The Siting Footprint
The Siting Footprint
!"#$%&'&()$*++,-.&(,/ Prepared and presented by Sharon Pratt, PT Sharon Pratt Consulting [email protected] 0&123+14.#/ • I am an independent consultant • The opinions expressed in this program are my own opinions only. • This presentation is sponsored by Sunrise Medical Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 3 1 <+1&,&+(&()/ %&'&()$,+3#.6(2#E$ F+G7+.,/ %,6:&3&,;/ B#1,"#,&21/ 96(6)&()$!+(#/ !"#$5+631$+7$ %#6,&()8 ) B22#-,6(2#/ 9+:&3&,;/ B22#11$,+$,"#$ -#.1+(1$C+.3D/ =#1-#2,&()$ 2"6()#$&($1&>#/ <.#1#.?&()$%@&($ &(,#).&,;/ *4(2,&+(A 9+:&3&,;/ Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 6 H1$,"#.#$6($+-,&G63$+.$&D#63$ 1#6,#D$-+1,4.#I / Sharon Pratt, PT 8 2 !"&(@$6:+4,$:636(2&()$ JKL4.$M636(2#$H1$BN#2,#D$M;J/ • !"#$%"&'$&'#()*+' o ,-$..+-#'/)&0'#+&#"-0'"-.)&#' • 1$.2%&.')&3'+45$6$7-$5/'-+)*%"&#'8'*-+)9+'7"30#'3+#$-+'9"'#9)0'5(-$.29')&3' /$36$&+' • :+##';"-<'$#'7+#9=>' • ?5(("-9'#5-@)*+'' o A$*9)9+#';2+-+';+'7)6)&*+'"5-'7"30’#'*+&9+-'"@'/)##' o A+9+-/$&+#';2+-+')&3'2";';+66';+')-+'#5(("-9+3' Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 9 O#,P1$!"&(@$B:+4,$%,6(D&()Q/ • Center of mass of the entire body is located over the feet • These are our supporting area • Lets experience the varying muscle reactions that occur with changing support area.. Sharon Pratt, PT 10 3 %,6(D&()E$R+C$D+$C#$.#62,$C"#($14--+.,$6.#6$&1$ 2"6()#D/ Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 11 %,6(D&()J*++,-.&(,1KK/ Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 12 4 Standing on one foot: Increased work and increased pressures with decreased contact area. Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 13 3/30/12 14 %,6(D&()$+($,&-$,+#1J/ Sharon Pratt, PT 5 R+C$G42"$C+.@$&1$&,$,+$1&,I/ Sharon Pratt, PT 15 3/30/12 %&'&()J$,"#$7+4(D6,&+(/ When seated, the center of mass of the trunk is only over the pelvis with the ischial bones as the supporting area Sharon Pratt, PT 16 3/30/12 6 F+(1&D#.$,"6,$G;$S+:$&1$,+$ T,6@#$,"#$C+.@$+4,$+7$1&'&()$ 7+.$G;$23&#(,1JJ$T/ What an awesome job description!!!! U"6,$G&)",$6$1&'&()$*++,-.&(,$3++@$3&@#I$/ • Where are all the loading surfaces? • Consider: Inferior, Posterior: Lateral and Anterior • What impact does gravity have? • How can we maximize the footprint? • What is the optimal footprint – Is there one? Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 18 7 !"&(@$6:+4,$633$,"#$?6.&6,&+(1$&($:+D;$1&>#1$ 6(D$1"6-#1/ • Average sized person • Atrophied buttocks • Bariatric shapes • Body shapes and sizes vary tremendously • Adult Pelvic sizes vary very little….. Sharon Pratt, PT 20 3/30/12 *#G63#$?#.141$963#$-#3?&1/ Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 21 8 HG-+.,6(,$762,Q/ • F+(1&D#.$,"#$"#&)",$D&N#.#(2#$:#,C##($ ,"#$&12"&63$,4:#.+1&,$6(D$,"#$7#G4.$/ o V$WKXYZ8[KY$&($6($6D43,/ o \+,$61$G42"$&($1G633$ 2"&3D.#($+.$&(76(,1/ o *+.$&(7#.&+.$7++,-.&(,J$H!1$ G41,$:#$6:3#$,+$)#,$&(,+$,"#$ 241"&+($G6,#.&63$1+$,"#$ ,.+2"6(,#.1$26($G6@#$2+(,62,J/ • Important for • lateral stability and /or • redirecting load from the ITs to the trochanters Approx. 1.75”-2.5 “ Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 22 B31+$2+(1&D#.