 4-dr Sedan 98-00 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1077 D Avensis 5-dr Hatchback 98-00, 01-02 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Avensis 5-dr Estate 98-00, 01-02, 03-08 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 775 Avensis 4-dr Sedan 01-02 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1077 D Avensis 4-dr Sedan 03-08 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1405 D Avensis 5-dr Hatchback 03-08 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1405 D Avensis 5-dr Estate 09-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 3073 N Avensis 4-dr Sedan 09-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1502 B Avensis Verso 5-dr MPV 01-06 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1231 D Avensis Verso 5-dr MPV 01-06 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 775 Aygo 5-dr Hatchback 05-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1498 C bB 5-dr MPV 06-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1394 B Belta Mk.ll 4-dr Sedan 05-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1427 C 1077 9581 9592 Fahrradträger Alto Works Alto Works 961 A 757 761 Normal Roof Fixed Points C 760 5-dr SUV 08-> Normal Roof 1167 391 5-dr SUV 06-07 5-dr MPV 99-00 754 390 Tribeca 4-dr Sedan 10-> 761 891 Tribeca Kei 391 891 1648 Kizashi C 891 N 961 754 Roof Rails 1167 960 769 Normal Roof 9582 754 Roof Rails 391 5-dr MPV 98-09 757 761 Normal Roof 892 3-dr MPV 99-00 761 391 5-dr MPV 99-03 969 Kei 391 5-dr MPV 04-07 Normal Roof Kei 891 Wagon R 5-dr Hatchback 11-> Normal Roof B,N Wagon R Trezia Normal Roof 3092 N Raingutter 3-dr Hatchback 00-04 9591 N 5-dr Estate 5-dr Hatchback 01-05 753 4008 Superstation Ignis 760 4008 892 Ignis 390 9591 891 969 Roof Rails C 891 9595 960 Raingutter C 1166 753 Flush Rails Flush Rails 5-dr Estate 98-> 1166 754 753 5-dr Estate 08-09 5-dr MPV 05-> 754 761 N 5-dr Estate 10-> Esteem 761 391 4008 Outback Every 391 9591 Outback 391 C 891 Smart Rack 962 Roof Rails Normal Roof 3-dr Hatchback 00-04 Info Normal Roof 5-dr Estate 97-02 1060 5-dr Hatchback 99-04 Swift SE-Z Kit 4-dr Sedan 09-> Outback 754 Swift SE-Z N Fuß + Kurzdachadapter WingBar Edge Liberty 762 392 C 3082 SquareBar 892 1574 9595 Dach Typ ProBar 962 753 SUZUKI SlideBar Normal Roof 754 761 WingBar 4-dr Sedan 99-03 762 Smart Rack Liberty 392 Info 891 Kit 892 961 Fuß + Kurzdachadapter WingBar Edge 962 Fixed Points SquareBar SlideBar Normal Roof 5-dr Estate 09-> ProBar WingBar 4-dr Sedan 09-> Legacy (V) Dach Typ Dachträger Legacy (V) SUBARU D N Caldina 5-dr Estate 96-01, 02-07 Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 757 Camry 5-dr Estate 92-96 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Camry 4-dr Sedan 92-96 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1224 1029 784/794 Camry 4-dr Sedan 97-01 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Camry 4-dr Sedan 02-06 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1261 Camry 4-dr Sedan 07-11 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1438 C Camry 4-dr Sedan 12-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1438 C 43 4-dr Sedan 92-97 Raingutter Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 5-dr MPV 97-02 Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 757 390 760 369 Hi Lux 2-dr Extended Cab 98-04 Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1083 390 760 369 Hi Lux 4-dr Double Cab 98-04 Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1083 D 390 760 369 Hi Lux 2-dr Single Cab 98-04 Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1083 L, A 891 1153 D Carina E 5-dr Estate 93-97 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 775 Hi Lux 2-dr Extended Cab 05-> Normal Roof 962 392 762 754 1348 C Carina E 5-dr Estate 93-97 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Hi Lux 2-dr Single Cab 05-> Normal Roof 962 392 762 754 1348 A 960 891 390 760 757 Hi Lux 4-dr Double Cab 05-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1350 C 762 951 Hi Lux Surf 5-dr SUV 96-03 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1064 Carina II 5-dr Estate 88-91 Roof Rails Chaser 84-87, 88-91 Raingutter Corolla 5-dr Hatchback 80-87 Raingutter 761 951 Hi Lux SW4 5-dr SUV 06->(S. AMERICA) Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Corolla 5-dr Estate 88-92 Raingutter 762 952 Innova 5-dr MPV 04-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1357 D Corolla 4-dr Sedan 93-97 Raingutter 390 760 369 Ipsum 5-dr MPV 96-00 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1065 C Corolla 5-dr Estate 93-97 Raingutter 390 760 369 Ipsum 5-dr MPV 96-00, 01-03 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Corolla 5-dr Hatchback 93-97 754 Ipsum 5-dr MPV 01-03 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1231 D Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 960 891 Corolla 5-dr Estate 93-97, 98-99 Roof Rails 390 760 757 Corolla 5-dr Estate 98-99 Raingutter 391 761 369 Raingutter 391 Corolla 5-dr Estate 98-99 Corolla 3-dr Hatchback 98-01 Corolla 4-dr Sedan 98-01 Corolla 5-dr Hatchback 98-02 Corolla Corolla Normal Roof Raingutter 761 369 761 754 + 774 1031 9581 N D 1310 D 1288 D 1287 D 392 762 754 892 392 762 775 Land Cruiser 3-dr SUV 03-> Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 775 1071 C Land Cruiser 3-dr SUV 03-> Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 757 Land Cruiser 100 5-dr SUV 98-01, 02-07 Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 Land Cruiser 100 5-dr SUV 90-97, 98-01 Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 757 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 775 5-dr Estate 00-06 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1205 961 891 391 969 C 1490 892 5-dr Estate 00-01 Normal Roof 1468 754 962 754 5-dr Hatchback 06-12 754 962 369 Corolla 761 762 Roof Rails 761 Normal Roof 391 392 Normal Roof 761 Normal Roof 891 892 5-dr SUV 98-02 391 5-dr Hatchback 02-06 961 962 5-dr SUV 00-06 391 3-dr Hatchback 02-06 Normal Roof Normal Roof Land Cruiser 891 Corolla 5-dr Hatchback 07-> 5-dr SUV 07-> Kluger V 961 Corolla Ist (Mk II) C Normal Roof 9581 N 784/794 761 754 1205 Land Cruiser 120 5-dr SUV 04-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 761 754 + 774 1264 B Land Cruiser 120 5-dr SUV 04-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 775 784/794 754 1440 C Land Cruiser 120 5-dr SUV 04-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 391 769 757 762 753 775 892 391 769 Corolla 5-dr Estate 02-06 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Corolla 4-dr Sedan 02-06 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1630 9581 N Land Cruiser 150 5-dr SUV 09-> Roof Rails 969 892 D Land Cruiser 200 5-dr SUV 08-> Fixed Points 962 892 4-dr Sedan 07-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1446 C Land Cruiser 500 5-dr SUV 05-> Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 5-dr Hatchback 13-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1725 D Land Cruiser 500 5-dr SUV 05-> Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 757 Corolla Altis 4-dr Sedan 01-06 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1630 D Land Cruiser 90 5-dr SUV 02-03 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 Corolla Compact 3-dr Hatchback 93-97 Raingutter 390 760 369 Land Cruiser 90 5-dr SUV 03-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Corolla Compact 5-dr Hatchback 93-97 Raingutter 390 760 369 Land Cruiser 90 5-dr SUV 04->(S. AMERICA) Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 391 962 892 392 762 775 Corolla Compact 5-dr Hatchback 98-01 Raingutter 5-dr Estate 88-92 Raingutter 761 369 Land Cruiser Prado 5-dr SUV 98-02 Roof Rails 762 952 Land Cruiser Prado 5-dr SUV 98-02 Raingutter Corolla Fielder 5-dr Estate 04-09 (S. AMERICA) Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Land Cruiser Prado 5-dr SUV 02-> Normal Roof 962 892 Corolla Fielder 5-dr Estate 06-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1411 D Land Cruiser Prado 5-dr SUV 09-> Roof Rails 969 892 Corolla Rumion 5-dr Hatchback 07-> Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 1482 D Lucida 4-dr MPV 92-99 Normal Roof 762 951 392 762 754 391 769 757 761 754 + 774 785/795 3074 1287 D 1287 D 1287 D 784/794 785/795 1080 Corolla Runx 5-dr Hatchback 01-04, 05-06 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1205 Lucida with twin moon roof 5-dr MPV 92-99 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1135 C Corolla Verso 5-dr MPV 02-03 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1232 Mark Zio 5-dr Estate 07-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1481 D Corolla Verso 5-dr MPV 02-06, 07-> Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 775 N MR2 2-dr Coupe 89-99 761 951 Corolla Verso 5-dr MPV 04-08 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1353 D Noah (Mk. I.) 5-dr MPV 01-07 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1256 D Echo 4-dr Sedan 99-05 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1187 Noah (Mk. II.) 5-dr MPV 07-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1460 D Emina 4-dr MPV 92-99 Normal Roof 761 754 + 774 1080 Paseo 4-dr Sedan 91-95 762 951 Emina with twin moon roof 5-dr MPV 92-99 Normal Roof Paseo 2-dr Coupe 96-> Raingutter 390 760 369 Estima 4-dr MPV 90-99 Normal Roof PicNic 5-dr MPV 97-00 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1065 C Estima with twin moon roof 5-dr MPV 90-99 Normal Roof PicNic 5-dr MPV 01-06 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1231 D Estima 5-dr MPV 00-02, 03-05 Normal Roof 961 891 Estima 5-dr MPV 00-02, 03-05 Roof Rails 961 891 969 892 391 961 962 891 892 391 9582 761 754 1135 762 754 + 774 1080 762 754 1135 C 391 761 754 1165 D 391 761 757 769 754 762 952 392 Estima 5-dr MPV 06-> Normal Roof F-model 5-dr Bus 82-90 Raingutter Funcargo 5-dr MPV 99-05 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 Funcargo 5-dr MPV 99-05 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 1384 1136 Gracia 5-dr Estate 97-> Roof Rails 963 893 393 763 757 5-dr MPV 95-02 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1153 Harrier (MkII) 5-dr SUV 03-09 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1298 Hi Ace Van 83-95 Normal Roof 393 763 420 763 952 762 753 763 951 Van 83-95 Hi Ace 5-dr Van 96-06, 07-> Hi Ace 5-dr MPV 04-> 44 Raingutter Fixed Points Raingutter 962 892 C 784/794 Granvia Hi Ace C 3043 D PicNic 5-dr MPV 97-00 Platz 4-dr Sedan 99-05 Raingutter Raingutter Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 961 891 391 Premio 4-dr Sedan 01-07 Normal Roof Previa 4-dr MPV 90-99 Normal Roof 9582 N 761 754 1290 762 754 + 774 1080 Previa 5-dr MPV 90-99, 00-02 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Previa 5-dr MPV 00-02, 03-06 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 784/794 1187 9581 C N 1165 D C Previa 5-dr MPV 03-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 775 Previa with twin moon roof 5-dr MPV 90-99 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1135 Prius 4-dr Sedan 98-99, 00-03 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1103 C Prius 5-dr Hatchback 04-08 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1345 D Prius 5-dr Hatchback 09-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1566 C Prius with & w/o glass roof 5-dr Estate 12-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1668 D Proace 4-dr Van 13-> Fixed Points 962 892 762 753 3051 784/794 45 Fahrradträger Corolla Corolla Corolla Escape 784/794 Kluger 1071 Smart Rack 5-dr MPV 97-02 Hi Ace Regius Fuß + Kurzdachadapter Info Hi Ace Regius 951 Dach Typ Kit 757 761 TOYOTA WingBar Edge 760 Smart Rack 390 Info 891 Kit 960 WingBar Edge SquareBar Carina E ProBar Raingutter SlideBar Raingutter 5-dr Hatchback 92-97 WingBar 5-dr Estate 92-97 Carina E SquareBar Carina E ProBar Roof Rails Raingutter SlideBar 5-dr Estate 07-> 82-87 WingBar Carib Carina Fuß + Kurzdachadapter Dachträger Dach Typ TOYOTA Kit Info 390 760 757 Raingutter 765 952 Raingutter 765 952 5-dr SUV 99-04 Raingutter 765 952 3159 4-dr SUV 00-> Raingutter 765 952 3741 5-dr Van 85-> Raingutter 765 952 3909 5-dr SUV 94-> Raingutter 765 952 3962 5-dr Bus 85-> Raingutter 765 952 31514 5-dr SUV 93-04 Raingutter 765 952 392 762 754 1316 D Yaris 5-dr Hatchback 12-> Normal Roof 892 391 769 754 1648 C Yaris 3-dr Hatchback 12-> Normal Roof Raum 5-dr MPV 97-02 