THERMODYNAMIC DATA OF WORKING FLUIDS FOR ENERGY ENGINEERING Dissertation zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades / Dissertation for the obtainment of the academic degree Doktor der Bodenkultur/ Doctor rerum naturalium technicarum (Dr. nat.techn.) angefertigt am /worked out at Institut für Verfahrens- und Energietechnik, Department für Materialwissenschaften und Prozesstechnik Universität für Bodenkultur Wien / Institute of Chemical and Energy Engineering Department of Material Sciences and Process Engineering University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna von / by LAI Ngoc Anh September 2009 Betreuer / Supervisor: O. Univ. Professor Dr. Johann FISCHER Abstract Presently there are strong efforts to develop new environmentally friendly processes for energy conversion. Interesting processes for that purpose are Clausius-Rankine cycles for conversion of heat to power and heat-pump cycles. In these cycles, a crucial problem is to find suitable working fluids, which requires knowledge of thermodynamic data, for optimization of the processes in certain temperature ranges. For medium-temperature processes in which the working fluids reach temperatures higher than 200°C, there are still considerable needs for study on thermodynamic data of potential working fluids. Potential working fluids for the medium-temperature processes are siloxanes and aromates. However, experimental data of many interesting fluids are mostly not sufficient to set up empirical multi-parameter equations of state. Thus, it is necessary to use physically based equations of state which have few physically meaningful parameters, need only vapour pressures and saturated liquid densities for fitting and still give reliable results for thermal and caloric data over a wide range. Saturated liquid densities and vapour pressures of siloxanes and aromates are mostly not available in high-reduced temperature ranges and the descriptions of the equations of state can be improved if there are data for filling the gaps. Thus extrapolations of vapour pressures and saturated liquid densities are studied. The study points out the most suitable equations for extrapolations with available experimental data set. Before applying physically based BACKONE and PC-SAFT equations of state for aromates and siloxanes, we review theory studies of available equations of state and relations between Helmholtz energy and thermodynamic quantities from different approaches for systems of hard molecules like hard spheres, hard convex bodies, hard fused spheres and hard chain molecules. The studied equations and relations are the cores for the developments of physically based equations of state. The review contains also some minor own contributions. From experimental vapour pressures, saturated liquid densities and data from equations for extrapolation of vapour pressures and saturated liquid densities, parameters of BACKONE equation of state for seven aromates such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, butylbenzene, o-xylene, m-xylene, p-xylene are determined. The results show that BACKONE can describe thermodynamic properties of these substances from good to ii excellent. For chain-like molecules as linear siloxanes, PC-SAFT outperforms BACKONE. Thus parameters of PC-SAFT equation of state are determined for five linear siloxanes such as MM (Hexamethyldisiloxane, C6H18OSi2), MDM (Octamethyltrisiloxane, C8H24O2Si3), MD2M (Decamethytetrasiloxane, C10H30O3Si4), MD3M (Dodecamethylpentasiloxane, C12H36O4Si5), and MD4M (Tetradecamethylhexasiloxane, C14H42O5Si6). Thermodynamic data from BACKONE and PC-SAFT equations of state are used to study medium-temperature Organic Rankine cycles (ORC). Our study shows that ORC plants have higher thermal efficiency than conventional steam power plants. Furthermore, working fluid yields the highest thermal efficiency may not yields highest power output and normally yields large size of the turbine, consequently large ORC or high investment cost. Thus, the selection of working fluid should be based not only on cycle efficiency but also the size of equipment and further on supply and processing of heat carrier fluid. If heat carrier is heated up and circulated in a loop, the fluid will regain its temperature after the external heat exchanger (EHE). In this case, selection of working fluid should be based on cycle efficiency and size of equipment. For this case, aromates prove to be the most potential working fluids. If heat carrier isn’t circulated in a loop, the criteria for selection of working fluid are the size of equipment and the total efficiency, not the cycle efficiency. The study shows that investigated alkanes, MM, MDM, toluene and o-xylene are the most potential working fluids, depending on the working temperature range. iii Abstrakt Zur Zeit gibt es starke Bemühungen zur Entwicklung neuer umweltfreundlicher Verfahren zur Energiewandlung. Interessante Prozesse dafür sind Clausius-RankineKreisprozesse zur Umwandlung von Wärme in Strom und Wärme-Pumpen-Kreisprozesse. Ein entscheidendes Problem bei diesen Kreisprozessen ist die Suche nach geeigneten Arbeitsmedien. Diese erfordert die Kenntnis der thermodynamische Daten dieser Stoffe für die Optimierung der Prozesse in bestimmten Temperaturbereichen. Für Mittel-TemperaturProzesse, in denen die Arbeitsmedien bei Temperaturen oberhalb von 200°C eingesetzt werden, sind organische Stoffe als Arbeitsmedien besser geeignet sind als Wasser. Die mit organischen Stoffen betriebenen Clausius-Rankine-Kreisprozesse werden ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle)-Prozesse genannt. Für diese organischen Arbeitsmedien gibt es aber noch erheblichen Bedarf an thermodynamischen Daten. Potenzielle Arbeitsmedien für die Mittel-Temperatur-Prozesse sind Siloxane und Aromate. Für viele dieser Stoffe liegen jedoch keine ausreichenden experimentellen Datensätze vor, um empirische Multi-Parameter-Fundamentalzustandsgleichungen aufzustellen. Daher ist es notwendig, physikalisch begründete Zustandsgleichungen zu verwenden, die nur wenige physikalisch sinnvolle Parameter benötigen. Dampfdrücke und Siededichten reichen für die Bestimmung dieser Parameter aus, wenn sie über den gesamten Temperaturbereich verfügbar sind. Zu ergänzen sind diese noch durch die isobaren Idealgas-Wärmekapazitäten. Dampfdrücke und Siededichten der Siloxane und Aromaten sind jedoch meist nicht für höhere Temperaturen verfügbar, so dass Extrapolationsgleichungen für diese Sättigungs-eigenschaften benötigt werden. In dieser Arbeit werden daher zunächst die am besten geeigneten Gleichungen für aufwärts-Extrapolationen von Dampfdrücken und Siededichten aus den verfügbaren experimentellen Daten untersucht. Als physikalisch begründeten Fundamentalzustandsgleichungen werden die BACKONE-Gleichung für kompakte nichtkugelförmige Moleküle (Aromate) und die PCSAFT - Gleichung für Kettenmoleküle (Siloxane) verwendet. Diese physikalisch begründeten Gleichungen folgen den Gedanken von van der Waals und setzen die Helmholtz-Energie aus einem Anteil von der Wechselwirkung harter Körper und einem iv Anteil der anziehenden zwischenmolekularen Kräfte zusammen. Für die Bestimmung der Parameter von PC-SAFT durch nichtlineare Regression mussten eigene Programme geschrieben werden, wozu ein Nacharbeiten der Theorie erforderlich war. Hier wurde großes Augenmerk auf die Helmholtz-Energie von harten Ketten gelegt, die in der Anwendung für PC-SAFT zu ziemlich komplexen mathematischen Ausdrücken führt, die in der Literatur nicht angegeben sind. Diese Nacharbeit beinhaltet auch einige kleinere eigene Beiträge. Ausgehend von experimentellen oder extrapolierten Dampfdrücken und Siedichten wurden BACKONE Parameter für die sieben Aromate Benzol, Toluol, Ethylbenzol, Butylbenzol, o-Xylol, m-Xylol, und p -Xylol bestimmt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass BACKONE die thermodynamischen Eigenschaften dieser Stoffe von gut bis sehr gut beschreiben kann. Für die linearen Siloxane erwies sich PC-SAFT besser als BACKONE. Es wurden daher für die fünf linearen Siloxane wie MM (Hexamethyldisiloxane, C6H18OSi2), MDM (Decamethytetrasiloxane, (Octamethyltrisiloxane, C10H30O3Si4), MD3M C8H24O2Si3), MD2M (Dodecamethylpentasiloxane, C12H36O4Si5), und MD4M (Tetradecamethylhexasiloxane, C14H42O5Si6) die Parameter der PC-SAFT-Gleichung bestimmt. Thermodynamische Daten, die mit den Zustandsgleichungen BACKONE und PCSAFT gewonnen werden, wurden schließlich dafür eingesetzt, Mitteltemperatur-ORCProzesse zu beschreiben. Als Stoffe werden Alkane, Cyclopentan, Aromate und Siloxane betrachtet. Berechnet wurden zunächst thermische Wirkungsgrade und Volumenströme. Verwendet man innere Wärmeübertrager, dann steigt der Wirkungsgrad im allgemeinen mit der kritischen Temperatur des Stoffes, gleichzeitig wird aber der Volumenstrom beim Austritt aus der Turbine sehr groß. Weiters wurde auch das Pinch-Point- Problem in die Analyse einbezogen, das mit der Wärmeübertragung auf das Arbeitsmedium verbunden ist. In diesem Fall sind, abhängig vom Temperaturbereich, Alkane, Hexamethyldisiloxan, Octamethyltrisiloxan, Toluol und o-Xylol vielversprechende Arbeitsmedien. v Acknowledgments The author gratefully acknowledges financial support by a Technologiestipendium of Österreichischer Austauschdienst. I gratefully acknowledge the assistance and supervision of Prof. Johann FISCHER. I have learned a lot from his lectures, suggestions and introductions on different topics. His insight and continual support have been important factors in the completion of this dissertation. I also acknowledge the supports, suggestions and introductions of Prof. Martin WENDLAND for the BACKONE package, the setting up of the experimental apparatus and the review of some parts of my thesis. I thank Prof. Herbert WEINGARTMANN and Prof. Martin WENDLAND for their participation in my advisory team and their willingness to write the report on the thesis. I also appreciate the support of Prof. Gerd MAURER, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, for literature supply. I am grateful to my colleagues, Dr. VU Hong-Thang, Dr. Rupert TSCHELIEßNIG, Dr. Werner BILLES, Dr. Gerald KOGLBAUER, MSc. Emmerich HAIMER, Mr. Krapf CHRISTIAN, Mr. Lukas GEYRHOFER, Mr. Karl BELER, Mrs. Verena WETTER, Mrs. Sabine EISENSCHENK, and MSc. NGUYEN Viet Cuong, for their friendship and assistance during our study and stay in Vienna. vi Publications, presentations from this thesis Papers in refereed SCI journals: 1. N. A. LAI, M. Wendland, J. Fischer, Description of linear siloxanes with PC-SAFT equation, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 283 (2009) 22-30. See also in chapter 7. 2. N. A. LAI, M. Wendland, J. Fischer, upward extrapolation of saturated liquid density, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 280 (2009) 30-34. See also in chapter 4. Papers in preparation: 1. N. A. LAI, J. Fischer, M. Wendland, Description of aromates with BACKONE equations of state. See also in chapter 8. 2. N. A. LAI, M. Wendland, J. Fischer, Working fluids for medium-temperature Organic Rankine cycles. See also in chapter 10. Oral presentations in scientific conferences: 1. N. A. LAI, M. Wendland, J. Fischer, Development of equations of state for siloxanes as working fluids for ORC Processes, Proceeding of 24th European symposium on applied thermodynamics, June 27 – July 1, 2009, 200-205, ISBN: 978-84-692-26643, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. See in chapter 9. 2. N. A. LAI, M. Wendland, J. Fischer, Siloxanes: equations of state and ORC Cycle efficiencies, „Thermodynamik-Kolloquium“ und „Ingenieurdaten“, 5. – 7. October 2009, Berlin, Germany 3. M. Wendland, N. A. LAI, G. Koglbauer and J. Fischer, Electricity Generation from Geothermal Heat and other Sustainable Energy Technology. Austria-Russian Science Day: Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources, 15. October 2007, Wien, Austria Poster presentations in scientific conferences: 1. N. A. LAI, G. Koglbauer, M. Wendland, J. Fischer: Working Fluids for Organic Rankine Cycles. Thermodynamics 2007, 26.- 28. September 2007, Rueil-Malmaison, France 2. J. Fischer , N. A. LAI, G. Koglbauer, M. Wendland: Arbeitsmedien für ORCProzesse, ProcessNet 2007, 16.- 18. Oktober 2007, or [abstract] in Chemie Ingenieur Technik 79 (2007),1342. vii Aachen, Germany Table of contents ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................................................... II ABSTRAKT .....................................................................................................................................................IV ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ....................................................................................................................................VI PUBLICATIONS, PRESENTATIONS FROM THIS THESIS ......................................................................................VII TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................................................. VIII NOTATION .....................................................................................................................................................XI 1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................... 1 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................................6 2 EXTRAPOLATION OF VAPOUR PRESSURES ............................................................................... 9 ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................................................9 2.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................9 2.2 INVESTIGATED EQUATIONS .............................................................................................................10 2.3 SUBSTANCES AND DATA SOURCES ..................................................................................................12 2.4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ............................................................................................................14 2.5 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS........................................................................................................20 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................................21 3 MEASUREMENT OF VAPOUR PRESSURES ................................................................................ 24 ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................................................24 3.1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................24 3.2 EXPERIMENTAL SET-UPS .................................................................................................................25 3.2.1 Pressure sensors and indicators ............................................................................................... 25 3.2.2 Temperature sensor and indicator ............................................................................................ 26 3.2.3 Experimental set-ups................................................................................................................. 27 3.3 PRESSURE MEASUREMENT AND CALIBRATION ................................................................................28 3.3.1 Pressure calibration.................................................................................................................. 28 3.3.2 Vapour pressure of water.......................................................................................................... 33 3.4 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS........................................................................................................33 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................................35 4 UPWARD EXTRAPOLATION OF SATURATED LIQUID DENSITIES* ................................... 37 ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................................................37 4.1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................37 4.2 EQUATIONS AND OPTIMIZATION .....................................................................................................38 4.3 SUBSTANCES AND DATA SOURCES ..................................................................................................40 4.4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ............................................................................................................40 4.5 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS........................................................................................................48 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................................50 5 HELMHOLTZ ENERGY OF HARD CONVEX BODIES AND HARD CHAIN SYSTEMS ....... 54 ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................................................54 5.1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................54 5.2 HARD SPHERES ...............................................................................................................................55 5.2.1 Background............................................................................................................................... 55 5.2.2 Equation of state for hard spheres ............................................................................................ 59 5.2.3 Helmholtz energy for hard spheres ........................................................................................... 60 5.3 HARD CHAIN SYSTEMS....................................................................................................................60 5.3.1 Results from Wertheim SAFT theory......................................................................................... 60 5.3.2 Hard chain equation using Carnahan- Starling equation......................................................... 62 5.3.3 Hard chain equation using Kolafa-Boublik-Nezbeda equation ................................................ 62 5.3.4 Comparison among simulation data, results from CS and KBN equations .............................. 63 viii 5.4 HARD CONVEX BODIES AND HARD DUMBBELLS ..............................................................................66 5.4.1 Hard convex bodies (HCB) ....................................................................................................... 66 5.4.2 Hard dumbbells (HD) ............................................................................................................... 67 5.4.3 Helmholtz energy derived from equation for hard convex bodies and hard dumbbells............ 67 5.4.4 Hard convex bodies approach to hard chain molecules ........................................................... 68 5.5 COMPARISON OF RESULTS DERIVED FROM EQUATIONS FOR HARD CONVEX BODIES AND HARD CHAIN SYSTEMS ............................................................................................................................................68 5.6 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS........................................................................................................71 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................................72 6 PC-SAFT EQUATION OF STATE..................................................................................................... 75 ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................................................75 6.1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................75 6.2 BARKER-HENDERSON PERTURBATION THEORY ..............................................................................75 6.2.1 Characterization of the reference system by Barker and Henderson........................................ 76 6.2.2 Barker and Henderson perturbation theory.............................................................................. 79 6.3 PC-SAFT EQUATION FOR PURE FLUIDS ..........................................................................................80 6.3.1 The potential model................................................................................................................... 80 6.3.2 Residual Helmholtz energy for hard chains.............................................................................. 81 6.3.3 First and second order perturbation terms ............................................................................... 82 6.3.4 Complete Helmholtz energy equation ....................................................................................... 85 6.4 THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF PURE FLUIDS DERIVED FROM THE HELMHOLTZ ENERGY ...........86 6.4.1 Thermodynamic properties derived from the Helmholtz energy............................................... 86 6.4.2 Derivatives of Helmholtz energy............................................................................................... 87 6.5 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS........................................................................................................93 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................................94 7 DESCRIPTION OF LINEAR SILOXANES WITH PC-SAFT EQUATION*................................ 96 ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................................................96 7.1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................96 7.2 EXPERIMENTAL DATA .....................................................................................................................98 7.3 EQUATIONS .................................................................................................................................. 101 7.3.1 Extrapolation equations.......................................................................................................... 101 7.3.2 PC-SAFT equation .................................................................................................................. 103 7.4 FITTING MODES FOR PC-SAFT..................................................................................................... 105 7.5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................ 108 7.5.1 Hexamathyldisiloxane (MM)................................................................................................... 109 7.5.2 Octamethyltrisiloxane (MDM) ................................................................................................ 112 7.5.3 Decamethyltetrasiloxane (MD2M), dodecamethylpentasiloxane (MD3M), and tetradecamethylhexasiloxane (MD4M) ................................................................................................. 115 7.6 TABLES OF SATURATION PROPERTIES AND T,S-DIAGRAMS ........................................................... 118 7.7 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS...................................................................................................... 125 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................... 127 8 DESCRIPTION OF AROMATES WITH BACKONE EQUATION OF STATE ........................ 132 ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................................. 132 8.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 132 8.2 EXPERIMENTAL DATA AND AUXILIARY EQUATIONS...................................................................... 134 8.3 EQUATION OF STATE ..................................................................................................................... 139 8.4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................ 140 8.4.1 Benzene and toluene ............................................................................................................... 141 8.4.2 Ethylbenzene, butylbenzene .................................................................................................... 144 8.4.3 o-xylene, m-xylene, p-xylene ................................................................................................... 146 8.5 THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES FROM BACKONE FOR ETHYLBENZENE, BUTYLBENZENE, OXYLENE, M-XYLENE, AND P-XYLENE ........................................................................................................... 148 8.5.1 Ideal gas heat capacity ........................................................................................................... 148 ix 8.5.2 Tables of saturation properties and T,s-diagrams .................................................................. 151 8.6 ORC CYCLE WITH BENZENE ......................................................................................................... 159 8.7 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS...................................................................................................... 161 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................... 163 9 COMPARISON BETWEEN BACKONE AND PC-SAFT.............................................................. 168 ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................................. 168 9.1 DEVELOPMENT OF BACKONE EQUATIONS OF STATE FOR SILOXANES ....................................... 168 9.1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 168 9.1.2 Availability of experimental data ............................................................................................ 169 9.1.3 BACKONE equation of state................................................................................................... 171 9.1.4 ORC cycle with MDM ............................................................................................................. 173 9.2 COMPARISON BETWEEN BACKONE AND PC-SAFT ................................................................... 175 9.2.1 Benzene ................................................................................................................................... 175 9.2.2 MM.......................................................................................................................................... 178 9.3 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS...................................................................................................... 179 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................... 181 10 WORKING FLUIDS FOR MEDIUM-TEMPERATURE ORGANIC RANKINE CYCLES...... 184 ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................................. 184 10.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 184 10.2 CYCLE DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................... 186 10.2.1 Organic Rankine cycles...................................................................................................... 186 10.2.2 Water cycle with extraction................................................................................................ 191 10.3 SCREENING OF FLUIDS AND THERMODYNAMIC DATA ................................................................... 193 10.3.1 Selection of fluids ............................................................................................................... 193 10.3.2 Equation of state and caloric properties of selected fluids ................................................ 194 10.3.3 Comparison of BACKONE data with those from reference EOS....................................... 196 10.4 THERMAL EFFICIENCIES ................................................................................................................ 198 10.4.1 Cycle efficiencies of all considered substances.................................................................. 198 10.4.2 Comparison of cycle efficiencies from different equations of state .................................... 210 10.4.3 Efficiency of medium-temperature Rankine cycle using water as working fluid................ 211 10.5 HEAT TRANSFER FROM THE HEAT CARRIER TO THE WORKING FLUIDS .......................................... 211 10.6 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS...................................................................................................... 216 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................... 218 11 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS.................................................................................................. 222 x Notation List of symbols A A0 A1 Helmholtz energy, cross-section area of piston Coefficients of vapour pressure, saturated liquid density, and ideal gas heat capacity equations Helmholtz energy of reference system First order perturbation term A2 AAD AHC Second order perturbation term Average absolute deviation Residual Helmholtz energy of the hard chain system ai, aij Coefficients of A1 Aid Helmholtz energy of ideal gas Ar Residual Helmholtz energy Ares Residual Helmholtz energy bi, bij c0 p ci, ji, ki,li,mi, ni, oi Coefficients of A2 Isobaric heat capacity of the ideal gas Coefficients of FA, FD, FQ cp,Res CS cv,Res d F FA Residual isobaric heat capacity Carnahan and Starling Residual isochoric heat capacity Hard sphere diameter Helmholtz energy, force Attractive dispersion force contribution FD Dipolar contribution FH Hard body contribution FQ g G g0(r) GRes h h0 Quadrupolar contribution Pair correlation function Gibbs energy Pair correlation function of the soft reference system Residual Gibbs energy Enthalpy Reference enthalpy h1, h2, h2a, h3, h4, h4a HCB HCM HD hRef Specific enthalpies at the respective state points Hard convex bodies Hard chain molecule Hard dummbells Reference enthalpy A, A', B, B', C, C', D, E xi hRes HS I1, I2 IHE k k KBN L LJ m ْm ْmc MC MD2M Residual enthalpy Hard sphere Integral function Internal heat exchanger Boltzmann constant Parameter vector Kolafa, Boublik and Nezbeda Elongation Lennard-Jones Number of segments Flow rate of working fluid Flow rate of heat carrier Monte-Carlo Decamethytetrasiloxane, C10H30O3Si4 MD3M Dodecamethylpentasiloxane, C12H36O4Si5 MD4M Tetradecamethylhexasiloxane, C14H42O5Si6 MDM Octamethyltrisiloxane, C8H24O2Si3 meff Correlation parameter MM p p0 Hexamethyldisiloxane, C6H18OSi2 Number of chain molecules, Number of experimental data point Pressure Residual temperature pc Critical pressure pmax Maximum pressure of ORC pmin Minimum pressure of ORC pr Reduced vapour pressure, pr = ps/pc pRes Residual temperature ps PY Q* ْq56 R r, ri,j Vapour pressure Percus and Yevick Reduced quadrupole moment Specific heat received in evaporator Gas constant Distance between spheres i and j ri RMS s S s0 Coordinate of hard sphere i, i=1-N Root-mean-square deviation Entropy Surface of hard convex body Reference entropy N xii SAFT SDV sRef Statistical association fluid theory Standard deviation Reference entropy sRes T Tc Residual entropy Temperature Characteristic critical temperature, Reference temperature Critical temperature Tmin Minimum temperature of ORC Tp Pseudo critical temperature Tr Reduced temperature, Tr = T/Tc TRef Reference temperature u, uij, u(rij) u0(r) u1(r) uLJ(r) uRef Potential energy between the two spheres i and j Reference potential Perturbation potential Lennard-Jones potential Reference internal energy uRes V VD Residual internal energy Volume of a system of hard spheres Volume hard dummbells Vm Volume of a hard sphere molecule v3 Flow rate at the turbine inlet v4 W w wp wr Xcal Flow rate at the turbine outlet Virial Hard sphere potential with coupling parameters Weight for vapour pressure Weight for saturated liquid density Calculated data from either equation (3.1) or (3.2) Xdata Reading data from pressure indicator xi y Z0 Mole fraction of component i of mixtures Packing fraction Partition function of hard spheres Zc Critical compression factor Zp Pseudo-compression factor T0 xiii Greek letters α, γ Δp Δpbaro Coupling parameters Total uncertainty of measurement Uncertainty of the mercury barometer Δpcal Uncertainty of calibration of pressure Δpdrift Uncertainty of pressure due to drift during a certain time Δpref Uncertainty of the piston-cylinder manometer Δpsys Systematic errors of pressure Δptrans,MKS Uncertainty of pressure transducer MKS Δptrans,paro Uncertainty of pressure transducer Paro ΔX ε η ηs,P ηs,T ηth μ* ρ ρ’ Xdata - Xcal Well depth Packing fraction Isentropic turbine efficiency Isentropic pump efficiency Thermal efficiency Reduced dipole moment Number density of a chain Saturated liquid density Characteristic critical density, number density of hard spheres Critical density Pseudo-critical density Reference density Residual density Segment diameter Packing fraction Anisotropy parameter ρ0 ρc ρp ρRef ρRes σ ξ α xiv 1 Introduction Engineers can not design a car, a building, a bridge without knowledge of strength and stress of materials. Process and chemical engineers need chemical physical properties of materials to design and optimize equipment and processes. Among different properties, thermodynamic properties of fluids and their mixtures calculated from equations of state play important roles for different purposes such as designing distillation columns, extraction equipment, designing and optimization of different energy conversion cycles and so on. Recently, energy and environment have become hot issues for our world. Energy consumption in the world has increased with an annual rate of about 2.3% whilst fossil fuels, the primary sources of energy accounting for about 86% [1.1] of primary energy production in the world, are limited and will be exhausted in this century. Thus using other energy sources and applying energy saving solutions are of vital challenges for engineers, scientists and authorities. The production and use of fossil fuels raise environment concerns. One of major problems from burning fossil fuels to generate energy is that the burning releases a large amount of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, around over 30 billion tons of carbon dioxide per years [1.2]. However, natural processes can absorb about half of that amount. The left amount of carbon dioxide still exists in the atmosphere and has great contribution in global warming which causes major adverse effects. Renewable energy sources like solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, ocean energy, or biomass energy can be used instead of fossil fuels. Renewable energy is abundant for human being. The key point for replacing fossil fuels by renewable energy is in economical aspect. Currently, using renewable energy is not as competitive as using fossil fuels. Hence further researches for making feasible and competitive use of renewable sources are necessary and urgent. One of feasible and effective ways for exploiting geothermal energy, solar energy, waste heat, and biomass energy is to use Organic Rankine cycles (ORC) to generate electricity [1.3]. Another possible way is to use heat-pump cycles (HPC) to generate thermal sources from available renewable energy sources for different applications. In the 1 1980s and 1990s, some attentions were paid for optimization of the Kalina processes [1.4] and some publications were published [1.5-1.9]. Recently more attentions have been paid for ORC processes. The number of publications for optimization of ORC with different working fluids has increased significantly from 2005 [1.10-1.20]. In order to optimize ORC and/or HPC processes, accurate thermodynamic properties of working fluids must be known. Experiment is very important because it can provide thermodynamic properties accurately. However, only experiment is not really practical because too many data in large spaces have to be measured and connections between different pvT data and caloric properties are not easily handled, especially entropy can not be measured. Thus, in order to have different thermodynamic properties in large spaces, fundamental equations of state must be used. Most practical fundamental equations of state are explicit in the Helmholtz energy [1.21-1.25]. These equations allow accurate calculation of different properties and quantities as density, pressure, temperature, enthalpy, entropy, heat capacity, speed of sound, Joule Thomson coefficient and so on. One typical form of the fundamental equations of state in the Helmholtz energy is in form of multi-parameter equations of state developed by Wagner and co-workers. Multiparameter equations of state for some substances have recently been accepted as reference equations of state [1.21, 1.22]. Characteristic of multi-parameter equations is that they require a large number of accurate experimental data set in large space for construction of the equations. The extension from multi-parameter equations of state for pure fluids to mixtures is a big problem. Up to now, the extension to mixtures has only been applied for natural gas which has a large number of experimental data for mixtures. In case experimental data do not cover large space of pvT data, other types of equations of state based on molecular theory should be used instead of multi-parameter equations of state. A typical fundamental equation of state in the Helmholtz energy based on molecular theory is BACKONE equation of state. BACKONE equation of state has been developed by Fischer and co-workers [1.23, 1.24]. BACKONE is a family of physically based EOS which is developed for nonpolar, dipolar and quadrupolar fluids of compact molecules. The Helmholtz energy is written in term of a sum of molecular hard-body contribution AH, 2 attractive dispersion force contribution AA, dipolar contribution AD and quadrupolar contribution AQ: A = AH + AA + AD + AQ. One typical characteristic of BACKONE is that it has only 3 to 5 parameters depending on type of molecules. These parameters are found by fitting to experimental vapour pressures and saturated densities. Another typical characteristic of BACKONE is that it has only one more fitted parameter, a constant, for each binary. Thus extension from equations of state for pure fluids to equations of state for mixtures can be easily handled if experimental data for binaries are available. BACKONE equation of state has successfully been applied for different substances and their mixtures [1.23-1.29]. The descriptions of BACKONE for natural gas, alternative refrigerants, and other substances are from good to excellent. Furthermore, BACKONE equation of state for many substances has been used to calculate and optimize cycle efficiencies of low-temperature Organic Rankine cycles. The study of low-temperature organic Rankine cycles for electric generation from solar energy and geothermal energy shown that supercritical organic Rankine cycles using R143a as working fluid yields about 20% more power than subcritical cycles if the pinch problem in the evaporator is also taken into consideration. Another typical fundamental equation of state in the Helmholtz energy based on molecular theory is PC-SAFT equation of state. PC-SAFT equation of state was developed by Gross and Sadowski for chain-like molecules [1.30]. In PC-SAFT, residual Helmholtz energy is written in term of a sum of the hard chain system AHC, first and second order perturbation terms, A1 and A2. For pure fluids, PC-SAFT has only 3 parameters which are found by fitting to experimental vapour pressures and saturated densities. Similar to BACKONE, PC-SAFT has only one fitted parameter for each binary. The extension from PC-SAFT equation of state for pure fluids to equation of state for mixtures, similar to BACKONE, can be implemented more easily than those from multi-parameter equation of state. As mentioned above, multi-parameter equations of state are constructed by using a large number of experimental data set in large space. Few substances having a large number of experimental data have been described by accurate multi-parameter equations of 3 state. However, many substances have only limited experimental data. Thus, physically based equations of state like BACKONE and/or PC-SAFT should be used because these equations have few physically meaningful parameters and need only vapour pressures and saturated liquid densities for fitting. Returning to energy conversion processes, thermodynamic properties of different fluids and optimization for low-temperature organic Rankine cycles have been thoroughly studied. Thus, in this study, we pay attention to medium-temperature organic Rankine cycles, in which the maximum temperature of ORC is higher than 200°C. Smaller alkanes might be used in supercritical cycles. However, if chain length of molecules increases, the auto-ignition temperature decreases to about 200°C. Thus longer alkanes which are environmentally friendly and yield good thermal efficiencies can not be used for safety reasons. Fluorinated alkanes have a strong global warming potential and extremely long atmospheric lifetimes and hence should not be used for environmental reasons. Hence, siloxanes and aromates have been suggested as potential working fluids for the medium temperature range and these fluids are considered in this study [1.26, 1.27, and 1.31]. Experimental saturated liquid densities and vapour pressures of siloxanes, except MM (Hexamethyldisiloxane, C6H18OSi2) and MDM (Octamethyltrisiloxane, C8H24O2Si3), and saturated liquid densities of aromates are available only in low reduced temperature ranges. In fitting the equations of state to vapour pressures and saturated liquid densities, the quality of description of equations of state for the case with experimental data in full or in both low and high reduced temperature ranges are better than the case with only experimental data in low reduced temperature ranges. Thus, in order to improve quality of description of BACKONE and/or PC-SAFT equations of state for substances with experimental vapour pressures and saturated liquid densities in low reduced temperature ranges, equations for correlation and extrapolation of vapour pressures and saturated liquid densities are to be studied. This thesis has 11 chapters. Chapter 2 is titled “Extrapolation of vapour pressures”. This chapter presents investigations of different equations for upward and downward extrapolations of vapour pressures. Chapter 3 is titled “Measurement of vapour pressures”. The chapter 3 presents a new apparatus for measuring vapour pressures. “Upward extrapolation of saturated liquid densities” is given in chapter 4. 4 Chapter 5 presents an overview on “Helmholtz energy of hard convex bodies and hard chain systems” which is the core for developments of different physically based equations of state such as BACKONE and PC-SAFT. Chapter 6 presents an overview on “PC-SAFT equation of state”. Chapter 7 is titled “Description of linear siloxanes with PC-SAFT equation of state”. Parameters for 5 linear siloxanes as MM (Hexamethyldisiloxane, C6H18OSi2), MDM (Octamethyltrisiloxane, C8H24O2Si3), MD2M (Decamethytetrasiloxane, C10H30O3Si4), MD3M (Dodecamethylpentasiloxane, C12H36O4Si5), and MD4M (Tetradecamethylhexasiloxane, C14H42O5Si6) are determined. Before fitting PC-SAFT equation of state, we use extrapolation equations from Chapters 2 and 4 to generate input data. “Description of aromates with BACKONE equation” is chapter 8 of this thesis. Parameters of BACKONE equation of state for seven aromates as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, butylbenzene, o-xylene, m-xylene, and p-xylene have been found. Thermodynamic properties of these fluids from BACKONE equation of state are used to calculate efficiencies of organic Rankine cycles in chapter 10. In chapter 9, a “Comparison between BACKONE and PC-SAFT” is given. The first part of this chapter presents BACKONE equation of state for small siloxanes. The second part presents PC-SAFT equation of state for benzene and compares the possibilities of correlation and prediction of BACKONE and PC-SAFT for benzene and MM. Chapter 10 is titled “Working fluids for medium-temperature Organic Rankine cycles”. In this chapter, thermodynamic properties of potential working fluids from BACKONE equation of state and PC-SAFT equation of state are used to calculate efficiencies of medium-temperature organic Rankine cycles. Our study shows that ORC plants have higher thermal efficiencies than conventional steam power plants. Furthermore, working fluid yields the highest thermal efficiency may not yields highest power output and normally yields large size of the turbine, consequently large ORC or high investment cost. Thus, selection of working fluids should be based on power output and sizes of equipment. The study points out that toluene, o-xylene and MDM are potential working fluids for the medium temperature range. 