Library Update


Library Update
Library Update
Documents received in June 2011 sorted by subject
Addressing Agriculture in Climate Change Negotiations: A Scoping Paper Campbell, B.; Mann, W.; MeléndezOrtiz, R.; Streck, C.; Tennigkeit, T.: . - Washington D.C., USA : Meridian Institute, 2011. - 99 p.
ISBN 978-0-615-49585-9 (MON-085181; Call No. 14217)
Air/Atmosphere and Climate Change
The Role of Regional Governments in Climate Change Policy Galarraga, I.; Gonzalez-Eguino, M.; Markandya, A.
In: Environmental Policy and Governance (incorporating European Environment), Vol. 21 (3); 164 - 182; 19 p., 2011. Chichester, UK : Wiley (ANA-085193; Call No. 4868)
Der Entwurf für ein Kohlendioxid-Speicherungsgesetz - KSpG - aus Sicht eines potentiellen Speicherlandes
Wasielewski, A. In: Umwelt und Planungsrecht (UPR), 2011(5); 174 - 180; 7 p., 2011. - Munich, Germany :
Kommunalschriften-Verlag J. Jehle (ANA-085131; Call No. 4718)
Local Climate Mitigation and Eco-effects in Housing and Construction as Transition Places Holm, J.; Stauning,
I.; Søndergård, B. In: Environmental Policy and Governance (incorporating European Environment), Vol. 21 (3); 183 198; 16 p., 2011. - Chichester, UK : Wiley (ANA-085194; Call No. 4868)
Time to roll up the sleeves - even higher! Longer-term climate finance after Cancun Müller, B. In: Environmental
Liability, Vol.19 (1); 3 - 7; 5 p., 2011. - Witney , UK : Lawtext Publishing (ANA-085196; Call No. 12762)
Deploying carbon capture and storage "safely": The scope for Member States of the EU to adopt more
stringent CO2 stream-purity criteria under EU law Holwerda, M. In: Climate Law, Vol. 2 (1): p. 37 - 61; 25 p., 2011.
- Amsterdam, The Netherlands : IOS Press (ANA-085216; Call No. 7552)
The specture of carbon border-adjustment measures Ghaleigh, N.S.; Rossati, D. In: Climate Law, Vol. 2 (1): p. 63
- 84; 22 p., 2011. - Amsterdam, The Netherlands : IOS Press (ANA-085217; Call No. 7552)
The EU ETS and the role of the courts: Emerging contours in the case of Arcelor Peeters, M. In: Climate Law,
Vol. 2 (1): p. 19 - 36; 18 p., 2011. - Amsterdam, The Netherlands : IOS Press (ANA-085215; Call No. 7552)
Addressing Agriculture in Climate Change Negotiations: A Scoping Paper Campbell, B.; Mann, W.; MeléndezOrtiz, R.; Streck, C.; Tennigkeit, T.: . - Washington D.C., USA : Meridian Institute, 2011. - 99 p.
ISBN 978-0-615-49585-9 (MON-085181; Call No. 14217)
Climate Change Negotiations: Time to Fill the Ambition Deficit. Analysis of the sixteenth Conference of the
Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), November 29 to
December 10, 2010, Cancun Blavier, S.; Chéron, M.; Gautier, C.; Giraud, A.; Mazounie, A.: . - Paris, France :
Coordination SUD / Climate Action Network France, 2011. - 62 p.(MON-085143; Call No. Virtual Library)
Ethics and the Economist: What Climate Change Demands of Us Nelson, J.A.: . - Medford, MA, USA : Tufts
University, Global Development and Environment Institute, 2011. - 43 p. (Global Development and Environment
Institute Working Paper, No. 11-02)(MON-085139; Call No. Virtual Library)
For life, for the future. Biosphere reserves and climate change A collection of good practice case studies
German Commission for UNESCO, 2011. - 81 p.
