starter list - International Sheltie Agility Championships 2016
starter list - International Sheltie Agility Championships 2016
STARTER LIST (06-06-2016) Reg.-Nr. AT01 AT02 AT03 AT04 AT05 AT06 AT07 AT08 AT09 AT10 AT11 AT12 AT13 BE01 BE02 BE03 BE04 BE05 BE06 BE07 BE08 Dog Litter Race Heidi Talitha Tamsyn VD of Ulanova Sheltie Kazumi A Kung-Fu Panda Ponad Wszystko Sheltie Mr. Tiny Bang Bang Kiss Kiss Love.Log Sheltie Asti Asti Spumanti of endless BinasLove Sheltie Belle Yin-Dee Belle Silver Sparkle Sheltie Puce Isaora du Cap de la Coste Sheltie Moon Moon in Black z Dablovy Studanky Sheltie Katie Kate von den Hausruck-Shelties Sheltie Quendy Quendolin of Cherryglen Sheltie Rose Black Pearl of Sheltie Country Sheltie Diesel Jackpot in Blue of Ulanova Sheltie Karma Charming Karma z dablovy studanky Sheltie Tequila Tequila Chancy Remus Sheltie Neal Modder clou kick back Sheltie Spike Just a Sparkling Carbon du GCA Sheltie Revi Revival Bi z Dablovy Studanky Sheltie Kayla Vibens Moonlight Sheltie Wix Nitrous Haeglin s Magic Of The Five Sheltie Colors Ruby Degallo A Secret Mission Sheltie Lili Lili Sheltie dont look back of kemajas angel forest Sheltie Name Prename Flicker Horst Friesenegger Nadine Friesenegger Nadine Marxer Sabina Purtscher Heidi Reichetzer Petra Reichetzer Petra Riegler Karin Riegler Karin Weiß Lea Flicker Horst Jantschgi Anna Jantschgi Anna Beyens Leo Cusumano Loic De Backer Rebekka De Backer Rebekka De Coninck Miguel De Coninck Miguel De gussem Katleen de la riviere patrickpatrick Club Class OERV HSV Ebreichsdorf Wesr A3 ÖCBH A3 ÖCBH A3 ÖGV Graz-Weinzödl A2 HSV Nüziders A3 ÖRV Pottendorf A1 ÖRV Pottendorf A2 Alt-Mödling A3 ÖGV Alt-Mödling A3 ÖRV Graz Kainbach A2 Örv Hsv Ebreichsdorf West A3 Örv HSV Heimbautal A1 Örv HSV Heimbautal A1 Hs canis A3 KC Crisnée A3 Ter Schelde A3 Ter Schelde A2 MERKSEM A1 merksem A1 De dappere vriend A3 Ter schelde A2 Size Small Small Small Medium Small Small Small Small Small Small Small Small Medium Medium Small Medium Small Small Medium Small Small Land Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Österreich Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Reg.-Nr. BE09 BE10 BE11 BE12 BE13 BE14 BE15 BE16 BE17 BE18 BE19 BE20 BE21 BE22 BE23 BE24 BE25 BE26 BE27 BE28 BE29 BE30 BE31 BE32 BE33 BE34 BE35 BE36 BE37 BE38 BE39 BE40 Dog Sky Kate Nala Doy nava Nio Aily Sid Seppe Dora Chiqi Joia nanousche puma Chickie Lytchi Kronos Moya ricci Lupé Inouk Hobbes Magique Dune Milo Vita Hopp Elly Jazz Terra Sai Louwie Jull Hero Litter Race Name Prename Isky of the Golden Fir Sheltie De Wree Ingrid Kate Of The Golden Fir Sheltie Diels Anja Charming Memories Darling Destiny Sheltie Gentjens Yana ILLUSION OF THE FOUR BEE`S Sheltie Gers Frank Comedy´s Aphrodite Sheltie Gers Frank Need for Speed of the Five ColorsSheltie Holsteens Jessica Haeglin Of The Five Colors Sheltie Holsteens Jessica New Bi Illusion By Senza Of The Five Sheltie Colors Jacobs Veerle Master Of Univers Vision Of Albula Sheltie s Lady Jacobs Veerle Lightningwood in silver and blackSheltie Kravanja Natacha ICQ of the Five Colors Sheltie Lacnakova Eva Magical Power of Joy of the Five Sheltie Colors Lacnakova Eva Drama Queen Gold Rebecca Sheltie leers veronique Needful Bi Miracle Of The Four Bee´s Sheltie leers veronique Empress in blue vom heiligenblutSheltie Luyckx Carla More than just black of the five colors Sheltie Luyckx Carla Kronos of the Golden Fir Sheltie MAIRY Alain Of the golden fir Sheltie Mannaerts Kim of the four bees Sheltie Noiron Aline Lupé Sheltie Pauwels Michele Culzean castle heather rose Sheltie Pauwels Michele Hobbes Kiana Kay Sheltie Poppe Ephraim Magique Dune Milo Sheltie Rotar Audrey Mystic White Stripe of the five Colors Sheltie Sefton Maik Rokkitassun Fairy Tale Sheltie Van Autryve Sylvie Elly Black of Sprightliness Sheltie Van HauwermeirenEls Culzean Castle Hoyden O the Heather Sheltie Van HauwermeirenEls Green Paradise Sheltie Verachten Monique Montanas spirit Hopeful beginning Sheltie Verhaert Birthe Louwie Sheltie Vlemincx Ronald Of the golden fir Sheltie Vlemincx Ronald of the golden Fir Sheltie YSEBAERT PAUL Club Class Sport Canin Antheit A3 De Dappere Vriend A3 De dappere vriend Herentals A2 merksem A3 merksem A3 Limburgse HondenschoolA2 merksem A3 A2 HV Ter Schelde A3 LIHOS A3 Amonra Cebin A3 Amonra Cebin A2 merksem A3 merksem A2 Genebos A3 Genebos A1 Sport Canin Antheit A3 De Moedige Bijters Schoten A3 Merksem A1 Ddv A3 Ddv A3 HV Ter SChelde A3 CCS Liège A2 Limburgse HondenschoolA1 A1 Ter Schelde A3 Ter Schelde A3 HS De Paai A1 DDV herentals A3 De Moedige Bijters Schoten A3 De Moedige Bijters A3 HS SLOEBER A3 Size Small Small Small Medium Medium Medium Small Medium Medium Medium Small Small Small Medium Small Small Small Small Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Small Small Small Medium Small Medium Small Small Medium Land Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Belgien Reg.