Instructions for External Companies


Instructions for External Companies
Instructions for External Companies
General Conditions for Work
Performed by External
Companies in the Premises of
Robert Bosch s.r.o.
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
Table of Contents
1.) Legislation
2.) Procedures for External Firms
3.) General Requirements
4.) Chemical Substances
5.) Waste
6.) Accidents
7.) Alcohol
8.) Personal Protective Equipment
9.) Occupational Accidents
10.) First-aid Kits
11.) Traffic Regulations
12.) Ladders
13.) Work at Heights
14.) Charging Station
15.) Work with Electrical Equipment
16.) Lifting Equipment - Platforms
17.) Areas with Explosion Risk
18.) Heavy Load Handling
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
1.) Legislation
Employer shall ensure occupational safety and health protection of
employees at work with regard to risks which might endanger his
employees' life and health during performance of work (Section 101(1) of
Labour Code).
The care for occupational safety and health protection forms an integral
and equal part of managerial employees' obligations, at all levels of
management, within the scope of their positions. (Section 101(2) of
Labour Code).
At the same time, each employee shall care for their own health and
safety, within their abilities, as well as for health and safety of persons
directly affected by their activities or failures at work (Section 106(4) of
Labour Code).
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
Provided that employees of two or more employers perform tasks at the
same workplace, the employers shall inform each other in writing about
any risks and measures taken to prevent their occurrence related to the
performance of work and workplace and cooperate in securing
occupational health and safety for all the employees in the workplace.
Based on a written agreement of the participating employers, the
employers authorized by the agreement coordinate the implementation of
measures for health and safety of employees and processes for their
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
Each of the employers referred to in the above section shall:
 ensure that his activities and his employees' work are organized,
coordinated and carried out in such a way that the employees of the
other employers at the workplace are also concurrently protected,
 inform, sufficiently and without delay, the trade union organization or
the employee representative for occupational safety and health, and if
there is none (at the employer's undertaking), directly his employees of
risks and measures adopted according to the information provided by
the other employers.
Any work is performed in compliance with valid regulations and internal
standards of Robert Bosch s.r.o.
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
2. Procedures for External Companies
RBCB - Robert Bosch s.r.o., České Budějovice
HSE – department of OHS&EP
External Company (EF) – company authorized by RBCB to work in
RBCB plant. Other companies of Bosch group are also considered EF.
Agent – EF employee authorized by EF to manage and control the work
in RBCB.
Coordinator – RBCB employee appointed in writing to supervise EF
work performed for RBCB. With regard to EF Agent, Coordinator has the
right to manage occupational safety, environmental protection and fire
protection in cooperation with HSE on behalf of RBCB.
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
Responsibilities of External Company:
 EF is fully responsible for qualification of its employees and
compliance with safety regulations during performance of work.
 If a qualification certificate is required for any work, the company
ensures that the document is up-to-date.
 If needed, EF shall appoint an Agent. The Agent is appointed in case
that EF performs work at facility and property in RBCB premises.
 External company or its Agent shall cooperate with the competent
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
Agent is not appointed for:
 interpreters, visits, tours, sales representatives, lecturers, consultants,
 drivers of transport companies and shipping services,
 service of food and drink vending machines,
 service of office machinery,
 RBCB contract surgeon,
 administrative bodies, units of integrated rescue system,
 external auditors.
These employees shall observe the instructions received at the RBCB
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
Basic responsibilities of the Agent and EF:
 To fill in the „EF workplace handover and sharing information on risks“
together with the Coordinator before the work is started.
 Necessary permissions need to be completed together with the
Coordinator for the so called „work on permission“ (slide 10). They
should submit information on specific conditions of work to all fellow
workers and employees of subcontractors who will perform work in
RBCB. EF employees shall not perform the work without sharing
the above mentioned information.
 A written permission is needed for performance of the work.
