Bhilwara - Census of India
Bhilwara - Census of India
Census of India 2011 RAJASTHAN PART XII-B SERIES-09 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK BHILWARA VILLAGE AND TOWN WISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT (PCA) DIRECTORATE OF CENSUS OPERATIONS RAJASTHAN CENSUS OF INDIA 2011 RAJASTHAN SERIES-09 PART XII - B DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK BHILWARA VILLAGE AND TOWN WISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT (PCA) Directorate of Census Operations RAJASTHAN MOTIF TEXTILE INDUSTRY Bhilwara, the Textile Town, has emerged as one of the major synthetic fabric manufacturing centres in India. The growth of the Textile Industry dates back to 1966 a first unit was set up to manufacture synthetic yarn in 1961. In Bhilwara there are about 350 units which have their own manufacturing plants and rest of these are merchant traders who have their designated manufacturers having a fixed number of looms ear marked for their production. The cloths produced are made from a blend of polyester and viscose. The making of synthetic filaments and fibres are manufactured by a totally new technology and is done in machines which are totally imported. Indian yarns fabric and garments are exported all over the world. Contents Pages 1 Foreword 1 2 Preface 3 3 Acknowledgement 5 4 History and Scope of the District Census Handbook 8 5 Brief History of the District 10 6 Administrative Setup 11 7 District Highlights - 2011 Census 13 8 Important Statistics 14 9 Section - I Primary Census Abstract (PCA) (i) Brief note on Primary Census Abstract 18 (ii) District Primary Census Abstract 23 (iii) Appendix to District Primary Census Abstract Total, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population - Urban Block wise 31 (iv) Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes (SC) 55 (v) Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes (ST) 63 (vi) Rural PCA-C.D. blocks wise Village Primary Census Abstract 71 (vii) Urban PCA-Town wise Primary Census Abstract 10 (i) Section –II Tables based on Households Amenities and Assets (Rural /Urban) at District and Sub-District level. Table -1: Households by Ownership status and by Number of Dwelling rooms occupied in the District, 2011 295 317 (ii) Table -2: Percentage distribution of Households living in Permanent, Semi permanent and Temporary houses, 2011 318 (iii) Table -3: Number and Percentage of Households by main source of Drinking water, 2011 320 (iv) Table -4: Number and Percentage of Households by main source of Lighting, 2011 322 (v) Table -5: Number and Percentage of Households by type of Latrine facility, 2011 324 (vi) Table -6: Number and Percentage of Households by type of Drainage connectivity for waste water outlet, 2011 326 (vii) Table -7: Number and Percentage of Households by availability of Kitchen facility, 2011 327 (viii) Table -8: Number and Percentage of Households by type of fuel used for Cooking, 2011 328 (ix) Number and Percentage of Households availing Banking services and number of Households having each of the specified Assets in, 2011 330 Table -9: FOREWORD The District Census Handbook (DCHB) is an important publication of the Census Organization since 1951. It contains both Census and non Census data of urban and rural areas for each District. The Census data provide information on demographic and socio-economic characteristics of population at the lowest administrative unit i.e. of each Village and Town and ward of the District. The Primary Census Abstract (PCA) part of this publication contains Census data including data on household amenities collected during 1st.phase of the Census i.e. House Listing and Housing Census. The non Census data presented in the DCHB is in the form of Village Directory and Town Directory contain information on various infrastructure facilities available in the village and town viz; education, medical, drinking water, communication and transport, post and telegraph, electricity, banking, and other miscellaneous facilities. Later on, the Telegraph Services were closed by the Government of India on 15th. July, 2013. The data of DCHB are of considerable importance in the context of planning and development at the grassroot level. 2. In the 1961 Census, DCHB provided a descriptive account of the District, administrative statistics, Census tables and Village and Town Directory including Primary Census Abstract. This pattern was changed in 1971 Census and the DCHB was published in three parts: Part-A related to Village and Town Directory, Part-B to Village and Town PCA and Part-C comprised analytical report, administrative statistics, District Census tables and certain analytical tables based on PCA and amenity data in respect of Villages. The 1981 Census DCHB was published in two parts: Part-A contained Village and Town Directory and Part-B the PCA of Village and Town including the SCs and STs PCA up to Tahsil/Town levels. New features along with restructuring of the formats of Village and Town Directory were added. In Village Directory, all amenities except electricity were brought together and if any amenity was not available in the referent Village, the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place having such an amenity, was given. 3. The pattern of 1981 Census was followed by and large for the DCHB of 1991 Census except the format of PCA. It was restructured. Nine-fold industrial classification of main workers was given against the four-fold industrial classification presented in the 1981 Census. In addition, sex wise population in 0-6 age group was included in the PCA for the first time with a view to enable the data users to compile more realistic literacy rate as all children below 7 years of age had been treated as illiterate at the time of 1991 Census. One of the important innovations in the 1991 Census was the Community Development Block (CD Block) level presentation of Village Directory and PCA data instead of the traditional Tahsil/Taluk/PS level presentation. As regards DCHB of 2001 Census, the scope of Village Directory was 4. improved by including some other amenities like banking, recreational and cultural facilities, newspapers & magazines and `most important commodity’ manufactured in a Village in addition to prescribed facilities of earlier Censuses. In Town Directory, the statement on Slums was modified and its coverage was enlarged by including details on all slums instead of ‘notified slums’. 1 5. The scope and coverage of Village Directory of 2011 DCHB has been widened by including a number of new amenities in addition to those of 2001. These newly added amenities are: Pre-Primary School, Engineering College, Medical College, Management Institute, Polytechnic, Non-formal Training Centre, Special School for Disabled, Community Health Centre, Veterinary Hospital, Mobile Health Clinic, Medical Practitioner with MBBS Degree, Medical Practitioner with no degree, Traditional Practitioner and faith Healer, Medicine Shop, Community Toilet, Rural Sanitary Mart or Sanitary Hardware Outlet in the Village, Community Bio- gas, Sub Post Office, Village Pin Code, Public Call Office, Mobile Phone Coverage, Internet Cafes/ Common Service Centre, Private Courier Facility, Auto/Modified Autos, Taxis and Vans, Tractors, Cycle-pulled Rickshaws, Carts driven by Animals, Village connected to National Highway, State Highway, Major District Road, and Other District Road, Availability of Water Bounded Macadam Roads in Village, ATM, Self-Help Group, Public Distribution System(PDS) Shop, Mandis/Regular Market, Weekly Haat, Agricultural Marketing Society, Nutritional Centers (ICDS), Anganwadi Centre, ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist), Sports Field, Public Library, Public Reading Room, Assembly Polling station, Birth & Death Registration Office. In the Town Directory, seven Statements containing the details and the data of each Town have been presented viz.; (i)-Status and Growth History of Towns,(ii)- Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, (iii)-Civic and other Amenities, (iv)-Medical Facilities, (v)-Educational, Recreational & Cultural Facilities, (vi)Industry & Banking, and (vii)- Civic & other amenities in Slums respectively. CD Block wise data of Village Directory and Village PCA have been presented in DCHB of 2011 Census as presented in earlier Census. 6. The data of DCHB 2011 Census have been presented in two parts, Part-A contains Village and Town Directory and Part-B contains Village and Town wise Primary Census Abstract. Both the Parts have been published in separate volumes in 2011 Census. 7. The Village and Town level amenities data have been collected, compiled and computerized under the supervision of Mrs. Shubhra Singh, the then Joint Secretary & Director of Census Operations, Rajasthan. The task of Planning, Designing and Co-ordination of this publication was carried out by Dr. Pratibha Kumari, Assistant Registrar General (SS) under the guidance & supervision of Dr. R.C.Sethi, Ex-Addl. RGI and Shri Deepak Rastogi present Addl.RGI. Shri A.P. Singh, Deputy Registrar General, (Map) provided the technical guidance in the preparation of maps. Shri A.K. Arora, Joint Director of Data Processing Division under the overall supervision of Shri M.S.Thapa, Addl. Director (EDP) provided full cooperation in preparation of record structure for digitization and validity checking of Village and Town Directory data and the programme for the generation of Village Directory and Town Directory including various analytical inset tables as well as Primary Census Abstract (PCA). The work of preparation of DCHB, 2011 Census has been monitored in the Social Studies Division. I am thankful to all of them and others who have contributed to bring out this publication in time. C. Chandramouli Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India New Delhi. Dated:- 16-06-2014 2 PREFACE It is my pleasure to present this publication pertaining to the Village and Town wise Primary Census Abstract of the District as per Census 2011. It is a synopsis of the development made by the District in the past decade and the challenges ahead. Rajasthan is the largest State in the country, with difficult terrain comprising desert, forests, mountains, tribal belt, ravines and a long international border. It also has typical hard to reach population groups. The mandate of universal coverage for census was a challenge in the State. I am deeply indebted to the State Government of Rajasthan for their unstinted support and cooperation at all stages of Census Operations of 2011. I am grateful to Shri Salahuddin Ahmad, the then Chief Secretary of Government of Rajasthan for his prompt response, guidance and cooperation given to the Census Organization. He infused a sense of urgency and seriousness in the minds of District Collectors and Officers of the District Administration, which geared up the entire administrative machinery. I also thank the Principal Secretary, GAD who liaisoned with the Directorate of Census Operations on behalf of the State Government. The GAD pursued pending action points pertaining to the different Departments of the State Government and ensured prompt response to the repeated requests made by the Directorate. I am also thankful to other Departments like Departments of School and Sanskrit Education, Home, Finance, Revenue, Planning, Public Relations, Local Self-government and Personnel Department for extending their full cooperation. The Supervisors and Enumerators, the basic census field functionaries worked ceaselessly in the entire period of fieldwork to make Census 2011 successful. I am deeply grateful to Dr. C.Chandramouli, Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India for his unstinted support and spontaneous, unfailing guidance throughout our endeavours and bringing out this publication. My grateful thanks to Dr. R.C.Sethi, Ex-Addl. RGI and Shri Deepak Rastogi present Addl. RGI, Dr. Pratibha Kumari, Assistant Registrar General (SS), Shri A.P. Singh, Deputy Registrar General (Map), Shri M.S.Thapa, Addl. Director (EDP), Shri A.K. Arora, Joint Director (EDP) and their colleagues at the headquarter office for their ever willing, helping hand and thoughtful suggestions for putting together and shaping the volumes in their present form. 3 The Joint Secretary & Director of Census Operations, Rajasthan, Ms. Shubhra Singh, under whose guidance the entire operations were carried out deserves all credit for its success, but she was repatriated to the Government for taking up some other important assignment before this volume could be made available for the release. Shri Avinash Sharma, Assistant Director, incharge of Primary Census Abstract, who was ably assisted by his team of dedicated workers, deserves all praise for their perseverance and dedication in finalization of PCA. The contribution of Shri G.B. Goswami, Assistant Director (Data Centre), Shri K.C. Gupta, Assistant Director and Shri Puneet Mehrotra, Assistant Director is also memorable in finalization of PCA, Census, 2011. Dr. Pulkesh Sharma, Assistant Director, incharge of Village & Town Directories and District Census Handbooks, coordinated the work with his team of devoted workers; contributed immensely with determination and dedication to the cause of digitization, validation and finalization of Village and Town Directories and preparation of District Census Handbooks, Census, 2011 in the stipulated time limit, deserves all appreciation. The members of the staff in the Map Section did a commendable job under the guidance of Shri R.S. Tyagi, R.O. (Map) in bringing out various maps. In view of the increasing demand of the publications in electronic format, it has been decided to release the DCHB Part-B in electronic format also. Jaipur Dated:-16.06.2014 R.R.Meena Joint Director of Census 0perations Rajasthan 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OVERALL SUPERVISION AND GUIDANCE Shri R.R. Meena Joint Director & Controlling Officer TASK FORCE FOR DISTRICT CENSUS HAND BOOK Shri S.R. Singhal Deputy Director Shri Mukesh Kumar Bhargava Assistant Director Shri Avinash Sharma Assistant Director Shri Puneet Mehrotra Assistant Director Shri Kailash Chand Gupta Assistant Director Dr. Pulkesh Sharma Assistant Director Smt. Meena Gupta Assistant Director Shri R. S. Tyagi Research Officer (Map) Smt. Charu Mathur Statistical Investigator Grade-I Shri Kunj Bihari Sharma Statistical Investigator Grade-I VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY SECTION Shri Mahendra Singh Bhati Deputy Director Dr. Pulkesh Sharma Assistant Director Smt. Charu Mathur Statistical Investigator Grade-I Shri Kunj Bihari Sharma Statistical Investigator Grade-I Shri Gajendra Sharma Senior Consultant Shri B.L. Lugaria S.I. Grade-II (Retd.) Shri Ramji Lal Tripathi Statistical Investigator Grade-II Shri Mahaveer Kumar Jain Statistical Investigator Grade-II Smt. Upasana Giri Statistical Investigator Grade-II Shri Rajendra Kumar Nagar Statistical Investigator Grade-II Shri Mani Kant Sharma Statistical Investigator Grade-II Shri Bachittar Singh Statistical Investigator Grade-II Shri Kumer Chand Meena Senior Technical Assistant (Printing) Shri Nemi Chand Kumawat Senior Compiler Shri Vinod Kumar Gupta Senior Compiler Shri Swatantra Kumar Ajmera Senior Compiler Shri Chhuttan Lal Meena Senior Compiler Shri R.C. Bairwa Compiler Smt. Asha Saxena Compiler Shri Ravindra Nath Dubey Compiler Shri Uma Shankar Compiler Smt. Asha Awasthi Assistant Compiler Shri Komal Singh M.T.S. 5 CENSUS CELL Shri Avinash Sharma Shri Puneet Mehrotra Shri Kailash Chand Gupta Shri Bagul Sagar Padmakar Shri Arun Kumar Jain Shri Satish Kumar Chaturvedi Shri Vishal Garg Kum. Bhavya M.K. Shri Hajari Lal Gupta Smt. Kamlesh Sharma Shri Kailash Chand Gupta Shri Suresh Chandra Sharma Shri Ramesh Chand Gupta Shri Yogesh Kumar Bajaj Assistant Director Assistant Director Assistant Director Statistical Investigator Statistical Investigator Statistical Investigator Statistical Investigator Statistical Investigator Statistical Investigator Statistical Investigator Statistical Investigator Senior Compiler Senior Compiler Compiler Grade-I Grade-I Grade-I Grade-II Grade-II Grade-II Grade-II Grade-II DDE SECTION Shri Purshottam Narain Mathur Smt. Binu Rani Smt. Manju Jain Smt. Pratibha Jain Shri Ramesh Chandra Jat Smt. Pramila Kanwar Smt. Sudha Nagar Smt. Shashi Bala Joshi Smt. Vandana Agarwal Senior Supervisor Data Entry Operator Data Entry Operator Data Entry Operator Data Entry Operator Data Entry Operator Data Entry Operator Data Entry Operator Data Entry Operator Grade-B Grade-B Grade-B Grade-B Grade-B Grade-B Grade-B Grade-B MAP SECTION Shri Shri Shri Shri R.S. Tyagi B.L. Meena Nand lal Deepak Sood Research Officer (Map) Senior Draughtsman Senior Draughtsman Senior Draughtsman 6 ORGI- Data Processing Division Shri Jaspal Singh Lamba Ms. Usha Shri Anurag Gupta Shri Mukesh Kumar Mahawar Ms. Shagufta Nasreen Bhat Shri Khem Verma Jadon Shri Yashwant Singh Shri Shailender Kumar Vats Shri Pawan Kumar Sharma Shri Anuj Kumar Deputy Director (EDP) Assistant Director (EDP) Data Processing Assistant Grade-A Data Processing Assistant Grade-A Data Processing Assistant Grade-A Senior Consultant Senior Consultant Junior Consultant Junior Consultant Junior Consultant 7 HISTORY AND SCOPE OF THE DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK The need of data at the grass root level for the administrative and planning purposes at sub micro level as well as academic studies prompted the innovation of District Census Handbook. District Census Handbook is a unique publication from the Census organization which provides most authentic details of census and non-census information from village and town level to district level. The District Census Handbook was firstly introduced during the 1951 Census. It contains both census and non census data of urban as well as rural areas for each district. The census data contain several demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the lowest administrative unit i.e. of each village and town and ward of the district. The non census data comprise of data on availability of various civic amenities and infrastructural facilities etc. at the town and village level which constitute Village Directory and Town Directory part of the DCHB. The data of DCHB are of considerable importance in the context of planning and development at grass-root level. In 1961 census DCHB provided a descriptive account of the district, administrative statistics, census tables and village and town directory including Primary Census Abstract. This pattern was changed in 1971 Census and the DCHB was published in three parts: Part-A related to village and town directory, Part-B to village and town PCA and Part-C comprised analytical report, administrative statistics, district census tables and certain analytical tables based on PCA and amenity data in respect of villages. The 1981 census DCHB was published in two parts: Part-A contained village and town directory and Part-B the PCA of village and town including the SCs and STs PCA up to tahsil/town levels. New features along with restructuring of the formats of village and town directory were added into it. In Village Directory, all amenities except electricity were brought together and if any amenity was not available in the referent village, the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place having such an amenity, was given. The pattern of 1981 census was followed by and large for the DCHB of 1991 Census except the format of PCA. It was restructured. Nine-fold industrial classification of main workers was given against the four-fold industrial classification presented in the 1981 census. In addition, sex wise population in 0-6 age group was included in the PCA for the first time with a view to enable the data users to compile more realistic literacy rate as all children below 7 years of age had been treated as illiterate at the time of 1991 census. One of the important innovations in the 1991 census was the Community Development Block 8 (CD Block) level presentation of village directory and PCA data instead of the traditional tahsil/taluk/PS level presentation. As regards DCHB of 2001 Census, the scope of Village Directory was improved by including some other amenities like banking, recreational and cultural facilities, newspapers & magazines and ‘most important commodity’ manufactured in a village in addition to prescribed facilities of earlier censuses. In Town Directory, the statement on Slums was modified and its coverage was enlarged by including details on all slums instead of ‘notified slums’. The scope and coverage of Village Directory of 2011 DCHB has been widened by including a number of new amenities in addition to those of 2001. In the Town Directory, seven Statements containing the details and the data of each town have been presented viz.; (i)-Status and Growth History of towns,(ii)- Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, (iii)-Civic and other Amenities, (iv)-Medical Facilities, (v)Educational, Recreational & Cultural Facilities, (vi)- Industry & Banking, and (vii)- Civic & other amenities in Slums respectively. CD Block wise data of Village Directory and Village PCA have been presented in DCHB of 2011 census as presented in earlier census. The data of DCHB 2011 Census have been presented in two parts, Part-A contains Village and Town Directory and Part-B contains Village and Town wise Primary Census Abstract. Both the Parts have been published in separate volumes in 2011 Census. 9 BRIEF HISTORY OF THE DISTRICT The history of Bhilwara District which came out from ruins & old records proves that it is very old. The antiquity of the region can be traced back to the hoary past. The excavations at Bagor have revealed the existence of a stone age culture spread over two phases- the earlier datable to 5000 BC-2800 BC ,and the latter belonging to iron age. It is one of the richest lithic sites of India. The district is also studded with mounds of the proto-historic affiliations located on the old river beds of Kothari, Khari etc. amongst than the notable once being cites of Agoocha (Hurda Tehsil), Ojayana (Asind Tehsil) and Hurda itself. The inscribed sacrificial post (Yupa Stambha) from Nandsa (Raipur Tehsil) refereeing to the performance of Sasthiratra sacrifice eloquently proves the revival of Vadik ritis during the 3rd century AD. Old inscriptions from the region tell the story of its glorious past. The rock of Bijoliya is inscribed with an important epigraph of the Gupt period (4th-5th century AD). The district is extremely rich in old temples ranging in time from the 9th to 12th Century AD. The mediaeval temples at Bijoliya, Tilaswan, Dhor, Menal & Mandalgarh etc are example to exquisite Art and architecture. The multi-storied pound of Bhinay near Kachola is one of its kind. It is not on the record as how the name of Bhilwara was ascribed to the now forms the district Bhilwara. Tradition has it that it came to be known as Bhilwara because it was mostly inhabited by Bhils in old days. These Bhils were eventually driven away towards the hilly tracts and interior places of less importance by the ancestors of the peasant settlers. Ironically enough, now very few Bhils live in this area. Another version recounts that the present Bhilwara city had a mint where coins known as 'BHILADI' were minted and from this denomination was derived the name of the district. This mint was closed in the year 1870. In ancient times Bhilwara district was a part of Guhil & Chauhan Rajput kingdom. After merger of Mewar State & Shahpura Thikana into Rajasthan Bhilwara district was constituted with Banera & Badnor chief ship of Mewar State and merger of Mandalgarh & Shahpura Thikana the district came into existence in 1949. Mandalgarh, Mandal, Pur & Sanganer places of the district were used as defence Chowkis during the time of Mughal attacks. Over the years it has emerged out as the TEXTILE CITY of Rajasthan. Now days, Bhilwara is better known as the textile city in the country. 10 ADMINISTRATIVE SETUP Bhilwara district is one of the four districts, those comes under Ajmer division. District Collector is head of the district for revenue, Law and order matters. District Collector & District Magistrate is the head of District Administration. For administration and development, the district is divided in SubDivisions and tehsils (sub-districts). The District Bhilwara has 12 sub-divisions. Each of the sub-divisions is headed by a Sub-divisional Officer (SDOs) / Magistrates, the officers are responsible for implementation of law and order matters in their respective sub-divisions. There are 12 Tehsil headquarters in Bhilwara district and each one has a Tehsildar as an administrative officer who works in accordance with the Land Record System to serve for the rural farmers and land holders and is responsible for maintaining the revenue matters in their respective tehsils. For the purpose of the implementation of rural development projects/ Schemes under Panchayati Raj System, the district is divided in the 11 Panchayat Samitis (Blocks). Block Development Officer or Vikas Adhikari is the Controlling Officer of each of the Panchayat Samiti to serve as extension and developmental executive at block level. The compositions of Panchayat Samities are as follows: Sl. No. Name of Panchayat samiti No. of Tehsil(s) No. of Villages Gram (No. of Villages) Panchayat Census Towns 1 1 2 Asind 3 45 4 212 6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Hurda Shahpura Banera Mandal Raipur Sahara Suwana kotri Mandalgarh 19 37 26 45 22 27 32 30 51 82 166 92 212 92 107 144 179 312 11 5 Asind (209), Mandal (3) Hurda (82) Shahpura (166) Banera (92) Mandal (212) Raipur (92) Sahara (107) Bhilwara (144) Kotri (179) Kotri (1), Jahazpur (1), Mandalgarh (188), Beejoliya (122) Jahazpur (236) Hameer Garh (CT) Beejoliya Kalan (CT) Jahazpur 37 236 Total 371 1834 2 Census Towns There are 7 statutory towns viz. Asind (M), Bhilwara (M CL), Gangapur (M), Gulabpura (M), Jahazpur (M), Mandalgarh (M) and Shahpura (M) in the Bhilwara district. 11 DISTRICT HIGHLIGHTS- 2011 CENSUS Bhilwara district ranks 10th in terms of population, 12th in terms of area and 16th in terms of population density. Bhilwara district has twelve tehsils, in which Jahazpur tehsil has the highest number of villages (237) whereas Hurda tehsil has lowest number of villages (82). Bhilwara district has 1834 villages, out of them 1790 villages are inhabited and 44 villages are uninhabited. In Bhilwara district 84 new villages and 1 new census town have created as compared to 2001 Census. In Bhilwara district, Mandal (Tehsil: Mandal) is the most populous (17,361 persons) village; and Golam Garh (Tehsil: Beejoliya) is the least populous (01 person) village. Bhilwara district consists 78.7 percent rural and 21.3 percent urban population whereas the State percent of rural and urban population is 75.1 and 24.9 respectively. The sex ratio of Bhilwara district (973) is significantly higher than the State sex ratio (928). The literacy rate in Bhilwara district is 61.4 percent which is lower than the State Average (66.1 percent) and it ranks 26th among the other districts of the state. Gender Gap of the literacy rate is 28.1 percent in the district. The Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe population in Bhilwara district is 16.9 percent and 9.5 percent respectively whereas the State percent of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe population is 17.8 and 13.5 respectively. The economy of Bhilwara district is mainly dependent on agriculture as 62.6 percent workers in the district are either cultivators or agricultural labourers. However the district percent of such workers is higher than the state average of 62.1 percent. Work participation rate (WPR) of Bhilwara district has recorded 47.7 percent and gender gap in WPR is 15.4 percent points. In Bhilwara district among the workers the percentage of cultivators, agricultural labourers, workers in household industry and other workers (category of workers) are 48.4, 14.2, 2.6 and 34.8 percent respectively. 13 Important Statistics State Number of Villages Total Inhabited Uninhabited Number of Towns Statutory Census Total Number of Households Population District 44,672 43,264 1,408 1,834 1,790 44 185 112 297 7 2 9 Normal Institutional Houseless 1,26,51,423 22,382 37,341 4,95,904 697 1,524 Total Persons Males Females 6,85,48,437 3,55,50,997 3,29,97,440 24,08,523 12,20,736 11,87,787 Rural Persons Males Females 5,15,00,352 2,66,41,747 2,48,58,605 18,95,869 9,55,378 9,40,491 Urban Persons Males Females 1,70,48,085 89,09,250 81,38,835 5,12,654 2,65,358 2,47,296 Percentage Urban Population 24.87 Decadal Population Growth 2001-2011 Number Persons Number Percentage 21.31 3,87,554 19.18 Males 61,30,986 20.84 1,90,499 18.49 Females 59,10,263 21.82 1,97,055 19.89 Density of Population (Persons per sq Km.) Sex Ratio Percentage 1,20,41,249 Area (in sq Km.) (Number of females per 1000 males) 21.28 Total Rural Urban 342239 10455.00 200 230 928 933 914 14 973 984 932 Important Statistics Number State Percentage District Number Percentage Literates Persons Males Females 3,82,75,282 2,36,88,412 1,45,86,870 66.11 79.19 52.12 12,56,126 7,77,582 4,78,544 61.37 75.27 47.21 Scheduled Castes Persons Males Females 1,22,21,593 63,55,564 17.83 17.88 4,07,947 2,06,332 16.94 16.90 58,66,029 17.78 2,01,615 16.97 Persons Males Females 92,38,534 47,42,943 44,95,591 13.48 13.34 13.62 2,29,273 1,17,026 1,12,247 9.52 9.59 9.45 Persons Males Females 2,98,86,255 1,82,97,076 43.6 51.47 11,48,165 6,74,589 47.67 55.26 1,15,89,179 35.12 4,73,576 39.87 Persons Males Females 2,10,57,968 1,52,43,537 30.72 42.88 8,83,329 5,81,039 36.68 47.60 58,14,431 17.62 3,02,290 25.45 Persons Males Females 88,28,287 30,53,539 12.88 8.59 2,64,836 93,550 11.00 7.66 57,74,748 17.5 1,71,286 14.42 Persons Males Females 3,86,62,182 1,72,53,921 2,14,08,261 56.4 48.53 64.88 12,60,358 5,46,147 7,14,211 52.33 44.74 60.13 Persons Males Females 1,36,18,870 75,18,486 45.57 41.09 5,55,168 2,89,259 48.35 42.88 61,00,384 52.64 2,65,909 56.15 (ii)Agricultural Labourers Persons Males Females 49,39,664 21,32,669 28,06,995 16.53 11.66 24.22 1,63,052 61,355 1,01,697 14.20 9.10 21.47 (iii)Workers in household industry Persons Males Females 7,20,573 4,35,561 2,85,012 2.41 2.38 2.46 30,149 18,949 11,200 2.63 2.81 2.36 (iv) Other Workers Persons Males Females 1,06,07,148 82,10,360 23,96,788 35.49 44.87 20.68 3,99,796 3,05,026 94,770 34.82 45.22 20.01 Scheduled Tribes Workers and Non-Workers Total Workers (Main and Marginal) (i) Main Workers (ii) Marginal Workers Non-Workers Category of Workers (Main & Marginal) (i) Cultivators 15 Section - I Primary Census Abstract (PCA) Brief Note on Primary Census Abstract Introduction: The Indian Census has the reputation of being one of the best in the world. The first Census in India was conducted in the year 1872. This was conducted at different points of time in different parts of the country. In 1881 a Census was taken for the entire country simultaneously. Since then, Census has been conducted every ten years, without a break. Thus, the Census of India 2011 was the fifteenth in this unbroken series since 1872, the seventh after independence and the second census of the third millennium and twenty first century. The census has been uninterruptedly continued despite of several adversities like wars, epidemics, natural calamities, political unrest, etc. The Census of India is conducted under the provisions of the Census Act 1948 and the Census Rules, 1990. In Censuses until 1931, a synchronous defacto method was adopted wherein the Census was conducted throughout the country on a single night. This being a very costly affair and involved the deployment of very large force at one point of time was given up in 1941. Since then the same methodology has been followed in all the Censuses. It is a gigantic operation and considered to be the single largest, complex, peace time administrative exercise in the world. The Census Operation in India is carried out in two distinct but inter connected phases - the House listing and Housing Census followed by the Population Enumeration. During the first phase of Census 2011 i.e., House listing and Housing Census, the buildings, census houses and households were identified and systematically listed in the House Listing and Housing Census Schedule during the period April to September, 2010 in different States/Union Territories. Apart from listing of houses, some useful data on the amenities available to the households was also collected for assessing condition of human settlements, housing deficits etc. Censuses prior to Census 2001 had the system of collecting the information through Individual Slip which was a key schedule for every individual. The information collected through slip was then compiled for a household. Some information was also collected in addition to this for the household. During 2001 Census a comprehensive Household Schedule was adopted replacing the individual slip concept. In 2011 Census also similar household schedule was used for canvassing. The scope of demographic, socioeconomic parameters has been widened in every census. 2. Population Enumeration - Census 2011: The field work of the second phase i.e. Population Enumeration was carried out during February-March, 2011. One of the essential features of Population Enumeration in the second phase was that each person was enumerated and her/his individual particulars were collected at a well-defined point of time. 18 The Census moment and the reference date for the Census of India 2011 was 00:00 hours of 1st March, 2011. The enumeration was conducted from 9th February to 28th February, 2011 along with a revisional round from 1st March, 2011 to 5th March, 2011 synchronously all over the country except for few specific areas of the Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand states that remain snowbound in February. In these locations the population enumeration was done from 11th September, 2010 to 30th September, 2010 along with a revisional round from 1st October, 2010 to 5th October, 2010. The reference date for the census in snow bound non-synchronous areas of these states was 00.00 hours of the first day of October, 2010. In addition to the coverage during House listing & Housing Census, the enumeration of the Houseless population was carried out on the night of 28th February, 2011, as has been the usual practice. For the purpose of Census, certain areas where the access of the civilian enumerators was not permissible due to security reasons termed as ‘Special Charges’ such as the Defence and strictly Military/ParaMilitary areas, including operational areas were also covered. Such areas were not covered during the House listing & Housing Census. In addition to the defence/para-military areas, Special Charges also included certain factory areas, certain colonies, sensitive areas, scientific establishments, etc. These also formed Special Charges as these were not accessible by the usual census enumerator. 3. Quality Assurance: A Task Force for Quality Assurance (TFQA) functioned under the chairmanship of the RG & CCI. Experienced officers of the different divisions of the organization i.e. Heads and senior officers of the Census Division, Data Processing Division, Map Division, Demography Division and Social Studies Division comprised the TFQA. The Directors of Census Operations were co-opted as members whenever the TFQA discussed the data for their States/Union territories. The main objective of constituting the TFQA was to subject the data to stringent validation checks and ensure its quality before release as it was expedient to be satisfied itself about the quality of data before putting the same in public domain. The Directors and their senior officers were involved at all levels with respect to the quality and the coverage of their states/Uts. The TFQA intensively scrutinized coverage and content parameters including edit and imputation logic. The most important aspect of the data quality was to ensure complete coverage of all geographical areas especially for the population enumeration phase where the data is disseminated right up to the village level in the rural areas and the ward level in the urban areas. Thus ensuring the complete coverage and correct geographical linkage of each enumeration block was one of the major planks of the quality control, especially for small area population statistics. The content was scrutinized mainly through the process of internal consistency, comparison with similar data in the past and also through validation with likewise data if available, from external sources. Quite often the local knowledge and perception was looked at to understand both the existing and the new emerging trends of 19 population distribution and characteristics. A very comprehensive check and edit mechanism was put in place to objectively examine the preliminary Census 2011 Population Enumeration results and finally clear them for use. The population data was cleared only after the full possible satisfaction of the TFQA. The entire work relating to the data validation and scrutiny was completed by all the States/Union territories under the overall supervision and monitoring of the Census Division of the Office of the Registrar General, India with active cooperation and support of the Social Studies Division, Data Processing Division, Data Dissemination Division and Map Division. 4. Primary Census Abstract: The Primary Census Abstract which is important publication of 2011 Census gives basic information on Area, Total Number of Households, Total Population, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes Population, Population in the age group 0-6, Literates, Main Workers and Marginal Workers classified by the four broad industrial categories, namely, (i) Cultivators, (ii) Agricultural Labourers, (iii) Household Industry Workers, and (iv) Other Workers and also Non-Workers. The characteristics of the Total Population include Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Institutional and Houseless Population and are presented by sex and rural-urban residence. In 1981 census main workers were presented into four categories. As regards 1991 Census, the nine-fold industrial classification of main workers has been given in the Primary Census Abstract. One of the important features of the Primary Census Abstract of 1991 Census was the presentation of population of the age group 0-6 which is continued in 2001 and 2011 Census. All the children of age 6 years or less have been treated as illiterate even if the child is going to a school and may have picked up reading and writing. This will help the data users in better analysis and understanding of the literacy data as the literacy rate is calculated with 7 years and above population and it is referred as effective literacy rate. In 2001 and 2011 census four categories of main workers have been given in the Primary Census Abstract. 5. Level of Presentation of PCA data in District Census Handbooks: The format of Primary Census Abstract (PCA) adopted in the DCHB of 2001 Census has been continued for 2011 Census as the data on four categories of works have been presented similar to 2001 census. The Primary Census Abstract data in different PCAs are presented at different levels. The level of presentation of Primary Census Abstracts in DCHB is as under: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. District Primary Census Abstract -District/C.D. Block/Town. Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes- District/C.D. Block/Town. Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes -District/C.D. Block/Town. Village Primary Census Abstract -C.D. Block/Village wise. Urban Primary Census Abstract- Town/Ward level. 20 The PCA Data for villages was presented C.D. Block wise for the first time in 1991 Census. This practice is continued in 2001 and 2011 Census. The term ‘Total Population’ includes the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, the Institutional and the Houseless populations. An appendix to District Primary Census Abstract has also been furnished showing urban enumeration block-wise particulars on Total Population, the Scheduled Castes Population and the Scheduled Tribes Population for each town. 6. Area Figures: The area figures supplied by local revenue authorities of the district in respect of tahsils, Police Stations and by the local bodies in respect of towns are given in square kilometers. The area figures of the villages supplied by the Tahsildars in acres have been converted and shown in hectares. The area figures of the C.D. Block are the total of the village areas coming under each C.D. Block. The area figures for the district are the same as adopted by the Surveyor General of India to maintain uniformity at the national level. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 21 District Primary Census Abstract DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA DISTRICT PRIMARY Location code number 1 District/ CD Block/ Town 2 122 Bhilwara - District 0173 Asind 0174 Hurda 0175 Shahpura 0176 Banera 0177 Mandal 0178 Raipur 0179 Sahara 0180 Suwana 095665 0181 Hameer Garh (CT) Kotri 0182 Mandalgarh 096393 0183 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) Jahazpur 800588 800589 800590 800591 800592 095665 800593 800594 096393 URBAN Asind (M) Gulabpura (M) Shahpura (M) Gangapur (M) Bhilwara (M Cl) Hameer Garh (CT) Jahazpur (M) Mandalgarh (M) Beejoliya Kalan (CT) Total/ Area in Rural/ Square Urban Kilometre 3 4 Number of households 5 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 6 7 8 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 9 10 11 Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban 10,455.00 10,143.82 311.18 1,123.96 1,123.96 0.00 608.41 608.41 0.00 1,128.92 1,128.92 0.00 667.96 667.96 0.00 1,213.57 1,213.57 0.00 519.51 519.51 0.00 635.83 635.83 0.00 855.05 837.49 17.56 17.56 926.45 926.45 0.00 1,531.84 1,518.24 13.60 13.60 1,038.89 1,038.89 0.00 4,98,125 3,94,065 1,04,060 50,362 50,362 21,896 21,896 36,034 36,034 24,970 24,970 48,743 48,743 19,936 19,936 24,244 24,244 40,968 38,462 2,506 2,506 35,747 35,747 53,982 51,052 2,930 2,930 42,619 42,619 - 24,08,523 18,95,869 5,12,654 2,39,760 2,39,760 1,11,428 1,11,428 1,76,700 1,76,700 1,23,714 1,23,714 2,33,399 2,33,399 97,869 97,869 1,16,309 1,16,309 1,98,278 1,86,600 11,678 11,678 1,74,011 1,74,011 2,53,347 2,39,207 14,140 14,140 1,96,872 1,96,872 - 12,20,736 9,55,378 2,65,358 1,19,860 1,19,860 56,836 56,836 89,868 89,868 62,298 62,298 1,14,634 1,14,634 48,256 48,256 57,267 57,267 1,00,251 94,360 5,891 5,891 88,526 88,526 1,29,338 1,22,123 7,215 7,215 1,01,350 1,01,350 - 11,87,787 9,40,491 2,47,296 1,19,900 1,19,900 54,592 54,592 86,832 86,832 61,416 61,416 1,18,765 1,18,765 49,613 49,613 59,042 59,042 98,027 92,240 5,787 5,787 85,485 85,485 1,24,009 1,17,084 6,925 6,925 95,522 95,522 - 3,61,683 2,94,132 67,551 39,785 39,785 17,286 17,286 27,570 27,570 19,484 19,484 37,882 37,882 14,844 14,844 17,290 17,290 29,070 27,440 1,630 1,630 27,037 27,037 39,057 37,223 1,834 1,834 28,291 28,291 - 1,87,617 1,52,140 35,477 20,676 20,676 9,020 9,020 14,160 14,160 10,073 10,073 19,562 19,562 7,582 7,582 8,930 8,930 15,092 14,266 826 826 13,906 13,906 20,132 19,189 943 943 14,776 14,776 - 1,74,066 1,41,992 32,074 19,109 19,109 8,266 8,266 13,410 13,410 9,411 9,411 18,320 18,320 7,262 7,262 8,360 8,360 13,978 13,174 804 804 13,131 13,131 18,925 18,034 891 891 13,515 13,515 - Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban 25.00 12.00 56.52 6.00 118.49 17.56 5.00 84.00 13.60 3,007 5,470 5,671 3,611 74,184 2,506 3,864 2,817 2,930 16,611 27,215 30,320 18,777 3,59,483 11,678 20,586 13,844 14,140 8,440 14,286 15,279 9,580 1,87,081 5,891 10,538 7,048 7,215 8,171 12,929 15,041 9,197 1,72,402 5,787 10,048 6,796 6,925 2,418 3,680 3,997 2,480 46,812 1,630 2,804 1,896 1,834 1,287 1,899 2,072 1,320 24,650 826 1,482 998 943 1,131 1,781 1,925 1,160 22,162 804 1,322 898 891 24 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 12 13 14 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 15 16 17 Persons 18 4,07,947 3,31,943 76,004 36,412 36,412 18,487 18,487 38,547 38,547 20,583 20,583 37,680 37,680 16,184 16,184 20,031 20,031 36,680 34,101 2,579 2,579 30,910 30,910 45,404 42,239 3,165 3,165 36,769 36,769 - 2,06,332 1,67,445 38,887 18,324 18,324 9,464 9,464 19,667 19,667 10,373 10,373 18,498 18,498 8,031 8,031 9,889 9,889 18,205 16,876 1,329 1,329 15,768 15,768 23,312 21,694 1,618 1,618 18,861 18,861 - 2,01,615 1,64,498 37,117 18,088 18,088 9,023 9,023 18,880 18,880 10,210 10,210 19,182 19,182 8,153 8,153 10,142 10,142 18,475 17,225 1,250 1,250 15,142 15,142 22,092 20,545 1,547 1,547 17,908 17,908 - 2,29,273 2,14,584 14,689 19,880 19,880 9,372 9,372 18,406 18,406 9,023 9,023 13,221 13,221 6,986 6,986 8,944 8,944 9,273 9,205 68 68 10,021 10,021 39,853 39,091 762 762 70,435 70,435 - 1,17,026 1,09,340 7,686 9,828 9,828 4,825 4,825 9,378 9,378 4,504 4,504 6,450 6,450 3,514 3,514 4,399 4,399 4,661 4,630 31 31 5,146 5,146 20,362 19,982 380 380 36,684 36,684 - 1,12,247 1,05,244 7,003 10,052 10,052 4,547 4,547 9,028 9,028 4,519 4,519 6,771 6,771 3,472 3,472 4,545 4,545 4,612 4,575 37 37 4,875 4,875 19,491 19,109 382 382 33,751 33,751 - 12,56,126 8,96,937 3,59,189 1,12,521 1,12,521 59,114 59,114 78,198 78,198 59,492 59,492 1,05,168 1,05,168 44,579 44,579 56,519 56,519 1,04,025 96,217 7,808 7,808 76,464 76,464 1,19,408 1,09,686 9,722 9,722 98,979 98,979 - 3,602 3,134 5,850 4,523 47,692 2,579 2,840 2,619 3,165 1,864 1,621 2,926 2,279 24,510 1,329 1,406 1,334 1,618 1,738 1,513 2,924 2,244 23,182 1,250 1,434 1,285 1,547 1,616 439 808 453 4,488 68 5,653 402 762 808 236 423 229 2,393 31 2,968 218 380 808 203 385 224 2,095 37 2,685 184 382 10,161 19,295 20,489 12,481 2,57,030 7,808 13,442 8,761 9,722 25 Females 20 Total/ Rural/ Urban 3 7,77,582 5,72,895 2,04,687 71,605 71,605 37,454 37,454 51,360 51,360 37,814 37,814 66,066 66,066 28,233 28,233 35,245 35,245 64,519 59,997 4,522 4,522 49,908 49,908 76,497 70,970 5,527 5,527 64,243 64,243 - 4,78,544 3,24,042 1,54,502 40,916 40,916 21,660 21,660 26,838 26,838 21,678 21,678 39,102 39,102 16,346 16,346 21,274 21,274 39,506 36,220 3,286 3,286 26,556 26,556 42,911 38,716 4,195 4,195 34,736 34,736 - Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban 5,891 11,277 11,552 7,339 1,45,483 4,522 7,949 5,147 5,527 4,270 8,018 8,937 5,142 1,11,547 3,286 5,493 3,614 4,195 Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Literates Males 19 District/ CD Block/ Town 2 Bhilwara - District Asind Hurda Shahpura Banera Mandal Raipur Sahara Suwana Hameer Garh (CT) Kotri Mandalgarh Beejoliya Kalan (CT) Jahazpur URBAN Asind (M) Gulabpura (M) Shahpura (M) Gangapur (M) Bhilwara (M Cl) Hameer Garh (CT) Jahazpur (M) Mandalgarh (M) Beejoliya Kalan (CT) DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA DISTRICT PRIMARY Industrial category Total/ Location District/ CD Block/ Rural/ code Town Urban number 1 122 0173 0174 0175 0176 0177 0178 0179 0180 095665 0181 0182 096393 0183 800588 800589 800590 800591 800592 095665 800593 800594 096393 2 Bhilwara - District 3 Total Rural Urban Asind Total Rural Urban Hurda Total Rural Urban Shahpura Total Rural Urban Banera Total Rural Urban Mandal Total Rural Urban Raipur Total Rural Urban Sahara Total Rural Urban Suwana Total Rural Urban Hameer Garh (CT) Urban Kotri Total Rural Urban Mandalgarh Total Rural Urban Beejoliya Kalan (CT) Urban Jahazpur Total Rural Urban URBAN Asind (M) Urban Gulabpura (M) Urban Shahpura (M) Urban Gangapur (M) Urban Bhilwara (M Cl) Urban Hameer Garh (CT) Urban Jahazpur (M) Urban Mandalgarh (M) Urban Beejoliya Kalan (CT) Urban Persons 21 Total workers Males Females 22 23 Persons 24 Main workers Males Females 25 26 Persons 27 Cultivators Males Females 28 29 11,48,165 9,66,466 1,81,699 1,24,086 1,24,086 55,602 55,602 91,850 91,850 59,889 59,889 1,14,090 1,14,090 49,434 49,434 62,387 62,387 1,00,391 95,667 4,724 4,724 89,937 89,937 1,26,108 1,21,008 5,100 5,100 1,02,516 1,02,516 - 6,74,589 5,31,307 1,43,282 65,140 65,140 31,966 31,966 49,843 49,843 34,421 34,421 61,573 61,573 26,971 26,971 32,963 32,963 58,651 55,352 3,299 3,299 49,615 49,615 72,092 68,160 3,932 3,932 55,303 55,303 - 4,73,576 4,35,159 38,417 58,946 58,946 23,636 23,636 42,007 42,007 25,468 25,468 52,517 52,517 22,463 22,463 29,424 29,424 41,740 40,315 1,425 1,425 40,322 40,322 54,016 52,848 1,168 1,168 47,213 47,213 - 8,83,329 7,22,541 1,60,788 78,967 78,967 46,262 46,262 70,349 70,349 49,598 49,598 80,209 80,209 37,369 37,369 41,454 41,454 78,729 74,700 4,029 4,029 72,028 72,028 1,01,606 97,119 4,487 4,487 74,486 74,486 - 5,81,039 4,48,804 1,32,235 49,265 49,265 29,295 29,295 42,842 42,842 31,546 31,546 50,955 50,955 22,786 22,786 25,043 25,043 51,898 48,871 3,027 3,027 43,913 43,913 62,875 59,166 3,709 3,709 45,122 45,122 - 3,02,290 2,73,737 28,553 29,702 29,702 16,967 16,967 27,507 27,507 18,052 18,052 29,254 29,254 14,583 14,583 16,411 16,411 26,831 25,829 1,002 1,002 28,115 28,115 38,731 37,953 778 778 29,364 29,364 - 4,61,822 4,53,312 8,510 46,531 46,531 26,325 26,325 50,498 50,498 26,537 26,537 45,537 45,537 26,557 26,557 24,924 24,924 38,870 38,339 531 531 51,180 51,180 64,131 63,909 222 222 52,975 52,975 - 2,60,882 2,55,635 5,247 27,509 27,509 14,720 14,720 29,684 29,684 14,445 14,445 26,387 26,387 15,622 15,622 14,342 14,342 19,876 19,641 235 235 28,330 28,330 35,280 35,151 129 129 29,804 29,804 - 2,00,940 1,97,677 3,263 19,022 19,022 11,605 11,605 20,814 20,814 12,092 12,092 19,150 19,150 10,935 10,935 10,582 10,582 18,994 18,698 296 296 22,850 22,850 28,851 28,758 93 93 23,171 23,171 - 6,163 9,428 9,986 7,265 1,26,575 4,724 7,251 5,207 5,100 4,314 7,727 7,685 5,261 1,02,032 3,299 5,274 3,758 3,932 1,849 1,701 2,301 2,004 24,543 1,425 1,977 1,449 1,168 4,598 8,200 8,923 5,630 1,15,095 4,029 5,701 4,125 4,487 3,569 7,015 7,207 4,463 95,574 3,027 4,480 3,191 3,709 1,029 1,185 1,716 1,167 19,521 1,002 1,221 934 778 579 176 1,321 395 3,042 531 1,527 717 222 345 138 868 261 1,839 235 1,022 410 129 234 38 453 134 1,203 296 505 307 93 26 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT of main workers Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 30 31 32 Household industry workers Persons Males Females 33 34 35 Persons 36 Other workers Males 37 Females 38 Total/ Rural/ Urban 3 77,499 73,847 3,652 10,871 10,871 5,528 5,528 8,275 8,275 5,661 5,661 9,230 9,230 3,930 3,930 5,951 5,951 5,518 5,448 70 70 4,405 4,405 7,740 7,669 71 71 6,879 6,879 - 36,559 34,321 2,238 4,918 4,918 2,594 2,594 3,858 3,858 2,355 2,355 4,047 4,047 1,812 1,812 2,747 2,747 2,568 2,544 24 24 2,290 2,290 3,567 3,527 40 40 3,629 3,629 - 40,940 39,526 1,414 5,953 5,953 2,934 2,934 4,417 4,417 3,306 3,306 5,183 5,183 2,118 2,118 3,204 3,204 2,950 2,904 46 46 2,115 2,115 4,173 4,142 31 31 3,250 3,250 - 21,262 14,368 6,894 1,728 1,728 832 832 1,355 1,355 1,146 1,146 2,071 2,071 676 676 1,186 1,186 1,814 1,657 157 157 1,141 1,141 1,436 1,362 74 74 1,214 1,214 - 15,486 10,133 5,353 1,257 1,257 606 606 945 945 800 800 1,481 1,481 480 480 795 795 1,289 1,187 102 102 749 749 1,045 987 58 58 846 846 - 5,776 4,235 1,541 471 471 226 226 410 410 346 346 590 590 196 196 391 391 525 470 55 55 392 392 391 375 16 16 368 368 - 3,22,746 1,81,014 1,41,732 19,837 19,837 13,577 13,577 10,221 10,221 16,254 16,254 23,371 23,371 6,206 6,206 9,393 9,393 32,527 29,256 3,271 3,271 15,302 15,302 28,299 24,179 4,120 4,120 13,418 13,418 - 2,68,112 1,48,715 1,19,397 15,581 15,581 11,375 11,375 8,355 8,355 13,946 13,946 19,040 19,040 4,872 4,872 7,159 7,159 28,165 25,499 2,666 2,666 12,544 12,544 22,983 19,501 3,482 3,482 10,843 10,843 - 54,634 32,299 22,335 4,256 4,256 2,202 2,202 1,866 1,866 2,308 2,308 4,331 4,331 1,334 1,334 2,234 2,234 4,362 3,757 605 605 2,758 2,758 5,316 4,678 638 638 2,575 2,575 - Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban 341 202 472 201 1,734 70 314 247 71 232 95 305 96 1,074 24 228 144 40 109 107 167 105 660 46 86 103 31 397 391 563 523 4,515 157 95 179 74 321 301 446 416 3,533 102 67 109 58 76 90 117 107 982 55 28 70 16 3,281 7,431 6,567 4,511 1,05,804 3,271 3,765 2,982 4,120 2,671 6,481 5,588 3,690 89,128 2,666 3,163 2,528 3,482 610 950 979 821 16,676 605 602 454 638 Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban 27 District/ CD Block/ Town 2 Bhilwara - District Asind Hurda Shahpura Banera Mandal Raipur Sahara Suwana Hameer Garh (CT) Kotri Mandalgarh Beejoliya Kalan (CT) Jahazpur URBAN Asind (M) Gulabpura (M) Shahpura (M) Gangapur (M) Bhilwara (M Cl) Hameer Garh (CT) Jahazpur (M) Mandalgarh (M) Beejoliya Kalan (CT) DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA DISTRICT PRIMARY Industrial category Locatio n code number 1 District/ CD Block/ Town 2 122 Bhilwara - District 0173 Asind 0174 Hurda 0175 Shahpura 0176 Banera 0177 Mandal 0178 Raipur 0179 Sahara 0180 Suwana 095665 0181 Hameer Garh (CT) Kotri 0182 Mandalgarh 096393 0183 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) Jahazpur 800588 800589 800590 800591 800592 095665 800593 800594 096393 URBAN Asind (M) Gulabpura (M) Shahpura (M) Gangapur (M) Bhilwara (M Cl) Hameer Garh (CT) Jahazpur (M) Mandalgarh (M) Beejoliya Kalan (CT) Total/ Rural/ Urban 3 Marginal workers Persons Males Females 39 40 41 Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban 2,64,836 2,43,925 20,911 45,119 45,119 9,340 9,340 21,501 21,501 10,291 10,291 33,881 33,881 12,065 12,065 20,933 20,933 21,662 20,967 695 695 17,909 17,909 24,502 23,889 613 613 28,030 28,030 - 93,550 82,503 11,047 15,875 15,875 2,671 2,671 7,001 7,001 2,875 2,875 10,618 10,618 4,185 4,185 7,920 7,920 6,753 6,481 272 272 5,702 5,702 9,217 8,994 223 223 10,181 10,181 - 1,71,286 1,61,422 9,864 29,244 29,244 6,669 6,669 14,500 14,500 7,416 7,416 23,263 23,263 7,880 7,880 13,013 13,013 14,909 14,486 423 423 12,207 12,207 15,285 14,895 390 390 17,849 17,849 - 93,346 91,465 1,881 14,412 14,412 3,669 3,669 8,367 8,367 3,653 3,653 10,268 10,268 4,150 4,150 9,681 9,681 10,260 10,060 200 200 8,266 8,266 7,639 7,624 15 15 11,315 11,315 - 28,377 27,667 710 5,182 5,182 846 846 2,202 2,202 875 875 3,123 3,123 1,242 1,242 3,362 3,362 2,470 2,405 65 65 2,047 2,047 2,635 2,631 4 4 3,752 3,752 - 64,969 63,798 1,171 9,230 9,230 2,823 2,823 6,165 6,165 2,778 2,778 7,145 7,145 2,908 2,908 6,319 6,319 7,790 7,655 135 135 6,219 6,219 5,004 4,993 11 11 7,563 7,563 - 85,553 82,752 2,801 16,356 16,356 2,882 2,882 9,064 9,064 3,031 3,031 11,072 11,072 4,977 4,977 5,704 5,704 4,573 4,451 122 122 5,262 5,262 8,024 7,979 45 45 11,974 11,974 - 24,796 24,007 789 5,212 5,212 900 900 2,807 2,807 457 457 2,754 2,754 1,509 1,509 1,714 1,714 911 887 24 24 1,238 1,238 2,553 2,550 3 3 3,979 3,979 - 60,757 58,745 2,012 11,144 11,144 1,982 1,982 6,257 6,257 2,574 2,574 8,318 8,318 3,468 3,468 3,990 3,990 3,662 3,564 98 98 4,024 4,024 5,471 5,429 42 42 7,995 7,995 - Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban 1,565 1,228 1,063 1,635 11,480 695 1,550 1,082 613 745 712 478 798 6,458 272 794 567 223 820 516 585 837 5,022 423 756 515 390 179 46 142 370 709 200 97 123 15 93 18 56 169 225 65 45 35 4 86 28 86 201 484 135 52 88 11 415 198 160 279 616 122 732 234 45 93 40 63 40 177 24 242 107 3 322 158 97 239 439 98 490 127 42 28 Persons 42 Cultivators Males Females 43 44 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 45 46 47 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT of marginal workers Household industry workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 48 49 50 51 52 53 Persons 54 Non-workers Males 55 Females 56 Total/ Rural/ Urban 3 8,887 7,279 1,608 1,183 1,183 121 121 1,034 1,034 382 382 958 958 185 185 816 816 851 804 47 47 492 492 509 467 42 42 837 837 - 3,463 2,816 647 507 507 49 49 280 280 146 146 429 429 103 103 392 392 229 208 21 21 180 180 201 194 7 7 328 328 - 5,424 4,463 961 676 676 72 72 754 754 236 236 529 529 82 82 424 424 622 596 26 26 312 312 308 273 35 35 509 509 - 77,050 62,429 14,621 13,168 13,168 2,668 2,668 3,036 3,036 3,225 3,225 11,583 11,583 2,753 2,753 4,732 4,732 5,978 5,652 326 326 3,889 3,889 8,330 7,819 511 511 3,904 3,904 - 36,914 28,013 8,901 4,974 4,974 876 876 1,712 1,712 1,397 1,397 4,312 4,312 1,331 1,331 2,452 2,452 3,143 2,981 162 162 2,237 2,237 3,828 3,619 209 209 2,122 2,122 - 40,136 34,416 5,720 8,194 8,194 1,792 1,792 1,324 1,324 1,828 1,828 7,271 7,271 1,422 1,422 2,280 2,280 2,835 2,671 164 164 1,652 1,652 4,502 4,200 302 302 1,782 1,782 - 12,60,358 9,29,403 3,30,955 1,15,674 1,15,674 55,826 55,826 84,850 84,850 63,825 63,825 1,19,309 1,19,309 48,435 48,435 53,922 53,922 97,887 90,933 6,954 6,954 84,074 84,074 1,27,239 1,18,199 9,040 9,040 94,356 94,356 - 5,46,147 4,24,071 1,22,076 54,720 54,720 24,870 24,870 40,025 40,025 27,877 27,877 53,061 53,061 21,285 21,285 24,304 24,304 41,600 39,008 2,592 2,592 38,911 38,911 57,246 53,963 3,283 3,283 46,047 46,047 - 7,14,211 5,05,332 2,08,879 60,954 60,954 30,956 30,956 44,825 44,825 35,948 35,948 66,248 66,248 27,150 27,150 29,618 29,618 56,287 51,925 4,362 4,362 45,163 45,163 69,993 64,236 5,757 5,757 48,309 48,309 - Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Urban 123 120 241 156 734 47 47 98 42 70 43 44 76 342 21 16 28 7 53 77 197 80 392 26 31 70 35 848 864 520 830 9,421 326 674 627 511 489 611 315 513 5,714 162 491 397 209 359 253 205 317 3,707 164 183 230 302 10,448 17,787 20,334 11,512 2,32,908 6,954 13,335 8,637 9,040 4,126 6,559 7,594 4,319 85,049 2,592 5,264 3,290 3,283 6,322 11,228 12,740 7,193 1,47,859 4,362 8,071 5,347 5,757 Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban 29 District/ CD Block/ Town 2 Location code number 1 Bhilwara - District 122 Asind 0173 Hurda 0174 Shahpura 0175 Banera 0176 Mandal 0177 Raipur 0178 Sahara 0179 Suwana 0180 Hameer Garh (CT) Kotri 095665 0181 Mandalgarh 0182 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) Jahazpur 096393 0183 URBAN Asind (M) Gulabpura (M) Shahpura (M) Gangapur (M) Bhilwara (M Cl) Hameer Garh (CT) Jahazpur (M) Mandalgarh (M) Beejoliya Kalan (CT) 800588 800589 800590 800591 800592 095665 800593 800594 096393 Appendix to District Primary Census Abstract Total, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population - Urban Block wise APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Name of Town Code 1 Name of Ward 2 Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled EB Number Population Castes Population 3 4 6 5 Scheduled Tribes Population 7 800588 Asind (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.01 118 10 108 800588 Asind (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.02 383 - 117 800588 Asind (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 490 47 103 800588 Asind (M) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000300 380 4 - 800588 Asind (M) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000400 483 4 - 800588 Asind (M) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000500 497 42 - 800588 Asind (M) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000600 710 - - 800588 Asind (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-000700 703 87 - 800588 Asind (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-000800 420 - - 800588 Asind (M) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-000900 513 27 - 800588 Asind (M) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-001000 807 178 - 800588 Asind (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-0011 SUB-EB No.01 200 131 - 800588 Asind (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-0011 SUB-EB No.02 309 278 - 800588 Asind (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001200 534 489 - 800588 Asind (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-001300 562 430 1 800588 Asind (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-0014 SUB-EB No.01 766 409 36 800588 Asind (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-0014 SUB-EB No.02 87 - - 800588 Asind (M) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-001500 537 401 - 800588 Asind (M) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-001600 467 462 1 800588 Asind (M) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-001700 451 28 - 800588 Asind (M) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-001800 450 32 4 800588 Asind (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-001900 492 48 - 800588 Asind (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-002000 382 - - 800588 Asind (M) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-002100 470 20 - 800588 Asind (M) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-002200 469 11 3 800588 Asind (M) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-002300 565 61 - 800588 Asind (M) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-002400 596 14 - 800588 Asind (M) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002500 573 83 6 800588 Asind (M) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002600 648 31 4 800588 Asind (M) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-002700 670 122 10 800588 Asind (M) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-002800 497 153 - 800588 Asind (M) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-002900 645 - 498 800588 Asind (M) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-003000 737 - 725 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.01 644 15 14 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.02 536 37 20 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 325 10 24 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000300 396 152 17 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000400 744 53 - 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0005 SUB-EB No.01 431 236 5 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0005 SUB-EB No.02 558 4 - 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000600 676 26 7 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-0007 SUB-EB No.01 640 37 4 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-0007 SUB-EB No.02 591 188 - 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-000800 671 40 23 32 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Name of Town Code 1 Name of Ward 2 Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled EB Number Population Castes Population 3 4 6 5 Scheduled Tribes Population 7 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0009 SUB-EB No.01 545 69 - 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0009 SUB-EB No.02 512 77 19 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0010 SUB-EB No.01 439 55 7 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0010 SUB-EB No.02 460 34 3 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-001100 637 86 15 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001200 698 22 5 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-0013 SUB-EB No.01 402 - - 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-0013 SUB-EB No.02 463 - - 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-001400 345 17 - 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-001500 743 241 14 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-0016 SUB-EB No.01 577 22 19 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-0016 SUB-EB No.02 635 69 10 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-001700 470 103 23 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-001800 719 11 9 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-001900 322 159 4 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-002000 315 - - 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-002100 476 45 - 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-002200 662 214 1 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-002300 179 22 1 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-002400 708 16 2 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-002500 591 - - 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002600 610 10 11 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002700 230 - - 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-002800 667 77 9 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-002900 446 - - 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-0030 SUB-EB No.01 495 268 6 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-0030 SUB-EB No.02 440 43 - 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-003100 465 34 - 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-003200 610 30 3 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-003300 689 157 - 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-003400 494 11 - 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-0035 SUB-EB No.01 356 8 - 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-0035 SUB-EB No.02 455 3 1 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-003600 569 52 25 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-003700 563 14 - 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0038 SUB-EB No.01 609 61 - 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0038 SUB-EB No.02 517 4 - 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-003900 580 71 21 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-004000 690 81 93 800589 Gulabpura (M) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-004100 620 150 24 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.01 367 332 - 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.02 639 546 19 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 436 9 8 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000300 670 - - 33 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Name of Town Code 1 Name of Ward 2 Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled EB Number Population Castes Population 3 4 6 5 Scheduled Tribes Population 7 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000400 417 - 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000500 318 4 - 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000600 636 24 6 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-000700 544 61 - 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-000800 726 - - 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-000900 679 108 - 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-001000 177 - - 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001100 501 69 - 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001200 445 10 - 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-001300 480 130 33 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-001400 762 438 6 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-001500 951 264 51 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-001600 500 133 13 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-001700 368 89 - 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-001800 433 246 11 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-001900 539 67 43 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-002000 602 2 5 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-002100 279 14 35 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0022 SUB-EB No.01 498 37 7 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0022 SUB-EB No.02 438 31 1 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-002300 357 17 4 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-002400 521 27 9 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-0025 SUB-EB No.01 467 35 - 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-0025 SUB-EB No.02 509 494 - 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-002600 681 18 - 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002700 630 418 - 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002800 573 325 - 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-002900 694 134 - 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-003000 286 88 - 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-003100 455 146 - 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-003200 421 98 - 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-003300 263 51 - 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-003400 779 4 1 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-003500 575 - - 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-003600 501 7 2 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-003700 720 20 4 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-003800 299 - - 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-003900 495 - - 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-004000 521 41 - 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-004100 579 69 1 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-004200 256 - - 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-004300 232 - 4 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-004400 643 261 - 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-004500 847 42 1 34 - APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Name of Town Code 1 Name of Ward 2 Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled EB Number Population Castes Population 3 4 6 5 Scheduled Tribes Population 7 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-004600 754 110 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-004700 703 117 - 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-004800 591 93 13 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-004900 494 441 5 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-005000 826 60 197 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-005100 560 7 113 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-005200 632 23 96 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-005300 416 90 120 800590 Shahpura (M) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-005400 635 - - 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 677 176 - 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 419 15 - 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000300 418 226 - 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000400 516 99 - 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000500 883 86 66 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000600 675 141 17 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-000700 445 29 1 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-000800 292 - - 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-000900 409 35 - 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-001000 396 13 - 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001100 510 71 55 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-0012 SUB-EB No.01 699 292 - 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-0012 SUB-EB No.02 559 249 132 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-0013 SUB-EB No.01 418 30 - 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-0013 SUB-EB No.02 573 22 4 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-001400 252 51 - 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-001500 340 - - 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-001600 371 2 4 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-001700 216 18 - 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-001800 473 45 - 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-001900 456 53 4 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-002000 385 165 6 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-002100 257 - - 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-002200 443 10 - 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-002300 337 153 15 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-002400 347 156 20 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002500 397 91 12 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002600 580 159 39 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002700 618 116 - 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-002800 523 145 2 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-002900 343 96 - 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-003000 542 45 - 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-003100 282 - - 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-003200 267 34 - 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-003300 256 - - 35 - APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Name of Town Code 1 Name of Ward 2 Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled EB Number Population Castes Population 3 4 6 5 Scheduled Tribes Population 7 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-003400 242 217 - 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-003500 240 10 - 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-003600 300 7 - 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-003700 461 73 2 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-003800 755 367 67 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-003900 133 75 7 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-004000 866 802 - 800591 Gangapur (M) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-004100 206 149 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 707 188 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 475 125 1 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 478 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 270 9 6 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 761 61 11 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 389 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0007 SUB-EB No.01 591 - 2 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0007 SUB-EB No.02 591 12 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 691 47 7 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0009 SUB-EB No.01 305 64 1 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0009 SUB-EB No.02 647 120 3 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001000 568 106 155 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-001100 692 119 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-001200 495 6 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0013 SUB-EB No.01 769 141 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0013 SUB-EB No.02 327 69 11 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-001400 468 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-001500 423 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-001600 610 16 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-001700 321 132 16 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0018 SUB-EB No.01 538 59 47 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0018 SUB-EB No.02 476 32 16 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-001900 364 91 12 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-002000 756 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-002100 492 26 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-002200 689 5 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-002300 565 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-002400 323 40 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-002500 199 4 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-002600 459 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-002700 326 - 1 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-002800 680 79 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-002900 429 2 21 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-003000 424 4 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0031 SUB-EB No.01 676 5 1 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0031 SUB-EB No.02 359 152 9 36 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Name of Town Code 1 Name of Ward 2 Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled EB Number Population Castes Population 3 4 6 5 Scheduled Tribes Population 7 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-003200 229 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-003300 521 15 2 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-003400 537 332 2 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-003500 676 290 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0036 SUB-EB No.01 308 137 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0036 SUB-EB No.02 548 260 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-003700 572 66 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-003800 597 147 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-003900 728 82 40 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0040 SUB-EB No.01 836 76 60 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0040 SUB-EB No.02 632 56 9 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0041 SUB-EB No.01 490 89 101 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0041 SUB-EB No.02 358 27 7 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-004200 1332 24 14 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0043 SUB-EB No.01 563 94 7 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0043 SUB-EB No.02 625 95 19 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0044 SUB-EB No.01 762 207 16 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0044 SUB-EB No.02 716 122 25 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-004500 822 38 8 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-004600 801 43 22 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-004700 522 4 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0048 SUB-EB No.01 613 19 11 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0048 SUB-EB No.02 634 40 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-004900 693 12 15 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-005000 276 44 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-005100 722 38 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-005200 548 20 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-005300 619 28 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-0054 SUB-EB No.01 646 59 10 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-0054 SUB-EB No.02 555 44 4 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-005500 359 45 3 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-005600 739 45 17 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-005700 799 41 15 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-0058 SUB-EB No.01 516 11 4 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-0058 SUB-EB No.02 643 20 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-005900 447 21 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-006000 523 28 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-006100 431 221 34 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-006200 602 103 68 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-006300 811 54 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-006400 690 12 15 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-006500 355 21 11 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-006600 678 72 7 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-006700 488 71 2 37 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Name of Town Code 1 Name of Ward 2 Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled EB Number Population Castes Population 3 4 6 5 Scheduled Tribes Population 7 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-006800 415 70 4 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-006900 624 88 3 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-007000 678 61 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-007100 481 56 9 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-0072 SUB-EB No.01 499 44 4 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-0072 SUB-EB No.02 517 47 4 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-007300 906 248 34 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-007400 646 100 4 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-007500 540 5 1 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-007600 822 39 3 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-007700 330 18 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-007800 793 22 8 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-007900 559 37 2 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-0080 SUB-EB No.01 275 16 11 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-0080 SUB-EB No.02 673 28 8 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-008100 643 19 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-008200 662 13 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-008300 766 10 1 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-008400 829 24 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-008500 600 33 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-008600 491 14 4 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-008700 785 25 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-008800 662 32 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-008900 367 112 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-009000 489 86 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-009100 506 71 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-009200 557 136 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-009300 937 176 2 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-009400 717 225 20 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-009500 541 81 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-009600 473 109 2 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-009700 641 42 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-009800 203 13 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-009900 396 10 2 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-010000 659 187 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-010100 778 41 10 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0102 SUB-EB No.01 757 38 4 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0102 SUB-EB No.02 316 15 13 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-010300 761 49 8 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-010400 801 110 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-010500 675 140 2 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-010600 506 87 3 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-010700 710 86 6 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0108 SUB-EB No.01 313 15 14 38 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Name of Town Code 1 Name of Ward 2 Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled EB Number Population Castes Population 3 4 6 5 Scheduled Tribes Population 7 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0108 SUB-EB No.02 641 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-010900 663 112 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0110 SUB-EB No.01 496 22 11 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0110 SUB-EB No.02 480 67 3 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-011100 752 60 8 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-0112 SUB-EB No.01 604 24 1 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-0112 SUB-EB No.02 305 - 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-011300 451 14 4 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-011400 423 7 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-011500 559 49 8 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-0116 SUB-EB No.01 905 21 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-0116 SUB-EB No.02 692 61 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-0117 SUB-EB No.01 598 10 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-0117 SUB-EB No.02 338 18 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-011800 466 25 1 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-011900 818 8 3 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-012000 727 38 13 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-0121 SUB-EB No.01 644 48 6 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-0121 SUB-EB No.02 409 10 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-012200 330 8 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-012300 858 3 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-0124 SUB-EB No.01 379 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-0124 SUB-EB No.02 685 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-0125 SUB-EB No.01 384 13 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-0125 SUB-EB No.02 630 43 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-012600 735 50 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-012700 461 10 15 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-012800 471 10 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-012900 462 29 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-013000 790 449 13 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-013100 837 358 14 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-0132 SUB-EB No.01 727 3 3 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-0132 SUB-EB No.02 388 9 7 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-013300 621 38 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-013400 547 5 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-013500 683 - 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-013600 872 74 21 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-013700 740 92 37 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-0138 SUB-EB No.01 452 66 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-0138 SUB-EB No.02 485 17 2 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-013900 404 4 10 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-0140 SUB-EB No.01 434 18 77 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-0140 SUB-EB No.02 538 18 35 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-014100 524 19 5 39 - APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Name of Town Code 1 Name of Ward 2 Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled EB Number Population Castes Population 3 4 6 5 Scheduled Tribes Population 7 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-014200 480 16 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-014300 807 8 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-0144 SUB-EB No.01 448 25 23 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-0144 SUB-EB No.02 405 19 6 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-014500 732 33 22 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-014600 746 16 6 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-014700 739 24 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-014800 709 16 11 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-014900 380 - 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-015000 485 58 13 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-015100 1041 43 11 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-015200 528 31 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-015300 379 18 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-015400 546 7 11 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-015500 591 26 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-015600 762 57 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-015700 664 14 2 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-015800 811 154 28 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-0159 SUB-EB No.01 572 187 69 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-0159 SUB-EB No.02 658 258 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-016000 706 551 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-016100 413 397 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-016200 419 418 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-016300 699 619 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-016400 550 542 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-016500 524 501 7 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-0166 SUB-EB No.01 513 156 16 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-0166 SUB-EB No.02 501 393 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-0167 SUB-EB No.01 573 263 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-0167 SUB-EB No.02 335 175 2 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-016800 582 557 3 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-016900 697 30 45 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-017000 460 157 2 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-017100 578 119 23 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-017200 414 75 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-017300 528 9 13 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-0174 SUB-EB No.01 435 36 24 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-0174 SUB-EB No.02 511 138 24 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-017500 698 37 3 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-017600 710 224 6 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-017700 558 173 20 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-017800 329 41 14 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-017900 368 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-018000 810 285 51 40 5 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Name of Town Code 1 Name of Ward 2 Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled EB Number Population Castes Population 3 4 6 5 Scheduled Tribes Population 7 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-0181 SUB-EB No.01 512 6 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-0181 SUB-EB No.02 499 5 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-018200 657 32 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-018300 417 80 42 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-018400 537 29 73 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-018500 568 257 7 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-018600 1109 338 11 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-018700 199 10 8 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-018800 585 21 14 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-018900 727 17 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-0190 SUB-EB No.01 468 35 8 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-0190 SUB-EB No.02 512 2 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-019100 816 9 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-019200 515 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-019300 703 4 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-019400 413 15 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-019500 474 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-019600 738 11 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-019700 739 4 12 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-0198 SUB-EB No.01 448 7 1 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-0198 SUB-EB No.02 490 14 23 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-019900 422 5 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-020000 436 24 22 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-020100 387 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-020200 466 1 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-020300 439 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-020400 359 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0205 SUB-EB No.01 534 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0205 SUB-EB No.02 340 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-020600 342 - 1 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-020700 453 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-020800 433 - 4 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-020900 270 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-021000 423 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-021100 623 146 2 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-021200 434 21 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-021300 409 5 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-021400 388 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-021500 336 16 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-021600 435 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-021700 566 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0218 SUB-EB No.01 553 13 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0218 SUB-EB No.02 411 11 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-021900 544 187 - 41 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Name of Town Code 1 Name of Ward 2 Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled EB Number Population Castes Population 3 4 6 5 Scheduled Tribes Population 7 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-022000 379 13 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-022100 403 3 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-0222 SUB-EB No.01 428 15 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-0222 SUB-EB No.02 518 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-022300 368 - 1 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-022400 172 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-022500 371 1 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-022600 248 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-022700 370 - 1 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-022800 534 13 4 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-022900 76 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-023000 298 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-023100 245 16 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-023200 466 61 14 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-023300 122 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-023400 835 25 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-023500 191 1 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-023600 364 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-023700 688 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-023800 509 14 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-023900 316 11 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-024000 414 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-024100 80 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-024200 502 77 31 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-024300 609 11 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-024400 408 29 2 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-024500 497 18 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-024600 384 111 1 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-024700 277 9 1 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-024800 408 13 8 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-024900 697 57 2 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-025000 407 43 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-025100 312 15 4 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-025200 182 6 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-025300 109 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-025400 382 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-025500 72 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-025600 687 18 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-025700 587 22 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-025800 647 93 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-025900 740 139 11 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-026000 509 66 12 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-026100 143 3 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-026200 204 - - 42 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Name of Town Code 1 Name of Ward 2 Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled EB Number Population Castes Population 3 4 6 5 Scheduled Tribes Population 7 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-026300 512 108 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-026400 70 65 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-026500 611 22 14 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-0266 SUB-EB No.01 688 97 6 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-0266 SUB-EB No.02 290 4 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-026700 800 129 4 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-0268 SUB-EB No.01 375 26 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-0268 SUB-EB No.02 603 102 12 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-026900 434 10 3 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-027000 439 - 2 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-027100 518 38 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-027200 497 26 2 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-027300 394 18 2 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-0274 SUB-EB No.01 782 292 12 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-0274 SUB-EB No.02 611 117 10 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-027500 596 29 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-027600 255 4 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-027700 207 12 4 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-027800 303 29 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-027900 457 34 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-028000 446 65 4 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-0281 SUB-EB No.01 419 104 2 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-0281 SUB-EB No.02 488 85 44 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-0282 SUB-EB No.01 352 8 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-0282 SUB-EB No.02 625 9 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-028300 827 2 2 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-0284 SUB-EB No.01 771 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-0284 SUB-EB No.02 273 - 4 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-0285 SUB-EB No.01 645 29 24 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-0285 SUB-EB No.02 700 5 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-028600 646 46 6 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-028700 787 19 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-028800 617 56 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-028900 590 11 3 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-029000 760 - 6 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-029100 741 32 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-029200 721 - 6 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-029300 708 9 2 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-029400 531 7 10 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-029500 444 47 