Prof. Dr. Harry Harun Behr – Curriculum Vitae Biography Born 1962


Prof. Dr. Harry Harun Behr – Curriculum Vitae Biography Born 1962
Prof. Dr. Harry Harun Behr – Curriculum Vitae
Born 1962-06-13 in Koblenz/Rh.
I. Education
Governmental classical-humanistic Schiller-Gymnasium in Münster, Higher School
Certificate 1982
Between Spring 1979 and Autumn 1981: Visiting 11th and 12th grade at the S MA-Secondary
School XIV, Cililitan, South Jakarta, Indonesia
same period: Visiting the Muhammadiyya-Arabic-Seminar in Kebayoran/South Jakarta
(Masjid Agung al-Azhar; Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Majlis Ulama Indonesia / HAMKAFoundation)
II. Professional Career
1982-83: Agricultural long-term Internship with D EULA Exam in Münster/Westf. and
1983-85: Studies of Agrobiology at the University Hohenheim until Intermediate Diploma
(termination caused by subject change to teacher training)
1993: 1st State Examination in teacher training at the LMU München (lectureship Elementary
and Secondary School; Didactics German as a second language with Turkish as foreign
language, clerk position until revoced); starting occupation as a teacher in primary and
secondary schools in Munich (GTH Amphionpark, Thelottschule Hasenbergl, Keilberthschule
1995: 2nd State Examination in teacher training
1998: lifetime clerk position
2001: Delegation to the University Bayreuth, Faculty of Cultural Studies
09/2004 to 12/2005: Teacher at the Wilhelmschule Schwabing
2004: Dissertation: „Curriculum Islamic Education. Analysis of curricula drafts for an Islamic
religious education in Primary Schools“ (Curriculum Islamunterricht. Analyse von
Lehrplanentwürfen für islamischen Religionsunterricht in der Grundschule)
2005: Rigorosum and Promotion with magna cum laude / Grade 0,8
2006: Nomination to Professorship W 2 „Islamic Religious Education" at the FriedrichAlexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Special Dates concerning Islam
March 1981: Conversion to Islam before the Majlis Ulama, Masjid Agung al Azhar, Jakarta,
1984/85: „small pilgrimage" to Mecca (‫)عمرة‬
1986: „big pilgrimage" to Mecca (‫)حخ‬
Prof. Dr. Harry Harun Behr – Curriculum Vitae
Selected Publications
Lamya Kaddor, Rabeya Müller and Harry Harun Behr (ed.): Saphir 7/8. Islamic
Religious Book for young Muslims. München 2011. [in German]
Integration, Islamic Education und Quran, in: Zeitschrift für die Religionslehre des
Islam (ZRLI), Heft 9 2011, Jg. 5. Nürnberg 2010, pp. 7-18. [in German]
Being a Muslim – a Question of Person. Thoughts about the Aspect of Individuality in
Islam, in: Schneiders, Thorsten Gerald (Hg.): Islamverherrlichung. Wenn die Kritik
zum Tabu wird. VS Verlag: Wiesbaden 2010, pp. 107-115. [in German]
Islamic Religious Pedagogy and Didactics: An Interim Viewpoint Determination, in:
Polat, Mizrap und Cemal Tosun (Hg.): Islamische Theologie und Religionspädagogik.
Islamische Bildung als Erziehung zur Entfaltung des Selbst. Frankfurt am Main 2010.
pp. 131-143. [in German]
Origin and Change of the teachers' picture in Islam with a Specific View on the
Situation in Germany, in: Harry Harun Behr, Daniel Krochmalnik and Bernd Schröder
(ed.):Was ist ein guter Religionslehrer? Antworten von Juden, Christen und Muslimen.
Reihe Religionspädagogische Gespräche zwischen Juden, Christen und Muslimen.
Verlag Frank & Timme. Berlin 2009. pp. 149-188. [in German]
The Other Five Pillars of Islam. About Normative Dimensions of Islamic Religious
Education, in: Zeitschrift für die Religionslehre des Islam (ZRLI), Heft 4 2008, Jg. 2.
Nürnberg 2008. pp. 7 ff. [in German]
Education-theoretical Thinking as a Foundation for Islamic Religious Didactics, in:
Kaddor, Lamya (ed.): Islamische Erziehungs- und Bildungslehre. Veröffentlichungen
des Centrums für Religiöse Studien Münster. Band 8. Münster 2008. pp. 49-65. [in
Human Dignity in the Islamic Discourse, in: Zeitschrift für die Religionslehre des
Islam (ZRLI), Heft 2 2007, Jg.1. Nürnberg 2007. pp. 2 ff. [in German]
School Culture and Peace Education. Islamic Perspectives, in: Haußmann, Werner and
Hansjörg Biener, Klaus Hock, Reinhold Mokrosch (ed.): Handbuch
Friedenserziehung. Gütersloh 2006. pp. 236 ff. [in German]
Curriculum Islamic Instruction. Dissertation. University Bayreuth / Faculty of Cultural
Science. Bayreuth 2005. [in German]
Perspectives for the Training of Muslim Religion Teachers in Germany, in: Behr,
Harry Harun, Christoph Bochinger and Gritt Klinkhammer (ed.). An expertise on
behalf of the Karl-und-Ria-Groeben-Foundation. Bayreuth 2003. [in German]
Islamic Educational Science. Garching 1998. [in German]
Lailatul-Qadr. The Night of Nights. München 1996. [in German]