Support Services to IAESTE
Support Services to IAESTE
International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience An independent non-governmental organisation (NGO), with 83 Members and Co-operating Institutions in operational relations with UNESCO. The IAESTE name and logo are the registered properties of IAESTE, the International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience. Founded in 1948 on the initiative of James Newby (1893 – 1978 ) Established in 2005 as a registered, non-profit making Association. Contents Editorial Our Organisation Annual Report of the General Secretary IAESTE Day 2007 Annual Conference Report including 60th Anniversary Celebrations SID and JUMP Reports Founding Members Welcome to IAESTE – New Co-operating Institutions IAESTE Then and Now Employers and Institutions supporting the exchange in 2007 IAESTE Members and Co-operating Institutions Published by IAESTE A.s.b.l. Edited by Pauline Ferguson, General Secretary IAESTE A.s.b.l. Designed and produced in June 2008 by TH Jordan Ltd Contributions from Kasper Juel Pedersen, Gabriella Rácz, Olga Legacka Cover illustration by Alicia Gabriel Distributed for circulation to all Members and Co-operating Institutions. Copies are available from IAESTE National Secretariats in Member countries, from IAESTE Co-operating Institutions or from the General Secretary, IAESTE A.s.b.l. P.O.Box 102, Banbridge, BT32 4WY Northern Ireland. IAESTE Association sans but lucratif. Registered in Luxembourg I A E S T E A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 60 Welcome Welcome Friends of IAESTE As we celebrate 60 years of exchanging students in IAESTE, welcome to this special edition of the Annual Review. The Association reached this wonderful milestone in January 2008 when the world met together in Jordan, for the first time at an Annual Conference in an Arab country, to celebrate this remarkable achievement of exchanging 322,181 students from 103 participating countries in the years 1948-2008. We have come a long way since its inception at Imperial College, London in 1948 and have inspired and changed the lives of many people of all ages, colours and creeds in that time. As we prepared for this special birthday we were delighted to receive a letter of congratulations from the Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr Ban Ki-moon, which was read at the Opening Ceremony at the Dead Sea, a very significant venue for our Anniversary Conference. It is included in this edition of the Annual Review as a permanent reminder of our association with the United Nations and its Agencies. Since January 2008 IAESTE has received sponsorship from 2 new Companies, Yantai Wanhua and Alstom. We are delighted to work together with our new partners and are excited at the new opportunities which will become available for IAESTE students in the foreseeable future especially as there are many Companies, particularly in Europe, looking for Engineering Graduates – young men and women who are able to fill positions requiring International leadership skills which IAESTE trainees can acquire during their placements. It was a momentous occasion for all of us who attended the Seminar on IAESTE Development this year in Stavanger, Norway, when we met and spoke with one of the Founding Fathers of IAESTE in 1948, Mr Hans Breder. He assured us that indeed he was very proud of what IAESTE had achieved in the last 60 years and that should make everyone who works so tirelessly and selflessly all over the world for the IAESTE programme feel that all the hard work is so worthwhile. Anniversaries are a time to look back and reflect on times gone by, but as we continue to celebrate our Anniversary throughout 2008 with special events, we also look to the future as we continue our journey to improve our Association in partnership with our Employers, Academics and Students. Pauline Ferguson General Secretary IAESTE A.s.b.l. Mr Goran Radnović President IAESTE A.s.b.l. S T E I A E S T E Our Organisation The Association was founded in January 1948 at Imperial College, London, on the initiative of the Imperial College Vacation Work Committee. National organisations of ten European countries represented at this meeting became Members and Mr James Newby was elected General Secretary. The geographical coverage was soon to spread to most of Europe and beyond, as new countries were admitted to Membership. The Association became a registered body according to Luxembourg law at its General Conference 2005 in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. It is a non-political, independent, nongovernmental organisation, in operational relationship with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and maintains consultative relationships with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) and the International Labour Office (ILO). IAESTE is also in contact with the United Nations Economic Council for Africa (ECA), the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the Organisation of American States (OAS) and the European Union (EU), as well as with other educational nongovernmental organisations. National Secretariats and Committees make up the Membership of the Association. Each year the Annual Conference brings together the representatives of these bodies to decide on issues of general policy and with the IAESTE Co-operating Institutions to carry out the exchange of offers for training. Prior to the Conference, each Member and Co-operating Institution collects offers from Employers willing to receive students from abroad for General Secretary: Mrs Pauline Ferguson R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 The Mission and Aims of IAESTE 60 The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE A.s.b.l) is an Association of National Committees representing academic, industrial and student interests. Each National Committee is responsible for the administration of the exchange in its own country. Board Members A N N U A L President: Mr Goran Radnović IAESTE Serbia Member: Mr Javier Yarza IAESTE Mexico MISSION To operate a high quality practical training exchange programme between Members in order to enhance technical and professional development and to promote international understanding and goodwill amongst students, academic institutions, employers and the wider community. IAESTE operates irrespective of race, colour, sex or creed. AIMS To provide students in higher education with technical experience relevant to their studies. To offer employers well qualified and motivated trainees. To be a source of cultural enrichment for trainees and their host communities. a temporary training and work experience period relevant to the students’ areas of study, as a complement to their university or college education. Companies or Institutions offering training are expected to pay students a wage sufficient to cover their cost of living during the actual training period. The offers of training are exchanged with other Members and Co-operating Institutions mainly on a reciprocal basis. Through their affiliated universities and colleges, Members and Co-operating Institutions select qualified students to meet Employers’ requirements as outlined on the training offer. Details of the selected candidates are sent to Employers for approval. Participation in the IAESTE exchange is open to bona fide students attending courses at Universities, Institutes of Technology and similar Institutions of Higher Education. For further information about IAESTE please visit our website Member: Dr Pulat Pulatov IAESTE Tajikistan Member: Mr Gerhard Gevelmann IAESTE Germany I A E I A E S T E A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 International Organisation Representatives of the Board to the UN and its Agencies 60 General Conference Board The General Conference possesses full power to take formal decisions for the fulfilment of the Aims and approves the budget and regulations of the Association. It is composed of one delegate from each Full Member country. It elects the Board and the General Secretary and meets every year in January. The Board implements the Association’s policy and decisions approved by the General Conference, initiates activities supporting the Association’s policy in general and is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Association executed by the General Secretary. It is composed of four elected members and the General Secretary. General Secretary The General Secretary is elected by the Members to co-ordinate the daily administration of the Association and is a Member of the Board. National Committee National Committees represent the Member countries and are composed of persons representing academic, industrial and student interests. New York (ECOSOC) Mr Javier Yarza AMIPP A.C/IAESTE Mexico Apartado Postal 10-808 11002 Mexico D.F. New York (DPI) Mrs Pauline Ferguson General Secretary IAESTE A.s.b.l. P.O. Box 102 Banbridge BT32 4WY Northern Ireland Geneva Mr Goran Radnović IAESTE Serbia P.O. Box 35-07 11120 Belgrade 35 Vienna (UNIDO) Dr Pulat Pulatov IAESTE Tajikistan P.O. Box 165 Central Post Office Dushanbe 734025 Paris (UNESCO) Mrs Pauline Ferguson General Secretary IAESTE A.s.b.l. P.O. Box 102, Banbridge BT32 4WY Northern Ireland S T E I A E S T E A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 Report: 60 General Secretary This report is a summary of the exchange activities between IAESTE Members and Co-operating Institutions during 2007. The details of these exchanges are presented in the 2007 IAESTE Activity Report published in November 2007. The exchange took place between 81 Members and Co-operating Institutions from 78 countries and 11 non-Member countries. The 2007 IAESTE Activity Report contains the detail on the bilateral exchanges, study fields of trainees sent and received by each Member and Co-operating Institution, the number of participating Employers and Institutions, training periods, age, nationality and gender of the trainees and other useful comparative information. It includes detail on the exchange with non-Member countries. The report also contains a summary of the administrative procedures, reports from Members and Co-operating Institutions on activity as well as the names of the staff handling the exchange and the addresses of the National Secretariats. Readers interested in this report may order a copy from the IAESTE National Secretariat in their own country or from the General Secretary. Exchange Development in 2007 The total number of trainees exchanged in 2007 was 4745, 33 less than in 2006. However 48% of the Members and Co-operating Institutions managed to increase their number of traineeships for incoming students and this was very encouraging. Several countries made a significant increase in the number of placements offered to incoming students, notably, Ghana, India, Poland, Portugal and United Kingdom. Figure 1: Total Trainees Sent Figure 1 shows the number of trainees sent in 2007 and compares this with the previous four years. Figure 2a shows the training periods for 2006-2007 with the majority of students on placements between 6-8 weeks. Figure 2a: Training periods I A E I A E S T E A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 Figure 2b: Training Periods for 2007 60 Figure 2b indicates the training periods for 2007 with 48.1% of trainees on a 6-8 week placement with 25.3% on placements lasting between 8-12 weeks. Figure 3 The number of trainees to benefit from long-term placements represents 23.5% of total placements in 2007, a slight increase from 2006. Figure 3: Short term vs Long term Regional Exchange The number of traineeships filled by students from non–European countries accounted for 28% of the number of students sent, on a par with 2006. However figures show that there was an increase in the number of students sent from Asia with new Co-operating Institutions in that region which is an encouraging sign. Numbers sent and received in North America declined in 2007. Europe continues to dominate the exchange. Some 64.2% of all trainees were sent from EU and other European countries and 68.3% of all trainees were received in Europe, a slight increase from 2006. Figure 4: Trainees Sent and Received by Continent in 2007 S T E I A E S T E Sending and Receiving Continent Figure 5 shows that 28.9% of IAESTE Members and Co-operating Institutions exchanged with more than 11 countries in 2007. 7 Members sent students to 41 or more countries. A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 become clear after this period. They are then able to apply for Associate Membership and after a minimum of another 3 years can apply to be Full Members with voting rights. Since 2007, 7 new Co-operating Institutions have been welcomed into the Association: Unggulan Education Foundation, Indonesia, Cuttington University, Liberia, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria, University of Benin, Nigeria, POEC, The Philippines and Global Association of Training and Exchange (GATE), Republic of Korea. 88 Members and Co-operating Institutions in 84 countries constituted the Membership of IAESTE in January 2008. 60 The open international exchange is clearly illustrated by the number of Members and Co-operating Institutions that exchange with each other. In 2007 each Member and Co-operating Institution exchanged on average with 18 other Members and Co-operating Institutions, one more than in 2006. Figure 5: Multilateral exchange The Association continues to grow outside Europe with increased interest from countries in Asia and most notably in Africa and we are very keen to expand our Membership in these areas. Reciprocity of the Exchange Growth of IAESTE There is great interest in IAESTE throughout the world and on average 2 new countries per month contact the General Secretary asking for information on how to join the Association. Many contacts are made through our public website which has a daily average of 882 visits, a further increase from last year. Universities or Organisations committed to the Aims of the Association can apply for Co-operating Institution status and each year the Board reviews their progress at its summer meeting. Co-operating Institutions which are no longer conducting an exchange do not have their status renewed. New Co-operating Institutions take 3-5 years to become established and the benefits of this expansion, reflected in the exchange, Figure 6: Gender balance The IAESTE exchange programme is based on a bilateral balanced exchange between Members. Most Member countries attempt to maintain a balance between outgoing and incoming students but an exact bilateral balance is rarely possible within any given year. Only long-term balance is sought. This flexibility is needed to support the proper allocation of places and the selection of the appropriate students. In 2007, 34 Members and Co-operating Institutions received more students than they sent abroad and this benefited the rest. In total, 562 work experience places were involved or 11.8% of the total exchange. It is traditional within IAESTE for Members with a higher Gross National Income per capita (GNI) to receive more trainees than they send. Strict reciprocity is not implemented with new Members in the early years which allow those in developing countries and those from smaller countries to gather support within their country in order to develop the exchange. Countries with a GNI per capita >12,000 US$ provided 86% of these places in 2007, a big increase from 2006. Profile of the student trainee Gender balance and Age: Age and gender balance of trainees varies little from year to year but differs appreciably from country to country. Participation by men and women students compared with previous years (%) is shown in Figure 6. I A E I A E S T E A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 Figure 7a: Training specialities (%) based on trainees received 60 The percentage for individual Members or Co-operating Institutions varies from 37% to 96%. The gender balance relates to cultural and educational traditions in the IAESTE countries. The age of trainees in 2007 ranged from 20 to 26 years with the majority (73.4%) being between 21 and 23. The average age is just under 23 years old. Figure 7b: Training Specialities based on Trainees Received Study fields: In 2007, 66% of trainees were students of Engineering and Technology. The remaining 34% were divided between the Sciences 15%, Architecture and Applied Arts 11%, Agriculture 3%, and other fields of study 5%. While placements in Engineering, Agriculture and Other Fields have remained stable there was an increase in Architecture and Applied Arts with a 2% decrease in Science placements in 2007. Figure 7a and Figure 7b. In 2007 the largest of the Engineering Faculties was Computer Science 18.5%, followed by Mechanical Engineering 17.7%, Electrical Engineering 12.1%, Civil Engineering 11.1%, Chemical Engineering 7.4%, Electronic Engineering 4.4%, Industrial Engineering 3.3%, Telecommunications 3.1%, Environmental Engineering 2.6% and Aeronautical Engineering 2%. Indeed there was a 12% increase in the number of Chemical Engineering placements and Electronic Engineering fared better this year but the majority of traditional Engineering placements decreased. There was a rise in placements available in Geodesy, Mechatronics and Process Engineering. With the world so aware now of climate change and environmental issues, offers in this field are increasingly popular. Placements in Geography, Environmental Science and Microbiology saw an increase in numbers in 2007. Figure 8: Major Engineering Fields Sub-dividing the Engineering groups gives us the breakdown between the major participating disciplines. Figure 8. S T E I A E S T E Nationality: The majority of students participating in the IAESTE exchange are citizens of IAESTE Member countries. Some are from non-Member countries and are studying abroad at Educational Institutions co-operating with IAESTE. A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 Participating Employers and Educational Institutions: 60 In 2007, 260 students with different nationalities to the sending country received places on the programme. Of these 45 were from the following non-Member countries: Albania, Algeria, Bangladesh, Benin, Bolivia, Cameroon, Dominican Republic, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mauritius, Morocco, New Zealand, Nigeria and Togo. Five IAESTE countries exchanged students directly with the following non-Member countries: Cuba, Indonesia, Kyrgysztan, Malaysia, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Rwanda, Singapore, Sudan and Venezuela. Figure 9: Difference (%) in Major Engineering Fields 2007 In 2007 there was another decrease in the number of Employers and Academic Institutions who offered traineeships. A total of 3677 Industrial Employers and 968 Academic Institutions received students in 2007. Figure 11 IAESTE would like to acknowledge the continued support of all Employers and Educational Institutions in 2007. Work experience positions on offer in 2007 The duration of the available positions can be seen in Figures 2a and 2b. Most of the training takes place in the period June to September and coincides with the Northern Hemisphere vacation period. In the Southern Hemisphere, opportunities are available between October and April. 70 Members and Co-operating Institutions are now in a position to offer long term training opportunities while 29 offer training throughout the year. The majority of the work placements are exchanged during the Annual Conference in January on a bilateral basis but thanks to the development of the IAESTE IntraWeb the exchange can continue after this meeting. New and unused offers can be put on the IntraWeb at any time by Members and Co operating Institutions and this ensures that IAESTE can accommodate students and employer offers as they arise. % Difference between major Engineering fields in 2006 and 2007. Figure 9. Figure 10: Major Science Fields % Major Science fields 2007. Figure 10. Categories of Offers: IAESTE classify placements as Research and Development (D) indicating work of a laboratory nature; Professional (P) is used for professional activities, practical design work and similar; Working environment offers (W) indicate work in the industrial area relevant to the student’s background and category (X) covers non-specific offers. The non-specific (X) offers can be general office jobs, language offers and similar. In all cases it is the responsibility of the receiving National office making the (X) category offers to ensure that the working conditions are acceptable, beneficial to the student and in line with the standards expected of all IAESTE offers. I A E I A E S T E A N N U A L R E V I E W In 2007 a total of 7434 training places were repor ted to be available as follows: Research and Development (D) 3208, 43.1%, Professional (P) 3662, 49.3%, Working Environment (W) 388, 5.2% and Non-specific (X) 176, 2.4%. The percentage of offers used as reported by the Members and Co-operating Institutions by category of the available offers were (D) 65.3% (P) 63.4%, (W) 56.7% and (X) 62.5%. 2 0 0 8 Figure 11: Participating Employers and Educational Institutions 2003-2007 60 The bulk of the offers are in the Research and Development and Professional areas and students favour these training places that are more in line with academic requirements. In many instances such training is a required part of the curriculum. The Working Environment (W) offers are valued for higher pay and the opportunities they provide to experience working conditions in industry in other countries. In 2007 there was an increase in the number of Working Environment offers while 300 more students were placed in Professional offers. Figure 12: Categories of Offers Returned offers and cancellations This continues to be one of the major problem areas. Despite the efforts made to date to minimise losses, the number of training places lost or unused remains unacceptably high. Based on the figures reported, the number of lost and unused training offers in 2007 amounted to 2613, 35.5% of the offers received. Employer withdrawals accounted for 14.8% and student withdrawals were 8.3%. encourage all countries to seek improvements to their existing practices and to examine their communication arrangements. Accurate and timely communications should help reduce student and employer withdrawals and accurate matching of the student skills with those required by the employer would further contribute to minimising the withdrawal of offers by employers. In 2007 individual figures show that 12 Members and Co-operating Institutions managed to maintain their total losses below 20%, which is better than last year but there is still room for improvement. The year round exchange facilitated by the IAESTE IntraWeb now provides the platform for the quick and accurate exchange of jobs between Members and Co-operating Institutions for new and unused offers and also nominations for these places. This contributes to the effective use of all offers both new and unused, as they become available throughout the year. IAESTE Members and Co-operating Institutions must continue to make every effort to minimise these losses, particularly the offers that remain unused. Improvements here would result in the release of additional available places. This should S T E IAESTE Day I A E S T E A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 Global Celebrations 60 The aim of IAESTE Day is to connect students and companies all around the world. We want to celebrate one special day, when we can slow down and in a friendly atmosphere talk to our friends, customers and business partners. The project was initiated at the 2005 Conference in Cartagena, Colombia, and reorganised at the Meeting with University Representatives, UAE 2005 SID in Ljubljana, Slovenia. From then on IAESTE Day attracted the attention of more and Presentation of IAESTE Award, Croatia more countries willing to make a celebration for the students and companies. The IAESTE Day 2007 celebration was really a great success, not only because of the number of participating countries (28 in 2007 in comparison to 13 in 2006 and six in 2005). More amazing was the fact that not only the well established IAESTE countries participated but many of the newer members took the chance to present themselves on an international level. IAESTE Day affirmed its intention: To publicise the idea of IAESTE among students, employers and others. The exchange of ideas and the use of common resources worked out amazingly well. Maybe you now ask yourself, what form did the celebrations take? Actually they differed from country to country. While in one country they celebrated with a dinner, another country prepared sports for trainees, then others had a barbecue or just a party in a club. Networking dinners with Companies were also held as well as National IAESTE Day Cake, Czech Republic Committees preparing performances by involving students and alumni. Participants could propose their own show, mainly about their internship and their host country. So the story continues. For this year, as it is a very special one for IAESTE, celebrating its 60th Anniversary, the goal for IAESTE Day is to have 60 participating countries. Again all activities that are somehow related to IAESTE are more than welcome. Some countries are planning to host a gala event for Companies, University representatives, trainees and of course, students. The experience of last year has created more ideas so we are already looking forward to this year’s IAESTE Day which will take place on 16 October 2008, again starting in Australia and then progressing all over the world. Meeting with Students, Tajikistan So don’t just observe … participate! It is easy, effective, and a lot of fun! Student Party, Poland 10 I A E I A E S T E A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 Report: 60 Annual Conference Dead Sea Jordan 60th Anniversary Conference Under the royal patronage of His Majesty King Abdullah II bin al Hussein and Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah, the Opening Ceremony of the 60th Anniversary Conference of IAESTE took place in the Grand Ballroom of the Conference Hotel, the Movenpick Hotel and Resort, Dead Sea, on Saturday, 19 January 2008. Distinguished guests included diplomats as well as the Presidents and Deans of Jordanian Universities. Dr Ghaleb Sweis, the National Secretary of IAESTE Jordan, acted as Master of Ceremonies. After welcoming guests, he highlighted developments in Jordan and IAESTE Jordan over the past thirty years. He introduced the Presidential Table and invited Mr Goran Radnović, President of the Association, to address the delegates. Mrs Pauline Ferguson, the General Secretary, then presented the IAESTE medal to the Honorary Conference President, Dr Khalid al-Karaki, the President of the University of Jordan. In her speech, the General Secretary expressed her gratitude for the royal patronage of His Majesty King Abdullah II and Her Majesty Queen Rania as well as her thanks to the University of Jordan, the National Secretary of IAESTE Jordan and all members of the Organising Committee. She also welcomed new Co-operating Institutions as well as Mr Philippe Marcangeli from FISITA, The International Federation for Automotive Engineering. She congratulated the Association on celebrating a remarkable achievement – 60 years of exchanging students throughout the world with 322,181 students benefiting from an IAESTE placement during those years. After providing details on the history, aims and benefits of IAESTE, the General Secretary noted that IAESTE Jordan celebrated its 30th Anniversary in the Association in 2008 and was to be congratulated on this excellent achievement. Since 1978 IAESTE Jordan has sent 1434 and received 893 students. In addition, the General Secretary remarked that it was pertinent that the nations of the world had gathered for the first time in an Arab country since the inception of IAESTE in 1948 and that there are 88 offices in 84 countries in every continent of the world today. In his speech, Dr Al-Karaki highlighted the will and determination of the Jordanian people to create a better future. He explained that in Jordan, which can be traversed in a few hours, Jordanians can see the first reason for the success of their nation: knowledge, reason and freedom. They look around proudly to see 30 universities and 6,000 schools, all built within 60 years. He concluded his speech by thanking IAESTE for choosing Jordan and by thanking the Steering Committee in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology for their efforts in preparing for the Conference. He offered his best wishes for the success of the Conference on behalf of the Jordanian nation under the leadership of his Majesty King Abdullah II. His Excellency Professor Omar Shdeifat, representative of His Majesty King Abdullah II and Her Majesty Queen Rania, the Minister of Education and Scientific Research, was the next speaker. He welcomed participants to Jordan and provided information on the Jordanian Higher Education system. In particular, he emphasised the accreditation system and the necessity for compliance with it. He also underlined the additional steps being made to encourage qualitative and quantitative results of scientific research and emphasised raising standards for faculty members through continuing education. Dr Sweis concluded the ceremony by linking the comments of all speakers S T E 11 I A E S T E The Board with former General Secretaries R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 60 with regard to the development of education and society, the IAESTE vision and the willingness of Jordanian universities to have more interaction with other universities in the world. Gifts were then exchanged to mark this momentous occasion – the 60th Anniversary of IAESTE. During the five day Conference as well as the usual Plenary and Exchange Sessions, participants were also able to avail themselves of the IntraWeb training, provided by members of the Internet Development Team. A Meet and Greet Session organised by the Mentoring Co-ordinator, Mr Bruce Wicks, IAESTE UK, enabled newcomers to meet some more experienced delegates before the start of the Conference. The Alumni Association, FoIN, Friends of IAESTE Network, was also able to meet during the Conference, while several Workshops were organised by the SID Co-ordinator, Mr Thomas Faltner, so that everyone had an opportunity to discuss topics pertinent to the Association. The Plenary Sessions were busy affairs and one new Full Member, Romania, was accepted by the Members bringing the total of Full Members in 12 A N N U A L the Association to 58. Several new Co-operating Institutions attended the Conference for the first time, namely Unggulan Education Foundation, Indonesia, Cuttington University, Liberia, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), The University of Benin, Nigeria, The Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria, POEC, The Philippines and Thai Nguyen University, Vietnam. The IAESTE Ombudsman, Professor Bernardo Herold, presented his report to the Conference and stated that he had not been too busy in 2007, which was a sign that most of the students were satisfied with what IAESTE had offered them. A total of 7441 offers of internships were brought to the Exchange Sessions which the 82 Members and Co-operating Institutions in attendance exchanged during five sessions. An increased number of Members and Co-operating Institutions exchanged with over 40 countries. As required under the IAESTE Statutes, Mr Lucien Seywert, IAESTE Luxembourg and Mr Thomas Faltner, IAESTE Austria, retired as Members of the Board, having completed their terms of office. The Members then elected Dr Pulat Pulatov, IAESTE Tajikistan and Mr Gerhard Gevelmann, IAESTE Germany for three years and one year respectively. I A E I A E S T E A N N U A L R E V I E W During the Conference IAESTE Jordan offered delegates warm hospitality and social events. The traditional housewarming party on arrival enabled participants the chance to renew acquaintances and meet newcomers attending the Conference for the first time. 2 0 0 8 the General Secretary presented special Anniversary glass tokens to those people who over many years had made a significant contribution to the work of IAESTE. A 60th Anniversary booklet pertaining to the history of our Association from 1948-2008 was given to all participants and the evening ended with a fireworks display - a fitting end to a momentous week of exchange, memories and a lot of enjoyable but hard work by many people. 