Hollywood 2013 - Spotlight Online


Hollywood 2013 - Spotlight Online
Leonardo DiCaprio
and Carey Mulligan in
The Great Gatsby
Das neue Jahr hält viele große
Hollywood-Produktionen bereit.
Korrespondentin in Los Angeles,
gewährt in dieser Reportage
einen exklusiven Blick hinter die
Kulissen der Traumfabrik.
ooray for Hollywood! As the Oscars ceremony has just reminded us, America’s
multibillion-dollar film industry makes
hundreds of movies a year that millions of people
see and enjoy. ese include blockbuster franchises, independent productions, and controversial
documentaries that have an enormous influence on
what we talk about — and even on how we think.
Many of the topics to which Hollywood turns
its attention become important in popular culture.
Last year, it trained its spotlight on the 16th US
president in Lincoln, on the hunt for and execution
of Osama bin Laden in Zero Dark irty, and
on 19th-century France with the hit musical Les
Now Spotlight turns the spotlight on Hollywood itself with a look at what’s to come in 2013.
execution [)eksI(kju:S&n]
franchise [(frÄntSaIz]
spotlight: train one’s ~ on [(spA:tlaIt]
Zero Dark Thirty [)zIroU dA:rk (T§:ti]
Spotlight 3|13
Daniel Day-Lewis as Lincoln
hier: Filmreihe, Filmprojekt
sein Augenmerk richten auf
etwa: 30 Minuten nach Mitternacht
The long wait is over:
Monsters University
Indie films
Fotos: Colourbox; ddp; Disney/pixar; 20th Century Fox; Getty Images; Senator Film; Touchstone; Warner Bros.
When Hollywood makes a
successful film about some
topic, it often can’t resist
making another, and then
another. is is especially
true when it comes to
movies that involve fantasy and superheroes. So it’s no surprise that many of this year’s biggest films are prequels,
such as Monsters University, which comes after a long wait.
e first film, Monsters, Inc., came out in 2001.
ere are also many sequels, such as e Wolvervine,
Iron Man 3, and e Hobbit: e Desolation of Smaug. is
month’s release, Oz: e Great and Powerful, is a prequel
to L. Frank Baum’s 1900 novel e Wonderful Wizard of
Oz, which Americans love as the classic 1939 movie starring Judy Garland as Dorothy. e present release is likely
to kick off a new series set in the land “over the rainbow.”
Hollywood often turns to the world of literature for
inspiration. is year, it is bringing to life again one of the
greatest novels of all time: e Great Gatsby by F. Scott
Fitzgerald. Leonardo DiCaprio, who played the eccentric
millionaire Howard Hughes in e Aviator, will star as the
eccentric millionaire Jay Gatsby, who throws extravagant
parties in 1920s New York and is obsessed with his exgirlfriend, Daisy. Tobey Maguire, perhaps best known for
his lead role in the Spider-Man movies of recent years, is
the book’s narrator, Nick Carraway, the World War I veteran who moves in next door to Gatsby and becomes his
only true friend.
The Hobbit keeps magic in the movies...
Arkansas [(A:rkEnsO:]
Beltway [(beltweI] US
break up with sb. [)breIk (Vp wIT]
Cannes [kÄn]
desolation [)desE(leIS&n]
hard-hitting [)hA:rd (hItIN]
kick off [kIk (O:f]
narrator [(nÄreIt&r]
Some of Hollywood’s best films aren’t blockbusters at all,
but independent, or “indie,” films that premiere at film
festivals such as Sundance and Cannes. Both music and
film fans are looking forward to this year’s Can a Song
Save Your Life?, in which Keira Knightley plays a singer
who moves to New York with dreams of becoming a star.
After her boyfriend breaks up with her, she meets a record
producer, and they work together to save each other’s
careers. The film also features singer Adam Levine from
the band Maroon 5 and rapper
Cee Lo Green.
True crime stories are the subject of two of this year’s most
hard-hitting indie films. Devil’s
Knot tells the story of three
teenagers who were falsely accused
of murdering three eight-year-old
boys in a small town in Arkansas
in the early 1990s. e film features Reese Witherspoon as the
mother of one of the murdered
boys and Colin Firth as a private
investigator hired to prove that the
American “true crime”: a real
teenagers are innocent.
story of justice gone wrong
In Blue Caprice, Isaiah Washington plays John Allen Muhammad, the man responsible
for the Beltway sniper attacks in Washington, DC, in
2002. He and teenager Lee Boyd Malvo brought terror to
the area by driving around and shooting at strangers. ey
killed ten people and badly injured three others over a
three-week period. Muhammad was executed for his
crimes in 2009, and Malvo is in prison serving six life sentences. e film is named after the car they used during
the killings, a blue 1990 Chevrolet Caprice.
...while Isaiah Washington shoots to kill in Blue Caprice
prequel [(pri:kwEl]
hier: Umland von Washington
mit jmdm. Schluss machen
schonungslos, knallhart
den Anfang bilden von; starten
sequel [(si:kwEl]
serve [s§:v]
six life sentences
[)sIks (laIf )sent&nsIz]
sniper [(snaIp&r]
starring [(stA:rIN]
Fortsetzung, die zeitlich vor dem
Vorgängerfilm spielt
hier: (Haftstrafe) absitzen
sechsmal lebenslänglich
mit ... in einer Hauptrolle
3|13 Spotlight