Summer 2016 - International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy
Summer 2016 - International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy
I-ACT International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy Quarterly W 2016 Convention Photos W Committee Reports W Selling Devices (part 2) W Recipes, thanks, updates, and more! Summer 2016 Disclaimer: I-ACT neither endorses, approves, nor supports any products advertised in this Quarterly Newsletter. These advertisements are provided to the membership by each advertiser. Additionally, the readers should assure themselves that the material presented herein is current and applicable at the time it is read. The authors cannot warrant that the material will continue to be accurate. Readers should verify statements before relying on them. No statement herein shall be considered a legal opinion nor a substitute for the advice of an attorney. For the most recent and complete interpretation of laws, please consult an attorney. Table of Contents I-ACT Policy Statements 3 2 I-ACT President’s Letter 4 NBCHT President’s Message 5 In Memory “Hank Pelser” Regional Rep / Awards Committee Report 8 - 10 “Health thru Education” 11 Fund Raising Committee Report 12-13G uidelines Selling Used Devices 14 Mid West Region Report 15 Regional Reps List 16 Three Paths to Restoring Trust 17-20 2016 Convention Photos 22 Mixed Berry Salad Recipe 25 International Research Alliance Committee 27 Membership Committee Outlook 28 PA Legislative Update Three Steps to Ultimate Marketing... 30 33 32 Insurance Members Information 2 29 Marketing Committee Minute For Sale 35 7 34 I-ACT Policy Statements: I-ACT recommends the use of currently registered FDA equipment and only disposable speculums, rectal tubes, or rectal nozzles. However, should the Therapist use reusable speculums, these speculums should, at a minimum, be autoclaved for sanitation and cleanliness (30 minutes). Additionally, the autoclave unit must be tested and inspected by competent authority at least four times per year- maintain documentation. (Under NO conditions should a disposable speculum or rectal tube be reused). I-ACT recognizes the FDA classifies equipment used to instill water into the colon through a nozzle inserted into the rectum to evacuate the contents of the colon into three distinct classes; Class I (Enema Kits), Class II and Class III are (Colon Irrigation Systems). Follow the guidelines of your manufacturer, as approved by the FDA for the type of equipment (devices) you are using. Make no claims as to the use of your device other than those approved by the FDA. The main differences between Class I and Class II devices: The code of federal regulations CFR 876.5210 & 876.5220 describe the differences between the Class I and the Class II devices. From that regulation, a Class I device is an enema system and does not include “colonic irrigation devices”. A “colon irrigation device” is a Class II device, which in part is described as: “The system is designed to allow evacuation of the contents of the colon during the administration of the colonic irrigation. The Class I Device: · The Class I device is defined as an enema system and may not have temperature control, temperature gauges or water purification as part of the device. Class I enema systems must be self-administered. · Manufacturers of Class I devices are not required to have third party oversight as they need not comply with the good manufacturing practices and record keeping that are required of Class II manufacturers. Class I devices are not as heavily regulated and controlled by the FDA as Class II devices are. · Owners of Class I devices may not market their service using the terms “colonics or colonic irrigation” in describing the scope of their practice of evacuating the contents of the lower bowel. The Class II Device: · The Class II Device is a “colonic irrigation device”. · Manufacturers of Class II devices are required to have third party oversight and must comply with the good manufacturing practices and record keeping that are required by the FDA. Class II devices are heavily regulated and controlled by the FDA. · The FDA requires Class II devices to be sold and used on or at the order of a physician or health care practitioner. This may be different in each state. Although I-ACT is not aware of any laws that preclude you from assisting an individual with an enema, I-ACT does want you to consider upgrading your equipment to the equipment that provides the greatest safeguards to the public. In this profession, that would be equipment marketed as Class II devices. Remember that I-ACT strongly recommends that all I-ACT members use FDA registered Class II devices or devices equivalent to Class II devices regulated by the appropriate agency in your country. Only individuals using FDA registered equipment will be placed on the I-ACT Web Site. Purchase equipment at your own risk. Ensure you are in compliance with your local, state, federal and country guidelines. Ensure that equipment you purchase is cleared for use in your country. I-ACT recognizes there are two distinct types of colon irrigation systems; open and closed systems. However, it is I-ACT policy that the colon hydrotherapist / technician is always in attendance / or is immediately available to the client throughout the session. The degree of assistance is to be in compliance with the instructions of the manufacturer of the equipment as registered with the FDA, and/or as directed by a physician. The policy on insertion is to follow the instruction of the referring physician; the guidelines of the manufacturer as approved by the FDA; or the directives from the authority of your city, county, state, or country ordinances. I-ACT recommends that you do not put the initials (CT) for colon hydrotherapist after your name, write it out in full. According to most state laws, putting initials after your name is not allowed unless you are licensed or have a degree from an accredited professional school. Advertising copy which states or implies that colon hydrotherapy can treat any disease, promise cure for any disease, or that makes unsubstantiated medical claims SHALL NOT be used. NEW MEMBERS 2ND QUARTER 2016 Following is a list of our new members for the period April 1, 2016 through June 30, 2016. We are glad to have you as members. Remember, at I-ACT you matter! First Name Ajaz Maria Sarah Barbara Sophia Brooke Kiersten Sandra Heidi Norma Kim Suzanne Jie Ying Guan Zhong Rong Guan Kathy Yan Ping Samantha Leslie Nancy Gwendolyn Shelly Margaret Chantel Jaleyah Shari Renee Cassandra Brittanie Tara Tracy Nydia Angela Marlee Ada Gail Pamela Breanne Ricardo La'Shonda Carla Isabel Kaytee Athena Rowena Kimberlynn Dee Ashley Gravele Zandrea Jaila Donita Janneth Lawrence Kelly Linda Shani Veronica Last Name Bashir Wrathall Nehemia Pless Blake Mundell Turrell Woitas Hampe Venables Chacon Pluim Angela Boris Au-Yeung Luo Soto Morales Sosa Pittman Kent Dingman Witherspoon Preston Durfey Levy Folkner Thompson Thornton Wiggs Chavez Savage Wertin Yoder Morales Holland Fishburn Rubio Courtney Harris Hon Koertge Blue Cheung Davis Suarez-Diaz Finch Quashie Rayford Wyche Whitaker Padilla-Leon Stefanow Baker Rust Muscat Vernon Home City Southall Perth North Lake Santa Cruz Hemet Santa Cruz Encinitas Sylvan Lake Sagle Woking Aurora Alkmaar Richmond Surrey Vancouver New York Canyon Country Los Angeles Burbank Chino La Quinta Terrace Newark Ft. Washington Fountain Hill Matawan Bangor Cypress Cypress West Plains El Paso Whitehorse Cave Creek Millersburg Deerfield Beach Alpine Chandler Cumming Raleigh Lyons Rockville Excelsior Springs Stockbridge Phoenix Upper Marlboro Marassas Fremont Phoenix New Orleans Raleigh Stockton Westminster Queen Creek Queen Creek Stockton Belmont Bronx Home State Middlesex W.A. W.A. CA CA CA CA AB ID Surrey CO BC BC BC NY CA CA CA CA CA BC NJ MD PA NJ PA TX TX MO TX YT AZ OH FL CA AZ GA NC IL MD MO GA AZ MD VA MI AZ LA NC CA CO AZ AZ CA CA NY Country United Kingdom Australia Australia USA USA USA USA Canada USA United Kingdom USA Netherlands Canada Canada Canada USA USA USA USA USA USA Canada USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Canada USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA New Members 2nd Quarter I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 35 MEMBER INFORMATION Letter to the Members from the I-ACT President Information on Approved A&P Courses Your students may take an A&P course through their local community college or university. If they have taken an Anatomy & Physiology course for massage, from a state licensed school that provided at least 45 hours of classroom time, that course will also count. We just returned from our 2016 Convention. WOW!!! If you weren’t there, you missed a fantastic event. We had some fabulous speakers and a lots of camaraderie. There is one course that may be used for the A&P pre-requisites. We had visitors from across the Atlantic. Ian and Lynn McDougall, representing RICTAT and Elaine Wilson, representing IPCH attended our convention. It was great seeing them again. Your student may take the Delmar course through CENGAGE Learning, ONLY if you as the instructor or school register with Delmar and set up the program. It goes through you; students MAY NOT call Delmar directly, it doesn’t work that way. The Instructor must Contact: Claudine DeChant: Cengage Learning at, 5 Maxwell Dr., Clifton Park, NY 12065 (p) 518-348-2598. or email: [email protected] Valid in the USA. Information for Those Seeking a Job Looking for a Career Opportunity? Go to the I-ACT web site and then go to the members only section. Inside you will find numerous job opportunities. If you are looking to be employed, you may email us and we will list your name as someone looking for employment. If you are seeking someone to employ, send us an email with your information and we will post your opening in our E-Blasts. Also check our “Help Needed” section, in the Members Only section of our web site I-ACT is GREEN!!! As of the Summer 2013 Quarterly, I-ACT has gone “green.” Your quarterly will be emailed to you. If you would like to have the quarterly sent to you via regular mail, you MUST let us know so we can put you on a list. Just send us an email: [email protected] and let us know you want/need your future quarterlies via mail. By receiving an email version of the Quarterly, you help the Association be cost effective and good stewards of the budget. 34 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 Dear Members, I-ACT sends out E-Blasts to notify its members of Regional Meetings and other important issues. If you are not receiving these E-Blasts, please email the I-ACT Office and give your current e-mail address. We will immediately put your email address on our E-Blast list. Members Only Section of the I-ACT Web Site If you have not been to our web site, please go to Go to the members only section - contact the office for your Members Only password. In that location, you can find the I-ACT Member Logo, and additional member information. In the future, those on our E-Blast list will be sent the current password, so make sure that you are on our E-Blast list to ensure that you receive the password for our I-ACT Member site. Also, Brenda and Stan Watson came by and we had a chance to talk to them. It was great seeing the old friends and getting up to date with everyone. No matter how many times I attend our conventions, I am always awed by the friendship and the quality of individuals that are in our profession. Colon Hydrotherapists must be some of the finest people in the world. Listening to the stories that you have shared with me, and knowing how you care for your clients, it makes me proud to be your Presidnt once again. Look through this quarterly and see many of the photos documenting the fantastic event. Read the quarterly and see who the winners were for our Connie Allred, Instructor of the Year, and, Colon Hydrotherapist of the Year Awards. In addition to great speakers and fun, the members had a chance to input on the future of our Association. We heard of potential new changes to our instructor program. These suggested changes have been discussed with our Instructors and the Education Committee will be sending suggestions to the Board. The Board will be discussing many of the ideas that have been worked on for over two years, so keep reading the newsletter to see what changes the Board approves. The changes will probably happen during our 2017 Convention. Our committees are all working hard to help bring new changes to our profession and our association. If you are interested in helping please contact the Committee Chair. This is your association and we can always use your help and ideas. RUSSELL KOLBO I-ACT PRESIDENT As you can see, this is an exciting time for I-ACT. We are continuing to work to strengthen our international relationships. Speaking of International, the Colon Hydrotherapy International Congress (CHIC 2) is right around the corner. See the registration information for that event which will be held in Birmingham on Sunday, September 25, 2016. We would love to see you there if you can make it. What can you look forward to? Well, your Board has listened to you and we heard that you are looking for a convention with less expensive hotel rates. Here it is... we are announcing that our 2017 I-ACT Convention will be held in Las Vegas. The room rates will be $82.00 (plus tax). That is the best rate we have had for years. The actual Convention will start on Thursday, June 15, 2017 and run through Saturday, June 17, 2017. Of course, our Board meeting and Committee meetings will precede the convention as usual. Consider this announcement as your “save the date” notice. Place the 2017 Convention on your calendar right now! We want to see you in Las Vegas. But that is not all... we are negotiating a two year contract with the hotel in Las Vegas so we can hold our 2018 I-ACT Convention in Las Vegas and that will coincide with the 2018 Colon Hydrotherapy International Congress (CHIC 3). We will let you know how this planning goes. I know I speak for everyone on your Board, we are excited about our future, and we are here to help you and to serve you. Russell Kolbo, DC, ND I-ACT President I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 3 INSURANCE INFORMATION BELINDA MASSEY, RN NBCHT PRESIDENT National Board for Colon HydroTherapy NBCHT 11103 San Pedro Ave., Suite 117, San Antonio, TX 78216 Office: 210-308-8288 • Fax: 210-366-2999 From The Desk Of: Belinda Massey, RN NBCHT President To: All Members of NBCHT We just returned from the 2016 Convention. I-ACT really knows how to put on a great convention. Thank you for inviting us to participate. We would like to recognize our fund raising chair person, Gloria Gilberé. She organized a fund raising event that helped us raise $2280.00. This was raised due to the magnanimous donation by Mark Buse. He donated all of the proceeds from the sale of his new book “Intestinal Health”. That is correct, all sales during the convention were donated to the NBCHT. THANK YOU Mark Buse!!! That was fantastic, this truly helps us continue to improve our credentialing exam. You all know how important credentialing is. It is different than simply being certified. The NBCHT Exam is used by the only state in the US that licenses colon hydrotherapists, and that state is Florida. Being a “credentialing exam” means that the National Board exam is “legally defensible in the event of a judicial action against a colon hydrotherapist”. Professional liability insurance. Allied Professional Insurance will write professional liability insurance for I-ACT members. You must be a current member and keep your membership current to be eligible for the insurance. Contact the I-ACT office (210-366-2888) for the application form, or go to the I-ACT web site - Members Only Section - and download the application from the web site. Doctors’ Insurance Agency also writes professional liability insurance for colon hydrotherapists. Email them at: info@ They are located at 6 Hamilton Landing, Suite 170, Novato, CA 94949. Phone 415-506-3030. Another company, CM&F may write liability insurance for colon hydrotherapists (they have dropped numerous therapists, but some are getting insurance. - call 800-221-4904, or go online to It will be listed as “Enterostomal Therapist.” They will put a rider in the policy stating colon hydrotherapy if you request; however, it is not required - this depends on the underwriter of the insurance. In Canada, try Lloyds of London - check with your local Lloyds of London agent. In the UK, try Balens Insurance Brokers at 01684 893006. In the Netherlands, try: Mark Hypotheken & Pensioenen B.V., Therese van Reeuwijk Oude Delft 103, NL-2611 BD DELFT • tel. +31 152147543 • fax. +31 152126086 • Check around and choose the best policy for you. As other options become available, we will let you know. If you hear of anything let us know. The NBCHT is committed to making this exam available to any state that is seeking legislation to help speed up the process and support the legislative effort. We are happy to announce that we have just completed version 2 of the NBCHT exam. You can help by taking the new NBCHT Exam - We have reduced the price to $200 for those that are already NBCHT Certified. This price is good until Dec 31, 2016. At the Convention, the NBCHT announced it is seriously considering making many changes to the current CEU requirements. These suggested changes are below. Let us know if you have any concerns. • Change policy to state that upon the yearly renewal, the member is to declare that they have 12 CEUs. That NBCHT will do random audits to check for proof. • If the I-ACT convention is used for CEUs, the member must attend 12 hours of lectures. • CEUs for medical professionals may be accepted. These types of CEUs should reflect education to such things as HIV, Hepatitis C, OSHA standards. • Additionally, Massage, Nutritional Consulting, Reflexology, and systems training (on colon hydrotherapy devices), may also be accepted just to name a few. •Some of these CEUs can be easily obtained on line for very reasonable rates making it within reach for everyone’s budget. ADVERTISEMENT “Are YOU a TOXIC WASTE SITE?” BOOKLETS Twentieth ary Anniversn Editio New COLOR Pages By Bill Tiller, ND. Example of How a Colonic Session Softens Feces and Cleans the Colon As our profession continues to grow in standards of care and education, we can uphold the level of knowledge with requiring ongoing education in our CEU requirements. Thank you for doing your part to help us grow our Association and our Profession. Sincerely, Belinda Massey NBCHT President 4 Announcing RECTAL NOZZLE Colon Hydrotherapy Questions & Answers Promotes Your Industry © COPYRIGHT © The book that educates clients to the importance of Digestive Tract Care See an increase in the number of new patients Pricing $1.50 per book. Free shipping & handling on orders of 100 or more Medsker Publishing, 106 N. Creek Dr., Quinby, SC 29506, 843-669-5794 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 Please adjust to correct size as needed. 