prospectus - Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak
prospectus - Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak
PROSPECTUS for Admission to B.Ed. (Regular) Course (2014-15) Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra Chaudhary Devi Lal University, Sirsa MAHARSHI DAYANAND UNIVERSITY ROHTAK (A State University established under Haryana Act No. 25 of 1975) NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade website : AUTHORITY The Additional Chief Secretary to Govt. of Haryana, Higher Education Department, Chandigarh has declared the M.D.University, Rohtak as competent Authority to conduct State level Centralized Counseling for admission to B.Ed course (regular) in Colleges of Education situated in the State of Haryana for the academic session 2014-15, vide memo No. 18/322-2008UNP(3) dated 20.06.2014. -------- 3 CONTENTS 1. Important Telephone Numbers (Participating Universities) 3-5 2. Online Admission Schedule 6-7 3. Important Instructions at a Glance 8-10 4. Instructions for Colleges 11 5. Participating Universities of Haryana at a Glance 12-21 6. Eligibility Conditions 22 7. Preparation of Merit List for Admission 22 8. Availability of Prospectus on website & Sale Counter 22 9. Division of Seats 22 10. Distribution of Seats and Reservation of Seats 23-26 11. Online Admission Procedure 27-31 12. Fee Structure 32-34 ANNEXURES I) List of Fake Universities 35-36 II) Bonafide Residents of Haryana: Guidelines 37-38 III) List of the Scheduled Castes in Haryana State 39 IV) List of Backward Classes in Haryana State 40 IV(A) List of Special Backward Classes in Haryana State 41 V) Scheduled Caste Certificate 41 VI) Backward Classes Certificate: Block A or B 42 VI(A) Special Backward Classes Certificate 43 VI(B) Economically Backward Person Certificate 44 VII) AFFIDAVIT (by the Parents of the Backward Class Category candidates) 45 VIII) Medical Certificate for Physically Handicapped 46 (O/o the Chief Medical Officer) 1 IX) Certificate to be furnished by Children/Grand Children of Freedom Fighters 47 X) Certificate for the Ex-servicemen of Indian Defence 47 Services/Para-Military Forces. XI) Haryana Resident Certificate (for Bonafide Residents of Haryana only) 48 XII) Certificate from the Employer (in the case of employees of 49 Govt. of Haryana, Members of All India Services borne on Haryana Cadre, Employees of Statutory Bodies/Corporations). XIII) Letter of Govt of Haryana dated 05-12-2008 50 CWP No. 12231 of 2007 Suman Rani V/S MD University Rohtak. XIV) Character Certificate 51 XV) Affidavit to be submitted by students against ragging at the time of admission 52-53 XV(A) Provisional List of Colleges of Education in Haryana 54-85 XVI) 86 Distribution of Seats (for Govt./Govt. Aided/Univ. Maintained Colleges) XVII) Distribution of Seats (for Self-Financing Colleges) 87 XVIII) Roster for Horizontal Reservation to Ex-Servicemen/Freedom Fighters 88 XIX) NCTE Guidelines regarding eligibility 89-90 2 CHANCELLOR His Excellency Shri Jagannath Pahadia Governor of Haryana IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS (PARTICIPATING UNIVERSITIES) 1. M.D. University, Rohtak Vice-Chancellor Er. H.S. CHAHAL 01262-274327 01262-292431 Fax: 01262-274133 Dean, Academic Affairs Prof. Ravinder Vinayak 01262-292208 Registrar Dr S.P. Vats 01262-274640 Dean Student Welfare Prof. Rajbir Singh 01262 - 393510 Dean College Development Council Prof. Indira Dhull 01262 - 274532 01262 - 393370 Finance Officer Sh. Wazir Singh 01262 - 393570 Controller of Examinations Sh. B.S. Sindhu 01262-274169 Proctor Prof. S.P. Khatkar 01262-393274 University Librarian Dr Satish Kumar Malik 01262 - 393004 01262 - 393330 Provost (Boys) Prof. S.S. Chahar 01262 - 393582 Provost (Girls) Prof. Maya Malik 01262 - 393221 3 2. Kurukshtra University, Kurukshetra Vice-Chancellor Lt. Gen (Dr.) D.D.S. Sandhu PVSM ADC (Retd.) 01744- 238039 Fax: 01744-238277 Registrar Dr. Krishan Chand Raldhan 01744- 238026 Dean, Academic Affairs Prof. Raghuvendra Tanwar 01744- 238045 Dean, Students’ Welfare Prof. Anil Vashisth 01744- 238096 Dean of Colleges Prof. D.D. Arora 01744- 238347 Dean Research & Developement Prof. Shyam Kumar 01744- 238561 Proctor Prof. C.R. Darolia 01744- 239617 Chief Warden (Boys Hostel) Dr. Sat Dev 01744- 238711 Chief Warden (Girls Hostel) Prof. (Mrs.) Ashu Shokeen 01744- 238278 Librarian Dr. Dharamveer Singh 01744- 238367 Controller of Examinations Dr. Hukam Singh 01744-238377 4 3. Ch. Devi Lal University, Sirsa Vice-Chancellor Dr. Radhey Shyam Sharma 01666- 248052 Fax: 01666-248123 Registrar Dr. Manoj Siwach 01666-239819 Fax: 01666-247049 Dean Academic Affairs, Proctor & Chief Warden Prof. Vikram Singh 01666-239818 Dean Students Welfare & Dean of Colleges Prof. Suresh Kumar Gahlawat 01666-247153 Controller of Examinations Prof. Praveen Aghamkar 01666-239808 5 ONLINE ADMISSION SCHEDULE Details of Admission schedule Candidates can apply for phase-I for Govt./Govt. Aided/University Maintained college of Education Candidates can apply for phase-II for B.Ed. course under self financing scheme (SFS) only Online availability of Prospectus, online Registration, acceptance of Applications, Deposition of Registration as well as counselling fee of 1000/- (for General category candidates) and 625/(for SC/BC/PH candidate of Haryana only and filling of choices. 21.07.2014 to 06.08.2014 (upto 5-00 p.m.) 21.07.2014 to 16.08.2014 (upto 5-00 p.m.) Online choice filling and locking 21.07.2014 to 08.08.2014 (upto 5-00 p.m.) 21.07.2014 to 16.08.2014 (upto 5-00 p.m.) Display of category-wise merit list of the applicants 09-08-2014 (upto 5.00 p.m.) 17-08-2014 (upto 5.00 p.m.) Reporting of discrepancy, if any, by the candidates & corrections thereof to be incorporated 09.08.2014 to 10.08.2014 (upto 5.00 p.m.) 18.08.2014 to 19.08.2014 (upto 5.00 p.m.) PHASE-I FOR GOVT./GOVT. AIDED/UNIVERSITY MAINTAINED COLLEGES OF EDUCATION Online details of Counseling 1st Round 2nd Round Final Round Online availability of seats 12.08.2014 17.08.2014 22.08.2014 allotment (upto 5.00 p.m.) (upto 5.00 p.m.) (upto 5.00 p.m.) Candidates' personal reporting 13.08.2014 to 19.08.2014 to 24.08.2014 at allotted college 15.08.2014 20.08.2014 (upto 5.00 p.m.) (upto 5.00 p.m.) (upto 5.00 p.m.) Online reporting by the college 16.08.2014 (upto 5.00 p.m.) 21.08.2014 23.08.2014 (upto 5.00 p.m.) (upto 8.00 p.m.) PHASE-II FOR SELF FINANCING SCHEME COLLEGES OF EDUCATION Online details of Counseling 1st Round Online availability of seat allotment 24-08-2014 (upto 5-00 p.m.) 6 2nd Round Final Round 01-09-2014 05-09-2014 (upto 5-00 p.m). (upto 5-00 p.m.) Candidates' personal reporting at allotted college 25-08-2014 to 27-08-2014 (upto 5-00 p.m.) 02-09-2014 to 06-09-2014 to 03-09-2014 07-09-2014 (upto 5-00 p.m). (upto 5-00 p.m.) Online reporting by the college 28-08-2014 (upto 5-00 p.m.) 04-09-2014 08-09-2014 (upto 5-00 p.m). (upto 5-00 p.m.) Classes will start for the session ( 2014-15) 01-09-2014 Annual Examinations 16-06-2015 PHASE-III SUBSEQUENT COUNSELING FOR VACANT/LEFTOVER SEATS IN COLLEGES OF EDUCATION If the seats after phase-I and phase -II of counselling for B.Ed. course under Govt./ Govt. Aided/ Maintained college of Education and Self- Financing Scheme Colleges of Education still remain vacant, then, next phase of counselling i.e. Phase-III for vacant/ left over seats in all the colleges will be conducted by M.D.University, Rohtak with a late fee of Rs. 2,000/- and every candidate has to apply afresh. The candidate can register online after the last date of application of Phase-II i.e. 08.09.2014 (after advertisement in news papers/ website). However, their applications will be considered in Phase-III, only if, the seats remain vacant after counselling of Phase-II. In case the need arises, the next counselling i.e. Phase-IV will be conducted with a late fee of Rs. 3,000/- and even candidate has to apply afresh again. The cut off date for last admission will be 15.10.2014 in all respects. The schedule for filling up these vacant seats will be displayed on the website and will also be notified in two national dailies. Cut off date for eligibility will be the last date/time of online choice filling. Note: After subsequent counseling for vacant/leftover seats in colleges of education, no further counselling shall be conducted by the University for admission and no college shall be allowed to make admission beyond 15.10.2014 even if seats remain vacant, to meet the minimum requirement of 200 days compulsory teaching as per NCTE norms. Abbreviations: AI : All India HO : Haryana Open SC : Scheduled Castes BC : Backward Classes Spl. BC : Special Backward Classes EBPGCC : Economically Backward Persons in General Castes Category PWD : Persons with disabilities (Physically Handicapped is replaced with PWD) 7 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS AT A GLANCE 1. Prospectus containing eligibility conditions, list of participating institutions with no. of sanctioned seats, code no. of Colleges/Institutes and reservation policy can be seen/downloaded from University website or, 2. Before filling the online Application Form the candidates are required to read the prospectus carefully. For any query, please contact the helpline numbers 07726068540 to 07726068546, 07726068548, 07726068549 and 07726068553. 3. The Admission to B.Ed. (Regular) Course for the session 2014-15 will be made on the basis of inter-se merit of percentage of the Qualifying Examination through online counselling by M.D.U. Rohtak. 4. In case a candidate has passed the Master Degree Examination also after Bachelor Degree, the higher percentage of marks obtained either in Under Graduate or Post Graduate degree of the two will be taken into consideration while preparing the merit. 5. No one who is already in employment (whole time or part time or in honorary capacity) shall be admitted to the B.Ed. (Regular) Course in any College of Education without taking leave from the employer for full academic session. 6. It will be the responsibility of the candidate to ensure eligibility for admission before applying for the course. If on verification at a later stage, it is found that a candidate does not fulfil the eligibility conditions, his/her candidature will be cancelled and the fee deposited by him/her shall be forfeited. 7. On-line registration-cum-counselling fee is Rs. 1000/- (Rs. 500/- registration fee plus Rs. 500/Counseling fee) for General Category candidates and Rs. 625/- (Rs. 125/- registration fee plus Rs. 500/- Counseling fee) for SC/BC/PH candidates of Haryana state. Registration cum Counselling fee is non-refundable. 8. On-line registration-cum-Counselling fee shall be deposited by the candidate through, in the Account of MDU, Rohtak. Bank charges shall be paid by the candidate as given below: ICICI PNB Debit/Credit Card Nil Nil Net Banking Nil Rs.10+S.Tax. (Per Trans.) Manual Challan Nil Rs. 6/- per challan 9. All the candidates must verify their personal information during online registration. 10. Locking of submitted choices is advisable, however, candidates who do not lock the choices, their last filled choice would be considered final. 11. Registered candidates who do not fill choices or fail to save the same cannot be considered for admission and seat allotment. 12. Candidates must take print-out of their online Application Form along with their locked choices. This print-out has to be signed and submitted at the time of reporting for admission. 8 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. The outcome of different rounds will be displayed on the websites, as per admission schedule. No individual allotment letter will be sent to the candidates. All the candidates who are allotted seats will report to allotted college/institute within stipulated date, failing which their seat allotment shall stand cancelled. Also, they will not be considered for further Counsellings. Candidates will produce all the relevant certificates in original including registration-cum- counselling fee receipt for verification along with provisional allotment letter, a signed print out of their online application form, their locked choices generated from the website at the time of reporting. At the time of reporting, if documents are found to be correct on verification then provisional admission/ auto up-gradation letter generated online will be issued to the candidate by the concerned college. The candidate shall check all the entries in this provisional admission/ auto up-gradation letter and should sign it and preserve it for further reference. The allotment of seats is liable to be cancelled, if the personal data viz. Category, Sub-category, Group (Group-I Science & Arts with Maths Group-II Arts & Commerce) residential status (Bonafide Residents of Haryana or All India Category), percentage of marks in qualifying examination, gender etc. submitted by the candidates at the time of registration is found to be wrong at the time of verification of the original certificates atAllotted Institutes. But, if the candidate is found to be eligible after the correction in personal data, the candidate may be considered for subsequent rounds of counseling, if any, against the vacancies only. If a candidate is admitted on the basis of the information submitted by him/ her, which is found to be incorrect or false at any stage then his/ her admission shall be cancelled and all fees and other dues paid by him/ her shall be forfeited. The University/ College/ Institute may take further action, as deemed fit, against the candidate in accordance with law. Candidate seeking admission in self financing institutions are advised to ensure that they are lawfully admitted failing which, they shall not be authenticated by the M.D.U. Rohtak and shall not be registered by the affiliating Universities and they themselves shall be responsible for any such lapse. All the rules and regulations for the submission of migration certificates by the candidates who have passed the qualifying examinations from other Universities will be applicable as per the rules of concerned University. In case a candidate after having deposited required fee for admission to B.Ed (Regular ) course 2014-15 decides to leave the B.Ed course before the last round of counselling, the fee deposited by the candidate will be refundable to him/her by the concerned college if the seat so vacated is filled by some other candidate after deducting Rs. 1000/- only. In case of ambiguity about any rule, the interpretation of the same by the University shall be final. All legal disputes relating to admission to B.Ed. (Regular) Course will be subject to Courts having jurisdiction at Rohtak. 9 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. The number of colleges/sanctioned seats may increase or decrease based upon the approval and affiliation from the University concerned. Candidates are advised to consult the updated list of colleges on the websites, before filling their choices as intake in various institutes subject to change by the competent authority in view of pending writs/appeals in courts/ NCTE with regard to their recognition. The attendance rules of the concerned affiliating university will be applicable on the students. The participating colleges/Institutions/Universities will ensure that all the admissions will be made only on the basis of the recognized and valid degree (s)/certificate (s) issued by the approved and recognized boards/Institutes/ Universities. In case any clarification of equivalence/recognition of qualifying degree/certificate/Institute/Board/University is required, the same may be obtained from the concerned affiliating university. All the updated latest information/notices/changes/modifications will be displayed on the website. The candidates are required to visit the website regularly to obtain the latest information. Candidates interested in seeking admission in B.Ed Special (Mentally Retarded), can opt for: 1. 2. Sharvan Inst. of Rehabilitation for Mentally Retarded Persons, Gandhi Nagar, Rohtak, State Institute for Rehabilitation Training and Research, (SIRTAR), Gandhi Nagar, Rohtak. 3. 4. ARPAN Institute for Mentally Handicapped Children, Gandhi Nagar, Rohtak Adarsh Rehabilitation Centre for Mentally and Physically Handicapped Children, Uttam Nagar, Loharu Road, Near Tractor Agency, Bhiwani. Vision Institute of Applied Studies, Plot No. 40, Sector-20B, HUDA, Faridabad. Jan Nayak Ch. Devi Lal College of Education, Baranala Road, Sirsa. 5. 6. 10 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COLLEGES 1. Every College/Department shall constitute an Admission Committee to be appointed by the Principal/Chairperson from amongst the teachers of College/Department. 2. Verification of the documents of the candidate will be done by the respective Admission Committee of College/Department at the time of reporting for admission, by comparing with the original certificates against which candidate has been allotted seat. Any entry or information filled/ made by the candidate, if found to be false, shall entail automatic cancellation of admission. 3. The admission committee may ensure that the Candidate has deposited the fee as per his/her entitlement. 4. Online reporting should be done as and when candidate reports at institute and not on the last date of admission. 5. After successful admission of the candidate, the institute must issue system generated provisional admission slip/ auto up-gradation letter to candidate. 6. Colleges are required to update admission status online on, in strictly as per admission schedule so that the subsequent counseling may be conducted as per schedule, failing which they will be fined heavily. 7. All admissions by colleges are to be updated/ reported online, as and when they admit the candidates. No permission of any kind would be provided for admitting students, if status of admission not reported online as per Key dates/schedule. 8. Information about only those candidates, whose admission status has seen reported online, will be forwarded to Registration Branch of respective Universities 9. Responsibility for any wrong/irregular/excess admission will entirely rest upon the Principal/ Chairperson concerned. 10. Admission of candidates who have passed their qualifying examination from other university shall be provisional subject to verification of the eligibility by the Registration Branch of the university concerned. 11. All the rules and regulations for submission of Registration Return of students by the college will be applicable as per the rules of the concerned University. 12. Every College/Department must give accurate information on its web site regarding human and infrastructure resources alongwith subjects in which teachers are available in the College/ Department. 13. Under no circumstances the original certificates of the candidate should be retained by the college. The candidate seeking admission will submit two sets of his/ her documents/ certificates duly attested by the Principal of the college last attended/ Gazetted Officer, at the time of reporting in the college. The Principal of the college will authenticate these documents/ certificates after comparing these from the originals and the originals will be returned to the candidate. One set of these documents/ certificates thus authenticated by the college shall be deposited in the affiliating University, for the purpose of registration, for which no original certificate shall be demanded. Anyhow, if the affiliating University, so desires the original certificates from the candidate can be demanded through the institute of his/ her admission for any purpose whatsoever these may be. 11 PARTICIPATING UNIVERSITIES OF HARYANA AT A GLANCE 1. MAHARSHI DAYANAND UNIVERSITY, ROHTAK Maharshi Dayanand University, ab initio established as Rohtak University, Rohtak, came into existence by an Act No. 25 of 1975 of the Haryana Legislative Assembly in 1976 with the objective to promote inter-disciplinary higher education and research in the fields of environmental, ecological and life sciences. It was renamed as Maharshi Dayanand University in 1977 after the name of a great visionary and social reformer, Maharshi Dayanand. It had a unitary and residential character in its nascent stage, but became an affiliating University in November 1978. The University secured the recognition of University Grants Commission - the higher education regulatory body of India - for Central Govt. grants in Feb. 1983. The University is located at Rohtak in the state of Haryana - about 75 kms. from Delhi on Delhi-Hisar National Highway (NH-10), and is about 240 kms. from Chandigarh, the State Capital. It is well connected both by rail as well as road. Rohtak is the education hub of the State with excellent facilities for education in all fields of knowledge. The University campus, spread over an area of 665.44 acres, is well laid with state-of-the-art buildings and magnificent road network, presents a spectacle of harmony in architecture and natural beauty. Educational and research programmes are offered through its 40 departments. There are as many as 12 Teaching Blocks, 14 Hostels with another 10 in the offing, an elegant Vivekananda Library with 6 off-shoots, the majestic Tagore Auditorium equipped with modern gadgetry and amenities, spectacular Students Activity Centre, Campus School, Health Centre, Faculty House, Sports Stadium, Swimming Pool, Multipurpose Gymnasium Hall, Community Centre, Printing Press, Canteens, Shopping Complex and an Administrative Block. About 550 residential units are available for the faculty members and non-teaching staff. There is a very robust Campus Wide Network - an amalgam of cable and wi-fi technologies, with1 Gbps internet connectivity. A serene 'Yajanshala' addresses the spiritual and health needs of the campus community. Branches of State Bank of India and Central Co-operative Bank are the other facilities available on the Campus. Besides, the University runs three programmes through Satellite Institute, University Institute of Law & Management Studies (UILMS), Gurgaon. LL.B (Hons ) 3-year Course is also likely to be started after approval of Bar Council of India About 530 Institutions/Colleges of General Education, Engineering, Technology, Computer Sciences and Management Sciences located in 10 districts of the State are affiliated to this University. University Library System The University Library System comprises a central library named as Vivekananda Library and five satellite libraries - IMSAR Library, Engineering Library, Maths Library, Law Library and Hotel & Tourism Management Library. Strategically located, the Vivekananda library with excellent state-of the art computer facilities and cosy furniture is housed in a magnificent 3-storeyed building with 84000 sq. ft. carpet area and a seating capacity of 963 with another 14000 sq. ft. carpet area and 315 reading seats in its five off-shoots. The library system with the elegant Vivekananda library in the vanguard, provides support for the academic and research pursuits. 