60 The Welcome Dinner was held in the hotel ballroom on the Saturday evening with speeches from former General Secretaries. The 60th Anniversary celebrations, which were also held in the hotel ballroom on the Sunday evening, included Anniversary greetings from all countries in their own languages. Participants also enjoyed theatre, song and dance performances by delegates from many countries and a special Anniversary song, The World in Union, was sung together by all the delegates from all countries. After a sightseeing tour on Tuesday afternoon, the International evening was held at a restaurant in Amman. In addition to the meal provided by IAESTE Jordan, national food and drink were enjoyed by everyone. At the Farewell Dinner, S T E 13 I A E S T E 14 A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 60 I A E I A E S T E A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 60 S T E 15 I A E S T E R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 60 MR EITAN YAVIN, ISRAEL PROFESSOR BERNARDO HEROLD, PORTUGAL 16 A N N U A L MR RALF KRATOCHWILL, AUSTRIA MR CELSO GARCIA, BRAZIL MR NIELS CHRISTIAN LARSEN, DENMARK DR KLAUS Wyneken, GERMANY MR GEORGE ANEMOYANNIS, GREECE PROFESSOR CHIKAOSA TANIMOTO, JAPAN PROFESSOR ABDALLAH SFEIR, LEBANON MR LUCIEN SEYWERT, LUXEMBOURG MR DRAGAN VUKICEVIC, SERBIA DR PETAR PRAVICA, SERBIA MR GORAN Radnovic, SERBIA PROFESSOR JUAN MERCADE, SPAIN I A E I A E S T E A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 60 DR NORMAN KERR, CANADA MS GINNY ARNOLD, CANADA DR LASZLO BECKER, HUNGARY MR PETER O’NEILL, REPUBLIC OF IRELAND MR JAMES E REID, REPUBLIC OF IRELAND MR JAVIER YARZA, MEXICO MR HANS BREDER, NORWAY PROFESSOR ZBIGNIEW KLOS, POLAND MGR ADAM RYLSKI, POLAND MS CAROLA BARHAMMAR, SWEDEN MR KARL KOCHLE, SWITZERLAND PROFESSOR AYTIN GOKTEKIN, TURKEY MR BOB SPRINKLE, USA S T E 17 I A E S T E Report: A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 Thomas Faltner 60 SID IAESTE Austria SID Co-ordinator 23rd Seminar on IAESTE Development Stavanger, Norway, 17-20 April, 2008 IAESTE International convened its 23rd Seminar on IAESTE Development from 17-20 April 2008 in Stavanger, Norway. SID serves as a means to bring together IAESTE Members and Co-operating Institutions to discuss issues of best practice, administration, organisational advancement and development of the Association. Unlike the Annual Conference, which focuses on the exchange of internships, SID brings delegates together to focus on the development and improvement of IAESTE as an international organisation. Participants form Work Groups and work on specific tasks requested by the General Conference from the previous January. The resulting work from the Work Groups is refined over the year into recommendations that go back to the IAESTE Board and then to the General Conference for official voting and implementation. The Seminar began on the Thursday evening with a Welcome Reception which took place at the Radisson SAS Royal Hotel. Traditional Norwegian food was featured as well as a presentation of Norwegian Traditional Dances. Participants were welcomed by Carina Flaam Moen, National Secretary of IAESTE Norway and Kristine Solbjørg, the Organising Committee President. This year, 64 delegates were in attendance from 29 countries worldwide including 23 National Secretaries. The work at SID was broken down into four Working Groups led by Work Group Coordinators. With only a few days available delegates worked at a very fast pace in order to produce results by the end of the Seminar which started with an opening Plenary session to inform delegates of the work which had been done since the last SID and the work to be tackled during 2008. Work Groups then presented their results at a Group Fair held on the Saturday morning. This consisted of a 18 Poster Session which allowed Work Groups to post their results and gather feedback from participants from other Work Groups. All Groups then presented their findings and results at the closing Plenary session where the SID Co-ordinator for 2009 and the venue for SID 2010 were nominated. A highlight of this year’s SID was the participation for the first time of Company Representatives from Alstom and ABB who gave presentations on their Companies and discussed a new Global Services Project with IAESTE which will result in high quality placements for students all over the world while also raising the profile of our Association. However, SID is not only about work. Delegates were able to spend time learning about the culture of their host country and seeing some sights. On Friday evening, participants were invited to a Gala Dinner in Sjøhusene, an historic building in Stavanger’s harbour. Mr Hans Breder, one of the Founding Fathers of IAESTE in 1948 addressed participants in a very inspiring speech and he invited everyone to partake of a wonderful cake which had been prepared in honour of our 60th Anniversary. On Saturday, participants were treated to a boat cruise in Stavanger Harbour and the surrounding islands. The National Evening provided everyone with an opportunity to share their own culture along with cultural dress and dances. The 23rd SID was an overwhelming success. Participants left with a sense of satisfaction from a job well-done and a better understanding of IAESTE Norway and its culture. A special thank you to IAESTE Norway and especially to Kristine Solbjørg, the Organising Committee President, for their hard work in putting together this year’s SID and the various sponsors for providing the support necessary to host such a successful event. I A E I A E S T E A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 Report: 60 JUMP 2007 Adrian Keller IAESTE Switzerland JUMP Co-ordinator IAESTE Training and Motivation Seminar 24-28 October 2007, Istanbul, Turkey The 13th IAESTE Training and Motivation Seminar, JUMP 2007, took place in Istanbul, organised by IAESTE Turkey. 70 delegates from 18 different IAESTE countries attended the Seminar “Join Us to Motivate People”. The participants were mainly new members from all over Europe and USA. During JUMP 2007 the participants joined four out of six Training Sessions each lasting two and a half hours: The IAESTE IntraWeb & FoIN training, Company Marketing/Fundraising, Local Committee Management, Summer Reception, Membership Raising and IAESTE Forms & Job Raising. The Sessions were moderated and led by experienced IAESTE delegates: The newly obtained telephone system for the Job Raising training was used for the first time and the participants appreciated the good variety of the Training Sessions and the time given to discuss and share their knowledge. JUMP 2008 in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Preparations for the next JUMP are already in full swing. The Seminar will take place in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, from 1-5 October 2008. The Programme will include the same Training Sessions led by a group of experienced delegates. The programme includes sightseeing in the town and area of Banja Luka, speeches, a Company visit and entertainment. All new IAESTE participants are welcome to join JUMP. Keep on JUMPing and “Join Us to Motivate People”! http:// The organising team arranged a very successful event enjoyed by all the participants. Highlights included a visit of Ortakoy, a guided tour through the construction area of the Bosporus tunnel, a Turkish evening with traditional food and performances and the International evening took place on a boat on the Bosporus. The level of quality regarding the organisation, programme and education was on a par with past years. The knowledge and spirit is passed from one JUMP to the next by the Organisers, the Trainers and the JUMP Co-ordinator. The right combination of Training Sessions, excursions, cultural exchange and entertainment makes JUMP a successful event in the IAESTE calendar. Many people who have attended JUMP Seminars during the past 10 years have gone on to make a significant contribution to the work of IAESTE. S T E 19 I A E S T E A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 Report: 60 Founding Members BELGIUM NETHERLANDS GERMANY North Sea BELGIUM LUXEMBOURG FRANCE Belgium was one of the Founding Members of IAESTE, back in 1948. The National office was based at the Comité Interuniversitaire pour l’Organisation des Stages Industriels in Brussels. Since then, IAESTE Belgium has sent more than 3000 students abroad and has received more than 2500 international students for valuable work experience in Belgium. IAESTE Belgium saw a considerable growth in students exchanged until the seventies, but the number has decreased since then. However we are very proud that since 2003 we have been growing every year. Belgium has not yet hosted an Annual Conference, but we are already looking forward to 2009, when we will receive our international partners at the Seminar for IAESTE Development - SID in Ghent. In 2004, Ghent hosted JUMP, a Training and Motivational Seminar. Sixty delegates from sixteen different countries visited our medieval home city eir Na Annelies Verm ium IAESTE Belg 20 tional Secret ar y and exchanged international experiences. The participants enjoyed a rich social programme as well. Highlights were the visit to Bruges and the motivational speeches. With the organisation of SID in 2009 and the growing number of exchanges, IAESTE Belgium is facing new challenges. We are extremely motivated to keep on growing and to make IAESTE more known and appreciated in our country. To end this report, I would like to wish IAESTE ‘Gelukkige Verjaardag’ (Happy Birthday) and many more years to come. I would also like to give the last word to one of our trainees, who experienced a six week traineeship abroad in 2006 and who captured the IAESTE spirit in this phrase: “Meeting new people every day, from all over the world, improves one’s social skills and brings the world closer. Overall, going abroad for an internship with IAESTE is a terrific experience: you come home with lots of stories and you’re a different person. Wow!” IAESTE Belg ium 20 08 I A E I A E S T E A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 DENMARK 60 When IAESTE was established, the Head of the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Mr. Anker Engelund, decided to hand over the programme to the local student organisation, the Polyteknisk Forening (PF) which accepted it without a second thought. Apparently Mr James Newby, the first General Secretarty of IAESTE, asked Anker Engelund to put a Professor in charge of the organisation, to which Engelund responded that “…if he could not trust the students from PF, he could not trust anyone at DTU…”. Since then IAESTE Denmark has been operated by volunteer students from the Higher Technical Universities. The following year, the students from PF took on the challenge of hosting the Annual Conference in Copenhagen. Since then IAESTE Denmark has hosted two more Conferences in 1971 and in 1996, as well as the first official Seminar on IAESTE Development, SID, in 1991 and JUMP, the Student Motivational Seminar, in 2006. In 1948 IAESTE Denmark exchanged 61 placements and the maximum number raised was reached in SWEDEN DENMARK Baltic Sea GERMANY 1991 with 212 available for foreign trainees. However, during recent years the number of placements has decreased significantly and currently we are exchanging around 70 per year. Over the years IAESTE Denmark has become known for hosting one of the biggest events of the summer, the Copenhagen GetToGether, where more than 200 students from all over the world gathered for sightseeing and partying in and around Copenhagen but a lack of student volunteers has forced us to abandon this tradition. However we are very proud of the contribution IAESTE Denmark has made to our Association in the past sixty years. Sinna Martinez National Secretary IAESTE Denmark Finland Finland was one of the Founding Members of IAESTE in 1948. The first Conference in Finland was held in Helsinki only two years later in 1950. In the same year the Finnish Government decided to set up an official Committee for trainee exchange issues. IAESTE Finland has always been administered by Civil Servants. The second Conference in Finland was a memorable one held on board M/S Finlandia in 1973. The ship departed from Travemuende and headed towards Helsinki cruising on the Baltic Sea and on the Gulf of Finland. The cruise on a frozen sea in January was a once in a lifetime experience for many participants. IAESTE celebrated its 25th Anniversary on board. all over the world. Many former IAESTE trainees have built successful careers. One of them is Mr Markku Mattila who was a young engineering student in the Helsinki University of Technology when he left for IAESTE training to Germany in 1968 and to the Netherlands in 1969. Today he is the President of the Academy of Finland, a Professor and a Doctor of Science (Technology). Training abroad sparked his interest in international issues and other cultures. During his time abroad, Mr Mattila realised that the high standards of Finnish education in general and especially in the teaching of languages give a solid foundation to work and interaction in a foreign country. International issues have ever since been part of Mr Mattila’s career. In April 1991 Finland hosted the 3rd SID meeting in Espoo. In the same year the Centre for International Mobility CIMO was founded under the administration of the Finnish Ministry of Education. IAESTE Finland has been administered by CIMO ever since. Finland also hosted two IAESTE Nordic meetings in Helsinki in 1998 and in 2002. During the past 60 years Finland has sent over 14,000 students abroad through IAESTE and Finnish employers have received over 12,000 students from IAESTE Finlan d 20 08 Mr Markku M Norwegian Sea RUSSIA NORWAY SWEDEN FINLAND Niina Jutti National Secretary IAESTE Finland at tila S T E 21 I A E S T E A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 RUSSIA Norway Norwegian Sea SWEDEN FINLAND NORWAY ESTONIA 60 In January 1948, Hans Breder, a student representing the technical students of Norway crossed the rough North Sea by boat arriving at Newcastle and finally reached his destination at a nice student lodge in London. He made this strenuous journey to attend a meeting which turned out to be the first Annual Conference of IAESTE and he became the first National Secretary of IAESTE Norway. Since that fateful meeting in 1948 IAESTE Norway has been run by students and is today a viable Organisation represented at all the universities in Norway with approximately 110 volunteer students and one Administrative Secretary. IAESTE Norway has been the host country of three Annual Conferences. In 1956 the 9th Annual Carina Flaam Moen National Secretary IAESTE Norway e An mmittee of th Organising Co eim dh on Tr in in 1956 FINLAND SWEDEN ESTONIA LATVIA LITHUANIA Carola Barhammar National Secretary IAESTE Sweden 22 The 10th SID - Seminar on IAESTE Development, was hosted in Oslo in 1995 with the largest ever participation of more than 70 delegates from 33 countries. In 2008 we received as many participants at the 23rd SID in Stavanger, Norway and we met Hans Breder again when he joined us for our 60th Anniversary celebration during the Seminar. ce at the Participants 20 02 Trondheim, 54th Annual Conference in SWEDEN Norwegian Sea NORWAY nual Conferen Conference started in Trondheim on Friday the 13th January at 13:00 hours. Despite the unfortunate choice of opening time the Conference was a success and it also hosted the first and last “Annual Skiing Competition”. Trondheim was also the location for the Annual Conferences in 1980 and 2002, the last elected by the General Conference after being charmed by a video showing the city centre of Trondheim involving a child, a sled and a moose. When IAESTE started in 1948 it must have been a very special moment for the men who met at Imperial College and founded the Organisation. They were only men at that time, I believe, and only one or two were students. Since then IAESTE has changed a lot, but the essence and the main ideas remain. Sweden was one of the Founding Members, however there had been exchange activities going on before 1948 through “Svenska Statens Praktiknämnd”. Since 1948 Sweden has received 27,111 students and sent out 14,796 Swedish students to countries all over the world. One of the reasons for the difference in incoming and outgoing students is that during the sixties many Swedish companies were short of labour and IAESTE was the only Organisation which was able to arrange work permits for incoming students. The students worked mainly in the workshops at Holmen Paper, ABB, Scania, Volvo and other manufacturing companies. Some of the Swedish people that have worked with the Organisation throughout the years have played a bigger and more important role than others in developing the programme. For example Mr Rolf Beijer, who was the General Secretary during the period 1956 – 1962 and Mr Torsten Lundgren, the representative from the Swedish Employers’ Confederation who was involved in IAESTE for over ten years and of course all the students especially from the Royal Institute of Technology and Chalmers University of Technology which have been actively involved since the start. IAESTE Sweden arranged IAESTE Conferences in 1954 and 1988. The SID (Seminar on IAESTE Development) meeting in 2001 took place in Malmö and this seems also to have been a very successful meeting, even though the participants this time had the opportunity to experience Walpurgis night in Lund. Those who have been there on 30 April any year know what I am talking about. I A E I A E S T E A N N U A L R E V I E W I myself have been working now with IAESTE for more than 20 years and I must say that these years have been very exciting but also hard work. To work with IAESTE is not just an ordinary job eight hours per day. You have to be prepared for almost anything when it comes to dealing with people, but usually these are positive things as we work with connecting students and employers. The Local Committee in Lund arranged a wonderful wedding in the cathedral of Lund for a Japanese student. This particular student came to Sweden as an IAESTE trainee and he became so fond of the cathedral that he decided to get married there. The Local Committee arranged all the necessary papers and also the wedding dinner. It was a wonderful experience - I know I was there! 2 0 0 8 IAESTE Sweden has always been supported by the government in one way or another but it is also registered as a non-profit Organisation. Over the years the National office has been located at different places such as The Swedish Employers’ Confederation, The Swedish Labour Market Administration and employment office. In 1991 the IAESTE office moved to the newly star ted international employment office and since 1997 the office has been based in the International Programme Office for Education which is supported by the Ministry of Education and Research. 60 Switzerland The roots of IAESTE date back to before 1948. Between the two World Wars an Organisation was set up with the aim to offer practical experience abroad. As far as Switzerland was concerned Mr Weber, General Secretary of Brown, Boveri & Co. in Baden (now ABB) and his successor Mr Naville devoted much of their energy to this task. Soon after the war was over the idea was taken up again. After two years of preparation, IAESTE Switzerland became one of the Founding Members of IAESTE and so began the student exchange that we are familiar with today. At that time, IAESTE Switzerland was part of The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH). This was the perfect place for IAESTE to be located, close to the students at a prestigious school that attracted reputable Companies. In 1953 the Conference was held in Switzerland for the first time, attended by 25 people in Zurich and chaired by the Swiss National Secretary Mr Bosshardt. GERMANY FRANCE AUSTRIA SWITZERLAND In 1964 Switzerland again had the honour of hosting the Conference, this time in the picturesque city of Lucerne. Many delegates liked it so much that they decided to come back to Switzerland just three years later. This time the Conference took place in the French part of Switzerland, in Lausanne. One of the longest serving members of IAESTE Switzerland was Mr Karl Köchle. His contribution to IAESTE was not just on a National level but also on an International level where he was highly respected. During his IAESTE career he was Conference Chair three times and was part of the Advisory Committee for a total of eight years. From 1974 to 1980 Mr Köchle ITALY Seraina Munton National Secretary IAESTE Switzerland S T E 23 I A E S T E was the 5th General Secretary in IAESTE and was instrumental in the organisation of the fourth Swiss General Conference in Mürren in 1981. A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 At the end of the last century ETH and IAESTE came to the agreement that IAESTE Switzerland would become an independent Organisation. Over a period of 5 years IAESTE Switzerland, under the guidance of Mirielle de Marco as National Secretary, set up structures for autonomy. Since 2005 IAESTE Switzerland has attempted to introduce innovative processes in collaboration with global Companies to improve exchange opportunities. 60 In the 1990’s former trainees took the initiative to develop IAESTE Switzerland further, on a voluntary basis. In 1995 the Local Committee in Zurich was formed, followed by Lausanne in 1996 and finally Basel in 1999. Together, the three Committees organised the annual motivation seminar, JUMP, in 2000 in Richterswil. Due to the successful organisation of the event, Adrian Keller of the Local Committee Zurich was assigned the post of JUMP Co-ordinator in 2001. In 2007 IAESTE Switzerland opened an office in Lausanne in order to promote exchanges for Companies and students in the French speaking part of Switzerland. Currently IAESTE Switzerland is busy preparing to host its fifth Annual Conference in Switzerland in 2010. UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM REPUBLIC OF IRELAND Christina Vakomies National Secretary IAESTE UK Mr James Newby First General Secretary 24 The story goes that the idea of IAESTE originated around a billiards table in the Royal School of Mines at Imperial College some time back in 1947. Whether that is completely true, we can confirm that in 1948 the first Conference of IAESTE was convened in London at Imperial College under the leadership of James Newby, the Director of the College’s Vacation Work Committee. At that Conference, which was attended by representatives from Institutions in 9 other European countries, the original IAESTE Association was founded and James Newby became the first General Secretary of IAESTE, serving in that role until 1956. Since its foundation IAESTE UK has sent 22,915 students abroad and received 24,391 into the UK on traineeships. Of course nothing remains static and unchanged; in that time the programme has undergone some changes in management. In the mid 1970s IAESTE UK gained government support and funding from the Education Department and moved from Imperial College to the Central Bureau for Educational Visits and Exchanges under the National Secretary, Judy Powell. In 1992 the Department for Education for Northern Ireland agreed to fund our activity through the Central Bureau’s office in Belfast. In 1993 the management of IAESTE UK was taken over by the British Council, the UK’s principal Organisation for cultural diplomacy and educational exchange. The British Council is now a Founding Member of IAESTE A.s.b.l. Our latest achievement TE UK airman IAES nr y Cohen, Ch 03 He r so es of 20 Pr rthern Ireland Stormont, No , in 2007 is to secure funding from the Scottish government to support an IAESTE programme officer in our Edinburgh office and we already have over 70 placements in Scotland whereas before we had only a handful. What’s more – we have our first successful Local Committee in Glasgow. In the 60 years following that first gathering in 1948 the United Kingdom hosted three more Annual conferences, in London in 1962 and 1977 and Cardiff in 1998 where we celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Association. IAESTE UK has provided Conference Chairs on five separate occasions and James Newby, Professor WD Wright and Judy Powell all served as Advisory Committee members. Pursuing our policy to bring our international IAESTE colleagues to different parts of the UK we also hosted two Conferences of the Seminar on IAESTE Development, in Belfast in 2002 and Glasgow in 2006. Finally we are proud to say that the current General Secretary, Pauline Ferguson, developed her passion and expertise for IAESTE while managing our programme in Northern Ireland for 14 years. I A E I A E S T E A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 WELCOME TO IAESTE: 60 New Co-operating Institutions INDONESIA Unggulan Education Foundation (UEF) Indonesia was accepted as a new Co-operating Institution in IAESTE in 2007. UEF is an Education Foundation which supervises an international standard school, a university and an education agency. We have had international relationships with several overseas Institutions in countries such as the United States, Singapore, Malaysia and UK for a long time. It is our mission to establish a strong student exchange programme with partner Institutions abroad. The concept offered by IAESTE is even better than simply an exchange programme. It is a paid internship programme which is very beneficial for students. That is why we are very proud to represent this prestigious Association in Indonesia. Our first attendance at the Annual Conference in Jordan in 2008 was an exciting experience. When we arrived at the Dead Sea, we were warmly welcomed by IAESTE Jordan. The night before the opening of the Annual Conference, we had a wonderful opportunity to get to know other participants during the Housewarming Party. We were quite surprised that at that time many countries started making an appointment for the Exchange sessions and wrote it down in the appointment schedule sheet that had been prepared. We were not prepared for this, but soon we managed to get appointments as well. During the Exchange Sessions, everybody was in a rush. Fortunately we were trained beforehand about how the situation would be and how to make use of the limited time. We managed to get 26 offers from 17 countries which was such an encouraging result for the first year. The International Night and the 60th Anniversary Celebration were very memorable; the colourful balloons, participants dressed in their traditional costumes, excellent song and dance performances and different food. But the best of all is the sense of unity, friendship and warm hospitality among the Members and Co-operating Institutions. We are all from different countries, different cultures, different languages and different belief systems but all are united by IAESTE. Johan Salim REPUBLIC OF KOREA Keimyung University This year Keimyung University, Korea, as a Cooperating Instition in IAESTE, was able to gain 21 offers from Companies and Laboratories in Universities and Institutes. Attendance at the Annual Conference is most helpful and I would recommend that any inexperienced person take part in this important event in the IAESTE calendar. We joined IAESTE as a Co-operating Institution in 2007 but had little in the way of exchange. However one of the advantages of IAESTE is the IntraWeb, which allows for an all year round exchange and is a great help. The special event for IAESTE’s 60th Anniversary was very memorable. Responding to the General Secretary’s requests, posters, balloons and traditional dress, “Hanbok” were pleasantly prepared and I especially practiced to sing a song, “World in Union”, which all the countries sang at the end of the Birthday party to mark the occasion which was full of fun. The International S T E 25 I A E S T E evening was also exciting with each country tasting each other’s food. I served pickled vegetables, “Kimchi” which is a well known Korean food and it was very popular. Through this event, all members of IAESTE were able to get to know each other better. When it came to an end it was snowing in Amman and large flakes fell on the desert. Such a rare sight I had never seen before. I would like to thank all those who organised a very meaningful Conference in Jordan and to thank IAESTE Tajikistan who acted as our Mentor and to all the countries who gave us warmhearted advice. We look forward to the Annual Conference 2009 in Warsaw, Poland with great anticipation. HongSik Byun republic of Korea Global Association of Training and Exchange (GATE) This year has been a very challenging and exciting year for Korea (GATE) as we significantly raised the number of offers from Industry, National Laboratories and Universities compared to last year when we were administered by KICOS. GATE Korea has been working hard to increase the student exchange and offer better services to incoming students in the upcoming years. 