For Reference - Albany State University Repository
For Reference - Albany State University Repository
4*1 For Reference Not to be taken from this room MARGARET ROOD HAZARD LIBRARY ALBANY STATE COLLEGE ALBANY, GEORGIA THE STAFF THE Editor-in-Chief ................ Annette Dotson Associate Editor .............. Hardy Plummer Copy Editors ................ Faye Clark and Alberta Jones 1965 Faculty Editors ............ Maria Swann and Mary Carson RAM Class Editors: Seniors ............ Alberta Jones Jimmy Sheats Juniors .................. Willie Edwards Felecca Wilson Sophomores .............. Leonard Minter Freshmen .............. Rosbin Eagle and Sylvania Hamilton Chief Typists .............. J.Curtis Little and Thelma Porter Art Editors .................. Wesley Jones and James Wright Layout Editors ............ Patricia Edwards and Wesley Jones Photography Editor ............ Roosevelt Redd Sports Eaitor .................... James Usher Greek Editor .................... Emira Eagle Organizational Editors .......... Viola Harrison and Jacquelyn Cobb Business Manager .............. Albert Sloan Advisor .................... Rev. 0. H. Brown ALBANY STATE COLLEGE ALBANY, GEORGIA Margaret Rood Hazard Library Albany State College Albany, Georgia FOREWORD It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words how fortunate we are to have before us, many pictures and words to prolong the memories of 1964-65 here at Albany State College. It is the function of the RAM to record these college activities, involving some 1300 people. The spirit is present at the college if you but look for it ... in the administration as they perform policymaking functions; in the faculty as they impart their knowledge and experience to a class of 8:20 sleepyheads, and most of all in the student body as they derive from their college experiences whatever they desire and require. The 1965 RAM is an attempt to capture some of this spirit, to define it, refine it and present it in a form which will make the essential elements of the campus readily apparent. Here then, is the 1965 RAM the college as it is now. Ten years from now this annual may help you to remember what ASC was like. THE STAFF CONTENT ADMINISTRA TION and FACULTY SENIORS UNDERCLASSMEN ORGANIZATIONS GREEKS ACTIVITIES BEAUTIES SPORTS STAFF MRS. HELEN M. MA YES IN APPRECIA TION. . . FOR HER MANY YEARS OF LOYAL DEVOTION, FOR HER KINDNESS AND CONSCIENTIOUSNESS, FOR HER CEASELESS PATIENCE AS OUR REGISTRAR, We, the staff of the RAM Dedicate our 1965 RAM to Mrs. Helen Moody Mays Mrs. Mays is a native of Waycross, Ga. She received her B.S. Degree from Savannah State College, and her Master's Degree from New York University. She has served at Albany State College for many years. Presently, she is the director of Records and Admissions at Albany State College. Mrs. Mays is not only a dedicated staff member, but she is also a bona fide citizen and a dependable worker in the community. We hold her in high esteem, because she is the epitome of womanliness and exemplifies devout Christianity in everyway. With respect, Mrs. Mays, the 1965 RAM is dedicated to you. Mrs. Mays goes over a freshman's record with Miss Ann Holt. ASC MARGARET ROOD HAZARD LIBRARY There is much knowledge to be found here. CAROLINE HALL Our Administration Building THE PRESIDENT'S HOME SCIENCE BUILDING The home of the president and the first lady. The house of scientific knowledge. A T THE PRESENT HAZARD EDUCATION CENTER The career of future teacher begins here. STUDENT CENTER This is where we relax after a hard day's work. SANFORD HALL Exercises are a must here DINING HALL What would happen if we missed those three meals a day. PLANT OPERATIONS Almost anything can IK- made here. GIBSON HALL Houses our sophomore young ladies. MclNTOSH HALL The residence of our handsome young men. PEACE HALL Here we have been perfected into self-reliant young ladies. DAVIS HALL ANNEX DAVIS HALL A modern home for young ladies. Home away from home. PHYSICAL EDUCATION BUILDING Will be completed by the fall quarter of 1965. IN THE FUTURE Due to an increase in the personnel and student body. Albany State College will undergo a multi-million dollar expansion program. Among the proposed buildings are the Fine Arts Building, Applied Science Building, two girl dormitories, and the expansion of Sanford Hall