Leseliste zur mündlichen Magisterprüfung Englische Philologie


Leseliste zur mündlichen Magisterprüfung Englische Philologie
Muster-Leseliste zur mündlichen Magisterprüfung Englische Philologie
[In diesem Fall mit Schwerpunkt Lit.-Wiss. Im ersten Schwerpunkt sind die Hälfte der
Werke fett markiert — diese kommen als Klausur-Thema in Frage. Die Schwerpunkte
dürfen sich nicht in Gattung oder Epoche überschneiden.]
I. Literature
1) British Romantic Poetry
William Blake (1752-1827)
“The Tyger”
Mary Robinson (1758-1800)
“London’s Summer Morning”
Robert Burns (1759-1796)
“To a Mouse”
William Wordsworth (1770-1850)
“Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802”
“The Daffodils – I wandered lonely as a cloud”
“Lines Composed a few Miles above Tintern Abbey […]”
“Expostulation and Reply”
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834)
“The Eolian Harp”
“The Ancient Mariner. A Poet’s Reverie”
George Gordon Byron, Lord (1788-1824)
Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)
“Ode to the West Wind”
John Keats (1795-1821)
“La Belle Dame sans Merci”
“Ode to a Nightingale”
“Ode on a Grecian Urn”
Sekundärliteratur British Romantic Poetry
Curran, Stuart (1993) Ed. The Cambridge Companion to British Romanticism. Cambridge:
Cambridge Univ. Press.
Watson, J.R. (21998) English Poetry of the Romantic Period: 1789 - 1830 London: Longman.
Behrendt, Stephen C. (1998) “The Romantic Reader.” Ed. Duncan Wu A Companion to
Romanticism. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. 91-102.
Bowra, C. M. (1977): “The Romantic Imagination [1950].” Ed. John Spencer Hill The
Romantic Imagination. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Macmillan. 87-109.
Butler, James A. (2003) “Poetry 1798-1807: Lyrical Ballads and Poems, in Two Volumes.”
Ed. Stephen Gill The Cambridge Companion to Wordsworth. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. 38-54.
Creaser, John (1998) “John Keats, Odes.” Ed. Duncan Wu A Companion to Romanticism.
Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. 237-246.
Kitson, Peter J. (1998) “Beyond the Enlightenment: The Philosophical, Scientific and
Religious Inheritance.” Ed. Duncan Wu A Companion to Romanticism. Oxford:
Blackwell Publishers. 35-47.
Leader, Zachary (2001) “Lyrical Ballads: the Title Revisited.” Eds. Nicola Trott and Seamus
Perry 1800: The New Lyrical Ballads. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave. 23-43.
Perry, Seamus (1998) “Romanticism: The Brief History of a Concept.” Ed. Duncan Wu A
Companion to Romanticism. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. 3-11.
Trott, Nicola (1998) “The Picturesque, the Beautiful and the Sublime.” Ed. Duncan Wu A
Companion to Romanticism. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. 72-90.
2) The History of the Novel
Jonathan Swift Gulliver’s Travels
Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice
Thomas Hardy Tess of the D’Urbervilles
Virginia Woolf Mrs Dalloway
Sekundärliteratur History of the Novel
Watt, Ian (1965) The Rise of the Novel: Studies in Defoe, Richardson and Fielding [1957].
Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Eagleton, Terry (2005) “Thomas Hardy.” Terry Eagleton The English Novel: An Introduction.
Oxford: Blackwell. 187-213.
Nünning, Ansgar (1998) “Bewusstseinsdarstellung und neue Erzählformen im Roman des
Modernismus.” Ansgar Nünning Der englische Roman des 20. Jahrhunderts. Stuttgart,
Düsseldorf, Leipzig: Ernst Klett Verlag. 40-68.
Nünning, Vera (2000) “Einführung in den englischen Roman des 19. Jahrhunderts.” Vera
Nünning Der englische Roman des 19. Jahrhunderts. Stuttgart, Düsseldorf, Leipzig:
Ernst Klett Verlag. 7-34.
3) Aphra Behn
The Rover
The Widow Ranter
Short fiction:
“The Unfortunate Happy Lady”
“The Wandring Beauty”
“The Adventure of the Black Lady”
“The Disappointment”
4) “Leseliste”
1. Geoffrey Chaucer: “The Merchant’s Tale” from Canterbury Tales
2. play by William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet
3. sonnet by Shakespeare: Sonnet 130 “My mistress’ eyes…”
4. 18th c poem: Alexander Pope: “The Rape of the Locke”
5. 19th c novel: Charles Dickens: Oliver Twist
6. 20th c poem: W.H. Auden: “Musée des Beaux Arts”
7. 20th c play: Samuel Beckett: Waiting for Godot
II. Linguistics
Monographie Überblick Linguistik
Kortmann, Bernd (1999) Linguistik: Essentials. Berlin: Cornelsen
Monographie Überblick Diachronics
Jucker, Andreas H. (2000) History of English and English Historical Linguistics. Stuttgart:
1 ) Word formation
Monographie Word Formation
Plag, Ingo (2003): Word-Formation in English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
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