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-029600 582 3 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-029700 569 - 2 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-029800 462 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-0299 SUB-EB No.01 527 10 - 43 4 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Name of Town Code 1 Name of Ward 2 Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled EB Number Population Castes Population 3 4 6 5 Scheduled Tribes Population 7 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-0299 SUB-EB No.02 362 - 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-0300 SUB-EB No.01 530 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-0300 SUB-EB No.02 426 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-030100 631 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-030200 252 19 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-030300 487 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-030400 527 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-030500 599 13 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-030600 431 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-030700 285 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-030800 336 3 8 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-030900 405 5 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-031000 553 6 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-031100 513 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-031200 453 20 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-031300 501 66 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-031400 426 17 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-031500 272 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-031600 702 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-031700 713 3 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-0318 SUB-EB No.01 380 13 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-0318 SUB-EB No.02 520 18 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-031900 783 13 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-0320 SUB-EB No.01 815 11 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-0320 SUB-EB No.02 601 10 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-032100 688 27 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-0322 SUB-EB No.01 731 5 15 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-0322 SUB-EB No.02 478 27 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-032300 842 21 4 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-032400 598 11 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-032500 612 20 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-0326 SUB-EB No.01 775 89 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-0326 SUB-EB No.02 507 58 4 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-032700 565 12 6 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-032800 458 7 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-032900 572 26 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-033000 843 28 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-033100 412 4 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-033200 460 13 4 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-033300 640 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-033400 528 42 11 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-033500 579 295 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0336 SUB-EB No.01 729 18 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0336 SUB-EB No.02 328 4 - 44 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Name of Town Code 1 Name of Ward 2 Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled EB Number Population Castes Population 3 4 6 5 Scheduled Tribes Population 7 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0337 SUB-EB No.01 650 47 21 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0337 SUB-EB No.02 990 283 4 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0338 SUB-EB No.01 441 18 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0338 SUB-EB No.02 413 91 3 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-033900 672 4 4 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-034000 767 237 18 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0341 SUB-EB No.01 787 56 9 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0341 SUB-EB No.02 553 204 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0342 SUB-EB No.01 612 124 1 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0342 SUB-EB No.02 467 26 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-034300 684 114 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-034400 568 194 38 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0345 SUB-EB No.01 341 12 14 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0345 SUB-EB No.02 559 47 45 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-034600 872 82 11 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0347 SUB-EB No.01 713 100 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0347 SUB-EB No.02 655 5 7 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-034800 725 163 14 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0349 SUB-EB No.01 378 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0349 SUB-EB No.02 624 32 7 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-035000 456 138 22 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0351 SUB-EB No.01 449 4 4 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0351 SUB-EB No.02 520 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-035200 670 41 1 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-035300 625 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-0354 SUB-EB No.01 308 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-0354 SUB-EB No.02 557 182 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-035500 418 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-035600 561 51 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-035700 508 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-0358 SUB-EB No.01 424 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-0358 SUB-EB No.02 411 1 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-035900 804 29 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-036000 631 312 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-0361 SUB-EB No.01 620 245 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-0361 SUB-EB No.02 801 49 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-036200 375 236 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-036300 417 363 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-036400 717 334 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-036500 228 221 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-0366 SUB-EB No.01 342 87 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-0366 SUB-EB No.02 586 316 1 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-036700 570 162 2 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-036800 247 44 - 45 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Name of Town Code 1 Name of Ward 2 Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled EB Number Population Castes Population 3 4 6 5 Scheduled Tribes Population 7 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-036900 633 559 10 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-0370 SUB-EB No.01 638 566 1 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-0370 SUB-EB No.02 385 254 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-037100 625 537 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-037200 839 816 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-037300 673 422 1 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-037400 674 612 4 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-0375 SUB-EB No.01 430 289 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-0375 SUB-EB No.02 495 423 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-037600 84 14 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-037700 648 74 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-037800 859 350 15 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-037900 81 65 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-038000 481 330 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-038100 429 166 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-038200 336 56 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-0383 SUB-EB No.01 778 80 1 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-0383 SUB-EB No.02 573 156 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-0384 SUB-EB No.01 693 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-0384 SUB-EB No.02 513 8 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-038500 412 5 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-038600 726 23 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-038700 587 2 3 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-038800 782 3 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-0389 SUB-EB No.01 684 16 3 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-0389 SUB-EB No.02 392 20 4 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-0390 SUB-EB No.01 694 42 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-0390 SUB-EB No.02 875 5 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-039100 404 14 3 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-039200 847 36 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-039300 525 7 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-0394 SUB-EB No.01 800 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-0394 SUB-EB No.02 587 6 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-0395 SUB-EB No.01 533 8 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-0395 SUB-EB No.02 449 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-039600 429 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-039700 459 16 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-0398 SUB-EB No.01 658 9 16 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-0398 SUB-EB No.02 568 76 4 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-039900 352 25 4 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-040000 528 74 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-040100 644 73 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-040200 712 30 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-040300 694 16 - 46 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Name of Town Code 1 Name of Ward 2 Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled EB Number Population Castes Population 3 4 6 5 Scheduled Tribes Population 7 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-0404 SUB-EB No.01 356 6 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-0404 SUB-EB No.02 574 105 6 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-040500 751 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-0406 SUB-EB No.01 467 24 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-0406 SUB-EB No.02 661 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-0407 SUB-EB No.01 606 518 8 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-0407 SUB-EB No.02 544 522 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-0408 SUB-EB No.01 628 102 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-0408 SUB-EB No.02 606 14 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-040900 750 96 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-041000 747 134 4 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-0411 SUB-EB No.01 515 81 18 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-0411 SUB-EB No.02 520 140 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-041200 548 219 12 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-041300 447 254 11 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-041400 617 167 10 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-041500 699 115 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-041600 849 126 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-041700 583 163 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-041800 472 262 11 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-041900 824 190 12 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-042000 657 27 2 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-042100 797 19 2 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-042200 476 14 6 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-042300 457 49 199 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-042400 572 185 20 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-042500 812 324 28 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-042600 252 184 4 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-042700 294 32 24 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-042800 716 467 24 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-0429 SUB-EB No.01 565 272 22 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-0429 SUB-EB No.02 541 83 15 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-043000 763 165 27 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-043100 961 544 34 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-043200 705 206 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-043300 496 179 6 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-043400 433 90 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-043500 554 233 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-043600 700 19 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-043700 492 119 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-043800 529 13 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-043900 749 22 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-044000 611 86 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-044100 391 64 - 47 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Name of Town Code 1 Name of Ward 2 Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled EB Number Population Castes Population 3 4 6 5 Scheduled Tribes Population 7 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-044200 350 197 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-044300 662 118 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-044400 351 117 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-044500 248 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-044600 487 11 26 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-044700 735 22 13 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-0448 SUB-EB No.01 737 5 16 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-0448 SUB-EB No.02 419 10 17 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-044900 774 24 9 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-045000 548 43 10 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-045100 1050 64 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-045200 767 11 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-045300 695 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-045400 761 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-045500 779 132 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-045600 712 14 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-045700 898 11 17 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-045800 694 5 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-045900 592 3 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-046000 279 4 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-046100 462 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-046200 613 5 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-046300 510 13 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-046400 564 306 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-046500 834 47 13 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-046600 519 9 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-046700 464 5 6 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-046800 495 8 3 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-046900 350 16 4 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-0470 SUB-EB No.01 611 369 7 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-0470 SUB-EB No.02 464 292 1 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-047100 714 23 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-0472 SUB-EB No.01 474 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-0472 SUB-EB No.02 542 6 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-047300 595 31 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-047400 800 - 7 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-0475 SUB-EB No.01 751 115 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-0475 SUB-EB No.02 359 21 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-047600 517 5 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-047700 332 1 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-0478 SUB-EB No.01 584 37 9 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-0478 SUB-EB No.02 345 63 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-047900 296 20 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-048000 172 7 - 48 - APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Name of Town Code 1 Name of Ward 2 Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled EB Number Population Castes Population 3 4 6 5 Scheduled Tribes Population 7 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-048100 678 47 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-048200 728 84 4 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-048300 554 78 11 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-048400 299 81 18 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-0485 SUB-EB No.01 473 11 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-0485 SUB-EB No.02 379 67 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-0486 SUB-EB No.01 583 82 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-0486 SUB-EB No.02 425 137 3 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-048700 440 49 9 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-048800 581 21 14 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-0489 SUB-EB No.01 515 15 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-0489 SUB-EB No.02 396 78 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-0490 SUB-EB No.01 584 288 3 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-0490 SUB-EB No.02 443 212 6 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-049100 639 38 1 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-049200 723 100 13 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-0493 SUB-EB No.01 613 100 8 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-0493 SUB-EB No.02 362 97 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-049400 945 129 3 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-049500 1041 90 8 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0496 SUB-EB No.01 646 4 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0496 SUB-EB No.02 353 18 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-049700 369 17 4 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0498 SUB-EB No.01 559 36 31 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0498 SUB-EB No.02 371 16 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-049900 829 51 21 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0500 SUB-EB No.01 586 39 10 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0500 SUB-EB No.02 449 43 37 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0501 SUB-EB No.01 630 73 9 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0501 SUB-EB No.02 426 68 4 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0502 SUB-EB No.01 611 148 14 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0502 SUB-EB No.02 365 39 22 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-050300 831 81 33 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0504 SUB-EB No.01 304 - 6 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0504 SUB-EB No.02 533 102 22 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0505 SUB-EB No.01 798 201 27 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0505 SUB-EB No.02 300 138 14 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0506 SUB-EB No.01 717 116 7 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0506 SUB-EB No.02 312 132 34 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0507 SUB-EB No.01 439 168 50 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0507 SUB-EB No.02 740 121 2 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-900100 1018 181 141 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-050800 863 4 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-050900 587 100 - 49 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Name of Town Code 1 Name of Ward 2 Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled EB Number Population Castes Population 3 4 6 5 Scheduled Tribes Population 7 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-051000 674 58 48 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-0511 SUB-EB No.01 801 74 23 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-0511 SUB-EB No.02 559 53 1 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-0512 SUB-EB No.01 490 164 15 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-0512 SUB-EB No.02 636 143 1 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-0513 SUB-EB No.01 916 42 49 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-0513 SUB-EB No.02 625 19 21 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-051400 725 76 32 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-0515 SUB-EB No.01 804 98 61 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-0515 SUB-EB No.02 510 26 3 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-051600 804 159 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-051700 679 19 42 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-051800 762 21 6 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-0519 SUB-EB No.01 467 7 7 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-0519 SUB-EB No.02 520 10 6 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-0520 SUB-EB No.01 934 40 6 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-0520 SUB-EB No.02 568 83 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-052100 689 31 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-052200 667 17 4 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-052300 55 5 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-052400 18 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-052500 308 32 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-052600 650 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-052700 922 112 1 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-052800 710 6 18 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-0529 SUB-EB No.01 663 17 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-0529 SUB-EB No.02 457 77 18 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-0530 SUB-EB No.01 622 6 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-0530 SUB-EB No.02 485 - - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-053100 470 324 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-053200 278 28 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-053300 442 11 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-053400 435 24 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-053500 747 88 7 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0536 SUB-EB No.01 634 75 13 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0536 SUB-EB No.02 426 65 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-053700 795 57 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0538 SUB-EB No.01 497 178 5 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0538 SUB-EB No.02 407 129 - 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0539 SUB-EB No.01 611 174 7 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0539 SUB-EB No.02 382 60 6 800592 Bhilwara (M Cl) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0539 SUB-EB No.03 682 61 3 095665 Hameer Garh (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 831 95 23 095665 Hameer Garh (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 691 112 8 50 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Name of Town Code 1 Name of Ward 2 Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled EB Number Population Castes Population 3 4 6 5 Scheduled Tribes Population 7 095665 Hameer Garh (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 611 85 14 095665 Hameer Garh (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 406 117 2 095665 Hameer Garh (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0005 SUB-EB No.01 746 67 - 095665 Hameer Garh (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0005 SUB-EB No.02 584 37 - 095665 Hameer Garh (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 443 11 5 095665 Hameer Garh (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 566 - 6 095665 Hameer Garh (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 495 8 - 095665 Hameer Garh (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000900 567 260 - 095665 Hameer Garh (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001000 541 197 - 095665 Hameer Garh (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001100 694 218 - 095665 Hameer Garh (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001200 375 175 3 095665 Hameer Garh (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001300 477 259 - 095665 Hameer Garh (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001400 455 329 3 095665 Hameer Garh (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001500 444 - - 095665 Hameer Garh (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001600 825 329 - 095665 Hameer Garh (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001700 470 6 - 095665 Hameer Garh (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001800 422 64 - 095665 Hameer Garh (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001900 455 22 - 095665 Hameer Garh (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002000 580 188 4 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 470 6 - 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0002 SUB-EB No.01 413 13 162 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0002 SUB-EB No.02 296 - 296 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0003 SUB-EB No.01 626 7 389 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0003 SUB-EB No.02 541 131 36 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000400 835 227 176 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000500 693 194 67 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-000600 668 294 87 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-000700 507 - - 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-000800 368 45 - 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-000900 503 - 16 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001000 416 - 6 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-001100 464 4 11 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-001200 452 - - 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-001300 296 5 - 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-001400 669 247 3 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-001500 350 147 3 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-001600 505 20 1 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-001700 760 49 - 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-001800 293 88 - 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-001900 502 433 - 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-0020 SUB-EB No.01 434 178 - 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-0020 SUB-EB No.02 630 406 151 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002100 475 6 - 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002200 383 6 3 51 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Name of Town Code 1 Name of Ward 2 Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled EB Number Population Castes Population 3 4 6 5 Scheduled Tribes Population 7 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-0023 SUB-EB No.01 549 - - 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-0023 SUB-EB No.02 649 - - 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-002400 797 - - 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-0025 SUB-EB No.01 190 - 102 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-0025 SUB-EB No.02 170 37 10 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-0026 SUB-EB No.01 235 - 3 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-0026 SUB-EB No.02 668 - - 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-002700 563 133 197 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-0028 SUB-EB No.01 467 - 467 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-0028 SUB-EB No.02 408 - 408 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-0028 SUB-EB No.03 85 - 85 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-002900 477 - 469 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-003000 291 - 290 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0031 SUB-EB No.01 510 73 356 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0031 SUB-EB No.02 495 3 487 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-003200 728 1 725 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-003300 165 87 76 800593 Jahazpur (M) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-003400 590 - 571 800594 Mandalgarh (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 625 178 13 800594 Mandalgarh (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 701 84 44 800594 Mandalgarh (M) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000300 460 4 19 800594 Mandalgarh (M) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000400 576 52 8 800594 Mandalgarh (M) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-0005 SUB-EB No.01 444 26 - 800594 Mandalgarh (M) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-0005 SUB-EB No.02 207 197 - 800594 Mandalgarh (M) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000600 296 28 42 800594 Mandalgarh (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0007 SUB-EB No.01 511 52 37 800594 Mandalgarh (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0007 SUB-EB No.02 135 115 - 800594 Mandalgarh (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0008 SUB-EB No.01 154 120 - 800594 Mandalgarh (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0008 SUB-EB No.02 315 20 204 800594 Mandalgarh (M) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-000900 698 68 14 800594 Mandalgarh (M) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0010 SUB-EB No.01 454 232 - 800594 Mandalgarh (M) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0010 SUB-EB No.02 21 21 - 800594 Mandalgarh (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001100 544 185 - 800594 Mandalgarh (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001200 621 303 - 800594 Mandalgarh (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-001300 773 47 - 800594 Mandalgarh (M) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-001400 445 157 4 800594 Mandalgarh (M) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-001500 288 24 5 800594 Mandalgarh (M) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-001600 263 - 3 800594 Mandalgarh (M) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-001700 415 17 - 800594 Mandalgarh (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-001800 374 34 - 800594 Mandalgarh (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-001900 289 55 - 800594 Mandalgarh (M) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-002000 676 106 - 800594 Mandalgarh (M) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-002100 419 162 - 800594 Mandalgarh (M) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-002200 586 257 - 52 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Name of Town Code 1 Name of Ward 2 Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled EB Number Population Castes Population 3 4 6 5 Scheduled Tribes Population 7 800594 Mandalgarh (M) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002300 500 6 - 800594 Mandalgarh (M) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002400 438 6 - 800594 Mandalgarh (M) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-002500 453 - - 800594 Mandalgarh (M) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-002600 470 12 2 800594 Mandalgarh (M) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-002700 693 51 7 096393 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.01 684 359 37 096393 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.02 585 203 97 096393 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 522 208 36 096393 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 498 31 23 096393 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 600 8 58 096393 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 678 45 35 096393 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 287 57 6 096393 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 407 172 3 096393 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 537 133 20 096393 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000900 550 113 70 096393 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0010 SUB-EB No.01 463 201 - 096393 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0010 SUB-EB No.02 546 103 37 096393 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001100 618 93 41 096393 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001200 374 113 - 096393 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001300 196 32 - 096393 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001400 219 15 4 096393 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001500 491 19 19 096393 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001600 500 450 11 096393 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001700 662 153 209 096393 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001800 389 158 - 096393 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001900 448 87 - 096393 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002000 437 - - 096393 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002100 322 49 - 096393 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002200 386 - - 096393 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002300 373 2 1 096393 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002400 321 - - 096393 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002500 440 1 17 096393 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002600 413 4 - 096393 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002700 583 158 - 096393 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002800 611 198 38 53 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes (SC) DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Location code number 1 District/ CD Block/ Town 2 122 Bhilwara - District 0173 Asind 0174 Hurda 0175 Shahpura 0176 Banera 0177 Mandal 0178 Raipur 0179 Sahara 0180 Suwana 0181 Kotri 0182 Mandalgarh 0183 Jahazpur 800588 800589 800590 800591 800592 095665 800593 800594 096393 URBAN Asind (M) Gulabpura (M) Shahpura (M) Gangapur (M) Bhilwara (M Cl) Hameer Garh (CT) Jahazpur (M) Mandalgarh (M) Beejoliya Kalan (CT) Number of Total/ households Rural/ with SC as Urban head 3 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 85,806 70,666 15,140 7,671 7,671 3,768 3,768 7,989 7,989 4,311 4,311 8,146 8,146 3,413 3,413 4,396 4,396 7,681 7,102 579 6,666 6,666 10,075 9,410 665 7,794 7,794 - 4,07,947 3,31,943 76,004 36,412 36,412 18,487 18,487 38,547 38,547 20,583 20,583 37,680 37,680 16,184 16,184 20,031 20,031 36,680 34,101 2,579 30,910 30,910 45,404 42,239 3,165 36,769 36,769 - 2,06,332 1,67,445 38,887 18,324 18,324 9,464 9,464 19,667 19,667 10,373 10,373 18,498 18,498 8,031 8,031 9,889 9,889 18,205 16,876 1,329 15,768 15,768 23,312 21,694 1,618 18,861 18,861 - 2,01,615 1,64,498 37,117 18,088 18,088 9,023 9,023 18,880 18,880 10,210 10,210 19,182 19,182 8,153 8,153 10,142 10,142 18,475 17,225 1,250 15,142 15,142 22,092 20,545 1,547 17,908 17,908 - 64,872 53,830 11,042 6,223 6,223 2,991 2,991 6,273 6,273 3,288 3,288 6,362 6,362 2,720 2,720 3,188 3,188 5,637 5,288 349 5,028 5,028 7,144 6,689 455 5,780 5,780 - 33,319 27,551 5,768 3,218 3,218 1,522 1,522 3,193 3,193 1,697 1,697 3,295 3,295 1,400 1,400 1,614 1,614 2,882 2,692 190 2,533 2,533 3,660 3,427 233 2,960 2,960 - 31,553 26,279 5,274 3,005 3,005 1,469 1,469 3,080 3,080 1,591 1,591 3,067 3,067 1,320 1,320 1,574 1,574 2,755 2,596 159 2,495 2,495 3,484 3,262 222 2,820 2,820 - Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban 635 590 1,055 895 9,617 579 566 538 665 3,602 3,134 5,850 4,523 47,692 2,579 2,840 2,619 3,165 1,864 1,621 2,926 2,279 24,510 1,329 1,406 1,334 1,618 1,738 1,513 2,924 2,244 23,182 1,250 1,434 1,285 1,547 611 444 812 656 6,899 349 400 416 455 339 221 433 347 3,569 190 215 221 233 272 223 379 309 3,330 159 185 195 222 56 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT FOR SCHEDULED CASTES Persons 11 Literates Males 12 Females 13 Persons 14 Illiterates Males 15 Females 16 Total/ Rural/ District/ CD Block/ Total workers Town Persons Males Females Urban 17 18 19 3 2 1,87,837 1,42,832 45,005 16,663 16,663 9,015 9,015 15,238 15,238 9,324 9,324 15,896 15,896 6,848 6,848 9,011 9,011 17,679 16,156 1,523 11,116 11,116 19,629 17,669 1,960 15,896 15,896 - 1,21,315 93,886 27,429 10,791 10,791 5,969 5,969 10,404 10,404 6,118 6,118 10,212 10,212 4,446 4,446 5,745 5,745 10,944 9,987 957 7,720 7,720 13,021 11,840 1,181 10,654 10,654 - 66,522 48,946 17,576 5,872 5,872 3,046 3,046 4,834 4,834 3,206 3,206 5,684 5,684 2,402 2,402 3,266 3,266 6,735 6,169 566 3,396 3,396 6,608 5,829 779 5,242 5,242 - 2,20,110 1,89,111 30,999 19,749 19,749 9,472 9,472 23,309 23,309 11,259 11,259 21,784 21,784 9,336 9,336 11,020 11,020 19,001 17,945 1,056 19,794 19,794 25,775 24,570 1,205 20,873 20,873 - 85,017 73,559 11,458 7,533 7,533 3,495 3,495 9,263 9,263 4,255 4,255 8,286 8,286 3,585 3,585 4,144 4,144 7,261 6,889 372 8,048 8,048 10,291 9,854 437 8,207 8,207 - 1,35,093 1,15,552 19,541 12,216 12,216 5,977 5,977 14,046 14,046 7,004 7,004 13,498 13,498 5,751 5,751 6,876 6,876 11,740 11,056 684 11,746 11,746 15,484 14,716 768 12,666 12,666 - 1,98,429 1,70,120 28,309 18,537 18,537 8,626 8,626 20,299 20,299 10,283 10,283 18,712 18,712 7,953 7,953 10,674 10,674 18,516 17,422 1,094 16,576 16,576 22,933 21,699 1,234 19,339 19,339 - 1,11,978 91,929 20,049 9,613 9,613 5,114 5,114 10,877 10,877 5,663 5,663 9,623 9,623 4,275 4,275 5,580 5,580 10,341 9,646 695 8,933 8,933 13,082 12,185 897 10,420 10,420 - 86,451 78,191 8,260 8,924 8,924 3,512 3,512 9,422 9,422 4,620 4,620 9,089 9,089 3,678 3,678 5,094 5,094 8,175 7,776 399 7,643 7,643 9,851 9,514 337 8,919 8,919 - Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1,924 1,994 3,675 2,607 28,182 1,523 1,768 1,372 1,960 1,211 1,214 2,150 1,620 17,198 957 1,055 843 1,181 713 780 1,525 987 10,984 566 713 529 779 1,678 1,140 2,175 1,916 19,510 1,056 1,072 1,247 1,205 653 407 776 659 7,312 372 351 491 437 1,025 733 1,399 1,257 12,198 684 721 756 768 1,468 1,186 1,695 1,798 17,937 1,094 844 1,053 1,234 894 856 1,356 1,159 12,816 695 674 702 897 574 330 339 639 5,121 399 170 351 337 Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban 57 Bhilwara - District Asind Hurda Shahpura Banera Mandal Raipur Sahara Suwana Kotri Mandalgarh Jahazpur URBAN Asind (M) Gulabpura (M) Shahpura (M) Gangapur (M) Bhilwara (M Cl) Hameer Garh (CT) Jahazpur (M) Mandalgarh (M) Beejoliya Kalan (CT) DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Industrial category Location code number 1 District/ CD Block/ Town 2 122 Bhilwara - District 0173 Asind 0174 Hurda 0175 Shahpura 0176 Banera 0177 Mandal 0178 Raipur 0179 Sahara 0180 Suwana 0181 Kotri 0182 Mandalgarh 0183 Jahazpur 800588 800589 800590 800591 800592 095665 800593 800594 096393 URBAN Asind (M) Gulabpura (M) Shahpura (M) Gangapur (M) Bhilwara (M Cl) Hameer Garh (CT) Jahazpur (M) Mandalgarh (M) Beejoliya Kalan (CT) Total/ Rural/ Urban 3 Persons 20 Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1,48,894 1,24,719 24,175 11,283 11,283 7,147 7,147 15,288 15,288 8,365 8,365 12,592 12,592 5,620 5,620 6,851 6,851 14,280 13,384 896 13,172 13,172 18,150 17,131 1,019 13,886 13,886 - 94,365 76,249 18,116 7,063 7,063 4,712 4,712 9,153 9,153 5,186 5,186 7,714 7,714 3,509 3,509 4,016 4,016 9,091 8,457 634 7,738 7,738 11,238 10,408 830 8,293 8,293 - 54,529 48,470 6,059 4,220 4,220 2,435 2,435 6,135 6,135 3,179 3,179 4,878 4,878 2,111 2,111 2,835 2,835 5,189 4,927 262 5,434 5,434 6,912 6,723 189 5,593 5,593 - 74,797 73,419 1,378 5,655 5,655 3,514 3,514 11,115 11,115 4,224 4,224 6,356 6,356 3,530 3,530 3,574 3,574 6,207 6,070 137 9,550 9,550 10,630 10,552 78 9,279 9,279 - 41,761 41,011 750 3,305 3,305 2,016 2,016 6,450 6,450 2,286 2,286 3,667 3,667 2,158 2,158 1,954 1,954 2,978 2,917 61 5,188 5,188 5,905 5,862 43 5,208 5,208 - 33,036 32,408 628 2,350 2,350 1,498 1,498 4,665 4,665 1,938 1,938 2,689 2,689 1,372 1,372 1,620 1,620 3,229 3,153 76 4,362 4,362 4,725 4,690 35 4,071 4,071 - 19,876 18,817 1,059 2,216 2,216 1,200 1,200 2,065 2,065 1,403 1,403 2,329 2,329 1,031 1,031 1,571 1,571 1,628 1,590 38 1,248 1,248 2,210 2,194 16 1,970 1,970 - 9,551 8,897 654 1,052 1,052 615 615 1,042 1,042 581 581 944 944 516 516 763 763 734 720 14 618 618 1,025 1,016 9 1,030 1,030 - 10,325 9,920 405 1,164 1,164 585 585 1,023 1,023 822 822 1,385 1,385 515 515 808 808 894 870 24 630 630 1,185 1,178 7 940 940 - Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban 875 1,018 1,549 1,403 15,888 896 724 803 1,019 598 771 1,276 1,011 11,824 634 596 576 830 277 247 273 392 4,064 262 128 227 189 144 16 157 71 449 137 115 211 78 60 14 84 51 243 61 83 111 43 84 2 73 20 206 76 32 100 35 132 57 124 89 463 38 66 74 16 87 29 93 42 275 14 57 48 9 45 28 31 47 188 24 9 26 7 Main workers Males Females 21 22 58 Persons 23 Cultivators Agricultural labourers Males Females Persons Males Females 24 25 26 27 28 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT FOR SCHEDULED CASTES of main workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 29 30 31 Total/ Rural/ Marginal workers Persons Males Females Urban 35 36 37 3 Other workers Persons Males Females 32 33 34 2,978 1,724 1,254 204 204 75 75 215 215 105 105 174 174 54 54 125 125 196 190 6 183 183 233 210 23 189 189 - 1,981 1,135 846 135 135 57 57 133 133 70 70 124 124 37 37 80 80 120 116 4 117 117 162 141 21 125 125 - 997 589 408 69 69 18 18 82 82 35 35 50 50 17 17 45 45 76 74 2 66 66 71 69 2 64 64 - 51,243 30,759 20,484 3,208 3,208 2,358 2,358 1,893 1,893 2,633 2,633 3,733 3,733 1,005 1,005 1,581 1,581 6,249 5,534 715 2,191 2,191 5,077 4,175 902 2,448 2,448 - 41,072 25,206 15,866 2,571 2,571 2,024 2,024 1,528 1,528 2,249 2,249 2,979 2,979 798 798 1,219 1,219 5,259 4,704 555 1,815 1,815 4,146 3,389 757 1,930 1,930 - 10,171 5,553 4,618 637 637 334 334 365 365 384 384 754 754 207 207 362 362 990 830 160 376 376 931 786 145 518 518 - 49,535 45,401 4,134 7,254 7,254 1,479 1,479 5,011 5,011 1,918 1,918 6,120 6,120 2,333 2,333 3,823 3,823 4,236 4,038 198 3,404 3,404 4,783 4,568 215 5,453 5,453 - 17,613 15,680 1,933 2,550 2,550 402 402 1,724 1,724 477 477 1,909 1,909 766 766 1,564 1,564 1,250 1,189 61 1,195 1,195 1,844 1,777 67 2,127 2,127 - 31,922 29,721 2,201 4,704 4,704 1,077 1,077 3,287 3,287 1,441 1,441 4,211 4,211 1,567 1,567 2,259 2,259 2,986 2,849 137 2,209 2,209 2,939 2,791 148 3,326 3,326 - Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 65 78 148 177 695 6 22 40 23 51 40 117 124 449 4 15 25 21 14 38 31 53 246 2 7 15 2 534 867 1,120 1,066 14,281 715 521 478 902 400 688 982 794 10,857 555 441 392 757 134 179 138 272 3,424 160 80 86 145 593 168 146 395 2,049 198 120 250 215 296 85 80 148 992 61 78 126 67 297 83 66 247 1,057 137 42 124 148 Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban 59 District/ CD Block/ Town 2 Bhilwara - District Asind Hurda Shahpura Banera Mandal Raipur Sahara Suwana Kotri Mandalgarh Jahazpur URBAN Asind (M) Gulabpura (M) Shahpura (M) Gangapur (M) Bhilwara (M Cl) Hameer Garh (CT) Jahazpur (M) Mandalgarh (M) Beejoliya Kalan (CT) DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Industrial category of Location code number 1 District/ CD Block/ Town 2 122 Bhilwara - District 0173 Asind 0174 Hurda 0175 Shahpura 0176 Banera 0177 Mandal 0178 Raipur 0179 Sahara 0180 Suwana 0181 Kotri 0182 Mandalgarh 0183 Jahazpur 800588 800589 800590 800591 800592 095665 800593 800594 096393 URBAN Asind (M) Gulabpura (M) Shahpura (M) Gangapur (M) Bhilwara (M Cl) Hameer Garh (CT) Jahazpur (M) Mandalgarh (M) Beejoliya Kalan (CT) Total/ Rural/ Cultivators Urban Persons Males Females 3 38 39 40 Agricultural labourers Household industry workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 41 42 43 44 45 46 Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 13,922 13,598 324 1,994 1,994 465 465 1,417 1,417 668 668 1,348 1,348 622 622 1,613 1,613 1,574 1,493 81 1,409 1,409 1,102 1,095 7 1,474 1,474 - 4,285 4,191 94 691 691 76 76 363 363 149 149 410 410 182 182 686 686 341 323 18 412 412 382 380 2 519 519 - 9,637 9,407 230 1,303 1,303 389 389 1,054 1,054 519 519 938 938 440 440 927 927 1,233 1,170 63 997 997 720 715 5 955 955 - 19,034 18,502 532 2,866 2,866 582 582 2,759 2,759 639 639 2,375 2,375 1,076 1,076 1,119 1,119 1,219 1,188 31 1,246 1,246 1,789 1,770 19 2,882 2,882 - 5,708 5,545 163 897 897 181 181 921 921 75 75 580 580 277 277 356 356 268 260 8 327 327 623 623 1,048 1,048 - 13,326 12,957 369 1,969 1,969 401 401 1,838 1,838 564 564 1,795 1,795 799 799 763 763 951 928 23 919 919 1,166 1,147 19 1,834 1,834 - 1,365 1,121 244 158 158 24 24 153 153 47 47 91 91 31 31 113 113 147 133 14 48 48 111 106 5 217 217 - 497 399 98 55 55 8 8 44 44 25 25 39 39 13 13 53 53 25 20 5 19 19 47 44 3 79 79 - 868 722 146 103 103 16 16 109 109 22 22 52 52 18 18 60 60 122 113 9 29 29 64 62 2 138 138 - Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban 52 1 8 45 91 81 9 30 7 21 3 25 14 18 2 9 2 31 1 5 20 77 63 7 21 5 110 15 17 98 142 31 16 84 19 38 4 4 16 41 8 9 43 - 72 11 13 82 101 23 7 41 19 19 26 23 17 130 14 10 5 9 5 7 10 55 5 4 3 10 21 16 7 75 9 6 2 60 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT FOR SCHEDULED CASTES marginal workers Persons 47 Other workers Males 48 Females 49 Persons 50 Non-workers Males 51 Females 52 Total/ Rural/ Urban 3 15,214 12,180 3,034 2,236 2,236 408 408 682 682 564 564 2,306 2,306 604 604 978 978 1,296 1,224 72 701 701 1,781 1,597 184 880 880 - 7,123 5,545 1,578 907 907 137 137 396 396 228 228 880 880 294 294 469 469 616 586 30 437 437 792 730 62 481 481 - 8,091 6,635 1,456 1,329 1,329 271 271 286 286 336 336 1,426 1,426 310 310 509 509 680 638 42 264 264 989 867 122 399 399 - 2,09,518 1,61,823 47,695 17,875 17,875 9,861 9,861 18,248 18,248 10,300 10,300 18,968 18,968 8,231 8,231 9,357 9,357 18,164 16,679 1,485 14,334 14,334 22,471 20,540 1,931 17,430 17,430 - 94,354 75,516 18,838 8,711 8,711 4,350 4,350 8,790 8,790 4,710 4,710 8,875 8,875 3,756 3,756 4,309 4,309 7,864 7,230 634 6,835 6,835 10,230 9,509 721 8,441 8,441 - 1,15,164 86,307 28,857 9,164 9,164 5,511 5,511 9,458 9,458 5,590 5,590 10,093 10,093 4,475 4,475 5,048 5,048 10,300 9,449 851 7,499 7,499 12,241 11,031 1,210 8,989 8,989 - Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 412 126 98 235 1,686 72 95 126 184 228 76 66 97 882 30 67 70 62 184 50 32 138 804 42 28 56 122 2,134 1,948 4,155 2,725 29,755 1,485 1,996 1,566 1,931 970 765 1,570 1,120 11,694 634 732 632 721 1,164 1,183 2,585 1,605 18,061 851 1,264 934 1,210 Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban 61 District/ CD Block/ Town 2 Location code number 1 Bhilwara - District 122 Asind 0173 Hurda 0174 Shahpura 0175 Banera 0176 Mandal 0177 Raipur 0178 Sahara 0179 Suwana 0180 Kotri 0181 Mandalgarh 0182 Jahazpur 0183 URBAN Asind (M) Gulabpura (M) Shahpura (M) Gangapur (M) Bhilwara (M Cl) Hameer Garh (CT) Jahazpur (M) Mandalgarh (M) Beejoliya Kalan (CT) 800588 800589 800590 800591 800592 095665 800593 800594 096393 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes (ST) DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Location code number 1 District/ CD Block/ Town 2 122 Bhilwara - District 0173 Asind 0174 Hurda 0175 Shahpura 0176 Banera 0177 Mandal 0178 Raipur 0179 Sahara 0180 Suwana 0181 Kotri 0182 Mandalgarh 0183 Jahazpur 800588 800589 800590 800591 800592 095665 800593 800594 096393 URBAN Asind (M) Gulabpura (M) Shahpura (M) Gangapur (M) Bhilwara (M Cl) Hameer Garh (CT) Jahazpur (M) Mandalgarh (M) Beejoliya Kalan (CT) Number of Total/ households Rural/ with ST as Urban head 3 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 50,623 47,453 3,170 4,376 4,376 2,008 2,008 3,966 3,966 1,914 1,914 2,948 2,948 1,459 1,459 1,962 1,962 2,103 2,082 21 2,177 2,177 8,957 8,789 168 15,772 15,772 - 2,29,273 2,14,584 14,689 19,880 19,880 9,372 9,372 18,406 18,406 9,023 9,023 13,221 13,221 6,986 6,986 8,944 8,944 9,273 9,205 68 10,021 10,021 39,853 39,091 762 70,435 70,435 - 1,17,026 1,09,340 7,686 9,828 9,828 4,825 4,825 9,378 9,378 4,504 4,504 6,450 6,450 3,514 3,514 4,399 4,399 4,661 4,630 31 5,146 5,146 20,362 19,982 380 36,684 36,684 - 1,12,247 1,05,244 7,003 10,052 10,052 4,547 4,547 9,028 9,028 4,519 4,519 6,771 6,771 3,472 3,472 4,545 4,545 4,612 4,575 37 4,875 4,875 19,491 19,109 382 33,751 33,751 - 40,942 38,579 2,363 4,196 4,196 1,819 1,819 3,488 3,488 1,877 1,877 2,828 2,828 1,382 1,382 1,812 1,812 1,732 1,720 12 1,898 1,898 7,358 7,224 134 10,335 10,335 - 21,321 20,062 1,259 2,129 2,129 979 979 1,765 1,765 979 979 1,463 1,463 703 703 909 909 901 895 6 974 974 3,773 3,706 67 5,560 5,560 - 19,621 18,517 1,104 2,067 2,067 840 840 1,723 1,723 898 898 1,365 1,365 679 679 903 903 831 825 6 924 924 3,585 3,518 67 4,775 4,775 - Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban 315 103 159 88 1,055 21 1,154 107 168 1,616 439 808 453 4,488 68 5,653 402 762 808 236 423 229 2,393 31 2,968 218 380 808 203 385 224 2,095 37 2,685 184 382 303 68 142 86 770 12 774 74 134 162 41 65 43 403 6 436 36 67 141 27 77 43 367 6 338 38 67 64 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES Persons 11 Literates Males 12 Females 13 Persons 14 Illiterates Males 15 Females 16 Total/ Rural/ Total workers Persons Males Females Urban 17 18 19 3 82,048 75,064 6,984 4,874 4,874 2,742 2,742 5,239 5,239 2,368 2,368 2,816 2,816 1,763 1,763 2,441 2,441 2,846 2,814 32 2,536 2,536 12,104 11,878 226 35,593 35,593 - 55,727 51,199 4,528 3,499 3,499 1,997 1,997 3,726 3,726 1,642 1,642 2,066 2,066 1,273 1,273 1,673 1,673 1,849 1,833 16 1,811 1,811 8,302 8,157 145 23,522 23,522 - 26,321 23,865 2,456 1,375 1,375 745 745 1,513 1,513 726 726 750 750 490 490 768 768 997 981 16 725 725 3,802 3,721 81 12,071 12,071 - 1,47,225 1,39,520 7,705 15,006 15,006 6,630 6,630 13,167 13,167 6,655 6,655 10,405 10,405 5,223 5,223 6,503 6,503 6,427 6,391 36 7,485 7,485 27,749 27,213 536 34,842 34,842 - 61,299 58,141 3,158 6,329 6,329 2,828 2,828 5,652 5,652 2,862 2,862 4,384 4,384 2,241 2,241 2,726 2,726 2,812 2,797 15 3,335 3,335 12,060 11,825 235 13,162 13,162 - 85,926 81,379 4,547 8,677 8,677 3,802 3,802 7,515 7,515 3,793 3,793 6,021 6,021 2,982 2,982 3,777 3,777 3,615 3,594 21 4,150 4,150 15,689 15,388 301 21,680 21,680 - 1,19,314 1,13,318 5,996 10,965 10,965 5,007 5,007 10,023 10,023 4,689 4,689 6,800 6,800 3,669 3,669 4,975 4,975 4,977 4,943 34 5,490 5,490 20,655 20,329 326 36,428 36,428 - 63,195 59,271 3,924 5,359 5,359 2,668 2,668 5,264 5,264 2,534 2,534 3,410 3,410 1,935 1,935 2,495 2,495 2,781 2,762 19 2,888 2,888 11,239 11,029 210 18,927 18,927 - 56,119 54,047 2,072 5,606 5,606 2,339 2,339 4,759 4,759 2,155 2,155 3,390 3,390 1,734 1,734 2,480 2,480 2,196 2,181 15 2,602 2,602 9,416 9,300 116 17,501 17,501 - Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 265 234 254 148 2,309 32 3,326 190 226 216 167 171 108 1,464 16 2,112 129 145 49 67 83 40 845 16 1,214 61 81 1,351 205 554 305 2,179 36 2,327 212 536 592 69 252 121 929 15 856 89 235 759 136 302 184 1,250 21 1,471 123 301 809 195 320 198 1,686 34 2,254 174 326 440 135 202 128 1,283 19 1,392 115 210 369 60 118 70 403 15 862 59 116 Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban 65 District/ CD Block/ Town 2 Bhilwara - District Asind Hurda Shahpura Banera Mandal Raipur Sahara Suwana Kotri Mandalgarh Jahazpur URBAN Asind (M) Gulabpura (M) Shahpura (M) Gangapur (M) Bhilwara (M Cl) Hameer Garh (CT) Jahazpur (M) Mandalgarh (M) Beejoliya Kalan (CT) DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Industrial category Location code number 1 District/ CD Block/ Town 2 122 Bhilwara - District 0173 Asind 0174 Hurda 0175 Shahpura 0176 Banera 0177 Mandal 0178 Raipur 0179 Sahara 0180 Suwana 0181 Kotri 0182 Mandalgarh 0183 Jahazpur 800588 800589 800590 800591 800592 095665 800593 800594 096393 URBAN Asind (M) Gulabpura (M) Shahpura (M) Gangapur (M) Bhilwara (M Cl) Hameer Garh (CT) Jahazpur (M) Mandalgarh (M) Beejoliya Kalan (CT) Total/ Rural/ Urban 3 Persons 20 Main workers Males Females 21 22 Persons 23 Cultivators Agricultural labourers Males Females Persons Males Females 24 25 26 27 28 Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 84,842 80,378 4,464 7,029 7,029 3,894 3,894 7,290 7,290 3,464 3,464 4,680 4,680 2,728 2,728 3,061 3,061 3,772 3,755 17 4,303 4,303 15,792 15,503 289 24,671 24,671 - 50,969 47,640 3,329 3,978 3,978 2,326 2,326 4,262 4,262 2,149 2,149 2,759 2,759 1,567 1,567 1,779 1,779 2,406 2,394 12 2,532 2,532 9,327 9,125 202 14,769 14,769 - 33,873 32,738 1,135 3,051 3,051 1,568 1,568 3,028 3,028 1,315 1,315 1,921 1,921 1,161 1,161 1,282 1,282 1,366 1,361 5 1,771 1,771 6,465 6,378 87 9,902 9,902 - 51,945 50,576 1,369 3,612 3,612 2,161 2,161 5,014 5,014 1,803 1,803 2,428 2,428 1,644 1,644 1,331 1,331 1,653 1,652 1 3,109 3,109 9,532 9,514 18 18,308 18,308 - 29,541 28,609 932 2,071 2,071 1,278 1,278 2,923 2,923 1,077 1,077 1,375 1,375 917 917 816 816 858 858 1,727 1,727 5,193 5,185 8 10,382 10,382 - 22,404 21,967 437 1,541 1,541 883 883 2,091 2,091 726 726 1,053 1,053 727 727 515 515 795 794 1 1,382 1,382 4,339 4,329 10 7,926 7,926 - 14,176 13,806 370 1,845 1,845 1,162 1,162 1,516 1,516 948 948 1,077 1,077 625 625 1,139 1,139 614 614 501 501 1,834 1,794 40 2,585 2,585 - 7,148 6,912 236 828 828 592 592 749 749 492 492 522 522 327 327 564 564 301 301 275 275 911 889 22 1,373 1,373 - 7,028 6,894 134 1,017 1,017 570 570 767 767 456 456 555 555 298 298 575 575 313 313 226 226 923 905 18 1,212 1,212 - Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban 369 117 251 135 1,482 17 1,634 170 289 282 98 182 100 1,179 12 1,161 113 202 87 19 69 35 303 5 473 57 87 143 3 84 13 43 1 997 67 18 126 2 45 9 30 685 27 8 17 1 39 4 13 1 312 40 10 87 3 15 9 76 134 6 40 63 1 9 5 51 80 5 22 24 2 6 4 25 54 1 18 66 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES of main workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 29 30 31 Total/ Rural/ Marginal workers Persons Males Females Urban 35 36 37 3 Other workers Persons Males Females 32 33 34 501 453 48 54 54 11 11 50 50 30 30 26 26 15 15 28 28 28 28 31 31 78 78 102 102 - 312 281 31 30 30 4 4 29 29 16 16 17 17 9 9 17 17 20 20 21 21 52 52 66 66 - 189 172 17 24 24 7 7 21 21 14 14 9 9 6 6 11 11 8 8 10 10 26 26 36 36 - 18,220 15,543 2,677 1,518 1,518 560 560 710 710 683 683 1,149 1,149 444 444 563 563 1,477 1,461 16 662 662 4,348 4,117 231 3,676 3,676 - 13,968 11,838 2,130 1,049 1,049 452 452 561 561 564 564 845 845 314 314 382 382 1,227 1,215 12 509 509 3,171 2,999 172 2,948 2,948 - 4,252 3,705 547 469 469 108 108 149 149 119 119 304 304 130 130 181 181 250 246 4 153 153 1,177 1,118 59 728 728 - 34,472 32,940 1,532 3,936 3,936 1,113 1,113 2,733 2,733 1,225 1,225 2,120 2,120 941 941 1,914 1,914 1,205 1,188 17 1,187 1,187 4,863 4,826 37 11,757 11,757 - 12,226 11,631 595 1,381 1,381 342 342 1,002 1,002 385 385 651 651 368 368 716 716 375 368 7 356 356 1,912 1,904 8 4,158 4,158 - 22,246 21,309 937 2,555 2,555 771 771 1,731 1,731 840 840 1,469 1,469 573 573 1,198 1,198 830 820 10 831 831 2,951 2,922 29 7,599 7,599 - Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 8 6 2 1 15 15 1 - 5 5 1 1 8 3 1 1 131 105 150 112 1,348 16 488 96 231 88 90 127 85 1,090 12 386 80 172 43 15 23 27 258 4 102 16 59 440 78 69 63 204 17 620 4 37 158 37 20 28 104 7 231 2 8 282 41 49 35 100 10 389 2 29 Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban 10 1 - 7 5 - 67 District/ CD Block/ Town 2 Bhilwara - District Asind Hurda Shahpura Banera Mandal Raipur Sahara Suwana Kotri Mandalgarh Jahazpur URBAN Asind (M) Gulabpura (M) Shahpura (M) Gangapur (M) Bhilwara (M Cl) Hameer Garh (CT) Jahazpur (M) Mandalgarh (M) Beejoliya Kalan (CT) DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Industrial category of Location code number 1 District/ CD Block/ Town 2 122 Bhilwara - District 0173 Asind 0174 Hurda 0175 Shahpura 0176 Banera 0177 Mandal 0178 Raipur 0179 Sahara 0180 Suwana 0181 Kotri 0182 Mandalgarh 0183 Jahazpur 800588 800589 800590 800591 800592 095665 800593 800594 096393 URBAN Asind (M) Gulabpura (M) Shahpura (M) Gangapur (M) Bhilwara (M Cl) Hameer Garh (CT) Jahazpur (M) Mandalgarh (M) Beejoliya Kalan (CT) Total/ Rural/ Cultivators Urban Persons Males Females 3 38 39 40 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 Household industry workers Persons Males Females 44 45 46 Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 11,272 11,145 127 813 813 238 238 951 951 299 299 385 385 129 129 399 399 456 447 9 390 390 1,267 1,266 1 5,828 5,828 - 3,752 3,669 83 303 303 36 36 238 238 94 94 126 126 37 37 125 125 101 98 3 94 94 524 524 1,994 1,994 - 7,520 7,476 44 510 510 202 202 713 713 205 205 259 259 92 92 274 274 355 349 6 296 296 743 742 1 3,834 3,834 - 14,463 13,700 763 1,826 1,826 482 482 1,357 1,357 433 433 898 898 477 477 895 895 364 359 5 520 520 1,830 1,821 9 4,632 4,632 - 4,777 4,612 165 634 634 190 190 559 559 111 111 260 260 186 186 315 315 107 105 2 122 122 647 646 1 1,484 1,484 - 9,686 9,088 598 1,192 1,192 292 292 798 798 322 322 638 638 291 291 580 580 257 254 3 398 398 1,183 1,175 8 3,148 3,148 - 587 503 84 58 58 16 16 114 114 20 20 24 24 12 12 70 70 18 18 18 18 46 46 107 107 - 239 194 45 24 24 8 8 35 35 9 9 9 9 6 6 31 31 2 2 7 7 24 24 39 39 - 348 309 39 34 34 8 8 79 79 11 11 15 15 6 6 39 39 16 16 11 11 22 22 68 68 - Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban 46 1 1 8 7 9 52 2 1 41 1 4 6 3 28 - 5 1 234 25 8 8 27 5 447 9 32 5 2 6 2 117 1 202 20 6 8 21 3 330 8 56 9 7 3 5 4 - 34 3 2 5 1 - 22 6 7 1 3 - 4 1 6 24 2 1 68 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES marginal workers Persons 47 Other workers Males 48 Females 49 Persons 50 Non-workers Males 51 Females 52 Total/ Rural/ Urban 3 8,150 7,592 558 1,239 1,239 377 377 311 311 473 473 813 813 323 323 550 550 367 364 3 259 259 1,720 1,693 27 1,190 1,190 - 3,458 3,156 302 420 420 108 108 170 170 171 171 256 256 139 139 245 245 165 163 2 133 133 717 710 7 641 641 - 4,692 4,436 256 819 819 269 269 141 141 302 302 557 557 184 184 305 305 202 201 1 126 126 1,003 983 20 549 549 - 1,09,959 1,01,266 8,693 8,915 8,915 4,365 4,365 8,383 8,383 4,334 4,334 6,421 6,421 3,317 3,317 3,969 3,969 4,296 4,262 34 4,531 4,531 19,198 18,762 436 34,007 34,007 - 53,831 50,069 3,762 4,469 4,469 2,157 2,157 4,114 4,114 1,970 1,970 3,040 3,040 1,579 1,579 1,904 1,904 1,880 1,868 12 2,258 2,258 9,123 8,953 170 17,757 17,757 - 56,128 51,197 4,931 4,446 4,446 2,208 2,208 4,269 4,269 2,364 2,364 3,381 3,381 1,738 1,738 2,065 2,065 2,416 2,394 22 2,273 2,273 10,075 9,809 266 16,250 16,250 - Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 104 43 53 44 165 3 117 2 27 51 29 17 22 87 2 85 2 7 53 14 36 22 78 1 32 20 807 244 488 255 2,802 34 3,399 228 436 368 101 221 101 1,110 12 1,576 103 170 439 143 267 154 1,692 22 1,823 125 266 Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban 69 District/ CD Block/ Town 2 Location code number 1 Bhilwara - District 122 Asind 0173 Hurda 0174 Shahpura 0175 Banera 0176 Mandal 0177 Raipur 0178 Sahara 0179 Suwana 0180 Kotri 0181 Mandalgarh 0182 Jahazpur 0183 URBAN Asind (M) Gulabpura (M) Shahpura (M) Gangapur (M) Bhilwara (M Cl) Hameer Garh (CT) Jahazpur (M) Mandalgarh (M) Beejoliya Kalan (CT) 800588 800589 800590 800591 800592 095665 800593 800594 096393 Rural PCA-C.D. blocks wise Village Primary Census Abstract DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0173 0173 0173 094558 094559 094560 094561 094562 094563 094564 094565 094566 094567 094568 094569 094570 094571 094572 094573 094574 094575 094576 094577 094578 094579 094580 094581 094582 094583 094584 094585 094586 094587 094588 094589 094590 094591 094592 094593 094594 094595 094596 094597 094598 094599 094600 094601 094602 094603 094604 094605 094606 094607 094608 094609 094610 094611 094612 094613 Name of Village 2 Asind (Total) Asind (Rural) Asind (Urban) RURAL Praton Ka Chaura Kemariya Kansya Bhadsi Sohanpura Ratanpura Banki Kankar Samel Bhojpura Gowaliya Khedela Badnor Barachh Bichchhu Dara Singhpura Laxmipura @ Kotra Bhairoo Pura Sawaipura Chatarpura Karnipura Masinghpura Gobindpura Gariya Khera Pratapura Rooppura Kachhiya Ka Badiya Rampura Jodhgarh Sapola Jawanpura Sawaigarh Motras Genpura Akhegarh Patan Gopalpura Lachhman Garh Ojiyana Karma Ka Badiya Mothi Fatehgarh @ Mawla Mogar Jaisinghpura Gayatri Nagar Kishanpura @ Ratedi Jhardoo Ka Khera Gaylon Ka Khera Kolpura Balev Thoomiya Bala Ka Bariya Girdharpura Dhawariya Chainpura Bhawanipura Semla Ka Bariya Area of Village in hectares 3 Number of households 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 1,12,395.70 1,12,395.70 0.00 50,362 50,362 - 2,39,760 2,39,760 - 1,19,860 1,19,860 - 1,19,900 1,19,900 - 39,785 39,785 - 20,676 20,676 - 123.03 36.00 162.04 1,070.08 228.07 243.09 194.07 162.08 910.07 257.11 552.06 3,901.29 477.06 704.00 219.00 278.62 119.34 72.37 433.24 283.10 100.98 262.80 440.41 455.09 154.49 326.00 839.00 198.05 1,049.00 311.00 265.00 1,322.00 329.00 625.00 1,324.00 203.00 91.00 697.08 403.00 337.00 241.00 914.00 209.97 136.00 334.39 756.08 247.71 92.04 610.04 308.48 388.92 496.05 78.08 761.79 125.21 290.16 6 20 59 403 114 103 69 36 409 72 202 1,933 260 361 173 204 36 65 347 113 34 110 231 239 127 172 348 68 423 59 77 713 184 396 918 181 77 355 281 212 225 573 169 68 168 294 178 38 297 123 207 234 48 446 91 172 37 98 294 2,125 578 516 272 178 2,064 401 755 9,217 1,365 1,911 892 1,022 165 256 1,539 550 188 590 1,339 1,106 684 939 1,784 351 1,888 315 372 3,290 934 1,515 4,035 837 372 1,674 1,399 1,005 1,169 2,893 738 379 811 1,356 766 197 1,363 528 769 1,179 161 2,089 408 775 21 50 160 1,074 304 268 129 89 1,055 210 328 4,661 705 977 452 515 78 130 766 271 87 293 686 544 352 490 908 188 917 157 190 1,660 474 682 2,015 419 186 867 701 501 585 1,495 391 203 416 689 413 108 696 237 369 616 84 1,023 208 395 16 48 134 1,051 274 248 143 89 1,009 191 427 4,556 660 934 440 507 87 126 773 279 101 297 653 562 332 449 876 163 971 158 182 1,630 460 833 2,020 418 186 807 698 504 584 1,398 347 176 395 667 353 89 667 291 400 563 77 1,066 200 380 2 21 47 347 101 88 47 29 331 86 178 1,357 266 412 183 229 16 40 274 106 40 126 224 217 127 190 329 57 327 43 58 487 172 256 673 135 68 349 330 196 272 558 135 81 135 265 127 42 247 86 123 193 26 353 75 145 - 72 5 25 173 55 46 28 20 186 48 96 725 137 222 100 108 8 26 154 50 17 66 115 104 71 99 186 31 158 19 29 242 92 126 331 65 36 195 181 94 142 300 86 49 65 143 70 25 125 36 69 107 11 176 42 67 19,109 19,109 2 16 22 174 46 42 19 9 145 38 82 632 129 190 83 121 8 14 120 56 23 60 109 113 56 91 143 26 169 24 29 245 80 130 342 70 32 154 149 102 130 258 49 32 70 122 57 17 122 50 54 86 15 177 33 78 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Asind Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 36,412 36,412 - 18,324 18,324 - 18,088 18,088 - 30 4 84 54 174 1,314 12 221 877 40 11 42 110 10 98 329 36 414 4 29 780 87 451 794 47 76 114 66 4 64 116 275 117 148 140 182 14 5 112 395 6 - 18 2 43 29 71 655 3 101 446 19 4 17 50 3 54 166 18 201 2 14 398 44 205 391 20 39 57 32 3 36 59 147 60 71 75 93 6 4 64 197 4 - 12 2 41 25 103 659 9 120 431 21 7 25 60 7 44 163 18 213 2 15 382 43 246 403 27 37 57 34 1 28 57 128 57 77 65 89 8 1 48 198 2 - Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 19,880 19,880 - 9,828 9,828 - 10,052 10,052 - - - - 8 5 - - 1 48 23 95 291 19 6 1 31 12 47 66 14 64 44 128 27 151 58 363 10 214 185 70 228 31 96 39 36 16 177 148 30 77 31 127 15 9 66 51 54 - 1 20 13 40 156 6 3 15 6 23 32 6 30 27 57 8 77 30 180 5 107 93 33 118 12 47 22 17 8 94 80 15 37 19 59 8 4 35 25 26 - 3 28 10 55 135 13 3 1 16 6 24 34 8 34 17 71 19 74 28 183 5 107 92 37 110 19 49 17 19 8 83 68 15 40 12 68 7 5 31 26 28 73 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 1,12,521 1,12,521 - 71,605 71,605 - 28 55 178 1,274 427 235 135 93 981 178 258 5,798 607 967 305 478 69 84 717 205 84 222 611 454 281 416 755 169 765 151 187 1,610 328 557 2,005 370 153 643 600 427 522 1,287 310 201 312 505 296 93 609 224 436 425 68 882 192 316 19 40 118 800 235 162 76 54 621 121 165 3,392 432 641 241 335 40 57 494 130 56 146 403 308 208 281 492 121 473 98 109 1,010 239 367 1,269 264 116 495 409 311 367 906 220 127 233 381 212 65 398 132 244 314 47 564 126 217 Females 19 Name of Village 2 40,916 Asind (Total) 40,916 Asind (Rural) Asind (Urban) RURAL 9 Praton Ka Chaura 15 Kemariya 60 Kansya 474 Bhadsi 192 Sohanpura 73 Ratanpura 59 Banki Kankar 39 Samel 360 Bhojpura 57 Gowaliya 93 Khedela 2,406 Badnor 175 Barachh 326 Bichchhu Dara 64 Singhpura 143 Laxmipura @ Kotra 29 Bhairoo Pura 27 Sawaipura 223 Chatarpura 75 Karnipura 28 Masinghpura 76 Gobindpura 208 Gariya Khera 146 Pratapura 73 Rooppura 135 Kachhiya Ka Badiya 263 Rampura 48 Jodhgarh 292 Sapola 53 Jawanpura 78 Sawaigarh 600 Motras 89 Genpura 190 Akhegarh 736 Patan 106 Gopalpura 37 Lachhman Garh 148 Ojiyana 191 Karma Ka Badiya 116 Mothi 155 Fatehgarh @ Mawla 381 Mogar 90 Jaisinghpura 74 Gayatri Nagar 79 Kishanpura @ Ratedi 124 Jhardoo Ka Khera 84 Gaylon Ka Khera 28 Kolpura 211 Balev 92 Thoomiya 192 Bala Ka Bariya 111 Girdharpura 21 Dhawariya 318 Chainpura 66 Bhawanipura 99 Semla Ka Bariya DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0173 0173 0173 094558 094559 094560 094561 094562 094563 094564 094565 094566 094567 094568 094569 094570 094571 094572 094573 094574 094575 094576 094577 094578 094579 094580 094581 094582 094583 094584 094585 094586 094587 094588 094589 094590 094591 094592 094593 094594 094595 094596 094597 094598 094599 094600 094601 094602 094603 094604 094605 094606 094607 094608 094609 094610 094611 094612 094613 Name of Village 2 Asind (Total) Asind (Rural) Asind (Urban) RURAL Praton Ka Chaura Kemariya Kansya Bhadsi Sohanpura Ratanpura Banki Kankar Samel Bhojpura Gowaliya Khedela Badnor Barachh Bichchhu Dara Singhpura Laxmipura @ Kotra Bhairoo Pura Sawaipura Chatarpura Karnipura Masinghpura Gobindpura Gariya Khera Pratapura Rooppura Kachhiya Ka Badiya Rampura Jodhgarh Sapola Jawanpura Sawaigarh Motras Genpura Akhegarh Patan Gopalpura Lachhman Garh Ojiyana Karma Ka Badiya Mothi Fatehgarh @ Mawla Mogar Jaisinghpura Gayatri Nagar Kishanpura @ Ratedi Jhardoo Ka Khera Gaylon Ka Khera Kolpura Balev Thoomiya Bala Ka Bariya Girdharpura Dhawariya Chainpura Bhawanipura Semla Ka Bariya Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 1,27,239 1,27,239 - 48,255 48,255 - 78,984 78,984 - 1,24,086 1,24,086 - 65,140 65,140 - 58,946 58,946 - 78,967 78,967 - 49,265 49,265 - 29,702 29,702 - 9 43 116 851 151 281 137 85 1,083 223 497 3,419 758 944 587 544 96 172 822 345 104 368 728 652 403 523 1,029 182 1,123 164 185 1,680 606 958 2,030 467 219 1,031 799 578 647 1,606 428 178 499 851 470 104 754 304 333 754 93 1,207 216 459 2 10 42 274 69 106 53 35 434 89 163 1,269 273 336 211 180 38 73 272 141 31 147 283 236 144 209 416 67 444 59 81 650 235 315 746 155 70 372 292 190 218 589 171 76 183 308 201 43 298 105 125 302 37 459 82 178 7 33 74 577 82 175 84 50 649 134 334 2,150 485 608 376 364 58 99 550 204 73 221 445 416 259 314 613 115 679 105 104 1,030 371 643 1,284 312 149 659 507 388 429 1,017 257 102 316 543 269 61 456 199 208 452 56 748 134 281 24 54 175 1,119 325 240 130 79 903 212 366 3,719 618 959 409 434 87 127 826 182 87 325 793 587 193 430 811 187 953 194 173 1,689 554 973 1,923 473 185 765 696 573 510 1,251 322 182 435 694 300 93 696 233 388 624 93 855 192 341 14 34 89 567 161 134 54 31 549 110 131 2,396 329 466 208 240 49 75 383 133 40 163 401 299 165 229 462 102 473 94 105 863 284 490 1,081 229 86 386 347 281 268 696 195 100 233 353 226 55 356 132 181 333 49 497 99 188 10 20 86 552 164 106 76 48 354 102 235 1,323 289 493 201 194 38 52 443 49 47 162 392 288 28 201 349 85 480 100 68 826 270 483 842 244 99 379 349 292 242 555 127 82 202 341 74 38 340 101 207 291 44 358 93 153 16 50 90 492 203 16 4 552 6 144 2,017 207 333 271 135 33 48 179 98 76 296 119 413 183 142 733 82 397 83 20 1,182 393 677 1,228 133 55 428 442 296 375 577 224 68 217 170 222 57 641 24 134 379 22 485 177 259 12 34 68 336 104 10 3 497 6 74 1,744 140 284 204 122 30 46 150 89 33 151 93 215 163 131 450 79 372 48 17 636 250 339 791 126 52 238 296 210 247 512 157 50 201 160 183 48 340 22 79 226 13 393 93 155 4 16 22 156 99 6 1 55 70 273 67 49 67 13 3 2 29 9 43 145 26 198 20 11 283 3 25 35 3 546 143 338 437 7 3 190 146 86 128 65 67 18 16 10 39 9 301 2 55 153 9 92 84 104 Persons 20 74 Total workers Persons Males Females 23 24 25 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Asind Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 46,531 46,531 - 27,509 27,509 - 19,022 19,022 - 10,871 10,871 - 4,918 4,918 - 5,953 5,953 - 4 25 76 274 126 2 264 44 178 41 223 166 78 15 42 56 78 65 266 83 368 179 60 482 49 352 60 2 584 314 331 561 110 19 357 384 12 299 476 202 1 84 87 128 24 526 3 20 201 12 293 174 143 3 17 56 174 66 1 253 18 145 17 196 114 70 14 40 46 73 27 130 65 180 162 60 279 47 335 30 2 371 200 150 369 108 19 184 266 12 193 422 145 81 79 121 17 258 3 13 67 7 236 92 76 1 8 20 100 60 1 11 26 33 24 27 52 8 1 2 10 5 38 136 18 188 17 203 2 17 30 213 114 181 192 2 173 118 106 54 57 1 3 8 7 7 268 7 134 5 57 82 67 6 10 3 121 54 1 34 48 1 2 2 22 8 4 13 9 2 32 129 27 24 4 7 389 20 314 255 9 3 22 28 225 26 22 13 1 12 82 1 23 1 94 10 3 8 2 44 3 3 1 72 20 1 26 20 1 2 12 3 1 11 4 27 71 26 19 2 5 143 9 161 134 8 2 17 10 140 22 22 7 1 10 53 1 11 1 50 9 3 5 19 3 7 2 49 34 8 28 1 1 10 5 3 2 5 2 5 58 1 5 2 2 246 11 153 121 1 1 5 18 85 4 6 2 29 12 44 1 3 2 25 1,728 1,728 - 1,257 1,257 - - - 1 17 31 211 12 7 5 6 5 2 2 26 5 2 8 2 65 10 3 45 1 5 1 1 5 1 2 1 28 2 1 2 7 29 3 1 16 19 149 7 5 5 6 4 2 1 17 5 2 6 1 19 8 3 30 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 26 2 1 7 27 1 75 471 471 1 12 62 5 2 1 1 9 2 1 46 2 15 3 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 19,837 19,837 - 15,581 15,581 - 6 15 10 80 23 14 3 223 6 100 1,580 153 108 98 50 18 6 95 20 3 26 18 34 2 48 96 1 19 11 9 144 49 29 367 14 32 44 29 58 45 78 7 65 93 83 12 30 92 19 18 161 7 155 1 69 6 14 10 74 18 9 2 199 6 56 1,430 116 87 85 45 16 6 86 16 3 20 13 29 1 43 83 1 16 10 9 103 33 25 258 10 30 35 19 57 29 67 4 48 84 81 9 28 71 18 15 143 3 125 1 59 Name of Village 2 4,256 Asind (Total) 4,256 Asind (Rural) Asind (Urban) RURAL Praton Ka Chaura 1 Kemariya Kansya 6 Bhadsi 5 Sohanpura 5 Ratanpura 1 Banki Kankar Samel 24 Bhojpura Gowaliya 44 Khedela 150 Badnor 37 Barachh 21 Bichchhu Dara 13 Singhpura 5 Laxmipura @ Kotra 2 Bhairoo Pura Sawaipura 9 Chatarpura 4 Karnipura Masinghpura 6 Gobindpura 5 Gariya Khera 5 Pratapura 1 Rooppura 5 Kachhiya Ka Badiya 13 Rampura Jodhgarh 3 Sapola 1 Jawanpura Sawaigarh 41 Motras 16 Genpura 4 Akhegarh 109 Patan 4 Gopalpura 2 Lachhman Garh 9 Ojiyana 10 Karma Ka Badiya 1 Mothi 16 Fatehgarh @ Mawla 11 Mogar 3 Jaisinghpura 17 Gayatri Nagar 9 Kishanpura @ Ratedi 2 Jhardoo Ka Khera 3 Gaylon Ka Khera 2 Kolpura 21 Balev 1 Thoomiya 3 Bala Ka Bariya 18 Girdharpura 4 Dhawariya 30 Chainpura Bhawanipura 10 Semla Ka Bariya DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 0173 0173 0173 094558 094559 094560 094561 094562 094563 094564 094565 094566 094567 094568 094569 094570 094571 094572 094573 094574 094575 094576 094577 094578 094579 094580 094581 094582 094583 094584 094585 094586 094587 094588 094589 094590 094591 094592 094593 094594 094595 094596 094597 094598 094599 094600 094601 094602 094603 094604 094605 094606 094607 094608 094609 094610 094611 094612 094613 Name of Village 2 Asind (Total) Asind (Rural) Asind (Urban) RURAL Praton Ka Chaura Kemariya Kansya Bhadsi Sohanpura Ratanpura Banki Kankar Samel Bhojpura Gowaliya Khedela Badnor Barachh Bichchhu Dara Singhpura Laxmipura @ Kotra Bhairoo Pura Sawaipura Chatarpura Karnipura Masinghpura Gobindpura Gariya Khera Pratapura Rooppura Kachhiya Ka Badiya Rampura Jodhgarh Sapola Jawanpura Sawaigarh Motras Genpura Akhegarh Patan Gopalpura Lachhman Garh Ojiyana Karma Ka Badiya Mothi Fatehgarh @ Mawla Mogar Jaisinghpura Gayatri Nagar Kishanpura @ Ratedi Jhardoo Ka Khera Gaylon Ka Khera Kolpura Balev Thoomiya Bala Ka Bariya Girdharpura Dhawariya Chainpura Bhawanipura Semla Ka Bariya Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 Persons 44 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 45,119 45,119 - 15,875 15,875 - 29,244 29,244 - 14,412 14,412 - 5,182 5,182 - 9,230 9,230 - 16,356 16,356 - 8 4 85 627 122 224 126 79 351 206 222 1,702 411 626 138 299 54 79 647 84 11 29 674 174 10 288 78 105 556 111 153 507 161 296 695 340 130 337 254 277 135 674 98 114 218 524 78 36 55 209 254 245 71 370 15 82 2 21 231 57 124 51 31 52 104 57 652 189 182 4 118 19 29 233 44 7 12 308 84 2 98 12 23 101 46 88 227 34 151 290 103 34 148 51 71 21 184 38 50 32 193 43 7 16 110 102 107 36 104 6 33 6 4 64 396 65 100 75 48 299 102 165 1,050 222 444 134 181 35 50 414 40 4 17 366 90 8 190 66 82 455 65 65 280 127 145 405 237 96 189 203 206 114 490 60 64 186 331 35 29 39 99 152 138 35 266 9 49 67 184 29 123 32 1 5 34 41 174 33 164 134 4 3 409 2 2 4 555 87 2 48 51 2 40 10 40 90 6 209 18 176 8 130 24 7 10 155 15 10 7 495 21 23 40 20 39 9 198 2 5 12 49 8 69 14 1 2 30 20 36 7 21 4 3 157 2 1 2 234 27 27 6 2 17 3 21 29 4 109 6 81 6 129 16 2 7 61 10 5 1 172 16 4 12 19 35 5 18 4 55 135 21 54 18 3 4 21 138 26 143 130 1 3 252 1 2 321 60 2 21 45 23 7 19 61 2 100 12 95 2 1 8 5 3 94 5 5 6 323 5 19 28 1 4 4 180 2 1 6 4 17 412 57 85 77 76 32 150 1 180 132 97 152 9 25 76 2 4 170 15 99 505 71 104 337 150 86 268 153 23 159 219 261 16 258 53 73 13 48 4 7 20 59 60 26 8 12 76 5,212 5,212 - 11,144 11,144 - 1 5 4 9 253 34 41 46 48 10 98 1 134 79 9 100 3 15 32 1 4 118 15 81 428 41 40 172 122 44 136 139 14 151 190 199 6 220 36 63 6 26 4 7 10 28 31 24 3 9 8 159 23 44 31 28 22 52 46 53 88 52 6 10 44 1 52 18 77 30 64 165 28 42 132 14 9 8 29 62 10 38 17 10 7 22 10 31 29 2 5 3 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Asind of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 1,183 1,183 10 2 2 169 58 1 13 2 3 6 7 3 2 21 3 20 24 5 2 5 2 4 6 83 32 5 20 10 1 - 507 507 - 676 676 - - 8 1 83 31 5 1 4 2 2 2 6 1 9 11 2 2 1 2 6 14 2 3 6 - Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 13,168 13,168 - 4,974 4,974 - 2 2 1 2 86 27 1 8 1 3 2 5 1 15 2 11 13 3 2 3 2 3 4 77 18 3 17 4 1 - 1 21 36 14 15 2 314 22 180 1,179 378 272 4 197 51 79 73 80 40 85 4 64 5 1 9 9 6 60 5 1 385 6 97 43 11 9 107 257 24 104 55 16 9 9 15 150 190 166 2 136 4 65 8,194 8,194 - 1,15,674 1,15,674 - 54,720 54,720 - 1 13 44 119 1,006 253 276 142 99 1,161 189 389 5,498 747 952 483 588 78 129 713 368 101 265 546 519 491 509 973 164 935 121 199 1,601 380 542 2,112 364 187 909 703 432 659 1,642 416 197 376 662 466 104 667 295 381 555 68 1,234 216 434 7 16 71 507 143 134 75 58 506 100 197 2,265 376 511 244 275 29 55 383 138 47 130 285 245 187 261 446 86 444 63 85 797 190 192 934 190 100 481 354 220 317 799 196 103 183 336 187 53 340 105 188 283 35 526 109 207 1 1 15 26 10 6 2 28 22 37 487 182 77 27 19 29 19 41 30 56 2 15 4 1 5 7 2 24 2 141 6 19 9 6 7 4 84 9 45 15 14 5 3 4 77 55 73 2 78 1 26 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 6 10 4 9 286 143 692 196 195 4 170 32 50 54 39 10 29 2 49 1 4 2 4 36 3 1 244 78 34 5 2 103 173 15 59 40 2 4 6 11 73 135 93 58 3 39 77 Name of Village 2 60,954 Asind (Total) 60,954 Asind (Rural) Asind (Urban) RURAL 6 Praton Ka Chaura 28 Kemariya 48 Kansya 499 Bhadsi 110 Sohanpura 142 Ratanpura 67 Banki Kankar 41 Samel 655 Bhojpura 89 Gowaliya 192 Khedela 3,233 Badnor 371 Barachh 441 Bichchhu Dara 239 Singhpura 313 Laxmipura @ Kotra 49 Bhairoo Pura 74 Sawaipura 330 Chatarpura 230 Karnipura 54 Masinghpura 135 Gobindpura 261 Gariya Khera 274 Pratapura 304 Rooppura 248 Kachhiya Ka Badiya 527 Rampura 78 Jodhgarh 491 Sapola 58 Jawanpura 114 Sawaigarh 804 Motras 190 Genpura 350 Akhegarh 1,178 Patan 174 Gopalpura 87 Lachhman Garh 428 Ojiyana 349 Karma Ka Badiya 212 Mothi 342 Fatehgarh @ Mawla 843 Mogar 220 Jaisinghpura 94 Gayatri Nagar 193 Kishanpura @ Ratedi 326 Jhardoo Ka Khera 279 Gaylon Ka Khera 51 Kolpura 327 Balev 190 Thoomiya 193 Bala Ka Bariya 272 Girdharpura 33 Dhawariya 708 Chainpura 107 Bhawanipura 227 Semla Ka Bariya Location code number 1 0173 0173 0173 094558 094559 094560 094561 094562 094563 094564 094565 094566 094567 094568 094569 094570 094571 094572 094573 094574 094575 094576 094577 094578 094579 094580 094581 094582 094583 094584 094585 094586 094587 094588 094589 094590 094591 094592 094593 094594 094595 094596 094597 094598 094599 094600 094601 094602 094603 094604 094605 094606 094607 094608 094609 094610 094611 094612 094613 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 094614 094615 094616 094617 094618 094619 094620 094621 094622 094623 094624 094625 094626 094627 094628 094629 094630 094631 094632 094633 094634 094635 094636 094637 094638 094639 094640 094641 094642 094643 094644 094645 094646 094647 094648 094649 094650 094651 094652 094653 094654 094655 094656 094657 094658 094659 094660 094661 094662 094663 094664 094665 094666 094667 094668 094669 094670 094671 094672 094673 Name of Village 2 Suraj Surajmal Ji Ka Khera Garwai Harmada Bajunda Ranawaton Ka Khera Gorandiya Chotiyas Para Indrapura Parasoli Jagpura Jeewar Dulhepura Rughnathpura Balapura Akarsada Gajsinghpura Sangram Garh Rughnath Garh Rooppura Antali Gulabpura Bhairoo Khera Barni Jainagar Shambhoo Garh Sagani Rooppura Daulatpura Ki Dhani Barsani Koli Khera Ambesar Malaseri Mokhampura Kanwlas Kanpura Bathera Kesarpura Chitoriya Kana Ka Khera Rampuriya Ganeshpura Gangaram Ka Khera Dola Ka Khera Hatan Rayra Keriya Khera Sopura Darawat Pratappura Gopalpura Rughnathpura Ajeetpura Bhairoo Khera Bara Khera Bamni Arjun Pura Baghmal Indrapura Area of Village in hectares 3 448.27 167.26 710.97 362.72 898.25 110.00 324.59 746.08 1,182.66 84.69 807.00 653.02 331.45 192.93 241.62 429.13 1,812.47 71.43 1,412.00 248.00 224.46 1,408.66 455.13 81.00 650.96 229.05 1,649.59 197.00 320.00 251.00 2,371.00 183.00 2,611.63 533.07 430.00 1,019.00 268.12 212.85 93.68 193.00 243.00 471.70 270.00 217.85 202.77 304.74 702.66 205.97 123.11 509.70 452.83 140.23 199.16 136.52 125.70 366.62 491.27 87.59 39.30 159.80 Number of households 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 301 40 211 144 375 29 141 346 505 65 825 452 188 115 125 194 593 56 502 155 177 615 165 73 278 232 923 99 161 107 1,018 92 686 249 196 558 61 145 63 89 40 206 157 26 66 158 287 147 125 282 237 54 70 111 69 296 276 47 8 83 1,366 156 1,043 576 1,690 130 541 1,746 2,298 290 4,353 2,355 921 476 563 995 2,828 262 2,317 831 738 3,174 952 349 1,409 1,070 4,003 376 616 468 4,904 464 3,416 1,227 833 2,603 308 795 344 396 160 1,070 640 139 314 582 1,409 633 711 1,211 1,219 286 336 529 376 1,466 1,283 191 29 306 78 688 87 554 299 849 63 246 855 1,164 137 2,130 1,146 479 233 273 483 1,393 136 1,172 416 377 1,581 451 181 692 538 2,004 179 311 248 2,403 222 1,714 600 419 1,308 147 397 177 208 76 534 274 65 145 267 742 306 362 605 590 155 157 251 181 737 653 88 16 156 678 69 489 277 841 67 295 891 1,134 153 2,223 1,209 442 243 290 512 1,435 126 1,145 415 361 1,593 501 168 717 532 1,999 197 305 220 2,501 242 1,702 627 414 1,295 161 398 167 188 84 536 366 74 169 315 667 327 349 606 629 131 179 278 195 729 630 103 13 150 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 210 29 206 101 296 18 142 351 355 46 622 346 138 61 107 161 468 42 319 187 154 429 145 53 265 103 535 54 93 105 881 81 547 218 136 428 37 145 53 54 25 165 125 40 50 122 217 137 146 196 185 46 59 85 72 238 185 44 1 70 102 19 122 45 155 10 75 181 164 25 312 167 81 25 47 81 240 21 167 97 77 226 75 31 116 58 290 38 50 61 440 39 281 102 86 230 18 78 28 30 13 84 58 25 24 59 119 71 74 103 96 29 29 32 33 123 104 19 35 108 10 84 56 141 8 67 170 191 21 310 179 57 36 60 80 228 21 152 90 77 203 70 22 149 45 245 16 43 44 441 42 266 116 50 198 19 67 25 24 12 81 67 15 26 63 98 66 72 93 89 17 30 53 39 115 81 25 1 35 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Asind Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 393 63 112 44 300 47 106 253 117 417 595 131 16 205 328 86 538 147 646 392 42 281 245 1,530 13 41 182 1,357 338 246 32 290 40 1 44 207 53 469 206 104 218 4 5 141 150 112 103 207 33 58 22 152 19 62 135 56 217 297 66 8 98 165 44 261 74 321 190 25 122 133 796 5 24 103 668 179 125 15 146 22 1 22 84 24 249 103 52 110 3 3 68 83 58 55 186 30 54 22 148 28 44 118 61 200 298 65 8 107 163 42 277 73 325 202 17 159 112 734 8 17 79 689 159 121 17 144 18 22 123 29 220 103 52 108 1 2 73 67 54 48 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 119 7 7 55 59 365 614 75 39 196 45 55 46 34 823 33 25 320 1 247 41 207 54 133 395 8 365 33 334 174 94 195 18 502 10 50 178 220 54 62 203 44 101 8 101 60 4 22 34 66 3 3 28 27 167 287 33 20 81 21 28 23 16 393 17 13 157 130 23 108 26 68 198 4 173 16 187 93 51 94 10 254 5 29 79 92 27 30 110 24 47 4 48 29 2 13 19 53 4 4 27 32 198 327 42 19 115 24 27 23 18 430 16 12 163 1 117 18 99 28 65 197 4 192 17 147 81 43 101 8 248 5 21 99 128 27 32 93 20 54 4 53 31 2 9 15 79 Persons 17 811 47 405 170 769 71 193 678 822 164 2,193 1,406 457 206 269 470 1,199 135 1,459 581 476 1,893 488 157 612 687 2,195 168 154 138 2,076 161 1,901 494 326 1,228 142 256 146 240 86 497 214 43 130 190 545 251 376 580 655 159 158 255 208 780 592 76 22 162 Literates Males 18 487 33 283 131 498 42 108 442 561 85 1,352 848 301 142 168 307 771 96 881 301 261 1,116 290 106 406 421 1,336 89 118 80 1,317 105 1,135 327 196 793 77 195 103 133 52 350 129 25 75 116 394 158 226 374 386 106 100 169 109 473 380 48 15 96 Females 19 324 14 122 39 271 29 85 236 261 79 841 558 156 64 101 163 428 39 578 280 215 777 198 51 206 266 859 79 36 58 759 56 766 167 130 435 65 61 43 107 34 147 85 18 55 74 151 93 150 206 269 53 58 86 99 307 212 28 7 66 Name of Village 2 Suraj Surajmal Ji Ka Khera Garwai Harmada Bajunda Ranawaton Ka Khera Gorandiya Chotiyas Para Indrapura Parasoli Jagpura Jeewar Dulhepura Rughnathpura Balapura Akarsada Gajsinghpura Sangram Garh Rughnath Garh Rooppura Antali Gulabpura Bhairoo Khera Barni Jainagar Shambhoo Garh Sagani Rooppura Daulatpura Ki Dhani Barsani Koli Khera Ambesar Malaseri Mokhampura Kanwlas Kanpura Bathera Kesarpura Chitoriya Kana Ka Khera Rampuriya Ganeshpura Gangaram Ka Khera Dola Ka Khera Hatan Rayra Keriya Khera Sopura Darawat Pratappura Gopalpura Rughnathpura Ajeetpura Bhairoo Khera Bara Khera Bamni Arjun Pura Baghmal Indrapura DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 094614 094615 094616 094617 094618 094619 094620 094621 094622 094623 094624 094625 094626 094627 094628 094629 094630 094631 094632 094633 094634 094635 094636 094637 094638 094639 094640 094641 094642 094643 094644 094645 094646 094647 094648 094649 094650 094651 094652 094653 094654 094655 094656 094657 094658 094659 094660 094661 094662 094663 094664 094665 094666 094667 094668 094669 094670 094671 094672 094673 Name of Village 2 Suraj Surajmal Ji Ka Khera Garwai Harmada Bajunda Ranawaton Ka Khera Gorandiya Chotiyas Para Indrapura Parasoli Jagpura Jeewar Dulhepura Rughnathpura Balapura Akarsada Gajsinghpura Sangram Garh Rughnath Garh Rooppura Antali Gulabpura Bhairoo Khera Barni Jainagar Shambhoo Garh Sagani Rooppura Daulatpura Ki Dhani Barsani Koli Khera Ambesar Malaseri Mokhampura Kanwlas Kanpura Bathera Kesarpura Chitoriya Kana Ka Khera Rampuriya Ganeshpura Gangaram Ka Khera Dola Ka Khera Hatan Rayra Keriya Khera Sopura Darawat Pratappura Gopalpura Rughnathpura Ajeetpura Bhairoo Khera Bara Khera Bamni Arjun Pura Baghmal Indrapura Persons 20 555 109 638 406 921 59 348 1,068 1,476 126 2,160 949 464 270 294 525 1,629 127 858 250 262 1,281 464 192 797 383 1,808 208 462 330 2,828 303 1,515 733 507 1,375 166 539 198 156 74 573 426 96 184 392 864 382 335 631 564 127 178 274 168 686 691 115 7 144 Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 201 54 271 168 351 21 138 413 603 52 778 298 178 91 105 176 622 40 291 115 116 465 161 75 286 117 668 90 193 168 1,086 117 579 273 223 515 70 202 74 75 24 184 145 40 70 151 348 148 136 231 204 49 57 82 72 264 273 40 1 60 354 55 367 238 570 38 210 655 873 74 1,382 651 286 179 189 349 1,007 87 567 135 146 816 303 117 511 266 1,140 118 269 162 1,742 186 936 460 284 860 96 337 124 81 50 389 281 56 114 241 516 234 199 400 360 78 121 192 96 422 418 75 6 84 80 Total workers Persons Males Females 23 24 25 616 79 509 337 971 65 271 852 1,180 149 2,142 1,266 535 277 325 539 1,587 158 1,009 466 417 1,478 488 196 761 607 2,155 252 381 261 2,583 275 1,640 726 488 1,283 176 425 210 251 114 667 334 78 170 308 812 329 364 616 691 158 183 307 227 823 705 63 9 107 353 47 263 179 476 36 113 440 673 70 1,141 662 269 144 160 269 804 73 626 234 208 823 238 101 400 304 1,093 106 173 137 1,304 134 887 351 240 661 84 219 105 128 54 324 118 29 80 141 407 166 188 307 323 79 86 148 111 416 345 54 9 86 263 32 246 158 495 29 158 412 507 79 1,001 604 266 133 165 270 783 85 383 232 209 655 250 95 361 303 1,062 146 208 124 1,279 141 753 375 248 622 92 206 105 123 60 343 216 49 90 167 405 163 176 309 368 79 97 159 116 407 360 9 21 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 302 58 174 1 787 43 180 313 550 109 1,271 1,150 261 151 154 392 1,065 158 949 152 195 553 154 77 717 565 926 14 377 258 2,165 271 1,566 652 448 654 174 361 192 238 113 522 165 35 77 301 136 193 171 613 684 31 58 293 645 419 63 9 97 167 34 147 1 429 31 109 230 473 62 965 631 247 81 141 246 587 73 598 128 172 358 132 63 392 302 604 11 172 136 1,205 132 855 319 223 375 82 189 96 121 54 262 72 15 47 138 120 160 107 305 323 27 57 147 336 238 54 9 86 135 24 27 358 12 71 83 77 47 306 519 14 70 13 146 478 85 351 24 23 195 22 14 325 263 322 3 205 122 960 139 711 333 225 279 92 172 96 117 59 260 93 20 30 163 16 33 64 308 361 4 1 146 309 181 9 11 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Asind Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 181 27 139 288 11 37 150 434 93 767 710 153 146 87 314 547 134 182 40 50 355 58 55 260 313 394 9 373 221 1,574 155 1,237 597 368 408 168 264 142 56 47 418 77 24 48 198 77 166 135 573 506 17 40 70 523 354 51 4 76 87 10 126 185 11 28 107 367 54 510 358 150 77 79 181 352 53 115 22 45 206 57 47 115 154 280 7 170 110 847 112 655 273 189 173 79 135 54 29 25 206 31 10 22 80 70 143 78 272 199 17 40 63 241 189 42 4 66 94 17 13 103 9 43 67 39 257 352 3 69 8 133 195 81 67 18 5 149 1 8 145 159 114 2 203 111 727 43 582 324 179 235 89 129 88 27 22 212 46 14 26 118 7 23 57 301 307 7 282 165 9 10 34 1 3 382 8 19 7 7 9 81 159 98 12 27 238 6 257 58 69 28 54 8 5 106 273 5 2 6 329 112 162 8 59 24 2 64 3 131 34 78 1 31 31 3 12 1 65 2 4 153 18 8 2 17 1 142 4 9 5 4 2 70 66 90 9 19 31 5 124 54 62 13 35 7 34 115 4 1 1 161 17 73 5 21 12 1 29 1 70 20 40 19 28 1 9 32 1 3 25 10 4 1 17 1 2 240 4 10 2 3 7 11 93 8 3 8 207 1 133 4 7 15 19 1 5 72 158 1 1 5 168 95 89 3 38 12 1 35 2 61 14 38 1 12 3 2 3 1 33 1 1 128 8 4 1 32 4 23 5 11 6 40 12 4 1 3 2 13 1 72 31 4 2 8 9 22 1 1 8 10 1 43 1 4 7 1 1 2 7 3 2 21 - 18 3 20 1 3 4 39 8 2 1 3 1 9 1 53 24 4 6 6 19 6 7 1 37 1 1 7 1 1 2 7 2 2 11 81 14 1 3 4 8 2 1 4 2 1 4 19 7 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 3 6 3 1 10 - 55 26 32 1 94 19 113 150 69 7 411 277 10 4 52 49 267 17 438 54 76 139 38 12 444 137 237 1 30 254 4 157 46 21 179 4 33 46 47 32 19 87 11 28 72 27 22 24 39 106 9 12 70 83 57 12 5 19 45 21 20 1 82 15 69 114 63 6 377 205 7 3 50 45 195 14 306 52 65 115 36 9 271 108 190 1 25 191 3 120 40 13 153 2 25 40 21 9 9 41 5 24 39 21 14 20 33 85 7 12 59 74 45 12 5 19 10 5 12 12 4 44 36 6 1 34 72 3 1 2 4 72 3 132 2 11 24 2 3 173 29 47 5 63 1 37 6 8 26 2 8 6 26 23 10 46 6 4 33 6 8 4 6 21 2 11 9 12 - Name of Village 2 Suraj Surajmal Ji Ka Khera Garwai Harmada Bajunda Ranawaton Ka Khera Gorandiya Chotiyas Para Indrapura Parasoli Jagpura Jeewar Dulhepura Rughnathpura Balapura Akarsada Gajsinghpura Sangram Garh Rughnath Garh Rooppura Antali Gulabpura Bhairoo Khera Barni Jainagar Shambhoo Garh Sagani Rooppura Daulatpura Ki Dhani Barsani Koli Khera Ambesar Malaseri Mokhampura Kanwlas Kanpura Bathera Kesarpura Chitoriya Kana Ka Khera Rampuriya Ganeshpura Gangaram Ka Khera Dola Ka Khera Hatan Rayra Keriya Khera Sopura Darawat Pratappura Gopalpura Rughnathpura Ajeetpura Bhairoo Khera Bara Khera Bamni Arjun Pura Baghmal Indrapura DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 094614 094615 094616 094617 094618 094619 094620 094621 094622 094623 094624 094625 094626 094627 094628 094629 094630 094631 094632 094633 094634 094635 094636 094637 094638 094639 094640 094641 094642 094643 094644 094645 094646 094647 094648 094649 094650 094651 094652 094653 094654 094655 094656 094657 094658 094659 094660 094661 094662 094663 094664 094665 094666 094667 094668 094669 094670 094671 094672 094673 Name of Village 2 Suraj Surajmal Ji Ka Khera Garwai Harmada Bajunda Ranawaton Ka Khera Gorandiya Chotiyas Para Indrapura Parasoli Jagpura Jeewar Dulhepura Rughnathpura Balapura Akarsada Gajsinghpura Sangram Garh Rughnath Garh Rooppura Antali Gulabpura Bhairoo Khera Barni Jainagar Shambhoo Garh Sagani Rooppura Daulatpura Ki Dhani Barsani Koli Khera Ambesar Malaseri Mokhampura Kanwlas Kanpura Bathera Kesarpura Chitoriya Kana Ka Khera Rampuriya Ganeshpura Gangaram Ka Khera Dola Ka Khera Hatan Rayra Keriya Khera Sopura Darawat Pratappura Gopalpura Rughnathpura Ajeetpura Bhairoo Khera Bara Khera Bamni Arjun Pura Baghmal Indrapura Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 314 21 335 336 184 22 91 539 630 40 871 116 274 126 171 147 522 60 314 222 925 334 119 44 42 1,229 238 4 3 418 4 74 74 40 629 2 64 18 13 1 145 169 43 93 7 676 136 193 3 7 127 125 14 227 178 286 10 186 13 116 178 47 5 4 210 200 8 176 31 22 63 19 23 217 28 106 36 465 106 38 8 2 489 95 1 1 99 2 32 32 17 286 2 30 9 7 62 46 14 33 3 287 6 81 2 52 29 1 111 80 107 - 128 8 219 158 137 17 87 329 430 32 695 85 252 63 152 124 305 32 208 186 460 228 81 36 40 740 143 3 2 319 2 42 42 23 343 34 9 6 1 83 123 29 60 4 389 130 112 1 7 75 96 13 116 98 179 10 82 Persons 44 134 2 29 9 28 133 455 3 567 71 5 1 153 7 11 5 239 31 172 43 4 3 10 90 47 3 3 106 1 45 3 3 164 9 17 3 64 123 20 42 3 88 117 1 3 30 16 1 53 30 153 - Cultivators Males Females 45 46 75 1 28 5 18 59 83 3 82 21 3 13 1 5 3 75 13 113 29 3 1 1 46 26 1 28 20 1 2 90 2 8 1 32 31 8 17 2 55 1 29 15 17 16 65 - 59 1 1 4 10 74 372 485 50 2 1 140 6 6 2 164 18 59 14 1 2 9 44 21 3 2 78 1 25 2 1 74 7 9 2 32 92 12 25 1 33 116 1 3 1 1 1 36 14 88 - Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 15 53 327 138 1 6 51 99 4 139 33 262 122 16 118 460 41 59 183 692 266 83 1 31 1,040 184 65 2 16 63 6 115 2 37 7 38 18 48 345 4 15 1 3 71 98 11 40 119 119 10 7 51 173 25 1 29 75 27 5 17 62 4 13 193 19 24 19 318 67 23 1 1 387 65 15 1 3 25 1 40 2 17 5 11 5 14 135 8 1 6 9 1 24 47 31 - 8 2 154 113 1 5 22 24 4 112 28 245 60 12 105 267 22 35 164 374 199 60 30 653 119 50 1 13 38 5 75 20 2 27 13 34 210 4 7 3 65 89 10 16 72 88 10 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Asind of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 4 1 3 - - - 2 2 1 1 29 2 18 1 1 9 4 44 4 3 6 3 87 1 25 3 4 1 5 2 10 - 1 14 1 8 1 2 1 25 1 1 2 46 14 3 1 2 1 6 - 1 2 1 1 15 1 10 1 7 3 19 3 2 4 3 41 1 11 3 1 3 1 4 - Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 161 19 253 16 19 84 354 47 31 147 12 7 2 1 13 51 14 12 8 17 21 29 40 1 93 7 1 244 1 13 8 31 263 18 1 3 18 46 5 3 4 240 11 178 1 21 9 2 134 19 14 - 103 12 37 3 5 3 122 28 4 59 5 2 1 1 7 19 6 6 4 9 9 11 6 54 4 1 56 1 9 6 14 110 11 1 1 5 15 1 2 1 94 4 73 1 15 4 70 11 11 - Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 58 7 216 13 14 81 232 19 27 88 7 5 1 6 32 8 6 4 8 12 18 34 1 39 3 188 4 2 17 153 7 2 13 31 4 1 3 146 7 105 6 5 2 64 8 3 - 750 77 534 239 719 65 270 894 1,118 141 2,211 1,089 386 199 238 456 1,241 104 1,308 365 321 1,696 464 153 648 463 1,848 124 235 207 2,321 189 1,776 501 345 1,320 132 370 134 145 46 403 306 61 144 274 597 304 347 595 528 128 153 222 149 643 578 128 20 199 83 335 40 291 120 373 27 133 415 491 67 989 484 210 89 113 214 589 63 546 182 169 758 213 80 292 234 911 73 138 111 1,099 88 827 249 179 647 63 178 72 80 22 210 156 36 65 126 335 140 174 298 267 76 71 103 70 321 308 34 7 70 415 37 243 119 346 38 137 479 627 74 1,222 605 176 110 125 242 652 41 762 183 152 938 251 73 356 229 937 51 97 96 1,222 101 949 252 166 673 69 192 62 65 24 193 150 25 79 148 262 164 173 297 261 52 82 119 79 322 270 94 13 129 Name of Village 2 Suraj Surajmal Ji Ka Khera Garwai Harmada Bajunda Ranawaton Ka Khera Gorandiya Chotiyas Para Indrapura Parasoli Jagpura Jeewar Dulhepura Rughnathpura Balapura Akarsada Gajsinghpura Sangram Garh Rughnath Garh Rooppura Antali Gulabpura Bhairoo Khera Barni Jainagar Shambhoo Garh Sagani Rooppura Daulatpura Ki Dhani Barsani Koli Khera Ambesar Malaseri Mokhampura Kanwlas Kanpura Bathera Kesarpura Chitoriya Kana Ka Khera Rampuriya Ganeshpura Gangaram Ka Khera Dola Ka Khera Hatan Rayra Keriya Khera Sopura Darawat Pratappura Gopalpura Rughnathpura Ajeetpura Bhairoo Khera Bara Khera Bamni Arjun Pura Baghmal Indrapura Location code number 1 094614 094615 094616 094617 094618 094619 094620 094621 094622 094623 094624 094625 094626 094627 094628 094629 094630 094631 094632 094633 094634 094635 094636 094637 094638 094639 094640 094641 094642 094643 094644 094645 094646 094647 094648 094649 094650 094651 094652 094653 094654 094655 094656 094657 094658 094659 094660 094661 094662 094663 094664 094665 094666 094667 094668 094669 094670 094671 094672 094673 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 094674 094675 094676 094677 094678 094679 094680 094681 094682 094683 094684 094685 094686 094687 094688 094689 094690 094691 094692 094693 094694 094695 094696 094697 094698 094699 094700 094701 094702 094703 094704 094705 094706 094707 094708 094709 094710 094711 094712 094713 094714 094715 094716 094717 094718 094719 094720 094721 094722 094723 094724 094725 094726 094727 094728 094729 094730 094731 094732 094733 Name of Village 2 Bar Nagar Borela Doodiya Sangani Mechon Ka Bariya Jamron Ka Bariya Katar Dhaneri Naya Talab Ka Bariya Phooldeh Ka Bariya Sakar Ka Bariya Jhalra Mefaliyas Negariya Barethpura Khokulon Ka Khera Dantra Deori Mansinghji Ka Khera Khatola Sabdara Mohro Ka Khera Nuwaliya Sulwara Hathisar Barana Aheeron Ka Khera Bhati Khera Deopura Jetpura Jabarkiya Mataji Ka Khera Motipur Barla Kaliyas Dholi Palri Bahadurpura Rajpura Beran Rooppura Daulat Garh Papariya Jalariya Bhanas Bagata Kakhera Rughnathpura Marewara Pandroo Tiloli Karan Garh Nagpura Malnas Sojika Khera Jali Ratanpura Lachhura Bagmali Charon Ka Khera Kurachhon Ka Khera Area of Village in hectares 3 405.02 853.99 384.47 330.37 263.70 115.65 1,222.00 235.84 152.01 164.71 145.95 1,357.86 934.72 544.79 189.62 186.55 482.78 91.52 206.52 379.69 398.81 376.00 584.45 550.18 307.26 2,065.69 238.19 405.35 183.30 895.41 810.12 520.19 582.33 717.13 2,777.76 1,229.18 896.17 297.36 459.78 292.95 379.05 1,705.73 157.41 562.90 330.47 599.69 542.37 560.42 806.11 1,868.11 907.12 646.57 247.74 293.95 835.86 448.83 1,890.53 568.20 207.08 294.13 Number of households 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 129 218 47 31 61 96 414 131 70 144 55 448 371 219 63 58 384 23 260 311 172 138 272 301 139 555 63 198 150 342 298 194 115 247 981 345 519 127 190 152 148 1,165 53 155 137 328 438 141 325 701 367 196 49 104 296 170 814 317 83 137 558 898 273 187 258 424 1,898 638 319 652 292 1,939 1,573 1,038 272 298 1,609 89 1,061 1,652 858 682 1,229 1,450 657 2,575 312 874 594 1,515 1,497 958 597 1,109 4,970 1,563 2,376 609 887 769 868 5,568 286 726 714 1,494 1,906 710 1,479 3,793 1,801 948 235 485 1,522 893 4,100 1,407 470 655 84 293 407 144 89 114 185 941 322 158 334 161 992 769 549 140 153 793 44 544 825 402 357 623 745 318 1,296 153 474 304 764 738 457 309 517 2,489 730 1,203 301 435 401 403 2,796 149 356 350 703 919 351 745 1,898 925 476 116 248 788 437 2,082 743 248 330 265 491 129 98 144 239 957 316 161 318 131 947 804 489 132 145 816 45 517 827 456 325 606 705 339 1,279 159 400 290 751 759 501 288 592 2,481 833 1,173 308 452 368 465 2,772 137 370 364 791 987 359 734 1,895 876 472 119 237 734 456 2,018 664 222 325 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 97 177 50 31 48 89 263 116 46 121 41 338 287 159 45 49 250 9 148 266 142 86 193 214 105 364 40 150 114 245 239 153 99 185 753 293 348 104 152 123 128 784 49 139 155 289 310 79 243 572 331 188 57 74 223 124 661 253 79 127 58 95 29 17 21 44 141 56 23 70 23 162 150 87 27 22 136 5 83 125 70 43 84 98 49 196 19 83 54 134 116 74 50 95 373 145 184 52 88 72 62 400 28 68 79 164 169 37 119 303 170 98 29 50 121 64 355 149 45 67 39 82 21 14 27 45 122 60 23 51 18 176 137 72 18 27 114 4 65 141 72 43 109 116 56 168 21 67 60 111 123 79 49 90 380 148 164 52 64 51 66 384 21 71 76 125 141 42 124 269 161 90 28 24 102 60 306 104 34 60 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Asind Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 15 17 2 3 15 703 21 421 162 373 240 29 66 372 105 53 272 332 331 117 140 221 186 52 64 228 741 205 316 22 113 155 175 1,834 230 6 93 486 235 104 1,727 155 179 91 124 154 561 96 12 61 8 7 1 1 7 356 10 217 85 199 122 15 43 188 45 29 134 180 163 59 68 118 90 27 36 119 370 87 159 9 51 82 77 925 111 3 55 247 109 46 885 75 83 45 66 82 277 52 8 32 7 10 1 2 8 347 11 204 77 174 118 14 23 184 60 24 138 152 168 58 72 103 96 25 28 109 371 118 157 13 62 73 98 909 119 3 38 239 126 58 842 80 96 46 58 72 284 44 4 29 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 26 72 26 85 165 3 14 77 28 61 69 98 96 35 9 14 71 266 89 171 90 595 238 18 95 155 635 168 125 32 1 205 11 682 9 135 141 39 20 8 154 201 103 207 22 213 127 124 75 16 31 12 36 76 2 8 37 13 30 34 48 40 19 5 7 40 129 44 89 49 299 116 9 50 65 318 69 56 15 106 5 345 5 67 70 21 10 4 82 92 57 103 10 111 61 69 32 10 41 14 49 89 1 6 40 15 31 35 50 56 16 4 7 31 137 45 82 41 296 122 9 45 90 317 99 69 17 1 99 6 337 4 68 71 18 10 4 72 109 46 104 12 102 66 55 43 85 Persons 17 218 403 92 84 94 144 791 453 106 