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Yaris Verso 5-dr MPV 00-05 Normal Roof 962 892 761 754 + 774 1088 Yaris Verso 5-dr MPV 00-> Roof Rails 960 891 891 391 761 754 1088 390 760 754 1164 D UAZ 390 760 754 1164 D 2206 5-dr Bus 96-> N 784/794 3153 5-dr SUV 96-04 784/794 3159 RAV 4 3-dr SUV 94-99 Normal Roof RAV 4 5-dr SUV 94-99 Normal Roof 961 RAV 4 3-dr SUV 00-03, 04-05 Normal Roof 960 RAV 4 5-dr SUV 00-03, 04-05 Normal Roof 960 RAV 4 RAV 4 3-dr SUV 00-03, 04-05 5-dr SUV 00-03, 04-05 Roof Rails Roof Rails 961 961 891 891 891 391 391 761 761 757 757 9582 9582 N RAV 4 (Mk III) 5-dr SUV 05-09, 10-12 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 RAV 4 (Mk III) 5-dr SUV 05-09, 10-12 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 1385 RAV 4 5-dr SUV 13-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 RAV 4 5-dr SUV 13-> Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 Regius 5-dr Van 00-02 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1164 Rush 5-dr MPV 05-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1395 Sequoia 5-dr SUV 01-> Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 775 Sienta 5-dr MPV 03-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1315 Spacio 5-dr MPV 01-06 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1232 Spacio 5-dr MPV 97-00 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Sprinter 5-dr Estate 98-> Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 961 891 391 9582 D N 1730 9585 D N Normal Roof 761 754 Raingutter 761 951 Starlet 5-dr Hatchback 90-95 Raingutter 761 951 Starlet 3-dr Hatchback 96-99 Normal Roof 761 754 + 774 1041 Starlet 5-dr Hatchback 96-99 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1042 Succeed 5-dr Estate 02-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1316 D Tacoma 4-dr Double Cab 05-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1511 C 1384 5-dr MPV 06-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 5-dr MPV 06-> Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Tercel 5-dr Hatchback 79-85 762 951 Town Ace/Lite Ace MPV 96-> 392 762 420 Raingutter Normal Roof Town Lite Ace 5-dr Van 80-85 Tundra 4-dr Double Cab 07-> Unser 5-dr MPV 00-07 Urban Cruise 5-dr Hatchback 09-> Normal Roof 961 891 Vellfire 5-dr MPV 08-> Normal Roof 963 Verso 5-dr MPV 09-> Normal Roof 962 Verso 5-dr MPV 09-> Roof Rails Verso S 5-dr Hatchback 11-> Vigo Vigo 1031 C Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 762 951 391 761 754 893 393 763 754 1491 B 892 392 762 754 1353 D 969 892 391 769 775 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1648 C 2-dr Extended Cab 04-> Normal Roof 962 392 762 754 1348 C 2-dr Single Cab 04-> Normal Roof 962 392 762 754 1348 Raingutter 784/794 1555 1468 9585 C C N Vigo 4-dr Double Cab 04-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1350 C Vios Mk.ll 4-dr Sedan 05-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1427 C Wish 5-dr MPV 03-08 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1296 D Wish 5-dr MPV 09-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1568 C Vista 4-dr Sedan 98-05 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1187 961 891 391 761 754 1141 D 761 754 + 774 1141 D 1427 C Vitz 5-dr Hatchback 99-05 Normal Roof Vitz 3-dr Hatchback 99-03, 04-05 Normal Roof Vitz 5-dr Hatchback 05-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Voxy (Mk. I.) 5-dr MPV 01-07 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1256 D Voxy (Mk. II.) 5-dr MPV 07-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1460 D Yaris 5-dr Hatchback 99-03, 04-05 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1141 D Yaris 3-dr Hatchback 99-03, 04-05 Normal Roof 761 754 + 774 1141 D Yaris 5-dr Hatchback 99-03, 04-05 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 Yaris 3-dr Hatchback 99-03, 04-05 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Yaris 4-dr Sedan 00-04 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1187 Yaris 4-dr Sedan 00-04 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1427 C Yaris 5-dr Hatchback 05-11 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1427 C Yaris 3-dr Hatchback 07-11 Normal Roof 761 754 + 774 1677 B 46 9581 N 784/794 Adam 3-dr Hatchback 13-> Fixed Points 961 891 3124 D, N Agila 5-dr MPV 00-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 753 9594 1167 C Agila 5-dr Hatchback 08-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1499 B Agila 5-dr MPV 00-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Astra 5-dr Estate 92-97, 98-03 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Astra 3-dr Hatchback 92-97, 98-03 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Astra 5-dr Hatchback 92-97, 98-03 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Astra 4-dr Sedan 92-97, 98-03 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Astra 5-dr Estate 98-03 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Astra 5-dr Estate 04-06 Flush Rails 961 891 761 753 Astra 5-dr Hatchback 04-09 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 9594 3025 N Astra 5-dr Estate 07-10 Flush Rails 960 891 390 760 753 9591 4011 N 784/794 784/794 4010 Astra 5-dr Hatchback 10-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9594 3090 D, N Astra 4-dr Sedan 13-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9594 3090 D, N Astra GTC 3-dr Hatchback 05-09 Fixed Points 960 891 760 753 9594 3025 N Astra GTC 3-dr Hatchback 11-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9591 3090 D, N 9591 390 Fahrradträger 5-dr Hatchback 93-97 3-dr Hatchback 90-95 891 VAUXHALL 784/794 Sprinter Cielo Tarago MK.II 785/795 B Starlet Tarago MK.II 784/794 961 Smart Rack SquareBar C 892 969 Fuß + Kurzdachadapter WingBar Edge ProBar 1136 962 Normal Roof 784/794 Dach Typ SlideBar 754 Normal Roof 5-dr Hatchback 10-> TOYOTA WingBar Smart Rack 762 Info B 392 Kit WingBar Edge SquareBar C 1677 ProBar 1427 754 + 774 SlideBar 754 761 WingBar 761 5-dr Estate 02-> Ractis Fuß + Kurzdachadapter Dachträger 391 Probox Dach Typ TOYOTA Astra Sports Tourer 5-dr Estate 10-> Flush Rails 961 891 761 753 4025 N Calibra 3-dr Coupe 90-97 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Cavalier 5-dr Hatchback 89-95 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1003 B Cavalier 4-dr Sedan 89-95 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1003 B Combo 4-dr Van 02-11 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9593 3006 N Combo 5-dr Van 02-11 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9593 3006 N Combo 4-dr Van 12-> Fixed Points 969 892 769 753 9593 3088 N Combo 5-dr Van 12-> Fixed Points 969 892 769 753 9593 3088 N Combo Tour 5-dr MPV 02-11 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9593 3006 N Combo Tour 5-dr MPV 12-> Roof Rails 963 893 393 763 775 Corsa B 3-dr Hatchback 93-00 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Corsa B 5-dr Hatchback 93-00 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Corsa C 3-dr Hatchback 01-03, 04-06 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Corsa C 5-dr Hatchback 01-03, 04-06 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Corsa D 3-dr Hatchback 06-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9594 3006 N Corsa D 5-dr Hatchback 06-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9594 3006 N Frontera 5-dr SUV 92-98, 99-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 Frontera Sport 3-dr SUV 92-98, 99-04 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 784/794 Insignia 4-dr Sedan 09-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1513 Insignia 5-dr Hatchback 09-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1513 C Insignia (Sport tourer) 5-dr Estate 09-> Flush Rails 961 891 761 753 4012 N 9595 C Kadett 5-dr Estate 85-91 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Kadett 3-dr Hatchback 85-91 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 3081 C Meriva 5-dr MPV 03-09 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1301 D Meriva 5-dr MPV 03-11 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9595 3006 N Meriva 5-dr MPV 10-> Fixed Points 961 891 Mokka 5-dr SUV 13-> Flush Rails 961 891 Monterey 3-dr SUV 93-97 Normal Roof 391 761 753 9595 3090 D, N 761 753 9591 4032 N 762 754 + 774 1091 47 951 Signum 5-dr Estate 03-11 Signum Tigra Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 5-dr Estate 03-08 Flush Rails 961 891 761 753 4010 3-dr Coupe 94-00 Fixed Points 960 891 760 751 3081 390 961 891 391 761 754 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 9595 3006 3-dr Hatchback 04-07 Normal Roof 969 391 769 754 1323 Golf V 5-dr Hatchback 04-07 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1323 Golf V Variant 5-dr Estate 07-10 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 C Golf VI 3-dr Hatchback 08-12 Normal Roof 969 391 769 754 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 769 754 + 774 N Golf V Vectra 5-dr Hatchback 96-01 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1003 B Golf VI 5-dr Hatchback 08-12 Vectra 4-dr Sedan 96-01 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1003 B Golf VI Variant 5-dr Estate 10-13 Vectra 5-dr Estate 96-02 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Golf VII 3-dr Hatchback 13-> Normal Roof Vectra 4-dr Sedan 02-08 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9595 3006 N Golf VII 5-dr Hatchback 13-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 Vectra 5-dr Estate 03-08 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9595 3006 N Golf VII Variant/Sport Combi 5-dr Estate 13-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 775 Vectra 5-dr Estate 03-08 Vectra GTS 5-dr Hatchback 02-05, 06-08 Zafira Smart Rack 761 5-dr Hatchback 98-03 5-dr Estate 99-07 Info Raingutter Golf IV Kit 4-dr Sedan 94-03 Normal Roof 784/794 Golf IV Variant Fuß + Kurzdachadapter WingBar Edge Omega 1091 SquareBar 757 ProBar 754 761 SlideBar 762 391 Dach Typ VOLKSWAGEN WingBar 392 891 Smart Rack SquareBar 892 961 Info ProBar 962 Roof Rails Kit SlideBar Normal Roof 5-dr Estate 94-03 Fuß + Kurzdachadapter WingBar Edge WingBar 5-dr SUV 93-97 Omega Dach Typ 1051 9581 N 9582 D D N 1323 1323 9584 1710 9584 784/794 D D N 1710 784/794 C D N Flush Rails 961 891 761 753 9592 4010 N Golf Plus 5-dr Hatchback 05-08 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9595 3006 N Golf Plus 5-dr Hatchback 05-08 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9581 N 784/794 5-dr MPV 98-02, 03-04 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9584 Golf Plus 5-dr Hatchback 09-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9584 N 784/794 Zafira 5-dr MPV 98-02, 03-04 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 751 391 761 754 1050 Zafira 5-dr MPV 05-11 Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 391 761 754 1051 9593 N 784/794 3081 C Jetta IV 3-dr Hatchback 98-04 Normal Roof 961 3025 N Jetta IV 5-dr Hatchback 99-04 Normal Roof 961 891 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 766 420 761 Zafira 5-dr MPV 05-06 Flush Rails 961 891 761 753 Jetta V 4-dr Sedan 05-10 Zafira Family 5-dr MPV 07-13 Flush Rails 961 891 761 753 9595 4010 4011 N Jetta Variant 5-dr Estate 08->(S. AMERICA) Zafira Tourer 5-dr MPV 12-> Flush Rails 969 892 769 753 9595 4025 N Jetta VI 4-dr Sedan 11-> Zafira Tourer 5-dr MPV 12-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9595 3090 D, N VOLKSWAGEN 392 1406 N 1618 LT Van 97-06 Normal Roof 3-dr Hatchback 97-05 Normal Roof 961 754 1052 Multivan (T5) 4-dr Van 03-09, 10-> Fixed Points 962 892 762 751 3034 T-Profile 962 892 762 751 3034 Fixed Points 962 892 762 751 3034 CC 4-dr Coupe 12-> Normal Roof 962 892 762 754 1501 C Multivan (T5) 4-dr Van 03-09, 10-> Amarok 4-dr Double Cab 10-> Fixed Points 969 892 769 753 9593 3087 N Amarok 2-dr Single Cab 10-> Fixed Points 969 892 769 753 9593 3087 N Multivan (T5) Pan Americans 4-dr MPV 10-> 4-dr Double Cab 10-> Fixed Points 969 892 769 753 9593 3087 N Passat 4-dr Sedan 80-87 Raingutter 761 951 2-dr Single Cab 10-> Fixed Points 969 892 769 753 9593 3087 N Passat 4-dr Sedan 88-96 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1113 Beetle 2-dr Coupe 98-04, 05-11 Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1094 Passat 4-dr Sedan 97-00 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1035 Beetle 2-dr Coupe 12-> Normal Roof 969 391 769 754 1660 D Passat (B5) 4-dr Sedan 01-04 