Chapter 11
Chapter 11
1a Sts. look at the pictures. Ask Wo sind die Personen? Was machen sie? Was kann man dort kaufen? They already know some of the words: e.g. CD, DVD, Hamburger, Buch, Kuchen, etc. You may want to have sts. use the names of comparable stores in the U.S. Read the words in the box out loud. Sts. should try to deduce the meanings of the words themselves (➔ see TIPP on p. 91). Sts. match the words with the pictures. Answer: 1 das Fastfood-Res taurant; 2 das Kaufhaus; 3 der Supermarkt; 4 der Bäcker; 5 der Buchladen; 6 der Markt 1b Sts. listen to the dialogs and write notes in their notebooks. Sts. tell the class where the people are. Refer them to the grammar box. Explain that the question Wo? in regard to stores is answered with im, but in the case of bakeries, one says beim Bäcker because it isn’t a store, rather a vocation. The market is not a building, hence the preposition im doesn’t work. In this case, it’s auf dem Markt. Have sts. say one more time where the people are and tell them to pay attention to the prepositions. Answer: 1 im Fastfood-Res taurant; 2 im Kaufhaus; 3 im Supermarkt; 4 beim Bäcker; 5 im Buchladen; 6 auf dem Markt 1c Have sts. copy the table in their notebooks and look at the pictures. Draw the table on the board. Play the dialog as many times as necessary. Sts. complete the table in their notebooks and compare their answers first with a partner and then together with the rest of the class. You might ask one st. to organize the words on the board. Then, the rest of the sts. consider which other items they know and where they could buy them. They write these ideas in the table. Sts. may put these items in more than one category of the table (i.e. Brot = in der Bäckerei, auf dem Markt, im Supermarkt; Bücher = im Buchladen, im Kaufhaus). If you would prefer to introduce the new vocabulary on grocer-ies more playfully, copy the ➔ reproducible page for a 86 sechsundachtzig && We will learn: stores | asking about prices | groceries | ordering food | identifying food preferences | metric volume and weights Wo? – im, beim, auf dem | the verbs mögen and brauchen | für + accusative >cYZgHiVYi 2 1 3 4 6 5 1 Beim Einkaufen a Identify the pictures using the word bank below. Nummer 1 ist ein … der SupermarktÊUÊder BuchladenÊUÊder Markt das KaufhausÊUÊder BäckerÊUÊdas Fastfood-Restaurant 1.62 b Listen to the dialogs. Where are these people? Wo ist das? – Im Kaufhaus/Supermarkt/... – Beim Bäcker. – Auf dem Markt. Dialog 1 ist im ... c Listen again. What are they buying where? Make a chart in your notebook and sort the products by location. Then add some more products. Supermarkt Buchladen Milch 80 Markt Kaufhaus Bäcker Fastfood-Restaurant Bananen achtzig 47421_080_085_kap11*.indd 80 Memory game on sturdy cardboard. Make several sets. Sts. play together in groups of 4-5. ➔ see TIPP on p. 25 Answer: Fastfood-Restaurant: Hamburger, Cola, Salat; Kaufhaus: DVD; Supermarkt: Milch, Butter, Käse, Eier; Bäcker: Apfelkuchen, Kaffee, Brot, Brötchen; Buchladen: Wörterbuch; Markt: Bananen, Kartoffeln 2a Look at the picture together with sts. and discuss what the items are called. Sts. write down the names in their notebooks. Refer them to the grammar box and explain how to express prices (e.g. There are 22.06.2010 13:28:15 Uhr three options: vierzehn neun undneunzig or vierzehn Euro neunundneunzig or vierzehn Euro und neunundneunzig Cent. The first option is most commonly used.). Explain that no prices are given for two items. Play the dialog as many times as necessary. Sts. compare their answers with a partner and then compare answers as a class. Answer: DVD „Harry Potter”: 14,99 €; Computerspiel „Baphomets Fluch”: 19,95 €; Buch „Tintenherz”: 8,50 €; Modellflugzeug: 16,80 €; CD „Schrei”: 12,45 €; T-Shirt: 29,99 €; nicht genannt: Wörterbuch, Reiseführer && 2 30 Euro Taschengeld a Listen. How much do the items cost? Write the prices in your notebook. 