282 211 851 541 409 94 131 910 44 506 783 396 331 627 685 224 1,299 139 340 305 613 638 530 275 423 2,391 512 1,404 349 210 273 465 2,887 102 247 249 472 736 422 703 1,752 476 330 45 118 968 488 1,728 494 218 212 Literates Males 18 148 213 68 55 49 83 498 245 69 187 125 551 354 281 57 88 527 30 325 516 236 233 398 461 142 816 95 250 192 395 428 303 179 246 1,532 357 846 194 141 184 265 1,823 71 173 162 309 493 260 443 1,082 364 231 27 74 570 298 1,165 383 147 149 Females 19 70 190 24 29 45 61 293 208 37 95 86 300 187 128 37 43 383 14 181 267 160 98 229 224 82 483 44 90 113 218 210 227 96 177 859 155 558 155 69 89 200 1,064 31 74 87 163 243 162 260 670 112 99 18 44 398 190 563 111 71 63 Name of Village 2 Bar Nagar Borela Doodiya Sangani Mechon Ka Bariya Jamron Ka Bariya Katar Dhaneri Naya Talab Ka Bariya Phooldeh Ka Bariya Sakar Ka Bariya Jhalra Mefaliyas Negariya Barethpura Khokulon Ka Khera Dantra Deori Mansinghji Ka Khera Khatola Sabdara Mohro Ka Khera Nuwaliya Sulwara Hathisar Barana Aheeron Ka Khera Bhati Khera Deopura Jetpura Jabarkiya Mataji Ka Khera Motipur Barla Kaliyas Dholi Palri Bahadurpura Rajpura Beran Rooppura Daulat Garh Papariya Jalariya Bhanas Bagata Kakhera Rughnathpura Marewara Pandroo Tiloli Karan Garh Nagpura Malnas Sojika Khera Jali Ratanpura Lachhura Bagmali Charon Ka Khera Kurachhon Ka Khera DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 094674 094675 094676 094677 094678 094679 094680 094681 094682 094683 094684 094685 094686 094687 094688 094689 094690 094691 094692 094693 094694 094695 094696 094697 094698 094699 094700 094701 094702 094703 094704 094705 094706 094707 094708 094709 094710 094711 094712 094713 094714 094715 094716 094717 094718 094719 094720 094721 094722 094723 094724 094725 094726 094727 094728 094729 094730 094731 094732 094733 Name of Village 2 Bar Nagar Borela Doodiya Sangani Mechon Ka Bariya Jamron Ka Bariya Katar Dhaneri Naya Talab Ka Bariya Phooldeh Ka Bariya Sakar Ka Bariya Jhalra Mefaliyas Negariya Barethpura Khokulon Ka Khera Dantra Deori Mansinghji Ka Khera Khatola Sabdara Mohro Ka Khera Nuwaliya Sulwara Hathisar Barana Aheeron Ka Khera Bhati Khera Deopura Jetpura Jabarkiya Mataji Ka Khera Motipur Barla Kaliyas Dholi Palri Bahadurpura Rajpura Beran Rooppura Daulat Garh Papariya Jalariya Bhanas Bagata Kakhera Rughnathpura Marewara Pandroo Tiloli Karan Garh Nagpura Malnas Sojika Khera Jali Ratanpura Lachhura Bagmali Charon Ka Khera Kurachhon Ka Khera Persons 20 340 495 181 103 164 280 1,107 185 213 370 81 1,088 1,032 629 178 167 699 45 555 869 462 351 602 765 433 1,276 173 534 289 902 859 428 322 686 2,579 1,051 972 260 677 496 403 2,681 184 479 465 1,022 1,170 288 776 2,041 1,325 618 190 367 554 405 2,372 913 252 443 Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 145 194 76 34 65 102 443 77 89 147 36 441 415 268 83 65 266 14 219 309 166 124 225 284 176 480 58 224 112 369 310 154 130 271 957 373 357 107 294 217 138 973 78 183 188 394 426 91 302 816 561 245 89 174 218 139 917 360 101 181 195 301 105 69 99 178 664 108 124 223 45 647 617 361 95 102 433 31 336 560 296 227 377 481 257 796 115 310 177 533 549 274 192 415 1,622 678 615 153 383 279 265 1,708 106 296 277 628 744 197 474 1,225 764 373 101 193 336 266 1,455 553 151 262 86 Total workers Persons Males Females 23 24 25 215 421 182 119 132 241 1,099 340 185 492 161 976 898 564 158 165 779 37 562 745 433 379 701 733 363 1,410 186 328 338 943 817 592 365 631 2,721 877 1,823 502 457 436 517 2,249 129 373 325 766 1,139 426 827 1,805 970 591 141 309 806 484 1,954 863 283 341 161 190 96 55 54 93 571 169 88 243 91 539 431 292 80 82 391 22 303 398 216 196 356 393 179 730 92 254 170 464 391 281 184 292 1,502 384 912 247 232 228 237 1,404 83 185 181 346 518 210 423 1,048 553 293 68 154 427 241 1,109 429 151 179 54 231 86 64 78 148 528 171 97 249 70 437 467 272 78 83 388 15 259 347 217 183 345 340 184 680 94 74 168 479 426 311 181 339 1,219 493 911 255 225 208 280 845 46 188 144 420 621 216 404 757 417 298 73 155 379 243 845 434 132 162 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 215 339 52 37 131 233 675 147 185 221 73 151 681 458 112 128 414 16 418 591 428 369 672 478 243 865 183 266 338 922 637 570 129 440 2,290 525 712 189 217 430 513 1,217 58 373 16 261 510 187 658 964 814 126 61 206 25 361 1,464 847 147 339 161 178 49 37 53 90 461 135 88 156 73 143 376 253 65 77 326 15 262 365 213 195 345 343 151 594 91 247 170 456 360 273 67 261 1,357 320 604 163 122 225 236 1,037 58 185 13 225 253 169 400 682 500 121 30 105 20 232 877 419 83 178 54 161 3 78 143 214 12 97 65 8 305 205 47 51 88 1 156 226 215 174 327 135 92 271 92 19 168 466 277 297 62 179 933 205 108 26 95 205 277 180 188 3 36 257 18 258 282 314 5 31 101 5 129 587 428 64 161 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Asind Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 213 287 45 35 131 229 393 144 181 136 72 107 590 160 91 111 174 9 285 144 404 327 391 59 152 365 126 99 205 606 231 545 7 230 1,182 372 421 116 82 284 270 213 1 336 150 141 133 371 575 439 57 5 190 9 192 790 826 28 263 160 146 45 35 53 87 275 133 85 105 72 104 324 125 51 64 133 9 168 85 193 173 232 25 84 241 51 96 117 294 115 256 4 139 658 221 334 94 58 132 173 173 1 161 142 74 125 267 373 297 56 2 91 9 97 461 402 18 131 53 141 78 142 118 11 96 31 3 266 35 40 47 41 117 59 211 154 159 34 68 124 75 3 88 312 116 289 3 91 524 151 87 22 24 152 97 40 175 8 67 8 104 202 142 1 3 99 95 329 424 10 132 - - - 4 7 2 2 4 2 48 12 4 168 15 4 10 33 42 1 2 156 6 27 69 1 130 114 37 9 80 162 317 10 19 7 132 61 160 76 4 71 227 3 119 63 199 4 54 11 6 24 524 6 13 43 16 4 1 26 9 4 9 15 12 1 34 5 15 18 51 50 12 5 34 79 162 4 11 5 61 30 11 35 1 47 71 2 23 38 69 2 27 9 4 12 285 5 8 24 2 3 32 8 3 142 6 1 18 30 1 1 122 1 12 51 1 79 64 25 4 46 83 155 6 8 2 71 31 149 41 3 24 156 1 96 25 130 2 27 2 2 12 239 1 5 19 31 1 5 15 1 3 27 4 24 30 2 3 1 14 3 6 19 1 89 5 10 1 9 40 2 15 36 16 9 2 1 17 42 1 1 1 23 4 12 1 1 16 1 11 28 1 2 9 3 6 17 1 58 4 10 5 31 1 12 11 12 9 1 1 12 39 1 1 1 87 8 1 1 3 2 11 3 13 2 1 1 1 5 2 31 1 1 4 9 1 3 25 4 1 5 3 - 2 48 4 203 3 4 72 1 44 82 115 6 13 229 7 97 378 23 36 101 383 62 428 56 166 3 188 366 10 23 47 702 138 262 66 3 84 74 888 57 33 16 38 127 51 132 310 176 56 4 10 128 108 14 105 32 1 30 3 147 2 3 47 1 39 47 90 5 9 183 6 78 252 20 20 68 285 51 333 40 151 2 103 230 6 12 42 479 91 249 64 3 63 47 798 57 23 13 35 96 42 99 259 134 54 4 7 111 92 11 56 22 1 18 1 56 1 1 25 5 35 25 1 4 46 1 19 126 3 16 33 98 11 95 16 15 1 85 136 4 11 5 223 47 13 2 21 27 90 10 3 3 31 9 33 51 42 2 3 17 16 3 49 10 Name of Village 2 Bar Nagar Borela Doodiya Sangani Mechon Ka Bariya Jamron Ka Bariya Katar Dhaneri Naya Talab Ka Bariya Phooldeh Ka Bariya Sakar Ka Bariya Jhalra Mefaliyas Negariya Barethpura Khokulon Ka Khera Dantra Deori Mansinghji Ka Khera Khatola Sabdara Mohro Ka Khera Nuwaliya Sulwara Hathisar Barana Aheeron Ka Khera Bhati Khera Deopura Jetpura Jabarkiya Mataji Ka Khera Motipur Barla Kaliyas Dholi Palri Bahadurpura Rajpura Beran Rooppura Daulat Garh Papariya Jalariya Bhanas Bagata Kakhera Rughnathpura Marewara Pandroo Tiloli Karan Garh Nagpura Malnas Sojika Khera Jali Ratanpura Lachhura Bagmali Charon Ka Khera Kurachhon Ka Khera DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 094674 094675 094676 094677 094678 094679 094680 094681 094682 094683 094684 094685 094686 094687 094688 094689 094690 094691 094692 094693 094694 094695 094696 094697 094698 094699 094700 094701 094702 094703 094704 094705 094706 094707 094708 094709 094710 094711 094712 094713 094714 094715 094716 094717 094718 094719 094720 094721 094722 094723 094724 094725 094726 094727 094728 094729 094730 094731 094732 094733 Name of Village 2 Bar Nagar Borela Doodiya Sangani Mechon Ka Bariya Jamron Ka Bariya Katar Dhaneri Naya Talab Ka Bariya Phooldeh Ka Bariya Sakar Ka Bariya Jhalra Mefaliyas Negariya Barethpura Khokulon Ka Khera Dantra Deori Mansinghji Ka Khera Khatola Sabdara Mohro Ka Khera Nuwaliya Sulwara Hathisar Barana Aheeron Ka Khera Bhati Khera Deopura Jetpura Jabarkiya Mataji Ka Khera Motipur Barla Kaliyas Dholi Palri Bahadurpura Rajpura Beran Rooppura Daulat Garh Papariya Jalariya Bhanas Bagata Kakhera Rughnathpura Marewara Pandroo Tiloli Karan Garh Nagpura Malnas Sojika Khera Jali Ratanpura Lachhura Bagmali Charon Ka Khera Kurachhon Ka Khera Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 82 130 82 1 8 424 193 271 88 825 217 106 46 37 365 21 144 154 5 10 29 255 120 545 3 62 21 180 22 236 191 431 352 1,111 313 240 6 4 1,032 71 309 505 629 239 169 841 156 465 80 103 781 123 490 16 136 2 12 47 18 1 3 110 34 87 18 396 55 39 15 5 65 7 41 33 3 1 11 50 28 136 1 7 8 31 8 117 31 145 64 308 84 110 3 1 367 25 168 121 265 41 23 366 53 172 38 49 407 9 232 10 68 1 70 83 64 5 314 159 184 70 429 162 67 31 32 300 14 103 121 2 9 18 205 92 409 2 55 13 149 14 119 160 286 288 803 229 130 3 3 665 46 141 384 364 198 146 475 103 293 42 54 374 114 258 6 68 1 88 Persons 44 16 1 1 1 8 205 58 260 15 658 6 1 3 4 168 2 62 15 4 4 4 25 231 2 1 7 60 15 18 116 168 292 1,013 311 108 3 49 3 223 273 509 213 9 195 10 100 10 81 319 55 68 3 15 1 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 1 1 1 3 52 26 82 10 341 2 1 1 16 1 1 13 2 1 2 9 54 3 17 6 7 22 22 29 263 84 97 1 22 2 120 102 218 20 3 88 5 91 6 35 184 6 57 1 10 - 15 1 5 153 32 178 5 317 4 2 4 152 1 61 2 2 3 2 16 177 2 1 4 43 9 11 94 146 263 750 227 11 2 27 1 103 171 291 193 6 107 5 9 4 46 135 49 11 2 5 1 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 - - 1 128 81 202 135 1 72 165 14 63 16 29 2 4 95 6 14 20 89 9 1 34 1 101 34 170 8 37 2 130 1 1 288 36 22 181 22 14 81 498 101 303 66 20 396 55 245 1 24 - 1 46 17 49 8 1 7 54 7 12 9 10 1 6 1 5 3 20 1 44 1 70 2 11 13 100 8 1 8 7 11 3 178 16 30 30 12 182 1 70 1 13 - 82 64 153 127 65 111 7 51 7 19 1 4 89 5 9 17 69 9 1 33 1 57 33 100 6 26 2 117 1 1 188 28 21 173 15 3 78 320 85 273 36 8 214 54 175 11 - PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Asind of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 10 1 4 5 4 2 5 1 6 8 1 1 1 2 1 70 1 9 1 1 1 46 2 10 8 37 14 1 19 1 13 2 - - 6 - 4 1 - 3 2 4 - 1 3 2 4 1 - 1 4 7 1 1 2 1 37 1 4 1 21 1 6 2 23 7 1 4 7 2 - 1 2 1 33 5 1 1 25 1 4 6 14 7 15 1 6 - Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 65 1 7 9 1 2 193 37 27 33 164 17 76 39 1 9 13 229 74 224 1 52 12 84 5 47 40 84 51 60 1 5 649 32 64 49 88 12 71 111 45 48 4 1 47 12 164 12 95 1 10 1 3 4 1 1 43 24 5 5 35 5 40 13 1 1 7 42 16 62 1 7 5 13 2 29 7 49 32 34 3 224 15 47 10 34 10 15 77 32 44 2 1 37 2 98 8 43 1 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 55 4 5 1 150 13 22 28 129 12 36 26 8 6 187 58 162 45 7 71 3 18 33 35 19 26 1 2 425 17 17 39 54 2 56 34 13 4 2 10 10 66 4 52 - 343 477 91 68 126 183 799 298 134 160 131 963 675 474 114 133 830 52 499 907 425 303 528 717 294 1,165 126 546 256 572 680 366 232 478 2,249 686 553 107 430 333 351 3,319 157 353 389 728 767 284 652 1,988 831 357 94 176 716 409 2,146 544 187 314 89 132 217 48 34 60 92 370 153 70 91 70 453 338 257 60 71 402 22 241 427 186 161 267 352 139 566 61 220 134 300 347 176 125 225 987 346 291 54 203 173 166 1,392 66 171 169 357 401 141 322 850 372 183 48 94 361 196 973 314 97 151 211 260 43 34 66 91 429 145 64 69 61 510 337 217 54 62 428 30 258 480 239 142 261 365 155 599 65 326 122 272 333 190 107 253 1,262 340 262 53 227 160 185 1,927 91 182 220 371 366 143 330 1,138 459 174 46 82 355 213 1,173 230 90 163 Name of Village 2 Bar Nagar Borela Doodiya Sangani Mechon Ka Bariya Jamron Ka Bariya Katar Dhaneri Naya Talab Ka Bariya Phooldeh Ka Bariya Sakar Ka Bariya Jhalra Mefaliyas Negariya Barethpura Khokulon Ka Khera Dantra Deori Mansinghji Ka Khera Khatola Sabdara Mohro Ka Khera Nuwaliya Sulwara Hathisar Barana Aheeron Ka Khera Bhati Khera Deopura Jetpura Jabarkiya Mataji Ka Khera Motipur Barla Kaliyas Dholi Palri Bahadurpura Rajpura Beran Rooppura Daulat Garh Papariya Jalariya Bhanas Bagata Kakhera Rughnathpura Marewara Pandroo Tiloli Karan Garh Nagpura Malnas Sojika Khera Jali Ratanpura Lachhura Bagmali Charon Ka Khera Kurachhon Ka Khera Location code number 1 094674 094675 094676 094677 094678 094679 094680 094681 094682 094683 094684 094685 094686 094687 094688 094689 094690 094691 094692 094693 094694 094695 094696 094697 094698 094699 094700 094701 094702 094703 094704 094705 094706 094707 094708 094709 094710 094711 094712 094713 094714 094715 094716 094717 094718 094719 094720 094721 094722 094723 094724 094725 094726 094727 094728 094729 094730 094731 094732 094733 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 094734 094735 094736 094737 094738 094739 094740 094741 094742 094743 094744 094745 094746 094747 094748 094749 094750 094751 094752 094753 094754 094755 094756 094757 094758 094759 094760 094761 094762 094763 094764 094765 094766 095107 095108 095109 Name of Village 2 Madanpura Marwon Ka Khera Hadwon Ka Khera Sareri Kornas Narainpura Karjaliya Dota Chena Ka Khera Udaliyas Moti Bor Ka Khera Kariyala Khardi Jodhras Khalson Ka Khera Iras Rampuriya Kharda Patiyon Ka Khera Khumanpura Ganglas Udalpura Dulhepura Mor Ka Nimbahera Brahmpuri Salarmala Malka Khera Jeewaliya Dulhepura @ Bari Ka Khera Pratappura Ummedpura Jaitgarh Bhairoo Khera Jalariya Jeendras Jorawarpura Area of Village in hectares 3 Number of households 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 122.57 469.89 137.31 2,599.43 761.00 529.00 892.00 153.00 135.00 332.00 317.59 302.68 413.34 1,122.26 62.11 1,131.22 451.64 470.15 284.21 67.50 899.46 386.82 700.00 2,024.90 120.95 193.77 154.64 476.30 100 126 63 922 154 249 337 128 65 54 134 167 188 356 14 492 94 132 107 21 213 145 187 1,014 87 161 122 164 459 560 305 4,576 686 1,162 1,603 602 303 303 726 881 836 1,649 77 2,340 515 617 492 96 926 667 861 4,686 447 735 652 918 226 290 137 2,286 313 556 797 278 151 157 354 449 438 818 40 1,171 264 313 241 47 476 326 409 2,388 215 364 319 449 233 270 168 2,290 373 606 806 324 152 146 372 432 398 831 37 1,169 251 304 251 49 450 341 452 2,298 232 371 333 469 73 106 72 560 129 210 272 89 66 50 135 156 161 279 18 349 78 111 82 17 130 127 139 716 91 124 126 128 41 56 26 294 68 109 134 46 34 32 69 89 91 139 10 183 37 64 40 9 83 57 67 370 42 67 67 70 32 50 46 266 61 101 138 43 32 18 66 67 70 140 8 166 41 47 42 8 47 70 72 346 49 57 59 58 337.81 362.71 256.00 671.00 567.00 351.00 643.00 193.00 117 120 119 530 242 161 229 78 545 794 508 2,149 1,269 662 1,185 394 257 400 263 1,102 628 305 590 199 288 394 245 1,047 641 357 595 195 108 119 76 279 240 109 237 70 49 71 38 164 115 53 120 40 59 48 38 115 125 56 117 30 90 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Asind Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 Females 19 138 201 50 189 371 23 86 30 55 45 81 379 232 115 13 252 212 86 915 20 6 154 66 103 25 91 193 10 41 14 28 23 36 188 119 53 5 124 106 39 483 11 3 82 72 98 25 98 178 13 45 16 27 22 45 191 113 62 8 128 106 47 432 9 3 72 178 12 604 164 81 283 65 112 124 86 257 8 104 21 71 1 9 105 530 127 49 74 86 4 313 69 42 138 32 55 64 44 131 3 53 10 30 1 5 46 269 64 18 37 92 8 291 95 39 145 33 57 60 42 126 5 51 11 41 4 59 261 63 31 37 225 162 102 2,715 259 372 707 237 86 130 306 338 305 991 51 1,243 222 285 212 41 568 449 319 2,412 186 336 279 483 143 123 65 1,634 160 264 482 148 54 84 205 216 203 569 26 802 158 176 133 26 325 249 210 1,464 126 223 188 299 82 39 37 1,081 99 108 225 89 32 46 101 122 102 422 25 441 64 109 79 15 243 200 109 948 60 113 91 184 128 21 7 332 431 48 101 - 56 11 4 167 219 23 54 - 72 10 3 165 212 25 47 - 55 91 46 106 94 233 11 21 49 24 58 47 121 7 34 42 22 48 47 112 4 209 402 200 1,057 551 302 466 130 133 255 142 672 344 169 323 103 76 147 58 385 207 133 143 27 91 Name of Village 2 Madanpura Marwon Ka Khera Hadwon Ka Khera Sareri Kornas Narainpura Karjaliya Dota Chena Ka Khera Udaliyas Moti Bor Ka Khera Kariyala Khardi Jodhras Khalson Ka Khera Iras Rampuriya Kharda Patiyon Ka Khera Khumanpura Ganglas Udalpura Dulhepura Mor Ka Nimbahera Brahmpuri Salarmala Malka Khera Jeewaliya Dulhepura @ Bari Ka Khera Pratappura Ummedpura Jaitgarh Bhairoo Khera Jalariya Jeendras Jorawarpura DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 094734 094735 094736 094737 094738 094739 094740 094741 094742 094743 094744 094745 094746 094747 094748 094749 094750 094751 094752 094753 094754 094755 094756 094757 094758 094759 094760 094761 094762 094763 094764 094765 094766 095107 095108 095109 Name of Village 2 Madanpura Marwon Ka Khera Hadwon Ka Khera Sareri Kornas Narainpura Karjaliya Dota Chena Ka Khera Udaliyas Moti Bor Ka Khera Kariyala Khardi Jodhras Khalson Ka Khera Iras Rampuriya Kharda Patiyon Ka Khera Khumanpura Ganglas Udalpura Dulhepura Mor Ka Nimbahera Brahmpuri Salarmala Malka Khera Jeewaliya Dulhepura @ Bari Ka Khera Pratappura Ummedpura Jaitgarh Bhairoo Khera Jalariya Jeendras Jorawarpura Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 234 398 203 1,861 427 790 896 365 217 173 420 543 531 658 26 1,097 293 332 280 55 358 218 542 2,274 261 399 373 435 83 167 72 652 153 292 315 130 97 73 149 233 235 249 14 369 106 137 108 21 151 77 199 924 89 141 131 150 151 231 131 1,209 274 498 581 235 120 100 271 310 296 409 12 728 187 195 172 34 207 141 343 1,350 172 258 242 285 263 329 159 2,278 399 662 822 291 165 158 426 436 455 897 44 1,006 284 338 160 58 498 350 469 2,234 197 444 475 468 116 166 77 1,199 165 317 424 153 85 85 199 225 232 432 21 669 143 176 84 28 248 177 230 1,330 109 200 230 239 147 163 82 1,079 234 345 398 138 80 73 227 211 223 465 23 337 141 162 76 30 250 173 239 904 88 244 245 229 258 162 155 2,166 372 645 732 290 163 151 424 244 316 803 39 952 263 320 119 46 470 149 363 997 171 177 331 383 116 118 76 1,152 160 309 393 152 84 84 199 173 181 407 21 635 129 165 66 23 240 147 217 842 99 139 170 230 142 44 79 1,014 212 336 339 138 79 67 225 71 135 396 18 317 134 155 53 23 230 2 146 155 72 38 161 153 336 392 308 1,092 718 360 719 264 124 145 121 430 284 136 267 96 212 247 187 662 434 224 452 168 351 616 316 1,140 704 292 632 254 163 299 163 597 344 161 339 131 188 317 153 543 360 131 293 123 165 420 202 383 384 132 501 87 84 197 137 317 241 104 265 52 81 223 65 66 143 28 236 35 Persons 20 92 Total workers Persons Males Females 23 24 25 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Asind Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 174 97 115 1,366 281 616 469 272 157 148 152 103 148 313 21 637 53 167 47 21 338 37 233 277 126 29 221 170 78 72 48 550 99 290 204 144 80 83 142 65 71 244 19 414 29 54 21 10 127 37 125 194 64 9 114 63 96 25 67 816 182 326 265 128 77 65 10 38 77 69 2 223 24 113 26 11 211 108 83 62 20 107 107 20 40 189 56 3 45 1 3 1 181 38 49 386 18 236 129 7 23 11 10 13 14 194 3 6 1 67 7 24 94 28 1 12 2 9 20 25 96 2 155 25 3 13 6 5 13 7 165 3 37 13 16 95 28 2 33 1 1 1 172 18 24 290 16 81 104 4 10 5 5 7 29 3 3 1 30 4 3 19 1 2 9 1 10 12 21 9 3 7 1 11 6 1 108 2 8 11 1 1 8 9 11 8 8 3 4 1 9 6 1 104 1 7 - 44 348 77 125 136 73 239 67 25 163 67 117 89 64 155 34 19 185 10 8 47 9 84 33 89 45 36 21 171 - 30 16 28 11 52 - 59 29 8 10 119 - 2 8 5 5 10 3 1 - 2 3 5 4 7 2 1 - - 93 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 13 1 3 2 4 1 1 5 1 3 1 - 64 21 40 592 34 24 209 17 3 1 81 91 98 104 70 78 139 48 14 111 93 115 418 42 140 109 138 31 19 28 497 32 17 169 8 2 1 39 77 77 67 58 72 104 31 7 99 91 84 379 35 126 56 123 33 2 12 95 2 7 40 9 1 42 14 21 37 12 6 35 17 7 12 2 31 39 7 14 53 15 30 19 120 217 238 35 90 20 27 15 65 168 145 27 57 18 3 4 55 49 93 8 33 2 Name of Village 2 Madanpura Marwon Ka Khera Hadwon Ka Khera Sareri Kornas Narainpura Karjaliya Dota Chena Ka Khera Udaliyas Moti Bor Ka Khera Kariyala Khardi Jodhras Khalson Ka Khera Iras Rampuriya Kharda Patiyon Ka Khera Khumanpura Ganglas Udalpura Dulhepura Mor Ka Nimbahera Brahmpuri Salarmala Malka Khera Jeewaliya Dulhepura @ Bari Ka Khera Pratappura Ummedpura Jaitgarh Bhairoo Khera Jalariya Jeendras Jorawarpura DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 094734 094735 094736 094737 094738 094739 094740 094741 094742 094743 094744 094745 094746 094747 094748 094749 094750 094751 094752 094753 094754 094755 094756 094757 094758 094759 094760 094761 094762 094763 094764 094765 094766 095107 095108 095109 Name of Village 2 Madanpura Marwon Ka Khera Hadwon Ka Khera Sareri Kornas Narainpura Karjaliya Dota Chena Ka Khera Udaliyas Moti Bor Ka Khera Kariyala Khardi Jodhras Khalson Ka Khera Iras Rampuriya Kharda Patiyon Ka Khera Khumanpura Ganglas Udalpura Dulhepura Mor Ka Nimbahera Brahmpuri Salarmala Malka Khera Jeewaliya Dulhepura @ Bari Ka Khera Pratappura Ummedpura Jaitgarh Bhairoo Khera Jalariya Jeendras Jorawarpura Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 Persons 44 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 5 167 4 112 27 17 90 1 2 7 2 192 139 94 5 54 21 18 41 12 28 201 106 1,237 26 267 144 85 48 1 47 5 8 31 1 1 1 52 51 25 34 14 11 18 5 8 30 13 488 10 61 60 9 5 119 3 65 22 9 59 1 6 2 140 88 69 5 20 7 7 23 7 20 171 93 749 16 206 84 76 55 2 36 21 8 37 1 6 46 27 19 12 4 5 16 2 14 5 18 57 1 135 104 8 17 1 13 3 4 11 1 12 8 4 7 2 2 7 5 3 6 22 22 45 1 38 1 23 18 4 26 6 34 19 15 5 2 3 9 2 9 2 12 35 1 113 59 7 83 1 30 5 4 30 1 121 32 50 5 28 3 1 2 7 1 153 76 697 22 2 68 186 196 114 757 320 160 131 167 79 102 26 280 103 57 74 79 107 94 88 477 217 103 57 88 4 186 7 5 48 55 116 1 97 6 3 22 12 30 3 89 1 2 26 43 86 28 6 233 93 7 - 94 6 7 1 1 8 28 16 12 18 1 1 2 10 2 265 2 2 7 3 2 131 26 2 - 77 1 23 4 3 22 1 93 16 38 5 10 2 2 5 1 143 74 432 20 61 25 4 102 67 5 - PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Asind of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 2 - - 2 - 2 1 1 - 1 - 5 36 5 2 2 9 23 1 1 - 2 7 3 1 2 15 - 2 8 3 1 3 29 2 2 1 7 8 1 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 3 - 5 3 - Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 5 27 1 44 1 5 22 2 1 1 20 44 20 14 14 12 21 3 11 34 12 460 25 109 37 9 25 26 1 3 11 1 1 10 20 6 9 11 8 11 3 2 15 5 186 10 37 13 1 5 2 1 18 2 11 1 1 10 24 14 5 3 4 10 9 19 7 274 15 72 24 8 196 231 146 2,298 287 500 781 311 138 145 300 445 381 752 33 1,334 231 279 332 38 428 317 392 2,452 250 291 177 450 110 124 60 1,087 148 239 373 125 66 72 155 224 206 386 19 502 121 137 157 19 228 149 179 1,058 106 164 89 210 86 107 86 1,211 139 261 408 186 72 73 145 221 175 366 14 832 110 142 175 19 200 168 213 1,394 144 127 88 240 152 4 114 509 315 16 69 51 74 3 26 140 100 9 60 49 78 1 88 369 215 7 9 2 194 178 192 1,009 565 370 553 140 94 101 100 505 284 144 251 68 100 77 92 504 281 226 302 72 95 Name of Village 2 Madanpura Marwon Ka Khera Hadwon Ka Khera Sareri Kornas Narainpura Karjaliya Dota Chena Ka Khera Udaliyas Moti Bor Ka Khera Kariyala Khardi Jodhras Khalson Ka Khera Iras Rampuriya Kharda Patiyon Ka Khera Khumanpura Ganglas Udalpura Dulhepura Mor Ka Nimbahera Brahmpuri Salarmala Malka Khera Jeewaliya Dulhepura @ Bari Ka Khera Pratappura Ummedpura Jaitgarh Bhairoo Khera Jalariya Jeendras Jorawarpura Location code number 1 094734 094735 094736 094737 094738 094739 094740 094741 094742 094743 094744 094745 094746 094747 094748 094749 094750 094751 094752 094753 094754 094755 094756 094757 094758 094759 094760 094761 094762 094763 094764 094765 094766 095107 095108 095109 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0174 0174 0174 094767 094768 094769 094770 094771 094772 094773 094774 094775 094776 094777 094778 094779 094780 094781 094782 094783 094784 094785 094786 094787 094788 094789 094790 094791 094792 094793 094794 094795 094796 094797 094798 094799 094800 094801 094802 094803 094804 094805 094806 094807 094808 094809 094810 094811 094812 094813 094814 094815 094816 094817 094818 094819 094820 094821 094822 Name of Village 2 Hurda (Total) Hurda (Rural) Hurda (Urban) RURAL Kaniya Nahargarh Bheemlat Garwar Murayla Khedi Khejri Laxmipura (Dantra) Dantra Jalampura Chhapiya Khera Gagera Rudrapura Shiv Nagar Patiyon Ka Khera Lamba Gulabpura (Rural) Hurda Magra Hurda Seja Bavlon Ka Khera Anandipura Lachhmipura Kotri Moon Ji Ka Khera Agoocha Bhairoon Khera Bhairoon Khera Amartiya Urja Ka Kheda Barantiya Lachhmangarh Balapura Bhagwanpura Jaisinghpura Deopura Gajsinghpura Sultanpura Barla Chatarpura Balwantpura Chainpuriya Bhojras Lachhmanpura Apaliyas Roopaheli Haripura Adarsh Nagar Taswariya Atalpura Madera Jooni Khera Madanpura Kushalpura Ukhaliya Phalamada Hajiyas Area of Village in Number of hectares households 3 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 60,840.63 60,840.63 0.00 21,896 21,896 - 1,11,428 1,11,428 - 56,836 56,836 - 54,592 54,592 - 17,286 17,286 - 9,020 9,020 - 8,266 8,266 - 1,252.22 272.32 973.45 227.42 151.30 342.12 1,135.18 383.00 2,111.00 1,163.02 190.00 2,090.00 409.00 891.00 186.18 2,435.40 0.00 3,034.51 781.29 386.15 185.00 259.00 1,155.00 743.28 2,548.02 382.14 204.13 564.15 274.18 1,267.23 86.13 364.18 541.20 499.00 214.00 294.00 980.00 1,156.00 531.00 192.00 647.00 1,367.24 257.00 550.00 2,451.00 336.36 138.48 1,404.68 328.56 1,081.17 218.13 171.00 338.76 1,143.72 1,202.00 1,020.00 670 101 309 40 78 62 507 114 496 349 49 528 24 223 174 900 9 824 1,465 239 202 159 396 183 1,299 240 43 244 176 291 11 147 118 166 83 76 133 276 90 122 164 623 101 158 839 188 135 290 232 299 101 34 107 235 358 368 3,625 474 1,641 205 421 358 2,399 620 2,405 1,876 257 2,620 129 1,278 896 4,440 47 3,700 7,647 1,478 945 914 1,933 932 6,375 1,084 260 1,185 790 1,130 47 511 648 973 405 363 720 1,119 557 805 928 3,158 607 1,048 4,082 935 664 1,489 1,147 1,599 466 182 635 1,095 1,601 1,459 1,829 240 803 105 200 186 1,211 311 1,164 950 126 1,315 68 664 437 2,307 23 1,931 3,926 770 471 473 978 487 3,273 555 134 596 404 590 22 246 321 500 209 181 360 577 273 416 471 1,621 298 526 2,091 463 356 745 600 818 237 92 313 557 762 732 1,796 234 838 100 221 172 1,188 309 1,241 926 131 1,305 61 614 459 2,133 24 1,769 3,721 708 474 441 955 445 3,102 529 126 589 386 540 25 265 327 473 196 182 360 542 284 389 457 1,537 309 522 1,991 472 308 744 547 781 229 90 322 538 839 727 595 66 245 35 65 63 356 114 362 282 57 391 20 242 155 658 6 410 1,035 268 119 167 272 155 892 204 50 192 167 152 5 59 112 151 74 84 117 203 95 134 170 507 97 144 630 120 114 245 215 281 67 32 101 210 262 234 316 41 121 17 34 40 176 58 179 137 24 201 11 124 80 345 4 219 569 141 56 95 138 76 438 97 31 96 89 75 34 56 70 37 45 63 116 37 65 92 288 53 80 334 58 63 129 116 143 36 17 50 114 127 130 279 25 124 18 31 23 180 56 183 145 33 190 9 118 75 313 2 191 466 127 63 72 134 79 454 107 19 96 78 77 5 25 56 81 37 39 54 87 58 69 78 219 44 64 296 62 51 116 99 138 31 15 51 96 135 104 96 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Hurda Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 18,487 18,487 - 9,464 9,464 - 9,023 9,023 - 9,372 9,372 - 4,825 4,825 - 4,547 4,547 - 59,114 59,114 - 37,454 37,454 - 510 84 40 8 54 385 24 487 188 56 381 154 37 858 735 1,715 253 121 143 400 92 1,494 259 68 30 164 4 99 10 169 59 208 1 415 234 345 103 112 1,509 29 302 68 41 71 29 96 113 148 257 42 18 4 30 205 14 242 93 29 195 76 20 448 386 867 129 61 80 202 51 770 139 37 16 92 3 46 7 87 29 106 211 113 173 52 64 777 15 153 31 23 34 18 47 54 77 253 42 22 4 24 180 10 245 95 27 186 78 17 410 349 848 124 60 63 198 41 724 120 31 14 72 1 53 3 82 30 102 1 204 121 172 51 48 732 14 149 37 18 37 11 49 59 71 324 6 249 45 52 71 356 90 242 44 104 121 27 270 3 386 39 6 15 114 30 266 149 142 185 120 48 173 27 115 86 18 321 156 14 322 73 222 123 17 211 135 178 25 92 292 173 96 164 4 123 21 30 38 187 44 121 19 49 66 14 148 2 208 25 3 7 61 17 146 72 72 98 68 25 90 18 64 45 12 163 80 7 171 34 116 62 9 102 73 83 11 50 145 87 46 160 2 126 24 22 33 169 46 121 25 55 55 13 122 1 178 14 3 8 53 13 120 77 70 87 52 23 83 9 51 41 6 158 76 7 151 39 106 61 8 109 62 95 14 42 147 86 50 1,937 252 761 131 217 162 1,265 307 1,108 814 94 1,497 66 573 404 2,665 14 2,773 4,534 767 681 370 1,095 519 3,904 381 104 501 338 574 21 281 298 587 131 152 320 526 248 416 504 1,477 319 638 2,093 481 413 614 423 707 290 106 341 412 893 730 1,213 151 483 73 125 109 784 198 722 554 69 955 44 413 263 1,645 11 1,563 2,799 516 386 260 689 334 2,439 287 77 337 223 363 13 166 183 367 90 100 216 333 168 285 302 987 190 389 1,328 309 279 408 299 498 171 65 191 271 499 463 97 Females 19 Name of Village 2 21,660 Hurda (Total) 21,660 Hurda (Rural) Hurda (Urban) RURAL 724 Kaniya 101 Nahargarh 278 Bheemlat 58 Garwar 92 Murayla 53 Khedi 481 Khejri 109 Laxmipura (Dantra) 386 Dantra 260 Jalampura 25 Chhapiya Khera 542 Gagera 22 Rudrapura 160 Shiv Nagar 141 Patiyon Ka Khera 1,020 Lamba 3 Gulabpura (Rural) 1,210 Hurda Magra 1,735 Hurda Seja 251 Bavlon Ka Khera 295 Anandipura 110 Lachhmipura 406 Kotri 185 Moon Ji Ka Khera 1,465 Agoocha 94 Bhairoon Khera 27 Bhairoon Khera 164 Amartiya 115 Urja Ka Kheda 211 Barantiya 8 Lachhmangarh 115 Balapura 115 Bhagwanpura 220 Jaisinghpura 41 Deopura 52 Gajsinghpura 104 Sultanpura 193 Barla 80 Chatarpura 131 Balwantpura 202 Chainpuriya 490 Bhojras 129 Lachhmanpura 249 Apaliyas 765 Roopaheli 172 Haripura 134 Adarsh Nagar 206 Taswariya 124 Atalpura 209 Madera 119 Jooni Khera 41 Madanpura 150 Kushalpura 141 Ukhaliya 394 Phalamada 267 Hajiyas DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0174 0174 0174 094767 094768 094769 094770 094771 094772 094773 094774 094775 094776 094777 094778 094779 094780 094781 094782 094783 094784 094785 094786 094787 094788 094789 094790 094791 094792 094793 094794 094795 094796 094797 094798 094799 094800 094801 094802 094803 094804 094805 094806 094807 094808 094809 094810 094811 094812 094813 094814 094815 094816 094817 094818 094819 094820 094821 094822 Name of Village 2 Hurda (Total) Hurda (Rural) Hurda (Urban) RURAL Kaniya Nahargarh Bheemlat Garwar Murayla Khedi Khejri Laxmipura (Dantra) Dantra Jalampura Chhapiya Khera Gagera Rudrapura Shiv Nagar Patiyon Ka Khera Lamba Gulabpura (Rural) Hurda Magra Hurda Seja Bavlon Ka Khera Anandipura Lachhmipura Kotri Moon Ji Ka Khera Agoocha Bhairoon Khera Bhairoon Khera Amartiya Urja Ka Kheda Barantiya Lachhmangarh Balapura Bhagwanpura Jaisinghpura Deopura Gajsinghpura Sultanpura Barla Chatarpura Balwantpura Chainpuriya Bhojras Lachhmanpura Apaliyas Roopaheli Haripura Adarsh Nagar Taswariya Atalpura Madera Jooni Khera Madanpura Kushalpura Ukhaliya Phalamada Hajiyas Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 52,314 52,314 - 19,382 19,382 - 32,932 32,932 - 55,602 55,602 - 31,966 31,966 - 23,636 23,636 - 46,262 46,262 - 29,295 29,295 - 16,967 16,967 - 1,688 222 880 74 204 196 1,134 313 1,297 1,062 163 1,123 63 705 492 1,775 33 927 3,113 711 264 544 838 413 2,471 703 156 684 452 556 26 230 350 386 274 211 400 593 309 389 424 1,681 288 410 1,989 454 251 875 724 892 176 76 294 683 708 729 616 89 320 32 75 77 427 113 442 396 57 360 24 251 174 662 12 368 1,127 254 85 213 289 153 834 268 57 259 181 227 9 80 138 133 119 81 144 244 105 131 169 634 108 137 763 154 77 337 301 320 66 27 122 286 263 269 1,072 133 560 42 129 119 707 200 855 666 106 763 39 454 318 1,113 21 559 1,986 457 179 331 549 260 1,637 435 99 425 271 329 17 150 212 253 155 130 256 349 204 258 255 1,047 180 273 1,226 300 174 538 423 572 110 49 172 397 445 460 1,691 292 965 106 215 204 1,357 327 1,623 964 150 1,391 66 502 477 1,822 30 1,136 2,942 778 621 555 1,131 424 2,944 601 149 696 422 669 32 233 342 489 226 191 378 498 318 382 498 1,816 358 590 1,545 541 208 823 511 853 230 79 353 551 755 870 1,020 146 486 60 113 105 741 172 785 568 73 759 42 349 248 1,248 15 941 2,101 410 303 286 582 260 1,899 329 71 352 216 343 16 143 186 291 118 95 195 317 164 225 260 896 170 290 1,106 274 185 418 326 450 133 47 190 304 432 433 671 146 479 46 102 99 616 155 838 396 77 632 24 153 229 574 15 195 841 368 318 269 549 164 1,045 272 78 344 206 326 16 90 156 198 108 96 183 181 154 157 238 920 188 300 439 267 23 405 185 403 97 32 163 247 323 437 1,081 187 823 106 212 65 1,097 319 1,148 962 133 1,318 66 435 448 1,720 20 1,082 2,506 560 538 448 537 304 2,764 565 137 565 411 208 14 138 192 269 92 81 172 190 299 372 425 1,579 316 506 1,347 242 204 809 476 836 205 79 263 547 674 640 776 114 424 60 113 37 645 167 586 567 69 747 42 344 240 1,179 15 929 1,936 314 260 240 412 205 1,858 309 63 327 211 187 8 125 183 250 88 75 124 178 153 218 231 866 158 272 1,087 222 183 410 304 444 130 47 173 303 419 334 305 73 399 46 99 28 452 152 562 395 64 571 24 91 208 541 5 153 570 246 278 208 125 99 906 256 74 238 200 21 6 13 9 19 4 6 48 12 146 154 194 713 158 234 260 20 21 399 172 392 75 32 90 244 255 306 Persons 20 98 Total workers Persons Males Females 23 24 25 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Hurda Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 26,325 26,325 - 14,720 14,720 - 11,605 11,605 - 5,528 5,528 - 2,594 2,594 - 2,934 2,934 - 832 832 - 606 606 - 226 226 - 13,577 13,577 - 11,375 11,375 - 339 86 463 72 181 61 634 299 814 870 116 989 55 141 280 616 5 26 490 317 322 67 188 214 1,103 310 108 287 102 182 10 44 170 157 65 53 69 50 246 173 257 1,343 305 417 405 153 117 509 232 582 95 55 110 210 248 386 235 57 221 37 93 35 361 151 418 494 59 513 34 106 128 324 2 19 334 107 101 43 130 130 543 162 55 165 54 170 6 38 165 155 63 50 34 49 123 74 141 675 150 220 318 143 104 247 152 235 51 26 70 119 172 202 104 29 242 35 88 26 273 148 396 376 57 476 21 35 152 292 3 7 156 210 221 24 58 84 560 148 53 122 48 12 4 6 5 2 2 3 35 1 123 99 116 668 155 197 87 10 13 262 80 347 44 29 40 91 76 184 380 40 200 16 11 1 290 1 132 71 10 108 4 12 46 313 1 18 382 29 6 215 29 9 302 197 29 97 280 8 2 1 11 1 9 22 96 29 4 39 277 34 5 181 35 38 3 80 144 125 247 20 88 6 5 1 155 34 57 4 59 4 7 11 159 1 11 186 11 3 64 20 5 92 94 8 23 136 2 1 1 10 1 5 8 43 16 2 11 190 27 1 66 18 12 1 12 66 50 133 20 112 10 6 135 1 98 14 6 49 5 35 154 7 196 18 3 151 9 4 210 103 21 74 144 6 1 1 4 14 53 13 2 28 87 7 4 115 17 26 2 68 78 75 10 4 22 10 39 2 62 50 4 26 39 149 39 7 17 3 3 80 2 4 3 1 4 1 2 14 4 42 39 1 1 4 11 4 5 10 1 8 3 15 8 21 2 41 28 2 22 27 114 37 4 15 3 2 57 2 1 2 1 4 1 2 7 2 28 24 1 1 2 11 3 4 5 - 2 1 7 352 57 138 18 20 3 163 19 163 19 7 159 7 232 118 765 14 999 1,485 175 203 149 317 78 1,279 56 177 26 17 2 93 11 112 23 28 102 137 44 163 68 165 7 50 626 54 82 118 205 205 107 24 149 252 272 128 286 34 100 17 15 1 121 16 113 14 6 134 4 203 99 674 12 872 1,302 159 152 118 259 68 1,166 51 138 19 14 1 86 8 95 21 25 89 126 25 129 45 147 6 41 555 51 78 96 132 186 78 21 100 168 176 82 99 2 18 21 22 2 4 12 35 2 3 2 1 23 3 1 7 2 14 15 2 1 1 5 1 Name of Village 2 2,202 Hurda (Total) 2,202 Hurda (Rural) Hurda (Urban) RURAL 66 Kaniya 23 Nahargarh 38 Bheemlat 1 Garwar 5 Murayla 2 Khedi 42 Khejri 3 Laxmipura (Dantra) 50 Dantra 5 Jalampura 1 Chhapiya Khera 25 Gagera 3 Rudrapura 29 Shiv Nagar 19 Patiyon Ka Khera 91 Lamba 2 Gulabpura (Rural) 127 Hurda Magra 183 Hurda Seja 16 Bavlon Ka Khera 51 Anandipura 31 Lachhmipura 58 Kotri 10 Moon Ji Ka Khera 113 Agoocha 5 Bhairoon Khera Bhairoon Khera 39 Amartiya 7 Urja Ka Kheda 3 Barantiya 1 Lachhmangarh 7 Balapura 3 Bhagwanpura 17 Jaisinghpura 2 Deopura 3 Gajsinghpura 13 Sultanpura 11 Barla 19 Chatarpura 34 Balwantpura 23 Chainpuriya 18 Bhojras 1 Lachhmanpura 9 Apaliyas 71 Roopaheli 3 Haripura 4 Adarsh Nagar 22 Taswariya 73 Atalpura 19 Madera 29 Jooni Khera 3 Madanpura 49 Kushalpura 84 Ukhaliya 96 Phalamada 46 Hajiyas DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 0174 0174 0174 094767 094768 094769 094770 094771 094772 094773 094774 094775 094776 094777 094778 094779 094780 094781 094782 094783 094784 094785 094786 094787 094788 094789 094790 094791 094792 094793 094794 094795 094796 094797 094798 094799 094800 094801 094802 094803 094804 094805 094806 094807 094808 094809 094810 094811 094812 094813 094814 094815 094816 094817 094818 094819 094820 094821 094822 Name of Village 2 Hurda (Total) Hurda (Rural) Hurda (Urban) RURAL Kaniya Nahargarh Bheemlat Garwar Murayla Khedi Khejri Laxmipura (Dantra) Dantra Jalampura Chhapiya Khera Gagera Rudrapura Shiv Nagar Patiyon Ka Khera Lamba Gulabpura (Rural) Hurda Magra Hurda Seja Bavlon Ka Khera Anandipura Lachhmipura Kotri Moon Ji Ka Khera Agoocha Bhairoon Khera Bhairoon Khera Amartiya Urja Ka Kheda Barantiya Lachhmangarh Balapura Bhagwanpura Jaisinghpura Deopura Gajsinghpura Sultanpura Barla Chatarpura Balwantpura Chainpuriya Bhojras Lachhmanpura Apaliyas Roopaheli Haripura Adarsh Nagar Taswariya Atalpura Madera Jooni Khera Madanpura Kushalpura Ukhaliya Phalamada Hajiyas Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 Persons 44 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 9,340 9,340 - 2,671 2,671 - 6,669 6,669 - 3,669 3,669 - 846 846 - 2,823 2,823 - 2,882 2,882 - 900 900 - 1,982 1,982 - 610 105 142 3 139 260 8 475 2 17 73 67 29 102 10 54 436 218 83 107 594 120 180 36 12 131 11 461 18 95 150 220 134 110 206 308 19 10 73 237 42 84 198 299 4 14 35 17 25 90 4 81 230 244 32 62 68 96 5 199 1 4 12 5 8 69 12 165 96 43 46 170 55 41 20 8 25 5 156 8 18 3 41 30 20 71 139 11 7 29 30 12 18 19 52 2 8 22 6 3 17 1 13 99 366 73 80 3 71 164 3 276 1 13 61 62 21 33 10 42 271 122 40 61 424 65 139 16 4 106 6 305 10 77 147 179 104 90 135 169 8 3 44 207 30 66 179 247 2 6 13 11 22 73 3 68 131 462 31 58 3 47 52 4 255 2 1 6 3 20 1 1 14 136 140 43 4 70 51 84 1 55 3 38 4 20 142 139 71 59 81 15 10 184 41 54 17 161 1 2 1 16 74 180 13 23 26 21 3 124 1 3 1 8 4 45 58 25 23 7 8 1 9 1 9 1 6 3 12 3 2 24 5 3 13 11 8 1 15 1 1 1 2 37 282 18 35 3 21 31 1 131 1 1 3 2 12 1 1 10 91 82 18 4 47 44 76 46 2 29 3 14 139 127 68 57 57 10 7 171 30 46 16 146 1 14 37 71 15 46 88 162 190 12 43 5 6 12 3 19 171 58 42 292 22 65 32 11 61 4 403 13 2 4 18 4 30 49 4 57 44 1 26 31 111 1 9 3 4 1 6 76 30 8 22 38 60 58 2 6 1 1 2 38 26 23 69 16 16 19 7 13 1 139 6 2 10 4 14 36 2 24 9 1 7 8 25 1 4 2 28 41 7 24 50 102 132 10 37 4 6 11 3 17 133 32 19 223 6 49 13 4 48 3 264 7 4 8 16 13 2 33 35 19 23 86 5 3 2 1 6 48 100 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Hurda of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 121 121 - 49 49 - 7 1 3 - 2 11 2 18 4 4 2 2 3 1 1 9 8 6 6 5 1 2 1 1 1 876 876 - 1,792 1,792 - 55,826 55,826 - 24,870 24,870 - 4 70 59 37 4 43 4 24 2 13 59 3 89 6 19 111 16 36 59 230 44 30 4 15 3 11 1 73 4 63 51 51 89 238 15 5 5 7 4 149 26 3 4 35 12 25 86 2 59 79 31 11 17 4 14 2 15 2 1 3 68 6 75 9 16 21 78 31 17 1 3 2 6 1 10 19 19 18 30 93 9 4 2 6 3 10 11 1 3 22 5 3 15 11 34 39 48 20 29 2 9 12 56 3 21 6 13 36 7 20 38 152 13 13 3 12 1 5 63 4 44 32 33 59 145 6 1 3 1 1 139 15 2 1 13 7 22 71 2 48 45 1,934 182 676 99 206 154 1,042 293 782 912 107 1,229 63 776 419 2,618 17 2,564 4,705 700 324 359 802 508 3,431 483 111 489 368 461 15 278 306 484 179 172 342 621 239 423 430 1,342 249 458 2,537 394 456 666 636 746 236 103 282 544 846 589 809 94 317 45 87 81 470 139 379 382 53 556 26 315 189 1,059 8 990 1,825 360 168 187 396 227 1,374 226 63 244 188 247 6 103 135 209 91 86 165 260 109 191 211 725 128 236 985 189 171 327 274 368 104 45 123 253 330 299 1 1 6 - 2,668 2,668 - - - 2 - 2 - 4 2 9 2 - 7 3 2 2 1 1 2 4 3 5 3 2 1 - Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 72 72 - 3 - Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 2 11 1 2 2 2 1 7 4 3 1 2 1 1 1 101 Name of Village 2 30,956 Hurda (Total) 30,956 Hurda (Rural) Hurda (Urban) RURAL 1,125 Kaniya 88 Nahargarh 359 Bheemlat 54 Garwar 119 Murayla 73 Khedi 572 Khejri 154 Laxmipura (Dantra) 403 Dantra 530 Jalampura 54 Chhapiya Khera 673 Gagera 37 Rudrapura 461 Shiv Nagar 230 Patiyon Ka Khera 1,559 Lamba 9 Gulabpura (Rural) 1,574 Hurda Magra 2,880 Hurda Seja 340 Bavlon Ka Khera 156 Anandipura 172 Lachhmipura 406 Kotri 281 Moon Ji Ka Khera 2,057 Agoocha 257 Bhairoon Khera 48 Bhairoon Khera 245 Amartiya 180 Urja Ka Kheda 214 Barantiya 9 Lachhmangarh 175 Balapura 171 Bhagwanpura 275 Jaisinghpura 88 Deopura 86 Gajsinghpura 177 Sultanpura 361 Barla 130 Chatarpura 232 Balwantpura 219 Chainpuriya 617 Bhojras 121 Lachhmanpura 222 Apaliyas 1,552 Roopaheli 205 Haripura 285 Adarsh Nagar 339 Taswariya 362 Atalpura 378 Madera 132 Jooni Khera 58 Madanpura 159 Kushalpura 291 Ukhaliya 516 Phalamada 290 Hajiyas Location code number 1 0174 0174 0174 094767 094768 094769 094770 094771 094772 094773 094774 094775 094776 094777 094778 094779 094780 094781 094782 094783 094784 094785 094786 094787 094788 094789 094790 094791 094792 094793 094794 094795 094796 094797 094798 094799 094800 094801 094802 094803 094804 094805 094806 094807 094808 094809 094810 094811 094812 094813 094814 094815 094816 094817 094818 094819 094820 094821 094822 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 094823 094824 094825 094826 094827 094828 094829 094830 094831 094832 094833 094834 094835 094836 094837 094838 094839 094840 094841 094842 094843 094844 094845 094846 094847 094848 Name of Village 2 Bharliyas Kanpura Bakhtawarpura Deoriya Tonkarwad Shivpura Gopalpura Amerpura Jal Khera Nangaji Ka Khera Garoliya Khera Kanwaliyas Govindpura Bhawanipura Sanodiya Ramnagar Bor Khera Dhanpura Suras Sodar Inani Khera Pardodas Garhwalon Ka Khera Jalimpura Sareri Baga Ka Khera Dhuwaliya Area of Village in Number of hectares households 3 4 611.23 480.00 445.15 1,047.30 1,823.10 307.10 369.94 348.00 349.00 149.00 1,224.00 243.00 190.29 1,415.00 344.00 426.00 436.10 640.95 1,333.43 585.29 1,331.00 316.00 260.14 1,111.33 400.25 1,144.73 213 110 153 158 380 215 133 229 95 52 588 122 179 362 166 260 166 175 350 118 264 148 145 639 242 386 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 1,095 667 899 749 2,098 1,093 635 1,203 551 297 3,101 935 973 1,886 896 1,182 917 958 1,783 696 1,468 784 692 3,511 1,252 1,800 102 558 342 469 374 1,042 550 316 609 289 146 1,588 459 515 950 436 563 477 476 910 358 751 385 391 1,735 621 1,212 537 325 430 375 1,056 543 319 594 262 151 1,513 476 458 936 460 619 440 482 873 338 717 399 301 1,776 631 588 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 152 95 178 136 340 164 99 161 97 40 435 145 155 269 142 184 160 171 287 116 252 93 168 573 227 189 88 53 96 68 174 89 46 87 62 23 227 64 96 139 69 89 89 92 167 54 131 51 96 286 119 84 64 42 82 68 166 75 53 74 35 17 208 81 59 130 73 95 71 79 120 62 121 42 72 287 108 105 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Hurda Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 146 108 171 400 124 39 65 81 1,000 40 78 676 274 158 151 102 237 5 215 42 23 1,084 69 294 70 59 84 202 65 19 28 48 501 20 41 336 128 75 82 53 116 2 106 24 17 532 33 200 76 49 87 198 59 20 37 33 499 20 37 340 146 83 69 49 121 3 109 18 6 552 36 94 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 127 11 290 53 294 250 60 79 16 40 10 6 60 51 202 182 58 67 302 72 93 181 103 210 182 62 4 156 29 144 124 28 37 8 25 5 4 29 27 92 100 28 32 154 34 49 101 52 106 95 65 7 134 24 150 126 32 42 8 15 5 2 31 24 110 82 30 35 148 38 44 80 51 104 87 103 Persons 17 542 363 366 382 980 567 297 650 266 189 2,031 554 642 968 457 490 343 429 890 293 741 461 338 1,875 679 1,092 Literates Males 18 354 234 244 219 625 369 212 403 176 104 1,171 323 396 616 292 281 237 281 555 204 507 275 232 1,160 406 923 Females 19 188 129 122 163 355 198 85 247 90 85 860 231 246 352 165 209 106 148 335 89 234 186 106 715 273 169 Name of Village 2 Bharliyas Kanpura Bakhtawarpura Deoriya Tonkarwad Shivpura Gopalpura Amerpura Jal Khera Nangaji Ka Khera Garoliya Khera Kanwaliyas Govindpura Bhawanipura Sanodiya Ramnagar Bor Khera Dhanpura Suras Sodar Inani Khera Pardodas Garhwalon Ka Khera Jalimpura Sareri Baga Ka Khera Dhuwaliya DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 094823 094824 094825 094826 094827 094828 094829 094830 094831 094832 094833 094834 094835 094836 094837 094838 094839 094840 094841 094842 094843 094844 094845 094846 094847 094848 Name of Village 2 Bharliyas Kanpura Bakhtawarpura Deoriya Tonkarwad Shivpura Gopalpura Amerpura Jal Khera Nangaji Ka Khera Garoliya Khera Kanwaliyas Govindpura Bhawanipura Sanodiya Ramnagar Bor Khera Dhanpura Suras Sodar Inani Khera Pardodas Garhwalon Ka Khera Jalimpura Sareri Baga Ka Khera Dhuwaliya Persons 20 553 304 533 367 1,118 526 338 553 285 108 1,070 381 331 918 439 692 574 529 893 403 727 323 354 1,636 573 708 Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 204 108 225 155 417 181 104 206 113 42 417 136 119 334 144 282 240 195 355 154 244 110 159 575 215 289 349 196 308 212 701 345 234 347 172 66 653 245 212 584 295 410 334 334 538 249 483 213 195 1,061 358 419 104 Total workers Persons Males Females 23 24 25 518 346 528 428 1,041 591 331 668 273 144 1,158 563 373 976 517 719 464 525 793 432 809 469 414 1,610 753 1,239 284 192 271 210 558 291 163 343 147 74 796 273 247 509 247 329 251 266 464 215 416 222 227 953 369 962 234 154 257 218 483 300 168 325 126 70 362 290 126 467 270 390 213 259 329 217 393 247 187 657 384 277 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 394 345 473 353 1,000 490 330 600 128 95 1,126 540 358 708 353 585 441 425 685 353 687 469 408 1,319 750 1,115 265 192 251 174 550 271 163 338 118 70 791 269 244 481 234 320 247 253 449 209 402 222 221 929 368 903 129 153 222 179 450 219 167 262 10 25 335 271 114 227 119 265 194 172 236 144 285 247 187 390 382 212 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Hurda Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 173 162 231 310 790 414 320 397 87 73 783 444 143 464 235 525 354 357 438 344 631 459 393 633 672 295 114 82 121 158 421 242 159 225 83 54 507 182 62 267 132 265 215 200 277 202 374 213 213 419 321 149 59 80 110 152 369 172 161 172 4 19 276 262 81 197 103 260 139 157 161 142 257 246 180 214 351 146 138 8 228 2 54 60 3 98 1 7 100 2 32 11 2 2 3 11 92 2 11 148 51 89 74 7 125 1 22 15 20 1 4 68 2 14 6 2 1 3 45 1 3 61 25 40 64 1 103 1 32 45 3 78 3 32 18 5 2 2 8 47 1 8 87 26 49 5 5 - 5 5 - 1 4 1 1 4 1 - - 6 8 1 24 1 5 1 6 1 5 2 3 29 1 4 5 8 1 18 1 2 1 6 1 3 2 2 26 1 3 105 1 6 3 2 1 3 1 78 170 14 40 152 15 7 99 32 14 219 93 178 232 110 58 83 52 153 7 42 10 15 509 26 727 72 98 5 14 103 13 4 88 26 11 198 84 166 207 96 53 30 47 125 6 23 9 8 423 21 711 6 72 9 26 49 2 3 11 6 3 21 9 12 25 14 5 53 5 28 1 19 1 7 86 5 16 Name of Village 2 Bharliyas Kanpura Bakhtawarpura Deoriya Tonkarwad Shivpura Gopalpura Amerpura Jal Khera Nangaji Ka Khera Garoliya Khera Kanwaliyas Govindpura Bhawanipura Sanodiya Ramnagar Bor Khera Dhanpura Suras Sodar Inani Khera Pardodas Garhwalon Ka Khera Jalimpura Sareri Baga Ka Khera Dhuwaliya DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 094823 094824 094825 094826 094827 094828 094829 094830 094831 094832 094833 094834 094835 094836 094837 094838 094839 094840 094841 094842 094843 094844 094845 094846 094847 094848 Name of Village 2 Bharliyas Kanpura Bakhtawarpura Deoriya Tonkarwad Shivpura Gopalpura Amerpura Jal Khera Nangaji Ka Khera Garoliya Khera Kanwaliyas Govindpura Bhawanipura Sanodiya Ramnagar Bor Khera Dhanpura Suras Sodar Inani Khera Pardodas Garhwalon Ka Khera Jalimpura Sareri Baga Ka Khera Dhuwaliya Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 124 1 55 75 41 101 1 68 145 49 32 23 15 268 164 134 23 100 108 79 122 6 291 3 124 19 20 36 8 20 5 29 4 5 4 3 28 13 9 4 13 15 6 14 6 24 1 59 105 1 35 39 33 81 1 63 116 45 27 19 12 240 151 125 19 87 93 73 108 267 2 65 106 Persons 44 10 59 18 28 1 13 3 13 5 226 152 127 10 80 1 10 1 182 53 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 3 27 3 2 3 2 11 6 4 3 7 1 1 6 25 7 32 15 26 1 13 3 10 3 215 146 123 7 73 1 9 176 28 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 12 1 33 13 17 70 61 109 32 27 8 10 29 5 3 3 2 51 3 66 6 16 8 3 17 5 9 4 4 1 13 1 1 1 1 32 6 1 17 5 14 53 56 100 28 23 8 9 16 4 3 2 2 50 2 34 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Hurda of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 1 1 2 2 - - 5 - 1 1 2 - 1 2 - - 2 1 2 - 5 - Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 102 22 3 5 3 6 34 2 2 2 13 12 7 8 16 102 79 110 5 53 5 10 4 1 2 1 18 1 1 4 7 5 5 12 6 13 5 17 2 92 18 2 3 2 6 16 2 1 1 9 5 2 8 11 90 73 97 36 3 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 577 321 371 321 1,057 502 304 535 278 153 1,943 372 600 910 379 463 453 433 990 264 659 315 278 1,901 499 561 107 274 150 198 164 484 259 153 266 142 72 792 186 268 441 189 234 226 210 446 143 335 163 164 782 252 250 303 171 173 157 573 243 151 269 136 81 1,151 186 332 469 190 229 227 223 544 121 324 152 114 1,119 247 311 Name of Village 2 Bharliyas Kanpura Bakhtawarpura Deoriya Tonkarwad Shivpura Gopalpura Amerpura Jal Khera Nangaji Ka Khera Garoliya Khera Kanwaliyas Govindpura Bhawanipura Sanodiya Ramnagar Bor Khera Dhanpura Suras Sodar Inani Khera Pardodas Garhwalon Ka Khera Jalimpura Sareri Baga Ka Khera Dhuwaliya Location code number 1 094823 094824 094825 094826 094827 094828 094829 094830 094831 094832 094833 094834 094835 094836 094837 094838 094839 094840 094841 094842 094843 094844 094845 094846 094847 094848 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0175 0175 0175 094849 094850 094851 094852 094853 094854 094855 094856 094857 094858 094859 094860 094861 094862 094863 094864 094865 094866 094867 094868 094869 094870 094871 094872 094873 094874 094875 094876 094877 094878 094879 094880 094881 094882 094883 094884 094885 094886 094887 094888 094889 094890 094891 094892 094893 094894 094895 094896 094897 094898 094899 094900 094901 094902 094903 Name of Village 2 Shahpura (Total) Shahpura (Rural) Shahpura (Urban) RURAL Khera Palola Kothiya Araniya Chauhan Daulatpura Ranjeetpura Bagthala Baori Kayampura Itariya Kalyanpura Purani Rajyas Purani Arwar Nai Arwar Sardarpura Barla (Arwar Ka) Sangariya Khera Rajpura Mataji Ka Khera Malik Khera @ Maganpura Jora Ka Khera Dhanop Uma Ka Khera Khera Hetam Ganpatiya Khera Sangari Rampura Chandma Ratanpura Phooliya Kalan Santosh Pura Rajpura Shivpura Hukampura Hanspura Ralayta Gegwa Deoriya Nai Rajyas Panotiya Nathriyas Diyas Purana Sarsoonda Beh Ka Khera Rampura Kalyanpura Gordhanpura Khamor Amli Kaloosingh Dhokaliya Kanechhan Khurd Naya Sarsoonda Kanechhan Kalan Peta Nahar Sagar Ummedpura Sardar Pura Area of Village in hectares 3 Number of households 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 1,12,891.60 1,12,891.60 0.00 36,034 36,034 - 1,76,700 1,76,700 - 89,868 89,868 - 86,832 86,832 - 27,570 27,570 - 14,160 14,160 - 13,410 13,410 - 372.00 2,301.00 358.68 57.73 56.01 302.06 438.77 158.52 905.08 308.00 823.00 1,173.12 313.92 229.00 403.33 1,685.44 204.86 242.00 146 842 116 53 24 124 214 95 310 185 7 265 317 125 57 772 162 90 716 4,633 566 288 126 679 1,013 546 1,732 952 31 1,357 1,638 553 262 4,087 677 382 367 2,388 275 145 66 345 500 279 874 481 20 684 805 305 143 2,091 339 194 349 2,245 291 143 60 334 513 267 858 471 11 673 833 248 119 1,996 338 188 131 720 90 49 21 115 164 114 272 156 2 190 238 94 45 607 107 42 67 383 54 29 16 65 75 60 133 83 2 92 103 42 29 315 46 23 64 337 36 20 5 50 89 54 139 73 98 135 52 16 292 61 19 180.00 100.00 2,296.00 370.00 297.42 685.00 239.32 795.42 925.85 722.00 2,639.77 178.00 460.00 184.00 904.00 71.00 920.00 237.00 1,080.53 472.03 891.61 457.75 665.84 584.00 281.49 471.75 155.74 90.49 2,566.40 1,050.12 691.99 872.61 543.00 3,193.00 1,058.00 732.45 204.38 104 55 795 103 125 219 138 201 309 173 1,506 81 249 97 362 81 186 100 407 588 448 62 206 586 280 4,011 491 615 997 805 936 1,355 834 7,516 377 1,057 478 1,376 442 876 535 1,928 2,656 2,091 282 993 48 17 313 48 46 58 58 62 107 50 550 27 76 30 88 38 80 27 145 204 169 25 77 36 22 292 47 47 63 57 74 110 53 488 30 75 29 92 52 58 36 109 240 159 24 63 108 96 24 109 856 231 149 265 186 922 532 575 119 512 4,443 1,252 745 1,015 919 4,683 41 40 5 56 337 115 77 63 83 370 44 44 9 44 317 109 64 64 60 335 203 133 1,097 594 304 282 84 140 140 39 2,053 1,958 605 246 245 95 312 303 93 506 491 121 403 402 115 456 480 136 695 660 217 445 389 103 3,852 3,664 1,038 188 189 57 546 511 151 231 247 59 687 689 180 229 213 90 452 424 138 266 269 63 1,020 908 254 1,340 1,316 444 1,064 1,027 328 145 137 49 516 477 140 -------------Un-inhabited-------------275 257 85 295 280 84 57 62 14 264 248 100 2,249 2,194 654 647 605 224 389 356 141 531 484 127 489 430 143 2,351 2,332 705 -------------Un-inhabited-------------585 512 128 303 291 77 72 38 56 39 108 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Shahpura Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 38,547 38,547 - 19,667 19,667 - 18,880 18,880 - 18,406 18,406 - 9,378 9,378 - 9,028 9,028 - 78,198 78,198 - 51,360 51,360 - 315 1,152 102 79 269 110 1 353 13 28 347 565 169 1,486 207 - 167 579 45 37 146 51 181 9 18 181 274 96 771 106 - 148 573 57 42 123 59 1 172 4 10 166 291 73 715 101 - 185 80 126 18 20 53 20 56 42 44 36 - 95 41 63 8 9 27 11 28 26 19 20 - 90 39 63 10 11 26 9 28 16 25 16 - 340 2,613 263 122 67 458 549 266 825 423 14 625 967 257 134 1,961 361 147 240 1,632 159 65 42 249 325 174 535 269 13 422 595 169 87 1,277 231 103 57 13 840 84 80 163 67 67 285 56 1,939 69 30 191 177 69 44 428 949 230 89 242 30 6 412 44 38 74 32 38 144 30 996 31 15 97 91 35 24 238 469 121 45 122 27 7 428 40 42 89 35 29 141 26 943 38 15 94 86 34 20 190 480 109 44 120 238 122 2,249 142 256 479 338 405 546 332 3,811 140 564 238 739 145 488 245 918 1,483 1,208 156 487 158 81 1,415 109 189 298 245 258 395 259 2,442 103 342 135 464 112 294 160 626 945 755 104 335 19 20 79 11 1,230 116 225 356 88 2,210 9 13 38 4 638 76 116 183 47 1,109 10 7 41 7 592 40 109 173 41 1,101 183 248 53 141 2,012 473 305 487 370 2,213 120 163 38 102 1,344 335 210 337 265 1,438 429 17 223 6 206 11 38 21 17 152 72 80 66 34 32 3 2 1 95 51 44 196 89 107 401 208 193 68 30 38 106 55 51 65 34 31 28 14 14 143 67 76 170 83 87 135 71 64 32 18 14 244 131 113 59 28 31 87 43 44 70 39 31 -------------Un-inhabited-------------70 33 37 44 21 23 318 152 166 145 84 61 180 96 84 91 50 41 37 19 18 70 34 36 -------------Un-inhabited-------------14 10 4 16 9 7 518 270 355 179 109 Females 19 Name of Village 2 26,838 Shahpura (Total) 26,838 Shahpura (Rural) Shahpura (Urban) RURAL 100 Khera Palola 981 Kothiya 104 Araniya Chauhan 57 Daulatpura 25 Ranjeetpura 209 Bagthala 224 Baori 92 Kayampura 290 Itariya 154 Kalyanpura 1 Purani Rajyas 203 Purani Arwar 372 Nai Arwar 88 Sardarpura 47 Barla (Arwar Ka) 684 Sangariya 130 Khera Rajpura 44 Mataji Ka Khera Malik Khera @ 80 Maganpura 41 Jora Ka Khera 834 Dhanop 33 Uma Ka Khera 67 Khera Hetam 181 Ganpatiya Khera 93 Sangari 147 Rampura 151 Chandma 73 Ratanpura 1,369 Phooliya Kalan 37 Santosh Pura 222 Rajpura 103 Shivpura 275 Hukampura 33 Hanspura 194 Ralayta 85 Gegwa 292 Deoriya 538 Nai Rajyas 453 Panotiya 52 Nathriyas 152 Diyas Purana Sarsoonda 63 Beh Ka Khera 85 Rampura 15 Kalyanpura 39 Gordhanpura 668 Khamor 138 Amli Kaloosingh 95 Dhokaliya 150 Kanechhan Khurd 105 Naya Sarsoonda 775 Kanechhan Kalan Peta Nahar Sagar 163 Ummedpura 91 Sardar Pura DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0175 0175 0175 094849 094850 094851 094852 094853 094854 094855 094856 094857 094858 094859 094860 094861 094862 094863 094864 094865 094866 094867 094868 094869 094870 094871 094872 094873 094874 094875 094876 094877 094878 094879 094880 094881 094882 094883 094884 094885 094886 094887 094888 094889 094890 094891 094892 094893 094894 094895 094896 094897 094898 094899 094900 094901 094902 094903 Name of Village 2 Shahpura (Total) Shahpura (Rural) Shahpura (Urban) RURAL Khera Palola Kothiya Araniya Chauhan Daulatpura Ranjeetpura Bagthala Baori Kayampura Itariya Kalyanpura Purani Rajyas Purani Arwar Nai Arwar Sardarpura Barla (Arwar Ka) Sangariya Khera Rajpura Mataji Ka Khera Malik Khera @ Maganpura Jora Ka Khera Dhanop Uma Ka Khera Khera Hetam Ganpatiya Khera Sangari Rampura Chandma Ratanpura Phooliya Kalan Santosh Pura Rajpura Shivpura Hukampura Hanspura Ralayta Gegwa Deoriya Nai Rajyas Panotiya Nathriyas Diyas Purana Sarsoonda Beh Ka Khera Rampura Kalyanpura Gordhanpura Khamor Amli Kaloosingh Dhokaliya Kanechhan Khurd Naya Sarsoonda Kanechhan Kalan Peta Nahar Sagar Ummedpura Sardar Pura Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 98,502 98,502 - 38,508 38,508 - 59,994 59,994 - 91,850 91,850 - 49,843 49,843 - 42,007 42,007 - 70,349 70,349 - 42,842 42,842 - 27,507 27,507 - 376 2,020 303 166 59 221 464 280 907 529 17 732 671 296 128 2,126 316 235 127 756 116 80 24 96 175 105 339 212 7 262 210 136 56 814 108 91 249 1,264 187 86 35 125 289 175 568 317 10 470 461 160 72 1,312 208 144 368 1,965 211 142 59 391 577 147 824 307 11 669 872 309 152 1,910 360 246 193 1,257 137 84 34 187 301 114 484 230 6 354 436 175 84 1,083 184 125 175 708 74 58 25 204 276 33 340 77 5 315 436 134 68 827 176 121 185 1,528 154 142 57 390 434 131 804 276 11 648 830 270 133 1,287 316 166 175 1,124 129 84 32 187 275 105 474 222 6 345 423 158 67 852 168 113 10 404 25 58 25 203 159 26 330 54 5 303 407 112 66 435 148 53 348 158 1,762 349 359 518 467 531 809 502 3,705 237 493 240 637 297 388 290 1,010 1,173 883 126 506 146 59 638 137 123 208 158 198 300 186 1,410 85 204 96 223 117 158 106 394 395 309 41 181 202 99 1,124 212 236 310 309 333 509 316 2,295 152 289 144 414 180 230 184 616 778 574 85 325 142 142 1,594 295 160 383 391 84 793 420 2,655 2 88 247 547 262 343 29 813 1,390 1,059 80 317 132 79 1,092 137 76 270 196 63 414 236 1,620 2 51 113 285 131 214 22 500 710 564 75 263 10 63 502 158 84 113 195 21 379 184 1,035 37 134 262 131 129 7 313 680 495 5 54 349 327 66 371 2,431 779 440 528 549 2,470 155 132 19 162 905 312 179 194 224 913 194 195 47 209 1,526 467 261 334 325 1,557 273 94 65 260 1,780 529 316 63 237 1,874 145 81 32 127 1,051 311 195 43 231 1,086 128 13 33 133 729 218 121 20 6 788 579 324 230 124 349 200 297 166 131 168 84 84 2,187 1,183 1,004 297 138 159 329 157 172 515 296 219 477 227 250 574 281 293 838 430 408 479 257 222 3,436 1,999 1,437 208 108 100 568 287 281 257 116 141 693 352 341 265 131 134 481 247 234 269 140 129 859 515 344 1,436 726 710 1,163 597 566 145 75 70 529 296 233 -------------Un-inhabited-------------316 161 155 339 185 154 66 33 33 270 130 140 2,118 1,193 925 541 317 224 352 198 154 601 313 288 475 263 212 2,249 1,185 1,064 -------------Un-inhabited-------------616 322 294 365 177 188 333 293 234 145 99 148 Persons 20 Total workers Persons Males Females 23 24 25 110 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Shahpura Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 50,498 50,498 - 29,684 29,684 - 20,814 20,814 - 8,275 8,275 - 3,858 3,858 - 4,417 4,417 - 1,355 1,355 - 945 945 - 410 410 - 10,221 10,221 - 8,355 8,355 - 115 859 113 120 49 362 382 125 600 246 11 551 767 216 114 918 302 30 105 578 96 62 24 173 235 101 352 203 6 279 377 123 51 548 163 24 10 281 17 58 25 189 147 24 248 43 5 272 390 93 63 370 139 6 5 161 2 1 11 24 123 6 11 4 47 6 57 8 135 5 98 1 1 6 23 55 5 6 3 30 5 32 4 88 63 1 5 1 68 1 5 1 17 1 25 4 47 8 68 1 12 1 1 18 1 36 2 - 8 58 1 12 11 1 32 - 10 1 1 7 4 2 - 57 440 38 21 8 17 28 6 69 23 85 41 7 12 276 4 1 57 390 31 21 8 8 17 4 55 14 60 32 5 10 240 1 1 73 89 921 258 143 217 368 54 754 308 1,523 58 93 329 175 232 19 725 1,184 817 60 172 68 60 698 130 66 144 180 38 383 149 823 29 92 161 83 125 16 435 595 392 56 162 5 29 223 128 77 73 188 16 371 159 700 29 1 168 92 107 3 290 589 425 4 10 36 50 488 3 7 49 5 3 31 364 12 121 167 85 36 56 125 84 16 33 1 30 3 167 32 10 109 15 27 35 72 716 2 18 18 36 2 75 10 31 78 153 4 68 28 2 136 6 6 99 12 24 27 64 586 2 14 15 26 2 69 6 25 54 137 4 63 60 68 61 221 1,259 384 251 23 172 1,452 55 62 30 104 686 197 148 15 168 830 5 6 31 117 573 187 103 8 4 622 201 6 2 22 190 38 49 20 13 162 12 20 2 17 307 102 16 16 52 226 12 15 1 14 249 91 14 13 50 144 320 273 226 135 94 138 8 12 5 7 2 5 34 2 3 2 17 33 240 248 18 18 1 2 2 4 3 20 29 8 7 1 4 3 3 1 2 4 4 15 16 9 8 186 178 52 25 8 4 3 118 15 3 84 83 15 14 46 39 20 16 39 17 1 1 59 66 3 2 32 52 5 3 15 1 26 7 44 12 -------------Un-inhabited-------------78 123 4 2 1 1 9 13 94 96 24 22 19 19 5 4 33 16 11 9 4 4 13 89 73 34 23 -------------Un-inhabited-------------6 2 5 7 1 111 2 1 1 27 12 1 1 2 32 2 1 11 1 Name of Village 2 1,866 Shahpura (Total) 1,866 Shahpura (Rural) Shahpura (Urban) RURAL Khera Palola 50 Kothiya 7 Araniya Chauhan Daulatpura Ranjeetpura 9 Bagthala 11 Baori 2 Kayampura 14 Itariya 9 Kalyanpura Purani Rajyas 25 Purani Arwar 9 Nai Arwar 2 Sardarpura 2 Barla (Arwar Ka) 36 Sangariya 3 Khera Rajpura Mataji Ka Khera Malik Khera @ 2 Maganpura 1 Jora Ka Khera 31 Dhanop 26 Uma Ka Khera 4 Khera Hetam 10 Ganpatiya Khera 3 Sangari 3 Rampura 8 Chandma 8 Ratanpura 130 Phooliya Kalan Santosh Pura 4 Rajpura 3 Shivpura 10 Hukampura Hanspura 6 Ralayta 4 Gegwa 6 Deoriya 24 Nai Rajyas 16 Panotiya Nathriyas 5 Diyas Purana Sarsoonda Beh Ka Khera 5 Rampura 1 Kalyanpura 3 Gordhanpura 58 Khamor 11 Amli Kaloosingh 2 Dhokaliya 3 Kanechhan Khurd 2 Naya Sarsoonda 82 Kanechhan Kalan Peta Nahar Sagar 3 Ummedpura 2 Sardar Pura DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 0175 0175 0175 094849 094850 094851 094852 094853 094854 094855 094856 094857 094858 094859 094860 094861 094862 094863 094864 094865 094866 094867 094868 094869 094870 094871 094872 094873 094874 094875 094876 094877 094878 094879 094880 094881 094882 094883 094884 094885 094886 094887 094888 094889 094890 094891 094892 094893 094894 094895 094896 094897 094898 094899 094900 094901 094902 094903 Name of Village 2 Shahpura (Total) Shahpura (Rural) Shahpura (Urban) RURAL Khera Palola Kothiya Araniya Chauhan Daulatpura Ranjeetpura Bagthala Baori Kayampura Itariya Kalyanpura Purani Rajyas Purani Arwar Nai Arwar Sardarpura Barla (Arwar Ka) Sangariya Khera Rajpura Mataji Ka Khera Malik Khera @ Maganpura Jora Ka Khera Dhanop Uma Ka Khera Khera Hetam Ganpatiya Khera Sangari Rampura Chandma Ratanpura Phooliya Kalan Santosh Pura Rajpura Shivpura Hukampura Hanspura Ralayta Gegwa Deoriya Nai Rajyas Panotiya Nathriyas Diyas Purana Sarsoonda Beh Ka Khera Rampura Kalyanpura Gordhanpura Khamor Amli Kaloosingh Dhokaliya Kanechhan Khurd Naya Sarsoonda Kanechhan Kalan Peta Nahar Sagar Ummedpura Sardar Pura Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 Persons 44 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 21,501 21,501 - 7,001 7,001 - 14,500 14,500 - 8,367 8,367 - 2,202 2,202 - 6,165 6,165 - 9,064 9,064 - 2,807 2,807 - 6,257 6,257 - 183 437 57 2 1 143 16 20 31 21 42 39 19 623 44 80 18 133 8 2 26 9 10 8 9 13 17 17 231 16 12 165 304 49 1 117 7 10 23 12 29 22 2 392 28 68 155 212 55 1 124 1 2 6 10 26 1 203 3 14 11 34 6 14 1 2 2 6 36 3 2 144 178 49 1 110 1 1 4 8 20 1 167 12 6 148 17 15 14 6 1 2 6 9 290 66 1 61 11 9 5 3 1 3 7 116 10 5 87 6 6 9 3 1 1 3 2 174 56 155 26 593 2 169 132 86 490 45 59 781 206 480 10 146 3 138 240 46 46 104 65 212 34 5 91 1 81 26 31 218 16 21 379 106 236 3 67 33 118 15 16 33 33 121 21 502 1 88 106 55 272 29 38 402 100 244 7 79 3 105 122 31 30 71 65 179 49 18 466 162 67 8 234 7 453 14 338 6 113 2 86 15 6 9 53 40 8 2 57 80 4 2 113 218 7 167 49 21 9 1 3 8 7 41 16 409 82 63 6 121 7 235 7 171 6 64 2 65 6 5 6 45 33 43 245 1 10 338 12 36 538 238 375 16 104 1 3 142 6 3 270 32 99 27 141 7 196 6 33 268 206 276 33 78 9 159 2 34 507 218 296 10 5 3 53 1 3 248 25 62 23 73 6 106 1 31 259 193 234 283 72 88 32 195 40 227 51 66 23 161 28 100 23 77 8 3 5 94 16 78 1 1 4 1 3 9 2 7 51 11 40 239 96 143 37 12 25 35 12 23 154 67 87 190 99 91 135 64 71 15 4 11 1 1 36 8 28 217 102 115 28 8 20 20 7 13 36 16 20 64 64 86 6 80 -------------Un-inhabited-------------4 1 3 41 11 30 1 1 88 36 52 7 3 4 14 9 5 11 2 9 26 11 15 -------------Un-inhabited-------------4 4 1 1 112 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Shahpura of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 1,034 1,034 - 280 280 - 754 754 - 3,036 3,036 - 1,712 1,712 - 1,324 1,324 - 84,850 84,850 - 40,025 40,025 - 8 17 1 1 1 8 10 3 - 1 6 - 7 11 1 4 4 3 - 14 60 2 2 2 3 18 9 14 24 10 120 38 - 5 32 2 2 1 3 3 6 6 10 10 73 13 - 9 28 1 15 3 8 14 47 25 - 348 2,668 355 146 67 288 436 399 908 645 20 688 766 244 110 2,177 317 136 174 1,131 138 61 32 158 199 165 390 251 14 330 369 130 59 1,008 155 69 - - 289 112 1,824 194 286 482 328 362 517 355 4,080 169 489 221 683 177 395 266 1,069 1,220 928 137 464 138 56 870 108 155 210 176 175 265 188 1,853 80 259 115 335 98 205 126 505 614 467 70 220 216 236 53 242 2,325 711 393 414 444 2,434 114 110 24 134 1,056 330 191 218 226 1,166 481 229 263 126 2 - 1 1 4 6 8 - 2 6 - 5 14 2 7 47 2 2 2 1 2 1 71 2 1 - 1 8 1 1 4 10 - - 2 26 1 1 1 1 9 5 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 62 2 - 1 - 1 - 2 1 2 2 2 8 - 6 4 6 1 - 3 - 2 - 2 4 4 3 1 25 12 13 1 1 3 3 51 19 32 13 10 3 15 8 7 8 4 4 10 7 3 127 68 59 2 2 5 4 1 2 2 16 13 3 16 4 12 7 7 10 5 5 17 6 11 14 9 5 1 1 15 11 4 -------------Un-inhabited-------------4 3 1 125 88 37 1 1 88 52 36 3 2 1 2 2 16 13 3 5 3 2 43 18 25 -------------Un-inhabited-------------52 22 30 14 7 7 113 Name of Village 2 44,825 Shahpura (Total) 44,825 Shahpura (Rural) Shahpura (Urban) RURAL 174 Khera Palola 1,537 Kothiya 217 Araniya Chauhan 85 Daulatpura 35 Ranjeetpura 130 Bagthala 237 Baori 234 Kayampura 518 Itariya 394 Kalyanpura 6 Purani Rajyas 358 Purani Arwar 397 Nai Arwar 114 Sardarpura 51 Barla (Arwar Ka) 1,169 Sangariya 162 Khera Rajpura 67 Mataji Ka Khera Malik Khera @ 151 Maganpura 56 Jora Ka Khera 954 Dhanop 86 Uma Ka Khera 131 Khera Hetam 272 Ganpatiya Khera 152 Sangari 187 Rampura 252 Chandma 167 Ratanpura 2,227 Phooliya Kalan 89 Santosh Pura 230 Rajpura 106 Shivpura 348 Hukampura 79 Hanspura 190 Ralayta 140 Gegwa 564 Deoriya 606 Nai Rajyas 461 Panotiya 67 Nathriyas 244 Diyas Purana Sarsoonda 102 Beh Ka Khera 126 Rampura 29 Kalyanpura 108 Gordhanpura 1,269 Khamor 381 Amli Kaloosingh 202 Dhokaliya 196 Kanechhan Khurd 218 Naya Sarsoonda 1,268 Kanechhan Kalan Peta Nahar Sagar 218 Ummedpura 103 Sardar Pura Location code number 1 0175 0175 0175 094849 094850 094851 094852 094853 094854 094855 094856 094857 094858 094859 094860 094861 094862 094863 094864 094865 094866 094867 094868 094869 094870 094871 094872 094873 094874 094875 094876 094877 094878 094879 094880 094881 094882 094883 094884 094885 094886 094887 094888 094889 094890 094891 094892 094893 094894 094895 094896 094897 094898 094899 094900 094901 094902 094903 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 094904 094905 094906 094907 094908 094909 094910 094911 094912 094913 094914 094915 094916 094917 094918 094919 094920 094921 094922 094923 094924 094925 094926 094927 094928 094929 094930 094931 094932 094933 094934 094935 094936 094937 094938 094939 094940 094941 094942 094943 094944 094945 094946 094947 094948 094949 094950 094951 094952 094953 094954 094955 094956 094957 094958 094959 094960 094961 Name of Village 2 Taswariya Bansa Barla ( Taswariyaka) Kajoriya Bansera Raghunathpura (Bansra Ka) Deopuri Bachh Khera Moti Pura Bala Pura Nayagaon @ Malikhera Amli Bareth Kashi Puriya Dohariya Bheempura Shree Nagar Sankhliya Ganeshpura Doi Ka Khera Delas Rooppura Bhagwanpura Naya Talab Biliya Saransh Deori Sameliya Surajpura (Biliyaka) Shambhoopura Tahnal Fatehpura @ Beski Borda Nimbera Meoda Narayan Pura Sudarshanpura Arniya Ghora Shahpura (Rural) Sardarpura (Arniyaka) Amarpura Santokpura Topa @ Nayagaon Rahar Bhagwan Pura Mal Khera Guruji Ka Khera Antoli Dabla Chanda Kotri Meena Lasariya Muhala Baland Moti Nagar Amli Kalal Nasarda Kadi Sahna Balapura Laxmipura Mataji Ka Khera Area of Village in hectares 3 Number of households 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 2,451.00 1,024.00 672.00 581.00 519 348 174 265 2,624 1,708 815 1,451 1,319 870 417 725 1,305 838 398 726 310 289 135 239 136 146 67 111 174 143 68 128 282.00 839.93 1,673.15 276.00 385.00 105 290 595 104 233 425 1,434 3,042 639 1,074 224 707 1,576 320 544 201 727 1,466 319 530 47 273 375 100 167 25 124 184 53 81 22 149 191 47 86 99.00 868.00 122.16 1,472.25 563.87 117.83 266.48 158.70 177.55 435.79 815.00 32.00 227.00 931.64 719.69 523.84 1,081.55 341.01 348.00 1,824.00 318.76 1,552.70 525.73 199.10 336.44 168.17 762.00 5,609.00 432.19 234.28 321.31 192.18 1,791.29 151.60 530.32 126.34 347.61 716.32 721.36 1,431.49 1,095.20 1,187.88 340.00 1,281.50 743.00 1,883.51 218.41 152.39 728.93 154 367 246 363 203 147 145 84 156 87 422 68 90 267 172 152 316 102 156 376 76 584 106 120 78 55 288 25 193 73 148 122 402 80 125 40 150 234 184 464 288 275 89 412 185 635 127 12 195 729 1,699 1,160 1,829 962 830 773 450 601 433 2,062 403 457 1,240 818 760 1,747 544 766 1,779 362 2,743 575 515 357 282 1,471 115 977 575 740 571 2,157 453 695 152 627 1,021 910 2,187 1,448 1,441 427 2,012 987 3,154 611 66 1,026 369 853 593 936 483 432 396 230 298 223 1,052 200 233 613 408 398 915 280 359 909 188 1,396 297 265 186 141 731 62 511 288 391 300 1,107 234 356 76 332 515 464 1,099 718 749 210 1,010 515 1,616 298 33 517 360 846 567 893 479 398 377 220 303 210 1,010 203 224 627 410 362 832 264 407 870 174 1,347 278 250 171 141 740 53 466 287 349 271 1,050 219 339 76 295 506 446 1,088 730 692 217 1,002 472 1,538 313 33 509 113 222 175 258 181 128 123 75 114 70 335 62 85 185 116 123 279 110 132 277 61 513 85 101 62 39 271 27 167 103 137 99 324 68 114 25 97 143 120 299 229 209 60 289 137 462 107 11 144 53 112 96 130 95 70 68 47 46 38 176 36 47 96 58 70 149 56 64 142 37 276 42 53 33 20 144 16 92 51 75 60 178 39 48 11 50 68 56 140 110 111 33 135 70 262 55 5 74 60 110 79 128 86 58 55 28 68 32 159 26 38 89 58 53 130 54 68 135 24 237 43 48 29 19 127 11 75 52 62 39 146 29 66 14 47 75 64 159 119 98 27 154 67 200 52 6 70 114 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Shahpura Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 Females 19 738 189 22 483 382 98 14 241 356 91 8 242 157 213 105 317 75 104 55 164 82 109 50 153 1,367 771 358 699 883 498 234 482 484 273 124 217 118 213 874 132 65 102 440 63 53 111 434 69 379 256 21 206 132 10 173 124 11 220 438 1,462 405 428 154 331 977 221 305 66 107 485 184 123 184 278 501 5 36 300 32 160 36 327 95 17 356 74 143 703 34 185 638 1,369 20 81 5 447 388 45 5 732 89 32 6 147 195 104 408 238 321 189 442 187 646 125 7 248 86 139 261 3 19 161 17 82 22 168 47 9 172 41 75 358 18 89 325 701 10 44 3 226 202 18 3 380 49 18 4 77 91 57 196 120 172 96 219 98 331 62 4 119 98 139 240 2 17 139 15 78 14 159 48 8 184 33 68 345 16 96 313 668 10 37 2 221 186 27 2 352 40 14 2 70 104 47 212 118 149 93 223 89 315 63 3 129 468 459 322 270 18 127 49 94 67 342 22 71 34 26 342 117 115 3 97 118 51 132 226 59 18 133 228 1 424 248 146 165 523 703 157 164 84 74 350 84 11 25 232 235 172 138 11 60 22 45 34 164 11 32 19 8 173 69 59 2 53 61 28 68 118 30 9 60 119 1 227 124 72 92 271 355 80 78 52 44 174 41 3 14 236 224 150 132 7 67 27 49 33 178 11 39 15 18 169 48 56 1 44 57 23 64 108 29 9 73 109 197 124 74 73 252 348 77 86 32 30 176 43 8 11 325 652 404 855 343 279 254 296 193 132 900 134 173 559 416 227 517 253 460 779 141 999 355 134 143 126 455 40 211 278 338 239 984 321 360 80 225 282 280 1,018 662 779 106 953 527 1,297 252 30 536 235 461 286 559 237 198 187 157 137 112 564 94 109 377 279 167 390 164 253 494 90 687 220 90 92 87 311 25 166 183 265 161 626 173 260 46 163 206 196 687 442 474 74 623 319 860 161 20 329 90 191 118 296 106 81 67 139 56 20 336 40 64 182 137 60 127 89 207 285 51 312 135 44 51 39 144 15 45 95 73 78 358 148 100 34 62 76 84 331 220 305 32 330 208 437 91 10 207 115 Name of Village 2 Taswariya Bansa Barla ( Taswariyaka) Kajoriya Bansera Raghunathpura (Bansra Ka) Deopuri Bachh Khera Moti Pura Bala Pura Nayagaon @ Malikhera Amli Bareth Kashi Puriya Dohariya Bheempura Shree Nagar Sankhliya Ganeshpura Doi Ka Khera Delas Rooppura Bhagwanpura Naya Talab Biliya Saransh Deori Sameliya Surajpura (Biliyaka) Shambhoopura Tahnal Fatehpura @ Beski Borda Nimbera Meoda Narayan Pura Sudarshanpura Arniya Ghora Shahpura (Rural) Sardarpura (Arniyaka) Amarpura Santokpura Topa @ Nayagaon Rahar Bhagwan Pura Mal Khera Guruji Ka Khera Antoli Dabla Chanda Kotri Meena Lasariya Muhala Baland Moti Nagar Amli Kalal Nasarda Kadi Sahna Balapura Laxmipura Mataji Ka Khera DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 094904 094905 094906 094907 094908 094909 094910 094911 094912 094913 094914 094915 094916 094917 094918 094919 094920 094921 094922 094923 094924 094925 094926 094927 094928 094929 094930 094931 094932 094933 094934 094935 094936 094937 094938 094939 094940 094941 094942 094943 094944 094945 094946 094947 094948 094949 094950 094951 094952 094953 094954 094955 094956 094957 094958 094959 094960 094961 Name of Village 2 Taswariya Bansa Barla ( Taswariyaka) Kajoriya Bansera Raghunathpura (Bansra Ka) Deopuri Bachh Khera Moti Pura Bala Pura Nayagaon @ Malikhera Amli Bareth Kashi Puriya Dohariya Bheempura Shree Nagar Sankhliya Ganeshpura Doi Ka Khera Delas Rooppura Bhagwanpura Naya Talab Biliya Saransh Deori Sameliya Surajpura (Biliyaka) Shambhoopura Tahnal Fatehpura @ Beski Borda Nimbera Meoda Narayan Pura Sudarshanpura Arniya Ghora Shahpura (Rural) Sardarpura (Arniyaka) Amarpura Santokpura Topa @ Nayagaon Rahar Bhagwan Pura Mal Khera Guruji Ka Khera Antoli Dabla Chanda Kotri Meena Lasariya Muhala Baland Moti Nagar Amli Kalal Nasarda Kadi Sahna Balapura Laxmipura Mataji Ka Khera Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 1,257 937 457 752 436 372 183 243 821 565 274 509 1,470 927 399 833 737 463 220 420 733 464 179 413 898 830 339 413 677 441 206 222 221 389 133 191 205 996 1,580 234 646 70 376 599 99 239 135 620 981 135 407 271 791 1,569 365 611 141 411 832 181 308 130 380 737 184 303 258 505 1,400 333 530 139 304 746 160 267 119 201 654 173 263 404 1,047 756 974 619 551 519 154 408 301 1,162 269 284 681 402 533 1,230 291 306 1,000 221 1,744 220 381 214 156 1,016 75 766 297 402 332 1,173 132 335 72 402 739 630 1,169 786 662 321 1,059 460 1,857 359 36 490 134 392 307 377 246 234 209 73 161 111 488 106 124 236 129 231 525 116 106 415 98 709 77 175 94 54 420 37 345 105 126 139 481 61 96 30 169 309 268 412 276 275 136 387 196 756 137 13 188 270 655 449 597 373 317 310 81 247 190 674 163 160 445 273 302 705 175 200 585 123 1,035 143 206 120 102 596 38 421 192 276 193 692 71 239 42 233 430 362 757 510 387 185 672 264 1,101 222 23 302 364 828 688 914 503 380 326 249 372 122 1,157 257 267 684 401 461 986 270 393 933 172 1,479 222 232 205 162 889 72 553 354 439 304 1,119 227 336 80 351 534 679 1,194 666 822 309 1,249 570 1,519 371 45 545 196 467 341 498 267 244 213 123 187 110 618 125 135 334 214 238 521 143 194 529 98 761 160 139 105 82 440 37 299 180 221 161 603 117 176 41 187 293 354 612 391 428 150 642 289 888 178 24 279 168 361 347 416 236 136 113 126 185 12 539 132 132 350 187 223 465 127 199 404 74 718 62 93 100 80 449 35 254 174 218 143 516 110 160 39 164 241 325 582 275 394 159 607 281 631 193 21 266 364 541 411 760 295 303 286 82 126 111 975 223 251 331 336 146 744 168 227 730 155 1,204 185 222 138 159 777 27 543 243 327 287 989 226 319 71 317 477 437 1,022 601 821 292 837 424 1,118 328 41 281 196 308 259 421 201 236 186 72 119 108 511 117 129 171 178 131 424 102 133 490 87 684 133 135 81 82 403 25 294 172 201 153 581 117 168 36 172 272 273 588 378 427 146 549 245 754 154 21 209 168 233 152 339 94 67 100 10 7 3 464 106 122 160 158 15 320 66 94 240 68 520 52 87 57 77 374 2 249 71 126 134 408 109 151 35 145 205 164 434 223 394 146 288 179 364 174 20 72 Persons 20 116 Total workers Persons Males Females 23 24 25 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Shahpura Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 629 701 223 309 455 367 130 152 174 334 93 157 57 97 44 47 35 52 19 24 22 45 25 23 19 2 6 16 2 4 221 455 995 100 390 113 268 490 94 192 108 187 505 6 198 13 14 281 199 132 7 10 151 44 70 6 4 130 155 62 3 1 30 17 1 3 1 21 11 1 - 327 497 297 603 176 188 251 43 77 101 502 129 177 129 213 91 593 101 158 411 128 918 61 144 16 147 379 1 314 183 239 257 800 50 238 71 313 418 395 688 391 763 287 652 404 881 227 40 133 169 281 178 321 135 150 161 39 72 99 237 63 71 96 95 83 316 48 85 313 63 464 34 86 14 70 213 1 174 123 122 134 462 46 126 36 170 233 245 331 245 385 143 399 232 563 103 21 125 158 216 119 282 41 38 90 4 5 2 265 66 106 33 118 8 277 53 73 98 65 454 27 58 2 77 166 140 60 117 123 338 4 112 35 143 185 150 357 146 378 144 253 172 318 124 19 8 9 11 16 67 46 24 1 22 262 35 6 146 25 13 29 21 11 118 1 73 2 52 42 350 201 2 6 66 137 46 1 32 10 95 105 3 71 3 58 74 85 1 1 10 37 26 17 1 22 117 10 3 37 5 12 11 12 6 26 1 39 29 22 151 102 1 1 23 38 22 17 3 51 40 45 36 36 43 8 10 6 30 20 7 145 25 3 109 20 1 18 9 5 92 34 2 23 20 199 99 1 5 43 99 24 1 15 7 44 65 3 26 3 22 38 42 2 5 1 52 35 1 7 9 2 28 7 3 7 23 27 68 17 24 1 1 24 2 2 1 18 1 2 33 1 35 5 3 2 4 1 35 14 1 6 5 1 23 5 2 3 18 23 35 15 22 1 17 1 2 1 12 2 30 1 27 3 2 - 117 3 2 9 6 - 1 17 21 1 4 1 5 2 1 4 5 4 33 2 2 1 7 1 6 1 3 8 2 1 193 30 72 51 171 20 57 42 22 10 15 9 21 35 94 17 7 16 25 84 11 4 5 10 10 6 3 26 28 97 38 38 90 34 39 27 10 204 59 68 47 96 14 115 46 55 194 26 190 95 26 12 12 31 2 27 60 85 24 99 37 33 3 26 32 221 104 53 5 81 16 144 22 1 60 24 22 70 28 26 68 24 33 25 9 151 44 55 33 77 13 92 42 40 148 23 163 76 20 10 12 24 2 17 49 78 18 79 32 18 2 21 25 194 93 40 3 75 12 128 12 39 2 6 27 10 12 22 10 6 2 1 53 15 13 14 19 1 23 4 15 46 3 27 19 6 2 7 10 11 7 6 20 5 15 1 5 7 27 11 13 2 6 4 16 10 1 21 Name of Village 2 Taswariya Bansa Barla ( Taswariyaka) Kajoriya Bansera Raghunathpura (Bansra Ka) Deopuri Bachh Khera Moti Pura Bala Pura Nayagaon @ Malikhera Amli Bareth Kashi Puriya Dohariya Bheempura Shree Nagar Sankhliya Ganeshpura Doi Ka Khera Delas Rooppura Bhagwanpura Naya Talab Biliya Saransh Deori Sameliya Surajpura (Biliyaka) Shambhoopura Tahnal Fatehpura @ Beski Borda Nimbera Meoda Narayan Pura Sudarshanpura Arniya Ghora Shahpura (Rural) Sardarpura (Arniyaka) Amarpura Santokpura Topa @ Nayagaon Rahar Bhagwan Pura Mal Khera Guruji Ka Khera Antoli Dabla Chanda Kotri Meena Lasariya Muhala Baland Moti Nagar Amli Kalal Nasarda Kadi Sahna Balapura Laxmipura Mataji Ka Khera DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 094904 094905 094906 094907 094908 094909 094910 094911 094912 094913 094914 094915 094916 094917 094918 094919 094920 094921 094922 094923 094924 094925 094926 094927 094928 094929 094930 094931 094932 094933 094934 094935 094936 094937 094938 094939 094940 094941 094942 094943 094944 094945 094946 094947 094948 094949 094950 094951 094952 094953 094954 094955 094956 094957 094958 094959 094960 094961 Name of Village 2 Taswariya Bansa Barla ( Taswariyaka) Kajoriya Bansera Raghunathpura (Bansra Ka) Deopuri Bachh Khera Moti Pura Bala Pura Nayagaon @ Malikhera Amli Bareth Kashi Puriya Dohariya Bheempura Shree Nagar Sankhliya Ganeshpura Doi Ka Khera Delas Rooppura Bhagwanpura Naya Talab Biliya Saransh Deori Sameliya Surajpura (Biliyaka) Shambhoopura Tahnal Fatehpura @ Beski Borda Nimbera Meoda Narayan Pura Sudarshanpura Arniya Ghora Shahpura (Rural) Sardarpura (Arniyaka) Amarpura Santokpura Topa @ Nayagaon Rahar Bhagwan Pura Mal Khera Guruji Ka Khera Antoli Dabla Chanda Kotri Meena Lasariya Muhala Baland Moti Nagar Amli Kalal Nasarda Kadi Sahna Balapura Laxmipura Mataji Ka Khera Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 Persons 44 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 572 97 60 420 60 22 14 198 512 75 46 222 35 84 40 167 6 17 4 66 29 67 36 101 511 7 8 170 41 1 4 80 470 6 4 90 13 286 169 32 81 2 107 86 21 41 11 179 83 11 40 6 125 57 9 35 2 62 22 9 17 4 63 35 18 7 139 51 14 44 32 28 3 23 7 107 23 11 21 287 277 154 208 77 40 167 246 11 182 34 16 353 65 315 242 102 166 203 17 275 37 10 67 3 112 45 10 111 112 17 130 1 17 9 34 57 242 172 65 1 17 412 146 401 43 4 264 159 82 77 66 8 27 51 68 2 107 8 6 163 36 107 97 41 61 39 11 77 27 4 24 37 12 5 8 20 8 22 8 5 15 21 81 24 13 1 4 93 44 134 24 3 70 128 195 77 142 69 13 116 178 9 75 26 10 190 29 208 145 61 105 164 6 198 10 6 43 3 75 33 5 103 92 9 108 1 9 4 19 36 161 148 52 13 319 102 267 19 1 194 17 173 16 29 67 25 110 5 3 27 12 2 175 33 36 120 61 47 114 15 22 11 2 4 1 29 108 109 7 105 9 2 46 116 94 29 17 341 139 306 1 190 15 38 5 20 4 14 26 4 1 10 4 1 91 16 11 45 14 4 9 9 5 6 3 11 8 19 1 13 4 1 15 20 11 4 4 81 41 74 1 24 - 261 16 69 103 4 2 5 231 39 18 167 9 263 113 24 69 46 243 1 4 9 1 72 10 1 1 18 1 3 5 33 7 42 49 29 25 4 32 12 33 135 4 36 18 2 2 1 56 18 3 67 5 89 47 13 35 6 67 3 2 21 5 1 7 1 4 15 4 22 3 5 4 19 4 14 126 12 33 85 2 4 175 21 15 100 4 174 66 11 34 40 176 1 1 7 1 51 5 1 11 1 2 1 18 3 20 46 24 21 4 13 8 19 118 2 135 11 9 63 11 84 1 2 17 8 1 84 17 25 75 47 43 105 6 17 5 2 1 1 18 100 90 6 92 5 1 31 96 83 25 13 260 98 232 166 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Shahpura of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 1 - - 3 14 - 1 1 6 5 9 1 2 8 - 3 3 1 2 6 - - - 18 33 5 4 2 9 2 5 1 46 9 39 2 2 1 68 3 2 13 1 2 2 5 - 9 5 3 1 1 3 1 14 5 9 2 30 1 1 1 1 4 9 28 2 3 2 8 2 2 32 4 30 2 1 38 3 1 12 2 1 1 Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 25 6 9 69 13 4 5 46 12 2 4 23 17 52 8 2 10 33 8 1 - - - 9 88 51 43 6 13 47 10 4 114 4 14 11 23 7 9 17 48 43 2 5 24 4 8 1 2 6 2 3 7 7 5 4 16 26 5 1 33 2 61 28 4 36 9 40 27 23 2 11 21 8 79 1 5 5 15 6 5 14 22 24 2 2 20 1 5 3 1 4 2 3 2 9 10 3 1 7 2 41 18 3 28 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 1,154 781 416 618 582 407 197 305 572 374 219 313 7 19 1 154 643 1,473 274 463 83 296 744 139 236 71 347 729 135 227 48 24 20 4 2 26 2 4 35 3 9 6 8 1 4 3 26 19 3 4 3 3 1 2 3 2 2 3 5 2 2 7 16 2 26 20 10 1 8 365 871 472 915 459 450 447 201 229 311 905 146 190 556 417 299 761 274 373 846 190 1,264 353 283 152 120 582 43 424 221 301 267 1,038 226 359 72 276 487 231 993 782 619 118 763 417 1,635 240 21 481 173 386 252 438 216 188 183 107 111 113 434 75 98 279 194 160 394 137 165 380 90 635 137 126 81 59 291 25 212 108 170 139 504 117 180 35 145 222 110 487 327 321 60 368 226 728 120 9 238 192 485 220 477 243 262 264 94 118 198 471 71 92 277 223 139 367 137 208 466 100 629 216 157 71 61 291 18 212 113 131 128 534 109 179 37 131 265 121 506 455 298 58 395 191 907 120 12 243 119 Name of Village 2 Taswariya Bansa Barla ( Taswariyaka) Kajoriya Bansera Raghunathpura (Bansra Ka) Deopuri Bachh Khera Moti Pura Bala Pura Nayagaon @ Malikhera Amli Bareth Kashi Puriya Dohariya Bheempura Shree Nagar Sankhliya Ganeshpura Doi Ka Khera Delas Rooppura Bhagwanpura Naya Talab Biliya Saransh Deori Sameliya Surajpura (Biliyaka) Shambhoopura Tahnal Fatehpura @ Beski Borda Nimbera Meoda Narayan Pura Sudarshanpura Arniya Ghora Shahpura (Rural) Sardarpura (Arniyaka) Amarpura Santokpura Topa @ Nayagaon Rahar Bhagwan Pura Mal Khera Guruji Ka Khera Antoli Dabla Chanda Kotri Meena Lasariya Muhala Baland Moti Nagar Amli Kalal Nasarda Kadi Sahna Balapura Laxmipura Mataji Ka Khera Location code number 1 094904 094905 094906 094907 094908 094909 094910 094911 094912 094913 094914 094915 094916 094917 094918 094919 094920 094921 094922 094923 094924 094925 094926 094927 094928 094929 094930 094931 094932 094933 094934 094935 094936 094937 094938 094939 094940 094941 094942 094943 094944 094945 094946 094947 094948 094949 094950 094951 094952 094953 094954 094955 094956 094957 094958 094959 094960 094961 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 094962 094963 094964 094965 094966 094967 094968 094969 094970 094971 094972 094973 094974 094975 094976 094977 094978 094979 094980 094981 094982 094983 094984 094985 094986 094987 094988 094989 094990 094991 094992 094993 094994 094995 094996 094997 094998 094999 095000 095001 095002 095003 095004 095005 095006 095007 095008 095009 095010 095011 095012 095013 095014 Name of Village 2 Kalyanpura Surajpura (Kadi Sahna) Deo Khera Pondrikji Ka Khera Kalinjari Dhani Bhavsagar Kheri Jeevrajpura Dabla Kachra Gopalpura Arni Shambhoopura Arniya Rasan Amarpura Madanpura Sewni @ Surajpura@Gopalpura Shivpura Mathuranath Pura Sola Ka Khera Juwara Ka Khera Naya Khera Pratappura Raipura Daulatpura Raghurajpura Petaummaidsagar Raghunathpura Bheemnagar Ragaspuriya Dheekola Kalyanpura Baresara Phooliya Khurd Khera Rajpura @ Suratsingh Ka Khera Taswariya Khurd Intmariya Kashiramji Ka Khera Nahargarh Ummaidnagar Karamdas Nogawan Chalaniya Mindoliya Girdiya Lulas Rampura Naya Palsa Narsingh Pura Kagson Ka Khera Mundeti Mundeta Bhojpur Mali Khera Salariya Khurd Kheri Khurd Area of Village in hectares 3 Number of households 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 418.01 214 967 494 473 172 90 82 136.58 485.08 244.15 445.16 160.58 96.00 631.18 182.09 1,617.87 65.10 1,288.10 605.00 8 106 73 150 89 17 240 149 394 74 549 173 35 560 335 713 411 88 1,149 713 1,998 352 2,712 981 18 293 165 367 207 45 583 362 1,011 185 1,416 488 17 267 170 346 204 43 566 351 987 167 1,296 493 5 114 71 152 65 16 201 125 349 61 404 161 3 61 39 85 34 6 101 65 180 27 214 86 2 53 32 67 31 10 100 60 169 34 190 75 185.89 451.49 157.83 205.70 130.18 147.79 505.75 474.74 882.02 1,028.43 850.00 612.00 110.00 42.00 2,716.00 226.00 749.00 1,481.00 229 121 1,268 561 110 59 112 52 64 37 73 286 217 202 225 389 196 365 1,325 1,017 1,199 1,086 32 13 23 105 80 97 104 15 19 26 112 64 95 81 212 151 2 877 88 180 392 970 535 11 4,191 400 883 1,808 629 639 222 270 291 111 -------------Un-inhabited-------------196 193 47 100 96 32 176 189 49 672 653 217 510 507 144 570 629 192 560 526 185 -------------Un-inhabited-------------509 461 164 277 258 93 6 5 1 2,089 2,102 646 207 193 64 452 431 169 906 902 314 89 55 1 336 34 83 154 75 38 310 30 86 160 419.00 673.96 894.32 203.82 185.16 385.58 1,162.87 606.00 1,147.54 1,021.00 986.05 1,209.08 557.19 235.06 283.42 319.57 116.65 994.99 637.97 84.45 1,021.44 406.83 184 269 339 73 60 91 284 129 229 291 277 223 347 107 135 103 99 291 163 63 301 132 819 1,152 1,612 355 310 404 1,343 656 1,229 1,534 1,144 871 1,300 514 545 559 399 1,267 858 299 1,471 689 58 100 125 29 24 30 88 49 92 141 102 65 128 42 41 44 40 117 71 26 136 69 56 91 118 34 25 27 103 39 108 134 78 75 132 41 52 32 35 102 78 32 115 61 120 416 568 797 176 153 201 663 326 638 799 594 452 647 262 265 293 192 649 441 149 734 371 403 584 815 179 157 203 680 330 591 735 550 419 653 252 280 266 207 618 417 150 737 318 114 191 243 63 49 57 191 88 200 275 180 140 260 83 93 76 75 219 149 58 251 130 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Shahpura Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 Females 19 Name of Village 2 - - - 250 123 127 366 250 116 Kalyanpura 9 36 32 122 21 174 116 521 5 656 336 6 19 16 65 10 85 59 264 1 351 166 3 17 16 57 11 89 57 257 4 305 170 107 231 353 11 88 121 56 277 230 526 50 56 113 186 9 45 63 29 141 118 269 25 51 118 167 2 43 58 27 136 112 257 25 26 252 88 379 166 26 523 386 671 77 957 414 14 183 54 212 125 19 330 234 475 64 628 283 12 69 34 167 41 7 193 152 196 13 329 131 106 110 50 50 56 60 561 259 354 162 207 97 64 48 179 191 276 359 106 34 30 87 91 140 172 61 30 18 92 100 136 187 45 181 86 138 535 581 503 405 116 62 83 364 333 344 286 65 24 55 171 248 159 119 264 78 11 1,454 17 148 455 143 40 6 737 15 78 219 121 38 5 717 2 70 236 67 45 22 298 145 153 -------------Un-inhabited-------------108 52 56 15 5 10 34 15 19 341 168 173 -------------Un-inhabited-------------156 81 75 246 130 116 120 65 55 178 105 73 232 111 121 270 129 141 426 252 1 1,778 175 324 617 298 170 1,147 107 217 443 128 82 1 631 68 107 174 136 193 323 104 148 29 254 230 486 90 154 308 65 55 14 148 152 46 129 75 72 95 174 51 72 16 127 124 259 49 81 152 28 27 7 79 84 22 65 36 64 98 149 53 76 13 127 106 227 41 73 156 37 28 7 69 68 24 64 39 308 463 825 135 148 183 496 298 462 598 384 362 505 206 198 251 148 356 338 101 294 142 208 311 499 83 82 107 326 162 305 399 273 242 303 143 137 160 101 255 222 76 217 114 100 152 326 52 66 76 170 136 157 199 111 120 202 63 61 91 47 101 116 25 77 28 306 138 46 6 18 166 53 187 107 2 49 6 102 27 156 1 127 106 153 61 23 2 8 81 25 102 45 1 29 2 47 12 79 1 65 63 153 77 23 4 10 85 28 85 62 1 20 4 55 15 77 62 43 121 Surajpura (Kadi Sahna) Deo Khera Pondrikji Ka Khera Kalinjari Dhani Bhavsagar Kheri Jeevrajpura Dabla Kachra Gopalpura Arni Shambhoopura Arniya Rasan Amarpura Madanpura Sewni @ Surajpura@Gopalpura Shivpura Mathuranath Pura Sola Ka Khera Juwara Ka Khera Naya Khera Pratappura Raipura Daulatpura Raghurajpura Petaummaidsagar Raghunathpura Bheemnagar Ragaspuriya Dheekola Kalyanpura Baresara Phooliya Khurd Khera Rajpura @ Suratsingh Ka Khera Taswariya Khurd Intmariya Kashiramji Ka Khera Nahargarh Ummaidnagar Karamdas Nogawan Chalaniya Mindoliya Girdiya Lulas Rampura Naya Palsa Narsingh Pura Kagson Ka Khera Mundeti Mundeta Bhojpur Mali Khera Salariya Khurd Kheri Khurd DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 094962 094963 094964 094965 094966 094967 094968 094969 094970 094971 094972 094973 094974 094975 094976 094977 094978 094979 094980 094981 094982 094983 094984 094985 094986 094987 094988 094989 094990 094991 094992 094993 094994 094995 094996 094997 094998 094999 095000 095001 095002 095003 095004 095005 095006 095007 095008 095009 095010 095011 095012 095013 095014 Name of Village 2 Kalyanpura Surajpura (Kadi Sahna) Deo Khera Pondrikji Ka Khera Kalinjari Dhani Bhavsagar Kheri Jeevrajpura Dabla Kachra Gopalpura Arni Shambhoopura Arniya Rasan Amarpura Madanpura Sewni @ Surajpura@Gopalpura Shivpura Mathuranath Pura Sola Ka Khera Juwara Ka Khera Naya Khera Pratappura Raipura Daulatpura Raghurajpura Petaummaidsagar Raghunathpura Bheemnagar Ragaspuriya Dheekola Kalyanpura Baresara Phooliya Khurd Khera Rajpura @ Suratsingh Ka Khera Taswariya Khurd Intmariya Kashiramji Ka Khera Nahargarh Ummaidnagar Karamdas Nogawan Chalaniya Mindoliya Girdiya Lulas Rampura Naya Palsa Narsingh Pura Kagson Ka Khera Mundeti Mundeta Bhojpur Mali Khera Salariya Khurd Kheri Khurd Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 601 244 357 456 278 178 301 263 38 9 308 247 334 245 62 626 327 1,327 275 1,755 567 4 110 111 155 82 26 253 128 536 121 788 205 5 198 136 179 163 36 373 199 791 154 967 362 20 337 168 360 202 50 663 233 735 241 1,366 321 10 181 82 184 109 26 340 181 539 125 822 289 10 156 86 176 93 24 323 52 196 116 544 32 20 316 149 326 138 47 247 180 581 202 1,139 316 10 165 79 166 103 26 208 146 518 106 771 285 10 151 70 160 35 21 39 34 63 96 368 31 707 302 275 108 432 194 388 296 301 144 87 152 208 110 227 790 436 696 681 80 38 93 308 177 226 274 128 72 134 482 259 470 407 110 95 197 612 506 504 443 63 45 95 334 313 275 296 47 50 102 278 193 229 147 544 283 10 2,413 225 559 1,191 211 107 6 942 100 235 463 333 176 4 1,471 125 324 728 569 319 250 299 146 153 -------------Un-inhabited-------------173 86 87 115 60 55 221 107 114 721 372 349 516 314 202 736 323 413 460 303 157 -------------Un-inhabited-------------481 257 224 311 172 139 7 5 2 1,987 1,165 822 252 128 124 454 240 214 1,132 564 568 339 140 5 1,607 248 425 979 182 134 5 1,087 124 228 517 157 6 520 124 197 462 511 689 787 220 162 221 847 358 767 936 760 509 795 308 347 308 251 911 520 198 1,177 547 208 257 298 93 71 94 337 164 333 400 321 210 344 119 128 133 91 394 219 73 517 257 303 432 489 127 91 127 510 194 434 536 439 299 451 189 219 175 160 517 301 125 660 290 311 252 582 203 123 215 610 244 542 659 563 334 539 219 145 335 200 389 384 92 390 263 200 143 357 108 62 115 362 207 342 394 280 200 323 131 134 193 98 327 217 76 345 180 111 109 225 95 61 100 248 37 200 265 283 134 216 88 11 142 102 62 167 16 45 83 Persons 20 Total workers Persons Males Females 23 24 25 122 412 568 703 204 124 218 616 400 781 755 658 501 796 284 313 361 204 710 454 183 812 419 219 314 434 109 62 116 367 219 427 426 331 275 398 157 152 195 100 363 233 91 408 222 193 254 269 95 62 102 249 181 354 329 327 226 398 127 161 166 104 347 221 92 404 197 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Shahpura Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 187 161 26 28 25 3 20 312 50 250 82 45 167 126 410 156 977 244 10 163 32 115 53 24 143 109 355 78 639 219 10 149 18 135 29 21 24 17 55 78 338 25 - - - 2 89 44 4 20 43 34 15 45 3 1 40 24 4 15 30 34 7 41 3 1 49 20 5 13 8 4 - 234 190 160 84 74 106 64 - 103 89 129 408 485 159 280 60 43 44 175 303 147 160 43 46 85 233 182 12 120 6 4 18 17 8 223 7 251 79 3 792 131 302 582 130 75 3 508 65 109 317 121 4 284 66 193 265 48 8 1 261 9 1 99 158 145 369 182 120 153 514 147 506 588 229 193 344 119 109 326 199 302 347 45 279 260 112 67 197 89 59 65 301 120 317 343 210 96 188 57 99 187 98 252 202 36 251 177 46 78 172 93 61 88 213 27 189 245 19 97 156 62 10 139 101 50 145 9 28 83 108 34 51 1 9 43 3 14 12 299 46 77 12 11 3 39 17 2 36 1 4 1 - 4 - 4 - 23 4 2 17 4 60 4 10 8 4 3 -------------Un-inhabited-------------2 4 1 3 8 10 8 9 23 7 6 2 2 21 202 7 4 6 1 2 2 -------------Un-inhabited-------------20 28 7 1 1 1 1 111 150 24 18 3 6 7 5 1 52 51 21 78 96 44 52 9 20 1 4 24 3 6 7 43 28 36 5 11 2 38 1 1 25 1 56 25 31 5 19 8 5 256 18 41 7 1 1 16 1 11 - 3 1 22 4 7 24 7 18 6 3 28 14 9 5 11 - 1 7 27 43 2 47 7 127 21 74 59 10 4 8 10 20 6 2 1 80 102 73 57 7 45 16 2 3 - 1 2 50 164 11 115 154 1 1 43 144 4 103 128 - 40 52 1 530 101 70 202 32 51 1 450 51 67 135 80 50 3 67 42 72 140 16 3 46 29 94 15 41 29 92 90 74 25 6 1 39 15 45 64 2 36 66 123 15 3 43 20 84 13 29 22 74 78 60 24 4 32 11 39 58 2 6 6 17 1 3 9 10 2 12 7 18 12 14 1 2 1 7 4 6 6 - 1 6 - 6 2 1 52 1 17 3 3 17 6 15 5 2 21 9 5 3 11 - 123 Surajpura (Kadi Sahna) 2 9 32 48 2 57 11 135 31 94 65 - 2 9 Kalyanpura - 1 3 73 - 3 3 82 - - - - 3 5 1 4 7 1 3 1 1 7 5 4 2 - Name of Village 2 1 2 5 5 1 7 20 7 12 26 8 1 Deo Khera Pondrikji Ka Khera Kalinjari Dhani Bhavsagar Kheri Jeevrajpura Dabla Kachra Gopalpura Arni Shambhoopura Arniya Rasan Amarpura Madanpura Sewni @ Surajpura@Gopalpura Shivpura Mathuranath Pura Sola Ka Khera Juwara Ka Khera Naya Khera Pratappura Raipura Daulatpura Raghurajpura Petaummaidsagar Raghunathpura Bheemnagar Ragaspuriya Dheekola Kalyanpura Baresara Phooliya Khurd Khera Rajpura @ Suratsingh Ka Khera Taswariya Khurd Intmariya Kashiramji Ka Khera Nahargarh Ummaidnagar Karamdas Nogawan Chalaniya Mindoliya Girdiya Lulas Rampura Naya Palsa Narsingh Pura Kagson Ka Khera Mundeti Mundeta Bhojpur Mali Khera Salariya Khurd Kheri Khurd DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 094962 094963 094964 094965 094966 094967 094968 094969 094970 094971 094972 094973 094974 094975 094976 094977 094978 094979 094980 094981 094982 094983 094984 094985 094986 094987 094988 094989 094990 094991 094992 094993 094994 094995 094996 094997 094998 094999 095000 095001 095002 095003 095004 095005 095006 095007 095008 095009 095010 095011 095012 095013 095014 Name of Village 2 Kalyanpura Surajpura (Kadi Sahna) Deo Khera Pondrikji Ka Khera Kalinjari Dhani Bhavsagar Kheri Jeevrajpura Dabla Kachra Gopalpura Arni Shambhoopura Arniya Rasan Amarpura Madanpura Sewni @ Surajpura@Gopalpura Shivpura Mathuranath Pura Sola Ka Khera Juwara Ka Khera Naya Khera Pratappura Raipura Daulatpura Raghurajpura Petaummaidsagar Raghunathpura Bheemnagar Ragaspuriya Dheekola Kalyanpura Baresara Phooliya Khurd Khera Rajpura @ Suratsingh Ka Khera Taswariya Khurd Intmariya Kashiramji Ka Khera Nahargarh Ummaidnagar Karamdas Nogawan Chalaniya Mindoliya Girdiya Lulas Rampura Naya Palsa Narsingh Pura Kagson Ka Khera Mundeti Mundeta Bhojpur Mali Khera Salariya Khurd Kheri Khurd Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 155 15 21 19 34 64 3 416 53 154 39 227 5 16 3 18 6 132 35 21 19 51 4 5 16 16 58 3 284 18 133 20 176 1 181 3 18 2 163 1 63 20 24 109 10 232 17 23 15 12 38 1 48 7 40 5 12 71 9 184 10 142 171 2 380 4 29 153 75 38 78 4 12 47 67 133 2 302 17 106 101 316 121 1 1 3 6 156 239 96 95 167 257 65 168 26 4 321 70 91 422 156 19 171 77 1 1 5 12 85 32 51 75 75 26 18 2 2 36 16 15 63 42 82 145 44 1 2 1 144 154 64 44 92 182 39 150 24 2 285 54 76 359 114 Persons 44 140 - Cultivators Males Females 45 46 40 - 10 12 14 40 3 193 6 130 32 123 2 - 40 8 2 8 1 54 5 3 17 12 2 2 10 6 39 3 139 1 127 15 111 - 38 6 32 -------------Un-inhabited-------------9 6 3 6 6 1 1 52 17 35 5 1 4 10 6 4 4 3 1 -------------Un-inhabited-------------59 15 44 112 7 105 2 2 221 12 209 21 6 15 17 10 7 124 15 130 3 1 2 1 133 148 36 76 14 19 52 153 1 3 1 17 51 292 154 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 5 61 2 1 12 81 14 38 6 13 21 17 1 2 5 3 33 41 10 69 1 1 2 121 67 22 38 8 6 31 136 1 1 12 48 259 113 2 6 19 19 167 43 5 2 93 1 1 - 1 - 40 27 2 2 30 - 6 10 18 127 16 3 63 1 138 2 9 1 129 1 48 13 6 25 2 140 - 15 9 5 7 - 33 4 6 20 2 133 - 35 22 73 3 95 18 11 21 1 19 17 11 52 2 76 71 85 4 1 5 18 89 38 3 29 193 2 11 1 14 44 9 123 - 4 34 1 1 4 2 4 1 12 39 11 7 27 - 67 51 3 1 18 87 34 2 17 154 2 11 1 3 37 9 96 - 9 1 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Shahpura of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 1 - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 1 - 1 1 - 2 4 1 12 1 11 4 3 - 2 1 - - 11 1 1 5 56 3 18 5 9 2 9 1 6 5 - 2 - 8 112 3 1 3 2 3 - 2 - 4 33 4 12 3 4 25 1 2 1 2 8 9 9 3 1 25 305 1 1 3 7 1 1 4 3 3 1 1 1 24 - Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 6 21 2 1 18 2 2 4 6 6 2 24 281 1 13 - 99 - 8 1 1 4 38 2 15 7 2 3 1 18 1 3 5 2 - 5 3 2 1 1 -------------Un-inhabited-------------2 1 1 17 12 5 20 13 7 2 2 71 30 41 13 4 9 -------------Un-inhabited-------------44 40 4 34 20 14 78 43 35 4 4 1 1 8 6 2 12 97 89 3 1 20 8 115 36 8 3 1 9 31 7 1 9 73 67 1 14 8 54 20 4 1 4 12 3 1 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 511 216 295 Kalyanpura 15 223 167 353 209 38 486 480 1,263 111 1,346 660 8 112 83 183 98 19 243 181 472 60 594 199 7 111 84 170 111 19 243 299 791 51 752 461 699 262 310 124 389 138 216 81 144 604 501 463 626 110 40 69 300 196 247 257 106 41 75 304 305 216 369 489 224 4 2,204 148 429 676 252 105 1 924 79 212 342 237 119 3 1,280 69 217 334 407 584 909 151 186 186 727 256 448 779 486 370 504 230 232 198 195 557 404 116 659 270 197 254 363 67 91 85 296 107 211 373 263 177 249 105 113 98 92 286 208 58 326 149 210 330 546 84 95 101 431 149 237 406 223 193 255 125 119 100 103 271 196 58 333 121 3 24 22 3 6 61 16 4 3 5 19 4 - 125 Name of Village 2 Surajpura (Kadi Sahna) Deo Khera Pondrikji Ka Khera Kalinjari Dhani Bhavsagar Kheri Jeevrajpura Dabla Kachra Gopalpura Arni Shambhoopura Arniya Rasan Amarpura Madanpura Sewni @ Surajpura@Gopalpura Shivpura Mathuranath Pura Sola Ka Khera Juwara Ka Khera Naya Khera Pratappura Raipura Daulatpura Raghurajpura Petaummaidsagar Raghunathpura Bheemnagar Ragaspuriya Dheekola Kalyanpura Baresara Phooliya Khurd Khera Rajpura @ Suratsingh Ka Khera Taswariya Khurd Intmariya Kashiramji Ka Khera Nahargarh Ummaidnagar Karamdas Nogawan Chalaniya Mindoliya Girdiya Lulas Rampura Naya Palsa Narsingh Pura Kagson Ka Khera Mundeti Mundeta Bhojpur Mali Khera Salariya Khurd Kheri Khurd Location code number 1 094962 094963 094964 094965 094966 094967 094968 094969 094970 094971 094972 094973 094974 094975 094976 094977 094978 094979 094980 094981 094982 094983 094984 094985 094986 094987 094988 094989 094990 094991 094992 094993 094994 094995 094996 094997 094998 094999 095000 095001 095002 095003 095004 095005 095006 095007 095008 095009 095010 095011 095012 095013 095014 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0176 0176 0176 095015 095016 095017 095018 095019 095020 095021 095022 095023 095024 095025 095026 095027 095028 095029 095030 095031 095032 095033 095034 095035 095036 095037 095038 095039 095040 095041 095042 095043 095044 095045 095046 095047 095048 095049 095050 095051 095052 095053 095054 095055 095056 095057 095058 095059 095060 095061 095062 095063 095064 095065 095066 095067 095068 095069 095070 Name of Village 2 Banera (Total) Banera (Rural) Banera (Urban) RURAL Vijaypur Kasoriya Jasoriya Dabla Gharta Baldarkha Bhatera Mandi Dagas Kotri Jaliya Khera Kundiya Khurd Kundiya Kalan Gora Ka Khera Theekariya Rayla Dhamaniya Somsyas Lotiyas Sadas Nimbahera Kalan Nimbahera Khurd Jhatal Musha Amargarh Mushi Pratappura Upreda Nola Ka Khera Moriya Khera Khatan Kheri Beskalai Meghras Lambia Khurd Lambia Kalan Naya Khera Roopaheli Khurd Kanwaliya