5 Finally, summary and conclusions for this thesis are given in chapter 11 titled “Summaries and conclusions” References [1.1] U.S. Energy Information Administration, World Consumption of Primary Energy by Energy Type and Selected Country Groups, International Energy Annual 2006, [1.2] U.S. Energy Information Administration, Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions, International Energy Outlook 2009, [1.3] Sachverständigenrat für Umweltfragen (H.-J. Koch et al.), Sondergutachen „Klimaschutz durch Biomasse“, Hausdruck, Berlin 2007. ( downlo02/sonderg/SG_Biomasse_2007_Hausdruck.pdf) [1.4] A.I. Kalina, Combined-cycle system with novel bottoming cycle, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 106 (1984), 737-742 [1.5] A.I. Kalina, H.M. 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For upward extrapolation, we find out that Antoine equation gives the best performance if experimental data range from 0.5Tc to 0.6Tc. However, if experimental data range from 0.7Tc to 0.8Tc Wagner equation outperforms other equations. 2.1 Introduction In construction of equations of state [2.1–2.7] one needs experimental saturated liquid densities, vapour pressures, ideal gas heat capacities, and eventually also of other properties. Among them, values of vapour pressures are in a large range, normally from mPa to MPa. Because of the variety of fluids and because each substance has certain temperature and vapour pressure ranges, one needs different types of pressure sensors as well as different methods for measuring vapour pressures. There have been some published vapour pressures in nearly full fluid region with less accuracy in low reduced temperature [2.8, 2.9]. Vapour pressures of almost all substances have been measured and published in limited temperature and pressure ranges, mostly in moderate or high reduced temperature ranges [2.10, 2.11]. Thus, continuation of experiment and using equations for correlation and extrapolation of vapour pressure are necessary. It should be mentioned that the measurements of very low vapour pressures usually contain large errors, maybe far more than 50%. Therefore, low-pressure data presented in the literature are often the results of smooth extrapolation from equations that were thought to be appropriate for extrapolations. Many equations for vapour pressures have been published. Most of them have multi-parameters [2.12]. The multi-parameter equations allow high accuracy for correlations. However, these equations require lots of experimental data for determining parameters and these equations are not really reliable for extrapolation outside of maximum and minimum available data ranges. Methods with fewer parameters show sufficient 9 accuracies within relative small ranges. For outward extrapolation in large temperature and pressure ranges, equations with few parameters are preferred. In this study, we concentrate on one-parameter equations and two most popular equations, Antoine equation and Wagner equation. 2.2 Investigated equations The first approximation to the exact Clausius-Clapeyron equation assumes an ideal gas phase and a constant enthalpy of vaporization. With these assumptions one gets ln ps = A + B/T, (2.1) where A and B are fitted parameters. Using the condition that at Tr = 1 we have pr =1, one gets ln pr = A(1 – 1/Tr). (2.2) The equation (2.1) and equation (2.2), called Wan der Waals equation, mean that ln(ps) is a linear function of 1/T. The assumptions of ideal gas phase and constant enthalpy of vaporization, however, become worse in approaching the critical point and hence the real vapour pressures become with increasing T increasingly smaller than the results from the linear function in 1/T. Antoine [2.13] realized these deficiencies and improved it by his equation. ln ps = A + B/(C +T), (2.3) where A, B, and C are fitted parameters. Equation (2.3) can also be written as ln pr= A’ + B’/(C’ +Tr). (2.4) Eq. (2.4) does not fulfil the condition that pr is equal to one at Tr = 1. If one enforces that condition, one reduces the three parameters to two ones by 0 = A’ + B’/(C’ +1). The next remark on Van der Waals concerns the value of A. In the sense of the corresponding-states principle, A in equation (2.2) should be a universal constant. As a matter of fact, the slope of ln pr vs 1/Tr becomes steeper with increasing deviation of the molecules from noble gas molecules [2.14]. This fact is usually expressed by the acentric factor ω in engineering thermodynamics. 10 Korsten proposed a one-parameter equation for hydrocarbons and other species, [2.15]. The equation has a common reference point (T0, p0) with T0 = 1994.49 K, p0 = 1867.68 bar and is written as ln ps= ln p0 + A(1/T1.3 – 1/T01.3), (2.5) where A is fitted parameter. According to our investigation, using common reference point is not as accurate as using critical point for each substance as a reference point. Furthermore, in order to make a consistence for comparison with other equations using critical data, the reference point is replaced by critical point and equation (2.5) becomes ln ps = ln pc + A(1/T1.3 – 1/Tc1.3), or ln pr = A(1 – 1/Tr1.3). (2.6) Obviously, the difference between equation (2.2) and equation (2.6) is the exponent 1.3. In Van der Waal equation (2.2) and Kosten equation (2.6), vapour pressure equals to zero when T = 0. However, for many substances, vapour pressure at triple point or below triple point is very small and it nearly equals to zero at certain low temperature whilst temperature is still relatively high, from 0.3Tc to 0.5Tc for almost all substances. Thus, starting from Val der Waals equation (2.2), we carry out intensive analysis and get an equation: ⎞ ⎛ T − Tc ⎟⎟ . ln pr = A⎜⎜ ⎝ T − 28.012 * LnTc + 154.71 ⎠ (2.7) Similar to equation (2.2) and equation (2.6), equation (2.7) has only one parameter, A, found by fitting to experimental data. All these three equations can be used for both upward and downward extrapolations. If critical data are not available, the critical data can be replaced by maximum available values. In this study, we also investigate Wagner equation, [2.16]: A.(1 − Tr ) + B.(1 − Tr )1.5 + C.(1 − Tr ) 3 + D.(1 − Tr ) 6 ln pr = , Tr where A, B, C, D are fitted parameters. 11 (2.8) Wagner equation is well known for accurate correlation. However, possibilities of extrapolation of this equation are not clear. Thus in this study, we investigate the possibilities of extrapolation of this equation. Recently Velasco et. al. have recommended a predictive vapour pressure equation with one unknown parameter [2.17]. The unknown parameter is found by fitting to experimental data. The equation is verified by using 53 fluids with an overall average deviation of 0.55%. This equation needs not only data at critical point but also data at triple and normal boiling points. Because all our interested siloxanes do not have data of triple points and other investigated equations in this study do not use data of triple and boiling points so we do not investigate this equation. In order to test the possibilities of extrapolations of Antoine equation, Val der Waals equation, Korsten equation, Wagner equation and the new one-parameter equation, we use different typical fluids from various species such as argon, ethylene, ethane, sulfur hexafluoride, benzene, and water. 2.3 Substances and data sources We use 6 substances from different molecular classes for which experimental data are available in full or nearly full fluid region to study the equations for extrapolation of vapour pressures. The first considered substance is argon. Argon is an ideal substance and has only one atom. Vapour pressures of argon in low reduced temperature range are quite high and accurate values have been measured [2.18]. The second considered substance is water. Water has 2 hydrogen atoms and one single oxygen atom. Water is one of the most important fluids for life and science. In comparison with other substances, water has the greatest number of experimental data. Nearly twenty thousands of experimental data points have been measured. In this investigation, we use only experimental data which are used for construction of reference equation of state for normal water (IAPWS-95), [2.5]. The third investigated substance is ethane. Ethane is one of paraffin or alkanes. Ethane has two carbon atoms and six hydrogen atoms. Ethane is the second-largest component of natural gas, after methane. This substance has a long fluid range and accurate 12 vapour pressures have been measured in nearly full fluid region [2.8]. Thus, we decide to use this substance for testing the above equations. Next considered fluid is ethylene or ethene. Ethylene is one of alkenes. Comparison with ethane, ethylene has two hydrogen atoms fewer than those of ethane. Ethylene, the most produced organic compound in the world, has long fluid range. Accurate vapour pressures of ethylene have been measured in nearly full fluid region [2.9] and reference equation of state for this substance has been constructed [2.19]. Next substance in our investigation is benzene. Benzene is one of aromatic hydrocarbons. Accurate vapour pressures of benzene have been published by Ambrose [2.20], [2.21] in nearly full fluid region. Molecular characterizations of the selected substances are given in Table 2.1. Their critical temperatures Tc, critical pressures pc, triple point temperature Tt, triple point pressure pt are given in Table 2.2 together with sources. Table 2.3 gives available experimental data ranges and sources of selected substances. Table 2.1: Molecular characterization of the substances No 1 Substance/ Formula argon/ Ar Structure M [g/mol] Ar 39.948 2 ethylene/ C2H4 28.053 3 ethane/ C2H6 30.069 4 sulfur hexafluoride/ SF6 146.056 5 benzene/ C6H6 78.112 6 water/ H2O 18.015 13 Table 2.2: Properties at triple point, critical point and sources No Substance Tt [K] Pt [kPa] Tc [K] pc [MPa] 1 2 3 argon ethylene ethane sulfur hexafluoride benzene water 83.798 103.986 90.348 68.89 0.1225 0.0011308 150.687 282.35 305.322 4.8630 5.0418 4.8722 Ref. triple point [2.24] [2.25] [2.26] 223.555 231.43 318.723 3.755 [2.22] [2.22] 278.68 273.16 4.785 0.61165 562.16 647.1 4.898 22.0640 [2.27] [2.23] [2.20] [2.23] 4 5 6 Ref. critical point [2.18] [2.9] [2.8] Table 2.3. Experimental data ranges and sources of the selected substances No Substance 1 2 3 5 argon ethylene ethane sulfur hexafluoride benzene 6 water 4 2.4 Texp,min [K] Texp,max [K] Tr,min Tr,max Tr,t Ref. pressure 84 104 91 150.65 280 303 0.56 0.37 0.30 1.00 0.99 0.99 0.56 0.37 0.30 [2.18] [2.9] [2.8] 224 314.6 0.70 0.99 0.70 [2.22] 285.957 562.16 0.51 1.00 0.50 273.16 647.0834 0.42 1.00 [2.20], [2.21] [2.28], [2.29], [2.30], 0.42 [2.31], [2.32] Results and discussions In this investigation of the upward and downward extrapolations of vapour pressure equations for various substances from different molecular classes, we fit equations (2.2), (2.3), (2.6), (2.7) and (2.8) to experimental vapour pressures in temperature ranges from 0.5Tc to 0.6Tc, from 0.7Tc to 0.8Tc and from 0.9Tc to around critical point. In order to find parameters of studied equations, we take both Tc and pc from Table 2.2 and the vapour pressures from the sources listed in Table 2.3. The fit criterion is to minimize Σi[(ps,exp,i - ps,cal,i )/ps,exp,i]2. Results for extrapolation at different reduced temperatures are given in tables 2.4 to 2.20. Tables 2.4 and 2.5 present results for downward extrapolations with different equations using experimental data from 0.5Tc to 0.6Tc. The results show that Antoine 14 equation (2.3) is the most accurate equation. Following is the new equation (2.7). The worst equation is Van der Waal equation (2.2). Table 2.4. Deviations between experimental data and predicted values of vapour pressures at triple point based on experimental data in reduced temperature range of 0.5 to 0.6. Substance ethylene ethane benzene water Average absolute deviation (AAD) Equ. (2.2) 63.3% 192.2% 14.3% 50.9% 80.2% Equ. (2.3) Equ. (2.6) -0.7% -24.8% -6.5% -51.6% -0.1% -0.3% -2.2% -13.1% 2.4% 12.7% Equ. (2.7) 6.6% -13.2% 4.8% 4.9% Equ. (2.8) 35.5% -18.1% -0.2% 0.7% 7.4% 13.6% Table 2.5. Deviations between experimental data and predicted values of vapour pressures at Tr = 0.4 based on experimental data in reduced temperature range of 0.5 to 0.6. Substance ethylene ethane (AAD) Equ. (2.2) 35.4% 24.4% 29.9% Equ. (2.3) -0.9% -5.1% 3.0% Equ. (2.6) -19.5% -26.0% 22.8% Equ. (2.7) 2.8% -8.1% 5.5% Equ. (2.8) 13.9% -7.2% 10.6% Results for upward extrapolations based on experimental data from 0.5Tc to 0.6Tc of different equations are given in Table 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8. The worst equation for upward extrapolation for this case is equation (2.6) of Korsten. With an offset of reduced temperature of 0.1 and 0.2, Antoine equation is the best one. Whilst, Van der Waals equation (2.2) is the best one for the case with offset of reduced temperature of 0.3. Table 2.6. Deviations between experimental data and predicted values of vapour pressures at Tr = 0.7 based on experimental data in reduced temperature range of 0.5 to 0.6. Substance ethylene ethane benzene water (AAD) Equ. (2.2) -3.1% -2.7% -7.6% -5.7% 4.8% Equ. (2.3) 0.0% 1.0% 0.0% 0.7% 0.4% 15 Equ. (2.6) 8.9% 9.6% 4.0% 6.7% 7.3% Equ. (2.7) 2.1% 3.1% -1.1% 1.1% 1.9% Equ. (2.8) -3.1% 1.8% 0.5% -0.2% 1.4% Table 2.7. Deviations between experimental data and predicted values of vapour pressures at Tr = 0.8 based on experimental data in reduced temperature range of 0.5 to 0.6. Substance ethylene ethane benzene water (AAD) Equ. (2.2) -0.9% -0.4% -4.6% -3.2% 2.3% Equ. (2.3) -0.7% 1.3% -0.6% 0.8% 0.9% Equ. (2.6) 9.4% 10.1% 5.9% 8.2% 8.4% Equ. (2.7) 3.3% 4.4% 1.1% 2.8% 2.9% Equ. (2.8) -8.2% 3.9% 1.7% -1.1% 3.7% Table 2.8. Deviations between experimental data and predicted values of vapour pressures at Tr = 0.9 based on experimental data in reduced temperature range of 0.5 to 0.6. Substance ethylene ethane benzene water (AAD) Equ. (2.2) 0.9% 1.0% -1.2% -0.3% 0.9% Equ. (2.3) -2.6% -0.1% -3.1% -0.6% 1.6% Equ. (2.6) 6.6% 6.8% 4.9% 6.3% 6.2% Equ. (2.7) 3.2% 3.6% 2.0% 3.1% 3.0% Equ. (2.8) -9.9% 4.2% 2.0% -1.5% 4.4% Results for upward and downward extrapolations based on input experimental data from 0.7Tc to 0.8Tc of different equations are given in Table 2.9 to Table 2.13. From this temperature range, Wagner equation is the best one for upward extrapolation whilst the worst equation is the Antoine equation, Table 2.13. For downward extrapolations using data from 0.7Tc to 0.8Tc the new equation (2.7) is the best one, except for the case with an offset reduced temperature of 0.1, Table 2.9 to Table 2.12. The worst equation is the equation of Antoine. From these analyses, Antoine equation is the worst one for both upward and downward extrapolations. Thus, Antoine equation should not be used if experimental vapour pressures range from 0.7Tc to 0.8Tc. In this case, Wagner equation should be used for upward extrapolation and downward extrapolation within an offset of reduced temperature of 0.1. The new equation should be used for downward extrapolation when offset of reduced temperature is larger than 0.1. 16 Table 2.9. Deviations between experimental data and predicted values of vapour pressures at triple point based on experimental data in reduced temperature range of 0.7 to 0.8. Substance Equ. (2.2) Equ. (2.3) Equ. (2.6) Equ. (2.7) Equ. (2.8) argon -4.4% 3.6% -23.3% 1.8% 0.7% ethylene 80.9% 16524.2% -54.6% -7.9% -23.2% ethane 228.4% 136.9% -77.5% -34.3% 26538.4% SF6 0.2% 0.0% -1.8% -0.7% 0.1% benzene 38.7% 7.1% -14.7% 5.1% -32.6% water 84.3% 11.9% -35.6% -1.6% -19.3% (AAD) 72.8% 2780.6% 18.9% 8.6% 4435.7% Table 2.10. Deviations between experimental data and predicted values of vapour pressures at Tr = 0.4 based on experimental data in reduced temperature range of 0.7 to 0.8. Substance Equ. (2.2) Equ. (2.3) Equ. (2.6) Equ. (2.7) Equ. (2.8) ethylene 48.0% 4946.4% -47.8% -9.4% -15.2% ethane 33.9% 25.5% -53.0% -22.2% 272.2% (AAD) 41.0% 2486.0% 50.4% 15.8% 143.7% Table 2.11. Deviations between experimental data and predicted values of vapour pressures at Tr = 0.5 based on experimental data in reduced temperature range of 0.7 to 0.8. Substance Equ. (2.2) Equ. (2.3) Equ. (2.6) Equ. (2.7) Equ. (2.8) ethylene 10.2% 382.4% -27.4% -7.9% -1.6% ethane 7.3% 7.5% -29.2% -11.8% 31.4% water 29.0% 5.8% -22.6% -2.8% -5.2% (AAD) 15.5% 131.9% 26.4% 7.5% 12.7% Table 2.12. Deviations between experimental data and predicted values of vapour pressures at Tr = 0.6 based on experimental data in reduced temperature range of 0.7 to 0.8. Substance Equ. (2.2) Equ. (2.3) Equ. (2.6) Equ. (2.7) Equ. (2.8) argon -3.8% 1.4% -15.8% -0.2% 0.2% ethylene 0.5% 57.0% -12.6% -5.0% 0.1% ethane -0.7% 0.7% -13.4% -6.5% 2.5% benzene 7.1% 1.0% -8.6% -1.5% -3.6% water 8.3% 3.5% -8.7% -0.8% 1.9% (AAD) 4.1% 12.7% 11.8% 2.8% 1.7% Table 2.13. Deviations between experimental data and predicted values of vapour pressures at Tr = 0.9 based on experimental data in reduced temperature range of 0.7 to 0.8. Substance Equ. (2.2) Equ. (2.3) Equ. (2.6) Equ. (2.7) Equ. (2.8) argon 1.9% -0.5% 3.8% 1.4% 0.0% ethylene 1.6% 33.6% 3.7% 2.3% 0.3% ethane 1.5% -0.9% 3.8% 2.4% -0.5% SF6 1.3% -0.6% 3.7% 2.3% -1.0% benzene 0.9% -1.4% 3.3% 2.0% 0.3% water 1.4% -0.9% 4.1% 2.6% 0.2% (AAD) 1.4% 6.3% 3.7% 2.2% 0.4% 17 The downward extrapolations of the equations are studied for the case with input experimental data in reduced temperature range of 0.9 to around critical point. Deviations between experimental data and predicted values of vapour pressures at different temperatures are given in Table 2.14 to Table 2.19. From these tables, we observe that both Antoine equation and Wagner equation are not reliable. The best equation for downward extrapolations in this case is Van der Waals equation. The second-best equation for downward extrapolations in this case is the new equation. Table 2.14. Deviations between experimental data and predicted vapour pressures at triple point based on experimental data in reduced temperature range of 0.9 to around critical point. Substance Equ. (2.2) Equ. (2.3) Equ. (2.6) Equ. (2.7) Equ. (2.8) argon -18.7% 68.4% -45.1% -9.9% 1678.0% ethylene 31.2% 2834.9% -79.7% -43.3% # ethane 127.1% 11614.4% -92.1% -65.0% -100.0% SF6 -5.9% 8.9% -17.1% -10.5% 3338.5% benzene 25.4% 207.0% -39.6% -14.9% -64.1% water 46.0% 1307.6% -67.2% -35.7% # (AAD) 42.4% 2673.5% 49.7% 29.9% 1295.2% #: The values are too large and will not be considered for calculation and comparison Table 2.15. Deviations between experimental data and predicted vapour pressures at Tr = 0.4 based on experimental data in reduced temperature range of 0.9 to around critical point. Substance Equ. (2.2) Equ. (2.3) Equ. (2.6) Equ. (2.7) Equ. (2.8) ethylene 11.8% 1206.2% -73.9% -40.5% # ethane 6.1% 490.5% -74.7% -46.7% -100.0% (AAD) 9.0% 848.4% 74.3% 43.6% 100.0% #: The values are too large and will not be considered for calculation and comparison Table 2.16. Deviations between experimental data and predicted values of vapour pressures at Tr = 0.5 based on experimental data in reduced temperature range of 0.9 to around critical point. Substance Equ. (2.2) Equ. (2.3) Equ. (2.6) Equ. (2.7) Equ. (2.8) ethylene -8.6% 196.4% -53.3% -29.9% # ethane -8.1% 103.7% -52.3% -31.0% -100.0% water 8.9% 286.2% -51.9% -28.2% # (AAD) 8.5% 195.4% 52.5% 29.7% 100.0% #: The values are too large and will not be considered for calculation and comparison 18 Table 2.17. Deviations between experimental data and predicted values of vapour pressures at Tr = 0.6 based on experimental data in reduced temperature range of 0.9 to around critical point. Substance Equ. (2.2) Equ. (2.3) Equ. (2.6) Equ. (2.7) Equ. (2.8) argon -16.0% 40.1% -36.1% -9.9% 307.2% ethylene -11.3% 52.3% -34.2% -20.6% 409.8% ethane -10.4% 27.9% -33.0% -20.4% -100.0% benzene 0.2% 47.7% -26.5% -13.9% -25.6% water -3.3% 72.3% -32.8% -18.6% 903.3% (AAD) 8.2% 48.1% 32.5% 16.7% 349.2% Table 2.18. Deviations between experimental data and predicted values of vapour pressures at Tr = 0.7 based on experimental data in reduced temperature range of 0.9 to around critical point. Substance Equ. (2.2) Equ. (2.3) Equ. (2.6) Equ. (2.7) Equ. (2.8) argon -9.4% 11.3% -18.6% -6.9% 22.0% ethylene -8.2% 14.3% -18.5% -12.0% 25.4% ethane -7.0% 7.0% -16.9% -11.0% -95.0% benzene -3.9% 12.0% -14.7% -9.1% -6.8% water -6.7% 17.9% -19.2% -12.5% 36.8% (AAD) 7.0% 12.5% 17.6% 10.3% 37.2% Table 2.19. Deviations between experimental data and predicted values of vapour pressures at Tr = 0.8 based on experimental data in reduced temperature range of 0.9 to around critical point. Substance Equ. (2.2) Equ. (2.3) Equ. (2.6) Equ. (2.7) Equ. (2.8) argon -3.9% 2.1% -6.7% -3.2% 1.2% ethylene -4.0% 2.5% -7.3% -5.2% 1.1% ethane -3.0% 1.0% -6.0% -4.1% -17.2% SF6 -3.5% 0.9% -7.0% -4.9% 23.7% benzene -2.4% 2.0% -5.4% -3.7% -0.7% water -3.7% 3.3% -7.6% -5.4% 1.9% (AAD) 3.4% 2.0% 6.7% 4.4% 7.6% Previous analyses of extrapolations of different equations with input data ranges from 0.5Tc to 0.6Tc, from 0.7Tc to 0.8Tc, and from 0.9Tc to around critical point show the best equation for upward and/or downward extrapolations from certain input data range. In order to find the best equation for all input data ranges, we make an average of all average absolute deviations from Table 2.4 to Table 2.19 and put in Table 2.20. Table 2.20 shows that the new equation (2.7) is the best equation for downward extrapolation. The second best equation for downward extrapolation is the Van der Waals equation. This equation gives the best performance for input data range from 0.9Tc up to around critical point. 19 Table 2.20 also shows that both Wagner equation and Antoine equation are the worst equations for downward extrapolation. The results in Table 2.20 can explain why predicted vapour pressures of triple point in references [2.10], [2.11] based on Wagner equation are not reliable. Table 2.20. Absolute deviations for downward extrapolations from different input data ranges Offset of Tr Fitting range, from minimal Equ. (2.2) Equ. (2.3) Equ. (2.6) Equ. (2.7) Equ. (2.8) Tr input Tr 0.5-0.6 0.1 29.9% 3.0% 22.8% 5.5% 10.6% 0.7-0.8 0.1 4.1% 12.7% 11.8% 2.8% 1.7% 0.9-critical 0.1 3.4% 2.0% 6.7% 4.4% 7.6% 0.7-0.8 0.2 15.5% 131.9% 26.4% 7.5% 12.7% 0.9-critical 0.2 7.0% 12.5% 17.6% 10.3% 37.2% 0.7-0.8 0.3 41.0% 2486.0% 50.4% 15.8% 143.7% 0.9-critical 0.3 8.2% 48.1% 32.5% 16.7% 349.2% 0.9-critical 0.4 8.5% 195.4% 52.5% 29.7% 100.0% 0.9-critical 0.5 9.0% 848.4% 74.3% 43.6% 100.0% 0.5-0.6 * 80.2% 2.4% 12.7% 7.4% 13.6% 0.7-0.8 * 72.8% 2780.6% 18.9% 8.6% 4435.7% 0.9-critical * 42.4% 2673.5% 49.7% 29.9% 1295.2% Average of all 26.8% 766.4% 31.4% 15.2% 542.3% AADs *: The offsets of reduced temperature are at various values depending on substances. The calculation and comparison are carried out at triple points directly. 2.5 Summary and conclusions This chapter investigates possibilities of extrapolation of vapour pressure with different equations. In the investigation, we use data of substances from various molecular classes such as argon, ethylene, ethane, sulfur hexafluoride, benzene, and water. For downward extrapolation, the results show that new equation (2.7) is the most stable one and outperforms other equations for downward extrapolation from different temperatures. For upward extrapolation, we found from experimental data in range from 0.5Tc to 0.6Tc that Antoine equation gives the best performance with offset reduced temperature of 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3. However, if experimental data is in range from 0.7Tc to 0.8Tc Wagner equation outperforms Antoine equation. 20 References [2.1] N. A. Lai, M. Wendland, J. Fischer, Description of linear siloxanes with PC-SAFT equation, Fluid Phase Equilibr, 283 (2009) 22-30 [2.2] N. A. Lai, M. Wendland, J. Fischer, Description of aromates with BACKONE equations of state, Fluid Phase Equilibria, MS in preparation [2.3] N. A. Lai, M. Wendland, J. 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It is used, for examples, in the designs of distillation columns, storage tanks, pipelines, and in the construction of equation of state, [3.1-3.9]. Due to the need of the knowledge of vapour pressures, vapour pressures of many substances have been measured and published [3.10-3.14]. Many measurements were made a long time ago when apparatus was poor by the present standards. Beside that, in many cases, apparatuses were not carefully calibrated or measured fluids were not highly purified. For these reasons, experimental data for many substances from different sources have large disagreements. The available experimental vapour pressures are mostly not covered in full temperature range, generally in moderate or high reduced temperatures [3.13, 3.14]. Furthermore, hundreds of new chemicals are discovered annually. Thus accurate experiments are still needed forever. We have currently needed to measure vapour pressures of different fluids hence apparatus for measurement of vapour pressure has been constructed. This apparatus uses different accurate pressure sensors/transducers which are available in our institute. Following sections will present specifications as well as assessments for accuracy and uncertainty of the sensors and apparatus. 24 3.2 3.2.1 Experimental set-ups Pressure sensors and indicators Experimental set-up has three pressure sensors or transducers. The first one, product of Desgranges & Huot, Aubervilliers, France, model 21000M, is used to calibrate other pressure sensors such as Paroscientific, Model 31K-101, and MKS Baratron®, type 615. Absolute Pressure of Desgranges & Huot model 21000M The Absolute Pressure of Desgranges & Huot model 21000M has 2 blocks: measuring block (pressure-block) and dynamometer block. In measuring block, force F is calculated from pressure p and cross-section area A of a piston as F = p.A. During measurement, the piston is rotated to avoid affection of static viscosity on the measurement. The dynamometer block is a digital balance for indicating pressure values. Calibration of indicating values of this apparatus is based on reference dead weights. The method using a reference dead weight for measurement of pressure is a fundamental method. This method is used to calibrate pressure gauges and other pressure sensitive instruments periodically. A pressure-block 410 of the Desgranges & Huot (D&H) model 21000M is used to calibrate vapour pressure of Paroscientific and MKS sensors. The digital piston manometer or pressure sensor of D&H works in room temperature with uncertainty of 0.1 mbar (0.075 mmHg) and 0.2 mmHg for pressure range up to 0.6 bar and 2.4 bar, respectively. Because the digital piston manometer measures only gauge pressures so we use a mercury barometer with an uncertainty of 30 Pa, to indicate atmospheric pressure. Absolute Pressure Transducer Paroscientific Model 31K-101 (Paro) Principle of the Absolute Pressure Transducer Paroscientific Model 31K-101 is based on characteristics of Quartz crystal resonators of which resonance frequency changes by external force or pressure. Based on this principle, pressure signal is transferred into frequency which is used to indicate pressure. The Absolute Pressure Transducer Paroscientific Model 31K-101 has following specifications: - Pressure Range: 0-1000 psia (0-6.9 MPa) 25 - Operating Temperature Range: - 54°C to +107 °C (-65 °F to 224 °F) - Accuracy: 0.01% - Repeatability: Better than ±0.01% Full Scale Vapour pressures are indicated in Digiquartz® display model 710 which connects to the pressure sensor. Absolute pressure sensor MKS Baratron® type 615. Absolute pressure sensor MKS Baratron® type 615, product of MKS manufacturer, uses capacitance diaphragm sensor technology. In capacitive technology, the pressure diaphragm is one plate of a capacitor that changes its value under pressure-induced displacement. Based on this principle, pressure signal is transferred into an electrical quantity which is used to indicate pressure. The Absolute pressure sensor MKS 615 has following specifications: - Pressure Range: 0-20000 mmHg (0- 2.67 Mpa) - Operating Temperature Range: 15°C to +200 °C (59 °F to 392 °F) - Accuracy: 0.25% and 0.12% for the range up to 10 mmHg and 20000 mmHg respectively. The pressure sensor is connected to “electronics equipment 670” for indicating experimental values. 3.2.2 Temperature sensor and indicator Platinum thermometer PT100 (Serkal, Austria) or temperature sensor is used to measure temperature of thermal fluids in controlled bath. Temperature is indicated by a digital resistance bridge called “precision thermometer bridge F300” of Automatic system laboratory, UK. Calibration of the thermometer was done according to the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90). The specifications of the precision thermometer bridge F300 are: - Precision: better than ±5mK full range, ±1mK at 0°C - Resolution: 0.25ppm (0.1mK) 26 - Range: 0 – 1500 Ω (0.25 – 1000 ohm thermometers/ 13K to 1064°C) - Temperature displayed according to ITS90 3.2.3 Experimental set-ups Apparatus for measuring vapour pressures has one sample cell for containing fluids. The three mentioned sensors are connected to the sample cell 1 via different pipes, figure 3.1. The apparatus has one pipe to be connected to argon tank. Argon is used to clean connecting pipes and pressurizing for calibration of pressure above 1 bar. One channel of MKS pressure sensor is connected to absolute vacuum pump which can maintains pressure down to 0.029 mbar. We use 7 needle valves for connecting and/or disconnecting the sensors, sample cell, vacuum pump, and argon tank, figure 3.1. In order to measure vapour pressures at different temperatures, the measuring cell 1 is submerged in thermal fluids of thermal bath Julabo F32 where temperature is controlled by Julabo HE. The temperature can be set from -0°C to 320°C and maintained with a fluctuation of 0.01°C. When measuring temperature of fluids is about or higher than room temperature, the connecting pipes are equipped with a heating wire and both of them are insulated. In order to avoid vapour condenses in the connecting pipes, temperature of the heating wire is maintained at a value higher than measuring temperature. The temperature of heating wire is controlled by temperature controller LC6 of Julabo. With this set-up, the apparatus has following specifications: - Pressure Range: 0-6.9 MPa (if temperature above 107 °C, the maximum pressure is 2.67 MPa) - Operating Temperature Range: 0°C to +200 °C (If measuring cell is put in other bath where temperature can be as low as - 54°C, this apparatus can measure vapour pressure at temperature from - 54°C) 27 MKS 2 3 Paro v5 v4 vacuum pump 4 v6 v7 D&H Argon v3 v2 v1 1 Figure 3.1. Experimental set-up. 1: sample cell, 2: MKS sensor, 3: Paroscientific sensor, 4: D&H sensor, vi (I = 1-7) is valve i. 3.3 3.3.1 Pressure measurement and calibration Pressure calibration Experimental data and relations D&H sensor is used and valve 6 is opened. During the calibration, valves 1, 3 and 7 are closed. For calibration of pressure smaller than the atmospheric pressure, valve 3 is opened and vacuum pump operates to create vacuum pressure in the system. Valve 3 is closed to maintain vacuum pressure of one channel of the MKS sensor. When vacuum pressure is 0.029 mbar we start to read data from indicators. After that, we open and close valve 1 swiftly. Waiting for about 4 minute till indicated value is stable; we start to pick up data. We continue to open and close valve 1 and pick up data again and again. Experimental data for calibrations of pressure sensors are given in table 3.1. Table 3.1. Experimental data for calibration of the sensors. MKS D&H Paro MKS No No [mBar] [Bar] [Bar] [mBar] 1 -40.39 0.0123 0.0396 62 132.73 2 -40.46 0.0123 0.0397 63 132.69 3 -40.46 0.0122 0.0398 64 132.68 4 -40.45 0.0126 0.0400 65 132.67 5 -40.46 0.0127 0.0400 66 132.69 6 -24.63 0.0277 0.0553 67 158.32 7 -24.63 0.0278 0.0553 68 158.30 28 D&H [Bar] 0.1808 0.1808 0.1808 0.1808 0.1808 0.2058 0.2058 Paro [Bar] 0.2089 0.2088 0.2089 0.2088 0.2089 0.2339 0.2339 No 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 MKS [mBar] -24.62 -24.62 -24.61 -10.44 -10.48 -10.47 -10.48 -10.48 -10.49 4.40 4.42 4.39 4.39 4.40 15.23 15.26 15.25 15.24 15.24 34.22 34.26 34.28 34.29 34.29 49.18 49.15 49.15 49.15 63.57 63.57 63.58 63.57 63.55 77.87 77.86 77.86 77.85 77.84 92.48 92.47 D&H [Bar] 0.0278 0.0278 0.0278 0.0405 0.0406 0.0406 0.0406 0.0406 0.0406 0.0550 0.0550 0.0550 0.0550 0.0550 0.0658 0.0658 0.0658 0.0658 0.0658 0.0853 0.0852 0.0852 0.0852 0.0852 0.0993 0.0993 0.0993 0.0993 0.1135 0.1135 0.1135 0.1135 0.1135 0.1271 0.1271 0.1271 0.1271 0.127 0.1413 0.1412 Paro [Bar] 0.0553 0.0553 0.0556 0.0691 0.0692 0.0692 0.0692 0.0693 0.0693 0.0837 0.0837 0.0838 0.0837 0.0837 0.0943 0.0943 0.0943 0.0943 0.0944 0.1129 0.1129 0.1128 0.1129 0.1128 0.1274 0.1273 0.1273 0.1274 0.1414 0.1415 0.1415 0.1414 0.1415 0.1554 0.1553 0.1553 0.1553 0.1554 0.1697 0.1697 No 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 29 MKS [mBar] 158.26 158.26 158.24 183.35 183.33 183.31 183.28 183.25 243.87 243.77 243.67 243.66 243.68 243.69 243.63 348.50 348.42 348.35 348.27 348.25 468.3 468.15 468.04 467.92 467.84 467.67 552.87 552.88 552.77 552.66 552.60 668.97 668.76 668.63 668.36 668.34 803.22 803.04 802.92 802.73 D&H [Bar] 0.2057 0.2057 0.2057 0.2303 0.2302 0.2302 0.2302 0.2302 0.2896 0.2895 0.2893 0.2893 0.2893 0.2893 0.2892 0.3914 0.3913 0.3912 0.3911 0.3911 0.5104 0.5102 0.5101 0.5100 0.5099 0.5097 0.5937 0.5936 0.5934 0.5932 0.5931 0.7085 0.7081 0.7079 0.7076 0.7076 0.8410 0.8408 0.8406 0.8404 Paro [Bar] 0.2338 0.2338 0.2338 0.2584 0.2584 0.2583 0.2583 0.2582 0.3175 0.3175 0.3174 0.3174 0.3174 0.3175 0.3174 0.42 0.4199 0.4198 0.4197 0.4197 0.5376 0.5374 0.5373 0.5371 0.5371 0.5369 0.6207 0.6207 0.6207 0.6205 0.6204 0.7352 0.735 0.7348 0.7345 0.7345 0.8679 0.8678 0.8676 0.8673 No 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 MKS [mBar] 92.47 92.48 92.45 105.99 105.99 105.99 105.98 105.99 105.91 119.55 119.54 119.51 119.51 119.51 D&H [Bar] 0.1413 0.1413 0.1413 0.1546 0.1545 0.1545 0.1545 0.1545 0.1544 0.1678 0.1678 0.1678 0.1678 0.1677 Paro [Bar] 0.1696 0.1696 0.1696 0.1827 0.1828 0.1829 0.1828 0.1829 0.1828 0.1961 0.1961 0.1961 0.1960 0.1960 No 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 MKS [mBar] 802.59 880.95 880.84 880.65 880.52 880.38 879.35 954.49 954.31 954.16 954.09 953.51 954.41 953.79 D&H [Bar] 0.8402 0.9181 0.9179 0.9177 0.9175 0.9174 0.9162 0.9912 0.9909 0.9907 0.9906 0.9900 0.9907 0.9902 Paro [Bar] 0.8672 0.9449 0.9447 0.9446 0.9444 0.9442 0.9431 1.0177 1.0175 1.0173 1.0172 1.0165 1.0175 1.0167 Measurement of vapour pressures of different fluids is conducted with MKS or/and Paro sensors. Thus, relation between reading values from MKS or/and Paro and D&H should be made. From the data in table 3.1 we have relation between reading values of D&H and MKS, equation (3.1), and between reading values of D&H and Paro, equation (3.2). pD&H, cal, MKS [Bar] = 1.06730E-08*pMKS,read*pMKS,read + 9.74513E-04*pMKS,read + 0.051251 (3.1) pD&H, cal, paro [Bar] = 1.45801E-03*pparo,read*pparo,read + 1.00022E+00*pMKS,read – 0.0282029 (3.2) In order to evaluate the calculated data from equation (3.1) and equation (3.2), we plot the differences between calculated data and experimental data in figure 3.2 and relative deviations between calculated data and experimental data in figure 3.3. Figure 3.2 shows that the differences between indicated values of D&H and calculated values from MKS sensor and Paro sensor are within ± 1.0 mBar for pressure up to 1 Bar. The relative deviations between indicated values of D&H and calculated values from MKS sensor and Paro sensor, figure 3.3, are within ± 0.2% for pressure higher than 0.15 Bar. For pressure 30 lower than 0.15 Bar the relative deviations can be reached 7.1% for Paro sensor and 6.8% for MKS sensor. 0.10 0.08 100(PD&H-Pcal ) [Bar] 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 -0.08 -0.10 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 PD&H [Bar] Figure 3.2. Difference between indicated values of D&H and calculated values from (×) MKS sensor and (Ο) Paro sensor. 0.6 100(PD&H-Pcal )/PD&H 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 PD&H [Bar] Figure 3.3. Relative deviations between indicated values of D&H and calculated values from (×) MKS sensor and (Ο) Paro sensor. 31 Accuracy assessment for the calibration Statistical analyses for N (N=122) experimental data are used to determine the overall estimated accuracy of the calibration from equation (3.1) and (3.2). We define Xdata as the reading data from D&H indicator and Xcal is calculated data from either equation (3.1) or (3.2). The difference between Xdata and Xcal is named as: ΔX = Xdata - Xcal The deviation between Xdata and Xcal is: %ΔX = 100(Xdata - Xcal)/ Xdata The average absolute deviation (AAD) is: AAD = The bias or average deviation is: The standard deviation (SDV) is: The root-mean-square (RMS) deviation is: Bias = SDV = 1 N 1 N N ∑ %ΔX i =1 i N ∑ (%ΔX ) i i =1 1 N ∑ (%ΔX i − Bias ) N − 1 i =1 RMS = 1 N N ∑ (%ΔX i ) 2 2 i =1 The results for statistical analyses of the calibration between D&H sensor and other sensors are given in table 3.2. Table 3.2. Statistical analyses of the calibration For reading data For reading data from Quantity from MKS sensor Paro sensor 0.000860 0.000872 Max |ΔX | [Bar] AAD 0.454 0.547 Bias 0.169 0.244 SDV 1.095 1.411 RMS 1.103 1.426 Uncertainty of the measurements: To estimate uncertainty in the pressure measurement, one should consider five sources of errors, namely the uncertainty of the piston-cylinder manometer (Δpref ≤ ±26.66Pa = 0.2 mmHg), the uncertainty of the mercury barometer (Δpbaro ≤ ±30Pa), the uncertainty of pressure transducers (Δptrans,paro ≤ ±10 Pa for the range up to 1 bar and 690Pa 32 for the range up to 6.9MPa; Δptrans,MKS ≤ ±3.33 Pa for the range up to 1.33 kPa and 3199Pa for the range up to 2.67 MPa). The uncertainty of pressure due to the drift after a certain time of calibration should be considered. We assume Δpdrift ≤ ±100Pa after 6 months after calibration. The four errors are systematic errors so they can be added together. Δpsys = Δpref + Δpbaro + Δptrans + Δpdrift. The uncertainty of calibration, Δpcal, is 0.86 Pa for MKS sensor and 0.87 Pa for Paro sensor. The total uncertainty of the apparatus can be written as: Δp2 = Δpsys2 + Δpcal2 If the apparatus is used to measure vapour pressures of fluids within 6 months of calibration, and if maximum vapour pressure is 1 Bar and Paro sensor is used to read experimental data, the total uncertainty of measurement is: Δp = 3.3.2 (26.26 + 30 + 10 + 100)2 + (0.87 )2 = 166.7 Pa Vapour pressure of water The apparatus is used to measure vapour pressures of some industrial products. In this part we present our test for measuring vapour pressures of water at about 35°C and compare them with calculated values from IAPWS-95 [3.1]. In our measurement, we set temperature of thermal bath of Julabo at 35°C, the connecting pipes are maintained at 45°C. Reading values from the thermometer bridge F300 and calculated values from Paro sensor are presented in table 3.3. The results show good agreement with reference data from IAPWS-95 and are within the uncertainty of calibration. Table 3.3. Experimental results and comparisons with calculated data from IAPWS-95 3.4 t [oC] Pexp [Bar] PIAPWS95 [Bar] 100(pexp-pEOS)/ pexp 35.02 35.04 35.02 0.05652 0.05688 0.05715 0.056352 0.056415 0.056352 0.3 0.8 1.4 Summary and conclusions Experimental apparatus for measurement of vapour pressures is constructed. This apparatus can be used to measure vapour pressures up to 2.67 MPa for temperature higher than 107°C and up to 6.9 MPa for temperature lower than 107°C. The temperature range of 33 this apparatus is from -54°C to +200 °C. This apparatus has total uncertainty of 0.17 kPa for pressure up to 100 kPa. Two pressure sensors of MKS and Paro have been calibrated by using D&H sensor for the pressure up to about 1 Bar. Statistical analyses of the calibration show that average absolute deviations of MKS sensor and Paro sensor compared to reference sensor are 0.454% and 0.547%, respectively. The standard deviations of MKS sensor and Paro sensor compared to reference sensor are 1.095 and 1.411, respectively. 34 References [3.1] W. Wagner, A. Pruß, The IAPWS formulation 1995 for the thermodynamic properties of ordinary water substance for general and scientific use. J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 31 (2002) 387 - 535. [3.2] R. Span, W. Wagner, A new equation of state for carbon dioxide covering the fluid region from the triple-point temperature to 1100 K at pressures up to 800 MPa. J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 25 (1996) 1509-1596. [3.3] A. Mueller, J. Winkelmann, J. Fischer. Backone family of equations of state: 1. Nonpolar and polar pure fluids, AIChE J, 42 (1996) 1116–1126. [3.4] U. Weingerl, M. Wendland, J. Fischer, A. Mueller, J. Winkelmann, Backone family of equations of state: 2. 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[3.10] B.Saleh, M.Wendland, Measurents of vapor pressures and saturates liquid densities of pure fluids with a new apparatus. J. Chemical Engineering Data, 50 (2005) 429-437 [3.11] M. Funke, R. Kleinrahm, W. Wagner, Measurement and correlation of the (p,ρ,T) relation of ethane II. Saturated-liquid and saturated-vapour densities and vapour pressures along the entire coexistence curve, J. Chem. Thermodyn. 34 (2002) 2017–2039 35 [3.12] P. Nowak, R. Kleinrahm and W. Wagner, Measurement and correlation of the (p,ρ,T) relation of ethylene: II. Saturated-liquid and saturated-vapour densities and vapour pressures along the entire coexistence curve, J. Chem. Thermodyn. 28 (1996) 1441–1460 [3.13] L. A. Weber, vapour Pressure of Heptane from the Triple Point to the Critical Point, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 45 (2000) 173-176 [3.14] L. A. Weber, vapour pressures and gas-phase PVT data for 1,1-dichloro-2,2,2trifluoroethane, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 35 (1990) 237-240 36 4 Upward extrapolation of saturated liquid densities* Abstract The design of new energy conversion processes requires equations of state for the working fluids. For their construction saturated liquid densities are needed which are not available for some potential working fluids at higher temperatures. Hence we investigate how Racket type equations behave in extrapolations from saturated liquid densities in the temperature range 0.5 ≤ T/Tc ≤ 0.75 up to the critical temperature Tc. Extrapolation methods with different inputs from the critical point are used: a) no critical point data, b) critical temperature, c) critical temperature and pressure, and d) critical temperature and compression factor. It is found that upward extrapolations of the saturated liquid densities without using critical point data can be done with some care and that the additional use of the critical temperature improves the quality of the predictions substantially. 