Magnetic creatures for the fridge
Magnetic creatures for the fridge
Magnetic creatures for the fridge 01 Inspiration: 11346 02 First draw then burn a design on a large wood button. 03 Glue on fur for hair. 04 Use flexible cord for arms and legs. Glue onto the back. Magnetic creatures for the fridge Cool and simple fridge magnets made from wood buttons with magnets. Flexible rope and wood is added and a Pyrography tool is used for decorating the wood buttons. You can attach magnets under the creature’s body, hands and feet etc. 05 Glue 3-4 magnets onto the back. 06 Use small buttons to glue on as hands and feet. And done! One troll for the fridge. Varianter Botones de madera, dia: 50 mm, grosor 10 mm, baya china, 5ud 56657 Botones de madera, dia: 50 mm, grosor 10 mm, baya china, 50ud 56658 Botones de madera, dia: 12 mm, grosor 3 mm, baya china, 30ud 56645 Botones de madera, dia: 12 mm, grosor 3 mm, baya china, 300ud 56646 imanes, dia: 5 mm, grosor 2 mm, 10ud 517911 Imanes "power", dia: 5 mm, grosor 2 mm, 100ud 51791 Imøan "power", 10 , 10 517931 Iman "power", dia: 10 mm, grosor 2 mm, 100ud 51793 cuerda flexible, grosor 4 mm, hvid, 5m 51775 Fur remnants, 320gr 45112 Silk Clay® , blanco, 40gr 79101 Kit de pirograbado GS-1, grosor 0,7 mm, 1ud 15132 Agujas para pirograbado, grosor 0,7 mm, 10ud 15140 Agujas para pirograbado, grosor 1,1 mm, 5ud 15142 Mini, High Temperature, 1ud 39114