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Online Casinos Mit Novoline Spielen
Biker Chick Fury
Copyright 2010 Nav Moondi. Hollywood, California.
July 19, 2010
Major characters:
Scarlette Rose - A vixenish, tattooed, ruthless & hardcore biker who is the leader of the Rebel
Death Machine MC motorcycle gang. She is in her 20’s, long black hair and covered in tattoos
& piercing. She goes by the name “Scar” sometimes and has a large scar on her neck she covers
with jewellery.
Ripper – An FBI agent, David Steele, who transforms into a tough, buff biker named “Ripper”
and infiltrates the Machine. He has “longish” blonde hair, buff, in his 30’s and covered in
tattoos. He is former special forces and used to run his own biker repair shop back east.
Sticks – Male 60’s. Scarlette’s father and former leader of the Machine before passing the club
to his daughter. Tough son of a gun and looks like he’s been through hell. Used to be a former
Nancy – Female 50/60’s. Scarlette’s stepmom and Sticks wife. The “momma” of the club. She
always argues with Sticks that Scarlette should leave the club before she gets hurt – Sticks argues
that she can carry her own. Scarlette’s birth mom died in a club shootout years ago.
Magnum – Male 30/40’s. Scarlette’s right hand man. A big, rough, tough brutal biker who is
viscious and intimidating. She always has to hold him back. He doesn’t like Ripper at first but
in the end, he grows to like him.
Bullet – Male 30/40’s. Scarlette’s other Sgt at Arms. He is the smart one of the club and argues
most with Scarlette and Sticks. He is always defending Ripper cuz he is the one who brought
him into the club.
Rocco – White male 40’s. Head of the Nazi Low Lives gang. Skinhead who acts like he likes
the Machine but secretly hates them. He secretly teams with the Mexican Monsters, who are
Death Machine’s sworn enemy to eliminate the Machine.
Eddie – Hispanic male, 30’s. Head of the Mexican Monsters MC motorcycle gang. The club
along with the Low Lives are trying to take over the entire drug distribution network from
northern california to southern california demanding “taxes” from any marijuana coming down.
Agent Carnes – Male FBI agent who works with Ripper on his assignment.
Agent Santos – Male FBI agent who works with Ripper on his assignment and meets him in
secret locations.
FBI Director Robertson – Male 50’s. Head of FBI region who is overseeing entire operation and
wants to cut the operation many times cuz of his unhappiness with Ripper’s involvement with
Jessica – Scarlette’s cute 8 year old daughter taken care of by Nancy. She shows Scarlette’s
sensitive & soft side. She promises Nancy that she will one day quit this lifestyle and become a
nurse and better take care of her daughter. “However that day is not here yet.”
Opie – Male 30’s. Scarlette’s likeable computer expert and club’s financial guy. He is gunned
down by the Low Lives one day and made to look like the Mexicans did it.
Tracks – Male 40’s. Ruthless and violent psychopath of the club. He hates Ripper and
immediatley has suspicions Ripper is an agent. He also double deals with the mexicans and
nazis behind their backs. Ripper finds out and tells the gang – in retaliation Tracks tells them
Ripper is an undercover agent. Scarlette and the gang has to decide who is telling the truth – in
the end, in a tense moment, they believe Ripper and kill Tracks.
Jax – Male 50’s, leader of a friendly motorcycle gang they recruit to help them take on the Nazis
and the Mexicans.
A biker is tied up in a clubhouse and is being beat by members of the Mexican Monsters
biker gang. Outside members of the Rebel Death Machine biker gang are hiding outside. The
captive, Bullet, is being made to tell of the Machine’s plan to divert all marijuana deliveries
where his men can’t stop the trucks and “tax” the marijuana. He spits in their faces and is about
to shot dead. Suddently, Scarlette Rose, the leader of the Machine, a a hot vixenish, leather clad
biker chick storms into the club guns blaring and stars gunning down everyone. Magnum,
Scarlette’s big biker Sgt at Arms runs in and picks up the mexican bikers and throws them like
candy. Other bikers break in through the windows and a gunfire erupts. They rescue Bullet and
escape on their bikes.
An FBI agent is showing pictures from last night club shooting to field agents. The
operation is dubbed “Operation Mary Jane” and due to the marijuana delivery business
skyrocketing 300%, a bloody gangwar is about to erupt. After the meeting, he stops Agent
David Steele and tells him that he needs to go undercover. He is tough, ex-special forces, blonde
and aleady has tattoos. He goes along with it and made to look bikerish.
Scarlette is seen at her compound and we are introduced to her dad Sticks. He is the
founder of the club and through age and injuries, is not that mobile. He asks Scarlette if leading
the club is really what she wants, and due to her mom being killed by rival bikers, she says yes.
