6th IR Summit 2015 - Thursday 10th December - Brussels


6th IR Summit 2015 - Thursday 10th December - Brussels
6th European IR Summit 2015
Thursday 10th December - In Brussels NEW !
CIO’s/Head of Research from APG, J.P. Morgan AM & Financière de l’Echiquier
European Commission
• Christopher POTTS, Head of Economics & Strategy Research of Kepler
• François HEISBOURG, Chairman of the Council of the Geneva Centre for Security
Policy and of the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies
• New! Tailor-made teach-ins
• New! Thematic interactive sessions
• European networking opportunities
In sponsorship with :
In association with :
6th IR Summit 2015 - Thursday 10th December - Brussels
Dear All,
We are delighted to invite you to the sixth edition of Kepler Cheuvreux’s IR Summit that will be held on 10 December in Brussels in
partnership with local European IR associations and for the first time, in association with MiddleNext (France), QCA (UK) and
After London and Paris, and due to the ongoing European regulations concerning IROs and especially MifID2, Brussels seems to be
an emblematic place in Europe to hold this event.
We will benefit from this location to get some European commission members on board.
Also, Brussels is easily accessible from most European cities by train or plane.
MORE NETWORKING SLOTS: We have taken into consideration your comments and wishes to multiply networking opportunities.
Therefore, this year the programme will feature numerous networking slots.
INNOVATIVE SESSIONS: To allow you to network with your peers on core topics, this year we will be replacing workshops with interactive
sessions. A specific session will focus on women IR networking with a coach on innovation while a second coach will address a
management subject. A second session will be dedicated to small & mid Caps IRs, while another parallel session will examine a hot ESG
 European Macro / Financial markets: a senior representative from the European Commission (speaker TBC)
 European strategy: Christopher POTTS, Head of Economics & Strategy Research at Kepler Cheuvreux
 Global geopolitics: François HEISBOURG, Chairman of the Council of the Geneva Centre for Security Policy and of the Londonbased International Institute for Strategic Studies.
CIO’s/HEAD OF RESEARCH: APG, J.P. Morgan AM & Financière de l’Echiquier
We look forward to welcoming you from across Europe to make a European success out of this event!
Benedicte THIBORD
Global Head of SmartConnect Services
6th IR Summit 2015 - Thursday 10th December - Brussels
WORKSHOPS in SMALL GROUPS in partnership with IPREO *
Patrick VERMEULEN, Head of the Research Driven Process / European Equities Portfolio Manager
Speaker TBC
Herman BOTS, CIO & Head of Core Equity
Herman KLEEVEN, Head of Focus fund
Speaker TBC
Olivier STUL, Researcher & coach (ESSEC), Former sell-side analyst & CEO AM
Florence LAUTREDOU, Coach & Managing Director of FHL Consultants
Christopher POTTS, Head of Economics & Strategy Research of Kepler Cheuvreux
Stephane VOISIN, Head of Sustainability Research & Responsible Investment, SRI of Kepler Cheuvreux
Speaker TBC
Moderated by Caroline Weber, General Manager of MiddleNext
Stephanie BOBTCHEFF, Manager of Echiquier Agenor and Echiquier Entrepreneurs - La Financière de
Tim WARD, Chief Executive, Quoted Companies Alliance (QCA)
François HEISBOURG, Chairman of the Council of the Geneva Centre for Security Policy and of the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies
* Upon registration
6th IR Summit 2015 - Thursday 10th December - Brussels
Christopher POTTS
Head of Economics & Strategy
Research of Kepler Cheuvreux
CEO of the Quoted Companies
Christopher Potts has built up the Economics and
Strategy team at Kepler Cheuvreux since his
arrival in 1995.
Tim Ward is CEO of the Quoted Companies
Alliance, the independent membership organisation
championing the interests of small to mid-size
quoted companies.
The team comprises six economists/strategists and
assistants, located in London and Paris. The
team's publications cover macroeconomic themes,
asset allocation – with the emphasis upon sectors
and markets within Europe – and quantitative and
technical analysis.
His past roles have included Head of Issuer
Services at the London Stock Exchange, Finance
Director at FTSE International, the index company
and various management roles at a smaller quoted
Christopher has worked as an economist and
macro-strategist over the last 25 years on currency,
bond and equity markets, with the focus on the
European region, having previously worked in the
oil industry and as an economic consultant.
Christopher was educated at the University of
Cambridge and the LSE in the UK, and at the
University of Bordeaux in France.
Tim is a Chartered Accountant, has a MBA from
Henley Business School and is a qualified
executive coach and mentor.