33 FOR SALE NOTICES Have something to sell? Toxygen Colonic System for Sale $3,500 Fully inspected/serviced by DoTolo Research. Automatic sterilization, oxygen/ozone ready, implant port for easy administration of nutritional, herbal or homeopathic solutions. Call 907-242-8038 Libbe FOR SALE Rarely Used / Like New $5,000 Call (901) 737-8282 Email: [email protected] Used Hydro-San $2000.00 Works great Can be mounted on the wall or we customized it on wheels. Lavina Jones 310-625-9872 [email protected] 32 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 List it here !!! We have been notified by a few of our members that they are receiving SPAM Emails from an Alfred Smith. He is claiming to be from I-ACT and Colon Hydrotherapy Equipment for Sale Aquanet EC-2000 made by Prime Pacific Health Innovations purchased new in 2013 and used 5 times. Complete Equipment package includes the EC-2000 which has a Patented Dual Mode Technology letting the user instantly switch between pressure and gravity modes at any time during treatment. Includes 3 stage water treatment. This package comes with the Universal Cart Stand #4314, Disposable Drip Tray Kit, Stainless Steel Utensil Tray, Additive Kit #4330, LED replacement bulb, Filter Wrench, Cleaning Brush, 45 pairs of small/medium disposable shorts, 20 solo speculums with Insertion Stop small size, 46 Pro-Fit Speculum Kits with Insertion Stop Disk PF-8116 regular size, Operation and Treatment Procedure Instructional DVD and a laminated Quick Reference for Cleaning and Sanitizing guide. Equipment is next to new and kept in a clean and pristine environment. This was purchased for a home business that I did not end up starting as I am also a full time Police Officer. This equipment is ideal for someone wanting to start a Colon Hydrotherapy business with the best machine on the market. Please contact Juliet Walden at [email protected] for photos and additional information. Equipment is located in Burnaby, British Columbia. The entire package cost me over $13,000 and has been used 5 times. Asking price of $10,000. I am willing to ship worldwide with buyer paying the shipping fees. “If you are purchasing a used device, please ensure that it has been maintained according to manufacturer guideines and is fully functional prior to purchasing the device.”: wanting to help you update your membership. THESE ARE SPAM EMAILS LOOKING FOR YOUR INFORMATION! PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND! We hope this helps to keep you safe. If you have any questions, please call the office.... 210.366.2888 I-ACT, PO Box 461285, San Antonio, TX 78246-1285 HENDRIK “HANK” PELSER -- February 12, 1930 - February 1, 2016 We were saddened to learn of the passing of I-ACT member, Hendrik “Hank” Pelser in Penticton, B.C. after a short illness. This loving man leaves behind his wife of 62 years, Shirley and his four children and their families. I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 5 ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT High Potency, Targeted Probiotics from The Digestive Care Experts A Full Range to Meet All Your Clients’ Needs With Advanced Naturals™, you can be assured that your clients are getting a high-potency probiotic formula that meets their individual needs.* From lower potencies starting at 8 billion cultures for everyday digestive and immune support, to higher potencies up to 200 billion cultures to help prevent occasional digestive upsets and restore a balanced intestinal environment, you can trust our professional line of multi-strain probiotics to help your clients feel better.* NOW ✔ High Bifido and Lacto formulas in convenient blister packs NEW powder stick packs ✔ Potent multi-strain probiotic blends ✔ Targeted-release capsules ✔ Guaranteed potency through expiration 8 billion 200 billion live cultures 1-800-690-9988 Linda x265, Olga x276 or Eva x280 Visit to see our entire line. * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. AN-1036 2017 CONVENTION 7 201 e n Ju June 201 7 Start making plans now for the 2017 I-ACT International Convention Golden Nugget Hotel/Casino Las Vegas, NV 6 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 31 COMMITTEE MINUTE AWARDS Marketing Committee Minute Cathy Windland, Chairperson Report for the Regional Reps Committee and Awards Committee Tiffany Jablonski, Chair Marketing means different things to different people, but for the I-ACT Marketing & Social Media Committee it means building awareness of and support for the profession of colon hydrotherapy. Thank you to everyone who attended the Regional Representative Committee meeting at the annual Convention this year. Your dedication, participation and enthusiasm helped set the tone for our members at this year’s convention. Over the past several months, the committee has been brainstorming what needs to be done, resulting in a mind map that identified five areas of concentration: branding (this area is bigger than the logo), events, internal (to/ for members), external (to/for general public, medical community and like organizations), and perception shift. As explained at the Marketing Committee meeting during the recent annual convention, once the committee had identified the major areas of concern, two priorities became apparent. First, redesigning the Quarterly publication will help keep members informed and connected. Refreshing the layout, improving the content, sharing relevant information and therapist stories, and educational opportunities were all discussed as ways to enhance this membership publication. Members were asked to share their stories as well as articles of relevance. The second priority is I-ACTs online presence. The web site needs to be freshened, user-friendly and add value to those who visit. Members shared many thoughts and ideas relating to the online presence, all of which will be added to the mind map. All members were encouraged to “like” the official facebook page for I-ACT which is International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy (I-ACT). It is important that members “like” this page and begin interacting with it by liking posts, commenting on posts, and sharing posts. Members shared ideas and gave input relating to the online presence. A mobile app was also discussed as a possibility. A special thank you to Sage Joya for stepping up and helping at the Regional Rep booth. Your willingness to participate even though you are not a Regional Rep was so amazing and inspiring. If you’re wondering why I am writing this update, it’s because I just became the chairperson for this committee at this year’s convention. I am excited to bring a fresh and upbeat direction to this committee, and look forward to working with you all in the months to come. One of the new things we will be implementing this summer is regular meetings via the web. This will be a monthly get together so we can work on how to get information to the membership as clearly and directly as possible. For the Regional Reps that were not in the meeting, please contact me to get the dates and information on the first web meeting. The awards ceremony went beautifully… and I am pleased to once again announce this year’s winners. Connie Allred Award ………………… Dorothy Chandler Colon Hydrotherapy Instructor of the Year …….. James Allred While there are so many aspects to marketing the Association, the Marketing & Social Media Committee will continue to add to the mind map and prioritize the best ways to move forward. If you are interested in participating in the Marketing Committee, please contact committee chair Cathy Windland; we would love to have a few more people join us as we move forward. Colon Hydrotherapist of the Year ………………. CeCe Alvarado The Presidents Award ……… went to the Manufactures that had supported our profession Bryan Poulsen (Colenzi) ADVERTISEMENT Ramon Echevarria (Transcom) Maury & Julie Solomon (Quality Medical Supply) Bill & Jeri Tiller (Tiller Mind Body) Colonics business for sale in Santa Monica, CA • Excellent LOCATION • Dotolo system AND Libbe system • Ceragem infrared massage bed • 4X large spacious rooms plus kitchen/patio • WEBSITE mobile friendly and high on Google • • 14 yrs worth of CLIENT BASE • ASKING $40,000 • Reason for selling, owner relocating • Call 310.663.2509 30 Congratulations to each recipient! You make a difference in our profession, and we applaud your commitment to the industry. Looking ahead, please keep in mind that you have until next spring to think about and nominate individuals for next year’s awards. If you know someone who has gone above and beyond in our profession, please consider nominating them for an award. I want to hear from you so that we can recognize those deserving of recognition. See photos page 17. THANK YOU AGAIN Tiffany Jablonski I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 “If you are purchasing a used device, please ensure that it has been maintained according to manufacturer guideines and is fully functional prior to purchasing the device.”: Awards Committee I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 7 ARTICLE MARKETING Three Steps to Your Ultimate Marketing Message by Paul Clough I’m not talking about some catchy slogan or play on words using the name of your business or the service you provide. It’s not some meaningless phrase like “we do it right” or “quality service you can trust.” Anybody in business can say those things and they’re really basic expectations anyway. A core marketing message clearly and concisely communicates what you’re out to do and for whom. It speaks to your ideal target market and gets them to respond and seek more information. Many business owners and professional service providers never take the time to create this for their business. Most are creating a new message with every new “marketing campaign” and constantly trying new ideas. And each new idea becomes a new chance to try and come up with that home run message that gets the phone ringing off the hook like never before. What you need is an ultimate core marketing message that communicates directly and powerfully to your clients and prospective clients what it is they’ll get from your services. Here are three steps to creating your own ultimate core marketing message: 1. Who do you want to help? Be as clear as you can on who your target market is. Take some time and define with as much clarity as possible who your ideal clients are. If it’s not obvious who your message is directed to, why would you expect anyone to get it? 2. What is the primary problem, issue, or challenge you would like to help someone in that target audience solve? This is really at the heart of your core marketing message. Most people are consumed with their own problems and looking for solutions to address them. When you can clearly articulate a problem your client is dealing with, they’ll listen because you may be able to provide a solution. 3. What is the ultimate outcome or result your product or service can achieve? People want to know what they’ll get from purchasing your product or working with you. When you’re prepared to demonstrate that you’re focused on delivering an outcome they’d be interested in, they will pay attention and want to know more. That’s it. Now take your answers and boil them down to one or two clear sentences that you can deliver enthusiastically and passionately either in person or through an advertising medium. Communicate this message in everything you do. Forget the catchy slogans. Create and start using your ultimate marketing message right now. About Paul Clough – One of the founders of Fresnel Partners, Paul works with business owners to help them realize their objectives. He applies over 30 years of experience across several industries in finance, marketing and operational leadership positions to improve the sales, operations and profitability of his clients. Contact him at [email protected] . 8 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 29 PA LEGISLATION REPORT PA Legislative Update from Convention GILBERE CON’T In February, 2015, legislation was introduced into the PA House of Representatives to license naturopathic physicians. As introduced, the bill included colon hydrotherapy in the scope of practice, but did not include it in the exclusions section of the bill; only hydrotherapy was listed as an excluded modality. If the bill were to pass as introduced, it would mean that colon hydrotherapists in PA would have to stop practicing or become licensed naturopathic physicians. As soon as I-ACT became aware of PA HB516, the board went to work to get the bill amended to keep PA therapists protected to continue practicing. Cathy Windland, PA member and board member, became a registered lobbyist and took the cause to Harrisburg. While support was garnered amongst house committee members to amend the bill, the attorney for the committee said that “hydrotherapy” (which is therapy IN water) is the same as “colon hydrotherapy” (therapy WITH water) and there was no need to change the bill. Thankfully, a professional lobbyist was located who helped navigate the waters and understood the importance of getting the bill amended to keep colon hydrotherapy protected. When the bill passed the House on April 15, 2015, the lobbyist was engaged and began working on behalf of I-ACT and the colon hydrotherapists in PA. The price of this engagement is $2,500 per month, and the lobbying effort needs to continue until this session of the legislature ends in November, 2016, unless the bill is amended before that time. As of the beginning of this year’s convention, the I-ACT board had approved to spend $5,000 for the lobbyist with another $7,500 being raised through donations. Needless to say, that is not nearly enough to cover the costs incurred to date. During the annual membership meeting at convention, a brief update was asked for on the legislation in Pennsylvania. Cathy Windland gave a brief update, stating that if the bill passes without an amendment colon hydrotherapists will be out of business; no grandfathering in, no loop holes, no more business. She also announced that the lobbyist has made progress and has gotten the lobbyist for the naturopathic association to understand the need for the amendment. If we can get this bill amended and passed in PA, other states will have a precedent when a naturopathic bill is raised in their state. In other words, colon hydrotherapists in other states will not have to fight so hard to maintain the right to practice colon hydrotherapy. We’re close, but still have work to be done, and need to raise money. A member attending the meeting suggested to “pass the hat” right then, so we did. Before the annual membership meeting ended, $1,639 had been donated specifically to PA, and by the end of the convention, enough money had been raised to another two months to the lobbyist. What an amazing outpouring of love and support from our profession!!! Thank you to everyone who donated! If you would like