ISBN 978-3-940785-27-5 (MON-085199; Call No. Virtual Library)
The transnational regime complex for climate change Abbott, K. W.: . - : Social Science Research
Network (SSRN), 2011(MON-085125; Call No. Virtual Library)
Climate Change Policy in the European Union: Confronting the Dilemmas of Mitigation and Adaptation Jordan,
A.; Huitema, D.; v. Asselt, H.; Rayner, T.; Berkhout, F.: . - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010
ISBN 978-0-52119612-3 (MON-085169; Call no. Original not available)
Entscheidung zwischen Sonderweg oder Führungsrolle: Wie blickt Europa auf die deutsche Energiepolitik?
von Tengg-Kobligk, D. In: Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung : Rundbrief, 2011 (2): p. 8 - 9; 2 p., 2011. - Bonn, Germany :
Projektstelle Umwelt & Entwicklung (ANA-085208; Call No. 11931)
Deutschlands Energiepolitik aus polnischer Sicht. Reaktionen in Medien, Politik und Zivilgesellschaft
Gogolewski, K. In: Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung : Rundbrief, 2011 (2): p. 10 - 11; 2 p., 2011. - Bonn, Germany :
Projektstelle Umwelt & Entwicklung (ANA-085209; Call No. 11931)
Energiewende und Green Economy nur in einem Land? Maier, J. In: Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung : Rundbrief,
2011 (2): p. 3 - 5; 3 p., 2011. - Bonn, Germany : Projektstelle Umwelt & Entwicklung (ANA-085206; Call No. 11931)
Made in Germany: Atomausstieg wird zum globalen Schaufenster der Energiewende Jungjohann, A. In: Forum
Umwelt und Entwicklung : Rundbrief, 2011 (2): p. 6 - 7; 2 p., 2011. - Bonn, Germany : Projektstelle Umwelt &
Entwicklung (ANA-085207; Call No. 11931)
Taiwans große Chance zum Atomausstieg. Katastrophe in Japan ist eine Lehre für Taiwan Lai, F. In: Forum
Umwelt und Entwicklung : Rundbrief, 2011 (2): p. 18 - 19; 2 p., 2011. - Bonn, Germany : Projektstelle Umwelt &
Entwicklung (ANA-085213; Call No. 11931)
Die Atomkrise in Japan löst in China Bedenken gegen die Atomkraft aus Bo, W. In: Forum Umwelt und
Entwicklung : Rundbrief, 2011 (2): p. 15 - 17; 3 p., 2011. - Bonn, Germany : Projektstelle Umwelt & Entwicklung (ANA085212; Call No. 11931)
"Nicht hier erfunden". Großbritannien und der deutsche Atomausstieg McLaren, D. In: Forum Umwelt und
Entwicklung : Rundbrief, 2011 (2): p. 12 - 13; 2 p., 2011. - Bonn, Germany : Projektstelle Umwelt & Entwicklung (ANA085210; Call No. 11931)
Japan: Moralische Kernschmelze und Aufkündigung des Atomkonsenses Pestemer, R. In: Forum Umwelt und
Entwicklung : Rundbrief, 2011 (2): p. 14 - 15; 2 p., 2011. - Bonn, Germany : Projektstelle Umwelt & Entwicklung (ANA085211; Call No. 11931)
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen paktierter Gesetzgebung am Beispiel des Atomrechts Kloepfer, M. In: Aktuelle
Probleme des Umwelt- und Technikrechts - Symposium aus anlass des 70. Geburtstages von Prof. Dr. Peter
Marburger; Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Umwelt- und Technikrecht, Band 109, 2011. - Institut für Umwelt- und
Technikrecht Universität Trier (ANA-085178; Call No. 7586)
Property Rights on the New Frontier: Climate Change, Natural Resource Development, and Renewable Energy
Klass, A.B. In: Ecology Law Quarterly, Vol. 38(1); 63 - 119; 57 p., 2010. - Berkeley, CA, USA : University of California,
Boalt Hall School of Law (ANA-085128; Call No. 1103)
Greening Blue Energy: Identifiying and managing the biodiversity risks and opportunities of offshore
renewable energy Wilhelmsson, D.; Malm, T.; Thompson, R.; Tchou, J.; Sarantkos, G.; McCormick, N.; Luitjens, S.;
Gullström, M.; Patterson Edwards, J.K.; Amir, O.; Dubi, A.; (eds.): . - Gland, Switzerland : IUCN, 2010. - 102 p.