Caroline WEBER
General Manager of MiddleNext
Caroline Weber is the General Manager of
MiddleNext, the association of French listed small
and midcap companies. She also co-chairs the
European association of listed companies.
She is vice-chairwoman of the Observatory of small
and midsize listed companies.
After serving as general manager in different
groups, listed and non-listed, she co-founded
APIA, an association of directors which aims at
promoting and professionalizing the role of
She holds several director positions in listed and
non-listed companies and associations.
She acts as an expert in governance for the APM,
the Association for Progress in Management,
which counts 6,500 French businesspeople.
She also teaches corporate strategy in grandes
écoles and universities.
6th IR Summit 2015 - Thursday 10th December - Brussels
Chairman of the council of the
Geneva Centre for Security
Policy and of the London-based
International Institute for Strategic
• Former Member of the French mission to the UN
• Former international security adviser to the
Minister of Defense (France)
• Former vice-president of Thomson-CSF (Now
• Former senior vice-president strategy at Matra
Defense Espace
• Director of IISS
• Professor of the world politics course at
Science-Po Paris
• Member of the International Council of CNRS
François Heisbourg has sat on a number of
national and international blue-ribbon bodies
(notably the French Defence and national security
White Paper (2007 and 2012), the International
Commission on Nuclear Non-Proliferation and
Disarmament, the International Commission on the
Balkans, the EU Commission's group of
development). He is also a writer and has written
extensively on defence and security issues and is a
frequent contributor to both specialist and mainstream media on such matters. His latest book is
“La Fin du rêve européen”, Paris, éditions Stock,
Olivier STUL
Researcher, teacher
and ‘’therapist for pros’’
He is teaching at ESSEC and is conducting his
research in Social Sciences with EHESS and
Ecole Normale Supérieure. He has developed an
activity of “thrapist for pros”, focusing on burn-out
prevention and stress management.
Olivier Stul has however a solid track record in the
Insurance and Finance industries as his 20 years
career has been spent in global financial
companies such as AXA, Exane-BNPP, UBS et
Barclays. He has been Head of Actuary then Head
of Marketing/Products for AXA (Life Activities in
France). He has been also a sell-side Financial
Analyst on the European Insurance Sector for UBS
and Exane-BNPP, ranked top insurance sector
analyst in the Extel/Thomson Financial and Agefi
international surveys. More recently he worked as
CEO of the French Asset Management arm of
Barclays Bank. He has then decided to dedicate
his activities to teaching, research and therapy for
His research field is focused on the relationship
between commitment/culture and the risks in the
global financial organizations.
Group behavior and relative impact on business
and risks is the general framework of his research
Coach & Managing Director of
FHL Consultants
A former alumni of Ecole Normale Supérieure- Ulm.
She has published 5 novels (including a best-seller)
and 3 management books and has contributed as a
free-lance journalist on business and international
She has worked for 4 years at the European
Commission in Brussels as a National seconded
Expert at DGI (International and Economic Affairs)
focusing on major economic CIS development
projects through the TACIS program (Expertise area:
Central Asia).
From 1996 to 2003 she has joined two major AngloSaxon executive search companies: Spencer Stuart
and Heydrick & Struggles where she has worked on
complex change management projects.
In June 2003, she has created FHL Consultants,
specialized in individual and collective coaching,
orientation coaching and Executive Committee team
building in Europe and Russia.
Florence is graduated as a psychoanalyst, a
hypnotherapist and as a coach. She is MBTI certified
(2005). She has been intensively supervised in 20092010 at the Anthony Robbins Company
Since 2006, she is in charge of the monthly coaching
video programs with Les Echos (“le Conseil du
Coach” at Les Echos.fr/management/coaching).
6th IR Summit 2015 - Thursday 10th December - Brussels
The representative office in Brussels is well placed to promote the interests of European issuers with the European institutions. Located at the heart of the EU, the
Secretariat maintains regular contact with EU officials and with other players such as peer associations or think-tanks. EuropeanIssuers’ is also represented in a
number of the stakeholder/expert groups (see the external representation section).
EuropeanIssuers’ committees and Working Groups allow us to leverage members’ expertise and discuss in more detail separate legislative dossiers in smaller expert
groups, as well as to agree on positions and letters to policy makers. Internal meetings also constitute a great opportunity for our members to exchange information
and best practice.
We deal with EU regulation affecting companies in the following areas:
• Capital markets – central securities depositaries, credit rating agencies, investment banks, stock exchanges
• Company law – divisions, mergers, takeovers, transfer of seat
• Corporate governance – role of the board and of directors, dialogue with shareholders
• Listing rules – market abuse, prospectus, transparency obligations
• Investment chain – asset managers, custodian banks, registrars, proxy voting agencies
The Quoted Companies Alliance, are the independent membership organisation that champions the interests of small to mid-size quoted companies.
