The Purple People - News from Nahziryah Monastic Community


The Purple People - News from Nahziryah Monastic Community
Who On Earth ...
Who In The World ...
The Purple People?
Information for one's consciousness expansion and further spiritual development.
Brought forth through the inspiration, direction of our Spiritual Master
Reverend Baba Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.)
-2Blessings and Thanks to our Spiritual Master
Reverend Baba Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem (A.B.R.D.)
Founder and Spiritual Head of
Nahziryah Monastic Community and
the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
The Nahziryah Monastic Community Seal above represents the essential oneness of all paths, of all existence. OM
Dedicated to all Students on the Path…
Truth Light, Love
Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding
Published March 2006
All Rights Reserved
Nahziryah Monastic Community
The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
Blessings and Thanks to our Spiritual Master
Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem (A.B.R.D.)
Table of Contents
Part I: Who On Earth Are The Purple People - pp 4-49
Part II: Who In The World Are The Purple People – pp 50-73
“Our beliefs,
our way of life are founded in Truth.
Truth which is beyond any one religion.
Truth which is found in all religions.
We align ourselves with That which Is…”
expert from Nahziryah Monastic Community
Path of Mystic Enlightenment
The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
Nahziryah Monastic Community
Path of Mystic Enlightenment
The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
Blessings and Thanks to our Spiritual Teacher, Founder and Director of Nahziryah Monastic Community –
The Reverend Baba Nazirmoreh (ABRD)
Many paths - One goal. Many names - ONE DIVINE CREATOR, Source of All That Is. Universal Consciousness. Highest Spiritual Evolution. Our
Order is the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil. Purple is a color of the highest spiritual vibratory rate. This is the color of the age of enlightenment, the age of
universal consciousness, the age which the world is now embarking on. Our beliefs, our way of life are founded in Truth. Truth which is beyond any one
religion. Truth which is found in all religions. We align ourselves with That which Is.
What is our religion? - all of them. Where are we from? - everywhere. We strive to transcend all limitations. We offer you a glimpse of this truth...
We are all from the same place, we are all from the same source. The Creator is our father and mother, the universe - cosmos is our home. We limit our
consciousness and understanding when we do not take our birthright, as Beings of the Divine Essence of All That Is, Was and Ever Shall Be. Our consciousness narrows when we crystallize ourselves in the consciousness of being from a country, a state, a city, a street, a house, a spot and so on. We are
not these bodies. We expand our consciousness and our understanding when we align with the higher Truths of Being.
In our quest for spiritual attainment, we harmonize the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of our being - to bring it into "at-one-ment". We live a
simple, monastic, community life. We reside at our monastery; Nahziryah Monastic Community, Retreat for Meditation and Holistic Living, where we do
organic gardening to help sustain the Community's dietary needs. We work hard, study, meditate and our diet is vegetarian-vegan (non-diary). To support the Community and the effort toward consciousness expansion and further spiritual development throughout all existence, - in truth, in light, in love,
wisdom, knowledge and understanding, (may peace prevail on earth as in heaven), we make and offer art crafts, as well as metaphysical/esoteric, spiritual
literature of all faiths, recordings and meditation supplies. An initiate of the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil wears all purple monastic garments at all
times, and all live-in members of Nahziryah Monastic Community; brothers and sisters, dress uniformly - according to like gender. You will find live-in
members of Nahziryah Monastic Community and our Order very seldom travel alone, never engaging in frivolous talk. We are reclusive.
A true member of Nahziryah Monastic Community and the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil, will first, foremost and always proclaim Nazirmoreh (All
Blessings and Respect Due) as his or her Spiritual Teacher and Guide. Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.) nurtures us in a spiritual and universal love for all beings;
for all are fellow travelers on the spiritual journey. With an open heart and far reaching vision, Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.) guides the Nazir children of light
onward and upward - to embrace the All in All. Who are these children of light? Those who would choose, those who hear the call and have come to give
In Truth, In Light, In Love
Peace be with you
All In All
Nahziryah Monastic Community
Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
Blessings and Thanks to our Spiritual Teacher and Director the Reverend Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.) ...
Founder and Spiritual Head of Nahziryah Monastic Community and the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
The True and The Untrue
As to the Order – the Union – the Collective Effort – Nahziryah Monastic Community/
The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
(from Nahziryah Monastic Community’s chronicles - 1990‘s)
No uninitiated person or persons, student or students, or
duly initiated student(s) of our Spiritual Master and Founder of Nahziryah Monastic Community and the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil, Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem, All Blessings and Respect Due, shall attempt to establish a Nahziryah Monastic Community or Nazir Order of the Purple
Veil; or to transact business; or to function either personally, financially, socially, or religiously under the name of
Nahziryah Monastic Community and the Nazir Order of the
Purple Veil, or any of its authorized branches or subsidiaries, including Nazir Art Crafts/Veil of Truth/OmniversityCenter for Metaphysical & Esoteric Learning, without the
express written authorization of our Spiritual Master and
Founder of Nahziryah Monastic Community and the Nazir
Order of the Purple Veil, Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem, All
Blessings and Respect Due.
Any person or group considering engaging in personal,
financial, social, or religious activity with anyone or group
claiming to be members, or students of our Spiritual Master Nazirmoreh, All Blessings and Respect Due, or authorized branches of Nahziryah Monastic Community and the
Nazir Order of the Purple Veil is requested to notify our
headquarters to ensure that proper channels of communication are being followed and to further ensure the legitimacy of those claiming association with our Order and
Our Order and Community, Nahziryah Monastic Community and the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil, will not be
held responsible for any person or persons using and misleading others in the name of our Community and Order.
It is well known that many have professed, but have not
lived according to the Order or their vows - but have profaned the Word, the Essence of All sees A11.
In Truth, In Light, In Love Peace Be With You
All in All
Nahziryah Monastic Community
Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
Peace be with One and All,
The Reverend Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.). has had this article compiled concerning The Purple People. This title
was given to Nahziryah Monastic Community/The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil many decades ago by the
general public through observation of the Community, the Order, the appearance, the life living, the collective
effort – and the Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD) accepting the title, not proclaiming the Community/the Order
as the Purple People – however accepting the title given – - - thus “The Purple People”. Reverend Nazirmoreh does not proclaim that title – it was given by the general public, by observers. This recognition has expanded world wide to the point of many beings attaching themselves to the title and taking on the title themselves – many attaching themselves to the glamour of the title and notoriety. Whether outwardly recognized
or inwardly understood – the influence is evident, prevalent, growing and emerging - - - in Truth, in Light, in
Love. As of late, there exists for example – stores, face painting entrepreneurs, churches, creeds, global web
site developers, international theatrical companies, political activists, gay & lesbian linguistics, songs, poems,
books, tarot decks, tourist guides, ski resorts and even bridges – which have embraced and incorporated the
name/title “Purple People” into their pursuits. This growing field of “Purple People” - in the form of individual
efforts, group formation, web site transmissions, as well as other vehicles of expression – has led many to inquire as to the affiliation of various Purple People sightings with the Reverend Baba* Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.)
(*Baba meaning spiritual father, spiritually aware father) and the Teachings brought forth through the Reverend Baba (ABRD). The Reverend Baba (ABRD) has received many letters, phone calls, e-mail transmissions,
visitations (by request only please), etc. – asking, among other questions, who are the Purple People.
The Reverend Baba Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.) has had this article compiled – to assist in the recognition of the
True from the Untrue - as to the Order/the Union/the Collective Effort/Nahziryah Monastic Community - The
Nazir Order of the Purple Veil – - - those who have taken the vows, being initiated by The Reverend Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.), living the life from which this emanation has grown, receiving authorization from The Reverend Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.) - - - from those who simply have not.
Who on Earth are the Purple People?
In Truth, all of existence is filled with “Purple People”. The following is information concerning.
Blessings and Thanks to our Spiritual Teacher and Master –
Reverend Baba Nazirmoreh (ABRD)
Founder and Director of Nahziryah Monastic Community and The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
Reverend Baba Nazirmoreh (ABRD) meditating and speaking at market in India - 2002
E-mail Inquiry
(April 11th, 2002)
I was confused I will admit at first - (as you are called the: "Reverend"). Why is this,
and can you explain this to me? Does this have something to do with your religion, etc?
I am curious. You are in a monastic community? Is this Hindu, Buddhism... enlighten
me, please? I personally am finding my way and walking a new path with the Muslim
faith. I still have much to learn and am open to educate myself regarding other faiths.
Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD):
I am a Spiritual Teacher/Director toward the consciousness expansion and further
spiritual development of all Existence, of all Beings - In Truth, In Light, In Love at the level that one can see above.
I am called Reverend in this country (as also being an Ordained Minister in the U. S.).
Swami, Baba, Sheik in other countries, as well as other titles/names according to
country being communicated with or traveled in. I am not this body, I am not this
mind, I am not the commonly accepted programmed conditioned crystallization in one
area, at one degree of projection/information/direction/being. I am One with all Existence, all Being, all Beings, all Religions, Directions, Life Living - toward the consciousness expansion and further spiritual development of all Existence/ of all Beings
transcending the limitation/crystallization/isolation/ of commonly accepted normality of programmed conditioned limitations/isolations/ego confrontation.
Peace Be With You and All, in All
In Truth, In Light, In Love
Reverend Swami Sheik Baba Nazirmoreh
Nahziryah Monastic Community
The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
As Salaam Alaykum
Reverend Baba Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.)
while traveling and transmitting in India – 2002
----- Original Message ----From: C.G.
To: Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 9:47 PM
Subject: Re: Customer invoice for order 17961103686117
SHALOM. Molars.
OK. This is the fourth time I am ordering from you guys. Can ya
please tell me...are you Muslims or Jews or what? I am a pseudo
Catholic/Buddhist/Hindu/Wiccan, so you are safe with me, for sure! I
am just a bit, a teeny bit mystified by your web site. The last time I
asked this question you told me to go to your website. So...OK, I am
a schmuck. Cannot comprehendo. What goes on? Just religiously
curious. Love your products no matter who you are. OK?
Views of
NMC’s –
Nazir Art
Crafts outdoor
(picture to left:
someone at one
of the outings
who just purchased the garments he is
----- Original Message ----From: Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem
To: C.G.
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 10:29 PM
Subject: reply to inquiry
From the Office of Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem (A.B.R.D.)
Nahziryah Monastic Community
Peace be with you C. G.,
Beautiful. Continue to order. Molar or whatever... we love you very much, respect, honor, and appreciate your interest, your orders.
We are not the body- we are not the mind... all is Divine... beyond the body, beyond the mind. Muslim,
Jew, Catholic/Buddhist/Hindu/Wiccan- all is sublime. This should be plain, simple, clear enough according to your degree, your experience. Om , in love, peace be with you our sister, our love from
Reverend Baba Nazirmoreh K B Kedem,
things are never as they seem. illusion. maya
In Truth, In Light, In Love
Peace be with you and All, in All
The Office of Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem (A.B.R.D.)
Nahziryah Monastic Community
The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
"Just placed my incense order and I always love doing this. I order from this quirky little place. Been getting my supplies from them for about 2 years and they are very strange, but cool. I know, I know ... I'm
just an old hippie who still loves incense, Zeppelin and old, worn Levi's. Ya'll check out the Padmini Incense,
regular stick. My absolute favorite. I always order the 100 stick box, as well as a few other goodies (from)
Nahziryah Monastic Community" (the world wide web – 2005)
Questions & Answers - a student of Nazirmoreh
(Asked and Answered during Nahziryah Monastic Communitys’ 1988-1999 sojourn – New Orleans)
Sister N. S. A. H. K.
E-mail Transmission
July 13th, 1999
Curitiba, July 13th, 1999.
Dear Friends, (to Rev. Nazirmoreh)
Since a long time ago, there are people who dream with a better world. Isolated dreams that never go through the onirical world to become reality. Some of these dreams reached just the paper, becoming books, theories, projects, etc...
Some people went further and found out that force is multiplied when a lot of people get together to a common objective. These pioneers were the ones who had the courage to get ready to work... to start ! The first seeds already grew,
became a plant and now, to keep the specie growing, spread new seeds. The Internet is filled of them.
By your homepage on the Internet, we met your association and we would like to advertise it for all people of Portuguese language and, in the future, to those people of Spanish language. It is really important that dreamers realize that
their dreams aren't crazy moments. They are applicable! The global moment demands that these dreams get unified
and realized.
The Pinha-Pinhão Project was created to be a spreader of ideas and a convergence point of people that are tuned with
these thoughts. For that, we came by this letter, to ask the authorization to translate your homepages on the Internet to
the Portuguese, and the advertisement of them, using the Pinha-Pinhão Project homepage as the start line.
Your cooperation, as suggestions and critics are welcome, not only that, but, they will be fundamental to the total execution of this project.
We already thank you for the attention.
Divonei Luiz Scorzato
Reverend Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.)
July 18, 1999
Peace be with you Divonei Scorzato,
Received your transmission and request concerning the translation of information on Nahziryah Monastic Community/Nazir Order of the Purple Veil’s website. Your writings concerning the work, the
service, the support of our efforts – we are one – was very much recognized and attuned to. We would
very much like to assist and be assisted toward the consciousness expansion and further spiritual development – physical, mental, spiritual well-being throughout all existence. That is the work, that is
the effort, that is the service, that is the oneness.
Please do translate the information – you have the Reverend’s
authorization and appreciation. There is more information
available via the Purple Veil newsletters. If you would like copies
of this information, please forward mailing address that they
may be sent to you (for translation as well).
In Truth, In Light, In Love
Peace Be With You
All in All
Reverend Nazirmoreh
Nahziryah Monastic Community
The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
the Veil of Truth/Center for Esoteric & Metaphysical Learning
– New Orleans (1988-1999)
(excerpt from “The Book of Words” first printing 1997)
… you reach a degree in which you say, 'I'm not involved, I'm not involuted. I'm not involuted and not individuated. I've reached a level of consciousness by knowing that I'm a
part of All That Is, Was and Ever Shall Be. I am a part of the universal wholeness and oneness of all existence, and all things - Truth, Light and Love - Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding. I'm attuned to that', you see. But still you're traveling in the body on the
physical/material plane of existence. So even the realization and the knowing of that and
reaching that degree of awareness, you're still bombarded by thought energies and you're
still struggling, you see. You feel beautiful and very much attuned, at One. And then the
energies get you bombarded - because you're still centering in 'me' to a certain extent.
And that's a part of the ego too.
Then you reach a certain degree of awareness whereas you feel the need of knowing to
unite with your brothers and your sisters, beyond the body, beyond the mind, beyond
the physical, race, nationality, sex, and so on and so forth, and the True Spiritual Love,
one toward each other. You reach a degree of beyond the division, and attune to the
Oneness of All. We are One. I'm not alone. So you reach that degree and you begin to
work with your brothers and your sisters toward a higher goal more spiritual attunement
or awareness or service. So as you work and as you meditate, and as you experience, and
as you serve - then you create a stronger force, you see. Because you have risen above
the division, in a degree.
You attuned yourself to the Oneness, in a
degree. And that Oneness gives you a little
more power, a little more force beyond your
selfish nature, your selfish programming.
"First be true to yourself, then you can be
false to no man". You understand what I'm
saying? That's a degree, that's a degree of
awareness, or another degree of service.
You believe yourself, then you believe other
people - you are attuned and attracted to
other people and energies that are traveling
on the plain of consciousness you're traveling on.
And the service and the collective work and the collective effort is making a wider hole
within that thought energy, that thought atmosphere. And it pushes a hole or opening in
the massive thought energy or thought atmosphere, where more spiritual energies or
power will come through that degree of negativity. So then you reach that degree and
you become a little more spiritually attuned, a little stronger. You have a little more support. You are aware of the support, you are attuned to that support, you feel it. You feel
more secure, more strong and powerful - but keep it positive, of course.
When I say positive - Love, keep that Love, you see.
- 10 -
You reach that point whereas, pockets here and here
and here and here and here, collectively working to push
a little hole in the thought atmosphere that is not conducive to the furtherance of man's spiritual development
and consciousness expansion…
So you get within a little pocket, that group. And from
there you have risen to a point whereas you say, 'Yes, I
know it's more than just me, that I should be concerned
about - it's existence, it's my brothers and sisters, within
the group. It gets like that. Even though you're working
hard, collectively for all existence and all creation, you
get centered in the group. And then the group goes from
a 'me' to a 'we'. But you get stuck in 'we', too. You see
what I'm saying? And you get whereas you say, 'Oh, my group is the group, my way is the
way. My group's way is the way. And everybody else is not because we have it all, you see.
And at that point you get kind of stuck, you get kind of crystallized because you have to
rise beyond that group into the All.
And those groups should merge with other groups to help make the opening bigger, you
see. To raise beyond that into the All. In other words, to make that opening, through collective union - not me, not we, but All That Is, Was, and Ever Shall Be. And to open that
whereas the whole opening will fill the whole earth and all of the beautiful energies will
descend on earth, and it won't be that 'I don't know, I'm not sure'…
(excerpt from Travels Through India –
January/February 2002)
...Baba Nazirmoreh (ABRD)
at-one-ment in a large tented
ashram colony…
to right & below in middle of photos:
“young Swami Abhai Prpanacharya
who served
Swamiji Nazirmoreh (ABRD) with
great reverence” (words of Subhash)
...views of
into the
thru the
placing of
the purple cord...
- 11 -
E-mail Transmissions
September 12th, 1999
----- Original Message ----From: Phyllis
Sent: Sunday, September 12, 1999 3:43 PM
Subject: consultations
Inquiry = Sir:
I am Phyllis and was wondering if women are treated as indentured servants there and instruments
of pleasure or w/ respect. I and many am concerned that a community central to a man may revolve
around his penis. I understand these are banal questions and apologize however I believe you can
surmise why this may come to mind.
