the program - SaM search and matching research


the program - SaM search and matching research
Wednesday, May 20 th
11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Conference Registration
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Lunch and Poster Session #1 [Salle des Actes]
Panagiotis Nanos, Sheffield (with Christian
Joshua Ping Ang, Connecticut
Schluter, Aix-Marseille)
The Role of Money in a Non-Cooperative Directed
Wage Differentials across Local Labour Markets: A
Search-Theoretic Framework
Structural, Empirical and Spatial-Search Approach
Roberto Bonilla, Newcastle (with Francis Kiraly,
Alessandro Pizzo, Paris I (with Francois Langot,
Newcastle and John Wildman Newcastle)
Université du Mans)
Marriage Wage Premium with Productivity
Accounting for Labor Gaps
Edgar Preugschat, Technical University of
Isabel Cairó, Federal Reserve
Dortmund (with Javier Fernandez-Blanco,
The Slowdown in Business Employment Dynamics:
The Role of Changing Skill Demands
On the Effects of Ranking by Unemployment
Arnaud Chéron, Le Mans (with Anthony Terriau,
Université du Mans)
Bastian Schulz, Ifo
Life-cycle training and equilibrium unemployment
Wage Rigidity and Labor Market Dynamics with
Pieter Gautier, VU Amsterdam (with Xiaoming
Cai, VU and Ronald Wolthoff, UToronto)
Florian Sniekers andPiotr Denderski, VU
Meeting Technologies, Heterogeneity and
Competing Mechanisms
A Market Theory of Self-Employment: Competitive
Tom-Reiel Heggedal, Oslo BI (with Jørgen Juel
Search Equilibrium and Policy Implications
Andersen, Oslo BI)
Linas Tarasonis, AMSE (with Bruno Decreuse,
Political Rents and Voter Information in Search
Estimating a Search Equilibrium Model of Statistical
Etienne Lalé, Bristol (with Juan J. Dolado, EUI and
Discrimination: Racial Wage and Employment
Nawid Siassi, Konstanz)
Disparities in the US
Moving Towards a Single Labour Contract:
Anna Zaharieva, Bielefeld (with Yuliia
Transition vs Steady-State
Stupnytska, Bielefeld)
Steeve Mongrain, Simon Fraser (with Bruno
Explaining the U-Shape of the Referral Hiring
Decreuse, AMSE and Tanguy van Ypersele, AMSE)
Pattern in a Search Model with Heterogeneous
The (Search) Economics of False Alarms
1:45 pm - 3:10 pm
Sorting [Amphi Favoreu]
Cristian Bartolucci, Collegio Carlo Alberto (with
Francesco Devicienti, Turin/Carlo Alberto and
Ignacio Monzon, Carlo Alberto)
Better Workers Move to Better Firms: A Simple Test
to Identify Sorting
Coffee Break
3:10 pm - 3:30 pm
3:30 pm – 4:55 pm
Public Policy [Amphi Favoreu]
James Albrecht, Georgetown (with Fabien
Postel-Vinay, UCL and Susan Vroman,
Burdett-Judd Redux
Christian Holznern, Ifo (with Hermann Gartner,
Institute for Employment Research)
Wage Posting as a Positive Selection Device: Theory
and Empirical Evidence
Jeremy Lise, UCL (with Fabien Postel-Vinay, UCL)
Multidimensional Skills, Sorting, and Human Capital
Andrey Launov, Mainz (with Klaus Walde, Mainz)
The Employment Effect of Reforming a Public
Employment Agency
Adrian Masters, Albany
Job Creators, Job Creation and Tax Code
4:55 pm – 5:15 pm
5:15 pm – 6:15 pm
Keynote Speaker #1 [Amphi Favoreu]
Guido Menzio, University of Pennsylvania
6:30 pm – 11:00 pm
Dinner [Auberge du Relais de Saint Ser, Puyloubier]
Coach to restaurant
There will be a coach to take delegates to the Auberge du Relais de Saint Ser (around 30 minutes’ drive away). The
coach will leave from the venue at 6.30pm and will take participants back to Aix-en-Provence at 11pm.
