H2 Scandinavian mobility - Hydrogen fuel cells and battery exhibition


H2 Scandinavian mobility - Hydrogen fuel cells and battery exhibition
H2moves Scandinavia
First EU-funded Lighthouse
Key Project Learnings
Dr. Ulrich Bünger / LBST
FCH-JU Booth Hannover Fair, 10 April 2013
Total budget
19.5 M€
H2moves Scandinavia
Ulrich Bünger
Sofia Capito
Jan Zerhusen
Vehicles and
Ronald Grasman
Teresa Fickler
Sae Hoon Kim
Hans-Ulrich Goebel
Soon Gil Kweon
Road Tour in
cooperation with
Jacob Krogsgaard
Mikael Sloth
Steffen Møller-Holst
Magnus Kårpås
Federico Zenith
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Sven Wolf
Martin Svensson
Christine Apelgren
Jöran Fagerlund
EU: 7.5 M€
NO: 1.5 M€
DK: 0.55 M€
Tom Elliger
Tim Faber
Flemming Wennike
Local Partner
Henning Larsen
Project Scope
Market preparation for Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs)
1. Demonstrating performance of
latest fuel cell technology
19 FCEVs:
2. Gaining Customer Acceptance
HRS opening, 11/2012, Oslo
Daily operation in Oslo (Norway) and
Public test drives in Norway:
17 in Oslo (Norway), 2 in Denmark
1 Hydrogen Refuelling Station (HRS),
Oslo (Norway)
1 moveable HRS, EU Road Tour
Detailed performance reporting
3. Establishing partnership
amongst stakeholders
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11/2011, Oslo
04/2012, Trondheim
EU Hydrogen Road Tour, 9-10/2012
4. Build up of hydrogen
Gaining Customer Acceptance
Public Events
Live broadcasting on 2 largest Norwegian
TV channels
85 press quotations worldwide
Distance record on one
refuelling in Norway
(504 km with one tank)
Oslo – Monte Carlo Drive
2 cars, 2,260 km
(18-25 APR 2012)
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Photo: Svein Tønseth, SINTEF
Steffen Møller-Holst, SINTEF
290 passengers
Reach out to 15,000 people on the streets
Denmark leg of
Giro d’Italia
(4 MAY 2012)
“The FCEV exceeded my
expectations – especially
the silence and instantly
available torque.”
Photo: Jöran Fagerlund, H2S
Public Test Drives: Oslo+Trondheim
Photo: Jöran Fagerlund, H2S
Photo: Jöran Fagerlund, H2S
Oslo Launch Event (21 NOV 2011)
A tool to accelerate market introduction of fuel cell cars
Market preparation for Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs)
1. Safe hardware demonstration is
an essential preparation for
commercialization, e.g. in H2mS
testing hardware in harsh winter
2. Without exception, our customers
and passengers are enthusiastic
about fuel cell cars
3. Informal and trustful linkage
between partners from industry
has developed
4. Regional orientation at this stage
helps to focus measures
(building infrastructure, developing
interest in public and politics)
European and national co-funding enables coherence, including the
necessary outreach and visibility.
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European Hydrogen Road Tour 1/6
4 weeks and 9 cities
8 workshops and 7 panel
discussions (3,050 participants)
8 test drives (1,030 drivers)
TUHH Hydrogen
Press events, presentations, videos
Our Messages:
Experience FCEVs yourself:
fun to drive
Technology is about to be mature for
mass production
Mitigation of emissions and noise at
additional comfort
Reliable & standardised
infrastructure needs to be build up
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Paris Motor Show
Key project learnings 1/2
Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles
 All FCEVs 150,581 km driven in 11 months
or ca. 10,000 km per vehicle annually
 Excellent reliability of all 19 FCEVs: 98%
 Decreasing range anxiety: 128 km  174 km
 FCEVs slowly understood as ‘better EMobility’ (no range anxiety, short refuelling,
lower infrastructure costs), ‘way out’ for
 Emotional appraisal of FCEVs to replace
rational arguments in public.
 Safety to be addressed in public even though
FCEVs and hydrogen safer than
BUT ‘Driving helps forgetting’.
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2 FCEVs on Oslo to
Monte Carlo rallye
1 of 4 Oslo
stations down
Key project learnings 2/2
Hydrogen Refuelling Station
 Difficult to identify suitable conventional
fuelling station site in West Oslo
 596 kg out of a total of 1,710 kg of hydrogen
refuelled at project HRS
 Refuelling according to SAE J2601-A70 (with
pre-cooling) in less than 4 minutes
 Excellent availability of HRS: 97% of time
(24/7) ready to use between 1.1. - 31.6.2012
 Then a compressor failure caused 1.5 month
 51 % of all down-time situations were solved
within ½ hour, 72 % within 6 hours and 81 %
within 1 day
 Hydrogen infrastructure and FCEV roll out to
be coordinated by public-private partnerships
(DE, UK, France, Denmark and Norway).