with swimming pool. JOSEPH W. HOLLEY FINE ARTS HALL In the spring of 1965, the Fine Arts Hall will emerge from a blueprint to reality. THE PRESIDENT OF THE COLLEGE Aibang £tat£ Colkgc ALBANY, GEORGIA 31705 The f'il i ivity", T!u- -«T.N!.he "Rev" ere to b* co Yearbook I* indeed * "Tl*e Con*u«inj of the Staff l»r th« 1««* Wit ion of i »t u Ut«d for their work during this Tn i.h4 "»ob«r« of the gr*Ju*tlng cl«»» of 196S «• with to *xpre*< c>iir (iitcer* i c>n&r*tulat ion*. W« with tar you •• >.h« tlm cottt* to go forth and >«rv-r much <u--i**t. You »r« living In « greet dnd (lirious *Jf. W< bop* vou <r« prepared to tab* full advantage of the B*nv opportunities now open to you. "You tj'.» a Past •- '•»..•••.>• »r. > ,. t, ,..,,.. i~ r," Ullli»« D. Dem President President Dennis and the first lady enjoy a quiet evening at home. President Dennis observes the construction of the future Fine Arts Building. Mrs. Barbara Johnson, Sec retary, goes over President Dennis' appointments for the day. OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF INSTRUCTION Mrs. Shelby King, Faculty Secretary, is known by all for her talent and efficiency. Dean Robert Simmons smiles over a student's record. His secretary, Miss Annette Plummer, is quite an asset to Dean Simmons. 12 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Mr. E. J. Junior, Comptroller, and Mrs. Hattie Bass, Secretary-Cashier, go over the college budget. Miss Adella Cutts, Asst. Accountant, records registration data. Mr. Major Brown, Purchasing Agent, prepares lists of items to be purchased. Mr. Willie D. Hampton, Asst. Comptroller and Accountant, checks financial reports. 13 OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF STUDENTS Mrs. Mercile J. Lee, Dean of Women, checks the campus guide with student helper. Mrs. Barbara W. Carroll, Secretary, takes dictation for the Dean of Students, Mr. J. C. Reese. Mr. James D. demons, Dean of Men, commends the fellows for good conduct displayed on campus. Rev. James H. Foster, Dean of Chapel, conducts Sunday Vesper. Mrs. Leona Demons, Director of Student Activities, helps students map out a date for a social affair. Mrs. Emma Robinson, Head Resident Mc lntosh Hall, looks very pleased. Mrs. Lydia Catchings, Head Resident Peace Hall, plans dormitory activities with the girls. Mrs. Bobbie B. Kirby, Head Resi dent Davis-Cibson Residence Cen ter, calls one of the girls to the lounge. Mrs. Aileen Harris, Household and Laundry Manager, takes a break. Mrs. Ann M. Marquis and Mrs. Ardessa Gordon review a student health record. Miss Naomia Phillips, Head Resident Gibson Hall, confers with a student. Miss Gladys Wilson, Head Resident Davis Hall, makes a room check. Mr. Wendell Grigsby, Asst. Resident Mclntosh Hall, gives a quick smile. 15 Field Services, informs students of the future buildings. Rev. 0. H. Brown, Director of Public Relations and OFFICE OF PUBLIC RELATIONS AND FIELD SERVICES Program. Mrs. Mary McCoy, Secretary, makes out the Homecoming Mrs. Eddene W. Johnson, Transcript Clerk, checks over a student's record. Miss Annie Doris Holt, Admissions Clerk and Secretary to the Director, pauses briefly for the cameraman. Mr. Ben C. Hampton, Records Clerk, checks over the new IBM Equipment. OFFICE OF RECORDS AND ADMISSIONS Mrs. Helen Mays, Director of Admissions, gives good news to a student. LIBRARY Mrs. Minnie Finch, Head Librarian, plans activ ities for the school year 1964 and 65. 17 \ Mrs. Annie P. Laster, Library Secretary. Mr. Elvie Kirby, Library Cataloguer, if you are in doubt, why not ask Mr. Kirby. Miss Dorothy Reed, Secretary to the Librarian. Miss Martha Ashmon, Assistant Librar ian, explains the periodical filing system. Mr. Floyd A. Strickland, As sistant Librarian. Mr. William C. Gamble, Inventory Clerk, WHAT? A special order. PLANT OPERATION Mr. Richard Blaylock, Director of Plant Operations, is always on time. 18 Miss Blanche Davis, Secretary to Plant Operations. FOOD SERVICES Miss Elvira Taylor, Dietitian. The next luncheon will be on April 3, 1965. Mr. Wallace Mims, Head Dietitian, this calls for something special. Give credit to these people for preparing three meals daily. STUDENT CENTER Mr. Oakey Dawsey, Director of Student Center, chats with some students. Mrs. Rosa O'Neal, Post Mistress and Manager of Book Store. Knowledge for sale! 19 DIVISION OF EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Mrs. Mamie Reese, Assistant Professor, gives us a pretty smile. Dr. Joseph T. Durham, Professor and Chairman of Division of Education, goes through his file. Dr. Leon Steele, Professor and Coordinator of Middle Grades, takes a peek at the morning paper. Dr. William E. Lightfoote, Professor and Coordinator of Secondary Educa tion, pauses from checking his morning mail. Robert L. Hicks, Assistant Professor of Education, cuts a film. DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY Miss Angela Owens, Assistant Professor, in a conference with a student. Dr. Kahn, Professor and Chairman, Department of Psychology, plans a lecture. 20 HAZARD LABORATORY SCHOOL Dr. Henry T. Hutchins, Director of Hazard Laboratory School, gets ready for a busy day. Mrs. Wilhelmina Dennis, Critic Teacher, has telling story time. Mrs. Pearl Sanders, Critic Teacher, poses with her class. Mrs. Lessie Miller, Critic Teacher, lines her class up for exercise> Mrs. Susie Ellis, Critic Teacher, illus trates new methods to her class. Mrs. Beatrice Moultrie, Critic Teacher, plays pretty for the children. Mrs. Mary Clark, Critic Teacher, cap tures children's attention with exciting news. Mrs. Doris Cross, Critic Teacher, com mends class for good behavior.. Mrs. Sarah Gray, Critic Teacher, assists her class with the bulletin board. 21 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Dr. Narvel Clark, Chairman, Health and Physical Educa tion, in his first year is well liked by the students. Mr. Robert Rainey, Assistant Professor and Head Basketball Coach, plans basketball strategy for Rams. Miss Cynthia Parker, Instructor, displays a vivid picture of good health. Mr. John R. Lee, Instructor, gets ready to go to his class. Mr. O. W. O'Neal, Jr., Associate Professor and Head Football Coach, thinks about his future team. Mr. ForresfL. Kirkpatrick, Assistant Professor, works on course outline for his class. 22 DIVISION OF HUMANITIES DEPARTMENT OF ROMANCE LANGUAGES Mrs. Helen LeBlanc, Assistant Professor Modern Languages, goes through a stu dent French notebook. Dr. George Reynolds, Chairman of French Depart ment, checks his French books collection. Miss Joan Hale, Instructor, Modern Languages, awaits students for con ference. DEPARTMENT OF ART Mr. Vernon Williams, instructor of Art, wonders if his students appreciate Egyptian's art. 23 Mr. William Bryant, Head Co-ordinator, lectures on singular and plural nouns. Miss Doris Lucas, Assistant Profes sor, is in her Shakespearean's world. Mr. Robert Largen, Assistant Pro fessor and Dramatics Coach, think about the next play to be given b; the Dramatics Club. DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH Mr. James C. Hill, Instructor, shows a film to his reading class. Miss Mattie Lewis, Assistant Professor, Students do not use correct English. Mr. Henry Harden, Instructor, shows the medieval world. Miss Jonnie McRae, Instructor, aids student in reading laboratory. Mrs. Fera Hill, Assistant Professor, checks her references. 24 DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC Dr. James Marquis, Chairman, goes over a musical score. Mr. Egbert Bacon, Assistant Professor, gets ready to play one of the masterpieces of Bach. Mr. Horace Boyer, Assistant Professor, checks over some music theory. Mr. John Patrick, Instructor Music and As sistant Bandmaster, nurses his love. Mr. T. Marshall Jones, Assistant Professor Music and Head Bandmaster, conducts his ensemble class. 25 Mr. Bruce Fort, Assistant describes a typical cell. Professor Biology, Mr. Paul Sandridge, Assistant Professor Biology, gives Zoology's student a pleasant smile. Dr. William Johnson, Chairman DIVISION OF SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY Now students, remember R5H:oOj is the formula for Dextrose. You might see it later, Mr. Ernest Benson, Biology Instructor. Miss Bennatta Williams, Faculty Secre tary. Always give a helping hand when needed. Mr. Marion Jones, Instructor Biology, prepares a laboratory practical for his General Biol ogy class. 26 What a Familiar Figure. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY Dr. Lester Brown, Professor and Chairman of Chemistry, checks chemical apparatus. Miss Faye Evans, Instructor of Chemistry, takes five. Mr. George Hill, Instructor Chemistry, type! an order for chemical supplies. Dr. Billy Black, Professor of Chemistry, makes computation with slide ruler. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS Mr. Rudy V. Patterson, Instructor of Physics, gives a demonstration to his students. Miss Edith Simmins, Instructor, gets her nursing student's attention. 27 Mr. Earl Hill, Instructor, watches as student explains deductive reason. Mr. Robert Marshall, Instruct or, explains the balance scale to his class. DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS Mr. William Brodie, Instructor, ex plains P3 to his class. Mr. C. Kenneth Dunson, Associate Professor, seems to be pleased with his class's mathematical knowledge. DIVISION OF NURSING Mrs. Eleanor H. Winder, Director of Nursing, checks a student paper. Mrs. Annie Medley, Secretary, Division of Nursing. 28 \ W. Pittman, Assistant Professor, gives the significance of Nightingale's lamp. M. E. Smith, Instructor, makes an important call. Sophomore Nursing Qass, Miami here they come. vmy I * M| Senior Public Health Nursing Student. The first graduating class of the Nursing Division. 29 DIVISION OF SOCIAL SCIENCE Dr. John D. Reid, Chairman Division of Social Science, reviews a case history. Dr. George King, Chairman, Department of History, explores geo graphical location and its importance to a nation's success. Mr. Julian T. Houston, Assistant Professor, has conference with student. Mr. Wilford E. Delaper, Instructor Political Science, explains the Louisiana Purchase to students. Mrs. Troas Latimer, Associate Professor, shows the vast land which was under the Ottoman empire. 000 Mrs. Thrliiia Dun, Assistant Professor, ex plains the keyboard. Mr. Leroy Johnson, Assistant Pn>K>M»r, jiiu•.- assistance to student. DIVISION OF BUSINESS Dr. Floyd Farrar, Chairman, checks his calendar. Mrs. Birnell Rivers, Associate Professor, adds up student's average. 31 Mr. Willie Ward, Instructor, checks his reference material. SENIOR OFFICERS Albert Sloan Grace Savage Patricia Edwards Mae F. Johnson Joseph Green Dewitt Walker 32 President y ice-President Secretary Asst. Secretary Treasurer Business Manager GEORGIA M. BANKS BERNESTINE ANDERSON MOLLIE B. ADAMS EVELYN V. ADAMS Jacksonville, Fla. Nursing Education, B.S. Pres. of Senior Nursing Class, V. Pres. of Peace Hall and Reporter of SNAG Nursing Club. Albany, Ca. Business Education, B.S. Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society, Who's Who, SNEA and Commercial dub. Dublin, Ca. Elementary Education, B.S. S.N.E.A., College D r a m at i c s, Y.W.C.A., Women's League and Pyrrian English Club. Albany, Ga. Elementary Education, B.S. Usher Board, Library dub, and S.N.E.A. SENIORS MARGIE Z. BATTLE Dallas, Ga. Nursing Education, B.S. EUNICE E. BERRY Plant City, Fla. Business Education, B.S. AKA and "Miss AKA of 1964-65" LUVENIA BERRY Apopka, Fla. Elementary Education, B.S. Delta Signia Theta, and Pan-Hellen ic Council. MARVA G. BERRY 33 Albany, Ga. Music Education, B.S. Chorus, MENC and SNEA MARVIN F. B1LLUPS Athens, Ga. Health and Physical Education, B.S. Kappa Alpha Psi, AAHPER, Physical Education Major Club, Director of Intramural Program, Chief Justice of Student Govern ment, and Student Leadership Workshop. GERALYN Y. BLAYLOCK Albany, Ga. Elementary Education, B.S. S.N.EJV. CHARLOTTE A. BOSTIC Waycross, Ga. Elementary Education, BJS. Alpha Kappa Alpha, Student Gov ernment and SNEA. FANNIE L. BOYKIN Valdosta, Ga. Business Administration, B.A. SENIORS LAURA M. BRUCE JOSEPHINE B. BROWN DOROTHY A. BROWN RUTHA L. BRADLEY Valdosta, Ga. Nursing Education, B.S. Alpha Kappa Alpha, and Who's Who. 34 Smithville, Ga. English, B.A. Persian English Club, A.S.C. Col lege Players, Choir, Student Voice Staff. Atlanta, Ga. English, B.A. Persian English Club, First At tendant to Miss Senior and Allantian Club. Leesburg, Ga. English, BA Persian English Club, ASC Player Student Council and A.S.C. Choir FAYE R. CLARK DELORIS 0. CARSEWELL THOMASINA BURROUGH EDDIE BRYANT, JR. Augusta, Ca. Elementary Education, B.S. SNEA. French SNEA. Columbus, Ga. Social Science, B.S. Social Science Club and Yearbook Staff. Leary, Ga. French, B.A. Club, Pierian Club and Americus, Ga. Commercial Club, Usher Board, and Alpha Phi Alpha. SENIORS ANDREW L. COLVIN Birmingham, Ala. Health and Physical Education, D.S. Omega Psi Phi, AAHPER, Major Club, and Student Trainer. LOUISE COLZIE Oglethorpe, Ga. Business Education, B.S. ROSA CRAWFORD Fitzgerald, Ga. Elementary Education, B.S. HATTIE DAVIS Bainbridge, Ga. Business Education, B.S. Alpha Kappa Alpha, YWCA, Com mercial Club, SNEA, Choir anc Pan-Hellenic. 