PDF Highlight Catalogue - Studio Hamburg Distribution


PDF Highlight Catalogue - Studio Hamburg Distribution
04 Rosa – The second chance
04 Heidelberg Hotel
05 Justice for all
05 The Urbino thriller
05 Two villages and one church
05 Marriage on hold
05 My brother’s children
06 Inspector Lindholm: Killjoy
06 Federal Police Officer Thorsten Falke: The wrath of God
06 The fourth power
07 Bukow & König
07 Matthiesen’s daughters
07 Doubt
07 Vera – The Eifel on prescription
08 The Peppercorns
08 Marie and the mysterious 12 months
09 Island of the penguins
09 Totally crazy about birds
09 The moose detective
10 Myths of the Congo
10 Alpine lakes
11 North America’s national parks
11 Bear essentials
11 The real angry birds
11 The original fight club
12 Mare TV
12 Journeys around the world
13 People, Places, Adventures
14 Last paradises
14 Italy, my love
15 America’s parents in control mania
15 Long Thanh wants to laugh
15 All a pack of lies? When news become a weapon
15 Love supreme – Six strings and a board
Rosa – The second chance
Justice for all
Since her mother, Ruth, has temporarily
moved in with wedding planner Rosa
and her friend Mark, the two lovers have
had little time in which to enjoy their
togetherness to the full and without
distraction. It gets even more complicated
her apartment contract citing “own
requirements” and also wins the right to
do so in court. At least at the end of the
court proceedings, Rosa has some cause to
celebrate: Judge Johannes Bruns wants to
hire her as a wedding planner for himself
and his big love Anja, who he met eating an
extremely hot curry at an Indian restaurant.
The only thing is: he is not quite sure how
to propose to her. Rosa has an idea and
with her assistant, Meral, organises an
oriental evening in the restaurant they
first met. Anja is blown away. During
the course of the wedding preparations,
Rosa notices that a dark shadow hangs
over Anja’s past, which could eventually
scupper the wedding. Sensitively, Rosa
talks to Anja and discovers just what is
troubling her, while Mark works on an
audacious plan with which to dissolve the
shared apartment with his future motherin-law: Walter Schmidtbauer, the landlord
of a sought-after dream apartment in the
best of locations, has promised Rosa the
apartment, if she in return can mediate
a woman for him. Rosa is indignant, but
Mark develops unforeseen matchmaker
qualities …
In the series “Justice for all”, Isa von Brede, Yasmin and Gudrun have to cope with
the fact that their boss, Gregor Ehrenberg,
has simply disappeared without having
said a word. Why did he leave the office
and his dog, Teddy, behind? Fear becomes
certainty: he will not be returning to the
lawyer’s office. Isa is the first to show what
she is made of in this situation and proclaims firmly: The legal office will not be
closed! Well, a tough decision, especially as
she has no idea how to continue without
Ehrenberg. In a makeshift fashion, Isa, Yasmin and Gudrun keep the lawyer’s office
up and running. Can the lawyer Markus
Gellert help save the honourable establishment?
The Urbino thriller
TV MOVIE | 2 X 90‘
The down-to earth yet superstitious police officer Roberto Rossi investigates together with the
forensic medicine student Malpomena del Vecchio. Within the mysterious, medieval walls of
the city of Urbino, they are collectively on the lookout for walking corpses, poison-murderers
and family secrets. Without having to ask, they receive assistance from German former detective Gruber, whose criminological passion never seems to wane.
Heidelberg Hotel
TV MOVIE | 2 X 90‘
The Hotel Heidelberg is located in an idyllic
setting, a delightful house at the foot of
the Schlossberg. The junior manager of
the family-run business, Annette Kramer,
finds herself exposed to a great deal of
stress, due mainly to the hotel guests and
their growing demands, but especially her
headstrong mother, Hermine. She is the
charming, funky founder of the hotel and
is loath to hand the reins over to her own
daughter. As far as Annette is concerned,
her mother’s permanent interferences are
a catastrophe.
Two villages and one church
Marriage on hold
TV MOVIE | 90‘
TV MOVIE | 90‘
The Swabians of Germany are renowned
for their conviviality, but the inhabitants of
Lower Rieslingen and those of the neighbouring village of Upper Rieslingen currently tend to prove the opposite. One village
owns the church, the other the cemetery
– a constant cause of trouble on both sides.
The bestseller author Max Mangold is in a
crisis. He has been writing successful novels
using a female pseudonym for years, but
no one is supposed to know. Max feels increasingly ignored as an author and this has
a negative influence on his marriage with
Erik Steiner enjoys life in Berlin. Family, commitment and responsibility are all strange to
him. When his brother Christoph dies, he
wants to get everything at his farm sorted
as soon as possible and find foster parents
for Christoph’s children.
