Sample Chapters And The Book`s Index


Sample Chapters And The Book`s Index
Pam Spencer Holley is a former school librarian and retired coordinator of school
libraries for Fairfax County (Virginia) Public Schools. She is the author of What
Do Children and Young Adults Read Next? volumes 1–6, and now contributes
to the online version called Books and Authors. Holley originated and wrote the
“Audiobooks It Is!” column for Voice of Youth Advocates, 2003–2007, and is a former
chair of Best Books for Young Adults and the 2004 Printz Award and a past president
of the Young Adult Library Services Association.
While extensive effort has gone into ensuring the reliability of information appearing
in this book, the publisher makes no warranty, express or implied, on the accuracy or
reliability of the information, and does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability
to any person for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions in this publication.
The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American
National Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Quick and popular reads for teens / edited by Pam Spencer Holley for the Young Adult
Library Services Association.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-8389-3577-4 (alk. paper)
1. Teenagers—Books and reading—United States. 2. Reading promotion—United
States. 3. Young Adult Library Services Association. 4. Young adults’ libraries—
United States—Book lists. 5. Young adult literature—Bibliography. I. Holley, Pam
Spencer, 1944–
Z1037.A1Q53 2009
Copyright © 2009 by the American Library Association. All rights reserved except
those which may be granted by Sections 107 and 108 of the Copyright Revision Act of
ISBN-13: 978-0-8389-3577-4
Printed in the United States of America
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Paula Brehm-Heeger and Stacy Creel
Jamie Watson
Paula Brehm-Heeger
Stacy Creel
VcYEdejaVgEVeZgWVX`h[dgNdjc\6Yjaih!&...Ä'%%Pam Spencer Holley
VcYEdejaVgEVeZgWVX`h[dgNdjc\6Yjaih!&...Ä'%%Pam Spencer Holley
Pam Spencer Holley
Additional material can be found on the book’s companion website at
YALSA, Teens, and Reading
Paula Brehm-Heeger and Stacy Creel
he mission of the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) is
to advocate, promote, and strengthen service to young adults as part of
the continuum of total library service and to support those who provide
service to this population. YALSA has identified several activities and concerns
as essential in fulfilling this vital mission. Among this list of compelling
concerns, none ranks higher than evaluating and promoting materials of
interest to adolescents through special services, programs, and publications.
The annual Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers (QP) and Popular
Paperbacks for Young Adults (PPYA) lists clearly fall under the “evaluating
and promoting materials of interest to adolescents” umbrella. But why is the
selection of titles for these lists, put together by dedicated and knowledgeable
library professionals, such an essential activity for YALSA? Why should all
librarians, educators, and adults concerned with the health and well-being of
teenagers spend their valuable and increasingly limited time, resources, and
energy learning about and utilizing the QP and PPYA lists for the benefit of the
teenagers with whom they work? A brief examination of reading habits among
teenagers ages 12–18, both past and present, provides insight into just why
these lists are vital for strengthening service to all young adults in the nation’s
Today’s librarians face many challenges, including getting teens not only
into their libraries but also into reading. This concern is widely acknowledged,
Paula Brehm-Heeger is manager of the Central Region for the Public Library of Cincinnati
and Hamilton County. A past president of YALSA, she is the author of Serving Urban
Teens (Libraries Unlimited, 2008). Stacy Creel is assistant professor in the Division of
Library and Information Science at St. John’s University, Queens, New York. She is a
former editor of Voice of Youth Advocates.
Introduction: YALSA, Teens, and Reading
but opinions differ on why these challenges exist and also on the state of teens
and reading in America. Are teens reading or not? Which teens are reading
more, and which teens are reading less? Are they reading what they say they
are reading? And what counts as reading (Aronson 2006; Gardner and Dillon
2005; National Endowment for the Arts 2007)? The pendulum of public opinion
swings between the idea that young adults are not reading at all and what
Aronson calls “hand-wringing over what a concerned parent fears they might
be reading too avidly” (Aronson 2005). So what is the reality behind these
seemingly contradictory ideas regarding teens and reading?
A good place to start unraveling the mystery about teens and their reading
habits is with a look at the origins of the concept of reluctant readers. A common,
long-standing perception about why teens are not reading or are reluctant to
read is associated with reading skill. When reading is difficult for them, they do
not like to do it. This belief about why teens are reluctant readers is not a new
concept. In 1952, the Executive Committee of Capital Area School Development
Association recognized the needs of low-level teen readers and produced Fare
for the Reluctant Reader—an annotated listed of teen-tested titles divided by
grade level and category (Bush and Dunn 1952). The idea that teens do not read
because they lack the skills to do so has remained popular over the years and
has led to such ideas as connecting teens to reading through hi/lo books—books
deemed to have high interest but requiring low reading skills (LiBretto 1985;
Williams 1987).
As the concept was developed more fully, the reasons some teens fall into
this category became more complex. The thought that teens are not reading
simply because they lack the skill gave way to more nuanced discussions. By
1969, the term reluctant reader had expanded to include readers “who have the
ability to read without mechanical problems but have little or no inclination
to read except what is required for work or normal everyday life” (Chambers
1969, 4). This view included a list of reasons that youth ages 11–17 were not
reading—a list that probably sounds familiar to many of today’s librarians:
the dislike of stories, the lack of time, the fact that teens like group activities,
and the influx of technology replacing reading as a leisure time activity. In
her 1996 School Library Journal article “No Time, No Interest, No Way: The 3
Voices of Aliteracy,” Kylene Beers demonstrates the further evolution of the
reluctant teen reader concept, with reluctant readers now classified into three
categories: dormant, uncommitted, and unmotivated. The dormant reader
has a positive view of reading but does not commit the time to read or lacks
the free time for pleasure reading. The uncommitted reader views reading
as a skill but does not have necessarily negative feelings about the skill. The
unmotivated reader has a negative view of reading and readers. Stacy Creel,
who worked with youth for ten years in a public library setting and spent
three years on the QP committee, formulated the following categories:
The A+ Student. This group of teens reads frequently for school assignments
but not for pleasure. If it is not important for their college application,
Introduction: YALSA, Teens, and Reading
they may not have time, or see the need, to read. They have so much
academic reading that even pleasure reading can seem like a chore or
an assignment.
The Athlete. These teens may struggle with academics or reading, but not
necessarily. Often their lack of recreational reading comes from their
hectic schedule; practices, pep rallies, games, and studying to keep
their grades up may not leave much time for recreational reading.
Additionally, the stereotypical image of the athlete puts pressure on
this group to look and act a certain way, an image that may not include
being a reader.
The Average Joe/Jane. These teens can take reading or leave it. They may be
enticed to read when presented with the “right” book but do not seek
out reading on their own. They may come in for assigned open-choice
reading, get a book, read it and enjoy it, but not check out another book
until the next semester.
The English as Second Language. This group of teens may or may not
participate in recreational reading in their native language if materials
are available. Reading in English may be a struggle, and finding highinterest recreational books at the appropriate level can be a challenge
that keeps them from reading. Additionally, they may perceive that there
is a stigma to carrying around a “baby” book or books below level.
The “I Only Read . . .” This is a controversial category. If teens read only
one type of book, are they “reluctant”? Some librarians may say, “No,
they’re reading on their own for pleasure,” and others may say, “Yes,
if they have read all the vampire fiction in the library and won’t read
anything else, then they aren’t reading.”
The Incarcerated. This group of teens may be most closely related to the
historical version of the reluctant reader. They often have diagnosed
learning or emotional disabilities (34 percent) and have a poor academic
record including low achievement, low literacy skills, truancies, being
held back, and suspensions (Harris et al. 2006).
The Low Skill Level. This group of teens fits the historical view of reluctant
readers who are “poor readers or those teenagers unable to read materials
written for their grade level” (Nelson 1998).
The Popular. These teens may be leaders in their schools; they are on the
prom committee, in clubs, and have large social groups of friends.
Socially accepted, they have many outside interests. Recreational
reading may not be an accepted part of their image and may not fit into
their schedule of activities.
The Outsiders. This group includes goths, skateboarders, and many other
teens who consider themselves alternative. These teens may frequent
Introduction: YALSA, Teens, and Reading
the library to use technology but may not be aware that libraries have
books that would interest them, or they may feel that reading does not
fit their image.
The Turned Off. These teens most likely had a negative reading experience
somewhere along their educational journey. They may have struggled
with reading in class or found an assigned reading to be painful or
boring; they then associate that negative experience with reading in
What about those teens who really do (or would) like to read but are in
desperate need of help in discovering books and literature they actually would
enjoy—yes, enjoy—reading? Recent reports such as the NEA’s “Reading at
Risk” and the 2006 Yankelovich Scholastic survey certainly paint a picture of
declining leisure reading among teenagers, with the Scholastic survey stating
that only 16 percent of 15–17-year-olds read for pleasure every day (Cart 2007).
Many teens do not seem to have the slightest idea where to find “fun” books or,
more likely, do not know that such books even exist. This lack of awareness of
enticing books designed specifically for teens, the very audience to which these
books are targeted, has not been helped by the fact that “years of bad marketing
have made it difficult to convince teens that there are young adult titles worth
reading” (Morris and Eaton 1999).
But convince them we must. If teens are to develop a lifelong reading
habit, the importance of pleasure reading during the teen years cannot be
underestimated. These days there is a “growing recognition that reading skills
need to be nurtured well into adolescence” (McGrath 2005). Combine this with
a new perspective from the publishing world on marketing and publishing for
teenagers indicating that “YA publishing [has never] been healthier” (McGrath
2005), and it is clear that this is the perfect moment for librarians, teachers, and
parents to grab the reins and lead teens straight to the entertaining, popular fare
that can help them appreciate the enjoyment that comes from reading. There
has never been a better time to convince teens that reading for pleasure is more
than okay—it can actually be a heck of a good time!
This brings us to the two reading lists created by committees of YALSA that
are the focus of this book. These lists are essential tools for successfully meeting
the challenge of encouraging all teens to read for pleasure. These are not only
especially appropriate lists for use with reluctant readers but also valuable for
leading any teen to a book he or she might like. Before now, these two helpful
resources had not been available in one book.
The first is the Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers. The list was
inaugurated by a committed that started in 1982, the High Interest/Low Literacy
Level Materials Evaluation Committee. The committee produced an annual list
titled High-Interest Low Reading Level Booklist. In 1988, the list came to be
known as Recommended Books for the Reluctant Young Adult Reader, and
in 1995 the committee and its list became Quick Picks for Reluctant Young
Introduction: YALSA, Teens, and Reading
Adult Readers (QP). The QP charge is “to prepare an annual annotated list of
recommended books appropriate for reluctant young adult readers” with the
purpose of reaching “young adults (ages 12–18) who, for whatever reasons,
do not like to read. The purpose of this list is to identify titles for recreational
reading, not for curricular or remedial use” (
The second is the Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults (PPYA), born out of
collaboration with YALSA and Baker and Taylor in the late 1980s. Originally,
the list focused on five genres, with corresponding paperback dumps sold to
fit the books and the theme. When Baker and Taylor stopped supporting the
project in 1995, a new committee formed to “annually prepare one to five
annotated list(s) of at least ten and no more than twenty-five recommended
paperback titles, selected from popular genres, topics or themes.” The purpose
of the PPYA list is “to encourage young adults to read for pleasure by presenting
to them lists of popular or topical titles that are widely available in paperback
and represent a broad variety of accessible themes and genres” (
This book highlights a decade’s worth of these two annual lists’ recommendations, books that can be used with young adults who are not avid readers.
Although the lists are not new, librarians and other practitioners may not
remember them as first options when doing readers’ advisory or looking for
themes. This book is most appropriate for young adult librarians, library media
specialists working in middle and high schools, English teachers, and students
and faculty in graduate schools of library and information science, but teens,
non-youth librarians, parents, and others who work with young adults may also
find it useful.
Aronson, Marc. 2005. “Getting Over the Rainbow Party.” Publishers Weekly
252 (32): 66.
———. 2006. “Don’t Buy the Hype.” School Library Journal 52 (6): 36.
Beers, G. Kylene. 1996. “No Time, No Interest, No Way: The 3 Voices of
Aliteracy.” School Library Journal 42 (2): 30–33.
Bush, Bernice C., and Anita Elizabeth Dunn. 1952. Fare for the Reluctant
Reader. Albany: State University of New York, New York State College for
Teachers. Editor’s Note: It is important to note that this edition, a follow-up
to Fare for the Reluctant Reader: Magazines and Audio-Visual Aids for the
Slow Learner in Grades 7–10 (1951), excludes titles in the earlier book that
were not successful when tested with teens.
Cart, Michael. 2007. “Teens and the Future of Reading.” American Libraries
30 (9): 52–53.
Note: Authors, titles, and subjects are interfiled in one alphabet. Authors print in roman, titles in
italics, and subjects in boldface. Annotations are indicated by bold page numbers.
