discover america - Brand USA programs
discover america - Brand USA programs
CASE STUDY DISCOVER AMERICA INSPIRATION GUIDE 2015 Explore BRAND USA 2015 DISCOVER AMERICA INSPIRATION GUIDE Background Objectives Germany Canada Strategy Scandinavia UK & Ireland South Korea Austria Execution USA China E. Europe Japan Switzerland Results Brand USA’s mission is to expand the United States’ presence as a top travel destination for international visitors. As one of its key marketing programs, Brand USA selected Miles to create a top-of-funnel Inspiration Guide to entice visitors from traditional and emerging markets for the U.S. in 13 editions for distribution in 21 countries. Taiwan Mexico India Brazil 1.3 $ TRILLION The equivalent of one trillion U.S. dollars is spent annually on travel throughout the globe 100 MILLION The number of international visitors the U.S. wants to welcome annually by 2021 Hong Kong Australia New Zealand 100% Globally, spending on travel is expected to double by 2030 BRAND USA 2015 DISCOVER AMERICA INSPIRATION GUIDE Background discover america discover america Objectives KANSAS TOURISM Strategy CEDAR POINT discover america Execution DE GAUCHE À DROITE, Le Penobscot River près de Mount Katahdin dans le Maine ; parc d’attractions Cedar Point à Sandusky dans l’Ohio ; pêche dans le Kansas ; Canyons Resort à Park City dans l’Utah BRIDGET BESAW/MAINE OFFICE OF TOURISM DE HAUT EN BAS : Comece sua aventura DES EXPÉRIENCES EXALTANTES Encontre um lugar onde suas férias vão lhe encantar, inspirar, surpreender e deliciar. Essa é uma terra de sonhos, um lugar cheio de aventuras únicas, paisagens naturais estonteantes e espaços amplos a céu aberto. Aqui você encontrará culturas vibrantes, cidades com uma energia que não para e pessoas acolhedoras dispostas a compartilhar o melhor do país com você. Tudo isso espera por você aqui nos Estados Unidos. The Discover America Inspiration Guide supports Brand USA’s messaging, while showcasing the diversity of our country and its people. 11 DONNIE SEXTON Guide officiel des États-Unis Grinnell Lake, Parque Nacional de Glacier, Montana 6 Guia Oficial dos EUA 7 Strände & Inseln | In der Natur Ultimately, the goal was to reach a significant number of travel influencers and consumers through both the printed and digital guides. STRÄNDE & KINDRA CLINEFF INSELN THE PUERTO RICO TOURISM COMPANY 10 Descubra os Estados Unidos como nunca antes. CANYONS RESORT Que ce soient les grisantes descentes en eau vive des rapides du Maine, du Colorado et de la Caroline du Nord ou les hurlements de joie poussés du haut des montagnes russes de Cedar Point dans l’Ohio, les États-Unis vous réservent de multiples aventures à sensations fortes. Faites-vous plaisir en dévalant les pentes de poudreuse dans l’une des prestigieuses stations de ski des ÉtatsUnis. Défiez la gravité sur le Hualapai Tribe’s Skywalk, sorte de passerelle horizontale qui dépasse de 21 mètres le bord du Grand Canyon dans l’Arizona. Faites l’expérience de la vie sous-marine avec le SeaWalker Tour à Guam, où les visiteurs équipés de casques spéciaux peuvent marcher au fond de l’océan. Appréciez la sérénité d’une traversée à la voile de la Narragansett Bay à Rhode Island. Attrapez un gros poisson dans le Kansas. Savourez la délicieuse sensation des flocons de neige tombant sur vos épaules pendant que vous vous relaxez dans les sources naturelles d’eau chaude du Wyoming, du Montana, du Colorado et de l’Idaho. Sentez l’énergie exubérante des carnavals aux États-Unis, dans les Iles Vierges américaines, de la Fantasy Fest à Key West, en Floride ou du Mardi Gras à la Nouvelle-Orléans en Louisiane. À pied ou à vélo, parcourez la piste légendaire Maah Daah Hey Trail dans le Dakota du Nord et vivez une véritable aventure. ■ LAUSCHEN SIE DEM LEISEN FLÜSTERN DER