9:00 pm - 9:25 pm
Thursday, May 21 st
Welcoming Coffee
9:25 am – 10:50 am Networks and Heterogeneity [Amphi Favoreu]
Ofer Cornfeld, Tel Aviv
The Ranking of Workers and Equilibrium Wage
10:50 am – 11:10 am Coffee Break
11:10 am – 1:00 pm Wage-Setting and Turnover [Amphi Favoreu]
Björn Brügemann, VU Amsterdam
Privately Efficient Wage Rigidity Under
Diminishing Returns
Javier Fernández-Blanco, Autonoma (with
Sekyu Choi, Autonoma de Barcelona)
Worker Turnover and Non-Employment
1:15 pm – 2:45 pm
Lunch and Poster Session #2 [Salle des Actes]
Michèle Belot, Edinburgh (with Marina
Schroder, Cologne)
Remembering People – A Field Study Among
Bruno Decreuse, AMSE (with Jim Albrecht
and Susan Vroman)
Directed search with phantom vacancies
Tobias Gamp, Bonn
Search, Information Acquisition, and
Bo Hu, VU Amsterdam (with Pieter Gautier,
VU Amsterdam and Makoto Watanabe, VU
Marketmaking Middlemen
Francis Kiraly, Newcastle (with Roberto
Bonilla, Newcastle and John Wildman,
Beauty Premium and Marriage Premium in
Search Equilibrium: Theory and Empirical Test
Philipp Kircher, Edinburgh (with Michele
Belot, Edinburgh and Paul Muller, VU
How Wage Annoucements Affect Job Search
Behaviour – a Field Experimental Investigation
Nicholas Lawson, AMSE
Optimal Unemployment Policy
Falk Mazelis, Humboldt
The Role of Shadow Banking in the Monetary
Transmission Channel
3:00 pm – 4:50 pm
New Extensions [Amphi Favoreu]
Jan Eeckhout, UCL (with Ilse Lindenlaub,
Unemployment Cycles
Renato Faccini, Queen Mary (with Yashiv
Eran, Tel Aviv)
Hiring and Investment Frictions vs Price Frictions
in DSGE Models
Eeva Mauring, UCL
Two-Person Search
Isaac Sorkin, Michigan
Ranking Firms Using Revealed Preference
Pietro Garibaldi, Torino (with Gerard Pfann,
Dismissal Disputes and Endogenous Sorting
Alexandre Janiak, Chile (with Sofia
Bauducco, Central Bank of Chile
The Impact of the Minimum Wage on Capital
Accumulation and Employment in a Large-Firm
Sébastien Ménard, Le Mans (with Coralia
Quintero Rojas, University of Guanajuato)
Absenteeism and Productivity: the Experience
Rating Applied to Employer Contributions to
Health Insurance
Meradj Pouraghdam, Sciences Po (with Elisa
Guglielminetti, Sciences Po)
Labor Market Volatility and Macroeconomic
Fabien Postel-Vinay, UCL (with Giuseppe
Moscarini, Yale U)
Wage Posting and Business Cycles: a
Quantitative Exploration
Markus Riegler,LSE
The Impact of Uncertainty Shocks on the JobFinding Rate and Separation Rate
Damir Stijepic, Goethe
Mobility and Sorting: Theory and Evidence
Francoise Vasselin, Paris II
A New Monetarist Model of Fiat and E-Money
Montserrat Vilalta-Bufí, Barcelona (with
Ausias Ribo, Barcelona)
Restrictions from Different Functional Forms of
the Matching Function
Guillaume Wilemme, Sciences Po
Estimating On-the-Job Search and the Effects of
Income Taxation: A Structural Approach
Vincent Sterk, UCL
The Dark Corners of the Labor Market
Etienne Wasmer, Sciences Po (with Nicolas
Petrosky-Nadeau, Carnegie-Mellon)
Fiscal Multipliers and Search Frictions in the
Goods Market
4:50 pm – 5:10 pm
Coffee Break
5:10 pm- 6:10 pm
Keynote Speaker #2 [Amphi Favoreu]
Paul Beaudry, University of British Columbia
In Search of Labor Demand
8:00 pm
Dinner [Restaurant les 2 frères, 4 Avenue Reine Astrid, Aix-en-Provence – see map page 3]
Friday, May 22 nd
8:40 am – 9:00 am
Welcoming Coffee
9:00 am – 10:50 am Expectations, Information and Decision-Making [Amphi Favoreu]
James Costain, Banco de Espana
Paul Muller, VU Amsterdam (with Michèle
Costly Decisions and Sequential Bargaining
Belot, Edinburgh and Philipp Kircher,
Luke Haywood, DIW Berlin (with Sascha
Does Searching Broader Improve Job Prospects?
Drahs, DIW and Amelie Schiprowski, DIW)
A Field Experiment
Job Search Expectations
Benjamín Villena-Roldán, ChileDo (with
Stefano Banfi, Central Bank of Chile)
High-Wage Jobs Attract More Applicants?
Directed Search Evidence from the Online Labor
10:50 am – 11:10 am Coffee Break
11:10 am – 1:00 pm Business Cycles [Amphi Favoreu]
Daniel Borowczyk-Martins, Sciences Po
(with Etienne Lale, Bristol)
Employment Adjustment and Part-time Jobs:
The US and the UK in the Great Recession
Jan Duras, Penn State
A Search Model of Unemployment and
1:00 pm
Thepthida Sopraseuth, Cergy-Pontoise (with
Eleni Iliopulos, PSE and Francois Langot, Le
Mans & PSE)
Welfare Cost of Fluctuations when Labor Market
Search Interacts with Financial Frictions
Ludo Visschers, Carlos III Madrid (with
Matthias Kredler, Carlos III Madrid and Ana
Millan,Autonoma & Carlos III Madrid)
Great Opportunities or Poor Alternatives: SelfEmployment, Unemployment and Paid
Employment Over the Business Cycle
Take away Lunch

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