Aaliyah, 63, 196
Aaseng, Nathan, 51
Abadie, Marie-Jeanne, 51
Abarat, 105
Abbott, Hailey, 101, 201
Abduction, 143
Abelove, Joan, 101
Abrams, Judith Z., 51
Absolute Boyfriend, 182
Absolute Power, 104
The Absolute Truth, 139, 195
Absolutely Normal Chaos, 116
Abuse (themed list), 190
Acceleration, 152
Accessories: Things to Make and
Do, 96
Acerra, Elizabeth, 20
Acito, Marc, 101, 194, 195
Actual Air, 55
Adams, Douglas, 101
Adams, Leonora, 102
Adelman, Penina, 52
Adem’s Cross, 152
Adoff, Arnold, 52, 191
Adoff, Jaime, 102
The Adventures of Barry Ween,
Boy Genius, 185, 203
The Adventures of Blue Avenger,
136, 203
After Hours, 110
After the Dancing Days, 167
Afterlife (Hayes), 132
The Afterlife (Soto), 173
Aftershock, 120
Against All Odds, 166
Ahmedi, Farah, 52
Airborn, 159, 197, 199
AKA Jane, 177
Alabiso, Vincent, 52
Alanna, 162
Albino Animals, 80
Alexander, Caroline, 102
Ali, Karolyn, 71, 199
Alice Rose and Sam, 145
Aliens, 80
The A-List, 118
All of the Above, 160–161, 202
All Quiet on the Western Front,
All the Way, 105
All-American Girl, 110–111, 198
Allen, Judy, 52
Allen, Will, 102
All’s Fair in Love, War, and High
School, 164, 202
Almost a Woman, 89, 197, 205
Almost Home, 107
Along Came a Spider, 160
Alphabet City, 74
The Alphabetical Hookup List A–J,
152, 194
Alphin, Elaine Marie, 102, 198
Alphona, Adrian, 181
Alt Ed, 103, 202
Alter Ego, 60
AlternaCrafts, 97, 194
Alvarado, Melissa, 52, 87, 194
Alvarez, Julia, 102
Always Running, 88, 204
Amalia, 149
Amandine, 129, 195
Amazing Facts (themed list), 190
The Amazing True Story of a
Teenage Single Mom, 53
Amend, Bill, 52
America, 123–124, 198
American Chopper, 63–64, 195
American Eyes, 112, 202
Among the Betrayed, 130
Among the Hidden, 130, 199
Among the Imposters, 130
Amy, Number Seven, 140
And Then You Die, 138
Anderson, Brent E., 110
Anderson, Joan, 52, 205
Anderson, Laurie Halse, 102, 196,
Andora, Anthony, 102
Andrews, Benny, 52
Angeli, Michael, 76, 205
Anglesey, Zoe, 52–53
Angry Blonde, 63, 198
Angry Little Girls, 44, 145
Angst! Teen Verses from the Edge,
96, 193
Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal
Snogging, 165, 197, 200
Animal Farm, 185
Anime and Manga (themed list),
Anime Mania, 69, 190, 193
Anne Frank, 65
Anonymous (Go Ask Alice), 102
Ansary, Tamim, 52
Anthony, Piers, 102
Any Advice? 92
Any Guy You Want, 179, 195
Anyone but You, 188
Appelt, Kathi, 103, 202
Appignanesi, Richard, 169
Applegate, K. A., 103
April and the Dragon Lady, 156
Arakawa, Hiromu, 103
Araki, Hirohito, 103, 190
Aranzo, Aronzi, 53, 190, 193
Archbold, Rick, 53
Are We an “Us”? 90–91
Are We There Yet? 58
Armageddon Summer, 187
Armstrong, Jennifer, 73, 103
Armstrong, Lance, 53, 195
Arnold, Mary, 27
Arnoldi, Katherine, 53
Aronson, Sarah, 103
Arrasmith, Patrick, 118–119
The Art of Hand Reading, 87
The Art of Optical Illusions, 91
Artemis Fowl, 114
Asai, Carrie, 103
Ash, Russell, 53, 190
Ashanti, 53, 196
Asher, Jay, 103
Ask CosmoGirl! about Guys, 42, 60
Ask CosmoGirl! about Your Body,
42, 60
Ask Dr. Keith, 77
Astrostyle, 62
At the Sign of the Sugared Plum,
Atanda-Alvarado, Belen, 95, 191
Athlete, 90, 201
Athletic Shorts, 116, 196, 202
Atkin, S. Beth, 53
Atkins, Catherine, 103, 190, 202
Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia, 103–104,
198, 203, 204, 205
The Au Pairs, 117
Austen, Jane, 104, 201
Autobiography of a Face, 67, 204
Autobiography of My Dead
Brother, 155, 195
Avenger, 152
Avi, 104
Avril Lavigne, 95
Awakening (Tiernan), 178, 205
The Awakening (Wasserman), 182
award winners (themed list),
Azuma, Kiyohiko, 104, 190
The Baboon King, 164
Baby Alicia Is Dying, 151
Baby Girl, 102
Babylon Boyz, 155
Bachtell, Tom, 96
Backstage with Beth and Trina,
44, 55
Backstreet Boys, 61
Backwater, 105
Bad, 122, 198
The Bad Book, 53, 190, 193
Bad Boy: A Memoir, 81, 204
A Bad Boy Can Be Good for a Girl,
175, 194
Bad Cat, 62
Bagdasarian, Adam, 104
Bagley, Mark, 106
Baldacci, David, 104
Balefire series, 178, 205
Ball Don’t Lie, 118, 198
Ballard, Robert D., 53
Baltin, Steve, 53
Bancroft, Tom, 44, 53
Bang! 122, 150
Bang, Molly, 53–54
Banks, Lynne Reid, 104
Banks, Tyra, 42, 54, 191
Banner in the Sky, 179
Bar Code Tattoo, 184, 192
Bardi, Abby, 104
Barker, Clive, 105
Barking at a Fox-Fur Coat, 117
Barnes, Derrick, 105, 194, 198
Barnes, Jennifer Lynn, 105, 192,
Barron, T. A., 105
Barry, Lynda, 54, 196
Bart Simpson’s Treehouse of
Horror, 129
Baseball’s Best Shots, 54
Basher, Simon, 62
The Basket Counts, 52
Basketball’s Best Shots, 54
Baskin, Julia, 54, 204
Bat Boy Lives! 85, 190, 200
Batman, 54
Battlebots, 59
Bauer, Cat, 28, 105, 198
Bauer, Joan, 28, 105, 198, 201
Baugh, Bryan, 44, 80, 193
BBYA. See Best Books for Young
Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid, 57
Be More Chill, 181, 200
Beale, Fleur, 105, 198
Beals, Melba Pattillo, 54, 192
The Bean Trees, 141
Beast, 43, 156
Beastly, 123
Beating Heart, 138
Beatty, Scott, 54
Beauty, 152, 201
Beauty According to Experts
(themed list), 191
Beauty Queen, 127, 190
Beauty Sleep, 43, 119
Beauty Trix for Cool Chix, 81, 193
Bechard, Margaret, 105, 198
Becnel, Barbara Cottman, 98, 201,
Bedlam’s Bard, 144
Beers, Kylene, 2, 15
Beethoven in Paradise, 159
Begging for Change, 123
Behaving Bradley, 158
Behind the Wheel, 98
Behind You, 186
Behrens, Andy, 105
Beige, 112, 201
Beil, Karen Magnuson, 54, 204
Being Dead, 180
Being with Henry, 109
Bell, Hilari, 105–106
Bell, Janet Chatman, 54, 192
Bell, Ruth, 55
Bend, Don’t Shatter, 87
Bendis, Brian Michael, 106, 198
Bennett, Cherie, 106, 201
Benson, Ann, 106
Benton, Jim, 44, 55
Berk, Sheryl, 68–69, 204
Berman, David, 55
The Bermudez Triangle, 138, 195
Bernardo, Anilu, 106, 201
Bernstein, Anne D., 55
Berry, Liz, 106
Best Books for Young Adults, 9,
13, 26
Best Shots, 55
Betrayed, 112, 204
Better Than Running at Night,
124, 202
Between Boardslides and Burnout,
70, 203
Bey, Dawoud, 55, 201
Beyond Beauty, 86, 191, 193, 200
Beyond Dreams, 166, 203
Bicycle Stunt Riding! Catch Air,
70, 195
Big Book of Cars, 77, 195
Big Book of Grimm, 180
The Big Book of the Unexplained,
The Big Empty, 174
The Big Empty series, 174
Big Mouth and Ugly Girl, 158–159
Billingsley, Franny, 106
Billy Lane Chop Fiction, 76, 195
Bird, Isobel, 106, 205
Birds of Prey, 119
Bissinger, H. G., 55
Black and White, 181, 191, 200
The Black Book: Diary of a
Teenage Stud series, 107,
194, 198
Black History Month (themed
lists), 191–192
Black, Holly, 43, 106–107, 198
Black, Jonah, 107, 194, 198
Black Mirror, 183
Blackwater, 110, 198
The Blade of Kringle, 149, 190
Blais, Madeleine, 55, 204, 205
Blakeney, Faith, 55, 193
Blakeney, Justina, 55, 193
Blank, Jessica, 107
Blankets, 178
Blattberg, Julie, 44, 55
Blind Bloodhound Justice, 145
Bling Bling, 82, 196
Blink-182, 56
Blink-182, 56
Block, Francesca Lia, 56, 107, 194,
196, 202
Blonde Ambition, 118
Blood and Chocolate, 28, 142,
199, 201
Blood Brothers, 131, 195
Blood Trail, 174
Blood Witch, 178, 205
Blood Work, 114
The Blooding, 185
Bloodline, 112, 204
Bloods: An Oral History of the
Vietnam War by Black
Veterans, 97, 192
Bloodsucking Fiends, 154, 204
Bloodtide, 110
Bloom, 168–169
Bloor, Edward, 107
Blue Bloods, 118, 204
The Blue Girl, 118, 202
Blue Is for Nightmares, 175, 200
The Blue Lawn, 177, 202
Blue Lipstick, 67
Blue Moon, 106, 205
The Blue Sword, 152
Blume, Judy, 107, 196
Bo, Ben, 107–108
Boards, 56, 203
Bobbi Brown Teenage Beauty, 57,
Bodies from the Bog, 61
Body Adornment (themed list),
The Body Art Book, 80, 192
The Body of Christopher Creed,
162, 197
Body Type, 41, 89, 192
Boese, Alex, 56, 190
The Boggart, 115
Boitano, Brian, 56
Boitano’s Edge, 56
Boltzmon! 171
The Bone Collector, 118
Bone: Out from Boneville, 172
Bonnell, Jennifer, 56, 193
Bonner, Cindy, 108, 201
book dumps, 25
The Book of Bunny Suicides, 87,
The Book of Fred, 104
Book of Shadows (Tiernan), 178,
The Book of the Shadow (Asai),
The Book of the Sword, 103
Booklist review journal, 9, 47
booklists. See reading lists
booktalks, 45–46
Boot Camp, 175, 202
Booth, Coe, 108, 191
Boots and the Seven Leaguers, 187
Borchardt, Alice, 108
Borgenicht, David, 85
Borgman, Jim, 90–91
Born Beautiful, 64, 191, 192
Born Blue, 158
Born in Fire (Roberts), 166
Born in Fire (Straczynski), 175
Born to Rock, 143
Both Sides of Time, 115
Bound Feet and Western Dress,
58, 204
The Boxer, 139–140
The Boxes, 171, 200
The Boy from the Basement, 169,
The Boy in the Burning House,
Boy Kills Man, 184
Boy Meets Boy, 146, 195, 199
The Boy Next Door, 111, 201
Boy Proof, 112, 201
The Boy Who Couldn’t Die, 171
Boyer, David, 56
The Boyfriend Clinic, 78
The Boyfriend League, 132
The Boyfriend List, 147
Boylan, Jennifer Finney, 56, 204
The Boys from St. Petri, 165
Boys Lie, 157, 190
Boys That Bite, 149, 204
Bradbury, Ray, 108
Bradford, Richard, 108
Bradley, Alex, 108, 194
Bradley, James, 56, 196, 204
Brand, Max, 108
Bras and Broomsticks, 154
Braun, Lillian Jackson, 108
The Breadwinner, 121
Break the Surface, 159
Breaking Boxes, 138
Breaking Point, 123, 202
Breaking Up Is Really, Really Hard
to Do, 174, 194
Breath, 156
Breathe: Yoga for Teens, 59
Breathing Underwater, 123, 198
Brennan, Michael, 108, 203
Bressler, Karen W., 56, 191
Brewer, Heather, 108, 202, 204
Brewster, Hugh, 56
Brewster, Todd, 73
Brian, Kate, 108–109, 194
Brian’s Return, 160
Briar Rose, 187
The Bridesmaid, 101
A Brief Chapter in My Impossible
Life, 165
The Brimstone Journals, 142, 199,
Brin, David, 109
Brisick, Jamie, 57, 203
Brittain, Bill, 109
Broken China, 184
Broken Chords, 126
Bronx Masquerade, 129, 199, 202
Brooke, Michael, 57, 203
Brooks, Bruce, 109, 191, 194
Brooks, Kevin, 109
Brooks, Martha, 109
Brother’s Keeper, 185, 195
Brous, Elizabeth, 57, 191
Brown, Bobbi, 57, 191
Brown, Dee, 57
Brown, Tracy, 109
Brownley, Margaret, 109, 201
Bruchac, Joseph, 109
Bruggeman, Lora, 20
Brunvand, Jan Harold, 57
Buckley, James, Jr., 57, 190
Buddha Boy, 142–143
Buffalo Brenda, 162, 202
Bujold, Lois McMaster, 109
Bull, Emma, 109–110
Bull Rider, 131
Bull’s Eye, 132
Bundschuh, Rick, 68–69, 204
Bunker 10, 133
Bunting, Eve, 13, 110, 198
Burger! 110
Burgess, Melvin, 110
Burgess-Wise, David, 57, 195
Buried Onions, 173
Burke, Morgan, 110
The Burn Journals, 89, 204
Burnard, Damon, 110
Burnham, Niki, 110
Burning Up, 115
Burns, Ty, 20
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee,
Busiek, Kurt, 110, 203
Butcher, Nancy, 103
Buttons and Beaus, 109, 201
Butts, Nancy, 110
Butts, Peter, 20
By Teens, For Teens (themed list),
Cabot, Meg (Meggin), 110–111,
198, 201
Cadnum, Michael, 111
Caldecott Medal, 17
Caldwell, Ben, 44, 57, 193
The Calvin and Hobbes Tenth
Anniversary Book, 97–98
Canfield, Jack, 57–58, 192
Can’t Get There from Here, 175
Capital Area School Development
Association, 2
Capote, Truman, 58
Cappo, Nan, 111
Caprio, Robert, 58
Captives, 163
Capuzzo, Michael, 58
Card, Orson Scott, 111–112, 196
Carey, Mike, 112
Carle, Jill, 58, 192
Carle, Megan, 58, 192
Carlip, Hillary, 56
Carlowicz, Michael, 58, 201
Carlson, Lori M., 58, 112, 202
Carlson, Melody, 112
Carolla, Adam, 85
Carpe Jugulum, 163
Carrie, 141
Carroll, Jenny, 112
Carroll, Rebecca, 58, 192, 196
Cart, Michael, 112, 202
