High-performance welding
High-performance welding
High-performance welding LaserHybrid, TimeTwin Digital, strip-wire, large-diameter wires The kingly discipline of welding. GENERAL REMARKS It’s all about speed And a lot more besides High-performance welding processes. At first glance, it’s It’s just like this with high-performance welding, too. all a matter of boosting the welding speed or – to put it Which is why the epithet “kingly discipline” is so well- another way – of increasing the deposition rate. Look deserved. In high-performance welding processes, a very closer, however, and you’ll see that what it’s really about great deal is demanded of the welding system: High is higher productivity. And higher productivity calls for availability, a stable process, precision working, reliability, perfection, and for the utmost precision in the process. robustness, long service life – to name only a few of the Just imagine you had to take your car up to 250 km/h. Not many cars would be up to the job! The only cars to manage this feat would be ones in top condition, and with a top-rate engine. What’s more, not every road can cope with speeds like this, either. properties desired. These are the overall requirements – all of which must be met, 100 %. For Fronius, too. If you want to have high-performance welding, there simply is no other way of going about it. For the goal is, and remains: higher productivity. And it’s only then that faster really does mean better. System supplier for automated and robot welding The four processes that we’ll be introducing to you here This means that when a new component is being are intended for use in robot welding and automated developed, for instance, the relevant high-performance welding. This also makes them suitable for all customary process can also be taken into consideration right from robots, irrespective of whether these are addressed a very early stage. Working together right from the outset digitally, in analogue or via field-bus. Fronius is a is an excellent way of pooling and synergising both “full-liner”, meaning that as well as all the application partners’ knowledge, and makes for superlative results. know-how, we can also supply all accessories; indeed, we also see ourselves as having overall responsibility for the process as a whole. Fronius currently offers four different high-performance welding processes: diverse applications. Each of these processes can be used just as effectively for light-gauge sheets as for plates, and for steel as for chrome-nickel or aluminium. - LaserHybrid - TimeTwin Digital - Strip-wire - Large-diameter wires [m/min] 10 8 Welding Speed * High-performance welding is possible for many very 6 4 2 [kg/h] 0 10 20 Deposition Rate * 30 * Approximate figures LaserHybrid Large Diameter Wires TimeTwin Digital Strip-wire Single Wire: conventional Classification of high-performance welding processes with reference to deposition rate and welding speed. LaserHybrid The most economical process to deliver 9m/min Metal transfer in the LaserHybrid welding process. OVERVIEW Optimum efficiency and optimum quality Cost comparison for Audi A2 How to reach peak performance – at the speed of light! Total costs in € / m The LaserHybrid process is the most economical variant of high-performance welding, and also the one that delivers the best quality: As measured by the actual costs per metre of weld-seam, as well as by criteria such as . weld-seam quality, post-weld machining and mechanical/technological values. LaserHybrid is the “state of the art” in the field of . . . LaserHybrid Punch riveting MIG . materials-joining technology. Essentially, two welding processes have been amalgamated here in such a way as to exploit each of their advantages – the processes in question being the conventional laser-beam process and classic MIG welding. Some welcome synergies result, such as a smaller weld-pool (meaning less thermal input), higher availability, very low costs per metre of weld-seam, and shorter fabrication times. Aluminium vs = 8.1 m/min Aluminium vs = 4.2 m/min Savings on shielding-gas: Factor 18 Filler: AlMg4.5Mn Thickness of material: 2 mm Shielding gas: 100 % Ar Cost of shielding gas: 6 €/m3 Aluminium vs = 2.1 m/min LaserHybrid vs: 6 m/min Q: 5 l/min Mig 1 m/min 15 l/min CrNi vs = 2.7 m/min Galvanised steel (laser brazed) vs = 3 m/min Steel vs = 4.2 m/min Aluminium vs = 4.5 m/min CrNi vs = 3.6 m/min BASIC PRINCIPLE OF THE PROCESS Reconciling opposites A special variant: Laser brazing A new process: as fast as laser, and