12 The Library has a rich collection of knowledge resources - 3, 34, 994 volumes of books including 15,581 theses, and 50,000 bound volumes of journals. Besides, 369 Indian and 111 foreign journals are subscribed in print form. Online access is provided to 8000 e-Journals through UGC- Infonet facility, 100 Open Access Journals, SCOPUS-an Elsevier database of abstracts from about 18,000 science and social science journals, e-Emeralds Management Plus-a full text database and MLA Bibliography. All the functions of the library - check-out check-in, catalogue, serials system and acquisition system have been automated. All the divisions / sections of the library have their own PCs for data entry and other routine jobs. The Library has its own Internet with connectivity to the campus Network for providing access to its own databases such as OPAC and e-resources information KIOSKs are in place of accessing the online catalogue and other databases of the library. The air-conditioned Internet lab of the library, having 80 Internet connected computer terminals with a brandwidth connectivity of 1Gbps, provides access to e-journals and other e-resources. The multimedia Library has 20 PCs and headphones each and provides facilities for watching audio/video CDs on a variety of subjects and internet surfing. One-to-one videoconferencing facility, wrapped around state-of-the-art technology, is another service which the library provides. Application of RFID technology for check-out check-in is just month's away and the CCTV system for library security is in operation.. Open Access System is vogue in the library system, presents an environment for the library users to have unhindered access to the learning resources, and inspires them to make use of library services. The students, teachers and other employees of the University are issued bar coded library cards for entry to the library and borrowing books from the library to promote the library use. The library has a Readers' Services Division including a Reference Desk, headed by a senior library professional to help the library users. Photocopying service is another step towards bridging the gap between the knowledge seekers and the knowledge resources. Library organizes awareness and orientation programmes from time-to-time to sensitize and educate the library users to understand knowledge organization in the library, know their privileges and acquire skills to use On-line Public Access Catalogue (OPAC), conduct literature survey, trace information from information sources and use e-resources. The University invests over Rs.280 lacs annually on the enrichment of knowledge base, besides having substantial recurring and non-recurring budget for other library activities including upgradation of existing facilities. Computing and Internet facilities The University has a robust state-of-the-art Campus Network. It is wrapped around OFC and wi-fi technologies. All the departments/offices/hostels are linked to the Campus Network. The University has a Computer Centre for the benefit of students, research scholars, teachers and other staff. The Computer Centre conducts computer awareness programmes for the staff from time to time and facilitates analysis of research data of the research scholars. Besides the central facility, majority of the departments have their own computer labs. Hostels The University provides residential accommodation on the campus to over 4000 students in its 14 hostels - seven for girls and seven for boys. Maintenance of salubrious and caring environment in the 13 hostel complexes and provision of hygienic food at reasonable charges always remains the endeavour of the university authorities. Mess in each hostel is run by the residents on cooperative basis. Each hostel has facilities for indoor games, recreation, STD, and canteen. Some hostels have been provided Wi-Fi internet connectivity, while extension of this facility to other hostels is in the offing. Each Girls' Hostel is looked after by a full time Lady Warden. There is a Cyber Café with 30 PCs in the Girls' Hostels complex. Besides internet surfing, it has facilities for computer printing, typing, photocopying service packed eatables, cold drinks, and coffee. Sports Facilities The Directorate of Sports has produced many sportspersons of National and Inter-national repute - 7 Arjuna and 5 Bhim Awardees - who brought laurels not only to the University and the State, but to the country at large. For harnessing the potential of the youth and promoting sports, the University has created excellent infrastructure including an ultra modern Gymnasium Hall for all indoor activities, a Swimming Pool of international standard, Squash Court, Boxing Ring, Wrestling Hall, Tennis Courts, Basketball Courts, and a sprawling sports complex having all playfields. The synthetic Athletics Track and Astroturf Hockey ground are imminent. The Directorate hosts about 60 inter-college tournaments for men and women players of the colleges affiliated to M.D. University, Rohtak and also organizes coaching camps for its students and deputes the teams for participation in inter-university tournaments and national games. With the state-of-the-art infrastructure in place and emphasis placed on sports, the University can be adjudged as the 'sports nursery'. University Centre for Competitive Examinations The University Centre for Competitive Examinations (UCCE) is located in Room No.307 (IInd Floor), Bio-Tech, Humanities Block, UIET, M.D. University, Rohtak. The Centre has been providing guidance/ coaching to the students since 1989, the year when the Centre was established. The students competing for various examinations viz. Indian Civil Services (Preliminary), Haryana Civil Services (HCS), Bank Probationary Officers (PO), Inspectors of Income Tax and Central Excise, National Eligibility Test (NET), Combined Defence Services (CDS), National Defence Academy (NDA), CEET/ Engineering, Remedial Coaching in English etc. are given intensive coaching for the said examinations from time to time. The Centre also organizes remedial coaching classes in English. For all kinds of coaching classes, a nominal token fee is charged from the students belonging to General Category. However, from the SC/ST and BC candidates are not charged any fee for attending coaching classes. Students are registered for coaching classes for which they are required to fill up a registration form and the form is made available to the students in the office of UCCE a fortnight before the commencement of the respective course. The teachers from the different departments are on the panel to teach the competitive classes and the classes are conducted in the evening session. The Centre has a rich reference Library which contains more than 7100 books, seven national Newspapers, Journals, Magazines and other useful study materials pertaining to the competitive examinations for use by the students as well as the teachers in the Centre. Besides coaching the Centre also organizes special lectures of experts on the subjects such as Budget, Current Affairs and on topical issues for the benefit of students writing competitive examinations. 14 The University Grants Commission released grants for conducting the following schemes: i) Remedial Coaching for SC/ ST / OBC (Non Creamy Layer) and Minorities. ii) Coaching of NET for SC/ST/ OBC (Non Creamy Layer) and Minorities. iii) Coaching classes for entry in service for SC/ST/ OBC (Non Creamy Layer) & Minorities. It is proposed that University Centre for Competitive Examinations will pursue at least two batches of the students who would be given the coaching for the above three courses for the year 2014-15. The Centre has also made a provision for extension lectures for different courses. University Health Centre The University Health Centre, with one full time MBBS doctor and para medical staff caters to the primary health needs of the M.D.University community. It includes medical examinations of the students for fitness for various activities and events. Employees are given consultations for all diseases. Routine investigations are done for students like urine examinations and blood tests. Medicines are provided to students patients free of cost. We give health coverage to all sports events including students. Health Education is imparted by means of various activities. Camps are held for AIDS awareness, blood grouping, sugar testing etc. The medical college situated next door to the M.D.University, Rohtak looks after emergencies and other problems regarding indoor admission. National Service Scheme The National Service Scheme provides an opportunity to the students to understand, appreciate and imbibe the socio-economic conditions and problems of the society and to inculcate in them a sense of social consciousness and dignity of labour as well as bring them closer to the community. Students enrolled under the Scheme have to render 120 hours of Community Service and to participate in a 7days NSS Special Camp every year. The students also get opportunities to participate in the Youth Leadership Training Camp, Youth Festivals, National Integration Camps, Adventure Programmes, etc. University NSS Merit Certificates are bestowed upon the NSS volunteers on the completion/ fulfillment of prescribed conditions. In addition, the best NSS volunteers are decorated with awards at Unit/District/University level each year. SC/ST Cell The SC/ST Cell established by the University as per UGC guidelines, works for the welfare of SC/ST candidates. It monitors the implementation of policies and programmes related to admissions, appointments and promotions of SC/ST candidates. The Cell endeavors to ensure the benefit of Central Govt. / State Govt. policies related to the welfare of SC/ST students and employees. Foreign Students' Cell The University has a full-fledged Foreign Students' Cell. The Cell, headed by a Senior Faculty Member, provides guidance and help to the International students through a 'single window system'. 15 Besides above, there is a provision for creation of 15% additional supernumerary seats exclusively for foreign students' in each course in each department of the University. It is mandatory to obtain an eligibility certificate from the O/o the Advisor, Foreign Students' Cell, M.D.University, Rohtak after submitting the following documents:1. Letter of the Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi regarding equivalency/recognition of the examination. 2. Photocopy of Student Passport. 3. Photocopy of student visa. 4. AIDS Certificate. 5. Eligibility Fee - as the case may be. 6. Application on the prescribed form which may be downloaded from the University Website along with two pass-port size photographs. Candidates are also required to deposit prospectus fee of Rs.150/- with the Foreign Students' Cell. For details, the Prospectus for Foreign Students' is available on the University Website www. (Phone: 01262-292208(0). Note: Foreign Students are not required to apply on-line admission for any course. They may contact the office of Foreign Students' Cell. Career Counseling and Placement Cell University has established a Career Counseling and Placement Cell to gather information on job avenues and placements in different institutions and concerns related to the courses that the University offers. This information is analyzed in the local, regional and national context to explore its relevance utility for the students for their career counseling and placement needs. The cell organizes seminars and guidance workshops for informing students about the emerging professional trends and events, job profiles, leadership roles, entrepreneurship, market needs and risks. Training is also imparted through workshops related to communication skills, personality development, resume writings, confidence building, preparing for interview etc. Eminent industrialists, HR personnels and eminent persons in different fields are invited for delivering lectures wherein they help students in getting the latest market requirements and trends in the job market. Efforts are also made to help the students to develop healthy outlook and positive attitude. The Cell is housed on the second floor of Students' Activity Centre. Email: [email protected] Guidance and Counselling Cell - A Centre for Positive Health University has established a "Guidance and Counseling Cell - A Centre for Positive Health" in the Department of Psychology for the University Facutly and with the objective to provide Health Care, Moral Boosting and Promotional Services. The Cell also provides Educational and Vocational guidance. In addition, to catering to the psychological needs of the students, the Centre provides personal and career counseling to them. Boosting harmonious relationship and developing effective communication skills at the campus are the primary objectives of the cell. 16 Phone : 01262-393583 ( O ) Scholarships/Stipends/Prizes/Financial Assistance to Meritorious/needy Students The University provides financial assistance to the meritorious and needy students in the form of Scholarships, Stipends, Prizes, etc. as under: Scholarships University Special Scholarship Ch. Chhotu Ram Cash Grant University Merit Scholarship Kalpana Chawla Memorial Scholarship Scholarship for P.G. Diploma in All India Commerce Conference Translation Commemorative Scholarship National Loan Scholarship of the Govt. of Smt. Ram Kaur & Lt. Col. Bije Singh India Scholarship National Merit Scholarship Late Smt. Man Bhari Devi Scholarship University Research Scholarship Dr. P.P. Singh Memori al Scholarship State Govt. Merit Scholarship Scheduled Caste Scholarships Haryana State Silver Jubilee Scholarship Ch. Badlu Ram Scholarship Sh. Mukesh Gupta Educational Sh. Dharmpal Ghangas Memorial Scholarship Scholarship Pehlwan Harnarayan Phogat Memorial Chander Kanta Katyal Memorial Scholarship Scholarship Dr. Silak Ram Phogat Memorial L.P.S. Scholarship & L.P.S. Bossard Scholarship Scholarship Lion Joseph McLoughlin Scholarship Sh. Ranbir Singh Memorial Scholarship Sh. Bimal Prashad Jain Memorial Sh. K.C. Shastri M. Charitable Trust Scholarship Scholarship Usha Rani Sharma Memorial Scholarship Dr. Rajesh Malhotra Memorial Scholarship and Medals Kumari Bindu Memorial Scholarship Dr.Sarojini Devi Memorial Scholarship Stipends Stipends for the students of SC/BC Stipends awarded by the District Soldiers, categories Sailors and Airmen’s Boards Post Graduate Stipends General Stipends Prizes Acharya Ram Dev Prize for First Position holder in M.A. (History) Students’ Aid Fund The Directorate o f Students’ Welfare provides financial assistance to the poor and deserving students out of the Students’ Aid Fund, Dr. Radhakrishnan Fund, etc. in the form of lump-sum grants. 17 Students' Welfare Services The University lays special emphasis on students' welfare, and, therefore, has a full-fledged office for this purpose. The office is housed in a magnificent Students Activity Centre, equipped with all amenities which a student can think of. It has a Bookshop with all types of books and stationery, Cyber Café for internet surfing at competitive rates, canteen with facility for meals and other eatables and soft beverages available at affordable prices, Conference Hall with Internet connectivity, well-designed modular furnished separate Common Rooms for boys and girls with the facilities of newspapers, magazines, and indoor games, dish linked LCD TV and above all, a rendezvous for student community to channelize their free time. It organizes various activities in every stream of Art, Culture and Adventure. The office shares the expenditure of educational tours organized by various teaching departments. Bus and railway pass facilities are facilitated to the students. A large number of camps and adventure courses like Trekking, Youth Leadership Training Camps, Rock Climbing, Snow Skiing, Value-based Spiritual Courses, Personality Development Camp, etc. are organized. Six Zonal Youth Festivals and one Inter-Zonal Youth Festival consisting of 40 events of Music, Dance, Theatre, Literary, Fine Arts and Culture are organized during an academic session. A TechnoManagement Fest, especially designed for the students of Engineering, Management and other technical Institutions and Edufest for Colleges of Education are organized. These galas are organized in a splendid auditorium named as Tagore Auditorium, equipped with modern audio-video system. The University has its own Holiday Home-cum-Youth Centre at Dhanachulli, Distt. Nainital,where group of students, teachers and non-teaching staff may go for holidaying. Film Club has been established on the campus for students. Two feature films are screened separately for boys and girls. To promote hobbies, various hobby clubs also function for students. A supportive scheme `Samarth' is also effective for differently abled students on the campus. Students' Welfare Office also offers need-cum-merit scholarships and toppers award to students out of Dr.Radha Krishnan Foundation Fund every year. A Skill Development Centre especially for communication skills and assessment procedures for SSB in Armed Services is run with the Support of Youth Welfare Fund. 2. KURUKSHETRA UNIVERSITY, KURUKSHETRA The foundation of Kurukshetra University was laid by Dr. Rajender Prasad, the first President of the Republic on 11 January, 1957. Since its inception the university has pursued excellence in teaching and research. It is widely acknowledged as a premier institute in key areas of higher education like science, technology, humanities, social sciences, education, performing arts and sports. The university Campus spread over 400 acres is located on the south bank of the famed Bhrahmsarovar. The University offers world-class education to students from India and other countries by providing a learning experience designed to develop intellectual abilities, as well as social, moral and ethical values. The University is equipping its students with the skills. insights, attitudes and practical experience that will enable them to become discerning citizens. 18 The Campus of the University has often been rated as one of the most beautiful campuses in India. It resembles a large, self-contained village with lecture theatres, smart class rooms, Wi-Fi campus, libraries, laboratories, on campus hostel accommodation, cafeterias, canteens, market, swimming pool, gymnasia, banks, ATMs, post office and the world-class sports facilities. The most remarkable feature of the campus is the seamless interconnection of nature and the built environment. There are a number of lush green gardens, water fountains and sidewalks which provide an ideal environment on the campus for study and leisure. In recognition of our commitment towards maintaining environmental equilibrium the University has recently been awarded the ‘Green Campus Award’by the World Management Congress, New Delhi. Striving for Excellence Accreditation by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) Kurukshetra University is a NAAC accredited ‘A’ Grade University. The University was especially recognized by the NAAC for its commitment towards imparting quality education and an environment that is conductive to academic growth. The University’s impressive infrastructure and its commitment to quality research were also identified by the NAAC as institutional strength. A survey conducted by a leading national magazine in 2013 ranked the University 13th among 170 universities which formed a part of the countrywide survey. The University was paced 11th in terms of reputation. Likewise 8th for quality of its faculty and 13th for the quality of academic inputs. In the all important and key area of student care the survey ranked the University at the 13th position. The University is now in the process of seeking re-accreditation from the NAAC for Cycle-III. 3. CHAUDHARY DEVI LAL UNIVERSITY, SIRSA Established on 2nd April, 2003, Chaudhary Devi Lal University, Sirsa is named after Jan Nayak Chaudhary Devi Lal, the former Deputy Prime Minister of India and the former Chief Minister of Haryana. This University, set up by the Government of Haryana under an Act 9 of 2003 passed by the State Legislature, has a sprawling campus of 213 Acres 4 Kanal 12 Marlas at Barnala Road, Sirsa. The main objective of the University is to facilitate, promote and excel in Higher Education, Research and Consultancy in the contemporary as well as emerging areas of knowledge. The inception of high-tech culture involving computer-based facilities, internet connectivity and modern administrative techniques are integral characteristics of this University. To enhance the standard of higher education and increase the research activities the University in 2011 was connected to National Knowledge Network (NKN). This connectivity has been provided through One Gbps (optical fiber) dedicated line under NMEICT project of Ministry of HRD India. Wi-Fi facility has also been provided in the University campus. Affiliation of colleges situated in Sirsa and Fatehabad districts in 2011 has been another milestone for this University. There are 16 Teaching Departments offering 54 courses in the University. Well-known, reputed and experienced academicians and professionals have been associated in preparing the academic curriculum of different programmees. It is important to mention here that special attention has been given to follow 19 the guidelines of the UGC and other regulatory bodies in preparing the programme curriculum. The university also offers various programmes through the University Centre for Distance Learning. The emphasis is to impart quality education by providing congenial and liberal atmosphere in the campus through the promotion of extracurricular activities. Sports events of North Zone andAll India Intervarsity level and University Youth Festival were successfully organized in addition to encouraging students to participate in such activities and events outside the campus to enable them achieve overall growth of their personality. The University has two Teaching Blocks, Guest House, Vice Chancellor's residence and 101 houses for the teaching and non-teaching staff and four well-furnished hostels for boys