ISBN 978-2-8317-1241-3 (MON-085182; Call No. 7588)
Environment general
Die Verbandsklage gegen Bebauungspläne aufgrund des Umwelt-Rechtsbehelfsgesetzes Spinner, J. In: Natur
und Recht, Jahrg. 33(5); 335 - 340; 6 p., 2011. - Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany : jetzt: Springer-Verlag (früher: Verlag
Paul Parey bzw.Blackwell Wissenschafts -Verlag GmbH-Berlin (ANA-085148; Call No. 700)
Impact of Conflict on Treaties - An Environmental Perspective Young, T.R. In: Environmental Policy and Law, Vol.
41 (2); 67-69; 3 p., 2011. - Amsterdam, The Netherlands : IOS Press (ANA-085133; Call No. 500)
Improving Environmental Governance and Access to Justice Tolentino Jr., A.S. In: Environmental Policy and Law,
Vol. 41 (2); 95-101; 7 p., 2011. - Amsterdam, The Netherlands : IOS Press (ANA-085136; Call No. 500)
The Belo Monte Dam Case da Fonseca, P.G.; Bourgoignie, A. In: Environmental Policy and Law, Vol. 41 (2); 104107; 4 p., 2011. - Amsterdam, The Netherlands : IOS Press (ANA-085137; Call No. 500)
Bargaining over the climate: Lessons from intellectual property negotiations Drahos, P. In: Climate Law, Vol. 2
(1): p. 1 - 17; 17 p., 2011. - Amsterdam, The Netherlands : IOS Press (ANA-085214; Call No. 7552)
Does the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register Enable Us to Understand the Environmental
Performance of Firms? Fikru, M.G. In: Environmental Policy and Governance (incorporating European Environment),
Vol. 21 (3); 199 - 209; 11 p., 2011. - Chichester, UK : Wiley (ANA-085195; Call No. 4868)
Rechtskonkretisierung zum Schutz der natürlichen Lebensgrundlagen nach Art. 20a GG Gassner, E. In: Natur
und Recht, Jahrg. 33(5); 320 - 323; 4 p., 2011. - Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany : jetzt: Springer-Verlag (früher: Verlag
Paul Parey bzw.Blackwell Wissenschafts -Verlag GmbH-Berlin (ANA-085147; Call No. 700)
Umwelt - ein bestimmbarer Rechtsbegriff? Hoffmann, J. In: Natur und Recht, Jahrg. 33(6); 389 - 395; 7 p., 2011. Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany : jetzt: Springer-Verlag (früher: Verlag Paul Parey bzw.Blackwell Wissenschafts -Verlag
GmbH-Berlin (ANA-085233; Call No. 700)
Aktuelle Probleme des Umwelt- und Technikrechts - Symposium aus anlass des 70. Geburtstages von Prof.
Dr. Peter Marburger . - Institut für Umwelt- und Technikrecht Universität Trier, 2011. - 106 p. (Schriftenreihe des
Instituts für Umwelt- und Technikrecht, Band 109)
ISBN 978-3-503-13607-0 (MON-085174; Call No. 7586)
Nachhaltige Entwicklung Di Fabio, U. In: Aktuelle Probleme des Umwelt- und Technikrechts - Symposium aus
anlass des 70. Geburtstages von Prof. Dr. Peter Marburger; Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Umwelt- und Technikrecht,
Band 109, 2011. - Institut für Umwelt- und Technikrecht Universität Trier (ANA-085179; Call No. 7586)
Annual Report 2010. International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change
International Human Dimensions Programme (IHDP) , 2011. - 116 p.(MON-085224; Call No. Virtual Library)
Creating the Law of Environmentally Sustainable Economic Development Dernbach, J.C.: . - Chester, PA, USA :
Widener University School of Law, 2011. - 30 p. (Widener Law School Legal Studies Research Paper Series, No. 1110)(MON-085218; Call No. Virtual Library)
Ethics and the Economist: What Climate Change Demands of Us Nelson, J.A.: . - Medford, MA, USA : Tufts
University, Global Development and Environment Institute, 2011. - 43 p. (Global Development and Environment
Institute Working Paper, No. 11-02)(MON-085139; Call No. Virtual Library)
Fomento de la eficiencia en prestadores sanitarios estatales: la nueva empresa estatal abierta Bohoslavsky,
J.P.: . - Santiago de Chile, Chile : United Nations, 2011. - 60 p.(MON-085141; Call No. Virtual Library)
Synopsis of the Queensland Environmental Legal System. 5th edition McGrath, C.: . - Brisbane, Australia :
Environmental Law Publishing, 2011. - 50 p.