35 LULA DAV1S Albany, Ga. Business Education, B.S. Commercial Club, Who's Who and SNEA. PRISCILLA DAVIS Camilla, Ca. Elementary Education, B.S. ANNETTE DOTSON Atlanta, Ga. Science Education, B.S. Yearbook Editor 64-65, Atlantian Club, "Miss Atlantian" 64-65, Stu dent Government, Band, Choir, Dramatics Club, Ramettes, Biophychem Club, Modern Dance Group, Student's Voice and SLW. EMIR A EAGLE Augusta, Ga. Sociology, B.A. Social Science Club, Student Assist ant, Student Government, Yearbook Staff, and SLW. SENIORS ERNEST FINN ELL Bainbridjie, Ca. LOVIE FELDER BARBARA EILLISON PATRICIA EDWARDS Wuycross, Ga. Elementary Education, B.S. SNEA, YearlxM.k Staff, and Alpha 36 Kappa Alpha. Albany, Ga. Psychology, B.A. Alpha Kappa Alpha, Who's Who 64-65, Alpha Kappa Mu, "Miss Albany State College" 63-64, and "Miss Alpha Phi Alpha" 64, 65. Cordele, Ga. Health and Physical Education, B.S. A AH PER, Choir, Student Assist ant, and Modern Dance Group. Health and Physical Education, B.S. Kappa Alpha Psi. GUSSIE GLENN CAROLYN FULLER CHANNEY FORD Albany, Ca. Elementary Education, B.S. SNEA and Pyramid Club. Fort Gaines, Ga. Science Education, B.S. Biophychem Club, and SNEA. Jukin, Georgia Health and Physical Education, B.S. JOHN FLEMINGS Bainhridgc, Ca. Chemistry, H.A. Kappa Alpha Psi. SENIORS MARILYN GLOVER Anniston, Ala. Sociology, B.A. Social Science Club and Choir. JOSEPH GREEN Athens, Ga. Science Education, B.S. Alpha Phi Alpha, Biophychem Club, and SLWC. RUTH IE GREEN Thcmasville, Ga. Elementary Education, B.S. SNEA. GLADYS HAIRE Bainbridgc, Ga. Elementary Education, B.S. SNEA. PATRICIA HANSFORD Bainbridge, Ca. Elementary Education, B.S. SNEA. JACQUELYN HARPER Morgan, Ca. English, B.A. Editor of Student's Voice, Alpha Kappa Alpha, French Club, and English. VIOLA HARRISOM Toccoa, Ga. History, B.A. Social Science Club, Sigma Rho Sigma, Charmette, Yearbook Staff, Student's Voice, Dramatics Qub, and Women's League. DONALD HECTOR Atlanta, Ga. Elementary Education, B.S. SNEA. SENIORS BARBARA HORTON Valdosta, Ga. Elementary Education, B.S. WILLIE E. HOLLINGSHEAD ETHEL M. HILLSMAN Jacksonville, Fla. Nursing Education, B.S. SNAG. GERALDINE HILL Miami, Fla. Elementary Education, B.S. YWCA, SNEA and Pyramid Club. 38 Pelham, Ga. English, B.A. English Qub. BEULAH JACKSON Talbotton, Ga. Elementary Education, B.S. ALVESTIA JACKSON WILHELMINA HUCKABY ESTELLA HOWARD Social Circle, Ga. Elementary Education, B.S. Women's League, YWCA, French Club, Dramatics Club and SNEA. Columbus, Ga. Elementary Education, B.S. SNEA, and Music Club. Moultrie, Ga. Sociology, B.A. Social Science Club, Yearbook Staff, Sigma Rho Sigma, Psychology Club. SENIORS GLORIA JACKSON Sylvester, Ga. Nursing Education, B.S. LEONORAS JACKSON Life Oak, Fla. Science Education, B.S. Band, Biophychem Club, and Kappa Alpha Psi. W1LLIE JACKSON Orlando, Fla. Health and Physical Education, B.S. AAHPER, Major Club and Sphinx Club. JoANN JENKINS 39 Atlanta, Ga. English, B.A. Alpha Kappa Alpha, English Cli and Student's Voice. FRANKIE JENNINGS Atlanta, Ca. Nursing Education, B.S. BETTYE JOHNSON Valdosta, Ca. Elementary Education, B.S. FLORETTA JOHNSON Albany, Ga. Elementary Education, B.S. SNEA and Library Club. JOSEPHINE JOHNSON Waycross, Ga. Elementary Education, B.S. SNEA, Charmettes, and Asst. Se of Peace Hall. SENIORS CHARLIE JONES ALBERTA JONES VERONICA JOHNSON MAE F. JOHNSON Albany, Ga. Sociology, B.A. Alpha Kappa Alpha, Cheerleader, Who's Who, Library Club, Choir and 2nd Attendant to Miss ASC. 40 Albany, Ga. Elementary Education, B.S. SNEA. Vidalia, Ga. French, B.A. Yearbook Staff, English Club and French Club. Talbotton, Ga. History, B.A. Sigma Rho Sigma, Alpha Phi Alp and Social Science Club. ULYSSES JONES THOMAS JONES NELOWEZE JONES LEONARD JONES Montezuma, Ga. Elementary Education, B.S. Phi Beta Sigma, and SNEA. Albany, Ga. Business Education, B.S. Alpha Kappa Alpha and Commer cial Club. Georgetown, Ga. Health and Physical Education, B.S AAHPER and Major. Columbus, Ga. Health and Physical Education, B.S. Omega Psi Phi, AAHPER, and Major Club. SENIORS THOMAS JORDAN McRae, Ga. Health and Physical Education, B.S. Kappa