$,"&1KK/ When viewing the sitting profile from back to front… Where does the pelvis stop and femurs begin… Think laterally as well as anteriorly from an inferior surface perspective… U"#.#$26($23&#(,$,6@#$ 14--+.,I/ Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 23 9 R+C$D+$,"#1#$,"&()1$&(]4#(2#$,"#$$&(7#.&+.$1&'&()$ 7++,-.&(,I$/ Ask ourselves…. • Is our client IN their cushion or ON their cushion? • This is translated into depth of immersion…. As well as conformation/envelopment • Consider cushion material • Consider thickness of material • Consider cover over top of cushion material Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 24 H(7#.&+.$3+6D&()$14.762#E$ U"#.#$1"+43D$1#6,$ 241"&+($7.+(,$#(DI$^%#6,$ D#-,"_/ Consider: Sharon Pratt, PT • Hamstrings • Calf size • Transfer technique • Foot Propelling • Chair set up 3/30/12 25 10 R+C$&G-+.,6(,$&1$7++,$3+6D&()$&($,"#$1#6,#D$-+1&,&+($ 6(D$D+#1$&,$&(]4#(2#$,"#$1&'&()$7++,-.&(,I$/ Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 26 R6?#$;+4$#?#.$,.&#D$,+$JKK$/ Sharon Pratt, PT 27 11 U#$(##D$+4.$7##,$7+.$1422#11743$1&'&()J$ -6.,$+7$,"#$H(7#.&+.$1&'&()$7++,-.&(,JK/ Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 28 %4GG6.;$+7$,"#$H(7#.&+.$3+6D$:#6.&()$ 14.762#1J$T!"#$1&'&()$7++,-.&(,Z/ • • • • Pelvis: consider ischia's and ramus Thighs: consider the trochanters and femurs Feet: Forearms… plus and negative !"&1$&1$,"#$`.1,$6.#6$H$63C6;1$2"#2@$7+.$ 3+6D$:#6.&()$6(D$`'&()$&($,"#$1&'&()$ 7++,-.&(,J/ Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 29 12 <+1,#.&+.$3+6D&()$14.762#1J$%&'&()$7++,-.&(,/ In the absence of posterior support the cushion cannot be successful and sitting is even MORE work Sharon Pratt, PT 30 U"#.#$6.#$,"#$-+1,#.&+.$3+6D$:#6.&()$6.#61$ &($,"#$1&'&()$:+D;I$/ Does the sacrum like taking a load!. Or does it need support? Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 31 13 %4GG6.;$+7$,"#$<+1,#.&+.$3+6D$:#6.&()$ 14.762#1J$T!"#$1&'&()$7++,-.&(,Z/ • • • • • Sacrum: needs respect Lumbar-thoracic area Upper thoracic: only when tilted or reclined Occipital shelf Calf pads in elevating leg rests….. Think about the implications… plications… !"&1$&1$,"#$1#2+(D$6.#6$H$63C6;1$2"#2@$ 7+.$3+6D$:#6.&()$6(D$`'&()$&($,"#$1&'&()$ 7++,-.&(,J/ Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 32 B(,#.&+.$O+6D$:#6.&()$14.762#1$C"#($1&'&()J$ T!"#$1&'&()$7++,-.&(,JZ/ Think carefully about this…. • Forehead… is it really designed for load bearing? • Chest… • Sternum… • Knees Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 33 14 !"&(@$6:+4,$6$1+34,&+($7+.$,"&1$-+1,4.#JK$/ • Do we want to provide Anterior supports 1st? Or • Do we try to get Posterior load bearing 1st? • First we need to know if this is fixed or flexible and/or functional? Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 34 B(,#.&+.$14--+.,1J#a6G-3#$+7$6$7#C/ Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 35 15 B(,#.&+.$%4--+.,1E$%&'&()$*++,-.&(, / • • • • • • Chest harnesses Trays (Upper Extremity supports) Pelvic positioning straps Knee blocks Foot straps – Shoe holders Anteri h Anterior head d st stra straps raps ra ps TH$:#3&#?#$,"6,$B(,#.&+.$14--+.,1$1"+43D$:#$!""#"$!%$"$ ,+$&(7#.&+.$6(D$-+1,#.&+.$3+6D$:#6.&()KKK$61$+--+1#D$,+$ 3+6D$:#6.&()$14.762#1$b$26($+(3;$:#$#N#2,&?#$C"#($ `.1,$,"#$&(7#.&+.$6(D$-+1,#.&+.$3+6D$:#6.&()$6.#61$6(D$ .#36,&+(1"&-$C&,"$).6?