ex-alderman newsletter 137 and unapproved chesterfield newsletter
ex-alderman newsletter 137 and unapproved chesterfield newsletter
EX ALDERMAN NEWSLETTER 137 and UNAPPROVED Chesterfield 82 By John Hofmann July 26, 2014 THIS YEAR'S DRIVING WHILE BLACK STATS: For some reason the Post-Dispatch did not decide to do a huge article on the Missouri Attorney General's release of Vehicle Traffic Stop statistical data dealing with the race of drivers stopped by police. The stats did not change that much from last year. Perhaps the Post-dispatch is tired of doing the same story over and over or finally realized that the statistics paint an unfair picture because the overall region's racial breakdown is not used in areas with large interstate highways bringing hundreds of thousands of people into mostly white communities. This does not mean profiling and racism doesn't exist, but is not as widespread as it was 30 years ago. Traffic stop statistics for cities are based on their local populations and not on regional populations. This can be blatantly unfair when there are large shopping districts that draw people from all over a region or Interstate highways that bring people from all over the region through a community. CHESTERFIELD: Once again the Chesterfield Police come off looking pretty good. The four largest racial groups in Chesterfield are: Whites (84%) Asians (9%), Hispanics (2.9%) and Blacks (2.6%). If you believe in these statistics they show the Chesterfield Police are stopping too many whites and blacks and not stopping enough Asians and Hispanics. That is what is wrong with the Missouri Collection of Traffic data. The County wide population data comes into play since there is a major Interstate Highway going through Chesterfield and four major shopping districts. 1 TOTAL STOPS WHITE BLACK HISPANIC ASIANS 2013 10,319 8964 87% 890 8.6% 61 Less than 1% 294 2.8% 2012 County Population % 9,564 8363 87% 68.9% 728 7.6% 23.6% 67 Less than 1% 2.5% 314 3.3% 3.5% TOWN AND COUNTRY: The total number of traffic stops in Town and Country dropped from 2012 to 2013 by 1,632...from 10,358 in 2012 to 8,726 in 2013. That is an 8.4% decrease in traffic stops. There are two reasons for the decrease. First was staff reductions through retirements and resignations of police officers. Town and Country doesn't keep an active hiring list, where the applicants at the top of the list are hired as openings occur. Instead they do a new hiring process which can take several months. Secondly the four officer traffic unit that worked independently of on-duty shifts, was disbanded and a single traffic officer was assigned to each 12-hour shift. This meant there were no longer two traffic officers on duty at the same time during peak violation times on major highways. TOTAL STOPS WHITE BLACK Hispanic Asian 2013 8,726 7,324 83.9% 1,178 13.5% 66 Less than 1% 141 1.6% 2012 County Population % 10,355 8,759 84.5% 68.9% 1,266 12.2% 23.6% 69 Less than 1% 2.5% 215 2.0% 3.5% STOPS ONLY ON INTERSTATE HIGHWAYS IN 2013 Total 5,863 WHITE BLACK 4,801 81.1% 923 15.7% 2 Hispanic Asian 38 less than 1 % 215 2.0% While 86.5% of Town and Country is White and only 83.9% of the traffic stops involved whites and 2.6% of Town and Country's population is Black and 13.5% of traffic stops involved blacks, there is an excellent reason why. Unlike Chesterfield where there is not active regular enforcement on I-64, Town and Country does do daily traffic enforcement on I-270 and I-64. 67% of the Town and Country traffic stops are on Interstate highways. As someone who did traffic enforcement and supervised traffic enforcement it is just about impossible to racially discriminate while doing speed enforcement using a LASER Speed Gun and especially on the Interstate highways. The officers hit moving cars that are 600-1000 feet away that are traveling at high speeds. You are not looking at the race of the driver, but the car, the aiming of the LASER and viewing the speed read out. There are over 400,000 cars a day going through Town and Country on Interstate highways. That kind of volume represents a broad cross section of St. Louis County and the metro region not the population figures of Town and Country with 11,000 people who have higher than normal incomes. Using the population breakdown of the County as a whole, at least on Interstate Highway traffic stops, Town and Country cops are stopping too many white drivers and not enough Blacks, Asians and Hispanics. FRONTENAC: If you drive Hwy 40/I-64 you know that the Frontenac PD does a lot of traffic enforcement. 40 years ago they used to be notorious for running radar on NB Lindbergh right after you drove into Frontenac before Litzsingner Road. 3 TOTAL STOPS WHITE BLACK HISPANIC ASIAN 2013 3838 3068 664 12 57 2012 3494 2753 641 10 46 79.9% 17.3% Less than 1% 1.4% County Population % 78.7% 18.3% 68.9% 23.6% Less than 1% 2.5% 1.3% 3.5% At first one might think the higher numbers of Blacks being stopped is socio-economic and due to thefts at Plaza Frontenac. There were 74 "investigative Stops" reported with 47 involving Whites, 25 Blacks, one Hispanic and one "other" race. That's 63.5% white and 33.78 Black. Of course "Investigative stop" is a broad term and certainly could include some "driving while Black" stops. 54% of Frontenac's vehicle stops are on I-64 and 26.3% are on Lindbergh. LADUE: The total percentage of Blacks being stopped in Ladue for 2013 was the lowest in the last 10-years. In the last 13 years Ladue hit a high of 22.5% Blacks stopped in 2006 and a low of 10.6% stopped in 2002. TOTAL STOPS WHITE BLACK HISPANIC ASIAN 2013 3856 3243 427 21 114 2012 County Population % 2783 2279 81.8% 68.9% 384 13.7% 23.6% 12 Less than 1 % 2.5% 2,8% 3.5% 84.1% 11.9% Less than 1% 2.9% Whites make up 93% of Ladue's population and Blacks only have 1%. However Ladue does have a portion of I-170 along its Eastern border that has a number of Blacks using it and I-64 which cuts through the middle of the heart of Snoburbia. 4 In 2013 Ladue only made 33.8% of their traffic stops on I-64 and I-170. Ladue had a reputation for stopping Blacks for no reason other than they were Black that dated back to the 1970s. When I was cop in Rock Hill a Black Rock Hill resident who would be pulled over in Ladue would have me wave to them as they drove by in Rock Hill. ROCK HILL: Speaking of Rock Hill where 68.8% of the population is white and 22.9% is Black, Whites get pulled over by the police far more often than Blacks. Whites are stopped 84% of the time and Blacks only 13.2%. Most of the Blacks and Whites who live in Rock Hill and nearby neighborhoods in Webster Groves know the reputation Rock Hill has had for speed enforcement since 1985 and slow down when they are in Rock Hill. PINE LAWN: While most look for the numbers showing how heavily populated White communities pull over a disproportionate number of Black people, Pine Lawn is always a case in the opposite. Pine Lawn generates revenue by writing speeding tickets to people on WB I-70. While Pine Lawn is 95.8% Black and just 1.3% White, 21.5% of the vehicle stops involve whites. 