to support the PA efforts, please go to the I-ACT web site and click on the button for PA donations. You can also send a check to or call the office with your credit card information; just please be sure to earmark the donation for the PA legislative fund. Every little bit helps. PA members, this year’s convention was a true stand of solidarity, a show of support to keep you practicing. Now it’s time for you to step up to the plate and contribute to the cause as well. Please help us help you and your clients. The time to get involved is NOW! Cathy Windland 28 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 9 MEMBERSHIP GILBERE CON’T Membership Committee Outlook Cathy Windland, Chairperson Membership is the life blood of our Association, and the Membership Committee takes this very seriously. To that end, the purpose of the Membership Committee is to promote membership in the organization through recruitment, retention and recognition; creating a professional community for its members and associates; and building active membership to sustain the organization into the future. At this year’s annual convention, the Membership Committee engaged those in attendance in an open discussion regarding growth, retention, member benefits, and perception shift. The brainstorming mind map that has been done to date was shared, with three top priorities identified: growth with incentives for members helping build the membership; possible new member benefits; and messaging for consistency in helping to shift the perception of I-ACT membership. The committee will continue to work diligently in the months to come to promote membership. The input from the committee meeting will be added to the mind map and incorporated into the overall direction going forward. These will all be taken to the board for decision and final implementation, so stay tuned for more details. Knowing that membership is the life blood of any organization, the Membership Committee created buttons for each attendee at the convention. These buttons were all about membership in I-ACT and how each member matters. It was great to see so many members wearing their button and getting involved in connecting with each other. Interested in being part of the conversation? You can by simply contacting committee chair Cathy Windland at [email protected]. We want to connect with you to keep the conversation going throughout the year. If you would like to be part of the committee, we would enjoy having you join the group. Please contact the committee chair, and get involved! Remember, YOU MATTER! 10 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 27 ADVERTISEMENT FUNDRAISING Fundraising Committee Article: I hope you will take a moment of your time to read this committee report. Even though I am the chairperson of the fundraising committee, I am also a member who has a strong respect for I-ACT over the past 16 years and only want to see us make upward strides in our profession so we can hold our heads high with pride and feel safe in our desired profession. When you read my report, I think you will realize that you –“the members” – can make miracles happen… The fundraising committee is here to help promote the value of colon hydrotherapists with action and information on the legal rights to provide colon hydrotherapy within the United States and our International neighbors. Our goal is to raise funds for legal and legislative representation. The aim of our legislative efforts is to expand our outreach efforts to members and non-members alike. We look forward to taking on the process of re-energizing and refocusing certain aspects of our legislative and educational activities. Our goals for this committee are to: 1. Provide funds for the basic operating costs of paying salaries of a state lobbyist, legal fees if needed. 2. Provide funds for savings account for future emergency costs. (i.e. loss of income, cease & desist orders, etc.) 3. Provide funds for "extra" needs related to legislative initiatives, such as, legal fees, travel fees for board members, additional paperwork, expenses, etc. 4. Provide scholarship funds for members who need financial assistance to get to convention. 5. Explore a consistent source of income. Over the last couple of months, the fundraising committee was able to launch the first ever GoFundMe account. Please check it out at: Make sure to share this and tell everyone you know about it. I write this report with a heart that is overfilled with joy and gratitude after returning from our convention in St Petersburg. Although this was one of our smaller conventions with about 150 members in attendance, it was packed with so many memorable events. As the fundraising chairperson, I was gifted with a surprise from an anonymous donor who offered to match all donations made to I-ACT during this year’s convention. During the initial passing of the hat we raised $926.00. By the end of the convention between our GoFundMe account and money collected, we raised total of $5168.50. Our matching fund donor added a check for $15,000.00 even though our members did not raise that much. Thank you for your generosity. This total did not include funds raised during the silent auction which totaled $3018.50, and did not include the funds raised for the PA legislative fund $5160.00. I am in awe of the amazing generosity of our fellow colon hydrotherapists! Some suggestions to raise funds would be to write a book other than the cookbook. This book will be written by the colon therapists of I-ACT which we would offer to sell to our clients. The funds would then be deposited through paypal and paid directly to the fundraising account. Here is a list of ideas for the books. * Vegan recipes or positive affirmations * E-book (since we are trying to go green) * Comedic jokes for colon hydrotherapists (we all have funny poop jokes to tell)! * We also want to suggest that each therapist place a donation jar on the front counter with the following notice: Please Donate! International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy (I-ACT) appreciates your interest in this fundraising endeavor. Your contributions will support efforts to bring an awareness of colon hydrotherapy to the forefront of public interest. We welcome your donation in whatever increment is right for you. Thank you so much for your support! I am asking for volunteers who are interested in growing our industry. If you are interested please send an email to: [email protected] Thank you I-ACT members! You have made a real difference in helping to build the foundation of I-ACT. With gratitude, 26 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 Gayle Marie Palms Fundraising Chair I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 11 MARK BUSE ARTICLE INTERNATIONAL International Research Alliance Committee Contributed by Mark Buse (I-ACT Board Member) PART 2 OF 2 Guidelines for Selling Used Devices S tarting a new business, or expanding an already established one, often requires the purchase of more materials and often another device. As with any startup and/or expansion, monetary concerns play a major role. Especially in the medical health services field, used equipment is often more affordable and generally meets the requirements of the professional just fine. There are, however, more concerns one faces when it comes to specifics about the purchase. Knowing that the device will serve the intended function is most important and yet often overlooked—not knowing what to look for should be the biggest concern. Too often we base our decision centered on purchase price alone with the description and condition provided by the seller that the device is in good working order. As the seller, often the statement is made that only a few items need repair when, in fact, the device is far from meeting FDA standards. We all have out dated equipment and often sell to a broker that may or may not bring the device up to the standards of the manufacturer. We strongly urge everyone who sells used devices to our members to bring that equipment to manufacturer standards—let’s be honest, used devices can come with many problems and the unexpected expenses to bring them up to standard are plentiful. If the equipment needs repair/replacement parts or service, state that up front to avoid consequences that can become unnecessary legal and ethical nightmares. Some used devices are perfectly fine and ready to use, however, it’s my experience many are not as advertised nor meet the buyer’s expectations. Age, amount of use and especially damage due to shipment are issues no buyer chooses to encounter, nor should they if communication and sales agreement is complete. Unsuspecting therapists quite often find themselves in crisis mode trying to get the device up and running—let’s be clear, used devices can be limited in their functionality. Too often we base our decision centered on purchase price alone with the description and condition provided by the seller that the device is in good working order. 12 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 ! ! FDA devices have been approved for their The International Research Alliance is an initiative that was created during the 2015are Colon Hydrotherapy Some used devices ability to perform the task andforprovide safety to International Congress (CHIC) the purpose of creating the framework for professional and medically accepted perfectly fine and ready the client as intended. Age and damage Colon Hydrotherapy published research and studies worldwide. to use, however, it’s my changes that equation to equipment that would It is beingFDA formed and designed byIn members of: the experience many are not as not meet stated mandate. addition, advertised nor meet the buyer’s seller is specifically responsible forColon selling I-ACT:International Association for Hydrotherapy expectations. devices approved IPCH: within The Institutespecifications. of Professional Colon Hydrotherapy RICTAT: International Association Contacting the manufacturer withand theRegister serial of Integrative Colonic Irrigation ARCH: Association of Registered Colon number will help in determining what issuesHydrotherapists need to be corrected prior to the sale. Data SICT: Society Idrocolonterapia (The Italian Colon Hydrotherapy Association) like number of previous owners, maintenance, or lack of, and age have been valuable tools in thismeeting regard. An initial was held on 6-26-2016 at the I-ACT Annual Convention in St. Petersburg, Florida. Like most of us, we break much easier as we age. The following are generally Special thanks to Gloria Gilbere, Elaine Wilson and Beverley Blass for helping to launch this committee with such vulnerable parts of each system: gusto! • Open systems show brittleness in certain areas such as tubing; • The Closed systems haveitsseal Committee determined first problems tasks would as be: well as valves and ports not operating almost of always a result of age andand lack of use; 1.properly, Data gathering published research papers studies worldwide. Items of interest would be colon theory, and efficacy name changing. a few. We are led to believe there may be a useful body of • hydrotherapy, In any stylehistory, unit, the filters alwaystoneed research available in countries but not limited to, Russia Cuba. In to identifying useful It is best practice to haveincluding, the manufacturer check out theand unit prior the sale.potentially It is studies it is useful to note possible alternative names for colon hydrotherapy, which may be used in literature search highly advisable to makeenema, the intended salecolonic, subject to a routine manufacturer check-up, (MESH) terms, including lavage, high colonic irrigation, colonic, colonics, colon therapy, entera and get that contingency in writing. With that said, I have seen older devices function lavage, colema. 2. Other items of interest could includevery papers andwhen studies regarding: inflammation, well properly maintained andLiver usedenzymes, fibromyalgia, gut microbiome, colon pathologies and etc. throughout their term of service. 3. Compile non-published works, i.e. so called ‘grey data’ such as Masters and Doctoral student thesis’ held Selling used task devices to our members is awith Universities within University libraries. This will be a potentially laborious requiring communications responsibility allcarried need to and other agencies, preferably worldwide, which we identifythat maywe have outown-up research to. in the field of complementary therapies. If anyone has connections with such agencies/organizations/institutions I-ACT members look to the quarterly for devicesplease provide that information to email below. that meet manufacture standards as well as those 4. Find and/or create meta-analysis reviews of gathered data. As the accepted ‘gold standard’ in clinical of the FDA. That said, it’s the individuals selling research, identifying any extant meta-analysis studies would provide an immediate evidence base – be that finding the efficacy devicesofwhose responsibility it is to ethical positively or otherwise of the effectiveness and colon hydrotherapy. Should beuse identify a number andi.e. legal parameters advertising, of individual studies suitable for meta-analysis, on the same topic,when it would provide a clear opportunity to undertake/commission a meta-analysis study. Elaine Wilson agreed to carry out a literature search via The British representing and selling equipment. Library resources in Boston Spa, England, and The Cochrane Collaboration database to initiate this task. These above tasks were determined to be a cost-efficient and effective way to start other avenues to obtain or create further medically accepted documents that meet world-wide acceptance. IT’S IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER that the I-ACT Quarterly is a non-profit publication that accepts submissions—it NOT in anyofway endorse orand guarantee the validity Future tasks will includeDOES collaboration Universities other research groups to support the initiative. of the information. If an offering is published, it is up to you to investigate so a clear, All people to assist in contributing any research and papers on the subjects listed above and other areas of sound decisionare canasked be made. interest. Please submit inquires or information to [email protected] Mark is a nationally board-certified colon hydrotherapist and an Committee I-ACTChair, Board Member with over twenty years of equipment experience and training in a multitude of protocols and devices. JULY-2016 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 25 BUSE ARTICLE CON’T ADVERTISEMENT Contributed by Mark Buse (I-ACT Board Member) PART 2 OF 2 INTRODUCING THE Guidelines for Selling Used Devices S ! (877) 759-1277 tarting a new business, or expanding an already established one, often requires the purchase of more materials and often another device. As with any startup and/or expansion, monetary concerns play a major role. Especially in the medical health services field, used equipment is often more affordable and generally meets the requirements of the professional just fine. There are, however, more concerns one faces when it comes to specifics about the purchase. Knowing that the device will serve the intended function is most important and yet often overlooked—not knowing what to look for should be the biggest concern. Too often we base our decision centered on purchase price alone with the description and condition provided by the seller that the device is in good working order. As the seller, often the statement is made that only a few items need repair when, in fact, the device is far from meeting FDA standards. We all have out dated equipment and often sellCLEANSE to a broker that may or may not bring the device up to the standards of the AQUA FEATURES Internal Pre-warm Warming manufacturer. We Water strongly urgeSystem everyone who sells used devices to our members to bring thatInternal equipment toCleaning manufacturer Sanitizing System standards—let’s be honest, used devices can come with many and the unexpected expenses to bring them up to standard are plentiful. All problems Stainless Steel Flow -Path Fittings If the equipment needs repair/replacement parts or service, state that up front to avoid Stainless Steel Color -Coded Pressure Gauge ALWAYS Leave inexpensive plastic consequences that can unnecessary legal and ethical nightmares. Play” 3- Stage “Plug N Ultrabecome Filtration System Some used devices are perfectly fine and readyfittings to use,tohowever, it’s my experience your gardener and Stainless Steel Flow Control many are not as advertised nor meet the buyer’s expectations. amount of use and step into theAge, medical field… Stainless Steel Waste Hose Connection Coupler especially damage due to shipment are issues no buyer chooses to encounter, with Aqua Cleanse Stainlessnor should Water-Proof LED 50,000 Hour Lighting System they if communication and sales agreement is complete. Custom HD Observation Tube Steel fittings! Unsuspecting therapists quite often find themselves in crisis mode trying to get the Digital Silent Timer device up and running—let’s be clear, used devices can be limited in their functionality. 3 Year FULL Warranty LEARN MORE ABOUT ULTRA FILTRATION Too often we base our decision centered on purchase price alone Call today… let us introduce you to one of our pre-qualified training centers in schools across the country. with the description condition provided by orthe seller that the CAUTION: Federal law restricts thisand device to sale by or on the order of a physician licensed healthcare practitioner. device is in good working order. 24 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 ! “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” FDA devices have been approved for their Some used devices are ability to perform the task and provide safety to perfectly fine and ready the client as intended. Age and damage to use, however, it’s my changes that equation to equipment that would experience many are not as not meet FDA stated mandate. In addition, the advertised nor meet the buyer’s seller is specifically responsible for selling expectations. devices within approved specifications. Contacting the manufacturer with the serial number will help in determining what issues need to be corrected prior to the sale. Data like number of previous owners, maintenance, or lack of, and age have been valuable tools in this regard. Like most of us, we break much easier as we age. The following are generally vulnerable parts of each system: • Open systems show brittleness in certain areas such as tubing; • Closed systems have seal problems as well as valves and ports not operating properly, almost always a result of age and lack of use; • In any style unit, the filters always need changing. It is best practice to have the manufacturer check out the unit prior to the sale. It is highly advisable to make the intended sale subject to a routine manufacturer check-up, and get that contingency in writing. With that said, I have seen older devices function very well when properly maintained and used throughout their term of service. Selling used devices to our members is a responsibility that we all need to own-up to. I-ACT members look to the quarterly for devices that meet manufacture standards as well as those of the FDA. That said, it’s the individuals selling the devices whose responsibility it is to use ethical and legal parameters when advertising, representing and selling equipment. IT’S IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER that the I-ACT Quarterly is a non-profit publication that accepts submissions—it DOES NOT in any way endorse or guarantee the validity of the information. If an offering is published, it is up to you to investigate so a clear, sound decision can be made. Mark is a nationally board-certified colon hydrotherapist and an I-ACT Board Member with over twenty years of equipment experience and training in a multitude of protocols and devices. I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 13 REGIONAL REP MEETING ADVERTISEMENT April 14, 2016 I-ACT Mid West Regional Meeting Report The Spring, 2016, Mid West Regional Meeting was held in St. Charles, Illinois, on April 10th. It was hosted by Jennifer Stanley, owner of From Scratch Wellness. There were eight people in attendance: Jennifer Stanley, Laura Dominick, Sandra Donvan, Deborah House, Oporto-Gomez, Renee Kowalczyk, Carolyn Prince, Kathleen Phillips, and myself. Four attendees earned NBCHT CEU’s. We carefully reviewed the information for all instructors and schools from the Education Committee regarding some very significant proposed changes in our school training requirements. These proposed changes were published in the I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016 edition, as well as in a memo from our President, Russell Kolbo, dated December 10, 2015. I would urge every member to review them. Our guest speaker, Mr. Arne Toman, was very well received. He gave a wealth of information on how to start a Google+ Business page. He reviewed social media etiquette and gave us links to many of the sites. He was an excellent presenter. Our next presenter was Jennifer Stanley. Her topic was “Improving CHT Results Using Visceral Manipulation Techniques.” Twenty percent of women aged 18-50 have been diagnosed with chronic pelvic pain. Jennifer has found that if the client receives a 30 minute visceral manipulation treatment before the colon hydrotherapy session, the results are greatly enhanced. She urged us to partner with a visceral manipulation therapist if we are not qualified to perform the technique. Our round table discussions were also well received. This is the time for therapists to present questions, concerns, and suggestions, which we did. Cordially, Grace Melby Mid West Regional Representative 100 95 75 25 5 0 14 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” Mailing_USA_2016_06_print lunes, 13 de junio de 2016 11:29:41 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 23 SUMMER SALAD Mixed Berry Salad With Strawberry Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing REGIONAL REPS NEW ENGLAND/NEW YORK -- New York, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine Barbara Chivvis 516-383-9505 email:[email protected] AROUND THE WORLD NORTH EAST -- Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, D.C., West Virginia Rose Mary Polhemus973-697-3530 email:[email protected] AUSTRALIA - EASTERN REGION Michelle King Gum Tree Retreat 3570 Orara Way, Grafton, NSW, Australia 2460 612-6649-4464 email: [email protected] Serving Size: 6 NORTH CENTRAL -- Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky AUSTRALIA - WESTERN REGION 5 ozs baby spinach leaves 1 cup strawberries, sliced 1/2 cup blueberries 1/2 red onion, thinly sliced 1 sweet apple, cored, halved, and thinly sliced 1 cup candied walnuts, chopped MID ATLANTIC -- Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina Darlene Holloway 919-380-0023 email [email protected] Dressing: 1 cup strawberries 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil 1 Tbsp. dijon mustard 1 Tbsp. honey 1 clove garlic, minced 1/4 tsp salt 1/4 tsp pepper Open Position INGREDIENTS Garnish: Feta cheese PREPARATION For the dressing, push a straw through the strawberries from the tip to the green top to remove the hull. (Or you can cut it off with a knife!) Add the rest of the dressing ingredients, and blend until smooth. Refrigerate. Cut strawberries, apple, and onion into slices. Combine all the salad ingredients in a large bowl, drizzle with desired amount of dressing and toss to coat. (Spinach wilts easily, don’t add dressing until ready to eat!) Sprinkle feta cheese on top and serve. Salad Recipe from Buzzfeed: 22 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 Open Position MID SOUTH -- Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi Open Position SOUTH EAST -- Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, North Florida FLORIDA -- Florida Naima Reynolds 305-490-5850 email:[email protected] SOUTH CENTRAL -- Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico Debra Christian 903-593-4025 [email protected] NORTH MID WEST -- Wisconsin, Minnesota, N Dakota, S Dakota Kristin Burich 651-490-3347 [email protected] MID WEST -- Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Kansas Grace Melby 815-648-4544 [email protected] Jennifer Stanley 630-945-3867 [email protected] NORTH WEST -- Washinton, Oregon, Idaho, Montana Russell Kolbo, DC, ND 253-853-8853 [email protected] CENTRAL MOUNTAIN -- Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska James Allred 303-325-6718 [email protected] CALIFORNIA/SOUTH WEST -- California, South Nevada, Arizona Suzanne Childre’ 310-576-6360 email [email protected] France Robert 310-576-6360 email [email protected] HAWAII -- Hawaiian Islands Russell Kolbo, DC, ND 253-853-8853 [email protected] Open Position EUROPE Lisette Timmermans Natuurgeneeskundig Therapeut / Aqua Lingua Center for Colon Hydrotherapy Education Oosteinde 179, 2611 VD Delft, Netherlands Phone: +31 15 214 42 21 email: [email protected] CANADA Katherine Labonte Dharma Spirit Holistic Health 221 Cougar Point Rd Canmore, Alberta, T1W 1A1, Canada PHONE: 403-675-1111 email: [email protected] CARIBBEAN Jennifer Blaufox The Holistic Therapeutic Center & International Colonic Institute 125 Molynes Rd. Kingston, 20 Jamaica West Indies Phone 876-969-6124 email: [email protected] SE ASIA Open Position UNITED KINGDOM Marlin and Richard Armstrong Cloud 9, Potterspury House 3 Poundfield Rd., Potterspury, Towcester NN127QL United Kingdom Phone: 01-908-804804 email: [email protected] If interested in becoming a Regional Representative in any of the open areas, please contact the I-ACT office at 210-366-2888 to see if you qualify and to get an application. I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 15 ARTICLE ADVERTISEMENT Three Paths to Restoring Trust “Trust is the lubrication that makes it possible for organizations to work.” - Warren Bennis We live in a very suspicious, untrusting culture. We don’t trust anyone. Researchers tell us that the police, the military and the clergy are amongst the groups most distrusted. So it should come as no surprise when your employees sit down with you, chances are they will not trust you either. They’ll at least be suspicious, ready to jump all over you when you make a mistake which calls into question your trustworthiness. And it will happen; after all, you’re a human being; you will make mistakes. So how can you build, or rebuild, a sense of trust with your co-workers or direct reports? Actually it’s not that hard and although it takes time, the process can be accelerated. You just have to be determined to do it. The same process works, by the way, in our personal lives where we often struggle with trust issues. Anywhere there are people who are trying to accomplish important things together, you can rest assured there will be issues of trust and lack thereof: at work, at home, at your house of workshop, in the community. There are three tracks we can take to build or restore trust. They are equally important and I will discuss them briefly in no particular order of importance. Colon Hydrotherapy Highest Quality in Safety & Sanitation! 1. Apologize sincerely...without making excuses. When you make a mistake, apologize and say it like you mean it. Don’t excuse yourself by blaming your poor performance on an outside event or circumstance. Accept ownership for the mistake. No “buts”....; anytime you hear a “but” it’s fair to question the sincerity of the apology. Don’t be too quick to move away from how uncomfortable you are feeling. Don’t move to quickly into what you are going to do to correct your mistake. Feel the mistake and allow others to sense your pain. This path opens the door for members of your staff to do the same thing; it brings an atmosphere of reality and honesty to your discussions. No longer are you talking about the way you wished things were or the way they are described in the brochure; you’re talking about things as they are; it’s the foundation for improved performance from top to bottom. 2. Admit your mistakes and weaknesses; ask for help and feedback. If you feel insecure as a leader, this will be very hard to do. If on the other hand you approach your responsibilities with a sense of self-confidence, you will accept the fact that you are not perfect and can always improve your performance; like the professional athlete, always looking for the slightest bit of competitive advantage. And you ask for honest feedback from your colleagues; feedback that you take seriously and use as the foundation for your own growth and development. What a great model for your organization: that you, their leader, take concrete steps to improve your own performance, just as you expect others to do. 3. Share your personal life experience; take a chance; be vulnerable. You’re familiar with the phrase, “business is business and personal is personal...” Well trust me that is nothing but a self-protective excuse. The more we know about each other, the better we will be able to work together. Yes you become vulnerable but it is that very vulnerability which makes you more trustworthy; it makes you human and more believable. Some groups of employees do this periodically as a way of restoring a previously achieved level of trust. It always binds people together in a new way. It can be low impact; everyone is in charge of how much they reveal, but as the trust level grows each person will feel more comfortable in sharing what their personal life experiences look like. Often it’s these experiences which have a drastic impact on job performance, but when shared with co-workers they become an avenue for mutual support and assistance. Trust within an organization is important to the organization’s success. High trust organizations, as several studies have illustrated, are more sustainable. But it is not a piece of equipment; it feeds on the relationships which develop between employees. It takes time to develop and must be maintained. By Larry Wenger Larry Wenger is a graduate of the University of Kansas School of Social Work, and over the years has held various leadership positions in social services. Until 2005, Larry was Association Executive Director of Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen, NJ, a $50 million organization serving four counties in New Jersey. In 2005, he started Workforce Performance Group, and has been training supervisors and managers since, helping them better understand the role of responsible leaders. He focuses on challenge, growth and high level of satisfaction for employees. Larry resides in Bucks County, PA, where he is also involved in many business and networking groups. 16 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 Tiller MIND BODY, Inc. 10911 West Avenue San Antonio, Texas 78213 210 308.8888 FDA (class II) Colon Irrigation Systems, are prescription medical devices and are intended for use for colon cleansing, When medically indicated, such as before radiologic or endoscopic examinations, as identified in 21 C.F.R. 876.5220 Copyright © 1994-2016 Ask us about Trade Ins with Great Discounts & Free Training! TEDER LIMIO FF E M I T NOZZLE DISCOUNT BUY 5 - GET ONE FREE! Email: [email protected] Office: 210 308-8888 Up To $2,000.00 Training Discount Off LIBBE Purchase! Complete your LIBBE & I-ACT Certification Course in Beautiful San Antonio, TX. CPR and A & P CERTIFICATION AVAILABLE Yes, Florida accepts our Training for Colon Hydrotherapy! COLONIC NETWORK SCHOOL “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 21 WINNERS We appreciate our Exhibitors! Top Schools: Roxanne Watson, Donna DeCarolis, Karla Magruder, Jeri Tiller 20 Year Pins: Suzanne Gray, Lucie Manzinni, Patti Hartman, Nirmal Watson Dorothy Chandler was surprised with the Connie Allred Award via Facetime Colon Hydrotherapist of the Year CeCe Alvarado Instructor of the Year James Allred President’s Award Jeri Tiller TILLER MIND BODY WINNER of FREE 2017 Convention Registration James Allred President’s Award Bryan Poulsen COLENZ WINNER of FREE 2017 Convention Registration Lilia Varlakov 20 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 1st Place WINNER of $225 50/50 Drawing Jennifer Stanley WINNER of $50 Dinner Ticket Stub Drawing Karen Slocum 2nd Place WINNER of $135 50/50 Drawing Deanna Ascensio I-ACT 25 Year Pin: Constance Jones WINNER of $50 Exhibitor Drawing Janneth Jasel Padilla-Leon 3rd Place WINNER of $90 50/50 Drawing Quarterly Summer 2016 France Robert 17 2016 Convention 18 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 Memories I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 19 2016 Convention 18 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 Memories I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 19 WINNERS We appreciate our Exhibitors! Top Schools: Roxanne Watson, Donna DeCarolis, Karla Magruder, Jeri Tiller 20 Year Pins: Suzanne Gray, Lucie Manzinni, Patti Hartman, Nirmal Watson Dorothy Chandler was surprised with the Connie Allred Award via Facetime Colon Hydrotherapist of the Year CeCe Alvarado Instructor of the Year James Allred President’s Award Jeri Tiller TILLER MIND BODY WINNER of FREE 2017 Convention Registration James Allred President’s Award Bryan Poulsen COLENZ WINNER of FREE 2017 Convention Registration Lilia Varlakov 20 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 1st Place WINNER of $225 50/50 Drawing Jennifer Stanley WINNER of $50 Dinner Ticket Stub Drawing Karen Slocum 2nd Place WINNER of $135 50/50 Drawing Deanna Ascensio I-ACT 25 Year Pin: Constance Jones WINNER of $50 Exhibitor Drawing Janneth Jasel Padilla-Leon 3rd Place WINNER of $90 50/50 Drawing Quarterly Summer 2016 France Robert 17 ARTICLE ADVERTISEMENT Three Paths to Restoring Trust “Trust is the lubrication that makes it possible for organizations to work.” - Warren Bennis We live in a very suspicious, untrusting culture. We don’t trust anyone. Researchers tell us that the police, the military and the clergy are amongst the groups most distrusted. So it should come as no surprise when your employees sit down with you, chances are they will not trust you either. They’ll at least be suspicious, ready to jump all over you when you make a mistake which calls into question your trustworthiness. And it will happen; after all, you’re a human being; you will make mistakes. So how can you build, or rebuild, a sense of trust with your co-workers or direct reports? Actually it’s not that hard and although it takes time, the process can be accelerated. You just have to be determined to do it. The same process works, by the way, in our personal lives where we often struggle with trust issues. Anywhere there are people who are trying to accomplish important things together, you can rest assured there will be issues of trust and lack thereof: at work, at home, at your house of workshop, in the community. There are three tracks we can take to build or restore trust. They are equally important and I will discuss them briefly in no particular order of importance. Colon Hydrotherapy Highest Quality in Safety & Sanitation! 1. Apologize sincerely...without making excuses. When you make a mistake, apologize and say it like you mean it. Don’t excuse yourself by blaming your poor performance on an outside event or circumstance. Accept ownership for the mistake. No “buts”....; anytime you hear a “but” it’s fair to question the sincerity of the apology. Don’t be too quick to move away from how uncomfortable you are feeling. Don’t move to quickly into what you are going to do to correct your mistake. Feel the mistake and allow others to sense your pain. This path opens the door for members of your staff to do the same thing; it brings an atmosphere of reality and honesty to your discussions. No longer are you talking about the way you wished things were or the way they are described in the brochure; you’re talking about things as they are; it’s the foundation for improved performance from top to bottom. 2. Admit your mistakes and weaknesses; ask for help and feedback. If you feel insecure as a leader, this will be very hard to do. If on the other hand you approach your responsibilities with a sense of self-confidence, you will accept the fact that you are not perfect and can always improve your performance; like the professional athlete, always looking for the slightest bit of competitive advantage. And you ask for honest feedback from your colleagues; feedback that you take seriously and use as the foundation for your own growth and development. What a great model for your organization: that you, their leader, take concrete steps to improve your own performance, just as you expect others to do. 3. Share your personal life experience; take a chance; be vulnerable. You’re familiar with the phrase, “business is business and personal is personal...” Well trust me that is nothing but a self-protective excuse. The more we know about each other, the better we will be able to work together. Yes you become vulnerable but it is that very vulnerability which makes you more trustworthy; it makes you human and more believable. Some groups of employees do this periodically as a way of restoring a previously achieved level of trust. It always binds people together in a new way. It can be low impact; everyone is in charge of how much they reveal, but as the trust level grows each person will feel more comfortable in sharing what their personal life experiences look like. Often it’s these experiences which have a drastic impact on job performance, but when shared with co-workers they become an avenue for mutual support and assistance. Trust within an organization is important to the organization’s success. High trust organizations, as several studies have illustrated, are more sustainable. But it is not a piece of equipment; it feeds on the relationships which develop between employees. It takes time to develop and must be maintained. By Larry Wenger Larry Wenger is a graduate of the University of Kansas School of Social Work, and over the years has held various leadership positions in social services. Until 2005, Larry was Association Executive Director of Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen, NJ, a $50 million organization serving four counties in New Jersey. In 2005, he started Workforce Performance Group, and has been training supervisors and managers since, helping them better understand the role of responsible leaders. He focuses on challenge, growth and high level of satisfaction for employees. Larry resides in Bucks County, PA, where he is also involved in many business and networking groups. 16 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 Tiller MIND BODY, Inc. 10911 West Avenue San Antonio, Texas 78213 210 308.8888 FDA (class II) Colon Irrigation Systems, are prescription medical devices and are intended for use for colon cleansing, When medically indicated, such as before radiologic or endoscopic examinations, as identified in 21 C.F.R. 876.5220 Copyright © 1994-2016 Ask us about Trade Ins with Great Discounts & Free Training! TEDER LIMIO FF E M I T NOZZLE DISCOUNT BUY 5 - GET ONE FREE! Email: [email protected] Office: 210 308-8888 Up To $2,000.00 Training Discount Off LIBBE Purchase! Complete your LIBBE & I-ACT Certification Course in Beautiful San Antonio, TX. CPR and A & P CERTIFICATION AVAILABLE Yes, Florida accepts our Training for Colon Hydrotherapy! COLONIC NETWORK SCHOOL “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 21 SUMMER SALAD Mixed Berry Salad With Strawberry Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing REGIONAL REPS NEW ENGLAND/NEW YORK -- New York, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine Barbara Chivvis 516-383-9505 email:[email protected] AROUND THE WORLD NORTH EAST -- Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, D.C., West Virginia Rose Mary Polhemus973-697-3530 email:[email protected] AUSTRALIA - EASTERN REGION Michelle King Gum Tree Retreat 3570 Orara Way, Grafton, NSW, Australia 2460 612-6649-4464 email: [email protected] Serving Size: 6 NORTH CENTRAL -- Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky AUSTRALIA - WESTERN REGION 5 ozs baby spinach leaves 1 cup strawberries, sliced 1/2 cup blueberries 1/2 red onion, thinly sliced 1 sweet apple, cored, halved, and thinly sliced 1 cup candied walnuts, chopped MID ATLANTIC -- Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina Darlene Holloway 919-380-0023 email [email protected] Dressing: 1 cup strawberries 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil 1 Tbsp. dijon mustard 1 Tbsp. honey 1 clove garlic, minced 1/4 tsp salt 1/4 tsp pepper Open Position INGREDIENTS Garnish: Feta cheese PREPARATION For the dressing, push a straw through the strawberries from the tip to the green top to remove the hull. (Or you can cut it off with a knife!) Add the rest of the dressing ingredients, and blend until smooth. Refrigerate. Cut strawberries, apple, and onion into slices. Combine all the salad ingredients in a large bowl, drizzle with desired amount of dressing and toss to coat. (Spinach wilts easily, don’t add dressing until ready to eat!) Sprinkle feta cheese on top and serve. Salad Recipe from Buzzfeed: 22 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 Open Position MID SOUTH -- Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi Open Position SOUTH EAST -- Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, North Florida FLORIDA -- Florida Naima Reynolds 305-490-5850 email:[email protected] SOUTH CENTRAL -- Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico Debra Christian 903-593-4025 [email protected] NORTH MID WEST -- Wisconsin, Minnesota, N Dakota, S Dakota Kristin Burich 651-490-3347 [email protected] MID WEST -- Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Kansas Grace Melby 815-648-4544 [email protected] Jennifer Stanley 630-945-3867 [email protected] NORTH WEST -- Washinton, Oregon, Idaho, Montana Russell Kolbo, DC, ND 253-853-8853 [email protected] CENTRAL MOUNTAIN -- Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska James Allred 303-325-6718 [email protected] CALIFORNIA/SOUTH WEST -- California, South Nevada, Arizona Suzanne Childre’ 310-576-6360 email [email protected] France Robert 310-576-6360 email [email protected] HAWAII -- Hawaiian Islands Russell Kolbo, DC, ND 253-853-8853 [email protected] Open Position EUROPE Lisette Timmermans Natuurgeneeskundig Therapeut / Aqua Lingua Center for Colon Hydrotherapy Education Oosteinde 179, 2611 VD Delft, Netherlands Phone: +31 15 214 42 21 email: [email protected] CANADA Katherine Labonte Dharma Spirit Holistic Health 221 Cougar Point Rd Canmore, Alberta, T1W 1A1, Canada PHONE: 403-675-1111 email: [email protected] CARIBBEAN Jennifer Blaufox The Holistic Therapeutic Center & International Colonic Institute 125 Molynes Rd. Kingston, 20 Jamaica West Indies Phone 876-969-6124 email: [email protected] SE ASIA Open Position UNITED KINGDOM Marlin and Richard Armstrong Cloud 9, Potterspury House 3 Poundfield Rd., Potterspury, Towcester NN127QL United Kingdom Phone: 01-908-804804 email: [email protected] If interested in becoming a Regional Representative in any of the open areas, please contact the I-ACT office at 210-366-2888 to see if you qualify and to get an application. I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 15 REGIONAL REP MEETING ADVERTISEMENT April 14, 2016 I-ACT Mid West Regional Meeting Report The Spring, 2016, Mid West Regional Meeting was held in St. Charles, Illinois, on April 10th. It was hosted by Jennifer Stanley, owner of From Scratch Wellness. There were eight people in attendance: Jennifer Stanley, Laura Dominick, Sandra Donvan, Deborah House, Oporto-Gomez, Renee Kowalczyk, Carolyn Prince, Kathleen Phillips, and myself. Four attendees earned NBCHT CEU’s. We carefully reviewed the information for all instructors and schools from the Education Committee regarding some very significant proposed changes in our school training requirements. These proposed changes were published in the I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016 edition, as well as in a memo from our President, Russell Kolbo, dated December 10, 2015. I would urge every member to review them. Our guest speaker, Mr. Arne Toman, was very well received. He gave a wealth of information on how to start a Google+ Business page. He reviewed social media etiquette and gave us links to many of the sites. He was an excellent presenter. Our next presenter was Jennifer Stanley. Her topic was “Improving CHT Results Using Visceral Manipulation Techniques.” Twenty percent of women aged 18-50 have been diagnosed with chronic pelvic pain. Jennifer has found that if the client receives a 30 minute visceral manipulation treatment before the colon hydrotherapy session, the results are greatly enhanced. She urged us to partner with a visceral manipulation therapist if we are not qualified to perform the technique. Our round table discussions were also well received. This is the time for therapists to present questions, concerns, and suggestions, which we did. Cordially, Grace Melby Mid West Regional Representative 100 95 75 25 5 0 14 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” Mailing_USA_2016_06_print lunes, 13 de junio de 2016 11:29:41 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 23 BUSE ARTICLE CON’T ADVERTISEMENT Contributed by Mark Buse (I-ACT Board Member) PART 2 OF 2 INTRODUCING THE Guidelines for Selling Used Devices S ! (877) 759-1277 tarting a new business, or expanding an already established one, often requires the purchase of more materials and often another device. As with any startup and/or expansion, monetary concerns play a major role. Especially in the medical health services field, used equipment is often more affordable and generally meets the requirements of the professional just fine. There are, however, more concerns one faces when it comes to specifics about the purchase. Knowing that the device will serve the intended function is most important and yet often overlooked—not knowing what to look for should be the biggest concern. Too often we base our decision centered on purchase price alone with the description and condition provided by the seller that the device is in good working order. As the seller, often the statement is made that only a few items need repair when, in fact, the device is far from meeting FDA standards. We all have out dated equipment and often sellCLEANSE to a broker that may or may not bring the device up to the standards of the AQUA FEATURES Internal Pre-warm Warming manufacturer. We Water strongly urgeSystem everyone who sells used devices to our members to bring thatInternal equipment toCleaning manufacturer Sanitizing System standards—let’s be honest, used devices can come with many and the unexpected expenses to bring them up to standard are plentiful. All problems Stainless Steel Flow -Path Fittings If the equipment needs repair/replacement parts or service, state that up front to avoid Stainless Steel Color -Coded Pressure Gauge ALWAYS Leave inexpensive plastic consequences that can unnecessary legal and ethical nightmares. Play” 3- Stage “Plug N Ultrabecome Filtration System Some used devices are perfectly fine and readyfittings to use,tohowever, it’s my experience your gardener and Stainless Steel Flow Control many are not as advertised nor meet the buyer’s expectations. amount of use and step into theAge, medical field… Stainless Steel Waste Hose Connection Coupler especially damage due to shipment are issues no buyer chooses to encounter, with Aqua Cleanse Stainlessnor should Water-Proof LED 50,000 Hour Lighting System they if communication and sales agreement is complete. Custom HD Observation Tube Steel fittings! Unsuspecting therapists quite often find themselves in crisis mode trying to get the Digital Silent Timer device up and running—let’s be clear, used devices can be limited in their functionality. 3 Year FULL Warranty LEARN MORE ABOUT ULTRA FILTRATION Too often we base our decision centered on purchase price alone Call today… let us introduce you to one of our pre-qualified training centers in schools across the country. with the description condition provided by orthe seller that the CAUTION: Federal law restricts thisand device to sale by or on the order of a physician licensed healthcare practitioner. device is in good working order. 24 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 ! “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” FDA devices have been approved for their Some used devices are ability to perform the task and provide safety to perfectly fine and ready the client as intended. Age and damage to use, however, it’s my changes that equation to equipment that would experience many are not as not meet FDA stated mandate. In addition, the advertised nor meet the buyer’s seller is specifically responsible for selling expectations. devices within approved specifications. Contacting the manufacturer with the serial number will help in determining what issues need to be corrected prior to the sale. Data like number of previous owners, maintenance, or lack of, and age have been valuable tools in this regard. Like most of us, we break much easier as we age. The following are generally vulnerable parts of each system: • Open systems show brittleness in certain areas such as tubing; • Closed systems have seal problems as well as valves and ports not operating properly, almost always a result of age and lack of use; • In any style unit, the filters always need changing. It is best practice to have the manufacturer check out the unit prior to the sale. It is highly advisable to make the intended sale subject to a routine manufacturer check-up, and get that contingency in writing. With that said, I have seen older devices function very well when properly maintained and used throughout their term of service. Selling used devices to our members is a responsibility that we all need to own-up to. I-ACT members look to the quarterly for devices that meet manufacture standards as well as those of the FDA. That said, it’s the individuals selling the devices whose responsibility it is to use ethical and legal parameters when advertising, representing and selling equipment. IT’S IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER that the I-ACT Quarterly is a non-profit publication that accepts submissions—it DOES NOT in any way endorse or guarantee the validity of the information. If an offering is published, it is up to you to investigate so a clear, sound decision can be made. Mark is a nationally board-certified colon hydrotherapist and an I-ACT Board Member with over twenty years of equipment experience and training in a multitude of protocols and devices. I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 13 MARK BUSE ARTICLE INTERNATIONAL International Research Alliance Committee Contributed by Mark Buse (I-ACT Board Member) PART 2 OF 2 Guidelines for Selling Used Devices S tarting a new business, or expanding an already established one, often requires the purchase of more materials and often another device. As with any startup and/or expansion, monetary concerns play a major role. Especially in the medical health services field, used equipment is often more affordable and generally meets the requirements of the professional just fine. There are, however, more concerns one faces when it comes to specifics about the purchase. Knowing that the device will serve the intended function is most important and yet often overlooked—not knowing what to look for should be the biggest concern. Too often we base our decision centered on purchase price alone with the description and condition provided by the seller that the device is in good working order. As the seller, often the statement is made that only a few items need repair when, in fact, the device is far from meeting FDA standards. We all have out dated equipment and often sell to a broker that may or may not bring the device up to the standards of the manufacturer. We strongly urge everyone who sells used devices to our members to bring that equipment to manufacturer standards—let’s be honest, used devices can come with many problems and the unexpected expenses to bring them up to standard are plentiful. If the equipment needs repair/replacement parts or service, state that up front to avoid consequences that can become unnecessary legal and ethical nightmares. Some used devices are perfectly fine and ready to use, however, it’s my experience many are not as advertised nor meet the buyer’s expectations. Age, amount of use and especially damage due to shipment are issues no buyer chooses to encounter, nor should they if communication and sales agreement is complete. Unsuspecting therapists quite often find themselves in crisis mode trying to get the device up and running—let’s be clear, used devices can be limited in their functionality. Too often we base our decision centered on purchase price alone with the description and condition provided by the seller that the device is in good working order. 12 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 ! ! FDA devices have been approved for their The International Research Alliance is an initiative that was created during the 2015are Colon Hydrotherapy Some used devices ability to perform the task andforprovide safety to International Congress (CHIC) the purpose of creating the framework for professional and medically accepted perfectly fine and ready the client as intended. Age and damage Colon Hydrotherapy published research and studies worldwide. to use, however, it’s my changes that equation to equipment that would It is beingFDA formed and designed byIn members of: the experience many are not as not meet stated mandate. addition, advertised nor meet the buyer’s seller is specifically responsible forColon selling I-ACT:International Association for Hydrotherapy expectations. devices approved IPCH: within The Institutespecifications. of Professional Colon Hydrotherapy RICTAT: International Association Contacting the manufacturer withand theRegister serial of Integrative Colonic Irrigation ARCH: Association of Registered Colon number will help in determining what issuesHydrotherapists need to be corrected prior to the sale. Data SICT: Society Idrocolonterapia (The Italian Colon Hydrotherapy Association) like number of previous owners, maintenance, or lack of, and age have been valuable tools in thismeeting regard. An initial was held on 6-26-2016 at the I-ACT Annual Convention in St. Petersburg, Florida. Like most of us, we break much easier as we age. The following are generally Special thanks to Gloria Gilbere, Elaine Wilson and Beverley Blass for helping to launch this committee with such vulnerable parts of each system: gusto! • Open systems show brittleness in certain areas such as tubing; • The Closed systems haveitsseal Committee determined first problems tasks would as be: well as valves and ports not operating almost of always a result of age andand lack of use; 1.properly, Data gathering published research papers studies worldwide. Items of interest would be colon theory, and efficacy name changing. a few. We are led to believe there may be a useful body of • hydrotherapy, In any stylehistory, unit, the filters alwaystoneed research available in countries but not limited to, Russia Cuba. In to identifying useful It is best practice to haveincluding, the manufacturer check out theand unit prior the sale.potentially It is studies it is useful to note possible alternative names for colon hydrotherapy, which may be used in literature search highly advisable to makeenema, the intended salecolonic, subject to a routine manufacturer check-up, (MESH) terms, including lavage, high colonic irrigation, colonic, colonics, colon therapy, entera and get that contingency in writing. With that said, I have seen older devices function lavage, colema. 2. Other items of interest could includevery papers andwhen studies regarding: inflammation, well properly maintained andLiver usedenzymes, fibromyalgia, gut microbiome, colon pathologies and etc. throughout their term of service. 3. Compile non-published works, i.e. so called ‘grey data’ such as Masters and Doctoral student thesis’ held Selling used task devices to our members is awith Universities within University libraries. This will be a potentially laborious requiring communications responsibility allcarried need to and other agencies, preferably worldwide, which we identifythat maywe have outown-up research to. in the field of complementary therapies. If anyone has connections with such agencies/organizations/institutions I-ACT members look to the quarterly for devicesplease provide that information to email below. that meet manufacture standards as well as those 4. Find and/or create meta-analysis reviews of gathered data. As the accepted ‘gold standard’ in clinical of the FDA. That said, it’s the individuals selling research, identifying any extant meta-analysis studies would provide an immediate evidence base – be that finding the efficacy devicesofwhose responsibility it is to ethical positively or otherwise of the effectiveness and colon hydrotherapy. Should beuse identify a number andi.e. legal parameters advertising, of individual studies suitable for meta-analysis, on the same topic,when it would provide a clear opportunity to undertake/commission a meta-analysis study. Elaine Wilson agreed to carry out a literature search via The British representing and selling equipment. Library resources in Boston Spa, England, and The Cochrane Collaboration database to initiate this task. These above tasks were determined to be a cost-efficient and effective way to start other avenues to obtain or create further medically accepted documents that meet world-wide acceptance. IT’S IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER that the I-ACT Quarterly is a non-profit publication that accepts submissions—it NOT in anyofway endorse orand guarantee the validity Future tasks will includeDOES collaboration Universities other research groups to support the initiative. of the information. If an offering is published, it is up to you to investigate so a clear, All people to assist in contributing any research and papers on the subjects listed above and other areas of sound decisionare canasked be made. interest. Please submit inquires or information to [email protected] Mark is a nationally board-certified colon hydrotherapist and an Committee I-ACTChair, Board Member with over twenty years of equipment experience and training in a multitude of protocols and devices. JULY-2016 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 25 ADVERTISEMENT FUNDRAISING Fundraising Committee Article: I hope you will take a moment of your time to read this committee report. Even though I am the chairperson of the fundraising committee, I am also a member who has a strong respect for I-ACT over the past 16 years and only want to see us make upward strides in our profession so we can hold our heads high with pride and feel safe in our desired profession. When you read my report, I think you will realize that you –“the members” – can make miracles happen… The fundraising committee is here to help promote the value of colon hydrotherapists with action and information on the legal rights to provide colon hydrotherapy within the United States and our International neighbors. Our goal is to raise funds for legal and legislative representation. The aim of our legislative efforts is to expand our outreach efforts to members and non-members alike. We look forward to taking on the process of re-energizing and refocusing certain aspects of our legislative and educational activities. Our goals for this committee are to: 1. Provide funds for the basic operating costs of paying salaries of a state lobbyist, legal fees if needed. 2. Provide funds for savings account for future emergency costs. (i.e. loss of income, cease & desist orders, etc.) 3. Provide funds for "extra" needs related to legislative initiatives, such as, legal fees, travel fees for board members, additional paperwork, expenses, etc. 4. Provide scholarship funds for members who need financial assistance to get to convention. 5. Explore a consistent source of income. Over the last couple of months, the fundraising committee was able to launch the first ever GoFundMe account. Please check it out at: Make sure to share this and tell everyone you know about it. I write this report with a heart that is overfilled with joy and gratitude after returning from our convention in St Petersburg. Although this was one of our smaller conventions with about 150 members in attendance, it was packed with so many memorable events. As the fundraising chairperson, I was gifted with a surprise from an anonymous donor who offered to match all donations made to I-ACT during this year’s convention. During the initial passing of the hat we raised $926.00. By the end of the convention between our GoFundMe account and money collected, we raised total of $5168.50. Our matching fund donor added a check for $15,000.00 even though our members did not raise that much. Thank you for your generosity. This total did not include funds raised during the silent auction which totaled $3018.50, and did not include the funds raised for the PA legislative fund $5160.00. I am in awe of the amazing generosity of our fellow colon hydrotherapists! Some suggestions to raise funds would be to write a book other than the cookbook. This book will be written by the colon therapists of I-ACT which we would offer to sell to our clients. The funds would then be deposited through paypal and paid directly to the fundraising account. Here is a list of ideas for the books. * Vegan recipes or positive affirmations * E-book (since we are trying to go green) * Comedic jokes for colon hydrotherapists (we all have funny poop jokes to tell)! * We also want to suggest that each therapist place a donation jar on the front counter with the following notice: Please Donate! International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy (I-ACT) appreciates your interest in this fundraising endeavor. Your contributions will support efforts to bring an awareness of colon hydrotherapy to the forefront of public interest. We welcome your donation in whatever increment is right for you. Thank you so much for your support! I am asking for volunteers who are interested in growing our industry. If you are interested please send an email to: [email protected] Thank you I-ACT members! You have made a real difference in helping to build the foundation of I-ACT. With gratitude, 26 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 Gayle Marie Palms Fundraising Chair I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 11 MEMBERSHIP GILBERE CON’T Membership Committee Outlook Cathy Windland, Chairperson Membership is the life blood of our Association, and the Membership Committee takes this very seriously. To that end, the purpose of the Membership Committee is to promote membership in the organization through recruitment, retention and recognition; creating a professional community for its members and associates; and building active membership to sustain the organization into the future. At this year’s annual convention, the Membership Committee engaged those in attendance in an open discussion regarding growth, retention, member benefits, and perception shift. The brainstorming mind map that has been done to date was shared, with three top priorities identified: growth with incentives for members helping build the membership; possible new member benefits; and messaging for consistency in helping to shift the perception of I-ACT membership. The committee will continue to work diligently in the months to come to promote membership. The input from the committee meeting will be added to the mind map and incorporated into the overall direction going forward. These will all be taken to the board for decision and final implementation, so stay tuned for more details. Knowing that membership is the life blood of any organization, the Membership Committee created buttons for each attendee at the convention. These buttons were all about membership in I-ACT and how each member matters. It was great to see so many members wearing their button and getting involved in connecting with each other. Interested in being part of the conversation? You can by simply contacting committee chair Cathy Windland at [email protected]. We want to connect with you to keep the conversation going throughout the year. If you would like to be part of the committee, we would enjoy having you join the group. Please contact the committee chair, and get involved! Remember, YOU MATTER! 10 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 27 PA LEGISLATION REPORT PA Legislative Update from Convention GILBERE CON’T In February, 2015, legislation was introduced into the PA House of Representatives to license naturopathic physicians. As introduced, the bill included colon hydrotherapy in the scope of practice, but did not include it in the exclusions section of the bill; only hydrotherapy was listed as an excluded modality. If the bill were to pass as introduced, it would mean that colon hydrotherapists in PA would have to stop practicing or become licensed naturopathic physicians. As soon as I-ACT became aware of PA HB516, the board went to work to get the bill amended to keep PA therapists protected to continue practicing. Cathy Windland, PA member and board member, became a registered lobbyist and took the cause to Harrisburg. While support was garnered amongst house committee members to amend the bill, the attorney for the committee said that “hydrotherapy” (which is therapy IN water) is the same as “colon hydrotherapy” (therapy WITH water) and there was no need to change the bill. Thankfully, a professional lobbyist was located who helped navigate the waters and understood the importance of getting the bill amended to keep colon hydrotherapy protected. When the bill passed the House on April 15, 2015, the lobbyist was engaged and began working on behalf of I-ACT and the colon hydrotherapists in PA. The price of this engagement is $2,500 per month, and the lobbying effort needs to continue until this session of the legislature ends in November, 2016, unless the bill is amended before that time. As of the beginning of this year’s convention, the I-ACT board had approved to spend $5,000 for the lobbyist with another $7,500 being raised through donations. Needless to say, that is not nearly enough to cover the costs incurred to date. During the annual membership meeting at convention, a brief update was asked for on the legislation in Pennsylvania. Cathy Windland gave a brief update, stating that if the bill passes without an amendment colon hydrotherapists will be out of business; no grandfathering in, no loop holes, no more business. She also announced that the lobbyist has made progress and has gotten the lobbyist for the naturopathic association to understand the need for the amendment. If we can get this bill amended and passed in PA, other states will have a precedent when a naturopathic bill is raised in their state. In other words, colon hydrotherapists in other states will not have to fight so hard to maintain the right to practice colon hydrotherapy. We’re close, but still have work to be done, and need to raise money. A member attending the meeting suggested to “pass the hat” right then, so we did. Before the annual membership meeting ended, $1,639 had been donated specifically to PA, and by the end of the convention, enough money had been raised to another two months to the lobbyist. What an amazing outpouring of love and support from our profession!!! Thank you to everyone who donated! If you would like to support the PA efforts, please go to the I-ACT web site and click on the button for PA donations. You can also send a check to or call the office with your credit card information; just please be sure to earmark the donation for the PA legislative fund. Every little bit helps. PA members, this year’s convention was a true stand of solidarity, a show of support to keep you practicing. Now it’s time for you to step up to the plate and contribute to the cause as well. Please help us help you and your clients. The time to get involved is NOW! Cathy Windland 28 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 9 ARTICLE MARKETING Three Steps to Your Ultimate Marketing Message by Paul Clough I’m not talking about some catchy slogan or play on words using the name of your business or the service you provide. It’s not some meaningless phrase like “we do it right” or “quality service you can trust.” Anybody in business can say those things and they’re really basic expectations anyway. A core marketing message clearly and concisely communicates what you’re out to do and for whom. It speaks to your ideal target market and gets them to respond and seek more information. Many business owners and professional service providers never take the time to create this for their business. Most are creating a new message with every new “marketing campaign” and constantly trying new ideas. And each new idea becomes a new chance to try and come up with that home run message that gets the phone ringing off the hook like never before. What you need is an ultimate core marketing message that communicates directly and powerfully to your clients and prospective clients what it is they’ll get from your services. Here are three steps to creating your own ultimate core marketing message: 1. Who do you want to help? Be as clear as you can on who your target market is. Take some time and define with as much clarity as possible who your ideal clients are. If it’s not obvious who your message is directed to, why would you expect anyone to get it? 2. What is the primary problem, issue, or challenge you would like to help someone in that target audience solve? This is really at the heart of your core marketing message. Most people are consumed with their own problems and looking for solutions to address them. When you can clearly articulate a problem your client is dealing with, they’ll listen because you may be able to provide a solution. 3. What is the ultimate outcome or result your product or service can achieve? People want to know what they’ll get from purchasing your product or working with you. When you’re prepared to demonstrate that you’re focused on delivering an outcome they’d be interested in, they will pay attention and want to know more. That’s it. Now take your answers and boil them down to one or two clear sentences that you can deliver enthusiastically and passionately either in person or through an advertising medium. Communicate this message in everything you do. Forget the catchy slogans. Create and start using your ultimate marketing message right now. About Paul Clough – One of the founders of Fresnel Partners, Paul works with business owners to help them realize their objectives. He applies over 30 years of experience across several industries in finance, marketing and operational leadership positions to improve the sales, operations and profitability of his clients. Contact him at [email protected] . 8 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 29 COMMITTEE MINUTE AWARDS Marketing Committee Minute Cathy Windland, Chairperson Report for the Regional Reps Committee and Awards Committee Tiffany Jablonski, Chair Marketing means different things to different people, but for the I-ACT Marketing & Social Media Committee it means building awareness of and support for the profession of colon hydrotherapy. Thank you to everyone who attended the Regional Representative Committee meeting at the annual Convention this year. Your dedication, participation and enthusiasm helped set the tone for our members at this year’s convention. Over the past several months, the committee has been brainstorming what needs to be done, resulting in a mind map that identified five areas of concentration: branding (this area is bigger than the logo), events, internal (to/ for members), external (to/for general public, medical community and like organizations), and perception shift. As explained at the Marketing Committee meeting during the recent annual convention, once the committee had identified the major areas of concern, two priorities became apparent. First, redesigning the Quarterly publication will help keep members informed and connected. Refreshing the layout, improving the content, sharing relevant information and therapist stories, and educational opportunities were all discussed as ways to enhance this membership publication. Members were asked to share their stories as well as articles of relevance. The second priority is I-ACTs online presence. The web site needs to be freshened, user-friendly and add value to those who visit. Members shared many thoughts and ideas relating to the online presence, all of which will be added to the mind map. All members were encouraged to “like” the official facebook page for I-ACT which is International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy (I-ACT). It is important that members “like” this page and begin interacting with it by liking posts, commenting on posts, and sharing posts. Members shared ideas and gave input relating to the online presence. A mobile app was also discussed as a possibility. A special thank you to Sage Joya for stepping up and helping at the Regional Rep booth. Your willingness to participate even though you are not a Regional Rep was so amazing and inspiring. If you’re wondering why I am writing this update, it’s because I just became the chairperson for this committee at this year’s convention. I am excited to bring a fresh and upbeat direction to this committee, and look forward to working with you all in the months to come. One of the new things we will be implementing this summer is regular meetings via the web. This will be a monthly get together so we can work on how to get information to the membership as clearly and directly as possible. For the Regional Reps that were not in the meeting, please contact me to get the dates and information on the first web meeting. The awards ceremony went beautifully… and I am pleased to once again announce this year’s winners. Connie Allred Award ………………… Dorothy Chandler Colon Hydrotherapy Instructor of the Year …….. James Allred While there are so many aspects to marketing the Association, the Marketing & Social Media Committee will continue to add to the mind map and prioritize the best ways to move forward. If you are interested in participating in the Marketing Committee, please contact committee chair Cathy Windland; we would love to have a few more people join us as we move forward. Colon Hydrotherapist of the Year ………………. CeCe Alvarado The Presidents Award ……… went to the Manufactures that had supported our profession Bryan Poulsen (Colenzi) ADVERTISEMENT Ramon Echevarria (Transcom) Maury & Julie Solomon (Quality Medical Supply) Bill & Jeri Tiller (Tiller Mind Body) Colonics business for sale in Santa Monica, CA • Excellent LOCATION • Dotolo system AND Libbe system • Ceragem infrared massage bed • 4X large spacious rooms plus kitchen/patio • WEBSITE mobile friendly and high on Google • • 14 yrs worth of CLIENT BASE • ASKING $40,000 • Reason for selling, owner relocating • Call 310.663.2509 30 Congratulations to each recipient! You make a difference in our profession, and we applaud your commitment to the industry. Looking ahead, please keep in mind that you have until next spring to think about and nominate individuals for next year’s awards. If you know someone who has gone above and beyond in our profession, please consider nominating them for an award. I want to hear from you so that we can recognize those deserving of recognition. See photos page 17. THANK YOU AGAIN Tiffany Jablonski I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 “If you are purchasing a used device, please ensure that it has been maintained according to manufacturer guideines and is fully functional prior to purchasing the device.”: Awards Committee I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 7 ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT High Potency, Targeted Probiotics from The Digestive Care Experts A Full Range to Meet All Your Clients’ Needs With Advanced Naturals™, you can be assured that your clients are getting a high-potency probiotic formula that meets their individual needs.* From lower potencies starting at 8 billion cultures for everyday digestive and immune support, to higher potencies up to 200 billion cultures to help prevent occasional digestive upsets and restore a balanced intestinal environment, you can trust our professional line of multi-strain probiotics to help your clients feel better.* NOW ✔ High Bifido and Lacto formulas in convenient blister packs NEW powder stick packs ✔ Potent multi-strain probiotic blends ✔ Targeted-release capsules ✔ Guaranteed potency through expiration 8 billion 200 billion live cultures 1-800-690-9988 Linda x265, Olga x276 or Eva x280 Visit to see our entire line. * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. AN-1036 2017 CONVENTION 7 201 e n Ju June 201 7 Start making plans now for the 2017 I-ACT International Convention Golden Nugget Hotel/Casino Las Vegas, NV 6 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 31 FOR SALE NOTICES Have something to sell? Toxygen Colonic System for Sale $3,500 Fully inspected/serviced by DoTolo Research. Automatic sterilization, oxygen/ozone ready, implant port for easy administration of nutritional, herbal or homeopathic solutions. Call 907-242-8038 Libbe FOR SALE Rarely Used / Like New $5,000 Call (901) 737-8282 Email: [email protected] Used Hydro-San $2000.00 Works great Can be mounted on the wall or we customized it on wheels. Lavina Jones 310-625-9872 [email protected] 32 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 List it here !!! We have been notified by a few of our members that they are receiving SPAM Emails from an Alfred Smith. He is claiming to be from I-ACT and Colon Hydrotherapy Equipment for Sale Aquanet EC-2000 made by Prime Pacific Health Innovations purchased new in 2013 and used 5 times. Complete Equipment package includes the EC-2000 which has a Patented Dual Mode Technology letting the user instantly switch between pressure and gravity modes at any time during treatment. Includes 3 stage water treatment. This package comes with the Universal Cart Stand #4314, Disposable Drip Tray Kit, Stainless Steel Utensil Tray, Additive Kit #4330, LED replacement bulb, Filter Wrench, Cleaning Brush, 45 pairs of small/medium disposable shorts, 20 solo speculums with Insertion Stop small size, 46 Pro-Fit Speculum Kits with Insertion Stop Disk PF-8116 regular size, Operation and Treatment Procedure Instructional DVD and a laminated Quick Reference for Cleaning and Sanitizing guide. Equipment is next to new and kept in a clean and pristine environment. This was purchased for a home business that I did not end up starting as I am also a full time Police Officer. This equipment is ideal for someone wanting to start a Colon Hydrotherapy business with the best machine on the market. Please contact Juliet Walden at [email protected] for photos and additional information. Equipment is located in Burnaby, British Columbia. The entire package cost me over $13,000 and has been used 5 times. Asking price of $10,000. I am willing to ship worldwide with buyer paying the shipping fees. “If you are purchasing a used device, please ensure that it has been maintained according to manufacturer guideines and is fully functional prior to purchasing the device.”: wanting to help you update your membership. THESE ARE SPAM EMAILS LOOKING FOR YOUR INFORMATION! PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND! We hope this helps to keep you safe. If you have any questions, please call the office.... 210.366.2888 I-ACT, PO Box 461285, San Antonio, TX 78246-1285 HENDRIK “HANK” PELSER -- February 12, 1930 - February 1, 2016 We were saddened to learn of the passing of I-ACT member, Hendrik “Hank” Pelser in Penticton, B.C. after a short illness. This loving man leaves behind his wife of 62 years, Shirley and his four children and their families. I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 5 INSURANCE INFORMATION BELINDA MASSEY, RN NBCHT PRESIDENT National Board for Colon HydroTherapy NBCHT 11103 San Pedro Ave., Suite 117, San Antonio, TX 78216 Office: 210-308-8288 • Fax: 210-366-2999 From The Desk Of: Belinda Massey, RN NBCHT President To: All Members of NBCHT We just returned from the 2016 Convention. I-ACT really knows how to put on a great convention. Thank you for inviting us to participate. We would like to recognize our fund raising chair person, Gloria Gilberé. She organized a fund raising event that helped us raise $2280.00. This was raised due to the magnanimous donation by Mark Buse. He donated all of the proceeds from the sale of his new book “Intestinal Health”. That is correct, all sales during the convention were donated to the NBCHT. THANK YOU Mark Buse!!! That was fantastic, this truly helps us continue to improve our credentialing exam. You all know how important credentialing is. It is different than simply being certified. The NBCHT Exam is used by the only state in the US that licenses colon hydrotherapists, and that state is Florida. Being a “credentialing exam” means that the National Board exam is “legally defensible in the event of a judicial action against a colon hydrotherapist”. Professional liability insurance. Allied Professional Insurance will write professional liability insurance for I-ACT members. You must be a current member and keep your membership current to be eligible for the insurance. Contact the I-ACT office (210-366-2888) for the application form, or go to the I-ACT web site - Members Only Section - and download the application from the web site. Doctors’ Insurance Agency also writes professional liability insurance for colon hydrotherapists. Email them at: info@ They are located at 6 Hamilton Landing, Suite 170, Novato, CA 94949. Phone 415-506-3030. Another company, CM&F may write liability insurance for colon hydrotherapists (they have dropped numerous therapists, but some are getting insurance. - call 800-221-4904, or go online to It will be listed as “Enterostomal Therapist.” They will put a rider in the policy stating colon hydrotherapy if you request; however, it is not required - this depends on the underwriter of the insurance. In Canada, try Lloyds of London - check with your local Lloyds of London agent. In the UK, try Balens Insurance Brokers at 01684 893006. In the Netherlands, try: Mark Hypotheken & Pensioenen B.V., Therese van Reeuwijk Oude Delft 103, NL-2611 BD DELFT • tel. +31 152147543 • fax. +31 152126086 • Check around and choose the best policy for you. As other options become available, we will let you know. If you hear of anything let us know. The NBCHT is committed to making this exam available to any state that is seeking legislation to help speed up the process and support the legislative effort. We are happy to announce that we have just completed version 2 of the NBCHT exam. You can help by taking the new NBCHT Exam - We have reduced the price to $200 for those that are already NBCHT Certified. This price is good until Dec 31, 2016. At the Convention, the NBCHT announced it is seriously considering making many changes to the current CEU requirements. These suggested changes are below. Let us know if you have any concerns. • Change policy to state that upon the yearly renewal, the member is to declare that they have 12 CEUs. That NBCHT will do random audits to check for proof. • If the I-ACT convention is used for CEUs, the member must attend 12 hours of lectures. • CEUs for medical professionals may be accepted. These types of CEUs should reflect education to such things as HIV, Hepatitis C, OSHA standards. • Additionally, Massage, Nutritional Consulting, Reflexology, and systems training (on colon hydrotherapy devices), may also be accepted just to name a few. •Some of these CEUs can be easily obtained on line for very reasonable rates making it within reach for everyone’s budget. ADVERTISEMENT “Are YOU a TOXIC WASTE SITE?” BOOKLETS Twentieth ary Anniversn Editio New COLOR Pages By Bill Tiller, ND. Example of How a Colonic Session Softens Feces and Cleans the Colon As our profession continues to grow in standards of care and education, we can uphold the level of knowledge with requiring ongoing education in our CEU requirements. Thank you for doing your part to help us grow our Association and our Profession. Sincerely, Belinda Massey NBCHT President 4 Announcing RECTAL NOZZLE Colon Hydrotherapy Questions & Answers Promotes Your Industry © COPYRIGHT © The book that educates clients to the importance of Digestive Tract Care See an increase in the number of new patients Pricing $1.50 per book. Free shipping & handling on orders of 100 or more Medsker Publishing, 106 N. Creek Dr., Quinby, SC 29506, 843-669-5794 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 Please adjust to correct size as needed. 33 MEMBER INFORMATION Letter to the Members from the I-ACT President Information on Approved A&P Courses Your students may take an A&P course through their local community college or university. If they have taken an Anatomy & Physiology course for massage, from a state licensed school that provided at least 45 hours of classroom time, that course will also count. We just returned from our 2016 Convention. WOW!!! If you weren’t there, you missed a fantastic event. We had some fabulous speakers and a lots of camaraderie. There is one course that may be used for the A&P pre-requisites. We had visitors from across the Atlantic. Ian and Lynn McDougall, representing RICTAT and Elaine Wilson, representing IPCH attended our convention. It was great seeing them again. Your student may take the Delmar course through CENGAGE Learning, ONLY if you as the instructor or school register with Delmar and set up the program. It goes through you; students MAY NOT call Delmar directly, it doesn’t work that way. The Instructor must Contact: Claudine DeChant: Cengage Learning at, 5 Maxwell Dr., Clifton Park, NY 12065 (p) 518-348-2598. or email: [email protected] Valid in the USA. Information for Those Seeking a Job Looking for a Career Opportunity? Go to the I-ACT web site and then go to the members only section. Inside you will find numerous job opportunities. If you are looking to be employed, you may email us and we will list your name as someone looking for employment. If you are seeking someone to employ, send us an email with your information and we will post your opening in our E-Blasts. Also check our “Help Needed” section, in the Members Only section of our web site I-ACT is GREEN!!! As of the Summer 2013 Quarterly, I-ACT has gone “green.” Your quarterly will be emailed to you. If you would like to have the quarterly sent to you via regular mail, you MUST let us know so we can put you on a list. Just send us an email: [email protected] and let us know you want/need your future quarterlies via mail. By receiving an email version of the Quarterly, you help the Association be cost effective and good stewards of the budget. 34 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 Dear Members, I-ACT sends out E-Blasts to notify its members of Regional Meetings and other important issues. If you are not receiving these E-Blasts, please email the I-ACT Office and give your current e-mail address. We will immediately put your email address on our E-Blast list. Members Only Section of the I-ACT Web Site If you have not been to our web site, please go to Go to the members only section - contact the office for your Members Only password. In that location, you can find the I-ACT Member Logo, and additional member information. In the future, those on our E-Blast list will be sent the current password, so make sure that you are on our E-Blast list to ensure that you receive the password for our I-ACT Member site. Also, Brenda and Stan Watson came by and we had a chance to talk to them. It was great seeing the old friends and getting up to date with everyone. No matter how many times I attend our conventions, I am always awed by the friendship and the quality of individuals that are in our profession. Colon Hydrotherapists must be some of the finest people in the world. Listening to the stories that you have shared with me, and knowing how you care for your clients, it makes me proud to be your Presidnt once again. Look through this quarterly and see many of the photos documenting the fantastic event. Read the quarterly and see who the winners were for our Connie Allred, Instructor of the Year, and, Colon Hydrotherapist of the Year Awards. In addition to great speakers and fun, the members had a chance to input on the future of our Association. We heard of potential new changes to our instructor program. These suggested changes have been discussed with our Instructors and the Education Committee will be sending suggestions to the Board. The Board will be discussing many of the ideas that have been worked on for over two years, so keep reading the newsletter to see what changes the Board approves. The changes will probably happen during our 2017 Convention. Our committees are all working hard to help bring new changes to our profession and our association. If you are interested in helping please contact the Committee Chair. This is your association and we can always use your help and ideas. RUSSELL KOLBO I-ACT PRESIDENT As you can see, this is an exciting time for I-ACT. We are continuing to work to strengthen our international relationships. Speaking of International, the Colon Hydrotherapy International Congress (CHIC 2) is right around the corner. See the registration information for that event which will be held in Birmingham on Sunday, September 25, 2016. We would love to see you there if you can make it. What can you look forward to? Well, your Board has listened to you and we heard that you are looking for a convention with less expensive hotel rates. Here it is... we are announcing that our 2017 I-ACT Convention will be held in Las Vegas. The room rates will be $82.00 (plus tax). That is the best rate we have had for years. The actual Convention will start on Thursday, June 15, 2017 and run through Saturday, June 17, 2017. Of course, our Board meeting and Committee meetings will precede the convention as usual. Consider this announcement as your “save the date” notice. Place the 2017 Convention on your calendar right now! We want to see you in Las Vegas. But that is not all... we are negotiating a two year contract with the hotel in Las Vegas so we can hold our 2018 I-ACT Convention in Las Vegas and that will coincide with the 2018 Colon Hydrotherapy International Congress (CHIC 3). We will let you know how this planning goes. I know I speak for everyone on your Board, we are excited about our future, and we are here to help you and to serve you. Russell Kolbo, DC, ND I-ACT President I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 3 Disclaimer: I-ACT neither endorses, approves, nor supports any products advertised in this Quarterly Newsletter. These advertisements are provided to the membership by each advertiser. Additionally, the readers should assure themselves that the material presented herein is current and applicable at the time it is read. The authors cannot warrant that the material will continue to be accurate. Readers should verify statements before relying on them. No statement herein shall be considered a legal opinion nor a substitute for the advice of an attorney. For the most recent and complete interpretation of laws, please consult an attorney. Table of Contents I-ACT Policy Statements 3 2 I-ACT President’s Letter 4 NBCHT President’s Message 5 In Memory “Hank Pelser” Regional Rep / Awards Committee Report 8 - 10 “Health thru Education” 11 Fund Raising Committee Report 12-13G uidelines Selling Used Devices 14 Mid West Region Report 15 Regional Reps List 16 Three Paths to Restoring Trust 17-20 2016 Convention Photos 22 Mixed Berry Salad Recipe 25 International Research Alliance Committee 27 Membership Committee Outlook 28 PA Legislative Update Three Steps to Ultimate Marketing... 30 33 32 Insurance Members Information 2 29 Marketing Committee Minute For Sale 35 7 34 I-ACT Policy Statements: I-ACT recommends the use of currently registered FDA equipment and only disposable speculums, rectal tubes, or rectal nozzles. However, should the Therapist use reusable speculums, these speculums should, at a minimum, be autoclaved for sanitation and cleanliness (30 minutes). Additionally, the autoclave unit must be tested and inspected by competent authority at least four times per year- maintain documentation. (Under NO conditions should a disposable speculum or rectal tube be reused). I-ACT recognizes the FDA classifies equipment used to instill water into the colon through a nozzle inserted into the rectum to evacuate the contents of the colon into three distinct classes; Class I (Enema Kits), Class II and Class III are (Colon Irrigation Systems). Follow the guidelines of your manufacturer, as approved by the FDA for the type of equipment (devices) you are using. Make no claims as to the use of your device other than those approved by the FDA. The main differences between Class I and Class II devices: The code of federal regulations CFR 876.5210 & 876.5220 describe the differences between the Class I and the Class II devices. From that regulation, a Class I device is an enema system and does not include “colonic irrigation devices”. A “colon irrigation device” is a Class II device, which in part is described as: “The system is designed to allow evacuation of the contents of the colon during the administration of the colonic irrigation. The Class I Device: · The Class I device is defined as an enema system and may not have temperature control, temperature gauges or water purification as part of the device. Class I enema systems must be self-administered. · Manufacturers of Class I devices are not required to have third party oversight as they need not comply with the good manufacturing practices and record keeping that are required of Class II manufacturers. Class I devices are not as heavily regulated and controlled by the FDA as Class II devices are. · Owners of Class I devices may not market their service using the terms “colonics or colonic irrigation” in describing the scope of their practice of evacuating the contents of the lower bowel. The Class II Device: · The Class II Device is a “colonic irrigation device”. · Manufacturers of Class II devices are required to have third party oversight and must comply with the good manufacturing practices and record keeping that are required by the FDA. Class II devices are heavily regulated and controlled by the FDA. · The FDA requires Class II devices to be sold and used on or at the order of a physician or health care practitioner. This may be different in each state. Although I-ACT is not aware of any laws that preclude you from assisting an individual with an enema, I-ACT does want you to consider upgrading your equipment to the equipment that provides the greatest safeguards to the public. In this profession, that would be equipment marketed as Class II devices. Remember that I-ACT strongly recommends that all I-ACT members use FDA registered Class II devices or devices equivalent to Class II devices regulated by the appropriate agency in your country. Only individuals using FDA registered equipment will be placed on the I-ACT Web Site. Purchase equipment at your own risk. Ensure you are in compliance with your local, state, federal and country guidelines. Ensure that equipment you purchase is cleared for use in your country. I-ACT recognizes there are two distinct types of colon irrigation systems; open and closed systems. However, it is I-ACT policy that the colon hydrotherapist / technician is always in attendance / or is immediately available to the client throughout the session. The degree of assistance is to be in compliance with the instructions of the manufacturer of the equipment as registered with the FDA, and/or as directed by a physician. The policy on insertion is to follow the instruction of the referring physician; the guidelines of the manufacturer as approved by the FDA; or the directives from the authority of your city, county, state, or country ordinances. I-ACT recommends that you do not put the initials (CT) for colon hydrotherapist after your name, write it out in full. According to most state laws, putting initials after your name is not allowed unless you are licensed or have a degree from an accredited professional school. Advertising copy which states or implies that colon hydrotherapy can treat any disease, promise cure for any disease, or that makes unsubstantiated medical claims SHALL NOT be used. NEW MEMBERS 2ND QUARTER 2016 Following is a list of our new members for the period April 1, 2016 through June 30, 2016. We are glad to have you as members. Remember, at I-ACT you matter! First Name Ajaz Maria Sarah Barbara Sophia Brooke Kiersten Sandra Heidi Norma Kim Suzanne Jie Ying Guan Zhong Rong Guan Kathy Yan Ping Samantha Leslie Nancy Gwendolyn Shelly Margaret Chantel Jaleyah Shari Renee Cassandra Brittanie Tara Tracy Nydia Angela Marlee Ada Gail Pamela Breanne Ricardo La'Shonda Carla Isabel Kaytee Athena Rowena Kimberlynn Dee Ashley Gravele Zandrea Jaila Donita Janneth Lawrence Kelly Linda Shani Veronica Last Name Bashir Wrathall Nehemia Pless Blake Mundell Turrell Woitas Hampe Venables Chacon Pluim Angela Boris Au-Yeung Luo Soto Morales Sosa Pittman Kent Dingman Witherspoon Preston Durfey Levy Folkner Thompson Thornton Wiggs Chavez Savage Wertin Yoder Morales Holland Fishburn Rubio Courtney Harris Hon Koertge Blue Cheung Davis Suarez-Diaz Finch Quashie Rayford Wyche Whitaker Padilla-Leon Stefanow Baker Rust Muscat Vernon Home City Southall Perth North Lake Santa Cruz Hemet Santa Cruz Encinitas Sylvan Lake Sagle Woking Aurora Alkmaar Richmond Surrey Vancouver New York Canyon Country Los Angeles Burbank Chino La Quinta Terrace Newark Ft. Washington Fountain Hill Matawan Bangor Cypress Cypress West Plains El Paso Whitehorse Cave Creek Millersburg Deerfield Beach Alpine Chandler Cumming Raleigh Lyons Rockville Excelsior Springs Stockbridge Phoenix Upper Marlboro Marassas Fremont Phoenix New Orleans Raleigh Stockton Westminster Queen Creek Queen Creek Stockton Belmont Bronx Home State Middlesex W.A. W.A. CA CA CA CA AB ID Surrey CO BC BC BC NY CA CA CA CA CA BC NJ MD PA NJ PA TX TX MO TX YT AZ OH FL CA AZ GA NC IL MD MO GA AZ MD VA MI AZ LA NC CA CO AZ AZ CA CA NY Country United Kingdom Australia Australia USA USA USA USA Canada USA United Kingdom USA Netherlands Canada Canada Canada USA USA USA USA USA USA Canada USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Canada USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA New Members 2nd Quarter I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 I-ACT Quarterly Summer 2016 35 I-ACT International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy Quarterly W 2016 Convention Photos W Committee Reports W Selling Devices (part 2) W Recipes, thanks, updates, and more! Summer 2016 ColonHydrotherapyInternationalCongress2016(CHIC) DELEGATEBOOKINGFORM Sunday25thSeptember2016 HiltonBirminghamMetropoleHotel NationalExhibitionCentre BirminghamB401PP ForRoomReservationscontactTheHiltondirect Registrationfrom8.00am-Conference9.00am-5.00pm TrainStationisBirminghamInternational,(ForNEC,BirminghamAirport) 10minstowalktotheHiltonorShuttlebusavailableoutsidethestation. Parkingisfirstcomefirstservedbasisinhotelcarpark.Otherparkingnearby. Approx£10.00percarperexit. (ieyoupayeachtimeyouleavethecarpark,ticketsavailableathotelreception) EarlyBookingDelegatefeevalidto31stMay2016…………………….£70.00 Rateincreasesfrom1STJune2016…………………………………………….£80.00 Non-MemberDelegatefee………………………………………………………..£80.00 Fee:ToIncludeLunch&Refreshments. CHEQUESPAYABLETOARCH,RICTAT,IPCHdependingonwhoyouareamemberof. ForI-ACTmemberspleasemakechequespayabletoARCH. PLEASEWRITEFULLNAMEANDTELEPHONENUMBERONREVERSEOFCHEQUE. NOREFUNDSAFTER31stJULY,2016 TITLE………NAME………………………......................SURNAME……………………………………………………… ADDRESS………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ZIP/POSTCODE………………….................................... TELEPHONENUMBER(incinternationaldiallingcodeiffromoutsideUK) E-MAIL(PLEASEWRITECLEARLY)……………………………................................................................ Doyouhaveanyspecialdietaryrequirements?................................................................... Photocopythisbookingformasyourreceipt.Returnoriginalwithyourchequetoyourassociationrep: ARCH:GillianEdwards.1HazelGrove,Norton,Stourbridge,WestMidlandsDY83JP. Email:[email protected]:01384443442 RICTAT:IanMcDougall IPCH:ElaineWilson I-ACT:RichardArmstrong I-ACT Items for Sale Post - Convention Pricing Speaker DVDs - $15.00 Each - Complete Set (7) $100.00 Main Speakers - DVDs (select the DVD you want to order) ............ Elaine Wilson DipAc, MSc(Ac), DipCH, DipNT, MSc(NT), MBAcC, MIPCH: - “Understanding How We Can Help Clients Living With Diabetes” ............ Tommy Rosa - “Tips To Live Happier and Healthier From Heaven To Earth” ............ Shereza N. Abdool D.O. P.C. - “Heal the Belly, Heal the Body...” ............ Guy William Thompson - “Mechanics of Defecation” ............ Gloria Gilberé, CDP, DAHom, ND, PhD, DSC, - “MRSA -- A Life-Threatening Super Bug” ............ Dr. Darrell Wolfe Ac, PhD. - “Heal The Gut - Cure The Body” ............ Robert Scott Bell, DA, Hom - “The Power to Heal is Yours” NAME _____________________________________________________ ADDRESS __________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP ____________________________________________ SUB-TOTAL __________________ SHIPPING __________________ $7.00 US - $15.00 International TOTAL OF ORDER PAID BY ____ CHECK __________________ ______ CC ______ OTHER CC#_____________________________ DATE _________ CID ________
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