German Business in Indonesia
German Business in Indonesia
German Business in Indonesia Edited by: Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Jakarta Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 1, Jakarta 10310 – Indonesia Tel.: +62 (0)21 / 398 55 154, Fax: +62 (0)21 / 398 55 130 [email protected] Issue: January 2017 1 2 Inhaltsverzeichnis / Table of Contents Allgemeine Hinweise / General Remarks Zeichenerklärung / Explanation of Symbols Organisationen / Organizations Deutsche Botschaft / German Embassy Honorarkonsuln / Honorary Consuls EKONID – Deutsch-Indonesische Industrie- und Handelskammer GTAI – Gesellschaft für Außenwirtschaft und Standortmarketing mbH / Germany Tade and Invest German Centre GIZ – Deutsche Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit KfW – Bankengruppe DEG – Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft Poltische Stiftungen / Political Foundations SES – Senior Experten Service Goethe-Institut e.V. Deutsches Haus Surabaya DAAD – Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst DSJ – Deutsche Schule Jakarta IULI – International University Liaison Indonesia SGU – Swiss German University IGC – Indonesian-German Circle PAJ – German Alumni Associations CDAAI – Carl-Duisberg Alumni Association Indonesia WUSKI – World University Service Komitee Indonesian Kirchengemeinden Die Brücke – Yayasan Sosial Jembatan Elektronische Portale / Electronic Portals Deutsche in weiteren Firmen / German Citizens in Other Companies 3 Allgemeine Hinweise / General Remarks Die Telefon- und Telefaxnummern in Indonesien und Deutschland werden jeweils für die nationale Anwahl angegeben. Die internationalen Vorwahlen sind für Indonesien +62 für Deutschland +49 Phone and fax numbers in Indonesia and Germany are indicated for national access. For international access from Indonesia to Germany please replace the initial digit „0“ with the country code for Germany (+49). Die Zeitverschiebung Jakartas zu Deutschland beträgt +6 Std während der deutschen Winterzeit +5 Std während der deutschen Sommerzeit. The German time zone is WIB -6 during German winter time (November - March) WIB -5 during German summer time (April - October) Für die Vollständigkeit und Richtigkeit der Angaben kann die Botschaft keine Gewähr übernehmen. The German Embassy will not assume responsibility for any errors and omissions. Zeichenerklärung / Explanation of Symbols Telefon / phone number Telefax / fax number Postanschrift / Postal address Mobiltelefon / handphone @ E-Mail Website 4 Organisationen Organizations 5 Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Amtsbezirk / Administrative District Indonesien und Osttimor Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 1 Jakarta 10310 +62 (0)21 / 39855 -000 (operator) (other extensions: -xxx) +62 (0)21 / 398 55 130 @ [email protected] Arbeitszeiten / Office hours Juni – Februar / June - February Mo 07.15h – 15.30h Di/Tue – Do/Thu 07.15h – 15.45h Fr 07.15h – 13.00h März – Mai / March – May Besuchszeiten / Visiting hours Mo – Do/Thu 07.15h – 15.00h Fr 07.15h – 13.15h Mo – Fr 08.30h – 11.30h (oder nach Vereinbarung / or by appointment) Bereitschaftsdienst für Notfälle In case of emergency only +62 (0)811 15 25 26 Rechts- und Konsularabteilung +62 (0)21 / 398 55 172 / -173 / -174 +62 (0)21 / 398 55 194 @ [email protected] Besuchszeiten / Visiting hours Mo – Fr Visaabteilung / Visa Section +62 (0)21 / 398 55 114 +62 (0)21 / 398 55 195 @ [email protected] 08:00h – 11:30h Besuchszeiten / Visiting hours Visabeantragung / apply for visa Nach Vereinbarung / by appointment Terminvergabesystem Visaabholung / pick up visa Mo – Do/Thu 13:00h – 14:00h Fr 10:00h – 12:00h 6 Informationen für Deutsche in Indonesien (auch Reise- und Sicherheitshinweise) The Embassy’s website in German and Bahasa Indonesia for - Visa regulations Information on the Embassy’s departments Links to many German organizations in Indonesia and Germany and to the website of the Federal Foreign Office 7 Botschafter +62 (0)21 - Michael Freiherr von Ungern-Sternberg 398 55 144 Hendrik Barkeling 398 55 142 Johannes Kerner 398 55 156 Development Cooperation Ina von Frantzius Deniz Sertcan 398 55 151 398 55 190 Forschung & Wissenschaft Dr. Svann Langguth 398 55 155 Beate Marold 398 55 136 Politics Jens Hoch David Gudisch Timo Goosmann 398 55 129 398 55 119 398 55 123 Kultur und Presse Jörg Kinnen 398 55 126 Kathrin Mahdi-Hegewald 398 55 112 Gregor Fiedler 398 55 116 O.i.G. Joachim Sproll 398 55 111 Dr. med. Christoph Johannes Klose 398 55 161 Ambassador Ständiger Vertreter Leiter der Abteilung für Wirtschaft und Globale Fragen Deputy Head of Mission Director General for Economic Affairs and Global Issues Wirtschaftsdienst Economic & Commercial Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit Science & Technology Verwaltung Administration Politik Culture & Information Rechts- und Konsularabteilung Consular Section Pass- & Visastelle Passport & Visa Section Verteidigungsattaché Defence Attaché Gesundheitsdienst Medical Service 8 Honorarkonsuln Mr Robert Jantzen Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany Jl. Pantai Karang No. 17 Batujimbar-Sanur / Bali P.O. Box 100 Denpasar 80228 Amtsbezierk: Bali & NTB Besuchszeiten / Visiting hours +62 (0)361 / 288 535 +62 (0)361 / 288 826 @ [email protected] 08:30h – 16:30h Monday – Friday Mr Harjanto Tjokrosetio, Dipl.-Ing. Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany Jl. Dr. Wahidin No. 29 Surabaya 60264 Amtsbezirk: Ostjava Bürozeiten / Office hours +62 (0)31 / 563 1871 / 73 +62 (0)31 / 563 1872 @ [email protected] 08.30h – 15:00h Monday - Friday 9 Mr Liliek Darmadi, Dipl.-Ing., MM Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany Jl. Abdullah Lubis No. 47A Medan 20154 +62 (0)61 / 415 2323 +62 (0)61 / 415 2424 @ [email protected] Amtsbezirk: Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Riau, Nord- und Westsumatra einschließlich der Mentawai-Inseln. Bürozeiten / Office hours 09.00h – 13:00h Monday - Friday 10 EKONID Dt.-Indon. Industrie- und Handelskammer Chamber of Industry & Commerce / Perkumpulan Ekonomi Indonesia-Jerman Jl. H. Agus Salim No. 115 Jakarta 10310 P.O. Box 3151 Jakarta 10031 +62 (0)21 / 315 4685 +62 (0)21 / 315 5276 @ [email protected] Executives Mr Jan Rönnfeld Managing Director N.N. Head of Legal Department / Deputy Director @ @ [email protected] [email protected] Mr Martin Krummeck Head of Business Development @ [email protected] Activities: Die Dienstleistungen der EKONID umfassen unter anderem: - Informationen über Zölle, Steuern, Kontingente, Industrienormen, Import- und Exportbedingungen - Auf individuelle Kundenwünsche zugeschnittene Marktforschung Erstellung von Firmenprofilen als Entscheidungshilfe für ein Agentenverhältnis, ein Joint Venture oder einen Geschäftsabschluss - Publikationen in deutscher und indonesischer Sprache - Rechtsberatung - Vertretung der wichtigsten deutschen Messegesellschaften, Organisation von Buchmessen Mailings und Begleitveranstaltungen, Betreuung - Vermittlung von Geschäftspartnern und -kontakten EKONID provides the following services: - Information on tariffs, taxes, quotas and industry standards as well as import and export terms - Customized market research and company profiles - Publications in German and Bahasa Indonesia - Legal advice - EKONID is sole agent to the most important German trade fairs, exhibition space, advice and support to exhibitors, organization of press conferences and presentations - Initiating cooperation between German and Indonesian companies, search for appropriate business-partners 11 Gesellschaft für Außenwirtschaft & Standortmarketing mbH German Trade and Invest Außenwirtschaft: Agrippastr. 87-93 50676 Köln Postfach 10 02 22 50445 Köln +49 (0)221 / 2057-0 +49 (0)221 / 2057 212 @ [email protected] Investment: Friedrichstr. 60 10117 Berlin +49 (0)30 / 200 099-0 +49 (0)30 / 200 099-111 @ [email protected] Office Jakarta Jl. H. Agus Salim No. 115 Jakarta 10310 +62 (0)21 / 392 6485 +62 (0)21 / 315 7086 @ Executives Dr. Roland Rohde Delegate for Indonesia Activities: Die Gesellschaft berät ausländische Unternehmen, die ihre Geschäftstätigkeit auf den deutschen Markt ausdehnen wollen. Sie unterstützt deutsche Unternehmen, die ausländische Märkte erschließen wollen, mit Außenwirtschafts- informationen. Germany Trade and Invest bietet ein umfassendes, kundenorientiertes Angebot an Wirtschafts- und Branchendaten sowie Informationen zu Ausschreibungen im Ausland, zu Investitions- und Entwicklungsvorhaben sowie zu Recht und Zoll. Enge Zusammenarbeit mit den Deutschen Auslandshandelskammern (AHKs). The organization advises foreign companies looking to expand their business activities in the German market. It provides information on foreign trade to German companies that seek to tap into foreign markets. Germany Trade and Invest provides comprehensive and client-oriented economic and industry data as well as information about calls for proposals in foreign countries, investment and development projects, and legal and customs regulations. The international team of experts works closely together with the German Chamber Network (AHK) abroad. 12 German Centre German Centre Indonesia c/o L-Bank Schlossplatz 10 76113 Karlsruhe +49 (0)721 / 150 3496 +49 (0)721 / 150 3498 @ [email protected] PT German Centre Indonesia II Jl. Kapt. Subijanto Dj. BSD City Tangerang 15321 +62 (0)21 / 537 2994 +62 (0)21 / 537 2974 @ [email protected] Executives Mrs Julia Baur Project Management Officer @ [email protected] Activities: Das German Centre ist ein Wirtschaftsförderungsprojekt, welches insbesondere deutsche mittelständische Firmen bei der Geschäftsentwicklung mittels multifunktionalen Mietflächen unterstützt. Das im Jahre 1999 eingeweihte German Centre bietet darüber hinaus vielerlei Dienstleistungen rund um die angebotenen Büroräume, Produktions- und Lagerstätten, Tagungs- und Ausstellungsräume. Hierdurch und der aktiven Unterstützung des German Centre Teams entsteht eine einzigartige Atmosphäre. „In der Ferne ganz wie zuhause fühlen“ entspricht einem Slogan den viele im German Centre teilen. Das German Centre ist südwestlich Jakartas in BSD City angesiedelt und nur wenige Hundert Meter von der Deutschen Internationalen Schulen entfernt. The German Centre is a business facilitator that provides support especially to medium-sized companies from Germany. The German Centre opened its doors in 1999 and provides onestop-services and rental areas, which can be suited to individual needs. Start-up services as well as experts and advisory centres are set up under the same roof as many other German firms, creating a unique atmosphere of doing business in Indonesia. An exchange of experience between and among the firms is encouraged by regularly organized business luncheons. The slogan “Feel home far away from home” fits well to the spirit of many, whether they run marketing offices, workshops or some other business. The German Centre is located southwest of Jakarta in BSD City, only a few hundred meters away for the German International School. 13 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Dag Hammerskjöld-Weg 1-5 65760 Eschborn Postfach 51180 65726 Eschborn +49 (0)6196 / 79 0 +49 (0)6196 / 79 1115 @ [email protected] GIZ Office Jakarta Menara BCA, 46th floor Jl. M.H.Thamrin Jakarta 10310 +62 (0)21 / 2358 7111 +62 (0)21 / 2358 7110 @ [email protected] Executives Mr Peter Palesch Country Director Mr Zulazmi Deputy Country Director @ @ [email protected] [email protected] Activities: Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) ist ein weltweit tätiges Bundesunternehmen für internationale Zusammenarbeit. In mehr als 130 Ländern des Südens und Ostens realisiert die GIZ rund 2.700 Entwicklungsprojekte und –programme, vornehmlich im Auftrag der deutschen Bundesregierung. In Indonesien unterstützt die GIZ 20 Projekte und Programme. Im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) arbeitet die GIZ seit 1975 im Land und unterhält seitdem ein Büro in Jakarta. Weitere Auftraggeber sind unter anderem das Bundesumweltministerium, das Auswärtige Amt und die Europäische Union. Insgesamt beschäftigt die GIZ in Indonesien rund 350 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter, darunter 50 Auslandsmitarbeiter, 260 nationale Mitarbeiter, 22 Entwicklungshelfer und 13 CIM-Fachkräfte. Primäres Ziel aller ist es, die Lebensbedingungen und Perspektiven der Menschen in Indonesien zu verbessern. Bei den Regierungsverhandlungen im November 2013 wurde mit der indonesischen Regierung vereinbart, die bilaterale Entwicklungszusammenarbeit auf drei Schwerpunkte zu konzentrieren: Energie und Klimawandel Breitenwirksames Wachstum Gute Regierungsführung und globale Netzwerke Das GIZ-Büro in Jakarta ist außerdem zuständig für regionale Projekte mit dem ASEANSekretariat sowie für die Zusammenarbeit mit der Demokratischen Republik Timor-Leste. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is a government owned corporation for international cooperation with worldwide operations. In more than 130 14 partner countries, GIZ is supporting about 2,700 development projects and programs, chiefly under commissions from the German Federal Government. On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), GIZ has been working in Indonesia since 1975 with the representative office in Jakarta. GIZ employs some 350 staff members in Indonesia, including 50 field staff members, 260 national personnel, 22 development advisors and 13 CIM experts. Their aim is to improve the living conditions and perspectives of the Indonesian people. At the government negotiations held in November 2013 it was agreed with the Indonesian Government that bilateral development cooperation should focus on three priority areas: Energy and Climate Change Inclusive Growth Good governance and Global Networks The GIZ office in Jakarta is also responsible for regional projects with the Secretariat of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). 15 KfW - Bankengruppe Palmgartenstr. 5-9 60325 Frankfurt am Main Postfach 11 11 41 60046 Frankfurt +49 (0)69 / 7431 0 +49 (0)69 / 7431 2944 @ [email protected] KfW-Office Jakarta Menara BCA, 46th floor Jl. M.H. Thamrin Jakarta 10310 +62 (0)21 / 2358 7431 +62 (0)21 / 2358 7440 @ [email protected] Executives Mr Jochen Saleth Director Activities: Die KfW wurde 1948 durch Gesetz als Körperschaft des Öffentlichen Rechts gegründet. Der Name „Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau“ geht zurück auf den Zweck ihrer Gründung, den dringendsten Wiederaufbaubedarf der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zu finanzieren. Heute ist die KfW Förderbank für die eigene Volkswirtschaft und Entwicklungsbank für Entwicklungsländer. Auch die DEG gehört zur KfW-Bankengruppe. Nach Übernahme der Deutschen Ausgleichsbank weist die Bilanzsumme der KfW-Bankengruppe per Ende 2003 EUR 315 Mrd auf, in 2003 wurden Zusagen über EUR 72 Mrd getätigt. Der Bestand an Exportkrediten in Indonesien beträgt EUR 3 Mrd und an ODA-Darlehen (Softloans im Rahmen der Finanziellen Zusammenarbeit) EUR 1,0 Mrd. The statutory functions of the KfW are those of a promotional bank for the domestic economy and a development bank for developing countries. Under the Financial Cooperation of the Federal Republic of Germany with developing countries KfW finances investments and projectrelated consulting services on behalf of the Federal Government. Under Investment Finance, the main focus is the promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises whose investments in Germany and abroad can be financed long-term through KfW at fixed conditions. A particular concern is the financing of innovations. DEG is a subsidiary of KfW, too. After the merger with the Deutsche Ausgleichsbank KfW’s balance sheet total as per end of 2003 exceeded EUR 315 billion and total commitments in 2003 EUR 72 billion. Outstanding export credits in Indonesia amount to EUR 3 billion and ODA-loans (soft loans as part of Financial Cooperation) to EUR 1.0 billion. 16 DEG – Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH Belvederstr. 40 50933 Köln Postfach 45 03 40 50878 Köln +49 (0)221 / 4986 0 +49 (0)221 / 4986 1290 @ [email protected] DEG Office Jakarta Menara BCA, 46th floor Jl. M.H. Thamrin Jakarta 10310 +62 (0)21 / 2358 7441 +62 (0)21 / 2358 7440 @ [email protected] Executives Mr Matthias Goulnik Director @ [email protected] Activities: Project finance for private sector investments through long-term loans, equity capital, mezzanine finance and guarantees Advisory services for planning and structuring of investment projects Public Private Partnership Programms (PPP) 17 Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. Hansastr. 27 C 80686 München +49 (0)89 / 1205 4711 +49 (0)89 / 1205 7553 @ [email protected] Fraunhofer Representative Office Indonesia Menara Thamrin Suite 3A 07 Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav. 3 Jakarta 10250 +62 (0)21 / 315 4795 / 230 350 +62 (0)21 / 315 4195 @ [email protected] Executives Dr.-Ing. Ida Bagus Kesawa Narayana Country Representative @ [email protected] Activities: Non-profit Applied research / Contract Reseach Organization in the fields: - Pharmaceuticals and Biomedicines - Food and Packing Industry - Biotechnology on Agriculture - Natural Polymers and Materials - Open Telecommunication Systems - Digital Media - ICI on Culture and Entertainment - E-Business - E-Health - E-Government - E-Security - ICT on Production - Software Technology - ICI on Transport and Mobility - Electronics Industry - Surface and Photonic Technology - Materials and Components - Manufacturing Technology - Glass and Ceramics - Automotive Industry - Steel Industies - Oil and Gas Industry - Energy, Water and Waste - Technology Management - Publik Innovation System - Technology Venture Management 18 Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Godesberger Allee 149 53175 Bonn +49 (0)228 / 883 0 +49 (0)228 / 883 575 Hiroshimastr. 17 10785 Berlin +49 (0)30 / 269 35 6 +49 (0)30 / 269 5 959 @ [email protected] Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Indonesia Jl. Kemang Selatan II No. 2A Jakarta 12730 P.O. Box 7952 JKSKM Jakarta 12079 +62 (0)21 / 719 3711 / 7179 1358 +62 (0)21 / 9126 1736 +62 (0)21 / 7179 1358 @ [email protected] Executives Mr Sergio Grassi Country Director @ [email protected] Activities: Promotion of Democracy, support of the reform process, strengthening of civil society, cooperation with trade unions, social policy promotion of the media, development and security sector reform 19 Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit Truman Haus Karl-Marx-Str. 2 14482 Potsdam Babelsberg +49 (0)331 / 7019 170 +49 (0)331 / 7019 170 @ [email protected] Friedrich-Nauman-Foundation for Freedom Jl. Kertanegara 51 Jakarta Selatan 12110 +62 (0)21 / 725 6012 / 13 +62 (0)21 / 727 99539 @ [email protected] Executives Mr Moritz Kleine-Brockhoff Resident Representative Indonesia Mr. Lantip Kusmanhadji Project Coordinator Activities: NGO concerns to the political education 20 Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung Lazarettstr. 33 80636 München Postfach 19 08 46 80608 München +49 (0)89 / 1258 0 +49 (0)89 / 1258 340 or -359 @ [email protected] Hanns Seidel Foundation Menara Cakrawala (Skyline Building), 9th floor Jl. M.H. Thamrin No 9 Jakarta 10340 +62 (0)21 / 390 2369 (direct) +62 (0)21 / 314 1708 Ext. 2910 & 2911 +62 (0)21 / 390 2381 @ [email protected] Executives N.N. Director Mrs Nila Puspita Mrs Fitria Zalyus Project Coordinator Activities: Promoting environmental education, training, awareness, campaign and mana-gement in Indonesia and ASEAN region in cooperation with Ministries of Education and Environment, Universities, NGOs, BPPT, International Organisations such as UNEP and ASEAN Secretariat, etc. Supporting democracy and rule of law in co-operation with the Indonesian Constitutionel Court, the Habibie Center, CETRO, etc. 21 Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Rathausallee 12 53757 Sankt Augustin +49 (0)2241 / 246-0 +49 (0)2241 / 246 591 @ [email protected] Konrad Adenauer Foundation Plaza Aminta, 4th floor Jl. let. Jend. TB Simatupang Kav. 10 Jakarta 12310 +62 (0)21 / 7590 94 11 - 14 +62 (0)21 / 7590 9415 @ [email protected] Executives Mr. Jan Senkyr Representative to Indonesia & Timor Leste @ [email protected] Activities: International development cooperation and civic education; promotion of democracy, rule of law and social market economy; projects in intercultural and inter-religious dialogue; parliamentary consultancy; support of decentralization. 22 SES – Senior Experten Service Buschstr. 2 53113 Bonn Postfach 2262 53012 Bonn +49 (0)228 / 260 90 0 +49 (0)228 / 260 90 77 SES Representative Office Jl. Nusa Indah I-1/ 12 Puspita Loka III-2, BSD Tangerang 15321 +62 (0)21 / 537 1553 +62 (0)21 / 537 1554 Executives Mr Hubert Born Honorary Representative for Indonesia and Timor Leste @ [email protected] [email protected] Activities: Der SES, der ehrenamtliche Dienst der Deutschen Wirtschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit, ist eine gemeinnützige Gesellschaft, die auf Anfrage mit ihren mehr als 5.000 aus dem Berufsleben ausgeschiedenen Fachkräften aus allen Branchen Industrieunternehmen, Institutionen und Verwaltungen im In- und Ausland technische und praxisnahe Beratungshilfe honorarfrei anbietet. Durch Einsatz von Senior Experten fördert der SES auch beruflich-fachliche Aus- und Fortbildung sowie Qualifizierung von Fach- und Führungskräften. More than 5,000 retired German experts are standing by to take on worldwide assignments on a honorary basis. Their activities are orientated towards quick and pragmatic assistance, predominantly in technical and economic sectors. They focus on training of specialists and management personnel as well as guidance combined with problem solving to achieve selfreliance. The experts’ assistance concentrates mainly on: Error identification and optimization Training of personnel in quality control and quality assurance measures The company’s technical and organizational modernization efforts Production layouts and installation of machinery Training of personnel for proper operations, including maintenance In-house and institutional Vocational Trainings 23 Goethe Institut e.V. Dachauer Str. 122 80637 München Postfach 19 04 19 80604 München +49 (0)89 / 159 21 0 +49 (0)89 / 159 21 4450 @ [email protected] Goethe-Institut Jakarta Jl. Sam Ratulangi No. 9-15 Jakarta 10350 P.O. Box 3604, Jakarta 10036 Programme Department Language Department Library Secretariate +62 (0)21 / 2355 0208 +62 (0)21 / 2355 0021 @ @ @ @ [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Executives Dr Heinrich Blömeke Director @ [email protected] Goethe-Institut Bandung Jl. Martadinata 48 Bandung 40115 Programme Department Language Department Library +62 (0)22 / 423 6440 +62 (0)22 / 420 4041 @ [email protected] @ @ @ [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Executives Mrs Rangela Jeannette Deputy Director @ [email protected] 24 Deutsches Haus Surabaya Wisma Jerman Yayasan Mitra Indonesia-Jerman Taman A.I.S. Nasution 15 Surabaya 60271 +62 (0)31 / 534 3735 / 534 37 36 +62 (0)31 / 531 9507 Executives Mrs Birgit Steffan Director @ [email protected] Activities: Cultural programmes 25 DAAD – Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V. Kennedyallee 50 53175 Bonn +49 (0)228 / 882 0 +49 (0)228 / 882 444 @ [email protected] DAAD Jakarta Office Summitmas Building II, 14th floor Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 61-62 Jakarta 12190 +62 (0)21 / 520 0870 / 525 2807 +62 (0)21 525 2822 @ [email protected] Executives Dr Irene Jansen Director Activities: Information on studying in Germany; promotion of scientific cooperation, in particular cooperation between universities; scholarships 26 DSJ - Deutsche Schule Jakarta Jl. Puspita Widya No. 8 Bumi Serpong Damai Tangerang 15322 P.O. Box 189 Tangerang 15330 +62 (0)21 / 537 8080 (hunting) +62 (0)21 / 537 5102 @ [email protected] (Sekretariat) [email protected] (Verwaltung) [email protected] (Rezeption) Executives Mrs Anke Mutschler (Komm.) Schulleiterin Mr Felix Winterle (Komm.) Stellv. Schulleiter @ @ [email protected] [email protected] Activities: Die Schule bietet an: Kindergarten, Vorschule, Grundschule mit Beobachtungs-stufen in den Klassen 5 und 6, Sekundarstufe I für alle Schulformen mit Haup-tschulabschluss nach Kl. 9 u. Realschulabschluss nach Kl. 10, Sekundarstufe II mit Reifeprüfung (Abitur) nach Klasse 12/13. 27 IULI – International University Liaison Indonesia IULI – Eco Campus The Breeze, BSD City PO Box 150 BSD CPA 15330 +62 (0)852 123 18000 @ [email protected] Executives Board of Trustees Dr.-Ing. Ilham A. Habibie, MBA; Chairman (Founder) Prof.Dr.rer.nat. Peter Al. Pscheid; Co-Chairman (Founder) Board of Management Prof. Dr. mult. Richardus Eko Indrajit Rektor Dr. Ir. Tutuko Prajogo, MSMfgE Activities: Bachelor Degree: Master Degree: Doctoral Degrees: Kepmendiknas RI No. 425/E/O/2014 European Universities Consortium (EUC); Coordinator: Technische Universität Ilmenau / FRG European Unversities Consortium (EUC) Bachelor Degree (day time) 4 years fulltime, double drgree with Partner Universities; Language of Instruction: English Internship Program (6 month); in an Institution or/and company abroad Executive Bachelor Degree 4 years part time (evening) Language of Instruction: Bahasa Indonesia Engineering - Mechatronics Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Industrial Engineering Aviation Engineering (Flight Engineering, Avionics) - Textile Engineering (EUC) Business / Social / Fine Art - Management International Business Administration Hotel and Tourism Management Textile Design (EUC) International Relations Life Sciences - Food Technology - Biomedical Engineering - Pharmacy Master Degrees (In cooperation with EUC) - Mechatronics Biomedical Engineering International Business Administration Aviation Maritime Business & Logistics Mining Doctoral Program (in cooperation with EUC) - Dr.