31.5% of all car stops in 2013 in Pine Lawn were on I-70. FOLLOW THE MONEY: Okay if you are not interested in politics (why are you reading this?) this may put you to sleep. But here is your chance to see if you know anyone who gave $1000 to a local candidate. I highlighted the contributions from Town and Country and Chesterfield. Also see which Republican candidate got $25,000 from Rex Sinquefield and which Democratic candidate got $100,000 from his wife. 5 Million Dollar John Diehl: For the first time in six years Diehl has token opposition in any election. This time in the November 2014 general election. Democrat Al Gerber, the confused speaking, ultra liberal running against a Republican in a district where Republicans get as much as 77% of the vote in many precincts. (Gerber did defeat me in 2010 on the Town and Country BOA with the help of existing alderpersons wanting to get rid of me. They all turned on Gerber in the next election when he was easily defeated.) By March 2014 before Gerber had filed, Diehl had raised $1,516,571 since 2008 to run against no one. He had previously been unopposed in every primary and general election. In the second quarter of 2014 Diehl raised $144,020. If Diehl is reelected he will go from being the House Majority Whip to the Speaker of the House. Here are some of the contributors from April 1 to June 30: $250 Brent Hemphill Lobbyist for three gaming companies, several health care groups, the pork industry, NORANDA ALUMINUM, $500 $2750 $5,000 $2,500 $2,000 $2,500 $5,000 Missouri Insurance Coalition Jefferson City, MO Travellers Insurance Co Hartford, CT Burns and McDonnell, the Kansas City Co used their Town and County address Monsanto Co. Missouri Realtors Assoc. Columbia, MO Phoenix Home Care, Springfield MO Friends of Tilley, former speaker of the house, now an election consultant and lobbyist for A-B, car dealers, ALF-CIO and others $2,000 Comcast, Philadelphia, PA Cable TV, NBC TV $1,000 Missouri Corn Growers Association, Jefferson City $750 John Bardgett & Assoc. Lobbyist for 47 firms, including Phillip Morris tobacco, banks, A-B, healthcare groups, banks, law firms $12,000 RAI, Winston-Salem, NC 2nd largest tobacco company in US. $500 The Boeing Co. Arlington, VA $500 Realtors PAC, Columbia, MO $1,500 Stinson, Leonard & Street Clayton MO Law firm 6 $6,500 Anheuser-Busch St. Louis $3,000 Missouri Independent Banker, Liberty, MO $500 Missouri Criminal Defense Lawyers, Jefferson City, MO $250 Int. Association of Firefighters Local 73, St. Louis, MO $500 Int. Association of Firefighters Local 42, KansasCity, MO $5,000 Missouri State Council of Firefighters, Blue Springs, MO $500 Firepac, Blue Springs, MO $500 Professional Firefighters of Eastern MO Local 2665 St. Peters $1,000 Diamond Game Enterprises, Chatsworth, CA Slot Machine manufacturer $10,000 Roy Pfauthch 52 Portland Place St. Louis 63108 $1,000 Mo Petro Marketers and Conv Store owners, Jefferson City $500 AMEPAC, Jefferson City Electric Utilities $300 Mo Beer Wholesalers St. Louis 63128 $1000 Missouri Healthcare Assoc, Jefferson City $1,000 Sprint Phoenix, AZ $750 MO Pharmacy PAC, Jefferson City $2,500 FEA PAC Overland Park, KS (Teachers Assoc) $2,500 Ford Motor Co Dearborn, Michigan $1,500 Doe Run Co. $1,000 American Family Insurance PAC Jefferson City, MO $1,000 Bank of America $1,000 MO Medical PAC Jefferson City $2,500 SIMMONS BROWDER GIANARIS ANGELIDES & BARNERD LLC Alton, IL $12,500 Right Choice managed Care Cincinnati, OH $1,000 MO energy Development Assoc Jefferson City $15,000 Lewis & Clark Leadership Forum St. Louis 63127 $1,000 James McDonnell III Ladue MO $9,500 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City $1,500 Comprehensive Healthcare Hannibal, MO $4,500 Grow Missouri, Jefferson City $1,000 RGA Reinsurance Chesterfield MO $5,000 Mark Gardner Springfield, MO $2,000 Charter Communications Town and Country Diehl had exactly three contributions actually from his district. His second largest single contribution came from one of the top providers of lung cancer to Americans, the makers of Winston, Camels and Salem cigarettes. Missouri has the lowest cigarette taxes in the nation and it appears as if Diehl will try to keep them at the bottom while lung cancer deaths continue at a high rate. Plus the folks at RAI (RJ Reynolds) would like to see the tax break for genetic cigarettes get dropped. 7 Also the local and statewide firefighter unions were big contributors, groups not really big with core Republicans, who have given large amounts to Democrat Steve Stenger in his race for County Executive have given Diehl thousands of dollars. Diehl made six payments to Chase Credit Cards and American Express totaling $4,754.30. Once again we have to point out that the money taken in is for campaigning for reelection for State Representative. Diehl's district goes from Ladue down Clayton Road taking in Frontenac, Town and Country and eastern Chesterfield. There are no airports in his district. The total length of his district is about 18 miles. Here are some of his other "campaign" expenses: $150 Double Tree Hotel Jefferson City $798.89 United Airlines $398 Southwest Airlines $1,048 Hilton Hotel Jefferson City $180.78 Doubletree Hotel Jefferson City $136.96 Houston's Restaurant Kansas City, MO $297.50 Southwest Airlines $152.00 Southwest Airlines $104 Southwest Airlines $7,000 Campaign Consulting Victory Enterprise, Davenport, Iowa Diehl also gave $8,000 to other Republican candidates. AL GERBER: Diehl's opposition Al Gerber raised a total of $4,675 in contributions compared to Diehl's $144,020. Gerber claimed to have taken in $2,755 from people giving less than $100 who don't have to be listed with the Ethics Commission. Gerber's largest contributor was $250 from Cecily Lee of Elsah, Illinois who works at Principia College, the college that only allows members of the Christian Science Church to attend. Al is a alum of Principia. Gerber's expenses for the quarter were $2,000 and involved no airplane flights or hotel stays. The $2,000 went to Blue Champion Strategies of 7254 Moeller Apt 54 Maplewood for consulting. 8 SUE ALLEN: Once again the Republican from western Town and Country serving parts of T&C, Manchester, Chesterfield and unincorporated St. Louis County has no primary or general election opposition. Despite the fact that she is running against no one she managed to get $17,285 in contributions in the second quarter. She now has $51,825 in her campaign fund. Not surprisingly none of the $17,285 came from within her district. Allen, who was a physical therapist appears to be a favorite of physical therapists around the state and especially in Springfield. Here are a few of her contributors in the last three months: $500 $1000 $500 $1000 $1000 $1000 $2500 $1000 $1000 Anheuser Busch MO Association of Nurse Anesthetists Jefferson City, MO Dealers Interested in Government (Car Dealers) Physical Therapists of Missouri PAC Jefferson City Burns and McDonnell Kansas City Phoenix Healthcare Springfield MO Grow Missouri Jefferson City, MO Group for overriding veto of bill to cut Missouri taxes Missouri Health Care Assoc Jefferson City Steven Halper Bonita Springs, Florida On June 11 Allen collected $1,800 from 19 contributors in the Springfield, MO area mostly connected to the healthcare field ranging from dentists to psychologists to physical therapists. Allen gave $1,750 to two other Republican candidates, one in Festus and one in suburban Kansas City. In the first quarter she gave $5,000 to fellow state representative Rick Stream in his race for County Executive. 