as good as MIG. This specialty joining process was developed for coated Yes, a contradiction. But that was just what the Fronius sheets. Only the filler metal is fused here, not the base developers wanted. They wanted the high welding speed metal – this is brazed instead. The result is an extremely of the classic laser-beam process, at the same time as narrow seam, entirely without distortion and without any the superior gap bridgeability of the well-established MIG weld inhomogeneities such as pores. welding process. It took three years of ultra-intensive research work. Today, we have the solution: a hybrid process that unites both processes and exploits the Light-years ahead positive synergies between them. The laser beam and the The LaserHybrid process represents the future of arc act jointly in one welding zone, influencing and materials-joining technology and is probably the most supporting one another. The laser beam feeds heat to the advanced welding process in existence today. Fronius weld metal in addition to the heat from the arc. This developed this process, was the “first mover” and so is a causes the processes to influence one another, to a long way ahead with its know-how. A very long way, in different extent and in different ways. fact. Incidentally, with LaserHybrid productivity Several things result from this: Process stabilisation, for improvements of up to 400 % are possible, depending example, permitting virtually spatter-free welding. Or the on the application! very low thermal input and thus a smaller heat-affected zone, leading in turn to an extremely small seam, which together mean less weldment distortion and reduced filler-metal consumption. Or, again, the completely homogeneous seam that can be obtained with aluminium, from beginning to end, owing to the 100 % elimination of fusion defects at the start of welding in LaserHybrid. LASER PL : 2000W Vd : – LASERHYBRID PL : 1500W Vd : 5.5m/min Gas nozzle Laser beam Electrode Pulsed arc Fusion zone Schematic representation of LaserHybrid welding process. Comparison of weld-seam geometry PL : Laser power, Vd : Wirefeed speed MSG PL : – Vd : 11m/min 1 3 4 2 Four different processes realised with one system (1. Laser, 2. LaserHybrid, 3. GMA, 4. GMA tacking) SYSTEM FACTS The LaserHybrid welding system is robot-enabled, flexible, mobile, The LaserHybrid process offers the following advantages over the laser or MIG welding processes used on their own: and compactly built – and thus ensures maximum fabrication efficiency. – Shorter fabrication times and lower costs; higher productivity – Welding speeds of up to 9 m/min Sample LaserHybrid configuration 1. Power source: totally digitised, microprocessor-controlled inverter power source, unrivalled precision in the welding process, exact reproducibility, outstanding welding properties 2. VR 1500 wirefeeder: small, lightweight, digitally controlled with 4-roller drive, suitable for mounting on the 3rd axis of the robot 3. FK 4000 cooling unit: rugged and reliable, ensures optimum – No fusion defects at the beginning of the seam when working with aluminium – Deeper penetration and narrow seams, yet less thermal input – Higher weld-seam ductility, joint strength and scope for influencing the structure by means of the filler metal cooling of the welding torch – Greater gap bridgeability, at the same time as very much higher joining rates 4. RCU 5000i remote-control: remote-control unit with full-text – Higher process stability and system availability display, weld-data monitoring by Q-Master, straightforward user – Greater scope for improving weld appearance (design) guidance, systematic menu structure, user administration 5. Robot interface: suitable for all customary robots, irrespective of whether these are addressed digitally, in analogue or via field-bus UTILISATION 6. LaserHybrid welding head: great flexibility in terms of its manoeuvrability, compact constructional design, integrated Materials crash-box (for collision protection), integrated cross-jet with fume-extractor device, fume-extraction duct. LaserHybrid welding is suitable for welding lightgauge sheets made of the following materials: 7. Wire supply – Coated and uncoated steel materials 8. Laser-beam source – High-alloy steels – Aluminium materials Applications – Construction of plant, containers, machinery & structural steel – Automobile & allied vendor industries – Aerospace – Construction of rail vehicles & rolling stock – Shipbuilding TimeTwin Digital Maximum deposition rate of up to 30 kg/h Metal