Dodwaniyon Ka Khera Ali Nagar Beran Samelpura Jaswantpura Surajpura Rooppura Sardarpura Salriya Kalan Rakshi Khari Khera Lamba Onkarpura Bamniya Jorawarpura Sardarnagar Bhempura Kodlai Area of Village in Number of hectares households 3 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 66,795.56 66,795.56 0.00 24,970 24,970 - 1,23,714 1,23,714 - 494.57 1,382.70 1,161.43 2,202.36 1,274.00 1,563.21 1,793.00 121.99 482.26 439.88 349.32 798.49 3,130.00 447.00 107.00 2,915.72 556.38 655.45 754.49 557.03 668.46 474.78 1,019.98 882.59 269.01 1,779.01 104.59 998.90 244.37 180.72 881.67 975.88 1,342.78 1,350.48 2,288.13 367.90 1,194.16 748.22 1,036.57 270.10 1,531.78 90.13 500.11 316.94 325.52 172.70 1,106.48 935.07 168.97 627.90 238.35 1,290.59 401.29 1,796.61 230.01 357.29 188 439 245 731 418 422 431 1,123 2,269 1,407 3,538 2,298 1,959 2,029 161 101 15 180 809 140 30 2,175 160 179 265 208 244 135 340 143 90 546 44 368 56 816 500 82 915 3,918 755 134 9,968 828 889 1,312 970 1,290 708 1,575 719 556 2,597 183 1,650 261 242 253 471 522 707 131 376 96 285 82 499 1,311 1,205 2,185 2,395 3,577 745 1,823 489 1,611 406 2,632 221 109 94 75 365 410 67 137 98 258 127 889 124 219 1,150 571 417 395 1,766 1,889 295 747 532 1,291 616 4,547 647 1,237 126 62,298 62,298 - 61,416 61,416 - Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 19,484 19,484 - 10,073 10,073 - 9,411 9,411 - 528 595 200 1,126 1,143 314 732 675 261 1,771 1,767 530 1,139 1,159 361 997 962 306 1,007 1,022 340 -------------Un-inhabited-------------416 400 155 263 237 106 36 46 18 464 451 114 2,053 1,865 593 374 381 124 65 69 38 5,204 4,764 1,474 428 400 137 441 448 136 653 659 238 487 483 178 643 647 212 372 336 127 777 798 266 381 338 116 269 287 106 1,321 1,276 427 94 89 22 785 865 271 131 130 45 -------------Un-inhabited-------------653 658 265 637 568 198 1,101 1,084 400 1,142 1,253 373 1,776 1,801 581 388 357 123 898 925 299 252 237 75 795 816 213 232 174 62 1,326 1,306 417 -------------Un-inhabited-------------568 582 156 282 289 96 195 222 71 200 195 49 882 884 258 913 976 330 146 149 51 373 374 120 260 272 105 671 620 193 307 309 81 2,310 2,237 700 339 308 114 633 604 166 100 153 139 270 192 152 163 100 161 122 260 169 154 177 77 56 7 53 311 64 21 786 77 63 114 80 108 71 134 57 49 219 11 132 25 78 50 11 61 282 60 17 688 60 73 124 98 104 56 132 59 57 208 11 139 20 139 119 214 203 297 70 145 45 108 33 227 126 79 186 170 284 53 154 30 105 29 190 75 40 35 22 145 155 28 59 50 100 45 378 64 90 81 56 36 27 113 175 23 61 55 93 36 322 50 76 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Banera Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 20,583 20,583 - 10,373 10,373 - 10,210 10,210 - 120 402 139 560 430 315 206 51 196 72 290 219 165 104 69 206 67 270 211 150 102 8 30 114 1,447 27 2,266 13 34 110 218 190 250 178 196 462 383 8 6 16 59 751 11 1,153 7 17 56 114 101 122 98 94 233 195 4 2 14 55 696 16 1,113 6 17 54 104 89 128 80 102 229 188 4 153 295 257 305 394 60 358 125 195 502 80 151 131 145 198 32 189 66 98 259 73 144 126 160 196 28 169 59 97 243 184 103 58 571 449 76 97 9 442 281 30 85 52 29 280 211 40 39 5 225 140 15 99 51 29 291 238 36 58 4 217 141 15 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 9,023 9,023 - 4,504 4,504 - Persons 17 Literates Males 18 4,519 4,519 - 59,492 59,492 - 37,814 37,814 - 163 73 90 109 57 52 238 125 113 247 135 112 314 148 166 -------------Un-inhabited-------------370 191 179 144 73 71 121 66 55 34 20 14 164 87 77 55 25 30 58 36 22 198 100 98 110 51 59 124 62 62 120 59 61 70 41 29 20 9 11 184 84 100 125 63 62 237 120 117 57 30 27 27 13 14 -------------Un-inhabited-------------109 54 55 84 46 38 101 52 49 255 119 136 601 294 307 45 24 21 110 58 52 62 33 29 135 67 68 126 59 67 -------------Un-inhabited-------------82 36 46 9 6 3 14 6 8 7 4 3 249 121 128 98 48 50 28 10 18 128 62 66 78 38 40 244 123 121 66 32 34 134 65 69 - 347 1,126 638 1,550 1,004 891 828 229 712 410 990 663 587 532 237 175 35 500 1,998 395 62 6,033 328 380 479 527 505 329 667 288 249 952 81 562 59 173 118 19 315 1,257 245 31 3,740 209 237 339 316 348 208 435 199 159 640 58 355 43 472 520 1,102 1,034 1,777 299 735 187 591 290 1,258 316 337 650 638 1,125 216 486 118 415 190 826 555 242 133 172 756 641 88 286 343 707 305 2,088 365 698 373 180 94 126 509 412 59 181 179 440 188 1,365 228 454 127 Females 19 Name of Village 2 21,678 Banera (Total) 21,678 Banera (Rural) Banera (Urban) RURAL 118 Vijaypur 414 Kasoriya 228 Jasoriya 560 Dabla 341 Gharta 304 Baldarkha 296 Bhatera Mandi 64 Dagas 57 Kotri 16 Jaliya Khera 185 Kundiya Khurd 741 Kundiya Kalan 150 Gora Ka Khera 31 Theekariya 2,293 Rayla 119 Dhamaniya 143 Somsyas 140 Lotiyas 211 Sadas 157 Nimbahera Kalan 121 Nimbahera Khurd 232 Jhatal 89 Musha 90 Amargarh 312 Mushi 23 Pratappura 207 Upreda 16 Nola Ka Khera Moriya Khera 156 Khatan Kheri 183 Beskalai 452 Meghras 396 Lambia Khurd 652 Lambia Kalan 83 Naya Khera 249 Roopaheli Khurd 69 Kanwaliya 176 Dodwaniyon Ka Khera 100 Ali Nagar 432 Beran Samelpura 182 Jaswantpura 62 Surajpura 39 Rooppura 46 Sardarpura 247 Salriya Kalan 229 Rakshi 29 Khari Khera 105 Lamba 164 Onkarpura 267 Bamniya 117 Jorawarpura 723 Sardarnagar 137 Bhempura 244 Kodlai DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0176 0176 0176 095015 095016 095017 095018 095019 095020 095021 095022 095023 095024 095025 095026 095027 095028 095029 095030 095031 095032 095033 095034 095035 095036 095037 095038 095039 095040 095041 095042 095043 095044 095045 095046 095047 095048 095049 095050 095051 095052 095053 095054 095055 095056 095057 095058 095059 095060 095061 095062 095063 095064 095065 095066 095067 095068 095069 095070 Name of Village 2 Banera (Total) Banera (Rural) Banera (Urban) RURAL Vijaypur Kasoriya Jasoriya Dabla Gharta Baldarkha Bhatera Mandi Dagas Kotri Jaliya Khera Kundiya Khurd Kundiya Kalan Gora Ka Khera Theekariya Rayla Dhamaniya Somsyas Lotiyas Sadas Nimbahera Kalan Nimbahera Khurd Jhatal Musha Amargarh Mushi Pratappura Upreda Nola Ka Khera Moriya Khera Khatan Kheri Beskalai Meghras Lambia Khurd Lambia Kalan Naya Khera Roopaheli Khurd Kanwaliya Dodwaniyon Ka Khera Ali Nagar Beran Samelpura Jaswantpura Surajpura Rooppura Sardarpura Salriya Kalan Rakshi Khari Khera Lamba Onkarpura Bamniya Jorawarpura Sardarnagar Bhempura Kodlai Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 64,222 64,222 - 24,484 24,484 - 39,738 39,738 - 776 1,143 769 1,988 1,294 1,068 1,201 299 414 322 781 476 410 475 477 729 447 1,207 818 658 726 579 325 47 415 1,920 360 72 3,935 500 509 833 443 785 379 908 431 307 1,645 102 1,088 202 243 145 17 149 796 129 34 1,464 219 204 314 171 295 164 342 182 110 681 36 430 88 336 180 30 266 1,124 231 38 2,471 281 305 519 272 490 215 566 249 197 964 66 658 114 839 685 1,083 1,361 1,800 446 1,088 302 1,020 116 1,374 337 300 451 504 651 172 412 134 380 42 500 502 385 632 857 1,149 274 676 168 640 74 874 595 329 284 223 1,010 1,248 207 461 189 584 311 2,459 282 539 195 102 101 74 373 501 87 192 81 231 119 945 111 179 400 227 183 149 637 747 120 269 108 353 192 1,514 171 360 Persons 20 Total workers Persons Males Females 23 24 25 59,889 59,889 - 25,468 25,468 - 49,598 49,598 - 31,546 31,546 - 18,052 18,052 - 571 270 301 1,005 586 419 736 396 340 1,547 956 591 1,144 657 487 970 543 427 990 577 413 -------------Un-inhabited-------------409 207 202 198 113 85 26 18 8 427 219 208 1,975 1,198 777 298 204 94 57 36 21 3,894 2,885 1,009 254 231 23 321 248 73 423 363 60 523 285 238 644 363 281 276 185 91 679 419 260 441 231 210 287 140 147 1,270 721 549 125 61 64 872 441 431 172 85 87 -------------Un-inhabited-------------631 339 292 653 366 287 1,167 588 579 1,139 619 520 1,620 980 640 393 193 200 986 520 466 264 135 129 909 453 456 230 126 104 1,436 738 698 -------------Un-inhabited-------------696 337 359 309 169 140 246 101 145 199 112 87 821 468 353 1,091 523 568 137 84 53 322 216 106 290 133 157 582 386 196 240 162 78 2,357 1,273 1,084 253 170 83 649 327 322 552 992 726 1,482 932 827 519 264 578 394 924 566 493 436 288 414 332 558 366 334 83 241 172 20 232 1,920 297 56 3,514 249 307 403 521 644 274 473 204 162 896 117 575 137 149 101 16 165 1,180 203 35 2,773 226 236 350 284 363 184 352 140 109 569 57 401 62 92 71 4 67 740 94 21 741 23 71 53 237 281 90 121 64 53 327 60 174 75 605 384 1,022 1,060 1,198 237 622 261 730 207 1,127 333 336 563 581 843 179 474 134 415 107 694 272 48 459 479 355 58 148 127 315 100 433 631 309 240 199 810 639 127 298 288 527 233 1,980 211 579 303 169 99 112 460 344 81 203 132 367 155 1,129 151 320 328 140 141 87 350 295 46 95 156 160 78 851 60 259 128 34,421 34,421 - Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Banera Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 26,537 26,537 - 14,445 14,445 - 12,092 12,092 - 5,661 5,661 - 463 639 308 1,022 704 436 290 198 350 227 548 420 268 234 265 289 81 474 284 168 56 5 202 330 123 142 244 32 174 99 11 124 1,163 190 7 790 108 196 181 235 256 48 276 202 71 565 48 253 72 106 58 11 90 684 137 5 525 93 157 164 118 212 37 174 140 39 350 13 178 29 68 41 34 479 53 2 265 15 39 17 117 44 11 102 62 32 215 35 75 43 16 35 6 33 360 64 31 461 56 43 55 226 309 203 46 2 23 132 8 106 12 233 286 642 708 640 134 403 240 508 115 594 177 250 314 336 366 84 289 119 262 31 260 56 36 328 372 274 50 114 121 246 84 334 345 23 72 97 27 10 23 11 57 2 43 326 254 227 179 581 211 87 154 225 332 182 1,034 29 379 65 159 86 94 261 202 46 96 75 196 115 390 25 159 261 95 141 85 320 9 41 58 150 136 67 644 4 220 25 43 1 1 281 6 34 1 6 1 22 40 12 2,355 2,355 - 3,306 3,306 - 1,146 1,146 - 800 800 - 346 346 - 16,254 16,254 - 13,946 13,946 - 5 23 13 102 100 11 9 84 246 4 2 80 43 40 38 70 72 7 7 107 137 4 4 23 9 8 8 -------------Un-inhabited-------------8 8 4 4 18 17 4 2 3 3 15 18 4 3 167 193 36 26 26 38 2 1 14 17 222 239 123 96 49 7 27 16 2 2 32 23 4 4 112 114 2 2 84 225 2 2 130 73 4 4 38 8 4 3 2 11 12 11 10 64 68 16 7 2 6 29 13 35 71 28 15 12 34 18 -------------Un-inhabited-------------136 209 2 2 21 2 7 5 49 23 14 8 40 57 18 11 11 16 36 28 8 2 1 1 16 7 38 27 7 4 26 31 1 1 2 4 2 3 40 12 11 -------------Un-inhabited-------------8 17 8 2 43 1 1 1 1 12 8 17 264 4 2 21 13 27 16 1 2 4 10 8 1 6 4 10 12 53 35 27 13 32 7 1 11 17 6 10 2 2 2 - 61 140 84 297 79 143 189 53 117 81 258 69 114 171 47 34 3 71 361 41 18 2,140 85 66 163 58 77 19 147 57 183 32 188 19 31 23 2 57 303 39 16 1,930 84 50 150 52 65 13 137 49 148 29 173 15 25 68 294 237 495 92 158 10 164 86 478 18 60 192 194 438 86 142 8 126 74 420 272 12 13 18 216 147 34 83 62 179 44 871 110 171 228 10 13 16 191 125 31 70 57 161 36 694 92 154 129 2 1 10 1 27 1 1 9 16 13 16 2 6 7 8 11 2 1 6 4 11 2 2 18 25 11 Name of Village 2 2,308 Banera (Total) 2,308 Banera (Rural) Banera (Urban) RURAL 8 Vijaypur 23 Kasoriya 3 Jasoriya 39 Dabla 10 Gharta 29 Baldarkha 18 Bhatera Mandi 16 Dagas 11 Kotri 1 Jaliya Khera 14 Kundiya Khurd 58 Kundiya Kalan 2 Gora Ka Khera 2 Theekariya 210 Rayla 1 Dhamaniya 16 Somsyas 13 Lotiyas 6 Sadas 12 Nimbahera Kalan 6 Nimbahera Khurd 10 Jhatal Musha 8 Amargarh 35 Mushi 3 Pratappura 15 Upreda 4 Nola Ka Khera Moriya Khera 7 Khatan Kheri 8 Beskalai 102 Meghras 43 Lambia Khurd 57 Lambia Kalan 6 Naya Khera 16 Roopaheli Khurd 2 Kanwaliya 38 Dodwaniyon Ka Khera 12 Ali Nagar 58 Beran Samelpura 44 Jaswantpura 2 Surajpura Rooppura 2 Sardarpura 25 Salriya Kalan 22 Rakshi 3 Khari Khera 13 Lamba 5 Onkarpura 18 Bamniya 8 Jorawarpura 177 Sardarnagar 18 Bhempura 17 Kodlai DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 0176 0176 0176 095015 095016 095017 095018 095019 095020 095021 095022 095023 095024 095025 095026 095027 095028 095029 095030 095031 095032 095033 095034 095035 095036 095037 095038 095039 095040 095041 095042 095043 095044 095045 095046 095047 095048 095049 095050 095051 095052 095053 095054 095055 095056 095057 095058 095059 095060 095061 095062 095063 095064 095065 095066 095067 095068 095069 095070 Name of Village 2 Banera (Total) Banera (Rural) Banera (Urban) RURAL Vijaypur Kasoriya Jasoriya Dabla Gharta Baldarkha Bhatera Mandi Dagas Kotri Jaliya Khera Kundiya Khurd Kundiya Kalan Gora Ka Khera Theekariya Rayla Dhamaniya Somsyas Lotiyas Sadas Nimbahera Kalan Nimbahera Khurd Jhatal Musha Amargarh Mushi Pratappura Upreda Nola Ka Khera Moriya Khera Khatan Kheri Beskalai Meghras Lambia Khurd Lambia Kalan Naya Khera Roopaheli Khurd Kanwaliya Dodwaniyon Ka Khera Ali Nagar Beran Samelpura Jaswantpura Surajpura Rooppura Sardarpura Salriya Kalan Rakshi Khari Khera Lamba Onkarpura Bamniya Jorawarpura Sardarnagar Bhempura Kodlai Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 10,291 10,291 - 2,875 2,875 - 7,416 7,416 - 19 13 10 65 212 143 471 6 8 2 32 91 50 141 13 5 8 33 121 93 330 168 26 6 195 55 1 1 380 5 14 20 2 2 206 237 125 374 8 297 35 58 12 2 54 18 1 1 112 5 12 13 1 1 67 91 31 152 4 40 23 110 14 4 141 37 268 2 7 1 1 139 146 94 222 4 257 12 26 269 145 79 422 156 364 3 179 23 309 6 30 25 38 137 14 46 1 38 19 44 20 239 120 41 285 142 318 2 141 4 265 65 6 11 452 10 24 2 55 7 377 42 70 34 2 8 179 3 13 1 19 7 144 19 7 31 4 3 273 7 11 1 36 233 23 63 Persons 44 3,653 3,653 - Cultivators Males Females 45 46 875 875 - 2,778 2,778 - 10 3 7 1 1 12 4 8 80 32 48 18 9 9 259 107 152 -------------Un-inhabited-------------64 25 39 6 5 1 3 1 2 109 21 88 10 10 36 12 24 2 2 2 1 1 30 22 8 31 17 14 33 2 31 16 11 5 41 9 32 2 2 -------------Un-inhabited-------------5 2 3 244 17 227 69 10 59 2 2 116 27 89 12 5 7 194 32 162 6 2 4 3 3 212 20 192 -------------Un-inhabited-------------39 20 19 371 147 224 13 7 6 1 1 12 3 9 7 7 21 7 14 8 5 3 44 4 40 130 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 3,031 3,031 - 457 457 - 2,574 2,574 - 1 8 24 101 99 193 1 2 5 33 31 19 6 19 68 68 174 47 2 38 23 251 2 7 2 68 4 57 25 137 1 13 5 7 35 1 3 1 23 12 10 14 - 34 2 33 16 216 1 4 1 45 4 45 15 123 1 14 23 42 4 43 141 147 2 158 7 1 13 9 2 32 6 2 28 1 13 10 33 2 11 135 145 2 130 6 3 1 1 17 6 2 28 5 11 16 1 - 2 1 - 4 4 1 3 1 1 13 6 2 24 4 8 15 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Banera of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 382 382 - 146 146 - 1 10 11 6 - - 2 4 - - 7 3 - 1 5 - 1 - 3 - - 6 1 2 3 81 11 1 4 1 1 - 5 - 5 - 6 1 1 4 - 1 - 1 7 11 6 6 - 8 3 2 6 4 7 19 2 - 2 2 2 6 - 2 - - 11 1 1 4 4 3 - - 9 14 3 3 8 7 88 30 1 4 6 3 - 236 236 - 1 3 1 1 4 11 5 Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 3,225 3,225 - 1,397 1,397 - 1,828 1,828 - 8 3 5 2 1 1 1 1 18 16 2 25 23 2 26 10 16 19 15 4 -------------Un-inhabited-------------54 19 35 18 7 11 3 1 2 46 28 18 18 9 9 1 1 1 1 84 62 22 5 5 12 11 1 11 10 1 94 14 80 199 71 128 32 15 17 325 125 200 1 1 31 10 21 2 2 -------------Un-inhabited-------------7 3 4 1 1 29 5 24 73 34 39 257 77 180 3 3 12 7 5 1 1 14 8 6 19 18 1 86 19 67 -------------Un-inhabited-------------21 12 9 5 2 3 10 8 2 64 28 36 4 3 1 8 5 3 1 1 15 12 3 344 133 211 12 11 1 4 1 3 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 63,825 63,825 - 27,877 27,877 - 552 1,264 671 1,991 1,154 989 1,039 258 540 336 815 482 454 430 407 302 56 488 1,943 457 77 6,074 574 568 889 447 646 432 896 278 269 1,327 58 778 89 209 150 18 245 855 170 29 2,319 197 193 290 202 280 187 358 150 129 600 33 344 46 680 552 1,018 1,256 1,957 352 837 225 702 176 1,196 314 271 513 523 796 195 378 117 342 106 588 454 262 171 196 945 798 158 425 242 709 376 2,190 394 588 231 113 94 88 414 390 62 157 127 285 145 1,037 169 306 131 Name of Village 2 35,948 Banera (Total) 35,948 Banera (Rural) Banera (Urban) RURAL 294 Vijaypur 724 Kasoriya 335 Jasoriya 1,176 Dabla 672 Gharta 535 Baldarkha 609 Bhatera Mandi 198 Dagas 152 Kotri 38 Jaliya Khera 243 Kundiya Khurd 1,088 Kundiya Kalan 287 Gora Ka Khera 48 Theekariya 3,755 Rayla 377 Dhamaniya 375 Somsyas 599 Lotiyas 245 Sadas 366 Nimbahera Kalan 245 Nimbahera Khurd 538 Jhatal 128 Musha 140 Amargarh 727 Mushi 25 Pratappura 434 Upreda 43 Nola Ka Khera Moriya Khera 366 Khatan Kheri 281 Beskalai 505 Meghras 733 Lambia Khurd 1,161 Lambia Kalan 157 Naya Khera 459 Roopaheli Khurd 108 Kanwaliya 360 Dodwaniyon Ka Khera 70 Ali Nagar 608 Beran Samelpura 223 Jaswantpura 149 Surajpura 77 Rooppura 108 Sardarpura 531 Salriya Kalan 408 Rakshi 96 Khari Khera 268 Lamba 115 Onkarpura 424 Bamniya 231 Jorawarpura 1,153 Sardarnagar 225 Bhempura 282 Kodlai Location code number 1 0176 0176 0176 095015 095016 095017 095018 095019 095020 095021 095022 095023 095024 095025 095026 095027 095028 095029 095030 095031 095032 095033 095034 095035 095036 095037 095038 095039 095040 095041 095042 095043 095044 095045 095046 095047 095048 095049 095050 095051 095052 095053 095054 095055 095056 095057 095058 095059 095060 095061 095062 095063 095064 095065 095066 095067 095068 095069 095070 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 095071 095072 095073 095074 095075 095076 095077 095078 095079 095080 095081 095082 095083 095084 095085 095086 095087 095088 095089 095090 095091 095092 095093 095094 095095 095096 095097 095098 095099 095100 095101 095102 095103 095104 095105 095106 Name of Village 2 Kharoliya Khera Sultan Garh Dhola Danta Dudla Kalyanpura Hataipura Baran Balesariya Rampuriya @ Payra Danta Nilawari Raisinghpura Eklingpura Rughnathpura Kajlodiya Kilpuriya Chamanpura Chhatri Khera Raneegpura Mahuwa Khurd Kamalpura Nanodiya Banera Kishanpuriya Mahtab Sagar Sangrampura Lasadiya Kunwar Kankoliya Babrana Amli Lapiya Gopalpura Kherliya Lakshmipura Ganeshpura Daulatpura Area of Village in Number of hectares households 3 4 209.06 682.98 116.34 621.81 364.48 294.67 1,029.10 945.77 218.31 469.37 430.64 239.05 190.05 511.42 112.16 635.56 130.41 144.19 1,336.60 497.32 304.36 2,725.36 145.88 103.40 135.53 678.50 526.52 816.85 819.15 337.21 1,158.30 520.01 516.56 147.87 238.38 88.07 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 167 187 830 1,020 215 149 77 389 340 242 195 236 135 169 203 35 454 94 95 775 173 115 2,256 4 1,139 832 333 2,022 1,585 1,046 989 1,087 751 809 909 157 1,858 441 512 4,032 1,001 530 11,436 31 69 205 149 313 325 147 420 43 215 91 105 63 417 1,004 674 1,534 1,646 702 1,892 223 1,097 535 584 328 132 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 410 420 152 508 512 183 -------------Un-inhabited-------------563 576 185 395 437 178 179 154 54 1,008 1,014 324 782 803 265 531 515 152 497 492 145 550 537 141 358 393 110 415 394 112 460 449 149 75 82 21 914 944 278 224 217 73 267 245 73 2,034 1,998 581 497 504 138 263 267 83 5,788 5,648 1,637 15 16 3 -------------Un-inhabited-------------196 221 63 503 501 173 325 349 126 763 771 264 839 807 230 350 352 133 980 912 310 106 117 27 559 538 171 274 261 97 271 313 81 163 165 61 79 98 73 85 94 86 30 180 130 82 77 69 58 60 77 13 135 33 35 302 70 45 861 2 91 92 24 144 135 70 68 72 52 52 72 8 143 40 38 279 68 38 776 1 26 89 58 153 116 64 156 12 91 59 35 28 37 84 68 111 114 69 154 15 80 38 46 33 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Banera Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 3 309 2 166 1 143 99 24 13 224 135 77 444 163 64 18 85 436 140 30 613 148 50 2,383 - 52 8 6 116 61 40 228 72 34 9 51 213 76 17 315 73 24 1,182 - 47 16 7 108 74 37 216 91 30 9 34 223 64 13 298 75 26 1,201 - 76 75 323 283 74 384 121 172 274 293 37 33 163 150 33 185 62 84 131 146 39 42 160 133 41 199 59 88 143 147 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 1 1 21 10 11 -------------Un-inhabited-------------39 19 20 11 6 5 6 5 1 293 143 150 105 53 52 93 53 40 127 61 66 94 44 50 118 64 54 137 58 79 63 32 31 51 26 25 7 3 4 350 177 173 43 17 26 37 16 21 136 74 62 -------------Un-inhabited-------------3 1 2 110 58 52 153 70 83 341 163 178 25 11 14 202 106 96 13 7 6 41 20 21 127 67 60 130 68 62 61 31 30 31 15 16 133 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 316 438 199 296 564 305 151 923 746 622 503 626 278 392 466 88 876 241 269 2,799 573 213 6,827 28 352 205 100 591 504 367 311 391 185 257 301 47 554 161 181 1,554 343 134 4,115 13 263 423 190 649 683 222 743 104 437 217 297 151 153 271 146 426 486 163 523 61 311 150 191 100 Females 19 Name of Village 2 117 Kharoliya Khera 142 Sultan Garh Dhola Danta 212 Dudla 100 Kalyanpura 51 Hataipura 332 Baran 242 Balesariya 255 Rampuriya @ Payra 192 Danta Nilawari 235 Raisinghpura 93 Eklingpura 135 Rughnathpura 165 Kajlodiya 41 Kilpuriya 322 Chamanpura 80 Chhatri Khera 88 Raneegpura 1,245 Mahuwa Khurd 230 Kamalpura 79 Nanodiya 2,712 Banera 15 Kishanpuriya Mahtab Sagar 110 Sangrampura 152 Lasadiya 44 Kunwar 223 Kankoliya 197 Babrana 59 Amli 220 Lapiya 43 Gopalpura 126 Kherliya 67 Lakshmipura 106 Ganeshpura 51 Daulatpura DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 095071 095072 095073 095074 095075 095076 095077 095078 095079 095080 095081 095082 095083 095084 095085 095086 095087 095088 095089 095090 095091 095092 095093 095094 095095 095096 095097 095098 095099 095100 095101 095102 095103 095104 095105 095106 Name of Village 2 Kharoliya Khera Sultan Garh Dhola Danta Dudla Kalyanpura Hataipura Baran Balesariya Rampuriya @ Payra Danta Nilawari Raisinghpura Eklingpura Rughnathpura Kajlodiya Kilpuriya Chamanpura Chhatri Khera Raneegpura Mahuwa Khurd Kamalpura Nanodiya Banera Kishanpuriya Mahtab Sagar Sangrampura Lasadiya Kunwar Kankoliya Babrana Amli Lapiya Gopalpura Kherliya Lakshmipura Ganeshpura Daulatpura Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 514 582 211 212 303 370 575 527 182 1,099 839 424 486 461 473 417 443 69 982 200 243 1,233 428 317 4,609 3 211 190 79 417 278 164 186 159 173 158 159 28 360 63 86 480 154 129 1,673 2 364 337 103 682 561 260 300 302 300 259 284 41 622 137 157 753 274 188 2,936 1 154 581 484 885 963 480 1,149 119 660 318 287 177 43 232 179 337 353 187 457 45 248 124 80 63 111 349 305 548 610 293 692 74 412 194 207 114 Persons 20 Total workers Persons Males Females 23 24 25 246 208 38 437 249 188 -------------Un-inhabited-------------592 295 297 338 185 153 178 91 87 1,243 588 655 892 449 443 458 307 151 446 276 170 576 341 235 459 227 232 323 238 85 480 257 223 84 42 42 974 531 443 277 150 127 290 147 143 2,195 1,161 1,034 477 270 207 315 158 157 4,745 3,088 1,657 9 9 -------------Un-inhabited-------------193 105 88 658 333 325 412 194 218 895 420 475 576 443 133 381 197 184 1,044 547 497 120 69 51 579 304 275 332 152 180 341 149 192 170 85 85 134 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 245 434 208 249 37 185 541 297 150 886 789 267 430 391 288 282 453 81 504 170 279 1,737 464 305 4,069 9 253 159 83 494 427 222 276 305 90 223 245 40 467 107 145 1,126 265 154 2,903 9 288 138 67 392 362 45 154 86 198 59 208 41 37 63 134 611 199 151 1,166 - 115 645 168 558 552 380 867 120 520 152 312 170 95 326 133 362 438 196 529 69 289 140 140 85 20 319 35 196 114 184 338 51 231 12 172 85 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Banera Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 102 229 77 71 25 158 5 8 433 220 93 626 398 99 255 106 281 24 336 71 120 113 90 987 331 135 1,108 5 149 98 39 254 226 82 135 60 86 24 149 32 106 68 43 573 150 39 548 5 284 122 54 372 172 17 120 46 195 187 39 14 45 47 414 181 96 560 - 6 5 52 197 1 8 15 7 9 1 11 5 82 124 11 6 211 - 63 340 111 372 373 160 492 100 275 99 225 131 47 104 82 192 284 57 276 49 103 91 75 49 16 236 29 180 89 103 216 51 172 8 150 82 5 44 1 3 27 170 119 29 11 - - 3 2 13 9 3 5 1 1 -------------Un-inhabited-------------13 13 4 2 1 1 2 3 1 43 9 1 1 24 173 11 10 1 1 1 4 4 6 6 8 7 2 1 4 3 7 5 3 6 4 4 1 1 1 6 5 15 13 2 3 5 4 7 75 4 3 50 74 37 22 5 6 6 4 1 5 1 1 94 117 203 147 -------------Un-inhabited-------------2 3 1 1 14 30 1 3 3 1 2 15 11 8 19 17 17 91 79 14 14 25 94 12 6 15 14 43 25 3 8 3 - 135 4 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 15 2 56 4 6 18 3 - 125 196 119 174 95 70 51 207 183 166 161 268 7 244 104 8 358 47 103 589 116 163 2,547 4 91 56 42 196 167 138 131 236 4 190 89 6 342 33 92 481 106 113 2,114 4 46 261 53 168 135 36 244 20 173 53 73 39 45 208 48 158 129 34 222 20 146 49 62 36 Name of Village 2 6 Kharoliya Khera 22 Sultan Garh Dhola Danta 4 Dudla 14 Kalyanpura 9 Hataipura 11 Baran 16 Balesariya 28 Rampuriya @ Payra 30 Danta Nilawari 32 Raisinghpura 3 Eklingpura 54 Rughnathpura 15 Kajlodiya 2 Kilpuriya 16 Chamanpura 14 Chhatri Khera 11 Raneegpura 108 Mahuwa Khurd 10 Kamalpura 50 Nanodiya 433 Banera Kishanpuriya Mahtab Sagar 1 Sangrampura 53 Lasadiya 5 Kunwar 10 Kankoliya 6 Babrana 2 Amli 22 Lapiya Gopalpura 27 Kherliya 4 Lakshmipura 11 Ganeshpura 3 Daulatpura DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 095071 095072 095073 095074 095075 095076 095077 095078 095079 095080 095081 095082 095083 095084 095085 095086 095087 095088 095089 095090 095091 095092 095093 095094 095095 095096 095097 095098 095099 095100 095101 095102 095103 095104 095105 095106 Name of Village 2 Kharoliya Khera Sultan Garh Dhola Danta Dudla Kalyanpura Hataipura Baran Balesariya Rampuriya @ Payra Danta Nilawari Raisinghpura Eklingpura Rughnathpura Kajlodiya Kilpuriya Chamanpura Chhatri Khera Raneegpura Mahuwa Khurd Kamalpura Nanodiya Banera Kishanpuriya Mahtab Sagar Sangrampura Lasadiya Kunwar Kankoliya Babrana Amli Lapiya Gopalpura Kherliya Lakshmipura Ganeshpura Daulatpura Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 1 3 - 1 3 51 41 28 357 103 191 16 185 171 41 27 3 470 107 11 458 13 10 676 - 42 26 8 94 22 85 36 137 15 12 2 64 43 2 35 5 4 185 - 9 15 20 263 81 106 16 149 34 26 15 1 406 64 9 423 8 6 491 - 78 13 244 337 24 1 177 59 180 29 - 10 7 61 58 5 1 18 15 12 9 - 68 6 183 279 19 159 44 168 20 - Persons 44 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 -------------Un-inhabited-------------2 1 1 3 2 1 22 5 17 200 46 154 36 10 26 19 11 8 10 10 111 12 99 2 2 1 1 48 30 18 27 9 18 63 12 51 1 1 3 1 2 210 39 171 -------------Un-inhabited-------------65 5 60 5 1 4 153 31 122 284 37 247 9 2 7 1 1 25 5 20 27 6 21 168 4 164 14 3 11 - 136 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 1 3 - 1 1 2 136 47 11 2 22 1 3 3 364 39 5 317 7 1 100 - - 7 19 13 4 141 14 6 - 1 3 1 1 1 37 7 5 6 1 1 12 8 12 1 26 1 2 9 3 1 - 1 99 40 6 2 16 1 2 2 352 31 5 305 6 1 74 6 17 13 4 132 11 5 - PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Banera of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 - - - 31 3 1 6 2 2 7 8 3 3 1 52 - 31 1 1 2 4 4 1 9 - - - - - 1 2 - 1 1 - 3 - 5 2 3 4 2 3 1 43 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 1 2 - 1 - 1 - Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 -------------Un-inhabited-------------17 10 7 37 23 14 4 2 2 21 11 10 17 4 13 160 69 91 4 4 46 17 29 168 135 33 36 14 22 22 11 11 2 1 1 51 18 33 33 22 11 3 1 2 75 11 64 5 3 2 5 3 2 314 111 203 -------------Un-inhabited-------------6 4 2 8 6 2 71 27 44 38 20 18 11 3 8 11 4 7 15 5 10 12 8 4 7 4 3 - Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 584 583 202 259 547 494 155 779 693 588 543 511 292 486 429 73 884 164 222 1,837 524 215 6,691 22 268 210 88 420 333 224 221 209 131 177 203 33 383 74 120 873 227 105 2,700 6 224 346 262 639 1,070 321 848 103 518 203 243 158 91 170 131 343 396 153 433 37 255 122 122 78 137 Name of Village 2 382 Kharoliya Khera 324 Sultan Garh Dhola Danta 279 Dudla 284 Kalyanpura 67 Hataipura 359 Baran 360 Balesariya 364 Rampuriya @ Payra 322 Danta Nilawari 302 Raisinghpura 161 Eklingpura 309 Rughnathpura 226 Kajlodiya 40 Kilpuriya 501 Chamanpura 90 Chhatri Khera 102 Raneegpura 964 Mahuwa Khurd 297 Kamalpura 110 Nanodiya 3,991 Banera 16 Kishanpuriya Mahtab Sagar 133 Sangrampura 176 Lasadiya 131 Kunwar 296 Kankoliya 674 Babrana 168 Amli 415 Lapiya 66 Gopalpura 263 Kherliya 81 Lakshmipura 121 Ganeshpura 80 Daulatpura Location code number 1 095071 095072 095073 095074 095075 095076 095077 095078 095079 095080 095081 095082 095083 095084 095085 095086 095087 095088 095089 095090 095091 095092 095093 095094 095095 095096 095097 095098 095099 095100 095101 095102 095103 095104 095105 095106 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0177 0177 0177 095110 095111 095112 095113 095114 095115 095116 095117 095118 095119 095120 095121 095122 095123 095124 095125 095126 095127 095128 095129 095130 095131 095132 095133 095134 095135 095136 095137 095138 095139 095140 095141 095142 095143 095144 095145 095146 095147 095148 095149 095150 095151 095152 095153 095154 095155 095156 095157 095158 095159 095160 095161 095162 095163 095164 Name of Village 2 Mandal (Total) Mandal (Rural) Mandal (Urban) RURAL Gomoka Badia Badi Ka Badiya Thana Neelva Unhali Ka Badiya Dhapra Shivpur Atholiya Gajuna Sadak Ka Badiya Kidimal Dhoraka Bariya Salya Kacholiya Nimbiya Rampuriya (Nareli) Nareli Chansen Khatanon Ka Bariya Gorana Richhi Ka Badiya Tikhi Ka Barna Gyangarh Tokran Mota Ka Khera Tagariya Kunwar Rooppura Rughnathpura Bagjana Fakoliya Chitamba Sanjari Ka Bariya Dhuwala (Kareda) Kera Ka Khera Miya Falas Ka Khera Kartha Bhainroo Khera (Gorakhya) Danteri Saredi Gundali Khera Alagwas Bhabhana Heera Ka Bariya Sahnuda Kangson Ka Bariya Garway Gordhanpura Sooliya Baddoo Baliya Khera Amdala Ajeetpura Kameri Deothari Area of Village in hectares 3 Number of households 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 1,21,356.53 1,21,356.53 0.00 48,743 48,743 - 2,33,399 2,33,399 - 1,14,634 1,14,634 - 1,18,765 1,18,765 - 37,882 37,882 - 19,562 19,562 - 18,320 18,320 - 246.00 231.00 715.00 130.00 216.00 404.00 1,396.64 236.00 1,338.63 234.84 1,502.00 134.00 302.00 264.00 211.00 203.00 761.00 598.00 113.00 323.00 234.00 127.00 1,448.91 414.00 573.00 528.09 517.07 665.90 367.25 448.00 801.63 1,203.85 182.67 1,027.48 238.54 517.94 711.01 102 77 277 70 66 291 512 126 381 180 449 88 92 116 152 98 213 203 57 108 134 77 536 222 197 137 124 178 122 162 171 412 71 302 126 203 224 505 332 1,172 285 277 1,235 2,243 571 1,698 740 1,960 376 436 575 652 435 994 782 222 510 585 347 2,438 1,224 862 650 538 832 616 822 731 1,961 321 1,270 565 881 1,099 267 157 560 148 118 580 1,140 285 813 309 940 167 190 260 298 196 480 349 94 238 249 160 1,172 620 418 306 283 407 305 426 347 990 131 585 292 454 528 238 175 612 137 159 655 1,103 286 885 431 1,020 209 246 315 354 239 514 433 128 272 336 187 1,266 604 444 344 255 425 311 396 384 971 190 685 273 427 571 92 53 163 63 47 218 358 112 286 134 327 62 89 141 132 87 178 149 36 100 88 71 375 223 132 90 82 165 150 171 113 317 73 232 109 133 166 49 28 94 35 24 112 195 59 155 61 173 29 44 69 74 40 86 73 21 56 42 41 189 115 72 45 39 80 75 94 63 174 34 115 62 73 93 43 25 69 28 23 106 163 53 131 73 154 33 45 72 58 47 92 76 15 44 46 30 186 108 60 45 43 85 75 77 50 143 39 117 47 60 73 99.08 610.22 419.80 236.00 934.75 641.98 304.70 792.25 274.86 367.65 381.70 1,030.75 775.60 466.70 1,325.83 406.09 479.52 327.09 7 180 138 84 376 259 122 255 99 120 266 326 251 170 489 144 210 75 31 715 648 417 1,768 1,215 608 1,078 501 450 1,137 1,639 1,131 741 1,860 561 890 365 14 351 333 193 906 626 285 495 237 212 576 849 560 370 867 255 388 177 17 364 315 224 862 589 323 583 264 238 561 790 571 371 993 306 502 188 6 122 90 72 333 154 112 174 89 86 207 293 164 133 341 108 147 41 5 67 56 23 183 85 53 79 43 42 107 160 83 69 177 52 77 17 1 55 34 49 150 69 59 95 46 44 100 133 81 64 164 56 70 24 138 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mandal Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 37,680 37,680 - 18,498 18,498 - 19,182 19,182 - 13,221 13,221 - 6 16 353 22 253 607 88 277 54 398 427 149 115 33 395 46 121 112 6 145 102 167 435 127 235 17 81 190 5 6 162 10 103 321 41 131 22 175 191 66 52 17 202 26 58 50 3 75 50 77 225 51 105 7 44 99 1 10 191 12 150 286 47 146 32 223 236 83 63 16 193 20 63 62 3 70 52 90 210 76 130 10 37 91 1 26 120 326 140 114 21 4 23 95 18 42 18 3 137 38 37 66 132 - 3 160 26 239 596 243 30 102 203 108 405 373 142 258 54 90 25 1 82 17 106 299 125 14 48 97 54 200 192 60 114 21 35 13 2 78 9 133 297 118 16 54 106 54 205 181 82 144 33 55 12 12 64 87 53 198 6 37 3 256 152 165 174 141 35 - 6,450 6,450 - 6,771 6,771 - 16 59 172 70 53 10 2 13 46 11 20 7 3 75 23 17 33 75 - 1 10 61 154 70 61 11 2 10 49 7 22 11 62 15 20 33 57 - - 7 5 32 46 29 85 3 16 2 136 83 65 75 69 10 32 41 24 113 3 21 1 120 69 100 99 72 25 139 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 1,05,168 1,05,168 - 66,066 66,066 - 201 124 600 155 97 589 900 255 717 346 836 134 148 153 232 130 376 219 51 164 197 156 1,250 611 349 169 237 263 237 377 281 832 96 441 131 403 406 138 82 356 96 54 354 600 168 417 184 514 80 81 95 140 86 243 133 28 105 115 84 743 400 220 106 165 181 172 223 165 512 46 260 102 269 253 4 199 203 180 537 500 168 338 126 161 354 558 457 244 583 126 220 102 3 138 145 98 353 331 112 218 90 97 262 400 302 150 405 94 144 79 Females 19 Name of Village 2 39,102 Mandal (Total) 39,102 Mandal (Rural) Mandal (Urban) RURAL 63 Gomoka Badia 42 Badi Ka Badiya 244 Thana 59 Neelva 43 Unhali Ka Badiya 235 Dhapra 300 Shivpur 87 Atholiya 300 Gajuna 162 Sadak Ka Badiya 322 Kidimal 54 Dhoraka Bariya 67 Salya 58 Kacholiya 92 Nimbiya 44 Rampuriya (Nareli) 133 Nareli 86 Chansen 23 Khatanon Ka Bariya 59 Gorana 82 Richhi Ka Badiya 72 Tikhi Ka Barna 507 Gyangarh 211 Tokran 129 Mota Ka Khera 63 Tagariya 72 Kunwar 82 Rooppura 65 Rughnathpura 154 Bagjana 116 Fakoliya 320 Chitamba 50 Sanjari Ka Bariya 181 Dhuwala (Kareda) 29 Kera Ka Khera 134 Miya Falas Ka Khera 153 Kartha Bhainroo Khera 1 (Gorakhya) 61 Danteri 58 Saredi 82 Gundali Khera 184 Alagwas 169 Bhabhana 56 Heera Ka Bariya 120 Sahnuda 36 Kangson Ka Bariya 64 Garway 92 Gordhanpura 158 Sooliya 155 Baddoo 94 Baliya Khera 178 Amdala 32 Ajeetpura 76 Kameri 23 Deothari DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0177 0177 0177 095110 095111 095112 095113 095114 095115 095116 095117 095118 095119 095120 095121 095122 095123 095124 095125 095126 095127 095128 095129 095130 095131 095132 095133 095134 095135 095136 095137 095138 095139 095140 095141 095142 095143 095144 095145 095146 095147 095148 095149 095150 095151 095152 095153 095154 095155 095156 095157 095158 095159 095160 095161 095162 095163 095164 Name of Village 2 Mandal (Total) Mandal (Rural) Mandal (Urban) RURAL Gomoka Badia Badi Ka Badiya Thana Neelva Unhali Ka Badiya Dhapra Shivpur Atholiya Gajuna Sadak Ka Badiya Kidimal Dhoraka Bariya Salya Kacholiya Nimbiya Rampuriya (Nareli) Nareli Chansen Khatanon Ka Bariya Gorana Richhi Ka Badiya Tikhi Ka Barna Gyangarh Tokran Mota Ka Khera Tagariya Kunwar Rooppura Rughnathpura Bagjana Fakoliya Chitamba Sanjari Ka Bariya Dhuwala (Kareda) Kera Ka Khera Miya Falas Ka Khera Kartha Bhainroo Khera (Gorakhya) Danteri Saredi Gundali Khera Alagwas Bhabhana Heera Ka Bariya Sahnuda Kangson Ka Bariya Garway Gordhanpura Sooliya Baddoo Baliya Khera Amdala Ajeetpura Kameri Deothari Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 1,28,231 1,28,231 - 48,568 48,568 - 79,663 79,663 - 1,14,090 1,14,090 - 61,573 61,573 - 52,517 52,517 - 80,209 80,209 - 50,955 50,955 - 29,254 29,254 - 304 208 572 130 180 646 1,343 316 981 394 1,124 242 288 422 420 305 618 563 171 346 388 191 1,188 613 513 481 301 569 379 445 450 1,129 225 829 434 478 693 129 75 204 52 64 226 540 117 396 125 426 87 109 165 158 110 237 216 66 133 134 76 429 220 198 200 118 226 133 203 182 478 85 325 190 185 275 175 133 368 78 116 420 803 199 585 269 698 155 179 257 262 195 381 347 105 213 254 115 759 393 315 281 183 343 246 242 268 651 140 504 244 293 418 382 216 570 145 162 602 1,134 284 949 360 938 192 216 301 336 227 552 475 129 257 359 161 1,203 690 484 281 198 428 376 447 369 957 181 626 192 537 585 203 95 269 74 67 268 587 136 426 124 437 64 85 121 125 94 268 200 48 113 139 66 640 346 223 162 127 226 178 231 173 514 66 296 100 261 276 179 121 301 71 95 334 547 148 523 236 501 128 131 180 211 133 284 275 81 144 220 95 563 344 261 119 71 202 198 216 196 443 115 330 92 276 309 236 206 519 138 160 428 951 271 343 201 610 73 171 275 98 171 355 327 126 249 308 151 931 67 412 198 42 244 7 422 215 724 74 413 174 410 270 114 88 249 72 66 215 566 135 225 106 377 53 85 114 80 67 201 171 47 110 115 66 613 40 209 114 38 194 7 220 142 455 55 220 93 255 167 122 118 270 66 94 213 385 136 118 95 233 20 86 161 18 104 154 156 79 139 193 85 318 27 203 84 4 50 202 73 269 19 193 81 155 103 27 516 445 237 1,231 715 440 740 375 289 783 1,081 674 497 1,277 435 670 263 11 213 188 95 553 295 173 277 147 115 314 449 258 220 462 161 244 98 16 303 257 142 678 420 267 463 228 174 469 632 416 277 815 274 426 165 12 429 315 213 958 682 353 578 256 250 651 900 369 440 705 297 369 147 7 193 166 109 487 371 162 250 123 118 330 467 292 225 399 126 170 80 5 236 149 104 471 311 191 328 133 132 321 433 77 215 306 171 199 67 9 30 314 118 957 291 132 215 46 247 552 838 314 228 573 259 262 139 5 28 166 72 487 275 124 202 41 117 301 447 273 193 354 118 152 79 4 2 148 46 470 16 8 13 5 130 251 391 41 35 219 141 110 60 Persons 20 140 Total workers Persons Males Females 23 24 25 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mandal Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 45,537 45,537 - 26,387 26,387 - 19,150 19,150 - 9,230 9,230 - 4,047 4,047 - 5,183 5,183 - 218 61 102 95 139 373 656 253 211 126 426 55 163 250 85 131 290 307 75 140 294 117 365 24 198 176 24 137 3 385 129 353 23 212 119 335 176 100 55 73 46 53 177 372 122 118 48 254 43 77 91 75 40 151 157 26 53 106 48 217 14 110 102 23 129 3 211 70 198 23 117 62 208 90 118 6 29 49 86 196 284 131 93 78 172 12 86 159 10 91 139 150 49 87 188 69 148 10 88 74 1 8 174 59 155 95 57 127 86 144 386 41 15 65 9 11 8 18 1 1 6 21 3 1 5 6 110 8 139 10 3 92 2 33 5 197 8 162 14 14 5 32 153 24 7 31 4 6 2 8 1 3 18 2 1 4 57 3 45 4 1 54 2 5 3 108 3 75 3 10 3 112 233 17 8 34 5 5 6 10 1 3 3 1 1 4 2 53 5 94 6 2 38 28 2 89 5 87 11 4 2 7 22 143 80 433 207 90 153 36 205 449 792 240 32 292 129 239 124 5 21 115 50 407 198 88 149 34 86 219 424 214 27 186 81 137 67 2 1 28 30 26 9 2 4 2 119 230 368 26 5 106 48 102 57 114 16 519 1 5 1 3 86 33 5 79 211 128 15 9 16 6 76 3 1 2 72 14 3 56 105 36 11 8 98 10 443 1 2 1 14 19 2 23 106 92 4 1 2,071 2,071 - 1,481 1,481 - 3 1 1 15 3 8 1 1 1 1 1 22 40 3 1 5 15 5 2 16 5 - 19,040 19,040 - 2 15 1 30 2 6 54 215 9 118 67 158 17 8 24 7 39 44 16 49 103 14 27 434 35 35 9 14 10 2 4 81 159 43 34 39 45 84 13 1 23 2 6 37 154 9 99 56 112 9 8 23 2 26 32 11 20 55 9 13 322 23 24 5 13 6 2 4 69 137 29 24 27 28 71 2 8 57 16 5 79 41 56 9 33 11 13 69 112 56 2 8 5 - 1 1 9 - 6 - 2 - 1 - 3 1 1 1 1 1 17 30 3 1 5 12 4 1 9 3 6 5 5 10 3 1 1 7 2 - 2 - 4 1 1 - 23,371 23,371 - 1 - - - 590 590 - 4 1 1 - 6 6 3 6 - - 5 14 1 3 11 1 141 4 3 2 3 - 7 35 14 4 73 35 49 6 26 4 9 56 107 52 1 4 3 Name of Village 2 4,331 Mandal (Total) 4,331 Mandal (Rural) Mandal (Urban) RURAL 2 Gomoka Badia Badi Ka Badiya 7 Thana Neelva Unhali Ka Badiya 17 Dhapra 61 Shivpur Atholiya 19 Gajuna 11 Sadak Ka Badiya 46 Kidimal 8 Dhoraka Bariya Salya 1 Kacholiya 5 Nimbiya 13 Rampuriya (Nareli) 12 Nareli 5 Chansen 29 Khatanon Ka Bariya 48 Gorana 5 Richhi Ka Badiya 14 Tikhi Ka Barna 112 Gyangarh 12 Tokran 11 Mota Ka Khera 4 Tagariya 1 Kunwar 4 Rooppura Rughnathpura Bagjana 12 Fakoliya 22 Chitamba 14 Sanjari Ka Bariya 10 Dhuwala (Kareda) 12 Kera Ka Khera 17 Miya Falas Ka Khera 13 Kartha Bhainroo Khera 2 (Gorakhya) 1 Danteri 22 Saredi 2 Gundali Khera 1 Alagwas 6 Bhabhana 6 Heera Ka Bariya 7 Sahnuda 3 Kangson Ka Bariya 7 Garway 7 Gordhanpura 4 Sooliya 13 Baddoo 5 Baliya Khera 4 Amdala 1 Ajeetpura 4 Kameri 2 Deothari DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 0177 0177 0177 095110 095111 095112 095113 095114 095115 095116 095117 095118 095119 095120 095121 095122 095123 095124 095125 095126 095127 095128 095129 095130 095131 095132 095133 095134 095135 095136 095137 095138 095139 095140 095141 095142 095143 095144 095145 095146 095147 095148 095149 095150 095151 095152 095153 095154 095155 095156 095157 095158 095159 095160 095161 095162 095163 095164 Name of Village 2 Mandal (Total) Mandal (Rural) Mandal (Urban) RURAL Gomoka Badia Badi Ka Badiya Thana Neelva Unhali Ka Badiya Dhapra Shivpur Atholiya Gajuna Sadak Ka Badiya Kidimal Dhoraka Bariya Salya Kacholiya Nimbiya Rampuriya (Nareli) Nareli Chansen Khatanon Ka Bariya Gorana Richhi Ka Badiya Tikhi Ka Barna Gyangarh Tokran Mota Ka Khera Tagariya Kunwar Rooppura Rughnathpura Bagjana Fakoliya Chitamba Sanjari Ka Bariya Dhuwala (Kareda) Kera Ka Khera Miya Falas Ka Khera Kartha Bhainroo Khera (Gorakhya) Danteri Saredi Gundali Khera Alagwas Bhabhana Heera Ka Bariya Sahnuda Kangson Ka Bariya Garway Gordhanpura Sooliya Baddoo Baliya Khera Amdala Ajeetpura Kameri Deothari Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 Persons 44 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 33,881 33,881 - 10,618 10,618 - 23,263 23,263 - 10,268 10,268 - 3,123 3,123 - 7,145 7,145 - 11,072 11,072 - 146 10 51 7 2 174 183 13 606 159 328 119 45 26 238 56 197 148 3 8 51 10 272 623 72 83 156 184 369 25 154 233 107 213 18 127 315 89 7 20 2 1 53 21 1 201 18 60 11 7 45 27 67 29 1 3 24 27 306 14 48 89 32 171 11 31 59 11 76 7 6 109 57 3 31 5 1 121 162 12 405 141 268 108 45 19 193 29 130 119 2 5 27 10 245 317 58 35 67 152 198 14 123 174 96 137 11 121 206 141 2 3 3 1 29 26 10 404 79 17 53 4 23 202 45 160 143 1 3 50 30 16 6 3 11 5 217 15 92 2 4 21 2 122 240 86 1 1 1 1 6 9 1 106 4 5 9 5 38 23 48 26 24 8 7 1 2 10 1 86 10 10 2 1 11 1 5 78 55 1 2 2 23 17 9 298 75 12 44 4 18 164 22 112 117 1 3 26 22 9 5 1 1 4 131 5 82 3 10 1 117 162 1 8 47 3 1 133 3 156 1 17 22 3 35 32 4 8 208 279 34 10 44 170 134 5 2 10 16 119 5 1 36 3 399 1 95 1 391 221 363 210 3 99 62 55 212 132 38 107 8 2 165 37 96 38 48 82 1 29 20 19 32 45 8 18 1 1 234 1 58 1 295 183 315 128 2 70 42 36 180 87 30 89 7 362 11 1 31 2 54 1 2 78 35 13 18 43 1 29 2 143 4 1 13 16 11 10 4 16 1 3 - 219 7 1 30 2 41 1 2 62 24 3 14 27 26 2 1 7 1 58 12 2 103 3 20 11 20 107 70 37 73 - 142 2,754 2,754 6 19 1 5 67 5 6 18 2 9 108 10 6 18 28 69 1 3 4 27 3 8 1 18 2 1 11 13 2 3 13 10 7 12 - 8,318 8,318 1 2 28 2 1 128 3 89 1 12 22 3 29 14 2 8 199 171 24 4 26 142 65 4 2 7 12 92 2 1 28 1 6 1 40 10 1 92 3 7 9 17 94 60 30 61 - PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mandal of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 958 958 - 429 429 - 529 529 - - - - 4 4 - - 1 1 10 1 1 7 4 1 5 1 1 - 1 - 1 - 7 - 4,312 4,312 - 4 4 12 10 1 1 7 1 7 5 2 6 141 20 38 63 282 44 37 2 1 11 5 1 2 5 1 2 32 328 32 53 100 7 18 5 60 207 87 64 8 4 28 3 44 6 24 10 48 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 3 9 191 3 30 60 2 16 21 47 6 34 2 1 18 - 2 30 25 347 217 206 206 1 1 16 22 87 12 5 6 2 21 14 92 37 24 82 1 7 6 15 12 3 1 7 - 1 1 1 3 4 4 2 - - 11,583 11,583 - 3 1 - 8 16 12 1 1 2 17 1 2 14 9 3 11 Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 7,271 7,271 - 1,19,309 1,19,309 - 53,061 53,061 - 1 123 116 602 140 115 633 1,109 287 749 380 1,022 184 220 274 316 208 442 307 93 253 226 186 1,235 534 378 369 340 404 240 375 362 1,004 140 644 373 344 514 64 62 291 74 51 312 553 149 387 185 503 103 105 139 173 102 212 149 46 125 110 94 532 274 195 144 156 181 127 195 174 476 65 289 192 193 252 19 286 333 204 810 533 255 500 245 200 486 739 762 301 1,155 264 521 218 7 158 167 84 419 255 123 245 114 94 246 382 268 145 468 129 218 97 1 1 97 14 14 53 234 42 37 1 7 4 1 2 1 2 23 137 29 23 40 5 2 5 39 160 81 30 6 3 10 9 11 255 180 182 124 1 9 16 72 2 5 143 Name of Village 2 66,248 Mandal (Total) 66,248 Mandal (Rural) Mandal (Urban) RURAL 59 Gomoka Badia 54 Badi Ka Badiya 311 Thana 66 Neelva 64 Unhali Ka Badiya 321 Dhapra 556 Shivpur 138 Atholiya 362 Gajuna 195 Sadak Ka Badiya 519 Kidimal 81 Dhoraka Bariya 115 Salya 135 Kacholiya 143 Nimbiya 106 Rampuriya (Nareli) 230 Nareli 158 Chansen 47 Khatanon Ka Bariya 128 Gorana 116 Richhi Ka Badiya 92 Tikhi Ka Barna 703 Gyangarh 260 Tokran 183 Mota Ka Khera 225 Tagariya 184 Kunwar 223 Rooppura 113 Rughnathpura 180 Bagjana 188 Fakoliya 528 Chitamba 75 Sanjari Ka Bariya 355 Dhuwala (Kareda) 181 Kera Ka Khera 151 Miya Falas Ka Khera 262 Kartha Bhainroo Khera 12 (Gorakhya) 128 Danteri 166 Saredi 120 Gundali Khera 391 Alagwas 278 Bhabhana 132 Heera Ka Bariya 255 Sahnuda 131 Kangson Ka Bariya 106 Garway 240 Gordhanpura 357 Sooliya 494 Baddoo 156 Baliya Khera 687 Amdala 135 Ajeetpura 303 Kameri 121 Deothari Location code number 1 0177 0177 0177 095110 095111 095112 095113 095114 095115 095116 095117 095118 095119 095120 095121 095122 095123 095124 095125 095126 095127 095128 095129 095130 095131 095132 095133 095134 095135 095136 095137 095138 095139 095140 095141 095142 095143 095144 095145 095146 095147 095148 095149 095150 095151 095152 095153 095154 095155 095156 095157 095158 095159 095160 095161 095162 095163 095164 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 095165 095166 095167 095168 095169 095170 095171 095172 095173 095174 095175 095176 095177 095178 095179 095180 095181 095182 095183 095184 095185 095186 095187 095188 095189 095190 095191 095192 095193 095194 095195 095196 095197 095198 095199 095200 095201 095202 095203 095204 095205 095206 095207 095208 095209 095210 095211 095212 095213 095214 095215 095216 095217 095218 095219 095220 095221 Name of Village 2 Dahimatha Kesarpura Jalampura Reh Beliyon Ka Khera Karera Mewasa Bhenroo Khera @ Takhathpura Ratanpura Manoharpura Saredi Khera Barawalon Ka Khera Ganeshpura Thikariya Khera Gorkhya Khumanpura Rajpura Udairamji Ka Gurha Surgati Chauhanon Ki Kameri Jagdish Umri Sora Ka Khera Dod Khera Chileshwar Sardarsingh Ji Ka Khera Sanwalaji Ka Khera Kanji Ka Khera Nimbahera Jatan Jaswantpura Bhopan Ki Kameri Sabal Pura Jarana Delas Kherimata Chawandiya Rmpuriya Dhaniya Somaniya Bemali Dhankpur Debipura Gopalpura Shankar Pura@Kharoliya Khera Ladoowas Malas Garadiya Sodas Hatheepura Kabradiya Kishanpura Kishiramji Ki Kheri Fatehpura Chhajwon Ka Khera Bhenroo Khera Hisniya Gordhanpura Keriya Area of Village in hectares 3 Number of households 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 811.01 173.04 304.11 668.14 388.18 3,861.89 323.99 333 99 175 240 66 1,794 241 1,368 373 771 1,107 339 8,882 1,143 625 161 348 535 159 4,443 550 743 212 423 572 180 4,439 593 222 71 128 180 50 1,222 218 118 31 56 99 18 641 104 104 40 72 81 32 581 114 503.13 338.87 456.00 318.89 208.26 126.00 350.34 1,621.80 154.50 75.00 398.00 337.00 693.02 346.00 1,095.00 72.00 320.00 1,314.00 157 119 145 82 101 37 196 588 84 69 162 126 256 69 356 17 177 524 711 476 690 380 466 177 887 2,624 493 303 948 587 1,227 303 1,641 87 716 2,461 347 249 298 192 239 86 451 1,280 235 151 480 277 625 164 815 48 335 1,238 364 227 392 188 227 91 436 1,344 258 152 468 310 602 139 826 39 381 1,223 77 75 145 65 81 25 139 441 97 36 149 94 195 36 226 8 130 379 42 39 71 35 47 13 74 222 39 22 80 45 101 22 119 4 58 205 35 36 74 30 34 12 65 219 58 14 69 49 94 14 107 4 72 174 76.02 105.00 113.00 1,236.00 184.00 156.00 362.00 112.00 463.00 210.00 1,040.00 520.00 371.00 2,178.00 173.00 243.00 320.00 45 23 171 531 86 77 191 92 261 101 420 187 201 816 74 113 212 187 112 862 2,675 372 311 869 467 1,064 493 1,957 908 952 3,760 394 538 1,093 87 58 427 1,287 174 154 390 228 503 236 946 414 438 1,850 203 265 530 100 54 435 1,388 198 157 479 239 561 257 1,011 494 514 1,910 191 273 563 28 13 202 395 65 52 119 65 161 67 287 160 176 567 51 98 182 12 6 106 189 31 25 62 32 80 35 157 88 71 269 33 49 96 16 7 96 206 34 27 57 33 81 32 130 72 105 298 18 49 86 305.00 2,144.00 1,178.00 824.00 541.00 451.00 1,230.00 292.10 539.90 74.00 660.58 227.29 754.00 116.74 2,050.79 95 570 243 183 138 196 395 108 229 52 370 96 230 63 646 455 2,632 1,072 906 585 992 1,989 559 1,112 194 1,901 515 972 300 3,018 210 1,302 488 465 258 497 991 286 564 86 938 259 479 152 1,531 245 1,330 584 441 327 495 998 273 548 108 963 256 493 148 1,487 100 455 207 155 115 159 343 97 165 38 253 98 149 38 443 43 234 108 83 53 87 186 56 80 19 128 44 74 11 237 57 221 99 72 62 72 157 41 85 19 125 54 75 27 206 144 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mandal Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 Females 19 251 31 157 155 7 1,626 111 111 15 77 82 3 829 56 140 16 80 73 4 797 55 32 9 6 218 74 15 2 3 111 46 17 7 3 107 28 565 104 256 418 198 5,451 314 342 66 175 256 102 3,120 230 223 38 81 162 96 2,331 84 113 207 112 98 18 122 622 3 82 5 14 450 521 27 421 50 96 59 50 9 62 306 2 42 2 7 232 258 14 211 63 111 53 48 9 60 316 1 40 3 7 218 263 13 210 102 357 186 158 13 66 252 40 345 38 158 106 74 7 37 124 20 170 64 199 80 84 6 29 128 20 175 384 197 289 92 162 45 339 1,128 233 110 367 243 573 208 762 56 239 875 230 127 159 74 110 35 232 751 152 62 254 161 364 121 472 32 161 601 154 70 130 18 52 10 107 377 81 48 113 82 209 87 290 24 78 274 696 62 21 91 112 78 22 153 62 162 585 12 42 62 322 31 13 44 51 43 11 79 31 73 288 8 19 26 374 31 8 47 61 35 11 74 31 89 297 4 23 36 16 85 8 1 45 13 114 12 70 4 38 6 40 4 1 25 5 56 8 35 3 18 10 45 4 20 8 58 4 35 1 20 86 45 387 1,225 107 105 360 199 416 195 884 418 416 1,860 186 149 407 50 30 259 748 73 66 206 126 272 121 556 233 269 1,154 113 110 284 36 15 128 477 34 39 154 73 144 74 328 185 147 706 73 39 123 47 454 87 39 62 11 425 22 208 3 189 202 53 568 19 235 38 21 24 5 210 12 106 1 89 102 27 274 28 219 49 18 38 6 215 10 102 2 100 100 26 294 207 131 66 52 211 19 60 20 11 31 45 1 221 96 55 36 19 105 10 30 10 3 15 22 1 101 111 76 30 33 106 9 30 10 8 16 23 120 196 973 422 342 216 408 790 223 430 40 850 166 480 144 1,389 122 651 264 244 115 263 514 147 262 20 577 123 304 99 925 74 322 158 98 101 145 276 76 168 20 273 43 176 45 464 145 Name of Village 2 Dahimatha Kesarpura Jalampura Reh Beliyon Ka Khera Karera Mewasa Bhenroo Khera @ Takhathpura Ratanpura Manoharpura Saredi Khera Barawalon Ka Khera Ganeshpura Thikariya Khera Gorkhya Khumanpura Rajpura Udairamji Ka Gurha Surgati Chauhanon Ki Kameri Jagdish Umri Sora Ka Khera Dod Khera Chileshwar Sardarsingh Ji Ka Khera Sanwalaji Ka Khera Kanji Ka Khera Nimbahera Jatan Jaswantpura Bhopan Ki Kameri Sabal Pura Jarana Delas Kherimata Chawandiya Rmpuriya Dhaniya Somaniya Bemali Dhankpur Debipura Gopalpura Shankar Pura@Kharoliya Khera Ladoowas Malas Garadiya Sodas Hatheepura Kabradiya Kishanpura Kishiramji Ki Kheri Fatehpura Chhajwon Ka Khera Bhenroo Khera Hisniya Gordhanpura Keriya DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 095165 095166 095167 095168 095169 095170 095171 095172 095173 095174 095175 095176 095177 095178 095179 095180 095181 095182 095183 095184 095185 095186 095187 095188 095189 095190 095191 095192 095193 095194 095195 095196 095197 095198 095199 095200 095201 095202 095203 095204 095205 095206 095207 095208 095209 095210 095211 095212 095213 095214 095215 095216 095217 095218 095219 095220 095221 Name of Village 2 Dahimatha Kesarpura Jalampura Reh Beliyon Ka Khera Karera Mewasa Bhenroo Khera @ Takhathpura Ratanpura Manoharpura Saredi Khera Barawalon Ka Khera Ganeshpura Thikariya Khera Gorkhya Khumanpura Rajpura Udairamji Ka Gurha Surgati Chauhanon Ki Kameri Jagdish Umri Sora Ka Khera Dod Khera Chileshwar Sardarsingh Ji Ka Khera Sanwalaji Ka Khera Kanji Ka Khera Nimbahera Jatan Jaswantpura Bhopan Ki Kameri Sabal Pura Jarana Delas Kherimata Chawandiya Rmpuriya Dhaniya Somaniya Bemali Dhankpur Debipura Gopalpura Shankar Pura@Kharoliya Khera Ladoowas Malas Garadiya Sodas Hatheepura Kabradiya Kishanpura Kishiramji Ki Kheri Fatehpura Chhajwon Ka Khera Bhenroo Khera Hisniya Gordhanpura Keriya Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 803 269 515 689 141 3,431 829 283 95 173 279 57 1,323 320 520 174 342 410 84 2,108 509 447 245 491 485 161 3,902 628 249 96 203 287 77 2,488 310 198 149 288 198 84 1,414 318 168 124 320 392 157 3,374 488 137 85 178 262 75 2,342 267 31 39 142 130 82 1,032 221 327 279 401 288 304 132 548 1,496 260 193 581 344 654 95 879 31 477 1,586 117 122 139 118 129 51 219 529 83 89 226 116 261 43 343 16 174 637 210 157 262 170 175 81 329 967 177 104 355 228 393 52 536 15 303 949 396 219 264 209 240 107 468 1,329 235 172 513 356 686 173 946 31 464 1,119 181 112 127 103 120 58 249 680 126 87 273 153 367 84 498 31 202 628 215 107 137 106 120 49 219 649 109 85 240 203 319 89 448 262 491 30 217 149 141 4 24 84 912 131 1 407 257 605 11 485 31 208 545 28 111 95 86 3 18 64 530 105 221 138 332 8 349 31 192 383 2 106 54 55 1 6 20 382 26 1 186 119 273 3 136 16 162 101 67 475 1,450 265 206 509 268 648 298 1,073 490 536 1,900 208 389 686 37 28 168 539 101 88 184 102 231 115 390 181 169 696 90 155 246 64 39 307 911 164 118 325 166 417 183 683 309 367 1,204 118 234 440 48 59 411 1,209 215 166 470 303 639 284 1,058 394 553 1,531 191 280 545 45 33 220 673 92 84 210 146 290 126 511 191 242 1,030 106 155 271 3 26 191 536 123 82 260 157 349 158 547 203 311 501 85 125 274 19 179 1,071 142 133 206 115 264 284 1,022 318 224 1,182 119 243 409 19 119 638 79 71 178 113 225 126 502 167 203 970 105 133 260 60 433 63 62 28 2 39 158 520 151 21 212 14 110 149 259 1,659 650 564 369 584 1,199 336 682 154 1,051 349 492 156 1,629 88 651 224 221 143 234 477 139 302 66 361 136 175 53 606 171 1,008 426 343 226 350 722 197 380 88 690 213 317 103 1,023 222 1,359 515 493 264 527 582 319 618 82 1,054 300 542 179 1,607 106 685 235 254 129 287 476 161 335 49 512 157 260 90 874 116 674 280 239 135 240 106 158 283 33 542 143 282 89 733 219 668 283 347 237 371 566 274 365 66 1,018 110 484 148 1,292 104 572 169 237 127 242 474 148 253 46 495 75 234 75 738 115 96 114 110 110 129 92 126 112 20 523 35 250 73 554 Persons 20 146 Total workers Persons Males Females 23 24 25 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mandal Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 80 58 177 69 107 1,174 259 60 45 84 59 45 646 128 20 13 93 10 62 528 131 5 1 238 11 194 22 4 126 2 104 16 1 1 24 214 27 60 17 27 507 37 227 91 462 1 172 27 149 434 22 110 19 38 14 23 302 34 194 76 268 1 164 27 148 288 2 104 8 22 3 4 205 3 33 15 194 8 1 146 5 3 38 46 5 7 178 21 159 152 106 1 219 2 8 7 5 1 25 14 3 4 62 10 12 53 39 100 2 7 4 2 13 32 2 3 116 11 147 99 67 1 119 1 3 - 19 133 591 125 90 178 76 213 261 857 187 103 777 104 179 305 19 82 316 71 52 159 75 178 113 367 83 98 651 98 82 169 51 275 54 38 19 1 35 148 490 104 5 126 6 97 136 156 1 2 10 6 9 5 22 30 52 12 14 1 65 1 1 4 5 7 1 6 24 34 4 8 1 187 537 203 230 198 228 376 144 272 62 747 31 320 131 639 83 462 109 128 98 115 316 50 178 42 356 16 140 60 339 104 75 94 102 100 113 60 94 94 20 391 15 180 71 300 2 16 5 33 32 4 7 98 352 2 15 4 32 25 2 3 39 178 112 9 90 6 4 4 - - 9 19 173 6 7 12 126 4 - 1 1 - 2 3 2 2 - 79 65 143 76 20 1,833 201 69 40 94 70 16 1,466 119 10 25 49 6 4 367 82 9 2 82 32 4 2 50 223 47 1 9 14 30 7 86 2 11 95 49 32 3 1 37 163 39 9 9 19 5 77 2 6 84 33 1 1 13 60 8 1 5 11 2 9 5 11 2 7 47 2 1 - - 4 26 12 7 2 8 40 9 3 22 6 6 2 8 31 7 91 1 6 1 2 4 16 6 18 8 6 - 37 1 6 6 4 5 6 3 23 1 6 3 4 4 5 3 14 3 1 1 - 46 287 16 41 17 33 36 23 154 105 86 347 3 50 100 37 234 7 18 14 33 34 13 131 74 77 280 3 43 87 - - 5 40 5 7 6 4 3 1 2 22 3 32 5 7 5 2 2 1 1 16 2 8 25 75 70 77 39 137 154 127 89 4 263 79 64 17 279 16 63 51 70 29 122 131 96 73 4 135 59 54 15 205 9 12 19 7 10 15 23 31 16 128 20 10 2 74 1 1 1 7 2 4 59 174 147 1 4 6 1 - 1 2 1 1 6 9 53 9 23 3 2 10 23 31 9 67 7 13 Name of Village 2 Dahimatha Kesarpura Jalampura Reh Beliyon Ka Khera Karera Mewasa Bhenroo Khera @ Takhathpura Ratanpura Manoharpura Saredi Khera Barawalon Ka Khera Ganeshpura Thikariya Khera Gorkhya Khumanpura Rajpura Udairamji Ka Gurha Surgati Chauhanon Ki Kameri Jagdish Umri Sora Ka Khera Dod Khera Chileshwar Sardarsingh Ji Ka Khera Sanwalaji Ka Khera Kanji Ka Khera Nimbahera Jatan Jaswantpura Bhopan Ki Kameri Sabal Pura Jarana Delas Kherimata Chawandiya Rmpuriya Dhaniya Somaniya Bemali Dhankpur Debipura Gopalpura Shankar Pura@Kharoliya Khera Ladoowas Malas Garadiya Sodas Hatheepura Kabradiya Kishanpura Kishiramji Ki Kheri Fatehpura Chhajwon Ka Khera Bhenroo Khera Hisniya Gordhanpura Keriya DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 095165 095166 095167 095168 095169 095170 095171 095172 095173 095174 095175 095176 095177 095178 095179 095180 095181 095182 095183 095184 095185 095186 095187 095188 095189 095190 095191 095192 095193 095194 095195 095196 095197 095198 095199 095200 095201 095202 095203 095204 095205 095206 095207 095208 095209 095210 095211 095212 095213 095214 095215 095216 095217 095218 095219 095220 095221 Name of Village 2 Dahimatha Kesarpura Jalampura Reh Beliyon Ka Khera Karera Mewasa Bhenroo Khera @ Takhathpura Ratanpura Manoharpura Saredi Khera Barawalon Ka Khera Ganeshpura Thikariya Khera Gorkhya Khumanpura Rajpura Udairamji Ka Gurha Surgati Chauhanon Ki Kameri Jagdish Umri Sora Ka Khera Dod Khera Chileshwar Sardarsingh Ji Ka Khera Sanwalaji Ka Khera Kanji Ka Khera Nimbahera Jatan Jaswantpura Bhopan Ki Kameri Sabal Pura Jarana Delas Kherimata Chawandiya Rmpuriya Dhaniya Somaniya Bemali Dhankpur Debipura Gopalpura Shankar Pura@Kharoliya Khera Ladoowas Malas Garadiya Sodas Hatheepura Kabradiya Kishanpura Kishiramji Ki Kheri Fatehpura Chhajwon Ka Khera Bhenroo Khera Hisniya Gordhanpura Keriya Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 Persons 44 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 279 121 171 93 4 528 140 112 11 25 25 2 146 43 167 110 146 68 2 382 97 72 95 158 140 33 51 9 24 17 12 21 86 134 123 21 93 15 63 1 73 13 38 21 17 4 55 15 42 1 56 9 366 2 115 68 236 83 384 417 104 171 106 99 81 162 461 256 574 153 1 32 17 117 40 185 150 21 87 52 15 35 76 149 10 245 213 1 83 51 119 43 199 267 83 84 54 84 46 86 312 246 329 44 2 2 3 22 12 51 23 11 132 64 1 25 99 291 32 40 1 1 22 12 41 8 9 67 37 1 14 46 91 12 4 1 1 3 10 15 2 65 27 11 53 200 20 271 98 49 172 60 222 242 62 39 36 91 56 61 158 229 278 89 26 4 80 23 92 60 6 20 12 9 21 28 50 7 64 182 72 45 92 37 130 182 56 19 24 82 35 33 108 222 214 29 59 232 138 73 33 264 188 375 36 76 329 349 72 37 136 26 33 101 35 13 13 32 33 65 9 24 39 60 1 22 11 3 26 131 103 60 20 232 155 310 27 52 290 289 71 15 125 56 2 51 2 245 6 206 26 6 33 13 6 3 117 32 12 26 2 34 5 3 2 2 8 24 2 39 2 219 4 172 21 6 30 11 6 1 109 2 3 229 37 4 16 175 143 1 65 221 184 65 4 1 100 6 2 4 24 26 20 20 15 1 1 2 2 129 31 2 12 151 117 1 45 201 169 64 3 3 691 232 146 27 156 16 45 253 16 36 190 58 31 315 2 113 66 17 2 45 2 13 82 3 17 82 26 15 136 1 578 166 129 25 111 14 32 171 13 19 108 32 16 179 3 101 7 89 135 7 2 70 15 59 23 15 61 2 6 4 12 29 9 7 29 11 4 35 1 95 3 77 106 7 2 61 8 30 12 11 26 452 4 1 2 3 2 69 2 7 22 7 182 66 2 7 2 3 5 5 79 386 2 1 2 3 2 62 4 17 2 103 148 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mandal of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 - - 1 1 13 - 47 1 4 1 9 27 2 4 1 26 13 22 2 5 4 1 2 3 11 25 1 2 1 4 23 1 2 1 23 2 4 15 15 38 11 110 143 4 4 3 2 11 1 251 5 13 13 5 52 77 2 2 3 2 8 158 - - - 1 20 30 2 10 4 27 1 47 73 26 3 7 2 8 5 41 136 1 10 11 26 1 16 13 11 2 7 1 3 4 12 29 6 2 31 60 15 1 1 5 1 29 107 1 4 9 139 53 451 1,466 157 145 399 164 425 209 899 514 399 2,229 203 258 548 10 4 1 1 3 - 125 217 55 25 17 7 43 114 14 20 124 11 70 38 60 4 2 15 2 13 66 1 10 50 9 20 87 157 51 23 2 5 30 48 13 10 74 2 50 233 1,273 557 413 321 465 1,407 240 494 112 847 215 430 121 1,411 1 3 1 24 1 34 16 24 4 13 4 1 1 1 2 9 2 - Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 114 11 13 29 2 301 94 1 1 14 - - Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 1 - 2 - 4 1 4 14 14 3 1 1 1 6 2 23 2 1 4 2 111 27 91 9 12 25 190 67 921 128 280 622 178 4,980 515 376 65 145 248 82 1,955 240 545 63 135 374 96 3,025 275 2 2 10 2 25 6 58 66 2 2 3 1 93 315 257 426 171 226 70 419 1,295 258 131 435 231 541 130 695 56 252 1,342 166 137 171 89 119 28 202 600 109 64 207 124 258 80 317 17 133 610 149 120 255 82 107 42 217 695 149 67 228 107 283 50 378 39 119 732 1 42 25 207 614 82 70 180 82 213 110 435 223 196 820 97 110 259 97 28 244 852 75 75 219 82 212 99 464 291 203 1,409 106 148 289 104 617 253 211 129 210 515 125 229 37 426 102 219 62 657 129 656 304 202 192 255 892 115 265 75 421 113 211 59 754 - 149 Name of Village 2 Dahimatha Kesarpura Jalampura Reh Beliyon Ka Khera Karera Mewasa Bhenroo Khera @ Takhathpura Ratanpura Manoharpura Saredi Khera Barawalon Ka Khera Ganeshpura Thikariya Khera Gorkhya Khumanpura Rajpura Udairamji Ka Gurha Surgati Chauhanon Ki Kameri Jagdish Umri Sora Ka Khera Dod Khera Chileshwar Sardarsingh Ji Ka Khera Sanwalaji Ka Khera Kanji Ka Khera Nimbahera Jatan Jaswantpura Bhopan Ki Kameri Sabal Pura Jarana Delas Kherimata Chawandiya Rmpuriya Dhaniya Somaniya Bemali Dhankpur Debipura Gopalpura Shankar Pura@Kharoliya Khera Ladoowas Malas Garadiya Sodas Hatheepura Kabradiya Kishanpura Kishiramji Ki Kheri Fatehpura Chhajwon Ka Khera Bhenroo Khera Hisniya Gordhanpura Keriya Location code number 1 095165 095166 095167 095168 095169 095170 095171 095172 095173 095174 095175 095176 095177 095178 095179 095180 095181 095182 095183 095184 095185 095186 095187 095188 095189 095190 095191 095192 095193 095194 095195 095196 095197 095198 095199 095200 095201 095202 095203 095204 095205 095206 095207 095208 095209 095210 095211 095212 095213 095214 095215 095216 095217 095218 095219 095220 095221 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 095222 095223 095224 095225 095226 095227 095228 095229 095230 095231 095232 095233 095234 095235 095236 095237 095238 095239 095240 095241 095242 095243 095244 095245 095246 095247 095248 095249 095250 095251 095252 095253 095254 095255 095256 095257 095258 095259 095260 095261 095262 095263 095264 095265 095266 095267 095268 095269 095270 095271 095272 095273 095274 095275 095276 095277 Name of Village 2 Almas Sodanpura Bhagwanpura Balanagar Surajpura Bheemdiyas Lachhmipura Sajjanpura Haripura Seeriyas Ganeshpura Melyas Langron Ka Khera @ Akshayapura Dhunwala (Mandal) Baniyans Nanakpura Bhand Ki Baori Neem Ka Khera Mali Khera Station Nagar Santokpura Gurha Keerkhera Mandal Balai Khera Gambheer Pura @ Harji Khera Danta Kalan Leerdiya Ummedpura Akhepura Bavri Gokalpura Rajpura@Bhagatsingh Ji Ka Khera Thob Ka Khera Thabola Bhalri Khera Danta Luhariya Luhariya Gegas Rooppura Chankher Keriya Khera @ Akheipura Naya Khera Bakli Lalri Govindpura Soji Ka Khera Chandras Mangalpura Chena Ka Khera Sarai Kapadiya Khera Baolas Khatikon Ka Khera Kharoliya Khera Leswa Area of Village in hectares 3 Number of households 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 499.95 245.00 2,442.43 243.65 216.62 627.15 336.84 205.58 152.96 704.69 535.95 578.80 210 78 966 55 104 279 180 159 130 310 232 177 1,154 363 4,618 338 540 1,346 825 683 712 1,660 1,190 952 330.08 1,409.29 254.00 367.98 258.29 349.98 192.40 748.21 165.65 226.64 143.73 3,384.83 271.81 98 651 69 127 636 3,085 310 742 201 215 792 117 181 187 3,258 59 1,022 922 4,104 640 895 1,099 17,361 276 107.06 772.00 498.56 193.63 98.57 813.00 330.04 22 236 197 82 59 216 159 101 1,280 903 455 280 1,105 722 52 610 488 237 134 533 339 49 670 415 218 146 572 383 456.87 203.85 661.24 466.00 533.65 2,085.55 622.00 369.50 1,068.00 135 14 182 132 199 956 117 161 266 732 64 943 528 894 5,189 752 868 1,314 363 29 462 231 413 2,603 367 461 660 319.00 168.00 941.00 306.00 628.21 72.07 1,675.00 379.00 488.00 75.00 813.00 1,285.00 186.00 438.00 1,257.98 91 60 261 98 307 140 492 94 124 25 196 585 88 82 356 482 308 1,210 479 1,305 574 2,144 467 452 97 1,074 2,713 435 311 1,591 237 152 602 225 597 274 1,003 224 236 53 514 1,263 219 150 781 150 583 175 2,269 186 262 639 398 354 339 847 586 466 571 188 2,349 152 278 707 427 329 373 813 604 486 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 202 55 672 47 124 228 169 135 133 279 217 157 113 27 358 28 77 120 82 69 65 164 113 82 89 28 314 19 47 108 87 66 68 115 104 75 334 302 109 1,544 1,541 537 155 155 59 375 367 134 -------------Un-inhabited-------------516 506 163 492 430 120 2,063 2,041 700 316 324 88 461 434 139 532 567 233 8,795 8,566 2,465 145 131 25 51 273 28 65 58 264 31 69 82 71 335 47 68 112 1,295 16 81 49 365 41 71 121 1,170 9 21 223 186 84 37 185 110 17 104 111 42 19 91 53 4 119 75 42 18 94 57 369 35 481 297 481 2,586 385 407 654 106 4 131 112 130 1,035 96 195 187 50 1 69 58 69 567 54 104 95 56 3 62 54 61 468 42 91 92 245 156 608 254 708 300 1,141 243 216 44 560 1,450 216 161 810 70 54 172 103 251 136 365 79 103 11 160 408 78 64 216 34 23 92 55 129 67 187 42 54 5 84 202 38 29 116 36 31 80 48 122 69 178 37 49 6 76 206 40 35 100 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mandal Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 188 1 950 28 207 560 451 232 319 212 95 448 12 100 268 226 117 150 102 93 1 502 16 107 292 225 115 169 110 125 181 64 71 6 12 95 167 - 56 82 31 32 4 6 54 82 - 648 325 326 162 322 163 143 39 689 145 79 105 2,223 266 74 22 352 72 41 52 1,112 139 69 17 337 73 38 53 1,111 127 274 130 41 7 169 39 128 74 22 3 82 19 146 56 19 4 87 20 30 16 330 48 35 16 6 180 18 13 22 86 74 55 645 63 76 203 9 48 38 26 302 28 35 97 13 38 36 29 343 35 41 106 75 89 34 230 49 7 48 148 22 99 78 486 13 215 275 275 124 24 73 11 47 37 233 6 106 132 136 67 24 75 11 52 41 253 7 109 143 139 57 46 21 8 29 159 301 15 121 50 194 42 7 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 Females 19 69 99 33 39 2 6 41 85 - 387 96 2,465 203 213 565 264 221 339 609 470 490 249 68 1,429 139 130 359 175 141 198 415 314 299 138 28 1,036 64 83 206 89 80 141 194 156 191 20 9 11 311 159 152 26 12 14 -------------Un-inhabited-------------181 80 101 236 117 119 25 12 13 6 3 3 5 3 2 854 407 447 8 5 3 319 1,432 155 296 233 916 104 222 86 516 51 74 569 515 2,313 388 678 506 10,646 137 356 347 1,349 240 375 316 6,322 97 213 168 964 148 303 190 4,324 40 14 10 150 30 22 27 570 279 177 164 463 288 15 363 212 131 102 296 189 12 207 67 46 62 167 99 39 37 16 123 22 4 36 52 18 107 27 3 296 36 438 241 435 2,127 496 413 680 203 21 282 136 278 1,371 279 292 412 93 15 156 105 157 756 217 121 268 28 7 5 18 76 149 9 65 22 87 18 4 18 14 3 11 83 152 6 56 28 107 24 3 200 119 415 150 427 127 792 161 149 33 389 1,177 159 106 810 139 86 278 87 275 90 502 98 96 24 267 736 111 71 480 61 33 137 63 152 37 290 63 53 9 122 441 48 35 330 151 Name of Village 2 Almas Sodanpura Bhagwanpura Balanagar Surajpura Bheemdiyas Lachhmipura Sajjanpura Haripura Seeriyas Ganeshpura Melyas Langron Ka Khera @ Akshayapura Dhunwala (Mandal) Baniyans Nanakpura Bhand Ki Baori Neem Ka Khera Mali Khera Station Nagar Santokpura Gurha Keerkhera Mandal Balai Khera Gambheer Pura @ Harji Khera Danta Kalan Leerdiya Ummedpura Akhepura Bavri Gokalpura Rajpura@Bhagatsingh Ji Ka Khera Thob Ka Khera Thabola Bhalri Khera Danta Luhariya Luhariya Gegas Rooppura Chankher Keriya Khera @ Akheipura Naya Khera Bakli Lalri Govindpura Soji Ka Khera Chandras Mangalpura Chena Ka Khera Sarai Kapadiya Khera Baolas Khatikon Ka Khera Kharoliya Khera Leswa DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 095222 095223 095224 095225 095226 095227 095228 095229 095230 095231 095232 095233 095234 095235 095236 095237 095238 095239 095240 095241 095242 095243 095244 095245 095246 095247 095248 095249 095250 095251 095252 095253 095254 095255 095256 095257 095258 095259 095260 095261 095262 095263 095264 095265 095266 095267 095268 095269 095270 095271 095272 095273 095274 095275 095276 095277 Name of Village 2 Almas Sodanpura Bhagwanpura Balanagar Surajpura Bheemdiyas Lachhmipura Sajjanpura Haripura Seeriyas Ganeshpura Melyas Langron Ka Khera @ Akshayapura Dhunwala (Mandal) Baniyans Nanakpura Bhand Ki Baori Neem Ka Khera Mali Khera Station Nagar Santokpura Gurha Keerkhera Mandal Balai Khera Gambheer Pura @ Harji Khera Danta Kalan Leerdiya Ummedpura Akhepura Bavri Gokalpura Rajpura@Bhagatsingh Ji Ka Khera Thob Ka Khera Thabola Bhalri Khera Danta Luhariya Luhariya Gegas Rooppura Chankher Keriya Khera @ Akheipura Naya Khera Bakli Lalri Govindpura Soji Ka Khera Chandras Mangalpura Chena Ka Khera Sarai Kapadiya Khera Baolas Khatikon Ka Khera Kharoliya Khera Leswa Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 767 267 2,153 135 327 781 561 462 373 1,051 720 462 334 107 840 47 132 280 223 213 141 432 272 167 433 160 1,313 88 195 501 338 249 232 619 448 295 317 1,653 155 446 101 628 51 153 216 1,025 104 293 453 407 1,791 252 217 593 6,715 139 160 145 714 76 86 216 2,473 48 293 262 1,077 176 131 377 4,242 91 74 710 624 278 116 642 434 37 247 276 106 32 237 150 37 463 348 172 84 405 284 40 579 447 268 147 574 413 25 319 247 133 68 300 216 436 28 505 287 459 3,062 256 455 634 160 8 180 95 135 1,232 88 169 248 276 20 325 192 324 1,830 168 286 386 412 28 526 289 462 2,041 337 337 693 282 189 795 329 878 447 1,352 306 303 64 685 1,536 276 205 781 98 66 324 138 322 184 501 126 140 29 247 527 108 79 301 184 123 471 191 556 263 851 180 163 35 438 1,009 168 126 480 283 178 674 224 694 349 1,087 258 247 60 587 1,381 275 182 708 Persons 20 Total workers Persons Males Females 23 24 25 653 223 2,162 166 271 510 451 340 376 914 658 492 336 112 933 75 153 195 231 151 194 457 333 236 282 216 1,700 76 137 365 191 85 220 504 590 256 234 109 1,078 68 82 289 124 80 118 391 322 208 48 107 622 8 55 76 67 5 102 113 268 48 218 184 34 1,577 842 735 143 87 56 435 207 228 -------------Un-inhabited-------------353 262 91 357 303 54 1,798 1,122 676 178 168 10 327 254 73 665 331 334 6,670 4,586 2,084 107 48 59 146 1,026 73 432 143 672 62 205 3 354 11 227 322 340 1,623 176 244 582 5,705 31 257 289 1,025 167 207 299 4,224 28 65 51 598 9 37 283 1,481 3 15 260 200 135 79 274 197 39 425 290 142 79 354 266 25 308 171 122 66 255 209 14 117 119 20 13 99 57 207 13 263 106 217 1,289 196 196 370 205 15 263 183 245 752 141 141 323 93 25 144 74 457 1,633 204 329 570 86 13 124 55 214 1,099 180 189 338 7 12 20 19 243 534 24 140 232 134 93 360 122 294 155 533 122 129 34 289 710 133 88 406 149 85 314 102 400 194 554 136 118 26 298 671 142 94 302 275 171 479 133 612 347 1,030 258 247 60 436 1,072 120 111 599 130 92 344 106 277 153 512 122 129 34 262 549 95 75 355 145 79 135 27 335 194 518 136 118 26 174 523 25 36 244 152 317 111 1,229 91 118 315 220 189 182 457 325 256 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mandal Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 188 87 468 20 78 53 142 56 124 265 256 97 159 39 316 19 35 41 95 56 32 189 107 73 29 48 152 1 43 12 47 92 76 149 24 35 125 649 8 12 187 17 2 7 21 72 27 65 157 13 301 65 104 13 116 53 185 1 118 - 86 90 494 39 27 408 1,380 5 42 68 200 37 19 188 678 3 44 22 294 2 8 220 702 2 4 5 93 2 8 2 394 1 14 137 163 63 68 229 58 14 106 53 47 55 144 37 31 110 16 13 85 21 - 2 18 83 47 229 868 96 293 381 2 11 66 32 107 582 90 163 233 7 17 15 122 286 6 130 148 122 252 30 4 79 246 167 453 98 545 341 915 256 239 49 369 800 41 99 424 113 92 323 74 242 149 426 120 124 27 211 380 40 65 232 133 75 130 24 303 192 489 136 115 22 158 420 1 34 192 10 2 2 2 15 1 11 4 11 21 102 77 12 35 4 - 20 66 266 4 5 138 12 2 5 20 13 11 2 67 1 5 4 1 19 40 10 7 - 1 6 6 41 77 3 2 11 2 -------------Un-inhabited-------------3 1 1 1 3 2 15 14 35 58 306 154 2 3 3 3 5 36 23 1 1 150 244 223 162 1 - - - 15 59 383 4 7 49 5 2 1 59 16 4 - 3 21 1 4 3 5 1 3 20 102 24 1 22 2 17 102 150 6 3 57 4 2 - 3 4 14 53 24 2 15 53 4 429 45 41 105 13 21 62 142 192 117 4 82 3 5 14 11 5 4 26 60 6 9 74 748 60 120 71 525 49 87 3 223 11 33 1 152 13 61 - 231 230 730 132 173 172 3,708 25 211 204 636 125 162 110 3,234 25 20 26 94 7 11 62 474 - 25 274 123 79 11 122 182 11 194 114 75 11 110 166 14 80 9 4 12 16 79 2 60 27 103 497 75 31 73 76 2 58 23 85 400 63 24 62 15 2 20 33 51 5 78 2 4 46 159 2 118 8 16 31 28 4 62 2 4 44 111 2 84 5 1 4 4 10 2 1 - - 2 - 2 3 5 - 3 16 3 1 37 4 - 2 15 3 1 21 4 - 57 4 511 48 46 119 24 26 66 168 252 123 8 4 1 1 16 3 - 4 1 9 1 5 6 1 7 7 49 53 10 20 - - - - 9 5 1 6 - 10 4 5 - 2 1 6 2 72 1 6 8 1 23 50 10 9 1 - 3 - - 1 26 11 22 1 18 9 19 153 1 8 2 3 3 2 4 18 97 12 7 11 7 2 4 2 23 1 16 2 48 34 Name of Village 2 Almas Sodanpura Bhagwanpura Balanagar Surajpura Bheemdiyas Lachhmipura Sajjanpura Haripura Seeriyas Ganeshpura Melyas Langron Ka Khera @ Akshayapura Dhunwala (Mandal) Baniyans Nanakpura Bhand Ki Baori Neem Ka Khera Mali Khera Station Nagar Santokpura Gurha Keerkhera Mandal Balai Khera Gambheer Pura @ Harji Khera Danta Kalan Leerdiya Ummedpura Akhepura Bavri Gokalpura Rajpura@Bhagatsingh Ji Ka Khera Thob Ka Khera Thabola Bhalri Khera Danta Luhariya Luhariya Gegas Rooppura Chankher Keriya Khera @ Akheipura Naya Khera Bakli Lalri Govindpura Soji Ka Khera Chandras Mangalpura Chena Ka Khera Sarai Kapadiya Khera Baolas Khatikon Ka Khera Kharoliya Khera Leswa DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 095222 095223 095224 095225 095226 095227 095228 095229 095230 095231 095232 095233 095234 095235 095236 095237 095238 095239 095240 095241 095242 095243 095244 095245 095246 095247 095248 095249 095250 095251 095252 095253 095254 095255 095256 095257 095258 095259 095260 095261 095262 095263 095264 095265 095266 095267 095268 095269 095270 095271 095272 095273 095274 095275 095276 095277 Name of Village 2 Almas Sodanpura Bhagwanpura Balanagar Surajpura Bheemdiyas Lachhmipura Sajjanpura Haripura Seeriyas Ganeshpura Melyas Langron Ka Khera @ Akshayapura Dhunwala (Mandal) Baniyans Nanakpura Bhand Ki Baori Neem Ka Khera Mali Khera Station Nagar Santokpura Gurha Keerkhera Mandal Balai Khera Gambheer Pura @ Harji Khera Danta Kalan Leerdiya Ummedpura Akhepura Bavri Gokalpura Rajpura@Bhagatsingh Ji Ka Khera Thob Ka Khera Thabola Bhalri Khera Danta Luhariya Luhariya Gegas Rooppura Chankher Keriya Khera @ Akheipura Naya Khera Bakli Lalri Govindpura Soji Ka Khera Chandras Mangalpura Chena Ka Khera Sarai Kapadiya Khera Baolas Khatikon Ka Khera Kharoliya Khera Leswa Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 Persons 44 137 5 24 18 9 13 11 6 94 120 1 28 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 371 7 462 90 134 145 260 255 156 410 68 236 83 2 151 23 36 26 96 109 64 66 3 48 288 5 311 67 98 119 164 146 92 344 65 188 29 1 8 8 6 8 6 2 39 16 5 72 551 70 3 41 170 25 2 31 381 45 1 31 17 175 2 83 83 965 76 5 14 97 1 47 32 362 20 26 3 78 1 36 51 603 56 1 154 157 126 68 220 147 11 76 11 2 45 7 1 143 81 115 66 175 140 78 18 119 67 179 4 8 4 6 1 20 1 319 3 382 215 5 408 133 8 123 121 139 51 3 190 16 7 32 198 3 243 164 2 218 117 1 91 295 310 159 2 47 5 1 8 8 7 195 91 82 2 57 151 309 155 71 109 4 1 16 16 17 2 21 27 161 38 13 51 4 6 179 75 65 36 124 148 117 58 58 6 6 83 70 57 1 3 103 86 9 16 27 108 4 16 10 3 5 5 4 55 104 1 23 210 2 259 60 46 120 152 1 40 155 17 153 42 1 71 3 18 7 35 1 8 15 16 168 1 188 57 28 113 117 32 140 17 137 7 285 - 6 82 - 1 203 - 20 11 3 152 - - 12 10 1 120 - 70 14 113 66 159 3 49 3 3 11 - 104 75 29 33 3 1 7 191 235 130 2 14 2 1 11 2 1 19 220 6 2 85 6 11 83 2 1 15 2 1 14 9 13 1 1 3 32 8 11 14 4 5 69 61 44 2 100 54 1 5 13 - - 7 7 50 25 25 2 2 1 1 -------------Un-inhabited-------------5 2 3 24 11 13 15 6 9 62 27 35 308 68 240 46 7 39 154 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 1 4 18 31 36 144 129 55 42 8 1 2 32 - 1 1 2 - 48 2 1 11 5 2 1 8 137 4 1 70 - 1 9 14 60 13 2 10 1 4 17 22 22 84 116 53 32 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mandal of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 2 - 1 - 6 - 5 - 1 1 13 1 2 31 8 1 1 5 1 2 9 - - - 1 5 1 8 - - 1 7 8 22 - 1 1 20 1 5 - 1 8 22 7 - 1 13 - 1 21 13 63 1 1 - 14 5 41 1 Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 22 173 12 78 11 84 247 20 104 50 47 11 67 12 11 10 50 105 15 26 3 26 501 140 2,456 172 269 836 374 343 336 746 532 460 266 64 1,040 95 144 324 178 165 157 390 261 210 235 76 1,416 77 125 512 196 178 179 356 271 250 57 28 29 418 203 58 145 1,508 68 23 45 167 2 2 307 -------------Un-inhabited-------------31 5 26 669 11 11 565 110 71 39 2,306 2 1 1 462 44 32 12 568 18 3 15 434 442 240 202 10,691 29 13 16 169 150 702 68 168 268 806 99 139 254 189 941 148 207 201 4,209 97 415 376 1,365 314 361 233 6,482 72 61 701 456 187 133 531 309 27 291 241 104 66 233 123 34 410 215 83 67 298 186 320 36 417 239 432 3,148 415 531 621 156 16 199 125 196 1,314 171 265 290 164 20 218 114 236 1,834 244 266 331 199 130 536 255 611 225 1,057 209 205 37 487 1,332 160 129 883 103 59 242 103 303 119 470 102 107 19 225 553 86 62 375 96 71 294 152 308 106 587 107 98 18 262 779 74 67 508 26 116 7 1 37 127 - - 1 16 5 2 38 13 25 4 2 13 9 11 1 71 37 3 103 122 5 17 11 64 11 3 49 11 5 6 - - - 2 1 108 17 6 1 8 12 75 17 39 3 1 15 4 1 1 4 1 3 - 4 3 1 1 11 1 - 1 67 5 1 22 6 2 2 7 3 1 7 10 66 17 26 11 106 67 1 34 142 5 78 47 21 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 25 49 2 15 121 1 7 26 54 111 11 1 106 10 3 1 2 9 13 155 Name of Village 2 Almas Sodanpura Bhagwanpura Balanagar Surajpura Bheemdiyas Lachhmipura Sajjanpura Haripura Seeriyas Ganeshpura Melyas Langron Ka Khera @ Akshayapura Dhunwala (Mandal) Baniyans Nanakpura Bhand Ki Baori Neem Ka Khera Mali Khera Station Nagar Santokpura Gurha Keerkhera Mandal Balai Khera Gambheer Pura @ Harji Khera Danta Kalan Leerdiya Ummedpura Akhepura Bavri Gokalpura Rajpura@Bhagatsingh Ji Ka Khera Thob Ka Khera Thabola Bhalri Khera Danta Luhariya Luhariya Gegas Rooppura Chankher Keriya Khera @ Akheipura Naya Khera Bakli Lalri Govindpura Soji Ka Khera Chandras Mangalpura Chena Ka Khera Sarai Kapadiya Khera Baolas Khatikon Ka Khera Kharoliya Khera Leswa Location code number 1 095222 095223 095224 095225 095226 095227 095228 095229 095230 095231 095232 095233 095234 095235 095236 095237 095238 095239 095240 095241 095242 095243 095244 095245 095246 095247 095248 095249 095250 095251 095252 095253 095254 095255 095256 095257 095258 095259 095260 095261 095262 095263 095264 095265 095266 095267 095268 095269 095270 095271 095272 095273 095274 095275 095276 095277 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 095278 095279 095280 095281 095282 095283 095284 095285 095286 095287 095288 095289 095290 095291 095292 095293 095294 095295 095296 095297 095298 095299 095300 095301 095302 095303 095304 095305 095306 095307 095308 095309 095310 095311 095312 095313 095314 095315 095316 095317 095318 095319 095320 095321 Name of Village 2 Adarsh Nagar Nahargarh Nawalpura Daulatpura Bhairoon Khera Beran Jorawarpura Ghoras Malpura Sarnon Ka Khera Karanwas Mankyas Bhaolas Bagor Amli Colony Bajya Ki Kheri Karnipura Madanpura Bagpura Lachhmipura Bhagatpuriya Bhojpura Khera Deopura Tahuka Lachhman Pura Bhakliya Bheelri Samrath Pura Lasadiya Chatarbhuj Pura Amargarh Peethas Sameliya Bhadoo Kochriya Kaloo Khera Gadri Khera Amarpura Dhedhwas Mejan Mali Khera @ Rajpura Suras Bateri Ralayta Area of Village in hectares 3 192.00 258.00 193.00 398.00 264.00 692.00 669.00 1,082.61 170.15 371.13 578.13 542.11 590.24 3,065.73 308.74 303.60 342.98 128.00 40.69 201.29 127.81 252.87 327.60 357.94 91.77 392.45 206.78 271.00 803.74 157.00 932.00 1,630.19 798.19 2,286.00 616.12 480.17 149.35 16.00 167.84 1,684.46 251.06 1,114.80 391.00 307.09 Number of households 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 84 81 197 112 88 207 305 423 104 46 168 95 217 1,916 77 106 146 7 45 60 107 142 54 120 11 130 88 31 205 105 429 653 267 696 207 154 116 407 501 871 651 418 1,075 1,570 2,034 468 247 917 483 966 9,500 406 458 726 36 182 347 587 792 287 661 38 546 486 165 849 500 2,056 3,146 1,467 3,063 960 800 478 749 180 521 158 114 3,524 1,017 2,457 661 478 156 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 204 203 74 247 254 89 415 456 146 300 351 112 223 195 68 499 576 208 758 812 293 962 1,072 296 249 219 70 117 130 37 476 441 171 247 236 89 449 517 162 4,772 4,728 1,396 216 190 82 221 237 52 364 362 116 22 14 1 86 96 33 159 188 45 281 306 82 404 388 118 149 138 41 333 328 114 16 22 6 236 310 80 242 244 94 84 81 28 399 450 141 251 249 87 1,008 1,048 317 1,547 1,599 476 718 749 216 1,516 1,547 462 479 481 156 399 401 142 237 241 88 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------1,795 1,729 505 503 514 167 1,189 1,268 333 309 352 118 226 252 88 36 46 68 49 43 102 133 143 40 17 94 49 91 737 43 28 65 1 17 23 42 65 21 55 4 36 52 9 70 45 163 233 119 247 93 78 42 38 43 78 63 25 106 160 153 30 20 77 40 71 659 39 24 51 16 22 40 53 20 59 2 44 42 19 71 42 154 243 97 215 63 64 46 258 78 165 69 41 247 89 168 49 47 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mandal Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 199 7 40 88 133 421 276 64 84 65 50 27 2,989 405 6 130 134 112 5 202 2 146 31 344 526 218 425 86 90 18 103 3 16 42 55 208 130 38 37 35 23 10 1,518 216 3 66 62 58 2 93 1 71 17 167 266 108 210 41 45 9 96 4 24 46 78 213 146 26 47 30 27 17 1,471 189 3 64 72 54 3 109 1 75 14 177 260 110 215 45 45 9 395 17 489 255 7 200 7 237 119 2 195 10 252 136 5 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 1 1 64 30 34 47 26 21 43 20 23 2 1 1 251 114 137 106 58 48 250 130 120 41 23 18 92 48 44 227 110 117 77 35 42 9 5 4 79 38 41 209 98 111 12 3 9 43 15 28 39 17 22 39 19 20 23 13 10 23 8 15 149 76 73 120 50 70 50 22 28 294 148 146 14 6 8 47 24 23 76 36 40 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------21 11 10 81 47 34 128 62 66 152 62 90 - 157 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 Females 19 169 226 377 244 148 480 630 918 204 119 371 257 414 5,080 114 268 246 26 72 172 335 361 121 312 9 224 263 73 344 297 861 1,510 862 1,620 408 260 176 108 153 235 153 107 284 428 579 145 73 251 163 260 3,170 77 167 174 15 42 110 197 260 86 224 6 141 156 52 232 171 574 927 536 992 256 182 126 61 73 142 91 41 196 202 339 59 46 120 94 154 1,910 37 101 72 11 30 62 138 101 35 88 3 83 107 21 112 126 287 583 326 628 152 78 50 1,963 467 1,126 250 126 1,192 318 712 149 88 771 149 414 101 38 Name of Village 2 Adarsh Nagar Nahargarh Nawalpura Daulatpura Bhairoon Khera Beran Jorawarpura Ghoras Malpura Sarnon Ka Khera Karanwas Mankyas Bhaolas Bagor Amli Colony Bajya Ki Kheri Karnipura Madanpura Bagpura Lachhmipura Bhagatpuriya Bhojpura Khera Deopura Tahuka Lachhman Pura Bhakliya Bheelri Samrath Pura Lasadiya Chatarbhuj Pura Amargarh Peethas Sameliya Bhadoo Kochriya Kaloo Khera Gadri Khera Amarpura Dhedhwas Mejan Mali Khera @ Rajpura Suras Bateri Ralayta DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 095278 095279 095280 095281 095282 095283 095284 095285 095286 095287 095288 095289 095290 095291 095292 095293 095294 095295 095296 095297 095298 095299 095300 095301 095302 095303 095304 095305 095306 095307 095308 095309 095310 095311 095312 095313 095314 095315 095316 095317 095318 095319 095320 095321 Name of Village 2 Adarsh Nagar Nahargarh Nawalpura Daulatpura Bhairoon Khera Beran Jorawarpura Ghoras Malpura Sarnon Ka Khera Karanwas Mankyas Bhaolas Bagor Amli Colony Bajya Ki Kheri Karnipura Madanpura Bagpura Lachhmipura Bhagatpuriya Bhojpura Khera Deopura Tahuka Lachhman Pura Bhakliya Bheelri Samrath Pura Lasadiya Chatarbhuj Pura Amargarh Peethas Sameliya Bhadoo Kochriya Kaloo Khera Gadri Khera Amarpura Dhedhwas Mejan Mali Khera @ Rajpura Suras Bateri Ralayta Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 238 275 494 407 270 595 940 1,116 264 128 546 226 552 4,420 292 190 480 10 110 175 252 431 166 349 29 322 223 92 505 203 1,195 1,636 605 1,443 552 540 302 96 94 180 147 116 215 330 383 104 44 225 84 189 1,602 139 54 190 7 44 49 84 144 63 109 10 95 86 32 167 80 434 620 182 524 223 217 111 142 181 314 260 154 380 610 733 160 84 321 142 363 2,818 153 136 290 3 66 126 168 287 103 240 19 227 137 60 338 123 761 1,016 423 919 329 323 191 1,561 550 1,331 411 352 603 185 477 160 138 958 365 854 251 214 Persons 20 Total workers Persons Males Females 23 24 25 189 105 84 261 130 131 381 221 160 366 177 189 263 123 140 543 286 257 828 417 411 959 557 402 313 151 162 158 76 82 384 249 135 261 127 134 551 222 329 4,413 2,506 1,907 213 135 78 258 126 132 397 221 176 21 16 5 60 50 10 114 95 19 350 174 176 332 204 128 145 81 64 381 206 175 17 7 10 249 109 140 264 144 120 102 52 50 495 235 260 298 154 144 1,161 586 575 1,491 878 613 677 391 286 1,514 860 654 459 235 224 432 233 199 267 137 130 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------1,581 965 616 477 250 227 1,172 668 504 453 191 262 286 125 161 158 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 160 221 228 148 129 167 162 589 158 153 137 167 379 3,400 213 110 384 21 59 113 234 41 143 379 10 171 257 79 435 226 691 1,009 253 616 400 268 261 77 96 188 79 86 98 127 507 115 74 95 97 188 2,223 135 88 216 16 50 94 136 33 80 205 4 97 141 42 199 118 457 679 204 519 214 230 134 83 125 40 69 43 69 35 82 43 79 42 70 191 1,177 78 22 168 5 9 19 98 8 63 174 6 74 116 37 236 108 234 330 49 97 186 38 127 1,161 470 1,035 336 103 782 248 646 154 99 379 222 389 182 4 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mandal Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 125 133 186 103 84 130 93 219 52 87 100 111 236 1,682 180 58 248 14 34 75 118 21 130 252 10 131 191 56 343 169 485 565 112 211 248 161 199 46 58 155 47 66 70 70 184 50 42 80 66 117 979 111 50 112 9 34 66 36 20 69 102 4 68 90 20 123 85 278 334 71 179 89 130 81 79 75 31 56 18 60 23 35 2 45 20 45 119 703 69 8 136 5 9 82 1 61 150 6 63 101 36 220 84 207 231 41 32 159 31 118 1 1 5 30 25 3 11 88 88 62 14 29 76 558 29 24 1 7 19 29 13 1 1 3 2 4 37 12 9 6 38 5 2 4 565 295 587 145 101 296 105 301 72 98 269 190 286 73 3 39 7 93 169 1 - 1 1 3 2 6 6 20 10 6 19 1 2 1 1 6 5 5 4 75 13 3 2 54 34 7 4 29 33 4 10 5 3 6 23 34 42 6 4 273 285 230 178 22 7 14 10 1 7 10 9 21 8 6 7 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 5 5 1 3 8 5 18 19 2 1 9 3 16 15 4 5 37 24 5 1 4 4 12 26 21 16 2 3 5 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------15 24 65 48 4 3 2 2 35 58 5 3 65 104 4 2 1 1 1 159 - 2 52 3 1 1 13 5 2 - 34 87 31 15 20 33 53 279 11 4 18 27 61 930 4 28 135 6 9 100 19 12 124 38 62 18 80 18 178 398 131 346 142 103 58 31 38 24 12 14 26 47 246 7 3 8 25 33 793 2 24 103 6 7 91 13 11 102 29 47 17 70 14 155 317 124 312 120 97 51 3 49 7 3 6 7 6 33 4 1 10 2 28 137 2 4 32 2 9 6 1 22 9 15 1 10 4 23 81 7 34 22 6 7 17 2 2 - 492 166 350 18 - 423 137 307 15 - 69 29 43 3 - 1 1 3 2 - Name of Village 2 Adarsh Nagar Nahargarh Nawalpura Daulatpura Bhairoon Khera Beran Jorawarpura Ghoras Malpura Sarnon Ka Khera Karanwas Mankyas Bhaolas Bagor Amli Colony Bajya Ki Kheri Karnipura Madanpura Bagpura Lachhmipura Bhagatpuriya Bhojpura Khera Deopura Tahuka Lachhman Pura Bhakliya Bheelri Samrath Pura Lasadiya Chatarbhuj Pura Amargarh Peethas Sameliya Bhadoo Kochriya Kaloo Khera Gadri Khera Amarpura Dhedhwas Mejan Mali Khera @ Rajpura Suras Bateri Ralayta DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 095278 095279 095280 095281 095282 095283 095284 095285 095286 095287 095288 095289 095290 095291 095292 095293 095294 095295 095296 095297 095298 095299 095300 095301 095302 095303 095304 095305 095306 095307 095308 095309 095310 095311 095312 095313 095314 095315 095316 095317 095318 095319 095320 095321 Name of Village 2 Adarsh Nagar Nahargarh Nawalpura Daulatpura Bhairoon Khera Beran Jorawarpura Ghoras Malpura Sarnon Ka Khera Karanwas Mankyas Bhaolas Bagor Amli Colony Bajya Ki Kheri Karnipura Madanpura Bagpura Lachhmipura Bhagatpuriya Bhojpura Khera Deopura Tahuka Lachhman Pura Bhakliya Bheelri Samrath Pura Lasadiya Chatarbhuj Pura Amargarh Peethas Sameliya Bhadoo Kochriya Kaloo Khera Gadri Khera Amarpura Dhedhwas Mejan Mali Khera @ Rajpura Suras Bateri Ralayta Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 29 40 153 218 134 376 666 370 155 5 247 94 172 1,013 148 13 1 1 116 291 2 2 7 78 7 23 60 72 470 482 424 898 59 164 6 28 34 33 98 37 188 290 50 36 2 154 30 34 283 38 5 1 38 171 1 1 3 12 3 10 36 36 129 199 187 341 21 3 3 1 6 120 120 97 188 376 320 119 3 93 64 138 730 110 8 1 78 120 1 1 4 66 4 13 24 36 341 283 237 557 38 161 3 420 7 137 117 183 183 2 22 37 26 237 5 115 80 157 Persons 44 - 1 1 - 5 2 3 11 1 10 125 72 53 125 51 74 12 9 3 3 2 1 1 1 183 114 69 4 3 1 93 18 75 280 68 212 9 6 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 90 24 66 9 6 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 2 4 12 3 9 11 6 5 242 39 203 177 111 66 6 3 3 389 185 204 11 6 5 53 3 50 2 2 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------54 48 6 2 1 1 43 3 40 17 7 10 - 160 - Cultivators Males Females 45 46 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 - - 1 23 207 63 65 201 6 150 4 29 86 12 419 126 5 13 147 5 1 4 14 69 36 55 208 17 - 1 11 90 7 31 63 4 32 1 13 24 3 66 20 6 35 1 6 12 20 28 67 1 - 12 117 56 34 138 2 118 3 16 62 9 353 106 5 7 112 5 1 3 8 57 16 27 141 16 - 127 3 54 1 33 1 22 1 94 2 32 - PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mandal of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 2 25 2 1 38 1 6 1 9 25 4 36 10 56 35 2 - 17 - 2 8 1 13 2 1 2 20 3 24 6 45 24 - 17 2 25 1 4 7 5 1 12 4 11 11 2 - 9 - 8 - Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 29 28 1 38 32 6 130 22 108 4 4 60 29 31 161 77 84 340 176 164 352 37 315 2 2 33 27 6 4 3 1 66 12 54 276 136 140 13 12 1 5 3 2 12 8 4 129 128 1 1 1 2 1 1 7 3 4 71 11 60 6 2 4 7 6 1 19 12 7 43 21 22 123 54 69 259 62 197 307 111 196 266 65 201 29 14 15 111 111 4 1 3 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------222 93 129 5 1 4 91 18 73 46 8 38 182 25 157 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 218 240 490 285 155 532 742 1,075 155 89 533 222 415 5,087 193 200 329 15 122 233 237 460 142 280 21 297 222 63 354 202 895 1,655 790 1,549 501 368 211 99 117 194 123 100 213 341 405 98 41 227 120 227 2,266 81 95 143 6 36 64 107 200 68 127 9 127 98 32 164 97 422 669 327 656 244 166 100 119 123 296 162 55 319 401 670 57 48 306 102 188 2,821 112 105 186 9 86 169 130 260 74 153 12 170 124 31 190 105 473 986 463 893 257 202 111 1,943 540 1,285 208 192 830 253 521 118 101 1,113 287 764 90 91 161 Name of Village 2 Adarsh Nagar Nahargarh Nawalpura Daulatpura Bhairoon Khera Beran Jorawarpura Ghoras Malpura Sarnon Ka Khera Karanwas Mankyas Bhaolas Bagor Amli Colony Bajya Ki Kheri Karnipura Madanpura Bagpura Lachhmipura Bhagatpuriya Bhojpura Khera Deopura Tahuka Lachhman Pura Bhakliya Bheelri Samrath Pura Lasadiya Chatarbhuj Pura Amargarh Peethas Sameliya Bhadoo Kochriya Kaloo Khera Gadri Khera Amarpura Dhedhwas Mejan Mali Khera @ Rajpura Suras Bateri Ralayta Location code number 1 095278 095279 095280 095281 095282 095283 095284 095285 095286 095287 095288 095289 095290 095291 095292 095293 095294 095295 095296 095297 095298 095299 095300 095301 095302 095303 095304 095305 095306 095307 095308 095309 095310 095311 095312 095313 095314 095315 095316 095317 095318 095319 095320 095321 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0178 0178 0178 095322 095323 095324 095325 095326 095327 095328 095329 095330 095331 095332 095333 095334 095335 095336 095337 095338 095339 095340 095341 095342 095343 095344 095345 095346 095347 095348 095349 095350 095351 095352 095353 095354 095355 095356 095357 095358 095359 095360 095361 095362 095363 095364 095365 095366 095367 095368 095369 095370 095371 095372 095373 095374 095375 095376 095377 Name of Village 2 Raipur (Total) Raipur (Rural) Raipur (Urban) RURAL Semlat Bheeta Jorawarpura Sarewari Bhatewar Roopa Ka Khera Thoriya Khera Kalal Kheri Bari Bagoliya Arjungarh Peetalpura Thala Gadri Khera Patiyon Ka Khera Bheelkheri Suras Dhool Khera Borana Ladki Rama Chhatol Jalamali Mandi Miyala Sirodi Bagar Karol Kot Peeth Ka Khera Mandol Dheekani Raipur Jagpura Sagreo Mokhampura Khootiya Khera Nathdiyas Panotiya Aspur Fatehpura Jogras Shivnadhpura Doolehpura Tolas Boriyapura Rewara Ashaholi Lakhaholi Narayan Khera Nahri Sargoo Tejya Kheri Amba Ka Khera Khootiya Parbati Area of Village in Number of hectares households 3 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 51,950.87 51,950.87 0.00 19,936 19,936 - 97,869 97,869 - 204.00 796.00 212.00 945.00 721.00 282.00 416.00 670.41 769.00 734.00 184.00 268.00 758.00 266.00 179.00 16.00 206.00 302.00 1,590.00 651.00 500.00 485.00 522.00 226.00 378.00 479.00 570.00 228.00 1,122.00 476.00 779.00 481.00 1,097.42 384.19 2,279.00 769.00 183.00 1,423.00 830.00 325.00 85.00 975.00 172.00 120.00 273.00 566.00 580.00 1,218.00 235.00 401.00 1,482.00 195.00 230.00 363.00 520.00 324.35 12 280 54 232 284 129 135 218 244 300 23 114 379 170 138 48 235 235 950 242 208 94 120 114 181 114 268 32 440 209 136 37 1,475 108 633 224 65 520 272 130 57 1,231 315 1,191 1,459 619 711 918 1,239 1,444 128 557 1,980 852 720 205 1,179 1,387 4,616 1,276 1,171 411 546 493 854 524 1,199 169 2,001 1,140 619 148 7,372 514 3,087 1,114 325 2,362 1,295 637 338 57 1,666 315 303 128 659 97 165 575 47 75 73 164 124 1,547 629 3,156 475 828 3,050 202 376 369 949 544 162 48,256 48,256 - 49,613 49,613 - Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 14,844 14,844 - 7,582 7,582 - 7,262 7,262 - 27 30 2 599 632 206 156 159 51 631 560 176 747 712 225 281 338 115 351 360 98 428 490 151 652 587 245 715 729 206 60 68 20 291 266 95 976 1,004 290 413 439 160 354 366 70 101 104 39 552 627 185 707 680 217 2,290 2,326 735 660 616 221 569 602 199 194 217 54 268 278 80 248 245 97 408 446 161 273 251 105 596 603 177 83 86 39 1,003 998 268 573 567 146 289 330 93 70 78 19 3,698 3,674 984 249 265 61 1,498 1,589 526 549 565 178 151 174 44 1,169 1,193 417 652 643 176 308 329 113 -------------Un-inhabited-------------843 823 261 162 153 58 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------747 800 202 323 306 94 1,532 1,624 448 227 248 43 423 405 113 1,567 1,483 497 96 106 42 181 195 60 177 192 35 470 479 149 264 280 75 2 111 23 98 118 48 49 83 132 96 10 60 144 71 37 17 90 115 395 117 100 24 39 52 84 60 90 19 135 75 49 6 498 27 239 91 24 207 102 54 95 28 78 107 67 49 68 113 110 10 35 146 89 33 22 95 102 340 104 99 30 41 45 77 45 87 20 133 71 44 13 486 34 287 87 20 210 74 59 128 33 133 25 101 44 234 14 58 279 23 29 16 73 38 101 50 214 29 55 218 19 31 19 76 37 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Raipur Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 16,184 16,184 - 8,031 8,031 - 8,153 8,153 - 56 357 74 264 166 19 91 42 350 218 191 349 44 153 144 1,273 142 295 150 27 207 74 66 143 354 100 93 1,170 527 260 466 108 53 26 174 38 139 80 9 48 25 180 109 102 172 23 73 75 617 70 139 73 16 101 37 29 72 184 48 39 587 241 131 228 63 25 30 183 36 125 86 10 43 17 170 109 89 177 21 80 69 656 72 156 77 11 106 37 37 71 170 52 54 583 286 129 238 45 28 367 13 199 8 168 5 215 95 542 76 41 441 67 128 69 27 105 44 271 32 22 232 32 60 30 14 110 51 271 44 19 209 35 68 39 13 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 6,986 6,986 - 3,514 3,514 - Persons 17 Literates Males 18 3,472 3,472 - 44,579 44,579 - 28,233 28,233 - 87 42 45 157 85 72 205 121 84 118 63 55 364 183 181 43 25 18 3 1 2 205 101 104 94 48 46 22 12 10 47 21 26 33 17 16 4 3 1 33 17 16 10 4 6 50 23 27 125 65 60 177 85 92 82 40 42 269 132 137 55 29 26 4 2 2 177 97 80 9 4 5 6 3 3 26 12 14 278 142 136 234 111 123 89 45 44 -------------Un-inhabited-------------126 66 60 41 23 18 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------121 59 62 52 32 20 285 135 150 29 14 15 26 13 13 238 126 112 93 45 48 2 1 1 13 6 7 26 10 16 28 434 150 493 573 209 321 323 664 575 55 193 827 356 438 60 540 688 2,270 522 396 197 234 241 315 238 562 76 929 588 291 67 4,512 224 1,182 409 181 1,064 668 259 16 302 102 355 401 132 205 204 413 390 38 139 536 234 271 44 330 435 1,393 353 295 125 151 141 202 158 362 46 592 360 173 41 2,684 157 789 262 108 693 435 164 877 174 543 102 697 349 1,435 228 453 1,221 115 96 173 423 186 432 214 903 148 275 813 57 72 124 284 129 163 Females 19 Name of Village 2 16,346 Raipur (Total) 16,346 Raipur (Rural) Raipur (Urban) RURAL 12 Semlat 132 Bheeta 48 Jorawarpura 138 Sarewari 172 Bhatewar 77 Roopa Ka Khera 116 Thoriya Khera 119 Kalal Kheri 251 Bari 185 Bagoliya 17 Arjungarh 54 Peetalpura 291 Thala 122 Gadri Khera 167 Patiyon Ka Khera 16 Bheelkheri 210 Suras 253 Dhool Khera 877 Borana 169 Ladki 101 Rama 72 Chhatol 83 Jalamali 100 Mandi 113 Miyala 80 Sirodi 200 Bagar 30 Karol 337 Kot 228 Peeth Ka Khera 118 Mandol 26 Dheekani 1,828 Raipur 67 Jagpura 393 Sagreo 147 Mokhampura 73 Khootiya Khera 371 Nathdiyas 233 Panotiya 95 Aspur Fatehpura 334 Jogras 72 Shivnadhpura Doolehpura Tolas 265 Boriyapura 135 Rewara 532 Ashaholi 80 Lakhaholi 178 Narayan Khera 408 Nahri 58 Sargoo 24 Tejya Kheri 49 Amba Ka Khera 139 Khootiya 57 Parbati DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0178 0178 0178 095322 095323 095324 095325 095326 095327 095328 095329 095330 095331 095332 095333 095334 095335 095336 095337 095338 095339 095340 095341 095342 095343 095344 095345 095346 095347 095348 095349 095350 095351 095352 095353 095354 095355 095356 095357 095358 095359 095360 095361 095362 095363 095364 095365 095366 095367 095368 095369 095370 095371 095372 095373 095374 095375 095376 095377 Name of Village 2 Raipur (Total) Raipur (Rural) Raipur (Urban) RURAL Semlat Bheeta Jorawarpura Sarewari Bhatewar Roopa Ka Khera Thoriya Khera Kalal Kheri Bari Bagoliya Arjungarh Peetalpura Thala Gadri Khera Patiyon Ka Khera Bheelkheri Suras Dhool Khera Borana Ladki Rama Chhatol Jalamali Mandi Miyala Sirodi Bagar Karol Kot Peeth Ka Khera Mandol Dheekani Raipur Jagpura Sagreo Mokhampura Khootiya Khera Nathdiyas Panotiya Aspur Fatehpura Jogras Shivnadhpura Doolehpura Tolas Boriyapura Rewara Ashaholi Lakhaholi Narayan Khera Nahri Sargoo Tejya Kheri Amba Ka Khera Khootiya Parbati Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 Persons 23 53,290 53,290 - 20,023 20,023 - 33,267 33,267 - 49,434 49,434 - 29 797 165 698 886 410 390 595 575 869 73 364 1,153 496 282 145 639 699 2,346 754 775 214 312 252 539 286 637 93 1,072 552 328 81 2,860 290 1,905 705 144 1,298 627 378 11 297 54 276 346 149 146 224 239 325 22 152 440 179 83 57 222 272 897 307 274 69 117 107 206 115 234 37 411 213 116 29 1,014 92 709 287 43 476 217 144 18 500 111 422 540 261 244 371 336 544 51 212 713 317 199 88 417 427 1,449 447 501 145 195 145 333 171 403 56 661 339 212 52 1,846 198 1,196 418 101 822 410 234 789 141 300 60 489 81 850 280 1,721 247 375 1,829 87 280 196 526 358 315 109 629 79 148 754 39 109 53 186 135 535 171 1,092 168 227 1,075 48 171 143 340 223 Persons 20 164 Total workers Males Females 24 25 26,971 26,971 - Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 22,463 22,463 - 37,369 37,369 - 22,786 22,786 - 14,583 14,583 - 40 13 27 746 328 418 197 96 101 650 350 300 785 384 401 338 168 170 369 189 180 484 217 267 639 339 300 806 411 395 68 33 35 278 142 136 1,054 533 521 446 232 214 436 218 218 113 58 55 599 306 293 892 443 449 2,036 1,146 890 671 358 313 585 308 277 243 121 122 315 146 169 242 123 119 442 203 239 171 141 30 367 331 36 95 46 49 1,049 608 441 744 365 379 176 137 39 36 32 4 3,308 1,993 1,315 168 138 30 1,249 796 453 622 308 314 205 87 118 1,300 653 647 735 366 369 316 163 153 -------------Un-inhabited-------------787 450 337 188 93 95 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------847 442 405 369 185 184 1,540 870 670 255 119 136 479 250 229 1,572 903 669 117 52 65 197 109 88 264 120 144 530 271 259 345 161 184 17 326 193 476 425 260 146 327 600 639 68 278 987 436 429 79 444 584 910 482 139 88 190 241 404 165 351 45 690 267 137 21 2,235 146 778 598 201 1,284 729 301 10 232 94 290 226 159 76 198 323 338 33 142 510 227 213 56 271 337 576 266 90 72 130 122 193 138 320 38 509 184 111 20 1,697 137 699 299 85 646 364 161 7 94 99 186 199 101 70 129 277 301 35 136 477 209 216 23 173 247 334 216 49 16 60 119 211 27 31 7 181 83 26 1 538 9 79 299 116 638 365 140 762 188 435 93 327 95 825 367 1,321 133 456 1,430 117 197 264 525 93 429 183 803 66 233 846 52 109 120 266 75 396 184 518 67 223 584 65 88 144 259 18 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Raipur Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 26,557 26,557 - 15,622 15,622 - 10,935 10,935 - 3,930 3,930 - 9 149 110 343 248 243 139 295 338 578 42 177 869 350 376 26 377 318 429 384 110 59 159 234 270 105 213 29 529 200 56 9 727 138 547 456 190 938 593 152 6 106 53 196 137 146 72 172 182 293 26 96 418 179 168 21 222 262 254 221 64 49 117 121 140 85 196 29 384 144 44 9 517 130 504 231 76 461 274 96 3 43 57 147 111 97 