-Nr. BR01 CH01 CH02 CH03 CH04 CH05 CH06 CH07 CH08 CH09 CH10 CH11 CH12 CH13 CH14 CH15 CH16 CH17 CO01 CO02 CZ01 CZ02 CZ03 CZ04 CZ05 CZ06 CZ07 CZ08 CZ09 CZ10 CZ11 CZ12 Dog Litter Race Name Nitro Cayenne Von kempten Sheltie Campos Lyn Given Lyn Katchinas Keeper of Hope Sheltie Bänsch Kenny Kendallfrom Shamrock Rive Sheltie Bänsch Jive From Spirit of a new Generation Sheltie Bührer Nila From Spirit of a new Generation Sheltie Bührer Suki Happy Lady Chancy Remus Sheltie Cerny Angelina Angelina White Boot Katchinas Keeper Sheltieof Hope Dänzer Gwen Gwen vom Haus Schaff Sheltie Dänzer Dayana Dayana of brightjewels Sheltie Denzler Kiwi Keen Kiwi Katchinas Keeper of Hope Sheltie Denzler Flynn James of Sheltie-Castle Sheltie Ehrat T-late Montanas Spirit Keen Avenue T-late Sheltie Gloor Navy Hurry Happy Navy Katchinas Keeper Sheltie of hopeHundt Angel Guardian Angel for Happiness desSheltie diablotinsJaquinet de nooch Grisu Grizzle Blue of Sprightliness Sheltie Martin Eloa Eloa des highlandes de la taute Sheltie Mellier Mitch I am little Mitch Katchinas KeeperSheltie of hope Schwab Mylo Fabian vom Haus Schaff Sheltie Schwab flame paez Sheltie Diaz imagine colies aldea de los leones Sheltie Diaz Jessie Just for Love Bonny Dux Sheltie Chudobova Lara Ami Dévoué z B?ezkého pr?honaSheltie Hama¡aková Forest Jump Koryfej Sheltie Kolárová Bugaboo the Little Bodyguard Inch Sheltie Konecna Agent z Faustovy zahrádky Rejdy Sheltie Konecna Biaggi Big Biaggi z Bucavky Sheltie Kucerikova Brinie Moravské srdce Sheltie Mikula Akord Srdecni zalezitost Sheltie Mikula Colombina Moravské srdce Sheltie Mikulová Agile Srdecni zalezitost Sheltie Mikulová Nessie Enessies Beryllova krev Sheltie Nováková Apka Never Give Up Koryfej Sheltie Puldová Prename Renan Ralf Ralf Cornelia Cornelia Florian Nathalie Nathalie Ursula Ursula Mirjam Jeannine Stephanie Laure Patrick Caroline Claudia Claudia Hector Hector Michaela Petra Katerina Martina Martina Veronika Martin Martin Jana Jana Petra Å árka Club Class Ducao A3 HS Riken A3 HS Riken A3 HSP Chläggi Schaffhausen A3 HSP Chläggi Schaffhausen A3 Hurry Dogs A3 199 A3 199 A3 AT Running Gags A3 AT Running Gags A1 AT Running Gags A3 Sssc A3 SKG Bremgarten A3 CCNV les cabotins A3 AT Seeland A3 CCNV les Cabotins A3 ATE Microdogs A3 ATE Microdogs A3 Club Canino ColombianoA3 Club Canino ColombianoA3 A3 OSA Dingo A3 Klub agility ÄŒeské republiky A3 agility CAmaro A3 agility camaro A1 VOSA Ostrava A3 Klub agility ÄŒR A1 Klub agility ÄŒR A1 Klub agility ÄŒR A3 Klub agility ÄŒR A2 None A2 OSA Dingo A3 Size Small Small Small Small Small Medium Medium Medium Small Small Medium Small Medium Small Small Small Small Medium Small Small Medium Medium Small Small Medium Medium Small Medium Small Medium Medium Medium Land Brasilien Schweiz Schweiz Schweiz Schweiz Schweiz Schweiz Schweiz Schweiz Schweiz Schweiz Schweiz Schweiz Schweiz Schweiz Schweiz Schweiz Schweiz Kolumbien Kolumbien Tschechien Tschechien Tschechien Tschechien Tschechien Tschechien Tschechien Tschechien Tschechien Tschechien Tschechien Tschechien Reg.-Nr. CZ13 CZ14 CZ15 CZ16 CZ17 CZ18 CZ19 CZ20 CZ21 DE107 DE01 DE02 DE03 DE04 DE05 DE06 DE07 DE08 DE09 DE10 DE100 DE101 DE102 DE103 DE104 DE105 DE106 DE11 DE12 DE13 DE14 DE15 Dog Atomic Bomberman Nik Bery Suzi Kasík Blackie Melwin Manepo Ideál Robin Ashley Beat Gib Jump Frida Chaim Raichu Katie Dean Peach Sally Neo Eros Nuki Kaytie Zazu Flame Aiven Jose Taro Spirou Dschinn Casper Frekjo Litter Race Belfie Sheltie Knight of the Night Chancy Remus Sheltie Beruška Gold Rebecca Sheltie Status Quo Chancy Remus Sheltie Casanova ze Smr?kova dvora Sheltie Zina Black z Vesnicky u hranic Sheltie Winie Sheltie Only One Perla z Polabi Sheltie Little Star of Youwentis Sheltie Brainpool´s Rock Star Sheltie Gib von der kleinen Nordhelle Sheltie Jump for Joy of the crazy town Sheltie Sydney vom Kärntnerland Sheltie Spirit of Blizzards Chaim Eye of Storm Sheltie Dalgarnoch Struck By Lightning Sheltie One and Only mons Plutonai Sheltie Supernatural Dean Jabberwocky Sheltie Easy vom Kaunitzer Land Sheltie Sally Sheltie Agile Amadeo of Angels Beauty Sheltie Von der Sheltie So far so good Annouck Sheltie Bianca vom Höhscheiderhof Sheltie From Shamrock River Sheltie Flaming Star in Black o the Highlands Sheltie Aiven V vom Schafhügel Sheltie Jose du Domaine des trois Frontiers Sheltie Taro Bleu de la Ville des Ambassadeurs Sheltie Spirou Bleu de la Ville des Ambassadeurs Sheltie Happy Go Lucky vom Klostertal Sheltie with eager to work Sheltie Frekjo vom Schafhügel Sheltie Name Sigmundová Smrček Smrček Smrček Smrček Solcova Zámečníková Zemkova Saling Pollich Brücker Kühne Ackermann Alshut Alshut Baade Baade Baade Baade Bartz Lögering Sanson Sanson Stegemann Viedt Vogel Vogel Behrendt Behrendt Böhling Bormann Brandt Prename Martina Petr Zdenek Petr Zdenek Pavla Petra Jana Monika Tanja Ramona Julia Sabrina Nadine Nadine Christina Kerstin Lina Kerstin Sylvia Christin Sarah Alicia Karina Michele Petra Petra Monika thomas Anke Yvonne Anne-Marie Club Class Size A1 Medium ZKO UniÄ• ov A2 Medium ZKO UniÄ• ov A3 Small ZKO UniÄ• ov A1 Small ZKO UniÄ• ov A2 Medium KACR A3 Small agility camaro A2 Small A2 Small KACR A3 Small HF Flying Dogs Grosselfingen A1 Medium HSV Rock n Dogz e.V. A1 Medium Rebenhüpfer A3 Medium SVdH Großkrotzenburg A1 Small HSC Bad Münder A3 Small HSC Bad Münder A2 Small HSV EMSige Pfoten e.V. A2 Medium HSZ Bielefeld A1 Medium HSV EMSige Pfoten e.V. A3 Small HSZ Bielefeld A3 Small A3 Medium ASV BUNTE HUNDE WIETMARSCHEN A1 Medium SpVdH Solingen-Merscheid A3 Medium SpVdH Solingen-Merscheid A3 Small Berkel Jumper A2 Medium HSV Bochum Südwest e.V A3 Medium Shv Todtglüsingen A3 Medium Shv Todtglüsingen A1 Medium HSV fetzige Hund e.V. A3 Medium AC Run as One A3 Small FetzigeHund e.V. A3 Medium HSC Lintorf A3 Medium GHV Flensburg e.V. A2 Medium Land Tschechien Tschechien Tschechien Tschechien Tschechien Tschechien Tschechien Tschechien Tschechien Deutschland Deutschalnd Deutschalnd Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Reg.