07. LACCD ESC Personnel Lists and Floor Maps
07. LACCD ESC Personnel Lists and Floor Maps
LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES CENTER FLOOR WARDEN PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY RECORD (SENIOR STAFF MEMBERS HIGHLIGHTED IN GREEN BOXES ON MAPS) Date: 2/9/2016 Floor 1 Floor 1 Designated Floor Wardens Group Leader Site Assembly Area - Wilshire & Hope 3 3 Keith Smith (1) (SEC) David Martin (6) (RM) Wil Brinson3 (8) (SEC) 3 Bruce Honeyman (1) Mark Goldstein3 (1) ALT. 1st Floor Board of Trustees’ Office 19 - ASSIGNED PERSONNEL THIS FLOOR TOTAL OCCUPANT COUNT - 346 1 2 ASSIST1 ACCNTD2 OCCUPANT NAME DEPT / EXT ASSIST ACCNTD OCCUPANT NAME DEPT / EXT Regular Assignments - 11 Regular Assignments - 3 Board of Trustees’ Offices (BOT) Maintenance, Engineering and Parking Adilene Torres (February) BOT / 2044 Johnny Mejia (1) Maintenance Andra Hoffman BOT / 2044 Walter Marroquin (A) (3) Parking Carol Justiniano BOT / 2044 Samuel Perez (B) (3) Parking Ernest Moreno BOT / 2044 Ruben Perez (sub) (3) Parking Lupe Orozco BOT / 2044 Yessenia Velasquez (sub) (3) Parking Mike Eng BOT / 2044 Bruce Honeyman (Fl 6) (2) Engineer Mike Fong BOT / 2044 Mark Lee (sub/relief) (2) Engineer Telephone Numbers Milo Anderson BOT / 2044 (1) (213) 627-6737 Maintenance Nancy Pearlman BOT / 2044 (2) (213) 792-4391 Engineer Scott Svonkin BOT / 2044 (3) (213) 623-7294 Parking Sydney Kamlager BOT / 2044 Regular Assignments - 1 Regular Daytime Assignments - 1 Building Security (SEC) Building Housekeeping Keith Smith SEC / 2230 Rosa Orellana CSTD / 2230 Regular Evening Assignments - 3 Larry McGee SEC / 2230 Building Housekeeping Ryan O’Meilia SEC / 2230 Wendell Payne SEC / 2230 Emma Sanchez (Evening) CSTD / 2230 Emergency Telephone Numbers Migar Botros (Evening) CSTD / 2230 LASD Community College Moises Juarez (Evening) CSTD / 2230 (323) 662-5276 Bureau Wil Brinson Floor Warden (213) 761-6003 David Martin3 (Floor 6) (LASD–ESC Security) EH&S - 2422 References: 8 CCR 3220 LACCD EH&S EP-03 List Persons Needing Assistance, Assistants and Present Location List Visitors Accounted for During Evacuation Notes: 1. Place a check mark in this column if the person may need assistance during a local or general evacuation. 2. Place a check mark in this column if the person is accounted for. 3. Trained in CPR/AED Submitted By: Floor Warden Printed Name LACCD EH EP-03-3 Revised 2/9/2016 Floor Warden Signature Page 1 of 18 1st Floor W I L S H I R E B L V D. Group Leader Site Assembly Area - Wilshire & Hope St. January 4, 2016 113 114 770 Security 116 Keith Smith Wendell Payne Board of Trustees' Larry McGee Offices Ryan O'Meilia 101 F L O W 100 E R E L S E 112 T V R A Stair 1 E T E O T R S EXIT Parking B O A R D 103 Andra Hoffman Mike Fong O F F I C E S Lupe Orozco Carol Justiniano Gerson Liahut-Sanchez Nancy Pearlman 111 (Ruben Perez) Samuel Perez (B) Hearing Room 117 104 110 Transformer Room Ernest Moreno 109 Rosa Orellana T R U S T E E S 105 (Mark Lee) Bruce Honeyman Johnny Mejia Evening Custodians Emma Sanchez Stair 3 Board Room 118 Sydney Kamlager 115 106 Mike Eng 107 119 Copy/Print 120 Workroom Walter Marroquin (A) A L L E Y Scott Svonkin Adilene Torres (Yessenia Velasquez) Migar Botros Moises Juarez 102 129-B Kitchen 129-A Storage 126 108 Women's Restroom IDF Room 127 Page 2 of 18 125 123 Men's Restroom 124 EXIT LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT - EDUCATIONAL SERVICES CENTER FLOOR WARDEN PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY RECORD Date: 2/9/2016 Floor 2 Floor 2 Designated Floor Wardens 3 Lilia Rad (A) (TOC) Maynor Alvarez3 (REC) Darwin Dominguez (A/B)3 (TOC) Hernando Jose (B/C)3 (TOC) Marchand Russell3 (NSSD) Group Leader Site Assembly Area - Wilshire & Hope Simon Tam (B)3 (TOC) Keith Han (B)3 (TOC) Anthony Calderon3 (REC) Cristy Passman (DP) Wil Eichhorst (C)3 (TOC) 2nd Floor Information Technologies / Diversity / Business Services / Human Resources 33 - ASSIGNED PERSONNEL THIS FLOOR TOTAL OCCUPANT COUNT - 346 1 2 ASSIST1 ACCNTD2 OCCUPANT NAME DEPT / EXT ASSIST ACCNTD OCCUPANT NAME DEPT / EXT Regular Assignments - 8 Regular Assignments - 8 Technology Operations Center (TOC) Computer and Network Operations (CNO) Darwin Dominguez (A/B) TOC / 2029 Ed Molina (Manager) CNO / 2015 Hernando Jose (B/C) TOC / 2033 Mario Perez Data Comm / 2237 Iwan Anwar (A) TOC / 2033 Michael T. Estrada Data Comm / 2121 Keith Han (B) TOC / 2033 Henry Louie NSSD / 2476 Lilia Rad (A) TOC / 2030 Marchand Russell NSSD / 2123 Nat Yangsamran (A) TOC / 2033 Mark