26 ung You R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 of inquiries and applications we received. We have gained from the challenging experience of matching students and employers. 60 Five countries in Asia have now formed an IAESTE Asian Forum to promote student exchange between themselves and to outreach to potential members in Asia. Keimyung University has joined this Forum and we look forward to making a meaningful contribution. In 1974 Korea became a Full Member of IAESTE but due to a lack of activity lost its Membership. Now we look forward to becoming a dynamic Member once again of this global exchange Association. Professor Yo A N N U A L Due to the strong support from IAESTE students in Korea sent overseas and from our partner universities, we were able to raise about 70 offers this year and exchanged with 31 countries at the Conference in Jordan, compared with about 11 countries in 2007. Among them there are some offers which provide students with round trip airfares for an internship to Korea. We are discussing with large multinational corporations about more job offers for the summer months. About 16 leading universities have participated in our partnership this year. As IAESTE in Korea continues to grow we need the assistance of former trainees and have successfully recruited a small number of students to form a new volunteer social committee. We now have regular social activities organised for students and a stronger support network when students arrive. It has been a challenging year working with IAESTE for the first time and I would like to give a special thanks to the IAESTE community for making my first Conference a successful one and for all their support during the year. I would also like to thank all our Employers and Universities for their sponsorship and support. LIBERIA CUTTINGTON UNIVERSITY At the Annual Conference in January 2008, which coincided with the 60th Anniversary of IAESTE, held at the Dead Sea, Jordan, Cuttington University was officially honoured and accepted as a Co-operating Institution in the IAESTE network. It was a glamorous and fantastic occasion for Cuttington University and Liberia as a whole and will be added in the history book of our University and country. For those of us who are the pioneers of IAESTE in Liberia, it will serve as a memory and will always linger in our hearts and minds of On a student level, we have started to engage in more nation-wide promotion to increase awareness of IAESTE across the country. This has already resulted in a strong increase in the number I A E I A E S T E A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 NIGERIA 60 THE UNIVERSITY OF BENIN the fun, laughter, campaign for work placements, friendship and for the wonderful organisation of the whole event. March 13, 2008, marked the official launch of IAESTE in Liberia at Cuttington University by the Hon. Rennie B. Jackson, Superintendent of Bong County, where Cuttington University is located. The Vice Presidents for Academic Affairs, Deans from Cuttington University and other Universities and dignitaries from various entities/Institutions from other parts of the country graced the occasion. To crown it all, a fantastic letter in support of our new Co-operating Institution from the General Secretary was read. The establishment of IAESTE at Cuttington University has brought unlimited opportunities for Liberian students to be involved in valuable international exchange focused on technical development. Since January 2008, Liberian students now know that they have an opportunity to travel abroad, meet new people and obtain formal training experience. IAESTE in Liberia seeks to reach out to Companies to form a lasting partnership to assist in qualifying students all over the country to become successful professionals who can contribute to the sustainable development of their local societies and global communities as well. We at Cuttington University and Liberia are really keen on working hand in hand with IAESTE and benefiting from its experience in this area. A lthough the re a re numerous frustrations that rear their ugly heads whenever we think about the challenges that lie ahead, we will never cease to plan for a better future. Progress is our hope, the route that will take us there is that of reason, freedom, knowledge, and justice. Francis Jimmy In November 2007, after the Board meeting held in Ireland, the University of Benin under the application of the National Society of Black Engineers, UNIBEN Chapter (NSBE UNIBEN) became a new Cooperating Institution in IAESTE. For the first time we were able to attend and participate in the Annual Conference at the Dead Sea, Jordan. Not only did we attend the Conference but we were also able to learn more about the structure of IAESTE and mark our first exchange with other countries. We are very proud of the opportunity that the University of Benin has been given to represent the activities of IAESTE in this region of Nigeria. This is a great challenge for us to send and receive international trainees each year. This year we have put a lot of effort into raising enough interest from other Academic Institutions and the corporate sector in our country to support the exchange. However I would like also to thank the University of Benin, Nigeria for their fruitful financial support and interest in this programme. We hope to work closely with Employers and many more Higher Education Institutions in Nigeria. We would like to thank the Employers who offered the opportunity for our students to receive international training relevant to their studies. We are happy to be part of the IAESTE milestone and achievement celebrating 60 years of exchanging students. Our participation in this achievement will not lapse in our mind. The most unforgettable experience for me was the amazing support that we received from IAESTE countries. Another memorable event was the Anniversary celebration and the International evening. We cannot forget the sightseeing tour to Bethany and the visit to Amman accompanied by music, language and customs. Finally we would like to thank all IAESTE friends and particularly Germany, Sweden, Poland, Switzerland and the United Kingdom who generously offered our students the oppor tunity to experience an IAESTE placement in 2008. We hope to further increase the number of our exchanges with many more IAESTE countries at the next Conference in Warsaw, Poland. Jonathan Okocha S T E 27 I A E S T E A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 NIGERIA 60 The Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO) Professor M arshall The Federal University of Technology, Owerri has made another landmark achievement in the area of academic linkages as it takes industrial training for undergraduate students to another level by collaborating with the International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE). According to the Vice-Chancellor of the Institution, Prof. C.O.E. Owuliri “IAESTE in FUTO” would provide Nigerian students with the opportunity of paid placements overseas for the purpose of gaining technical knowledge in disciplines ranging from Zoology and Chemistry, to Mechanical Engineering and Agriculture in such countries as Germany, Brazil and India to name but a few. My attendance at the 60th Anniversary Conference in Jordan translated into the establishment of IAESTE housed in FUTO and attracted 17 international paid placements for Nigerian students. Prof. Onwuliri encourages students to take advantage of the opportunity provided by the programme to improve their technical know-how so as to be competent, relevant and successful in this globalised world such as ours. We in FUTO look forward to developing the programme for the benefit of our Students, Employers and Academics. Professor Marshall A.C.A Odii The Philippines POEC, The Philippines I was overwhelmed when I got an email from the General Secretary informing us that our Application for a new Co-operating Institution had been approved. It was late November 2007 and of course I was not expecting to attend the Annual Conference in Jordan. I was alone at the Conference but I was so excited to learn new things, meet new people from different cultures, find out about IAESTE procedures and how we can promote the programme in our country. I observed everything and learnt from it. Thank you Indonesia, China and Germany for giving me traineeships without reciprocity. I appreciate it so much. We look forward 28 to giving opportunities to students in our country and are looking forward to developing the IAESTE programme here. We will do our best to make IAESTE in the Philippines successful. My experience during the Annual Conference was marvellous. I enjoyed everything and will treasure the memories. Lalaine Rotas VIETNAM THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY As a representative of a Co-operating Institution a t te n d i n g t h e A n n u a l Conference for the first time, I would like to say that thanks to this great opportunity we now have a deeper understanding of the important role of offering young people a good chance to develop and mature. More importantly, we have learnt that IAESTE is based on strict rules, with a well organised structure and procedures. Furthermore, it was wonderful to meet with representatives from 82 countries in the world, which makes IAESTE a cosy family where there exists no distinction between races, religions or nationalities. At the Conference we also learnt much about the student exchange procedures of IAESTE and opportunities for our students as well as employers and have brought this knowledge back to Vietnam. We do expect that Vietnam will make more contributions to the development of IAESTE in the years to come. Hoang van Phu I A E I A E S T E A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 MALAYSIA 60 Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) I would like to share the impressions of the delegation of the University Sains Malaysia (USM) at the IAESTE 60th Anniversary Conference in Jordan. The delegation included Mr. Hj. Yusoff Abdullah, Deputy Registrar of USM, and myself, from the School of Aerospace Engineering. This was not my first Conference as I had been the Chairman of a Local Committee of IAESTE Russia at the Moscow Aviation Institute in 1994 and from 1996 to 2005 I participated in Conferences as a member of the IAESTE Russia delegation. Since 2005 I have been a Professor in USM and was representing the University along with Mr. Yusoff. We were invited to meet with the IAESTE A.s.b.l. Board and after serious discussion we learned that our application for IAESTE Co-operating Institution status had been approved. Inspired by this good news, and enjoying a sunny day, we walked along the coast of the Dead Sea. At the sea shore one can find salt stones containing salt crystals. Water in the Sea is so salty that there are no living creatures, thus providing the name of the Sea. The next morning at the Opening Ceremony of the Conference we had a nice surprise as IAESTE Jordan had invited Mr. Haji Sulaiman bin Ismail, Director of the Malaysian Student Department of the Embassy of Malaysia in Amman. After lunch we received our first three offers at the Exchange Session from IAESTE Germany and prospects for further exchanges with other countries were discussed during the Sessions. During the first Plenary Session we were presented with our Certificate confirming our Co-operating Institution Status within the Association from the General Secretary. In the evening the 60th Anniversary Celebrations were held in the Grand Ball Room . It was an unforgettable picture: national dances, songs from different countries and a large number of colourful balloons. Many people were in their national costumes. After the Conference Closing, Mr. Haji Sulaiman bin Ismail welcomed us to his residence in Amman. We are very much thankful to the Vice Chancellor of USM, Hon. Professor Dato’ Dzulkifli Abdul Razak, the Dean of the School of Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering, Dr. Zaidi Mohd Ripin, Deputy Registrar (Academic and International Affairs) of USM, Norpisah Mat Isa, without whose support our participation at the Conference would have been impossible. We are very much obliged to the IAESTE Board members and the Conference participants for their kind attention to the Malaysian delegation. The Dead Sea Professor Victor P Nesterov S T E 29 I A E S T E A N N U A L R E V I E W 1948 30 2 0 0 8 60 I A E I A E S T E A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 2008 60 S T E 31 I A E S T E A N N U A L & R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 Employers Institutions 60 ARGENTINA Participating Employers CONICET - (National Council of scientific research) - PROPLAME CONICET - (National Council of scientific research) - INGEBI Institute of Technology “Jorge A. Sábato” National University of Cuyo National University of La Rioja National University of Quilmes National University of Río Cuarto National University of San Juan National University of San Martín National University of Technology – Delta Faculty Participating Institutions Institute of Technology “Jorge A. Sábato” National University of Buenos Aires National University of Cuyo National University of La Rioja National University of Quilmes National University of Río Cuarto National University of San Juan National University of San Martín National University of Technology – Delta Faculty National University of Technology – Haedo Faculty ARMENIA Participating Employers Arminco Ltd Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Armenia “Internet Society” NGO Participating Institutions Armenian Agricultural Academy Armenian National Academy Institute of Energetic, CJSC Institute of Mechanics AUSTRALIA Participating Employers Amdel APPI CRC-ACS CSIRO Molecular and Health Technologies CSIRO QCAT Deakin University Department of Primary Industries Dairy Technical Services Ensis Papro Hanson Construction Materials Hawker de Havilland Ian Wark Research Institute Outotec South East Resource Information Centre URS Australia, Brisbane URS Australia, Melbourne RMIT University 32 VISY Automation VISY Robotics Participating Institutions Deakin University Macquarie University Monash University RMIT University Swinburne University of Technology University of Melbourne University of New South Wales University of Newcastle University of Queensland University of South Australia University of Sydney University of Technology Sydney AUSTRIA Participating Employers AC2T research GmbH ace neue informationstechnologien GmbH Allianz Elementar Versicherungs AG Andritz AG APA -IT Informations Technologie GmbH ARC / Research Studios Architekt DI Andreas Lichtblau Aspelmayr GmbH Association for Promotion of Process- and Environmentaltechnical Research austriamicrosystems AG Austrian Bioenergy Centre GmbH Austrian Research Centers GmbH Austrian Research Institute for Chemistry and Technology AVL List GmbH Banner GmbH Bernard Ingenieure ZT-GmbH Boehlerit GmbH & Co KG Borealis Polymere GmbH Brenner Eisenbahn GmbH Castolin GesmbH Chemson Polymer-Additive AG CISC Semiconductor Design and Consulting GmbH DI Lukas BEURLE, Ingenieurkonsulent fuer Bauwesen DMC 01 Consulting & Development GmbH driendl* Architects e&t Energie Handelsgesellschaft mbH ECHEM Kompetenzzentrum GmbH EPCOS OHG Erich Schmid Institute for Material Science Federal College of Viticulture and Pomology Fischer Advanced Composite Components AG Flextronics Int. GmbH Gleichmann Electronics Research GmbH Government of the State of Lower Austria Graz University of Technology: Institute for Chemical Technology of Organic Materials Graz University of Technology: Institute for Internal Combustion Engines and Thermodynamics Graz University of Technology: Institute for Material Science, Welding and Forming Graz University of Technology: Institute for Software Technology Graz University of Technology: Institute for Urban Water Management Graz University of Technology: Institute of Applied Geosciences Graz University of Technology: Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer HUBAUER Heavy weight logistics GmbH IAG Industrie Automatisierungs GmbH Infineon Austria AG Infineon Technologies Austria AG Infineon Technologies IT Service GmbH Johannes Kepler University Linz: Institute for Chemical Technology of Inorganic Materials Johannes Kepler University Linz: Institute for Chemical Technology of Organic Materials Johannes Kepler University Linz: Institute for Inorganic Chemistry Johannes Kepler University Linz: Institute for Polymer Science Johannes Kepler University Linz: Institute for Soft Matter Physics Johannes Kepler University Linz: Institute for Technical Mechanics Johanneum Research GmbH Kabeg Management Karl-Franzens University Graz: Institute of Chemistry Knorr-Bremse GmbH Kwizda Agro GmbH Labor für Bauphysik Leopold-Franzens University Innsbruck: Institute of Astro- and Particle Physics Leopold-Franzens University Innsbruck: Institute of Ecology Leopold-Franzens University Innsbruck: Workgroup Waterengineering Linz AG MAGNA POWERTRAIN AG&Co KG MAGNA POWERTRAIN Engineering Center Steyr GmbH & Co KG Materials Center Leoben Research GmbH Mayr-Melnhof Karton GmbH Nationalpark Donau-Auen NXP Semiconductors Austria GmbH Ochsner Waermepumpen GmbH OeFPZ Arsenal Gmbh OTIS GesmbH Pamminger Maschinenbau GmbH & Co KG Paradigma Unternehmensberatung GmbH Philips Austria GmbH Plansee Gruppe Plansee Metall GmbH Plansee SE Porsche Design GmbH PREMIUM Bauträger GMBH Profactor Produktionsforschungs GmbH Robert Bosch AG Sandvik Mining and Construction GmbH Siemens AG Oesterreich Siemens Elin Buildings & Infrastructure GmbH & Co KG Siemens VAI Metals Technologies GmbH & Co SKF Oesterreich AG Software Quality Lab GmbH STRABAG AG TGW MECHANICS GmbH TUEV Oesterreich University of Leoben: Chair for General and Analytic Chemistry University of Leoben: Chair Mining Engineering & Mineral Economics University of Leoben: Department of Mineral Processing, University of Leoben: Department of Physical Metallurgy and Material Testing University of Leoben: Institute for Physics University of Leoben: Institute for Polymer Processing University of Leoben: Materials Center Leoben University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna: Department for Chemistry UVD Business Consulting GmbH Veitsch-Radex GmbH & Co Vienna University of Technology: Institute for Chemical Technologies and Analysis Vienna University of Technology: Institute for Communications and Radio-Frequency Engineering Vienna University of Technology: Institute for Construction Sciences Vienna University of Technology: Institute for Materials Chemistry Vienna University of Technology: Institute for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Vienna University of Technology: Institute for Process Engineering Vienna University of Technology: Institute for Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering Vienna University of Technology: Institute for Water Quality, Resources and Waste Management I A E I A E S T E A N N U A L Vienna University of Technology: Technische Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt voestalpine Stahl GmbH Voxtronic Technology Computer Systeme GmbH Waldgut Pleiderer GmbH & Co KEG Wiener Linien GmbH & Co KG ZT Buero Gritsch Participating Institutions FH Hagenberg Graz University of Technology Johannes Kepler University Linz Karl-Franzens University Graz Leopold-Franzens University Innsbruck Management Center Innsbruck University of Leoben University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna University of Vienna Vienna University of Technology R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 Ghent University, Department of Flow, Heat and Combustion Ghent University, Department of Information Technology Ghent University, Department of Textiles Ghent University, Magnel Laboratory for Concrete Research Ghent University, Multimedia Lab Ghent Universiy, Institute Biomedical Technology Huntsman IMEC Intesi Group Nuance Communications OCAS Trislot UOP Victor Buyck Steel Construction Vinçotte Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics WarringtonFireGent WTCM Participating Institutions Ghent University Vrije Universiteit Brussel Medicinski fakultet, Banja Luka Prirodno – matemacki fakultet, Banja Luka Poljoprivredni fakultet, Banja Luka Poljoprivredni fakultet, Mostar Sumarski fakultet, Banja Luka Curtume Viposa S.A Industria e Comércio CZM Industria de Equipamentos Datasist Informaticas SC LTDA Dextra DML Assessoria em Comunicação S/S LTDA Do Val Engenharia Consultiva Ltda. Droga Macedópolis Ltda. Drogaria Dutra Easy Way Elexander Empreendimentos e Participações LTDA Elfusa Geral de Eletrofusão Ltda Elipse Software Embraterra Engenharia e Consultoria Ltda Encoplan Engenharia e Planejamento Enius Marcus Dias Machado Escritório Ernani Freire Arquitetos Associados Ernst & Young Assessoria Empresarial Ltda Estevam e Cia Estudio Luz Com Mat Eletr Ltda Extrativa Metálurgia S/A Extreme Tecnologia LTDA Faculdade de Engenharia de Sorocaba Farma Center Farmácia Homeogravil Favale Associado Engenharia e Arquitetura Ltda Federal University of Ouro Preto FLC Informática Ltda Franco Ferraz & Lucia Geromel Frank Mascarenhas Arquiteto Fuad Rassi Industria e Comércio Ltda. Full Gauge Eletro Controles LTDA Fundação Educacional do Município de Assis (FEMA) Gemalto do Brasil Cartões e Terminais Ltda Geomec Engenheiros Consultores Ltda Gladynei Antonio Alves Eventos ME Grafica e Editora Contexto Ltda Grand Hyatt São Paulo / Morumbi Hotéis LTDA Grau Arquitetura Great Place to Work - Institute Brasil Grupo Centroflora Gyarfas & Assis Curitiba Haas do Brasil Indústria de Máquinas Ltda Happy Way Instituto de Idiomas Ltda. Haroldo Bernardino & Rosa Ludemir Arquitetos Hece Máquinas Hotel Glória Hotel Lago das Pedras Hotel Solar Ltda HSBC Bank Brasil Injemotor Instituto Atlântico Instituto Brasileiro de Certificações Instituto de Linguas de Surubin LTDA - WIZARD Instituto de pesquisa e planejamento urbano de Londrina Instituto Morro da Cutia de Agroecologia IMCA Instiuto Terramax Ltda. Joamar Comercio de Sucatas LTDA 60 BELARUS Participating Employers Belarusian National Technical University (BNTU) Faculty of Architecture Board of Architects of the Republic of Belarus Studio of Architectural Design Automobile and Tractor Faculty Mechanical Engineering Faculty Information Technologies and Robotics Faculty BRESTENERGO Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (BSUIR) Faculty of Computer Systems and Networks Faculty of Economics and Engineering Belarusian State University of Transport (BSUT) Electrotechnical Faculty Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno: Faculty of Biology and Ecology Faculty of Economics and Management Participating Institutions Belarusian National Technical University (BNTU) Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (BSUIR) Belarusian State University of Transport (BSUT) Grodno State University named after Yanka Kupala BELGIUM Participating Employers Agfa Graphics Artwork Systems Bekaert Advanced Coatings Belgian Nuclear Research Centre BOB361architects Capsugel Belgium Chemtura CNH Belgium Denys E-Zone Ghent University, Department of Applied Physics Ghent University, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning Ghent University, Department of Chemical Engineering BOSNIA and HERZEGOVINA Participating Employers Ad elektro, Doboj Atlantik bb, Banja Luka Byblos, Banja Luka Cete-mostovi-asfalt, Doboj Dep-ot, Banja Luka Eko-bel, Banja Luka Exit centar, Banja Luka Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Banja Luka Eco-plan, Siroki Brijeg Gradska uprava grada Banjaluke, Banja Luka Hidrogradnja, Sarajevo Intrga, Mostar Jpza vodno podrucje slivova Jadranskog mora, Mostar Krajina klas, Banja Luka Mibo komunikacije, Sarajevo Mucic & Co, Ljubuski McMilan, Banja Luka Medjugorje, Banja Luka Niskogradnja, Banja Luka New technology, Sarajevo Pavlovic International Bank, Doboj Podrumi ''Andrija'', Citluk Pop, Banja Luka Projekt, Banja Luka Projekt inzenjering, Banja Luka Siemens, Banja Luka Sumarski fakultet, Banja Luka Slobomir univerzitet, Doboj Tamaris, Banja Luka Telekom Srpske, Banja Luka TB Tenzo, Banja Luka Una inzinjering, Banja Luka Vita Vie, Capljina Zavod za planiranje razvoja kantona, Sarajevo Zitopromet, Mostar Participating Institutions Akademija umjetnosti, Sarajevo Arhitektonski fakultet, Sarajevo Arhitektonsko – Gradjevinski fakultet, Banja Luka Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Banja Luka Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Sarajevo Elektrotehnicki fakultet - Slobomir Univerzitet, Doboj Gradjevinski fakultet, Mostar Masinski fakultet, Banja Luka BOTSWANA Participating Employers Impressions O'Brien Haas Consult Participating Institution University of Botswana BRAZIL Participating Employers ABBP Comunicação LTDA ABPM - Associação Brasileira de Produtores de Maçã ACTA - Arquitetos & Consultores Técnicos Associados Ltda. Advocacia e Consultoria Juridica Agro Industrial Tabu S/A Albatroz Arquitetura Construção e Restauro Ltda Alcicla Indústria e Cómercio S/A Alcoa Alumínio S/A Aliança Cultural Brasil America de Idiomas Ltda - ABA Alternativa