WELLEN, Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts; Little Palm Island, Florida; Sun Bay, Vieques, Puerto Rico VON LINKS NACH RECHTS: SAMMY TODD DYESS Results Brand USA’s goal was to create a stunning inspiration piece to encourage international visitors to consider the U.S. for their next vacation. discover america tauchen Sie Ihre Füße in goldenen Sand oder bauen Sie eine riesige Sandburg mit Ihren Kindern – in einem Strandurlaub in den USA dreht sich alles um die einfachen Freuden im Leben. Freuen Sie sich auf einige der besten Traumstrände der Welt, von den mit Palmen gesäumten Stränden im tropischen Puerto Rico bis zu den dramatischen, felsigen Küstenabschnitten von Washington State, Oregon und Kalifornien. Für einen romantischen Urlaub mit viel Sonnenschein ist Florida mit seinen Inseln Sanibel, Amelia oder Honeymoon genau das Richtige. Oder entspannen Sie in den smaragdgrünen Gewässern von Nordwest-Florida. Schwimmen, schnorcheln oder tauchen Sie bei einem exotischen mikronesischen Strandurlaub auf Guam oder den Nördlichen Marianen. Genießen Sie unbeschwerte Sommer- und Badetage an den erfrischenden, kristallklaren Great Lakes. Verbringen Sie eine Woche am Strand in der hübschen, viktorianischen Stadt Cape May in New Jersey oder entdecken Sie die 65 Kilometer langen Strände der Cape Cod National Seashore in Massachusetts mit unberührten Dünen und idyllischen Leuchttürmen. Erleben Sie die friedliche Abgeschiedenheit der wunderschönen Golden Islands von Georgia oder spüren Sie die sprudelnde Lebensfreude von Myrtle Beach in South Carolina. WEITERE INSPIRATIONEN FÜR STRANDURLAUBE FINDEN SIE AUF DE.DISCOVERAMERICA.COM 60 Offizieller Reiseführer für die USA 61 Editorial content from the 2015 Inspiration Guide BRAND USA 2015 DISCOVER AMERICA INSPIRATION GUIDE Background Objectives Inspiration Guide covers for France, Germany and China DIS COV ER AMER ICA Strategy Execution Results 文版 Our team differentiated this product in the marketplace by creating a top-of-funnel inspiration piece. Its job is not to be the “how-to guide” to visiting the U.S., since these publications can be readily found in most of the target international countries. 繁體中 The key strategy for the Discover America Inspiration Guide was to showcase the United States as a land of amazing and unique travel experiences. Brand USA’s tagline “Discover this land, like never before.” was the theme for the guide. 神奇的 美國探 索之旅 BRAND USA 2015 DISCOVER AMERICA INSPIRATION GUIDE Background EXPLORE LA Objectives INCREÍBLE NATURALEZA Disfrute de nuestros grandes espacios abiertos Strategy Execution PURE MICHIGAN Results Faro Point Iroquois, Brimley, Michigan 16 17 Content showcased unique and authentic U.S. travel experiences. 문화 Hawai‘i 하와이 알로하�정신이�스며든�하와이의 풍부한�복합�문화를�발견해보세요 Hawai‘i, O‘AHU Die hawaiianischen Inseln bieten einige der schönsten, einzigartigsten Strände der Welt. Hier sehen Sie einen Sandstrand auf O‘ahu. Großartige Natur 훌라춤을�추고�있는�아이들 Parque Estatal Bahía Honda Utah, CANYONLANDS NATIONALPARK Besucher der Island in the Sky genießen auf über 300 Metern Höhe einen großartigen Blick über den Canyon. 10 65 136 다이아몬드�헤드�부근의�아웃리거�카누 Offizieller Amerika-Reiseführer 미국 공식 여행 안내 책자 레이�만들기 HAWAI‘I TOURISM AUTHORITY HEEB PHOTOS/ESTOCK PHOTO DANA EDMUNDS TOR JOHNSON Una semana o más en Los Cayos de Florida, con su belleza natural, pesca y buceo de clase mundial, las aventuras ecológicas, su rica historia y la buena cocina de la isla, es exactamente lo que necesita su explorador interior. Reme por aguas cristalinas pasando por cayos deshabitados, maravíllese con la vida marina y las aves de playa; y contemple la inspiración de gran parte de las obras de arte de las islas. 