Goldstein NSSD / 2123 Simon Tam (B) TOC / 2033 Rakesh Agrawal NSSD / 2123 Wil Eichhorst (C) TOC / 2033 Rodman Lieu NSSD / 2123 Regular Assignments - 5 Regular Assignments - 6 Diversity Programs (DP) Business Services Division - Support Services Cristy Passman DP / 3113 Anthony Calderon REC / 2349 Gene Little (Director) DP / 2316 Antonio Lomeli CRR / 2348 Judie Price DP / 2315 Carlton Howard CRR / 2451 Muriel Alford DP / 2393 Maynor Alvarez REC / 2347 Sylvia Macias DP / 3014 Minh Le REPRO / 2346 Human Resources Regular Assignments - 3 Juilo De La Torree (PT) REC / 2348 Temporary Assignments - 3 Employer-Employee Relations (EER) Techmahindra Consultants (Information Technologies) Armine Galukyan EER / 2442 Srikrishnan Vibu TECH / 2206 Diva Sanchez EER / 2260 Vinay Joshi TECH / 2206 Joseph Cartwright (Asst. Dir.) EER / 2444 Visna Mukkavalli TECH / 2206 (2nd Floor Conference Room) Emergency Telephone Numbers LASD Community College (323) 662-5276 Bureau Wil Brinson (213) 761-6003 (LASD–ESC Security) References: 8 CCR 3220 LACCD EH&S EP-03 List Persons Needing Assistance, Assistants and Present Location List Visitors Accounted for During Evacuation Notes: 1. Place a check mark in this column if the person may need assistance during a local or general evacuation. 2. Place a check mark in this column if the person is accounted for. 3. Trained in CPR/AED Submitted By: Floor Warden Printed Name LACCD EH EP-03-3 Revised 2/9/2016 Floor Warden Signature Page 3 of 18 2nd Floor January 4, 2016 Gene Little* S T R E E T 202 Muriel Alford 203 D I 204 Sylvia Macia Cristy Passman Vacant File Room Mike Mario Estrada Perez Rodman Lieu 205 V E R S I 206 207 N E T W O R K S U P P O R T U P 208 T Y 201 229 Storage M 228 W O Elect Lobby 200 231 2 3 0 Iwan Anwar E IDF N IT Stockroom Simon Tam Center MEN Kitchenette 226 Human Resources Employee-Employer Relations 223 Conference Room (Techmahindra Consultants) 225 222 Srikrishnan Vibu S 221 U P P O R T Maynor Alvarez 218 Receiving (x2206) 224 Joseph Cartwright* Armine Galukyan Vinay Joshi Carlton Howard Senior Staff * Joseph Cartwright*, Director, Employer-Employee Relations, (213) 891-2444 Gene Little*, Director, Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, (213) 891-2316 Page 4 of 18 E R V I 214 Anthony Calderon Minh Le Antonio Julio de la Torre S 216 Mail Room 217 Visna Mukkavalli (A) Lomeli (B) Hernando Jose Wil Eichhorst (C) Darwin Dominguez 210 E S C 209 Ed Molina Printer C O M P U T E R Lilia Keith Han Technology Operations 227 Diva Sanchez Rakesh Agrawal Nat Yangsamran 220 Stair 2 Marchand Mark Russell Goldstein Vacant Reprographics F L O W E R Judie Price A L L E Y W I L S H I R E B L V D. Group Leader Site Assembly Area - Wilshire & Hope St. UP 211 212 PBX Switchroom 213 Telephones Rad O P E R A T I O N S Henry Louie 215 Paper Storage Stair 1 LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT - EDUCATIONAL SERVICES CENTER FLOOR WARDEN PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY RECORD Date: 2/9/2016 Floor 3 Floor 3 Designated Floor Wardens 3 3 Johnny Berella (S&P) Betsy Regalado (SIS - Ciber Alt.) Benjamin M. Horowitz (SAP) Steven J. Gonsoski3 (SAP) Group Leader Site Assembly Area - Flower & 7th Streets 3rd Floor Information Technologies Division 85 - ASSIGNED PERSONNEL THIS FLOOR 1 ASSIST ACCNTD2 OCCUPANT NAME DEPT / EXT Regular Assignments - 3 Chief Information Officer Hanne Espinosa-Frech ADMIN / 2226 Jorge C. Mata (CIO) CIO / 2034 Rhoda Levine ADMIN / 2100 X SIS Special Project Assignments - 1 (26 Part-time Ciber Consultants may work M-TH, TH half day) Betsy Regalado (VP/SS) EPIE / 2204 Ayman Omar / Crystal Quarterio CIBER Cullin McCoy / David Marino CIBER Ed Keller / Evan Nguyen CIBER Frank Andollo / Abhinav Goje CIBER Jason Carter / Pilar DeFreest CIBER John Banegas / Tino Simon CIBER Ganish Muralidhar / Staci Ludwig CIBER Nate Holley / Ravi Narla CIBER Roslyn Fletcher / Salena Rao CIBER Robert Sibley / Zia Jones CIBER Andre Fuller / Jennifer Huntley CIBER Sean Wiederholt / Tracy Hayman CIBER Lokesh Madnavat / Rohil Khanna CIBER Regular Assignments - 20 Modernization Project – SAP / ERP Unit (SAP) Amy Fan SAP / 2409 Andrew Duran (Manager) MNGR / 2358 Aruna Yedamakanti SAP / 2445 Benjamin M. Horowitz SAP / 2170 Hazel Juanico SAP / 2405 Fred Zupp SAP / 2462 Gowri-Surendra Marisela SAP / 2014 Isabel Alejandro SAP / 2481 Ivan Vuong SAP / 3514 Krish Subramani SAP / 2143 Mary Dolan SAP / 2359 Norman G. Rille SAP / 2116 Sanjay Kulkmarni SAP / 2456 Sharon M. Chen SAP / 2491 Steven J. Gonsoski SAP / 2454 Sumy