Consultoria em Edificações Anglo American Brasil Ltda Aquaprint Gráfica e Editora Ltda. Arciel - Ayres Rock Comercio, Importação e Exportação LTDA Assessoria Técnica e Lingüística Atelier de Luteria Paulo Gomes Atlantica Hotels International - AS ATT Tecnologia em Informática Ltda Auditoria e Contabilidade para a Administração Pública - AUDICAP Automasul Ltda Azevedo Arquitetos Associados B2ML Sistemas Bain & Company / Bain Brasil LTDA BASF S.A BDO Trevisan auditores Independentes Bedê Consultoria e Projetos Berlin. De Big Travel Operadora Turistica Botega Eletronica LTDA Braservice Assessoria em Comercio Exterior Brasilis Futebol Clube Ltda. Camargo Corrêa Desenvolvimento Imobiliario Capital Idiomas e Cultura Ltda Carvalho Queiroz Engenharia Ltda. Casa das Etiquetas Cavezali Comunicação e Marketing Cedro Market & Finances Ltda Centro de Caracterização e Desenvolvimento de Materiais Choque Engenharia CI&T Software Click Local Ltda. Comercial Eletrico Buffo Ltda Companhia Vale do Rio Doce Construtora Industrial e Comercial Said Ltda COPASA - Companhia de Saneamento de mInas Gerais Cristina Garvil Cristofaro Martins Engenharia Ltda Cultura Inglesa S T E 33 I A E S T E João Alberto Cardoso Monteiro Junge & Belli Arquitetura Khromatec Laprosolda - Laboratório para o Desenvolvimento de Processos de Soldagem LM Farias Idiomas LPA Consultoria S/C Ltda M. Campos Engenharia e Empreendimentos LTDA M.M. Farma Comercial Ltda. - ME Mactron Comercio de Equipamentos para Escritório Ltda Man Turbo do Brasil Ltda. Marcelo Braga Arquitetura Marcelo Melhado Arquitetos Associados Mariana Paula Souza Arquitetura Matec Engenharia Mauro Grande Arquiteto MCL Brasil Agência de Viagens e Turismo Ltda Megafobia Comércio Exportação e Importação Mineração Vila Nova Ltda Moinho Globo S/A. Morumby Hoteís LTDA Multh Comércio de Materais e Equipamentos Ltda. Nasser Hissa Arquitetos Associados Nautec Industria Metalurgica Ltda Niplan Engenharia Ltda Norte Massas Ltda. Novartis Biociencias S.A Oliveira Melo Engenharia e Construção P S Software Pandurata Alimentos Ltda Paradigma Tecnologia de Negócios S/A Paulo Costa Vídeos e Produções LTDA Paulo Gomes Peanuts English School Planex Engenharia Ltda Planta Engenharia PontoSat Telecomunicações Comercio e Serviços LTDA Praxian Consultoria Ltda Prefeitura Municipal de Arroio dos Ratos Prefeitura Municipal de Londrina Projetal Projetos Industriais Ltda Projeto A3 Propus Informatica Ltda Prosul Projetos, Supervisão e Planejamento LTDA Real English Center Reflex Systems RFTM Representações Ltda Roland Berger Strategy Consultants Ltda Romen Tecnologia S/A Ronaldo Aparecido Manéa- ME (Farma Fórmulas) Rose Clair Collection Rose Guazzi Arquitetura Sachaan Arquitetura e Urbanismo Silvia Bello & Cia LTDA Sintaxe Consultoria Ltda. SM&A - Sistemas Elétricos Ltda Smarapd Informatica Ltda Suprasonic Eletrônica Ltda. Suzuki Arquitetura SWB Indústria Mecânica e Automação Industrial Ltda. T&T Engenheiros Associados Ltda Tauil, Chequer e Mello advogados Associados a Thompson & Knight LLP Teba Arquitetos e Planejamento 34 Tecmag Manutenção Indistrial LTDA Tedesco, Madalozzo & Barreto Ltda TKSA Gerenciamento de Obras Ltda. Top Idiomas & Informática Torneamentos Delta Ltda Tortelli Informatica Ltda Trafo Equipamentos Eletricos UNITEC Engenharia de Produtos Usina de Açúcar e Alcool Goioerê LTDA USS Tecnologia Vertice Construtora Ltda Videolia Comercio e Assistencia Tecnica LTDA M.E Votorantim Celulose e Papel Weg Equipamentos Elétricos S.A. Wernher Von Braun Center for Advanced Research Whirlpool S.A Willer Arquitetos Associados Yara Mendes Arquitetura & Decoração Yesky - Escola de Idiomas Zero Defect Test House Zucco Madeiras LTDA Participating Institutions Centro Federal de Educação Tecnologica de Rio Pomba Centro Universitário da FEI Centro Universitário do Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia Pontífia Universidade Católica de Campinas Pontífica Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul Pontíficia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais UNIMEP -Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba UNITEC Engenharia de Produtos Universidade de São Paulo Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP Universidade Estadual de Maringá Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) Universidade Federal de Itajubá Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto Universidade Federal de São Carlos UFSCAR Universidade Federal de São Carlos CCDM Universidade federal de Uberlândia Universidade Federal de Viçosa Universidade Federal do Pará Universidade Federal do Parana Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Universidade Federal dos Vales Jequitinhonha e Mucuri Universidade Methodistica de Piracicaba UNIMEP A N N U A L CANADA Participating Employers AREVA Resources Canada Inc. Capital Health – Glenrose Site Daroan Electronics Inc. Diamond Aircraft Industries Inc. EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal Dept. of Chemical Engineering Environment Canada Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital H. H. Angus & Associates Ltd. IBM Canada Limited InvoDane Engineering Ltd. Kelsan Technologies Corp. Lallemand Inc. McGill University Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Dept. of Natural Resource Sciences Ministry of Transportation – Ontario Novelis Inc. PowerStream Inc. Prophis Research & Consulting Inc. Queen’s University Human Mobility Research Centre Dept. of Electrical Engineering Dept. of Mechanical & Materials Engineering Dept. of Physics RBC Capital Markets Research in Motion Ltd. Sensolutions Inc. Simon Fraser University Dept. of Physics Smart Technologies Inc. Syncrude Canada Corp. Trent University Dept. of Environmental Science Université de Montréal IRO – Research Institute University of Alberta Dept. of Agriculture, Food & Nutritional Science Dept. of Biochemistry Dept. of Mechanical Engineering University of British Columbia Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Medical Imaging Research Centre University of Guelph Dept. of Plant Agriculture University of Lethbridge Dept. of Biological Sciences University of Saskatchewan Crop Development Centre University of Toronto Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering Dept. of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering University of Western Ontario Applied Electrostatics Research Centre University of Windsor Dept. of Mechanical & Materials Engineering University Health Network – Ontario Cancer Institute Western Forest Products Ltd. Participating Institutions Carleton University Concordia University Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal Fanshawe College McGill University Memorial University of NF Queen’s University Simon Fraser University Université Laval Université de Montréal R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 Université de Sherbrooke University of Alberta University of British Columbia University of Calgary University of Guelph University of Ontario Institute of Technology University of Ottawa University of Regina University of Saskatchewan University of Toronto University of Victoria University of Waterloo University of Western Ontario University of Windsor York University 60 BULGARIA Participating Employer Orgachim JSC Participating Institutions College of Economics and Administration Plovdiv Technical University of Sofia Technical University of Varna University of Food Technologies - Plovdiv CHINA including HONG KONG SAR and MACAO SAR Participating Employers Andy Hall Studio Architecture Institute of Huaxin Post & Telecommunications Best Western Shanghai Long Men Hotel Changzhou High-tech Innovation Service Center DaLian University of Technology Egret Pharma Co Ltd Environmental Science Department of Zhejiang University Fuyang Language School German Technologies Co Ltd Huifeng Asia International Co Ltd Innovalue Design Co Ltd MyCOS-China Occupational Skills Qiujing Beauty and Spa Shanghai fasteners IMP/EXP Co Ltd Shanghai Fudan Microelectronics Co Ltd Shanghai Hanwu Planning Architecture Design Co Ltd Shanghai Huizhong Automotive Manufacturing Co Ltd Shanghai Libao Digital Technical Co Ltd Shanghai Long Fang Information Technology Co Ltd (IDSignet) Shanghai Motor Vehicle Inspection Center SinoBio Biotech Co Ltd SOFTRAY Co Ltd STOA Architecture Wuxi Huiguang Precision Machinery, Ltd. WWCOT Architecture Yantai Wanhua Polyurethane Co Ltd – Yantai Research Institute Yantai Wanhua Polyurethane Co Ltd – Beijing Research Institute Yantai Wanhua Polyurethane Co Ltd – Ningbo Research Institute Participating Institutions Beihang University Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Central University of Financial and Economics China Academy of Sciences China Electric Power Research Institute China Jiliang University Dalian University of Technology East China Normal University East China University of Science and Technology Fudan University Hangzhou Dianzi University Harbin Engineering University Harbin Institute of Technology Hefei Univerisity I A E I A E S T E A N N U A L Huazhong University of Science and Technology Hunan University Jilin University Nanjing University Peking University Renmin University of China Shandong University Shanghai Jiaotong University Shanghai University Shanghai University of Foreign Trade South China University of Tropic Agriculture Southeast University Tsinghua University Tongji University Wuhan University of Science and Engineering Zhejiang University R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 Universidad EAN Universidad la Gran Colombia Universidad Nacional Universidad Pedagogica Nacional Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Bucaramanga Universidad San Buenaventura Bogota Universidad Tecnologica de Bolivar URRA S.A E.S.P Participating Institutions Politecnico Colombiano Universidad Autonoma de Bucaramanga Universidad Autonoma de Manizales Universidad de Antioquia Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales Universidad de Ibague Universidad de la Sabana Universidad de la Salle Universidad de Medellin Universidad de San Buenaventura Bogota Universidad del Magdalena Universidad del Quindio Universidad del Tolima Universidad del Valle Universidad EAFIT Universidad EAN Universidad la Gran Colombia Universidad Nacional Universidad Pedagogica Nacional Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Bucaramanga Universidad San Buenaventura Bogota Universidad Tecnologica de Bolivar Unversidad del Sinu HEP - Operator distribucijskog sustava Elektrodalmacija HEP - Operator prijenosnog sustava d.o.o. Prijenosno područje Osijek HEP - Operator prijenosnog sustava d.o.o., Zagreb Hrvatske šume d.o.o. Zagreb, Uprava šume podružnica Osijek (Croatian Forests) Hrvatske vode, Osijek Institut for Oceanography and Fishery Institute for Photogrammetry Inc. IPK Kandit d.d. Ireks-aroma d.o.o. Ivanišin & Kabashi arhitekti d.o.o. Ivanko Arhitekton d.o.o. Jadran Galenski Laboratorij d.d. KT doo Osijek Kvarner CAD d.o.o. Leko - biro Messer Croatia Plin d.o.o. Nature Park «Kopački rit» Opatija Projekt Atelier Osijek-Koteks d.d. Quantum studio d.o.o. R - project d.o.o. Ruđer Bošković institute State Geodetic Administration, Zagreb Strojarski Fakultet Slavonski Brod Svod d.o.o. TEB Informatika d.o.o. Technological Research Centar in Osijek Teh Projekt Elektrotehnika d.o.o. Tehnika d.d. Zagreb University in Osijek, Department of Chemistry University of Osijek, Biology Department University of Osijek, Department of Mathematics University of Osijek, Department of Phisics University of Split, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture University of Split, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering University of Zagreb, Faculty of Food technology and Biotechnology University of Zagreb, Faculty of Geodesy University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences University or Zagreb, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Biology - Zoology UOA Helena Paver Njirić Vibrobeton d.d. VIPnet d.o.o. WERKOS d.o.o. Zavod za urbanizam i izgradnju, Osijek ZGOS d.o.o. Željezničko projektno društvo d.d. Participating Institutions University of Osijek University of Rijeka University of Split University of Zagreb CYPRUS Participating Employers Cyprus Land Development Corporation Cyprus Telecommunications Authority Electricity Authority of Cyprus Forest Park Hotel Joannou & Paraskevaides Ltd J&A Philippou Municipality of Nicosia Sewerage Board of Nicosia Water Board of Nicosia Participating Institutions Higher Technical Institute University of Cyprus 60 HONG KONG SAR Participating Employers Eric Tang & Associates Ltd The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Simonchee Architects Ltd Participating Institution The Hong Kong Polytechnic University MACAO SAR Participating Employers Civil Engineering Consultants Co. Limited Companhia de Electricidade de Macau – CEM, S.A. Macao Water (SAAM) University of Macau Wynn Macau Participating Institution University of Macau Colombia Participating Employers Actuar Tolima Alcaldia de Cerete Asosinu Camara de Comercio de Armenia Constructora el Pomar Constructora la Union Coosermin C.I.A Dian Distrabes S.A Grupo Editado S.A Industrias Ramfé Ltda Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar Mavimetal LTDA Politecnico Colombiano Proactiva S.A E.S.P Universidad Autonoma de Manizales Universidad de Antioquia Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales Universidad de Ibague Universidad de la Sabana Universidad de la Salle Universidad de Medellin Universidad de San Buenaventura Bogota Universidad del Magdalena Universidad del Quindio Universidad del Sinu Universidad del Tolima Universidad del Valle Universidad EAFIT CROATIA Participating Employers Adriaoblik d.o.o. Alstom Hrvatska d.o.o. , Zagreb APZ Inženjering d.d. Arhitektonsko - građevinski atelje BRODARSKI INSTITUT d.o.o., Laboratorij za termičku analizu Brodogradilište 3. Maj CESTING d.o.o., Osijek City Hall, Osijek Civil Engineering Institute Of Croatia Croatia Airlines d.d. Croatian Geodetic Institute Croatian Hydrographic Institute, Split Djuro Djaković - Termoenergetska postrojenja Djuro Djaković Alatnica DVA PLUS d.o.o. Elis Inženjering d.o.o. ENERGETSKI INSTITUT HRVOJE POŽAR ERICSSON Nikola Tesla d.d. EUROLIFT d.o.o. F & F d.o.o. FENIX d.o.o. GEOFOTO Geoing Gideon Multimedia Gradnja d.o.o. Gravia d.o.o. HEP - Distribucija d.d. , Rijeka HEP - Hidro d.d., Rijeka HEP - Operator distribucijskog sustava d.o.o. "Elektroslavonija" Osijek CZECH REPUBLIC Participating Employers ABB s.r.o. ALPS Electric Czech, s.r.o. ATELIER SOUKUP s.r.o. AZ GEO, s.r.o. CAMEA, spol. s r.o. (ltd.) Cleverbee s.r.o. Czech Technical University in Pratur DEKONTA, a.s. Deltaplan s.r.o. Deza, a.s. DISA Industrie s.r.o. ECONOMIA, a.s., Economia Online division ELCOM, a.s. Europlant slecht. spol. s r.o. FCC Prumyslove systemy s.r.o. IKA DATA spol. s r.o. Ingersoll Rand (Bobcat) – Compact Vehikle Technologies, Equipment Manufacturing CR, s.r.o. Institute of Geonics ASCR Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague Institute of Industrial Engineering Institute of Systems Biology and Ekology, AS CR Jiran Kohour architekti s.r.o. KOVONA Systems, a.s. Kuta-servis Novak-papir s.r.o. Nuclear Physics Institute AS CR PonteCarloProjekt, s.r.o. Quinn Plastics s.r.o. REALdesign RECOC, spol. s r.o. SENCO Pribram, s.r.o. Siemens s.r.o. Silicon&Software Systems CR STAROBRNO, a.s. Technical University of Liberec Technical University of Ostrava TEMPO Training&Consulting Tomas Bata University in Zlin Veterinary Research Institute Vigour a.s. VUT Brno Walter Engines a.s. Participating Institutions Brno University of Technology Czech Technical University in Prague Institute of Chemical Technology in Pratur Technical University in Ostrava Technical University of Liberec The University of West Bohemia Tomas Bata University in Zlin S T E 35 I A E S T E DENMARK Participating Employers AN Group A/S Aalborg University, Dept. of Civil Engineering Aalborg University, Dept. of Production Aalborg University, Institute of Mechanical Engineering B-K Medical A/S Chr. Hansen A/S COWI A/S Danisco Sugar A/S, Innovation & Technology DHI, Water & Environment Duelco A/S Haldor Topsøe A/S House of Prince A/S ICE A/S Koheras A/S LEO Pharma Microsoft Development Center Copenhagen Motorola A/S NNE Pharmaplan A/S NNIT A/S Novo Nordisk A/S Novozymens A/S Per Aarsleff A/S Rambøll Danmark A/S Siemens Wind Power TAC A/S Technical University of Denmark, Department of Physics Technical University of Denmark, Department of Chemical Engineering Technical University of Denmark, Department of Chemistry Technical University of Denmark, Department of Management Engineering Technical University of Denmark, National Food Institute Technical University of Denmark, National Institute of Aquatic Resources TopoTarget A/S UNI-C Lyngby University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Vattenfall A/S Nordic Generation, Thermal Power VELUX A/S Widex A/S Zealand Pharma A/S Zgene A/S Århus Municipality, City Road Divison Århus Municipality, Nature & Environment Participating Institutions Aalborg University Engineering College of Århus Technical University of Denmark University of Copenhagen University of Southern Denmark University of Århus FYR MACEDONIA Participating Employers AD Elektrani na Makedonija AD Elem Skopje Auto House Macedonia AvtoMoto Sojuz na Makedonija Bening Psalm DOO Beton AD Bortas DOO Brako DOO Cosmofon AD DASTO Skopje Dijagnostika Farmahem Evropa AD Skopje Faculty for Electronics and Information Technologies Faculty of Agriculture Faculty of Natural Sciences Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy FOD AD ELEM FOD Novaci AD Elem Geing and Krebs DOO GisData DOOEL Idea Plus Ashley and Holmes Ilinden ADG Inet AD JP Strezevo Bitola Karposh Skopje Lottery of Macedonia AD Skopje Mak Auto Star DOOEL Skopje Mechanical Faculty Microsam AD OKTA AD Skopje Peksim DOOEl Porche Macedonia Rade Konchar Skopje Seavus Skopje Siemens Corporation Skopje TGS Tehnichki Gasovi University American colleage - Skopje Vardar Dolomit Zdruzenie na vozachi - Skopje Participating Institutions Faculty of Architecture - Skopje Faculty of Civil Engineering – Skopje Faculty for Electronics and Information Technologies - Skopje Faculty of Forestry – Skopje Faculty of Natural Sciences - Skopje Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy – Skopje Mechanical Faculty - Skopje Technical Faculty -Bitola R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 Outokumpu Oyj Pori Energy Pöyry Civil Oy Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences Skanska Talonrakennus Oy Stora Enso Svenska yrkeshögskolan, University of Applied Sciences Tamfelt Oyj Abp Tampere University of Technology University of Lapland University of Oulu University of Turku Wärtsilä Finland Oyj Participating Institutions Åbo Akademi University Helsinki Polytechnic Stadia Helsinki University of Technology Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences Lahti University of Applied Sciences Lappeenranta University of Technology Oulu University of Applied Sciences TAMK, University of Applied Sciences (Tampere) Tampere University of Technology University of Helsinki University of Oulu University of Tampere University of Turku VAMK, University of Applied Sciences (Vaasa) 60 ECUADOR Participating Employers Alidip Avitalsa Bayer Crop Science Biometrika Blu Media Consorcio Camaren Constructiva CEV Cornerstone Curimining Danec 36 Ecuavalvula Eguez Cueva Che Farina El Condrogal Ergon Fragmento Urbano Fundacion Delfos Grupo Context Ilumac Innovar Int Food Services Jemp Construcciones Logikard Multitrabajos Oshyn Petrobell ProBio Refundation Consulting Rose Sande Ecuador Sedemi Construcciones Semagro Seriva Servicio A bordo Siemens Softwarehouse Soho Spazzio Sysgen Tierra del Volcan VGS Alimentos Participating Institutions ESPE Escuela Politencnica Nacional del Ecuador Universidad San Francisco de Quito Universidad de las Amercias Universidad Internacional del Ecuador A N N U A L EGYPT Participating Employers Alexandria National Iron and Steel Co Alexandria Alexandria Petroelum Co Alexandria Aluminum Co of Egypt, Naga Hammadi Arab Contractors Co Cairo Petroleum Refining Co Cairo Egyptian Iron and Steel Co Helwan El-Ameraya Petroleum Refining Co Alexandria El-Dahan and Farid Office, Cairo General Petroleum Co Cairo German – Arab Arch. Office, Cairo Gulf Suez Petroleum Co (GUPCO) Cairo Misr Petroleum Co Cairo National Cement Co Helwan Private Arch. Office of Prof. Dr. Amr. El-Halafawy, Cairo Private Arch. Office of Prof. Dr. Ahmed Abdeen, Cairo Participating Institutions Ain Shams University Alexandria University American University in Cairo Arab Academy for Science and Technology Assiut University Benha High Institute of Technology Cairo University Elmenya University German University in Cairo High Institute of Technology, Tenth Ramadam FINLAND Participating Employers ABB Oy Åbo Akademi University City of Helsinki City of Kuopio Consolis Technology Deltamarin Ltd Enmac Oy Engineering Agency Fidepro Oy Ltd Finnish Road Administration Fläkt Woods Oy Helsinki Energy Helsinki Polytechnic Stadia Helsinki University of Technology Klinkmann Automation Kumijaloste Oy Lappeenranta University of Technology Metso Minerals Miilukangas Ky Miilux Oy Oras Ltd FRANCE Participating Employers BESL Sarl CLEMESSY S.A CTE Ingénieurs Conseils LAMTAR SARL CHAPUIS ROYER SCAU: Architecture and Urbanism SIS Société Ingénierie Strasbourg TIMKEN WARTSILA France Participating Institutions American Business School - Paris (ABS - Paris) Ecole Centrale de Lille Ecole Centrale de Paris Ecole des Mines de Paris Ecole des Mines de Saint Etienne Ecole Européenne Chimie Polymères Matériaux Strasbourg Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Administration Economique (ENSAE) Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris (ENSC- Paris) Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Strasbourg (ENS- Strasbourg) Ecole nationale Supérieure des techniques et Industries des mines d'Albi - Carmaux Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Techniques Avancées de Paris (ENSTA) Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications (ENST) Ecole Polytechnique de l'Université de Nantes Ecole Polytechnique de Palaiseau Ecole Polytechnique de Savoie Ecole Spéciale des travaux Publics du Bâtiment et de l'Industrie - Paris Ecole Supérieure de commerce de Paris I A E I A E S T E A N N U A L Ecole Supérieure de Technologies des Biomolécules de Bordeaux - Université Bordeaux 2 (ESTBB) Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC) Jouy en Josas Institut National Agronomique Paris – Grignon (INAP-G) Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (IEP - Paris) Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (INSA- Lyon) Institut National des Télécommunications Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG) Institut Polytechnique d'Orléans Institut Supérieur d'Action Internationale et de Production (ISAIP/ESAIP) IUT Nancy Bradois - Université Poincaré Nancy Polytech'Clermont Ferrand Polytech'Grenoble Université Claude Bernard - Lyon 1 Université Lumière Lyon 2 Université Panthéon Sorbonne - Université Paris 1 Université Paris IX Dauphine R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung, und -prüfung (BAM Bundesanstalt für Züchtungsforschung an Kulturpflanzen, Institut für Pflanzenanalytik Bundesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft (FAL), Institut für Betriebstechnik und Bauforschung Carl Gustav Carus Institut, Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Krebstherapie e.V. Celisca Chemetall GmbH CLAAS Selbstfahrende Erntemaschinen GmbH Conplaning GmbH Laboratorium GmbH Dabergotzer AGRAR GmbH DaimlerChrysler AG, Abt. Powertrain Degussa AG DENSO AUTOMOTIVE, Deutschland GmbH Deutsche Post Consult GmbH Deutsche Telekom AG, ZIT 323 Deutscher Wetterdienst, Agrarmeteorologische Forschung Deutsches Zentrum fürLuft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Institut für Flugsystemtechnik, Abteilung Flugzeuge Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Luft- und Raumfahrtmedizin, Abteilung Strahlenbiologie Deutsches Zentrum für Luftund Raumfahrt e.V., Institut für Verkehrsführung und Fahrzeugsteuerung Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Institut für Robotik und Mechatronik Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Institut für Raumfahrtantriebe dmc Digital Media Center GmbH Dresdner Ökotherm GmbH EADS Deutschland GmbH, Praktikantenbetreuung EP 15 Ecologic Gesellschaft für internationale und europäische Umweltforschung ECT Oekotoxikologie GmbH EIBS GmbH, Entwurfs- und Ingenieurbüro Straßenwesen Energy-Lab Technologies GmbH equinux AG ESA Elektroschaltanlagen Grimma GmbH F.EE Industrieautomation GmbH Fachhochschule Bingen, Institute for Environmental Studies and Applied Research Fernuniversität Hagen, Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik FEV Motorentechnik GmbH FGAN-FKIE, Forschungsinstitut für Kommunikation, Informationsverarbeitung und Ergonomie FH Jena, Fachbereich Elektrotechnik FH Lübeck, Kompetenzzentrum Wasserstoff- und Brennstoffzellentechnologie FH Oldenburg/ Ostfriesland/ Wilhelmshaven, FB Technik/ Angew. Informatik FH Westküste FH Zittau, FB Bauwesen FH Zittau, Institut für Ökologie und Umweltschutz FH Zittau, IPM FH Zwickau, Zentrum für neue Studienformen Focke & Co., GmbH & Co. KG Forschungsgemeinschaft Funk e.V. Forschungsinstitut für, Pigmente und Lacke e. V. Forschungszentrum DresdenRossendorf e.V., Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institut für Nanotechnologie Fraunhofer Institut, Verfahrenstechnik und Verpackung Fraunhofer Institut für Photonische Mikrosysteme Fraunhofer Institut für Biomedizinische Technik IBMT Fraunhofer Institut für Lasertechnik Fraunhofer Institut für Systemtechnik, und Innovationsforschung Fraunhofer-Insitut für Schichtund Oberflächentechnik, IST Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme, ISE FU Berlin, Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik Institut für Informatik FU Berlin, Institut für Experimentalphysik Galerie Jette Rudolph GATERMANN + SCHOSSIG, Architekten, Generalplaner, Bauplanungsgesellschaft mbH + Co.KG Georg Fuchs Germanischer Lloyd, Unternehmenszentrale GfE Metalle und Materialien GmbH GKSS Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH GSF Forschungszentrum für Umwelt und Gesundheit GmbH Personalabteilung Gut Schönhof H. & J. Brueggen KG Hans-Friedrich Benignus HARTING KGaA Heine & Heine GmbH Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Department of Genome Analysis Helmut Klenk Henn Architekten Hessisches Landesmuseum, Naturgeschichtliche Abteilung Hilmer & Sattler und Albrecht Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal, Fachbereich Wasserwirtschaft Hochschule Merseburg (FH), Fachbereich Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften Hochschule Niederrhein, University of Applied Science FB Chemie htg, Electronic Systems for Measurement GmbH Qualitätssicherung für die Produktion HTW Dresden, Fachbereich Elektrotechnik HTW Dresden, FB Bauingenieurwesen/Architektur, LG Wasserwesen HTW Dresden, Lehrgebiet Hydraulik und Pneumatik HU Berlin, Institut für Physik Huhtamaki Alf, Zweigniederlassung der Huhtamaki Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG Hypo Real Estate Bank AG, HR Consulting IAVF Antriebstechnik AG IBE, Dr. Born - Dr. Ermel GmbH IBM Deutschland GmbH, Studentenprogramme IHP IMA Automation GmbH Ingenieurbüro Hintze & Koldrack GmbH Ingenieurbüro T. Sauer Ingenieurgesellschaft, Prof. Dr.Ing. E. Macke mbH INNOVENT e.V. Jena Institut für Agrartechnik Bornim e.V., ATB Institut für Energie- und Umwelttechnik e.V. Institut für Pflanzengenetik, und Kulturpflanzenforschung (IPK) Institute for Cultural Diplomacy INVERS, Innovative Verkehrstelematiksysteme GmbH IPH, Institut für Integrierte Produktion Hannover gGmbH IRIS, Infrared Innovation Systems GmbH ISM Global Dynamics iwb Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH JENASENSORIC e.V. John Deere Werke Zweibrücken Kali-Umwelttechnik GmbH KIST Europe Kraft Foods Deutschland GmbH KUKA Schweissanlagen GmbH Landesamt für Vermessung und Geoinformation Landschaftsgestaltung, Straßen-, Tief- und Wasserbau GmbH Landwirtschaftsbetrieb Karsten Böhl Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. Leibniz-Institut für Festkörperund Werkstoffforschung Leibniz-Institut für NaturstoffForschung und Infektionsbiologie e.V., Hans-Knöll-Institut Loos Deutschland GmbH LUK GmbH & Co. oHG MAN Diesel SE Mann + Hummel GmbH Max Planck Institute für biophysikalische Chemie, Abt. NanoBiophotonik Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik komplexer technischer Systeme Max-Planck-Institut für Evolutionäre Anthropologie MPG Max-Planck-Institut für molekulare Pflanzenphysiologie Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH Max-Planck-Institute for Colloids and Interfaces MAZeT GmbH Mecklenburgische Güterverwaltungs- und Dienstleistungsgesellschaft mbH & Co.KG MG DESIGN Milchhof Krabben Molnar-Institut für