• We campaign: We successfully campaign on issues that matter to small and mid-size quoted companies' businesses success. Our Expert Groups
campaign and interact in order to impact and influence the business environment and to make sure that our members’ interests are always on the right
• We inform: Whether through our guides, events, or newsletters, we arm our members with all the information the success of their business demands,
allowing them to make the best decisions for their companies.
• We interact: We provide a forum for small and mid-size quoted company directors to network and share ideas with other directors, fund managers,
brokers and advisors. Through our events, we help put small and mid-size quoted companies in touch with leading players in the market.
MiddleNext is the independent French association representing listed SMEs and midcaps. MiddleNext was founded in 1987 and represents companies from all
different sectors that are listed on Euronext and Alternext. MiddleNext chairs the Smaller Issuers Committee of EuropeanIssuers, the leading European association
promoting the interests of companies listed on stock exchanges. EuropeanIssuers is present in 15 countries and represents over 9,200 listed companies with market
capitalisation of some €8,500 billion. The organisation is financed by Midcap directors.
* Not-for-profit association
• Representing listed companies: Totally independent and non-corporatist, MiddleNext provides an essential interface between the directors of listed
companies, institutions, and public and European authorities. Thanks to its know-how at the service of these companies, MiddleNext is a forum in which
ideas can be exchanged freely and objectively, thereby producing practical innovations of benefit both to the companies and their environment.
MiddleNext mobilises and federates over one hundred and fifty small and medium-sized listed companies from all different sectors of activity, having
market capitalisation of no more than €2 billion.
• Influencing, proposing, teaching, research: MiddleNext is fully recognised as the reference association defending the interests of Midcaps by the stock
market authorities, public authorities and also the European institutions, thanks to its EuropeanIssuers association. MiddleNext is regularly consulted
and included in all the French working groups with the aim of putting forward practical solutions to preserve the economic, financial and stock market
environment for listed companies by removing regulatory, State or corporatist obstacles and complications. MiddleNext helps the directors of listed
companies to learn and master the market techniques they need to optimise their market listing in full compliance with ethical, transparent practice.
6th IR Summit 2015 - Thursday 10th December - Brussels
CLIFF is open to all financial communications and investor relations professionals who work for French listed companies or on their own, and to individuals in related
fields whose knowledge and skills would enrich its work.
CLIFF is recognized in France and abroad as a voice for the profession and a contact point for various financial market participants and regulators.
Created as an association under the Act of 1901, CLIFF celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2012.” www.cliff.asso.fr
DIRK - German Investor Relations Association is the German professional association for investor relations (IR) and representatives of publicly traded companies. As
the mouthpiece of the IR Professionals, DIRK represents the interests of its members in active dialogue with stakeholders and institutions of the capital market,
politics and the public. It offers its members professional support and promote the regular exchange between themselves and with IR professionals from around the
world. It also promotes the development of the profession and sets with over 300 members quality standards for financial communication. The range of companies
organized within DIRK covers almost all DAX and the bulk of the companies listed in the MDAX, SDAX and Nasdaq market to companies with small market
capitalization and those who have the IPO before or issue debt instruments.
The Finnish Investor Relations Society (FIRS), which was founded in 1990, strives to actively develop the IR practices and ethics of its members, and promote their
professional development. The Society also seeks to promote interaction between IR professionals, the financial community and the media. The Society has
approximately 200 members. FIRS regularly arranges presentations, panel discussions, workshops and education on topical IR issues.
IR Club represents the merging of investor relations and social media: the online community for IR specialists. One of the main objectives of the IR Club is the
promotion of networking, communication, exchange and transfer of knowledge among investor relations professionals. IR Club has approx. 900 members and is one
of the largest IR associations in Europe.
The IR club Schweiz is the network for investor relations professionals in Switzerland, a forum for exchanging ideas, tackling key IR issues and developing best
practices. The IR club Schweiz also aims to establish and promote contacts between club members and investors, asset managers and financial analysts both in
Switzerland and abroad. This website is the place to find information relating to the practice of investor relations in Switzerland.
The Dutch Association of Investor Relations (NEVIR) represents its members - investor relations officers of listed companies and consultants - as a profession
outside where the interests are concerned. The mission is to create NEVIR Dutch companies on the (international) capital. Optimal access More than 95% of the
AEX, nearly 60% of the Midcap and Smallcap about 25% of the index is represented by NEVIR. Represent and support the activities of the members will also take
place on all aspects that have to do with the Investor Relations section.