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1218 Beetle 3-dr Hatchback 12-> Normal Roof 969 391 769 754 1660 D Passat (B6) 4-dr Sedan 05-09 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1592 1051 Passat (B7) 4-dr Sedan 10-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1592 1051 Passat 4-dr Sedan 12->(NORTH AMERICA) Normal Roof 962 893 392 762 754 1669 Passat Alltrack 5-dr Estate 12-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Passat CC 4-dr Coupe 08-11 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1501 961 891 391 761 754 1057 761 951 775 Bora Variant Bora Variant 4-dr Sedan 99-05 5-dr Estate 99-05 5-dr Estate 99-05 Normal Roof Normal Roof Roof Rails 961 961 961 891 891 891 391 391 391 761 761 761 754 754 775 9581 N 784/794 Caddy (Mk II) 3-dr MPV 96-03 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 9591 3007 N Caddy (Mk II) 3-dr Van 96-03 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 9591 3007 N Passat Variant 5-dr Estate 88-96 Normal Roof Caddy (Mk II) 2-dr Single Cab 96-03 Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1055 L Passat Variant 5-dr Estate 80-87 Raingutter Caddy (Mk III) 5-dr Van 04-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9594 Caddy (Mk III) 5-dr Van 04-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9584 Caddy Life 5-dr MPV 04-> Fixed Points 961 891 761 753 9594 Caddy Life 5-dr Van 04-> Roof Rails 961 891 761 757 9584 Caddy Maxi 5-dr Van 08-> Fixed Points 961 891 Caddy Maxi 5-dr Van 08-> Roof Rails 961 891 Caddy Maxi Life 5-dr MPV 08-> Fixed Points 961 891 Caddy Maxi Life 5-dr MPV 08-> Roof Rails 961 891 California (T5) 4-dr Van 03-09, 10-> Fixed Points 969 California (T5) 4-dr Van 03-09, 10-> T-Profile 969 391 391 761 753 9594 761 757 9584 3022 N N 3022 N N 3022 784/794 N N 784/794 N Passat Variant 5-dr Estate 80-87, 88-96 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 Passat Variant 5-dr Estate 80-87, 88-96 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Passat Variant 5-dr Estate 97->(S. AMERICA) Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 D C N Passat (B5) Variant 5-dr Estate 97-00, 01-05 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9581 N 784/794 Passat (B6) Variant 5-dr Estate 05-10 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9584 N 784/794 961 891 391 761 757 9584 N 784/794 762 951 Passat (B7) Variant 5-dr Estate 10-> Roof Rails Polo Polo 80-94 Raingutter 753 9594 761 757 9584 Polo (Mk IV) 3-dr Hatchback 95-01 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 9591 3007 C, N 892 769 751 3034 Polo (Mk IV) 5-dr Hatchback 95-01 Fixed Points 960 891 390 760 753 9591 3007 C, N 892 769 751 3034 Polo 4-dr Sedan 02-06, 07->(BRAZIL) Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1589 391 761 754 1589 391 761 754 1589 N 784/794 Caravelle (T5) 4-dr Van 03-09, 10-> Fixed Points 962 892 762 751 3034 Polo (Mk IV) 3-dr Hatchback 02-04, 05-09 Normal Roof 961 Caravelle (T5) 4-dr Van 03-09, 10-> T-Profile 962 892 762 751 3034 Polo (Mk IV) 4-dr Sedan 02-04, 05-09 Normal Roof 961 Crafter 4-dr Van 06-> Fixed Points 963 893 763 753 3032 Polo (Mk IV) 5-dr Hatchback 02-04, 05-09 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1589 3062 Polo (Mk V) 5-dr Hatchback 09-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1564 D 784/794 Polo (Mk V) 3-dr Hatchback 10-> Normal Roof 969 391 769 754 1606 D 784/794 Polo Variant 5-dr Estate 96-01 Roof Rails 961 391 761 757 Quantum 5-dr Estate 82-88 Raingutter 761 951 Crafter Cross Fox Cross Golf 4-dr Van 06-> 5-dr Hatchback 10->(S. AMERICA) 5-dr Hatchback 06-> T-Profile Roof Rails Roof Rails 963 961 961 893 891 891 763 391 391 761 761 753 757 757 9581 N 9581 N 891 891 Cross Polo 5-dr Hatchback 06-09 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 9581 N Cross Polo 5-dr Hatchback 10-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 775 9582 N Quantum 5-dr Estate 91->(S. AMERICA) Roof Rails 960 891 Cross UP 5-dr Hatchback 13-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 775 9582 N Saveiro 2-dr Pickup 10-> Fixed Points 962 892 Fox 3-dr Hatchback 03-> Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1337 D Saveiro 2-dr Pickup 10-> Roof Rails 961 891 Fox 5-dr Hatchback 04-> Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 1337 D Sharan 5-dr MPV 96-00 Normal Roof 962 892 1497 891 Gol 4-dr Sedan 08-> Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 Golf III Variant 5-dr Estate 94-98 Roof Rails 960 891 390 760 757 Golf IV 3-dr Hatchback 98-03 Normal Roof 961 391 761 754 48 1050 C 784/794 784/794 C 761 391 3022 784/794 9584 784/794 D 390 760 757 762 753 391 761 757 392 762 754 D 784/794 3099 9582 B N 784/794 785/795 1040 Sharan 5-dr MPV 96-00, 01-09 Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 9583 N Sharan 5-dr MPV 10-> Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 775 9583 N Shuttle (T5) 4-dr Van 03-09, 10-> Fixed Points 962 892 762 751 3034 49 Fahrradträger Amarok High Line Amarok High Line Bora C 1597 9582 Lupo 391 Dachträger Monterey VAUXHALL 762 751 761 757 Suran 5-dr Estate 06-09, 10->(S. AMERICA) Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 Tiguan 5-dr SUV 07-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1621 Tiguan 5-dr SUV 07-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9584 5-dr SUV 02-09 T-Profile 960 891 390 760 753 9591 Touareg 5-dr SUV 05-09 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9581 5-dr SUV 10-> Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 1643 5-dr SUV 10-> Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 Touran 5-dr MPV 03-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1328 Touran 5-dr MPV 03->(China) Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1489 Touran 5-dr MPV 03-> Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 757 Transporter (T4) 4-dr Van 91-96, 97-02 Normal Roof 963 893 393 763 754 Transporter (T4) 4-dr Van 91-96, 97-02 Raingutter 762 952 9583 9583 4-dr Double Cab 03-09, 10-> Fixed Points 962 892 762 751 3034 2-dr Single Cab 03-09, 10-> Fixed Points 962 892 762 751 3034 Transporter (T5) 4-dr Van 03-09, 10-> T-Profile 962 892 762 751 3034 892 3034 4-dr Van 03-09, 10-> Fixed Points 962 Normal Roof 969 UP 5-dr Hatchback 12-> Normal Roof 969 Voyage 4-dr Sedan 09->(S. AMERICA) Normal Roof 961 784/794 Smart Rack Info Kit XC70 5-dr Estate 98-99, 00-02 Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 9585 N 785/795 XC70 5-dr Estate 03-06 Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 9585 N 785/795 XC70 5-dr Estate 07-> Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 9585 N 785/795 XC90 5-dr SUV 02-> Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 9584 N 784/794 N ZASTAVAYUGO N 45 2-dr Hatchback Raingutter 761 951 D 55 4-dr Raingutter 761 951 N 65 4-dr Sedan Raingutter 761 951 785/795 WingBar Edge SquareBar ProBar SlideBar WingBar Fuß + Kurzdachadapter D B 1572 Transporter (T5) 3-dr Hatchback 12-> C Dach Typ VOLVO N Transporter (T5) Transporter (T5) 784/794 N 3036 Touareg UP N 3034 9582 Touareg Touareg Smart Rack 391 Info 891 Kit 892 961 WingBar Edge 962 SquareBar SlideBar 4-dr Van 03-09, 10-> 5-dr Estate 06-09, 10->(S. AMERICA) ProBar WingBar Shuttle (T5) Space Fox Fuß + Kurzdachadapter Dachträger T-Profile Roof Rails Dach Typ VOLKSWAGEN L 762 751 391 769 754 1672 D 892 391 769 754 1672 D 891 391 761 754 1497 951 VOLVO 240 75-93 Raingutter 761 780 2-dr Coupe 87-90 Raingutter 761 951 850 4-dr Sedan 91-96 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1596 D 850 5-dr Estate 93-96 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1596 D 5-dr Estate 93-96 Roof Rails 962 892 392 762 757 5-dr Estate 90-99 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 940 5-dr Estate 90-99 Raingutter 762 951 940 4-dr Sedan 90-99 Raingutter 762 951 960 5-dr Estate 90-96 Raingutter 762 951 960 4-dr Sedan 90-96 Raingutter 762 951 960 5-dr Estate 91-98 Roof Rails 961 391 761 757 C30 3-dr Hatchback 07-> Normal Roof 969 391 769 754 891 784/794 784/794 1441 D D S40 4-dr Sedan 96-99, 00-01, 02-03 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 1033 S40 4-dr Sedan 04-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1590 D S60 4-dr Sedan 00-04, 05-09 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1387 D S60 4-dr Sedan 10-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1612 S70 4-dr Sedan 97-00 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1596 S80 4-dr Sedan 98-06 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1111 S80 4-dr Sedan 06-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1595 S90 4-dr Sedan 97-98 Raingutter 762 951 V40 5-dr Estate 96-99, 00-01, 02-04 Normal Roof 961 891 391 761 754 V40 5-dr Estate 96-99, 00-01, 02-04 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 V40 5-dr Hatchback 12-> Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 V40CC 5-dr Hatchback 13- V50 5-dr Estate 04-> 392 762 754 Flush Rails 961 891 Normal Roof 962 892 753 V50 5-dr Estate 04-12 Roof Rails 961 891 391 761 757 V60 5-dr Estate 10-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 V60 5-dr Estate 10-> V70 5-dr Estate 97-99 V70 5-dr Estate 97-99, 00-03, 04-07 V70 1033 9581 9594 4033 N 9585 N 891 761 753 392 762 754 Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 5-dr Estate 00-03 Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 V70 5-dr Estate 04-07 Normal Roof 969 892 391 769 754 1370 V70 5-dr Estate 07-> Normal Roof 962 892 392 762 754 1600 Roof Rails 969 892 391 769 757 961 891 391 761 757 V90 5-dr Estate 97-98 Raingutter XC60 5-dr SUV 08-> Flush Rails 961 891 50 762 951 761 753 785/795 1673 892 Roof Rails 784/794 1369 961 5-dr Estate 07-> D D 962 5-dr Estate 97-98 D 1685 Flush Rails V70 D N Normal Roof V90 Fahrradträger 850 940 9594 4021 1596 9583 N D N 785/795 1193 9585 D N 785/795 784/794 9595 4006 N 51 Dachträger Professional Träger Thule ProBar EIGENSCHAFTEN • Die Dreifach-Nut sorgt für eine große Flexibilität und eröffnet die Möglichkeit viel verschiedenes Zubehör zu kombinieren, welches dann unabhängig voneinander oder zusammen genutzt werden kann. • In der oberen T-Nut können Sie beispielsweise den Thule Ladungsbegrenzer, den abklappbaren Leiterhalter, usw. montieren. Jedes Zubehör ist in wenigen Sekunden montiert. Einfach in die T-Nut führen und befestigen. • In der hinteren T-Nut können Sie einfach zwischen dem Thule Roller, dem Thule EyeBolt usw. wählen. Oder Sie bringen Sie zusammen an. Und so werden Sie dann die ober T-Nut frei haben für Ihre Ladung. Der Lastenträger mit einzigartiger Dreifach-Nut zur Befestigung von zahlreichem Zubehör. BESCHREIBUNG Erhältlich in sechs Längen: siehe unten Ihr dynamisches Trägersystem für schwere Lasten Technische Daten TRAVERSEN Thule Artificial Fixpoint 543 Universeller Fixpunkt-Kit für die Anbringung des Thule Rapid Systems 751 & 753. BESCHREIBUNG Nur passend für die Fußsätze 751 und 753. Fahrzeughersteller Blättern Sie zu der Seite, auf der Hersteller, Modell und Baujahr Ihres Fahrzeuges aufgelistet sind. Die Hersteller sind in alphabetischer Reihenfolge verzeichnet. Empfehlung Die Empfehlung für Ihr Fahrzeug umfasst alle benötigten Komponenten für einen kompletten Schwerlastträger. Bei einigen Fahrzeugen haben Sie die Wahl, ob Sie 1, 2, 3 oder 4 Traversen montieren. EIGENSCHAFTEN • Fixpunkt Kit anzubringen an Abdeckungen aus zähmen Material wie Glasfaser, Aluminium, Plastik oder Stahl. • City crash getestet für 75 kg gemäß ISO Norm. • Künstlicher Fixpunkt zu kombinieren mit Thule Rapid System Lastenträgerfüßen 751 oder 753 und passenden Traversen. • Alle Teile in Kontakt mit dem Fahrzeug haben eine weiche Beschichtung um Kratzer zu vermeiden. Art. – Nr. (2 Stücke) 390 391 392 393 394 395 Art. – Nr. (1 Stück) 3901 3911 3921 3931 3941 3951 Länge (mm) 1200 1350 1500 1750 2000 2200 Fahrradträger Thule Professional ist ein Lastenträgersystem für den täglichen Einsatz, das sich einfach und schnell an Ihre individuellen Anforderungen und Arbeitsweisen anpassen lässt. Alles was Sie wissen müssen, um den optimalen Lastenträger zu finden, sind der Hersteller, das Modell und das Baujahr Ihres Fahrzeuges – dann folgen Sie den Empfehlungen in dieser leicht verständlichen Kaufhilfe. Alle in dieser Kaufhilfe angegebene Trägerkombinationen sind geprüft und getestet. Halten Sie sich an die angegebenen Empfehlungen, sitzt der Träger passformgenau auf Ihrem Fahrzeug. Folgen Sie beim Anbau der Montageanleitung, können wir Ihnen ein hohes Maß an Sicherheit gewährleisten. Falls Sie Ihr Fahrzeug in dieser Kaufhilfe nicht finden können, besuchen Sie uns unter Dort finden Sie eine ständig aktualisierte Kaufhilfe. FUSS Fahrzeugdachtyp Fixpunkte Normales Dach Dachreling Regenrinne Fußtyp Product name Rapid System Rapid System Rapid System Rapid System Rapid System Gutter Foot Art. – Nr. (4 Stück) 751 753 Art. – Nr. (2 Stück) 7511 7531 Zuladung, pro Paar (kg)¹ 100 Fußhöhe (cm)² Gutter Foot Gutter Foot 757 775 754 9512 9522 9531 100 100 100 75 100 100 100 10,5 7,2 7,5 6,5 9,6 15 20 28 Inklusive Inklusive Inklusive Inklusive Inklusive 527 527 527 Montagekit benötigt ja ja nein nein ja nein nein nein TÜV geprüft ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja Erfüllt die City Crash Norm ja ja ja ja ja Relinggröße 22–55 mm Relinggröße 20–68 mm Schloss Verschiedenes ¹Die max. Zuladung entspricht dem geprüften Gewicht für den Lastenträger. Informationen zur maximalen Zuladung Ihres Fahrzeuges finden Sie im Fahrzeughandbuch. ²Die Fußhöhe ist der Abstand zwischen der Grundplatte des Fußes und der Unterseite der Schiene. Beachten Sie: •Um den Abstand bis zur Oberkante der Schiene zu ermitteln, müssen Sie bei Vierkantrohre 22 mm und bei Schwerlasttraversen 37 mm addieren. •Das fahrzeugspezifische Montagekit ist bei der Fußhöhe nicht miteingerechnet. 