Angewandte Chromatographie MT Aerospace AG nanoplus GmbH Nanosystems and Technologies National Semiconductor GmbH NEFF GmbH NIBE Systemtechnik GmbH 60 GEORGIA Participating Employers Besini Ltd Wine Company Kakhuri Ltd Wine Company Vazi Ltd Wine Company Participating Institutions Tbilisi Agrarian University Tbilisi Iv Djavakhishvili State University Telavi State University GERMANY Participating Employers 3 B Scientific GmbH 3M ESPE AG ABC-Global-BmbH ACTech GmbH AIDA Development GmbH Airbus Deutschland GmbH Akkreditierungs-, Certifizierungs-, Qualitätssicherungsinstitut ACQUIN e.V. Allianz Global Coporate and Speciality AG Amt für Bildung, Kultur und Sport angaris GmbH Architekturbüro Angela Rissler Arqis Rechtsanwälte, Partnerschaftsgesellschaft AS Solar GmbH Atlas Copco Construction Tools GmbH Auerhammer Metallwerk GmbH Baden-Würtenberg International,Bereich Wissenschaft und Forschung Baltic GmbH Bau Barth Holzbau GmbH Bayerischer Rundfunk Beak Consultants GmbH Behr GmbH & Co. KG Bilfinger Berger Nigeria GmbH Biosphärenreservat, SchorfheideChorin Björnsen Beratende Ingenieure GmbH BMW Group BRECON Vibrationstechnik GmbH, Scheidtweiler Str. 19 S T E 37 I A E S T E ÖHMI Engineering GmbH ORGA GmbH Outotec GmbH Peter und Lochner, Beratende Ingenieure für Bauwesen GmbH Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt PMB Projektmanagement u. Beratungs GmbH Procter&Gamble Manufacturing GmbH R. Wirth, CNC-Präzisionsteile GmbH Rat für Formgebung Rautenbach, A Company of Nemak Rautenbach Aktiengesellschaft RLE International GmbH Robert Bosch GmbH, Abteilung CR/ARY Robert Bosch GmbH, Corporate Research & Development Dep. CR/ART Robert Bosch GmbH, Geschäftsbereich Energie- u. Karosseriesysteme Robert Bosch GmbH, Personalabteilung Schwieberdingen Rockwool, Deutsche Rockwool Mineralwoll GmbH & Co. OHG Rolls-Royce Deutschland LTD & Co KG, Personalabteilung RWTH Aachen, Deutsches Wollforschungsinstitut RWTH Aachen, IWW Wasserbaulabor und Institut RWTH Aachen, Lehrstuhl für Textilchemie und Makromolekulare Chemie Saatzucht F. Lange KG Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics, Pampus GmbH SAMSON AG Schlaich Bergermann und Partner, Beratende Ingenieure im Bauwesen Schweißtechnische Lehr- und, Versuchsanstalt SLV München Niederlassung der GSI mbH Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung, Umweltschutz und Technologie Siblitz Guss GmbH Siemens AG, Corporate Personnel Corporate Programs Siemens AG, PD Berlin A&D/ SBT Siemens AG, Siemens VDO Automotive Personalabteilung Siempelkamp, Nukleartechnik GmbH SMS Mevac GmbH SprachenGalerie Staatliche Landwirtschaftliche Untersuchungs- und Forschungsanstalt Augustenberg (LUFA) Referat Saatgut und Angewandte Botanik Stadt Donauwörth Stiftung Institut für Werkstofftechnik, Hauptabteilung Verfahrenstechnik Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover Südwestrundfunk (SWR) TCS TürControlSysteme AG GmbH Texas Instruments, Deutschland GmbH Thoma Architekten TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Fakultät 3/Institut für Geologie Fernerkundung TU Bergakademie 38 Freiberg, Institut für Energieverfahrenstechnik und Chemieingenieurwesen TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institut für Keramik, Glas- und Baustofftechnik TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institut für Mineralogie TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Lehrstuhl für Thermische und Umweltverfahrenstechnik TU Berlin, FG Informatik Fakultät Prozesswissenschaften TU Braunschweig, Institut für Chemische und Thermische Verfahrenstechnik TU Chemnitz, Institut für Fertigungstechnik/Schweißtechnik TU Chemnitz, Lehrstuhl Elektrische Maschinen und Antriebe TU Clausthal, Institut für Bergbau TU Clausthal, Institut für Elektrische Energietechnik TU Clausthal, Institut für Elektrische Informationstechnik TU Clausthal, Institut für Informatik TU Clausthal, Institut für Metallurgie TU Clausthal, Institut für Physik und Physikalische Technologien TU Clausthal, Institut für Schweißtechnik und Trennende Fertigungsverfahren TU Clausthal, Institut für Mathematik TU Cottbus, Fakultät Umweltwissenschaften und Verfahrenstechnik, Lehrstuhl Aufbereitungstechnik TU Cottbus, Lehrstuhl für Vermessungskunde TU Cottbus, LS Anlagen - und Sicherheitstechnik TU Cottbus, LS Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik TU Darmstadt, Institut für elektrische Energiesysteme, Fachgebiet elektrische Energieversorgung TU Dresden, Fakultät für Maschinenwesen, Institut für Lebensmittel- und Bioverfahrenstechnik TU Dresden, Institut für Akustik und Sprachkommunikation TU Dresden, Institut für Energietechnik Professur für thermische Energiemaschinen und -anlagen TU Dresden, Institut für Leichtbau und Kunststofftechnik TU Dresden, Institut für Produktionstechnik TU Dresden, Institute for Thermodynamics and Building Energy Systems TU Dresden, Vodafone Stiftungslehrstuhl Mobile Nachrichtensysteme TU Hamburg-Harburg, Verfahrenstechnik 2, Thermische Verfahrenstechnik TU Ilmenau, Fakultät für Maschinenbau Fachgebiet Lichttechnik TU Ilmenau, FG Telematik/ Rechnernetze TU Ilmenau, Institut für Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, FG Medienkonzeption/ Medienpsychologie TU Ilmenau, Institut für Physik, FG A N N U A L Theoretische Physik I TU Kaiserslautern, Fachgebiet Bodenmechanik und Grundbau TU Kaiserslautern, Lehrstuhl für Technische Thermodynamik FB MV TU München, Lehrstuhl für Fördertechnik, Materialfluss, Logistik der TU München TU München, Lehrstuhl für Geodäsie TU München, Lehrstuhl für Maschinen- und Apparatekunde Weihnstephan TU München, Lehrstuhl für Thermodynamik TU München, Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftslehre des Landbaues der TU München TU München, Zentralinstitut für Ernährungs- und Lebensmittelforschung, Abteilung Physiologie TU München-Freising/ Weihenstephan, Institute for Food Process Engineering, Dairy and Food Research Centre Weihenstephan Tuchenhagen Dairy Systems GmbH TÜV NORD Cert GmbH Tyntec GmbH umwelttechnik & ingenieure GmbH Universität Bamberg, Akademisches Auslandsamt, Internationaler Ferienkurs Universität Bayreuth, Chair of Materials Processing Universität Bochum, Abteilung für Hygiene, Sozial- und Umweltmedizin Universität Bochum, Fakultät für Chemie Universität Bochum, Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie, Lehrstuhl für Anorganische Chemie I Universität Bochum, Fakultät für Maschinenbau, Lehrstuhl für Produktionssysteme Universität Bochum, Fakultät für Maschinenbau, Lehrstuhl für Maschinenelemente, Getriebe und Kraftfahrzeuge Universität Bochum,Lehrstuhl Angewandte Geologie Institut für Geologie, Mineralogie und Geophysik Universität Bochum, Lehrstuhl für elektrische Energietechnik und Leistungselektronik Universität Bochum, Lehrstuhl für Regelungssysteme und Steuerungstechnik Fakultät für Maschinenbau Universität Bochum, Lehrstuhl Kommunikationssicherheit Universität Bonn, Geographisches Institut, Arbeitsgruppe Fernerkundung Universität Bonn, Institut für Ernährungs- und Lebensmittelwissenschaft Universität Bremen, FG Keramische Werkstoffe und Bauteile, IW 3 Universität Bremen, Zentrum für Technomathematik (ZeTeM) Fachbereich Mathematik/ Informatik Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, Fachbereich Maschinenbau, Laboratorium Fertigungstechnik R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 Universität der Bundeswehr München, Institut für Werkstoffe des Bauwesens Universität Dortmund, Fachbereich Bio- und Chemieingenieurwesen Dekanat/ Geschäftsführung Universität Duisburg/Essen, Standort Essen FB 7, AG Dünnschichttechnologie Universität Erlangen, Institut für Informatik 12, HardwareSoftware-Co-Design Universität Erlangen, Lehrstuhl für Feststoff- und Grenzflächenverfahrenstechnik Universität Erlangen, Lehrstuhl Konstruktionstechnik Universität Freiburg, Lehrstuhl Biomed. Mikrotechnik, Institut für Mikrosystemtechnik-IMTEK Universität Freiburg, Lehrstuhl für Mikroelektronik Universität Gießen, Institut für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzüchtung I, Lehrstuhl für Pflanzenbau Universität Gießen, Institut für Pflanzenernährung, Interdizplinäres Forschungszentrum (IFZ) Universität Gießen, Klinik für Pferde Universität Göttingen, Abteilung Medizinische Informatik Universität Göttingen, Department of Crop Sciences Universität Göttingen, Institut für Humangenetik Universität Greifswald, Klinik und Polilklinik für Hals,Nasen-, Ohrenkrankheiten, Molekularbiologisches Labor Universität Halle, Institut für Pharmazeutische Technologie und Biopharmazie Universität Halle, Institut für Anorganische Chemie Universität Halle, Landwirtschaftliche Fakultät Inst. für Bodenkunde und Pflanzenernährung Universität Halle, Zentrum für Ingenieurwissenschaften Universität Halle, Fachbereich Pharmazie Universität Halle, Institut für Anorganische Chemie Universität Halle, Med. Fakultät Institut für Pharmakologie u. Toxikologie Universität Hannover, Institut für Botanik Universität Heidelberg, Physikalisch-Chemisches Institut INF 253 Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Bodenkunde u. Standortslehre Universität Hohenheim, Tropenzentrum Universität Jena, Institut für Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnologie Universität Jena, Otto-SchottInstitut für Glaschemie Universität Karlsruhe, Institut für Hydromechanik Universität Kassel, FB Bauingenieurwesen FG Werkstoffe des Bauwesens Universität Kiel, Lehrstuhl für Nachrichten-und Übertragungstechnik Universität Konstanz, Fachbereich Biologie 60 I A E I A E S T E A N N U A L Universität Konstanz, Fakultät für Biologie Fach M 654 Universität Konstanz, Limnologisches Institut Universität Leipzig, Akademisches Auslandsamt Universität Leipzig, Mathematisches Institut Universität Lüneburg, Automatisierungstechnik Universität Lüneburg, Institut für Ökologie und Umweltchemie Universität Lüneburg, Institute for environmental and suitainability communication Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Mathematik, Institution für mathematische Optimierung Universität Magdeburg, FEIT/ IMOS Universität Magdeburg, Institut für Elektronik, Signalverarbeitung und Kommunikationstechnik (IESK) Universität Magdeburg, Institut für Verteilte Systeme Universität Magdeburg, Lehrstuhl für Hochfrequenz- und Kommunikationstechnik, FEITIESK Universität Mainz, Fachbereich Chemie, Pharmazie u. Geowissenschaften Institut für Pharmazie Universität Mainz, Institut für Geowissenschaften, FB 09/6870 Universität Mainz, Institut für Kernchemie Universität Mainz, Institut für Physik, KOMET 336 Universität Oldenburg, AG Regionalwissenschaften - IBU Universität Oldenburg, Fakultät V, IBU A1, Institut für Biologie und Umweltwissenschaften Universität Oldenburg, Institut für Reine und Angewandte Chemie Universität Paderborn, Fakultät EIM-E GET Lab Universität Paderborn, Heinz Nixdorf Institut, Mechatronik und Dynamik Universität Paderborn, Mechanical & Environmental Process Engineering Universität Rostock, Institut für Angewandte Mikroelektronik Universität Rostock, Institut für Physik, LS Physik neuer Materialien Universität Saarland, Institute of Electrical Engineering Physics Universität Siegen, Insitut für digitale Kommunikationssysteme Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Luftfahrtsysteme Universität Stuttgart, Lehrstuhl und Institut für Chemische Verfahrenstechnik Universität Weimar, Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen, Institut für Strukturmechanik University of Hamburg, Department of Wood Science, Chemical Technology of Wood Valeo Schalter und Sensoren GmbH Vermögen und Bau BadenWürttemberg, Betriebsleitung, Personalreferat Viamedici Software GmbH Volkswagen AG, Konzernforschung/ Fahrzeugdynamik K-EFFD/G Volkswagen AG, Technische Entwicklung (EGFZ/2) R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 Vorwerk Elektrowerke GmbH & Co. KG, Personalabteilung Wenutec GmbH Wieland-Werke AG Zentrum für Muskuloskeletale Chirurgie, Universitätsklinikum Charité ZF Getriebe GmbH, Werk Brandenburg Participating Institutions Fachhochschule Aachen Fachhochschule Aalen Fachhochschule AlbstadtSigmaringen Fachhochschule Amberg-Weiden Fachhochschule Anhalt Fachhochschule Aschaffenburg Fachhochschule Biberach Fachhochschule Bingen Fachhochschule Bochum Fachhochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg Fachhochschule Brandenburg Fachhochschule Braunschweig Fachhochschule Bremen Fachhochschule Bremerhaven Fachhochschule Coburg Fachhochschule Darmstadt Fachhochschule Dortmund Fachhochschule Düsseldorf Fachhochschule Eberswalde Fachhochschule Erfurt Fachhochschule Frankfurt Fachhochschule Gelsenkirchen Fachhochschule Gießen Fachhochschule Hamburg Fachhochschule Harz Fachhochschule Hildesheim Fachhochschule Hof Fachhochschule Jena Fachhochschule Kaiserslautern Fachhochschule Karlsruhe Fachhochschule Koblenz Fachhochschule Köln Fachhochschule Konstanz Fachhochschule Lausitz Fachhochschule Lippe Fachhochschule Lübeck Fachhochschule Magdeburg Fachhochschule Mannheim Fachhochschule Merseburg Fachhochschule Münster Fachhochschule Neubrandenburg Fachhochschule Niederrhein Fachhochschule Oldenburg/ Ostfriesland/Wilhelmshaven Fachhochschule Osnabrück Fachhochschule Potsdam Fachhochschule Regensburg Fachhochschule Rosenheim Fachhochschule Schmalkalden Fachhochschule Stralsund Fachhochschule Trier Fachhochschule Weihenstephan Fachhochschule Westküste Fachhochschule Wiesbaden Fachhochschule Wildau Fachhochschule Wismar Fachhochschule Würzburg Fachhochschule Zittau Fachhochschule Zwickau HTW Berlin HTW Dresden HTW Leipzig HTW Mittweida Humboldt-Universität Berlin RWTH Aachen Technische Universität Berlin Technische Universität Braunschweig Technische Universität Chemnitz Technische Universität Clausthal Technische Universität Cottbus Technische Universität Darmstadt Technische Universität Dresden Technische Universität Freiberg Technische Universität FreisingWeihenstephan Technische Universität HamburgHarburg Technische Universität Ilmenau Technische Universität Kaiserslautern Technische Universität München TFH Berlin Universität Augsburg Universität Augsburg Universität Bamberg Universität Bayreuth Universität Bielefeld Universität Bochum Universität Bonn Universität Bremen Universität Dortmund Universität Duisburg-Essen Universität Düsseldorf Universität Erlangen Universität Frankfurt Universität Freiburg Universität Gießen Universität Göttingen Universität Greifswald Universität Halle Universität Hannover Universität Heidelberg Universität Hohenheim Universität Jena Universität Karlsruhe Universität Kassel Universität Kiel Universität Köln Universität Konstanz Universität Leipzig Universität Lüneburg Universität Magdeburg Universität Mainz Universität Mannheim Universität Marburg Universität Münster Universität Oldenburg Universität Osnabrück Universität Paderborn Universität Passau Universität Potsdam Universität Regensburg Universität Rostock Universität Saarbrücken Universität Siegen Universität Stuttgart Universität Trier Universität Tübingen Universität Ulm Universität Weimar Universität Wuppertal Universität Würzburg Hawkrad Construction Limited Isaac Electricals & Rewinding Company Jans Computer Japan Motors Trading Co. Ltd Juaben Oil Mills Kapital Radio Kasmo Construction Ltd Kumasi Glue Factory Light FM Mechanical Lloyd Medilab Diagnostic Services NIIT Nnuro Kente Ltd Pledgetex Enterprise Quink Architecture Strescom Engineering Consultancy Tagoe Consultancy The Consortium Top Class Computers University Printing Press (KNUST) Wenchi Medical Hospital Participating Institutions Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology University of Cape Coast 60 GHANA Participating Employers Amalgamated Group Bethany Medical Centre Building and Road Research Institute (BRRI) Classic FM Consar Ltd Conterra Ltd Department of Chemistry, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Faculty of Forest Resources, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology First Choice Computers Fox FM Geotech Systems Limited GREECE Participating Employers ADK Consulting Engineers S.A. Afi Hatzivariti S.A. Intetrade Agriculture University of Athens Alumil Milonas S.A. Aluminium of Greece American Farm School Association of Local Authorities of Greater Thessaloniki Atti-Kat S.A. Cardisoft S.A. Cedefop-European Center for the Development of Vocational Training Certh-Center for Research and Technology Hellas Centre for Research & Technology Hellas/Institute of Solids Chorometria Consulting Engineers Christoforos Keridis & Sons Cottonfields Makedonia S.A. Cultural and Educational Technology Institute DelphiI-Distomon Min.Co Domorinthos “Domos” Consulting Engineers Edrasis Ch.Psallidas S.A. Egnatia Odos S.A. Elefsis Shipbuilding & Industrial Enterprises S.A. Ergose S.A. Erlikon Wire Processing S.A. Fage S.A. Famar AVE Forest Research Institute Fluid Research General Army Staff General Mining & Metallurgical Company S.A. LARCO Geoconsult Ltd. Geognosi S.A.-Geotechnical Engineering Consultants Halyvourgiki Inc. Hellas Gold S.A Hellenic Defense Systems S.A. Hellenic Petroleum S.A. Hellenic Sugar Industry S.A. Hydroexigiadiki L.S Lazarides & Co Hydromeletitiki Inasco Hellas Intracom Telecom S T E 39 I A E S T E J & P Avax S.A. Kalitsis Antonis-Civil Engineer Kampakas S.A. Laboratory of Applied ThermodynamicsLaboratory of Architectural Technology-A.U.TH. Laboratory of Computer Systems Architecture-A.U.TH. Laboratory of Environmental Technology-N.T.U.A. Laboratory of Knowledge and Database Systems-N.T.U.A. Laboratory of Machine Elements and Machine Design-A.U.TH. Laboratory of Maritime Engineering and Maritime WorksA.U.TH. Laboratory of Metallurgy-N.T.U.A. Laboratory of Microwave & Fiber Optics-N.T.U.A. Laboratory of Polymer Reaction Engineering-A.U.TH. Laboratory of Sanitary Technology-N.T.U.A. Laboratory of Soil Dynamics and Engineering Seismology-A.U.TH. Laboratory of Steel StructuresN.T.U.A. Laboratory of Telecommunication Systems-A.U.TH. Loufakis Chemicals S.A. Mel-Macedonian Paper Mills S.A. Meletitiki-A.N. Tombazis & Associates Architects Meteko S.A. Motor Oil Hellas Corinth Refineries S.A. Municipal Corporation of Alternate Planning of Kozani [DEPEPOK] N. Tressos & Associates Nicoglou Bakery and Yeast S.A. (ZANAE) Obermeyer Hellas Ltd. Ourulis & Co. Pangaea Consulting Engineers Ltd. Phosphoric Fertilizers Industry S.A. Public Power Corporation Public Gas Corporation of Greece [DEPA] S.A. P.Spiliotakos & Associates Regional Development Agency of West Macedonia Sani S.A. & Pallini S.A. S & B Industrial Minerals S.A. Sidenor S.A. Siemens S.A. Sima S.A. Sovel S.A. Spexa S.A. Titan Cement Company S.A. V & D Varouxakis S.A. Water Supply, Drainage & Distribution Municipal Co Participating Institutions Agricultural University of Athens Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Democritus University of Thrace Laboratory of Heterogeneous Mixtures & Combustion SystemsN.T.U.A. Laboratory of Hydraulics and Environmental EngineeringA.U.TH. Laboratory of Intelligent Robotics and Automation-N.T.U.A. National Technical University of Athens University of Thessaly University of Western Macedonia 40 HUNGARY Participating Employers Allround Informatika Informatikai Szaktanácsadó Kft. ASA Építőipari Kft. Bachman & Bachmann Építész Iroda Kft. BalaBit IT Biztonságtechnikai Kft. Bálint Analitika Mérnöki Kutató és Szolgáltató Kft. Bálint és Társa Építészek Irodája Kft. Bay Zoltán Alkalmazott Kutatási Közalapítvány Logisztikai és Gyártástechnikai Intézet Benteler Handel Cső- és Acélkereskedelmi Kft. BETONÚT Szolgáltató és Építő Zrt. Chemark Termelő és Kereskedő Kft. Chemitechnik-Pharma Mérnöki Iroda Kft. Comfort-Netshare Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft. Designsoft Kft. DGS Kft. Du-Plan Tervező Kft. EEA Budapest Kft. - Erick van Egeraat Associated Architects EGÚT Zrt. Egyetemközi Távközlési és Informatikai Központ (ETIK) EKS-Service Kft. Elgoscar 2000 Kft. ENQUA Környezet és Minőség Szolgáltató Kft. GE Hungary Zrt. Halbo MCE Kft. Hepenix Műszaki Szolgáltató Kft. HOT-ÉP Kft. Huntraco Zrt. INTER-CAD Mérnöki Szoftver Fejlesztő és Szolgáltató Kft. KEROX Ipari és Kereskedelmi Kft. MSC Mérnöki Tervező és Tanácsadó Kft. Műszertechnikai Rendszerház Kft. Online Web Kft. Pálffy Építész Iroda Kft. PannonPharma Kft. Pécsi Mélyépítő Iroda Tervező és Szolgáltató Kft. Politent Bt. Pont-Terv Zrt. Portaterv Városrendezési és Építészeti Tervező Kft. Telemax Gsm Szervíz Telekommunikációs Szolgáltató Kft. Tigra Kft. TRILIT Építészeti és Konstrukciós Iroda Kft. Unilever Magyarország Kft. Unitef '83 Műszaki Tervező és Fejlesztő Zrt. Urbanitas Tervező és Tanácsadó Kft. Villa International Zrt. Weener Plastic Műanyagfeldolgozó Kft. Participating Institutions Dunaújvárosi Főiskola - Déri János Kommunikációs Intézet Miskolci Egyetem - Műszaki Földtudományi Kar - Áramlás- és Hőtechnikai Gépek Tanszék Pannon Egyetem - Folyamatmérnöki Tanszék KFKI Részecske- és Magfizikai A N N U A L Kutatóintézet Közlekedéstudományi Intézet Kht. Központi Élelmiszer-tudományi Kutatóintézet Magyar Állami Földtani Intézet Magyar Elektrotechnikai Ellenőrző Intézet Kft. (MEEI) Magyar Építő Zrt. Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Műszaki Fizikai és Anyagtudományi Intézet R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 IRAN Participating Employers Advanced Phase Transformation Lab. (APTL) Asheianeh Helicopter Cooperative Co. (3rd Millennium Tower) Centre of Excellence in Electrochemistry (CEE) Chagalesh Consulting Engineers Construction Materials Institute (CMI) CVR Consulting Engineers (CVR) Darya Khak Pay Consultants (DKP) Dena Rahsaz Co. Graduate Faculty of Environment Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics (IBB) Iran Frame Co. Iran Industrial Networks Developments - IUT Iran University of Science and Technology J.T.M.A Co. Kavoshgaran Consulting Engineers (KCE) Kayson Co. Khak Massaleh Sazan Mahab Ghodss Consulting Engineers Middle East Water and Environment (MEWE) Omran Maroon Engineers Co. Passargad Travel Agency Perlite Construction Co. Rubber Industries Engineering and Research Company - SUT Saghf-E-Semnan Co. Tarbiat Modarres University University of Tehran Participating Institutions Advanced Phase Transformation Lab. (APTL) Amir Kabir University of Technology Centre of Excellence in Electrochemistry (CEE) Graduate Faculty of Environment Iran University of Science and Technology Isfahan University of Technology Shahid Beheshti University Sharif University of Technology Tarbiat Modarres University University of Arak University of Birjand University of Semnan University of Rafsanjan University of Shiraz University of Tehran 60 Iceland Participating Employers Landsvirkjun Nýsköpunarmiðstöð Íslands Plastprent Participating Institution University of Iceland INDIA KARUNYA UNIVERSITY Participating Employers Karunya University Satyam Computer Services Limited Virtusa India Private Limited Participating Institutions Anna University, Tamil Nadu Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tamil Nadu Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi IIT, Roorkee Jadavpur University Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology University Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu Mumbai University Rajiv Gandhi College of Eng. & Tech., Pondicherry University Visvesvaraya Technological University MANIPAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Participating Employers Center for Laser Spectroscopy, Manipal Manipal Center for Information Sciences Manipal Center for Life Sciences Manipal Institute of Communication Manipal Institute of Management Manipal Institute of Technology Manipal Dot Net Philips BOP Participating Institutions Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior Manipal University National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra IRELAND Participating Employers Applied Optics Group, National University of Ireland, Galway Architectural Construction Technology Ltd. Arup Consulting Engineers Boliden Tara Mines Ltd. Cork City Council Dundalk Institute of Technology Leargas The Exchange Bureau Limerick County Council Martin Murray Architects Mouchel Parkman Ireland Ltd. Nanoscale Biophotonics Laboratory, National University of Ireland, Galway Odysseus Project, University College Dublin & Dublin City University I A E I A E S T E A N N U A L Patrick Rooney Associates Architects Paul Arnold Architects Roscommon County Council Sligo County Council South Tipperary County Council Participating Institutions Dublin City University Dublin Institute of Technology, Bolton Street Dundalk Institute of Technology Institute of Technology, Tallaght National University of Ireland, Galway National University of Ireland, Maynooth Trinity College Dublin University College Dublin University of Limerick R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 Politecnico di Milano - Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione Politecnico di Milano - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Nucleare Politecnico di Milano - Polo di LECCO Politecnico di Milano International Projects Service Reply Spa Silvelox S.p.A. Studio Palterer Participating Institution Politecnico di Milano Arab Drip Irrigation Technologies Arab Potash Company Cables and Wires Manufacturing Consolidated Consultant Engineering & Environment Dar Al-Handasa Consultants Deep Sea El Conocorde Construction Electricity Distribution Company Engineering University of Jordan General Investment Company Habib Associates Jalal Engineering & Consulting Office Jordan Cement Company Jordan Electric Power Company Jordan Petroleum Refinery Company Jordan Phosphates Mining Company Jordan Pipes Manufacturing Company Jordan Steel PLC Lacure Manseeb Consulting Office Ministry of Education Mawshour/ Consultants Municipality of Great Amman MWH Arabtech Jardaneh National Elictric Power Company National Paints Factories Company OMB Architects OMRANIA- Jordan Petra Engineering Industrial Company Rum-Aladdin for Engineering Industries Co.PLC S.M. Dudin Architectures & Engineers Sigma Consulting Engineers Systems & Electronic Development Trial Pharma University of Jordan- Engineering Department University of Jordan Maintenance Department University of Jordan Service Department Zamanoun Engineering Office Participating Institutions Jordan University of Science and Technology- Irbid, Jordan Princess Summaya University for Technology- Amman, Jordan The Hashemite University- Zarqa, Jordan University of Jordan- Amman, Jordan Milk production company “Food Master” National Nuclear Center (Institute of Nuclear Physics) North-Kazakh State University, Petropavlovsk Pavlodar State University, Pavlodar Pepsi Cola Ltd Research Institute of Transport and Communication Rudny Industrial Institute, Rudny South Kazakhstan State University, Shimkent Zhezkazgan Baikonurov University, Zhezkazgan Participating Institutions Almaty Technological University Almaty Institute of Energy and Communication Aktau State Universit, Aktau Atyrau Oil and Gas Institute, Atyrau Innovation Euro Asian University, Pavlodar East Kazakh State Technical University, Ust-Kamenogorsk Kazakh British University, Almaty Kazakh National University, Almaty Kazakh National Technical University, Almaty Kazakh Nation Agrarian University, Almaty Kazakh Academy of Transport & Communication, Almaty Kostanai Institute of Economics and Engineering, Kostanai North-Kazakh State University, Petropavlovsk Pavlodar State University, Pavlodar Rudny Industrial Institute, Rudny South Kazakhstan State University, Shimkent Zhezkazgan Baikonurov University, Zhezkazgan 60 ISRAEL Participating Employers A.L Hadas Technologies A.Y.G.L - Engineers & Consultan Architect Adib Daoud Architect Amnon Rechter Architect Arad Sharon Architect Avi Toledano Architect Danny Lazar Architect Giora Gur Architect Harry Brand Architect Moshe safdia Architect Peter Keinan Architect Yuval Geni Architects Schwartz-Besnossof Arcod Architects Bateman Carmel Olefins Cohen @Prter Inc Dagan Moshly Architects HP IBM Israel Edible Products Ltd. Klil Industries Knafo Klimor Architects Kolker, Kolker, Epstein Architects Microsoft R&D Center Moshe Tzur Architects TNUVA- Eilon Tavor Dairy Unilever Israel Foods Yair Gutman Architects & Town Yoram Gadish - Engineering Ltd Participating Institutions Technion Israel Institute of Technology Tel - Aviv University. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev ITALY ALFIA Participating Employers AEA s.r.l Elica S.p.A Participating Institution Università Politecnica delle Marche POLITECNICO DI MILANO Participating Employers ABB SACE S.p.A. AFROS CANNON S.p.A. Cerquiglini & Rossi corporate architecture COPRAT S.C.A.R.L. Design Continuum Italia Srl EU_Ispra - European Commission Joint Research Centre Federico Oliva Associati JAMAICA Participating Employers Beckford & Dixon Engineers Environmental Engineers Ministry of Agriculture, Mines & Geology Taylor Architects Participating Institutions University of Technology University of the West Indies JAPAN Participating Employers Akebono Brake Industry Co Ltd Alps Electric Company Ltd Canon Inc Central Japan Railway Company Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry Hitachi Ltd Hokkaido University JGC Corporation KDDI R & D Laboratories Inc National Institute for Materials Science Nishimatsu~Construction Co Ltd Nitto Kogyo Corporation Olympus Corporation OMRON Corporation Osaka University Ricoh Company Ltd Sanyo Chemical Industries Ltd Sanyo Special Steel Co Ltd Teikoku Oil Co Ltd The Institute of Behavioral Sciences The University of Tokyo Tokyu Corporation Waseda University Participating Institutions Chuo University Doshisha University Hokkaido University Keio University Kyoto University Osaka University Seikei University The University of ElectroCommunications The University of Tokyo Tohoku University Tokyo Institute of Technology Tokyo Medical & Dental University Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Tokyo University of Science Waseda University Yokohama National University JORDAN Participating Employers Aburshaid Engineering Office Arab Center for Engineering KAZAKHSTAN Participating Employers Almaty Technological University Almaty Institute of Energy and Communication Atyrau Oil and Gas Institute, Atyrau Architectural company “ Grado” “Belcamit” plant, Almaty CJSC “Shik” Company, Almaty Computer graphics company “Saulet” CJSC “Shik” Company, Almaty Design company “SCM” East Kazakh State Technical University, Ust-Kamenogorsk Kazakhstan Science Research Institute of Non-ferrous Metals, Ust-Kamenogorsk Kostanai Institute of Economics and Engineering KENYA Participating Employers Bob Harries Ltd Brookside Dairy Ltd Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology Unilever (Kenya) Ltd Participating Institution Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology LATVIA Participating Employers E&D Projekti Grindeks SIA Thule-Arcus Participating Institutions Latvia University of Agriculture Riga Technical University Transport and Telecommunication Institute University of Latvia LEBANON Participating Employers American University of Beirut (AUB) Dar al Handasah Nazih Taleb & Partners Participating Institution American University of Beirut (AUB) S T E 41 I A E S T E LITHUANIA Participating Institution Kaunas University of Technology Estudios Superiores de Occidente UANL - Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León UDEM - Universidad de Monterrey UDG - Universidad de Guadalajara UDALP - Universidad de las Américas - Campus Puebla UIA Golfo - Universidad Iberoamericana - Campus Golfo UIA León - Universidad Iberoamericana - Campus León UIA Sta. Fé- Universidad Iberoamericana - Campus Santa Fé UNAM - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México UNIVA Gdl- Universidad del Valle de Atemajac- Campus Guadalajara UNIVA León- Universidad del Valle de Atemajac- Campus León UPAEP - Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla UR - Universidad Regiomontana UV - Universidad Veracruzana Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes Universidad Cristóbal Colón Universidad de la Salle - Campus Bajio Universidad de la Salle - Campus Cuernavaca Universidad Panamericana R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 Business ART d.o.o., Podgorica Centar Informacionog Sistema UCG, Podgorica Centar za Preduzetnistvo i Ekonomski Razvoj, Podgorica Cijevna Komerc, Podgorica Cikom d.o.o., Podgorica Dendros d.o.o., Podgorica Elektroprivreda Crne Gore AD Niksic Elektrotehnicki Fakultet UCG, Podgorica Gradjevinar a.d., Podgorica Gradjevinski Fakultet UCG, Podgorica Green House d.o.o., Podgorica IGP Fidija, Podgorica Institu za Biologiju mora, Kotor Institut za Strateske Studije i Prognoze, Podgorica Komisija za Hartije od Vrijednosti, Podgorica Lisina d.o.o., Niksic Masinski Fakultet UCG, Podgorica Metalursko-Tehnoloski Fakultet UCG, Podgorica T-com crnogoski Telekom, Podgorica Vodovod, Podgorica Zavod za Gradjevinske Materijale, Geotehniku i Hemijska Ispitivanja, Niksic Participating Institutions Mediteran University – Univerzitet Mediteran, Podgorica -Faculty of Visual Art University of Montenegro – Univerzitet Crne Gore, Podgorica -Faculty of Applied Computer Science -Faculty of Architecture -Faculty of Civil Eng -Faculty of Economics -Faculty of Electrical Eng -Faculty of Geodesy -Faculty of Mechanical Eng -Faculty of Metallurgy and Technology -Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics 60 MALTA Participating Employers Architect's Studio ArrowPharm Bencini and Associates Blokrete Ltd Camilleri and Cuschieri Dedicated Micros Hilton Hotel, Malta (Tumas Group) Icon Studios Malta Communications Authority Ministry of Resources and Infrastructure Oiltanking Trelleborg Sealing University Of Malta Participating Institution Univeristy of Malta MEXICO Participating Employers Abastecedora de Carnes Los Corrales, S.A. de C.V. Aguila Fabricación, S.A. de C.V. Aguila Mantenimiento Industrial, S.A. de C.V. Aplicaciones y Proyectos Computacionales, S.A. de C.V. Asesores Inmobiliarios Milenium III, S. de R. L. de C.V. Aura Arquitectos y Urbanistas Asociados Caja Hipódromo, S. de R. L. de C.V. Campbell´s de México, S.A. de C.V. Cardanes, S. A. de C.V. CIATEQ - Centro de Investigación y Asistencia Técnica del Estado de Querétaro Compañia Mexicana de Mecha para Minas, S. A. de C.V. Compañía Minera de Atocha, S.A. de C.V. Constructora de Infraestructura de Durango, S.A. de C.V. Constructora Mextli-Co, S.A. de C.V. Construcciones Mineras Raya, S.A. de C.V. Constructora General Iberoamericana, S.A. de C.V. Consultores en Marketing Agropecuario, S.A. de C.V. Corporativo de Servicos Ambientales, S.A. de C.V. Cremeria Wallander Cyfra Constructores, S.A. de C.V. Empaques de Cartón Titán, C.V. - Planta Durango Empaques de Cartón Titán, C.V. - Planta Tizayuca Empresa Contratista en Obras Mineras Jomargo, S.A. de C.V. FEMSA- Fomento Económico Mexicano, S.A. de C.V. Geo Guerrero, S.A. de C.V. Grupo Minero Bacis, S.A. de C.V. Hercules Construcciones de Monterrey, S.A. de C.V. High Security del Norte, S.A. de C.V. Hildebrando, S.A. de C.V. HOST Control Programable y Automático de Procesos, S.A. de C.V. 42 Idetc Automatización , S. A. de C.V. Impulsora de Bienes Alameda, S.A. de C.V. Industrias Forestales San Ignacio Durango, S.A. de C.V. Industrias Wet Line, S.A. de C.V. Ingeniería en Electrónica del Atlántico, S.A. de C.V. Instituto de Ciencia y Medicina Genómica Instituto Tecnológico de Durango Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Cajeme Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Poza Rica J.C. Name Arquitectos, S.C. Moduslink México, S.A. de C.V. Minas de San Luis, S.A. de C. V. Moldes Stampa, S.A. de C.V. Naher Construcciones, S. A. de C.V. Petro Swab de México, S.A. de C.V. Presidencia Municipal de Canatlán - Estado de Durango Proteínas Naturales, S.A. de C.V. Plata Panamericana, S.A. de C.V. PRODATEC - Producciones de Alta Tecnología, S.A. de C.V. Purificadora de Agua Tancol, S.A. de C.V. Rio Grande Motors, S.A. de C.V. Rostec de México, S.A. de C.V. Sabic Innovative Platics, S. de R. L. de C. V. Secretaría de Desarrollo Rural del Estado de Puebla Secretaria de Salud- Gobierno del Estado de Durango- Hospital General Servicios de Salud de Durango Siproma Dgo, A.C. Sistemas Eléctricos de Potencia, S.A. de C.V. Taller de Arquitectura en Movimiento, S.A. de C.V. Tecnología Arquitectónica, S.A. de C.V. Transformadora Durango Gobierno del Estado de Durango Transporte Larraga, S.A. de C.V. Transportes Ramón Losoya Turborreactores, S.A. de C.V. Vianney, S.A. de C.V. Participating Institutions BUAP - Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla IPN - Instituto Politécnico Nacional Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Juárez Instituto Tecnológico de Durango Instituto Tecnológico de la Laguna Instituto Tecnológico de Querétaro Instituto Tecnológico de Veracruz Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Cajeme Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Poza Rica IEST - Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Tamaulipas ITESM Campus Monterrey - Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey ITESM Campus Querétaro - Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey ITESM Campus Santa Fé - Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey ITESO - Instituto Tecnológico y de A N N U A L MONGOLIA Participating Employers Golomt Bank Health Science University of Mongolia Mandakh Burtgel University Mining Company Erdenet Ministry of Health Mongolia MINVESCO Co., Mongoljingoo College Mongolian Academy of Sciences Mongolian University of Science and Technology Nab Company National University of Mongolia School of Mathematics School of Geology School of Computer Science and Management School of Technology Erdenet School of Material Science School of Industrial Design and Technology School of Technology Darkhan School of Foreign Language School of Power Engineering School of Food and Biotechnology School of Civil Engineering Sod Erdem School Participating Institutions Agricultural University of Mongolia Health Science University of Mongolia Mandakh Burtgel University Mongoljingoo College Mongolian University of Science and Technology National University of Mongolia MONTENEGRO Participating Employers Agencija za Telekomunikacije Crne Gore, Podgorica Alpina Mayreder, Podgorica NORWAY Participating Employers Abyssus Marine Aceca Norge Aker Well Service Atmel Biotec Pharmacon Borealis Brunvoll Det Norske Veritas Dynea Easy Park EMGS Enwa FAST Frank Mohn Services GE Healthcare HIB, Bergen University College HIT, Tromsoe University College Heli-One Norway Istad Nett Jupiter System Partner LMG Marin Miras Tech Team NorDiag Norsk Hydro Norsk Senter for Telemedisin NTNU, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim I A E I A E S T E A N N U A L NTNU TTO Nymo Mek. One Call Origo Engineering Per Knudsen Arkitekter PGS ProAnalysis Schlumberger SINTEF/MARINTEK StatoilHydro UIB, University of Bergen UIO, University of Oslo UIS, University of Stavanger UIT, University of Tromsoe UMB, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas Via Nova Systems V-Tech Participating Institutions HIB, Bergen University College HIST, Trondheim University College NTNU, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim UIB, University of Bergen UIO, University of Oslo UIS, University of Stavanger UIT, University of Tromsoe UMB, Norwegian University of Life Sciences R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 PN Engineering College, NUST Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology University of Engineering & Technology Peshawar University of Engineering & Technology Taxila Armatura Krakow J. S. C., Krakow ARMATURA Ltd., Łódź ARTA Sp. z o.o. Łódź Art-Group Sp z o.o. Rysy 2. Warsaw Automationstechnik, Krakow B&M Optik Ltd., Zaczernie(near Rzeszow) BAPS Architectural Design, Wroclaw BESTA Przedsiębiorstwo Budowlane sp. z o.o. Rzeszow Bi301615(A)04 Tf8 0 0 8 3574. zate seszow 60 OMAN Participating Employers Bank Muscat Halliburton Worldwide Ltd Mashhoor Al-Asfoor Engineering Consultancies Mohsin Haider Darwish Muscat Municipality National Engineering Office Oman Cement Company Oman Refinery Company LLC Oman Telecommunication Company Parsons International & Co. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Schlumberger Middle East S.A. Sohar University Sultan Qaboos University The Zubair Corporation LLC Participating Institutions Sohar University Sultan Qaboos University PAKISTAN Participating Employers Al-Ghazi Tractors Beacon House Informatics Brains Engineering Consultants International Mapple Leaf Cement Progressive Consultants Qadri Associates Sapphire Fibres Siddique Leather Works Wadood Woolen Mills Participating Institutions Balochistan University of Engineering & Technology GIK Institute of Sciences Karachi University National University of Sciences & Technology NED University of Engineering & Technology NUST Institute of Information Technology PANAMA Participating Employers Canon Latinoamérica Cotito Boor Embutidos Berard S.A. Fortuna INDRA Unión Fenosa Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá Participating Institutions Universidad de Panamá Universidad Santa Maria La Antigua Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá Peru Participating Employers BISA DHL Fabtech IP3 JJC Limenco Universidad de Piura Yoherza Participating Institutions Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú Universidad Católica de Santa María Universidad de Piura Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos Universidad Ricardo Palma Universidad Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo POLAND Participating Employers , Gliwice AbaCo Holding Sp. z o.o. Krakow ABB Corporate Research Center in Krakow, Krakow ABB Sp z o.o. Łódź AdRem Software sp. z o.o. Krakow Advanced Network Technologies sp z o.o. Gliwice AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow ALTERIS Sp. z o.o. Katowice AN Pharmacy Sp. z o.o. Skorzewo. ul. Sadowa 38 ANT Sp. z.o.o, Kraków APA Projekt sp. Z o.o. Łódź APA Wojciechowski Sp. z o.o. Domeyki 5. Warsaw Apriso Sp. z o.o. Krakow ARCADIS Grabowski, Łódź ARCHISTUDIO , Katowice Architecture Office CAD Ltd., Zamieniecka 46. Warsaw Are sp. z o.o. Chmielna 24/3. Warsaw Arhead Sp. z o.o. Francuska 30/2. Warsaw S T E 43 I A E S T E Instytut Automatyzacji Procesów Technologicznych i ZSW (Silesian University of Technology), Gliwice Instytut Chemii Ogólnej i Ekologicznej PŁ, Łódź Instytut Chemii Organicznej Politechnika Łódzka, Łódź Instytut Fizjologii i Patologii Słuchu, Kajetany. Mokra 17. Nadarzyn Instytut Maszyn Przepływowych PŁ, Łódź Instytut Maszyn Przepływowych, Politechnika Łódzka, Łódź Instytut Materiałów Inżynierskich i Biomedycznych (Silesian University of Technology), Gliwice Instytut Podstaw Chemii Żywności, Łódź Instytut Pojazdów PŁ, Łódź Instytut Spawalnictwa, Gliwice Invest Centrostal Sp. z o.o. Siewierska 13/32. Warsaw INWAT Zakład BadawczoProjektowy, Łódź Inwestycje, Budownictwo, Handel INWEST-COMPLEX Sp. z o.o. Gliwice INZYNIERIA Rzeszow Ltd., Rzeszow IP System Control Sp. z o.o. Poznan. ul. Lindego 6 Isotops Research and Development Centre POLATOM, 05-400 Otwock-Świerk (building 24A) IT Vision, Krakow ITA-TEST s.c., Obozowa 82a/1 Warsaw Jasiński Kruszewski Architekci, Rakowiecka 45/11 02-528 Warsaw JEMS Architekci SP. z o.o. Warsaw. Gagarina 28a K.R.U.K. Technika i Energia, Poznan. Gdynska 54 Katedra Geomechaniki,Budownictwa Podziemnego i Zarządzania Ochroną Powierzchni (Politechnika Śląska), Gliwice Katedra Informatyki Stosowanej, Łódź Katedra Mikroelektroniki i Tech. Informat., Łódź KB Telekom Sp. z o.o. Głogowska 32. 01-743 Warsaw KMC-Services Sp. z o.o. Kraków KNOTT Sp z o.o. Pławce. Zdziewchowice KOSKISEN OY, Trzebinia KPG Ltd, Krakow Kulczyński Architekt Sp. z.o.o., Zgoda 4/2. Warsaw Kwadrat Sp z o.o. Studio Architektoniczne, Gdynia Laboratorium Kosmetyczne Dr.Irena Eris, Armii Krajowej 12. Piaseczno Llentabhallen Sp. z o.o. Gdańsk MAAS S.C. Architecture Office, Lekarska 4. Warsaw Making Waves Sp. z o.o. Krakow MakoLab M. i K. Sopek, Ltd., Łódź Marek Budzyński Architekt Sp. z o.o. Al. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej 95 Warsaw Martifer Polska Sp. z o.o. Gliwice MC-Bauchemie Sp. z o.o. Sroda Wielkopolska. Medical Biology Centre, Laboratory of Genetics & Physiology of Mycobacteria, Lodz 44 Medical Biology Centre, Laboratory of Molecular Virology and Biological Chemistry, Lodz Medical Biology Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Laboratory of Transcriptional Regulation, Lodz MGGP S.A., Tarnow Michelin Polska S.A, Olsztyn Mota-Engil Polska S.A., Krakow MOTOR NAUTA Spółka z o.o. Gdynia MrTed Polska Sp. z.o.o., Kraków MS Gliwickie Biuro Projektów Malczewski Szweda Spółka Jawna, Gliwice NABUD Przedsiebiorstwo Projektowania, Poznan. NC.Art Sp. z o.o. Ul. Lazurowa 10, Sękocin Stary Nearshoring Solutions Sp. z o.o. Gdańsk NETZSCH Instrumenty Sp. z o.o. Krakow NIBCO Ltd. Łódź Nokia Siemens Networks Sp. z o.o. Wroclaw OBRAM Ltd., Olsztyn Oficyna Wydawnicza “Read me”, Łódź Okręgowe Przedsiębiorstwo Geodezyjno-Kartograficzne OPGK Sp z o.o. Gdansk OVE ARUP & PARTNERS INTERNATIONAL LTD SP Z o.o. Królewska 16. Warsaw P.I.T. Telecommunications Research Institute Gdansk Division, Gdańsk P.P.H.U."Blak-mens", Opalinica. ul. Terespockie 43 PAISM, Łódź Paragraf s.c Rydzoń Zofia i Piotr, Wroclaw PERI Polska Sp. z o.o, Słoneczna 62. Warsaw PHILIPS LIGHTING Pabianice SA, Łódź/Pabianice Platan Sp. z o.o. Sopot. ul. Platanowa 2 POTRONICS SP Z o.o. Łódź Pracownia FORMART, Łódź Pracownia Projektowa 77, Poznan. Pracownia Projektowa Wojciech Kolesiński, Poznan. Pracownia Projektowania Konstrukcji Budowlanych Henryk Maćkowiak, Poznan. Pracownia Studiów, Projektów Drogowych KLOTOIDAs.c. Mirosław Bajor, Andrzej Zygmunt, Kraków Pracownia Usługowa Planowania i Architektury ARCHEX, Wroclaw PREBEX Sp. z o.o. Wroclaw PREXER PROJEKT Ltd, Łódź PROART Anna Rostkowska, Śniadeckich 10. Warsaw Projekt 206 Jacek Główczewski, Sławomir Rusajczyk, Marek Skrzypiński Spółka Cywilna, Sopot Projekt-team, Suchy Las. os. Jagodowe 13/2 Projekty Bankowe POLSOFT sp. z o.o. Poznan. PROLAN Sp. z o.o, Gliwice Przedsiębiorstwo Inżynierskie Ćwiertnia Sp. z o.o. Poznan Przedsiebiorstwo PrzemyslowoHandlowe TRANSSYSTEM S.A., Wola Dalsza A N N U A L Przedsiębiorstwo Robót Drogowo-Mostowych w Lublinie S.A., Lublin Przedsiebiorstwo Uslug Geodezyjnych "Geodet", Wroclaw Przedsiębiorstwo Wdrażania Innowacji INWET S.A., Chorzów Przemysłówka - SKANSKA S.A., Łódź Radiotechnika Marketing Sp. z o.o. Pietrzykowice near Wroclaw Reckitt Benckiser Production (Poland) Sp. z o.o. Okunin 1. Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki REINVEST Ltd. Przedsiębiorstwo Projektowania i Realizacji Inwestycji, Łódź Rex-Bud Sp. Z o.o. Łódź Rucker-POLSKA Sp.zo.o. Biuro Konstrukcyjne, Światowida 47B/36. Warsaw Rzeszow University of Technology Civil Engineering Technology Centre Ltd., Rzeszow Samsung Electronics Polska Sp. z o.o. Al. Armii Ludowej 14. Warsaw Secura B.C. sp. z o.o. Kościuszkowców 49.04-545 Warsaw Semicon Sp. z o.o. Zwoleńska 43/43a. Warsaw SOCHOR - Zakład Elektroniki i Mechaniki Precyzyjnej, Łódź Software Mind, Krakow Solaris Bus & Coach S.A., Poznan. Solaris Laser S.A., Wynalazek 6. Warsaw Soletanche Sp. z o.o. Site in Warsaw Sopockie Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń Ergo Hestia SA, Sopot Sound&Space Robert Lebioda, Poznan. Spółka Projektowania Architektonicznego Sadowski, Sadowska, Poznan. Stal-Invest, Krakow Studio A4 Spolka Projektowa z o.o. Szczecin Sp z o.o. Krakow SZCZEŚNIAK DENIER ARCHITEKCI Sp.z o.o, Al. 3 Maja 2/49 00-391 Warszawa Sztuka Użytkowa Ltd., Łódź TEREN, Łódź Test Systemy Uszczelniajace, Czestochowa TIBEX Ltd., Łódź Towarzystwo Gospodarcze MEGART Sp. z o.o, Mikołów Transprojekt Gdański Spółka z o.o. Gdańsk Tukaj Mapping Central Europe sp. z o.o. Krakow University of Lodz, Department of Chemical Technology and Environmental Protection, Lodz University of Lodz, Department of Experimental Physics, Lodz University of Lodz, Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Lodz University of Lodz, Department of General Biochemistry, Lodz University of Lodz, Department of Mathematics, Lodz University of Lodz, Department of Molecular Genetics, Lodz University of Lodz, Department of Organic Chemistry, Lodz University of Lodz, Department of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry Biology, Lodz R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 University of Lodz, Institute of Biophysics, Department of Biophysics and Environmental Pollution, Lodz University of Lodz, Institute of Biophysics, Department of General Biophysics, Lodz University of Lodz, Institute of Biophysics, Department of Termobiology, Lodz University of Lodz, Institute of Microbiology and Immunology Department of Immunology and Infections, University of Warmia and Mazury, The Faculty of Food Sciences, Olsztyn VERACOMP S.A., Krakow Volantis Systems Limited sp. z o.o. Krakow WAK Architecture Design Studio, Łódź WAMECH - Producer of the Industrial Trolleys, Krakow Wierszyłłowski&Projektanci, Poznan. Wieslaw Gawel's Screw Factory, Palikowka WILKOCKI PROJEKT, Łódź WROKAR Sp. z o.o. Wroclaw Wulkan Foundry PLC, Czestochowa Wydział Elektrotechniki i Informatyki, Politechnika Lubelska, Lublin Wydział Inżynierii Środowiska, Politechnika Lubelska, Lublin Zaklad Metalurgiczny WSK Rzeszow, Zakład Robót Elektrycznych Tadeusz Jaszczewski, Lublin and Lublin province Participating Institutions Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza Politechnika Częstochowska Politechnika Gdańska Politechnika Krakowska Politechnika Lubelska Politechnika Łódzka Politechnika Poznańska Politechnika Rzeszowska Politechnika Szczecińska Politechnika Śląska Politechnika Warszawska Politechnika Wrocławska Uniwersytet Łódzki Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski 60 PORTUGAL Participating Employers Accenture, Consultores de Gestão, S.A. Albatroz Engenharia, S.A. CATIM - Centro de Apoio Tecnológico à Indústria Metalomecânica CIMPOR - Cimentos de Portugal, S.A. CUF - Químicos Industriais, S.A. Deloitte Consultores, S.A. EDP - Energias de Portugal, S.A. Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra - Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Aerodinâmica Industrial (ADAI) - Centro de Engenharia Mecânica da Universidade de Coimbra (CEMUC) I A E I A E S T E A N N U A L - Centro de Investigação de Engenharia de Processos Químicos (C.I.E.P.Q.P.F) - Centro de Química Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Centro de Estudos Geológicos - Centro de Investigação em Geociências Aplicadas (CIGA) - Centro de Investigação em Materiais (CENIMAT) - Departamento de Química - Rede de Química e Tecnologia - Centro de Química Fina e Biotecnologia (REQUIMTE - CQFB) Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa - BIOSURFIT S.A. - Centro de Biologia Ambiental - Centro de Engenharia Biológica - Centro de Química e Bioquímica - Instituto de Bioquímica e Engenharia Biomédica (IBEB) Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto - Instituto de Desenvolvimento e Inovação Tecnológica (IDIT) - Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores (INESC PORTO) - Laboratório de Engenharia de Processos, Ambiente e Energia (LEPAE) - Laboratório de Inteligência Artificial e Ciências de Computadores/Núcleo de Inteligência Artificial Distribuída e Robótica (LIACC/NIAD&R) Ferrovias e Construções, S.A. Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa - Associação para o Desenvolvimento das Telecomunicações e Técnicas de Informática (ADETTI) - Dinâmia - Centro de Estudos sobre a Mudança Socioeconómica Instituto Superior Técnico - Centro de Ambiente e Tecnologia Marítimos (MARETEC) - Centro de Estudos de Hidrossistemas (CEHIDRO) - Centro de Fusão Nuclear (CFN) - Instituto de Engenharia de Estruturas, Território e Construção (ICIST) - Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica (ISR) LNEC - Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil Mercedes-Benz Comercial - Vendas e Assistência Técnica, Lda. Microsoft - Software para Microcomputadores, Lda. Nokia Siemens Networks, S.A. QIMONDA Portugal, S.A. REN - Rede Eléctrica Nacional, S.A. SECIL - Companhia Geral de Cal e Cimento, S.A. Somincor - Sociedade Mineira de Neves-Corvo, S.A. SOPAC - Sociedade Produtora de Adubos Compostos, S.A. STAB VIDA, Investigação e Serviços em Ciências Biológicas, Lda. Universidade de Aveiro - Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar (CESAM) R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 - Instituto de Engenharia Electrónica e Telemática de Aveiro (IEETA) - Instituto de Telecomunicações (Aveiro) Universidade da Beira Interior - Centro de Engenharia Civil da UBI - Departamento de Ciências Aeroespaciais - Departamento de Engenharia Electromecânica - Departamento de Matemática - Faculdade de Artes, Multimedia e Design Gráfico - Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde Vulcano Termodomésticos, S.A. Ydreams Informática, S.A. Participating Institutions Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa Universidade de Aveiro Universidade da Beira Interior S.C. Bucureşti Internaţional Proiect S.A. Bbm Grup S.C. Bogoescu Arhitectură Urbanism S.R.L. F.C.I. Capitel International S.R.L. Ccpec – University of Architecture and Urbanism "Ion Mincu" - Bucharest Romanian College of Pharmacists / University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” – Faculty of Pharmacy Comnord S.A. S.C. De Constructii Erbasu S.A. Cristea Arhitectura DS B. Arhitectura S.C. Graphic Studio S.R.L. S.C. Hidroconstructia S.A S.C. Hidroproiect Design S.A S.C. M Design Arhitectură Şi Urbanism S.R.L. Neo Bos Arhitectura S.R.L. Popp & Associates Procema S.A. Prodomus S.A. S.C. Proiect Bucureşti S.A. “Silvarom” S.A. Transalpin Industries S.A. Western Outdoor Srl S.C. Westfourth Architecture S.A. Zip Studio S.R.L. Participating Institutions "Ion Ionescu de la Brad" Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine University - Iasi Polytechnical University - Bucharest University of Architecture and Urbanism "Ion Mincu" - Bucharest] University of Civil Engineering – Bucharest West University - Timisoara Moscow State University of Radiotechnics, Electronics, Automatics Orenburg State University Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia Russian Academy of Foreign Trade Russian Plekhanov academy of Economics 60 REPUBLIC OF Korea Global ASSOCIATION OF Training and exchange Participating Employers Chungbuk National University Chungnam National University ETRI (Electronics, Telecommunication Research Institute) Ewha Womens University KIMS (Korea Institute of Materials Research) KIER (Korea Institute of Energy Research) Korea University KunKuk University POSTECH Samsung Electronics SK Telecom Sookmyung Womens University Wonkwang University Participaing Institutions Ajou University Chingwah University KAIST Korea University POSTECH Seoul National University Sookmyung University Sungkyunkwan University Yonsei University Keimyung University Participating Employer Keimyung University ROMANIA Participating Employers S.C. Aedificia Carpaţi S.A. Agisfor S.C. Apasco S.A. Apolodor Comimpex SRL Arhitectural Srl RUSSIA Participating Employers A. Asadov Architectural Studio Arch 4 Studio- Swiss-Russian Company Architectural Studio Manipulazione Internazionale BN Engineering Institute of Stock Market and Management (Securities Institute) Institute of Biochemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow Aviation Institute (State University of Aerospace Technologies) Moscow State Technical University MAMI Moscow Student Center Participating Institutions Bauman Moscow State Technical University D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology Institute of Management, Marketing and Finance Moscow Aviation Institute Moscow Engineering-Physical Institute Moscow Lomonosov State University Moscow Power Engineering University Moscow State Region University Moscow State Technical University MAMI SERBIA Participating Employers Arhitrav, Beograd AB&Co. Geosystems, Novi Sad Atelje Kresovic, Novi Sad Agrovojvodina Export-Import, Novi Sad Albus, Novi Sad Ardi d.o.o., Novi Sad AdverCity, Nis Agroinstitut, Sombor Biro 59, Beograd BIP Holding, Beograd Beograd-put, Beograd Banker Internet, Nis CEP, Beograd Centar za puteve Vojvodine, Novi Sad Danubijus, Novi Sad Digital Telekom, Novi Sad DTD Kanal GDP, Novi Sad DMV, Nis Duvanska industrija, Nis Ehting, Beograd Ekonomski institut, Beograd Energoprojekt - Arhitektura i urbanizam, Novi Beograd Energoprojekt - EnergoData, Novi Beograd Energoprojekt - Hidroinzenjering, Novi Beograd Energo-sistem a.d., Novi Sad EPS - Elektrodistribucija, Beograd EPS - Elektrovojvodina projektni biro, Novi Sad EPS - Panonske elektrane, Novi Sad Eparhijska radionica, Beograd Fox D.o.o., Nis GRAFIX, Beograd Galenika, Zemun GP “Napred”, Novi Beograd GP “Neimar” - EPJ “ Inzenjering”, Novi Sad GPP Grad-ing, Novi Sad Gardi, Novi Sad Graditelj, Novi Sad GP Kosanica D.o.o., Nis Grejanje D.P., Zrenjanin HIP - Azotara, Pancevo HIP - Petrohemija, Pancevo IHTM, Beograd INI, Beograd ITNMS, Beograd INEP, Zemun Ikarbus, Zemun Iritel, Zemun Industrija boja i lakova “Duga”, Beograd Institut “Nikola Tesla”, Beograd Institut “Mihajlo Pupin”, Beograd Institut za nuklearne nauke “Vinca”, Beograd Institut za fiziku, Zemun Institut za molekularnu genetiku i genetsko inzenjerstvo, Beograd Institut za puteve, Beograd Institut za vodoprivredu “Jaroslav Cerni”, Beograd Institut za zastitu na radu, Novi Sad S T E 45 I A E S T E Institut za prevenciju, Novi Sad Informatika, Novi Sad Inter@ctive, Nis “Janko Lisjak” - Ekoloski inzenjering, Beograd Jugoinspekt, Novi Sad Jugozapadna Backa a.d., Bac Kompanija “Voj-put”, Subotica Lola Institut, Beograd Luka Beograd, Beograd MINEL - ELVO, Novi Beograd MINEL - ELIP, Novi Beograd MB Projekt, Novi Sad Matica Srpska - Biblioteka, Novi Sad Metalo-plastika, Backa Palanka MicronasNIT, Novi Sad Motins, Novi Sad Muzej grada Novog Sada, Petrovaradin Nacionalna laboratorija za ispitivanje semena, Novi Sad Navip - Fruskogorac, Novi Sad Neimar Projekt, Novi Sad Novosadska mlekara, Novi Sad Novosadske toplane, Novi Sad NIS - Naftagas, Novi Sad NIS - Rafinerija nafte, Novi Sad NIS - Gas, Novi Sad NIS - Gas, Merenje i regulacija, Novi Sad NIS - Gas, Odrzavanje gasovoda, Zrenjanin Naftagas - Montaza a.d., Zrenjanin NisProjekt, Nis NisInvest d.o.o., Nis Panongrad, Subotica “Pavle Beljanski”, Spomen Zbirka, Novi Sad “Petar Drapsin” a.d., Novi Sad Plan d.d., Novi Sad Poslovni prostor, Novi Sad Pro-Ing a.d., Novi Sad Positive IT&Media, Nis PUT Inzenjering, Nis Rafinerija nafte “Beograd”, Beograd Republicki geodetski zavod, Beograd Referent inc. d.o.o., Novi Sad SANU - Institut tehnickih nauka, Beograd Sigmaprojekt, Beograd Sinestezia, Beograd Studia, Beograd Sirius N.S., Novi Sad Srbijagas, Novi Sad Stambena zadruga “Atrijum”, Novi Sad Stambena zadruga “Profit”, Novi Sad Somboled, Sombor Sunce a.d., Sombor SM – Design, Nis Termoelektrana “Nikola Tesla”, Obrenovac Transped, Novi Sad Urbanisticki zavod, Beograd Urbanizam, Novi Sad Urbisprojekt, Novi Sad University of Belgrade: •Arhitektonski fakultet •Elektrotehnicki fakultet •Gradjevinski fakultet •Hemijski fakultet •Matematicki fakultet •Masinski fakultet -CENT •Rudarsko-geoloski fakultet •Sumarski fakultet •Tehnolosko-metalurski fakultet -Katedra za biohemijsko inzenjerstvo 46 -Katedra za OHT -Katedra za OTN -Katedra za organsku hemiju -Katedra za tekstilno inzenjerstvo University of Novi Sad: •Fakultet za arhitekturu i gradjevinu •Fakultet tehnickih nauka -Institut za automatsko upravljanje -Institut za energetiku -Institut za graficki dizajn -Institut za industrijsku gradnju -Institut za industrijske sisteme -Institut za inzenjerstvo -Institut za mehaniku -Institut za menadzment -Institut za proizvodno inzenjerstvo -Institut za telekomunikacije -Institut za RAM •Poljoprivredni fakultet •Prirodno-matematicki fakultet -Institut za fiziku -Institut za matematiku University of Nis: •Elektronski fakultet -Laboratorija za TV -Laboratorija za MT -Laboratorija za robotiku •Filozofski fakultet •Gradjevinsko-arhitektonski fakultet •JUNIS •Masinski fakultet •Prirodno-matematicki fakultet -Katedra za biologiju -Katedra za fiziku -Katedra za geografiju -Katedra za informatiku Vodovod i Kanalizacija, Novi Sad Vojvodina Pro-Ing “46”, Novi Sad Vojvodina put, Novi Sad Vodovod i Kanalizacija, Zrenjanin Vizus, Nis Zelenilo, Beograd Zavod za izgradnju grada, Novi Sad Zavod za puteve, mostove i saobracajnice Vojvodine, Novi Sad Zavod za zastitu spomenika kulture, Novi Sad Zavod za urbanizam, Nis Participating Institutions University of Belgrade – Univerzitet u Beogradu University of Arts, Belgrade – Univerzitet umetnosti, Beograd University of Novi Sad – Univerzitet u Novom Sadu University of Nis – Univerzitet u Nisu University of Kragujevac – Univerzitet u Kragujevcu University of Pristina – Univerzitet u Pristini University of Novi Pazar – Univerzitet u Novom Pazaru Megatrend University – Univerzitet Megatrend, Beograd Faculty of Technical Sciences in Bor – Fakultet tehnickih nauka u Boru Faculty of Technical Sciences in Cacak – Tehnicki fakultet, Cacak A N N U A L Fourah Bay College, University Of Sierra Leone Institute of Public Administration & Management (IPAM) RAMSY Medical Laboratory Sierra Leone Brewery Limited Sierra Rutile Mining Company Tiwan Memory Masters (Network Providers) Tractors & Equipments Participating Institutions Eastern Polytechincal College, Kenema Fourah Bay College, University Of Sierra Leone Institute Of Public Administration and Management (IPAM) Njala University Milton Margai College of Education and Technology (MMCET) R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 IBE d.d. IB-PROCADD Igre d.o.o. Institute of metals and technology Jozef Stefan Institute LE-technics Litostroj E.I. Marles hiše Maribor d.o.o. Menerga d.o.o. NAFTA GEOTERM d.o.o. Reichenberg arhitecture d.o.o. SADAR VUGA Architects d.o.o. Savatech d.o.o. Savatech d.o.o. Spica international d.o.o. Studio Kalamar TALUM d.d. University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Maribor, Center for Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics Elea IC d.o.o. University of Maribor, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Participating Institutions University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Maribor, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering University of Maribor, Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 60 SIERRA LEONE Participating Employers Bo/Kenema Power Station Eastern Polytecnical College, Kenema SLOVAKIA Participating Employers Asseco Slovakia, s.r.o. AUREX, s.r.o. Faculty of Economics, TU of Košice Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, SUT* Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, TU of Košice Faculty of Informatics and Information Technology, SUT* Faculty of Metallurgy, TU of Košice Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnology, TU of Košice Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University FREQUENTIS, s.r.o. Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences Matador Automotive, a.s. Nemetschek Slovakia, s.r.o. Slovak Telecom, a.s. Soitron, a.s. Technical University in Trenčín Technical University in Zvolen Participating Institutions Faculty of Architecture, Slovak University of Technology Faculty of Economics, TU of Košice Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, SUT Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, TU of Košice Faculty of Forestry, Technical University in Zvolen Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, SUT Faculty of Informatics and Information Technology, SUT Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University University of Žilina Faculty of Natural Sciences SLOVENIA Participating Employers Franconi d.o.o. HELIOS SPAIN Participating Employers Abm Engineering and Consulting S.L Acieroid S.A. Acta S.L. Aegis Security,S.L. Aena Aeropuertos Españoles Y Navegación Aérea Aidico Ainsa Garuz S.L. Ajuntament De Tavernes De La Valldigna Albert Daniel Fornos Albert Pla I Gisbert Arquitecte Alberto Millares Prats Alberto Paradís Arquitecto, S.L. Alex Sibils Ensesa Alimatic S.L. Allibert Manutención S.A. Amer Gourmet S.L. Ana Cebrián González Analaqua S.L. Antonio M. Arquitectos Applus Idiada Arcion, S.A. Construcciones Ardanuy Ingeniería S.A. Arin. Consultores S.L. I A E I A E S T E A N N U A L Arq-Ing Catalunya, S.L. Arquisur Proyectos Inmobiliarios S.L. Arsys Internet S.L. Artefacto Girona S.C.P. Artificial Solutions Iberia S.L. Ashland Chemical Hispania S.L. Asociación Nacional De Ingenieros De Icai Asociación Wafae Atres Arquitectura Interior A-Trio Arquitectos S.L. Augimar, Obras Y Contratas Augimar. Gestión Inmobiliaria Autoescuelas Torcal S.L. Automa-Inge: Ingeniería Y Automatizaciones Automóviles La Vall S.L. Autoridad Portuaria De Gijón Autoridad Portuaria De Valencia Autoritat Portuària De Tarragona Avl Ibérica, S.A. Ayesa Ayuntamiento De Alcoy Ayuntamiento De Algemesí Ayuntamiento De Barcelona Ayuntamiento De Castril Ayuntamiento De L’eliana Ayuntamiento De La Roca Del Vallés Ayuntamiento De Montcada I Reixac Ayuntamiento De Montserrat Ayuntamiento De Paterna Ayuntamiento De Puçol Ayuntamiento De Sumacarcer Ayuntamiento De Tarragona Ayuntamiento De Torremolinos Bayer Cropscience S.L. Biomedical Image TechnologyDpto. Ingeniería Electrónica Etsi Telecomunicación Madrid Bizkaiko Berrikuntza Agentzia S.A. Blauverd, S.L. Blazquez Guanter Arquitectes Brufau, Obiol, Moya & Ass. S.L. Caja De Ahorros De Murcia Caja De Ahorros Del Mediterráneo Camping Caravaning Cuenca Campo Betica,S.L. Cartografía General S.A.Cartogesa Cavisur S.L. Ccrs Arquitectos Centro De Estudios Chinos Chavsa Chemical And Environmental Engineering DepartmentUniversity Of Zaragoza Citelum Iberica S.A. Cm Arquitectura, Ingenieria, Urbanismo Y Medio Ambiente S.L. Cm Domingo Y Lázaro Ingenieros, S.L. Coboros Arquitectos Asociados Colegio De Ingenieros De Caminos, Canales Y Puertos De Madrid Comexi S.A.U. Componentes Y Conjuntos S.A. Confederación Hidrográfica Del Júcar Consell Comarcal Del Maresme Construcciones , Asfalto Y Control S.A.- Conacon Construcciones Ker S.A. Construcciones Sánchez Dominguez S.A.- Sando Constructora Hispánica S.A. Consultora Levantina De Infraestructuras S.L. Copasa S.A. De Obras Y Servicios R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 Covi Arquitectura S.L. Crea Becksal S.L. Crivillers I Arquitectes Associats S.L. Cropu S.A. Csd S.A. Daimler Chrysler España, S.A. Dau Componentess.A. Decya Arquitectos S.L. Departamento De Explotacion De Minas- E.T.S. De Ingenieros De Minas De Oviedo Departamento De Ingenieria Quimica. Universidad De Alicante Departamento De Matemáticas. Universidad De Oviedo Depuración De Aguas Del Mediterráneo Diputación De Barcelona Diputación Provincial Alicante Dpto. Arquitectura De Computadores . Etsiinformática De Málaga Dpto. Ciencias De La Computación Universidad De Alcalá De Henares Dpto. Ciencias E Ingeniería Del Terreno Y Los MaterialesE.T.S.I.Caminos-Universidad De Cantabria. Dpto. Ingeniería De Sistemas Y Automática. Universidad De Málaga Dpto. Lenguajes Y Ciencias De La Computación. E.T.S.I.Informática De Málaga Dpto. Matemática Aplicada A Las Tecnologías De La Información.EtsiTelecomunicaciones Madrid Dto. Electrónica- Facultat De Físicauniversitat De Barcelona E.T.S.I. Informática, Universidad De Málaga Eartec- Equip D’arquitectura Técnica Edificaciones Castelló S.A. Eduard Calafell Lafuente El Canto De La Bodegueta S.L. Elduval S.A Emilio Albarracin Rapallo. Arquitecto Eptisa.- Servicios De Ingeniería S.A. Erzia Technologies Sl Escola Universitària Politècnica De Mataró Eskoop Estudio De Arquitectura Maria Soledad Troncoso Castillo Estudio De Tributación Fiscal Y Contabilidad Etsi Telecomunicación MadridGrupo De Tratamiento De Imágenes Eulen S.A. Eurhotel Management Service Factor (Ia) Arquitectura Y Urbanismo S.L. Fernando Suárez Corchete Ferrovial Agromán S.A. Font Salem S.L. Fundació Cetemmsa Gabinete De Arquitectura Gadea Hermanos S.L. Gamesa Eolica S.A. García Garrido Y García Segura Arquitectos, S.C. Garment Finish Kay General Constructor S.A. Gerundense De Plásticos Geyr Industrial S.L Gh Electrotermia S.A. Giner & Bono Arquitectos S.L. Gioseppo S.L Glaspol Composites S.L. Gmk Associats S.L. Gran Hotel Las Fuentes (Holiday Magic Hotel S.A.) Grupo Antolín Ingeniería S.A. Grupo Ati Grupo Azierta Grupo De Emisarios Submarinos E Hidráulica Ambiental. Universidad De Cantabria Grupo De Ingeniería Del Terreno (Git). E.T.S. Ingenieros De Minas De Oviedo Grupo De Investigación Hum-700 Grupo Hepresan Haro-De Miguel Arquitectos Hospital Valencia Al Mar Hostelería Y Colectividades S.A. Hotel Reina Del Sol Nº.1, S.L. Hotelera Padrón S.A.- Kempiski Hotel Bahía Estepona Ibérica De Estudios E Ingeniería (Iberinsa) Icnita S.L. Idom, Ingeniería Y Arquitectura, S.A. In2 Ingeniería De La Información S.L. Incosa Indartel- Energía Y Comunicaciones S.L. Indurot (Universidad De Oviedo) Industrias Videca S.A. Infotelco S.L. Ingeniería Adinsa S.L. Ingeniería Del Diseño Y La Comunicación, S.Coop. And. Ingenieria Del Suelo S.A. Ingeniería Y Economía Del Transporte S.A. (Ineco S.A.) Inoxpa S.A. Instituto Nacional De Técnica Aeroespacial "Esteban Terradas" Instituto Portuario De Estudios Y Cooperación De La Comunidad Valenciana Instrumentos Testo, S.A. Irco Sistemas De Telecomunicación S.A. Italcerámica S.A. Itp (Industria De Turbopropulsores), S.A. Iznayer Arquitectos Asociados S.L. Joan Teclas I Rami Joaquim Figa Mataró S.L. José Angel Rosado Recio Arquitecto José Carlos Mariñas Luis Juan Pallares Tena (Hotel Voramar) Know-How Technologies, S.L. Laboratorio De Cementos.E.T.S.I.Minas Oviedo Lear Automotive (Eeds)Spain, Sl Lemona Industrial S.A. Leroy Merlin, Sa Lluis Sánchez Cuenca Cama Lluis Urbina I Miguel Arquitecte Lm 78, S.L. Localret, S.A Luis Batalla S.A.U, (Lubasa) Makro, Autoservivio Mayorista, S.A. Manuel Gómez - Millán Vela Manufacturas A. Gassol Manufacturas Electricas S.A. Mar Melchor Ventula Y Daniel Planella Oriol Mario López S.A..- Reparaciones Navales Mario Pérez Pérez Mercade Estudio De Arquitectura Mjr Mac&Nes 99 Sl Morales Y Pérez Arquitectura S.L. Morgui Sunico S.L. Mrpr Arquitectos S.L. Myta S.A. National Motor Sau- Derbi Nest House S.L. Neumac S.A Ntsoftware S.L.U. O.C. Orri Consultores Obrascon Huarte Lain S.A. Pamias Servicios De Ingeniería S.A Pavimentos Barcelona S.A. (Pabasa) Pemarsa S.A. Pich- Aguilera Arquitectos Pinturas Hempel S.A, Politécnica De Ingeniería Y Arquitectura S.A. Power Electronics España S.L. Preneal S.A. Proas Ingenieria S.L. Proemisa S.L. Projectes Comtech Proyco Ingenieros S.L. Proyecta Arquitectura, Ingeniería Y Urbanismo S.L. Pukkas Webs Design S.L. R & G Electromontajes S.L. Ramos Y Ramos Arquitectos S.L. Repsol Ypf Residencias Universitarias S.A. Retevisión S.A. Rich Xibert S.A. Romefer, S.L. Rosa Mª. Anón Abajas Rover Alcisa S.A. Salvador Navarro I Cardona Sando, Servicios Corporativos S.L. Sapli S.L. Schindler S.A. Sedesa Obras Y Servicios S.A. Sener Ingenieria De Sistemas S.A. Sevilec Málaga S.L. Siemens S.A. Signaletics S.L. Sinergyne Global Communications Sl Sistemas Avanzados De Tecnología S.A. Sistemas Globales Del Medio Ambiente, Sa Sistemas Sostenibles S.L. Sociedad Valenciana De Servicios A La Construcción, S.L. Societat General D’aigües De Barcelona,S.A. Sopra Profit Sos Animal Catycan S.L. Suma. Gestión TributariaDiputación De Alicante Taller De Arquitectura Ignacio Blanco & Asociados Team Ingeniería S.L. Tecnología De La Extrusión Del Aluminio S.L. Telecom Y Novatecno S.A. Televisió De Catalunya, S.A. Territori 24 Arquitectura I Urbanisme S.L. Thinksmart S.A. Torrescamara Y Cia. De Obras S.A. Tradia Telecom S.A.U: Trias De Bes Arquitectura S.L. Twentic, Tecnologías De La Información Y La Comunicación S.L. Universidad De Girona- Dpto. Eqata, Grup De Recerca Lepamap 60 S T E 47 I A E S T E Universidad De Zaragoza- Centro Politecnico Superior- Dpto. Ingeniería Mecánica Urbe Construcciones Y Obras Públicas S.L. Vaersa (Valenciana De Aprovechamientos Energéticos Y De Residuos S.A.) Value Linkers S.L. Vázquez Consuegra Arquitecto S.L. Yamur Arquitectura Y Arqueología S.L. Yebane Española S.A. Participating Institutions Faculty of Business Administration of Valencia Faculty of Chemistry of Granada Faculty of Computer Science of Barcelona Faculty of Computer Science of Valencia Faculty of Environmental Eng. Of Granada Faculty of Physics and Chemistry of Barcelona Faculty of Science of Málaga Faculty of Sciences of Alicante Higher Polytechnic School Alfonso X el Sabio Madrid Higher Polytechnic School of Alcoy Higher Polytechnic School of Burgos Higher Polytechnic School of Elche Higher Polytechnic School of Gandia Higher Polytechnic School of Girona Higher Polytechnic School of Lleida Higher Polytechnic School of Málaga Higher Polytechnic School of Mataro Higher Polytechnic School of Zaragoza Higher School of Design “Elisava”- Barcelona Higher Technical School of Aeronautical Engineering of Madrid Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineering of Valencia Higher Technical School of Architecture of Barcelona Higher Technical School of Architecture of la Salle Higher Technical School of Architecture of Madrid Higher Technical School of Architecture of Sevilla Higher Technical School of Architecture of Valencia Higher Technical School of Architecture of Vallés (Barcelona) Higher Technical School of Civil Engineering of Barcelona Higher Technical School of Civil Engineering of Granada Higher Technical School of Civil Engineering of Madrid Higher Technical School of Civil Engineering of Santander Higher Technical School of Civil Engineering of Valencia Higher Technical School of Computer Science of Málaga Higher Technical School of Engineering in Geodesy, Cartography and Topography of Valencia 48 Higher Technical School of Industrial and Telecommunication Engineering of Santander Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineering of Barcelona Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineering of Bilbao Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineering of ICAIMadrid Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineering of Málaga Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineering of Terrassa (Barcelona) Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineering of Valencia Higher Technical School of Mining Engineering of Oviedo Higher Technical School of Telecommunication Engineering of Barcelona Higher Technical School of Telecommunication Engineering of Bilbao Higher Technical School of Telecommunication Engineering of La Salle (Barcelona) Higher Technical School of Telecommunication Engineering of Madrid Higher Technical School of Telecommunication Engineering of Valencia Technical School of Agriculture Engineering of Valencia Technical School of Architecture of Valencia Technical School of Civil Engineering of Madrid Technical School of Industrial Engineering of Valencia A N N U A L St. Jude Medical STFI-Packforsk AB Swedish Cement and Concrete Research Institute Swedish National Road Administration Telelogic AB The LFV Group Volvo Car Corporation Volvo Truck Corporation Volvo CE Component Division ÅF-Process Åkerströms Trux AB Participating Institutions Chalmers University of Technology Göteborg University Halmstad University College Jönköping University Foundation Kalmar University College Karlstad University Kristianstad University College Linköping University Luleå University of Technology Lund University Mälardalen University College Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm University Södertörns University College The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Umeå University University College of Kristianstad Uppsala University R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 Centralschweizerischer Kraftwerke AG, Luzern Charles Steiner, Ligerz Christ & Gantenbein AG, Basel CIS Interfincom AG, Zürich Clariant (Schweiz) AG, Muttenz Clariden Leu AG, Zurich CLS Communication AG, Zurich CREALOGIX E-Banking Solutions AG, Zürich Credit Suisse, Zürich CubeServ AG, Jona Dätwyler Rubber, Schattdorf Degelo Architekten AG, Basel Diener&Diener Archiekten AG, Basel Draftfcb/Lowe Group AG, Wallisellen e2a; eckert eckert architekten ag, Zürich Eawag, Kastanienbaum Emch + Berger AG, Bern EMPA, Duebendorf Endress + Hauser Process Solutions AG, Reinach Esmertec, Dübendorf Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, Zurich -Centre for Energy Policy and Economics -Institut für Biomechanik -Institut für Biomedizinische Technik -Institut für Chemie- und Bioingenieurwissenschaften -Institut für Computational Science -Institut für Computersysteme -Institut für elektrische Energieübertragung & Hochspannungstechnologie -Institut für Energietechnik -Institut für Festkörperphysik -Institut für Geophysik -Institut für Kernenergiesysteme -Institut für Kernenergiesysteme -Institut für Multifunktionsmaterialien -Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften -Institut für Pharmazeutische Wissenschaften -Institut für Polymere / Polymerphysik -Institut für Quantenelektronik -Institut für Raum- & Landschaftsentwicklung -Institut für Theoretische Informatik -Institut für Verfahrenstechnik -Institut für Verhaltensneurobiologie, Schwerzenbach -Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen & Fertigung -Seminar für angewandte Mathematik European Business Development Institute, Küsnacht EXALOS AG, Schlieren F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG, Basel Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Windisch FiveT Capital AG, Zürich Forschungsanstalt Agroscope Reckenholz, Zürich FROX Communication, Hombrechtikon GEOCOM Informatik AG, Burgdorf Gigon / Guyer Architekten AG, Zürich Google Switzerland GmbH, Zuerich 60 SRI LANKA Participating Employers Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau Creative Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd. Engineering Consultants (Pvt.) Ltd. Holcim (Lanka) Ltd. Industrial & Finance Systems (Pvt.) Ltd. Lanka Transformers Ltd. Linea Intimo (Pvt.) Ltd. Virtusa (Pvt.) Ltd. Participating Institution University of Moratuwa SWEDEN Participating Employers ABB Adfahrer AB Albany International AB AstraZeneca R&D Atlas Copco Tools and Assembly Systems Eka Chemicals AB ENA Energi AB Iggesund Paperboard ITT Flygt AB IVF Industrial Research and Development Corporation Luleå University of Technology Metso Paper Sundsvall AB Screening Products NFO Drives AB Royal Institute of Technology Scania CV AB SKF Sverige AB SSAB Tunnplåt AB SWITZERLAND Participating Employers 3D Capital AG, Zürich ABB Schweiz AG Corporate Research, Baden-Dättwil ABB Schweiz AG High Voltage Products, Zürich ABB Schweiz AG Minerals & Papers, Baden ABB Schweiz AG Power Electronics, Turgi ABB Schweiz AG Power Technology Systems, Baden ABB Schweiz AG Semiconductors, Lenzburg ABB Schweiz AG Turbo Systems, Baden Ad Novum Informatik AG, Zurich Alstom (Schweiz) AG, Baden Alstom (Schweiz) AG, Birr AO Research Institute, Davos Architekturbüro Christian Kerez, Zürich Arcoplan Generalplaner AG, Basel Atelier WW, Zürich Atus AG, Neerach Auto Form Engineering GmbH, Zurich Bachema AG, Schlieren Bank Julius Bär & Co. AG, Zürich Baudepartement des Kantons Basel-Stadt, Basel Berner Fachhochschule, Technik und Informatik, Burgdorf BEZEMA AG , Montlingen Brugg Kabel AG, Brugg Bundesamt für Landestopografie – swisstopo, Wabern Burckhardt + Partner AG, Basel Burckhardt + Partner AG, Zürich Burkard Meyer Architekten BSA, Baden Buuregarte Boog, Hünenberg Bystronic Laser AG, Niederönz Carrosserie HESS AG, Selzach I A E I A E S T E A N N U A L GretagMacbeth AG, Regensdorf Haymoz Fleet Performance AG, Dietikon Helix AG, Zurich Herzog & de Meuron Architekten AG, Basel HHF architects, Basel Hilti AG,Schaan FL Hochschule Liechtenstein, Vaduz FL Hochstrasser Joss Glaus Consulting AG, Zürich Holmes Place AG, Oberrieden Holzer Kobler Architekturen, Zürich Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft, Chur Huber + Suhner AG, Herisau & Pfäffikon Hudson Corporation AG, Zurich id Quantique, Carouge Informaticon, Thun Institut für angewandte Pflanzenbiologie, Schönenbuch Integra Biosciences, Chur Interact Consulting AG, Zürich Ivoclar Vivadent AG, Schaan FL Kannewischer Ingenieurbüro AG, Zug Kernkraftwerk Leibstadt AG, Leibstadt Küffer Elektro-Technik AG, Kirchberg Kuster+Partner AG, Chur Leica Geosystems, Heerbrugg Locher AG, Zürich Marionnaud Parfumeries - Alrodo AG, Fällanden Maschinenfabrik Rieter AG, Winterthur Medos Codman (Johnson & Johnson group), Le Locle MEI, Inc., Plan-Les-Ouates Merkli Architekten ETH SIA, Zürich Merrill Lynch Capital Markets AG, Zürich Mettler-Toledo AG, Greifensee Mibelle AG Cosmetics, Buchs Mifa AG, Liestal Montena emc sa, Rossens MTS AG, Hombrechtikon Münzkabinett & Antikensammlung der Stadt Winterthur, Winterthur NanoDimension AG, Zurich Nestlé Product Technology Centre, Konolfingen Nexus Telecom AG, Zürich & Hombrechtikon Noser Engineering AG, Münchenbuchsee NOU SA, Pully Novartis Forschungsstiftung Friedrich Miescher Institute, Basel Novartis International AG, Basel Novartis Pharma AG, Basel Novozymes Switzerland AG, Dittingen NXP Semiconductors Switzerland AG, Zürich Oerlikon-Knorr Eisenbahntechnik AG, Niederhasli Omya Development AG, Oftringen Open Systems AG, Zürich PackSys Global (Switzerland) Ltd., Rüti Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen Pöyry Infra AG, Zürich PriceWaterhouseCoopers AG, Zürich Psychiatrische Dienste Thurgau, Scherzingen R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 R.O.S.A. Creation. Technology. Intelligence. AG, Zürich Rothpletz, Lienhard + Cie AG, Aarau SAM, ETH Zuerich, Zuerich SAP (Schweiz) AG, Biel Schenkel Vermessungen AG, Zürich Schindler Aufzüge AG, Ebikon Siemens AG, Zug & Renens Sika Technology AG, Zürich Sintec HTM AG, Biel SMA & Partner AG, Zurich SSM Schärer Schweiter Mettler AG, Horgen Stryker Osteosynthesis AG, Selzach Stutz+Bolt+Partner Architekten, Winterthur SVOX AG, Zurich SYNICS AG, Regensdorf terra surveys ltd., Zurich Trüb AG, Aarau UBS AG, Zürich Ungarisches Tourismusamt, Zürich Universität Zürich -Swiss Banking Institute, Zurich -Department Informatik, Zuerich Universitätsspital Zürich, Zürich University of Bern -M.E. Müller-Institut für Biomechanik, Bern Vogt Landschaftsarchitekten AG, Zürich Waldhauser Haustechnik AG, Basel Wandfluh AG, Frutigen Zeochem AG, Uetikon ZPA Zwimpfer Partner, Basel Zulauf AG, Schinznach-Dorf Zünd Systemtechnik AG, Altstätten Zürcher Hochschule Winterthur, Winterthur Zürich VersicherungsGesellschaft, Zürich Zweifel Pomy Chips, Spreitenbach Participating Institutions Berner Fachhochschule BFH -Hochschule für Technik und Informatik HTI Biel -Hochschule für Architektur, Bau und Holz Burgdorf Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW -Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil -Interstaatliche Hochschule für Technik Buchs Fachhochschule Zentralschweiz FHZ -Hochschule für Technik + Architektur Luzern, Horw Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse occidentale HES-SO -Haute Ecole ARC Ingénierie HEIARC, St. Imier -Haute école d'ingénierie et de gestion du canton de Vaud, Yverdon-les-bains -Ecole d'Ingénieurs et d'architectes de Fribourg, Fribourg Hochschule Liechtenstein, Vaduz HSL Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana, Manno SUPSI Universität Basel Universität Bern Universität Fribourg Universität Genève Universität Lausanne Universität Neuchâtel Universität Zürich Zürcher Fachhochschule ZFH: -Hochschule Wädenswil -Zürcher Hochschule Winterthur Tajik State Medical University Tajik Technical University Tajik University of Commerce Technological University of Tajikistan SYRIA Participating Employers Al Hafez Co. for Refrigerator and Household Banias Refinery Co General Establishment of Syrian Railways General Fertilizer Co High Institute of Marine Research Homs Refinery Co Syrian Arab Co for Electronic Ind.. Syrian Co for Storage and Distributing of Petroleum Products Syrian Industrial Bank Syrian Telecom Establishment The Arabian Medical Co Thamico The General Establishment of Geology and Mineral Resources The National Earthquake Center Participating Institutions University of Al- Ba'ath University of Aleppo University of Damascus University of Tishreen THAILAND Participating Employers Anubaan Tantawan School (Sunflower Kindergarten) Anubann Chang Noi School Assumption University Bosco Machinery Co Ltd Charoen Pokphand Engineering Co Ltd Chulalongkorn University Conveyor Technology Co Ltd Dutchmill Co Ltd Eastern College of Technology Effem Foods (THAILAND) Co Ltd Electricity Generating Autherity of Thailand International College Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University Kasetsart University Kasetsart University Laboratory School King Mongkut ’s Institute of Technology – Lad krabang King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok Maejo University Magpie Blaztech Co Ltd Muban Chom Bueng Rajabhat University N.D.P. Metal Work Co Ltd Naresuan University North Bangkok College Pan Drive Co Ltd. Phetchburi Technical College Prachongkij Co Ltd Prince of Songkla University Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University Rajabhat Pibulsongkram University Rajabhat University Udonthani Rajamagala University of Technology Phra Nakhon Rajamangala University of Teachnology Lanna Samruay Engineering Co Ltd SCS Fabrication Co Ltd Siam Cement Industry Co Ltd Siam Fiberglass Co Ltd Siam University Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology Site Preparation Management Co Ltd Srinakharinwirot University Sripatum University Thai Central Mechanics Co Ltd Thai Development Machinery Ltd Parts The Nawaplastic Industries (Saraburi) Co Ltd The Siam Cement (Lampang) Co Ltd Toda Pipe (Thailand) Co Ltd Ubon Rajchathanee University Participating Institutions Asian University Assumption University Bangkok University Chiang Mai University 60 TAJIKISTAN Participating Employers ACTED Avtoservice “Babilon-T” Ltd. “Babilon-M” Ltd. “Dusti Amirkhon” Ltd. “MMK” Ltd. Eskhata Bank High School “Tajikistan” Institute of Mathematics IREX “Indigo Tajikistan” Ltd. Institute of Physiology of Plants and Genetics “Isomatdinov” Ltd J C “Somoncom” Ltd. JSC “VT-Silk” JSC “Javoni” JOSC “Petroleum sugd” JOSC “Tochin-L” LLC “Tinial” Micro-financial fund “IMON” “Muminov” Ltd OSC “Khujandsoz” OSC “ZINAT” OSC “Giprostroy” Private High School in Khujand “Sayhun” Ltd. “SANO” Ltd. Scientific Research and Project Investigation Institute “Saniiosp” Participating Institutions Khujand Branch of the Technological University Khujand State University Research Institute of Labour and Social Protection Russian -Tajik Slavonic University Tajik Agrarian University Tajik State Institute of Foreign Languages Tajik State National University TANZANIA Participating Institution The Open University of Tanzania S T E 49 I A E S T E Chulalongkorn University Kasetsart University Khon Kaen University King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Chaokuntaharn Ladkrabang King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi Maejo University Mahanakorn University of Technology Mahidol University, International College Mahidol University National Institute of Development Adminstration North Bangkok Collage Phetchaburi Rajabhat University Phranakhon Rajabhat University Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University Prince of Songkla University Rajamangla University of Technology Krungthep Rajamangla University of Technology Lanna Rajamangla University of Technology Phranakon Rajamangla University of Technology Rattanakosin Rangsit University Rattana bundit University Silpakoen University Srinakharinwirot University Sripatum University Suan Dusit Rajabhat University Suan Sunandha University Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University Thammasat University Ubon Ratchnthani University Walailak University Participating Institutions Ecole Nationale d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme de Tunis ENAUT Ecole Supérieure des Communications de Tunis Sup’Com Ecole Nationale des Sciences de l’Informatique ENSI Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tunis ENIT Ecole Supérieure Privée d’Ingénierie et de Technologies ESPRIT Institut National des Sciences Appliquées et de Technologie INSAT Institut Supérieur d’Informatique ISI R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi İzmit Gaz Dağıtım San. Ve Tic. A.