Nair SAP / 2143 Suresh Enchoor SAP / 2190 Venkat Pandian SAP / 2456 Venkata Akunuru SAP / 2027 Yong H. Park SAP / 2161 Emergency Telephone Numbers LASD Community College Bureau (323) 662-5276 Wil Brinson (LASD–ESC Security) (213) 761-6003 TOTAL OCCUPANT COUNT - 346 ASSIST1 ACCNTD2 OCCUPANT NAME DEPT / EXT Regular Assignments - 8 Software Systems Engineering Unit (ENG) Anis Kochlef ENG / 2245 David Seetao ENG / 2250 Guy Beaudoin ENG / 2026 Kaleung Tsou ENG / 2415 Loren P. Lichty Database / 2441 Qui N. Dang S&P / 2273 Santos Galvez ENG / 2162 VictorHugo Ortiz ENG / 2224 Regular Assignments - 26 Systems and Programming Unit (S&P) Albert Saryan S&P / 2258 Andrew Alvarez S&P / 2406 Cheuk Y. Fong S&P / 2171 Christopher Nersisyan S&P / 2383 David Gillham S&P / 2262 Dominic S. Kwan S&P / 2169 Eddie Afana S&P / 2367 Frank Gomez S&P / 2455 Hon Siu S&P / 2172 James Weimholt S&P / 2070 Johnny Berella S&P / 2369 Jose C. Gallegos S&P / 2160 X Josie Valencia-Taplin S&P / 2156 Kwok Tam S&P / 2340 Lawrence Seo S&P / 2032 Luan Dau S&P / 2398 Mark Tagawa S&P / 2197 Michael Romo S&P / 2151 Michael Severa S&P / 2166 Olivia Alvarado S&P / 2157 Richard Ye S&P / 2385 Rochelle Romo S&P / 2228 Tom Rowland S&P / 2298 Victor Flores (Manager) S&P / 2107 Vladimir Vivcharenko S&P / 2265 Wadee Nasir S&P / 2021 Temporary Assignment - 1 Modernization Project – SAP / ERP Unit (SAP) Najma Lakhia (Build-LACCD) SAP / 2456 References: 8 CCR 3220 LACCD EH&S EP-03 List Persons Needing Assistance, Assistants & Present Location List Visitors Accounted for During Evacuation Notes: 1. Place a check mark in this column if the person may need assistance during a local or general evacuation. 2. Place a check mark in this column if the person is accounted for. 3. Trained in CPR/AED Submitted By: Floor Warden Printed Name Floor Warden Signature LACCD EH EP-03-3 Revised 2/9/2016 Page 5 of 18 3rd Floor W I L S H I R E B L V D . Group Leader Site Assembly Area - Flower & 7TH Streets 26-SIS Consultants Work Part-time M-TH; TH for half-day January 4, 2016 G R O Jorge Mata* U P 304 Rhoda Levine Hanne EspinosaFrech F L O W E R S T R E E T Vacant 301 S Elevator I Lobby T 300 E A S S E M B Andy L Duran Y 321 Fred Zupp Albert Saryan James Weimholt Cheuk Fong Christopher Nersisyan Dominic Kwan Hon Siu Andrew Alvarez Olivia David Lawrence Frank Mark Rochelle Luan Josie ValenciaTaplin Kwok Alvarado Gillham Seo Gomez Tagawa Romo Dau Tam 303 312 311 302 L E A D E R E L E V A T O R S Elect. 305 A L L E Y Eddie Afana 314 Richard Ye Lokesh Madnavat, Frank Andollo, Cullin McCoy, Ayman Omar, John Banegas, Abhinav Goje, Rohil Khanna Andre Fuller, Sean Wiederholt, Nate Holley, Evan Nguyen, Crystal Quarterio, Jennifer Huntley, Tracy Hayman 309 Johnny Jose 307 Training Conference Barella Gallegos Women Men Room Room Wadee Kaleung 306 308 310 313 Nasir Tsou 318-B IDF Stair 2 317 316 Conference Library 318-A 319 Kitchen 320 Victor Flores Mike Romo Victor Ortiz Michael Severa Santos Galvez Qui Dang Anis Kochlef Guy Beaudoin Loren Lichty David Seetao Collaborative Sumy Nair Sanjay Kulkarni Suresh Enchoor Sharon Chen Ravi Narla, David Marino, Salena Rao, Jason Carter, Staci Ludwig, Ganish Muralidhar Roslyn Fletcher, Ed Keller, Zia Jones, Robert Sibley, Tino Simon, Pilar DeFreest Hazel Isabel Venkat Amy Venkata Ivan Aruna Juanico Alejandro Pandian Fan Akunuru Vuong Yedamakanti Surendra Gowri Marisela Krish Subramani Mary Dolan Ben Horowitz Najma Lakhia (Build-LACCD) Senior Staff* Jorge Mata, Chief Information Officer, (213) 891-2034 Page 6 of 18 Steven Gonsoski Yong Park Norman Rille Vladimir Vivcharenko 315 Tom Rowland Stair 1 Betsy Regalado LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT - EDUCATIONAL SERVICES CENTER FLOOR WARDEN PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY RECORD Date: 2/9/2016 Floor 4 Floor 4 Designated Floor Wardens Laney Ray3 (HR) Nestor Martinez3 (HR) Carlita Dorsey (HR) Marjorie Ford3 (PC) Allison Bainlardi3 (HR) Group Leader Site Assembly Area - Flower & 7th Streets 4th Floor Personnel Commission Human Resources Department 36 - ASSIGNED PERSONNEL THIS FLOOR TOTAL OCCUPANT COUNT - 346 1 2 ASSIST1 ACCNTD2 ASSIST ACCNTD OCCUPANT NAME DEPT / EXT OCCUPANT NAME DEPT / EXT Regular Assignments - 13 Regular Assignments - 4 Personnel Commission (PC) Office of the Vice Chancellor - Human Resources (VCHR) PC / 2458 Albert Román (VC) VCHR / 2173 Ann Hsi PC / 2232 Carol Manning VCHR / 2334 Denise McGee Emmy Stovall PC / 2132 Paula Dugans VCHR / 2252 Gigi Chamizo-Lew PC / 2404 Richard Moyer VCHR / 2071 Human