Cartooning and Drawing (themed
list), 193
Carvell, Marlene, 112, 202
Cary, Kate, 112, 204
Cast, Kristin, 112, 204
Cast, P. C., 112, 204
Castellucci, Cecil, 112, 201
Castle Waiting, 44, 153
The Cat Who Sniffed Glue, 108
Catalano, Grace, 58
The Catcher in the Rye, 168
Cathy’s Book, 175, 194
The Celebrity Deathmatch
Companion, 72
Celebrity Skin, 66, 192
Centennial, 153
The Century for Young People, 73
A Chalice of Wind, 178, 205
Chambers, Veronica, 113, 194
Chamique Holdsclaw, 71
Chan, Lincy, 102
Chanda’s Secrets, 176, 191, 197
Chandler, Elizabeth, 113
Chandra, Jane, 20
Chang, Pang-Mei, 58, 204
Changing Bodies, Changing Lives,
Chantler, Scott, 178
Charles S. Anderson Design Co.,
Charmed, 148
Charnas, Suzy McKee, 113
Chayamachi, Suguro, 113
Chbosky, Stephen, 113, 198, 202
Cheap Frills, 75, 193
Cheating Lessons, 111
Cheerleading: From Tryouts to
Championships, 72, 205
Cherokee Bat and the Goat Guys,
107, 196
The Chicken Doesn’t Skate, 143
Chicken Soup for the Teenage
Soul Letters, 57
Chicken Soup for the Teenage
Soul II, 57–58, 192
A Child Called “It,” 85, 204
Child, Lincoln, 163
Childhood’s End, 114
Chima, Cinda Williams, 113
The China Garden, 106
Chinese Cinderella, 77–78, 204
Chirazi, Steffan, 79
The Chocolate Lover, 164
Choices, 137
Choppers: Heavy Metal Art, 91,
Choyce, Lesley, 113
Christe, Ian, 59
Christie, Agatha, 113
Christopher, John, 113
Chryssicas, Mary Kaye, 59
Chu, Ellin, 16, 20
Chyna: If They Only Knew, 76, 205
A Circle of Ashes, 178, 205
Circle of Three series, 106, 205
The Circuit, 138
Cirrone, Dorian, 113
Clan Apis, 44, 136
Clark, Catherine, 113–114
Clark, Jerome, 59
Clarke, Arthur C., 114
Clarke, Miranda, 114, 194
Clarkson, Mark, 59
Class Pictures, 55, 201
The Clay Marble, 134
The Client, 129
The Clique, 131
Clockwork, or All Wound Up, 163
Close to a Killer, 164, 200
Close to Shore, 58
Clowes, Daniel, 114
Clueless in the Kitchen, 86
Clugston-Major, Chynna, 114, 180
Cobain, 88
Cobain, Kurt, 59
The Cobra Event, 163
Code One: Dante, 113
Coffee Will Make You Black, 170–
171, 191
The Coffin Quilt, 166
Cohn, Rachel, 114, 198
Coker, Cheo Hodari, 59, 196
Cole, Rachel T., 87
Coleman, Loren, 59
Colfer, Eoin, 114
Collier-Thompson, Kristi, 59
The Color of Absence, 136, 202
The Color of My Words, 139
Colson, Diane, 29, 31, 33
Colton, Larry, 59, 196, 205
Columbia University’s Health
Education Program, 59
Come Sing, Jimmy Jo, 159
Comfort, 118
Comics Artists—Asia, 44, 94, 191,
Coming Home, 175
Companions of the Night, 180, 204
The Complete Book of Dreams, 84
The Complete Book of Hairstyling,
Complete Idiot’s Guide to
Unsolved Mysteries, 76
The Concrete Wave, 57, 203
Confessions of a Backup Dancer,
Confessions of a Closet Catholic,
Confessions of a Teenage Drama
Queen, 170, 200, 202
Confessions of a Video Vixen, 94,
196, 205
Confess-o-Rama, 142
Conford, Ellen, 114, 198, 202
Connecting Young Adults and
LIbraries, 46
Connelly, Michael, 114
Conniff, Richard, 59
Conquering the Beast Within, 72,
The Contender, 146–147, 197
Cook, Karin, 114–115, 196
Cooke, Kaz, 60, 191
Cool in School, 73
Cool Salsa, 58
Coombs, Davey, 60, 195
Cooney, Caroline B., 115
Cooper, Ilene, 115
Cooper, Robbie, 60
Cooper, Susan, 115
Coraline, 125
Corbett, Sara, 60, 205
Cormier, Robert, 28, 115, 198
CosmoGirl, 60, 193
CosmoGirl! Make It Yourself, 60,
CosmoGirl! Quiz Book, 60
CosmoGirl! Words to Live By, 42,
Costello, Rita, 87
Coulter, Laurie, 56
Counterfeit Son, 102, 198
Counting Coup, 59, 196, 205
Couri, Sarah, 20
Courtney Crumrin and the Night
Things, 156
Coven, 178, 205
Covey, Sean, 60
Coville, Bruce, 15, 187
Covington, Dennis, 116
Cowboy Ghost, 161
Cowboys Don’t Cry, 131
Cowboys of the Wild West, 65
Cowgirls, 90
Coy, John, 116
Crackback, 116
Craddock, Erik, 149, 190
Craft, Elizabeth, 179, 195
Craft, Kinuko, 119
Crafts (themed list), 193–194
Crafty Chica’s Art de la Soul, 81,
Crane, 175
Crank, 135, 190, 199
CrashBoomLove, 133
Crawford, Saffi, 60–61
Cray, Jordan, 116, 194
Creating Characters with
Personality, 44, 53
Creature Tech, 177
Creech, Sharon, 116
Creel, Stacy, 2, 10
Crestwood series, 12
Crews: Gang Members Talk to
Maria Hinojosa, 71
Cribs: A Guided Tour inside the
Homes of Your Favorite
Stars, 81
Crichton, Michael, 116
Crime Scene, 86
Criminal Minded, 109
Crimson Hero, 176–177
Crisp, Terri, 61, 204
Cross, Gillian, 116
Cross, Shauna, 116
Crosses, 175
Crush (Conford), 114, 198, 202
Crush (Mac), 148
Crutcher, Chris, 116, 196, 202
Cryptozoology A to Z, 59
Csillag, Andre, 61
Cubanita, 179
Cunningham, Grant, 84
The Curious Incident of the Dog in
the Night-Time, 130, 197
Curtis, Christopher Paul, 117, 191
Cut, 151
Daemon Hall, 156
Dairy Queen, 155
Daldry, Jeremy, 42, 61, 198
D’Aluisio, Faith, 79, 194
Damaso, Elmer, 109
Dance Hall of the Dead, 134
Dancing in Red Shoes Will Kill
You, 113
Dancing Naked, 136, 199
Dancing with an Alien, 147
Danger Zone, 141–142
Dangerous Girls, 175, 200, 204
Danziger, Paula, 117, 194, 198
The Daria Diaries, 55
Dark Angel, 142
Dark Magick, 178, 205
The Dark Side of Nowhere, 170
The Darkangel, 162
Darkness before Dawn, 120, 202
The Darwin Awards, 82
The Darwin Expedition, 179
Dating (themed list), 194
The Dating Game, 174, 194
The Dating Game series, 174, 194
Daughter of the Moon series,
David, Peter, 117
Davidson, Dana, 117, 191, 194,
Davis, Amanda, 117, 197
Davis, Donald, 117
Davis, James, 61, 198, 203
Davis, Mark, 117
Davis, Mike, 117
Davis, Russell, 128, 202
The Day the World Came to Town,
The Daybreakers, 144
Days like This, 178
Dayton, Anne, 117
DC Comics Covergirls, 93, 203
The DC Comics Guide to Writing
Comics, 83
de la Cruz, Melissa, 117–118, 204
de la Peña, Matt, 118, 198
de Lint, Charles, 118, 202
De Oliveira, Eddie, 118, 195
Dead Girls Don’t Write Letters, 126
Dead High Yearbook, 181, 203,
Dead-End Job, 128, 194
Deadline, 116
The Deadly Gourmet Affair, 117
Deal with It! 42, 62, 198
Dealing with Dragons, 187
Dean, Carolee, 118
Dean, Zoey, 118
Dear America: Letters Home from
Vietnam, 62
Death Note, 159, 191
Death on the Nile, 113
Death: The High Cost of Living,
Deaver, Jeffrey, 118
Deaver, Julie Reece, 118
Dee, Catherine, 61, 198
Deem, James M., 61, 118
The Deep End of Fear, 113
Deep Secret, 139
Deerskin, 152
DeFalco, Tom, 61
Defede, Jim, 61
Define “Normal,” 161, 195, 200,
DeJarnette, Layron, 64
Delaney, Joseph, 118–119, 205
Demon Envy, 148
Demon in My View, 103, 203
Demons and Shadows, 183, 203
Derby Girl, 116
Derek Jeter: Substance and Style,
Desire, 140
Dessen, Sarah, 119, 195
Destiny’s Style, 75, 191
Destry Rides Again, 108
Deuker, Carl, 119
Devastation: The World’s Worst
Natural Disasters, 82
Devilish, 139
Devil’s Race, 104
DeVito, Basil V., Jr., 61
Diagram Group, 61
Diamonds in the Shadow, 115
Diary of a Junior Year, 62, 192
Dickey, Eric Jerome, 119
Dickinson, Peter, 119
Dicks, Jan Thompson, 95
DiClaudio, Dennis, 62
A Different Kind of Heat, 159
Digital Photo Madness! 50 Weird
and Wacky Things to Do
with Your Digital Camera,
Dines, Carol, 119
Dingle, Adrian, 62
Dirty Laundry, 124
The Disappearance, 129
Disgusting Things (themed list),
advice and reality, 42
bookstore-type, 46–47
fairies, 43
graphic novels, comics, and
drawing, 44
Dixon, Chuck, 119
D.I.Y. Beauty, 56, 191
D.I.Y. Girl, 56, 193
Doing It, 110
Doing It Right, 84, 200
Doing Time, 177, 203
Dokey, Cameron, 43, 119
Donkin, Andrew, 62
Donoghue, Emma, 119–120
Don’t Tell, 113
Don’t Try This at Home, 65
Don’t You Dare Read This, Mrs.
Dunphrey, 130
Doomsday, 161
The Doomsday Book, 185
The Door in the Lake, 110
Double Helix, 183
Double Love, 24
Double Trouble, 106
Dougall, Alastair, 62, 203
Douglas, Ali, 61, 198
Douglas, Lola, 120
Dove and Sword, 126
Down, 150–151
Downsiders, 170, 200, 201
Downton, David, 92
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 120
Dr. Drew and Adam Book, 85
Dr. Ernest Drake’s Dragonology, 94
Dr. Franklin’s Island, 130
Dragon’s Blood, 187
Draper, Sharon M., 120, 191, 202
Draw Your Own Manga, 81, 191,
drawing, cartooning and (themed
list), 193
Dread Locks, 170
The Dream Keeper and Other
Poems, 72
Dreamland, 119
Dreams: Explore the You That You
Can’t Control, 92
Drill, Esther, 42, 62, 82, 191, 198
Drive, 184
Drive-By, 122
Driver’s Ed, 115
Dropping In with Andy Mac, 77
Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie,
Druse, Judy, 20
Duane, Diane, 120
Duel at Kitanoji, 168
Duffy, Carol Ann, 62
DuMaurier, Daphne, 120
Duncan, Lois, 62, 120, 197
Dunk, 147–148
Dust Devils, 145
Dygard, Thomas, 120
Eagle Strike, 136
Eaglesham, Dale, 185
E.A.R.L., 64
Earth Then and Now, 84–85, 201
Easton, Kelly, 120–121
Easy, 134
Eberhardt, Thom, 121, 194
Eddings, David, 121
Edelman, Bernard, 62
Edgar, Jim, 62
The Edge, 107
Edge on the Sword, 178
Edut, Ophira, 62
Edut, Tali, 62
Edwards, Gavin, 63
Edwards, Nina, 68
Eeewww! (themed list), 194
Ehrenhaft, Daniel, 121
8 Ball Chicks, 92
Eight Seconds, 122, 195
Eighth Grade Bites, 108, 202, 204
882 ½ Amazing Answers to Your
Questions about the Titanic,
Eisner, Will, 121
Electric Girl, 108, 203
electronic discussion lists, 23, 25
Eleveld, Mark, 63, 196
Elffers, Joost, 63
Ella Enchanted, 146
Ellis, Deborah, 121
Ellis, Warren, 121, 203
Ellison, Suzanne Pierson, 121
Ellwand, David, 92
Elsener, Karen, 69, 194, 201
Elsewhere, 28, 170, 200
Elwell, Tristan, 174
Emako Blue, 186
Emert, Phyllis Raybin, 63
Emily Ever After, 117
Eminem, 63, 198
Enchanted, Inc., 176
Enchantment, 111
Enchantress from the Stars, 121
Encyclopedia Horrifica, 66
Ender’s Game, 111, 196
Ender’s Shadow, 111, 196
The Endless Steppe, 70
Engdahl, Sylvia Louise, 121
Enter the Enchanted, 103
Erlbach, Arlene, 63
Erskine, Kathryn, 121
Escher, M. C., 63
Esperanza Rising, 167–168
The Essential Bordertown, 185
The Essential Haiku, 70
Ethan between Us, 155, 195
Eva, 119
Everhart, Mike, 63
Everworld series, 103
The Everything Money Book, 80
The Everything Tarot Book, 51
Ewing, Lynne, 121–122, 198
Ex, Kris, 90, 193, 196
An Exchange of Gifts, 150
The Exchange Student, 127
The Exes, 140
Extreme Pets Handbook, 69
Extreme Sports, 96
The Eye of the World, 139
Eyes of a Child, 160
Fade, 115
Faerie Tales, 128, 202
Fahrenheit 451, 108
Fairie-ality, 92
Fairies: Photographic Evidence of
the Existence of Another
World, 43, 90, 201
Fake ID, 173
The Fallen, 178
Fantasy! Cartooning, 44, 57, 193
Fare for the Reluctant Reader, 2
Farley, Christopher John, 63, 196
Fast Talk on a Slow Track, 185,
Fat Kid Rules the World, 127, 197
A Fate Totally Worse Than Death,
Fat!So? Because You Don’t Have
to Apologize for Your Size,
Fax from Sarajevo, 76
Fear Nothing, 143
Fearless, 159
Feeling Sorry for Celia, 154
Feiffer, Jules, 63
Feinstein, John, 122
Feldman, Ali, 52
Ferris, Jean, 122, 195, 198
Fever 1793, 102
Ficarra, John, 79, 194
fiction annotations, 101–188
Fields, Terri, 122
50 Cent, 51
50 x 50, 51
Filmmaking for Teens, 76
Final Journey, 160
Finder: A Novel of the
Borderlands, 109
Finder, Joseph, 122
Finding Alice, 112
Finding Daddy, 162
Finding Miracles, 102
The Finger, 77
Fingerprint series, 153
Fire! 78
Fire and Hemlock, 139
Fire in Their Eyes, 54, 204
Firefly’s World of Facts, 53, 190
First Field Guide: Weather, 74