Ş. Kahin Yazılım Danışmanlık Tic. Ltd. Şti. Kale Balata San. Ve Tic. A.Ş. Kalekim A.Ş. Kapra İnşaat San.Tic.Şti. Kıraç Elektrik İnşaat Müh. San. Tic. LTD. ŞTİ Kocaeli Üniversitesi Konbeton Beton Mamulleri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. Konya Çimento Sanayii A.Ş. Konya Teknokent A.Ş. Maden Tetkik ve Arama (MTA) Genel Müdürlüğü MAKEL, Makina Sanayi Tic. A.Ş. MASTAŞ MAKINA KALIP SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. Mavi Kare Design Consulting and Construction Mercedes Benz Türk A.Ş. Mertas İnşaat Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. Metal Yapı Metasoft Bilgisayar Bilgi İşlem Hizmetleri Miar Mimarlık Modül Çelik Yapı SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. Mürsan Metal Ürünleri San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Nobelfarma İlaç San. Ve Tic. A.Ş. Numarine Denizcilik OBASE Computer and Consulting Limited Company Okyanus İnşaat Tah. A.Ş. Öz-İş Oto Yan Sanayi LTD. ŞTİ. Panel Elektro SAN. TİC. A.Ş. Piramit Sen. Mim. Müh. Ltd. Şti. Proje Mimarlık Müşavirlik İnşaat ve SAN. TİC. LTD RD Positive Arch. Int. Design Risk Yazılım Teknolojileri Ltd. Şti. RMK Marine Gemi Yapı San. ve Den. Taş. İşl. A.Ş. Safi Yapı Sistemleri Sanko Tekstil İşletmeleri Tic.A.Ş. Savronik Saydam Tekstil Sanayi Ve TİC. A.Ş. Selçuk Üniversitesi Servo Elektronik San. Tic. Ltd. Şti SETA Gemiİ Mühendislik LTD.ŞTİ. Siemens Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. Soyak Residential Developer Soyaslan Marine T.C. Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığı T.C. İller Bankası T.C.Bayındırlık ve İskan Bakanlığı T.C.Tarım ve Köy İşleri Bakanlığı TAGES TAŞ ZEMİN İNŞ.SAN.VE TİC.LTD. ŞTİ. Tekfen İmalat Ve Mühendislik A.Ş. Temeltaş İnşaat SAN. TİC. A.Ş. Tempa Pano Sanayi ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Tempa Sistem Elektroteknik Otomasyon San.Tic. A.Ş. TERMOBİMS A.Ş. Thrace Basin Natural Gas Co. Torlak Shipyard Trafo Mimarlar Mimarlık Hizmetleri LTD. ŞTİ. Turgut Alton Mimarlık Turkish Airlines Technic ( T.H.Y.) Türk Telekom Türkiye Kömür İşletmeleri Kurumu Türkiye Şeker Fabrikaları A.Ş. 60 TUNISIA Participating Employers 3CT Consulting ACE Engineering Archi-Act (Architecture en Action) Architectural Design Group Association de Sauvegarde de la Medina de Mahdia Best Bank Bureau d'architecture ARCHITEK Bureau d'étude et de Recherche Architecture et Urbanisme (B.E.R.A.U) Bureau d'Etudes Arabo-Tuniso Lybien (BEATL) Business and Decision Tunisie Cabinet Ali CHETOUI Cabinet d'Achitecture Sami MEFTAH Cabinet d'architecture Ajmi MIMITA Cabinet d'architecture Aziz BEN CHAABANE Cabinet d'architecture Zakaria BEN JEBARA Cabinet d'architecture Omar BOUDEN Cabinet d'architecture Mustapha BOUDOKHANE Cabinet d'architecture et d'urbanisme Jellal ABDELKAFI Cabinet d'Architecture et Pilotage Ouns BAKLOUTI Cabinet d'architecture Hafedh TRABELSI Cabinet d'architecture Kilani Aydi Cabinet D'architecture Mohamed 50 LAADHAR Cabinet d'architecture Med Amine BEN HAMIDA Cabinet d'architecture Hichem MEJRI Cabinet d'architecture Mohamed Amine Fitouhi- Arketip Design Cabinet d'architecture Mohamed NEHDI Cabinet d'architecture Mounir BEN ABDALLAH Cabinet d'Architecture Mr Mohamed KARRAY (Art de conception) Cabinet d'Architecture Mustapha BENJENNET Cabinet d'architecture Taoufik BOUSLAMA Cabinet d'architecture WORKSHOP ARCHITECTURE Casa Design Comunicando Tunisie SARL Construction and Engineering Technology (CET) DZETA EESB El Aoundoulsia Engineering and Services Company El Behi Future Concept Energy and Environment Engineering (3E) EUROMED AFRICAN FORMATION (EURAF) General BTP GéoHydro Geoimage Tunisie GM ARCHI H2A & SAKLY ARCHITECTS Hydro Pro Tunisie Ideal Telecom Tunisie I-Graphic Design Informatique Réseaux Consulting INNOVA SOFT Institut National de Recherche en Génie Rural, Eaux et Forêts Integration Objects JARDILAND Les Domaines de Saint Augustin Med Consulting S.A Pylon Decision Ware Siemens Tunisia Société ELTAIEF et FILS des travaux généraux et VRD Société d'architecture d'urbanisme et de décoration (AUDA) Société des travaux de réaménagement et de finition (SOTREFIN) Societé des travaux et de construcion (SOTRAC) Societé Imprimerie BETA Société Multiconseils et Management Société Tunisienne d'Etanchéité et de Revêtement Société de Laboratoire Géotechnique Routière et Matériaux de Construction (Labo G.R.M.C) STUDIO S.A.R.L. TASMIM - Architecture et Aménagement Techniques et Applications Tendances Texacom SARL Trace d'Architecture TRIUM TECHNOLOGY Unité de recherche LARAAutomatique ENIT UR Signal Image and Pattern Recognition ENIT VATVEDT A N N U A L TURKEY Participating Employers AE Mimarlık Atölyesi AGDAŞ Adapazarı Gaz Dağıtım A.Ş. AirTies Wireless Networks Akçansa Çimento San. Ve Tic. A.Ş. Ant Yapı Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Şti. ARKITERA Architecture Centre Atatürk Üniversitesi Atölye Mimarlık ATÖLYE-T-MİMARLIK Başak Atalay Tasarım Evi BEKO Elektronik A.Ş. Bektaş Mimarlık İşliği BİLMER-Selçuk Üniversitesi Bilgisayar Merkezi BİYONET Biyoteknoloji A.Ş. Borusan Mannesmann Boru San. Ve Tic. A.Ş. Candeniz Elektronik LTD. Çağla Mühendislik Ve Mimarlik TİC. LTD ŞTİ. Danişment Mak. San. Ve Tic. A.Ş. Demirdöküm Fabrikaları A.Ş. DİMES Gıda San. Ve Tic. A.Ş. Doğuş İnşaat ve Tic. A.Ş. EAE Elektrik A.Ş. EGE Kimya San. Ve Tic. A.Ş. Ege Üniversitesi ELEKTRA Elektronik San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. ELKOTEK Mühendislik ve Danışmanlık Hizmetleri A.Ş. Empet Metalurji ENDEL, Endüstriyel Elektrik A.Ş. Enerji Yatırım Holding A.Ş. Enka İnşaat ve SAN. A.Ş. Enka Santral İşletme ve Bakım A.Ş. Entropi Mühendislik EPG Mühendislik & Müteahhitlik LTD. ŞTİ. Erdem İnşaat Tesisat LTD. ŞTİ. Erdemli Engineering & Consulting CO.LTD. ERÖZÜ Architects Eskişehir Sanayi Odası Organize Sanayi Bölgesi GAD (Gökhan Avcıoğlu Architecture) Garanti Konut Geoteknik A.Ş. Gisan Tersanesi Gunay Construction Limited Gülsan İnşaat A.Ş. Infotech A.Ş. İlke Planlama Mim. Müh. İnş. Bilg. LTD. ŞTİ. İmam Kayalı Oğulları Otomotiv Tic.A.Ş. I A E I A E S T E A N N U A L Üçge Mağaza Ekipmanlari Pazarlama San. Tic. A.Ş. Van Et Entegre Et San. Ve Tic. A.Ş. Vatan Makina Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. Vestel Defence Vestel Electronics R&D Corp. Yapi Merkezi İnşaat A.Ş. YA-SA Ship Management and Trading S.A. Yüksel Makine Sanayi ve Tic. A.Ş. Zoom Mimari Participating Institutions Akdeniz University Ankara University Atatürk University Bilkent University Çukurova University Dokuz Eylül University Ege University Fırat University Gaziantep University Gaziosmanpaşa University Hacettepe University Istanbul Technical University İstanbul University Kocaeli University Koç Üniversity Marmara University Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar University Mustafa Kemal University Mustafa KemalUniversity Orta Doğu Technical University Osmangazi University Selçuk University Süleyman Demirel University Trakya University Uludag University Yeditepe University Yıldız Technical University Yüzüncü Yıl University R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 Participating Institutions Ivano-Frankovsk State Medical Academy Ivano-Frankovsk National University of Oil and Gas Kharkiv Automobile and Highway University Kiev Institute of Automation and Experimental Research Kiev Institute of Pharmacy Kiev Medical Academy Kiev National Economy University Kiev University of Construction and Architecture Kiev University of Economics National Technical University "Kharkov Polytechnic Institute" National Technical University of Ukraine - KPI Odessa Polytechnic University Shevchenko University Vasyl Stefanyk University Vinnitsa National Medical University Vinnitsa National Technical University Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University Zhaporizhje Engineering Academy EDAW Essex Draughting Limited FG Wilson Ltd Fisita UK Ltd Ford Motor Company Ltd Forestry Commission FujiFilm Colorants Limited Glamorgan Heritage Coast Project Goldman Sachs International Graham Constructions (Dromore) Ltd Graham Martin Hobart and Heron Hunting International Hyder Consulting Limited Imperial College Ing services limited Invest Northern Ireland J P Morgan Europe Ltd Jenkins & Potter Kelman Ltd Kilwaughter Chemical Company Ltd King's College London Kodak European Research Lagan Construction Ltd Langham Capital Limited Marshall Wace Asset Management Ltd MAST Architects Morgan Jones Recruitment Mulholland and Doherty National Institute for Biological Standards & Control Newcastle University Newstar Asset Management Ltd Northern Ireland Housing Executive Office of Communications (Ofcom) Owen Williams Paul Brookes Architects Ltd Pollard, Thomas & Edwards Architects Queen Mary University of London Queen’s University Belfast Quintiles UK Limited Royal Bank of Canada Seagoe technologies Ltd Sonique Ltd Star Instruments Stikeman Elliott LLP Sucden UK Limited Sutherland Hussey Architects Telelogic UK Ltd Translink Ulster Carpet Mills United Utilities plc University of Aberdeen University of Birmingham University of Bristol University of Dundee University of Glasgow University of Greenwich University of Kent University of Leicester University of Manchester University of Nottingham University of Oxford University of Reading University of Sheffield University of Southampton University of Strathclyde University of Wales, Swansea University of Ulster Webber Associates (UK) Ltd Welltime Ltd Weston Williamson William Clements Chemicals Ltd White Young Green Whittaker Engineering Wyre Borough Council Participating Institutions Cardiff University Cranfield Institute of Technology Glasgow School of Art Heriot Watt University Imperial College London Liverpool John Moores University Napier University Queen Mary University London Queens University Belfast Royal Holloway, University of London University College London University of Aberdeen University of Bath University of Birmingham University of Bristol University of Cambridge University of Dundee University of Durham University of East Anglia University of Edinburgh University of Exeter University of Glasgow University of Greenwich University of Kent University of Leeds University of Leicester University of Manchester University of Nottingham University of Oxford University of Reading University of Sheffield University of Southampton University of St Andrews University of Strathclyde University of Sussex University of the West of England University of Ulster University of Wales, Swansea University of York 60 UKRAINE Participating Employers Architecture and Urban Planning Administration of Ivano-Frankovsk Audit-Service Inc. Babuskin' Kiev Architectural Studio Cement Plant in Ivano-Frankovsk Company “UkrMetTestStandart” (Prof. M. Surdu) Counsel of People's Deputies Gemmological Center of Ukraine Ivano-Frankovsk Forestry Ivano-Frankovsk National University of Oil and Gas Kiev Electrodynamic Institute Kiev Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology Kiev National University of Construction and Arcitecture Kiev Research Institute of Automation and Experimental Research Laboratory for structural testing (Mr. Belov) Nadiy' Joint-stock Company National Botanical Garden National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI" Promel' Company PrycarpatTransGas' Gas Pipeline Administration Ukrnafta' Research Laboratory Vasyl Stefanyk University Yunakov' Kiev Private Architectural Studio Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology Zond' Scientific Production Company UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Participating Employers Bin Dalmouk Consultants Dewan Architects& Engineers Office Engineer Adnan Saffarini Office Gulf Precast Concrete Company Halcrow Group Schlumberger Softest Participating Institutions American University of Sharjah University of Sharjah UNITED KINGDOM Participating Employers 5th Studio Architects Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute Air Partner PLC Alan Jones Architects Ltd Alan Patterson Design Albert Fry Associates Ltd Andrew Nesbitt Architects Anthony Reddy Associates Northern Ireland Armagh Observatory Arup Bank of America NA BBC Northern Ireland B/E Aerospace UK Ltd Belfast City Council BNP Paribas Brian W Murray Ltd British Council Northern Ireland Building Design Partnership Buro Happold Caerphilly County Borough Council Caledonian Alloys Canary Wharf Contractors Capita Symonds Cardiff University Consarc Design Group Curtins Consulting Engineers CXR Biosciences Ltd David Morley Architects Deutsche Bank Durham University Durham University UNITED STATES Participating Employers 2H Offshore Inc. 3i Implant Innovations Accordia Group, Inc. Actividentity Corp. Agilent Technologies AIPT Alamo Pintado Equine Medical Center Alcatel-Lucent Altech Corp. Altera AMRI Anadigics, Inc. Anaqua, Inc. APAC, Inc. Apple, Inc. ARKEMA Inc. Aspen Cancer Survivor Center for Health & Wellbeing Aster Data Systems, Inc ATF, Inc. Atlantia Offshore Limited AVL North America, Inc. BAM Studio Banfield Pet Hospital Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems Beyer Blinder Belle, Architects and Planners, LLP Biogen Idec Boeing Company BorgWarner Morse TEC Borland Software Corp BOSE Corporation Brigham and Women's Hospital Broken Hill Proprietary USA, Inc. Cadence Design Systems S T E 51 I A E S T E Cal Insurance & Associates Calsep Inc. Cambridge Seven Associates Carnegie Mellon University Carrier Corporation CC Technologies CHI Systems, Inc. Cisco Systems Coastal Systems International, Inc. Code X, Inc. Codexis, Inc. Cognis Corporation Coler & Colantonio, Inc. Coty Inc. Covanta Energy CR Studio Architects, PC Crystal Technology Cypress Semiconductor Dassault Systemes Simulia Corp. Development Design Group DMJM Harris DuPont Eastman Kodak EDAW Inc Edwards Lifesciences Ericsson IPI ESRI - Environmental Systems Research Institute Expedia, Inc. Fast Search and Transfer Inc FASTCAP Federal Mogul Corporation FEI Co. Field Paoli Architects Filemaker, Inc. Fortify Software Fraser Research Frederic Schwartz Architects Fritzlen Pierce Architects FX Palo Alto Laboratory, Inc. Genencor International, Inc. General Motors Corporation Gilead Sciences, Inc. GKKworks GlaxoSmithKline Gleason Works Goddard Space Flight Center Hanbury Evans Wright Vlattas + Company Harrington Regional Medical Center, Inc. Harvard University HASSE & WREDE North America, Inc. Hellmuth, Obata, & Kassabaum, Inc. Hertco Kitchens L.L.C. Histogenetics Hitachi Data Systems Corporation Hofstee Farms Horsham Research Centre IBM Corporation IDEO IMRA America Industrial Light & Magic Inovise Medical, Inc. Institute of Orthopedic Research & Education Inverness Medical J. Craig Venter Institute James Madison University Johnson & Johnson 52 KARL STORZ Endovision, Inc. Kiewit Kuhn Knight, Inc. Kumin Associates Lafarge North America Inc. LBL Architects LCG Consulting Los Alamos National Laboratory LucidEra, Inc. LuK USA Lyric Semiconductor MacKenzie Architects Magma Design Automation, Inc. MAN Ferrostaal Inc. Massachusetts General Hospital MDA designgroup Medallia, Inc. Medical Education Technologies, Inc. Menlo Innovations LLC Micronas USA, Inc. Midcoast Aviation, Inc. Mission Critical Technologies Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories Momentive Performance Materials MSLK Muller Martini Manufacturing Corp. Murray State University NBBJ LP NBBJ-New York NEC Laboratories America, Inc. Nokia North Carolina State University Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research Inc. One Laptop per Child Association Paradigm Pellegrini Family Vineyards Philips Research Pilkington North America Inc. Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. Port of Los Angeles Pratt & Whitney Pressley Associates, Inc. Procter & Gamble Co. Purdue University Real-Time Innovations, Inc. Risk Management Solutions RNL Design Robert Bosch Corporation Robert Bosch LLC Roche Diagnostics Corporation Rohde & Schwarz Rolls-Royce Corporation Ronnette Riley Architects Rosetta Stone Ltd. Roskamp Institute Rutherford & Chekene Consulting Engineers Sanofi-Aventis SAP Labs, LLC Sasaki Associates Inc. Schlumberger Sepracor Inc. Staffelbach Designs and Associates, Inc. Stanford University Stony Brook University Strategic Analytics, Inc. Sun Microsystems, Inc. A N N U A L Synopsys, Inc. Telecom Italia Sparkle of North America, Inc. Telelogic AB Telelogic North American, Inc. Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children The Pennsylvania State University The Rockefeller University The University of Maryland Thoratec Corporation Tod Williams Billie Tsien Architects Total Petrochemicals USA, Inc. Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago Trumpf, Inc. T-Systems North America, Inc. T-Systems USA, Inc. United Technologies Research Center University of California University of Illinois University of Michigan University of Minnesota University of Nebraska-Lincoln University of Pittsburgh University of the Sciences in Philadelphia University of Tulsa UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas Utah Bureau of Forensic Services Vaisala, Inc. Varian Medical Systems VeriSign, Inc Vescent Photonics, Inc. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University VMWare, Inc. Voith Siemens Hydro Power Generation Inc. Wabtec Washington University Weill Medical College of Cornell University WellCall Inc. West Pharmaceutical Services WIKA Instrument Corp. Wisconsin Department of Transportation Woodward Governor Co. World Minerals, Inc. WorleyParsons YouNoodle, Inc. Zeochem, LLC Participating Institutions Arizona State University Bowdoin College Carnegie Mellon University College of William and Mary Columbia University Dickinson College Emory University Georgetown University Georgia Institute of Technology Indiana University Iowa State University Kansas State University Louisiana State University Massachusetts Institute of Technology Murray State University R E V I E W 2 0 0 8 New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology North Carolina State University Northwestern University Ohio State University Pennsylvania State UniversityUniversity Park Purdue University Rice University Stanford University State University of New YorkBuffalo Syracuse University Texas A & M University-College Station University of California-Berkeley University of California-Davis University of California-San Diego University of California-Santa Barbara University of Illinois-UrbanaChampaign University of Kentucky University of Maryland-College Park University of Michigan-Ann Arbor University of Minnesota-Twin Cities University of Nebraska-Lincoln University of North CarolinaChapel Hill University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh University of Rochester University of Southern California University of Tulsa University of Utah University of Wisconsin-Madison Virginia Polytechnic University Western Michigan University 60 UZBEKISTAN Participating Employers Republican Specialized Centre of Surgery Tashkent State Agrarian University Tashkent State Technical University Tashkent University of Information Technologies Technical Centre SIMUZ UzshaharsozlikLITI Stock company Participating Institutions Namangan Engineering Economical Institute National University of Uzbekistan Tashkent Architecture Construction Institute Tashkent State Agrarian University Tashkent State Technical University Tashkent Chemical Technology Institute Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry VIETNAM Participating Employer Thai Nguyen University Faculty of Information Technology I A E Support Services to IAESTE Internet Development Team (IDT) The IDT, Internet Development Team, was founded in Copenhagen in 1998 by volunteers from five different countries, with the goal to deliver IT services to IAESTE. Today twelve volunteers from eight different countries are involved in IDT. The services include anything which the organisation requests, such as web and e-mail services. The team provides overall support for the Katja Prnaver internal IAESTE IntraWeb, including the administration of servers, IDT Co-ordinator technical assistance for the Alumni Association, Friends of IAESTE Network, FoIN and assists with other technical issues which may arise. The IDT maintains the public website,, which provides information on IAESTE and links to all Member countries’ home pages and contact details. Friends of IAESTE Network (FoIN) The International IAESTE Alumni organisation; Friends of IAESTE Network (FoIN) is now celebrating its 10th year of prosperous activity in IAESTE. Today we have more than 10,000 members in our strong network which was first organised on an international level in 1996. IAESTE has a distinguished tradition of keeping in touch with former trainees, as a result of which the Friends of IAESTE Network has successfully brought Alumni together from around the world. There is no doubt that many of our members feel a strong allegiance to IAESTE as this organisation has influenced their personal lives and careers to a great extent. Livar Bergheim Interim FoIN Co-ordinator The main purpose of FoIN is to make it easy for Members and Co-operating Institutions to keep in touch with their alumni in order to support the concept of student exchange and international understanding. Members receive the FoIN Newsletter three times a year with news about FoIN activities, news from members and reports from trainees as well as IAESTE upcoming events. Members can also find former friends they have made through IAESTE with a search function in the network. To become a member of the Friends of IAESTE Network please visit our website: Seminar on IAESTE Development (SID) SID serves IAESTE by bringing together IAESTE Members and Cooperating Institutions to discuss issues of best practice, administration, organisational advancement and the development of the Organisation. Unlike the Annual Conference, which focuses on the exchange of traineeships, SID provides a structured forum for delegates to discuss ideas and actions to improve IAESTE as an International Organisation. Work Groups work on specific tasks requested by the General Thomas Faltner Conference, the IAESTE Board and the Membership at large provide SID Co-ordinator the topics to be discussed at SID. In addition, a number of ongoing tasks such as Mentoring, General Conference Introductory sessions and updating of IAESTE forms and materials are tackled by SID. The results from the Work Groups are refined over the year into recommendations that go back to the Board and then to the General Conference for official voting and implementation. The IAESTE Ombudsman The post of Ombudsman was created by a decision of the 2001 General Conference of IAESTE held in Durban, South Africa. The Ombudsman is an independent person, to whom students can report complaints about unfair treatment, with the aim of arriving at a fair settlement. The Ombudsman reports to the General Conference each year about all incidents reported to him from students. He also proposes measures to prevent similar incidents in future. Bernardo J Herold, the former National Secretary of IAESTE Portugal, is the IAESTE Ombudsman. For further information on the Ombudsman please go to or contact him at [email protected] or write to: Office of the Ombudsman, P.O Box 1066 2771-901 Paço de Arcos, Portugal IAESTE Worldwide Members and Co-operating Institutions Full Members 24. Ireland IAESTE Ireland (1962)* 47. Sweden IAESTE Sweden (1948)** 25. Israel Israel IAESTE Committee (1951)* 48. Switzerland IAESTE Switzerland (1948)** 2. Armenia IAESTE Armenia (1998)* 26. Japan IAESTE Japan (1964)* 49. Syria IAESTE Syria (1965)* 3. Australia IAESTE Australia (1996)* 27. Jordan IAESTE Jordan (1978)* 50. Tajikistan IAESTE Tajikistan (1992)* 4. Austria IAESTE Austria (1949)* 28. Kazakhstan IAESTE Kazakhstan (1995)* 5. Belgium IAESTE Belgium vzw (1948)** 29. Lebanon IAESTE Lebanon (1966)* 51. Thailand IAESTE Thailand, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology, North Bangkok (1978) * 6. Bosnia and Herzegovina IAESTE BiH (2000) 30. Lithuania IAESTE Lithuania (1990)* 7. Brazil IAESTE Brazil Central de Intercâmbio (1982)* 31. Luxembourg Comité Luxembourgeois pour l’Organisation de Stages Industriels (1961)* 1. Argentina Comité Argentino del IAESTE (1961)* 8. Canada IAESTE Canada (1953)* 9. Colombia IAESTE Colombia (1995)* 10. Croatia Hrvatska udruga za medunarodnu razmjenu studenata prirodnih i tehničkih znanosti - IAESTE Croatia (1993)* 11. Cyprus IAESTE Cyprus (1980)* 12. Czech Republic IAESTE Czech Republic (1965)* 13. Denmark IAESTE Denmark, Polyteknisk Forening (1948) ** 14. Egypt IAESTE Egypt – Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University (1961)* 15. Estonia IAESTE Estonia (1993)* 16. F.Y.R. Macedonia IAESTE (FYR) Macedonia (1994)* 52. Tunisia IAESTE Tunisia (1959)* 4. India Manipal Institute of Technology (2006) 5. Indonesia Unggulan Education Foundation (2007) 7. Italy Politecnico di Milano (2001) 32. Malta IAESTE Malta (1984) * 55. United Kingdom IAESTE UK (1948,)** 8. Jamaica JOYST Jamaica (2006) 33. Mexico IAESTE Mexico/AMIPP, A.C. (1985)* 56. Uruguay IAESTE Uruguay (1988)* 9. Kenya Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (2004) 34. Mongolia IAESTE Mongolia (2001) 35. Norway IAESTE Norway (1948)** 57. USA IAESTE United States (1950)* 58. Uzbekistan IAESTE Uzbekistan (1997) * 36. Oman Sultan Qaboos University (2001) 37. Pakistan IAESTE Pakistan (1990)* 38. Poland IAESTE Poland (1959)* 39. Portugal IAESTE Portugal (1954)* 40. Romania IAESTE Romania (1998) 41. Russia IAESTE Russia (1991)* Associate Members 1. Belarus IAESTE Belarus (2000) 2. China including Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR Council for International Training and Development (2000) 10. Liberia Cuttington University (2007) 11. Malaysia Universiti Sains Malaysia USM (2008) 12. Nigeria Federal University of Technology Owerri (FUTO) (2008) 13. Nigeria University of Benin (2007) 14. Panama Technological University of Panama (2004) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (1997) 15. Peru Universidad de Piura (2001) University of Macau (2004) 16. Philippines POEC (2007) 5. Latvia IAESTE Latvia (2002) 44. Slovenia IAESTE Slovenia (1993)* 6. Montenegro IAESTE Montenegro (2007) 20. Ghana IAESTE Ghana (1970)* 45. South Africa IAESTE South Africa (1956)* 7. Sierra Leone IAESTE Sierra Leone (1991) 21. Greece IAESTE Greece (1958)* 46. Spain Comité Español para Intercambio de Estudiantes Técnicos IAESTE Espaňa (1951)* 8. United Arab Emirates University of Sharjah (2000) 22. Hungary IAESTE Hungary (1983)* 3. India Karunya University (2001) 54. Ukraine IAESTE Ukraine (1994)* 43. Slovakia IAESTE Slovakia (1965)* 19. Germany Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Deutsches Komitee der IAESTE (1950)* 2. Bulgaria Uni-Group (2005) 6. Italy ALFIA Associazione Laureati Facoltà di Ingegneria Ancona (2001) 3. Ecuador IAESTE Ecuador Universidad San Francisco de Quito (1999) 18. France IAESTE France, (1948)** 1. Botswana University of Botswana (2002) 53. Turkey IAESTE Türkiye (1955)* 42. Serbia Jugoslovenski odbor za medjunarodnu razmenu studenata za strucnu praksu- IAESTE (1952)* 17. Finland IAESTE Finland (1948,)** Co-operating Institutions 4. Iran IAESTE Iran (2002) 17. Republic of Korea Global Association of Training and Exchange (GATE) (2007) 18. Republic of Korea Keimyung University (2007) 19. Sri Lanka University of Moratuwa (2000) 20. Tanzania The Open University (2006) 21. Vietnam Thai Nguyen University (2006) 23. Iceland IAESTE Iceland (1951)* ** Founding Member of IAESTE Ad Hoc (1948) and IAESTE A.s.b.l. (2005) * Founding Member of IAESTE A.s.b.l. (2005) The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience A.s.b.l. P.O.Box 102, Banbridge, BT32 4WY, Northern Ireland Tel/Fax: 0044 28406 25485, E-mail: [email protected]