transfer in 180° phase-displaced pulsed arcs using the “TimeTwin Digital” welding system. OVERVIEW Performance x 2 = perfection and speed In conventional single-wire processes, deposition rates of digitised – and then the result is not only twice the speed, up to 6 kg/h can be obtained. So it is only logical that if but also an extraordinarily high degree of perfection. you use two wires instead of one, you can achieve twice Like with TimeTwin Digital. Which demonstrates the as much. And this is just the way it is with the tandem whole point of high-performance welding: The clever process, except that this is better still – giving you thing about it is not so much that it welds fast, but that deposition rates of up to 30 kg/h. Let’s now also assume it welds both fast and perfectly. that the power sources being used here are totally The TimeTwin Digital welding system achieves the very highest economic efficiency in automated welding of low-alloy or high-alloy steels and aluminium materials. The system "TimeTwin Digital" reduces the welding time for pipeline welding from four hours to only twenty minutes per joint; the automatic system of Fronius welds high-tensile X-100 steels with four "tandem heads". Shipbuilding, steel vs = 150 cm/min Truck rim/steel vs = 155 cm/min Boiler, steel vs = 350 cm/min Fillet weld, aluminium vs = 200 cm/min BASIC PRINCIPLE OF THE PROCESS The high-achieving duo Expert know-how comes built-in TimeTwin Digital is a tandem-based GMA welding Fronius digital systems’ lead in terms of ease of process that has already stood the test of time, and operation is all to do with their integrated expert passed with flying colours. In this process, two separately knowledge: For the most varied applications, there are controllable TPS 4000 or TPS 5000 power sources work optimised parameter records which are stored in synergic with two insulated wire electrodes in one single gas characteristics and can be utilised at any time. nozzle and in a shared weld-pool. What is new about this Time-wasting “hunting around” for parameters is now a welding process is the fact that it is completely digitised, thing of the past – and results are now 100 % resulting not only in hitherto unequalled precision and reproducible. perfection, but also in vastly easier handling. A synchronisation unit mediates between the two power optimum results. In this way, the metal-transfer processes Forward, back, single, double – everything is possible from both wire electrodes can be timed to co-ordinate Automated applications, where every second counts, call with one another. This is the fundamental precondition for for great flexibility. TimeTwin Digital answers this call in a stable, low-spatter tandem process. Another factor several ways. However, particular mention should be which is equally important for the overall sequence is the made of the facility which TimeTwin Digital gives you to ignition. In TimeTwin Digital, this is guaranteed to be alternate between the leading and trailing wire electrode – jerk- and spatter-free, thanks to SFI ignition. meaning there is no need to reorientate at the end of the sources, harmonising the two wire electrodes so as to get seam in multi-pass welding. This shortens cycle times and improves accessibility. Also, there are jobs that can only be welded with one wire, e.g. smaller round wires. In cases like this, it is very easy to switch off the second Two insulated wire electrodes work in one single gas nozzle, and in a shared weld-pold. installation. SYSTEM Two completely separate – and individually controllable – power sources work with two insulated wire electrodes in one single gas nozzle, and in a shared weld-pool. This shortens the cycle times and enhances both welding quality and profitability. Container, aluminium vs = 180 cm/min FACTS Sample TimeTwin Digital configuration 1. TimeTwin Digital power sources: consisting of two totally digitised customary TPS 4000’s or TPS 5000’s linked via a digital data interface 2. FK 9000 cooling unit: ensures optimum cooling; comes as standard with thermostat, rate-of-flow watchdog and water filter 3. VR 1500 wirefeeders: small, lightweight, digitally controlled with 4-roller drive, suitable for mounting on the 3rd axis of the robot 4. VR 1500 PD unreeling unit: unreeling unit with a planetary drive, for ensuring highly constant wirefeed even when using long hosepacks TimeTwin Digital: A decisive advance – made possible by digital technology. – The shorter cycle times and higher welding quality boost profitability: 