I am an artist living in Iowa. What is the consensus re: the most ravishing sandalwood oil. Your hair
is astounding. When did you get the call?
Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD)
September 13th 1999
-----Original Message----From: Reverend Nazirmoreh Kedem
Sent: Monday, September 13, 1999 5:08 AM
Subject: consultations
Peace be with you Phyllis,
The Community is revolved around Truth, Light & Love, Wisdom, Knowledge & Understanding,
the service, the effort toward consciousness expansion and further spiritual development throughout
all existence. We are One. All in All... Not male or female - We are not these bodies. We are the Divine Essence: the breath of life dwelling within physical, material vehicles while traveling in & on
this particular plane of existence; mundane, physical, material world. We are all servants; servers in
- 12 -
I am not the penis,
I am not the hair...
Even though it is there
I received the call, I have been in service since beginingless time. We are
on an infinite journey.
In Truth, In Light, In Love
Peace Be With You Phyllis and All in All
Rev. Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem
Nahziryah Monastic Community
Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
Reverend Baba Nazirmoreh (ABRD) sleeping in forest at
Nahziryah Monastic Community/ the Monastery Ashram - 2004
- 13 -
excerpt from the
“Book of Words of Reverend (ABRD)”
first printing 1997
Outer Circle
“... I've had complaints about 'Yeah and the sisters are ''carrying tables', and so on and so forth. Well these sisters
are not ladies, you see, they are spirit beings travelling in female bodies. And we look at them as women, and
they are women during this life time experiential journey/activity. And you know, you have women out in the
street talking about women's liberation and everything else. And they want to do their share and they want to
play the male role and so on and so forth. And they're tired of being ladies, and so on and so forth... They're
fighting and protesting and everything else for this privilege or this opportunity, you see... In the east, that's how
it is. These sisters are doing this... like they're not out there going everywhere, being everywhere, doing everything. They're not dancing in the streets and everything else. So they even need exercise. They need to do these
things to keep them going, to keep them youthful, to keep them strong, to keep them active, alert and everything else - instead of laying somewhere getting fat. And I'm not talking about fat, but you don't have to be. But
they need that exercise to keep them alert, to keep active… to keep going. You know you can go into boredom,
you can go into drugs or anything else to excite yourself, to keep yourself entertained, or you know, active or
whatever else, you see. So good, hard, honest, decent work with an honest goal ahead, and a lifestyle that is
clean, you see, and what would you say - - - productive, and productive. And this is what we're doing here…”
Inner Circle
“... You're a woman, and you have become a women thru that experience. See, you've become a woman thru
that experience, and now it's for you to go beyond being a woman into a true spiritual conscious being. Now it's
for you to put your concentration, or your involvement into that direction to evolve out of womanhood into spiritual awareness, consciousness, and so on and so forward. But that's the effort you have to make, and that's the
test, the trial, the tribulation, the experience. You get what you are, and you get what you pay for…”
Questions to a Student of Nazirmoreh
(excerpt from NMC’s Purple veil Newslwtter #3/ November 1994)
Q: Why is it that you all are so serious all the time, and work so hard?
A: We'd rather work hard, than to expect something for nothing. That's how we've been taught and raised by Nazirmoreh. Being as
self-sufficient as possible in this life is a part of being spiritual. You can't get something for nothing. That's how it is in this involutionary cyclic experience. You want to achieve a goal - whether spiritual, mental or material you have to work for it. You may often hear Nazirmoreh say "You get what you are and you get what you pay for, and the 'pay' is the effort you put into utilizing the
information received that is conducive to your further spiritual development and consciousness expansion."
Q: What does the word 'spiritual' mean, because I hear so many people use the word in different instances?
A: i would say, according to the teachings i've received, being a spiritual person means that you are one who realizes that you are
not totally body/physical being. That there is part of you that is attuned to the Higher Essence of Being, attunement with the Creator of All that is. That you must take responsibility for your own life at this stage of your development in this world. You also do
all that is in your power to try to raise the consciousness of yourself and others without infringing on anyone.
A Sister of the Order
- 14 -
----- Original Message ----From: VonZell Family
To: Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem
Sent: Sunday, November 04, 2001 5:01 PM
Subject: (no subject)
Dear Nahziryah,
We are a family looking for a self sustaining intentional community in which to live and grow closer to God.
We do not resemble the people in your photographs and wonder if we would ever hope to fit in?
We were gladdened to read of your appreciation for Jesus. Is his teaching a big factor in the philosophical base of your community?
Interested in Joining You…
Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD)
----- Original Message ----From: Reverend Nazirmoreh Kedem
To: VonZell Family
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 9:44 AM
Subject: Reply to inquiry
Peace be with you VonZell Family,
The Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD) has received your transmission, your concerns. The Reverend (ABRD) said to inform you that it
would perhaps be of some benefit to you to read the Nahziryah Monastic Community website thoroughly... that you may have a better
understanding as to what you are requesting to move into.
We Are Not These Bodies. The Reverend (ABRD) said you WILL resemble and fit in upon becoming Resident Members through
your acceptance and receiving of the monastic rule and the monastic habit (garments/ dress).
Nahziryah Monastic Community was founded on and has survived through the decades on strict rules and regulations and those who
have chosen to stay and uphold them to the best of their ability. Many are called - few have chosen to live the life due to the order/ disciplines that Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD) has set forth as necessary for all whom choose to live this monastic life.
Once you have thoroughly viewed the website ( please
don't hesitate to contact the Reverend (ABRD) if you should still feel the need
to do so. Further information will be transmitted to you at that time.
In Truth, In Light, In Love
Peace Be With You VonZell Family
From the Office of Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem (ABRD)
Nahziryah Monastic Community
The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
summer harvest at
Nahziryah Monastic Community
- 15 -
Order of the Purple Veil Quietly Practices Religion in Ozarks
YELLVILLE - ...folks with purple robes and esoteric religious beliefs have moved into… Marion County.
"They're tremendous citizens of the county", says banker
Judy Loving.
"I don't have anything but nice things to say about them",
says Janell Kirkwood, mayor of Yellville, where a few
comely… women in purple robes sell handmade necklaces
and incense (handcrafted jewelry, incense and oils) in the old
city park across from the Hilltop Restaurant some Fridays
and Saturdays.
Has Sheriff Carl McBee had any problems with them? "None
They (residents) call them the purple people.
They've had a mountaintop retreat with garden to support
their vegetarian diet in south Marion County near the Searcy
County line for six years, but they've been coming into town
more in the last few months.
Their leader says their reception in Marion County has been
Perhaps that is because they don't proselytize.
"We don't say this is the way. We try to live a full harmonious life," he says.
The spiritual leader of the Nahziryah Monastic Community
and the Order of the Purple Veil has graying hair…
(wrapped) with purple yarn and reaching his feet.
A Rastafarian might envy these (hairlocks), although his website,, says he and his people also are mistaken for Muslims, Hindus or Jews.
He sounds a bit like a Protestant preacher when he starts
talking about "what is, was and ever shall be.
The locals call him Reverend Kedem. His "students"
call him Nazirmoreh.
He agreed to meet a reporter at the park Saturday and politely and unhurriedly answers questions, but the reporter
came away with more good feelings than information.
How many people are in his group?
"We accept all people as our brothers and sisters, all existence, all beings as one with our Creator."
How many live in Marion County?
"There are a few people coming and going. It's not huge.
It's a little small gathering."
He has a Center for Metaphysical and Esoteric Learning in
New Orleans. Is he originally from New Orleans?
"I am from the Divine Source of all that is, was and ever
shall be, which we all are from."
"We're one with all existence. Everything in life has a purpose in life, has an experiential need in life, something to
learn, something to grow from. We're all striving to return
back to the Divine Source of all that is, was and ever shall
be - whatever name you want to use."…
And the hair?
"We're not this body, of course, but we're traveling in bodies for a reason. These bodies are like our feet on the
ground and our head in the clouds. We're walking in between heaven and earth. In our involutionary/evolutionary
cyclic experience there are various things that assist you to
return to the source. Hair is like antenna. It draws certain
energies from all existence. It's a sensitizer."
(Note: The Reverend has relocated the Veil of Truth Center for
Metaphysical and Esoteric Learning from New Orleans to the
Monastery grounds in Arkansas in November/1999.)
(Rev. Nazirmoreh/ Nahziryah Monastic Community gives thanks to the Creator always, and in all ways. Many thanks to all of the local
townspeople who contributed to this article. Much thanks goes to reporter Ginger Shiras for her interest and research.)
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From: F5
To: Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2004 9:54 PM
Subject: Do you have a location in Walnut Creek, CA?
the Veil of Truth/Center for Esoteric & Metaphysical Learning
– New Orleans (1988-1999)
Do you have a location in Walnut Creek, CA?
Can you tell me about it?
From: Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem
To: F5
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 12:08 PM
Subject: Re: Do you have a location in Walnut Creek,
From the Office of Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem
Nahziryah Monastic Community
Peace be with you F5,
The Reverend Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.) has received your transmission concerning as to whether there is a Nahziryah Monastic Community, Nazir Order of the Purple Veil (Purple People) location in Walnut Creek - and
thanks you very much for your inquiry. The Reverend (A.B.R.D.) has instructed to inform you that a copy of a
transmission that was sent to someone else in 2003 concerning the same question as to a location in Walnut
Creek is being transmitted to you below. The Reverend (A.B.R.D.) has said that the reply holds true. If there
are any further questions - be free, communicate.
However, there are those in that area that have had contact with the Reverend (A.B.R.D.) many years ago at the
Veil of Truth. The Reverend (A.B.R.D.) has spoken with them, or one being in particular - when the Veil of
Truth was located in New Orleans at that time. This being could possibly have put forth effort in establishing
what you possibly might have come in contact with. If you have further information concerning - please bring
it to the Reverend's (A.B.R.D.) attention. The Reverend (A.B.R.D.) loves them - true to the direction - In
Truth, In Light, in Love - consciousness expansion and further spiritual development throughout all existence.
This is our effort, this is our service - the Servers. OM
January 28th 2003 (e-mail correspondence)
Subject: purple community
hi, i was wondering if you have any purple communities in california? Because i live in the Bay Area and there
is a community full of purple houses and purple wearing people. i am trying to figure out what these people are
about. the community is in the city of either walnut creek, or pleasant hill. if you know anything about them
please e-mail me. Thank you.
From the Office of Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem (A.B.R.D.)
Nahziryah Monastic Community
The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
- 17 -
Peace be with you P. R.,
The Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD) has received your transmission, your inquiry, and thanks you very
much. The Reverend said:
At this time can tell you nothing concerning the people/location you have referred to. It/ they appear not to
be in direct contact with Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem/Nahziryah Monastic Community/Nazir Order
of the Purple Veil.
P., They appear to be walking as to the direction. At present there are purple people all over the world. We
can no longer exclusively claim the title. However we can say that they are not initiated members - in direct
contact with the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil- the Initiated Initiates by Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B.
Kedem into and of the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil. All are making the effort toward the goal... living the
life, knowing the love, we pray, rising above, in that love through that love. May Peace Prevail On Earth.
Nahziryah Monastic Community
The Purple People
In Truth, In Light, In Love
Peace Be With You and All, in All
The Office of Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem (A.B.R.D.)
Nahziryah Monastic Community
The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
Afternote: P., please send the Reverend further information concerning, if possible. If P. has any further
questions concerning The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil- be free, communicate.
taken at the Veil of Truth New Orleans (1988-1999)
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Monday, August 08, 2005
Purple People Madness!
“So I just found out that people actually read this site.
Might as well keep going at it.
I've lived in the east bay for at least one hundred
years or so. I've done everything, seen everything,
and experienced everything on this side of the bay......
I'm about to take my dogs to the dog park. Then Billy
bursts into the house with a pretty crazy story. "You
ever hear of the Purple People?" he says. I say no.
I guess Billy and one of his friends were driving down
to Pleasant Hill from Lafayette when they took a
wrong turn somewhere. They find themselves stuck in
this narrow road with no room to turn around. They
keep driving forward for a few yards until they reach a
gated compound, complete with guards and barbed
wire fence. If that isn't creepy enough, everything is
painted purple. Even the guard is sitting in this purple guard house wearing a purple shirt.
At first I think Billy's story is untrue. Pleasant Hill is too tame to have secret military compounds controlled by militant
nut cases dressed in purple garbs. But Billy assures me this place is real. After I take the dogs to do their thing, we
load up in 94 Maxima and drive down to Pleasant Hill. We take the turn off and drive down the narrow road. Lo and
behold, we get to a purple compound complete with a purple guard house with a guard wearing a purple shirt taking
down our license plate with a purple crayola. The barbed wire gate is open and we see a couple of people dressed
in nothing but purple. These people are giving us the nastiest stink eye I've ever gotten in my life. After sitting there
for a few minutes, our curiosity finally wears off and we back out of there as fast as we can because these purple
people look like their in the mood for sacrificing infidels.
We get back home and start researching/googling these Purple People. We spend a good two hours searching the
internets for any kind of information on these dudes but we can't find anything. NOTHING! We're just assuming it's
just some kind of sex cult. I mean they did have some kind of phallic icon hanging above the guard tower.
That night was Billy’s third encounter with the purple people. A week or so before, Billy and three other friends drive
over to the compound in a big juicy white van. They back the van down the narrow road, open up the back doors
and begin to paintball the compound. Five or six purple bonzai rush the van but are mowed down in a hail of red
paintballs. Now you may think Billy and his friends are a bunch of idiots for attacking the Purple People (and they
probably are), but these Purple People are no pacifist hippy organic bean farmers. The guard was armed with shotgun, and unlike your average hippy commune, the place is encompassed in razor wire. It looked more like army barracks than anything else.
But other than paintballing the place (which is not a clever thing to do, in fact it's pretty stupid), there are plenty of
other pranks to play against the Purple People. My plan is to gather 50 people, dress in green clothes, bring us
some pitchforks and torches and mob down to the Purple People compound, demanding that they submit to our true
god the Jolly Green Giant or face total annihilation. Once they refuse our one true god, we bring out some loud
speakers and play R. Kelly's coming out of the closet song (all chapters) until they submit.
Now in the small chance of a Purple Person reading my blog, let me give you some advice. If you don't want little
beings such as myself always giving you a hard time, you should share a little bit about your cult with the outside
world. I mean, even those Hale Bop comet worshipper/suicides gave the newspapers interviews.”
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----- Original Message ----From: D. O.
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 12:25 AM
Subject: i have a few questions about the "Purple People" and how to become a follower
Dear Friend,
My name is D. O. i am currently a senior at monte vista high school in Danville Ca, i have herd many
rumors of "The Purple People" at my school and in my town, many people have told me that your people are cruel and often violent but after reading the info on your web site it seems highly unlikely to me
that your people would do this. I have been told that there is a Nahziryah Monastic Community somewhere near concord california, I would realy apreciate any information you could give me on a community of "Purple People" in california, and any more information about your way of life, it is verry different then the one i currently lead and i would like to find out more about your community. Thank you
verry much.
Peace Always
D. O.
From the Office of Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem (A.B.R.D.)
Nahziryah Monastic Community
Retreat for Meditation and Wholistic Living
Peace be with you D. O.,
Please excuse the delay in responding to your inquiry.
The Reverend Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.) has received your transmission and has instructed to inform you that the
Reverend has many, many requests regarding whether groups in California are directly related to Nahziryah
Monastic Community/The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil. The most that can be said at this time is that they are
not direct, initiated students of the Baba and they are not being directed by the Rev. Baba Nazirmoreh Kedemthe founder, spiritual head and director of Nahziryah Monastic Community/ The Nazir Order of the Purple
In Truth, In Light, In Love
Peace be with you and All, in All
The Office of Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem (A.B.R.D.)
Nahziryah Monastic Community
The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
after note: the Reverend instructed to inform you that more information will be sent- in time- regarding your request.
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A Sampling of Purple People Sightings
The Purple People Bridge
The Reverend Baba Nazirmoreh (ABRD) has received information that there is a bridge located in Cincinnati Ohio named the “Purple People Bridge”. The 1/2 mile long bridge connects Ohio and Kentucky.
The bridge dates back to 1872 and was restored in 2001 to accommodate pedestrian traffic only. This restoration project culminated it in being painted completely purple and soon after given the title “The Purple People Bridge“.
Sunday, April 20, 2003
Meet the Purple People Bridge
One-of-a-kind crossing to open Saturday
By Patrick Crowley
The Cincinnati Enquirer
NEWPORT - Of the nine bridges crossing the Ohio River at Cincinnati, only one is purple.
Starting Saturday, it will be the only one just for people, too.
After a $4 million restoration, the former L&N Railroad Bridge between Newport and Cincinnati will reopen as a pedestrian walkway. Officially named the Newport Southbank Bridge, the "Purple People
Bridge" will be the longest connector of its kind in the country that links two states.
"Everybody has already been calling it the Purple People Bridge," says Wally Pagan, president of
Newport-based Southbank Partners, a non-profit group promoting economic development in Northern
Kentucky's river cities.
"Because of the color, it's a name that is going to stick." …”
one of the building projects at Nahziryah Monastic Community/The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
Monastery Headquarters in Ozarks
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A Sampling of Purple People Sightings
A Tarot Deck
One day while members of Nahziryah Monastic Community were serving at/offering information at the Community’s metaphysical, esoteric literature information booths (as well as art crafts displays) at the New Orleans French Market Flea Market –
one of the merchants approached and showed them a tarot deck with a depiction of Nahziryah Monastic Community/The Nazir
Order of the Purple Veil members within the deck. (1985-1999: during that particular time dispensation)
Tourist Guide to New Orleans
A tourist guide was shown to the Reverend Baba (ABRD) containing information which included going to Canal Street to see
“the ladies dressed in purple” (members had been displaying Nazir Art Crafts on Canal Street for about 10 years at that time).