9 DON GOSEN: The Wildwood state rep who represents western Chesterfield has a Democratic candidate in the general election. He is unopposed in the August primary. Gosen is a State Farm Insurance agent who has used campaign money to travel to insurance industry events In the second quarter Gosen raised $15,750. 25% of the 20 contributors were from out of state. Here are a few of his contributors: $3500 $500 $2500 $1500 $1500 $1000 $1500 Right Choice Managed Care Cincinnati, Ohio Anheuser Busch Blue Cross Blue Shield Kansas City Value Pharmacy Service of Midwest Chesterfield RGA Reinsurance Chesterfield AT&T Employees PAC Glazer's PAC Jefferson City MO CANDACE FARMER: Gosen's opponent in the general election is Candace Farmer, 36, of Wildwood who has B.S. degrees in biology and psychology. She works at a local college in purchasing. Farmer raised $200 in the last quarter half coming from herself and $100 from the Women's Political Caucus from the Central West End of St. Louis. STATE SENATE JILL SCHUPP: The only Democratic representing part of West County is Jill Schupp because part of her district is in Creve Coeur and a section of Maryland Heights where 70% of the voters are not aligned to the GOP. 10 She is running for the Senate this year in a district that has a lot of Republicans. But thanks to redistricting Democratic voters appear to have a slight edge. Schupp is best known as being one of the few legislators who refused to accept anything from lobbyists, even a doughnut at committee breakfast buffet paid for by a lobbyist. In the second quarter of 2014 Schupp pulled in a quarter of a million dollars. $225,004.10 to be exact. In the first quarter Schupp's take was $81,102.28. There are 48 pages of campaign contributors. The majority of the contributors came from within Schupp's district, but not necessary the most money as she received quite a bit from organized labor. Unlike Democrat Al Gerber, who hid all contributors under $100 (which is allowed by Ethics Commission rules) Schupp listed everyone who gave money. The three smallest contributions were each for $25. One being from Town and Country Alderwoman Linda Rallo, who is a former Republican staffer in Jefferson City. Due to all the contributions, we are only listing those of $1,000 are more. $5000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $3000 $2000 $2000 $1000 $1000 $20000 $1000 $1500 $1000 $1000 $1998 $4750 $1000 $1000 $2500 $1000 $2500 $4000 $2500 Carpenters District Council St. Louis MBA Gateway Region PAC Jefferson City UFCW Local 655 Manchester MO McBride and Sons Chesterfield, MO Missouri Health Care Assoc. Jefferson City Committee to Reelect Rory Ellinger University City Teamster Local 600 Maryland Heights, MO Mont Levy Clayton, MO Thomas Green, attorney Kirkwood, MO Missouri Democrat State Committee Jefferson City Missouri Criminal Defense Lawyers PAC McCormack, Baron, Salazar, Inc. St. Louis Levota for Missouri Independence, MO Home Building Industry PAC Creve Coeur, MO Scott Stern Ladue, MO Teamster Local 41 Kansas City Susan Mlynarczyk Chesterfield Comprehensive Health Systems Hannibal, MO Missouri National Education Association Jefferson City Operating Engineers Local 101 Kansas City Nancy Grove Ladue Teamster Local 541 Kansas City Telephone Contact, Inc. Clayton, MO 11 $2500 $1000 $4500 $1000 $2000 $2500 $5000 $5000 $1500 $2500 $1000 $2500 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 Safer Families for Missouri Jefferson City Law Offices of Newman, Bronson and Wallis Maryland Heights, MO Leona Bohm Creve Coeur, MO Anheuser Busch St. Louis Teamsters Local 245 Springfield MO Missouri State Teachers Assoc Columbia, MO Teamster Local 688 Woodson Terrace, MO David Roberts Clayton, MO Service Employees International Union St. Louis Amy Soper Ladue, MO Carol Klein Clayton, MO Better Schools for Missouri Jefferson City MO James Nutter Kansas City Robert Denlow Clayton, MO Missouri Realtors Assoc. Columbia, MO Karen Knopf Creve Coeur, MO Arlene Zarembka and Zuleyma Tang-Martinez University City, MO Women s Political Caucus EMPAC St. Louis MO Optometric PAC Jefferson City, MO David Dempsey Ladue, MO On July 1 Schupp had $459,287 in the bank. Schupp is unopposed in the primary, but there are three candidates on the Republican August ballot. JOHN "Jay" ASHCROFT: Yep the son of former Missouri Attorney General, Governor, Senator (who lost reelection to a dead man - Gov. Mel Carnahan died in a plane crash two weeks before the election) and United States Attorney General. Ashcroft who lives north of Olive and east of I-270 in unincorporated St. Louis County in a modest 3-bedroom 2-bath 1,500 square foot ranch house . He has only been raising money since the last quarter and has raised $227,590. That's $2,586 more than Jill Schupp. Former St. Louis County Executive Gene McNary is Ashcroft's treasurer. While Ashcroft is being supported by well known Republicans with last names like Fox, McNary, Cunningham and Wagner. His opponent's sign is in the yard of Republican Majority Whip and likely 2015 Speaker of the House, John Diehl. 12 Like any good Republican front runner in a primary, Ashcroft has far more four figure and five figure contributions than anyone else in the race. Like John Diehl, Ashcroft is getting most of his money outside of his district. In fact he is getting a huge amount of cash 214 miles away from people in Springfield, MO and southwest Missouri where the Ashcroft family home is located. If you look at the below list of contributors you would swear Junior is running for office in Southwest Missouri and not in St. Louis. $2500 Tony Feather Jefferson City, MO $30,000 Janet Ashcroft Willard, MO $10,000 Sam Fox Clayton, MO $10,000 August Busch, III Weldon Springs, MO $1000 Frederick Palmer Ladue, MO $5,000 Roy Pfautch St. Louis $1,500 Gerald Cook Ozark, MO $1000 Ingram Enterprises Springfield, MO $1000 The Durham Company Lebanon, MO $1000 Jack Miller Lebanon, MO $3000 S. W. Fowler Springfield, MO $1000 Nail Dental Springfield, MO $1000 Larry Lipscomb Springfield MO $1000 Judy Beisner Springfield MO $1000 Sarah Hargis Springfield MO $1000 Wayne Barnes Springfield MO $1000 Randall Voss Springfield, MO $1000 William Hart Springfield MO $1000 Tom Fowler Rogersville, MO $1000 Friends of Lincoln Hough Springfield MO $1000 Howe Properties Lebanon, MO $1000 Gordon Elliott Springfield, MO $2000 James Cooper SPringfield MO $1000 William Keely Springfield, MO $1000 Med-Pay, Inc. Springfield, MO $1000 Nathan Kester Springfield MO $1000 Frank Evans Springfield MO $1000 H.R. Thompson Springfield MO $1000 