-Ing.; Dr. rer.nat.; Dr. rer. pol. 28 SGU – Swiss German University EduTown BSD City Tangerang 15321 +62 (0)21 / 3045 0045 +62 (0)21 / 3045 0001 @ [email protected] Executives Prof. Dr. phil. Martin Löffelholz Rector Dr. rer. nat. Filiana Santosa Vice Rector Academic Affairs Mr Edward Boris P. Manurung, M.Eng. Vice Rector Non Academic Affairs @ @ [email protected] [email protected] Activities: Bachelor Degree: Master Degree: Teaching Language: Kepmendiknas RI No. 108/D/O/2000 Kepmendiknas RI No. 259/Dikti/Kep/2000 English Bachelor Degree (4 years fulltime, B.BA, B.Sc./ double degree with Germany) Mechatronics Information Technology Business Administration Hotel and Tourism Management Life Science Food Technology Biomedical Engineering Pharmaceutical Engineering Internship Program 3rd semester in an institution or company in Indonesia 6th semester in an institution or company abroad Master Degree (2 years part-time / 2 years fulltime, M.BA, M.Sc./ double degree with Germany) Mechatronics Information Technology Business Administration PhD in cooperation with Technical University Ilmenau / Germany (Dr.-Ing. / Dr. rer.pol.) 29 IGC – Indonesian-German Circle Taman Kebon Jeruk Intercon Blok J5/ 6 Jakarta 11630 +62 (0)21 / 549 0703 Executives Mr Daniel Sandjaja, Dipl. Ing Executive Secretary +62 (0)815 185 8575 PAJ – Perhimpunan Alumni Jerman Pertamina Learning Ceter Gedung TC III Lantai 2 Jl. Sinabung II Terusan Simprug Jakarta 12220 +62 (0)21 / 739 9511 +62 (0)21 / 722 3029 ext. 3772 +62 (0)21 / 739 9511 @ [email protected] Executives Mr. Suchjar Effendi, Dipl. Betrw. Chairman CDAAI – Carl Duisberg Alumni Association Indonesia Jl. Kelapa Puan 18 Blok AJ 3 / 14 Tangerang 15810 +62 (0)21 / 5420 1760 +62 (0)21 / 385 4151 @ [email protected] Executives Mrs Ari Wardani Chairman +62 (0)815 5950 1983 30 WUSKI – World University Service Komite Indonesia Dana Graha Building Jl. Gondangdia Kecil No. 12 / 14 2nd floor, room 201 Jakarta 10330 +62 (0)21 / 310 0505 / 310 7788 @ [email protected] Executives Mr Suchjar Effendi Director Activities: Reintegration program supported by the German Government, inforrmation for students, who want to study in Germany or come back to Indonesia, job placement, seminar organizer 31 Evangelische Gemeinde Deutscher Sprache in Jakarta @ [email protected] Executives Parrer i. R. Wolfgang K. Leuschner +62 (0)877 8736 7670 Activities: 32 Deutschsprachige Katholische Gemeinde St. Thomas Jakarta Gemeindezentrum und Pfarrhaus: Jl. Pejaten Barat I / No. 4-B Jakarta Selatan 12510 +62 (0)21 / 7179 3659 +62 (0)21 / 719 2418 @ [email protected] Executives Pater Kasimir Fatz +62 (0)812 8250 2828 @ [email protected] Activities: Gottesdienste in der Seminarkirche Wacana Bhakti, Jl. Pejaten Barat 10A, Jakarta Selatan, Kommunionsunterricht, weitere Veranstaltungen wie Familienfreizeiten auf dem Punjak usw. Neue engagierte Mitglieder sind herzlich willkommen! 33 Die Brücke – Yayasan Sosial Jembatan Jerman Yayasan Sosial Jembatan Jerman PT Sumi Asih, ANZ Tower 17th Floor Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 33A Jakarta 10220 @ [email protected] Executives Dr. Triyanti Chairman/ President @ [email protected] Activities: Die Brücke is a registered foundation in Indonesia that has been promoting cultural exchange and understanding since 1979. Die Brücke brings together German- speaking people of all nationalities, living in Indonesia. Anyone can join! Come and exchange stories, meet people and have fun. Engage with the community or support our social commitment. Go to to find out more about our activities such as orientation for the newcomers, monthly gatherings and interesting talks, trips within and outside of Jakarta, exchange information through Die Brücke´s website, Facebook page and magazine, etc.. 34 Elektronische Portale für Wirtschaftskontakte mit Deutschland Electronic Portals for Business Contacts to Germany 35 Germany is an international market leader and a driving innovator in the field of Renewable Energy Technologies. To share German expertise with other countries and support their efforts to enhance renewable energy technologies the Renewable Energies Export Initiative was launched by the German Parliament in 2002 and started its activities under the responsibility of the Federal Ministry of Economics an Technology in 2003. Under the label “Renewables made in Germany”, this initiative assists foreign partners in establishing productive contacts with German companies in the area of Renewable Energy Technologies. The websites enables you to get information about the initiative itself and to locate German companies business contacts wishes concerning renewable energy technologies. Die Exportinitiative Erneuerbare Energien wurde 2002 durch den Deutschen Bundestag gegründet und wird vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie durchgeführt. Ziel dieser Initiative ist es, Klein- und mittelständischen Unternehmen der Erneuerbaren Energien Branche beim Zugang zu ausländischen Märkten weltweit zu unterstützen und Kooperationspartner zu finden. Die Websites beinhalten Informationen über die Exportinitiative Erneuerbare Energien und deren Angebote an Deutsche Unternehmen. 36 Germany is an international market leader and a driving innovator in the fields of energy efficiency technology and energy consulting. To share German expertise with other countries and support their efforts to enhance energy efficiency the Energy Efficiency Export Initiative was launched by the German Federal Government under the responsibility of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology. Under the label “Energy efficiency made in Germany”, this initiative assists foreign partners in establishing productive contacts with German companies and energy efficiency experts. The website contains a database of German providers of the energy-efficient technologies together with the associated services they offer. The Energy Efficiency Export Initiative will help to make contact among partners and experts with regard to energy efficiency technologies. Die Exportinitiative Energieeffizienz wurde im Juli 2007 von der Bundesregierung beschlossen, federführend ist das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie. Sie hat zum Ziel, den Marktanteil deutscher Technologien, Dienstleistungen und industrieller Verfahren im Ausland durch gezielte Unterstützungsmaßnahmen signifikant zu steigern. Im Rahmen des Programms werden deutsche Unternehmen in direkten Kontakt mit potenziellen ausländischen Geschäftspartnern gebracht, was eine wichtige Voraussetzung für erfolgreiche Geschäftsanbahnungen schafft. Die Website beinhaltet Informationen über die Exportinitiative Energieeffizienz und deren Angebote an Deutsche Unternehmen. 37 GERMAN BUSINESS PORTAL informiert zu allen Fragen internationaler Unternehmer über Geschäfte mit Deutschland. Von Arbeitserlaubnis bis Zolltarif, im Warenverkehr wie bei grenzüberschreitenden Dienstleistungen. Alle Infos in Englisch Das Portal weist den Weg zu den richtigen Ansprechpartnern im Netz der Fördereinrichtungen und bietet alle Informationen rund um Geschäftsreisen nach Deutschland. Das „Forum“ ist das zentrale Element des GERMAN BUSINESS PORTAL. Hier treffen ratsuchende Unternehmer mit Experten zusammen, hier werden Fragen rund um Handelsgeschäfte mit deutschen Partnern beantwortet. GERMAN BUSINESS PORTAL supports your business with Germany. It offers answers to all trade-related questions and concerns and facilitates crossborder trade in the field of goods and services – from work permit to customs duty. All information is provided in English straight to your desktop. This portal helps you to reduce the red tape with the authorities and to find the right contacts. It has all the information necessary for business trips to Germany. The core element of GERMAN BUSINES PORTAL is its “forum”. Here traders meet experts, hot topics are discussed and instant help is provided – free for anyone to enter. Bei iXPOS finden Sie alle Serviceangebote und Dienstleistungen zur Förderung von Export und Aussenhandel gebündelt zusammengestellt. iXPOS wurde vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie ins Leben gerufen. Die Bundesagentur für Außenwirtschaft koordiniert den Inhalt der Website. iXPOS offers you the entire spectrum of German foreign trade promotion opportunities at a glance and provides guidance through the jungle of tools and services and information which various government and semi-independent players in Germany provide. iXPOS is a Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour initiative. The German Office for Foreign Trade (bfai) is responsible for coordinating the website content. 38 A service provided by the Euroean Commission The Export Helpdesk is an online service to facilitate market access for developing countries to the European Union. The Export Helpdesk assist exporters from developing countries. It take a maximum advantage of the EU's preferential trade regimes available for developing countries and obtain information about EU and member States requirements as well as internal taxes. The Export Helpdesk help to find trading partners and contacts within the EU. Der AUMA , der Verband der deutschen Messewirtschaft, informiert Aussteller und Besucher über Termine, Angebote, Aussteller- und Besucherzahlen von in- und ausländischen Veranstaltungen durch Internet, Printmedien und individuelle Informationen. Ergänzend dazu veröffentlicht er Fachbroschüren zur konkreten Vorbereitung und Durchführung von Messebeteiligungen. AUMA, the Association of the German Trade Fair Industry, informs exhibitors and visitors about dates, product ranges, exhibitor and visitor figures of German and foreign events by internet, printed media and individual information. As a complement to this, it publishes specialist brochures for the preparation and staging of trade fair partipation. 39 Wer liefert was? „Wer liefert was?“ ist eine Lieferantensuchmaschine. Bereits seit 1995 steht „Wer liefert was?“ im Internet allen Nutzern kostenlos zur Verfügung. Was auch immer Sie für Ihr Unternehmen suchen - bei „Wer liefert was?“ finden Sie schnell, präzise und einfach die passenden Hersteller, Händler und Dienstleister für Ihren gesamten gewerblichen Bedarf. "Wer liefert was?" is a Supplier Search Engine for the business-to-business sector. As early as 1995 WLW went onto the Internet and has been available to all its users free of charge ever since. Whatever you are looking for - with WLW you will easily and quickly find competent manufacturers, suppliers and service providers for all your commercial needs. Der VDMA (Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V.) ist ein Netzwerk von rund 3000 Unternehmen in Europa und ist einer der bedeutendsten Verbandsdienstleister, der das größte Branchennetzwerk der Investitionsgüter-industrie anbietet. Fachverbände, regionale Landesverbände, zentrale Fachabteilungen sowie Servicegesellschaften bilden die Organisation. The VDMA (Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau – German Engineering Federation) is a network of around 3,000 engineering industry companies in Europe and is one of the key lobby groups and service providers to the engineering industry. The organisation consists of specialist associations, regional state associations, central specialist departments and service companies. 40 Deutsche Firmen von A bis Z German Companies in Alphabetical Order 41 adidas AG World of Sports Adi-Dassler-Str. 1 91074 Herzogenaurach +49 (0)9132 / 84-0 +49 (0)9132 / 84 2241 PT adidas Indonesia MidPlaza 2, 5th Floor Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 10-11 Jakarta 10220 +62 (0)21 / 574 2526 +62 (0)21 / 574 2527 Corporate Executives Mr Benjamin Handradjasa Country Manager adidas International Sourcing Limited Representative Office: Plaza DM, 10th floor Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 25 Jakarta 12920 @ +62 (0)21 / 522 9780 +62 (0)21 / 522 9770 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Wojciech Kur Country Manager @ [email protected] Business line: Footwear, apparel, sourcing 42 Adolf Würth GmbH & CO. KG Postfach 74650 Künzelsau +49 (0)7940 / 150 +49 (0)7940 / 15-1000 @ [email protected] PT Wuerth Indonesia The Vida Building, 5th Floor Jl. Raya Perjuangan No. 8 Kebon Jeruk Jakarta 11530 +62 (0)21 / 5835 7253 +62 (0)21 / 580 2483 @ [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Rizki Roman Commercial Manager +62 (0)812 990 45129 @ [email protected] Business line: Construction Sector (Building materials and equipments for the constructiuon Sector), automotve industry (after sales market) 43 Albert Ziegler GmbH & CO. KG Postfach 1680 89531 Fiengen / Brenz +49 (0)7322 / 951 0 +49 (0)7322 / 951 211 @ [email protected] PT Ziegler Indonesia Lippo Cikarang Delta Silicon Industrial Park Blok A 10 -2 Bekasi 17550 @ +62 (0)21 / 897 2835 +62 (0)21 / 897 2836 [email protected] www.ziegler Corporate Executives Mr Thomas Pfister President Director @ [email protected] Business line: Fire and rescue vehicles Alfred Kärcher GmbH & Co. KG siehe unter „Kärcher“ 44 Allianz Aktiengesellschaft Königstr. 