ISBN 978-0-9775464-1-1 (MON-085142; Call No. Virtual Library)
Welt im Wandel. Gesellschaftsvertrag für eine große Transformation. Hauptgutachten German Advisory Council
on Global Change (WBGU) , 2011. - 447 p.
ISBN 978-3-936191-36-3 (MON-085200; Call No. 14219)
What’s in a name? Market-based instruments for biodiversity Broughton, E.; Pirard, R.: . - Paris, France : Institut
du développement durable et des relations internationales, 2011. - 46 p. (Health and Environment Reports, No.
8)(MON-085191; Call No. Virtual Library)
A "Constant and Difficult Task": Making Local Land Use Decisions in States with a Constitutional Right to a
Healthful Environment Mudd, M.B. In: Ecology Law Quarterly, Vol. 38(1); 1 - 62; 62 p., 2010. - Berkeley, CA, USA :
University of California, Boalt Hall School of Law (ANA-085127; Call No. 1103)
A new Agenda for Sustainability Nielsen; B. Elling, K.A.; Figueroa, M.: . - Oxon, U.K. : Ashgate Publishing, 2010
ISBN 978-0-7546-7976-9 (MON-085166; Call No. Original not available)
Addressing Climate Change: A Survey of National and International Laws World Jurist Association: . - Bethesda,
Maryland, U.S.A. : World Jurist Association/CreateSpace, 2010
ISBN 9781451557756 (MON-085190; Call No. Original not available)
Environmental Law McEldowney,, J. and S.: . - Harlow, United Kingdom : Pearson Education Limited, 2010(MON085172; Call No. Original not available)
International Judicial Control of Environmental Protection: Standard Setting, Compliance Control and the
Development of International Environmental Law by the International Judiciary Shigeta, Y.: . - Alphen aan den
Rijn, Netherlands : Kluwer Law International, 2010. - 440 p. (Energy and Environmental Law & Policy Series, No.
9)(MON-085153; Call No. Original not available)
Multilateral Environmental Agreements: State of Affairs and Developments 2010 Drost, P.: . - The Hague,
Netherlands : Eleven International Publishing, 2010
ISBN 978-90-77596-5 (MON-085171; Call No. Original not available)
Bycatch, Aquaculture Certification and Ecolabelling - New Guidelines Adopted Morgera, E. In: Environmental
Policy and Law, Vol. 41 (2); 91-93; 3 p., 2011. - Amsterdam, The Netherlands : IOS Press (ANA-085135; Call No. 500)
The European Council Regulation on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing: An International Fisheries
Law Perspective Tsamenyi, M.; Palma, M.A.; Milligan, B.; Mfodwo, K. In: International Journal of Marine and Coastal
Law, Vo. 25(1); 5-31; 29 p., 2010. - Leiden, Netherlands : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers (ANA-085186; Call No. Virtual
The Legal Viability of Territorial Use Rights in Fisheries (TURFs)in California Carden, K.N. In: Ecology Law
Quarterly, Vol. 38(1); 121 - 178; 58 p., 2010. - Berkeley, CA, USA : University of California, Boalt Hall School of Law
(ANA-085129; Call No. 1103)
Forest Conservation/Forestry
Sustainable Forest Management Tools - National Legal Frameworks since 1992 Takoukam, P.T. In:
Environmental Policy and Law, Vol. 41 (2); 77-88; 12 p., 2011. - Amsterdam, The Netherlands : IOS Press (ANA085134; Call No. 500)
Critical Review of Selected Forest-related Regulatory Initiatives: Applying a Rights Perspective Scheyvens, H.:
. - Kamiyamaguchi, Japan : Institute for Global Environmental Strategies - Forest Conservation Project, 2011. - 136 p.