Rochelle Buckner Springfield, MO $1000 James Hagale Stratford MO $1000 Custom Metal Craft Springfield, MO $25,000 Rex Sinquefield Westphalia, MO $2500 Evergreen Investments Lebanon MO 13 $2000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $2500 $1000 $5000 $1000 $1000 $10,000 $1000 $1000 $5000 $1000 $5000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $3000 $1000 $1000 $2000 $1000 $2500 $5000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $5000 $1000 $2000 $2500 $2500 $2500 $5000 $5000 $1000 $1000 Phil Wienke Springfield, MO Michael Mooney Frontenac, MO Citizens for Jay Wason Nixa, MO William Darr Springfield, MO Jack Stack Springfield MO David Cribbs Bolivar, MO Darrell Procter Willard, MO John Pratt Springfield, MO Peter Herschend Branson, MO Penn Enterprises Springfield MO Kenneth Suelthaus Ladue, MO Sharpe Holdings, Inc. Bethel, MO Jannell Brunner Des Peres, MO Douglas Albrecht Ladue, MO Lawrence Collett St. Albans, MO Harvey Tettlebaum California, MO H.E. Whitner Fair Play, MO Nathaniel Morris Lexington, KY MBA Gateway Region PAC Jefferson City Ford Motor Company Dearborn, Michigan Richard Baalman Des Peres, MO Friends of Kirk Mathews Pacific MO Jerry Hunter St. Louis, MO Missouri Society of Anesthesiologists St. Louis MO Ann Wagner for Congress Ballwin, MO Citizens for Schatz Sullivan, MO Missouri Club for Growth St. Louis Richard Wagner (husband of Congresswoman Ann Wagner) Ballwin, MO Gary Cunningham (husband of former Senator and current fire Board Dir. Jane Cunningham) Michael Moore West Plains, MO Evelyn Williams Ladue, MO Gene McNary Ladue, MO Eagle Forum PAC Alton, IL Crestwood Square Assoc. Crestwood, MO Citizens to Elect Paul Curtman Sullivan, MO Hunter Engineering Bridgeton, MO Menlo Smith Frontenac, MO Robert Ferguson Franklin, Michigan John Twitty Springfield, MO Krystyna Clarke Springfield, MO 14 $1000 $1000 $1000 $4,500 $4,000 John Gentry Springfield, MO Curtis Jared Springfield MO Allen Icet Anchorage, Alaska (former Mo State Rep and losing candidate for Missouri Auditor. Now working for BP in Alaska) Gateway Group Richmond Heights, MO Pelopidas Richmond Heights, MO JACK SPOONER: Jack Spooner, an attorney has been in the race for some time. Spooner lives on S. Spoede Road in Creve Coeur. In the first quarter of 2014 he raised $104,574. Here are a few interesting contributors from the first the first quarter. $50,000 $10,000 $10,000 $5000 $5000 Jeanne Rhodes and Rich Galocki Waterloo, Illinois Michelle Spooner Lucas Chesterfield Drury Development (Drury Hotels) Creve Coeur, MO Lawrence and Elizabeth Lenke Town and Country, MO David Spence (defeated Governor candidate) Ladue, MO In the second quarter after Ashcroft entered the race, Spooner's congributions dropped to $48,400. $2000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $2500 $2500 $1000 $1500 $1000 Georoge Weber, IV Weber Chevrolet Columbia, Illinois Robert Byrne Frontenac MO Matthew Kopsky Chesterfield MO David Spence Ladue (a total of $6000 in 2013 and 2014) Mary Ann Shanahan Ladue, MO Apex Oil Co. Clayton Mo Fred Zaegel, III Overland, MO James Barton Houston, Texas David Mattern Ladue, MO 15 ROBB HICKS: Hicks is a doctor graduating from USC in 1987. He did his residency in St. Louis and started a practice and an urgent care facility in Cape Girardeau. His current address is that of an apartment in unincorporated St. Louis County. Hicks showed $50,000 in the campaign fund that was raised in the second quarter, It was all from a loan he gave the campaign. DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES FOR COUNTY EXECUTIVE: CHARLIE DOOLEY: In the County executive race, the incumbent Charlie Dooley raised $241,764 in the first quarter of 2014. Here are Charlie's big donors in the first quarter: (We highlighted County employees...do you think there was a little arm twisting for those donations?) $25,000 $2500 $2000 $5000 $5000 $2500 $1000 $750 $500 $1325 $300 $500 $700 $1000 $600 $500 $1000 Clayco Overland, MO Terry Bloomberg Frontenac, MO James Buford St. Louis, MO Centene Management Corp. Clayton, MO David Farr, CEO Emerson Electric Jan Gregory (Lobbyist employee) Chesterfield Sheryl Hodges (St. Louis County Director of Public Works) Dr. Dolores Gunn (St. Louis County Department of Health) Gary Earls (St. Louis County Manager) Herbert Bernsen (County employee Dir of Dept. Justice) Kirkwood Thomas Curran (St. Louis County Dir. of Inter-govt Affairs) Julie Leicht (St. Louis County employee "Interim Director") Eugene Leung (St. Louis County employee "Director") Glenn Powers (St. Louis County employee Director of Planning) Martina Price (St. Louis County employee Dept. of Revenue) Patricia Reddington (St. Louis County employee County Counselor) Pamela Reitz (St. Louis County employee "Director") 16 $430 Nancy Slay (St. Louis Couinty employee "admin ast") $2500 John Bardgett & Associates (Lobbyist) Thru 3-24-14 contributed $10,000 $2500 KTCO, LLC Chesterfield, MO $5000 Lewis-Rice Law firm St. Louis, MO $500 McBride & Sons Chesterfield, MO $500 McKelvey Homes Chesterfield, MO $5000 McCormack, Baron, Salazar Property Management St. Louis $2000 Motorola Shamburg, IL major police communications supllier $3500 Service employees International Union St. Louis $100,000 Jeanne Sinquefield Westphalia, MO $2,500 Karen Temporiti (relative of Dooley advisor) $5000 Thompson Coburn Law Firm ($27,500 donated thru March 6, 2014) $3000 UAW Hazelwood, MO In the second quarter of 2014 Dooley raised another quarter of a million dollars, bringing in $223,493 despite the recent scandals coming out of the County Executive Building. We found another six County employees forking over money to Dooley. Also we counted where 11 Ameren UE employees contributed $6,025 to Dooley in the second quarter. Former Town and Country Alderman Bill Kuehling, hid the fact he was an old line St. Louis City Democrat for one term on the BOA for 2007 & 08. He gave Dooley $500. If you feel Dooley has had a corrupt and mismanaged government for the last 10-years, take a look at some of these local companies trying to help him get reelected and think of them before you spend your money with them, knowing where some of it goes. Here are some contributions that caught our eye: $500 $500 $5000 $2500 $2500 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 Imo's Pizza HQ Des Peres (founder of Imo's lives in Town and Country) Freeman Bosley (former St. Louis mayor who clipped the History Museum for $500,000 in the sale of contaminated property...Bosley is currently is currently appealing the two-year suspension of his law license. William Danforth Ladue, MO (Total $12,000 in campaign) RGA Reinsurance Chesterfield, MO McBride and Son Chesterfield (contributed $17,500 in 2013 & 2014) Charter Communications Town and Country TSI Engineering St. Louis, MO Vince Schoemehl (former St. Louis mayor) Pine Lawn Phillips 17 $1000 $1000 $1000 $500 $4970 $5000 $300 $4500 $2500 $10,000 $3000 $2000 $2500 $2500 $5000 $5000 $750 $2500 $5000 $5000 $10000 $500 $1000 $2000 $2500 $5000 $5000 $10,000 $10,000 $5000 $5000 $500 $150 $250 $500 $1000 $500 $500 Grey Eagle Beer Distributor Donald Ross President Enterprise Rent-a-Car Strategic Capitol Consulting Chesterfield, MO William Kuehling Town and Country (Former T&C Alderman) Polsinelli & Shughart Law firm (total contributions $14,098 in 2013 & 14) Schnuck's Markets Susan Talve Clayton, Rabbi Central Reform Congregation Pasta House Company (Had given a total of $6500 in campaign) Builder's Bloc Chesterfield John Alberici, Alberici Construction (given $20,000 total in 2013 & 2014) Jan Gregory, Bardgett & Assoc Chesterfield (Gregory has given $8,000 in 2014) Laclede Gas (contributed $5000 total in 2013 and 2014) UFCW Local 655 Manchester, MO Collinsville Acquisitions, Inc Clayton, MO Kenneth Krazberg Ladue, MO Mark Gardner Springfield, MO Kevin O'Keefe Kirkwood (named partner in law firm that represents Town & Country) Simmons Browder Gianaris Angelides and Barnerd LLC Alton, IL John McDonnell Town and Country, MO Dobbs Tire and Auto High Ridge MO (Total $10,000 in campaign) Ameren UE (Total $29,824 in campaign) Warner Baxter Eureka, MO (Ameren UE President) Thomas Voss Eureka, MO (Ameren UE CEO) Richard Mark Collinsville, IL (Ameren UE VP) Monsanto Creve Coeur, MO McCormack, Baron & Salazar (low income property managers) Tope Normandy, MO Express Scripts Cool Valley, MO St. Louis Cardinals Baseball Club William Maritz Ladue, MO (Maritz Advertising Fenton, MO) Anheuser Busch (A-B had given Dooley's campaign $22,500 thru May 27) Committee to elect Kiki Curls Kansas City (Curls is a top receiver of Lobbyist gifts in Jefferson City Thomas Curran (St. Louis County Employee) Michael Coleman (St. Louis County Employee) Jonathan Boesch (St. Louis County Employee) Michael Jones (St. Louis County Employee Sr. Policy Advisor) William Ray (St. Louis County Employee) John Bales (St. Louis County employee Dir. of Spirit of St. L. Airport) 18 And the money goes out: You might think that the leader of the area's largest political subdivision would make it a point to keep all of his campaign money being spent in the area. While Charlie does keep a lot of in town, certainly not all of it. Dooley has spent money from New York to California on his campaign. Just in the second quarter alone Dooley spent $170,906 to people and businesses hundreds and thousands of miles away from St, Louis County. Only one business was in Missouri, a printer in suburban Kansas City. Aren't there any printers in St. Louis County? Take a look and see where that $170,906 went: $1,918 $4,354 $529 $7,000 $573 $1,793 $2,000 $2,147 $155 $7,000 $1,102 $450 $1,793 $1,702 $2,250 $1,793 $7,000 $1,793 $268 $77,500 $46,500 $926 $360 Brooklyn, NY Donna Davis Campaign worker San Francisco The Organizer Device Set Up fee San Francisco The Organizer License Fees Minneapolis, MN Grassroots Solutions Campaign Field Consulting Lee's Summit, MO Kennedy Graphics Printing Brooklyn, NY Donna Davis Campaign worker Lawrence, Kansas Activate, LLC San Francisco, CA The Organizer Device Licenses San Francisco, CA Donna Davis Supplies Minneapolis Grass Roots Solutions Field Consulting Austin, Texas Stanford campaigns Background Checks Washington, DC NGP Van, Inc. Website maintenance Brooklyn, NY Donna Davis Campaign worker San Francisco, CA The Organizer Lawrence, Kansas Activate, LLC Brooklyn, NY Donna Davis Campaign worker Minneapolis, MN Grass Roots Field Consulting Brooklyn, NY Donna Davis campaign worker East St. Louis, IL Brian Taylor campaign worker Marietta, Georgia Canal Partners Media Media Buy Marietta, Georgia Canal Partners Media Media Buy Minneapolis, MN Grass Roots field Consulting East St. Louis, IL Brian Taylor Campaign worker The last three months Dooley sent 22 checks out of the region for $168,378. You might think that should get him an "F" grade. While Stenger sent nine fewer checks he did spend $340.179 more out of state than Dooley. (See Stenger's report below.) 19 STEVEN STENGER Dooley's opponent in the August Democratic primary is County Councilman Steve Stenger who has a background in law and accounting. In the first quarter of 2014 Stenger raised $252,957. Here are some of his biggest or more interesting contributors for the first three months of 2014: $7000 $1000 $2500 $2500 $3750 $2500 $2500 $1000 $5000 $2000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $500 $2500 $1000 $2500 $2500 $1000 $10,000 $1000 $5,000 $1000 $1000 $1000 Joseph Treadway South St. Louis Co. Community Services St. Peters, MO John Bommarito St. Peters, MO Frank Bommarito Ellisville, MO Assistor St. Louis, MO Budrovich Contracting Co South St. Louis County Maria Schick Clayton, MO Wolfe Properties Clayton, MO CHIPP PAC (Carpenters Union) St. Louis Heat and Frost Insulators Local 1 Bridgeton, MO International Union of Painters Hanover, Maryland Pace Properties Brentwood, MO R.G. Ross Construction Souith St. Louis County McKelvey Homes Chesterfield, MO Dobbs Tires Enchanted Parkway, LLC South St. Louis County Sally Stottis South St. Louis County Quick Trip Corp. Tulsa, Oklahoma Brinkman Constructors Chesterfield, MO Sheet Metal Workers Local 36 St. Louis Karpel Solutions South St. Louis County Information Technologies St. Louis County Mathew Rae Kirkwood, Mo Building Consultants Clayton, MO Iron Workers Local 936 St. Louis 20 $5000 $2000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $5005 $5000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $2500 $2500 $1000 $1000 $1000 $5000 $1000 $1500 $1000 $1000 $1000 $5000 $15000 $3000 $1000 $8500 $9,800 $1250 $1000 $1000 $1500 $1500 $3000 $2500 $1000 $1500 $2000 $1000 Rita Eiseman Trust Clayton, MO Western Oil Earth City, MO McDonough Law Firm Chesterfield, MO William Moriconi Trust Ladue, MO Mason Olive Central Assoc. Creve Coeur, MO James Lang South St. Louis County The Law Firm of Thomas C, Antoniou Clayton, MO Pattonville Community Affairs Fund North St. Louis County Sitepac Kirkwood, MO NB West Contracting Brentwood, MO Dennis Schoemehl Town and Country, MO Concrete Strategies Overland, MO Ray White, III Chesterfield, MO 3100 South LLC Brentwood, MO Valcour Development Co. Marlborough, MO RKB Brothers St. Louis County P&H Coatings LLC St. Louis County CDC-ELT Operations Town and Country, MO Billy Taylor Trust Columbia, IL Raymond Van de Riet, Jr. Town and Country, MO Gary O'Neal Chesterfield, MO Nathan Bartlett St. Louis County Karl Kloster St. Louis County Murphy Equities Crestwood, MO Citizens to elect Mike O'Mara Florissant MO Thomas Milum St. Charles, MO Scott Wittkop Wildwood, MO Jefferson Barracks Marine Service St. Louis CO Friends of Dolan Richmond Heights, MO Concord Auto Body St. Louis County Brinkman Construction Chesterfield MO Scott Reece Brentwood, MO Robert Ruebsam St. Louis Ronald Ortyl Frontenac, MO Commercial Bank Maryland Heights, MO Concord Professional, LLC St. Louis County Savoy Productions Brentwood, MO BBH Express St. Louis Lormil LLC Brentwood MO Onder, Shelton, O'Leary and Peterson Webster Groves, MO 21 $2500 $3000 $2500 $2500 $2000 $1000 $3000 $1000 $3000 $1000 $1000 $2500 $1000 $2000 Jeffrey Heater St. Louis City Line Partnership St. Louis County Larry Kagan Kirkwood, MO