Yet another manifestation of the Order’s sojourn in New Orleans. (1985-1999: with the Veil of Truth Center for Metaphysical/
Esoteric Learning in 1988. There had been set-ups prior to this time by members of Nahziryah Monastic Communitys’ visitations to New Orleans in previous years for the purpose of setting up displays and imparting information for 30 years or so –
to date)
The Church of The Purple People
This is a recent siting presented to the Reverend Baba (ABRD) which purports to being a “New World Translation of the Holy
Freakin’ Purple People
November 39, 2005
“Purple people. I don't know what it is about the color, but some people are passionate about it and let it dominate their lives.
They are easy to pick out because they are the ones dressed head to toe in purple. They have entire stores dedicated to the lifestyle. They scare me. Can anyone explain to it to me?
[If anyone out there is a purple person, I don't mean to offend you. Please just explain yourself.]
...while I am somewhat perturbed by the Purple People site and would never ever buy one of their products, I absolutely love
the color. I don't ever dress head to toe in it, and certainly don't decorate my home with it, I just have a lot of clothes in various
shades o' violet…
...I wouldn't consider buying any of the purple people store products that proclaim my love for purple. I'm a purple person, but
I don't need to talk about it much. It's just part of who I am...
...I work with a purple person. Why aren't there people obsessed with other colors in the same way?…
...But why purple? I don't know either. The purple people I know are obsessive about it too. And annoying… a pasty redhead I can really only wear that lovely autumnal, muted eggplant purple, which I like. it goes well with my predominantly PIB wardrobe. but I think you purple people are WEIRDOS!!!!…”
(excerpt from “The Book of the Words of Reverend Nazirmoreh” first printing 1997)
...and a lot of times what happens when things come to you, they come to prepare you
for it, to let you know. And a lot of times you just blot them out because you don't
want to know. You don't want to know, you don't want to be aware of that because
sometimes it's too painful. So you don't want to know. I mean that's with Truth or anything else. You start bringing forth Truth - they say ignorance is bliss. So you'd rather
live in your blissful ignorance than some Truth be dumped on you to make your life
harder, because you want to do what you want to do anyway. And if somebody says,
'Oh, you can do this better...' --- 'No, no. I want to do it the way I want to do it. This is
the way I see it and that's it! Now, don't give me any problems...', you see. And that's
how Truth is on a higher plane…
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A Sampling of Purple People Sightings
The Touchstone
January 2006
Countdown to Forward to Forward Fest, i.e. Progression to Purple
by Annie Lessem
When the Forward Fest committee decided that this year’s “theme” for the pre-Forward Fest party would be Purple Progressive People, some groaned and others rolled their eyes. Little did they know what a fun time we could have becoming purple. In fact, purple and progressives go together hand in hand. Did you know that there are web sites about purple progressive
people? And there’s even a monastery (Nahziryah Monastic Community – Retreat for Meditation and Wholistic Living) built around
the concepts of ecology and peace where the monks wear purple robes to symbolize the strength of their commitment.
Given the terrific ties between progressives and purple, we’re expanding the purple idea to all of Forward Fest. Over the
next few months we will be having a good time as we mind our “p”s (and maybe a few “q”s) and progress to purple.” For starters, let’s see how many “p” words you can string together to describe progressive people. Ski and I came up with the following -- “premier purple progressive people proudly promote peace, planned parenthood, plus plenty of pennies phor poor people. Send your “p” phrases to me and we will post them at the Pre-Forward Fest Purple Progressive People Party at Revolution
on March 4.
Or, maybe you can you turn on your creative juices to paraphrase Kermit the Frog’s catch phrase “it’s not easy being
green -- or purple” Just look at the terrific job Sheri Stebenne did with her purple poem (with apologies to Jenny Joseph, who
wrote the original).
When I am progressive
When I am a progressive person, I shall wear purple
With an open mind that doesn’t judge and doesn’t always agree
And I shall spend my energy on erudite philosophies and ideal thought
And solving world problems, and say we’ve no time for working 8-5
I shall protest when I disagree and wear comfortable shoes
And I will gobble up knowledge as it finds itself near
I will dance without warning and sing songs out loud
And make up for those too poor in spirit to challenge the world
I shall hug every puppy and cuddle every kitty and not wash my hands
And I will speak for those who cannot find the words through oppression
But maybe I ought to practice a little now?
So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised
When suddenly I make it known I am progressive… and start to wear purple.
Have you ever seen a purple progressive person? I’ve not only seen them, I am
There is an aura about us that is hard to describe. Some attribute it to the anticipation of
a brighter future that is reflected in our eyes. Others attribute it to the exuberant way we navigate through a murky sea of conservatism. And still others attribute it to the symphony of our voices singing out possibilities for tomorrow. Whatever it is
about purple progressive people, the Brazos Valley is a very lucky place because we have many people who are proud to be
purple. And it’s getting to be that time of year when we embrace each other and our community and flock together to Forward
Fest. Come join the fun with the area’s positively proud, passionate, playful, persuasive, purple progressive people…”
Annie Lessem is the Chairperson of the 2006 Forward Fest committee.
“The Purple People are the best! Your oils are par excellence, and the simple act of dealing with
your organization leaves one with a feeling of peace and optimism. Thank you for being so
nice in every way. “
(L. P. - California)
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A Sampling of Purple People Sightings
Backwoods Home Magazine Reader’s Forum
practical ideas for self-reliant living
Re: Soap/lotion/Massage Oil thread
January 5th and 6th, 2006
...This website I'm posting is located in St. Joe, Arkansas. I have heard NO ONE has better essence and essential oils. Very
expensive. I bought a incense stick and never had to burn it. Just stood it up in the living room and it scented the whole house
for about a month. I'm not kidding. I've been wanting to order a 2 oz. of the essence ($66 ouch) to see if I can use it in my candles. I have a market here in Hot Springs with the wealthy folks coming here for the gambling, horseracing, and massage/
bathouses if I can just get an essence oil that will scent the candle. I'm going to bite the bullet and just buy a 2 oz bottle and
see. They say it will not take much. I really can't believe it but I'm going to buy and see for myself. This commune up in North
Arkansas sell their oils internationally. From India and moved to Arkansas from New Orleans sometime in the '90's. Seem to
get along very well with the conservative folks there. Might want to check it out.
“...I didn't know the purple people were christians until I started reading their website and found the reverend talk about Jesus ascending, resurrection and such. Your sister married one? I'm going to do a goggle search based on the information you
provided and learn more.
You looked at the prices and thought they were reasonable? I thought they were expensive but I don't know much about
pricing for uncut, pure undeluted oils. I have decided to order a dram instead of 2 oz. since I looked and saw they offered samples in smaller sizes. Did you see they have the Sweet Pea??…”
—–Original Message—–
From: R. M.
To: Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem
Sent: Sunday, 19 February 2004 7:43 PM
Subject: Sufi Order Of the Green Light...
I've been attending a Nuwaubian Class at a bookstore in Little Rock since last Easter Sunday and I was wondering if your order
had anything to do with the Order of Melchizedek. I was told in our class that Melchizedek's color was purple before it turned
green. You may not know this but our fellow Nuwaupians are facing troubled times right now because our master teacher has
been incarcerated on fraudulent charges. I, and a few others in class were also thinking about planning a trip to come see you all
and exchange our thoughts and ideas. If there is a problem with this please let me know.
Respectfully- R. M.
----- Original Message ----From: Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem
To: R. M.
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2006 2:52 PM
Subject: Re: Sufi Order Of The Green Light...
From the Office of Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem (A.B.R.D.)
Nahziryah Monastic Community
Retreat for Meditation and Wholistic Living
Peace be with you Ryan Maxwell,
The Reverend Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.) has received your transmission and thanks you very much for your inquiry. The Reverend has instructed to inform you that the purple color of our Order is the color purple due to it being the color of our Spiritual Master; the founder,
director and spiritual head of the Order- Reverend Baba Nazirmoreh K B Kedem (ABRD).
View the site thoroughly, study it well, and your questions will be answered according to that effort.
In regards to visiting the Reverend Baba Nazirmoreh (ABRD), the community, no unauthorized visits are allowed. There are visitation
questionnaires which must be filled out and returned to the Baba for approval before a visitation can be arranged. Please provide your
Name, Address and telephone number, and how many questionnaires you would like to receive (how many would like to visit the monastery) and the necessary forms will be mailed to you regarding. Each being who would like to visit must fill the questionnaires out for themself. The questionnaires are then to be returned to the Baba for approval. Peace be with you.
Peace be with you and All,
In Truth, In Light, In Love
Embrace the Love from Above
May Peace Prevail on Earth
Nahziryah Monastic Community
The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
- 24 -
E– mail transmission
a few inquirers of
The Reverend Baba Nazirmoreh (ABRD)
at the Veil of Truth 1998-1999
February 22, 1999
Inquiry = To whom it may concern,
I have a few questions.
1. How many places of 'worship' do you have in New Orleans?
2. What do you believe in?
3. How many followers do you have in the city of New Orleans?
4. Are you considered a cult?
5. What is so "wonderful" about this 'religion'????????
6. How did New Age get started??
Reverend Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.)
March 20, 1999
Peace be with you Fred,
Have received your communications, you questions and
your concerns.
1. There are many, many places of worship in New Orleans. Many paths,
one goal – many names, One Divine Creator.
2. We have knowledge/knowing that the breath of life was breathed within
the body of man/woman, all existence and all became living being, and That
breath is The Divine Essence of all that is, was and ever shall be, and all existence is one with that breath, with that life. However, some do not know
that and they live the bitter, the sweet – the wisdom, the woe; to experience
and to become aware of that union, that knowledge, that we are all one with
That Essence. We are all brothers and sisters and related to each other in
that breath, in the Life, That Divine Essence, That Creative Essence, The
Creator. Love one another.
3. There are many, many servers, aware ones without number, of the knowing and to become aware in time of the knowing, the realization that we are
all one in Truth, in Light, in Love as stated above.
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4. Some may consider us a cult according to their ignorance, their lack of knowledge, not even
knowing what a cult is or what the word means in informed knowledge or information. We strive
to love one another as has been transmitted to us throughout the ages. We will not crucify.
We are a mystic order, steadfast in our appearance, beliefs and customs – which leads some to
call us a “cult” or something else which has a negative connotation. However if one would look up
the definition of cult, one would see that those very people who are calling others a cult are most
likely members of a cult themselves; according to the definition of that word, (namely any religious group you may know or collective group of people working toward the same goals.) So may
we all look at all things with eyes of Truth, Light and Love.
5. It is an effort – a way of life. The effort is toward consciousness expansion, further spiritual development throughout all existence. You get what you are – you get what you pay for. What you
are is the plane of consciousness you’re traveling on – your degree of awareness. You attract into
your life or you are attracted to in your life according to your plane of consciousness, your awareness, your experiential need, to learn, to grow – physically, mentally and spiritually, The pay is the
effort you put into utilizing the information gained through experience that is conducive to that
growth, to that expansion, to that development, to that awakening, to that return to the Divine
from whence we all came forth from. Breath of life breathed within the body of all existence. We
are One. Love one another. Everyone wants to go to heaven – no one wants to die to get there.
Crucifixion, resurrection ascension – beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
6. There is nothing new under the sun or above, all is One. Ages and things appear to be new according to the period of time or dimension you’re traveling in and according to your consciousness limitations, your experience, your knowledge, your ignorance – lack of knowledge, your conditioning and programming. What appears to be new to some is old to others. New could be ancient and ancient could be new. We’re on a spiralic journey. All came forth from beginningless
time. We are on an infinite journey.
In Truth, In Light, In Love
Peace Be With You
Reverend Nazirmoreh
Nahziryah Monastic Community
The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
A. N. There is a lot more to be said, can be, will be, should be.
- 26 -
E-mail Transmissions
October 16th 2001
----- Original Message ----From: I. & E.
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 9:00 AM
Subject: remembering
weary ascending travellers looking for a place of
refuge... any guidance greatly appreciated.
love and light
I. & E.
Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD)
November 15th 2001
-----Original Message----From: Reverend Nazirmoreh Kedem
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 4:30 PM
Subject: A place of refuge/ guidance
From the Office of Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem (A.B.R.D.)
Nahziryah Monastic Community
Peace be with you Ascending Travelers,
The Reverend (A.B.R.D.) has received your transmission, your concerns. The Reverend (A.
B.R.D.) has directed to inform you that you should please give postal address that information can be sent to you regarding your feelings, your thoughts, your concerns.
In Truth, In Light, In Love
Peace Be With You and All, in All
From the Office of Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem (A.B.R.D.)
Nahziryah Monastic Community
The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
- 27 -
November 18th 2001
----- Original Message ----From: L. & E.
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2001 2:34 PM
Subject: A place of refuge/ guidance
if we had a mailing address
we would not be weary travelers
what matter of work
is to be acheived
with eyes closed
Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD)
November 18th 2001
-----Original Message----From: Reverend Nazirmoreh Kedem
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2001 5:55 PM
Subject: A place of refuge/ guidance
Weary Travelers,
Actually, this whole earth, involutionary, mundane, cyclic, experiential journey is full of weary
travelers - some are millionaires, some have good jobs, homes, bank accounts, reputations, seen of
men; in the public eye - with no place to run to and no place to hide... but to ascend into the realm
of truth, light and love, wisdom, knowledge and understanding - beyond the mundane, physical,
material, involutionary, cyclic, experiential need illusion - to the union with the Divine Essence,
the Spiritual Essence of their true inner being / the inner being of all existence. We are one, weary
travelers and are striving to ascend.
Peace be with you weary travelers. We love you very much. Ascend. OM.
In Truth, In Light, In Love
Peace Be With You
Reverend Nazirmoreh
Nahziryah Monastic Community
The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
Nahziryah Monastic Community
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A Life Apart
Purple-veiled monastic group calls Ozarks Home
by Nancy Cole
Bulletin Staff Writer
Thursday, Septmeber 2, 1999
Purple Veils will be a common sight in Mountain
Two sisters from the Nahziryah Monastic Community near Yellville said Nazir Art Crafts plans to offer a
variety of holistic living supplies for sale here every
Thursday through the end of the year.
This week, the sisters had several tables set up alongside Highway 62 West near State Tire & Rubber Co.
Fragrant oils, incense, hand-crafted jewelry, solar ovens
and a variety of books were just some of the products
available for purchase.
The Nahziryah Monastic Community (NMC), located
near Yellville since 1993, is affiliated with the Veil of
Truth, a center for metaphysical and esoteric learning
established in 1988 in New Orleans. According to the
NMC literature, the intentional community includes
men, women and children who abide by strict- rules and
disciplines. The ' members strive for right living through
meditation and study.
Initiates in the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil make
consciousness expansion and spiritual development their
chief objective in life. Their spiritual teacher and community founder is the Rev. Nazirmoreh K.B. Kedem.
c o mmu n i t y
pamphlet explains the
Order's unique clothing this way: "The
Purple Veil and garments of the initiates
of the Order are worn
to enshroud those of
the Order in the spiritual, peaceful and
positive energies
emanating from the
color purple; purple
being a color of the
highest spiritual vi- bratory rate. It may cause a feeling of consternation in those who have a fear of the unknown, however, the
overall effect is that of helping to usher in more spiritual and harmonious states of consciousness throughout all existence
The NMC literature. notes that community members are vegans
or non-dairy vegetarians. Residents refrain from drinking intoxicants, cutting hair, or using narcotic s, drugs or nicotine. Members
lead a reclusive, austere life, tend organic gardens and respect the
Earth by practicing intensive recycling.
According to the community literature, NMC' does not proselytize or do missionary work and in no way teaches that the Nazir
way is the only way. For more information, call 1-800-615-3753 or visit the community's Web site:
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E-mail Transmissions
January 31st 1999
----- Original Message ----From: Penelope Perrin
Sent: Sunday, January 31, 1999 4:29
Subject: Reverend Nazirmoreh
Dear Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD)
I do not have many, or in fact any questions for you at the moment. I just wanted to say how wonderful I think what you are
doing is. When I walked into your store while visiting New Orleans I didn't want to leave because I felt like I had come home. As
I mentioned to one of your devotees, I was almost moved to tears. I am tired of babbling about my spiritual search, I have
learned that it is not as intriguing to everyone else as it is to me. So I shall say that the colour purple has always held me captivated and I think thats what won me over. I am currently participating in an internship programme on an organic farm in Ohio,
and I enjoy creating craft items in my spare time. So you can see why your community sounds like my original "home". As for
peace... well, love is my doctrine. Something that I try to spread where ever I find myself in my travels. Thank you for showing
me that I am on a viable path in life. It helps. I hope to be able to visit your community someday.
All Blessings and Respect Due.
Penelope Perrin
more receptive and receiving views…
(excerpt from Travels Through India – January/February 2002)
Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD), Subhash, and Dr. (physician) G. B. Chavan - Head and Director of Shri
Nisargdatta Society, 20 miles north of Mumbai. The doctor speaking with Nazirmoreh (ABRD) and asking
Nazirmoreh (ABRD) for directions concerning his further travels and service. The doctor and family receiving the anointing. the purple cord , the Union. The doctor’s daughter physician, arrived shortly and received.