She can hold her own. Her stepmom Nancy pleads with her, for the sake of Scarlette’s 8 y/o
daughter, Nancy. Scarlette she will quit when the time is right, but now is not the time. The
compound is full of bikers, hot chicks, blaring metal music, old junk cars, bikes, rebel flags, trash
cans on fire, people drinking alcohol, bikes and cars being repaired, bikers on guard with
machine guns, etc. We also meet Opie, a prospect, who is also the club’s computer guy, tech
guy and financial guy trying to fix the surveillance camera.
Rocco is the head of the Nazi Low Lives. He meets with Eddie, leader of the Mexican
Monsters motorcycle gang in a warehouse. They make a plan for the Nazi’s to stop every truck
coming from nother california to pay taxes on how much marijuana they’re carrying. If they
don’t, the mexicans will ensure the marijuana doesn’t get sold in Los Angeles. Millions can be
made easily. Problem is the Death Machine. They are friends with the weed producers and will
divert the trucks around the Nazi’s and provide protection. The plan is for the Nazi’s to tell the
Machine that the Mexicans will be doing all of this and that the Nazi’s and Machine need to
work together to stop them. Find out what the Machine has planned, then ruin that plan and then
take out the Machine once and for all.
Scarlette, Bullet, Magnum, Opie, Sticks, Nancy attend a biker gathering. Also
accompanying them is Tracks who while a member of the club, looks like hell and very shady.
There they come across a “Fight Club” where bikers see who is the toughest of them all. Ripper
comes out of nowhere and challenges the biggest biker there. A brutal tough match ensures and
Ripper wins. Suddenly, a rival biker spots Tracks and sticks a gun in his head – everone moves
back. Suddenly, Ripper comes, disarms the guy and shoots him in the balls. Scarlette and crew
are impressed with this new guy. Ripper is pissed cuz he demanded he knew what he was doing
and didn’t need to be saved by some “pretty boy”. Scarlette “notices” Ripper and after hearing
about all his skills and army experiences, invites him back to the compound. She informs him
only club members can call her “Scar”, not him – but smiles.
The Mexicans spots a couple Machine members protecting a shipment and gunfire erupts.
They escape and head back to the compound where an arrival Scarlette is told of the situation.
Ripper tells them he’s lead many soldiers on missions and knows how to handle this. She
ignores him and then Rocco, the leader of the Nazi Low Lives shows up at the compound. He
says they should team up since they hate the mexicans too. She dwells on it while Ripper and
her dad hit it off on drums and guitar. He notices Scarlette’s beautiful body.
FBI agents meet up with Ripper and update him. The mexicans and nazi’s are plotting
against the Machine. It could get ugly and if he wants to get out, he can. He refuses and just got
in, he can get some good intel.
Scarlette teaches Ripper some things and Ripper teaches her some things. They flirt.
They all leave for a shipment where they encounter Eddie at a shopping plaza. Eddie encourages
them to disband and leave forever. Scarlette tells him to screw off and go back to la. Cops are
waching from across the street. As they leave, Nazi’s hiding in the windows open fire on the
bikers. Ripper shoots back and takes out a few of them and is shot in the shoulder. They head
back to the compound.
Scarlette nurses Ripper. Everyone is angry. Ripper demand this is getting too dangerous
for him and if they want his help on this, make him a prospect. He’s not going to die for the club
as a “tourist”. They make him a prospect, have a big party, and the end of the night, he and
Scarlette drunk and make love.
Next morning Opie is delivering some groceries for extra cash at someone at a local
store. He leaves and is gunned down by nazi’s who chase him, much to his surprise. Club
members are notified and rundown to a dead Opie and a squad cars everywhere. Rocco calls
Scarlette and demand they should take out the mexicans now. She is furious and agrees to meet
Everyone meets at Nazi’s warehouse. Rocco is on the phone with Eddie and the plane is
to find out about what theyh got planned, then take out the entire club.While talking about the
mexicans, their plan, how the marijuana delivery business will work – a cell phone camera of the
shooting is shown on the Tv. It clearly shows nazi skinheads with sunglasses chasing him and
killing him. Scarlette and everyone open fire on the Nazi’s and a shootout occurs. Sticks gets hit
and they all escape. Back at the compound, Sticks, her father, succumbs to his injuries.
Scarlette is furious – the nazi’s killed her father. She demands blood and everyone in the club
rallies around her. She asks Ripper if he is with her and says he is.