ISBN 978-4-88788-072-6 (MON-085146; Call No. Virtual Library)
Enhancing the Trade of Legally Produced Timber. A Guide to Initiatives van Dam, J.; Savenije, H.: . Wageningen, Netherlands : Tropenbos International, 2011. - 312 p.
ISBN 978-90-5113-096-6 (MON-085189; Call No. Virtual Library)
REDD-plus and Biodiversity . - Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) , 2011. - 68 p. (CBD
Technical Series, No.59)
ISBN 92-9225-377-8 (MON-085138; Call No. Virtual Library)
Forest quality in the southwest of Mexico City. Assessment towards ecological restoration of ecosystem
services Ávila-Akerberg, V.: . - Freiburg i.Br., Germany : Institut für Landespflege, 2010. - 138 p.
ISBN 3-933390-43-1 (MON-085126; Call No. 7584)
Mineral resources
Seabed Mining - Advisory Opinion on Responsibility and Liability Anton, D.K.; Makgill, R.A.; Payne, C.R. In:
Environmental Policy and Law, Vol. 41 (2); 60-65; 6 p., 2011. - Amsterdam, The Netherlands : IOS Press (ANA085132; Call No. 500)
Taking Steps toward Marine and Coastal Ecosystem-Based Management. An Introductory Guide Agardy, T.;
Davis, J.; Sherwood, K.; Vestergaard, O.: . - Nairobi, Kenya : UNEP, 2011. - 68 p. (UNEP Regional Seas Reports and
Studies, No. 189)
ISBN 978-92-807-3173-6 (MON-085188; Call No. Virtual Library)
Revisiting the Relationship between Marine Scientific Research and the Underwater Cultural Heritage
Dromgoole, S. In: International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, Vo. 25(1); 33-61; 29 p., 2010. - Leiden,
Netherlands : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers (ANA-085185; Call No. Virtual Library)
On International Arbitrations for the Settlement of Boundary Maritime Delimitation Disputes and Disputes from
Joint Development Agreements for the Exploitation of Off shore Natural Resources Noussia, K. In: International
Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, Vo. 25(1); 63-80; 17 p., 2010. - Leiden, Netherlands : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
(ANA-085184; Call No. Virtual Library)
Maritime Pollution Liability and Policy: China, Europe and the US Faure, M.G.; Lixin, H.; Hongjun, S.: . - Alphen
aan den Rijn, Netherlands : Kluwer Law International, 2010. - 496 p. (Energy and Environmental Law & Policy Series,
No. 13)(MON-085154; Call No. Original not available)
Waste/Hazardous Substances
To burn or not to burn? Scotland's Zero Waste Plan and Energy from Waste Tainsh, L.L. In: Environmental
Liability, Vol.19 (1); 8 - 22; 15 p., 2011. - Witney , UK : Lawtext Publishing (ANA-085197; Call No. 12762)
Verbot der Einleitung von Industrieabwässern? Die Reichweite der phasing-out-Verpflichtung der
Wasserrahmenrichtlinie Riese, C.; Dieckmann, N. In: Umwelt und Planungsrecht (UPR), 2011(6); 212 - 217; 5 p.,
2011. - Munich, Germany : Kommunalschriften-Verlag J. Jehle (ANA-085180; Call No. 4718)
Adaptive Water Management and Policy Learning in a Changing Climate: a Formal Comparative Analysis of
Eight Water Management Regimes in Europe, Africa and Asia Huntjens, P.; Pahl-Wostl, C.; Rihoux, B.; Schlüter,
M.; Flachner, Z.; Neto, S.; Koskova, R.; Dickens, C.; Kiti, I.N. In: Environmental Policy and Governance (incorporating
European Environment), Vol. 21 (3); 145 - 163; 19 p., 2011. - Chichester, UK : Wiley (ANA-085192; Call No. 4868)
Retos a futuro en el sector de acueducto y alcantarillado en Colombia Ramírez, J.M.S.: . - Santiago de Chile,
