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Scientific Publications Dr. Carole T. Gee cgee@uni-­‐ Edited Books and Special Volumes Gee, C. T., and L. Kunzmann (eds.). 2012. Special issue on plant taphonomy commenorating the 20th anniversary of the International Workshop on Plant Taphonomy. Palaios, 27 (11): 753-­‐841. Klein, N., K. Remes, C. T. Gee, and P. M. Sander (eds.). 2011. Biology of the Sauropod Dinosaurs: Understanding the Life of Giants. Indiana University Press, Bloomington. 331 pp. Wappler, T., and C. T. Gee (eds.). 2010. Plant-­‐Insect Interactions in Deep Time. Special issue in Palaeontographica Abt. B, 283: 99-­‐182. C. T. Gee (ed.). 2010. Plants in Mesozoic Time: Morphological Innovations, Phylogeny, Ecosystems (Ted Delevoryas festschrift). Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 373 pp. Gee, C. T., R. A. Gastaldo, and D. K. Ferguson (eds.). 2005. Plant Taphonomy Special Issue. Palaios, 20: 415-­‐511. Gee, C. T. (ed.). 1996. Plant taphonomy and actuopaleobotany in NW Europe: Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop of Plant Taphonomy in Bonn, November 12, 1994. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 202: 143-­‐268. Peer-­‐reviewed Research Papers Gee, C. T., D. A., Sprinkel, M. B., Bennis-­‐Bottomley, and D. A. Gray. In preparation. Silicified logs from Rainbow Draw, near Vernal, Utah, and their implications for conifer forests in the Late Jurassic Morrison Formation. Hellawell, J., C. Ballhaus, C. T. Gee, G. E. Mustoe, T. J. Nagel, R. Wirth, J. Rethemeyer, F. Tomaschek, T. Geisler, K. Greef, and T. Mansfeldt. 2015. Silicification of recent conifer wood at a Yellowstone hot spring. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 149: 79-­‐87. Published online in Nov. 2014, available at Taylor, D. W., and C. T. Gee. 2014. Phylogenetic analysis of fossil water lilies based on leaf architecture and vegetative characters: Testing phylogenetic hypotheses of molecular studies. Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, 55: 89-­‐
110. C.T. Gee, Publications, p. 2 Gee, C. T., R. D. Dayvault, R. A. Stockey, and W. D. Tidwell. 2014. Greater paleobiodiversity in conifer seed cones in the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation of Utah, USA. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 94: 363-­‐365. doi: 10.1007/s12549-­‐014-­‐
0160-­‐1. Gee, C. T. 2013. Applying micro CT and 3D visualization to Jurassic silicified conifer seed cones: a virtual advantage over thin-­‐sectioning. Applications in Plant Sciences, 1: 1300039. doi:10.3732/apps.1300039. Läbe, S., C. T. Gee, C. Ballhaus, and T. Nagel. 2012. Experimental silicification of the tree fern Dicksonia antarctica at high temperature with silica-­‐enriched H2O vapor. Palaios, 27: 835-­‐841. doi: 10.2110/palo.2012.p12-­‐064r. Ballhaus, C., C. T. Gee, C. Bockrath, K. Greef, T. Mansfeldt, and D. Rhede. 2012. The silicification of trees in volcanic ash: an experimental study. Geochimica et Cosmoschimica Acta, 84: 62-­‐74. doi: 10.2110/palo.2012.p12-­‐064r. Gee, C. T. 2011. Dietary options for the sauropod dinosaurs from an integrated botanical and paleobotanical perspective. In: N. Klein, K. Remes, C. T. Gee, and P. M. Sander (eds.), Biology of the Sauropod Dinosaurs: Understanding the Life of Giants. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, pp. 34-­‐56. Sander, P. M., A. Christian, M. Clauss, R. Fechner, C. T. Gee, E.-­‐M. Griebeler, H.