FBI director pulls Ripper into his office. He DEMANDS this operation be stopped
immediately. The entire club is in danger of being wiped out and he’s got an FBI agent in the
club. Ripper shows him pictures of a rat in the club, Rocco, and he’s been eavesdropping on
Rocco. They nazis and mexicans have something FAR bigger planned than just hijacking
marijana shipments. This is a diversion – they something far sinister going on, and this war with
Death Machine is a distraction for the FBI. If they stop now, they will wake one day to
something far worse, something the nazi’s and mexicans call “Operation Payday”. They need
him to find out what it is. They reluctantly agree. Outside, Rocco is watching and spots Ripper
saying goodbye to the fbi agents.
Scarlette barges into a bar and finds two mexicans. She kicks their butt and demands to
know what is going on with the nazi’s and the mexicans. They tell her about some “Operation
Payday” and Death Machine is being used as a diversion while they setup their plan.
Scarlette goes to a friendly biker gang and asks for help. They tell them if they are wiped
out, they are next. They agree and both gangs head out.
Meanwhile, the nazis and low lives show up at the Machine compuond and start gunnig
down who is there. They barely missing hitting Scarlette’s 8 y/o daughter. They torch the place,
destoy the bikes and deface the sign. Scarlette, her members and friendly gang show up to
witness the firey carnage. Scarlette runs to find her 8 y/o daughter is okay. She kisses her
goodbye and everyone takes off to head to the nazi compound – who are waiting.
A massive fight erupts. Many are killed. Ripper saves Scarlette’s life. Police sirens are
heard and the Machine take off. Back at the compound, much fingerpointing is being done.
Ripper tells them about “Operation Payday” and what he’s heard. Then Rocco steps in and
announces Ripper is an agent. Ripper then announces Roco is a traitor and is being paid to tell
them where the club is. A tense moment and Scarlette blows Rocco in the head. She tells
Ripper that everyone in the club had suspicions Rocco was a two-timer. He was gonna get offed
soon or later, better be sooner. The friendly gang says this too violent for them, they’ve lost
almost half their men – they’re just mechanics – they can’d do this any longer and leave.
FBI agents pull up the compound, and the two agents walk up to Scarlette. She is
expecting to be arrested. Instead they ask to come inside and tell the entire gang what Operation
Payday really is. It’s a full on large scale robbery of some financial instituation by the nazis and
low lives while getting all cops to be preoccupied with the Machine. The FBI wants the Machine
to ask around and find out about Operation Payday and tell them when and where it is, so they
can stop it. In exchange, the Machine will be “okay”. Ripper looks at Scarlette and starts to
wonder whether she really does know he is agent.
Machine drive around and harass nazi’as and mexican members and grill them for
information. Most say nothing, but some say a little bit. They gather up what they know and
find out the nazi’s and mexicans plan on holding up the big state bank on a Friday afternoon.
They team up with the FBI SWAT team and tell them, the feds tell them to go home. They
refuse and race to to the bank, to “get revenge for my father”. SWAT follows them and they
arrive at the bank where the nazi’s and mexicans are already barging in and holidng everyone up.
The Machine barge in and open fire on the bad guys. SWAT teams also barges in and we
got FBI And the Machine firing at the Nazis and Mexicans while terrified customers and
employees scream and run out of the bank. Scarlette saves Ripper’s life. Ripper fights Eddie
one on one and kills him. Scarlette fights Rocco and kills him with a knife to the head. Bullet
and Magnum fight valiantly and shoot lotsa bad guys. Explosions everywhere as the remaining
nazi’s and mexicans finally give up. Ambulance, more cop cars, news vans, etc. descent upon
the place.
Ripper comes up Scarlette and thanks her for saving his life. She says “no problem
Agent”. She says she knew all along he was agent, but she used her sparing his life as a
bargaining chip to the FBI to get immunity and getting help taking down the nazis and mexicans
as well as helping stop operation payday. He is shocked and looks at the FBI agents down the
block and says “Did you know about this?!”. She laughs and tells him it’s okay. You had a job
to do and so did I. She kisses but tells him of course, he can no longer be in the club. He says
he’s going to miss her. Suddently, Nancy pulls up with Scarlette’s daughter. A Scarlette,
looking like hell, hugs her daughter, and says to Ripper “Me too. I don’t plan on doing this
forever either.”. Ripper smiles and walks to his bike.
Ripper tries to start his bike but won’t start. Suddently, Scarlette shows up on her bike
and goes “Bike problems? Lemme give you a ride”. He says no, then Scarlette says “Just get on
the bike bitch!”. Ripper gets on the back of Scarlette’s bike much to the laughter of the FBI
Agents and Machine members. They take off and we zoom out to a sea of fire, bullet-ridden
cars, shattered windows, cop cars, fire trucks and ambulances. End.

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