-Nr. DE16 DE17 DE18 DE19 DE20 DE21 DE22 DE23 DE24 DE25 DE26 DE27 DE28 DE29 DE30 DE31 DE32 DE33 DE34 DE35 DE36 DE37 DE38 DE39 DE40 DE41 DE42 DE43 DE44 DE45 DE46 DE47 Dog Zoe Jamie Fuu Kiss Tipo Filou Shiggy Finley John-Boy Ginger Peaches Bibo Picasso Milow Yuki Lytte May Be Bakari Feifel Boo Rih Lale Punica Gin Frodo Flip Sky Flash Pixx Sonic Mace Tammy Litter Race Name Leni Löwenzahn von der Ritterburg Sheltie Büsing Excellent Choice One In A MillionSheltie Bußmann Natures Wonder Incredible Iniki Sheltie Christians Kiss me Kate from Spirit of Shetland Sheltie Christians High Glen Let's Go Tipo Sheltie Deitert Axur vom Samt und SeidenweberSheltie Döbgen Äneas from Shamrock River Sheltie Döbgen Green Paradise Fight for your Heart Sheltie Domke Waban vom Münzenberger Sheltiecamp Sheltie Dorn Georgia from Shamrock River Sheltie Ettinger Just go and Try from Shamrock River Sheltie Ettinger Barney Boy vom Erkelenzer LandSheltie Furtmeier Picasso mons Plutonis Sheltie Furtmeier Milowfrom Spirit of Shetland Sheltie Grohmann Urbans Best Amazing Smokey Sheltie Häck You are my sunshine vom Sternensee Sheltie Hanken Hurry Up May Be Katchinas Keeper Sheltie of HopeHegeler Like a Bolt from the Blue awesome Sheltie Bakari Helbig Von der kleinen Nordhelle Sheltie Hirschfeld Black witch Boo with eager to work Sheltie Holzki Jarih vom Wiehengebirge Sheltie Holzki Veerle Undercover Kiss of AlbulasSheltie Lady Holzki Nixe Blue Girl von der AhornalleeSheltie Hornung Iris vom Rindsberg Sheltie Hornung Gold n Silver Great Gatsby Sheltie Hunger Jasuu vom Wiehengebirge Sheltie Hunger Bright Star touched by SilverlightSheltie Illmer Talk to my Paw from Shamrock River Sheltie Illmer Touched by Silverlight Sheltie Jäger Baxter Junior vom MünzenbergerSheltie Sheltiecamp Jäger Fayna vom Schafhügel Sheltie Jähne Green Paradise Shelties Sheltie Karrié Prename Vanessa Susi Julia Tim Irina Daniela Daniela Bettina Mareike Peter Peter Sabine Sabine Tatjana Franziska Yara Detlef Susanne Mareike Christa Christa Georg Dr. Uschi Uschi Dominique Dominique Annette Annette Corina Matthias Merit Michael Club Class Size Land HSV Rock n Dogz A3 Small Deutschland HSV Marl-Frentrop A3 Small Deutschland Rocket Dogs Südharz e.V.A2 Small Deutschland Rocket Dogs Südharz e.V.A3 Medium Deutschland HSV Lucky Dogs Harsewinkel A1 Medium Deutschland SSH Siegerland e.V. A1 Medium Deutschland SSH Siegerland e.V. A1 Medium Deutschland Agility rebenhüpfer bad Neuenahr A3 Medium AhrweilerDeutschland SV OG Bad Soden A3 Medium Deutschland SV OG Anspach A3 Small Deutschland OG Anspach A2 Small Deutschland Krefeld-Herstattshof 1911 A3e.V. Medium Deutschland Krefeld-Herstattshof 1911 A1e.V. Medium Deutschland Niedersachsen 04 3 16 A2 Small Deutschland Niedersachsen 04 3 16 A2 Medium Deutschland Hunde Fun Sport RintelnA3 Medium Deutschland AC Run as One A3 Medium Deutschland HSC Kempen u.Umgeb.e.V. A1 Large Deutschland GHSV Hiddenhausen A1 Medium Deutschland Hundesportzentrum Bielefeld A3 Small Deutschland Hundesportzentrum Bielefeld A1 Small Deutschland Hundesportzentrum Bielefeld A3 Small Deutschland Sportverein der Hundefreunde A3 Singen Small Deutschland Sportverein der Hundefreunde A3 Singen Small Deutschland HSV Münster e.V. 10 5 37 A3 Medium Deutschland HSV Münster e.V. 10 5 37 A3 Medium Deutschland HSZ Bielefeld A3 Medium Deutschland HSZ Bielefeld A3 Medium Deutschland Pfotenpower e.V. A3 Small Deutschland A1 Medium Deutschland HSC Bad Münder A3 Small Deutschland Agility Rebenhüpfer BadA3 Neuenahr-Ahrweiler Medium Deutschland Reg.-Nr. DE48 DE49 DE50 DE51 DE52 DE53 DE54 DE55 DE56 DE57 DE58 DE59 DE60 DE61 DE62 DE63 DE64 DE65 DE66 DE67 DE68 DE69 DE70 DE71 DE72 DE73 DE74 DE75 DE76 DE77 DE78 DE79 Dog Taylor Patchy Spicy Kite Lin Rio Liv Joschi Hadia Lina Bennet Neo Benjy Nala Loca Cola Cap Puck Angelo Happy Vito Zuri Boomer Lufefe Hicks Lif Don Nick Cashew Luke Lee-Jay Indie Litter Race Name Green Paradise Shelties Sheltie Karrié Adonis from Shamrock River Sheltie Kautz Who s Who from Shamrock RiverSheltie Kautz Buster with eager to work Sheltie Kelpen Excellent Choice Xtreme Sweet Sheltie Kibiru It´s Showtime of Summergarden Sheltie Kleinemeier P. Live your Dreams The Pride Sheltie of RoughsKoidl Joschi vom Wiehengebirge Sheltie Köster Hadia vom Schafshügel Sheltie Krenz Alinka blau z Vesnicky u hranic Sheltie Laudenberg Always Say Yes Szetlandzka PerlaSheltie Marquardt Gold´n´Silver Hurricane Sheltie Merchel Excellent Choice Zero To Hero Sheltie Paepenmöller Dream of Early Summer Amain May Sheltie Peters Jumping over the rainbow Sheltie Piske Viennaline Sheltie Piske Oregano z dablovy studanky Sheltie Plaßmann Definitzion of Peanut with eager Sheltie to work Plaßmann Angelo von der Nasenbande Sheltie Pollich Happy in Black of Sprightliness Sheltie Reblitz Excellent Choice Keep on RunningSheltie Reblitz Zuri vom Münzenberger Sheltiecamp Sheltie Reeber Tiger from Spirit of shetland Sheltie Schlathölter Excellent Choice Jumping for Joy Sheltie Schlathölter Bumblebee Mountains Back in blacks Sheltie Baby girl Schlathölter Wild Willy von Monasteria Sheltie Schlühr Don Camillo von Rheinhessen Sheltie Schmeer Excellent Choice Little Hero Sheltie Schröder Explosive Cashew with Eager to work Sheltie Schröder Beatstick with eager to work Sheltie Schuler Prince of the American Line Sheltie Schulte Indiene black von den Hausruck-Shelties Sheltie Springer Prename Michael Tonja Tonja Nicole Christiane Melanie Ami Nicole Heidrun Saskia Lucie Charlotte Kathrin