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Literatur zum Artikel von Michel Thill und Rainer Zumhasch: Das „Graded Moto Imagery“-Training beim CRPS-I-Syndrom (Morbus Sudeck, „Praxis Physiotherapie“ 1/2010, S. 43ff. 1. Atkins R.M, T. Duckworth, J.A. Kanis (1989). Algodystrophy following Colles' fracture. J Hand Surg [Br ] 14(2), 161 - 4. 2. Ascherl R., G. Blumel (1981). [Clinical picture in Sudeck's dystrophy] Zum Krankheitsbild der Sudeck'schen Dystrophie. Fortschr Med 99(19), 712 - 20. 3. Backonja M.M. (1994). Reflex sympathetic dystrophy/sympathetically maintained pain/causalgia: the syndrom of neuropathic pain with dysautonomia. Sem Neurol 14, 263 - 271. 4. Blumberg H. (1991). A new clinical approach for diagnosing reflex sympathetic dystrophy. M.R. Bond, C.J. Charlton, C.J. Woolf, editors. 395-403. Amsterdam, Elsevier Science Publishers. Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Pain. Ref Type: Serial (Book,Monograph) 5. Blumberg H. (1991). A new clinical approach for diagnosing reflex sympathetic dystrophy. M.R. Bond, C.J. Charlton, C.J. Woolf, editors. 395-403. Amsterdam, Elsevier Science Publishers. Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Pain. Ref Type: Serial (Book,Monograph) 6. Blumberg H (1992). Clinical and pathophysiological aspects of reflex sympathetic dystrophy abd sympathetically maintained pain. Jänig W, Schmidt RF, editors. 29 - 49. Weinheim, VCH Verlagsgesellschaft. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. Ref Type: Serial (Book,Monograph) 7. Blumberg H., H.J. Griesser, M. Hornyak (1992). [Distal post-traumatic edema--symptom of a sympathetic reflex dystrophy (Sudeck's disease)?] Das distale posttraumatische Odem--Symptom einer sympathischen Reflexdystrophie (M. Sudeck)? Z Orthop Ihre Grenzgeb130(1), 9 - 15. 8. Blumberg H., U. Hoffmann, M. Mohadjer, R. Scheremet (1994). Clinical phenomenology and mechanisms of reflex sympathetic dystrophy: emphasis on edema. Gehart GF, Hammond DL, Jensen TS, editors., 455-481. 1994. Seattle, IASP Press. 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