Permission is issued by the Coordinator before commencement of
 After finish of work, they should inform the Coordinator on whether
they are to leave the plant premises or continue to work for another
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
Work on permission is the following:
 work with open fire, welding, flame cutting, soldering and grinding with
risk of fire outbreak caused by heat and sparks, repairs of roof with
use of a burner, etc.,
 work in environment with explosion risk – „V“ order,
 work at live electrical equipment – „B“ order.
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
Results of non-compliance:
If the EF personnel violates the obligations regarding OHS&EP or fire
protection at work, RBCB is entitled to:
o stop the work until it is remedied,
o banish from the plant the EF personnel under the influence of alcohol or
addictive substances,
o withdraw from the contract signed with EF due to violation of the contracting
In case of any of the above mentioned situations, EF shall indemnify RBCB for
damage incurred as a result of delay to complete the performed work.
However, RBCB shall not bear responsibility for any conceivable costs EF
incurrs as a result of work interruption.
Managers, Coordinator or HSE executive have the right to represent RBCB in
tasks according to Article „Results of Non-compliance“, with the exception of
withdrawal from contract.
All items in this Chapter also apply to employees of EF subcontractor.
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
3.) General Provisions
General Conditions:
 Before commencement of work, EF shall announce the list of
employees and its subcontractors´ employees to the Coordinator.
Employees who work on the project for more than 5 days will receive a
temporary permission to enter if approved by the appropriate head of
 EF employees who work in RBCB only for short period (up to 5 days)
will be stated in a list prepared by their leader and containing the date
of commencement and completion of work. The Coordinator shall
submit the list to the RBCB gatehouse, where a temporary permission
to entry RBCB may be issued if needed.
 EF employees working in RBCB shall carry the permission to enter
(entry card) visibly.
 Notify your Coordinator about your arrival before you enter the plant.
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
It is possible to enter/leave and go in/out to/from RBCB through
designated entrances only. The person is obliged to undergo an
inspection of things he/she carries.
Any media or parts thereof (sprinklers, power, gases, electric fire alarm
system, etc.) may be switched on/off only in the presence of FCM
personnel or based on a prior written permission. EF employees shall
announce completion of such work in the same way. In case that
electric fire alarm system or sprinkler are activated owing to EF, the
incurred costs will be charged to EF (e.g. fire brigade falsely alarmed).
If needed, the EF group leader is familiarized with technical and
technological equipment (sprinklers, electric fire alarm system, cooling
systems, air-conditioning, etc.) the unqualified handling of which could
cause serious damage.
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
If completed parts of buildings need to be disassembled for the work
itself (DAHL-ducts, ceilings, etc.), it shall be performed by qualified
personnel and it shall be put to original state after completion of work.
In case of any damage or soiling, the full costs are born by EF. It is not
allowed to install any other objects, such as brackets, ducts, etc.
without the approval of FCM personnel. All such work shall be reported
to FCM department. In case of work on cable ducts, it is necessary to
consult the route with the FCM department first. Shaft openings
without cover shall be properly secured. The same shall be done in
case external switchboard need to be opened or in case of moving the
power equipment.
EF familiarizes subcontractors with the conditions for performance of
work in RBCB and is fully responsible for his subcontractors´
compliance with the conditions.
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
EF personnel who received a key from the RBCB system (based on
completion certificate) shall keep the key conscientiously and with
responsibility and shall use it merely for performance of
work/contracting obligations in RBCB. The personnel shall not pass
the key to another person/firm without a written approval of RBCB.
They undertake to lock/unlock only the doors as per request. In case
the key is lost, they shall report the loss immediately to FCM
department. The company personnel shall pay a fine for the loss
(stated in the completion certificate) and in case of any incurred
damage (need to exchange the plug or part of the key system in case
of master key), RBCB shall claim the demonstrable damages.
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
When performing work on equipment, place a safety sign on the
Move at the assigned workplace only and use the shortest way back.
EF shall not use the company canteen.
EF personnel shall move only in those RBCB parts where they perform
their work tasks. Personnel use only areas (cloakroom, washroom,
warehouse, etc.) which are presented to EF at the time of workplace
It is forbidden to use any equipment and machinery of RBCB property
which were not presented to EF personnel (trained from instruction
manual, risks, etc.).
