Zitierhinweis copyright Zazuliak, Juriy: Rezension


Zitierhinweis copyright Zazuliak, Juriy: Rezension
Zazuliak, Juriy: Rezension über: Peter Paul Bajer, Scots in the
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, 16th-18th Centuries. The
Formation and Disappearance of an Ethnic Group, Leiden: Brill,
2012, in: Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas / jgo.e-reviews, JGO
63 (2015), 2, S. 297-299, heruntergeladen über recensio.net
First published:
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zunächst von einer antipreußischen Haltung sehr
wohl absetzte und das Negativstereotyp Friedrich
ein Produkt der nationalen Bewegung und historischen Argumentation zum Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts war (217 ff.). In Kapitel 8 stellt der Autor in großer kulturgeschichtlicher Breite den
entscheidenden Prozess in der deutschen Geschichte dar, wo sich das preußisch-deutsche
Friedrich-Bild mit antipolnischen Elementen untrennbar verbindet. Vor allem nach 1871 schöpft
der Antipolonismus nicht unwesentlich aus der
Person Friedrichs und er wird mit seiner Politik
und seinen Aussagen zu den Polen und dem polnischen Staat dafür zur Berufungsinstanz. Ein
Aspekt, der im Zeitraum 1918–1945 (S. 10) eher
in den Hintergrund tritt und von dem Bedürfnis,
Friedrich als Sinnbild großer Vergangenheit zu
deuten, dominiert wird, woraus dann schließlich
die Nazis Führerkult und Durchhaltewillen ma-
Die Abschnitte über die Zeit nach 1945, besonders nach 1990 (S. 11 und 12) geraten etwas
holzschnittartig. Eine stärkere Einbettung in die
Identitätssuche der neuen deutschen Staaten
nach den Kriegskatastrophen und die Anwendung eines erweiterten Erinnerungsparadigmas
auf die Kategorien Person und Herrschaft wären
wünschenswert gewesen.
Es steht außer Frage, dass dem Autor mit seinem Buch ein wichtiger Beitrag sowohl zur Beziehungsgeschichte als auch zur Historisierung
der Person Friedrichs II. gelungen ist. Darüber
hinaus hat er mit seinem innovativen methodischen Ansatz der komplexen Verarbeitung von
Ereignis, Wirkung und Erinnerung für die Entwicklung und Darstellung historischer Perspektiven Maßstäbe gesetzt.
Ralph Schattkowsky Rostock/Thorn
PETER PAUL BAJER: Scots in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, 16th – 18th Centuries. The
Formation and Disappearance of an Ethic
Group. Leiden, Boston, MA: Brill, 2012. XXVIII,
588 S., 24 Abb., 5 Ktn., 14 Tab. = The Northern
World, 57. ISBN: 978-90-04-21247-3.
tion about all known Scottish migrants and their
descendants (approx. 5000 records). The study
shows that at the height of the emigration in the
1610s – 1640s the number of Scots in PolandLithuania comprised approximately 5000–7000
individuals. By his analysis Bajer challenges the
views previously held by historians and contemporaries who tended to overestimate the Scottish
population in the Commonwealth as consisting
of 30,000–40,000 individuals.
Bajer demonstrates that Scots concentrated
mostly in the largest urban and commercial centers of the Commonwealth, like Gdańsk
(Danzig), Elbląg (Elbing), Lublin, Cracow, and
Kėdainiai (Kiejdany). With respect to the figures
of Scottish migrants who obtained burger law in
the cities of Northern and Eastern Europe,
Gdańsk and Cracow were correspondingly at the
second and third place, being outnumbered only
by Bergen. In terms of geographical origin, most
of the Scottish immigrants came from
Aberdeen, Dundee and Edinburgh.