The First Part Last, 138, 191, 197
First They Killed My Father,
96–97, 205
Fishbein, Amy, 63
A Fistful of Sky, 134
FitzGerald, Dawn, 122
5 Ways to Know about You, 67
Flags of Our Fathers, 56, 196, 204
Flaherty, Mike, 63–64, 195
Flake, Sharon, 122–123, 202
Flanagan, John, 123
Flash! The Associated Press
Covers the World, 52
Flavor of the Week, 169
Fleischman, John, 64, 204
Fleischman, Paul, 123
Fletcher, Ralph J., 64
Flinn, Alex, 123, 198, 202
Flipped, 180
Flush, 133
Fly on the Wall, 147
Flyers, 132
Fogel, Eric, 72
Folk Keeper, 106
Following Fake Man, 135
Fong-Torres, Ben, 64, 204
Fontaine, Smokey D., 64
Foolish/Unfoolish, 53, 196
Foon, Dennis, 123, 202
Football Now, 76
For Real, 179, 195
For the Love of the Game, 74
For the Roses, 126
Force of Nature, 121, 203
Foreign Exchange, 127
Forever, 107, 196
Forged by Fire, 120, 191
Forgotten Fire, 104
Forman, Ruth, 64, 192
Fornay, Alfred, 64, 191, 192
Found Photos: Rear Ends, 69, 194,
Found: The Best Lost, Tossed
and Forgotten Items from
around the World, 88–89,
Foxworthy, Jeff, 64
Fragments, 139
Framed, 167
Franco, Betsy, 64, 192
Frank, Anne, 65
Frank, E. R., 123–124, 198
Frank, Hilary, 124, 202
Frank, Lucy, 124, 201
Fraustino, Lisa Rowe, 124
Fray, 184, 204
Freak Show, 174, 195
Freak the Mighty, 162
Freckle Juice, 10
Freedman, Russell, 65
Freeman, Lucille Usher, 54, 192
Freestyle Motorcross 2 Air
Sickness, 79
Frey, Jennifer, 71
Freymann-Weyr, Garret, 124, 195,
Fricke, Jim, 65, 196
Friday Night Lights, 55
Friedman, Aimee, 124
Friedman, Hal, 124
Friedman, Linda, 65, 192
Friend, Natasha, 124
The Friends, 188
Friends to Die For, 126
Friendship (themed list), 194–195
Friesner, Esther, 124
Frisco Pigeon Mambo, 160
From Boneshakers to Choppers,
93, 196
From Pieces to Weight, 51
From the Inside, 53
From the Notebooks of Melanin
Sun, 186, 195, 197
Frost, Helen, 124, 191, 197
Frost, Matt, 96
Fruits Basket series, 177, 191, 200
Fry Readability Scale, 11, 15
Fuck This Book, 83, 201
Fujishima, Kosuke, 124, 198
Fulghum, Hunter S., 65
Full Tilt, 170
Fullerton, Alma, 124–125
Fullmetal Alchemist series, 103
Funke, Cornelia, 125
Funny Cars, 66, 195
Gabaldon, Diana, 125, 201
Gaiman, Neil, 28, 65, 125, 197,
199, 205
Gaines, Thom, 65
Gallo, Donald R., 125, 202
Galloway, Priscilla, 126, 202
Galvez, Jose, 65
Galvin, Jack, 85, 200
Game Day, 73
Game Face, 66, 205
Gantos, Jack, 65, 197, 204
Ganz, Nicholas, 44, 65
Garden, Nancy, 126
Garwood, Julie, 126
Garza, Mario, 65–66
Gee, Joshua, 66
Geisha, 182
Gemini7, 116, 194
Genat, Robert, 66, 195, 199
Generation T, 82, 193
Genesis, 117
Gentlehands, 140, 197
Gentleman Outlaw and Me—Eli,
The Geography Club, 131, 195,
George-Warren, Holly, 66
Gerard, Jim, 66, 192
Gerritsen, Tess, 126
Gerrold, David, 126
Get It Started, 110
Get Well Soon, 131
The Ghost in the Tokaido Inn, 135
Ghost Liners, 53
Ghost of a Hanged Man, 180
Ghost World, 114
Gibb, Fiona, 92
Giberga, Jane Sughrue, 126
Giffen, Keith, 126
Gifted Touch, 153
Gilbert, Barbara Snow, 126
Giles, Gail, 126–127, 199, 202
Gilmore, Kate, 127
Gilroy, Tom, 66
Gil’s All Fright Diner, 149, 197
Gilstrap, John, 127
Gingerbread, 114
Ginsberg, Allen, 66
Girl, 15, Charming but Insane, 146
The Girl Death Left Behind, 151
Girl Goddess #9, 107, 202
The Girl Pages, 79
The Girls, 144
The Girl’s Book of Wisdom, 61,
Girls, Girls, Girls, 107, 194
The Girls’ Guide to Dreams, 59
Girls’ Guide to Tarot, 83
Girls in Love, 185
Girls to Women, Women to Girls,
Give a Boy a Gun, 175–176
Glass, 135, 190
The Glass Castle, 97, 197, 205
reaching out to teens, 44–45
themed list, 195
Glenn, Mel, 127
Glovach, Linda, 127, 190
Go and Come Back, 101
Go Ask Alice, 102
The “Go Ask Alice” Book of
Answers, 59
God Went to Beauty School, 89,
Goddess of the Night, 121
Godfrey, Rebecca, 127
Godless, 132
Going for the Record, 176
Going, K. L., 127, 197
Golden, Christopher, 66, 127
The Golden Compass, 163–164
Goldman, William, 127
Goldschmidt, Judy, 127
Golus, Carrie, 66
Gone with the Wind, 154
Gonzalez, Julie, 128
Goobie, Beth, 128, 190
The Good Children, 184
Good Girls, 167
Good Omens, 125, 205
Goose Chase, 141
Gootman, Marilyn E., 66, 192
Gore, Leonid, 163
Gorfinkel, Jordan, 119
The Gospel According to Larry,
Gossip Girl, 182, 202
Got Issues Much? Celebrities
Share Their Traumas and
Triumphs, 87
Got Wheels? (themed list), 195–
Goth Bible, 75
Gothic and Lolita, 99, 191, 192
Gottesman, Jane, 66, 77, 205
Gottlieb, Andrew, 67, 192
Gottlieb, Lori, 67, 204
Gould, Stephen, 128, 190
Grace after Midnight, 85
Graffiti L.A., 68
Graffiti World, 44, 65
Grahame-Smith, Seth, 67
Grandberry, Omari, 67
Grandits, John, 67
Grant, Cynthia D., 128
Grant, Vicki, 128, 194, 202
graphic novels, 44, 47
Grasscutter, 168
Gratz, Alan, 128
Gravelle, Karen, 67
Grealy, Lucy, 67, 204
The Great Adventures of Sherlock
Holmes, 120
Great Book of Optical Illusions, 91
The Great Comic Book Heroes, 63
Great Graphic Novels list, 47
The Great Turkey Walk, 140
The Greatest: Mohammed Ali, 81
Greatest Stars of the NBA series,
67, 190
Green, John, 128, 197, 201, 202
Greenberg, Gary, 67
Greenberg, Jan, 67
Greenberg, Martin, 128, 202
Greenfield, Lauren, 68
Gregory, Julia, 68, 204
Gregory, Leland, 68
Griffin, Adele, 129, 195
Grimes, Nikki, 129, 199, 202
Grisham, John, 129
Grody, Steve, 68
Groening, Matt, 68, 129
Gross Universe, 94, 194
Growing through the Ugly, 181
Growth Spurt, 91
Gruner, Jessica, 129
Guardian Devil, 172
Guerra, Pia, 181
Guilty Pleasures, 131, 204
Guitar Girl, 149
Guon, Ellen, 144
Gutman, Dan, 129
Gutsy Girls, 90
The Guy Book, 74
Guy, Rosa, 129
Guyaholic, 148–149, 201
Guzzetti, Paula, 68
Ha, Thu-Huong, 130
Haab, Sherri, 68, 193
Habibi, 158
Haddix, Margaret Peterson, 43,
130, 199
Haddon, Mark, 130, 197
Hahn, Mary Downing, 130, 204
Haiku: One Breath Poetry, 97
The Haiku Year, 66
Hail Caesar, 130
Halam, Ann, 130
Half a Life, 167, 195
Half and Half, 82
Halfback Tough, 120
Halliday, John, 131
Halls, Kelly Milner, 68
Halpern, Julie, 131
Halvorson, Marilyn, 131
Hamill, Pete, 131, 197
Hamilton, Bethany, 68–69, 204
Hamilton, Jake, 69
Hamilton, Laurell K., 131, 204
Hamilton, Virginia, 131, 191
Handy, Roger, 69, 194, 201
The Handy Sports Answer Book,
Hanging On to Max, 105, 198
Hangman’s Curse, 161
Hansen, Mark Victor, 57–58, 192
Happy Kitty Bunny Pony, 58
Harazin, S. A., 131, 195
Hard Love, 186, 195, 197, 201
Hardware: Jewelry from a Toolbox,
88, 194
Hareas, John, 69
Harlem Beat, 157
Harley, like a Person, 28, 105, 198
Harmless, 165
Harmon, Michael, 131, 203
Harper, Suzanne, 56
Harrar, George, 131
Harrington, Jane, 69
Harris County (Texas) Public
Library, 39–40
Harris, Thomas, 131
Harrison, Lisi, 131
Hart, Christopher, 69–70, 190, 193,
Hart, Tony, 70
Hartinger, Brent, 131–132, 195,
199, 202
Hartman, Maureen, 20
Harvey, Sarah N., 132
Hass, Robert, 70
HATCH, 44–45
Hate You, 152
Haunted, 153
Haunted America, 82
The Haunted Heart, 106, 201
The Haunting, 158
Hautala, Rick, 127
Hautman, Pete, 132
Hautzig, Esther Rudomin, 70
Have Board, Will Travel, 57, 203
Haveli, 174
Hawes, Louise, 132
Hawk: Occupation, Skateboarder,
70, 203
Hawk, Tony, 70, 203
Hawthorn, Rachel, 132
Hayes, Daniel, 132
Hayes, Stormcrow, 132
Hayhurst, Chris, 70, 195
The Haymeadow, 160
Head above Water, 167
Head Case, 103
Headley, Justina Chen, 133
Headlock, 176
Hear Me Out, 70, 192
Heat, 148
Heaven, 138
Heavy Metal and You, 144
Hee-Joon, Son, 133
Heimberg, Jason, 70
Heimberg, Justin, 70
Heinlein, Robert, 133
Hello Kitty through the Seasons,
98, 201
Hellsing series, 134, 190, 204
Hempel, Marc, 112
Henderson, J. A., 133
Heneghan, James, 133
Henry, April, 133
Herald, Diane Tixier, 20
Hero, 167
The Hero and the Crown, 152
Heroes, 115, 198
heroes, unsung (themed list), 203
Herrera, Juan Felipe, 133
Hess, Jared, 70
Hess, Jerusha, 70
Hess, Nina, 71
Hesse, Karen, 133
Hesser, Terry Spencer, 133, 199
Heuston, Kimberley, 133
Hex, 145
Hey Idiot! Chronicles of Human
Stupidity, 68
Hey Ladies! Tales and Tips for
Curious Girls, 74
Hiaasen, Carl, 133
Hidden Evidence, 83, 200
Hidden Secrets, 83
Hidden Talents, 148, 195, 199
High Crimes, 122
High Heat, 119
Higher Education, 170
High Interest/Low Literacy Level
Committee, 4, 9–13, 16
Highs! Over 150 Ways to Feel
Really, Really Good . . .
without Alcohol or Other
Drugs, 83
Hilgartner, Beth, 133
Hillerman, Tony, 134
Hillstrom, Kevin, 71
Hillstrom, Laurie, 71
Hinojosa, Maria, 71
Hinton, S. E., 134, 197
The Hip Handbag Book, 68, 193
Hip Hop Divas, 71, 196
Hip Hoptionary, 98, 196
Hip-Hop Immortals, 78, 196
Hip-Hop Music and Musicians
(themed list), 196
Hippo Eats Dwarf, 56, 190
Hirano, Kohta, 134, 190, 204
Historic Haunted America, 82
Hit Squad, 133
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the
Galaxy, 101
Ho, Minfong, 134
Hobbs, Valerie, 134
Hobbs, Will, 134, 199
Hoffman, Kerry Cohen, 134
Hoffman, Mat, 71
Hoffman, Nina Kiriki, 134
Hogya, Bernie, 71, 192
Hoh, Diane, 134
Holder, Nancy, 66
Holdsclaw, Chamique, 71
Holdup, 122
Hole in My Life, 65, 197, 204
Hole in the Sky, 132
Holeman, Linda, 135
Holes, 168, 200
Holley, Pam Spencer, 14, 25
Holliday, Laurel, 71
Holman, Felice, 135
Holmes, Barbara Ware, 135
Holt, David, 71, 194, 199
Homeboyz, 171
Homeless Bird, 184
The Homer Book, 80–81
Honus and Me, 129
Hoobler, Dorothy, 135
Hoobler, Thomas, 135
Hooper, Mary, 135
Hoops, 155, 191, 197
Hoover, H. M., 135
Hopeless Savages, 180
Hopkins, Cathy, 135
Hopkins, Ellen, 135–136, 190, 199
Hoppus, Anne, 56
Horowitz, Anthony, 136, 199
Hosler, Jay, 44, 136
Hot Bodies, Cool Styles, 86, 192
The Hot Zone, 86
The Hounds of the Morrigan, 159
The House of Dies Drear, 131, 191
The House of Night series, 112,
The House That Crack Built, 95
The House You Pass on the Way,
186, 195
Houston Public Library, 40–41,
How I Paid for College, 101, 194,
How I Spent My Last Night on
Earth, 176
How Rude! 84, 200
How to Be Gorgeous, 57, 191
How to Disappear Completely and
Never Be Found, 157
How to Draw Hip Hop, 90, 193,
How to Hold a Crocodile, 61
How to Survive a Horror Movie, 67
How to Survive a Robot Uprising,
98, 201
How to Turn Your Ex-Boyfriend
into a Toad and Other
Spells, 94
Howe, James, 136, 202
Howe, Norma, 136, 203
Howl and Other Poems, 66
Howl’s Moving Castle, 139
Hoye, Jacob, 71, 199
Hrdlitschka, Shelley, 136–137, 199
Hsu, Martin, 148
Huebner, Mark, 72
Huegel, Kelly, 72
Hughes, Dave, 72
Hughes, Langston, 72
Hughes, Monica, 137, 202
Hughes, Pat, 137
Hulk: The Incredible Guide, 61
Humphries, Tudor, 74
The Hunt Club, 147
Hunter, Mollie, 137
Huntington, Geoffrey, 137
Hurwin, Davida, 137
Hush Little Baby, 115
Huth, Angela, 137
Hyde, Dayton O., 137
The Hypochondriac’s Pocket
Guide to Horrible Diseases
You Probably Already Have,
I Am Not Esther, 105, 198
I Am the Darker Brother, 52, 191
I Don’t Want to Be Crazy, 90
I Had Seen Castles, 168
I Know What You Did Last
Summer, 120, 197
I Luv Halloween series, 41, 126
I Want to Buy a Vowel, 183
I Was a Non-blonde Cheerleader,
I Was a Teenage Fairy, 107
I Will Call It Georgie’s Blues, 157
I Will Survive, 140
I Wouldn’t Thank You for a
Valentine, 62
Iaboni, John, 76
Ice Story, 75
Iceman, 148
I.D., 128
If . . . : Questions for Teens, 79
If I Asked You, Would You Stay?