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E-mail Transmissions
December 10th 2002
----- Original Message ----From: James
To: Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 9:38 PM
Subject: consultations
Inquiry = Hello. My name is James and I am a student of the Jain way of life. I am searching for a
community where I can become a Jainist monk, a place where others share similar beliefs. Your
monastery sounds exactly what I'm looking for: an environment of strict ascetic disciples where I
can practice my beliefs and maintain strict adherence to the principles of monkhood. I yearn for the
monastic way of life, and I will do anything to attain it. However, I have a few questions. First, I am
white, and I would be more comfortable if there were a significant number of white followers in the
community. Is this so? Also, upon taking my Jainist vows, I must renounce all pleasures and comforts of the flesh. This includes a complete renunciation of bathing (except for the hands and face).
Is it possible to live within your community and maintain this vow? Do others amongst you have
similar habits? I would be most ecstatic if you would allow me to join your society without compromising the rigorous demands of my faith. Are there other Jainist monks and nuns in your monastery? I am most curious. I am also quite serious about maintaining the monastic lifestyle, and would
most eagerly embrace all the requirements of life among you. Please respond as soon as possible, as
I will soon take my vows and become a homeless beggar, as my mindess American culture disgusts
and appalls me. Let me join your monastery as a dedicated, sincere member.
Evanston, IL
Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD)
December 11th 2002
----- Original Message ----From: Reverend Nazirmoreh Kedem
To: James
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 6:00 PM
Subject: consultations
From the Office of Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem (A.B.R.D.)
Nahziryah Monastic Community/The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
Peace be with you James,
The Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD) has received your transmission, your words, your thoughts and
feelings. The Reverend has instructed to inform you that at this present time no one is being accepted into the Monastery for residency (or Live-in membership), as well as visitations to the
- 31 -
Community will resume during the summer months of 2003. A preliminary visit to Nahziryah
Monastic Community is in order related to those seeking full time live-in membership, for the
purpose of the Reverend viewing/observing the applicant as well as the applicant experiencing
what the monastic life is like here at Nahziryah. The Reverend advises that If you are very serious according to your vows, you will have to wait until the spring or summer of this coming year
to request a visit to the Community. The Reverend also instructed to inform you James, that
there are members within the Community traveling in white bodies, however, none of which are
living at the Monastery at this time. Also, there are helper-supporters of Nahziryah Monastic
Community and direct-students of Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD), traveling in white bodies who
periodically visit the Community according to the said/approved times. [Note: Spiritual beings
traveling in white bodies, white mundane, physical , material travel vehicles during this particular
time dispensation. We are not these bodies.]
There is an information packet available which includes the Purple Veil Newsletters, a copy of
"A Glimpse of the Order", information on the different degrees of membership, 7 Basic Monastery Guidelines, a visitation and a membership questionnaire, etc.. If you are interested you may
send a sincerity offering, a contribution of $7.00 and the packet will be gotten to you right away.
You should read all of the information it contains and at that time you may want to apply for the
membership of your choice. The application will be observed by the Reverend Nazirmoreh
(ABRD), and you will be given further directions and information at that time. However, again,
there will be no entrance into the Community as resident membership during this winter season.
The Reverend also suggests that you view the Reverend's travels in India- a pictorial journey
newly placed on the Community's website- if you have not done so already...
In regards to all other questions expressed in your transmission, they will be answered at another
In Truth, In Light, In Love
Peace Be With You and All, in All
The Office of Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem (A.B.R.D.)
Nahziryah Monastic Community
The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
Excerpts from
- 32 Reverend Baba Swamiji Nazirmoreh
(ABRD) Photo Album
A Glimpse – Travels through India January/ February 2002
Reverend Baba Nazirmoreh (ABRD) outside of
dwelling in Mumbai first
day of landing, preparing
to journey to Jain Temple
One day while Reverend Baba Swami
Nazirmoreh (ABRD) was going into deep
meditation at the mountaintop Jain Temple
Ashram, a chipmonk attuned to Swamiji’s
being and proceeded to climb on top the
Reverend’s head and meditated in union
with Baba Nazirmoreh. After the meditation, one of the heads of the Temple being
very moved at this sight, informed the Reverend of the presence of the chipmonk and
inquired of the Reverend as to this state.
Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD) informed
the temple keeper that the Reverend was
aware of the chipmonk’s presence and the
A construction crew worker at Jain temple receiving the purple cord.
Baba Nazirmoreh (ABRD)
feeding and communicating
with the Monkeys in and of the
temple area thought atmosphere
- 33 The Reverend (ABRD) also spent nights in deep meditation, under blankets of stars – surrounded by the mountainside’s
beauty. However, due to the concerns of ashram attendants and visitors, several pleas were made to the Reverend to
come up from meditations. Several came to the Reverend to speak with the Reverend concerning – the Reverend informing all that the Reverend had nothing to fear, had no fear, that nothing would harm the Reverend, the Reverend being
attuned to all existence – in Truth – in Light – in Love. A letter (the original appears below) was written and delivered to
Swamiji – which reads as follows: “In night here must be lion and another dangerous animal can come. So you please
come up in Temple ground. Meditation is not in cave not in temple. but it is only in our Soul. It is natural. So you please
come up. that way we feel relax.”.
After speaking with all who had come to speak with the Reverend concerning the matter, all were relieved – all understood. All returned to the temple grounds to view Nazirmoreh in meditation from that area, that dimension, that thought,
that feeling. Next day, after night of meditation – after being concerned through observation —– one in particular asking
Baba Nazirmoreh what took place, what was the feeling, what Nazirmoreh felt, where had Nazirmoreh traveled. – Nazirmoreh informing her that she must be initiated into that information, or experience it herself – that it is only clear
through self experience.
The Trustee of the temple invited Baba Nazirmoreh (ABRD) to journey to an ashram in the Himalayas with one who currently resided there and was presently on route to this dwelling. However,
Nazirmoreh informed the Trustee that Nazirmoreh would first try to locate the Swami that Baba
Nazirmoreh traveled with in India previously, who also dwelled in the Himalayas and had asked the
Baba to come and dwell there...
The following clipping was taken from the Purple Veil Newsletter - issue #5 (Aug/Sept 1997)
of Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD) and above mentioned Swami
- 34 -
Student/daughter brought to Nazirmoreh (ABRD) at Subhash’s Delhi residence by father and
mother being informed of Nazirmoreh’s (ABRD) travels in India –
for spiritual union/initiation in Truth, in Light, in Love of entire family and blessings for passing
of education examination.
Letter via e-mail to Swamiji Nazirmoreh (ABRD) at Nahziryah Monastic Community
from Subhash – 6 June 2002
“...Swamiji may be reminded of one Mr. Jai Prakash who came to Subhash`s residence along with
his family to seek Swamiji`s blessings for success of his daughter in high school examination .The
girl passed examination with astonishing first division. Family desired to convey their thanks to
Blessings and Thanks
“...That's going to another level, because you have helpers anyway. (excuse me?) You have helpers anyway. You're just
not totally aware of all of them. You know just like you're saying, all Truth, Light, and Love dwells within you. And that's
true, it dwells within all beings and you might have gotten a little spark of it, or understanding of it, or attuned yourself
to it related to your degree of awareness, your experience. But still you've got helpers traveling on your plane of awareness that have gone further than you. And then you have them on all different planes of existence, from the greatest to
the least, serving and helping, you see. Sometimes you're not aware of it, you don't know it. You feel alone sometimes.
You feel insecure sometimes. That's a part of your experience, but you're getting help all the time. Because you've
reached that degree to receive that assistance, that support, that help, you see. You'll get through. (Thank you Sir.
excerpt from The Book of The Words of Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD) first printing 1997
Peace. Bless You. Thanks for Your Help...)”
- 35 -
Residence of Prahlad Suri requesting Baba Swamiji Nazirmoreh (ABRD) to travel to and spiritually assist in health
dis-ease that he was feeling discomfort with. The Reverend
(ABRD) directing him to Dr. Nazirahk Amen, traveling
with the Reverend Baba (ABRD), for assistance – in the
physical health area. After speaking with the doctor concerning the problem, he asked the Baba Nazirmoreh
(ABRD) to give the spiritual touch - assistance from that
area, the Baba transmitted the touch and initiation into the
spiritual union and the placing of the purple cord.
Also traveling throughout India with Swamiji Nazirmoreh
(ABRD) is Dr. Nazirahk K. K. Amen (Naturopathic Physician &
Acupuncturist) (left) beloved student of Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD) and
member of Nahziryah Monastic Community/
initiate of and into the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
by our Beloved Spiritual Master
Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD) —–
- 36 -
One in front of Colony/Ashram (having visited
Ashram) seeking political office, accompanied by
followers and devotees – Asking the Reverend
(ABRD) for spiritual blessing regarding his directions. The Reverend Baba (ABRD) giving blessing
and initiating into the Spiritual Union and Service.
Prostrating before Nazirmoreh (ABRD) in deep
truth sincerity – receiving the blessing, the initiation and the purple cord.
Swami Madhavnarayanacharya and other Swami Baba Nazirmoreh (ABRD) stopped at their ashram
while taking round of Vrindavan. Speaking with
them of many matters of a spiritual direction.
They receiving the purple cord.
Sahu receiving initiation thru the Purple Cord Union
to the left of Nazirmoreh (ABRD) – Dr. Munishawar
Mishra, who asked the Baba for initiation –
and receiving.
All gathered around the Reverend Baba for darshan, the touch initiation
(Temple grounds spiritual gathering area in Rishikesh)
- 37 -
As has happened on numerous occasions...
One day as Reverend Swamiji was sitting in a
market place in Nasik,
taking in atmospheric impressions...
...the village market onlookers…
gathered around Swamiji...
to give obeisance...
and receive…
many asked and received the purple
cord, instructions, directions and the Union through the touch.
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E-mail Transmissions
October 30th 2000
----- Original Message ----From: A.
Sent: Monday, October 30, 2000 1:42 AM
Do you advocate luther vandross, thus the here and now sayings?
Please respond because I also advocate Luther Vandross.
I am currently searching within the cosmos because I believe that I transcend this simple dimension. I am a gay black male who sincerely needs guidance from one as honorable as you.
What would you advise that I do with my penis as I transcend my physical body. I masterbate
constantly to visions of purple, what does this mean? Is this a sign?
Please respond posthaste.
Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD)
November 1st 2000
-----Original Message----From: Reverend Nazirmoreh Kedem
Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2000 7:55 PM
Peace be with you,
Received your transmission. Your call… concerning the being you spoke of – Luther Vandross. The Reverend is not familiar with him, does not know who he is, however the Reverend
can say to you – that the teachings – the knowledge – the information concerning the here &
now sayings, teachings, information has been in existence, transmitted since beginningless time.
If you have received that information, the glimpse, that knowing / knowledge from being you
spoke of, it is of value, it has been of value, it will continue to be of value for those who have
heard and have understood.
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Yes, it is a sign. It is an attraction. You get what you are – you get what you pay for. You receive,
you attract according to your experiential need... the plane of consciousness you are traveling on.
Regarding your penis – I would advise, suggest, direct you to stick it in your ear – if you have the
necessary ability or flexibility and direct your thoughts, your attention toward the art and practice of
meditation… transcending the art of masturbation. It was of value at / during your time of need –
your experiential need – but now you must put forth the effort to transcend and go into the degree
that would be more conducive to your consciousness expansion and further spiritual development –
beyond your sexual fixations, bodily desire needs.
Keep purple within your view… it is a color of the highest spiritual vibratory rate. It will assist to
transcend this simple dimension – and enable you or assist you to view the cosmos; within the cosmos
with a clearer vision; seeing the glimpses of your true spiritual essence. Beyond the body. Beyond the
mind. Beyond the penis. Beyond the black. Beyond the male. Beyond female. We are on an infinite
journey. Peace be with you our journeying being. We love you very much.
If you have any further questions, statements, concerns, be free – let it be known.
The Reverend N.K.B.K.
Nahziryah Monastic Community
The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
A.N.: Meditate if you can NOT put it in your ear. Meditation will be of value without it in your ear –
possibly make it disappear. It’s understood that it’s very dear. Have no fear. Go beyond the body, beyond the mind… into the realms truly sublime. Sincerely of truth.
(the PAY is the effort you put into utilizing the information received / transmitted. Actions are recognized more so than words.)
In Truth, In Light, In Love
Peace Be With You
Reverend Nazirmoreh
Nahziryah Monastic Community
The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
- 40 -
Questions and Answers Transmission
Veil of Truth Omniversity – Center for Metaphysical and Esoteric Learning
New Orleans, LA
...Now we’re speaking about cows. Cows produce milk for cows. And the milk comes through cows for calves. [yeah] And
the calf’s mother has teats. [yeah] And the little calf drinks on the cows’ teats. And when the little calf grows out of the
need of the cows teats, it starts eating grass. It starts eating whole foods and grass and things like that. Just like a baby is
suppose to have mamas teats, [yeah] a calf is suppose to have cows teats [yeah] . However when the baby grows out of the
need for moms teats [yeah], it eats food. And when the calf grows out of the need for the cows’ teats, it eats grass. Now you
have people that are, yourself probably included, that would say, ’Okay, well – I’m no longer a baby, and I’m not a calf,
and I’m not even a cow —– but I still want to drink cows milk [yeah] . Or I still want to drink goats milk [yeah] . But I’m
not a goat [right] , I’m not a calf, I’m not a cow. I am a grown man [yeah]. I’m a grown man, and being a grown man – I
don’t need to be drinking milk from moms teats, you know. I can go to McDonalds – you know, using something like that
[yeah]. Is that simple enough? [Well like you don‘t want milk because you think it‘s just for babies?] No, I don’t want milk
because I don’t have any need for it. [I mean like, you know milk is good in ice cream and all that, chocolate milk...] Well
it’s good for your desires, it’s good for your desires. It’s because you’ve been programmed and conditioned into things of
that nature [yeah] . You’ve been programmed and conditioned into the things of that nature and you’ve got an addiction
to it [yeah] . You’re a milk-aholic [yeah]. You’re a milk-aholic, you’re a chocolate-aholic, you’re a milk addict [yeah] ,
you’re a cheese addict – of course it’s good to you. You tell anyone that crack is not good for them, and they say, ‘Yeah, but
I like that, I need that. It’s good for me. I might get sick, I might go through changes, and I might fall down the stairs, or
alcohol – drink a little too much, fall down the stairs and everything else. But I like it, it’s good [yeah] . You know, ‘I
smoke a cigarette, smoke a couple of cigarettes. I cough and everything. And there’s a billboard saying Smoking is Hazardous To Your Health. But what is that? I like it. It’s my life. I do what I like to do, and I suffer the consequences’. And
everybody’s got an excuse for what they like to do. They’ve got a taste for what they want to do. They’ve got everything.
So, it’s their life, they do what they want to do with it, because it’s theirs. [Yeah, but I mean milk is healthy, and white bread
is healthy too, and cheese and all that.] You say that because you’re talking through ignorance, you’re talking through ignorance. White bread is not good for you, but like I said, if you like it, if that’s what you feel you need, and that’s as far as
your education goes – then it’s good for you. [I mean, uh, white bread is really good for you. A sandwich wouldn‘t taste as
good with different kind of bread.] Well, that’s what I said. It’s because of your conditioning and programming. [And it IS
good for you too.] Okay, white bread is good for you because that’s what you like, and that’s it, that’s beautiful. Now I’m
not going to argue the point for you. Like I said, if it’s good for you. it’s good for you. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
And I cannot infringe my opinions, I can’t infringe my information, I can’t infringe my life on yours. [And like, um, I don‘t
smoke or drink but I know that adults , uh, like to smoke and drink – you know, I think that‘s a part of being an adult – smoking and drinking.] Well good… [I think drinking is made for adults, and you know, I don‘t think that should change. I think
people should be able to drink and smoke when they become an adult.] Okay… [Because, like you said you didn’t want drinking or smoking, you know.] Well, you just live according to your life then. See, and that says that you couldn’t come in
here and live. You couldn’t come within this Community and live because the disciplines would be a little too much for you.