TV MOVIE | 2 X 95‘
My brother’s children
Inspector Lindholm: Killjoy
CRIME | 90‘
When pilot Jan Körner arrives at his weekend holiday home, he finds the body of his
estranged wife Lore there. Charlotte Lindholm is faced with a difficult investigation:
Körner reports of a further person who was
supposedly in the house at the same time
as his wife was killed, otherwise he remains
tight-lipped and is reluctant to say anything
more. Because Lindholm’s investigations
are extended to the German Air Force base
in Wunstorf, she is dependent on Colonel
Friedrich’s goodwill. Little by little, it turns
out that Lore Körner led an extremely dissipated love life – her bed was apparently
home to her husband’s comrades as well as
the husbands of female soldiers. Does her
death have anything to do with some kind
of code of honour within the Air Force?
Federal Police Officer
Thorsten Falke:
The wrath of God
CRIME | 90‘
A young couple enjoys the first warm day
of the year, until – as if from nowhere –
the corpse of a young man falls into their
swimming pool. The investigation leads
Federal Police Officer Thorsten Falke
from the body’s location to the close-by
airport Hanover. He soon realises that the
Jordanian businessman was a victim of
mistaken identity and that any trace of the
murder at the airport was to be hushedup. Falke and Federal Police Inspector Julia
Grosz, who works at the airport, come
across a second, mysterious passenger,
ostensibly a Syria returnee. Why has the
unknown Syrian returned to Germany
illegally? Is he planning an act of terrorism?
The fourth power
TV MOVIE | 90‘
Jan Schulte, independent journalist and single parent of a daughter, hopes to be offered a full-time job at the renowned daily
newspaper “Die Republik” for his exposure
of a scandal. Apparently, Health Minister
Elisabeth Stade used her position to have
her brother’s heart transplant illegally prioritised. But then, Jan’s colleague Britta claims
that the compromising documents had
been forged. The editor and the publisher
refuse to print the story. When Jan continues to research the scandal with ambitious
state secretary Katharina Pflüger and political advisor Frank Gruber at the Ministry of
Health, documentary evidence is suddenly
stolen from the editorial staff – and the
tabloid “Der Tag” publishes the suspicions
against the Health Minister.
Matthiesen’s daughters
TV MOVIE | 90‘
The three sisters Esther, Rahel and Thirza
end up at the riding school of their dotty
father, Matthiesen. Here, somewhere in
the prairie of the North, they remind one
another that they used to be something
akin to a family. It turns out that even the
run-down riding school has a future – even
if it is not as originally planned.
Bukow & König
During an arson attack on a company in Magdeburg, the wife of the junior manager dies. Just
a few hours later in a hotel in Rostock, the corpse of an auditor is discovered. As investigations
get underway, neither detective is aware of the fact that the two incidents are somehow
linked. They have to solve an extremely complex case, the beginnings of which date back to
the political and economic upheavals associated with East Germany in the early 1990s. The four
police inspectors find themselves faced with unscrupulous criminals who will not shrink back
from committing more murders.
In close cooperation with the customs office, Katrin König and Alexander Bukow arrest a
drug courier. In doing so, drugs to the tune of more than 5 million Euros are discovered. A
great success! The two investigators celebrate a little more than planned later in the evening
and Alexander looks a little too deeply into Katrin’s eyes. The obligatory hangover lurks. The
next day, Martin Angerer, the customs chief, is found brutally murdered. He was investigating
the Calabrian mafia, Ndrangheta, for whom Rostock harbour is an important hub in the
international drug trade. Angerer’s colleague and protégé, Jana Zander, now supports the team
from Rostock and has already found an important lead. But the mafia is always one step ahead.
TV MOVIE | 90‘
The level headed and committed clergywoman and emergency pastor, Judith Ehrmann, is very popular and respected in her
little community, which is one of the reasons why she has been earmarked to be the
regional bishop. But then, she falls into an
emotional crisis …
Vera –
The Eifel on prescription
TV MOVIE | 90‘
Vera Mundt stayed home and took care of
her children for ten years, now she wants
to return to her job. When a job offer arrives from Chris Wegner, a country doctor,
Vera is over the moon. From the metropolis Berlin to the Eifel region – something
her son Paul is anything but impressed
with. Vera not only has private problems,
but now she also has her boss on her back:
Vera spends too much time with her patients. But the doctor also sees that Vera
has her positive sides, too, even if the additional human service is not billable. Vera
has to come to terms with several problems, as well as coping with the balancing
act between work and family …
Island of the penguins
In the middle of the Antarctic Ocean, an
entire mountain range arises from the water: South Georgia, the nursery of the Antarctic. Hundreds of thousands of penguins,
elephant seals, sea dogs and their young
overcrowd the beaches. The rough weather and the extremely difficult access to the
island cause filmmaking to be an endeavor
requiring much of the film crew around Roland Gockel and Rosie Koch and the state
of the art cameras. A lot of patience and
sensitivity over a period spanning some five
years now offers unknown and poignant
insights into the life of the king penguins
on South Georgia Island.