and girls. Majestic building of CV Raman Bhawan (Science Block) has been completed and occupied by the Departments of Physics, Chemistry, Biotechnology, Food Science & Technology, Energy & Environmental Sciences and Mathematics. The University has developed its own Media Centre equipped with hi-tech gadgets. The University has well-equipped laboratories. The University has a majestic building housing Vivekananda Library. There is a good stock of books and study material of high standard in the University library. Research Journals of National and International repute are being subscribed. The construction of Multipurpose Hall is likely to be completed very soon. Proposals for the Teaching Block No. 3 and the building for University Centre for Distance Learning are in pipeline. The University has ATM facility of Oriental Bank of Commerce and State Bank of India. A branch of Oriental Bank of Commerce started functioning in the year 2011. The branch is located in the University Shopping Complex which also houses the University Health Centre. Medical facilities have been made available to the students through a regular appointed Medical Officer and technical staff. The University has adopted innovative methods in conducting University examinations. The University has also made a distinction in timely declaration of results. The students of this university have shown commendable results in academics as well as co-curricular activities. With the present pace of progress already acquired, the university looks forward to having a promising future. ACADEMIC PROGRAMMES The University offers the following academic programmes in the area of Technology, Management, Commerce, Law, Mass Communication, Humanities, Social Sciences, Science and Education mostly at the Post Graduate Level. All these Programmes have been designed in consultation with luminous academicians especially taking into consideration the special needs of the society and the professional world. Emphasis is laid on both theoretical and practical training. The University also offers Ph. D programmes in the following departments: PhD PROGRAMMES S. No. Department/Subjects 1. Biotechnology 2. BusinessAdministration S. No. Department/Subjects 9. English 10. Food Science & Technology 20 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Chemistry Commerce Computer Science & Applications Economics Education Energy & Environmental Sciences 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Law Mathematics Physics Physical Education PublicAdministration Journalism & Mass Communication REGULAR PROGRAMMES Sr. No. 1. Name of Programme MSc (Biotechnology) Seats 40 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. MSc (Environmental Science) MSc (Food Science & Technology) MSc (Mathematics) MSc (Physics) MSc (Chemistry) MBA MBA (Business Economics) 40 40 60 50 50 100 40 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. M. Com Master of Computer Applications (MCA)+ M. Tech CSE (2 - year) MA (Economics) MA (Public Administration) MA (English) MA (Mass Communication) MPEd CPEd BEd++ 60 60 40 50 50 60 60 25+5* 45+5* 100 19. LLB 3 year (Professional) 80 * These seats are meant for Outstanding Sportspersons + Admissions to MCA will be made by HSTES on the basis of OLET-MCA-2014 through online off campus counseling. ++Admission to B.Ed Programme will be made through State Level Central Counseling to be conducted by one of the state universities. 21 ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS FOR ADMISSION TO B.ED. COURSE Candidates with at least 50% marks either in the Bachelor Degree and /or in the Master's Degree or any other Qualification recognized as equivalent thereto are eligible for admission to the programme. Note: (i) There shall be no rounding off of percentage of marks of the qualifying examination from 0.5% and above to next higher number for determining the eligibility i.e. 49.5% and above will not be rounded off to 50%. (ii) 45% marks for SC/ST candidates of Haryana State only. (iii) 45% marks for Blind /Persons with Disabilities and visually/Hearing Impaired candidates. (iv) In case a candidate has passed the Master Degree Examination also after Bachelor Degree, the higher percentage of marks obtained in either of the two will be taken into consideration while preparing the merit (v) Compartmental candidates will not be allowed admission in B.Ed. (Regular Course) in any case. (vi) Cut off date for eligibility will be the last date/time of online choice filling. (vii) One year PG diploma in any subject will not be considered equivalent to Master's Degree. PREPARATION OF MERIT LIST FOR ADMISSION Merit for admission to B.Ed. course shall be determined on the basis of marks obtained in the qualifying examination. In case a candidate has passed the Master's Degree Examination also alongwith Bachelor's Degree, the higher percentage of marks obtained either in Under Graduate and Post Graduate degree will be taken into consideration while determining the merit. However, if two or more candidates have obtained equal marks, following procedure will be used for the preparation of merit. (i) Candidate senior in age will be given first preference (ii) If tie still persists, then marks obtained in 12th will be considered (iii) If tie still persists, then marks in 10th will be considered to break the tie AVAILABILITY OF PROSPECTUS Prospectus containing eligibility conditions, list of participating institutions with no. of sanctioned seats, code no. of Colleges/Institutes and reservation policy can be seen/downloaded from University website or, DIVISIONN OF SEATS 50% of the total seats in each college shall be reserved for Group-I i.e. Science & Arts with Mathsgroup candidates. Other 50% seats shall be reserved for Group-II i.e. Arts & Commerce Group Candidates. Note: a. The seats which remain vacant in Group-I i.e. Science & Arts with Maths-group can be converted in Group-II i.e. Arts & Commerce Group and vice-versa. Such vacant seats of one group will 22 be converted into same category (General or Reserved) of the other group and if still these seats remain vacant only then these will be converted into General Category. The vacant seats of SC Categories in Govt./Govt. aided/ Maintained Colleges of Education will not be converted into General Category. b. In case of Tau Devi Lal Memorial College of Education, Manana (Panipat) out of total seats 5% seats shall be filled up with the consent of the Gram Panchayat. (Reference letter by the Financial Commissioner and Secretary to Government Haryana, Development and Panchayat Department: Endst No G-I-2001/ 24132 136 dated 5.6.2001). DISTRIBUTION AND RESERVATION OF SEATS (A) Distribution of seats The seats shall be distributed as under: 1) All India Category including Haryana : 15% 2) Bonafide Residents of Haryana : 85% (B) Reservation of seats for Bonafide Residents of Haryana The seats will be reserved in Govt./ Govt. Aided/ Maintained college of Education as per detail given below: Sr. No. Category (a) (b) (c) (d) Scheduled Castes Backward Classes(A) Backward Classes(B) Special Backward Classes Economically Backward Persons in the General Category Person with disability (e) (f) Quantum of reservation Remarks 20% 16% 11% 10% 10% In the event of quota reserved for Persons with Disabilities remain unutilized due to non availability for suitable category of handicapped candidates, it may be offered to the Ex-servicemen and their wards (1%) and the dependents of Freedom Fighters (1%). 3% Further, 3% Horizontal reservation is also provided to Ex-servicemen/Freedom Fighters and their dependents by providing reservation within reservation of 1% of general category, 1% out 23 of Scheduled Castes and 1% from backward classes' category for admissions to the various educational institutions of the Government and Government aided/institutes Located in Haryana. As far as block allocation in Block A and Block B of Backward Classes Impairment/Persons suffering from Locomotor Disability or Cerebral Palsy should be indicated clearly. For example, if Block A of Backward Classes are given seats in the Academic year 2014, the next Block i.e. B Block of category of Backward Classes will be given seats in the next academic year i.e. 2015 and so on. The Head of the Department concerned shall maintain the record for the purpose. Note: A roaster for reservation of Ex-Serviceman/Freedom Fighter be maintained and carry forward all fractions till one seat is accumulated through different fractions over the years. As and when the total comes one, a seat will be provided in the prospectus. (Chief Secretary to Govt. Haryana Letter No. 23/27/2004-2 GS III dated 5.12.2008 Annexure-XIII). Criteria for providing the benefit of Reservation to special Backward Classes and Economically Backward persons in the General Caste Category notified by the Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Backward Class Department, Haryana Government. NOTIFICATION The 23rd January, 2013 No. 60 SW (1)-2013 The Governor of Haryana is pleased to provide 10% reservation in jobs under Government/Government Undertakings and Local Bodies as well as in educational institutions for Economically Backward Persons in the General Caste's Category of the State. The Criteria for consideration as economically backward will be as under:(i) 'Family' for the purposes of the applicant seeking reservation as 'economically backward' is defined as follows:(a) Head of Family and his/her spouse; (b) Dependent children and their spouses; (c) Unmarried dependent brothers and sisters. (ii) The total annual income of the family of the applicant should not cumulatively exceed Rs. 2, 50,000/- per annum from all sources including agricultural income. (iii) In case any person in the family, as described in (i) above, is income-tax/wealth tax payee, benefit of reservation shall not be extended. (iv) Applicant or family as described in (i) above should not be in Class-I/Class-II services of Government of India or State Government level or equivalent or hold any equivalent post in any statutory board/corporation/university/society/trust or an equivalent position in any public/private limited company or in any international organization. Family shall be deemed to be in service as mentioned above when a person in family has superannuated and/or has sought voluntary retirement or has been dismissed/terminated/ compulsory retired from such service. 24 (v) (vi) 3. In case, family as described in (i) above, is engaged in a profession as doctor, lawyer chartered accountant, income tax consultant, financial or management consultant, engineer, architect, computer specialist, firm/TV artist, playwright, author, model, media personnel or holds any elected/appointed office either under the Constitution or in terms of any statue out of which emolument/salary is paid, criteria of income as described in (ii) above shall be applicable. Family, as described above, should not be employed in any Military or Para-Military services with Union of India in the rank of 'Second Lieutenant' or above in the Army or any equivalent rank in other forces or Para-Military forces. Reservation for economically backward persons shall be vertical and not horizontal. The person who claims benefit of reservation under other categories shall not be entitled in this category. Sd/Principal Secretary to Govt. Haryana Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes Department Dated, Chandigarh the 23.01.2013 Note: The Candidate must produce a Certificate of 'The total annual income of the family* from all sources including Agriculture income' from the organization where parents are working or affidavit of income on stamp paper from notary that annual income of the family* is not cumulatively exceed Rs. 2.50 lacs. from all sources including Agriculture income'. (C) Guidelines for Reservation: 1. The Reservation of seats is as per the Reservation Policy of the Haryana Govt. and is subject to any change/amendment made by the State Govt. from time to time. 2. All the eligible candidates whether from Haryana or from Reserved Categories shall also compete for seats allocated under All India Category. 3. All eligible candidates of reserved categories shall be considered first for Haryana Open Category seats. 4. If a candidate of Haryana Open, SC and BC category also apply for Persons with Disabilities/ ESM/DFF category will be considered first for Haryana Open, SC and BC category 5. If the reserved seat(s) of BC Block-A remain vacant, these will be filled up from BC Block-B and vice-versa. 6. Benefit of reservation will be given to all the reserved categories upto Final List according to the reservation policy given in the Prospectus. In case at the time of display of Final List the reserved seats of various categories other than S.C. category, remain vacant and no eligible candidates of the reserved categories are available, these vacant seats will be filled up on open merit basis at the time of Final List. The vacant seats of SC category will not be converted. 7. Candidates claiming reservation under Scheduled Caste will submit the certificate as perAnnexureV, the Backward Class (Block A & B) will the submit the certificate on the prescribed proforma 25 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. as per Annexure-VI and an affidavit shall be furnished by the candidate/both by the father and mother of the candidate as per Annexure VII, that he/she is not covered under the criteria of Creamy Layer. Candidates claiming reservation under Special Backward Class and Economically Backward Persons in the Genaral Caste Category will submit the certificate as per AnnexureVI-A and VI-B, respectively. Only those candidates having a permanent disability of not less than 40% (being otherwise fit for admission to the course) will be considered for admission. Persons with Disabilities will have to produce the Disability Certificate issued by the Chief Medical Officer of the concerned District. However, the certificate shall be subject to verification by a Medical Board constituted by the university for the purpose. The decision of the Board shall be final. Persons with Disabilities candidates belonging to Haryana are required to submit the certificate as per Annexure-VIII. However, Medical Certificate already issued by the Competent Authority will also be considered. Children & Grand-Children of Freedom Fighters of Haryana are required to submit a certificate from the Deputy Commissioner of the concerned District as per Annexure-IX at the time of admission. Wards of Ex-Servicemen of Haryana are required to submit the certificate as per Annexure-X. For the horizontal reservation, candidates of Haryana Open, S.C., B.C. and Spl. BC categories will also have to furnish E.S.M. /D.F.F. certificate. Candidates who have passed their qualifying examination from a University in the State of Haryana will be deemed to be Haryana residents and will not be required to submit certificate of Bonafide residents of Haryana. Reservation policy is not applicable on Private Educational Institutions (SELF FINANCING SCHEME Colleges) which receive no aid from the State irrespective of the mode of Examination i.e. either by themselves or by Nodal Authority vide Memo No. 18/170-07 UNP(4) dated 27.8.2007 from Commissioner and Secretary to Government Haryana, Education Department, Chandigarh. A person belonging to the General Category married to a person belonging to the Scheduled Caste or Backward Classes, he/ she shall not be entitled to the benefit of reservation vide. Letter No. 22/57/2007-3GS-III dated 6/9/2007 from the Chief Secretary to Govt., Haryana. 26 ONLINE ADMISSION PROCEDURE This section provides an overview of the steps involved in counselling and admission process. A. Online Registration Candidate should visit website or, Candidates should go through prospectus for gathering information/instruction in details about counselling schedules and procedures. Softcopy is available on the websites, or For phase-I and phase-II candidates will register themselves as per key dates mentioned in the admission schedule for Govt/ Govt Aided/ University Maintained/Self-Financing Colleges of Education in Haryana. For participation in online admission process, a candidate has to register by submitting personal data/requisite information correctly in the online application form. On submitting this data/ information user Id and password will be generated/ created for use in future logins by the candidate. For subsequent logins, candidates will be able to login directly with their user Id and password. Candidates should remember to logout at the end of their session so that the details filled by them cannot be tampered with or modified by unauthorized person. Candidates are advised to record/remember their password for future logins and not to disclose or share their password with anybody. It is solely the responsibility of the candidates to verify that their personal data including Category, Subcategory, Group (Science/ Arts with Maths & Art/Commerce), Residential Status, gender etc are consistent with documentary evidence. If the personal data submitted /entered by the candidates are found to be wrong at the time verification of certificate either during reporting or at a later stage, the allotment of seat/ provisional admission is liable to be cancelled. Candidates should take a print out (hard copy) of the online application form containing the above personal data for future use. B. Payment of Registration & Counseling Fee. For depositing of registration and counseling fee of Rs. 1000/- for General Candidate and Rs. 625/ - for SC/BC/PH candidates of Haryana State (non-refundable), visit website, and click on 'Payment' and generate E-slip of bank of your choice for cash payment or select any other mode of payment available on above website for the deposition of registration and counseling fee. The Bank charges shall be paid by the candidate as given below: Debit/Credit Card Net Banking Manual Challan ICICI PNB Nil Nil Nil Nil Rs. 10+S.Tax. (Per Trans.) Rs. 6/- per challan 27 For fee paid in cash in the bank the payment status of the candidate will be updated on the website with in 48 hours of fee deposition in bank. Candidate can fill his/ her choices after updation of fee payment status. Last date for payment of Registration-cum-counseling fee for Phase-I, (for Govt/ Govt Aided/ University Maintained Colleges of Education) and Phase-II (for B.Ed. course under SELF FINANCING SCHEME colleges only) is as per key dates mentioned in the admission schedule. Remember you have paid your registration-cum-counseling fee before proceeding for online counseling, otherwise your allotted seat can be CANCELLED at any stage and candidate would not have any claim on such allotted seat. Online Choice Filling & Locking For phase-I and phase-II online choice filling & locking by the candidate can be done as per key dates mentioned in the admission schedule for Govt/ Govt Aided/ University Maintained /SelfFinancing Colleges of Education in Haryana. If the fee is paid by a candidate through intenet banking/credit card/debit card, then the choice filling open will be activated immediately otherwise the candidate has to wait for next day to get the option activated. Candidates are advised to go through the updated list of Colleges of Education in Haryana on the website, and should prepare a list of Colleges in order of preference in which they are interested in seeking admission. Candidates can fill in as much number of choices in order of preference as they wish to. Candidates are allowed to change or re-order their choices, delete earlier choices and add new choices any number of times until they lock their final choices. All the candidates must lock their final choices as per key dates mentioned in the admission schedule. Candidates will not be able to unlock their choices once they are locked. If candidate fail to explicitly lock their choices by the last date, their last saved choices will be automatically locked and allotment will be done on this basis. Candidate must take a print out of their locked choices. This print out has to be signed and submitted at the time of reporting for admission. Registered candidates who do not fill choices or fail to save the same cannot be considered for admission and seat allotment. D. Indicative seat Availability (Mock Counseling) Based on the number of registered candidates who have submitted their choices before the key dates mentioned in the admission schedule, the system will be able to provide an idea of the seats that candidates may be offered in phase-I for Govt/ GovtAided/ University Maintained Colleges of Education and for phase-II for B.Ed. course in Self Financing Scheme Colleges only. The indicative seat availability 28 will be displayed on the websites, as per key dates mentioned in the admission schedule. Candidates are advised to visit the websites, for this purpose. The final allotment of seat, in the allotment rounds may be different than the indicative seat availability. E. Online Seat Allotment First Round Seats will be allotted in the order of merit and preference/ choices as per admission schedule as mentioned in different phases. The allotment result will be available on the websites, Individual allotment letters will not be sent to the candidates. However, candidates may get a print out of the allotment details from the above websites. Candidates who are allotted seats will have to personally report to the allotted college. Second Counseling Seat will be allotted against vacant seats available after the first round of allotment and reporting. Registered candidates will not be allowed to alter or resubmit their choices. Eligible candidates for allotment against vacant seats fall into one of the following two groups: Group-I: Candidates who reported at the allotted college after first round of seat allotment and opted for all the choices of preference higher than the currently allotted seat (auto upgradation) to be considered in the subsequent round(s). Group-II: Registered candidates who were not allotted any seats in the first round of seat allotment. Candidates who, at any stage, cancel their provisional admission will not be considered for the subsequent round(s) of counseling. Also, if candidates fail to satisfy the minimum educational qualifications prescribed, their allotment of the seat shall automatically stand cancelled and such candidates will not be considered for the subsequent round(s) of counseling. Candidates opting for auto upgradation shall automatically forego his/ her claim on the seat previously allotted Similar procedure will be used in the subsequent round(s) of the seat allotment. F Reporting at Allotted College/Institute The outcome of the different rounds of seat allotment will be displayed on the websites, (as per admission schedule). Individual allotment letters will not be sent to the candidates by the university. All the candidates who get an allotment should take print out of this provisional seat allotment and will report to the allotted College/Institute as per specified reporting dates for taking admission, failing which their seat allotment shall stand cancelled. Also, they will not be considered for further rounds of seat allotment. 