67 123 156 285 16 81 451 171 208 5 155 56 175 163 46 10 42 113 130 20 17 145 56 12 210 8 43 225 114 477 319 56 6 111 77 102 106 13 1 5 203 16 26 97 3 55 8 47 27 197 227 79 1 3 5 2 119 9 1 15 81 28 16 2 281 5 78 29 157 42 50 734 146 410 67 324 79 2 36 726 349 904 122 419 802 110 78 260 504 85 369 168 536 60 208 463 50 36 118 252 72 357 181 368 62 211 339 60 42 142 252 13 41 162 10 3 234 1 50 2 2 1 1,812 1,812 - 2,118 2,118 - 676 676 - 480 480 - 2 4 69 42 3 3 36 41 68 34 2 2 42 64 24 20 9 4 2 2 1 2 3 2 1 97 106 10 6 7 19 43 54 2 1 22 15 28 27 15 8 4 4 3 3 32 15 14 13 2 1 21 176 4 3 120 107 10 10 28 51 2 1 1 2 1 4 1 16 3 2 1 1 43 76 9 1 5 5 8 7 53 28 17 15 8 20 10 6 2 115 166 74 53 4 1 60 18 7 6 11 18 17 11 69 88 19 12 16 26 2 1 26 24 4 3 -------------Un-inhabited-------------1 1 2 1 20 16 6 6 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------19 22 15 8 96 66 67 39 5 5 1 1 1 2 88 146 29 16 1 15 35 1 1 1 1 1 1 165 196 196 - 6,206 6,206 - 4,872 4,872 - - 2 63 6 29 47 2 6 25 59 45 4 93 16 42 6 38 65 244 17 28 26 10 4 15 51 132 1 63 39 65 10 1,153 3 146 96 11 170 92 95 2 54 5 24 27 2 3 23 44 35 3 75 12 38 3 34 51 192 16 25 21 6 10 44 118 1 57 32 57 9 1,012 3 129 46 9 104 73 36 1 - 24 - 23 - 7 28 13 1 43 18 188 34 365 6 69 2 19 6 33 15 132 24 279 1 58 1 13 3 4 1 7 7 1 1 1 13 2 21 1 6 7 1 1 Name of Village 2 1,334 Raipur (Total) 1,334 Raipur (Rural) Raipur (Urban) RURAL Semlat 9 Bheeta 1 Jorawarpura 5 Sarewari 20 Bhatewar Roopa Ka Khera 3 Thoriya Khera 2 Kalal Kheri 15 Bari 10 Bagoliya Arjungarh 1 Peetalpura 18 Thala 4 Gadri Khera 4 Patiyon Ka Khera 3 Bheelkheri 4 Suras 14 Dhool Khera 52 Borana 1 Ladki 3 Rama 5 Chhatol 4 Jalamali 4 Mandi 5 Miyala 7 Sirodi 14 Bagar Karol 6 Kot 7 Peeth Ka Khera 8 Mandol 1 Dheekani 141 Raipur Jagpura 17 Sagreo 50 Mokhampura 2 Khootiya Khera 66 Nathdiyas 19 Panotiya 59 Aspur Fatehpura 1 Jogras Shivnadhpura Doolehpura Tolas 10 Boriyapura 3 Rewara 56 Ashaholi Lakhaholi 10 Narayan Khera 86 Nahri 5 Sargoo 11 Tejya Kheri 1 Amba Ka Khera 6 Khootiya 3 Parbati DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 0178 0178 0178 095322 095323 095324 095325 095326 095327 095328 095329 095330 095331 095332 095333 095334 095335 095336 095337 095338 095339 095340 095341 095342 095343 095344 095345 095346 095347 095348 095349 095350 095351 095352 095353 095354 095355 095356 095357 095358 095359 095360 095361 095362 095363 095364 095365 095366 095367 095368 095369 095370 095371 095372 095373 095374 095375 095376 095377 Name of Village 2 Raipur (Total) Raipur (Rural) Raipur (Urban) RURAL Semlat Bheeta Jorawarpura Sarewari Bhatewar Roopa Ka Khera Thoriya Khera Kalal Kheri Bari Bagoliya Arjungarh Peetalpura Thala Gadri Khera Patiyon Ka Khera Bheelkheri Suras Dhool Khera Borana Ladki Rama Chhatol Jalamali Mandi Miyala Sirodi Bagar Karol Kot Peeth Ka Khera Mandol Dheekani Raipur Jagpura Sagreo Mokhampura Khootiya Khera Nathdiyas Panotiya Aspur Fatehpura Jogras Shivnadhpura Doolehpura Tolas Boriyapura Rewara Ashaholi Lakhaholi Narayan Khera Nahri Sargoo Tejya Kheri Amba Ka Khera Khootiya Parbati Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 12,065 12,065 - 4,185 4,185 - 7,880 7,880 - 23 420 4 174 360 78 223 157 39 167 67 10 7 34 155 308 1,126 189 446 155 125 1 38 6 16 50 359 477 39 15 1,073 22 471 24 4 16 6 15 3 96 2 60 158 9 113 19 16 73 23 5 5 2 35 106 570 92 218 49 16 1 10 3 11 8 99 181 26 12 296 1 97 9 2 7 2 2 20 324 2 114 202 69 110 138 23 94 44 5 2 32 120 202 556 97 228 106 109 28 3 5 42 260 296 13 3 777 21 374 15 2 9 4 13 25 - 15 - 10 - 22 2 219 122 23 142 5 252 13 2 67 53 17 57 5 86 9 152 69 6 85 166 Persons 44 4,150 4,150 - Cultivators Males Females 45 46 1,242 1,242 - 2,908 2,908 - 1 1 97 42 55 1 1 3 3 24 13 11 53 9 44 52 21 31 141 9 132 14 5 9 34 30 4 49 16 33 1 1 6 4 2 8 8 83 12 71 112 56 56 307 171 136 13 7 6 78 69 9 108 33 75 103 8 95 8 5 3 7 4 3 2 2 104 41 63 41 17 24 2 2 482 162 320 1 1 295 60 235 7 5 2 4 2 2 5 2 3 3 1 2 -------------Un-inhabited-------------5 1 4 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------12 7 5 15 1 14 8 5 3 40 14 26 4 4 10 8 2 166 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 4,977 4,977 - 1,509 1,509 - 3,468 3,468 - 20 319 3 116 219 22 101 7 15 121 1 2 24 44 144 615 160 307 5 15 22 1 48 225 322 9 4 373 21 159 4 9 - 1 52 1 7 88 23 4 3 33 1 2 10 26 275 75 98 2 4 4 1 6 40 91 5 4 47 1 30 4 - 19 267 2 109 131 22 78 3 12 88 2 22 34 118 340 85 209 3 11 18 42 185 231 4 326 20 129 4 5 - 17 - 11 - - 6 54 122 5 57 - 3 8 53 3 25 - 6 3 46 69 2 32 - PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Raipur of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 185 185 - 103 103 - 82 82 - - - - 1 - 1 - 7 17 1 2 1 24 17 1 4 1 7 2 2 22 3 - 5 9 1 1 17 12 3 1 4 1 7 1 - 2 8 1 1 7 5 1 1 3 2 1 15 2 - - - - - - - 3 - 1 - 3 - 2 - 5 2 - 5 1 - Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 2,753 2,753 - 1,331 1,331 - 2 3 2 1 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 1,422 1,422 - 48,435 48,435 - 21,285 21,285 - - 17 485 118 541 674 281 342 434 600 638 60 279 926 406 284 92 580 495 2,580 605 586 168 231 251 412 353 832 74 952 396 443 112 4,064 346 1,838 492 120 1,062 560 321 14 271 60 281 363 113 162 211 313 304 27 149 443 181 136 43 246 264 1,144 302 261 73 122 125 205 132 265 37 395 208 152 38 1,705 111 702 241 64 516 286 145 879 127 393 69 700 260 1,616 220 349 1,478 85 179 105 419 199 305 138 662 108 173 664 44 72 57 199 103 2 48 45 3 100 48 52 3 3 70 69 1 8 5 3 10 8 2 10 9 1 17 6 11 7 4 3 1 1 2 2 27 13 14 28 7 21 187 112 75 16 10 6 60 51 9 42 14 28 3 1 2 1 1 7 7 6 3 3 8 6 2 23 14 9 112 73 39 28 20 8 9 6 3 196 80 116 17 7 10 10 3 7 7 3 4 1 1 12 1 11 -------------Un-inhabited-------------3 3 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------4 3 1 2 2 147 57 90 10 9 1 42 16 26 1 1 237 73 164 167 Name of Village 2 27,150 Raipur (Total) 27,150 Raipur (Rural) Raipur (Urban) RURAL 3 Semlat 214 Bheeta 58 Jorawarpura 260 Sarewari 311 Bhatewar 168 Roopa Ka Khera 180 Thoriya Khera 223 Kalal Kheri 287 Bari 334 Bagoliya 33 Arjungarh 130 Peetalpura 483 Thala 225 Gadri Khera 148 Patiyon Ka Khera 49 Bheelkheri 334 Suras 231 Dhool Khera 1,436 Borana 303 Ladki 325 Rama 95 Chhatol 109 Jalamali 126 Mandi 207 Miyala 221 Sirodi 567 Bagar 37 Karol 557 Kot 188 Peeth Ka Khera 291 Mandol 74 Dheekani 2,359 Raipur 235 Jagpura 1,136 Sagreo 251 Mokhampura 56 Khootiya Khera 546 Nathdiyas 274 Panotiya 176 Aspur Fatehpura 486 Jogras 58 Shivnadhpura Doolehpura Tolas 395 Boriyapura 122 Rewara 954 Ashaholi 112 Lakhaholi 176 Narayan Khera 814 Nahri 41 Sargoo 107 Tejya Kheri 48 Amba Ka Khera 220 Khootiya 96 Parbati Location code number 1 0178 0178 0178 095322 095323 095324 095325 095326 095327 095328 095329 095330 095331 095332 095333 095334 095335 095336 095337 095338 095339 095340 095341 095342 095343 095344 095345 095346 095347 095348 095349 095350 095351 095352 095353 095354 095355 095356 095357 095358 095359 095360 095361 095362 095363 095364 095365 095366 095367 095368 095369 095370 095371 095372 095373 095374 095375 095376 095377 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 095378 095379 095380 095381 095382 095383 095384 095385 095386 095387 095388 095389 095390 095391 095392 095393 095394 095395 095396 095397 095398 095399 095400 095401 095402 095403 095404 095405 095406 095407 095408 095409 095410 095411 095412 095413 Name of Village 2 Kemooniya Pachataron Ka Khera Palran Merniya Khera Khanniya Thoriya Khera Nandura Khakhar Mala Rebariyon Ki Dhani Asuna Kishorpura Toongach Mokhunda Mandka Khera Theekariyan Masinghpura Dangri Dangra Jhadol Naya Khera Rali Khera Tokra Debriya Lathiya Khera Singhpura Govindpura Charot Galwa Khemana Galyawari Nandsa Jageer Bariya Khurd Bariya Kalan Diyas Bakan Ranas Area of Village in Number of hectares households 3 4 962.00 353.00 1,005.00 336.00 227.00 308.00 179.00 393.00 112.00 486.00 131.00 705.00 841.00 444.00 231.00 870.00 430.42 339.88 1,901.56 148.53 269.31 651.44 801.00 258.00 419.00 101.00 632.80 867.00 1,304.00 1,099.00 1,344.11 349.00 407.26 234.19 710.00 655.00 107 111 421 150 63 90 64 137 99 152 50 213 525 121 89 274 156 72 701 62 74 158 598 48 138 87 212 325 488 317 484 170 125 66 166 216 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 561 578 2,346 651 339 382 275 603 400 715 251 1,035 2,751 576 388 1,250 779 380 3,430 311 308 816 2,902 217 625 431 904 1,555 2,327 1,652 2,265 865 590 393 808 1,039 168 288 295 1,162 312 162 187 116 296 182 339 118 469 1,347 269 177 594 384 189 1,730 150 150 396 1,409 116 314 196 417 781 1,124 823 1,116 436 276 199 392 494 273 283 1,184 339 177 195 159 307 218 376 133 566 1,404 307 211 656 395 191 1,700 161 158 420 1,493 101 311 235 487 774 1,203 829 1,149 429 314 194 416 545 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 67 90 372 100 38 72 45 89 53 127 49 164 460 80 45 213 132 64 516 63 39 121 347 25 71 50 142 256 348 228 291 120 121 50 113 162 45 42 206 48 14 34 19 44 31 71 23 76 243 37 29 95 69 34 264 34 16 64 182 17 35 23 68 131 183 125 142 64 59 28 55 71 22 48 166 52 24 38 26 45 22 56 26 88 217 43 16 118 63 30 252 29 23 57 165 8 36 27 74 125 165 103 149 56 62 22 58 91 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Raipur Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 16 322 67 11 75 156 272 168 799 30 274 320 73 622 79 35 90 476 60 100 51 217 209 450 122 433 109 20 223 198 9 163 32 3 40 80 143 76 401 16 136 157 35 306 35 17 41 227 29 51 24 109 106 232 66 210 56 11 103 95 7 159 35 8 35 76 129 92 398 14 138 163 38 316 44 18 49 249 31 49 27 108 103 218 56 223 53 9 120 103 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 63 232 124 31 61 2 124 351 74 71 39 12 7 385 18 58 9 70 13 129 229 341 57 232 94 102 35 115 57 16 30 1 53 171 37 36 16 8 3 201 8 30 4 32 5 71 113 165 26 115 50 53 28 117 67 15 31 1 71 180 37 35 23 4 4 184 10 28 5 38 8 58 116 176 31 117 44 49 169 Persons 17 308 202 912 247 189 203 137 277 182 315 77 389 1,425 230 195 510 243 146 1,885 96 120 327 1,433 82 294 122 339 702 905 683 1,062 386 248 168 344 417 Literates Males 18 184 137 583 168 109 123 77 188 93 186 45 229 856 141 103 311 167 99 1,132 58 88 209 904 56 200 83 203 445 567 461 687 244 151 110 234 275 Females 19 124 65 329 79 80 80 60 89 89 129 32 160 569 89 92 199 76 47 753 38 32 118 529 26 94 39 136 257 338 222 375 142 97 58 110 142 Name of Village 2 Kemooniya Pachataron Ka Khera Palran Merniya Khera Khanniya Thoriya Khera Nandura Khakhar Mala Rebariyon Ki Dhani Asuna Kishorpura Toongach Mokhunda Mandka Khera Theekariyan Masinghpura Dangri Dangra Jhadol Naya Khera Rali Khera Tokra Debriya Lathiya Khera Singhpura Govindpura Charot Galwa Khemana Galyawari Nandsa Jageer Bariya Khurd Bariya Kalan Diyas Bakan Ranas DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 095378 095379 095380 095381 095382 095383 095384 095385 095386 095387 095388 095389 095390 095391 095392 095393 095394 095395 095396 095397 095398 095399 095400 095401 095402 095403 095404 095405 095406 095407 095408 095409 095410 095411 095412 095413 Name of Village 2 Kemooniya Pachataron Ka Khera Palran Merniya Khera Khanniya Thoriya Khera Nandura Khakhar Mala Rebariyon Ki Dhani Asuna Kishorpura Toongach Mokhunda Mandka Khera Theekariyan Masinghpura Dangri Dangra Jhadol Naya Khera Rali Khera Tokra Debriya Lathiya Khera Singhpura Govindpura Charot Galwa Khemana Galyawari Nandsa Jageer Bariya Khurd Bariya Kalan Diyas Bakan Ranas Persons 20 253 376 1,434 404 150 179 138 326 218 400 174 646 1,326 346 193 740 536 234 1,545 215 188 489 1,469 135 331 309 565 853 1,422 969 1,203 479 342 225 464 622 Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 Persons 23 104 158 579 144 53 64 39 108 89 153 73 240 491 128 74 283 217 90 598 92 62 187 505 60 114 113 214 336 557 362 429 192 125 89 158 219 149 218 855 260 97 115 99 218 129 247 101 406 835 218 119 457 319 144 947 123 126 302 964 75 217 196 351 517 865 607 774 287 217 136 306 403 220 306 1,243 343 208 241 174 358 361 265 129 471 1,256 361 116 347 308 234 1,517 171 191 412 1,381 89 278 227 441 890 1,264 957 1,111 537 162 236 493 631 170 Total workers Males Females 24 25 168 173 615 183 110 117 79 170 158 164 56 265 764 164 79 325 200 114 935 93 97 212 767 66 198 115 228 447 654 510 638 266 139 117 241 290 52 133 628 160 98 124 95 188 203 101 73 206 492 197 37 22 108 120 582 78 94 200 614 23 80 112 213 443 610 447 473 271 23 119 252 341 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 182 285 984 342 77 125 146 256 9 224 94 396 909 354 50 346 190 216 1,285 164 128 190 990 64 144 224 404 652 859 853 785 478 97 236 247 590 132 162 533 183 69 73 71 129 7 158 56 228 675 160 46 324 123 114 835 91 90 170 676 57 134 112 224 385 547 494 485 246 93 117 207 278 50 123 451 159 8 52 75 127 2 66 38 168 234 194 4 22 67 102 450 73 38 20 314 7 10 112 180 267 312 359 300 232 4 119 40 312 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Raipur Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 174 262 772 250 42 100 88 48 109 78 303 453 290 28 338 80 145 850 141 110 130 585 40 113 207 353 629 501 571 540 449 80 201 206 538 124 145 372 134 41 58 28 48 77 46 164 331 115 28 319 48 63 496 68 84 117 366 37 110 100 195 373 349 298 323 230 79 101 187 258 50 117 400 116 1 42 60 32 32 139 122 175 19 32 82 354 73 26 13 219 3 3 107 158 256 152 273 217 219 1 100 19 280 3 17 11 54 13 2 1 191 2 10 3 13 75 4 47 3 108 5 14 8 44 6 5 2 5 17 172 74 118 8 13 8 3 12 5 26 11 1 68 2 6 3 7 35 3 27 1 61 5 3 7 22 5 5 7 66 32 55 3 6 - 5 6 28 2 1 1 123 4 6 40 1 20 2 47 11 1 22 1 2 5 10 106 42 63 5 7 8 2 1 18 1 2 5 9 7 1 56 3 5 24 2 2 60 3 6 65 6 6 5 13 2 1 12 1 2 5 8 5 1 54 4 17 1 2 50 2 2 40 5 2 4 10 171 6 1 2 2 3 1 7 1 10 1 4 25 1 4 1 3 3 5 183 37 20 23 52 8 7 105 6 79 325 61 22 4 58 68 303 18 2 50 301 18 26 15 43 6 180 143 121 15 17 35 23 31 3 4 144 22 15 14 38 5 5 75 2 56 255 45 18 2 44 50 261 18 2 44 238 15 19 12 27 5 130 124 102 11 14 16 10 10 1 39 15 5 9 14 3 2 30 4 23 70 16 4 2 14 18 42 6 63 3 7 3 16 1 50 19 19 4 3 19 13 21 Name of Village 2 Kemooniya Pachataron Ka Khera Palran Merniya Khera Khanniya Thoriya Khera Nandura Khakhar Mala Rebariyon Ki Dhani Asuna Kishorpura Toongach Mokhunda Mandka Khera Theekariyan Masinghpura Dangri Dangra Jhadol Naya Khera Rali Khera Tokra Debriya Lathiya Khera Singhpura Govindpura Charot Galwa Khemana Galyawari Nandsa Jageer Bariya Khurd Bariya Kalan Diyas Bakan Ranas DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 095378 095379 095380 095381 095382 095383 095384 095385 095386 095387 095388 095389 095390 095391 095392 095393 095394 095395 095396 095397 095398 095399 095400 095401 095402 095403 095404 095405 095406 095407 095408 095409 095410 095411 095412 095413 Name of Village 2 Kemooniya Pachataron Ka Khera Palran Merniya Khera Khanniya Thoriya Khera Nandura Khakhar Mala Rebariyon Ki Dhani Asuna Kishorpura Toongach Mokhunda Mandka Khera Theekariyan Masinghpura Dangri Dangra Jhadol Naya Khera Rali Khera Tokra Debriya Lathiya Khera Singhpura Govindpura Charot Galwa Khemana Galyawari Nandsa Jageer Bariya Khurd Bariya Kalan Diyas Bakan Ranas Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 38 21 259 1 131 116 28 102 352 41 35 75 347 7 66 1 118 18 232 7 63 222 391 25 134 3 37 238 405 104 326 59 65 246 41 36 11 82 41 44 8 41 151 6 37 89 4 33 1 77 100 2 7 42 91 9 64 3 4 62 107 16 153 20 46 34 12 2 10 177 1 90 72 20 61 201 35 35 38 258 3 33 41 18 132 5 56 180 300 16 70 33 176 298 88 173 39 19 212 29 172 Persons 44 4 1 117 16 82 10 2 2 1 16 244 5 48 1 12 12 27 4 45 114 243 2 25 226 299 35 40 25 19 121 9 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 4 1 22 9 20 2 1 7 64 2 26 1 7 14 1 6 3 14 1 1 56 71 4 10 11 14 15 2 95 7 62 8 2 1 1 9 180 3 22 5 12 13 3 39 111 229 1 24 170 228 31 30 14 5 106 7 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 28 1 3 1 42 1 1 96 352 4 13 73 8 18 114 3 14 60 25 6 19 7 5 13 56 214 26 6 47 3 26 2 26 39 151 1 7 10 3 8 44 1 11 6 4 9 2 2 5 85 8 4 13 1 2 1 1 1 16 1 1 57 201 3 6 63 5 10 70 2 14 49 19 2 10 7 3 11 51 129 18 2 34 2 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Raipur of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 - 2 1 - 1 1 4 1 15 11 1 2 1 6 1 9 1 7 1 - 2 1 - 2 - 9 - 6 - 5 1 - 6 2 1 1 1 6 - 5 3 - 3 1 4 Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 6 17 138 69 33 17 3 35 34 46 15 2 10 88 6 80 4 47 121 19 113 3 4 7 87 12 63 8 40 77 22 6 9 57 4 24 6 1 4 23 6 2 4 62 37 1 27 71 5 54 3 2 4 33 6 52 1 28 6 6 8 81 65 9 11 2 31 34 23 9 6 26 6 43 3 20 50 14 59 2 3 54 6 11 7 12 71 16 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 341 272 1,103 308 131 141 101 245 39 450 122 564 1,495 215 272 903 471 146 1,913 140 117 404 1,521 128 347 204 463 665 1,063 695 1,154 328 428 157 315 408 173 120 122 547 129 52 70 37 126 24 175 62 204 583 105 98 269 184 75 795 57 53 184 642 50 116 81 189 334 470 313 478 170 137 82 151 204 221 150 556 179 79 71 64 119 15 275 60 360 912 110 174 634 287 71 1,118 83 64 220 879 78 231 123 274 331 593 382 676 158 291 75 164 204 Name of Village 2 Kemooniya Pachataron Ka Khera Palran Merniya Khera Khanniya Thoriya Khera Nandura Khakhar Mala Rebariyon Ki Dhani Asuna Kishorpura Toongach Mokhunda Mandka Khera Theekariyan Masinghpura Dangri Dangra Jhadol Naya Khera Rali Khera Tokra Debriya Lathiya Khera Singhpura Govindpura Charot Galwa Khemana Galyawari Nandsa Jageer Bariya Khurd Bariya Kalan Diyas Bakan Ranas Location code number 1 095378 095379 095380 095381 095382 095383 095384 095385 095386 095387 095388 095389 095390 095391 095392 095393 095394 095395 095396 095397 095398 095399 095400 095401 095402 095403 095404 095405 095406 095407 095408 095409 095410 095411 095412 095413 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0179 0179 0179 095414 095415 095416 095417 095418 095419 095420 095421 095422 095423 095424 095425 095426 095427 095428 095429 095430 095431 095432 095433 095434 095435 095436 095437 095438 095439 095440 095441 095442 095443 095444 095445 095446 095447 095448 095449 095450 095451 095452 095453 095454 095455 095456 095457 095458 095459 095460 095461 095462 095463 095464 095465 095466 095467 095468 095469 Name of Village 2 Sahara (Total) Sahara (Rural) Sahara (Urban) RURAL Arnota Koshithal Atawara Ummedpura Neemkhera Arniya (Jageer) Palran Surat Singh Ka Khera Thekla Chawandiya Bhootela Matuniya Ullai Rooparel Hadiya Kheri Salera Jaisinghpura Bijepur Geerriya Phoonkiya Arjunpura Negarion Ka Khera Rooppura Gowliya Chhapri Khajooriya Kala Ka Khera Gujariya Khera Khankhla Gumanpura Sirohi Khera Gadri Khera Diyas Udliyas Satliyas Karnji Ki Kheri Sahara (Rural) Khati Khera Ruganathpura Kangani Haripura Delana (Rural) Kali Magari Ka Khera Nandsa (Khalsa) Jhoompura Cheer Khera Arsipura Santosh Nagar Amli Ramratannagar Balajinagar Paboonagar Mahendragarh Makriya Mangras Bhoonas Area of Village in Number of hectares households 3 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 63,582.66 63,582.66 0.00 24,244 24,244 - 1,16,309 1,16,309 - 267.80 3,201.61 287.02 615.14 174.52 362.21 442.52 436.27 661.09 421.27 430.28 522.67 1,739.43 174.62 208.00 1,588.23 403.93 403.07 964.28 431.00 157.00 603.00 278.00 440.00 271.00 220.00 287.00 167.54 1,659.32 124.29 344.59 360.21 645.00 282.47 650.00 527.00 2,523.00 334.39 139.32 1,378.57 109.45 1,525.85 643.63 1,849.40 320.89 1,212.60 1,219.26 187.30 781.18 221.73 360.79 527.00 1,115.00 874.00 381.72 1,064.40 60 1,447 105 216 82 86 155 125 212 176 165 273 577 55 1 417 111 95 199 163 86 361 107 307 122 118 131 320 7,153 490 1,026 449 430 786 584 907 799 733 1,460 2,496 301 15 1,938 539 471 1,095 840 366 1,800 562 1,392 586 543 681 814 48 54 102 166 141 253 129 1,096 184 41 350 50 590 174 578 159 436 377 69 437 80 124 82 686 282 237 376 3,855 206 264 487 808 630 1,221 605 5,532 767 235 1,752 285 2,752 769 2,894 782 1,961 1,765 263 1,884 398 595 359 3,473 1,357 1,228 1,731 174 57,267 57,267 - 59,042 59,042 - Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 17,290 17,290 - 8,930 8,930 - 8,360 8,360 - 158 162 62 3,489 3,664 1,120 224 266 78 495 531 169 214 235 88 187 243 77 379 407 157 270 314 97 440 467 167 374 425 112 360 373 112 697 763 224 1,159 1,337 373 152 149 50 10 5 963 975 272 260 279 80 218 253 74 547 548 125 419 421 106 165 201 69 875 925 225 285 277 60 662 730 227 277 309 113 268 275 67 349 332 104 -------------Un-inhabited-------------1,957 1,898 597 113 93 25 138 126 51 237 250 79 400 408 129 318 312 110 595 626 190 305 300 103 2,736 2,796 754 394 373 139 117 118 37 866 886 244 141 144 52 1,334 1,418 480 388 381 115 1,434 1,460 447 368 414 126 991 970 309 810 955 251 129 134 31 927 957 255 201 197 62 284 311 77 182 177 51 1,740 1,733 512 703 654 243 618 610 174 881 850 240 30 571 36 85 52 36 78 45 93 58 68 107 189 27 160 43 37 70 51 29 108 36 118 54 34 56 32 549 42 84 36 41 79 52 74 54 44 117 184 23 112 37 37 55 55 40 117 24 109 59 33 48 310 15 28 47 66 56 87 53 389 75 13 118 30 243 60 237 70 160 122 16 132 40 44 27 253 129 99 142 287 10 23 32 63 54 103 50 365 64 24 126 22 237 55 210 56 149 129 15 123 22 33 24 259 114 75 98 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Sahara Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 20,031 20,031 - 9,889 9,889 - 10,142 10,142 - 1,970 46 43 32 100 26 219 43 82 154 275 26 348 167 76 273 134 79 301 61 381 109 33 77 976 18 21 16 52 8 116 20 45 73 137 14 185 84 32 137 65 33 157 32 185 51 18 36 994 28 22 16 48 18 103 23 37 81 138 12 163 83 44 136 69 46 144 29 196 58 15 41 559 49 12 198 123 237 114 490 251 62 525 16 245 123 496 144 192 235 6 545 45 11 22 940 225 32 362 265 31 6 104 60 113 54 218 124 32 268 11 112 60 243 63 93 118 2 261 22 6 14 463 112 18 180 294 18 6 94 63 124 60 272 127 30 257 5 133 63 253 81 99 117 4 284 23 5 8 477 113 14 182 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 8,944 8,944 - 4,399 4,399 - Persons 17 Literates Males 18 4,545 4,545 - 56,519 56,519 - 35,245 35,245 - 44 27 17 299 142 157 53 22 31 55 29 26 10 5 5 135 68 67 20 10 10 62 34 28 321 155 166 104 53 51 195 98 97 159 72 87 75 30 45 43 21 22 139 66 73 274 129 145 35 16 19 1 1 57 24 33 161 87 74 32 15 17 -------------Un-inhabited-------------724 366 358 16 9 7 62 31 31 116 54 62 221 110 111 46 25 21 331 161 170 186 100 86 14 9 5 40 16 24 50 27 23 189 81 108 11 4 7 404 189 215 1 1 31 16 15 65 29 36 8 4 4 154 75 79 113 58 55 115 57 58 14 6 8 105 3,672 202 420 173 210 257 203 226 360 251 589 1,072 153 5 828 183 193 653 433 127 932 266 613 306 246 247 78 2,217 119 274 103 114 186 134 160 205 158 407 649 98 4 531 119 120 382 275 81 585 177 379 172 164 185 1,851 113 89 207 322 297 615 315 3,215 207 81 834 107 1,187 358 1,335 357 800 770 110 1,281 163 258 191 2,167 828 787 1,003 1,187 77 62 131 216 215 373 196 1,898 141 57 524 61 767 238 855 214 583 476 76 724 114 169 113 1,317 494 445 624 175 Females 19 Name of Village 2 21,274 Sahara (Total) 21,274 Sahara (Rural) Sahara (Urban) RURAL 27 Arnota 1,455 Koshithal 83 Atawara 146 Ummedpura 70 Neemkhera 96 Arniya (Jageer) 71 Palran 69 Surat Singh Ka Khera 66 Thekla 155 Chawandiya 93 Bhootela 182 Matuniya 423 Ullai 55 Rooparel 1 Hadiya Kheri 297 Salera 64 Jaisinghpura 73 Bijepur 271 Geerriya 158 Phoonkiya 46 Arjunpura 347 Negarion Ka Khera 89 Rooppura 234 Gowliya 134 Chhapri 82 Khajooriya 62 Kala Ka Khera Gujariya Khera 664 Khankhla 36 Gumanpura 27 Sirohi Khera 76 Gadri Khera 106 Diyas 82 Udliyas 242 Satliyas 119 Karnji Ki Kheri 1,317 Sahara (Rural) 66 Khati Khera 24 Ruganathpura 310 Kangani 46 Haripura 420 Delana (Rural) 120 Kali Magari Ka Khera 480 Nandsa (Khalsa) 143 Jhoompura 217 Cheer Khera 294 Arsipura 34 Santosh Nagar 557 Amli 49 Ramratannagar 89 Balajinagar 78 Paboonagar 850 Mahendragarh 334 Makriya 342 Mangras 379 Bhoonas DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0179 0179 0179 095414 095415 095416 095417 095418 095419 095420 095421 095422 095423 095424 095425 095426 095427 095428 095429 095430 095431 095432 095433 095434 095435 095436 095437 095438 095439 095440 095441 095442 095443 095444 095445 095446 095447 095448 095449 095450 095451 095452 095453 095454 095455 095456 095457 095458 095459 095460 095461 095462 095463 095464 095465 095466 095467 095468 095469 Name of Village 2 Sahara (Total) Sahara (Rural) Sahara (Urban) RURAL Arnota Koshithal Atawara Ummedpura Neemkhera Arniya (Jageer) Palran Surat Singh Ka Khera Thekla Chawandiya Bhootela Matuniya Ullai Rooparel Hadiya Kheri Salera Jaisinghpura Bijepur Geerriya Phoonkiya Arjunpura Negarion Ka Khera Rooppura Gowliya Chhapri Khajooriya Kala Ka Khera Gujariya Khera Khankhla Gumanpura Sirohi Khera Gadri Khera Diyas Udliyas Satliyas Karnji Ki Kheri Sahara (Rural) Khati Khera Ruganathpura Kangani Haripura Delana (Rural) Kali Magari Ka Khera Nandsa (Khalsa) Jhoompura Cheer Khera Arsipura Santosh Nagar Amli Ramratannagar Balajinagar Paboonagar Mahendragarh Makriya Mangras Bhoonas Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 Persons 23 59,790 59,790 - 22,022 22,022 - 37,768 37,768 - 62,387 62,387 - 215 3,481 288 606 276 220 529 381 681 439 482 871 1,424 148 10 1,110 356 278 442 407 239 868 296 779 280 297 434 80 1,272 105 221 111 73 193 136 280 169 202 290 510 54 6 432 141 98 165 144 84 290 108 283 105 104 164 135 2,209 183 385 165 147 336 245 401 270 280 581 914 94 4 678 215 180 277 263 155 578 188 496 175 193 270 2,004 93 175 280 486 333 606 290 2,317 560 154 918 178 1,565 411 1,559 425 1,161 995 153 603 235 337 168 1,306 529 441 728 770 36 76 106 184 103 222 109 838 253 60 342 80 567 150 579 154 408 334 53 203 87 115 69 423 209 173 257 1,234 57 99 174 302 230 384 181 1,479 307 94 576 98 998 261 980 271 753 661 100 400 148 222 99 883 320 268 471 Persons 20 Total workers Males Females 24 25 29,424 29,424 - 41,454 41,454 - 25,043 25,043 - 16,411 16,411 - 200 92 108 3,339 1,902 1,437 251 130 121 596 270 326 259 115 144 232 117 115 503 242 261 220 140 80 592 276 316 436 226 210 409 203 206 1,017 492 525 1,406 642 764 143 80 63 12 8 4 1,123 546 577 327 157 170 250 125 125 745 351 394 474 235 239 230 100 130 1,047 525 522 381 179 202 742 370 372 256 150 106 354 165 189 447 232 215 -------------Un-inhabited-------------1,881 1,051 830 138 74 64 172 86 86 327 164 163 540 245 295 353 185 168 684 354 330 230 179 51 2,433 1,509 924 553 285 268 146 78 68 926 494 432 148 79 69 1,808 895 913 475 260 215 1,680 865 815 455 203 252 1,171 603 568 909 446 463 155 73 82 968 519 449 217 103 114 363 169 194 172 111 61 1,979 1,059 920 731 378 353 583 336 247 868 517 351 200 2,184 144 345 226 66 491 218 484 411 187 485 719 120 12 1,097 317 43 540 196 72 826 355 669 161 132 311 92 1,478 112 256 111 51 237 138 222 207 139 249 478 68 8 532 150 34 273 186 67 507 170 359 130 68 176 108 706 32 89 115 15 254 80 262 204 48 236 241 52 4 565 167 9 267 10 5 319 185 310 31 64 135 1,666 47 64 5 24 131 627 194 1,570 273 117 291 86 1,228 299 979 431 703 705 7 616 9 13 159 1,186 680 303 657 947 43 59 4 15 73 326 147 1,136 240 64 197 59 711 203 575 193 376 373 5 362 8 12 107 795 351 178 448 719 4 5 1 9 58 301 47 434 33 53 94 27 517 96 404 238 327 332 2 254 1 1 52 391 329 125 209 176 32,963 32,963 - Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Sahara Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 24,924 24,924 - 14,342 14,342 - 10,582 10,582 - 5,951 5,951 - 176 1,021 96 142 176 35 334 128 223 280 97 370 510 44 12 962 155 20 426 155 45 300 341 407 42 110 297 78 545 74 99 78 30 153 81 100 142 72 150 337 41 8 454 127 14 193 147 43 226 161 185 37 56 169 98 476 22 43 98 5 181 47 123 138 25 220 173 3 4 508 28 6 233 8 2 74 180 222 5 54 128 23 154 2 16 5 7 4 58 246 29 14 17 63 24 44 158 1 4 1 14 364 6 148 47 3 10 974 39 60 10 120 325 161 735 101 111 183 41 439 202 557 126 557 430 4 356 1 75 573 508 178 251 509 37 56 8 68 158 120 408 99 61 117 40 251 144 322 118 285 246 2 192 1 34 421 229 99 115 465 2 4 2 52 167 41 327 2 50 66 1 188 58 235 8 272 184 2 164 41 152 279 79 136 377 6 4 3 10 5 199 4 117 28 4 15 3 43 20 140 255 19 117 49 4 326 44 15 25 2,747 2,747 - 3,204 3,204 - 1,186 1,186 - 795 795 - 13 10 85 69 74 65 2 11 7 15 1 1 1 1 4 5 1 4 3 2 2 1 1 32 26 5 5 112 134 10 6 12 17 19 8 11 3 10 7 12 12 23 40 10 8 7 17 2 20 24 16 9 19 139 1 1 1 3 3 1 3 5 5 1 7 7 13 1 5 4 135 229 3 2 3 3 70 78 22 25 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 6 -------------Un-inhabited-------------207 170 79 47 4 2 3 1 3 5 5 2 3 82 117 6 6 4 1 1 75 42 39 36 27 1 15 9 2 2 5 10 17 16 3 3 2 26 17 46 27 10 10 4 2 66 74 31 14 28 227 44 43 11 8 2 2 17 100 5 5 19 30 9 7 3 3 2 2 7 5 135 191 4 2 21 23 6 1 7 8 22 9 11 14 36 18 177 391 391 - 9,393 9,393 - 7,159 7,159 - 4 11 2 2 7 1 1 - 1 935 35 186 40 24 152 27 5 83 76 86 136 50 75 3 19 105 33 8 159 8 114 71 18 4 1 783 29 141 31 17 81 20 4 45 56 77 110 20 49 3 16 74 32 7 144 6 104 70 9 3 32 3 6 1 1 19 2 17 1 2 2 2 5 13 18 236 2 2 4 6 97 28 679 129 2 76 39 700 73 251 6 125 153 3 202 9 9 73 283 122 88 345 184 2 1 2 3 80 26 617 105 1 59 14 407 47 173 4 78 105 3 144 8 8 66 237 100 63 304 9 4 4 - Name of Village 2 2,234 Sahara (Total) 2,234 Sahara (Rural) Sahara (Urban) RURAL Arnota 152 Koshithal 6 Atawara 45 Ummedpura 9 Neemkhera 7 Arniya (Jageer) 71 Palran 7 Surat Singh Ka Khera 1 Thekla 38 Chawandiya 20 Bhootela 9 Matuniya 26 Ullai 30 Rooparel Hadiya Kheri 26 Salera Jaisinghpura 3 Bijepur 31 Geerriya 1 Phoonkiya 1 Arjunpura 15 Negarion Ka Khera 2 Rooppura 10 Gowliya 1 Chhapri 9 Khajooriya 1 Kala Ka Khera Gujariya Khera 52 Khankhla Gumanpura Sirohi Khera 1 Gadri Khera 2 Diyas 3 Udliyas 17 Satliyas 2 Karnji Ki Kheri 62 Sahara (Rural) 24 Khati Khera 1 Ruganathpura 17 Kangani 25 Haripura 293 Delana (Rural) 26 Kali Magari Ka Khera 78 Nandsa (Khalsa) 2 Jhoompura 47 Cheer Khera 48 Arsipura Santosh Nagar 58 Amli 1 Ramratannagar 1 Balajinagar 7 Paboonagar 46 Mahendragarh 22 Makriya 25 Mangras 41 Bhoonas DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 0179 0179 0179 095414 095415 095416 095417 095418 095419 095420 095421 095422 095423 095424 095425 095426 095427 095428 095429 095430 095431 095432 095433 095434 095435 095436 095437 095438 095439 095440 095441 095442 095443 095444 095445 095446 095447 095448 095449 095450 095451 095452 095453 095454 095455 095456 095457 095458 095459 095460 095461 095462 095463 095464 095465 095466 095467 095468 095469 Name of Village 2 Sahara (Total) Sahara (Rural) Sahara (Urban) RURAL Arnota Koshithal Atawara Ummedpura Neemkhera Arniya (Jageer) Palran Surat Singh Ka Khera Thekla Chawandiya Bhootela Matuniya Ullai Rooparel Hadiya Kheri Salera Jaisinghpura Bijepur Geerriya Phoonkiya Arjunpura Negarion Ka Khera Rooppura Gowliya Chhapri Khajooriya Kala Ka Khera Gujariya Khera Khankhla Gumanpura Sirohi Khera Gadri Khera Diyas Udliyas Satliyas Karnji Ki Kheri Sahara (Rural) Khati Khera Ruganathpura Kangani Haripura Delana (Rural) Kali Magari Ka Khera Nandsa (Khalsa) Jhoompura Cheer Khera Arsipura Santosh Nagar Amli Ramratannagar Balajinagar Paboonagar Mahendragarh Makriya Mangras Bhoonas Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 20,933 20,933 - 7,920 7,920 - 13,013 13,013 - 1,155 107 251 33 166 12 2 108 25 222 532 687 23 26 10 207 205 278 158 221 26 73 95 222 136 424 18 14 4 66 5 2 54 19 64 243 164 12 14 7 91 78 49 33 18 9 11 20 97 56 731 89 237 29 100 7 54 6 158 289 523 11 12 3 116 127 229 125 203 17 62 75 125 80 215 91 108 322 516 222 57 36 863 280 29 635 62 580 176 701 24 468 204 148 352 208 350 13 793 51 280 211 104 31 27 160 230 112 28 32 373 45 14 297 20 184 57 290 10 227 73 68 157 95 157 4 264 27 158 69 111 60 81 162 286 110 29 4 490 235 15 338 42 396 119 411 14 241 131 80 195 113 193 9 529 24 122 142 Persons 44 9,681 9,681 - Cultivators Males Females 45 46 3,362 3,362 - 6,319 6,319 - 356 103 253 4 3 1 84 7 77 14 1 13 12 7 5 1 1 34 18 16 2 2 167 46 121 465 208 257 488 93 395 16 11 5 11 5 6 2 2 144 64 80 103 46 57 273 47 226 7 4 3 12 5 7 8 3 5 8 3 5 13 7 6 28 8 20 11 5 6 -------------Un-inhabited-------------71 33 38 5 1 4 3 1 2 6 6 124 105 19 3 3 12 5 7 2 2 343 158 185 3 1 2 19 10 9 556 253 303 61 20 41 260 41 219 81 19 62 227 36 191 2 2 402 183 219 125 49 76 130 54 76 193 48 145 178 73 105 319 132 187 2 1 1 614 184 430 10 3 7 124 58 66 24 10 14 178 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 5,704 5,704 - 1,714 1,714 - 3,990 3,990 - 278 1 124 1 108 60 7 16 16 90 7 2 40 9 1 136 199 15 62 68 3 119 57 1 26 27 5 4 6 27 5 10 3 23 7 5 7 6 49 221 124 1 82 33 2 12 10 63 2 2 30 6 1 113 192 10 55 62 3 70 69 84 103 316 390 215 21 3 299 161 9 35 24 10 73 16 5 66 3 31 5 9 102 6 13 104 32 28 25 154 124 109 9 2 51 6 3 14 3 1 22 3 1 21 22 5 29 3 1 10 37 56 78 162 266 106 12 1 248 155 6 21 21 9 51 13 4 45 3 9 5 4 73 3 12 94 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Sahara of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 816 816 - 392 392 - 424 424 - 29 6 8 7 1 13 43 14 1 2 1 5 - 13 4 1 1 1 9 21 2 1 1 4 - 16 2 7 6 4 22 12 1 1 1 - 9 2 6 2 2 1 1 3 64 26 6 15 9 35 3 1 37 2 7 1 2 7 9 1 1 2 42 10 3 7 3 17 3 1 20 2 2 2 5 2 3 1 1 1 22 16 3 8 6 18 17 5 1 2 7 Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 4,732 4,732 - 2,452 2,452 - 2,280 2,280 - 492 251 241 96 10 86 35 6 29 11 2 9 46 33 13 11 4 7 1 1 1 1 16 12 4 39 14 25 8 8 95 42 53 6 1 5 6 3 3 6 5 1 23 17 6 92 28 64 4 2 2 15 6 9 10 6 4 3 1 2 3 1 2 14 7 7 186 85 101 6 2 4 -------------Un-inhabited-------------66 33 33 2 1 1 3 2 1 23 14 9 28 26 2 157 122 35 90 28 62 1 1 38 27 11 1 1 281 133 148 76 34 42 366 215 151 3 2 1 61 43 18 13 3 10 14 13 1 91 67 24 25 22 3 20 18 2 4 1 3 76 51 25 33 19 14 136 94 42 74 47 27 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 53,922 53,922 - 24,304 24,304 - 120 3,814 239 430 190 198 283 364 315 363 324 443 1,090 158 3 815 212 221 350 366 136 753 181 650 330 189 234 66 1,587 94 225 99 70 137 130 164 148 157 205 517 72 2 417 103 93 196 184 65 350 106 292 127 103 117 1,974 68 92 160 268 277 537 375 3,099 214 89 826 137 944 294 1,214 327 790 856 108 916 181 232 187 1,494 626 645 863 906 39 52 73 155 133 241 126 1,227 109 39 372 62 439 128 569 165 388 364 56 408 98 115 71 681 325 282 364 179 Name of Village 2 29,618 Sahara (Total) 29,618 Sahara (Rural) Sahara (Urban) RURAL 54 Arnota 2,227 Koshithal 145 Atawara 205 Ummedpura 91 Neemkhera 128 Arniya (Jageer) 146 Palran 234 Surat Singh Ka Khera 151 Thekla 215 Chawandiya 167 Bhootela 238 Matuniya 573 Ullai 86 Rooparel 1 Hadiya Kheri 398 Salera 109 Jaisinghpura 128 Bijepur 154 Geerriya 182 Phoonkiya 71 Arjunpura 403 Negarion Ka Khera 75 Rooppura 358 Gowliya 203 Chhapri 86 Khajooriya 117 Kala Ka Khera Gujariya Khera 1,068 Khankhla 29 Gumanpura 40 Sirohi Khera 87 Gadri Khera 113 Diyas 144 Udliyas 296 Satliyas 249 Karnji Ki Kheri 1,872 Sahara (Rural) 105 Khati Khera 50 Ruganathpura 454 Kangani 75 Haripura 505 Delana (Rural) 166 Kali Magari Ka Khera 645 Nandsa (Khalsa) 162 Jhoompura 402 Cheer Khera 492 Arsipura 52 Santosh Nagar 508 Amli 83 Ramratannagar 117 Balajinagar 116 Paboonagar 813 Mahendragarh 301 Makriya 363 Mangras 499 Bhoonas Location code number 1 0179 0179 0179 095414 095415 095416 095417 095418 095419 095420 095421 095422 095423 095424 095425 095426 095427 095428 095429 095430 095431 095432 095433 095434 095435 095436 095437 095438 095439 095440 095441 095442 095443 095444 095445 095446 095447 095448 095449 095450 095451 095452 095453 095454 095455 095456 095457 095458 095459 095460 095461 095462 095463 095464 095465 095466 095467 095468 095469 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 095470 095471 095472 095473 095474 095475 095476 095477 095478 095479 095480 095481 095482 095483 095484 095485 095486 095487 095488 095489 095490 095491 095492 095493 095494 095495 095496 095497 095498 095499 095500 095501 095502 095503 095504 095505 095506 095507 095508 095509 095510 095511 095512 095513 095514 095515 095516 095517 095518 095519 095520 Name of Village 2 Ramdeonagar Dhosar Kala Dhoondha Dareeba Satdhoodiya Shivrati (Rural) Salyawari Surajpura Ganeshpura (Jageer)(Rural) Galodiya Nathji Ka Khera Gayatri Nagar Baghera Gurha Gurha Khera Potlan Sangas Ganeshpur (Khalsa) Tapariya Kheri Rathaliya Mehandi Sultanpura Majhawas Rangeeli Dhangras Surawas Lachhmipura Sargaon Ummedpura (Khalsa) Mandpiya Todi Bharak Tiroli Aloli Beekrai Pichoriya Khera Naya Khera Lakhola Rampuriya Shriramnagar Lakhmaniyas Gatheela Ka Khera Gatheela Baghpura Sakriya Unchkiya Jabarkiya Rama Ka Khera Soniyana Arniya (Khalsa) Chhatarsinghji Ka Khera Area of Village in Number of hectares households 3 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 309.16 732.20 579.00 70.00 297.82 1,185.00 761.00 338.71 176 313 141 1,026 1,564 610 82 411 157 114 348 1,821 654 520 209.51 791.05 340.36 311.61 577.38 435.98 320.32 2,635.00 419.00 118.00 236.00 413.00 272.00 70.00 872.00 154.00 354.00 1,011.00 288.90 1,297.95 242.00 322.00 139.45 1,199.38 437.12 644.00 578.00 285.09 235.60 1,249.73 257.00 274.00 859.90 103.80 328.95 147.05 308.56 101.11 549.72 480.97 1,165.42 613.00 140.00 75 276 74 83 283 258 42 1,447 92 7 115 273 93 361 1,331 385 432 1,278 1,268 182 7,204 475 41 512 1,438 500 450 8 102 330 156 433 94 117 2,239 33 482 1,502 785 2,118 459 573 350 187 265 178 84 118 610 122 134 167 29 117 63 109 71 217 155 481 481 37 1,597 748 1,099 730 407 691 2,899 572 659 807 145 508 330 566 396 1,140 717 2,387 1,993 157 180 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 509 517 154 784 780 232 285 325 97 -------------Un-inhabited-------------161 187 53 875 946 249 308 346 115 233 287 91 74 121 49 80 111 48 23 131 57 38 30 118 58 53 171 190 54 643 688 209 190 195 64 218 214 45 626 652 199 607 661 183 94 88 34 3,605 3,599 1,072 241 234 49 19 22 8 251 261 94 722 716 201 251 249 67 -------------Un-inhabited-------------1,129 1,110 290 21 12 9 237 245 52 751 751 193 380 405 116 1,054 1,064 287 234 225 60 297 276 54 -------------Un-inhabited-------------814 783 232 348 400 106 547 552 135 359 371 101 210 197 75 354 337 112 1,381 1,518 426 277 295 71 344 315 111 416 391 117 63 82 14 260 248 87 168 162 57 275 291 66 196 200 49 571 569 171 348 369 151 1,198 1,189 287 959 1,034 276 80 77 24 33 105 33 18 95 97 17 536 28 4 39 99 29 21 104 31 27 104 86 17 536 21 4 55 102 38 162 7 23 111 55 149 33 29 128 2 29 82 61 138 27 25 124 36 63 56 41 63 233 33 62 68 7 49 37 42 29 96 67 157 130 10 108 70 72 45 34 49 193 38 49 49 7 38 20 24 20 75 84 130 146 14 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Sahara Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 113 387 138 57 192 68 56 195 70 10 272 103 63 4 131 43 30 6 141 60 33 14 275 119 143 262 2,103 40 43 7 5 134 56 64 127 1,079 20 25 4 9 141 63 79 135 1,024 20 18 3 313 106 225 105 476 1 69 158 58 114 51 221 1 36 155 48 111 54 255 33 200 108 148 44 11 509 60 266 183 19 78 5 16 7 343 32 619 572 110 104 50 76 21 6 241 30 141 91 8 40 3 6 4 176 15 308 267 60 96 58 72 23 5 268 30 125 92 11 38 2 10 3 167 17 311 305 50 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 3 2 1 62 34 28 39 21 18 -------------Un-inhabited-------------19 10 9 299 146 153 127 64 63 165 69 96 399 757 252 265 480 168 154 791 256 187 98 505 144 139 89 44 45 39 21 18 197 99 98 128 61 67 153 76 77 121 61 60 35 17 18 50 27 23 33 15 18 140 69 71 33 14 19 -------------Un-inhabited-------------184 88 96 20 13 7 28 14 14 70 39 31 22 13 9 210 118 92 74 36 38 -------------Un-inhabited-------------291 151 140 43 18 25 48 21 27 55 30 25 44 21 23 251 121 130 14 6 8 58 34 24 39 18 21 28 15 13 17 9 8 158 74 84 9 4 5 28 15 13 257 121 136 1 1 78 39 39 - 188 733 195 151 542 519 68 3,838 238 19 282 719 292 114 436 124 110 336 337 47 2,354 168 8 165 467 182 1,086 8 276 716 385 1,072 195 419 711 7 163 476 249 662 130 238 752 334 544 387 161 307 1,569 330 150 444 73 240 143 256 227 455 362 1,235 984 56 483 208 335 212 113 215 899 180 109 268 38 152 83 154 136 309 224 780 600 41 181 Females 19 Name of Village 2 134 Ramdeonagar 277 Dhosar 84 Kala Dhoondha Dareeba 56 Satdhoodiya 286 Shivrati (Rural) 112 Salyawari 48 Surajpura Ganeshpura 74 (Jageer)(Rural) 297 Galodiya 71 Nathji Ka Khera 41 Gayatri Nagar 206 Baghera 182 Gurha 21 Gurha Khera 1,484 Potlan 70 Sangas 11 Ganeshpur (Khalsa) 117 Tapariya Kheri 252 Rathaliya 110 Mehandi Sultanpura 375 Majhawas 1 Rangeeli 113 Dhangras 240 Surawas 136 Lachhmipura 410 Sargaon 65 Ummedpura (Khalsa) 181 Mandpiya Todi 269 Bharak 126 Tiroli 209 Aloli 175 Beekrai 48 Pichoriya Khera 92 Naya Khera 670 Lakhola 150 Rampuriya 41 Shriramnagar 176 Lakhmaniyas 35 Gatheela Ka Khera 88 Gatheela 60 Baghpura 102 Sakriya 91 Unchkiya 146 Jabarkiya 138 Rama Ka Khera 455 Soniyana 384 Arniya (Khalsa) 15 Chhatarsinghji Ka Khera DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 095470 095471 095472 095473 095474 095475 095476 095477 095478 095479 095480 095481 095482 095483 095484 095485 095486 095487 095488 095489 095490 095491 095492 095493 095494 095495 095496 095497 095498 095499 095500 095501 095502 095503 095504 095505 095506 095507 095508 095509 095510 095511 095512 095513 095514 095515 095516 095517 095518 095519 095520 Name of Village 2 Ramdeonagar Dhosar Kala Dhoondha Dareeba Satdhoodiya Shivrati (Rural) Salyawari Surajpura Ganeshpura (Jageer)(Rural) Galodiya Nathji Ka Khera Gayatri Nagar Baghera Gurha Gurha Khera Potlan Sangas Ganeshpur (Khalsa) Tapariya Kheri Rathaliya Mehandi Sultanpura Majhawas Rangeeli Dhangras Surawas Lachhmipura Sargaon Ummedpura (Khalsa) Mandpiya Todi Bharak Tiroli Aloli Beekrai Pichoriya Khera Naya Khera Lakhola Rampuriya Shriramnagar Lakhmaniyas Gatheela Ka Khera Gatheela Baghpura Sakriya Unchkiya Jabarkiya Rama Ka Khera Soniyana Arniya (Khalsa) Chhatarsinghji Ka Khera Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 627 807 358 244 304 117 383 503 241 194 1,030 398 333 63 370 164 94 131 660 234 239 173 598 190 281 736 749 114 3,366 237 22 230 719 208 57 207 66 108 290 270 47 1,251 73 11 86 255 69 116 391 124 173 446 479 67 2,115 164 11 144 464 139 1,153 25 206 786 400 1,046 264 154 418 14 74 275 131 392 104 59 735 11 132 511 269 654 160 95 845 414 555 343 246 384 1,330 242 509 363 72 268 187 310 169 685 355 1,152 1,009 101 331 140 212 147 97 139 482 97 235 148 25 108 85 121 60 262 124 418 359 39 514 274 343 196 149 245 848 145 274 215 47 160 102 189 109 423 231 734 650 62 Persons 20 Persons 23 Total workers Males Females 24 25 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 624 312 312 574 416 158 433 197 236 -------------Un-inhabited-------------264 121 143 1,174 558 616 359 181 178 222 126 96 472 526 323 259 402 150 213 124 173 142 837 157 85 79 488 148 63 63 349 9 22 203 97 106 636 330 306 145 101 44 170 121 49 815 391 424 772 375 397 110 54 56 3,625 1,979 1,646 279 135 144 27 11 16 295 154 141 719 384 335 275 145 130 -------------Un-inhabited-------------1,229 677 552 15 8 7 227 132 95 853 433 420 407 211 196 947 563 384 302 154 148 357 176 181 -------------Un-inhabited-------------711 466 245 380 214 166 463 320 143 433 219 214 154 107 47 336 168 168 1,345 742 603 194 121 73 358 179 179 403 235 168 98 41 57 251 130 121 201 94 107 343 162 181 197 111 86 637 309 328 435 213 222 1,099 594 505 1,149 562 587 86 44 42 60 414 105 98 348 521 110 1,864 275 24 255 374 155 44 225 75 94 262 369 54 1,119 133 8 128 254 105 16 189 30 4 86 152 56 745 142 16 127 120 50 1,032 15 217 825 195 548 294 346 563 8 128 418 183 357 151 169 469 7 89 407 12 191 143 177 420 337 354 423 90 159 599 163 280 402 94 223 196 254 6 563 194 904 1,013 82 366 202 301 215 73 134 484 105 147 234 39 121 92 126 3 294 122 493 509 42 54 135 53 208 17 25 115 58 133 168 55 102 104 128 3 269 72 411 504 40 182 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Sahara Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 137 287 117 83 218 70 54 69 47 301 157 54 61 657 83 64 40 392 80 48 21 265 3 16 24 58 44 7 44 287 34 45 256 162 693 256 7 69 276 101 32 132 21 44 207 158 343 124 6 40 176 57 12 155 13 1 49 4 350 132 1 29 100 44 55 61 40 25 245 59 336 4 12 100 60 3 839 13 175 712 110 300 286 335 432 7 101 342 108 193 149 164 407 6 74 370 2 107 137 171 119 2 8 48 25 125 2 4 213 192 188 384 58 79 298 83 208 297 87 149 174 127 518 63 654 650 75 209 100 152 192 45 68 252 70 105 172 38 81 79 38 280 32 363 322 37 4 92 36 192 13 11 46 13 103 125 49 68 95 89 238 31 291 328 38 37 32 10 13 4 9 56 1 31 56 7 45 9 11 17 30 16 292 3 150 151 16 11 118 39 12 11 16 38 47 8 -------------Un-inhabited-------------1 23 14 2 21 37 43 21 40 4 4 3 34 21 8 7 46 15 7 6 37 3 4 4 15 10 1 1 113 132 53 50 25 34 4 3 153 183 187 103 2 2 12 21 79 1 46 14 4 4 2 1 6 6 -------------Un-inhabited-------------75 44 19 12 1 1 7 1 18 9 22 26 23 2 1 1 61 64 8 7 1 1 2 2 -------------Un-inhabited-------------25 12 61 46 13 19 3 7 1 7 6 3 3 3 1 19 19 5 4 10 9 28 28 22 17 1 4 2 18 13 2 2 24 32 4 4 1 6 20 25 9 3 5 4 2 9 2 15 1 1 10 20 7 9 12 12 145 147 14 9 2 1 - 183 5 1 39 18 70 105 15 55 56 12 22 - 43 79 30 14 36 54 28 11 16 64 3 9 66 61 47 648 15 5 85 34 45 12 52 2 9 39 48 26 520 7 2 67 28 40 - 55 16 65 59 115 6 7 44 11 54 51 96 1 3 15 1 1 5 2 6 5 - 109 113 155 23 9 61 223 75 39 45 20 13 116 6 27 101 222 57 4 86 89 146 13 6 52 187 32 22 34 17 8 86 3 11 80 111 33 3 1 1 3 1 84 1 7 9 1 Name of Village 2 3 Ramdeonagar 15 Dhosar 49 Kala Dhoondha Dareeba 7 Satdhoodiya 25 Shivrati (Rural) 2 Salyawari 3 Surajpura Ganeshpura 4 (Jageer)(Rural) 12 Galodiya 1 Nathji Ka Khera Gayatri Nagar 27 Baghera 13 Gurha 21 Gurha Khera 128 Potlan 8 Sangas 3 Ganeshpur (Khalsa) 18 Tapariya Kheri 6 Rathaliya 5 Mehandi Sultanpura 11 Majhawas Rangeeli 5 Dhangras 11 Surawas 8 Lachhmipura 19 Sargaon 5 Ummedpura (Khalsa) 4 Mandpiya Todi 23 Bharak 24 Tiroli 9 Aloli 10 Beekrai 3 Pichoriya Khera 9 Naya Khera 36 Lakhola 43 Rampuriya 17 Shriramnagar 11 Lakhmaniyas Gatheela Ka Khera 3 Gatheela 5 Baghpura 30 Sakriya 3 Unchkiya 16 Jabarkiya 21 Rama Ka Khera 111 Soniyana 24 Arniya (Khalsa) 1 Chhatarsinghji Ka Khera DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 095470 095471 095472 095473 095474 095475 095476 095477 095478 095479 095480 095481 095482 095483 095484 095485 095486 095487 095488 095489 095490 095491 095492 095493 095494 095495 095496 095497 095498 095499 095500 095501 095502 095503 095504 095505 095506 095507 095508 095509 095510 095511 095512 095513 095514 095515 095516 095517 095518 095519 095520 Name of Village 2 Ramdeonagar Dhosar Kala Dhoondha Dareeba Satdhoodiya Shivrati (Rural) Salyawari Surajpura Ganeshpura (Jageer)(Rural) Galodiya Nathji Ka Khera Gayatri Nagar Baghera Gurha Gurha Khera Potlan Sangas Ganeshpur (Khalsa) Tapariya Kheri Rathaliya Mehandi Sultanpura Majhawas Rangeeli Dhangras Surawas Lachhmipura Sargaon Ummedpura (Khalsa) Mandpiya Todi Bharak Tiroli Aloli Beekrai Pichoriya Khera Naya Khera Lakhola Rampuriya Shriramnagar Lakhmaniyas Gatheela Ka Khera Gatheela Baghpura Sakriya Unchkiya Jabarkiya Rama Ka Khera Soniyana Arniya (Khalsa) Chhatarsinghji Ka Khera Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 152 48 110 53 14 47 99 34 63 122 337 202 137 42 70 33 63 80 267 169 74 143 222 40 72 467 251 1,761 4 3 40 345 120 53 105 26 27 129 6 860 2 3 26 130 40 90 117 14 45 338 245 901 2 14 215 80 197 10 28 212 399 8 11 114 4 15 28 206 3 7 83 6 13 184 193 5 4 291 43 109 10 64 177 746 31 78 1 4 28 5 89 191 74 241 195 136 4 100 12 19 4 34 34 258 16 32 1 2 9 2 36 108 15 91 101 53 2 191 31 90 6 30 143 488 15 46 2 19 3 53 83 59 150 94 83 2 Persons 44 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 64 20 44 15 3 12 16 4 12 -------------Un-inhabited-------------15 6 9 239 22 217 17 4 13 38 11 27 119 40 79 81 39 42 9 5 4 3 2 1 269 42 227 198 2 196 1,005 501 504 1 1 3 2 1 150 27 123 88 21 67 -------------Un-inhabited-------------95 45 50 2 2 17 9 8 8 2 6 65 29 36 5 1 4 9 5 4 -------------Un-inhabited-------------17 11 6 15 4 11 29 5 24 3 3 1 1 90 8 82 489 132 357 4 3 1 21 9 12 4 2 2 5 2 3 2 2 26 15 11 79 73 6 59 6 53 21 9 12 60 30 30 61 21 40 2 1 1 184 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 61 28 19 23 8 9 38 20 10 42 18 111 22 8 5 9 8 34 13 102 14 25 28 28 151 5 463 1 10 175 8 11 19 8 72 188 2 89 1 14 9 20 79 5 275 1 8 86 7 83 2 132 192 1 1 54 2 4 74 1 29 128 118 1 - 149 6 13 2 19 50 69 7 10 17 4 3 4 88 77 46 - 48 1 1 1 10 8 30 4 4 2 1 1 10 33 19 - 101 5 12 1 9 42 39 3 6 15 4 2 3 78 44 27 - PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Sahara of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 13 4 14 3 3 2 10 1 12 25 48 38 - 5 27 13 - 20 21 25 - 4 4 3 3 1 1 58 1 1 - 1 1 37 122 1 1 1 - 1 36 2 - 4 33 2 - 32 15 1 29 1 2 1 3 3 - 15 14 11 2 1 2 - 17 1 1 18 1 1 3 - - 4 - 1 1 37 64 1 - 1 3 - Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 14 7 7 1 1 61 32 29 -------------Un-inhabited-------------40 23 17 32 16 16 36 7 29 77 44 33 402 990 177 197 368 88 84 647 295 298 40 317 127 107 20 10 10 112 52 60 3 2 1 40 17 23 46 15 31 11 4 7 171 113 58 1 1 3 3 27 22 5 19 14 5 23 17 6 -------------Un-inhabited-------------15 11 4 5 2 3 11 6 5 72 22 50 106 70 36 1 1 -------------Un-inhabited-------------93 26 67 22 7 15 67 13 54 5 3 2 29 9 20 36 18 18 159 85 74 19 9 10 47 19 28 1 1 6 5 1 3 2 1 59 21 38 109 34 75 9 6 3 131 71 60 55 36 19 26 13 13 2 1 1 158 695 240 262 463 496 72 3,579 196 14 217 719 225 74 313 89 97 235 232 40 1,626 106 8 97 338 106 1,010 18 255 649 378 1,171 157 216 452 13 105 318 169 491 80 121 886 368 636 297 253 355 1,554 378 301 404 47 257 129 223 199 503 282 1,288 844 71 348 134 227 140 103 186 639 156 165 181 22 130 74 113 85 262 135 604 397 36 185 Name of Village 2 205 Ramdeonagar 622 Dhosar 89 Kala Dhoondha Dareeba 44 Satdhoodiya 330 Shivrati (Rural) 168 Salyawari 191 Surajpura Ganeshpura 84 (Jageer)(Rural) 382 Galodiya 151 Nathji Ka Khera 165 Gayatri Nagar 228 Baghera 264 Gurha 32 Gurha Khera 1,953 Potlan 90 Sangas 6 Ganeshpur (Khalsa) 120 Tapariya Kheri 381 Rathaliya 119 Mehandi Sultanpura 558 Majhawas 5 Rangeeli 150 Dhangras 331 Surawas 209 Lachhmipura 680 Sargaon 77 Ummedpura (Khalsa) 95 Mandpiya Todi 538 Bharak 234 Tiroli 409 Aloli 157 Beekrai 150 Pichoriya Khera 169 Naya Khera 915 Lakhola 222 Rampuriya 136 Shriramnagar 223 Lakhmaniyas 25 Gatheela Ka Khera 127 Gatheela 55 Baghpura 110 Sakriya 114 Unchkiya 241 Jabarkiya 147 Rama Ka Khera 684 Soniyana 447 Arniya (Khalsa) 35 Chhatarsinghji Ka Khera Location code number 1 095470 095471 095472 095473 095474 095475 095476 095477 095478 095479 095480 095481 095482 095483 095484 095485 095486 095487 095488 095489 095490 095491 095492 095493 095494 095495 095496 095497 095498 095499 095500 095501 095502 095503 095504 095505 095506 095507 095508 095509 095510 095511 095512 095513 095514 095515 095516 095517 095518 095519 095520 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0180 0180 0180 095521 095522 095523 095524 095525 095526 095527 095528 095529 095530 095531 095532 095533 095534 095535 095536 095537 095538 095539 095540 095541 095542 095543 095544 095545 095546 095547 095548 095549 095550 095551 095552 095553 095554 095555 095556 095557 095558 095559 095560 095561 095562 095563 095564 095565 095566 095567 095568 095569 095570 095571 095572 095573 095574 095575 095576 Name of Village 2 Suwana (Total) Suwana (Rural) Suwana (Urban) RURAL Kalsans Iras Keeratpura Kotri Dariba Samori Salampura Pansal Malola Dhool Khera Jeepiya Jodhras Palri Govindpura Teli Khera Bhadali Khera Arjiya Taswariya Chhapri Hooniya Khera Reechhra Gadri Khera Gordhanpura Parliya Khera Khayra Sakariya Khera Mahuwa Kalan Seedriyas Gokalpura Shri Nagar Kodu Kota Akola Eras Suwana Agarpura Dhoomras Pondras Roopaheli Danthal Haled Sabalpura Bholi Madhopur Atoon Borda Kumariya Khera Rajola Deoli Thala Ka Khera Nogawan Mujras Sundarpura Kochriya Rooppura Mandpiya Gundli Area of Village in Number of hectares households 3 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 85,504.52 83,748.52 1,756.00 40,968 38,462 2,506 1,98,278 1,86,600 11,678 1,00,251 94,360 5,891 98,027 92,240 5,787 29,070 27,440 1,630 15,092 14,266 826 13,978 13,174 804 1,257.14 242.92 320.03 592.04 1,004.16 561.02 361.17 2,191.63 899.37 262.12 278.89 306.38 688.43 275.80 260.04 477.08 1,367.90 539.29 746.94 218.53 1,391.12 265.68 223.17 514.76 681.37 710.12 1,811.23 1,216.73 148.23 117.71 1,656.02 771.00 348.20 1,983.25 632.00 502.19 476.47 1,443.43 1,383.01 1,303.36 217.34 1,106.98 329.35 1,501.00 795.43 231.15 318.66 1,034.12 155.97 576.00 368.40 484.93 974.10 97.39 361.42 889.00 389 1 61 381 505 271 171 916 409 302 111 215 366 113 149 489 704 167 304 119 465 100 73 92 190 138 450 495 121 129 698 316 457 977 308 261 169 511 594 577 105 309 126 647 340 114 153 338 40 220 101 181 329 105 86 373 1,825 2 310 1,970 2,537 1,305 740 4,441 2,054 1,523 507 1,118 1,900 608 779 2,826 3,735 843 1,515 674 2,379 475 384 410 949 676 2,287 2,347 580 631 3,350 1,668 2,183 5,158 1,503 1,227 767 2,635 3,185 2,883 587 1,538 572 3,223 2,110 585 851 1,772 172 1,248 461 848 1,476 451 410 1,810 932 1 148 970 1,274 653 384 2,238 1,017 768 257 546 960 309 401 1,433 1,883 427 740 339 1,181 236 192 213 484 324 1,155 1,213 281 322 1,697 854 1,160 2,597 783 626 391 1,318 1,647 1,446 287 737 283 1,616 812 277 417 865 87 642 244 427 717 212 193 903 893 1 162 1,000 1,263 652 356 2,203 1,037 755 250 572 940 299 378 1,393 1,852 416 775 335 1,198 239 192 197 465 352 1,132 1,134 299 309 1,653 814 1,023 2,561 720 601 376 1,317 1,538 1,437 300 801 289 1,607 1,298 308 434 907 85 606 217 421 759 239 217 907 307 37 292 367 214 112 620 274 220 89 168 307 109 139 462 603 124 214 133 375 80 63 69 134 126 331 329 95 122 459 212 310 676 226 170 131 329 439 370 67 238 85 440 184 103 124 261 21 204 73 122 201 60 61 255 156 18 150 192 107 52 326 132 118 55 79 164 59 65 239 328 69 108 69 186 42 22 34 76 57 181 177 47 60 243 112 175 371 129 82 75 158 243 198 37 107 44 219 88 43 66 116 9 120 45 60 93 28 23 137 151 19 142 175 107 60 294 142 102 34 89 143 50 74 223 275 55 106 64 189 38 41 35 58 69 150 152 48 62 216 100 135 305 97 88 56 171 196 172 30 131 41 221 96 60 58 145 12 84 28 62 108 32 38 118 186 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Suwana Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 36,680 34,101 2,579 18,205 16,876 1,329 18,475 17,225 1,250 9,273 9,205 68 4,661 4,630 31 4,612 4,575 37 1,04,025 96,217 7,808 64,519 59,997 4,522 502 17 89 170 484 45 972 181 199 47 195 347 318 225 191 802 197 309 148 338 61 70 118 57 487 384 105 63 809 235 301 1,280 250 338 153 808 424 574 188 228 67 644 605 190 85 486 12 171 132 190 105 39 135 250 8 41 82 244 20 467 90 103 25 96 177 154 119 100 392 102 152 79 167 33 33 64 32 247 185 53 34 409 120 150 671 135 177 68 397 220 279 90 104 33 315 122 90 44 250 6 77 76 96 48 16 67 252 9 48 88 240 25 505 91 96 22 99 170 164 106 91 410 95 157 69 171 28 37 54 25 240 199 52 29 400 115 151 609 115 161 85 411 204 295 98 124 34 329 483 100 41 236 6 94 56 94 57 23 68 147 8 20 9 97 291 77 94 19 27 227 147 172 8 63 60 77 76 10 132 152 20 413 107 98 102 22 72 158 6 63 15 44 203 102 84 128 15 64 12 8 248 24 6 109 75 3 10 5 48 152 31 50 11 15 118 65 97 5 33 29 39 38 6 69 80 8 209 57 54 55 8 34 81 3 37 4 23 99 53 39 22 7 34 6 3 117 12 3 55 72 5 10 4 49 139 46 44 8 12 109 82 75 3 30 31 38 38 4 63 72 12 204 50 44 47 14 38 77 3 26 11 21 104 49 45 106 8 30 6 5 131 12 3 54 662 139 1,185 1,517 625 368 2,344 1,251 894 230 593 820 237 323 1,490 1,967 512 766 237 1,216 163 140 92 414 173 1,136 1,032 236 254 1,478 770 1,406 3,228 798 541 333 1,284 2,156 1,554 324 826 255 1,720 1,278 229 427 713 95 515 286 257 670 197 228 968 474 89 707 939 389 247 1,443 723 546 134 356 556 153 232 943 1,220 301 457 163 762 114 103 57 283 137 699 675 156 165 952 498 841 1,871 505 338 206 799 1,233 960 197 471 164 1,077 510 156 270 465 60 359 159 175 418 129 138 625 187 Females 19 Name of Village 2 39,506 Suwana (Total) 36,220 Suwana (Rural) 3,286 Suwana (Urban) RURAL 188 Kalsans Iras 50 Keeratpura 478 Kotri 578 Dariba 236 Samori 121 Salampura 901 Pansal 528 Malola 348 Dhool Khera 96 Jeepiya 237 Jodhras 264 Palri 84 Govindpura 91 Teli Khera 547 Bhadali Khera 747 Arjiya 211 Taswariya 309 Chhapri 74 Hooniya Khera 454 Reechhra 49 Gadri Khera 37 Gordhanpura 35 Parliya Khera 131 Khayra 36 Sakariya Khera 437 Mahuwa Kalan 357 Seedriyas 80 Gokalpura 89 Shri Nagar 526 Kodu Kota 272 Akola 565 Eras 1,357 Suwana 293 Agarpura 203 Dhoomras 127 Pondras 485 Roopaheli 923 Danthal 594 Haled 127 Sabalpura 355 Bholi 91 Madhopur 643 Atoon 768 Borda 73 Kumariya Khera 157 Rajola 248 Deoli 35 Thala Ka Khera 156 Nogawan 127 Mujras 82 Sundarpura 252 Kochriya 68 Rooppura 90 Mandpiya 343 Gundli DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0180 0180 0180 095521 095522 095523 095524 095525 095526 095527 095528 095529 095530 095531 095532 095533 095534 095535 095536 095537 095538 095539 095540 095541 095542 095543 095544 095545 095546 095547 095548 095549 095550 095551 095552 095553 095554 095555 095556 095557 095558 095559 095560 095561 095562 095563 095564 095565 095566 095567 095568 095569 095570 095571 095572 095573 095574 095575 095576 Name of Village 2 Suwana (Total) Suwana (Rural) Suwana (Urban) RURAL Kalsans Iras Keeratpura Kotri Dariba Samori Salampura Pansal Malola Dhool Khera Jeepiya Jodhras Palri Govindpura Teli Khera Bhadali Khera Arjiya Taswariya Chhapri Hooniya Khera Reechhra Gadri Khera Gordhanpura Parliya Khera Khayra Sakariya Khera Mahuwa Kalan Seedriyas Gokalpura Shri Nagar Kodu Kota Akola Eras Suwana Agarpura Dhoomras Pondras Roopaheli Danthal Haled Sabalpura Bholi Madhopur Atoon Borda Kumariya Khera Rajola Deoli Thala Ka Khera Nogawan Mujras Sundarpura Kochriya Rooppura Mandpiya Gundli Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 94,253 90,383 3,870 35,732 34,363 1,369 58,521 56,020 2,501 1,00,391 95,667 4,724 58,651 55,352 3,299 41,740 40,315 1,425 78,729 74,700 4,029 51,898 48,871 3,027 26,831 25,829 1,002 1,163 2 171 785 1,020 680 372 2,097 803 629 277 525 1,080 371 456 1,336 1,768 331 749 437 1,163 312 244 318 535 503 1,151 1,315 344 377 1,872 898 777 1,930 705 686 434 1,351 1,029 1,329 263 712 317 1,503 832 356 424 1,059 77 733 175 591 806 254 182 842 458 1 59 263 335 264 137 795 294 222 123 190 404 156 169 490 663 126 283 176 419 122 89 156 201 187 456 538 125 157 745 356 319 726 278 288 185 519 414 486 90 266 119 539 302 121 147 400 27 283 85 252 299 83 55 278 705 1 112 522 685 416 235 1,302 509 407 154 335 676 215 287 846 1,105 205 466 261 744 190 155 162 334 316 695 777 219 220 1,127 542 458 1,204 427 398 249 832 615 843 173 446 198 964 530 235 277 659 50 450 90 339 507 171 127 564 1,094 2 185 890 1,689 708 326 2,238 1,011 644 163 433 790 335 388 1,244 1,955 396 916 356 947 278 174 230 589 425 1,103 1,456 391 349 1,734 773 898 2,563 791 624 396 1,393 1,656 1,556 278 540 367 1,597 918 317 488 927 110 805 240 407 812 279 176 1,025 561 1 85 549 867 406 203 1,237 607 429 118 296 511 177 200 796 1,073 231 451 186 666 150 122 117 300 199 670 784 185 188 946 489 619 1,514 439 386 221 742 983 886 163 437 184 908 464 165 240 505 52 386 140 230 418 138 112 499 533 1 100 341 822 302 123 1,001 404 215 45 137 279 158 188 448 882 165 465 170 281 128 52 113 289 226 433 672 206 161 788 284 279 1,049 352 238 175 651 673 670 115 103 183 689 454 152 248 422 58 419 100 177 394 141 64 526 903 1 83 827 915 678 244 1,993 925 451 156 419 598 152 207 925 1,723 289 874 345 811 215 174 227 358 256 1,055 1,340 187 164 1,437 415 852 1,913 384 601 296 1,335 1,221 742 87 458 185 1,483 462 224 341 863 52 698 210 236 806 94 136 612 497 1 70 534 629 401 193 1,181 579 332 115 291 446 145 188 722 991 211 432 184 604 108 122 116 185 150 666 732 141 155 835 302 602 1,359 329 373 178 718 877 553 83 415 151 867 382 153 226 470 40 342 117 198 418 92 94 329 406 13 293 286 277 51 812 346 119 41 128 152 7 19 203 732 78 442 161 207 107 52 111 173 106 389 608 46 9 602 113 250 554 55 228 118 617 344 189 4 43 34 616 80 71 115 393 12 356 93 38 388 2 42 283 Persons 20 188 Total workers Persons Males Females 23 24 25 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Suwana Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 38,870 38,339 531 19,876 19,641 235 18,994 18,698 296 5,518 5,448 70 549 53 459 400 318 148 1,090 370 192 63 93 137 30 52 217 891 171 641 190 442 161 109 182 267 181 670 809 79 66 895 169 177 857 174 318 157 1,128 575 430 1 269 104 733 73 91 204 367 39 515 75 109 476 13 38 361 221 45 215 163 98 104 480 198 113 42 46 67 28 44 96 296 113 231 59 272 65 65 87 122 86 338 327 52 61 430 96 87 471 145 144 73 544 278 276 1 236 77 273 63 46 103 190 27 219 33 76 185 12 25 139 328 8 244 237 220 44 610 172 79 21 47 70 2 8 121 595 58 410 131 170 96 44 95 145 95 332 482 27 5 465 73 90 386 29 174 84 584 297 154 33 27 460 10 45 101 177 12 296 42 33 291 1 13 222 11 2 23 66 9 3 98 174 49 27 69 42 9 119 4 68 27 1 14 25 9 47 4 8 53 10 13 140 16 53 93 52 26 15 11 23 34 1 6 67 6 2 14 334 2 42 34 3 180 2 52 59 2,568 2,544 24 2,950 2,904 46 1,814 1,657 157 1,289 1,187 102 5 19 2 36 21 7 1 38 2 12 6 5 1 2 58 73 12 27 2 9 9 10 35 26 80 80 9 21 4 18 46 3 5 1 3 10 8 1 13 8 3 17 4 20 10 2 32 19 6 1 22 2 10 3 5 1 2 36 46 7 25 2 6 6 5 22 17 48 65 9 18 4 13 34 2 4 1 3 6 8 1 9 5 3 12 4 12 6 - - 1 5 45 4 3 42 17 29 16 35 18 8 111 4 27 12 1 5 17 2 26 2 3 20 2 10 75 7 28 54 34 11 6 4 14 20 1 3 40 2 1 11 160 2 23 6 1 95 2 27 18 1 18 21 5 56 157 20 11 34 24 1 8 41 15 9 8 7 21 2 5 33 8 3 65 9 25 39 18 15 9 7 9 14 3 27 4 1 3 174 19 28 2 85 25 41 189 525 470 55 32,527 29,256 3,271 28,165 25,499 2,666 9 324 1 26 309 428 344 92 767 379 198 66 251 414 112 34 646 691 91 232 129 317 52 65 36 35 71 368 468 98 85 367 204 542 883 149 236 120 178 577 275 81 187 72 673 375 130 110 154 8 124 101 124 146 79 46 172 260 1 22 282 402 293 85 637 362 180 57 207 356 108 31 586 622 86 200 113 290 41 57 27 31 62 319 380 87 84 308 182 439 769 141 200 95 157 551 255 78 177 68 548 309 105 103 115 8 88 78 121 134 78 42 160 4 2 1 16 2 3 22 27 5 2 3 3 5 13 9 32 15 3 5 12 1 1 4 4 3 5 8 Name of Village 2 4,362 Suwana (Total) 3,757 Suwana (Rural) 605 Suwana (Urban) RURAL 64 Kalsans Iras 4 Keeratpura 27 Kotri 26 Dariba 51 Samori 7 Salampura 130 Pansal 17 Malola 18 Dhool Khera 9 Jeepiya 44 Jodhras 58 Palri 4 Govindpura 3 Teli Khera 60 Bhadali Khera 69 Arjiya 5 Taswariya 32 Chhapri 16 Hooniya Khera 27 Reechhra 11 Gadri Khera 8 Gordhanpura 9 Parliya Khera 4 Khayra 9 Sakariya Khera 49 Mahuwa Kalan 88 Seedriyas 11 Gokalpura 1 Shri Nagar 59 Kodu Kota 22 Akola 103 Eras 114 Suwana 8 Agarpura 36 Dhoomras 25 Pondras 21 Roopaheli 26 Danthal 20 Haled 3 Sabalpura 10 Bholi 4 Madhopur 125 Atoon 66 Borda 25 Kumariya Khera 7 Rajola 39 Deoli Thala Ka Khera 36 Nogawan 23 Mujras 3 Sundarpura 12 Kochriya 1 Rooppura 4 Mandpiya 12 Gundli DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 0180 0180 0180 095521 095522 095523 095524 095525 095526 095527 095528 095529 095530 095531 095532 095533 095534 095535 095536 095537 095538 095539 095540 095541 095542 095543 095544 095545 095546 095547 095548 095549 095550 095551 095552 095553 095554 095555 095556 095557 095558 095559 095560 095561 095562 095563 095564 095565 095566 095567 095568 095569 095570 095571 095572 095573 095574 095575 095576 Name of Village 2 Suwana (Total) Suwana (Rural) Suwana (Urban) RURAL Kalsans Iras Keeratpura Kotri Dariba Samori Salampura Pansal Malola Dhool Khera Jeepiya Jodhras Palri Govindpura Teli Khera Bhadali Khera Arjiya Taswariya Chhapri Hooniya Khera Reechhra Gadri Khera Gordhanpura Parliya Khera Khayra Sakariya Khera Mahuwa Kalan Seedriyas Gokalpura Shri Nagar Kodu Kota Akola Eras Suwana Agarpura Dhoomras Pondras Roopaheli Danthal Haled Sabalpura Bholi Madhopur Atoon Borda Kumariya Khera Rajola Deoli Thala Ka Khera Nogawan Mujras Sundarpura Kochriya Rooppura Mandpiya Gundli Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 Persons 44 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 21,662 20,967 695 6,753 6,481 272 14,909 14,486 423 10,260 10,060 200 2,470 2,405 65 7,790 7,655 135 4,573 4,451 122 191 1 102 63 774 30 82 245 86 193 7 14 192 183 181 319 232 107 42 11 136 63 3 231 169 48 116 204 185 297 358 46 650 407 23 100 58 435 814 191 82 182 114 456 93 147 64 58 107 30 171 6 185 40 413 64 15 15 238 5 10 56 28 97 3 5 65 32 12 74 82 20 19 2 62 42 1 115 49 4 52 44 33 111 187 17 155 110 13 43 24 106 333 80 22 33 41 82 12 14 35 12 44 23 32 46 18 170 127 1 87 48 536 25 72 189 58 96 4 9 127 151 169 245 150 87 23 9 74 21 2 116 120 44 64 160 152 186 171 29 495 297 10 57 34 329 481 111 60 149 73 374 81 133 29 46 63 7 139 6 139 22 243 122 85 30 552 16 53 119 4 2 2 1 14 98 24 77 98 48 11 7 24 15 1 176 132 20 34 160 137 124 190 10 264 166 3 1 37 144 570 171 62 50 249 7 8 2 35 51 6 77 3 156 6 241 32 11 7 188 2 3 12 3 1 1 4 11 9 52 2 1 1 12 3 63 26 9 33 25 43 84 6 63 44 11 27 176 74 10 21 44 4 1 1 8 3 12 31 1 115 90 74 23 364 14 50 107 1 1 1 1 10 87 24 68 46 46 10 6 12 12 1 113 106 20 25 127 112 81 106 4 201 122 3 1 26 117 394 97 52 29 205 3 7 2 34 43 3 65 3 125 5 126 25 1 5 5 171 9 19 29 9 10 5 5 68 60 154 30 83 15 2 1 20 2 1 2 15 1 26 15 41 122 15 8 259 178 13 72 7 36 51 11 84 25 40 27 112 3 5 6 27 1 10 31 136 190 911 887 24 3,662 3,564 98 7 18 1 5 4 150 6 16 27 9 9 3 4 47 52 145 30 78 13 2 1 13 2 1 12 13 13 39 82 6 5 222 139 7 43 4 26 39 9 71 19 32 27 109 3 1 4 26 1 9 17 112 1 21 3 3 2 1 2 1 21 8 9 5 2 7 2 3 1 13 2 2 40 9 3 37 39 6 29 3 10 12 2 13 6 8 3 4 2 1 1 14 24 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Suwana of marginal workers Household industry workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 50 51 52 53 54 55 851 804 47 229 208 21 4 5 2 - 1 3 1 5 72 8 7 1 2 1 1 4 29 8 29 6 1 1 154 5 6 2 2 11 11 2 5,978 5,652 326 3,143 2,981 162 2,835 2,671 164 97,887 90,933 6,954 41,600 39,008 2,592 3 40 12 28 46 3 10 88 73 180 5 109 20 3 140 43 37 28 3 90 45 1 52 22 27 56 29 7 47 124 20 98 57 7 26 13 101 188 9 82 36 33 165 59 27 60 9 40 18 67 2 19 3 34 24 4 7 25 4 39 25 95 4 39 12 3 50 22 15 17 1 42 39 1 49 20 3 30 9 6 27 86 7 41 24 7 14 9 64 142 4 22 10 13 30 8 10 34 9 25 18 19 14 3 30 16 8 21 21 3 6 49 48 85 1 70 8 90 21 22 11 2 48 6 3 2 24 26 20 1 20 38 13 57 33 12 4 37 46 5 60 26 20 135 51 17 26 15 48 2 5 4 731 125 1,080 848 597 414 2,203 1,043 879 344 685 1,110 273 391 1,582 1,780 447 599 318 1,432 197 210 180 360 251 1,184 891 189 282 1,616 895 1,285 2,595 712 603 371 1,242 1,529 1,327 309 998 205 1,626 1,192 268 363 845 62 443 221 441 664 172 234 785 371 63 421 407 247 181 1,001 410 339 139 250 449 132 201 637 810 196 289 153 515 86 70 96 184 125 485 429 96 134 751 365 541 1,083 344 240 170 576 664 560 124 300 99 708 348 112 177 360 35 256 104 197 299 74 81 404 4 - 9 - 622 596 26 1 - 1 2 - 3 - 6 1 3 1 1 15 3 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 14 3 1 5 3 1 1 2 7 1 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 4 57 5 6 1 1 3 21 7 15 3 1 149 2 5 2 1 9 4 1 191 Name of Village 2 56,287 Suwana (Total) 51,925 Suwana (Rural) 4,362 Suwana (Urban) RURAL 360 Kalsans Iras 62 Keeratpura 659 Kotri 441 Dariba 350 Samori 233 Salampura 1,202 Pansal 633 Malola 540 Dhool Khera 205 Jeepiya 435 Jodhras 661 Palri 141 Govindpura 190 Teli Khera 945 Bhadali Khera 970 Arjiya 251 Taswariya 310 Chhapri 165 Hooniya Khera 917 Reechhra 111 Gadri Khera 140 Gordhanpura 84 Parliya Khera 176 Khayra 126 Sakariya Khera 699 Mahuwa Kalan 462 Seedriyas 93 Gokalpura 148 Shri Nagar 865 Kodu Kota 530 Akola 744 Eras 1,512 Suwana 368 Agarpura 363 Dhoomras 201 Pondras 666 Roopaheli 865 Danthal 767 Haled 185 Sabalpura 698 Bholi 106 Madhopur 918 Atoon 844 Borda 156 Kumariya Khera 186 Rajola 485 Deoli 27 Thala Ka Khera 187 Nogawan 117 Mujras 244 Sundarpura 365 Kochriya 98 Rooppura 153 Mandpiya 381 Gundli Location code number 1 0180 0180 0180 095521 095522 095523 095524 095525 095526 095527 095528 095529 095530 095531 095532 095533 095534 095535 095536 095537 095538 095539 095540 095541 095542 095543 095544 095545 095546 095547 095548 095549 095550 095551 095552 095553 095554 095555 095556 095557 095558 095559 095560 095561 095562 095563 095564 095565 095566 095567 095568 095569 095570 095571 095572 095573 095574 095575 095576 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 095577 095578 095579 095580 095581 095582 095583 095584 095585 095586 095587 095588 095589 095590 095591 095592 095593 095594 095595 095596 095597 095598 095599 095600 095601 095602 095603 095604 095605 095606 095607 095608 095609 095610 095611 095612 095613 095614 095615 095616 095617 095618 095619 095620 095621 095622 095623 095624 095625 095626 095627 095628 095629 095630 095631 095632 095633 095634 095635 Name of Village 2 Bansra Dadiya Sangwa Tiloli Chhapari Ekling Pura Amba Kheri Ojhagar Rugnathpura Rampuriya Rayra Rajpura Gurla Teela Ka Khera Kalyan Pura Karoi Kalan Parwati Pura Karoi Khurd Momi Sopura Kesharpura Sethooriya Chainpura Danta Gonwaliya Tagariya Kanpura Pabunagar Jagdari Chavanderi Bhopalgarh @ Gandarmala Dholiya Khera Dudiya Shivpura Jawasiya Mohanpura Sayla Khet Hazariya Bardod Kanya Kheri Sagat Puriya Amli Purawatan Chhachheri Ojyara Takhat Pura Biharipura Amli (Garh Pachhli) Kabra Keeron Ki Jhonpariya Barathiya Darri Swaroopganj Narayanpura Biliya Kalan Khaira Bad Bhainsa Kundal Nathadiyas Kanoli Guwardi Area of Village in Number of hectares households 3 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 662.00 548.00 1,275.87 739.15 163.72 501.07 254.15 541.00 200.00 546.00 229.00 286.00 1,805.12 226.00 87.78 2,199.80 219.44 137.83 248.20 522.35 181.79 849.87 115.74 333.43 359.45 169.84 358.87 104.00 310.10 306.00 202 171 354 332 115 287 165 202 127 193 48 134 847 27 55 1,218 70 62 237 131 142 257 48 122 75 45 126 124 150 77 1,021 947 1,696 1,478 404 1,445 708 1,025 655 893 200 627 4,137 130 272 5,772 356 340 1,119 617 640 1,217 216 611 354 235 587 546 675 449 1,287.00 306.00 376.90 211.65 597.75 240.24 242.87 98.70 1,115.09 446.16 346.66 725.10 513.19 1,343.61 841.71 145.25 785.76 119.41 134.59 789.78 322.82 410.73 191.41 648.19 1,150.79 681.13 666.12 535.47 758.78 721 91 200 204 163 132 173 3,535 574 990 891 747 611 943 603 277 103 289 106 511 492 66 233 109 237 82 193 723 197 700 469 263 201 162 1,175 3,074 1,284 481 1,378 526 2,528 2,233 334 1,050 503 1,035 372 915 2,970 822 2,865 2,483 1,345 950 765 4,603 192 506 455 816 721 200 771 343 515 330 436 99 317 2,081 67 127 2,895 184 170 574 298 319 630 105 310 173 122 294 273 329 233 515 492 880 757 204 674 365 510 325 457 101 310 2,056 63 145 2,877 172 170 545 319 321 587 111 301 181 113 293 273 346 216 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 158 149 245 206 76 203 127 135 117 140 22 89 577 14 39 782 47 64 192 86 82 176 30 85 59 31 89 68 130 57 86 70 115 117 46 120 52 78 68 67 11 49 308 7 15 398 23 32 100 44 40 107 17 49 33 21 49 34 67 30 72 79 130 89 30 83 75 57 49 73 11 40 269 7 24 384 24 32 92 42 42 69 13 36 26 10 40 34 63 27 1,802 1,733 504 288 286 89 496 494 110 463 428 163 360 387 103 332 279 110 467 476 148 -------------Un-inhabited-------------1,538 1,536 450 667 617 183 238 243 78 707 671 202 250 276 108 1,275 1,253 392 1,101 1,132 327 171 163 62 514 536 143 235 268 72 535 500 196 187 185 60 467 448 151 1,611 1,359 478 434 388 132 1,611 1,254 405 1,248 1,235 326 656 689 221 478 472 153 402 363 131 2,524 2,079 748 285 43 58 89 57 65 82 219 46 52 74 46 45 66 234 93 34 101 53 196 163 37 61 30 99 29 84 259 72 216 175 92 74 81 386 216 90 44 101 55 196 164 25 82 42 97 31 67 219 60 189 151 129 79 50 362 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Suwana Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 101 166 456 88 8 99 293 225 244 21 624 157 1,074 13 39 114 132 62 96 76 77 87 96 3 363 8 48 78 218 40 6 53 145 111 116 12 294 70 523 7 24 53 61 29 50 36 33 40 46 2 177 4 53 88 238 48 2 46 148 114 128 9 330 87 551 6 15 61 71 33 46 40 44 47 50 1 186 4 614 37 254 264 153 16 90 309 20 125 129 71 10 39 305 17 129 135 82 6 51 565 191 120 198 35 669 912 40 120 13 7 163 601 14 599 510 141 169 86 876 269 99 64 94 16 331 446 17 59 6 3 83 328 7 316 259 62 86 47 464 296 92 56 104 19 338 466 23 61 7 4 80 273 7 283 251 79 83 39 412 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 108 102 32 195 17 36 74 67 63 16 54 146 136 48 191 65 19 18 55 21 85 7 23 13 105 2 53 55 21 100 9 19 39 32 33 8 31 71 70 27 87 35 5 8 23 8 36 2 13 6 49 1 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 Females 19 55 47 11 95 8 17 35 35 30 8 23 75 66 21 104 30 14 10 32 13 49 5 10 7 56 1 402 493 806 800 176 743 330 492 268 391 92 250 2,260 61 121 3,047 227 153 645 297 206 591 116 253 136 116 274 172 356 279 256 314 512 486 103 490 210 303 162 231 54 158 1,405 45 71 1,886 135 88 387 173 159 375 61 167 92 63 169 135 213 164 146 179 294 314 73 253 120 189 106 160 38 92 855 16 50 1,161 92 65 258 124 47 216 55 86 44 53 105 37 143 115 2 2 104 54 50 14 9 5 217 118 99 17 9 8 -------------Un-inhabited-------------3 2 1 13 4 9 6 2 4 29 18 11 15 7 8 15 6 9 2 1 1 75 47 28 92 40 52 151 80 71 183 91 92 5 3 2 98 54 44 5 3 2 46 25 21 123 58 65 212 89 123 115 59 56 52 30 22 332 185 147 1,983 432 613 287 364 130 542 1,201 227 360 205 217 110 338 782 205 253 82 147 20 204 1,617 638 218 683 275 1,316 947 190 511 287 697 177 394 1,963 467 1,578 1,405 642 366 328 2,858 1,006 430 147 451 145 858 648 114 328 176 394 120 258 1,233 279 1,112 833 380 254 215 1,880 611 208 71 232 130 458 299 76 183 111 303 57 136 730 188 466 572 262 112 113 978 193 Name of Village 2 Bansra Dadiya Sangwa Tiloli Chhapari Ekling Pura Amba Kheri Ojhagar Rugnathpura Rampuriya Rayra Rajpura Gurla Teela Ka Khera Kalyan Pura Karoi Kalan Parwati Pura Karoi Khurd Momi Sopura Kesharpura Sethooriya Chainpura Danta Gonwaliya Tagariya Kanpura Pabunagar Jagdari Chavanderi Bhopalgarh @ Gandarmala Dholiya Khera Dudiya Shivpura Jawasiya Mohanpura Sayla Khet Hazariya Bardod Kanya Kheri Sagat Puriya Amli Purawatan Chhachheri Ojyara Takhat Pura Biharipura Amli (Garh Pachhli) Kabra Keeron Ki Jhonpariya Barathiya Darri Swaroopganj Narayanpura Biliya Kalan Khaira Bad Bhainsa Kundal Nathadiyas Kanoli Guwardi DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 095577 095578 095579 095580 095581 095582 095583 095584 095585 095586 095587 095588 095589 095590 095591 095592 095593 095594 095595 095596 095597 095598 095599 095600 095601 095602 095603 095604 095605 095606 095607 095608 095609 095610 095611 095612 095613 095614 095615 095616 095617 095618 095619 095620 095621 095622 095623 095624 095625 095626 095627 095628 095629 095630 095631 095632 095633 095634 095635 Name of Village 2 Bansra Dadiya Sangwa Tiloli Chhapari Ekling Pura Amba Kheri Ojhagar Rugnathpura Rampuriya Rayra Rajpura Gurla Teela Ka Khera Kalyan Pura Karoi Kalan Parwati Pura Karoi Khurd Momi Sopura Kesharpura Sethooriya Chainpura Danta Gonwaliya Tagariya Kanpura Pabunagar Jagdari Chavanderi Bhopalgarh @ Gandarmala Dholiya Khera Dudiya Shivpura Jawasiya Mohanpura Sayla Khet Hazariya Bardod Kanya Kheri Sagat Puriya Amli Purawatan Chhachheri Ojyara Takhat Pura Biharipura Amli (Garh Pachhli) Kabra Keeron Ki Jhonpariya Barathiya Darri Swaroopganj Narayanpura Biliya Kalan Khaira Bad Bhainsa Kundal Nathadiyas Kanoli Guwardi Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 619 454 890 678 228 702 378 533 387 502 108 377 1,877 69 151 2,725 129 187 474 320 434 626 100 358 218 119 313 374 319 170 250 141 304 235 97 281 133 212 168 205 45 159 676 22 56 1,009 49 82 187 125 160 255 44 143 81 59 125 138 116 69 369 313 586 443 131 421 245 321 219 297 63 218 1,201 47 95 1,716 80 105 287 195 274 371 56 215 137 60 188 236 203 101 1,552 142 377 604 383 481 401 601 61 136 258 143 222 129 951 81 241 346 240 259 272 1,457 646 263 695 251 1,212 1,286 144 539 216 338 195 521 1,007 355 1,287 1,078 703 584 437 1,745 532 237 91 256 105 417 453 57 186 59 141 67 209 378 155 499 415 276 224 187 644 925 409 172 439 146 795 833 87 353 157 197 128 312 629 200 788 663 427 360 250 1,101 Persons 20 Total workers Persons Males Females 23 24 25 442 535 920 551 159 756 364 518 419 542 125 410 1,909 67 131 2,974 204 173 599 396 492 745 93 366 210 169 396 368 358 325 183 277 423 179 49 299 162 218 208 279 60 219 730 25 50 1,292 96 80 231 199 245 331 38 176 115 90 202 180 174 147 434 500 608 276 148 315 355 505 198 540 124 405 1,450 35 71 2,678 109 92 367 304 168 451 43 164 79 49 116 118 341 223 255 246 392 263 103 228 195 294 177 263 65 190 1,029 34 69 1,578 68 85 284 169 155 360 41 117 79 44 112 105 181 135 179 254 216 13 45 87 160 211 21 277 59 215 421 1 2 1,100 41 7 83 135 13 91 2 47 5 4 13 160 88 2,050 1,124 926 257 132 125 558 290 268 606 314 292 470 229 241 223 182 41 511 261 250 -------------Un-inhabited-------------1,468 843 625 665 380 285 276 140 136 679 417 262 338 161 177 1,287 765 522 1,053 648 405 213 101 112 589 315 274 302 148 154 602 337 265 221 111 110 343 259 84 1,398 989 409 379 256 123 1,484 1,024 460 965 724 241 765 383 382 486 273 213 356 213 143 2,149 1,573 576 1,091 88 329 241 453 217 356 887 80 219 186 218 176 239 204 8 110 55 235 41 117 1,210 177 276 589 337 1,166 1,029 133 505 302 543 89 332 1,233 374 1,032 775 686 466 223 2,010 792 141 140 405 160 744 641 82 291 148 316 86 257 948 253 842 686 363 257 206 1,532 418 36 136 184 177 422 388 51 214 154 227 3 75 285 121 190 89 323 209 17 478 194 259 258 497 372 110 457 202 300 211 263 65 191 1,179 42 81 1,682 108 93 368 197 247 414 55 190 95 79 194 188 184 178 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Suwana Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 267 322 372 211 85 132 152 382 184 362 90 357 756 10 13 1,598 94 44 126 146 69 415 43 138 77 45 88 78 314 142 208 105 188 203 48 81 66 214 167 132 40 162 487 9 13 694 58 39 64 63 66 327 41 98 77 43 86 70 156 60 59 217 184 8 37 51 86 168 17 230 50 195 269 1 904 36 5 62 83 3 88 2 40 2 2 8 158 82 153 26 5 4 1 78 89 5 4 7 20 114 2 172 6 10 43 5 10 1 4 527 11 251 173 315 110 262 380 10 151 122 132 95 155 147 1 100 51 183 15 107 44 1 2 1 4 51 2 617 51 177 279 326 544 540 69 363 190 202 43 163 154 19 127 84 374 282 74 453 371 20 65 135 150 227 218 25 168 40 66 42 99 81 8 58 71 157 128 69 211 246 31 112 144 176 317 322 44 195 150 136 1 64 73 11 69 13 217 154 5 242 187 1 30 12 2 19 9 2 4 2 54 2 1 44 8 36 61 19 57 6 136 35 10 2 3 22 54 5 2 3 8 57 1 117 6 5 8 4 9 1 1 118 16 3 1 1 56 35 2 4 12 57 1 55 5 35 1 1 3 2 16 15 2 3 6 12 14 8 41 57 2 3 10 2 6 2 10 10 1 3 4 7 10 6 32 42 2 2 8 2 5 31 13 99 83 1 5 5 1 1 2 2 1 5 5 4 1 1 35 16 2 2 -------------Un-inhabited-------------48 139 9 5 1 10 20 7 5 41 29 1 1 6 13 51 18 4 5 33 20 2 4 7 6 2 1 1 23 31 2 2 2 1 24 20 52 40 3 5 18 18 22 20 41 20 26 25 7 12 4 2 30 27 37 16 5 1 37 99 55 42 195 - 15 1 2 1 12 136 216 59 60 176 125 22 9 160 27 20 539 25 56 851 15 40 228 105 94 26 24 2 4 28 40 26 71 10 121 192 56 52 143 107 19 5 119 22 14 453 25 55 725 10 38 213 90 85 24 17 2 1 26 35 24 69 2 15 24 3 8 33 18 3 4 41 5 6 86 1 126 5 2 15 15 9 2 7 3 2 5 2 2 16 2 421 71 74 62 133 56 90 393 64 65 59 85 46 84 28 7 9 3 48 10 6 4 12 33 13 1 12 2 1 2 21 13 397 125 69 257 9 552 447 62 131 109 285 44 168 983 347 847 604 289 90 143 1,366 368 120 65 234 9 493 399 57 113 107 225 42 158 803 242 746 549 197 83 132 1,242 29 5 4 23 59 48 5 18 2 60 2 10 180 105 101 55 92 7 11 124 6 5 1 2 5 4 2 9 Name of Village 2 Bansra Dadiya Sangwa Tiloli Chhapari Ekling Pura Amba Kheri Ojhagar Rugnathpura Rampuriya Rayra Rajpura Gurla Teela Ka Khera Kalyan Pura Karoi Kalan Parwati Pura Karoi Khurd Momi Sopura Kesharpura Sethooriya Chainpura Danta Gonwaliya Tagariya Kanpura Pabunagar Jagdari Chavanderi Bhopalgarh @ Gandarmala Dholiya Khera Dudiya Shivpura Jawasiya Mohanpura Sayla Khet Hazariya Bardod Kanya Kheri Sagat Puriya Amli Purawatan Chhachheri Ojyara Takhat Pura Biharipura Amli (Garh Pachhli) Kabra Keeron Ki Jhonpariya Barathiya Darri Swaroopganj Narayanpura Biliya Kalan Khaira Bad Bhainsa Kundal Nathadiyas Kanoli Guwardi DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 095577 095578 095579 095580 095581 095582 095583 095584 095585 095586 095587 095588 095589 095590 095591 095592 095593 095594 095595 095596 095597 095598 095599 095600 095601 095602 095603 095604 095605 095606 095607 095608 095609 095610 095611 095612 095613 095614 095615 095616 095617 095618 095619 095620 095621 095622 095623 095624 095625 095626 095627 095628 095629 095630 095631 095632 095633 095634 095635 Name of Village 2 Bansra Dadiya Sangwa Tiloli Chhapari Ekling Pura Amba Kheri Ojhagar Rugnathpura Rampuriya Rayra Rajpura Gurla Teela Ka Khera Kalyan Pura Karoi Kalan Parwati Pura Karoi Khurd Momi Sopura Kesharpura Sethooriya Chainpura Danta Gonwaliya Tagariya Kanpura Pabunagar Jagdari Chavanderi Bhopalgarh @ Gandarmala Dholiya Khera Dudiya Shivpura Jawasiya Mohanpura Sayla Khet Hazariya Bardod Kanya Kheri Sagat Puriya Amli Purawatan Chhachheri Ojyara Takhat Pura Biharipura Amli (Garh Pachhli) Kabra Keeron Ki Jhonpariya Barathiya Darri Swaroopganj Narayanpura Biliya Kalan Khaira Bad Bhainsa Kundal Nathadiyas Kanoli Guwardi Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 8 35 312 275 11 441 9 13 221 2 1 5 459 32 60 296 95 81 232 92 324 294 50 202 131 120 280 250 17 102 4 12 105 109 7 229 7 6 34 1 150 8 12 104 40 8 84 28 92 54 14 73 16 35 82 83 3 43 4 23 207 166 4 212 2 7 187 2 1 4 309 24 48 192 55 73 148 64 232 240 36 129 115 85 198 167 14 59 959 169 229 365 17 6 155 237 52 71 128 11 6 22 722 117 158 237 6 133 258 488 90 1 121 24 80 84 59 132 11 165 5 452 190 79 20 133 139 51 239 12 1 21 7 19 24 21 25 2 41 3 182 38 20 16 7 41 207 249 78 100 17 61 60 38 107 9 124 2 270 152 59 4 126 98 Persons 44 5 3 173 19 3 1 10 12 1 20 21 24 153 65 56 181 28 285 50 144 123 41 139 163 13 97 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 2 1 35 12 2 3 7 5 7 3 31 16 3 49 22 50 14 35 12 12 34 3 40 3 2 138 7 1 1 7 5 1 15 14 21 122 49 53 132 6 235 36 109 111 29 105 163 10 57 606 123 483 22 19 3 136 20 116 218 49 169 12 7 5 2 2 129 8 121 -------------Un-inhabited-------------160 24 136 296 78 218 27 3 24 65 7 58 3 2 1 73 14 59 59 7 52 24 4 20 120 15 105 5 5 17 7 10 3 1 2 113 25 88 114 18 96 23 7 16 90 3 87 52 6 46 196 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 3 22 2 107 4 3 2 194 3 310 2 67 1 10 16 38 164 6 1 34 79 4 4 2 5 2 52 2 2 17 1 91 20 1 4 5 17 2 1 5 12 2 1 17 55 4 1 177 2 219 2 47 1 9 12 33 147 4 29 67 4 2 111 143 33 9 1 1 17 30 7 4 1 - 94 113 26 5 1 83 12 30 1 27 13 6 9 1 1 77 172 38 16 4 29 19 4 1 5 1 3 2 5 57 4 1 1 4 64 8 30 22 12 3 7 1 1 72 115 34 15 3 25 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Suwana of marginal workers Household industry workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 50 51 52 53 54 55 - - - 50 3 9 1 2 5 - 1 18 1 4 4 - 1 32 2 5 1 2 1 - 102 8 18 10 33 4 6 1 69 4 12 9 - - 19 6 3 2 10 19 4 3 3 6 1 2 1 2 22 7 4 3 12 23 4 4 5 9 2 3 1 1 1 2 4 1 2 3 - - - 9 137 147 11 434 5 1 15 1 1 2 79 11 34 76 29 12 35 45 131 3 56 7 40 62 87 1 5 68 44 7 227 5 1 10 36 1 9 53 24 3 31 19 53 2 38 3 14 36 83 1 4 69 103 4 207 5 1 1 2 43 10 25 23 5 9 4 26 78 1 18 4 26 26 4 - Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 140 64 76 4 3 1 52 40 12 120 69 51 5 4 1 3 3 15 13 2 -------------Un-inhabited-------------15 8 7 178 155 23 11 6 5 22 8 14 4 3 1 7 5 2 16 13 3 26 15 11 11 10 1 5 2 3 59 27 32 2 2 144 96 48 34 16 18 36 11 25 15 14 1 39 3 36 49 28 21 579 412 776 927 245 689 344 507 236 351 75 217 2,228 63 141 2,798 152 167 520 221 148 472 123 245 144 66 191 178 317 124 247 197 319 349 90 314 141 215 119 173 34 126 902 25 46 1,213 76 77 206 101 72 216 50 120 78 43 100 85 145 55 332 215 457 578 155 375 203 292 117 178 41 91 1,326 38 95 1,585 76 90 314 120 76 256 73 125 66 23 91 93 172 69 1,485 317 432 285 277 388 432 678 156 206 149 131 150 206 807 161 226 136 146 238 226 1,606 619 205 699 188 1,241 1,180 121 461 201 433 151 572 1,572 443 1,381 1,518 580 464 409 2,454 695 287 98 290 89 510 453 70 199 87 198 76 208 622 178 587 524 273 205 189 951 911 332 107 409 99 731 727 51 262 114 235 75 364 950 265 794 994 307 259 220 1,503 197 Name of Village 2 Bansra Dadiya Sangwa Tiloli Chhapari Ekling Pura Amba Kheri Ojhagar Rugnathpura Rampuriya Rayra Rajpura Gurla Teela Ka Khera Kalyan Pura Karoi Kalan Parwati Pura Karoi Khurd Momi Sopura Kesharpura Sethooriya Chainpura Danta Gonwaliya Tagariya Kanpura Pabunagar Jagdari Chavanderi Bhopalgarh @ Gandarmala Dholiya Khera Dudiya Shivpura Jawasiya Mohanpura Sayla Khet Hazariya Bardod Kanya Kheri Sagat Puriya Amli Purawatan Chhachheri Ojyara Takhat Pura Biharipura Amli (Garh Pachhli) Kabra Keeron Ki Jhonpariya Barathiya Darri Swaroopganj Narayanpura Biliya Kalan Khaira Bad Bhainsa Kundal Nathadiyas Kanoli Guwardi Location code number 1 095577 095578 095579 095580 095581 095582 095583 095584 095585 095586 095587 095588 095589 095590 095591 095592 095593 095594 095595 095596 095597 095598 095599 095600 095601 095602 095603 095604 095605 095606 095607 095608 095609 095610 095611 095612 095613 095614 095615 095616 095617 095618 095619 095620 095621 095622 095623 095624 095625 095626 095627 095628 095629 095630 095631 095632 095633 095634 095635 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 095636 095637 095638 095639 095640 095641 095642 095643 095644 095645 095646 095647 095648 095649 095650 095651 095652 095653 095654 095655 095656 095657 095658 095659 095660 095661 095662 095663 095664 095665 Name of Village 2 Gatheela Khera Mandpiya Salariya Kalyanpura Phaagnon Ka Khera Kacholiya Dantajati Kumhariya Patliyas Brahmpuri Jitya Kheri Batakhon Ka Khera Govindsingh Ji Ka Khera Dadiya Kanda Dhangras Mahesh Pura Kalundiya Hansiyas Patniya Barsoliya Jhopariya Mangrop Ratan Pura Siyar Peepli Dalelsingh Ji Ka Khera Roopaliya Kaliyas URBAN Hameer Garh (CT) Area of Village in Number of hectares households 3 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 670.45 542.58 299.77 377.65 443.24 81.69 238.10 541.18 669.29 252.19 382.27 178.41 803 489 51 233 220 18 151 100 219 99 114 83 3,470 2,067 270 1,141 1,096 94 719 474 1,140 425 583 427 1,858 1,056 138 548 552 44 357 242 624 226 306 229 1,612 1,011 132 593 544 50 362 232 516 199 277 198 514 325 36 187 159 10 99 74 159 66 78 50 261 166 21 98 85 4 49 37 90 36 36 28 253 159 15 89 74 6 50 37 69 30 42 22 204.37 69.48 1,274.77 295.43 394.28 803.48 349.76 348.43 292.31 201.00 1,799.00 283.65 575.43 736.61 250.81 594.25 213.04 89 15 446 104 156 204 130 97 184 179 1,391 162 142 356 106 189 83 509 65 2,256 399 671 1,061 565 476 855 923 6,799 710 744 1,766 481 820 412 254 39 1,135 213 335 553 289 231 436 453 3,471 361 385 893 240 418 205 255 26 1,121 186 336 508 276 245 419 470 3,328 349 359 873 241 402 207 79 6 317 61 101 171 61 89 123 137 966 98 100 250 89 128 51 36 4 170 35 51 93 32 41 57 69 488 53 49 147 47 63 30 43 2 147 26 50 78 29 48 66 68 478 45 51 103 42 65 21 1,756.00 2,506 11,678 5,891 5,787 1,630 826 804 198 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Suwana Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 Females 19 875 353 17 87 278 57 52 231 95 174 148 461 177 8 45 133 28 24 130 44 93 81 414 176 9 42 145 29 28 101 51 81 67 269 181 58 151 11 2 - 147 98 30 73 7 1 - 122 83 28 78 4 1 - 2,184 1,320 124 455 543 50 317 242 459 197 277 329 1,389 773 73 296 334 30 194 156 321 135 203 186 795 547 51 159 209 20 123 86 138 62 74 143 129 267 31 111 130 43 71 97 11 2,244 108 42 522 59 84 36 62 139 16 61 60 21 29 50 4 1,145 53 23 258 28 45 14 67 128 15 50 70 22 42 47 7 1,099 55 19 264 31 39 22 84 100 17 150 16 20 120 238 37 13 1 48 11 18 41 53 10 76 8 9 57 123 17 6 1 23 6 7 43 47 7 74 8 11 63 115 20 7 25 5 11 312 39 907 159 268 376 307 180 389 478 3,938 283 402 872 218 327 252 178 29 583 115 181 270 186 126 261 320 2,400 189 255 528 130 232 139 134 10 324 44 87 106 121 54 128 158 1,538 94 147 344 88 95 113 2,579 1,329 1,250 68 31 37 7,808 4,522 199 Name of Village 2 Gatheela Khera Mandpiya Salariya Kalyanpura Phaagnon Ka Khera Kacholiya Dantajati Kumhariya Patliyas Brahmpuri Jitya Kheri Batakhon Ka Khera Govindsingh Ji Ka Khera Dadiya Kanda Dhangras Mahesh Pura Kalundiya Hansiyas Patniya Barsoliya Jhopariya Mangrop Ratan Pura Siyar Peepli Dalelsingh Ji Ka Khera Roopaliya Kaliyas URBAN 3,286 Hameer Garh (CT) DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 095636 095637 095638 095639 095640 095641 095642 095643 095644 095645 095646 095647 095648 095649 095650 095651 095652 095653 095654 095655 095656 095657 095658 095659 095660 095661 095662 095663 095664 095665 Name of Village 2 Gatheela Khera Mandpiya Salariya Kalyanpura Phaagnon Ka Khera Kacholiya Dantajati Kumhariya Patliyas Brahmpuri Jitya Kheri Batakhon Ka Khera Govindsingh Ji Ka Khera Dadiya Kanda Dhangras Mahesh Pura Kalundiya Hansiyas Patniya Barsoliya Jhopariya Mangrop Ratan Pura Siyar Peepli Dalelsingh Ji Ka Khera Roopaliya Kaliyas URBAN Hameer Garh (CT) Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 1,286 747 146 686 553 44 402 232 681 228 306 98 469 283 65 252 218 14 163 86 303 91 103 43 817 464 81 434 335 30 239 146 378 137 203 55 1,465 937 186 639 576 56 325 197 694 254 333 177 1,113 645 86 322 311 26 204 133 371 131 189 123 352 292 100 317 265 30 121 64 323 123 144 54 1,289 780 176 284 493 54 312 186 684 123 209 68 1,060 608 84 278 306 26 204 130 364 110 154 62 229 172 92 6 187 28 108 56 320 13 55 6 197 26 1,349 240 403 685 258 296 466 445 2,861 427 342 894 263 493 160 76 10 552 98 154 283 103 105 175 133 1,071 172 130 365 110 186 66 121 16 797 142 249 402 155 191 291 312 1,790 255 212 529 153 307 94 266 20 1,360 256 380 620 225 239 450 437 3,378 256 365 812 228 431 321 153 20 696 123 199 335 168 122 259 236 1,951 194 233 495 132 252 148 113 664 133 181 285 57 117 191 201 1,427 62 132 317 96 179 173 231 18 1,283 251 376 617 225 238 444 21 3,041 155 364 683 197 424 308 151 18 670 122 197 334 168 122 256 12 1,851 143 232 460 122 248 144 80 613 129 179 283 57 116 188 9 1,190 12 132 223 75 176 164 3,870 1,369 2,501 4,724 3,299 1,425 4,029 3,027 1,002 Persons 20 200 Total workers Persons Males Females 23 24 25 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Suwana Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 270 147 127 122 265 42 149 121 502 40 63 42 153 84 47 121 127 15 82 66 202 31 34 37 117 63 80 1 138 27 67 55 300 9 29 5 22 50 9 7 18 2 40 2 2 1 4 - 14 39 2 5 3 1 6 1 1 2 - 8 11 7 2 15 1 34 1 1 1 2 - 43 16 3 33 8 10 3 1 36 11 3 3 8 10 1 1 57 8 968 198 367 559 132 236 310 8 894 128 224 478 95 223 294 38 8 459 75 190 296 88 121 147 2 455 120 136 300 58 110 137 19 509 123 177 263 44 115 163 6 439 8 88 178 37 113 157 84 1 15 5 1 8 4 1 1,097 12 107 28 46 68 7 26 1 5 2 1 3 2 492 12 64 10 11 31 2 58 10 3 5 2 1 605 43 18 35 37 5 2 4 8 2 2 4 8 2 531 235 296 70 24 46 7 5 30 2 - 857 474 35 149 173 10 108 63 151 79 117 24 97 93 5 3 4 7 19 3 22 1 85 5 198 43 7 32 77 1 105 10 856 10 18 140 53 105 5 3 2,666 - - - 4 1 61 1 14 10 1 4 - 2 48 1 14 10 2 - 2 1 13 1 2 - 88 5 292 46 9 49 85 2 126 11 989 14 19 167 55 129 7 157 102 55 3,271 - 8 - 954 567 40 152 177 10 115 63 170 82 139 25 5 201 3 94 3 2 17 8 1 21 1 133 4 1 27 2 24 2 Name of Village 2 Gatheela Khera Mandpiya Salariya Kalyanpura Phaagnon Ka Khera Kacholiya Dantajati Kumhariya Patliyas Brahmpuri Jitya Kheri Batakhon Ka Khera Govindsingh Ji Ka Khera Dadiya Kanda Dhangras Mahesh Pura Kalundiya Hansiyas Patniya Barsoliya Jhopariya Mangrop Ratan Pura Siyar Peepli Dalelsingh Ji Ka Khera Roopaliya Kaliyas URBAN 605 Hameer Garh (CT) DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 095636 095637 095638 095639 095640 095641 095642 095643 095644 095645 095646 095647 095648 095649 095650 095651 095652 095653 095654 095655 095656 095657 095658 095659 095660 095661 095662 095663 095664 095665 Name of Village 2 Gatheela Khera Mandpiya Salariya Kalyanpura Phaagnon Ka Khera Kacholiya Dantajati Kumhariya Patliyas Brahmpuri Jitya Kheri Batakhon Ka Khera Govindsingh Ji Ka Khera Dadiya Kanda Dhangras Mahesh Pura Kalundiya Hansiyas Patniya Barsoliya Jhopariya Mangrop Ratan Pura Siyar Peepli Dalelsingh Ji Ka Khera Roopaliya Kaliyas URBAN Hameer Garh (CT) Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 Persons 44 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 176 157 10 355 83 2 13 11 10 131 124 109 53 37 2 44 5 3 7 21 35 61 123 120 8 311 78 2 13 8 3 110 89 48 87 27 4 282 68 2 1 2 53 20 17 25 4 11 1 7 7 12 62 23 4 271 67 2 1 2 46 13 5 21 66 2 13 10 11 1 25 3 14 8 12 1 1 2 2 7 13 54 2 12 10 11 23 1 7 35 2 77 5 4 3 1 6 416 337 101 1 129 31 7 13 2 2 26 1 2 1 3 224 100 51 1 35 10 4 4 33 51 4 2 2 1 3 192 237 50 94 21 3 9 - - 1 17 3 1 1 2 288 101 95 1 85 1 1 6 35 1 42 1 1 1 22 140 1 21 16 3 - 2 1 6 1 119 11 47 1 13 2 12 2 1 1 1 169 90 48 72 1 1 4 7 33 1 9 1 3 - 33 36 1 1 1 15 107 12 15 - 695 272 423 200 65 135 122 24 98 202 1 5 1 - - PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Suwana of marginal workers Household industry workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 50 51 52 53 54 55 6 5 2 1 1 1 6 - 3 1 - - 17 20 2 32 3 2 4 12 25 41 45 39 2 26 1 5 41 74 4 2,005 1,130 84 502 520 38 394 277 446 171 250 250 745 411 52 226 241 18 153 109 253 95 117 106 1,260 719 32 276 279 20 241 168 193 76 133 144 15 2 1 2 98 33 1 13 9 1 2 - 20 1 1 - 18 1 2 1 1 3 106 53 2 23 13 3 7 1 1 8 20 1 10 4 2 5 243 45 896 143 291 441 340 237 405 486 3,421 454 379 954 253 389 91 101 19 439 90 136 218 121 109 177 217 1,520 167 152 398 108 166 57 142 26 457 53 155 223 219 128 228 269 1,901 287 227 556 145 223 34 26 326 162 164 6,954 2,592 2 1 - 1 1 3 3 1 1 43 3 1 - 23 2 - 47 21 1 62 59 4 58 4 7 4 53 99 45 - - 2 33 3 4 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 1 32 1 3 1 - 203 Name of Village 2 Gatheela Khera Mandpiya Salariya Kalyanpura Phaagnon Ka Khera Kacholiya Dantajati Kumhariya Patliyas Brahmpuri Jitya Kheri Batakhon Ka Khera Govindsingh Ji Ka Khera Dadiya Kanda Dhangras Mahesh Pura Kalundiya Hansiyas Patniya Barsoliya Jhopariya Mangrop Ratan Pura Siyar Peepli Dalelsingh Ji Ka Khera Roopaliya Kaliyas URBAN 4,362 Hameer Garh (CT) Location code number 1 095636 095637 095638 095639 095640 095641 095642 095643 095644 095645 095646 095647 095648 095649 095650 095651 095652 095653 095654 095655 095656 095657 095658 095659 095660 095661 095662 095663 095664 095665 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0181 0181 0181 095666 095667 095668 095669 095670 095671 095672 095673 095674 095675 095676 095677 095678 095679 095680 095681 095682 095683 095684 095685 095686 095687 095688 095689 095690 095691 095692 095693 095694 095695 095696 095697 095698 095699 095700 095701 095702 095703 095704 095705 095706 095707 095708 095709 095710 095711 095712 095713 095714 095715 095716 095717 095718 Name of Village 2 Kotri (Total) Kotri (Rural) Kotri (Urban) RURAL Bilaspura Bhagwanpura Agariya Boonti Kheri Deo Kheri Bishniya Ganeshpura Kesarpura Chawand Khera Mataji Ka Khera (Maliyon Ka Jhonpara) Paroli Meera Nagar Bhainroo Khera Amarpura Dhanwara Asawari Bedunda Chhitarsingh Ji Ka Khera Golbari Sara Ka Khera Kanti Bhagwanpura Gudliya Kothaj Dantra Asop Onkarpura Borda Fatehpura Takhtatpura Eklinghpura Dhandh Ka Khera Raser Mataji Ka Khera Rooppura Phalaser Gadri Khera Kanwaliyas Narsingh Ka Jhopra Sankhra Chhaprel Deotalai Deo Khera Meena Ka Khera Belwa Modiya Khera Bagra Bagri Manakpura Sodiyas Sola Ka Khera @ Ratanpur Khejri Area of Village in Number of hectares households 3 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 92,645.36 92,645.36 0.00 35,747 35,747 - 1,74,011 1,74,011 - 88,526 88,526 - 85,485 85,485 - 27,037 27,037 - 13,906 13,906 - 13,131 13,131 - 337.00 322.00 1,115.00 420.00 800.37 413.42 1,447.05 228.00 496.60 191.04 83 91 191 110 207 76 523 138 53 59 457 535 1,046 669 1,032 407 2,772 760 212 252 240 262 554 314 518 204 1,401 382 105 132 217 273 492 355 514 203 1,371 378 107 120 103 109 142 110 164 86 385 103 28 34 58 58 74 52 89 39 200 60 10 20 45 51 68 58 75 47 185 43 18 14 82.35 2,447.45 179.95 123.05 191.45 428.24 105.89 387.39 64 1,104 92 62 71 175 93 111 331 5,864 475 300 394 946 415 451 163 3,029 240 148 196 492 223 230 168 2,835 235 152 198 454 192 221 57 873 74 50 62 169 52 66 27 473 44 27 31 97 28 23 30 400 30 23 31 72 24 43 143.29 204.40 331.77 743.68 141.29 248.61 522.56 1,586.06 1,431.00 170.00 685.10 147.50 188.60 297.80 236.70 1,232.62 158.23 352.37 710.17 265.00 335.28 163.94 1,269.26 1,284.39 52.79 264.30 196.35 309.38 201.25 218.59 481.54 201.17 257.48 72 80 69 300 136 57 297 461 307 36 265 92 55 95 102 403 57 115 191 115 142 80 537 441 46 111 49 98 96 76 213 102 84 325 381 316 1,528 756 245 1,401 2,164 1,510 159 1,131 390 244 379 520 1,893 289 571 727 572 687 365 2,441 2,167 195 517 233 406 497 359 894 411 412 170 202 163 802 379 127 727 1,085 747 88 578 183 122 193 277 982 135 292 382 289 360 192 1,203 1,094 92 271 118 211 261 192 469 210 212 155 179 153 726 377 118 674 1,079 763 71 553 207 122 186 243 911 154 279 345 283 327 173 1,238 1,073 103 246 115 195 236 167 425 201 200 36 49 56 236 180 43 170 281 234 29 163 67 41 59 109 268 75 105 131 86 154 76 411 355 34 70 39 53 77 80 129 64 72 24 25 26 132 94 23 86 163 108 19 79 34 17 33 52 130 34 55 67 40 82 44 211 187 7 39 17 33 36 40 71 32 35 12 24 30 104 86 20 84 118 126 10 84 33 24 26 57 138 41 50 64 46 72 32 200 168 27 31 22 20 41 40 58 32 37 160.82 95.43 71 22 306 101 153 53 153 48 46 13 26 6 20 7 204 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kotri Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 30,910 30,910 - 15,768 15,768 - 15,142 15,142 - 10,021 10,021 - 5,146 5,146 - 4,875 4,875 - 76,464 76,464 - 49,908 49,908 - 211 53 117 456 209 - 112 27 57 228 102 - 99 26 60 228 107 - 63 37 267 63 28 7 35 16 134 31 15 5 28 21 133 32 13 2 140 243 534 305 477 65 1,313 356 74 84 113 162 347 184 284 54 854 236 45 62 1,149 47 292 17 215 34 247 608 25 144 7 114 18 123 541 22 148 10 101 16 124 291 8 81 1 379 159 161 4 39 203 90 130 4 42 1 176 69 91 2,913 185 179 254 355 122 139 52 1,825 140 94 143 274 88 114 80 6 241 463 559 359 19 124 42 7 70 705 57 11 20 417 496 111 74 7 207 30 38 40 1 127 234 269 175 12 70 23 4 31 368 30 5 9 206 246 53 39 4 113 16 16 40 5 114 229 290 184 7 54 19 3 39 337 27 6 11 211 250 58 35 3 94 14 22 15 29 11 16 185 70 30 97 30 15 39 330 132 289 56 104 133 141 118 87 221 54 84 4 16 52 43 - - 7 15 6 8 90 32 15 49 15 8 22 179 75 135 30 53 67 63 59 48 110 28 44 3 9 24 25 8 14 5 8 95 38 15 48 15 7 17 151 57 154 26 51 66 78 59 39 111 26 40 1 7 28 18 138 168 78 589 154 100 608 1,096 665 38 555 116 83 136 128 903 116 167 433 181 127 81 949 943 60 134 93 146 160 97 328 105 141 81 119 50 414 116 76 435 662 420 28 356 73 56 90 93 604 74 113 260 127 110 61 621 589 49 106 63 102 116 66 233 77 107 29 - 11 - 18 - - - - 110 46 73 32 205 Females 19 Name of Village 2 26,556 Kotri (Total) 26,556 Kotri (Rural) Kotri (Urban) RURAL 27 Bilaspura 81 Bhagwanpura 187 Agariya 121 Boonti 193 Kheri 11 Deo Kheri 459 Bishniya 120 Ganeshpura 29 Kesarpura 22 Chawand Khera Mataji Ka Khera 39 (Maliyon Ka Jhonpara) 1,088 Paroli 45 Meera Nagar 85 Bhainroo Khera 111 Amarpura 81 Dhanwara 34 Asawari 25 Bedunda 57 49 28 175 38 24 173 434 245 10 199 43 27 46 35 299 42 54 173 54 17 20 328 354 11 28 30 44 44 31 95 28 34 Chhitarsingh Ji Ka Khera Golbari Sara Ka Khera Kanti Bhagwanpura Gudliya Kothaj Dantra Asop Onkarpura Borda Fatehpura Takhtatpura Eklinghpura Dhandh Ka Khera Raser Mataji Ka Khera Rooppura Phalaser Gadri Khera Kanwaliyas Narsingh Ka Jhopra Sankhra Chhaprel Deotalai Deo Khera Meena Ka Khera Belwa Modiya Khera Bagra Bagri Manakpura Sodiyas Sola Ka Khera @ 37 Ratanpur 14 Khejri DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0181 0181 0181 095666 095667 095668 095669 095670 095671 095672 095673 095674 095675 095676 095677 095678 095679 095680 095681 095682 095683 095684 095685 095686 095687 095688 095689 095690 095691 095692 095693 095694 095695 095696 095697 095698 095699 095700 095701 095702 095703 095704 095705 095706 095707 095708 095709 095710 095711 095712 095713 095714 095715 095716 095717 095718 Name of Village 2 Kotri (Total) Kotri (Rural) Kotri (Urban) RURAL Bilaspura Bhagwanpura Agariya Boonti Kheri Deo Kheri Bishniya Ganeshpura Kesarpura Chawand Khera Mataji Ka Khera (Maliyon Ka