28 80802 München +49 (0)89 / 380 00 +49 (0)89 / 349 941 PT Asuransi Allianz Utama Indonesia Allianz Tower Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kawasan Kuningan Persada Super Blok 2 Jakarta 12980 @ +62 (0)21 / 2926 8888 +62 (0)21 / 2926 9090 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Victor Sandjaja President Director Mr Lorenz Sandjaja Insurance Consultant @ @ [email protected] [email protected] Business line: General (non-life) insurance PT Asuransi Allianz Life Indonesia Allianz Tower Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kawasan Kuningan Persada Super Blok 2 Jakarta 12980 +62 (0)21 / 2936 8888 +62 (0)21 / 2926 8080 Corporate Executives Mr Joachim Wessling President Director @ Mr Rianto A Djojosugito Vice President Director [email protected] Business line: General (non-life) insurance 45 Andritz Hydro Escher Wyss Str. 25 88212 Ravensburg +49 (0)751 / 8300 +49 (0)751 / 832 396 PT. Andritz Hydro VA TECH Building, 2nd Floor Jl. Talang No. 3 – Proklamsi Jakarta 10320 @ +62 (0)21 / 390 6929 +62 (0)21 / 390 5006 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Josef Ullmer President Director @ Mr G. Enzenhofer Vice President Director [email protected] Business line: PT. Andritz Hydro is a leading EPC Company in Indonesia in the field of Hydro Power Plant Development. We offer integrated system solutions and advanced technologies in order to help our customers to develop, to operate and to maintain the following business line: Large hydro, compact hydro, hydro service Active in Indonesia since 1984 Andritz Hydro have been involved in the engineering, manufacturing, supply, installation and commissioning of mor than 2.217 MW of Clean & Renewable Energy. 46 Ara Shoes AG Hardt 49 40764 Langenfeld +49 (0) +49 (0) PT ara Shoes Indonesia Jl. PTP XIII Ngobo Karangiati Kec. Bergas Ungaran 50552 +62 (0)298 / 522 806 +62 (0)298 / 522 786 @ [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Michael Wölfle Managing Director Mr Lukas Sipayum Finance Manager @ @ [email protected] [email protected] Business line: Footwear 47 Astra Medica AG Weissmüllerstr.45 60314 Frankfurt am Main +49 (0)69 / 4001 01 +49 (0)69 / 4001 2740 PT Transfarma Medica Indah Wisma Pondok Indah 1st floor, suite 103 Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda Blok V-TA Jakarta 12310 +62 (0)21 / 769 7323 +62 (0)21 / 769 7328 Corporate Executives Mr Reinhard Ehrenberger President Director Business line: Pharmaceuticals / Services for the pharmaceutical industry 48 Aufwind Neue Energien GmbH Blumenstr. 16 93055 Regensburg +49 (0)941 / 698 730-0 +49 (0)941 / 698 730-550 PT Austrindo Aufwind New Energy Atrium Mulia, 4th Floor, Suite 02-03 Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. 10-11 Jakarta 12950 @ +62 (0)21 / 2965 1777 +62 (0)21 / 2965 1788 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Thomas Wagner Director @ [email protected] Business line: renewable energy generation and CDM-projects 49 BASF Aktiengesellschaft 67056 Ludwigshafen +49 (0)621 / 60 0 +49 (0)621 / 60 42525 @ [email protected] PT BASF Indonesia Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav. 3-5 DBS Bank Tower, 27th Floor Ciputra World 1 Jakarta 12940 +62 (0)21 / 2988 6000 (hunting) +62 (0)21 / 2988 5930 Factory: Jl. Daan Mogot KM 14 Jakarta 12950 +62 (0)21 / 619 0007 (7 lines) +62 (0)21 / 619 0741 Corporate Executives Mr CP Chan President Director Mr. Lim Hui Ye Corporate Communications Manager @ @ [email protected] Mr Prawira Atmadja Director Finance & Corporate @ [email protected] [email protected] Mrs Paramita Dewi Wijaya Director Human Resources, Administration & General Affairs Mr Peter van der Zwan Director Local Business Management - ASEAN Dispersions & Resins Business line: Producer of colorants, polymer dispersions & process chemicals for paper, textile & leather industries, vitamin & mineral premixes for animal nutrition, masterbatch Distributor for polyurethanes,intermediates, styrenic polymers, petrochemicals, industrial and inorganic chemicals, agro chemicals, fine chemicals PT BASF's Care Chemical Indonesia Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 31,2 Cimanggis Depok 16953 @ +62 (0)21 / 871 1096 +62 (0)21 / 871 0309 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr CP Chan President Director Mr Oesen Amin Chief Financial Officer 50 @ [email protected] @ [email protected] Mr Tedy Waworuntu Plant Operations Manager Mr Heru Jatmiko HR & Corportate Service Manager @ @ [email protected] [email protected] Business line: Manufacturer and distributor of chemical products such as sur-factants. Processing chemicals (auxiliaries) for textiles, polymer coating & inks, plasics, cosmetics & toiletries industry and food additives. Cognis develops innovative products and solutions for personal care, home care and modern nutrition, as well as high-performance products for numerous industrial markets in the five strategic business units: Olechemicals. Care Chemicals, Nutrition & health, Functional Products ans Process Chemicals. 51 Bauer Spezialtiefbau GmbH Wittelsbacherstr. 5 86529 Schrobenhausen PO Box 1260 +49 (0)8252 / 97 1111 +49 (0)8252 / 91 2299 @ [email protected] PT Bauer Pratama Indonesia Alamanda Tower 19th Floor Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 23-24 Cilandak Barat Jakarta 12430 @ +62 (0)21 / 2966 1988 +62 (0)21 / 2966 0188 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Anthony Setiawan Managing Director Mr Hemanth P.N. Assistant Managing Director @ @ [email protected] [email protected] Business line: Specialist foundation 52 Bayer AG 51368 Leverkusen-Bayerwerk +49 (0)214 301 +49 (0)214 306 6328 PT Bayer Indonesia MidPlaza I, 11th-15th floor Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 10-11 Jakarta 10220 PO. Box 3098 Jakarta 10002 +62 (0)21 / 570 3661 +62 (0)21 / 570 3660 Production Sites: Jl. Raya Jakarta – Bogor KM 28 Jakarta 13930 +62 (0)21 / 871 0421 (hunting) +62 (0)21 / 871 1154 Jl. Raya Bogor – KM 32 Depok 16416 +62 (0)21 / 871 7833 +62 (0)21 / 871 1990 Jl. Rungkut Industri I / 12 Surabaya 60292 +62 (0)31 / 843 8627 / -28 +62 (0)31 / 843 7982 +62 (0)31 / 843 9541 Corporate Executives Board of Directors: Mr Ashraf Al-Ouf President Director Mr Angel-Michael Evangelista Director Mr David M. Budi Director Mr Benjamin Jowett Director Health Care: Mr Angel-Michael Evangelista Country Division Head of Bayer Healthcare Consumer Care Mr Kanhoji Y. Mohite Head of Cibubur Production Mr David M. Budi Country Division Head of Bayer Healthcare Consumer Care Mr Sundoro Iswanto Head of Cimanggis Production 53 Corp. Science: Mr Benjamin Jowett Country Head of Corp Science Mr Ezra Sutjipto Plant Manager Surabaya Production Business line: Production of pharmaceuticals and Over the Counter Medicine (OTC), crop science PT Bayer MaterialScience Indonesia MidPlaza I, 11th-15th floor Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 10-11 Jakarta 10220 +62 (0)21 / 570 3661 +62 (0)21 / 570 0520 Production Site: Jl. Raya Anyer KM 121 Tanjung Leneng Ciwandan Cilegon 42447 West Jawa +62 (0)254 / 601 122 +62 (0)254 / 601 131 Corporate Executives Management: Mr Ashraf Al-Ouf President Director Mr Phillip Leman Material Science Country Head Business line: Chemical products, polymers, special products for the leather and textile industries 54 Beiersdorf AG Unnastr. 48 20253 Hamburg +49 (0)40 / 4909 0 +49 (0)40 / 4909 3434 PT Beiersdorf Indonesia Ratu Praba II, 5th Floor Jl. TB. Simatupang Kav. I-B Jakarta 12560 +62 (0)21 / 7884 6266 +62 (0)21 / 7884 6264 @ [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Holger Welters President Director Business line: Production and sales of branded consumer goods: HANSAPLAST & NIVEA 55 Bitzer Kühlmaschinenbau GmbH Eschenbrünnlestr. 15 71065 Sindelfingen +49 (0)7031 / 932 0 +49 (0)7031 / 932 146 /-147 @ [email protected] PT Bitzer Compressors Indonesia Jl. Raya Tanjung Udik No. 2 Gunung Putri Bogor 16962 @ +62 (0)21 / 867 7041 +62 (0)21 / 867 0386 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr. Joao Vitorio General Manager Gimin Simbolon Finance and Accounting Manager Business line: Refrigeration 56 BMW AG BMW Haus Petuelring 130 80788 München +49 (0)89 / 382 0 +49 (0) PT BMW Indonesia The Plaza, 21st floor Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav 28-30 Jakarta 10350 +62 (0)21 / 2992 3000 +62 (0)21 / 2992 3333 Corporate Executives Mrs Karen Lim Shan President Director Mrs Helena Abidin Corporate Communication Director @ @ [email protected] [email protected] Mr Clarence Chua Finance Director Mr Peter Medalla Vice President Sales & Marketing @ @ [email protected] [email protected] Business line: Distributor of BMW group products (cars, spare parts, accessories) for Indonesia 57 Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH Binger Str. 172 55216 Ingelheim am Rhein +49 (0) 6132 / 77 0 +49 (0) 6132 / 77 3000 PT Boehringer Ingelheim Indonesia Sampoerna Strategic Square North Tower, Lt. 6/ 7 Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 45-46 Jakarta 12930 +62 (0)21 / 573 2375 ext. 2556 +62 (0)21 / 573 2383 @ [email protected] Corporate Executive Mr Jorge Wagner President Director @ [email protected] Business line: Manufacturer of pharmaceuticals 58 Robert Bosch GmbH Robert-Bosch-Platz 1 70839 Gerlingen-Schillerhöhe +49 (0) 711 / 811-0 +49 (0) 711 / 811-6630 @ [email protected] PT Robert Bosch Palma Tower, 10th Floor Jl. RA Kartini II-S Kav. 6 Pondok Pinang Kebayoran Lama Jakarta 125310 @ +62 (0)21 / 3005 5800 +62 (0)21 / 3005 5801 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr. Ralf von Baer Managing Director @ [email protected] Business line: Automotive components & spareparts, car multimedia, power tools, gasoline system and accessories, security technology. 59 Burgmann Industries GmbH & Co. KG Äussere Sauerlacher Str. 6-10 82515 Wolfratshausen +49 (0) 8171 / 23-0 +49 (0) 8171 / 231 195 PT Burgmann Indonesia Cikarang East Jakarta Industri Park Lot 7 G4 Cikarang Bekasi 17550 @ +62 (0)21 / 893 5313 (hunting) +62 (0)21 / 897 5729 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Soebagio Soegiharto, Dipl. Ing Director Business line: Manufacturing of mechanical seals, gland packing & static seals and expansion joints 60 Clariant International AG Rothausstrasse 61 CH-4132 Muttenz 1 Schweiz PT Clariant Adsorbents Indonesia Jl. Raya Narogong Km 14 Pangkalen 10 Desa Limusnunggal Cileungsi Bogor 16820 +41 (0)61 469 5111 +41 (0)61 469 6512 @ [email protected] (vorm. PT Süd Chemie Indonesia) @ +62 (0)21 / 8249 7445 (hunting) +62 (0)21 / 8249 8585 / 8249 6060 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Dieter Seng President Director @ [email protected] Business line: Highly active bleaching earth “TONSIL” for the refining of edible and mineral oils, waxes, parralines, etc. Aluminium hydrosilicates for the petrochemical industry. Foundry and civil engineering bentonite, paper bentonite. Flocculent for waste water treatment. 61 Claus Huth GmbH Brandsende 12 20095 Hamburg +49 (0)40 / 327 531 +49 (0)40 / 322 626 Representative Office: Jl. Hang Leku I / 10 Kebayoran Baru Jakarta 12120 +62 (0)21 / 726 1662 +62 (0)21 / 726 1662 @ [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr C. Brouderius van Nidek Business line: Pharmaceuticals 62 Commerzbank (Dresdner Bank) Kaiserplatz 60311 Frankfurt am Main 60261 Frankfurt am Main +49 (0) 69 / 1362 0 +49 (0) 69 / 1362 2123 Commerzbank AG Representative Office: Wisma GKBI, 37th floor, suite 3702 Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 28 Jakarta 10210 +62 (0)21 / 572 7118 / 20 +62 (0)21 / 574 0580 @ [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Christophe Marie Senior Representative Mr Purnomo Ashari Representative @ [email protected] Business line: Banking services 63 Daimler AG 70546 Stuttgart +49 (0)711 / 17-1 +49 (0)711 / 17-94022 PT Mercedes-Benz Indonesia Sole Agent, Manufacturer & Assembler of Mercedes Benz Products in Indonesia Wanaherang – Gunung Putri Bogor 16965 PO Box 3769 Jakarta 10002 @ +62 (0)21 / 8689 9350 +62 (0)21 / 8689 9303 or -9516 [email protected] PT Mercedes-Benz Distribution Indonesia Main Distribution of Mercedes-Benz Indonesia Deutsche Bank Bldg, 18th floor Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 80 PO Box 2182 Jakarta 10001 @ +62 (0)21 / 3000 3600 +62 (0)21 / 2351 9600 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Roelof Lamberts President & CEO Mrs Tina Hutani Finance Director +62 (0)21 / 3000 3600 +62 (0)21 / 8689 9500 Mr N.N. Sales & Marketing Director Mrs Ester Djiungwanara Human Resources Director +62 (0)21 / +62 (0)21 / 8689 9200 Business line: Automotive with brands Mercedes-Benz 64 Deutsche Bank AG Taunusanlage 12 60325 Frankfurt am Main +49 (0)69 / 91 00069 +49 (0)69 / 9103 4227 Deutsche Bank AG, Jakarta Branch Deutsche Bank Building Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 80 +62 (0)21 / 3193 1092 +62 (0)21 / 390 4792 +62 (0)21 / 3193 5252 Deutsche Bank AG, Surabaya Branch Wisma Bank Dharmala, 7th floor Jl. Panglima Sudirman No. 101-103 Surabaya 60271 P.O.Box 1456, Surabaya 60014 +62 (0)31 / 531 1822 +62 (0)31 / 531 6272 Corporate