Resources Regular Assignments - 8 Isabel Ruiz-Moreno PC / 2050 Assignments and Administrative Services (AAS) Ivy Bower PC / 2126 Karen Martin (Director) PC / 2135 Aileen Truong AAS / 2438 PC / 2336 Alesia Harris AAS / 2482 Marissa Espiritu-Sy Marjorie Ford PC / 2128 Allison Bainlardi AAS / 2428 Rosie Castro PC / 2088 Anna Boyadzhyan AAS / 2141 Ryan Pennock PC / 2466 Cheryl Stephens (Jan. 11) AAS / 2064 Ute Severa PC / 2268 Jaime Lee AAS / 2447 Yvonne Ruiz PC / 2465 Malissa Hicks AAS / 2305 Monica Martinez (Asst. Dir.) AAS / 2227 Human Resources Regular Assignments - 9 Recruitment and Services (RS) Bernadette Staine RS / 2181 Carlita Dorsey RS / 2402 Courtney Owens RS / 2429 Janice Washington RS / 2427 Mary Van Ginkle RS / 2303 Nestor Martinez RS / 2496 Pat Martinez RS / 2308 Sharmita Saha RS / 2290 Shawn Tramel (Asst. Dir.) RS / 2281 Human Resources Regular Assignments - 2 Emergency Telephone Numbers LASD Community College Projects, Policies, Procedures and Reports (PPPR) (323) 662-5276 Greg Mazzarella PPPR / 2164 Bureau Wil Brinson Laney Ray PPPR / 2251 (213) 761-6003 (LASD–ESC Security) References: 8 CCR 3220 LACCD EH&S EP-03 List Persons Needing Assistance, Assistants and Present Location List Visitors Accounted for During Evacuation Notes: 1. Place a check mark in this column if the person may need assistance during a local or general evacuation. 2. Place a check mark in this column if the person is accounted for. 3. Trained in CPR/AED Submitted By: Floor Warden Printed Name LACCD EH EP-03-3 Revised 2/9/2016 Floor Warden Signature Page 7 of 18 4th Floor W I L S H I R E B L V D. Group Leader Site Assembly Area - Flower & 7TH Streets January 4, 2016 G R Karen O Martin* U P Equipment Gigi Isabel Chamizo-Lew Ruiz-Moreno 402 P Emmy Stoval 418 E E L E V A T S Elevator I Lobby T 400 E A S S E M Ivy B 419Bower L Y Ryan Pennock Denise McGee Laney Ray Shawn Tramel Vacant Sharmita Saha Vacant 404 Vacant L 401 E A D E R A L L E Y Elect. 429 Rosie Severa* Castro Jotyan 403 405 S O N N Women 4 2 7 Men 428 O R S C R Ute Anush E O Yvonne Ruiz M H Vacant I Ann His 424 Kitchen/ Interview Room #2 S S Waiting Area M N I x3142 Interview Room #1 Mary HR Badges Van Ginkle Richard Moyer Vacant Carlita Carol Dorsey Manning Greg Mazarella Bernadette O N Jaime Lee Nestor Courtney Waiting Martinez Owens Bainlardi Senior Staff* Karen Martin*, Personnel Director, Personnel Commission, (213) 891-2333 Monca Martinez* Assistant Director, Human Resources, (213) 891-2227 Dr. Albert Roman*, Vice Chancellor, Human Resources, (213) 891-2173 Ute Severa, Assistant Director, Personnel Commission, (213) 891-2268 Page 8 of 18 Cheryl Stephens (Jan. 11) Monica Martinez* Video Conference X2301 412 413 Allison Vacant R E S O U R C E S x3145 Testing Center Staine Janice Vacant Anna Vacant Washington Boyadzhyan PC File Vault 415 408 423 422 414 Work Cube 407 A 409 426 417 Marissa Espiritu-Sy Paula Malissa Dugans Hicks HR Work Room Vacant 416 Marjorie Ford U Aileen Truong 425 420 M Pat Martinez L x3082 421 Stair 2 406 Alesia Harris VC-HR Albert Román* HR File 411 410 Stair 1 LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT - EDUCATIONAL SERVICES CENTER FLOOR WARDEN PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY RECORD Date: 2/9/2016 Floor 5 Floor 5 Designated Floor Wardens Jacob Salazar (RET) Thai Quach (CFA) 3 Ronald Paquette (A/P) 3 Group Leader Site Assembly Area - Flower & 7th Streets 5th Floor Accounts Payable / Central Financial Aid / Payroll / Retirement Unit 51 - ASSIGNED PERSONNEL THIS FLOOR TOTAL OCCUPANT COUNT - 346 1 2 OCCUPANT NAME DEPT / EXT ASSIST ACCNTD OCCUPANT NAME DEPT / EXT ASSIST1 ACCNTD2 Regular Assignments - 14 Regular Assignments - 8 Accounts Payable Section (A/P) Retirement Unit (RET) Anahit Aleksanyan A/P / 2297 Adela Wells RET / 2338 Andrew Ung A/P / 2356 Andrea Lim RET / 3507 X Danny Reyes A/P / 2049 Corrina Alvidrez RET / 3500 Elsie Juson A/P / 2416 Gloria Moreno RET / 2205 Grace Chow A/P / 2323 Jacob Salazar RET / 2371 Kit Chan A/P / 2207 Leticia Rito RET / 2120 Myeva Richardson A/P / 2341 Mercedita Hanson RET / 3513 Nazik Karapogosian A/P / 2469 Rudy Lopez RET / 2486 Regular Assignments - 13 Ronald Paquette (Manager) A/P / 2234 Central Financial Aid (CFA) Rita Shvartz A/P / 2417 Ross Taplin A/P / 2450 Agustin Alvizo CFA / 2321 Shirley Leyva A/P / 2352 Arevat Garamova CFA / 2148 Stacy Sun A/P / 2291 Cynthia Sandico (Manager) CFA / 2432 Tracey Henderson A/P / 2477 Deanna Ingco CFA / 2309 Regular Assignments - 13 Douglas Gwinn CFA / 2240 X Payroll Section (PYRL) Erica Garcia CFA / 2314 Catalina Baquir PYRL / 2022 Eva Pang CFA / 2318 Cindy Diama PYRL / 3512 Larry Choi CFA / 2319 Delicia Lie PYRL / 2354 Maria Tolentino CFA / 2312 Eleanor Muñoz PYRL / 2066 Rey Garcia CFA / 2302 Esmelda Mendoza PYRL / 3502 Richard Rosich CFA / 2418 Irina Gorbonosov PYRL / 3509 Socorro Magana CFA / 2307 Joan Grimes (Manager) PYRL / 2280 Thai Quach CFA / 2322 Temporary Assignments - 3 Josie Aranez PYRL / 2410 Central Financial Aid (CFA) Kenya Johnson PYRL / 3506 La Shawn Duffin PYRL / 3501 Debbie Ochoa CFA / 2412 Maria Andrade PYRL / 2424 Fausto De La Torre CFA / 2412 Myrna Perez PYRL / 2016 Ilona Egyan CFA / 2310 Teresita Mangalindan PYRL / 3508 Emergency Telephone Numbers LASD Community College (323) 662-5276 Bureau Wil Brinson (213) 761-6003 (LASD–ESC Security) References: 8 CCR 3220 LACCD EH&S EP-03 List Persons Needing Assistance, Assistants and Present Location List Visitors Accounted for During Evacuation Notes: 1. Place a check mark in this column if the person may need assistance during a local or general evacuation. 2. Place a check mark in this column if the person is accounted for. 3. Trained in CPR/AED Submitted By: Floor Warden Printed Name LACCD EH EP-03-3 Revised 2/9/2016 Floor Warden Signature Page 9 of 18 5th Floor W I L S H I R E B L V D. Group Leader Site Assembly Area - Flower & 7TH Streets January 4, 2016 G 501 R O Ronald U Paquette P F L O W E R Juson Sun Grace Anahit Chan Chow Myeva Richardson Andrew Aleksanyan La Shawn Vacant Danny Reyes Duffin Ung Conference Rita Vacant L E A D E R Kit Elsie Stacy Kenya Shvartz Shirley Tracey Leyva Henderson Vacant Ross Vacant Taplin Nazik Joan Grimes Room x2241 Johnson 503 Karapogosian 504 505 502 Vacant A C C O U N T S S Elevator S I Lobby T T 500 R E E E A Ilona T S Egyan S C E N E M B L Y Socorro Magana E L E V A T O R S Elect 511 P A Y A B L E 515 Men Women A/P 517 IDF 513 P A Y R O L L A/P Maria Myrna Work Payroll Room Storage Andrade Perez 514 516 518 Vacant Aranez Cindy Catalina Diama Baquir 506 Esmelda 512 Josie Vacant Mendoza 507 Kitchen Stair 2 T R A L Eva Pang Storage Tess Irina Mangalindan Gorbonosov Eleanor Vacant Muños R E M E N T Delicia 521 F I N A N C I A L Maria Richard Deanna Tolentino Rosich Ingco Douglas Thai Gwinn Quach Erica Rey Garcia 519 CFA 522 Garcia 5 0 9 520 A I D R E T Agustin Debbie Alvizo Ochoa I Mercy Gloria Hanson Moreno Corrina Vacant Fausto Alvidrez Lie Jacob Salazar Lim Rudy De La Torre Larry Cynthia Sandico Admin Aide 510 (Vacant) Vacant V acant Choi Arevat Garamova 523 Page 10 of 18 CFA Storage 508 Adrea Lopez Leticia Adela Rito Wells Stair 1 A L L E Y LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT - EDUCATIONAL SERVICES CENTER FLOOR WARDEN PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY RECORD Floor 6 Floor 6 3 Date: 2/9/2016 Joan Becker (FPD) Ross Lee3 (HR-RM) Designated Floor Wardens Stacie Pinkett - Alt (FPD) Group Leader Site Assembly Area - Wilshire & Hope Sherri Beloney-Hatcher3 (HR-RM) 6th Floor Business Services / Risk Management / Facilities Planning / Build-LACCD 40 - ASSIGNED PERSONNEL THIS FLOOR ASSIST1 ACCNTD2 OCCUPANT NAME DEPT / EXT Regular Assignments - 10 Business Services Division (BSD) Andrew Wellisch BSD / 2439 Daryan Hubbard BSD / 2301 Dorothea Mc Farline BSD / 2276 Eunshin 'Nancy' Lee BSD / 2332 Fabbee Buñag BSD / 2430 Florina Caro BSD / 2288 James Watson (Contracts & Purchasing) X BSD / 2421 Jason Byrd BSD / 2286 Leila Menzies (Vice President–Admin.) BSD / 2036 X Marilyn Huff BSD / 2103 Regular Assignments - 10 Human Resources - Risk Management Division (RMD) Caritia Hughes RMD / 2382 David Martin RMD / 2422 David Serrano (Risk Manager) RMD / 2461 RMD / 2040 Katrelia Walker (EAP) Lisa Michel RMD / 2419 Ross Lee RMD / 2397 Sheree Maroney RMD / 2198 Sherri Beloney-Hatcher RMD / 2330 Sonya Sanders RMD / 2023 Stacey Allen RMD / 2180 TOTAL OCCUPANT COUNT - 346 ASSIST1 ACCNTD2 OCCUPANT NAME DEPT / EXT Regular Assignments - 13 Facilities Planning and Development (FPD) Aris Hovasapian FPD / 2239 Frank Padilla FPD / 2360 James Conway FPD / 2094 FPD / 2366 Jim O'Reilly (Chief Fac. Exec.) Joan Becker FPD / 2480 John Oda FPD / 2285 Laurelyn Johnson FPD / 2425 Peggy Quijada FPD / 2446 Roma Nandlal FPD / 2467 Safi Ishrati FPD / 2423 Stacie Pinkett FPD / 2366 Steve Paine FPD / 2381 Thomas Hall (Director) FPD / 2119 Regular Assignments - 4 Build-LACCD Assignments (BLD-LA) Dan Minkoff BLD-LA / 2159 Ed Van Ginkel BLD-LA / 2133 X Mary Ann Breckell BLD-LA / 2457 Silvia Saucedo BLD-LA / 2484 Regular Assignments - 1 Building Engineer (Abel Engineering) Bruce Honeyman (213) 792-4391 Temporary Assignments (EAP) - 2 Armen Yepremyan RMD-EAP / 2040 Nova Wartanyan RMD-EAP / 2040 Emergency Telephone Numbers LASD Community College Bureau (323) 662-5276 Wil Brinson (LASD–ESC Security) (213) 761-6003 References: 8 CCR 3220 LACCD EH&S EP-03 List Persons Needing Assistance, Assistants and Present Location List Visitors Accounted for During Evacuation Notes: 1. Place a check mark in this column if the person may need assistance during a local or general evacuation. 