4.1 Introduction The knowledge of saturated liquid densities is important for direct practical applications like sizing a pump. Moreover, saturated liquid densities are also an important auxiliary tool in fitting parameters of physically based equations of state [4.1], or in determining parameters of molecular interaction models [4.2]. Hence, the correlation and extrapolation of saturated liquid densities has been the subject of numerous studies over the decades [4.3-4.20]. Whilst previous work mainly concentrated on correlations of saturated liquid densities or on predictions based on the knowledge of critical point data, we are interested here mainly on predictions of saturated liquid densities at higher temperatures from data measured at lower temperatures. The motivation for this work is the intention to apply physically based equation of state like BACKONE [4.1] for studies of ClausiusRankine [4.21] and heat pump cycles [4.22] also at higher temperatures. As saturated liquid densities are less frequently available at higher temperatures, an extrapolation from low to high temperatures is requested. * See also: N. A. Lai, M. Wendland, J. Fischer, Upward extrapolation of saturated liquid densities, Fluid phase equilibria, 280 (2009) 30-34 37 4.2 Equations and optimization Starting point for our investigations is the Rackett equation [4.13] ln ρ’ = ln ρc - (ln Zc)(1- T/Tc)2/7, (4.1) where ρ´ is the saturated liquid density at temperature T, ρc the critical density, Tc the critical temperature, and Zc is the critical compression factor. The latter is defined as Zc = pc/(ρcRTc) with pc being the critical pressure and R the gas constant. More recently Daubert [4.18] suggested a generalized Racket equation which can be written in the form ln ρ’ = ln ρp - (ln Zp)(1-T/Tp)D, (4.2) where ρp, Tp, D, and Zp are four adjustable parameters. Contrary to Eq. (4.1), Eq. (4.2) does not require any critical point data. Both these equations have advantages and disadvantages depending on their intended use and the available data. The original Rackett equation does not require any adjustable parameters but knowledge of the full set of critical point data ρc, Tc and for Zc also pc. The Daubert equation, on the other hand does not require any critical point data but requires the fit of four adjustable parameters. If the intended use of an equation is correlation of data, in general more adjustable parameters may be helpful. On the other hand, an increasing number of adjustable parameters may lead to inaccuracies for extended extrapolations. It is obvious that the number of adjustable parameters in the Daubert equation can be restricted by equating one or more of them to the corresponding expressions in the Rackett equation, i.e. ρp = ρc, Tp = Tc, D = 2/7, and/or Zp = Zc, which paves the way for our considerations. Here, we consider the following five Rackett-type equations for upward extrapolation of saturated liquid densities. The first equation is ln ρ’ = ln ρp - A(1- T /Tp)2/7, (4.3) which does not require any experimental critical point data and contains the three fit parameters ρp, A, and Tp. Here and in the following we call ρp pseudo-critical density and Tp pseudo-critical temperature. The second equation is ln ρ’ = ln ρp – A(1- T /Tc)2/7, (4.4) 38 which requires the experimental critical temperature Tc and contains the two fit parameters ρp and A. The third equation is that given by Spencer and Danner [4.14] ln ρ’ = ln ρp – (lnZp)(1-T/Tc)2/7, (4.5) which requires the experimental critical temperature Tc and the experimental critical pressure pc and contains only the pseudo-critical density ρp as fit parameter. The pseudocompression factor Zp is related to Tc, pc and ρp by Zp = pc/ρpRTc. In the original work [4.14] the present Zp was called ZRA and considered as fit parameter which, however, is equivalent to the present procedure. Whilst the above three equations, Eq. (4.3) to Eq. (4.5), all use the exponent (2/7) suggested by Rackett, one may alternatively also try a compression factor as exponent. Then, one arrives from Eq. (4.5) directly at ln ρ’ = ln ρp – (lnZp)(1-T/Tc)Zp, (4.6) which again requires the experimental critical temperature Tc and the experimental critical pressure pc and contains only the pseudo-critical density ρp as fit parameter. Finally, starting from Eq. (4.4) and replacing (2/7) by Zc yields ln ρ’ = ln ρp - A (1- T /Tc)Zc (4.7) which requires all experimental critical data Tc, pc, ρc, as Zc = pc/ρcRTc and contains the two fit parameters ρp and A. In order to find the parameters of Eqs. (4.3) to (4.7), we use the objective function Σi (ln ρ’cal,i - ln ρ’exp,i)2 → Min. (4.8) where the ρ’cal,i are the calculated and the ρ’exp,i are the experimental densities in the temperature range where the fit is performed. By rewriting the ln terms as ln [1 +(ρ’cal,i ρ’exp,i)/ ρ’exp,i] and performing a series expansion one finds that (ln ρ’cal,i - ln ρ’exp,i )2 ≈ [( ρ’cal,i - ρ’exp,i)/ ρ’exp,i]2 which are the usual terms in the objective function. For Eq. (4.3), we guess some value for Tp and perform therewith a linear regression to find A and ln ρp. Then we search for that Tp which minimizes the objective function for Eq. (4.3). For Eqs. (4.4) and (4.7) a linear regression is made to find A and ln ρp. For Eq. (4.5) and (4.6) only ρp has to be found which can be done iteratively. 39 4.3 Substances and data sources In order to study the extrapolation of saturated liquid densities from low to high temperatures we consider 18 substances from different molecular classes for which experimental data or reference equations of state (EOS) are available up to the critical point. The critical temperatures Tc, the critical pressures pc, the critical densities ρc, the critical compression factors Zc as well as the temperature ranges of experimental or EOS data together with the references for the saturated liquid densities and the critical point data are given in Table 4.1. For the discussion of the results in the subsequent Section a rough molecular classification of the fluids could be: a) anorganic substances (argon, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, sulfur hexafluoride), b) alkanes (ethane, propane, n-butane, n-pentane, n-hexane), c) alkenes (ethylene), d) siloxanes (octamethyltrisiloxane), e) aromates (benzene, toluene), f) refrigerants (R134a, R143a, R152a), and g) alcohols (methanol, trifluoroethanol). 4.4 Results and discussions In order to get a consistent picture, we fitted Eqs. (4.3) to (4.7) to data from experiments or reference EOS. In principle this was done in the reduced temperature range 0.50 ≤ Tr ≤ 0.75 with Tr = T/Tc. In some cases, however, the lowest fit temperature had to be higher than 0.50 Tr. One example is carbon dioxide where the reduced triple point temperature is known to be rather high. Another example is benzene, for which the reference EOS is based on saturated liquid density data only above 290 K [4.36]. The fitting range and the number of data points used for fitting are given in the last two columns of Table 4.1. In case that the fit was made directly to experimental data, the strategy was to use all data points from the referenced source in the given temperature range. In case that the fit was made to data from a reference EOS, temperature intervals of 10 K were taken within the given temperature range. We found that using smaller temperature intervals (5 K or 2.5 K) had negligible influence on the results. 40 Table 4.1: Critical temperatures Tc, pressures pc, densities ρc, and compression factors Zc, the temperature ranges of experimental or reference-EOS data, and references for the densities and the critical point (CP) data. In the last two columns the fitting range and the number of data points used for fitting are given. (Zc = pc/(ρcRTc) with R = 8.314472 J/mol K) Fitting ρc Exp. or EOS Ref. range Tc No. of Ref. CP Substance pc [MPa] Zc T-range [K] densities Tmin- fit points [K] [mol/l] Tmax argon 150.687 4.863 13.407 0.2895 84.0-150.7 [4.23] [4.23] 84-115 9 nitrogen 126.192 3.3958 11.184 0.2894 64.0-125.0 [4.24] [4.24] 64-93 16 1 CO2 304.134 7.3783 10.625 0.2746 217.0 – 304.0 [4.25] [4.26] 217-230 7 2 SF6 318.723 3.755 5.082 0.2788 224.0-314.6 [4.27] [4.27] 224-240 6 ethane 305.322 4.8722 6.857 0.2799 91.0-303.0 [4.28] [4.28] 150-230 10 [4.29], propane 369.825 4.24709 4.955 0.2788 85.5 - 369.8 [4.29]* 190-280 10 [4.30] n-butane 425.125 3.796 3.9200 0.2740 134.9 - 425.1 [4.31]* [4.32] 210-320 12 * n-pentane 469.7 3.370 3.2156 0.2684 143.5 - 469.7 [4.33] [4.33] 240-350 12 263.2-428.3 [4.11] [4.11] 263-373 10 n-hexane 507.9 3.035 2.7282 0.2634 428.3- 507.8 [4.33]* ethylene 282.35 5.0418 7.637 0.2812 104.0-280.0 [4.34] [4.34] 140-210 19 3 MDM 564.13 1.415 1.134 0.2660 273.2 - 563.4 [4.35] [4.35] 287-426 10 ** benzene 562.05 4.894 3.9561 0.2647 290-562 [4.36]* [4.36] 290-420 14 * ** toluene 591.75 4.1263 3.169 0.2646 290- 591 [4.36] [4.36] 295-445 16 R134a4 374.21 4.059 5.0176 0.2600 169.8 - 374.2 [4.37]* [4.37] 190-280 10 5 * R143a 345.857 3.7610 5.12845 0.2550 161.3 - 345.8 [4.38] [4.38] 170-260 10 6 * R152a 386.411 4.51675 5.57145 0.2523 154.6 - 386.4 [4.39] [4.40] 190-290 11 methanol 512.6 8.1035 8.60 0.2211 175.6 - 512.6 [4.41]* [4.41] 260-380 13 7 TFE 499.29 4.87 4.838 0.2425 263.1 - 473.1 [4.42] [4.42] 263-376 10 * The saturated liquid densities are taken from NIST thermophysical properties [4.43] which are based on the references given. ** The critical point data are taken from NIST thermophysical properties [4.43] which are based on the reference given. 1 Carbon Dioxide, 2Sulfur Hexafluoride, 3Octamethyltrisiloxane, 4 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane, 51,1,1-trifluoro-ethane, 61,1-difluoroethane, 7 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol Upward extrapolation results from Eqs (4.3) to (4.7) for the 18 substances are shown in Tables 4.2 to 4.4. Table 4.2 and 4.3 show the deviations Δρ = (ρ’cal - ρ’exp)/ρ’exp of the extrapolated saturated densities from the underlying experimental or reference EOS data, both denoted as ρ’exp, for the reduced temperature Tr = 0.90 and Tr = 0.95. Table 4.4 shows the pseudo-critical temperatures Tp from Eq. (4.3) and the deviations Δρp = (ρp 41 ρc)/ρc of the extrapolated densities at the pseudo-critical temperature Tp in case of Eq. (4.3) and at the critical temperature Tc in case of Eqs. (4.4) to (4.7). Table 4.5 shows average absolute deviations (AAD) over all substances at the temperatures 0.90 Tc, 0.95 Tc and Tp. The latter agrees with Tc for Eqs. (4.4) to (4.7), for Eq. (4.3) the Tp values are given in Table 4.4. Moreover, deviations between the densities calculated from Eqs. (4.3) to (4.5) and the experimental or reference EOS data are shown as function of the temperature in Figure 4.1 for carbon dioxide, in Figure 4.2 for hexane, and in Figure 4.3 for R134a. Table 4.2: Relative deviations Δρ = (ρ’cal - ρ’exp)/ρ’exp of extrapolated saturated liquid densities at T = 0.9Tc from experimental or reference EOS data. The extrapolation was made by Eq. (4.3) to Eq. (4.7) from the experimental or reference EOS data in the range of reduced temperatures Tr = T/Tc given in column 2. The last line shows the average absolute deviations (AAD). Substance Tr range for fit ρ’exp [mol/l] Eq. (4.3) Δρ [%] Eq. (4.4) Δρ [%] Eq. (4.5) Δρ [%] Eq. (4.6) Δρ [%] Eq. (4.7) Δρ [%] argon nitrogen CO2 SF6 ethane propane n-butane n-pentane n-hexane ethylene MDM benzene toluene R134a R143a R152a methanol TFE 0.56-0.76 0.51-0.74 0.71-0.76 0.70-0.75 0.49-0.75 0.51-0.76 0.49-0.75 0.51-0.75 0.52-0.73 0.50-0.74 0.51-0.76 0.52-0.75 0.50-0.75 0.51-0.75 0.49-0.75 0.49-0.75 0.51-0.74 0.53-0.75 25.128 21.126 20.995 9.923 13.180 9.723 7.724 6.388 5.442 14.649 2.328 7.648 6.320 10.127 10.351 11.311 18.015 10.074 0.35 0.60 0.38 0.26 0.89 0.87 1.16 1.53 0.89 1.14 2.66 1.89 1.83 1.72 1.73 1.59 4.14 -0.61 0.15 0.07 0.10 0.37 0.06 0.04 -0.03 0.16 -0.42 -0.12 -1.13 -0.66 0.02 -0.11 -0.23 0.00 1.40 2.40 0.46 0.59 0.50 -0.16 0.03 -0.14 -0.36 -0.68 -0.93 0.39 0.10 0.06 -0.56 -0.47 -0.67 -0.68 -5.79 -2.97 0.16 0.36 1.11 0.19 0.32 0.40 0.42 0.40 0.43 0.64 2.07 1.06 0.77 1.22 1.28 1.49 -2.28 -0.49 0.20 0.13 -0.02 0.30 -0.04 -0.07 -0.23 -0.13 -0.82 -0.20 -1.46 -1.03 -0.35 -0.56 -0.78 -0.61 0.38 1.76 42 Table 4.3: Relative deviations Δρ = (ρ’cal - ρ’exp)/ρ’exp of extrapolated saturated liquid densities at T = 0.95Tc from experimental or reference EOS data. The extrapolation was made by Eq. (4.3) to Eq. (4.7) from the experimental or reference EOS data in the range of reduced temperatures Tr = T/Tc given in column 2. The last line shows the average absolute deviations (AAD). Substance argon nitrogen CO2 SF6 ethane propane n-butane n-pentane n-hexane ethylene MDM benzene toluene R134a R143a R152a methanol TFE Tr range for fit 0.56-0.76 0.51-0.74 0.71-0.76 0.70-0.75 0.49-0.75 0.51-0.76 0.49-0.75 0.51-0.75 0.52-0.73 0.50-0.74 0.51-0.76 0.52-0.75 0.50-0.75 0.51-0.75 0.49-0.75 0.49-0.75 0.51-0.74 0.53-0.75 ρ’exp [mol/l] 22.308 18.738 18.506 8.795 11.677 8.608 6.838 5.642 4.820 12.973 2.054 6.758 5.567 8.916 9.113 9.947 15.864 8.838 Eq. (4.3) Δρx100 1.04 1.76 1.31 0.45 2.58 2.59 3.33 4.23 2.96 3.31 7.49 5.47 5.21 4.90 4.99 4.46 10.27 -9.73 43 Eq. (4.4) Δρx100 0.44 0.32 0.37 0.80 0.37 0.34 0.23 0.69 -0.43 0.04 -1.56 -0.78 0.59 0.24 0.05 0.37 3.66 4.85 Eq. (4.5) Δρx100 0.89 1.05 0.99 -0.01 0.32 0.08 -0.24 -0.49 -1.13 0.75 0.09 0.23 -0.21 -0.27 -0.57 -0.57 -6.45 -2.87 Eq. (4.6) Δρx100 0.51 0.77 1.82 0.45 0.68 0.75 0.72 0.84 0.53 1.06 2.46 1.47 1.42 1.83 1.84 2.10 -2.11 0.25 Eq. (4.7) Δρx100 0.57 0.46 0.08 0.62 0.16 0.09 -0.20 0.05 -1.27 -0.13 -2.29 -1.57 -0.20 -0.73 -1.14 -0.93 1.42 3.40 Table 4.4: Relative deviations Δρp = (ρp - ρc)/ρc of the pseudo-critical densities ρp from experimental or reference EOS critical densities ρc. The extrapolation was made by Eq. (4.3) to Eq. (4.7) on the basis of experimental or reference EOS data in the range of reduced temperatures Tr = T/Tc given in Table 4.3. For Eq. (4.3) ρp is taken at the pseudo-critical temperature Tp, whilst for the other equations ρp is taken at the experimental critical temperature Tc used in these equations. The last line shows the average absolute deviations (AAD) of the pseudo-critical densities. Subst. argon nitrogen CO2 SF6 ethane propane n-butane n-pentane n-hexane ethylene MDM benzene toluene R134a R143a R152a methanol TFE Tc [K] 150.687 126.192 304.134 318.723 305.322 369.825 425.125 469.7 507.9 282.35 564.13 562.05 591.75 374.21 345.857 386.411 512.6 499.29 ρc [mol/l] 13.407 11.184 10.625 5.082 6.857 4.955 3.9200 3.2156 2.7282 7.637 1.134 3.9561 3.169 5.0176 5.12845 5.57145 8.60 4.838 Eq. (4.3) Tp [K] 151.354 127.526 306.479 317.869 310.589 376.426 435.985 483.876 521.976 290.010 632.519 597.907 616.446 389.675 361.180 399.554 556.062 476.759 Eq. (4.3) Δρpx100 -2.84 -4.35 -3.11 3.39 -4.76 -3.52 -5.39 -5.37 -6.36 -8.67 -31.44 -19.99 -9.38 -9.90 -11.15 -7.83 -2.20 30.75 Eq. (4.4) Δρpx100 -1.63 -1.66 -0.51 2.51 -0.28 1.32 1.36 2.63 0.97 -1.72 -1.37 -4.14 1.61 1.19 0.61 1.39 18.28 19.39 Eq. (4.5) Δρpx100 -0.61 -0.02 1.10 0.40 -0.38 0.73 0.27 -0.11 -0.63 -0.12 2.28 -1.87 -0.25 0.00 -0.79 -0.78 -6.49 -5.73 Eq. (4.6) Δρpx100 -0.35 0.15 0.28 -0.06 -0.60 0.29 -0.32 -0.94 -1.62 -0.31 1.11 -2.63 -1.25 -1.28 -2.20 -2.34 -8.91 -8.19 Table 4.5: Average absolute deviations (AAD) of the extrapolated densities of all 18 substances at the temperatures 0.90 Tc, 0.95 Tc and Tp. The latter agrees with Tc for Eq. (4.4) to (4.7), for Eq. (4.3) the Tp values are given in Table 4.4. T 0.90 Tc 0.95 Tc Tp Eq. (4.3) Δρx100/N 1.35 4.23 9.47 Eq. (4.4) Δρx100/N 0.42 0.90 3.48 Eq. (4.5) Δρx100/N 0.86 0.96 1.25 44 Eq. (4.6) Δρx100/N 0.84 1.20 1.82 Eq. (4.7) Δρx100/N 0.50 0.85 5.28 Eq. (4.7) Δρpx100 -0.45 -0.47 -4.09 0.35 -2.22 -1.04 -2.72 -3.50 -7.03 -3.22 -8.59 -11.43 -5.95 -8.23 -10.79 -11.19 -7.60 -6.08 100x(ρ'cal-ρ'exp )/ρ'exp 5 4 3 2 1 0 217 -1 210 230 230 304.134 250 270 290 310 T [K] Figure 4.1. Deviation plot of calculated from experimental saturated liquid densities [4.25] for CO2. The fit was made to experimental data between the first (217 K) and the second vertical line (230 K). The results between the second and the third vertical line (critical temperature at 304 K) are obtained from extrapolation. Results are shown from: - o - Eq. (4.3); ⎯■⎯ Eq. (4.4); ⎯•⎯ Eq. (4.5). 4 100x(ρ'cal-ρ'exp )/ρ'exp 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 263 -3 240 507.9 372 290 340 390 440 490 540 T [K] Figure 4.2. Deviation plot of calculated saturated liquid densities from experimental [4.11] and reference EOS [4.33] values for n-hexane. The fit was made to experimental data between the first (263 K) and the second vertical line (372 K). The results between the second and the third vertical line (critical temperature at 507.9 K) are obtained from extrapolation. Up to 428 K comparison is made with experimental values [4.11], for higher temperatures comparison is made with the reference EOS [4.33]. Results are shown from: o - Eq. (4.3); ⎯■⎯ Eq. (4.4); ⎯•⎯ Eq. (4.5). 45 100x(ρ'cal-ρ'exp )/ρ'exp 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 150 280 190 200 250 374.21 300 350 400 T [K] Figure 4.3. Deviation plot of calculated saturated liquid densities from reference EOS [4.37] values for R134a. The fit was made to experimental data between the first (190 K) and the second vertical line (280 K). The results between the second and the third vertical line (critical temperature at 374.2 K) are obtained from extrapolation. Results are shown from: - o - Eq. (4.3); ⎯■⎯ Eq. (4.4); ⎯•⎯ Eq. (4.5). Let us start with a discussion of the results from Eq. (4.3), which needs only saturated liquid densities up to 0.75 Tr and no critical point data for the upward extrapolation. From Tables 4.2 to 4.4 we make the following observations for the different molecular classes. a) For the anorganic substances argon, nitrogen, CO2, and SF6 the density deviations are very small and far below the AADs. Also the values of the predicted pseudo-critical temperatures are quite good. We should note that in these cases the extrapolation was made from very accurate experimental data [4.23-4.27]. b) For the alkanes ethane, propane, n-butane, n-pentane, and n-hexane the density deviations are small and in general smaller than the AADs. The pseudo-critical temperatures Tp are larger than the critical temperatures Tc by 1.7 to 3.0%. Whilst we would have expected a systematic tendency in the deviations in the series from ethane to hexane, this tendency (mostly increasing deviations with increasing chain length) holds only from ethane to n-pentane and then turns for hexane. Regarding the underlying data sources, ethane was fitted to very accurate experimental data [4.28], propane to n-pentane to reference EOS data [4.29-4.33], whilst hexane was fitted to the most accurate 46 experimental data available [4.11]. For hexane, we also made a fit to the densities of a reference EOS [4.33] at the same temperatures. Whilst the difference between the experimental and the reference EOS densities is rather small, the fit to the reference EOS densities gave larger deviations in the extrapolation. c) For the alkene ethylene the extrapolation was made from very accurate experimental data [4.34]. The density deviations are smaller than the AADs but in general larger than those of the alkanes. The pseudo-critical temperature Tp is larger than the critical temperature Tc by 2.7%. This is somewhat surprising as we would have expected smaller deviations like for ethane or carbon dioxide. d) From the siloxanes we investigated octamathlytrisiloxane (MDM), for which densities have been measured with two different experimental devices in two separate temperature ranges [4.35]. As the density at 361.82 K seemed to be inconsistent with the other data it was eliminated from the fit. Nevertheless the deviations of the extrapolated from the experimental densities are rather large. e) For the aromates benzene and toluene the extrapolations are based on saturated liquid densities from the Bender equation [4.36]. The deviations of the extrapolated from the EOS densities are larger than the AADs and are larger for benzene than for toluene. f) For the refrigerants R134a, R143a, and R152a the extrapolations are again based on saturated liquid densities resulting from reference EOSs [4.37 – 4.39]. The deviations correspond to the AADs and are very similar for all three fluids. g) Finally, the extrapolations for the alcohols show in general for methanol large deviations from the reference EOS [4.41] and for trifluoroethanol large deviations from the experimental data [4.42]. Moreover, the deviations go into opposite directions. Next, we consider the results from Eq. (4.4) which needs besides saturated liquid densities up to 0.75 Tr also the critical temperature Tc for the upward extrapolation. We see from Tables 4.2 to 4.4 that the prediction of the densities is substantially improved in comparison with Eq. (4.3) by using the experimental critical temperature as additional information. The AADs of the relative density deviations decrease at Tr = 0.90 to 0.42 % (1.35%), at Tr = 0.95 to 0.90% (4.23%), and for the pseudo-critical densities the deviations decrease to 3.48 % (9.47%), where the numbers in brackets denote the 47 corresponding AADs from Eq. (4.3). Regarding the different molecular classes we see that the predictions are nearly equally good for the anorganic substances, the alkanes, ethylene, the refrigerants, and toluene. The predictions are less good for benzene, MDM and the alcohols. It seems appropriate to consider now Eq. (4.7). We remind that the difference between Eq. (4.7) and Eq. (4.4) is in the exponent of (1- T/Tc), which is 2/7 in Eq. (4.4) and Zc in Eq. (4.7). This means, that Eq. (4.4) requires as critical data input only Tc, whilst Eq. (7) requires Tc, ρc, and pc. Looking now on the AADs given in Table 4.5 we see that there is practically no difference in the predictions of the densities at Tr = 0.90 and 0.95, whilst the predicted critical densities are worse from Eq. (4.7) in comparison with Eq. (4.4). Finally, we consider Eqs. (4.5) and (4.6) which both use in addition to the saturated liquid densities at lower temperatures the experimental critical temperature Tc and the critical pressure pc. We observe from Table 4.5 that the overall deviations from these extrapolation methods are larger for Tr = 0.90 than the results from Eq. (4.4). They become, however, nearly equally good for Tr = 0.95. Moreover Eqs. (4.5) and (4.6) allow good predictions of the critical density except for the alcohols as can be seen from Table 4.4. Deviation plots of calculated from experimental saturated liquid densities are shown in Fig 4.1 for CO2, in Fig 4.2 for hexane, and in Figure 4.3 for R134a. The plots show the results from Eq. (4.3), Eq. (4.4) and Eq. (4.5). The fit to experimental data was made between the first and the second vertical line which indicates Tr ≈ 0.75. The results from extrapolation are shown between the second and the third vertical line which indicates the critical temperature. 4.5 Summary and conclusions In Eq. (4.3) only saturated liquid densities in a temperature range up to T/Tc = 0.75 are used for upward extrapolation. It yields very good extrapolations for the anorganic substances, good extrapolations for the alkanes, reasonable results for ethylene, systematic tendencies for the refrigerants and to some extent also for the aromates. Unfortunately, the results for MDM and the alcohols are less encouraging. In Eq. (4.4) the critical temperature Tc is used as additional experimental information. This decreases the deviations of the extrapolations substantially to about 30% of those from Eq. (4.3). Replacement of the 48 exponent 2/7 of (1- T/Tc) in Eq. (4.4) by Zc in Eq. (4.7) requires additional knowledge of the critical pressure pc and the critical density ρc. The use of Zc does not improve the extrapolation results but makes them alltoghether even slightly worse in comparison with Eq. (4.4). Finally, Eqs. (4.5) and (4.6) which use the experimental critical temperature Tc and the critical pressure pc as additional information have merits in the predictions of the density close to the critical temperature. The conclusions of the present investigation are that upward extrapolations of the saturated liquid densities can be done by Eq. (4.3) with some care and that the additional use of the critical temperature according to Eq. (4.4) improves the quality of the predictions substantially. Good estimates of the critical density can be obtained by Eqs. 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The Helmholtz energy A in the form of a generalized van der Waals equation can be written for non-polar fluids as A = AH + AA, where AH accounts for contribution of the short-range repulsion, and AA for long-range attractive dispersion. In this form, Helmholtz energy of attractive dispersion contribution AA can be found by fitting to experimental data of real fluids provided that Helmholtz energy of hard body contribution AH is known. The Helmholtz energy of hard body contribution can be derived from equations of state for hard bodies like hard spheres, hard convex bodies, hard fused spheres and hard chain molecules. The hard bodies are the cores for simulations and constructions of equations of state. For instance, computer simulation is carried out for square well potential [5.1 - 5.3]. Constructions of BACK (Boublik-Alder-Chen-Kreglewski) equation of state [5.4, 5.5] and BACKONE [5.6, 5.7] equation of state were based on equation for hard convex bodies. PCSAFT [5.8] equation of state was based on equation for hard chain molecules. Because BACKONE and PC-SAFT equations of state are used in this thesis and because of the importance of the hard bodies, it is necessary to review theory studies of available equations for hard bodies and relations between Helmholtz energy and thermodynamic quantities from different approaches. Following sections will review and compare, if possible, the equations of state and Helmholtz energy for hard spheres, hard chain systems, hard convex bodies and hard dumbbells. 54 5.2 5.2.1 Hard spheres Background Volume Vm of a hard sphere molecule with diameter σ is Vm = 4π/3(σ/2)3. Let consider a system with volume V and N molecules. The packing fraction of the system η is η= N.Vm/V. From number density ρ = N/V, one has relation η = ρπσ3/6. Geometrically, the most dense packing is ρmaxd3 = √2 and hence ηmax = 0.74048. Coordinates of N hard spheres are denoted as r1, r2…rN. The distance between spheres i and j is calculated by ri,j = |ri – rj|. Potential energy between the two spheres i and j is uij = u(rij). If distance between centres of two spheres is denoted as r, equation for hard sphere potential is written as: ⎧∞ ⎪ u (r ) = ⎨ ⎪⎩ 0 r <σ r ≥σ (5.1) The pressure is a macroscopic quantity and hence by definition an average value on the microscopic scale (pressure is the average of the transferred molecular momentum) we have: pV/NkT = 1 + (1/3NkT) <W> (5. 2) where <W> is average value of virial W, W= - Σi<jrijdu(rij)/drij. The average value of virial is calculated with the help of the pair correlation function g(r1, r2) as: <W> = - (Nρ/2) ∫ [r12 ∂u(r1, r2)/ ∂r12] g(r1, r2)dr12 (5. 3) The pair correlation function for a real fluid of spherical molecules can be experimented by either Roentgen or neutron scattering method. The results from neutron scattering experiment of Yarnell et al. [5.9] are in good agreement with the predictions from Monte Carlo simulation [5.10] for Argon at 85 K, figure 5.1. 55 Figure 5.1. The pair correlation function of liquid argon at 85K from neutron scattering experiment (line) of Yarnell et al. [5.9] and Monte Carlo calculation (dot) of Barker et al. [5.10]. In this section, we focus on spherical molecules for which Eq. (5.3) writes as <W>= - (Nρ/2) ∫ [r du(r)/ dr] g(r) dr (5.4) With the help of the background correlation function y(r) which is defined as g(r) = e-ßu y(r). (5.5) one obtains [du(r)/ dr] g(r) = [du(r)/ dr] e-ßu y(r). (5.6) Moreover the relation holds [du(r)/ dr] e-ßu = - (1/ß) de-ßu/ dr (5.7) which yields by insertion into Eq. (5.4) <W>= (1/ ß)(Nρ/2) ∫ r [de-ßu/ dr]y(r) dr (5.8) For the particular case of the hard sphere potential Eq. (5.1) the exponential of the potential is just the Heaviside (or unit step) function e-ßu = θ (r-d) (5.9) which by differentiation yields the Dirac delta function 56 dθ (r-d)/dr = δ(r-d) (5.10) Inserting Eqs. (5.9) and (5.10) into Eq. (5.8) yields <W>= (1/ ß)(Nρ/2) ∫ r δ(r-d) y(r) dr (5.11) By using the spherical symmetry one has for the volume element dr = 4πr2dr, and hence <W>= (2π/ ß)(Nρ) ∫ r3δ(r-d) y(r) dr. (5.12) According to the properties of the Dirac delta function the integral yields ∫ r3δ(r-d) y(r) dr = d3y(d), (5.13) and as for hard spheres according to Eqs. (5.5) and (5.9) y(d) = g(d), one obtains from Eqs. (5.12) and (5.13) <W> = (2π/ ß)(Nρ) d3 g(d). (5.14) Finally, by insertion of <W> from Eq. (5.14) into Eq. (5.2) and using the packing fraction η = ρπd3/6 one obtains pV/NkT = p/ρkT =1 + 4ηg(d) (5.15) By inversion of Eq. (5.15) one can also obtain the pair correlation function at contact g(d) from the compression factor p/ρkT as g(d) = (1/4η)[( p/ρkT) – 1] (5.16) The pair correlation at contact for a hard sphere system can only be determined by either theory (approximately) or by simulations (with simulation uncertainty). Figure 5.2 presents relation between pair correlation function and reduced distance of hard sphere from Percus-Yevick integral equation and simulation data. 57 Figure 5.2. Relation between pair correlation function and reduced distance of hard sphere: − Percus-Yevick integral equation, • simulation data. Hoover and Ree [5.11] carried out Monte-Carlo (MC) simulation of system of hard spheres for solid and liquid to study melting transition and to discover the densities of the coexisting phases. According to Hoover and Ree [5.11], the relative close-packing of coexisting phases for fluid and solid are 0.667 and 0.736, figure 5.3. From the most dense packing ηmax = 0.74048, one has the packing fraction at freezing η = 0.494 and packing fraction at melting η = 0.545. Hence, for hard spheres the liquid is restricted to 0< η < 0.494. Figure 5.3. Experimental results from Monte-Carlo simulation for system of hard spheres. 58 5.2.2 Equation of state for hard spheres There are two approaches for calculation of equations of state when the radial distribution function is known. The first approach derived from virial theorem refers to pressure equation. The second approach based on Ornstein-Zernike relation [5.12] refers to compressibility equation. The two approaches must give the same equation of state if radial distribution function is exact. In 1957, Percus and Yevick (PY) [5.13] presented approximate integral equation for determination of the radial distribution function. They pointed out that their equation lead to good results for the fourth virial coefficient of hard sphere gas. An analytic solution for the Percus and Yevick equation for hard spheres [5.13] was found by Thiele [5.14] in 1963. With this solution, the pressure equation of state (PY-p) is: p/ρkT = [1+ 2η + 3η2]/(1-η)2, (5.17) and the compressibility equation of state (PY-c) is: p/ρkT = [1+ η + η2]/(1-η)3. (5.18) In 1969, Carnahan and Starling [5.15] (CS) carried out analysis of the reduced virial series and proposed equation (5.19): p/ρkT = [1+ η + η2 - η3]/(1-η)3. (5.19) The equation of Carnahan and Starling has been proved to be accurate and has been used by many researchers. Another potential equation of state for hard spheres is proposed by Kolafa, Boublik and Nezbeda [5.16] (KBN): p/ρkT = [1+ η + η2 – (2/3)η3 – (2/3)η4]/(1-η)3 (5.20) In order to examine the differences between two proposed models of Carnahan and Starling (CS) and Kolafa et al. (KBN), we vary packing fraction from 0.1 to 0.5 with a step of 0.1 and make a comparison, table 5.1. We observe that the differences between CS and KBN are very small and nearly within MC uncertainties, table 5.1. 59 Table 5.1. Comparison between equation of state for hard spheres of CS and KBN η 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 5.2.3 CS 1.5213 2.4063 3.9738 6.9259 13.0000 KBN 1.5217 2.4094 3.9843 6.9457 13.0000 Δ = KBN - CS 0.0004 0.0031 0.0105 0.0198 0.0000 (Δ/CS) in % 0.03 0.13 0.26 0.29 0.00 Helmholtz energy for hard spheres Residual Helmholtz energy can be calculated from compression factor Z as following: η Ar dη = ∫ (Z − 1) η RT 0 (5.21) From equation of state for hard spheres of Carnahan and Starling (5.19), and the relation (5.21), we obtain an equation for Helmholtz energy for system of hard spheres: Ar , HS −CS RT η = ∫ (Z HS −CS − 1) 0 dη η = η (4 − 3η ) (1 − η )2 (5.22) Similarly, Helmholtz energy of hard spheres from Kolafa, Boublik and Nezbeda approach (KBN) can be obtained as: ( ) Ar , HS − KBN η 34 − 33η + 4η 2 − 10(1 − η )2 ln (1 − η ) = 2 RT 6(1 − η ) 5.3 5.3.1 (5.23) Hard chain systems Results from Wertheim SAFT theory A chain-like molecule consists of atoms with different diameters. For simplicity, in theory study, one usually considers a chain of m hard spheres with the same diameter d, figure 5.4. The sphere 1 and sphere m are in tangent contact with only one neighbour sphere 2 and m-1, respectively. The other spheres are in tangent contact with only 2 60 neighbour spheres. The difference between molecular classes can be represented by differences of the diameter d and number of hard spheres m. 1 2 3 d m Figure 5.4. Model of hard chain system The relation between number density of a chain ρ and number density of hard spheres ρ0 is ρ0 = mρ. The packing fraction is: π π η = ρ0 . d 3 = mρ . d 3 6 6 The compression factor of the spherical associating molecular system can be obtained by using the SAFT approach of Wertheim [5.17 - 5.20] and its applications by Chapman et al. [5.21, 5.22]. Expression in terms of compression factor of hard spheres and chain contribution is written as: p/ρ0kT = ZHS + Zchain or p/ρkT = mZHS + mZchain (5.24) in which Zchain = - [(m-1)/m]{1 + ρ[∂lng(d)/∂ρ]} (5.25) or mZchain = - [(m-1)]{1 + ρ[∂lng(d)/∂ρ]} = - [(m-1)]{1 + η[∂lng(d)/∂η]} Helmholtz energy of a system of hard chains in the WERTHEIM approach can be calculated as: Ar , HCM RT η = ∫ ( Z HCM − 1) 0 dη η (5.26) We have ZHCM – 1 = mZHS + mZchain - 1 = m (ZHS -1) + m Zchain + (m-1) = m (ZHS -1) – (m -1)η[∂lng(d)/∂η]} 61 Now we have ∫(ZHCM -1)(dη/η) = m∫(ZHS -1)(dη/η) - (m-1)∫η[∂lng(d)/∂η]}(dη/η) or 5.3.2 ∫(ZHCM -1)(dη/η) = m∫(ZHS -1)(dη/η) – (m-1).lng(d) (5.27) Hard chain equation using Carnahan- Starling equation From Carnahan- Starling equation of state (5.19) and equation for pair correlation at contact (5.15) we have: 1 +η +η 2 −η3 = 1 + 4ηg (1 − η )3 1 or 1− η η −2 2 g= = 3 3 2(η − 1) (1 − η ) we have ln(g) = ln(1- ½η) – 3 ln (1-η) (5.28) or ∂lng(d)/∂η = -1/(2-η) + 3/(1-η) (5.29) Inserting (5.29) into Eq. (5.25), we have Zchain = - [(m-1)/m] {1 + η(-1/(2-η) + 3/(1-η))} The compression factor of the spherical associating molecular system from Carnahan-Starling approach can be rewritten as: ZHCM-CS = p/ρkT = mZHS-CS + mZchain Z HCM −CS η 1 + η + η 2 −η 3 3η =m − (m − 1)(1 − + ) 3 2 −η 1 −η (1 − η ) (5.30) From equations (5.22), (5.26) and (5.27) and (5.28) we have: Ar,HCM-CS/RT = m[η(4-3η)/(1-η)2] - (m-1)ln[(1- ½η)/(1-η)3] 5.3.3 Hard chain equation using Kolafa-Boublik-Nezbeda equation From the equation of state of Kolafa-Boublik-Nezbeda (KBN) p = ρkT 2 2 1+η +η2 − η3 − η4 3 3 (1 − η )3 and the pair correlation at contact 62 (5.31) p = 1 + 4ηg ρkT We have 2 2 1+η +η2 − η3 − η 4 3 3 1 + 4ηg = (1 − η )3 or g= We have 12 − 6η + η 2 − 2η 3 3 12(1 − η ) (5.32) ∂Ln( g (d )) 5(− 6 + 2η + η 2 ) =− ∂η 12 − 18η + 7η 2 − 3η 3 + 2η 4 As given above, mZchain = - [(m-1)]{1 + η[∂ln(g(d))/∂η]} we have and Z HCM − KBN mZ chain = −(m − 1) 12 + 12η − 3η 2 − 8η 3 + 2η 4 12 − 18η + 7η 2 − 3η 3 + 2η 4 2 2 1+η +η2 − η3 − η4 2 3 4 3 3 − (m − 1) 12 + 12η − 3η − 8η + 2η =m 12 − 18η + 7η 2 − 3η 3 + 2η 4 (1 − η )3 (5.33) The equation (5.33) is identical to equation 9 in [5.22]. Thus, equation 3 in [5.23] has a typing mistake in the last term. From equations (5.23), (5.26), (5.27) and (5.32) we have: Ar , HCM − KBN ⎛ 12 − 6η + η 2 − 2η 3 ⎞ η (34 − 33η + 4η 2 ) 5m ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (5.34) ( ) ( ) =m − − − − ln 1 η 1 ln m 2 3 3 RT 6(1 − η ) 12(1 − η ) ⎝ ⎠ 5.3.4 Comparison among simulation data, results from CS and KBN equations Comparison between results derived from CS and KBN equations In order to see the difference between results derived from CS and KBN equations for chain-like hard sphere molecules, we plot relative deviations of compression factor and residual Helmholtz energy derived from CS and KBN equations, figure 5.5 and 5.6. The relative deviation of compression factor and deviation of residual Helmholtz energy are within 0.6% and 0.4%, respectively for the case m=5, m=10, and m=50. 63 100(ZHCM-KBN-ZHCM-CS)/ZHCM-KBN 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 0 0.1 0.2 η 0.3 0.4 0.5 100(AHCM-KBN-AHCM-CS)/AHCM-KBN Figure 5.5. Relative deviation between ZHCM-CS and ZHCM-KBN: Δ (m=5), Ο (m=10), Χ (m=50) 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 0 0.1 0.2 η 0.3 0.4 0.5 Figure 5.6. Relative deviation between AHCM-CS and AHCM-KBN: Δ (m=5), Ο (m=10), Χ (m=50) Comparison between simulation data and results derived from KBN equation Monte-Carlo simulation data of Honnell and Hall [5.24] are used to investigate the compression factors derived from KBN equation. Comparisons between the compression factors from simulation, Zsim, for the case m = 4, m = 8, and m = 16 and those derived from KBN equation, ZHCM-KBN, for hard chain molecules are given in figure 5.7. The figure 5.7 shows that there is a large disagreement between compression factors from simulation and those derived from KBN equation. The discrepancy between compression factors from simulation and those derived from KBN equation increases with m and decreases with η generally. 64 100(Zsim-ZHCM-KNB )/Zsim 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 η Figure 5.7. Relative deviation of ZHCM-KBN to simulation data for: Δ (m = 4), Ο (m = 8), Χ (m = 16). Comparison for the case with correlation parameter The figures 5.5 and 5.6 show that results derived from CS and KBN equations are nearly the same. The figure 5.7 shows the large discrepancy between compression factors from simulation and those derived from KBN equation. The discrepancy increases from about 0% to 19% when the packing fraction decreases from 0.44 to 0.07. Thus, it is interesting to introduce and test with a correlation parameter to get a fit equation for the simulation data of hard chains. In this study, we start from CS equation with a correlation parameter meff: Z HCM − CS , meff = meff η 1 +η +η 2 −η 3 3η ) − (meff − 1)(1 − + 3 2 −η 1 −η (1 − η ) (5.35) The criterion of optimization for finding meff is a minimization of the following summation: 2 ⎛ Z sim ,i − Z HCM − CS , meff ,i ⎞ ⎟ → Min ⎜ ∑ ⎟ ⎜ Z sim ,i i =1 ⎝ ⎠ N where N is number of simulation data points, Zsim is compression factor of simulation data. After fitting to simulation data of Honnell and Hall [5.24] we have values of meff, table 5.2. We find out in table 5.2 that meff is always smaller than number of hard spheres in a chain. Comparison of compression factors between simulation data and results with 65 correlation parameter meff from CS equation, ZHCM-CS,meff, is shown in figure 5.8. With the use of meff, almost all deviations are within ±5%. Table 5.2. Correlation parameter meff from CS equation m 4 8 16 Data sources [5.24] [5.24] [5.24] meff 3.8530 7.1591 14.0763 100(Zsim.-ZHCM-CS,meff)/Zsim. 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 η Figure 5.8. Relative deviation between compression factor from simulation and ZHCM-CS,meff for: Χ (meff = 3.8530), Δ (meff = 7.1591), Ο (meff = 14.0763). 5.4 5.4.1 Hard convex bodies and hard dumbbells Hard convex bodies (HCB) Boublik proposed an equation of state for a system of one component hard convex bodies [5.25]: p 1 + (3α − 2)η + (3α 2 − 3α + 1)η 2 − α 2η 3 = ρkT (1 − η )3 (5.36) where, α = R.S/(3V) is the nonsphericity parameter. V, S, and R stand for a volume, a surface, and the (1/4π) multiple of the mean curvature integral. η = ρV is packing fraction. It is obvious that in the limited case of hard spheres (with α = 1), the equation of Boublik is identical with equation of CS. For mixture of hard convex bodies, the Boublik equation is written as: 66 p 1 kv k v 2 (3 − v ) = + 1 2+ 2 ρkT 1 − v (1 − v ) (1 − v )3 (5.37) where v = ρV, k1 and k2 are dimensionless quantities, k1 = RmSm/Vm, k2 = QmSm2/(9Vm2). Qm=Rm2. The geometric quantities of mixture are calculated from mole fraction and geometric quantities of individual component, Xm = Σi(xi.Xi). In which, X stands for either of V or S or R or Q. xi is mole fraction of component i of mixtures. 5.4.2 Hard dumbbells (HD) After proposing equation of state for hard convex bodies, Boublik and Nezbeda [5.26] show that the Boublik equation of state for hard convex bodies yields good results for a system of hard dumbbells if the mean curvature integral is taken as that of prolate spherocylinder. Required geometric quantities of hard dumbbells with sphere diameter d and a center-to-center distance L are: VD= (4π/3)(d/2)3[1+ 3/2 L – 1/2L3] η = (π/6)ρd3 [1+ 3/2 L – 1/2L3] α = (1+L)(2+L)/(2+3L-L3); 0 ≤ L ≤ 1 or 1 ≤ α ≤ 1.5 Where, VD is volume of hard dumbbells. 5.4.3 Helmholtz energy derived from equation for hard convex bodies and hard dumbbells From equation of state for hard convex bodies and hard dumbbells (5.36): Z HCB _ HD = p 1 + (3α − 2)η + (3α 2 − 3α + 1)η 2 − α 2η 3 = ρkT (1 − η )3 we obtain a relation for residual Helmholtz energy as following: Ar , HCB _ HD RT Ar ,HCB _ HD RT η = ∫ ( Z HCB _ HD − 1) 0 dη η η dη 1 + (3α − 2)η + (3α 2 − 3α + 1)η 2 − α 2η 3 = ∫( − 1) 3 η (1 − η ) 0 67 (5.38) ( ) η ⎛ ⎛ ⎞⎞ 3α − 2 3α 2 − 3α + 1 (1 − 2η ) 1 2 1 1 η = ⎜⎜ + + Ln [ 1 − ] + − − α 2 ⎜⎜ − + Ln[1 − η ] ⎟⎟ ⎟⎟ 2 2 2 2 2(1 − η ) 2(1 − η ) ⎝ 2(1 − η ) 1 − η ⎠⎠ 0 ⎝ 2(1 − η ) 1 − η ( ) = α 2 − 1 ln(1 − η ) + Ar , HCB _ HD RT 5.4.4 ( η α (3 + α − 3η ) (1 − η )2 ) = α 2 − 1 ln(1 − η ) + η α (3 + α − 3η ) (1 − η )2 (5.39) Hard convex bodies approach to hard chain molecules According to Boublik et al. [5.23], the hard convex body equation (5.38) can be extended to hard chain molecules of overlapping hard spheres (0.5 < L < 1) or tangent hard spheres (L = 1) with formulations of packing fraction and parameter of nonsphericity as: η = ρ Vc = ρ . α= πd 3 ⎛ ( ) 1 3 ⎞ ⎜ 1 + (m − 1 ) 3 L − L ⎟ 6 ⎝ 2 ⎠ [1 + (m − 1)L].[2 + (m − 1)L] 2 + (m − 1)(3L − L3 ) (5.40) (5.41) Equation of residual Helmholtz energy for this case is identical to equation (5.39) 5.5 Comparison of results derived from equations for hard convex bodies and hard chain systems In this part we investigate the differences of compression factors and residual Helmholtz energies derived from equation for hard convex bodies, equation for hard chain of Boublik and equation for hard chain of Carnahan- Starling (CS). When hard spheres are tangent, L=1, equations for packing fraction (5.40) and parameter of nonsphericity (5.41) become: η = mρ . α= πd 3 6 m +1 2 Comparisons of compression factors and residual Helmholtz energies derived from equations for hard convex bodies and hard chain systems are given in figures 5.9, 5.10, and 68 5.11. The relative deviations of compression factor and residual Helmholtz energy for the case m = 2 are within 1.1%, figure 5.9, 5.10. For compact molecules, results derived from equations for hard convex bodies and hard chain systems are similar. For chain-like molecules with large number of m, the relative deviations of compression factors between simulation data of Honnell and Hall and results derived from KBN equation are not exceeded 20%, figure 5.7, whilst the deviations of compression factors between simulation data of Honnell and Hall and results derived from equation for hard convex bodies are much higher, even over 100%, figure 5.11. Comparison of residual Helmholtz energy derived from equations of CS and KBN, figure 5.12, shows strong disagreements, especially for the case with high values of m. From these analyses we observe that results derived from equation of hard convex bodies for hard chain systems do not agree well with results derived from equations of CS and KBN. 100(ZHCM-CS-ZHCM-HCB)/ZHCM-CS 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 η Figure 5.9. Deviation of compression factor derived from equation of CS and equation for hard convex bodies for the case L=1 and m=2 69 100(Ar,HCM-CS-Ar,HCM-HCB)/Ar,HCM-CS 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 η Figure 5.10. Deviation of residual Helmholtz energy derived from equation of CS and equation for hard convex bodies for the case L=1 and m=2 100(Zsim-ZHCM-HCB)/Zsim 10 -10 -30 -50 -70 -90 -110 -130 0.0 0.1 0.2 η 0.3 0.4 0.5 Figure 5.11. Deviation of compression factor between simulation data of Honnell and Hall [5.24] and results derived from equation for hard convex bodies for the case L=1 and: Χ (m = 4), Δ (m = 8), Ο (m = 16). 