Laura Mina Mina Bozena Bozena Andreas Inka Inka Marion Bridie Phoebe Susanne Stephanie Dorothee Daniel Daniel Marion Wolfgang Jana Club Class Size Land Agility Rebenhüpfer BadA3 Neuenahr Medium Ahrweiler Deutschland Schönfließer HSC A1 Large Deutschland Schönfließer HSC A2 Small Deutschland Hundesportzentrum Bielefeld A3 Medium Deutschland Agility Freunde Wilhelmshaven A3 Friesland Medium Deutschland Hundesportverein Barntrup A3 e.V.Medium Deutschland ÖRV HSV am RiederbergA3 Small Deutschland GHSV Hiddenhausen A1 Medium Deutschland HSV Velstove e.V. A1 Medium Deutschland HSV Wieda e.v. A1 Small Deutschland HSC Lintorf A3 Medium Deutschland Wersepfoten Ahlen e.V. A3 Medium Deutschland GHSV Hiddenhausen A1 Medium Deutschland Hundesport Dortmund-Eving A2 e.V.Small Deutschland HSC Augsburg A3 Medium Deutschland HSC Augsburg A3 Small Deutschland HSZ Bielefeld A3 Small Deutschland HSZ Bielefeld A3 Medium Deutschland HF Flying Dogs Grosselfingen A1 Small Deutschland Flotte Pfoten Berkel Jumper A1 Small Deutschland Flotte Pfoten Berkel Jumper A3 Medium Deutschland Hundefreunde Flying Dogs A3 Small Deutschland HSV Krefeld Wallenburg A3 Small Deutschland HSV Krefeld Wallenburg A3 Small Deutschland HSV Krefeld Wallenburg A1 Small Deutschland HSZ Bielefeld e.V. A3 Medium Deutschland DSV Mönchengladbach Rheydt A3 Medium Deutschland Hundesportzentrum Bielefeld A3 Medium Deutschland Hundesportzentrum Bielefeld A1 Medium Deutschland Agility Artists A3 Medium Deutschland DVG Wersepfoten AhlenA3 e.V. Medium Deutschland HSV Rodleben e.V. A3 Small Deutschland Reg.-Nr. DE80 DE81 DE82 DE83 DE84 DE85 DE86 DE87 DE88 DE89 DE90 DE91 DE92 DE93 DE94 DE95 DE96 DE97 DE98 DE99 DK01 DK02 DK03 DK04 DK05 DK06 DK07 DK08 DK09 DK10 DK11 DK12 Dog Sancho Feivel Lou Beat One Spin MayDay Lee Dschinn Ninio Kody Sum Tjure Mila Kaami Enjo Dörte Peanut Fiete Pepper Ozzy Tweety Zushi Zighter Buddy Dream Dweet Early Uha Zoomi Peerie Litter Race Name Sancho vom Rindsberg Sheltie Stegemann Excellent Choice Dont Sporp Sheltie Stegemann Lady Louisiana vom KärntnerlandSheltie Ströhle Fino <blue of Sprightliness Sheltie Suer B`Chilles dark One of Willow Road Sheltie Tiemann Amazing Top Spin go Willow RoadSheltie Tiemann Enjoy the Magic Moment Absolute Sheltie MayDayTiemann Dorie Lee von der kleinen Nordhelle Sheltie Ullrich Owl Towns Dschinn Sheltie Unglaube mons Plutonis Sheltie Venenga mons Plutonis Sheltie Venenga CasidiTeam Summertime Sheltie Verkerk Timur vom Schloß Ramstedt Sheltie Wagner Owl Towns Djamilia Sheltie Westerveld Gold´n´Silver Kaami Sheltie Westerveld Your Enjo von Monasteria Sheltie Wolffgramm Excited Blackbean with eager to work Sheltie Wüst A little Peanut with eager to workSheltie Wüst Baltasound Back In Style Sheltie Zumbrägel Pepper Sheltie Laudenberg Foula Bi My Soulate Sheltie Borreskov Foula Promise I Will Sheltie Dreier Sobelkustens Power Of Love Sheltie Hoffmeister Badens best born to beat the odds Sheltie Hoffmeister Sobelkustens Shadow of the Night Sheltie Møller Foula Bi My Dream Sheltie Madsen Foulas Dark Dweet of monty Sheltie Prier Shenaja one jump ahead Sheltie Prier Data of Dog missing - Please resend Rudbeck Faehundens Uha Uha Sheltie Skøtt Hansen Foula Promise Me This Sheltie Skøtt Hansen Elverlamshusets Lola Sheltie Tambjerg Prename Melanie Melanie Lizandra Sarah Thorsten Thorsten Stephanie Jule Monika Anneliese Anneliese Nadine Mascha Claudia Jana Ingrid Tobias Tobias Jana Saskia Ann Maiken Gitte Gitte Catrine Helle Susanne Susanne Hanne Pia Pia Julie Club Class Size HSV Teamsport Berlin A3 Medium HSV Teamsport Berlin A3 Large HSZ Bielefeld A3 Small HSV Fairplay Bielefeld 06A3 1 40 Medium HSV Marl Frentrop e.V. A3 Medium HSV Marl Frentrop e.V. A3 Medium HSV Marl Frentrop e.V. A3 Medium HSZ Bielefeld A3 Small SV OG Bad Soden A3 Medium Jadedogs A2 Medium Jadedogs A2 Medium ASV Bunte Hunde Wietmarschen A2 Small Weser-Ems-Hoppers A2 Medium SV OG Düsseldorf A3 Medium SV OG Düsseldorf A1 Medium AHC Beckum 10 4 22 A1 Medium HSV fetzige Hund e.V. A1 Small HSV Fetzige Hund´ A3 Small HSV Münster e.V. 10 5 37 A3 Small HSV Wieda e.v. A3 Small DKK A2 Medium DKK A1 Medium A3 Small A1 Small DcH Støvring A1 Small DKK A2 Medium DKK A3 Small Danish kennel klub A1 Medium Danish kennel klub DKK A1 Small DKK A1 Medium A1 Small Land Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Deutschland Dänemark Dänemark Dänemark Dänemark Dänemark Dänemark Dänemark Dänemark Dänemark Dänemark Dänemark Dänemark Reg.-Nr. DK13 ES01 ES02 ES03 ES04 ES05 FR01 FR02 FR03 FR04 FR05 FR06 FR07 FR08 FR09 FR10 FR11 FR12 FR13 FR14 FR15 FR16 FR17 FR18 FR19 FR20 FR21 FR22 FR23 FR24 FR25 FR26 Dog Litter Race Dina Elverlamshusets Dina Sheltie TANGO ASMOAN ENERGY DRINK Sheltie LOGAN ASMOAN ELDAR Sheltie Scott THOR Sheltie SECRET MYSTERY I AM BLACKVELVET Honey Sheltie Rue Azulian Always by my Side Sheltie Campbell gold Des prairies fauchees Sheltie Lithium of the five color Solo Sheltie Linl Gallway Link Sheltie cherlock cherlock blond du grand pré d ortignac Sheltie I m too fast for you Du fief des petits crunchis Sheltie Iggy Pop little rocker du Castel de Lolali Pop Sheltie Emmy blue lady des etangs sauvages Sheltie Cannelle fauve de bassompiere Sheltie hazan negue des pitchoun d aoun loun Sheltie GENERAL KODA KODA Sheltie Hollywood hills of desertHolly meadow Sheltie Fanny Farkleberry de Moorstile Sheltie Dinka Dinka Sheltie Dolmen Dolmen Sheltie Dragon Dragon Sheltie Follipop Du Domaine de la Salvonière Sheltie Jep Du domaine de la