[I mean, they have people that wear them robes, and they’re in Africa and Asia and all. And they still do all them things.] You
would be uncomfortable, but… [I mean wearing a robe shouldn‘t make you change anything.] Well, no it won’t, it won’t
make you change anything. Whether living in Africa or Asia or wherever anyone is living, they’re living according to their
life, they’re living according to their experiential need, and that’s their life and that’s their need and that’s the way they
live, and that’s their business. I have no problem with that. [But I mean, you want them to wear the robe and change everything, you know.] I’m not telling anybody to wear anything. Just like I told you, those that want to make the necessary
changes that we are going through… [Well, that‘s trying to make them change.] No, no… [seeing as they have to do that to be
a apart of that], no, no, no, they come in and they say this is what it is to be a part of this. And they choose for themselves whether they want to be a part of this. And if they do not want to be a part or this, they will not come into this. They
will go and put some green on, or some blue, or they’ll wear purple if they want to wear purple, that’s their business and
they live their life according to the way they want to live it. I’m saying, that when you come here - here are some rules,
regulations that you live by. And if you don’t want to live by these rules and regulations, that’s your business, go somewhere else, and live according to the way you think you should be living. Those that say, ‘Oh yes, I like those rules and
regulations because I agree with them, and this is what I’ve been looking for and looking to all my life. I want to be a part
of this because I feel one with it, because my views, my thoughts, the way I want to live life is in accord with this. [Yeah and
uh, people could get married and live in there too?] Well see, the thing is I feel at this point I should not answer any more of
your questions due to the fact that you’re just talking. [Yeah, well it‘s nothing wrong with getting some information and talking.] Oh, that’s beautiful, that’s beautiful but I don’t want to just be having vain conversations. [Well I was wondering,
you know, even before I talked to you about that, if people get- 41
in there too.] You’re doing a book report? [No, just
was wondering if I could have got married in there, you know.] You can get married where ever you are - why don’t you go
and get you some one that likes white bread and marry them and you won’t have any problems. [If I was living in the Community, how would I get married?] If you came in the Community and you say I want to get married and you say – ‘but I
like white bread’ – and someone says – ‘but I like whole wheat bread’ – and you say – ‘okay what are we going to do to
bridge this gap. Let’s match information.’ And you match information, and you say ‘Well no, information doesn’t have
anything to do with it. I just like white bread and you like whole wheat bread and that’s it’. [I mean people still get married
even if they like different things, you know.] Of course they can. [But I mean how does that work?] But they can’t when certain people have taken upon themselves to go through various changes and go through various disciplines in their life, and
they take it upon themselves to live according to certain disciplines – when they have someone pulling in the opposite direction - you need support. That’s what soul mates are. When you have people going together, they need to support each
others efforts. And they should be as much in tune to each other, as much in tune to each others goals as they possibly can
be to support and help each other to attain the goal. [You mean like if they wasn‘t in the Community and they liked different
things, then they could get married, but when they‘re in the Community – then they can‘t do that no more, right?] No, when
you’re in the Community , or when you’re in a particular order – of course I know a lot of Christians and Muslims marry
together, and Jews and Hindus marry together, and things like that [Well, if they get married, then they couldn‘t be in the
Community anymore, right?] No, I’m not saying that. I’m not saying that. I’m telling you that I know people that are married and they have different outlooks and different religious beliefs, different spiritual beliefs and different disciplines –
and they go in their opposite direction and they have children, and their children are kind of on the fringe ground of it –
they don’t know whether they’re coming or going – their split in between mommy and daddy related to whether I’m going to be this, that or the other. And they go through a lot of confusion – but they should be themselves of course. But when
you go into certain areas, you should have someone more attuned to the direction that you’re going in that would be of
more benefit, more support towards you attaining the goal. And there would be less static, argumentation, resistance, separateness. [Well like, when you‘re in a Community and you get married, the Community provides a place for you and everything, and money and all that?] Those are things that you have no authority or right to be going into all these little things
when what I’m saying to you is you need to go and get someone that wants to live life the way you like to live it...
Brother Steve, a very devout helper/
supporter/member/student of Rev. Nazirmoreh (ABRD) who has supported the
Service with devout adherence to the
direction towards the consciousness expansion & further spiritual Development
throughout all existence.
S.M. (Illinois)
OM Master Nazirmoreh!
Peace & blessings to the Community. Sorry for lack of correspondence; however, January has been a hectic month.
Sister (loved one) surprised me with key and crystal
from you and had it under the tree at Christmas. She also
ordered Coptic cross and copper bracelet and your anointing oil for her birthday. Thank you so much for the ‘Love
Crown’ - I sure do wear it. Here is a $bill for last order.
I am still reading, listening to tapes and meditating.
Thank you for all the great tapes and reading material. No
doubt the spiral you spoke of has of lately been very noticeable in my eyes and mind. Have much work to do in specific
areas. I am quite sure you know what I mean.
Will you please send two of your brass nugget bracelets
and some incense that you may feel we can use in the home.
We will promptly put money order in mail. Running out of
space. Blessings from us in Illinois. PEACE S. & J.
P.S. Thanks for sharing your knowledge –
OM Nazirmoreh ABRD.
The Incense burner and books did arrive in good shape and in a timely manner. Thanks for
the heart. Altar is now complete; will send some photos soon. Working, meditation and
reading material from NMC is the main agenda. Kyanite spear, copper ring and peppermint
soap quite nice. Hope this card finds Community well and in ver good spirits.
One is the road that leads to worldly gain,
one leads to eternity
Circa 563 BC – 483 BC
Thanks Nazirmoreh ABRD for showing the correct road. Until later.
Brother S.
- 42 -
E-mail Transmissions
March 24th 2002
----- Original Message ----From: Shmuel Wahli
To: Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem
Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2002 7:45 PM
Subject: community interest
peace. a friend emailed me your site and informed me of the developing community.
i have wanted to live community life for a good while, and the parameters that i have read are agreeable.
i have a graphic arts business, media, and printing in Indiana. i have raised toggenburg goats for
many years, and would very much like to be involved with goats in a community.
i have committed myself to understand the ketav levonah or ancient hebrew writings. each week i am
involved in translating the writings of the Torah into English with commentary. This is my service
amongst the bet Aharon of which my family is a member. I see this language has been the basis of
many languages today, universal in scope, and through which we come to understand all that is before
us as well as to activate and fully develop the attributes of light within us. A couple of my publications
are THE ALPHABET and THE TORAH LIGHT DICTIONARY. Some prior editions are available
from the web site...
please keep me posted of the community developments and the proposals
best regards. shmuel
Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD)
April 1st 2002
----- Original Message ----From: Reverend Nazirmoreh Kedem
To: Shumel Wahli
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 11:39 AM
Subject: Community Interest
From the Office Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem (A.B.R.D.)
Nahziryah Monastic Community
Peace be with you Shmuel Wahli,
Reverend Nazirmoreh (All Blessings and Respect Due) has received your
transmission and thanks you very much for your interest, your seeing, your
glimpse. The Reverend (A.B.R.D.) has directed to inform you Shmuel, that
Nahziryah Monastic Community is omniversal in sight - Many Paths, One
- 43 -
Goal... Many Names, One Divine Creator - Source and Essence of All that Is, Was and Ever Shall Be; in existence since beginningless time. Of the disciplines, rules, regulations, life living which the Reverend (A.B.R.D.)
lives, teaches and directs those students who have chosen and have come to give their All in Truth, in Light,
in Love. Nahziryah Monastic Community is a communal community, vegetarian-vegan (non diary). The Reverend (A.B.R.D.) has established here at the Monastery extensive and intensive organic gardening which fulfills a substantial portion of the Community's dietary needs.
Regarding your expressed community interest - work and meditate, meditate and work is the rule. Nahziryah Monastic Community's monastic life is serious and sincere - not performance or audience, but true
dedication and devotion --- to the Master, to the Goal, to the Direction, to the Life, Eternal, not here today
gone tomorrow, we are on an infinite journey, assisted through our soul attunement, our soul matrix and collective effort - we are One in service and effort towards the consciousness expansion and further spiritual development of all existence, not one people but all people, all beings - throughout all existence. The Reverend
(A.B.R.D.) does not play, and we are not here to play, we are here every single day; no place to run to, no
place to hide - receiving directions only from our beloved guide, the Reverend Nazirmoreh, our beloved Master. And being in the sight of a spiritual director at all times and under that director’s directions who corrects, ridicules, scolds and at times yells (always in Love) in an effort to assist one in one's consciousness expansion & further spiritual development, and to open one's eyes to that need, to that expansion, to that development - is extremely difficult, sensitive and strenuous at times. The service, the effort towards the consciousness expansion & further spiritual development of all existence in a collective effort toward that direction is extremely difficult, sensitive and strenuous as well; this is Nahziryah Monastic Community life living live the life and you will know the Love. The commitment, the responsibility, the duty, the service: to serve,
to transcend, to evolve, consciousness expansion, further spiritual development, beyond the body, beyond the
mind, beyond the mundane physical material programmed conditioned consciousness distractions, the ego. If
this be your calling our Brother Shmuel, do not hesitate - Reverend Nazirmoreh's (A.B.R.D.) heart is in all
ways open...
Please visit Nahziryah Monastic Community's website again and again for further expansion, that your
glimpse may expand into the vision.
We pray this information is in accord with your request, your asking. If you have any further questions,
thoughts or views - communicate .
Peace be with you Shmuel Wahli and All, in All - We Are One
From the Office of, Words of Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem (A.B.R.D.) - We are One
Nahziryah Monastic Community
The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
In Truth, In Light, In Love
After note: All beings living within the Community on a permanent basis as live-in members are direct initiated students of Reverend Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.), that is the qualification. However, there are those direct
initiated students, live-in members living outside of the Community geographically, and helper-supporter
members doing all that they possibly can do to assist, help and support the Community direction as best they
can - living in the world, being not of the world. They travel to the Community's geographical location whenever duty, the need calls... to give their All.
Visitations are acceptable and permitted upon request and approval.
“Love, Peace and Blessing. The Monastic community has not heard from A. M. in some time, she has been going through
trials. Wanted to donate on line, as don't have any checks and also for the convenience. Placed an order thinking that an
overpayment could be made. If possible please charge a $50.00 total for products ordered. If not let me know if a donation
can be made on line. Thank you”
A.. M. (GA) March 2006
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E-mail Transmissions
June 18th 1999
----- Original Message ----From: Joshua Asgaard, M.A.,K.S.C.
To: Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem
Sent: Friday, June 18, 1999 11:54
Subject: consultations
Inquiry = NAZIRMOREH you and your monastic community look beautiful, your words as I speak
them as I read them sound equally beautiful. Your color purple vibrates abundance, both spiritual
and material--at least in my experience. Your experience may differ and all things are revealed when
the time is right.
May your community grow as the truth shows through, expand, contract, expand and contract, live
and love.
Peace and beauty,
Joshua Asgaard, M.A., KSC
A friend you've not met
New Orleans, LA
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E-mail Transmissions
December 1st 2001
----- Original Message ----From: J. D.
Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2001 11:41 AM
Subject: Consultations
Inquiry = I am amazed and fascinated too, I must admit; Towards anyone who comes up with a different perspective of life.
Of course, I do not wish to play word games no more than you. When I talked with one of your beautiful sister's today, I
could not help but notice her demeanor and the way she was dressed. It sparked my interest and she was kind enough to give
me a small sample of your concepts. This of course interest me more. After I left and read the page, I was struck by the
thought..."If someone is to be a light for others to follow… why wasn't there a beacon." By that, I mean no address or phone
number on the page... so I went back and talked to another lady and she in turn, told the beautiful lady what I was after; She
had a thing in her nose... oh well, she again, gave me a piece of paper in which I am now able to respond. People are so concerned with how God made us with the concept that we were created out of the dust, or formed from the dust. Others say we
crawled out of the sea, or jumped out of a tree. Maybe I am alone in this, but I believe that when God fashioned the world and
created us in His image... He was referring to the spiritual self.... not the physical one; Simply because God doesn't need a
body with all the problems it presents... Then He set into motion, Mother nature or evolution which in itself is a building process. Lets give an example, if you look under a microscope at a drop of blood from your body... you'll find hundreds of different life forms... each has a purpose and a meaning in your life, and yet....God put you in charge of all that. So what difference
does it make what or where you came from... God set it all in motion... you were created in His image and He put you in
charge of it all. I hope that I don't seem too far out of what most would consider… "Off Base" But life is so complexed and
wonderful.... if I hear from you... I'll answer.... which ever..... someone once said, "We may only pass this way but once in
life. Let us not forget it; Nor neglect it... for we may never pass this way again.!
Name=J. D.
Russellville, Arkansas
Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD)
December 6th 2001
-----Original Message----From: Reverend Nazirmoreh Kedem (ABRD)
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 10:47 AM
Subject: We Shall Meet Again – Walk in One
Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem
Nahziryah Monastic Community
Nazir Path Route 1 Box 282
Saint Joe AR 72675
Peace be with you J. D.,
Received your transmission. Information will be sent to you,
that you may have an inner glimpse of the Community, the Order, the service, the effort, the direction. Truth, light and love throughout all existence. Wisdom, knowledge and understanding.
Peace be with you our Brother J. and All, in All.
Reverend Nazirmoreh
Nahziryah Monastic Community
The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
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E-mail Transmissions
December 29th 2002
----- Original Message ----From: oshen
Sent: Sunday, December 29, 2002 2:32 PM
Subject: where are you?
where is your community based. We live in a purple house and are wearing
purple now......we love great spirit and purple
blessed be.…Please reply and thanks oshen
Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD)
January 2nd 2003
-----Original Message----From: Reverend Nazirmoreh Kedem (ABRD)
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 2:34 AM
Subject: Attunement
From the Office of Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem (A.B.R.D.)
Nahziryah Monastic Community
Peace be with you Oshen,
The Reverend (A.B.R.D.) has received your transmission and observes your attunement. The
Reverend (A.B.R.D.) has instructed to inquire as to whether Oshen has viewed the website
( . Please inform if you have further questions.
In Truth, In Light, In Love
Peace Be With You Oshen and All, in All
Nahziryah Monastic Community
Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
The Initiated Initiates
Peace be with you Oshen and All,
Our Master Director Reverend NKBK (ABRD) accepts you within the Master's heart
through your effort - Live the Life, Know the Love.
Blessed Be
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E-mail Transmissions
July 29, 2000
----- Original Message ----From: scott wiser
Sent: Saturday, July 29, 2000 4:50 AM
Reverend Nazirmoreh,
hello reverand, my name is scott, and i was just wondering about the possibility of visiting your monastery. i
am trying to understand the varying ways to live in communities, and am traveling around the country trying
to understand it. most of the places that i am trying to find are either spiritual or have a basis in organic gardening, both i guess things that i would wish to learn more about. please let me know about the prospect of visiting
sometime in the fall, and what the rate is? i would be willing to work to reduce the
rate? thank you very much, and be well….
scott wiser
Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD)
July 30th 2000
-----Original Message----From: Reverend Nazirmoreh Kedem
Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2000 9:40 AM
Subject: Visitation request
Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem
Nahziryah Monastic Community
30 July 2000
Peace be with you scott wiser,
In response to your request to visit Nahziryah Monastic Community, the Order is writing you, to inform
that there will be a gathering at Nahziryah Monastic Community in mid-August, around the 16th being
one of the main days of the gathering. The Order would like for you to attend if at all possible. We most
joyfully request your presence. If you can scott, please come. Peace be with you and All, in All.
If you plan to attend, please inform that further information may be forwarded to you.
scott, there is no rate — or rate is work and meditate, meditate and work. Donations accepted — not required.
Peace be with you scott, OM
In Truth, In Light, In Love
Peace Be With You
Reverend Nazirmoreh
Nahziryah Monastic Community
The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
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----- Original Message ----From: scott wiser
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2000 1:34 AM
Subject: Visitation request
hello reverand,
yes, i am most interested in visiting, however i am not sure about that weekend……. is there another time?
can i only visit during a gathering? i am sorry, but i also have temporarily lost your website, could you
please send the link….. thanks…..
peace to you,
Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD)
July 31st 2000
-----Original Message----From: Reverend Nazirmoreh Kedem
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2000 7:10 PM
Subject: Visitation request
Peace be with you Scott,
Received your words, your requests. Website address is . Concerning your visit –
there can be another time, other times, however, you must state when you would like to visit first and
receive information concerning. You requested a visit in the fall originally. If you cannot come to the
gathering – request at the time that you are prepared to travel; that it may be approved at that time.
One week in advance.
In Truth, In Light, In Love
Peace Be With You
Reverend Nazirmoreh
Nahziryah Monastic Community
The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
a retreater – a visitor – a student
working and meditating –
Nahziryah Monastic Community
Retreat for Meditation and Wholistic Living
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----- Original Message ----From: scott wiser
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2000 9:13 PM
Subject: Visitation request
hello reverand,
yes, sometime in the fall would truly be the best. can i ask you what is a “gathering?” but ideally sometime in
the fall after october, would be absolutely the best i think. my schedule is changing a lot, but late october and
early November would be a really great time. please let me know what time during those months would be
good for you?
thanks again for your information,
and peace to you
Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD)
August 2nd 2000
-----Original Message----From: Reverend Nazirmoreh Kedem
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2000 11:53 AM
Subject: Visitation request
Peace be with you scott,
A gathering is when entities/beings gather together at a specific area/location from various parts of existence, during the same time dispensation. A coming together, a retreat; from the mundane, physical,
material activity in one’s life. Concerning the proper time to visit during the times you stated, those
times will be neared first and information sent concerning, that are in accord with the Monastery
schedule, activities, work, effort. Contact nearing that time scott, that it may be known that you are still
In Truth, In Light, In Love
Peace Be With You
Reverend Nazirmoreh
Nahziryah Monastic Community
The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
retreaters – visitors – students
Nahziryah Monastic Community
Retreat for Meditation
and Wholistic Living
- 50 -
Part II:
Who in the world are the Purple People?
The Purple People are in the world
but not of the world.
In Truth, all of existence is filled
with “Purple People” at this time…
as the Baba Nazirmoreh (ABRD) expressed it would be
many many years ago – please see below
The following pages are more
information concerning.
the following excerpt from
Nahziryah Monastic Community –
Path of Mystic Enlightenment – The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
written down 1983
“Many paths - One goal.
Many names - ONE DIVINE CREATOR, Source of All That Is.
Universal Consciousness. Highest Spiritual Evolution.
Our Order is the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil.
Purple is a color of the highest spiritual vibratory rate.
This is the color of the age of enlightenment,
the age of universal consciousness,
the age which the world is now embarking on…”
Blessings and Thanks to our Spiritual Teacher and Master –
Reverend Baba Nazirmoreh (ABRD)
Founder and Director of Nahziryah Monastic Community and The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
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excerpt from
Nahziryah Monastic Community’s
“Purple People Place”
“You may have seen long purple robed monks and nuns walking softly and respectfully across Mother Earth,
speaking very little, always carrying a greeting of Peace…
You may have seen purple veiled renunciates traveling through city and countryside in purple vans and step
vans with bumper stickers carrying the message, "May Peace Prevail On Earth - The Purple People"…
Perhaps you have experienced entering into establishments where the walls inside and out were graced with
the color purple, the air filled with delicate fragrances, shelves filled with books, recordings and more - of
a metaphysical/esoteric nature, and all kept diligently clean and in order by purple veiled attendants (whom
you may have also witnessed prostrating at the sight of their Spiritual Master)…
Or maybe you have walked up to purple draped outdoor tables surrounded by an aromatic vibrance - on
which were displayed art crafts made at the Monastery, along with an interesting array of incense, oils and
And even now, while traveling through the midst of this virtual reality called cyberspace - arriving here at
The Purple People Place in space…
...and wondering who are The Purple People,
where are they from,
and why in the world (and in truth beyond)
do they wear the color purple?”