52 53 1x Foot Bar Kit Lock 3x Foot Bar 757 391 Berlingo, 5-dr, Van with roof railing, 97-07 757 391 Berlingo, 5-dr, Van without roof railing, 97-07 754 391 Berlingo Top, 5-dr, MPV with roof railing, 01-07 Berlingo, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint , 08- 7531 3911 3072 Incl. Kit Lock Foot Bar Lock 2 bars 757+757 391+391 Incl. 100 200 Incl. 757+757 391+391 Incl. 100 200 Incl. 50 Incl. Bar Kit Lock Max load (kg) Incl. 1184 Foot 4x 751 391 3072 Incl. 7531+751 3911+391 3072+3072 Incl. C8, 5-dr, MPV with T-profile, 02- 753 391 3035 Incl. 7531+753 391+3911 3035+3035 Incl. Dispatch, 3-dr, Van with fixpoint, 97-06 753 391 3023 Dispatch, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, 97-06 753 391 Dispatch, 5-dr, Van with fixpoint, 97-06 753 Kit SRA 3 bars 4 bars Incl. 100 150 753+753 391+391 3035+3035 Incl. 100 150 Incl. 753+753 391+391 3048+3023 Incl. 100 200 3023 Incl. 753+753 391+391 3048+3023 Incl. 100 200 391 3023 Incl. 753+753 391+391 3048+3023 Incl. 100 200 200 Dispatch, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, 07- 7531 3911 3055 Incl. 753 391 3051 Incl. 7531+753 3911+391 3055+3051 Incl. 753+753 391+391 3055+3051 Incl. 100 150 200 Dispatch, 5-dr, Van with fixpoint, 07- 7531 3911 3055 Incl. 753 391 3051 Incl. 7531+753 3911+391 3055+3051 Incl. 753+753 391+391 3055+3051 Incl. 100 150 200 753 391 3035 Incl. 7531+753 391+3911 3035+3035 Incl. 753+753 391+391 3035+3035 Incl. 100 150 200 Evasion, 5-dr, MPV with T-profile, 94-01 Jumper, 3-dr, Van with fixpoint, 95-01, 02-06 7531 3931 3054 Incl. 753 393 3054 Incl. 7531+753 3931+393 3054+3054 Incl. 753+753 393+393 3054+3054 Incl. 100 150 200 Jumper, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, 95-01, 02-06 7531 3931 3054 Incl. 753 393 3054 Incl. 7531+753 3931+393 3054+3054 Incl. 753+753 393+393 3054+3054 Incl. 100 150 200 Jumper, 5-dr, Van with fixpoint, 95-01, 02-06 7531 3931 3054 Incl. 753 393 3054 Incl. 7531+753 3931+393 3054+3054 Incl. 753+753 393+393 3054+3054 Incl. 100 150 200 Jumper, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, 06- 7511 3931 3031 Incl. 751 393 3031 Incl. 7511+751 3931+393 3031+3031 Incl. 751+751 393+393 3031+3031 Incl. 100 150 200 Jumper, 2-dr, Single Cab, 06- 754 3931 1439 Incl. Jumper, 4-dr, Double Cab, 06- 754 393 1439 Incl. Jumpy, 3-dr, Van with fixpoint, 97-06 753 391 3023 Incl. 753+753 391+391 Jumpy, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, 97-06 753 391 3023 Incl. 753+753 391+391 Jumpy, 5-dr, Van with fixpoint, 97-06 753 391 3023 Incl. 753+753 Incl. 30 Incl. 60 3048+3023 Incl. 100 200 3048+3023 Incl. 100 200 391+391 3048+3023 Incl. 100 200 Jumpy III, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, 07- 7531 3921 3055 Incl. 753 392 3051 Incl. 7531+753 3921+392 3055+3051 Incl. 753+753 392+392 3055+3051 Incl. 100 150 200 Jumpy III, 5-dr, Van with fixpoint, 07- 7531 3921 3055 Incl. 753 392 3051 Incl. 7531+753 3921+392 3055+3051 Incl. 753+753 392+392 3055+3051 Incl. 100 150 200 Nemo,3/4/5-dr, Van With Fixpoint, 08- 7531 3911 3070 Incl. 751 391 3070 Incl. 7531+751 3911+391 3070+3070 Incl. 100 150 775 391 Nemo,3/4/5-dr, Van With roof railing, 08- Incl. 775+775 391+391 Dachträger CITROËN 2x 75 150 FIAT 7511 3921 3076 Incl. 753 392 3021 Incl. 7511+753 3921+392 3076+3021 Incl. incl. 75 112 7511 3921 3076 Incl. 753 392 3021 Incl. 7511+753 3921+392 3076+3021 Incl. incl. 75 112 Doblo, 5-dr, Van with fixpoint, 00-09 7511 3921 3076 Incl. 753 392 3021 Incl. 7511+753 3921+392 3076+3021 Incl. incl. 75 112 Doblo Maxi, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, 00-09 7511 3921 3076 Incl. 753 392 3021 Incl. 7511+753 3921+392 3076+3021 Incl. incl. 75 112 Incl. 100 7511+753 3911+391 3088+3088 Incl. Incl. 100 Doblo, 5-dr, Van with fixpint, high roof 00-09 No fit Doblo Mailibo, 5-dr, Van with roof railing 00-09 757 391 7511 3911 3088 Incl. 753 391 775 391 775+775 391+391 Ducato, 3-dr, Van with fixpoint, 95-01, 02-06 7531 3931 3054 Incl. 753 393 3054 Incl. 7531+753 3931+393 3054+3054 Incl. 753+753 393+393 3054+3054 Incl. 100 150 200 Ducato, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, 95-01, 02-06 7531 3931 3054 Incl. 753 393 3054 Incl. 7531+753 3931+393 3054+3054 Incl. 753+753 393+393 3054+3054 Incl. 100 150 200 Ducato, 5-dr, Van with fixpoint, 95-01, 02-06 7531 3931 3054 Incl. 753 393 3054 Incl. 7531+753 3931+393 3054+3054 Incl. 753+753 393+393 3054+3054 Incl. 100 150 200 Ducato 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, 06- 7511 3931 3031 Incl. 751 393 3031 Incl. 7511+751 3931+393 3031+3031 Incl. 751+751 393+393 3031+3031 Incl. 100 150 200 Ducato, 2-dr, Single cab, 06- 754 3941 1439 Incl. 754 394 1439 Incl. 3070 Incl. Doblo , 5-dr, Van with fixpoint 10Doblo , 5-dr, Van with roof railing 10- Ducato, 4-dr, Double cab, 06Fiorino,3/4/5-dr, Van With fixpoint, 08- 751 391 Fiorino,3/4/5-dr, Van With roof railing, 08- 775 391 Scudo, 3-dr, Van with fixpoint, 97-06 753 391 Scudo, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, 97-06 753 391 Scudo, 5-dr Van with fixpoint, 97-06 753 7531 3911 3070 Incl. Incl. 3088 Incl. 757+757 Incl. 7531+751 3911+391 3070+3070 391+391 200 150 100 Incl. Incl. 30 Incl. 60 Incl. 100 200 150 incl. 775+775 391+391 100 3023 Incl. 753+753 391+391 3048+3023 Incl. 100 200 3023 Incl. 753+753 391+391 3048+3023 Incl. 100 200 391 3023 Incl. 753+753 391+391 3048+3023 Incl. 100 200 Scudo, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, 07- 7531 3911 3055 Incl. 753 391 3051 Incl. 7531+753 3911+391 3055+3051 Incl. 753+753 391+391 3055+3051 Incl. 100 150 200 Scudo, 5-dr, Van with fixpoint, 07- 7531 3911 3055 Incl. 753 391 3051 Incl. 7531+753 3911+391 3055+3051 Incl. 753+753 391+391 3055+3051 Incl. 100 150 200 150 200 Strada, 2-dr, Pickup, 04Strada, 2-dr, Pickup, with roof railing, extended 04Strada, 2-dr, Pickup with roof railing, 04Ulysse, 5-dr, MPV with T-profile,94-01, 02- 54 Fahrradträger Doblo, 3-dr, Van with fixpoint, 00-09 Doblo, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, 00-09 No fit 757 390 Incl. 100 No fit 753 391 3035 Incl. 7531+753 391+3911 3035+3035 Incl. 753+753 391+391 3035+3035 Incl. 100 55 1x 2x Foot Bar Kit Lock Ranger, 2-dr, Single cab, 98-02,03-11 754 391 1292 Incl. Foot Bar Kit Lock Foot 4x Bar Kit Lock Foot Max load (kg) Bar Kit SRA Lock 2 bars Incl. 25 3 bars Ranger, 4-dr, Double cab, 98-02,03-11 754 391 1292 Incl. Incl. 50 Ranger, 4-dr, Super cab, 98-02,03-11 754 391 1292 Incl. Incl. 50 Ranger, 4-dr, Double cab, 12- 754 391 1665 Incl. Incl. 75 Ranger, 4-dr, Super cab, 12- 754 391 1665 Incl. Incl. Connect Tourneo, 5-dr, Van with fixpoint, 03- 753 392 3021 Incl. Incl. Connect Transit, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, 03- 753 392 3021 Incl. Incl. 75 Incl. 757 393 Incl. 100 200 Incl. 753 393 Incl. 100 150 Tourneo Custon 4-dr Van 13- 757 393 Transit, Custon 3/4 dr Van with Fixpoint 13- 7531 3931 Transit, 120/130/160/190, 75-85 9522 3931 527 9522 Transit, 120/130/160/190, 86-99 9512 3931 527 9512 Transit, 2-dr, Pickup, 00-05, 06- 9512 3931 527 Transit, 4-dr, Double cab, 00-05, 06- 9512 3931 527 9512 393 527 Transit, 5-dr Van, 00-05 9522 3931 527 9522 393 527 9522+9522 3931+393 527 9522+9522 393+393 527 Transit, 5-dr Van (normal roof), 06-12 9512 3931 527 9512 393 527 9512+9512 3931+393 527 9512+9512 393+393 527 Transit, 5-dr Van, medium, large, jumbo (high roof), 06-12 9522 3931 527 9522 393 527 9522+9522 3931+393 527 9522+9522 393+393 3123 incl 3213 757+757 3123 393+393 Incl. 4 bars Dachträger FORD 3x 75 Incl. 753+7531 3931+393 393 527 9522+9522 3931+393 527 9522+9522 393+393 527 100 150 200 393 527 9512+9512 3931+393 527 9512+9512 393 527 100 150 200 100 150 200 100 150 200 527 100 150 200 100 150 100 150 50 Transit, 5-dr Van, short (high roof), 06-12 No fit Transit, 5-dr Van, (extra high roof), 06-12 No fit 100 Great Wall V240, 4-dr Double Cab, 09- 754 3911 1461 Incl. 754 391 1461 Incl. Incl. 60 Steed, 4-dr Double Cab, 09- 754 3911 1461 Incl. 754 391 1461 Incl. Incl. 60 Wingle, 4-dr Double Cab, 06- 754 3911 1461 Incl. 754 391 1461 Incl. Incl. 60 757 390 incl. 100 7531 3911 3121 Incl. 753 391 757 390 HYUNDAI H-1, 4-dr, Van with roof railing, 97-07 Starex, 5-dr, Van with roof railing, 97-07 Starex, 5-dr, Van, 97-07 7531 3911 3121 Incl. H-1, 5-dr, van with roof railing 08- 753 391 775 392 Incl. 3121 Incl 7531+753 3911+391 3121+3121 Incl. Incl. 3121 Incl 7531+753 3911+391 3121+3121 Incl. 757+757 390+390 753+753 391+391 757+757 390+390 753+753 391+391 3121+3121 3121+3121 Incl. 75 incl. 100 Incl. Incl. 75 Fahrradträger H-1, 4-dr, Van , 97-07 75 H-1, 5-dr, Van 08- 754 393 1475 Incl. 588 60 80 iLoad, 5-dr, Van 08- 754 393 1475 Incl. 588 60 80 Starex, 5-dr,Bus , 08- 754 393 1475 Incl. 588 60 80 H-1, 5-dr, Van 08- to use 4-bars this vehile needs SRA 774 754 393 1475 Incl. 754+754 393+393 1637+1475 774 588 60 80 iLoad, 5-dr, Van 08- to use 4-bars this vehicle needs SRA 774 754 393 1475 Incl. 754+754 393+393 1637+1475 774 588 60 80 Starex, 5-dr,Bus , 08- to use 4-bars this vehicle needs SRA 774 754 393 1475 Incl. 754+754 393+393 1637+1475 774 588 60 80 D-Max Rodeo, 4-dr Double cab, 02-11 754 391 1461 Incl. Incl. 60 D-Max Rodeo, 2-dr Singel cab, 02-11 754 391 1494 Incl. Incl. 50 75 ISUZU D-Max , 4-dr Double cab, 12- 754 391 1688 Incl. 754 391 1688 Incl. Incl. D-Max , 4-dr Space/Extended cab, 13- 754 391 1717 Incl. 754 391 1717 Incl. Incl. 75 Como 5-dr Van 12- 7531 391 3122 Incl. 753 391 3122 incl 753+7531 3911+391 3122+3122 Incl. 753+753 391+391 3122+3122 Incl. 100 150 200 Daily, 3-dr, Van with fixpoint, 99- 7531 3931 3054 Incl. 753 393 3054 Incl. 7531+753 3931+393 3054+3054 Incl. 753+753 393+393 3054+3054 Incl. 100 150 200 Daily, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, 99- 7531 3931 3054 Incl. 753 393 3054 Incl. 7531+753 3931+393 3054+3054 Incl. 753+753 393+393 3054+3054 Incl. 100 150 200 Daily, 5-dr, Van with fixpoint, 99- 7531 3931 3054 Incl. 753 393 3054 Incl. 7531+753 3931+393 3054+3054 Incl. 753+753 393+393 3054+3054 Incl. 100 150 200 Phedra, 5-dr, MPV with T-profile, 02- 753 391 3035 Incl. 753+753 391+391 3035+3035 Incl. 100 200 Zeta, 5-dr, MPV with T-Profile, 94-01 753 391 3035 Incl. 753+753 391+391 3035+3035 Incl. 100 200 751 393 3052 Incl. 751+751 393+393 3052+3052 Incl. 75 IVECO LANCIA LDV Maxus 4-dr, Van, 05- 56 7511 3931 3052 Incl. 7511+751 3931+393 3052+3052 Incl. 112 150 57 1x 2x Foot Bar Kit Lock B-serie, 2-dr, Single cab, 98-12 754 3921 1292 Incl. Foot Bar Kit Lock Foot 4x Bar Kit Lock Foot Max load (kg) Bar Kit SRA Lock 2 bars Incl. 25 B-serie, 4-dr, Double cab, 98-12 754 3921 1292 Incl. Incl. 50 BT 50, 4-dr, Double cab, 07-12 754 392 1292 Incl. Incl. 50 BT 50, 2-dr, Single Cab, 07-12 754 3921 1292 Incl. BT 50, 4-dr, Crew cab, 07-12 BT 50, 4-dr, Double cab, 12/13- (MKII) 754 3921 1665 Incl. Freestyle, 4-dr, Double cab, 03-12 Pickup B 2000, 2-dr, Pickup, 95-05 9511 3921 7531 3911 Incl. 25 Incl. Incl. 50 754 392 1292 754 392 1665 Incl. Incl. 75 754 392 1292 Incl. Incl. 50 Incl. 25 527 100 527 3 bars 4 bars Dachträger MAZDA 3x MERCEDES 753 391 Sprinter, 4-dr, Van, 95-05 Citan, 4-dr Van 12- 9521 394 Sprinter, 4-dr, Van, 