29 Candidates will produce all the relevant certificates in original including registration and counselling fee receipt for verification alongwith provisional allotment letter, a signed print out of their online application form, their locked choices generated from the website at the time of reporting. At the time of reporting if documents are found correct on verification and the fee is paid (as mentioned in the prospectus) by the candidate, then a provisional admission letter generated online will be issued to the candidate by the concerned college. The candidate shall check all the entries in this provisional admission letter and should sign it and preserve it for further reference. At the time of reporting if documents are found correct on verification and candidate opt for auto upgradation, then a provisional auto up-gradation letter generated online will be issued to the candidate by the concerned college. The candidate shall check all the entries in this provisional auto up-gradation letter and should sign it and preserve it for further reference. The allotment of their seats is liable to be cancelled, if the personal data viz. Category, Subcategory, Group (Group-I Science & Arts with Maths Group-II Arts & Commerce) residential status (Bonafide Residents of Haryana or All India Category), percentage of marks in qualifying examination, gender etc. submitted by the candidates at the time of registration is found to be wrong at time of verification of the original certificates at allotted Institutes, But, if the candidate is found to be eligible after the correction in personal data, the candidate may be considered for subsequent rounds of counseling, if any, against the vacancies only. If a candidate is admitted on the basis of the information submitted by him/ her, which is found to be incorrect or false at any stage then his/ her admission shall be cancelled and all fees and other dues paid by him/ her shall be forfeited. The University/ College/ Institute may take further action, as deemed fit, against the candidate in accordance with law. The allotment of the seats to candidates who do not report within the stipulated period to the allotted college will be cancelled and these candidates will not be considered in the seats allotment in the subsequent rounds List of documents to be brought at the time of reporting in the institute: (i) The candidates, at the time of reporting must bring the following Original Certificates/ Documents/ Testimonials alongwith two sets of duly attested photocopies of these with them. Any candidate, who fails to produce any of the required Certificate/Document /Testimonial at the time of reporting the institution, will forfeit his/her claim to admission. Qualifying Examination i.e. Bachelor Degree and /or Master's Degree or Shastri Degree 3-year (with or without English)/ Acharya Degree two year. The candidate will bring the DMCs of all the years of Bachelor and Master Degree or Shastri/Acharya Degree. (ii) Matriculation/ High School Certificate (iii) 10+2/Intermediate/Senior Secondary School Examination Certificate & Detailed Marks Card. (iv) Character Certificate: 30 (a) Regular Candidates: The candidates who have passed their qualifying exam from College/ Department as regular students are required to submit the Character Certificate as per AnnexureXIV. (b) Private Candidates: Male candidates, who have passed the qualifying examination as private candidates should submit their Character Certificate, duly signed by a Notary Public. (c) Gaps in study: Male candidate who have gaps in their academic career after the qualifying exam., must furnish a gap certificate, in the form of affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper or certificate from the employer (if in the service) and should also furnish separately the character certificate of gap period duly attested by Notary Public. (v) Residents Certificate as per Annexure-XI, if applicable: Candidates, who have passed their qualifying examination from a university located in the State of Haryana will be deemed to be Haryana residents and will not be required to submit certificates of bonafide residents of Haryana. (vi) Certificate from the Employer in the case of Employees of Govt. of Haryana, members of All India Services borne on Haryana Cadre, Employees of Statutory Bodies/Corporations as per Annexure-XII, if applicable. (vii) Scheduled Caste Certificate as per Annexure-V, if applicable. (viii) Backward Class Certificate as per Annexure-VI, if applicable and affidavit as per Annexure-VII. (ix) Special backward Classes certificate as per Annexure-VI-A. (x) Economically Backward Persons in General Category Certificate as per Annexure-VI-B. (xi) Certificate in respect of Persons with Disabilities Candidates as per Annexure-VIII, if applicable. (xii) Certificate required to be furnished by the Children & Grand-children of Freedom Fighters as per Annexure-IX, if applicable. (xiii) Certificate from Ex-Servicemen of Indian Deference Services or Para-Military Forces-Annexure-X. (xiv) Provisional Allotment Letter (xv) Original Receipt of Registration & Counseling Fee. (xvi) Print out of Online Application form alongwith their locked Choice. Note: (i) All Original documents, 04 latest passport size photographs and 02 sets of attested photocopies of all applicable documents/testimonials/certificates must be brought at the time of reporting. (ii) The original certificates shall be returned back after verification by the College/institute. (iii) 2 sets of attested copies of certificates/documents/testimonials will be verified & signed by the Principal or his authorized representative & will be retained for registration purposes in the University. (iv) If the original certificates are not in Hindi/ English, duly certified Hindi/ English version/ translation of such certificates will be required. 31 FEE STRUCTURE MAHARSHI DAYANAND UNIVERSITY, ROHTAK 1. Govt./Govt. Aided/University Maintained College of Education Rs. 12,000/- 2. Self-Financing College of Education Rs. 44,000/- Note: The above fee is subject to revision by State Admission & Fee Committee, Haryana. In addition to the above fee, other annual charges as prescribed by the University are given below: a. b. c. d. e. Development Fund Regn./Enrolment Fee Examination Fees Dr. R.K. Foundation Fee University Sports Fee f. Youth Welfare Fee g. h. Holiday Home Fee N.S.S. Fee i. j. Curriculum Charges Youth Red Cross Fund Total Rs. 2500/Rs. 1000/Rs. 380/Rs. 35/Rs. 100/(Rs. 70/- to be remitted to the University) Rs. 150/(Rs. 100/- to be remitted to the University) Rs. 20/Rs. 10/(Rs. 5/- to be remitted to the University) Rs. 50/Rs. 60/- (Rs. 30/- to be remitted to the Uni.) Rs. 4305/- KURUKSHETRA UNIVERSITY, KURUKSHETRA 1. Govt./Govt. Aided/University Maintained College of Education Rs. 12,000/- 2. Self-Financing College of Education Rs. 44,000/- Note: The above fee is subject to revision by State Admission & Fee Committee, Haryana. In addition to the above fee, other annual charges as prescribed by the University are given below: 32 Sr. Name of the Head Self-Financing College No. Students from Other Universities a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. Examination Youth Welfare Sports Alumni R.K. Foundation Youth Red Cross Holiday Home Registration Eligibility Migration Continuation Grand Total 500 500 120 100 70 60 10 1000 100 100 2560 Govt./Govt. Aided/Department of Education From Students from From K.U.K. Other Universities K.U.K. 500 500 120 100 70 60 10 500 1860 500 100 120 100 70 60 10 1000 100 100 2160 500 100 120 100 70 60 10 500 1460 CH. DEVI LAL UNIVERSITY, SIRSA 1. Govt./Govt. Aided/University Rs. 12,000/Maintained College of Education 2. Self-Financing College of Education Rs. 44,000/Note: The above fee is subject to revision by State Admission & Fee Committee, Haryana. In addition to the above fee, other annual charges as prescribed by the University are given below: Sr. No. Name of the Head Self-Financing College Students from Other Universities a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. Govt./Govt. Aided/Department of Education From Students from From CDLU Other Universities CDLU Development Fund 2100 2100 Registration 1000 Sports 150 150 Youth Welfare 100 100 Eligibility 100 100 HHF 10 10 R.K. Fund 70 70 Youth Red Cross fee 60 60 Examination fee 500 500 Alumni 100 100 Migration 100 -Continuation -500 Other charges --Grand Total 4290 3690 Note: The above fee does not include Hostel Charges. 33 2100 1000 150 100 100 10 70 60 500 100 100 -860 5150 2100 150 100 100 10 70 60 500 100 -500 860 4550 1. The University will charge Rs. 1000/- as On-line registration and Counselling fee from General candidates and Rs. 625/- from SC/BC/PH candidates of Haryana State only. Bank charges shall be paid by the candidate as given below: ICICI PNB Debit/Credit Card Nil Nil Net Banking Nil Rs. 10+S.Tax. (Per Trans.) Manual Challan Nil Rs. 6/- per challan 2. Online registration fee (non-refundable) for B.Ed (Regular) Course is Rs. 500/- for General Candidates and Rs. 125/- for SC/BC/PH Candidates of Haryana State. 3. Counselling fee for B.Ed (Regular) Course is Rs. 500/- only (non-refundable) for all candidates. 4. Fee structure may change depending upon change in instructions from the State Government or Competent Authority of the Concerned University. 5. The candidates admitted in Self-Finance Colleges shall deposit their fee in four instalments mentioned below as already decided by the State Admission and Fee Committee, Haryana. I. At the time of admission Rs. 11000/- + University charges II. 2nd Instalment from 1st Nov. 2014 to 10th Nov. 2014. Rs. 11000/- III. 3rd Instalment from 1st January 2015 to 10th January, 2015. Rs. 11000/- IV. 4th Instalment from 1st April 2015 to 10th April 2015. Rs. 11000/- It was also decided that if a student fails to pay the instalment fee on a prescribed date, the SelfFinancing College can charge a fine @ Rs. 20/- per day till the date of deposit of the next instalment. Even, if a student fails to deposit the fee with requisite fine upto the date of next instalment, then his/her name may be struck off from the College rolls and the re-admission be allowed by the college within 10 days with re-admission fee of Rs. 3000/-. No college will charge any amount over and above to this fine. 34 ANNEXURE-I State-wise List of fake Universities declared by the University Grants Commission Bihar 1. Maithili University/Vishwavidyalaya, Darbhanga, Bihar Delhi 2. Varanaseya Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Varanasi (U.P.) Jagatpuri, Delhi 3. Commercial University Ltd., Daryaganj, Delhi 4. United Nations University, Delhi 5. Vocational University, Delhi 6. ADR-Centric Juridical University, ADR House, 8J, Gopala Tower, 25 Rajendra Place, NewDelhi 7. Indian Institute of Science and Engineering, New Delhi Karnataka 8. Badganvi Sarkar World Open University Education Society, Gokak, Belgaum, Karnataka Kerala 9. St. John's University, Kishnattam, Kerala Madhya Pradesh 10. Kesarwani Vidyapith, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra 11. Raja Arabic University, Nagpur, Maharashtra Tamil Nadu 12. D.D.B. Sanskrit University, Putur, Trichi, Tamil Nadu West Bengal 13. Indian Institute of Alternative Medicine,Kolkata Uttar Pradesh 14. Mahila Gram Vidyapith/Vishwavidyalaya, (Women's University) Prayag, Allahabad 15. Gandhi Hindi Vidyapith, Prayag, Allahabad (U.P.) 16. National University of Electro Complex Homeopathy, Kanpur (U.P.) 17. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose University (Open Univ.), Achaltal, Aligarh, U.P. 35 18. Uttar Pradesh Vishwavidyalaya, Kosi Kalan, Mathura (U.P.) 19. Maharana Partap Shiksha Niketan Vishwavidyalaya, Pratapgarh (U.P.) 20. Indraprastha Shiksha Prishad, Institutional Area, Khoda, Makanpur, Noida Phase-II, U.P. 21. Gurukul Vishwavidyalaya, Vrindavan, Uttar Pradesh. Examinations of the following Boards not recognized for the purpose of higher studies: 1. All India Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi 2. Central Board of Higher Education, New Delhi 3. Board of Adult Education and Training/Board Shiksha Sansthan, New Delhi 4. Any Diploma/Exams. of Prachin Kala Kendra, Chandigarh 5. Bhartiya Siksha Prishad, Lucknow 6. Board of Higher Secondary Education, Delhi 7. Hindi Sahitya Sammelan, Prayag, Allahabad (U.P.) 8. Indian Education Council of U.P., Lucknow. 9. Council of Secondary Education (A Regd. Society), PMC (Punjab Campus, SAS Nagar, Mohali 10. Madhya Bharat Board, Gwalior. Note : This is not an exhaustive list of Fake Universities and Boards. Before finalizing the admissions the updated list of recognized examinations of the UGC and the Board of School Education, Haryana, Bhiwani is also required to be consulted. 36 ANNEXURE-II Instructions regarding Bonafide Residents of Haryana issued vide letter No.62/17/95-6 GSI dated 3rd October, 1996, No.62/32/2000-6GSI dated 23rd May, 2003, No.62/27/2003-6GSI dated 29th July, 2003 and No.62/62/2011-6GSI dated 17th January, 2012 by the Chief Secretary to Government, Haryana. Subject: Bonafide residents of Haryana - Guidelines regarding. 1. I am directed to invite your attention to Haryana Govt. letters noted in the margin on the subject noted above vide which the instructions were issued regarding simplification of procedure for obtaining the certificate of Domicile for the purpose of admission to educational institution (including technical/medical institution). The matter has been reconsidered in the light of judgment delivered by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in the case of Dr. Pradeep Jain vs. Union of India and others reported as AIR 1984-SC-1421, wherein it has been held that instead of the word 'Domicile' the word 'Resident' be used in the instructions issued by the State Government and it has been decided to revise the Government instructions. Henceforth, the following categories of persons would be eligible for the grant of Resident Certificate:- (I) Candidates, who have passed the examination qualifying there for selection in an institution from a school/college in Haryana. (II) Children/Wards (if parents are not living)/Dependents: (i) of the regular employees of Haryana State posted in or outside Haryana State or working on deputation; (ii) of the regular employees of the statutory bodies/corporations established by or under an act of the State of Haryana who are posted in Chandigarh or in Haryana or outside Haryana. (iii) of the regular employees of the Government of India posted in Chandigarh or in Haryana in connection with the affairs of the Haryana Government; (III) Children/wards (if parents not living)/dependents of persons who after retirement have permanently settled in Haryana and draw their pensions from the treasuries situated in the State of Haryana. (IV) Children/wards (if parents are not living)/dependents of pensioners of Haryana Government irrespective of the fact that the original home of the retiree is in a state other than Haryana or he has settled after retirement in or outside Haryana, (V) Children/Wards (if parents are not living)/dependents of persons, who have permanent home in Haryana and include persons who have been residing in Haryana for a period of not less than 15 years or who have permanent home in Haryana but on account of their occupation they are living outside Haryana; (VI) The wives of such persons who are bonafide residents of Haryana irrespective of the fact that they had belonged to any other State before marriage; 37 (VII) Persons who were born in Haryana and produce a certificate to that effect; provided that the parents/guardians (if parents are not living) of persons belonging to any one of the above mentioned categories are : (i) (b) Citizen of India; Produce an affidavit to the effect that they or their children/wards (if parents are not living)/ dependents have not obtained the benefit of Resident in any other State. (VIII) Children & Wards of the accredited journalists residing at Chandigarh and recognized by Govt. of Haryana. 2. All candidates claiming to be bonafide residents of Haryana should produce a Haryana Resident Certificate signed by the District Magistrate/General Assistant to Deputy Commissioner or SubDivisional Officer (Civil) of the District/Sub-Divisions/Tehsildars of Revenue to which the candidates belong. Resident Certificates in respect of elsewhere or in respect of the Children/ Wards/Dependents of Haryana Govt. employees who are posted at Chandigarh, Delhi or elsewhere or in respect of Children/Wards/Dependents of pensioners of Haryana Govt. or in respect of the Children/Wards/Department of the employees of the Government of India posted at Chandigarh or in Haryana in connection with the affairs of Haryana Government, or in respect of Children/Wards/Dependents of the employees and retirees of the Statutory Bodies/Corporations of Haryana established by or under an Act of the State of Haryana or a Central Act and located at Chandigarh, Haryana or outside Haryana, should be by their respective Heads of Departments. 3. Candidates seeking admission in educational institutions (including medical and technical institutions) located in Haryana may not be required to produce Resident Certificate, if they have passed the examination from a school/college situated in Haryana. For this purpose, a certificate of the Principal/Headmaster from concerned institution where the children/wards studied last should be considered sufficient. The Principal/Headmaster of the institution shall be competent to issue such certificate, which should be sufficient. 4. If a candidate is admitted on the basis of claim that he belongs to the State of Haryana but at any subsequent time is discovered that his claim was false, the student shall be removed from the institution, all fees and other dues paid up to the date of such removal shall be confiscated. The Principal/Headmaster may take such other action against the student and his/her parents/guardians as he may deem proper in the circumstances of any particular case. 5. The children/wards/dependents of the employees of Punjab & Haryana High Court, who are discharging their duties in connection with the affairs of the State of Haryana and have not availed facility from their parent State, the State of Punjab and U.T. Administration Chandigarh, would also be eligible for grant of Resident Certificate of the State of Haryana only for the purpose of admission in academic/technical/medical institutions of the State of Haryana. However, in that case the employees of the Punjab & Haryana High Court shall be entitled to draw this benefit at one place/State only. Head of the Department of the Punjab & Haryana High Court would be competent to issue such a certificate. 38 ANNEXURE-III LIST OF THE SCHEDULED CASTES IN HARYANA STATE S.No. Name of the Caste S.No. Name of the Caste 1. Ad Dharmi 27. Pasi 2. Balmiki 28. 3. Bangali 29. Perna Pherera 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35 36. 37. 10. Barar, Burar, Berar Batwal , Barwala Bauria, Bawaria Bazigar Bhanjra Chamar, Jatia Chamar, Rehgar,Raigar Ramdasi, Ravidasi, Balahi, Batoi, Bhambi, Chamar Rohidas, Jatava, Bhatoi, Ramdasia, Jatav Chanal 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Dagi Darain Deha,Dhea,Dhaya Dhanak Dhogri, Dhangri, Siggi Dumna, Mahasha, Doom Gagra Gandhila, Gandil, Gondola Kabirpanthi, Julaha 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Khatik Kori, Koli Marija, Marecha Mazhabi, Mazhabi Sikh Megh, Meghwal Nat, Badi Od 39 Sanhai Sanhal Sansi, Bhedkut Manesh Sansoi Sapela,Sapera Sarera Sikligar, Bariya Sirikiband ANNEXURE-IV LIST OF BACKWARD CLASSES IN HARYANA STATE BLOCK 'A' 1. Aheria, Aheri,Heri, Naik,Thori or Turi, Hari 2. Barra 3. Beta, Hensi or Hesi 4. Bagria 5. Barwar 6. Barai, Tamboli 7. Baragi, Bairagi, Swami Sadh 8. Battera 9. Bharbhuja, Bharbhunja 10. Bhat, Bhatra, Darpi, Ramiya 11. Bhuhalia Lohar 12. Ghangar 13. Chirimar 14. Chang 15. Chimba, Chhipi, Chimpa, Darzi, Rohilla 16. Daiya 17. Dhobis 18. Dakaut 19. Dhimar, Mallah, Kashyap, Rajpoot, Kahar, Jhinwar, Dhinwar, Khewat, Mehra, Nishad. Sekka, Bhisti, Sheikh-Abbasi 20. Dhosali, Dosali 21. Faquir 22. Gwaria, Gauria or Gwar 23. Ghirath 24. Ghasi, Ghasiara or Ghosi 25. Gorkhas 26. Gawala, Gowala 27. Gadaria, Pal, Baghel 28. Garhi-Lohar 29. Hajjam, Nai, Nais, Sain 30. Jhangra-Brahman, Khati, Suthar, Dhiman- Brahmin, Tarkhan, Barhi, Baddi. 31. Joginath, Jogi Nath Jangam Jogi, Yogi 32. Kanjar or Kanchan 33. Kurmi 34. Kumhars, Prajapati 35. Kamboj 36. Kanghera 37. Kuchband 38. Labana 39. Lakhera, Manehar, Kachera 40. Lohar, Panchal-Brahmin 41. Madari 42. Mochi 43. Mirasi 44. Nar 45. Noongar 46. Nalband 47. Pinja, Penja 48. Rehar, Rehare or Re 49. Raigar 50. Rai Sikhs 51. Rechband 52. Shorgir, Shergir 53. Soi 54. Singhikant, Singiwala 55. Sunar, Zargar, Soni 56. Thathera, Temera 57. Teli 58. Vanzara, Banjara 59. Weaver (Jullaha) 60. Badi/Baddon 61. Bhattu/Chattu 62. Mina 63. Rahbari 64. Charan 65. Chaaraj (Mahabrahman) 66. Udasin 67. Ramgarhia 68. Rangrez,Lilgar,Nilgar, Lallari 69. Dawala,Soni-Dawala, Nayaria 70. Bhar, Rajbhar 71. Nat (Muslim) 40 BLOCK'B' 1. Ahir/Yadav 2. Gujjar 3. Lodh/Lodha /Lodhi 4. Saini, Shakya, Koeri, Kushwaha, Maurya 5. Meo 6. Gosai/Gosain/Goswami ANNEXURE-IV (A) LIST of SPECIAL BACKWARD CLASSES IN HARYANA STATE 1. Bishnoi 3. Jat Sikh 5. Tyagi. 2. Jat 4. Ror 6. Mulla Jats/Muslim Jats ANNEXURE-V HARYANA GOVERNMENT Certificate Sr.No…………../Year………./Teh………………… Photo of applicant To be attested by the Issuing Authority SCHEDULED CASTE-CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Shri/Smt./Kumari................................ Son/Daughter of Sh....................................resident of Village/Town….............................Tehsil ............................. District .........................,of the State/Union Territory belongs to the ................................ Caste/Tribe, which is recognized as a Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe under the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order 1950. 