If I Have a Wicked Stepmother,
Where’s My Prince? 139
If I Should Die before I Wake, 158
If You Come Softly, 186–187, 191,
Ikegami, Ryoichi, 144
I’ll Be Seeing You, 151, 201
I’m Not Who You Think I Am, 140
Imani All Mine, 163, 197
Impulse, 135–136
In Cold Blood, 58
In My Hands, 83, 204
In My Room, 89
In the Dreaming, 106, 205
In the Forests of the Night, 103–
104, 198, 203
In the Line of Duty, 72
In the Paint, 67, 192
In These Girls, Hope Is a Muscle,
55, 204, 205
Inch by Inch, 72
Indigo Summer, 151–152, 194
Inhalants and Your Nasal
Passages, 82, 194
The Inheritance, 144, 203
Inkheart, 125
Inside Cheerleading, 72, 205
Inside Out (Trueman), 179
Inside Out: Portrait of an Eating
Disorder (Shivak), 92, 205
The Insiders, 153–154, 195
Interstellar Pig, 13
Into the Cold Fire, 121
Invincible, 141, 203
Ironman, 116
Irons, Diane, 72, 191
Irwin, Cait, 72, 199
Irwin, Jan, 137
Issa, Kobayashi, 72
It, 141
It Happened to Nancy, 93
It’s a Purl Thing, 146
It’s Happy Bunny: Life. Get One,
44, 55
It’s Happy Bunny: Love Bites, 55
It’s Happy Bunny: What’s Your
Sign? 55
It’s My Life, 112
It’s Not about the Bike, 53, 195
Iverson, Annemarie, 57, 191
Izzy, Willy-Nilly, 181
Jack of Kinrowan, 118
Jackman, Ian, 72
Jacobs, Deborah Lynn, 137
Jacobs, Thomas, 72–73, 199
Jacobson, Jennifer Richard, 137
Jade Green, 157, 199
Jailbait, 157, 190
Jam Master Jay, 95, 196
Jamal, Joseph, 73
James Bond, 62, 203
James, Mary, 137
Jankowski, Daniel, 78
Japanese Comickers, 73, 190, 193
Jason and Kyra, 117, 191, 194
Jason Kidd, 67, 190
Jason’s Gold, 134
Jazmin’s Notebook, 129
Jeff Foxworthy’s Redneck
Dictionary, 64
Jemas, Bill, 138
Jenkins, A. M., 138
Jenkins, Jerry, 144
Jenkins, Martin, 73
Jenkins, Sally, 53, 195
Jenkins, Steve, 73
Jennings, Peter, 73
Jesse James: The Man and His
Machines, 91, 196
Jessica Simpson I Do, 93
Jeter, Derek, 73
Jett, Sarah, 138
Jewel, 73
The JGirl’s Guide, 52
Jiang, Ji-Li, 73
Jillette, Penn, 73, 194
Jim Carrey, 68
Jimenez, Francisco, 138
Jimenez, Maria, 96
Jimi and Me, 102, 191
Jimi Hendrix, 98
Jip: His Story, 160
JLA: Earth 2, 54, 155
JLA: Tower of Babel, 182
Johansen, Iris, 138
Johnny Voodoo, 145, 201
Johns, Geoff, 138, 203
Johns, Michael-Anne, 73
Johnson, Angela, 138, 191, 197
Johnson, Dave, 74, 193
Johnson, Kathleen Jeffrie, 138
Johnson, Maureen, 138–139, 195
Johnson, Scott, 139
Johnson, Stephen T., 74
Johnston, Jeffrey W., 139
Johnstone, Mike, 74, 195
Join In, 125, 202
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, 103, 190
Jones, Diana Wynne, 74, 139
Jones, Patrick, 139, 190, 194
Jordan, Michael, 74
Jordan, Robert, 139
Jordan, Sandra, 67
Joseph, Lynn, 139
Journals, 59
Jukes, Mavis, 74
Jumper, 128, 190
Jumping Off the Planet, 126
Just Ella, 43, 130, 199
Juwell, 139, 195
Kahl, Jonathan, 74
Kalb, Chris, 63
Kalergis, Mary Motley, 74, 193
Kannagi, Satoru, 139, 195
Kantor, Melissa, 139
Kapilavastu, 177
Karr, Kathleen, 139–140
Kass, Pnina Moed, 140, 95, 205
Kat’s Fall, 136–137
Kaye, Marilyn, 140
Kazumi, Maki, 140
Keeping the Moon, 119
Keeping You a Secret, 161, 195
Keesha’s House, 124, 191, 197
Kehret, Peg, 140
Keillor, Garrison, 140
Kemp, Kristen, 140
Kennedy, 74
Kennedy, Pagan, 140
Kenner, Rob, 74, 196, 201
Kerr, M. E., 140, 197
Kerven, Rosalind, 74
Kevin Garnett, 67, 190
Keys, Alicia, 75
Keysha’s Drama, 169
Kidd, Sue Monk, 140, 191
A Kid’s Game, 138, 203
Kightlinger, Laura, 140, 202
The Killer’s Cousin, 183, 200
Killing Britney, 159
Kilpatrick, Nancy, 75
Kim: Empty Inside, 173
Kimmel, Elizabeth Cody, 75
Kimmel, Eric A., 141
Kindl, Patrice, 141
The Kindling, 103
King Arthur, 74
King, Kevin A. R., 41
King, Stephen, 141
The Kingdom of Kevin Malone, 113
Kings and Queens, 56
The King’s Swift Rider, 137
Kingsolver, Barbara, 141
Kinsella, W. P., 141
Kirberger, Kimberly, 57–58, 75,
Kirkman, Robert, 141, 203
Kishiro, Yukito, 141
Kissing Doorknobs, 133, 199
Kissing Tennessee, 103, 202
Kissing: The Complete Guide, 90
Kissing the Witch, 119–120
Kittenwar, 77
Klancher, Lee, 75, 195, 199
Klass, David, 141–142
Klause, Annette Curtis, 28, 142,
199, 201, 204
Kleh, Cindy, 75
Klepto, 183
Klise, Kate, 142
Klise, M. Sarah, 142
Kluger, Steve, 142, 197
Knapp, Jennifer, 75, 193
Knitgrrl, 83, 193
Knocked Out by My Nunga
Nungas, 165
Knowles, Beyonce, 75
Knowles, Jo, 142
Knowles, Tina, 75, 191
Koertge, Ron, 142, 199, 202
Koja, Kathe, 142–143
Kokopelli’s Flute, 134
Koller, Jackie French, 143
Konigsburg, E. L., 143
Konomi, Takeshi, 143
Kool Moe Dee, 75, 199
Koon, Jeff, 75
Koontz, Dean, 143
Koontz, Wendi, 55
Korman, Gordon, 143–144, 199,
201, 202
Koss, Amy Goldman, 144
Kramer, Nika, 76, 196
Krovatin, Christopher, 144
Krudop, Walter L., 64
Krulik, Nancy, 76
Kubert, Joe, 76
Kudo, Kazuya, 144
Kunkel, Mike, 144, 203
Kurland, Michael, 76
Kurt Busiek’s Astro City, 110,
Kyi, Tanya Lloyd, 144, 199, 202
Lackey, Mercedes, 144, 195
LaHaye, Tim, 144
Lamb, 154
L’Amour, Louis, 144
Land Girls, 137
Land of Loss, 103
Lane, Billy, 76, 195
Lane, Dakota, 145, 201, 202
Lanier, Troy, 76
Lanier, Virginia, 145
Larbalestier, Justine, 145
Lark, Michael, 167
Larson, Gary, 145, 199
Lasky, Kathryn, 145
Lassiter, Rhiannon, 145
Last Call, 110
Last Chance Texaco, 132, 199
Last Day in Vietnam, 121
The Last Days, 183
Last Days of Summer, 142, 197
The Last Dog on Earth, 121
The Last Domino, 153
The Last Mission, 150
Last Shot, 122
Last Stop, 146
The Last Warrior, 121
Laurer, Joanie, 76, 205
Lawrence, Iain, 145
Laxalt, Robert, 145
Layden, Joe, 61, 88
Leahey, Sally, 29, 32
Learning Curve, 106
Leaving Dirty Jersey, 89, 204
Leaving Fishers, 130
Leaving Protection, 134
LeBron James, 80
Lee, John, 76
Lee, Lela, 44, 145
Lee, Marie G., 146
Lee, Tanith, 146
Left Behind, 144
Left for Dead, 81–82
Legends in Exile, 185, 201
LeGuin, Ursula K., 146, 197, 202
Leiker, Ken, 76
Lenhard, Elizabeth, 146
Leonetti, Mike, 76
Leong, Sonia, 169
Lerangis, Peter, 146
Leslie, Jeremy, 42, 76, 190
Leslie’s Journal, 176, 200
Lessons from a Dead Girl, 142
Lester, Julius, 146
Letters from a Slave Girl, 148, 191
Letters from Rifka, 133
Letters from the Inside, 149
Letters to Julia, 135
Letting Go of Bobby James, or How
I Found My Self of Steam,
Letts, Billie, 146
Levine, Gail Carson, 146
Levithan, David, 114, 146, 195,
198, 199
Levy, Joel, 76–77
Levy, Marilyn, 146
Lewman, Mark, 71
Lewry, Fraser, 77
LiBretto, Ellen, 9
Liew, Sonny, 112
The Life History of a Star, 121
Life in Prison, 98, 201, 205
Life Is Funny, 124
Life, Love and the Pursuit of Free
Throws, 164
Life Support, 126
A Lifetime of Secrets, 97
The Lightning Thief, 166
Like Sisters on the Homefront, 185
Lily, 108, 201
Limb, Sue, 146
A Lion’s Hunger, 96
Lipsyte, Robert, 146–147, 197
Lisa Lopes, 76
Listen Up! Spoken Word Poetry, 52
A Little Bit Dead, 164
The Little Black Book for Girlz, 42,
Little, Jason, 147
Littman, Sarah Darer, 147
A Living Nightmare, 169
Lizard, 116
Locher, J. L., 63
Locked in Time, 120
Locker, Sari, 77
Lockhart, E., 147
Loeb, Jeph, 147
Logue, Mary, 147
Loheed, M. J., 77
Lonesome Dove, 152
The Long Halloween, 147
Long, Mary, 20
The Long Night of Leo and Bree,
A Long Way from Chicago, 161
Look for Me by Moonlight, 130,
Looking for Alaska, 128, 197, 201,
The Looks Book, 82, 191
Lord Loss, 169
Lord, Trevor, 77, 195
Losey, Mark, 80
Losing Joe’s Place, 143
Lost and Found, 168
Lost Bullet, 167
Lost Hero, 93
The Lost Issue, 129
Lost Temple of the Aztecs, 94
The Lost Years of Merlin, 105
Lott, Bret, 147
Loukes, Keith, 77
Love among the Walnuts, 122
Love and Other Four Letter Words,
149, 201
Love and Sex, 112, 202
Love Him Forever, 106
The Lovely Bones, 169
Loves Me, Loves Me Not, 106, 201
Lowachee, Karin, 147
Lowell, Pamela, 147
Lowriders, 66, 195, 199
Lubar, David, 147–148, 195, 199
Lucky (De Oliveira), 118, 195
Lucky (Sebold), 91
Lucy Peale, 166
Lucy the Giant, 172
Luna, 161
Lupica, Mike, 148
Lush, 124
Lynch, Chris, 148
Lynch, Clam, 148
Lynn, Barbara, 13, 20
Lynn, Erin, 148
Lynn, Tracy, 43, 148
Lyons, Mary E., 148, 191
Mac, Carrie, 148
Macdonald, Andy, 77
MacDougal, Scarlett, 148
Mackler, Carolyn, 148–149, 201
Macy, Sue, 77, 205
“Mad” about Super Heroes, 79
Mad about the ’90s, 77
The “Mad” Gross Book, 79, 194
The Magic of M. C. Escher, 63
Magic or Madness, 145
Magic Street, 111
Magic’s Pawn, 144, 195
Mah, Adeline Yen, 77–78, 204
Mai the Psychic Girl, 144
The Major, the Poacher and the
Wonderful One-Trout River,
Make Lemonade, 186
Makeup: Things to Make and Do,
96, 194
The Making of Dr. Truelove, 105,
194, 198
Malone, Bonz, 78, 196
Man Eating Bugs, 79, 194
The Man from the Other Side, 159
Mancusi, Mari, 149, 204
Manczuk, Suzanne, 25
manga, anime and (themed list),
Manga Mania, 69, 193, 199
Manga Mania Chibi and Furry
Characters, 69, 190, 193
Manga Mania Fantasy Worlds,
69, 193
Manga Mania Villains, 69, 193
Manga Shakespeare, 169, 191
A Mango-Shaped Space, 149
Manhwa Mania, 69, 193
Mannarino, Melanie, 78
Manning, Sarra, 149
Manoy, Lauren, 78, 205
Marchetta, Melina, 149, 202
Maria Shaw’s Star Gazer, 92, 200
Marisol and Magdalena, 113, 194
Marked, 112, 204
Marron, Maggie, 78
Marsden, John, 149
Martin, Ann M., 117, 149, 194,
Martin, Jack, 20, 46
Martinez, A. Lee, 149, 197
Martyn Pig, 109
Marunas, Nathaniel, 149, 190
Mary Wolf, 128
Marz, Ron, 149
Masada, 153
Masessa, Ed, 78
Maskerade, 163
Masoff, Joy, 78, 194
Masquerade, 118, 204
Mass, Wendy, 149
Master’s Choice, 150
Mastoon, Adam, 45
Masyga, Mark, 78
Mates, Dates, and Cosmic Kisses,
Mates, Dates, and Designer Divas,
Mates, Dates, and Inflatable Bras,
A Matter of Profit, 105–106
Matuz, Roger, 71
Maximum Ride: The Angel
Experiment, 160
Maximum Ride: School’s Out—
Forever, 160
Maxwell, Robin, 150
Mayer, Melody, 150
Mayes, Walter, 29, 31–34
Maynard, Christopher, 78
The Maze, 134, 199
Mazer, Anne, 150, 203
Mazer, Harry, 150, 203
McCafferty, Megan, 150, 199
McCaffrey, Anne, 150
McCants, William D., 150, 201
McClintock, Norah, 150–151
McCormick, Patricia, 151
McCune, Bunny, 78–79
McDaniel, Lurlene, 151, 195, 201
McDonald, Heather, 62, 82, 191,
McDonald, Janet, 151
McDonald, Joyce, 151
McDonell, Nick, 151
McFarlane, Evelyn, 79
McGrath, Jeremy, 79
McKayhan, Monica, 151–152, 194
McKean, Dave, 125
McKinley, Robin, 43, 152, 201
McManners, Hugh, 79
McMurtry, Larry, 152
McNab, Andy, 152
McNamee, Graham, 152
McPhee, Phoebe, 152, 194
Mead, Alice, 152
Mead, Richelle, 152, 204
Mecha Mania, 69–70, 193
The Mediator series, 112
Medina, Nico, 152–153
Medley, Linda, 44, 153
Meely LaBauve, 183
Meet the Stars of Dawson’s Creek,
Meets the Eye, 127
Meglin, Nick, 79, 194
Melusine, 104
Memory Boy, 183
Men at Arms, 163
Meng, Hope, 52
Menzel, Peter, 79, 194
Merry Meet, 106, 205
Meserole, Mike, 79, 190
Metallica, 79
Metz, Melinda, 153
Meyer, Adam, 153
Meyer, Stephenie, 153, 201, 204
Michael L. Printz Award, 36, 189
Michener, James A., 153
Microterrors, 70
Midnight Hour Encores, 109
Midnight Magic, 104
Midnight Pearls, 181
Midnight Predator, 104, 203
Midnight’s Choice, 178, 204
A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 15
Mikaelsen, Ben, 153
Miklowitz, Gloria D., 153
Milan, Garth, 79
Milano, Selene, 79
Milholland, Charlotte, 79
The Milk Mustache Book, 90, 192
Milk Mustache Mania, 71, 192
Millam, Joy, 20
Millar, Mark, 44, 153, 203
Miller, Jean-Chris, 80, 192
Miller, Lee, 159
Miller, Steve, 44, 80, 193
Miller, Timothy, 80, 195, 199
Milner-Halls, Kelly, 80
Milton, Steve, 80, 195, 199
Minter, J., 153–154, 195
Mintzer, Rich, 80
Miracle’s Boys, 187, 191, 197
Mirra, Dave, 80
Mirra Images, 80
The Misfits, 136
Missing Angel Juan, 107, 196
The Missing Persons series, 164
Mitchell, Margaret, 154
Mitton, Jacqueline, 80
Miyazaki, Hayao, 154
Mlynowski, Sarah, 154
A Modern Fairy Tale, 43
Moench, Doug, 80
Monkey, 175
Monsoon Summer, 161
Monster (Myers), 155, 197
Monster Garage, 75, 195, 199
Monster: The Autobiography
of an L.A. Gang Member
(Shakur), 91
Monsters: A Celebration of the
Classics from Universal
Studios, 83
Montana 1948, 183
Montano, Mark, 80
The Moon, 58, 201
Moon, Elizabeth, 154
Mooney, Bill, 71, 194, 199
Moore, Alan, 154