95-05, with extra high roof Nofit Sprinter, 4-dr, Van with T-profile, high roof, 06- 7531 3931 3021 3062 Incl. Incl. Sprinter, 4-dr, Van with T-profile, Extra high roof, 06- 753 3021 incl. 75 527 9521+9521 394+394 200 393 3062 Incl. 7531+753 3931+393 3062+3062 Incl. 753+753 393+393 3062+3062 Incl. 100 150 200 No fit Sprinter, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, 06- 7531 3931 3032 Incl. 753 393 3032 Incl. 7531+753 3931+393 3032+3032 Incl. 753+753 393+393 3032+3032 Incl. 100 150 200 Sprinter, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, High roof, 06- 7531 3931 3032 Incl. 753 393 3032 Incl. 7531+753 3931+393 3032+3032 Incl. 753+753 393+393 3032+3032 Incl. 100 150 200 Sprinter, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, extra high roof, 06- No fit Vario, 5-dr, Van No fit Vito, 4-dr Van with T-profile, 96-03, 04- 7531 3931 3084 Incl. 753 393 3084 incl. 7531+751 3931+393 3084+3084 Incl. 753+751 393+393 3084+3084 incl. 100 150 200 Vito, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, 04- 7531 3931 3029 Incl. 753 393 3029 Incl. 7531+751 3931+393 3029+3058 Incl. 753+751 393+393 3058+3029 Incl. 100 150 200 775 392 775+775 392+392 Incl. 100 Vito, 4-dr Van with roof railing, 97- Incl. 200 7531 3931 3084 Incl. 753 393 3084 incl. 7531+751 3931+393 3084+3084 Incl. 753+751 393+393 3084+3084 incl. 100 150 200 7531 3931 3029 Incl. 753 393 3029 Incl. 7531+751 3931+393 3029+3058 Incl. 753+751 393+393 3058+3029 Incl. 100 150 200 Viano, 5-dr, MPV, With roof railing, 97- 775 392 incl 775+775 392+392 Incl. 100 200 Vaneo, 5-dr, MPV with roof railing, 02- 757 391 Incl. 757+757 391+391 Incl. 100 200 Delica, 5-dr, Van, 83-94 9511 392 527 100 Delica, 5-dr, Van, high roof 83-94 9521 392 527 100 754 392 1116 Incl. 30 L200, 4-dr, Double cab, 00-05 754 392 1236 Incl. 75 L200, 4-dr, Double cab, 98-99 754 392 1116 Incl. 75 50 Fahrradträger Viano,5-dr MPV, with T-profile, 96-03,04Viano, 5-dr, MPV, With fixpoint, 04- MITSUBISHI L200, 2-dr, Pickup, extended, 98-05 754 3921 1116 Incl. L200, 2-dr, Pickup, 98-05 754 3921 1116 Incl. 30 L200, 2-dr, Pickup, extended, 05- 754 391 1401 Incl. L200, 4-dr, Double cab, 05- 754 391 1400 Incl. L300, 5-dr, Van, 81-02 9521 392 50 527 9521+9521 392+392 527 100 200 NISSAN Interstar, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, 02-10 7531 3931 3045 Incl. 753 393 3045 Incl. 7531+753 3931+393 3045+3045 Incl. 753+753 393+393 3045+3045 Incl. 100 150 200 Interstar, 5-dr, Van with fixpoint, 02-10 7531 3931 3045 Incl. 753 393 3045 Incl. 7531+753 3931+393 3045+3045 Incl. 753+753 393+393 3045+3045 Incl. 100 150 200 Interstar, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, 10- 7531 3921 3096 Incl. 753 392 3096 Incl. 7531+753 3921+392 3096+3096 Incl. 753+753 392+392 3096+3096 Incl. 100 150 200 Interstar, 5-dr, Van with fixpoint, 10- 7531 3921 3096 Incl. 753 392 3096 Incl. 7531+753 3921+392 3096+3096 Incl. 753+753 392+392 3096+3096 Incl. 100 150 200 754 391 1086 Incl. 754 391 1408 Incl. King Cab, 4-dr Pickup double cab D22, 89-97, 98-01, 02-05 Kingcab, 4-dr Crew cab D40, 05Kingcab, 2-dr Single cab D40, 05- 754 3911 1408 75 75 Incl. 30 Kingcab, 4-dr Double cab D40, 05- 754 391 1430 Incl. 75 Navara, 4-dr Doubel cab D40, 05- 754 391 1430 Incl. 30 NV 200, 4-dr Van, 09- 7531 391 3085 Incl. 753 391 3085 Incl. 7531+753 3911+391 3085+3085 Incl. NV 350 5-dr Van, 13- 7531 391 3122 Incl. 753 391 3122 incl 753+7531 3911+391 3122+3122 Incl. 753+753 391+391 3122+3122 NV 400, 5-dr, Van with fixpoint, 10- 7531 3921 3096 Incl. 753 392 3096 Incl. 7531+753 3921+392 3096+3096 Incl. 753+753 392+392 3096+3096 754 391 1086 Incl. NP 300, 4-dr Double cab , 09- 754 391 1086 Incl. 75 Kubistar, 5-dr, Van with fixpoint, 04- 753 391 3021 Incl. 75 NP 300, 4-dr Crew cab , 09NP 300, 2-dr Single cab, 09- 754 3911 1086 Incl. 100 150 100 150 200 100 150 200 75 Incl. 30 Primastar, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, 02- 7531 3931 3047 Incl. 753 393 3046 Incl. 7531+753 3931+393 3047+3046 Incl. 753+753 393+393 3047+3046 Incl. 100 150 200 Primastar, 5-dr, Van with fixpoint, 02- 7531 3931 3047 Incl. 753 393 3046 Incl. 7531+753 3931+393 3047+3046 Incl. 753+753 393+393 3047+3046 Incl. 100 150 200 Primastar, 5-dr, Van with fixpoint,High roof 01- 7531 3921 3046 Incl. 753 392 3046 Incl. 7531+753 3921+392 3046+3046 Incl. 753+753 392+392 3046+3046 Incl. 100 150 200 58 59 1x Bar Kit Lock 753 391 3006 Incl. 75 Combo, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, 02-11 753 391 3006 Incl. 75 Combo, 5-dr, Van with fixpoint, 02-11 753 391 3006 Incl. 75 Combo tour, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, 02-11 753 391 3006 Incl. 75 Combo tour, 5-dr, Van with fixpoint, 02-11 753 391 3006 Incl. 753 391 3088 Incl. 775 391 3911 Kit 3088 Lock Incl. Combo tour, 5-dr, Van with railing, 12- Foot Bar Kit Lock Foot Max load (kg) Foot 7511 Bar 4x Combo, 3-dr, Van with fixpoint, 02-11 Combo tour, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, 12- Foot 3x Bar Kit SRA Lock 2 bars 3 bars 4 bars Dachträger OPEL/VAUXHALL 2x 75 7511+753 3911+391 3088+3088 Incl. 100 Incl. 150 100 Movano, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, 98-03, 04-06, 07-10 7531 3931 3045 Incl. 753 393 3045 Incl. 7531+753 3931+393 3045+3045 Incl. 753+753 393+393 3045+3045 Incl. 100 150 200 Movano, 5-dr, Van with fixpoint, 98-03, 04-06, 07-10 7531 3931 3045 Incl. 753 393 3045 Incl. 7531+753 3931+393 3045+3045 Incl. 753+753 393+393 3045+3045 Incl. 100 150 200 Movano, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, 10- 7531 3921 3096 Incl. 753 392 3096 Incl. 7531+753 3921+392 3096+3096 Incl. 753+753 392+392 3096+3096 Incl. 100 150 200 Movano, 5-dr, Van with fixpoint, 10- 7531 3921 3096 Incl. 753 392 3096 Incl. 7531+753 3921+392 3096+3096 Incl. 753+753 392+392 3096+3096 Incl. 100 150 200 Vivaro, 2-dr, Single cab with fixpoint, 01- 7531 3931 3047 Incl. Vivaro, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, 01- 7531 3931 3047 Incl. 753 393 3046 Incl. 7531+753 3931+393 3047+3046 Incl. 753+753 393+393 3047+3046 Incl. 100 150 200 Vivaro, 5-dr, Van with fixpoint, 01- 7531 3931 3047 Incl. 753 393 3046 Incl. 7531+753 3931+393 3047+3046 Incl. 753+753 393+393 3047+3046 Incl. 100 150 200 Vivaro, 5-dr, Van with fixpoint,High roof 01- 7531 3921 3046 Incl. 753 392 3046 Incl. 7531+753 3921+392 3046+3046 Incl. 753+753 392+392 3046+3046 Incl. 100 150 200 806, 5-dr, MPV with T-profile, 94-01 753 391 3035 Incl. 807, 5-dr, MPV with T-profile, 02- 753 391 3035 Incl. 50 PEUGEOT 100 100 Boxer, 3-dr, Van with fixpoint, 95-01, 02-06 7531 3931 3054 Incl. 753 393 3054 Incl. 7531+753 3931+393 3054+3054 Incl. 753+753 393+393 3054+3054 Incl. 100 150 200 Boxer, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, 95-01, 02-06 7531 3931 3054 Incl. 753 393 3054 Incl. 7531+753 3931+393 3054+3054 Incl. 753+753 393+393 3054+3054 Incl. 100 150 200 Boxer, 5-dr, Van with fixpoint, 95-01, 02-06 7531 3931 3054 Incl. 753 393 3054 Incl. 7531+753 3931+393 3054+3054 Incl. 753+753 393+393 3054+3054 Incl. 100 150 200 Boxer, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, 06- 7531 3931 3031 Incl. 753 393 3031 Incl. 7531+753 3931+393 3031+3031 Incl. 753+753 393+393 3031+3031 Incl. 100 150 200 Boxer, 2-dr, Single cab, 06- 754 3931 1439 Incl. 30 754 393 1439 Incl. Expert, 3-dr, Van with fixpoint, 97-06 753 391 3023 Incl. 753+753 391+391 3048+3023 Incl. 100 60 200 Expert, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, 97-06 753 391 3023 Incl. 753+753 391+391 3048+3023 Incl. 100 200 Expert, 5-dr, Van with fixpoint, 97-06 753 391 3023 Incl. 753+753 391+391 3048+3023 Incl. 100 200 Expert, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, 07- 7531 3911 3055 Incl. 753 391 3051 Incl. 7531+753 3911+391 3055+3051 Incl. 753+753 391+391 3055+3051 Incl. 100 150 200 Expert, 5-dr, Van with fixpoint, 07- 7531 3911 3055 Incl. 753 391 3051 Incl. 7531+753 3911+391 3055+3051 Incl. 753+753 391+391 3055+3051 Incl. 100 150 200 754 391 1184 Incl. Partner, 3/4/5-dr, Van, 97-07 50 Partner, 3/4/5-dr, Van, 08- 7531 3911 3072 Incl. 751 391 3072 Incl. 7531+751 3911+391 3072+3072 Incl. 100 150 Bipper, 3/4/5-dr, Van with fixpoint, 08- 7531 3911 3070 Incl. 751 391 3070 Incl. 7531+751 3911+391 3070+3070 Incl. 100 150 775 391 Bipper, 3/4/5-dr, Van with roof railing, 08Partner air, 5-dr, MPV with roof railing, 01- 757 391 Ranch, 3-dr, Van, 97- 754 392 incl 1184 Fahrradträger Boxer, 4-dr, Double cab, 06- 75 Incl. 75 Incl. 50 Ranch, 4-dr, Van, 97- 754 392 1184 Incl. 50 Ranch, 5-dr, Van, 97 754 392 1184 Incl. 50 753 391 3021 Incl. 75 3021 Incl. RENAULT Kangoo, 5-dr, Van with fixpoint, 98-07, 08- 753 391 Kangoo, 5-dr, Van with Railing, 98-07 Kangoo Maxi, 5-dr, Van with fixpoint, 10- 7511 3911 3021 Incl. 757 390 Incl. 7511+753 3911+391 3021+3021 Incl. 757+757 390+390 Incl. 100 75 Kangoo, 5-dr, Van with Railing, 08- 775 391 Incl. 775+775 782 Incl. 100 125 200 200 Master, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint 98-03, 04-06, 07-10 7531 3931 3045 Incl. 753 393 3045 Incl. 7531+753 3931+393 3045+3045 Incl. 753+753 393+393 3045+3045 Incl. 100 150 200 Master, 5-dr, Van with fixpoint 98-03, 04-06, 07-10 7531 3931 3045 Incl. 753 393 3045 Incl. 7531+753 3931+393 3045+3045 Incl. 753+753 393+393 3045+3045 Incl. 100 150 200 Master, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint (MKIII)10- 7531 3921 3096 Incl. 753 392 3096 Incl. 7531+753 3921+392 3096+3096 Incl. 753+753 392+392 3096+3096 Incl. 100 150 200 Master, 5-dr, Van with fixpoint (MKIII) 10- 7531 3921 3096 Incl. 753 392 3096 Incl. 7531+753 3921+392 3096+3096 Incl. 753+753 392+392 3096+3096 Incl. 100 150 200 Trafic, 2-dr, Single cab with fixpoint, 01- 7531 3931 3047 Incl. Trafic, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, 01- 7531 3931 3047 Incl. 753 393 3046 Incl. 7531+753 3931+393 3047+3046 Incl. 753+753 393+393 3047+3046 Incl. 100 150 200 Trafic, 5-dr, Van with fixpoint, 01- 7531 3931 3047 Incl. 753 393 3046 Incl. 7531+753 3931+393 3047+3046 Incl. 753+753 393+393 3047+3046 Incl. 100 150 200 Trafic, 5-dr, Van with fixpoint,High roof 01- 7531 3921 3046 Incl. 753 392 3046 Incl. 7531+753 3921+392 3046+3046 Incl. 753+753 392+392 3046+3046 Incl. 100 150 200 60 50 61 1x 2x 3x 4x Max load (kg) Foot Bar Kit Lock Foot Bar Kit Lock Actyon, 4-dr Double Cab, 06- 754 3921 1448 Incl. 754 392 1448 Incl. 75 Korando Sport 4-dr Double Cab 12- 754 3911 1712 Incl. 754 391 1712 Incl. 60 Foot Bar Kit Lock Foot Bar Kit SRA Lock 2 bars 3 bars 4 bars Dachträger SSANGYONG SEAT Inca (Mk.I), 3-dr, Van with fixpoint, 96-03 753 391 3007 Incl. 75 Inca (Mk.I), 3-dr, Estate with fixpoint, 96-03 753 391 3007 Incl. 75 TOYOTA Super carry, 5-dr, Van, 86-98 9521 3931 527 9521 393 527 9521 3931 527 9521 393 527 100 150 200 Hi ace, 5-dr, Van, 83-95 9521 3931 527 9521 393 527 9521 3931 527 9521 393 527 100 150 200 Hi ace, 5-dr, Van, 96-06, 07- 7531 3921 3043 Incl. 753 392 Incl. 7511+753 3921+392 Incl. 7531+753+7511 392+392 Incl. 100 150 200 Hi lux, 2-dr, Pickup, extended, 87-95 754 3921 1118 Incl. Hi lux, 2-dr, Pickup, extended, 98-04 754 3921 1083 Incl. Hi lux, 2-dr, Pickup, 98-04 754 3921 1083 Incl. Hi lux, 2-dr, Single cab, 05- 754 3921 1348 Incl. 100 150 200 Hi lux, 4-dr, Double cab, 05Hi lux, 4-dr, Double cab, 98-04 3043 3043+3060 3043+3060 37,5 754 392 1083 Incl. 30 30 25 754 392 1350 Incl. 50 754 392 1083 Incl. 7531 3911 3055 Incl. 753 391 3051 Incl. Amarok, 4-dr Double Cab 10- 7531 3911 3087 Incl. 753 391 3087 Incl. 75 112 Amarok, 2-dr Single Cab 10- 7531 3911 3087 Incl. 753 391 3087 Incl. 75 112 Caddy (MK.II), 3-dr, Van with fixpoint, 98-03 753 391 3007 Incl. 75 Caddy (Mk.II), 3-dr, Estate with fixpoint, 96-03 753 391 3007 Incl. 75 Caddy (Mk.III), 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, 04- 753 391 3022 Incl. 100 Caddy (Mk.III), 5-dr, Van with fixpoint, 04- 753 391 3022 Incl. 100 Caddy (Mk.III), 4-dr, Estate with fixpoint, 04- 753 391 3022 Incl. 100 Caddy (Mk.III), 5-dr, Estate with fixpint, 04- 753 391 3022 Incl. 775 391 775 391 ProAce 4-dr Van 13- 60 7531+753 3911+391 3055+3051 Incl. 753+753 391+391 3055+3051 Incl. VOLKSWAGEN 775 3911 Incl. Caddy Maxi 3-dr Van with railing, 10- 775 3911 Caddy Maxi 4-dr van With fixpoint 08- 7511 3911 3022 Incl. 753 391 3022 Crafter, 4-dr, Van with T-profile, 06- 7531 3931 3062 Incl. 753 393 Crafter, 4-dr, Van with T-profile, high roof, 06- 7531 3931 3062 Incl. 753 Crafter, 4-dr, Van with T-profile, extra high roof, 06 incl 100 775+775 3911+391 Incl 