Veil of Truth
Center for Metaphysical & Esoteric Learning
New Orleans 1988-1999
- 52 -
(an excerpt from the "Purple Veil" newsletter #2 - 4/94)
Reverend Nazirmoreh (All Blessings and Respect Due)
Founder, Director, Spiritual Head
of Nahziryah Monastic Community and the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil -
A Biographical Account
“Nahziryah Monastic Community became known to the general public during the early 1970's and has blossomed into a way of
life which is grounded in Truth which is beyond any one religion, Truth which is found in all religions. Reverend Nazirmoreh
(A.B.R.D.) has been imparting on different levels, at different degrees, in different bodies throughout all existence,
since beginningless time.
“…Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD) comes from a long line of mystics, of which Reverend Nazirmoreh’s (ABRD) father and father's
father are adepts in esoteric knowledge. Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD) felt the inner call very early in life and always appeared
extraordinary to family & peers.
The realization of Reverend Nazirmoreh’s (ABRD) stature and mission in this life occurred in early manhood. Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD) was led to a book, covered with the dust of many years, in the cellar of a large, old house. This small book held
within its' title, the key which unlocked memories of former lives and the cognition of the direction which this life was to take.
The innate abilities of spiritual leadership and far reaching vision, led the Reverend (ABRD) to walk the path of community.
A few years following this illumination, Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD) was initiated by a high adept to bring forth the ancient
teachings in the capacity of leader and teacher. This led to the founding of Nahziryah Monastic Community. The fundamental
and universal truth principles that were taught, the rules and regulations that were adhered to in the spiritual communities of
the Ancient Ones, laid the foundation of this monastic order, this monastic lifestyle. This is succinctly phrased in the following
truth principle - Live the life and you will know the doctrine.
Initially, the community wore all white garments in one season, and all purple in the other. All white signifies the purification
process of spiritual attainment. All purple signifies a high aspect of spiritual realization. Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD) brought
those drawn to Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD) as students, out of worldly life and instructed them by up leveling or revealing esoteric truths hidden in conventionally accepted spiritual writings…
...As the years progressed, Reverend Nazirmorehs’ (ABRD) pace accelerated as the Reverend (ABRD) brought the students in
degrees, to the understanding of the universality of Truth which is expressed throughout the world. Truth is irrespective of
color, creed, and nationality, as Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD) teaches. We are not these bodies...
...In time, when it was time, the advancements of the community were made manifest outwardly by Reverend Nazirmoreh
(ABRD) to the general public through the change in color, or vibratory rate, to all purple monastic garments at all times. And, as
revealed to Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD) , the title was added - - The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil. Purple is a color of the
highest Order, which envelops the community in Truth and Light and Love ... beyond the limitations and confines of worldly
mass consciousness. As it has been said, Dwell in Truth and Truth shall set you free…”
- 53 Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 9:01 AM
Subject: Consultations Form
Inquiry: most loved master nazirmoreh.
the moment i read your vision my heart was full of
peace instead of the emphtyness that i ressented before.
first mij thouhts were constantly with you ,watching
the fotografhs,reading your soul-eleveting words.
it is always heigher above ,mij path has been hard ,an
crucificent ,till your appearence on mij desk.
i am so gratefull to the lord, to all his creations .
i thank you for coming to me.
----- Original Message ----From: Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem
To: Samadhiom
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 5:26 PM
Subject: Re: Consultations Form
Sister Samadhiom (Belgium, Europe) - a direct initiated student of
the Reverend Baba (ABRD) - recently given the authorization to don
the purple veil/ the monastic garment (2006) from lavender now in to
purple. Picture taken prior to that time regarding her degree.
From the Office of Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem (A.B.R.D.)
Nahziryah Monastic Community
Peace be with you Samadhiom,
Much love to you. When the student is ready - the teacher appears. Open up your heart. We will never part, in truth, in
light, in love. We have been traveling together from the very start. This is the reason for the recognition, the attunement,
the oneness... Understand this. Do not allow yourself to be distracted & bring about separation through the distraction.
Hold Nazirmoreh within your heart- always.
I come to you
open your heart that i might get through to you
Do nothing that will stop me from getting through
I will sing to you in your dreams...
Love from above
Reverend Baba Nazirmoreh K B Kedem
after note: you will always be within Nazirmoreh's heart
In Truth, In Light, In Love
Peace be with you
From the Office of Reverend Nazirmoreh K B Kedem (ABRD)
Nahziryah Monastic Community
Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
Let love ascend on earth
Nahziryah Monastic Community
The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
- 54 -
E-mail Transmissions
April 27th 2000
----- Original Message ----From: Brother Little-Star
Date: Thursday, April 27, 2000 1:26 AM
Subject: Nazir cmty; & *Entry to Reachbook at Intentional Community Directory
library closing, i must send quick. i see you in communities dir2000.
i too am universal spiritual; vegan; no intoxicants-- as you. please tell: do you
also avoid animal-ownership? i.e. no pet-animals/domestic-animals? i hope so.
please correspond. i sincerely seek compatible community.
peace, blessings, love bro *
Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD)
April 2000
-----Original Message----Peace be with you Brother Little Star,
We have no pets, no cats, no dogs, no domestic animals. There are animals living in area, according to their
natural environment or habitat. We do not bother them; they do not bother us. Sometimes they bother the
garden, most times we commune with each other in truth, in light, in love. We Are One... traveling at different stages of our consciousness expansion, further spiritual development, evolutionary journey. No smoking,
no drinking, no drugs - not even aspirin. Work & meditate, meditate & work.
In Truth, In Light, In Love
Peace Be With You
Reverend Nazirmoreh
Nahziryah Monastic Community
The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
April 27, 2000
----- Original Message ----From: Brother Little-Star
Date: Thursday, April 27, 2000 1:26 AM
Subject: Nazir cmty; & *Entry to Reachbook at Intentional Community Directory
That’s great! exactly the lifestyle I practice, advocate, and seek in community!
another Q.——> I do love and appreciate spirituality, I hope the Universal Oneness feeling includes some
kind of eclectic respect for the freedom to not have to conform to any one specific dogmatic form.
For example, i myself am an initiate of Thakar Singh and do Inner Sound and Light Meditation. a friend of
mine, a master-gardener specializing in orchards/fruit-tree planting and care, name Michael TreePlanter [to
whom I’ve sent a cc-copy of this email to], to facilitate linking you 2] is also an initiate of Thakar Singh and
also seeks similarly pure community.
- 55 -
Your land in AZ [Arizonia] is what elevation? and thus has what kind
of winter weather? lowest temps? below freezing? 32-degrees fahrenheit? grows what kind of fruit trees? good soil? water-sources? airquality? pollution from nearby cities/ or more rural and removed?
above the smog-line/level due to some elevation?
Do you know anyone/group(s) with similarly pure community happening in Hawaiin Islands or California/Pacific Ocean Coast???
Do you presently have openings at your community?
May I telephone your community? [I can call direct with my calling
card.] Please y’all email and/or call me with your telephone, because I
have a calling card I’m happy to use to call you my kindred spirit
vegan and toxin-free sacred lifestyle!
friends into the
I feel somewhat attached to fresh air here on coast with rain to make trees that filter air
and photosynthesize with green leaves. however, possibly for the right community…? or I
could at least visit for a month? May I have permission to travel there with one or more
friends? perhaps November/December/Jan/Feb/March it it’s too hot other months if it’s
low elevation?????
[of course, if I ever ended up living there, i’d deal with the heat be drenching clothing i
wear with cool water and working the garden like that, emphasizing fruit trees for they make shade and create an atmosphere.]
thanks for communications. the AZ community WindTree Ranch with 1200+ acres near Mexico border hasn’t responded yet via email, do you have their phone?
Are men/women allowed to be a couple at your Nazir community?
Are there families/children??
Peace, Blessings, Love brother little-star*
Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD)
May 1st 2000
-----Original Message----From: Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem
Date: May 01 2000
Subject: Nazir cmty; & it’s in Arkansas not Arizona
Peace be with you Brother Little Star,
Information will be sent to you shortly concerning the Community/Monastery, its’ service, its’ effort, toward the consciousness expansion and further spiritual development of all existence, all beings. Effort; discipline; renunciation of
the “me”, of distractions, of the little ego; hard work, tireless effort; collective effort; effort, effort, effort; work, work,
work; meditate, meditate, meditate. Truth, light , and love, wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Discipline, order,
cooperation, coordination, coordinators, directions, directors; a spiritual teacher/director/guru/reverend/sheik/baba/
master, students/devotees/aspirants, all working collectively toward the same effort/goal/glimpse; into vision, ever
opening, evolving, transcending, higher and higher degrees.
Consciousness expansion, further spiritual development
In Truth, In Light, In Love
Peace Be With You
Reverend Nazirmoreh
Nahziryah Monastic Community
The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
- 56 -
May 1st 2000
----- Original Message ----From: Brother Little-Star
Date: May 1 2000
Subject: Nazir cmty; & it’s in Arkansas not Arizonia
oh, my mistake, your community is excellent, but it’s in Arkansas not Arizona!
i sure like your style, maybe I/we can visit sometime?! however I’d rather live in Calif or Hawaii, but I can then reproduce similar scenes there.
May we visit please, of course we will respect the principles.
peace Blessings, Love bro *
September 2000
----- Original Message ----From: Brother Little-Star
Date: September 2000
Subject: Nazir cmty; & *Entry to Reachbook at Intentional Community Directory
thank you. i appreciate your clear community description; and i like it, i groove with it.
i wish to remain friends with you; and someday visit your community in person. if you ever hear of any travelers
from calif headed your way, please connect us for share ride: you may give them all my contact info. i maybe can
help drive ; i can offer ga$ fund$ if they want.
i am grateful your excellent community does exist!
Love bro *
more views of working and meditating –
Nahziryah Monastic Community
Retreat for Meditation and Wholistic Living
visitations to Monastery Headquarters in Ozarks throughout the years
- 57 -
(All Blessings and Respect Due)
(excerpt from “The Book of” series)
“A true member of Nahziryah Monastic Community and the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil, will first, foremost and always proclaim the Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD) as his or her Spiritual Teacher, Director and Guide. Nazirmoreh (ABRD), is Founder,
Director and Spiritual Head of Nahziryah Monastic Community, the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil and Nazir Art Crafts/Veil of
Truth. NMC became known to the general public during the early 1970’s and has blossomed into a way of life which is grounded
in Truth which is beyond any one religion, Truth which is found in all religions. The teachings that Nazirmoreh (ABRD), transmits to the Community and Order has its roots in ancient schools of Spiritual Wisdom Teachings.
Nazirmoreh (ABRD) teaches that there are many paths – one goal… many Names – ONE DIVINE CREATOR; the source of
All That Is, Was, and Ever Shall Be. Nazirmoreh (ABRD) nurtures NMC members in a spiritual and universal Love for All Beings;
for all are fellow travelers/pilgrims on the spiritual journey.
If you ask a true Initiate of the Order where are they from, you will be told: “From The DIVINE ESSENCE OF ALL THAT IS,
WAS and EVER SHALL BE.”...or other words in that direction. The consciousness narrows when it crystallizes into the thought of
being from a country, state , city, nationality, race, and so on. We are not the body, we are not the mind… we are The Eternal Spark of The Divine Essence of All That Is, Was and Ever Shall Be. NMC is very sincere/serious about this. The consciousness
expands when it aligns itself with the higher truths of being.
Through the ceaseless efforts of Nazirmoreh’s (ABRD) guidance and instructions, NMC strives to transcend all limitations. Nahziryah Monastic Community offers you a glimpse of this truth, this vision…”
“You get what you are, you get what you pay for. What you
are is the plane of consciousness you're traveling on. You get
according to your experiential need, related to your level of
consciousness or degree of awareness. The pay is the effort
you put into utilizing the information received that is conducive to your higher consciousness expansion and further
spiritual development."
Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD)
Blessings and Thanks to our
Spiritual Master
Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem (A.B.R.D.)
- 58 -
Excerpts from
“The Purple People Place”
Recognized by many as (named and called) The Purple People
Welcome to Nahziryah Monastic Community - The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil…
We Offer You a Glimpse of this Truth
Reverend Baba Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem (All Blessings and Respect Due) is the Founder, Spiritual Head and Director of Nahziryah Monastic Community and the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil. Since beginningless time, the Reverend has brought forth Universal Truth Principles (which in this current time dispensation are also called Ancient
Wisdom Teachings). As Reverend Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.) teaches one and all, “Live the Life, and you will know the
Doctrine, the Love”. The purple robed mendicants are direct students of Reverend Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.), full time
live-in members (for the most part) of Nahziryah Monastic Community under the direct direction of Reverend
Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.), and have been initiated into the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil by Reverend Nazirmoreh
(A.B.R.D.). (Please note: There are different levels and degrees of membership and participation.)…
True to life long vows (and a sign of this vow) - we first, foremost and always proclaim Reverend Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.) as our Spiritual Master.
Please be aware – there are and have been those who profess, take on the
title, and perhaps a variation of appearance… but have not nor do not adhere to the strict disciplines brought forth by living the Life under the
watchful eye of the Master —– the disciplines, the Life, the feeling, the
Knowing, the actions, the aura which prompted the one professing to bear
the name (and in name only) yet not taking the initiative to receive Initiation. Therefore, when coming in contact with a “purple people” (or other
member or association), it is advised that proper channels be followed to
insure that one has in Truth come in contact with a member of Nahziryah
Monastic Community/The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil, with “THE Purple
People”. (Pay close attention to their wrists...) To verify, please contact
the main headquarters – Nahziryah Monastic Community – Retreat for
Meditation and Holistic Living. The address is given below. Thank you.
Why do we wear the color purple? (written down early 1980’s)
The color purple is a color of the highest spiritual vibratory rate. This is the color
of the age of enlightenment, the age of Universal Consciousness, the age which the
world is now embarking on. With far reaching vision, Reverend Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.
D.) envelops the Community in this purple vibration – an aura which is conducive to,
assists in, and embraces the Direction, the Goal.
The Reverend teaches respect for all Life, that there are many paths, which lead to the
same Goal… that we are all fellow travelers —– different degrees, different levels, different grades; some traveling swiftly, others more slowly, still others taking detours
along the way. No one path is the only path, or the only right path. One of the fundamental Truth Principles brought forth by Reverend Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.) is that we are One —– beyond the body, beyond the mind, beyond the mundane/physical/mental/programmed/conditioned illusion of separation. That we are
not the body, we are not the mind, we are not sex, race, nationality and so on. That we are everliving, everlasting
Spirits taking on these appearances to gain through that particular experience, to learn and to grow beyond the
experience… there are always heights ahead —– different degrees, different levels, different grades. We are all
fellow travelers.
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----- Original Message ----Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2005 6:52 PM
Subject: Question about the Purple People around my area, and whether they actually practice the
I have recently learned that The Purple People live near my town. In California near Pleasant Hill/ Lafayette
off a road known as Geary Road, lives a community that claims they are Purple People. I have read through
your website, and it is very obvious that Purple People are very accepting, loving, and peaceful people, YET,
there are many rumors surrounding the Purple People around where I live. They have been known to
threaten people, and shoot people with rubber bullets. Have you heard of this community in Lafayette/
Pleasant Hill located in the state of Calirfornia? I noticed the warning on your website stating that, some may
say they practice the title, but do not follow the strict discipline. The warning also said to look at the wrists,
what exactly should I be looking for. I am emailing you to see if you have heard of this community, and to
make sure they are indeed practicing what they preach. Thank you for your time, and your help.
From: Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem
To: D.
Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2005 9:21 AM
Subject: Re: Question about the Purple People around my area, and whether they actually practice the teachings.
From the Office of Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem (A.B.R.D.)
Nahziryah Monastic Community
Retreat for Meditation and Wholistic Living
Peace be with you D.,
Please excuse the delay in responding to your inquiry.
The Reverend Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.) has received your transmission and has instructed to inform you that the Reverend has many, many requests regarding whether groups in California are directly related to Nahziryah Monastic
Community/The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil. The most that can be said at this time is that they are not direct, initiated students of the Baba and they are not being directed by the Rev. Baba Nazirmoreh Kedem- the founder , spiritual head and director of Nahziryah Monastic Community/ The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil.
In Truth, In Light, In Love
Peace be with you and All, in All
The Office of Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem (A.B.R.D.)
Nahziryah Monastic Community
Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
after note: the Reverend instructed to inform you that more information will be sent- in time- regarding your request.
a small gathering
Nahziryah Monastic Community/
Retreat for Meditation and Wholistic Living
Monastery Headquarters in Ozarks – summer 2005
- 60 -
excerpts from
“The Book of Series”
Nahziryah Monastic Community (NMC), is an intentional
community. The Nazir Community is monastic; abiding
by strict rules, order and disciplines. The Monastery includes men, women and children.
NMC’s resident members live a simple,
monastic, community life. Live-in members work hard, meditate, study and strive
daily to overcome the lower ego. Nahziryah Monastic Community is where
the effort of all is right living; which is
achieved through the practice of right
thoughts, words, and deeds… And likewise, through right living one receives the
incentive to attain to right thought,
word and deed. Once the practice of right thinking is accomplished, right words and actions will be readily externalized and perceived. When thoughts are kept positive
and harmonious; words and deeds will manifest accordingly, and so will it be with one’s life.