Executives Mr Kurnady Lie Chief Country Officer +62 (0)21 318 9304 Business line: Banking 65 DHL Global Forwarding Flughafen Frankfurt, Gebäude 573 Cargo City Süd 60549 Frankfurt am Main +49 (0)69 / 1301 6 +49 (0)69 / 1301 7999 @ [email protected] PT DHL Danzas Air & Ocean Indonesia Soewarna Business Park+ Blok A Lot 8 Soekarno-Hatta Int’l Airport Jakarta 19110 @ +62 (0)21 / 5591 3161 / -62 +62 (0)21 / 5591 3164 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mrs Welani Widjaja Managing Director Mr Ivan Siew Director M&S / Business Development @ @ [email protected] [email protected] Mr Pierre Meriaux Trade Lane Manager Europe @ [email protected] Business line: Logistics worldwide, freight forwarding and logistics solutions, supply chain management, warehousing and distribution Branch Offices: Surabaya, Batam, Semarang, Balikpapan 66 DHL Exel Supply Chain DHL Solutions GmbH Rungedamm 3 221035 Hamburg +49 (0)40 / 7345 9400 @ [email protected] PT Exel Indonesia Menara Jamsostek 12th floor Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav 38 Jakarta 12710 @ +62 (0)21 / 252 5338 +62 (0)21 / 252 5622 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr. Rahim Tahir Managing Director @ [email protected] Business line: Logistics solutions, supply chain management, warehousing and distribution 67 DHL Global Management Charles-de-Gaulle-Str. 20 53113 Bonn +49 (0) 228 / 182 0 +49 (0) 228 / 182 7099 PT Birotika Semesta / DHL Siemens Business Park Bldg. F Jl. M.T. Haryono Kav. 58-60 Jakarta +62 (0)21 / 7919 6655 +62 (0)21 / 7919 6688 Corporate Executives Achmad Mohamad Country Manager @ [email protected] Business line: Air Express industry 68 Dystar Textilfarben GmbH Industriepark Hoechst Building B-598 65926 Frankfurt am Main +49 (0)69 / 2109 2734 +49 (0)69 / 2109 2005 PT Dystar Colours Indonesia Head Office: Menara Global Bldg.., 22nd floor Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 27 Jakarta 12930 +62 (0)21 / 527 0550 +62 (0)21 / 527 0520 Corporate Executives Mr Sunarto Djuardi President Director Mr Eko Pratiko Technical Service Manager @ @ [email protected] [email protected] Factories: Jl. Raya Citeras Rangkasbitung KM 3,8 Gabus, Kopo Serang / Jawa Barat Corporate Executives Dr. Heinz G. Zorn Production Manager @ Mr Tiang Gwan Han Engineering Manager +62 (0)21 / 527 0519 [email protected] Business line: Dyestuffs 69 EADS Deutschland GmbH Willy-Messerschmitt-Str.1 85521 Ottobrunn 81663 München +49 (0)89 / 607 0 +49 (0)89 / 607 264 81 EADS Indonesia Representative Office: One Pacific Place, 12th floor, suite 1207 Sudirman Central Business District, Lot 3-5 Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53 Jakarta 10220 +62 (0)21 / 5797 3615 +62 (0)21 / 5797 3616 @ [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Laurent Godin Country Manager Mr Eka Meiryawan Representative Business line: Civil aviation (Airbus); military planes and helicopters; satellites, launch vehicles; defence electronics, telecommunications, services 70 EKC Machinery & Plant GmbH (Komrowski & Co GmbH) Kattrepel 2 (Montanhof) 20095 Hamburg +49 (0)40 / 3290 301 +49 (0)40 / 3290 3203 Regional Representative Office: Griya Shinta, level 6, Unit 6A-B Jl. Tomang Raya No. 39 Jakarta 101440 +62 (0)21 / 2932 1628 +62 (0)21 / 2932 1616 @ [email protected] Corporate Executives Mrs Imelda Jong Chief Representative Business line: Engineering, contracting & financing of industrial plants, product offtake 71 Ferro GmbH Gutleutstr. 215 60327 Frankfurt am Main +49 (0)69 / 27 116 0 +49 (0)69 / 27 116 333 PT Ferro Ceramic Colors Indonesia Head Office and Factory: Dusun Beringin Kulon No. 35 RT 008 / RW 004 Bringinbendo-Taman Sidoarjo 61257 @ +62 (0)31 / 788 2828 (hunting) +62 (0)31 / 788 2727 / 7642 [email protected] @ +62 (0)21 / 8983 4751 (hunting) +62 (0)21 / 8983 3055 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Rusdy Tano +62 (0)812 1093 888 @ [email protected] Jakarta Sales Office: Jl. Raya Cikarang Cibarusah Kp. Tegal Gede, Ds. Pasir Sari Kec. Lemah Abang Bekasi 17550 Corporate Executives Mr Rachmanto Setiawan Regional Sales Manager +62 (0)811 812 813 @ [email protected] r Business line: Ceramic colours, decorating and glass colours, stains, precious metal preparations, glaze frits, glazes and decorating aids as well as chemical additives for the ceramic and glass industry PT Ferro Additives Asia Head Office and Factory: Bringinbendo 35 RT 008 / RW 004 Bringinbendo-Taman Sidoarjo 61257 @ +62 (0)31 / 788 2828 (hunting) +62 (0)31 / 788 2727 / 7642 [email protected] 72 Corporate Executives Mr Matthias Bell President Director +62 (0)812 1093 888 or 0811 315 641 @ [email protected] Business line: Manufacturing & sale of speciality chemicals for the ceramic and other industries 73 Festo AG & Co. Ruiter Str. 82 73730 Esslingen +49 (0)711 / 347 0 +49 (0)711 / 347 2144 @ [email protected] PT Festo Head Office: Jl. Tekno Indah V Blok A1 / Sektor 11 Kawasan Industri Taman Tekno BSD Tangerang 15314 @ +62 (0)80 / 4123 3786 +62 (0)80 / 4143 3786 [email protected] Factory & Branch: Kawasan Industri Jababek Jl. Jababeka VIIG, Blok R-1F Cikarang Bekasi 17530 +62 (0)21 / 893 6749 +62 (0)21 / 893 5416 Corporate Executives Mr Hartono Indra Managing Director @ [email protected] Business line: Manufacturing and supply of pneumatic products for industrial automation Training and further education in automation industry 74 Fichtner GmbH & Co. KG Fichtner GmbH & Co. KG Sarweystraße 3 70191 Stuttgart +49 (0)711 89 95 - 0 +49 (0)711 8995 - 459 @ [email protected] Fichtner GmbH & Co. KG Representative Office Indonesia Gedung Graha Iskandarsyah, 11th Floor Jl. Iskandarsyah Raya No. 66 C Jakarta 12160 +62 (0)21 720 6929 +62 (0)21 720 6932 Corporate Executives Mr Florian Villa Chief Representative Mrs Ina Banuampu Admin. & Finance Manager @ @ [email protected] [email protected] Business line: Consultancy and engineering Service 75 FRAMAS Kunststofftechnik GmbH Rodalber Str. 180 66953 Pirmasens +49 (0)6331 / 5152 0 +49 (0)6331 / 5152 44 @ [email protected] PT Framas Plastic Technology Kawasan Industri MM 2100 Km 33-34 Cibitung Bekasi Desa Ganda Mekar Bekasi 17520 +62 (0)21 / 898 0035 +62 (0)21 / 898 0034 Corporate Executives Mr Martin Jachmann Managing Director Mr Oliver Kuhne Production Manager @ @ [email protected] [email protected] Business line: Shoe accessories manufacture company 76 Fuchs Petrolub AG Friesenheimer Str. 17 68169 Mannheim Postfach 10 11 62 68145 Mannheim +49 (0)621 / 3802 0 +49 (0)621 / 3802 190 @ [email protected] PT Fuchs Indonesia Jl. Jababeka VI SFB Blok J 6 KL Cikarang Industrial Estate Bekasi 17530 @ +62 (0)21 / 893 4960 +62 (0)21 / 893 4958 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Lutfi Ilhamy President Director @ [email protected] Business line: Manufacturing and Trading of Lubricants 77 Geomed Medizintechnik GmbH & Co. Ludwigstaler Str. 27 78532 Tuttlingen +49 (0) 7461 / 9355 0 +49 (0) 7461 / 9355 93 @ [email protected] PT Geomed Indonesia Kawasan Industri Terboyo Blok M62-M64 Semarang 50118 +62 (0) 24 / 659 1963 +62 (0) 24 / 659 1965 @ [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Suryo Budi Susetyo Executive Team Leader Business line: Surgical instruments 78 Getriebebau Nord GmbH & Co. KG Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 1 22941 Bargteheide +49 (0)4532 / 401 - 469 +49 (0)4532 / 401 253 @ [email protected] PT Nord Indonesia Jl. Raya Serpong KM 7 Kompleks Multi Guna Blok D No. 1 Serpong – Pakulonan Tangerang 15310 @ +62 (0)21 / 5312 2222 +62 (0)21 / 5312 2288 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Djohan Makmur Alam Director Mrs Angela Margarita Sales Coordinator +62 (0)813 1006 2222 +62 (0)813 1084 2222 Business line: Industrial geared motors, gear units, frequency inverters & electric motor 79 Grohe AG Feldmühleplatz 15 40545 Düsseldorf +49 (0)211 / 9130 3000 +49 (0)211 / 9130 3031 @ [email protected] PT Grohe Indonesia Alamanda Tower Building, 31st Floor Jl. T.B. Simatupang Kav. 22-26 Jakarta 12560 +62 (0)21 / 2966 0296 +62 (0)21 / 2966 0196 Corporate Executives Mr Iwandeanto President Director Business line: Manufacturer of sanitary fittings and water technology products 80 Häfele GmbH & Co. KG Adolf-Häfele-Str. 1 72202 Nagold +49 (0)7452 / 95-0 +49 (0)7452 / 95-200 @ [email protected] PT Häfele Indotama Taman Tekno BSD Blok A No. 3 Serpong Tangerang 15314 @ +62 (0)21 / 7587 8888 +62 (0)21 / 7587 7777 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Roland Poelmann Managing Director @ [email protected] Business line: Importer and distributor of furniture fittings, architectural hardware, identification and access control systems 81 Hans Günthner GmbH Industriestr. 14 82256 Fürstenfeldbruck @ +49 (0)8141 / 242 0 +49 (0)8141 / 242 155 [email protected] @ +62 (0)21 / 343 / 295 100 +62 (0)21 / 343 / 295 295 [email protected] @ +62 (0)21 / 797 2642 +62 (0)21 / 797 2648 [email protected] PT Günthner Indonesia DS. Wonokoyo Kec. Beji Pasuruan 67154Jawa Timur Corporate Executives Mr Heinz Albrecht Prokoph Sales Manager PT Günthner Indonesia (Jakarta) Graha Mampang 5th floor Jl. Mampang Prapatan Raya No. 100 Jakarta 12760 Corporate Executives Mr Franz Jäger, Dipl. Ing. Manging Director Mr Sugiarto Limanto Production Manager Business line: Manufacturing of heat exchanger equipment 82 Hansa Meyer Global Transport GmbH & Co. KG Flughafenallee 26 28199 Bremen +49 (0)421 32997-0 +49 (0)421 32997 56 @ Representative Office Jakarta: Hansa Meyer Global Transport GmbH & Co. KG Jl. Timor 2 Jakarta Pusat 10350 +62 (0)21 390 5566 +62 (0)21 3192 7701 @ Executives Mr Daniel Giese Chief Representative @ [email protected] +62 (0)822 4511 3205 Business line: Project Forwarder – Transport Architect 83 A. Hartrodt (GmbH & Co) KG Hogerdamm 35 20097 Hamburg PT Panah Perdana Logisindo Dipo Tower Building 15th Floor Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 51-52 Jakarta 10260 +49 (0)40 / 2390-0 +49 (0)40 / 2390-357 @ [email protected] (A. Hartrodt Indonesia) +62 (0)21 / 2986 6160 +62 (0)21 / 2986 6170 @ [email protected] Corporate Executives Kristian Sabitzki President Director +62 (0)21 2986 6160 @ [email protected] Business line: International air and seafreight services, Customs clearance Customs tariffs licence consultancy Transport / Marine insurance services Purchase order management and reporting Shipment tracking systems Food and beverage Logistics Project management and heavy lift cargo 84 Henkel KGaA Henkelstr. 67 40191 Düsseldorf +49 (0)211 / 797 0 +49 (0)211 / 798 4008 @ PT Henkel Indonesia Gedung Talavera, Office Park Jl. T.B. Simatupang Kav 22-26 Jakarta 12430 +62 (0)21 / 7592 4626 +62 (0)21 / 7592 4629 Corporate Executives Mr Masaharu Sugie President Director Business line: Adhesives, sealants & Surface Treatment 85 W.C. Heraeus GmbH - CCD Heraeusstr. 12-14 63450 Hanau +49 (0)6181 / 35 3810 +49 (0)6181 / 35 9603 PT Heraeus Materials Indonesia (HIPT) Ruko Paramount 5th Avenue Blok A No. 16 – 17 Gading Serpong Tangerang 15810 +62 (0)21 / 5421 3701 +62 (0)21 / 5420 4174 Corporate Executives Mr Yan Kurniawan President Director +62 (0)815 183 4802 @ [email protected] Business line: Decorative materials for tableware, glass and tiles, Infrared heater, alloys for jewellery 86 hhp GmbH Sophienstr. 15-17 76133 Karlsruhe +49 (0)721 / 16143-0 +49 (0)721 / 16143-99 @ [email protected] Agent & Licence Holder Home Health Products Indonesia PT Suria Tamtama Perkasa Le Meridian Hotel Suite 237-239 Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 18-20 Jakarta 10220 +62 (0)21 / 5785 3763 @ [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Björn Heidrich President Director +62 (0)812 1980 9957 @ [email protected] Mrs Lisna Heidrich Sales Manager +62 (0)812 8326 3404 @ [email protected] Business line: Home health Products Indonesia (PT. Suria Tamtama Perkasa) is the exclusive importer and distributor of hpp massage therapy systems, a 100% German made medically certified product. Andullation will increase your energy production in cells, stimulate the circulation of blood and lymphatic fluids, reduces pain and activates the body relaxation mechanisms, reduces girth size and provides the daily wellness activity at home 87 Hill & Delamain Trading Co. Spaldingstr. 218 20097 Hamburg +49 (0)40 / 2388 1122 +49 (0)40 / 2388 1155 @ [email protected] PT Hanco Engineering & Manufacturing Ruko Gading Serpong Blok BD 12 No. 31 Tangerang 15810 +62 (0)21 / 546 1935 +62 (0)813 / 1438 6909 @ [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Bernd Radzki Technical Advisor @ +62 (0)21 / 537 3632 +62 (0)816 846 910 [email protected] Business line: Plastic processing machines, recycling of plastic materials, waste recycling, packaging machines 88 Induktor GmbH Bodenseestr. 228 81243 München +49 (0)89 / 8976 030 +49 (0)89 / 8976 0333 @ [email protected] PT Induktorindo Utama Techno Park, Industrial Estate BSD Kav. A-5 Serpong Tangerang 15314 @ +62 (0)21 / 756 0946 +62 (0)21 / 756 0946 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Bambang Sarwoadji President Director Mr Walter A. Krommer Technical Director @ @ [email protected] [email protected] Business line: Inductive components, toroidal transformer, converters, coils, chokes 89 Intergrafica Print & Pack GmbH Hohenzollernstr. 