&,;$6.#$+-,&G&>#DZ/ Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 36 O6,#.63$14--+.,E$!"#$1&'&()$7++,-.&(,J$/ Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 37 16 !"#$O6,#.63$0&3#GG6Q$/ / • • • • • • Where to put them… Are we trying to match what our clinical hands do? Are we EVER disappointed? ☺ " Do they ever go out of alignment? What happens with the winter coat …… How do we know how much or how little is best? Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 38 O6,#.63$%4--+.,$E$T%&'&()$*++,-.&(,Z / Lateral….. • head • thoracic • pelvic • thigh • knee • foot H($G;$+-&(&+(JO6,#.63$14--+.,1$C#.#$(+,$&(,#(D#D$ 7+.$3+6D$:#6.&()J$1+$:#7+.#$,"&(@&()$6:+4,$36,#.63$ 14--+.,18$$-+1,#.&+.c$&(7#.&+.$b$.#36,&+(1"&-$C&,"$ ).6?&,;c$G41,$:#$+-,&G&>#D/ Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 39 17 H(7#.&+.$6(D$<+1,#.&+.$*++,-.&(,$H($dY$ 0#).##1$!&3,/ Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 40 <++.$-+1,#.&+.$6(D$&(7#.&+.$7++,-.&(,/ Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 41 18 HG-.+?#D$-+1,#.&+.$7++,-.&(,c$(+,&2#$ D&N#.#(2#$G6D#$,+$&(7#.&+.$7++,-.&(,J/ Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 42 *++,-36,#1$!++$R&)"E$(+,&2#$D&N#.#(2#$,+$7++,-.&(,/ Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 43 19 &''$()!$*"+,''+-'.//+0'$#1*+2#3*4*%1*+$'+ 5''$(4#%$/ Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 44 %&'&()$*++,-.&(,$F"#2@$O&1,KK / Primary Support Surfaces: # Inferior # Posterior May need gravity to assist as long as its functional How much orientation is necessary? # 5-15° # 45-60° Primary Assistants…. # Anterior Supports # Lateral Supports Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 45 20 H$:#3&#?#$,"#$1&'&()$7++,-.&(,$2+(2#-,$C&33KK / Help all of us address and create solutions for the • Postural • Functional and • Skin Integrity ……Needs of our wheelchair seated clients Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 46 !RB\e$fLgQ$ !"#$%&"'()"%)**+%%"#$,&"'()-"%+.,$/0"./1"2(3$4$,'"(55(-,)/$,$+%6"!"&(5+" '()"7/1"+.*&".%%+%%2+/,".%"8)4744$/09"*&.44+/0$/0"./1"8)/".%"!"1(:" ; Prepared and presented by: Sharon Pratt, PT [email protected] 21 !STOP! Step Back … lets think together! When selecting seating and mobility for our clients- do we ever catch ourselves choosing band aids as we seek solutions? Prepared and presented by: Sharon Pratt, PT [email protected] 0&123+14.#/ • I am an independent consultant • The opinions expressed in this program are my own opinions only. • This presentation is sponsored by Sunrise Medical Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 49 22 <.+).6G$L:S#2,&?#1/ 6('%+1'7()*$#'%+'5+$8#"+(4*"*%$!$#'%+(!4$#1#(!%$"+.#))+9*+ !9)*+$'+/ • :2*%$#5;+<+1'77'%+";7($'7"+'5$*%+"**%+#%+$8*+ .8**)18!#4+"*!$*2+1)#*%$+!%2+#2*%$#5;+('""#9)*+1!="*"/ • >#"1=""+('""#9)*+"')=$#'%"+5'4+"=18+1!="*"+'5+$8*+ ";7($'7"/ • :2*%$#5;+.8*%+'3+$8*+"8*)5+"*!$#%?+#"+"#7();+%'$+ *%'=?8+5'4+1*4$!#%+1'7()*@+4*8!9+1)#*%$"/ Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 50 <+1&,&+(&()/ %&'&()$,+3#.6(2#E$ F+G7+.,/ %,6:&3&,;/ B#1,"#,&21/ 96(6)&()$!+(#/ !"#$5+631$+7$ %#6,&()8 ) B22#-,6(2#/ 9+:&3&,;/ B22#11$,+$,"#$ -#.1+(1$C+.3D/ =#1-#2,&()$ 2"6()#$&($1&>#/ <.#1#.?&()$%@&($ &(,#).&,;/ *4(2,&+(A 9+:&3&,;/ Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 51 23 U"#($3++@&()$6,$,"#$C"##32"6&.