salvoniere Sheltie Lummy Shooting Star Lummy Shooting Star Sheltie Atomic Twinkle Star Azulian Sheltie HIPPIE PIPOURA HARLEYde monde de Justine Sheltie jingle little black star du jingle monde little de justine black star du monde de Sheltie justine excel little blue de la combe excelberail Sheltie Effet Tayola Fee Sheltie Dawa Dreams on my reality Sheltie JERRIE DU DOMAINE DES TROIS FRONTIERES Sheltie LOL du domaine de la Salvonière Sheltie Name Tambjerg ALZOLA BLANCO CASTAÑO CORVO Dalmau Puerto Dalmau Puerto Moreno Adyns Adyns Alexandre aubriot Benatti Brockly Brockly Brockly brockly CAMILLE Célia Chignoli COLLAINE Crato Crato Cyrot Cyrot Desmery DESMERY DIAS emmanuelle emmanuelle FABIEN GAUTIER hanesse HENSCHEN Prename Julie MAITANE DAVID Xavier Núria Mila Celine Joffrey Caclin virginie Brenda Lindsay Lindsay fernand fernand LANDRY Schaller Pascal Aline Dorothée Dorothée Lorraine Lorraine Maelle Maelle Jean mathieu mathieu FLOURET Severine clothilde Alice Club Class Size A1 Small AGILITY EUSKADI A3 Small AGILITY EUSKADI A2 Medium Club d Agility Ciutat Comtal A2 Medium Club d Agility Ciutat Comtal A1 Medium AubasCan A1 Small Odac A3 Medium Odac A2 Medium Drusenheim A3 Medium caom A3 Medium Village neuf A3 Medium Tcc Thionville A2 Medium A2 Small tcc thionville A2 Medium tcc thionville A2 Medium A2 Small Village-neuf A1 Small CC Verbouillet A2 Medium Csct Bantzenheim A3 Small Ronchin A3 Medium Ronchin A2 Medium Club canin Creutzwald A3 Small Club canin Creutzwald A2 Medium Toulouse Veto Agility A3 Medium Toulouse Veto Agility A1 Small Club Canin de Thionville A3 Small cabo club d agility de bordeaux A3 Small cabo club d agility de bordeaux A3 Small A3 Medium TOULOUSE VETO AGILITYA3 Medium CLUB CYNOPHILE DU TOULOIS A1 Small Club canin de MOntigny A1 les MetzSmall Land Dänemark Spanien Spanien Spanien Spanien Spanien Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Reg.-Nr. FR27 FR28 FR29 FR30 FR31 FR32 FR33 FR34 FR36 FR37 FR38 FR39 FR40 FR41 FR42 FR43 FR44 FR45 FR46 FR47 FR48 FR49 FR50 GB01 GB02 GB03 GB04 GB05 GB06 GB07 GB08 GB09 Dog Litter Race Name INSIGHT DU GRAND CHAMP D AUBERTANS Sheltie JACQUOT Enjoy Tayola Enjoy Sheltie JESSICA HEAVY DANCE DEMONIAK HEAVY Sheltie JESSICA LAGOON de l archipèle du Vauban Sheltie LAURENT Fizz Fizz Black Demon du Grand Champ Sheltie dAubertans Manzi ICE TEA ENERGY DRINK Sheltie VIRGINIE IDLE NEVER DREAD FOREVER DIDDLE Sheltie MARIANNE Foxie Foxie Sheltie Matera gipsy galeotti bethany du monde de justine Sheltie MATHIEU JACKPOT DU DOMAINE DES TROIS FRONTIERES Sheltie MATHIEU BUGSY OF MORGAN FORREST Sheltie MATHIEU DEXTER Dexter Sheltie MATHIEU Légende Du grand champ d aubertans Sheltie Morize HESS O HESS DU GRAND CHAMP D AUBERTANS Sheltie MOSER Ipso Facto du Cap de la Coste Ipso Facto Sheltie Nadege Joystick du domaine des trois frontières Sheltie PASCAL BIANCA DU GRAND PR2 D ORTIGNAC Sheltie prudent Demeter Gold Des prairies ensoleillées Sheltie Renaud IRWIN LA KHALESSI DU CHIROULET Sheltie SALIN Getsuga du Domaine de la Salvoniere Sheltie SATOS Eclipse Des Deux Etoiles Sheltie SCHWABE Felicity la noire du grain Felicity de soleil Sheltie Sophie Guinee noire de la combe Kissy berail Sheltie Tiffany Zaz Obay itz got pizzazz Sheltie Bay Yay Damask jump for joy at obay Sheltie Bay Breeze Belsharose Quintessia Sheltie Britton Halo Never Let Go Of The Five Colors Sheltie Britton Ypra Glonian little fantasy Sheltie Britton Willow Riverbend Mitzie Sheltie Gibbons Sonic Licosateria Mai Rising Son Sheltie Knight Sipzie Iphito Of The Five Colors at Licosateria Sheltie Knight Tula Licosateria Sunshine Sheltie Quail Prename CAROLE FLOURET FLOURET Lucie-Marie Florence BRUNA FOURNIER Lucas DOMINIQUE Jean Louis Jean Louis DOMINIQUE Nastasya ELODIE Cuiset PRUDENT pascal CASTELAIN Stéphanie Serge Morgane LAFOND Wickersheim Bernadette Bernadette Apryl Apryl Richard Karen Lian Lian Roz Club ERREVET CCVC Class Size A2 Small A2 Medium A2 Small Club Canin de Montigny A1 lès Metz Medium Raucourt A3 Small AMICALE CANINE CEVENOLE A3 Medium AMICALE CANINE CEVENOLE A3 Small Raucourt A3 Medium tcc thionville A3 Small TCC THIONVILLE A1 Medium TCC THIONVILLE A2 Medium TCC THIONVILLE A2 Medium Ccc Messigny et vantouxA2 Small ERREVET CCVC A3 Small Peronnas A2 Medium tcc thionvillle A1 Small TCC THIONVILLE A2 Small Mauguio A3 Medium Clun canin de Montigny lès A2 Metz Small Association les amis du chiens A2 deMedium Falck Creutzwald A2 Small ACB Eyragues A3 Small Erstein A3 Medium Team gb A3 Small Gb A3 Small A3 Medium N/A A1 Small A3 Medium A3 Medium Chance Agility Club A3 Medium Chance Agility Clu A2 Medium n/a A3 Small Land Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich Großbritannien Großbritannien Großbritannien Großbritannien Großbritannien Großbritannien Großbritannien Großbritannien Großbritannien Reg.