2. Shri/Smt./Kumari...............................and/or his/her family ordinarily Reside (s) in Village/ Town…...........................of Tehsil ............................. District .........................,of the State/Union Territory Dated.: .................... Place : ……………. Signature with seal of Issuing Authority Full Name…………………………….. Designation………………………….. Address with Telephone No.with STD Code………… Issuing Authority: Tehsildar-cum-Executive Magistrate, Naib Tehsildar-cum-Executive Magistrate Head of Department in case of Government employee. 41 ANNEXURE-VI HARYANA GOVERNMENT Certificate Sr.No…………../Year………./Teh………………… Photo of applicant To be attested by the Issuing Authority BACKWARD CLASS CERTIFICATE Block `A' OR `B' This is to certify that Shri/Smt./Kumari................................ Son/Daughter of Sh....................................resident of Village/Town….............................Tehsil ............................. District .........................,the State/Union Territory____________ belongs to the ................................ Caste. This caste is mentioned in the State list of BC Block . 2. Shri/Smt./Kumari.............................and/or his/her family ordinarily Reside(s) in Village/ Town…...........................of Tehsil ............................. District .........................,of the State/ Union Territory 3. This is to certify that he/she does not belong to the person/section (Creamy layer) as per State Govt. letter No.1170-SW(1)-95 dated 07.06.1995, No.22/36/2000-3GS-III dated 9.8.2000 & No.213-SW(1)-2010 dated 31.8.2010. Dated.: .................... Signature with seal of Issuing Authority Place : ……………. Full Name…………………………….. Designation………………………….. Address with Telephone No.with STD Code….…… Issuing Authority: Tehsildar-cum-Executive Magistrate, Naib Tehsildar-cum-Executive Magistrate Head of Department in case of Government employee. 42 ANNEXURE-VI (A) HARYANA GOVERNMENT Certificate Sr.No…………../Year………./Teh………………… Photo of applicant To be attested by the Issuing Authority SPECIAL BACKWARD CLASS CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Shri/Smt./Kumari................................ Son/Daughter of Sh....................................residen t of___________________Village/ Town, Tehsil ............................. District .........................of the State / Union Territory belongs to the ................................ Caste. The caste has been declared as Special Backward Class by the State Government vide letter No.22.10.20131GS-II dated 28.2.2013. 2. Shri/Smt./Kumari...............................and/ or his /her family ordinarily Reside(s) in Village / Town…...........................of Tehsil ............................. District .........................,of the State/ Union Territory 3. This is to certify that he/she does not belong to the person/section (Creamy layer) as per State Govt. letter No.1170-SW(1)-95 dated 07.06.1995, No.22/36/2000-3GS-II dated 9.8.2000 & No.213-SW(1)-2010 dated 31.8.2010. 4. This certificate has been issued keeping in view State Government instructions relating to this subject issued from time to time. Dated.: .................... Place : ……………. Signature with seal of Issuing Authority Full Name…………………………….. Designation……………………….….. Address with Telephone No.with STD Code………. Issuing Authority: Tehsildar-cum-Executive Magistrate, Naib Tehsildar-cum-Executive Magistrate Head of Department in case of Government employee. 43 ANNEXURE-VI (B) HARYANA GOVERNMENT Certificate Sr.No…………../Year………./Teh………………… Photo of applicant To be attested by the Issuing Authority CERTIFICATE FOR ECONOMICALLY BACKWARD PERSON IN THE GENERAL CASTES CATEGORY This is to certify that Shri/Smt./Kumari................................ Son/Daughter of Sh....................................residen t of___________________Village/Town , Tehsil ............................. District .........................of the State /Union Territory Caste belongs to the category of Economically Backward Person in the Geenral Castes Category. 2. This certificate has been issued in accordance with the Haryana Government Notification No.733 SW (1)-2013 dated 20.09.2013 issued by Welfare of SC & BC Department and letter No.22/ 10/2013-1GS-III dated 28.02.2013 and other instructions issued in the matter from time to time. Dated.: .................... Signature with seal of Issuing Authority Place : ……………. Full Name…………………………….. Designation……………………….….. Address with Telephone No.with STD Code……..… Issuing Authority: Tehsildar-cum-Executive Magistrate, Naib Tehsildar-cum-Executive Magistrate Head of Department in case of Government employee. 44 ANNEXURE-VII AFFIDAVIT (By the Parents of the Backward Class Category Candidates) I Father/Mother of Tehsil Distt. Resident of seeking admission to B.Ed. course do hereby solemnly affirm & declare that I belong to caste which is included in the list of Backward Classes Block “A/B” approved by the Haryana Govt. I further declare and affirm that I and my wife/husband are not covered under the criteria fixed by Haryana Govt. vide letter No. 1170/SW(1)-95 dated 7-6-95 and No.22/36/2000-3GS III dated 09-08-2000 & No. 213-SW(I)-2010 dated 31-08-2010 for excluding socially advanced persons/ sections(Creamy Layer) from Backward Classes. I further undertake that in case the information contained in the above para is found false at any stage, the Competent Authority will be entitled to cancel the admission. DEPONENT Dated:……………….. Place:………………... VERIFICATION Verified that the above statement is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein. DEPONENT The affidavit should be of the month of May, 2011 or later. 45 ANNEXURE-VIII MEDICAL CERTIFICATE FOR PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED PT. B.D. SHARMA UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES, ROHTAK OR OFFICE OF THE CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER No…………........................ Dated............... ....... Certified that Shri/Km./Smt. ............................................................. Son/Daughter of Shri ................................. resident of ................................. District. .......................................... appeared before the undersigned for medical check up. On medical examination, he/she is found suffering from ........................................... and thus he/she is Physically Handicapped. His/Her percentage of Handicap is ........... % (in figure) ........................................... (in words). Professor & Head, Dept. of …..………………..………………. Pt. B.D.Sharma Univ. of Health Sciences, Rohtak OR Chief Medical Officer ........................................... (Haryana) (Signature of Applicant) (Seal of the above authority) 46 ANNEXURE-IX CERTIFICATE FOR CHILDREN/GRAND CHILDREN OF FREEDOM FIGHTERS Dated :……................ No......................................... Certified that Shri ..................................................... Son/Daughter of Shri ..................................... resident of Village …………………….................................., Police Station ............................, Tehsil......................................., District. …....................... was a bonafide Freedom Fighter. Signature of Officer authorized by Chief Secretary, Haryana to issue such certificate (with office seal & stamp) ANNEXURE-X CERTIFICATE FOR THE EX-SERVICEMEN OF INDIAN DEFENCE SERVICES/PARA-MILITARY FORCES Certified that Number Rank Name son of Sh. Father of Resident of Village Post Office Tehsil Distt. belonging to the State of Haryana, as per his/her service record at the time of entry into service, had served in the Army/ Air Force/Navy/ (Name of the Para-Military Force) from to and subsequently discharged/retired from the service on as per his/her service record. At the time of entry into service the home address given is (Distt. ) Haryana. Place Date 47 Signature Officer Commanding / Competent Authority (with Official Seal) 48 ANNEXURE-XI HARYANA RESIDENT CERTIFICATE (For bonafide residents of Haryana only) Certified that Sh./Km./Smt. son/daughter of Sh. ________________________ R/O ________________________________________ (Complete Address) since and applicant to B.Ed. in various Colleges of Education in Haryana, is a bonafide resident of Haryana State in terms of Chief Secretary, Haryana letter No. 62/17/95-6 GSI dated 3.10.96 and letter No. 62/27/2003/6 GSI dated 29.7.2003, under clause . (Signature of the attesting authority) No. : Name Dated: Place: Designation (with legible office seal) Note: (i) The component authorities to issue Haryana Resident Certificate will be as per State Govt. letter No. 22/28/2003-3 G.S. III dated 30.01.2004. (ii) The candidates, who have passed their qualifying examination from the Universities/Board/Institute located in Haryana are not required to produce Certificate of Haryana Resident. (iii) The certificate must have been issued on or after 31.1.2004. 49 ANNEXURE-XII CERTIFICATE FROM THE EMPLOYER IN THE CASE OF EMPLOYEES OF GOVT. OF HARYANA, MEMBERS OF ALL INDIA SERVICES BORNE ON HARYANA CADRE, EMPLOYEES OF STATUTORY BODIES/CORPORATION Certified that Sh./Km./Smt. Sh. Son/daughter/wife of is serving as a regular/adhoc/contract employee of Govt. of Haryana/Members of All India Service Borne on Haryana cadre/Regular/Adhoc/contract employees of Statutory Body/Corporation established by or under an Act of State of Haryana. Presently, he/she is posted as at in the Department of (place of posting). Sh./Km./Smt is his/her son/daughter/dependent (if parents are not living), seeking admission in B.Ed. course in various Colleges of Education in Haryana for the session 2014-2015. No. : Signature of employer Dated: Designation Place: (legible seal) 50 ANNEXURE-XIII From The Chief Secretary to Govt., Haryana. To The Registrar Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak. N. 23/27/2004-2GS-III Dated Chandigarh, the 05.12.2008 Sub: Reservation for admission in Educational/Professional Colleges/Institute-Horizontal reservation - CWP No. 12231 of 2007 Suman Rani Vs. MD University, Rohtak. Reference your letter No. AC-5/08/12/14783 dated 17-9-2008 on the subject noted above. You are advised to maintain a roster for reservation of Ex-servicemen/Freedom Fighter and carry forward all fractions till one seat is accumulated through different fractions over the years. As and when the total comes one, a seat will be provided in the prospectus and accordingly inform to the Hon’ble Court. Sd/Superintendent General Services-III For Chief Secretary to Govt. , Haryana 51 ANNEXURE-XIV CHARACTER CERTIFICATE Name of the Department/College Session Certified that Mr./Miss/Mrs son/daughter of Shri has been a bonafide student of this Department/College during the period appeared in the held in obtaining . He/She Examination of the University/Board under Roll No and *passed marks out of marks *failed.*placed under compartment in the subject of or . 1. Academic Distinction, if any 2. Co-curricular activities, if any 3. Brief particulars of disciplinary action by College/Department/University (including punishments such as expulsion, warning fined for violation of College/Department. Hostel rules, UMC/ Disqualification etc., if any 4. General conduct during stay in the institution : Good/Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Signature of the Principal/ Chairperson of the Deptt. (with office seal) 52 ANNEXURE-XV AFFIDAVIT (Affidavit to be submitted by students against ragging at the time of admission) 1. 2. 3. 4. a) b) 5. 6. I, (full name of student with admission/registration/enrolment number) son/daughter of Sh/ Smt./Ms , having been admitted to (name of the institution) , have received a copy of the UGC Regulations on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions, 2009, (hereinafter called the "Regulations"). I have carefully read and fully understood the provisions contained in the said Regulations. I have also, in particular, perused Clause 3 of the Regulations, and am aware as to what constitutes ragging. I have also, in particular, perused Clause 7 and Clause 9.1 of the Regulations, and am fully aware of the penal and administrative action that is liable to be taken against me, in case I am found guilty of abetting ragging, actively or passively or being part of a conspiracy to promote ragging. I hereby solemnly aver and undertake that I will not indulge in any behaviour or act that may be constituted as ragging under Clause 3 of the Regulations. I will not participate in or abet or propagate through any act of commission or omission that may be constituted as ragging under Cause 3 of the Regulations. I hereby affirm that, if found guilty of ragging, I am liable for punishment according to Clause 9.1 of the Regulations, without prejudice to any other criminal action that may be taken against me under any penal law or any law for the time being in force. I hereby declare that I have not been expelled or debarred from admission in any institution in the country on account of being found guilty of abetting or being part of a conspiracy to promote ragging; and further affirm that, in case, the declaration is found to be false, I am aware that my admission is liable to be cancelled. Declared this day of month of year. Signature of Deponent Name : Counter Signature of Parent/Guardian 53 Verification Verified that the contents of this affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge and no part of the affidavit is false and nothing has been concealed or misstated therein. Verified at (place) on this the _ (day) of _ (month)_ , _ (year) . Signature of Deponent Counter Signature of Parent/Guardian Solemnly affirmed and signed in my presence on this the _ (day) _ of _ (month) , (year) after reading the contents of this affidavit. OATH COMMISSIONER 54 ANNEXURE-XV(A) PROVISIONAL LIST OF UNIVERSITY WISE COLLEGES OF EDUCATION IN HARYANA FOR THE SESSION 2014-15 1) The No. of Colleges as well as the no. of seats in a specific college may increase/decrease depending upon the decision by the competent authority. 2) Updated list of Colleges of Education will be available on the Website or or 1. MAHARSHI DAYANAND UNIVERSITY, ROHTAK GOVT./AIDED COLLEGES OF EDUCATION Sr. No. Name of College/Institute District 1. Code No. 1001 Telephone Nos. BHIWANI IntakeGirls/ Co-Edu. 128 (Co-Edu.) K.M. College of Education, Bhiwani 2. 1002 Govt. College of Education, Bhiwani BHIWANI 128 (Co-Edu.) 01664-242516 3. 1003 MLRS College of Education, Ch. Dadri (Bhiwani) BHIWANI 120 (Co-Edu.) 01250-220843 4. 1101 RLS College of Education, Sidhrawali (Gurgaon) GURGAON 170 (Co-Edu.) 0124-2679128 5. 1201 Govt. College of Education, Narnaul (Mahendergarh) M. GARH 100 (Co-Edu.) 01285-257111 6. 1301 RBS College of Education, Rewari REWARI 100 (Co-Edu.) 01274-222280 7. 1302 REWARI 100 (Co-Edu.) 01274-254316 8. 1351 C.R. College of Education, Rohtak ROHTAK 120 (Co-Edu.) 01262-294606 9. 1352 1395 Vaish College of Education, Rohtak Vaish College of Education, Rohtak ROHTAK ROHTAK 100 (Aided) 100 (SFS) (Co-Edu.) 01262-248577 10. 1353 1396 G.B. College of Education, Rohtak G.B. College of Education, Rohtak ROHTAK ROHTAK 100 (Aided) 100 (SFS) (Co-Edu.) 01262-236523 11. 1354 State Institute for Rehabilitation Training and Research, (SIRTAR), Gandhi Nagar, Rohtak ROHTAK 25 (B.Ed Spl Edu (MR) (Co-Edu.) 01262-212211 01262-212066 01262-212065 12. 1401 T.R. College of Education, Sonepat SONEPAT 114 (Co-Edu.) 0130-2240508 13. 1402 Hindu College of Education, Sonepat SONEPAT 170 (Co-Edu.) 0130-2246558 BHIWANI 100 (Co-Edu.) 01250-288761 (M) 9315860516 S.P. College of Education, Rewari 01664-242412 SELF FINANCING COLLEGES OF EDUCATION 14. 1004 J.K. Memorial College of Education, VPO Birhi Kalan Dist. Bhiwani 55 15. 1005 Maharana Pratap College of Education for Women, Meham Road, Vill. Paluwas, Dist. Bhiwani BHIWANI 100 (Girls) 01664-290003 16. 1006 Vigya College of Education, Loharu (Bhiwani) BHIWANI 200 (Co-Edu.) 09255189457 09812190590 17. 1007 Women College of Education, Jho-Jhu Kalan (Bhiwani) BHIWANI 100 (Girls) 01250-290700 9416524348 (M) 18. 1008 Sant Roshan Lal College of Education BHIWANI (for Women), Vill. Dhani Mahu (Bhiwani) 198 (Girls) 90500-07941 90500-07949 19. 1009 Shri Krishna College of Education, Atela, BHIWANI Charkhi Dadri (Bhiwani) 100 (Co-Edu.) 9813993200, 9416000143 20 1010. Tagore College of Education, VPO Barwa, Distt. Bhiwani BHIWANI 200 (Co-Edu.) 01255-281485-86 09416072041 09416322507 21. 1011 Smt. Santra Devi College of Education, VPO- Samaspur, Tehsil-Ch. Dadri, Distt. Bhiwani BHIWANI 200 (Co-Edu.) 098131-21885 22. 1012 Hitkari College of Education, VPO Mandola Distt. Bhiwani BHIWANI 100 (Co-Edu.) 09255553347 23. 1013 H.N. College of Education, VPO-Sanga, Distt. Bhiwani BHIWANI 100 (Co-Edu.) 86077-00811 to 15 24. 1014 Arya College of Education, VPO-Jhojhu Kalan, Tehsil Ch. Dadri, Distt. Bhiwani BHIWANI 100 (Co-Edu.) 25. 1015 Adarsh College of Education, Dhani BHIWANI Ramjas Road, Siwani Mandi, Distt. Bhiwani 100 (Co-Edu.) 01250-263344 94165-83588 9416583589 M-09255172727 26. 1016 Haryana College of Education, VillMehrana, PO-Dhani Phogat, TehsilCharkhi Dadri,Distt. Bhiwani. BHIWANI 100 (Co-Edu.) 098127-22521 098121-87803 27. 1017 National College of Education, Vill- Loharu, Distt. Bhiwani BHIWANI 200 (Co-Edu.) 9416000143 28. 1018 Green Meadows College of Education, Vill- Charkhi, Tehsil-Ch. Dadri, Distt. Bhiwani BHIWANI 100 (Co-Edu.) 9896757157 29. 1019 Aryavart College of Education, VPOAdampur Dadhi, Tehsil- Ch. Dadri, Distt. Bhiwani BHIWANI 100 (Co-Edu.) 01250-320700 01250-271540 30. 1020 Saraswati College of Education, BHIWANI Vill- Mandoli, PO- Kaliyana, 7th Mile Stone, Charkhi Dadri-Mohindergar Road, Tehsil-Ch. Dadri, Distt. Bhiwani 100 (Co-Edu.) 09812595059 31. 1021 Pt. Sita Ram Shastri B.Ed Training College, Meham Gate, Bhiwani 100 (Co-Edu.) 01664-241361 BHIWANI 56 32. 1022 Y.P.S. Memorial College of Education, Kakroli Sardara, Tehsil-Ch. Dadri, Distt. Bhiwani BHIWANI 100 (Co-Edu.) 09255252811 09416419626 33 1023 Major Nafe Singh Kungariya College of Education, VPO- Kungar, TehsilBawanikhera, Distt. Bhiwani BHIWANI 100 (Co-Edu.) 01254-218218 098131-31200 34. 1024 Baba Siddhnath College of Education, Village- Bhandwa, PO- Badhra, Distt. Bhiwani BHIWANI 100 (Co-Edu.) 01252-253734 09255672519 35. 1025 Baba Mungipa Vidya Peeth Education College, VPO- Bushan, Tehsil-Tosham, Distt. Bhiwani BHIWANI 100 (Co-Edu.) 09812188378 09255567909 36. 1026 Venketeshwar College of Education, Vill- Bakhtawarpur, Tehsil-Siwani Mani, Distt. Bhiwani. BHIWANI 100 (Co-Edu.) 94160-42732 98961-35303 01662-242732 37. 1027 Hindu College of Education, Loharu, Distt. Bhiwani BHIWANI 100 (Co-Edu.) 094161-64764 38. 1028 B.K. College of Education, Bawani Khera, BHIWANI Distt. Bhiwani 100 (Co-Edu.) 01254-233005 09416511087 39. 1029 K.C.M. Army College of Education, Tigrana Mor, Bhiwani BHIWANI 100 (Co-Edu.) 01664-241700 9416058944 40. 1030 Bright College of Education, VPOKitlana, Distt. Bhiwani BHIWANI 100 (Co-Edu.) 098963-40500 41. 1031 Vaish College of Education, VPO- Baund BHIWANI Kalan, Tehsil- Charkhi Dadri, Distt. Bhiwani 100 (Co-Edu.) 01250-242581 09466709570 42. --- Marc College of Education, Lohani, Distt. Bhiwani BHIWANI Placed under 094160-00562 'No Admission 098135-07116 Category' 43. 1033 S.D. College of Education, VillageIsharwal, Distt. Bhiwani BHIWANI 100 (Co-Edu.) 44. 1034 Adarsh Rehabilitation Center for Mentally and Physically Handicaped Chidlren, Uttam Nagar, Loharu Road, Near Tractor Agency, Bhiwani - 127021 BHIWANI 25 B.Ed Spl Edu (MR) 45. 1050 Shiv College of Education, Tigaon (Faridabad) FARIDABAD 350 (Co-Edu.) 0129-2401712 9891578356 9810797380 46. 1051 M.R. College of Education, Sector-43, Aravli Hills, Delhi Faridabad Road, Faridabad FARIDABAD 200 (Co-Edu.) 0129-2370606 09871384682 47. 1052 B.S.Anangpuria Institute of Education, Vill Alampur, Ballabgarh-Sohna Road, Faridabad FARIDABAD 100 (Co-Edu.) 0129-2206750-53 57 098137-07585 09215507585 48. 1053 Rise Max College of Education, Vill. Jharsaintly, Delhi Mathura Road, Distt. Faridabad 49. 1054 M.K.M. College of Education for Women, FARIDABAD 200 (Girls) Hodel (Faridabad) 01275-236222 50. ** FARIDABAD 300 (Co-Edu.) 011-26321422 51. 1055 FARIDABAD 200 (Co-Edu.) 52. 1056 53. 1057 Al-Flah School of Education & Training, Vill. Dhauj Dist. Faridabd. (MUSLIMMINORITYINSTITUTE) P.D.M. College of Education, Sarai Aurangabad (B.garh) Rattan Singh Girls College of Education, Harphala-Seekri (Faridabad) Gold Field College of Education, VillageChhainsa, Ballabgarh, Distt. Faridabad 54. 1058 Aravali College of advanced Studies in Education,Ballabgarh-Sohna Road, Vill. Pali, Distt. Faridabad. FARIDABAD 200 (Co-Edu.) 55. 1059 56. 1060 Smt. Bhagwani Memorial Institute of FARIDABAD 100 (Co-Edu.) Higher Education, Sohna-Samepur Road, Sector-56, Rajiv Colony, Tehsil-Ballabgarh, Distt. Faridabad. Bhartiyam College of Education, Vill. FARIDABAD 100 (Co-Edu.) Panehra Khurd, Ballabgarh, Distt. Faridabad 57. 1061 Satyug Darshan Institute of Education and Research (for Girls), Vill & P.O. Bhopani, Lalpur Road, Distt. Faridabad FARIDABAD 100 (Girls) 01276-244913 01276-244916 0129-3204266 9810362226(M) 0129-4081829 0129-4081830 0129-4081831 09311363131 0129-2414478 2415744 M-98130-14296 09810478381 09810066601 0124-2300961 0124-2300961 M-098992258115 09891140115 0129-2429858 4039858 09818260606/ 09891155700 0129-2201114 2201115 09811066127 58. 1062 Balaji College of Education, Adarsh Nagar, Ballabhgarh Distt. Faridabad FARIDABAD 100 (Co-Edu.) M-098110-37584 59. 1063 Advanced Institute of Education, 70 KM Delhi-Mathura Road, Palwal, Distt. Faridabad FARIDABAD 200 (Co-Edu.) 01275-302222 398400 09812328806 09354492706 60. 1064 K.R. College of Education, VPO-Fatehpur FARIDABAD 100 (Co-Edu.) Billoch, Tehsil-Ballabgarh, Distt-Faridabad 0129-3259605 09911557502 61. 1065 62. 1066 Jagriti Institute of Higher Education, Vill. FARIDABAD 200 (Co-Edu.) & P.O. Mohna,Tehsil-Ballabgarh, Distt. Faridabad Aggarwal College of Education, Adarsh FARIDABAD 100 (Co-Edu.) Colony, Garhi Road, Hodel, Distt. Faridabad 01275-329820 09813330512, 9991303881 094166-36003 01275-235832 58 FARIDABAD 200 (Co-Edu.) FARIDABAD 200 (Girls) FARIDABAD 200 (Co-Edu.) 9811120748 63. 1067 Sai Mohan College of Education, Tigaon Road, Neemka, Distt. Faridabad FARIDABAD 100 (Co-Edu.) 0129-6417927, 09818988266 64. 1068 Jeevan Jyoti College of Education, VPO- Chhajju Nagar, Tehsil- Palwal, Distt. Faridabad FARIDABAD 100 (Co-Edu.) 94164-76930 92159-53010, 93547-80444 65. 