When leaving the workplace as the last person, switch the lights off.
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
EF personnel are forbidden to make any video or audio records
without a prior written agreement of RBCB management. It is
forbidden to bring cameras or other recording devices to RBCB
premises. These appliances can be placed in safety boxes at either
Handling technology may be used in accordance with the operating
instructions of the manufacturer only. Driving on hand pallet truck is
Children under 15 are not allowed in the plant - their entry is allowed
only upon a written approval issued by RBCB management.
Animals (e.g. dogs, cats) shall not be taken into the plant.
Drivers of trucks or personal cars are not allowed to repump fuel in
such trucks or cars in RBCB.
Note: Always follow the Coordinator´s instructions.
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
4.) Chemical Substances
Any applicable legal requirements shall be observed when using chemical
substances (CHL) of EF.
EF shall notify (via the Coordinator) HSE about use of dangerous CHL
and provide a safety datasheet to the substance used.
 Record CHL.
 Keep documentation to CHL.
 Provide resources for prevention/elimination of accidents.
 Prevent leakage of CHL if transferred in RBCB premises.
 Never use food packaging for CHL handling.
 Never store food and CHL together.
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
 Use personal protective equipment for handling chemical substances.
 In case of leakage (accident) inform the Coordinator immediately.
 Secure the pressure vessels against fall.
 Identify spare packaging.
EF which has no permanent workstation in RBCB and handle their
own CHL shall notify the Coordinator about use of chemical
substances in RBCB and take necessary measures with the help of
the form „EF workplace handover and sharing information on risks“.
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
EF with permanent workstation in RBCB shall store CHL in designated
 in storage reservoirs according to the volume of liquid CHL (10% of
the total volume and the volume of the largest vessel),
 flammable fluids R 12 (H 224) and R11 (H 225) in identified (safety
sign „FLAMMABLE FLUIDS“), ventilated and grounded metal boxes in
limited amount (max. 30 l). No other material shall be kept in these
boxes apart from CHL.
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
5.) Waste
Treatment of Waste and Waste Water:
 EF shall provide for disposal of waste generated by performance of work
and do so at its own expense and according to valid regulations.
 Before commencement of work, the Coordinator together with HSE
determine possible use of internal collecting containers of RBCB and
method for disposal of waste water polluted with noxious substances.
 After completion of work, EF hands over the workplace clean and in the
same conditions in which EF took the workplace over. For trades where
waste is generated, it is necessary to arrange for a daily cleaning (scales,
chippings, dust). Dust-producing processes require continuous cleaning
during the course of performance of work. EF disposes the generated
waste from RBCB. EF shall notify RBCB in advance about the
detergents used for cleaning. It regards the cleaning technology and
liquids used (e.g. some solvents irreversibly damage floors of individual
buildings of the plant). Damage caused by EF shall be remedied or
compensated to RBCB (including the damaged paints).
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
6.) Accident (fire, explosion, CHL leakage, etc.)
Each EF employee shall report any accident to the Coordinator or directly
to fire brigade (HZS).
EF employee who caused the accident or detected the accident shall
prevent spreading of the accident and start to eliminate the accident
consequences if possible and provided his/her health or life is not
RBCB Coordinator shall inform EF personnel about the procedure in case
of fire alarm or fire outbreak – follow the fire procedure, leave the building
for the meeting place of given hall.
EF personnel shall be aware where the meeting place, escape routes, fire
extinguisher and first-aid kit are located.
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
Reporting an accident (fire, explosion, leakage of chemical
substance, etc.):
 telephone 150 (fire brigade) or 112 (IRS)
 who is calling
 where is he/she calling from (company)
 where the accident happened (hall, department, line …)
 what happened
 injured persons
 inform „North“ RBCB gatehouse - telephone 380404980
 inform the fire brigade leader after the fire squad arrival
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
7.) Alcohol and Other Addictive Substances
Alcoholic drinks and other addictive substances (e.g. drugs) shall not be
taken to RBCB. Use of alcoholic drinks or other addictive substances
(e.g. drugs) is strictly forbidden in RBCB.