Nahziryah Monastic Community’s Nazir Order of the Purple
Veil (NOPV), is the Community’s initiated inner Order and
Path of strict discipline. An initiate of the Order is one who
is consecrated. The Nazir Order makes consciousness expansion and further spiritual development the chief object of
life. The Purple Veil and garments of the initiates of the Order are worn to enshroud those of the Order in the spiritual,
peaceful and positive energies emanating from the color
purple; purple being a color of the highest spiritual vibratory
rate. It may cause a feeling of consternation in those who
have a fear of the unknown, however, the overall effect is
that of helping to usher in more spiritual and harmonious
states of consciousness throughout all
An initiate of the NOPV wears solid,
all purple, monastic garments at all
times. Members of NMC live a reclusive, austere life, refraining from eating flesh, drinking intoxicants and
cutting of the hair, among other disciplines. An initiate of
the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil does not use narcotics,
drugs or nicotine.
The Profession
(excerpt from “The Book of the Words of Reverend Nazirmoreh” first printing 1997)
“...whether you put it in a newsletter, on a bulletin board. If you're not living it, you're
not telling the truth. Or, if you're not making an effort to live it, to live your profession,
to live what you profess to be, to live what you profess to study, discipline, put effort toward, to live and make the effort to accomplish the goal. And the problem with a lot of
people, places, things, is everybody has their professions. And they say, 'I'm this, I'm
that. I'm doing this, I'm doing that. I'm doing this, I'm doing that', you know, 'I meditate, I
pray, I study, I go to church', or whatever - and they don't live according to the principles. They don't live according to the principles, and when they make a mistake, they try
to excuse it, cover it up, deny it. They don't look at it and say, 'True, this is not attuned
to the principles. This is not attuned to what the Preacher said behind the pulpit yesterday. This is not the message I received during my meditation. This is not the vision I had
and I wrote it down, and I tried to bring it to someone else, to help them straighten their
life out.'. It's swept under, ignored. And it gets rather difficult, and Nazirmoreh has to be
somewhat tyrannical sometimes, scolding, impassionate, and things like that, to try to
drive something like that to someone. And we talk about Love. And we should give in
Love and receive in Love. You have to go through changes to change. All those little sayings mean something…”
- 61 Reverend Nazirmoreh always instructs the students traveling in the outer world that their life is their life. They live according to the
directions of Reverend Nazirmoreh or not live according to those directions. It is their life to live, their choice. They get what they are, they
get what they pay for. They get and receive according to the plane of consciousness they’re traveling on, according to their understanding,
according to their directions understanding. The pay is the effort they put into utilizing the information received, gained through experience, teachings, directions, that they could understand and utilize regarding their future expansion and development. Those that are of the
Order of the Purple Veil, within the live-in union, initiated students/chelas, according to the strict teacher-student/ guru-chela relationship/
discipline; the dwelling with the teacher – more is expected of them, required of them, disciplines are stricter and absolute… the commitment, the responsibility, the obedience, the devotion of the teacher-student / guru-chela.
Reverend Nazirmoreh teaches regarding such matters in the form of direct communications; the spoken word, as well as through books,
videos, audios – according to the students needs, perceptions, levels.
Reverend Nazirmoreh is aware that those receiving information or have received previous information and knowledge of information
such as this, previous attunements, commitment, service, responsibility, knowing – would not be where they are at this time regarding their
attraction to Nazirmoreh – informational projections, directions. Of course, the information via these media are not absolute. The speakers
are not the teachers. They are reading writings of the writers that are not the teacher’s; but are transmitters of information from the teachers speaking through the vehicles… according to the vehicle’s levels or degrees of attunement, awareness. They are of value in the opening
of centers of perception, glimpses that inner information may be transmitted to them (the students), offered to them, received by them according to their level, their degree – through the spoken word direct transmissions, teacher-student / guru-chela relationship/ union/ karma.
Let it be understood that Nazirmoreh is not the average, ordinary normal person. Not interested in selling information,
knowledge, teachings for monetary gain or gain but to do the
work for the works sake, the service, not for reward. Let
that be fully understood.
And not understanding this or accepting it through Nazirmoreh's word is a show of your degree of understanding, not
knowing, resistance to knowing - programmed/ conditioned/
crystallized consciousness, not perceiving, not seeing, not
feeling, knowing who, what and why Nazirmoreh is.
“... So I'll say our service is very serious. It's very serious ... and some are clinging to this over here, some are
clinging to that over there. But that's the level and
plane of consciousness they're traveling on. And of
course, if they have a chocolate habit, they'll cling to
their chocolate. If they have a cigarette habit, they'll
cling to their cigarettes. If they have a tobacco habit or
alcohol, they'll cling to that. And they'll try to distract
the responsibility of raising beyond that particular entrapment or that particular desire and say, 'Well, I'm
doing this - and this will take care of that.'.
But of course Nazirmoreh is working on certain levels
and certain degrees whereas it's time for a lot of certain
experiential activities to be transcended and let go of.
And a lot of people are still just not ready to do that, to
transcend in degree. They're still waiting to see heaven
open up. They're still waiting for the kingdom of heaven,
you see. Waiting for it and looking for
it, and not making the necessary moves and adjustments
to bring it about, to bring it about. And to bring it about
is what the man on earth is about, trying to work and
cooperate to return back to that higher state of awareness, consciousness, and 'Your kingdom come, Your Will
be done on earth as it is in heaven'. So it is to manifest
on earth as well, at a certain stage of development. And
people have risen to that degree of consciousness. And
the only way you're going to rise to that degree of consciousness is overcoming a lot of mental - physical corruptions, and distractions, and attachments, and so on
and so forth.
We're working hard on that. And we're working hard at
it. And we're going to continue to work hard at it, until I
transcend this plane of existence and consciousness. And
I pray I'm more proficient, and I pray that I give more
services as I continue toward that effort, more and
more, to have a direct, positive influence…”
Words of...
Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem
All Blessings and Respect Due
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Nahziryah Monastic Community
Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
to the Servers and All
Hear the Call
Rev. Baba Nazirmoreh (ABRD)
Nazirmoreh has had information transmitted to you for your further consciousness expansion, physical, mental
and spiritual well-being. You have a lot of work to do… and only you can do it. This information has been sent
forth to you in Truth, in Light, in Love. It is real, it is fact, it is not for entertainment. It is for your advancement
on those planes. You must make an effort; you must work in sincerity, in confidence, in persistent patience…
and the effort will be realized in accomplishment.
Do the work for the work’s sake and all will be fulfilled throughout all existence – for the further consciousness
expansion, physical, mental and spiritual well-being of all beings.
You are a server (savior)… that is the reason of your attraction toward/to Nazirmoreh, Nahziryah Monastic
Community. Make the necessary preparations – develop; that you may fulfill your mission, your service. OM
In Truth, In Light, In Love, Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding
Peace be with you
Nahziryah Monastic Community
Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
Yours in that Truth, in that Light, in that Love, Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding
various painting projects at Nahziryah Monastic Community/The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
Monastery Headquarters in Ozarks
- 63 Summer 1992
The Drama...
This is a story about the Servers, the Dwellers…
and the Seed…….
Now, this Seed is an unbelievably beautiful seed.
ow, everyone is involved in thinking about
ow, within the limits of ever shall be, the
it — from every possible point of view. Only the
Few know. Only the Perceptive are aware of
it’s possibilities. Only the Adept can pass on
it’s Brilliance. In the Innermost, it is...
Few have traveled to return bearing a Ray, a Seed
of this Splendor. They are the Keepers. The Keepers touch, and those who would follow this Ray are
tested in the crucible of Truth. Through their efforts, those so tested are the Followers. Each
Keeper and their Followers serve. They are the
Servers. The Servers serve all of existence, that the
thinkers, the believers, may evolve into Knowers …
The most splendid of seeds. So iridescent, so translucent, so sublime as to escape the sight of eyes profane. And so it is ever protected by the sheer Truth
of it’s effulgent nature. In the beginning, everyone
knew this Light, no one had to think about it. It
just was...
ow, in existence there exists Day and there
is also Night. So it has happened in this realm of
duality. Of all possible path ways of experience to
experience, their were those who lost their way,
went astray, involved in the night of Day, in the day
of Night… they lost their Sight. These are the
Dwellers. The Dwellers dwell in ignorance and in
fear. They lurk in the shadows by day, hiding from
the moon and stars by night. So lost, so far from
the Light that they have forgotten that It is indeed
the most beautiful of attainments. All that has remained is fear of It’s splendor. And having forgotten, living in fear, their effort is to remain in the
shadows of unconsciousness. Embracing the night
so utterly, it follows that the Dwellers engulf. Immersed in the depth of illusion, they desire to engulf all into this abyss, to extinguish even every tiny
ray of Truth.
For even one ray, just one little ray might ignite before their eyes and falsehood could not remain.
And so the Dwellers entice. They entice others to
stagnate, supporting each other in their stagnation,
that they will not be confronted with change.
Those who succumb, also become addicted to illusion’s folly. Those who gaze into this odyssey of
unconsciousness also forsake, forget, and forfeit the
ow, there are Servers and there are Dwellers… and there is the Seed. As the Dwellers seek to
tempt, the Servers seek to dispel. And the Seed
ever radiates in the center of this drama. There are
tests and trials which the Servers pass through in
their efforts to dispel ignorance, to uphold the Innermost Splendor. There are tests and trials which
the Dwellers must confront when the Light can no
longer be ignored…
- 64 -
And now the story begins…
Bearing the Seed iridescent,
passing through consciously on the
The time to bear so nearly ripe,
in service the Servers chose to stay.
The Keeper of the Splendor gave,
to each Follower a tiny ray.
To nuture or cast is the test,
of each Follower night and day.
Stepping lightly through the shadows,
holding tightly to the vision Bright.
Sent in Love amongst the masses,
with their mission’s flame clearly in
But lurking in gloomy corners,
the scorners passionately delight.
In enticing the little rays,
to join them in their folly and spite.
Come this way they temptingly sang,
their smiles slyly hiding their sorrow.
Merriment and laughter their bait,
singing what care we for tomorrow.
Let loose your puny little ray,
innocent children of our foe.
Just cast it all off to the side,
what we possess is yours to borrow.
Into two camps they turned and stood,
hearing the tempters persistent song.
The earnest went straight to the right,
the gazers wavering to the wrong.
The Keeper’s eye ever watchful,
pointing the Way knowing all along.
Each Follower must duly choose,
if they are to grow up and be strong.
No! replied the dedicated ones,
holding the vision close to their heart.
The precious Seed iridescent,
from Truth we will never, ever part.
Remembering the Keeper’s word,
admonishing them right from the start.
Beware the saboteur’s false seed,
for thru stagnation they rend apart.
Fading rays of the sun sadly set,
in face of those choosing to rise.
The dirty deed now accomplished,
those who fell —– the lurkers now despise.
The steadfast continuing on,
seeing through the subtlest of lies.
Shedding Light on the Path for All,
the Work is carried on by the Wise.
But one or two from the flock strayed,
by allowing their spark to grow dim.
Their sight dimmed – the lurkers with ease,
found ways to succeed in luring them.
To the wind, oh yes, to the wind,
to the wind, little ones, cast your gem.
Come play and dance in our fold,
come hold on to and wear our hem.
Empty is the life of the Dwellers,
like hungry ghosts – no stomach to fill.
Chasing shadows they find in the end,
to end pain – desire they must kill.
When the Light of Truth pierces the night,
it stings eyes unaccustomed until,
ignorance and fear is surmounted,
and addictions are crushed by the Will.
- 65 -
Light - the dispeller of ignorance,
and Truth is the dispeller of fear.
Love Divine fills the hearts’ desire,
when ready, the Teacher will appear.
By their example the Servers shine,
through collective effort they draw near.
Their Oneness and Silence serve the deaf,
while the Call speaks to the open ear.
The Keeper of the Seed Resplendent,
set on mountain top to grow.
Expanding to reach every corner,
to set every heart aglow.
The Servers tend the rocky soil,
working selflessly they sow.
All are Sparks of the Divine essence,
this Seed – may all come to Know.
taken at Monastery Headquarters in Ozarks – 2004
One of the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
All is One
Blessings and Thanks to our Spiritual Teacher and Director –
Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD)
Veil of Truth/Center for Metaphysical and Esoteric Learning
– New Orleans (1988-1999)
Reverend Baba Nazirmoreh (ABRD) sits with group of sadhus after boat journey
at Sangam (confluence of Holy River Ganga and Yamuna). The Reverend having
conversations with saintly being – Shri Ram Swaroop Das Ji Maharaj – beautiful
being, spiritual head of gathering, guru. Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD) initiating
fellow traveler, server, beautiful being – into the Spiritual Union – We are One –
through the tying of the purple cord. Physical, Mental, Spiritual Union beyond the
body, beyond the mind. Our work, our service is One.
(excerpt from Travels Through India – January/February 2002)
- 66 When resident members leave from the Retreat for outside duties, no matter for how long, - they continue to live the life –
wherever they may travel throughout
the world.
The Retreat
“They prepare places in quiet
environments… to carry on the
spiritual way of life.” As The
Book of the Order states, the
Nazir prefer woodsy, natural environments. At present the Nahziryah Monastic Community
Retreat is located in the forested
Ozark mountains. Nahziryah
Monastic Community has been at
this particular location since
Nahziryah Monastic Community’s Retreat for Meditation and Holistic Living is where the
live-in members reside. The Nahziryah Monastic Community
Retreat is where the utmost simplicity of living and moral discipline can assist in transcending the lower desire nature.
Meditation/Prayer is held on a regular, daily, scheduled basis.
The Community practices intensive organic gardening; the
Community diet is vegan-vegetarian. Nahziryah Monastic Community lives with high respect for the earth and all its creatures. Intense recycling is practiced at Nahziryah Monastic
Community, and has been so for many, many years.
Reverend Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.),
welcomes all sincere spiritual seekers
and those who have their path, to the
Retreat, for spiritual, mental and
physical rejuvenation, an opportunity
to study at the Community’s libraries,
the solitude, holistic lifestyle and atmosphere, peaceful, enjoyable and healthful Nazir vegan-vegetarian meals and the quietude that the Retreat embodies and
extends. Donations accepted, not
Reverend Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.),
Nahziryah Monastic Community,
does not proselytize or do missionary work. The effort is to be as a
light, through the Nazir Path of right living…, not to disrupt
others lives or to infringe on others beliefs and customs. Reverend Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.) in no way teaches that the Nazir
way is the only way. The Nazir way is for those who hear the
call and come to give their All in All… Behold The One in All.
Blessings and Thanks to our Spiritual Master
Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem (A.B.R.D.)
excerpt from one students’ answers to
Reverend Nazirmoreh’s (A.B.R.D.) Quiz 1997
question number 6
6. What value does the color purple hold for the members?
Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD) surrounds those being initiated into higher
teachings, as brought forth by and through Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD),
with the color purple because it is a color of the highest spiritual vibratory
rate. It can be understood as the Veil of Truth – for it assists the aspirant to
raise their vibratory rate, their receptivity to Truth. It serves in the effort of
warding off negative tendencies, especially those related to the programming and conditioning which hold the masses spellbound in the Veil of Illusion – the illusion of attachment to ‘me’ and ‘mine’, addicted to pleasure as
well as to pain, engaged in the limitation of the mind blinded by the ego
and it’s legion of distractions, and so on.
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Many Years of Nahziryah Monastic Community/The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
Bumper Stickers!!!
Have been seen throughout the country
& various places in the world for many, many years
and still is...
3 3/4 x 15
Nahziryah Monastic Community
4 x 15
3 3/4 x 15
The Purple People
“Dear Nahziryah Monastic Community,
I am writing to request and enquire
about coming there for a “visit” or spiritual
I am told visits are generally in the summer but I travel for work then. I was hoping to visit – retreat in April or it will have
it will have to be after October. ( My work
is from May – Oct.)
I have a booth next to yours at the Prairie Clothesline Fair. I have had your bumper
sticker on van for 15 years and I have been
very touched by the clothing, stones, oils
I’ve worn of yours –and mostly by your atmosphere.
Purple being my color and “right” spiritual life, my sole intent or purpose leads me
to you and a deeper experience of what you
have to offer. Thank you for your time and
Love T. V. (AR)
April 2006
currently available bumper stickers on next page
below: views of two of the currently available bumper stickers on the vehicle of one of
Nahziryah Monastic Community's’ helper/supporters presently residing in South Dakota...
“Perhaps the Master would enjoy these photos of the work truck that God and I have built, and the snowman that God the little kid and I have built (not shown). I also need a bumper
sticker to place on the side opposite the license plate. And I need a favor, could you sell me the scent that permeated the copper arm band you made for me? It also surrounds the
great book you sent me, "A Course in Miracles" , what ever that wonderful scent is I look forward to an occasional glimpse of the faint odor, as I read the book.
With love peace and respect for the learning and hope for an earthly meeting. . .
M. H. December 2005
“everybody needs some enjoyment now and then and I thought the Master might like to see the bumper stickers at work, thanks and many blessings.”
M. H. January 2006
- 68 -
Many Years of Nahziryah Monastic Community/The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
Bumper Stickers!!!
Have been seen throughout the country
& various places in the world for many, many years
and still is...
currently available bumper stickers $2.00 each
3 3/4 x 15
“...We're not trying to clean up the
world, or anything else. But we're
just trying to give our little bit, you
see, little share of input in the
overall total whole by saying
this is our order…”
The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
3 x 10
(excerpt from
“The Book of the Words of
Reverend Nazirmoreh”
first printing 1997)
- 69 -
Nahziryah Monastic Community/
Order of the Purple Cord
“Many Paths, One Goal…”
Blessings and Thanks to our Founder, Director and Spiritual Head of
Nahziryah Monastic Community/the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil,
Nahziryah Monastic Community/Order of the Purple Cord Reverend Baba Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem (A.B.R.D.)