Chile : United Nations - CEPAL, 2011. - 29 p.(MON-085155; Call No. Virtual Library)
The Law of Non-Navigational Uses of International Water-courses: Options for Regional Regime-Building in
Asia Islam, N.: . - Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands : Kluwer Law International, 2010. - 536 p. (Energy and
Environmental Law & Policy Series, No. 8)(MON-085152; Call No. Original not available)
Nature Conservation/Wild Species
Die FFH-Verträglichkeitsprüfung nach der A-44-Entscheidung des BVerwG Frenz, W. In: Umwelt und
Planungsrecht (UPR), 2011(5); 170 - 174; 5 p., 2011. - Munich, Germany : Kommunalschriften-Verlag J. Jehle (ANA085130; Call No. 4718)
Koexistenz gentechnikfreier und gentechniknutzender Landwirtschaft: Von individueller zu systemischer
Konfliktlösung Winter, G.; Stoppe-Ramadan, S. In: Natur und Recht, Jahrg. 33(6); 396 - 405; 10 p., 2011. - Berlin,
Heidelberg, Germany : jetzt: Springer-Verlag (früher: Verlag Paul Parey bzw.Blackwell Wissenschafts -Verlag GmbHBerlin (ANA-085234; Call No. 700)
Evaluation of Integrated Protected Area Management in Slovak National Parks Švajda, J.A.; Fenichel, E.P. In:
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, Vol. 20 (4): p. 1054 - 1060; 8 p., 2011Olsztyn, Poland (ANA-085183; Call No.
Virtual Library)
Die Abgrenzung eines FFH-Gebietes nach dem A 44-Urteil des BVerwG Frenz, W. In: Natur und Recht, Jahrg.
33(6); 405 - 413; 9 p., 2011. - Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany : jetzt: Springer-Verlag (früher: Verlag Paul Parey
bzw.Blackwell Wissenschafts -Verlag GmbH-Berlin (ANA-085235; Call No. 700)
Biosafety Resource Book Various Authors: . - Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) ,
2011. - 573 p.
ISBN 978-92-5-106718-5 (MON-085246; Call No. Virtual Library)
For life, for the future. Biosphere reserves and climate change A collection of good practice case studies
German Commission for UNESCO, 2011. - 81 p.
ISBN 978-3-940785-27-5 (MON-085199; Call No. Virtual Library)
Identification et analyse des lacunes des Zones clés de la biodiversité. Cibles pour des systèmes complets
d'aires protégées Langhammer, P.F.; Bakarr, M.I.; Bennun, L.A.; et al.: . - Gland, Switzerland : IUCN, 2011. - 128 p.
(Lignes directrices sur les meilleures practiques pour les aires protégées, No. 15)
ISBN 978-2-8317-1357-1 (MON-085236; Call No. 14218)
Payment for Environmental Services in Vietnam: An Analysis of the Pilot Project in Lam Dong Province Tan,
N.Q.: . - Kamiyamaguchi, Japan : Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) Forest Conservation,
Livelihoods, and Rights Project, 2011. - 57 p. (Forest Conservation Project Occasional Paper, No. 5)
ISBN 978-4-88788-079-5 (MON-085223; Call No. Virtual Library)
REDD-plus and Biodiversity . - Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) , 2011. - 68 p. (CBD
Technical Series, No.59)
ISBN 92-9225-377-8 (MON-085138; Call No. Virtual Library)
Greening Blue Energy: Identifiying and managing the biodiversity risks and opportunities of offshore
renewable energy Wilhelmsson, D.; Malm, T.; Thompson, R.; Tchou, J.; Sarantkos, G.; McCormick, N.; Luitjens, S.;
Gullström, M.; Patterson Edwards, J.K.; Amir, O.; Dubi, A.; (eds.): . - Gland, Switzerland : IUCN, 2010. - 102 p.
ISBN 978-2-8317-1241-3 (MON-085182; Call No. 7588)