The number of Scots coming to and living in
Poland-Lithuania declined rapidly in the middle
of 17th century, especially during the fifties and
sixties, first of all due to the deep internal crisis
and permanent wars the country witnessed in
those decades. An important exception from this
The book is a comprehensive study of the Scottish emigration to Poland-Lithuania during the
16th – 18th centuries. Peter Paul Bajer tends to
analyze the life of Scottish migrants in PolandLithuania in the broader context of the largescale settlement of Scots in the countries of
Northern and Eastern Europe during the early
modern period. He seeks to explain the emigration by looking at such circumstances in the inner social life of early modern Scotland as population surplus, low living standards, religious conflicts, shortage of free land, rigid legal regulation
of inheritance, etc.
The author explores the multiple dimensions
of the Scottish presence in the Polish-Lithuanian
Commonwealth during the early modern period.
First, the author attempts to establish the scale
of the migrations, provide a social profile of migrants, and trace their geographical origin. In his
analysis he uses data collected specifically for this
purpose, which contains biographical informa-
Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas 63 (2015), H. 2 © Franz Steiner Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart/Germany
trend represented the town of Kėdainiai (Kiejdany), the most significant center of the Calvinism in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The town
was owned by the Radziwills, one of the most
powerful magnate families and the biggest protectors of the Protestants in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The author speaks of an
evident expansion of Scottish presence there in
the last three decades of the 17th century).
According to Bajer, the social composition of
the migrants was diverse and varied by periods.
Small peddlers and young apprentices prevailed
in the early period of the emigration that is in
the pre-1590 years. The author argues that an upward social mobility can be observed among migrants and their descendants during the first
decades of the 17th century. In those times
many Scots were able to develop their own business and turned into small merchants. This gradually brought about the establishment of a distinct Scottish merchant network in the Commonwealth based on the common ethnic origin
and the shared Calvinist confession. The high
mobility stands out as one of the most remarkable features of those Scottish merchants. This
observation allows the author to question the
earlier interpretations of Scottish life in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth as a sort of “isolated colonies”.
Besides merchants, the author traces the itineraries and experiences of the members of other
Scottish professional groups in the PolishLithuanian Commonwealth. The author pays
special attention, for example, to the Scottish
mercenaries who were regularly recruited and
highly valued as soldiers in the Polish-Lithuanian
army. Though less numerous than merchants,
some Scottish soldiers, scholars, clergymen and
diplomats were nevertheless prominent in the life
of their communities as well as in the public and
political life of the Commonwealth.
In two separate chapters Bajer offers a detailed account of the structures and institutions
through which Scottish identity was maintained
and transmitted in the emigration. He focuses
mainly on the role of ethnic brotherhoods and
parishes in the Scottish life in Poland-Lithuania.
The brotherhoods were established with the purpose of representing the Scottish communities in
contacts with the official authorities of the Commonwealth. Besides, the brotherhoods were fundamental institutions of the communal and religious life of Scots abroad. They issued their own
regulations and statutes, collected taxes, provided
poor relief, and controlled behavior of their
members. A leading role in ethnic guilds and
brotherhoods was played by rich merchants who
actually came to dominate the life of the Scottish
immigrant communities. The author also makes
interesting observations about the struggle for
leadership in some of the brotherhoods. Such
conflicts reveal the lines of divisions and exclusions within the Scottish communities abroad.
Relying on the survived parish records, the
author proposes a detailed and painstaking reconstruction of the number and role of Scots in
the parish life of the largest and most important
Calvinist communities in Poland-Lithuania and
Prussia such as Königsberg, Elbląg, Gdańsk,
Poznań, Cracow, Lublin, Kėdainiai.
The analysis of those institutional forms of
Scottish life leads the author to address the problem of the successes and limits of the integration of the Scottish migrants in the PolishLithuanian society. The overall conclusion Bajer
reaches is that throughout the period of the 16th
– 17th centuries Scots remained a closed community with quite clearly established ethnic
boundaries, which separated them from the rest
of Polish-Lithuanian society. The author convincingly proves this by analyzing the available
lists of marriage partners and godparents of
Scottish migrants preserved in the parish books.