70 100(AHCM-CS-AHCM-HCB)/AHCM-CS 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 0.0 0.1 0.2 η 0.3 0.4 0.5 Figure 5.12. Deviation of residual Helmholtz energy between results derived from equation of CS and equation for hard convex bodies for the case L=1 and Χ (m = 4), Δ (m = 8), Ο (m = 16). 5.6 Summary and conclusions Residual Helmholtz energies and compression factors of hard spheres, hard convex bodies, hard dumbbells and hard chain systems from different approaches have been reviewed. The results show that the application of hard convex bodies to hard chain systems is good for compact molecules, but not for large chain-like molecules. Comparison between simulation data and results from SAFT of Wertheim using hard sphere description of CS and KBN shows good agreement. 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Letters, 46 (1977) 315-316 74 6 PC-SAFT equation of state Abstract Methodology and strategy for development of PC-SAFT equation of state have been studied. Firstly, we review Barker and Henderson perturbation theory. Secondly, formulation of PC-SAFT equation of state for pure fluids is reviewed. Finally, we derive derivatives of residual Helmholtz energy for calculations of residual parts of pressure, enthalpy, entropy, internal energy, isobaric and isochoric heat capacity, and Gibbs energy. 6.1 Introduction Molecular based equations of state have recently been proved to be one of the most powerful types of equation of state. The first typical characteristic of molecular based equations of state is that they have few parameters which can be found by fitting to experimental data. The second typical characteristic of the molecular based equations of state is that they can be extended to mixtures easily, normally with one fitted parameter whilst multi-parameter equations of state for pure fluids are not easily to be extended to mixtures because many parameters are needed to be found in fitting. Last but not least, molecular based equations of state are accurate whilst cubic equations of state are not sufficiently accurate. BACKONE and PC-SAFT are accurate and reliable molecular based equations of state [6.1 - 6.3]. The papers for BACKONE equation of state are well written. However, the paper for PC-SAFT equation of state [6.3] contains some problems. In details, formulation of PC-SAFT equation of state contains a mixing of compression factor and Helmholtz energy. Furthermore, formulas of integrals in the first- and second-order perturbation terms are wrong. Thus, in order to make a clear formulation in term of Helmholtz energy we review PC-SAFT equation of state and prepare materials for further programming and calculation. 6.2 Barker-Henderson perturbation theory Knowledge of the molecular electrostatic potential is critically important when molecular interactions are to be studied. Molecular interaction resulting from electrostatics can be separated into attractive and repulsive contributions. At large intermolecular 75 distance, molecular interaction is dispersive or attractive. The original of the attractive interaction is that fluctuations in the electron cloud produce instantaneous dipoles which in turn polarize the electron of neighbouring molecules. These dipoles give the rise to attractive forces. At small distance, molecular interaction is repulsive due to charge cloud overlaps of interacting particles. Barker and Henderson perturbation theory is valid for all type of pair potential function such as square well potential, Lennard-Jones potential. In this subsection, dispersive and repulsive molecular interactions with the Lennard-Jones pair potential function at interaction site distance r are considered: uLJ(r) = 4ε[(σ/r)12 - (σ/r)6] (6.1) where the physical r-6 term describes dispersive interaction at long range, the empirical r-12 term describes repulsive interactions at short range. ε is the Lennard-Jones energy parameter. σ is the Lennard-Jones size parameter. Detail Barker-Henderson perturbation theory and equation of state for fluids are given in [6.4] and [6.5]. Reviews of Barker and Henderson perturbation theory and other theory can be found in the book of Boublik et al. [6.6] and the book McQuarrie [6.7]. In the following subsections we present characterization of reference system and Helmholtz free energy from Barker and Henderson perturbation theory. 6.2.1 Characterization of the reference system by Barker and Henderson In the application of perturbation theories of fluids, the potential energy of a system is possible to be separated into a reference part accounting for large contribution and a perturbation part accounting for small contribution. For a dense fluid the repulsive forces dominate the liquid structure. This means that other forces play minor role in liquid structure. Thus, if we separate the Lennard-Jones intermolecular potential into a reference part u0(r) containing all repulsive forces and a perturbation part u1(r) containing all attractive forces we have an expression: uLJ(r) = u0(r) + u1(r) (6.2) In statistical thermodynamics, the energy A of such a system of N molecules can be written as: 76 exp[− β . A] = ( N !) −1 λ−3 N ∫ ...∫ exp[− β (U 0 + U 1 )]d {N } (6.3) 1 ⎛ ⎞ = ( N!) −1 λ−3 N ∫ ...∫ exp[− β .U 0 ]⎜1 − β .U 1 + β 2 .U 12 + ....⎟d {N } 2 ⎝ ⎠ where β = 1/kT. k is the Boltzmann-constant The force determined from equation (6.1) is repulsive for all r < σ. If u0(r) containing all repulsive forces then u0(r) = 0 for all r > σ. In case there are no attractive forces, we have: d[uLJ(r)]/dr = d[u0(r)]/dr (6.4) Equation (6.2) and (6.4) then determine u0(r) and u1(r) uniquely as: u0(r) = uLJ(r), r<σ (6.5a) u0(r) = 0, r>σ (6.5b) u1(r) = uLJ(r0) = 0, r<σ (6.6a) u1(r) = uLJ(r), r>σ (6.6b) and The potential from equation (6.5) and (6.6) is shown in figure 6.1. U U LJ 0 Repulsive σ σ r U 1 σ r Attractive Figure 6.1. The separation of the Lennard-Jones potential uLJ(r) into a part u0(r) containing all repulsive interactions and a part u1(r) containing all attractive interaction 77 For a rational determination of the diameter ‘d’ of representative hard spheres in systems with soft repulsive interactions, Barker and Henderson modified original pair potential by introducing two coupling parameters, α and γ: w(r, α, γ , d) = uLJ(d+ (r-d)/α), w(r, α, γ , d) = 0, d+ (r-d)/α< σ σ<d+ (r-d)/α< d+ (σ-d)/α w(r, α, γ , d) = uLJ(r), r>σ (6.7a) (6.7b) (6.7c) Equation (6.7) appears to be complicated but notice that w(r, α, γ , d) is independent of d and reduces to u1(r) when α= γ=1. When α= γ=0, w(r, α, γ , d) becomes a hard-sphere potential of diameter d. An expansion of the partition function logarithm in powers of α and γ at about α = γ = 0 can be written as: ln Z = ln Z0 + (∂lnZ/∂α)0α + (∂lnZ/∂γ)0γ +.... (6.8) where Z0 is the partition function of hard spheres with diameter d. The partial derivative of ln Z with respect to α and γ can be written as: ∞ ∂ ln Z ⎛ ∂ exp[− β .w(r )] ⎞ LJ 2 = 2πNρ ∫ ⎜ ⎟.g 0 (r ). exp[β .u (r )].r dr (6.9) ∂α ∂α ⎠ 0⎝ ∞ ∂ ln Z = −2πNρβ ∫ u LJ (r ).g 0 (r ). exp[ β w].r 2 dr ∂γ σ (6.10) Barker and Henderson used Heaviside function H(x) and made use of the relationship for r < σ as: ⎡ ⎡ r−d r − d ⎞⎤ r−d ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎛ ⎞⎤ −σ ⎟ exp[− β .w(r , α , γ , d )] = ⎢1 − H ⎜ d + − σ ⎟⎥ exp ⎢− β .u LJ ⎜ d + ⎟⎥ + H ⎜ d + α α ⎠⎦ α ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎝ ⎠⎦ ⎣ ⎣ (6.11) Taking derivative of equation (6.11) and substituting of z = d + (r-d)/α then inserting them into equation (6.9), the following expression is valid for α = 0: 78 ⎧σ ⎫ ⎛ ∂ ln Z ⎞ 2 LJ LJ ⎜ ⎟ = 2πNρ .g 0 (d ).exp[β .u (d )].d ⎨∫ exp[− β .u ( z )].dz − (σ − d )⎬ (6.12) ⎝ ∂α ⎠0 ⎩0 ⎭ Barker and Henderson chose the diameter d so that the expression in braces of (6.12) and consequently the whole derivative may vanish; this make d equal to σ d = ∫ {1 − exp[− β .u LJ (x )]}dx (6.13) 0 6.2.2 Barker and Henderson perturbation theory From knowledge of the potential energy of a system, one can have a relation between Helmholtz free energy and the potential energy. Detail steps for obtaining the relations of Helmholtz free energy in Barker and Henderson perturbation theory can be found in original paper [6.4]. In this subsection we only give out the results of the original paper. Based on the assumption that macroscopic expressions can be applied to microscopic, Barker and Henderson [6.4] found an approximation expression, called “macroscopic compressibility”: (A-A0)/RT = (ρ/2)∫ [βu1(r)] g0(r) 4πr2dr - (ρ/4)∫ [βu1(r)] 2 [kT(∂ρ/∂p)0] g0(r)4πr2dr +O(β3) (6.14) where β=1/kT, and g0(r) is pair correlation function of the soft reference system or the corresponding hard sphere system. O(β3) is the contribution of higher order terms, from third-order term. Barker and Henderson [6.4] also suggested another approximation expression, called “local compressibility”: (A-A0)/RT = (ρ/2)∫ [βu1(r)] g0(r) 4πr2dr - (ρ/4)∫ [βu1(r)] 2 {kT∂[ρ g0(r)] /∂p}4πr2dr +O(β3) (6.15) The first part of the right hand-side of the expression (6.14) or of the expression (6.15) is the first-order contribution. Let A1 denote the first-order perturbation term, we write: 79 A1/RT = (ρ/2)∫ [βu1(r)] g0(r) 4πr2dr (6.16) The second part of the right hand-side of the expression (6.14) or expression (6.15) is second-order contribution. Let A2 denote the second-order perturbation term, from macroscopic compressibility approach, one has: A2/RT = - (ρ/4)∫ [βu1(r)] 2 [kT(∂ρ/∂p)0] g0(r)4πr2dr (6.17) and from local compressibility approach, one has: A2/RT = - (ρ/4)∫ [βu1(r)] 2 {kT∂[ρ g0(r)] /∂p}4πr2dr (6.18) Expression (6.14) and (6.15) can now be written as: A = A0 + A1 +A2 + O(β3) 6.3 6.3.1 (6.19) PC-SAFT equation for pure fluids The potential model In PC-SAFT, molecules are conceived to be chains composed of spherical segments having the same diameter and energy interactions. The pair potential for the segments of a chain is assumed as square well with step potential according to Chen and Kreglewski [6.8]. The step ranges from 0.88 σ to σ and has a height of 3ε, the well has the depth ε: u (r) = ∞, r < 0.88σ (6.20a) u (r) = 3ε, 0.88σ < r < σ (6.20b) u (r) = -ε, σ<r <σ+ε (6.20c) u (r) = 0, r>σ+ε (6.20d) If the potential u(r) is divided into reference part u0(r) and perturbation part u1(r) at distance σ we have: and u0 (r) = ∞, r < 0.88σ (6.21a) u0 (r) = 3ε, 0.88σ < r < σ (6.21b) u0 (r) = 0, r>σ (6.21c) u1(r) = 0, r <σ (6.22b) 80 u1(r) = -ε, σ<r <σ+ε (6.22c) u1(r) = 0, r>σ+ε (6.22d) The full segment-segment potential u(r) as well as the reference u0(r) and the perturbation u1(r) potential of equations (6.20), (6.21), and (6.22) are shown in figure 6.2. u0(r) u(r) 3ε 3ε 0.88σ 0.88σ σ σ+ε u1(r) r -ε 0.88σ σ σ r σ+ε r -ε Figure 6.2. Square-well potential of molecular model in PC-SAFT From equations (6.13) and (6.21) we have the temperature dependent hard sphere diameter d(T) for the segments as: σ d (T ) = ∫ {1 − exp[− β .u 0 (r )]}dr = 0 0.88σ σ 0 0.88 ∫ {1 − exp[−∞]}dr + ∫ σ{1 − exp[−3εβ ]}dr = 0.88σ + 0.12σ[1-exp(-3εβ)] or d = σ [1-0.12exp(-3ε/kT)], 6.3.2 (6.23) Residual Helmholtz energy for hard chains The hard body reference system of PC-SAFT is based on Carnahan and Starling equation, [6.9]. We use subscript ‘0’ for reference system, one of elements of residual part. The Helmholtz energy of hard chain contribution A0 of reference system is given in applications of Chapman et al. [6.10, 6.11] basing on the SAFT approach of Wertheim 81 [6.12 - 6.15]. A detail steps for obtaining compression factor and residual Helmholtz energy of PC-SAFT’s reference system of residual part are given in chapter 5. For convenience, we represent equations for compression factor and residual Helmholtz energy here: 1 + η +η 2 −η 3 3η η ) − (m − 1)(1 − + 3 2 −η 1 −η (1 − η ) (6.24) A0/RT = m[η(4-3η)/(1-η)2] - (m-1)ln[(1- ½η)/(1-η)3] (6.25) Z0 = m where η = ρπd3/6 is packing fraction, representing for reduced segment density. 6.3.3 First and second order perturbation terms Barker and Henderson theory for spherical molecules can be extended to chain molecules as each segment of a chain is again of spherical shape. The total interaction between two chain molecules is the sum of all individual segment-segment interactions. The expression for radial distribution function gαβ(m, rαβ,ρ) for a segment α of one chain and a segment β of other chain by radial distance rαβ has been given by Chiew [6.16]. He also introduced an average radial distribution function gHC(m, r, ρ) for a chain having different non-distinguishable segments. The results of Chiew were used by Gross and Sadowski [6.17] for the first-order perturbation contribution of chain molecules as: A1/RT = (ρ/2)∫ [βu1(r)] gHC(m,r,ρ) 4πr2dr With = - 2πρσ3 m2(ε/kT) I1(y,m) (6.26) I1(y,m) = - (1/4πσ3 m2ε )∫ [u1(r)] gHC(m,r,ρ) 4πr2dr (6.27) Neglecting the temperature dependence of gHC(m,r,ρ), the integral I1(η,m) can be represented by a power series of number of segments and ai as: 6 I1 (η , m ) = ∑ ai (m ).η i (6.28) i =0 The dependence of coefficients a0i, a1i, a2i on the segment number m was shown earlier [6.17] to be well represented by an ansatz of Liu and Hu [6.18] ai(m) = a0i + [(m-1)/m] a1i + [(m-1)(m-2)/m2] a2i, 82 (6.29) For the second order perturbation contribution, Gross and Sadowski used the macroscopic compressibility version in PC-SAFT: A2/RT = - (ρ/4)∫[βu1(r)]2 [kT(∂ρ/∂p)0] gHC(m,r,ρ) 4πr2dr = - (ρ/4)[kT(∂ρ/∂p)0]∫[βu1(r)]2 gHC(m,r,ρ) 4πr2dr From kT(∂ρ/∂p)0 = [∂ρ/∂(p/kT)]0 = [∂(p/kT)/∂ρ]0-1 and p/ρkT = Z0 or p/kT = ρZ0 we have ∂(p/kT)/∂ρ = Z0 + ρ∂Z0/∂ρ = Z0 + η∂Z0/∂η (6.30) Equation (6.30) becomes: A2/RT = - (ρ/4) [Z0 + ρ∂Z0/∂ρ]-1 ∫ [βu1(r)]2 gHC(m,r,ρ) 4πr2dr = - πρσ3 m3(ε/kT)2 [Z0 + ρ∂Z0/∂ρ]-1I2(η,m) I2(y,m) = (1/4πσ3 m3ε2) ∫ [u1(r)]2 gHC(m,r,ρ) 4πr2dr Where (6.31) (6.32) Similar to approach for the first-order perturbation of Chiew, neglecting the temperature dependence of gHC(m,r,ρ), the integral I2(η,m) can be represented by a power series of number of segments and bi as: 6 I 2 (η , m ) = ∑ bi (m ).η i (6.33) i =0 The dependence of coefficients b0i, b1i, b2i on the segment number m was shown earlier [6.17] to be well represented by an ansatz of Liu and Hu [6.18] bi(m) = b0i + [(m-1)/m] b1i + [(m-1)(m-2)/m2] b2i, (6.34) From equation (6.24), we have: −1 ∂Z ⎞ ⎛ 20η − 27η 2 + 12η 3 − 2η 4 8η − 2η 2 ⎜⎜ Z 0 + ρ 0 ⎟⎟ = 1 + m m + ( 1 − ) ∂ρ ⎠ [(1 − η )(2 − η )]2 (1 − η )4 ⎝ Equation (6.31) now becomes: (6.35) A2/RT = - πρσ3 m3(ε/kT)2 [{1 + m(8η-2η2)/(1-η)4 – (m-1)(20η -27η2 +12η3 – 2η4)/[(2-η)2(1-η)2]}-1] I2(η,m) (6.36) 83 The parameters of perturbation terms a0i, a1i, a2i, b0i, b1i, and b2i in equation (6.29) and equation (6.34) can be found by either fitting to the radial distribution functions or fitting to experimental data. The shortcomings in fitting to the radial distribution functions are that the assumptions of the molecular model might be oversimplified as chains of segments, the assumed perturbation potential and approximations of g0 might also contain uncertainties, and the reference equation of state for hard-sphere of Carnahan-Starling might not be exactly as it should be. In order to avoid shortcomings from fitting to radial distribution functions, the parameters of perturbation terms in PC-SAFT were found by fitting to experimental data of alkanes. Before determining the parameters of perturbation terms, three pure-component parameters (m, σ, ε/k) of Alkanes were firstly identified by fitting vapour pressure and PvT data to the integral expressions of I1 and I2 assumed as a Lennard-Jones perturbation potential. The parameters of perturbation terms were secondly determined by fitting to vapour pressures, liquid, vapour, and supercritical volumes. The parameters of perturbation terms from Gross and Sadowski PC-SAFT equation of state are given in table 6.1 and 6.2. Table 6.1. Parameters of the first-order perturbation term a1i a2i i a0i 9.105631445E-01 -3.084016918E-01 -9.061483510E-02 0 6.361281449E-01 1.860531159E-01 4.527842806E-01 1 2.686134789E+00 -2.503004726E+00 5.962700728E-01 2 -2.654736249E+01 2.141979363E+01 -1.724182913E+00 3 9.775920878E+01 -6.525588533E+01 -4.130211253E+00 4 -1.595915409E+02 8.331868048E+01 1.377663187E+01 5 9.129777408E+01 -3.374692293E+01 -8.672847037E+00 6 Table 6.2. Parameters of the second-order perturbation term b1i b2i i b0i 7.240946941E-01 -5.755498075E-01 9.768831160E-02 0 2.238279186E+00 6.995095521E-01 -2.557574982E-01 1 -4.002584949E+00 3.892567339E+00 -9.155856153E+00 2 -2.100357682E+01 -1.721547165E+01 2.064207597E+01 3 2.685564136E+01 1.926722645E+02 -3.880443005E+01 4 2.065513384E+02 -1.618264617E+02 9.362677408E+01 5 -3.556023561E+02 -1.652076935E+02 -2.966690559E+01 6 84 6.3.4 Complete Helmholtz energy equation Total Helmholtz energy is written in term of a sum of Helmholtz energy of ideal gas part, Aid, and Helmholtz energy of residual part, Ares: A = Aid + Ares (6.37) The Helmholtz energy of ideal gas part can be calculated from internal energy, entropy and temperature as: Aid(T,ρ) = uid(T) – T.sid(T,ρ) (6.38) When introducing the isobaric heat capacity of the ideal gas, c0p, one obtains the expression: Aid (T , ρ ) = u Re f − TsRe f + T ∫c T 0 p dT − T TRe f ∫ TRe f c 0p dT ρT − R(T − TRe f ) + T .R ln( ) T ρ Re f TRe f (6.39) where R is the ideal gas constant, R = 8.314472 J/molK. The subscript “Ref” stands for corresponding quantities at reference point. Values of reference point temperature TRef, density ρRef, internal energy uRef, and entropy sRef can be chosen randomly. In practical, one often replaces reference internal energy uRef by reference enthalpy hRef via following relation: u Re f = hRe f − RTRe f (6.40) With this relation, expression (6.39) becomes: Aid (T , ρ ) = hRe f − TsRe f + T ∫ c p,id dT − T TRe f T ∫ TRe f c p,id dT ρT − RT + T .R ln( ) T ρ Re f TRe f (6.41) Neglecting the contribution from third-order terms of equation (6.19), the Helmholtz energy of residual part is written in term of a sum of the Helmholtz energy from reference hard chain contribution A0, the first-order perturbation term A1, and the secondorder perturbation term A2: Ares = A0 + A1 + A2 (6.42) All three contributions of residual part are given in previous sections. For convenience of reader, we represented here the expressions of residual part: 85 A0/RT = m[η(4-3η)/(1-η)2] - (m-1)ln[(1- ½η)/(1-η)3] A1/RT = - 2πρσ3 m2(ε/kT) I1(η,m) A2/RT = - πρσ3 m3(ε/kT)2 [{1 + m(8η-2η2)/(1-η)4 – (m-1)(20η -27η2 +12η3 – 2η4)/[(2-η)2(1-η)2]}-1] I2(η,m) 6.4 6.4.1 Thermodynamic properties of pure fluids derived from the Helmholtz energy Thermodynamic properties derived from the Helmholtz energy All thermodynamic properties of pure fluids can be calculated from the complete Helmholtz energy equation (6.37) and input data of temperature and density. In case input data do not contain temperature and density, iterative procedures must be used. Similar to total Helmholtz energy, all thermodynamic properties is written as a sum of ideal gas part and residual part. Example of things is pressure equation: p/ρRT = ρ∂[A/RT]T/∂ρ=ρ∂[Aid/RT+ Ares/RT]T/∂ρ = ρ∂[Aid/RT]T/ ∂ρ+ ρ∂[Ares/RT]T/∂ρ = 1+ ρ∂[Ares/RT]T/∂ρ Or p = ρRT + ρ2RT∂[Ares/RT]T/∂ρ = ρRT + pres = pid+ pres ∂ ART = RTρ ( )T ∂ρ res Where p res 2 The thermodynamic properties of ideal gas are well-known so we present only the most common thermodynamic properties of residual part calculated from residual Helmholtz energy as following: U res ∂ ART = RT ( − )V ∂T - Enthalpy: H res ∂ ART ∂ ART = RT [−T ( )ρ + ρ( )T ] ∂T ∂ρ - Entropy: S res = − R[ res - Internal energy: 2 res 86 res ∂ ART +T( )V ] ∂T res Ares RT ∂ ART ∂ 2 ART = − RT [2( )ρ + T ( )ρ ] ∂T ∂T 2 res - Isochoric heat capacity: cv ,res res - Isobaric heat capacity: c p ,res = c v ,res ∂ 2 ART ∂ ART [ ρT ( +ρ + 1) 2 ] ∂ρ∂T ∂ρ +R 2 A ∂ ART 2 ∂ RT [ρ ( ) + 2ρ ( ) + 1] ∂ρ ∂ρ 2 - Residual Gibbs energy: Gres = RT ( Ares RT res 6.4.2 res res res ∂ ART +( )ρ ) ∂ρ res Derivatives of Helmholtz energy Calculations of residual part of pressure, enthalpy, isochoric heat capacity, isobaric heat capacity, and other properties require different derivatives of Helmholtz energy. Thus, this subsection presents necessary derivatives of residual Helmholtz energy for further calculation. Derivatives of reference hard chain contribution: ⎛ 2 −η A0 η (4 − 3η ) =m − ( m − 1) ln⎜⎜ 2 3 RT (1 − η ) ⎝ 2(1 − η ) ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ ∂ (A0 / RT ) 5 − 2η 3 + 4η − 7η 2 + 2η 3 = +m (2 − η )(1 − η ) ∂η (2 − η )(1 − η ) 3 ∂ 2 (A0 / RT ) 11 − 10η + 2η 2 29 − 24η − 7η 2 + 10η 3 − 2η 4 m = + ∂η 2 (2 − η ) 2 (1 − η ) 2 (2 − η ) 2 (1 − η ) 4 c ⎛ ⎞ ⎜ 3c 2 c 3 Exp[ 3 ] ⎛ ⎟ 2 ⎞ ∂ A0 / RT ( ) ( ) 1 1 η 5 2 η − − T η ⎜ − 3mη (1 − η ) − (m − 1) ⎜ ⎟⎟ ( ) ( )( ) 2 m η 4 3 η m 1 η 4 3 η = 2 + − + − − 3 ⎟⎟ 2 −η ∂T T (1 − η ) ⎜ 1 − c Exp[ c 3 ] ⎜⎝ ⎠⎟ ⎜ 2 T ⎝ ⎠ ( ) c ∂ 2 (A0 / RT ) 1 ⎞ ⎛ = 4 ⎜ 3c1 ρ .c3 c 2 Exp[ 3 ](− 1 + c 2 Exp[c3 / T ]).tg 3a ⎟ 2 4 T ∂T T (1 − η ) ⎝ ⎠ 2 ( ) ∂ 2 A0 / RT = ∂T .∂ρ − 3c1 c 2 c 3 Exp[ ( c3 ⎛ c ⎞ 2 ]⎜ c 2 Exp[ 3 ] − 1⎟ − (1 − η ) 10 − 8η + η 2 + m − 6 − 28η + 47η 2 − 22η 3 + 3η 4 T ⎝ T ⎠ ( ) ( T 2 (1 − η ) (2 − η ) 4 where 87 2 )) 3 ⎡ ⎛ c ⎞⎤ η = c1.ρ .⎢1 − c2 Exp⎜ 3 ⎟⎥ , ⎝ T ⎠⎦ ⎣ ⎛ π ⎞ c1 = ⎜ m. σ 03 ⎟ ; ⎝ 6 ⎠ c 2 = 0.12 ; c3 = − 3ε k Tg1a= 5 − 8c1ρ + 3c12 ρ 2 + 117c12 ρ 2c25 Exp[ − 3c1 ρc22 Exp[ 5c3 6c 7c ] − 51c12 ρ 2c26 Exp[ 3 ] + 9c12 ρ 2c27 Exp[ 3 ] T T T 2c3 4c 3c ](3c1ρ − 4) − 3c1 ρc24 Exp[ 3 ](45c1ρ − 4) + c1 ρc23 Exp[ 3 ](75c1ρ − 28) T T T c − 3c2 Exp[ 3 ].(5 − 4c1 ρ + 3c12 ρ 2 ) T Tg2a= − 10 + 19c1ρ − 11(c1ρ ) + 2(c1ρ ) + 18c13 ρ 3c28 Exp[ 2 − 3c12 ρ 2c27 Exp[ 3 8c3 9c ] − 2c13 ρ 3c29 Exp[ 3 ] T T 7c3 5c 6c ](24c1ρ − 1) − 3c12 ρ 2c25 Exp[ 3 ](84c1ρ − 37 ) + c12 ρ 2c26 Exp[ 3 ](168c1ρ − 29) T T T c − 3c2 Exp[ 3 ](− 10 + 27c1 ρ − 23c12 ρ 2 + 6c13 ρ 3 ) T − c1 ρ c23 Exp[ 3c3 ](91 − 265c1 ρ + 168c12 ρ 2 ) T + 3c1 ρ c22 Exp[ 2c3 4c ](43 − 61c1 ρ + 24c12 ρ 2 ) + 3c1 ρ c24 Exp[ 3 ](8 − 75c1 ρ + 84c12 ρ 2 ) T T ⎛ ⎛ ⎞ c ⎞ Tg3a= mη ⎜⎜ 2T ⎜1 − c 2 Exp[ 3 ] ⎟(5 − 8η + 3η 2 ) + c3 tg1a ⎟⎟ T ⎠ ⎝ ⎝ ⎠ + 1 (2 − η ) 2 ⎛ ⎛ ⎞⎞ c ⎜ (m − 1)(1 − η )2 ⎜⎜ 2T ⎛⎜ c 2 Exp[ 3 ] − 1⎞⎟(10 − 19η + 11η 2 − 2η 3 ) + c3 tg 2a ⎟⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎜ T ⎠ ⎝ ⎝ ⎠⎠ ⎝ 88 ⎛ ⎛ c c c ⎞ ⎛ ⎞⎞ 2 − m⎜⎜ c3 ⎜ 3c 2 Exp[ 3 ] − 1⎟ + 2T ⎜ c 2 Exp[ 3 ] − 1⎟ ⎟⎟(1 − η ) (4 − 3η ) − 6myc 2 c3 Exp[ 3 ](1 − η )(5 − 3η ) T T T ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎠ ⎝ ⎝ Derivatives of first-order perturbation term: A1 ⎞ ⎛ ε ⎞ ⎛ 6 = −2πρm 2 ⎜ ⎟σ 3 ⎜ ∑ ai (m )η i ⎟ RT ⎝ kT ⎠ ⎝ i =0 ⎠ 6 A1 ep 1 = −12m a η i +1 3 ∑ i RT T ⎛ c ⎞ i =0 ⎜1 − c2 Exp[ 3 ] ⎟ T ⎠ ⎝ Or ( ) 6 ∂ A1 / RT ep 1 (i + 1)aiη i = −12m ∑ 3 ∂η T ⎛ c ⎞ i =0 ⎜1 − c2 Exp[ 3 ] ⎟ T ⎠ ⎝ ( ) ( ) 6 1 ∂ 2 A1 / RT ep = − 12 i (i + 1)aiη i −1 m 3 ∑ 2 ∂η T ⎛ c ⎞ i =0 ⎜1 − c2 Exp[ 3 ] ⎟ T ⎠ ⎝ ep ⎛ − 3 c ⎛ c ⎞ ∂ 2 A1 / RT c1ρ .c1c2c3 Exp[ 3 ]⎜1 − c2 Exp[ 3 ] ⎟ = 12m 2 ⎜ T ⎜⎝ T T ⎝ T ⎠ ∂T .∂ρ ( ) 6 ⎞ i −1 i⎟ ( ) i i 1 a η c + + ∑ i 1 ∑ (i + 1)aiη ⎟ i =0 i =0 ⎠ 2 6 1 ∂ A1 / RT ep . = 12m 2 T ⎛ ∂T c3 ⎞ ⎜1 − c2 Exp[ ] ⎟ T ⎠ ⎝ ⎛ ⎜ ⎜−3 c3 6 c3 6 1 3 1 i ( ) + + c ρ c c Exp a i η c c Exp [ ]∑ a iη i +1 + . [ ] 1 ⎜ ∑ 1 2 3 i 3 2 3 2 T i =0 T ⎛ T i =0 c3 ⎞ c3 ⎞ ⎛ ⎜ T ⎜1 − c 2 Exp[ ] ⎟ ⎜1 − c 2 Exp[ ] ⎟ ⎜ T ⎠ T ⎠ ⎝ ⎝ ⎝ ( ) ⎞ ⎟ i +1 ⎟ a iη ⎟ ∑ i =0 ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ 6 ∂ 2 A1 / RT 1 tg 2b = tg 3b + tg 4b − 3 2 ∂T c3 ⎞ ⎛ ⎜1 − c2 Exp[ ] ⎟ T ⎠ ⎝ where: Tg1 = η ⎤ c3 c 2 Exp[c3 / T ] ⎡ c3 c 2 Exp[c3 / T ] c c Exp[c3 / T ] Sum3 + 6 3 2 Sum 2 − 3c3 Sum 2 − 6 Sum 2⎥ ⎢9η 4 c4T c4 c4 ⎣ ⎦ 89 Tg2b= 12m ⎤ 2 ep ⎡ c3 c 2 Exp[c3 / T ] Sum 2 + 2 Sum1 + tg1⎥ ⎢6η 3 T ⎣ c4T T ⎦ Tg3b= − 12m Tg4b= 72m ⎡ c3 c 2 Exp[c3 / T ] ⎤ c3 ep + + c c Exp [ c / T ] 12 3 6 ⎢ ⎥ Sum1 3 2 3 T c 44T 4 c T 4 ⎣ ⎦ ⎡ c c Exp[c3 / T ] ⎤ ep c c Exp[c3 / T ]⎢3η 3 2 Sum2 − Sum1⎥ 4 3 2 c T c4T ⎣ ⎦ 4 4 6 6 6 i =0 i =0 i =0 Sum1= ∑ aiη i +1 ; sum2= ∑ ai (i + 1)η i ; sum3= ∑ i (i + 1)aiη i −1 ep = ε ⎛c ⎞ ; c4= 1 − c2 Exp⎜ 3 ⎟ ; k ⎝T ⎠ Derivatives of second-order perturbation term: A2 8η − 2η 2 20η − 27η 2 + 12η 3 − 2η 4 ⎞ ⎛ 6 ⎞⎛ ⎛ ε ⎞ ⎟ ( ) + − 1 m = −πρm 3 ⎜ ⎟ σ 3 ⎜ ∑ bi (m )η i ⎟⎜⎜1 + m ⎟ RT (1 − η )4 [(1 − η )(2 − η )]2 ⎝ kT ⎠ ⎝ i =1 ⎠⎝ ⎠ 2 −1 A2 1 1 ep 2 sum1 = −6m 2 2 3 RT T ⎛ c3 ⎞ tgz ⎜1 − c 2 Exp[ ] ⎟ T ⎠ ⎝ ( ) 2 ∂ A2 / RT tg 5 1 2 ep = 6m 2 3 2 ∂η T ⎛ c ⎞ tgz ⎜1 − c 2 Exp[ 3 ] ⎟ T ⎠ ⎝ = 6m 2 ( 6 ∑bη i =0 i +1 i 1 1 ⎛ tg 5 ep 2 ⎜⎜ 2 3 T ⎛ c3 ⎞ tgz ⎝ tgz ⎜1 − c 2 Exp[ ] ⎟ T ⎠ ⎝ ep 2 1 1 6 − 6m bi (i + 1)η i ∑ 2 3 T ⎛ c ⎞ tgz i =0 ⎜1 − c 2 Exp[ 3 ] ⎟ T ⎠ ⎝ 2 6 ⎞ i +1 − b η bi (i + 1)η i ⎟⎟ ∑ ∑ i i =0 i =0 ⎠ 6 ) 2 ∂ 2 A2 / RT 1 1 2 ep = − 6 m 2 2 3 ∂η T ⎛ c ⎞ tgz ⎜1 − c 2 Exp[ 3 ] ⎟ T ⎠ ⎝ 6 ⎛ ⎛ 5 2 tg 6 ⎞ 6 ⎞ 5 6 i +1 i i −1 ⎜⎜ ⎟ ⎟ ( ) ( ) − b η b i 1 η b . i . i 1 η − + + + ∑ ∑ ∑ i i i ⎟ ⎜ ⎜ tgz 2 ⎟ tgz tgz i =0 i =0 ⎠ i =0 ⎝⎝ ⎠ 90 ( ) ep 2 m 2 c 2 .c3 .Exp[c3 / T ] ∂ 2 A2 / RT = (tg 30 − tg 31 − tg 32) ∂T .∂ρ c4 ( ) ∂ A2 / RT 1 1 ep 2 = 6m 2 3 3 ∂T T ⎛ c ⎞ tgz ⎜ 1 − c 2 Exp [ 3 ] ⎟ T ⎠ ⎝ ⎞ ⎛⎛ ⎞ ⎟ ⎜⎜ ⎟ 6 6 [ / ] c 2 c3 Exp[c3 / T ] ⎟ c c Exp c T ⎟ ⎜⎜ 3 biη i +1 − 3η 2 3 bi (i + 1)η i ⎟ ∑ ∑ ⎜⎜ 2 + 3 ⎛ ⎟ c ⎞ c ⎞ ⎛ ⎟ ⎜ ⎜⎜ T ⎜1 − c 2 Exp[ 3 ] ⎟ ⎟⎟ i =0 T ⎜1 − c 2 Exp[ 3 ] ⎟ i =0 ⎟ ⎜ T ⎠ T ⎠⎠ ⎝ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝⎝ ⎛ ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ 1 1 ⎜ T .tg 7 c 2 c3 Exp[c3 / T ] ⎟ 6 2 ep 6 . biη i +1 + 6m ∑ 3 ⎜ ⎟ c tgz T3 ⎛ tgz ⎛ ⎞ i =0 c ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎜1 − c 2 Exp[ 3 ] ⎟ ⎟⎟ ⎜1 − c 2 Exp[ 3 ] ⎟ T ⎠⎠ ⎝ T ⎠ ⎝ ⎝ 2 ( ) ⎞ c c Exp[c3 / T ] ⎛ 12c 2 c3 Exp[c3 / T ] 3c3 ∂ 2 A2 / RT ep 2 m 2 ⎜⎜ = [−6 sum1 2 3 + + 6 ⎟⎟ 3 4 2 c 4T c 4T T ∂T c 4 T tgz ⎝ ⎠ + ⎞ ⎞ 36c 2 c3 Exp[c3 / T ] ⎛⎜ ⎛ c 2 c3 Exp[c3 / T ] ⎛ ⎞ 6tg 7 ⎟ − 6tg 43 ⎟ ] ⎜ ⎜ ⎟ η sum sum sum 3 2 − 1 − 2 1 ⎜ ⎟ ⎟ ⎜⎜ ⎟ c 4T c 4T tgz ⎝ ⎠ ⎠ ⎝⎝ ⎠ where 8η − 2η 2 tg 3 Tgz = 1 + m + (1 − m ) 2 4 tg1 tg1 tg 2 2 Tg1 = 1 - η Tg2 = 2 – η T12g= (1 − η ) (2 − η ) =tg12tg22 2 2 Tg3 = 20 η - 27 η 2 + 12 η 3 - 2 η 4 Tg4=20-54 η +36 η 2-8 η 3. Tg5= m 1− m (tg 4 + 2tg 3 / tg 2 + 2tg 3 / tg1) 8 − 4η + 4 8η − 2η 2 / tg1 + 4 t12 g Tg1 ( ( ) ) 91 Tg6= m 1− m 8(8 − 4η ) / tg1 + 4 + 20 8η − 2η 2 / tg12 + − 54 + 72η − 24η 2 + (4tg 4 / tg 2) + (4tg 4 / tg1) 4 12 t g Tg1 ( ( ) ) (( + (6tg 3 / tg 2 ) + (8tg 3 / tg1 / tg 2 ) + (6tg 3 / tg1 ) 2 ) ) 2 Tg7= ym((16η − 4η 2 ) / tg15 + (4 − 2η ) / tg14 ) + η (1 − m ) t12 g ((tg 3 / tg 2) + (tg 3 / tg1) + (tg 4 / 2)) Tg30= 18c1 2tg 7 7 7 Sum2 − Sum1 − Sum1 2 2 2 2 T tgz ρ .c 4T .Tgz ρ .c 2 c3 Exp[c3 / T ]c 42T .tgz 2 Tg31= 18c1η 12c1c 4 6(tg 27 + tg 28 + tg 29 ) Sum3 + Sum1 + Sum2 2 3 2 2 c 2 c3 Exp[c3 / T ].T .tgz T tgz ρ .c 4 T .Tgz Tg32= 36c1tg 7 12(12tg 7 2 ) Sum 1 + Sum2 T 2 .tgz 2 ρ .c 43T 2 .Tgz 3 Tg28= (1 − m ) ((60η − 324η 2 + 324η 3 − 96η 4 ) + 18η 2 tg 3 / tg 2 2 + 24η 2 tg 3 / tg 2 / tg1 + 6ηtg 3 / tg 2) t12 g Tg29= (1 − m ) (18η 2 (tg 3) / tg12 + 6η (tg 3) / tg1 + 6η 2 (tg 4) / tg 2 + 6η 2 (tg 4) / tg1) t12 g Tg43=6sum1- 4c 2 .c3 .Exp[c3 / T ] (3ηsum 2 − 6tg 7 sum1 / tgz ) + c 4T ⎞ c2 .c3 .Exp[c3 / T ] ⎛ 9c 2 .c3 .Exp[c3 / T ] 6c .c .Exp[c3 / T ] 3c sum2 [η ⎜⎜ ηsum3 + 2 3 sum2 − 3 − 6 sum2 ⎟⎟ − c 4T c 4T c 4T T ⎝ ⎠ 36c 2 .c3 .Exp[c3 / T ] tg 42 tg 7ηsum2 + sum1] c 4Ttgz tgz tg 42 = −(tg 40 + tg 41 + (1 − m )tg10 + 12(1 − m)c 2 .c3 .Exp[c3 / T ] tg 4(1 / tg1 + 1 / tg 2)] + c 4Ttg12 tg 2 3 (tg1tg 2)2 36c 2 .c3 .Exp[c3 / T ] tg 7tg 7 c 4Ttgz 92 c c Exp[c3 / T ] y ⎛c ⎞ tg10 = −3 y⎜ 3 + 2 ⎟tg 4 + 2 3 ( 120 − 810 y + 864 y 2 − 264 y 3 ) c 4T ⎝T ⎠ ⎞⎛ 1 (1 − m)ηtg 3 ⎛⎜ c2 c3 Exp[c3 / T ]η ⎛⎜ 23 − 30η + 10η 2 ⎞⎟ ⎛ 12c2 c3 Exp[c3 / T ] 6c3 1 ⎞ ⎞⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ tg 41 = + − − + 18 12 ⎟⎜ tg1 tg 2 ⎟⎟ ⎟ ⎜ 2 − 3η + η 2 2 ⎟ ⎜⎝ c 4T c 4T T ( 2)2 ⎜⎝ ⎠⎠ ⎠⎝ ⎠ ⎝ 2 2 2 η 8η − 2η ⎛ 12c3 m c 2 c3 Exp[c3 / T ] 24η 32 + 14η − η ⎞ [ − + 24 ⎟ + tg 40 = ⎜ 4 c 4Ttg1 tg1 tg1 tg1 ⎝ T ⎠ ( ( ) ) ( ) 12(c3 + 2T )(η − 2)η c 2 c3 Exp[c3 / T ] η (48 − 68η ) + ] c 4T T 6.5 Summary and conclusions Methodology and strategy for development of PC-SAFT equation of state have been studied. PC-SAFT EOS for pure fluids by modifying SAFT equation of state with an application of perturbation theory of Barker and Henderson is reviewed. In PC-SAFT, reference hard chain system is based on Carnahan-Starling equation. First- and secondorder perturbation terms are based on results of Barker and Henderson. Different derivatives of residual Helmholtz energy are derived for two purposes. Firstly, these derivatives are used to program a fitting package. Secondly, these derivatives are used to calculate thermodynamic properties of fluids such as pressure, enthalpy, and entropy. 93 References [6.1] A. Müller, J. Winkelmann, J. Fischer, Backone family of equations of state: 1. Nonpolar and polar pure fluids. AIChE J., 42 (1996) 1116-1126. [6.2] U. Weingerl, M. Wendland, J. Fischer, A. Müller, J. Winkelmann, Backone family of equations of state: 2. Nonpolar and polar fluid mixtures. AIChE J., 47 (2001) 705- 717. [6.3] J. Gross and G. 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The three parameters of the molecular based PC-SAFT equation of state can be fitted either directly to the experimental vapour pressures and saturated liquid densities or to the extrapolation equations. Comparisons of thermodynamic data from PC-SAFT for MDM based on these two fitting routes with experimental data show good agreement for both modes with a better performance in case of fitting to the extrapolation equations. Hence, PC-SAFT parameters were determined for all five siloxanes by fitting to the extrapolation equations. Comparisons of resulting PC-SAFT thermodynamic data with a variety of experimental data show good agreement. Finally, thermodynamic data are presented in tables and graphs. 7.1 Introduction Presently there are strong efforts to develop new environmentally friendly processes for energy conversion. Interesting processes for that purpose are Clausius-Rankine cycles for conversion of heat to power which use organic substances as working fluids, simply called organic Rankine cycles (ORC) [7.1, 7.2]. A crucial question is then the selection of appropriate working fluids for specified upper and lower temperatures [7.3 –7.9]. A related problem is the selection of working fluids for heat pump cycles (HPC). For cycles which work at low temperatures, i.e up to about 100°C, alkanes, fluorinated alkanes, ethers and fluorinated ethers are potential candidates for subcritical and transcritical cycles. For the thermodynamic description of these substances the molecular based equation of state BACKONE is appropriate [7.8, 7.10, 7.11]. This is more problematic for cycles in which * See also: N. A. Lai, M. Wendland, J. Fischer, Description of linear siloxanes with PC-SAFT equation, Fluid Phase Equilibria 283 (2009) 22-30 96 the working fluids reach temperatures higher than 200°C. Smaller alkanes might be used in transcritical cycles. But with increasing chain lengths the self ignition temperature decreases to about 200°C so that longer alkanes which are environmentally friendly and yield good thermal efficiencies can not be used any more for safety reasons. Fluorinated alkanes have a strong globing warming potential and extremely long atmospheric lifetimes and hence should not be used for environmental reasons. Hence, the use of siloxanes [7.3 – 7.6] for higher temperature ORC and HPC, i.g. heat pumps of the HI splitting section of the sulfur-iodine process for hydrogen manufacture [7.7], was considered. A problem in the ORC cycles is the heat transfer from the heat carrier to the working fluid. A pure fluid as working fluid in a subcritical cycle yields a pinch point [7.8] which limits the transferable heat. In order to increase the transferred heat, one may use transcritical cycles with pure fluids, or subcritical and transcritical cycles with mixtures. Hence, in order to optimize an ORC cycle under given conditions for the heat carrier and the cooling medium, equations of state (EOS) are needed for potential pure or mixed working fluids. First, mixtures were considered [7.3] using the cubic Peng-Robinson-Stryjek-Vera equation [7.12] with the Wong-Sandler mixing rules [7.13]. The limitations of that approach have, however, already been pointed out elsewhere [7.14]. Recently, pure fluids were considered in [7.9] using the DIPPR database [7.15] which, however, contains only pure substance properties. In [7.14] four pure siloxanes were described by short fundamental equations of state of the Span-Wagner type [7.16, 7.17]. These can in principle be extended to mixtures but so far this was only done for natural gas mixtures [7.18] and requires a wealth of experimental data. In this situation it is challenging to describe the siloxanes by some molecular based equations of state which can be extended more easily to mixtures [7.11, 7.19]. First, we tried BACKONE which was recently shown again to be a very good equation of state for compact molecules [7.20]. As siloxanes have, however, a chain-like structure, we will use here the PC-SAFT equation [7.19] which shows better performance for these fluids than BACKONE. 97 Hence, in this chapter we determine parameters of PC-SAFT equation [7.19] for the pure siloxanes hexamethyldisiloxane, octamethyltrisiloxane, decamethyltetrasiloxane, dodecamethylpentasiloxane, and tetradecamethylhexasiloxane and compare PC-SAFT results with experimental data. As data at higher temperatures are scarce, it is helpful to extrapolate saturated liquid densities and vapour pressures by appropriate equations. The three parameters of the molecular based PC-SAFT equation of state can be fitted either directly to the experimental data or to the extrapolation equations. In Sec. 2 an overview is given over available experimental data. In Sec. 3 extrapolation procedures are discussed first and then the PC-SAFT equation [7.19] is outlined and the optimization procedure for the determination of the parameters is presented. In Sec. 4 we investigate two different fitting modes for PC-SAFT. In the first mode the input data are taken directly experimental data, in the second the input data are taken from extrapolation equations. In Sec. 5 the PC-SAFT parameters will be given and comparisons of the PC-SAFT results with experimental data will be shown. Finally, in Sec. 6 thermodynamic data will be presented in tables and graphs. 7.2 Experimental data Instead of the full chemical names of the siloxanes frequently the following abbreviations are used: MM for hexamethyldisiloxane (C6H18OSi2), MDM for octamethyltrisiloxane (C8H24O2Si3), MD2M for decamethyltetrasiloxane, (C10H30O3Si4), MD3M for dodecamethyl-pentasiloxane (C12H36O4Si5), and MD4M for tetradecamethylhexasiloxane (C14H42O5Si6). Drawings of these molecules can be found in the webbook of NIST [7.21]. In this Section we compile available experimental data for MM, MDM, MD2M, MD3M, and MD4M. The references for these data were found mainly in the DECHEMA data series DETHERM [7.22]. The data are taken from the original sources as far as possible. Also helpful are the webbook of NIST [7.21] and the data compilation of the Thermodynamics Research Center (TRC) which is now also run by NIST. In Table 7.1 experimental data for the critical temperature Tc, the critical pressure pc, and the critical density ρc are compiled. These data have been critically reviewed by others or by us and the values selected for further evaluations in thic chapter are presented. 98 Table 7.1. Critical data of linear siloxanes: experimental (exp) and selected (sel) Property Tc [K] Value 518.7 518.8 518.6 518.45 518.7 pc [MPa] ρc [mol/l] Tc [K] pc [MPa] ρc [mol/l] Tc [K] pc [MPa] ρc [mol/l] Tc [K] pc [MPa] 1.925 1.910 1.910 1.925 1.637 1.637 564.13 565.4 562.9 564.4 564.13 1.4150 1.46 1.4196 1.4150 1.1341 1.152 1.1341 599.4 599.4 599.15 599.4 1.265 1.19 1.19 0.8643 0.8643 629.0 627.6 629.0 0.945 0.945 Type Source, Uncertainty MM (C6H18OSi2) exp McLure, Dickinson [7.23] exp Dickinson, McLure [7.24] exp Young [7.25] exp Pollnow [7.26, 7.27] ±0.5 K TRC, NIST[7.22], sel DETHERM[7.21] exp McLure, Dickinson [7.23] exp Dickinson, McLure [7.24] exp Young [7.25] sel ±0.01 TRC, NIST[7.22] exp Pollnow [7.26, 7.27] sel Pollnow [7.26, 7.27] MDM (C8H24O2Si3) exp Lindley, Hershey [7.28] exp Dickinson, McLure [7.24] exp Young [7.29] exp Pollnow [7.26, 7.27] sel Lindley, Hershey [7.28] exp Lindley, Hershey [7.28] exp Dickinson, McLure [7.24] exp Young [7.29] sel Lindley, Hershey [7.28] exp Lindley, Hershey [7.28] exp Pollnow [7.26, 7.27] sel Lindley, Hershey [7.28] MD2M (C10H30O3Si4) exp exp exp Young [7.29] Dickinson, McLure [7.24] Pollnow [7.26, 7.27] sel Dickinson, McLure [7.24] exp Young [7.29] exp Dickinson, McLure [7.24] sel Dickinson, McLure [7.24] exp Pollnow [7.26, 7.27] sel Pollnow [7.26, 7.27] MD3M (C12H36O4Si5) exp Young [7.29] exp Pollnow [7.26, 7.27] sel Young [7.29] exp Young [7.29] sel Young [7.29] 99 ρc [mol/l] Tc [K] pc [MPa] ρc [mol/l] 0.7143 0.7143 653.2 653.2 0.804 0.804 0.5970 exp Pollnow [7.26, 7.27] sel Pollnow [7.26, 7.27] MD4M (C14H42O5Si6) exp Young [7.29] sel Young [7.29] exp Young [7.29] sel Young [7.29] exp sel This work, Eq. (2) Tables 7.2 and 7.3 contain temperature ranges, numbers of data points and sources of experimental vapour pressures ps and saturated liquid densities ρ’. In these compilations we have not included experimental data which did not seem to be reliable on the basis of critical investigations made by previous authors or by us. Table 7.2. Experimental vapour pressures: temperature ranges, numbers of data points and sources. Number Source of exp data MM (C6H18OSi2) Tc = 518.7 McLure, Dickinson 491.60 - 518.70 19 [7.23] 309.36 - 411.57 21 Scott et al. [7.30] 313.15 - 373.61 14 Guzman [7.31] 302.78 - 383.30 15 Flaningam [7.27] MDM (C8H24O2Si3) Tc = 564.3 346.10 - 436.49 12 Flaningam [7.27] 322.44 - 564.13 74 Lindley, Hershey [7.28] MD2M (C10H30O3Si4) Tc = 599.4 366.20 - 479.17 15 Flaningam [7.27] MD3M (C12H36O4Si5) Tc = 629.0 395.61-515.36 15 Flaningam [7.27] MD4M (C14H42O5Si6) Tc = 653.2 449.17-545.71 11 Flaningam [7.27] Temperature range [K] Considering the vapour pressures in Table 7.2 we observe that for MM experimental data are available from 303 K up to 412 K [7.27, 7.30] and close to the critical temperature [7.23]. For MDM data are available from 322 K up to the critical temperature [7.28]. For the higher siloxanes, the data were measured up to 133 kPa [7.27] which corresponds to temperature ranges up to 0.80 Tc for MD2M and 0.84 for MD4M. 100 Table 7.3. Experimental saturated liquid densities: temperature ranges, numbers of data points and sources. Temperature range [K] 273.15 – 313.15 273.15 – 353.15 273.12 - 564.13 273.15 - 353.15 273.15 – 353.15 293.15 - 363.15 273.15 – 353.15 273.15-353.15 Number Source of exp data MM (C6H18OSi2) Tc = 518.7 3 Hurd [7.32] 10 Gubareva [7.33] MDM (C8H24O2Si3) Tc = 564.3 37 Lindley, Hershey [7.28] 5 Hurd [7.32] MD2M (C10H30O3Si4) Tc = 599.4 5 Hurd [7.32] 8 Golik, Cholpan [7.34] MD3M (C12H36O4Si5) Tc = 629.0 5 Hurd [7.32] MD4M (C14H42O5Si6) Tc = 653.2 5 Hurd [7.32] The experimental situation for the saturated liquid densities displayed in Table 7.3 is still worse. For MDM, Lindley and Hershey [7.28] measured ρ’ from 273 K up to Tc with a gap in the temperature range between 361 K and 426 K. For the other siloxanes the highest temperature is about 353 K [7.32, 7.33, 7.34]. Additional pvT-data sets were given by McLure et al. [7.35] and Marcos et al. [7.36]. In [7.35] liquid densities at ambient pressure are given for all linear siloxanes considered here, whilst in [7.36] densities in the vapor phase have been reported for MM and MDM. 7.3 7.3.1 Equations Extrapolation equations A usual method to determine parameters of molecular based equations of state (EOS) is a fit to experimental vapour pressure and saturated liquid density data. The particular problem here is that for most siloxanes the experimental data are limited to lower temperatures. In case that data at higher temperatures are also available (MM, MDM) there may occur a gap in an intermediate temperature range. At this point we may follow two routes. The first is simply to fit the parameters of the EOS to the available experimental data. In the second, one may use extrapolated data for fitting the EOS-parameters to a 101 larger temperature range which requires appropriate equations. This extrapolation may be only an upward extrapolation from the low temperatures or a matching extrapolation from low and high temperatures. For the extrapolation of vapour pressures we considered the Antoine-equation [7.37], the Wagner-equation [7.38], and the Iglesias-Silva-equation [7.39]. The latter could not be used as it requires the vapour pressure at the triple point which is not available for any of the siloxanes. Moreover, we found that for upward extrapolation the Wagnerequation is in general more useful than the Antoine-equation. Hence we use here the equation of Wagner [7.38] which writes as ln(pr) = (1/Tr) [A(1-Tr) + B(1-Tr)1.5 + C(1-Tr)3 + D(1-Tr)6], (7.1) where Tr = T/Tc and pr = ps/pc and A, B, C, and D are fit parameters. Both Tc and pc are taken from Table 7.1 and the vapour pressure can be obtained from the sources listed in Table 7.2. The fit criterion is to minimize Σi [(ps,exp,i - ps,cal,i ) / ps,exp,i]2. The extrapolation of saturated liquid densities was studied recently [7.40]. It was found that for MDM the best extrapolation is achieved with the equation of Spencer and Danner [7.41] which we write here in the form ln ρ’ = ln ρp – (lnZp)(1-Tr)(2/7). (7.2) Eq. (2) requires the experimental critical temperature Tc and the experimental critical pressure pc and contains the pseudo-critical density ρp as the only fitting parameter. The pseudo-compression factor Zp is related to Tc, pc and ρp by Zp = pc/ρpRTc. The objective function for the parameter fitting is the minimization of Σi [(ρ’exp,i - ρ’cal,i / ρ’exp,i]2. For the siloxanes considered here, experimental saturated liquid densities are available for all substances in the temperature range from 273.15 K to 353.15 K and in addition for MDM from 273.12 K to 564.13 K. In order to test the performance of Eq. (2) for the particular situation of the linear siloxanes, we fitted it to the five data points of Hurd [7.32] for MDM and compared the extrapolation against the experimental data of Lindley and Hershey [7.28] over the whole temperature range. In addition, we also tested Eqs. (3), (4), and (6) from [7.40]. From the results shown in Figure 7.1 we see that the extrapolation with Eq. (2) is surprisingly good and will be used throughout thic chapter. 102 4.0 100(ρ 'exp -ρ 'cal )/ρ'exp 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 -1.0 -2.0 273 353 564 -3.0 -4.0 260 360 460 560 T [K] Figure 7.1. Deviations of extrapolated saturated liquid densities from experimental data points [7.28] for MDM. The fitting was made to the experimental data of [7.32] between 273.15 K and 353.15 K. The extrapolation equations used are: - o - Eq.(3) from [7.40], -■Eq.(4) from [7.40], -●- present Eq. (2), -Δ- Eq. (6) from [7.40]. 7.3.2 PC-SAFT equation The working equations of the molecular based PC-SAFT equation of Gross and Sadowksi [7.19] shall be summarized here for the case of pure fluids. The underlying model assumes the molecules as chains composed of spherical segments. The pair potential for the segments of the chain is taken as square well with step potential according to Chen and Kreglewski [7.42]. The step ranges from 0.88 σ to σ and has a height of 3ε, the well has the depth ε. Following the perturbation theory of Barker and Henderson [7.43] a temperature dependent hard sphere diameter d(T) for the segments is introduced as d = σ [1-0.12exp(-3ε/kT)], (7.3) with k being the Boltzmann-constant. Let us now consider a system of N chain molecules where ρ is the number density of chains and m the number of segments in the chain. For that system the residual Helmholtz energy Ares is written according to the second order perturbation theory of Barker and Henderson [7.44] as Ares/NkT = AHC/NkT + A1/NkT + A2/NkT. (7.4) In Eq. (4) AHC is the residual Helmholtz energy of the hard chains and A1 and A2 are the first and second order perturbation terms. 