-­‐C. Gunga, J. Hummel, H. Mallison, S. F. Perry, H. Preuschoft, O. W. M. Rauhut, K. Remes, T. Tütken, O. Wings, and U. Witzel. 2011. Biology of the Sauropod Dinosaurs: The Evolution of Gigantism. Biological Reviews, 86: 117–155. Published online in April 2010. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-­‐185X.2010.00137.x. Wappler, T., and C. T. Gee. 2010. Plant-­‐insect interactions in Deep Time: Contributions from the 8th International Organisation of Palaeobotany Conference in Bonn, Germany, August 30-­‐September 5, 2008. Palaeontographica Abt. B, 283: 99-­‐101. Sussex, I., N. Kerk, and C. T. Gee. 2010. Architectural innovation and developmental controls in some Mesozoic gymnosperms, Or why do the leaf crowns in Mesozoic forests look tufted? In: C.T. Gee (ed.), Plants in Mesozoic Time: Morphological Innovations, Phylogeny, Ecosystems (Ted Delevoryas festschrift). Indiana University Press, Bloomington, pp. 5-­‐12. Gee, C. T., and W. D. Tidwell. 2010. A mosaic of characters in a new whole-­‐plant Araucaria, A. delevoryasii Gee sp. nov., from the Late Jurassic Morrison Formation of Wyoming, U.S.A. In: C. T. Gee (ed.), Plants in Mesozoic Time: Morphological Innovations, Phylogeny, Ecosystems (Ted Delevoryas festschrift). Indiana University Press, Bloomington, pp. 67-­‐94. Sander, P. M., C. T. Gee, J. Hummel, and M. Clauss. 2010. Mesozoic plants and dinosaur herbivory. In: C. T. Gee (ed.), Plants in Mesozoic Time: Morphological Innovations, C.T. Gee, Publications, p. 3 Phylogeny, Ecosystems (Ted Delevoryas festschrift). Indiana University Press, Bloomington, pp. 331-­‐359. Sander, P. M., A. Christian, and C. T. Gee. 2009. Response to: Sauropods kept their heads down. Science 323: 1671-­‐1672. Hummel, J., C. T. Gee, K.-­‐H. Südekum, P. M. Sander, G. Nogge, and M. Clauss. 2008. In vitro digestibility of fern and gymnosperm foliage: implications for sauropod feeding ecology and diet selection. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B, 275: 1015-­‐1021. Tütken, T., P. M. Sander, J. Hummel, and C. Gee. 2007. Ernährung und Mobilität von Sauropoden — Informationspotential der Isotopenzusammensetzung von Knochen und Zähnen. Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften, Beiheft, 23: 85-­‐92. Gee, C. T. 2005. The genesis of mass carpological deposits (bedload carpodeposits) in the Tertiary of the Lower Rhine Basin, Germany. In: C. T. Gee, R. A. Gastaldo, and D. K. Ferguson (guest eds.), Plant Taphonomy Special Issue. Palaios, 20: 464-­‐479. Gee, C. T., and R.A. Gastaldo. 2005. SPOTLIGHT: Sticks & mud, fruits & nuts, leaves & climate: Plant taphonomy comes of age. Palaios, 20: 415-­‐417. Gee, C. T., P. M. Sander, and B. E. M. Petzelberger. 2003. A Miocene rodent nut cache in coastal dunes of the Lower Rhine Embayment, Germany. Palaeontology, 46: 1-­‐17. Gee, C. T., C. A. Meyer, and J. H. A. van Konjinenberg-­‐van Cittert. 2003. The first unequivocal sphenophytes from the Late Jurassic of northwestern Switzerland (late Oxfordian Vellerat Formation) — Paleobotany and implications for facies interpretation. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg (Friedemann Schaarschmidt Festschrift), 241: 97-­‐109. Gee, C. T., and T. Mörs. 2001. Aquatic macrophytes from the upper Oligocene fossillagerstätte of Rott (Rhineland, Germany). Part I: Seeds. Palaeontographica Abt. B (Dieter Hans Mai Festschrift), 259: 33-­‐45. Gee, C. T. 2001. The mangrove palm Nypa in the geologic past of the New World. In: N. C. Duke and A. E. Schwarzbach (guest eds.), Life on the Edge: Past and Future of Mangroves. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 9: 181-­‐194. Gee, C. T., M. Abraham, and P. M. Sander. 1997. The occurrence of carpofloras in coarse sand fluvial deposits: comparison of fossil and recent case studies. Mededelingen Nederlands Instituut voor Toegepaste Geowetenschappen TNO 58: 171-­‐178. Collinson, M. E., T. P. Jones, C. Berry, H. Blickwede, D. K. Ferguson, C. T. Gee, C.-­‐C. Hofmann, H. Kerp, W. Riegel, P. M. Sander, and T. N. Taylor. 1996. Biogeochemical aspects of taphonomy: Summary of workshop discussions. In: C. T. Gee (ed.), Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop of Plant Taphonomy in Bonn, November 12, 1994. Neues C.T. Gee, Publications, p. 4 Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 202: 191-­‐203. Ferguson, D. K., J. van der Burgh, A. Clausing, M. E. Collinson, M. H. Field., C. T. Gee, R. Gossmann, C.-­‐C. Hofmann, T. P. Jones, H. Kerp, M. Pingen, P. M. Sander, and T. N. Taylor. 1996. Actuopalaeobotany — a taphonomic peep-­‐show? Summary of workshop discussions. In: C. T. Gee (ed.), Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop of Plant Taphonomy in Bonn, Nov. 12, 1994. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 202: 149-­‐158. Gee, C. T. 1996. Plant taphonomy and actuopaleobotany in NW Europe. In: C. T. Gee (ed.), Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop of Plant Taphonomy in Bonn, November 12, 1994. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 202: 143-­‐148. Mosbrugger, V., C. T. Gee, G. Belz & A. R. Ashraf. 1994. Three-­‐dimensional reconstruction of an in situ Miocene peat forest from the Lower Rhine Embayment, NW Germany — new methods in palaeovegetation analysis. Palaegeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 110: 295-­‐317. Koch-­‐Früchtl, U., and C. T. Gee. 1994. Middle Devonian Pseudopalaeoporella lummatonensisfrom the Rhenish Schiefergebirge (Sauerland and Eifel), western Germany. Palaeontographica Abt. B. (Hans-­‐Joachim Schweitzer Festschrift), 232: 1-­‐13. Sander, P. M., and C. T. Gee. 1992. A volunteer-­‐powered dinosaur excavation in the Upper Triassic of Switzerland. Journal of Geological Education, 40: 194-­‐203. Watkins, D. K., P. G. Quilty, B. A. R. Mohr, S. Mao, J. E. Francis, C. T. Gee, and M. F. Coffin. 1992. Paleontology of the Cretaceous of the Central Kerguelen Plateau. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, 120: 951-­‐960. Mohr, B. A. R., and C. T. Gee. 1992. Late Cretaceous palynofloras (sporomorphs and dinocysts) from the Kerguelen Plateau, Southern Indian Ocean (Sites 748 and 750). Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, 120: 281-­‐306. Mohr, B.A. R., and C. T. Gee. 1992. An early Albian palynoflora from the Kerguelen Plateau, Southern Indian Ocean (Leg 120). Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, 120: 255-­‐271. Mosbrugger, V., C. T. Gee, G. Belz, and F. von der Hocht. 1991. An in situ peat forest from the Miocene of the Lower Rhine Embayment (F.R.G.). In: C. Edelin, (ed.), L'Arbre. Biologie et Developpement, Naturalia Monspeliensia, no. h.s., pp. 640-­‐641. Mohr, B. A. R., and C. T. Gee. 1990. Sporotrapoidites erdtmanii Nagy (Nagy), a trapaceous pollen species pertaining to the Oligocene to Pliocene genus Hemitrapa Miki. Grana, 29: 285-­‐293. C.T. Gee, Publications, p. 5 Gee, C. T. 1990. On the fossil occurrences of the mangrove palm Nypa. In: Proceedings of the Symposium “Paleofloristic and Paleoclimatic Changes in the Cretaceous and Tertiary,” Prague 1989, pp. 315-­‐319. Geological Survey Publisher, Prague, 322 pp. Sander, P. M., and C. T. Gee. 1990. Fossil charcoal: techniques and applications. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 63: 269-­‐279. Westgate, J. W., and C. T. Gee. 1990. Paleoecology of a middle Eocene mangrove biota (vertebrates, plants, and invertebrates) from southwestern Texas. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 78: 163-­‐177. Gee, C. T., T. H. Sander, P. M. Sander, and B. A. R. Mohr. 1989. Pollen morphometrics with the microcomputer. Pollen et Spores, 31: 329-­‐340. Gee, C. T. 1989. Revision of the Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous flora from Hope Bay, Antarctica. Palaeontographica Abt. B, 213: 149-­‐214. Gee, C. T. 1989. Permian Glossopteris and Elatocladus megafossil floras from the English Coast, eastern Ellsworth Land, Antarctica. Antarctic Science, 1: 35-­‐44. Gee, C.T. 1987. Revision of the Early Cretaceous flora from Hope Bay, Antarctica. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Texas at Austin. 155 pp. Laudon, T. S., D. J. Lidke, T. Delevoryas, and C. T. Gee. 1987. Sedimentary rocks of the English Coast, eastern Ellsworth Land. Gondwana Six. American Geophysical Union, Geophysical Monograph 40: 183-­‐189. Laudon, T. S., D. J. Lidke, T. Delevoryas, and C. T. Gee. 1985. Sedimentary rocks of the English Coast, eastern Ellsworth Land. Antarctic Journal of the United States, 20 (5): 38-­‐40. Gee, C. T. 1984. Preliminary studies of a fossil flora from the Orville Coast – eastern Ellsworth Land region of the Antarctic Peninsula. Antarctic Journal of the United States, 19 (5): 36-­‐37. Book Reviews, Popular Scientific Articles Hartkopf-­‐Fröder, C., C. T. Gee, P. Giesen, R. Goßmann, U. Lieven, and H. Winterscheid. Submitted in Feb. 2015. Fossile Floren im Rheinland. (Exhibition catalog to the Landesausstellung NRW 2015). Gee, C. T. 2014. Book review of Plant and Animal Endemism by S. P. Harrison. Plant Science Bulletin, 60: 104-­‐105. C.T. Gee, Publications, p. 6 Gee, C. T. 2013. Book review of The Anatomy of Palms. Arecaceae – Palmae, by P. B. Tomlinson, J. W. Horn, and J. B. Fisher. Plant Science Bulletin, 59: 133-­‐134. Gee, C. T. 2013. Book review of The World of Northern Evergreens, 2nd edition, by E. C. Pielou. Plant Science Bulletin, 59: 68-­‐69. Gee, C. T., and P. M. Sander. 2010. 25 Millionen Jahre alte Pflanzenfossilien aus Rott bei Hennef: Die Odyssee der historischen Sammlung Statz und ihre Rückkehr ins Rheinland. In: T. Otten, J. Kunow & M.M. Rind (eds.). Fundgeschichten, Archäologie in Nordrhein-­Westfalen. (Exhibition catalog to the Landesausstellung NRW 2010). Römisch-­‐Germanisches Museum der Stadt Köln und Verlag Philipp von Zabern, Mainz, pp. 30-­‐32. Gee, C. T. 2010. Book review of Paleobotany: The Biology and Evolution of Fossil Plants, 2nd edition, by T. N. Taylor, E. L. Taylor, and M. Krings. Plant Science Bulletin, 56: 39-­‐40. Gee, C. 2008. Die Rückkehr der Rotter Pflanzenfossilien der Sammlung Statz aus den USA in den Rheinland. Archäologie im Rheinland 2007. Theiss, Stuttgart, pp. 35-­‐37. Gee, C. 2008. Araucaria in Northern Queensland. Newsletter, Friends of the Botanic Gardens Cairns, no. 49, pp. 5-­‐6. Gee, C., and M. Sander. 2007. Das Goldfuß-­‐Museum im Steinmann-­‐Institut der Universität Bonn. In: W. von Koenigswald and K. F. Simon. Das Buch zur Georallye, vol. I. Bouvier-­‐