1.63 prices 14,99 ` = vierzehn Euro (und) neunundneunzig (Cent) b You and your partner have 30 euros: Which of the items in exercise 2a will you buy? c Make cards listing products and prices. Discuss the prices with a partner. Wie viel kostet das Buch? teuer billig Das Buch kostet 35,99 Euro. 3 Wie viel kostet …? a Write the dialog in your notebook. The box on the right can help. Entschuldigung. Können Sie mir helfen? Ja, gern. … Moment. Hier ist sie. Danke schön. ... 13 Euro und 80 Cent. Gut, ich nehme sie. ... Die Kasse ist dort. … Auf Wiedersehen. Wo kann ich bezahlen? Ich suche die DVD „Fluch der Karibik“. Vielen Dank. Auf Wiedersehen. Wie viel kostet sie? b Listen to the dialog and check your work. 1.64 c Act out additional dialogs with a partner. – das Buch „Drachenblut“ / 15,99 Euro – die CD „Schrei“ von Tokio Hotel / 12,50 Euro einundachtzig 47421_080_085_kap11*.indd 81 2c Bring index cards to class. Look at Dora with sts. She demonstrates the difference between teuer and billig. Each pair of sts. receives 10 index cards and writes down 5 things that they would like to buy along and 5 prices. Then, sts. create two stacks, one with the items and one with the prices. One st. pulls a card from the first stack, and the other draws from the second. Sts. ask and answer each others’ questions as in the speech bubbles. Have fast pairs exchange cards with others so that they can get in more practice. ➔ see TIPP on p. 49 ➔ MP2 in class or as homework 3a-b Sts., in pairs, read the dialog and the sentences in the box. Then, they decide which sentences fit in the blanks in the dialog, while writing the complete dialog in their notebooks. Then play the dialog. Sts. compare their answers with the sentences they hear. Have several pairs read the dialog out loud in class. Oh! Das ist aber teuer! # > # > # > # > # > 2b Sts. decide together with a partner what they want to buy with 30 € and then report to the class. 81 22.06.2010 13:28:18 Uhr 3c In pairs, sts. play out other dialogs in the same manner as in the previous exercise. Sts. trade roles after each round (Verkäufer/Kunde). Quick learners may also come up with their own original dialogs with other items and prices. For this, they can use the index cards from exercise 2c. Have some of the pairs present their dialogs to the class using the book as little as possible. ➔ see TIPP on p. 79 ➔ MP3 in class or as homework siebenundachtzig 87 4a-b Sts. look at the pictures. Ask where Nadja and Robbie are and who the third person is (der Ober / der Kellner). Have sts. read the speech bubbles. Clarify unfamiliar vocabulary. (➔ see TIPP on p. 91) Have sts. put the story into the right order with a partner. Compare answers in class and have sts. practice by und Nadja playing out ((Robbie the dialog and am Tisch, Kellner am Tisch, switching roles (groups of 3). Robbie freut sich aufs Afterwards, Essen, have Nadja each guckt group entperform thesetzt)) role-play in front of the class. (They may read from their books). You may give the waiter a notepad and, if possible, an apron. Quick learners can also attempt to play the roles with only a list of main points or completely freely. Sts. may even order other items than Robbie and Nadja. Answer: B, D, E, C, A && a Put the five frames of the dialog in order. A Ähm … vielleicht nimmst du einen Salat oder eine Gemüsesuppe? Ich habe auch nur Durst. Für mich bitte einen Tomatensaft und einen Tee. 88 achtundachtzig Robbie!!! B Na gut. Dann für mich nur vier Stück Pizza. Ähm … Nur ein Stück Pizza? D C Robbie, das ist genug! Nicht so viel!!! E b Act out the dialog with two classmates. Was möchtet ihr? a List your favorite dishes on the board. Also, ich weiß nicht! Hm, Wurst! Lecker! Ich möchte eine Flasche Wasser und ... 