In Union with Nahziryah Monastic Community/the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil, the Reverend Baba Nazirmoreh (All Blessings
and Respect Due) - Founder, Director and Spiritual Head of the Community and Order – opens and pronounces the following degree: Nahziryah Monastic Community/Order of the Purple Cord – an extension of the Work/ the Service brought forth and
made manifest through our Spiritual Master – the Reverend Baba Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.). This spiritual union/ initiation is transmitted and anointed through the placing of the purple cord by our Spiritual Master – the Reverend Baba Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.) - To
assist with efforts of piercing the illusion of separation and individuation for the consciousness expansion and further spiritual development throughout all existence.
In Union, Sacred Union
Spiritual Attunement Communion
Nahziryah Monastic Community
Two Initiatory Degrees
“Who are these Children of Light? Those who choose, those who hear the Call and have come…”
The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil –
the wearing of the Purple Veil through initiation by the Reverend Baba (A.B.R.D.):
those helpers and servers who, coming of their own accord - are prepared, able and ready (when the student is ready, the
Teacher appears) to renounce worldly pursuits and don the Purple Veil of strict disciplines and vows as set forth by the Reverend Baba Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.) through the direct approval and initiation by the Reverend Baba (A.B.R.D.). The Initiates of
this degree ascend the razors’ edge path... purification through right living – through right word, thought and deed.
The Order of the Purple Cord –
the wearing of the Purple Cord through initiation by the Reverend Baba (A.B.R.D.):
those helpers and servers who, coming of their own accord within the field of the Reverend Baba Nazirmorehs’ (A.B.R.D.)
watchful eye, whilst continuing on in their life pursuits – don the Purple Cord of receptivity to the Teachings as set forth by the
Reverend Baba Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.) through the direct initiation by the Reverend Baba (A.B.R.D.). The servers of the degree of the Purple Cord utilize the information/council/disciplines as they are prepared, able and ready (when the student is
ready, the Teacher appears) in their day to day life living... purification through right living – through right word, thought and
- 70 -
Continued from previous page...
Nahziryah Monastic Community/
Order of the Purple Cord
“Many Paths, One Goal…”
For the Thoughtful
The Purple Cord is placed by the Reverend Baba
(A.B.R.D.) around the wrist - enshrouding the life
pulse, as runs it’s course through the Heart, with
emanations of Truth, Light and Love. Purple is a
color of the highest spiritual vibratory rate.
The Purple Veil is worn from head to foot as ordained by the Reverend Baba (A.B.R.D.), enshrouding ones’ whole being and beyond with
emanations of Truth, Light and Love. Purple is a
color of the highest spiritual vibratory rate.
Blessings and Thanks to our Founder,
Director and Spiritual Head of
Nahziryah Monastic Community/
the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil,
Nahziryah Monastic Community/
Order of the Purple Cord Reverend Baba Nazirmoreh
K. B. Kedem (A.B.R.D.)
(excerpt from “The Book of the Words of
Reverend Nazirmoreh”
first printing 1997)
“...that's what the service is - to assist - open
up the gap for the energies to come in - stimulate, agitate different centers, chakras, centers
of consciousness or being. Many people say,
'What's going on here? I'm used to this and this.
And this is my programming and this is my conditioning. But I see it's something else going on
here. I am attuned to it, I see it, I recognize it,
I feel it. Why do I feel that way when I, you
know, walk this way, or go that way, or , you
know, walk this way, or go that way, or you
know, get over there, or go over there. Why do
I feel that.'. Then you begin to question your
regular pattern of conditioned programming.
And you begin to look and seek for higher energies, vibrations - for a place that would be
more conducive to your further growing, or
knowing. When I say growing --- knowing. And
the knowing and knowledge is within you. But
still, it has to be a conducive atmosphere, energy, vibration, you see, thought, plane, to
help to support and to raise that within you to
a higher level of your mental awareness, understanding…”
- 71 From a generous donator throughout the years – a helper/supporter member … Sister Asia Muhammad – Georgia
January 16th 1999
“Peace & Blessings,
It’s said that communication is the best charity,
and at this time Nazirmoreh, Sisters and Brothers of
the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil, know that appreciation that you prevail is a great comfort for me. In
writing either there’s not enough said or too much.
What is felt is Gratitude.
In Truth, Light and Love
Peace and Blessing be upon you.”
(month unknown) 1999
“Dear Rev. Nazirmoreh,
Peace & Blessings be upon you. When the tapes you sent arrived, I was very gratified. I
had been thinking of y’all for a few days before. It’s wonderful to have the support, and
wishes for Peace & Blessings & Truth from you in my life. And I as well want all for you and success that you give light & truth to countless others as you have to me.
The enclosed completes what I wanted to donate to the cause at this time. With much
Truth, Light, Love & Success
Words of Reverend Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.)
June 2003
“Peace be with you Sister Asia,
Reverend Baba Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.) said:
Please accept this as a token of appreciation for your continued service, devotion, assistance, support and recognition of the effort that
we all are making; Nahziryah Monastic Community, The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil, The Sister, and All, in All. We are sincerely
striving through continued effort, to maintain, develop, expand – Nahziryah Monastic Community, The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil,
the service; physically, mentally and spiritually… that all may go forward, in truth, in light, in love, our share, our contribution toward attaining the goal. We are on an infinite journey, since beginningless time. There are always steps forward in the direction of the
attainment, the accomplishment, straight forward. Not to the right, not to the left. Not backwards. Not going back but going forward,
hand in hand, we shall stand, in support of the effort. Peace be with you our Sister. We love you very much.”
Hemant Shah – Most helpful, most supportive of the direction through the years...
Photos of
Rev. Baba Nazirmoreh (ABRD)
and Hemant Shah
After staying at Hemant Shah’s residence
(upon Hemant Shah’s request) in Kenner,
Louisiana for a couple of days, to speak
with Hemant Shah and guest of many
things of a spiritual nature, prior to this
journeying to India – Hemant Shah received anointing and Purple Cord Union
at the train station before Reverend Baba
Nazirmoreh’s (ABRD) departure.
Hemant Shah took Reverend Baba
Nazirmoreh (ABRD) to train station in
New Orleans on route to Washington,
D. C. to take plane therefrom to India,
to Jain Temple; Reverend Baba Nazirmoreh’s (ABRD) first dwelling on
route through India during this particular journey in January 2002.
Hemant Shah and members of
Community and Order (not
shown) sit in meditation at the
train station with Reverend
Baba Nazirmoreh (ABRD).
November 11th 2002
“Dear Reverend Baba Nazirmoreh,
Sorry for replying so late. It took a few days adjusting to the normal & daily lifestyle of America, after my return from India.
I heard a lot about you from the temple at Idar, everyone spoke very highly of you…
May God Bless You!
For truth & happiness
from Hemant Shah”
- 72 -
December 28th 2005
I am a barber, wish to not cut my hair, but this is my profession. I have been growing it as long as I can get away without persecution. Both my hair and my beard is much longer than the enclosed picture {which my wife however skeptical wished to give you as
a gift}. Neither of my girls cut their hair. My daughter is my granddaughter, which my wife and I have raised since birth, I love them
more than I can express.
I have resolved to eat vegetables, I wish not to be around no dead thing, neither do I wish to kill anything. I wish to express the
love of God within my life, to those whose threads of life come my way. I will soon break free and know meditation. I hope to be
able to do what I feel I must do, of which I yet do not know, with the love of God such as Paramahansa Yogananda.
Also I have contemplated on this once while watching National Geographic {on India}. I saw a building with arches that had steps leading down to a pool
or water. I know this place although I have never been there. I remember someone perhaps mother I feel, holding my hand and leading me. I only mention
this because this memory was real although I recognized the place I knew not why, but it has been the spark that revealed and awakened my spirit to discover the truth.
In which case, the next was to read and to study and to learn, I have learned much that I can not share because it would only weaken the faith of those I
shared it with. For example Acts 9:7 compared with Acts 22:9 – I would ask the faker Paul now which is it? 9:7 hear voice see nothing - 22:9 saw the light
heard nothing.
On the word Hell, Jesus never said Hell, he said Geenna – the garbage dump of Jerusalem. In only one case He said sheo or the grave… After much
study it turns out that the concept of Hell was instituted by Constantine, to control the masses with fear. So I began to look elsewhere than what we have
been given as scripture…
I never shared this to weaken anyone's faith nor to argue.
Once as a child I sat in a chair in a quiet room, I thought what if there was no God, nothing not even a universe but absolutely nothing. I began to imagine
this, and all of a sudden within myself I heard a voice beautiful but full of authority and power say, M., I never want you to think those thoughts ever again,
and I never did, but I knew that there was a God!
In any case, I learned about the Quamine community, the Essenes, the Gnostics, the Yogis. I wish to continue to learn how to love God as Paramahansa
Yogananda did! I hear within myself a sound that I cannot explain, but it can increase in volume, especially if I feel the Holiness of God!
I seek God with all my heart, I thirst for the truth. I hunger for God, I can feel His presence in mercy and kindness and compassion and forgiveness and
generosity .
I vow to practice meditation until I break free and meditate! I am now a disciple, with a Master, a teacher, my Spiritual Father and guide! I shall strive to
be a good student with all I have to give with reverent devotion,
Bless You
M. E. H.
In love Peace and Hope
September 26th 1999
Dear Reverend,
We received your message in a dream and are
responding with this donation.
In love, Light, and Peace
C. and B. K.
January 24th 2004
Dear Reverend,
We write you to express our humble gratitude for the gift which you recently sent us.
It is a tremendous blessing to come home from the outer world, enter our sanctuary and meditate and pray along with the
OM NAMA SHIVAYA tape. Also healing for our bodies and souls is assisted with the beautiful healing incense you provided.
Please accept our enclosed donation and continue to pray for us that we fulfill the Divine Purpose for which our Creator
has sent us.
C. and B. K.
February 7th 2004
We appreciate your kindness in your gift of the two
meditation CD’s. They are very
useful in our meditation and
Thank you very much.
C. and B.
September 24th 2002
Dear Rev. K. B. Kedem,
Beth and I are very grateful and appreciative for the gift of purple meditation apparel and wallet which you sent to us.
Please accept our donation and know that we are praying and meditating very earnestly that there may be peace in our
C. and B. K.
July 10th 1999
“(To:) Nazirmoreh (ABRD)
(From:) K. B. Z. K. – Oklahoma
Nazirmoreh All Blessings And Respect Due, Through the Effort of Nazirmoreh’s labor to make this world a better place. Showing Love to All Creation in
promoting peace to prevail on earth.
Thank Nazirmoreh (ABRD) For helping Free And release this slave from All Addiction to food, sex And unhappiness.
Nazirmoreh’s being a perfect example of the living Life Force using the wisdom of the Axiom, “Less is More”, through this productivity equating, “Quality
over Quantity”
Holds true in the Universal Light of Love. The peace and strength of Nature predominates All existence to Aid the work of Nazirmoreh (ABRD). That
Love Shall Truly Rule As the Artist sang the song LET – LOVE – RULE – WE – HAVE – TO – LET – LOVE – RULE
K. B. Z. K.
OM! Nazirmoreh (ABRD)”
- 73 -
The True and The Untrue
As to the Order – the Union – the Collective Effort –
Nahziryah Monastic Community/The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
(from Nahziryah Monastic Community’s chronicles - 1990‘s)
No uninitiated person or persons, student or students, or duly initiated student(s) of our Spiritual
Master and Founder of Nahziryah Monastic Community and the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil,
Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem, All Blessings and Respect Due, shall attempt to establish a Nahziryah
Monastic Community or Nazir Order of the Purple Veil; or to transact business; or to function either personally, financially, socially, or religiously under the name of Nahziryah Monastic Community and the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil, or any of its authorized branches or subsidiaries,
including Nazir Art Crafts/Veil of Truth/Omniversity, without the express written authorization of
our Spiritual Master and Founder of Nahziryah Monastic Community and the Nazir Order of the
Purple Veil, Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem, All Blessings and Respect Due.
Any person or group considering engaging in personal, financial, social, or religious activity
with anyone or group claiming to be members, or students of our Spiritual Master Nazirmoreh,
All Blessings and Respect Due, or authorized branches of Nahziryah Monastic Community and
the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil is requested to notify our headquarters to ensure that proper
channels of communication are being followed and to further ensure the legitimacy of those
claiming association with our Order and Community.
Our Order and Community, Nahziryah Monastic Community and the Nazir Order of the Purple
Veil, will not be held responsible for any person or persons using and misleading others in the
name of our Community and Order.
It is well known that many have professed, but have not lived according to the Order or their
vows - but have profaned the Word, the Essence of All sees A11.
In Truth, In Light, In Love Peace Be With You
All in All
Nahziryah Monastic Community
Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
service is to the Master,
to the direction.
In Truth, In Light, In Love,
Wisdom, Knowledge,
and Understanding
throughout all eternity…
- 74 -
Nahziryah Monastic Community
Path of Mystic Enlightenment
The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
Blessings and Thanks to our Spiritual Teacher, Founder and Director of Nahziryah Monastic Community –
Reverend Nazirmoreh (ABRD)
Many paths - One goal. Many names - ONE DIVINE CREATOR, Source of All That Is. Universal Consciousness. Highest Spiritual Evolution. Our Order is the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil. Purple is a color of
the highest spiritual vibratory rate. This is the color of the age of enlightenment, the age of universal consciousness, the age which the world is now embarking on. Our beliefs, our way of life are founded in Truth. Truth
which is beyond any one religion. Truth which is found in all religions. We align ourselves with That which Is.
What is our religion? - all of them. Where are we from? - everywhere. We strive to transcend all limitations.
We offer you a glimpse of this truth... We are all from the same place, we are all from the same source. The
Creator is our father and mother, the universe - cosmos is our home. We limit our consciousness and understanding when we do not take our birthright, as Beings of the Divine Essence of All That Is, Was and Ever Shall
Be. Our consciousness narrows when we crystallize ourselves in the consciousness of being from a country, a
state, a city, a street, a house, a spot and so on. We are not these bodies. We expand our consciousness and our
understanding when we align with the higher Truths of Being.
In our quest for spiritual attainment, we harmonize the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of our being to bring it into "at-one-ment". We live a simple, monastic, community life. We reside at our monastery; Nahziryah Monastic Community, Retreat for Meditation and Holistic Living, where we do organic gardening to
help sustain the Community's dietary needs. We work hard, study, meditate and our diet is vegetarian-vegan
(non-diary). To support the Community and the effort toward consciousness expansion and further spiritual development throughout all existence, - in truth, in light, in love, wisdom, knowledge and understanding, (may
peace prevail on earth as in heaven), we make and offer art crafts, as well as metaphysical/esoteric, spiritual literature of all faiths, recordings and meditation supplies. An initiate of the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil wears
all purple monastic garments at all times, and all live-in members of Nahziryah Monastic Community; brothers
and sisters, dress uniformly - according to like gender. You will find live-in members of Nahziryah Monastic
Community and our Order very seldom travel alone, never engaging in frivolous talk. We are reclusive.
A true member of Nahziryah Monastic Community and the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil, will first, foremost and always proclaim Nazirmoreh (All Blessings and Respect Due) as his or her Spiritual Teacher and
Guide. Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.) nurtures us in a spiritual and universal love for all beings; for all are fellow travelers on the spiritual journey. With an open heart and far reaching vision, Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.) guides the
Nazir children of light onward and upward - to embrace the All in All. Who are these children of light? Those
who would choose, those who hear the call and have come to give their All...BEHOLD THE ONE IN ALL.
In Truth, In Light, In Love
Peace be with you
All In All
Nahziryah Monastic Community
Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
Blessings and Thanks to our Spiritual Teacher and Director the Reverend Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.) ...
Founder and Spiritual Head of Nahziryah Monastic Community and the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
- 75 -
In Service…
The Nazir Order of the
Purple Veil
Retreat for
Meditation and Holistic
Better Health Naturally Information Department
Nazir Art Crafts
Veil of Truth
Please visit the main website concerning the
Community, the Service.
News from Nahziryah Monastic Community
There are always heights ahead.
We are on an infinite journey…
The Purple People Place
For further information:
Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem
Nahziryah Monastic Community
Nazir Path 970 MC 5029
Saint Joe, AR 72675
[email protected]
Purple Veil
and more to come…
The Teachings
“… Our purple veils ward off unwanted negative energies and represent the Veil of
Truth. And that is opposed to the Veil of Illusion that so many people are under and
don't even know it. The illusion that living is about material gain and that we are slaves
to our emotions. The Truth is that we are everliving, everlasting souls and this lifetime
is an opportunity to further advance on the spiritual path… “
excerpt from the “Book of Words of Reverend (ABRD)” first printing 1997
Blessings and Thanks to our Spiritual Teacher and Director the Reverend Nazirmoreh (A.B.R.D.) ...
Founder and Spiritual Head of Nahziryah Monastic Community and the Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
- 76 -
Reverend Baba Nazirmoreh meditating and speaking
at market in India - 2002
“You get what you are, you get what you pay for. What you are is the plane of consciousness you're
traveling on. You get according to your experiential need, related to your level of consciousness or degree of awareness. The pay is the effort you put into utilizing the information received that is conducive to your higher consciousness expansion
and further spiritual development."
Reverend Baba Nazirmoreh (ABRD)
Blessings and Thanks to our Spiritual Master
Reverend Nazirmoreh K. B. Kedem (A.B.R.D.)