1069 Dehat Vikas Institute of Education and Technology, Bainsrawall Road, Vill- Tigaon Distt. Faridabad FARIDABAD 100 (Co-Edu.) 0129-2401590 0129-2401790 0129-3299094 66. 1070 SLD Girls College of Education, Vill. Chhaproula, PO- Dhatir, Tehsil- Palwal, Distt. Faridabad FARIDABAD 100 (Girls) 01275-253605 67. --- Meenakshi College of Education, Ward NO. 9, Kotwal Colony, Mohana Road, Ballabgrah, Distt. Faridabad FARIDABAD Placed under 0129-6511787 'No Admission 09818270587 Category' 09971707487 68. 1072 Maa Omwati College of Education, VPO- Hassanpur, Tehsil-Hodal, Distt. Faridabad FARIDABAD 100 (Co-Edu.) 01275-645820 69. 1073 Institute of Teacher Education, Immamudin Pur, Ballabgarh, Distt. Faridabad FARIDABAD 100 (Co-Edu.) 098188-44190 0129-4135632 70. 1074 Ramanujan College of Education, VillMitrol, Tehsil- Hodal, Distt. Faridabad FARIDABAD 100 (Co-Edu.) 0129-2222254 71. 1075 St. Luke College of Education, VPOChandpur, Tehsil- Ballabgarh, Distt. Faridabad FARIDABAD 100 (Co-Edu.) 0129-2461598 093118-01280 72. 1076 Modern International College of Education, Vill- Jasana, Post-Badarpur, Distt. Faridabad FARIDABAD 100 (Co-Edu) 09811167350 73. 1077 M.V.N. College of Education, Babchick Road, Tehsil- Hodal, Distt. Faridabad FARIDABAD 100 (Co-Edu.) 09215294683, 01275-236235 74. 1078 Pt. L.R. College of Education, Fatehpur Billoch, Ballabgarh, Distt. Faridabad FARIDABAD 100 (Co-Edu.) 09873431765 0129-2204555 75. 1079 Vision Institute of Applied Studies, Plot No. 40, Sector-20B, HUDA, Faridabad FARIDABAD 25 B.Ed Spl Edu(MR) 09811605286 0129-2222167, 0129-2222175 76. 1080 Rawal College of Education, Sohna Road,Near Villge-Zokopur, TehsilBallabgarh, Distt. Faridabad FARIDABAD 100 (Co-Edu.) 09811120748 77. 1081 Aggarwal College of Education, Milk FARIDABAD 100 (Co-Edu.) Plant Road, Ballabhgarh, Distt. Faridabad 0129-2300769 78. 1102 Ch. Partap Singh Memorial College of Education,Sector-34, Near Marble Market, Gurgaon 09250925277 0124-3201181 59 GURGAON 200 (Co-Edu.) 79. 1103 Shri Shanti Sagar Jain College of Education for Girls, Ferozepur Jhirka (Gurgaon) GURGAON 100 (Girls) 01268-278833 80. 1104 **Starex Institute of Education, VPO Binola, Bilaspur Chowk, Gurgaon GURGAON 100 (Co-Edu.) 0124-2379990-4 81. 1105 Deen Dayal Rustogi College of Education,Via Haily Mandi, Khadevla Farukh Nagar, Dist. Gurgaon. GURGAON 200 (Co-Edu.) 0124-2171006 0124-2170641 82. 1106 Sardar Patel College of Education, Farukhnagar (Guraon) GURGAON 100 (Co-Edu.) M-9891023464 83. 1107 KIIT College of Education, Bhondsi Distt. Gurgaon GURGAON 100 (Co-Edu.) 0124-2265265, 2265266 84. 1108 Lord Krishana College of Education, Jamalpur, Distt. Gurgaon. GURGAON 200 (Co-Edu.) 0124-2280411, 0124-3250984 9813662944 (M) 85. 1109 Laxmi College of Education, Kasan (Gurgaon) GURGAON 100 (Co-Edu.) 9910165855 (M) 0124-2338465 0124-2337465 86. 1110 B.M. College of Education, Vil. Hari Nagar GURGAON (Dumha) Tehsil Farukhnagar, Distt. Gurgaon 200 (Co-Edu.) 0124-3090534 0124-2326558 87. 1111 Rao Mohar Singh College of Education, GURGAON Behrampur, Post-Fazilpur, Distt. Gurgaon 200 (Co-Edu.) 0124-2370620(O) M-09810602831 88. --- Dayawanti Memorial College of Education, GURGAON Near Country Club, Panchgaon, Tauru Road, Vill. Pada, Sub-Tehsil, Tauru, Gurgaon Placed under 01262-211380 'No Admission M-09416287428 Category' 89. 1113 Pataudi College of Education, Opp. New Bus Stand, Pataudi (Gurgaon) New Bus Stand, Pataudi (Gurgaon) GURGAON 200 (Co-Edu.) M-09999000350 M-09992111469 M-09992111451 90. 1114 Rao Neki Ram Memorial College of Education,Pataudi, P.O. Turkapur Bas Padamka, Distt. Gurgaon GURGAON 100 (Co-Edu.) M-093155-31307, 09991084501 0124-2673707 91. 1115 Rao Dalip Singh College of Education, Vill. Mumtajpur, PO- Bas Padamka, Tehsil-Pataudi, Distt. Gurgaon GURGAON 100 (Co-Edu.) 9315452870, 9416610187, 9996297118 92. 1116 Maa Saraswati Teachers Training Inst. Vill. Makdola Distt. Gurgaon GURGAON 100 (Co-Edu.) 99114-32061 98134-14994 78383-00061 93. 1117 Sree Shiv Chaitanya College of Education, GURGAON Main Road, Bhora Kalan, Distt. Gurgaon 100 (Co-Edu.) 0124-2379535 94. 1118 B.L. College of Education, Wazirpur, Distt. Gurgaon, Haryana GURGAON 100 (Co-Edu.) 09896340500, 09810176824 95. 1119 Jindal College of Education for Girls, Sohna,Distt. Gurgaon GURGAON 100 (Girls) 0124-2013746, 09416333599 60 96. 1120 Drona College of Education, Ravi Nagar, Basai Road, , Distt. Gurgaon GURGAON 100 (Co-Edu.) 0124-6568762 M-093503-17363 97. 1121 Lal Bahadur Shastri College of Education, GURGAON VPO- Jamalpur, Tehsil- Farukhnagr, Distt. Gurgaon, Haryana 100 (Co-Edu.) 0124-3208627, 0124-2280064 98. 1122 100 (Co-Edu. 99. 1123 Rao Udmi Ram Memorial College of GURGAON Education, Vill. Jamalpur, Tehsil-Farukh Nagar, Distt. Gurgaon Jhankar College of Education, Main GURGAON Gurgaon Pataudi Road, Babra Bakipur, POJamalpur, Tehsil-Farukhnagar, Distt. Gurgaon 9813477544 9813116837 0124-2280149 09310603060 100. 1124 Laxmi College of Education, Rathiwas (Jat) PO-Sidhrawali Distt. Gurgaon GURGAON 100 (Co-Edu.) M-094163-13607 M-098136-01605 101. 1125 Vivekanand College of Education, Village, Jolakha, Sohna, Distt. Gurgaon GURGAON 100 (Co-Edu.) 102. 1126 100 (Co-Edu.) 103. 1127 Rastriya Vidya Education College, GURGAON Basai Road, Krishan Nagar, Distt. Gurgaon Oxford College of Education, VillageGURGAON Khuranpur, Farukh Nagar, Gurgaon. 09354838511 M-09811199917 M- 09810071506 09810996478 09911396479 011-26139602 104. 1128 Vidya Bhavan College of Education, Khurrampur, Farukhnagar, Gurgaon. GURGAON 100 (Co-Edu.) 09812936677 09899677047 105. 1129 Royal Institute of Science and Management, Wazirpur, Distt. Gurgaon GURGAON 100 (Co-Edu.) 0124-2276166 098119-34270 106. 1130 GURGAON 100 (Co-Edu.) 098135-85255 107. 1131 GURGAON 100 (Co-Edu.) 108. 1132 GURGAON 100 (Co-Edu.) 093151-56574 093131-56576 098133-85514 109. 1133 GURGAON 100 (Co-Edu.) 110. 1134 Rao Ram Singh College of Education, VPO- Bhora Kalan, Tehsil-Farukh Nagar, Distt. Gurgaon D.V.M. College of Education, Vill- Baluda, Post-Sohna,Distt. Gurgaon, Haryana Shri Ram College of Education , VPO-Bhora Kalan, Tehsil- Farukh Nagar, Distt. Gurgaon Vishwas College of Education, Village-Pataudi, Distt. Gurgaon Major Bihari Lal Memorial College of Education, Bilaspur Chowk, Bilaspur, Distt. Gurgaon GURGAON 100 (Co-Edu.) 111. 1135 S.D. College of Education, VPO- Janaula, GURGAON Pataudi, Tehsil- Farukh Nagar, Distt. Gurgaon 100 (Co-Edu) 098134-56816 0124-2673012 112. 1136 R.K. College of Education, Bhora Kalan, Distt. Gurgaon GURGAON 100 (Co-Edu.) 113. 1137 Basant Lal Memorial College of Education, GURGAON VPO- Garhi Harsaru, Distt. Gurgaon 100 (Co-Edu) O94168-36657 098126-54962 (2008-09) 0124-2276549, 09818049532 (2008-09) 61 100 (Co-Edu.) 100 (Co-Edu.) 0124-2672096 094162-45251 098132-15146 114. 1138 Rao Mohar Singh College of Education, GURGAON Vill- Jatauli, Tehsil- Pataudi, Distt. Gurgaon 100 (Co-Edu.) 9991093099, 9813134218 09810393099 115. 1150 Vaish Arya Shikshan Mahila Mahavidyalya, Bahadurgarh (Jhajjar) JHAJJAR 100 (Girls) 01276-321670 09315873777 116. 1151 Disha College of Education, JHAJJAR 100 (Co-Edu.) 01262-295583 VPO M.P. Majra Dist. Jhajjar. 117. 1152 Ravindra Bharti College of Education, C/o JHAJJAR KSM Public School, Gurgaon Road, Jhajjar 100 (Co-Edu.) 01251-253804 01251-252339 118. 1153 Cambridge College of Education (For JHAJJAR Women), Vill. Birar, Distt. Jhajjar (Haryana) 200 (Girls) 01251-276576 M-9810193099 M-9812181970 119. 1154 D.H. Lawrence College of Education for Women, Rohtak Road, Jhajjar (Haryana) 100 (Girls) 01251-253510 252310 120. 1155 Ganga College of Education, VPO-Dujana, JHAJJAR Tehsil-Beri, Distt. Jhajjar (Haryana) 100 (Co-Edu.) M-094160-48490. 01251-236690 121. 1156 M.R. Nauhnty College of Education, Vill. Kherka Gujjar, PO Dulhera TehsilBahadurgarh Distt. Jhajjar (Haryana) JHAJJAR 100 (Co-Edu.) 09416758623 122. 1157 G.S. College of Education, VPO- Luhari, Distt. Jhajjar (Haryana) JHAJJAR 100 (Co-Edu.) 98133-69905 123. 1158 Lt. Mahipat Singh College of Education, VPO Sarai Aurangabad, ChharaBeri Road, Bahadurgarh JHAJJAR 200 (Co-Edu.) 98126-99448, 01276-214331 124. ** Pragya College of Education, Vill. Dulhera, JHAJJAR Tehsil-Bahadurgarh, Distt. Jhajjar, Haryana (Jain Minority Institute) 100 (Co-Edu.) 09899215598, 09811697650, 01276-321888 125. 1160 Haryana Institute of Education, Asodha, Tehsil- Bahadurgarh Distt. Jhajjar JHAJJAR 100 (Co-Edu.) 9215143158, 01276-645158 126. 1161 Bhimeshwari Devi College of Education, JHAJJAR Baithiyan Panna, Tehsil, Beri, Distt. Jhajjar 100 (Co-Edu.) 09416974380 127. 1162 Ganga Institute of Education, 20 K.M. Stone, Jhajjar Bahadurgarh Road, VillKablana, Tehsil & Distt- Jhajjar JHAJJAR 200 (Co-Edu) 9811066950, 9899975346 09416200134 128. 1163 Ranjeet Singh Memorial College of Education & Technology, VPO Chhara, Distt. Jhajjar JHAJJAR 100 (Co-Edu.) 01276-245007, 94162-72518 129. 1164 M.D. College of Education, Sarai Aurangabad, Jhajjar Road, P.O. Bahadurgarh, Distt. Jhajjar Correspondence Address Post Box No. 20, Bahadurgarh JHAJJAR 200 (Co-Edu.) 01276-274010 9215900624 94162-73344 130. 1165 A.S. Kharb Memorial College of Education, VPO Kasni, Distt. Jhajjar JHAJJAR 100 (Co-Edu.) 09811047410 09211794740 62 JHAJJAR 131. 1166 M.R.College of Education, VPO Hassanpur Distt. Jhajjar JHAJJAR 100 (Co-Edu.) 01251-275001 92559-94482 132. 1167 H.D. College of Education, VPOSahlawas, Tehsil & Distt. Jhajjar JHAJJAR 100 (Co-Edu.) 01251-276079, 9416054364 133. 1168 Adarsh College of Education, VPODadanpur, Distt. Jhajjar JHAJJAR 100 (Co-Edu.) 01251-680994, M-9416360888 134. 1169 Shri Sai Baba College of Education, VPO- Jhangirpur, Distt. Jhajjar JHAJJAR 100 (Co-Edu.) 01251-320405 135. 1170 Rao Nihal Singh College of Education, VPO- Lohari, Distt. Jhajjar JHAJJAR 100 (Co-Edu.) 0124-2011952 094163-60676 136. 1171 Netaji Subhash College of Education, VPO- Jhangirpur, Distt. Jhajjar JHAJJAR 100 (Co-Edu.) 01251-210259 09414075471 09312246710 137. 1172 S.D. Memorial College of Education, Village-Desalpur, Distt. Jhajjar, Haryana JHAJJAR 100 (Co-Edu.) 09416360705 138. 1173 Sarvodaya College of Education, Khanpur Khurd, Distt. Jhajjar JHAJJAR 100 (Co-Edu.) 94163-37371 98120-88915 139. 1174 M.T. College of Education, VPO- Kharhar, Distt. Jhajjar JHAJJAR 100 (Co-Edu.) 9729217174 140. 1175 Maa Ganga College of Education, VPO- Dujana, Tehsil-Beri, Distt.Jhajjar JHAJJAR 100 (Co-Edu.) O1251-210367 141. 1176 Paramount College of Educaiton, VPO- Chhuchhakwas, Distt. Jhajjar JHAJJAR 100 (Co-Edu.) 01251-234015 98964-17621 142. 1177 D.S.Arya College of Education, Vill- Patel JHAJJAR Nagar, PO- Bahadurgarh, Distt. Jhajjar 100 (Co-Edu.) 01276-242779 143. 1178 Modern College of Education, Jhajjar Road, Bahadurgarh, Distt. Jhajjar JHAJJAR 100 (Co-Edu.) 098127-30727 144. 1179 Pujya Swami Vivekanand College of JHAJJAR Education, Village Jhangir Pur, Distt. Jhajjar 100 (Co-Edu.) 01251-210292 145. 1202 Shri Krishna College of Education, Mohindergarh.(Now at VPO-Pali Distt. Mohindergarh) M. GARH 200 (Co-Edu.) 01285-240310 146. 1203 Shri Ganesh College of Education, Nagal Sirohi, Dist. Mahendergarh. M. GARH 100 (Co-Edu.) 01285-250355 147. 1204 Yaduvanshi College of Education, Bucholi Road, Mahendergarh M. GARH 200 (Co-Edu.) 01285-220944 01285-220275 148. 1205 Sanskriti Institute of Education and Technology, Village, Amarpur Jorasi, Tehsil Narnaul, Distt. Mahendergarh. M. GARH 200 (Co-Edu.) 01285-252800, 254816 M-9812224055, 09412057738, 09412007104 149. 1206 Baba Jai Ram Das College of Education, VPO Pali, Distt. Mohendergarh M. GARH 200 (Co-Edu.) 01285-240615 63 150. 1207 Maharana Pratap College of Education, M. GARH Vill. & PO Dhanonda, Distt. Mahendragarh 100 (Co-Edu.) M-9416282591, 9416443913, 01282-250452 151. 1208 Sant Jai Ram Das Memorial College of M. GARH Education, VPO Pali, Distt. Mohendergarh 200 (Co-Edu.) M-9416063727, 9416381318 152. 1209 Shri Ram College of Education, Diwan Colony, Near DSP Office, Mohindergarh M. GARH 100 (Co-Edu.) M-094160-97075 153. 1210 Rao Sultan Singh College of Education, Nimbhera, Tehsil & Distt. Mohindergarh M. GARH 100 (Co-Edu.) 01285-271280, 9416419744, 9813510744 154. 1211 Saraswati College of Education, Kanina Road, Sehlang, Distt. Mohindergarh M. GARH 100 (Co-Edu.) 09255564229, 9416454170 155. 1212 C.L. College of Education, Singhana Road, Near Canal Colony, Narnaul, Distt. Mohindergarh M. GARH 100 (Co-Edu.) 01282-253320 156. 1213 B.S. College of Education, Kultajpur Road, Khsra No. 2922/2, Narnaul Distt. Mohindergarh M. GARH 100 (Co-Edu.) 098128-15555 89502-02514 157. 1214 Rao Lal Singh College of Education, Garba Road, Block-Kanina, Distt. Mohindergarh M. GARH 100 (Co-Edu.) 01285-235803 158. 1215 Yaduvanshi College of Education, VPO- M. GARH Patikra, Tehsil Narnaul, Dist. Mohindergarh 200 (Co-Edu.) 01285-220944 159. 1216 Rajesh Pilot Memorial College of Education, Vill-Nayan, P.O. Thanwas, Tehsil-Narnaul Distt. Mohindergarh M. GARH 100 (Co-Edu.) 08053082999 09812784140 09416566647 160. 1217 Rao Pahlad Singh College of Education, Revenue Estate Khatod, Satnali Road, Distt. Mohindergarh M. GARH 100 (Co-Edu.) 01285-220941 09416907520 161. 1218 Saraswati College of Education, Majra Kalan, Distt. Mohindergarh M. GARH 100 (Co-Edu.) 01285-220565, 09416996508 162. 1219 M.R. College of Education, Mitterpura Chowk, Miterpura, PO Dublana, TehsilNarnaul, Distt. Mohindergarh M. GARH 100 (Co-Edu.) 094164-16945, 01282-240628 163. 1220 Happy College of Education, Dulana Road, Mohindergarh M. GARH 100 (Co-Edu.) O1285-222934 01285-222935 164. 1221 Shri Krishan College of Education, M. GARH Near Rao Tula Ram Chowk, Mohindergarh 100 (Co-Edu.) 01285-221493 094164-98029 165. 1222 Rao Jai Ram College of Education, M. GARH BundabajNagar,Ateli Road, Mohindergarh 100 (Co-Edu.) 01285222275 9416130996 166. 1223 R.P.S. College of Education, Vill. Khor, P. O. Ateli, Distt. Mohindergarh 100 (Co-Edu.) M-98682-51740 64 M. GARH 167. 1224 Ganpati College of Education, Vill- Bhori, M. GARH P.O. Gujarwas, Tehsil- Narnaul, Distt. Mohindergarh 100 (Co-Edu.) 094163-12567 09416603758 094169-63693 168. 1225 Suraj College of Education, Vill .& PO Bucholi, Distt. Mohindergarh M. GARH 100 (Co-Edu.) 01285-221950 169. 1226 Gaurav College of Education, Vill- Azam Nagar, PO- Dharsu, Tehsil- Narnaul, Distt, Mohindergarh M. GARH 100 (Co-Edu.) 01282-257477 9416065564 170. 1227 Tagore College of Education, Vill. Majra Khurd, Tehsil & Distt. Mohindergarh M. GARH 100 (Co-Edu.) 01285-221732 09416114645 171. 1228 Rao Mool Chand College of Education, Vill- Khatoti Kalan, P.O. Hamidpur, Tehsil-Narnaul Distt. Mohindergarh M. GARH 100 (Co-Edu.) 94169-01946 172. 1229 Pitamah Umda Singh College of Education, VPO- Dhanaunda Tehsil Kanina, Distt. Mohindergarh M. GARH 100 (Co-Edu.) 01285-202102 173. 1230 Guru College of Education, VPO- Satnali, M. GARH Tehsil & Distt. Mohindergarh 100 (Co-Edu.) 09416796940 01268-277868 174. 1231 Bhartiya College of Education, Mohindergarh, Haryana M. GARH 100 (Co-Edu.) 01285-222330 175. --- Shiksha Bharti College of Education, Sisoth, Distt. Mohindergarh M. GARH Placed under M-09416574174, 'No Admission 9416990735 Category’ 176. 1233 Baba Jai Ram Dass College of Education, M. GARH Khatod, Distt. Mohindergarh 100 (Co-Edu.) M-09416184184 177. 1234 K.D. College of Education, Vill- Dhani Bhatuta, Tehsil- Narnaul, Distt. Mohindergarh M. GARH 100 (Co-Edu.) 9416063727 178. 1235 K.D. College of Education, VPO- Pali, Distt. Mohindergarh M. GARH 100 (Co-Edu.) 9416063727 179. 1236 Arya College of Education, Vill. Pall, PO-Barawas, Distt. Mohindergarh M. GARH 100 (Co-Edu.) 092122-39084 097183-65810 180. 1237 B.R. College of Education, VPO- Sehlang, M. GARH Distt. Mohindergarh 100 (Co-Edu.) 94163-44514 181. 1238 Modern College of Education, Gomala M. GARH Road, VPO- Bhojawas, Distt. Mohindergarh 100 (Co-Edu.) 01285-244044 182. 1239 Ganpati Institute of Education & Technology, Vill- Karoll, PO- Bashirpur, Tehsil-Narnaul, Distt. Mohindergarh M. GARH 100 (Co-Edu.) 094163-12567 01282-242100 183. 1240 Swami Vivekanand College ofEducation, Vill- Mehrampur, PO- Dharsoon, TehsilNarnaul,Distt. Mohindergarh M. GARH 100 (Co-Edu.) 099918-03077 094165-78622 65 184. 1241 Baba Kheta Nath College of Education, VPO- Sihma, Tehsil-Narnaul, Distt. Mohindergarh M. GARH 100 (Co-Edu.) 094164-80447 094664-93747 185. 1242 Aravali College of Education, VPO- Karota, M. GARH 100 (Co-Edu.) 094169-38650 Tehsil- Narnaul, Distt. Mohindergarh 186. 1243 Aravali College of Education, VPO- Khod, M. GARH Tehsil-Ateli, Distt. Mohindergarh 100 (Co-Edu.) 094164-78288 094160-96922 187. 1244 H.J. Institute of Education & Technology, M. GARH VPO- Palri Panihara, Distt. Mohindergarh 100 (Co-Edu.) 01285-240320 94161-51478 188. 1245 Shree Ganpati Institute of Education & Technology, Vill- Faizabad, PO- Hudina, Tehsil-Narnaul, Distt. Mohindergarh M. GARH 100 (Co-Edu.) 09416574699 09416312567 09416749988 189. 1246 Guru Dronacharya College of Education, M. GARH Vill- Dhani Kirarod, Post-Dharsu, T ehsil-Naranaul, Distt. Mohindergarh 100 (Co-Edu.) 09416415323 01282-260064 190. 1247 Sadasukh College of Education, VPOKanina, Distt. Mohindergarh M. GARH 100 (Co-Edu.) 094161-50682 191. 1248 B.P.S. College of Education, Behror Road, M. GARH Near Govt. College, Nangal Choudhary, Tehsil- Narnaul, Distt. Mohindergarh 100 (Co-Edu.) 09355012326 192. 1249 Modern College of Education, Chamdhera Road, Mohindergarh M. GARH 100 (Co-Edu.) 09355063808 09416089674 09416320218 193. 1250 Pt. Ram Niwas Memorial College of Education, VPO- Nanwan, Distt. Mohindergarh M. GARH 100 (Co.Edu) 094163-70940 094163-44514 194. 1251 Sharbati College of Education, Gaushala Road, Mohindergarh M. GARH 100 (Co-Edu.) 094160-63622 01285-220122 195. 1252 Shanti College of Education, Vill- Rewasa, Distt. Mohindergarh M. GARH 100 (Co-Edu.) 094169-07351 08930132210 196. 1253 Vaidic Teacher Training College, VillageChindalia, Post- Nangal Katha, TehsilNarnaul, Distt. Mohindergarh (Haryana) M. GARH 100 (Co-Edu.) 01282-272834 09050844435 197. 1254 N.R.B. College of Education, Plot No. 145-146 & 147, Narnaul Road, VillageKhaira, Tehsil & Distt. Mohindergarh M. GARH 100 (Co-Edu.) 09416418264 09896690555 198. 1260 Chandrawati College of Education, VPO- Tauru, Distt. Mewat MEWAT 100 (Co-Edu.) 092543-29437 90500-74535 98122-12402 199. 1261 Saraswati Vidya Mandir College of Education, Ferozepur Zirka, Distt. Mewat MEWAT 200 (Co-Edu.) 01268-277214 200. 1262 Rao Adal Singh College of Education, Vill. MEWAT Khatiwas, Post & Tehsil- Tauru, Distt. Mewat 100 (Co-Edu.) 01267-283121 09416882988 66 201. 1263 Sehrawat Degree College of Education, MEWAT VPO- Hathin, Distt. Nuh (Mewat), Haryana 100 (Co-Edu.) 098135-23520 01275-261276 202. 1303 Rao Abhay Singh College of Education, Gangoli (Saharanwas) Dist. Rewari REWARI 100 (Co-Edu.) 01274-225253 (M) 9899115532 (M) 9812028100 (M) 9896684901 203. 1304 Swaranjali College ofEducation, Deviaws, REWARI Bithywana Chowk, PO- Chhuriawas, Dewal Road, Rewari 100 (Co-Edu.) 01274-269750, 269867 M-9896127555 204. 1305 A.M. College ofEducation, VPO- Majra Sheoraj, Distt. Rewari REWARI 100 (Co-Edu.) 01274-326488, 202543 205. 1306 Saheed Capt. D.K. Khola College of Education, VPO-Zainabad, Distt. Rewari REWARI 200 (Co-Edu.) 01281-248530, M-09416382959 206. 1307 Progressive Learning College of Education, 7 KM Miles Stone, RewariDelhi Road, Vill. Jaunawas Distt. Rewari. REWARI 100 (Co-Edu.) 01274-240100, 098123-45425, 098101-21201 207. 1308 Krishana College of Education, Nahar REWARI Road, Railway Station, Kosli,Distt. Rewari 100 (Co-Edu.) 01259-275651, 01259-261485 09416282100 208. 1309 J.R. Memorial College of Education, Near uma Bharti Senior Secondary School, Jhajjar Road, Rewari REWARI 100 (Co-Edu.) 01274-256868 09416063440 209. 1310 Happy College of Education, Kosli Railway Station, PO-Kosli, Distt. Rewari. REWARI 200 (Co-Edu.) 01259-275038, 9354850243 210. 1311 Rao Khem Chand College of Education, REWARI VPO-Bohatwas Ahir, Tehsil & Distt. Rewari 100 (Co-Edu.) 01281-205011, 9416819945 211. 1312 Rao Ranjeet Singh College of Education, REWARI Vill- Bodia Kamalpur,Distt. Rewari 100 (Co-Edu.) 9813223370 098131-23370 212. 1313 Vivekanand College of Education, VPO-Dahina , Distt. Rewari, Haryana REWARI 100 (Co-Edu.) M-09254317770 213. 1314 Krishna Adarsh College of Education, REWARI Village- Bhotwas, PO-Jatusana, Distt. Rewari. 100 (Co-Edu.) 09416243468 214. 1315 K.L. College of Education, Vill- Dohki, PO-Bikaner, Distt. Rewari REWARI 100 (Co-Edu.) 09466781805 09416213255 215. 1316 Baba Mohan Dass College of Education, REWARI Vill- Motla Kalan, Distt. Rewari, Haryana 100 (Co-Edu.) 09416322070 09813773538 216. 1317 Mata Vaishnu Devi College of Education, REWARI Nagal Mundi, Distt. Rewari 100 (Co-Edu.) 94160-63727 217. 1318 Sarv Hind College of Education, VPOGurawara, Distt. Rewari, Haryana REWARI 100 (Co-Edu.) 09991403233 218. 1319 Modern Indian College of Education, Vill- Pali, PO-Kund, Distt. Rewari REWARI 100 (Co-Edu) 01281-282852 093154-21328 67 219. 1320 Bright Land College of Education, VPO- Jant Sayarwas, Distt. Rewari REWARI 100 (Co-Edu.) 01274-248438 09310043262 220. 1321 Modern College of Education, Plot No. 49-9, 10/1, Main Road, VPO- Meerpur, Distt. Rewari REWARI 100 (Co-Edu) 01274-248365, 09416577791 221. 1322 Sandesh College of Education, VPO- Karoli, Distt. Rewari REWARI 100 (Co-Edu) 01259-272318 09466273923 09466838310 222. 1323 M.D.S. College of Education, Kosli, Distt. Rewari REWARI 100 (Co-Edu) 01259-276241 223. 1355 Sharvan Inst. Of Rehabilitation for Mentally Retarded Persons, Gandhi Nagar, Rohtak ROHTAK 25 B.Ed Spl. Edu. (MR) (Co-Edu.) 01262-213118 224. 1356 Vikramaditya College of Education, Morkheri (Rohtak) ROHTAK 200 (Co-Edu.) 01262-310166 (M) 9554309990 (M) 9215551368 225. 1357 Shri Balaji College of Education, Sampla (Rohtak) ROHTAK 200 (Co-Edu.) 098963-02035 099927-00643 01262-310440 226. 1358 Lord Shiva College of Education, VPO Lahli Dist. Rohtak ROHTAK 200 (Co-Edu.) 01262-258920 01262-245358 M-9215555567 227. 1359 Kissan College of Education, Meham ROHTAK Bharan Madina Road, Meham, Dist. Rohtak 200 (Co-Edu.) M-9416388952 M-9416434968 M-9812125018 228. 1360 Saraswati Vidya Mandir College of Education, Hissar By Pass, Meham ROHTAK 200 (Co-Edu.) 09315617081(M) 09315652084 01263-255861 229. 1361 K.V.M. College of Education, Ladhot Road, Rohtak. ROHTAK 200 (Co-Edu.) 01262-324230 09812030830(M) 230. 1362 D.A.V. College of Education, Hassangarh (Rohtak) ROHTAK 200 (Co-Edu.) 01262-262338, 09896433431 231. 1363 MR DAV College of Education, MR DAV ROHTAK Campus, 5th KM Stone, Sonepat Road 100 (Co-Edu.) 09355671757 09991171005 09729606070 232. 1364 Sat Priya College of Education, 0.5 KM Mils Stone, Jind Road, Rohtak ROHTAK 100 (Co-Edu.) 01262-231016, 235003, M- 09896005716 233. 