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Key EU Road Tour learnings
 All regions have flagged interest to participate in / support “next”
European Hydrogen Road Tour (France, UK)
 Next to Germany, Scandinavia preferred region for early market rollout (vehicle sales taxation, political commitment, REN potential).
 Continuity of industry engagement & political support and local value
creation are key ingredients towards early commercial success.
 Strong interest communicated regionally to support hydrogen
infrastructure build-up. Also, ideas for further demo projects.
 New roll-out options for regional internalization of external costs:
 Package: Captive FCEVs and stations (fewer stations, high utilization,
guaranteed vehicle sales towards series production)
 Publicly/economically remunerable impact:
Highest policy impact (municipal fleets, delivery vehicles or taxis with
primarily inner city driving, preferred city access, remuneration of impact)
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FCH-JU-2008-1 Grant Agreement Number 245101
The project partners would like to thank the EC for establishing the
fuel cells and hydrogen framework and for supporting this activity.
Project Coordinator
H2moves Scandinavia
Dr. Ulrich Buenger
[email protected]
+49 89 608 110 42
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H2moves Scandinavia
Mercedes B‐Class F‐CELL
Hyundai ix35
TH!NK with FC range
Number of cars in H2mS
Drivetrain power [kW]
FC: 25
Driving range (NEDC) [km]
Hydrogen storage capacity [kg]
Energy efficiency [ltrGE/100 km]
Maximum speed [km/h]
0 - 100km/h: 11.4
0 - 100km/h: 14.1
0 - 80km/h: 16
Acceleration [sec]
Payload [passengers]
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* about 1kgH2/100 km
Hydrogen Refuelling Station
Placement in Oslo - Gaustad
New refuelling site Gaustad to complement existing fuelling stations
Sites in city center confined and small, difficult to identify conventional site
Sites at main entry roads to city center both larger and can be reached by more cars
Extensive permit for fuelling station achieved by local Oslo authorities
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European Hydrogen Road Tour 2/6
Road Tour: Impressions from Hamburg (13-14 September 2012)
TUHH Colloquium: Panel discussion
at Technical University Hamburg
• VIP-test drives with 4 FCEVs
• World‘s leading fuel cell engineers (LtoR):
• Takashi Moriya / Honda
• Katsuhiko Hirose / Toyota
• Peter Froeschle / Daimler
• Byung Ki Ahn / Hyundai
Public driving in the city centre
Bolzano, 19 September
Students‘ curiosity – Test drive
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Hard work & fun
Road Tour Koordinator Martin
Svensson / Hydrogen Sweden and
Teresa Fickler / Daimler
European Hydrogen Road Tour 3/6
Road Tour: Impressions from Hannover (17 September 2012)
VIP Panel discussion
• Department Head for
City of Hannover
Dr. Hans Mönninghoff
• Minister for the Environment
Lower Saxony
Dr. Stefan Birkner
Test drives
• Daniela Schatz from Solvay
• “Our“ Moveable refueller from
project partner H2 Logic
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European Hydrogen Road Tour 4/6
Road Tour: Impressions from Bolzano (19-23 September 2012)
VIP Panel discussion
Walter Huber/IIT
Ulrich Bünger/LBST
Thomas Klauser/IIT
Carlo Costa/A22
Christian Mohrdieck/Daimler
Bert de Colvenaer/FCH-JU
Test drives
Participation in EcoDolomites
electrical vehicle rallye
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European Hydrogen Road Tour 5/6
Road Tour: Impressions from Paris (27-29 September 2012)
VIP Panel discussion (from left)
• Ulrich Bünger/LBST
• Jean Desessard/Senator Paris
• Thomas Brachmann/Honda Motor Europe
• François Brottes/Member of Parliament
• Bert de Colvenaer/FCH-JU
• Pierre Etienne Franc/Air Liquide
• Herbert Kohler/Daimler
• Michel Gardel/Toyota Motor Europe
• Sae Hoon Kim/Hyundai Motor Corporation
Test drives
The Invisible Car
(Daimler fuel cell promotion vehicle)
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European Hydrogen Road Tour 6/6
Road Tour: Impressions from the UK leg (3-5 October 2012)
Test drive at Millenium Center Cardiff
VIP Panel discussion London (from left)
among others
• Akihito Tanke/Toyota Motor Europe
• Bert de Colvenaer/FCH-JU
• Kit Malthouse/Deputy Mayor of London
• Ulrich Bünger/LBST
Refuelling at
Honda Swindon
Test Drive at
Johnson Matthey
with all 130 employees
and UK H2 Mobility
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