Vincent Tilsley R. I. P.


Vincent Tilsley R. I. P.
Preface *
Vincent Tilsley R. I. P.
One of my highlights during the Portmeiricon in March 2003 was
the meeting with Vincent Tilsley. He is the script writer of two
Prisoner – Episodes: „The Chimes of Big Ben“ and „Do Not Forsake
Me, Oh My Darling“, which in Germany was entiteld „2 : 2 = 2“.
It was very interesting to watch Vincent Tilsley and his statements
about the writing of his scripts. The thought exchange between
him and the audience circled around the important question, how
the spirit and high demands of „The Prisoner“ can be translated in
our time more than 35 years after its making in 1967.
Since the first screening at 16th August 1969 by the German
Television Company ZDF, „Number 6“ fascinated me. For that are
given three reasons: 1. The convincing character of Patrick
McGoohan as nameless Prisoner in his fight for freedom. 2. The
romantic – idyllic scenery of Portmeirion, connected with the
technical - controlled total surveillance of all its inhabitants. And 3.
the multifarious subjects along with thought – stimulations about
personality and society, education and manipulation, abuse of
technology and medicine, numbering and isolating of the
individual, confidence and betrayal, moral and intrigue and many
others. Then for Everyman is valid, what Number 6 energetically
proclaims: „I am not a number! – I am a free man!“
My enthusiasm for the Prisoner continues till today and got a new
inspiration by meeting other „Six of One“ members like Merlina
and Larry Hall. One result by decoding the German „Nummer 6“
translations and interpretations is this presented transcript „The
Chimes of Big Ben“.
Michael Brüne - September 2003
* Originally written for a German / English transcription of the Chimes Episode.
Portmeiricon 2003 – Vincent Tilsley and Michael Brüne
WIDMUNG für Vincent Tilsley
Der im Herzen des Gefangenen und seiner Freunde mit
Die Glocken von Big Ben *
die Sehnsucht nach Freiheit erklingen lässt
Der für die meisten Zuschauer von Nummer 6 ein
Unbekanntes Gesicht * ist
Der sich auch durch falsche Übersetzungen und Gleichungen wie
2:2=2 *
DEDICATION to Vincent Tilsley
in seiner Persönlichkeit nicht spalten und aus der Fassung bringen
Who in the heart of The Prisoner and his friends with
Der das Drehbuch schreiben liebt, wie ein leidenschaftlicher Ruf
The Chimes of Big Ben *
Verlass mich nicht, o mein Liebling *
let sound the aspiration of freedom
Who is to the most viewers of Number 6 a
Face Unknown *
Who also through wrong translations and equations like
2:2=2 *
let himself not disconcert and split in his personality
And who loves scriptwriting like a passionate summond
Do Not Forsake Me, Oh My Darling *
* Vincent Tilsley wrote two scripts for “The Prisoner” series (in Germany called
“Nummer 6”). His first script was "The Chimes of Big Ben". The second script
originally "Face Unknown”. It was rewritten to "Do Not Forsake Me, Oh My
Darling". The German version was given the episode title: "2 : 2 = 2".
+ Vincent Tilsley +
3 June 1931 - 29th September 2013 - R. I. P.

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