The Peppercorns
One of the most popular and successful German chidren series is to be continued with a new
team of five young sleuths. In the new detective stories, the Peppercorns track down thieves,
polluters, crooks, dealers, drug traffickers and other suspicious entities in the heart of Hamburg
Totally crazy about birds
Birds and people – “Totally crazy about birds”, is a journey of exploration to people who,
professionally, voluntarily or privately devote themselves to wild birds. The colourful mix of
scientists, researchers, artists and nature lovers shows that Germany’s bird world and Germany’s
bird lovers are extremely complex …
Marie and the
mysterious 12 months
A peaceful village wakes up one day before
Christmas when its native son – a young man
called Karl – comes back home from abroad,
where he was apparently doing very well.
Karl would be a good catch for all the local
girls, who are so eager to marry him that they
lay siege to his cottage. Karl, though, wants
to avoid tying the knot, so his brother comes
up with the idea to give the marriage-hungry
girls tasks impossible to fulfill. Marie’s spoiled
sister Flora would also like to get married, so
her step-mother forces Marie to fulfill the
difficult tasks instead of Flora. What is Marie
to do? Who can help her gather violets and
strawberries and bring an old apple tree to
life when it’s winter?
The moose detective
Moose are an iconic species and of great
importance to Sweden. That is why the
country counts on a very special expert the moose detective. Recently, a problem
has developed on Öland regarding its
moose. For a few years now on the island,
the moose calves have been dying shortly
after birth. It’s a mystery. Every effort is
made to save them. The island has called
upon the moose detective to investigate.
He follows several leads. Soon one of the
suspects is identified – climate change.
But it is not easy to convict the culprit.
There are other suspects as well, the food
shortage for example.
Myths of the Congo
North America’s
national parks
The river that swallows all rivers – this is
what the natives call it. In reality, the
Congo, when considering its water masses,
is the second largest and the deepest river
in the world. At its source in the north
of Zambia, it starts out as a mere trickle,
but on its journey westwards it grows
and grows, becoming ever mightier and
with it, the animals, too. To survive in the
Congo, animals have to adapt to extreme
conditions. Rich in extraordinary footage,
this two-part series of “Myths of the
Congo” presents exciting insights into one
of the most mysterious and dangerous
regions on earth.
America’s National Parks are world famous
and their breathtaking landscapes fascinate millions of visitors. This spectacular
series will show you what happens beyond
the lookouts.
- Everglades
- Gates of the Arctic
- Grand Canyon
- Olympic
- Saguaro
- Great smoky mountains
- Yellowstone
- Yosemite
Bear essentials
The real angry birds
We follow three young bears of different
species – polar bears, brown bears and
sloth bears – that inhabit dramatically varied landscapes as they find their way in the
world. We look at how their mothers teach
them the skills they need to survive and
watch the many dangers they face.
Angry birds are very popular – especially in
the minds of game playing kids – but are
there real angry birds out there? Birds battle to survive, find enough food and shelter, avoid danger and on top of that must
raise their young. Life’s hard, but will they
get in a flap?
Alpine lakes
The original fight club
Alpine Lakes is a nature documentary,
which presents Europe’s most fascinating
landscapes from an entirely new perspective. With its picturesque lakes, the lofty
mountain world of the Alps is a popular
holiday destination from January to December, year in – year out. But in these
magically beautiful regions there are also
unknown spheres, in which no one has
ever been before: ice-cold lakes with zones
of life and abysses of death. Equipped with
advanced technology, the camera team
penetrates this bizarre cosmos. Which beings can survive in these remote heights?
Precision hunters have their territories here:
stone eagles and poisonous asp vipers.
There are many reasons for animals to fight
and each have their own weapons and
rules of combat. They rarely fight without
good reason: usually to defend a patch,
secure a meal or to attract a mate. With
so many reasons for warfare, life can be a
never ending battle – for all creatures no
matter how great or small, life is a struggle
– but they endure – perhaps because there
is a fighter in us all …
Mare TV
mareTV observes the world of the oceans from the seas and from land, whilst highlighting the
different perspectives that the enormous expanse of the oceans has to offer, for both man and
animal. mareTV presents exciting stories about people and the seas recounted with captivating
pictures, clarity and depth.