42 45128 Essen +49 (0)201 / 818 80 +49 (0)201 / 818 3970 @ [email protected] PT MAN Ferrostaal Equipment Solutions indonesia Gedung Menara Jamsostek Menara Utama, 23th Floor Jakarta 12710 @ +62 (0)21 / 2966 6864 +62 (0)21 / 2966 6863 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Radja Pasaribu President Director @ Mrs Jana Winatapradjo Finance Director [email protected] Business line: Systems, Consumables, Machinery for Graphic Arts Industry and Technical After sales Service 90 Jantzen Investment GmbH Spitalplatz C 196 B 86633 Neuburg a.d. Donau +49 (0)8431 / 409 20 +49 (0)8431 / 409 20 PT Soejasch Bali (PMA) Jl. Gunung Patas No. 1 Padang Sambian Klod Denpasar 80117 / Bali @ +62 (0)361 / 420 811 +62 (0)361 / 420 810 [email protected] @ +62 (0)21 / 769 2287, 7591 0771, 750 4367 / -28 +62 (0)361 / 765 1282 [email protected] Jakarta Branch Jl. Nanka 33 Lebak Bulus Jakarta 12440 Surabaya Branch Komplek Angtropolis Jl. Margomulyo 46 G35 Surabaya 60183 +62 (0)31 / 748 3441 / -2 +62 (0)31 / 748 3443 @ [email protected] MAMA’s Meat Delikatessen Jl. Tangkubang Perahu No. 22A Denpasar 80117 / Bali +62 (0)361 / 420 811 +62 (0)361 / 420 810 NIKMAT Delikatessen HALAL Food Processing Jl. Gunung Patas No. 3 Denpasar 80117 / Bali +62 (0)361 / 420 811 +62 (0)361 / 420 810 CATER Food Products Jl. Gunung Patas 1 Denpasar 80117 / Bali @ MAMA’s German Restaurant / PT. MAS La Walon Centre Jl. Raya Legian Kuta – Legian 80631 / Bali +62 (0)361 / 420 811 +62 (0)361 / 420 810 [email protected] (Makmur Abadi Sukses) @ +62 (0)361 / 754 831 or 761 151 +62 (0)361 / 754 831 [email protected] 91 Corporate Executives Mr Reinhold Jantzen President Director Mr Putu Phartama General Manager @ @ [email protected] [email protected] Mr Jürgen Wölfel Product Manager Mr John-Paul Eisermann PR & Marketing Consultant @ @ [email protected] [email protected] Mr Stuart Williams Sales & Marketing Manager Mr Jens Uwe Ralf Schmidt Executive Chef @ @ [email protected] [email protected] Mr Hans Michael Stöckle Finance Advicer Business line: Processed meat & fish products, restaurant & beverage distribution 92 J.H. Bachmann GmbH & Co Intern. Spedition Member of Imperial Group, Panopa, Haniel Reederei, Neska Schlachte 15-18 28199 Bremen +49 (0)421 / 1768 0 +49 (0)421 / 1768 400 @ [email protected] DFDS Transport Ritra Building 4th FloorJl. Buncit Raya No. 6 Jakarta 12740 +62 (0)21 / 797 0550 +62 (0)21 / 797 0661 Corporate Executives Mr Christian Schindler President Director Subsidiary Surabaya Komp. Perkantoran & Pergudangan Angtropolis, 3th floor Jl. Margomulyo No. 46, B-61 Surabaya +62 (0)31 / 748 0413 +62 (0)31 / 748 0413 @ Business line: Logistics services air / sea, project coordination, ship charter 93 Johannes Schuback & Söhne Handelsgesellschaft mbH & Co Ohlsedter Platz 24 22397 Hamburg +49 (0)40 / 3020 30 +49 (0)40 / 3020 3100 / 01 @ [email protected] Agent: PT Jantan Setia Sakti German Centre, Suite 2300 Jl. Kapt. Subijanto, Dj., BSD Tangerang 15321 +62 (0)21 / 538 8308 +62 (0)21 / 538 8309 @ [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Heinz F. Adria Director @ [email protected] Business line: Trading 94 Johs. Rieckermann Moenckebergstr. 10 Barkhof B 1 20095 Hamburg +49 (0)40 / 320 200 +49 (0)40 / 337 873 or 327 752 PT Rieckermann Indonesia Menara Bidakara 2, 11th Floor Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 71-73 Jakarta 12870 +62 (0)21 / 2906 9399 +62 (0)21 / 2906 9398 @ [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Marcus Grundke Representative @ +62 (0)21 / 829 4208 [email protected] Mr Gunnar Scheel Devision Manager Business line: Supply and service for industrial plants and machinery 95 K.D. Feddersen & Co Überseegesellschaft mbH Gotenstr. 11 A 20097 Hamburg +49 (0) 40 / 2350 701 +49 (0) 40 / 2350 7450 @ [email protected] Representative Office: Wisma Keiai 12th Floor, Unit 12A 02 Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 3 Jakarta 10220 +62 (0)21 / 572 3204 Corporate Executives Mr Julian Schmidt Chief Representative Indonesia Agent: PT Kade Ferindo Jl. Rawa Kepiting No. 2 Pulo Gadung Industrial Estate Jakarta 13920 +62 (0)21 / 461 9638 +62 (0)21 / 461 9633 Business line: Chemicals, equipment for chemicals, glass, food and other industries 96 Alfred Kärcher GmbH & Co. KG Alfred-Kärcher-Str. 28-40 P.O. Box 160 71364 Winnenden +49 (0)7195 14-0 +49 (0)7195 14-22 12 @ [email protected] PT Karcher (Kaercher Indonesia) Kaercher Center Jakarta Sudirman Park Complex Blok A6-A7 Jl. K.H. Mas Mansyur Kav. 35 Jakarta 10220 @ +62 (0)21 / 5794 3850 +62 (0)21 / 5794 3862 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Edouard Lastennet Managing Director @ [email protected] +62 811 977 1798 Business line: As the world market leader in cleaning technology Kaercher offers equipment, accessories and detergents for all kind of cleaning tasks at home and in business – up to customized industrial system solutions. 97 Knauf Gips KG Am Bahnhof 7 97346 Iphofen +49 (0)932331-0 +49 (0)932331-277 @ [email protected] PT Knauf Gypsum Indonesia Cilandak Commercial Estate Garden Center, 5th Floor # 16 B Jakarta 12560 @ +62 (0)21 / 789 1661 +62 (0)21 / 789 1662 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Wayne Studdon Preseident Director Mrs Intan Customer Service Manager Business line: Building material: gypsum board, drywall accessories, metal section, acoustic panels 98 Körber Paperlink GmbH Nagelsweg 33-35 20097 Hamburg +49 (0)40 / 211 0702 +49 (0)40 / 211 0712 @ PT. Körber PaperLink Far East Jl. Bulevar Raya Blok SG1/ 15 Gading Serpong Tangerang 15180 @ +62 (0)21 / 5420 2211 +62 (0)21 / 5420 1991 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Werner Fuessle President Director Ms Erfina Accounting Manager Business line: Supplier paper converting machinery 99 Kopf Holding GmbH Heinkelstr 25 73230 Kirchheim / Teck +49 (0)7021 / 507 210 +49 (0)7021 / 487 961 @ [email protected] PT Austrindo Jaya Abadi Green Office Park Wing Barat Lt. 1 Zona 7B BSD-City Tangerang 15345 +62 (0)21 / 2958 0271 @ [email protected] PT Zink Power Batam Indonesia Tanjung Uncang Batam @ [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Franz Troeszter President Director @ +62 (0)21 / 2958 0272 [email protected] Business line: General hot dip galvanizing 100 Korsch AG Breitenbachstr.1 13509 Berlin +49 (0) 30 / 435 76 0 +49 (0) 30 / 435 76 350 PT IHR Consulting Indonesia for PT Korsch Asia Pacific German Centre Bldg., 2nd Floor Jl. Kapt. Subijanto Dj., BSD Tangerang 15321 +62 (0)21 / 537 6263 +62 (0)21 / 537 6263 @ [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Jens-Uwe Roestel Managing Director @ [email protected] Business line: Pharmaceutical machinery, tablet presses, pharmaceutical R&D and education laboratory 101 Kühne & Nagel (AG & Co.) KG Zentralkontor Herrengraben 1 20459 Hamburg +49 (0)40 / 3760 60 +49 (0)40 / 3760 61 @ [email protected] PT KN Sigma Trans Graha BIP, 4th floor Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 23 Jakarta 12930 @ +62 (0)21 / 252 2222 +62 (0)21 / 252 2334 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Mathias Ruebke Managing Director Mr Paul God General Manager Seafreight @ @ [email protected] [email protected] Business line: Air- and Seafreight Forwarding, Supply Chain Management, Contract and Project Logistics, Oil + Gas Logistics Branch Offices: Bandung: Graha Bumi Putera 5th Floor Jl. Asia Africa No. 141-149 Bandung 40112 +62 (0)22 / 424 1265 / 66 +62 (0)22 / 424 1278 @ [email protected] Cirebon: Hotel Prima Cirebon Jl. Siliwangi No. 107 Cirebon 45124 +62 (0)231 / 232 377 +62 (0)231 / 204 026 @ [email protected] Semarang: Jl. Puri Anjasmoro H 5 No. 49 Semarang 50144 +62 (0)24 / 760 7083 / 89 +62 (0)24 / 760 7074 @ [email protected] Yogyakarta: Melia Purosani Hotel Arcade Jl. Suryotomo No. 31 Yogyakarta +62 (0)274 / 557 310 / 11 +62 (0)274 / 557 312 Solo: 102 Quality Hotel Arcade Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 40 Solo 51143 +62 (0)271 / 738 666 / 81 +62 (0)271 / 738 659 @ [email protected] Surabaya: Graha Pacific Building, 10th Floor Jl. Basuki Rachmad No. 91 Surabaya 60271 +62 (0)31 / 535 0709 +62 (0)31 / 534 8832 @ [email protected] Medan: Wisma BII, 4th Floor, Suite 405 Jl. Diponegoro No. 18 Medan 20152 +62 (0)61 / 457 3850 / 40 / 50 +62 (0)61 / 457 3860 @ [email protected] Batam: Goodway Hotel Ground Floor, Shop No. 4 Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 1 Batam Riau Island +62 (0)778 / 431 442 +62 (0)778 / 455 328 @ [email protected] 103 Lahmeyer International GmbH Friedberger Str. 173 61118 Bad Vibel +49 (0)6101 / 55-1 +49 (0)6101 / 55-22-22 @ [email protected] Representative Office Lahmeyer International GmbH Jl. Falatehan Raya No. 1A Kebayoran Baru Jakarta 12160 @ +62 (0)21 / 723 5355 +62 (0)21 / 723 5356 [email protected] Corporate Executives Drs. Alan Hidayat, MM Senior Liason Officer +62 (0)818 73 2526 Mr Peter Roth Representative +62 (0)813 1711 3642 @ [email protected] Business line: Engineering Consulting Services 104 LBBW – Landesbank Baden-Württemberg Am Hauptbahnhof 2 70173 Stuttgart +49 (0)711 / 127 74873 +49 (0)711 / 127 74455 @ [email protected] Landesbank Baden-Württemberg Representative Office Jakarta Indonesia Stock Exchange Tower 2, 17th Floor, +62 (0)21 / 515 7690 Suite 1701 +62 (0)21 / 515 7799 Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53 Jakarta 12190 Corporate Executives Contact in Indonesia: Contact in Germany: Volker Bromund Consultant Mrs Karin Ledusic Relationship Management @ @ [email protected] [email protected] Business line: Banking Services Auslandsorientierten Unternehmen bietet das internationale Netzwerk der LBBW umfassende Beratung, Know-how bei der Begleitung fremder Märkte sowie Vor-Ort-Präsenz. Die Repräsentanz Jakarta bietet Unternehmen Finanzierungs- und Zahlungsverkehrslösungen,unterstützt beim Markteintritt, bei der Standortsuche und stellt Kontakte zu Unternehmen, Behörden, Rechtsanwälten und Banken her. LBBW’s international network offers companies with a strong international focus comprehensive advice, expertise regarding the entry into foreign markets as well as a local presence. Our Reprensentative Office Jakarta provides financing services and payment solutions and assists in entering the market, finding premises and establishing contacts with Indonesian companies, authorities and banks. 105 Logwin Air + Ocean International GmbH Weichertstr. 5 63741 Aschaffenburg +49 (0)6021 / 343 0 +49 (0)6021 / 343 9150 @ [email protected] Representative Office: PT Logwin Air & Ocean Indonesia Wisma Budi, 3rd floor, Room 305 Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Kav. C-6 Jakarta 12940 +62 (0)21 / 5296 3340 +62 (0)21 / 5296 3336 or -37 @ [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Sudiyono, SN Managing Director Mr Winarso General Manager @ @ +62 (0)21 / 5296 3350 [email protected] +62 (0)21 / 5296 3349 [email protected] Business line: International freight forwarders 106 Lohmann Animal Health GmbH & Co. KG Heinz-Lohmann-Str. 4 27472 Cuxhaven +49 (0)4721 / 7470 +49 (0)4721 / 747 105 PT Lohmann Animal Health Indonesia Gedung Maspion Plaza Lt. 6 Unit C2 Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya Kav. 18 Jakarta Utara 14420 @ +62 (0)21 / 64701203 +62 (0)21 / 6470 1204 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Axel Foellmer President Director +66 81924 8139 @ [email protected] Business line: Import and distribution of animal health products with present focus on poultry vaccines, made in Germany ans USA. 107 Lufthansa Von-Gablenz-Str. 2-6 50679 Köln +49 (0)221 / 826 0 +49 (0)221 / 826 3818 Deutsche Lufthansa AG Jakarta Office: Alamanda Tower, 23rd Floor Unit A Jl. TB. Simatupang Kav. 23-24 Jakarta 12430 Airport Office: Soekarno-Hatta Intern. Airport Terminal D 1st floor, room DOD-58 Passenger Handling Services +62 (0)21 / 550 7126 / -27 or 550 2295 +62 (0)21 550 1495 @ [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Andrew Kim Country Manager @ [email protected] Lufthansa Cargo Jakarta Sales Office: Wisma Soewarna, Suite 2-X Taman Niaga Soewarna Soekarno-Hatta Intern. Airport Jakarta 19110 +62 (0)21 / 5591 3170 (Customer Service Team) +62 (0)21 / 5591 3166 (Business Development / Mgt) +62 (0)21 / 5591 317 Corporate Executives Mr Ibrahim Altway General Manager Cargo Logistics: Cargo Area Bldg 501, Room D-010/12 Soekarno-Hatta Intern. Airport Jakarta 19100 +62 (0)21 / 559 0604 or -05 +62 (0)21 / 550 1972 108 MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG Vogelweiherstr. 33 90441 Nürnberg +49 (0)911 / 420 6229 +49 (0)911 / 420 1930 @ claudia_ [email protected] PT Marine Antarnusa Niaga Giani Djemat Plaza, 3rd Floor Jl. Imam Bonjol 76-78 Jakarta 10310 @ +62 (0)21 / 314 7478 / 79 +62 (0)21 / 390 2902 [email protected] [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Bethune Wibowo Managing Director +62 (0)813 10100 693 @ [email protected] Mr Günther Ewald Advisor +62 (0)815 160 0141 Business line: MAN High Speed Marine Diesel Engine 109 MAN DIESEL TURBO AG Steinbrinkstr. 