휴가�모험 ᅠ하와이� 섬에서� 활화산으로부터� 나온� 녹은 용암이� 바다로� 흘러가는� 모습을� 경외심과� 함께 감상해보세요. ᅠ아웃리거� 카누를� 타고� 와이키키� 비치를� 향해 가는�경주를�하며�심장�박동을�느껴보세요. ALASKASTOCK/MASTERFILE Cayos de Florida eBook 문화 하와이의�다양한�문화는�그�언어와�음악, 미술, 연극, 무용, 요리에서 나타납니다. 화가의� 붓� 놀림, 훌라� 무희의� 손이� 그려내는� 유연한 활� 모양, 슬랙� 키� 기타의� 부드러운� 선율을� 통해� 우아하게� 전달되는 따뜻하고� 관대한� 알로하� 정신을� 만나보세요. “파니올로(카우보이), 중국�용, 불�춤�무용수들, 민족�축제와�음식�축제�등을�통해�하와이의 문화는� 더욱� 활기를� 띱니다. 일년� 내내, 활기찬� 퍼레이드와� 길거리 축제, 음식� 및� 공예품� 전시, 콘서트와� 가족� 문화� 활동들을� 만날 Einst 훌라� war경연� Amerika von unberührter 수� 있습니다. 대회의� 올림픽이라고� 할� 수� 있는� 메리 모나크� 페스티벌(Merrie Monarch Heute Festival)이�haben 열리는� 봄철에� Wildnis geprägt. Sie빅die 아일랜드를�방문한다면�축제를�꼭�접해보세요. 유명한�서핑의�아버지 die atemberaubenden 듀크�Möglichkeit, 카하나모쿠(Duke Kahanamoku)로부터� 대대로� 전수받은 서핑�Naturlandschaften 강사들인� 와이키키� 비치� 보이스(Waikīkī Beach Boys)들과 zu entdecken. 함께�아웃리거�카누�서핑으로�와이키키�해변을�즐겨보세요. 농장과 목장� 도보� 관광을� 떠나서� 지역� 셰프들의� 손을� 거쳐� 걸작� 요리로 탄생한�신선한�농작물과�생선, 고기를�맛보세요. 아니면, 현지인들이 가장� 좋아하는� 가득� 쌓은� 플레이트� 런치를� 간편하게� 먹어볼� 수도 있습니다. Para los exploradores modernos, no hay lugar como Los Cayos de Florida. See Großartige Natur Minnesota, BOUNDARY WATERS WILDERNESS Mehr als 1.000 Seen in abgeschiedener Wildnis, ein wahrlich großartiger Ort zum Kajakfahren und Fischen. HEEB PHOTOS/ESTOCK PHOTO LOS CAYOS DE FLORIDA Y KEY WEST HAWAI‘I TOURISM AUTHORITY (HTA)/JOE SOLEM Großartige Natur playas e islas | la increíble naturaleza CHARLIE MUNSEY/CORBIS The guide contains no display ads for its primary participants: state and regional destinations. Instead, destinations had the opportunity to purchase sponsored space, created by editors and designers to fit cohesively with the content and mission of the publication. THE FLORIDA KEYS & KEY WEST (MONROE COUNTY TDC) To successfully execute the strategy, we used stunning visual imagery, and promoted the four Brand USA Marketing Pillars (Great Outdoors, Culture, Urban Excitement and Indulgence), focusing on experiential travel. Guía oficial de los Estados Unidos de América Alaska, JUNEAU ᅠ세계적으로� 유명한� 오아후(O‘ahu)의� 노스 쇼어에서 6m에� 달하는� 파도를� 타는� 전문 서퍼들을�구경해보세요. In den Küstengewässern Alaskas gibt es Schwert- und Buckelwale, die über die ᅠ유명한�하와이�셰프가�준비한�하와이�지역�요리의 Inside Passage hierher ziehen. 다채로운�풍미를�맛보세요. 카메하메하�왕의�동상, 호놀룰루 15_BUSA_FPE_Hawaii_SK.indd All Pages Partner content was designed to promote destinations seamlessly within the editorial strategy. 11 137 2/26/2015 11:17:57 AM BRAND USA 2015 DISCOVER AMERICA INSPIRATION GUIDE Background International Visitation Is Up! Objectives Visitor arrivals to the U.S. increased 4.5% in 2013 due to Brand USA’s marketing efforts. As the official travel guide to the USA, the Discover America Inspiration Guide is a key marketing component of Brand USA’s overall strategy. Strategy Execution ddy and Winner of A ards HSMAI aw Results stination Over 230 deants particip s!) The Miles/Brand USA team created an inspiration guide depicting the excitement, breadth and diversity of travel experiences in the U.S. in 00% growth (more than 2 The team exceeded goals for industry participation, with more than 230 destinations and travelrelated businesses participating. The revenue goal was met through sponsored content that supported the brand. sure Digital expo ooks B through 13 e The guide was distributed to travel influencers and consumers worldwide, in print and digital versions. More than 100 million digital impressions promoted the guide. 2 year in distributed s ie p o c K 0 55 to travel 21 countries consumers and influencers 0 million More than 10ressions digital imp vs. 2013) in 2016 distribution al it ig d e th (3X NEW IN 2016 A new American Welcome Experiences section will open the guide, sharing stunning photography and memorable travel experiences from real people! Plus, in 2016, destination content will be organized by region, rather than by interest pillar, providing context to guide international travelers to your destination!