775+775 3911+391 100 150 100 Incl. 7511+753 3911+391 3022+3022 Incl. 150 100 3062 Incl. 7531+753 3931+393 3062+3062 Incl. 753+753 393+393 3062+3062 150 Incl. 100 393 3062 Incl. 7531+753 3931+393 3062+3062 Incl. 753+753 393+393 150 200 3062+3062 Incl. 100 150 200 No fit Crafter, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, 06- 7531 3931 3032 Incl. 753 393 3032 Incl. 7531+753 3931+393 3032+3032 Incl. 753+753 393+393 3032+3032 Incl. 100 150 200 Crafter, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, high roof, 06- 7531 3931 3032 Incl. 753 393 3032 Incl. 7531+753 3931+393 3032+3032 Incl. 753+753 393+393 3032+3032 Incl. 100 150 200 527 9531+9531 3951+395 527 9531+9531 395+395 527 100 150 200 754+754 3931+393 1572+1572 588 754+754 393+393 1572+1572 588 50 75 100 Crafter, 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, extra high roof, 06- No fit LT, 4-dr, Van, high roof, 97-02 9531 3951 Transporter (T4), 91-96, 97-02 754 3931 527 1572 Incl. Transporter (T4), high roof, 91-96, 97-02 9531 395 754 393 1572 Incl. No fit Transporter (T5), 4-dr, Double cab with fixpoint, 03- 751 392 3034 Incl. Transporter (T5), 4-dr, Van with T-profile, 03- 7511 3921 3044 Incl. 751 392 3034 Incl. 7511+751 3921+392 3044+3034 Incl. 751+751 392+392 3044+3034 Incl. 100 150 200 Transporter (T5), 4-dr, Van with fixpoint, 03- 7511 3921 3044 Incl. 751 392 3034 Incl. 7511+751 3921+392 3044+3034 Incl. 751+751 392+392 3044+3034 Incl. 100 150 200 Transporter (T5), Van, high roof, 03- No fit Transporter (T5), Van, extra high roof, 03- No fit 62 Fahrradträger Caddy (Mk.III), 3-dr, Van with railing, 10- 100 63 Diese Fahrradträger können einfach auseinandergeklappt und mit einem einzigartigen Schnellbefestigungssystem an der Heckklappe montiert werden. Gummibeschichtete Rahmenhalter halten die Fahrräder sicher in Position und schützen die Rahmen vor Verkratzen. Wenn Sie den Träger nicht benötigen, falten Sie ihn einfach zusammen und bewahren ihn im Auto oder in der Garage auf. Falls Sie Ihre Fahrräder im Fahrzeuginnenraum transportieren möchten, so haben wir auch hierfür eine elegante Lösung. Thule ClipOn High 9105/9106 Schnell montierbarer und praktischer Fahrradträger, der durch seine hohe Position die Rücklichter frei halt. EIGENSCHAFTEN • Einfach an der Heckklappe mit einem einzig-artigen Schnellbefestigungssystem zu montieren, “verfügt” über einen patentierten Wir haben jede Empfehlung einzeln getestet Dachträger Heckklappen-Fahrradträger Bitte beachten Sie, dass es, falls Sie Ihr Fahrzeug nicht in dieser Kaufhilfe finden, dafür mehrere Gründe geben kann: 1. Ihr Fahrzeug hat einen empfindlichen/großen Spoiler oder einen Spoiler aus Kunststoff 2. Ihr Fahrzeug hat eine Heckklappe aus Kunststoff oder eine geteilte Heckklappe 3. Der Fahrzeughersteller lässt die Montage von Heckklappenträgern nicht zu (z.B. Skoda Octavia). 4. Ihr Fahrzeug ist ganz neu auf dem Markt (< 6 Monate) Bitte informieren Sie sich immer online unter - hier finden Sie eine ständig aktualisierte Fahrzeugliste. Fahrzeughersteller bringen Ihre Modelle in verschiedenen Ländern mit unterschiedlichen Ausstattungsmerkmalen heraus, z.B. kann ein Chromteil oder ein Spoiler an der Heckklappe ergänzt werden. Da Kunststoff-Spoiler zu schwach für die Verwendung von Heckklappenträgern sind, ist deren Benutzung an diesen Fahrzeugen nicht erlaubt, auch wenn sie in der Kaufhilfe empfohlen wird. Thule bemüht sich, dies zu berücksichtigen, kann aber nicht für lokale Abweichungen zur Verantwortung gezogen werden. Schließmechanismus. • Die hohe Position des Trägers hält die Rücklichter und das Kennzeichen frei. • Alle Teile, die das Fahrzeug und die Fahrräder berühren, sind mit einer schützenden Gummischicht überzogen. • Schnell zusammenklappbar für eine einfache Aufbewahrung. • Ausziehbare Hatchback Coupé Sedan Estate MPV SUV Pickup Bus Van Radschienen mit langlebigen Felgenbändern. Schrägheck Coupé Stufenheck Kombi MPV SUV Pickup Bus Van ALFA ROMEO 147 1 2 3 4 5 ✓ 3/5-dr Hatchback 01-03 ClipOn High 9105 3/5-dr Hatchback 04-> ClipOn High 9105 80 Avant 5-dr Estate 92-95 BackPac 973 973-17 ✓ 973-23 ✓ 100 Avant 5-dr Estate 92-94 BackPac 973 973-17 ✓ 973-23 ✓ 3-dr Hatchback 96-02 BackPac 973 973-15 ✓ 973-23 ✓ 147 ✓ ✓ ✓ A3 1 A3Suchen Sie nach dem A3Hersteller, Modell und A3Baujahr. A3 2 3 Für96-02 die Montage Das ist der 3-dr Hatchback am03-11 Auto ist passende Thule3-dr Hatchback eventuell Fahrradträger. 5-dr Hatchback 99-03 ein Adapter-Kit nötig. 5-dr Hatchback 99-03 4 HierHigh können ClipOn 9105 Sie sehen, Sie für973 zusätzliche Fahrräder BackPac 973-15 Ist kein Schloss für die Fahrräder ✓ ✓ enthalten, emfehlen wir Ihnen ✓ Thule Kabelschloss 538. ✓ unser ✓ 973-23 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ welche ClipOn HighErweiterungsadapter 9105 benötigen. A3 Sportback 5-dr Hatchback 04-12 ClipOn High 9105 Thule BackPac 973 A4 Avant 5-dr Estate 96-01 BackPac 973 A4 Avant 5-dr Estate 02-04 ClipOn High 9105 Fahrradträger speziell für Van´s und SUV´s. A4 Avant EIGENSCHAFTEN • Die hohe Position des Trägers hält die Rücklichter und das Kennzeichen frei. • Für den Transport von zwei Fahrrädern, mit Adapter erweiterbar auf 5-dr Estate 02-04 BackPac 973 A4 Avant 5-dr Estate 05-07 ClipOn High 9105 A4 Avant 5-dr Estate 05-07 BackPac 973 A4 Avant 5-dr Estate 08-> ClipOn High 9105 Zubehör Thule abschließbare Knebelmuttern 526/527 5-dr Estate 08-> A4 Avant BackPac 973 A6 Avant ClipOn High 9106 Zubehör für Heckträger (sofern nicht standard). 526 = 2 5-dr Estate 94-97 Stück, 527 = 4 Stück. 5 ✓ 9115 ✓ 973-16 ✓ ✓ ✓ 973-23 ✓ 973-15 ✓ 973-17 ✓ ✓ 973-23 ✓ 973-17 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 973-23 ✓ ✓ ✓ drei bzw. vier Räder (siehe Kaufhilfe). • Alle Teile, die das Fahrzeug und die A6 Avant 5-dr Estate 98-04 Fahrräder berühren, sind mit einer schützenden Gummischicht überzogen. A6 Avant 5-dr Estate 05-11 ✓ ClipOnOneKey High 9106 System 9115544/596/588/452 Thule ✓ A6 Avant 5-dr Estate 05-11 A4 Allroad 5-dr Estate 08-12 ✓ um, bei dem BackPac 973-17 System Rüsten Sie973 auf das Thule OneKey einClipOn Schlüssel alle Produkte von Thule ✓ verwendet High für 9105 werden kann. und 12 Zylindern). ✓ BackPac 973 (zwischen 4973-17 973-23 ✓ • Abschließbar: Fahrrad am Träger, Träger am Fahrzeug mit Thule Schloss 567. Thule Kabelschloss 538 Kunsstoffbeschichtetes und besonders 5-dr Estate 08-12 korrisionsbeständiges 180 cm langes Stahlkabel, A6 Allroad das fast alles verschließt. Mit Schlossschutz. 5-dr Estate 06-12 A4 Allroad A6 Allroad 5-dr Estate 06-12 Thule Felgenschutz 9772 BMW Montage zwischen Halteband und Felge. 1-serie 5-dr Hatchback 12-> 3-serie Touring 5-dr Estate 96-99 Schützt Mountainbiek – und Rennradfelgen 3-serie 5-dr Estate 96-99 und stabilisiert zusätzlich. 5-serie Touring 5-dr Estate 97-00 5-serie Touring 5-dr Estate 97-00 Thule Rahmenadapter 982 Zur einfachen Befestigung von Fahrrädern mit spezieller 5-dr Estate 01-03 Rahmenergonomie wie z.B. Damenfahrräder oder BMX Räder. 5-serie Touring X3 5-dr SUV 10-> BackPac 973 BackPac 973 ClipOn High 9106 973-17 Fahrradträger AUDI ✓ 973-23 ✓ ✓ ✓ 973-17 ✓ ✓ 9115 ✓ ✓ Müssen Sie ein oder zwei zusätzliche Fahrräder transportieren? ✓ High 9105 973-23 oder 9115973-24 ✓ MitClipOn dem Adapter ist dies möglich MitClipOn dem Adapter des Thule BackPac von ✓ ✓ High 9105 973-23 wird die Kapazität 2 auf 3 Fahrräder erhöht, mit dem Adapter 973-24 ✓ BackPac 973 973-15 973-23sogar von 3 auf ✓ 4 Fahrräder. ✓ Anzahl an Fahrrädern für Ihr ✓ ClipOn HighBitte 9106 beachten Sie die max. Fahrzeug ✓ ✓ BackPac(siehe 973 Kaufhilfe).973-17 973-23 BackPac 973 973-17 ✓ 973-23 ✓ BackPac 973 973-17 ✓ 973-23 ✓ CHEVROLET 64 Kalos 5-dr Hatchback 04-> ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ Matiz 5-dr Hatchback 00-04 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ Matiz 5-dr Hatchback 05-09 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ Nubira 5-dr Estate 04-08 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ ✓ Nubira 5-dr Estate 04-08 BackPac 973 973-15 ✓ 973-23 ✓ Orlando 5-dr MPV 11-> BackPac 973 973-16 ✓ 973-23 ✓ 65 CITROËN 147 3/5-dr Hatchback 01-03 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ C3 5-dr Hatchback 02-09 ClipOn High 9105 147 3/5-dr Hatchback 04-> ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ Evasion 5-dr MPV 94-02 BackPac 973 Evasion 5-dr MPV 94-02 ClipOn High 9106 Saxo 3/5-dr Hatchback 96-03 ClipOn High 9105 AUDI 9111 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 5-dr Estate 92-95 BackPac 973 973-17 ✓ 973-23 ✓ Xsara Picasso 5-dr MPV 00-03 ClipOn High 9106 9111 ✓ ✓ 100 Avant 5-dr Estate 92-94 BackPac 973 973-17 ✓ 973-23 ✓ Xsara Picasso 5-dr MPV 04-06 ClipOn High 9106 9111 ✓ ✓ A3 3-dr Hatchback 96-02 BackPac 973 973-15 ✓ 973-23 ✓ A3 3-dr Hatchback 96-02 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ DACIA A3 3-dr Hatchback 03-11 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ Sandero II 5-dr Hatchback 13-> ClipOn High 9105 9115 ✓ ✓ A3 5-dr Hatchback 99-03 BackPac 973 ✓ Sandero StepWay II 5-dr Hatchback 13-> ClipOn High 9105 9115 ✓ ✓ A3 5-dr Hatchback 99-03 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ A3 Sportback 5-dr Hatchback 04-12 ClipOn High 9105 DAEWOO A4 Avant 5-dr Estate 96-01 BackPac 973 A4 Avant 5-dr Estate 02-04 ClipOn High 9105 A4 Avant 5-dr Estate 02-04 BackPac 973 A4 Avant 5-dr Estate 05-07 ClipOn High 9105 A4 Avant 5-dr Estate 05-07 BackPac 973 A4 Avant 5-dr Estate 08-> ClipOn High 9105 A4 Avant 5-dr Estate 08-> BackPac 973 A6 Avant 5-dr Estate 94-97 ClipOn High 9106 A6 Avant 5-dr Estate 98-04 BackPac 973 A6 Avant 5-dr Estate 05-11 ClipOn High 9106 A6 Avant 5-dr Estate 05-11 BackPac 973 A4 Allroad 5-dr Estate 08-12 ClipOn High 9105 A4 Allroad 5-dr Estate 08-12 BackPac 973 A6 Allroad 5-dr Estate 06-12 5-dr Estate 06-12 BackPac 973 ClipOn High 9106 973-15 ✓ 973-23 ✓ 9115 ✓ 973-16 ✓ ✓ 973-23 ✓ 973-15 ✓ 973-23 ✓ 973-17 973-17 ✓ Matiz 5-dr Hatchback 01-05 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ ✓ Matiz 5-dr Hatchback 98-00 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ ✓ Nubira I 5-dr Estate 97-99 BackPac 973 ✓ DAIHATSU Charade 3/5-dr Hatchback 87-92 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ ✓ Charade 3/5-dr Hatchback 93-00 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ ✓ 973-23 Sirion 5-dr Hatchback 98-04 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ ✓ ✓ Trevis 5-dr Hatchback 06-09 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ ✓ 9115 ✓ 973-17 ✓ ✓ DODGE ✓ ✓ Caravan 5-dr MPV 01-04 BackPac 973 ✓ Caravan 5-dr MPV 01-04 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ Caravan 5-dr MPV 05-07 BackPac 973 ✓ Caravan 5-dr MPV 05-07 ClipOn High 9106 Caravan 5-dr MPV 88-95 ClipOn High 9106 Caravan 5-dr MPV 96-00 ClipOn High 9106 5-dr MPV 05-07 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ 973-23 ✓ ✓ 973-23 ✓ ✓ 5-dr Hatchback 12-> ClipOn High 9105 9115 ✓ 9111 ✓ 973-23 973-16 ✓ 9111 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 9111 ✓ ✓ 9111 ✓ 973-16 ✓ ✓ ✓ 973-23 ✓ ✓ ✓ Grand Caravan ✓ ✓ Grand Caravan 5-dr MPV 01-04 BackPac 973 ✓ Grand Caravan 5-dr MPV 01-04 ClipOn High 9106 9111 ✓ ✓ ✓ Grand Caravan 5-dr MPV 96-00 ClipOn High 9106 9111 ✓ ✓ 3-serie 5-dr Estate 96-99 ClipOn High 9105 3-serie Touring 5-dr Estate 96-99 BackPac 973 5-serie Touring 5-dr Estate 97-00 ClipOn High 9106 5-serie Touring 5-dr Estate 97-00 BackPac 973 973-17 ✓ 973-23 ✓ 5-serie Touring 5-dr Estate 01-03 BackPac 973 973-17 ✓ 973-23 ✓ X3 5-dr SUV 10-> BackPac 973 973-17 ✓ 973-23 ✓ 973-15 973-16 ✓ 973-23 ✓ CHEVROLET ✓ 973-23 ✓ FIAT 500 3-dr Hatchback 07-> ClipOn High 9106 ✓ ✓ Bravo 3-dr Hatchback 96-02 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ Croma 5-dr Estate 05-07 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ ✓ Kalos 5-dr Hatchback 04-> ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ Croma 5-dr Estate 05-07 BackPac 973 973-17 ✓ ✓ Matiz 5-dr Hatchback 00-04 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ Fiorino Qubo 5-dr Van 08-> BackPac 973 973-18 ✓ ✓ ✓ Idea 5-dr MPV 03-> BackPac 973 973-15 ✓ ✓ ✓ Sedeci 5-dr Hatchback 06-> ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ 973-16 ✓ ✓ 9111 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Matiz 5-dr Hatchback 05-09 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ Nubira 5-dr Estate 04-08 ClipOn High 9106 Nubira 5-dr Estate 04-08 BackPac 973 973-15 ✓ 973-23 ✓ Ulysse 5-dr MPV 94-02 BackPac 973 Orlando 5-dr