Jhonpara) Paroli Meera Nagar Bhainroo Khera Amarpura Dhanwara Asawari Bedunda Chhitarsingh Ji Ka Khera Golbari Sara Ka Khera Kanti Bhagwanpura Gudliya Kothaj Dantra Asop Onkarpura Borda Fatehpura Takhtatpura Eklinghpura Dhandh Ka Khera Raser Mataji Ka Khera Rooppura Phalaser Gadri Khera Kanwaliyas Narsingh Ka Jhopra Sankhra Chhaprel Deotalai Deo Khera Meena Ka Khera Belwa Modiya Khera Bagra Bagri Manakpura Sodiyas Sola Ka Khera @ Ratanpur Khejri Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 97,547 97,547 - 38,618 38,618 - 58,929 58,929 - 89,937 89,937 - 49,615 49,615 - 40,322 40,322 - 72,028 72,028 - 43,913 43,913 - 28,115 28,115 - 317 292 512 364 555 342 1,459 404 138 168 127 100 207 130 234 150 547 146 60 70 190 192 305 234 321 192 912 258 78 98 243 266 577 307 560 173 1,293 396 86 132 122 124 316 159 273 89 674 195 47 73 121 142 261 148 287 84 619 201 39 59 226 198 456 284 550 160 971 353 78 130 114 102 301 141 268 80 583 177 46 72 112 96 155 143 282 80 388 176 32 58 240 2,951 290 121 140 591 293 312 111 1,204 100 54 53 218 135 116 129 1,747 190 67 87 373 158 196 182 2,290 214 163 154 454 241 289 96 1,457 108 78 100 229 134 142 86 833 106 85 54 225 107 147 172 2,000 204 158 139 363 185 279 93 1,348 102 77 91 172 110 140 79 652 102 81 48 191 75 139 187 213 238 939 602 145 793 1,068 845 121 576 274 161 243 392 990 173 404 294 391 560 284 1,492 1,224 135 383 140 260 337 262 566 306 271 89 83 113 388 263 51 292 423 327 60 222 110 66 103 184 378 61 179 122 162 250 131 582 505 43 165 55 109 145 126 236 133 105 98 130 125 551 339 94 501 645 518 61 354 164 95 140 208 612 112 225 172 229 310 153 910 719 92 218 85 151 192 136 330 173 166 220 220 206 725 392 137 755 1,063 809 99 592 244 110 222 282 758 140 281 391 327 317 157 1,167 1,012 99 288 109 231 211 213 530 259 189 108 109 102 390 189 75 400 584 421 49 337 117 62 111 155 541 67 166 206 180 185 83 676 538 49 154 57 111 121 117 287 125 100 112 111 104 335 203 62 355 479 388 50 255 127 48 111 127 217 73 115 185 147 132 74 491 474 50 134 52 120 90 96 243 134 89 108 172 116 424 104 122 621 1,018 572 40 417 100 105 211 173 639 123 218 230 305 227 138 943 733 45 209 51 201 192 83 329 257 187 68 95 70 366 70 67 354 564 325 36 321 93 61 106 125 488 60 159 130 170 157 79 558 452 44 127 49 104 110 63 202 123 100 40 77 46 58 34 55 267 454 247 4 96 7 44 105 48 151 63 59 100 135 70 59 385 281 1 82 2 97 82 20 127 134 87 196 55 80 21 116 34 185 59 85 29 100 30 184 59 85 29 99 30 Persons 20 206 Total workers Persons Males Females 23 24 25 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kotri Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 51,180 51,180 - 28,330 28,330 - 22,850 22,850 - 4,405 4,405 - 2,290 2,290 - 2,115 2,115 - 1,141 1,141 - 749 749 - 392 392 - 187 182 338 241 402 148 722 316 63 103 94 94 209 108 187 75 410 151 36 49 93 88 129 133 215 73 312 165 27 54 4 1 26 3 11 6 37 6 6 2 1 1 17 2 2 1 20 2 4 2 3 11 9 10 1 - 9 1 9 5 17 4 2 - 18 35 13 1 159 1,373 202 149 122 270 80 260 86 831 101 73 79 106 38 130 73 542 101 76 43 164 42 130 5 93 1 4 5 6 19 8 2 62 1 3 4 5 4 3 31 1 3 2 2 14 4 58 1 7 4 68 110 69 218 52 96 445 785 445 28 139 75 101 197 147 424 87 145 200 210 199 63 643 494 27 164 25 139 127 29 276 132 176 38 53 47 213 32 50 232 387 230 27 117 73 57 97 103 299 44 110 114 96 137 38 360 293 26 87 25 67 64 20 158 66 91 30 57 22 5 20 46 213 398 215 1 22 2 44 100 44 125 43 35 86 114 62 25 283 201 1 77 72 63 9 118 66 85 17 5 39 132 25 5 54 15 29 7 70 8 3 14 16 27 47 7 7 3 72 91 66 11 1 6 46 14 22 76 1 10 3 18 84 16 3 24 11 15 4 23 5 3 12 11 13 29 3 2 2 38 48 41 11 6 25 8 14 13 1 7 2 21 48 9 2 30 4 14 3 47 3 2 5 14 18 4 5 1 34 43 25 1 21 6 8 63 - - 170 46 71 16 99 30 - - - - - 3 28 5 3 11 17 6 5 46 22 4 4 1 2 4 15,302 15,302 - 12,544 12,544 - 7 26 3 - 35 15 74 40 102 6 199 31 9 24 19 7 64 31 70 4 143 24 6 20 45 1 4 1 13 3 3 8 476 5 12 80 86 7 5 410 3 9 58 67 5 - 16 11 4 4 4 20 1 3 9 2 30 11 1 2 - 23 57 8 71 27 21 122 190 98 5 203 17 4 8 12 188 9 26 6 82 20 3 163 151 7 40 20 16 47 32 52 47 6 20 39 5 66 22 14 98 158 80 5 177 15 4 3 10 170 3 20 5 68 13 3 134 107 7 36 18 12 34 29 44 44 4 - - 14 13 14 13 3 8 4 3 8 8 4 5 207 Name of Village 2 2,758 Kotri (Total) 2,758 Kotri (Rural) Kotri (Urban) RURAL 16 Bilaspura 8 Bhagwanpura 10 Agariya 9 Boonti 32 Kheri 2 Deo Kheri 56 Bishniya 7 Ganeshpura 3 Kesarpura 4 Chawand Khera Mataji Ka Khera 3 (Maliyon Ka Jhonpara) 66 Paroli Meera Nagar 2 Bhainroo Khera 3 Amarpura 22 Dhanwara 19 Asawari 2 Bedunda 3 18 3 5 5 7 24 32 18 26 2 5 2 18 6 6 1 14 7 29 44 4 2 4 13 3 8 3 2 - Chhitarsingh Ji Ka Khera Golbari Sara Ka Khera Kanti Bhagwanpura Gudliya Kothaj Dantra Asop Onkarpura Borda Fatehpura Takhtatpura Eklinghpura Dhandh Ka Khera Raser Mataji Ka Khera Rooppura Phalaser Gadri Khera Kanwaliyas Narsingh Ka Jhopra Sankhra Chhaprel Deotalai Deo Khera Meena Ka Khera Belwa Modiya Khera Bagra Bagri Manakpura Sodiyas Sola Ka Khera @ Ratanpur Khejri DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 0181 0181 0181 095666 095667 095668 095669 095670 095671 095672 095673 095674 095675 095676 095677 095678 095679 095680 095681 095682 095683 095684 095685 095686 095687 095688 095689 095690 095691 095692 095693 095694 095695 095696 095697 095698 095699 095700 095701 095702 095703 095704 095705 095706 095707 095708 095709 095710 095711 095712 095713 095714 095715 095716 095717 095718 Name of Village 2 Kotri (Total) Kotri (Rural) Kotri (Urban) RURAL Bilaspura Bhagwanpura Agariya Boonti Kheri Deo Kheri Bishniya Ganeshpura Kesarpura Chawand Khera Mataji Ka Khera (Maliyon Ka Jhonpara) Paroli Meera Nagar Bhainroo Khera Amarpura Dhanwara Asawari Bedunda Chhitarsingh Ji Ka Khera Golbari Sara Ka Khera Kanti Bhagwanpura Gudliya Kothaj Dantra Asop Onkarpura Borda Fatehpura Takhtatpura Eklinghpura Dhandh Ka Khera Raser Mataji Ka Khera Rooppura Phalaser Gadri Khera Kanwaliyas Narsingh Ka Jhopra Sankhra Chhaprel Deotalai Deo Khera Meena Ka Khera Belwa Modiya Khera Bagra Bagri Manakpura Sodiyas Sola Ka Khera @ Ratanpur Khejri Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 Persons 44 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 17,909 17,909 - 5,702 5,702 - 12,207 12,207 - 8,266 8,266 - 2,047 2,047 - 6,219 6,219 - 5,262 5,262 - 17 68 121 23 10 13 322 43 8 2 8 22 15 18 5 9 91 18 1 1 9 46 106 5 5 4 231 25 7 1 4 56 5 1 3 6 111 33 4 - 3 20 4 2 5 24 13 - 1 36 1 1 1 1 87 20 4 - 3 1 109 2 4 78 5 2 10 290 10 5 15 91 56 10 3 109 6 1 9 57 24 2 7 181 4 4 6 34 32 8 4 45 6 2 1 47 5 7 21 4 1 1 24 2 1 4 24 2 1 23 3 6 2 144 2 1 11 3 2 2 112 48 90 301 288 15 134 45 237 59 175 144 5 11 109 119 17 63 161 22 90 19 224 279 54 79 58 30 19 130 201 2 2 40 14 32 24 119 8 46 20 96 13 16 24 1 5 30 53 7 7 76 10 28 4 118 86 5 27 8 7 11 54 85 2 - 72 34 58 277 169 7 88 25 141 46 159 120 4 6 79 66 10 56 85 12 62 15 106 193 49 52 50 23 8 76 116 2 80 13 48 104 56 7 96 15 51 7 6 16 3 5 82 14 32 98 5 1 6 134 63 4 52 1 22 9 11 108 1 27 4 20 8 24 3 19 4 18 2 3 1 2 14 3 3 45 1 1 40 33 1 16 1 6 6 10 34 - 53 9 28 96 32 4 77 11 33 5 6 13 2 3 68 11 29 53 4 1 5 94 30 3 36 16 3 1 74 1 20 31 187 181 1 5 5 66 35 138 99 1 3 16 29 13 28 6 15 9 21 118 50 27 56 6 2 88 82 - - - - - 1 - 1 208 1 - 1 - 1,238 1,238 - 4,024 4,024 - 2 17 2 1 1 1 101 1 3 61 3 1 1 32 1 7 2 1 1 112 1 1 4 1 2 1 5 7 12 62 3 1 18 1 8 9 8 7 5 1 3 11 18 21 4 11 6 1 1 22 42 - 15 24 175 119 1 2 4 48 34 130 90 1 3 8 22 8 27 3 4 9 3 97 46 16 50 5 1 66 40 - - - 8 1 1 - PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kotri of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 492 492 - 180 180 - 312 312 - - - - 5 3 1 1 1 4 2 1 84 2 - 20 - 64 2 - - - - 4 1 2 2 - 2 1 1 1 - - - - - - Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 3,889 3,889 - 2,237 2,237 - 1,652 1,652 - 84,074 84,074 - 38,911 38,911 - 10 6 4 19 3 7 49 5 2 - 3 1 2 17 2 4 30 3 1 - 7 5 2 2 1 3 19 2 1 - 214 269 469 362 472 234 1,479 364 126 120 118 138 238 155 245 115 727 187 58 59 4 97 2 2 3 40 47 1 2 54 1 1 31 21 - 2 43 1 2 2 9 26 1 149 3,574 261 137 240 492 174 162 67 1,572 132 70 96 263 89 88 8 9 5 4 33 5 23 15 48 9 8 12 2 8 42 1 3 28 9 16 3 53 31 1 4 22 9 1 - 4 25 5 5 18 2 8 10 30 7 10 17 3 33 2 28 5 55 1 8 12 2 4 9 2 1 105 161 110 803 364 108 646 1,101 701 60 539 146 134 157 238 1,135 149 290 336 245 370 208 1,274 1,155 96 229 124 175 286 146 364 152 223 62 93 61 412 190 52 327 501 326 39 241 66 60 82 122 441 68 126 176 109 175 109 527 556 43 117 61 100 140 75 182 85 112 - - 121 42 68 24 - - - 2 42 1 13 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 8 55 1 - 1 12 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 - 1 30 13 1 1 3 2 1 54 - 12 34 10 9 51 7 31 25 78 16 18 29 2 11 75 3 3 56 14 71 4 61 43 1 2 8 31 11 1 1 - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 209 Name of Village 2 45,163 Kotri (Total) 45,163 Kotri (Rural) Kotri (Urban) RURAL 96 Bilaspura 131 Bhagwanpura 231 Agariya 207 Boonti 227 Kheri 119 Deo Kheri 752 Bishniya 177 Ganeshpura 68 Kesarpura 61 Chawand Khera Mataji Ka Khera 82 (Maliyon Ka Jhonpara) 2,002 Paroli 129 Meera Nagar 67 Bhainroo Khera 144 Amarpura 229 Dhanwara 85 Asawari 74 Bedunda 43 68 49 391 174 56 319 600 375 21 298 80 74 75 116 694 81 164 160 136 195 99 747 599 53 112 63 75 146 71 182 67 111 Chhitarsingh Ji Ka Khera Golbari Sara Ka Khera Kanti Bhagwanpura Gudliya Kothaj Dantra Asop Onkarpura Borda Fatehpura Takhtatpura Eklinghpura Dhandh Ka Khera Raser Mataji Ka Khera Rooppura Phalaser Gadri Khera Kanwaliyas Narsingh Ka Jhopra Sankhra Chhaprel Deotalai Deo Khera Meena Ka Khera Belwa Modiya Khera Bagra Bagri Manakpura Sodiyas Sola Ka Khera @ 53 Ratanpur 18 Khejri Location code number 1 0181 0181 0181 095666 095667 095668 095669 095670 095671 095672 095673 095674 095675 095676 095677 095678 095679 095680 095681 095682 095683 095684 095685 095686 095687 095688 095689 095690 095691 095692 095693 095694 095695 095696 095697 095698 095699 095700 095701 095702 095703 095704 095705 095706 095707 095708 095709 095710 095711 095712 095713 095714 095715 095716 095717 095718 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 095719 095720 095721 095722 095723 095724 095725 095726 095727 095728 095729 095730 095731 095732 095733 095734 095735 095736 095737 095738 095739 095740 095741 095742 095743 095744 095745 095746 095747 095748 095749 095750 095751 095752 095753 095754 095755 095756 095757 095758 095759 095760 095761 095762 095763 095764 095765 095766 095767 095768 095769 095770 095771 095772 095773 095774 095775 Name of Village 2 Sagatpuriya Birdhol Kalyan Pura Shivnagar Paplaj Gudar Khera @ Dookiyon Ka Khera Jharol Jaswantpura Gadari Khera Sarsari Harpura Hatoondi Chatarpura Udliyas Satola Ka Khera Somsyas Chawandiya Ban Ka Khera Kawaliyas Mafi Lasariya Satola Kheroona Fateh Garh Kodiya Reeth Mali Khera Jetpura Kotri Dhokliya Meena Ka Khera Lakhamaniyas Kakroliya Mafi Salriya Rugnathpura @ Gawardi Sablaji Ka Khera Redwas Bhagwan Pura Dhayalon Ka Khera Mansha Gula Ka Khera Singhji Ka Khera Beermiyas Gora Ka Khera Bharkiya @ Bithalpura Akhepur Thalera Hajiwas Onkarpura Gheoriya Chohli Kakroliya Ghati Hastina Pur Hastra Panderi Chodhariyas (Gega Ka Khera) Govindpura Jor Area of Village in Number of hectares households 3 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 677.30 1,064.10 296.95 282.02 287.26 191 471 146 71 134 1,005 2,365 676 358 738 508 1,204 337 180 380 497 1,161 339 178 358 175 356 149 66 106 84 185 74 28 53 91 171 75 38 53 137.42 949.45 161.82 240.46 793.31 368.80 282.50 425.20 843.00 567.67 107.56 1,120.92 1,868.90 262.06 725.10 471.06 343.10 221.00 764.26 696.00 416.82 167.16 1,917.21 1,001.42 42.00 848.00 473.64 415.28 85 239 94 139 238 44 58 196 284 196 61 361 722 121 318 171 114 147 256 249 61 125 2,036 269 77 193 147 222 474 1,135 402 678 1,042 202 295 961 1,402 1,054 278 1,857 3,589 642 1,520 845 586 647 1,276 1,377 372 552 9,864 1,395 284 988 790 1,100 226 574 198 333 504 93 151 449 700 538 150 914 1,816 313 730 426 289 327 647 687 186 267 5,075 717 141 499 400 566 248 561 204 345 538 109 144 512 702 516 128 943 1,773 329 790 419 297 320 629 690 186 285 4,789 678 143 489 390 534 74 173 66 133 176 41 31 187 212 170 40 243 535 103 237 155 107 103 172 226 61 93 1,376 215 46 190 133 182 33 85 34 51 87 14 15 86 106 92 18 122 277 51 105 78 57 48 84 114 30 43 750 112 21 89 72 92 41 88 32 82 89 27 16 101 106 78 22 121 258 52 132 77 50 55 88 112 31 50 626 103 25 101 61 90 462.35 110.60 1,107.70 189.77 399.47 1,037.68 207.90 261.60 257.92 249.02 135.43 429.42 646.30 597.10 282.16 1,081.63 352.08 1,408.10 263.85 423.01 205.01 111 63 442 53 78 410 99 116 72 95 78 107 149 287 111 215 148 563 48 106 44 566 318 2,132 259 345 2,173 455 594 392 471 396 611 700 1,299 504 991 652 2,520 230 614 197 297 158 1,109 135 170 1,105 244 304 206 245 211 292 360 653 240 501 340 1,268 127 304 109 269 160 1,023 124 175 1,068 211 290 186 226 185 319 340 646 264 490 312 1,252 103 310 88 121 42 365 47 57 320 68 90 71 79 63 81 132 189 89 136 89 361 28 102 28 65 19 191 26 25 171 32 46 36 42 41 39 70 102 42 69 54 170 19 53 14 56 23 174 21 32 149 36 44 35 37 22 42 62 87 47 67 35 191 9 49 14 155.02 500.05 292.38 104 280 153 519 1,295 809 260 674 410 259 621 399 84 215 132 42 113 61 42 102 71 210 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kotri Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 Females 19 116 367 135 37 60 183 65 19 56 184 70 18 147 2 87 33 151 73 1 46 16 82 74 1 41 17 69 386 1,305 246 154 328 259 808 178 105 215 127 497 68 49 113 9 278 13 30 135 72 410 457 174 58 211 555 36 447 238 115 247 224 46 21 1,524 345 84 75 527 4 140 4 19 65 33 189 235 91 31 100 278 19 214 124 60 124 113 26 10 768 187 46 37 264 5 138 9 11 70 39 221 222 83 27 111 277 17 233 114 55 123 111 20 11 756 158 38 38 263 20 58 48 8 111 1 56 70 38 7 94 77 90 56 275 44 127 69 284 11 167 19 10 29 30 2 59 1 26 37 19 5 48 36 51 30 142 22 74 39 141 4 85 10 10 29 18 6 52 30 33 19 2 46 41 39 26 133 22 53 30 143 7 82 9 184 513 270 378 427 102 200 451 629 463 151 1,061 1,681 343 731 419 190 317 682 484 131 162 6,208 652 80 382 381 512 118 342 146 239 268 63 114 264 427 311 100 611 1,044 204 493 251 113 192 402 331 96 112 3,700 436 53 270 253 346 66 171 124 139 159 39 86 187 202 152 51 450 637 139 238 168 77 125 280 153 35 50 2,508 216 27 112 128 166 104 75 195 38 17 209 105 159 23 66 114 179 344 57 152 221 567 202 118 56 41 98 19 9 109 55 81 10 36 52 94 178 27 77 118 302 100 66 48 34 97 19 8 100 50 78 13 30 62 85 166 30 75 103 265 102 52 12 17 231 7 239 12 11 12 165 115 61 8 396 26 - 7 9 121 2 124 7 4 5 87 53 34 4 196 16 - 5 8 110 5 115 5 7 7 78 62 27 4 200 10 - 157 155 790 113 98 1,158 183 146 164 163 111 253 259 573 79 419 148 905 102 219 75 130 98 549 77 69 739 141 117 122 120 90 183 178 346 61 295 110 635 73 160 51 27 57 241 36 29 419 42 29 42 43 21 70 81 227 18 124 38 270 29 59 24 257 95 8 124 51 5 133 44 3 106 - 59 - 47 - 313 421 289 178 313 225 211 Name of Village 2 Sagatpuriya Birdhol Kalyan Pura Shivnagar Paplaj Gudar Khera @ Dookiyon Ka Khera Jharol Jaswantpura Gadari Khera Sarsari Harpura Hatoondi Chatarpura Udliyas Satola Ka Khera Somsyas Chawandiya Ban Ka Khera Kawaliyas Mafi Lasariya Satola Kheroona Fateh Garh Kodiya Reeth Mali Khera Jetpura Kotri Dhokliya Meena Ka Khera Lakhamaniyas Kakroliya Mafi Salriya Rugnathpura @ Gawardi Sablaji Ka Khera Redwas Bhagwan Pura Dhayalon Ka Khera Mansha Gula Ka Khera Singhji Ka Khera Beermiyas Gora Ka Khera Bharkiya @ Bithalpura Akhepur Thalera Hajiwas Onkarpura Gheoriya Chohli Kakroliya Ghati Hastina Pur Hastra Panderi Chodhariyas (Gega Ka 135 Khera) 108 Govindpura 64 Jor DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 095719 095720 095721 095722 095723 095724 095725 095726 095727 095728 095729 095730 095731 095732 095733 095734 095735 095736 095737 095738 095739 095740 095741 095742 095743 095744 095745 095746 095747 095748 095749 095750 095751 095752 095753 095754 095755 095756 095757 095758 095759 095760 095761 095762 095763 095764 095765 095766 095767 095768 095769 095770 095771 095772 095773 095774 095775 Name of Village 2 Sagatpuriya Birdhol Kalyan Pura Shivnagar Paplaj Gudar Khera @ Dookiyon Ka Khera Jharol Jaswantpura Gadari Khera Sarsari Harpura Hatoondi Chatarpura Udliyas Satola Ka Khera Somsyas Chawandiya Ban Ka Khera Kawaliyas Mafi Lasariya Satola Kheroona Fateh Garh Kodiya Reeth Mali Khera Jetpura Kotri Dhokliya Meena Ka Khera Lakhamaniyas Kakroliya Mafi Salriya Rugnathpura @ Gawardi Sablaji Ka Khera Redwas Bhagwan Pura Dhayalon Ka Khera Mansha Gula Ka Khera Singhji Ka Khera Beermiyas Gora Ka Khera Bharkiya @ Bithalpura Akhepur Thalera Hajiwas Onkarpura Gheoriya Chohli Kakroliya Ghati Hastina Pur Hastra Panderi Chodhariyas (Gega Ka Khera) Govindpura Jor Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 619 1,060 430 204 410 249 396 159 75 165 370 664 271 129 245 384 1,048 432 181 416 277 656 211 102 210 107 392 221 79 206 377 785 392 174 242 270 524 191 98 202 107 261 201 76 40 290 622 132 300 615 100 95 510 773 591 127 796 1,908 299 789 426 396 330 594 893 241 390 3,656 743 204 606 409 588 108 232 52 94 236 30 37 185 273 227 50 303 772 109 237 175 176 135 245 356 90 155 1,375 281 88 229 147 220 182 390 80 206 379 70 58 325 500 364 77 493 1,136 190 552 251 220 195 349 537 151 235 2,281 462 116 377 262 368 272 517 200 394 599 83 112 485 648 611 178 1,286 1,931 368 895 501 343 430 533 765 204 240 3,944 697 180 586 420 478 135 308 113 213 290 47 83 248 408 326 99 649 1,078 182 435 269 176 225 335 403 99 145 2,757 395 90 303 223 314 137 209 87 181 309 36 29 237 240 285 79 637 853 186 460 232 167 205 198 362 105 95 1,187 302 90 283 197 164 268 295 195 394 596 41 78 478 647 599 137 641 1,384 368 890 321 189 369 516 722 202 234 3,446 679 178 336 248 424 135 257 111 213 287 40 76 246 407 325 96 463 981 182 434 246 147 213 330 385 99 141 2,587 388 90 285 190 301 133 38 84 181 309 1 2 232 240 274 41 178 403 186 456 75 42 156 186 337 103 93 859 291 88 51 58 123 409 163 1,342 146 247 1,015 272 448 228 308 285 358 441 726 425 572 504 1,615 128 395 122 167 60 560 58 101 366 103 187 84 125 121 109 182 307 179 206 230 633 54 144 58 242 103 782 88 146 649 169 261 144 183 164 249 259 419 246 366 274 982 74 251 64 321 168 1,364 136 204 1,226 272 358 255 295 258 378 338 629 281 589 336 1,364 120 387 100 171 89 698 74 111 622 140 189 136 151 127 182 197 362 147 299 194 741 67 183 61 150 79 666 62 93 604 132 169 119 144 131 196 141 267 134 290 142 623 53 204 39 151 165 1,025 136 202 631 25 85 255 273 250 376 337 624 255 330 213 648 118 226 100 103 88 606 74 111 402 23 60 136 140 127 180 196 360 142 175 177 518 66 163 61 48 77 419 62 91 229 2 25 119 133 123 196 141 264 113 155 36 130 52 63 39 206 874 520 82 361 185 124 513 335 281 683 486 145 376 241 136 307 245 279 441 267 143 297 233 136 144 34 Persons 20 212 Total workers Persons Males Females 23 24 25 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kotri Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 256 520 287 109 154 159 285 109 57 120 97 235 178 52 34 214 214 140 330 552 39 55 426 473 458 57 458 972 251 756 171 176 118 311 650 196 161 1,271 569 174 211 135 311 85 186 63 156 255 38 54 213 256 216 35 303 626 125 340 131 136 67 207 324 93 86 713 290 87 171 91 205 129 28 77 174 297 1 1 213 217 242 22 155 346 126 416 40 40 51 104 326 103 75 558 279 87 40 44 106 112 143 816 91 135 446 4 55 252 218 192 250 256 355 148 206 87 340 71 169 69 67 71 432 34 49 243 2 30 134 93 91 106 139 162 87 61 72 251 34 120 37 45 72 384 57 86 203 2 25 118 125 101 144 117 193 61 145 15 89 37 49 32 268 336 189 134 217 181 134 119 8 29 18 28 35 5 - 26 12 16 18 1 - 7 9 1 1 6 9 1 - - 1 20 24 15 54 13 68 82 68 2 1 60 160 4 10 93 3 2 6 1 6 1 11 12 6 37 9 52 27 52 1 1 6 82 2 6 46 2 1 4 1 4 - - 1 18 1 10 5 17 23 28 38 13 5 99 5 42 1 45 7 3 6 12 17 4 9 12 9 17 4 16 55 16 1 54 78 2 4 47 1 1 2 2 2 8 7 14 14 4 4 76 1 35 35 7 1 10 - - - - - 9 - 1 - 1 - 5 - - 4 15 1 15 13 2 7 9 8 91 2 10 3 4 11 1 8 12 2 2 9 5 68 2 8 3 - 1 1 - - 1 21 8 1 1 4 1 5 7 - 1 18 5 1 1 4 1 4 3 - - - 3 23 3 8 9 1 10 1 5 3 9 16 14 24 9 1 23 4 7 - 5 - - - - 1 16 1 1 1 1 8 1 19 2 1 213 4 7 1 5 3 23 2 3 3 1 4 - 2 - 4 - 1 23 91 228 77 28 82 84 211 66 22 80 7 17 11 6 2 54 65 46 54 43 2 22 32 146 111 25 155 331 35 64 148 12 184 36 68 6 55 1,991 107 2 117 102 104 50 57 39 51 32 2 21 22 135 92 23 143 291 30 40 114 10 138 32 59 6 44 1,760 96 2 108 90 89 4 8 7 3 11 1 10 11 19 2 12 40 5 24 34 2 46 4 9 11 231 11 9 12 15 39 20 191 45 65 154 21 30 3 42 40 102 49 230 94 119 121 202 42 15 31 36 16 166 40 61 136 21 30 2 40 27 66 39 183 51 110 101 188 31 8 24 3 4 25 5 4 18 1 2 13 36 10 47 43 9 20 14 11 7 7 10 57 48 9 43 45 Name of Village 2 Sagatpuriya Birdhol Kalyan Pura Shivnagar Paplaj Gudar Khera @ Dookiyon Ka Khera Jharol Jaswantpura Gadari Khera Sarsari Harpura Hatoondi Chatarpura Udliyas Satola Ka Khera Somsyas Chawandiya Ban Ka Khera Kawaliyas Mafi Lasariya Satola Kheroona Fateh Garh Kodiya Reeth Mali Khera Jetpura Kotri Dhokliya Meena Ka Khera Lakhamaniyas Kakroliya Mafi Salriya Rugnathpura @ Gawardi Sablaji Ka Khera Redwas Bhagwan Pura Dhayalon Ka Khera Mansha Gula Ka Khera Singhji Ka Khera Beermiyas Gora Ka Khera Bharkiya @ Bithalpura Akhepur Thalera Hajiwas Onkarpura Gheoriya Chohli Kakroliya Ghati Hastina Pur Hastra Panderi Chodhariyas (Gega Ka 1 Khera) 14 Govindpura 3 Jor DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 095719 095720 095721 095722 095723 095724 095725 095726 095727 095728 095729 095730 095731 095732 095733 095734 095735 095736 095737 095738 095739 095740 095741 095742 095743 095744 095745 095746 095747 095748 095749 095750 095751 095752 095753 095754 095755 095756 095757 095758 095759 095760 095761 095762 095763 095764 095765 095766 095767 095768 095769 095770 095771 095772 095773 095774 095775 Name of Village 2 Sagatpuriya Birdhol Kalyan Pura Shivnagar Paplaj Gudar Khera @ Dookiyon Ka Khera Jharol Jaswantpura Gadari Khera Sarsari Harpura Hatoondi Chatarpura Udliyas Satola Ka Khera Somsyas Chawandiya Ban Ka Khera Kawaliyas Mafi Lasariya Satola Kheroona Fateh Garh Kodiya Reeth Mali Khera Jetpura Kotri Dhokliya Meena Ka Khera Lakhamaniyas Kakroliya Mafi Salriya Rugnathpura @ Gawardi Sablaji Ka Khera Redwas Bhagwan Pura Dhayalon Ka Khera Mansha Gula Ka Khera Singhji Ka Khera Beermiyas Gora Ka Khera Bharkiya @ Bithalpura Akhepur Thalera Hajiwas Onkarpura Gheoriya Chohli Kakroliya Ghati Hastina Pur Hastra Panderi Chodhariyas (Gega Ka Khera) Govindpura Jor Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 Persons 44 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 7 263 40 7 174 7 132 20 4 8 131 20 3 166 23 25 169 10 12 7 13 13 162 142 8 4 1 36 2 2 - 106 6 2 1 4 222 5 3 42 34 7 1 12 41 645 547 5 180 154 61 17 43 2 6 498 18 2 250 172 54 51 2 3 7 7 2 1 1 3 186 97 1 23 29 12 5 18 4 170 7 18 33 13 4 171 3 35 27 5 11 38 459 450 4 157 125 49 12 25 2 2 328 11 2 232 139 41 23 2 1 33 29 2 1 6 38 489 436 3 175 150 3 9 1 2 79 11 2 184 159 17 - 3 106 64 1 20 26 2 1 30 4 8 27 9 20 1 33 27 2 6 35 383 372 2 155 124 3 7 1 1 49 7 2 176 132 8 167 2 6 3 1 25 44 2 3 19 10 4 1 1 237 1 31 1 1 30 5 3 7 2 5 3 1 29 2 1 137 2 1 3 1 22 37 2 1 14 7 3 1 1 208 1 29 1 - 170 3 339 2 595 247 273 22 8 2 1 5 26 259 123 716 2 161 - 68 1 92 220 117 129 11 2 1 2 5 124 17 223 1 20 - 102 2 247 2 375 130 144 11 8 3 21 135 106 493 1 141 - 80 1 225 2 24 196 262 2 2 1 1 21 224 95 357 1 124 - 11 45 8 73 123 2 1 1 3 101 6 96 15 - 69 1 180 2 16 123 139 2 18 123 89 261 1 109 - 13 1 56 376 3 6 2 3 11 2 261 34 - 1 14 58 4 1 5 1 60 5 - 12 1 42 318 3 2 1 3 6 1 201 29 - 2 242 219 2 79 8 163 211 130 130 29 5 101 125 82 58 33 1 49 57 214 3 1 1 2 1 - PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kotri of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 - 2 2 1 - 1 - - - 2 1 - - 2 16 7 24 1 4 - 1 11 4 15 2 - - - 1 1 3 - 6 2 10 4 20 1 - 1 - 9 - 1 1 5 3 9 1 2 3 - 2 - 7 6 - 1 5 1 5 - - - 2 4 18 Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 7 96 7 3 4 7 85 6 2 1 11 1 1 3 621 1,317 244 177 322 231 548 126 78 170 390 769 118 99 152 4 30 2 3 5 2 4 3 129 51 5 1 42 4 23 3 158 6 34 8 36 18 2 2 5 2 1 76 15 3 1 7 2 11 3 96 3 8 4 3 4 12 1 3 3 53 36 2 35 2 12 62 3 26 4 33 202 618 202 284 443 119 183 476 754 443 100 571 1,658 274 625 344 243 217 743 612 168 312 5,920 698 104 402 370 622 91 266 85 120 214 46 68 201 292 212 51 265 738 131 295 157 113 102 312 284 87 122 2,318 322 51 196 177 252 111 352 117 164 229 73 115 275 462 231 49 306 920 143 330 187 130 115 431 328 81 190 3,602 376 53 206 193 370 77 55 186 48 11 8 6 1 3 2 24 24 88 1 3 - 56 33 152 44 6 5 1 1 2 18 9 62 1 - 21 22 34 4 5 3 6 2 6 15 26 3 - 245 150 768 123 141 947 183 236 137 176 138 233 362 670 223 402 316 1,156 110 227 97 126 69 411 61 59 483 104 115 70 94 84 110 163 291 93 202 146 527 60 121 48 119 81 357 62 82 464 79 121 67 82 54 123 199 379 130 200 170 629 50 106 49 2 26 11 2 17 - - 238 612 323 115 298 169 9 11 215 Name of Village 2 Sagatpuriya Birdhol Kalyan Pura Shivnagar Paplaj Gudar Khera @ Dookiyon Ka Khera Jharol Jaswantpura Gadari Khera Sarsari Harpura Hatoondi Chatarpura Udliyas Satola Ka Khera Somsyas Chawandiya Ban Ka Khera Kawaliyas Mafi Lasariya Satola Kheroona Fateh Garh Kodiya Reeth Mali Khera Jetpura Kotri Dhokliya Meena Ka Khera Lakhamaniyas Kakroliya Mafi Salriya Rugnathpura @ Gawardi Sablaji Ka Khera Redwas Bhagwan Pura Dhayalon Ka Khera Mansha Gula Ka Khera Singhji Ka Khera Beermiyas Gora Ka Khera Bharkiya @ Bithalpura Akhepur Thalera Hajiwas Onkarpura Gheoriya Chohli Kakroliya Ghati Hastina Pur Hastra Panderi Chodhariyas (Gega Ka 123 Khera) 314 Govindpura 154 Jor Location code number 1 095719 095720 095721 095722 095723 095724 095725 095726 095727 095728 095729 095730 095731 095732 095733 095734 095735 095736 095737 095738 095739 095740 095741 095742 095743 095744 095745 095746 095747 095748 095749 095750 095751 095752 095753 095754 095755 095756 095757 095758 095759 095760 095761 095762 095763 095764 095765 095766 095767 095768 095769 095770 095771 095772 095773 095774 095775 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 095776 095777 095778 095779 095780 095781 095782 095783 095784 095785 095786 095787 095788 095789 095790 095791 095792 095793 095794 095795 095796 095797 095798 095799 095800 095801 095802 095803 095804 095805 095806 095807 095808 095809 095810 095811 095812 095813 095814 095815 095816 095817 095818 095819 095820 095821 095822 095823 095824 095825 095826 095827 095828 095829 095830 095831 095832 095833 Name of Village 2 Marda Ki Jhunpariya Bagal Ki Jhunpariya Ramnagar Nandrai Goojar Khera Gandheri Bara Khera Bhairoon Khera Berada Ki Jhonpariya Kesarpura Gehuli Itawa Parmeshwar Pura Jagpura Sangrampura @ Bor Ka Khera Jawal Gogas Kishangarh Dantra (Chhota) Gaphesara Shopura (Gega Ka Khera) Bor Khera Bordiyas Mataji Ka Khera Deoli Sabal Pura Kanpura Baga Ka Khera Deoriya Purohiton Ka Khera Baliya Khera Gothra Jityas Kali Randiya Nohara Sawaipur Dhelana Khajeena Shopura (Sawaipura) Barla Peethas Solankiyon Ka Khera Amartiya Karer Bhakliya Adsipura Chandgarh Akola Holirada Hathipura Paroli Genta Shree Pura Gega Ka Khera Downi Jeewakhera Kharon Ka Khera Barliyas Singhpura Area of Village in Number of hectares households 3 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 373.92 268.43 658.31 2,103.36 186.99 332.01 158.96 409.55 151.55 279.27 478.18 598.16 120.38 133.39 149 105 140 996 104 189 67 133 91 122 239 217 44 140 681 458 719 4,906 442 870 259 665 355 558 1,080 1,012 191 615 359 243 377 2,478 223 431 135 339 178 272 534 527 102 337 322 215 342 2,428 219 439 124 326 177 286 546 485 89 278 148 75 130 764 68 125 51 109 60 95 155 160 26 96 79 44 66 380 36 52 31 52 28 49 68 80 11 51 69 31 64 384 32 73 20 57 32 46 87 80 15 45 362.75 1,316.37 337.37 1,186.27 495.40 433.85 147 348 157 372 123 96 616 1,633 686 1,788 634 383 323 837 360 929 336 192 293 796 326 859 298 191 99 226 126 256 105 58 48 124 71 130 46 29 51 102 55 126 59 29 297.57 189.22 366.36 582.71 414.82 188.80 159.90 193.81 402.05 326.63 421.85 456.75 452.80 233.60 363.60 1,025.60 290.80 662.26 643.65 1,286.77 554.76 170.46 400.72 302.56 311.10 212.60 775.85 1,480.93 561.67 218.96 928.99 596.08 682.20 492.25 235.72 557.00 2,105.10 267.48 157 188 209 196 57 48 81 59 220 74 98 180 79 75 97 602 62 257 279 422 248 120 233 106 161 126 261 555 252 92 212 208 316 207 180 107 1,204 104 757 865 960 1,018 359 212 420 298 1,101 361 541 796 478 316 490 3,072 295 1,173 1,322 2,082 1,329 497 1,111 584 711 506 1,254 2,632 1,148 424 1,050 1,182 1,532 910 879 512 5,880 477 379 454 508 535 181 116 205 151 562 188 286 396 237 166 254 1,550 151 587 696 1,070 649 254 555 302 364 250 627 1,331 594 227 534 637 789 430 449 250 3,023 248 378 411 452 483 178 96 215 147 539 173 255 400 241 150 236 1,522 144 586 626 1,012 680 243 556 282 347 256 627 1,301 554 197 516 545 743 480 430 262 2,857 229 118 129 211 160 62 34 51 61 169 53 83 121 64 47 69 534 49 173 204 327 261 42 160 103 117 78 236 344 188 59 197 237 159 159 125 86 780 62 65 71 114 90 34 21 22 34 89 31 44 62 27 26 36 269 24 99 109 179 129 22 83 54 57 33 114 173 106 31 102 130 90 68 66 47 415 34 53 58 97 70 28 13 29 27 80 22 39 59 37 21 33 265 25 74 95 148 132 20 77 49 60 45 122 171 82 28 95 107 69 91 59 39 365 28 216 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kotri Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 Females 19 13 92 1,182 167 85 63 65 174 200 94 154 6 49 586 92 44 36 29 80 106 49 89 7 43 596 75 41 27 36 94 94 45 65 70 14 189 107 55 8 - 36 7 100 52 33 3 - 34 7 89 55 22 5 - 124 168 290 2,226 98 265 90 262 108 136 504 396 68 227 111 110 194 1,432 82 200 66 186 73 106 326 288 54 176 13 58 96 794 16 65 24 76 35 30 178 108 14 51 10 180 85 310 256 225 5 90 43 158 145 114 5 90 42 152 111 111 212 235 18 1 12 107 117 10 1 6 105 118 8 6 246 727 262 654 207 104 176 478 179 472 167 72 70 249 83 182 40 32 263 170 436 183 59 62 13 255 59 178 31 36 21 526 14 93 268 385 446 27 267 52 141 20 124 460 26 92 115 162 153 179 170 39 1,802 114 134 89 232 90 29 38 8 129 32 98 18 20 11 264 5 49 149 202 221 14 124 29 67 9 58 231 13 50 61 91 89 81 87 21 930 59 129 81 204 93 30 24 5 126 27 80 13 16 10 262 9 44 119 183 225 13 143 23 74 11 66 229 13 42 54 71 64 98 83 18 872 55 8 61 73 4 235 27 5 54 2 3 8 93 53 16 95 55 19 91 202 38 90 127 36 69 7 - 4 32 39 1 110 11 3 26 1 2 5 46 25 8 50 30 9 44 103 19 48 65 18 34 5 - 4 29 34 3 125 16 2 28 1 1 3 47 28 8 45 25 10 47 99 19 42 62 18 35 2 - 255 334 305 348 157 91 232 81 453 109 220 350 226 176 222 1,279 121 488 527 1,025 449 277 438 360 316 206 494 1,581 423 151 507 460 918 312 313 181 2,743 243 176 240 203 269 101 65 139 70 299 82 158 220 133 106 136 865 91 328 370 653 278 169 285 201 229 134 335 957 272 106 313 317 560 220 218 118 1,763 162 79 94 102 79 56 26 93 11 154 27 62 130 93 70 86 414 30 160 157 372 171 108 153 159 87 72 159 624 151 45 194 143 358 92 95 63 980 81 217 Name of Village 2 Marda Ki Jhunpariya Bagal Ki Jhunpariya Ramnagar Nandrai Goojar Khera Gandheri Bara Khera Bhairoon Khera Berada Ki Jhonpariya Kesarpura Gehuli Itawa Parmeshwar Pura Jagpura Sangrampura @ Bor Ka Khera Jawal Gogas Kishangarh Dantra (Chhota) Gaphesara Shopura (Gega Ka Khera) Bor Khera Bordiyas Mataji Ka Khera Deoli Sabal Pura Kanpura Baga Ka Khera Deoriya Purohiton Ka Khera Baliya Khera Gothra Jityas Kali Randiya Nohara Sawaipur Dhelana Khajeena Shopura (Sawaipura) Barla Peethas Solankiyon Ka Khera Amartiya Karer Bhakliya Adsipura Chandgarh Akola Holirada Hathipura Paroli Genta Shree Pura Gega Ka Khera Downi Jeewakhera Kharon Ka Khera Barliyas Singhpura DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 095776 095777 095778 095779 095780 095781 095782 095783 095784 095785 095786 095787 095788 095789 095790 095791 095792 095793 095794 095795 095796 095797 095798 095799 095800 095801 095802 095803 095804 095805 095806 095807 095808 095809 095810 095811 095812 095813 095814 095815 095816 095817 095818 095819 095820 095821 095822 095823 095824 095825 095826 095827 095828 095829 095830 095831 095832 095833 Name of Village 2 Marda Ki Jhunpariya Bagal Ki Jhunpariya Ramnagar Nandrai Goojar Khera Gandheri Bara Khera Bhairoon Khera Berada Ki Jhonpariya Kesarpura Gehuli Itawa Parmeshwar Pura Jagpura Sangrampura @ Bor Ka Khera Jawal Gogas Kishangarh Dantra (Chhota) Gaphesara Shopura (Gega Ka Khera) Bor Khera Bordiyas Mataji Ka Khera Deoli Sabal Pura Kanpura Baga Ka Khera Deoriya Purohiton Ka Khera Baliya Khera Gothra Jityas Kali Randiya Nohara Sawaipur Dhelana Khajeena Shopura (Sawaipura) Barla Peethas Solankiyon Ka Khera Amartiya Karer Bhakliya Adsipura Chandgarh Akola Holirada Hathipura Paroli Genta Shree Pura Gega Ka Khera Downi Jeewakhera Kharon Ka Khera Barliyas Singhpura Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 557 290 429 2,680 344 605 169 403 247 422 576 616 123 388 248 133 183 1,046 141 231 69 153 105 166 208 239 48 161 309 157 246 1,634 203 374 100 250 142 256 368 377 75 227 413 298 368 2,499 323 524 141 303 191 286 561 505 103 277 212 155 195 1,394 166 269 67 202 92 144 325 286 77 184 201 143 173 1,105 157 255 74 101 99 142 236 219 26 93 332 151 180 1,621 323 470 50 269 76 265 535 465 99 253 202 136 159 1,077 166 255 42 169 74 132 321 262 76 174 130 15 21 544 157 215 8 100 2 133 214 203 23 79 370 906 424 1,134 427 279 147 359 181 457 169 120 223 547 243 677 258 159 355 892 365 1,047 369 256 177 460 228 542 206 125 178 432 137 505 163 131 306 662 274 788 351 253 150 392 169 495 193 124 156 270 105 293 158 129 502 531 655 670 202 121 188 217 648 252 321 446 252 140 268 1,793 174 685 795 1,057 880 220 673 224 395 300 760 1,051 725 273 543 722 614 598 566 331 3,137 234 203 214 305 266 80 51 66 81 263 106 128 176 104 60 118 685 60 259 326 417 371 85 270 101 135 116 292 374 322 121 221 320 229 210 231 132 1,260 86 299 317 350 404 122 70 122 136 385 146 193 270 148 80 150 1,108 114 426 469 640 509 135 403 123 260 184 468 677 403 152 322 402 385 388 335 199 1,877 148 431 406 560 664 223 115 289 184 677 223 345 482 315 176 167 1,609 176 594 837 1,059 771 232 733 299 376 215 635 1,247 590 215 591 559 902 471 497 241 2,856 256 221 234 301 340 111 68 143 82 342 106 168 228 152 90 111 844 90 328 435 589 433 136 366 169 196 145 338 720 312 109 325 315 470 214 255 128 1,630 148 210 172 259 324 112 47 146 102 335 117 177 254 163 86 56 765 86 266 402 470 338 96 367 130 180 70 297 527 278 106 266 244 432 257 242 113 1,226 108 355 264 408 289 218 111 289 134 562 221 136 218 266 162 153 1,570 162 577 792 918 768 228 506 285 368 145 471 1,151 533 207 392 499 644 269 450 143 2,441 242 187 202 273 250 110 67 143 71 283 105 127 196 131 82 105 831 83 321 418 566 430 132 255 165 191 123 302 672 297 104 209 290 369 173 228 115 1,403 142 168 62 135 39 108 44 146 63 279 116 9 22 135 80 48 739 79 256 374 352 338 96 251 120 177 22 169 479 236 103 183 209 275 96 222 28 1,038 100 Persons 20 218 Total workers Persons Males Females 23 24 25 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kotri Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 321 79 143 1,004 310 421 49 244 66 147 312 381 36 59 193 70 129 615 161 219 41 148 66 58 138 190 31 49 128 9 14 389 149 202 8 96 89 174 191 5 10 2 5 2 181 28 6 14 25 4 45 53 279 441 131 450 349 247 134 222 73 248 191 120 145 219 58 202 158 127 322 167 233 185 205 85 269 61 526 201 123 143 9 129 105 1,033 96 458 627 801 618 191 172 189 328 105 232 856 323 175 291 429 509 208 396 128 1,712 166 162 128 144 158 100 47 132 20 260 100 114 138 7 61 71 436 57 225 286 469 310 107 100 83 166 102 142 433 181 84 126 257 252 123 199 103 863 89 160 39 89 27 105 38 137 41 266 101 9 5 2 68 34 597 39 233 341 332 308 84 72 106 162 3 90 423 142 91 165 172 257 85 197 25 849 77 1 4 - - 80 22 4 10 11 3 33 38 1 1 2 101 6 2 4 14 1 12 15 1 7 49 10 1 2 - 1 7 41 5 1 1 - 11 21 95 67 1 7 12 59 23 - 4 9 36 44 1 25 41 - 12 32 - 11 18 33 11 1 1 12 3 6 48 70 14 10 47 4 28 31 14 9 11 59 3 4 17 69 30 61 5 12 48 10 36 19 6 149 14 8 10 9 2 1 6 31 64 6 7 22 3 20 20 10 4 7 2 1 1 22 18 36 1 6 15 5 30 8 5 69 7 3 8 24 9 1 12 3 17 6 8 3 25 1 8 11 4 5 4 57 3 3 16 47 12 25 4 6 33 5 6 11 1 80 7 5 6 4 5 4 3 - 1 5 - 1 2 - 1 1 - - 1 13 2 4 88 3 18 17 5 1 7 38 7 3 22 7 6 3 13 3 10 2 51 - 1 12 1 57 9 16 3 1 5 20 5 3 13 4 4 3 10 3 5 1 38 219 - - 9 66 28 387 13 11 1 19 10 104 197 78 18 141 8 61 23 341 5 9 1 17 8 64 171 68 12 87 1 5 5 46 8 2 2 2 40 26 10 6 54 13 9 - 16 175 48 230 2 5 9 146 37 192 2 4 7 29 11 38 1 - 17 73 138 93 12 25 14 61 32 20 7 26 174 17 34 402 59 73 117 98 140 19 237 93 29 23 167 243 142 21 89 19 112 22 25 7 529 62 12 60 117 90 9 19 9 51 22 5 7 26 48 15 26 316 23 67 96 84 115 13 133 82 19 20 135 208 76 15 77 15 102 17 16 6 433 46 5 13 21 3 3 6 5 10 10 15 126 2 8 86 36 6 21 14 25 6 104 11 10 3 32 35 66 6 12 4 10 5 9 1 96 16 8 5 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 31 3 9 1 2 2 18 2 9 3 2 3 5 1 13 - Name of Village 2 Marda Ki Jhunpariya Bagal Ki Jhunpariya Ramnagar Nandrai Goojar Khera Gandheri Bara Khera Bhairoon Khera Berada Ki Jhonpariya Kesarpura Gehuli Itawa Parmeshwar Pura Jagpura Sangrampura @ Bor Ka Khera Jawal Gogas Kishangarh Dantra (Chhota) Gaphesara Shopura (Gega Ka Khera) Bor Khera Bordiyas Mataji Ka Khera Deoli Sabal Pura Kanpura Baga Ka Khera Deoriya Purohiton Ka Khera Baliya Khera Gothra Jityas Kali Randiya Nohara Sawaipur Dhelana Khajeena Shopura (Sawaipura) Barla Peethas Solankiyon Ka Khera Amartiya Karer Bhakliya Adsipura Chandgarh Akola Holirada Hathipura Paroli Genta Shree Pura Gega Ka Khera Downi Jeewakhera Kharon Ka Khera Barliyas Singhpura DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 095776 095777 095778 095779 095780 095781 095782 095783 095784 095785 095786 095787 095788 095789 095790 095791 095792 095793 095794 095795 095796 095797 095798 095799 095800 095801 095802 095803 095804 095805 095806 095807 095808 095809 095810 095811 095812 095813 095814 095815 095816 095817 095818 095819 095820 095821 095822 095823 095824 095825 095826 095827 095828 095829 095830 095831 095832 095833 Name of Village 2 Marda Ki Jhunpariya Bagal Ki Jhunpariya Ramnagar Nandrai Goojar Khera Gandheri Bara Khera Bhairoon Khera Berada Ki Jhonpariya Kesarpura Gehuli Itawa Parmeshwar Pura Jagpura Sangrampura @ Bor Ka Khera Jawal Gogas Kishangarh Dantra (Chhota) Gaphesara Shopura (Gega Ka Khera) Bor Khera Bordiyas Mataji Ka Khera Deoli Sabal Pura Kanpura Baga Ka Khera Deoriya Purohiton Ka Khera Baliya Khera Gothra Jityas Kali Randiya Nohara Sawaipur Dhelana Khajeena Shopura (Sawaipura) Barla Peethas Solankiyon Ka Khera Amartiya Karer Bhakliya Adsipura Chandgarh Akola Holirada Hathipura Paroli Genta Shree Pura Gega Ka Khera Downi Jeewakhera Kharon Ka Khera Barliyas Singhpura Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 Persons 44 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 81 147 188 878 54 91 34 115 21 26 40 4 24 10 19 36 317 14 25 33 18 12 4 24 1 10 71 128 152 561 40 66 1 97 9 22 16 3 14 77 100 153 280 50 81 1 111 2 16 3 6 7 10 15 67 11 18 1 15 1 1 2 1 70 90 138 213 39 63 96 1 15 1 5 18 8 506 4 1 12 1 10 6 2 1 9 1 1 187 3 11 1 4 1 5 17 7 319 1 1 1 6 6 1 1 4 49 230 91 259 18 3 27 68 59 47 13 1 22 162 32 212 5 2 27 66 15 174 1 1 15 22 9 18 1 1 12 44 6 156 - 14 128 30 35 14 - 10 21 18 6 10 - 4 107 12 29 4 - 76 142 152 375 5 4 50 115 2 209 264 49 14 14 39 14 17 45 141 3 4 227 14 8 70 164 96 57 8 199 60 258 202 47 98 415 14 34 32 28 90 1 1 11 59 1 41 32 21 8 6 13 7 7 17 23 3 4 111 4 5 22 36 48 15 5 116 25 101 41 27 13 227 6 42 110 124 285 4 3 39 56 1 168 232 28 6 8 26 7 10 28 118 116 10 3 48 128 48 42 3 83 35 157 161 20 85 188 8 13 101 71 345 1 9 4 155 13 1 6 7 11 3 1 25 120 1 1 60 6 3 3 13 39 16 4 104 9 204 30 8 6 133 9 5 12 4 74 6 28 9 4 2 5 3 9 12 1 1 36 3 1 1 5 16 4 2 44 8 61 11 4 4 57 4 8 89 67 271 1 3 4 127 4 1 2 5 6 1 16 108 24 3 2 2 8 23 12 2 60 1 143 19 4 2 76 5 42 11 58 12 1 31 29 51 251 12 3 8 7 6 5 56 2 3 48 8 28 1 54 11 1 134 15 3 72 2 12 4 9 7 1 4 9 13 23 11 2 3 1 3 1 13 8 3 9 1 38 3 1 13 8 28 1 30 7 49 5 27 20 38 228 1 1 5 6 3 4 43 2 3 40 5 19 16 8 121 7 3 44 1 220 - PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kotri of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 4 - 3 - 6 10 - 1 - 5 3 1 7 Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 29 21 82 9 21 3 9 4 35 3 9 - Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 8 15 60 7 21 2 7 3 21 1 4 21 6 22 2 1 2 1 14 2 5 268 160 351 2,407 119 346 118 362 164 272 519 507 88 338 147 88 182 1,084 57 162 68 137 86 128 209 241 25 153 121 72 169 1,323 62 184 50 225 78 144 310 266 63 185 - - 20 - - 16 - 8 36 46 30 3 2 2 25 32 19 2 - 6 11 14 11 1 2 261 741 321 741 265 127 146 377 132 387 130 67 115 364 189 354 135 60 2 2 - 2 1 19 28 23 17 3 4 10 57 2 3 35 4 6 18 11 1 11 14 2 1 108 6 5 64 101 46 12 1 41 39 49 35 22 88 196 3 17 15 15 9 1 1 27 1 9 1 3 4 4 1 4 8 2 1 61 1 4 21 22 28 1 1 34 14 36 16 15 9 134 1 2 13 8 8 3 3 9 30 1 3 26 3 3 14 7 7 6 47 5 1 43 79 18 11 7 25 13 19 7 79 62 2 326 459 400 354 136 97 131 114 424 138 196 314 163 140 323 1,463 119 579 485 1,023 558 265 378 285 335 291 619 1,385 558 209 459 623 630 439 382 271 3,024 221 158 220 207 195 70 48 62 69 220 82 118 168 85 76 143 706 61 259 261 481 216 118 189 133 168 105 289 611 282 118 209 322 319 216 194 122 1,393 100 168 239 193 159 66 49 69 45 204 56 78 146 78 64 180 757 58 320 224 542 342 147 189 152 167 186 330 774 276 91 250 301 311 223 188 149 1,631 121 1 25 1 1 1 2 8 3 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 4 3 2 1 14 - 4 - 1 23 1 1 1 1 5 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 8 - 1 2 1 3 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 6 - 221 Name of Village 2 Marda Ki Jhunpariya Bagal Ki Jhunpariya Ramnagar Nandrai Goojar Khera Gandheri Bara Khera Bhairoon Khera Berada Ki Jhonpariya Kesarpura Gehuli Itawa Parmeshwar Pura Jagpura Sangrampura @ Bor Ka Khera Jawal Gogas Kishangarh Dantra (Chhota) Gaphesara Shopura (Gega Ka Khera) Bor Khera Bordiyas Mataji Ka Khera Deoli Sabal Pura Kanpura Baga Ka Khera Deoriya Purohiton Ka Khera Baliya Khera Gothra Jityas Kali Randiya Nohara Sawaipur Dhelana Khajeena Shopura (Sawaipura) Barla Peethas Solankiyon Ka Khera Amartiya Karer Bhakliya Adsipura Chandgarh Akola Holirada Hathipura Paroli Genta Shree Pura Gega Ka Khera Downi Jeewakhera Kharon Ka Khera Barliyas Singhpura Location code number 1 095776 095777 095778 095779 095780 095781 095782 095783 095784 095785 095786 095787 095788 095789 095790 095791 095792 095793 095794 095795 095796 095797 095798 095799 095800 095801 095802 095803 095804 095805 095806 095807 095808 095809 095810 095811 095812 095813 095814 095815 095816 095817 095818 095819 095820 095821 095822 095823 095824 095825 095826 095827 095828 095829 095830 095831 095832 095833 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 095834 095835 095836 095837 095838 095839 095840 095841 095842 095843 095844 Name of Village 2 Chodhriyas Suthera Jeetya Gendliya Ren Renwas Ama Beeramiyas Murliya Suthepa Udliyas Mafi Mankari Area of Village in Number of hectares households 3 4 561.78 605.72 925.32 191.65 940.70 1,195.81 262.33 425.97 893.41 541.27 603.68 204 222 329 199 314 485 70 168 308 207 186 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 1,066 1,124 1,669 839 1,497 2,331 307 823 1,714 1,072 883 222 548 547 844 430 751 1,208 159 412 866 536 434 518 577 825 409 746 1,123 148 411 848 536 449 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 163 165 256 115 223 338 52 101 202 160 139 95 79 127 61 115 177 25 40 106 86 71 68 86 129 54 108 161 27 61 96 74 68 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kotri Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 171 80 453 256 416 378 132 167 494 57 92 39 237 133 204 201 66 92 238 30 79 41 216 123 212 177 66 75 256 27 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 197 40 10 25 4 - 100 20 6 10 2 - 97 20 4 15 2 - 223 Persons 17 431 545 824 277 712 1,094 137 413 998 486 317 Literates Males 18 282 358 510 176 458 696 86 267 619 304 216 Females 19 149 187 314 101 254 398 51 146 379 182 101 Name of Village 2 Chodhriyas Suthera Jeetya Gendliya Ren Renwas Ama Beeramiyas Murliya Suthepa Udliyas Mafi Mankari DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 095834 095835 095836 095837 095838 095839 095840 095841 095842 095843 095844 Name of Village 2 Chodhriyas Suthera Jeetya Gendliya Ren Renwas Ama Beeramiyas Murliya Suthepa Udliyas Mafi Mankari Persons 20 635 579 845 562 785 1,237 170 410 716 586 566 Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 266 189 334 254 293 512 73 145 247 232 218 369 390 511 308 492 725 97 265 469 354 348 224 Total workers Persons Males Females 23 24 25 566 447 696 439 890 1,183 145 258 909 483 418 281 285 487 212 448 651 83 237 481 302 241 285 162 209 227 442 532 62 21 428 181 177 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 545 390 665 387 866 1,121 139 232 880 306 408 271 244 466 191 436 614 79 219 466 224 236 274 146 199 196 430 507 60 13 414 82 172 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kotri Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 513 153 454 300 693 771 123 162 750 159 376 252 146 283 148 310 365 71 154 390 146 210 261 7 171 152 383 406 52 8 360 13 166 12 165 58 62 43 92 11 7 10 85 13 4 33 49 27 22 44 5 4 2 25 11 8 132 9 35 21 48 6 3 8 60 2 - - 2 14 1 20 17 3 1 5 1 2 14 1 12 9 3 1 4 1 225 8 8 1 - 20 70 139 24 110 241 5 60 119 57 18 15 63 120 15 92 196 3 58 73 49 14 5 7 19 9 18 45 2 2 46 8 4 Name of Village 2 Chodhriyas Suthera Jeetya Gendliya Ren Renwas Ama Beeramiyas Murliya Suthepa Udliyas Mafi Mankari DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 095834 095835 095836 095837 095838 095839 095840 095841 095842 095843 095844 Name of Village 2 Chodhriyas Suthera Jeetya Gendliya Ren Renwas Ama Beeramiyas Murliya Suthepa Udliyas Mafi Mankari Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 21 57 31 52 24 62 6 26 29 177 10 10 41 21 21 12 37 4 18 15 78 5 11 16 10 31 12 25 2 8 14 99 5 226 Persons 44 10 12 7 21 12 18 3 12 7 18 6 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 4 4 3 9 6 12 2 9 3 10 3 6 8 4 12 6 6 1 3 4 8 3 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 2 11 9 20 3 2 6 2 110 2 1 7 6 6 2 3 2 28 1 1 4 3 14 1 2 3 82 1 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kotri of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 - 3 1 1 1 2 - 5 - 2 1 1 1 2 1 - 4 - 1 - Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 9 31 14 10 8 40 3 8 20 44 2 5 28 11 5 3 23 2 6 10 36 1 4 3 3 5 5 17 1 2 10 8 1 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 500 677 973 400 607 1,148 162 565 805 589 465 227 267 262 357 218 303 557 76 175 385 234 193 233 415 616 182 304 591 86 390 420 355 272 Name of Village 2 Chodhriyas Suthera Jeetya Gendliya Ren Renwas Ama Beeramiyas Murliya Suthepa Udliyas Mafi Mankari Location code number 1 095834 095835 095836 095837 095838 095839 095840 095841 095842 095843 095844 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0182 0182 0182 095845 096081 096083 096084 096085 096086 096087 096088 096089 096090 096091 096092 096093 096094 096095 096096 096097 096098 096099 096100 096101 096102 096103 096104 096105 096106 096107 096108 096109 096110 096111 096112 096113 096114 096115 096116 096117 096118 096119 096120 096121 096122 096123 096124 096125 096126 096127 096128 096129 096130 096131 096132 096133 Name of Village 2 Area of Village in hectares 3 1,53,183.96 Mandalgarh (Total) 1,51,823.96 Mandalgarh (Rural) 1,360.00 Mandalgarh (Urban) RURAL 527.48 Barla 261.55 Karar Kheri 430.26 Chandpura 250.26 Ampura 783.81 Ummedpura 486.86 Katariyon Ka Khera 567.08 Rajgarh 233.26 Khakhunda 164.99 Peethalpura 104.33 Bagthala 251.37 Gothra 159.98 Laxmipura 459.52 Thalkhurd 123.17 Jal Ka Khera 2,083.36 Thal Kalan Harisinghji Ka Khera@Nathawaton Ka 179.01 Khera 743.32 Beeliya Hindusinghji Ka Khera@ 163.24 Chhur Ka Koh 214.60 Meetha 1,182.40 Dhamniya 193.52 Nahargarh 263.33 Jagpura 210.85 Harpura 167.70 Latala 2,031.05 Kachhola 110.56 Lachhmangarh 176.49 Samthala 1,260.48 Sarthala 109.68 Madhu Puriya 251.51 Rajpura 107.66 Keeratpura 116.63 Hindusinghji Ki Garhi 90.99 Deopuriya 136.28 Harjaspura 78.33 Keriya 381.90 Bakhatpura 138.75 Salampura 242.48 Chawandiya 641.01 Amli 575.69 Jasuji Ka Khera 595.92 Nathji Ka Khera 129.99 Mala Ka Khera 550.52 Achala Ji Ka Khera 203.03 Bharji Ka Khera 1,106.14 Jhanjhola 296.39 Rooparel 714.53 Shaktaji Ka Khera 336.32 Gudha 333.64 Deopura 1,687.49 Mangtala 254.00 Deoli Ki Noon 1,934.54 Beekran 287.20 Takhatji Ka Khera Number of households 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 53,982 51,052 2,930 2,53,347 2,39,207 14,140 1,29,338 1,22,123 7,215 1,24,009 1,17,084 6,925 39,057 37,223 1,834 20,132 19,189 943 18,925 18,034 891 161 74 16 83 140 106 151 103 35 23 23 52 163 145 602 690 315 76 433 554 440 739 472 181 128 136 254 743 623 2,552 375 163 37 215 290 214 382 241 93 70 73 133 398 318 1,244 315 152 39 218 264 226 357 231 88 58 63 121 345 305 1,308 100 35 15 80 84 65 99 85 31 20 27 46 139 104 450 56 12 8 41 49 30 54 38 13 11 14 25 79 46 216 44 23 7 39 35 35 45 47 18 9 13 21 60 58 234 87 189 410 916 215 481 195 435 71 116 40 64 31 52 98 65 729 198 161 175 50 1,482 50 471 265 3,230 797 751 807 260 7,350 231 44 24 250 74 60 68 27 556 22 31 23 234 62 66 58 23 463 15 471 51 120 1,992 238 517 141 16 47 169 14 34 33 97 20 69 106 66 201 259 88 54 117 38 198 32 130 96 53 369 8 249 23 132 490 87 332 473 303 952 1,152 347 202 470 161 952 126 520 399 304 1,741 34 1,094 94 244 227 75 137 128 47 1,643 1,587 484 417 380 136 371 380 126 428 379 126 131 129 50 3,781 3,569 1,019 126 105 37 -------------Un-inhabited-------------1,036 956 310 127 111 30 278 239 81 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------58 74 20 239 251 79 41 46 13 165 167 68 249 224 81 164 139 47 479 473 183 607 545 190 185 162 55 116 86 16 264 206 60 87 74 25 493 459 136 67 59 18 300 220 65 204 195 56 152 152 40 911 830 242 17 17 5 576 518 156 55 39 12 5 37 8 28 44 26 98 104 27 9 33 13 61 13 37 25 17 131 79 8 15 42 5 40 37 21 85 86 28 7 27 12 75 5 28 31 23 111 5 77 4 228 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mandalgarh Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 45,404 42,239 3,165 23,312 21,694 1,618 22,092 20,545 1,547 39,853 39,091 762 20,362 19,982 380 19,491 19,109 382 1,19,408 1,09,686 9,722 76,497 70,970 5,527 131 53 47 74 67 5 13 111 257 257 245 68 23 22 37 34 3 7 58 145 128 125 63 30 25 37 33 2 6 53 112 129 120 200 1 418 122 117 133 16 33 169 121 1 207 72 70 65 7 16 85 79 211 50 47 68 9 17 84 268 50 54 122 144 198 299 192 61 45 44 80 231 239 962 196 42 29 76 103 126 192 137 51 35 32 54 159 186 595 264 135 129 64 49 37 23 27 26 222 550 130 323 64 83 942 253 112 292 1,823 38 34 42 491 137 54 159 922 21 30 41 451 116 58 133 901 17 213 109 1,191 297 273 268 104 4,182 87 143 74 795 200 195 185 77 2,549 60 676 77 134 341 42 73 335 35 61 917 156 244 636 87 149 64 59 204 45 106 293 65 104 404 182 10 9 218 78 - 32 34 101 28 52 152 37 54 206 109 4 4 116 40 - 32 25 103 17 54 141 28 50 198 73 6 5 102 38 - 71 34 37 19 11 8 141 75 66 58 30 28 45 25 20 79 42 37 561 282 279 173 95 78 -------------Un-inhabited-------------65 39 26 5 4 1 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------97 49 48 33 15 18 15 10 5 8 7 1 29 14 15 126 67 59 334 188 146 166 82 84 30 15 15 564 297 267 286 145 141 - 49 173 15 140 128 111 380 591 69 59 187 59 380 48 159 165 153 579 10 395 46 30 118 13 88 95 77 246 359 51 50 124 42 257 27 127 103 90 385 5 280 33 229 Females 19 Name of Village 2 42,911 Mandalgarh (Total) 38,716 Mandalgarh (Rural) 4,195 Mandalgarh (Urban) RURAL 72 Barla 8 Karar Kheri 25 Chandpura 46 Ampura 41 Ummedpura 72 Katariyon Ka Khera 107 Rajgarh 55 Khakhunda 10 Peethalpura 10 Bagthala 12 Gothra 26 Laxmipura 72 Thalkhurd 53 Jal Ka Khera 367 Thal Kalan Harisinghji Ka Khera@Nathawaton Ka 92 Khera 227 Beeliya Hindusinghji Ka Khera@ 70 Chhur Ka Koh 35 Meetha 396 Dhamniya 97 Nahargarh 78 Jagpura 83 Harpura 27 Latala 1,633 Kachhola 27 Lachhmangarh Samthala 281 Sarthala 69 Madhu Puriya 95 Rajpura Keeratpura Hindusinghji Ki Garhi 19 Deopuriya 55 Harjaspura 2 Keriya 52 Bakhatpura 33 Salampura 34 Chawandiya 134 Amli 232 Jasuji Ka Khera 18 Nathji Ka Khera 9 Mala Ka Khera 63 Achala Ji Ka Khera 17 Bharji Ka Khera 123 Jhanjhola 21 Rooparel 32 Shaktaji Ka Khera 62 Gudha 63 Deopura 194 Mangtala 5 Deoli Ki Noon 115 Beekran 13 Takhatji Ka Khera DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0182 0182 0182 095845 096081 096083 096084 096085 096086 096087 096088 096089 096090 096091 096092 096093 096094 096095 096096 096097 096098 096099 096100 096101 096102 096103 096104 096105 096106 096107 096108 096109 096110 096111 096112 096113 096114 096115 096116 096117 096118 096119 096120 096121 096122 096123 096124 096125 096126 096127 096128 096129 096130 096131 096132 096133 Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 Persons 23 1,33,939 1,29,521 4,418 52,841 51,153 1,688 81,098 78,368 2,730 1,26,108 1,21,008 5,100 72,092 68,160 3,932 54,016 52,848 1,168 1,01,606 97,119 4,487 62,875 59,166 3,709 38,731 37,953 778 422 265 22 311 410 242 440 280 120 83 92 174 512 384 1,590 179 121 8 139 187 88 190 104 42 35 41 79 239 132 649 243 144 14 172 223 154 250 176 78 48 51 95 273 252 941 363 170 29 209 307 265 425 301 138 82 66 130 372 383 1,263 202 94 17 116 161 127 209 167 74 43 35 73 206 199 703 161 76 12 93 146 138 216 134 64 39 31 57 166 184 560 245 154 28 201 252 224 270 247 80 79 66 130 281 343 1,153 194 86 16 110 133 111 202 153 46 40 35 73 195 183 660 51 68 12 91 119 113 68 94 34 39 31 57 86 160 493 188 366 85 158 103 208 213 484 125 288 88 196 209 438 121 262 88 176 258 156 2,039 500 478 539 156 3,168 144 101 63 848 217 176 243 54 1,232 66 157 93 1,191 283 302 296 102 1,936 78 287 139 1,263 287 445 480 2 2,861 18 147 93 713 246 216 248 1 1,908 12 140 46 550 41 229 232 1 953 6 1,075 82 273 400 40 129 675 42 144 629 106 235 374 62 137 255 44 98 83 317 72 192 345 192 572 561 278 143 283 102 572 78 361 234 151 1,162 24 699 48 28 121 28 77 154 87 233 248 134 66 140 45 236 40 173 101 62 526 12 296 22 55 196 44 115 191 105 339 313 144 77 143 57 336 38 188 133 89 636 12 403 26 288 147 141 139 93 46 1,679 970 709 361 252 109 450 219 231 484 250 234 127 58 69 3,066 1,977 1,089 107 57 50 -------------Un-inhabited-------------1,210 633 577 121 70 51 261 158 103 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------71 36 35 294 142 152 57 25 32 105 105 276 150 126 172 96 76 455 276 179 669 353 316 191 113 78 140 76 64 291 158 133 100 55 45 604 316 288 66 34 32 298 178 120 246 130 116 176 89 87 919 526 393 13 11 2 536 342 194 42 33 9 65 136 46 61 243 142 441 642 173 138 226 93 336 64 293 140 98 567 13 425 24 35 108 23 61 127 79 267 339 101 75 131 54 251 32 174 68 57 355 11 303 22 30 28 23 116 63 174 303 72 63 95 39 85 32 119 72 41 212 2 122 2 Name of Village 2 Persons 20 Mandalgarh (Total) Mandalgarh (Rural) Mandalgarh (Urban) RURAL Barla Karar Kheri Chandpura Ampura Ummedpura Katariyon Ka Khera Rajgarh Khakhunda Peethalpura Bagthala Gothra Laxmipura Thalkhurd Jal Ka Khera Thal Kalan Harisinghji Ka Khera@Nathawaton Ka Khera Beeliya Hindusinghji Ka Khera@ Chhur Ka Koh Meetha Dhamniya Nahargarh Jagpura Harpura Latala Kachhola Lachhmangarh Samthala Sarthala Madhu Puriya Rajpura Keeratpura Hindusinghji Ki Garhi Deopuriya Harjaspura Keriya Bakhatpura Salampura Chawandiya Amli Jasuji Ka Khera Nathji Ka Khera Mala Ka Khera Achala Ji Ka Khera Bharji Ka Khera Jhanjhola Rooparel Shaktaji Ka Khera Gudha Deopura Mangtala Deoli Ki Noon Beekran Takhatji Ka Khera 230 Total workers Males Females 24 25 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mandalgarh Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 64,131 63,909 222 35,280 35,151 129 28,851 28,758 93 7,740 7,669 71 3,567 3,527 40 4,173 4,142 31 1,436 1,362 74 220 133 18 114 232 113 243 47 27 53 61 92 194 282 857 181 69 10 31 125 58 184 41 24 23 32 51 137 134 470 39 64 8 83 107 55 59 6 3 30 29 41 57 148 387 21 1 2 86 18 17 129 41 8 4 34 57 50 242 10 1 1 79 8 12 47 10 6 2 18 40 42 153 11 1 7 10 5 82 31 2 2 16 17 8 89 203 304 118 196 85 108 1 76 15 1 61 272 133 963 236 412 377 1,667 1 135 88 490 201 192 178 955 1 137 45 473 35 220 199 712 - 55 2 7 63 161 9 306 93 232 209 51 135 97 42 97 183 - 61 100 37 60 218 122 407 467 68 125 203 84 293 63 281 128 93 437 11 261 11 32 81 21 60 117 66 244 233 56 65 114 47 214 31 163 60 55 250 11 173 10 29 19 16 101 56 163 234 12 60 89 37 79 32 118 68 38 187 88 1 5 2 49 84 4 18 7 10 25 67 1 1,045 987 58 391 375 16 28,299 24,179 4,120 22,983 19,501 3,482 14 2 1 6 19 - - 11 - 13 1 6 8 - 4 20 8 1 2 97 8 70 12 12 1 4 11 11 54 3 16 5 52 4 65 12 11 1 4 7 7 37 - - - 5 53 3 48 15 5 232 45 13 40 2 916 8 12 4 181 40 10 38 1 794 7 128 10 2 110 9 1 4 31 9 1 25 20 32 122 21 9 4 2 32 1 12 12 5 103 2 97 12 3 23 2 1 10 13 23 81 20 8 4 2 29 1 11 8 2 87 83 12 1 2 5 3 1 1 31 24 13 11 1 1 4 4 4 3 13 10 32 31 74 87 117 85 4 5 -------------Un-inhabited-------------46 137 12 9 3 2 1 1 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------4 1 2 23 26 4 2 25 59 2 2 12 6 1 1 5 2 7 3 1 1 17 8 2 1 47 20 1 231 2 2 3 32 3 1 - 2 1 - Name of Village 2 5,316 Mandalgarh (Total) 4,678 Mandalgarh (Rural) 638 Mandalgarh (Urban) RURAL 1 Barla 4 Karar Kheri 3 Chandpura 1 Ampura 2 Ummedpura 45 Katariyon Ka Khera 4 Rajgarh 5 Khakhunda Peethalpura 1 Bagthala Gothra Laxmipura 4 Thalkhurd 4 Jal Ka Khera 17 Thal Kalan Harisinghji Ka Khera@Nathawaton Ka 2 Khera 5 Beeliya Hindusinghji Ka 3 Khera@ Chhur Ka Koh 1 Meetha 51 Dhamniya 5 Nahargarh 3 Jagpura 2 Harpura 1 Latala 122 Kachhola 1 Lachhmangarh Samthala 18 Sarthala 1 Madhu Puriya 1 Rajpura Keeratpura Hindusinghji Ki Garhi 1 Deopuriya 8 Harjaspura 7 Keriya Bakhatpura 15 Salampura 7 Chawandiya 9 Amli 41 Jasuji Ka Khera 1 Nathji Ka Khera 1 Mala Ka Khera Achala Ji Ka Khera Bharji Ka Khera 3 Jhanjhola Rooparel 1 Shaktaji Ka Khera 4 Gudha 3 Deopura 16 Mangtala 2 Deoli Ki Noon 14 Beekran Takhatji Ka Khera DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 0182 0182 0182 095845 096081 096083 096084 096085 096086 096087 096088 096089 096090 096091 096092 096093 096094 096095 096096 096097 096098 096099 096100 096101 096102 096103 096104 096105 096106 096107 096108 096109 096110 096111 096112 096113 096114 096115 096116 096117 096118 096119 096120 096121 096122 096123 096124 096125 096126 096127 096128 096129 096130 096131 096132 096133 Name of Village 2 Mandalgarh (Total) Mandalgarh (Rural) Mandalgarh (Urban) RURAL Barla Karar Kheri Chandpura Ampura Ummedpura Katariyon Ka Khera Rajgarh Khakhunda Peethalpura Bagthala Gothra Laxmipura Thalkhurd Jal Ka Khera Thal Kalan Harisinghji Ka Khera@Nathawaton Ka Khera Beeliya Hindusinghji Ka Khera@ Chhur Ka Koh Meetha Dhamniya Nahargarh Jagpura Harpura Latala Kachhola Lachhmangarh Samthala Sarthala Madhu Puriya Rajpura Keeratpura Hindusinghji Ki Garhi Deopuriya Harjaspura Keriya Bakhatpura Salampura Chawandiya Amli Jasuji Ka Khera Nathji Ka Khera Mala Ka Khera Achala Ji Ka Khera Bharji Ka Khera Jhanjhola Rooparel Shaktaji Ka Khera Gudha Deopura Mangtala Deoli Ki Noon Beekran Takhatji Ka Khera Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 Persons 44 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 24,502 23,889 613 9,217 8,994 223 15,285 14,895 390 7,639 7,624 15 2,635 2,631 4 5,004 4,993 11 8,024 7,979 45 118 16 1 8 55 41 155 54 58 3 91 40 110 8 8 1 6 28 16 7 14 28 3 11 16 43 110 8 2 27 25 148 40 30 80 24 67 7 10 1 3 26 19 13 1 49 10 17 1 4 1 1 14 8 4 5 6 6 109 4 27 1 142 51 57 34 23 77 4 46 4 26 20 - - 1 416 74 5 4 125 205 89 257 6 3 2 57 69 45 1 159 68 2 2 68 136 44 581 15 26 259 8 21 322 7 5 6 158 11 44 33 30 14 27 18 2 65 7 268 2 5 106 78 352 111 18 1 34 2 44 23 17 9 14 12 1 27 1 65 2 4 62 32 171 39 11 5 124 9 10 13 5 13 6 1 38 6 203 1 44 46 181 72 7 2 2 12 11 13 1 49 6 12 1 1 1 1 146 80 66 71 5 66 4 2 2 1 1 9 7 2 59 20 39 6 5 1 -------------Un-inhabited-------------376 156 220 10 5 5 23 18 5 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------3 3 127 9 118 6 2 4 1 1 12 6 6 7 3 4 1 1 14 7 7 38 20 18 1 1 4 2 2 4 3 1 60 33 27 77 31 46 289 140 149 1 1 - 232 2,553 2,550 3 5,471 5,429 42 5 4 14 1 7 13 27 5 9 31 104 13 135 38 30 29 14 46 10 - 4 6 160 2 1 2 101 54 50 104 1 1 45 12 26 56 2 1 56 42 24 116 - 47 - 69 - - - - 3 2 2 - 1 2 2 2 - - 1 6 11 1 20 5 231 16 44 33 11 1 4 5 1 5 1 57 10 20 19 5 2 6 15 4 174 6 24 14 6 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mandalgarh of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 509 467 42 201 194 7 308 273 35 - - - 4 2 - 2 5 3 - - - 2 2 - 5 - - 3 1 2 5 1 3 - 16 1 4 1 1 12 - 32 - 13 - 19 - - - - 4 25 1 1 - 4 1 1 2 1 - 8,330 7,819 511 3,828 3,619 209 2 6 2 4 - 4 - Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 3 23 1 - 1 2 17 2 1 1 3 4 16 4 29 1,27,239 1,18,199 9,040 57,246 53,963 3,283 3 2 7 2 10 1 2 9 327 145 47 224 247 175 314 171 43 46 70 124 371 240 1,289 173 69 20 99 129 87 173 74 19 27 38 60 192 119 541 4 19 10 197 432 90 193 183 126 1,551 436 301 323 133 4,284 124 97 44 673 165 152 178 73 1,804 69 782 117 256 403 57 120 61 196 30 227 197 131 497 483 156 62 179 61 348 60 222 153 128 822 21 558 52 22 97 16 60 99 68 203 254 72 40 106 32 177 33 122 74 63 385 6 234 22 1 7 1 1 1 - 4,502 4,200 302 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 2 - 105 69 36 1 1 15 5 10 76 33 43 32 13 19 -------------Un-inhabited-------------57 43 14 5 3 2 3 3 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------3 1 2 28 24 4 3 3 41 41 21 17 4 23 14 9 12 8 4 7 3 4 7 7 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 8 4 4 2 2 1 1 29 19 10 1 1 18 10 8 77 20 57 7 6 1 233 Name of Village 2 69,993 Mandalgarh (Total) 64,236 Mandalgarh (Rural) 5,757 Mandalgarh (Urban) RURAL 154 Barla 76 Karar Kheri 27 Chandpura 125 Ampura 118 Ummedpura 88 Katariyon Ka Khera 141 Rajgarh 97 Khakhunda 24 Peethalpura 19 Bagthala 32 Gothra 64 Laxmipura 179 Thalkhurd 121 Jal Ka Khera 748 Thal Kalan Harisinghji Ka Khera@Nathawaton Ka 107 Khera 239 Beeliya Hindusinghji Ka Khera@ 86 Chhur Ka Koh 82 Meetha 878 Dhamniya 271 Nahargarh 149 Jagpura 145 Harpura 60 Latala 2,480 Kachhola 55 Lachhmangarh Samthala 379 Sarthala 60 Madhu Puriya 136 Rajpura Keeratpura Hindusinghji Ki Garhi 39 Deopuriya 99 Harjaspura 14 Keriya 167 Bakhatpura 98 Salampura 63 Chawandiya 294 Amli 229 Jasuji Ka Khera 84 Nathji Ka Khera 22 Mala Ka Khera 73 Achala Ji Ka Khera 29 Bharji Ka Khera 171 Jhanjhola 27 Rooparel 100 Shaktaji Ka Khera 79 Gudha 65 Deopura 437 Mangtala 15 Deoli Ki Noon 324 Beekran 30 Takhatji Ka Khera Location code number 1 0182 0182 0182 095845 096081 096083 096084 096085 096086 096087 096088 096089 096090 096091 096092 096093 096094 096095 096096 096097 096098 096099 096100 096101 096102 096103 096104 096105 096106 096107 096108 096109 096110 096111 096112 096113 096114 096115 096116 096117 096118 096119 096120 096121 096122 096123 096124 096125 096126 096127 096128 096129 096130 096131 096132 096133 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 096134 096135 096136 096137 096138 096139 096140 096141 096142 096143 096144 096145 096146 096147 096148 096149 096150 096151 096152 096153 096154 096155 096156 096157 096158 096159 096160 096161 096162 096163 096164 096165 096166 096167 096168 096169 096170 096171 096172 096173 096174 096175 096176 096177 096178 096179 096180 096181 096182 096183 096184 096185 096186 096187 096188 096189 096190 096191 Name of Village 2 Dudaji Ka Khera Jasaji Ka Khera Deogarh Danji Ka Khera Shreenagar Sangrampura Kacholiya Khurd Kacholiya Kalan Mahuwa Mukan Garh Manpura Rampuriya Gopalpura Ganeshpura Soniyana Padampura Ralayata Bhawani Singh Ka Khera Jaliya Mol Deopura Chainpuriya @ Theekariya Pratappura Dhool Khera Bigod Mali Khera Nayagaon Mohanpura Kherpura @ Meghpura Bharliya Khatwara Ranikhera Nahargarh Mahtaji Ka Khera Heengwaniya Devipura Suras Bilod Dhaman Gati Baroondni Dewaliya Singoli Dhakar Kheri Bageed Beethalpura Mandi Nathan Jojwa Lodhiyana Sand Hoda Karanpura Tiroli Phalasiyan Baldarkha Bhand Ka Khera Mandi Gusaiyan Peethaji Ka Khera Devi Singh Ka Khera Area of Village in hectares 3 Number of households 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 66.77 397.82 390.24 278.82 188.08 152.21 128.39 37.68 1,832.31 762.92 1,067.98 265.30 530.21 550.58 585.27 122.61 686.29 30 174 21 80 105 49 54 48 1,099 166 647 175 121 197 144 80 287 124 690 93 376 514 193 227 210 5,487 803 3,104 795 485 1,003 710 418 1,281 63 359 51 197 255 107 118 109 2,838 414 1,609 399 240 507 368 205 654 61 331 42 179 259 86 109 101 2,649 389 1,495 396 245 496 342 213 627 15 86 14 58 53 30 34 28 807 123 419 128 76 163 102 83 201 4 54 8 27 30 18 18 13 426 65 241 63 36 89 53 37 99 11 32 6 31 23 12 16 15 381 58 178 65 40 74 49 46 102 280.81 711.22 295.63 152.13 58 328 134 36 287 1,498 650 152 153 772 350 73 134 726 300 79 55 216 90 15 26 112 52 5 29 104 38 10 268.11 273.84 91.23 1,417.49 318.70 228.77 287.17 436.69 296.08 1,962.17 503.18 569.71 593.25 337.30 407.76 888.43 318.78 237.89 2,819.14 289.60 1,333.19 357.49 389.73 232.45 84.10 1,351.32 238.95 207.60 745.16 285.76 131.24 662.94 290.30 113.43 13.91 178.21 96.95 172 121 6 2,516 251 54 114 75 102 912 225 155 210 137 205 394 110 99 1,422 131 669 317 232 212 18 713 133 179 423 89 139 315 158 40 59 156 78 815 529 49 13,062 1,213 301 532 357 505 4,307 1,154 732 1,031 639 1,036 1,849 528 483 6,563 599 2,893 1,502 1,206 998 88 3,616 691 737 1,960 442 561 1,386 827 188 307 808 365 407 267 24 6,697 615 150 271 183 266 2,192 573 369 530 337 501 932 265 244 3,361 307 1,482 729 584 505 49 1,799 347 365 973 223 284 712 400 84 158 396 188 408 262 25 6,365 598 151 261 174 239 2,115 581 363 501 302 535 917 263 239 3,202 292 1,411 773 622 493 39 1,817 344 372 987 219 277 674 427 104 149 412 177 114 69 8 2,215 249 35 79 73 97 671 159 123 145 74 158 260 68 75 938 89 428 160 149 144 8 502 110 114 314 64 77 213 108 34 47 139 53 54 39 3 1,165 130 18 44 31 51 361 82 59 80 39 79 137 31 42 499 44 232 74 73 74 4 249 58 58 157 28 38 116 54 11 23 68 27 60 30 5 1,050 119 17 35 42 46 310 77 64 65 35 79 123 37 33 439 45 196 86 76 70 4 253 52 56 157 36 39 97 54 23 24 71 26 234 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mandalgarh Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 50 7 22 215 1,313 355 810 124 71 179 223 30 228 25 4 13 112 679 192 392 67 30 95 116 15 112 25 3 9 103 634 163 418 57 41 84 107 15 116 - - - 4 55 157 312 13 223 165 40 26 12 176 2 29 86 165 5 111 81 19 14 6 87 2 26 71 147 8 112 84 21 12 6 89 58 194 41 103 303 47 68 54 2,762 220 1,669 342 179 479 300 185 623 36 140 25 71 187 33 49 49 1,750 141 1,030 222 130 297 191 127 384 147 188 30 7 81 93 15 4 66 95 15 3 31 84 56 - 16 41 27 - 15 43 29 - 81 523 273 69 57 383 197 40 219 2,533 211 13 50 37 112 985 232 295 176 108 12 366 186 75 953 166 695 191 165 271 693 114 285 381 19 99 42 98 - 119 1,280 105 9 27 20 59 500 113 145 99 55 5 187 88 36 488 90 356 93 80 140 341 53 144 196 11 49 19 50 - 100 1,253 106 4 23 17 53 485 119 150 77 53 7 179 98 39 465 76 339 98 85 131 352 61 141 185 8 50 23 48 - - - - 5 124 54 93 4 48 3 29 136 3 39 652 18 195 1 9 9 75 16 17 49 40 35 2 44 109 2 135 55 83 6 47 5 32 134 8 35 603 19 152 4 1 11 71 9 18 45 47 54 2 48 111 383 204 23 7,149 256 147 200 81 102 2,073 518 423 452 304 416 804 224 207 3,345 299 1,804 849 572 442 43 1,869 290 267 1,009 249 241 732 422 87 162 394 159 234 129 13 4,433 190 96 141 62 70 1,344 350 248 283 210 280 535 147 132 2,125 182 1,060 535 362 310 34 1,230 197 191 610 157 160 469 282 57 113 254 106 7 259 109 176 10 95 8 61 270 11 74 1,255 37 347 1 13 1 20 146 25 35 94 87 89 4 92 220 235 Females 19 22 54 16 32 116 14 19 5 1,012 79 639 120 49 182 109 58 239 Name of Village 2 Dudaji Ka Khera Jasaji Ka Khera Deogarh Danji Ka Khera Shreenagar Sangrampura Kacholiya Khurd Kacholiya Kalan Mahuwa Mukan Garh Manpura Rampuriya Gopalpura Ganeshpura Soniyana Padampura Ralayata Bhawani Singh Ka Khera 24 140 Jaliya 76 Mol 29 Deopura Chainpuriya @ 149 Theekariya 75 Pratappura 10 Dhool Khera 2,716 Bigod 66 Mali Khera 51 Nayagaon 59 Mohanpura 19 Kherpura @ Meghpura 32 Bharliya 729 Khatwara 168 Ranikhera 175 Nahargarh 169 Mahtaji Ka Khera 94 Heengwaniya 136 Devipura 269 Suras 77 Bilod 75 Dhaman Gati 1,220 Baroondni 117 Dewaliya 744 Singoli 314 Dhakar Kheri 210 Bageed 132 Beethalpura 9 Mandi Nathan 639 Jojwa 93 Lodhiyana 76 Sand 399 Hoda 92 Karanpura 81 Tiroli 263 Phalasiyan 140 Baldarkha 30 Bhand Ka Khera 49 Mandi Gusaiyan 140 Peethaji Ka Khera 53 Devi Singh Ka Khera DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 096134 096135 096136 096137 096138 096139 096140 096141 096142 096143 096144 096145 096146 096147 096148 096149 096150 096151 096152 096153 096154 096155 096156 096157 096158 096159 096160 096161 096162 096163 096164 096165 096166 096167 096168 096169 096170 096171 096172 096173 096174 096175 096176 096177 096178 096179 096180 096181 096182 096183 096184 096185 096186 096187 096188 096189 096190 096191 Name of Village 2 Dudaji Ka Khera Jasaji Ka Khera Deogarh Danji Ka Khera Shreenagar Sangrampura Kacholiya Khurd Kacholiya Kalan Mahuwa Mukan Garh Manpura Rampuriya Gopalpura Ganeshpura Soniyana Padampura Ralayata Bhawani Singh Ka Khera Jaliya Mol Deopura Chainpuriya @ Theekariya Pratappura Dhool Khera Bigod Mali Khera Nayagaon Mohanpura Kherpura @ Meghpura Bharliya Khatwara Ranikhera Nahargarh Mahtaji Ka Khera Heengwaniya Devipura Suras Bilod Dhaman Gati Baroondni Dewaliya Singoli Dhakar Kheri Bageed Beethalpura Mandi Nathan Jojwa Lodhiyana Sand Hoda Karanpura Tiroli Phalasiyan Baldarkha Bhand Ka Khera Mandi Gusaiyan Peethaji Ka Khera Devi Singh Ka Khera Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 Persons 23 66 496 52 273 211 146 159 156 2,725 583 1,435 453 306 524 410 233 658 27 219 26 126 68 74 69 60 1,088 273 579 177 110 210 177 78 270 39 277 26 147 143 72 90 96 1,637 310 856 276 196 314 233 155 388 77 469 27 143 297 116 129 113 2,490 356 1,504 436 300 585 277 184 684 43 239 24 107 151 60 69 64 1,562 215 881 232 139 286 192 106 351 34 230 3 36 146 56 60 49 928 141 623 204 161 299 85 78 333 36 452 25 140 119 115 129 113 2,059 345 959 423 73 582 264 183 587 29 226 23 105 76 59 69 64 1,411 207 799 223 68 283 187 105 299 7 226 2 35 43 56 60 49 648 138 160 200 5 299 77 78 288 206 975 377 83 96 389 153 33 110 586 224 50 147 738 353 80 85 392 198 42 62 346 155 38 78 681 346 42 73 366 193 40 5 315 153 2 432 325 26 5,913 957 154 332 276 403 2,234 636 309 579 335 620 1,045 304 276 3,218 300 1,089 653 634 556 45 1,747 401 470 951 193 320 654 405 101 145 414 206 173 138 11 2,264 425 54 130 121 196 848 223 121 247 127 221 397 118 112 1,236 125 422 194 222 195 15 569 150 174 363 66 124 243 118 27 45 142 82 259 187 15 3,649 532 100 202 155 207 1,386 413 188 332 208 399 648 186 164 1,982 175 667 459 412 361 30 1,178 251 296 588 127 196 411 287 74 100 272 124 412 238 12 5,801 688 180 321 157 291 2,521 640 317 555 377 635 1,067 230 216 3,546 251 1,264 920 637 591 47 1,990 392 433 848 187 293 646 471 94 167 480 174 243 156 10 3,555 347 88 157 108 154 1,279 330 206 287 214 308 535 151 123 1,909 163 808 455 329 286 24 1,006 205 208 533 118 147 390 242 47 77 235 92 169 82 2 2,246 341 92 164 49 137 1,242 310 111 268 163 327 532 79 93 1,637 88 456 465 308 305 23 984 187 225 315 69 146 256 229 47 90 245 82 226 229 12 5,150 688 180 287 156 276 2,118 628 292 547 374 575 1,056 192 214 3,125 181 977 880 601 573 47 1,688 382 405 691 175 22 636 445 87 155 467 163 184 155 10 3,353 347 88 139 108 146 1,157 326 200 283 213 293 531 141 122 1,843 147 701 448 322 272 24 882 199 193 453 114 16 384 225 46 72 229 84 42 74 2 1,797 341 92 148 48 130 961 302 92 264 161 282 525 51 92 1,282 34 276 432 279 301 23 806 183 212 238 61 6 252 220 41 83 238 79 Persons 20 236 Total workers Males Females 24 25 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mandalgarh Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 20 402 13 121 88 115 129 113 1,333 258 733 281 49 537 147 181 541 19 199 11 91 48 59 69 64 816 159 605 139 48 244 129 103 276 1 203 2 30 40 56 60 49 517 99 128 142 1 293 18 78 265 3 1 1 1 1 116 76 14 122 11 2 103 6 72 43 5 68 10 45 3 66 556 285 40 62 278 150 38 4 278 135 2 2 10 2 - 2 4 1 179 173 11 1,680 431 167 252 141 257 1,750 514 264 506 327 567 951 148 209 2,227 162 585 791 498 520 40 1,451 380 322 443 109 14 503 351 64 138 399 106 143 110 9 752 301 76 121 93 133 876 250 179 262 183 289 451 108 119 1,187 130 365 376 236 230 18 681 198 132 247 54 9 297 141 26 60 166 47 36 63 2 928 130 91 131 48 124 874 264 85 244 144 278 500 40 90 1,040 32 220 415 262 290 22 770 182 190 196 55 5 206 210 38 78 233 59 2 14 731 248 8 4 94 46 9 12 8 3 5 17 1 88 52 12 2 7 1 9 31 21 2 28 1 9 5 1 6 - 2 - - 1 44 33 9 54 1 2 58 3 32 6 11 1 93 26 1 1 1 24 18 6 9 79 23 1 1 9 14 2 1 14 3 1 15 13 18 6 7 29 517 11 186 19 13 42 13 2 16 8 9 6 4 27 444 5 166 16 10 38 12 2 11 - - - - 10 114 54 2 9 83 39 2 45 42 1 2,439 9 12 24 8 15 253 64 19 12 21 5 89 26 4 767 18 319 69 95 45 6 227 2 49 213 64 6 83 90 14 12 62 51 39 38 1 2,129 8 11 17 8 11 214 47 16 4 17 2 68 21 3 591 17 287 56 83 37 5 196 1 43 182 58 6 61 82 13 12 58 35 6 1 - 2 7 235 38 1 2 53 27 5 5 3 2 1 11 41 32 10 4 1 4 17 12 1 15 7 2 7 496 210 7 2 41 19 4 7 5 1 4 6 1 47 20 2 2 3 5 14 9 1 13 1 2 5 1 4 1 5 1 3 2 - - - 300 1 3 7 21 4 17 18 11 1 43 1 21 8 6 1 1 3 14 2 22 3 5 - 237 1 7 14 2 12 10 11 1 24 17 6 3 1 1 1 12 2 11 2 5 - 63 3 7 2 5 8 19 1 4 2 3 2 2 11 1 - 237 Name of Village 2 5 Dudaji Ka Khera 9 Jasaji Ka Khera Deogarh 3 Danji Ka Khera 2 Shreenagar Sangrampura Kacholiya Khurd Kacholiya Kalan 73 Mahuwa 6 Mukan Garh 20 Manpura 3 Rampuriya 3 Gopalpura 4 Ganeshpura 1 Soniyana Padampura 5 Ralayata Bhawani Singh Ka 1 Khera 31 Jaliya 15 Mol Deopura Chainpuriya @ 6 Theekariya 4 Pratappura Dhool Khera 310 Bigod 1 Mali Khera 1 Nayagaon 7 Mohanpura Kherpura @ Meghpura 4 Bharliya 39 Khatwara 17 Ranikhera 3 Nahargarh 8 Mahtaji Ka Khera 4 Heengwaniya 3 Devipura 21 Suras 5 Bilod 1 Dhaman Gati 176 Baroondni 1 Dewaliya 32 Singoli 13 Dhakar Kheri 12 Bageed 8 Beethalpura 1 Mandi Nathan 31 Jojwa 1 Lodhiyana 6 Sand 31 Hoda 6 Karanpura Tiroli 22 Phalasiyan 8 Baldarkha 1 Bhand Ka Khera Mandi Gusaiyan 4 Peethaji Ka Khera 16 Devi Singh Ka Khera DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 096134 096135 096136 096137 096138 096139 096140 096141 096142 096143 096144 096145 096146 096147 096148 096149 096150 096151 096152 096153 096154 096155 096156 096157 096158 096159 096160 096161 096162 096163 096164 096165 096166 096167 096168 096169 096170 096171 096172 096173 096174 096175 096176 096177 096178 096179 096180 096181 096182 096183 096184 096185 096186 096187 096188 096189 096190 096191 Name of Village 2 Dudaji Ka Khera Jasaji Ka Khera Deogarh Danji Ka Khera Shreenagar Sangrampura Kacholiya Khurd Kacholiya Kalan Mahuwa Mukan Garh Manpura Rampuriya Gopalpura Ganeshpura Soniyana Padampura Ralayata Bhawani Singh Ka Khera Jaliya Mol Deopura Chainpuriya @ Theekariya Pratappura Dhool Khera Bigod Mali Khera Nayagaon Mohanpura Kherpura @ Meghpura Bharliya Khatwara Ranikhera Nahargarh Mahtaji Ka Khera Heengwaniya Devipura Suras Bilod Dhaman Gati Baroondni Dewaliya Singoli Dhakar Kheri Bageed Beethalpura Mandi Nathan Jojwa Lodhiyana Sand Hoda Karanpura Tiroli Phalasiyan Baldarkha Bhand Ka Khera Mandi Gusaiyan Peethaji Ka Khera Devi Singh Ka Khera Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 Persons 44 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 41 17 2 3 178 1 431 11 545 13 227 3 13 1 97 14 13 1 2 75 1 151 8 82 9 71 3 5 1 52 27 4 1 1 103 280 3 463 4 156 8 45 13 2 158 128 4 216 3 36 3 22 10 1 63 43 3 13 2 27 1 13 69 57 7 38 12 26 5 2 57 31 2 36 33 24 2 2 4 6 186 9 651 34 1 15 403 12 25 8 3 60 11 38 2 421 70 287 40 36 18 302 10 28 157 12 271 10 26 7 12 13 11 59 1 202 18 8 122 4 6 4 1 15 4 10 1 66 16 107 7 7 14 124 6 15 80 4 131 6 17 1 5 6 8 127 8 449 16 1 7 281 8 19 4 2 45 7 28 1 355 54 180 33 29 4 178 4 13 77 8 140 4 9 6 7 7 3 1 115 7 6 75 2 22 3 2 50 6 2 1 302 3 50 3 23 8 160 10 11 17 2 9 5 1 3 11 9 4 238 95 85 1 203 1 9 2 9 16 6 158 2 244 6 176 10 65 2 29 18 2 - 32 5 36 1 15 2 2 34 1 3 2 14 1 1 19 1 20 2 4 5 45 6 7 5 5 3 1 5 5 3 100 5 4 41 1 19 1 2 36 5 1 1 283 2 30 1 19 3 115 4 4 12 2 4 2 1 2 6 4 1 2 9 - - Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 3 1 295 8 1 203 8 2 4 1 31 1 34 5 16 10 4 7 18 10 41 2 145 3 3 1 3 4 1 3 51 2 32 4 36 4 32 4 2 - 15 3 107 212 2 140 6 33 28 3 36 1 2 8 68 4 25 1 1 9 1 10 5 3 1 6 11 3 31 92 2 2 227 4 1 178 7 1 4 1 22 24 13 10 3 1 7 7 10 2 53 1 3 1 3 2 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mandalgarh of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 - 4 3 16 5 1 2 - 1 11 1 1 - 13 2 7 1 52 3 33 3 8 3 1 5 12 1 4 77 2 47 1 6 3 47 221 66 233 217 77 98 97 2,997 447 1,600 359 185 418 433 234 597 20 120 27 90 104 47 49 45 1,276 199 728 167 101 221 176 99 303 1 - 2 5 4 2 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 25 3 11 1 129 5 80 4 14 3 1 8 3 - Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 - - - 4 28 5 - 4 18 5 - 10 - 140 760 297 72 68 380 152 31 23 5 1 14 1 5 2 4 22 4 1 1 2 10 1 7 1 2 3 2 1 2 13 5 7 1 4 1 20 3 1 1 - 183 218 14 8 111 2 3 3 1 6 3 5 80 60 217 5 9 3 120 6 98 8 117 5 22 1 1 1 58 109 12 5 56 2 3 1 1 1 3 36 8 81 3 2 3 67 5 44 4 34 3 15 1 1 125 109 2 3 55 2 5 5 44 52 136 2 7 53 1 54 4 83 2 7 1 - 403 291 37 7,261 525 121 211 200 214 1,786 514 415 476 262 401 782 298 267 3,017 348 1,629 582 569 407 41 1,626 299 304 1,112 255 268 740 356 94 140 328 191 164 111 14 3,142 268 62 114 75 112 913 243 163 243 123 193 397 114 121 1,452 144 674 274 255 219 25 793 142 157 440 105 137 322 158 37 81 161 96 239 27 101 39 143 113 30 49 52 1,721 248 872 192 84 197 257 135 294 Name of Village 2 Dudaji Ka Khera Jasaji Ka Khera Deogarh Danji Ka Khera Shreenagar Sangrampura Kacholiya Khurd Kacholiya Kalan Mahuwa Mukan Garh Manpura Rampuriya Gopalpura Ganeshpura Soniyana Padampura Ralayata Bhawani Singh Ka Khera 72 380 Jaliya 145 Mol 41 Deopura Chainpuriya @ 239 Theekariya 180 Pratappura 23 Dhool Khera 4,119 Bigod 257 Mali Khera 59 Nayagaon 97 Mohanpura 125 Kherpura @ Meghpura 102 Bharliya 873 Khatwara 271 Ranikhera 252 Nahargarh 233 Mahtaji Ka Khera 139 Heengwaniya 208 Devipura 385 Suras 184 Bilod 146 Dhaman Gati 1,565 Baroondni 204 Dewaliya 955 Singoli 308 Dhakar Kheri 314 Bageed 188 Beethalpura 16 Mandi Nathan 833 Jojwa 157 Lodhiyana 147 Sand 672 Hoda 150 Karanpura 131 Tiroli 418 Phalasiyan 198 Baldarkha 57 Bhand Ka Khera 59 Mandi Gusaiyan 167 Peethaji Ka Khera 95 Devi Singh Ka Khera Location code number 1 096134 096135 096136 096137 096138 096139 096140 096141 096142 096143 096144 096145 096146 096147 096148 096149 096150 096151 096152 096153 096154 096155 096156 096157 096158 096159 096160 096161 096162 096163 096164 096165 096166 096167 096168 096169 096170 096171 096172 096173 096174 096175 096176 096177 096178 096179 096180 096181 096182 096183 096184 096185 096186 096187 096188 096189 096190 096191 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 096192 096193 096194 096195 096196 096197 096198 096199 096200 096201 096202 096203 096204 096205 096206 096207 096208 096209 096210 096211 096212 096213 096214 096215 096216 096217 096218 096219 096220 096221 096222 096223 096224 096225 096226 096227 096228 096229 096230 096231 096232 096233 096234 096235 096236 096237 096238 096239 096240 096241 096242 096243 096244 096245 096246 096247 096248 096249 096250 Name of Village 2 Baroo Khera Mukund Puriya Neel Ki Kheri Beer Ka Khera Lalpura Kalyanpura @ Hadonka Khera Raiseengpura Khachrol Makariya Goth Surdiya Kasiramji Ka Khera Kabariya Khurd Kabariya Kalan Nawalpura Peepalda Sardarji Ka Khera Khakhiji Ka Khera Anwasa Neem Ka Khera Kundaliya Genoli Biharipura Dhakarkheri Rampuriya Kishanpuriya Salampura @ Tinduri Dolpura Badanpura Saran Ka Khera Swarooppura Mohanpura Anando Ka Khera Jetpura Mochariyon Ka Khera Gulgoan Ajeetpura Rooptalai Kham Ka Khera Jalam Ki Jhonpariyan Bhat Kheri Meghpura Dalsingh Ji Ka Khera Ramchandraji Ka Khera Undaron Ka Khera Dhanwara Mal Ka Khera Hameeriya Shyampura Jujarpur Dhorela Bhopalgarh Fatehpura Gariyan Daulji Ka Khera Khokhra Damti Ladpura Bharenda Area of Village in hectares 3 Number of households 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 263.02 270.33 173.80 180.53 131.67 217 119 124 101 105 1,103 665 648 436 488 378.62 247.62 948.26 202.78 177.57 142.73 63.12 42.87 56.59 345.54 88.62 537.65 31.56 491.31 202.16 148.72 1,342.71 270.75 162.41 131.63 145.98 182.26 452.36 210.96 175.03 227.36 2,067.20 145.25 406.10 198.62 425.29 65.21 434.25 456.54 626.29 515.53 306.16 61.80 264.03 458.34 2,718.43 131.56 358.78 2,461.51 278.06 275.28 833.09 415.20 292.48 504.12 477.00 1,778.09 931.07 330.71 240 156 438 145 39 46 13 31 1,183 817 2,088 602 156 263 67 137 118 124 139 27 86 143 64 369 144 176 145 73 40 225 131 95 101 483 43 601 582 665 126 366 721 265 1,661 649 751 621 347 230 1,186 665 426 433 1,951 168 100 84 27 152 45 168 56 54 167 62 302 528 183 202 744 119 134 26 15 38 164 168 77 728 116 388 362 115 666 197 641 271 222 741 266 1,424 2,320 768 808 3,207 499 598 119 56 148 641 799 279 3,267 450 240 569 324 348 222 240 534 341 300 214 248 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 181 113 90 56 82 87 57 49 27 43 94 56 41 29 39 576 607 179 424 393 86 1,032 1,056 312 312 290 86 72 84 21 136 127 53 32 35 10 65 72 12 -------------Un-inhabited-------------311 290 97 283 299 62 344 321 121 70 56 28 198 168 53 373 348 150 137 128 49 865 796 244 340 309 91 400 351 110 316 305 103 188 159 48 112 118 42 591 595 183 337 328 100 204 222 60 234 199 66 1,026 925 309 84 84 28 -------------Un-inhabited-------------197 191 47 175 187 56 57 58 25 339 327 94 110 87 33 330 311 114 143 128 38 122 100 26 379 362 104 144 122 53 725 699 258 1,205 1,115 436 385 383 116 415 393 134 1,685 1,522 457 257 242 83 318 280 93 64 55 21 30 26 9 75 73 25 326 315 108 402 397 126 153 126 41 1,706 1,561 459 220 230 69 85 54 146 37 8 35 5 5 94 32 166 49 13 18 5 7 50 33 64 22 27 82 26 127 44 51 59 26 17 92 51 32 34 177 12 47 29 57 6 26 68 23 117 47 59 44 22 25 91 49 28 32 132 16 25 29 13 44 19 61 23 15 47 30 130 236 52 70 235 40 57 10 5 14 50 63 23 251 37 22 27 12 50 14 53 15 11 57 23 128 200 64 64 222 43 36 11 4 11 58 63 18 208 32 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mandalgarh Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 417 59 28 41 28 215 25 9 23 13 202 34 19 18 15 177 205 452 199 - 79 113 225 109 - 98 92 227 90 - 87 81 230 126 95 551 16 100 61 264 24 205 12 486 3 45 43 123 70 47 282 9 57 33 138 12 106 6 261 1 42 38 107 56 48 269 7 43 28 126 12 99 6 225 2 83 226 121 8 73 37 97 252 122 160 211 76 837 11 177 111 84 20 606 - 37 105 60 6 43 17 51 135 61 86 103 42 420 7 92 60 41 11 317 - 46 121 61 2 30 20 46 117 61 74 108 34 417 4 85 51 43 9 289 - Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 119 81 108 164 - 58 35 60 77 - Persons 17 Literates Males 18 Females 19 61 46 48 87 - 516 301 321 285 214 338 191 220 166 133 178 110 101 119 81 37 16 21 169 83 86 162 79 83 136 63 73 2 1 1 67 29 38 -------------Un-inhabited-------------34 17 17 55 24 31 26 14 12 28 14 14 134 65 69 265 137 128 128 68 60 26 13 13 588 311 277 560 283 277 35 18 17 51 26 25 123 65 58 90 44 46 686 373 313 163 81 82 -------------Un-inhabited-------------73 40 33 186 100 86 164 93 71 487 252 235 128 62 66 3 2 1 13 8 5 54 33 21 1,176 614 562 730 372 358 1,510 823 687 136 63 73 42 22 20 56 30 26 91 47 44 439 224 215 153 81 72 148 81 67 214 120 94 167 83 84 411 422 922 229 59 131 43 62 291 278 591 165 31 71 23 35 120 144 331 64 28 60 20 27 321 331 198 42 121 368 65 720 219 230 157 181 65 530 344 157 106 725 59 205 186 141 28 81 220 45 487 168 172 117 126 46 332 218 96 90 510 40 116 145 57 14 40 148 20 233 51 58 40 55 19 198 126 61 16 215 19 176 133 34 206 100 221 108 112 311 142 586 606 371 470 1,465 135 236 33 21 52 188 294 126 1,901 226 111 93 20 133 73 150 75 69 208 93 399 420 236 287 973 100 146 25 15 36 139 192 99 1,182 145 65 40 14 73 27 71 33 43 103 49 187 186 135 183 492 35 90 8 6 16 49 102 27 719 81 241 Name of Village 2 Baroo Khera Mukund Puriya Neel Ki Kheri Beer Ka Khera Lalpura Kalyanpura @ Hadonka Khera Raiseengpura Khachrol Makariya Goth Surdiya Kasiramji Ka Khera Kabariya Khurd Kabariya Kalan Nawalpura Peepalda Sardarji Ka Khera Khakhiji Ka Khera Anwasa Neem Ka Khera Kundaliya Genoli Biharipura Dhakarkheri Rampuriya Kishanpuriya Salampura @ Tinduri Dolpura Badanpura Saran Ka Khera Swarooppura Mohanpura Anando Ka Khera Jetpura Mochariyon Ka Khera Gulgoan Ajeetpura Rooptalai Kham Ka Khera Jalam Ki Jhonpariyan Bhat Kheri Meghpura Dalsingh Ji Ka Khera Ramchandraji Ka Khera Undaron Ka Khera Dhanwara Mal Ka Khera Hameeriya Shyampura Jujarpur Dhorela Bhopalgarh Fatehpura Gariyan Daulji Ka Khera Khokhra Damti Ladpura Bharenda DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 096192 096193 096194 096195 096196 096197 096198 096199 096200 096201 096202 096203 096204 096205 096206 096207 096208 096209 096210 096211 096212 096213 096214 096215 096216 096217 096218 096219 096220 096221 096222 096223 096224 096225 096226 096227 096228 096229 096230 096231 096232 096233 096234 096235 096236 096237 096238 096239 096240 096241 096242 096243 096244 096245 096246 096247 096248 096249 096250 Name of Village 2 Baroo Khera Mukund Puriya Neel Ki Kheri Beer Ka Khera Lalpura Kalyanpura @ Hadonka Khera Raiseengpura Khachrol Makariya Goth Surdiya Kasiramji Ka Khera Kabariya Khurd Kabariya Kalan Nawalpura Peepalda Sardarji Ka Khera Khakhiji Ka Khera Anwasa Neem Ka Khera Kundaliya Genoli Biharipura Dhakarkheri Rampuriya Kishanpuriya Salampura @ Tinduri Dolpura Badanpura Saran Ka Khera Swarooppura Mohanpura Anando Ka Khera Jetpura Mochariyon Ka Khera Gulgoan Ajeetpura Rooptalai Kham Ka Khera Jalam Ki Jhonpariyan Bhat Kheri Meghpura Dalsingh Ji Ka Khera Ramchandraji Ka Khera Undaron Ka Khera Dhanwara Mal Ka Khera Hameeriya Shyampura Jujarpur Dhorela Bhopalgarh Fatehpura Gariyan Daulji Ka Khera Khokhra Damti Ladpura Bharenda Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 Persons 23 587 364 327 151 274 231 133 128 56 107 356 231 199 95 167 644 331 553 254 284 772 395 1,166 373 97 132 24 75 285 146 441 147 41 65 9 30 487 249 725 226 56 67 15 45 280 251 467 84 245 353 200 941 430 521 464 166 165 656 321 269 327 1,226 109 106 97 203 42 117 153 92 378 172 228 199 62 66 259 119 108 144 516 44 174 154 264 42 128 200 108 563 258 293 265 104 99 397 202 161 183 710 65 212 229 81 460 97 420 163 110 430 124 838 1,714 397 338 1,742 364 362 86 35 96 453 505 153 1,366 224 86 82 37 206 37 180 68 53 171 51 326 785 149 128 712 157 172 39 15 39 187 210 54 524 75 126 147 44 254 60 240 95 57 259 73 512 929 248 210 1,030 207 190 47 20 57 266 295 99 842 149 Persons 20 Total workers Males Females 24 25 301 158 259 124 153 202 325 131 229 245 188 170 75 120 124 14 155 56 109 121 605 319 286 478 249 229 1,195 604 591 267 191 76 91 46 45 81 73 8 19 19 69 40 29 -------------Un-inhabited-------------345 184 161 323 171 152 208 180 28 61 29 32 219 115 104 281 188 93 127 77 50 880 484 396 318 197 121 272 206 66 270 174 96 158 103 55 115 73 42 641 331 310 381 198 183 197 118 79 273 146 127 1,106 571 535 80 40 40 -------------Un-inhabited-------------181 91 90 192 90 102 58 27 31 335 174 161 89 60 29 367 190 177 143 86 57 82 74 8 388 226 162 137 70 67 714 400 314 1,087 659 428 366 226 140 300 223 77 1,718 962 756 270 137 133 293 185 108 64 35 29 30 15 15 81 40 41 372 192 180 469 236 233 164 93 71 1,612 946 666 252 135 117 174 473 570 13 1 7 1 160 247 361 9 1 6 1 14 226 209 4 1 - 285 3 185 1 39 200 62 599 184 209 171 103 83 416 378 196 61 533 54 181 2 174 1 34 181 56 436 164 193 159 94 65 308 195 117 55 336 38 104 1 11 5 19 6 163 20 16 12 9 18 108 183 79 6 197 16 111 96 56 335 83 297 112 40 388 120 611 961 340 267 1,364 114 250 43 21 59 293 358 91 1,287 140 88 80 27 174 57 165 68 36 226 61 374 609 214 211 819 100 165 32 14 35 177 199 90 871 132 23 16 29 161 26 132 44 4 162 59 237 352 126 56 545 14 85 11 7 24 116 159 1 416 8 242 343 173 294 130 131 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mandalgarh Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 53 266 119 176 220 50 127 69 86 103 3 139 50 90 117 136 442 446 9 1 2 1 129 222 248 8 1 1 1 7 220 198 1 1 - 281 1 177 21 89 19 316 133 153 120 85 74 401 371 181 34 230 43 177 1 166 21 80 17 189 120 139 110 78 58 294 189 111 34 169 31 104 11 9 2 127 13 14 10 7 16 107 182 70 61 12 109 91 54 322 57 209 88 26 383 120 541 768 219 215 1,022 75 189 31 20 51 256 185 84 701 118 86 75 26 168 35 90 49 25 222 61 330 457 118 163 594 70 110 23 13 30 148 70 84 376 115 23 16 28 154 22 119 39 1 161 59 211 311 101 52 428 5 79 8 7 21 108 115 325 3 15 10 5 8 2 2 2 2 1 2 4 1 15 1 11 2 1 5 2 9 7 146 3 2 2 4 5 20 16 1 1 38 70 21 105 16 9 1 2 1 4 1 51 7 14 4 2 4 1 - 1 6 3 4 1 - 1 1 1 1 - - 1 4 1 4 2 1 1 1 4 1 3 -------------Un-inhabited-------------1 2 3 3 4 1 11 4 9 5 1 10 1 2 2 2 5 5 1 1 1 4 1 2 4 5 4 3 1 1 75 71 10 4 1 2 -------------Un-inhabited-------------2 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 4 1 10 10 3 3 12 4 1 1 17 21 46 24 3 3 7 14 42 63 23 17 7 9 5 5 8 1 5 4 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 41 10 25 20 5 2 243 1 4 6 6 1 1 5 - 133 49 6 45 19 123 39 4 30 16 10 10 2 15 3 38 28 118 2 5 - 31 24 109 5 - 7 4 9 2 3 2 3 1 14 111 42 259 50 43 49 13 7 10 5 6 19 147 8 3 1 3 1 9 101 38 231 43 42 47 11 5 10 4 2 16 88 6 - 2 2 2 2 - - - 8 21 65 8 13 4 32 120 100 52 214 18 47 10 1 6 36 168 6 510 15 5 18 62 7 11 4 27 103 89 48 166 18 43 9 1 5 28 127 6 434 12 - 1 5 10 4 28 7 1 2 2 2 1 4 3 59 2 3 3 3 1 2 5 17 11 4 48 4 1 1 8 41 76 3 Name of Village 2 Baroo Khera Mukund Puriya Neel Ki Kheri Beer Ka Khera Lalpura Kalyanpura @ Hadonka Khera Raiseengpura Khachrol Makariya Goth Surdiya Kasiramji Ka Khera Kabariya Khurd Kabariya Kalan Nawalpura Peepalda Sardarji Ka Khera Khakhiji Ka Khera Anwasa Neem Ka Khera Kundaliya Genoli Biharipura Dhakarkheri Rampuriya Kishanpuriya Salampura @ Tinduri Dolpura Badanpura Saran Ka Khera Swarooppura Mohanpura Anando Ka Khera Jetpura Mochariyon Ka Khera Gulgoan Ajeetpura Rooptalai Kham Ka Khera Jalam Ki Jhonpariyan Bhat Kheri Meghpura Dalsingh Ji Ka Khera Ramchandraji Ka Khera Undaron Ka Khera Dhanwara Mal Ka Khera Hameeriya Shyampura Jujarpur Dhorela Bhopalgarh Fatehpura Gariyan Daulji Ka Khera Khokhra Damti Ladpura Bharenda DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 096192 096193 096194 096195 096196 096197 096198 096199 096200 096201 096202 096203 096204 096205 096206 096207 096208 096209 096210 096211 096212 096213 096214 096215 096216 096217 096218 096219 096220 096221 096222 096223 096224 096225 096226 096227 096228 096229 096230 096231 096232 096233 096234 096235 096236 096237 096238 096239 096240 096241 096242 096243 096244 096245 096246 096247 096248 096249 096250 Name of Village 2 Baroo Khera Mukund Puriya Neel Ki Kheri Beer Ka Khera Lalpura Kalyanpura @ Hadonka Khera Raiseengpura Khachrol Makariya Goth Surdiya Kasiramji Ka Khera Kabariya Khurd Kabariya Kalan Nawalpura Peepalda Sardarji Ka Khera Khakhiji Ka Khera Anwasa Neem Ka Khera Kundaliya Genoli Biharipura Dhakarkheri Rampuriya Kishanpuriya Salampura @ Tinduri Dolpura Badanpura Saran Ka Khera Swarooppura Mohanpura Anando Ka Khera Jetpura Mochariyon Ka Khera Gulgoan Ajeetpura Rooptalai Kham Ka Khera Jalam Ki Jhonpariyan Bhat Kheri Meghpura Dalsingh Ji Ka Khera Ramchandraji Ka Khera Undaron Ka Khera Dhanwara Mal Ka Khera Hameeriya Shyampura Jujarpur Dhorela Bhopalgarh Fatehpura Gariyan Daulji Ka Khera Khokhra Damti Ladpura Bharenda Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 442 6 422 25 39 155 3 219 10 7 287 3 203 15 32 431 5 625 254 90 74 19 68 159 2 243 182 45 67 19 39 272 3 382 72 45 7 29 60 320 23 60 180 81 65 281 134 63 99 55 32 225 3 1 212 573 26 3 169 6 28 81 7 21 48 33 13 15 9 8 23 3 1 91 235 2 57 151 17 32 99 74 44 233 101 50 84 46 24 202 121 338 24 70 96 2 6 70 31 42 17 103 126 26 33 354 156 43 21 9 22 79 111 73 325 112 3 10 3 25 18 38 9 26 50 12 12 143 37 20 3 1 5 15 37 3 75 3 67 86 2 3 45 13 4 8 77 76 14 21 211 119 23 18 8 17 64 74 70 250 109 Persons 44 65 1 356 19 31 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 41 1 184 6 1 24 172 13 30 323 95 228 1 1 167 70 97 7 7 66 43 23 63 57 6 18 18 49 35 14 -------------Un-inhabited-------------58 1 57 307 165 142 3 3 31 26 5 5 2 3 2 2 41 11 30 1 1 2 2 45 1 44 29 7 22 193 13 180 1 1 8 7 1 31 17 14 -------------Un-inhabited-------------65 1 64 83 9 74 1 1 1 1 32 7 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 136 73 63 18 15 3 6 2 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 35 6 29 1 1 90 17 73 1 1 244 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 268 46 - 50 22 - 218 24 - 60 2 382 247 22 4 18 26 2 161 175 2 3 3 34 221 72 20 1 15 - - - 9 29 16 3 16 7 4 8 2 28 150 252 22 3 12 2 32 29 10 13 99 3 24 21 155 124 18 2 13 3 72 87 109 2 2 13 3 4 6 1 6 1 6 51 101 2 1 1 2 14 16 9 6 23 1 10 5 45 10 2 3 7 3 7 27 3 12 1 3 2 1 22 99 151 20 2 11 18 13 1 7 76 2 14 16 110 114 18 2 11 3 69 80 106 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mandalgarh of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 - 1 2 1 1 - - 4 2 - - 2 4 - - - 2 7 - 1 - 2 5 6 - 1 2 1 3 - - - - - - 1 - 1 - 3 - 3 - 8 7 - 109 5 20 6 7 1 1 - 2 2 - - - 1 - 5 3 - 1 1 21 - 10 - Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 3 4 11 - 64 2 13 4 5 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 45 3 7 2 2 46 36 10 1 1 75 11 64 2 2 7 7 1 1 1 1 -------------Un-inhabited-------------2 2 4 2 2 18 6 12 155 66 89 79 5 74 60 18 42 217 32 185 133 33 100 56 7 49 93 14 79 2 2 1 1 4 4 2 2 1 1 52 32 20 285 115 170 4 4 -------------Un-inhabited-------------2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 6 4 2 1 1 30 27 3 2 2 123 49 74 1 1 1 1 56 22 34 14 12 2 36 17 19 3 3 6 6 8 3 5 77 14 63 73 31 42 127 41 86 2 2 459 334 95 182 204 226 151 54 92 109 233 183 41 90 95 578 339 893 335 65 182 48 68 257 175 428 121 26 63 13 25 321 164 465 214 39 119 35 43 256 259 457 65 147 440 138 781 331 479 351 189 115 545 284 229 160 845 88 127 112 164 41 83 185 60 381 143 194 142 85 39 260 139 86 88 455 44 129 147 293 24 64 255 78 400 188 285 209 104 76 285 145 143 72 390 44 207 170 57 331 108 274 128 140 353 129 710 1,233 402 508 1,489 229 305 55 26 67 269 330 115 1,655 198 106 85 30 165 50 140 57 48 153 74 325 546 159 192 723 120 133 29 15 35 134 166 60 760 85 101 85 27 166 58 134 71 92 200 55 385 687 243 316 766 109 172 26 11 32 135 164 55 895 113 245 Name of Village 2 Baroo Khera Mukund Puriya Neel Ki Kheri Beer Ka Khera Lalpura Kalyanpura @ Hadonka Khera Raiseengpura Khachrol Makariya Goth Surdiya Kasiramji Ka Khera Kabariya Khurd Kabariya Kalan Nawalpura Peepalda Sardarji Ka Khera Khakhiji Ka Khera Anwasa Neem Ka Khera Kundaliya Genoli Biharipura Dhakarkheri Rampuriya Kishanpuriya Salampura @ Tinduri Dolpura Badanpura Saran Ka Khera Swarooppura Mohanpura Anando Ka Khera Jetpura Mochariyon Ka Khera Gulgoan Ajeetpura Rooptalai Kham Ka Khera Jalam Ki Jhonpariyan Bhat Kheri Meghpura Dalsingh Ji Ka Khera Ramchandraji Ka Khera Undaron Ka Khera Dhanwara Mal Ka Khera Hameeriya Shyampura Jujarpur Dhorela Bhopalgarh Fatehpura Gariyan Daulji Ka Khera Khokhra Damti Ladpura Bharenda Location code number 1 096192 096193 096194 096195 096196 096197 096198 096199 096200 096201 096202 096203 096204 096205 096206 096207 096208 096209 096210 096211 096212 096213 096214 096215 096216 096217 096218 096219 096220 096221 096222 096223 096224 096225 096226 096227 096228 096229 096230 096231 096232 096233 096234 096235 096236 096237 096238 096239 096240 096241 096242 096243 096244 096245 096246 096247 096248 096249 096250 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 096251 096252 096253 096254 096255 096256 096257 096258 096259 096260 096261 096262 096263 096264 096265 096266 096267 096268 096269 096270 096271 096272 096273 096274 096275 096276 096277 096278 096279 096280 096281 096282 096283 096284 096285 096286 096287 096288 096289 096290 096291 096292 096293 096294 096295 096296 096297 096298 096299 096300 096301 096302 096303 096304 096305 096306 096307 Name of Village 2 Khangarji Ka Khera Ramthali Govta Sarana Motaron Ka Khera Manganj Kali Khol Nahargarh @ Jodhpuriya Kekariya Narsingh Sagar Chainpuriya Padampura Charan Kheri @ Sopura Amartiya Chitoriya Phoolji Ki Kheri Shyam Garh Tahla Madhopura Saipeepla Amarpura Rampuriya Barodiya Jalindri Banka Lorda Bhopatpura Uttamnagar Soonthi Kherariya Chhatri Khera Gordhanpura Chenpuriya Laxshmi Khera Kishanpuriya Rampuriya Kesuvilas Ramrda Manpura Jawda Tharoda Danta @ Chota Thadoda Teekhi Phoolan Bijoliyan Khurd Mangarh Patiyal Kasya Sani Nayanagar Fatehnagar Lalpura Chhatri Khera Brindawan Kaner Karlao Sukhpura Kharipur Area of Village in hectares 3 Number of households 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 166.32 1,115.33 464.67 1,008.12 789.24 80.03 1,332.42 49 185 122 491 317 80 192 210 848 638 2,470 1,402 355 762 106 429 316 1,196 702 172 378 104 419 322 1,274 700 183 384 23 140 87 349 212 33 103 14 76 40 163 107 16 56 9 64 47 186 105 17 47 362.37 895.78 143.98 266.26 384.28 77 109 101 77 145 383 465 359 333 627 200 248 175 175 331 183 217 184 158 296 38 78 48 44 107 21 38 29 25 53 17 40 19 19 54 106.13 293.83 257.84 210.65 268.42 525.58 730.22 391.58 246.88 336.10 318.20 2,529.19 3,169.45 2,213.23 548.95 461.03 3,150.20 146.15 20.14 280.07 586.87 561.27 446.04 36.96 1,879.28 375.79 710.18 322.38 966.43 56 130 81 95 84 199 148 63 276 153 162 660 217 102 317 42 18 134 34 314 87 179 52 1 83 10 44 215 270 238 592 311 444 361 870 676 306 1,162 664 686 2,840 1,076 541 1,570 227 98 679 166 1,538 391 983 246 6 358 43 212 1,011 1,374 117 286 167 224 184 425 342 166 581 345 359 1,453 567 282 783 113 46 356 89 760 194 492 138 2 172 21 103 496 706 121 306 144 220 177 445 334 140 581 319 327 1,387 509 259 787 114 52 323 77 778 197 491 108 4 186 22 109 515 668 33 89 53 56 66 122 97 45 185 94 108 504 175 107 256 33 14 124 35 360 54 111 50 2 67 5 31 126 174 16 45 29 23 33 49 47 27 96 53 58 263 95 47 131 15 8 70 21 181 25 59 27 1 27 3 13 68 91 17 44 24 33 33 73 50 18 89 41 50 241 80 60 125 18 6 54 14 179 29 52 23 1 40 2 18 58 83 198.85 544.23 368.83 1,553.94 1,058.37 794.29 542.14 3,303.48 582.50 589.14 166.35 182.95 481.23 107.90 503.16 671.97 101 49 20 496 94 2 509 239 91 2,396 406 11 33 30 7 132 42 - 25 33 15 116 37 - 775 191 3,278 903 294 75 319 87 71 22 1 54 265 222 391 96 7 229 1,296 1,107 257 252 58 126 113 63 40 51 22 1,216 1,180 248 201 205 79 6 5 -------------Un-inhabited-------------1,762 1,516 613 458 445 162 -------------Un-inhabited-------------181 210 93 52 44 19 4 3 3 109 120 48 655 641 222 537 570 213 46 14 2 20 111 97 47 5 1 28 111 116 246 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mandalgarh Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 Females 19 13 207 427 34 58 181 - - 7 97 212 15 24 88 6 110 215 19 34 93 26 41 49 176 43 89 11 21 26 75 20 49 15 20 23 101 23 40 94 346 288 1,130 672 260 241 58 241 194 700 439 141 180 36 105 94 430 233 119 61 97 49 15 85 50 28 9 48 47 21 6 37 21 17 24 75 11 6 11 37 10 11 13 38 130 207 137 152 281 82 137 85 94 209 48 70 52 58 72 47 98 76 25 4 95 108 541 152 64 225 72 55 7 5 138 3 42 40 225 5 304 154 24 44 44 14 3 48 60 284 77 37 120 36 30 3 4 79 2 22 17 126 2 152 73 23 54 32 11 1 47 48 257 75 27 105 36 25 4 1 59 1 20 23 99 3 152 81 153 72 82 55 73 355 250 449 14 402 262 459 417 246 44 144 330 27 11 6 192 42 38 101 11 75 32 41 31 38 174 134 215 8 204 135 241 222 107 22 78 161 13 6 2 96 20 20 48 7 78 40 41 24 35 181 116 234 6 198 127 218 195 139 22 66 169 14 5 4 96 22 18 53 4 88 282 104 255 195 350 205 153 480 313 238 1,334 310 141 688 117 38 329 48 464 229 580 89 2 173 1 102 577 912 55 161 81 167 116 238 149 97 