EF personnel is obliged to undergo a test for alcohol or presence of
addictive substances based on the instruction of Coordinator or HSE.
In case of positive result, the Coordinator (if not appointed, HSE
department) notifies the superior of EF personnel about the test and
banishes the employee from the company building immediately. It means
the Coordinator arranges for the employee to be safely accompanied out
of RBCB.
Placement of detection tube:
- northern gatehouse (24 hours a day)
- RBCB safety technician
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
8.) Personal Protective Equipment
Persons who move within production halls or similar areas (e.g.
laboratories, service workshops, warehouses, etc.) shall use required
working shoes of O1 category as a minimum, according to ČSN EN ISO
20347 (covered heel and toe, antistatic properties).
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
9.) Occupational Accidents
EF employee shall report to the employer and HSE (e.g. through the
Coordinator) his/her work injury (PÚ), or PÚ of another person which
he/she witnessed, provided it happened in the RBCB premises.
External company then solves the work injury further – see Section 105 of
Labour Code.
RBCB assists to investigate the accident – contact person:
Petr Soukup RBCB/HSE
IMPORTANT! Do not change the conditions in the place of accident!
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
10.) First-aid Kits
Provided EF has a permanent workplace in RBCB, the workplace shall be
equipped with a first-aid kit.
Contents of the first-aid kit are determined by EF according to risk
First-aid kit shall not contain any expired material; dressing material must
be sterile.
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
11.) Transport in RBCB
Observe the Transport and Operation regulations in RBCB
unconditionally. The general traffic rules shall be observed and all the
participants of public traffic in RBCB shall comply with these rules, safety
and traffic signs, traffic lights (the Coordinator shall explain the traffic
lights function), signals and tables, and behave in a disciplined way.
Movement of strangers and foreign cars is possible only upon a
permission to enter, and only accompanied by authorized RBCB
Any means of transport (bicycles, fork lifts and hand pallet trucks,
carriages, personal cars and trucks, etc.) shall comply with the technical
requirements according to Czech legislation.
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
 Always use paths for pedestrians (pavements, pedestrian crossings
and marked routes in halls).
 Keep the regulated speed (15 km/hour outside, 6 km/hour in halls).
 Observe the ban on parking outside the specified places (information
at the RBCB gatehouse).
 No stopping in all RBCB premises with the exception of
loading/unloading goods and only as strictly necessary. Even in this
case, the vehicles shall not obstruct other vehicles or pedestrians.
 All means of transport are prohibited to drive over full green stripes in
the halls.
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
Communications in RBCB are one-way communications. However, this
does not apply to fork lifts and train.
Pedestrians have priority on pedestrian crossings or pavement; however,
fork lifts and hand pallet trucks have absolute priority in halls.
EF vehicles shall be visibly marked in the specified way (permission to
entry shall be placed visibly on the dashboard).
RBCB Traffic Regulations do not apply to special vehicles (fire brigade,
ambulance, police).
Platforms may enter the halls only for the purpose of the approved kind of
Drivers of transport means shall be qualified for operation of such means,
shall not smoke, make phone calls when driving and shall secure the
transport means against any unauthorized use.
Fork lifts and hand pallet trucks and platforms of external company shall
be marked with company name.
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
12.) Ladders
All ladders and stairs shall be marked to clearly identify to which company
they belong.
Upon request, EF shall submit a proof of an inspection of a given ladder.
Ladders must be in good technical condition.
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
13.) Work at Heights
Work at heights and above effective depth refers to work above 1.5 m
(measured from the floor level up to the level of foot).
For such work, measures to avoid fall of employees, material, tools, etc.
shall be determined so that no employees are injured and no RBCB
property is damaged. The measures (interruption of line operation, area
boundary, covering the machinery, etc.) are determined by the
Coordinator together with EF personnel.