Moore, Christopher, 154, 204
Moore, Terry, 28, 154, 195, 199,
More Than a Label, 81
More Than This, 179, 195
Morgan, David Lee, Jr., 80
Morgenstern, Mindy, 80
Moriarty, Jaclyn, 154
Morreale, Marie, 87
Morris, Gerald, 154–155
Morrison, Bill, 80–81
Morrison, Grant, 155
Morrison, Jim, 81
Morrissey, Pat, 150
Morse, Jenifer Corr, 81, 190
Mortimer, Sean, 70, 203
Moss, Steve, 155, 203
Motherland, 181, 197
A Mother’s Gift, 174
Mountain Biking, 70, 195
The Moves Make the Man, 109,
191, 194
Movin’: Teen Poets Take Voice,
74, 193
Mowry, Jess, 155
The Mozart Season, 186
Mr. Was, 132
Mrs. Chippy’s Last Expedition, 102
MTV Photobooth, 81
MTV Uncensored, 71
Much Ado about Prom Night, 150,
Muharrar, Aisha, 81
Multiple-Award Winners (themed
list), 196–197
Mummies, Bones and Body Parts,
A Murder for Her Majesty, 133
Murdock, Catherine Gilbert, 155
Murillo, Kathy Cano, 81, 193
Murphy, Claire, 155
Murphy, Rita, 155
music and musicians, hip-hop
(themed list), 196
The Musician’s Handbook, 41
MX: The Way of the Motocrosser,
60, 195
My Bloody Life, 89, 205
My Heartbeat, 124, 195, 197
My Life in Dog Years, 84, 204
My Sister’s Keeper, 162, 197
My So-Called Digital Life, 42, 86,
193, 201
Myers, Anna, 155, 195
Myers, Christopher, 155
Myers, Walter Dean, 81, 155–156,
191, 195, 197, 199, 202,
203, 204
Myracle, Lauren, 156, 195
Mysteries of People and Places, 63
“Mythbusters,” 99
Nagatomo, Haruno, 81, 191, 193
Naifeh, Ted, 156
Nail Art, 68
Name Me Nobody, 28, 187, 195,
The Name of the Game Was
Murder, 158
Namioka, Lensey, 156
Nance, Andrew, 156
The Nannies, 150
Napoleon Dynamite: The
Complete Quote Book, 39,
Napoli, Donna Jo, 28, 43, 156–157,
NASCAR Now! 80, 195, 199
NASCAR: The Need for Speed,
74, 195
Nash, Naomi, 157, 205
Nathan, M. M., 81
Nathan’s Run, 127
Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind,
Navajo Code Talkers, 51
Navy SEALs, 84
Naylor, Caroline, 81, 193
Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds, 157, 199
NBA’s Greatest, 69
The Necessary Hunger, 166, 195
Necessary Roughness, 146
Neenan, Colin, 157, 190
Neighborhood Odes, 93
Nelson, Blake, 157, 203
Nelson, Judy, 20
Nelson, Michael, 58
Nelson, Peter, 81–82
Neufeld, John, 157, 190
Never Fade Away, 95
Never Mind the Goldbergs, 167
Never Trust a Dead Man, 180, 205
Neverwhere, 28, 125, 199
New Moon, 153, 201, 204
New York Public Library, 46
Newbery Medal, 17
Newman, Leslea, 157, 190
Newson, Lesley, 82
Newton, Suzanne, 157
Nichols, Clay, 76
Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist,
41, 114, 198
Nickerson, Sara, 157
Nicolay, Megan, 82, 193
Night, 98
Night Flying, 155
The Night I Disappeared, 118
The Night My Sister Went Missing,
Night of a Thousand Boyfriends,
114, 194
Night of the Bat, 188
Night of the Pompon, 138
A Night without Armor, 73
Nightmare, 158
Nightmare Academy, 161
Niles, Steve, 157, 204
Nine Coaches Waiting, 174, 202
The Nine Lives of Chloe King
series, 178
9-11: The World’s Finest Comic
Book Writers and Artists
Tell Stories to Remember,
vol. 2, 65
99 Ways to Cut, Sew, and Deck
Out Your Denim, 55, 193
Ninjas, Piranhas, and Galileo, 172
Ninth Key, 112
Nishiyama, Yuriko, 157
Nix, Garth, 158
Nixon, Joan Lowery, 158
No Easy Answers, 125, 202
No More Dead Dogs, 143, 202
No Shame, No Fear, 179
No Witnesses, 161
Nobody Else Has to Know, 178
Nobody’s Son, 174
Nodelman, Perry, 158
Nolan, Han, 158
nonfiction annotations, 51–99
Noonan, Rosalind, 179, 195
Norman, Michael, 82
Norrie, Christine, 180
Norris, Chris, 89
Northcutt, Wendy, 82
The Nose from Jupiter, 169
Not as Crazy as I Seem, 131
The Notebook Girls, 54, 204
Nothing but the Truth (and a Few
White Lies), 133
Nothing to Lose, 123, 198
Novas, Himilce, 82
Now You See It . . . , 180
*NSYNC: The Official Book, 93
Nye, Naomi Shihab, 158
O, 67
Oates, Joyce Carol, 158–159
The Oathbound, 144
O’Brien, Tim, 159
Obata, Takeshi, 159
O’Connell, Tyne, 159
O’Connor, Barbara, 159
Odagiri, Hotaru, 139, 195
Odd Jobs, 90
Oddballs, 171
Odes, Rebecca, 62, 82, 191, 198
O’Donnell, Kerri, 82, 194
Of Mice and Men, 10
Of Sound Mind, 122
The Official Movie Plot Generator,
Oh, Minya, 82, 196
Oh My Goddess! Wrong Number,
124, 198
Oh My Goth, 170
Oh, Yuck! The Encyclopedia of
Everything Nasty, 78, 194
Ohba, Tsugumi, 159, 191
O’Hearn, Claudine Chiawei, 82
Ohlin, Martin, 78
Okey, Shannon, 83, 193
Okutoro, Lydia Omolola, 83, 192
Oldershaw, Cally, 83
Olin, Sean, 159
Olmstead, Kathleen, 83
On a Pale Horse, 102
On the Bright Side, Now I’m the
Girlfriend of a Sex God, 165
On the Fringe, 125, 202
Once a Hero, 154
Once upon a Marigold, 122
1-555-Goddess, 124
One Hundred Demons, 54, 196
145th Street, 155, 199, 203
One of Those Hideous Books
Where the Mother Dies, 173,
One Perfect Rose, 164, 201
O’Neil, Dennis, 83
The Only Alien on the Planet, 164
Only the Ring Finger Knows, 139,
Only the Strong Survive, 85–86
Opdyke, Irene Gut, 83, 204
Open Ice, 137
Ophelia Speaks, 92
Oppel, Kenneth, 159, 197, 199
Optical Illusions: The Science of
Visual Perception, 91
An Order of Amelie, Hold the
Fries, 168
The Order of the Poison Oak, 132
Origin, 138
Orlev, Uri, 159
Osborne, Jennifer, 83
Osbournes Unf***ingauthorized,
Oser, Bodhi, 83, 201
O’Shea, Pat, 159
The Other Side of the Sky, 52
Out of Harm’s Way, 61, 204
Outlander, 125, 201
The Outsiders, 134, 197
Over the Edge, 124
Overdrive, 182
Overlapping Titles (themed list),
Owen, David, 83, 200
Owl in Love, 141
Oy, Joy! 124, 201
Pacific Crossing, 173
Packer, Alex J., 83–84, 200
The Pact, 162
Pagliarulo, Antonio, 159
The Pain Tree, and Other Teenage
Angst-Ridden Poetry, 97,
193, 200
Paint Me like I Am, 84, 193
Painting Caitlyn, 161–162, 190,
Palmer, Chris, 79, 84, 200
paperback lists. See Popular
Paperbacks for Young
Paperquake, 165
Paradise City, 174
Paradise Kiss, 187
Parallel Universe of Liars, 138
Paranoid Park, 157, 203
Pardes, Bronwen, 84, 200
Parker, Buzz, 129
Parker, Daniel, 159
Parker, Derek, 84
Parker, Julia, 84
Partridge, Elizabeth, 84, 201, 204
Party Girl, 122, 198
The Party Room trilogy, 110
Pascal, Francine, 159
Paterson, Katherine, 159–160
The Path, 149
Patnaik, Gayatri, 84, 193
Patterson, James, 160
Patterson, Lindsay, 84, 192
Patterson, Richard North, 160
Paulsen, Gary, 84, 160, 200, 204
Paulsen, Ruth Wright, 84, 160
Pausewang, Gudrun, 160
Pavanel, Jane, 84
Pawn of Prophecy, 121
Pawuk, Mike, 28
Payment, Simone, 84
Payne, C. D., 160
Peak, 172
Pearce, Fred, 84–85, 201
Pearsall, Shelley, 160–161, 202
Pearson, Felicia “Snoop,” 85
Pearson, Ridley, 161
Peck, Richard, 161
Peck, Robert Newton, 161
Pedro and Me, 98, 205
Peel, John, 161
Peeps: A Candy-Coated Tale, 78
Pelzer, Dave, 85, 204
Penn and Teller’s How to Play
with Your Food, 73, 194
Perdomo, Willie, 85
Perel, David, 85, 190, 200
Peretti, Frank, 161
Perez, Marlene, 161, 194
The Perilous Gard, 163
The Periodic Table, 62
Perkins, Mitali, 161
The Perks of Being a Wallflower,
113, 198, 202
Peters, Julie Anne, 161, 195, 200,
Peters, Kimberly Joy, 161–162,
190, 194
Petey, 153
Petrie, Doug, 162, 204
Petty Crimes, 173, 203
Pfetzer, Mark, 85, 200
PhD: Phantasy Degree, 133
Philbrick, Rodman, 162
Phineas Gage, 64, 204
Photographs and Photographers
(themed list), 201
Pick Me Up, 42, 76, 190
Picoult, Jodi, 162, 197
Picture Life series, 12
Picture This, 53–54
Pierce, Meredith Ann, 162
Pierce, Tamora, 162
Pierson, Stephanie, 85
Pigboy, 128, 202
Pilobolus Dance Theater, 85, 201
Pines, Tonya, 162
Pinkney, Brian, 72
Pinkwater, Jill, 162, 202
Pinsky, Drew, 85
Pirateology, 94
Pitts, George, 74, 196, 201
Piven, Joshua, 85
A Place to Call Home, 143
The Plague Tales, 106
Planetes, 187–188
Platt, Larry, 85–86
Platt, Richard, 86
Play, 148
Play like a Girl, 77, 205
Play with Your Food, 63
Played, 117, 198
Players, 176
Playing in Traffic, 126
Playing without the Ball, 182
Pletka, Bob, 42, 86, 193, 201
Plummer, Louise, 162, 201
Plum-Ucci, Carol, 162–163, 197
Point Blank, 136
Polhemus, Colin, 156
Polhemus, Ted, 86, 192
Pollack, Pamela, 86
Pollet, Alison, 86
Pop! 182
Pope, Elizabeth Marie, 163
Popover, 148
Popular Paperbacks for Young
committee process, 29–36
fiction annotations, 101–188
history, 1, 5, 23–28
nonfiction annotations, 51–99
repeat titles, 28
theme-oriented booklists,
themes throughout the years,
30, 33
Pop-Up Book of Phobias, 67
Porter, Connie, 163, 197
PostSecret, 41–42, 97
Pow, Tom, 163
Powell, Andy, 75
Powell, Kevin, 86, 196, 201
Powell, Michael, 86, 203
Powell, Randy, 163
Power and Responsibility, 106,
The Power of Birthdays, Stars,
and Numbers, 60–61
Powers, Ron, 56, 196, 204
PPYA. See Popular Paperbacks
for Young Adults
A Practical Guide to Dragons, 96
A Practical Guide to Monsters, 71
Pratchett, Terry, 125, 163, 205
Pratt, Jane, 86, 191, 193, 200
Precious, 139, 195
The Presence, 168
Preston, Douglas, 163
Preston, Richard, 86, 163
Price, Susan, 163
Pride and Joy, 181
Pride and Prejudice, 104, 201
Prigoff, James, 68
Prince of Tennis, 143
The Princess and the Pauper, 108,
The Princess Bride, 127
The Princess Diaries, 111, 198
Princess in Love, 111
Princess in the Spotlight, 111
The Princess of Pop, 135
Probably Still Nick Swansen, 186
booktalks, 45–46
determining teens’ likes, 39–41
identifying incentives, 45–47
making space for teens, 45
Punk Concert example, 40–41
surveying teens about, 43–45
targeting specific reader
categories, 44–45
Tattoo Info Session, 43
thinking creatively, 41–43
Project X, 170, 197
Prom Night, 174, 203
Promethea, 154
P.S. Longer Letter Later, 117, 194,
Publib electronic list, 25
Public Enemies, 147
Publishers Weekly periodical,
24–25, 32
Pulling Princes, 159
Pullman, Philip, 163–164
Putney, Mary Jo, 164, 201
Quad, 183
Quaking, 121
Qualey, Marsha, 164, 200
Queen Bee, 114
Quick Picks for Great Reading,
14, 16, 20
Quick Picks for Reluctant Young
Adult Readers
committee process, 9–13, 20
fiction annotations, 101–188
history, 1, 4–5, 15–16, 26
nonfiction annotations, 51–99
theme-oriented booklists,
Quick Shots of False Hope, 140, 202
Quiet Storm, 83, 192
Quintana, Anton, 164
Raab, Evelyn, 86
Rabb, M. E., 164
Racer X Illustrated, 60, 195
Rachel, T. Cole, 87
The Radioactive Boy Scout, 92–93
Rag and Bone Shop, 115
Raiders Night, 147
Rain, Gwinevere, 87, 205
Rainbow Boys, 168, 195
Rainbow Party, 167
Rallison, Janette, 164, 202
Randle, Kristin, 164
Ranma ½, 176
Rannels, Melissa, 52, 87, 194
RanVan: The Defender, 184
Rapp-Weiss, Melanie, 20
Raschka, Chris, 74
Raskin, Ellen, 164
Rat Boys, 121, 194
Rats, 188, 201
Rats Saw God, 177–178
Rats! The Good, the Bad, and the
Ugly, 59
Raven’s Gate, 136, 199
Ravenwolf, Silver, 87, 205
Razzle, 186
Read for Your Life: Tales of
Survival, 87
Read magazine, 87
reader categories, 2–4
reading lists
award, 47
Best Books for Young Adults,
9, 13, 26
fiction annotations, 101–188
Great Graphic Novels list, 47
High-Interest Low Reading
Level, 4, 9–13, 16
nonfiction annotations, 51–99
Popular Paperbacks for Young
Adults, 1, 5, 23–36
Quick Picks for Great Reading,
14, 16, 20
Quick Picks for Reluctant
Young Readers, 1, 4–5,
9–16, 20, 26
Recommended Books for
Reluctant YA Readers, 4,
Teens’ Top Ten, 47
themed, 47, 189–205
Reading Teacher periodical, 11
Ready or Not, 111
Real Gorgeous, 60, 191
The Real Rules for Girls, 80
Real Time, 140
The Real World—New Orleans, 86
“The Real World”: The Ultimate
Insiders Guide, 93
A Really Nice Prom Mess, 171–
172, 195
Really Useful, 76–77
Realm of the Reaper, 103
Reaver, Chap, 164
Rebecca, 120
Recommended Books for
Reluctant YA Readers, 4,
13–16, 20
Red Hot Salsa, 58
Red Rider’s Hood, 170
Red Scarf Girl, 73
Red Sky at Morning, 108
Reddy, Mike, 92
Redstone, Susan, 56, 191
Reef of Death, 188
Rees, Celia, 164–165, 205
Rees, Douglas, 165, 200, 204
Regeneration, 171
Regeneration series, 171
Re-gifters, 112
Reich, Nancy, 20
Reid, Lori, 87
Reinhardt, Dana, 165
Reinharz, Shulamit, 52
Reisfeld, Randi, 87
Reiss, Kathryn, 165
Relatively Speaking, 64
Relic, 163
reluctant readers
categories of, 2–4, 15
personalized story, 10
targeting specific categories,
Remarque, Erich-Maria, 165
Remembering Raquel, 180