103 The hard chain contribution AHC is obtained by using the SAFT approach of Wertheim [7.44, 7.47] and its applications by Chapman et al. [7.48, 7.49]. As in [7.19] only the compression factor ZHC is given we follow here another SAFT application [7.50] and present AHC explicitly AHC/NkT = m[y(4-3y)/(1-y)2] - (m-1)ln[(1- ½ y)/(1-y)3], (7.5) with y = (π/6)mρd3 being the hard segment packing fraction. The perturbation terms are expressed by power series in the packing fraction y as A1/NkT = - 2πρσ3 m2(ε/kT) ∑i ai(m)yi (i = 0, 1,…6), (7.6) A2/NkT = - πρσ3 m3(ε/kT)2 [kT(∂ρ/∂p)HC] ∑i bi(m)yi (i = 0, 1,…6), (7.7) where the compressibility (∂ρ/∂p)HC of the hard chain reference system can be derived straightforward from the residual Helmholtz energy AHC given in Eq. (5). The dependence of the coefficients on the segment number m was shown earlier [7.51] to be well represented by an ansatz of Liu and Hu [7.52] ai(m) = a0i + [(m-1)/m] a1i + [(m-1)(m-2)/m2] a2i, i = 1,2,…6, (7.8) bi(m) = b0i + [(m-1)/m] b1i + [(m-1)(m-2)/m2] b2i, i = 1,2,…6. (7.9) The 36 coefficients a0i, a1i, a2i, b0i, b1i, b2i, i = 1, 2,…6, were fitted to experimental data of alkanes and are given in Table 1 of [7.19]. It seems worth to mention that this procedure followed that in BACKONE [7.10] where the contribution of the attractive dispersion forces to the Helmholtz energy was also obtained by a fit to experimental data. The PC-SAFT equation as described above has three substance-specific parameters, the energy parameter ε representing the well depth, the size parameter σ representing the segment diameter and the chain length m. These three parameters shall be determined here for the linear siloxanes by fitting to experimental or extrapolated vapour pressures and saturated liquid densities. The data selection will be the subject of the next chapter. Here, we deal with the fitting procedure for finding ε, σ, and m for given sets of ps,exp,i and ρ’exp,i. In the procedure for finding optimized parameters ε, σ, and m one has to calculate for some given parameter vector k = {εk, σk,mk} at some given temperature Ti the vapour pressure ps,cal,i (k) and the saturated liquid density ρ’cal,i(k). This is done by starting from 104 the expressions for the residual Helmholtz energy, Eqs. (3) to (9), and by calculating with the parameter vector k at a given temperature Ti the vapour pressure ps,cal,i and the saturated liquid density ρ’cal,I from the equilibrium conditions of equal pressure p and equal Gibbs energy G/NKT for liquid and vapour. The objective function D(k) to be minimized is D(k) = wp Σi [(ps,exp,i - ps,cal,i(k)) / ps,exp,i]2 + wρ Σj [(ρ’exp,j - ρ’cal,j(k)) / ρ’exp,j]2. (7.10) In this optimization the vapour pressures and the saturated liquid densities may be taken at different temperatures which is indicated by the different indices i and j. Moreover, different weights wp and wρ may be assigned to the vapour pressures and the saturated liquid densities. If nothing else is said about these weights they are taken to be unity. In order to find the minimum of D(k) we used the Simplex algorithm of Nelder and Mead [7.53]. 7.4 Fitting modes for PC-SAFT The molecular based PC-SAFT equation contains the three substance specific parameters ε, σ, and m. In order to determine these by fitting, at least three experimental data are required. The item at issue is now, which data should be used and how many. In the case of the molecular based BACKONE equation two fitting modes were tested [7.10]. In the correlative mode a large number of data was used, whereas in the predictive mode the parameters were fit to only two vapour pressures and two saturated liquid densities. It was found that the results from the predictive mode were rather similar to those from the correlative mode. We should, however, add that the two vapour pressures were taken at low and high reduced temperatures Tr and the same holds for the saturated liquid densities. The particular problem here is that for most siloxanes the experimental data are limited to lower reduced temperatures. The question is now, how does the accuracy of PC-SAFT depend on different data sets used for the fitting of the three parameters. We investigate the problem for MDM, because for that substance the experimental data set extends from low to high temperatures [7.27], [7.28, 7.32]. The four fitting modes considered are described in Table 7.4, which also contains the resulting PC-SAFT parameters. The vapour pressures ps and the saturated liquid densities ρ’ resulting from the four different modes for PC-SAFT are compared with the experimental data of [7.28] in Figures 7.2 and 7.3. 105 Table 7.4. PC-SAFT parameters for MDM resulting from different fitting modes Mode ε/k [K] σ [nm] m 1 208.34 0.40965 5.4119 2 208.51 0.41008 5.3972 3 213.38 0.41689 5.1504 4 212.36 0.41575 5.2055 Data used for fit of PC-SAFT parameters ps at 346.10 K and 436.49 K from [7.27] ρ’ at 273.15 K and 353.15 K from [7.32] all ps between 346.10 K and 436.49 K from [7.27] all ρ’ between 273.15 K and 353.15 K from [7.32] Eq. (1) is based on all ps in 346.10 K - 436.49 K [7.27]. From Eq. (1) 19 ps-values are generated up to 0.9 Tc. Eq. (2) is based on all ρ’ in 273.15 K - 353.15 K [7.32]. From Eq. (2) 27 ρ’-values are generated up to 0.9 Tc. Eq. (1) is based on all ps in 346.10 K - 436.49 K [7.27] and in 322.44 – 562.13 [7.28]. From Eq. (1) 23 ps-values are generated up to 0.96 Tc. From From ρ’ correlation, Eq. (6) from [7.28], 28 ρ’-values are generated up to 0.96 Tc. We learn from the parameters in Table 7.4 as well as from the results displayed in Figure 7.2 and 7.3 that modes 1 and 2, which both use experimental low temperature data directly, yield rather similar results. Further, we see that modes 3 and 4 yield also results which are rather similar and are clearly in better agreement with experimental data than those from mode 1 and 2. It is not surprising that mode 4 yields good results as all available experimental data, also those at high temperatures, have been used in determining PCSAFT parameters. The crucial point is now, that mode 3 uses as input the same low temperature experimental data as mode 2. The difference between these two modes is in the fact that mode 3 uses as intermediate step the extrapolation equations Eq. (1) and (2) which take into account the experimental values of the critical temperature Tc and the critical pressure pc. 106 100(ps,exp -ps,cal)/ps,exp 4.0 2.0 0.0 -2.0 -4.0 -6.0 -8.0 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 T [K] Figure 7.2. Comparison of vapour pressures ps for MDM from four different PC-SAFT fitting modes with exp data of Lindley and Hershey [7.28]. The fitting modes are described in Table 7.4. Δ mode 1, X mode 2, O mode 3, + mode 4. 5.0 100(ρ'exp -ρ'cal)/ρ'exp 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 -1.0 -2.0 200 300 400 500 600 T [K] Figure 7.3. Comparison of saturated liquid densities ρ’ for MDM from four different PCSAFT fitting modes with exp data of Lindley and Hershey [7.28]. The fitting modes are described in Table 7.4. Δ mode 1, X mode 2, O mode 3, + mode 4 The conclusion of this study is that fitting mode 3 is best suited for determining PCSAFT parameters of all considered linear siloxanes. It requires as experimental input data low temperature vapour pressures and saturated liquid densities as well as the critical 107 temperature and the critical pressure for a given substance, which all are available for the considered linear siloxanes. 7.5 Results and discussion In Sec. 4 we came to the conclusion that in case of linear siloxanes the best fitting mode for the PC-SAFT equation is mode 3. For that one has to find first extrapolation equations for the vapour pressure and the saturated liquid densities. Appropriate extrapolation equations are Eq. (1) for the vapour pressures as suggested by Wagner [7.38] and Eq. (2) for the saturated liquid densities as suggested by Spencer and Danner [7.41]. The PC-Saft parameters are fitted to vapour pressures and saturated liquid densities resulting from these extrapolation equations. The experimental sources and the temperature ranges of the input data for the Wagner equation, Eq. (1), are listed in Table 7.5 which also contains the fitted parameters of that equation. The experimental sources and the temperature ranges of the input data for the Spencer-Danner equation, Eq. (2), are listed in Table 7.6 which also contains the fitted pseudo-critical density ρp of that equation. The critical data required in Eqs. (1) and (2) are the selected data given in Table 7.1. Table 7.5. Coefficients of the Wagner-equation [7.38] for the vapour pressures, Eq. (1), fitting range in reduced temperatures Tr, and sources of underlying experimental data. All data are used with the same weight. The critical data are taken from Table 7.1. A B C D MM -7.20937 -0.729325 0.738444 -27.0088 MDM MD2M MD3M MD4M -9.09304 -9.79160 -9.08403 -9.61691 3.07918 3.23549 1.08936 2.13118 -9.17109 -9.54538 -8.00774 -14.1658 5.77518 0.16326 -4.92236 51.6756 108 Fitting range Sources of exp. Data in Tr 0.58-0.79 and [7.23],[7.27], 0.95-1.00 [7.30],[7.31] 0.61-0.77 [7.27] 0.61-0.80 [7.27] 0.63-0.82 [7.27] 0.69-0.84 [7.27] Table 7.6. Pseudo-critical densities ρp of the Spencer-Danner equation [7.40, 7.41] for the saturated liquid densities, Eq. (2), fitting range in reduced temperatures Tr, and sources of underlying experimental data. All data are used with the same weight. The critical data are taken from Table 7.1. ρp MM MDM MD2M MD3M MD4M 1.6655 1.1608 0.9085 0.7171 0.5970 Fitting range in Tr 0.53 – 0.68 0.48 – 0.63 0.46 – 0.61 0.43 – 0.56 0.42 – 0.54 Sources of exp. data [7.32], [7.33] [7.32] [7.32], [7.34] [7.32] [7.32] The resulting PC-SAFT parameters are given in Table 7.7. This table contains also the ranges of reduced temperatures from which the vapour pressures and the saturated liquid densities have bee taken from Eqs. (1) and (2) with intervals of 10 K for fitting the PC-SAFT parameters. Regarding the results in Table 7.7 one observes trends in all three parameters which, however, are not very regular. The trend in m is satisfying because it had to be expected according the physical meaning of this parameter. Table 7.7. PC-SAFT parameters of linear siloxanes and fitting ranges in reduced temperatures Tr in the fits to Eq. (1) and (2). In the fitting ranges the data were taken with intervals of 10 K. MM MDM MD2M MD3M MD4M ps fitting range ρ’ fitting range in Tr in Tr 0.58 - 0.90 0.52 - 0.90 0.57 - 0.90 0.48 - 0.90 0.61 - 0.90 0.45 - 0.90 0.63 - 0.90 0.43 - 0.90 0.67 - 0.90 0.41 - 0.90 ε/k [K] σ [nm] m 209.4933 213.3824 212.6004 215.3387 219.1483 3.97997 4.168933 4.24578 4.36766 4.51132 4.24260 5.150368 6.19610 6.95400 7.48151 The extrapolation equations as well as the thermodynamic properties resulting from the PC-SAFT equation will be discussed in the following subsections. We remind that similar studies were made previously for the refrigerants with BACKONE [7.54, 7.55]. 7.5.1 Hexamathyldisiloxane (MM) From the extrapolation equation for the vapour pressure for MM we observed that the experimental data [7.23, 7.27, 7.30, 7.31] are reproduced by Eq. (1) with deviations less than 0.7%. Moreover, we found that the deviations between the vapour pressures of 109 Flaningam and of Scott et al. amount up to 0.55%. Regarding the saturated liquid densities, the pseudo-critical density ρp from Eq. (2) is seen from Table 7.6 to differ from the selected critical density ρc in Table 7.1 by 1.7%. The experimental saturated liquid densities used for fitting are reproduced by Eq. (2) with a maximum deviation of 0.26%. Next we show results from PC-SAFT equation. The comparison of the vapour pressures from PC-SAFT with the experimental data and with the extrapolated values is shown in Figure 7.4. The relative differences Δps = (ps,exp - ps,cal)/ ps,exp of the experimental values are seen to range from –2.5% to +1% except in the critical region. Moreover, PCSAFT results are in good agreement with the extrapolation equation. In Figure 7.5 a comparison of densities is given which includes the saturated liquid densities of Hurd [7.32] and Gubareva [7.33] and those from the extrapolation equation as well as the liquid densities at 1 atm of McLure et al. [7.35]. This figure shows that there is a discrepancy between the measured densities at the lowest temperatures of about 1% and that the PCSAFT predictions are within the accuracy of the experimental data. Moreover, PC-SAFT results agree with the extrapolated data within 1% up to Tr = 0.89. Finally, we show in Figure 7.6 deviations of predicted PC-SAFT densities in the vapour phase from the experimental values of Marcos et al. [7.36] who measured from 448 K up to 573 K bracketing the critical temperature at pressures from 0.065 MPa to 0.375 MPa. We see that most densities predicted with PC-SAFT are within ± 0.5 % of experimental values with maximum deviations of -2 % to +1%. One might argue that because of the low pressure the vapour densities should be close to the ideal gas law. A test calculation, however, shows that at 448 K and 360 kPa the ideal gas volume deviates from the measured value by more than 12%. Hence, we come to the conclusion that the PC-SAFT predictions are remarkably good for the vapour phase. 110 100(ps,exp -ps,cal)/ps,exp 2.0 1.0 0.0 -1.0 -2.0 -3.0 -4.0 -5.0 -6.0 280 518.7 330 380 430 480 530 T [K] Figure 7.4. Deviation of PC-SAFT vapour pressures for MM from experimental data of ■ Flaningam [7.27], ● Guzman [7.31], Scott et al. [7.30], Δ McLure and Dickinson [7.23], and from extrapolation Eq. (1) --- . The vertical line indicates the critical temperature Tc. 1.2 100(ρexp -ρcal)/ρexp 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 250 300 350 400 450 T [K] Figure 7.5. Deviations of PC-SAFT saturated liquid densities for MM from experimental data of ■ Hurd [7.32] and ● Gubareva [7.33], from extrapolation Eq. (2) ---, and of PC SAFT densities at 1 atm from exp data of ♦ McLure et al. [7.35]. 111 1.5 100(ρexp -ρcal)/ρexp 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 P [MPa] Figure 7.6. Deviations of PC-SAFT vapour densities for MM from experimental data of Marcos et al. [7.36]. ◊ at 448.26K, at 498.28K, Ο at 523.15K, × at 548.04K, and Δ at 573.04K. 7.5.2 Octamethyltrisiloxane (MDM) In order to check the consistency of the experimental vapour pressures for MDM we fitted Eq. (1) to all vapour pressures of Flaningam [7.27] and Lindley and Hershey [7.28]. We found that all data are reproduced with deviations less than 1% with some scattering in each data series. At about 350 K the vapour pressures from [7.28] are on the average about 0.5% higher than those of [7.27], at about 430 K the differences tend to zero. The experimental saturated liquid densities of Hurd [7.32] and those of Lindley and Hershey [7.28] have already been compared in [7.28] and agree within 0.01%. For the extrapolation equations on which the PC-SAFT parameters are based we used as experimental input data only the vapour pressures of Flaningam [7.27] and the saturated liquid densities of Hurd [7.32] as can be seen from Tables 7.5 and 7.6. The pseudo-critical density ρp from Eq. (2) presented in Table 7.6 differs from the selected critical density ρc in Table 7.1 by 2.4 %. Next we turn to the results from PC-SAFT equation. We remind that fitting mode 3 is used and that the underlying experimental data are the vapour pressures of Flaningam [7.27] and the saturated liquid densities of Hurd [7.32], both at low temperatures, as well as the critical temperature and the critical pressure of Lindley and Hershey [7.28]. For the 112 vapour pressures it is seen from Figure 7.2, mode 3, that the relative differences Δps = (ps,exp - ps,cal )/ps,exp between the PC-SAFT predictions and the experimental data of [7.28] range from –2% to +3.0 % except at the lowest temperature. We remind that the experimental vapour pressures of [7.27] and [7.28] agree within 0.5 %. For the saturated liquid densities Figure 7.3, mode 3, shows that the relative differences Δρ’ = (ρ’exp - ρ’cal)/ ρ’exp between the PC-SAFT predictions and the experimental data of [7.28] range from -1% to +2.0 %. In addition, Figure 7.7 shows the deviations of PC-SAFT saturated liquid densities for MDM from experimental data of Hurd [7.32] and from Lindley and Hershey [7.28] and of PC SAFT homogeneous densities at 1 atm from experimental data of McLure et al. [7.35] in the temperature range from 273 to 413 K. It is seen that PC-SAFT represents all densities within -0.6% to +0.0% with the exception of the density at 362 K from [7.28] which also drops out from a correlation with Eq. (2). In Figure 7.8 we show deviations of PC-SAFT densities in the homogeneous vapour phase from the experimental values of Marcos et al. [7.36] who measured from 448 K up to 573 K (Tc = 564.13 K) at pressures from 0.035 MPa to 0.377 MPa. We see that there is an increase in the deviations with increasing temperature and pressure. At 448 K, the deviations range from -1.0% to +0.5%, whilst at the supercritical temperature 573 K the deviations range from -2% to -4%. Figure 7.9 finally shows deviations of predicted PC-SAFT saturated vapour densities ρ” from the experimental values of Lindley and Hershey [7.28]. In essence the deviations increase again with increasing temperature up to -4.5% which matches the results from Figure 7.8. These deviations together with those shown in Figure 7.7 indicate that the coexistence dome of PC-SAFT is in comparison with experimental data a little more skewed to higher densities. A rough estimate on the basis of the calculated saturated vapour and liquid densities shows that the critical temperature from PC-SAFT is about 1% higher than the experimental value. 113 0.2 100(ρexp -ρcal)/ρexp 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1.0 -1.2 -1.4 260 310 360 410 T [K] Figure 7.7. Deviations of PC-SAFT saturated liquid densities for MDM from experimental data of ■ Hurd [7.32] and ● Lindley and Hershey [7.28] and of PC SAFT densities at 1 atm from experimental data of ♦ McLure et al. [7.35]. 0.5 100(ρexp -ρcal)/ρexp 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 -2.5 -3.0 -3.5 -4.0 0.02 0.12 0.22 0.32 0.42 P [MPa] Figure 7.8. Deviations of PC-SAFT vapour densities for MDM from experimental data of Marcos et al. [7.36]. ◊ at 448.15K, at 473.15K, + at 498.15, Ο at 523.15K, × at 548.15K, and Δ at 573.15K. 114 100(ρ"exp -ρ"cal)/ρ"exp 2.0 1.0 0.0 -1.0 -2.0 -3.0 -4.0 -5.0 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 T [K] Figure 7.9. Deviations of PC-SAFT saturated vapour densities for MDM from experimental data of Lindley and Hershey [7.28]. 7.5.3 Decamethyltetrasiloxane (MD2M), dodecamethylpentasiloxane (MD3M), and tetradecamethylhexasiloxane (MD4M) For the substances MD2M, MD3M, and MD4M there is only a limited number of experimental data [7.27, 7.32, 7.34, 7.35]. Hence we show the PC-SAFT deviations from experimental values in one figure for each of the properties vapour pressures, saturated liquid densities, and densities at 1 atm for all three substances together. An advantage of this presentation is that it allows observing systematic trends in the deviations. Figure 7.10 shows the deviations of the PC-SAFT vapour pressures from the experimental data of Flaningam [7.27] and from the extrapolated vapour pressures. We learn that the deviations range from -3% to +2% and that the deviations are shifted in a rather systematic way to higher temperatures with increasing chain length. The deviations found here match with those shown in Figure 7.2 for MDM and in Figure 7.4 for MM. Moreover, we observe that the PC-SAFT results deviate from the extrapolated vapour pressures at higher temperatures within -2% up to Tr = 0.92, 0.91, and 0.90 for MD2M, MD3M, and MD4M, respectively. 115 100(ps,exp -ps,cal)/ps,exp 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 -1.0 -2.0 -3.0 -4.0 330 380 430 480 T [K] 530 580 630 Figure 7.10. Deviation of PC-SAFT vapor pressures from experimental data of Flaningam [7.27] for MD2M, O MD3M, Δ MD4M, and from extrapolation Eq. (1)1 for ⎯ MD2M, − − − MD3M, ….. MD4M. Figure 7.11 shows the deviations of the PC-SAFT saturated liquid densities from the experimental data of Hurd [7.32] for MD2M, MD3M, and MD4M and from the experimental data of Golik and Cholpan [7.34] for MD2M. We learn that the deviations from the Hurd-data range from -0.7% to -1.0% for MD2M and MD3M and are nearly identical. The deviations for MD4M are slightly smaller. The deviations from the data of [7.34] for MD2M show a steeper descent than those from [7.32]. The deviations found here match with those shown in Figure 7.3 for MDM, but do not match with those shown in Figure 7.1 for MM. Moreover, we observe that the PC-SAFT results deviate from the extrapolated saturated liquid densities at higher temperatures within 2% up to Tr = 0.90 for all three substances. 116 2.5 100(ρ'exp -ρ'cal)/ρ'exp 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 260 360 460 560 T [K] Figure 7.11. Deviation of PC-SAFT saturated liquid densities from experimental data of Hurd [7.32] for x MD2M, O MD3M, Δ MD4M, and of Golik and Cholpan [7.34] for MD2M, and from extrapolation Eq. (2) for ⎯ MD2M, − − − MD3M, ….. MD4M. Finally, Figure 7.12 shows the deviations of the PC-SAFT liquid densities at 1 atm from the experimental data of McLure [7.35]. The deviations range from -0.7% to -1.3% The deviations do not show a systematic trend, as those of MD2M are the smallest whilst those of MD3M are the largest and MD4M is in between. Anyhow, the deviations are negative and remain within 1.2% which agrees with nearly all density deviations for all substances considered. -0.6 100(ρexp -ρcal)/ρexp -0.7 -0.8 -0.9 -1.0 -1.1 -1.2 -1.3 290 340 390 440 T [K] Figure 7.12. Deviation of PC-SAFT liquid densities from experimental data of McLure at 1 atm [7.35] for: x MD2M, O MD3M, Δ MD4M. 117 7.6 Tables of saturation properties and T,s-diagrams Thermodynamic properties of fluids and their mixtures calculated from equations of state play important roles for different applications. Examples can be in the designing of distillation columns, extraction equipment, designing and optimization of different energy conversion cycles and so on. As a first step for different applications, compilations of thermodynamic properties of MM, MDM, MD2M, MD3M, and MD4M are given in tables from 7.8 to 7.12. In these tables, the caloric properties are calculated with PC-SAFT supplemented by the ideal gas heat capacities from [7.56]. The reference state for the enthalpy and the entropy is T0 = 298.15 K and p0 = 0.101325 MPa with h0 = 0.0 J/mol and s0 = 0.0 J/mol K. The thermodynamic properties in tables from 7.8 to 7.12 and some isobaric data are graphically shown in figures from 7.13 to 7.17. Table 7.8. Thermodynamic properties of MM from PC-SAFT EOS T [K] ps [Mpa] 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 0.00112 0.00208 0.00366 0.00614 0.00989 0.01537 0.02312 0.03376 0.04804 0.06676 0.09084 0.12128 0.15917 0.20569 0.26211 0.32981 0.41028 0.50512 0.61608 0.74509 0.89427 h’’ ρ’’ ρ’ h' [kJ/mol] 3 [kJ/mol] [mol/dm ] [mol/dm3] 4.86410 0.00050 -8.308 30.724 4.80100 0.00090 -5.397 32.925 4.73760 0.00152 -2.446 35.175 4.67370 0.00248 0.544 37.469 4.60920 0.00388 3.577 39.807 4.54370 0.00586 6.652 42.185 4.47700 0.00859 9.773 44.601 4.40890 0.01226 12.941 47.052 4.33910 0.01708 16.157 49.534 4.26740 0.02332 19.424 52.044 4.19340 0.03125 22.743 54.578 4.11680 0.04121 26.117 57.133 4.03720 0.05360 29.549 59.705 3.95420 0.06887 33.042 62.288 3.86720 0.08760 36.598 64.878 3.77570 0.11050 40.222 67.469 3.67870 0.13840 43.920 70.054 3.57540 0.17240 47.697 72.624 3.46440 0.21400 51.562 75.170 3.34410 0.26520 55.525 77.678 3.21210 0.32890 59.602 80.130 118 s’ s’’ [kJ/molK] [kJ/molK] -0.02919 0.11537 -0.01860 0.11826 -0.00825 0.12148 0.00189 0.12497 0.01183 0.12870 0.02159 0.13263 0.03119 0.13673 0.04064 0.14096 0.04995 0.14531 0.05914 0.14975 0.06822 0.15426 0.07720 0.15882 0.08609 0.16341 0.09490 0.16801 0.10364 0.17262 0.11233 0.17721 0.12098 0.18176 0.12961 0.18626 0.13822 0.19068 0.14685 0.19501 0.15552 0.19920 T [K] ps [Mpa] 480 490 500 510 1.06598 1.26293 1.48818 1.74527 h’’ ρ’’ ρ’ h' [kJ/mol] 3 [kJ/mol] [mol/dm ] [mol/dm3] 3.06460 0.40920 63.814 82.502 2.89620 0.51280 68.200 84.754 2.69620 0.65170 72.823 86.817 2.44150 0.85110 77.831 88.540 s’ s’’ [kJ/molK] [kJ/molK] 0.16427 0.20320 0.17318 0.20696 0.18235 0.21034 0.19207 0.21307 Table 7.9. Thermodynamic properties of MDM from PC-SAFT EOS T [K] 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 510 520 530 540 550 ps [Mpa] ρ’ [mol/dm3] 0.00007 0.00016 0.00032 0.00062 0.00112 0.00195 0.00324 0.00520 0.00806 0.01211 0.01772 0.02529 0.03528 0.04824 0.06475 0.08547 0.11111 0.14248 0.18041 0.22585 0.27982 0.34342 0.41788 0.60490 0.72063 0.85361 1.00596 1.18007 3.56780 3.52580 3.48390 3.44210 3.40020 3.35800 3.31550 3.27250 3.22890 3.18460 3.13930 3.09310 3.04560 2.99690 2.94660 2.89460 2.84060 2.78440 2.72570 2.66420 2.59920 2.53040 2.45690 2.29210 2.19770 2.09190 1.97030 1.82430 ρ’’ [mol/dm3] 0.00003 0.00007 0.00013 0.00025 0.00044 0.00073 0.00119 0.00185 0.00280 0.00411 0.00588 0.00822 0.01126 0.01516 0.02009 0.02625 0.03387 0.04326 0.05473 0.06873 0.08577 0.10650 0.13180 0.20130 0.24920 0.31010 0.38930 0.49650 119 h' [kJ/mol] -11.407 -7.408 -3.358 0.744 4.901 9.113 13.382 17.709 22.096 26.543 31.052 35.626 40.264 44.970 49.744 54.589 59.507 64.502 69.575 74.731 79.975 85.311 90.749 101.966 107.779 113.762 119.962 126.470 h’’ s’ s’’ [kJ/mol] [kJ/molK] [kJ/molK] 37.672 -0.04007 0.14170 40.807 -0.02553 0.14667 44.014 -0.01132 0.15203 47.289 0.00259 0.15774 50.632 0.01622 0.16374 54.041 0.02959 0.16999 57.513 0.04272 0.17645 61.046 0.05564 0.18310 64.638 0.06835 0.18990 68.285 0.08087 0.19682 71.985 0.09322 0.20385 75.734 0.10541 0.21096 79.529 0.11745 0.21813 83.366 0.12935 0.22535 87.241 0.14113 0.23259 91.150 0.15279 0.23984 95.088 0.16434 0.24708 99.050 0.17580 0.25431 103.031 0.18717 0.26151 107.024 0.19846 0.26866 111.022 0.20969 0.27575 115.017 0.22088 0.28276 119.000 0.23203 0.28968 126.870 0.25430 0.30313 130.721 0.26549 0.30961 134.476 0.27677 0.31585 138.086 0.28822 0.32178 141.457 0.29999 0.32724 Table 7.10. Thermodynamic properties of MD2M from PC-SAFT EOS T [K] 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 ps [Mpa] ρ’ [mol/dm3] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00003 0.00007 0.00015 0.00029 0.00053 0.00094 0.00159 0.00259 0.00409 0.00624 0.00929 0.01346 0.01908 0.02648 0.03606 0.04827 0.06361 0.08262 0.10592 0.13418 0.16814 0.20862 0.25654 0.31289 0.37879 0.45552 0.54447 0.64723 0.76561 0.90159 2.84130 2.80940 2.77770 2.74630 2.71490 2.68340 2.65190 2.62010 2.58810 2.55570 2.52280 2.48940 2.45540 2.42060 2.38500 2.34850 2.31090 2.27220 2.23210 2.19050 2.14720 2.10210 2.05470 2.00490 1.95220 1.89600 1.83570 1.77050 1.69900 1.61950 1.52870 1.42130 ρ’’ [mol/dm3] 0.00000 0.00001 0.00001 0.00003 0.00006 0.00011 0.00019 0.00033 0.00055 0.00087 0.00134 0.00200 0.00291 0.00413 0.00575 0.00785 0.01054 0.01395 0.01822 0.02353 0.03008 0.03814 0.04801 0.06009 0.07489 0.09304 0.11540 0.14320 0.17810 0.22240 0.27980 0.35690 120 h' [kJ/mol] -13.889 -9.021 -4.091 0.905 5.967 11.096 16.295 21.564 26.906 32.320 37.808 43.372 49.013 54.732 60.531 66.410 72.371 78.417 84.549 90.770 97.082 103.488 109.993 116.600 123.317 130.150 137.109 144.208 151.466 158.912 166.593 174.592 h’’ s’ s’’ [kJ/mol] [kJ/molK] [kJ/molK] 45.226 -0.04879 0.17015 49.053 -0.03109 0.17632 52.971 -0.01379 0.18298 56.979 0.00315 0.19006 61.075 0.01975 0.19751 65.256 0.03603 0.20528 69.523 0.05203 0.21332 73.872 0.06776 0.22160 78.302 0.08324 0.23009 82.810 0.09849 0.23874 87.394 0.11353 0.24754 92.050 0.12836 0.25646 96.775 0.14301 0.26548 101.567 0.15748 0.27457 106.421 0.17180 0.28372 111.333 0.18595 0.29292 116.299 0.19997 0.30213 121.315 0.21386 0.31135 126.376 0.22762 0.32057 131.476 0.24128 0.32977 136.610 0.25483 0.33893 141.771 0.26829 0.34804 146.952 0.28167 0.35709 152.146 0.29497 0.36607 157.343 0.30823 0.37494 162.531 0.32144 0.38371 167.698 0.33462 0.39234 172.826 0.34782 0.40081 177.893 0.36104 0.40909 182.866 0.37434 0.41712 187.697 0.38780 0.42483 192.298 0.40155 0.43208 Table 7.11. Thermodynamic properties of MD3M from PC-SAFT EOS T [K] ps [Mpa] 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 590 600 610 0.00001 0.00002 0.00005 0.00010 0.00020 0.00036 0.00063 0.00106 0.00172 0.00272 0.00416 0.00619 0.00900 0.01279 0.01782 0.02437 0.03275 0.04334 0.05654 0.07281 0.09265 0.11663 0.14536 0.17954 0.21993 0.26742 0.32295 0.38764 0.46270 0.54953 0.64966 0.76483 ρ’ [mol/dm3] h' s’’ ρ’’ h’’ [kJ/mol] s’ [kJ/molK] [kJ/mol] [kJ/molK] [mol/dm3] 2.27540 2.25060 2.22590 2.20130 2.17650 2.15170 2.12660 2.10130 2.07570 2.04970 2.02340 1.99650 1.96900 1.94090 1.91220 1.88260 1.85210 1.82070 1.78820 1.75440 1.71920 1.68250 1.64400 1.60340 1.56050 1.51470 1.46560 1.41240 1.35400 1.28890 1.21440 1.12580 0.00000 0.00001 0.00002 0.00004 0.00007 0.00012 0.00021 0.00035 0.00055 0.00084 0.00126 0.00184 0.00262 0.00366 0.00502 0.00677 0.00899 0.01179 0.01528 0.01961 0.02494 0.03150 0.03953 0.04939 0.06148 0.07637 0.09479 0.11780 0.14670 0.18350 0.23160 0.29640 1.145 7.546 14.035 20.611 27.275 34.030 40.875 47.812 54.841 61.964 69.181 76.492 83.900 91.404 99.006 106.707 114.508 122.411 130.417 138.530 146.750 155.082 163.530 172.098 180.793 189.622 198.598 207.734 217.053 226.587 236.389 246.562 121 65.560 70.869 76.289 81.818 87.454 93.196 99.041 104.986 111.029 117.167 123.397 129.715 136.117 142.600 149.159 155.790 162.487 169.246 176.061 182.926 189.834 196.778 203.750 210.740 217.739 224.733 231.707 238.642 245.512 252.282 258.896 265.252 0.00398 0.02497 0.04556 0.06580 0.08569 0.10527 0.12456 0.14356 0.16231 0.18081 0.19907 0.21713 0.23497 0.25263 0.27010 0.28739 0.30453 0.32151 0.33835 0.35506 0.37164 0.38812 0.40449 0.42077 0.43697 0.45311 0.46922 0.48531 0.50142 0.51761 0.53395 0.55060 0.21869 0.22923 0.24011 0.25128 0.26269 0.27432 0.28613 0.29809 0.31017 0.32235 0.33462 0.34694 0.35930 0.37169 0.38408 0.39647 0.40883 0.42116 0.43344 0.44567 0.45781 0.46987 0.48183 0.49368 0.50539 0.51695 0.52834 0.53953 0.55049 0.56116 0.57146 0.58124 Table 7.12. Thermodynamic properties of MD4M from PC-SAFT EOS T [K] 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 590 600 610 620 630 ps [Mpa] ρ’ [mol/dm3] 0.00001 0.00002 0.00005 0.00010 0.00018 0.00033 0.00056 0.00093 0.00149 0.00231 0.00350 0.00517 0.00745 0.01052 0.01457 0.01982 0.02653 0.03499 0.04553 0.05851 0.07432 0.09343 0.11634 0.14360 0.17584 0.21377 0.25818 0.30996 0.37012 0.43979 0.52024 0.61286 1.89820 1.87810 1.85800 1.83780 1.81760 1.79720 1.77660 1.75590 1.73480 1.71350 1.69170 1.66960 1.64700 1.62390 1.60020 1.57580 1.55080 1.52500 1.49820 1.47050 1.44170 1.41170 1.38030 1.34720 1.31230 1.27520 1.23550 1.19280 1.14610 1.09450 1.03630 0.96840 ρ’’ [mol/dm3] 0.00000 0.00001 0.00002 0.00003 0.00006 0.00011 0.00018 0.00029 0.00045 0.00068 0.00101 0.00146 0.00207 0.00287 0.00392 0.00527 0.00697 0.00912 0.01179 0.01510 0.01918 0.02418 0.03032 0.03784 0.04706 0.05840 0.07241 0.08983 0.11170 0.13930 0.17500 0.22230 122 h' [kJ/mol] 16.438 24.134 31.930 39.828 47.828 55.931 64.137 72.448 80.864 89.386 98.014 106.749 115.592 124.544 133.606 142.778 152.062 161.459 170.971 180.600 190.349 200.219 210.216 220.343 230.607 241.016 251.579 262.310 273.228 284.363 295.758 307.495 h’’ s’ s’’ [kJ/mol] [kJ/molK] [kJ/molK] 85.406 0.05337 0.26889 91.965 0.07705 0.28260 98.646 0.10032 0.29655 105.450 0.12322 0.31071 112.372 0.14575 0.32504 119.411 0.16795 0.33952 126.565 0.18984 0.35412 133.831 0.21142 0.36881 141.206 0.23273 0.38358 148.688 0.25377 0.39841 156.272 0.27456 0.41327 163.956 0.29511 0.42815 171.736 0.31544 0.44304 179.607 0.33555 0.45791 187.566 0.35546 0.47276 195.607 0.37518 0.48758 203.725 0.39471 0.50235 211.916 0.41408 0.51705 220.173 0.43328 0.53169 228.490 0.45233 0.54623 236.861 0.47124 0.56069 245.278 0.49002 0.57503 253.733 0.50867 0.58926 262.216 0.52722 0.60335 270.718 0.54567 0.61729 279.225 0.56404 0.63107 287.723 0.58235 0.64466 296.195 0.60062 0.65805 304.616 0.61888 0.67119 312.954 0.63718 0.68405 321.163 0.65559 0.69656 329.162 0.67422 0.70861 550 5 M Pa MM 1.5 MPa 500 1 MPa T [K] 450 0.5 MPa 400 0.1 MPa M Pa 350 0. 00 1 0.01 MPa 300 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 s [kJ/molK] Figure 7.13. T, s-diagram of MM showing the saturated liquid and the saturated vapour curve and several isobars 600 MDM 1 MPa 5 M Pa 550 T [K] 500 450 0.5 MPa 0.1 MPa 400 0.01 MPa 350 0.001 MPa 300 -100 0 100 200 300 400 s [J/molK] Figure 7.14. T, s-diagram of MDM showing the saturated liquid and the saturated vapour curve and several isobars 123 600 MD2M M Pa 0.75 MPa 0.5 MPa 5 550 500 T [K] 0.1 MPa 450 0.01 MPa 400 0.001 MPa 350 300 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 s [J/molK] Figure 7.15. T, s-diagram of MD2M showing the saturated liquid and the saturated vapour curve and several isobars MD3M 5 T [K] 600 M Pa 0.5 MPa 0.1 MPa 500 0.01 MPa 400 0.001 MPa 300 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 s [J/molK] Figure 7.16. T, s-diagram of MD3M showing the saturated liquid and the saturated vapour curve and several isobars 124 700 MD4M 5 M Pa 0.5 MPa 600 T [K] 0.1 MPa 500 0.01 MPa 0.001 MPa 400 300 0 200 400 600 800 s [J/molK] Figure 7.17. T, s-diagram of MD4M showing the saturated liquid and the saturated vapour curve and several isobars We learn from these figures that the coexistence curves of MM, MDM, MD2M, MD3M, and MD4M in the T,s-diagrams are skewed. The steep of coexistence curves increase with chain length of the molecules. 7.7 Summary and conclusions In this chapter we have shown an effective way to determine PC-SAFT parameters for the siloxanes. The procedure is to firstly construct extrapolation equations for the vapour pressures and the saturated liquid densities and to fit thereafter PC-SAFT parameters to the extrapolation equations. Comparisons of resulting PC-SAFT thermodynamic data with a variety of experimental data show good agreement. The present results pave the way for optimizing ORC cycles with pure siloxanes as working fluids either in subcritical or in supercritical cycles. As a first step for designing these cycles we have given Tables of the saturation properties of the siloxanes and T,sdiagrams. Moreover and perhaps more important, PC-SAFT [7.19] allows also the thermodynamic description of mixtures in a rather simple way. This has some practical importance for optimizing subcritical ORC cycles for the production of electricity from 125 biomass [7.2], which was claimed to be one of the most efficient methods for climate protection by biomass [7.57]. 126 References [7.1] G. Rogers,Y. Mayhew, Engineering Thermodynamics, Work and Heat Transfer. 4. Edition. Harlow: Longman Scientific & Technical, 1992, pp 239-243. [7.2] I. Obernberger, A. Hammerschmid, R. Bini, Biomasse-Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungen auf der Basis des ORC-Prozesses: EU-THERMIE-Projekt Admont (A), in VDI-Bericht 1588, VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf 2001 (ISBN-3-18-091588-9), pp 283-302. [7.3] G. Angelino, C. Invernizzi, Cyclic methylsiloxanes as working fluids for space power cycles, J. Sol. Energy – T. 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Then four parameters of BACKONE for these substances are found by fitting to the vapour pressures and saturated liquid densities. The predictive power of BACKONE is investigated in detail for benzene and toluene. The study shows that BACKONE predicts saturated vapour density very accurately. The deviations of saturated vapour densities of benzene and toluene from BACKONE and experiments are mostly within 1%. The average absolute deviations of BACKONE results and 432 tested data points of benzene in homogeneous region of vapour, liquid, and supercritical gas is 1.27%. The deviations of experimental data of toluene and predicted data from BACKONE EOS are in the same magnitude with those of benzene, except in the region with temperature slightly higher than critical temperature. Finally, in order to demonstrate the usefulness of BACKONE for aromates in technical applications, a hypothetic Organic Rankine Cycle with benzene as working fluid is considered. The enthalpies and entropies at different state points as well as the thermal efficiencies from BACKONE and Bender-type equation are agreed within 2%. 8.1 Introduction The use of fossil fuels and the increase of population [8.1] did lead to environmental and energy problems. In order to solve the problems scientists, industrial organizations and governments have paid a lot of attention to energy saving solutions as well as the use of renewable energy sources like geothermal energy, solar energy, biomass energy. One very promising idea for exploiting geothermal heat, solar heat, heat from biomass burning, waste heat and other heat sources is to use the Clausius-Rankine cycle to generate electricity. Examples can be found in [8.2 - 8.4]. One of the most potential and promising concept projects for exploiting renewable energy sources is DESERTEC project [8.5]. Intended technologies of this concept project * N. A. LAI, J. Fischer, M. Wendland, Description of aromates with BACKONE equations of state, to be submitted in refereed journal 132 are to use mirrors to concentrate sunlight to create heat, to use steam turbines to generate electricity, and to use heat storage tanks (e.g. molten salt tanks or concrete blocks) to store heat during the day to power the turbines during the night. For the solar energy sources, temperature can reach as high as about 3000C to 3500C if parabolic collectors are used. To our knowledge, working fluid is a key of the Clausius-Rankine cycles. It is obvious that there is no working fluid for all temperature ranges. In the low-temperature, i.e up to about 100°C, we found out that the supercritical Rankine cycle using refrigerant R143a as working fluid yields about 20% more power than subcritical working fluids if the pinch problem in the evaporator is also taken into consideration [8.6]. In the high-temperature range, i.e above 400°C, water has been used as working fluid. A crucial question now is which working fluids are suitable for medium-temperature range, i.e above 200 °C. In order to give an answer for the question, accurate equations of state for potential working fluids of medium temperature Rankine cycles must be known. There are different types of equations of state (EOS) such as multi-parameter equations of state, molecular based equations of state and cubic equations of state. Cubic equations of state are not sufficiently accurate [8.7]. Multi-parameter equations of state are very accurate provided that sufficient accurate experimental data are used in fitting. Thus molecular based equations of state should be used when available experimental data are limited. Various siloxanes and aromates are potential candidates for medium temperature range. Because experimental data of almost all our interested substances are limited we decide to use BACKONE [8.8, 8.9] and PC-SAFT [8.10] molecular based equations of state. Parameters of equations of state for siloxanes have recently been found [8.11, 8.12]. For aromates, we first tried both BACKONE equation and PC-SAFT equation for benzene. We find out that BACKONE EOS outperforms PC-SAFT EOS. Hence, in this chapter we use BACKONE EOS to describe seven aromates including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, butylbenzene, o-xylene, m-xylene, and p-xylene. In section 8.2, a compilation of experimental data as well as equations for correlation and extrapolation of vapour pressure and saturated liquid density are given. In section 8.3, an overview of BACKONE EOS and parameters of BACKONE EOS for seven aromates are presented. In section 8.4, we make a discussion of BACKONE results. Thermodynamic 133 data from BACKONE EOS are given in tables and graphs, section 8.5. Finally, in order to demonstrate the usefulness of BACKONE for aromates in technical applications, a hypothetic Organic Rankine Cycle with benzene as working fluid is considered in section 8.6. 