2. Place a check mark in this column if the person is accounted for. 3. Trained in CPR/AED Submitted By: Floor Warden Printed Name LACCD EH EP-03-3 Revised 2/9/2016 Floor Warden Signature Page 11 of 18 6th Floor W I L S H I R E B L V D. Group Leader Site Assembly Area - Wilshire & Hope St. January 4, 2016 Joan Becker James O'Reilly* Stacie Pinkett Tom Hall* 602 601 603 F A C I Elevator Lobby 600 L I E L E V A T O R S T I E S Laurelyn Johnson MaryAnn Breckell 604 606 Aris Hovasapian Ed Van Ginkel Frank 607 Padilla 605 P L A N N I 626 Elect & 624 Women 628 Men 621 622 x2335 Kitchenette Room 619 617 618 x2439 Vacant Vacant John Oda Safi Ishrati Peggy Quijada 608 Conference Stair 2 620 R I S K 616Health Benefits Katrelia Walker (EAP) Multi-purpose Room Stacey Allen Eunshin Lee 608 Map Room Store Room 625 Marilyn Huff D E V E L O P M E N T 623 627 Dorothea Daryan Mc Farline Hubbard Silvia Saucedo IDF Armen Yepremyan Nova Wartanyan (EAP) Lunch Room N G Roma Nandlal James Conway Steve Paine Andrew Wellisch Senior Staff* Tom Hall*, Director, Facilities Planning and Development, (213) 891-2119 Leila Menzies*, Vice President of Administrative Services, (213) 891-2036 James O'Reilly*, Chief Facilities Executive, (213) 891-2048 David Serrano*, Risk Manager, (213) 891-2461 James Watson*, Contracts Manager, (213) 891-2421 Page 12 of 18 S E R V Bruce I Honeyman C E S Jason Byrd Florina Caro M A N A G E M E N T Sonya 615 David Sanders Caritia Hughes Lisa Michel Dan Minkoff Sheree Maronee EH&S Martin Storage BSD File Storage 614 B U S I N E S S Leila Menzies* 609 James Watson* A L L E Y 610 Fabbee Buñag 611 David Serrano* D I V I S I O N Stair 1 612 Sherri Beloney-Hatcher Ross Lee 6 1 3 LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT - EDUCATIONAL SERVICES CENTER FLOOR WARDEN PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY RECORD Date: 2/9/2016 Floor 7 Floor 7 Designated Floor Wardens Moon Ko3 (EPIE) Arnold Blanshard (AI) 3 Karen Yao (ACC) Nora Chiu (ACC) Sorangel Hernandez - Alt (EWD) Group Leader Site Assembly Area - Wilshire & Hope 7th Floor Accounting / Academic Senate / Educational Programs & Institutional Effectiveness / Internal Audit 48 - ASSIGNED PERSONNEL THIS FLOOR TOTAL OCCUPANT COUNT - 346 1 2 1 2 ASSIST ACCNTD OCCUPANT NAME ASSIST ACCNTD OCCUPANT NAME DEPT / EXT DEPT / EXT Regular Assignments - 22 Regular Assignments - 5 Accounting Section (ACC) District Academic Senate (DAS) Alemayehu Estezia ACC / 2153 Alex Immerblum DAS / 2144 Anna Chmielewska ACC / 2114 Angela Echeverri DAS / 2294 Aurelia Lwin ACC / 2478 X Don Gauthier (President) DAS / 2294 Bella Korotki ACC / 2326 Elizabeth Atondo DAS / 2373 Bernadette Trinidad ACC / 2202 Eloise Crippens DAS / 2296 Regular Assignments - 13 Cecilia Jie ACC / 2068 Educational Programs & Institutional Effectiveness (EPIE) Harry Ziogas (Director) ACC / 2102 Jackson Kuo (Manager) ACC / 2150 Allison Tom-Miura EPIE / 2464 Justin Sam ACC / 2243 Arnita Porter EPIE / 2175 Karen Yao ACC / 2158 Betina Vallin EPIE / 2104 Kevin Liao ACC / 2060 Bobbi Kimble EPIE / 2378 Kyle Navasard ACC / 2086 Deborah Harrington EPIE / 2017 Margret Ayvazian ACC / 2077 Jessica Cristo EPIE / 2175 Melissa Quiroz ACC / 2018 Lucia Robles ESS / 2062 Mira Kopylova ACC / 2452 Maury Pearl (AVC) EPIE / 2115 Mitzi Lai ACC / 2448 Moon Ko EPIE / 2372 Nora Chiu ACC / 2174 Sarah Crespo EPIE / 2096 Nyame-Tease Prempeh (K.K.) ACC / 2344 Shannon Jackson EPIE / 2076 Sheree Dunn ACC / 3505 Stanislav Levin EPIE / 2053 Susan Bernardino ACC / 2498 Terri Fisher EPIE / 2468 Susanna Martirosyan ACC - 2344 Regular Assignments - 0 William Hernandez ACC / 2013 American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Staff Guild Office Regular Assignments - 2 Mario Perez (2nd Floor) AFT / 2370 Economic and Workforce Development (EWD) Jesus Encinas EWD / 2401 X Mike Romo (3rd Floor) AFT / 3370 Sorangel Hernandez EWD / 2069 Temporary Assignments - Auditors (List Auditors Here) Regular Assignments - 6 Internal Audit (IA) Arnold Blanshard (Director) IA / 2342 Chris Musella IA / 2345 Keyna Crenshaw IA / 2186 Lashanda Johnson IA / 2324 Marioan Carranza IA / 2433 Tiffany Britt IA / 2219 Emergency Telephone Numbers LASD Community College Bureau (323) 662-5276 Wil Brinson (LASD–ESC Security) (213) 761-6003 References: 8 CCR 3220 LACCD EH&S EP-03 List Persons Needing Assistance, Assistants and Present Location List Visitors Accounted for During Evacuation Notes: 1. Place a check mark in this column if the person may need assistance during a local or general evacuation. 