$1#6,#D$23&#(,J$ 0+$;+4$h?#.$F6,2"$;+4.1#37$.#62,&()$,+$ %;G-,+G1I/ • I believe I have been known to put band aids on the symptoms because I didn’t identify the Cause of the problem • Lets think of some examples…. Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 52 ha6G-3#1$+7$%;G-,+G1$,"6,$H$"6?#$1##($&($1#6,&()/ • • • • • • • Sliding Scissored legs Leaning laterally Falling forward “Increased tonal patterns” “Feet wont stay on footplates” Windswept lower extremities… Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 53 24 %+G#$+7$,"#$M6(D8B&D1$C#$1##$6--3&#D$C"#($13&D&()$ +224.1J$/ • • • • • • Pelvic straps Wedge cushions Medial thigh supports(abductors or pommels) Elevating leg rests Dicem☺ Tilt • …… Yes indeed … We may well be crazy☺ Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 54 %3&D&()$+4,$+7$;+4.$1#6,J$B$1;G-,+G$+7J/ Unaccommodated…. • Bilateral limited hip flexion • Increased extensor tone • Posterior pelvic tilt with kyphotic posture • Tight hamstrings Imagine if we dealt with these issues and created solutions rather than reaching for the Band-Aids? Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 55 25 R+C$&G-+.,6(,$&1$"&-$.6()#$+7$G+,&+($7+.$ 1&'&()I$/ VERY Hip range of motion relative to the pelvis is critical for optimal balanced seating for function…. Lets look at • Bilateral limitations and • Unilateral limitations Sharon Pratt, PT 56 3/30/12 U"6,$D+$;+4$+:1#.?#$&($,"#1#$-+1,4.#1I / Sharon Pratt, PT 57 3/30/12 26 <+1,#.&+.$<#3?&2$!&3,/ Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 58 <+1,#.&+.$<#3?&2$!&3,E$!&)",$"6G1,.&()1/ Unaccommodated hamstrings Sharon Pratt, PT Accommodated hamstrings 3/30/12 62 27 B(,#.&+.$<#3?&2$!&3,/ Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 66 %+G#$1;G-,+G1$ C#$1##$.#36,#D$,+$ B(,#.&+.$-#3?&2$ ,&3,/ • Falling forward • Fatigue • Feet not staying on footplates What Band-Aids do we see? What could we do differently? Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 67 28 B(,#.&+.$<#3?&2$!&3,E$`a#D$+.$]#a&:3#I/ Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 68 B(,#.&+.$<#3?&2$!&3,$6(D$H(2.#61#D$ O+.D+1&1/ Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 69 29 R+C$26($C#$&(2.#61#$,"#$-+1,#.&+.$3+6DI$/ If this is a fixed APT Sharon Pratt, PT We could introduce gravity with tilt? 3/30/12 70 U#$G&)",$631+$"6?#$,+$.#1-#2,$,"#$"6G1,.&()1/ Why? Because when the pelvis is anterior- the hamstrings are pulled back with the ischials… so allowing the feet to rest further back may relax the already stressed hamstrings… Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 71 30 <#3?&2$L:3&i4&,;/ Right Obliquity with Compensating Scoliosis Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 76 <#3?&2$L:3&i4&,;$6(D$%2+3&+1&1$6.#$633$,"#$ 2641#1$,"#$16G#I/ Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 77 31 F+43D$6$-#3?&2$+:3&i4&,;$:#$6$1;G-,+G$+7$ 1+G#,"&()$#31#I/ • An example of how it can be a symptom ……. • Try this: … o Imagine extreme pain in right hip ( could also be limited hip flexion or subluxation etc etc… ) o Get off it… o Feel what happens in pelvis…. Do you experience a left pelvic obliquity and/or left rotation (right side of pelvis forwards)? o Imagine now if we dealt with the right hip issue instead of reacting to the presenting posture which is merely a symptom Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 78 U"6,$6.