Alpha Psi, Basketball Team, AAHPER and Major Club. DORIS KENNEBREW Hamilton, Ga. Health and Physical Education, B.S. Zeta Phi Beta, AAHPER, PanHellenic Council, Student Govern ment and Major Club. MARIA KING Macon, Ga. Nursing Education, B.S. SNAG. WILLIAM LESTER Atlanta, Ga. Health and Physical Education, B.S Football Team, Kappa Alpha Psi Varsity "A" Club, and AAHPER 41 JAMES C. LITTLE Butler, Ga. Sociology, B.A. Dormitory Council, Library Club, Yearbook Staff, Student's Voice, and Sigma Rho Sigma. RICHARD LOVELACE Atlanta, Ga. Health and Physical Education, B.S. Kappa Alpha Psi, AAHPER. CHARLES MASTEN Albany, Ga. Business Administration, B.A. Dramatics Club, Commercial Club, and Who's Who. ELIZA MATHIS Albany, Ga. Elementary Education, B.S. SENIORS JANET MITCHELL LOUIS McGHEE KATHERINE McGRADY LAURA MAYS Leary, Ga. Elementary Education, B.S. 42 Smithville, Ga. Health and Physical Education, B.S. AAHPER, Major Club, and "Miss Physical Education" 64-65. Albany, Ga. Health and Physical Education, B.S. Kappa Alpha Psi, AAHPER, and Football Team. Perry, Fla. Elementary Education, B.S. Usher Board, SNEA, Dramatics Club, YWCA and Women's League. CHARLES MOULTRIE Albany, Ga. Sociology, B.A. Social Science Club, and Sigma Rho Sigma. RONALD MOSS NATHANIEL MOORE MILLIE MITCHELL Altomonte, Fla. Health and Physical Education, B.S. AAHPER and Kappa Alpha Psi. Ringgold, Ga. Health and Physical Education, B.S. Basketball Team, AAHPER, Kappa Alpha Psi, Pan-Hellenic Council, SNEA and Major Club. Perry, Ga. Nursing Education, B.S. SENIORS 1ERRY NELSON Cedartown, Ga. Health and Physical Education, B.S. AAHPER, Track Team, Football Team, Major Club, Varsity "A" Club, and Kappa Alpha Psi. BETTYE NEW Albany, Ga. Business Education, B.S. SNEA and Commercial Club JENNIE OLIVER Albany, Ga. Elementary Education, B.S. SNEA. MELVIN PARKER 43 Albany, Ga. Health and Physical Education, B.S •Basketball Team, AAHPER, Majc Club, and Varsity "A" Club. ALFRED PHILLIPS Whigham, Ga. Biology, B.A. Biophychem Club, and Alpha Phi Alpha. VERA PITTS Camillia, Ca. Business Education, B.S. SNEA. HARDY PLUMMER Miller, Ga. History, B.A. Sigma Rho Sigma, YMCA, Dormi tory Council, Student Proctor, As sociate Editor of Yearbook, Social Science Club, and Sphinx Club. EDNA POLK Columbus, Ga. Health and Physical Education, B.S. AAHPER, Delta Sigma Theta, and Student Government. SENIORS SHIRLEY POSTELL THELMA PORTER ROBERT PORTER MILDRED POOLE Tifton, Ga. Music Education, B.S. Choir and MENC. 44 Elberton, Ga. Health and Physical Education, B.S. AAHPER, Dormitory Council, Ma jor Club and Usher Board. Columbus, Ga. Elementary Education, B.S. SNEA, Yearbook Staff, and Usher Board. Waycross, Ga. Science Education, B.S. Biophychem Club, Pyramid Club, Band and Gioir. ROBERT RHYMES Poulan, Ca. Social Science, B.A. BETTYE REEVES Brooklet, Ga. Sociology, B.A. ROOSEVELT REDD CAROLYN RAY Dalton, Ca. Elementary Education, B.S. French Club and SNEA. Columbus, Ga. Yearbook Staff, SIWC, Chaplain of Senior Class, YMCA, Biophychem Club, Library Club and Student Government. SENIORS ORANGENELLA RICE Sylvester, Ga. Elementary Education, B.S. OCTOVENE RIVERS Tuskegee, Ala. Nursing Education, B.S. EDDIE ROBINSON Albany, Ga. Social Science, B.A. MAXINE ROBINSON Brunswick, Ga. Elementary Education, B.S. 45 ALVANESE RUSSELL Albany, Ca. Business Administration, B.A. EUGENE RUSSELL Juniper, Ga. Science Education, B.S. GLORIA SAMPSON Valdosta, Ga. Secretarial Science, B.A. GRACE SAVAGE Titfton, Ga. French, B.A. "Miss Senior" 1964-65, Alpha Kappa Alpha, French Club and Vice Presi dent of Senior Class. SENIORS JOYCE SIMPSON Albany, Ga. Nursing Education, B.S. SYBIL SHROPSHIRE Ft. Gaines, Ga. Health and Physical Education, B.S. ALBERTA SHEDRICK Damascus, Ga. Elementary Education, B.S. JIMMY SHEATS Athens, Ga. Science Education, B.S. Alpha Phi Alpha, Who's Who, and Biophychem Club. 46 BINNIE SWINT Warrenton, Ga. Social Science, B.A. JOYCE STANFORD Atlanta, Ca. Elementary Education, B.S. CHARLES SMITH ALBERT SLOAN Ft. Caines, Ga. Health and Physical Education, B.S. AAHPER and Kappa Alpha Psi. Atlanta, Ca. History, B.A. Yearbook Staff, Atlantian dub, Social Science Club and Omega Psi Phi. SENIORS EUGENE TERRELL Athens, Ga. Psychology, B.A. CHARLES TERRY Dawson, Ga. History, B.A. Social Science Club. WILLIE THOMPSON Thomasville, Ga. Science Education, B.S. Kappa