MPV 11-> BackPac 973 973-16 ✓ 973-23 ✓ Ulysse 5-dr MPV 94-02 ClipOn High 9106 Trans Sport 5-dr MPV 97-> BackPac 973 973-16 ✓ 973-23 ✓ Uno 3/5-dr Hatchback 84-98 ClipOn High 9105 Trans Sport 5-dr MPV 97-> ClipOn High 9106 9111 ✓ ✓ Uplander 5-dr MPV 05-09 ClipOn High 9106 9111 ✓ ✓ Aerostar 5-dr MPV 90-97 BackPac 973 973-16 ✓ 973-23 B-max 5-dr MPV 12-> BackPac 973 973-15 ✓ 973-23 ✓ B-max 5-dr MPV 12-> ClipOn High 9106 ✓ Grand C-max 5-dr MPV 10-> BackPac 973 973-15 ✓ 973-23 ✓ Escort 5-dr Estate 91-99 BackPac 973 973-14 ✓ 973-23 ✓ Escort 5-dr Estate 91-99 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ CHRYSLER Grand Voyager 5-dr MPV 01-07 BackPac 973 Grand Voyager 5-dr MPV 01-07 ClipOn High 9106 Grand Voyager 5-dr MPV 91-95 BackPac 973 Grand Voyager 5-dr MPV 96-00 BackPac 973 Grand Voyager 5-dr MPV 96-00 ClipOn High 9106 PT Cruiser 5-dr Estate 01-10 Voyager 5-dr MPV 05-07 973-16 ✓ 9111 ✓ 973-14 ✓ 973-23 973-23 973-24 FORD ✓ 973-24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 973-17 ✓ 9111 ✓ ✓ Explorer 5-dr SUV 91-93 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ ✓ BackPac 973 973-17 ✓ ✓ Fiesta 3/5-dr Hatchback 90-95 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ ✓ BackPac 973 973-16 ✓ Voyager 5-dr MPV 05-07 ClipOn High 9106 Voyager 5-dr MPV 01-04 BackPac 973 Voyager 5-dr MPV 01-04 ClipOn High 9106 Voyager 5-dr MPV 96-00 BackPac 973 Voyager 5-dr MPV 96-00 ClipOn High 9106 Voyager 5-dr MPV 88-95 BackPac 973 Voyager 5-dr MPV 88-95 ClipOn High 9106 9111 ✓ 973-16 ✓ 9111 ✓ 973-17 ✓ 9111 ✓ 973-14 ✓ ✓ 973-23 973-23 973-23 973-23 973-23 973-24 Fahrradträger 1-serie ✓ ✓ ✓ 9115 973-23 ✓ 973-17 973-17 ✓ ✓ ✓ 973-17 973-18 ✓ BMW 66 973-16 80 Avant A6 Allroad Dachträger ALFA ROMEO ✓ Fiesta 3/5-dr Hatchback 96-01 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ Focus 5-dr Estate 98-04 BackPac 973 ✓ Focus 5-dr Estate 98-04 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ Galaxy 5-dr MPV 01-05 BackPac 973 973-16 ✓ ✓ Galaxy 5-dr MPV 01-05 ClipOn High 9106 9111 ✓ ✓ Galaxy 5-dr MPV 95-00 ClipOn High 9106 9111 ✓ ✓ Galaxy 5-dr MPV 95-00 BackPac 973 973-16 ✓ ✓ Ka 3-dr Hatchback 97-08 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ 973-15 ✓ ✓ 973-23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 973-23 ✓ ✓ ✓ 973-23 ✓ ✓ 67 KIA Maverick 5-dr SUV 01-07 ClipOn HIgh 9106 Maverick 5-dr SUV 01-07 BackPac 973 973-16 ✓ Mondeo 5-dr Estate 93-00 BackPac 973 973-16 ✓ 973-16 ✓ Mondeo 5-dr Estate 93-00 ClipOn High 9106 Scorpio 5-dr Estate 95-98 BackPac 973 ✓ Sportage 5-dr SUV 04-07 ClipOn High 9106 9115 ✓ 973-23 ✓ Sportage 5-dr SUV 08-09 ClipOn High 9106 9115 ✓ ✓ 973-23 ✓ Sportage 5-dr SUV 10-> ClipOn High 9106 ✓ ✓ ✓ Venga 5-dr Hatchback 10-> ClipOn High 9106 ✓ ✓ ✓ LANCIA ✓ ✓ 973-23 Scorpio 5-dr Estate 85-94 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ Scorpio 5-dr Estate 95-98 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ Ypsilon 3-dr Hatchback 96-02 ClipOn High 9105 Windstar 5-dr MPV 95-97 BackPac 973 ✓ Zeta 5-dr MPV 94-02 BackPac 973 Windstar 5-dr MPV 95-97 ClipOn High 9106 Zeta 5-dr MPV 94-02 ClipOn High 9106 Civic 5-dr Hatchback 01-03 5-dr SUV 98-03 ClipOn High 9106 Civic 1.4 Logo 973-15 ✓ 973-23 9111 ✓ ✓ ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ RX 300 3/5-dr Hatchback 04-05 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ 3/5-dr Hatchback 95-02 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ MAZDA ✓ ✓ ✓ 973-16 ✓ ✓ 9111 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ LEXUS HONDA 2 5-dr Hatchback 03-05 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ ✓ 5 5-dr MPV 11-> ClipOn High 9106 ✓ ✓ ✓ 5 5-dr MPV 11-> BackPac 973 973-15 ✓ 973-23 ✓ 6 2.0 5-dr Estate 02-07 BackPac 973 973-17 ✓ 973-23 ✓ ✓ 6 2.0 5-dr Estate 02-07 ClipOn High 9106 HYUNDAI Atos Prime 3/5-dr Hatchback 04-> ClipOn High 9106 Elantra 5-dr Estate 96-99 BackPac 973 Elantra 5-dr Estate 96-99 ClipOn High 9105 Getz 3/5-dr Hatchback 02-05 ClipOn High 9105 Getz 3/5-dr Hatchback 05-11 ClipOn High 9105 H1 4-dr Van 08-> BackPac 973 Matrix 5-dr MPV 01-> ClipOn High 9106 Santa Fé 5-dr SUV 06-09 BackPac 973 Santa Fé 5-dr SUV 06-09 ClipOn High 9106 Starex 4-dr Van 08-> BackPac 973 5-dr SUV 01-03 ClipOn High 9106 5-dr MPV 00-08 BackPac 973 Tucson 5-dr SUV 04-> ClipOn High 9106 Cherokee 5-dr SUV 98-00 BackPac 973 Cherokee 5-dr SUV 98-00 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ 973-23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 121 3/5-dr Hatchback 95-03 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ 9115 ✓ ✓ 323 F (1.5) 5-dr Hatchback 98-00 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ 973-16 ✓ 973-23 ✓ 973-16 ✓ 973-16 ✓ 973-23 973-24 ✓ 973-23 ✓ 973-18 ✓ 973-23 ✓ 973-24 ✓ CX-7 5-dr SUV 07-09 BackPac 973 973-17 ✓ 973-23 ✓ Demio 5-dr MPV 01-02 BackPac 973 973-15 ✓ 973-23 ✓ Demio 5-dr MPV 01-02 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ Demio 5-dr MPV 96-00 BackPac 973 ✓ Demio 5-dr MPV 96-00 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ MPV 5-dr MPV 00-03 BackPac 973 ✓ MPV 5-dr MPV 00-03 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ Tribute 5-dr SUV 00-06 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ ✓ ✓ 973-15 ✓ ✓ 973-23 ✓ ✓ ✓ 973-15 ✓ 9111 ✓ 973-23 973-24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Fahrradträger Terracan Trajet ✓ 973-14 MERCEDES BENZ JEEP 973-16 ✓ 973-23 ✓ Commander 5-dr SUV 06-> ClipOn High 9106 Grand Cherokee 5-dr SUV 92-98 BackPac 973 973-16 ✓ 973-23 Grand Cherokee 5-dr SUV 99-04 BackPac 973 973-16 ✓ 973-23 Grand Cherokee 5-dr SUV 99-04 ClipOn High 9106 Grand Cherokee 5-dr SUV 05-> BackPac 973 Grand Cherokee 5-dr SUV 05-> ClipOn High 9106 ✓ ✓ 973-17 ✓ 973-23 ✓ ✓ A-Klasse (W169) 3/5-dr Hatchback 04-11 BackPac 973 ✓ A-Klasse (W169) 3/5-dr Hatchback 04-11 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ B-Klasse (W245) 5-dr Hatchback 05-11 BackPac 973 ✓ B-Klasse (W245) 5-dr Hatchback 05-11 ClipOn High 9106 Carens 5-dr MPV 02-05 ClipOn High 9106 Carens 5-dr MPV 02-05 BackPac 973 Carens 5-dr MPV 06-12 ClipOn High 9106 Carens 5-dr MPV 06-12 BackPac 973 Carnival I 5-dr MPV 98-01 BackPac 973 973-17 Carnival I 5-dr MPV 98-01 ClipOn High 9106 Carnival I 5-dr MPV 02-05 BackPac 973 Carnival I 5-dr MPV 02-05 ClipOn High 9106 Carnival II 5-dr MPV 06-> BackPac 973 Carnival II 5-dr MPV 06-> Cee´d 5-dr Hatchback 07-11 Cerato 5-dr Hatchback 04-09 Picanto ✓ ✓ 973-23 973-15 ✓ ✓ 973-23 ✓ ✓ C-Klasse 5-dr Estate 07-> ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ C-Klasse (W202) 5-dr Estate 93-99 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ ✓ C-Klasse (W204) 5-dr Estate 07-> BackPac 973 973-15 ✓ 973-23 ✓ M-Klasse (W163 5-dr SUV 98-01 BackPac 973 973-16 ✓ 973-23 M-Klasse (W164) 5-dr SUV 05-11 BackPac 973 973-15 ✓ 973-23 M-Klasse (W164) 5-dr SUV 05-11 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ R-Klasse (W251) 5-dr Estate 06-> BackPac 973 ✓ R-Klasse (W251) 5-dr Estate 06-> ClipOn High 9106 973-19 ✓ ✓ Vito 4/5-dr MPV 95-03 BackPac 973 973-16 ✓ 973-23 ✓ 973-23 ✓ V-klasse 5-dr MPV 97-03 BackPac 973 973-16 ✓ 973-23 ✓ 973-23 ✓ MITSUBISHI 9111 ✓ 973-15 ✓ ClipOn High 9106 9111 ClipOn High 9105 9115 ✓ 973-23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 9115 ✓ ✓ 973-24 ✓ 973-15 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 9111 ✓ ✓ 973-16 973-16 973-23 973-18 ✓ KIA 68 Dachträger FORD ✓ ✓ ✓ 973-24 ✓ ✓ ✓ Colt 3-dr Hatchback 05-> ClipOn High 9105 ✓ Galant 5-dr Estate 97-05 BackPac 973 ✓ Galant 5-dr Estate 97-05 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ ✓ Outlander III 5-dr SUV 13-> BackPac 973 973-17 ✓ 973-23 ✓ ✓ Space Gear 5-dr MPV 95-> BackPac 973 973-16 ✓ 973-23 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ Space Star 5-dr MPV 98-01 BackPac 973 973-18 ✓ 973-23 973-24 5-dr Hatchback 04-10 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ Space Star 5-dr MPV 02-05 BackPac 973 973-18 ✓ 973-23 973-24 Pregio 5-dr Van 01-04 BackPac 973 973-18 ✓ 973-23 ✓ Space Wagon 3-dr MPV 99-05 ClipOn High 9106 Pride 3/5-dr Hatchback 95-00 BackPac 973 973-15 ✓ 973-23 ✓ Space Wagon 5-dr MPV 84-98 BackPac 973 973-14 ✓ 973-23 973-24 ✓ Pride 3/5-dr Hatchback 95-00 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ Space Wagon 5-dr MPV 99-03 BackPac 973 973-16 ✓ 973-23 973-24 ✓ Rio 5-dr Estate 02-05 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ NISSAN ✓ ✓ Almera 3/5-dr Hatchback 00-06 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ ✓ Micra (K11) 3/5-dr Hatchback 93-02 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Rio 5-dr Hatchback 05-11 ClipOn High 9105 Rio (Mk III) 3/5-dr Hatchback 12-> ClipOn High 9105 9115 973-17 973-23 973-23 Sorento 5-dr SUV 02-08 BackPac 973 Sorento 5-dr SUV 02-08 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ ✓ Micra (K13) 3/5-dr Hatchback 10-13 ClipOn High 9106 Sportage 5-dr SUV 94-03 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ ✓ Pathfinder 5-dr SUV 05-> ClipOn High 9106 ✓ 973-23 ✓ 973-15 ✓ ✓ 973-23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 9111 ✓ ✓ ✓ 69 NISSAN Pathfinder 5-dr SUV 05-> BackPac 973 973-18 ✓ 973-23 ✓ Twingo 3-dr Hatchback 93-02 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ Primera (W11) 5-dr Estate 97-01 BackPac 973 973-16 ✓ 973-23 ✓ Twingo 3-dr Hatchback 03-07 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ Primera (W11) 5-dr Estate 97-01 ClipOn High 9106 Primera (W12) 5-dr Estate 02-07 BackPac 973 ✓ 973-17 ✓ 973-23 ✓ Twingo II 3-dr Hatchback 07-11 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ ✓ Twingo II 3-dr Hatchback 12-> ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ ✓ Primera (W12) 5-dr Estate 02-07 ClipOn High 9106 Qashqai 5-dr SUV 07-> BackPac 973 973-15 ✓ 973-23 ✓ SEAT Qashqai +2 5-dr SUV 08-> BackPac 973 973-15 ✓ 973-23 ✓ Alhambra 5-dr MPV 96-00 BackPac 973 973-16 ✓ Sunny 3/5-dr Hatchback 86-90 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ Alhambra 5-dr MPV 96-00 ClipOn High 9106 9111 ✓ Sunny 3/5-dr Hatchback 95-99 ClipOn High 9105 9111 ✓ ✓ Alhambra 5-dr MPV 01-09 ClipOn High 9106 9111 ✓ Terrano (WD21) 3/5-dr SUV 88-96 BackPac 973 973-16 ✓ ✓ Alhambra 5-dr MPV 01-09 BackPac 973 973-16 ✓ Alhambra Mk 2 5-dr MPV 10-> ClipOn High 9106 ✓ 973-23 OPEL 973-23 ✓ 973-23 ✓ Alhambra Mk 2 5-dr MPV 10-> BackPac 973 973-15 ✓ 973-23 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ ✓ Altea 5-dr Hatchback 04-09 BackPac 973 973-15 ✓ 973-23 Astra 3/5-dr Hatchback 92-97 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ ✓ Altea 5-dr Hatchback 04-09 ClipOn High 9106 Astra 3/5-dr Hatchback 04-09 ClipOn High 9105 Astra 5-dr Estate 92-97 BackPac 973 Astra 5-dr Estate 92-97 ClipOn High 9106 Astra 5-dr Estate 02-03 BackPac 973 973-19 ✓ Astra 5-dr Estate 02-09 BackPac 973 973-15 ✓ 9115 ✓ ✓ ✓ Altea XL 5-dr Estate 06-> ClipOn High 9106 ✓ Altea XL 5-dr Estate 06-> BackPac 973 ✓ Altea XL Freetrack 5-dr Estate 07-> ClipOn High 9106 973-23 ✓ Altea XL Freetrack 5-dr Estate 07-> BackPac 973 973-23 ✓ Arosa 3-dr Hatchback 98-00 ClipOn High 9105 973-23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 973-23 ✓ 973-15 ✓ ✓ ✓ 973-15 ✓ ✓ 5-dr MPV 00-07 973-19 ✓ ✓ Agila ✓ ✓ 973-23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Arosa 3-dr Hatchback 01-05 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ Cordoba 5-dr Estate 98-99 BackPac 973 973-18 ✓ 973-23 ✓ ✓ Cordoba 5-dr Estate 00-02 BackPac 973 973-18 ✓ 973-23 9115 ✓ ✓ Exeo 5-dr Estate 09-> ClipOn High 9105 973-15 ✓ ✓ Exeo 5-dr Estate 09-> BackPac 973 ✓ Ibiza 3/5-dr Hatchback 93-99 ClipOn High 9105 Astra 5-dr Estate 02-09 ClipOn High 9106 Astra Sports Tourer 5-dr Estate 10-> BackPac 973 Corsa 3/5-dr Hatchback 93-00 ClipOn High 9105 Corsa 3/5-dr Hatchback 06-> ClipOn High 9105 Meriva 5-dr MPV 10-> BackPac 973 Meriva 5-dr MPV 10-> ClipOn High 9106 Omega 5-dr Estate 94-03 BackPac 973 Omega 5-dr Estate 94-03 ClipOn High 9106 Sintra 5-dr MPV 96-99 BackPac 973 973-16 ✓ Vectra 5-dr Estate 96-02 BackPac 973 973-18 ✓ ✓ Vectra 5-dr Estate 03-05 ClipOn High 9106 9115 ✓ ✓ Fabia 5-dr Hatchback 00-07 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ Vectra 5-dr Estate 03-05 BackPac 973 973-16 ✓ ✓ Fabia 5-dr Estate 01-07 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ ✓ Vectra 5-dr Estate 06-08 ClipOn High 9106 9115 ✓ ✓ Fabia 5-dr Hatchback 07-> ClipOn High 9106 ✓ ✓ Vectra 5-dr Estate 06-08 BackPac 973 973-16 ✓ 973-23 ✓ Felicia 5-dr Estate 94-01 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ ✓ Zafira 