#$1+G#$+-,&+(1$7+.$6$4(&36,#.63$ 3&G&,#D$"&-I / Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 79 32 <#3?&2$L:3&i4&,;/ • Thoughts from Sharon's head! o Level 1 o Level 2 o Level 3 • R6?#$;+4$#?#.$ C+(D#.#DJJ/ • TC"6,$D+$H$D+$C&,"$ ,"&1$-#3?&2$+:3&i4&,;$ :4&3D4-II/ Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 82 $O#7,$<#3?&2$L:3&i4&,;/ Example of level 2 Sharon Pratt, PT Example of level 2 solution 3/30/12 84 33 $=&)",$<#3?&2$L:3&i4&,;/ Example of Level 3 Example of level 3 solution Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 85 <#3?&2$L:3&i4&,;/ • In Summary: : result of inadequate support: correct it and everything is level : result of bone or muscle mass for example missing from the underside: build up the low side to substitute for loss and outcome will be level Situation is fixed: must accommodate: build up under high side to optimize the sitting footprint… remember thighs; feet: shoulders may all be asymmetrical o Thoughts from Sharon's head! Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 86 34 <#3?&2$=+,6,&+(E$ O#7,$%&D#$*+.C6.D$j$=+,6,#D$!+$=&)",$k$=&)",$=+,6,&+(/ Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 88 Pelvic Rotation and Obliquity Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 89 35 <#3?&2$=+,6,&+(/ • Can be a symptom of… o o o o o o o Asymmetrical muscle tone (trunk and /or lower extremities) Unaccommodated Asymmetrical hip abduction Unaccommodated Asymmetrical hip adduction Unaccommodated Asymmetrical hip flexion Unaccommodated Leg length discrepancy Posterior dislocated or subluxed hip Unilateral foot propeller Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 91 U"6,$6:+4,$%eH\I / For me: these are the top 3 questions I must know the answers to…. • Is there presence of redness or open wounds on the seated surfaces? o If yes = High Risk • Is there a history of redness or open wounds on the seated surface? o If yes = High risk • Can the client do an effective weight shift consistently? o If no, for any reason = High risk These clients likely need full pressure management through the cushion, back support +/- weight shifting technology Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 93 36 H7$(+,$6,$"&)"$.&1@J$ / Consider… • Atrophy • A lot of movement while seated • Moisture/heat Perhaps shear reduction and /or microclimatic factors need to be considered Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 94 BD?&2#$*.+G$%"6.+(J/ • Always ask ourselves – does the posture have flexible and or fixed components? • Have we identified the cause of the problem or only the symptom? • Have we maximized the potential seating footprint for optimal function and safety? • Is the client comfortable and happy?! • Is our documentation funding proof? Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 95 37 If We Don’t Know These Clinical Things… R+C$26($C#$D#,#.G&(#$C"6,$G&(&G63$#11#(,&63$7#6,4.#1$6.#/ (#2#116.;$7+.$,"&1$23&#(,$,+$74(2,&+($7.+G$6$1#6,#D$-+1&,&+(I$ / • R+C$G42"$-+1&,&+(&()$&1$(##D#DI/ o <+1,4.#1$(##D&()$622+GG+D6,&+($+.$2+..#2,&+(/ • R+C$G42"$1,6:&3&,;$&1$(##D#D$7+.$74(2,&+(I$/ o F+(1&D#.