-Nr. GB10 GB11 GB12 GB13 GB14 GB15 HU01 HU02 HU03 HU04 HU05 HU06 HU07 IT01 IT02 IT03 IT04 IT05 IT06 IT07 IT08 IT09 IT10 IT11 IT12 IT13 IT14 IT15 IT16 IT17 IT18 IT19 Dog Litter Race Name Effy Saunderswood Queen Bea Sheltie Swankie Teal New illusions bi enchantment of Sheltie the five colors Telling Penny Foxstones Penelope Pitstop Sheltie Towe Franky Licosateria Shades of Blue Sheltie Towe Zev Ag Ch Obay Tiz Wild Sheltie Wingate-Wynne Gizmo Obay Boyz Toyz Sheltie Wingate-Wynne Devil Black of Sprightlines Demo Sheltie Árpád Panna Csöppnyi Sheltie Athene Sheltie Korcz Fixa Brainpools Wisely Wild Sheltie Leandersson Vilja Brainpools Flying Star Sheltie Leandersson Flejmi Faithful Flame Barabel Sheltie Nagy Gioia Secret mystery Jump for Joy Sheltie Nagy Bruni Prince of Sunnlight Gainer Sheltie Pirity Zack Ali Baba Sheltie ALLEGRINI Eva Rokkitassun Dallas Baby Sheltie Alunno Morgana Coffee Break Sheltie Ambrosini Coleman Grey Golia Sheltie Barbara Hancock of Summergarden Hancock of Summergarden Sheltie Bascialla Joy Pocketcoffee della linea pensieri Sheltie Bernello Mariah La Carmen della Linea dei Pensieri Sheltie Berti Signorina Laura of Spirit Nani s Dog Sheltie Borgogno micky ireland song della terra fatata Sheltie cavallin Bj Bj della Terra Fatata Sheltie Colombo Goldrake Extreme actarus Sheltie Comina Axel Montanas Spirit Im little Rocket Sheltie Cortese Dylan Dog Dylan Dog Sheltie Cortese Francine della terra fatata Francine Sheltie De Molli KARMA ROKKITASSUN GUEST STAR Sheltie DONZELLI Hurricane Be Bop A Lula della Linea dei Pensieri Sheltie Ferlini Caravan Evening Blues Blues Sheltie FRANCESCA UVETTAULULALLALUNA UVETTA Sheltie FRANCESCA Joyce des Bergers du Landas Joyce Sheltie La Spesa Prename Steve Hayley Sam Sam Christine Christine Pirity Nikolett Eva Eva Réka Réka Árpád MARA Monia Patrizia Villano Massimo Beatrice Sara Mario moreno Monica Emilio Sarah Sarah Alberto CONCETTINA Gianni POZZA MILETTO Olga Club Class Size A1 Small N/a A2 Medium Team GB Meduim A3 Medium n/a A1 Medium A3 Medium A3 Small A-TEAM SE A3 Medium A3 Small Rönne HU A3 Small Rönne HU A1 Small priv A2 Small priv A1 Small MEOESZ A3 Medium Prive 8 A3 Medium X center school martino A2 martinelli Medium Little Castle A3 Medium Italia A3 Medium Wolfland A2 Medium CANIS MAIOR A3 Medium A3 Small A1 Small A1 Small italia A3 Medium A3 Small CANIS MAIOR ASD A1 Medium CANIS MAIOR ASD A3 Medium wolfland A3 Medium ASD WHY NOT DOG A1 Medium A3 Medium I MUSI NERI A1 Medium Oh My Dog!!! A3 Small oh my dog A1 Medium Land Großbritannien Großbritannien Großbritannien Großbritannien Großbritannien Großbritannien Ungarn Ungarn Ungarn Ungarn Ungarn Ungarn Ungarn Italien Italien Italien Italien Italien Italien Italien Italien Italien Italien Italien Italien Italien Italien Italien Italien Italien Italien Italien Reg.-Nr. IT20 IT21 IT22 IT23 IT24 IT25 IT26 IT27 IT28 IT29 IT30 IT31 IT32 IT33 IT34 IT35 IT36 IT37 IT38 IT39 IT40 LU01 LU02 LU03 LU04 LU05 LU06 LU08 LU09 LU10 LU11 LU12 Dog Litter Race Name Sweet Kiss at Gremontree Maggie Sheltie Laura Dj Deejay virus Sheltie Lissoni Rokkitassun Aladdin Aladdin Sheltie Luca Rokkitassun Amaretto Zorro Sheltie Luca Janvier Janvier Sheltie martinengo Ispettore Zenigata Zaza Sheltie Marzia THEGIFTOFTHENIGHTFURY FRYA Sheltie MIRCO Prince Of Sunlight Wonderboy Woody Sheltie Novelli Audrey Fee Vom Haus Schaff Sheltie Piccinni Gwyneth Zeudi di Val Rovere Sheltie QUINZIO Nell Canis Maior Countdown Sheltie QUINZIO Crystal Secret Mystery Blue Crystal ClearSheltie RAGNOLI eso moravske srdce emanek Sheltie renata Leon Calimero Celebrity Cartoon Sheltie Roberto goemon hishikawa XIII nano Sheltie stefania BIBIDIBOBIDIBLU GRETA Sheltie STEFANO Fire andrain Fire Sheltie Tornatora Eragonblack Harry Sheltie Veronique Coffee expres della lineaSwat dei pensieri Sheltie Veronique Ouì Hocus Pocus Sheltie Zanti Movie Movie Sheltie Zarcone Geronimo Sophie Valley Sheltie Bossmann Racey Spirit of Shetland Sheltie Bossmann Luna von der Ahornallee Sheltie Fuchs Chase Chaplin z Dablovy Studanky Sheltie Gaub Mew Marked Black Pearl oft the Five Colors Sheltie Gaub Speed Full Speed Ahead of The Crazy Town Sheltie Gindt Smiley Joyful Smiley of Agility fascinationSheltie Hörold Less Noblesse dOr de la Ville des Ambassadeurs Sheltie Oé Tayma Tayma Noire de la Ville des Ambassadeurs Sheltie Oé Fitch Gess of Ulanova Sheltie Rissé Dizzy Mad In z Dablovy Studanky Sheltie Schiltz Prename Barlassina Deborah Raimondi Raimondi soana Liberatori PIZZORNI Matteo Franco MARZIA MARZIA GRETA camis Rizzini paresi ARNAUD Raffaele Toniolo Toniolo Francesca Tiziana Wolfgang Wolfgang Andreas Sheryl Sheryl Valérie Gioia Mireille Mireille Geraldine Becky-Sue Club Italia Class A3 A3 Italia A3 Italia A3 Superdog A2 oh my dog!! A1 CLEO AGILITY TEAM A2 ASD Agility Piombino A3 Touchdown Dogs Paladog A3 Canis Maior A3 Canis Maior A3 gruppo cinofilo dei 7 laghi A1 cud verona A3 Cud Verona A2 cancanaglia agility team A1 Oh My Dog!!! A3 a.s.d Wolfland A1 Italia A3 iTALIA A3 A1 CUD Verona A3 Jump & Run Dogs Diekirch A1asbl Jump & Run Dogs Diekirch A2asbl Jump & Run Dogs Diekirch A1asbl Huldang A3 Huldang A3 HSV Wiltz A2 HSV Beetebuerg A3 AT Suessem A3 AT Suessem A2 HSV Beetebuerg A3 Huldang A3 Size Small Medium Medium Medium Small Medium Medium Medium Medium Small Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Small Medium Medium Small Medium Medium Medium Small Medium Medium Medium Small Small Small Small Small Small Land Italien Italien Italien Italien Italien Italien Italien Italien Italien Italien Italien Italien Italien Italien Italien Italien Italien Italien Italien Italien Italien Luxemburg Luxemburg Luxemburg Luxemburg Luxemburg Luxemburg Luxemburg Luxemburg Luxemburg Luxemburg Luxemburg Reg.