Verlag, Bonn, pp. 326-­‐331. Gee, C., and R. Gossmann. 2007. Die Tongrube Adendorf. In: W. von Koenigswald and K. F. Simon (eds.). Das Buch zur Georallye, vol. I. Bouvier-­‐Verlag, Bonn, pp. 166-­‐170. Gee, C., and M. Sander. 2006. Which plants were preferred by the sauropods? In: The Gigantic Dinosaur Expo 2006 Guidebook, pp. 96. [In Japanese] Gee, C., and M. Sander. 2006. Island dwarfism in sauropods. In: The Gigantic Dinosaur Expo 2006 Guidebook, pp. 72-­‐74. [In Japanese] Gee, C. T. 2005. Book review of Coastal Dunes: Ecology and Conservation edited by M. L. Martinez and N. P. Psuty. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 253: 240-­‐241. Gee, C. T. 2005. Book review of The Fossils of Florissant by H. W. Meyer. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 252: 241-­‐243. Gee, C. T. 2005. Book review of Evolution of Fossil Ecosystems by P. Selden and J. Nudd. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 250: 266-­‐268. Gee, C. T. 2005. Book review of Hawaiian Natural History, Ecology, and Evolution by A. C. Ziegler. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 250: 121-­‐123. C.T. Gee, Publications, p. 7 Gee, C. T. 2004. Book review of Forests in Peril. Tracking Deciduous Trees from Ice-­Age Refuges into the Greenhouse World by H. R. Delcourt. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 248: 249-­‐250. Gee, C. T. 2002. Book review of Seed Dispersal and Frugivory. Ecology, Evolution and Conservation edited by D. J. Levey, W. R. Silva, and M. Galetti. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 236: 108-­‐110. Gee, C. T. 2002. Book review of Proceedings of the Fifth European Palaeobotanical and Palynological Conference, Krakow, June 26-­30, 1998, edited by L. Stuchlik. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 234: 231-­‐232. Gee, C. T. 2001. Book review of Plant Fossils: The History of Land Vegetation by C. J. Cleal and B. A. Thomas. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 229: 133-­‐134. Gee, C. T. 1998. Book review of Common Fossil Plants of Western North America by W. D. Tidwell, 2nd edition published by the Smithsonian Institution Press. Plant Science Bulletin, 44: 132-­‐133. Gee, C. T. 1998. Book review of Malesian Seed Plants. Volume 1 – Spot-­characters by M. M. J. van Balgooy. Plant Science Bulletin, 44:60. Gee, C. T. 1997. Book review of Hitherto by A. G. Long. Plant Science Bulletin, 43: 41. Gee, C. T. 1995. Book review of Tertiäre Vegetationsgeschichte Europas by D. H. Mai. Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, 1995 (374): 112-­‐113. Gee, C. T. 1995. Farne der hawaiianischen Inseln: Botanik und Folklore. Farnblätter: 26/27: 132-­‐140. Sander, M., and C. T. Gee. 1994. Der Buntsandstein der Eifel. In: W. von Koenigswald and W. Meyer. Erdgeschichte in Rheinland. Verlag Friedrich Pfeil, Munich, pp. 117-­‐124. Gee, C. T., and M. Sander. 1990. 150 Millionen Jahre alte Farne aus der Antarktis. Farnblätter, 21: 1-­‐14. Gee, C. T. 1990. Book review of Systematics and Taxonomic Approaches in Palaeobotany by R. A. Spicer and B. A. Thomas (eds.). Sedimentology, 37: 557-­‐574. Sander, M., and C. Gee. 1989. Mit EARTHWATCH auf Dinosaurierjagd in Frick, Schweiz. Fossilien, 1989/4: 157-­‐165. Sander, M., and C. Gee. 1989. EARTHWATCH-­‐Freiwillige graben Fricker Dinosaurier aus. Uni Zürich, 2/1989: 33-­‐34. Gee, C. T. 1989. Book review of Paleopalynology by A. Traverse. Sedimentology, 36: 508.