Remembering Selena, 82
Rennison, Louise, 165, 197, 200
Resnick, Jack, 78
Responsible, 167
Restless Spirit, 84, 201, 204
Return of the Bunny Suicides, 87
Returnable Girl, 147
Reuter, Bjarne, 165
Revenge of the Witch, 118–119,
Revoyr, Nina, 166, 195
Rewind, 171
Reynolds, David West, 87
Reynolds, Marilyn, 166, 203
Rhysmyth, 102
The Rice Room, 64, 204
Ricochet, 128
The Ride of My Life, 71
Riefe, Barbara, 166
Rigby, Robert, 152
The Righteous Revenge of Artemis
Bonner, 155–156, 191
Riley, Andy, 87, 200
Rimshots, 93
Rinaldi, Ann, 166
Ring of Fire, 162, 204
Ring of Light, 106, 205
Riordan, Rick, 166
Ripley’s Believe It or Not, 87–88,
Ritz, David, 85
Roach, Mary, 88, 194, 197
Roberts, Christa, 179, 195
Roberts, David, 42, 76, 190
Roberts, Jeremy, 88
Roberts, Nora, 166
Roberts, Willo Davis, 166
Robinson, James, 166
The Rock, 88
A Rock against the Wind, 84, 192
Rock and Ice Climbing! Top the
Tower, 88
The Rock Says . . . , 88
Rock Star, Superstar, 157
Rocks and Minerals, 83
Rodowsky, Colby, 166
Rodriguez, Luis J., 88, 204
Roeper, Richard, 88
Rogge, Hannah, 88, 194
Rohrer, Russ, 88, 196
Roll Call, 167
Rolling Stone magazine, 88
Rolling Stone: The Complete
Covers, 66
Roman, Benjamin, 126
Romance (themed list), 201–202
Rooftop, 181
Rookie, 52, 205
Room Enough for Love, 64
Rose Madder, 141
Rose, Malcolm, 167
The Rose Queen, 164
The Rose That Grew from
Concrete, 92, 192
Rosenzweig, Sue, 15, 20
Rosey in the Present Tense, 132
Rostkowski, Margaret L., 167
Ross, Alex, 110
Roth, Matthue, 167
Rothbart, Davy, 88–89, 200
Rottman, S. L., 167
Rough Waters, 167
Rovin, Jeff, 167
Rowland, Kelly, 75
Royally Jacked, 110
Rubess, Balvis, 67
Ruby Gloom’s Keys to Happiness,
Ruby, Laura, 167
Rucka, Greg, 167, 195
Rucker Park Setup, 181, 191
Ruditis, Paul, 167
Ruhl, Greg, 94
The Ruins of Gorlan, 123
The Rules of Survival, 183, 190
Rules of the Road, 105, 198
The Rumpelstiltskin Problem, 43,
Run for Your Life, 146
Runaways series, 181, 203
Rundown, 111
Runner, 119
Running Out of Time, 130
Runyon, Brent, 89, 204
Rusty Angel, 141
Rutherford, Dawn, 32
Ryan, Darlene, 167
Ryan, Pam Muñoz, 167–168
Ryan, Tom, 77
Ryder, Bob, 89
Rylant, Cynthia, 89, 168, 200
RZA, 89
Sabriel, 158
Sacco, Joe, 89
Sachar, Louis, 168, 200
Safe, 169
Safe Area Gorazde, 89
Safe at Second, 139
Sakai, Stan, 168
Salant, James, 89, 204
Sale, Tim, 147
Salinger, Adrienne, 89
Salinger, J. D., 168
Saltz, Ina, 89, 192
Salzman, Mark, 89, 197
Sam I Am, 115
Sammy Keyes and the Hotel Thief,
Samurai Girl series, 103
Sanchez, Alex, 168, 195
Sanchez, Reymundo, 89, 205
Sandy Bottom Orchestra, 140
Santiago, Esmeralda, 89, 197, 205
Sari Says, 77
Sasquatch, 172
Satrapi, Marjane, 90, 197, 205
Saul, John, 168
Savage, Candace, 90
Savas, Georgia Routsis, 90
Save This Shirt, 88, 194
Saving Francesca, 149, 202
Saywell, James, 79
Scalora, Suza, 43, 90, 201
Scared! How to Draw Fantastic
Horror Comic Characters,
44, 80, 193
Schaefer, Jack, 168
Schatz, Howard, 90, 201
Scherer, Dave, 89
The Schernoff Discoveries, 160
Schiff, Nancy Rica, 90
Schindler, Nina, 168
Scholastic Book of Firsts, 57, 190
Scholastic Book of World Records
2004, 81, 190
School Library Journal, 15
School Life (themed list), 202
Schraff, Anne, 168
Schreiber, Ellen, 168, 204
Schreiber, Mark, 168, 192
Schreibman, Tamar, 90
Schuerger, Michele, 90
Schulberg, Jay, 90, 192
Schultz, Brandon, 117
Schultz, Ellen, 55, 193
Schutz, Samantha, 90
The Schwa Was Here, 170
Schwager, Tina, 90
Score, 148
Scorpia, 136
Scott, Beth, 82
Scott, Damion, 90, 193, 196
Scott, Elizabeth, 168–169
Scott, Jerry, 90–91
Scott, Kieran, 169
Scrimger, Richard, 169
’Scuse Me While I Kiss This Guy, and
Other Misheard Lyrics, 63
Sea Monsters, 63
The Search, 171
Search for Senna, 103
Search of the Moon King’s
Daughter, 135
Sears, Bart, 149
Seate, Mike, 91, 196
Sebold, Alice, 91, 169
Seckel, Al, 91
The Second Bend in the River,
Second Sight, 106, 205
The Secret Blog of Raisin
Rodriguez, 127
The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole,
Aged 13¾, 178
The Secret Diary of Anne Boleyn,
The Secret Hour, 183–184, 201
The Secret Life of Bees, 140, 191
The Secret Life of It Girls, 145, 202
The Secret Life of Teens, 84, 193
The Secret World of Kabbalah, 51
Secrets, 153
Secrets of the Mummies, 94
See You down the Road, 184
Seedfolks, 123
Seen and Heard, 74, 193
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective
Teens, 60
Seventeen magazine, 91, 193
Seventeen Presents . . .
Traumarama! Real
Girls Share Their Most
Embarrassing Moments
Ever, 91, 193
Seventeen Real Girls, Real-Life
Stories, 91
Seventh Son, 111–112
Sew Subversive, 87, 194
Sewell, Earl, 169
The Sex Book, 84
Sexton, John, 16, 20
Shade’s Children, 158
Shadow of a Doubt, 167
Shadow Place, 177, 195
Shadowland, 112
Shaevel, Evelyn, 25
The Shakeress, 133
Shakespeare, William, 169, 191
Shakur, Sanyika, 91
Shakur, Tupac, 92, 192
Shan, Darren, 169
Shandler, Sara, 92
Shane, 168
Shaquille O’Neal, 67, 190
The Shared Heart, 45
Sharks, 78
Shattered Mirror, 104, 198, 204,
Shattering Glass, 126, 199, 202
Shaw, Maria, 92, 200
Shaw, Susan, 169, 190
Shaw, Tucker, 92, 169, 194
Sheffield, Charles, 170
Sheldon, Dyan, 170, 200, 202
Shepard, Jim, 170, 197
Sherman, Delia, 185
She’s Not There, 56, 204
Shetterly, Will, 28, 170, 200
Shields, Genie Bird, 92
Shinseki, Michelle T., 84, 193
Shivak, Nadia, 92, 205
Shiva’s Fire, 174
Shock Point, 133
Shoebag, 137
Shoeless Joe, 141
Shooter, 156, 202
Shooting Monarchs, 131
Short Stories (themed list),
Short Takes: Fast-Break
Basketball, 93
Show Me Love, 179, 195
Showalter, Gena, 170
Shusterman, Neal, 170, 200, 201
Shutterbug Follies, 147
Sickened, 68, 204
Sight, 182
Sikes, Gini, 92
The Silence of the Lambs, 131
Silent to the Bone, 143
Silva, Rosemary, 82
The Silver Kiss, 142, 204
The Silver Wolf, 108
Silverstein, Ken, 92–93
Simonson, Louise, 93, 203
Simpson, Jessica, 93
The Simpsons, 68
Simpsons Comics A-Go-Go, 129
Simpsons Comics Barn Burner,
Simpsons Comics Madness, 129
Simpsons Comics Royale, 68
Simpsons Comics Unchained, 129
Sinclair, April, 170–171, 191
Singer, Marilyn, 171, 203
Singleton, Linda Joy, 171
Sins of the Father, 166
Sirrell, Terry, 78
Sister to the Wolf, 179
The Sisterhood of the Traveling
Pants, 39
Sitomer, Alan L., 171
Six Months to Live, 151, 195
Skate, 131, 203
Skate and Destroy, 41, 93, 203
Skateboarding (themed list), 203
Skateboarding Is Not a Crime, 61,
198, 203
Skeleton Key, 136
Ski! Your Guide to Jumping,
Racing, Skiboarding,
Nordic, Backcountry,
Aerobatics, and More, 86
Skin, 182
The Skin I’m In, 123, 202
Skud, 123, 202
Skullcrack, 108
Skurzynski, Gloria, 171
Slake’s Limbo, 135
Slam! (Myers), 156
Slam (Von Ziegesar), 97
Sleator, William, 13, 171, 200
Sleeper Agenda, 172
Sleeper Code, 172
Slide or Die, 176
A Slipping-Down Life, 179
Sloan, Brian, 171–172, 195
Sloppy Firsts, 150, 199
Slumber Parties: Things to Make
and Do, 96, 194
Smack, 110
Smashed: Story of a Drunken
Girlhood, 99, 205
Smedman, Lisa, 93, 196
Smith, Barry D., 78
Smith, Betty, 172
Smith, Charles R., Jr., 93, 172, 203
Smith, Danny, 93
Smith, Greg Leitich, 172
Smith, Jeff, 172
Smith, Kevin, 172
Smith, Roland, 172
Smith, Sherri L., 172
The Smugglers, 145
Snail Mail No More, 117, 195
Sniegoski, Tom, 172
Snitch (McClintock), 151
Snitch (van Diepen), 179, 202
Snow, 43, 148
Snow in August, 131, 197
Snowboard! Your Guide to
Freeriding, Pipe and Park,
Jibbing, Backcountry,
Alpine, Boardercross, and
More, 78
Snowboarding Skills, 75
So Mote It Be, 106, 205
So Much to Tell You, 149
So What? The Good, the Mad and
the Ugly, 41, 79
So You Want to Be a Wizard, 120
Soccer Chick Rules, 122
Sold, 151
Soldier’s Heart, 160, 200
A Solitary Blue, 181, 197
Solomon, James, 93
Someone like You, 119, 195
Something Girl, 128, 190
Something Rotten, 128
Something Upstairs, 104
Somewhere in the Darkness, 156
Son, Hee-Joon, 133
Son of the Mob, 143–144, 199, 201
Sones, Sonya, 173, 200, 202
The Song Reader, 179
Sonnenblick, Jordan, 173
Sook, Ryan, 162
Sorcerers of the Nightwing, 137
Sorrells, Walter, 173
Sort of Forever, 182
Soto, Gary, 93, 173, 203
Soul Surfer, 68–69, 204
Soul Survivors, 75
The Soul Taker, 164
Sound of the Beast, 59
South Beach, 124
Sparks, Beatrice, 93, 173–174
Speak, 102, 196, 198
Spears, Britney, 174
Spears, Lynne, 174
Spears, Rick, 68
Special Effects, 69
Spellcraft for Teens, 87, 205
Spencer, Pam, 14, 25
Sphere, 116
Spiders in the Hairdo, 71, 194, 199
Spindle’s End, 43, 152
Spinelli, Jerry, 174
Split Image, 127
The Spoken Word Revolution, 63,
Sports Bloopers, 72
sports, women in (themed list),
Springer, Nancy, 174, 203
The Squire, His Knight, and His
Lady, 154–155
Squires, K. M., 93
St. James, James, 174, 195
St. Stephen’s Community House,
42, 93–94
Stack, Francis William, 26, 31–32
Stained, 137
The Staircase, 166
The Stand, 141
Standal, Timothy, 11
Standiford, Natalie, 174, 194
Staples, Suzanne Fisher, 174
Star Split, 145
“Star Wars,” Episode I: Incredible
Cross-Sections, 87
“Star Wars,” Episode I: The Visual
Dictionary, 87
Starcrossed, 168, 192
Stardust, 125, 197
Stargirl, 174
Starkey, Glen, 155
Starship Troopers, 133
Start Here, 148
Startide Rising, 109
Starwoman, Athena, 94
Staub, Wendy Corsi, 179, 195
Stay True, 171, 203
Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes, 116,
Steen, Rob, 132
Steer, Dugald, 94
Steffans, Karrine, 94, 196, 205
Stemple, Adam, 187
Stephens, J. B., 174
The Steps, 114
Steptoe, Javaka, 160
The Sterkarm Handshake, 163
Stevens, Alec, 180
Stewart, Mark, 94
Stewart, Mary, 174, 202
Stewart, Roger, 62
Stewart, Sean, 174–175, 194
Stick Figure, 67, 204
Sticks and Stones, 128
Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human
Cadavers, 88, 194, 197
Still Angry Little Girls, 145
Stine, Megan, 94
Stine, R. L., 175, 200, 204
Stoehr, Shelley, 175
Stolarz, Laurie Faria, 175, 200
The Stolen, 178
Stone Cold, 132
Stone, Jeff, 175
Stone, Tanya Lee, 175, 194
Stone Water, 126
Stoner and Spaz, 142, 199
Stop, Don’t Stop, 107, 194
Stop Pretending, 173, 200
Stormbreaker, 136, 199
The Story of a Childhood, 90, 197,
Story of a Girl, 188
The Storyteller’s Daughter, 119
Straczynski, J. Michael, 175
The Straight Road to Kylie,
Strange Attractors, 171
Strangers in Paradise: High
School, 28, 154, 195, 199,
Strasser, Todd, 175–176, 202
Stratton, Allan, 176, 191, 197, 200
Straydog, 143
Strays, 142
Street Love, 156
Street Pharm, 180
Street Scene, 76
Streetball, 84, 200
Streetbike Extreme, 91, 196
Stretch Your Wings, 54, 192
Stuck in Neutral, 179, 197
Stuff on My Cat, 65–66
Stupid Crook Book, 68
Stylin’: Great Looks for Teens, 78
The Subtle Knife, 164
Subversive Seamster, 52
Such a Pretty Girl, 184
Sugar in the Raw, 58, 192, 196
Sugiyama, Rika, 44, 94, 191, 193
Sullivan, Geraldine, 60–61
Summer Boys, 101, 201
Summer Sisters, 107
Super Suite, 80
Superhero Handbook, 86, 203
Super-Human, 153
Surviving the Applewhites, 178
Sutcliff, Rosemary, 176
Swallowing Stones, 151
Swanson, Julie A., 176
Sweeney, Joyce, 176
Sweep series, 178, 205
Sweet Valley High series, 24
Sweetblood, 132
Swendson, Shanna, 176
Swinson, Kiki, 96, 193
Sword of the Samurai, 141
Swords for Hire, 102
Szpirglas, Jeff, 94, 194
Taibi, Sal, 71, 192
Takahashi, Rumiko, 176
Takanashi, Mitsuba, 176–177
Takaya, Natsuki, 177, 191, 200
Takedown, 176
Talbot, Bryan, 177
The Tale of One Bad Rat, 177
Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing,
Tales of the Cryptids, 68
Talk to Me, 119
Tall Tales, 172, 203
Tallman, Helen, 20
Tan, Maureen, 177
Tanaka, Shelley, 94
Tangerine, 107
Tanzman, Carol M., 177, 195
Tarbox, Katherine, 95, 205
Tashjian, Janet, 177
Tattoo, 105, 192, 198
Tattoo Nation, 95, 192
Taylor, Clark, 95
Taylor, Deb, 26
Taylor, William, 177, 202
Tears for Water, 75
Technically, It’s Not My Fault, 67
Teen Angst? Naaah . . . , 97, 205
Teen Beauty Secrets, 72, 191
Teen Love, 75
“Teen People” Celebrity Beauty
Guide, 95, 191
Teen People magazine, 95, 191
Teen People: Real Life Diaries,
65, 192
Teen People: Sex Files, 95
Teen Queens and Has-Beens, 135