-Nr. LU13 LU14 LU15 LU16 LU17 LU18 NL01 NL02 NL03 NL04 NL05 NL06 NL07 NL08 NL09 NL10 NL11 NL12 NL13 NL14 NL15 NL16 NL17 NL18 NL19 NL20 NL21 NL22 NL23 NL24 NL25 NL26 Dog Sui Sir Cysco Keene Dream Indigo Ashley Kaycee Tjinta Stitch Dot Fleur Uniqye Lilli Funs Shay Joel Perfect Match Yume Merle Jenna Tempus Two Jeslyn Little Miss Abby Twister Coho Leroy Fenja Fiona May-be Aeon Kensi Litter Race Name Prename Montanas Spirit Highlight In BlackSheltie Seuré Natascha Just remember Sir Rico of Agility Sheltie FascinationThines Fabienne Gentleman Cysco des Romarins de Sheltie Mayerling Thines Fabienne King of the road of the crazy town Sheltie Welfringer Gilles Excellent Choice Dream Light Sheltie Winandy Carole Indigo from the crazy shelties Sheltie Winandy Carole Unbeatable Girl O The Little Lodge Sheltie Aalderink Klaas Exclusive Gift O The Little Lodge Sheltie Aalderink Klaas Cani Amano Dona Fidde Azzurro Sheltie Borgmann Chantal Utopia blue from marmoreas shelter Sheltie Broeders Sharon Maj Mate High Blue Dot Sheltie Bruine de Bruin-vanMarian Winkel Chiki Sheltie De Lege Linda Very stylish Valera From shamrock Sheltie River du Fossé Dominique A Thousand Winds Lilli Sheltie du Fossé Dominique Lime of the four bee s Sheltie Fonteijn Roy Duncan Dehasan vom Ohmtalteufel Sheltie Furer Lucy Paray´s Naughty ´n Nice Sheltie Furer Peter Boshelca Shellys Sakima Sheltie Hinlopen Debby Robrensis don t lose my number Sheltie Hinlopen Debby Amazing Velocity All Eyes On MeSheltie Hoff Laura Amazing Velocity Dream CatcherSheltie Hoff Laura Bells and Whistles Tempus Two Sheltie Jacobs Aisha Moddey Cloh Step Bi Step Sheltie Jansen de muijnck Geraldine Black Fame of the Sheepdog Jumpers Sheltie Koopman Angela Shirrojas Alabama Twister Sheltie Londema Janny Kapalakoplan Flip Sheltie Londema Janny Leroy of the Scheepdog JumpersSheltie Molenkamp Rob Duchess In Blue Vom HeiligenblutSheltie Simons Angelique New Bi Dream By Senza Of The Five Sheltie Colors Simons Angelique May-be Sheltie Slokkers Patrick Be so blue from marmoreas shelter Sheltie Smit Jurgen Upsy Daisy from Marmoreas Shelter Sheltie Smit Jurgen Club HSV Beetebuerg HSV Beetebuerg HSV Beetebuerg ATSuessem HSV Wiltz HSV Wiltz NSV NSV Class A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A1 A2 A1 A1 Agility Friends A2 A3 AKC Purmerend A1 Nederlandse sheltievereniging A3 Nederlandse Sheltievereniging A3 Bordercollie verein A3 Jacky jack agility A1 Jacky Jack Agility A1 A3 A3 A3 Nederlandse Sheltie vereniging A1 NSV A3 Kc Zeeland A2 NSH A3 0000 A3 0000 A2 Ned. Sheltie vereniging A2 A3 A2 Sheltie vereniging A3 Agility Friends A2 Agility Friends A1 Size Small Medium Medium Medium Small Small Small Small Small Medium Small Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Small Medium Medium Small Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Small Medium Medium Land Luxemburg Luxemburg Luxemburg Luxemburg Luxemburg Luxemburg Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Reg.-Nr. NL27 NL28 NL29 NL30 NL31 NL32 NL33 NL34 NL35 NL36 NL37 NL38 NL39 NL40 NL41 NL42 NL43 NO01 NO02 NO03 NO04 NO05 NO06 NO07 NO08 NO09 NO10 NO11 NO12 NO13 NO14 NO15 Dog Nalan Faylinn Dinky Dutch Escada Ronin Karma Magic Joli Nikay Breeze Jazzybelle Kayleigh Nikita Chewie Yentle Komomars Jussi Nicky Tony dinozzo Sunborne Yrsin Yrban Sunborne Balda Batalla Wii Kee Dimmi Montana Visa Thao Triss Zac Ace Louie Ifa Saga Ice Litter Race Robrensis didnt dare to dream this Sheltie Fayliin of the Scheepdog jumpersSheltie Little But Brave Dark as the NightSheltie Twinkle star of Nindorf Sheltie Inchronin of the Five Colors Sheltie Meant To Be of the Five Colors Sheltie Mag Melody the Sprightly Twinkle Sheltie Nikay From The Avid Dogs Sheltie Green Paradise Ziggy of New YearSheltie Jazzybelle Sheltie Black Comets and stars of whalswick Sheltie Green Paradise East of Eden Sheltie Fabulous Bi from Marmoreas Shelter Sheltie Exceptional Date v.d. Hoenderhoek Sheltie Komomars Abayomi Jussi Sheltie A Thousand Winds Nick of Time Sheltie Acces to bi from marmoreas shelter Sheltie Bailey Sheltie Turbo Sheltie Personlighetens We Will Rock You Sheltie Personlighetens Tommy C Sheltie Team Jappes Black Super Dizzy Sheltie Krohnegården`s Montana J4 Joy Sheltie Tiffany Sheltie Zitara Star´s An Higher than hopeSheltie Sobelkustens Treasure From Sky Sheltie Caravan Zac Matt Sheltie Gardenia Gardens Moonray Sheltie Personlighetens Shan Rags Sheltie Rockhounds cosalite Sheltie Shelteam Mootsie Tootsie Cake Sheltie Shelteam Ice beer Sheltie Name Spengler Spoorenberg Taffijn-du Bois Taffijn-du Bois Valk Valk van Beek van Beek van der Waal van Ginneken van Vliet van Vliet van Zutphen Verhoeven voorneveld Wolters Zwart Aamodt Aamodt Himle Himle Janssen Johannessen Johannessen Johannessen Kristiansson Kristiansson Lier Lier Mathisen Movik Pettersson Prename Club Class Size Nicky NSV A3 Medium Ardie Trust A3 Medium Michele Netherlands A3 Small Michele NSV A3 Small Marc Trust Agility A3 Medium Linda Trust Agility A3 Medium Joyce NSV Nederlandse SheltieA1 Vereniging Medium Carla Ned. Sheltie vereniging A3 Medium Rik 000 A3 Medium corne NSV A2 Small Esther Nederlandse sheltie Vereniging A3 Medium Esther Nederlandse sheltie vereniging A2 Small Paula Agilityfriends A2 Medium Maaike Nederlandse Sheltie Vereniging A1 Medium carla Utrecht A1 Medium Anja Nederlandse Sheltie Vereniging A1 Large Stefan Agility friends A2 Medium Hege Norway A3 Medium Hege Norway A3 Medium Ina Norsk kennel klub ungdom A1 Medium Ina Himle Norsk kennel klub ungdom A3 Medium Siri Evju Trysil A3 Small Amalie Trysil Hundeklubb A3 Medium Tone Trysil hundeklubb A2 Small Tone Trysil Hundeklubb A1 Medium Gunilla Klinteortens Hu A2 Medium Gunilla Klinteortens Hu A1 Medium Lene Nannestad og Omegn Dogclub A2 Medium Lene Nannestad og Omegn dogclub A1 Medium Mina mathildeOodk nnk A3 Medium Benedicte Norwegian Shetland Sheepdog A1 Club Medium Hege Nannestad og omegn hundeklubb A1 Medium Land Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Niederlande Norwegen Norwegen Norwegen Norwegen Norwegen Norwegen Norwegen Norwegen Norwegen Norwegen Norwegen Norwegen Norwegen Norwegen Norwegen Reg.