$36,#.63$6(D$7+.C6.D/ • U"6,$3#?#3$+7$1@&($-.+,#2,&+($&1$(##D#DI/ o F+(1&D#.$-.#114.#$D&1,.&:4,&+(E$1"#6.$G6(6)#G#(,E$ G&2.+23&G6,&2$G6(6)#G#(,/ Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 96 Essential Clinical Questions • U&33$,"#$23&#(,$:#$6:3#$,+$2+(1&1,#(,3;$1&,$C"#.#$C#$,"&(@$ ,"#;$1"+43DI/ • U"6,$2"6()#1$6.#$-.#D&2,#D$,+$+224.$C&,"$,"#$23&#(,$j$ G+G#(,$,+$G+G#(,$6(D$D6;$,+$D6;$#,2/ • R+C$26-6:3#$6(D$2+(1&1,#(,$C&33$,"#$23&#(,$+.$26.#)&?#.$ :#$6,$(##D#D$G6&(,#(6(2#I/ • U"6,$6.#$,"#$3&7#1,;3#$2+(1&D#.6,&+(1I/ o !.6(17#..&()/ o !.6(1-+.,&()/ Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 97 38 Essential Clinical Questions • F6($,"#$23&#(,$26..;$+4,$633$74(2,&+(63$62,&?&,$+($,"#$ -.+-+1#D$-.+D42,/ • H%$H!$FL9*L=!BMOhI$J*+.$,"#$23&#(,QQ$R61$1&'&()$ ,+3#.6(2#$:##($&(2.#61#DI/ • R6?#$C#$-.+?&D#D$633$,"#$(#2#116.;$S41,&`26,&+(/ • U"6,$&1$,"#$2+(1#i4#(2#$+7$,"#$23&#(,$(+,$)#'&()$,"&1$ #i4&-G#(,$j$,"&1$&1$6$2.&,&263$,"+4)",JKK/ Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 98 How do we get the answers to those questions? • • • • • • H(,#.?&#C/ O++@&()$6,$,"#$23&#(,$&($,"#$#a&1,&()$1;1,#G/ O++@&()$6,$,"#$23&#(,$+4,$+7$,"#&.$#a&1,&()$1;1,#GQ/ !"#$"6(D1$+($611#11G#(,/ H$3&@#$14-&(#$6(D$1&'&()JK/ <.#114.#$G6--&()E$C"6,$6.#$;+4.$#a-#.&#(2#1I/ Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 99 39 O6DD#.$+7$(##D1 / Clients whose needs for postural asymmetry and skin protection cannot be met with anything less than custom molded Clients who use wheelchairs who have moderate to aggressive asymmetrical postures and who are at moderate to high risk for skin integrity issues Clients who use wheelchairs who have mild to moderate asymmetrical postures and who are at moderate to high risk for skin integrity issues Clients who use wheelchairs who have symmetrical posture and who are at low to moderate risk for skin integrity issues Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 100 O6DD#.$+7$1#6,&()$-.+D42,$1+34,&+(1 / Custom made seating – molded Custom made seating – linear and contoured Off the shelf seating – customizable Basic off the shelf seating – non customizable Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 101 40 O6DD#.$+7$2+G-3#a&,;$+7$S41,&`26,&+($ / Clients positioning and skin needs cannot be met with anything else. This is the basic essential seating that is necessary Clients positioning and skin needs cannot be met with off the shelf seating even if it is customizable Asymmetrical postures cannot be accommodated by basic seating and/ or client is at risk for skin integrity issues Everyone who needs a wheelchair needs basic seati cushions and back supports Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 102 =#7#.#(2#1 / • Most of the theories and descriptions are from personal experience over 23 years working in the field of seating and mobility • Graphics used with permission from Sunrise Medical, Ottobock, Leckey and ArjoHuntleigh • Other reading references available upon request • Please feel free to email at [email protected] Sharon Pratt, PT 3/30/12 207 41 !RB\e$fLgQ$ !"#$%&"'()"%)**+%%"#$,&"'()-"%+.,$/0"./1"2(3$4$,'"(55(-,)/$,$+%6"!"&(5+" '()"7/1"+.*&".%%+%%2+/,".%"8)4744$/09"*&.44+/0$/0"./1"8)/".%"!"1(:" ; Prepared and presented by: Sharon Pratt, PT [email protected] 42