Another important and interesting observation
Bajer makes in this regard concerns the frequent
manifestations of hostility towards Scots from
the side of the local communities and magistrates. The local merchants and craftsmen often
considered the Scottish traveling merchants and
peddlers as a threat to their economic interests
and monopoly at the local markets. This situation brought about various legal provisions, issued by local authorities and the Polish Diet
(sejm) aimed at limiting or even banning the activity of the Scottish merchants and peddlers. Also
the Scottish ethic brotherhoods were sometimes
seen with suspicion and hostility by local magistrates, which resulted in attempts to persecute
Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas 63 (2015), H. 2 © Franz Steiner Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart/Germany
and banish them as illegal organizations.
On the other hand, the author seeks to
demonstrate that for some Scots there were always opportunities for a successful assimilation
in the Polish-Lithuanian society. Bajer focuses in
particular on the chances for Scots to enter the
ranks of the nobility. More specifically he examines instruments through which Scottish migrants became members of the noble class such
as ennoblement and naturalization. The author
pays special attention to military service as an
important pre-condition which facilitated to
Scots the acquisition of the noble status.
To sum up the Bajer’s book is a very important historical study which makes a fundamental
contribution to the history of emigration and
migrants’ experience in early modern Eastern
Juriy Zazuliak, L’viv
IVAN PFAFF: Francie a Čechy v Evropě národních
států. Francouzská politika F. L. Riegra 1867–
1878. [France and Bohemia in the Europe of National States: F. L. Rieger’s French Policy 1867–
1878.] Praha: Euroslavica, 2013. 260 S., Abb.
ISBN: 978-80-87825-01-3.
topic. A closer look reveals that he had reworked
and expanded two chapters of the original book,
namely Česká pouť do Moskvy r. 1867 [Czech Pilgrimage to Moscow, 1867] and Riegrova francouzská politika, 1867–1877 [Rieger’s French Policy,
The aim of Pfaff ’s more recent publication
seems to be to rethink old problems from a new
perspective. Unfortunately, he is only sporadically
successful. The intention is clearly demonstrated
in his treatment of German history (e.g., pp.
124–126, 140) but elsewhere, especially in the
Czech or French context, this has little impact
and hardly any change is in evidence.
The key question, however, remains. It is the
issue of the start, the point zero of an independent Czech foreign policy, which is traditionally
identified with F. L. Rieger’s 1867 travel to
France, where this politician sought to gain political support from the West. Ivan Pfaff accepts
that this indeed was a turning point and clearly
formulates this in his final essay (pp. 210–224).
The history of Czech-French relations in the 19 th
century and Czech francophilia are then interpreted as a proof of the political emancipation
of the Czech nation.
Since 1989, this subject has been studied by
numerous historians but Ivan Pfaff is right in
emphasising the importance of Rieger’s journey
to France in 1875, which remains somewhat underestimated in contemporary historiography.
Rieger’s second ‘political’ trip to France was important because it demonstrated that the Czech
elite learned how to set up the agenda of foreign
policy and Rieger was able to reach a consensus
about it with his colleagues (this contrasts with
his 1867 journey which he undertook more or
East European francophilia and the ‘French card’
in the politics of Central and Eastern Europe in
the 19th and 20th century is a highly important
subject of contemporary historiography. It offers
a different perspective on European and East
European politics especially if we take into account the strong influence of German and Austrian historiography and their interpretations of
key factors challenging the nation-building process.
Small non-state nations have been attempting
to define and implement an independent foreign
policy since 1848. Given the specific situation of
Eastern Europe, their main aim was to counteract the German and Austrian dominance of the
region. The attempts of the small nations were
usually based on the simple assumption that ‘my
enemy’s enemy is my friend’. Their dream of a
French Central and Eastern Europe, however,
came true only after 1918, when it took the form
of the ‘Petite-Entente’.
The author of the reviewed book has been researching this and related topics for a long time.
In this publication, Ivan Pfaff returns to his ‘old’
research and seventeen years after he published
“Česká přináležitost k západu v letech 1815–
1878: Francouzská politika F. L. Riegra 1867–
1878” [Czech Sense of Belonging to the West in
1815–1878: F. L. Rieger’s French Policy 1867–
1878], he produces another book on the same
Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas 63 (2015), H. 2 © Franz Steiner Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart/Germany