Teen Witch: Wicca for a New
Generation, 87, 205
The Teenage Guy’s Survival Guide,
42, 61, 198
Teens Cook, 58, 192
teens, for teens (themed list),
Teens’ Top Ten list, 47
television shows, 40
Tell, 151
Teller, 73, 194
Templesmith, Ben, 157
Tempting Fate, 124
Ten Days in the Dirt, 88, 196
Ten Sure Signs a Movie Character
Is Doomed and Other
Surprising Movie Lists, 88
10 Things to Do before I Die, 121
Tenapel, Douglas, 177
Tenderness, 28, 115
Tenders, 198
Tezuka, Osamu, 177
Thalia, 95, 191
Thalia: Belleza! Lessons in
Lipgloss and Happiness,
95, 191
Thatcher, Kevin, 95, 203
The Rock, 88
theme-oriented booklists, 189–205
There’s a God on the Mic, 75, 199
There’s a Hair in My Dirt, 145, 199
They Broke the Law, You Be the
Judge, 72, 199
Thick, 157, 190
The Thief, 179
Thieves’ Paradise, 119
Thigpen, David E., 95, 196
Thin, 68
Things Change, 139, 190, 194
Things I Have to Tell You, 64, 192
The Things They Carried, 159
The Third Eye, 120
Thirteen, 162
Thirteen Reasons Why, 103
30 Days of Night, 157, 204
This Book Really Sucks, 95
This Place Has No Atmosphere,
Thomas, Rob, 177–178, 203
Thompson, Craig, 178
Thompson, Dave, 95
Thompson, Kate, 178, 204
Thomson, Celia, 178
Thorley, Joe, 95
“Thrasher”: Insane Terrain, 95
“Thrasher” Presents: How to
Build Skateboard Ramps,
Halfpipes, Boxes, Bowls
and More, 95, 203
360 Degrees New York, 98–99, 201
3 NBs of Julian Drew, 118
Throat Culture, 127
Thunderbowl, 113
Thwonk, 28, 105, 198, 201
Tiernan, Cate, 178, 205
Ties That Bind, Ties That Break,
Tightrope, 116
Till Death Do Us Part, 151
Tim Duncan, 67, 190
A Time for Dancing, 137
Time Windows, 165
Tingle, Rebecca, 178
Titanic, 134
Tithe, 106
titles, overlapping (themed list),
To Say Nothing of the Dog, 185,
To the Summit, 155
Todd, Mark, 96–97, 193, 200
Toilet Paper Tigers, 144
Tolan, Stephanie, 178
Tolbert, Jeff, 83
Tom, Karen, 96, 193
Tom Strong, 154
Tomey, Ingrid, 178
Tomlinson, Joe, 96
The Tomorrow People, 44, 153,
Tomorrowland, 112, 202
Toning the Sweep, 138
The Top of the World, 73
The Top 10 of Everything 1998,
53, 190
Torn Skirt, 127
Torres, J., 178
Total Astrology, 90
Touching Spirit Bear, 153
The Tough Guide to Fantasyland,
Townsend, Sue, 178
Traces series, 167
Trachtenberg, Robert, 96
Traig, Jennifer, 96, 194
The Transall Saga, 160
Trapped! Cages of Mind and Body,
Trauma-Rama, 94
Traunstein, Deb, 78–79
Treacherous Love, 173–174
Treasure Island, 10
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, 172
Trial by Journal, 142
Triana, Gaby, 179
Tribute to Another Dead Rock
Star, 163
Tris’s Book, 162
Tristan and Iseult, 176
TRL: The Ultimate Fan Guide, 72
Troll Bridge, 187
Trottier, Maxine, 179
Tru Confessions, 177
True Confessions of a Hollywood
Starlet, 120
True Notebooks, 89, 197
True Talents, 148
Trueman, Terry, 179, 197
Truly Grim Tales, 126, 202
The Truly Tasteless Scratch and
Sniff Book, 62
Trumbauer, Lisa Trutkoff, 96
Trust Me, 153
Truth (Kyi), 144, 199, 202
The Truth (Singleton), 171
The Truth about Girlfriends, 63
Truth or Dairy, 113–114
TTYL, 156, 195
Tucker, Lisa, 179
Tucker, Reed, 96
Tullson, Diane, 179
Tunney, Kelly Smith, 52
Tupac: Resurrection, 71, 199
Tupac Shakur, 66, 97, 196
Tupac Shakur Legacy, 73
Turchyn, Sandie, 59, 83
Turnbull, Ann, 179
Turner, Ann, 96
Turner, Megan Whalen, 179
Turning Seventeen series, 179, 195
Twelve, 151
Twelve Shots, 150, 203
24 Girls in 7 Days, 108, 194
Twilight, 153, 201, 204
Twisted, 102
Twisted Summer, 166
Twisted Yoga, 85, 201
Twists and Turns, 151
Two-Fisted Surgeon, 177
Tyler, Anne, 179
Tyra’s Beauty Inside and Out, 42,
54, 191
Tyrell, 108, 191
The Uglies, 184
Ullman, James Ramsey, 179
The Ultimate Race Car Book, 57,
Ultimate Special Forces, 79
Ultimate Sports, 125, 202
Ultimate Sports Lists, 79, 190
Ultra Maniac, 187, 191
Unbelievable, 59, 196
Unexpected Development, 161,
Unexplained: An Encyclopedia
of Curious Phenomena,
Strange Superstitions and
Ancient Mysteries, 52
Unexplained! Strange Sightings,
Incredible Occurrences
and Puzzling Physical
Phenomena, 59
Unforgettable Color, 79
Ung, Loung, 96–97, 205
The Unlikely Romance of Kate
Bjorkman, 162, 201
Unmanned, 181
Unscripted, 76
Unsung Heroes (themed list),
The Unsuspecting Gourmet, 164
Unwind, 170
Urrea, Luis Alberto, 65
Valiant: A Modern Tale of Faerie,
43, 107, 198
Vampire Academy, 152, 204
Vampire High, 165, 200, 204
Vampire Kisses, 168, 204
Vampires, 73
Vampires (themed list), 203–204
van Diepen, Allison, 179–180, 202
Van Draanen, Wendelin, 180
Van Meter, Jen, 180
Vancil, Mark, 76
Vande Velde, Vivian, 43, 180, 204,
Vanderbilt, May, 117
The Vanishing, 140
Vankin, Jonathan, 180
Vatos, 65
Vaughan, Brian K., 181, 203
Vazquez, Diego, 181
Vegan Virgin Valentine, 149
Vegetables Rock! A Complete
Guide for Teenage
Vegetarians, 85
Velez, Ivan, 181, 203, 204
The Venetian Policeman, 164
Venus to the Hoop, 60, 205
Vespers, 167
Vibe magazine, 97, 196
Viguie, Debbie, 181
Vijayaraghavan, Vineeta, 181, 197
Vincent Van Gogh, 67
Violet and Claire, 107, 194
The Virginian, 186
The Virginity Club, 108–109
Virtual War, 171
Vitkus, Jessica, 97, 194
Vizzini, Ned, 97, 181, 200, 205
Vogelein, 137
Voices from the Fields, 53
Voigt, Cynthia, 181, 197
Volponi, Paul, 181, 191, 200
Von Ziegesar, Cecily, 97, 182, 202
VOYA periodical, 35, 45, 47
Vrettos, Adrienne Maria, 182
VX: 10 Years of Vibe Photography,
74, 196, 201
Waddle, Linda, 26
Waid, Mark, 182
Wakan, Naomi, 97
Walk in My World, 150, 203
Walk on Water, 159
Walker, George A., 86
Walking on Glass, 124–125
Wallace, Rich, 28, 182, 200
Wallace, Terry, 97, 192
Wallington, Aury, 182
Walls, Jeannette, 97, 197, 205
Walter Wick’s Optical Tricks, 98
Walters, Eric, 182
The Wanderer, 116
The Wandmaker’s Guidebook, 78
Wann, Marilyn, 97
Wanted! 115
War for the Oaks, 110
Warchild, 147
Ward, Nel, 20
Warner, Sally, 182
Warren, Frank, 42, 97
The Warrior Heir, 113
The Warriors, 109
Warrior’s Apprentice, 109
Warriors Don’t Cry, 54, 192
Wasserman, Robin, 182
Watase, Yuu, 182
Watchers, 143
The Watcher’s Guide, 66
Watching Alice series, 159
Watson, Andi, 182
Watson, Carrie Gordon, 183
Watson, Esther Pearl, 96–97, 193,
Watson, Jamie, 20
Watson, Larry, 183
The Watsons Go to Birmingham—
1963, 117, 191
Watterson, Bill, 97–98
Watts, Franklin, 12
Way inside ESPN’s X-Games, 99
WCW: The Ultimate Guide, 89
We Are the Young Magicians, 64, 192
We B*Girlz, 76, 196
Wearing of This Garment Does Not
Enable You to Fly, 75
Weaver, Michael, 52
Weaver, Will, 183
Weber, Lori, 183
Weekly World News, 85, 190, 200
Weeks, Anne, 14
Weeping Willow, 184
Weisman, Jordan, 175, 194
Welcome to Jasorassic Park, 52
Welcome to the Ark, 178
Wells, Ken, 183
Welter, John, 183
Wenzel, David T., 110
Werlin, Nancy, 183, 190, 200
Westall, Robert, 183, 203
Westbrook, Alonzo, 98, 196
Westerfeld, Scott, 183–184, 201
The Westing Game, 164
Weyn, Suzanne, 184, 192
Whale Talk, 116
What Are My Rights? 73, 199
What Girls Learn, 114–115, 196
What Happened to Cass McBride?
What Happened to Lani Garver?
What Hearts, 109
What If . . . ? Amazing Stories,
137, 202
What My Girlfriend Doesn’t Know,
173, 202
What My Mother Doesn’t Know,
173, 202
What the Cards Said, 106, 205
What They Found, 156, 191, 203
Whatcha Mean, What’s a Zine?
The Art of Making Zines
and Mini-Comics, 96
“What’s That Smell?” (Oh, It’s
Me), 92, 194
Whedon, Joss, 184, 204
Whelan, Gloria, 184
When a Friend Dies, 66, 192
When Dad Killed Mom, 146
When I Knew, 96
When Jeff Comes Home, 103, 190
When Kambia Elaine Flew in from
Neptune, 184–185
When We Were Saints, 158
Where a Nickel Costs a Dime, 85
Where the Heart Is, 146
Where the Red Fern Grows, 10
Where to Park Your Broomstick,
78, 205
Whispers from the Dead, 158
White, Dana, 65, 192
The White Horse, 128
White Lies and Barefaced Truths,
The White Mountains, 113
White, Ruth, 184
Whitney, Kim Ablon, 184
Who Am I without Him? 123
Who Are These People? (themed
list), 204–205
Who Are You? 158
Who Do You Think You Are, 92
Who Killed Mr. Chippendale? 127
Who Killed My Daughter? 62
Who Put That Hair in My
Toothbrush? 174
Who Shot Ya? Three Decades of
Hiphop Photography, 86,
196, 201
Who Will Tell My Brother? 112,
A Whole New Ball Game, 77, 205
Why Do They Hate Me? Young
Lives Caught in War and
Conflict, 71
Whyman, Matt, 184
Wick, Walter, 98
Wide Open: A Life in Supercross,
Wieler, Diana, 184
Wiesel, Elie, 98
Wiess, Laura, 184
Wilcox, Charlotte, 98
Wilderness, 81
Wildside, 128
Wilhelm, Kate, 184
Willet, Edward, 98
Williams, Lori Aurelia, 184–185
Williams, Michelle, 75
Williams, Stanley “Tookie,” 98,
201, 205
Williams-Garcia, Rita, 185, 191
Williamson, Kate T., 98, 201
Willingham, Bill, 185, 201
Willis, Connie, 185, 197
Wilson, Brad, 72
Wilson, Daniel H., 98, 201
Wilson, Jacqueline, 185
Windling, Terri, 185
Winds of Mars, 135
The Wind’s Twelve Quarters, 146,
Windsor, Patricia, 185
Wings, 109
Winick, Judd, 98, 185, 195, 205
Winning Ways, 77, 205
Wister, Owen, 186
Witch Baby, 107, 196
Witch Ball, 171
Witch Child, 165, 205
Witches and Witchcraft (themed
list), 205
Within Reach: My Everest Story,
85, 200
Wittlinger, Ellen, 186, 195, 197,
A Wizard of Earthsea, 146,
The Wizard’s Tale, 110
Wolf Rider, 104
Wolf Tower, 146
Wolff, Virginia, 186
Woman in the Wall, 141
Women in Sports (themed list),
Wonder When You’ll Miss Me,
117, 197
Wong, Janet S., 98
Wood, Nick, 98–99, 201
Woods, Brenda, 186
Woodson, Jacqueline, 186–187,
191, 195, 197
Word Up! Hope for Youth Poetry
from El Centro de la Raza,
Working Days, 150, 203
World’s Shortest Stories, 155, 203
The Worst-Case Scenario Survival
Handbook, 85
The Worst-Case Scenario Survival
Handbook: Travel, 85
Worth the Risk, 63
Worthington, Charles, 99
The Wreckers, 145
Wrede, Patricia, 187
Wrestling Sturbridge, 28, 182, 200
Wurst Case Scenario, 114
The Wu-Tang Manual, 89
WWF Wrestlemania, 61
Wynne-Jones, Tim, 187
YALSA. See Young Adult Library
Services Association
yalsa-bk electronic list, 23
Yamanaka, Lois-Ann, 28, 187, 195,
YAttitudes newsletter, 46
Yazawa, Ai, 187
Yes Yes Y’all, 65, 196
“YM,” 99
Yolen, Jane, 187
Yoshinaga, Masayuki, 99, 191, 192
Yoshizumi, Wataru, 187, 191
Yotsuba&! series, 104, 190
You Are So Cursed, 157, 205
You Don’t Know Me, 142
You Hear Me? Poems and Writing
by Teenage Boys, 64, 192
You Know You Love Me, 182
Young Adult Library Services
background, 1, 5
Best Books for Young Adults,
9, 13, 26
changing role of committee,
electronic lists, 23
Great Graphic Novels list, 47
High Interest/Low Literacy
Level Committee, 4, 9–13,
16, 20
Popular Paperbacks for Young
Adults, 1, 5, 23–36
Quick Picks for Great Reading,
14, 16, 20
Quick Picks for Reluctant
Young Adult Readers, 1,
4–5, 9–16, 20, 26
Recommended Books for
Reluctant YA Readers, 4,
role of chairperson, 19–21
Teens’ Top Ten, 47
Young, Roxyanne, 68
Youngblut, Shelly, 99
Younker, Marin, 29, 34
Yukimura, Makoto, 187–188
Yumoto, Kazumi, 188
Zach’s Lie, 172
Zailckas, Koren, 99, 205
Zarr, Sara, 188
Zeises, Lara M., 188
Zel, 28, 157, 199
Zigzag, 186
Zimmerman, Keith, 99
Zimmerman, Kent, 99
Zindel, Paul, 188, 201
Zine Scene, 56
Zoeller, Chuck, 52
• A chapter for each list by a YA expert explaining the
selection criteria
• A chapter on programming and display ideas
• Lists of the honored titles including brief annotations
and publication information
• Book lists organized by theme
Make choosing titles for teens fun, quick, and easy with this
one-of-a-kind resource!
or more than ten years YALSA has produced two
annual lists, Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults
and Quick Picks for Reluctant Readers, consisting of
recommended reading targeted at young adults who are not
avid readers. Quick and Popular Reads for Teens compiles
bibliographic information about the books honored by these
two selected lists. This one-stop reference source includes
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Best Books
for Young
Third Edition
Young Adult Library Services Association
Edited by Holly Koelling
Foreword by Betty Carter
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