Alpha Psi. SUE TOSON Albany, Ga. Elementary Education, B.S. 47 SHIRLEY TOWSEND Albany, Ga. Business Education, B.S. Commercial Club, Delta Sigma Theta, and "Miss Omega" AZERLENE TUCKER Valdosta, Ga. Sociology, B.A. Social Science Club. ROLAND TURNER Columbus, Ga. Music, B.A. JAMES USHER Athens, Ga. Health and Physical Education, B.S AAHPER, Kappa Alpha Psi, an Yearbook Staff. SENIORS WILLIAM WALKER JO ANN WALKER DeWITT WALKER BARBARA WALKER Newton, Ga. Business Education, B.S. Commercial dub and SNEA. Louiseville, Ga. Elementary Education, B.S. President of Student Body and Alpha Kappa Alpha. Louiseville, Ga. Elementary, Education, B.S. Alpha Kappa Alpha, and SNEA. Newman, Ga. Music Education, B.S. Omega Psi Phi. OLLIE WELLONS Cordele, Ga. Nursing Education LENAY WASHINGTON Waycross, Ga. Nursing Education, B.S. JANIE WASHINGTON Augusta, Ga. Elementary Education, B.S. CHARLES WASHINGTON Climax, Ga. Biology, B.A. SENIORS j JAMES WHITE Hartwell, Ga. Social Science, B.A. ALVIN WILLIAMS Albany, Ga. Health and Physical Education, B.S. Basketball Team and AAHPER. CATHERINE WILLIAMS Sylvester, Ga. Health and Physical Education, B.S. AAHPER WILEY WOODARD Sylvester, Ga. Biology, B.A. 49 s •LA* Adams, Ethel Arrington, Eline Baker, Bennie Barren, Athon Berryman, Lonnie Boone, Emma Brown, Audra Brown, John Buckner, Esthner Brown, Rushra Carson, Mary Carter, James Carver, Willmr Clark, Tammie Colhert, Daniel Coleman, Gwendolyn Collins, Annette Copeland, Jean Cromartie, Betty Cox, James Davis, Beatrice Daniels, Mose Denson, Anna Dotson, Betty Duncan, Henry Edwards, Willie Engrain, Jean Everett, Gwendolyn Fitzpatrick, Mary Florence, Harold Foster, Samuel Gadson, Melvin Gay, Ronald Geter, Authur. Geter, Biridie Gore, Doris 53 Gordon, Dorothy Grantling, Julie Green, Christine Holsendoff, Minnie Henderson, Shirley Hicks, Jetta Hill, William Holmes, Benjamin Holt, Ellen Hudson, Hilton James, Catherine James, Leola Jenkins, Annie Johnson, Doris Johnson, Harvey Johnson, Velma Jordon, Rosetta Jones, Wesley King, Daniel Leonard, Jessie Lewis, Robert Lockhart, Fred Lockhart, Johnnie 55 McCoy, Brenda McKibben, George McGrady, Jimmy Mapp, Minnie Minter, Leonard Miller, Jackie Moody, Mytrice Moore, Mary Nether, Doris Nixon, Margaret Ousley, Betty Owens, Betty Owens, Theodoshia Parrish, Patrica Persons, Victoria Pippins, Sue Raybom, Grace Reese, Charlene Riley, Roodyne Robinson, Ernest Robinson, Larkin Roger, Bettye Roger, Mary Smith, Bernard Smith, Eva Smith, Jerome Stinson, Roberta Stokes, Elaine Taylor, Dorthy Taylor, Julia Tolhert, Christine Tolbert, Emmett Thomas, Bertha Thornton, Mattie Troup, Marshall Turner, Mattie Wade, Thomas Walker, Charlie Ward, Inell Waters, Ruby Watson, Marie Warner, Jeanie Washington, Thelma Webb, Gloria White, Evelyn White, James Wilson, Goldie Wilson, John 59 V\o/w0 0 SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS President . Secretary . Treasurer . Business . . .Manager 60 Leroy Carson Ruby Owsley . . Ernest Brown Richard Denny Adams, Earlene Alien, Roberta Arnold, James Austin, Vivian Ball, Redell Banks, Sylvester Beach, Patricia Bellamy, Betty Bellamy, Charles Berry, Willie Bivins, Susie Brewer, Bernice Broadwater, Geneva Brooks, Jo Evelyn Brown, Barbara Brown, Shirley Bryant, Gladys Burdette, Rosie Carson, Leroy Collier, Hellon Colzie, James Cook, Martin Cox, Nancy Cunningham, Patricia Davis, Jo Ann Denny, Richard Denson, Rufus Duncan, Leonard Edmondson, Aaron Florence, Juanita Francis, Edwards Graydon, Wiley III Greer, Roger Grimes, Emma Hall, Edgar Hanks, James 62 Harris, Mary Hayes, Agatha Haynes, Cleveland Hicks, Gloria Hill, Robert Hobbs, Samuel Houston, Louise Hunter, Thelma Jackson, Alonzo James, Winifred Jernigan, Carolyn Jones, Gloria Kelly, Delbert Lovelace, Peggie McClain, James McCoy, James Mills, Alice Minger, Lillian 63 Morgan, Henry Newlon, Helen Orr, William Perry, Freddie Peterman, Obzeine Phillips, Mattie Ross, Betty Shepherd, William Simmons, Lillian Simmons, Earnest Smith, Dene Smith, Dwight Stanley, Dorris Tarver, Joyce Tehune, Charollette Thornton, Charles Tucker, Ann Turner, William Watson, Minnie Williams, Brenda Williams, Jean Wilson, Delores Woods, Carolyn Virgil, Jepthah Young, Mary H. You are not studying, Why not read the papers FRESHMAN OFFICERS Charles Gilford .................... President Gloria Johnson ................ Vice President Jackie Cobb ................ 1st Vice President 66 Secretary ...................... Emma Ponder Asst. Secretary ................ Mae D. Sampson Treasurer ...................... Louise Brown Business Manager .............. Gloria Jenkins Akins, Barbara Akins, Johnnie Alexander, Richard Alford, Patricia Alls, Clara Anderson, Brenda Anderson, James Anderson, Learnes Appling, Richard Armstrong, Tobitha Ash, John Ales, Lena Baker, Anita Baker, Eloise Banks, Annie Barton, Gerald Bates, Althea Bell, Leory Bennett, Martha Bennett, Mattie Benton, Ann Bivins, Eliza Blakely, Marion Boone, Winifere Bradwell, Marva Bradwell, Marvin Brown, Frank Brown, Hazel Brown, Louise Brown, Melvin Brown, Membrige Brown,'Rosetta Uudden, Ola Burney, Robert Byrd, Mary Carter, Marguriete Cawthon, Julius Christian, Vernita Cleveland, Robert Cobb, Jacquelyn Coleman, Donnie Collins, Irene Core, Nettie Crayton, Annie Crayton, Minnie Crittenden, Jo Ella Cross, Lillie Culbreath, John Daniel, Johnnie Davis, Mary Dawsey, Ola Delifus, Leon Dennis, Earnestine Denson, Shirley Dobbs, Janie Douglas, Willie Dublin, Tommie Duvall, James Eagle, Rosbin Evans, Deloris Everett, Louis Few, Clarence Ford, Gus Ford, Marv Foster, Eunice Fraley, James Gay, Rodney Gilmore, Johnny Goolsby, Evelyn Graper, Henry Green, Alberta Griggs, Rubye Guilford, Charles Hadden, Vivian Hadley, Carolyn Hagans, Thelma Hamilton, Sylvia Harper, Edna Harrell, Nancy Harris, Betty Harris, Freddie Harris, Zena Harold, Edna Hawkins, Lynette Hayes, Cynthia Haynes, Olivia Head, Ted Hector, Willie Henderson, Henrimae Henry, Wilma Herring, Annie Hicks, Jackuelyn Hightower, Sarah Hill, James Hill, L. M. Hodges, Myra Hollie, Gloria Holmes, Norris Holt, Deloris Hudson, Janice Hunter, Jeralyn Hunter, Narrest Ingram, Betty Ivey, Clarence Jackson, Jackson, Jackson, Jackson, Charlie Johnnie Majorie Marion Jackson, Merlene Jackson, Merlyn James, Earlene James, Laura Jenkins, Jenkins, Jenkins, Jenkins, Elizabeth Gloria Marva Reuben Jenkins, Rushiel Johnson, Betty Johnson, Gloria Johnston, Charles Jones, Clara Jones, Melvin Jones, Sharron Justice, Ralph Keaton, Donnis Kelley, Barbara Kelly", Paul Kemp, Jack Knight, Doris Lamb, Ruby Lane, Francis Lane. Schubert Lawrence, Charles Lee, Betty Lee, Margarette Lewis, Thomas Lumpkin, Gail Lunsford, James McCoy, Ruth McCrary, Gloria McKenzie, Evon McLaurin, Portia Malcolm, Lonnie Marshall, Eddie Martin, Betty Martin, Clarence Mike, Annie Miller, Robert Mills, Mills, Mills, Mills, Johnnie Mary Particia Randolph Mincy, Fronita Moore, Larry Morgan, Preal Morgan, Shirley Morrow, Willie Moultrie, Alice Murphy, Joneva Myers, Helen Nelson, Nathaniel Nelson, Yvonne Nether, Sandra Noble, Rebecca Norrington, Hoke Pace, Nathaniel Parker, Joan Parker, Perlum Perry, John Perry, Linda Philpot, Joyce Pittman, Loretta Plummer, Betty Pooler, Thomas Ponder, Emma Price, Patricia Putman, Victor Rawls, Rosetta Ray, Charles Reams, Jimmy Reese, Ada Reese, Dessie Register, Aurelia Reid, Alma Reid, Prince Reynolds, Vernon Roberts, Franklin Roberts, Geraldine Roberts, James Robinson, Gary Rockwell, Marble Rolle, Roy Rowe, Floyd Rucker, Eglesper Sampson, Mae Dorothy Sanchious, Calvin Sanders, Margaret Sapp, Elizabeth Scott, Connie Scott, Glendora Shelton, Betty Shinault, Jacquelyn Simmons, Conley Simmons, Louise Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Albert Alonzo Betty Betty Smith, Dianne Smith, Earnestine Smith, James Smith, Juanita Smith, Warren Smith, William Sobman, Melvin Souder, Florida Stalin, Moroes Stanley, Gloria Starks, Elizabeth Starling, Morris Staten, Geraldine Stigger, William Sutton, Annette Sutton, Minnie Swann, Deronda Tate, Daphne Terrell, Anita Thomas, Alberta Thomas, Charlotte Thomas, Joyce Thomas, Sylvia Tucker, Juanita Tucker, Lucy Turner, Dorothy Underwood, Evelyn Wafford, Shirley Walker, Bennie Walker, Joe Ward, Betty Ware, Corene Waters, Alice Watkins, Hazel Watson, Mary Weaver, Eddie Webb, Howard Wells, David Wesley, George West, Laverne White, William Wiggins, Bonita Wilbon, Johnny Wilcox, Laura Wilkerson, Dorothy Williams, Arthur Williams, Justine Williams, Larry Williams, Robert Williams, Virginia Williamson, Sadie Willis, Vinson Wilson, Felecca Wilson, Grace Wright, Betty Wright, Bettye Wright, Wright, Wright, Wright, Elizabeth James Jesse Nancy Wright, Vadis Wright, Willie Young, Muriel 75 76