8.2 Experimental data and auxiliary equations In this Section, we compile available experimental data for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, butylbenzene, o-xylene, m-xylene, and p-xylene. The critical temperature Tc, critical pressure pc and critical density ρc of these substances have been reviewed by Tsonopoulos and Ambrose [8.13]. They recommended average values of all available data in their review. In our review, the critical temperatures and critical pressures of all substances, except butylbenzene, are selected to be consistent with Ambrose’s experimental vapour pressures, [8.14]. For butylbenzene, experimental vapour pressures are not available up to critical points. Fortunately, Ambrose and co-workers have also measured and published critical pressure of butylbenzene [8.15] so we select their published data. The experimental critical densities of our selected substances have not been extensively investigated, except those of benzene and toluene. There is only one source having critical densities of all our interested substances. These data are based on Simson’s 1938 thesis, which was published by Timmermans in 1957, [8.13, 8.16]. The data of Simson are consistent with other experimental data, if available, so we select these data in our study. The critical temperatures, critical pressures and critical densities which were selected in this study are given in table 8.1. Table 8.1. Critical data of aromates. Substance Tc [K] pc [MPa] ρc [mol/l] benzene toluene ethylbenzene butylbenzene o-xylene m-xylene p-xylene 562.16 591.80 617.20 660.05 630.33 617.05 616.23 4.8980 4.1087 3.6088 2.8870 3.7318 3.5412 3.5107 3.8970 3.1615 2.6704 2.0094 2.7099 2.6581 2.6440 134 Tc and pc sources [8.14] [8.14] [8.14] [8.15] [8.14] [8.14] [8.14] ρc source [8.13, 8.16] [8.13, 8.16] [8.13, 8.16] [8.13, 8.16] [8.13, 8.16] [8.13, 8.16] [8.13, 8.16] Tables 8.2 and 8.3 contain temperature ranges, numbers of data points and sources of experimental vapour pressures ps and experimental saturated liquid densities ρ’. In this compilation, we have not included experimental data sources which did not seem to be reliable on the basis of our critical investigation or previous investigations. We observe in Table 8.2 that experimental data are available up to critical point for all selected substances except butylbenzene. Table 8.2. Experimental vapour pressures: temperature ranges, numbers of data points and sources. Temperature range [K] Reduced temperature 308.332 - 388.847 285.957 - 383.175 403.98 - 562.16 0.55 – 0.69 0.51 – 0.68 0.72 – 1.00 273.15 - 323.15 273.15 - 322.41 398.37 - 591.8 0.46 – 0.55 0.46 – 0.54 0.67 – 1.00 306.244 - 450.056 424.02 - 617.2 0.50 – 0.73 0.69 – 1.00 343.359 - 500.97 0.52 - 0.76 273.15 - 333.15 312.66 - 458.822 432.17 - 630.33 0.43 – 0.53 0.50 – 0.73 0.69 – 1.00 273.15 - 333.15 308.64 - 452.947 428.06 - 617.05 0.44 – 0.54 0.50 – 0.73 0.69 – 1.00 298.15 - 333.15 286.435 - 365.954 286.432 - 452.341 428.16 - 616.23 0.48 – 0.54 0.46 – 0.59 0.46 – 0.73 0.69 – 1.00 Number of exp data benzene 15 80 19 toluene 5 7 49 ethylbenzene 23 43 butylbenzene 23 o-xylene 6 23 40 m-xylene 6 24 48 p-xylene 4 12 25 48 135 Source Scott and Osborn [8.17] Ambrose [8.18] Ambrose [8.14] Pitzer and Scott [8.19] Munday et al. [8.20] Ambrose [8.14] Chirico et al. [8.21] Ambrose [8.14] Chirico et al. [8.22] Pitzer and Scott [8.19] Chirico et al. [8.23] Ambrose [8.14] Pitzer, and Scott [8.19] Chirico et al. [8.24] Ambrose [8.14] Pitzer and Scott [8.19] Osborn and Douslin [8.25] Chirico et al. [8.26] Ambrose [8.14] Table 8.3. Experimental saturated liquid density: temperature ranges, numbers of data points and sources. Temperature range [K] Reduced temperature 293.15 - 490 0.52 – 0.87 293.15 - 490 0.50 – 0.83 293.15 – 490.0 0.47 – 0.79 323.136 - 523.11 0.49 – 0.79 293.15 - 490 323.14 - 523.11 0.51 – 0.83 0.47 – 0.78 323.14 - 523.11 293.15 – 490.0 0.52 – 0.85 0.48 – 0.79 293.15 – 490.0 423.15 - 613.15 0.48 – 0.80 0.69 – 1.00 Number of exp data benzene 17 toluene 14 ethylbenzene 14 butylbenzene 9 o-xylene 14 9 m-xylene 9 14 p-xylene 14 21 Source Hales and Townsend [8.27] Hales and Townsend [8.27] Hales and Townsend [8.27] Chirico et al. [8.22] Hales and Townsend [8.27] Chirico et al. [8.23] Chirico et al. [8.24] Hales and Townsend [8.27] Hales and Townsend [8.27] Francis [8.28] In this study we use Wagner equation, [8.29], for correlation and extrapolation of vapour pressure: ln pr = (1/Tr) [A(1-Tr) + B(1-Tr)1.5 + C(1-Tr)3 + D(1-Tr)6], (8.1) where Tr = T/Tc and pr = ps/pc, and with the fitted parameters A, B, C, and D. Both Tc and pc are taken from Table 8.1 and the vapour pressures are taken from the sources in Table 8.2. The objective function is Σi [(ps,exp,i - ps,cal,i ) / ps,exp,i]2. Results are given in table 8.4 and are discussed as follow. Vapour pressures of benzene from 290.076 K to critical point were published by Ambrose [8.14, 8.18]. Scott and Osborn [8.17] published vapour pressures of benzene from 308.332 K to 388.847 K. The data of Scott and Osborn are in very good agreement with data of Ambrose. We fit Wagner equation to both data set of Ambrose and of Scott and Osborn. We find out that the average absolute deviation between calculated data and experimental data (AAD) for all 114 data points is 0.0165% and the maximum absolute deviation is 0.11% at 494.89 K. 136 Table 8.4. Coefficients of the Wagner equation, Eq. (8.1), for the vapour pressures, ranges of reduced temperatures Tr in the fits, and sources of underlying experimental data. All data are taken with the same weight. The critical data are taken from Table 8.1. A B C D Fit range in Tr benzene -6.97547 1.31019 -2.57520 -3.51443 0.51-1.00 toluene -7.28102 1.35632 -2.74464 -3.12870 0.46-1.00 ethylbenzene butylbenzene -7.52339 -8.11868 1.51973 1.85276 -3.37718 -4.32328 -2.48294 -2.30124 0.50-1.00 0.52-0.76 o-xylene -7.53784 1.42385 -3.10565 -3.02946 0.43-1.00 m-xylene -7.70907 1.71173 -3.87727 -0.46621 0.44-1.00 p-xylene -7.62288 1.49156 -3.20109 -2.53592 0.46-1.00 Sources of exp. data [8.14], [8.18], [8.17] [8.14], [8.19], [8.20] [8.14], [8.21] [8.22] [8.14], [8.19], [8.23] [8.14], [8.19], [8.24] [8.14], [8.19], [8.25], [8.26] Vapour pressures of toluene are taken from published data of Pitzer and Scott [8.19], Ambrose [8.14], and Munday et al. [8.20]. Experimental data of Pitzer et al. [8.19] and Munday et al. [8.20] are in the same temperature range, from 273.15 K to about 323 K. Experimental data of toluene from Ambrose [8.14] range from 398.37 K to Tc. We fit Wagner equation to all 61 selected data points of toluene and receive an AAD of 0.0619%. Vapour pressures of o-xylene and m-xylene are available from 273.15 K to critical point. For o-xylene, vapour pressures of Pitzer and Scott [8.19], Ambrose [8.14], and Chirico et al. [8.23] are used in this study. For m-xylene, we also use the same data sources for o-xylene, but using reference [8.24] instead of using reference [8.23]. We fit Wagner equation to the data of o-xylene and m-xylene and have AADs of 0.15% and 0.20%, respectively. Vapour pressures of p-xylene from Pitzer and Scott [8.19], Ambrose [8.14], Osborn and Douslin [8.25], and Chirico et al. [8.26] are in a temperature range from 286.432 K to 616.23 K or from 0.46 Tc to Tc. The experimental data of p-xylene can be described well with Wagner equation. The AAD and maximum absolute deviation of Wagner equation and 89 data points are 0.088% and 0.57% respectively. Experimental data of ethylbenzene from Ambrose [8.14] and Chirico et al. [8.21] range from 306.244 K to 617.2 K or from 0.5 Tc to Tc. We fit Wagner equation to all 66 137 data points of ethylbenzene and have AAD of 0.086% and maximum absolute deviation of 0.42%. Vapour pressures of butylbenzene from Chirico et al. [8.22] range from 0.52 Tc to 0.76 Tc. In this case, the use of extrapolation equation for vapour pressure is of vital importance for improvement of the description of BACKONE EOS. Similar to other substances in Table 8.4, we use Wagner equation to correlate and extrapolate vapour pressure. Input data of vapour pressure for construction of EOS are generated with an interval of 10 K. Experimental saturated liquid densities have not been fully investigated for all of our studied substances. In this study, we use saturated liquid densities from Hales and Townsend [8.27], Chirico et al. [8.22], and Francis [8.28], Table 8.3. Hales and Townsend published saturated liquid densities of almost all our studied substances from 293.15 K to 490 K except butylbenzene. Chirico et al. and Steele et al. published saturated liquid densities of o-xylene, m-xylene, and butylbenzene in different papers [8.23], [8.24], [8.22] respectively. We observe that saturated liquid densities of Chirico and Steele have large uncertainty, especially in critical region. Thus we do not use the data of Chirico and Steele in critical region. Accurate experimental saturated liquid densities are available up to about 0.8 Tc, except p-xylene which has experimental data up to critical point [8.28]. Thus equation for extrapolation of saturated liquid density is needed for improving quality of description of BACKONE EOS. Our recent study on the possibility of upward prediction of saturated liquid densities has pointed out that if experimental data are available in low temperature range Rackett equation of Spencer and Danner [8.30] is the best equation, [8.12]. If experimental data from 0.5 Tc to 0.75 Tc are used to predict saturated liquid densities at higher temperature, the best prediction up to 0.95 Tc can be obtained with two-parameter equation, [8.31]: lnρ’ = B – A(1-Tr)(2/7). (8.2) where Tr = T/Tc. Critical temperature Tc is taken from Table 8.1. A and B are fitted parameters. We remind that in [8.31] we write B as lnρp. The objective function for fitting Eq. (8.2) is Σi [(ρ’exp,i – ρ’cal,i)/ρ’exp,i]2. 138 Parameters of Eq. (8.2) in Table 8.5 for all studied substances are found by fitting to the experimental data set in Table 8.3. These parameters are used to generate input data of saturated liquid densities for construction of BACKONE EOS with an interval of 10 K. Table 8.5. Parameters of Eq. (8.2) for the saturated liquid density, AADs, ranges of reduced temperatures Tr in the fits, and sources of underlying experimental data. All data are taken with the same weight. The critical data are taken from Table 8.1. benzene toluene ethylbenzene butylbenzene o-xylene m-xylene p-xylene 8.3 A B AAD [%] Fit range in Tr -1.31815 -1.29826 -1.31578 -1.33535 -1.29488 -1.29956 -1.33724 1.35077 1.17264 1.00434 0.725718 1.03120 1.01494 0.983161 0.098 0.055 0.059 0.034 0.055 0.073 0.327 0.52 – 0.87 0.50 – 0.83 0.47 – 0.79 0.49 – 0.79 0.47 – 0.83 0.48 – 0.85 0.48 – 1.00 Sources of exp. data [8.27] [8.27] [8.27] [8.22] [8.23], [8.27] [8.24], [8.27] [8.27], [8.28] Equation of state BACKONE EOS has been successfully applied to many pure fluids and their mixtures, [8.8, 8.9, 8.32, 8.33, 8.34]. Strictly speaking, BACKONE is a family of physically based EOS [8.8] developed for nonpolar, dipolar and quadrupolar fluids. Recently, independent authors [8.35] have made comparison among BACKONE, PC-SAFT [8.10], soft-SAFT [8.36], and SAFT-VR [8.37] for representing virial coefficients of some fluids. The study pointed out that BACKONE EoS outperformes SAFT-type EoSs in describing second virial coefficients. Before discussion of BACKONE results for aromates, we give a brief introduction of BACKONE EOS. In BACKONE, the Helmholtz energy is written as a sum of molecular hard-body contribution FH, attractive dispersion force contribution FA, dipolar contribution FD and quadrupolar contribution FQ: F = FH + FA + FD + FQ The hard-body contribution FH is determined by Boublik [8.38] as following: FH/RT = (α2 - 1).ln(1 - ξ)+{(α2 + 3α).ξ - 3.α.ξ2}/(1-ξ)2 139 where ξ is the packing fraction and α is the anisotropy parameter [8.8]. In BACKONE, α is assumed to be state independence but ξ is state dependent. The packing fraction is a function of characteristic critical density ρ0, characteristic critical temperature T0, density ρ and temperature T. Similar to the hard-body contribution, the attractive dispersion force in BACKONE depends on the same three parameters α, ρ0, T0. The equation for FA is: FA/ RT = Σi[ci(ρ/ρ0)mi(T/T0)ni/2αjiexp{-oi(ρ/ρ0)li}] All exponents and coefficients of FA were found by fitting to experimental data of ethane, methane and oxygen. Their values are given in [8.8]. For polar fluids, the dipolar contribution FD and the quadrupolar contribution FQ to the Helmholtz energy are given as: FD/ RT = Σi[ci(ρ/ρ0)mi/2(T/1.13T0)ni/2(μ*2)ki/4exp{-oi(ρ/ρ0)2}] and FQ/ RT = Σi[ci(ρ/ρ0)mi/2(T/1.13T0)ni/2(Q*2)ki/4exp{-oi(ρ/ρ0)2}] where μ* is a reduced dipole moment and Q* is a reduced quadrupole moment. Exponents and coefficients of FD and FQ were determined by fitting to simulation data. Depending on type of fluids, BACKONE EOS has 3 parameters T0, ρ0, and α for nonpolar fluids and one more parameter μ* or Q* for dipolar or quadrupolar fluids respectively. If fluids have both dipolar and quadrupolar contributions, BACKONE EOS has 5 parameters. The parameters of BACKONE EOS are found by fitting to vapour pressures and saturated liquid densities. For all considered aromates, we assumed that the dipole moment is zero and hence μ* = 0. Thus BACKONE EOS for aromates has four parameters α, ρ0, T0 and Q*. 8.4 Results and discussion As given in Table 8.2 and Table 8.3, vapour pressures and saturated liquid densities are taken from different sources. The data are not distributed over the same temperature interval. Saturated liquid densities are normally not available up to critical points like vapour pressures. Thus, we first fit Eqs. (8.1) and (8.2) to the selected experimental data including the critical data. Then input data for BACKONE are generated from Eq. (8.1) and 140 Eq. (8.2) in the temperature range from the lowest vapour pressure temperatures up to 0.95 Tc with a temperature interval of 10 K. BACKONE parameters as well as quadrupole moment in Table 8.6 are found by fitting to input data generated from Eq. (8.1) and Eq. (8.2). This Table also contains the ranges of reduced temperatures from which the vapour pressures and the saturated liquid densities have been taken for fitting. About 36 data points of vapour pressure from Eq. (8.1) and saturated liquid density from Eq. (8.2) have been used in the fit for each substance. Table 8.6. BACKONE parameters as well as quadrupole moment of aromates and ranges of reduced temperature Tr in the fits to data calculated from Eq. (8.1) and Eq. (8.2). Temperature interval of fitting range is 10K. T0 [K] ρ0 [mol/l] benzene toluene ethylbenzene butylbenzene o-xylene m-xylene p-xylene 538.93 567.41 585.32 598.68 594.91 587.69 588.78 3.80457 3.10164 2.62272 1.94725 2.64340 2.60975 2.59856 α μ*2 Q*2 Q [D A] fit range in Tr 1.37977 1.40682 1.42411 1.44871 1.42209 1.43046 1.42988 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.08642 2.47697 2.91600 4.05099 2.99888 2.98906 2.92245 - 9.3261 - 12.2909 - 15.5217 - 23.5998 - 15.7720 - 15.5217 - 15.6873 0.51-0.95 0.46-0.95 0.50-0.95 0.52-0.95 0.43-0.95 0.44-0.95 0.46-0.96 o The quadrupole moment of benzene from BACKONE, Table 8.6, is in a very good agreement with both experimental values resulting from electric gradient-field-induced o birefringence method by Ritchie and Watson [8.39] of Qzz = - 9.11 ± 0.36 D A and ab initio calculation with MP2 type correlation method by Meijer and Sprik [8.40] of Q = o 9.63 D A . 8.4.1 Benzene and toluene Input data for fitting BACKONE parameters of benzene and toluene range from 0.51 Tc to 0.95 Tc and from 0.46 Tc to 0.95 Tc, respectively. We observe that the relative deviations Δps = (ps,exp - ps,cal)/ ps,exp between BACKONE results and experimental data of Ambrose [8.14] and [8.18] range from -0.98% to +0.57%. For the saturated liquid densities of Hales and Townsend [8.27], the relative deviations range from -0.23% to 0.32%. For toluene, deviations of vapour pressures and saturated liquid densities are from -0.4% to 141 1.4% and from -0.54% to 0.23% respectively. Besides comparison with fitted data, we also make comparison of BACKONE results and data from reference equations for benzene and toluene from Goodwin [8.41, 8.42]. Figure 8.1 shows that the description of BACKONE 100(ps,ref-ps,B1)/ps,ref for vapour pressures, saturated vapour and liquid densities is quite good. 2 1 0 -1 -2 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 500 550 600 500 550 600 T [K] 100(ρ'ref-ρ'B1)/ρ'ref 2 1 0 -1 -2 250 300 350 400 450 100(ρ"ref-ρ"B1)/ρ"ref T [K] 2 1 0 -1 -2 250 300 350 400 450 T [K] Figure 8.1. Deviations of BACKONE results for the vapour pressure ps, saturated liquid density ρ’, and saturated vapour density ρ’’ of benzene (solid lines) and toluene (open lines) from reference (ref) equations (Goodwin [8.41, 8.42]). × Ambrose [8.14, 8.18] for benzene, Ο Pitzer and Scott [8.19] for toluene, + Ambrose [8.14, 8.18] for toluene. Hales and Townsend [8.27]: Δ for benzene, for toluene 142 In addition to the comparisons of vapour pressures and saturated liquid densities which have been used for determining the parameters of BACKONE, we also compare, in the following, predictions of BACKONE for other data with experimental results. We use pvT data of Straty et al. [8.43] for benzene. These data range from 423.155 K to 723.187 K for temperature, from 0.886 MPa to 35.506 MPa for pressure and from 1.241 mol/l to 9.363 mol/l for both vapour and liquid densities. We remind that the fitted data for BACKONE are saturated liquid densities from 6.76 mol/l to 11.32 mol/l, vapour pressures from 0.007MPa to 3.44 MPa, corresponding to temperatures from 285.96 K to 534.05 K. First we use BACKONE, input temperatures and densities from Straty et al. [8.43] to calculate pressures of all 438 data points. Then comparison between BACKONE results and experimental data of pressures shows that the average absolute deviation is 1.64%. We observe that there are 6 experimental data points having strange absolute deviations, from 9.5% to 63.4%. One may think that there are typing mistakes or unreliabilities of the published data points because around the strange points, other experimental data are still consistent with BACKONE results. Thus we exclude the 6 data points. The AAD between BACKONE results and experimental data of pressures for 432 points is 1.27%. Further comparison between BACKONE results and data of Straty et al. is made for number of data points having absolute deviation larger than 4%. With this criterion, BACKONE provides only 5 points with absolute deviation up to 4.5%. The deviations of BACKONE results and pressures of Straty for benzene are shown in figure 8.2. We also compare pvT data of Straty and co-workers [8.44] with BACKONE results for toluene. The data range from 348.07 K to 673.184 K for temperature, from 0.2102 MPa to 36.2038 MPa for pressure and from 1.45 mol/l to 8.34 mol/l for vapour and liquid densities. Deviations of experimental data of Straty et al. [8.44] and BACKONE results at some typical temperatures are given in figure 8.3. 143 4 100(pexp-pB1)/pexp 2 0 -2 -4 -6 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 T [K] Figure 8.2. Deviations of BACKONE pressures (B1) of benzene in homogeneous regions and experimental data (exp) of Straty et al. [8.43]. 4 100(ρexp-ρB1)/ρexp 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680 700 T [K] Figure 8.3. Deviations of BACKONE densities of toluene in homogeneous regions and experimental data of Straty et al. [8.44]. 8.4.2 Ethylbenzene, butylbenzene The description of BACKONE for vapour pressures, saturated liquid densities of ethylbenzene and butylbenzene is quite good, figure 8.4 and figure 8.5. The deviations of 144 experimental data of ethylbenzene and BACKONE vapour pressures and saturated liquid densities are from -0.9% to 1.8% and from -0.5% to 0.2% respectively. The deviations of experimental data and BACKONE results of butylbenzene are higher than those of ethylbenzene. In detail, the deviations of vapour pressures and saturated liquid densities are from -1.2% to 1.8% and from -0.9% to 1.6% respectively. The large deviations of butylbenzene can be explained by three reasons. Firstly, experimental vapour pressures range only from 0.52Tc to 0.76Tc. Secondly, saturated liquid densities of Chirico et al. [8.22] are not very accurate, figure 2 in [8.22]. Finally, molecular structure of butylbenzene is larger than that of ethylbenzene. 100(ps,exp -ps,cal)/ps,exp 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 250 350 450 550 650 T [K] Figure 8.4. Comparison of vapour pressures ps from BACKONE with: experimental data of ethylbenzene from × Ambrose [8.14] and ▪ Chirico et al. [8.21]; --- calculated values of butylbenzen from Eq. (8.1); experimental data of butylbenzene from Chirico et al. [8.22]. 145 2.0 100(ρ'cal-ρ'exp )/ρ'exp 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 240 340 440 540 640 T [K] Figure 8.5. Comparison of saturated liquid density ρ’ from BACKONE with experimental results: X experimental data of ethylbenzene from Hales and Townsend [8.27] and …... calculated data of ethylbenzen from Eq. (8.2); experimental data of butylbenzene from Chirico et al. [8.22] and − − − calculated data of butylbenzene from Eq. (8.2). 8.4.3 o-xylene, m-xylene, p-xylene The other considered alkylbenzenes are o-xylene, m-xylene, and p-xylene. Available vapour pressures of the xylenes range from about 0.45 Tc to critical point. For saturated liquid densities of m-xylene and o-xylene, available data range from about 0.5 Tc to about 0.85 Tc. Saturated liquid densities of p-xylene are available up to critical point. We observe that experimental data of p-xylene from Francis [8.28] range from 0.69Tc to 1.00Tc have larger uncertainties than those of Hales and Townsend [8.27]. The deviations of experimental data and BACKONE vapour pressures and saturated liquid densities of xylenes are shown in Figures 8.6 and 8.7, respectively. 146 100(ps,exp -ps,cal)/ps,exp 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 260 360 460 560 660 T [K] Figure 8.6. Comparison of vapour pressures ps from BACKONE results with experimental: O experimental data of o-xylene from Pitzer and Scott [8.19], Ambrose [8.14], and Chirico et al. [8.23]; X experimental data of m-xylene from Pitzer and Scott [8.19], Ambrose [8.14], and Chirico et al. [8.24]; and experimental data of p-xylene from Pitzer and Scott [8.19], Ambrose [8.14], Osborn and Douslin [8.25], and Chirico et al. [8.26]. 0.8 0.6 100(ρ'cal-ρ'exp )/ρ'exp 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1.0 -1.2 260 360 460 560 T [K] Figure 8.7. Comparison of saturated liquid densities ρ’ from BACKONE results and experimental data: O experimental data of o-xylene from Hales and Townsend [8.27], Chirico et al. [8.23] and ⎯ calculated data of o-xylene from Eq. (8.2); X experimental data of m-xylene from Hales and Townsend [8.27], Chirico et al. [8.24] and …... calculated data of m-xylene from Eq. (8.2); experimental data of p-xylene from Hales and Townsend [8.27], and Francis [8.28]. 147 In figure 8.6, two data points of Pitzer and Scott [8.19] for m-xylene and o-xylene in very low temperature have strange large deviations. Because they are not consistent with other data points so one may obviously think of the unreliability of the two data points. We observe from figure 8.6 that most experimental data points have deviations within ± 1%. The deviations of vapour pressure of xylenes increase to about 3.4% in the temperature range from 0.9 Tc up to around critical points. Deviations of saturated liquid density are smaller than those of vapour pressure. In detail, the deviations of o-xylene and m-xylene are from -0.77% to 0.52% and from -0.75% to 0.43% respectively, figure 8.7. The deviations of saturated liquid density of p-xylene are from -0.60% to 0.32% for experimental data of Hales and Townsend [8.27] and from 1.05% to 0.43% for the data of Francis [8.28]. 8.5 Thermodynamic properties from BACKONE for ethylbenzene, butylbenzene, oxylene, m-xylene, and p-xylene 8.5.1 Ideal gas heat capacity In order to calculate caloric properties, BACKONE needs additional information of the ideal gas heat capacity. The isobaric ideal gas heat capacities of almost all the investigated substances can be found in NIST homepage [8.45], in the book of Prausnitz et al. [8.46], and in paper of Pitzer and Scot [8.19]. In these sources, NIST give values of isobaric heat capacity at different temperatures and the original sources but we can not access their original sources. However, NIST have made comparisons of its values with statistical calculated values from different sources and pointed out that it’s values and data of Pitzer and Scot [8.19] and some other sources for xylenes are agreed within 1.5 J/mol*K. Prausnitz et al. give parameters for calculation of isobaric ideal gas heat capacity with Eq. (8.3): c0p/R = A + B.T + C.T2 + D.T3 + E.T4 (8.3) For further study, it is now interesting to investigate the difference of data from the mentioned sources. Firstly we fit Eq. (8.3) to data of benzene from NIST homepage. Our fitted parameters and parameters from [8.46] are given in Table 8.7. Secondly, we make comparison of data from NIST homepage, c0p,1, and data from Eq. (8.3) with parameters 148 from [8.46] , c0p,2, and with our fit parameters, c0p,3. The comparison is given in Table 8.8 and Table 8.9. Table 8.7. Parameters for calculation of isobaric heat capacity of benzene A 3.55100E+00 4.02743E+00 B -6.18400E-03 -1.13354E-02 C 1.43650E-04 1.60495E-04 D -1.98070E-07 -2.20137E-07 E 8.23400E-11 9.24976E-11 Data source [8.46] [8.45] Table 8.8. Comparison of isobaric ideal gas heat capacity between NIST data and data from Eq. (8.3) T [K] 50 100 150 200 273.15 298.15 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 c0p,1 33.27 35.11 41.94 53.17 74.55 82.44 83.02 113.52 139.35 160.09 176.78 190.45 201.82 211.41 c0p,2 29.738 34.748 43.474 54.937 74.842 82.129 82.674 112.186 139.342 161.656 178.283 190.022 199.316 210.248 (c0p,1- c0p,2)/ c0p,1 -10.6% -1.0% 3.7% 3.3% 0.4% -0.4% -0.4% -1.2% 0.0% 1.0% 0.9% -0.2% -1.2% -0.5% c0p,3 31.886 35.652 43.585 54.601 74.284 81.575 82.121 111.842 139.245 161.652 178.234 190.005 199.828 212.409 (c0p,1- c0p,3)/ c0p,1 -4.2% 1.5% 3.9% 2.7% -0.4% -1.1% -1.1% -1.5% -0.1% 1.0% 0.8% -0.2% -1.0% 0.5% We learn from table 8.8 and Table 8.9 that differences of isobaric gas heat capacities from different approaches are large in low temperature range, but only within 1% for the temperature higher than 298.15K. Furthermore, we also make comparison between data from Pitzer and Scot [8.19] and data from Prausnitz et al. [8.46] and find out that the differences are also mostly with 1%. Because data from NIST and Prausnitz et al. are compiled from different sources which we can not access so we will use data from other original sources if we have. In case we do not have data from original sources we will use data from either Prausnitz et al. [8.46] or NIST homepage [8.45]. Table 8.10 shows parameters, temperature ranges and data sources of our studied aromates. 149 Table 8.9. Comparison of isobaric ideal gas heat capacity from Eq. (8.3) with parameters from this study and from Prausnitz et al. [8.46]. T [K] 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 525 550 575 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 800 825 850 875 900 925 950 975 1000 c0p,2 [8.46] 29.738 31.714 34.748 38.710 43.474 48.920 54.937 61.417 68.261 75.376 82.674 90.075 97.505 104.895 112.186 119.321 126.252 132.938 139.342 145.436 151.196 156.606 161.656 166.343 170.669 174.644 178.283 181.609 184.650 187.440 190.022 192.444 194.758 197.026 199.316 201.699 204.258 207.076 210.248 c0p,3 This study 31.886 33.176 35.652 39.168 43.585 48.771 54.601 60.958 67.731 74.817 82.121 89.553 97.032 104.484 111.842 119.047 126.044 132.790 139.245 145.379 151.168 156.596 161.652 166.336 170.651 174.610 178.234 181.547 184.585 187.388 190.005 192.491 194.909 197.329 199.828 202.490 205.408 208.679 212.409 150 (c0p,2- c0p,3)/ c0p,3 -6.7% -4.4% -2.5% -1.2% -0.3% 0.3% 0.6% 0.8% 0.8% 0.7% 0.7% 0.6% 0.5% 0.4% 0.3% 0.2% 0.2% 0.1% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% -0.1% -0.2% -0.3% -0.4% -0.6% -0.8% -1.0% Table 8.10. Parameters of Eq. (8.3) for calculations of isobaric gas heat capacity Substance A B C D E Tmin Tmax benzene toluene ethylbenzene butylbenzene o-xylene m-xylene p-xylene - 5.7060 -4.7793 2.8611 6.4900 -1.3865 -3.4749 -2.7508 6.6468E-02 7.0821E-02 2.4422E-02 1.9080E-02 6.8366E-02 7.4572E-02 6.9888E-02 - 5.4042E-05 -4.7711E-05 9.8673E-05 1.5665E-04 -3.4018E-05 -4.1203E-05 -3.2768E-05 2.2087E-08 1.4068E-08 -1.5176E-07 -2.2059E-07 2.2944E-09 6.0963E-09 -1.1154E-10 -3.5307E-12 -1.0756E-12 6.3489E-11 8.8870E-11 2.1532E-12 1.3830E-12 3.0077E-12 298 298 0 200 298 298 298 1500 1500 1000 1000 1500 1500 1500 8.5.2 c0 p sources [8.19] [8.19] [8.47] [8.46] [8.19] [8.19] [8.19] Tables of saturation properties and T,s-diagrams For the investigated substances, reference equations of state are available for only benzene and toluene. Because thermodynamic properties of benzene and toluene can be calculated from NIST homepage easily, we present only data from equations of state for ethylbenzene, butylbenzene, o-xylene, m-xylene, and p-xylene in tables 8.11 to 8.15 and figures 8.8 to 8.12. The reference state is selected at T0 = 298.15 K and p0 = 0.101325 MPa, 2 M Pa h0 = 0.0 J/mol and s0 = 0.0 J/mol K. 600 1 MPa T [K] 500 0.1 MPa 400 0.01 MPa 0.001 MPa 300 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 s [J/mol.K] Figure 8.8. T, s-diagram of ethylbenzene showing the saturated liquid curve, the saturated vapour curve and several isobars 151 Table 8.11. Thermodynamic properties of ethylbenzene from BACKONE EOS T [K] ps [Mpa] 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 590 600 0.0002 0.0004 0.0008 0.0014 0.0024 0.0040 0.0064 0.0099 0.0149 0.0217 0.0309 0.0430 0.0587 0.0787 0.1037 0.1345 0.1720 0.2170 0.2706 0.3338 0.4074 0.4928 0.5908 0.7027 0.8297 0.9730 1.1338 1.3135 1.5135 1.7352 1.9802 2.2500 2.5462 2.8700 h' h’’ s’ ρ’’ ρ’ 3 [mol/dm ] [mol/dm3] [kJ/mol] [kJ/mol] [kJ/molK] 8.3847 0.0001 -4.60 38.70 -0.0161 8.3103 0.0002 -3.04 39.88 -0.0105 8.2329 0.0003 -1.40 41.10 -0.0047 8.1528 0.0006 0.31 42.37 0.0011 8.0702 0.0009 2.10 43.66 0.0069 7.9853 0.0015 3.94 45.00 0.0128 7.8985 0.0024 5.84 46.38 0.0186 7.8097 0.0035 7.79 47.79 0.0245 7.7193 0.0052 9.79 49.23 0.0303 7.6274 0.0073 11.84 50.71 0.0360 7.5341 0.0102 13.94 52.22 0.0418 7.4394 0.0139 16.08 53.76 0.0475 7.3435 0.0186 18.26 55.33 0.0531 7.2463 0.0244 20.48 56.92 0.0587 7.1479 0.0316 22.74 58.54 0.0643 7.0481 0.0404 25.05 60.18 0.0699 6.9469 0.0509 27.39 61.85 0.0754 6.8442 0.0635 29.78 63.53 0.0808 6.7397 0.0784 32.20 65.23 0.0863 6.6332 0.0958 34.67 66.95 0.0917 6.5244 0.1163 37.17 68.67 0.0970 6.4129 0.1400 39.72 70.41 0.1024 6.2982 0.1676 42.32 72.15 0.1077 6.1796 0.1994 44.96 73.89 0.1130 6.0564 0.2363 47.65 75.63 0.1183 5.9277 0.2789 50.39 77.36 0.1236 5.7919 0.3284 53.19 79.08 0.1288 5.6475 0.3859 56.05 80.77 0.1341 5.4918 0.4532 58.97 82.42 0.1394 5.3215 0.5327 61.98 84.03 0.1448 5.1310 0.6280 65.08 85.56 0.1502 4.9117 0.7442 68.30 87.00 0.1557 4.6487 0.8903 71.69 88.29 0.1614 4.3149 1.0820 75.31 89.35 0.1673 152 s’’ [kJ/molK] 0.1442 0.1428 0.1418 0.1413 0.1410 0.1411 0.1415 0.1421 0.1429 0.1440 0.1452 0.1466 0.1482 0.1498 0.1516 0.1535 0.1555 0.1576 0.1597 0.1618 0.1641 0.1663 0.1686 0.1709 0.1731 0.1754 0.1777 0.1799 0.1820 0.1841 0.1861 0.1879 0.1895 0.1907 Table 8.12. Thermodynamic properties of butylbenzene from BACKONE EOS T [K] ps [Mpa] 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 590 600 610 620 630 640 0.0002 0.0003 0.0006 0.0010 0.0017 0.0027 0.0043 0.0065 0.0097 0.0141 0.0200 0.0278 0.0379 0.0508 0.0670 0.0871 0.1116 0.1413 0.1766 0.2185 0.2675 0.3244 0.3901 0.4653 0.5508 0.6476 0.7565 0.8786 1.0146 1.1658 1.3332 1.5179 1.7212 1.9443 2.1885 h' h’’ s’ ρ’’ ρ’ [mol/dm3] [mol/dm3] [kJ/mol] [kJ/mol] [kJ/molK] 6.3751 0.0001 0.27 48.09 0.0010 6.3317 0.0001 1.92 49.87 0.0064 6.2837 0.0002 3.78 51.69 0.0123 6.2318 0.0004 5.81 53.57 0.0185 6.1762 0.0006 7.99 55.50 0.0250 6.1173 0.0009 10.31 57.48 0.0318 6.0555 0.0014 12.76 59.51 0.0386 5.9910 0.0021 15.31 61.58 0.0456 5.9242 0.0031 17.96 63.70 0.0527 5.8553 0.0044 20.70 65.87 0.0598 5.7846 0.0061 23.52 68.07 0.0669 5.7124 0.0083 26.42 70.32 0.0741 5.6388 0.0111 29.39 72.62 0.0812 5.5641 0.0146 32.42 74.94 0.0884 5.4883 0.0189 35.52 77.31 0.0955 5.4115 0.0242 38.67 79.71 0.1026 5.3338 0.0306 41.88 82.14 0.1096 5.2552 0.0383 45.14 84.61 0.1166 5.1757 0.0474 48.46 87.10 0.1236 5.0951 0.0581 51.83 89.61 0.1305 5.0133 0.0706 55.25 92.15 0.1374 4.9300 0.0852 58.72 94.71 0.1443 4.8452 0.1021 62.24 97.29 0.1511 4.7584 0.1216 65.81 99.88 0.1578 4.6692 0.1442 69.44 102.49 0.1646 4.5772 0.1701 73.12 105.09 0.1713 4.4817 0.2001 76.87 107.70 0.1780 4.3819 0.2347 80.67 110.30 0.1847 4.2767 0.2747 84.54 112.88 0.1914 4.1647 0.3213 88.48 115.44 0.1980 4.0440 0.3760 92.51 117.96 0.2047 3.9117 0.4409 96.63 120.42 0.2115 3.7638 0.5190 100.87 122.80 0.2183 3.5938 0.6150 105.24 125.07 0.2252 3.3919 0.7367 109.81 127.16 0.2323 153 s’’ [kJ/molK] 0.1604 0.1610 0.1620 0.1632 0.1648 0.1665 0.1685 0.1707 0.1731 0.1756 0.1783 0.1812 0.1842 0.1873 0.1905 0.1938 0.1971 0.2006 0.2041 0.2076 0.2112 0.2148 0.2185 0.2221 0.2258 0.2294 0.2331 0.2367 0.2402 0.2437 0.2472 0.2505 0.2537 0.2567 0.2594 Table 8.13. Thermodynamic properties of o-xylene from BACKONE EOS T [K] ps [Mpa] 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 590 600 610 0.0001 0.0003 0.0005 0.0010 0.0017 0.0029 0.0047 0.0073 0.0111 0.0165 0.0238 0.0335 0.0463 0.0626 0.0833 0.1090 0.1405 0.1787 0.2244 0.2787 0.3423 0.4164 0.5020 0.6001 0.7119 0.8384 0.9809 1.1406 1.3188 1.5168 1.7360 1.9779 2.2439 2.5357 2.8547 h' h’’ s’ ρ’’ ρ’ [mol/dm3] [mol/dm3] [kJ/mol] [kJ/mol] [kJ/molK] 8.5182 0.0001 -4.63 39.93 -0.0162 8.4473 0.0001 -3.07 41.17 -0.0106 8.3732 0.0002 -1.42 42.45 -0.0048 8.2961 0.0004 0.32 43.77 0.0011 8.2163 0.0007 2.13 45.12 0.0070 8.1340 0.0011 4.01 46.52 0.0130 8.0495 0.0017 5.95 47.95 0.0190 7.9630 0.0026 7.95 49.41 0.0249 7.8747 0.0039 9.99 50.91 0.0309 7.7848 0.0056 12.08 52.44 0.0368 7.6933 0.0078 14.22 54.00 0.0426 7.6005 0.0108 16.40 55.58 0.0484 7.5064 0.0146 18.63 57.20 0.0542 7.4110 0.0193 20.89 58.84 0.0599 7.3144 0.0252 23.18 60.50 0.0656 7.2166 0.0325 25.52 62.19 0.0712 7.1176 0.0412 27.89 63.89 0.0768 7.0172 0.0517 30.30 65.61 0.0823 6.9153 0.0642 32.75 67.35 0.0878 6.8118 0.0789 35.23 69.10 0.0932 6.7064 0.0961 37.74 70.86 0.0986 6.5988 0.1162 40.30 72.63 0.1040 6.4887 0.1394 42.89 74.41 0.1093 6.3756 0.1663 45.53 76.19 0.1146 6.2590 0.1974 48.20 77.97 0.1198 6.1383 0.2331 50.92 79.74 0.1251 6.0124 0.2744 53.68 81.50 0.1303 5.8802 0.3219 56.50 83.25 0.1355 5.7404 0.3770 59.37 84.97 0.1407 5.5908 0.4412 62.30 86.66 0.1459 5.4285 0.5163 65.30 88.30 0.1512 5.2496 0.6055 68.39 89.89 0.1565 5.0476 0.7129 71.58 91.38 0.1618 4.8124 0.8451 74.90 92.76 0.1673 4.5271 1.0135 78.40 93.95 0.1730 154 s’’ [kJ/molK] 0.1488 0.1474 0.1465 0.1459 0.1457 0.1458 0.1462 0.1469 0.1478 0.1488 0.1501 0.1515 0.1531 0.1548 0.1566 0.1585 0.1605 0.1626 0.1647 0.1669 0.1691 0.1713 0.1736 0.1759 0.1782 0.1805 0.1828 0.1850 0.1873 0.1894 0.1915 0.1935 0.1954 0.1971 0.1985 Table 8.14. Thermodynamic properties of m-xylene from BACKONE EOS T [K] ps [Mpa] 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 590 600 0.0002 0.0004 0.0007 0.0012 0.0021 0.0036 0.0057 0.0089 0.0135 0.0198 0.0283 0.0396 0.0543 0.0730 0.0966 0.1257 0.1613 0.2042 0.2553 0.3157 0.3863 0.4683 0.5627 0.6706 0.7933 0.9318 1.0876 1.2619 1.4561 1.6717 1.9101 2.1729 2.4616 2.7775 h' h’’ s’ ρ’’ ρ’ 3 [mol/dm ] [mol/dm3] [kJ/mol] [kJ/mol] [kJ/molK] 8.3674 0.0001 -4.50 39.32 -0.0158 8.2946 0.0002 -2.99 40.49 -0.0103 8.2185 0.0003 -1.38 41.70 -0.0047 8.1394 0.0005 0.31 42.95 0.0011 8.0577 0.0008 2.07 44.24 0.0069 7.9736 0.0013 3.90 45.57 0.0127 7.8873 0.0021 5.79 46.94 0.0185 7.7991 0.0032 7.74 48.34 0.0243 7.7091 0.0047 9.74 49.78 0.0301 7.6174 0.0067 11.79 51.25 0.0359 7.5244 0.0093 13.88 52.76 0.0416 7.4299 0.0128 16.02 54.29 0.0473 7.3341 0.0172 18.20 55.85 0.0529 7.2371 0.0226 20.42 57.44 0.0586 7.1388 0.0294 22.68 59.05 0.0641 7.0393 0.0377 24.98 60.68 0.0697 6.9383 0.0477 27.32 62.33 0.0752 6.8358 0.0596 29.70 64.00 0.0806 6.7316 0.0737 32.11 65.68 0.0860 6.6255 0.0904 34.56 67.38 0.0914 6.5171 0.1098 37.06 69.08 0.0967 6.4061 0.1325 39.59 70.80 0.1020 6.2920 0.1589 42.17 72.51 0.1073 6.1741 0.1894 44.78 74.23 0.1126 6.0517 0.2248 47.45 75.94 0.1178 5.9239 0.2657 50.16 77.64 0.1230 5.7892 0.3131 52.93 79.33 0.1283 5.6460 0.3682 55.76 80.99 0.1335 5.4918 0.4328 58.65 82.61 0.1387 5.3230 0.5090 61.63 84.18 0.1440 5.1344 0.6003 64.69 85.69 0.1494 4.9170 0.7115 67.88 87.09 0.1548 4.6555 0.8510 71.23 88.35 0.1604 4.3203 1.0339 74.82 89.38 0.1664 155 s’’ [kJ/molK] 0.1465 0.1450 0.1439 0.1432 0.1429 0.1429 0.1432 0.1437 0.1445 0.1455 0.1467 0.1480 0.1495 0.1511 0.1528 0.1547 0.1566 0.1586 0.1606 0.1627 0.1649 0.1670 0.1692 0.1715 0.1737 0.1759 0.1781 0.1802 0.1823 0.1843 0.1862 0.1879 0.1894 0.1906 Table 8.15. Thermodynamic properties of p-xylene from BACKONE EOS T [K] ps [Mpa] 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 590 600 0.0002 0.0004 0.0007 0.0013 0.0022 0.0037 0.0060 0.0092 0.0139 0.0203 0.0290 0.0405 0.0555 0.0745 0.0984 0.1278 0.1637 0.2070 0.2586 0.3194 0.3905 0.4729 0.5677 0.6760 0.7991 0.9381 1.0943 1.2689 1.4634 1.6793 1.9179 2.1809 2.4696 2.7852 h' h’’ s’ ρ’’ ρ’ [mol/dm3] [mol/dm3] [kJ/mol] [kJ/mol] [kJ/molK] 8.3304 0.0001 -4.53 39.06 -0.0159 8.2570 0.0002 -3.00 40.23 -0.0103 8.1806 0.0003 -1.38 41.43 -0.0047 8.1014 0.0005 0.31 42.67 0.0011 8.0197 0.0009 2.07 43.96 0.0069 7.9357 0.0014 3.90 45.28 0.0127 7.8497 0.0022 5.78 46.64 0.0185 7.7619 0.0033 7.72 48.04 0.0242 7.6724 0.0048 9.71 49.46 0.0300 7.5813 0.0069 11.74 50.92 0.0357 7.4888 0.0096 13.82 52.42 0.0414 7.3950 0.0131 15.94 53.94 0.0470 7.3000 0.0175 18.10 55.48 0.0527 7.2036 0.0231 20.30 57.06 0.0582 7.1061 0.0300 22.54 58.65 0.0637 7.0072 0.0384 24.81 60.27 0.0692 6.9069 0.0484 27.13 61.90 0.0747 6.8050 0.0605 29.48 63.56 0.0801 6.7014 0.0747 31.88 65.22 0.0854 6.5958 0.0915 34.31 66.90 0.0907 6.4878 0.1112 36.78 68.59 0.0960 6.3772 0.1341 39.29 70.29 0.1013 6.2633 0.1606 41.85 71.99 0.1065 6.1456 0.1914 44.44 73.69 0.1117 6.0233 0.2269 47.09 75.38 0.1169 5.8953 0.2681 49.78 77.06 0.1221 5.7602 0.3159 52.53 78.73 0.1273 5.6162 0.3715 55.34 80.37 0.1325 5.4608 0.4367 58.22 81.97 0.1377 5.2900 0.5138 61.18 83.52 0.1430 5.0979 0.6062 64.23 84.99 0.1483 4.8746 0.7192 67.42 86.36 0.1537 4.6019 0.8619 70.78 87.58 0.1594 4.2430 1.0507 74.42 88.55 0.1654 156 s’’ [kJ/molK] 0.1456 0.1440 0.1430 0.1423 0.1420 0.1420 0.1423 0.1428 0.1436 0.1446 0.1457 0.1470 0.1485 0.1501 0.1518 0.1536 0.1555 0.1575 0.1595 0.1616 0.1637 0.1659 0.1680 0.1702 0.1724 0.1746 0.1767 0.1788 0.1809 0.1829 0.1847 0.1864 0.1879 0.1889 1. 5 M Pa 700 T [K] 600 1 MPa 500 0.1 MPa 400 0.01 MPa 0.001 MPa 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 s [J/mol.K] 2 M Pa Figure 8.9. T, s-diagram of butylbenzene showing the saturated liquid curve, the saturated vapour curve and several isobars 600 T [K] 1 MPa 500 0.1 MPa 400 0.01 MPa 0.001 MPa 300 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 s [J/mol.K] Figure 8.10. T, s-diagram of o-xylene showing the saturated liquid curve, the saturated vapour curve and several isobars 157 Pa M 2 600 T [K] 1 MPa 500 0.1 MPa 400 0.01 MPa 0.001 MPa 300 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 s [J/mol.K] 2 M Pa Figure 8.11. T, s-diagram of m-xylene showing the saturated liquid curve, the saturated vapour curve and several isobars 600 T [K] 1 MPa 500 0.1 MPa 400 0.01 MPa 0.001 MPa 300 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 s [J/mol.K] Figure 8.12. T, s-diagram of p-xylene showing the saturated liquid curve, the saturated vapour curve and several isobars 158 8.6 ORC cycle with benzene Benzene is a carcinogen thus it should not be used as working fluid for ORC. However, in order to demonstrate the usefulness of BACKONE for aromates in technical applications, a hypothetic Organic Rankine Cycle with benzene as working fluid is considered for following two reasons. Firstly, critical temperature of benzene (562.16 K) is close to that of MDM (564.13 K) which allows a good comparison of the cycles using fluids from either aromates or siloxanes. Secondly, reference equations of state for benzene have been developed [8.48], [8.41]. The Bender-type equation [8.48] can be accessed easily via NIST’s homepage [8.45] so we can make comparison of cycle efficiencies resulting from the Bender-type equation and BACKONE EOS. The intention is not an optimization of the process which requires also consideration of the heat transfer from the heat carrier to the working fluid [8.6] and from the working fluid to the cooling medium and a variation of the cycle parameters [8.49]. The idea is simply to compare cycle efficiencies ηth of ORC from BACKONE equation and from Bender-type equation. The cycle with the state points is shown for benzene in a T,s-diagram, Figure 8.13. The cycle starts at state point 1, which is the saturated liquid at the minimum temperature Tmin = 311.15 K and the corresponding pressure pmin. Then the working fluid is compressed to state point 2 with the isentropic pump efficiency ηs,P = 0.65. Next, it is heated up isobarically and vaporized till it reaches just the dew point (state point 3) at Tmax = 523.15 K with the corresponding pressure pmax. This saturated vapour enters the turbine where it expands to pmin (state point 4) with an isentropic turbine efficiency ηs,T = 0.85. Then it is cooled and condensed isobarically to reach state point 1. For this cycle the thermal efficiency ηth is calculated as: ηth = - [(h4 - h3) + (h2 - h1)] / (h3 - h2). (8.4) where h1, h2, h3, and h4 are the specific enthalpies at the respective state points. 159 600 550 2.9993 MPa 3 T [K] 500 450 400 4 2a 350 0.0224 MPa 2 300 4a 1 250 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 s [J/mol.K] Figure 8.13. T,s-diagram for benzene with BACKONE EOS. The state points of the cycle are specified in the text and given explicitly in Table 8.16. We also consider internal heat exchanger (IHE) for heat recovery. The state point at the outlet of the hot stream is named as 4a, the state point at the outlet of the cold stream is named as 2a. We assume that the temperature of point 4a is just 10 K higher than that of point 2. The state points 4a and 2a are also shown in the T,s-diagram of benzene in Figure 8.13. For the cycle with IHE the thermal efficiency ηth is calculated as ηth = - [(h4 - h3) + (h2 - h1)] / (h3 - h2a). (8.5) In order to make comparisons of state points and cycle efficiencies resulting from BACKONE equation and Bender-type equation, reference state point is selected to have h= 0 J/mol and s = 0 J/mol.K. Reference temperature is normal boiling point temperature. Reference density is saturated liquid density at reference temperature. Typical properties from BACKONE equation and Bender-type equation for all state points of ORC with above boundary conditions are given in Table 8.16 and Table 8.17, respectively. Based on values in Table 8.16 and Table 8.17, thermal efficiencies of the cycle without and with IHE can be readily calculated from Eqs. (8.4) and (8.5). The results are shown in the last lines of Table 8.16 and Table 8.17. We observe from Table 8.16 and Table 8.17 that deviations of pvT data from the two equations are smaller than 0.6%. Both 160 deviations of enthalpy and entropy from Table 8.16 and Table 8.17 are smaller than 2%. Cycle efficiencies which are calculated from BACKONE EOS for the case with and without internal heat exchanger are 27.6% and 25.1%, respectively. With Bender-type equation of state, cycle efficiencies of ORC are 27.2% and 24.9% for the case with and without internal heat exchanger, respectively. The cycle efficiencies of ORC resulting from BACKONE equation and Bender-type equation are in very good agreement. The small difference, within 0.4%, of the cycle efficiencies shows the uncertainty due to equations of state. Table 8.16. Thermodynamic properties of benzene with BACKONE at the state points of the cycle specified in the text. The last line shows the thermal efficiencies for cycles without internal heat exchanger (-IHE) and with internal heat exchanger (+IHE). State point 1 2 3 4 4a T [K] s h [J/(mol.K)] [J/mol] 0.0224 -17.58 -5849 2.9993 -17.12 -5432 2.9993 98.62 46210 0.0224 105.18 32853 0.0224 91.66 28163 ηth (+IHE) = 27.6% ρ [mol/l] p [MPa] 311.1500 10.97727 313.0358 10.99384 523.1500 1.08859 370.9125 0.00731 323.0358 0.00842 ηth (-IHE) = 25.1% Table 8.17. Thermodynamic properties of benzene with Bender-type equation [8.48] at the state points of the cycle specified in the text. The last line shows the thermal efficiencies for cycles without internal heat exchanger (-IHE) and with internal heat exchanger (+IHE). State point 1 2 3 4 4a 8.7 T [K] s h [J/(mol.K)] [J/mol] 0.0224 -17.92 -5958 2.9842 -17.46 -5545 2.9842 98.67 46163 0.0224 105.21 32852 0.0224 91.84 28214 ηth (+IHE) = 27.2% ρ [mol/l] p [MPa] 311.15 11.00800 312.98 11.01800 523.15 1.09510 370.64 0.00732 322.98 0.00843 ηth (-IHE) = 24.9% Summary and conclusions Parameters of BACKONE equation of state for 7 aromates have been determined. The predictive power of BACKONE EOS has been tested for benzene and toluene. The study shows that prediction for saturated vapour density from BACKONE is very accurate. The deviations of saturated vapour densities of benzene and toluene from BACKONE and experiments and are mostly within 1%. It is shown that the average absolute deviations of 161 BACKONE results and 432 tested data points of benzene in homogeneous region of vapour, liquid, and supercritical gas is 1.27%. The deviations of predicted data from BACKONE EOS for toluene are in the same magnitude with those of benzene, except in the region with temperature slightly higher than critical temperature. All tested properties from BACKONE equation and Bender-type equation are in good agreement. Furthermore, thermal efficiencies of Organic Rankine Cycle with benzene as working fluid resulting from BACKONE EOS and reference equation of state are also in good agreement. 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Februar 2006, TU Graz, Österreich, 170 - 171; Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, Graz; ISBN 3-902465-301. 167 9 Comparison between BACKONE and PC-SAFT * Abstract Siloxanes are considered as working fluids for medium-temperature ORC processes. Here, a description of the thermodynamic properties of compact linear and cyclic siloxanes with BACKONE equation is given. Then, BACKONE and PC-SAFT are compared in views of correlation and prediction for benzene and hexamethyldisiloxane. Results from this study for benzene show that BACKONE outperforms PC-SAFT in both correlation and prediction. For MM, PC-SAFT outperforms BACKONE. 