1365 Yash College of Education, VPO- Rurkee, Distt. Rohtak ROHTAK 200 (Co-Edu.) M-09255282117, 09812286979, 09255169866 234. 1366 St. Paul College of Education, Behind New Bust Stand, Rohtak ROHTAK 200 (Co-Edu.) 094163-12234 01262-276937 68 235. 1367 R.K. College of Education, 21 KM Stone, ROHTAK Sonepat Road, Humayunpur, Distt. Rohtak 100 (Co-Edu.) 09254251020 09254303165 9215286250 236. 1368 R.D. College of Education, VPO-Atail, Atail Sampla Road, Tehsil-Sampla, Distt. Rohtak ROHTAK 100 (Co-Edu.) 098962-05954 094668-62999 237. 1369 V.B. College of Education, Jind Bye Pass, Rohtak ROHTAK 200 (Co-Edu.) 01262-252634, 9255118668 238. 1370 Green Valley College of Education, VPO-Titoli, Distt. Rohtak ROHTAK 100 (Co-Edu.) 94161-60004 98137-75863 239. --- Rashtriya College of Education, Opp. Sir Chhotu Ram Sports Stadium, Sonepat Road, Rohtak ROHTAK Placed under 01262-292476 'No Admission Category' 240. 1372 Sanskriti College of Education, 6 Milestone, Gohana Road, Rohtak ROHTAK 100 (Co-Edu.) 92543-10008 01262-216237 241. 1373 Narayana College of Education, VPO- Kutana, Shastri Nagar, Rohtak ROHTAK 100 (Co-Edu.) 09416050770, 01262-249770 242. 1374 Arya College of Education, VPO- Pharmana, Distt. Rohtak ROHTAK 100 (Co-Edu.) 09813518146 243. 1375 Swami Daya Muni Vidyapeeth College of Education, Kalanaur, Distt. Rohtak ROHTAK 100 (Co-Edu.) 01258-223100 244. 1376 J.R. Kissan College of Education, Old ROHTAK Sunder Pura Road, Jind Bye Pass, Rohtak 100 (Co-Edu.) 01262-325489 245. 1377 Capt. Hardev Singh College of Education, ROHTAK VPO- Madina, Distt. Rohtak 100 (Co-Edu.) 09416050086 246. 1378 S.S. College of Education, Vill. Kutana, Shiv Nagar, Rohtak ROHTAK 100 (Co-Edu.) 92542-62500 9802172323 247. 1379 Saraswati College of Education, Shora Kothi, Gau Karan Road, Rohtak ROHTAK 100 (Co-Edu.) 09215703323 248. 1380 Saini Institute of Girls Education, Saini High School Road, Chunipura, Rohtak ROHTAK 100 (Girls) 01262-252355 09896840785 9034973197 249. 1381 Shri Baba Mast Nath Institute of Educational Training & Research, Asthal Bohar, Distt. Rohtak ROHTAK 100 (Co-Edu.) 01262-292752, 292399.292331 250. 1382 Sunil Gugnani Memorial College of Education, 5- Mal Godam Road, Rohtak ROHTAK 100 (Girls ) 01262-269150 01262-268373 251. 1383 Raj College of Education, VPO- Brahmanwas, Distt. Rohtak ROHTAK 100 (Co-Edu.) 9215588828, 9812088828 252. 1384 Indus College of Education, Indus Public School Campus, Asthal Bohar ROHTAK 100 (Co-Edu.) 01262-210509 01262-215724 253. 1385 Aaryan College of Education, VPO- Lakhan Majra, Distt. Rohtak ROHTAK 100 (Co-Edu.) 98120-94000 69 254. 1386 Inder Prastha Education College, Jind Bye Pass, Near Power House, Rohtak ROHTAK 100 (Co-Edu.) 09215130000 255. 1387 Sheetla College of Education, VPO-Lakhan Majra, Distt. Rohtak ROHTAK 100 (Co-Edu.) 094662-81462 094161-04053 256. 1388 Vikramaditya Group of Educational Institutes, VPO- Morkheri, Tehsil- Sampla, Distt. Rohtak ROHTAK 100 (Co-Edu.) 9215551368 9812244332 257. 1389 S.R. College of Education, IMT, Kheri Sadh, Distt. Rohtak ROHTAK 100 (Co-Edu.) 094169-68076 258. 1390 Rama Krishna College of Education, ROHTAK VPO- Chandi,Tehsil- Meham, Distt. Rohtak 100 (Co-Edu.) 092541-87800 259. 1391 S.J.K. College of Education, Kalanaur, Distt. Rohtak ROHTAK 100 (Co-Edu) 01258-222969 094663-09229 260. 1392 S.S.M. College of Education, VPO- Makrauli Khurd, Distt. Rohtak ROHTAK 100 (Co-Edu) 009255561878 09466305438 09254262500 261. 1393 B.P.S. College of Education, VPO Bhaini Maharajpur, Distt. Rohtak ROHTAK 100 (Co-Edu.) 99964-83000 262. 1394 ARPAN Institute for Mentally Handicapped Children, Gandhi Nagar, Rohtak ROHTAK 25 B.Ed Spl Edu(MR) 94160-51717 263. 1403 Om College of Education, Vill. Khandrai, Teh Gohana, Dist. Sonepat. SONEPAT 200 (Co-Edu.) 01263-230903 9311241667 264. 1404 G.V.M. College of Education for Women, Sonepat SONEPAT 200 (Girls) 0130-6451692 09896310111 09467233999 265. 1405 Darsh College of Education, Vill. Kailana Taluka Mahmoodur The. Gohana Distt. Sonepat SONEPAT 200 (Co-Edu.) 01262-243092 01263-253787 M-9215353002 266. 1406 S.S. College of Education, Vill. Mahmoodur SONEPAT Tehsil- Gohana Distt. Sonepat 200 (Co-Edu.) 09254312171 08053516983 09310654812 267. --- Bhagwan Prashu Ram College of Education, Bali Brahmnan (Gohana) Distt. Sonepat Placed under 01263-255934 'No Admission M-9812292551 Category' 268. 1408 Mukhi College of Education,Vishnu SONEPAT Nagar, Ward No.12, Gohana Distt. Sonepat. 200 (Co-Edu.) 01263-325678 9812155750(M) 269. 1409 South Point College of Education, Purkhas SONEPAT Road,Near Sugar Mill, Sonepat. 200 (Co-Edu.) 09812020033 0130-2800397-99 270. 1410 The Krishna Education Research and SONEPAT Technological Institute, Vill-Bhanderi, PO-Madina, Tehsil-Gohana, Distt. Sonepat 100 (Co-Edu.) 094168-51569 94169-15897 094668-18187 271. 1411 Ch. Katar Singh College of Education, Gudha Road, Gohana,Distt. Sonepat 100 (Co-Edu.) 09416631061 09802303030 70 SONEPAT SONEPAT 272. 1412 Shambhu Dayal College of Education, Gohana Road, Sonepat SONEPAT 100 (Co-Edu.) 0130-2221755, 2221140 273. 1413 Navyug College for Education, Old Rohtak Road,, Prabhu Nagar, Sonepat SONEPAT 100 (Co-Edu.) 9416234355 9812043187 0130-2212132 274. 1414 D.C. Jain College of Education, Mehlana Road, Sonepat SONEPAT 100 (Co-Edu.) 0130-2222706 98124-30514 275. ** Kirorimal College of Education, Bagpat Road, Khewra, Distt. Sonepat (Jain Minority Institute) SONEPAT 200 (Co-Edu.) M-94160-14078 94666-64110 276. 1416 D.C.S College of Education, Mehmoodpur Road, Gohana, Distt. Sonepat, Haryana SONEPAT 200 (Co-Edu.) 01262-273673 09416337134 277. 1417 Shiv Karan College of Education, VPO-Matindu, Distt. Sonepat SONEPAT 100 (Co-Edu.) 0130-2802106 09416810590 278. 1418 Modern College of Education, Vishnu Nagar, Gohana, Sonepat SONEPAT 200 (Co-Edu.) 01263-252444 09315305444 279. 1419 Venkteshwara College of Education, VPO-Rajpur, Distt. Sonepat SONEPAT 100 (Co-Edu.) 0124-4081467 M-09810336648 280. 1420 Shiksha Bharti College of Education, VPO-Mohana, Distt. Sonepat, Haryana SONEPAT 100 (Co-Edu.) 0130-2236940 0130-2233940 281. 1421 D.B.M. College of Education, VPOMadina, Tehsil-Gohana, Distt. Sonepat SONEPAT 100 (Co-Edu.) 9254312555, 9812135000 282. 1422 Geeta College of Education, VPO-Butana SONEPAT Kundu, Tehsil-Gohana, Distt. Sonepat 100 (Co-Edu.) 094167-65531 099967-34243 092543-65531 283. 1423 N.S. College of Education, VPO- Lohrara, SONEPAT Distt. Sonepat 100 (Co-Edu.) 0130-2212527 9466380459 284. 1424 Ram Jas College of Education, Govind Nagar, Sonepat, Haryana SONEPAT 100 (Co-Edu.) 0130-2241531 285. 1425 Paradise College of Education, Thana Kalan Road, Kharkhoda, Distt.Sonepat SONEPAT 100 (Co-Edu.) 098120-69582 098128-66622 094660-49016 286. 1426 Bharat Vidya Peeth College of Education, SONEPAT VPO- Kasandi, Tehsil-Gohana Distt. Sonepat 100 (Co-Edu.) 09996219470 287. 1427 Mange Ram Womens College of Education, Purkhas, Jawahri Road, Near Railway Crossing, Sugar Mill, Sonepat SONEPAT 100 (Girls) 09812020033 288. 1428 Harsh College of Education, Purkhas, Sonepat, Haryana SONEPAT 100 (Co-Edu.) 0130-3100902 289. 1429 Shri Ganesh College of Education, Vill- Bali Brahmanan, Tehsil-Gohana, Distt. Sonepat, Haryana SONEPAT 100 (Co-Edu.) 09255161152 71 290. 1430 M.R.M College of Education, VPO Gudha, Tehsil-Gohana, Distt. Sonepat SONEPAT 100 (Co-Edu.) 92555-99891 291. 1431 Kirti College of Education, VPO- Anayat, SONEPAT Tehsil- Gohana, Distt. Sonepat, Haryana 100 (Co-Edu.) 093553-29024 094163-25630 292. 1432 Aryawart College of Education, Vill - Khanda, Distt. Sonepat SONEPAT 100 (Co-Edu.) 92157-55466 293. 1433 Jawahar Lal Nehru College of Education, SONEPAT Near Gudha Road, Behind Kath Mandi, Gohana, Distt. Sonepat 100 (Co-Edu.) 01263-253222 01263-255022 294. 1434 Panchsheel Institute of Education, Research & Education, VPO- Jatwara, Distt. Sonepat SONEPAT 100 (Co-Edu.) 09416884441 09255192440 0130-2211577 295. 1435 Sun Rise College of Educatio, Sector-59, VPO- Nangal Kalan, Distt. Sonepat SONEPAT 100 (Co-Edu.) 93111-24004 99918-40123 94161-00770 296. 1436 Shree Ram Memorial College of Education, SONEPAT VPO- Bidhlan, Tehsil- Kharkhoda, Distt. Sonepat 100 (Co-Edu.) 099964-24331 09996455953 297. ** Bhagwan Mahavir College of Education, SONEPAT Village Jagdishpur, Distt. Sonepat (Jain Minority Institute) 300 (Co-Edu.) 0130-3207732 0130-2325601 (2006-07) 298. 1438 K.C. College of Education, Plot No. 74/3, SONEPAT 60/24 and 125/10, Devi Lal Chowk, Ganaur, Distt. Sonepat, Haryana 100 (Co.Edu) 094666-64440 0130-2460745 299. 1439 Janta College of Education, 18th Mile stone, G.T. Karnal, Near Singhu Border, VPO- Nathupur, Dist. Sonepat 100 (Co-Edu.) 09466492205 08053930067 0130-2372258 SONEPAT Note: 1. The admission to B.Ed regular Course for the session 2014-15 in all the Colleges of Education shall be purely provisional and subject to grant of continuation in provisional affiliation for the session 2014-15 by the University. 2. **No admission against additional intake of 100 seats in the college mentioned against Sr. No. 80 i.e. Starex Institute of Education, VPO Binola, Bilaspur Chowk, Gurgaon as the college failed to submit proof of having applied with the NAAC before 1st Aprial 2012 in view of the letter bearing no. F-49-3/2011/NCTE/N&S dated July 17, 2012. The admissions in the college shall be made only against 100 seats. 3. No admission shall be made in the colleges as mentioned against Sr. No. 267 i.e. Bhagwan Prashu Ram College of Education, Bali Brahmnan (Gohana) Distt. Sonepat, Sr. No. 88 i.e. Dayawanti Memorial College of Education, Near Country Club, Panchgaon, Tauru Road, Vill. Pada, Sub-Tehsil, Tauru, Gurgaon, Sr. No. 239 i.e. 72 Rashtriya College of Education,Opp. Sir Chhotu Ram Sports Stadium, Sonepat Road, Rohtak, Sr. No. 175- Shiksha Bharti College of Education, Sisoth, Distt. Mohindergarh, Sr. No. 67 i.e. Meenakshi College of Education, Ward NO. 9, Kotwal Colony, Mohana Road, Ballabgrah, Distt. Faridabad and Sr. No. 42 i.e. Marc College of Education, Lohani, Distt. Bhiwani as these colleges has been placed in 'No Admission Category' due to one reason or others. 4. The admission to B.Ed regular course for the session 2014-15 in the colleges at Sr. No. 98-Rao Udmi Ram Memorial College of Education, VPO- Jamalpur, Tehsil-Farukh Nagar, Distt. Gurgaon, 102-Rastriya Vidya College of Education, Basai Road, Krishan Nagar, Gurgaon, 112- R.K. College of Education, VPO-Bhora Kalan, Distt. Gurgaon, 99- Jhankar College of Education, Main Gurgaon Pataudi Road, Babra Bakipur, POJamalpur, Tehsil-Farukhnagar, Distt. Gurgaon and 209- Happy College of Education, Kosli Railway Station, PO-Kosli, Distt. Rewari, Haryana shall be provisional and subject to the final decision of NCTE/latest status from the NCTE/outcome of the Writ Petition/Appeal filed by the societies/trusts of these Colleges etc. Students shall take admission in these colleges at their own risk and responsibility. 5. Admissions in the College at Sr. No.153- Rao Sultan Singh College of Education, Nimahera, Distt. Mohindergarh shall be provisional and subject to receipt/ submission of clarification from the NCTE with regard to site/land of the College and Students shall take admission in this college at their own risk and responsibility. 6. Admissions to the College at Sr. No. 113 i.e. Basant Lal Memorial College of Education, VPO- Garhi Harsaru, Distt. Gurgaon shall be provisional and subject to the final decision of the NCTE in the appeal filed by the College in view of the directions of the Hon'ble Delhi High Court in CWP No. 8726 of 2010. 7. Admissions for B.Ed course of the colleges at Sr. No. 50, 275,124 and 297 i.e. Al-Flah School of Education & Training, Vill. Dhauj Dist. Faridbad, Kirorimal College of Education, Bhagpat Road, Village- Khewra, Distt. Sonepat, Pragya College of Education, Vill. Dulhera, Tehsil-Bahadurgarh, Distt. Jhajjar, Haryana and Bhagwan Mahavir College of Education, Village Jagdishpur, Distt. Sonepat are to be made at the college level being minority institutes. 8. The Colleges mentioned against Sr. No. 11, 44, 223, 75 and 262 i.e. State Institute for Rehabilitation training and Research, Gandhi Nagar Rohtak, Adarsh Rehabilitation Center for Mentally and Physically Handicaped Chidlren, Uttam Nagar, Loharu Road, Near Tractor Agency, Bhiwani , Sharvan Institute of Rehabilitation for Mentally Retarded Persons, Gandhi Nagar, Rohtak , Vision Institute of Applied Studies, Plot No. 40, Sector-20-B, HUDA, Faridabad and ARPAN Institute for Mentally handicapped Children, Gandhi Nagar, Rohtak are running B.Ed Spl Programme (Mental Retardation). The admission to these Colleges shall also be made through centralized counseling. Note: If any change in the status of College(s) is arises at a later stage same may be amended. 73 2. Sr. No. KURUKSHETRA UNIVERSITY, KURUKSHETRA Code No. Name of the College/Institute Intake Co-Edu./ Women Phone Number 250* Co-Edu. 01744-238125 250 Co-Edu. 0171-2444437, Maintained/Aided: 1. 2121 University College of Education, Kurukshetra (Maintained) 2. 2001 Sohan Lal D.A.V. College of Education, Ambala City (Aided) 3. 2100 2446584 Dr. Ganesh Dass DAV College of Education 140 for Women, (Aided) Karnal. 4. 2021 For 0184-2252335 Women C.R. College of Education, Hisar (Aided) 200 Co-Edu. 01662-254458 200 Co-Edu. 0171-2535855, Self Financing College of Education AMBALA 5. 2002 P.K.R. Jain College of Education Vill.- Nasirpur, Hisar Road, Ambala City 6. 2003 Lala Ami Chand Monga Memorial College 9416497400 100 Co-Edu. of Education, Vill. Abdulagarh, P.O. Ugala, 01731-266053, 9416130212 Teh.Barara, Distt.Ambala. 7. 2004 Tulsi College of Education for Women, 200 Vill.- Roopa Majra, Hissar Road, Ambala City For 0171-2533353 Women 8. 2005 Lord Krishna College of Education,V.P.O Adhoya,Teh.Barara,Distt.Ambala 200 9. 2006 M.M. College of Education, Mullana (Ambala) 200 Co-Edu Co-Edu. 01731-283315 9896113138 01731-304260 01731-304110 10. 2007 Shri Sardari Lal College of Education, VPO 200 Co-Edu. Nahoni, Teh, Mulana, Ambala 11. 2008 0171-282560, 98962-00690 Shivalik College of Education, Vill.- Aliyaspur, 200 Co-Edu. P.O.- Zafarpur, Dosarka-Sadhaura Road, 0171-3054600 9416236097 Distt.- Ambala 12. 2009 Surya College of Education, Village- Bhano 100 Co-Edu. Kheri, Distt.- Ambala 13. 2010 0171-2802700 9416172543 Maa Bala Sundri College of Education, Dosaraka Sadhhaura Road, VPO- Zaffarpur, Tehsil- Barara, Distt.- Ambala * including seats for Shastri passed candidates, if any. 74 100 Co-Edu. 098963-37167, 01731-272983 14. 2011 Birkha Ram College of Education, 100 Co-Edu. Vill.-Khora-Bhora, Post-Bhurewala, 01734-255717 9417004717 Tehsil- Naraingarh, Distt. Ambala 15. 2012 Mahabir College of Education, VPO- Bullana, 100 Co-Edu. Distt.- Ambala 16. 2013 0171-2840887 E-Max College of Education, Vill. Gola, 100 Co-Edu. P.O. Badauli, Tehsil Mullana (Ambala) 17. 2014. 0171-2840987, S.D. Institute of Education(For Girls), 0171-269701, 9355750428 100 Sadar Bazar,Panjabi Mohala,Hill Road, For 0171-2633550 Women 9896007248 For 01731- 313202, Ambala Cantt 18. 2015. Maa Shanti Devi Memorial,College of 100 Education for Women,VPO-Ujala,Teh. Women 9416130212 Barara,Ambala. HISAR 19. 2022 S.R.M. College of Education, VPO- Talwandi Rana, Chandigarh Road, Hisar 300 Co-Edu. 01662-291228, 9416100022 20. 2023 Gaur College of Education at Behbalpur, Distt.- Hisar 200 Co-Edu. 01662-243240, 9896077886 21. 2024 200 Co-Edu. 01662-247617 94161-00201 22. 2025 200 Co-Edu. 01662 247880, 9416044880 23. 2026 Saraswati College of Education, 12th Mile Stone, Tosham Road, Hisar Shanti Niketan College of Education, 12 Km Stone, Tosham Road, VPO- Ladwa, Distt.- Hisar Kalpana Chawla College of Education, Plot No. 14 K.M. Stone,VPO-Chikanawas, 200 Co-Edu 9254348503, 9254348504 2027 Distt. Hissar Maharaja Agrasen College of Education, VPO- Daroli, Tehsil- Mandi Adampur, 200 Co-Edu. 01669-243616, 94164-07371 25. 2028 Distt.- Hisar Aakash College of Education, Kalirawan, Tehsil- Adampur, Distt.- Hisar 100 Co-Edu. 92543-00401, 01669-243616 26. 2029 100 Co-Edu. 27. 2030 Kartar Memorial College of Education, VPO- BassTeh.Hansi, Distt.- Hisar Manav Institute of Education, VPO- Jevra, Behbalpur Road, Tehsil- Barwala, Distt.- Hisar 100 Co-Edu. 01663-292094, 9813517624 01693-259214, 9416041751 28. 2031 Mata Jiyo Devi College of Education, VPO- Khanda Kheri, Distt.- Hisar 100 Co-Ed. 24. 75 9812546632 01663-242306 29. 2032 30. 2033. 31. 2034 32. 2035 33. 2036 34. 2037 35 2038 36. 2039 37. 2040 38. 2041 39. 2042 40. 2043 41. 2044 42 2045 43. 2046 44. 2047 45. 2048 Ambika College of Education,3rd K.M.Stone Tohana Road,Barawala,Distt.Hissar Arya College of Education, Bherian, Muklan, 16 K.M. Stone, Hisar Vision International College of Education, VPO- Dhansu, Near Deer Park, Tehsil & Distt.- Hisar Maharishi Arvindo College of Education, VPO- Ramayan, Tehsil- Hansi, Distt.- Hisar Navyug College of Education, Bandaheri (Mundhal), Hisar Jai Mata College of Education, Banbhori, Distt.- Hisar 200 200 100 Co-Edu. 9416800043 9416126022 Co-Edu. 92541-23752 : 01666-245251 Co-Edu. 01662-241033 9034524336 100 Co-Edu. 100 Co-Edu. 100 Co-Edu. Singh Ram Memorial College of Education, 100 Village- Umra, Tehsil- Hansi, Hisar Shanti Niketan College of Education, 100 VPO- Agroha Mor, Tehsil & District- Hisar Hindu College of Education, P.O.- Choudhary 100 Vass, Hisar New Kalpana Chawla College of Education, 100 VPO- Chikanwas, Tehsil- Hisar, Distrcit-Hisar City College of Education, VPO- Arya Nagar, 100 Balsamand Road, Tehsil- Hisar, Distrcit- Hisar Oxford Girls College of Education, VPO- Uklana 100 Mandi, Tehsil- Uklana Mandi, District- Hisar Adarsh Subhash Tayal College of Education, 100 Jind Road, Near Jind Chungi, Hansi, Distt.- Hisar Sita Ram Arya Memorial College of Education, 100 Vill.Bherian, Post-Muklan,Distt.- Hisar Lord Krishna College of Education, Siwani Bolan, 100 Distt.-Hisar Maharishi Dayanand College of Education 100 V.P.O. Litany, Tehsil Uklana, Distt. Hisar Gurudham College of Education, Khaddar, 100 6 KM stone Hissar Road, Tehsil-Barwala, Co-Edu. Co-Edu. 01662-260666 9466172005 7206723700 9416557766 01693-253437 9996400888 98125-74306, 01663-289218 98120-67874 : Co-Edu. 94661-72005 01662-260708 Co-Edu. 92543-48505 92543-48506 Co-Edu. 01662-292019 For Women Co-Edu. Co-Edu. Co-Edu. Co-Edu. Co-Edu 01693-233448 : 8529391584 01663- 254292 9728093203 93543-23752 01662 245251 97290-05918 9215100250 94161-76227 01693-294644 01662-250300 92150-30300 Distt.Hissar JIND 46. 2051 Satyam College of Education for Women, VPO-Ashraf Garh, Distt.Jind 76 100 For Women 01681-283092 01681-245184 47. 2052 48 . 2053 49. 2054 50. 2055 51. 2056 52. 2057 53. 2058 Haryana College of Education, VPO- Kinana, Distt.- Jind Vardey Devi College of Education, Brahmanvas, Tehsil- Jullana, Distt.- Jind S.R.M. College of Education, VPO- Anoopgarh, Rohtak Road, Jind. Green Valley College of Education, VPO-Shahpur, Kaithal Road, Distt.- Jind Kanya Gurukul College of Education, Jullana, Shadipur, Distt.- Jind 100 Ram Narayan Institute of Education at 200 Co-Edu. 100 Co-Edu. 200 300 100 100 Co-Edu. 01683-260877 9466076874 Co-Edu. 01683-274001, 09312281431 Co-Edu. 01683-260880, 09999768808 Co-Edu. 01681-237517, 9416547049 For 01683-290116 Women Village- Kinana, Tehsil & Distt.- Jind 92156-59834 Aakash College of Education, VPO- Gatauli, Tehsil- Jullana, Distt.- Jind 54. 2059 55. 2060 01683-260855, 9868707379 01683-264937 S.G. College of Education, Jullana 100 Co-Edu. Aryavart College of Education, VPO- Muwana, 100 Co-Edu. Mandi, Distt.- Jind 01683-274554, 94161-71191 Tehsil- Safidon, Distt.- Jind. 01686-231518: 94166-64075 56. 2061 Swami Ganesha Nand Sanatan Dharam College 100 Co-Edu. 01684-230436 57. 2062 of Education, Uchana Kalan, Distt.- Jind .B.M. College of Education, VPO- Shadipur Co-Edu. 74041-47424 01683-275555, 100 (Jullana), Distt.- Jind 58. 2063 9466012300 Sidhi Vinayak College of Education, 100 Co-Edu. Village- Kakrod, Tehsil- Narwana, Distt.- Jind 59. 60. 2064 Mittaso College of Education, Uklana Road, 2065 Narwana, Distt.- Jind Adarsh College of Education, VPO- Shadipur- 9215850077, 100 100 Co-Edu. 01684-243674, Co-Edu. 9218500000 01683-275089 Jullana, Distt.- Jind 61. 2066 9215139636 Saraswati College of Education, Vill. & P.O.- 100 Co-Edu. Gangoli, Tehsil- Safidon, Distt.- Jind 62. 63. 01684-244584, 01686-246240, 9813281950 2067 Jai Bharat College of Education Vill.- Assan, 100 Co-Edu. 01681-230438, 2068 Distt.- Jind Ch. P.R.M. College of Education, Sindhvi Khera, 100 Co-Edu. 09416388952, Co-Edu. 01686-262539 : Distt.- Jind 64. 2069 Haryana College of Education, Rampura Road, 100 Safidon, Distt.- Jind 65. 2070 93554-53802 Bhai Surender Kumar Memorial College of Edu., 100 VPO- Jind, Distt.- Jind Co-Edu. 01686-255801, 94668-15001 77 66. 2071 67. 2072 68. 2073 Arya College of Education, VPO- Bhambheva, 100 Tehsil- Safidon, Distt.- Jind Daronacharya College of Education, VPO-Gatauli, 100 Tehsil-Julana, Distt.Jind Geeta Arya College of Education, Jullana, 100 Co-Edu. Co-Edu. Co-Edu. Distt.Jind 69 2074 01686-287500, 9991875000 01683-264660, 9467446047 01683-275785, 9215634232 Sir Chhotu Ram College of Education, VPO 100 Co-Edu 9215075201 Gohiyana,Teh.Alewa,Distt-.Jind. KAITHAL 70. 2080 2081 Ch. Ishwar Singh Mahila Shikshan 200 Mahavidyalaya, Fatehpur Pundri, Distt.- Kaithal Savitri Devi Memorial College of Education 200 For Women Co-Edu. 01746-270529 09996635722 9416003114 71. 72. 2082 at Pundri Road, Rajound (Kaithal) Shri Ram College of Education, Vill.- Kultaran, Co-Edu. 9468463865, Near Ekansh Motors, Ambala Road, Kaithal S.S.M. College of Education, Narwana Road, Kalayat (Kaithal) Saraswati College of Education, Teek, Distt.- Kaithal 73. 2083 74. 2084 75. 2085 B.P.R. College of Education, Vill.- Dhand, 76. 2086 Distt.- Kaithal United College of Education, VPO- Kaul, Distt.- Kaithal 77. 2087 78. 2088 79. 2089 80. 2090 81. 2091 82. 2092 200 100 Co-Edu. 100 Co-Edu. 100 Co-Edu. 9466216016 01746-260960, 94163-64699 01746-289047,, 9466938102, 9876738000 01746-250400, 9813424000 0184-2286177, 9896959300, 9896950300 100 Co-Edu. 100 Co-Edu. 01746-234887 100 Co-Edu. 94162-00440 100 Co-Edu. 01746-260970 9416408120 100 Co-Edu. 100 Co-Edu. 01796-254054 9996635722 01746-240864 VPO- Siwan, Tehsil & Distt.- Kaithal Maharaja Aggarsain College of Education, 100 2.5 K.M. Mile Stone, Karnal Road, VPO- Pundri, Co-Edu. Jat College of Education,Plot No.159/28, (21-2) Distt.- Kaithal Kithana College of Education, VPO- Kithana, Narwana Road, Kaithal M.D.N. College of Education, M.D.N. School Campus, National Highway No.65, Narwana Road, Kalayat, Kaithal Babu Anant Ram Janta College of Education, VPO- Kaul, Distt.- Kaithal Shri Sai Baba College of Education, Tehsil & District- Kaithal 78 01746-271700 94164-80984 83. 