-Nr. NO16 NO17 NO18 NO19 NO21 NO22 NO23 NO24 NO25 NO26 NO27 PT01 PT02 PT03 PT04 RU01 RU02 RU03 SE01 SE02 SE03 SE04 SE05 SE06 SE07 SE08 SE09 SE10 SE11 SE12 SE13 SE14 Dog Ina Zelda Effie Siraja Ellie Bandi Flint Lukas Twix Disco Zuki Spicy Sheepy Salty Salina Grant Ontario Charlie AjAj My Zazza Lyxa Bella Zimra BiziMaze Sqy Honey Leo Skim Izza Wiki Izac Litter Race Sunborne Lovelight To Licorice Sheltie Wildrains Follow That Dream Sheltie Lundecocks Hold On Sheltie Lønnerbergas Sea Goddess Sheltie Sunborne Presious Pearl Sheltie Sunborne Ellitos Ebony Sheltie Foxlike fred flintstone Sheltie Toyamikis Prince Lukas Sheltie La Min Sos Harlequin in Blue Sheltie Toyamikis Prince og Disco Sheltie Personlighetens Mystical News Sheltie Amazing Ibosh Abayomi Forever Sheltie Kimberly mons Plutonis Sheltie Amazing Secret Belle Fleur Sheltie Aqua Salina of Luso Shelties Sheltie Grant Sheltie Katrilon`s Ontario Sheltie Charlie Sheltie Brsinpools go for gold Sheltie Bluefuture Be My Best Friend Sheltie Badbeautys Cruella De Vil Sheltie Brainpools Fighting Spirit of Passion Sheltie badbeautys beautiful girl Sheltie Brainpools Magic Speed Of Passion Sheltie Brainpools Movie Star Sheltie Såbys Shelties Sparkling Sheltie Sobelkustens unforgettable Sheltie Sobelkustens Yours to Keep Sheltie Burningsteps a beautiful mind Sheltie Brainpools New Era Sheltie Brainpools Victory Vishion Sheltie Lyckoskallets Expressiva Rackare Sheltie Name Roervik SÆTHER Sæther Sæther Sandbakken Sandbakken Stenseth Yrstad Yrstad Enerud Skaret Narciso Narciso Narciso Narciso Ivaniuk Mikhailova Mikhailova Angström Angerfelt Angerfelt Celander enberg Eresjo Koster Eresjo Koster Gullberg Helgeroth Högström Karlsson Melakari Melakari Nyholm Prename Club Class Size Katrine A1 Medium ELI BEATE TRYSIL HUNDKELUBB A3 Small Wenche KristinTrysil Hundeklubb A3 Small Eli Beate Trysil Hundeklubb A3 Small Mette trysil hundeklubb A3 Medium Mette Trysil Hundeklubb A1 Medium Vibecke Dbhk A3 Medium Irene Nannestad HK A3 Medium Irene nannestad HK A3 Small Victoria norwegian A3 Medium Cathrine Hansen norwegian A1 Small LuÃ-s Future Dogs A3 Medium LuÃ-s Future Dogs A3 Small Sofia Future Dogs A3 Small Sofia Future Dogs A3 Medium Anton St.Petersburg Service Kinology A3 Club Medium Tatiana St.Petersburg Service Kinology A3 Club Medium Tatiana St.Petersburg Service Kinology A1 Club Medium Pia Söderköpings bk A3 Small Michelle Sweden A3 Small Michelle A2 Medium Emma Kalmar BK A3 Small Linda Stockholmsavdelningen A3 Small Tina Osterakers BK A3 Medium Tina Osterakers BK A1 Small Alexandra Ronne Hundungdom A3 Medium Jeanette Jönköpings brukshundklubb A3 Medium Ann Klinteortens Hundungdom A1 Medium Josefine Karlshamns HU A3 Small Maria SAGIK A3 Small Maria SAGIK A3 Small Anders Linköpings HundungdomA3 Medium Land Norwegen Norwegen Norwegen Norwegen Norwegen Norwegen Norwegen Norwegen Norwegen Norwegen Norwegen Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Russland Russland Russland Schweden Schweden Schweden Schweden Schweden Schweden Schweden Schweden Schweden Schweden Schweden Schweden Schweden Schweden Reg.-Nr. SE15 SE16 SE17 SE18 SE19 SE20 SE21 SE22 SE23 SE24 SE25 SE26 SE27 SE28 SE29 SE30 SE31 SK01 SK02 SL01 SL02 US01 Dog Zenya Visa Vilja Aya Yenna Sam Era Zen Zuki Lexie Wii Mac Love Turid Harald Liam Cira Diana Seven Pje MiniPup Litter Race Brainpools Pure Passin Sheltie Brainpools Agility Passion Sheltie Shelteam Ace Of Story Sheltie Brainpool´s True Passion Sheltie Downforce Cayenne Sheltie Samline´s En-Sam Sheltie Downforce Carrera Sheltie Sobelkustens Poison ZEN Sheltie My Secret Angel ZUKI Sheltie Tonniefield´s Holly of Hazel LEXIESheltie Sobelkustens Oops I did it again Sheltie Sobelkustens We Got the Power Sheltie MAC Dog Data missing - please resend Sobelkustens Somebody To LoveSheltie Sobelkustens about a girl Sheltie Sobelkustens Who needs money Sheltie Brainpools peak performance Sheltie Cira Caria Tantum Auri Sheltie Diana Daria Tantum Auri Sheltie Excellent Choice Given to Fly Sheltie Espeigle des Prairies Fauchees Sheltie Apple Acres Flash Paws Sheltie Name Prename Persson Eva Persson Eva Pohlén Fanny Rosendal Patrik Rosendal Patrik Rosendal Robin Scholvin Richard Silfverberg Victoria Silfverberg Victoria Silfverberg Andreas Silfverberg Andreas Silfverberg Bo Sjöberg Sandra Strömgren Helena Tangfelt Jocke Wennersten Hanna Wennersten Nilsson Hanna Vakonic Pavol Vakonic Pavol Koprivnik Kris SimoniÄ• Katarina boyle howard Club Class SAGIK A3 Söderköping BK A3 gotenburg hundungdomA3 Knivsta BrukshundklubbA3 Knivsta BrukshundklubbA3 Knivsta BrukshundklubbA3 Bro-Håbo BK A3 Oxie BK A3 Oxie BK A3 Oxie BK A3 Oxie BK A3 Oxie BK A1 Sveriges hundungdom Klinteortens hundungdom A1 Bollnäs BrukshundsklubbA1 Falkenbergs brukshundsklubb A1 Falkenbergs bk A3 AK Skiper Bratislava A3 AK Skiper Bratislava A3 KD Ilirija A3 Klub ljubiteljev psov K-9 A3 A3 Size Small Medium Small Medium Small Medium Small Small Small Small Medium Medium Medium Small Large Medium Small Small Small Medium Small Land Schweden Schweden Schweden Schweden Schweden Schweden Schweden Schweden Schweden Schweden Schweden Schweden Schweden Schweden Schweden Schweden Schweden Slowakei Slowakei Slovenien Slovenien Amerika