9.1 9.1.1 Development of BACKONE Equations of State for Siloxanes Introduction Presently there are strong efforts to develop processes for energy conversion from renewable heat sources. One very promising process for that purpose is the ClausiusRankine cycle which uses organic substances as working fluids, simply called organic Rankine cycle (ORC) [9.1]. One important matter is the choice of working fluids suitable for the different temperature ranges of available heat sources. To answer this question, we are currently developing equations of state (EOS) to describe thermodynamic properties of different working fluids. We have already applied the BACKONE EOS [9.2] to study working fluids for low-temperature organic Rankine cycles [9.3], e.g., for the utilization of geothermal heat. In the temperature range, we found that the supercritical refrigerant R143a yields about 20% more power than subcritical working fluids if the pinch problem in the evaporator is also taken into consideration [9.3]. The problem arises for cycles in which the working fluids reach temperatures higher than 200°C. Smaller alkanes might be used in supercritical cycles but with increasing chain lengths the self ignition temperature decreases to about 200°C so that longer alkanes which are environmentally friendly and yield good thermal efficiencies can not be used any more for safety reasons. Fluorinated alkanes have a strong global warming potential and * Mostly available in: N. A. LAI, M. Wendland, J. Fischer, Development of equations of state for siloxanes as working fluids for ORC Processes, Proceeding of 24th European symposium on applied thermodynamics, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, (2009) 200-205 168 extremely long atmospheric lifetimes and hence should not be used for environmental reasons. Hence, siloxanes and their mixtures [9.4] are considered for this medium temperature range. Various siloxanes are potential candidates as working fluids for mediumtemperature ORC processes, but experimental data is mostly not sufficient to set up an empirical multi-parameter EOS. Thus, it is necessary to use physically based EOS which have few physically meaningful parameters, need only a small experimental database for fitting and still give reliable results for thermal and caloric data over a wide range. BACKONE, for example, needs only vapour pressures and saturated liquid densities for fitting between 3 and 5 substance specific parameters. But these data must be available over the whole temperature range which is not the case for many siloxanes, especially at higher temperatures. Here, BACKONE EOS was applied for various siloxanes as hexamethyldisiloxane (MM), octamethyltrisiloxane (MDM), hexamethylcyclotrisiloxane (D3), and octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4). The experimental vapour pressures and saturated liquid densities of selected siloxanes are generally not covered in full fluid region. Thus, we use the version of the Rackett equation of Spencer and Danner [9.5] to predict saturated liquid densities of siloxanes at temperature ranges where experimental data are not available. We also use Wagner equation [9.6] to correlate and upward extrapolate vapour pressure data of the studied siloxanes. BACKONE EOS parameters were fitted to these correlated and extrapolated data. With the addition of ideal gas heat capacities [9.7], we are able to calculate cycle efficiencies of ORC processes with these working fluids. 9.1.2 Availability of experimental data In Table 9.1 the critical temperature Tc, pressure pc, and density ρc are given which have been selected after a critical evaluation of experimental data. Tables 9.2 and 9.3 contain temperature ranges and sources of experimental vapour pressures ps and experimental saturated liquid densities ρ’ which did seem to be reliable. 169 Table 9.1. Critical data of selected siloxanes MM (C6H18OSi2) MDM (C8H24O2Si3) D3 (C6H18O3Si3) D4 (C8H24O4Si4) Tc [K] 518.7 [9.8] 564.13 [9.11] 554.15 [9.9], [9.10] 586.5 [9.12] Pc [MPa] 1.925 [9.8] 1.4150 [9.11] 1.663 [9.9] 1.3841 [9.12] ρc [mol/L] 1.637 [9.9], [9.10] 1.1340 [9.11] 1.4144 [9.9], [9.10] 1.0309 [9.9], [9.10] Vapour pressures are only available for MDM over the whole temperature, range from 322 K up to the critical temperature [9.11]. For MM experimental data are available from 303 K up to 412 K [9.9, 9.13] and close to the critical temperature [9.8], for D3 up to 0.76 Tc [9.9], and for D4 from 361 K to the critical point with a gap from 460 K to 505 K [9.12]. For the correlation and upward extrapolation of vapour pressures we used the Wagner-equation [9.6]: ln pr = (1/Tr) [A(1-Tr) + B(1-Tr)1.5 + C(1-Tr)3 + D(1-Tr)6], (9.1) where Tr = T/Tc and pr = ps/pc and A, B, C, and D are fit parameters. Both Tc and pc are taken from Table 9.1. Fitted parameters for selected substances are given in Table 9.2. Table 9.2. Experimental vapour pressures and parameters of Wanger equation. Temperature range [K] Data points Source MM (A = -7.2094, B = -0.729325, C = 0.738444, D = -27.0088) 491.60 - 518.70 19 McLure, Dickinson [9.8] 309.36 - 411.57 21 Scott et al. [9.13] 313.15 - 373.61 14 Guzman [9.14] 302.78 - 383.30 15 Flaningam [9.9] MDM (A = -8.5550, B = 1.65229, C = -6.02152, D = -8.15538) 346.10 - 436.49 12 Flaningam [9.9] 322.44 - 564.13 74 Lindley, Hershey [9.11] D3 (A = -7.5527, B = 0.00640184, C = -3.91874, D = -6.9479) 342.62 - 419.67 15 Flaningam [9.9] D4 (A = -8.7381, B = 1.55154, C = -7.29876, D = -4.13027) 361.71- 459.65 13 Flaningam [9.9] 505.40- 586.50 16 Young [9.12] 170 Table 9.3. Experimental saturated liquid densities and parameters of Eq. (9.2). Temperature range [K] Data Points Source MM (ρp =1.6655 mol/L) 273.15 – 313.15 3 Hurd [9.15] 273.15 – 353.15 10 Gubareva [9.16] MDM (parameters from [9.11]) 273.12 - 564.13 37 Lindley, Hershey [9.11] 273.15 - 353.15 5 Hurd [9.15] D4 (ρp=1.07303 mol/L) 273.15-353.15 5 Hurd [9.15] The situation is worse for saturated liquid densities (Table 9.3). For MDM, Lindley and Hershey [9.11] measured ρ’ from 273 K up to Tc with a gap between 361 K and 426 K and give a correlation equation used within the present paper. For D3, no experimental saturated liquid densities are available. However, at low pressures, the differences between liquid density and saturated liquid density can be neglected and the liquid density of Palczewska-Tulinska [9.17] at 343.15 K to 387.85 K and 1 atm where used for fitting with a Rackett equation. For D4, experimental data are available up to critical point with a gap from 408 K to 503 K. For extrapolation of saturated liquid densities, we found in a previous study [9.18, 9.19] that the best results are achieved with the Rackett equation of Spencer and Danner [9.5] which we write here in the form ln ρ’ = ln ρp - (lnZp)(1-Tr) 2/7. (9.2) Eq. (9.2) requires the experimental data for Tc and pc and contains the pseudocritical density ρp as the only fit parameter. The pseudo-compression factor Zp is related to Tc, pc and ρp by Zp = pc/ρpRTc. Fitted parameter ρp is given in table 9.3. For D3, ρp = 1.40018 mol/L was estimated from homogeneous liquid densities at 1 atm. 9.1.3 BACKONE equation of state BACKONE is a family of physically based equation of state. The Helmholtz energy is written in term of a sum of contributions from characteristic intermolecular interactions [9.20] as F = FH + FA+ FD +FQ, where FH is the hard-body contribution, FA the attractive dispersion energy contribution, FD is the dipolar contribution, and FQ is the quadrupolar contribution [9.20, 9.21]. Thus, five substance specific parameters are used: a characteristic temperature and density T0 and ρ0 and the anisotropy factor α for the first two unpolar 171 contributions and a reduced dipolar moment μ*2 and quadrupolar moment Q*2 for polar fluids. These parameters are fitted to vapour pressures and saturated liquid densities. Homogeneous phase pvT data, if available, were used for testing the accuracy of predictions. Parameters of BACKONE EOS for selected siloxanes are given in table 9.4. Table 9.4. Parameters of BACKONE EOS for selected siloxanes. Q*2 Parameters T0 [K] μ*2 ρ0 [mol/L] α MM 391.2140 1.4540 1.3848 0 6.2260 MDM 381.54963 0.996950 1.431399 6.25986 6.98579 D3 409.38689 1.2340714 1.434726 0 6.98109 D4 311.62587 0.875144 1.350704 11.97262 8.79145 MM The comparison of the vapour pressures from BACKONE with the experimental data and with the extrapolation equation is shown in Figure 9.1. The relative differences Δps = (ps,exp - ps,cal)/ ps,exp of the experimental values are seen to range from -2.0% to +1.6% except in the critical region. For the saturated liquid densities of Hurd [9.15] and Gubareva [9.16], the relative differences between experimental data and BACKONE results are from -1.5% to -0.5%. The predictive strength of BACKONE is examined by comparison with experimental data of McLure et al. [9.22] in the liquid phase and of Marcos et al. [9.23] in the vapour phase. Almost all relative deviations are in range from -0.5% to 1.0%. This 100(ps,exp -ps,cal)/ps,exp proves that BACKONE is very good for the prediction in both vapour and liquid phases. 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 -2.5 -3.0 280 518.7 330 380 430 480 530 T [K] Figure 9.1. Deviations of BACKONE results for the vapour pressure of MM from experimental data of ■ Flaningam [9.9], ● Guzman [9.14], Scott et al. [9.13], Δ McLure, Dickinson [9.8], and from Eq. (9.1) --- . 172 MDM Relative deviations between experimental data of Flaningam [9.9] and Lindley et al. [9.11] and BACKONE results for MDM are in range from 0% to 2%. For the saturated liquid density, the deviations are in range from -2.5% to 4%. For predicted liquid phase densities, the deviations with experimental data of McLure et al. [9.22] are from -2.3% to 0.5% and for vapour phase densities, mostly in the range from -2.5% to 0%. D3 The relative differences between experimental vapour pressures of Flaningam [9.9] and BACKONE results are in the range from -3.8% to 1.2%. No saturated liquid densities are available. For homogeneous liquid densities [9.17], the deviations are of from -1.6% to -0.9%. D4 Compared to the other substances, deviations between experimental data and BACKONE results are larger for D4. In detail, the differences of the vapour pressure of Flaningam to BACKONE range from -3.5% to 3.5% and of the saturated liquid densities of Hurd from -4.9% to 2.0%. Deviations of saturated liquid densities of Young are in between -0.6% and 2.4%. Experimental liquid densities of McLure and Palczewska-Tulinska give quite similar results with differences from BACKONE of -5.5% to -0.4%. BACKONE gives good results for compact molecules as MM, MDM and D3 which are still relatively close to the underlying physical model of a sphere or dumbbell. With increasing size, results get more and more unsatisfying, as for D4, and MD2M, MD3M or MD4M, which are not given here. We were able to get better results for the larger linear siloxanes with PC-SAFT equation starting from MD2M elsewhere [9.19]. 9.1.4 ORC cycle with MDM To give an example for the application of the new siloxane equation, thermal efficiencies ηth of ORC with MDM as working fluid were calculated. The idea is simply to compare cycle efficiencies of working fluids with results from other equations of state [9.19, 9.24] for the various cases given there. 173 The cycle with the state points is shown for MDM in a T,s-diagram in Figure 9.2. The cycle starts at state point 1, which is the saturated liquid at the minimum temperature Tmin = 298.15 K and the corresponding pressure pmin. Then the working fluid is compressed to state point 2 with the isentropic pump efficiency ηs,P = 0.65. Next, it is heated up isobarically and vaporized till it reaches just the dew point (state point 3) at Tmax = 533.15 K with the corresponding pressure pmax. This saturated vapour enters the turbine where it expands to pmin (state point 4) with an isentropic turbine efficiency ηs,T = 0.85. Then it is cooled and condensed isobarically to reach state point 1. For this cycle the thermal efficiency ηth is given as ηth = - [(h4 - h3) + (h2 - h1)] / (h3 - h2). (9.3) where h1, h2, h3, and h4 are the specific enthalpies at the respective state points. Because of the large overheating of the expanded vapour in point 4, an internal heat exchanger (IHE) can be used for heat recovery. In that case, the state point at the outlet of the hot stream is 4a, the state point at the outlet of the cold stream is 2a, and a pinch occurs between state points 4a and 2. We assume that temperature difference at the pinch point is just 10 K. The state points 4a and 2 are also shown in the T,s-diagram of MDM in Figure 9.2. For the cycle with IHE the thermal efficiency ηth is given as ηth = - [(h4 - h3) + (h2 - h1)] / (h3 - h2a). (9.4) The thermal efficiency of the cycle with IHE is 33.9% and without IHE 18.1%. PCSAFT gives 32.2% and 17.6% at the same conditions which compares fairly well [9.19]. The results point out that for fluids with strongly re-entrant saturated vapour lines as MDM, IHE can improve cycle efficiency up to 87%. 174 600 550 0.875 MPa 3 T [K] 500 450 4 2a 400 350 300 2 0.60E-3 MPa 4a 1 250 -100 0 100 200 300 400 s [J/molK] Figure 9.2. T,s-diagram for ORC using MDM as working fluid (reference point: T0 = 298.15 K, p0 = 0.101325 MPa, h0 = 0.0 J/mol, s0 = 0.0 J/mol K) Angelino and Colonna [9.24] have calculated thermal efficiencies of a MM/MDM/MD2M mixture with the cubic PRSV equation of state under the same conditions with IHE and got a lower value with 29.9%. The difference of 4% in ηth between BACKONE for pure MDM and PRSV for the mixture might be attributed to an effect of the mixed towards a pure fluid or to an uncertainty of the equations of state. 9.2 Comparison between BACKONE and PC-SAFT The experimental data of benzene is mostly sufficient for both single and two phase regions. Thus we use this substance to examine correlation and extrapolation properties of BACKONE and PC-SAFT equations. For siloxanes, we select MM as a tested substance because experimental data for both single and two phase regions are available and the square reduced dipolar moment of MM is reasonable with its structure. 9.2.1 Benzene In construction of BACKONE and PC-SAFT we use vapour pressures from [9.25 9.27] and saturated liquid densities from [9.28]. Critical temperature and pressure are taken from [9.25]. Wagner equation for vapour pressure [9.6] and two-parameter equation for correlation and extrapolation of saturated liquid density [9.18] are used to generate input 175 data from 0.51 Tc to 0.95 Tc for the construction of BACKONE and PC-SAFT. Comparisons of the vapour pressures and saturated liquid densities from BACKONE and PC-SAFT with the experimental data are shown in Figures 9.3 and 9.4. The relative differences Δps = (ps,exp - ps,cal)/ ps,exp of the experimental values of Ambrose [9.25, 9.26] range from -0.98% to +0.57% for BACKONE and from -1.24% to 0.76% for PC-SAFT. Relative differences between saturated liquid densities of Hales and Townsend [9.28] and BACKONE results range from -0.23% to 0.32%, figure 9.4. These deviations are smaller than those of PC-SAFT, from -0.40% to 0.98%. 100(ps,exp -ps,cal)/ps,exp 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 280 330 380 430 480 530 580 T [K] Figure 9.3. Deviations of PC-SAFT vapour pressure for benzene from experimental data of Δ Ambrose [9.25] and × Ambrose [9.26]. Deviations of BACKONE vapour pressure for benzene from experimental data of Ambrose [9.25] and Ο Ambrose [9.26]. 176 1.2 1.0 100(ρ'exp -ρ'cal)/ρ'exp 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 260 310 360 410 460 510 T [K] Figure 9.4. Deviations of BACKONE and Δ PC-SAFT saturated liquid density for benzene from experimental data of Hales and Townsend [9.28]. We remind that the strength of physically based equations of state is predictive. Thus, in case that accurate experimental data are not sufficient enough to set up an empirical multi-parameter EOS, physically based equations of state should be employed. Now we turn to test the possibilities of extrapolation with the two physically based equations of state, BACKONE and PC-SAFT. Experimental data for examination of predictabilities of BACKONE and PC-SAFT are taken from Straty et al. [9.29]. The published pvT data by Straty et al. range from 423.155 K to 723.187 K for temperature, from 0.886 MPa to 35.506 MPa for pressure and from 1.241 mol/l to 9.363 mol/l for both vapour and liquid densities. In fitting BACKONE and PC-SAFT we use saturated liquid densities from 6.76 mol/l to 11.32 mol/l, vapour pressures from 0.007MPa to 3.44 MPa, corresponding to temperatures from 285.96 K to 534.05 K. In previous chapter we point out that the average absolute deviation (AAD) between BACKONE and experimental pressures for 432 points of [9.29] is 1.27%. In this study, the AAD between PC-SAFT and experimental pressures for the same 432 points is 4.79%. Further comparison between BACKONE and PC-SAFT with data by Straty et al. is made 177 by comparing total number data points which have absolute deviation larger than 4%. With this criterion, BACKONE provides only 5 points with absolute deviation up to 4.5%. PCSAFT provides 247 points with absolute deviation up to 13.8%. We also check PC-SAFT for criterion of 8% and find out that there are 74 points having the absolute deviation larger than 8%. The results confirm the predictive strength of BACKONE. It surely outperforms the PC-SAFT for compact molecules. 9.2.2 MM BACKONE and PC-SAFT equations of state have been developed for MM by using the same input data set as given in part 9.1.3. Comparison of experimental vapour pressures and vapour pressures from BACKONE and PC-SAFT is given in figure 9.5. Figure 9.6 shows deviations between experimental saturated liquid densities with data from BACKONE and PC-SAFT. 100(ps,exp -ps,cal)/ps,exp 2.0 1.0 0.0 -1.0 -2.0 -3.0 -4.0 -5.0 -6.0 280 518.7 330 380 430 480 530 T [K] Figure 9.5. Deviations of BACKONE (solid line for predicted data) and Δ PC-SAFT (open line for predicted data) vapour pressure for MM from experimental data of Flaningam [9.9], Scott et al. [9.13], McLure et al. [9.8], Guzman [9.14]. 178 1.2 100(ρexp -ρcal)/ρexp 0.8 0.4 0.0 -0.4 -0.8 -1.2 -1.6 250 300 350 400 450 T [K] Figure 9.6. Deviations of BACKONE (solid line for predicted data) and Δ PC-SAFT (open line for predicted data) saturated liquid density for MM from experimental data of Hurd [9.15] and Gubareva [9.16]. Figures 9.5 and 9.6 show that PC-SAFT EOS can correlate both vapour pressures and saturated liquid densities better than BACKONE EOS can. The extrapolation of BACKONE and PC-SAFT equations are investigated with experimental liquid densities from [9.30] and vapour densities from [9.31]. Results for comparison of extrapolation of BACKONE and PC-SAFT are given in table 9.5. The results from table 9.5 prove that PCSAFT outperforms BACKONE for MM. Table 9.5. Extrapolation possibilities of BACKONE and PC-SAFT equations Equation BACKONE PC-SAFT 9.3 Liquid density of Vapour density of [9.31] [9.30] AAD 0.46 0.26 Max. absolute deviations 1.38 0.86 AAD 0.32 0.10 Max. absolute deviations 1.94 0.19 Quantity Summary and conclusions We have studied BACKONE equation of state for selected pure siloxanes. It is shown that BACKONE can describe thermodynamic properties of selected siloxanes in a good agreement with available experimental data. For compacted molecules as MM and D3, 179 BACKONE performs better than for larger molecules as MDM and D4. The results pave the way for optimization of ORC processes. Our investigation shows that both BACKONE and PC-SAFT equations of state are accurate for both correlation and prediction of thermodynamic properties of working fluids. Each equation has pros and cons for certain group of substances. In this investigation, BACKONE outperforms PC-SAFT for benzene but not for MM. 180 References [9.1] G. Rogers, Y. Mayhew, Engineering Thermodynamics, Work and Heat Transfer. 4th ed. Harlow: Longman, 1992. [9.2] U. Weingerl, M. Wendland, J. Fischer, A. Müller, J. Winkelmann, The BACKONE family of equations of state: 2. Nonpolar and polar fluid mixtures, AIChE-J., 47 (2001) 705 -717. [9.3] B. Saleh, G. Koglbauer, M. Wendland, J. Fischer, Working fluids for low temperature Organic Rankine Cycles, Energy, 32 (2007) 1210-1221. [9.4] G. Angelino, P. Colonna di Paliano, Multicomponent working fluids for organic Rankine cycles (ORCs), Energy, 23 (1998) 449-463. [9.5] C. F. Spencer, R. P. Danner, Improved equation for prediction of saturated liquid density, J. 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The temperature rangea are suitable for electricity generation from different renewable energy sources such as biomass, solar, geothermal and waste heats. Medium temperature ORC are investigated with 2 small alkanes as n-pentane, isopentane, with 6 aromates as toluene, ethylbenzene, butylbenzene, o-xylene, m-xylene, pxylene, and with 4 siloxanes as hexamethyldisiloxane, octamethyltrisiloxane, decamethytetrasiloxane, dodecamethylpentasiloxane, and with cyclopentan. The study shows that the cycle efficiency for the case with internal heat exchanger (IHE) increases with the increase of the critical temperature. Furthermore, the cycle efficiency does not only depend on the temperature boundary but it also depends on the maximum pressure of the cycle. The study also shows that if heat carrier is heated up and circulated in a loop, selection of working fluids should be based on cycle efficiency and size of equipment. Aromates prove to be the most potential working fluids for this case. If heat carrier isn’t circulated in a loop, the criteria for selection of working fluid are the size of equipment and the total efficiency, not the cycle efficiency. In this case, the investigated alkanes, cyclopentane, MM, MDM, toluene and o-xylene are the most potential working fluids, depending on the working temperature range. 10.1 Introduction There have been great deals of renewable energy sources such as solar energy, geothermal heat, biomass, and waste heat from different industrial plants. In general, temperature of the energy sources varies in large range, from decades degree to hundreds degree. For example, temperature of solar energy can reach as high as about 3000C in southern areas if parabolic collectors are provided. Temperature of geothermal heat source can be over 2000C, depending on location and the deep of the thermal sources [10.1]. Waste * See also in N. A. LAI, M. Wendland, J. Fischer, Working fluids for medium-temperature Organic Rankine cycles, to be submitted in refereed journal. 184 heat from different industrial plants can have temperature up to 3000C, for example in cement plants [10.2, 10.3]. Temperature of burning biomass is higher and more stable than the above mentioned heat sources. One approach to utilize the renewable energy sources is to use Organic Rankine cycles (ORC). In the ORC, organic fluids are used as working fluids instead of water in steam power plant. The reason for using organic substances instead of conventional water is that in low and medium temperature range, ORC gives higher efficiency than that of water cycle. In economic point of view, investment in steam power plants to utilize renewable energy sources directly is not as feasible as investment in ORC plants. We want to emphasize that organic power plants already exist. Example of existing ORC is a wood fired combined heat-and-power plant using Octamethyltrisiloxane (MDM) as working fluid in Oerlinghausen, Germany [10.4, 10.5]. Other combined heat-and-power plants using silicon oil as working fluid were built in Admont [10.6] and Lienz [10.7], Austria. Last example here is an ORC using n-pentane as working fluid for recovering waste heat from a cement plant in Heidelberger, Germany [10.3]. More information about existing ORC plants and current state of the art of ORC can be found in a survey of Windmann [10.8]. A crucial question for medium temperature ORC processes with maximum temperature higher than 200°C is to select appropriate working fluids for given temperature ranges of the available heat sources. Smaller alkanes might be used in supercritical cycles but with increasing chain lengths the auto-ignition temperature decreases to about 200°C. Thus longer alkanes which are environmentally friendly and yield good thermal efficiencies can not be used for safety reasons. Fluorinated alkanes have a strong global warming potential and extremely long atmospheric lifetimes and hence should not be used for environmental reasons. Aromates, important industrial compounds, have high critical temperature and high auto-ignition temperature may be used. Another group of substances can be considered as working fluids for the medium temperature ORC processes is siloxanes. A problem in the ORC is the heat transfer from the heat carrier to the working fluid. A pure fluid as working fluid in a subcritical cycle causes a pinch point [10.9] which limits 185 the transferable heat. In order to increase the transferable heat, one may use transcritical cycles with pure fluids, subcritical cycles with mixtures or transcritical cycles with mixtures. Hence, in order to optimize an ORC cycle under given conditions for the heat carrier and the cooling, accurate equations of state (EOS) are needed for potential pure fluids and mixtures. The cubic Peng-Robinson [10.10] and Peng-Robinson-Stryjek-Vera (PRSV) equation [10.11] has been applied for study on working fluids for ORC processes [10.1210.15]. The limitations of the cubic equations of state have, however, already been pointed out elsewhere, example in [10.16]. Currently two physically based equations of state, BACKONE and PC-SAFT, have been proved to be accurate for various working fluids [10.9, 10.17-10.23]. The advantage of the physically based equations of state is that they have possibilities of prediction and use small numbers of accurate experimental vapour pressures and saturated densities. Further importance of these equations is that they can easily extend to mixture accurately with only one parameter for each binary. Thus we have currently applied BACKONE and PC-SAFT equations of state for different working fluids [10.18, 10.19, 10.24, 10.25] which are considered as working fluids for medium temperature ORC processes. In this paper, to continue our project [10.26], we present some results for medium temperature ORC processes. Part 2 describes typical ORC diagrams. Part 3 presents our selected 13 potential fluids from different molecular classes together with accurate available equations of state currently developed by us. Analyses of cycle efficiencies and volume flow rates at the inlet and outlet of the turbine for subcritical and transcritical cycles are given in part 4. Heat transfer from heat carrier to working fluids is considered in part 5. 10.2 Cycle description 10.2.1 Organic Rankine cycles In investigation of cycle efficiencies of different working fluids we consider simple cycles, figure 10.1. In figure 10.1, four main components of the cycle are pump, evaporator, turbine and condenser for case ‘A’ without internal heat exchanger (IHE) and one more component for the case ‘B’ with IHE. 186 mc 3 mc m 3 5 m 5 Qin Qin Wout 6 Wout 4 2a 6 2 4 2 Qout Win 4a Qout Win 1 1 A B Figure 10.1. Flow diagram of organic Rankine cycle: ‘A’ without IHE, ‘B’ with IHE Pump process (states 1–2) We assume that the state of working fluids leaving the condenser and entering the pump is saturated liquid. Temperature and pressure of fluid at this state point 1 are T1 and p1. Pressure of point 1 is the lowest one, called as pmin (pmin = p1). Due to driving mechanism on the circulation pump, working fluid regains high pressure pmax (or p2 at state point 2) after the pump. With an isentropic efficiency ηsP, work for pumping liquid from state point 1 to state point 2 is calculated by the following equation: w12 = h2 – h1 = (h2’-h1)/ηsP where h2’ is enthalpy of an ideal isentropic compression from state point 1 (T1, pmin) to pressure pmax. Pre-heated process (states 2-2a) If internal heat exchanger for recovering heat of fluid at the turbine outlet is used, state point of fluid changes from 2 to 2a. In this study, we assume no heat and pressure loss in this process, if not stated otherwise (e.g. in 10.3.3). 187 Evaporation process (states 2a-3 or 2–3) Working fluid receives energy from heat carrier in evaporator at constant pressure. After leaving the evaporator and before entering the turbine, the state of fluid (state point 3) is either saturated vapour or superheated vapour. We assume that there is no pressure loss in this process, heat receiving from this process is calculated, for the case without IHE, as: q23 = h3 – h2 and for the case with IHE as: q2a3 = h3 – h2a Expansion process (states 3–4) The superheated or saturated vapour, state point 3, passes through the turbine to generate mechanical power. After an expansion process of vapour in the turbine, pressure of fluid drop from pmax to pmin. The state of fluid (state point 4) at the turbine outlet is superheated vapour. The work of the cycle is generated in this process. With an isentropic efficiency ηsT, work generates in this process is calculated as: w34 = (h4-h3) = (h4’-h3).ηsT where h4’ is enthalpy of an ideal isentropic expansion from state point 3 (Tm, pmax) to pressure pmin. Pre-cooled process (states 4-4a) If internal heat exchanger is used, state point of fluid at the turbine outlet changes from 4 to 4a. In this study, we assume no pressure loss in the IHE. If efficiency of internal heat exchanger is ηHE we have a following relation: h2a – h2 = (h4 – h4a)ηHE or h2a = h2 + (h4 – h4a)ηHE Condensation process (states 4a-1 or 4–1) After leaving the turbine or the IHE, the fluid passes through the condenser where heat is removed at constant pressure pmin. We assume that the state of fluid after condenser 188 is saturated liquid, state point 1. Heat of the fluid is discharged to cooling media and can be calculated for the case with IHE as: q4a1 = h4a – h1 and for the case without IHE as: q41 = h4 – h1 Cycle types Depending on boundary conditions and coexistence curves, ORC can be devided into different types such as b1, b2, b3, s1, s2, o1, o2, and o3 [10.26]. In this study there exist only three types as o2, o3, and s2. Thus we give out short description of the three cycle types. Let us present coexistence curves and different processes in T-s diagram. The o2 cycle is shown in fig. 10.2. In the o2-cycle state of working fluid at the turbine inlet is saturated vapour. The maximum temperature and pressure of the cycle are smaller than those at critical point. The state of working fluid at the turbine outlet is superheated vapour. 600 550 3 T [K] 500 450 4 2a 400 2 4a 1 350 300 250 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 s [J/mol.K] Figure 10.2. ORC cycle o2 in the T,s-diagram for a fluid with overhanging coexistence curve and saturated vapour at the turbine inlet. 189 The typical difference between the o2-cycle and the o3-cycle is the state of fluid at the turbine inlet. In the o3-cycle, the state of working fluid at the turbine inlet is superheated vapour, fig. 10.3. In this cycle, maximum pressure of the cycle is always smaller than critical pressure. The maximum temperature of the cycle may be equal to or higher or lower than critical temperature. The state of working fluid at the turbine outlet is also superheated vapour. 650 3 600 550 T [K] 500 4 2a 450 400 2 4a 1 350 300 250 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 s [J/mol.K] Figure 10.3. ORC cycle o3 in the T,s-diagram for a fluid with overhanging coexistence curve and superheated vapour at the turbine inlet. Difference from the o2 and o3 cycles, the maximum pressure of the s2-cycle is always higher than critical pressure. Futhermore, maximum temperature of the s2-cycle is also higher than critical temperature, fig. 10.4. 190 650 3 600 550 T [K] 500 2a 4 450 400 2 350 1 4a 300 250 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 s [J/mol.K] Figure 10.4. ORC cycle s2 in the T,s-diagram for a fluid with overhanging coexistence curve and superheated vapour at the turbine inlet. Cycle efficiency Cycle efficiency for the case without IHE is calculated as: ηth,-IHE = - (w34 + w12)/q23 = -[(h4-h3) + (h2 – h1)]/(h3 – h2) (10.1) For the case with internal heat exchanger, cycle efficiency is calculated as: ηth,+IHE = - (w34 + w12)/q2a3 = -[(h4-h3) + (h2 – h1)]/(h3 – h2a) (10.2) 10.2.2 Water cycle with extraction Typical differences between Rankine cycles using water and our studied organic substances as working fluids are the shape of coexistence curves and the state of fluid at the turbine outlet. The shape of coexistence curves of siloxanes and aromates is skew or overhanging. Thus, if fluid at the turbine inlet is saturated vapour or superheated vapour, fluid at the turbine outlet is superheated vapour. In order to recover heat of fluid after the turbine or increase cycle efficiency, internal heat exchanger is used, figure 10.1. In water cycle, if water at the turbine inlet is saturated vapour, water at the turbine outlet is in two phase region. To avoid corrosion of the turbine’s blades, water at the turbine inlet is heated to ensure that water at the turbine outlet is superheated vapour or wet vapour with vapour 191 content of about 95% or more. Thus, internal heat exchanger like that of organic cycles can not be used. In order to improve cycle efficiencies, extraction cycle is used, figure 10.5. 3 4 5 1 2 9 8 6 7 Figure 10.5. Water cycle with extraction The extraction cycle is used to compare efficiencies of water Rankine cycle with those of organic Rankine cycles. Comparison of efficiencies is based on the same maximum and minimum temperature. In this section, we give a brief introduction for assumptions and steps for calculation of the extraction cycle. We assume that there is no heat loss in the heat exchangers. We assume p2 = p3 = p7 = p8 = p9, p5 = p6 and p1 = p4. Other assumptions are that state point 1 is saturated liquid and state of point 4 is saturated vapour. We firstly calculate properties of points 1 and 4 from minimum temperature of the cycle. We secondly calculate properties of point 3 from maximum temperature of the cycle, efficiency of the turbine and properties of point 4. Pressure of points 2, 7, 8, and 9 is identical to that of point 3. Properties of point 8 are calculated from pressure of point 8, pump efficiency and properties of point 1. Extraction flow rate and extraction pressure of point 5 are determined by an optimization process for the cycle. We vary values of extraction flow rate and pressure of point 5 and calculate cycle efficiency. Optimized cycle has the highest efficiency corresponding to certain values of pressure and extraction flow rate. Properties of point 5 are determined from pressure of point 5 and properties of points 3 and 4. 192 In order to determine properties of points 6 and 9 from properties of points 8 and 5, we assume that temperature of point 6 is 10K higher than that of point 9 and the heat exchanger has parallel flows. Properties of points 6 and 9 are determined from properties of points 8 and 5, ratios of flow rates, pressures of points 6 and 9, and energy balance. Properties of point 2 are determined from enthalpies and ratios of flow rates of points 6 and 9. If ratio of extraction flow is mex, the ratio of main flow is (1- mex). Efficiency of extraction cycle is calculated as: ηth,+IHE = [(h3-h5) + (1- mex) (h5 – h4)- (1- mex)( h8 – h1)- mex(h7 – h6)]/(h3 – h2) (10.3) 10.3 Screening of fluids and thermodynamic data 10.3.1 Selection of fluids In general, criteria for consideration of working fluids are thermal efficiency, stability, compatibility with contacted materials of cycle, safety, health and environmental aspects, and costs. In this study, we pay attention on thermal efficiency and size of equipment. Our interest for this research is medium temperature ORC processes with temperature above 2000C for utilize waste heat from industrial plants, waste heat in flue gas from biogas combustion, heat from biomass combustion, waste heat from high temperature fuel cell, and other sources. For the mentioned temperature range, alkanes, aromates, and siloxanes, cycloalkanes are potential substances and will be investigated in following section. Alkanes are environmental fluids and yield good thermal efficiencies. Auto ignition temperature of alkanes normally decreases with the chain length. In this study we mainly consider only iso-pentane, n-pentane. For cycloalkanes, we consider only cyclo-pentane. another group of substances which is considered as working fluids for medium temperature ORC is aromates toluene (C7H8), ethylbenzene (C8H10), butylbenzene (C10H14), and xylenes (C8H10). The last potential group of substances which is considered in this study is siloxanes or silicon oils including MM (Hexamethyldisiloxane, 193 C6H18OSi2), MDM (Octamethyltrisiloxane, C8H24O2Si3), MD2M (Decamethytetrasiloxane, C10H30O3Si4), and MD3M (Dodecamethylpentasiloxane, C12H36O4Si5). Siloxanes have high critical temperature and suitable in our interested temperature range. Siloxanes have been used in different ORC [10.4, 10.5, 10.7]. For this type of substances, there is lack of intensive experimental data in full fluid region so physically based equations of state with small number of fitted parameters are suitable for describe thermodynamic properties of pure fluids and their mixtures. 10.3.2 Equation of state and caloric properties of selected fluids In order to evaluate the thermal efficiency of a cycle, its thermodynamic properties must be known and described accurately by fundamental equations of state. There are different types of equations of state such as multi-parameters, cubic, BACKONE, PCSAFT. Empirical multi-parameter equations are the most accurate equations provided that there are sufficient accurate experimental data in large space for construction of the equation. Some accurate equations have been developed by Wagner group [10.28 - 10.30]. For fluids with limited experimental data, physically based equations of state with few parameters should be employed. Among different types of physically based equations of state, BACKONE and PCSAFT have been proved to be accurate and reliable. We have recently developed and applied BACKONE EOS for different fluids and applications [10.9, 10.17, 10.20 - 10.22]. BACKONE is a family of physically based EOS. BACKONE EOS is able to describe thermodynamic properties of nonpolar, dipolar and quadrupolar fluids with good to excellent accuracy. In BACKONE, the Helmholtz energy is written in term of a sum of contributions from characteristic intermolecular interactions [10.17] as F = FH + FA+ FD +FQ, where FH is the hard-body contribution, FA the attractive dispersion energy contribution, FD is the dipolar contribution, and FQ is the quadrupolar contribution [10.17]. Thus, five substance specific parameters are used: a characteristic temperature and density T0 and ρ0 and the anisotropy factor α for nonpolar fluids and a reduced dipole moment μ*2 and/or quadrupole moment Q*2 for polar fluids. BACKONE for pure fluids have only from three to five parameters which need to be found by fitting to accurate experimental vapour pressures and 194 saturated densities. For mixture, BACKONE need one more parameter for each binary [10.20]. PC-SAFT, a physically based EOS [10.23], was developed for chain molecules. The development of PC-SAFT was based on a perturbation theory and statistical associating fluid theory. Thus, for chain-like molecules such as linear siloxanes, PC-SAFT has better performances than BACKONE [10.18]. For this reason, PC-SAFT EOS is used for linear siloxanes. For compact molecules and aromates, BACKONE EOS is employed. In construction of BACKONE and PC-SAFT EOS for aromates and siloxanes, we fitted the equations to vapour pressures and saturated liquid densities. Because experimental saturated liquid densities are not available up to critical point so we use upward extrapolation equations which have recently been studied [10.18, 10.31, 10.32] to generate data. Details of procedures for construction as well as parameters of the BACKONE and PC-SAFT EOS can be found in [10.18, 10.19, 10.26]. Table 10.1 presents critical data, types and sources of EOS as well as auto-ignition temperatures, if available, for our studied working fluids. Table 10.1. Critical data, type and source of equation of state, and auto-ignition temperature. Name n-butane iso-pentane n-pentane cyclo-pentane toluene ethylbenzene butylbenzene o-xylene m-xylene p-xylene MM MDM MD2M MD3M a : From CAS No Tc[K] Auto-ignition Types of Sources of temperature, EOS EOS [°C] 3.80 BACK1 [10.26] 365 a 3.27 BACK1 [10.26] 420 a 3.29 BACK1 [10.26] 309 a 3.85 BACK1 [10.26] 361b 3.16 BACK1 [10.19] 480 a 2.67 BACK1 [10.19] 432 a 2.01 BACK1 [10.19] 510 a 2.71 BACK1 [10.19] 463 a 2.66 BACK1 [10.19] 527 a 2.64 BACK1 [10.19] 528 a 1.64 PC-SAFT [10.18] 341 c 1.13 PC-SAFT [10.18] 350 c 0.86 PC-SAFT [10.18] N/A 0.71 PC-SAFT [10.18] 430 d From [10.34]; d :From [10.35]; N/A: Not ρc pc [MPa] [mol/l] 106-97-8 425.20 3.922 78-78-4 460.90 3.386 109-66-0 469.65 3.370 287-92-3 511.7 4.510 108-88-3 591.80 4.109 100-41-4 617.20 3.609 104-51-8 660.05 2.887 95-47-6 630.33 3.732 108-38-3 617.05 3.541 106-42-3 616.23 3.511 107-46-0 518.70 1.925 107-51-7 564.13 1.415 141-62-8 599.40 1.190 141-63-9 629.00 0.945 [10.27]; b :From [10.33]; c : available 195 In the calculation of caloric properties such as the enthalpy or/and the entropy, the residual contributions of BACKONE and PC-SAFT have to be supplemented by ideal gas heat capacity. The ideal gas heat capacity can be represented with following equation in [10.36]: Cp0/R = A+BT+CT2+DT3+ET4 (10.4) Where R is ideal gas constant, R = 8.314472 J/(mol.K) [10.37]. A, B, C, D, and E are coefficients. The fit coefficients of ideal gas heat capacity together with original data sources and temperature ranges are given in table 10.2. Table 10.2. Coefficients, temperature ranges and sources of ideal gas heat capacity Name A n-butane iso-pentane n-pentane cyclo-pentane toluene ethylbenzene butylbenzene o-xylene m-xylene p-xylene MM MDM MD2M MD3M 2.5706 -2.2928 -0.2584 5.0190 -4.7793 2.8611 6.4900 -1.3865 -3.4749 -2.7508 6.3472 9.4056 10.0356 12.8945 B C D E 3.1702E-02 4.2294E-06 -1.6889E-08 5.8222E-12 6.9473E-02 -4.9760E-05 1.9555E-08 -3.2983E-12 5.9954E-02 -3.5457E-05 1.0485E-08 -1.2117E-12 -1.9734E-02 1.7917E-04 -2.1696E-07 8.2150E-11 7.0821E-02 -4.7711E-05 1.4068E-08 -1.0756E-12 2.4422E-02 9.8673E-05 -1.5176E-07 6.3489E-11 1.9080E-02 1.5665E-04 -2.2059E-07 8.8870E-11 6.8366E-02 -3.4018E-05 2.2944E-09 2.1532E-12 7.4572E-02 -4.1203E-05 6.0963E-09 1.3830E-12 6.9888E-02 -3.2768E-05 -1.1154E-10 3.0077E-12 8.5604E-02 -4.6759E-05 1.0523E-08 0.0000E+00 1.2051E-01 -6.8020E-05 1.5776E-08 0.0000E+00 1.5327E-01 -8.6846E-05 2.0222E-08 0.0000E+00 2.0199E-01 -1.2386E-04 3.0840E-08 0.0000E+00 Tmin Tmax 200 298 298 50 298 0 200 298 298 298 298 298 298 298 1500 1500 1500 1000 1500 1000 1000 1500 1500 1500 1400 1400 1400 1400 cp 0 sources [10.38] [10.39] [10.39] [10.36] [10.40] [10.41] [10.36] [10.40] [10.40] [10.40] [10.42] [10.42] [10.42] [10.42] 10.3.3 Comparison of BACKONE data with those from reference EOS Accuracy of cycle efficiency is strongly depended on thermodynamic data of the state points. Thus it is interesting to investigate the differences of thermodynamic data from different equations of state and the differences of cycle efficiencies. In this subsection we compare thermodynamic data of toluene from BACKONE EOS [10.19] and those from Bender-type reference equation of state [10.43] which can be easily accessed via NIST homepage [10.44]. 