1 46145 Oberhausen +49 (0)208 / 692 01 +49 (0)208 / 669 021 @ [email protected] PT MAN DIESEL TURBO Menara Palma 17th Floor, unit 17/01 Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X2, Kav.-6 Jakarta 12950 @ +62 (0)21 / 5795 7490 +62 (0)21 / 5795 7491 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Ernst Geyer President Director Mr Hery Setyawan Vice President Director @ @ [email protected] [email protected] Business line: Turbomachinery 110 Melchers GmbH & Co. Schlachte 39/40 28195 Bremen Postfach 10339 28033 Bremen +49 (0)421 / 1769 0 +49 (0)421 / 1769 402 PT Melindo Dipta Wisma AKR 4th floor, Suite 407 Jl. Panjang No. 5 Jakarta 11530 @ +62 (0)21 / 531 1169 (hunting) +62 (0)21 / 531 1179 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Andreas Janssen Technical Advisor Business line: Industrial machinery, industrial material, furniture 111 Merck KGaA Frankfurter Str. 250 64293 Darmstadt Postfach 41 19 64271 Darmstadt +49 (0)6151 / 72 0 +49 (0)6151 / 72 2000 PT Merck Tbk Jl. T.B. Simatupang No. 8 Pasar Rebo Jakarta 13760 +62 (0)21 / 2856 5600 +62 (0)21 / 2856 5601 @ Corporate Executives Mr. Martin Feulner Presdent Director ☎ @ +62 (0)21 / 2856 5989 [email protected] Mr. Bambang Nurcahyo Finance Director @ Mrs. Evie Yulin Director [email protected] 112 Mitraco Handelsgesellschaft mbH Johann-Kröger-Str.15 22393 Hamburg +49 (0)40 / 601 3948 +49 (0)40 / 601 0740 PT Mitraco Surya Citylofts #2620 Jl. K.H. Mas Mansyur 121 Jakarta 10220 +62 (0)21 / 2555 8470 +62 (0)21 / 2555 8471 Corporate Executives Mr Michael J. McGurty President Director Mr Wolf-Dieter Grosse Vice President Director @ @ [email protected] [email protected] Business line: Steel, pulp & paper, coal, industrial raw material, hotel amenities 113 MTU – Maintenance Hannover GmbH Münchner Str. 31 30838 Langenhagen 47793 Krefeld +49 (0)511 / 7806-0 +49 (0)511 / 7806-111 MTU Office (Rep) at GMF Aero Asia Engine Stop Building Soekarno-Hatta International Airport P.O. Box 1303 Bush 19130 Cengkareng +62 (0)21 / 550 8662 +62 (0)21 / 550 2301 Corporate Executives Mr Wolfgang Will Director Sale Indonesia @ [email protected] Business line: Maintenance Repair & Overhaul of Aircraft Enfines (MRO) 114 Naval Logistics GmbH Tjücher Kolken 5 26810 Ihrhove +49 (0)49 4955 987 870 +49 (0)49 4955 987 8749 @ [email protected] PT Naval Tekindo PELNI Building, 4th Floor Jl. Angkasa No. 18 Kemayoran Jakarta 10610 +62 (0)21 4288 4038 +62 (0)21 4287 2331 @ [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Setia Prijono Director Mr Theo Sudarno Commissioner Business line: Running Repair & Ship Maintenance Structural Mechanical Electrical Marine IT Services Telecommunication & Navigation Radar & Sensor System Weapon Control System Night Vision System Logistics & Parts Supply Export - Import 115 Oiltanking GmbH Corporate Center Hamburg Admiralitätstr. 55 20459 Hamburg +49 (0)40 / 37 0990 +49 (0)40 / 3709 9499 PT Oiltanking Merak Menara Prima Building 16/F Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan Lot 6.2 Jakarta 12950 @ +62 (0)21 / 5794 7808 +62 (0)21 / 5794 7809 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Eric Sumar President Director Business line: Storage for oils, chemicals and gases Merak Terminal: Jl. Yos Sudarso Kel. Lebak Gede Kec. Pulo Merak, Cilegon Banten 42439 +62 (0)254 / 572 740 +62 (0)254 / 572 739 116 Peter Cremer GmbH Glockengiesserwall 2 20095 Hamburg +49 (0)40 / 320 11 0 +49 (0)40 / 320 11 400 @ [email protected] PT Peter Cremer Indonesia Panin Bank Centre, 4th floor Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 1 Jakarta 10270 +62 (0)21 / 725 0259 +62 (0)21 / 725 0272 @ [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Malte Torborg President Director Business line: Trading 117 Rheinmetall Defence Electronics GmbH Brüggeweg 54 28309 Bremen +49 (0)421 / 457 2247 +49 (0)421 / 421 457 4172 PT Egamekinka Pratama Jl. P. Jayakarta 141 Blok B No. 7 10730 Jakarta +62 (0)21 / 625 1475/76 +62 (0)21 / 6241654, 6252707 Director Mr Agus Surjanto Director @ [email protected] Business line: Maritime Simulation Systems 118 Rehau AG + Co Rheniumhaus Otto-Hahn-Str. 2 95111 Rehau +49 (0) 9283 / 77-0 +49 (0) 9283 / 1016 @ [email protected] PT. Rehau Indonesia Kawasan Industri Hyundai, Blok C6 No. 9 Jl. Inti Tiga Lippo Cikarang Jakarta 17550 +62 (0)21 / 8990 2266 +62 (0)21 / 8990 0606 Corporate Executives Mr Paul Polycarp Plant Manager @ +62 (0)21 / 8990 1252 [email protected] Business line: Polymer production and sales for industry, construction and automotive. 119 Rickmers-Linie GmbH & Cie. KG Neumühlen 19 22763 Hamburg +49 (0)40 / 3891 772 00 +49 (0)40 / 3891 772 74 @ [email protected] General Agent: PT Samudera Indonesia Tbk Samudera Indonesia Bldg., 8th floor Jl. S. Parman Kav. 35 Jakarta 11480 +62 (0)21 / 5367 5560 +62 (0)21 / 530 7923 @ [email protected] Corporate Executives Mrs Teguh Basuseto General Manager @ [email protected] Business line: Liner shipping 120 Rödl & Partner GmbH Äußere Sulzbacher Str. 100 90491 Nürnberg +49 (0)911 / 919 3600 +49 (0)911 / 919 3930 @ [email protected] PT Rödl Asia German Centre, Suite 4270-4300 Jl. Kapt. Subijanto Dj. Bumi Serpong Damai Tangerang 15321 +62 (0)21 / 537 6225 +62 (0)21 / 537 6229 @ [email protected] Corporate Executives Mrs Tomy Harsono Head of Office +@ [email protected] Business line: Certified public accountants, registered tax consultants, business investment, attorneys-at-Law 121 Rohde & Liesenfeld GmbH Alstertor 21 20095 Hamburg +49 (0)40 / 3012 0 +49 (0)40 / 3012 1342 @ [email protected] PT Rolitrans Indonesia Jl. Bendungan Hilir Raya No. 46 D Jakarta 10210 +62 (0)21 / 573 9515 +62 (0)21 / 573 9516 @ [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Dennis Lischer General Manager Mr Marcel Schweizer Technical Advisor Mr Anton Lischer Technical Advisor Mr Stephan Behrmann Technical Advisor Business line: International freight forwarding & gas, chemicals & petrochemicals, steel) and infrastructure 122 Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG Mühldorfstr 15 81671 München P.O. Box 801469 81614 München +49 (0)89 4129-0 +49 (0)89 4129-121 64 @ [email protected] PT Rohde & Schwarz Indonesia Ratu Prabu 2, 5th Floor Jl. T.B. Simatupang Kav. 1B Jakarta 12560 @ +62 (0)21 2924 5400 +62 (0)21 2924 5499 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Erwin S. Arief Managing Director Mrs Shanty Simanjuntak Finance Manager Business line: Producing & marketing a wide range of eletronic products for the capital goods sector. Wireless tests measurement • Radiocommunications • Radiomonitoring & radiolocations • Sound & TV Broadcasting • Trunked radio • SIT • Services 123 Rreef Management GmbH Mergenthalerallee 73-75 65760 Eschborn +49 (0)69 / 7170 4334 +49 (0)69 / 7170 4939 @ PT Drei Indonesia Deutsche Bank Bldg. Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 80 Jakarta 10310 +62 (0)21 / 316 1880 +62 (0)21 / 316 1884 Corporate Executives Mrs Elizabeth Tanzil President Director Mr Imran Rumadja Building Manager @ @ [email protected] [email protected] Business line: Real Estate Management 124 SAP AG Neurottstr. 1 69190 Walldorf +49 (0)6227 / 74 74 74 +49 (0)6227 / 75 75 75 PT SAP Indonesia WTC II, 9th Floor Metropolitan Complex Jl. Jend. Simatupang Kav. 29-30 Jakarta 12920 +62 (0)21 / 3003 2800 Corporate Executives Mrs Megawati Khie Managing Director Mrs Anastasia Astriani Marketing Manager @ @ [email protected] [email protected] Business line: Software vendor 125 Schenker AG Alfredstr. 81 45130 Essen +49 (0)201 / 87 810 +49 (0)201 / 8781 8334 @ [email protected] PT Schenker Petrolog Utama Wisma Raharja, 5th floor Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 1 Jakarta 12560 @ +62 (0)21 / 7884 3788 +62 (0)21 / 7883 3369 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Moetaryanto President Commissioner Mr Asok Kumar President Director @ @ [email protected] [email protected] Business line: Airfreight, Ocean Freight, Customs Clearance, Projects, Fairs & Exhibitions, Special Events, Removals, Logistics, Land Transport, Oil & Gas Support Airport Office: Soewarna Business Park Kavl. J Lot 1 Soekarno-Hatta Intern. Airport Jakarta 19110 +62 (0)21 / 5591 2799 +62 (0)21 / 5591 2800 Branch Office German Centre (BSD): Suite 4470 Jl. Kapt. Subijanto DJ Tangerang 15321 +62 (0)21 / 537 6232 +62 (0)21 / 537 6231 Jakarta Logistic Office: Menara Jamsostek Lt. 14 Jl. Gatot Subroto Jakarta 12790 +62 (0)21 / 5229 474 +62 (0)21 / 2526 292 Branch Office Balikpapan (Kalimantan): Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 784 Balikpapan 76114 +62 (0)542 / 765 702 +62 (0)542 / 760 157 Branch Office Bandung: Komplek Gading Regency +62 (0)22 / 731 9526 126 Blok A III No. 5 Jl. Soekarno Hatta Bandung 40292 +62 (0)22 / 731 3590 Branch Office Denpasar (Bali): Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai No. 98A Nusa Dua Denpasar 80361 +62 (0)361 / 77 8977 +62 (0)361 / 77 8277 Branch Office Medan (Sumatra): Jl. Brigjen Katamso No. 56 U Medan 20151 +62 (0)61 / 452 1352 +62 (0)61 / 415 0293 Branch Office Semarang: Semarang Indah Blok E1 No. 19 Jl. Madukoro Raya Semarang 50144 +62 (0)24 / 761 4619 +62 (0)24 / 706 3500 Branch Office Surabaya: Wisma Halim Sakti 5th Floor Jl. HR. Muhammad 41 Surabaya 60189 +62 (0)31 / 731 1822 +62 (0)31 / 731 1803 127 Schott Glas Hattenbergstr. 10 55122 Mainz +49 (0)6131 / 66 00 +49 (0)6131 / 66 2000 @ [email protected] PT Schott Igar Glass Jl. Meranti 3, Blok L8-06 B Industrial Park Lippo Cikarang Bekasi 17550 @ +62 (0)21 / 2864 0088 or 8990 0225 +62 (0)21 / 2864 0066 or 8990 0222 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Abelardo Rafael Riveron Mora President Director Mr Gunawan Setokusumo Commercial Director @ @ [email protected] [email protected] Business line: Manufacturing of pharmaceutical pack 128 Senator International Spedition GmbH Obenhauptstr.13 22335 Hamburg +49 (0)40 / 50028 0 +49 (0)40 / 50028 299 @ [email protected] PT. Senator International Indonesia Secure Building A, 2nd Floor Jl. Raya Halim Perdanakusuma Jakarta 13610 @ +62 (0)21 / 8089 0011 +62 (0)21 / 8089 0022 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Abdul Razzak Managing Director Mr Gerrit Palm Business Development Manager @ @ [email protected] [email protected] Business line: Air- and Seafreight, Customs Clearance, Door to Door Delivery Worldwide, Full and Split Charter of Aircraft/ Vessel, Ship Spares & AOG Services, Project Logistics Management, Oli & Gas Logistics, Inland Transport & Container Haulage. 129 Siemens AG Wittelsbacherplatz 2 80333 München +49 (0)89 / 636 00 +49 (0)89 / 636 34242 PT Siemens Indonesia Management Office Arkadia Office Park, Tower F Jl. T.B. Simatupang Kav. 88 Jakarta 12520 +62 (0)21 / 2754 3001 +62 (0)21 / 2754 3005 Pulo Mas Office & Factory Jl. Jend A. Yani Kav. B 67-68 Pulo Mas Jakarta 13210 +62 (0)21 / 2455 5100 +62 (0)21 / 471 5055 Energy Automation Competence Center Soewarna Business Park Soekarno-Hatta Intern. Airport Jakarta 19110 +62 (0)21 / 5591 1431 +62 (0)21 / 5591 1437 Cilegon Factory Jl. Eropa I Kav. B 2 Krakatau Industrial Estate Cilegon +62 (0)254 / 36 9500 +62 (0)254 / 36 9505 Vocational Training Center Jl. Eropa I Kav. B 2 Krakatau Industrial Estate Cilegon +62 (0)254 / 36 9561 +62 (0)254 / 36 9548 Bandung Branch Jl. Setiabudi No. 156 Bandung 40141 +62 (0)22 / 203 0022 +62 (0)22 / 203 0055 Surabaya Branch Wisma BII, 10th floor, Suite 1015 Jl. Pemuda No. 60-70 Surabaya 60271 +62 (0)31 / 532 6454 / -6457 +62 (0)31 / 531 3603 +62 (0)31 / 535 2792 Corporate Executives Mr Josef Winter Mr Friedrich Brida 130 President Director and CEO Chief Financial Officer @ @ +62 (0)21 / 2750 9290 +62 (0)21 / 2750 9299 [email protected] +62 (0)21 / 2750 9250 +62 (0)21 / 2750 9299 [email protected] Mr Andreas Herrmann Director (Industry) @ +62 (0)21 / 2455 5390 +62 (0)21 / 471 5071 [email protected] OTHER SIEMENS COMPANIES Energy, Oil and Gas Lutherstr. 