2. Place a check mark in this column if the person is accounted for. 3. Trained in CPR/AED Submitted By: Floor Warden Printed Name Floor Warden Signature LACCD EH EP-03-3 Revised 2/9/2016 Page 13 of 18 7th Floor W I L S H I R E B L V D. Group Leader Site Assembly Area - Wilshire & Hope St. January 4, 2016 Don Gauthier 702 Angela Deborah Allison Echeverri Harrington Tom-Miura Eloise Crippens 703 704 A C A D E M I C S E N A T E F L O W E R S T R E E T Elizabeth Atondo Elevator Lobby 700 707 (EPIE) 706 Copy 701 Alex Immerblum E L E V A T O R S Bobbi Kimble* 705 Betina Vallin Shannon Jackson 708 Jessica Cristo 728 M 726 E Custodial C H. Men 725 Women 729 Vacant Copy/ Print 727 (Mario Perez) (Mike Romo) Vacant Tiffany Marioan Britt Carranza 731 Chris Musella INTERNAL AUDIT Crenshaw I E Sarah Terri Crespo Fisher Storage 723 730 Vacant Conference Lashonda Johnson 732 A C C O U N T I N G Kevin Vacant Liao Vacant Nora Chiu Aurelia Lwin Vacant 719 718 Union Office 721 E P I E Harry Ziogas* Jackson 713 Kuo Vacant 714 Moon Ko Printer Copy Fax 712 724 Stair 2 Stan Levin 710 E P Arnita Porter Mech. Keyna Maury Pearl* 711 722 Arnold Blanshard* Lucia Robles* 709 Vacant E W D Kitchen Jesus Encinas 720 Sorangel Hernandez Room Vacant Sheree Dunn A C C Mitzi O Justin Lai U Sam N William Susan T Hernandez Bernardino I N Anna Kyle G A Bernadette Nyame-Tease C Trinadad Prempeh C (K.K.) O Mira Susanna U Kopylova Martirosyan N T I Cecilia Margret Chmielewska Navasard N Jie Ayvazian G Bella x2253 Conference Room 717 Accounting Storage 716 Senior Staff* Arnold Blanshard*, Director, Internal Audit, (213) 891-2342 Bobbi Kimble*, Dean of Educational Support, (213) 891-2378 Lucia Robles*, Interim SFP Dean, (213) 891-2062 Maury Pearl*, Associate Vice Chancellor, Educational Programs and Institutional Effectiveness, (213) 891-2115 Harry Ziogas*, Director, Accounting, (213) 891-2102 Page 14 of 18 715 Melissa Korotki Quiroz Al Estezia Karen Yao Stair 1 A L L E Y LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT - EDUCATIONAL SERVICES CENTER FLOOR WARDEN PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY RECORD Date: 2/9/2016 Floor 8 Floor 8 Designated Floor Wardens Jeff Greenman3 (B) (OGC) Hazel Alonzo (BDGT) Jose Mendoza - Alt (BDGT) Sally Puga3 (OGC) Group Leader Site Assembly Area - Wilshire & Hope 3 8th Floor Budget / Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer / Office of General Counsel / ADA Compliance 22 - ASSIGNED PERSONNEL THIS FLOOR TOTAL OCCUPANT COUNT - 346 1 2 ASSIST ACCNTD OCCUPANT NAME DEPT / EXT OCCUPANT NAME DEPT / EXT ASSIST1 ACCNTD2 Regular Assignments - 8 Regular Assignments - 7 Budget Offices (BDGT) Office of General Counsel (OGC) Amanda Gong BDGT / 2111 Anne Diga OGC / 2188 Asha Omar BDGT / 2105 Arthur Babb OGC / 2188 Deborah La Teer (Director) BDGT / 2085 Eric Kim OGC / 2188 Hattie Mobley BDGT / 2112 X Jeff Greenman OGC / 2188 Hazel Alonzo BDGT / 2109 Kevin Jeter (General Counsel) OGC / 2188 Jose Mendoza BDGT / 2163 Sally Puga OGC / 2188 Liwa Corpuz BDGT / 2110 Sandra Samayoa OGC / 2188 Sheri Okamoto BDGT / 2101 Regular Assignments - 4 Regular Assignments - 1 Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer (CFO/T) Deputy Chancellor's Office (DCO) ADA Compliance Araceli Gutierrez CFO/T / 2090 Mardy Kuntzelman DCO / 2213 Hubert Lee CFO/T / 2091 List Classroom 818 Students Below Jeanette Gordon (CFO) CFO/T / 2090 Sam Arambegedara CFO/T / 2431 Temporary Assignments - 1 Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer (CFO/T) Lita Oh CFO/T / 2431 X Regular Assignments - 1 Los Angeles Sheriff Department (LASD) Wil Brinson LASD / 2389 Emergency Telephone Numbers LASD Community College (323) 662-5276 Bureau Wil Brinson (213) 761-6003 (LASD–ESC Security) References: 8 CCR 3220 LACCD EH&S EP-03 List Persons Needing Assistance, Assistants and Present Location List Visitors Accounted for During Evacuation Notes: 1. Place a check mark in this column if the person may need assistance during a local or general evacuation. 