5 Was magst du? Hamburger IIII I Pommes mit Ketchup IIII Würstchen III b Talk with two classmates about foods you like / do not like. 5b Specify a dish on the board and ask a st. who probably doesn’t like the dish: Magst du …? You could also name a dish that is generally not liked (e.g. Spinat). Ask further: Was magst du?, and point to the choices on the board. Accept even oneword answers such as, Hamburger. Afterwards, look at the grammar box and the table with the expressions. Explain that the verb lieben can be used for things and activities in addition to its use for people. The word refers to something that is especially liked. Write the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person singular forms of mögen on the board, as well as the same forms of können next to them. Emphasize that 1st person has no -e and that 3rd person has no -t in their conjugations. As an example, complete the sentences in the table along with the sts. Afterwards, sts. speak in groups of three and write down what they do or do not like. They then report to Drei Hamburger, zwei Gläser Cola und eine Tasse Kakao, bitte. Und du, Nadja? Gut, also, eine Flasche Mineralwasser, einen Tomatensaft und einen Tee. Na dann. Guten Appetit! Ich habe keinen Hunger mehr, danke. Ich möchte nur eine Flasche Mineralwasser! 5a Ask sts. what Plato’s favorite dish could be (Wurst). Then, ask sts. about their own favorite dishes and write responses on the board. Often, there are no German translations for foreign dishes. Thus, also accept names in English. Start a chain exercise with the question: Was ist dein Lieblingsgericht? At the same time, tally responses on the board. Leave the tally for exercise 5b. ➔ see TIPP on p. 91 Hallo! Was möchtet ihr? 4 Essen in der Stadt 82 J L Ich mag ... Ich esse gern ... / Lecker! Ich liebe … / Mir schmeckt ... Ich esse nicht so gern ... Ich mag kein ... Igitt! mögen Was magst du? – Ich mag ... Was magst du nicht? – Ich mag keinen/kein/keine ... zweiundachtzig 47421_080_085_kap11*.indd 82 the class about another person from their group (Er/Sie isst gern … Er/Sie mag kein …). 6a Have a look at the grammar box with the sts. Explain that the text is a recipe for Pfannkuchen, except don’t explain yet what a German Pfannkuchen is. Sts. read the recipe. Ask whether Pfannkuchen are sweet or salty. If sts. are not unanimous, ask why sts. think it is sweet or salty (e.g. Da ist Salz drin., Da ist Zucker drin.). INFO: Pfannkuchen or Eier kuchen are similar to French crêpes except thicker. They can be prepared either sweet 22.06.2010 13:28:23 Uhr or salty. Mostly, they are eaten with powdered sugar and apple sauce, with marmelade, or with hazelnut/chocolate creme, but syrup on Pfannkuchen is largely unknown in Germany. Here is a recipe for Pfannkuchen: sift flour in a bowl and stir with milk until smooth. Stir in lightly beaten eggs, sugar, and salt. Cook in a pan with a little butter. Answer: Der Pfannkuchen ist süß. Er hat 30 g Zucker und schmeckt gut mit Marmelade. 6b Play the dialog as many times as necessary. Sts. write notes in their notebooks about what Pia and Paul already have and what they still need. After- wards, compare with a partner and then with the whole class. Answer: Sie haben schon Mehl und Milch. Sie brauchen noch Eier, Salz und Zucker. && 6 Pia und Paul kochen a Read the recipe. What do you think? Are German pancakes sweet or salty? E[Vcc`jX]Zc[g+EZghdcZc HX]bZX`i\jib^iBVgbZaVYZ %!*aB^aX]Ç'*%\BZ]aÇ(%\OjX`ZgÇ+:^ZgÇHVao 9VhBZ]a^cZ^cZHX]hhZah^ZWZcjcYb^iB^aX]° metric volume and weights l = Liter g = Gramm 1000 g = 1 kg = Kilogramm b Listen. Pia and Paul are shopping. What do they have and what do they need? 1.65 Sie haben schon … Sie brauchen noch … c Listen again. Which statement is correct? 1. Paul findet Pia sauer wie Zitronen. 2. Paul findet Pia süß wie Zucker. 7 Im Supermarkt a You want to cook. What do you need to make …? 