Craig Concannon Kirkwood, MO George Eble Earth City, MO RealtyNET Kratky Team St. Louis Light Bulb Express Afton, MO Indoor Comfort Team St. Louis County H2 Logistics St. Louis County Patricia Withers Ladue, MO Ruth Fitch Fenton, MO Joel Nelkirk Cape Girardeau, MO Johnny Londoff Chevrolet Florissant, MO Michael Vassel St. Louis In the second quarter of 2014 Stenger brought in even more than any other candidate in the region when he collected $339,772. $2650 $2500 $2500 $1500 $1000 $1000 $1000 $2000 $1000 $1000 $5000 $5000 $5000 $2000 $1000 $3000 $3000 $1000 $1000 $125 Heat & Frost Insulators Local 1 Bridgeton, MO (Total of $18,650 for campaign) Sally Stotts St. Louis County (Total of $10,000 for campaign) Even Dozen Properties LLC Clayton, MO Budrovich Contracting St. Louis County (Total of $4000 for campaign) A-1 Locker Rental & Self Storage St. Louis Co, (Total of $5,500 for campaign) Visions Electric St. Charles (Total $2250 for campaign) FOCA General Contracting St. Louis County IAH & FI & AW Local No 1 Bridgeton, MO Exelco Leasing Fenton, MO (Total $2250 for campaign) Tony Lee Construction High Ridge (Total $2000 for campaign) The Sterling Co. St. Louis County (Total $10,000 for campaign) Cory Bailey St. Louis Murphy Equities Corporation Crestwood, MO (Total $16,500 for campaign) Joseph Treadway St. Louis County (Total $15,681 for campaign) Dennis Schoemehl Town and Country, MO (Total $4,500 for campaign) Commercial Bank Maryland Heights, MO (Total $12,000 for campaign) Jeff Padousis Town and Country, MO American Electric and Data New Melle, MO Enchanted Parkway LLC St. Louis County (Total $2,000 for campaign) Rognan and Associates Ballwin MO (Richard Rognan was President of the West Co. EMS & FPD and was arrested in 2013 for attempting to pay $150 for 22 sex with a teenage prostitute, who was an undercover cop in Velda City, MO.) $3500 Electrical Workers St. Louis (Total $19,753 for campaign) $5000 RKB Brothers St. Louis County (Total $6,000 for campaign) $5000 James Posadny Chesterfield, MO $2500 Value Pharmacy Services of Midwest Chesterfield MO (also gave $1500 to State Rep Republican candidae Don Gosen) $2500 Ray White, III Chesterfield, MO (Total $7,500 for campaign) $2000 Eric Bolin Ballwin, MO $1000 Kimberly Sanchez Glendale, MO (Total $1,250 for campaign) $2500 Midwest Petroleum St. Louis, MO $5000 Dobbs Tire and Auto Center High Ridge, MO (Total of $10,500 for campaign) $5000 CDC-ELT Operations, LLC Town and Country, MO (Total $10,500 for campaign) $25,000 I.U.O.E. Local 513 Bridgeton, MO (Total $40,003 for campaign) $1000 Andrea Nye St. Louis County $500 Professional Firefighters of Eastern MO Local 2665 St. Peters, MO (Total of $9000 for campaign) $1000 Richard Kamp Kirkwood, MO $2000 E.J. Land II LLC Earth City, MO $2,500 Concrete Strategies Overland, MO (Total $5000 for campaign) $500 Dierbergs Markets Chesterfield, MO $1000 Karl Klsoter St. Louis County (Total $2000 for campaign) $2500 Maria Schick Clayton, MO (Total $5000 for campaign) $1000 N.B. West Contracting Brentwood MO (Total $2000 for campaign) $2000 Nathan McKeen Brentwood $1000 Michael Walsh St. Louis County $1000 Syberg's of Westport Maryland Heights, MO $1000 William K. Busch Brewing Co. Brentwood, MO $1000 Grey Eagle Distributors Maryland Heights, MO $2500 Quiktrip Tulsa, OK (Total $6250 for campaign) $1000 Kuna Meat CO Dupo, Illinois (Total $1250 for campaign) $2000 C.C. Dillon Co. Arnold, MO $5000 J.R. Marschuetz Construction Eureka, MO (total $10,003 for campaign) President of J.r. Marshuetz Town and Country resident. $5000 Timothy O'Keefe Kirkwood, MO $4800 Paul Flaker Florissant, MO $1000 Drury Displays (Drury Hotels) Creve Coeur, MO (Total $1500 for campaign) $1000 Forshaw of St. Louis $7500 Chad Roberts OFallon, MO $1000 Michael Anthon Creve Coeur, MO $1000 Artco Fabricating St. Louis County (total $5250 in campaign) 23 $4500 William C Coco St. Louis County (Total $9500 in campaign) $1000 Community Services of Missouri (Total $3500 in campaign) $1000 Newell Baker Ballwin, MO $10,000 CHIPP (Carpenters Union) St. Louis (Total $35,010 in campaign) $25,000 Laborers International Local 110 St. Louis County $95178 McCulloch for Prosecutor Committee Kirkwood (Total $19,598 in campaign) $3000 Meyer Group, LLC Crestwood, MO $2000 IUPAT (Painters Union) Hanover, Maryland (Total $3500 in campaign) $1000 John Willett St. Louis County (Dave Sinclair Ford) $1000 James Sinclair Town and Country Mo (Dave Sinclair Ford) $1000 Daniel Sinclair Afton, MO (Dave Sinclair Ford) $1000 Dave Sinclair LLC Kirkwood, MO $1000 Christopher Godfrey St. Louis County (Sinclair Ford) $2000 Commercial Bank Maryland Heights, MO (Total $11,000 in campaign) $2500 Lenny Kagan St. Louis County (Total $11,000 in campaign) $2000 Lormil, LLC Brentwood, MO (Total $4000 in campaign) $5000 H2 Logistics St. Louis County (Total $20,000 in campaign) $1000 Dan Twardowski Town and Country $ 1000 Glendale Chrysler Jeep Dodge Glendale, MO $2000 Peiker-Piatcheck Associates, Inc St. Louis County (Total $4000 in campaign) $1000 George Weber IV Columbia, IL $2500 Frank Bammarito Chesterfield, MO (Total $5,000 in campaign) $4000 Patrick Twardowski Naples, Florida (Total $4250 in campaign) $2500 John Bommarito St. Peters, MO (Total $7000 in campaign) $1000 Johnny Landoff Chevrolet Florissant, MO (Total $2000 in campaign) $1000 Jefferson Barracks Marine Service St. Louis CO (Total $9500 in campaign) $2500 Bommarito West County Ellisville, MO (Total $4500 in campaign) $5000 GSTLAA (Auto Dealer Assoc) St. Louis Couinty (Total $6000 in campaign) $500 Central Co Professional Firefighters St. Peters (Total $1,300 in campaign) $1000 Double E Farm Belleville, Illinois $2500 1636 Country Club Plaza St. Charles, MO $2500 O.K. Novelty Overland, MO (Total $3000 in campaign) $2500 Craig Corcannon Kirkwood, MO (Total $15,001 in campaign) $1000 Sarah Borgmann Washington, MO $2500 Jeffrey Heater Clayton, MO (Total $5500 in campaign) $3131 Kenrick's Catering St. Louis County $1000 Roger Lahr St. Louis, MO (Total $1500 in campaign) $1000 Wilke Window and Door St Charles, MO $1000 Fulford Homes O'Fallon Illinois 24 MONEY OUT: Let's see if Stenger is doing a better job in keeping campaign money in the area than Dooley had done. Here are his bills paid that are out of the area in the second quarter: $6500 $24,630 $729 $750 $6500 $180 $32,135 $62,650 $5,000 $94,900 $96,100 $93,217 $80,266 Harrodsburg, Kentucky L.A. Harris & Associates Fund Raising Washington, DC Lake Research Partners Funding Raising Harrodsburg, Kentucky L.A. Harris Fund Raising Washington DC NGP Van Fundraising Harrodsburg, Kentucky, Fund Raising City of St. Louis Michaels Bar & Grill 7101 Manchester for lunch...I know this is in the region, but Stenger is running for County Executive...is it that hard to find a restaurant in a county of a 1,000,000 where the sales tax goes into the County coffers Alexandria, Virginia Murphy, Vogel, Askew & Reilly Video ad production Washington, DC Buying Time LLC DC firm purchasing TV time in St. Louis Washington, DC Lake Research Polling Washington, DC Buying Time LLC DC firm purchasing TV time in St. Louis Washington, DC Buying Time LLC Washington, DC Buying Time, LLC Washington, DC Buying Time LLC Although a large amount of money came back to St. Louis in TV buys , Stenger's campaign sent 13 checks totaling $503,557 out of the region in the last three months. PLAYING BOTH SIDES: Here are a few companies that we noticed gave money to both the Stenger and Dooley or Rick Stream campaigns. McKelvey Homes $500 for Dooley Dobbs Tires and Service $10,000 for Dooley Grey Eagle Distributing (Beer) $1,000 for Dooley Johnny Londoff Chevrolet $500 for Dooley Anheuser Busch $5000 for Dooley Laclede Gas Co. $5000 for Dooley $500 for Stenger $10,500 for Stenger $1,000 for Stenger $2,000 for Stenger $1500 for Stream $1000 for Stream THE SUPERMARKET CANDIDATES: If you remember I wrote back in 2012 how Dierbergs and Schnucks both gave money to Todd Akin's campaign. This of course was before the "legitimate rape" interview. Interestingly Schunks gave money to Akin despite the fact that Claire McCaskill and her mother were loyal customers at the Des Peres Schuncks' store. 25 In the County Executive race both stores have switched parties. While in 2012 they both gave money to crazy right wing Republican Akins...this year they are giving money to Democrats, just different ones. Schnucks gave Charlie Dooley $5000. Dierbergs gave Steve Stenger $500. PRESCRIPTIONS: You have to wonder if your cost of Express Scripts prescriptions might not be cheaper if the company was not giving $10,000 campaign contributions to Charlie Dooley. REPUBLICAN COUNTY EXECUTIVE CANDIDATES: RICK STREAM: In recent newsletters we have shown how Rick Stream is at or near the top of the list of taking gifts from lobbyists, Just what you don't want in a County Executive candidate to try and clean up the favoritism in Clayton. Rick Stream ranked eighth on our list of the greediest State Reps after the first four months of the year. Through April Stream had put the arm on lobbyists for $1615 worth of stuff for him, his staff and family. After May Stream had collected $2,175 in free stuff. 26 But the worst Stream abuse has to be the night at a Blues game for him and two sons, which included $145 tickets and $65 meals for each member of the Stream clan, totaling $629...courtesy of Ameren UE, a giant utility that Stream is suppose to have some oversight over along with the PSC. Now Ameren is steering all of its election support to Democrat Dooely. If you look at Stream's campaign contributions in the first quarter of 2014 he seemed to still be connected to lobbyists. First Quarter of 2014 Stream collected $29,375. $1,750 were straight from lobbyists. A lot of the rest was from groups and companies that normally used lobbyists to reach Stream in the Statehouse and are now going directly there through campaign contributions. It is easy for them to do since he is accepting money in his bid for County Executive. They can give to that and hope for positive votes while he remains in the Missouri House of Representatives. Here are some of the contributors: $1000 $1500 $3500 $1000 $1000 $1000 $5000 $5000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 Missouri Health Care Association Jefferson City MARF (Missouri Assoc of Rehab Facilities) Jefferson CIty Mednax Sunrise, Florida Laclede Gas St. Louis David Steward Maryland Heights, MO CGI Technologies and Solutions Fairfax, Virginia Citizens to Elect Sue Allen Town and Country Committee to Elect Tom Flanigan Carthage, MO Caryn Lamping (wife of Senator John Lamping) Ladue, MO Missouri Leadership Committee Farmington, MO Microsoft Redmond, Washington Urisys Corporation Reston, Virginia If you look at three of these large contributors...you have to ask why they would care about the St. Louis County Executive race...they probably don't. But the cared about votes in the Missouri House and were likely contributing to gain favor with a house vote. Stream did a little better in the second quarter bringing in $40,330. But the majority of that money did not come from people or businesses in St. Louis County, but Stream's buddies in State government, who had excess money in campaign treasuries. Here are a few. $15,000 $1500 $2000 $1000 David Spence (failed governor candidate) Ladue Phoenix Home Care Springfield, Mo Friends of Tilley (former speaker of house now consultant/lobbyist) Mary Jane Jokerst Town and Country (Republican Committee Woman) 27 $1000 $5000 $2500 $1000 $1000 $3000 $1500 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 Citizen for Mike Thomson Maryville, MO Dempsey for Missouri St. Charles, MO Schmitt for Senate Kirkwood, MO Citizens for Hinson St. Louis County Committee to Elect Mike Leara Sunset Hills Diamond Game Enterprises (Slot Machines) Chatsworth, CA Anheuser Busch Gary Cunningham (husband of former Sen. Jane Cunningham) Chesterfield Laclede Gas St. Louis DC Inc Fenton, MO Missouri Health Care Assoc Jefferson City, Mo MONEY OUT: Rick Stream joined the crowd of sending money out of the area instead of hiring local professionals for his campaign. Here is his list of money not put into the local economy. $1200 $5000 $5500 $5000 $1000 $28,800 $500 Perryville, MO Campaign Concepts Consulting Retainer Jefferson City, MO Barklage & Knodell Consulting Retainer Jefferson City, MO Barklage & Knodell Consulting Retainer Fairfax, Virginia Applied Research Demographic Research Jefferson City, MO Capital Consulting Fundraising Alexandria, Virginia American Viewpoint Polling Kansas City, MO Candidate Command Artwork TONY POUSOSA: The final candidate for County Executive is an alderman in Green Park, population 2,628. He is also a Republican Committeeman in the Concord Township. In the first quarter of 2014 he raised $7,700. He got $2,500 from John Brunner in the first quarter, plus $1000 from Dr. Jae Jang. Everything else was contributions from individuals and was $500 or less. In the second quarter he received $11,600. Of that $9,000 came from Dr. Jae Yang of Ellisville. 28 Pousoa already lost one election this year. It was a 3-3 tie between Pousa and another Green Park Alderman for the position of President of the 6-member board of alderman. The mayor broke the tie in favor of Pousa's opponent. CAR DEALERS SPEAK IN MASS: It is as if the automobile dealers in the St. Louis area voted and decided to back Stenger. Car dealers so far have given Stenger $46,550. The Dave Sinclair Group tossed $5000 to Stenger, while the Bommarito Group raised $18,000. Here is the list of car dealerships or the owners and managers of dealerships that gave money to Stenger: South County Dodge and Chrysler Jeep $500 McMahon Ford $2000 Suntrup Nissan Volkswagen $800 Bommarito Chevrolet Mazda South $500 Behlmann $500 Bommarito Cadillac, Mazda, Volkswagen St. Peters $500 Bommarito Nissan $500 Lou Fusz...Chad Roberts $7500 Sinclair Ford John Willett $1000 Sinclair Auto James Sinclair $1000 Sinclair Ford Daniel Sinclair $1000 Dave Sinclair, LLC $1000 Barreth Chrysler Washington, MO (Franklin County) $1500 Glendale Chrysler, Dodge Jeep $1000 Weber Chevrolet George Weber IV $1000 Bommarito Auto Frank Bommarito $5000 Seeger Toyota Thomas Seeger $250 Bommarito Auto John Bommarito $7000 Johnny Londoff Chevrolet $2000 Bommarito West County $4500 Greater St. Louis Auto Dealers Association $6000 Sinclair Ford David Godfrey $1000 Barreth Ford Union, MO $1500 NOTHING LIKE BEING SUPPORTED AT WORK: Stenger's law firm, Klar, Izsak and Stenger, LLC has put $30,253 in his campaign pot so far. 29 COUNTY EMPLOYEES: While we discovered a lot of County Employees who gave campaign contributions to Charlie Dooley (we are guessing under duress) we found none giving money to Stenger, with one exception. The St. Louis County Police Officers Association gave Stenger $500 on June 30. THOUGHTS AFTER OUR REVIEW: If you want to remove Charlie Dooley from office and if you live in West County you will have to do something that might be difficult. Go to a polling place in August and ask for a Democratic ballot. I still feel the Democratic candidate will win in November, Steve Stenger or Dooley will win. Vote against Dooley in the primary and then vote for the Republican in November. However, none of the people leave me with a good feeling. Dooley's administration have been full of corruption and hacks. Just recently it was the police lab HVAC scandal, followed by the Dooley appointee to the Zoo-Museum District voting to give her own company work at the Science Museum. Now the Health Department fraud by a senior manager won't go away with no one willing or wanting to release the FBI report. It is time for Dooley to go. Being Democrats Stenger, Dooley and Jill Schupp all are getting money from labor unions. But Stenger is getting money from all the Fire Union groups, including a lot of cash from Local 2665. That hoists a red flag for me. Local 2665 often puts getting overthe-top cushy benefits over public safety. They beat the drum about how dangerous firefighting is. Granted fighting fires is not like crunching numbers at the office, but firefighting is not even in the Top 10 of most dangerous jobs. Commercial Fishing is number one, followed by loggers, commercial pilots of small aircraft, iron and steel workers, farmers and ranchers, roofers, utility linemen, truck drivers, trash/garbage truck workers and police patrol officers are the top 10 most dangerous jobs. Taxi drivers are the 11th most dangerous jobs. So when Local 2665 speaks I become suspicious. 30 Also Local 2665 has been backing nothing but losers for two years in St. Louis County. Over $20,000 went down the drain in Chesterfield when Jane Cunningham easily beat Cole McNary. They were shutout in University City this April, backing multiple candidates for city council and having all lose. They did have some wins in St. Charles County where Union backed candidates now control several fire districts. On the Republican side, Jane Cunningham is sending out emails saying the polling shows Rick Stream can win. She also just sent a $7,500 check as a loan. I see Rick Stream much as the Claude Raines character, Sen. Paine in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. Nice smile, a slap on the back, but in the pockets of lobbyists and big business. Not someone I want watching the nickels. Claude Raines as Sen. Paine, seemed like a nice guy but turned out to be a rat who in the end was controlled by special interests and could not live with himself. Perhaps Tony Pousosa is the best candidate but with the least experience. Me...I'll probably vote against Dooley in the primary and normally would vote for the Republican in the general, but this year I might not vote at all for County Executive in the general election. BASEBALL AND COUNTY POLITICS? Before you spend $116 for a box seat between the dugouts for an upcoming Cardinals-Cubs game ask yourself how much of that money gets spent for the Cardinals to give Charlie Dooley $10,000? And why so much? The next question is why give to any politician? You want to market your product to everyone and everyone doesn't agree with you in partisan politics. 31 MUSIC: Monday June 21 was another fun Rat Park Monday night at the One-19 with Dean Christopher, Jim Manley and Chris Swan. Here are some photos and drawings from the evening. Dean doing Dean Martin with a fake cigarette Dean doing Francis Albert with a real drink While Jim Manley plays the chorus of a song Dean decides to be maitre. Diana's quick sketch. TOWN AND COUNTRY CANCELLS MONDAY BOARD OF ALDERMEN MEETING: Alderman Jon Benigas appears to have suffered a loss when the Town and Country BOA meeting was cancelled for lack of a quorum for Monday July 28. With Alderwoman Amy Anderson 675 miles away on Beaver Island in the middle of Lake Michigan, Benigas' bill to pay for a Carbon Foot survey would have likely passed. 32 The unneeded survey for $4,200 also involved a political hot potato of joining an international group tied to a UN resolution in 1992. Spending money with ICLEI was opposed by a number of residents. With the full board of aldermen, there is a better chance of the bill for the Carbon Footprint survey ending in a tie requiring Mayor Jon Dalton to do something he hates to do...vote on a controversial matter. SUMMER READS: I mentioned James Garner's memoir titled the Garner Files was an enjoyable read for me this spring and is a perfect summer book because it is easy to put down and pick up later. I thought about the book again on Garner's death last week. Having been a fan of Garner for my whole life I found it surprisingly honest about fellow actors and directors who he considered to be a pain in the ass. If you never watched Maverick, The Rockford Files or a half dozen of Garner's better movies it would not be a book for you, with the exception of the first section of the book about his growing up and being raised by reluctant relatives after his mother died and his father disappeared. Also his brief description of being shot in the Korean war and spending two days trying to reach allied lines was eye opening. There was one copy at the County Library on Lindbergh. I have to admit that I found book on Johnny Carson by his longtime lawyer (21 years) Henry Bushkin was fascinating. Bushkin was at one time exclusively Carson's lawyer. Carson fired him and stopped using the "Bombastic Buskin" line in his monologues about six years before he retired from the Tonight Show. I was somewhat shocked to read Buskin give up information that was clearly confidential attorney-client information before Carson's death. There was a bit of unnecessary filler material but you can finish this book in two days if you are at the beach or on the porch of a summer cabin. Also finding out who the "other man" was that broke up Carson's second marriage is quite a surprise. There were three copies of this one at the Library Headquarters on Lindbergh. 33 I bought John Grisham's newest book last November and saved it for my summer vacation. It was worth it. In Sycamore Row someone dies in the first couple of pages. The story goes from fictional Ford County Mississippi to Alaska and back and is full of colorful characters. CARTOONS: 34 35 36 37