5-dr MPV 98-02 BackPac 973 973-16 ✓ 973-23 ✓ Felicia 5-dr Hatchback 95-01 ClipOn High 9106 Zafira 5-dr MPV 03-04 BackPac 973 973-16 ✓ 973-23 ✓ Octavia 5-dr Estate 98-00 BackPac 973 Zafira Family 5-dr MPV 07-13 BackPac 973 973-16 ✓ 973-23 ✓ Octavia I 5-dr Estate 98-00 ClipOn High 9105 973-16 ✓ ✓ Octavia III 5-dr Estate 13-> ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ Superb 5-dr Hatchback 09-> ClipOn High 9106 Superb Alldrive 5-dr Estate 12-> ClipOn High 9106 5-dr SUV 95-05 ClipOn High 9106 5-dr MPV 12-> BackPac 973 5-dr MPV 12-> ClipOn High 9106 973-23 ✓ 973-16 ✓ 973-23 ✓ 973-23 973-23 ✓ Ibiza ST 5-dr Estate 10- ClipOn High 9106 ✓ Leon II 5-dr Hatchback 05-12 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ 106 3/5-dr Hatchback 92-04 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ SSANGYONG 3/5-dr Hatchback 98-08 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ Musso 206+ 3/5-dr Hatchback 09-12 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ 207 3/5-dr Hatchback 06-12 ClipOn High 9105 9115 ✓ ✓ SUBARU 207 SW 5-dr Estate 07-> ClipOn High 9106 9115 ✓ ✓ Forester 5-dr SUV 02-05 BackPac 973 307 3/5-dr Hatchback 01-04 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ Forester 5-dr SUV 02-05 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ Forester 5-dr SUV 06-07 BackPac 973 ✓ Forester 5-dr SUV 06-07 ClipOn High 9106 307 3/5-dr Hatchback 05-08 ClipOn High 9105 5-dr Estate 02-04 BackPac 973 307 SW 5-dr Estate 02-04 ClipOn High 9106 307 SW 5-dr Estate 05-08 BackPac 973 ✓ 973-15 ✓ 973-23 ✓ 973-15 ✓ 973-23 ✓ ✓ 973-17 9115 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 973-23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ SKODA 206 307 SW ✓ ✓ Forester 5-dr SUV 08-12 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ Forester 5-dr SUV 08-12 BackPac 973 Impreza 5-dr Estate 93-00 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ 973-15 ✓ ✓ 973-23 ✓ ✓ ✓ 9115 ✓ ✓ 9115 ✓ ✓ 9115 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 973-18 ✓ 973-23 ✓ 973-18 ✓ 973-23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 973-16 ✓ 973-23 ✓ ✓ ✓ 307 SW 5-dr Estate 05-08 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ ✓ 308 3-5dr Hatchback 07-13 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ Impreza 5-dr Estate 01-03 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ ✓ 308 SW 5-dr Estate 08-> ClipOn High 9106 ✓ ✓ Impreza 5-dr Hatchback 12-> ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ 405 5-dr Estate 89-97 BackPac 973 806 5-dr MPV 94-02 BackPac 973 806 5-dr MPV 94-02 ClipOn High 9106 1007 3-dr Hatchback 05-09 ClipOn High 9105 3008 5-dr MPV 09-> ClipOn High 9105 973-16 ✓ 973-23 ✓ Impreza 5-dr Hatchback 12-> BackPac 973 973-16 ✓ 5-dr Estate 89-93 BackPac 973 973-16 ✓ 973-23 973-16 ✓ 973-23 973-16 ✓ ✓ Legacy I 9111 ✓ ✓ Legacy II 5-dr Estate 94-02 BackPac 973 ✓ ✓ Legacy II 5-dr Estate 94-02 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ ✓ 9115 RENAULT ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Legacy V 5-dr Estate 09-> ClipOn High 9106 ✓ ✓ Outback 5-dr Estate 94-02 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ ✓ Outback 5-dr Estate 10-> ClipOn High 9106 ✓ ✓ Clio 3/5-dr Hatchback 06-12 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ XV 5-dr SUV 12-> ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ Mégane 5-dr Estate 99-03 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ ✓ XV 5-dr SUV 12-> BackPac 973 ✓ ✓ Mégane III 5-dr Hatchback 09-> ClipOn High 9106 ✓ ✓ 9115 973-16 Fahrradträger Zafira Tourer Zafira Tourer 973-15 PEUGEOT 70 Dachträger RENAULT NISSAN 71 Dachträger VOLKSWAGEN SUZUKI 5-dr Estate 07-08 BackPac 973 Golf V Variant 5-dr Estate 07-08 ClipOn High 9106 Alto 3/5-dr Hatchback 94-01 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ Golf VI 3/5-dr Hatchback 08-12 BackPac 973 Baleno 5-dr Estate 95-98 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ Golf VI 3/5-dr Hatchback 08-12 ClipOn High 9105 Baleno 5-dr Estate 99-02 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ Golf VI Variant 5-dr Estate 10-12 BackPac 973 Liana 5-dr Hatchback 01-03 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ ✓ Golf VI Variant 5-dr Estate 10-12 ClipOn High 9106 Liana 5-dr Hatchback 04-07 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ ✓ Golf VII 3/5-dr Hatchback 13-> BackPac 973 Swift 3/5-dr Hatchback 05-09 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ Golf VII 3/5-dr Hatchback 13-> ClipOn High 9105 SX4 5-dr Hatchback 06-> ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ Golf VII Variant/Sport Combi 5-dr Estate 13-> BackPac 973 Wagon R+ 5-dr MPV 99-03 BackPac 973 ✓ Golf VII Variant/Sport Combi 5-dr Estate 13-> ClipOn High 9105 Wagon R+ 5-dr MPV 99-03 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ Golf Plus 5-dr Hatchback 05-08 BackPac 973 Golf Plus 5-dr Hatchback 05-08 ClipOn High 9106 Golf Plus 5-dr Hatchback 09-> BackPac 973 Golf Plus 5-dr Hatchback 09-> ClipOn High 9106 973-18 ✓ 973-23 ✓ TOYOTA Auris 3-dr Hatchback 06-12 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ Auris 5-dr Hatchback 06-12 ClipOn High 9106 Avensis 5-dr Estate 98-02 BackPac 973 Avensis 5-dr Estate 98-02 ClipOn High 9106 Avensis Verso 5-dr MPV 01-03 BackPac 973 Avensis Verso 5-dr MPV 01-03 ClipOn High 9106 Camry 5-dr Estate 92-96 BackPac 973 973-14 ✓ Carina E 5-dr Estate 94-97 BackPac 973 973-16 ✓ ✓ ✓ 973-16 ✓ ✓ ✓ 9915 ✓ 973-15 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 973-23 ✓ ✓ 973-15 ✓ ✓ 973-23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 973-23 973-24 ✓ ✓ Passat 5-dr Estate 88-96 BackPac 973 973-16 ✓ 973-23 973-24 ✓ Passat 5-dr Estate 88-96 ClipOn High 9105 973-23 ✓ Passat 5-dr Estate 97-00 BackPac 973 973-23 ✓ Passat 5-dr Estate 97-00 ClipOn High 9106 973-23 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ Passat 5-dr Estate 05-10 BackPac 973 ✓ Passat 5-dr Estate 05-10 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ Passat 5-dr Estate 10-> BackPac 973 ✓ Passat 5-dr Estate 10-> ClipOn High 9106 ✓ Passat Alltrack 5-dr Estate 12-> BackPac 973 ✓ Passat Alltrack 5-dr Estate 12-> ClipOn High 9106 ✓ 973-23 ✓ 973-23 ✓ ✓ ✓ 973-19 ✓ 973-23 973-24 ✓ 973-19 ✓ ✓ 973-23 973-24 ✓ ✓ ✓ 973-23 ✓ ✓ 973-15 ✓ ✓ ✓ 973-19 ✓ ✓ ✓ 973-23 ✓ ✓ ✓ Corolla 5-dr Estate 02-04 ClipOn High 9106 Corolla 5-dr Estate 04-08 BackPac 973 973-15 ✓ Corolla Verso 5-dr MPV 02-03 BackPac 973 973-15 ✓ ✓ Polo 3/5-dr Hatchback 95-01 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ Corolla Verso 5-dr MPV 04-08 BackPac 973 973-15 ✓ ✓ Polo 3/5-dr Hatchback 09-> ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ Picnic 5-dr MPV 97-00 BackPac 973 973-16 ✓ ✓ Polo 5-dr Estate 96-01 BackPac 973 Picnic 5-dr MPV 97-00 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ Polo 5-dr Estate 96-01 ClipOn High 9105 Picnic 5-dr MPV 01-06 BackPac 973 Picnic 5-dr MPV 01-06 ClipOn High 9106 Previa 5-dr MPV 90-99 BackPac 973 Yaris 3/5-dr Hatchback 04-05 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ Yaris 3/5-dr Hatchback 06-11 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ Yaris 3/5-dr Hatchback 12-> Clipon High 9105 ✓ ✓ 973-23 973-23 973-24 ✓ 973-16 ✓ 973-23 973-24 ✓ 973-17 ✓ 973-23 973-23 ✓ ✓ 973-18 ✓ ✓ 973-23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Polo 3/5-dr Hatchback 02-04 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ ✓ Polo 3/5-dr Hatchback 05-08 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ ✓ Sharan 5-dr MPV 96-00 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ Sharan 5-dr MPV 96-00 BackPac 973 ✓ Sharan 5-dr MPV 01-09 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ Sharan 5-dr MPV 01-09 BackPac 973 Sharan 5-dr MPV 10-> ClipOn High 9106 9111 ✓ 973-16 ✓ 9111 ✓ 973-16 ✓ ✓ 973-23 ✓ ✓ 973-23 ✓ ✓ ✓ Sharan 5-dr MPV 10-> BackPac 973 973-15 ✓ 973-23 ✓ Touran 5-dr MPV 03-09 BackPac 973 973-18 ✓ 973-23 ✓ Touran 5-dr MPV 03-09 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ 5-dr Estate 99-05 BackPac 973 Bora 5-dr Estate 99-05 ClipOn High 9106 Caddy Life 5-dr Van 04-> BackPac 973 973-18 ✓ 973-23 ✓ Touran 5-dr MPV 10-> ClipOn High 9106 Caddy Maxi Life 5-dr Van 08-> BackPac 973 973-18 ✓ 973-23 ✓ Touran 5-dr MPV 10-> BackPac 973 973-15 ✓ 973-23 Cross Golf 5-dr Hatchback 06-> BackPac 973 973-15 ✓ 973-23 ✓ Transporter (T4) 4-dr MPV 91-96 BackPac 973 973-18 ✓ 973-23 973-24 ✓ Cross Golf 5-dr Hatchback 06-> ClipOn High 9106 9115 ✓ ✓ Transporter (T4) 4-dr MPV 97-02 BackPac 973 973-18 ✓ 973-23 973-24 ✓ Cross Polo 5-dr Hatchback 06-09 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ Transporter (T5) 4-dr MPV 03-> BackPac 973 973-18 ✓ 973-23 973-24 ✓ Cross Polo 5-dr Hatchback 10-> ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ Cross Touran 5-dr MPV 06-09 BackPac 973 973-18 ✓ Cross Touran 5-dr MPV 06-09 ClipOn High 9106 9115 ✓ ✓ 940 5-dr Estate 90-96 ClipOn High 9106 9110 ✓ Fox 3-dr Hatchback 03-> ClipOn High 9105 9115 ✓ ✓ 740/760 5-dr Estate 82-92 BackPac 973 973-18 ✓ 973-23 973-24 Golf II 3/5-dr Hatchback 84-91 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ 940/960 5-dr Estate 90-96 BackPac 973 973-18 ✓ 973-23 973-24 Golf III 3/5-dr Hatchback 92-97 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ V40 5-dr Estate 00-04 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ ✓ V40 5-dr Estate 96-99 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ ✓ Golf III Variant 5-dr Estate 94-98 ClipOn High 9106 5-dr Estate 94-98 BackPac 973 Golf III 3/5-dr Hatchback 92-97 Golf IV 3/5-dr Hatchback 98-03 Golf IV 3/5-dr Hatchback 98-03 ClipOn High 9105 Golf IV Variant 5-dr Estate 99-06 BackPac 973 Golf IV Variant 5-dr Estate 99-06 ClipOn High 9106 Golf V 3/5-dr Hatchback 04-08 BackPac 973 Golf V 3/5-dr Hatchback 04-08 ClipOn High 9105 ✓ 973-23 ✓ Bora Golf III Variant 973-18 973-15 ✓ 973-23 973-24 ✓ 9110 ✓ 973-16 ✓ 973-23 ✓ BackPac 973 973-16 ✓ 973-23 ✓ BackPac 973 973-14 ✓ 973-23 ✓ 973-18 ✓ ✓ 9115 ✓ 973-24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ VOLVO ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 973-23 ✓ 973-15 Fahrradträger BackPac 973 ✓ 973-15 973-18 5-dr Estate 01-04 973-15 ✓ BackPac 973 5-dr Estate 01-04 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ 9115 4-dr MPV 09-> Passat BackPac 973 ✓ Panamerica Passat 5-dr Estate 93-97 ✓ 973-15 ✓ ✓ 5-dr Estate 02-04 ✓ 973-24 ✓ Corolla ✓ 9115 973-23 ✓ Corolla ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 973-15 973-18 ✓ 973-17 ✓ ClipOn High 9105 ClipOn High 9105 ClipOn High 9106 ✓ 9115 BackPac 973 ClipOn High 9106 BackPac 973 ✓ 3-dr Hatchback 97-05 3/5-dr Hatchback 02-04 5-dr Estate 88-92 ✓ 973-15 ✓ (T5) 4-dr MPV 03-> 3/5-dr Hatchback 05-12 5-dr Estate 93-97 973-23 Lupo Corolla Corolla ✓ Mulitvan Corolla Corolla ✓ 9115 ✓ ✓ 973-16 973-15 ✓ 973-23 VOLKSWAGEN 72 Golf V Variant ✓ ✓ 973-23 ✓ ✓ 73 Sicherheit Härtetest für anspruchsvolle Straßen. Wir wissen nicht, welche Abenteuer Ihre Ausrüstung bestehen muss. Aus diesem Grund entwickeln wir unsere Produkte für jedes Wetter, jede Temperatur und jedes Gelände auf der ganzen Welt. Wir sind zu der Überzeugung gelangt, dass es keine Alternative gibt. Vielleicht können Sie sich vorstellen, wie es in unserem Testzentrum aussieht. Jedes neue Produkt muss arktischen Temperaturen, brennender Wüstenhitze und langen Perioden intensiver UV-Bestrahlung widerstehen sowie einen Salznebel-Korrosionstest und mehrere Druck- und Belastungstests über sich ergehen lassen – und schließlich eine Rüttelmaschine, die zwei Reisen rund um die Welt in weniger als einer Woche simuliert. Ja, das ist ziemlich viel. Aber so ist die Welt nun einmal. Und da wir nur eine Freigabe für Produkte erteilen, die diese Strapazen überstanden haben, ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass wir in Bezug auf Sicherheit und Haltbarkeit. Gewährleistung Thule übernimmt für alle Lastenträgersysteme, Dachboxen und Zubehörteile, die von Thule hergestellt und unter dem Namen Thule vertrieben werden, eine Gewährleistung von 5 Jahren auf Material und Verarbeitung gegenüber dem Erstkäufer ab Kaufdatum. Gewährleistungs-Zeitraum hängt ab vom Produkttyp und ist auf der Produktverpackung vermerkt. 74 75 5211401040 German. Die Produkte können von Land zu Land unterschiedlich sein. Änderungen und Irrtümer sind vorbehalten. Foto: Marcel Pabst, Micke Strinnhed. Copyright 2014 Thule Sweden AB. Thule Sweden AB Box 69, SE-330 33 Hillerstorp, Sweden. Tel +46 370-255 00, Fax +46 370-229 08.