5 times the welding speed of MIG/MAG single-wire welding, and deposition rates of up to 30 kg/h – The digitisation results in very stable arcs, perfect droplet detachment and low thermal input – The perfect start-up and crater-filling phases lead to identical properties and weld-seam appearance along the entire length of the seam; 5. RCU 5000i remote control units: remote-control unit with this has particularly favourable effects with full-text display, weld-data monitoring by Q-Master, straightforward joints that are subject to high dynamic stressing user guidance, systematic menu structure, user administration – Improved accessibility, as it is possible to 6. Robot interface: suitable for all customary robots, irrespective alternate between the leading and trailing wire of whether these are addressed digitally, in analogue or via electrodes; this does away with the need for field-bus reorientation at the end of the seam in 7. Robacta Twin Compact welding torch: for improved ease of access, separate cooling of gas nozzle and torch body, suitable for multi-pass welding – Built-in applications know-how: over 60 welding both welding directions, and with Fronius forced-contacting programs are available for various base metals arrangement for defined current transfer and filler metals 8. Robacta TC Twin cleaning system: uses electromagnetic forces for touchless, cost-saving removal of the welding spatter that UTILISATION accumulates in the gas-nozzle zone during steel welding 9. Wire supply Materials – The TimeTwin Digital welding system has a huge spectrum of applications. The specific know-how can be used for all materials. Applications – Construction of plant, containers, machinery & structural steel – Automobile & allied vendor industries – Pipeline construction – Construction of rail vehicles & rolling stock – Shipbuilding – Construction of special vehicles and construction machinery Strip-wire, large-diameter wires High-deposition single-wire process Longitudinal view of a metal transfer from AlSi5 strip-wire in a pulsed arc. OVERVIEW Special wires call for special technology Special applications, such as extra-thick plates on earthmoving machinery, call for unconventional solutions. Like wires with diameters of up to 3.2 mm, or wires with a rectangular cross-section of approx. 4.5 x 0.5 mm. While - Strip-wire: over 11 kg/h on steel, up to 4 kg/h on aluminium - Large-diameter wires: over 25 kg/h on steel, up to 5 kg/h on aluminium wires like these certainly have definite advantages for the intended area of use, they do make very special demands Welding speeds on steel can be as much as 165 cm/min, of the welding system. Of the wirefeed, for instance, and and even more on aluminium. For classic GMA in terms of performance and reliability. Fronius’ response single-wire processes, these are extraordinary figures! to these demands is a technology that makes possible Intended for fully automated applications, incidentally. high deposition rates: The TPS 9000 welding system consists of two TPS 5000’s and comes with a robust VR 1500 wirefeeder. Designed for e.g. welding large diameters of wire. The Robacta Drive Flat welding torch, with a water-cooled gas nozzle, ensures exact wirefeed and a high deposition rate. Left: Strip-wire, 4.0 x 0.6 mm Sheet thickness: 3 mm Filler metal: AlSi5 Welding speed: 3 m/min Deposition rate: 2.4 kg/h Right: Strip-wire, 2.4 mm Sheet thickness: 8 mm Filler metal: AlMg4.5Mn Welding speed: 0.8 m/min Deposition rate: 5.2 kg/h BASIC PRINCIPLE OF THE PROCESS SYSTEM Know-how is the whole secret The special rectangular shape of the strip-wire results in A system will only function properly if there is perfect an oval weld-pool. This leads to low arc-pressure, interplay between all the components. meaning better control of the weld-pool. In turn, this results in the above-mentioned advantages of significantly higher deposition rates and/or welding Sample strip-wire configuration speeds. 