288 214 184 885 229 117 492 80 22 216 34 326 143 365 71 110 1 64 352 569 33 121 23 88 79 112 56 56 192 99 54 449 81 24 196 37 16 113 14 138 86 215 18 2 63 38 225 343 73 320 - 42 162 - 31 158 - 342 83 8 1,563 73 10 194 50 4 960 55 6 148 33 4 603 18 4 194 157 119 69 75 88 1,415 470 986 311 429 159 525 64 267 29 258 35 240 120 120 239 126 113 89 39 50 405 212 193 379 187 192 -------------Un-inhabited-------------634 359 275 430 215 215 -------------Un-inhabited-------------391 181 210 96 52 44 7 4 3 161 78 83 391 192 199 832 411 421 149 32 66 635 436 83 23 48 399 270 66 9 18 236 166 247 Name of Village 2 Khangarji Ka Khera Ramthali Govta Sarana Motaron Ka Khera Manganj Kali Khol Nahargarh @ Jodhpuriya Kekariya Narsingh Sagar Chainpuriya Padampura Charan Kheri @ Sopura Amartiya Chitoriya Phoolji Ki Kheri Shyam Garh Tahla Madhopura Saipeepla Amarpura Rampuriya Barodiya Jalindri Banka Lorda Bhopatpura Uttamnagar Soonthi Kherariya Chhatri Khera Gordhanpura Chenpuriya Laxshmi Khera Kishanpuriya Rampuriya Kesuvilas Ramrda Manpura Jawda Tharoda Danta @ Chota Thadoda Teekhi Phoolan Bijoliyan Khurd Mangarh Patiyal Kasya Sani Nayanagar Fatehnagar Lalpura Chhatri Khera Brindawan Kaner Karlao Sukhpura Kharipur DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 096251 096252 096253 096254 096255 096256 096257 096258 096259 096260 096261 096262 096263 096264 096265 096266 096267 096268 096269 096270 096271 096272 096273 096274 096275 096276 096277 096278 096279 096280 096281 096282 096283 096284 096285 096286 096287 096288 096289 096290 096291 096292 096293 096294 096295 096296 096297 096298 096299 096300 096301 096302 096303 096304 096305 096306 096307 Name of Village 2 Khangarji Ka Khera Ramthali Govta Sarana Motaron Ka Khera Manganj Kali Khol Nahargarh @ Jodhpuriya Kekariya Narsingh Sagar Chainpuriya Padampura Charan Kheri @ Sopura Amartiya Chitoriya Phoolji Ki Kheri Shyam Garh Tahla Madhopura Saipeepla Amarpura Rampuriya Barodiya Jalindri Banka Lorda Bhopatpura Uttamnagar Soonthi Kherariya Chhatri Khera Gordhanpura Chenpuriya Laxshmi Khera Kishanpuriya Rampuriya Kesuvilas Ramrda Manpura Jawda Tharoda Danta @ Chota Thadoda Teekhi Phoolan Bijoliyan Khurd Mangarh Patiyal Kasya Sani Nayanagar Fatehnagar Lalpura Chhatri Khera Brindawan Kaner Karlao Sukhpura Kharipur Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 Persons 23 116 502 350 1,340 730 95 521 48 188 122 496 263 31 198 68 314 228 844 467 64 323 53 312 392 1,154 846 211 495 50 229 192 657 435 101 231 3 83 200 497 411 110 264 18 157 374 955 452 183 360 17 148 180 571 312 88 192 1 9 194 384 140 95 168 253 258 222 181 346 118 111 90 81 122 135 147 132 100 224 199 272 230 118 265 123 151 108 92 199 76 121 122 26 66 198 193 202 105 185 123 123 88 88 172 75 70 114 17 13 150 310 207 189 166 520 471 153 682 351 448 1,506 766 400 882 110 60 350 118 1,074 162 403 157 4 185 42 110 434 462 62 125 86 57 68 187 193 69 293 131 175 568 338 165 291 33 24 140 55 434 51 127 67 2 62 20 39 144 137 88 185 121 132 98 333 278 84 389 220 273 938 428 235 591 77 36 210 63 640 111 276 90 2 123 22 71 290 325 89 331 203 157 121 278 394 155 626 363 232 1,369 483 243 782 121 42 360 83 710 206 597 111 2 175 19 117 522 765 64 157 105 126 104 229 204 91 289 170 148 726 250 156 406 64 24 193 49 377 99 299 71 1 94 10 59 276 415 25 174 98 31 17 49 190 64 337 193 84 643 233 87 376 57 18 167 34 333 107 298 40 1 81 9 58 246 350 61 321 131 110 75 250 393 141 585 346 217 1,127 445 217 551 114 41 238 72 460 198 499 19 2 9 17 74 397 678 46 156 74 101 72 223 204 81 277 159 139 621 231 146 338 62 23 136 44 322 96 282 13 1 6 9 34 223 370 15 165 57 9 3 27 189 60 308 187 78 506 214 71 213 52 18 102 28 138 102 217 6 1 3 8 40 174 308 167 156 83 833 333 1 63 76 36 256 146 - 104 80 47 577 187 1 286 49 50 1,133 204 5 147 22 26 581 92 3 139 27 24 552 112 2 1,863 433 776 147 1,087 286 1,377 397 972 243 405 154 242 64 7 163 661 671 98 29 4 61 256 267 144 35 3 102 405 404 302 156 146 115 63 52 59 30 29 1,407 719 688 253 122 131 5 3 2 -------------Un-inhabited-------------1,554 1,047 507 504 292 212 -------------Un-inhabited-------------193 91 102 49 24 25 4 2 2 133 67 66 641 386 255 552 299 253 188 47 4 78 574 345 89 22 2 50 374 211 99 25 2 28 200 134 Persons 20 248 Total workers Males Females 24 25 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mandalgarh Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 12 129 352 672 348 181 328 12 126 164 403 217 87 168 3 188 269 131 94 160 2 2 10 131 3 11 196 134 198 71 114 121 95 85 59 108 75 39 113 12 6 58 183 53 80 68 89 384 131 320 217 152 787 302 206 283 98 26 16 31 163 181 430 10 2 2 16 60 137 424 43 57 29 74 66 74 196 71 171 104 90 403 151 138 112 46 9 9 12 93 85 229 6 1 1 9 27 53 183 15 126 24 6 2 15 188 60 149 113 62 384 151 68 171 52 17 7 19 70 96 201 4 1 1 7 33 84 241 92 38 50 871 138 5 39 16 26 354 52 3 53 22 24 517 86 2 31 37 - 89 147 66 57 23 90 11 17 102 39 2 15 153 171 45 18 1 4 77 68 57 21 1 11 76 103 79 8 2 10 45 2 2 - - - 7 49 2 6 2 3 82 1 5 2 1 17 3 4 2 1 13 3 4 1 53 24 44 1 24 23 40 29 1 4 - - - - - 3 71 12 1 153 5 202 111 37 134 85 6 34 1 2 194 8 45 6 5 1 6 5 166 18 2 38 12 1 143 5 55 42 27 55 41 4 19 1 1 108 2 17 4 1 5 2 91 8 1 33 10 147 69 10 79 44 2 15 1 86 6 28 2 5 1 3 75 10 3 2 1 2 - - 4 24 11 135 98 2 17 3 20 8 106 90 1 14 - - 1 6 4 10 27 1 4 3 6 24 - - 4 3 133 18 5 8 5 5 62 18 22 190 58 5 234 15 13 20 33 251 11 59 8 1 1 7 94 223 3 96 15 4 6 4 5 50 13 16 149 39 4 207 15 13 12 30 212 7 51 6 4 79 170 37 3 1 2 1 12 5 6 41 19 1 27 8 3 39 4 8 2 1 1 3 15 53 11 - 152 9 221 29 - 79 4 201 24 - 73 5 20 5 - 9 1 1,253 231 886 180 367 51 1 7 53 375 171 7 40 274 142 13 101 29 2 7 1 7 - 1 1 - 4 4 - 1 1 - - 6 16 8 1 5 2 13 6 14 7 2 1 9 2 39 28 16 15 10 10 16 21 -------------Un-inhabited-------------5 6 24 15 5 12 2 1 -------------Un-inhabited-------------37 42 4 4 1 1 6 4 22 23 1 1 1 1 1 249 4 1 2 1 1 3 1 - - 1 4 3 29 8 1 3 2 1 4 3 Name of Village 2 Khangarji Ka Khera Ramthali Govta Sarana Motaron Ka Khera Manganj Kali Khol Nahargarh @ Jodhpuriya Kekariya Narsingh Sagar Chainpuriya Padampura Charan Kheri @ Sopura Amartiya Chitoriya Phoolji Ki Kheri Shyam Garh Tahla Madhopura Saipeepla Amarpura Rampuriya Barodiya Jalindri Banka Lorda Bhopatpura Uttamnagar Soonthi Kherariya Chhatri Khera Gordhanpura Chenpuriya Laxshmi Khera Kishanpuriya Rampuriya Kesuvilas Ramrda Manpura Jawda Tharoda Danta @ Chota Thadoda Teekhi Phoolan Bijoliyan Khurd Mangarh Patiyal Kasya Sani Nayanagar Fatehnagar Lalpura Chhatri Khera Brindawan Kaner Karlao Sukhpura Kharipur DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 096251 096252 096253 096254 096255 096256 096257 096258 096259 096260 096261 096262 096263 096264 096265 096266 096267 096268 096269 096270 096271 096272 096273 096274 096275 096276 096277 096278 096279 096280 096281 096282 096283 096284 096285 096286 096287 096288 096289 096290 096291 096292 096293 096294 096295 096296 096297 096298 096299 096300 096301 096302 096303 096304 096305 096306 096307 Name of Village 2 Khangarji Ka Khera Ramthali Govta Sarana Motaron Ka Khera Manganj Kali Khol Nahargarh @ Jodhpuriya Kekariya Narsingh Sagar Chainpuriya Padampura Charan Kheri @ Sopura Amartiya Chitoriya Phoolji Ki Kheri Shyam Garh Tahla Madhopura Saipeepla Amarpura Rampuriya Barodiya Jalindri Banka Lorda Bhopatpura Uttamnagar Soonthi Kherariya Chhatri Khera Gordhanpura Chenpuriya Laxshmi Khera Kishanpuriya Rampuriya Kesuvilas Ramrda Manpura Jawda Tharoda Danta @ Chota Thadoda Teekhi Phoolan Bijoliyan Khurd Mangarh Patiyal Kasya Sani Nayanagar Fatehnagar Lalpura Chhatri Khera Brindawan Kaner Karlao Sukhpura Kharipur Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 Persons 44 - Cultivators Males Females 45 46 35 155 18 199 394 28 135 33 81 12 86 123 13 39 2 74 6 113 271 15 96 8 11 36 168 25 79 1 79 28 13 80 28 20 4 27 1 51 8 9 53 1 10 1 - - 28 10 72 47 46 28 1 14 41 17 15 242 38 26 231 7 1 122 11 250 8 98 92 166 2 43 125 87 18 1 31 25 32 6 10 12 11 9 105 19 10 68 2 1 57 5 55 3 17 58 88 1 25 53 45 10 9 41 22 14 22 1 4 29 6 6 137 19 16 163 5 65 6 195 5 81 34 78 1 18 72 42 - 11 1 1 1 4 2 32 9 8 3 1 5 5 3 8 3 35 3 6 8 - 16 66 9 274 49 - 9 41 4 138 30 - 7 25 5 136 19 - 177 107 75 49 102 58 5 2 2 2 55 67 207 17 12 88 3 38 55 119 1 29 2 1 1 1 7 5 1 75 15 23 23 4 6 23 8 83 6 49 1 5 13 24 - - 6 6 14 71 11 16 19 108 5 82 3 6 18 54 4 28 1 - 1 54 1 54 2 6 1 33 1 1 4 16 1 4 17 1 - 1 18 1 1 3 3 1 43 6 15 20 3 1 18 5 75 3 14 1 2 7 16 34 26 42 3 11 20 3 12 121 6 2 126 101 9 193 2 3 114 24 82 4 17 14 29 3 7 1 2 8 39 3 1 19 45 3 28 1 51 12 37 - 17 12 13 4 19 1 4 82 3 1 107 56 6 165 2 2 63 12 45 4 2 5 22 97 14 63 1 - 6 4 8 4 4 23 12 11 1 1 75 18 57 5 4 1 -------------Un-inhabited-------------11 6 5 50 22 28 -------------Un-inhabited-------------1 1 1 1 15 5 10 1 1 19 3 16 250 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 1 5 4 1 1 69 18 - 19 7 - 50 11 - 22 11 4 4 18 7 1 7 3 132 - 3 1 69 1 4 2 63 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mandalgarh of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 - 2 8 1 - 2 11 3 3 - - - - - 6 - 3 3 - 1 2 4 - 1 - 2 5 2 - 6 - 2 1 2 1 2 2 4 1 1 2 9 - 4 - - - 3 1 1 - - 2 - 2 1 5 - 2 3 1 4 - 3 - - - 3 2 1 1 - 4 1 1 - 1 2 1 2 2 1 4 1 1 1 5 - - - - - - - - - - 4 3 2 4 2 2 1 - Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 16 39 70 220 3 47 15 21 36 50 2 23 1 18 34 170 1 24 157 536 246 1,316 556 144 267 56 200 124 539 267 71 147 101 336 122 777 289 73 120 46 11 12 74 12 11 3 22 34 9 52 184 193 129 215 362 77 97 67 83 132 107 96 62 132 230 28 7 5 19 4 24 2 10 9 2 41 15 1 77 3 1 9 2 34 12 81 2 1 12 28 55 18 1 2 10 3 2 2 5 7 1 32 6 1 45 1 1 5 2 22 8 53 2 1 9 10 35 10 6 3 9 1 22 5 2 1 9 9 32 2 4 12 4 28 3 18 20 149 261 108 287 240 592 282 151 536 301 454 1,471 593 298 788 106 56 319 83 828 185 386 135 4 183 24 95 489 609 53 129 62 98 80 196 138 75 292 175 211 727 317 126 377 49 22 163 40 383 95 193 67 1 78 11 44 220 291 96 132 46 189 160 396 144 76 244 126 243 744 276 172 411 57 34 156 43 445 90 193 68 3 105 13 51 269 318 207 124 32 989 153 6 101 63 10 497 79 3 106 61 22 492 74 3 1,724 399 715 166 1,009 233 198 47 3 96 655 555 90 28 2 42 269 238 108 19 1 54 386 317 6 5 1 37 25 12 6 2 4 121 97 24 26 19 7 -------------Un-inhabited-------------140 65 75 46 23 23 -------------Un-inhabited-------------3 2 1 1 1 33 9 24 60 9 51 54 14 40 251 Name of Village 2 Khangarji Ka Khera Ramthali Govta Sarana Motaron Ka Khera Manganj Kali Khol Nahargarh @ Jodhpuriya Kekariya Narsingh Sagar Chainpuriya Padampura Charan Kheri @ Sopura Amartiya Chitoriya Phoolji Ki Kheri Shyam Garh Tahla Madhopura Saipeepla Amarpura Rampuriya Barodiya Jalindri Banka Lorda Bhopatpura Uttamnagar Soonthi Kherariya Chhatri Khera Gordhanpura Chenpuriya Laxshmi Khera Kishanpuriya Rampuriya Kesuvilas Ramrda Manpura Jawda Tharoda Danta @ Chota Thadoda Teekhi Phoolan Bijoliyan Khurd Mangarh Patiyal Kasya Sani Nayanagar Fatehnagar Lalpura Chhatri Khera Brindawan Kaner Karlao Sukhpura Kharipur Location code number 1 096251 096252 096253 096254 096255 096256 096257 096258 096259 096260 096261 096262 096263 096264 096265 096266 096267 096268 096269 096270 096271 096272 096273 096274 096275 096276 096277 096278 096279 096280 096281 096282 096283 096284 096285 096286 096287 096288 096289 096290 096291 096292 096293 096294 096295 096296 096297 096298 096299 096300 096301 096302 096303 096304 096305 096306 096307 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 096308 096309 096310 096311 096312 096313 096314 096315 096316 096317 096318 096319 096320 096321 096322 096323 096324 096325 096326 096327 096328 096329 096330 096331 096332 096333 096334 096335 096336 096337 096338 096339 096340 096341 096342 096343 096344 096345 096346 096347 096348 096349 096350 096351 096352 096353 096354 096355 096356 096357 096358 096359 096360 096361 096362 096363 096364 096365 096366 096367 Name of Village 2 Golam Garh Jaleri Bilona Bari Rampuriya @ Chopra Rasadpura Aroli Shopura Jhadoli Gopalniwas Salawatiya Berisal Kalyanpura Lakshmi Niwas Gordhan Niwas Chandji Ki Kheri Rakholi Girdharpura Bhopi Ki Ret Pachyanpura Neemri Gawa Paparbar Indrapura Jolas Cheeta Bara Choona Ki Bhati Amritpuriya Gopalpura Manji Sahab Ka Khera Naya Gaon Fatehpur Purohition Ka Khera Veekam Pura Kishanniwas Lachhmanpura Ganeshpura Rughnathpura Udpuriya Umaji Ka Khera Govind Niwas Harji Pura Deroli Shikargah Barwa Brijpura Dobiya Koyala Kundi Kanwarpura Tilaswan Suthiyal Kasya Mahupura Debiniwas Shambhoopura Bhagwanpura Amarniwas Bhooti Kama Govindpura Mandol Ummedramji Ka Khera Area of Village in hectares 3 96.08 47.12 115.84 114.96 106.60 2,523.36 117.10 509.12 113.14 585.14 179.83 267.08 217.02 77.14 491.12 208.17 182.98 52.67 1,517.54 596.14 513.36 390.13 370.82 130.73 40.12 160.02 438.16 279.20 514.22 100.22 245.32 233.54 106.14 15.18 184.39 82.16 124.57 144.13 139.87 67.12 139.88 311.22 103.24 414.72 94.97 110.16 55.10 885.47 107.50 458.50 100.63 233.67 426.71 110.28 95.14 301.05 243.16 211.37 1,733.20 38.35 Number of households 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 1 1 65 6 833 304 33 189 36 722 254 118 91 43 328 33 61 3 96 87 90 191 67 180 282 29 3,324 1,409 162 976 190 3,475 1,153 629 472 203 1,563 168 328 12 428 368 392 889 354 752 54 130 139 246 49 157 127 53 28 215 9 87 92 56 66 72 6 41 43 40 257 671 807 1,282 268 782 589 262 149 1,075 42 452 529 315 332 379 25 200 224 221 525 2,343 518 2,547 70 77 38 10 141 197 113 68 33 286 421 195 69 794 870 542 338 130 252 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 1 -------------Un-inhabited-------------148 134 57 14 15 3 1,786 1,538 559 717 692 179 81 81 33 482 494 156 100 90 21 1,839 1,636 468 584 569 161 324 305 58 226 246 51 100 103 20 778 785 211 87 81 24 151 177 27 3 9 231 197 71 176 192 76 203 189 47 444 445 132 185 169 44 374 378 141 -------------Un-inhabited-------------121 136 19 332 339 106 392 415 93 651 631 188 138 130 33 407 375 128 311 278 73 128 134 36 76 73 19 546 529 152 21 21 13 230 222 55 274 255 55 166 149 32 164 168 46 190 189 79 11 14 4 94 106 26 103 121 33 115 106 24 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------1,179 1,164 393 -------------Un-inhabited-------------1,281 1,266 462 -------------Un-inhabited-------------175 111 34 204 217 65 108 87 27 35 34 8 393 401 143 431 439 138 255 287 100 188 150 65 64 66 36 - - 29 1 277 96 14 78 9 247 88 32 29 8 101 15 5 31 37 25 64 23 71 28 2 282 83 19 78 12 221 73 26 22 12 110 9 22 40 39 22 68 21 70 4 44 44 104 18 64 41 18 6 82 4 34 29 17 23 44 1 10 17 16 15 62 49 84 15 64 32 18 13 70 9 21 26 15 23 35 3 16 16 8 187 206 249 213 20 32 16 3 60 69 52 40 18 14 33 11 5 83 69 48 25 18 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mandalgarh Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 - - - 1 522 214 42 8 1,282 341 202 37 62 329 29 154 1 129 123 46 749 1 285 107 22 3 659 170 108 18 26 173 12 81 72 67 28 372 237 107 20 5 623 171 94 19 36 156 17 73 1 57 56 18 377 12 226 102 49 6 216 139 29 13 163 28 46 17 189 51 5 10 7 113 58 28 3 115 71 17 6 82 18 24 12 94 21 3 5 5 113 44 21 3 101 68 12 7 81 10 22 5 95 30 2 5 206 103 103 382 197 185 39 93 60 95 211 20 10 4 32 46 33 50 114 10 6 2 7 47 27 45 97 10 4 2 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 -------------Un-inhabited-------------103 57 46 29 14 15 279 159 120 179 86 93 148 74 74 142 76 66 284 152 132 208 112 96 7 4 3 43 19 24 19 8 11 12 3 9 155 78 77 349 165 184 35 17 18 227 114 113 -------------Un-inhabited-------------8 4 4 134 74 60 244 119 125 91 45 46 50 21 29 42 21 21 28 12 16 134 60 74 93 47 46 62 25 37 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------355 175 180 -------------Un-inhabited-------------680 338 342 -------------Un-inhabited-------------35 20 15 68 33 35 10 4 6 19 8 11 355 170 185 478 225 253 254 140 114 124 62 62 253 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 Females 19 1 1 - 88 9 1,751 619 10 363 110 2,218 569 500 308 129 918 98 184 149 143 231 387 196 199 59 8 1,137 407 9 227 73 1,372 361 291 179 81 573 62 123 112 98 148 252 125 146 29 1 614 212 1 136 37 846 208 209 129 48 345 36 61 37 45 83 135 71 53 160 345 518 783 154 386 338 155 89 613 2 185 347 190 215 206 11 112 120 138 96 231 316 486 102 264 229 96 62 387 2 115 220 128 129 130 9 70 72 86 64 114 202 297 52 122 109 59 27 226 70 127 62 86 76 2 42 48 52 1,102 707 395 1,137 703 434 172 187 127 43 293 329 196 154 31 118 114 83 29 225 207 115 108 22 54 73 44 14 68 122 81 46 9 Name of Village 2 Golam Garh Jaleri Bilona Bari Rampuriya @ Chopra Rasadpura Aroli Shopura Jhadoli Gopalniwas Salawatiya Berisal Kalyanpura Lakshmi Niwas Gordhan Niwas Chandji Ki Kheri Rakholi Girdharpura Bhopi Ki Ret Pachyanpura Neemri Gawa Paparbar Indrapura Jolas Cheeta Bara Choona Ki Bhati Amritpuriya Gopalpura Manji Sahab Ka Khera Naya Gaon Fatehpur Purohition Ka Khera Veekam Pura Kishanniwas Lachhmanpura Ganeshpura Rughnathpura Udpuriya Umaji Ka Khera Govind Niwas Harji Pura Deroli Shikargah Barwa Brijpura Dobiya Koyala Kundi Kanwarpura Tilaswan Suthiyal Kasya Mahupura Debiniwas Shambhoopura Bhagwanpura Amarniwas Bhooti Kama Govindpura Mandol Ummedramji Ka Khera DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 096308 096309 096310 096311 096312 096313 096314 096315 096316 096317 096318 096319 096320 096321 096322 096323 096324 096325 096326 096327 096328 096329 096330 096331 096332 096333 096334 096335 096336 096337 096338 096339 096340 096341 096342 096343 096344 096345 096346 096347 096348 096349 096350 096351 096352 096353 096354 096355 096356 096357 096358 096359 096360 096361 096362 096363 096364 096365 096366 096367 Name of Village 2 Golam Garh Jaleri Bilona Bari Rampuriya @ Chopra Rasadpura Aroli Shopura Jhadoli Gopalniwas Salawatiya Berisal Kalyanpura Lakshmi Niwas Gordhan Niwas Chandji Ki Kheri Rakholi Girdharpura Bhopi Ki Ret Pachyanpura Neemri Gawa Paparbar Indrapura Jolas Cheeta Bara Choona Ki Bhati Amritpuriya Gopalpura Manji Sahab Ka Khera Naya Gaon Fatehpur Purohition Ka Khera Veekam Pura Kishanniwas Lachhmanpura Ganeshpura Rughnathpura Udpuriya Umaji Ka Khera Govind Niwas Harji Pura Deroli Shikargah Barwa Brijpura Dobiya Koyala Kundi Kanwarpura Tilaswan Suthiyal Kasya Mahupura Debiniwas Shambhoopura Bhagwanpura Amarniwas Bhooti Kama Govindpura Mandol Ummedramji Ka Khera Persons 20 - Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 - - 194 20 1,573 790 152 613 80 1,257 584 129 164 74 645 70 144 12 279 225 161 502 158 553 89 6 649 310 72 255 27 467 223 33 47 19 205 25 28 3 119 78 55 192 60 228 105 14 924 480 80 358 53 790 361 96 117 55 440 45 116 9 160 147 106 310 98 325 97 326 289 499 114 396 251 107 60 462 40 267 182 125 117 173 14 88 104 83 25 101 76 165 36 143 82 32 14 159 19 115 54 38 35 60 2 24 31 29 72 225 213 334 78 253 169 75 46 303 21 152 128 87 82 113 12 64 73 54 1,241 472 769 1,410 578 832 114 234 68 26 501 541 346 184 99 57 90 25 6 168 224 140 80 42 57 144 43 20 333 317 206 104 57 Persons 23 Total workers Males Females 24 25 1 1 -------------Un-inhabited-------------152 82 70 23 11 12 1,407 1,088 319 591 378 213 74 37 37 490 245 245 94 49 45 1,285 985 300 520 328 192 348 186 162 293 135 158 118 56 62 838 445 393 81 39 42 159 80 79 5 2 3 224 125 99 218 107 111 255 125 130 499 258 241 169 88 81 411 203 208 -------------Un-inhabited-------------125 61 64 273 164 109 399 205 194 607 322 285 155 76 79 374 241 133 275 143 132 149 70 79 81 40 41 516 278 238 20 13 7 224 109 115 245 132 113 187 91 96 186 94 92 201 105 96 12 6 6 97 50 47 115 58 57 70 39 31 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------1,160 644 516 -------------Un-inhabited-------------1,219 703 516 -------------Un-inhabited-------------227 145 82 219 100 119 80 43 37 43 22 21 334 205 129 451 247 204 226 127 99 166 85 81 62 35 27 254 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 1 1 - 111 14 1,251 396 67 371 89 1,225 476 329 155 83 794 69 144 5 221 107 243 299 130 336 77 9 1,020 310 33 205 48 952 314 178 116 47 420 36 71 2 123 70 116 166 78 198 34 5 231 86 34 166 41 273 162 151 39 36 374 33 73 3 98 37 127 133 52 138 92 259 320 583 148 296 247 139 76 474 15 183 243 187 178 181 11 92 100 34 56 160 195 309 73 207 129 65 37 261 9 92 131 91 92 95 5 48 51 19 36 99 125 274 75 89 118 74 39 213 6 91 112 96 86 86 6 44 49 15 1,040 594 446 786 560 226 106 217 67 40 323 428 226 145 42 57 98 37 21 201 241 127 76 29 49 119 30 19 122 187 99 69 13 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mandalgarh Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 - - - - 49 14 133 63 310 70 378 199 223 83 63 494 47 107 3 199 41 189 137 79 42 26 7 88 33 159 33 235 103 95 51 29 247 15 47 2 112 20 85 55 38 34 23 7 45 30 151 37 143 96 128 32 34 247 32 60 1 87 21 104 82 41 8 2 14 11 61 15 4 95 32 4 6 1 113 1 10 1 8 22 33 65 4 176 72 160 206 217 74 90 190 115 54 277 153 178 166 147 87 1 72 74 29 38 78 102 126 35 39 96 46 22 106 72 70 75 65 40 35 29 15 34 82 104 91 39 51 94 69 32 171 81 108 91 82 47 1 37 45 14 1 7 12 177 3 13 11 5 2 8 9 1 1 1 40 5 3 - 507 237 270 103 251 126 125 48 97 166 47 39 219 65 146 54 4 54 52 24 20 123 29 62 20 1 43 114 23 19 96 36 84 34 3 1 5 6 7 4 44 - -------------Un-inhabited-------------1 1 9 5 6 5 13 9 31 30 1 1 9 6 1 1 3 1 65 30 3 2 13 19 2 4 2 4 1 21 92 8 5 1 4 6 1 2 6 14 8 14 19 2 1 24 41 7 4 2 2 1 1 52 124 -------------Un-inhabited-------------1 3 4 5 7 25 152 1 1 3 2 1 4 9 3 2 6 5 2 3 1 1 1 7 2 1 3 6 2 2 1 1 1 11 29 1 4 1 2 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------46 57 13 9 -------------Un-inhabited-------------5 43 14 11 -------------Un-inhabited-------------1 2 2 3 3 3 4 3 7 4 3 1 2 2 15 29 255 - 1 1 - 60 1,213 201 4 45 15 749 243 102 66 19 179 21 27 1 14 44 19 90 46 118 50 998 190 36 12 650 198 83 63 18 147 20 20 9 36 16 83 37 112 10 215 11 4 9 3 99 45 19 3 1 32 1 7 1 5 8 3 7 9 6 19 92 102 188 69 190 46 19 20 187 15 19 64 20 30 54 10 15 23 5 18 79 88 157 37 162 27 17 14 153 9 15 61 16 27 44 5 12 21 4 1 13 14 31 32 28 19 2 6 34 6 4 3 4 3 10 5 3 2 1 4 417 302 115 3 473 418 55 2 6 51 15 1 98 349 74 47 38 3 46 11 1 75 204 60 41 28 3 5 4 4 1 2 3 1 3 1 1 1 - 3 - - 23 145 14 6 10 Name of Village 2 Golam Garh Jaleri Bilona Bari Rampuriya @ Chopra Rasadpura Aroli Shopura Jhadoli Gopalniwas Salawatiya Berisal Kalyanpura Lakshmi Niwas Gordhan Niwas Chandji Ki Kheri Rakholi Girdharpura Bhopi Ki Ret Pachyanpura Neemri Gawa Paparbar Indrapura Jolas Cheeta Bara Choona Ki Bhati Amritpuriya Gopalpura Manji Sahab Ka Khera Naya Gaon Fatehpur Purohition Ka Khera Veekam Pura Kishanniwas Lachhmanpura Ganeshpura Rughnathpura Udpuriya Umaji Ka Khera Govind Niwas Harji Pura Deroli Shikargah Barwa Brijpura Dobiya Koyala Kundi Kanwarpura Tilaswan Suthiyal Kasya Mahupura Debiniwas Shambhoopura Bhagwanpura Amarniwas Bhooti Kama Govindpura Mandol Ummedramji Ka Khera DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 096308 096309 096310 096311 096312 096313 096314 096315 096316 096317 096318 096319 096320 096321 096322 096323 096324 096325 096326 096327 096328 096329 096330 096331 096332 096333 096334 096335 096336 096337 096338 096339 096340 096341 096342 096343 096344 096345 096346 096347 096348 096349 096350 096351 096352 096353 096354 096355 096356 096357 096358 096359 096360 096361 096362 096363 096364 096365 096366 096367 Name of Village 2 Golam Garh Jaleri Bilona Bari Rampuriya @ Chopra Rasadpura Aroli Shopura Jhadoli Gopalniwas Salawatiya Berisal Kalyanpura Lakshmi Niwas Gordhan Niwas Chandji Ki Kheri Rakholi Girdharpura Bhopi Ki Ret Pachyanpura Neemri Gawa Paparbar Indrapura Jolas Cheeta Bara Choona Ki Bhati Amritpuriya Gopalpura Manji Sahab Ka Khera Naya Gaon Fatehpur Purohition Ka Khera Veekam Pura Kishanniwas Lachhmanpura Ganeshpura Rughnathpura Udpuriya Umaji Ka Khera Govind Niwas Harji Pura Deroli Shikargah Barwa Brijpura Dobiya Koyala Kundi Kanwarpura Tilaswan Suthiyal Kasya Mahupura Debiniwas Shambhoopura Bhagwanpura Amarniwas Bhooti Kama Govindpura Mandol Ummedramji Ka Khera Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 - - - 41 9 156 195 7 119 5 60 44 19 138 35 44 12 15 3 111 12 200 39 75 5 2 68 68 4 40 1 33 14 8 19 9 25 3 9 2 37 9 92 10 5 36 7 88 127 3 79 4 27 30 11 119 26 19 9 6 1 74 3 108 29 70 33 14 79 24 7 78 28 10 5 42 5 41 2 8 20 1 5 15 36 5 4 10 13 3 34 14 5 3 17 4 17 1 2 10 1 2 7 20 28 10 69 11 4 44 14 5 2 25 1 24 1 6 10 3 8 16 120 50 70 433 143 290 121 2 13 3 11 23 21 20 88 2 6 1 4 6 9 6 33 7 2 7 17 12 14 Persons 44 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 -------------Un-inhabited-------------37 4 33 8 2 6 26 14 12 91 26 65 2 1 1 10 5 5 30 5 25 6 1 5 129 17 112 28 6 22 8 3 5 9 2 7 6 5 1 2 1 1 43 10 33 3 3 15 10 5 34 6 28 8 1 7 -------------Un-inhabited-------------33 5 28 2 2 63 7 56 1 1 1 1 6 6 9 3 6 9 5 4 3 2 1 20 5 15 1 1 21 6 15 6 2 4 7 2 5 1 1 2 2 13 6 7 27 12 15 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------34 10 24 -------------Un-inhabited-------------77 18 59 -------------Un-inhabited-------------8 3 5 8 2 6 2 1 1 5 2 3 1 1 10 3 7 1 1 256 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 - - 1 9 4 47 5 12 8 4 3 4 11 2 2 42 1 25 1 64 10 3 2 2 2 4 1 8 1 5 4 1 7 4 37 2 10 6 2 3 4 7 2 1 34 20 1 60 - - - 2 4 17 3 6 5 4 - - 2 1 6 1 4 1 2 - 1 4 11 2 2 4 2 - 36 16 20 43 3 40 - 4 3 8 1 4 - 3 3 - - 5 1 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mandalgarh of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 - - - - - - 3 2 2 2 2 - - 4 - 2 2 3 1 - 3 1 1 1 1 1 - 6 1 - 3 3 - - - - - - 2 1 - 2 1 - 2 - - 1 - 1 - 4 1 3 13 6 7 14 1 1 12 1 - 2 1 Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 -------------Un-inhabited-------------3 1 2 144 66 78 119 44 75 14 11 3 3 3 40 26 14 10 7 3 11 7 4 6 2 4 3 3 21 15 6 1 1 7 3 4 1 1 25 18 7 8 5 3 154 74 80 4 4 3 3 -------------Un-inhabited-------------10 1 9 12 3 9 6 6 6 3 3 72 34 38 14 10 4 1 1 2 1 1 15 7 8 4 3 1 13 9 4 2 1 1 2 2 9 6 3 3 2 1 2 1 1 9 8 1 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------46 23 23 -------------Un-inhabited-------------300 116 184 -------------Un-inhabited-------------99 73 26 2 2 1 1 1 1 6 2 4 18 5 13 3 3 17 6 11 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 - - - 130 6 1,917 818 88 486 96 2,190 633 281 179 85 725 87 169 7 204 150 137 390 185 341 66 3 698 339 44 237 51 854 256 138 91 44 333 48 71 1 106 69 78 186 97 171 64 3 1,219 479 44 249 45 1,336 377 143 88 41 392 39 98 6 98 81 59 204 88 170 132 398 408 675 113 408 314 113 68 559 22 228 284 128 146 178 13 103 109 151 60 168 187 329 62 166 168 58 36 268 8 121 142 75 70 85 5 44 45 76 72 230 221 346 51 242 146 55 32 291 14 107 142 53 76 93 8 59 64 75 1,183 535 648 1,328 578 750 59 202 115 26 460 419 316 172 68 30 104 65 13 188 184 128 103 29 29 98 50 13 272 235 188 69 39 257 Name of Village 2 Golam Garh Jaleri Bilona Bari Rampuriya @ Chopra Rasadpura Aroli Shopura Jhadoli Gopalniwas Salawatiya Berisal Kalyanpura Lakshmi Niwas Gordhan Niwas Chandji Ki Kheri Rakholi Girdharpura Bhopi Ki Ret Pachyanpura Neemri Gawa Paparbar Indrapura Jolas Cheeta Bara Choona Ki Bhati Amritpuriya Gopalpura Manji Sahab Ka Khera Naya Gaon Fatehpur Purohition Ka Khera Veekam Pura Kishanniwas Lachhmanpura Ganeshpura Rughnathpura Udpuriya Umaji Ka Khera Govind Niwas Harji Pura Deroli Shikargah Barwa Brijpura Dobiya Koyala Kundi Kanwarpura Tilaswan Suthiyal Kasya Mahupura Debiniwas Shambhoopura Bhagwanpura Amarniwas Bhooti Kama Govindpura Mandol Ummedramji Ka Khera Location code number 1 096308 096309 096310 096311 096312 096313 096314 096315 096316 096317 096318 096319 096320 096321 096322 096323 096324 096325 096326 096327 096328 096329 096330 096331 096332 096333 096334 096335 096336 096337 096338 096339 096340 096341 096342 096343 096344 096345 096346 096347 096348 096349 096350 096351 096352 096353 096354 096355 096356 096357 096358 096359 096360 096361 096362 096363 096364 096365 096366 096367 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 096368 096369 096370 096371 096372 096373 096374 096375 096376 096377 096378 096379 096380 096381 096382 096383 096384 096385 096386 096387 096388 096389 096390 096391 096392 096393 Name of Village 2 Sarki Kudi Kachhi Pura Deogarh Deonagar Sadaramji Ka Khera Makreri Motipura Hemniwas Bahadur Ji Ka Khera Mogarwasa Baniyon Ka Talab Kantwara Kerkhera Surajbilas Haripura Ant Satkundiya Bheroopura Resunda Kalighati Jhalon Ka Dhoondha Danpura Ummedpura Anti Gudha URBAN Beejoliya Kalan (CT) Area of Village in hectares 3 Number of households 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 109.07 99.06 151.90 2,832.60 852.96 742.42 238.11 254.35 145.83 196.98 680.05 495.36 408.42 236.37 26.19 366.41 333.37 103.47 522.46 160.29 24.40 234.48 152.28 1,436.43 1,233.41 40 72 126 148 71 128 72 85 228 153 249 63 3 119 137 50 81 79 54 64 105 231 387 178 299 669 710 368 600 304 487 1,128 831 1,199 312 9 575 753 291 359 397 303 302 510 1,182 1,792 1,360.00 2,930 14,140 258 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------91 87 19 152 147 58 336 333 78 359 351 106 185 183 89 299 301 126 138 166 75 247 240 142 572 556 237 426 405 177 625 574 275 158 154 44 3 6 1 307 268 109 378 375 163 152 139 63 183 176 56 198 199 77 154 149 69 149 153 61 262 248 89 593 589 255 911 881 285 7,215 6,925 1,834 11 33 43 61 43 61 29 75 119 95 154 29 61 89 34 28 37 37 31 46 134 152 8 25 35 45 46 65 46 67 118 82 121 15 1 48 74 29 28 40 32 30 43 121 133 943 891 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mandalgarh Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 30 142 51 9 14 299 4 258 31 132 57 173 74 1 103 38 248 14 71 21 5 10 152 2 134 18 63 26 90 34 1 49 25 128 16 71 30 4 4 147 2 124 13 69 31 83 40 54 13 120 3,165 1,618 1,547 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------221 113 108 14 7 7 386 202 184 139 61 78 534 260 274 455 231 224 58 25 33 329 172 157 603 313 290 30 18 12 9 3 6 230 124 106 432 220 212 20 13 7 90 47 43 396 197 199 82 44 38 294 146 148 112 57 55 431 221 210 519 262 257 762 380 382 259 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 Females 19 121 99 476 283 174 135 91 71 401 139 380 151 236 322 129 198 53 76 40 270 383 843 72 65 279 191 114 103 71 40 263 113 271 90 158 208 89 127 39 56 31 173 267 524 49 34 197 92 60 32 20 31 138 26 109 61 78 114 40 71 14 20 9 97 116 319 9,722 5,527 4,195 Name of Village 2 Sarki Kudi Kachhi Pura Deogarh Deonagar Sadaramji Ka Khera Makreri Motipura Hemniwas Bahadur Ji Ka Khera Mogarwasa Baniyon Ka Talab Kantwara Kerkhera Surajbilas Haripura Ant Satkundiya Bheroopura Resunda Kalighati Jhalon Ka Dhoondha Danpura Ummedpura Anti Gudha URBAN Beejoliya Kalan (CT) DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 096368 096369 096370 096371 096372 096373 096374 096375 096376 096377 096378 096379 096380 096381 096382 096383 096384 096385 096386 096387 096388 096389 096390 096391 096392 096393 Name of Village 2 Sarki Kudi Kachhi Pura Deogarh Deonagar Sadaramji Ka Khera Makreri Motipura Hemniwas Bahadur Ji Ka Khera Mogarwasa Baniyon Ka Talab Kantwara Kerkhera Surajbilas Haripura Ant Satkundiya Bheroopura Resunda Kalighati Jhalon Ka Dhoondha Danpura Ummedpura Anti Gudha URBAN Beejoliya Kalan (CT) Persons 20 Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 57 200 193 427 194 465 213 416 727 692 819 161 9 339 431 162 161 344 227 262 240 799 949 19 87 57 168 71 196 67 207 309 313 354 68 3 149 170 63 56 159 98 118 89 326 387 38 113 136 259 123 269 146 209 418 379 465 93 6 190 261 99 105 185 129 144 151 473 562 4,418 1,688 2,730 Persons 23 Total workers Males Females 24 25 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------99 47 52 165 77 88 399 197 202 355 195 160 161 92 69 303 153 150 156 83 73 267 143 124 375 302 73 443 226 217 599 326 273 168 88 80 7 3 4 210 152 58 422 200 222 102 57 45 206 107 99 151 85 66 115 72 43 129 79 50 320 154 166 521 294 227 910 498 412 260 5,100 3,932 1,168 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 88 29 378 338 131 295 151 266 326 432 542 164 7 168 191 80 158 109 112 122 150 288 354 40 19 187 190 81 148 81 143 268 221 311 86 3 135 138 45 92 64 72 78 61 195 247 48 10 191 148 50 147 70 123 58 211 231 78 4 33 53 35 66 45 40 44 89 93 107 4,487 3,709 778 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mandalgarh Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 61 11 267 144 73 224 16 136 12 53 99 146 7 51 65 79 63 93 35 60 39 97 55 19 8 98 61 29 107 4 66 10 26 37 76 3 39 51 44 15 58 16 29 31 63 46 42 3 169 83 44 117 12 70 2 27 62 70 4 12 14 35 48 35 19 31 8 34 9 4 15 6 10 2 6 1 4 185 12 2 73 11 3 14 5 96 35 33 222 129 93 71 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------2 2 1 9 6 3 3 2 1 5 5 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 6 6 3 1 16 11 86 99 6 6 2 41 32 8 5 3 8 1 1 2 1 7 7 2 3 20 76 15 20 17 6 22 11 8 7 40 31 74 58 261 1 3 11 1 22 3 103 183 56 64 134 129 308 359 258 6 115 45 1 83 13 63 57 15 139 258 19 2 85 123 51 36 77 76 252 181 188 4 96 41 1 73 4 49 47 10 111 172 3 1 18 60 5 28 57 53 56 178 70 2 19 4 10 9 14 10 5 28 86 16 4,120 3,482 638 1 1 5 - Name of Village 2 Sarki Kudi Kachhi Pura Deogarh Deonagar Sadaramji Ka Khera Makreri Motipura Hemniwas Bahadur Ji Ka Khera Mogarwasa Baniyon Ka Talab Kantwara Kerkhera Surajbilas Haripura Ant Satkundiya Bheroopura Resunda Kalighati Jhalon Ka Dhoondha Danpura Ummedpura Anti Gudha URBAN Beejoliya Kalan (CT) DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 096368 096369 096370 096371 096372 096373 096374 096375 096376 096377 096378 096379 096380 096381 096382 096383 096384 096385 096386 096387 096388 096389 096390 096391 096392 096393 Name of Village 2 Sarki Kudi Kachhi Pura Deogarh Deonagar Sadaramji Ka Khera Makreri Motipura Hemniwas Bahadur Ji Ka Khera Mogarwasa Baniyon Ka Talab Kantwara Kerkhera Surajbilas Haripura Ant Satkundiya Bheroopura Resunda Kalighati Jhalon Ka Dhoondha Danpura Ummedpura Anti Gudha URBAN Beejoliya Kalan (CT) Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 11 136 21 17 30 8 5 1 49 11 57 4 42 231 22 48 42 3 7 170 233 556 7 58 10 5 11 5 2 34 5 15 2 17 62 12 15 21 1 93 99 251 4 78 11 12 19 3 3 1 15 6 42 2 25 169 10 33 21 3 6 77 134 305 613 223 390 Persons 44 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------8 6 2 18 7 11 2 2 4 2 2 11 1 10 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 32 4 28 3 2 1 5 2 3 45 14 31 21 11 10 19 2 17 34 15 19 1 1 6 4 2 72 23 49 30 17 13 262 15 4 11 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 1 110 3 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 2 125 18 1 90 31 277 46 1 1 24 8 20 8 66 1 64 3 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 101 10 1 70 23 211 45 3 42 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Mandalgarh of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 - 7 - 4 1 2 1 5 2 - 1 1 - 3 1 1 5 2 - 7 5 4 2 3 3 42 7 35 Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------2 1 1 1 1 16 10 6 12 3 9 18 10 8 4 3 1 5 2 3 45 31 14 5 2 3 20 10 10 34 15 19 56 24 32 1 1 9 5 4 8 6 2 2 2 6 1 5 74 69 5 123 64 59 244 166 78 511 209 302 79 134 270 355 207 297 148 220 753 388 600 144 2 365 331 189 153 246 188 173 190 661 882 44 75 139 164 93 146 55 104 270 200 299 70 155 178 95 76 113 82 70 108 299 413 35 59 131 191 114 151 93 116 483 188 301 74 2 210 153 94 77 133 106 103 82 362 469 9,040 3,283 5,757 263 Name of Village 2 Sarki Kudi Kachhi Pura Deogarh Deonagar Sadaramji Ka Khera Makreri Motipura Hemniwas Bahadur Ji Ka Khera Mogarwasa Baniyon Ka Talab Kantwara Kerkhera Surajbilas Haripura Ant Satkundiya Bheroopura Resunda Kalighati Jhalon Ka Dhoondha Danpura Ummedpura Anti Gudha URBAN Beejoliya Kalan (CT) Location code number 1 096368 096369 096370 096371 096372 096373 096374 096375 096376 096377 096378 096379 096380 096381 096382 096383 096384 096385 096386 096387 096388 096389 096390 096391 096392 096393 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0183 0183 0183 095846 095847 095848 095849 095850 095851 095852 095853 095854 095855 095856 095857 095858 095859 095860 095861 095862 095863 095864 095865 095866 095867 095868 095869 095870 095871 095872 095873 095874 095875 095876 095877 095878 095879 095880 095881 095882 095883 095884 095885 095886 095887 095888 095889 095890 095891 095892 095893 095894 095895 095896 Name of Village 2 Jahazpur (Total) Jahazpur (Rural) Jahazpur (Urban) RURAL Teetori Teetora Mafi Maganpura Bheempura Gandher Jagolai Bihara Khjooriya Khera Jeera Balapura Hathodiya Akhepura Takhatpura Gangithala Navratanpura Ram Mohanpura Motipura Kala Bhata Udapuriya Kesho Bilas Dhunwala Munshipura Barla Polya Morlan Khema Ka Khera Uncha Ambedkar Colony Hanumannagar Kuchalwara Kalan Kesarpura Teekar Kuchalwara Khurd Haripura Hampura Mayla Polya Baradpura Amarwasi Asan Ramnagar Gadoli Khana Ka Khohala Goram Garh Kuradiya Kheradiya Mataji Ka Khera Luhari Khurd Manohargarh Chandadand Intunda Talab Ka Jhupda Uda Ka Khera Bhan Ka Gurha Area of Village in hectares 3 Number of households 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 1,03,889.42 1,03,889.42 0.00 42,619 42,619 - 1,96,872 1,96,872 - 1,123.20 870.22 645.09 187.05 1,433.78 487.63 1,119.17 261.16 367.18 147.14 405.16 166.15 107.15 1,081.03 254.98 379.80 244.85 87.37 124.96 205.20 939.25 118.52 462.15 201.45 59.87 744.72 151.87 408.47 871.32 100.15 2,045.40 342.10 118.85 175.50 743.39 162.85 1,262.21 172.73 197.76 1,403.67 190.35 508.37 832.05 351 273 168 70 305 107 356 89 160 81 178 38 1,777 1,348 899 361 1,553 560 2,030 384 718 379 964 202 417 121 105 347 109 17 41 329 130 281 118 56 944 135 795 483 160 688 196 68 29 261 146 564 52 119 561 56 141 414 2,080 570 489 1,515 446 80 185 1,379 652 1,221 521 296 4,351 673 3,861 2,344 798 3,466 964 285 143 1,167 702 2,625 259 575 2,320 244 702 1,816 240.90 1,084.17 494.90 256.60 1,042.61 289.86 338.00 910.00 104 275 211 133 703 62 25 250 539 1,331 955 657 3,354 259 94 1,056 264 1,01,350 1,01,350 - 28,291 28,291 - 14,776 14,776 - 13,515 13,515 - 883 894 247 690 658 116 459 440 111 195 166 50 795 758 224 293 267 69 1,012 1,018 282 205 179 65 377 341 113 196 183 48 521 443 153 109 93 34 -------------Un-inhabited-------------1,047 1,033 294 313 257 61 263 226 81 768 747 192 214 232 37 42 38 12 91 94 19 698 681 181 339 313 111 642 579 192 268 253 75 151 145 47 2,278 2,073 531 373 300 93 1,944 1,917 428 1,194 1,150 299 430 368 96 1,765 1,701 503 484 480 129 144 141 35 78 65 23 601 566 148 358 344 99 1,355 1,270 294 127 132 45 285 290 49 1,228 1,092 281 135 109 29 369 333 93 946 870 215 126 56 69 31 114 36 157 39 68 26 83 20 121 60 42 19 110 33 125 26 45 22 70 14 150 42 46 102 22 8 2 88 52 100 42 22 295 54 215 145 56 262 66 14 14 77 44 153 24 30 145 15 58 121 144 19 35 90 15 4 17 93 59 92 33 25 236 39 213 154 40 241 63 21 9 71 55 141 21 19 136 14 35 94 58 96 91 49 266 21 5 92 39 87 47 53 214 17 4 75 287 716 508 334 1,741 148 53 547 95,522 95,522 - Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 252 615 447 323 1,613 111 41 509 97 183 138 102 480 38 9 167 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Jahazpur Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 36,769 36,769 - 18,861 18,861 - 17,908 17,908 - 460 175 207 119 275 200 388 380 155 171 1 229 85 111 64 149 106 193 202 79 95 1 231 90 96 55 126 94 195 178 76 76 - 465 64 98 230 1 2 268 40 553 67 37 938 418 795 804 5 609 255 2 264 218 719 47 283 22 201 219 34 56 121 1 1 137 21 292 36 20 484 223 409 395 2 305 130 1 129 110 379 21 144 11 106 246 30 42 109 1 131 19 261 31 17 454 195 386 409 3 304 125 1 135 108 340 26 139 11 95 37 5 84 1,605 47 89 71 15 4 46 819 27 49 39 22 1 38 786 20 40 32 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 70,435 70,435 - Literates Males 18 33,751 33,751 - 98,979 98,979 - 64,243 64,243 - 271 143 128 554 290 264 105 53 52 137 63 74 246 129 117 410 225 185 5 3 2 94 55 39 180 98 82 -------------Un-inhabited-------------508 263 245 499 275 224 444 212 232 27 14 13 183 90 93 731 365 366 157 84 73 222 119 103 437 223 214 214 109 105 1,178 631 547 134 78 56 1,191 598 593 117 61 56 792 427 365 2,509 1,288 1,221 652 325 327 94 48 46 80 46 34 872 455 417 354 183 171 470 249 221 52 22 30 83 43 40 1,796 952 844 244 135 109 654 341 313 1,153 609 544 1,004 800 522 193 780 309 1,004 159 284 118 491 116 613 553 342 134 543 207 660 121 196 86 339 77 1,055 309 186 710 281 30 97 652 343 513 273 125 2,950 496 2,945 1,545 580 2,073 601 110 77 703 405 1,678 123 330 1,413 153 439 1,127 658 205 149 503 177 23 70 481 244 352 180 90 1,750 283 1,631 916 356 1,312 382 73 48 450 271 1,046 82 210 944 105 288 709 347 743 527 307 1,789 121 36 517 209 529 351 215 1,158 93 26 345 451 1,174 828 570 569 210 5 950 36,684 36,684 - Persons 17 245 630 434 294 314 120 4 489 206 544 394 276 255 90 1 461 265 Females 19 Name of Village 2 34,736 Jahazpur (Total) 34,736 Jahazpur (Rural) Jahazpur (Urban) RURAL 391 Teetori 247 Teetora Mafi 180 Maganpura 59 Bheempura 237 Gandher 102 Jagolai 344 Bihara 38 Khjooriya Khera 88 Jeera 32 Balapura 152 Hathodiya 39 Akhepura Takhatpura 397 Gangithala 104 Navratanpura 37 Ram Mohanpura 207 Motipura 104 Kala Bhata 7 Udapuriya 27 Kesho Bilas 171 Dhunwala 99 Munshipura 161 Barla Polya 93 Morlan 35 Khema Ka Khera 1,200 Uncha 213 Ambedkar Colony 1,314 Hanumannagar 629 Kuchalwara Kalan 224 Kesarpura 761 Teekar 219 Kuchalwara Khurd 37 Haripura 29 Hampura 253 Mayla Polya 134 Baradpura 632 Amarwasi 41 Asan 120 Ramnagar 469 Gadoli 48 Khana Ka Khohala 151 Goram Garh 418 Kuradiya Kheradiya Mataji Ka 138 Khera 214 Luhari Khurd 176 Manohargarh 92 Chandadand 631 Intunda 28 Talab Ka Jhupda 10 Uda Ka Khera 172 Bhan Ka Gurha DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 0183 0183 0183 095846 095847 095848 095849 095850 095851 095852 095853 095854 095855 095856 095857 095858 095859 095860 095861 095862 095863 095864 095865 095866 095867 095868 095869 095870 095871 095872 095873 095874 095875 095876 095877 095878 095879 095880 095881 095882 095883 095884 095885 095886 095887 095888 095889 095890 095891 095892 095893 095894 095895 095896 Name of Village 2 Jahazpur (Total) Jahazpur (Rural) Jahazpur (Urban) RURAL Teetori Teetora Mafi Maganpura Bheempura Gandher Jagolai Bihara Khjooriya Khera Jeera Balapura Hathodiya Akhepura Takhatpura Gangithala Navratanpura Ram Mohanpura Motipura Kala Bhata Udapuriya Kesho Bilas Dhunwala Munshipura Barla Polya Morlan Khema Ka Khera Uncha Ambedkar Colony Hanumannagar Kuchalwara Kalan Kesarpura Teekar Kuchalwara Khurd Haripura Hampura Mayla Polya Baradpura Amarwasi Asan Ramnagar Gadoli Khana Ka Khohala Goram Garh Kuradiya Kheradiya Mataji Ka Khera Luhari Khurd Manohargarh Chandadand Intunda Talab Ka Jhupda Uda Ka Khera Bhan Ka Gurha Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 97,893 97,893 - 37,107 37,107 - 60,786 60,786 - 773 548 377 168 773 251 1,026 225 434 261 473 86 270 137 117 61 252 86 352 84 181 110 182 32 503 411 260 107 521 165 674 141 253 151 291 54 1,025 261 303 805 165 50 88 727 309 708 248 171 1,401 177 916 799 218 1,393 363 175 66 464 297 947 136 245 907 91 263 689 389 108 114 265 37 19 21 217 95 290 88 61 528 90 313 278 74 453 102 71 30 151 87 309 45 75 284 30 81 237 636 153 189 540 128 31 67 510 214 418 160 110 873 87 603 521 144 940 261 104 36 313 210 638 91 170 623 61 182 452 192 588 428 350 1,565 138 58 539 78 187 157 119 583 55 27 202 114 401 271 231 982 83 31 337 Persons 20 Total workers Persons Males Females 23 24 25 1,02,516 1,02,516 - 47,213 47,213 - 74,486 74,486 - 45,122 45,122 - 29,364 29,364 - 1,004 494 510 804 429 375 402 232 170 195 96 99 752 439 313 374 176 198 1,033 551 482 266 136 130 414 200 214 261 134 127 698 382 316 88 40 48 -------------Un-inhabited-------------944 570 374 147 138 9 277 143 134 929 454 475 216 106 110 42 23 19 110 54 56 730 373 357 302 174 128 696 373 323 185 116 69 121 64 57 1,424 1,050 374 262 170 92 988 801 187 722 571 151 454 236 218 1,642 861 781 517 239 278 173 88 85 94 50 44 824 411 413 380 185 195 1,234 721 513 128 59 69 356 171 185 1,072 571 501 95 63 32 337 157 180 895 481 414 957 688 320 123 533 128 634 118 385 164 347 83 475 376 203 84 380 116 355 86 189 84 256 35 482 312 117 39 153 12 279 32 196 80 91 48 930 136 201 920 139 15 88 465 281 661 184 120 1,074 251 860 643 247 885 243 86 46 422 126 622 126 310 959 87 50 248 562 128 108 451 61 7 41 254 160 349 116 64 852 166 740 528 137 621 166 81 46 269 117 434 57 145 514 58 42 223 368 8 93 469 78 8 47 211 121 312 68 56 222 85 120 115 110 264 77 5 153 9 188 69 165 445 29 8 25 142 381 426 356 1,273 132 51 253 134 227 218 175 758 74 28 160 8 154 208 181 515 58 23 93 266 280 663 458 377 1,823 135 58 596 55,303 55,303 - Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 142 347 235 191 950 76 33 299 138 316 223 186 873 59 25 297 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Jahazpur Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 52,975 52,975 - 29,804 29,804 - 23,171 23,171 - 6,879 6,879 - 3,629 3,629 - 834 596 247 98 429 82 515 70 153 126 321 77 393 300 140 62 292 74 259 45 64 61 240 32 441 296 107 36 137 8 256 25 89 65 81 45 22 1 4 1 3 6 4 4 212 5 9 1 8 1 2 813 101 193 895 85 15 70 415 251 581 166 116 260 8 49 125 47 517 183 12 1 274 15 342 87 219 585 48 11 144 464 100 102 431 20 7 31 212 139 305 102 61 179 6 32 117 42 328 110 12 1 186 15 218 21 83 269 29 10 133 349 1 91 464 65 8 39 203 112 276 64 55 81 2 17 8 5 189 73 88 124 66 136 316 19 1 11 8 1 1 18 12 7 24 2 83 21 32 199 33 77 13 51 44 136 85 112 1 16 183 14 4 33 84 330 260 332 752 57 47 99 80 191 113 163 395 30 26 75 4 139 147 169 357 27 21 24 40 12 86 6 158 67 3 138 846 846 - 368 368 - 13,418 13,418 - 10,843 10,843 - 14 20 12 14 8 2 9 8 1 1 2 7 5 6 2 2 11 8 4 3 3 113 99 1 4 1 1 5 4 6 4 1 -------------Un-inhabited-------------2 6 4 3 1 1 5 5 9 9 1 1 5 7 3 4 1 1 15 9 1 1 66 35 52 31 24 14 5 16 23 9 47 45 133 66 12 10 32 1 2 1 51 26 6 4 12 1 2 2 49 2 1 1 44 73 63 77 8 4 4 66 46 13 9 1 3 13 11 7 100 83 28 16 8 6 4 28 5 5 3 8 6 1 - 81 77 60 24 94 40 104 41 19 32 11 5 62 67 53 22 82 36 86 34 12 19 7 3 1 31 10 2 2 1 2 4 4 12 2 105 34 7 20 35 6 42 6 12 18 4 707 222 732 307 165 285 45 22 1 12 22 155 38 64 163 25 35 66 93 27 5 15 31 5 38 6 8 14 3 607 155 640 268 62 238 42 19 1 10 21 141 36 52 129 21 28 59 - 18 34 78 17 318 8 15 16 28 72 8 245 7 11 38 7 32 3 90 37 2 73 3,250 3,250 - 2 5 54 3 68 30 1 65 1,214 1,214 - - - 5 2 1 45 1 1 1 1 1 28 1 267 2 3 1 1 2 4 1 17 1 - Name of Village 2 2,575 Jahazpur (Total) 2,575 Jahazpur (Rural) Jahazpur (Urban) RURAL 19 Teetori 10 Teetora Mafi 7 Maganpura 2 Bheempura 12 Gandher 4 Jagolai 18 Bihara 7 Khjooriya Khera 7 Jeera 13 Balapura 4 Hathodiya 2 Akhepura Takhatpura 12 Gangithala 7 Navratanpura 2 Ram Mohanpura 5 Motipura 4 Kala Bhata Udapuriya 1 Kesho Bilas 4 Dhunwala Munshipura 4 Barla Polya 4 Morlan 1 Khema Ka Khera 100 Uncha 67 Ambedkar Colony 92 Hanumannagar 39 Kuchalwara Kalan 103 Kesarpura 47 Teekar 3 Kuchalwara Khurd 3 Haripura Hampura 2 Mayla Polya 1 Baradpura 14 Amarwasi 2 Asan 12 Ramnagar 34 Gadoli 4 Khana Ka Khohala 7 Goram Garh 7 Kuradiya Kheradiya Mataji Ka 2 Khera 6 Luhari Khurd 6 Manohargarh 9 Chandadand 73 Intunda 1 Talab Ka Jhupda Uda Ka Khera 4 Bhan Ka Gurha DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 0183 0183 0183 095846 095847 095848 095849 095850 095851 095852 095853 095854 095855 095856 095857 095858 095859 095860 095861 095862 095863 095864 095865 095866 095867 095868 095869 095870 095871 095872 095873 095874 095875 095876 095877 095878 095879 095880 095881 095882 095883 095884 095885 095886 095887 095888 095889 095890 095891 095892 095893 095894 095895 095896 Name of Village 2 Jahazpur (Total) Jahazpur (Rural) Jahazpur (Urban) RURAL Teetori Teetora Mafi Maganpura Bheempura Gandher Jagolai Bihara Khjooriya Khera Jeera Balapura Hathodiya Akhepura Takhatpura Gangithala Navratanpura Ram Mohanpura Motipura Kala Bhata Udapuriya Kesho Bilas Dhunwala Munshipura Barla Polya Morlan Khema Ka Khera Uncha Ambedkar Colony Hanumannagar Kuchalwara Kalan Kesarpura Teekar Kuchalwara Khurd Haripura Hampura Mayla Polya Baradpura Amarwasi Asan Ramnagar Gadoli Khana Ka Khohala Goram Garh Kuradiya Kheradiya Mataji Ka Khera Luhari Khurd Manohargarh Chandadand Intunda Talab Ka Jhupda Uda Ka Khera Bhan Ka Gurha Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 28,030 28,030 - 10,181 10,181 - 17,849 17,849 - 47 116 82 72 219 246 399 148 29 97 351 5 19 53 29 12 59 60 196 50 11 50 126 5 28 63 53 60 160 186 203 98 18 47 225 - 14 11 76 9 77 27 22 265 21 35 1 1 350 11 128 79 207 757 274 87 48 402 254 612 2 46 113 8 287 647 8 10 35 3 45 16 13 119 14 24 198 4 61 43 99 240 73 7 4 142 68 287 2 26 57 5 115 258 6 1 41 6 32 11 9 146 7 11 1 1 152 7 67 36 108 517 201 80 44 260 186 325 20 56 3 172 389 138 282 32 21 550 3 7 343 8 120 17 16 192 2 5 139 130 162 15 5 358 1 2 204 Persons 44 11,315 11,315 - Cultivators Males Females 45 46 3,752 3,752 - 7,563 7,563 - 6 1 5 90 39 51 30 8 22 61 8 53 73 18 55 209 35 174 247 104 143 86 25 61 17 4 13 21 8 13 317 104 213 1 1 -------------Un-inhabited-------------5 1 4 46 17 29 3 3 26 13 13 3 2 1 11 6 5 140 62 78 33 24 9 1 1 21 9 12 11 5 6 5 5 129 61 68 220 31 189 46 7 39 1 1 317 104 213 2 2 90 48 42 17 5 12 8 1 7 5 2 3 201 74 127 274 92 182 268 103 153 17 6 73 1 2 34 7 45 7 5 45 1 1 24 96 108 10 1 28 1 10 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 11,974 11,974 - 3,979 3,979 - 7,995 7,995 - 3 7 2 16 5 53 7 6 2 9 4 17 3 68 9 48 11 3 2 9 - 3 28 1 43 22 6 120 21 1 196 1 46 50 69 455 224 82 47 83 237 490 9 66 1 66 297 1 16 25 12 4 54 14 106 10 27 32 161 63 5 4 37 54 223 4 31 1 22 97 2 12 1 18 10 2 66 7 1 90 1 36 23 37 294 161 77 43 46 183 267 5 35 44 200 34 54 2 1 272 2 5 301 37 1 73 1 4 107 34 17 1 1 199 1 1 194 3 24 5 84 14 101 18 9 4 18 4 - PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Jahazpur of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 837 837 25 1 11 1 7 1 2 3 - 328 328 - 509 509 - 2 - 23 1 10 1 6 1 1 1 - - - 1 1 1 2 2 2 - 1 - 6 - 2 2 4 8 - 4 - 3 3 - 3 1 - 1 - 3 1 - 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 5 2 - - - 4 23 9 2 12 8 2 11 1 30 35 6 12 8 6 18 27 - Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 3,904 3,904 - 2,122 2,122 - 1,782 1,782 - 13 13 25 14 11 28 14 14 6 2 4 51 24 27 23 20 3 50 39 11 37 17 20 2 1 1 70 39 31 13 11 2 -------------Un-inhabited-------------6 6 11 10 1 2 2 3 2 1 8 7 1 2 2 5 3 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 127 81 46 10 4 6 67 43 24 16 8 8 9 6 3 79 45 34 3 2 1 5 2 3 1 1 14 11 3 28 14 14 2 2 16 15 1 16 13 3 2 2 20 19 1 67 61 6 1 45 13 14 170 2 1 26 9 11 66 2 19 4 3 104 - Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 94,356 94,356 - 46,047 46,047 - 773 544 497 166 801 186 997 118 304 118 266 114 389 261 227 99 356 117 461 69 177 62 139 69 1,136 423 212 586 230 38 75 649 350 525 336 175 2,927 411 2,873 1,622 344 1,824 447 112 49 343 322 1,391 131 219 1,248 149 365 921 477 175 120 314 108 19 37 325 165 269 152 87 1,228 203 1,143 623 194 904 245 56 28 190 173 634 68 114 657 72 212 465 259 668 497 280 1,531 124 36 460 145 369 273 143 791 72 20 248 269 Name of Village 2 48,309 Jahazpur (Total) 48,309 Jahazpur (Rural) Jahazpur (Urban) RURAL 384 Teetori 283 Teetora Mafi 270 Maganpura 67 Bheempura 445 Gandher 69 Jagolai 536 Bihara 49 Khjooriya Khera 127 Jeera 56 Balapura 127 Hathodiya 45 Akhepura Takhatpura 659 Gangithala 248 Navratanpura 92 Ram Mohanpura 272 Motipura 122 Kala Bhata 19 Udapuriya 38 Kesho Bilas 324 Dhunwala 185 Munshipura 256 Barla Polya 184 Morlan 88 Khema Ka Khera 1,699 Uncha 208 Ambedkar Colony 1,730 Hanumannagar 999 Kuchalwara Kalan 150 Kesarpura 920 Teekar 202 Kuchalwara Khurd 56 Haripura 21 Hampura 153 Mayla Polya 149 Baradpura 757 Amarwasi 63 Asan 105 Ramnagar 591 Gadoli 77 Khana Ka Khohala 153 Goram Garh 456 Kuradiya Kheradiya Mataji Ka 114 Khera 299 Luhari Khurd 224 Manohargarh 137 Chandadand 740 Intunda 52 Talab Ka Jhupda 16 Uda Ka Khera 212 Bhan Ka Gurha Location code number 1 0183 0183 0183 095846 095847 095848 095849 095850 095851 095852 095853 095854 095855 095856 095857 095858 095859 095860 095861 095862 095863 095864 095865 095866 095867 095868 095869 095870 095871 095872 095873 095874 095875 095876 095877 095878 095879 095880 095881 095882 095883 095884 095885 095886 095887 095888 095889 095890 095891 095892 095893 095894 095895 095896 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 095897 095898 095899 095900 095901 095902 095903 095904 095905 095906 095907 095908 095909 095910 095911 095912 095913 095914 095915 095916 095917 095918 095919 095920 095921 095922 095923 095924 095925 095926 095927 095928 095929 095930 095931 095932 095933 095934 095935 095936 095937 095938 095939 095940 095941 095942 095943 095944 095945 095946 095947 095948 095949 095950 Name of Village 2 Khohran Khurd Bijetha Bhuwar Luhari Kalan Chhaga Ka Jhoopara Lunda Ka Jhoopara Chhjelon Ka Khera Dhandhola Ratanpura Ganeshpura Laxmipura Bindi Jalampura Rughnathpura Khurd Shakarpura Badanpura Rughnathpura Rampura Pander Jaswantpura Gokulpura Dhagariya Bheelri Gulabpura Taswariya Jhalra Narana Sheopura Beri Akhepura Ropan Rooppura Indokiya Sihana Bhagwanpura Mataji Ka Khera Phalasiya Kanjar Colony Hadola Chak Jagannath Pura Sarsiya Charanan Mandachar Deora Bagoodar Bharni Kalan Odiya Khera Jamoli Rawat Khera Bhuwana Teja Ka Barda Chhabariya Bhawanipura Ganeshpura @ Viyasji Ji Ka Khera Runiya Barda Sarsiya Area of Village in hectares 3 172.57 830.00 707.00 2,540.37 88.33 197.12 260.00 1,670.10 100.06 101.03 122.92 253.08 532.18 31.04 242.75 485.21 228.82 152.97 2,610.97 293.38 400.84 399.16 404.13 356.17 959.14 522.32 419.05 145.82 598.54 223.42 2,473.29 418.11 837.20 648.19 169.93 257.20 375.19 310.70 108.96 179.69 1,104.25 251.85 304.17 1,095.95 1,187.07 385.79 1,414.87 1,007.25 Number of households 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 86 238 99 941 64 120 134 359 426 1,076 464 3,969 299 490 610 1,637 50 235 17 351 25 76 269 43 93 1,121 119 119 111 150 54 264 126 94 75 180 120 1,109 74 257 146 78 221 179 358 94 1,730 111 417 1,270 246 540 5,401 552 443 539 781 300 1,416 654 572 479 1,027 741 5,725 414 1,072 799 384 942 832 1,570 91 262 145 176 374 463 136 556 358 352 1,201 626 877 2,040 2,304 650 2,681 1,715 198.98 298.04 395.00 198 84 242 850 379 1,127 429 182 603 421 197 524 431.00 112.10 1,398.70 69 149 938 334 677 3,962 169 360 1,980 165 317 1,982 270 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 230 196 71 563 513 174 251 213 56 2,113 1,856 524 153 146 38 257 233 70 311 299 79 852 785 183 -------------Un-inhabited-------------121 114 25 -------------Un-inhabited-------------52 42 18 900 830 258 58 53 15 209 208 76 630 640 241 123 123 37 265 275 71 2,750 2,651 704 302 250 72 210 233 70 271 268 62 395 386 87 155 145 46 730 686 205 342 312 117 289 283 91 247 232 72 502 525 154 388 353 100 2,917 2,808 769 211 203 65 533 539 143 408 391 119 203 181 59 468 474 169 415 417 148 822 748 407 -------------Un-inhabited-------------178 174 62 613 588 212 326 300 82 444 433 138 1,003 1,037 312 1,161 1,143 367 349 301 107 1,342 1,339 378 842 873 275 43 93 25 318 18 37 40 95 28 81 31 206 20 33 39 88 12 13 12 143 7 37 127 21 28 365 43 37 31 40 24 103 70 46 38 66 58 398 28 72 67 40 89 69 193 6 115 8 39 114 16 43 339 29 33 31 47 22 102 47 45 34 88 42 371 37 71 52 19 80 79 214 32 95 44 73 149 186 50 188 132 30 117 38 65 163 181 57 190 143 156 48 164 75 22 93 81 26 71 52 93 528 29 46 268 23 47 260 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Jahazpur Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 98 69 19 234 1 25 354 50 34 9 122 1 13 192 48 35 10 112 12 162 314 173 141 943 494 449 444 241 203 3,395 1,813 1,582 299 153 146 486 253 233 579 295 284 737 380 357 -------------Un-inhabited-------------235 121 114 -------------Un-inhabited-------------94 52 42 1,219 644 575 50 26 24 38 23 15 8 2 6 14 7 7 283 138 145 297 170 127 74 37 37 39 20 19 167 88 79 244 127 117 208 112 96 16 9 7 146 73 73 43 22 21 158 79 79 94 48 46 87 46 41 67 34 33 154 80 74 -------------Un-inhabited-------------5 4 1 109 50 59 17 12 5 90 39 51 58 31 27 182 89 93 538 290 248 63 31 32 1,240 602 638 - - - 291 232 42 4 1,275 27 58 126 170 7 343 181 83 95 187 150 1,294 106 111 244 1,562 148 116 24 2 643 12 25 63 84 4 171 100 38 57 88 83 619 56 62 121 819 143 116 18 2 632 15 33 63 86 3 172 81 45 38 99 67 675 50 49 123 743 91 250 23 175 675 574 29 464 167 41 136 15 88 327 278 14 230 82 50 114 8 87 348 296 15 234 85 38 9 21 21 6 12 17 3 9 787 328 1,102 395 156 590 15 346 7 170 8 176 318 545 2,931 161 291 1,471 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 Females 19 159 515 216 2,287 208 327 339 987 120 358 158 1,533 123 198 224 621 39 157 58 754 85 129 115 366 127 85 42 50 1,010 43 141 542 69 266 2,808 242 165 348 378 126 698 252 262 207 530 344 2,827 187 531 473 241 549 334 497 29 661 28 116 405 53 185 1,861 192 106 196 261 86 482 170 166 139 342 252 1,827 129 360 279 135 317 230 378 21 349 15 25 137 16 81 947 50 59 152 117 40 216 82 96 68 188 92 1,000 58 171 194 106 232 104 119 229 568 277 374 1,333 1,242 335 1,237 742 124 382 187 260 761 756 234 777 491 105 186 90 114 572 486 101 460 251 392 172 512 349 196 592 247 122 403 157 254 1,460 227 337 2,118 128 240 1,340 271 Name of Village 2 Khohran Khurd Bijetha Bhuwar Luhari Kalan Chhaga Ka Jhoopara Lunda Ka Jhoopara Chhjelon Ka Khera Dhandhola Ratanpura Ganeshpura Laxmipura Bindi Jalampura Rughnathpura Khurd Shakarpura Badanpura Rughnathpura Rampura Pander Jaswantpura Gokulpura Dhagariya Bheelri Gulabpura Taswariya Jhalra Narana Sheopura Beri Akhepura Ropan Rooppura Indokiya Sihana Bhagwanpura Mataji Ka Khera Phalasiya Kanjar Colony Hadola Chak Jagannath Pura Sarsiya Charanan Mandachar Deora Bagoodar Bharni Kalan Odiya Khera Jamoli Rawat Khera Bhuwana Teja Ka Barda 102 74 Chhabariya 189 Bhawanipura Ganeshpura @ Viyasji Ji 99 Ka Khera 97 Runiya Barda 778 Sarsiya DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 095897 095898 095899 095900 095901 095902 095903 095904 095905 095906 095907 095908 095909 095910 095911 095912 095913 095914 095915 095916 095917 095918 095919 095920 095921 095922 095923 095924 095925 095926 095927 095928 095929 095930 095931 095932 095933 095934 095935 095936 095937 095938 095939 095940 095941 095942 095943 095944 095945 095946 095947 095948 095949 095950 Name of Village 2 Khohran Khurd Bijetha Bhuwar Luhari Kalan Chhaga Ka Jhoopara Lunda Ka Jhoopara Chhjelon Ka Khera Dhandhola Ratanpura Ganeshpura Laxmipura Bindi Jalampura Rughnathpura Khurd Shakarpura Badanpura Rughnathpura Rampura Pander Jaswantpura Gokulpura Dhagariya Bheelri Gulabpura Taswariya Jhalra Narana Sheopura Beri Akhepura Ropan Rooppura Indokiya Sihana Bhagwanpura Mataji Ka Khera Phalasiya Kanjar Colony Hadola Chak Jagannath Pura Sarsiya Charanan Mandachar Deora Bagoodar Bharni Kalan Odiya Khera Jamoli Rawat Khera Bhuwana Teja Ka Barda Chhabariya Bhawanipura Ganeshpura @ Viyasji Ji Ka Khera Runiya Barda Sarsiya Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 267 561 248 1,682 91 163 271 650 110 205 93 580 30 59 87 231 157 356 155 1,102 61 104 184 419 108 36 72 44 720 68 276 728 177 274 2,593 310 278 191 403 174 718 402 310 272 497 397 2,898 227 541 326 143 393 498 1,073 23 239 30 93 225 70 80 889 110 104 75 134 69 248 172 123 108 160 136 1,090 82 173 129 68 151 185 444 21 481 38 183 503 107 194 1,704 200 174 116 269 105 470 230 187 164 337 261 1,808 145 368 197 75 242 313 629 123 633 349 503 707 1,062 315 1,444 973 54 231 139 184 242 405 115 565 351 69 402 210 319 465 657 200 879 622 501 183 535 182 60 200 319 123 335 482 190 604 244 95 310 107 340 1,844 41 120 640 66 220 1,204 187 347 2,135 83 179 1,082 Persons 20 Total workers Persons Males Females 23 24 25 228 119 109 546 272 274 254 140 114 2,066 1,013 1,053 120 75 45 161 118 43 299 147 152 1,020 517 503 -------------Un-inhabited-------------123 69 54 -------------Un-inhabited-------------27 26 1 756 440 316 60 33 27 262 127 135 685 350 335 170 86 84 241 134 107 2,863 1,500 1,363 310 171 139 276 128 148 410 215 195 414 226 188 170 90 80 801 428 373 365 187 178 330 165 165 244 125 119 560 288 272 486 242 244 3,068 1,680 1,388 235 123 112 556 302 254 430 218 212 224 116 108 574 271 303 456 227 229 673 377 296 -------------Un-inhabited-------------223 108 115 697 352 345 413 208 205 529 270 259 1,109 591 518 1,240 644 596 337 171 166 1,161 731 430 924 455 469 272 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 166 53 5 1,777 52 133 287 684 82 48 2 878 45 111 140 414 84 5 3 899 7 22 147 270 123 69 54 26 454 59 119 543 77 219 2,700 50 276 253 400 170 644 181 130 179 447 377 1,792 212 434 424 223 540 50 503 26 291 32 72 299 48 121 1,430 44 128 130 226 90 351 178 123 115 254 211 1,257 118 267 216 116 260 42 307 163 27 47 244 29 98 1,270 6 148 123 174 80 293 3 7 64 193 166 535 94 167 208 107 280 8 196 87 534 223 521 992 837 273 1,065 629 79 316 137 266 528 561 162 683 358 8 218 86 255 464 276 111 382 271 238 95 294 480 92 61 244 80 54 236 12 7 104 168 1,053 25 13 656 18 10 616 7 3 40 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Jahazpur Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 95 1 1,377 22 87 236 543 54 576 18 78 101 316 41 1 801 4 9 135 227 60 2 97 1 4 13 72 100 54 46 2 25 334 44 85 251 58 178 1,917 2 263 192 335 123 405 174 123 132 269 284 1,296 162 355 352 210 491 8 281 25 200 19 52 151 37 92 880 2 115 104 166 51 180 173 116 71 169 124 861 84 220 155 105 222 8 157 134 25 33 100 21 86 1,037 148 88 169 72 225 1 7 61 100 160 435 78 135 197 105 269 124 36 1 28 203 14 11 43 1 1 9 176 117 8 97 36 3 14 4 209 83 507 150 452 869 685 204 803 381 75 291 80 239 440 443 106 468 165 8 216 70 213 429 242 98 335 216 2 5 8 51 13 38 5 31 54 432 77 5 198 66 3 234 11 2 1 4 - - 1 2 412 - 1 24 68 65 2 388 22 38 1 1 2 1 1 50 47 33 23 1 4 8 5 47 25 7 5 -------------Un-inhabited-------------2 -------------Un-inhabited-------------20 16 2 1 1 15 13 1 1 80 123 21 15 7 7 5 6 5 4 15 28 105 60 1 28 3 1 7 7 3 6 116 60 1 1 31 86 6 2 12 12 67 30 110 84 20 10 13 23 15 10 2 1 8 6 2 1 3 1 140 69 -------------Un-inhabited-------------2 4 1 3 5 17 34 2 6 7 7 6 18 20 15 15 2 3 10 5 19 12 21 12 25 29 8 6 1 4 - - - - 1 6 1 45 25 26 10 5 1 2 1 5 9 2 10 50 4 270 29 42 38 62 5 45 2 229 27 33 31 46 5 5 2 41 2 9 7 16 21 15 6 1 82 14 5 68 5 25 635 48 13 32 57 38 63 7 7 46 61 73 289 30 28 69 13 33 38 13 1 70 12 4 53 4 20 475 42 13 22 53 36 55 5 7 43 54 69 245 24 24 59 11 29 31 10 12 2 1 15 1 5 160 6 10 4 2 8 2 3 7 4 44 6 4 10 2 4 7 3 2 22 65 16 103 99 54 210 186 2 21 54 10 76 85 49 184 162 - 1 - - - 47 10 56 45 9 51 34 34 - 24 11 142 18 8 129 1 3 10 2 273 1 11 6 27 14 5 26 24 Name of Village 2 Khohran Khurd Bijetha Bhuwar Luhari Kalan Chhaga Ka Jhoopara Lunda Ka Jhoopara Chhjelon Ka Khera Dhandhola Ratanpura Ganeshpura Laxmipura Bindi Jalampura Rughnathpura Khurd Shakarpura Badanpura Rughnathpura Rampura Pander Jaswantpura Gokulpura Dhagariya Bheelri Gulabpura Taswariya Jhalra Narana Sheopura Beri Akhepura Ropan Rooppura Indokiya Sihana Bhagwanpura Mataji Ka Khera Phalasiya Kanjar Colony Hadola Chak Jagannath Pura Sarsiya Charanan Mandachar Deora Bagoodar Bharni Kalan Odiya Khera Jamoli Rawat Khera Bhuwana Teja Ka Barda 2 1 Chhabariya 5 Bhawanipura Ganeshpura @ Viyasji Ji 6 Ka Khera 3 Runiya Barda 13 Sarsiya DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 095897 095898 095899 095900 095901 095902 095903 095904 095905 095906 095907 095908 095909 095910 095911 095912 095913 095914 095915 095916 095917 095918 095919 095920 095921 095922 095923 095924 095925 095926 095927 095928 095929 095930 095931 095932 095933 095934 095935 095936 095937 095938 095939 095940 095941 095942 095943 095944 095945 095946 095947 095948 095949 095950 Name of Village 2 Khohran Khurd Bijetha Bhuwar Luhari Kalan Chhaga Ka Jhoopara Lunda Ka Jhoopara Chhjelon Ka Khera Dhandhola Ratanpura Ganeshpura Laxmipura Bindi Jalampura Rughnathpura Khurd Shakarpura Badanpura Rughnathpura Rampura Pander Jaswantpura Gokulpura Dhagariya Bheelri Gulabpura Taswariya Jhalra Narana Sheopura Beri Akhepura Ropan Rooppura Indokiya Sihana Bhagwanpura Mataji Ka Khera Phalasiya Kanjar Colony Hadola Chak Jagannath Pura Sarsiya Charanan Mandachar Deora Bagoodar Bharni Kalan Odiya Khera Jamoli Rawat Khera Bhuwana Teja Ka Barda Chhabariya Bhawanipura Ganeshpura @ Viyasji Ji Ka Khera Runiya Barda Sarsiya Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 Persons 44 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 62 493 249 289 68 28 12 336 37 224 138 135 30 7 7 103 25 269 111 154 38 21 5 233 478 215 263 239 133 106 95 30 65 23 13 10 25 6 19 6 3 3 151 18 133 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------15 13 2 1 1 2 1 1 33 14 19 10 3 7 4 2 2 29 14 15 188 78 110 9 4 5 14 14 15 7 8 172 19 153 26 2 24 47 13 34 91 26 65 463 124 339 44 9 35 3 2 1 1 1 23 9 14 91 70 21 9 7 2 -------------Un-inhabited-------------135 29 106 145 28 117 110 41 69 3 3 7 1 6 38 9 29 1 1 18 6 12 87 33 54 - - - 1 302 1 143 142 93 22 163 260 157 14 157 184 200 65 113 109 1,276 23 122 6 1 34 406 170 149 1 55 51 38 13 70 127 85 77 9 42 10 34 31 423 5 35 2 11 185 70 1 153 88 91 55 9 93 133 72 14 80 175 158 55 79 78 853 18 87 4 1 23 221 100 136 163 190 8 117 403 64 96 295 29 36 71 4 63 83 9 48 97 107 127 119 4 54 320 55 48 198 2 98 543 15 256 2 83 287 1 507 239 162 334 1,479 65 169 466 97 165 1,013 157 328 389 61 165 185 274 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 52 9 2 95 24 2 3 168 31 4 35 5 2 72 21 5 2 60 19 2 1 96 - - - 178 134 105 82 9 54 57 2 138 183 2 30 61 2 665 44 5 269 158 55 49 34 34 6 9 34 2 67 8 1 1 18 209 17 1 73 61 123 85 71 48 3 45 23 71 175 1 29 43 2 456 27 4 196 97 1 9 33 1 65 206 24 14 109 1 6 1 37 38 3 7 16 1 8 27 28 168 21 7 93 1 268 33 14 19 96 163 204 2 6 1,031 1 4 246 1 2 785 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Jahazpur of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 7 3 6 4 - 4 2 4 2 - 1 6 - 1 5 - 1 6 1 1 3 3 2 25 95 1 1 2 3 20 1 17 1 1 1 - 5 1 32 12 21 24 1 - 1 21 43 1 1 1 13 1 2 1 1 - - - - - - 3 1 2 2 2 4 52 1 3 7 15 1 - 3 2 1 4 2 5 10 28 10 16 14 - - - - 22 - 13 9 Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 3 2 1 3 3 2 1 1 95 68 27 21 12 9 1 1 2 1 1 11 8 3 -------------Un-inhabited--------------------------Un-inhabited-------------103 78 25 7 5 2 3 2 1 1 1 7 5 2 55 26 29 15 15 51 36 15 4 3 1 1 1 25 21 4 8 6 2 3 2 1 13 5 8 128 77 51 22 4 18 17 7 10 3 3 5 5 45 41 4 2 2 -------------Un-inhabited-------------4 4 47 24 23 4 3 1 44 24 20 127 32 95 27 4 23 43 30 13 75 38 37 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 198 530 210 1,903 179 329 311 617 111 291 111 1,100 78 139 164 335 87 239 99 803 101 190 147 282 112 52 60 67 974 51 155 585 76 299 2,538 242 167 129 367 130 615 289 242 235 467 255 2,657 179 516 369 160 368 376 897 26 460 25 82 280 37 131 1,250 131 82 56 169 65 302 155 124 122 214 146 1,237 88 231 190 87 197 188 445 41 514 26 73 305 39 168 1,288 111 85 73 198 65 313 134 118 113 253 109 1,420 91 285 179 73 171 188 452 129 504 213 348 931 1,064 313 1,520 791 70 261 118 174 412 517 178 611 387 59 243 95 174 519 547 135 909 404 1 98 3 15 3 1 83 - 368 189 523 185 87 293 3 37 3 26 11 147 330 1,827 86 181 898 275 Name of Village 2 Khohran Khurd Bijetha Bhuwar Luhari Kalan Chhaga Ka Jhoopara Lunda Ka Jhoopara Chhjelon Ka Khera Dhandhola Ratanpura Ganeshpura Laxmipura Bindi Jalampura Rughnathpura Khurd Shakarpura Badanpura Rughnathpura Rampura Pander Jaswantpura Gokulpura Dhagariya Bheelri Gulabpura Taswariya Jhalra Narana Sheopura Beri Akhepura Ropan Rooppura Indokiya Sihana Bhagwanpura Mataji Ka Khera Phalasiya Kanjar Colony Hadola Chak Jagannath Pura Sarsiya Charanan Mandachar Deora Bagoodar Bharni Kalan Odiya Khera Jamoli Rawat Khera Bhuwana Teja Ka Barda 183 102 Chhabariya 230 Bhawanipura Ganeshpura @ Viyasji Ji 61 Ka Khera 149 Runiya Barda 929 Sarsiya Location code number 1 095897 095898 095899 095900 095901 095902 095903 095904 095905 095906 095907 095908 095909 095910 095911 095912 095913 095914 095915 095916 095917 095918 095919 095920 095921 095922 095923 095924 095925 095926 095927 095928 095929 095930 095931 095932 095933 095934 095935 095936 095937 095938 095939 095940 095941 095942 095943 095944 095945 095946 095947 095948 095949 095950 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 095951 095952 095953 095954 095955 095956 095957 095958 095959 095960 095961 095962 095963 095964 095965 095966 095967 095968 095969 095970 095971 095972 095973 095974 095975 095976 095977 095978 095979 095980 095981 095982 095983 095984 095985 095986 095987 095988 095989 095990 095991 095992 095993 095994 095995 095996 095997 095998 095999 096000 096001 096002 096003 096004 096005 Name of Village 2 Beeramata Biletha Khohra Kalan Mediyan Shivgarh Tola Chand Kheri Khaneriya Jheekali Goga Ka Khera Subhas Nagar Peeploond Deopura Pacchanpura Ramgarh Tarniya Khera Mandapiya Bharni Khurd Kesharpura Bhainroon Khera Abhaipur Madhopur Bahadarpura Ka Jhonpada Bahadarpura Naya Nagar Amalda Jalampura Rajwas Bagwasa Fatehpur Chhatiya Gurha Rampur (Mataji) Rojri Godam Dag Ka Bara Shrinagar Chanwari Gopipura Sabalpura Mana Ka Barada Nathoon Babaji Ka Khera Dhor Rajpura Bheem Ka Khera Shivpura Taloda Baroda Deo Nagar Kabri Nathadand Rama Ka Khera Kishanpura Laxmipura Lal Ka Khera Khema Ka Khera Area of Village in hectares 3 Number of households 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 439.72 955.53 382.00 406.95 111.16 559.48 123.35 80.32 237.00 458.00 180.00 2,485.00 303.02 594.07 395.01 350.98 358.00 430.00 322.00 231.00 290.00 241.00 78 434 199 171 71 214 5 53 156 96 155 821 106 183 192 163 45 67 106 152 74 47 321 1,962 785 791 355 853 15 213 634 472 724 3,815 541 868 918 751 220 312 532 678 335 196 232.00 284.00 190.00 1,052.00 104.00 488.00 697.44 628.45 104.59 196.03 300.53 496.41 95.00 119.00 102.00 553.45 152.98 515.47 76.38 367.12 262.67 194.25 154.32 217.23 759.16 198.09 141.48 148.30 211.61 228.32 106.32 269.26 286.27 70 115 108 400 300 515 599 1,862 241 119 267 62 99 89 197 135 122 19 138 93 267 106 226 120 54 22 237 202 116 51 90 39 85 59 99 95 1,106 543 1,132 275 393 449 942 629 579 105 643 419 1,076 459 973 587 244 110 1,019 945 551 222 405 160 415 252 426 437 276 159 1,008 412 416 171 439 10 116 353 256 387 1,993 281 439 463 387 113 165 276 359 168 95 162 954 373 375 184 414 5 97 281 216 337 1,822 260 429 455 364 107 147 256 319 167 101 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 51 287 113 108 80 139 2 38 90 78 183 499 83 105 120 109 38 80 87 101 66 29 28 142 50 64 35 77 2 22 51 39 93 259 48 62 61 54 19 40 45 63 36 14 23 145 63 44 45 62 16 39 39 90 240 35 43 59 55 19 40 42 38 30 15 155 145 50 263 252 67 326 273 122 956 906 293 -------------Un-inhabited-------------561 545 200 282 261 67 592 540 156 156 119 43 213 180 55 222 227 93 499 443 118 310 319 102 296 283 91 55 50 9 311 332 107 213 206 62 532 544 157 228 231 81 516 457 128 302 285 87 130 114 27 58 52 6 535 484 131 469 476 141 290 261 81 105 117 31 214 191 65 78 82 22 214 201 70 139 113 26 215 211 72 226 211 64 31 34 68 151 19 33 54 142 80 44 80 23 34 47 66 41 45 4 48 34 82 39 83 45 20 3 71 72 45 14 38 9 33 16 36 38 120 23 76 20 21 46 52 61 46 5 59 28 75 42 45 42 7 3 60 69 36 17 27 13 37 10 36 26 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Jahazpur Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 5 204 122 111 96 178 7 84 677 923 402 95 163 22 1 314 1 - 2 100 68 63 46 93 1 47 361 478 209 45 80 11 163 1 - 3 104 54 48 50 85 6 37 316 445 193 50 83 11 1 151 - 16 321 212 402 9 170 114 206 7 151 98 196 297 15 39 13 89 34 4 2 36 73 25 3 193 152 33 34 48 208 16 47 214 61 15 147 9 18 7 52 17 2 1 19 36 12 2 95 84 21 15 27 113 9 23 109 33 5 150 6 21 6 37 17 2 1 17 37 13 1 98 68 12 19 21 95 7 24 105 28 10 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 316 886 560 615 248 673 15 211 618 376 6 420 477 32 406 430 222 131 62 14 157 460 295 320 120 345 10 115 347 201 3 218 249 17 210 224 121 73 32 7 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 Females 19 159 426 265 295 128 328 5 96 271 175 3 202 228 15 196 206 101 58 30 7 122 945 323 475 131 309 5 93 305 225 243 1,749 235 359 486 359 60 100 148 207 139 83 80 631 229 296 82 223 3 64 220 144 181 1,141 166 222 309 226 40 78 119 151 90 53 42 314 94 179 49 86 2 29 85 81 62 608 69 137 177 133 20 22 29 56 49 30 5 1 4 70 40 30 110 56 54 -------------Un-inhabited-------------354 177 177 304 151 153 1,029 543 486 251 142 109 101 59 42 317 154 163 818 432 386 569 275 294 313 160 153 105 55 50 157 76 81 393 201 192 1,006 498 508 245 124 121 515 270 245 552 280 272 207 112 95 40 24 16 861 457 404 104 52 52 49 26 23 221 105 116 351 187 164 160 78 82 252 139 113 188 88 100 404 213 191 130 204 207 794 77 142 155 525 53 62 52 269 464 262 706 122 171 170 486 397 399 44 330 203 435 214 497 259 130 61 588 381 242 114 188 60 150 113 213 210 319 173 433 88 115 115 340 232 220 36 197 131 293 141 325 181 83 43 371 245 172 67 129 41 106 81 136 132 145 89 273 34 56 55 146 165 179 8 133 72 142 73 172 78 47 18 217 136 70 47 59 19 44 32 77 78 277 Name of Village 2 Beeramata Biletha Khohra Kalan Mediyan Shivgarh Tola Chand Kheri Khaneriya Jheekali Goga Ka Khera Subhas Nagar Peeploond Deopura Pacchanpura Ramgarh Tarniya Khera Mandapiya Bharni Khurd Kesharpura Bhainroon Khera Abhaipur Madhopur Bahadarpura Ka Jhonpada Bahadarpura Naya Nagar Amalda Jalampura Rajwas Bagwasa Fatehpur Chhatiya Gurha Rampur (Mataji) Rojri Godam Dag Ka Bara Shrinagar Chanwari Gopipura Sabalpura Mana Ka Barada Nathoon Babaji Ka Khera Dhor Rajpura Bheem Ka Khera Shivpura Taloda Baroda Deo Nagar Kabri Nathadand Rama Ka Khera Kishanpura Laxmipura Lal Ka Khera Khema Ka Khera DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 095951 095952 095953 095954 095955 095956 095957 095958 095959 095960 095961 095962 095963 095964 095965 095966 095967 095968 095969 095970 095971 095972 095973 095974 095975 095976 095977 095978 095979 095980 095981 095982 095983 095984 095985 095986 095987 095988 095989 095990 095991 095992 095993 095994 095995 095996 095997 095998 095999 096000 096001 096002 096003 096004 096005 Name of Village 2 Beeramata Biletha Khohra Kalan Mediyan Shivgarh Tola Chand Kheri Khaneriya Jheekali Goga Ka Khera Subhas Nagar Peeploond Deopura Pacchanpura Ramgarh Tarniya Khera Mandapiya Bharni Khurd Kesharpura Bhainroon Khera Abhaipur Madhopur Bahadarpura Ka Jhonpada Bahadarpura Naya Nagar Amalda Jalampura Rajwas Bagwasa Fatehpur Chhatiya Gurha Rampur (Mataji) Rojri Godam Dag Ka Bara Shrinagar Chanwari Gopipura Sabalpura Mana Ka Barada Nathoon Babaji Ka Khera Dhor Rajpura Bheem Ka Khera Shivpura Taloda Baroda Deo Nagar Kabri Nathadand Rama Ka Khera Kishanpura Laxmipura Lal Ka Khera Khema Ka Khera Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 199 1,017 462 316 224 544 10 120 329 247 481 2,066 306 509 432 392 160 212 384 471 196 113 79 377 183 120 89 216 7 52 133 112 206 852 115 217 154 161 73 87 157 208 78 42 120 640 279 196 135 328 3 68 196 135 275 1,214 191 292 278 231 87 125 227 263 118 71 170 311 392 1,068 78 121 171 431 92 190 221 637 642 281 426 153 222 279 456 232 180 61 313 216 641 245 476 328 114 49 431 564 309 108 217 100 265 139 213 227 242 109 159 68 98 107 159 78 76 19 114 82 239 87 191 121 47 15 164 224 118 38 85 37 108 58 79 94 400 172 267 85 124 172 297 154 104 42 199 134 402 158 285 207 67 34 267 340 191 70 132 63 157 81 134 133 Persons 20 Total workers Persons Males Females 23 24 25 166 1,007 375 473 146 480 11 117 426 212 336 1,703 324 439 558 415 118 166 269 468 186 100 85 472 152 235 65 242 4 59 201 98 126 592 175 207 282 201 54 78 115 238 92 52 67 702 248 188 84 41 7 60 169 113 172 1,337 324 197 532 397 117 163 110 343 175 93 62 458 174 112 78 25 7 55 157 63 122 876 149 99 263 208 64 86 81 179 88 46 5 244 74 76 6 16 5 12 50 50 461 175 98 269 189 53 77 29 164 87 47 153 79 74 325 168 157 309 160 149 971 543 428 -------------Un-inhabited-------------625 304 321 315 155 160 662 325 337 161 88 73 232 117 115 223 122 101 518 254 264 340 171 169 307 164 143 55 30 25 282 183 99 210 106 104 555 262 293 254 122 132 508 257 251 294 143 151 125 63 62 56 30 26 544 288 256 504 252 252 314 163 151 115 50 65 212 103 109 80 39 41 228 123 105 149 78 71 202 110 92 117 103 14 147 310 265 780 76 167 135 435 71 143 130 345 517 306 392 86 125 207 335 318 254 38 265 117 370 162 206 247 125 56 542 350 163 115 209 77 226 148 188 112 295 150 265 81 105 113 228 160 152 19 173 106 186 94 124 120 63 30 286 215 154 50 101 37 121 78 99 100 222 156 127 5 20 94 107 158 102 19 92 11 184 68 82 127 62 26 256 135 9 65 108 40 105 70 89 12 278 81 535 223 238 81 238 7 58 225 114 210 1,111 149 232 276 214 64 88 154 230 94 48 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Jahazpur Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 46 602 193 88 68 13 7 50 140 99 152 717 312 183 300 338 111 158 70 328 131 76 43 383 127 60 66 8 7 47 137 53 104 426 139 89 87 182 59 81 58 166 53 36 3 219 66 28 2 5 3 3 46 48 291 173 94 213 156 52 77 12 162 78 40 3 14 22 65 6 9 7 18 6 3 135 1 48 36 3 25 9 129 65 205 494 60 59 92 240 69 6 113 254 2 179 31 115 499 249 257 78 110 143 225 256 216 31 113 108 272 93 140 227 108 55 511 315 144 114 157 67 193 137 166 90 283 110 156 75 97 67 141 111 125 15 97 98 115 41 71 107 60 30 262 191 139 50 62 29 94 71 85 82 216 139 101 3 13 76 84 145 91 16 16 10 157 52 69 120 48 25 249 124 5 64 95 38 99 66 81 8 1 2 16 2 1 44 43 2 18 5 72 22 7 11 13 12 6 10 5 1 1 22 7 2 12 3 9 18 25 3 6 5 10 4 3 78 1 22 19 1 17 3 5 4 40 3 3 2 8 2 57 26 17 2 8 6 4 22 8 1 41 3 1 1 1 1 2 17 7 1 25 3 1 1 - 2 52 127 20 11 14 9 58 57 13 9 -------------Un-inhabited-------------1 2 1 2 2 5 11 2 1 2 1 3 3 28 16 2 2 26 17 7 7 1 1 9 9 3 3 2 3 15 57 9 6 8 14 1 6 10 1 9 9 7 6 12 4 2 2 2 4 6 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 17 5 3 4 1 1 10 2 1 1 279 2 5 1 16 1 1 5 4 1 2 1 3 1 - 14 64 25 35 10 19 2 11 8 17 444 12 10 232 10 6 5 3 12 18 7 14 49 22 27 9 11 2 10 6 15 347 10 6 176 4 5 5 3 12 17 7 15 3 8 1 8 1 2 2 97 2 4 56 6 1 1 - 16 66 15 158 16 56 14 128 10 1 30 15 53 117 6 11 18 60 60 17 2 71 9 76 62 46 7 5 1 23 23 13 51 10 11 4 20 9 10 40 103 4 5 16 54 48 15 2 55 8 63 52 34 6 3 18 18 11 38 8 10 4 13 7 5 13 14 2 6 2 6 12 2 16 1 13 10 12 1 2 1 5 5 2 13 2 1 7 2 Name of Village 2 Beeramata Biletha Khohra Kalan Mediyan Shivgarh Tola Chand Kheri Khaneriya Jheekali Goga Ka Khera Subhas Nagar Peeploond Deopura Pacchanpura Ramgarh Tarniya Khera Mandapiya Bharni Khurd Kesharpura Bhainroon Khera Abhaipur Madhopur Bahadarpura Ka Jhonpada Bahadarpura Naya Nagar Amalda Jalampura Rajwas Bagwasa Fatehpur Chhatiya Gurha Rampur (Mataji) Rojri Godam Dag Ka Bara Shrinagar Chanwari Gopipura Sabalpura Mana Ka Barada Nathoon Babaji Ka Khera Dhor Rajpura Bheem Ka Khera Shivpura Taloda Baroda Deo Nagar Kabri Nathadand Rama Ka Khera Kishanpura Laxmipura Lal Ka Khera Khema Ka Khera DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 095951 095952 095953 095954 095955 095956 095957 095958 095959 095960 095961 095962 095963 095964 095965 095966 095967 095968 095969 095970 095971 095972 095973 095974 095975 095976 095977 095978 095979 095980 095981 095982 095983 095984 095985 095986 095987 095988 095989 095990 095991 095992 095993 095994 095995 095996 095997 095998 095999 096000 096001 096002 096003 096004 096005 Name of Village 2 Beeramata Biletha Khohra Kalan Mediyan Shivgarh Tola Chand Kheri Khaneriya Jheekali Goga Ka Khera Subhas Nagar Peeploond Deopura Pacchanpura Ramgarh Tarniya Khera Mandapiya Bharni Khurd Kesharpura Bhainroon Khera Abhaipur Madhopur Bahadarpura Ka Jhonpada Bahadarpura Naya Nagar Amalda Jalampura Rajwas Bagwasa Fatehpur Chhatiya Gurha Rampur (Mataji) Rojri Godam Dag Ka Bara Shrinagar Chanwari Gopipura Sabalpura Mana Ka Barada Nathoon Babaji Ka Khera Dhor Rajpura Bheem Ka Khera Shivpura Taloda Baroda Deo Nagar Kabri Nathadand Rama Ka Khera Kishanpura Laxmipura Lal Ka Khera Khema Ka Khera Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 99 305 127 285 62 439 4 57 257 99 164 366 242 26 18 1 3 159 125 11 7 19 77 49 126 3 213 3 68 51 88 235 133 13 6 2 73 51 6 2 80 228 78 159 59 226 4 54 189 48 76 131 109 13 12 1 1 86 74 5 5 6 15 44 191 3 1 25 108 3 14 19 83 108 9 270 75 107 16 183 22 53 17 17 93 185 92 302 47 2 154 151 3 3 2 1 14 5 9 5 60 7 12 9 26 11 12 11 10 76 28 133 23 2 37 9 2 2 2 11 3 99 4 210 68 95 7 157 11 41 6 7 93 109 64 169 24 117 142 1 1 1 3 2 Persons 44 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 6 218 63 84 370 1 4 24 23 16 64 9 2 5 1 1 47 124 8 1 5 33 28 39 165 1 18 12 14 27 6 2 39 51 3 - 1 185 35 45 205 1 3 6 11 2 37 3 2 3 1 1 8 73 5 1 57 52 174 54 3 52 225 72 136 228 211 1 11 2 112 1 1 3 22 15 67 36 2 48 38 63 159 113 1 4 2 34 1 1 35 37 107 18 3 50 177 34 73 69 98 7 78 1 2 - - - 12 4 66 3 30 12 1 36 3 4 33 1 2 4 5 11 10 13 109 62 227 24 112 8 2 1 2 15 2 3 2 8 7 46 10 92 15 16 1 2 2 18 1 2 2 2 9 2 6 63 52 135 9 96 8 1 7 2 5 39 27 12 -------------Un-inhabited-------------100 5 95 2 1 1 202 21 181 74 7 67 104 12 92 159 10 149 16 9 7 31 5 26 5 1 4 1 1 93 93 56 15 41 12 1 11 24 9 15 20 7 13 1 1 36 16 20 142 9 133 1 1 3 2 1 280 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Jahazpur of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 1 9 2 1 - 3 1 1 - 7 1 - 2 1 - 4 - 4 1 6 1 5 - - - 28 8 16 4 12 4 - - 1 1 5 1 1 7 - 1 2 1 3 1 1 - 2 - 4 - 1 - 8 - 3 1 - - - 1 - 5 - 2 - 1 - 3 - 1 - 1 - Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 92 21 10 26 62 15 1 1 3 12 74 18 23 1 2 3 14 19 5 19 3 12 11 49 10 12 2 1 78 2 5 7 59 3 1 1 3 1 25 8 11 1 2 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 155 955 410 318 209 373 4 96 208 260 388 2,112 217 429 360 336 102 146 263 210 149 96 78 473 189 178 90 201 3 58 128 142 177 882 132 207 187 173 49 77 122 129 74 47 77 482 221 140 119 172 1 38 80 118 211 1,230 85 222 173 163 53 69 141 81 75 49 147 190 290 891 76 95 166 413 71 95 124 478 481 228 470 114 161 226 424 289 272 50 361 209 521 205 465 293 119 54 475 441 237 107 193 80 187 103 224 320 257 127 267 68 96 100 245 139 132 25 128 107 270 106 259 159 67 28 247 217 127 55 111 39 91 61 105 123 224 101 203 46 65 126 179 150 140 25 233 102 251 99 206 134 52 26 228 224 110 52 82 41 96 42 119 197 6 3 3 3 1 2 5 4 1 78 47 31 -------------Un-inhabited-------------4 3 1 3 2 1 35 24 11 1 1 7 5 2 18 13 5 5 1 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 18 14 4 18 17 1 43 27 16 3 1 2 1 1 4 4 1 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 2 2 14 11 3 - 281 Name of Village 2 Beeramata Biletha Khohra Kalan Mediyan Shivgarh Tola Chand Kheri Khaneriya Jheekali Goga Ka Khera Subhas Nagar Peeploond Deopura Pacchanpura Ramgarh Tarniya Khera Mandapiya Bharni Khurd Kesharpura Bhainroon Khera Abhaipur Madhopur Bahadarpura Ka Jhonpada Bahadarpura Naya Nagar Amalda Jalampura Rajwas Bagwasa Fatehpur Chhatiya Gurha Rampur (Mataji) Rojri Godam Dag Ka Bara Shrinagar Chanwari Gopipura Sabalpura Mana Ka Barada Nathoon Babaji Ka Khera Dhor Rajpura Bheem Ka Khera Shivpura Taloda Baroda Deo Nagar Kabri Nathadand Rama Ka Khera Kishanpura Laxmipura Lal Ka Khera Khema Ka Khera Location code number 1 095951 095952 095953 095954 095955 095956 095957 095958 095959 095960 095961 095962 095963 095964 095965 095966 095967 095968 095969 095970 095971 095972 095973 095974 095975 095976 095977 095978 095979 095980 095981 095982 095983 095984 095985 095986 095987 095988 095989 095990 095991 095992 095993 095994 095995 095996 095997 095998 095999 096000 096001 096002 096003 096004 096005 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 096006 096007 096008 096009 096010 096011 096012 096013 096014 096015 096016 096017 096018 096019 096020 096021 096022 096023 096024 096025 096026 096027 096028 096029 096030 096031 096032 096033 096034 096035 096036 096037 096038 096039 096040 096041 096042 096043 096044 096045 096046 096047 096048 096049 096050 096051 096052 096053 096054 096055 096056 096057 096058 096059 096060 096061 Name of Village 2 Bakhera Brij Ki Doongri Shakkar Garh Devi Singhji Ka Khera Balapura Jhojhar Panna Ka Khera Bhopalpura Mal Ka Khera Chaturbhujpura Bei Sundargarh Danpura Ulela Melwa Sawaipura Ranawaton Ka Khera Garh Bodiya Jheekari Kanawaton Ka Khera Fatta Ka Khera Manpura Lariji Ka Khera Manoharpura Harsalon Ka Khera Padampura Hansera Ratanpura Dhanirada Chhitarpura Bhagunagar Sadapur Jawanpura Jagmohanpura Amargarh Meghpura Joraji Ka Khera Bekli Mewasa Kankariya Khera Bhojgarh Khajoori Chhachhiya Badola Kishangarh Jaigarh Utharna Bheempura Harsalon Ki Jhonpariya Kansya Bankra Bag Ki Jhoonpariya Motipura Nrisinghgarh Kabri Sujanpura Chak Chhambar Area of Village in hectares 3 69.52 92.90 1,296.48 107.58 114.60 325.91 198.40 112.86 142.30 765.18 187.05 301.19 130.94 903.62 502.00 107.57 132.41 208.40 189.97 81.42 272.66 219.45 448.00 1,337.00 408.38 197.62 280.29 249.00 102.00 199.64 426.47 168.87 235.24 134.81 1,480.30 396.00 186.00 458.00 102.00 147.00 34.42 978.79 225.00 250.00 27.00 659.80 100.00 101.00 442.00 593.00 82.00 292.00 105.00 81.74 314.00 31.39 Number of households 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 100 70 853 22 71 142 72 65 244 129 214 137 69 427 151 91 28 176 152 54 147 121 202 98 234 237 153 211 412 322 3,985 105 275 716 328 270 1,126 553 834 528 379 1,883 468 409 144 941 754 234 592 606 915 488 923 1,019 707 1,101 75 292 106 81 82 522 136 62 167 312 1,293 363 387 363 2,435 570 279 630 72 2 561 142 127 268 10 2,692 508 527 198 42 53 158 321 110 99 44 176 165 840 151 263 595 1,452 499 339 153 752 644 282 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 230 182 49 172 150 52 2,041 1,944 516 57 48 12 139 136 38 368 348 107 165 163 52 150 120 35 567 559 167 290 263 115 437 397 100 276 252 50 206 173 53 985 898 254 244 224 79 197 212 69 79 65 22 469 472 161 398 356 93 121 113 48 301 291 109 325 281 86 478 437 148 254 234 66 463 460 138 535 484 144 356 351 109 579 522 197 -------------Un-inhabited-------------172 140 37 660 633 204 174 189 66 192 195 65 185 178 58 1,243 1,192 343 297 273 82 139 140 51 339 291 82 -------------Un-inhabited-------------140 128 52 5 5 1,373 1,319 340 265 243 93 262 265 60 -------------Un-inhabited-------------426 414 144 71 80 27 144 119 47 312 283 124 746 706 225 271 228 66 184 155 42 80 73 27 395 357 131 352 292 107 -------------Un-inhabited-------------- 21 31 256 8 11 54 30 19 83 66 59 29 36 146 38 27 11 75 44 28 49 47 74 33 64 80 57 117 28 21 260 4 27 53 22 16 84 49 41 21 17 108 41 42 11 86 49 20 60 39 74 33 74 64 52 80 23 97 25 30 24 174 40 20 41 14 107 41 35 34 169 42 31 41 33 179 53 29 19 161 40 31 78 12 27 71 115 35 21 14 77 64 66 15 20 53 110 31 21 13 54 43 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Jahazpur Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 7 1,215 92 92 272 125 54 254 48 1 199 185 6 267 209 16 155 260 191 49 228 56 201 226 4 600 50 45 149 64 32 122 25 1 108 96 5 130 120 9 84 142 100 32 114 33 100 126 3 615 42 47 123 61 22 132 23 91 89 1 137 89 7 71 118 91 17 114 23 101 100 70 20 753 17 34 132 35 8 394 10 20 72 35 12 359 7 14 60 695 10 6 353 5 3 342 5 3 70 30 312 218 33 42 33 15 167 118 15 23 37 15 145 100 18 19 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 382 212 170 321 171 150 252 128 124 12 6 6 25 16 9 202 100 102 208 115 93 651 323 328 548 287 261 706 370 336 490 257 233 4 2 2 521 275 246 458 236 222 45 25 20 58 29 29 42 20 22 10 5 5 22 8 14 104 51 53 5 2 3 55 28 27 -------------Un-inhabited-------------100 58 42 26 14 12 4 2 2 655 332 323 1 1 -------------Un-inhabited-------------266 138 128 530 279 251 355 183 172 311 164 147 -------------Un-inhabited-------------236 119 117 53 28 25 461 236 225 474 257 217 33 17 16 146 75 71 432 240 192 -------------Un-inhabited-------------- 283 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 Females 19 205 159 2,239 48 107 332 164 116 469 201 427 311 197 1,140 126 130 88 341 342 127 199 242 314 232 431 383 352 533 142 104 1,368 32 77 215 91 80 318 133 283 194 128 686 90 91 56 235 230 72 145 167 233 150 269 259 210 348 63 55 871 16 30 117 73 36 151 68 144 117 69 454 36 39 32 106 112 55 54 75 81 82 162 124 142 185 107 590 217 180 93 1,048 166 128 251 89 385 123 105 67 657 128 84 183 18 205 94 75 26 391 38 44 68 117 3 1,516 207 227 76 3 944 128 138 41 572 79 89 262 44 75 155 602 224 134 54 337 272 182 28 55 110 388 149 97 40 212 187 80 16 20 45 214 75 37 14 125 85 Name of Village 2 Bakhera Brij Ki Doongri Shakkar Garh Devi Singhji Ka Khera Balapura Jhojhar Panna Ka Khera Bhopalpura Mal Ka Khera Chaturbhujpura Bei Sundargarh Danpura Ulela Melwa Sawaipura Ranawaton Ka Khera Garh Bodiya Jheekari Kanawaton Ka Khera Fatta Ka Khera Manpura Lariji Ka Khera Manoharpura Harsalon Ka Khera Padampura Hansera Ratanpura Dhanirada Chhitarpura Bhagunagar Sadapur Jawanpura Jagmohanpura Amargarh Meghpura Joraji Ka Khera Bekli Mewasa Kankariya Khera Bhojgarh Khajoori Chhachhiya Badola Kishangarh Jaigarh Utharna Bheempura Harsalon Ki Jhonpariya Kansya Bankra Bag Ki Jhoonpariya Motipura Nrisinghgarh Kabri Sujanpura Chak Chhambar DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 096006 096007 096008 096009 096010 096011 096012 096013 096014 096015 096016 096017 096018 096019 096020 096021 096022 096023 096024 096025 096026 096027 096028 096029 096030 096031 096032 096033 096034 096035 096036 096037 096038 096039 096040 096041 096042 096043 096044 096045 096046 096047 096048 096049 096050 096051 096052 096053 096054 096055 096056 096057 096058 096059 096060 096061 Name of Village 2 Bakhera Brij Ki Doongri Shakkar Garh Devi Singhji Ka Khera Balapura Jhojhar Panna Ka Khera Bhopalpura Mal Ka Khera Chaturbhujpura Bei Sundargarh Danpura Ulela Melwa Sawaipura Ranawaton Ka Khera Garh Bodiya Jheekari Kanawaton Ka Khera Fatta Ka Khera Manpura Lariji Ka Khera Manoharpura Harsalon Ka Khera Padampura Hansera Ratanpura Dhanirada Chhitarpura Bhagunagar Sadapur Jawanpura Jagmohanpura Amargarh Meghpura Joraji Ka Khera Bekli Mewasa Kankariya Khera Bhojgarh Khajoori Chhachhiya Badola Kishangarh Jaigarh Utharna Bheempura Harsalon Ki Jhonpariya Kansya Bankra Bag Ki Jhoonpariya Motipura Nrisinghgarh Kabri Sujanpura Chak Chhambar Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 207 163 1,746 57 168 384 164 154 657 352 407 217 182 743 342 279 56 600 412 107 393 364 601 256 492 636 355 568 88 68 673 25 62 153 74 70 249 157 154 82 78 299 154 106 23 234 168 49 156 158 245 104 194 276 146 231 119 95 1,073 32 106 231 90 84 408 195 253 135 104 444 188 173 33 366 244 58 237 206 356 152 298 360 209 337 205 703 146 207 270 1,387 404 151 379 83 275 51 87 118 586 169 55 156 122 428 95 120 152 801 235 96 223 151 7 1,176 301 300 64 2 429 137 124 87 5 747 164 176 578 107 188 440 850 275 205 99 415 372 244 43 89 202 358 122 87 40 183 165 334 64 99 238 492 153 118 59 232 207 Persons 20 Total workers Persons Males Females 23 24 25 231 134 97 172 93 79 1,784 1,142 642 59 30 29 145 79 66 326 210 116 140 77 63 137 78 59 607 296 311 293 149 144 474 230 244 275 145 130 164 108 56 997 524 473 289 155 134 205 113 92 77 42 35 529 272 257 406 224 182 141 69 72 326 175 151 361 195 166 532 277 255 178 137 41 525 279 246 378 296 82 377 188 189 673 328 345 -------------Un-inhabited-------------203 107 96 806 411 395 191 102 89 204 92 112 220 120 100 1,229 723 506 345 162 183 140 84 56 375 195 180 -------------Un-inhabited-------------145 79 66 2 2 1,571 858 713 276 142 134 309 159 150 -------------Un-inhabited-------------472 241 231 82 40 42 134 70 64 274 146 128 839 424 415 289 156 133 216 109 107 82 39 43 385 207 178 337 193 144 -------------Un-inhabited-------------- 284 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 216 92 1,512 59 145 260 140 84 550 266 326 272 117 470 286 80 76 320 317 118 303 195 412 170 298 188 375 580 128 92 1,075 30 79 180 77 78 288 139 182 144 75 429 152 52 41 231 219 58 161 166 266 131 196 178 188 300 88 437 29 66 80 63 6 262 127 144 128 42 41 134 28 35 89 98 60 142 29 146 39 102 10 187 280 193 766 189 202 215 1,205 267 139 148 103 391 100 90 117 707 144 84 128 90 375 89 112 98 498 123 55 20 144 2 1,258 135 274 79 2 760 122 155 65 498 13 119 254 81 61 270 738 159 214 35 385 335 215 39 59 145 390 155 107 32 207 192 39 42 2 125 348 4 107 3 178 143 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Jahazpur Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 155 91 631 35 109 170 121 81 485 229 202 190 79 219 215 39 76 273 151 39 231 114 312 117 193 154 365 456 85 91 367 19 60 116 64 75 231 116 126 86 48 202 116 22 41 194 102 20 107 102 172 87 132 151 181 232 70 264 16 49 54 57 6 254 113 76 104 31 17 99 17 35 79 49 19 124 12 140 30 61 3 184 224 22 1 63 12 17 36 3 21 24 85 39 18 41 67 5 6 5 30 11 68 58 21 36 8 10 138 704 175 194 171 608 86 120 97 69 353 90 83 86 372 59 66 90 69 351 85 111 85 236 27 54 7 31 2 4 29 219 7 2 20 120 339 81 243 58 207 74 137 62 132 7 106 16 474 1 7 199 63 51 181 559 154 210 23 304 295 168 30 50 98 313 153 104 23 161 167 31 33 1 83 246 1 106 143 128 2 18 2 76 124 1 1 69 30 11 11 1 36 27 28 19 1 11 9 8 19 17 1 2 1 16 5 12 10 12 12 23 62 1 1 21 18 7 11 32 9 14 14 35 32 4 1 12 7 3 3 22 18 5 4 3 10 20 9 4 10 1 1 1 52 16 1 54 4 16 5 1 1 13 23 1 1 5 3 2 2 3 7 -------------Un-inhabited-------------13 18 12 11 1 1 4 4 2 2 18 11 31 188 21 14 4 3 2 10 10 1 1 -------------Un-inhabited-------------15 1 229 245 35 30 1 5 2 1 1 -------------Un-inhabited-------------2 1 1 9 9 1 1 39 37 36 88 23 14 1 1 38 31 1 1 20 10 -------------Un-inhabited-------------- 285 9 1 2 5 4 1 5 1 1 7 5 9 - 39 790 12 19 53 16 3 32 13 38 43 20 196 4 24 19 157 40 60 12 42 31 68 26 8 114 32 653 10 10 45 11 3 31 11 32 37 20 181 1 19 16 114 24 43 12 40 27 50 22 5 65 7 137 2 9 8 5 1 2 6 6 15 3 5 3 43 16 17 2 4 18 4 3 49 12 56 10 8 15 357 174 17 30 10 33 8 7 13 290 81 16 27 2 23 2 1 2 67 93 1 3 8 2 410 53 23 6 2 294 47 12 2 116 6 11 52 8 13 32 5 3 11 11 10 44 8 8 27 2 3 8 7 5 8 5 5 3 3 4 5 Name of Village 2 Bakhera Brij Ki Doongri Shakkar Garh Devi Singhji Ka Khera Balapura Jhojhar Panna Ka Khera Bhopalpura Mal Ka Khera Chaturbhujpura Bei Sundargarh Danpura Ulela Melwa Sawaipura Ranawaton Ka Khera Garh Bodiya Jheekari Kanawaton Ka Khera Fatta Ka Khera Manpura Lariji Ka Khera Manoharpura Harsalon Ka Khera Padampura Hansera Ratanpura Dhanirada Chhitarpura Bhagunagar Sadapur Jawanpura Jagmohanpura Amargarh Meghpura Joraji Ka Khera Bekli Mewasa Kankariya Khera Bhojgarh Khajoori Chhachhiya Badola Kishangarh Jaigarh Utharna Bheempura Harsalon Ki Jhonpariya Kansya Bankra Bag Ki Jhoonpariya Motipura Nrisinghgarh Kabri Sujanpura Chak Chhambar DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 096006 096007 096008 096009 096010 096011 096012 096013 096014 096015 096016 096017 096018 096019 096020 096021 096022 096023 096024 096025 096026 096027 096028 096029 096030 096031 096032 096033 096034 096035 096036 096037 096038 096039 096040 096041 096042 096043 096044 096045 096046 096047 096048 096049 096050 096051 096052 096053 096054 096055 096056 096057 096058 096059 096060 096061 Name of Village 2 Bakhera Brij Ki Doongri Shakkar Garh Devi Singhji Ka Khera Balapura Jhojhar Panna Ka Khera Bhopalpura Mal Ka Khera Chaturbhujpura Bei Sundargarh Danpura Ulela Melwa Sawaipura Ranawaton Ka Khera Garh Bodiya Jheekari Kanawaton Ka Khera Fatta Ka Khera Manpura Lariji Ka Khera Manoharpura Harsalon Ka Khera Padampura Hansera Ratanpura Dhanirada Chhitarpura Bhagunagar Sadapur Jawanpura Jagmohanpura Amargarh Meghpura Joraji Ka Khera Bekli Mewasa Kankariya Khera Bhojgarh Khajoori Chhachhiya Badola Kishangarh Jaigarh Utharna Bheempura Harsalon Ki Jhonpariya Kansya Bankra Bag Ki Jhoonpariya Motipura Nrisinghgarh Kabri Sujanpura Chak Chhambar Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 15 80 272 66 53 57 27 148 3 47 527 3 125 1 209 89 23 23 166 120 8 227 190 2 93 6 1 67 30 8 10 48 1 33 95 3 61 1 41 5 11 14 29 11 6 83 118 28 9 79 205 36 53 49 17 100 2 14 432 64 168 84 12 9 137 109 2 144 72 2 65 10 40 2 2 5 24 78 1 227 4 20 2 2 3 16 18 67 6 20 2 8 60 1 160 1 313 141 35 98 20 4 1 215 121 31 218 1 73 4 101 130 2 47 2 26 1 11 1 34 1 2 7 1 192 62 3 67 129 40 1 Persons 44 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 3 1 2 80 1 79 167 21 146 17 5 12 53 53 50 7 43 14 6 8 85 26 59 2 1 1 16 12 4 20 12 8 1 1 101 44 57 1 1 186 30 156 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 4 2 2 8 7 1 1 1 4 4 2 2 24 9 15 -------------Un-inhabited-------------3 1 2 23 9 14 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 12 8 4 -------------Un-inhabited-------------26 9 17 135 16 119 -------------Un-inhabited-------------157 12 145 6 3 3 23 13 10 128 128 1 1 30 30 -------------Un-inhabited-------------- 286 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 7 34 3 3 12 60 22 456 1 16 13 13 9 2 16 110 5 203 117 49 2 13 1 1 4 19 13 54 1 10 7 1 2 1 9 3 4 75 62 14 4 1 1 2 5 21 2 2 8 41 9 402 6 6 12 7 1 7 107 1 128 55 35 2 - 2 1 1 1 180 1 33 147 212 6 2 50 4 2 162 2 - 2 3 59 2 41 3 1 5 67 3 50 1 3 1 8 1 9 1 - PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Jahazpur of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 1 13 4 2 1 11 4 1 4 2 132 - 10 2 1 6 1 16 - - - 1 3 2 2 5 4 1 4 1 116 - - - - 1 14 - - - 4 - 4 - 2 1 2 16 - 2 1 1 8 1 5 - 6 1 11 - Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 4 3 1 58 23 35 42 22 20 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 8 7 1 40 23 17 1 1 8 7 1 6 4 2 74 4 70 8 8 16 10 6 14 2 12 2 1 1 2 2 24 8 16 69 56 13 20 5 15 -------------Un-inhabited-------------3 1 2 13 7 6 1 1 1 1 20 14 6 76 17 59 35 26 9 -------------Un-inhabited-------------61 31 30 33 2 31 -------------Un-inhabited-------------54 11 43 1 1 1 1 12 7 5 1 1 1 1 14 7 7 1 1 -------------Un-inhabited-------------- Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 181 150 2,201 46 130 390 188 133 519 260 360 253 215 886 179 204 67 412 348 93 266 245 383 310 398 641 330 428 96 79 899 27 60 158 88 72 271 141 207 131 98 461 89 84 37 197 174 52 126 130 201 117 184 239 168 251 85 71 1,302 19 70 232 100 61 248 119 153 122 117 425 90 120 30 215 174 41 140 115 182 193 214 402 162 177 109 487 172 183 143 1,206 225 139 255 65 249 72 100 65 520 135 55 144 44 238 100 83 78 686 90 84 111 123 8 1,121 232 218 61 3 515 123 103 62 5 606 109 115 368 69 129 321 613 210 123 71 367 307 185 31 74 166 322 115 75 41 188 159 183 38 55 155 291 95 48 30 179 148 287 Name of Village 2 Bakhera Brij Ki Doongri Shakkar Garh Devi Singhji Ka Khera Balapura Jhojhar Panna Ka Khera Bhopalpura Mal Ka Khera Chaturbhujpura Bei Sundargarh Danpura Ulela Melwa Sawaipura Ranawaton Ka Khera Garh Bodiya Jheekari Kanawaton Ka Khera Fatta Ka Khera Manpura Lariji Ka Khera Manoharpura Harsalon Ka Khera Padampura Hansera Ratanpura Dhanirada Chhitarpura Bhagunagar Sadapur Jawanpura Jagmohanpura Amargarh Meghpura Joraji Ka Khera Bekli Mewasa Kankariya Khera Bhojgarh Khajoori Chhachhiya Badola Kishangarh Jaigarh Utharna Bheempura Harsalon Ki Jhonpariya Kansya Bankra Bag Ki Jhoonpariya Motipura Nrisinghgarh Kabri Sujanpura Chak Chhambar Location code number 1 096006 096007 096008 096009 096010 096011 096012 096013 096014 096015 096016 096017 096018 096019 096020 096021 096022 096023 096024 096025 096026 096027 096028 096029 096030 096031 096032 096033 096034 096035 096036 096037 096038 096039 096040 096041 096042 096043 096044 096045 096046 096047 096048 096049 096050 096051 096052 096053 096054 096055 096056 096057 096058 096059 096060 096061 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 096062 096063 096064 096065 096066 096067 096068 096069 096070 096071 096072 096073 096074 096075 096076 096077 096078 096079 096080 096082 Name of Village 2 Rooppura Godpuriya Mukandpura Rampura Akheramji Ka Khera Mohanpura Ratangarh Dalpura Urna Sherpura Galiya Kheroona Teethoda (Jageer) Shobhaji Ka Khera Ekalmeri Jora Ji Ka Khera Tahla Adimalji Ka Khera Mewasa Baori Area of Village in hectares 3 375.34 196.36 72.41 221.60 430.17 262.17 210.56 