1. Pfannkuchen 2. Pizza 3. Schokoladeneis 4. Obstsalat Zucker U Tomaten U Mehl U Käse U Eier U Milch U Schokolade Bananen U Äpfel U Orangen U Orangensaft U Marmelade Für Pfannkuchen braucht man Eier, Mehl und ... c Make a shopping list for the dishes in 7b and tell your group about it in German. für + accusative Für ... einen Apfelkuchen … ein Schokoladeneis … eine Pizza … Spaghetti ... braucht man ... 8 p – b, t – d, k – g 1.66 Hold a sheet of paper in front of your mouth. Listen and repeat the sentences. What happens to the sheet during sentences 1, 3 and 5? 1. Plato mag Pommes aus der Pizzeria. 3. Die tollen Tomaten sind teuer. 5. Können Katzen Käse kaufen? 2. Das Buch und die Butter sind billig. 4. Danke für die DVD. 6. Ich esse gern gesundes Gemüse. dreiundachtzig 47421_080_085_kap11*.indd 83 7a-b Explain that a few words from the box apply to more than one dish. Sts. decide in pairs what is needed for each dish and write it down in their notebooks. Sts. may add more ingredients if they would like and tell the class their results. Other sts. may even add more ingredients to the lists. Then ask sts. which other dishes they know. Write down responses on the board. If there is no translation for a name or the dish is unfamiliar to you, leave the English names. 7c Look at the grammar box and explain that für always requires accusative case. Prepare a sheet for each st. On each sheet, write a dish from the board. Every dish used should be written on 3-4 sheets. Every st. draws a sheet and seeks sts. with the same dish on their sheets. Sts. consider in their groups which ingredients they need and write a shopping list. Make sure that sts. speak German. Afterwards, sts. report to the class what they listed. b Do you know some other dishes? Brainstorm as a class. Apfelkuchen Äpfel, Mehl, Eier, Butter, Zucker 6c Sts. read the sentences and decide what is true. Play the dialog one more time and ask the class. Answer: 2 Paul findet Pia süß wie Zucker. 8 Ask sts. to take out a piece 83 22.06.2010 13:28:24 Uhr of paper. Sts. hold the sheet with one hand steady, about 1 inch in front of their mouths. The bottom edge of the paper should be directly in front of their mouths. Play the text. Sts. repeat and observe the paper as they do so. Afterwards, sts. report what they noticed. Answer: p, t, and k are aspirated, whereas b, d, and g are not. Thus, the paper should be more affected by sentences 1, 3, and 5. ➔ MP8 in class neunundachtzig 89 9a Prepare signs like the one in the textbook; however, the signs shouldn’t be too small. First, place the signs on your table. Sts. read the signs and the expressions in the boxes 1-4 in the book. Hold a sign up and ask which box goes along with it. Answer: einkaufen: 1; im Café: 4; Was magst du (nicht)?: 2; Was kochen wir?: 3 9b You need 4 empty tables for the 4 stations. Set a sign (from exercise 9a) on each table. In large classes, you can use 8 tables (double the same signs from 4 stations). Have the sts. fill out index cards with different dishes. You put half of the cards on the table with Was magst du (nicht)? The other half of the cards and sheets for shopping lists are placed at the station Was kochen wir? For the stations Einkaufen and Im Café, you can copy the ➔ reproducible page on cardboard, cut them out, and distribute them to related stations. Of course, you can also bring items such as CDs, DVDs, plates, cups, notepads, etc. in order to make the activity more realistic. Lay a magnified copy of the 4 expression boxes from exercise 9a on all the tables. You can also make an OHP sheet and use the projector during the activity. Sts. look for a table with their partner. Make sure that the sts. are evenly distributed among the stations. All sts. should play every situation once. &&& We will learn: how to say hello and goodbye | introducing yourself and others | spelling | numbers from 0 to 20 W-questions and answers: wer and wie? | verb forms: sein and heißen =Vaad!