Founded 1995 and since 2012 part of SFF (The Swedish Society of Financial Analysts), SIRA represents investor relations personnel from Swedish corporates .
SIRA is a member of IIR - International Investor Relations Federation. The mission is 1)to act as an platform for exchange of information, ideas and experience with
in the national as well as the international IR community, 2)to promote the relationship between listed companies and their owners, 3)to encourage the
communication between corporates, institutions, brokers and news agencies locally and worldwide and 4)to collect and distribute IR related information from the
investment community to its members.
6th IR Summit 2015 - Thursday 10th December - Brussels
The Spanish Association for Investor Relations (AERI) was born in 1991 as a non-profit institution whose main aim is supporting its members on the promotion and
improvement of Investor Relations in Spanish Corporates. This is done by promoting activities mainly focused on the training of its members, organizing conferences
and seminars, implementing and developing international best-practices, etc. The Association also serves its members as a forum to exchange experiences and
knowledge in Investor Relations, and by reaching several agreements with other important institutions in the market. The Association is actually formed by 43
members, public Spanish companies, representing aprox. a 90% of total market capitalization.
AIR is a professional association that represents Investor Relations Officers in Italy. The Association's goal is to enhance the expertise and promote the professional
stature of its members, while also increasing the awareness of the role played by Investor Relations Officers with the different financial market entities as well as with
the top management of listed companies.
BIRA is a professional association of investor relations executives responsible for financial communication among corporate management, the investing public and
the financial community. Our members represent many of the publicly held corporations listed on Euronext Brussels, from small-caps to blue chips. With more than
30 active member companies, BIRA aims to set the highest standards in education to advance the practice of investor relations and meet the growing professional
development needs of those engaged in the field
BIRA is dedicated to advancing the practice of investor relations and professional competency and stature of its members.
The Cercle Investor Relations Austria (CIRA) was launched as a voluntary community of interests and representation of listed companies in 1991. Members are
primarily from the investor relations managers of the company, but also from CFOs and CEOs together. Currently, the CIRA comprises a total of 61 regular and 22
associate members . Draw the member companies account for about 85% of total capitalization and about 90% of the total turnover of the Vienna Stock Exchange.
The Cercle Investor Relations Austria (CIRA) sees itself as a reform movement and recognized lobby , which is supported in the sense of a self-help by individual
member companies and their goals are continuous improvement, internationalization and professionalization of the discipline Investor Relations.
The Association of Bulgarian Investor Relations Directors was established on July 8th 2005 as a non-profit organization for implementing activities in private benefit. It
was a successor of the good traditions in the IR field of the terminated Bulgarian Investor Relations Directors Club as the available property of the Club was used for
incorporation of the Association of Bulgarian Investor Relations Directors. Presently, members of the Association are over 90 Investor Relations Directors of Bulgarian
listed companies as the only collective member is the Bulgarian Industrial Capital Association. This makes our Association the only representative professional
organization of the IR directors in the country.
The Danish Investor Relations Society (DIRF) was established by investor relations officers, financial and communications executives in a few Danish companies in
1988. The objective was and still is to promote communication between listed companies and their investors thereby increasing investor interest in Danish shares and
company bonds. DIRF represents some 250 members from approximately 100 companies. Members are primarily listed companies, and the member base
represents about 95 per cent of the Danish market cap. However, also not-listed companies, organisations, service providers and consultants working with financial
communications are represented
6th IR Summit 2015 - Thursday 10th December - Brussels
Ipreo is the global leader in providing market intelligence, data, and technology solutions to all participants in the global capital markets, including sell-side
banks, publicly traded companies, and buy-side institutions. Our extensive suite of investor relations services provides our corporate clients with unparalleled
cross-asset class surveillance, investor targeting, buy-side perception studies, transaction analysis and predictive analytics. Additionally, Ipreo's BD Corporate
IR workflow platform offers the most accurate and comprehensive database covering global institutional contacts, profiles, and ownership data. Our critical
insights and flexible solutions help our clients run more effective investor relations programs. Ipreo is private-equity held by Blackstone and Goldman Sachs
Merchant Banking Division and has over 800 employees supporting clients in every major financial center around the world.
Arkadin offers successful collaboration experiences to energize teamwork.
Arkadin is one of the largest and fastest growing Collaboration Service Providers in the world. With a vision rooted in the belief that progress emerges from
people’s desire to share, Arkadin offers a complete range of integrated audio, web, video and Unified Communications solutions. As of early 2014, Arkadin has
been a member of the NTT Communications Group, the International Communications and ICT Provider of NTT, delivering consultancy, architecture, security
and cloud services.