325.00 645.00 248.00 121.24 1,342.00 818.26 201.78 130.66 149.99 188.28 727.08 305.32 1,336.03 Number of households 4 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 67 35 2 38 56 75 55 165 237 149 79 400 239 69 3 50 100 177 111 336 305 147 12 176 267 255 210 567 1,069 559 265 1,537 1,147 334 17 165 360 638 468 1,788 288 152 76 6 98 136 127 108 289 564 281 134 830 571 182 8 84 191 342 230 879 153 71 6 78 131 128 102 278 505 278 131 707 576 152 9 81 169 296 238 909 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 42 18 3 18 43 26 48 97 147 84 36 249 141 46 2 21 57 96 52 226 22 10 1 13 21 9 24 50 78 46 11 136 62 27 1 10 33 50 21 116 20 8 2 5 22 17 24 47 69 38 25 113 79 19 1 11 24 46 31 110 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Jahazpur Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 45 12 10 5 31 99 67 404 488 15 1 141 133 322 21 6 5 2 16 55 35 208 235 9 81 62 158 24 6 5 3 15 44 32 196 253 6 1 60 71 164 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 33 136 188 71 135 383 412 473 23 60 62 159 235 234 7 19 79 98 37 70 207 210 259 11 28 32 87 118 113 3 14 57 90 34 65 176 202 214 12 32 30 72 117 121 4 289 Persons 17 118 45 6 89 185 110 78 104 451 257 89 509 450 100 5 72 124 246 110 892 Literates Males 18 74 29 4 55 101 67 44 89 304 152 62 368 286 75 4 47 88 169 82 545 Females 19 44 16 2 34 84 43 34 15 147 105 27 141 164 25 1 25 36 77 28 347 Name of Village 2 Rooppura Godpuriya Mukandpura Rampura Akheramji Ka Khera Mohanpura Ratangarh Dalpura Urna Sherpura Galiya Kheroona Teethoda (Jageer) Shobhaji Ka Khera Ekalmeri Jora Ji Ka Khera Tahla Adimalji Ka Khera Mewasa Baori DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Location code number 1 096062 096063 096064 096065 096066 096067 096068 096069 096070 096071 096072 096073 096074 096075 096076 096077 096078 096079 096080 096082 Name of Village 2 Rooppura Godpuriya Mukandpura Rampura Akheramji Ka Khera Mohanpura Ratangarh Dalpura Urna Sherpura Galiya Kheroona Teethoda (Jageer) Shobhaji Ka Khera Ekalmeri Jora Ji Ka Khera Tahla Adimalji Ka Khera Mewasa Baori Persons 20 187 102 6 87 82 145 132 463 618 302 176 1,028 697 234 12 93 236 392 358 896 Illiterates Males 21 Females 22 78 47 2 43 35 60 64 200 260 129 72 462 285 107 4 37 103 173 148 334 109 55 4 44 47 85 68 263 358 173 104 566 412 127 8 56 133 219 210 562 290 Total workers Persons Males Females 23 24 25 171 93 6 112 134 167 126 374 569 317 160 777 676 209 13 75 194 575 292 1,091 82 45 3 72 67 86 72 189 309 157 82 470 353 99 6 45 103 303 162 544 89 48 3 40 67 81 54 185 260 160 78 307 323 110 7 30 91 272 130 547 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 169 87 6 110 131 167 124 279 543 277 152 524 480 130 8 75 194 364 229 975 81 44 3 70 65 86 72 149 289 145 77 306 277 98 6 45 103 196 128 491 88 43 3 40 66 81 52 130 254 132 75 218 203 32 2 30 91 168 101 484 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Jahazpur Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 148 73 6 103 121 100 75 258 461 211 145 474 434 50 3 59 124 330 200 794 69 33 3 65 59 84 58 134 227 97 73 269 253 42 3 33 60 172 108 380 79 40 3 38 62 16 17 124 234 114 72 205 181 8 26 64 158 92 414 2 - 2 - 4 67 46 5 19 3 2 17 31 28 3 12 49 10 14 117 - - 3 1 2 12 3 8 2 1 12 14 16 1 8 27 8 9 60 65 34 2 11 1 1 5 17 12 2 4 22 2 5 57 - 1 1 - - 1 8 2 1 7 2 - 1 1 1 - 5 2 2 1 1 - 4 1 1 291 - 1 1 1 19 13 3 9 3 16 55 61 5 32 14 52 2 4 21 19 13 62 10 10 2 6 2 12 47 44 3 24 10 40 2 4 16 12 10 50 Name of Village 2 9 Rooppura 3 Godpuriya Mukandpura 1 Rampura 3 Akheramji Ka Khera Mohanpura 1 Ratangarh 4 Dalpura 8 Urna 17 Sherpura 2 Galiya 8 Kheroona 4 Teethoda (Jageer) 12 Shobhaji Ka Khera Ekalmeri Jora Ji Ka Khera 5 Tahla 7 Adimalji Ka Khera 3 Mewasa 12 Baori DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA VILLAGE PRIMARY C D Block Industrial category Location code number 1 096062 096063 096064 096065 096066 096067 096068 096069 096070 096071 096072 096073 096074 096075 096076 096077 096078 096079 096080 096082 Name of Village 2 Rooppura Godpuriya Mukandpura Rampura Akheramji Ka Khera Mohanpura Ratangarh Dalpura Urna Sherpura Galiya Kheroona Teethoda (Jageer) Shobhaji Ka Khera Ekalmeri Jora Ji Ka Khera Tahla Adimalji Ka Khera Mewasa Baori Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 2 6 - 1 1 - 2 3 2 2 2 95 26 40 8 253 196 79 5 211 63 116 40 20 12 5 164 76 1 107 34 53 - Persons 44 1 5 - 1 3 - 1 2 55 6 28 3 89 120 78 5 104 29 63 292 Cultivators Males Females 45 46 1 - 2 2 61 6 11 2 99 7 2 62 24 45 23 4 3 2 92 3 32 8 20 1 2 38 2 8 7 4 2 30 16 25 Agricultural labourers Persons Males Females 47 48 49 1 1 20 7 7 1 140 155 76 5 2 25 52 1 10 5 2 1 63 55 1 14 17 1 10 2 5 77 100 76 5 1 11 35 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Jahazpur of marginal workers Household industry workers Persons Males Females 50 51 52 1 3 1 15 - 2 10 - - 3 - 1 1 1 5 - Other workers Persons Males Females 53 54 55 3 14 13 19 5 13 34 1 132 14 19 - Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 - 134 54 6 64 133 88 84 193 500 242 105 760 471 125 4 90 166 63 176 697 3 2 1 - - 7 11 5 2 9 18 1 64 12 16 7 2 14 3 4 16 68 2 3 293 70 31 3 26 69 41 36 100 255 124 52 360 218 83 2 39 88 39 68 335 64 23 3 38 64 47 48 93 245 118 53 400 253 42 2 51 78 24 108 362 Name of Village 2 Rooppura Godpuriya Mukandpura Rampura Akheramji Ka Khera Mohanpura Ratangarh Dalpura Urna Sherpura Galiya Kheroona Teethoda (Jageer) Shobhaji Ka Khera Ekalmeri Jora Ji Ka Khera Tahla Adimalji Ka Khera Mewasa Baori Location code number 1 096062 096063 096064 096065 096066 096067 096068 096069 096070 096071 096072 096073 096074 096075 096076 096077 096078 096079 096080 096082 Urban PCA-Town wise Primary Census Abstract DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA URBAN PRIMARY Location code number 1 800588 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 800589 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 800590 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 Name of Town/ Ward 2 Asind (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Gulabpura (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Ward No. 16 Ward No. 17 Ward No. 18 Ward No. 19 Ward No. 20 Shahpura (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Ward No. 16 Ward No. 17 Ward No. 18 Ward No. 19 Ward No. 20 Ward No. 21 Ward No. 22 Area in Square Kilometr e 3 25.00 12.00 56.52 Number of households 4 3,007 176 160 214 175 236 183 272 169 163 163 183 216 228 213 256 5,470 289 463 439 372 344 193 230 352 227 160 171 279 162 233 279 234 271 205 311 256 5,671 248 176 178 228 156 161 233 363 303 251 163 361 220 163 145 194 204 231 191 158 154 288 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 16,611 991 863 1,207 1,123 1,320 1,043 1,415 1,004 901 874 939 1,161 1,221 1,167 1,382 27,215 1,505 2,129 1,907 1,728 1,536 1,563 1,088 1,682 1,041 791 841 1,299 840 1,113 1,400 1,299 1,305 1,132 1,706 1,310 30,320 1,442 1,087 954 1,270 856 946 1,242 1,819 1,574 1,215 878 1,657 1,203 980 876 1,042 1,076 1,019 1,016 835 875 1,601 296 8,440 484 436 622 564 682 535 725 518 442 448 468 602 634 592 688 14,286 785 1,083 1,016 898 823 892 580 887 544 403 434 682 434 572 732 661 690 577 937 656 15,279 707 593 473 644 422 486 638 907 824 620 444 798 577 495 437 534 543 511 499 439 417 825 8,171 507 427 585 559 638 508 690 486 459 426 471 559 587 575 694 12,929 720 1,046 891 830 713 671 508 795 497 388 407 617 406 541 668 638 615 555 769 654 15,041 735 494 481 626 434 460 604 912 750 595 434 859 626 485 439 508 533 508 517 396 458 776 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 2,418 181 74 181 177 217 176 228 170 122 113 96 117 151 165 250 3,680 223 286 309 215 205 264 140 198 114 86 107 157 112 158 181 202 167 164 215 177 3,997 227 152 128 152 104 104 135 202 264 110 102 258 163 130 95 107 119 119 110 104 125 266 1,287 89 37 106 95 117 93 122 92 56 48 50 68 92 84 138 1,899 109 131 156 113 111 123 85 112 56 46 47 88 61 82 93 102 89 90 115 90 2,072 117 89 76 79 48 57 63 100 138 55 56 131 80 58 54 56 59 71 48 51 58 151 1,131 92 37 75 82 100 83 106 78 66 65 46 49 59 81 112 1,781 114 155 153 102 94 141 55 86 58 40 60 69 51 76 88 100 78 74 100 87 1,925 110 63 52 73 56 47 72 102 126 55 46 127 83 72 41 51 60 48 62 53 67 115 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 3,602 57 8 42 87 205 898 839 863 60 48 31 75 114 275 3,134 62 445 251 186 175 22 258 194 170 45 236 16 10 77 345 187 22 66 136 231 5,850 887 28 61 108 79 568 486 315 82 44 547 743 222 244 55 7 20 41 69 261 152 1,864 30 7 23 49 108 466 423 442 31 26 13 44 58 144 1,621 33 218 133 86 88 20 146 104 94 24 119 12 5 40 169 94 9 36 73 118 2,926 429 14 33 49 38 298 245 168 45 23 266 359 108 127 25 7 10 24 33 122 84 1,738 27 1 19 38 97 432 416 421 29 22 18 31 56 131 1,513 29 227 118 100 87 2 112 90 76 21 117 4 5 37 176 93 13 30 63 113 2,924 458 14 28 59 41 270 241 147 37 21 281 384 114 117 30 10 17 36 139 68 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 1,616 328 37 1 4 3 10 10 1,223 439 58 22 11 42 25 5 14 52 13 2 2 11 9 6 3 1 25 21 117 808 27 6 39 64 59 43 13 1 2 4 1 4 1 808 161 18 2 2 7 4 614 236 28 12 6 27 16 5 10 26 8 1 1 6 5 2 1 1 12 12 57 423 17 4 17 34 37 33 7 1 2 2 1 3 - 808 167 19 1 2 1 3 6 609 203 30 10 5 15 9 4 26 5 1 1 5 4 4 2 13 9 60 385 10 2 22 30 22 10 6 2 1 1 297 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 Females 19 10,161 314 715 853 744 701 553 698 602 639 628 690 970 988 771 295 19,295 959 1,631 1,181 1,362 1,165 717 783 1,258 836 670 638 1,025 639 830 978 864 1,013 709 1,209 828 20,489 836 693 613 913 654 785 997 1,337 748 1,048 699 866 744 721 639 889 869 759 784 607 568 913 5,891 218 386 474 417 407 354 454 361 353 367 396 521 513 458 212 11,277 615 917 722 751 676 522 451 724 467 345 361 557 357 458 581 500 576 422 750 525 11,552 490 442 347 526 362 413 547 725 481 548 365 503 434 410 353 466 459 417 413 350 317 530 4,270 96 329 379 327 294 199 244 241 286 261 294 449 475 313 83 8,018 344 714 459 611 489 195 332 534 369 325 277 468 282 372 397 364 437 287 459 303 8,937 346 251 266 387 292 372 450 612 267 500 334 363 310 311 286 423 410 342 371 257 251 383 Name of Town/ Ward 2 Asind (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Gulabpura (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Ward No. 16 Ward No. 17 Ward No. 18 Ward No. 19 Ward No. 20 Shahpura (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Ward No. 16 Ward No. 17 Ward No. 18 Ward No. 19 Ward No. 20 Ward No. 21 Ward No. 22 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA URBAN PRIMARY Location code number Name of Town/ Ward 1 2 800588 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 800589 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 800590 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 Asind (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Gulabpura (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Ward No. 16 Ward No. 17 Ward No. 18 Ward No. 19 Ward No. 20 Shahpura (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Ward No. 16 Ward No. 17 Ward No. 18 Ward No. 19 Ward No. 20 Ward No. 21 Ward No. 22 Persons 20 6,450 677 148 354 379 619 490 717 402 262 246 249 191 233 396 1,087 7,920 546 498 726 366 371 846 305 424 205 121 203 274 201 283 422 435 292 423 497 482 9,831 606 394 341 357 202 161 245 482 826 167 179 791 459 259 237 153 207 260 232 228 307 688 Illiterates Males Females 21 22 2,549 266 50 148 147 275 181 271 157 89 81 72 81 121 134 476 3,009 170 166 294 147 147 370 129 163 77 58 73 125 77 114 151 161 114 155 187 131 3,727 217 151 126 118 60 73 91 182 343 72 79 295 143 85 84 68 84 94 86 89 100 295 3,901 411 98 206 232 344 309 446 245 173 165 177 110 112 262 611 4,911 376 332 432 219 224 476 176 261 128 63 130 149 124 169 271 274 178 268 310 351 6,104 389 243 215 239 142 88 154 300 483 95 100 496 316 174 153 85 123 166 146 139 207 393 298 Total workers Persons Males Females 23 24 25 6,163 408 267 383 313 458 470 632 391 288 316 282 343 568 374 670 9,428 513 737 719 560 513 549 351 707 338 237 271 460 241 348 481 392 454 397 553 607 9,986 387 353 276 462 266 304 403 527 574 393 248 452 365 365 274 349 332 350 342 255 358 599 4,314 261 228 313 272 337 261 375 255 222 238 240 307 328 312 365 7,727 440 578 560 481 469 525 306 481 303 212 229 373 222 304 391 343 382 317 458 353 7,685 343 278 244 331 226 256 324 408 384 307 211 361 321 296 230 293 253 263 267 203 243 405 1,849 147 39 70 41 121 209 257 136 66 78 42 36 240 62 305 1,701 73 159 159 79 44 24 45 226 35 25 42 87 19 44 90 49 72 80 95 254 2,301 44 75 32 131 40 48 79 119 190 86 37 91 44 69 44 56 79 87 75 52 115 194 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 4,598 341 265 353 298 391 37 489 369 275 224 249 336 507 190 274 8,200 274 594 617 552 502 522 330 663 334 208 261 393 236 318 371 359 420 364 467 415 8,923 386 290 274 372 247 291 391 467 435 386 248 440 280 300 238 318 302 331 324 241 352 543 3,569 245 227 301 263 304 32 339 246 210 189 227 302 306 158 220 7,015 258 506 510 476 461 499 294 453 300 190 225 334 221 280 322 320 362 299 404 301 7,207 342 278 242 274 210 252 314 384 312 303 211 356 267 273 215 282 238 248 261 202 239 376 1,029 96 38 52 35 87 5 150 123 65 35 22 34 201 32 54 1,185 16 88 107 76 41 23 36 210 34 18 36 59 15 38 49 39 58 65 63 114 1,716 44 12 32 98 37 39 77 83 123 83 37 84 13 27 23 36 64 83 63 39 113 167 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Town/ Ward 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 579 93 7 3 17 39 69 111 34 38 9 1 18 2 138 176 3 4 44 2 6 8 5 2 1 1 1 12 6 81 1,321 93 6 46 31 5 2 2 26 85 4 166 22 25 16 15 19 9 41 32 72 121 345 49 6 3 12 24 21 47 19 22 9 1 8 2 122 138 3 3 22 2 6 8 3 2 1 1 1 5 6 75 868 63 6 39 18 5 2 2 19 60 3 124 21 19 9 14 11 8 32 24 31 78 234 44 1 5 15 48 64 15 16 10 16 38 1 22 2 7 6 453 30 7 13 7 25 1 42 1 6 7 1 8 1 9 8 41 43 341 127 3 11 4 1 13 125 14 2 7 4 17 2 11 202 1 7 8 1 13 2 1 4 4 13 3 8 7 1 3 126 472 1 1 35 23 17 28 8 25 78 12 1 1 8 15 7 54 75 232 106 3 1 2 9 88 9 1 3 3 2 1 4 95 1 5 2 12 2 1 2 4 13 2 4 1 2 44 305 1 20 15 14 9 4 7 71 10 1 8 7 1 27 42 109 21 10 2 1 4 37 5 1 4 1 15 1 7 107 2 6 1 1 2 1 4 6 1 1 82 167 1 15 8 3 19 4 18 7 2 1 8 6 27 33 397 13 22 48 13 124 19 17 7 12 10 7 79 18 8 391 18 34 37 6 20 13 11 34 6 19 12 9 5 3 2 3 27 11 83 38 563 2 35 9 63 3 53 34 7 94 6 1 10 9 40 19 14 9 5 21 11 41 22 321 10 18 45 13 109 17 17 5 12 9 6 38 17 5 301 14 31 22 2 18 11 7 19 5 17 9 9 3 2 2 2 18 7 72 31 446 1 35 8 36 3 47 27 5 60 4 1 10 9 37 18 14 8 5 20 10 26 18 299 76 3 4 3 15 2 2 1 1 41 1 3 90 4 3 15 4 2 2 4 15 1 2 3 2 1 1 9 4 11 7 117 1 1 27 6 7 2 34 2 3 1 1 1 1 15 4 3,281 108 233 302 257 224 36 388 116 220 172 223 324 393 168 117 7,431 252 549 528 543 463 499 318 620 326 185 248 384 217 315 366 348 385 340 375 170 6,567 290 248 219 243 239 236 332 417 228 372 243 239 171 223 202 288 266 317 247 191 185 325 2,671 80 200 253 237 169 32 292 94 177 154 206 292 258 138 89 6,481 240 467 464 472 425 478 286 429 293 169 215 325 204 278 318 314 342 287 324 151 5,588 277 237 195 200 202 203 270 346 183 295 207 215 166 207 187 254 211 235 202 167 155 238 610 28 33 49 20 55 4 96 22 43 18 17 32 135 30 28 950 12 82 64 71 38 21 32 191 33 16 33 59 13 37 48 34 43 53 51 19 979 13 11 24 43 37 33 62 71 45 77 36 24 5 16 15 34 55 82 45 24 30 87 Asind (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Gulabpura (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Ward No. 16 Ward No. 17 Ward No. 18 Ward No. 19 Ward No. 20 Shahpura (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Ward No. 16 Ward No. 17 Ward No. 18 Ward No. 19 Ward No. 20 Ward No. 21 Ward No. 22 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA URBAN PRIMARY Industrial category Location code number 1 800588 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 800589 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 800590 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 Name of Town/ Ward 2 Asind (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Gulabpura (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Ward No. 16 Ward No. 17 Ward No. 18 Ward No. 19 Ward No. 20 Shahpura (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Ward No. 16 Ward No. 17 Ward No. 18 Ward No. 19 Ward No. 20 Ward No. 21 Ward No. 22 Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 1,565 67 2 30 15 67 433 143 22 13 92 33 7 61 184 396 1,228 239 143 102 8 11 27 21 44 4 29 10 67 5 30 110 33 34 33 86 192 1,063 1 63 2 90 19 13 12 60 139 7 12 85 65 36 31 30 19 18 14 6 56 745 16 1 12 9 33 229 36 9 12 49 13 5 22 154 145 712 182 72 50 5 8 26 12 28 3 22 4 39 1 24 69 23 20 18 54 52 478 1 2 57 16 4 10 24 72 4 5 54 23 15 11 15 15 6 1 4 29 820 51 1 18 6 34 204 107 13 1 43 20 2 39 30 251 516 57 71 52 3 3 1 9 16 1 7 6 28 4 6 41 10 14 15 32 140 585 63 33 3 9 2 36 67 3 7 31 42 21 20 15 4 12 13 2 27 300 Persons 44 179 3 2 39 48 2 21 1 12 8 43 46 1 3 13 2 1 1 2 2 4 17 142 3 21 5 7 7 2 27 5 2 7 3 4 1 - Cultivators Agricultural labourers Males Females Persons Males Females 45 46 47 48 49 93 1 1 16 12 1 8 1 5 7 41 18 1 3 4 1 1 2 1 5 56 9 4 2 6 1 10 - 86 2 1 23 36 1 13 7 1 2 28 9 1 1 2 3 12 86 3 12 1 5 1 1 17 5 2 7 3 4 1 - 415 11 1 1 59 61 6 4 6 13 16 13 224 198 42 22 27 1 1 2 5 1 1 2 1 93 160 1 21 1 9 11 14 26 9 2 5 7 4 9 93 2 1 25 10 3 3 1 2 5 10 31 40 15 4 10 1 1 9 63 15 2 4 7 6 1 1 3 2 5 322 9 1 34 51 3 1 5 11 11 3 193 158 27 18 17 2 5 1 1 2 1 84 97 1 6 1 7 7 7 20 8 1 2 5 4 4 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT of marginal workers Household industry workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 50 51 52 53 54 55 123 1 1 5 1 11 6 3 16 23 56 120 7 42 4 1 5 1 1 1 1 5 4 10 38 241 59 9 6 1 1 64 5 3 1 2 4 7 3 70 1 1 3 5 6 20 34 43 4 12 1 1 2 1 7 15 44 3 1 1 1 21 4 1 2 53 1 1 4 8 1 3 10 3 22 77 3 30 4 5 1 1 1 3 3 3 23 197 59 6 5 43 1 3 1 2 3 7 1 848 52 2 28 7 66 335 23 14 9 59 16 7 17 140 73 864 189 76 58 8 9 26 14 43 4 26 9 61 4 29 107 27 28 31 71 44 520 1 2 39 14 7 10 43 57 7 10 44 29 22 21 22 17 3 2 6 44 489 13 1 11 7 32 188 11 5 9 35 10 5 6 117 39 611 162 53 36 5 6 25 11 28 3 21 4 38 1 24 67 21 19 18 46 23 315 1 2 30 12 3 9 19 41 4 4 37 13 14 10 12 15 3 1 4 22 359 39 1 17 34 147 12 9 24 6 2 11 23 34 253 27 23 22 3 3 1 3 15 1 5 5 23 3 5 40 6 9 13 25 21 205 9 2 4 1 24 16 3 6 7 16 8 11 10 2 1 2 22 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 10,448 583 596 824 810 862 573 783 613 613 558 657 818 653 793 712 17,787 992 1,392 1,188 1,168 1,023 1,014 737 975 703 554 570 839 599 765 919 907 851 735 1,153 703 20,334 1,055 734 678 808 590 642 839 1,292 1,000 822 630 1,205 838 615 602 693 744 669 674 580 517 1,002 301 4,126 223 208 309 292 345 274 350 263 220 210 228 295 306 280 323 6,559 345 505 456 417 354 367 274 406 241 191 205 309 212 268 341 318 308 260 479 303 7,594 364 315 229 313 196 230 314 499 440 313 233 437 256 199 207 241 290 248 232 236 174 420 6,322 360 388 515 518 517 299 433 350 393 348 429 523 347 513 389 11,228 647 887 732 751 669 647 463 569 462 363 365 530 387 497 578 589 543 475 674 400 12,740 691 419 449 495 394 412 525 793 560 509 397 768 582 416 395 452 454 421 442 344 343 582 Name of Town/ Ward 2 Asind (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Gulabpura (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Ward No. 16 Ward No. 17 Ward No. 18 Ward No. 19 Ward No. 20 Shahpura (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Ward No. 16 Ward No. 17 Ward No. 18 Ward No. 19 Ward No. 20 Ward No. 21 Ward No. 22 Location code number 1 800588 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 800589 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 800590 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA URBAN PRIMARY Location code number 1 0023 0024 0025 800591 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 800592 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 Name of Town/ Ward 2 Ward No. 23 Ward No. 24 Ward No. 25 Gangapur (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Ward No. 16 Ward No. 17 Ward No. 18 Ward No. 19 Ward No. 20 Bhilwara (M Cl) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Ward No. 16 Ward No. 17 Ward No. 18 Ward No. 19 Ward No. 20 Ward No. 21 Ward No. 22 Ward No. 23 Ward No. 24 Ward No. 25 Ward No. 26 Ward No. 27 Ward No. 28 Ward No. 29 Ward No. 30 Ward No. 31 Ward No. 32 Ward No. 33 Ward No. 34 Ward No. 35 Area in Square Kilometr e 3 6.00 118.49 Number of households 4 323 242 337 3,611 190 179 302 141 153 342 259 132 131 168 155 134 282 161 153 97 93 146 152 241 74,184 1,246 975 859 1,050 2,421 2,007 1,960 1,702 1,423 1,946 1,864 876 1,896 2,818 1,602 1,759 1,250 1,077 1,016 959 799 782 923 940 1,138 1,184 1,332 1,188 817 998 1,499 1,729 2,157 908 953 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 1,788 1,386 1,683 18,777 1,096 934 1,558 737 805 1,768 1,243 711 689 841 700 684 1,595 866 824 523 482 761 888 1,072 3,59,483 6,473 5,483 4,918 5,447 11,403 8,960 8,669 7,738 6,486 8,649 7,939 4,001 8,536 12,342 7,856 8,107 5,779 5,336 5,304 5,078 4,031 3,985 4,792 4,553 5,649 5,541 6,616 5,647 4,168 5,774 7,995 8,715 11,400 5,247 4,903 302 904 696 846 9,580 546 470 805 374 413 918 658 353 362 444 363 349 831 432 414 259 239 388 431 531 1,87,081 3,372 2,820 2,482 2,787 6,096 4,785 4,685 4,101 3,484 4,595 4,334 2,089 4,604 6,516 3,964 4,183 2,866 2,640 2,708 2,582 2,099 2,035 2,593 2,312 2,910 2,856 3,418 2,900 2,160 2,957 4,148 4,489 5,967 2,721 2,515 884 690 837 9,197 550 464 753 363 392 850 585 358 327 397 337 335 764 434 410 264 243 373 457 541 1,72,402 3,101 2,663 2,436 2,660 5,307 4,175 3,984 3,637 3,002 4,054 3,605 1,912 3,932 5,826 3,892 3,924 2,913 2,696 2,596 2,496 1,932 1,950 2,199 2,241 2,739 2,685 3,198 2,747 2,008 2,817 3,847 4,226 5,433 2,526 2,388 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 263 224 234 2,480 157 123 202 97 120 267 151 71 71 94 65 83 228 119 129 44 64 94 150 151 46,812 933 836 659 745 1,758 1,184 1,229 901 910 1,235 1,122 523 1,189 1,553 1,163 1,336 697 520 474 537 382 388 483 481 776 669 694 742 413 684 1,057 1,010 1,527 646 587 147 118 112 1,320 91 77 102 47 59 138 81 38 38 46 39 45 115 58 71 20 39 61 71 84 24,650 493 430 357 411 970 591 619 464 478 633 593 276 668 772 596 697 370 256 248 288 201 219 259 265 418 351 389 366 217 334 558 545 813 342 314 116 106 122 1,160 66 46 100 50 61 129 70 33 33 48 26 38 113 61 58 24 25 33 79 67 22,162 440 406 302 334 788 593 610 437 432 602 529 247 521 781 567 639 327 264 226 249 181 169 224 216 358 318 305 376 196 350 499 465 714 304 273 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 651 67 113 4,523 191 325 227 29 48 612 103 2 63 218 10 309 366 241 45 34 227 80 442 951 47,692 732 665 156 1,408 1,072 778 952 273 1,248 842 333 117 1,160 470 5,171 1,335 821 64 30 412 48 112 389 514 472 788 168 108 32 151 304 880 1,579 575 2,057 324 39 56 2,279 92 162 112 16 24 318 50 1 36 117 7 149 195 121 22 15 112 39 217 474 24,510 372 334 66 733 557 402 512 147 665 431 182 58 638 240 2,541 675 420 34 21 216 24 57 213 265 236 411 88 51 20 84 159 451 848 288 1,057 327 28 57 2,244 99 163 115 13 24 294 53 1 27 101 3 160 171 120 23 19 115 41 225 477 23,182 360 331 90 675 515 376 440 126 583 411 151 59 522 230 2,630 660 401 30 9 196 24 55 176 249 236 377 80 57 12 67 145 429 731 287 1,000 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 18 310 216 453 83 1 187 4 4 10 35 51 2 2 74 4,488 186 102 27 14 364 160 106 39 31 87 41 117 247 135 225 173 36 32 2 6 14 49 27 45 81 45 30 8 34 52 191 3 9 151 105 229 45 1 89 1 3 5 17 30 1 1 36 2,393 105 50 14 11 195 79 60 21 19 45 24 67 126 72 127 79 20 18 1 3 7 39 15 22 40 23 16 4 17 29 113 3 9 159 111 224 38 98 3 1 5 18 21 1 1 38 2,095 81 52 13 3 169 81 46 18 12 42 17 50 121 63 98 94 16 14 1 3 7 10 12 23 41 22 14 4 17 23 78 303 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 Females 19 1,204 599 1,004 12,481 576 570 1,062 528 579 1,112 949 590 526 625 560 468 918 570 534 403 330 560 446 575 2,57,030 3,778 3,366 3,055 3,273 6,942 6,798 5,969 6,370 4,592 6,459 6,004 3,236 6,205 9,515 4,788 4,256 4,097 4,586 4,623 4,098 3,437 3,299 3,816 3,560 4,111 4,161 5,364 3,879 3,345 4,214 5,871 6,863 7,104 3,677 3,467 661 394 599 7,339 366 338 619 309 326 666 534 307 304 367 311 276 603 333 310 225 184 314 276 371 1,45,483 2,346 2,071 1,822 1,946 4,228 3,895 3,641 3,493 2,720 3,762 3,546 1,756 3,563 5,359 2,729 2,594 2,174 2,298 2,396 2,170 1,831 1,755 2,141 1,913 2,285 2,256 2,868 2,276 1,838 2,378 3,260 3,624 4,214 2,092 1,992 543 205 405 5,142 210 232 443 219 253 446 415 283 222 258 249 192 315 237 224 178 146 246 170 204 1,11,547 1,432 1,295 1,233 1,327 2,714 2,903 2,328 2,877 1,872 2,697 2,458 1,480 2,642 4,156 2,059 1,662 1,923 2,288 2,227 1,928 1,606 1,544 1,675 1,647 1,826 1,905 2,496 1,603 1,507 1,836 2,611 3,239 2,890 1,585 1,475 Name of Town/ Ward 2 Ward No. 23 Ward No. 24 Ward No. 25 Gangapur (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Ward No. 16 Ward No. 17 Ward No. 18 Ward No. 19 Ward No. 20 Bhilwara (M Cl) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Ward No. 16 Ward No. 17 Ward No. 18 Ward No. 19 Ward No. 20 Ward No. 21 Ward No. 22 Ward No. 23 Ward No. 24 Ward No. 25 Ward No. 26 Ward No. 27 Ward No. 28 Ward No. 29 Ward No. 30 Ward No. 31 Ward No. 32 Ward No. 33 Ward No. 34 Ward No. 35 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA URBAN PRIMARY Location code number Name of Town/ Ward 1 2 0023 0024 0025 800591 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 800592 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 Ward No. 23 Ward No. 24 Ward No. 25 Gangapur (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Ward No. 16 Ward No. 17 Ward No. 18 Ward No. 19 Ward No. 20 Bhilwara (M Cl) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Ward No. 16 Ward No. 17 Ward No. 18 Ward No. 19 Ward No. 20 Ward No. 21 Ward No. 22 Ward No. 23 Ward No. 24 Ward No. 25 Ward No. 26 Ward No. 27 Ward No. 28 Ward No. 29 Ward No. 30 Ward No. 31 Ward No. 32 Ward No. 33 Ward No. 34 Ward No. 35 Persons 20 584 787 679 6,296 520 364 496 209 226 656 294 121 163 216 140 216 677 296 290 120 152 201 442 497 1,02,453 2,695 2,117 1,863 2,174 4,461 2,162 2,700 1,368 1,894 2,190 1,935 765 2,331 2,827 3,068 3,851 1,682 750 681 980 594 686 976 993 1,538 1,380 1,252 1,768 823 1,560 2,124 1,852 4,296 1,570 1,436 Illiterates Males Females 21 22 243 302 247 2,241 180 132 186 65 87 252 124 46 58 77 52 73 228 99 104 34 55 74 155 160 41,598 1,026 749 660 841 1,868 890 1,044 608 764 833 788 333 1,041 1,157 1,235 1,589 692 342 312 412 268 280 452 399 625 600 550 624 322 579 888 865 1,753 629 523 341 485 432 4,055 340 232 310 144 139 404 170 75 105 139 88 143 449 197 186 86 97 127 287 337 60,855 1,669 1,368 1,203 1,333 2,593 1,272 1,656 760 1,130 1,357 1,147 432 1,290 1,670 1,833 2,262 990 408 369 568 326 406 524 594 913 780 702 1,144 501 981 1,236 987 2,543 941 913 304 Total workers Persons Males Females 23 24 25 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 542 676 534 7,265 427 425 561 246 307 584 496 229 271 279 338 260 662 476 316 166 158 262 345 457 1,26,575 2,520 2,229 2,041 2,211 3,890 3,248 3,230 2,905 2,412 3,000 2,865 1,285 3,017 4,117 2,764 3,036 2,235 1,760 1,745 1,766 1,360 1,441 1,657 1,625 1,747 1,851 2,219 1,981 1,357 1,891 2,694 2,942 3,906 1,743 1,784 478 491 498 5,630 323 141 431 225 282 511 474 224 257 251 153 208 503 426 78 164 137 175 324 343 1,15,095 2,276 1,696 1,478 1,396 3,367 2,900 2,873 2,771 2,231 2,657 2,666 1,159 2,485 3,761 2,437 2,694 1,853 1,691 1,576 1,612 1,263 1,212 1,497 1,372 1,680 1,755 2,139 1,881 1,282 1,750 2,503 2,853 3,615 1,602 1,540 450 360 428 5,261 318 250 430 198 235 472 365 207 194 247 208 192 471 249 226 144 127 224 231 273 1,02,032 1,848 1,557 1,351 1,468 3,230 2,740 2,705 2,436 2,010 2,587 2,485 1,144 2,472 3,537 2,059 2,273 1,603 1,502 1,494 1,516 1,174 1,202 1,475 1,284 1,517 1,515 1,824 1,621 1,222 1,633 2,283 2,435 3,139 1,459 1,396 92 316 106 2,004 109 175 131 48 72 112 131 22 77 32 130 68 191 227 90 22 31 38 114 184 24,543 672 672 690 743 660 508 525 469 402 413 380 141 545 580 705 763 632 258 251 250 186 239 182 341 230 336 395 360 135 258 411 507 767 284 388 412 307 409 4,463 240 124 359 198 227 442 358 203 189 231 139 168 383 234 72 142 124 151 230 249 95,574 1,739 1,294 1,081 1,134 2,881 2,514 2,481 2,348 1,897 2,352 2,350 1,040 2,169 3,281 1,837 2,118 1,407 1,463 1,368 1,420 1,104 1,043 1,337 1,119 1,474 1,458 1,770 1,561 1,154 1,539 2,146 2,389 3,042 1,381 1,269 66 184 89 1,167 83 17 72 27 55 69 116 21 68 20 14 40 120 192 6 22 13 24 94 94 19,521 537 402 397 262 486 386 392 423 334 305 316 119 316 480 600 576 446 228 208 192 159 169 160 253 206 297 369 320 128 211 357 464 573 221 271 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Town/ Ward 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 95 319 69 395 106 1 30 19 18 23 49 22 4 33 35 6 3 1 26 19 3,042 393 96 130 148 61 43 24 9 16 17 29 7 26 15 95 4 3 3 4 1 10 5 28 9 7 74 3 3 1 362 7 12 80 160 40 261 102 22 8 16 7 9 22 4 24 12 5 3 18 9 1,839 148 56 63 95 40 16 13 9 8 14 25 6 20 12 76 4 2 3 3 10 4 20 9 5 51 2 3 1 301 1 9 15 159 29 134 4 1 8 11 2 16 40 9 23 1 1 8 10 1,203 245 40 67 53 21 27 11 8 3 4 1 6 3 19 1 1 1 1 8 2 23 1 61 6 3 70 3 10 201 1 5 10 5 8 6 14 3 3 1 62 7 3 47 24 2 1,734 68 41 73 23 17 11 20 9 14 23 8 5 28 16 18 266 32 6 9 11 10 10 13 15 5 10 4 14 8 19 4 55 13 5 59 1 8 96 2 7 2 7 2 8 3 3 19 2 39 2 1,074 52 15 19 14 12 4 16 7 11 21 5 4 18 13 10 159 20 6 7 9 8 7 13 11 3 7 3 11 7 18 4 38 12 4 11 2 2 105 1 3 3 3 1 4 6 1 43 5 3 8 22 2 660 16 26 54 9 5 7 4 2 3 2 3 1 10 3 8 107 12 2 2 2 3 4 2 3 1 3 1 1 17 1 1 27 13 15 523 46 12 11 6 24 168 18 25 3 21 41 12 19 9 14 9 17 42 1 25 4,515 100 92 96 37 51 105 109 107 45 148 42 16 126 116 26 74 87 16 36 72 59 103 45 169 85 79 91 26 64 111 151 74 193 99 180 24 7 13 416 22 9 7 3 13 147 10 22 1 20 41 7 11 6 13 7 17 38 1 21 3,533 87 77 49 28 30 88 87 86 39 121 35 12 114 78 17 53 68 15 28 61 56 86 39 146 72 62 66 18 61 83 108 58 145 79 124 305 3 6 2 107 24 3 4 3 11 21 8 3 2 1 5 8 3 1 2 4 4 982 13 15 47 9 21 17 22 21 6 27 7 4 12 38 9 21 19 1 8 11 3 17 6 23 13 17 25 8 3 28 43 16 48 20 56 286 156 404 4,511 170 129 414 179 234 317 427 199 191 205 105 195 389 375 58 152 70 132 273 297 1,05,804 1,715 1,467 1,179 1,188 3,238 2,741 2,720 2,646 2,156 2,469 2,587 1,138 2,324 3,603 2,378 2,259 1,730 1,666 1,531 1,526 1,190 1,098 1,429 1,183 1,562 1,657 2,037 1,767 1,218 1,628 2,330 2,774 3,005 1,483 1,343 249 139 348 3,690 116 115 350 166 204 272 339 181 171 186 91 161 329 214 54 135 65 113 209 219 89,128 1,452 1,146 950 997 2,799 2,406 2,365 2,246 1,839 2,196 2,285 1,024 2,031 3,170 1,798 1,830 1,315 1,440 1,333 1,347 1,037 950 1,275 958 1,379 1,380 1,696 1,481 1,093 1,447 2,017 2,326 2,558 1,289 1,132 37 17 56 821 54 14 64 13 30 45 88 18 20 19 14 34 60 161 4 17 5 19 64 78 16,676 263 321 229 191 439 335 355 400 317 273 302 114 293 433 580 429 415 226 198 179 153 148 154 225 183 277 341 286 125 181 313 448 447 194 211 Ward No. 23 Ward No. 24 Ward No. 25 Gangapur (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Ward No. 16 Ward No. 17 Ward No. 18 Ward No. 19 Ward No. 20 Bhilwara (M Cl) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Ward No. 16 Ward No. 17 Ward No. 18 Ward No. 19 Ward No. 20 Ward No. 21 Ward No. 22 Ward No. 23 Ward No. 24 Ward No. 25 Ward No. 26 Ward No. 27 Ward No. 28 Ward No. 29 Ward No. 30 Ward No. 31 Ward No. 32 Ward No. 33 Ward No. 34 Ward No. 35 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA URBAN PRIMARY Industrial category Location code number 1 0023 0024 0025 800591 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 800592 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 Name of Town/ Ward 2 Ward No. 23 Ward No. 24 Ward No. 25 Gangapur (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Ward No. 16 Ward No. 17 Ward No. 18 Ward No. 19 Ward No. 20 Bhilwara (M Cl) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Ward No. 16 Ward No. 17 Ward No. 18 Ward No. 19 Ward No. 20 Ward No. 21 Ward No. 22 Ward No. 23 Ward No. 24 Ward No. 25 Ward No. 26 Ward No. 27 Ward No. 28 Ward No. 29 Ward No. 30 Ward No. 31 Ward No. 32 Ward No. 33 Ward No. 34 Ward No. 35 Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 64 185 36 1,635 104 284 130 21 25 73 22 5 14 28 185 52 159 50 238 2 21 87 21 114 11,480 244 533 563 815 523 348 357 134 181 343 199 126 532 356 327 342 382 69 169 154 97 229 160 253 67 96 80 100 75 141 191 89 291 141 244 38 53 19 798 78 126 71 8 30 7 4 5 16 69 24 88 15 154 2 3 73 1 24 6,458 109 263 270 334 349 226 224 88 113 235 135 104 303 256 222 155 196 39 126 96 70 159 138 165 43 57 54 60 68 94 137 46 97 78 127 26 132 17 837 26 158 59 21 17 43 15 1 9 12 116 28 71 35 84 18 14 20 90 5,022 135 270 293 481 174 122 133 46 68 108 64 22 229 100 105 187 186 30 43 58 27 70 22 88 24 39 26 40 7 47 54 43 194 63 117 306 Persons 44 25 22 1 370 18 168 58 2 5 7 1 2 17 5 9 3 56 6 5 8 709 27 70 142 259 10 21 5 2 6 5 3 3 10 3 14 3 3 7 9 11 3 5 3 6 5 2 Cultivators Agricultural labourers Males Females Persons Males Females 45 46 47 48 49 13 10 1 169 18 73 27 2 1 6 1 6 2 28 5 225 3 23 57 59 6 3 1 2 1 3 3 7 4 3 3 5 8 4 1 3 2 4 3 2 12 12 201 95 31 2 5 5 1 1 11 4 3 1 28 1 5 8 484 24 47 85 200 4 18 4 5 2 3 3 3 10 2 1 7 2 2 1 2 2 - 13 26 2 279 54 5 6 4 18 1 7 7 94 9 23 7 19 15 1 2 7 616 49 114 75 83 1 12 9 2 4 6 1 7 5 6 13 13 2 1 6 2 1 1 11 15 3 3 7 7 8 2 40 7 2 3 1 3 9 2 6 5 1 1 177 15 19 11 25 6 1 1 3 3 3 5 2 8 1 1 3 1 1 7 11 2 5 6 18 239 47 3 6 4 15 1 6 4 85 7 17 7 14 14 2 7 439 34 95 64 58 1 12 3 1 3 3 1 4 2 1 11 5 1 3 1 1 4 4 1 3 2 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT of marginal workers Household industry workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 50 51 52 53 54 55 1 75 156 14 14 3 12 7 4 1 47 1 24 3 12 4 9 1 734 27 21 44 32 17 7 13 9 13 23 4 3 36 21 10 44 21 8 9 20 3 13 8 30 2 3 3 6 8 3 9 8 12 23 27 10 76 9 6 1 4 3 32 10 4 1 5 1 342 7 13 14 21 6 6 8 5 3 17 2 1 19 11 5 22 4 3 8 12 3 6 4 18 3 2 2 8 1 4 3 3 15 11 1 65 80 5 8 2 12 3 1 1 15 1 14 3 8 3 4 392 20 8 30 11 11 1 5 4 10 6 2 2 17 10 5 22 17 5 1 8 7 4 12 2 1 4 2 5 5 9 8 16 25 62 33 830 72 48 64 1 16 41 16 5 7 18 27 37 103 37 151 2 2 71 14 98 9,421 141 328 302 441 495 308 330 121 158 309 194 120 486 320 308 271 345 61 155 134 94 216 144 208 52 93 73 88 67 127 164 78 270 113 208 18 25 16 513 51 40 41 8 21 4 4 4 12 22 21 66 13 117 2 1 62 1 23 5,714 84 208 188 229 337 217 209 80 108 212 133 100 281 235 212 127 181 36 114 84 67 153 128 136 38 54 51 54 60 86 120 41 90 60 109 7 37 17 317 21 8 23 1 8 20 12 1 3 6 5 16 37 24 34 1 9 13 75 3,707 57 120 114 212 158 91 121 41 50 97 61 20 205 85 96 144 164 25 41 50 27 63 16 72 14 39 22 34 7 41 44 37 180 53 99 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 1,246 710 1,149 11,512 669 509 997 491 498 1,184 747 482 418 562 362 424 933 390 508 357 324 499 543 615 2,32,908 3,953 3,254 2,877 3,236 7,513 5,712 5,439 4,833 4,074 5,649 5,074 2,716 5,519 8,225 5,092 5,071 3,544 3,576 3,559 3,312 2,671 2,544 3,135 2,928 3,902 3,690 4,397 3,666 2,811 3,883 5,301 5,773 7,494 3,504 3,119 307 454 336 418 4,319 228 220 375 176 178 446 293 146 168 197 155 157 360 183 188 115 112 164 200 258 85,049 1,524 1,263 1,131 1,319 2,866 2,045 1,980 1,665 1,474 2,008 1,849 945 2,132 2,979 1,905 1,910 1,263 1,138 1,214 1,066 925 833 1,118 1,028 1,393 1,341 1,594 1,279 938 1,324 1,865 2,054 2,828 1,262 1,119 792 374 731 7,193 441 289 622 315 320 738 454 336 250 365 207 267 573 207 320 242 212 335 343 357 1,47,859 2,429 1,991 1,746 1,917 4,647 3,667 3,459 3,168 2,600 3,641 3,225 1,771 3,387 5,246 3,187 3,161 2,281 2,438 2,345 2,246 1,746 1,711 2,017 1,900 2,509 2,349 2,803 2,387 1,873 2,559 3,436 3,719 4,666 2,242 2,000 Name of Town/ Ward 2 Ward No. 23 Ward No. 24 Ward No. 25 Gangapur (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Ward No. 16 Ward No. 17 Ward No. 18 Ward No. 19 Ward No. 20 Bhilwara (M Cl) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Ward No. 16 Ward No. 17 Ward No. 18 Ward No. 19 Ward No. 20 Ward No. 21 Ward No. 22 Ward No. 23 Ward No. 24 Ward No. 25 Ward No. 26 Ward No. 27 Ward No. 28 Ward No. 29 Ward No. 30 Ward No. 31 Ward No. 32 Ward No. 33 Ward No. 34 Ward No. 35 Location code number 1 0023 0024 0025 800591 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 800592 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA URBAN PRIMARY Location code number 1 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 0050 095665 0001 800593 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 800594 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 096393 0001 Name of Town/ Ward 2 Ward No. 36 Ward No. 37 Ward No. 38 Ward No. 39 Ward No. 40 Ward No. 41 Ward No. 42 Ward No. 43 Ward No. 44 Ward No. 45 Ward No. 46 Ward No. 47 Ward No. 48 Ward No. 49 Ward No. 50 Hameer Garh (CT) Ward No. 1 Jahazpur (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Ward No. 16 Ward No. 17 Ward No. 18 Ward No. 19 Ward No. 20 Mandalgarh (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) Ward No. 1 Area in Square Kilometr e 3 17.56 5.00 84.00 13.60 Number of households 4 1,135 1,226 1,394 1,833 2,513 1,645 999 2,363 1,623 1,449 1,881 2,709 2,846 1,059 1,456 2,506 2,506 3,864 216 223 294 120 165 167 162 190 163 135 160 219 153 167 138 200 311 156 199 326 2,817 259 214 206 246 250 242 157 157 142 135 136 216 154 168 135 2,930 2,930 Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Persons Males Females 5 6 7 5,476 6,529 7,177 8,835 11,885 8,121 5,083 10,927 7,616 7,010 9,142 12,186 13,613 5,557 6,806 11,678 11,678 20,586 1,179 1,167 1,528 668 875 919 916 965 855 760 795 1,064 858 1,198 797 1,263 1,523 768 1,005 1,483 13,844 1,326 1,036 947 1,115 1,173 1,165 773 733 678 663 676 1,005 938 923 693 14,140 14,140 308 2,794 3,325 3,716 4,570 6,148 4,173 2,596 5,622 3,879 3,601 4,779 6,495 7,163 2,865 3,582 5,891 5,891 10,538 617 623 820 333 442 463 468 486 435 377 401 541 435 611 407 635 759 380 512 793 7,048 658 560 510 599 590 568 392 387 341 341 359 487 460 458 338 7,215 7,215 2,682 3,204 3,461 4,265 5,737 3,948 2,487 5,305 3,737 3,409 4,363 5,691 6,450 2,692 3,224 5,787 5,787 10,048 562 544 708 335 433 456 448 479 420 383 394 523 423 587 390 628 764 388 493 690 6,796 668 476 437 516 583 597 381 346 337 322 317 518 478 465 355 6,925 6,925 Population in the age-group 0-6 Persons Males Females 8 9 10 728 880 937 1,225 1,556 1,288 629 1,116 818 734 1,213 1,802 2,015 855 973 1,630 1,630 2,804 173 159 213 95 118 94 100 129 146 101 115 155 99 153 108 194 197 104 137 214 1,896 145 125 144 193 183 169 91 87 71 84 97 175 140 127 65 1,834 1,834 375 459 499 645 799 651 334 590 451 396 648 952 1,092 434 524 826 826 1,482 90 83 120 49 65 42 51 73 78 47 61 82 46 85 54 94 99 57 79 127 998 67 76 83 105 96 77 42 53 33 47 57 83 72 76 31 943 943 353 421 438 580 757 637 295 526 367 338 565 850 923 421 449 804 804 1,322 83 76 93 46 53 52 49 56 68 54 54 73 53 68 54 100 98 47 58 87 898 78 49 61 88 87 92 49 34 38 37 40 92 68 51 34 891 891 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Scheduled Castes population Persons Males Females 11 12 13 4,492 1,313 151 462 3,163 3,013 755 359 1,099 590 1,514 1,792 1,227 272 1,274 2,579 2,579 2,840 19 138 421 294 45 4 252 167 49 521 584 12 37 133 76 88 2,619 262 56 251 307 321 488 47 181 17 89 106 419 12 12 51 3,165 3,165 2,296 648 81 246 1,610 1,518 380 192 579 298 784 953 637 141 651 1,329 1,329 1,406 9 69 204 145 21 3 120 84 21 267 293 5 17 58 43 47 1,334 132 31 130 170 163 233 22 97 10 51 58 197 6 7 27 1,618 1,618 2,196 665 70 216 1,553 1,495 375 167 520 292 730 839 590 131 623 1,250 1,250 1,434 10 69 217 149 24 1 132 83 28 254 291 7 20 75 33 41 1,285 130 25 121 137 158 255 25 84 7 38 48 222 6 5 24 1,547 1,547 Scheduled Tribes population Persons Males Females 14 15 16 16 16 13 35 106 403 5 123 34 49 73 493 321 41 51 68 68 5,653 458 425 243 87 22 11 3 4 151 3 115 1,157 759 843 1,372 402 57 27 42 241 14 9 3 2 7 762 762 12 8 5 15 60 201 3 62 16 22 36 274 170 18 27 31 31 2,968 247 233 159 46 14 4 1 2 83 2 59 582 377 424 735 218 31 18 24 125 7 6 2 2 3 380 380 4 8 8 20 46 202 2 61 18 27 37 219 151 23 24 37 37 2,685 211 192 84 41 8 7 2 2 68 1 56 575 382 419 637 184 26 9 18 116 7 3 1 4 382 382 309 Persons 17 Literates Males 18 Females 19 3,347 4,657 5,434 6,417 8,376 4,192 3,276 8,928 6,190 5,804 6,840 8,120 9,249 3,644 4,378 7,808 7,808 13,442 689 714 962 457 636 704 784 567 418 545 530 639 710 904 570 726 1,010 424 571 882 8,761 993 840 361 530 740 534 528 476 503 475 411 648 614 613 495 9,722 9,722 2,108 2,630 2,953 3,597 4,777 2,656 1,941 4,622 3,214 3,063 3,826 4,839 5,345 2,104 2,576 4,522 4,522 7,949 451 454 597 258 347 390 406 345 268 300 317 396 379 502 332 437 573 264 380 553 5,147 533 470 267 348 420 346 301 292 291 275 269 362 353 349 271 5,527 5,527 1,239 2,027 2,481 2,820 3,599 1,536 1,335 4,306 2,976 2,741 3,014 3,281 3,904 1,540 1,802 3,286 3,286 5,493 238 260 365 199 289 314 378 222 150 245 213 243 331 402 238 289 437 160 191 329 3,614 460 370 94 182 320 188 227 184 212 200 142 286 261 264 224 4,195 4,195 Name of Town/ Ward 2 Ward No. 36 Ward No. 37 Ward No. 38 Ward No. 39 Ward No. 40 Ward No. 41 Ward No. 42 Ward No. 43 Ward No. 44 Ward No. 45 Ward No. 46 Ward No. 47 Ward No. 48 Ward No. 49 Ward No. 50 Hameer Garh (CT) Ward No. 1 Jahazpur (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Ward No. 16 Ward No. 17 Ward No. 18 Ward No. 19 Ward No. 20 Mandalgarh (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) Ward No. 1 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA URBAN PRIMARY Location code number Name of Town/ Ward 1 2 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 0050 095665 0001 800593 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 800594 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 096393 0001 Ward No. 36 Ward No. 37 Ward No. 38 Ward No. 39 Ward No. 40 Ward No. 41 Ward No. 42 Ward No. 43 Ward No. 44 Ward No. 45 Ward No. 46 Ward No. 47 Ward No. 48 Ward No. 49 Ward No. 50 Hameer Garh (CT) Ward No. 1 Jahazpur (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Ward No. 16 Ward No. 17 Ward No. 18 Ward No. 19 Ward No. 20 Mandalgarh (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) Ward No. 1 Persons 20 2,129 1,872 1,743 2,418 3,509 3,929 1,807 1,999 1,426 1,206 2,302 4,066 4,364 1,913 2,428 3,870 3,870 7,144 490 453 566 211 239 215 132 398 437 215 265 425 148 294 227 537 513 344 434 601 5,083 333 196 586 585 433 631 245 257 175 188 265 357 324 310 198 4,418 4,418 Illiterates Males Females 21 22 686 695 763 973 1,371 1,517 655 1,000 665 538 953 1,656 1,818 761 1,006 1,369 1,369 2,589 166 169 223 75 95 73 62 141 167 77 84 145 56 109 75 198 186 116 132 240 1,901 125 90 243 251 170 222 91 95 50 66 90 125 107 109 67 1,688 1,688 1,443 1,177 980 1,445 2,138 2,412 1,152 999 761 668 1,349 2,410 2,546 1,152 1,422 2,501 2,501 4,555 324 284 343 136 144 142 70 257 270 138 181 280 92 185 152 339 327 228 302 361 3,182 208 106 343 334 263 409 154 162 125 122 175 232 217 201 131 2,730 2,730 310 Total workers Persons Males Females 23 24 25 2,103 2,118 2,510 3,061 4,086 3,219 2,237 3,911 2,627 2,329 3,335 4,254 4,155 1,844 2,312 4,724 4,724 7,251 592 538 423 217 271 281 275 239 387 288 232 358 289 390 244 434 471 284 268 770 5,207 423 355 486 408 419 576 300 225 324 227 289 424 299 255 197 5,100 5,100 1,419 1,752 2,033 2,429 3,205 2,253 1,433 3,127 2,085 1,850 2,586 3,463 3,640 1,589 1,972 3,299 3,299 5,274 313 314 373 164 226 246 238 197 238 198 210 277 250 327 204 320 345 176 242 416 3,758 318 307 275 305 339 353 211 187 221 168 188 271 226 228 161 3,932 3,932 684 366 477 632 881 966 804 784 542 479 749 791 515 255 340 1,425 1,425 1,977 279 224 50 53 45 35 37 42 149 90 22 81 39 63 40 114 126 108 26 354 1,449 105 48 211 103 80 223 89 38 103 59 101 153 73 27 36 1,168 1,168 Main workers Persons Males Females 26 27 28 1,991 1,948 2,350 2,948 3,823 3,004 2,018 3,736 2,590 2,254 3,019 4,057 3,918 1,825 2,091 4,029 4,029 5,701 433 264 370 152 160 250 256 213 300 170 229 329 280 329 186 348 355 164 202 711 4,125 375 348 194 299 417 570 282 189 208 221 109 312 224 182 195 4,487 4,487 1,372 1,654 1,974 2,376 3,057 2,188 1,390 3,039 2,067 1,820 2,436 3,382 3,464 1,580 1,815 3,027 3,027 4,480 210 245 329 120 144 219 219 186 193 145 208 266 242 285 174 251 306 156 195 387 3,191 283 302 166 221 338 351 199 165 162 164 103 212 190 176 159 3,709 3,709 619 294 376 572 766 816 628 697 523 434 583 675 454 245 276 1,002 1,002 1,221 223 19 41 32 16 31 37 27 107 25 21 63 38 44 12 97 49 8 7 324 934 92 46 28 78 79 219 83 24 46 57 6 100 34 6 36 778 778 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Town/ Ward 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 16 18 44 18 157 541 368 1 5 28 71 40 20 46 24 531 531 1,527 272 92 74 1 1 26 1 22 37 29 24 14 5 13 9 129 99 120 559 717 19 2 43 140 58 314 38 15 14 30 16 4 5 19 222 222 14 8 35 14 108 276 194 1 5 22 59 27 17 12 18 235 235 1,022 102 90 72 1 1 23 1 18 18 19 23 3 4 10 7 117 96 119 298 410 12 1 39 85 38 150 16 15 9 11 14 3 4 13 129 129 2 10 9 4 49 265 174 6 12 13 3 34 6 296 296 505 170 2 2 3 4 19 10 1 11 1 3 2 12 3 1 261 307 7 1 4 55 20 164 22 5 19 2 1 1 6 93 93 232 3 12 21 42 294 61 21 9 25 7 29 65 30 70 70 314 22 29 6 7 15 44 10 1 84 1 9 20 8 1 9 48 247 53 24 6 9 2 10 3 4 19 4 110 1 2 71 71 146 2 7 15 28 156 30 19 8 19 6 19 25 26 24 24 228 10 28 5 5 15 29 6 72 1 9 12 6 9 21 144 37 20 2 7 1 6 2 14 4 48 1 2 40 40 86 1 5 6 14 138 31 2 1 6 1 10 40 4 46 46 86 12 1 1 2 15 4 1 12 8 2 1 27 103 16 4 4 2 1 4 1 4 5 62 31 31 101 155 58 70 102 70 117 237 38 114 157 29 178 27 32 157 157 95 6 6 2 1 1 13 8 37 3 2 6 2 8 179 22 11 2 21 11 30 2 21 4 1 47 5 2 74 74 78 115 47 53 62 46 61 223 23 104 128 22 151 18 26 102 102 67 5 4 1 7 8 27 2 1 6 1 5 109 20 7 1 10 6 8 2 16 3 1 31 2 2 58 58 311 23 40 11 17 40 24 56 14 15 10 29 7 27 9 6 55 55 28 1 2 1 1 1 6 10 1 1 1 3 70 2 4 1 11 5 22 5 1 16 3 16 16 1,642 1,772 2,236 2,839 3,522 2,099 1,472 3,477 2,547 2,103 2,766 3,981 3,691 1,687 2,005 3,271 3,271 3,765 139 137 284 151 150 223 255 175 206 123 204 194 272 313 171 319 216 64 73 96 2,982 281 346 116 151 329 243 204 169 169 168 88 151 213 180 174 4,120 4,120 1,134 1,529 1,885 2,294 2,859 1,710 1,105 2,796 2,039 1,686 2,230 3,327 3,277 1,525 1,745 2,666 2,666 3,163 98 122 248 119 137 196 218 153 139 112 185 164 236 273 159 232 182 60 67 63 2,528 214 301 100 133 283 194 169 146 137 136 84 130 183 174 144 3,482 3,482 508 243 351 545 663 389 367 681 508 417 536 654 414 162 260 605 605 602 41 15 36 32 13 27 37 22 67 11 19 30 36 40 12 87 34 4 6 33 454 67 45 16 18 46 49 35 23 32 32 4 21 30 6 30 638 638 Ward No. 36 Ward No. 37 Ward No. 38 Ward No. 39 Ward No. 40 Ward No. 41 Ward No. 42 Ward No. 43 Ward No. 44 Ward No. 45 Ward No. 46 Ward No. 47 Ward No. 48 Ward No. 49 Ward No. 50 Hameer Garh (CT) Ward No. 1 Jahazpur (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Ward No. 16 Ward No. 17 Ward No. 18 Ward No. 19 Ward No. 20 Mandalgarh (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) Ward No. 1 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK : BHILWARA URBAN PRIMARY Industrial category Location code number 1 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 0050 095665 0001 800593 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 800594 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 096393 0001 Name of Town/ Ward 2 Ward No. 36 Ward No. 37 Ward No. 38 Ward No. 39 Ward No. 40 Ward No. 41 Ward No. 42 Ward No. 43 Ward No. 44 Ward No. 45 Ward No. 46 Ward No. 47 Ward No. 48 Ward No. 49 Ward No. 50 Hameer Garh (CT) Ward No. 1 Jahazpur (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Ward No. 16 Ward No. 17 Ward No. 18 Ward No. 19 Ward No. 20 Mandalgarh (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) Ward No. 1 Marginal workers Persons Males Females 41 42 43 112 170 160 113 263 215 219 175 37 75 316 197 237 19 221 695 695 1,550 159 274 53 65 111 31 19 26 87 118 3 29 9 61 58 86 116 120 66 59 1,082 48 7 292 109 2 6 18 36 116 6 180 112 75 73 2 613 613 47 98 59 53 148 65 43 88 18 30 150 81 176 9 157 272 272 794 103 69 44 44 82 27 19 11 45 53 2 11 8 42 30 69 39 20 47 29 567 35 5 109 84 1 2 12 22 59 4 85 59 36 52 2 223 223 65 72 101 60 115 150 176 87 19 45 166 116 61 10 64 423 423 756 56 205 9 21 29 4 15 42 65 1 18 1 19 28 17 77 100 19 30 515 13 2 183 25 1 4 6 14 57 2 95 53 39 21 390 390 312 Persons 44 1 7 2 9 4 25 3 8 3 5 1 4 200 200 97 4 6 1 4 25 2 2 1 2 7 1 42 123 5 52 11 4 1 1 45 2 2 15 15 Cultivators Agricultural labourers Males Females Persons Males Females 45 46 47 48 49 - 1 - 5 2 2 2 1 2 1 65 65 45 1 3 1 3 5 2 1 2 6 1 20 35 4 11 4 2 10 2 2 4 4 7 2 4 4 23 1 6 2 3 1 3 135 135 52 3 3 1 20 2 1 22 88 1 41 7 2 1 1 35 11 11 2 5 6 1 26 30 43 2 1 5 13 14 5 11 122 122 732 148 233 1 5 4 5 53 63 6 8 1 88 96 13 8 234 11 164 19 1 2 1 1 29 5 1 45 45 1 2 1 1 10 5 1 1 5 4 3 9 24 24 242 96 47 1 2 2 26 28 1 7 16 2 12 2 107 9 58 16 1 1 1 18 2 1 3 3 1 3 5 16 25 43 1 5 8 10 2 2 98 98 490 52 186 1 4 2 3 27 35 5 1 1 72 94 1 6 127 2 106 3 2 11 3 42 42 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT of marginal workers Household industry workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 50 51 52 53 54 55 13 19 16 4 10 22 28 5 3 8 37 6 7 2 14 47 47 47 8 5 1 1 2 1 25 4 98 3 7 5 2 10 24 12 26 9 42 42 2 8 3 1 5 5 3 4 1 2 19 1 5 13 21 21 16 3 2 2 1 7 1 28 3 1 3 4 2 6 3 6 7 7 11 11 13 3 5 17 25 1 2 6 18 5 2 2 1 26 26 31 5 3 1 1 18 3 70 6 2 2 6 22 6 23 3 35 35 96 146 131 106 218 159 123 168 33 59 258 174 220 16 192 326 326 674 11 29 52 49 106 31 19 20 29 28 3 21 9 58 25 84 22 17 52 9 627 29 7 69 74 2 6 15 30 104 4 82 98 49 57 1 511 511 44 88 55 51 128 55 38 83 16 26 124 75 166 9 134 162 162 491 7 18 44 38 79 27 19 9 16 18 2 10 8 39 16 68 20 12 34 7 397 19 5 39 61 1 2 11 20 54 3 55 51 33 42 1 209 209 52 58 76 55 90 104 85 85 17 33 134 99 54 7 58 164 164 183 4 11 8 11 27 4 11 13 10 1 11 1 19 9 16 2 5 18 2 230 10 2 30 13 1 4 4 10 50 1 27 47 16 15 302 302 Non-workers Persons Males Females 56 57 58 3,373 4,411 4,667 5,774 7,799 4,902 2,846 7,016 4,989 4,681 5,807 7,932 9,458 3,713 4,494 6,954 6,954 13,335 587 629 1,105 451 604 638 641 726 468 472 563 706 569 808 553 829 1,052 484 737 713 8,637 903 681 461 707 754 589 473 508 354 436 387 581 639 668 496 9,040 9,040 313 1,375 1,573 1,683 2,141 2,943 1,920 1,163 2,495 1,794 1,751 2,193 3,032 3,523 1,276 1,610 2,592 2,592 5,264 304 309 447 169 216 217 230 289 197 179 191 264 185 284 203 315 414 204 270 377 3,290 340 253 235 294 251 215 181 200 120 173 171 216 234 230 177 3,283 3,283 1,998 2,838 2,984 3,633 4,856 2,982 1,683 4,521 3,195 2,930 3,614 4,900 5,935 2,437 2,884 4,362 4,362 8,071 283 320 658 282 388 421 411 437 271 293 372 442 384 524 350 514 638 280 467 336 5,347 563 428 226 413 503 374 292 308 234 263 216 365 405 438 319 5,757 5,757 Name of Town/ Ward 2 Ward No. 36 Ward No. 37 Ward No. 38 Ward No. 39 Ward No. 40 Ward No. 41 Ward No. 42 Ward No. 43 Ward No. 44 Ward No. 45 Ward No. 46 Ward No. 47 Ward No. 48 Ward No. 49 Ward No. 50 Hameer Garh (CT) Ward No. 1 Jahazpur (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Ward No. 16 Ward No. 17 Ward No. 18 Ward No. 19 Ward No. 20 Mandalgarh (M) Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 6 Ward No. 7 Ward No. 8 Ward No. 9 Ward No. 10 Ward No. 11 Ward No. 12 Ward No. 13 Ward No. 14 Ward No. 15 Beejoliya Kalan (CT) Ward No. 1 Location code number 1 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 0050 095665 0001 800593 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 800594 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 096393 0001 Section – II Tables based on Households Amenities and Assets (Rural /Urban) at District and Sub-District level Table -1: Households by Ownership Status and by Number of Dwelling rooms occupied in the District, 2011 Name of district Ownership status 1 Number of dwelling rooms 2 Owned Rented Others District - Total Bhilwara (08122) 3 No exclusive room Total 4 13,467 Total Rural 5 Urban 6 Number of households Scheduled Castes Total Rural Urban 7 8 9 Scheduled Tribes Total Rural Urban 10 11 12 12,101 1,366 2,553 2,318 235 1,879 1,833 46 One room 1,94,250 1,79,909 14,341 42,323 38,465 3,858 31,551 30,378 1,173 Two rooms 1,40,500 1,19,967 20,533 25,071 20,980 4,091 12,283 11,395 888 Three rooms 50,338 35,630 14,708 6,484 4,668 1,816 2,505 2,209 296 3+ rooms No exclusive room 51,834 31,838 19,996 4,675 2,854 1,821 1,662 1,355 307 404 7,163 702 147 70 77 52 30 22 One room 1,106 22,781 15,618 3,629 1,315 2,314 1,413 795 618 Two rooms 9,184 2,422 6,762 1,006 359 647 346 162 184 Three rooms 2,953 542 2,411 178 42 136 75 31 44 3+ rooms No exclusive room 1,833 440 1,393 121 38 83 37 14 23 408 329 79 61 50 11 69 56 13 One room 2,493 1,947 546 448 346 102 457 413 44 Two rooms 1,278 768 510 206 125 81 150 103 47 Three rooms 698 471 227 66 44 22 71 60 11 3+ rooms No exclusive room 474 304 170 55 30 25 26 17 9 14,981 12,834 2,147 2,761 2,438 323 2,000 1,919 81 One room 2,19,524 1,89,019 30,505 46,400 40,126 6,274 33,421 31,586 1,835 Two rooms 1,50,962 1,23,157 27,805 26,283 21,464 4,819 12,779 11,660 1,119 Three rooms 53,989 36,643 17,346 6,728 4,754 1,974 2,651 2,300 351 3+ rooms 54,141 32,582 21,559 4,851 2,922 1,929 1,725 1,386 339 Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets. 317 Table - 2 : Percentage distribution of Households living in Permanent, Sl. No. Name of Sub - District Permanent 1 2 3 Total Semi permanent Temporary 4 1 Sub-District - Asind (0812200627) 41,742 (78.22%) 2 Sub-District - Hurda (0812200628) 3 Sub-District - Shahpura (0812200629) 4 5 5 Permanent 6 6,662 (12.48%) 4,804 (9%) 39,037 (77.45%) 19,424 (71.88%) 3,087 (11.42%) 4,434 (16.41%) 14,436 (66.42%) 16,528 (39.66%) 15,287 (36.69%) 9,804 (23.53%) 11,853 (32.84%) Sub-District - Banera (0812200630) 15,354 (61.62%) 6,058 (24.31%) 3,428 (13.76%) 15,354 (61.62%) Sub-District - Mandal (0812200631) 39,049 (78.65%) 7,718 (15.55%) 2,722 (5.48%) 39,049 (78.65%) 6 Sub-District - Raipur (0812200632) 16,829 (82.77%) 2,392 (11.76%) 1,043 (5.13%) 16,829 (82.77%) 7 Sub-District - Sahara (0812200633) 20,951 (75.04%) 4,470 (16.01%) 2,457 (8.8%) 17,853 (73.16%) 8 Sub-District - Bhilwara (0812200634) 97,442 (88.26%) 8,734 (7.91%) 3,808 (3.45%) 27,552 (72.84%) 9 Sub-District - Kotri (0812200635) 20,100 (56.17%) 9,326 (26.06%) 6,208 (17.35%) 20,100 (56.17%) 10 Sub-District - Jahazpur (0812200636) 31,141 (66.97%) 10,720 (23.05%) 4,438 (9.54%) 27,861 (65.31%) 11 Sub-District - Mandalgarh (0812200637) 28,823 (76.53%) 7,002 (18.59%) 1,755 (4.66%) 26,362 (75.55%) 12 Sub-District - Beejoliya (0812200638) 16,644 (90.6%) 1,179 (6.42%) 517 (2.81%) 13,951 (89.78%) 364,027 (73.75%) 82,635 (16.74%) 45,418 (9.2%) 270,237 (68.55%) District - Bhilwara (08122) 1.Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets. Note : Permanent : Permanent houses refer to those houses whose walls & roofs are made of pucca materials, i.e., where burnt bricks, G.I. Sheets or other metal sheets, stone, cement, concrete is used for wall and tiles, slate, shingle, corrugated iron, zinc or other metal sheets, asbestos sheets, bricks, lime and stone and RBC/RCC concrete are used for roof. Semi Permanent : Semi permanent houses refer to those houses made of other types of materials. Temporary : Temporary houses refer to those houses having wall and roofs made of Kutcha materials, i.e., where, grass, leaves, reeds, bamboo, mud and unburnt bricks are used for the construction of walls and grass, leaves, reeds, bamboo thatch, mud, unburnt bricks and wood etc. are used for roofs. 318 Semi permanent and Temporary Houses , 2011 Rural Semi permanent Temporary 7 8 Permanent 9 Urban Semi permanent 10 Name of Sub-District Temporary 11 2 6,550 (12.99%) 4,681 (9.29%) 2,705 (91.48%) 112 (3.79%) 123 (4.16%) Sub-District - Asind (0812200627) 2,943 (13.54%) 4,331 (19.93%) 4,988 (94.36%) 144 (2.72%) 103 (1.95%) Sub-District - Hurda (0812200628) 14,760 (40.89%) 9,442 (26.16%) 4,675 (83.84%) 527 (9.45%) 362 (6.49%) Sub-District - Shahpura (0812200629) 6,058 (24.31%) 3,428 (13.76%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Banera (0812200630) 7,718 (15.55%) 2,722 (5.48%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Mandal (0812200631) 2,392 (11.76%) 1,043 (5.13%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Raipur (0812200632) 4,175 (17.11%) 2,337 (9.58%) 3,098 (88.11%) 295 (8.39%) 120 (3.41%) Sub-District - Sahara (0812200633) 6,845 (18.1%) 3,224 (8.52%) 69,890 (96.29%) 1,889 (2.6%) 9,326 (26.06%) 6,208 (17.35%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 10,344 (24.25%) 4,256 (9.98%) 3,280 (85.37%) 376 (9.79%) 6,843 (19.61%) 1,611 (4.62%) 2,461 (88.84%) 159 (5.74%) 1,068 (6.87%) 505 (3.25%) 2,693 (95.09%) 111 (3.92%) 79,022 (20.04%) 43,788 (11.11%) 93,790 (94.39%) 3,613 (3.64%) 319 584 (0.8%) Sub-District - Bhilwara (0812200634) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Kotri (0812200635) 182 (4.74%) Sub-District - Jahazpur (0812200636) 144 (5.2%) Sub-District - Mandalgarh (0812200637) 12 (0.42%) Sub-District - Beejoliya (0812200638) 1,630 (1.64%) District - Bhilwara (08122) Table -3 : Number and Percentage of Households Sl. No. Name of Sub-District 1 2 1 Sub-District - Asind (0812200627) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Sub-District - Hurda (0812200628) Sub-District - Shahpura (0812200629) Sub-District - Banera (0812200630) Sub-District - Mandal (0812200631) Sub-District - Raipur (0812200632) Sub-District - Sahara (0812200633) Sub-District - Bhilwara (0812200634) Sub-District - Kotri (0812200635) Sub-District - Jahazpur (0812200636) Total/ Rural/ Urban 3 District - Bhilwara (08122) 4 5 6 7 8 Total 53,363 8,722 (16.34%) 2,367 (4.44%) 233 (0.44%) 12,765 (23.92%) Rural 50,406 6,892 (13.67%) 2,041 (4.05%) 232 (0.46%) 12,754 (25.3%) Urban 2,957 1,830 (61.89%) 326 (11.02%) 1 (0.03%) 11 (0.37%) Total 27,022 9,374 (34.69%) 1,811 (6.7%) 551 (2.04%) 2,489 (9.21%) Rural 21,736 4,927 (22.67%) 1,308 (6.02%) 543 (2.5%) 2,487 (11.44%) Urban 5,286 4,447 (84.13%) 503 (9.52%) 8 (0.15%) 2 (0.04%) Total 41,669 5,679 (13.63%) 879 (2.11%) 466 (1.12%) 16,006 (38.41%) Rural 36,093 2,028 (5.62%) 748 (2.07%) 418 (1.16%) 15,792 (43.75%) Urban 5,576 3,651 (65.48%) 131 (2.35%) 48 (0.86%) 214 (3.84%) Total 24,916 4,984 (20%) 1,508 (6.05%) 220 (0.88%) 2,976 (11.94%) Rural 24,916 4,984 (20%) 1,508 (6.05%) 220 (0.88%) 2,976 (11.94%) Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Total 49,647 11,825 (23.82%) 4,601 (9.27%) 317 (0.64%) 10,112 (20.37%) Rural 49,647 11,825 (23.82%) 4,601 (9.27%) 317 (0.64%) 10,112 (20.37%) Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Total 20,333 5,603 (27.56%) 2,401 (11.81%) 158 (0.78%) 3,023 (14.87%) Rural 20,333 5,603 (27.56%) 2,401 (11.81%) 158 (0.78%) 3,023 (14.87%) Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Total 27,920 10,406 (37.27%) 2,531 (9.07%) 95 (0.34%) 1,544 (5.53%) Rural 24,404 7,713 (31.61%) 2,305 (9.45%) 91 (0.37%) 1,519 (6.22%) Urban 3,516 2,693 (76.59%) 226 (6.43%) 4 (0.11%) 25 (0.71%) 1,10,407 64,330 (58.27%) 6,494 (5.88%) 220 (0.2%) 3,864 (3.5%) 3,742 (9.89%) Total Rural 37,824 8,566 (22.65%) 3,949 (10.44%) 103 (0.27%) Urban 72,583 55,764 (76.83%) 2,545 (3.51%) 117 (0.16%) 122 (0.17%) Total 35,785 8,358 (23.36%) 4,248 (11.87%) 222 (0.62%) 5,158 (14.41%) Rural 35,785 8,358 (23.36%) 4,248 (11.87%) 222 (0.62%) 5,158 (14.41%) Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Total 46,502 7,282 (15.66%) 1,985 (4.27%) 189 (0.41%) 9,607 (20.66%) Rural 42,660 5,150 (12.07%) 1,800 (4.22%) 151 (0.35%) 8,975 (21.04%) Urban 3,842 2,132 (55.49%) 185 (4.82%) 38 (0.99%) 632 (16.45%) 37,662 8,045 (21.36%) 3,678 (9.77%) 173 (0.46%) 1,940 (5.15%) 1,919 (5.5%) Sub-District - Mandalgarh Total (0812200637) Rural Sub-District - Beejoliya (0812200638) Total Number Number and percentage of Household of households Tap water from Tap water from Covered well Un-covered well treated source untreated source 34,892 6,381 (18.29%) 3,474 (9.96%) 168 (0.48%) Urban 2,770 1,664 (60.07%) 204 (7.36%) 5 (0.18%) 21 (0.76%) Total 18,371 4,240 (23.08%) 2,016 (10.97%) 249 (1.36%) 2,903 (15.8%) Rural 15,539 2,325 (14.96%) 1,969 (12.67%) 234 (1.51%) 2,738 (17.62%) Urban 2,832 1,915 (67.62%) 47 (1.66%) 15 (0.53%) 165 (5.83%) Total 4,93,597 148,848 (30.16%) 34,519 (6.99%) 3,093 (0.63%) 72,387 (14.67%) Rural 3,94,235 74,752 (18.96%) 30,352 (7.7%) 2,857 (0.72%) 71,195 (18.06%) 99,362 74,096 (74.57%) 4,167 (4.19%) 236 (0.24%) 1,192 (1.2%) Urban Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households. Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets. 320 by main source of Drinking water, 2011. having following source of drinking water Handpump 9 Tubewell/boreh ole 10 Spring 11 River/ canal Tank/ pond/ Other Sources lake 12 13 Total/ Rural/ Urban 14 3 26,376 (49.43%) 1,026 (1.92%) 8 (0.01%) 6 (0.01%) 1,518 (2.84%) 342 (0.64%) Total 25,644 (50.87%) 1,007 (2%) 6 (0.01%) 6 (0.01%) 1,494 (2.96%) 330 (0.65%) Rural 732 (24.75%) 19 (0.64%) 2 (0.07%) 0 (0%) 24 (0.81%) 11,675 (43.21%) 629 (2.33%) 2 (0.01%) 25 (0.09%) 104 (0.38%) 362 (1.34%) Total 11,456 (52.71%) 612 (2.82%) 1 (0%) 19 (0.09%) 64 (0.29%) 319 (1.47%) Rural 2 Sub-District - Asind (0812200627) 12 (0.41%) Urban 219 (4.14%) 17 (0.32%) 1 (0.02%) 6 (0.11%) 40 (0.76%) 17,298 (41.51%) 596 (1.43%) 13 (0.03%) 11 (0.03%) 355 (0.85%) 366 (0.88%) Total 15,900 (44.05%) 531 (1.47%) 7 (0.02%) 5 (0.01%) 332 (0.92%) 332 (0.92%) Rural Sub-District - Hurda (0812200628) 43 (0.81%) Urban 1,398 (25.07%) 65 (1.17%) 6 (0.11%) 6 (0.11%) 23 (0.41%) 34 (0.61%) Urban 13,022 (52.26%) 1,475 (5.92%) 2 (0.01%) 9 (0.04%) 297 (1.19%) 423 (1.7%) Total 13,022 (52.26%) 1,475 (5.92%) 2 (0.01%) 9 (0.04%) 297 (1.19%) 423 (1.7%) Rural 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 19,540 (39.36%) 1,651 (3.33%) 12 (0.02%) 24 (0.05%) 885 (1.78%) 680 (1.37%) Total 19,540 (39.36%) 1,651 (3.33%) 12 (0.02%) 24 (0.05%) 885 (1.78%) 680 (1.37%) Rural Sub-District - Shahpura (0812200629) Sub-District - Banera (0812200630) 0 (0%) Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 8,461 (41.61%) 371 (1.82%) 4 (0.02%) 8 (0.04%) 244 (1.2%) 60 (0.3%) Total 8,461 (41.61%) 371 (1.82%) 4 (0.02%) 8 (0.04%) 244 (1.2%) 60 (0.3%) Rural Sub-District - Mandal (0812200631) 0 (0%) Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 12,058 (43.19%) 585 (2.1%) 3 (0.01%) 7 (0.03%) 504 (1.81%) 187 (0.67%) Total 11,596 (47.52%) 518 (2.12%) 3 (0.01%) 7 (0.03%) 483 (1.98%) 169 (0.69%) Rural 0 (0%) 21 (0.6%) Sub-District - Raipur (0812200632) 0 (0%) Urban 462 (13.14%) 67 (1.91%) 0 (0%) 23,748 (21.51%) 6,845 (6.2%) 30 (0.03%) 132 (0.12%) 2,505 (2.27%) 2,239 (2.03%) Total 15,446 (40.84%) 2,858 (7.56%) 11 (0.03%) 34 (0.09%) 1,707 (4.51%) 1,408 (3.72%) Rural Sub-District - Sahara (0812200633) 18 (0.51%) Urban 8,302 (11.44%) 3,987 (5.49%) 19 (0.03%) 98 (0.14%) 798 (1.1%) 831 (1.14%) Urban 13,961 (39.01%) 2,600 (7.27%) 9 (0.03%) 14 (0.04%) 564 (1.58%) 651 (1.82%) Total 13,961 (39.01%) 2,600 (7.27%) 9 (0.03%) 14 (0.04%) 564 (1.58%) 651 (1.82%) Rural 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 18,176 (39.09%) 7,807 (16.79%) 5 (0.01%) 44 (0.09%) 482 (1.04%) 925 (1.99%) Total 17,524 (41.08%) 7,659 (17.95%) 5 (0.01%) 42 (0.1%) 447 (1.05%) 907 (2.13%) Rural Sub-District - Bhilwara (0812200634) Sub-District - Kotri (0812200635) 0 (0%) Urban 652 (16.97%) 148 (3.85%) 0 (0%) 2 (0.05%) 35 (0.91%) 14,004 (37.18%) 8,581 (22.78%) 13 (0.03%) 64 (0.17%) 820 (2.18%) 344 (0.91%) Total 13,515 (38.73%) 8,252 (23.65%) 13 (0.04%) 60 (0.17%) 788 (2.26%) 322 (0.92%) Rural Sub-District - Jahazpur (0812200636) 18 (0.47%) Urban 489 (17.65%) 329 (11.88%) 0 (0%) 4 (0.14%) 32 (1.16%) 3,459 (18.83%) 4,900 (26.67%) 3 (0.02%) 12 (0.07%) 141 (0.77%) 448 (2.44%) Total 2,910 (18.73%) 4,796 (30.86%) 3 (0.02%) 11 (0.07%) 136 (0.88%) 417 (2.68%) Rural 1 (0.04%) 5 (0.18%) Sub-District - Mandalgarh (0812200637) 22 (0.79%) Urban 549 (19.39%) 104 (3.67%) 0 (0%) 181,778 (36.83%) 37,066 (7.51%) 104 (0.02%) 356 (0.07%) 8,419 (1.71%) 7,027 (1.42%) Total 168,975 (42.86%) 32,330 (8.2%) 76 (0.02%) 239 (0.06%) 7,441 (1.89%) 6,018 (1.53%) Rural 12,803 (12.89%) 4,736 (4.77%) 28 (0.03%) 117 (0.12%) Sub-District - Beejoliya (0812200638) 31 (1.09%) Urban 978 (0.98%) 1,009 (1.02%) Urban 321 Name of Sub-District District - Bhilwara (08122) Table- 4 : Number and Percentage of Households Sl. No. Name of Sub-District 1 2 1 Sub-District - Asind (0812200627) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Sub-District - Hurda (0812200628) Sub-District - Shahpura (0812200629) Sub-District - Banera (0812200630) Sub-District - Mandal (0812200631) Sub-District - Raipur (0812200632) Sub-District - Sahara (0812200633) Sub-District - Bhilwara (0812200634) Sub-District - Kotri (0812200635) Sub-District - Jahazpur (0812200636) Sub-District - Mandalgarh (0812200637) Sub-District - Beejoliya (0812200638) District - Bhilwara (08122) Total/ Rural/ Urban Total number of households 3 4 Number and Percentage of households Electricity 5 Kerosene 6 Solar 7 Total 53,363 40,785 (76.43%) 11,442 (21.44%) 60 (0.11%) Rural 50,406 38,352 (76.09%) 10,951 (21.73%) 58 (0.12%) Urban 2,957 2,433 (82.28%) 491 (16.6%) 2 (0.07%) Total 27,022 20,823 (77.06%) 5,719 (21.16%) 33 (0.12%) Rural 21,736 15,816 (72.76%) 5,486 (25.24%) 33 (0.15%) Urban 5,286 5,007 (94.72%) 233 (4.41%) 0 (0%) Total 41,669 27,973 (67.13%) 13,136 (31.52%) 25 (0.06%) Rural 36,093 23,067 (63.91%) 12,490 (34.61%) 25 (0.07%) Urban 5,576 4,906 (87.98%) 646 (11.59%) 0 (0%) Total 24,916 19,439 (78.02%) 5,060 (20.31%) 12 (0.05%) Rural 24,916 19,439 (78.02%) 5,060 (20.31%) 12 (0.05%) Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Total 49,647 37,980 (76.5%) 10,425 (21%) 35 (0.07%) Rural 49,647 37,980 (76.5%) 10,425 (21%) 35 (0.07%) Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Total 20,333 16,300 (80.17%) 3,587 (17.64%) 16 (0.08%) Rural 20,333 16,300 (80.17%) 3,587 (17.64%) 16 (0.08%) Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Total 27,920 22,239 (79.65%) 5,227 (18.72%) 28 (0.1%) Rural 24,404 19,039 (78.02%) 4,964 (20.34%) 26 (0.11%) Urban 3,516 3,200 (91.01%) 263 (7.48%) 2 (0.06%) 1,10,407 100,749 (91.25%) 8,175 (7.4%) 94 (0.09%) Total Rural 37,824 30,949 (81.82%) 6,162 (16.29%) 32 (0.08%) Urban 72,583 69,800 (96.17%) 2,013 (2.77%) 62 (0.09%) Total 35,785 22,809 (63.74%) 12,438 (34.76%) 28 (0.08%) Rural 35,785 22,809 (63.74%) 12,438 (34.76%) 28 (0.08%) Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Total 46,502 28,124 (60.48%) 17,710 (38.08%) 60 (0.13%) Rural 42,660 25,006 (58.62%) 17,008 (39.87%) 57 (0.13%) Urban 3,842 3,118 (81.16%) 702 (18.27%) 3 (0.08%) Total 37,662 23,214 (61.64%) 13,769 (36.56%) 36 (0.1%) Rural 34,892 20,846 (59.74%) 13,433 (38.5%) 34 (0.1%) Urban 2,770 2,368 (85.49%) 336 (12.13%) 2 (0.07%) Total 18,371 13,209 (71.9%) 4,877 (26.55%) 31 (0.17%) Rural 15,539 10,710 (68.92%) 4,552 (29.29%) 29 (0.19%) Urban 2,832 2,499 (88.24%) 325 (11.48%) 2 (0.07%) Total 4,93,597 373,644 (75.7%) 111,565 (22.6%) 458 (0.09%) Rural 3,94,235 280,313 (71.1%) 106,556 (27.03%) 385 (0.1%) 99,362 93,331 (93.93%) 5,009 (5.04%) 73 (0.07%) Urban Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households. Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets. 322 by main source of Lighting, 2011. having following main source of lighting Other oil 8 Any other No lighting Total/ Rural/ Urban 3 9 10 215 (0.4%) 395 (0.74%) 466 (0.87%) Total 208 (0.41%) 388 (0.77%) 449 (0.89%) Rural 7 (0.24%) 7 (0.24%) 120 (0.44%) 262 (0.97%) 65 (0.24%) Total 115 (0.53%) 260 (1.2%) 26 (0.12%) Rural Name of Sub-District 2 Sub-District - Asind (0812200627) 17 (0.57%) Urban 5 (0.09%) 2 (0.04%) 114 (0.27%) 167 (0.4%) 254 (0.61%) Total 113 (0.31%) 152 (0.42%) 246 (0.68%) Rural Sub-District - Hurda (0812200628) 39 (0.74%) Urban 1 (0.02%) 15 (0.27%) 180 (0.72%) 132 (0.53%) 93 (0.37%) Total 180 (0.72%) 132 (0.53%) 93 (0.37%) Rural Sub-District - Shahpura (0812200629) 8 (0.14%) Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 670 (1.35%) 327 (0.66%) 210 (0.42%) Total 670 (1.35%) 327 (0.66%) 210 (0.42%) Rural Sub-District - Banera (0812200630) 0 (0%) Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 188 (0.92%) 124 (0.61%) 118 (0.58%) Total 188 (0.92%) 124 (0.61%) 118 (0.58%) Rural Sub-District - Mandal (0812200631) 0 (0%) Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 92 (0.33%) 258 (0.92%) 76 (0.27%) Total 76 (0.31%) 238 (0.98%) 61 (0.25%) Rural Sub-District - Raipur (0812200632) 0 (0%) Urban 16 (0.46%) 20 (0.57%) 143 (0.13%) 738 (0.67%) 508 (0.46%) Total 115 (0.3%) 285 (0.75%) 281 (0.74%) Rural Sub-District - Sahara (0812200633) 15 (0.43%) Urban 28 (0.04%) 453 (0.62%) 227 (0.31%) Urban 198 (0.55%) 172 (0.48%) 140 (0.39%) Total 198 (0.55%) 172 (0.48%) 140 (0.39%) Rural 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 102 (0.22%) 111 (0.24%) 395 (0.85%) Total 102 (0.24%) 109 (0.26%) 378 (0.89%) Rural Sub-District - Bhilwara (0812200634) Sub-District - Kotri (0812200635) 0 (0%) Urban 0 (0%) 2 (0.05%) 66 (0.18%) 306 (0.81%) 271 (0.72%) Total 63 (0.18%) 274 (0.79%) 242 (0.69%) Rural Sub-District - Jahazpur (0812200636) 17 (0.44%) Urban 3 (0.11%) 32 (1.16%) 29 (1.05%) Urban 34 (0.19%) 135 (0.73%) 85 (0.46%) Total 33 (0.21%) 131 (0.84%) 84 (0.54%) Rural 1 (0.04%) 4 (0.14%) 1 (0.04%) Urban 2,122 (0.43%) 3,127 (0.63%) 2,681 (0.54%) Total 2,061 (0.52%) 2,592 (0.66%) 2,328 (0.59%) Rural 61 (0.06%) 535 (0.54%) 353 (0.36%) Urban 323 Sub-District - Mandalgarh (0812200637) Sub-District - Beejoliya (0812200638) District - Bhilwara (08122) Table -5 : Number and Percentage of Households Sl. No. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Name of Sub-District Total/ Rural/ Urban Total number of households 3 4 2 53,363 Rural 50,406 Urban 2,957 Sub-District - Hurda (0812200628) Total 27,022 Rural Urban Sub-District - Banera (0812200630) Sub-District - Mandal (0812200631) Sub-District - Raipur (0812200632) Sub-District - Sahara (0812200633) Sub-District - Bhilwara (0812200634) Piped sewer system 5 Sub-District - Asind (0812200627) Total Sub-District - Shahpura (0812200629) Number and percentage of households Flush/Pour latrine Septic tank 6 Other system 7 With slab/Ventilated improved pit 8 4,699 (8.81%) 419 (0.79%) 548 (1.03%) 607 (1.2%) 3,462 (6.87%) 414 (0.82%) 544 (1.08%) 259 (8.76%) 1,237 (41.83%) 5 (0.17%) 4 (0.14%) 493 (1.82%) 5,945 (22%) 65 (0.24%) 78 (0.29%) 21,736 143 (0.66%) 2,618 (12.04%) 52 (0.24%) 61 (0.28%) 5,286 350 (6.62%) 3,327 (62.94%) 13 (0.25%) 17 (0.32%) Total 41,669 393 (0.94%) 4,866 (11.68%) 362 (0.87%) 90 (0.22%) Rural 36,093 184 (0.51%) 1,591 (4.41%) 270 (0.75%) 89 (0.25%) Urban 5,576 209 (3.75%) 3,275 (58.73%) 92 (1.65%) 1 (0.02%) Total 24,916 284 (1.14%) 2,112 (8.48%) 233 (0.94%) 108 (0.43%) Rural 24,916 284 (1.14%) 2,112 (8.48%) 233 (0.94%) 108 (0.43%) Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Total 49,647 398 (0.8%) 5,078 (10.23%) 461 (0.93%) 484 (0.97%) Rural 49,647 398 (0.8%) 5,078 (10.23%) 461 (0.93%) 484 (0.97%) Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Total 20,333 340 (1.67%) 1,628 (8.01%) 236 (1.16%) 175 (0.86%) Rural 20,333 340 (1.67%) 1,628 (8.01%) 236 (1.16%) 175 (0.86%) Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Total 27,920 854 (3.06%) 3,282 (11.76%) 109 (0.39%) 240 (0.86%) Rural 24,404 318 (1.3%) 1,801 (7.38%) 105 (0.43%) 240 (0.98%) Urban 3,516 536 (15.24%) 1,481 (42.12%) 4 (0.11%) 0 (0%) 4,021 (3.64%) 57,223 (51.83%) 331 (0.3%) 583 (0.53%) 2,898 (7.66%) 123 (0.33%) 325 (0.86%) 3,403 (4.69%) 54,325 (74.85%) 208 (0.29%) 258 (0.36%) Total 1,10,407 Rural 37,824 Urban 72,583 866 (1.62%) Pit 618 (1.63%) Sub-District - Kotri (0812200635) Total 35,785 345 (0.96%) 2,560 (7.15%) 150 (0.42%) 191 (0.53%) Rural 35,785 345 (0.96%) 2,560 (7.15%) 150 (0.42%) 191 (0.53%) Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Total 46,502 560 (1.2%) 4,612 (9.92%) 234 (0.5%) 405 (0.87%) Rural 42,660 310 (0.73%) 3,109 (7.29%) 226 (0.53%) 403 (0.94%) Urban 3,842 250 (6.51%) 1,503 (39.12%) 8 (0.21%) 2 (0.05%) Total 37,662 526 (1.4%) 3,692 (9.8%) 196 (0.52%) 195 (0.52%) Rural 34,892 346 (0.99%) 2,531 (7.25%) 181 (0.52%) 186 (0.53%) Urban 2,770 180 (6.5%) 1,161 (41.91%) 15 (0.54%) 9 (0.32%) Total 18,371 182 (0.99%) 2,131 (11.6%) 71 (0.39%) 69 (0.38%) Rural 15,539 154 (0.99%) 826 (5.32%) 43 (0.28%) 69 (0.44%) Urban 2,832 28 (0.99%) 1,305 (46.08%) 28 (0.99%) 0 (0%) Total 4,93,597 9,262 (1.88%) 97,828 (19.82%) 2,867 (0.58%) 3,166 (0.64%) Rural 3,94,235 4,047 (1.03%) 30,214 (7.66%) 2,494 (0.63%) 2,875 (0.73%) 5,215 (5.25%) 67,614 (68.05%) 373 (0.38%) 291 (0.29%) Sub-District - Jahazpur (0812200636) Sub-District - Mandalgarh (0812200637) Sub-District - Beejoliya (0812200638) District - Bhilwara (08122) Urban 99,362 Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households. Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets. 324 by type of Latrine facility, 2011 having following type of latrine facility Latrine Without slab/open pit 9 Night Soil disposed into open drain 10 Service Latrine No latrine within premises Night soil Night soil Public Latrine removed by serviced by human animals 11 12 13 Open Total/ Rural/ Urban 3 14 421 (0.79%) 61 (0.11%) 0 (0%) 19 (0.04%) 764 (1.43%) 45,566 (85.39%) Total 383 (0.76%) 37 (0.07%) 0 (0%) 19 (0.04%) 680 (1.35%) 44,260 (87.81%) Rural 38 (1.29%) 24 (0.81%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 84 (2.84%) 12 (0.04%) 79 (0.29%) 0 (0%) 6 (0.02%) 81 (0.3%) 20,263 (74.99%) Total 11 (0.05%) 37 (0.17%) 0 (0%) 2 (0.01%) 72 (0.33%) 18,740 (86.22%) Rural 1 (0.02%) 42 (0.79%) 0 (0%) 4 (0.08%) 9 (0.17%) 31 (0.07%) 10 (0.02%) 24 (0.06%) 208 (0.5%) 35,636 (85.52%) Total 44 (0.12%) 26 (0.07%) 0 (0%) 8 (0.02%) 199 (0.55%) 33,682 (93.32%) Rural 5 (0.09%) 5 (0.09%) 10 (0.18%) 16 (0.29%) 9 (0.16%) 99 (0.4%) 32 (0.13%) 0 (0%) 31 (0.12%) 56 (0.22%) 21,961 (88.14%) Total 99 (0.4%) 32 (0.13%) 0 (0%) 31 (0.12%) 56 (0.22%) 21,961 (88.14%) Rural Sub-District - Hurda (0812200628) 1,523 (28.81%) Urban Sub-District - Shahpura (0812200629) 1,954 (35.04%) Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 125 (0.25%) 24 (0.05%) 0 (0%) 20 (0.04%) 454 (0.91%) 42,603 (85.81%) Total 125 (0.25%) 24 (0.05%) 0 (0%) 20 (0.04%) 454 (0.91%) 42,603 (85.81%) Rural Sub-District - Banera (0812200630) 0 (0%) Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 67 (0.33%) 20 (0.1%) 0 (0%) 4 (0.02%) 112 (0.55%) 17,751 (87.3%) Total 67 (0.33%) 20 (0.1%) 0 (0%) 4 (0.02%) 112 (0.55%) 17,751 (87.3%) Rural Sub-District - Mandal (0812200631) 0 (0%) Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 115 (0.41%) 26 (0.09%) 0 (0%) 6 (0.02%) 141 (0.51%) 23,147 (82.9%) Total 115 (0.47%) 9 (0.04%) 0 (0%) 2 (0.01%) 54 (0.22%) 21,760 (89.17%) Rural Sub-District - Raipur (0812200632) 0 (0%) Urban 0 (0%) 17 (0.48%) 0 (0%) 4 (0.11%) 87 (2.47%) 306 (0.28%) 233 (0.21%) 40 (0.04%) 211 (0.19%) 1,832 (1.66%) 45,627 (41.33%) Total 228 (0.6%) 23 (0.06%) 0 (0%) 12 (0.03%) 164 (0.43%) 33,433 (88.39%) Rural 78 (0.11%) 210 (0.29%) 40 (0.06%) 199 (0.27%) 1,668 (2.3%) 37 (0.1%) 54 (0.15%) 0 (0%) 26 (0.07%) 332 (0.93%) 32,090 (89.67%) Total 37 (0.1%) 54 (0.15%) 0 (0%) 26 (0.07%) 332 (0.93%) 32,090 (89.67%) Rural Sub-District - Sahara (0812200633) 1,387 (39.45%) Urban Sub-District - Bhilwara (0812200634) 12,194 (16.8%) Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 68 (0.15%) 120 (0.26%) 0 (0%) 6 (0.01%) 75 (0.16%) 40,422 (86.93%) Total 66 (0.15%) 105 (0.25%) 0 (0%) 6 (0.01%) 74 (0.17%) 38,361 (89.92%) Rural Sub-District - Kotri (0812200635) 0 (0%) Urban 2 (0.05%) 15 (0.39%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.03%) 70 (0.19%) 50 (0.13%) 0 (0%) 24 (0.06%) 610 (1.62%) 32,299 (85.76%) Total 70 (0.2%) 46 (0.13%) 0 (0%) 23 (0.07%) 608 (1.74%) 30,901 (88.56%) Rural Sub-District - Jahazpur (0812200636) 2,061 (53.64%) Urban 0 (0%) 4 (0.14%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.04%) 2 (0.07%) 7 (0.04%) 26 (0.14%) 13 (0.07%) 45 (0.24%) 438 (2.38%) 15,389 (83.77%) Total 6 (0.04%) 22 (0.14%) 13 (0.08%) 7 (0.05%) 206 (1.33%) 14,193 (91.34%) Rural Sub-District - Mandalgarh (0812200637) 1,398 (50.47%) Urban 1 (0.04%) 4 (0.14%) 0 (0%) 38 (1.34%) 1,376 (0.28%) 756 (0.15%) 63 (0.01%) 422 (0.09%) 5,103 (1.03%) 372,754 (75.52%) Total 1,251 (0.32%) 435 (0.11%) 13 (0%) 160 (0.04%) 3,011 (0.76%) 349,735 (88.71%) Rural 125 (0.13%) 321 (0.32%) 50 (0.05%) 262 (0.26%) 2,092 (2.11%) 325 2 Sub-District - Asind (0812200627) 1,306 (44.17%) Urban 49 (0.12%) 232 (8.19%) Name of Sub-District Sub-District - Beejoliya (0812200638) 1,196 (42.23%) Urban 23,019 (23.17%) Urban District - Bhilwara (08122) Table -6 : Number and Percentage of Households by type of Drainage connectivity for waste water outlet , 2011 Sl. No. Name of Sub-District 1 2 1 Sub-District - Asind (0812200627) 2 Sub-District - Hurda (0812200628) 3 Sub-District - Shahpura (0812200629) 4 Sub-District - Banera (0812200630) Total/ Rural/ Urban Total number of households 3 4 5 Total 53,363 Rural Urban Sub-District - Mandal (0812200631) Sub-District - Raipur (0812200632) 35,089 (65.76%) 50,406 2,066 (4.1%) 13,953 (27.68%) 34,387 (68.22%) 2,957 684 (23.13%) 1,571 (53.13%) 702 (23.74%) Total 27,022 3,480 (12.88%) 12,175 (45.06%) 11,367 (42.07%) Rural 21,736 1,912 (8.8%) 9,013 (41.47%) 10,811 (49.74%) Urban 5,286 1,568 (29.66%) 3,162 (59.82%) 556 (10.52%) Total 41,669 2,916 (7%) 12,830 (30.79%) 25,923 (62.21%) Rural 36,093 1,079 (2.99%) 9,987 (27.67%) 25,027 (69.34%) Urban 5,576 1,837 (32.94%) 2,843 (50.99%) 896 (16.07%) Total 24,916 2,318 (9.3%) 8,724 (35.01%) 13,874 (55.68%) Rural 24,916 2,318 (9.3%) 8,724 (35.01%) 13,874 (55.68%) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Total 49,647 4,602 (9.27%) 17,964 (36.18%) 27,081 (54.55%) Rural 49,647 4,602 (9.27%) 17,964 (36.18%) 27,081 (54.55%) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Total 20,333 1,862 (9.16%) 8,196 (40.31%) 10,275 (50.53%) Rural 20,333 1,862 (9.16%) 8,196 (40.31%) 10,275 (50.53%) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Total 27,920 4,331 (15.51%) 13,089 (46.88%) 10,500 (37.61%) Rural 24,404 2,896 (11.87%) 11,461 (46.96%) 10,047 (41.17%) Urban 3,516 1,435 (40.81%) 1,628 (46.3%) 453 (12.88%) Total 1,10,407 39,245 (35.55%) 50,422 (45.67%) 20,740 (18.79%) Rural 37,824 4,090 (10.81%) 16,710 (44.18%) 17,024 (45.01%) Urban 72,583 35,155 (48.43%) 33,712 (46.45%) 3,716 (5.12%) Total 35,785 3,655 (10.21%) 13,151 (36.75%) 18,979 (53.04%) Rural 35,785 3,655 (10.21%) 13,151 (36.75%) 18,979 (53.04%) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Total 46,502 2,721 (5.85%) 12,716 (27.35%) 31,065 (66.8%) Rural 42,660 1,376 (3.23%) 11,601 (27.19%) 29,683 (69.58%) Urban 3,842 1,345 (35.01%) 1,115 (29.02%) 1,382 (35.97%) Total 37,662 3,091 (8.21%) 11,401 (30.27%) 23,170 (61.52%) Rural 34,892 2,459 (7.05%) 9,846 (28.22%) 22,587 (64.73%) Urban 2,770 632 (22.82%) 1,555 (56.14%) 583 (21.05%) Total 18,371 1,971 (10.73%) 3,952 (21.51%) 12,448 (67.76%) Rural 15,539 1,262 (8.12%) 2,548 (16.4%) 11,729 (75.48%) Urban 2,832 709 (25.04%) 1,404 (49.58%) 719 (25.39%) Total 4,93,597 72,942 (14.78%) 180,144 (36.5%) 240,511 (48.73%) Rural 3,94,235 29,577 (7.5%) 133,154 (33.78%) 231,504 (58.72%) 99,362 43,365 (43.64%) 46,990 (47.29%) 9,007 (9.06%) Urban 7 Sub-District - Sahara (0812200633) 8 Sub-District - Bhilwara (0812200634) 9 Sub-District - Kotri (0812200635) Urban 10 Sub-District - Jahazpur (0812200636) 11 Sub-District - Mandalgarh (0812200637) 12 Sub-District - Beejoliya (0812200638) District - Bhilwara (08122) 7 15,524 (29.09%) Urban 6 6 2,750 (5.15%) Urban 5 Number and Percentage of households by type of drainage connectivity for waste water outlet Closed drainage Open drainage No drainage Urban Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households. Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets. 326 Table -7 : Number and Percentage of Households by availablity of Kitchen facility, 2011 Sl. No. 1 1 Name of SubDistrict Total/ Rural/ Urban Total number of households 3 4 2 Sub-District - Asind Total (0812200627) Rural Urban 2 Sub-District - Hurda Total (0812200628) Rural Urban 3 4 5 6 8 9 11 12 Does not have kitchen 5 Has kitchen 6 7 No cooking Does not have kitchen 8 9 53,363 18,069 (33.86%) 22,103 (41.42%) 3,380 (6.33%) 9,733 (18.24%) 78 (0.15%) 50,406 16,363 (32.46%) 71 (0.14%) 21,141 (41.94%) 3,327 (6.6%) 9,504 (18.85%) 1,706 (57.69%) 962 (32.53%) 53 (1.79%) 229 (7.74%) 7 (0.24%) 27,022 12,873 (47.64%) 10,836 (40.1%) 902 (3.34%) 2,372 (8.78%) 39 (0.14%) 21,736 9,263 (42.62%) 9,596 (44.15%) 848 (3.9%) 1,998 (9.19%) 31 (0.14%) 5,286 3,610 (68.29%) 1,240 (23.46%) 54 (1.02%) 374 (7.08%) 8 (0.15%) 2,957 Total 41,669 13,486 (32.36%) 21,320 (51.17%) 1,170 (2.81%) 5,602 (13.44%) 91 (0.22%) Rural 36,093 9,951 (27.57%) 19,408 (53.77%) 1,157 (3.21%) 5,499 (15.24%) 78 (0.22%) Urban 5,576 3,535 (63.4%) 1,912 (34.29%) 13 (0.23%) 103 (1.85%) 13 (0.23%) Sub-District Banera (0812200630) Total 24,916 8,357 (33.54%) 13,456 (54.01%) 1,175 (4.72%) 1,865 (7.49%) 63 (0.25%) Rural 24,916 8,357 (33.54%) 13,456 (54.01%) 1,175 (4.72%) 1,865 (7.49%) 63 (0.25%) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District Mandal (0812200631) Total 49,647 16,141 (32.51%) 24,110 (48.56%) 2,911 (5.86%) 6,390 (12.87%) 95 (0.19%) Rural 49,647 16,141 (32.51%) 95 (0.19%) Urban Urban Sub-District - Raipur Total (0812200632) Rural 24,110 (48.56%) 2,911 (5.86%) 6,390 (12.87%) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 20,333 7,798 (38.35%) 9,558 (47.01%) 646 (3.18%) 2,298 (11.3%) 33 (0.16%) 20,333 7,798 (38.35%) 9,558 (47.01%) 646 (3.18%) 2,298 (11.3%) 33 (0.16%) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District Sahara (0812200633) Total 27,920 10,128 (36.28%) 14,957 (53.57%) 721 (2.58%) 2,040 (7.31%) 74 (0.27%) Rural 24,404 7,948 (32.57%) 13,702 (56.15%) 670 (2.75%) 2,023 (8.29%) 61 (0.25%) Urban 3,516 2,180 (62%) 1,255 (35.69%) 51 (1.45%) 17 (0.48%) 13 (0.37%) Sub-District Bhilwara (0812200634) Total 1,10,407 64,493 (58.41%) 39,267 (35.57%) 1,783 (1.61%) 4,547 (4.12%) 317 (0.29%) Rural 37,824 11,310 (29.9%) 22,216 (58.74%) 1,051 (2.78%) 3,176 (8.4%) 71 (0.19%) Urban 72,583 53,183 (73.27%) 17,051 (23.49%) 732 (1.01%) 1,371 (1.89%) 246 (0.34%) Sub-District - Kotri Total (0812200635) Rural Urban 10 Has kitchen Cooking outside house Sub-District Shahpura (0812200629) Urban 7 Number and Percentage of households having kitchen Cooking inside house 35,785 10,269 (28.7%) 21,793 (60.9%) 736 (2.06%) 2,934 (8.2%) 53 (0.15%) 35,785 10,269 (28.7%) 21,793 (60.9%) 736 (2.06%) 2,934 (8.2%) 53 (0.15%) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District Jahazpur (0812200636) Total 46,502 8,968 (19.29%) 30,662 (65.94%) 647 (1.39%) 6,122 (13.17%) 103 (0.22%) Rural 42,660 7,309 (17.13%) 28,508 (66.83%) 639 (1.5%) 6,110 (14.32%) 94 (0.22%) Urban 3,842 1,659 (43.18%) 2,154 (56.06%) 8 (0.21%) 12 (0.31%) 9 (0.23%) Sub-District Mandalgarh (0812200637) Total 37,662 7,660 (20.34%) 25,950 (68.9%) 457 (1.21%) 3,528 (9.37%) 67 (0.18%) Rural 34,892 6,122 (17.55%) 24,829 (71.16%) 433 (1.24%) 3,455 (9.9%) 53 (0.15%) Urban 2,770 1,538 (55.52%) 1,121 (40.47%) 24 (0.87%) 73 (2.64%) 14 (0.51%) Sub-District Beejoliya (0812200638) Total 18,371 3,704 (20.16%) 11,207 (61%) 449 (2.44%) 2,978 (16.21%) 33 (0.18%) Rural 15,539 2,196 (14.13%) 10,450 (67.25%) 377 (2.43%) 2,488 (16.01%) 28 (0.18%) Urban 2,832 1,508 (53.25%) 757 (26.73%) 72 (2.54%) 490 (17.3%) 5 (0.18%) 4,93,597 181,946 (36.86%) 245,219 (49.68%) 14,977 (3.03%) 50,409 (10.21%) 1,046 (0.21%) 3,94,235 113,027 (28.67%) 218,767 (55.49%) 13,970 (3.54%) 47,740 (12.11%) 731 (0.19%) 1,007 (1.01%) 2,669 (2.69%) 315 (0.32%) District - Bhilwara Total (08122) Rural Urban 99,362 68,919 (69.36%) 26,452 (26.62%) Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households. Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets. 327 Table -8 : Number and Percentage of Households Sl. No. 1 1 2 3 4 Name of Sub-District Total/ Rural/ Urban Total number of households 3 4 2 53,363 48,350 (90.61%) 702 (1.32%) 76 (0.14%) 16 (0.03%) Rural 50,406 46,739 (92.73%) 685 (1.36%) 76 (0.15%) 14 (0.03%) Urban 2,957 1,611 (54.48%) 17 (0.57%) 0 (0%) 2 (0.07%) Sub-District - Hurda (0812200628) Total 27,022 20,246 (74.92%) 289 (1.07%) 22 (0.08%) 3 (0.01%) Rural 21,736 18,868 (86.81%) 266 (1.22%) 17 (0.08%) 2 (0.01%) Urban 5,286 1,378 (26.07%) 23 (0.44%) 5 (0.09%) 1 (0.02%) Total 41,669 36,031 (86.47%) 751 (1.8%) 309 (0.74%) 23 (0.06%) Rural 36,093 33,753 (93.52%) 706 (1.96%) 277 (0.77%) 21 (0.06%) Urban 5,576 2,278 (40.85%) 45 (0.81%) 32 (0.57%) 2 (0.04%) Total 24,916 22,412 (89.95%) 398 (1.6%) 95 (0.38%) 10 (0.04%) Rural 24,916 22,412 (89.95%) 398 (1.6%) 95 (0.38%) 10 (0.04%) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Total 49,647 44,137 (88.9%) 648 (1.31%) 103 (0.21%) 32 (0.06%) Rural 49,647 44,137 (88.9%) 648 (1.31%) 103 (0.21%) 32 (0.06%) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Total 20,333 17,718 (87.14%) 774 (3.81%) 22 (0.11%) 8 (0.04%) Rural 20,333 17,718 (87.14%) 774 (3.81%) 22 (0.11%) 8 (0.04%) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Total 27,920 23,650 (84.71%) 528 (1.89%) 22 (0.08%) 9 (0.03%) Rural 24,404 22,102 (90.57%) 491 (2.01%) 20 (0.08%) 4 (0.02%) Urban 3,516 1,548 (44.03%) 37 (1.05%) 2 (0.06%) 5 (0.14%) Total 1,10,407 47,647 (43.16%) 1,360 (1.23%) 221 (0.2%) 177 (0.16%) Rural 37,824 32,778 (86.66%) 785 (2.08%) 117 (0.31%) 24 (0.06%) Urban 72,583 14,869 (20.49%) 575 (0.79%) 104 (0.14%) 153 (0.21%) Sub-District - Kotri (0812200635) Total 35,785 33,017 (92.26%) 485 (1.36%) 122 (0.34%) 7 (0.02%) Rural 35,785 33,017 (92.26%) 485 (1.36%) 122 (0.34%) 7 (0.02%) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Total 46,502 41,557 (89.37%) 578 (1.24%) 47 (0.1%) 30 (0.06%) Rural 42,660 39,029 (91.49%) 543 (1.27%) 47 (0.11%) 27 (0.06%) Urban 3,842 2,528 (65.8%) 35 (0.91%) 0 (0%) 3 (0.08%) Total 37,662 33,730 (89.56%) 550 (1.46%) 178 (0.47%) 24 (0.06%) Rural 34,892 32,210 (92.31%) 530 (1.52%) 174 (0.5%) 23 (0.07%) Urban 2,770 1,520 (54.87%) 20 (0.72%) 4 (0.14%) 1 (0.04%) Total 18,371 14,243 (77.53%) 799 (4.35%) 156 (0.85%) 19 (0.1%) Rural 15,539 13,264 (85.36%) 759 (4.88%) 146 (0.94%) 6 (0.04%) Urban 2,832 979 (34.57%) 40 (1.41%) 10 (0.35%) 13 (0.46%) Total 4,93,597 382,738 (77.54%) 7,862 (1.59%) 1,373 (0.28%) 358 (0.07%) Rural 3,94,235 356,027 (90.31%) 7,070 (1.79%) 1,216 (0.31%) 178 (0.05%) 792 (0.8%) 157 (0.16%) 180 (0.18%) Sub-District - Shahpura (0812200629) Sub-District - Banera (0812200630) Sub-District - Mandal (0812200631) Urban 6 Sub-District - Raipur (0812200632) Urban 7 8 9 Sub-District - Sahara (0812200633) Sub-District - Bhilwara (0812200634) Urban 10 11 12 5 Number and percentage of households by Crop residue Cowdung cake Coal/ lignite/ charcoal 6 7 8 Sub-District - Asind (0812200627) Total Urban 5 Firewood Sub-District - Jahazpur (0812200636) Sub-District - Mandalgarh (0812200637) Sub-District - Beejoliya (0812200638) District - Bhilwara (08122) Urban 99,362 26,711 (26.88%) Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households. Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets. 328 by type of fuel used for Cooking, 2011 Kerosene 9 availability of fuel used for cooking PNG Electricity Bio-gas Any other LPG/ 10 105 (0.2%) 11 12 13 No cooking Total/ Rural/ Urban 14 3 3,950 (7.4%) 11 (0.02%) 44 (0.08%) 31 (0.06%) 78 (0.15%) Total 59 (0.12%) 2,685 (5.33%) 10 (0.02%) 40 (0.08%) 27 (0.05%) 71 (0.14%) Rural 46 (1.56%) 1,265 (42.78%) 1 (0.03%) 4 (0.14%) 4 (0.14%) 340 (1.26%) 5,853 (21.66%) 9 (0.03%) 39 (0.14%) 182 (0.67%) 39 (0.14%) Total 77 (0.35%) 2,271 (10.45%) 7 (0.03%) 29 (0.13%) 168 (0.77%) 31 (0.14%) Rural 263 (4.98%) 3,582 (67.76%) 2 (0.04%) 10 (0.19%) 14 (0.26%) 75 (0.18%) 4,340 (10.42%) 6 (0.01%) 17 (0.04%) 26 (0.06%) 91 (0.22%) Total 32 (0.09%) 1,182 (3.27%) 6 (0.02%) 13 (0.04%) 25 (0.07%) 78 (0.22%) Rural Sub-District - Hurda (0812200628) 8 (0.15%) Urban 43 (0.77%) 3,158 (56.64%) 0 (0%) 4 (0.07%) 1 (0.02%) 13 (0.23%) Urban 1,736 (6.97%) 8 (0.03%) 30 (0.12%) 18 (0.07%) 63 (0.25%) Total 146 (0.59%) 1,736 (6.97%) 8 (0.03%) 30 (0.12%) 18 (0.07%) 63 (0.25%) Rural 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 105 (0.21%) 4,461 (8.99%) 10 (0.02%) 32 (0.06%) 24 (0.05%) 95 (0.19%) Total 105 (0.21%) 4,461 (8.99%) 10 (0.02%) 32 (0.06%) 24 (0.05%) 95 (0.19%) Rural Sub-District - Shahpura (0812200629) Sub-District - Banera (0812200630) 0 (0%) Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 49 (0.24%) 1,685 (8.29%) 1 (0%) 37 (0.18%) 6 (0.03%) 33 (0.16%) Total 49 (0.24%) 1,685 (8.29%) 1 (0%) 37 (0.18%) 6 (0.03%) 33 (0.16%) Rural Sub-District - Mandal (0812200631) 0 (0%) Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 157 (0.56%) 3,462 (12.4%) 5 (0.02%) 5 (0.02%) 8 (0.03%) 74 (0.27%) Total 54 (0.22%) 1,656 (6.79%) 5 (0.02%) 3 (0.01%) 8 (0.03%) 61 (0.25%) Rural Sub-District - Raipur (0812200632) 0 (0%) Urban 103 (2.93%) 1,806 (51.37%) 0 (0%) 2 (0.06%) 0 (0%) 3,901 (3.53%) 56,514 (51.19%) 30 (0.03%) 142 (0.13%) 98 (0.09%) 317 (0.29%) Total 725 (1.92%) 3,264 (8.63%) 15 (0.04%) 32 (0.08%) 13 (0.03%) 71 (0.19%) Rural 3,176 (4.38%) 53,250 (73.36%) 15 (0.02%) 110 (0.15%) 85 (0.12%) 246 (0.34%) Urban 45 (0.13%) 1,991 (5.56%) 6 (0.02%) 30 (0.08%) 29 (0.08%) 53 (0.15%) Total 45 (0.13%) 1,991 (5.56%) 6 (0.02%) 30 (0.08%) 29 (0.08%) 53 (0.15%) Rural Sub-District - Sahara (0812200633) 13 (0.37%) Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 57 (0.12%) 4,073 (8.76%) 17 (0.04%) 21 (0.05%) 19 (0.04%) 103 (0.22%) Total 43 (0.1%) 2,823 (6.62%) 17 (0.04%) 19 (0.04%) 18 (0.04%) 94 (0.22%) Rural Sub-District - Bhilwara (0812200634) Sub-District - Kotri (0812200635) 0 (0%) Urban 14 (0.36%) 1,250 (32.54%) 0 (0%) 2 (0.05%) 1 (0.03%) 103 (0.27%) 2,894 (7.68%) 11 (0.03%) 82 (0.22%) 23 (0.06%) 67 (0.18%) Total 68 (0.19%) 1,723 (4.94%) 11 (0.03%) 79 (0.23%) 21 (0.06%) 53 (0.15%) Rural Sub-District - Jahazpur (0812200636) 9 (0.23%) Urban 35 (1.26%) 1,171 (42.27%) 0 (0%) 3 (0.11%) 2 (0.07%) 14 (0.51%) Urban 263 (1.43%) 2,809 (15.29%) 5 (0.03%) 15 (0.08%) 29 (0.16%) 33 (0.18%) Total 140 (0.9%) 1,150 (7.4%) 5 (0.03%) 12 (0.08%) 29 (0.19%) 28 (0.18%) Rural 123 (4.34%) 1,659 (58.58%) 0 (0%) 3 (0.11%) 5,346 (1.08%) 93,768 (19%) 119 (0.02%) 494 (0.1%) 1,543 (0.39%) 26,627 (6.75%) 101 (0.03%) 356 (0.09%) 386 (0.1%) 731 (0.19%) Rural 3,803 (3.83%) 67,141 (67.57%) 18 (0.02%) 138 (0.14%) 107 (0.11%) 315 (0.32%) Urban Sub-District - Mandalgarh (0812200637) Sub-District - Beejoliya (0812200638) 5 (0.18%) Urban 493 (0.1%) 1,046 (0.21%) Total 329 2 Sub-District - Asind (0812200627) 7 (0.24%) Urban 146 (0.59%) 0 (0%) Name of Sub-District District - Bhilwara (08122) Table -9 : Number and Percentage of Households availing Banking services and Sl. No. Name of SubDistrict Total/ Rural/ Urban 2 Total 53,363 39,489 (74%) 7,119 (13.34%) 12,427 (23.29%) 236 (0.44%) 1,358 (2.54%) Rural 50,406 37,992 (75.37%) 6,514 (12.92%) 10,766 (21.36%) 174 (0.35%) 1,126 (2.23%) Urban 2,957 1,497 (50.63%) 605 (20.46%) 1,661 (56.17%) 62 (2.1%) 232 (7.85%) Sub-District Hurda (0812200628) Total 27,022 20,275 (75.03%) 3,764 (13.93%) 10,770 (39.86%) 393 (1.45%) 913 (3.38%) Rural 21,736 16,273 (74.87%) 3,156 (14.52%) 7,070 (32.53%) 209 (0.96%) 534 (2.46%) Urban 5,286 4,002 (75.71%) 608 (11.5%) 3,700 (70%) 184 (3.48%) 379 (7.17%) Sub-District Shahpura (0812200629) Total 41,669 28,290 (67.89%) 4,429 (10.63%) 10,791 (25.9%) 166 (0.4%) 1,392 (3.34%) Rural 36,093 24,579 (68.1%) 3,348 (9.28%) 7,063 (19.57%) 55 (0.15%) 1,006 (2.79%) Urban 5,576 3,711 (66.55%) 1,081 (19.39%) 3,728 (66.86%) 111 (1.99%) 386 (6.92%) Sub-District Banera (0812200630) Total 24,916 17,275 (69.33%) 2,350 (9.43%) 7,154 (28.71%) 59 (0.24%) 755 (3.03%) Rural 24,916 17,275 (69.33%) 2,350 (9.43%) 7,154 (28.71%) 59 (0.24%) 755 (3.03%) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District Mandal (0812200631) Total 49,647 40,680 (81.94%) 4,928 (9.93%) 13,446 (27.08%) 142 (0.29%) 704 (1.42%) Rural 49,647 40,680 (81.94%) 4,928 (9.93%) 13,446 (27.08%) 142 (0.29%) 704 (1.42%) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District Raipur (0812200632) Total 20,333 14,119 (69.44%) 2,728 (13.42%) 4,714 (23.18%) 62 (0.3%) 710 (3.49%) Rural 20,333 14,119 (69.44%) 2,728 (13.42%) 4,714 (23.18%) 62 (0.3%) 710 (3.49%) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District Sahara (0812200633) Total 27,920 20,978 (75.14%) 2,845 (10.19%) 8,673 (31.06%) 163 (0.58%) 856 (3.07%) Rural 24,404 18,279 (74.9%) 2,303 (9.44%) 6,220 (25.49%) 82 (0.34%) 655 (2.68%) Urban 3,516 2,699 (76.76%) 542 (15.42%) 2,453 (69.77%) 81 (2.3%) 201 (5.72%) Sub-District Bhilwara (0812200634) Total 1,10,407 80,189 (72.63%) 10,515 (9.52%) 70,468 (63.83%) 4,406 (3.99%) 7,776 (7.04%) Rural 37,824 27,104 (71.66%) 2,953 (7.81%) 13,290 (35.14%) 132 (0.35%) 1,206 (3.19%) Urban 72,583 53,085 (73.14%) 7,562 (10.42%) 57,178 (78.78%) 4,274 (5.89%) 6,570 (9.05%) 35,785 21,644 (60.48%) 3,579 (10%) 7,881 (22.02%) 97 (0.27%) 860 (2.4%) 35,785 21,644 (60.48%) 3,579 (10%) 7,881 (22.02%) 97 (0.27%) 860 (2.4%) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 5 6 7 8 9 Urban Urban Urban Sub-District - Kotri Total (0812200635) Rural Urban 10 11 12 6 7 Number and percentage of households Computer/ laptop- Computer/ laptopWith Internet Without Internet Sub-District Asind (0812200627) 4 5 Television 1 3 4 Radio/ Transistor 1 2 3 Total Total number of number households of availing banking househol services ds 8 9 Sub-District Jahazpur (0812200636) Total 46,502 32,942 (70.84%) 4,993 (10.74%) 13,033 (28.03%) 246 (0.53%) 1,120 (2.41%) Rural 42,660 30,482 (71.45%) 4,364 (10.23%) 10,779 (25.27%) 112 (0.26%) 746 (1.75%) Urban 3,842 2,460 (64.03%) 629 (16.37%) 2,254 (58.67%) 134 (3.49%) 374 (9.73%) Sub-District Mandalgarh (0812200637) Total 37,662 27,419 (72.8%) 3,478 (9.23%) 8,479 (22.51%) 148 (0.39%) 991 (2.63%) Rural 34,892 25,567 (73.27%) 3,134 (8.98%) 6,782 (19.44%) 102 (0.29%) 830 (2.38%) Urban 2,770 1,852 (66.86%) 344 (12.42%) 1,697 (61.26%) 46 (1.66%) 161 (5.81%) Sub-District Beejoliya (0812200638) Total 18,371 10,225 (55.66%) 1,780 (9.69%) 7,557 (41.14%) 89 (0.48%) 372 (2.02%) Rural 15,539 8,458 (54.43%) 1,477 (9.51%) 5,831 (37.52%) 41 (0.26%) 223 (1.44%) Urban 2,832 1,767 (62.39%) 303 (10.7%) 1,726 (60.95%) 48 (1.69%) 149 (5.26%) District - Bhilwara Total (08122) Rural 4,93,597 353,525 (71.62%) 52,508 (10.64%) 175,393 (35.53%) 6,207 (1.26%) 17,807 (3.61%) 3,94,235 282,452 (71.65%) 40,834 (10.36%) 100,996 (25.62%) 1,267 (0.32%) 9,355 (2.37%) 99,362 71,073 (71.53%) 11,674 (11.75%) 74,397 (74.87%) 4,940 (4.97%) 8,452 (8.51%) Urban Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households. Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets. 330 number of Households having each of the specified assets in, 2011 None of the specified asset Total/ Rural/ Urban 16 3 having each of the following specified assets Land line Telephone 10 Mobile Telephone 11 Both Land line and MobileTelepho ne 12 Bicycle 13 Scooter/ Motor Cycle/ Moped 14 Car/ Jeep/ Van 15 1,076 (2.02%) 34,231 (64.15%) 2,018 (3.78%) 21,386 (40.08%) 12,053 (22.59%) 1,165 (2.18%) 10,573 (19.81%) Total 973 (1.93%) 32,421 (64.32%) 1,648 (3.27%) 20,208 (40.09%) 10,998 (21.82%) 969 (1.92%) 10,218 (20.27%) Rural 103 (3.48%) 1,810 (61.21%) 370 (12.51%) 1,178 (39.84%) 1,055 (35.68%) 196 (6.63%) 834 (3.09%) 16,431 (60.81%) 2,375 (8.79%) 13,517 (50.02%) 9,012 (33.35%) 1,005 (3.72%) 3,748 (13.87%) Total 675 (3.11%) 12,664 (58.26%) 1,751 (8.06%) 10,746 (49.44%) 6,919 (31.83%) 686 (3.16%) 3,441 (15.83%) Rural 355 (12.01%) Urban 159 (3.01%) 3,767 (71.26%) 624 (11.8%) 2,771 (52.42%) 2,093 (39.6%) 319 (6.03%) 946 (2.27%) 21,569 (51.76%) 1,836 (4.41%) 18,204 (43.69%) 9,599 (23.04%) 743 (1.78%) 10,476 (25.14%) Total 307 (5.81%) Urban 786 (2.18%) 18,251 (50.57%) 1,110 (3.08%) 15,100 (41.84%) 7,102 (19.68%) 391 (1.08%) 9,815 (27.19%) Rural 160 (2.87%) 3,318 (59.51%) 726 (13.02%) 3,104 (55.67%) 2,497 (44.78%) 352 (6.31%) 678 (2.72%) 14,009 (56.22%) 1,046 (4.2%) 11,542 (46.32%) 7,011 (28.14%) 463 (1.86%) 4,962 (19.91%) Total 678 (2.72%) 14,009 (56.22%) 1,046 (4.2%) 11,542 (46.32%) 7,011 (28.14%) 463 (1.86%) 4,962 (19.91%) Rural 661 (11.85%) Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 627 (1.26%) 32,817 (66.1%) 1,576 (3.17%) 19,198 (38.67%) 13,462 (27.12%) 1,017 (2.05%) 9,742 (19.62%) Total 0 (0%) Urban 627 (1.26%) 32,817 (66.1%) 1,576 (3.17%) 19,198 (38.67%) 13,462 (27.12%) 1,017 (2.05%) 9,742 (19.62%) Rural 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 672 (3.3%) 13,235 (65.09%) 955 (4.7%) 8,067 (39.67%) 5,441 (26.76%) 392 (1.93%) 3,650 (17.95%) Total 0 (0%) Urban 672 (3.3%) 13,235 (65.09%) 955 (4.7%) 8,067 (39.67%) 5,441 (26.76%) 392 (1.93%) 3,650 (17.95%) Rural 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 763 (2.73%) 17,478 (62.6%) 1,467 (5.25%) 12,056 (43.18%) 8,228 (29.47%) 692 (2.48%) 5,008 (17.94%) Total 639 (2.62%) 14,970 (61.34%) 995 (4.08%) 10,452 (42.83%) 6,655 (27.27%) 451 (1.85%) 4,803 (19.68%) Rural 2,508 (71.33%) 124 (3.53%) 3,387 (3.07%) 783 (2.07%) 2,604 (3.59%) 0 (0%) Urban 472 (13.42%) 1,604 (45.62%) 1,573 (44.74%) 241 (6.85%) 75,180 (68.09%) 12,154 (11.01%) 54,570 (49.43%) 53,937 (48.85%) 9,103 (8.24%) 9,036 (8.18%) Total 205 (5.83%) Urban 24,345 (64.36%) 1,080 (2.86%) 18,977 (50.17%) 12,913 (34.14%) 893 (2.36%) 6,011 (15.89%) Rural 50,835 (70.04%) 11,074 (15.26%) 35,593 (49.04%) 41,024 (56.52%) 8,210 (11.31%) 3,025 (4.17%) Urban 746 (2.08%) 19,895 (55.6%) 1,321 (3.69%) 16,853 (47.1%) 8,692 (24.29%) 530 (1.48%) 8,113 (22.67%) Total 746 (2.08%) 19,895 (55.6%) 1,321 (3.69%) 16,853 (47.1%) 8,692 (24.29%) 530 (1.48%) 8,113 (22.67%) Rural 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1,083 (2.33%) 24,643 (52.99%) 1,310 (2.82%) 15,041 (32.34%) 9,352 (20.11%) 832 (1.79%) 13,754 (29.58%) Total 620 (1.45%) 22,420 (52.56%) 1,046 (2.45%) 13,885 (32.55%) 8,056 (18.88%) 671 (1.57%) 13,134 (30.79%) Rural 2,223 (57.86%) 264 (6.87%) 1,156 (30.09%) 1,296 (33.73%) 161 (4.19%) 672 (1.78%) 20,793 (55.21%) 1,325 (3.52%) 15,786 (41.91%) 7,992 (21.22%) 746 (1.98%) 9,775 (25.95%) Total 620 (1.78%) 19,018 (54.51%) 1,070 (3.07%) 14,786 (42.38%) 6,952 (19.92%) 579 (1.66%) 9,366 (26.84%) Rural 52 (1.88%) 1,775 (64.08%) 255 (9.21%) -36.10% 1,040 (37.55%) 167 (6.03%) 202 (1.1%) 11,306 (61.54%) 387 (2.11%) 6,025 (32.8%) 6,193 (33.71%) 820 (4.46%) 4,316 (23.49%) Total 179 (1.15%) 9,448 (60.8%) 148 (0.95%) 5,150 (33.14%) 5,143 (33.1%) 593 (3.82%) 3,811 (24.53%) Rural 875 (30.9%) 1,050 (37.08%) 227 (8.02%) 505 (17.83%) Urban 212,245 (43%) 150,972 (30.59%) 17,508 (3.55%) 93,153 (18.87%) Total 23 (0.81%) 1,858 (65.61%) 239 (8.44%) 301,587 (61.1%) 27,770 (5.63%) 7,998 (2.03%) 233,493 (59.23%) 3,688 (3.71%) 13,746 (3.49%) 164,964 (41.84%) 68,094 (68.53%) 14,024 (14.11%) 47,281 (47.58%) 99,344 (25.2%) 7,635 (1.94%) 51,628 (51.96%) 9,873 (9.94%) 331 2 Sub-District Asind (0812200627) Sub-District Hurda (0812200628) Sub-District Shahpura (0812200629) Sub-District Banera (0812200630) Sub-District Mandal (0812200631) Sub-District Raipur (0812200632) Sub-District Sahara (0812200633) Sub-District Bhilwara (0812200634) Sub-District - Kotri (0812200635) 0 (0%) Urban 463 (12.05%) 11,686 (2.37%) Name of SubDistrict 620 (16.14%) Urban 409 (14.77%) Urban 87,066 (22.08%) Rural 6,087 (6.13%) Urban Sub-District Jahazpur (0812200636) Sub-District Mandalgarh (0812200637) Sub-District Beejoliya (0812200638) District - Bhilwara (08122) ORGI-RAJASTHAN English – (10-2011) Directorate of Census Operations, Rajasthan Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, Janganana Bhawan 6-B, Jhalana Dungri Jaipur-302 004 Email: [email protected] Website:
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