- Kapstadt
- Scotlands fjord “Firth of Forth”
- Barbados
- Trinidad and Tobago
- La Reunion
- Capri and the Amalfi coast
- Bali
- Chile
Capri and the Amalfi coast
England’s green heart: Adventures on a folding bike
Portugal’s wild north
Journeys around the world
Journeys around the world is a series
of 30-minute-episodes based on reports of foreign correspondents from
all over the world, visiting some of the
world’s most fascinating places; talking
about their experiences, exciting adventures and encounters with a multitude
of people in diverse cultural contexts.
- 14 days in China: Everyday village life in
- Extreme China: To the borders of Tibet
by bicycle
- Latvia: A journey through two worlds
- England’s green heart: Adventures on
a folding bike
People, Places, Adventures
Join us – and you will be enchanted by interesting countries, fascinating people and
exciting adventures. People, Places, Adventures carries you off to an alien world.
Regardless of how foreign other cultures
appear to us, with People, Places, Adventures, you will become acquainted with
people who will familiarise you with their
homeland and culture.
- Portugal’s wild north
- Overnight express to Surabaya
- Unknown Bulgaria
- A whale of a time in Canada
- Harvest time in the Urals
All a pack of lies? When
news become a weapon
In the centre of this documentary by
NDR-reporter Klaus Scherer, are many
so-called fake news stories. These – especially due to social networks and online
platforms like YouTube – achieve millions
of spectators. The BND, which for the first
time allowed a TV reporter access to its
video analyses, assumes that foreign governments are behind other fake stories.
Author Klaus Scherer also scrutinises how
established news desks handle their often
unsecured sources. The Ukrainian Information Minister, as well as the speaker for the
Israeli Army, also have their say, both of
whom lament online lies, while at the same
time extol the distribution of their own
truths in connection with social media.
Last paradises
WILDLIFE & NATURE | 20 X 45‘, 50‘
Our journeys take us all around the world
from Patagonia to the USA, from Greenland to South Africa and from Cambodia
to Australia and take us to the most fascinating places where landscapes animals
and humans are the main focus of our
documentaries. Whether on land or at sea
– the last paradises of the world are our
Italy, my love
10 X 52’, 2 X 45’
In the coastal areas of Italy, we encounter
people that have a very special relationship
with their region. All of them love their
country, their traditions and their work.
We meet with enthusiasts and hedonists
that permit us to take a glimpse into their
everyday lives. Young Italians, who have
rediscovered nature and its treasures.
- Liguria
- Tuscany
- Campania
- Apulia
- Venice to Trieste
- Calabria
- Sardinia
- Basilicata and Molise
- Umbria
- Abruzzi
Long Thanh wants to laugh
America’s parents in
control mania
It hurts him to move, to breathe as well.
The muscles and his bones hurt. Long
Thanh is just 13-years-old, a victim of a war
that should have ended long ago. His invisible enemy: Agent Orange – the chemical
defoliant that the Americans sprayed over
the jungles of Vietnam.
The Land of the Free has now become the
Land of the Scared – especially in its fear
for its children. Middle-class American kids
spend little time without the control of
their parents. To play on the other side of
the street? Impossible.
Love supreme – Six strings and a board
MUSIC | 51‘, 91’
Filmmakers Olaf Neumann and Steffen König have spent five years and a lot of blood, sweat
and tears in Germany and the USA working on their dream – now it has become a reality: “Love
Supreme – Six strings and a board” is a very personal documentary film about fascinating string
magicians and the forever young rock‘n‘roll sound.
International Sales
Christiane Wittich
Head of Sales
Phone: +49 (0)40 6688-5445
[email protected]
Birte Zywko
Senior Sales Manager National TV
and International Sales
Phone: +49 (0)40 6688-5110
[email protected]
Pascale Begelinger
International Sales Manager
Phone: +49 (0)40 6688-5148
[email protected]
Christine Klinker
International Sales Manager
Phone: +49 (0)40 6688-5149
[email protected]
Wiebke Farwig
Coordinator International Sales
Phone: +49 (0)40 6688-5180
[email protected]
Ursula Schulte
International Sales Assistant
Phone: +49 (0)40 6688-5132
[email protected]
Studio Hamburg Distribution & Marketing GmbH
Jenfelder Allee 80 22039 Hamburg / Germany
Fax: +49 (0)40 6688-5144

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