1. TPS 5000 / 7200 / 9000 power source: totally Owing to the special geometry of the wire, the preferred digitised, microprocessor-controlled inverter power area of application for strip-wire welding is with weldment source, unrivalled precision in the welding process, exact handling systems or on longitudinal travel carriages. In reproducibility, outstanding welding properties this case, the weldment is moved beneath the welding 2. FK 4000 cooling unit: rugged and reliable, ensures torch. For special applications, the wire may also be optimum cooling of the welding torch turned perpendicular to the welding direction, so that the gaps can be bridged better. Depending on the application, either the TPS 5000, TPS 7200 or TPS 9000 welding system can be used. 3. VR 4000 wirefeeder: 4-roller drive with superb wirefeed properties, also suitable for long hosepacks 4. Robot interface: suitable for all customary robots, irrespective of whether these are addressed digitally, in analogue or via field-bus Big capabilities for big diameters 5. Robacta Drive Flat welding torch: digitally controlled Wires with large diameters (up to 3.2 mm) are welded push-pull drive with integral wire-drive; external wire with the MIG/MAG process – at considerably higher guidance for optimum strip-wire travel, separately from power, however. And when the output power can rise as the other welding media, and Fronius forced-contacting high as 900 A, a welding system has to meet far tougher arrangement for defined current transfer requirements. What this means is that all the equipment, from the wirefeeder unit all the way through to the torch 6. Wire supply cooling system, must be designed for this high output 7. Robots or longitudinal travel carriage for power. weldment-handling FACTS Sample “large-diameter wires” configuration 1. TPS 9000 power source: power-scalable by means of two completely digitised customary TPS 4000’s or TPS 5000’s, linked via a digital data interface 2. FK 9000 cooling unit: ensures optimum cooling; comes as standard with thermostat, rate-of-flow watchdog and water filter 3. VR 1500-11 wirefeeder: small, lightweight, digitally controlled – Welding system (power source, wirefeeder, cooling unit and torch) specially developed for processing strip-wires and large-diameter wires – To deliver the high welding current of e.g. 900 A that is required, two scalable power sources work in parallel, jointly creating a single arc – Scalable power sources make possible welding currents of 900 A with a duty cycle of 100 % (at 25°C) or 60% (at 40°C) with 4-roller drive, suitable for mounting on the 3rd axis of the robot. 4. Digital Gas Control: The gas-flow rate is pre-set for the welding task in hand, stored with the respective job, and digitally controlled. This makes it possible to reduce the gas consumption – and thus to cut costs – by between 5 and 20 %. – Strip-wire welding is particularly economical for mechanised or automated welding of longitudinal seams, or where the workpiece is moved by a handling robot – Shallower penetration in overlay welding, as the oval weld-pool in strip-wire welding results in lower arc pressure 5. Robot interface: suitable for all customary robots, irrespective of whether these are addressed digitally, in analogue or via field-bus 6. Robacta welding torch: high-performance welding torch with water-cooled gas nozzle for long service life, digitally controlled – Deposition rates in strip-wire welding: over 11 kg/h on steel, up to 4 kg/h on aluminium – Deposition rates when welding large-diameter wires: over 25 kg/h on steel, up to 5 kg/h on aluminium wirefeed speed, Fronius forced-contacting arrangement for defined current transfer UTILISATION 7. Robacta TC cleaning system: uses electromagnetic forces for touchless, cost-saving removal of the welding spatter that accumulates in the gas-nozzle zone during steel welding 8. Wire supply Materials – Coated and uncoated steel materials – High-alloy steels – Aluminium materials Applications – Construction of plant, containers, machinery & structural steel – Automobile & allied vendor industries – Pipeline construction – Construction of rail vehicles & rolling stock – Shipbuilding – Construction of special vehicles and construction machinery FRONIUS USA LLC 10421 Citation Drive, Suite 1100 Brighton, Michigan 48116, USA Tel: +1 810 220 4414 Fax: +1 810 220 4424 E-Mail: [email protected] FRONIUS INTERNATIONAL GMBH Buxbaumstrasse 2, P.O.Box 264 A 4602 Wels, Austria Tel: +43 7242 241-0, Fax: +43 7242 241-3940 E-Mail: [email protected] www.fronius.com FRONIUS CANADA LTD 2875 Argentia Road, Units 4,5 & 6 Mississauga, ON L5N 8G6, Canada Tel: +1/905-288-2100 Fax: +1/905-288-2101 E-Mail: [email protected] 40,0006,2305 v01 2008 aw 02 UralMash Text and illustrations technically correct at time of going to print. We reserve the right to make modifications. This document may not be copied or otherwise reproduced, whether in part or in its entirety, without the express prior written consent of Fronius International GmbH. Excerpt from our list of customers:
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