2093 Rama College of Education, Vill.- Kutubpur, 100 Co-Edu. 09812151923, R.K.S.D. College of Education, Ambala Road, Kaithal 200 Co-Edu. 01746-234860, 9896120000 R.L. College of Education, Indri Road, Darar, 200 Co-Edu. 0184-2389001 Post- Diwal, Distt.- Kaithal 84. 2094 KARNAL 85. 2101 Karnal 86. 2102 9215-585030 Green Wood College of Education, Meerut Road, 200 Co-Edu. Ranwar, Karnal 87. 2103 9992599950 Doon Valley Institute of Education, Outside 300 CoEdu. Jundla Gate, Karnal 88. ** 0184-2387999 0184-2270063 8295947001 Guru Harkrishan College of Education, Raithkhana, P.O.- Udana, Tehsil- Indri, 100 Co-Edu. (Miniority States) 98130-48078 01744271778 Distt.- Karnal 89. 2105 Keshav College of Education at VPO- Salwan, 100 Co-Edu. Tehsil- Assandh, Distt.- Karnal. 90. 2106 9416074564 Minerva College of Education, Village- Takhana, 100 Co-Edu. Taraori, Distt.- Karnal 91. 2107 01749-285218, 01745-242933, 98960-42433 Budha College of Education, VPO- Rambha, 200 Co-Edu. Indri Road, Distt.- Karnal 0184-2389999 01745-202999 9996013802 92. 2108 B.R.M. College of Education at Rajeev Colony, 200 Co-Edu. Malikpur Road, Gharaunda (Karnal) 01748-251608. 01748-251508. 9896137542 93. 2109 94. 2110 Gyan Bharti College of Education, Vill.- Inder 200 Co-Edu. 100 Co-Edu. Garh, Tehsil- Indri, Post- Indri, Distt.- Karnal Jaat College of Education, 29, Wazir Chand 0184-2382125, 26, Colony, Karnal. 95. 2111 98960-10790 : 0184-2385550, 9215800250 Jeevan Chanan College of Education, 100 Co-Edu. Khizarabad Road, Just ½ K.M. from Main Road, 01749-277243, 9245399095 Tehsil- Asanadh, Distt.- Karnal. 96. 2112 Shri Sant Ram College of Education, 100 Co-Edu. 9896888866, 100 For 9416588176 Vill.- Kachhwa, Distt.- Karnal 97. 2113 Arya Kanya Gurukul College of Education, VPO- Mor Majra (Karnal) 98. 2114 Women Pratap College of Education, VPO-Jundla, Distt.Karnal 100 Co-Edu. 01745-272323, 9896339999 78 99. 2115 IPSE College of Education, VPO-Jundla, 100 Co-Edu. Distt.Karnal 100. 2116 101 2117 2118 8059525000 100 Co-Edu. Doon Valley College of Education, Chirao, 100 Co-Edu 92540-00661 Distt. Karnal Guru Brahmanand College of Education, 100 Co-Edu 94663-66725 Tagore College of Education, Amargarh Road, Sandhir, Tehsil-Nilokheri, Distt.Karnal 101 0184-4033046, 01745-247247, 9416143563 Plot No. 19, Manchuri Nilokheri, Bairsal, Karnal 72062-51722 KURUKSHETRA 103 2122 Bharat College of Education, 200 Co-Ed. VPO-Babain, Distt.-Kurukshetra 104. 2123 01745-247247, 9416143563 Seth Tek Chand College of Education, 300 Co-Edu. 01744-255622, 300 Co-Edu. 01744-221505 Ratan Dera, Sirsala Road, Kurukshetra 105. 2124 Seth Banarasi Dass College of Education, Pipli Road, Kurukshetra 01744-291220 106. 2125 Geeta Adarsh College of Education, Vill.- Mehra, 200 107 2126 108 2127 Dr. B.R. Ambedkar College of Education, Vill. Kheri Markanda, Distt.- Kurukshetra Amir Chand Kakkar College of Education, 2128 G..T. Road, Shahabad, Kurukshetra Choudhary Matu Ram College of Education at 200 Co-Edu. Post Office: Bakali, Distt.- Kururkshetra 109. 9729899981 200 Co-Edu. 200 Co-Edu 01744-220777, 9416035784 01744-244980, Co-Edu. 9896020407 01744-261111, Village- Jainpur Jattan, Distt.- Kurukshetra 110. 2129 Ladwa College of Education, Vill.- Bapda, 9416220753, 9466487000 200 Co-Edu. P.O.- Ladwa, Tehsil- Thanesar, Distt.- Kurukshetra 01744-645123, 9728444444, 9728333333 111. 2130 Sri Satya Sai College of Education, 100 Co-Edu. Vill.- Asmanpur, Tehsil- Pehowa, 9215840070,, 9215840072, Distt.- Kurukshetra 112. 2131 B.R. College of Education, Salarpur Road, 200 Co-Edu. 9254320859 : 100 For 01744-274958, Women 9917522222 For 01744-220777: Women 94160-35784 Near New Grain Market, Kurukshetra. 113. 2132 Shri Jai Ram Mahila College of Education Research & Development, Lohar Majra, Distt.- Kurukshetra 114. 2133 Mahabir College of Education for Women, Vill.- Kheri Markanda, Distt.- Kurukshetra 79 200 115. 2134 Kurukshetra College of Education, 100 Co-Edu. 9896420666 Guru Gobind Nath College of Education, 100 Chanarthal Road, Kurukshetra Dharamjeevi Institute of Professional Education, 100 Co-Edu. 01744-291652 9996310297 01744-276634, VPO- Dhurala-Govind Majra Road, Dhurala, Kurukshetra 116. 2135 117. 2136 Pehowa Road, Bhagthala, Railway Station Road, Kurukshetra United College of Education, Village- Roorki, 100 Post- Pehladpur, Kurukshetra 118. 2137 119. 2138 Lal Chand Mal College of Education, VPO- Jhansa, Tehsil- Pehowa, Distrcit- Kurukshetra 120. 2139 121. 2140 Pooja College of Education, Pipili Road, Kurukshetra. Sardar Chanan Singh Ghumman Memorial ** College of Education, Shahabad Markanda, Distt.-Kurukshetra SKS College of Education, Plot/Khasra No. 122 51/16,V.P.O.- Kirmach,Teh-Thanesar, Co-Edu. 9355212105 Co-Edu. 01712-268046 100 Co-Edu. 01744-259006,: 94664-21340 100 Co-Edu. 100 Co-Edu. 01744-230005,: 99960-00005 01744-240070, 9896341070 100 Co-Edu (Miniority Status) 01744-292687 9416073605 Distt.Kurukshetra. PANCHKULA 123 2150 Swami Devi Dyal College of Education, Vill.- Goalpura, Tehsil- Barwala, Distt.- Panchkula 200 Co-Edu. 01734-258171 124. 2151 Shree Sat Guru Dev College of Education , 200 Vill.- Goalpura, Tehsil- Barwala, Distt.- Panchkula For Women 01734-258172 09988814000 125. 2152 200 Co-Edu. 09417004717 126. 2153 Shree Ram Mulkh College of Education, Vill.- Dandlawar and Ferozpur, Tehsil- Raipur Rania, Distt.- Panchkula Brahamrishi College of Education, 100 Co-Edu. 01733-266770, 100 Co-Edu. 200 Co-Edu. 0180-2574995 9416064944 0180-4001959 : 09896483400 200 Co-Edu. Vill.- Virat Nagar, Post- CRPF Centre, Pinjore, Tehsil- Kalka, District- Panchkula PANIPAT 127. 2161 128. 2162 129. 2163 Tau Devi Lal Memorial College of Education, Village-Manana (Panipat) Geeta College of Education, Vill.- Nimbari, Sanoli Road, Distt.- Panipat Nalwa College of Education, Vill.- Ujha, P.O.- Risalu, Distt.- Panipat 80 9996630327, 130. 2164 Ch. Kapoori Ram College of Education, 300 Co-Edu. 9254333345 131. 2165 Mahawati, Samalkha, Distt.- Panipat SJS International College of Education, 200 VPO- Dikadla, Tehsil- Samalkha, Distt.- Panipat Co-Edu. 01804034258 0180-2592102, 9215009730 132. 2166 N.C. College of Education, Vill.- Balana, Israna, 200 Distt.- Panipat Co-Edu. 09811030427, 0180-2579031 133. 2167 L.C.R.T. College of Education, Village- Mehrana, 200 Gohana Road, Panipat. Co-Edu. 0180-2692973, 9416300085 134. 2168 L.N.T. College of Education, Vill. Machchrauli, 200 79th Miles Stone, G.T.Road, Panipat Co-Edu. 92541-10021, 0180-26532031 135. 2169 Co-Edu. 0180-2003346 136. 2170 Modern College of Education, VPO- Dehra, 100 Tehsil- Samalakha, Distt.- Panipat. Lakshay College of Education, Village- Naultha, 100 Co-Edu. 9729076761, Co-Edu. 0180-2580502 0180-2653554, 0180-4012910, 9215311557 0180-2584201, 9416989629 137. 2171 Gohana Road, Panipat. Kinder Kin College of Education,VPO- Ahar, Tehsil- Israna, Distt.- Panipat 200 138. 2172 Saraswati College of Education, Vill.- Madlauda, 200 Kavi Road, Distt.- Panipat. Co-Edu. 139. 2173 R.S. Memorial College of Education, V&PO- Buana Lakhu, Tehsil- Israna, 100 Co-Edu. 94160-17515, 0180-2599515 100 Co-Edu. 0180-2587400, 0180-2587401, 140. 141. 2174 2175 142. 2176 143. 2177 144. 2178 Distt.- Panipat. M.D. College of Education, Siwah Road, Vill.- Chajjpur, Tehsil- Bapdi, Distt.- Panipat. G..D.R. College of Education, Simla-Molana Road, Near Babarpur Mandi, Panipat. 200 Geeta Institute of Education, G.T. Road, 100 Vill.- Karhans, Tehsil- Samalkha, Distt.- Panipat Bhagwan Parshuram College of Education, 100 Vill. & Post- Nara, Distt.- Panipat S.D. College of Education, Vill. Siwah, Panipat YAMUNANAGAR 145. ** Sant Nishchal Singh College of Education for Women, Santpura, Yamuna Nagar 81 Co-Edu. Co-Edu. Co-Edu. 92155-67745 9996131184, 0180-8577724, 9896333095 0180-2572094,, 9896766601 9416614642, 9416277261 0180-2661250, 9355016664 100 Co-Edu. 200 (Minority Status) For Women 01732-234513 01732-322162 9812082030 146. 2191 Ch. Devi Lal College of Education, Bhagwangarh, 300 Co-Edu. 01732-212300, Janki Ji College of Education, 1039- Near 200 Vishwa Karma Mandir, Radour Road, Yamuna Nagar Vishva Bharti College of Education, Sector-18, 200 Huda, Jagadhri, Distt.- Yamuna Nagar Co-Edu. 01732-212400 9355300009 01735-324411 Co-Edu. 01732-244427, Swami Vivekanand College of Education, 300 Co-Edu. 01732-212025 Guru Harkrishan College of Education, 200 Co-Edu. 01732-242698, Campus Spring Dales Public School, Near Rakshak Vihar, Bilaspur Bye Pass Road, Jagadhri (Yamuna Nagar), (Minority Status) Shri Ganesh College of Education at 100 Bhuria Road, Jagadhri (Yamuna Nagar) 147. 2192 148. 2193 149. 2194 Opp- Sector-18, Huda, Jagadhri (Yamuna Nagar) 150. 151. ** 2196 9315457765 Co-Edu. Village- Marwa kalan (Jagadhri-Sadhaura 01735-273171, , Road), Tehsil- Jagadhri, Distt.- Yamuna Nagar 152. 2197 Ganpati Institute of Education for girls, 100 Village - Bilaspur, Teshil- Jagadhri, For 01735-306112, Women 9355722244, Co-Edu. 01732-283827, Distt.- Yamuna Nagar 153. 2198 Smt. Indira Devi Education College at 200 Village- Sangipur, Tehsil- Radaur, 9416022895 Distt.- Yamuna Nagar 154. 2199 S.N. College of Education, VPO. Jagadhri, 200 Co-Edu. Tehsil- Jagadhri, District-Yamuna Nagar 155. 2200 156. ** 157. 2202 158. 159. 2203 2204 Krishna Institute of Education & Technology 01732-241305 9899232322 100 Co-Edu. 01735-325686 at Village- Bhil Chhapper, P.O. - Bilaspur, 01735-274867, Teh. Jagadhari, Distt.- Yamuna Nagar 9896045527 S.P.S. Janta College of Education, 100 Co-Edu. VPO- Mustafabad, Distt.- Yamuna Nagar (Minority Status) Aastha College of Education, Vill. Bhagwanpur, 200 Co-Edu 01732-286224, 08059476004 01732-319053, PO- Manka-Manki, Tehsil Jagadhari District- Yamuna Nagar 9355808080 Bhagat Singh College of Education for Women, 100 For 01732-283509, V&PO- Radaur, Tehsil- Jagadhri, Distt.- Yamuna Nagar Women 9416686309 Co-Edu. 01735-274872: Jai Geetanjali College of Education, 100 Vill.- Marwa Kalan, Sub Tehsil- Bilaspur, Distt.- Yamuna Nagar 82 94664-46400 160. 161. 2205 2206 Shanti Devi College of Education, Vill. & 100 Co-Edu. 01732-284712, Post- Radaur, Near Bus Stand, Ward No.-8, S.K. 9254377012: Road, Tehsil- Jagadhri, Distt.- Yamuna Nagar. 98124-39200 Hari Om Shiv Om College of Education, Vill. & 200 Co-Edu. P.O.- Radaur, Tehsil- Jagadhri, 94160-37044, 01732-645288 Distt.- Yamuna Nagar 162. 2207 Dharam College of Education, 100 Co-Edu. Vill.- Panjeto, Post- Chacharaulli, Jagadhri- 01735-286900, 9416008799 Poanta Sahib Road, Distt.- Yamuna Nagar 163. 2208 Balaji College of Education, Vill.-Kurali, 100 Co-Edu. Post-Fatehgarh Tumbi, Tehsil-Bilaspur, 01735-247151, 9355512008 Distt.-Yamuna Nagar 164. 2209 P.R.D. College of Education, VPO-Harnaul, 100 Co-Edu. 01732-2267075, 165 2210 Distt.Yamuna Nagar Raj Rajeshwari College of Ecuation, Nachraun at Radaur (Yamuna Nagar) 100 Co-Edu 98120-44385 01732-296160 Note: 1. 2. The list is subject to any deletion/addition of any institute or sanctioned intake. ** The institutions of Minority Status will make admissions at their own level. 83 3. CH. DEVI LAL UNIVERSITY, SIRSA MAINTAINED/AIDED COLLEGES Sr. No. Code Name of College/Institute Intake Girls/ Telephone Nos. Co-Edu. 1. 2. 2320 2321 100 100 Co-Edu. Girls 01668-222391 86076-44406 200 Co-Edu. 01667-220136 Department of Education, CDLU, Sirsa B.S.K. College of Education for women, Colony Road, Mandi Dabwali, Distt. Sirsa SELF FINANCED COLLEGES FATEHABAD 3. 2301 M.M. College of Education, Sirsa Road, Fatehabad 4. 2302 94163-03157 Defence (PG) College of Education, Bhuna 200 Co-Edu. Road, Tohana (Fatehabad) 5. 2303 92542-05310 Surya (PG) College of Education, Vill. Baliala 200 Co-Edu. P.O. Tohana (Fatehabad) 6. 2304 92543-05303 01692-293650 92155-74663 Guru Dronacharya College of Education, 200 Co-Edu. Near Radha Swami Satsang Ghar 01667-243700 : 92150-50376 Fatehabad Road, Bhuna, Distt.- Fatehabad 7. 2305 Apex College of Education, Bidhai Khera, 8. 2306 Gramin College of Education, VPO- Jamalpur 100 Co-Edu. 100 Co-Edu. Tohana, Distt.- Fatehabad 99928-63009 Sheikhan, Tohana (Fatehabad) 9. 2307 92542-45312 01692-299366 : 94665-59761 Aakash College of Education, 100 Co-Edu. Village- Chanderkalan, Tehsil- Tohana, 01692-285222 : 98964-88509 Distt.- Fatehabad. 10. 2308 Tirupati College of Education, Ratia, 200 Co-Edu. Sardulgarh Road, Near Govt. K.T. College, 82955-00772 : 92155-44124 Ratia Distt.- Fatehabad 11. 2309 Daffodils College of Education, Matana Road, 100 Co-Edu. Opposite-Police Lines, Fatehabad 01667-230783, 98132-83216, 12. 2310 MUH Jain College of Education, VillageChander Kalan, Tehsil- Tohana, Fatehabad 100 Co-Edu. 01692-285310 : 85720-70097 13. 2311 Crescent College of Education, Vill.- Bhodia 100 Co-Edu. 94678-58920 Khera, Distt.- Fatehabad 14. ** 94672-92050 Shaheed Baba Deep Singh College of Education, --- Village- Aharwan, Ratia (Fatehabad) (Minority Status) 84 Co-Edu. 01697-261482, 98124-46424 SIRSA 15. 2322 Shaheed Bhagat Singh College of Education, 16. Kalanwali, Distt.- Sirsa Jan Nayak Ch. Devi Lal College of Education, 2323 100 200 Co-Edu. 093551-49806 Co-Edu. 093551-49800 01666-238119 Barnala Road, Sirsa 17. 2324 94160-52056 Rashoba College of Education, Post Box 200 Co-Edu. No.27, Moriwala, Distt. Sirsa. 18. 2325 97290-46722 Ch. R.R. Memorial College of Education, 200 Co-Edu. 01698-221477 Triveni College of Education, 4th Miles Stone, 100 For 98967-60405 01666-250838 Hisar Road, Sirsa Women 99925-00832 Co-Edu. 01666-248626 Mameran Road, ellenabad, Distt.- Sirsa. 19. 2326 20. 2327 J.G. College of Education, Hooda Sector-20 100 Hisar Road, Sirsa. 21. 2328 22. 2329 98131-22811 Mata Harki Devi College of Education for 200 Women, Vill.- Odhan, Distt.- Sirsa Sir Chhotu Ram Jat College of Education, 100 For 01696-251712 Women 98960-25025 Co-Edu. 98124-36937 Thobrian Road, Udham Singh Chowk Ellanabad 23. 2330 Shah Satnam Ji College of Education, Shah 01698-220237 100 Co-Edu. Satnam Ji Dham, Dera Sacha Sauda, Sirsa. 24. 2331 94160-12918 Haryana College of Education, Dhani Bachan 01666-238755 94164-33172 100 Co-Edu. Singh, Ellenabad, Distt. Sirsa. 01698-222021 9416049364 25. 2332 National College of Education, SES Parisar, 200 B- Block, Near Durga Mandir, Tehsil & Distt.- Sirsa Co-Edu. 01666-242100 98965-50723 26. 2333 Apex College of Education, Mameram Road, Co-Edu. 94165-50777 100 Ellenabad, Distt. Sirsa 27. 2334 94161-66766 C.R. D.A.V. Girls College of Education, 1st Mile 100 Stone, Near Dabwali Raod, Udham Singh Chowk For 01698-221854 Women 82954-99555 Co-Edu. 01666-238119 Vill. Ellenabad, Distt. Sirsa. 28. 2335 Jan Nayak Ch. Devi Lal College of Education, 25 Barnal Road, Sirsa (Mentally Retarded) 29. ** Hakeem Barbans Singh New Era College of Education, V.P.O. Sant Nagar, Teh. Rania, 94160-52056 -- Co-Edu. 01698-274130 94166-20074 Distt. Sirsa, (Minority Status) Note: 1. 2. The admission to B.Ed. regular Course for the session 2014-15 in all the Colleges of Education shall be purely provisional and subject to grant of extension in provisional affiliation for the session 2014 by the University. ** Shaheed Baba Deep Singh College of Education, Aherwan, Tehsil Ratia, Distt. Fatehabad at Sr. No. 14 and Hakeem Harbans Singh, New Era College of Education, Sant Nagar, Rania, Distt. Sirsa at Sr. No. 29 will make their admissions at their own level 85 ANNEXURE-XVI Distribution of Seats (College-wise and Category-wise for Govt. Aided/Govt./University Maintained COE) Haryana State Arts & Commerce Group Name of Institution 1 Intake HO 2 Haryana State Science Group All India S C BC- BC- PWD Spl. EBP HO S C BC- BC- PWD Spl. EBP Arts Sci. A B BC GCC A B BC GCC 20% 16% 11% 3% 10% 10% 20% 16% 11% 3% 10% 10% 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 2 2 1 0 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 RBS COE, Rewari 1 0 0 12 9 7 5 1 4 4 13 8 7 4 2 5 4 8 7 Govt. COE, Narnaul 1 0 0 13 8 7 4 2 4 5 12 9 7 5 1 4 4 7 8 GB COE, Rohtak 1 0 0 12 9 7 5 1 5 4 13 8 7 4 2 4 4 7 8 SP COE, Rewari 1 0 0 13 8 7 4 2 4 4 12 9 7 5 1 4 5 8 7 BSK COE, 1 0 0 12 Dabwali (for Women) 9 7 5 1 4 4 13 8 7 4 2 5 4 8 7 Ch. Devi Lal 1 0 0 13 Univ. Sirsa 8 7 4 2 4 5 12 9 7 5 1 4 4 7 8 Vaish COE, Rohtak 1 0 0 13 8 7 4 2 4 4 12 9 7 5 1 5 4 8 7 TR COE, Sonepat 114 14 10 7 6 1 5 5 15 9 8 5 2 5 5 9 8 MLRS COE, 1 2 0 15 Ch. Dadri 10 8 6 2 5 5 16 11 8 5 1 5 5 9 9 CR COE, Rohtak 1 2 0 16 11 8 5 1 5 5 15 10 8 6 2 5 5 9 9 Govt. COE, Bhiwani 1 2 8 16 11 9 6 2 5 6 17 11 8 6 1 6 5 9 10 KM COE Bhiwani 1 2 8 17 11 8 6 1 6 5 16 11 9 6 2 5 6 10 9 25 SIRTAR Gandi Nagar, Rothak 86 1 0 11 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 Haryana State Arts & Commerce Group Name of Institution Intake HO 1 2 Haryana State Science Group All India S C BC- BC- PWD Spl. EBP HO S C BC- BC- PWD Spl. EBP Arts Sci. A B BC GCC A B BC GCC 20% 16% 11% 3% 10% 10% 20% 16% 11% 3% 10% 10% 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 DGD DAV 1 4 0 18 COE, Karnal (For Women) 12 10 6 2 6 6 18 12 9 7 1 6 6 10 11 Hindu COE, 1 7 0 22 Sonepat 14 12 8 2 7 7 21 15 11 8 2 7 8 13 13 RLS COE, Sidhrawail 1 7 0 21 15 11 8 2 8 7 22 14 12 8 2 7 7 13 13 C.R. COE, Hisar 2 0 0 26 17 12 10 +1* 2 9 8 25 17 14 9 3 8 9 15 15 University 2 5 0 32 22 17 12 3 10 11 33 21 17 11 3 11 10 18 19 SLDAV COE, 2 5 0 32 Ambala City 21 17 12 3 11 10 32 22 17 12 3 10 11 19 18 COE, KKR Note: *These seats will be given to Ex-Servicemen/Freedom Fighters and their dependents by providing horizontal reservation within reservation of 1% of Haryana Open category, 1% out of Scheduled Castes and 1% from Backward Classes Categories. **As per orders passed by the Hon'ble Punjab & Haryana High Court in LPA 98/2013, Ishwar Singh vs KUK & ORS, preference will be given to the Ex- Servicemen first as before giving admission to the wards. Total Intake 25 100 200 300 350 100 (TDL COE) Manana Distribution of Seats (College-wise) For Self-Financing Colleges of Education All India Haryana Open Village Manana Science 2 2 7 8 15 22 23 26 8 Arts 2 2 8 7 15 23 22 27 7 Science 11 10 43 42 85 128 127 149 40 Arts 10 11 42 43 85 127 128 148 40 87 Science ANNEXURE-XVII Last digit of College Code Arts Even Odd Even Odd Even Odd 3 2 Note: The seats meant for Haryana Domicile, if left vacant will be filled up from the applcants of All India Category who have already been registered online upto the last date of registration or submitted the application upto last date as mentioned in the prospectus. ANNEXURE-XVIII Roster for Horizontal Reservation to Ex-Serviceman/Freedom Fighter 2013-2014 Total 2014-2015 No. of Seats Ex-Serviceman/FF No. of Seats Ex-Serviceman/FF 100 HO 30% (0.26 ) SC 20% (0.34) BC 27% (0.46) Spl. BC 10% (0.09) HO 30% (0.51) SC 20% (0.51) BC 27% (0.69) Spl. BC 10% (0.18) 114 (0. 29) (0.39) (0.26) (0.10) (0.58) (0.59) (0.52) (0.20) 120 (0.31) (0.41) (0.28) (0.10) (0.62) (0.61) (0.56) (0.20) 128 (0.33) (0.44) (0.29) (0.11) (0.66) (0.66) (0.58) (0.22) 140 (0. 36) (0.48) (0.32) (0.12) (0.72) (0.72) (0.64) (0.24) 170 (0.43) (0.29) (0.39) (0.15) (0.86) (0.58) (0.39) (0.30) 200 1(0.51) (0.34) (0.46) (0.17) (0.51) (0.68) 1(0.92) (0.34) 250 1(0.64) (0.43) 1(0.57) (0.21) (0.64) (0.86) (0.57) (0.42) Intake Mechanism to fill up unfilled seats of Haryana domicile from All India Categories in the Self Financing Scheme Colleges for B.Ed. Course (Regular) 2014-15 in the State of Haryana. (i) All admissions will be made through on line centralized counseling by the University. (ii) The colleges will not be allowed to fill up unfilled seats at their own level. (iii) The seats meant for Haryana Domiciles, if left unfilled, will be filled up from amongst the applicants of ALL INDIA CATEGORY whose applications have already been received in the university upto the last date of receipt of applications. (iv) If numbers of applications received for B.Ed. admission are less than the number of available seats, then a fresh schedule of admission for filling up remaining seats will be given at a later date on the website and will also be notified in two national dailies. (v) If the seats after phase -II of counseling for B.Ed course still remain vacant, then, subsequent counseling for vacant/left over seats will be conducted by M.D. University, Rohtak with late fee of Rs. 2000/-. The schedule for filling up these vacant seats will be displayed on the website and will also be notified in two national dailies having wide circulation. (vi) In order to give wide and broad access to candidates all over the country the admissions for B.Ed course shall be made through on- line off campus counseling by university. 88 ANNEXURE-XVIV NCTE Guidelines Regarding Eligibility Eligibility: (a) Candidates with at least fifty percent marks either in the Bachelor's Degree and /or in the Master's Degree or any other qualification thereto, are eligible for admission to the programme. (b) The reservation in seats and relaxation in the qualifying marks in favour of the reserved categories shall be as per the rules of the concerned government. Districts under juridicition of KU, Kurukshetra Sr. No. District District Name Code 1 Ambala 10 2 Hisar 11 3 Jind 12 4 Kaithal 13 5 Karnal 14 6 Kurukshetra 15 7 8 9 Panchkula Panipat Yamunanager S. No. 1 2 Districts under juridicition of MDU, Rohtak Sr. No. District District Name Code 1 Bhiwani 20 2 Faridabad/Palwal 21 3 Gurgaon 22 4 Jhajjar 23 5 Mahindergarh 24 6 Mewat 25 16 17 18 7 8 9 Rewari Rohtak Sonipat Districts under juridicition of CDLU, Sirsa District Name Fatehabad Sirsa 26 27 28 District Code 30 31 NOTE: 1 THE LIST OF COLLEGES SUPPLIED BY THE PARTICIPATING UNIVERSITIES WILL BE DISPL AYED ON THE WEB SITE or, AND THE COLLEGES WILL BE REQUESTED TO POINT OUT DISCREPANCIES, IF ANY, THROUGH CONCERNED OFFICER OF THEIR UNIVERSITIES SO THAT THE NEEDED CORRECTIONS CAN BE INCORPORATED IN THE LIST. 89 2. In case a college is affiliated/disaffiliated by the competent authority to make admissions after the printing of the prospectus than it will be included / deleted in the list of colleges four days before the start of first counseling. This change will be notified on the web site or, 3. The candidates can edit (modify) their original choices in respect to these colleges which are included after the printing of the prospectus. 4. In case a college is affiliated/disaffiliated by the competent authority to make admissions after last date for choice filling i.e. 21.07.2014, then it will be included/deleted in the list of colleges before the declaration of next phase result. This change will be notified on the web site or, 5. Candidates are advised to consult the updated list of colleges on the web site or, for editing (modifing)their choices in respect to these colleges which are included after the printing of the prospectus. 90
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