With a global network of 53 offices in 32 countries across the globe, Arkadin delivers its business solutions using a software as a service (SaaS) model so that
customers can benefit from fast, scalable deployments with a high ROI.
6th IR Summit 2015 - Thursday 10th December - Brussels
IR Summit contacts :
Nathalie FRIZZOLE – Head of SmartConnect (France)
Tel: +33 1 53 65 36 06
Mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Brussels
Rue du Fossé-aux-Loups 47, Wolvengracht 47
1000 Brussels, Belgium
Nearby transport:
Central Station rail and metro - 400 m (Airport terminal)
Midi Station rail and metro - 2 km (Thalys and Eurostar terminals)
By plane :
Brussels International Airport Zaventem in only 14km from the hotel and can
easily be accessed from the hotel either by taxi or by regularly running trains
arriving at the Central Station which is only four walking minutes from the
By train :
Brussels’ Central Station runs both international and national trains and
connections directly to Brussels Midi Station; the terminal for Eurostar
services London (1h25) and Amsterdam (1h55). The next metro station “De
Brouckère” can be reached by foot in three minutes and connects to Midi
Station as well as the entire underground system of Brussels.
Marie ASSENZA – Thematic & Expert Manager
Tel: +33 1 70 81 57 39
Mail: [email protected]
6th IR Summit 2015 - Thursday 10th December - Brussels
Please note that a limited number of rooms have been blocked at the event’s venue.
Reservations are subject to availability. If you wish to book accommodation and benefit from the negotiated rate, please
contact the Radisson Blu hotel directly :
Radisson Blu Royal Hotel
Rue du Fossé aux Loups 47 - 1000 Brussels
Standard room : 169€ / reservation code CHEV 2015
 By phone : Tel.: +32 2 219 28 28 and mention the reservation code
 On the website : http://www.radissonblu.com/royalhotel-brussels then click on « more options » and enter the « promotional code »
Other hotel near the event
Le Plaza Brussels
Blvd Adolphe Max 118-126 – B- 1000 Brussels
Tel.: +32 2 278 01 00
Email: [email protected]
Hotel Le Dixseptième
25 rue de la Madeleine – B- 1000 Brussels
Tel.: +32 2 278 01 00
Email: [email protected]
Hotel des Galeries
Rue des Bouchers 38 – B- 1000 Brussels
Tel.: +32 2 213 74 70
Email: [email protected]
Your SmartConnect team
Global Head: Benedicte Thibord
Team France
Team UK
Team Germany
Nathalie Frizzole
+33 1 53 65 36 06
[email protected]
Marie Assenza (Experts)
+33 1 70 81 57 39
[email protected]
Ludivine Jongen (Conferences)
+33 1 70 81 57 45
[email protected]
Marie Lang
+33 1 70 81 57 41
[email protected]
Fabrice Rolland
+33 1 53 65 35 34
[email protected]
Myriam Yemane
+33 1 70 81 57 46
[email protected]
Rebecca Toledano
+33 1 70 81 57 36
[email protected]
Marina Ubeda Domingo
+33 1 53 65 36 42
[email protected]
Marie Lioult
+44 (0) 207 621 5176
[email protected]
Joanne Macisaac
+44 (0) 207 621 5185
[email protected]
Sandra Sala Vila
+44 203 350 5007
[email protected]
Kelly Izzard
+44 (0) 207 621 5159
[email protected]
Emma Drury
+44 (0) 207 621 5145
[email protected]
Natalia Ubeda Domingo
+44 (0) 207 621 5144
[email protected]
Markus Tombers
+49 69 7 56 96 290
[email protected]
Tamara Züger
+49 69 7 56 96 155
[email protected]
Agnes Spohn
+49 69 7 56 96 357
[email protected]
Team Switzerland
Team Netherlands
Rula Kokonakis
+41 43 333 6614
[email protected]
Vincent Chevrier
+41 22 994 1738
[email protected]
Kartini Kaskandar
+31 20 563 2369
[email protected]
Team Italy
Simona Cerri
+39 02 8550 7232
[email protected]
Grazia Pecorelli
+39 02 8550 7206
[email protected]
Team Spain
Cuca Olalla
+ 34 91 436 5100
[email protected]
Team Sweden
Kaarlo Airaxin
+46 8 723 51 41
[email protected]
Stina Ahlsen
+46 8 723 51 42
[email protected]
Team USA
Margaret Boyle
+1 212 710 7638
[email protected]
Harold Razon
+1 212 710 7604
[email protected]
Benedicte THIBORD

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