It is possible to use only such scaffolding, bridges and platforms, whose
metal parts do not contact the floor, facade or other parts of the building.
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
In principle, movable means shall have only rubber or plastic tyres.
No suspended distribution shall be used for installation of such means
and it is unacceptable to use constructions or piping systems, crane
arms, etc. for movement of personnel.
EF personnel shall always use a safety helmet with fixed chin strap when
working at heights or above effective depth.
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
14.) Charging Station
For the case when EF operates a charging station in RBCB premises
(open area intended and adjusted for charging batteries; the area can
also be used for maintenance of batteries).
No flammable material is allowed within the range of 2 m from the
charging station or it must be separated from the battery with a nonflammable barrier.
The station shall be well ventilated, marked with safety signs and a fire
extinguisher shall be placed nearby.
Personnel handling the batteries shall be equipped with personal
protective equipment (safety goggles or shield, rubber gloves, etc.)
according to risk evaluation.
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
15.) Work with Electrical Equipment
Before start and upon completion of work at electrical equipment owned
by RBCB, the EF leader shall inform the Coordinator.
Electrical equipment (EZ) – any electrical equipment intended for
generation, transfer, exchange, distribution and use of power and
operated with low level of voltage up to high level of voltage, inclusive. It
involves energy sources such as batteries, capacitors and all other
sources of accumulated electric energy. It does not include electrical
telecommunication and information systems and electrical
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
Work Leader – person „informed“, pursuant to Section 6 or further
sections (depends on number of employees) of the Decree no. 50/1978
Coll., as amended, with final responsibility for work activities performed
on external order.
Work at electrical equipment (high voltage) is considered as work on
permission –„B“ order. Before commencement of this work, the necessary
order shall be completed together with the Coordinator and FCM
It is forbidden to perform work at electric switchboards of buildings without
the knowledge of FCM department.
Upon request, EF shall submit an evidence of performed and valid
electric inspection of equipment owned by EF and this equipment shall
further meet the valid requirements.
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
16.) Lifting Equipment - Platforms
This platform may be borrowed based on a mutual agreement with FCM
department and under the following conditions:
 platform will be used for RBCB needs only,
 platform will be used by an operator with a valid certificate issued in
compliance with Czech legislation,
 platform shall be only used by a person, who was made familiar with
the instruction manual.
 EF
shall not use cranes owned by RBCB.
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
17.) Areas with Explosion Risk
Avoid the occurrence of explosive atmosphere.
Places where occurrence of explosive atmosphere cannot be eliminated,
shall be delimited and marked with a safety sign.
With the help of the Coordinator, complete a permission form for the so
called work on permission – „Order V“ (Government Decree no. 406/2004
Coll., on the detailed requirements for health and safety at work in
explosive atmospheres).
Inform (via the Coordinator) the person qualified for prevention of
explosion risk about a potential risk of explosive atmosphere occurrence.
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
18.) Heavy Load Handling
It refers to unloading machines, switchboards, parts of air-conditioning,
etc. from trucks if unloaded with the help of fork lifts (VZV) or a crane.
External firm is responsible for the handling. If any RBCB personnel take
part in the handling activity, they are obliged to observe the instructions of
the external company personnel.
VZV or crane operators shall have the appropriate qualification for the
operation of these means.
Provided the load must be bound or unbound, such activity shall be
performed by a competent personnel (slinger) with an appropriate
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.
Instructions for External Companies
Personnel moving in the vicinity of the load shall be equipped with
personal protection equipment (helmet, work shoes, etc.) and shall be
easily identified (reflective vest).
In the working area (i.e. under the suspended or lifted load and in its
vicinity) there is no admittance of unauthorized persons or entry of traffic
means whose activity is not connected to the handling operation.
Loads shall not be transported above other personnel (or other persons)
or in their vicinity.
All personnel shall keep sufficient distance from the load being handled.
The load shall not be held, balanced, etc. by hands.
RBCB/HSE | 26.05.2014 | © Robert Bosch spol. s r.o. 2014. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch bzgl. jeder Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion,
Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen.