i« „ ^ mcufc U n io n - NYS Historic Newspapers


i« „ ^ mcufc U n io n - NYS Historic Newspapers
„St j r acuf e Uni on"
$ i« „ ^ m c u f c U n io n "
(Segriiiibet im Jabre 1852 oon IScotg Soul.
Äctmidt jebcu Jreitag in 45ti 'Jlorö Salina
Stjracuje, 91,2).
(Sln flctraß cu a u f Dem V o fta m t u o n Q tira cu fe , ül. ^ a l s jto e ü e Rlaffe })oftfact)e)
of o u r religinn are d e s t r o y i n g the sacred altars, c ath ed ra ls and priests of
our faith? O u r h e ro ic defenders o f Irela nd are led by an Irishnian ( L o r d
Kitchcner), ayc, bravely in d ee d h a v e died on the liattletields of 1914 th e
boys from T ip p c r a r y , VVaterford, Cork, Roscommon, Dublin, a nd \\; exford. I re g re t to »ee th ät the e m ig ra tio n of tju r young people agatn,
and I say it mournfully, h a s set in to America. This ts 110 time for
deserters. T o light the G e rm an H uns and vandats, d e s t r o y e r s of o u r
sacred churches, m o s t effectively, w e shall orgariize I r i s h llrigades, ofticered hy Irish m en .
ifr»*nü, ben 18. Xic.ymBer
The United Irish Socicties o f New York, C h ica g o , and many citir i
| held vast meetings, w h e r e the cheers o f an aro u sed peo ple h ave souml.'.i
t h e r a ttle of m usketry, and the reverberations of these gatherings 'V.
reached even press-censored Ireland.
As I finish this article. I have j u s t received a copy o f the resolütil
unanim ously ad opted b y the Philo-E'e ltic A s so c ia tio n , held a t their meeu*
in the lrish-A m erican A thletic Club o f New Vork Build ing, and 1 inay r o
t h a t c lub has won the prizes of th e world, tlie C h a m p ions of th e |mv<,
O ly m pic games.
T h e Association d e n o u n c e d recruiting f o r England against Germ:! my „
t h e g ro u n d th at it de stro ys all hope o f Irish Nationality, t h a t the war is fo,
E n g la n d and n o t for Ireland, a n d tliat Ireland must co p se rv e heir youth .*
h a s no quarrel with Germany.
My work h a s taken me t o the Tropics, a n d 1 h a v e h e a r d flotn the Iri
i n the g reat city of Buenos Ayrcs, t h e greatest c i t y South oi! the Equat«
vvhere th e Irish commingle w i t h Ihe G e r m a n s in c o n s i d e r a b lc 1numhers a su p p o rt a g reat newspaper called tlie S o u lh e rti C ross. All friends of Irela
in A rgentine a r e opposed to R e d m o rid is t h e news.
F r o m an Irish Nationalist, workingg as a civil e n gin e cr f o ^ a Chinese r a
way, n e a r the terminal at Tsientsin, seizfd t> y tlie J a p a n e s e , allied with E r '
land. comes the w a rning l e t t e r to t h e writer for A m e r ic a n s to beware of t
loss o f American t r a d e as t h e re sult of t h e Ja p a n -E n g lan d alliance, wh:
daily is violating the treaty between hclpless C hina, without a n aritly a
navy, and the too a ll-ab s o rb ed U n i t e d S ta te s.
Ir ish observers, sc a ttere d over t h e glo be, liave long noticed t h e advai,
of Germ an com m erce, and t h e superior efficiency and th o r o u g h n e s s of
Germ ans has clearly roused th e liate and je a l o u s y o f Britain, w h o s e litle
m istress of th e seas is threatened,
If, a s my corresp ond ent writes, a thrill of h o r r o r passed th roug h tlie
bre asts o f many a r e a d e r of I r ish n e w sp a pers, how shocking in A m e ric a to
of u> who have followed R edm ond and know t h e good qualities of our
» I e r <«. C o t r l ü u ö c r ,
G e rm an neighbors. O f coursc, the avowed sentim ent of Ireland is for E n g ­
land. B u t there is a d e ep u n d e r c u r re n t of Opposition a m o n g m a n y y o u n g
'Jlottjcrt uub Hliijcigen für bie „Union" müffen bio 'JJ1itt to oct)
m en, like the spirit of re sen tm en t which existed in Ireland d uring the B oer
VJlittag eiugcfd)icft fein, Xiefelben iriüjjen a n bie „St-racuie
w a r. T h e censored p r e s s will not be able t o keep f r o m Ire la n d the news of
Union" uoöreffirt fein. Sücntt Sic nidjt J t j t B la tt prompt
t h e rebellion in the T ra n s v a a l, the O r a n g e l*ree S ta te and Cape C olony. or
ermatten ober iit jdjlimtnem ^uftanb, benachrichtigen S ie bit»
t h e mutinies in Egypt o r In dia, and the tailure to secure Irish troops from
Ca n ad a and Australia.
te bie Office fofort baoon. dlle Wagen ertjalien Sorgfältige
Berüdficfetigung, toenn S ic telcpl)onireit J a n t e * 4 3 1 1 ).
Fe w Irishmen d a r e speak out fro m their h earts because of the fe a r of
1,eing im prisoned or lu ing un t h e Charge of treason, a s many of their ancestors
died as rebels against t h e British Crown. But there a r e herges in th e E m erald
febonneineutralen für bie „Spracufe Union“ finb, n>ie folgt:
Isle w h o dare speak n u t and warn their c o untrym en against race suicide by
(Sin Ja fe r
recruiting, and who refuse t o believe the lies a bout Germany. T hey know
that a w a r.o f a gression, on t h e part of denuded Jreland, f o r England, against
3 ed js iUlonate
. .
G erm any, has no w arranl in their sad h i s t o r /, no justification in m o rals or
practical benefits. T h e y feei sorry for ooof, stricken llelgium, hut for every
. .
claimed atrocity in Belgium they can otter a tho usand proven parallels. They
Bu älan b bas J a h r ............................................. 2.50
have b u t to glance across their c o u n try and see the r u i n s of a thousand
A L S AC E .
shrines, wrecked cathedrals, priests hunted down like wolves. Redm ond's
X ie Bgenten feit bie „Spracufe Union" im Staat 91en> 9)orf fittb:
appeal for tr o o p s in W exford , Limerick a n d Drogheda, for England, mighl
M ost Americans have sympathized w i t h F r a n c e in the lo ss of her
have well awakened t h e t o m b s of those tow ns where lay the liones of many
Slubotpl) ÜJlüllcr
women and children m assacred by the E nglish c o n q u tro r s . F o r the broken provinccs, Alsace and Lorraine, as t h e r e s u l t of t h e Franco-Prussian w a r of
Walentin Ba h n
This sentim ent is worthy, b u t is n o t founded on material g r o u n d s totreaty of any c o u n tr y we offer the T re a ty of Limerick a n d the m em o ry of
because the r e co rd show s t h a t this dctached territory is far more
_ (Sorning
J . Bo llg ra j, 161 'JJIprtlc St.
Patric k Sarsiielil. l n spite o f all suppres.,ion the real voice of the pa trio ts of day,
prosperous undc» German administration.
In f o r t y years the p o p u la lio n of
Ireland has found exp ress io n in the Dublin Leader, Irish National Volunteer, AIsace-Lorrainc has nearly tripled, and p r o d u c e s a v a st amount ol grain,
ü. .fpeirteinaim, 58 Suttquehanna Sl.
Roscommon Herald. The K e r ry m a n . Wicklow People, M e a th C hronicle, Galtobacco, iron and coal, and wijh an area o f only 5,580 s q u a r c miles, one-sixtb
way Pilot, Mayo News, L eitrem O bserver, Sligo Champion, and L einster tbe
a re a o f Ireland, i s a veritable beehive o f cotton, woolett, silks and eher,
Die Bereinigten Staaten unter britifdjcr ipm idjaft?
N o w th a t the Roman Catholic Bishops of Germany and o th e r s have exC o n tr a s t the s t a te of Alsace-Lorraine willi t h a t of m isgov erned IreUid,
posed the efforts o f the E nglish t o makc the Ir ish hate the G e r m a n s, over
.perr X ir f 'fl. Xe J’Joutig, ber Bicc-^räfibetit ber Jlatiottal Jm parting false stories of atrocitics in Belgium. and have b e en able by letter to in form where the pop u latio n of t h e ' l a t t e r c o u n try is t o -d a y o n l y one-third o f He
n u m b e r of people living in Ireland seventy years ago.
anb Ir a b m j (Sompatu) bon 91o 00 Wall S tr., 91 ero ?Jorf, hat betn amcrifa* the prela tc s of Irela n d on t h e subject, a reaction h a s set in against K e d m o n d
While English rulc h a s been draining; tlie life-blood of Ireland, leav'g
nifdjcn Staatsfefretär W illiam J . Brijait einen offenen Brie f gcfdjriebeu, as t h e principal a u th o r of these stories, and Cardinal Logue, P rim ate of Ire­ only the re m n a nts o f a people, t h i s little territory a l o n g the banks o f 1:
land, and scveral Bishops have greatly moditied opinion o n the allcged Khine has gone forw ard b y leaps and bounds, w i t li the people s o contented
ber au Offenheit nidjts 311 roünfdjen übrig läfet. Cs feeifet barin:
atrocities, a n d have staleel they distru sted England in t h e promiscs o f H o m e
„ J n Beanttoortung Jfercr Xepcfdje oom 1. b. T i . betreffs Berfdjiffung Kule. The Bill as it Stands is a feeble measure which would b e laughed o u t that sentim ent altogeth er th ro u g h o u l llie province has steadily changed iu
favor of Germany, and t h e Alsacians h a v e fu rn ish e d their full q uo ta of
oon W aren nad) 'Belgien unb Jferer Xepefdje oom 2. b. 991. betreffs Cin- of cxistence if offered a n y State in tois country. O ur territo ry of Alaska soldiers f o r the E a th e r la n d . Irelanil, t o o , h a s iron a n d c o al, and could
tuifdiung ber britifdjen Regierung itt unfere gefdjäftlidjen ftabelbefeefdjen will be m ore free t h a n Irela n d u n d e r its purely local legislaturc.
m an ufa ctu rc cotton, wool a n d silk s, but i t is not for th e commercial i n te r n s t
o | E n g la n d to h a v e an in d u str ia l Ireland. S l i c must always bc confined
möd)len tuir bejüglidj bes erfteren feSutifte* roiffen, ob ber Sdjiife ainerifani
un d e r the British Empire to r e iu a in an agricultural s p o t , a r e a r garden tn
fcfjcr Jfaufkute roofeltfeätigen Jnftituten iiberlaffen bleiben mufe, uttb ob ein
S tu d e u ts of I r i s h social p he no m e n a have cstim a tc d that the s o n s a n d siipply food for England.
amerifanifdjer ttaufmamt, ber mit eitictu neutralen üattbe ein gefcfertiäfeigce
The district of A lsa c e-L o rrain e contains t h e .»anie p e r c e n ta g e of Roman
^'lefdjäft 31t inadjen roünfdit unb es fid) fdjroere* UJelb foften läfet, ein foldjc* daugOters o f lutle Ireland have aent liome, a cross the seas, a n y where fron) Catholic»
as Ireland, a b o u t 76 p e r cent. The beautiful Khine flows a l l along
$123,000,IXH) 10 200,000,01 X) in ihe pasl seventy years. ireland is t h e only
t'Vefcfjäft abjufdjliefectt, fid) bie Crlaubttife baju uon ber ^Regierung Seiner .^ountry in the w o rld denuded oi it» populalion. Stic had 9,000,000 in 1844, and its borders, filled with vcsscls c a r r y i n g commerce o f tlie province to the
Britifcfeeti fefajeftäi holen mufe.
only 4,000,000 now. But h e r e m ig rants nu'tncr large fannhes. T h e r e are of world. T h e Kiver S h a n n o n ol Irelanil « s as g r a n d and as beautiful, b u t you
W ürbe es in ber Ju fu n ft fü r uns angebraefet feitt, uns roegen be« Irish btood 13,000.000 in tlie U nited States. 1,500,100 in Uanada, 1,200,000 in m a y go a lo n g its shore» f o r days and n e v e r s e e a sail. The land a lo n g thi
Australia, 2,000,000 in P.ngland, and m any in Scotland, West tndics, Sou tu Shannon is as rieh and fertile as the l a n d » on t h e b a n k s o( t h e Khine. The
Sdlithes, ben roir in Wafljington erfealten follten, on bie 'Regierung in U'011 America a n d India. The Island, poor, few industries, n o land for tlie people, h a rbo rs o f the G erm an r iv e r are n o s a f e r or deeper. Kor e v e ry $I2B owneil
bon ju roenben?
received hclp from the exilcs w h e reve r found. There is not an Irish famity by an Irishnian, t h e Alsacian possesses $915. T h e f a rm e r of these «.nnexed
J f t bie 3eit eingetroffen, ba roir cnglifth regiert roerben, roie Seine in A m erica out c a n remember t h e times when t h e earnings qn thi» side were Germ an provinces can s e il the p r o d u c t s ol h i s farm t o any c o u n lry of the
sh a red w ith the l e s s fortunate o n the o th e r side. In somc jiarts o f Ireland world on tbe sa m e basis as a n y olher province or colony o f the German
CrjcUcni ber ainerifanifdje Botfdjafter in llonbon fürilidj bemcrftcV
t h e r e is only one male l e i t oi e ac h famny. i o this d a y the 0 hristtnas g ilts Empire. T h e Irish fa rm e r must market his c a ttIc and farm producls through
C i nett fdjöncn Sdjufe erfealten bie amerifanifdjen ('k'fdjäftsleute Oon ber a n d inoney going to Ireland is the womler of the postolhccs of t h e world English p o r ts alo ne. If he has cow» o r sliccp to seil 011 t h e Contincnt he
aiiicrifanifeh-cnglifd) fontrollirten Jfcgierung itt Wafbington uttb iferen Ute O n e who nas b e e n on a sbip n e a r Chrislma» never forgei tlie sight ol tue j m u s t lirst ship th e m to E n g la n d , divide the p r o f i t with tlie in u id le m a n there
a n d take what is left. It was t h i s inlamous m etho d of trade suppresssion that
rarifdjen Diplomaten in Xlonbon mtb J m ijaag unb bett englifdjcn 2Ittadjes Ir ish mail.
From charity to g ilts for lreiand, a nation, has b e e n an easy step. M il­ led to the successful re v o lu tio n of t h e American Colonists who rebelled
biefer Bertrctuiigen. BieUeidjt ift eS ber Beoölferung ber Bereinigten S ta a
against laws which required American farm er» t o s h i p their producls through
teil unbefannt, bafe ein Cttglänber Shnt jlcr ber öefanbtfcfeait J m .Y«aag ift." lion s have gone over Io r lamine funds. evicted tenants, scliool», cuurciies, English market c hannels.
asylums, L and Lcague. I nited Irish Lcague, revolu tionary m o vem ents, secrei
D ie flenterfung, ob ber Sajufe ainerifani fefeer Wefdjärtsmterefien rooljl- socicties, p a triots and \ oluntcers.
Germany removed from th«.- provinces o f Alsace-Lorraine unjtist, arti
tfeätigen Jnftituten iiberlaffen roerben ntiiffe, bejiefet ftd) barauf. bafe ba«
One n e w sp a p e r in New Y ork, the Irish W orld, has collcctcd upw ards licial checks, and protected, r a t h e r t h a n discouraged. the In d u s t r i e s of her
provinces, which h a s steadily weakened t h e old a tta c h m e n t for France,
Staatsbeoartement ber 91atiouaI Jniborting anb ira b in g Compattt) auf bie of $ 1.(XKI.OUU Ior Irish National movements in the p a s t iorty years. U ntil
Anfrage. ob ber Weg für bie Berfcitbung bon Waren natfe 'Belgien offen reccntly th e lu n d s lo support the l 'a r l i a i m n ta r y P a r t y oi 83 in th e - B r itis h despite th e diflcrcnces i n languagc, iradition, religion a nd custoiny.
The provinccs of Alsace-Lorraine with little m o re t h a n one-half the
flehe, geantwortet batte, man möge fictj biejerfealb init bem itclloerlreteubeit H ouse ol U o m m ons c a m e from oulside oi Ireland.
Stcadily, t h e sentiment against Redmond's re cruiting P ro g ra m m e is population of Ireland. h a s s e n t KM.tdJÖ Iruops to t h e front in F ra nc e for
Bornfeer ber Amerifanifdjen öilfäforrtmiffion für 'Belgien, 9io. 71 Broab
m o u n tin g in America, His misuse of the usi $3Ü,0ÜI) seilt I11111 irom America, Germ any. wltereas, up t o die lOth of O d o b e r , scarcely 10,000 rccruits ha4
»•an. 91ero 9)orf, in Bcrbinbung fefeen.
t h e do nors never dream ing th e i r inoney was t o be used ior the beucht ul a been secured in all 01 I reland.
X ie iifittbeiiiiug. baft ein Cttglänber bei ber ameritauifdjen Wcja 11bt- re cru itin g Organization, has disgusted all the real N a tio nalists, a n d tIie day
In Ireland t h e people are n o t Irl k n o w n t h e extent of the G e rm an victorfdtait Jm ftaag angeflellt iit, bürfte i n ber Xfeat eine lleberrafdnutg für bie h a s passed wnen he will hope t o get nione) ir o tn the old iricnd» o t the c au ,c ies on land and sea, lest tlie k n o w l r d g e would interferc with the esetraordin
a r y methods of securing rc cru its ior tlie British armics. T h e honte Kult
meiften 2lmerifaner fein, JÖcrr Xe JJoung, ber fünf Jafere lang im Staat« h e lias b etrayed. The only d a s s of Irishmen supporting him, a»ide Irom a Bill, signed hy King George, t«* bc anvendcd b y U lste r and t o go i n t o effect
few. are those w ho a re not informell, who t h m k H o m e Kule is a realily, or
bepartrment. angeftellt roar uttb erft für$licfe a u s bent Staatsbienftc aiisfcfjieb, oth ers w h o are Anglo-American l o r i e s al heart, a n d some well meainng aftcr the war, is the re cruilin n ball.
Economic pressure w i l l ncv«r permit
erflärte in einem Jnteroiero, bafe er aus eigener Crfaferung roi ffe, bafj im clergy m en, who caiuiot look a w ay from itelgium lo se e 'lh e good tlial imglil Ireland to becom e a n e a r commercial c o m p e t it o r o f F.tiglatid. tlie l a t l e r con
gested. 38,«X),OOÜ of peoplc on a -mall ivland. cannot afforel t o h a v e Ireland
antertfattifdten »onjularbienft über yroeihunbert 91td)tamerifaner angeftellt com c t o Ireland with th e vanishing power u f England.
Slic m u s t he conlined t o die productThe largest and w ealtln cst Irish sociely in America is the Ancient < trder m anufacture llie »anie line of goods.
finb. Cs ift überaus traurig, bafe hte jarfaftiftfeen Benierfutigen hes .\>crru
of the soil, to linens ( tine g r o w n I r i s h llax n o t produccd in England), and
Xe Bonitg iiber bte oott Vonbon aus fontrollirte Waffeingtoner Jllegicruttg o f Itiherniaiis, witli scveral hundred thousand inembcrs. ’l his Society owns food products.
Hcnce a H o m e K u l e measure w hich expressly prohil.it>
a newspaper 111 Washington, " T h e H i b r r n i a n , ' which iia» a largcr circulallon
thatfäcfelict) ber W ahr beit cntfpretfjen. Wohin roirb uns ber Mangel an than th e «right leading paper» uf Ireland. T h a t journal, a s an oflicial organ, Ireland from foreign c o m m e rc e save t h ro u g h the British P a rlia m e n t
T h e l ’arliam cntary I’arty i s calle«! Nationalist— a niisnomer, ’Ti» a iar
fliirfgral bei W ilfou tmb Brpan ttotb führen V
in its annual report, quotes i r o m the oflicial letter ot Joseph M c L a u g h h n ot
Philadelphia, w u n 1» National President ol tlie Order. I'residcnt .McLaughhn cry, hearkened t.aek a Century, froin Mr R e d m o n d 's purely local measure.
91. ?). Journal.
installing Iu» followcrs in ihe offnes cxpccted th rough Ule execution of the
says —
Bill, t o the dying request of Rohcrt Emniet forbidding h i s countrymen tu
The -ta tu s <»f the \ • dunteer m ovem ent in Ireland ha« a rou sed some »r ite hi» epitaph until I n la n d shutild become a Iree Nation.
curiosity. a n d I h a v e received m an y inquiric» r e g a r d in g the fund collcctcd
W h o knows in t h e fullness ol t i m e hut that G erm any and l>«stin* »ill
by our O r d e r for the artn ing of this defensive force. I a s- u rc those who
c o n t n b u t c d that all inoney» will be devoted to the purpose orig inally an- »rite Einmet’s epitaph ’
By Jame» K. McGuire.
nounccd. The present attitu de of Mr. Redtnond anci some of h is colReprinted From The Fathefland of New York.
lcague« is an inn ovation in ihe long «truggle for Irisfi N ationality Ior
which I w a s no t p re p are d —an innovation, too, which I can n o l indorsc.
Dcut]'d> ■3 ltn e rifa n ifd ;cr Jla tio n a lb u n ö .
The t r u r lacts as to the state i»f Ireland are gradually licing se e n hy
I d o not believe that t h e flower of Ireland'» youth should bc sacrilieed
o bse rving Americans. And t h e feelings of tb o se w h o have e v e r really served
in E n g la n d s lig h t (or E uropean stiprcniacy.
England s trea tm e n t of
t h e cause of Ireland, are m anifestly for G e rm any in all |iarts of ihe United
Ireland forbiil» a n y such enthustastlc co-oporatlon on the )>art o i IrcSta te s.
lan d's so n s . T h e »pcctacie of once-trusted leader» acting a« recruiting
'fe It t 11) fev I p 1) i a , 'fea. I 1 Xt*i. \Hange jur irUditigtbucrci. 2 ie mui
se rgea nts for t h e British army cannot he, viewed with any friendliness
We a d m irr the G e r m a n s nol a l o n c because of o u r invctcratc dislike of
feit ftdj bei jeöer (Mclcgcntjeit oorbtan
E n g la n d , a s is c h a r g rd , but w e have learned to love the Germans-as t h e best
geit nnb babei tiöllig anfjer Jldjt laj
frien ds o f Irish freedoin in A m e ric a T h roug h their socicties. press «inging
ttinds co n trilm ted by o u r IIrder T hese funds must not be Uscil for any Xer 'Isorüfeor öe* öcittfdjcu •'ötlfelaffc jen, bafi fie baburtfe nur bem Änfe
c lu b s and a t h l r t i f bodics. t h e y liave manifested the d e e p tst Sympathie» for
m o v e m e n t not designed to »trengthen Ireland—and Ireland alonc.
o u r cause. W ithout their aid we c o l d not have d efeated the infanious Anglo9»att oual fomtto-:- be* beutidjaitiorifa- feen bes gefammtett Xciitjdittnimi
A m e ric an treaties in tlie United States Senate, as suhm itted by t h a t arcli
fdiaöcti, al* beffen eittjig befugter un)
M r Redm ond's oflicial orgznizaiion in thi» cou ntry is the United Irish itifdjcu Jialu'tialbimtH’*, ö e r r ,'vohtt
en e m y o f Irish Nationality, Joseph C hoate, furnier A inbassador to E ngland .
Lcague, which, with Hom e Rulc a» it» platforni, wa» populär a n d prosperous. Xjarf* 111 Baltimore, feat öte jlücite erforcuer Ätiimnfüferer ber XeutfdOf G erm an hlood in this c o u ntry there are some 16,000.000, and ne arly as The writer w a» a m em b e r of ii, hut resigtied on Irarning. w hen in Ireland.
'.iJntionaljpcnöc iit .Nbölic oott feit rt • nmcrtfanifdjc 'Jiattonalbunb fungirt
. m a n y o f Irish cxtraction.—four t im e s as igreat a s all the m habitants of I r e ­ tliat
Mr. Kedm ond was g e ttin g ready t o use it« powerful m achinery and
lan d . W e know you as friends a n d kindly neighbors, good women, hospit- inoney in tlie recruiting w o rk Ior the British a r m y . T h e President of the öerttatifettö Dollar*, b. Ii ebenfooiel
Uttb bod) tljnt uns Ifi «tigfeit abne
alde, simple tastes and many virlues. and w e sorrow with you in the cainpaign United Iri-Ii Lcague i» Michael J. Ryan of Philadelphia. Corporation t oiniscl mit* bio erfte, an
bie 'Botjdiaftcr
jebe «öiiberbüubelci gerabe in biefer
of villificalion and nii.srcpresentation from which you are suffering.
unb Ccfierreidi lit t
of th e city, a w orthy and able man. One lawyer. w h o made a pliennmenal ru n Xeutfdilanb'*
Tlie news is poishned liccausc most a l l »f it is dated from liostila sources. for G o v e r n o r of Pe nnsylva n ia T h e l.eague has done good work for Ireland, garn* iiberjanbt. (i* finb fiir Die fritifdjen J e i t fo nnenblidj natfe. <9e
mifj feaben bie ffinigung*brfirebungcii
— I-ondon, Paris and St. P e te rs b u r g . T h e cables to G erm any were c u t e arly and Mr. Kyan is placcd in a hard position. Ile ha« confined hi» criticistn to
in the war. by England, tr.ue t» H e r liistoric record of deceiving t h e world the liistory o f Germany a n d England. In an elo quent speech, delivered in beutfdie feerrmuibetcufafie $ 2ii,lKM), X r. Ajefantcrs, ber unfcrfiiifet »on
A kindly people, of lugh ideals, w h o have k e p t Ihe p e a c t of the world for fo rty the A cadem y oi Music, Philadelphia. Mr. Ryan defended Germany, attackcd fiir bie beutfdje ©ittrueii unö fflnifen- einer rieinen '.lugafel waderer beul
years, when all o th e r nations » e n t to w a r , including o u r country. are set England, anrl showed how the German Nation w a s bring slandered a nd villi- vtajfe $ lo.oimi, für Die iift. ittig, TUrdown in the new s hureaus o f the world a s vile tiarharians. cruel vandats, a n d tied. No public mecting» of tbe United- Irish Lcague have beeil hehl o r roiittbetenfaffc $10,(MIO, im b fiir öie fifeer feiätiner feit mefer als iiierjebn
Jah ren m it nmfer feaft i Dealer Bcgei
de stro y e rs of all tliings sacred in religion and art. Not alt Am ericans are s o m oney suh-cribed and paid since tlie outhreak of tlie war. Mr. Redmonrl
creduloiis as t o lietieve t h e s e lates, a lthough th e Iruth as to the conduct o f appears to have n o t consuited hi- »upporter» in America o r sliown com- öfter itugnrifdie ifeittiDcn- 11 itb 28öi- jierung baratt arbeitet, Das atncrifa
th e (reriiians has licen crushcd i n many parts o f the world
punction in tlie d e s t r u c t i o n of the l.eague. I l e must have known tliat 110 fetifaffe $21,000 befliniuit mnrDeji, ui fdje Xeutfdjtljum 311 einem grop
T h e writer visited Ireland j u s t before and for somc tim e alter the w a r considerablc body o f Irish American- could continue an org anization wlii« h Beibe ’Botfdjafter feafeen bett Itnipfattg feftgefiigten ('iaiijen
All tlie |>ress dispatchcs in the I r i s h p a pers cm anatc from London
Much of was u-cd f o r war p urposcs agaiu-t Ihe G erm ans and still h o p e t o live on beftätigt.
fdjroeiijen, fyurdjt getragen unb grofef,
t h e printed m a lle r is "fake stuff." designed l o gain rccruits in Ih e Hrilisli te r m s oi am ity w i t h Geriiian» a - neighbors. H e slumld have known ihai
a rtn y from th e unwilting Irish
in ihe Hotel Greshain. Ilutilin. I chanced Germ any is a long time loyal trieml of t h e United States, while England i»
J n jeiitent Berfdjt über .Die jtoette ja geioaltige lirfolge erhielt, aber ß
t o see some notes of '(»ernian a tr o c i t i c s , ” a description of the " s h ooting of the h e reditary foe of this country. a- t v e r y school boy is tauglit by the war»
be* 9iatioiuilbmiöe-j erflärt fehlt immer nodj bas ntädjtigc 2 oli
Sister» of Mcrcy liy tlie G e rm an tro o p s the willul killing of priests a n d
to w a r witli her in 1893 o v e r Venezuela, when P resident (Teveland denounced •Öerr X jorf*: „Üttieöeruiu miiffen tuir baritätogcfiiljl unter bem amerifjm
sacrilcgr of sacred altars.” T h is was p rin te d in various Iri-Ii |iaj>ers liy
her. American», who have studied liistory, know tliat l.n gland took advant- Bebauern, bafe imitier nad) JüttDer- fdjen Xentfdjlfeunt, bas jebe 2 onM
scoundrel w ho made ii up in tlie Dublin hotcl.
I had long tieen a strong su p p o r te r of Kedmond. since the death of agc- of tlie ( ivil W a r to elim inatc our m erc h an t marine, and America 1- «nf beftrebungen bejteheu, bie öen JJatio- bünbelei einfadj unmäglid) madien
Parnell in 1895, and had given h i m ihe support of newspapers. hut my e y e fe ring greatly t o -d ay for wanl of American-niade shi|»' or ships Hying the 11alluinb unö feine '.'Irbeiten nidjt für roürbe. X a s 3 ic l, roeldjes bem ancr
were quieklv opened in Ireland. His machine is like any o t h e r political American flag
bern. Bon nmtlid)cr unö itid)tai)it fannten Jiiferer be* Irutfdjlhuins in
m arliin e ,—in scarch of p o w e r a n d officcs. The present government has largeT H E IR ISH - AMERICAN PRESS.
lidjer 2 eitc roirb gcfannnelt. io ruirb ben feereinigten «taaten unrjcferocbh,
ly contrilmted to that end. . T h e Irish Party lias lost its youth a n d vitality
All of the leading a n d influential paper» in America are now against Ked­
larg-ely, and ils tiscfulness was e n d e d w i t h tlie L and Act, which h a s worked
ber fdiönftrn 1Wogenlieileu bc« a l * er feine miiheuolle Arbeit begann,
weit for Ireland. The social a t m o s p h e r e of London is tiad for good in- mond. T h e Irish World of New York, the oldest journal <,i ils kind 111 the Jujaniiiieiiniiifeu* ber iWillionm doii ift .jinar in greifbare Jfäfec geriidl,
te n tio n e d pa triots who fall ior the social and commercial set w h o entertain
M o nol aher nodj imitier nidjt gan.j erreidjt
and p a tro n ize them. i saw evidences i n London o f the e n erv a tin g effect of bi» policy. A- tlie Irish W orld ha- been lli- most powerful -upporter. the Xeutfdjen vorpaht Xer
environm ent on the Menthers «>f the I ’arty, which has been nourished and change is signitieant. It has ahadotied eolleelin g fund- for Ireland afler forty bniib inintnelt. ö r Ijat Da* Deutfd)'
2t*ir finb, roie bie .'Jaltung ö«
ye a r s of m arv e lou s success.
sustained only l>y Am erican funds.
tfenm in fdjuieron .feilen uub gegen anglo-amerifanifdjeu 'Urefje utib Nr
The time is ripe in I reland f o r an ujirising a g a in st the weak, com prom ising.
tifelc Eingriffe nertljeibigt
nnb jefet,
West British leaders w h o accepted a measitre whtcli will give th e m a few T h o s e of u s who have been foolish enough lo fancy ihai Kcdhunid mighl live roo er eine feiner ibinlen '.'Infgabon 'fesropagattba ber ^einDe ber nerianlt
djen Freiheit gejeigt feaben, »on ffe)'
hutidred local ofhccs, if it ever does beconic a law. and w hu r e fu s e to cog- t o he a n o th e r Emniet, a r e foreed lo speak rcvcretitly now of a mi-iitider-tood
tinue the struggle for Liberty a n d Natio nhood. But Kedmond is n o t a n o th e r vetcran, w h o h a s »uffered tnueli crilieism a n d 'm isrepreseiitalion liy llie liia- ,50 erfüllen im 'Begriffe tft, nub im item uttfercs SJoIffflfeutti* »on
-staube more, jie burdijti ftiljrfii, ftötl «eilen imrgebcn. Ülfer fönnen ilinr»
Kohcrt Emniet or .1 W o lfe Tone. In sp ite of leaders, party, press and British
power and gold, (he recruiting in Ireland is a failure up t o date.
Kedmond ha» acted cxactly a- tbe discerning editor of the Gaelic A m eri­ man feine Jltlieit burd) miitlidje unb m it Vluefidjt a u f (frfolg nur to*
W e ali know in t h is co untry t h a t the ( athadral of Khcims was not can said h e would, in t h e event of a crisis. a n d we saiil he wouldn't
lüdjtaintlidje XbciIfninni Inngeit.
entgegeutrehm, toeitu mir einig i"1
destroyed, and the American p r e s s c o rre sp o n d e n ts have told us t h e true story
uub felbft iu ikSebnnfeu uns n i# #
uf Louvain. Friends of Kedm ond on th is side are »liocked at th e shameless
ncss of bis recruiting Speeches. | suDmit the following Stenographie rcjiort fciunding the Irish National m ovem ent in America to the editor of the berungs-roertlje Crinigfeit De* flieidje* tUegung fommt, bem Adrige jur
Gaclic A m e ric an . This journal ha» raised a fund of som e $31,1810 in a few
of a recent recruiting speech b y Kedmond. m ade in bis honie t o w n of W atcr- weeks, whicli y o u may bc siire Kedmond will not secure.
uu* beflintmen, einljeitl idj unö nidjt berbüitbclci nadjjiigebcn, ber inj»
ford, appcaliilg to the lad s from the f a rm s to g o over and kill tlie G e r m a n s for
ferer .»öeimntfe gu beu Xingett gePj
,511 fjnnbefn.“ .
England. Ile. said;
bie geroefen finb. f f in bi* auf«11 ^
n d T im e s of Buffalo, Hibernian oi Boston, C hronicle of Albany, Independent
You m ust cinulate ihe glory o f the V olunteers of 1778 a n d 1782 and aOÜ
Jn biefer feia Urning unb in biefcin lofeten TTfaim geeinigte« Xcutfdjllro®
Butte. Light of S c ra n to n , Sun o f Syracuse, F’r e e m a n ’s Journal. Irisii»afeguard tlie Irish Nation a g ain st the incoming T c u tonic barbarian AiiKrican and M on ito r of New York, and others, which a r c undoubtedly tbe
hordes. T h e work of recruiting has lagged and 1 am here to say that influential newspaper» in iheir loealities, m aking a specialty of Irisb new», Bluufdje, benen eperr t ja r U JUtobtud ift in unferer neuen ^eimalfe c* •;
you a re wantin g in spirit:. I h a v e secured in Parnell S q u a re suitablc a re onposed t o Redmond leading 1Iit- peasants of Ireland to slaughter or be gegeben feal, roirb eine liefetctjnenbe abfolute Üfotferoenbigfeit
2ie n f .
Iniildings where y o u vigorous y o u n g m en will repair, a n d where you slaughte rcd.
Jlluffratiou gegeben gu öem Hebel, eine Mefacitdfrage, bereu alle*
will be provided with arins and drilling instructors. 1 have sta rte d a new
T he socicties in Am erica which contrih uted $490,000 t o preserve the Irish unter bem bn? ennerifanifdjr Xeutfdj- nigenbe 3l!icfetigfeit nidjt oft uiiHa» .
paper' tii oppose t h e Iri-sh National V olu nteer
I am p u ttin g in your
liandS to use a g ain st die G e rm an s the latest p a tte rn ritles. I selected lan g u a g c liave unanim ously c ondem ned John Kedmond. And I may remark tfeiim trofe oller Ceinirtungc-itorfiidje einbringlid^ betont roerben fann. *'1 ^
these ritle- inyself a s tlie liest suited for you afler Consulting tlie Board here t h a t Ihe only College professors in llie world, outsidc. of Ireland and immer nod) fraitft, ber -sonöerbüiibe immer nod) fid) ben tfinigfeiuW?J |
of mililaiy e x p erts. You will h a v t t u o best weapons in t h e world. I Am erica, wlio c an sp eak the ancient Irisb to nguc, a re Professors at Bonn and lei ber obfeint ber grofje (fug fefelt, ungcti beo XeiitfdjainerifauifdH''1-’!,
liave o rd e re d the Norris tubcs tei put iin-ide your rifles. I have j u s t re Heideiburg, in Germ any. T h e culture of ( ie rm a n y has long e m b ra c e d tlie taeldjer ltet* bie feerfou Ijäüer fielt
tionalfeunbed gegenüber ablrtf;
ceived a n o th e r $30,000 Irrsm friends. T h« lihcrty o f every f r i s h m a n is in Irish la n g u a g c and lielpcd to save it from t h e fate of the- dead langiiage»
O n e of o u r societics, not long since, »ent $50,000 to W ashin gton t o pre­ al* bie -sodie. IT« gibt gctuilic Mlaffen Uerfeält, ifl eitt jfeinb unb ein w
peril i f tife. G e r m a n s win tlie w a r. H a v e y o u becom e a d e g e n e ra te race,
funking in this war, refusing to enlist, sho.ving tlie white featlicr, proving serve t h e Gaelic ebair in the National. University. Tliat socicty repudiated ocö XautfdjtljmniS, mcldje fi* nidjt frei riitljcr feineb 'itolfsthiun«
yoursclvcs c o w ard s , for t h e first tiinc in your liistory, while the cnemies the re cruiting o f the Irish against Ger.niany.
mndjeu fönnen Hon einem geroiffen
feiar .<
?einr|ft 1
E n te r e d a s se cond d a s s m a tte r at t h e P o s t Office in Syracuse, N.‘Y.