2. Place a check mark in this column if the person is accounted for. 3. Trained in CPR/AED Submitted By: Floor Warden Printed Name LACCD EH EP-03-3 Revised 2/9/2016 Floor Warden Signature Page 15 of 18 8th Floor W I January 4, 2016 Jeanette Gordon* L S H I R E Group Leader Site Assembly Area - Wilshire & Hope St. CFO/T Kevin Jeter* Hubert Public Lee 803 x2375 804 802 805 809 807 Records Araceli Gutierrez 801 F L O W E R B L V D. Lita Oh Anne Diga* Files Vacant 810 806 815 G E N E R A L Sam Arambegedara Elevator S Lobby T 800 R E E T E L E V A T O R S 822 Elect 8 2 4 Men's Women's Room 811 Jeff Greenman 812 Room 823 Eric Kim* 825 C O U N S E L 808 Lounge Arthur Babb 813 Vacant Stair 2 826 Sally Puga Sandra Deborah La Teer* Liwa Corpuz 821 820 Jose Mendoza 815 Samayoa A Mardy D Kuntzelman A 814 Hazel Alonzo B U D G E T Sheri Okamoto O G C Hattie Mobley Classroom Conference Amanda Gong Asha Omar 818 819 Wil Brinson Storage 817 (LASD) Stair 1 816 Senior Staff* Anne Diga*, Associate General Counsel, (213) 891-2188 Jeanette Gordon*, Chief Financial Officer/ Treasurer, (213) 891-2090 Kevin Jeter*, General Counsel, (213) 891-2188 Eric Kim*, Associate General Counsel, (213) 891-2188 Deborah La Teer*, Director, Budget Management and Analysis, (213) 891-2085 Page 16 of 18 A L L E Y LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT - EDUCATIONAL SERVICES CENTER FLOOR WARDEN PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY RECORD Date: 2/9/2016 Floor 9 Floor 9 Designated Floor Wardens Laurie Green3- Alt (DCO) Lilian Mazariegos (DCO) Group Leader Site Assembly Area - Wilshire & Hope 3 th 9 Floor Chancellor / Deputy Chancellor / Educational Programs & Institutional Effectiveness / Economic & Workforce Development 12 - ASSIGNED PERSONNEL THIS FLOOR 1 ASSIST ACCNTD2 OCCUPANT NAME DEPT / EXT Regular Assignments - 3 Chancellor’s Office (CO) Francisco Rodriguez CO / 2201 (Chancellor) Janet Hughes-Fields CO / 2183 Maria Elena Jauregui CO / 2201 Regular Assignments -4 Deputy Chancellor’s Office (DCO) Adriana Barrera DCO / 2081 (Deputy Chancellor) Laurie Green DCO / 2137 Lilian Mazariegos DCO / 2081 Steve Springer DCO / 2493 Regular Assignments - 3 Educational Programs & Institutional Effectiveness (EPIE) Kristen Van Hala EPIE / 2056 Nicole Huff EPIE / 2279 Ryan Cornner (Vice Chancellor) EPIE / 2134 TOTAL OCCUPANT COUNT - 346 ASSIST1 ACCNTD2 OCCUPANT NAME DEPT / EXT Regular Assignments - 1 Economic & Workforce Development (EWD) Felicito ‘Chito’ Cajayon EWD / 2165 (Vice Chancellor) Regular Assignments - 1 LACCD Foundation (FND) Selina Chi FND / 2247 Emergency Action Plan Assignments Incident Management Team (IMT) Adriana Barrera DCO / 2081 Deputy Chancellor Francisco Rodriguez Chancellor CO / 2201 Jeanette Gordon CFO/T / 2099 CFO/Treasurer Chief Fac. Executive Jim O'Reilly FPD / 2366 General Counsel Kevin Jeter OGC / 2188 VP of Admin Services Leila Menzies BSD / 2036 Director - FP&D Tom Hall FPD / 2119 Beginning January 14 Emergency Telephone Numbers LASD Community College (323) 662-5276 Bureau Wil Brinson (213) 761-6003 (LASD–ESC Security) References: 8 CCR 3220 LACCD EH&S EP-03 List Persons Needing Assistance, Assistants and Present Location List Visitors Accounted for During Evacuation Notes: 1. Place a check mark in this column if the person may need assistance during a local or general evacuation. 2. Place a check mark in this column if the person is accounted for. 3. Trained in CPR/AED Submitted By: LACCD EH EP-03-3 Revised 2/9/2016 Page 17 of 18 9th Floor W January 4, 2016 902 Felicito x2364 Cornner* Conference 904 Files F L O W E R S T R E E T E L E P I E V Elevator Lobby 900 A T Stair O 2 R S L S H I R E B L V D. Group Leader Site Assembly Area - Wilshire & Hope St. 903 Ryan 901 I E Cajayon* 907 905 Vacant E W D 906 Maria-Elena Jauregui 901 921 Kitchenette Nicole Huff Francisco Rodriguez* 908 Chancellor's Office Janet Vacant Hughes 909 Lilian Kristen Van Hala 922 Steve Work Room Laurie Green Mazariegos Springer 923 Deputy Adriana Chancellor's Barrera* Office 911 Selina Chi 912 910 916 Women P A T I O (Foundation) 919 Machine Room Vacant 915 918 917 Men 914 Stair 1 Graphic Arts 920 Studio Senior Staff* Dr. Adriana Barrera*, Deputy Chancellor, (213) 891-2081 Dr. Felicito Cajayon*, Vice Chancellor, Economic and Workforce Development, (213) 891-2165 Dr. Ryan Cornner*, Vice Chancellor, Educational Programs and Institutional Effectiveness Dr. Francisco Rodriguez, Chancellor, (213) 891-2201 Page 18 of 18 913 A L L E Y
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