196 In order to compare caloric properties, the two equations must have the same reference state point. In this comparison, temperature of the reference state point is selected to be the normal boiling temperature. Density of the reference state point is selected to be saturated liquid density at the normal boiling point temperature. Enthalpy and entropy of the reference state point are set to be zero. For convenience in comparisons of cycle efficiencies from different equations of state and in investigation of the accuracies of the equations, we compare thermodynamic properties from BACKONE equation and reference equation for all typical state points of the cycle given by Drescher and Brueggemann [10.12]. In the paper of Drescher and Brueggemann [10.12], saturated liquid toluene at 363 K is pumped into internal heat exchanger. The efficiencies of the pump and the internal heat exchanger are 0.8 and 0.95, respectively. Toluene is heated up to saturated vapour at 2MPa in evaporator and enters the turbine. After the expansion of toluene in the turbine with efficiency of 0.8 to generate work, toluene discharges heat in the internal heat exchanger and the condenser. The minimum temperature difference between state point 4a and state point 1 is 10K. When toluene is cooled to saturated liquid state, it is pumped to internal heat exchanger and continues its cycle. Thermodynamic properties of toluene from BACKONE equation [10.19] and from reference equation [10.43] at typical state points of the cycle are given in table 10.3. Table 10.4 shows deviations of thermodynamic properties from BACKONE equation [10.19] and from reference equation [10.43]. We observe from table 10.4 that results from BACKONE equation and from reference equation are in very good agreement. Thus cycle efficiencies from BACKONE equation of state in following section are expected to be reliable. Table 10.3. Thermodynamic properties of toluene at all state points of ORC from BACKONE and from reference equations of state. State point 1 2 3 4 4a BACKONE equation [10.19] p s [J/ h T [K] ρ [mol/l] [MPa] (mol.K)] [J/mol] 363.0000 8.6909 0.0540 -10.02 -3745 363.9046 8.7114 2.0000 -9.86 -3465 536.1920 0.6436 2.0000 108.74 53159 446.0676 0.0147 0.0540 114.69 42733 373.0000 0.0178 0.0540 89.05 32236 197 T [K] 363.00 363.88 535.76 444.10 373.00 Reference equation [10.43] s [J/ h [J/mol] ρ [mol/l] p [MPa] (mol.K)] 8.6835 0.0540 -10.05 -3757 8.6995 2.0000 -9.89 -3477 0.6738 2.0000 107.60 52507 0.0148 0.0540 113.49 42242 0.0178 0.0540 88.44 32011 Table 10.4. Deviations of thermodynamic properties of toluene from BACKONE (B1) equation [10.19] and reference (Ref) equation [10.43]. State point 1 2 3 4 4a (TRef-TB1)/TRef (ρRef-ρB1)/ ρRef (pRef-pB1)/pRef (sRef-sB1)/sRef (hRef-hB1)/hRef 0.0000 -0.0001 -0.0008 -0.0044 0.0000 -0.0008 -0.0014 0.0448 0.0062 0.0034 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.0001 0.0031 0.0032 -0.0106 -0.0106 -0.0070 0.0032 0.0033 -0.0124 -0.0116 -0.0070 10.4 Thermal efficiencies 10.4.1 Cycle efficiencies of all considered substances In this subsection we assume that the isentropic efficiency of turbine and pump are 0.85 and 0.65, respectively. In case that the internal heat exchanger (IHE) is used, efficiency of the IHE is 100% and the temperature difference between fluid at the condenser inlet and fluid at the pump outlet is just 10 K. This is the minimum temperature difference between hot and cold fluids in the IHE. The calculation of flow rates of working fluids is based on 1MW net power output. The intention of this section is not a systematic optimization for a real practical problem with consideration for both cost and technical points of view. The idea is simply to calculate and compare cycle efficiencies of all working fluids with some typical boundary conditions, which are similar to those of some recent studies [10.12, 10.13, and 10.45]. In this study, we consider for four typical temperature boundary conditions. The first temperature boundary condition has maximum temperature of 250°C and minimum temperature of 85°C. This is similar to boundary condition of Gaderer [10.45] who studied on combined-heat-and-power (CHP) plants. The heat from the condenser of the cycle can be the energy source for central heating system or other consumers. The ORC can use energy from biomass or/and solar sources. The second temperature boundary condition has maximum temperature of 250°C and minimum temperature of 38°C. The intention of this case is only for electricity generation. The third and the last temperature boundary conditions are for combined-heatand-power (CHP) plants with maximum temperature higher than that of the first temperature boundary condition. In detail, maximum temperatures of the third case and the 198 last case are 300°C and 350°C, respectively. The minimum temperatures of the third case and the last case are 38°C One remaining question is the selection of maximum pressure for the o3 and s2 cycles. Before calculation for all substances, we try with calculations of cycle efficiencies of n-pentane and toluene with various maximum pressures, from 0.5 pc to 1.4 pc. The step of the increase of maximum pressure is 0.1pc. The minnimum temperature of the investigated cycles is 38°C. The maximum temperature of the cycle with n-pentane is 250°C and that of the cycle with toluene is 350°C. Results for investigated cycles with npentane and toluene are given in table 10.5. In this table, we show only results for the case with T2a smaller than saturation temperature at the maximum pressure of the investigated cycles. Table 10.5. Cycle efficienies with various maximum pressure Fluid T4 [K] pmax / pc pmax [MPa] vْ 3 [l/s] ْv4[l/s] ْ m [kg/s] ηth, [%] -IHE ηth, [%] +IHE n-pentane Tc = 469.65 K, Tmax = 523.15 K, Tmax/ Tc = 1.11, Tmin = 358.15 K, ηcarnot = 0.315 n-pentane 476.24 0.8 2.70 238 1684 13.4 11.3 18.0 n-pentane 471.82 0.9 3.03 197 1609 13.0 11.9 18.5 n-pentane 463.04 1.1 3.71 142 1513 12.5 12.7 19.0 n-pentane 458.54 1.2 4.04 122 1484 12.4 13.0 19.1 n-pentane 453.87 1.3 4.38 107 1464 12.3 13.3 19.1 n-pentane 448.98 1.4 4.72 93 1452 12.4 13.5 19.0 toluene Tc = 591.80, Tmax = 623.15 K, Tmax/ Tc = 1.05, Tmin = 358.15 K, ηcarnot = 0.425 toluene 532.07 0.5 2.05 151 6750 6.5 18.7 28.0 toluene 525.63 0.6 2.47 117 6470 6.3 19.4 28.6 toluene 519.47 0.7 2.88 94 6298 6.2 19.9 28.9 toluene 513.32 0.8 3.29 77 6160 6.2 20.4 29.0 toluene 506.96 0.9 3.70 64 6074 6.1 20.7 29.1 toluene 492.25 1.1 4.52 44 5922 6.2 21.3 28.8 toluene 482.61 1.2 4.93 36 5936 6.4 21.4 28.4 toluene 469.10 1.3 5.34 28 6008 6.6 21.5 27.5 toluene 454.30 1.4 5.75 22 6208 7.0 21.4 26.5 We observe from table 10.5 that cycle with n-pentane reachs the highest value of cycle efficiencies of 19.1% for the case with internal heat exchanger at pmax = 1.2pc and 199 pmax = 1.3pc. If one increases more number of digits after the comma, cycle efficiency has maximum value at pmax = 1.2pc. In this case, supercritical cycle yields the highest cycle efficiency. Whist cycle with toluene reachs the highest cycle efficiency at 0.9pc. In this study, we do not investigate cycle efficiencies with various maximum pressures for all substances. We simply choose maximum pressure of 0.90pc for o3 cycle and 1.2 pc for s2 cycle for all substances. All results for calculations of cycle efficiencies for the four temperature boundary conditions are given in tables 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, and 10.9. Table 10.6. Volume flow rate, volume ratio, efficiencies and other properties of cycle with Tmax = 523.15 K, Tmin = 358.15 K, ηsP = 0.65, ηsT = 0.85. Fluid Tmax/Tc T4 [K] n-butane iso-pentane n-pentane cyclo-pentane 1.23 1.14 1.11 1.02 n-butane iso-pentane n-pentane 1.23 1.14 1.11 MDM toluene MD2M p-xylene m-xylene ethylbenzene MD3M o-xylene butylbenzene 0.93 0.88 0.87 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.83 0.83 0.79 pmin [MPa] pmax [MPa] vْ 3 [l/s] ْv4[l/s] ْ m [kg/s] Tmax > Tc, pmax/pc = 0.9, Type o3 487.21 1.13E+00 3.53 326 1043 18.2 477.56 5.16E-01 3.05 223 1466 14.4 471.82 4.20E-01 3.03 197 1609 13.0 431.90 2.89E-01 4.06 99 1764 10.3 Tmax < Tc, pmax/pc = 1.2, Type s2 475.38 1.13E+00 4.71 197 886 15.7 465.52 5.16E-01 4.06 139 1330 13.5 458.54 4.20E-01 4.04 122 1484 12.4 Tmax < Tc, pmax = ps(Tmax) Type o2 482.18 1.13E-02 0.76 283 26772 17.9 432.82 4.60E-02 1.67 182 7289 8.7 487.80 2.37E-03 0.33 610 103544 18.9 444.21 1.90E-02 0.99 287 15700 8.6 444.54 1.84E-02 0.98 288 16057 8.5 446.24 2.03E-02 1.02 278 14861 8.7 493.46 5.69E-04 0.16 1219 372914 19.9 445.71 1.54E-02 0.88 318 18763 8.3 459.52 3.94E-03 0.41 603 62960 8.7 ηth, ηth, pmax / [%] [%] pc -IHE +IHE 8.4 10.9 11.9 16.6 14.8 17.9 18.5 20.2 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 10.1 12.1 13.0 16.6 18.8 19.1 1.20 1.20 1.20 12.5 19.0 12.4 18.7 18.7 18.5 11.6 18.7 17.9 22.4 22.6 22.9 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.1 23.3 23.9 0.54 0.41 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.16 0.24 0.14 Table 10.6 shows typical results for almost all substances except MM and cyclopentane with s2 cycle. We do not use results of MM with subcritical cycle and MM with supercritical cycle because the critical temperature of MM is very close to the maximum temperature of the cycle. The critical temperature of cyclopentane is close to the maximum temperature of the cycle so in order to avoid the affection of the uncertainty of 200 thermodynamic data in critical region on the results we do not use results of supercritical cycle with cyclopentane. Observation from cycle efficiency and temperature at the turbine outlet of o3 cycle and s2 cycle for the same fluid and boundary condition, we find out that s2 cycle has higher cycle efficiency than that of o3 cycle. Temperature of working fluid at the turbine outlet of s2 cycle is smaller than that of o3 cycle. Furthermore, volume flow rate of s2 cycle is smaller than that of o3 cycle. For these reasons, supercritical cycle seems better than subcritical cycle. Cycle efficiencies of alkanes and cyclopentane are much smaller than those of aromates and siloxanes. We observe from results for siloxanes and aromates that volume flows ْv3 and ْv4 of the siloxanes are dramatically higher than those of aromates. Furthermore, temperatures of siloxanes at the turbine outlet are higher than those of aromates. The cycle efficiencies of aromates and siloxanes are similar for the case with IHE, thus aromates seem better than siloxanes for this boundary condition in view of size of equipment. Table 10.7. Volume flow rate, volume ratio, efficiencies and other properties of cycle with Tmax = 523.15 K, Tmin = 311.15 K, ηsP = 0.65, ηsT = 0.85. ηth, ηth, Tmax/ ْv3 pmax ْm Fluid T4 [K] pmin [MPa] ْv4[l/s] [%] [%] Tc [MPa] [l/s] [kg/s] -IHE +IHE Tmax > Tc, pmax/pc = 0.9, Type o3 iso-pentane 1.14 452.12 1.43E-01 3.05 124 2873 8.0 16.5 25.9 n-pentane 1.11 445.36 1.09E-01 3.03 113 3440 7.4 17.5 26.2 cyclo-pentane 1.02 396.71 6.89E-02 4.06 62 4403 6.5 22.6 26.9 Tmax > Tc, pmax/pc = 1.2, Type s2 iso-pentane 1.14 440.13 1.43E-01 4.06 81 2720 7.8 17.6 26.3 n-pentane 1.11 432.17 1.09E-01 4.04 72 3283 7.3 18.4 26.4 Tmax < Tc, pmax = ps(Tmax) Type o2 MDM 0.93 465.29 1.20E-03 0.76 182 156431 11.5 16.3 29.5 toluene 0.88 396.10 7.16E-03 1.67 122 29021 5.8 24.8 29.0 MD2M 0.87 471.35 1.61E-04 0.33 395 954471 12.2 16.2 30.0 p-xylene 0.85 409.80 2.38E-03 0.99 193 77850 5.8 24.4 29.8 m-xylene 0.85 410.17 2.28E-03 0.98 193 80746 5.7 24.4 29.8 ethylbenzene 0.85 412.62 2.58E-03 1.02 186 72588 5.8 24.2 29.8 MD3M 0.83 478.69 2.59E-05 0.16 790 5154084 12.9 15.1 30.3 o-xylene 0.83 411.45 1.83E-03 0.88 214 98556 5.6 24.4 30.0 butylbenzene 0.79 429.96 3.51E-04 0.41 408 447981 5.9 23.7 31.3 201 pmax / pc 0.90 0.90 0.90 1.20 1.20 0.54 0.41 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.16 0.24 0.14 In table Table 10.7, we use the similar boundary condition to that in table 10.6 except minimum temperature. The table 10.7 shows the advantage of s2 cycle in view of cycle efficiency and size of the turbine. This table also shows the advangtage of aromates over siloxanes in view of size of the turbine. We observe from tables 10.6 and 10.7 that cycle efficiencies of toluene and ethylbezene are higher than those of MDM and MD2M for the case with Tmin = 358.15K, respectively. When Tmin = 311.15K, cycle efficiencies of toluene and ethylbezene are lower than those of MDM and MD2M, respectively. We now consider for the case with higher maximum tempertature than those of previous two cases. Table 10.8 shows results for the case with Tmax = 573.15 K. In this table we show only results for fluids having T2a smaller than saturation temperature at maximum pressure of o3 cycle. With this criterion, all considered alkanes are dropped out. The results for supercritical cycle with MDM also is dropped out from table 10.8 because the maximum temperature of the cycle is close to critical temperature of MDM. We observe that cycle efficiency of cylopentane for the case with IHE is higher than that of MM for o3 cycle but not for s2 cycle. S2 cycle yields higher cycle efficiency than that of o3 cycle for the same working fluid. The temperture of cyclopentane at the turbine outlet is lower than that of MM for both o3 and s2 cycles. Furthermore flow rates of cyclopentane are much smaller than that of MM. Thus cyclopentane should be used instead of MM. Butylbenzene yields the highest cycle efficiencies. Comparison with siloxanes in o2 cycle, butylbenzene yields smaller size of equipment than siloxanes. Furthermore, evaporation pressure of butylbenzene is higher than those of siloxanes. Thus, if criteria are cycle efficiency and the size of the turbine, butylbenzene should be used instead of siloxanes. It should be noticed that volume flow rate of butylbenzene at the turbine outlet is about 4 times higher than those of xylenes and ethylbenzene and about 8.5 times higher than that of toluene. Thus this characteristic should be considered in economical analyses. 202 Table 10.8. Volume flow rate, volume ratio, efficiencies and other properties of cycle with Tmax = 573.15 K, Tmin = 358.15 K, ηsP = 0.65, ηsT = 0.85. ηth, ηth, Tmax/ ْv3 pmax ْm Fluid T4 [K] pmin [MPa] ْv4[l/s] [%] [%] Tc [MPa] [l/s] [kg/s] -IHE +IHE Tmax > Tc, pmax/pc = 0.9, Type o3 cyclopentane 1.12 494.21 2.89E-01 4.06 109 1678 8.5 16.2 23.6 MM 1.10 525.40 6.29E-02 1.73 183 6225 14.7 11.7 23.5 MDM 1.02 523.36 1.13E-02 1.27 140 24329 15.0 12.4 25.6 Tmax < Tc, pmax/pc = 1.2, Type s2 cyclopentane 1.12 478.26 2.89E-01 5.41 70 1579 8.3 17.3 23.9 MM 1.10 517.66 6.29E-02 2.31 117 5944 14.3 12.4 24.0 Tmax < Tc, pmax = ps(Tmax) Type o2 toluene 0.97 450.31 4.60E-02 3.22 64 6430 7.4 20.7 25.6 MD2M 0.96 525.08 2.37E-03 0.81 165 91262 15.4 12.8 26.6 p-xylene 0.93 470.68 1.90E-02 2.00 104 13672 7.1 20.4 26.8 m-xylene 0.93 471.26 1.84E-02 1.99 104 13981 7.0 20.4 26.8 ethylbenzene 0.93 473.50 2.03E-02 2.06 101 12947 7.1 20.1 26.8 MD3M 0.91 534.47 5.69E-04 0.41 331 326054 16.1 11.9 27.1 o-xylene 0.91 470.68 1.90E-02 2.00 104 13672 7.1 20.4 26.8 butylbenzene 0.87 493.96 3.94E-03 0.92 212 54445 7.0 19.4 28.0 If Tmax = 623.15K, only aromates are suitable for working fluids because either the maximum temperature is higher than auto-ignition temperatures of siloxanes or T2a of alkanes and cyclopentane is higher than saturated temperature corresponding to maximum pressure of o3 cycle. In table 10.9, we drop out results for supercritical cycle with mxylene, p-xylene, and ethylbenzne because the maximum temperature of cycle is close to their critical temperatures. Observation from table 10.9 we find out that supercritical cycle with toluene yields the lowest cycle efficiency. Butylbenzene yields the highest cycle efficiency. However, volume flow rate of butylbenzene at the turbine outlet is about 3.3 times higher than those of m-xylene, p-xylene and ethylbenzene and about 8.3 times higher than that of toluene in o3 cycle. For this reason, o3 cycle with toluene, m-xylene, p-xylene and ethylbenzene should be considered in application. For convenience in the comparison of cycle efficiencies among different groups of substances, we show graphically relation between cycle efficiencies and critical temperatures of alkanes, cylopentane, aromates, and siloxanes from table 10.6 for the case with and without IHE in figure 10.6. For the case without IHE, when critical temperatures 203 pmax / pc 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.2 1.2 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.3 increase, cycle efficiencies of alkanes increase and cycle efficiencies of alkylbenzenes and siloxanes decrease. When critical temperatures increase, cycle efficiencies of all fluids for the case with IHE increase. This figure also shows the large improvement in cycle efficiency of siloxanes with IHE. Table 10.9. Volume flow rate, volume ratio, efficiencies and other properties of cycle with Tmax = 623.15 K, Tmin = 358.15 K, ηsP = 0.65, ηsT = 0.85. ηth, ηth, Tmax/ ْv3 pmax ْm Fluid T4 [K] pmin [MPa] ْv4[l/s] [%] [%] Tc [MPa] [l/s] [kg/s] -IHE +IHE Tmax > Tc, pmax/pc = 0.9, Type o3 toluene 1.05 506.96 4.60E-02 3.70 64 6070 6.1 20.7 29.1 p-xylene 1.01 503.29 1.90E-02 3.16 54 12679 6.1 21.0 29.6 m-xylene 1.01 503.03 1.84E-02 3.19 53 12959 6.1 21.0 29.6 ethylbenzene 1.01 506.99 2.03E-02 3.25 53 12007 6.1 20.7 29.7 Tmax > Tc, pmax/pc = 1.2, Type s2 toluene 1.05 482.61 4.60E-02 4.93 36 5968 6.4 21.4 28.4 Tmax < Tc, pmax = ps(Tmax) Type o2 o-xylene 0.99 493.46 1.54E-02 3.32 42 14996 6.0 21.5 29.5 butylbenzene 0.94 525.94 3.94E-03 1.79 82 49600 6.0 20.2 31.3 26 24 22 ηth [%] 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 Tc [K] Figure 10.6. Relation between cycle efficiency and critical temperature for boundary conditions with maximum temperature of 523.15K and minimum temperature of 358.15K: Δ alkanes with IHE, ◊ alkanes without IHE, siloxanes with IHE, + siloxanes without IHE, Ο aromates with IHE, × aromates without IHE, ∇ cyclopentane without IHE, and ⊕ cyclopentane with IHE. 204 pmax / pc 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 1.20 0.89 0.62 In the design of the turbine, the volume flow rate ْv3 at the inlet and at the the outlet ْv4 of the turbine are important, which are given in Tables 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, 10.9. For convenience of the reader, some data in Table 10.6 are also presented graphically in Figures 10.7 and 10.8. Figures 10.7 presents relation between critical temperatures of working fluids and volume flow rates ْv3. It is shown that when critical temperature of alkanes increases volume flow rate at the turbine inlet decreases. The situation for alkylbenzenes and siloxanes is different from that of alkanes. In detail, if critical temperature increases volume flow rate increases. 700 600 V3 [l/s] 500 400 300 200 100 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 Tc [K] Figure 10.7. Relation between volume flow rate ْv3 and critical temperature for the case with maximum temperature of 523.15K and minimum temperature of 358.15K: Δ alkanes, siloxanes, Ο aromates, and • cyclopentane. Figures 10.8 shows the thermal efficiency ηth via the volume flow rate vْ 3 at the inlet of the turbine for cycle with IHE. Consideration for both thermodynamic point of view and size of equipment for the given boundary conditions, normal alkylbenzenes and xylenes are better than siloxanes and alkanes. Butylbenzene has the highest cycle efficiency. However the volume flow rate and volume ratio are much higher than those of other substances so butylbenzene should not be used. Xylenes and ethylbenzene have similar characteristics. The last considered normal alkylbenzene is toluene. Comparison between toluene and oxylene we find out that cycle efficiency of toluene is 22.6% and that of o-xylene is 23.3%. 205 Observations of critical temperature of siloxanes and aromates we find out that MD2M and toluene have similar critical temperature and cycle efficiency. MD3M and oxylene have also similar critical temperature and cycle efficiency. Volume flow rate ْv3 of the two siloxanes are much higher than those of the two aromates. Figure 10.8 shows that ethylbenzene, m-xylene, and p-xylene yield similar volume flow rate ْv3 and higher cycle efficiency than those of MDM. 26 m-xylene p-xylene o-xylene Ethylbenzene th η [%] 24 22 Toluene 20 cyclopentane Butylbenzene MD2M MDM n-pentane (sup) n-pentane iso-pentane iso-pentane (sup) n-butane (sup) 18 16 n-butane 14 0 200 400 600 800 v3 [l/s] Figure 10.8. Thermal efficiency ηth vs. volume flow rate ْv3 at the inlet of the turbine of ORC with IHE for the case with maximum temperature of 523.15K and minimum temperature of 358.15K, “sup” stands for supercritical. Relation of the thermal efficiency ηth via the volume flow rate ْv3 in table 10.7 for cycle with IHE is shown in figures 10.9. Observations from this figure we find out that alkylbenzenes are better than siloxanes in views of cycle efficiency and size of the turbine. 206 32 31 Butylbenzene p-xylene m-xylene o-xylene Ethylbenzene th η [%] 30 MD2M MDM 29 Toluene 28 cyclopentane 27 iso-pentane (sup) iso-pentane n-pentane n-pentane (sup) 26 25 0 100 200 300 400 500 v3 [l/s] Figure 10.9. Relation between ηth and ْv3 for the case with IHE, maximum temperature of 523.15K and minimum temperature of 311.15K, “sup” stands for supercritical. Relation between thermal efficiency for the case with IHE and volume flow rate at the turbine outlet for the case with Tmax = 573.15K is given in figure 10.10. This figure again shows the advantage of aromates over siloxanes and cyclopentane in view of cycle efficiency and size of the turbine. Figure 10.11 shows relation between thermal efficiency for the case without IHE and outlet volume flow rate. With the maximum temperature of 623.15K, ORC using toluene as working fluid can be either subcritical cycle or supercritical cycle. In this case, subcritical cycle have lower cycle efficiency than that of supercritical cycle. If cycle do not have IHE, supercritical cycle with toluene is the best choice in both views of cycle efficiency and the turbine size. 207 29 28 Butylbenzene Ethylbenzene xylenes MD2M th η [%] 27 26 Toluene MDM 25 24 23 cyclopentane (sup) MM (sup) cyclopentan MM 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 v4 [m3/s] Figure 10.10. Relation between ηth and ْv4 for the case with IHE, maximum temperature of 573.15K and minimum temperature of 358.15K, “sup” stands for supercritical. 21.6 o-xylene 21.4 Toluene (sup) 21.2 p-xylene th η [%] 21.0 m-xylene 20.8 Toluene Ethylbenzene 20.6 20.4 Butylbenzene 20.2 20.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 v4 [m3/s] Figure 10.11. Relation between ηth and ْv3 for the case without IHE, maximum temperature of 623.15 K, minimum temperature of 358.15 K, “sup” stands for supercritical. In order to investigate the affection of boundary temperatures on cycle efficiency, we select MDM from siloxanes and toluene from aromates for our study. The reason for the selection is that MDM is already used in existing power plants. Toluene yields good cycle 208 efficiency and yields small size of the turbine. We plot cycle efficiencies of the two substances with maximum temperature of 523.15 K and variation minimum temperature from 303.15 K to 383.15 K in figure 10.12. This figure shows that at temperature of 339 K, the two fluids yield the same cycle efficiency of 25 %. If the minimum temperature smaller than 339 K, MDM yield higher cycle efficiency than that of toluene and vice versa. 32 Cycle efficiency [%] 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 300 320 340 360 380 T [K] Figure 10.12. Relation between cycle efficiency and minimum temperature of - - -MDM and ⎯ toluene for the case with maximum temperature of 523.15 K. To exam the similar effect of maximum temperature on cycle efficiency of the two fluids, we fix minimum temperature of 363.15 K. The maximum temperature is varied from 480 K to 540 K. Figure 10.13 shows a parallel between the two cycle efficiency lines whilst figure 10.12 shows an intersection between the two cycle efficiency lines. We also observe that volume flow rates ْv3 and ْv4 of MDM are higher than those of toluene. These prove that MDM is not an optimal working fluid for combined heat and power plants in view of cycle efficiency and size of the turbine. 209 24 Cycle efficiency [%] 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 470 490 510 T [K] 530 550 Figure 10.13. Relation between cycle efficiency and maximum temperature of - - -MDM and ⎯ toluene for the case with minimum temperature of 363.15 K. 10.4.2 Comparison of cycle efficiencies from different equations of state Cycle efficiency of ORC using toluene as working fluid for the same case by Drescher and Brueggemann [10.12] can be easily calculated from table 10.3. Cycle efficiencies of ORC with internal heat exchanger from reference equation of state [10.43] and BACKONE equation of state [10.19] are 21.6% and 21.7%, respectively. The results from these two equations are in very good agreement thus we believe in our other results. Whilst, cycle efficiency of ORC with internal heat exchanger using toluene as working fluid for the same conditions from Drescher and Brueggemann [10.12] is 23.2%. The relative deviation between result from Drescher and Brueggemann [10.12] and result from reference equation of state is -7.4%. The reason for the difference is that Drescher and Brueggemann use Peng–Robinson EOS which is well-known for insufficient accurate. Other comparisons of cycle efficiencies for the same conditions from Drescher and Brueggemann [10.12] and from our study are given for ethylbenzene, butylbenzene and octamethyltrisiloxane (MDM), Table 10.10. We observe from the table that the relative differences of cycle efficiencies of the two investigated working fluids as toluene and MDM are -6.9% and -1.8%, respectively. 210 Table 10.10. Comparisons of cycle efficiencies from different equations of state ηth,+IHE from BACKONE or PCSAFT EOSs (1) 0.217 0.246 0.255 0.221 Substance toluene ethylbenzene butylbenzene MDM ηth,+IHE from Peng– Robinson EOS (2) (ηth,+IHE,1ηth,+IHE,2)/ηth,+IHE,1 0.232 0.243 0.253 0.225 -6.9% 1.2% 0.8% -1.8% 10.4.3 Efficiency of medium-temperature Rankine cycle using water as working fluid In order to compare efficiencies of extraction cycle using water as working fluid with those from ORC, we also assume pump efficiency of 0.65 and turbine efficiency of 0.85. Optimized efficiencies of extraction cycle for different boundary conditions are given in table 10.11. We observe from table 10.11 that the increase of maximum temperature of the cycle leads to the increase of extraction flow ratio, extraction pressure, cycle efficiency, and leads to the decrease of turbine size and mass flow rate of water. The difference of cycle efficiency for the case with and without extraction increases with the increase of maximum temperature. We also observe from tables 10.6 to 10.9 and table 10.11 that ORC yields much higher cycle efficiency than water cycle with extraction for our study temperature range. Table 10.11. Optimized efficiencies of water extraction cycle (ηsP = 0.65, ηsT = 0.85). Minimum temperature of cycle is 358.15K T3 [K] mext [%] p5 [MPa] ْv3 [l/s] ْv4/ْv3 ْ m [kg/s] ηth,[%] -IHE ηth,[%] +IHE 480.15 523.15 580.15 630.15 2.53 3.38 4.80 6.39 6.53 4.77 3.55 3.01 7.70 10.27 13.51 16.19 7.98 10.86 14.55 17.76 5 6 8 11 0.21 0.31 0.45 0.69 6083 3332 1743 1110 10.5 Heat transfer from the heat carrier to the working fluids The highest cycle efficiency of ORC process may not lead to highest power output from available heat sources. In order to have the highest power output from available heat 211 sources, one needs to consider both cycle efficiency as well as the supply and processing of heat carrier fluid. Let us assume that mass flow rate of the heat carrier is ْmc. The heat carrier enters external heat exchanger (EHE) at state point 5 with temperature T5 > T3, figure 10.1. It leaves EHE with state point 6 having temperature of T6. The minimum temperature T6 and the mass flow rate of the heat carrier are determined by a pinch point analysis for generation of 1MW net power output. The pinch point or minimum temperature difference of heat carrier and working fluid in EHE is strongly depended on type of cycles, heat capacity of heat carrier cp,c, temperature T5 and the temperature difference at pinch point ΔTp. In o2 cycle or o3 cycle, the minimum temperature difference of the heat carrier and working fluid can have relation with either point 2a or saturated liquid point corresponding to the maximum pressure of the cycles. In s2 cycle, the pinch point can be at any point from point 2a to point 3. The determination of pinch point of s2 cycle is rather complicated than o2 cycle or o3 cycle. In our determination, we analyze T-ΔْH diagram, figure 10.14. T [K] T5 T3 Tp ΔT p T6 T 2a o ΔH (MW) Figure 10.14. T-Δ ْH diagram for analysis of a pinch point in s2 cycle. 212 In this study we consider three cases for heat carrier corresponding to three maximum temperatures of the investigated cycles. We firstly assume that heat carrier for cycle with Tmax = 523.15 K is thermal oil with heat capacity cp,c = 2.5 kJ/kgK, temperature T5 = 553.15 K and the temperature difference at pinch point ΔTp = 10 K. Thermal oil cycle is circulated in a loop. For the last two cases, we assume that heat carrier is flue gas with heat capacity cp,c = 1.18 kJ/kgK and the temperature difference at pinch point ΔTp = 30 K. Temperatures T5 for cycle with Tmax = 573.15 K and Tmax = 623.15 K are 623.15 K and 723.15 K, respectively. Flue gas leaving the EHE is discharged into environment. Results for the mass flow rate of heat carrier, the heat supply for the cycle Q56 from heat carrier, temperature T5 and Tp corresponding to the data from tables 10.6 to 10.9 are shown in tables 10.12 to 10.15. Table 10.12. The mass flow rate of heat carrier, the heat supply for the cycle Q56 from heat carrier, temperature T5 and Tp corresponding to cycle with Tmax = 523.15 K, Tmin = 358.15 K, ηsP = 0.65, ηsT = 0.85 for generation of 1MW net power output. Fluid iso-pentane n-pentane cyclo-pentane iso-pentane n-pentane MDM toluene MD2M p-xylene m-xylene ethylbenzene MD3M o-xylene butylbenzene Tmax/Tc ηth,[%] +IHE T5 [K] ْmc ْQ56 pmax/ cp,c ΔTp T [K] Tp [K] [kJ/kgK] [kg/s] [MW] pc [K] 6 Tmax > Tc, pmax/pc = 0.9, 17.9 553.15 10 450.1 18.5 553.15 10 447.7 20.2 553.15 10 455.2 Tmax > Tc, pmax/pc = 1.2, 1.14 18.8 553.15 10 446.6 1.11 19.1 553.15 10 443.1 Tmax < Tc, pmax = ps(Tmax) 0.93 22.4 553.15 10 500.1 0.88 22.6 553.15 10 510.9 0.87 22.9 553.15 10 508.0 0.85 23.2 553.15 10 513.6 0.85 23.2 553.15 10 513.6 0.85 23.2 553.15 10 513.4 0.83 23.1 553.15 10 511.0 0.83 23.3 553.15 10 514.6 0.79 23.9 553.15 10 516.1 1.14 1.11 1.02 Type o3 464.6 2.5 472.2 2.5 513.4 2.5 Type s2 460.5 2.5 469.4 2.5 Type o2 533.2 2.5 533.2 2.5 533.2 2.5 533.2 2.5 533.2 2.5 533.2 2.5 533.2 2.5 533.2 2.5 533.2 2.5 21.7 20.5 20.2 5.59 0.90 5.41 0.90 4.95 0.90 20.0 19.0 5.33 1.20 5.23 1.20 33.7 41.9 38.7 43.7 43.7 43.5 41.1 44.6 45.2 4.47 4.43 4.37 4.32 4.32 4.32 4.33 4.29 4.19 0.54 0.41 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.16 0.24 0.14 Tables 10.12 and 10.13 show that butylbenzene requires the lowest energy from heat carrier, Q56. Iso-pentane requires the highest energy. In this case, alkanes and cyclopentane require more energy from heat carrier than aromates and siloxanes do. 213 Siloxanes require more energy than aromates do. Thus, for a close loop of heat carrier, butylbenzene is the best substance for this case in view of energy efficiency because it requires the lowest external energy. Consideration for group of substances, aromates are the best choice. We also observe that butylbenzene requires the highest heat carrier flow rate. Siloxanes require less heat carrier flow rate than aromates. With the same working fluid, s2 cycle requires less heat carrier flow rate than o3 cycle. In o3 cycle, cyclopentane requires the lowest heat carrier flow rate. Among all considered substances in table 10.12, supercritical cycle with n-pentane requires the lowest heat carrier flow rate. If the heat carrier isn’t circulated in a loop, butylbenzene is the worst substance and n-pentane is the best substance. Butylbenzene requires 4.4 times more heat carrier flow rate than n-pentane in supercritical cycle does. As a consequency, n-pentane yields 4.4 times more power output than butylbenzene does for a given heat sources. Table 10.13. The mass flow rate of heat carrier, the heat supply for the cycle Q56 from heat carrier, temperature T5 and Tp corresponding to cycle with Tmax = 523.15 K, Tmin = 311.15 K, ηsP = 0.65, ηsT = 0.85 for generation of 1MW net power output. Fluid iso-pentane n-pentane cyclo-pentane iso-pentane n-pentane MDM toluene MD2M p-xylene m-xylene ethylbenzene MD3M o-xylene butylbenzene Tmax/Tc ηth,[%] +IHE T5 [K] ْmc ْQ56 pmax/ cp,c ΔTp T6 [K] Tp [K] [kJ/kgK] [kg/s] [MW] pc [K] Tmax > Tc, pmax/pc = 0.9, 25.9 553.15 10 425.0 26.2 553.15 11 423.2 26.9 553.15 12 436.9 Tmax > Tc, pmax/pc = 1.2, 1.14 26.3 553.15 14 345.3 1.11 26.4 553.15 15 408.8 Tmax < Tc, pmax = ps(Tmax) 0.93 29.5 553.15 18 490.4 0.88 29.0 553.15 19 504.1 0.87 30.0 553.15 20 499.9 0.85 29.8 553.15 21 507.4 0.85 29.8 553.15 22 507.5 0.85 29.8 553.15 23 507.2 0.83 30.3 553.15 24 503.6 0.83 30.0 553.15 25 508.7 0.79 31.3 553.15 26 511.4 1.14 1.11 1.02 214 Type o3 464.6 2.5 472.2 2.5 513.4 2.5 Type s2 416.3 2.5 408.8 2.5 Type o2 533.2 2.5 533.2 2.5 533.2 2.5 533.2 2.5 533.2 2.5 533.2 2.5 533.2 2.5 533.2 2.5 533.2 2.5 12.1 11.7 12.8 3.86 0.90 3.82 0.90 3.72 0.90 7.3 7.0 3.80 1.20 3.79 1.20 21.6 28.1 25.0 29.4 29.4 29.2 26.7 30.0 30.6 3.39 3.45 3.33 3.36 3.36 3.36 3.30 3.33 3.19 0.54 0.41 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.16 0.24 0.14 Table 10.14. The mass flow rate of heat carrier, the heat supply for the cycle Q56 from heat carrier, temperature T5 and Tp corresponding to cycle with Tmax = 573.15 K, Tmin = 358.15 K, ηsP = 0.65, ηsT = 0.85 for generation of 1MW net power output. Fluid cyclopentane MM MDM cyclopentane MM toluene MD2M p-xylene m-xylene ethylbenzene MD3M o-xylene butylbenzene Tmax/Tc ηth,[%] +IHE T5 [K] ΔTp T6 [K] Tp [K] [K] Tmax > Tc, pmax/pc = 0.9, 23.6 623.15 30.0 490.7 23.5 623.15 30.0 515.5 25.6 623.15 30.0 523.4 Tmax > Tc, pmax/pc = 1.2, 1.12 23.9 623.15 30.0 485.9 1.10 24.0 623.15 30.0 511.8 Tmax < Tc, pmax = ps(Tmax) 0.97 25.6 623.15 30.0 550.9 0.96 26.6 623.15 30.0 547.9 0.93 26.8 623.15 30.0 567.7 0.93 26.8 623.15 30.0 568.0 0.93 26.8 623.15 30.0 567.3 0.91 27.1 623.15 30.0 564.5 0.91 26.8 623.15 30.0 567.7 0.87 28.0 623.15 30.0 576.5 1.12 1.10 1.02 cp,c [kJ/kgK] Type o3 533.4 1.18 534.1 1.18 584.9 1.18 Type s2 548.3 1.18 519.2 1.18 Type o2 603.2 1.18 603.2 1.18 603.2 1.18 603.2 1.18 603.2 1.18 603.2 1.18 603.2 1.18 603.2 1.18 ْmc ْQ56 pmax/ [kg/s] [MW] pc 27.2 33.5 33.2 4.24 4.26 3.91 0.9 0.9 0.9 25.8 31.7 4.18 4.17 1.2 1.2 45.9 42.4 57.0 57.3 56.6 53.3 57.0 64.8 3.91 3.76 3.73 3.73 3.73 3.69 3.73 3.57 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.3 In table 10.14 we show our results for cycle with Tmax = 573.15K and flue gas is heat carrier. We find out that cyclopentane requires the lowest heat carrier flow rate. The required heat carrier flow rate of cyclopentane is only 0.78 times of MDM, 0.56 times of toluene, and 0.40 times of butylbenzene. In other words, cyclopentane is the best working fluid, the second one should be MDM. In this situation, siloxanes prove to be better than aromates in view of energy efficiency. When Tmax=623.15K, only aromates are suitable fluids, table 10.15. In this table, toluene and o-xylene prove to be the best fluids because they require the lowest heat carrier flow rates. 215 Table 10.15. The mass flow rate of heat carrier, the heat supply for the cycle Q56 from heat carrier, temperature T5 and Tp corresponding to cycle with Tmax = 623.15 K, Tmin = 358.15 K, ηsP = 0.65, ηsT = 0.85 for generation of 1MW net power output. Fluid toluene p-xylene m-xylene ethylbenzene toluene o-xylene butylbenzene Tmax/Tc ηth,[%] +IHE T5 [K] ْmc ْQ56 pmax/ cp,c ΔTp T [K] Tp [K] [kJ/kgK] [kg/s] [MW] pc [K] 6 Tmax > Tc, pmax/pc = 0.9, 1.05 29.1 723.15 30 497.7 1.01 29.6 723.15 30 496.3 1.01 29.6 723.15 30 495.9 1.01 29.7 723.15 30 500.0 Tmax > Tc, pmax/pc = 1.2, 1.05 28.4 723.15 30 478.5 Tmax < Tc, pmax = ps(Tmax) 0.99 29.5 723.15 30 488.5 0.94 31.3 723.15 30 520.4 Type o3 497.7 1.18 496.3 1.18 495.9 1.18 500.0 1.18 Type s2 491.5 1.18 Type o2 488.5 1.18 520.4 1.18 12.9 12.6 12.6 12.8 3.44 3.38 3.38 3.37 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 12.2 3.52 1.20 12.2 13.4 3.39 0.92 3.19 0.62 10.6 Summary and conclusions This chapter investigates potential working fluids for medium-temperature ORC processes by using thermodynamic data from BACKONE and PC-SAFT equations of state. The study of alkanes, cyclopentane, aromates and siloxanes show that large siloxanes are not the potential working fluids because they cause dramatically large size of the turbine. The study show that the cycle efficiency for the case with IHE increases with the increase of the critical temperature. Furthermore, the cycle efficiency depends not only on the temperature boundary but also on the maximum pressure of the cycle. Thus in design and operation of ORC, one should consider also the optimum pressure. Our investigation for four typical boundary conditions shows that there is no optimal working fluid for the maximum temperature from 250oC to 350oC. The selection of working fluid should be based not only on cycle efficiency but also the size of equipment and further on supply and processing of heat carrier fluid. If heat carrier is heated up and circulated in a loop, the fluid will regain its temperature after the EHE. In this case, selection of working fluid should be based on cycle efficiency and size of equipment. For this case, aromates prove to be the most potential working fluids. 216 If heat carrier isn’t circulated in a loop, the criteria for selection of working fluid are the size of equipment and the total efficiency, not the cycle efficiency. The study shows that investigated alkanes, cyclopentane, MM, MDM, toluene and o-xylene are the most potential working fluids, depending on the working temperature range. The finding in this study paves the way for optimization of practical problems where both investment and operation costs via size of ORC, cycle efficiency, total efficiency and other criteria should be considered for renewable sources. Other extensions for mixtures of potential fluids and optimization of the cycle with pure fluids and mixtures will be presented for other individual projects. 217 References [10.1] E. Barbier, Nature and technology of geothermal energy: a review. 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The input reduced temperature ranges for the investigation are from 0.5 to 0.6, from 0.7 to 0.8, and from 0.9 to around critical point. With different offsets of reduced temperature ranges, it is shown that new one-parameter equation is the most stable and reliable one for downward extrapolation. Wagner equation is the most reliable equation for upward extrapolation with input reduced temperature from 0.7 to 0.8. A new set-up apparatus is constructed for measurement of vapour pressures. This apparatus can be used to measure vapour pressures up to 2.67 MPa for temperature higher than 107°C and up to 6.9 MPa for temperature lower than 107°C. The working temperature range of this apparatus is from - 54°C to +200 °C. This apparatus has total uncertainty of 0.17 kPa for pressure up to 100 kPa. Because available saturated liquid densities of our interested substances are mostly limited in low reduced temperature range so we investigate the correlation and extrapolation of saturated liquid densities with different equations. We use 18 substances from different molecular classes in our investigation. Extrapolation methods with different inputs from the critical point are used: (a) no critical point data, (b) critical temperature, (c) critical temperature and pressure, and (d) critical temperature and compression factor. It is found that upward extrapolations of the saturated liquid densities without using critical point data can be done with some care and that the additional use of the critical temperature improves the quality of the predictions substantially. With input data in range of reduced temperature from 0.50 to 0.75, two-parameter equation give the best prediction up to 0.95Tc. The AADs of predicted data with two-parameter equation for all studied substances at 0.90Tc, 0.95Tc, and Tc are 0.42%, 0.90%, and 3.48%, respectively. One-parameter equation is the best for prediction of critical density with AADs less than 1.82%. Further 222 study with input data in lower reduced temperature shows that one parameter equation of Spencer and Danner is the best one for prediction from low reduced temperature range. The study on correlation and extrapolation of vapour pressures and saturated liquid densities allows us to select the best available equation for each practical case. Saturated liquid densities of siloxanes are available in low reduced temperature; hence Spencer and Danner equation is used to predict data up to 0.9Tc. Saturated liquid densities of aromates are available in higher reduced temperature range than that of siloxanes and it is suitable to use two-parameter equation. Vapour pressures of siloxanes and butylbenzene are not available in high reduced temperature range so we use Wagner equation for upward prediction of vapour pressures. In this study, we review theory studies and make some minor own contributions on equations of state and on Helmholtz energies of hard convex bodies and hard chain systems which are the core for developments of physically based equations of state such as BACKONE and PC-SAFT. Results from this study show that the application of hard convex bodies to hard chain systems is good for compact molecules, but not for large chain-like molecules. Comparison between simulation data and results from SAFT of Wertheim using hard sphere description of CS and that of KBN shows good agreement. Methodology and strategy for development of PC-SAFT equation of state are studied. PC-SAFT EOS for pure fluids by modifying SAFT equation of state with an application of perturbation theory of Barker and Henderson is reviewed. Then, different derivatives of residual Helmholtz energy are derived for two purposes. Firstly, these derivatives are used to program a fitting package. Secondly, these derivatives are used to calculate thermodynamic properties of fluids such as pressure, enthalpy, and entropy. Program from the derivatives allows us to study on potential working fluids. Primary study of MDM with BACKONE and PC-SAFT equations of state shows that PC-SAFT outperforms BACKONE. Thus parameters of PC-SAFT equation of state for all five studied linear siloxanes are determined. As experimental data at higher temperatures are scarce, it is helpful to extrapolate vapour pressures and saturated liquid densities by appropriate equations using the critical temperatures and pressures. With these strategies performance of PC-SAFT is better than the case of fitting directly to experimental data or 223 to correlation data. Comparisons of PC-SAFT results with a variety of experimental data show good agreement. Besides siloxanes, we also develop equation of state for another potential group of substances, aromates. First, parameters of BACKONE and PC-SAFT for benzene are determined. Comparison of BACKONE and PC-SAFT results with experimental data of benzene shows that BACKONE outperforms PC-SAFT. Thus parameters of BACKONE for seven aromates are determined. Comparisons of resulting BACKONE thermodynamic data with experimental data using in fitting show good to excellent agreement. The study also shows that prediction of saturated vapour densities from BACKONE is very accurate. The deviations of saturated vapour densities of benzene and toluene from BACKONE and experiments and are mostly within 1%. The governing principles of this work are to develop equations of state for calculation of thermodynamic data and to apply them to energy engineering field. For energy engineering application, we use data of different substances from the developed equations of state to calculate cycle efficiency of medium-temperature organic Rankine cycles. Our study shows that ORC plants have higher thermal efficiency than conventional steam power plants. Furthermore, working fluid yields the highest thermal efficiency may not yields highest power output and normally yields large size of the turbine, consequently large ORC or high investment cost. Thus, the selection of working fluid should be based not only on cycle efficiency but also the size of equipment and further on supply and processing of heat carrier fluid. If heat carrier is heated up and circulated in a loop, the fluid will regain its temperature after the EHE. In this case, selection of working fluid should be based on cycle efficiency and size of equipment. For this case, aromates prove to be the most potential working fluids. If heat carrier isn’t circulated in a loop, the criteria for selection of working fluid are the size of equipment and the total efficiency, not the cycle efficiency. The study shows that investigated alkanes, cyclopentane, MM, MDM, toluene and o-xylene are the most potential working fluids, depending on the working temperature range. 224 The finding in this study paves the way for extension to mixtures and for optimization of practical problems where power output, investment and operation costs via size of ORC, and other criteria should be considered for renewable sources with variation of temperature and flow rate. Extensions and optimization of the cycle with pure fluids and mixtures will be presented for other individual projects. 225