^X]]Z^Z° 9 Stationen a Match each of the four sets of expressions to its sign. 1 Hallo! Guten Tag. a Listen to the dialogs. 1.02 1 b Listen again and read along. Entschuldigung! Können Sie mir helfen? Ich suche … Wie viel kostet …? Oh, das ist aber teuer/billig. Den/Das/Die nehme ich (nicht). Wo kann ich bezahlen? Guten Tag, Herr Schulze. Mein Name ist Huber. … Ina kostet … Euro. Hier ist … Ich heiße Martin. Vielen Dank! Auf Wiedersehen! 3 # > Guten Tag, Frau Huber! # Herzlich willkommen! > # TM b Act out the situations at the tables with a partner. The expressions in 9a can help. a Listen and repeat the first names. 1.03 b Do you know more German names? Make a list on the board. 84 Nora, Julia, Ina … Lukas, Alex, Martin … acht vierundachtzig 47421_008_013_kap01*.indd 8 47421_080_085_kap11*.indd 84 neunzig Hallo Ich esse nicht so gern … Lukas! Ich mag keinen/kein/keine ... Igitt. Das mag ich nicht! Und du? Was magst du? Hallo! Ich bin Nora. Wer bist du? 4 Hallo Alex! Guten Tag! Was möchten Sie? Für mich ein Stück …, bitte! Ich möchte … Machen wir Pfannkuchen? Und ein Glas / eine Tasse …, bitte. Nein. Ich mag keine PfannKommt sofort! Ich bin Julia. kuchen. Hier, bitte schön! Und du? Okay, machen wir SchokoladenVielen Dank. Wie heißt du? eis? Einverstanden! Das ist gut! Zahlen, bitte! Wir brauchen Schokolade, Das macht … Euro. Zucker und … Vielen Dank! Auf Wiedersehen! 2 Vornamen 8 90 2 Ich esse gern … Mir schmeckt … Ich mag/liebe … Mhm, lecker. Das mag ich auch. 22.06.2010 13:17:06 Uhr 22.06.2010 13:28:27 Uhr && 8VcndjVagZVYnYdi]^h4 DcXZV\V^c!eaZVhZ Essen und einkaufen – Ich kaufe im Supermarkt / im Buchladen / im Kaufhaus / beim Bäcker / auf dem Markt ein. – Ich esse und trinke im Café / im Fastfood-Restaurant. Food and shopping Where do you shop? Where do you eat and drink? Name two examples for each. Lebensmittel – das Gemüse: der Salat, die Kartoffel, die Tomate – das Obst: die Banane, der Apfel, die Orange – die Wurst, der Käse, das Fleisch, der Fisch – die Pizza, die Suppe, das Brot, das Brötchen, die Marmelade, das Eis, die Schokolade, der Kuchen – die Butter, das Mehl, das Salz, das Ei, der Zucker – die Cola, das Mineralwasser, der Saft, die Milch, der Kaffee, der Kakao, der Tee Groceries Name as many grocery items as you can. Bestellen – Ein Stück Pizza und ein Glas Wasser, bitte. – Ich möchte ein Glas Apfelsaft und einen Hamburger. – Für mich eine Tasse Tee, bitte. Ordering Order: 1 Stück Pizza + 1 Glas Wasser 1 Hamburger + 1 Glas Apfelsaft 1 Tasse Tee Wie viel kostet …? – #Wie viel kostet das Buch? >Das Buch kostet 7 Euro 99 Cent. How much does … cost? Ask and answer. – Buch: 7,99 ` – CD: 12,45 ` – Kakao: 2,50 ` Was magst du (nicht)? – J Mir schmeckt ... Ich esse gern ... Ich mag/liebe ... Lecker! What do you (not) like? Name three of each. J L L Ich esse nicht so gern ... Ich mag keinen/kein/keine ... Igitt! für + Akkusativ – Für Pfannkuchen braucht man Mehl, Eier, Milch, Salz und Zucker. – Für Schokoladeneis braucht man Milch, Kakao und Zucker. – Für einen Obstsalat braucht man Bananen, Äpfel, Orangen und Orangensaft. für + accusative What do you need to make… – Pfannkuchen? – Schokoladeneis? – Obstsalat? Maße – der Liter, das Gramm, das Kilogramm Metric volume and weights What do l, kg, g mean? – – – – Guten Appetit! Danke schön! Zahlen, bitte! Auf Wiedersehen! Guten Appetit! fünfundachtzig 47421_080_085_kap11*.indd 85 TIPPS 85 22.06.2010 13:28:32 Uhr Deducing meanings of words: Before you explain unfamiliar vocabulary, encourage sts. to figure out the meanings of words on their own. Often, sts. already know parts of new words, e.g. Buch in Buchladen. Additionally, the meaning of a word can often be guessed from the context. You can always point this out again. This approach is also a good preparation for the unfamiliar texts and exam situations in which sts. must read texts and understand them despite unfamiliar words. einundneunzig 91