51 02826 Görlitz +49 (0)3581 / 68-2000 PT Siemens Industrial Power MMC Building, 6th Floor Jl. Pajajaran No. 154 (KP II) Bandung 40174 +62 (0)22 / 8606 5020 +62 (0)22 / 8606 5022 @ [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Dierk Unterspann President Director & CEO Mr Muhammad Thohiri Director & CSO @ @ [email protected] +62 (0)811 210 6450 [email protected] +62 (0)816 486 2076 Business line: Engineering, Procurement, Manufacturing, Assembling, Erection and Commissioning of Steam Turbines up to 250 MW for the Industry Sector. PT Jawa Power (Paiton II Project) Summitmas Tower II, 20th floor Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 61-62 Jakarta 12190 +62 (0)21 / 252 1870 +62 (0)21 / 252 1848 Corporate Executives Mr Wichard von Harrach President Director @ [email protected] 131 PT Osram Indonesia Jl. Siliwangi, Pasar Kemis, Km 1 Desa Keroncong Kecamatan Jatiuwung Tangerang 15000 +62 (0)21 / 590 0128 +62 (0)21 / 590 0559 Corporate Executives Mr Frank Sinnecker President Director @ [email protected] +62 (0)21 / 590 0127 PT Indo VDO Instruments Wisma Indomobil, 6th floor Jl. M.T. Haryono Kav. 8 Jakarta 13330 +62 (0)21 / 856 4801 +62 (0)21 / 856 4804 Corporate Executives Mr Gunadi Sinduwinata President Director @ [email protected] SIEMENS DISTRIBUTORS PT Dian Graha Elektrika Kawasan Industri Pulo Gadung Jl. Rawa Gelam III No. 8 Jakarta 13930 +62 (0)21 / 461 5354 +62 (0)21 / 461 5080 Corporate Executives Mr Hartono Atmomartodjo President Director @ [email protected] 132 Theo Förch GmbH & Co KG Theo-Förch-Str.11 74196 Neuenstadt +49 (0)7139 / 95-0 @ [email protected] PT. Foerch Indonesia Mutiara Taman Palem Blok A 11/ 35 Jl. Kamal Raya Outer Ring Road Jakarta 11730 +62 (0)21 / 5435 3518 +62 (0)21 / 5435 1035 @ [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Hie Kian Ming MAE President Director Mr Darwin Tanjung Sales Director Business line: Provides installation and fixing techniques as well as garage requirements for the automotive and construction trade 133 Thyssen Krupp AG August-Thyssen-Str. 1 40211 Düsseldorf +49 (0)211 / 824 1 +49 (0)211 / 824 36086 Representative Office Indonesia: TyssenKrupp AG Tempo Scan Tower, 20th floor Jl. Rasuna Said, Kav. 3-4 Jakarta 12950 +62 (0)21 / 2939 2812 +62 (0)21 / 2939 2804 @ [email protected] Corporate Executives Dr Reza Poorvash Head of Country & Group Representative @ Business line: Steel (carbon, stainless,all oys), capital goods (chemical, fertilizer and cement Plants, mining, mech. Engineering), steel service centers, industrial maintenance, railway and construction technology 134 TÜV Rheinland GmbH Am Grauen Stein 51105 Köln +49 (0)806 2676 +49 (0)806 1398 PT TUV Rheinland Indonesia Menara Karya, Lt. 10 Blok X-5, Kav. 1-2 Jl. Rasuna Said Jakarta 12950 @ +62 (0)21 / 5794 4579 +62 (0)21 / 5794 4575 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr I Nyoman Susila President Director @ [email protected] Business line: Certification of management systems and products 135 TÜV NORD AG Am TÜV 1 30519 Hannover +49 (0)511 986-0 +49 (0)511 986 1237 @ [email protected] Subsidiary in Indonesia PT. TÜV NORD Indonesia Perkantoran Hijau Arkadia Tower F 7th floor, Suite 706 Jl. Let. Jend. TB Simatupang Kav. 88 Jakarta Selatan 12520 @ +62 (0)21 / 7883 7338 (Hunting) +62 (0)21 / 7883 7336 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Robert Napitupulu President Director Mr I Putu Maharta Adijadnja Operations Director @ @ [email protected] [email protected] Branch Office: Graha Pangeran 7th floor, H1 Jl. Jend. A. Yani 286 Surabaya 60234 +62 (0)31 / 829 2602, 829 2603 +62 (0)31 / 829 2723 Laboratory (Analytical & Calibration): Jl. Jababeka XVII E Blok U No. 27B Kawasan Industri Jababeka I Cikarang Bekasi 17530 +62 (0)21 / 8984 0318-19, 898 4043 +62 (0)21 / 8984 0320 Business line: Inspections for industries, systems and product certification (ISO, SNI, RSPO etc), food testing laboratory, training and clean development mechanism 136 Voith Paper GmbH & Co. KG St. Poltener Str. 43 89522 Heidenheim +49 (0)7321 / 37 2092 +49 (0)7321 / 37 7602 PT Voith Paper Jl. Permata V, Lot EE-1 Kawasan Industri KIIC Karawang Barat 41361 @ +62 (0)26 / 741 9719 +62 (0)26 / 741 9720 [email protected] Corporate Executives Mr Thomas Jap General Manager Mr. Adam Moran Managing Director @ @ [email protected] @ +62 (0)21 / 7599 9848 +62 (0)21 / 7599 9846 [email protected] [email protected] Business line: Paper machinery PT Voith Turbo Jl. TB Simatupang Kav 22-26 Talavera Office Park, 28th Floor Jakarta 12430 Corporate Executives Mr Mar van Slujis President Director 137 Volkswagen AG Berliner Ring 2 38440 Wolfsburg +49 (0)5361 / 90 +49 (0)5361 / 928 282 PT Garuda Mataram Motor (Volkswagen Brand) Importer, License Holder, Sole Agent: Wisma Indomobil I, 3rd floor Jl. Letjen MT Haryono Kav 8 Jakarta 13330 @ +62 (0)21 / 819 1588 +62 (0)21 / 819 1587 [email protected] Corporate Executives Dr.-Ing. Gunadi Sindhuwinata President Director Mr Hary Novianto Marketing Manager @ [email protected] Business line: Cars PT Wolfsburg Auto Indonesia Dealer: VW Centre Jl. Pantai Indah Selatan I STA Pantai Indah Kapuk Jakarta 1447 +62 (0)21 / 588 1321 +62 (0)21 / 661 9696 Corporate Executives Mr Andrew Nasuri President Director Mr Eko Yulianto Head of Aftersales @ @ +62 (0)21 / 819 1588 [email protected] [email protected] Business line: Volkswagen passenger cars 138 Wella AG Berliner Allee 65 64274 Darmstadt +49 (0)6151 / 34 0 +49 (0)6151 / 34 2748 PT Kosmindo Plaza Mutiara, Lt. II, Suite 1101 Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan Kav. E 1.2 No. 1 & 2 Jakarta 12950 +62 (0)21 / 5785 1771 +62 (0)21 / 5785 1770 @ [email protected] Warehouse: Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu No. 5 Jakarta 12760 +62 (0)21 / 797 4111 +62 (0)21 / 799 5315 Corporate Executives Mr Georg Michael Schulz President Director (Thailand) Mrs Dwi Astuti Wirjanto Finance Manager Business line: Hair cosmetics 139 140 Deutsche in sonstigen Firmen German Citizens in Other Companies 141 Mrs Margit Arnold Director @ [email protected] PT Srikandi Hospitality Consulting Jl. Raya Puri Gading II Blok B7-08 Jimbaran 80364 7 Bali @ +62 (0)361 / 702 534 +62 (0)361 / 702 534 [email protected] Business line: Hotel and villas internet bookings and Sales & Marketing Consulting Mr Patrick Beck General Manager @ +62 (0)21 / 385 5000 [email protected] Hotel Borobudur Jl. Lapangan Banteng Selatan Jakarta 10710 +62 (0)21 / 380 5555 +62 (0)21 / 380 0516 Business line: Hotel Mr Dieter Eckert PT Master Duta Jl. Klungkung 46 Jakarta 12950 +62 (0)21 / 525 2002 or 522 4242 +62 (0)21 / 520 0836 @ [email protected] Business line: Endoscopic & surgical instruments, hospital equipment, petrochemical plants and spare parts, industrial measurement and control technology, pulp & paper 142 Mr Till Freyer Honorary Chairman @ [email protected] Mr Johann Hoepflinger Director @ [email protected] +62 (0)812 110 9444 IGTC - International Garment Training Centre Managed by Yayasan German Garment Training Centre (GGTC) Bogor Kampus GGTC, Sentul Kompleks S.Oliver Werner Schwebig Kampung Legok Gaok Desa Kandumangu Kec. Babakan Madang, Citeureup Cibinong 16810 +62 (0)21 / 8795 2501 (hunting) +62 (0)21 / 8795 2912 Business line: Training centre for skilled workers and qualified staff for the garment industry Mr Alexander Schmahl Mr Ajay Juvekar Mr W. J. H. Mähl PT EuroAsiatic Jaya Jl Raya Daan Mogot No. 44 Jakarta 11460 P.O. Box 2775 Jakarta 10001 +62 (0)21 / 5696 0555 +62 (0)21 / 5696 6132 / -33 @ [email protected] Business line: Textile machineries, diesel generating sets, steam & thermal oil boilers, food processors, plants & machineries, mechanical wood processing plants & equipment, shoe and garment machineries 143 Mr Jonny Goebel Director of Operations @ +62 (0)21 / 7919 9577 [email protected] @ +62 (0)21 / 7919 9577 +62 (0)21 / 799 5602 [email protected] PT 1rstWAP Jl. Kapten Tendean No. 34 Mampang Prapatan Jakarta 12790 Business line: Instant and multimedia mobile messaging services, location based services and int’l Telecom operator services Mr Andre Günther Advisor +62 (0)812 110 9922 PT Zeus Qencana Gedung Pesona, Lt. Dasar # 812a Jl. Ciputat Raya No. 20 Tanah Kusir Kebayoran Lama Utara Jalkarta 12440 @ +62 (0)21 / +62 (0)21 / [email protected] Business line: Sales and service features of refrigeration units and air conditioning for transport vehicles, a system builder for stationary cold storage and rental of refrigerated trucks. 144 Mr Rudolf Heering First Director +62 (0)811 822 480 Mr Gunter Ott Director +62 (0)81 385 557 011 PT Profil Mitra Abadi Ruko Golden Boulevard Blok R No. 50-51 Bumi Serpong Damai Tangerang 15322 +62 (0)21 / 5316 3261 +62 (0)21 / 5316 3260 @ [email protected] Business line: Food production: cashew organic, cassava chips, palm sugar organic, peanuts Mr Clemens Hoerth General Manager +62 (0)31 / 545 9005 +62 (0)31 / 548 2988 @ [email protected] Mandarin Oriental Hotel Majapahit Jl. Tunjungan 65 Surabaya 60275 @ +62 (0)31 / 545 4333 +62 (0)31 / 545 4111 [email protected] Business line: Hotel 145 Mr Sam Hoso Director of Sales and Marketing @ +62 (0)811 862 9452 [email protected] Alila SCBD Jakarta SCBD Lot 11 Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kavling 52-53 Jakarta 12190 Business line: Alila manages boutiquw luxury hotels and resorts.The hallmark of Alila is stylish relaxing environments and superb hospitality that creates a unique guest experience, continuously redefined to reflect the very best of a contemporary lifestyle.In support of sustainable tourism, Alila hotels adopt EarthCheck operating standards, integrating the natural, physical and cultural elements of their environments. Alila SCBD Jakarta is scheduled to open in the second half of 2016. Located in the heart of the city’s prime business and real estate district, and steps away from the Indonesia Stock Exchange, the hotel will feature stylish guest rooms, world-class food and beverage outlets and sophisticated conference facilities. Dr Carl-Bernd Kaehlig President Director PT Hupakindo Bellagio Residences & Mall 1st Fl. #OL2/ 21 Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat Kav. E 4.3 Jakarta 12950 +62 (0)21 / 3006 6185 / -186 +62 (0)21 / 3006 6140 @ [email protected] Business line: Investment advisory services 146 Mr Tilo Kahl, Dipl.-Ing. Director +62 (0)811 997 460 PT Global Transactions Jl. Saraswati No. 17 Cipete Utara Jakarta 12150 @ +62 (0)21 / 722 6039 / -6039 +62 (0)21 / 722 6041 [email protected] Business line: Import / Export Mr Bernhard Kammerlohr General Manager @ +62 (0)254 / 602 759 [email protected] @ +62 (0)254 / 602 345 +62 (0)254 / 602 346 [email protected] Hotel Sol Elite Marbella Jl. Raya Karang Bolong Km 135 Desa Bandulu Anyer 42166 / Banten Jakarta Sales Office: Graha Surya Internusa 8th floor, Suite 808 Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said Kav. X-O Jakarta 12950 +62 (0)21 / 527 9090 +62 (0)21 / 527 5994 Business line: Hotel 147 Mr Dieter Kerschbaumer Financial Controller @ [email protected] PT Heat Exchangers Indonesia Jl. Bawal, Batu Merah Pulau Batam 28432 +62 (0)778 / 441 572 +62 (0)778 / 441 582 Business line: Heat transfer equipment Mr Michael Kiehl Managing Director @ [email protected] Executive Search Asia Rancamaya Golf & Estate CiawiJl. Jasmin I E-169 Bogor 16720 +62 (0)251 / 245 369 +62 (0)251 / 242 106 Business line: Hotel consulting & recruitment Mr Friedrich A. Kurze General Manager @ fkurze@ @ [email protected] Mr Udo Horst Schoen Executive Chef Balai Sidang Jakarta Convention Center Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Jakarta 10270 P.O. Box 4916 Jakarta 10049 +62 (0)21 / 572 6000 +62 (0)21 / 572 6523 Business line: Convention and Exhibition Centre 148 Mr Pierre Lang General Manager +62 (0)813 3913 8999 @ [email protected] PT Anaamaya Resort Seminyak Jl. Taman Ganesha No. 9 Petitenget Seminyak Bal8i 80361 +62 (0)361 / 3021 888 +62 (0)361 / 3022 888 Business line: Hospitality Industry Mr Rolf Loof Production Manager @ [email protected] PT Unipack Indosystems Jl. Inspeksi Kalimalang Km. 2 Suka Danau Cibitung Bekasi 17520 +62 (0)21 / 8836 0066 (hunting) Business line: Flexible packing, total packing for food and beverages, biscuit, snacks, soap, detergent, candy and other applications Mr Peter Merkle Chief Executive Officer @ [email protected] PT Polysindo Eka Perkasa Desa Kiara Payung, Kec. Klari P.O. Box 66 Karawang 41300 +62 (0)267 / 432 107 +62 (0)267 / 434 202 Business line: PTA, polyester, fibres 149 Mr Thorsten Nitzschke General Manager PT Best Indo Jl. Pajajaran No. 8 Bogor 16143 +62 (0)251 / 333 800 +62 (0)251 / 340 222 Business line: Export of fashion textiles Mr. Jochen Sautter President Director @ [email protected] @ [email protected] Mr. Volker Bromund Executive Director PT PRIME Consultancy CityLoft Sudirman, 22nd Floor, Unit 2216 Jl. KH mas Mansyur No. 121 Jakarta 10220 +62 (0)21 / 2555 6686 @ Business line: Market Development, Financial Advisory, Property Advocacy, Employee Recruitment, Energy & Resources, Smartphone Applications Mr Hans Schäfer Technical Advisor PT Nagadi Ekasakti (NES) TIFA-Building, 2ndfloor Jl. Kuningan Barat No. 26 Jakarta 12710 +62 (0)21 / 520 0729 / -59 +62 (0)21 / 520 1002 @ [email protected] Business line: Management consultants, project management, personnel consultancy 150 Dr. Jürgen Schreiber President Commissioner PT Wingindotex Mugi Griya Bldg., 9th floor Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 10 Jakarta 12810 +62 (0)21 / 830 8555 +62 (0)21 / 830 8550 @ [email protected] Business line: Textile Mr Karl-Heinz Stanschus Technical Advisor @ [email protected] PT Bortek Jasapratama Jl. Siung Blok A-8 No. 26 Kel. Setu, Kec. Cipayung Jakarta 13880 +62 (0)21 / 8497 8480 +62 (0)21 / 8497 8481 Business line: Engineering and contractor, switchgear panels, industrial airconditioning Mr Markus Straub President Director @ [email protected] PT Axerna Renewable Energy Head Office: Menara BCA 50th Floor Jl. MH Thamrin No. 1 Jakarta 10310 +62 (0)21 / 2358 5756 Branch Office: Jl. Jalur Sutera Timur Blok 18 No. 1 Alam Sutera Serpong Tangerang +62 (0)21 / 2966 1430 Business line: EPC for hydropower plants, supply of M+E equipment for hydropower plants, renewable energy project development 151 152